#its one big mess ill tell ya that
hezuart · 7 months
hezu i love you but i think you reconsider your support and love for johnny depp. Because of this man amber heard got smear campaign check social media like tiktok and youtube someone make a video mocking her. Also maybe you should do more research regarding this
bro!!! I don't love Johnny Depp?? I think he's like an okay actor with major issues!!! 😭 I don't care about this dude!!!
I watched the US trial. like wasn't that the whole point of the trial being made public? Because the one in the UK wasn't broadcast so no one really knew what the full extent of the allegations were. I know Amber went in front of a judge (one person) to rule in favor of 12/14 allegations of domestic abuse. I know some of the stuff in the UK trial wasn't allowed to be used in the US one. So people just heard from an article that Johnny was an abuser, but it was revealed in a slip-up that Amber Heard was actually the supplier for that information. Which, I don't know the full details of bias or if she'd get in trouble for it, but people turned against Depp and he lost some of his acting roles for it. She fed information to a gossip media source and Johnny sued her for it. He had a right to if he could prove her allegations against him weren't true. And for the most part, his team did prove it. Amber mocking him and saying she didn't "punch" him she "hit" him. (Girl what's the difference????) She bought him a KNIFE. A giant sharp-ass knife????? Around the time she alleged he was abusing her??? And she didn't donate the money she got from the settlement with him to charity like she boasted she would? Like based off the trial, Amber Heard framing him for this monstrous abuser is ludicrous.
Like I genuinely think these two were just a super toxic relationship, I think they both sucked and to some degree were both abusive. Like that video of Johnny slamming the cabinets? Anger management check, jfc. But Amber isn't innocent either.
A juror was interviewed after the trial and stated ""They had their husband-wife arguments. They were both yelling at each other, I don't think that makes either of them right or wrong [...] But to rise to the level of what she was claiming, there wasn't enough or any evidence that really supported what she was saying"." and I agree with him. I am very curious as to what on Earth she presented in the UK trial and whatever Depp tried to counter with, because for the little they could bring up in the USA, this was still quite substantial. People slandering Amber Heard on social media is because of the stuff revealed in the trial. It's because of the things she said or did vs. her allegations. People make fun of her and her team because of severe mistakes they made in the trial, or really odd slip-ups or things they said. Depp and his team came to trial with sufficient evidence to disprove a lot of Amber's claims against him. He was suing for defamation and because Amber's team failed to provide enough push back evidence in the USA, she lost.
I don't think she deserves all the mistreatment and a wide range of people are extremely disturbed and upset that this trial was live-streamed, but when she publicly slanders her ex, and he pushes back to do a similar thing but in the light of disproving her allegations against him? Like I don't know what to tell you.
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i-yap · 5 days
Jason todd x Reader- Depressive episode
thanks everyone for the compliments and encouraging words in my inbox....i really appreciate it.
The lights were dimmed, everything scattered and messy, just a small lamp on the otherside of the room and the curtains left open. Jason would have panicked..if not for the lump in the blacket and deep slow breathing from his side of the bed. His heart dropped as he realized.
Slowly approaching your side, his boots heavy as he approached you to make sure you were aware of his presence. Crouching down and pulling the blanket below your face he said softly "Hey sweetheart, I think you're on my side"
You wordlessly try to roll away to "your side" but he stops you. "I was kidding y/n, you know that baby"
"im sorry" you say quietly. Tears already forming in your eyes waiting to join the already present tear stains down your cheeks. "hey hey why are you apologizing? " Jason strokes your hair, noticing how tangled they've gotten. You must have been pulling at them.
"Cuz I smell, and you just came back from a mission and the house is a mess. A-and I'm a m-mess" you hiccup as the tears finally escape your eyes.
"None of that now y/n, you know I don't care about any of that stuff. I old care about you Let me help. "
"Nothing can help right now"
"Not even as bath? ill be in it too"
"i dont want to get up"
"Ill carry you "
You wordlessly nod before burrowing your face in the remanent smell of jason still lingering in his pillows while jason starts a bath, lights a few candles and a bath salt. Carrying you to the bathtub. je undresses while you feel something other than the suffocating sheets and your own misery. Settling himself behind you, he gently presses down on your shoulders. "Can you tell me what happened? or not if you don't want", His kind tone and affection was enough for the tear dam to break again. 'such big tears, cmon no y/n, why such big ones hm? you'll give the gotham rain a run for its money" you giggle out a chocked sob.
Jason understands, while his misery comes out in fits of anger yours was a silent killer. He understands , he understands well. And you know he is there, sitting silently behind you , holding you for as long as you need- for as long as he can.
(Im going through an absolutely horrible depressive episode. And its killing me. Writing this was tough on its own but its the first productive thing I've done in days. this was a small self indulgence. Its so funny- I'm a psychology student and I've dedicated my life helping those with mental health issues. After all the charity and the programs and shifts and the hospitals- who would've thought id be here, needing another version of me to come help me out of this. Ill get through it but I'm rlly grateful for all you who have been supporting me through this. Promise it wont last longer than a week. love ya)
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ohbabydollie · 4 months
some schlatt n latina reader hcs bc i can and i’ve never seen them done and it js makes sense in my mind
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he absolutely loves celebrating holidays with you, especially in the winter time
“cut a small piece schlatt” you warn looking at him “but i want a big-” “i swear to god, if you get the baby” you threaten as he cuts a large chunk and starts eating it with his chocolate abuelita before suddenly stopping as you raise a brow at him
he spits something into his napkin
“le tocó el bebé! (he got the baby!)” your tía cheers as you stare at him
“you should’ve eaten it” you huff jokingly
he will speak to your family in spanish and understands them which is a first from a partner of yours and they like it very much
he’s loves the food
especially caldos y sopas
n stuff made mostly in the winter time (100% asks for caldo de pollo on the hottest day known to man)
now refuses to drink regular pack hot chocolate after drinking chocolate de abuelita and makes you make it for him when he’s craving some
like will eat 2-5 bowls of pozole if given the chance with tostadas
“mamá ya, he’s had enough to eat” you say picking up his bowl of pozole before your mom takes it “pero míralo, tiene hambre(but look at him, he looks hungry)” she says serving him some more “no le das de comer o que? (you don’t feed him or what?)” she asks placing the plate down as he grins making you roll your eyes
your tias y abuelitas LOVE him from how much he eats and how he’ll sit around gossiping and talking with them for hours
your younger siblings or cousins absolutely adore him, from gaming to playing soccer with him and will ask for him when he doesn’t come with you to a dinner or party
yk how they rent out bouncy houses for birthday parties
he’s helping the kids tipping them over and will unplug the bouncy house to mess with them as they start to yell
“why are you here? did jay come?” your nephew asks looking up at you as his mom smacks him on the head “pide la bendición primero menso (ask for blessing first dumbass)”
some of your family didn’t really understand his career at first until after he explained that making and posting videos makes him money along with his other businesses
“soy muy trabajador y tengo dos negocios (im very hard working and i have two business)” he explains as your family nods, especially your tios, in approval
speaking of tios, they didn’t like him at first
kinda standing there judging him silently, beer in hand until they offered him one and he responded in spanish
now they’re asking when the both of you plan on getting married, especially after hearing how “hard working” he is
has a love-hate relationship with the crusty white dogs or chihuahuas your family has
they will bark, bite and nip at him until he stops trying to pet and hold them
god forbid one of them claimed you as their favorite person because he is not allowed in your vicinity at all
“be nice, es tu papi (he’s your daddy)” you say, the dog growling at schlatt while schlatt gives it the cockiest grin “soy tu papi nuevo (im your new daddy)” he says going to pet the dog as it tries to bite his finger
makes jokes about you using him for a green card, money, etc. but won’t push your boundaries at all
“it’s either bisexual or bipolar and i chose bipolar when it comes with a fat ass in forbidden pants” schlatt tells the chat as you come in, handing him something to eat and walk out as he watches you, “yeah the red flags are looking green when you’re seeing them from behind”
likes your attitude, just the witty comebacks n stuff
especially when you’re around his friends and say something in spanish that will have him flustered while they ask for him to translate
if he ever genuinely makes you upset he’s at your feet, apologizing
“please please please please” he begs, on the floor “jay, it’s fine” you say crossing your arms in the way he knows it means its not fine “POR FAVOR (PLEASE) Y/N, ILL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT” he begs, pulling out his wallet
is probably the biggest simp known to man for you
will use anything as an excuse to show you off, like anything
even gifts, he’ll take a photo of the gift and post it along side a selfie you sent him just to show you off some more
flexes you to everyone from his friends to chat
“what does the schirlfriend look like?” he reads off, immediately grabbing his phone to show off the new lock screen he has of you “hot as fuck, i’ll tell you that for sure”
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might write some more if u guys want it :3
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littlemisspascal · 5 months
2023 & Me
Been thinking a lot these past few days about everything that's happened with me in 2023. Hard to believe it's coming to end--time seriously does fly 😮
There's been some heavy losses this year. Several family members passed away to illnesses and old age, including my grandfather who I had a strained relationship with to say the least. I also had a shocking family drama bomb dropped on me earlier this month that has had a huge ripple effect I'm still navigating, but fingers crossed things will find a way of working out for the best.
I had some severe mental health depression episodes throughout the year, made me reevaluate priorities and also doubt pretty much every choice I've ever made in life, but I do truly believe I'm entering 2024 in a positive mindset so that's something to be happy about :) I'mma try this crazy concept called self-love and not think the worst about me, myself, and I.
My writing took a hit this year. Word count wise, kudos wise, engagement wise--but I also made progress on several wips and even finished a few which is a big accomplishment for a snail writer like me 😊 I want to enter 2024 not feeling guilty for being self-indulgent or trying new kinds of writing styles. I also want to shake off the belief a low note count equals it was a bad fic/waste of time -- I don't believe that for anyone else, yet my brain always uses it as a weapon of insecurity against myself and enough is enough brain 😠 no more I say!
On a more positive note, I was fortunate enough to attend several conventions this year and improve my cosplay skills (2024 Ahsoka is gonna be my best look yet I just know it 😁). I got to meet total sweethearts Jon Bernthal and Charlie Cox, Steve Burns my childhood hero, the dear Jodi Benson, the gorgeous Rosario Dawson and beautiful Ming-Na Wen, and of course I can't ever forget Andrew Garfield 😱💗 And most importantly of all I did each these cons with my sister and made some lifelong memories! (Also bought a heckin lot of stickers. A heckin lot 🥰)
And then of course the crown jewel of 2023 1000% hands down was attending the United States Formula 1 Grand Prix. Good lord y'all it was one of the best weekends of my entire life! If you had asked me a couple years ago if I'd care about a sport--any sport--I'd have laughed in your face but there's just something so addictive and captivating about the world of F1 and its cast of characters. And having the luck of getting Alex Albon and Daniel Ricciardo's autographs on my dumb lil frog bucket hat was just *muffled screaming* I literally was a shaking mess lemme tell ya--just ask @beecastle and @undercoverpena who were there with me on my phone every step of the way 💜 thanks for putting up with my addiction y'all! Much much love to you both!!
