#its beautiful. its grace. its pan in your face-
zeno-zero · 2 days
Avatar's sexuality + gender headcanons:
What motivates me by making this is all thanks to this post! (<- love you op /p). I'll be sharing my own headcanons for all these avatars (excluding Salai, and Gun unfortunately - I don't know these guys that very well despite I already explored their wiki a couple of times TvT). However, there are some headcanons that doesn't exactly revolves around their sexuality and gender, and there could be spoilers as well. So beware of that!!
You can even share yours in reblogs or comment under my post! Happy pride month guys!! <3
Cis-male, He/Him/His
Bi, on the aro-spec (demiromantic)
Formed a beautiful, emotional bond with Jaya. Despite how different they are in personality departments, Wan has always adored him but has a hard time expressing his endearment towards him [Jaya relates as well].
In their short reunion, when they haven't seen each other for 2 years - Wan stiffened when Jaya hugs him tightly, he grins widely while a red blush slowly creeps in across his face.
They never get to spend time with each other as they used to though. Grief struck him greatly when he starts to bargain, there was so much time yet there's little he can do. There was once a man he knew, loved adored. Now, he was nowhere to be seen.
While he does enjoy each company from different genders, he couldn't let his walls down and be completely vulnerable towards them. The slightest attraction is immediately met with suppression, leading the other party be confused towards his nervous and timid demeanor.
He would rather die alone than dragging someone with him in this war he has to fight against. He still hasn't accept that the fact Jaya is gone because of him, because he couldn't save them all in time.
Demiboy, He/Him/His
Pan, on the ace-spec (apothisexual)
Known in front of the public's eye for being such a honest man, there are some things he always kept to himself that he couldn't bring those to let it be exposed [he finds it quite embarrassing].
His relationship with Firelord Yosor has always been strictly professional but there were also some unresolved romantic tension between them both, in rare occasions, Szeto would have his clipboard be pressed against his lips nervously while standing close to Yosor, who would rub the back of his neck shyly.
When subtly asking if he ever wants to be in a romantic relationship, he'll respond; "I'll consider it, sure. I wouldn't mind to be with someone who loves me just as I love them as well." with a tiny smile.
..Which is all up for interpretation since he never specified whether his romantic interest can be a man or woman [although, rumor says that the relationship between him and Fire Lord Yosor are so much more, then meets the eye].
But with a well crafted image, and story - he is intriguing as he is mysterious in a way. People can theorize all they want but what they all had in an agreement is that his literature is fantastic.
Cis-female, She/Her/Hers
AroAce (spectrum)
(I am unfortunately not that knowledge about her, so forgive me if all of these are mischaracterizations ToT) While yes, finding Kavik, well, indeed quite attractive - there wasn't a time or the right place to tell him that she loves him.
Uncertainty has always choke her, never the one to be keen in relationships. The thought of being one doesn't disgust her but she couldn't prioritize it, especially her position has people always constantly need her attention.
But Kavik? Her future is unknown, there could be a hassle after a hassle for all she knows but him being in hers - him being there for every step she takes? Him for supporting her on? Him to always have her bring up to her feet?
It would be really lovely, endearing even.
Similarly like Szeto's case, its all up for interpretation. The world only know her as a holy figure, this divine and graceful avatar - Kavik knew the real her. They're the only ones who knew what's their relationship heading towards to, even if it takes so much patience and trust to rebuild again.
Cis-male, He/Him/His
Bi, female lean
Actually, he's quite unsure of himself if he's even bisexual if you considered his up-bringings. However, he does travel and not only learn about the elements but even their culture differences. It took a long time for his mindset to reboot (although the internalized homphobia definitely left a huge impact on him).
But due to his fights against the spirits, spiraling himself in depression, and never has the time to find peace in his later life - not only this dude struggle a lot with his image but can't seem for the life of him if he actually likes men or not. It is left with "I enjoy the company." statement.
He is supportive and understanding of Ummi, who comes out to him as trans (mtf) before they could start dating and held the same love to her as before.
He was about to leave the past behind him, and start a new one with Ummi - he was gonna be grateful, he was gonna be better not only as a man but as the Avatar as well.. He relapsed once she's stripped away from his life, and couldn't be returned back.
He couldn't hug her and lift her off her feet to spin her around happily. So every once in a while, he gets comforted and be embraced by Yangchen who witnessed it all but she couldn't remove the pain that Kuruk still has deep down inside.
Cis-female, she/her/hers
Bi (canonly), on the ace-spec (demisexual)
(I am not interested in Kyoshi at all, so again with the apology - theres gonna be mischaracterizations 😭) Because of the way she's treated especially while growing up, she never thought she could be loved by someone romantically. I mean, who would love a servant?
At least, not until Yun and Rangi comes to the picture..
And her life as a content servant who wanted to live comfortably morphs into as an Avatar she didn't want to become! Huzzah! /hj <- okay but there was never a day she thought she could be dating someone who not only wishes happiness only for her, not the avatar, but is willing to be by her side no matter what.
She loves Rangi with all of her heart but a part of it wishes that Yun didn't turn out the way he is. She always often visit his grave, and contemplates that things could've been different - there were so many what ifs, there were so many choices that could've been carefully chosen.. She always bring flowers with her, and place it on his grave everytime. She still held love for someone she lost.
In her later life, where Rangi couldn't keep up with her. Kyoshi is there to kiss her knuckles softly, tears rolling down across her face. She is her purpose to keep on living yet she's slowly dying in front of her. She'd spent the rest of her life, thinking about her constantly. Reminiscing the past she has with her. When Koko slowly adapts to become her daughter - she would tell her stories about her and Rangi which makes Koko fully believed that Rangi is her mother as well, just like Kyoshi is towards her.
Transman, he/him/his
Struggled a lot with gender dysphoria (doesn't help the fact his mind is plague by self-doubts). However, his parents were kind towards him, and doesn't dismiss it as "You're just a kid, it will pass." letting him dress himself masculine, which he finds himself most comfortable in. His journey to become a young man is easy, and its all thanks to his loving parents who were ready to lend an ear to listen carefully about his personal thoughts and doing the best they can to help him (the projection is crazy).
He comes out to Sozin about it, and Sozin is happy for him. Although, he did find it difficult at first since its a new change and there were a couple of accidental slip-ups - its good enough to know that Sozin actually wants Roku to be really comfortable within himself.
But because he is also a young lad, there was too much unresolved romantic tension between them both. The deja vu is insane, at least, for Szeto (who had to keep himself in check everytime Roku is oblivious towards Sozin's flirty tendencies. He was suffering every second of it).
While traveling, and understanding culture differences to not only enhance his bending - he had some couple of hook ups there, and there. Letting himself relax a bit, and savor the moment as he is gently taken care of (mind you, this headcannon alone is coming from someone who is aegosexual lol!!)
Coming back home, with his no-longer low self-esteem - able to finally ask Ta Min out, to which Ta Min agrees ecstatically. Those months of dating each other, Ta Min is the first one to propose and Roku accepts it with a delighted, tearful face. Both partners are fortunate, and proud to be each other's wife and husband.
But oh my gosh, the unresolved romantic tension he had with Sozin is finally resolved when Roku realized that Sozin is down bad for him. That their entire situationship is the sole reason why the 100 year old war started. /j okay, but after everything Roku gone through, he couldn't help but maybe, just maybe, he pondered that there could've been at least another situation where he and Sozin ended in good terms. Firmly gripping the once artifact that is dear to him, is meaningless in Sozin's behalf.
I can't do Aang, and Korra. The headcanons are already established by the canon sources.. So, I'm so sorry for those who are Aang and Korra enjoyers 💔 There is always next time if I can actually think uniquely. Also, this is so LONG oh my gosh 😭😭😭
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asher312 · 20 days
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My lil sunshine
(Okay,so i was just- RAPUNZEL IS WILL
I cant unsee it
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡ 𝟙𝟠𝟙𝟚 𝕆𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 ♡
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♡ Mature Content. Minors DNI. Warnings below the break ♡
Pairing: boyfriend!seonghwa x chubby!fem!reader
Summary: You wake up to your loving boyfriend nervously making you breakfast, unaware that he plans to propose. That is, if he can work up the courage to.
Genre: slice of life/fluffy smut
Word Count: 1.4kish
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Warnings: oral sex (f receiving), a delicious breakfast you never get to consume
A/N: This is my first fic after taking a break from writing for a while so my blog's a bit empty but I hope ya'll enjoy this. Any feedback is mucho appreciated. A special thanks to my bestie @anyamaris for giving me the courage to post again ♡
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Rubbing your eyes you drag yourself into the kitchen with all the grace of a newborn dear. Soft classical music fills your cozy one-bedroom apartment, rising all at once only to come crashing back down. You’re greeted with the intoxicating smell of milk and honey, the source of which is only revealed to you when your vision clears up. “I made pain perdu!” Hwa smiles, maneuvering around you with the hot pan carrying a thick, golden brown slice of brioche bread. “So…French toast?” He rounds the kitchen table, scooping the piece of French toast onto a plate already home to three other perfectly cooked pieces. “It sounds fancier in French, my love” he says, darting past you again, only this time he stops to kiss you on the cheek. His soft, pink lips chase off the early morning cold. 