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There are so many people on here that made 2023 a bright and kind and fun one for me---@oonajaeadira @something-tofightfor @wheresarizona @trinkets01 @kyberblade @sofasoap @grogusmum @writeforfandoms @psychedelic-ink @kteague @prolix-yuy @wildemaven @the-blind-assassin-12 @practicalghost @gnpwdrnwhiskey @bishtrouille @nothoughtsjustmeds @kirsteng42 @miraclesabound @radiowallet @harriedandharassed @hopeamarsu and dozens dozens dozens more!
Thank you to everyone who's liked, reblogged, commented on my blog + sent me messages! I appreciate and love you all so much more than words can ever express 💜💗💙🧡
2024---let's bring it on! 🥳
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voidwritesstuff · 5 months
Rainy days And Family Dinners
Cw: none.
Summary: lazaro and desmond spend some time together before Desmond needs to go to work.
->reblogs appreciated.
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Lazaro grumbled as he felt the weight under him shift. He nuzzles the crook of his lovers  neck and asks.
--Whats the rush?-- his brain stings a little as he talks,speaking in a second language as soon as he wakes up was not something his Brain liked.
--i have a few appointments with patients in an hour,I need to get ready-- Desmonds replies, trying to Gently push off his boyfriend. And failing miserably mind you,lazaro was huge in both height and weight.
Laz clicks his tongue, not insisting on him to stay. So,he does his best to sit up, Yawning and stretching his sore muscles out, his bones pop audibly. --Lord jesus christ--he mutters.
--It was a good nap though-- Desmond says,trying to cheer up the mood while he stands up and walks up to his desk as pale light comes from the half drawn blinds. It was a cloudy day,perfect to stay in bed.
--Yeah it was-- laz's voice is still deep and gravelly, but his lover can tell hes having a hard time putting together coherent phrases in english.
--We can switch languages-- the therapist's spanish was god awful pronounciation wise- but he didnt want to put his boyfriend through the mental stress of speaking another language as soon as he wakes up.
He sees his lover nodds and instantly the younger Man's posture changes, he seems more relaxed already-- bien, perfecto -- (great,perfect) says lazaro, standing up-- voy a hacernos te,ya vuelvo (im going to make US some tea,be right back).
Desmond absolutely loved the accent his boyfriend had when speaking their mother tongue. His voice gets just a little deeper and more cheery,his Y and double LL sound like SHs And he adores the mild singing which accompanies the ennunciation of the words.
In his little daydream over lazaros accent,he doesnt notice his boyfriend left. The Man sighs a little flustered and goes to get his paperwork and recorded ready while he waits.
When his boyfriend comes back a few minutes later, he notices two things about him. One, hes holding two cups and two his hair is down and falling well past his shoulders.
--That bun was killing me-- Laz explains setting the cups down and pushing back his long hair so it doesnt get in his face. Wild strands of chocolate hair and cobalt blue thread and entwine together in the mess that is his hair,well kept as it is.
Desmond flat out short circuits,much like his sister, Laz doesnt wear his hair down much. But when he does,its a treat.
--What?-- He asks a little confused.
--Nothing,its just- your hair. I dont see you with your hair down a lot-- the other Man explains, a contempt smile on his lips-- y-you look good
The younger Man smiles wide, a little flustered-- ah thanks.-- then,he clears his throat and goes behind the desk to join his lover in a big ol' hug. The kind that are bone crushing and extremely loving.
Desmond sets his head on his boyfriends chest, sighing in comfort-- hey,dont overwork today alright?
--Ill...try-- he promised,clinging on to his shirt just a little more, as if he doesnt want him to leave. Hes going to miss him dearly.
--good,i love you and I dont want you getting a stress ulcer. -- he replied,pushing Him back a little-- cmon,the tea'll run cold
Lazaro does eventually get ready to leave some 20 minutes after. At the moment hes slinging on his leather jacket and grabbing his bag-- Ill go home,visit my sister and help my parents, come By for dinner?
Desmond nodds,a little flustered because his lovers family was very accepting and very welcoming. The Castro family was warm and playful,somethint Desmond was still getting used to.
--Sure. Will do-- he replied,watching Him Grab his backpack and walk up to him to give him a quick goodbye kiss.
--Love you-- mutters laz, happiness in his eyes.
--Love you too -- replied desmond, to then look at him leave his Office. It felt like lazaro left with des' heart in his hands,he misses him already.
But alas,he does got work to do. So he finishes getting ready and waits for his patients to come by.
At the end of the afternoon,he closes up shop and gets ready to go to his inlaws,mentally preparing himself for the overwhelming love and acceptance this New family of his brings.
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queerlordsimon · 1 year
For prompt 9 can you make trey help y/n make chocolate covered strawberries for riddle
Chocolate covered y/n
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prompt: chocolate covered strawberrys
cw: riddle/j reader can't bake, chocolate, teasing
word count: 450
the day of love, many people call the 14th of febuary. valentines day.
“hey trey!” y/n shouted out, stumbling to catch up to the tall vice housewarden. the green haired boy turned to look at them, walking backwards as he watched them get closer.
“hey prefect, what can i do for ya?” he hummed, smiling playfully.
“well, stop being so tall for one!” y/n panted, making him chuckled.
“cant do that one, but whats number two? im sure its much more reasonable.” he stopped moving so the prefect could catch up fully.
“i hope it is.” y/n hummed. “could you help me make chocolate covered strawberries for riddle? im not a great baker and want to give them to him for valentines day.”
“much more reasonable. sure i can help you prefect. come with me” y/n beamed before nearly tackling the boy in a hug. “woah, dont knock me over!”
“you were not kidding when you said you were not a good baker” trey sighed. they had managed to finish a tray of chocolate covered strawberrys, but at the cost of the kitchens cleanness. the only thing not covered in chocolate was trey himself. the hearts kitchen was covered in splatters of chocolate, and so was y/n. y/n had chocolate all over their face, and their hands, and their apron, and pretty much everywhere else.
“i tried to tell you” y/n chuckled, resisting the urge to shake their hands off.
“what in the wonderland happened here?” there was a familiar voice to the both of them as y/n slid to try and cover the strawberries.
“trey was just trying to teach me to bake, im sorry for the mess, ill help clean it up, darling.” y/n quickly stated, before riddle crossed his arms.
“then why are you hiding a plate strawberries, lovely?”y/ns shoulders untensed as they moved out of the way of them, approaching riddle.
“your right. he was trying to help me make them for you, but well, i cant bake for the life of me. “
“i can see that,’ he said, before taking y/ns hand and holding it. “thank you, either way. true hearts day is a big deal back in the queendom of roses,.” he stated, before playfully bringing their hand up to his face, and sucking the chocolate off of their finger, making y/n flush softly. he smiled as he pulled away. “though the taste is perfect” he stated, flustering y/n. “now, go clean up and then clean up in here, ill send the diaster two in to help you. “
riddle said before leaving, leaving a flustered chocolate covered y/n stuttering.
I hope this was to your liking, i hope you enjoyed the second installment to “my twisted valentine” there are still plenty of requests open, the list for that can be found HERE, my general prompt list can be found HERE. my requests are always open, and my ask box is open if you just want to talk, i usually reply right away or when i finally see the notification, so feel free. have a great night, and ill see you tomorrow for the next part
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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WAKE UP BABE ARITA JUST POSTED ATTITUDE!! BY POPULAR DEMAND! i keep lying y’all… im sorry but here it is. look, tinier text! i kind of like this better?? that’s right folks i revised this entire chapter LOL you won’t be sorry…
tbh i don’t know where we are omfg i just know what episode we’re basing this, which is smackdown 11/22/2001, (which now that i look back i really messed up chronologically but AHHHHHHHH) oh well, im gonna do shows randomly ill jump from november to august if i have to omg
HOWEVER, you are starting to get regularly scheduled matches yessss. also ive noticed i accidentally kinda made the alignment heel-ish but at the same time leaning towards face?? tweener? tweener… i would also like to add that your moveset is like a mix of like liv morgan and sasha banks? maybe a SPRINKLE of alexa bliss???? fuck what anyone says YOU CAME FIRST YOU WERE THE BLUEPRINTTT wwe 2k22 stays on during writing
IM SPLITTING THIS UP BECAUSE ITS A LOT! this is 1/2, so keep your eyes peeled for #2. get hype for your match + lita takin you out to get smashed. (there’s something she needs to tell you!)
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Upon stretching with Trish, you held up the letter she gave you with two index fingers. “This is yours, right?”
The women’s champion recognized the letter immediately and withdrew from her position on the floor, suddenly pacing around. “Yeah. I left it there for you. Didn’t know ya’ found it so easily, hahah!” She threw out her arms in a dramatic fashion.
..It was kind of easy to tell she was nervous, even if it was a little bit. But you couldn’t blame her. The anticipation of seeing if someone liked your gift was very heart-racing.
But rest assured, you thought it was a nice gesture! She had no need to worry.
“It’s very nice,” You comment, holding the letter in your free hand while stretching the other towards your foot. “—the design, I mostly mean. I didn’t open it just yet, but I’m going to get around to it. I have like a bunch in my bag, so I need some time to sort through.”
“Right, right...” Trish suddenly snapped her fingers, remembering something important. “I’ve gotta get ready for my match! It’s supposed to be messy tonight.”
“Messy?” You repeat, your interest piqued.
“Gravy bowl. Like, a pool of gravy.”
“Exactly.” She laughed. “Oh well. I guess if I can have fun, it doesn’t matter what I do.”
“That’s the spirit, Miss Stratus,” You chime, standing up from your spot. “I’ll cheer you on from backstage, then I’ll just go home. I have literally nothing to do.”
“Huh? Don’t you have things to do today though?” She asked.
Trish shifted around in her bag for a moment before walking over and shoving a piece of paper in your face. “Read it, but don’t weep.”
Your eyes scanned down the lines of matches....
Holy handicap match! Did they seriously schedule that? But considering the segment that happened between you three previously..you didn’t put it past them that they’d do that.
But not only that, your eyes kept going until you landed on some words that were in tinier font at the bottom of the paper. Your name was written in the “segment mentions” section. Was that always there? They must have just recently added it, because you sure as hell never noticed.
You had thought about one of the other matches too. How interesting was that, to see Christian go against Edge for his title...it was champion versus champion just to get another championship. You’d have to remind yourself to give at least the both of them words of encouragement.
But she was right. You did have a segment. They must have updated the list at the last minute because you had no clue that you were supposed to do something for your show TONIGHT. You thought it was next week, but instead they decided to push it earlier. Ugh.
“Huh, who would’ve thought, right?”
“Get your stuff together, hotshot.” She taunted, a smile on her face.
“Get your stuff together, champ.” You fire back, shifting to a much more comfortable spot to reach your own belongings. You shove the card (coupled with a heart shaped box) into her face much like she did to yours. “This is for you. Weep all you want!”
“Color me surprised.” She says, taking the card from your hand. “I didn’t know you actually got me something. Thanks a lot, I’ll take a look after my match. See you.” With a small wave, she departed the locker room.
You wave back. You also didn’t want to ask Trish to come in earlier than she was scheduled to, she already had enough on her plate with that gravy match or whatever. It was fine if she came next week. The question was what could you do in substitution for that?
Suddenly, it hit you.
You’re supposed to be a heel right? Sure, you switched sides and were supposed to turn face, but who says your mean streak has to come full stop?
Those letters could definitely give you some leverage, and of course give you fake heat backstage for the sake of cementing your role.
All you needed was fake envelopes, a lighter, and the acceptance from creative to burn stuff. Maybe even sign some sort of waiver. Doesn’t matter. You didn’t care if it was in a parking lot or during your slot. You needed SOMETHING to get the interest out of the crowd.
...Is this how villains think? Just thinking about how mean you’d be was almost hilarious! It was so unlike you but being the enemy was fun. Sometimes.
Thanks to your very rushed purchases, you noticed that out of at least 25 cards, 10 were duplicates of others. You were only going to return the favor of whoever gave you one, so the rest were just trash, technically.
You could burn those! Perfect.
Now that that was settled, you had to think about handing out more gifts. Whoever you saw first got their gift first. As soon as you exited the room with the bag, you bumped into someone.
“Oops, sorry. I was just going in there.”
It was none other than Lita, who seemed to have pop up at the right moment. At least you wouldn’t have to go too far. However...the Hardyz were nowhere to be found. You’d at least think they’d be a little ways from her. Either way, time to kill two birds with one stone.
But unfortunately, she didn’t seem too happy. You impulsively asked the first thing on your mind: “Are you okay?”
“I guess.”
“....” You frown, but give a small shrug. “I’m willing to hear you out if it makes things better?”
Lita says nothing in response, thinking about your offer. She let out a huff and drags you right back into the locker room. She did not let go of your wrist either. “I…..We got in a fight. All three of us.”
“All three?” You question.
“Me, Matt, and Jeff. Matt was yelling at Jeff for his “terrible decisions”, and that’s when I got mad and told Matt off about his.” She shook her head. “So stupid. I told Matt to leave me alone and I stormed out. Now here I am.”
“That’s rough,” You say. Was it really your place to give advice? The damage had already been done and besides, this wasn’t exactly your battle. “—I’m sorry to hear you guys were arguing. But I think I can make your day a little better.” You hadn’t even realized Lita’s grip on your arm until you moved it slightly. “First off, you have to let me go, haha.”
“Sorry.” She apologizes, letting go. She then used her now free hand to run through her hair.
“Funnily enough, I was actually leaving out to look for you and your little bodyguards.” You comment, reaching in your bag to hand over the loot, to which she looked shocked to see.
“...Seriously?” She almost thought it was a joke, eyeing you and the gift. But her suspicion immediately broke down into a smirk after realizing what you said earlier. “And my bodyguards? You don’t mean Jeff and Matt, do you?”
“Of course I do. But I guess I’ll find them on my own time. If you don’t make up that is.”
Lita wasn’t going to complain either. She wasn’t going to decline a present. “Thanks, [Name]. If you really want them to get these, then be sure to pass the message on to them too.” Much to her chagrin, she was happy to indulge you. It was the least she could do.
“You’re welcome.” You stare at her for a moment before walking forward and giving her a hug. She definitely deserved it. Even if she jokingly mentioned how clingy you were. Nevertheless, she accepted it and you two part.
“Hey,” She suddenly says, starting to open the box. “—are you busy after the show?”
“No, why?” You ask.
“I wanted you to go with me to a bar or something. I’m kinda stressed and I wanna have some fun.” She proclaimed, immediately digging into the chocolate.
An invitation to hang out?! You couldn’t decline, but if it’s a bar, you won’t be drinking much. It’s not like you were a lightweight or anything, it just wasn’t your style. “I don’t see why not.” You shrug, accepting. “Just us?”
“Yup. Just us. You want someone else to come?”
“No, no. Just was curious. I mean like...”
“I’m not inviting those two, if that’s what you think.” Lita clarified, closing the box. “Remember, we got in an argument, so..”
“Hah. Right.” You say, immediately shaking your head. It would be a pretty stupid to invite them after having a pretty hard argument.
If she wanted to hang out, then so be it. This would be the most action packed girls night ever!
At least you think it will be...
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As you were making your rounds through the hallways, you noticed someone that you’ve been meaning to spark up a conversation with. “Ah! Hey! Christian..right?”
You call, leaning over beside him to get his attention. “We’ve met before. You called me short I think.. or was it tiny??” You trailed off, trying to remember what he said.
Christian stares at you for a moment, before snapping his fingers. “Oh yeah.” He turns to face you, a grin on his face. “I remember you! You’re that fan, right?” He jested. “The one who wanted an autograph.”
“Not even close...” You roll your eyes, crossing your arms. The smile on your face didn’t help at all. “I just came to wish you good luck on your match with Edge. I know you’re champion and all,” You motion towards his championship, unsure if you should touch or not. Ogling at it seemed okay, though.
“Is that so?” He asked. Man, he was one of the cocky ones, wasn’t he? Oh well, it’s not like you hadn’t dealt with this before! “Well, I appreciate it. I think you can get promoted to...hm...” He looks at you up and down quickly, trying to come up with a new nickname. “Got it. You’re promoted to, ‘Cheesy.’ Congrats, [Name]. Or should I say, cheesy.”
You were confused. What kind of nickname is cheesy? What the fuck does that even mean?? “Seriously? Why don’t you call me by my name?”
“Hah. I’ll think about it, seriously.” He says, taking off his belt to shine it with a cloth. “Coming out to watch like you did last time?”
“Am I allowed to?”
“Guess so. You’ve been there before, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t. Besides, I need someone to accompany me to the ring.”
Accompany him too? You’ll have to ask if it was alright to do that. Maybe you could even speak on commentary! That’d be fun. “Okay, then I’ll ask. But don’t be surprised if I don’t show up! I’ve got things to do.”
“Pretty disappointing then.” He admits, putting his finger on your forehead. “I’ll keep my eye out for you. If you can’t come out, I’m counting on you to watch backstage at least.”
You swat his hand. “Yeah, yeah! I’m sure you will be. We’ll see what happens. I can’t promise anything!” You hold your hands up in defense. “Are you nervous? I saw your match on the list and was thinking about how if either of you won, you’d be swimming in gold.”
“Not at all. I’m pretty confident, actually.” He hit his chest with his fist. “I’m pretty sure I’m gonna win tonight. I’ve got a trick up my sleeve.”
“A trick up your sleeve?” You narrowed your eyes, unsure of what he meant. Hopefully he wouldn’t cheat and instead pulled out some devastating finishing move. “I’m sure you do. Just don’t do anything stupid, okay?”
Christian gives you finger guns, saying nothing at all.
Which meant NO PROMISES.
“I should probably get ready now..” You say.
“Heh, looks like you talked so much, time just flew by.” He chuckled, adjusting the championship onto his waist and walking past you. “Get a move on, [Name].”
You nod before shaking your head. “Wait, did you just say my name? Where are you going?!”
Christian was just glad you didn’t ask how exactly he got this match. It was champion vs. champion after all. You just weren’t ready for that type of information. Had you known he and a few others beat him up...
It wouldn’t turn out well.
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It’s time!
Your talk show segment was now. You jump in place as an attempt to ease your nerves in gorilla.
Personally, you never thought you’d get this far, let alone be so pushed. You prayed to whatever god that was out there that this would be all for naught, and you’d be left with little to nothing to do. People were a bit iffy on you and because of that, so it was VERY easy to incite a reaction from the audience.
Once you had made your way to the ring and grabbed a mic, you give a biiiig smile to the hard camera.
“Hi everyone!” You greet, and the crowd responds by roaring lightly. “Remember when I said something special was coming to Smackdown? Well, this it it!” You chime, taking a seat in your chair. “It’s me! I’m the special thing. No, no really. It’s this whole set, you see!”
‘Hey! It’s [Name]! And look what she’s doing..?’
You open your arms presenting the whole set, letting everyone drink it in. “Well, I hope you’re ready. This is...Time Out With [Name]!”
Upon raising your arms, balloons fell from the ceiling. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. What a fitting celebration! “I’m so excited! I hope you all are too. Now, you may be wondering, what’s in the bag, [Name]?”
‘..Sounds like she’s a little whacked in the head,’ JR says.
Jerry agreed. ‘Couple’a screws loose!’
“Well, I’ve got a lot of letters. I’m going to do the honors of reading you guys my very own fan mail.” You reach into it and pull out a letter. “This first one is from—“
Almost on cue, you were interrupted by familiar music. The lights dim, and you turn your attention towards the front. Here comes trouble.
Literally. The culprit was none other than Stephanie McMahon, the woman who was banished from the WWF the previous night. With a mic in her hand, she hastily makes her way to the ring. Of course, to make sure all the attention was on her, she wore the sparkliest garment possible.
She enters through the ropes, giving one look behind her one last time. You could tell she was on the verge of tears. “I-I’m not supposed to be here..but…!” Stephanie trails off, her voice cracking while the crowd had already begun to mock her.
All you could do was stare. Did she really just fucking interrupt you?! In the middle of YOUR talk show?!
She continues on. “..But I have to clear things up! And I knew you were going to have a talk show, [Name]! So please, talk to ME!” She begs, coming closer and grabbing your arm. You shake her off, but she’s still hopeful.
Some security they have, letting the “Billion Dollar Princess” in so freely. You scoff, holding up your mic. “Am I going to get in trouble for associating with you?”
“NO!” She squealed, immediately lowering her voice after she yelled at you. “N-No! I don’t think you will.”