It’s only now that you notice what he’s done to the kitchen table. Bowls of fruit as fresh as the day they were picked. Orchids and dahlias bloom in ornate vases. Every breakfast side your heart could desire. “Hwa, what is all of this?” you gasp, only having a second to take it all in before he’s guiding you by your wrists to the oak chair he’s pulled out for you. He stops dead in his tracks, it’s like someone hit the pause button. “I…uh…eat. You should eat.” Hwa sits you down, scrambling to hand you a knife and fork. He trembles so faintly that you might not even notice if you weren’t always so in tune with each other’s bodies. 
“Seonghwa…” you say softly, your fork poking at the French toast but your gaze locked on your busy body of a boyfriend. Much too wrapped up in his own head, he goes on rummaging through the fridge for a bottle of wine. He swings open one of the cabinets, searching for the perfect glass. Nothing else will do. “Park Seonghwa!” you shout, careful not to sound angry. As sweet as his efforts are, you can tell that something’s bothering him. Hwa’s shoulders drop, his slick dark hair falling against his freshly shaved chin. You scurry up behind him. The feeling of your arms around his waist, your fluffy cheek pressed against his back, quiets his worries at once. He places a hand on top of yours, drawing in a deep breath. 
“I can’t help you if you don’t tell me” you whisper, your voice saturated in worry. As he exhales he places the bottle of wine on the counter, turning around to catch the concern on your beautiful face. “I’ve never regretted anything I’ve done during this relationship…” he starts and your heart sinks to your stomach. That’s what this is all about. He’s breaking up with you. You knew it was too good to be true. Two years of some storybook romance shattered. He did this, all of this, to cushion the blow of… “And I never want to so… y/n will you marry me?” You snap out of your daze to find him down on one knee, holding up a black rose cut diamond ring. He forces a pained smile, bracing for the possibility that you may not feel the same way. An insane thought if there ever was one. 
You clutch your hands to your chest, your heart returning to its home with the force of a rocket launching into space. “Yeeeee” you squeak, unable to make out much else. “Yeeee?” “Ssss…” “Yee…sss?” “Yes! Yes! 100% fucking yes!” Tears are streaming down your cheeks before you can stop them. You imagine what a wreck you must look to him, crying in the middle of your kitchen in an old t-shirt and some beat up sweatpants. But nothing could be further from the truth. Slipping the ring onto your finger, he takes you into his arms, nearly sweeping you off of the floor. He tilts his head back ever so slightly, doing his best not to shed some tears of his own. Hwa kisses you and it is, without question, unmatched by any kiss you’ve shared before this day. His scent is more fragrant than any flower on that table. His lips sweeter than the bottle of red wine sweating on the kitchen counter. 
Your shirt lifts, granting him access to the softness of your love handles. The sensation of his hands outlining your body, the electrifying friction of skin against skin, awakens any fiber of your being that could’ve possibly remained drowsy all of this time. “I love you” he gasps against your mouth, lips skimming down your chin to press against your neck. Chills trickle down your spine as he nibbles at the sensitive spot he knows always gets to you. “I love you too” you manage before he lifts you onto the kitchen counter, his hands kneading the pillowy tissue of your breasts. “Hwa, wait. Wait. Hold on.” 
“Hmm?” is all he says, brushing his thumb across your nipple as it perks up beneath his touch. You giggle at the spark it sends through your system, “Aren’t you gonna eat your pain perdu?” “It’s just French toast. Nothing special,” he shrugs, bringing a hand down to slip into your panties, the moisture of your warmth welcoming the intrusion, “But you on the other hand…” Hwa takes his time dipping his fingers into you one after the other, curling them each in their own unique way to coax every darling whimper you have to offer from your throat. It’s this unpredictability that has your body too overstimulated to do anything more than fall back and surrender. 
His fingers abandon you momentarily, a tortuous betrayal forgivable only because of the speed in which he strips your bottom half bare. Your sweatpants and panties falling to the floor tangled within each other. In seconds his hands are behind your knees, firmly pressing them towards your chest. Hwa can’t resist taking mental pictures of you spread out like this, wet and aching. Begging him to taste you for the first time as his on a level he’d spent countless nights praying you’d let him reach. He buries his face between your legs, his long, curved tongue lapping at your clit. You twist in his grip, hips raising purely out of greed. Instead of pushing you back down, he pulls you closer, locking your legs around his neck and plunging his tongue into the very depths of your center. 
“Seonghwa…” you whine, the bottom of your shirt twisted in your fist while your other hand grips the edge of the marble countertop. Hwa’s tongue plays you like one of the exquisite instruments of the orchestra concealing your moans from the neighbors on either side of your apartment. It teases the sweet spot deep within you, flexing along your walls when they clench around him. He slips it between the slickness of your folds, slurping down every bit of you he can catch. What he can’t coats his chin, drops splashing along your inner thigh. Your muscles start to spasm. First, it’s only the ones in your stomach but, as the pleasure deepens, you can feel every singular muscle in your body tighten like the rope of a spinning wheel. It’s so much, too much, and you can’t imagine ever asking him to stop. 
You pinch your bottom lip between your teeth, the lingering scent of milk and honey flooding your lungs once more before the universe itself unravels around you. The orgasm pulses through your veins, dulling all other senses not stemming from Hwa devouring you. You come to be far louder than the music, only driving him to go faster…deeper. “Scream for me. Cry for me” his body language whispers and, oh, how you scream. The very decadence of the sound is enough to arouse him to the point of utter madness. “You…you have to stop...I can’t” you stutter, dangling at the apex of euphoria with no end in sight. If you’re spun any tighter you’re positive you’ll break. He goes completely deaf to you again, this time because he’s much too consumed by you. 
Using what minimal strength you have you slide yourself back on the counter, separating the two of you and leaving your walls contracting as if he never stopped. Hwa straightens out, licking you from his lips, “I’m sorry. You’re just…” “Bedroom” you say, planting your feet on the chilled kitchen floor and wobbling back towards the bedroom. “And bring the syrup!” Hwa crooks his neck, unsure of what to make of the odd request. “For what, exactly?” “You gotta come find out!” That’s all that needs saying for him to grab the bottle of syrup from the table and rush to catch up to you, his stunning, slightly uncoordinated, incredibly tasty girlfri...fiance.
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ayyy-pee · 5 days
hii lexi!!! hope you’re doing well :)) would you be interested in writing a suguru first date kinda thing? i thought it might be cute ^_^ (also i love your pfp!! it looks so good!)
AHHH THANK YOU NONNIE! <3 I'm so late, but I imagine Suguru would be exactly like this for a first date when he's really into reader lmaooo it's short but i'm trying to flex my brain with little drabbles. i appreciate you sending this request in! i hope you like it! <3
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Discord 18+ - Twitter
Pairing: Suguru Geto x Female Reader
Warnings: Cutiepie sweetie face nervous Suguru Geto!, downbad Suguru, Gojo being an annoying shithead, fluff and cuteness <3
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It's so hot here.
Is it hot in here?
Has to be. Or else Suguru wouldn't be sweating so much. He can’t even hold his drink, the damn glass keeps slipping from his hands.
Maybe it’s the lights making his palms so moist?
Are the lights too bright? Too hot?
Was this restaurant the right choice? If it’s making him this uncomfortable, surely you’ll be uncomfortable, too.
Maybe he should have chosen another place. Do you even like Italian? Fuck, he should have asked you before making a reservation. What if you’re allergic to…pasta or like…tomatoes? He didn’t even think about that. Maybe it's not too late to change plans.
The soft buzz in Suguru’s pocket pulls him from his scrambled thoughts, and he takes his phone out to see a text sitting at the top of his notifications.
Beauty: Pulling up now. See you soon :) <3
Fuck! It's too late to change plans!
Okay. Okay, this is fine. It will be fine! He’s got this. What’s there to be nervous about? Nothing, because Suguru doesn’t get nervous. He asked you out, anyway. Not the other way around! There’s no reason he should be reduced to this clammy, sticky mess he’s become. 
And yet, it seems that’s all Suguru ever is when he’s in your presence. Although, it’s only been one other time.
It's been an entire week since Suguru first laid eyes on you coming down the aisle at his best friend's wedding. You would have thought he was the one getting married, the way his face grew red watching you smile, so stunning in that gown the bride had picked for you. The way his heart practically tried to punch its way through his ribcage when you’d graced him with a glance, aiming your beauty right at him. How you watched, teary eyed as your very best friend married his very best friend and it’s so insane of him, he knows. But Suguru thought he could see himself in this exact position one day…with you. And he didn’t even know your name.
It's so cliche, truly; a groomsman and a bridesmaid getting together at a wedding? It’s a romcom waiting to happen, but Suguru couldn't help himself.
You were the epitome of beauty. Your eyes, your lips, your smile, everything about you. They were all things Suguru could not get out of his head after you'd danced with him at the reception. With that cheesy love ballad playing way too loudly, you slipped perfectly into his embrace, like the missing piece of a puzzle, and he had to get to know you.