You sigh, tossing the letter to the side for now. As it flutters to the ground, you exasperatedly threw your arm out. “Go ahead. Just say what you have to say.” You couldn’t believe she just walked out here. And to plead her case? This better be a good one!
Stephanie takes a deep breath. “I’m telling you, [Name]! No…!” She turns to the audience, doing a 360 as she points at everyone. “Y-You all saw everything!“ Then, she turns back to you. “You talked to my brother, he’s the mastermind! I just wanted to follow my in older brother’s steps!”
You hold up your hand, causing her to stop talking. “Uh, hey, Stephanie? What does any of this have to do with me? Genuine question.” The McMahons really were dragging you into this! You’re about to go kicking and screaming. “I know I was with you and Shane for a while, but you’d better go to someone else. I don’t think I can help you.”
Stephanie shakes her head. “You can! I just want my dad to see this. Him and everyone else need to hear my side of the story! Ask me anything! I’ll tell you the wholehearted truth!”
“Alright.” You say, shrugging. “Why’d you slap your own mother?” At this question, the crowd gasps. Stephanie was just as taken aback by the question, but bounced back quickly.
“Didn’t you hear me last time?” This time, she had a bit of attitude in her voice. “I said that Shane ordered me to do it. Did you seriously think I did everything on my own? I was naive, stupid. Everyone makes mistakes. Like you.” She says. “Remember? You took members of the Alliance out and joined the WWF? That was a mistake, right?”
“I mean…” You weren’t quite sure what to say. Well, you did, but you didn’t want to be too mean. “Those comparisons aren’t even remotely close. Besides, shouldn’t I be questioning you?”
Stephanie nods, letting it go for now. She’d do anything for forgiveness, and now that she’s hijacked came on your show, she felt like this could be her chance. “G-Go ahead.”
“Okay. Well, I’d like to just start with thank you for ruining what I wanted to do. I’ll just do it later.” You snidely remarked. “But now I’m curious. Why beg to stay when you know it’s over?”
She says nothing at your first comment, but walks a bit away from the center of the ring.
“I felt falsely accused and I felt as if I should’ve been given another chance. The thought of losing everything I have and…” She gags, covering her mouth. “Living in such..ugh, low-class ways makes me sick! I mean, can you imagine having to even drive yourself places? That’s what a chauffeur is for! [Name], when I got kicked out with my brother, we had to DRIVE all the way to the arena! Could you imagine having to do that everyday!?”
She’s..wow. Stephanie is definitely something. You just stare at her incredulously, but then bite back a sneer, instead replacing it with a smile. “No way! I couldn’t imagine that at all.”
“You get it! See, this is why I had so much faith in you when you were with us. You understand my problems and I’m glad I have the chance to talk to you!” Stephanie beams at you, happy that you’re sympathetic.
“Right. I’m sure it’s suuch a drag to y’know,” You pause, leaning on the ring ropes. “..do all the work by yourself?”
Double entendre? The crowd seemed to be laughing at how irritated you were and could completely understand. They felt the same way! Being so rudely interrupted after going to read the fan mail. Oh, the humanity!!
“Ugh, yes!” Stephanie walks towards you, fast enough so that you couldn’t even process what she was doing. “You get it! [Name], you’re the only one around here that has any sense!” She sticks out her hand. “Which is one of the reasons why I’ve come out here TONIGHT!”
What was she getting at?
“What do you mean?” You ask, looking at her in confusion.
“I want to be business partners!” There was no sign of tears whatsoever, her somber behavior quickly transforming into excitement. “You and me, kicking ass! I point, you destroy!”
“I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” You say, putting a hand on your hip. “I’m already partners Stone Cold Steve Austin,” Once you said his name, the crowd cheers. “Quite frankly, Stephanie, I have a feeling you wanted to ask that all along.”
She huffed, pulling away her hand. Her plan wasn’t going well and she knew as much. “No, it’s not just that. I really wanted to come here and plead my case. If I didn’t, you’d all think I’m some backstabbing bitch! I’d never do that. I’m really only…”
You join in on her sentence, the both of you talking in unison. “—A misunderstood young woman.” Nodding your head, you sigh for what must have been the thousandth time. “I don’t even know how they let you in here in the first place.”
“I snuck in.” She admits. “But c’mon. You’ve gotta think about it….please?”
And to make her happy so she’d literally leave you alone, you nod, holding out your hand. She shakes it, and that seals the deal.
Yeah, right. She interrupted your goddamn show!!
Letting go off your mic, you twist her around and tie her arms around her neck, giving her a Backstabber. The crowd pops at your attack, and you stand up from your spot, leaning over her.
“Try again next time.”
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The fact Stephanie had interrupted your talk show had made you upset. The thought of shaking her hand moreso. Once it had dawned on you, there was immediately a feeling of dread.
You had just “shook hands” with Stephanie McMahon. The witch, the conniving woman who’d rip your heart out if you ever made a mistake. And then you turned around and attacked her.
For some reason, you were scared. Scared of what she’d do with you in the aftermath. While she’d be out of the WWF for quite a while, you knew it would only be a matter of time before she returned.
What’s one way of relieving stress? By burning things, of course. You were going to set these letters on fire if it was the last thing you’d do. You had a cameraman with you in the parking lot. Your antics for the night were far from over.
“Before I was rudely interrupted, I wanted to talk about my letters. Unfortunately, I can’t do that.” You sigh. “I apologize to all my fans who wanted to hear my endearing voice read them out. Instead, I’d like to show an example.” You dump the rest of the letters onto the ground.
You go through your pockets, taking out a matchbox and removing ONE match. Quickly dragging it against the striker of the box, it flickers to life. You toss it over and the pile of letters are engulfed into flames. The camera turns over there for a brief moment, then back to you.
“I don’t think anyone understands that you’re all in my way! I don’t need any cheap ass letters to tell me that I’m great and amazing, that I am incredible and what have you.“ You say. “I’m not just some idiot who can’t work my way around the ring. I could out wrestle ANY of you, anytime of the week! And if you don’t believe me, come see me.”
While your message wasn’t long (you were told you had 10 more minutes), you thought it still got the message across. Anyone who wanted to mess with you was on their way to a world filled with hurt.
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And if it wasn’t for Stephanie ruining your show, the other devil on your shoulder had shown up just JUST THE RIGHT MOMENT.
Him. Yet again. Yet-a-fuckin-gain.
Jericho gives you a smirk, and the camera pans over to him. “Someone like you, burning letters. Never would have expected it. How’s my gift treating you? You must like it, given I haven’t seen it in the fire.”
“I wish you’d leave me alone.” You groan. “You’re always following me. And for your information, Austin actually threw it away for me!” It wasn’t true, but you just wanted to see his reaction.
You opened your mouth, but stop after realizing something important.
Back up a little bit. How exactly did Jericho know about your letters? You told no one about your plan and you made 100% sure no one was in the same parking lot while you did it.
"Wait a second." You say, waving your hand. "How'd you know what I burnt?"
His smug look turned into one of bewilderment. “I thought you knew already? Your best friend Torrie, she’s been running around talking about it.”
“She’s been WHAT?!” You look in awe and Jericho snorts at your reaction.“No, no, stop, what do you mean?”
“So much for being besties, huh [Name]? Well, she’s been saying you’ve been burning letters. She saw you do it out in the parking lot, now she’s telling whoever you’ve mentioned or whatever. I didn’t really care.” He muttered. “What you should be focused on, is our match.”
You simply roll your eyes. Oh yeah. You forgot that was a thing. Where’s Stone Cold when you need him?
Jericho comes closer to you. “And if you want, the Walls of Jericho doesn’t have to be the only hold you could be in tonight, sweetheart.”
You stare at him in disbelief for a second. How dare he say that to you?! Did he really think you’d go THAT low? And even try to imply you’d sleep with him? Absolutely not.
You had lifted your hand up to give him a hard slap across the face, resulting in the crowd gasping. Slapping him felt incredibly satisfying and he literally didn’t even know what hit him. The blonde brings up a hand to his now reddened cheek, scowling all the while you stomp down the hallway.
Him and his stupid match can sit in the back of your mind until the time comes. Until then, you’ve got some loose ends to tie up. Most importantly, you’ve gotta deal with Torrie (and maybe even Stacy, if she’s around. That’d just kill two birds with one stone. You technically weren’t “friends” anyway.)
So once you had seen a blonde woman just hanging around down the hall, all you found yourself rushing over there, ready to fight. “Hey!” You yell, setting your hand on her shoulder and turning her around roughly. “TORRIE—“
But this was not Torrie. In fact, it was actually Terri Runnels, who seemed scared that you abruptly turned her around like that. She held her hands up in defense and you can only sigh.
“Jeez, I’m sorry.” You apologize. “You’re…Terri, was it? Yeah, I’m really sorry.”
She gave you a nervous laugh in response, waving her hand. “Oh, it’s fine….” Before throwing her arms out. “Minus you scaring the hell out of me. What’s your deal!?”
“My ‘deal’ is that something really badhappened, and now I’m looking for Torrie. Have you seen her? You’re both blonde so I got you two mixed up. That’s my fault.” You felt incredibly bad for scaring her like that, but she should be thankful you didn’t just start beating her up first!
“Sorry sweetie,” She apologizes to you with a shrug. “Haven’t seen her at all today. What happened between you two?”
You sigh. It’s hard to explain what exactly went down. On the bright side, maybe Torrie hadn’t got that far. “Long story short, she’s been telling people something I did. And it’s a lie,” You add, which was another lie in itself… “One that might completely ruin my reputation."
“Well first off, you don’t go around threatening to beat people up.” She advised with a laugh. “Why don’t you try talking to her instead?”
“I feel like if talk to her, I’d drag her across the concrete.” You admit.
“Ivory should have put some of us into anger management classes…” Terri mutters. “Anyway, I still think you should try talking to her. No hostility, no…dragging her across the concrete.”
“I can try, but no promises.”
Definitely no promises.
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Unfortunately after talking to someone about it, you couldn’t go out there for the match. You were a bit bummed out but they explained that you had a segment already and you’ve got a match coming up. They weren’t wrong, yes, you’ve got a lot to do tonight, but it doesn’t hurt to go back out one more time.
…..You just can’t believe this is your life now.
You’re definitely not complaining, but you never thought you’d get this far. It’s been a nice ride so far, which makes you wonder if the journey coming up will be hard.
“Hey, kid.” A familiar voice calls. “The hell you’ve been up to?” Stone Cold Steve Austin looks pretty beat up, holding his stomach as he speaks to you. “Heard ya’ been burning shit.”
“Noooo.” You groan. “It got to you?! She’s faster than I thought! And why do you look all busted?”
“I look busted because Regal and his little minions set me up in that ring earlier. How’dya not hear?”
You shrug. “I was focused on this whole Torrie thing..and if you got all beat up, shouldn’t you be resting?”
“I don’t have time to rest when we’ve gotta perform.”
There was a silence before you just decided to speak up. Funnily enough, him standing there literally felt like he was judging you, so you had to come clean. The tension broke you. “Yeah. I burned letters.” You admit, rubbing your temple. “I feel really really bad. And I don’t want anyone else to find out, but who knows how many people Torrie’s told?”
“I don’t see the problem with that.” Of course he didn’t, it was literally Stone Cold we’re talking about. “Ya’ just were disposing of crap you didn’t need.”
Crap you didn’t need? That definitely was one way to put it.
Austin continued on. “Don’t worry about the consequences. If people have an issue about what you do, let em’….and if they try saying otherwise, you take it to the ring.”
His and Terri’s advice were pretty different. To fight or not to fight….
“I’ve been doing things the way I like for years.” Austin reminded. “The consequences don’t faze me. People don’t faze me. Ya’ gonna let them mess your brain up.” He points to his head. “They get inside your head and take advantage of it. Instead of letting em’ do that, you hit first. So, how about it?” He says, patting your back harshly. “We get into that ring, kick that little pretty boy’s ass, then go home.”
“Yeah!” You sure as hell were. It was a good idea too. Maybe that match would get some of your pent up anger out. “And that’s the bottom line!”
You waited for him to continue his own line, but he looked at you as if you were stupid. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”
He shakes his head. “We’ll have to work on that. Get it together, [Name]. We can’t lose.” And he leaves it at that, simply leaving you with your own thoughts. Did Debra tell him to talk to you?
His words made you nervous, rightfully so. What would happen if you did lose? Would he be upset at you? Worse, you’d lose a teammate! Even more scarier that Stephanie wanted you to align with the McMahons..that couldn’t bode well.
It would make sense with you joining out of spite incase he betrays you, but after that, then what? Would creative just shelf you for now? Would you have to do gimmick matches? They were already a strong “stable” on their own, so someone else being added was a bit crazy in your opinion.
The idea of not knowing what came next kinda made you uncomfortable. Even if you should have been used to it in WCW (where things were WAY more disorganized), the feeling just made you feel icky.
“[Name]!” You immediately recognize that voice as Edge. A smile grows on your face as he approaches, but he doesn’t seem happy. And here came those cameras you knew oh so well.
“What’s wrong?”
He looks at you incredulously. “You’re seriously asking me what’s wrong? That’s just great.”
There’s gotta be something you’re missing here. “What are you talking about?”
“You should know what I’m talking about. Burning anything ring a bell??”
Oh fuck.
You had no idea what to say, you open your mouth but quickly shut it. Okay, maybe Torrie was well within the right to tell on you, but that wasn’t her place at all, damn it! Now they’d know you burnt everything! That you didn’t care about them! The only person you cared about was yourself.
In other words, the seeds were being planted!
The cameras were on you again, so you wanted to make this as dramatic as possible with him. “I just…it wasn’t like that at all, you’ve gotta..I didn’t mean it at all.”
“You didn’t?” Edge looked at you and you finally thought he would understand. That all would be well. “You didn’t mean it. Okay. It just gets worse, huh? The least you could do was check on me when I got beat up out in the ring earlier.”
“Wait, huh?”
“Didn’t know that, did you?”
No, no you didn’t. You couldn’t even defend yourself, so you decided to pull out the next best excuse.
“I’ve got my own match to focus on! I didn’t know! You can’t blame me for not watching….” It was going to have to do. “I couldn’t come out..”
Yet, he still wasn’t buying it. “With what partner? Stone Cold’s already been ambushed too. You must have not saw that either. Maybe try paying attention more next time. Man, this day just gets better and better. Continuously betrayed by my own brother, then I find out someone I’ve been interes….” He stops himself, coughing into his palm. “Someone I’ve been friends with, couldn’t care less about me.” He stared at you for a minute before turning around to leave.
“Wait a damn minute! You can’t just leave. And besides, I already saw him all beat up! Maybe if you were as good as him, you’d be raring and ready to go!” You yell, stomping right behind him. “But no! You’re running away!”
“Just shut up already, [Name].” He says, continuing his way down the hall.
This time, you didn’t follow, a new feeling of anger burning in your veins. The moment you lay your eyes on Torrie, IT IS ON.
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hey! hey you! if you’ve made it to the end, YAY! thanks for reading and sticking around!! im working on fixing the spacer so it’s brighter pls bare with me. steve austin + reader duo is going to go on for a bit longer me thinks. *gives you both the tag team titles because i can*
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ziracona · 1 month
hhhh okay, now im wondering: on the topic of adiris and max being left to face the displeasure of the entity after ilm, and yeah we can all figure it would be downright unpleasant, but now i wonder... in From the Earth, you established that adiris is kind of the representative of an entire village of people. is that canon to ILM?
if it is, was that village thrown into the trial system in ILM? cuz i got this incredibly unpleasant mental image of poor adiris trying to placate her really pissed off god and it Not Working, and she finds herself on both sides of the stick, being forced to hunt the people from her village and also sometimes thrown into matches /with/ them against other reapers. the agony of poor adiris, who tries so hard to protect her people, being forced to hunt and sacrifice them to a god that had been harsh but... still hers, ya know? would she be able to maintain her faith in the Entity through that?
or even, in another bad timeline, when the entity starts gathering other survivors after recovering, what if it takes the dedicated village area away from adiris, tells her she needs to 'earn' her people back, and scatters the survivors into the forest to mix in with the other people it's gathered. dangling the carrot of reunification in front if adiris to force her to perform better, be even more cruel to people she's trying to save.
i have a lot of feelings about her, okay.
It could definitely do that to ring up some quick emotional pain, but I doubt it would. It’s got /such/ a good thing going with Adiris and her people—Adiris is utterly devoted to it. Nothing else there actually worships it: she does. And her entire town willingly sacrifices themselves routinely and live in a constant state of agony from their illness. They’re an unending, willing food source of both pain and joy, and it has like, 0 upkeep work. It just has to put in an occasional appearance, and get worshiped. Adiris speaks a language literally no one it ever takes is going to know, so no one can even try to talk her out of things. She’s got a whole village to keep her on its side, and she’s convinced the Entity is a big G god who sees her as special and saved her and her followers’ lives and made her a high priestess as an honor, which is like, what she dreamed of her whole life. I don’t think it would jeopardize that level of a sweet deal, without a damn good reason. It’s like with an emotionally manipulative and abusive partner or parent: they don’t threaten to kill you or your dog, unless you already are starting to get out from under their thumb. If you’re right where they want you, they won’t mess up a ‘good’ thing.
It would be terrible for Adiris if it did change, though. And it would have to do some major work to convince her it had a valid reason, which is a big reason it wouldn’t do that. She is like…/the/ perfect find for it. Most killers are afraid or opportunistic or broken or literally being forced every step: Adiris sincerely loves and would die for it. She’s one of a kind.
She really is. FtEoNR would have so much happen if I kept going. In my head, it’s probably got the coolest finale.
But yeah, mostly it was Max who lost out and went through hell post ILM
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monoumysteries · 2 months
Genshin oc.
I still have a little tweaks and stuff i need to flatten out containing her character information but this is what i have at the moment! Plus voicelines.
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Hello; "Woah, hey There! You look like a fun one to party with. Im Mirika. Number one prankster in all of mondstadt!"
Chat: Pranks; " Theres nothing like playing a good ol trick on a close friend!"
Chat: Prank gone wrong; "Haha.. Yeah, its always a bit awkward when someone gets a bit angry at ya. But hey, one day they'll look back at it and say "Hey! That was kinda funny afterall.."
Chat: Exploring; "..Ahh, mondstadt is always a great place to explore!"
When Lightning strikes; "Woah!! Careful, that one definitely almost hit ya--"
When the sun is out; "Perfect timing, why dont we go for that walk now, ay?"
When it rains; "Maybe we should head inside, its getting.. pretty wet dont you think?"
When the wind is blowing; "This breeze would of been way better if we were on a mountain.. we should go!"
Good morning; "Morning! How you feel about some Mora Meat to start off the day?"
Good afternoon; "Hey! You wanna hunt with me before the sun goes down, im in the mood for some boar!"
Good evening: "Phew, well that was fun! Im exhausted, wanna talk to Kathryn and check the commissions for tomorrow?"
Good Night: "Huh? Oh, Your heading out? Well, have a good rest! I had fun today, lets go out some more tomorrow!"
About Mirika: shenanigans "Wanna know my favorite prank to pull? Classic waterbucket on a door. A little water will never hurt anyone. But Haha.. alot of people don't like that one for some reason"
About Mirika: indecisiveness; "Ugh, you know its so hard to pick something. Like why choose between Mora Meat and salmon! Why cant i just have both?"
About the vision; "in all Honesty, when i first got my vision, i thought the gods gave it to me out of pity. I mean, me? A vision? I didnt want to use it.. but eventually i realized such gods wouldnt do such a thing. So im indeed greatful for the power they trusted me with!"
Something to share. "i love to climb mountains or sit in trees. It makes me feel super powerful. And it gives me the feeling i could do anything! Like.. a sense of authority or confidence! When we go out next time wanna come with me to my most favorite spots?"
Interesting things: "im a pretty big eater! Ive won 3 Eating competitions, last year, you know!
Alot people wonder how i stay fit and eat so much. Its probably because im always up and about! Its also probably the reason i get hungry so fast.."
About bennett; "Bennett? Oh Bennett is one of my best buds! We go on aventures together, we climb together, we eat alot of meat together, hes so fun! And i consider his unluck, to be really lucky. It makes the adventure unforgettable and Unpredictable!
About Venti: "Hes pretty cool, a free spirit and always knows what to do in a tough situation! Sometimes i dont know how he keeps a smile on his face. Not to mention hes an amazing singer and poet! He tells the most interesting of stories!
Both he and i know, that the danger in adventuring is what makes it so fun!"
About klee: "Shes adorable, and definitely has the spirit to be an adventurer. Though she definitely needs to work on where and how she should use her bombs.. now She is the definition of Unpredictable.."
About barbara: "Barbara scares me a little-- she's definitely one i wouldnt prank too often. She gets scared that ill one day mess up the cathedral.
Though besides that shes always willing to help whenever i have an injury, shes calm, gentle and very nice! Whats not to love..?"
More about mirika: l; "Oh, Me? Well, theres nothing to special about me. Im just a young adventurer looking for something fulfilling in my life. Dont take my charm and looks for granted, stay a couple feet away or you might fall into one of my tricks. Ahah."