"Fuck your honeymoon," he'd told Satoru, rolling his eyes as his best friend panned his camera across the beautiful powdery sands of Turks and Caicos. “Can you ask your wife for her number?”
“Hmm…” Satoru flipped the phone back around and Suguru could see him pretending to think about it, tapping his chin just to irritate Suguru. “Beg me.”
“...Excuse me?”
That stupid grin on that long limbed bastard’s face. If Suguru could, he’d reach through the phone and smack it right off of him. Why would he beg for your number? He’d get connected with you some other way. Suguru is not a beggar. Nothing in this world could make him open his mouth and plead for something.
“Then I’m not asking. Good luck finding her! Gorgeous girl. Hope she doesn’t find someone else because there were quite a few people asking about her at the wedding…”
Suguru knows what he’s doing. And he fixes his friend with a deadpan stare as he says, “Nice try. Not begging.” 
And Satoru chuckles. “Okay! See you in three weeks!” He sings on the other end.
And so Suguru…begged for your number. Not his proudest moment, but as he sees you slip through the doors of the restaurant, grinning and waving excitedly when you spot him…well, it makes every bit of groveling worth it. He just saw you exactly one week ago. A full 7 days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes. And you look just as breathtaking, if possible.
This feeling is familiar, the heat radiating from his cheeks and the intense pounding of his heart and this sensation to get on his knees before you and offer you the world.
“Hi,” you greet him, out of breath as you approach.
Suguru stands quickly, stealthily wiping his damp palms on his pants. And it’s a little awkward at first, but you hug him, slipping into his hold like you just…belong there. It’s driving him insane, the way you just seem to fit him so perfectly.
You take your seat on the other side of the booth, all smiles and god, if it doesn’t send Suguru spiraling. You’re just so cute. You almost seem as excited to be here with him as he is to be here with you.
“I meant to get your number at the wedding, but honestly, I was just too nervous to ask.” You confess, giggling, a bubbly and airy sound that makes Suguru want to hear it more, maybe set it as his ringtone then piss Satoru off so he’ll blow his phone up. Then Suguru can hear it over and over. 
He chuckles, smoothing his hands over his pants again, trying his damndest to stop the sweating. “Yeah?”
You nod, picking up the menu and gracing him with a sweet, shy smile before hiding behind the sheet of paper. “Yeah, so I’m really happy you called.”
Suguru’s heart races and he can’t help the goofy grin that’s now formed on his lips as he picks up his menu. “Me too.”
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foern · 4 months
hii!! how are you doing?? this is my first time so i applogize if i lack of details/u have a hard time understanding this. May i request for Tokyo Revengers (Mitsuya, Draken, Rindou) where they compliment or just appreciates s/o but she just cries when she heard ut? she kinda barely got attention and praises like that so it kind of melts her heart
they can be like normally say "im so grateful for you" "ur so pretty", but s/o just cries as a response HAHDHSJA I wanna know what theyd do or react, if thats okay ofc! i apologize if im dosturbing your time, i hope u have a great day!
Anon tysm for this request! I had a lot of fun writing it! I haven’t really read the Manga, so I don’t think I know enough about Rindou to write for him. I replaced him with Mikey, I hope that's okay!
Sorry this id kind of short and took forever, ive been super busy (literally moved to another continent). Anyway, hope you like it!
Mikey’s eyes followed you as you busied yourself in the kitchen, grabbing ingredients to prepare breakfast for the two of you—bacon and eggs. Distracted, you cracked an egg into the hot pan, oblivious to Mikey’s intense gaze. The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a radiant glow on everything it touched, including you. With messy hair from sleep, clad in Mikey’s sweatshirt, and a bare face, you looked absolutely stunning.
“You’re so pretty.” Your gaze swiftly met the blonde-haired boy's; his eyes sparkled, and a warm, admiring smile graced his lips. There was no doubt in the world that he was anything but sincere.
“Don’t be stupid.” You mumble, an obvious blush creeping its way onto your cheeks. Truth be told, you felt completely hideous that day. Your hair was an unbrushed mess, you had no makeup on, and you were still in your pajamas. A wave of insecurity washed over you; a heavy weight settled itself on your chest. As tears welled up in your eyes you turned back to the eggs, unwilling to let Mikey see you cry.
“Hey, hey, hey, why the tears?” Mikey stands up from his chair and steps in front of me. He rests his hand on my waist, rubbing soothing circles into my skin. The words catch in my throat, making it impossible to articulate the emotions flooding over me. Truth be told, I don't even know why I'm crying. His free hand gently lifts my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze.
"You're beautiful," he reassures, his thumb moving from my chin to caress my lip, "Especially when you're making me breakfast."
I delicately run my fingers across the luxurious texture of my dress, savoring the sensation of the soft fabric across my skin. My gaze takes in every detail of the meticulously crafted garment—each stitch, every contour, a testament to its thoughtful design. A nervous smile graces my lips as I turn to meet Takashi’s gaze.
“What do you think?” I ask, my voice carrying a mix of anticipation and vulnerability. A faint blush creeps over my face as I catch him admiring my silhouette. His response, a simple yet sincere "You look absolutely stunning," sends a rush of warmth through me.
His bluntness catches me off guard for a moment. I never really grew up receiving compliments, so even now, they have the power to surprise me. A warm weight settles into my chest as an unexpected wave of emotion washes over me. The confident smile I wore earlier fades, replaced by a genuine, slightly flustered one. Rising from his chair, he makes his way towards me.
As he stands before me, placing a hand gently on my hip and the other softly on my cheek, I can't help but marvel at the tenderness in his touch. I hadn't realized a tear was rolling down my face until he wiped it away with his thumb. My heart melts at this action, his eyes never leaving mine. His unwavering, concerned gaze causes my tears to flow more steadily.
“You mean it?” I manage to utter, my voice carrying a mix of disbelief and gratitude. I honestly don’t know why I’m crying, but in this moment, none of that matters. He shakes his head with a reassuring nod. His hand guides me into a comforting hug, the type you never want to leave. “Of course, but I don’t know why you’re crying though. I think it means I should just compliment you more often.”
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voidpetrova · 9 months
early mornings with thomas at the safe haven 🫣🫠
the first hint of dawn's light filtered through the thick curtains of the room at the safe haven. thomas stirred in his sleep, his eyelids fluttering as he gradually became aware of his surroundings. as his senses awakened, he felt a warm presence beside him, and a soft smile graced his lips. he turned his head slightly to see you, peacefully asleep beside him.
your face was bathed in the gentle, pre-dawn glow, and thomas couldn't help but be captivated by your serene expression. he marveled at how lucky he was to have you by his side, especially in this tumultuous world you now lived in. careful not to wake you, thomas slid out of bed, his bare feet meeting the cool, worn wooden floor of the makeshift bedroom. he pulled on a pair of jeans and a faded t-shirt, glancing back at you once more before heading out of the room.
as he made his way down the narrow hallway, the familiar sounds of the safe haven greeted him. the soft murmurs of conversation from the common area, the clatter of pots and pans in the makeshift kitchen, and the distant echo of footsteps all served as a reminder that life went on, even in this sanctuary they had found. thomas reached the small kitchen area, where a few of the gladers were already awake, preparing breakfast. newt was at the stove, flipping pancakes, and minho was perched on a stool, sipping a cup of coffee.
“morning,” newt greeted with a knowing grin as he flipped a pancake expertly. “morning,” thomas replied, his voice hushed. he grabbed a mug and poured himself some coffee, taking a sip as he leaned against the counter. it was moments like these, with the simplicity of life in the safe haven, that made him appreciate the peace they had found.
as the smell of pancakes filled the air, thomas couldn't resist the temptation. he grabbed a plate and quickly loaded it up with fluffy pancakes, bacon, and a generous drizzle of syrup. he knew you loved breakfast food, and he wanted to surprise you. with his plate in hand, he made his way back to the bedroom, where you were still peacefully sleeping. the soft, rhythmic rise and fall of your chest was a comforting sight. he carefully set the plate on the bedside table, not wanting to wake you just yet.
thomas sat down on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on your face. slowly, you began to stir, eyelids fluttering open. the first thing you saw was thomas, and a warm smile spread across your lips. “hey,” you murmured, your voice groggy with sleep. “morning, sleepyhead,” thomas replied, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. “i brought you breakfast.”
your eyes widened in delight as you spotted the plate of pancakes. “you're the best,” you said, sitting up and reaching for a fork. the two of you shared a simple breakfast together, chatting quietly about the day ahead and the plans for the safe haven.
after breakfast, you both decided to take a walk outside. the morning air was crisp, and the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm, golden hue over the glade. you strolled hand in hand, taking in the beauty of the safe haven, and relishing in the simple joy of being together.
as you walked, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and companionship you had found in thomas. in this unpredictable world, you had found a safe haven not just in the physical sense but also in each other's hearts.
the two of you eventually found a quiet spot, away from the hustle and bustle of the safe haven, and sat down together. thomas wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. as you watched the sunrise together, you couldn't help but think that, in this moment, you had found your own piece of paradise amidst the chaos.
as the sun continued its ascent, bathing the safe haven in its warmth, you leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to thomas's lips. it was a silent promise, a declaration of your love and your determination to face whatever challenges lay ahead, together. in the embrace of the early morning light and each other's arms, you knew that, no matter what trials awaited, you and thomas had found your safe haven in each other, and that was enough to face anything the future held.