More about Mirika: ll; "Hmm, well i dont really remember much about my younger days. I suppose i dont remember, because im not too fond of thinking about it.. luckily All i need is my brother and friends! Think more about the future rather then dwelling on the past is what i say!"
Mirika's Hobbies: "Well, cooking is definitely one of my specialties, its fo much fun to sit at an open fire and make some delicious food. Its definitely something you need to know how to do if your gonna be an adventurer!"
Mirika's troubles: "Ah well. It can be very disappointing, when i come home without anything in hand.. its so frustrating to spend so much time and energy into hoping to find something cool! But then.. your disappointed. Luckily, it gives me an excuse to go home. Mondstadt id always a place of happiness so no worried right?"
Favorite food: "Meat and fish! Meat is so fulfilling and you can make so many amazing dishes with it! Fish is also super similar, i typically prefer freshly cooked salmon, with delicious crunchy skin! Mmm thinking about it makes me hungry!"
Least favorite food.: "well.. im not a big fan of mushrooms. Im not a fan of the allmighty mushroom skewers.. Though, the Matsutake meatrolls can sure fill my hunger!"
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puppyie-innit · 1 year
“ask em to tickle you”
hav you considered i would rather not
Stuffs that i cannot NOT associate with the t-word:
“Tick/le/ish/ing” (..nu explanation needed)
“Spot” excuse me? WHY THAT? SO many other words yous can choose fromm
“Anticipation” (ickyyyy, m forever gonna pronounce this wrong)
“itchy” (an i can’t scratch myseeellff)
“attack” (WAIT)
“sensitive” (meee??)
Literally any number, especially if it’s countin up or down
Anybody with hands (specifically stupid meanie idiot evil Dino boy @jogabsha)
Technology (seriously, he’s evil)
Anythin that touches me (yeah, anythin)
Bein chased, trapped (even in a hug), cornered, pinned, God giv me strength
“gotcha!” “gonna get youuu” (BACK AWAY)
“hold still” (i would definitely not move at all nope, he said it today an i completely stopped my squirmin an froze)
“yur fiiinneee” “oh calm down!” “everythin’s gonna be okii”
“wat time is it?” (apparently i gotta pay for this now?!)
“prove it”
“don’t hide yur facee” (I can do watever I wan)
“cmon, cheer up!”
“ive struck again!” “the villain strikes again!!”
Poked/prodded/tapped/pinched/rubbed/scratched/squeezed/full on torment
Snappin fingies
Pockets (its really jus embarrassin the stuff m scared of now)
This thing: %
Eraser (its that bad)
Even the word “brush/es” (..i gave him one from my house, HE TRIED TA FIND BATTERIES SO IT WOULD DO THE SPINNY VIBRATE THINGY)
Tight hugs (yeah their comfortin but the advantages an power an- mmmhhhhhh)
“don’t eat me…!?”
“hav you smiled enough today?”
“am i annoyin you yeettt?”
"is that a challenge?"
“you don’t scare me!” “m not afraid of you…”
"hold on, I can explain..." “now wait jus a minute”
"i will kick you” (i need to say this more)
"you wanna die?"
"m cold” “is it gettin hot in here?”
“you sufferin is funny”
"nu, not in here!" “not now!”
"this is stupid”
“anythin i can do to make ya feel better?” (nupe m good)
“oh really?" “you sure bout that?” “you suuurrrreeee~?”
"never underestimate the power of these hands”
“wats so funny?” (NOT YOU)
“where is it?” (where is wat?)
"we're supposed to be quiet!”
“ya know, I hav my ways…” (an this is where i leave the room)
"i can't be held responsible for wat m about to do to you”
“Wat did you jus say..." (..)
“Alright, that's it...”
“It’s final.”
“Oh, you tryna do that now!?”
“Now it’s yur turn!”
“So sweet i could jus eat you”
"where are you goin?" "..nowhere!"
"wat's wrong?”
“you can tell me, is somethin botherin you?"
“dont worry tho, yur in good hands- literally”
“c’mere!” “m stealin you now!”
“if you don’t stop bein sad, i will tickle you…” (NUH-UH)
“i love yur laugh!”
“i can tell that yur tryin so hard not to crumble right now”
“i can see you smilin~”
“aawhh, yur all giggly now!”
“at least i got yous to laugh”
“its tickle o’ clock!” (SCREAMS)
“my little ticklish mess~”
“..so you’ve accepted m a mess too??”
“only a ticklish one!!”
“yeah, that’s right…”
“oh, so yur bein defiant now?!”
“okay, yur dead.”
“yea, you know wats comin-don’t you?!~”
“well, whenever you need a distraction from somethin- ill be here.. reday ta go”
“get over here!”
“better start hidin…”
“guess wat time it is!~”
“tik, tik, tik, tik!”
“awwh, adorable wittle lee~”
“who’s a good puppy?! is it you, is it?? yes it iiss!!~ yeah, yur a good puppyyy~!”
“wake uuup~”
“kitchy kkitchy coo!~”
“do you wan yur big bruder to tickle you, huh?!”
“i did one poke! this is two pokes!!”
“yeah well this is 500!!”
“why do you do this ta meeee?!”
“cause i love tickling youu!!”
“ya know, i find it funny how instead of pushin away, you lean into and cling onto me as I’m doing this…”
“mmmhh- SHUSH”
“you say you don’t like this, but yur eyes an smile say otherwise..”
“nu they don’t! how do you know?!”
“look at me then-“
“…yep, you wan more-“
"yur in for a bad time..."
"nope, rotate over hereee~!"
"hey, guess what?" (my guess is gonna cause death)
"oooh, you flinched?! IS IT TICKLE-TIME?!"
"are ya having fun?~ yes, you areee!~"
"you better not laugh..."
"oh, did I hear a chuckle?"
"aaawh! don't you just love being tickled, huh? do ya, cause I can jus keep going.. i'll jus keep tickling you-"
"t- i- c- k- l- e-"
"look wat i haaavvveee?~"
"i wanted to win the challeeengee!"
"well, ya didn't~!"
"noo, yur not going down there!~ yur stayin right here with me"
"uhp, staayy"
"yur tummy is so adorable an delicous!" (NU IT NOT)
"ya know, i can jus lay my hands here on yur tummy an wiggle my fingies- yup, jus like this.. an ill go 'tickle, tickle, tickle'-“
"tickle tickle ti-ckle!"
"i wonder if I should jus start mockin whenever I'm t-wording you..."
"im always gonna tickle you."
"Yep, forever and ever-"
"Every day, every hour, every minute and every second!"
“well, you seem happy!~”
“i could jus eat you up…”
“aaawhh, is da little bebe shyy?”
“is da wittle ticklish puppyie shhhyyy?~”
“i can still see yooouuu!!~” *wiggles fingies excitingly*
“i swear if i was there, i would tickle all this outta you. Make you forgot all yur sadness-“
“i wonder if yur paws are ticklish…”
“are you feelin better now??~”
“yur a little menace…”
“no, yur not gettin away with this!”
“down ya go-“
The wavin hands thingy with the lil fingie wiggle- on purpose
“there’s ten little consequences right here, jus for you!~”
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1990jeevas · 2 years
🙂🏛🐷💏🧨 ask game pog
🙂 - Should Dream get a redemption arc?
NO HARD NO LIKE THE STRONGEST NO I CAN GIVE there is literally no logical reason i can think of to give dream a redemption arc when like. we dont see his pov so how would he get redeemed? we need to see his motivations and why he wants to get better first but we cant rly do that without seeing it from his pov????? does that make sense? i hope it makes sense. also not every bad guy should be redeemable. some dudes should just be bad. like im happy to be a cschlatt enthusiast bc he does suck and everyone can happily agree on that point and nobody is arguing for him to be redeemed bc even if he had some good qualities/was an arguably kinda sad character in some aspects he was still bad and that is Okay. and i feel that same was about cdream! im not an enthusiast for him but im still happy to see him play the bad guy and i think its better that he is irredeemable!
🏛 - Should Pandora's Vault be destroyed?
nah idk why it would be tbh? like i dont see an issue with it being there. i dont rly get why people say it should be destroyed especially at this point in the lore (if someone wants to explain pls feel free to bc i gen dont know)
🐷 - Is Technoblade a good anarchist?
iiiii do not know much about anarchy tbh and everything ive seen about this topic has been very like. mixed. like its either people very strongly saying he is a terrible anarchist or very strongly saying he's actually a good one? and also one of the big arguments i see from the "he's a bad anarchist" side of things is that he's "too violent" but as far as im aware that isnt Wrong in anarchy...??? anyways from what i can tell he isnt a bad anarchist but maybe he doesnt have everything right, but then again, who does? idk who gets to say what is and isnt good anarchy? so ya, idk!! sorry
💏 - Is TNTduo /r?
yes fuck wilbur soot they r in gay enemies to lovers romances they r exploring their future as the most divorced married couple to ever exist they are picking out wedding rings to dramatically throw on the ground anytime they argue As We Speak, next!
(no but seriously uhhhhh i physically cannot view tntduo as Not romantic, they r so bad for each other but they could be good for each other if they got better or if things had happened differently and it makes me feel soooo very mentally ill)
🧨 - Who is most at fault for November 16th?
i slash gen dont remember most of the events of november 16th despite watching it live. like my brain just doesnt remember most of the shit that happened during that whole mess until its mentioned to me again. and i think it might be in large part bc that was the first dream smp stream i caught live bc before that i had been playing catchup via wilbur vods and videos from his channel so when i saw it live and there was That Much Happening my brain just went hm! no! and forgot it right after. anyways tho from what i can remember i dont think anyone can be named as "the most at fault" because of how much happened and how many different shit storms started and/or ended that day. all in all she was a fucking doozy.