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dem0nic-darling · 10 months
The First Of Many Passionate Nights (Captain James Hook x AFABReader) 18+
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As requested by @disney-girl67
Content Warning- Oral (Fem receiving), Praise, Dirty talk, Fingering, Unprotected sex, Cream pie, Breast kink
Sypnosis: Since the moment your eyes had met in the tavern the two of you had felt a connection, and what better way to explore that connection than to spend a passion filled night together.
James downed another pint of ale with a sigh, his mood soured by the days unsuccessful attempt at capturing Peter Pan. "Cheer up now Captain, I'm sure you'll get him next time." Smee said, patting him on the back as he waved over a tavern wench to refill the somber captains mug. "You say that every damn time, yet that boy always slips through my fingers no matter what I do." His brows furrowed as he thought of the deranged child that took his hand.
"Here you are sir." A sweet voice said, pouring him more ale. He looked up to thank the tavern maid only to find himself speechless as his eyes met your stunning (e/c) ones, that shimmered like the finest gem. You gave him a shy smile, fidgeting with the material of your dress. Smee, sensing the tension, took his leave to seek out his other crew mates.
James cleared his throat, hoping it wasn't too late to salvage your first impression of him. "Forgive me if this is too forward my lady, but might you consider gracing me with your company." Your smile, though it remained shy, brightened. 'What a lovely sight' he thought to himself as he admired the beauty of your features. "I'd be happy to sir, but I'm afraid I can't." James nodded, hoping his disappointment wasn't too evident on his face. "My shift ends in about half an hour, I'd be more than happy to accompany you then, if you don't mind waiting that is." You quickly added, hoping that he wouldn't decline and simply move onto the next woman who came his way. A smile pulled at his lips upon hearing your words. "It would be my pleasure Miss-?" "(L/n), (L/n) (Y/n)." You replied. "A lovely name for a lovely woman" He planted a kiss on the back of your hand, bringing a blush to your cheeks. "I'm James Hook, Captain of the Jolly Roger." He continued, releasing your hand. He couldn't help but miss the way it felt in his own rough and calloused one. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Captain James Hook." You said, hoping he hadn't noticed the blush that remained present on your face. "I assure you Miss (L/n), the pleasure is all mine."
You offered him another radiant smile as thanks, before scurrying off to tend to some other patrons as your boss yelled at you to 'quit 'yer flirtin' and git back to work.'
The rest of your shift was spent stealing shy glances at the rugged yet well groomed man, that resulted in a flushed face as you found his gaze was already intensely locked on you. By the time your shift had finally ended you were left flustered and needy, the way James had looked at you causing arousal to pool in your panties.
"Sorry to have made you wait, Captain Hook." The man placed another kiss on your hand before offering you his arm, which you gladly took. "Please, call me James, Miss (L/n). And I assure you, you are a woman I'd gladly wait for." His words brought another blush to face, something he reveled in, knowing his words alone could put you in such a state making his cock harden in his trousers. "You're too kind Captai-James, and in that case please call me (Y/n), it's only fair."
You closed your eyes as the salty sea air of the port washed over you as James escorted you to his ship, stealing glances of your cleavage that spilled over the top of your dress and jiggled as you walked.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the magnificent wood structure before you, every aspect of it its own masterpiece. James chuckled at your reaction, your awe at his ship making him overflow with pride. "I take it you like it." He asked, leading your stunned form aboard. "Like it? I love it, I can't believe you get to captain something so beautiful." You gracefully trailed your fingertips over the smooth wood of the bannister, admiring the craftsmanship while James did the same with you, drinking in your stunning beauty. The sight of your plump breasts barely contained by your dress making his Adams apple bob and his hard cock twitch.
Your presence made his rage towards Peter melt away, replacing it with desire for you. Despite it being your first meeting the sight of you leaning over the ships bannister with eyes filled with wonder seemed so natural. The peaceful moment suddenly came to an end as a violent wave crashed into the side of the boat, rocking it and making you stumble. Panic overtook him, causing him to pull your body back into his, securing it in a tight grip. The sound of your surprised gasp pulling him out of his panic, only to quickly replace it with a new one as he realized what had caused you to gasp wasn't just his sudden embrace, but the fact that you could feel his bulge pressed into your ass.
"Forgive me for my repulsive behavior Miss (Y/n), I can't apologize enou-" You quickly silenced him with a kiss, thankful you weren't the only one plagued with sinful urges. You broke the kiss only for him to smash his lips back onto yours with more passion, groaning as you returned the sloppy kiss with just as much feverish intensity. With you tongues still intertwined in a sinful dance he took you into his arms and carried you to his quarters.
Upon dropping you onto the bed he finally released your now kiss swollen lips only to trail his lips down to the tops of your breasts that spilled out of your dress. "May I?" He asked, caressing the buttons of your dress. "Please, James~" You whined, arching your back and pushing your chest into his hands. He hurriedly undid the buttons of your dress with his remaining hands, before tearing open your corset with his hook, careful not to mar your delicate flesh.
You let out a loud moan at the feeling of the cold metal of his hook gently grazing over one of your breasts, while he groped the other with his hand. The feeling of the tip of his hook lightly scraping and flicking your nipple was a pleasure you had never before experienced and never wished to go without experiencing after this. You couldn't help but let out more small moans as he sucked your other nipple into his mouth, nibbling it briefly before releasing it with a 'pop' and trailing down further to your quivering pussy concealed only by your drenched panties.
He pressed light kisses along your inner thighs before pulling down your panties with his hook. "May I worship you love?" He asked, lightly tracing the lips of your pussy with his large calloused fingers. You gave him a feeble nod, anticipation thrumming through your veins. Pleasure coursed through you as he eased two of his fingers inside you, his mouth quickly joining them, latching onto your pussy with verocity. The overwhelming feeling of his fingers thrusting into you while he hungrily lapped at your pussy, his stubble lightly scratching your inner thighs, quickly had you writhing in pleasure. The feeling of his thick fingers curling into your sweet spot while he sucked your sensitive clit into his mouth was what pushed you to the peak of ecstasy, making your body tense as you tugged at his black curls, your eyes rolling back in your head as he greedily drank up your release.
"Forgive me love, but I can't hold back any longer." Still coming down from your climax you could only watch as he frantically tugged off his clothes, letting out a grunt at his stiff cock finally being freed of the confine that was his trousers. He gave a quick peck to your lips before slowly pushing his large cock into your pussy, mesmerized by how your small pussy wrapped around the inches of his cock. "You're taking me so well love, fuck! Such a perfect cock-sleeve for me!~" He groaned out as you let out small whimpers and pants at the feeling of being stuffed full of him.
"James please~" He had never heard a more beautiful sound, your pleas more tempting than a sirens call. "Please what love?" He gently caressed your face, lightly tracing patterns into the plush skin of your stomach with the tip of his hook. "Please just fuck me already!" You whined, tears of frustration threatening to spill from your eyes from the unbearable lack of movement. James found himself unable to refuse, being just as desperate as you were. "You asked for it love." He began to fuck into you with powerful deep thrusts. The way his shaft rubbed against that sweet spot inside had you clenching the sheets in ecstasy.
The creamy ring that formed at the base of James cock had him groaning. "Fuck love, you're a filthy little thing aren't you?" His eyes captivated by your breasts which jiggled with every thrust flickered up to fucked out face, your stunning eyes glazed over in bliss. "On...only for yo...you James~" You whimpered out, brushing a few of his ebony locks out of his face. He growled, throwing your legs over his shoulders before abusing your cunt with an intense ferocity. "That right? You want to be my own personal whore, stay on my ship so I can flood this sweet pussy with cum whenever I want?!" You could only moan and frantically nod in response, the way his harsh thrusts pounded into your cervix leaving your mind fuzzy and littering your vision with stars.
"Take my fuckin' cum then whore." His rough fingers aggressively massaged your clit, making your release wash over you in intense waves. You let out a string of moans, raking your nails down his back as you were lost in pure bliss. James quickly joined in your ecstasy, the way your pussy milked his cock combined with the feeling of your juices dripping down it, pulling him over the edge and tearing a loud groan of pleasure from his throat. You clenched around his twitching cock as his warm cum was shot into your womb, letting out a whimper as he weakly thrusted inside your sore and battered pussy in order to fuck his seed deeper.The both of you too lost in pleasure to notice the large tear he had left in the mattress with his hook.
Keeping his softening cock inside you he pulled your exhausted form on top of his in a sweet embrace, laying your head on his firm chest. "Do you mind if I spend the night?" You timidly asked, afraid that you had been the only one to feel a connection and he would send you away having already taken what he wanted from you. Such thoughts quickly dissipated as he looked down at you like you were the finest treasure he had ever come across "You may spend as many nights as you wish." Your heart swelled in your chest at his words as you happily nuzzled your face into his chest, your eyes drooping with exhaustion. James placed a kiss on top of your head. "Sleep well love." He said softly, as the two of you lulled off to sleep in comfortable silence, both hoping that this was only the first of many nights you would spend wrapped in each others tender embrace.
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WARNINGS : none!! just soft lovey-dovey stuff!! like one little kiss-makeout that's super quick but not heated so if you're uncomfortable feel free to skip!
NOTE ; hi!! author speaking!! this is my first time posting anything fic-like ever so if you have any criticisms or ideas pls pls share them!!!!!! i'm interested in seeing new ways to do things and improve!! thanks for reading, enjoy!! xx
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you wake up to a wanda-less bed, the room cool without her to warm it. you sigh into your sheets and slowly wake up, letting your body ease into it. not rushing. golden light breathing life into the room, soft and hazy through the under-layer of curtains. wanda must have opened them.
eventually, you're awake enough that you register the savoury smell in the air. it fills the house with the warm smell of hand-crushed spices and roasted vegetables. you recognise the scents as one of wanda's favourite breakfast meals: zacusca¹, polenta ², and franzela ³. one of the dishes her mother had taught her when she was young. (pietro said it was overrated but still gobbled it down whenever wanda made it.)
as you make your way to the kitchen, practically cartoon floating towards the smell, you hear wanda softly humming the sweet little love song she'd been into lately, 'ce bine ca esti' ⁴ and smile adoringly to yourself at how cute your girlfriend was.
when you enter the room, wanda is a graceful flow of movement, floating around the space. her hands cutting vegetables adroitly before dropping them ceremoniously into a sizzling pan. she always refused to use her magic in the kitchen, she thought it tainted the beauty of it. right now, you understood just what she meant.
she looks like art with her hair pulled away from her face, frizzy from the heat and her movements confident. her skin warmed by the sunlight that gave everything a golden glow, especially wanda. its enchanting, really. you observe from the entrance, taking note of the sweatpants she stole from you last night during your movie marathon. the one that ended with you both cuddling and eventually asleep by movie three. what? day jobs are draining.
when she turns to grab a mug full of a coffee so pale it's almost ghostly, she spots you. an ardent smile growing on her face that has you wanting to lionize her forever. "good morning, моя любовь*. ce mai faci în această dimineață?" *
you hum a, "fine," padding towards her leisurely and preening at the affectionate greeting, "smells amazing in here."
she hums back and smiles, "thank you. i was gonna wake you but you just looked so peaceful, i couldn't possibly. do you want anything to drink? food's almost ready." you nod your head and move in to hug her. hugs from wanda never felt uncomfortable, they just felt safe and warm. they had an effect like no other. "i missed you." she says, whispering it like a prayer she only wanted you to hear. "missed you more." you reply, letting every muscle and thought relax into her. you can tell she's doing the same.
when you both let go, she reaches out to your face, cupping your cheeks and running her thumbs along the apples of them. the sunlight behind her giving her a halo, you wonder what your past self did to deserve an angel. whatever it was, you'd try to replicate it, so you'd get to spend all your eternities just like this. "ce am facut sa te merit?" * she says dreamily, voicing your own thoughts while taking in every inch of your face. you used to feel exposed and embarrassed by it, but now you just feel enveloped in wanda's love. she may be the scarlet witch but the magic you felt with her was different. it was like being on a different celestial plane everytime she looked at you.
"you're asking me?" she chuckles and leans in, mumbling "shut up," against your lips. you both melt into each other, you lean into her body, hands sliding onto her waist, and by the time she pulls away, you're both practically hugging. she gives a few more short kisses that have you both grinning and giggling like fools. it's such a beautiful moment, you find yourself memorising how this feels. trying to keep it safe and locked away from anything that could ruin it. there's a beat where she stops kissing and just looks at you, her eyes so tender and loving your stomach really does feel butterflies "what?" you whisper. "shh," she says, "i'm observing." that gets a giggle out of you, "observing what, exactly?" still smiling, she says, "perfection, of course."
after another moment of wanda's "observations", she pecks you on the cheek once more, putting her attention back on the meal. she asks you to grab as many pillows and blankets as you can while she finishes up. you pile the blankets until you're satisfied with the fluff, smoothing it down until it's nice and full. then, you toss on the pillows, a little less particular but keeping in mind how much wanda loves to sink into them.
when wanda strides over, steaming plates in hand, you take a deep, reveling breath, "mmm that smells amazing, wanda." she smiles and crosses her legs as lowers herself to the ground. "only the best for you, my love." she says leaning into your shoulder.
after what felt like years of gentle arguing over what you'd watch, you decide on a sitcom wanda had seen an episode of and adored. your legs are tangled together as you lean back on piles of pillows. you laugh at jokes and wanda laughs so hard at one of them that she almost chokes, which only makes you both laugh harder. it's a sweet and filling morning. the two of you just absorbing the loving energy you'd created.
proceeding the meal, wanda dumped any scraps and rinsed them and handed them to you to scrub with a kiss on the cheek. you finished and headed back to the couch where wanda was curled up against the pillows, giggling at a joke one of the characters made. you make your way down to her and get as close to her as you can, she smiles as you adjust yourself. "good?" she says when you finish, "mhm!" you say smiling up at her. she gives a smile back before facing back towards the tv. you see the content set of her face and your heart swells just a bit. lazy days with wanda were always so perfect.
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AUTHORS NOTE ; hi! so i tried to be really sensitive to wanda's ethnic background and also to you! the reader! some things were described in detail and others were left to your imagination!! if you have any requests feel free to absolutely fill my asks because i find this kind of stuff really fun! if you see any errors or ways i could improve, again, feel free to tell me!!
much love, r.
p.s ; here are all the little footnotes and translations but feel free to skip. kk bye for real ! x
моя любовь: "my love"
ce mai faci în această dimineață?: "how are you doing this morning?"
ce am facut sa te merit?: "what did i do to deserve you?"
¹ zacusca: Zacuscă can be eaten as a relish or spread, typically on bread. It is said to improve in taste after some months of maturing but must be used within days of opening. Although traditionally prepared at home, it is also commercially available. Some Bulgarian and Middle Eastern brands are available in the United States. In the Orthodox Christian majority countries, it is sometimes eaten during fasting seasons due to the absence of meat, eggs or dairy products.
² polenta: Polenta (/pəˈlɛntə, poʊˈ-/, Italian: [poˈlɛnta])is a dish of boiled cornmeal that was historically made from other grains. The dish comes from Italy. It may be served as a hot porridge, or it may be allowed to cool and solidify into a loaf that can be baked, fried, or grilled.
³ franzela: long bread (like a baguette!!)
⁴ ce bine ca esti: romanian love song performed by romanian musician nicu alifantis. it's so cute and sweet i 💞 it so much. here's the link in case you want to hear it!! ☆
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aprilclementine · 2 years
Thinking about Steve offering to host Friendsgiving at his parents house, and Eddie offering to help (Of Course, I know how to cook, Stevie! I was on my own for most of my childhood too, y'know!). Steve reluctantly letting Eddie come over while he preps (Really, he just couldn't say no to spending even more time with Eds). Eddie snickering when Steve opens the door in a pale yellow apron (Eddie, how many times do I have to tell you, It's my MOMS). Eddie ushering Steve out of the kitchen insisting he has it all under control (Let these hands work their magic, sweetheart, shoo!). Cue Steve pacing in his living room, as Eddie preps, coming out only thirty minutes later, hands in the air, and a wicked grin on his face (Dinner is served, my Lord). Steve's face scrunches as he walks into the dining room, to see what Eddie has conjured up. His jaw goes slack, as he sees the various bowls of chips, two liters of about every soda he can think of, hard candy scattered around the table (For a bit of garnish, nice touch, right Stevie?) and a single rotisserie chicken, still in its container in the middle of the table. (I'm imagining the excitement and randomness of the way Snoopy set up "Thanksgiving" dinner in A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving). Steve sighs, bringing his hand up to massage out the scrunch of his brows, running a quick hand through his hair. He will give Eddie credit, despite the "food" the plating is beautiful. Eddie had used his parents' best serving plates, and folded up the cloth napkins no one ever uses, into cute little toppers, even set out all the gold plated silverware. You don't like it Stevie, Eddie had asked. Steve let out a fond laugh, shaking his head. (Eds, where's the turkey, where's the mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, even the pumpkin pie?). Eddie had walked closer to the table, and began explaining why he grabbed the things he did, talking about a mile a minute (Mike and Lucas looooove Doritos, Max loves those strawberry candies grandmas always have, Dustin loves his Mtn. Dew, even included some jelly beans for El, oh oh, and Will loves to snack on the Ruffles whenever I host a long D&D campaign, and and). Steve had grabbed Eddies hands in his own, not worrying about hiding the fond smile for the boy, as his movements came to a halt (Eds, we aren't hosting a D&D night, these gremlins are going to be starving, they need some real food, and I think Lucas and Dustin alone could tear that poor Rotisserie chicken to shreds, before we even say grace). Eddie deflated, (I just wanted you to relax for once, and! In my defense, that rotisserie chicken is always just enough for me and Wayne, figured the gremlins are like half of me and Wayne, would've fed at least four of 'em). Steve let out a hearty laugh, as he pushed Eddie back into the kitchen through his swinging doors, Eddie gliding easily in his socks across the tile. Steve begins taking out his bigger pots and pans (Eds, don't worry, it was the thought that counts, plus I'm sure the kids would love those things as an appetizer, while we are finishing up here anyways). Eddie looked up quickly, grinning wide, pulling a strand of hair in front of his face, (You mean you're not banishing me from your precious kitchen!) Steve shook his head, throwing another apron at Eddie, (And put that hair up! The last thing I need is one of your curls in my homemade stuffing!)