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videostak · 10 months
p sure my moms drunk tonight T-T or atleast being weird and slurring her speech a lot idk its hard to tell anymore tho i dont kno when she wouldve even got stuff i guess she went w/ my younger sister and her friend to the grocery store so maybe then? idk tho i feel like she didnt but shes def weird she came into my room earlier to try to tell me that she was gonna give me a 50$ a week allowance for the errands i constantly have to do and i was just like umm no we should talk abt this another time. i hate it cause that seems normal enough and soemthing someone would totally accept until u realize its more hush money than anything and her just trying to pay me off to put up w/ the way she is its like annoyyying and also 2 our family is like not doing good on money i mean we’re still getting by but like kinda always  have to be careful and for my mom to just throw that at me is insane. like makes me wonder why shed even do that then next day warn us all that things are gonna be tight w/ money lol and then like if i were to have taken the money (im not going to obv) but if i did she’d then like hold it against me if i ever call her out on her shit like act like i have to be grateful sooo ya. i hate the way my mom is cause like on days like this when i just have to do shit nonstop she praises me endlessly but then the moment i voice my problems she threatens to kick me out and acts like im the most ungrateful slob of all time. genuinely hypocritical like she really tries to gaslight me into thinking i do absolutely nothing around the house anytime i get annoyed that no one helps around and that im the one who gets chewed out for the house being a mess but then once the dust settles and i havent complained for a week or month or so then she tries to give ME big lectures on how grateful she is and how ia always do stuff w/o complaining and how she wants to send me large amounts of cash to keep up the good work it just makes me siiiick. like makes me feel like frowing up. anyways idk me driving and everything like being able to drive my siblings places normal style and also me hoping i can go to the movies w/ my mom like that independence makes it not feel as crushing as it used to. and like ill have to see how this record store thing goes and if not i can find a job somewhere hopefully soon. thinking abt how transparent my moms intentions are sometimes makes me reallly feel sick tho but like ultimately it doesnt seem to affect me as much as it used to like idk it means nothing to me cause i dont have to rely on her and have gotten better at standing my ground more often both w/ her and w/ my dad and realizing how useless it is to pick sides or to even defend someone in dishonest ways etccc excited to watch playtime tomorrow hopefully idk im gonna go to the mall then watch playtime the criteiron dvd then the brazilian one and see if anythings different in like quality n stufff. and also wanna watch lovers live :)
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no okay i need to tell yall ab that guy. and more importantly how fucking much of a coward and a blind mfer i am.
yes im obsessing over a guy ill never see again thats beside the POINT. and theres a small chance id see him in a future convention in the next years, so. like, i see hot people all the time, yk thart dumb stereotype of ace ppl being cold and shit? ya no i am not interest in fucking but i am a bi mess at heart. falling in love every 3 fucking seconds. and i remember those cool ppl for a while but he, yk the butterfly thing? ya, that, im getting that, so i gotta get this off my chest.
so like, you know how fairs are, you got the tables with people seeling stuff and what not, he was in this one together with another person that was selling genshin related stuff and like i think they were paired cus they both got an anime art style and also just the vibes?
idk anyway they were also selling pride flag stickers. we're talking alt style person so he was dresed mostly all black and he had this sick ass eye makeup on, think new batman movie but more edgy mixed with like the people that like to cosplay vikings so they put a fuckton of black eyeshadow around their eyes but the borders were spikey like when people do corpse paint. i dont have time for a ms paint rendition so use your goddamn imagination
so we go to the table/booth? is that considered a booth? idfk, i get a genshin pin from the other person, the classmate i was with got a pride flag sticker from him and you gotta take in consideration, im not a backpack girlie. i stopped years ago putting them bitches on both of my shoulders, no i dont know how i havent developed scoliosis yet so its been a year i just bought a shoulder bag big enough to be annoying but not enough to put everything in.
listen totebags are cool but i need pockets and more space, im sorry. i think we need to address the fact that the straps dig into my shoulders and there's seriously not enough space. so he says something like "cool/nice bag" and i dont hear him at the start cus fair=music and voices going on and like bro was majestic so i needed few secs anyway to process what he could possibly say to my dumbass and im like ah thanks and mentally go into gay panic as we walk away to go look at other stuff. and the contact cards thingies with websites, social accounts etc.? ya i started collecting them so everytime i got to these events i take one from each and every person but i dont read them mostly in the moment and OMG I SHOULD HAVE.
because with this mfer? i never talked again for the rest of the event. yk when your eyes go back to someone in particular in a crowd? ya that. i do that alot. i did that a lot. but not talking, not approaching people, just like "you look so cool and interesting to me rn but i am not socially skilled so ill just admire you from here in a way i hope you wont notice cus this is not a romcom and id dig myself a grave. why do i say i should have read the little contact thing? yall, his account nicknames contained the word killjoy. i could have fucking went "oh killjoy? is it some reference to mychem?" AND I COULD HAVE DONE TWO MORE SECONDS OF CONVO. second reason why i should have: to check his socials and see whats the vibe NOT in a stalker way like those ppl that fucking spend weeks reconstricting the entire life of some guy. and if i checked his social, i would have found out he's a ftm person.
now, i talked about blindness at the start. because i fucking looked at this guy, dressed like that, literally selling pride stickers, most common white transmasc haircut ever and i was like "ya thats just a metal straight man i guess" I AM A FUCKING IDIOT "oh but what would have changed if you knew he had the trans swag" nothing but it's fucking HARD even when you're in art school finding people more similar to you in THAT sense, its like yo, i know a bit of whats like going through that. and also i wasnt expecting it cus he just fucking passed so good? like his confidence and attitude felt so much like just something a cis guy has, walking around the world, it's the type of shit that you dont feel like you could ever obtain? idk if im making sense rn, but ifykyk. its also just fuckky i was so fucking blind like no bestie!! mfer is in the community you're just an idiot.
so ya, morale of the story i need to learn how to socialize in the most basic way, im not even talking about flirting, just fucking normal comunication goddamn it.
also that bag gets me always compliments and i don't use all the potential its "attractive people magnet" power has, as demonstrated by this anecdote.
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I didnt get time to write it down earlier, but im gonna try and do what he asked. 
I’ll write it down here and see if I can relay it back to him later. 
I’ve just gotta try and figure it out myself, first. He called me, after not hearing hardly anything all day I couldnt wait to talk to him and hear his voice. But he just wanted to ask me for a lift... It upset me at first. No “how are you, I’ve missed you, been busy today”, nothing. And we had plans cancelled last night and we havent set a new date to reschedule it. And now he’s got plans to go out. I’m happy he is going out with people, its just the fact that that was his priority over than plans we had. But oh well, thinking about it now its not a big deal, it was just in the moment I got abit heated over it. But yeah, I think the thing that acc upsetted me was that that was it, all he wanted to talk about over the phone was asking for a lift. Like I woulda preferred him acc talk about it? Say who’s going, who brought it up, idk just acc have a conversation. I think its coz Ive heard so little from him today, and yesterday too tbf. I’m not so meh about it now, but at the time of the call it had defo niggled at me. My mind makes me perceive things in the most worst light. It was just a question Georgia, he’s busy at work and its quicker to ask on a call than message me back, plus woulda looked rude to message me that after all the message I sent ? See it makes sense. Why can;t I think like this in the moment ?!?!? I’ve never driven to or thru walthamstow before, that’ll be interesting. I hope he gets drunk. Yes, a drunk Jordan and I can take him home !! I want him to have a good time out. 
what was I even writing about again ? Oh how I felt/feel. Well atm I’m just ill and tired. Atleast I’m super busy at work that stupid shit doesnt have time to affect me. I’ve had some fleeting thoughts.. tryna think of what so I could maybe bring it up to him later... but they have gone, thats the thing, they come and go and then theyre gone. Idk how to talk about sommin that just flashes by in my head. 
And omg yesterdayyyyy ! Like he’s asking whats wrong and its literally like someone in my head put everything in a bag and walked off with it. I had nothing to give him. And tbh I think its the way he asks? and the way he reacts? He thinks if he gets all strict he’ll get it outta me, but it shuts me off. Then he tells me to grow up, ugh I hate that. Again goes back to how he treats me. If I go nonverbal, I need a soft response. Like I have nothing in my head, therefore nothing is gonna come out??? So how is squinting at me and wording things in a mean way gonna help??? (see this is why I cant just let him read my blog, I feel like I word things in sucha mean way and I dont mean it to come across like that). 
And then that just freaked me out more coz then he brings up that his sister wants me over for dinner.... Not like its hard enough meeting her when she knows the history of everything. To then see him be around Lottie.. I’m so scared to see it. To see him treat her how I want to be treated. Him being soft and caring and playful. Like I’ll get upset and jealous and thats so messed up ?? And thats just one layer to it ! I still feel like Lottie will compare me to Georgia. She loved that kid and I know the kid loved her too, I aint that way inclined so like of course shes not gonna like me the same ? And Lottie means alot to Jordan so if we don’t get along enough or whatever that worries me. What if he sees I’m shit with kids and that turns him off of me? Its all just too much. Ik I’ll have to face it one day and meet and interact with her but I really dont want to. You;re probs overthinking it again, but am I really ? Like we know if she gets the soft cutesty attitude and treatment that it’ll be horrible to witness, aint overthinking that ? true. But maybe he isnt like that with her ? Thought of that ? But he mostly likely is.. You’ll just have to grin and bare the experience wont ya. I just dont want little me getting hurt anymore. It’s sucha fuzzy and supressed part of me now. Maybe thats why I havent been okay lately. 
Ive been feeling like I’m lacking something. I couldnt ever pin it. I always bring it back to me overthinking or being overly emotional or whatever. Like everytime I think “oh he doesnt want me as much anymore” or sommin he proves me wrong with his actions pretty soon after. But I still cant help feeling like theres sommin, idk if its missing or im not getting enough or what but idek what it is ? Am I making it up ? Well that’d be dumb, but you know you try to hurt yourself in weird ways. Youre probably convincing yourself youre not entirely happy because everything isnt tip top perfect but like ?? What is it then ? If it was real you wouldnt have to dig to find out, right ? Idk. 
I dont even feel the same as to when I started writing all this. How tf am I gonna relay this onto him later ? ooooo now I just thought about what he said yesterday, thats a wholeeeee other thing imma be thinking about now. I wanna write it down but I gotta still get shit done before end of work. maybe later 
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Hey hey!!
I pretty sure you know what I'm here for, so I'll give two options, that way there is no pressure and you can choose whichever you feel in the mood for!!
Soft Micah, where he's drunk and feeling insecure and tells the reader why he loves them and how much they mean to him, ending with the reader being the big spoon and cuddling the rat man as he cries himself to sleep.
Soft Sadie, where she confides in the reader about when she first joined the gang, how she felt when her husband was murdered, and how she never thought she'd find love again until she met the reader.
No pressure to do either! I will leave it in your talented and capable hands.
Don't forget how amazing you are and how much joy you bring with your writing.
sksksks you know i'm gonna do both bc i love both these asks and soft clingy micah is my literal favourite. this is a total unedited mess but its my total unedited mess and i'm just the biggest sucker for making him all mushy so pls enjoy whatever the hell this is <3333.
(ill do the sadie ask in a different post and put the link here!)
Today was particularly strange, not because anything extraordinary happened but because your sweetheart, Micah, was nowhere to be seen.
Sure he had a tendency to run off on jobs and you couldn’t spend all hours of the day together but it was unlike him to leave you to wake up alone in your shared tent.