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domestic life with Peter/Henry, in a universe that the upside down never existed, Peter/Henry has no powers, and he is a softie guy. Also i wanna pepper his face in kisses
yes yes yes i love this sm
summary: a morning in the life of peter and y/n
warnings: idk like slightly suggestive content? hickies and a reference to sex also like one swear word
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You were greeted with a real treat this morning as you walked sleepily into the kitchen. A smile made its way onto your face as you watched Peter make what you saw as a full-course meal, but to him was simply breakfast.
"Mornin' sleepyhead," your boyfriend spoke, back still turned to you, as he watched some eggs sizzle on a pan, seasoning it lightly with way too many spices and other stuff than you even knew the two of you owned.
"How early did you wake up for this?" You walked toward him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"A few hours ago." You looked around the kitchen for a clock, and when you were unsuccessful, you gripped his arm and angled it so you could read his watch. 11:44.
"It's too early for this," you whined, "come back to bed with me!"
"Love, it's almost noon. I already went to bed a bit earlier last night, I couldn't possibly get any more sleep."
You hummed, your lips travelling toward the smooth skin of his neck and start placing light kisses at the nape. When you got no reaction, you started getting a bit harsher, sucking on his skin until red started to rise.
When you heard his breath hitch, you stopped. "Who said anything about sleeping?" you asked teasingly. "But fine, if you don't wanna go back to bed, we won't."
He turned around to face you, a playful glare on his face. "That's not fair, babe, I didn't know that's what you meant."
You giggled at how absolutely adorable he looked.
"Something funny?"
"Nooooo, just you looking ridiculously cute," you squealed, leaning toward him and attacking his face with a million little kisses.
When you pull away, his beautiful features are graced with a bright smile mirroring yours.
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ateez-ana · 4 days
wonderland behind scenes
「-now you are watching wonderland behind scenes by @ateez on youtube-」
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In the vibrant tapestry of Wonderland's music video, amidst towering mushrooms and surreal landscapes, Ana  emerged from the shadows, her camera poised to document the whimsical chaos behind the scenes.
'Camera's rolling!' she exclaimed, a playful grin spreading across her face. 'So, what's the tea, ATINYs? Let's spill the beans, welcome to ana vlog'
As the camera captured the antics of her fellow members, Ana couldn't resist sharing her thoughts. 'Wooyoung is trying to make a flower fort back there , while San is running around' She giggled. 'And look, Seonghwa is practicing his scene he looks so beatiful, he has always been beautiful, what do you think guys?" ana said pointing the carama at Seonghwa who was talking with the director
Eyes twinkling with mischief, Ana panned the camera over to Mingi. 'And Mingi, the chocolate thief! He dared to steal my precious candy bar. But don't worry, I'm plotting my revenge.'
"ok so today we are filming wonderland music video and to all our amazing fans, thank you for being with us on this magical adventure. You make everything we do so special. We love you.. Watching the creation of this masterpiece has been incredible. The costumes, the dancers, the choreography—it's all come together to create something truly extraordinary. We put our hearts and souls into this project, and we hope you love it as much as we do. It's a tribute to your love and support. We couldn't have done it without you, me and mingi have scenes on fire so you know "we on fire" ok that was a bad joke please cut it in the edit"
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As the crew prepared for Yeosang's solo scene,Ana,excitement crackled in the air as she watched Yeosang with unwavering admiration.
The director called for silence, and the cameras began to roll. Yeosang poured his soul into his movements, his body flowing with effortless grace. Ana's eyes widened, her heart pounding with pride and adoration. She couldn't contain her emotions as she whispered, 'Wow, you're incredible, Yeosang!'
As the scene reached its climax, Ana couldn't help but release a deafening scream. Her enthusiasm pierced through the silence, reverberating throughout the studio. Yeosang's gaze met hers, and a shy smile spread across his face. The camera captured the moment, preserving the raw and genuine bond between them.
the director called 'Cut!' and the crew erupted in applause. Yeosang bowed deeply, his cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. Ana rushed forward, unable to resist showering him with compliments.
'You were amazing, Yeosang!' she exclaimed. 'I'm so proud of you!' Yeosang looked at Ana with a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment.
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The air was thick with the scent of sweat and hairspray. It was the final day of the Wonderland music video shoot, and everyone was pushing to get the last scene – the grand finale group dance – in the can.
“Just one more, guys,” Hongjoong announced, his voice hoarse but determined. “And then we can all go home and sleep for a week.”
A chorus of groans and tired laughter rippled through the group. “I'm not even sure I can stand anymore,” San complained, dramatically collapsing onto the floor.
“You're just tired because you spent the entire day complaining about the costume,” Mingi retorted, earning a playful shove from San.
While the others joked, a quiet tension hung in the air. This scene was crucial. It was their chance to showcase their synchronized dance skills, and the pressure was on.
“Don't worry, guys,” ana said, her voice full of confidence, “We got this. We've practiced this a million times.”
“Yeah, but it’s the last scene,” Wooyoung chimed in, his voice laced with apprehension. “We need to nail it.”
'Don't worry, we're going to blow them away,' Yunho, the main dancer, said with a reassuring smile. He looked at Ana, a mischievous glint in his eye. “You ready to show them what you’ve got, Ana?”
Ana knew what he meant. Yunho was one of the main dancers, and they were both known for their dynamic and powerful moves. The director had specifically requested them to lead the final dance, allowing them to showcase their skills and bring the video to a climax.
“Ready to bring the house down,” she replied, a playful grin spreading across her face.
As the crew prepped the cameras, a wave of nervousness swept over the group. They were tired, their muscles ached, and the pressure of delivering a perfect performance was immense.
 Their movements were sharp and precise, their energy contagious. Yunho and Ana, positioned at the center, led the choreography, their bodies a blur of movement and grace. Their synchronized steps, the way their bodies moved in perfect harmony, it was mesmerizing. They were a force of nature, and their passion was evident in every gesture.
As the dance progressed, the tension in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of exhilaration. The crew, mesmerized by their performance, forgot about the fatigue and the pressure. They were simply witnessing something truly special.
The final sequence of the dance was a complex, intricate routine, demanding perfect coordination and timing. Ana and Yunho, their bodies moving in a mesmerizing dance of power and grace, held the spotlight. The camera focused on their every move, capturing the intensity of their performance.
A few moments before the final pose, the director yelled “Cut!”
Ana, still caught in the energy of the dance, let out a playful laugh and shouted, “Dance!” in a silly voice, starting to move her body in a ridiculous, improvised dance. Yunho, unable to contain his laughter, joined her. Seoghwa, standing nearby, couldn't resist joining in, their movements becoming increasingly absurd.
The camera caught the scene, capturing their goofy antics.
“Aitiny, don’t look at that!” yunho shouted to the camera, his eyes wide with mischief, before breaking into a fit of laughter.
The crew, unable to resist the infectious energy, laughed along with them.
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Yunho adjusted the collar of his shirt, feeling the familiar warmth of the studio lights on his skin. He was in the middle of a large, dimly lit set, surrounded by rows of old television screens flickering with static. It wasn’t anything fancy, but somehow, the air crackled with an uncanny energy.
“So, this is my scene,What scene did i film? Something like I’m controlling members in front of the TV? I think we filmed as if it feels like I led members, Let’s go! Let’s go! To the beginning that the ending is waiting!"
unaware of the small drama unfolding behind him, Hongjoong, leaned against a towering tree, his head resting on the shoulder of a girl with warm brown eyes and a gentle smile. She, Ana had a playful hand reached up, threading through Hongjoong's soft, dark hair. Ana's thumb gently grazed his cheek, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Their laughter, hushed and melodic, drifted on the breeze, a melody only audible to those close enough to hear.
He turned his head, ever so slightly, just enough to glimpse the tableau behind him. Hongjoong, his head tilted back, eyes closed as Ana's hand traced patterns on his cheek. Their bodies were close, an unspoken intimacy permeating the air.
The realization slammed into Yunho with the force of a tidal wave. His eyes widened, a silent gasp escaping his lips. His initial instinct was to step back, to shield the scene from the prying eyes of the camera. He shifted slightly, his body strategically blocking the view of the couple behind him, a nervous chuckle bubbling up in his throat. Clearing his throat, he continued speaking, his voice tinged with a faint tremor of amusement
'So, yeah, this place is pretty amazing,' he said, a playful glint in his eyes, his gaze flicking back to the camera.
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smallestapplin · 1 year
Honestly y'know what I would really love? I just want to bake bread with Ingo. I want to be happy and domestic and feel loved and enjoy nice warm bread with someone after putting in work to bake it.
So,,, Ingo x male/gn reader and they make bread together please? Thank u so much ur writing is a godsend to my lonely ass ❤️🙏
- Tofu Anon
I love domestic shit so much 😭 (I also cannot sleep, and it’s also 3am for me rn.)
M!reader, reader gets called husband and prince, cause Ingo is about loving his partner 😤
The kitchen is filled with the warmth of the oven preheating, along with the sound of music playing softly, though it’s being drowned out by laughter.
“Hold on hold on, I can make this better.” You’re quick to say, rushing back to the messy ingredients.
Ingo sighs, chuckling at your antics.
“I don’t understand why-“
“Ingo, baby, you wore a black apron, for making bread, it’s not gonna be staying black for long.”
Ingo lets out a playful huff, that’s cut off by his offended gasp as you take your now flour coated hand, and draw a smiley face on his darkly colored apron.
“There! Now we are ready to get cookin!”
He can’t help but laugh, before moving to help you make bread.
However, it was no secret that it would take longer than normal, especially with how you two can hardly keep your hands to yourselves.
Ingo stays behind you, chin on your shoulder with his arms around you, helping you knead the dough.
The stoic man feels his lips twitch, threatening to smile at how you keep giggling and laughing.
“What has you laughing like this?”
“This is just so much fun! Especially with you.”
You lean back against him, pressing your back against his chest with a smile. Ingo takes that moment to kiss you, his lips pressed sweetly against yours.
You hum, tasting the faint traces of honey on his lips, from his ingredient sampling earlier.
You pull away, reluctantly so, staring into this beautiful silver eyes of his, feeling his warmth and love.
“Dear, I hate to tell you, but you have flour on your back now.”
You jump away from him with a loud groan.
“Oh you are just the worst!” Your voice light, trying to keep up the act as you shake your shirt, trying to get most of it off.
“My husband calling me the worst? How cold, how cruel, of him.” His voice nothing but teasing, as he goes back to working on the bread.
It’s been so long, but you can’t help but bury your face in his back, whining at being called his.
“My love, it’s been two years, and I call you that nearly every day. You reactions never fail to make my heart race though.”
He’s right, your reactions are always so cute, and leave him falling deeper in love. Just seeing how you react to being called his husband, never fails to make him a little flustered.
“You have no right! You’re my husband too ya know.”
Ingo can feel his face burning.
He knows you’re right, seeing as how he acts the exact same when you call him that too.
You both continue on, buttering a pan and setting the dough neatly inside it. Now to wait for it to rest. In the meantime you both clean up, and making sure to take off the flour covered aprons to avoid another incident.
Once that was done, Ingo turns to you, watching you wash your hands.
He can’t believe he got so lucky to meet a someone like you, someone so kind, so sweet, so funny, you’re truly the light of his life, he’s so happy he married you.
“Stop staring at me.” Your soft voice breaks him from his trance.
You look so bashful under his stare, he can’t help but find you perfect.
You hear Ingo walk away, before hearing the music being turned up. Your ears perk up to him walking back to you, before your hand is grab and your world spinning as you’re twirled around.
“May I have this dance, my prince?”
You breathlessly chuckle, smiling so brightly at your husband.
“Of course, my love.”
It’s like the world disappears, leaving just you and Ingo. He moves with grace, gently swaying you around the kitchen.
Even having been with the subway boss for so long, he still knows how to make you swoon. Your laughter fills the kitchen, as Ingo dips you down, kissing you once more, stealing what little breath you had left.
Before lifting you up and twirling you out of his arms as the song comes to a close. But he still holds your hands, making sure to kiss the backs of them with his eyes never leaving yours.
“No fair, you kiss me so much, but you never let me return the favor. How can I shower my beloved in affection in these conditions?”
The stoic man simple laughs, he knows you’ll get him back for all this, but for right now he wants to enjoy this.
Bread having been left to rest, is now perfect for the oven, which you both happily do, setting a timer real quick, before moving to the living room.
You push Ingo to the couch, flipping on top on him. His deep chuckle rumbling in his chest, as you squirm up and get cozy.
Your face buried into his neck, with your hands gripping his shirt. His own arms around you, holding your tightly to him.
The house smells so good with the honey flavored bread, slowly wafting through the air.
Ingo is going to hate having to get up, or to let you up, he likes holding you, and doesn’t want to stop.
It’ll come eventually, but for right now he just wants to bask in your presence.
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So I wrote a fanfic for my welcome home tangled au. It’s in a style of a lost script but I also wanted to capture the vibes of lost episode creepypastas without making it cringe. I think I overdid it with the length..
Oh well!
@thor-is-trans-and-pan-he-told-me @royallydivinelesbian
(I wrote this in like three days so I’m sorry if it’s bit off)
(Scene fades into a forest)
This is the story of how light defeated the darkness..
Don’t worry! It is actually a very fun story! And the truth is that isn’t even the main focus! This is the story of two friends, one trapped and one with a key. And it starts..
(The scene changes to a night sky, filled with stars)
(Serious again)
With the stars, now
(Cut to a paper animation of a star falling from the sky)
Once upon a time, a star fell from the heavens onto the earth. Gracing the mortal realm with its light
(Cut to a paper animation of the star on earth. It fades away, leaving a drop on the ground)
And where that star landed..
(A paper stop motion of a flower growing where the drop was plays)
Grew a magic golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured. It was a miracle.
(A live action man will enter the scene. He will be old and creepy with faded rainbow hair and broken horns peeking out from his hood)
Oh, you see that old man right there? He’s important. You see, instead of sharing the gift, the old man hoarded the flower’s magic to keep himself young forever.
(The old man kneels down to the flower, looking around suspiciously and distrustful)
And all he had to do.. was sing a special song
(The old man smiles weakly as he starts to sing)
The old man:
Starlight, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Cover up the innocent eyes
The innocent eyes..
(The old man covers up his face, allowing us to replace him with a younger actor when he shows his face. The now young man hears a noise and covers up the flower with a fake bush only to knock to it down accidentally when he leaves)
But not everything lasts forever… For a king and queen were seeking the flower to heal the queen.
(Two puppets enter. They are royalty. The woman is pregnant and sick)
(The puppets see the flower and are overjoyed. They take the flower out of the ground)
They tore the plant from the ground, not knowing of the song that could heal her
(Cut to the king putting the flower in water and the queen drinking it)
The magic of the flower healed the queen and soon..
(Cut to the newborn prince in his cradle. He is played by a puppet)
A healthy baby boy was born, with the same miracle healing powers of the flower.
(the queen picks up the prince, happy at her son. The king puts an oversized crown on the prince’s head. The prince giggles.)
(Cut to the king and queen lighting a lantern to the sky)
To celebrate his birth, the king and queen launched a flying lanterns in the sky. Up to touch the beautiful suns and stars. And for that one moment, everything was perfect..
(Cut to a shadowy figure. He opens his gray eyes filled with unbridled hatred)
And then that moment ended..
(Cut to the old man once again. He breaks into the castle nursery, getting weaker by the second. He eyes the baby prince, who is sound asleep. The old man wields a knife. He inches closer towards the baby and-
Unfortunately we could not find the rest of the pages of this scene and those we could were too damaged to restore. It can be assumed that the old man kidnapped the baby and one member even speculates that he killed the king and queen but it is never confirmed. However we did manage to find the rest of the prologue:
-the kingdom searched and searched but they could not find the prince. For deep within the forest, now floating, the house rised the prince as their own
-Shield what could be lost
Cover up the innocent eyes
The innocent eyes
(Cut to the walls, cracked and worn. They glow a yellow glow and they become good as new. An eye opens from the walls, it’s flesh and bone, looking at the 6 year old prince, now named Wally)
Thank you..
You are welcome, Home
(Wally looked out at the window. It is closed and draped with curtains)
Home, could I go outside today?
(The eye lowers itself to a sorrowful position)
Oh no, no, no. I’ve seen the outside, and it is dangerous and chaotic. You are better staying with me, where you’re safe. Do you understand, starlight?
Yes, Home
(Wally puts his hands on the wall, clearly meant to be a hug. They both close their eyes)
But his walls could not contain everything..
(Cut to Wally creeping out of his room, the house is empty, devoid of life)
Each year on his birthday, the kingdom lit up the night sky with many bright lanterns
(Cut to Wally opening the window and looking to the sky. The camera cuts to outside with hundreds of thousands lanterns floating up to the heavens)
In hopes that one day..
(Cut to Wally looking at the lanterns with a longing look on his face)
The lost prince will come back home..
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theycallmenub · 10 months
-1- Pit Stop
He felt his situation was a bit odd; peculiar, even. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could never go to sleep. He couldn’t distinguish the heat of a cooking pan or the chill of a frosty night. His usual companions were little critters who littered his body whenever he got lost in thought. And the mere sight of him drove the people from their homes.
He could have sworn humans walked, spoke, and looked like him. So why did they call him a monster?
“Sanji! I’m hungry!”
“Well, maybe if you didn’t raid the pantry last night, you’d have something to eat right now!”
“But I was hungry then too…” A boy pouted, seconds away from his blonde cook’s beating.