All day he’d avoided you. Normally you’d get a coffee and slowly wake up together, planning out your day which usually involved planning your next job together but Micah was no where to be found when you woke up with nothing but blankets around you.
He wasn’t loitering around the outskirts of camp, nor was he by the campfire cleaning his weapons. It was if he well and truly disappeared, but you knew who Micah was and you knew if he didn’t want to be found he wouldn’t be.
With that you left your search, busying yourself with chores and helping around camp and knowing that Micah would make his appearance when he wanted to be found. It was merely a matter of time, nothing more.
The first thing you noticed when you were returning to camp from doing a late night run into town for ammunition was that Baylock had been hitched with the other horses, something that wasn’t there this morning.
Your eyes scanned around camp, noticing instantly that the flaps to your tent were pulled shut which only happened when either of you were in there. You placed down the crate of ammo you were carrying, dusting your hands before walking over and slowly opening the flaps to let yourself inside.
The first thing you noticed was Micah sitting up abruptly with that sounded like a sniffle. He shuffled around, clearly trying to make himself presentable. Slowly, you held your hands out to him, clearly reading the almost heavy feeling to the room.
“Hey now… been looking for you, where’d you go?”
You sit down beside him, keeping your voice soft as if you were calming a spooked horse. You notice amongst the pillows and blankets the empty bottles of whiskey and his green neckerchief which was stained with his tears.
“Oh Mikes, c'mere…”
You wrap your arms around him, hearing a choked sob slip from him as you run your hands through his stringy hair. Your other hand slips under his disheveled and unbuttoned shirt to rub slow circles along his back as he cried into your neck.
Sobs and little whimpers leave him as you hold him, littering soft kisses in his hair and shushing him as best you could.
“It’s alright Micah... I’ve got you now.”
You pull him back slightly, holding his face in your hands as your thumb wiped away his tears that kept falling from his eyes.
“I’m not going anywhere, just let it out sweetheart— I’m here.”
You watched as his bottom lip quivered and other rush of sobs fell from his mouth. He buried his face back into your neck, his arms wrapping tightly around you as if you’d ever let him go.
“You should go somewhere...anywhere but here— don’t know why you put up with an ugly old sod like me. Yer too good for me— deserve someone better— don’t waste yer time with me.”
Micah’s voice cracked at least twice, his words broken up with sobs and cries as he spilled out exactly what had been bothering him all day.
Your heart broke when you heard him, wrapping your arms around his back as you held him flushed against you.
“Hey hey don’t you say that, you are enough for me okay? I love you and there’s no one I love more in this world than I do you.”
Micah shakes his head, burying his face in your shoulder even further as tears soak your shirt.
“Look at me Micah…”
Slowly and reluctantly he pulls away, resting his elbows on either side of your legs as he still attempts to hide in your chest. You brush the hair from his temples that had been stuck down by streaks of tears, gently tucking his hair behind his ears as you waited for him to look at you.
“I want you to know that you’re not a waste of time… every day I get to spend with you makes me happy— you make me happy Micah.”
The look Micah gives you is one of pure hope and adoration. His crisp blue eyes are wide as you speak, the colour deepened from all the redness surrounding them. More stray tears fall from the corners of his eyes although they’re much softer now, his sobbing slowing to something more tame as he listens to your soothing voice.
You lean down, placing a gentle kiss to his lips and you note how he’s obviously chewed at his bottom lip sometime today. Micah practically melts into you, clearly in his softer clingy mood which always followed him whenever he got emotional and insecure.
Sitting up, you trace the scar on his chin as he leans into your hand like a scared little cat caught in the rain.
“And you’re certainly not ugly.”
Micah instantly shakes his head, sitting up and trying to pull himself out of your embrace but you don’t let him get far. You come up behind him and wrap your arms around his tummy, resting your head over his shoulder as you watch him intertwine your hands together.
You kiss his cheek, leaning your head against his as you cuddle him.
“Yes you are— you’re my pretty boy, my sweetheart, my Mikey.”
You can hear him smile although he tries to hide it under his hair that’s flopped in front of his face that also served to hide the blush he had.
For a while you sit together just like that. Micah aimlessly fiddles with your fingers in his lap while you watch from over his shoulder, occasionally leaning down and pressing kisses all over his neck and shoulder.
“Love you too ya’know…ya always know the right things to say and ya always know how to make me feel loved. I’m real lucky to have you— even when I don’t deserve you, I’m a real lucky man indeed.”
Micah practically fidgets with your hands through his whole little confession and you squeeze them to reassure him, something he happily returns with desperate squeezes of his own.
“I love you more than you could kno—“
A yawn cuts through Micah’s words, his exhaustion (and whiskey) finally catching up to him as he leans into your hold. The sound makes you giggle, his yawn always making you smile at just how adorable it was no matter how badly he denied it.
“Common sleepyhead, bet you’re real tired.”
Again he looks at you with those wide hopeful eyes, although this time they’re much more sleepy as you roll him to lie down with you. You shuffled the empty bottles to the corner of the tent, placing his neckerchief beside his hat so the two of you had more room.
“You’ll stay?”
You smile, giving him a soft kiss before draping the blanket over the two of your and spooning up behind him. Usually he’d protest at being the little spoon but not today. Now Micah is nothing short of exhausted and you knew, without him having to say it, that he just needs to be cuddled and littered with affection.
“Course I am, won’t find me anywhere else but right here with you.”
You kiss the back of Micah’s neck before burying your face into his shoulder blades. Your hands ran soothing circles over his tummy and chest, waiting and feeling his breath even out. You didn’t move until you heard his soft snoring, finally allowing yourself to fall asleep too with a smile on your face and your arms wraps protectively around Micah.
Eventually, at some point in the night Micah had rolled to tuck his head in your neck and you woke with a large amount of dribble stuck to your shirt (something that made Micah go the colour of a tomato) but you didn’t mind a bit as long as he knew just how much you loved him.
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If you still want prompts how about: 3. “(She/he/they) don’t compare to you. No one does.” for our fave duo?
this somehow turned into a serial killer / ghost dark comedy crack au thingy help
TW: Referenced murder, referenced kidnapping, referenced guns and gun violence/death, referenced torture, mentions of starvation and prison. It's more light-hearted than it sounds (its a dark comedy I promise)
“I hate you so much.”
“This is the, what, fifteenth time you’ve said that today?”
“Well, I had to make sure you still knew, dickhead.”
Tommy stuck out his tongue, crossing his arms over the gunshot wound on his stomach as he hung upside-down in the air lazily. Flying was probably the second most poggers thing about being a ghost, second to being able to annoy the shit out of people without being able to get in trouble, so he did it as often as possible, no matter how much Dream would roll his eyes and call him childish for it, like he wasn’t a child. Like he expected him to somehow age despite the whole, y'know, murdering him thing.
It had been twelve years and eight months since Tommy was last free, twelve years and six months since he'd taken his last breath, twelve years and four months since his body was found, and twelve years and one month since he decided to make his killer's life a living hell in the best way he knew how.
By being the most annoying little shit he could.
Dream sighed, fiddling with his pen. “Y'know, you were much more tolerable when you couldn’t speak.”
“Well, then, you simply shouldn't have killed me. Take the L.”
“It's not like I wanted you dead.” Dream's voice was calm, but his grip on the pen tightened. “If you hadn't have tried to run, I'd have tried to keep you alive.”
“Ah, yeah, because I'm going to sit there and not try and run when I'm being fuckin' tortured, mate.” Tommy rolled his eyes. “You’re so wise. The wisest man around, Big D-“
“Don’t. Call me that.”
“What you going to do? Shoot me again? Too bad, you can't, because I'm a sick ass ghost and you can’t hurt me anymore, and I can mess with you all I want. Which is all the time, by the way.”
“I should have just let you run.” Dream groaned. “Prison would have been better than this.”
“Is that why you've gotten so fuckin' terrible at hiding the bodies lately? Because if you think I'll leave you alone when they put you in jail, then you’re dumber than you look, and that’s pretty fuckin' dumb-“
“They haven’t found a body in over a year, idiot.”
“Yeah, because you haven’t killed someone in, like, two years. Which, good for you, champ! I’m proud of ya.” Tommy mimed ruffling Dream's hair, laughing as he shivered from the ectoplasm. “But, seriously, what happened? I've seen, like, those killer documentaries and stuff. Normally they get worse and worse. They don’t go from, like, torturing someone for two months to just doing the murders to just. Stopping completely.”
“I didn't torture you, stop being so dramatic.” Dream huffed. “You make me sound awful.”
“You're LITERALLY a serial killer. You hit me with an axe.” Tommy flopped over dramatically in the air, unfolding his arms to gesture at the scars and wounds covering what little of him that wasn't covered in ill-fitting, baggy pyjamas. “And you were a terrible cook. Eating whatever “meals” you cooked was torture enough, really.”
“I should have just let you starve, if you’re going to be so ungrateful.”
“You literally fucking murdered me, stop trying to pretend you have the moral high ground. And, y’know, you also murdered four other people. Do you even know their names?”
Dream's grip broke the pen. “I don't know nor care. They're unimportant.”
“Wow, rude. Calling your murder victims unimportant in front of one of your murder victims.” Tommy rubbed his eyes. “I'm so sad I could cry. Y'know, this will only make things worse for your inevitable punishment. I'll go tell Sam and he'll book you in for five million more years of torment if you don’t apologise right now.”
“Well, obviously you don't count. You're actually interesting, so they don't compare to you. No one does, really. They die too quick.” Dream huffed. “It's boring.”
“That’s… certainly the strangest compliment I've ever got, but thanks, I guess.” Tommy laughed. “Maybe work on making your compliments come across as less ‘psycho killer’ before you go out into the real world and make friends, Big D.”
Dream bristled. “I have friends. Shut up.”
“Oh yeah? Why are you spending your time at home talking to the ghost of your murder victim then? Jesus, am I really your only quote-unquote friend?”
“Of course not-“
“Look, is this the whole reason you went through the effort of kidnapping me because you didn’t know how else to make friends but through incredible violence? Because if so, that is the funniest shit ever.”
Dream was silent for a long time, as Tommy cackled.
“Oh my god, I was really your only friend, wasn't I? L. Massive L. The BIGGEST L. That’s so pathetic. Look, I kinda feel bad for you now. Maybe I'll ask Sam if I can visit you while you atone for your crimes or something. That's hilarious.”
“… You'd really visit?”
“I- fuck- I'm telling Sam all about this next time I go to the afterlife. You’re never living this down, man. You're the world's most pathetic serial killer. Congratulations.”
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