A ginger-haired woman leaned over the railing, a bit starved and irritated by her captain’s lack of selflessness. In her hand was a brilliantly drawn map, unfinished by a few kilometers they were sure to cover before the sunset. Then they would officially be at the Red Line–
“GUYS! GUYS! I SEE AN ISLAND!” She heard one of her crewmates shout. Without a second thought, their captain cheered, hoisting himself on the head of the Going Merry while shouting, “FULL SPEED AHEAD, NAMI!”
Nami pinched the bridge of her nose, keeping the helm steady while the rest of the crew took their positions.
‘Just a pitstop. Looks pretty deserted, maybe I’ll take its measurements while we’re there’ She thought, a smile blessing her beautiful face as her grip tightened on the map.
What had been thought to be uninhabited was actually a bustling beach of people, busying themselves with creating weaponry, training themselves, and throwing the occasional knife at trees with intricate drawings.
The Strawhat pirates believed that they’d be in for the fight of their lives. Imagine their surprise when, instead of attacking the pirates, a roar of cheers and smiling faces greeted them.
“Travelers, oh, travelers! Please HELP US!” One cried above the rest in the crowd that surrounded them. The captain grimaced at the plea while one long-nosed fellow jumped at the chance to be showered in their good graces.
“I, the great captain Usopp, shall listen to your woe. My men and I, as well as the three thousand to follow behind us, will help you in your time of need!”
The others glared at their crewmate as the voice came to stand before them; an old man with crazed hair and war paint adorning his wrinkled features. He told a story they were reluctant to believe.
A few nights before, one of the villagers returned home to find his door broken and every room ransacked. Around that hour, another family experienced something similar, the only difference being that they were awakened by it.
By the time they’d armed themselves and investigated, the culprit was nowhere to be found. Once the news of these crimes spread, the citizens had no doubt that the criminal would strike again. Some volunteered to watch the town’s borders that night while the rest hurried inside.
But they could never have imagined the monster lurking around their town.
To add to the repeated offense, it had been reported that one of the volunteers had gone missing. The family wept for their youngest as the villagers grew restless still. The next night, more volunteered, and one never came to roll call. What had been a simple pair of burglaries turned into the darkest period of the island’s history. It was a painful loop where some had only assumptions as to what had happened to their possessions or loved ones.
One morning, however, just as the sun rose, a yell could be heard from outside the border. The villagers, half of what populace they had been, gathered at the gate and witnessed the cause of their weeks of anguish.
A volunteer, nearly unrecognizable in her wounds, ran from a man at the forest border.
At the mere mention of him, the people wailed and shrieked how his blue veins crept, how his vessel bore a heinous shade of gray, his eyes that shone the embers of hell; the very epiphony of death itself.
“W-we’ve become the victims of a monster–a zombie!”
A shiver ran down the pirates’ spine, save for their captain–who’d only heard keywords from the story.
“SHUT UP, LUFFY!” Nami was quick to hit the strawhat over the head while the chef glared at his quivering crewmate.
“Help ‘em in their time of need, huh?”
“Hh-ehh-ehehe, w-w-we don’t actually nneed t-to help–”
“Oooh, the Great Captain Usopp going against his word? Tsk tsk tsk” The cook smirked, turning his head to make a jab at the swordsman who was being suspiciously quiet.
“Hey, where’s–?”
“You have to help us! You don’t know how many we’ve lost!”
“We’ll give you anything! Anything!”
“Save us, pleeease!”
The crowd swarmed the pirates, so much so that they had to scramble to keep their footing.
“Wait, he can’t be on the ship–!”
“Ship, our ship sounds g-gr-great right now! Let’s go back t-to the Merry, huh? Wh-who’s with me?!”
“Uh, yeah, no island’s measurements can come before my life, nuh-uh.”
“But I’m hunngryyyy! And the zooooombbiieee! I wanna see ‘immm!”
“Hold on, I think Mosshead’s miss–!”
In the fraction of a millisecond between his comment and the interruption, Sanji felt annoyed. He had something pretty significant to convey, but the world seemed against it. His subconscious swore that the next thing to get in his way would pay the price two-fold.
The cook snapped his neck towards who clutched his arm, ready to kick at max force; but was quick to turn to putty once he became aware of the softness that came with it.
“Please, sir,” A woman whimpered, breasts almost as voluptuous as Nami’s, “I’ll do anything to avenge my father.”
Sanji’s face hardened. A beautiful woman weeping for the loss of her loved one, clinging onto him? He looked over the sea of villagers and saw beauties past the war painted faces, brinking on tears and gazing upon a potential hero; him.
His third eye awakened, specifically meant for lovely, rational scenarios. It came to the conclusion that, if he defeated this monster thing, all the ladies would smother him in their affections.
That was all Sanji needed to look his captain dead in the eyes and say, “Let’s go zombie-hunting.”
The boy smiled, “Mm! I was gonna anyways!”
“Wait, where’s Zoro?”
The sun steadily fell and its warm honey light peered through treetops and low ferns. It was a fairly tamed piece of land, considering the island’s rather lengthy history, but never had more than one official path; to make travel easier for the young and old.
So how was it that a man in the prime of youth, with a body ripped to the brim, and undoubtedly sharp instincts strayed from that simple strip of dirt and made his way deeper into the forest?
“Ah shit, where’d my bandana go?” He muttered.
He lost his bandana.
And then got lost himself.
Zoro Roronoa was a man of few things. The clothes on his back, the haramaki around his torso, and the three swords on his waist were seemingly replaceable to any common man. But like the rest of the Strawhat pirates, he was no normal man.
They were his items and all had their place.
The bandana, for example, was crucial in keeping sweat from his eyes and making him look more threatening. It would have been a great help in the battle against the weirdos they were approaching on the beach, but as soon as he untied it, the wind snatched the fabric and threw it in the opposite direction.
Would the situation wound his pride semi-significantly? Probably.
Would he admit it to his crew? Absolutely not.
Zoro figured he’d just need to pick up the pace, considering there was no commotion to be found. If he were lucky, the wind would bring his bandana to him and he’d still be able to warm up with some beach underlings.
But the swordsman was in the middle of some uncharted land. There was little to no chance he’d make it out that soon, let alone stumble into anyone that could help him out–
Zoro thought the smell that’d been following him was the aftermath of him training rather than bathing over the past week. But with the arrival of the man in front of him, he could rest assured that he wasn’t the grossest guy in the world.
“Uh…hey.” He replied, eyeing the guy from his choppy light hair to his veiny feet. Upon closer inspection, he looked like he belonged in a morgue.
He felt a headache coming on.
“Look, I’m not trying to help some rando out.” He said, nauseated by the man’s scent. Maybe he really was dead, but the swordsman couldn’t judge considering he was headstrong against showering too. “Get outta here before you kill me with that stench or something”
Zoro trudged past him to get back to his previous task.
He trudged faster.
He wondered why the most stubborn people had to pop up when he least wanted them to.
Zoro hesitated, looking back in earnest hopes that the guy was far enough to where his nose wouldn’t become permanently blind. Luckily, he had kept his distance.
“Me? I need help? How about you mind your own business and crawl back into whatever grave you came from.” He bit bluntly, waiting for the man to, essentially, lose his shit so he could put his swords to good use.
However, he didn’t. Not a single word came from his dark blue lips as he approached the ever-so-wary man. “Hey, don’t come so close! You reek!”
He raised his hand like clockwork, almost reaching for the back of his neck before seemingly changing his mind. Instead, his finger came up to the rim of his ear and tapped twice in a very showy way.
Zoro had wondered a lot since the beginning of their encounter. Who was this freak? Why did he look like a freak? Why did he act like a freak? Why was he bugging him? And what the hell was up with his one-worded sentences?
Yet it was at this point of his sheer curiosity that led to him witnessing an entire month’s worth of nightmares crawling out of the man’s ear. It was like some intervention from the world–how all the questions he’d asked himself were answered unanimously.
He is a freak.
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libidomechanica · 4 days
“Sobs, blanked some fiece of the sliding, rubbed at late which”
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0 notes
taimio · 8 months
Unleash the Nutritional Wonders of Purple Cauliflower
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Purple cauliflower, with its vibrant hue and nutritional punch, has become a popular addition to the produce aisle. This article explores the origins, nutritional benefits, culinary uses, and unique characteristics of this colorful cruciferous vegetable.
Purple Cauliflower: A Colorful Nutrition Powerhouse
Oh, purple cauliflower, you beautiful and mysterious veggie. Who would have thought that something so vibrant could also be so delicious and nutritious? As a self-proclaimed food adventurer, I couldn't resist diving into the world of purple cauliflower and exploring its many benefits. Prepare to have your taste buds tantalized and your health game elevated!
Why Purple Cauliflower?
Let's start with the obvious question: why go for the purple variety when the regular white cauliflower has been holding it down for years? Well, my friend, sometimes it's good to shake things up and add a little color to your plate. Plus, purple cauliflower is not just a pretty face; it packs a serious nutritional punch.
One of the main advantages of purple cauliflower is its high anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are the pigments responsible for the vibrant purple hue, and they also happen to be powerful antioxidants. These little warriors help fight off those pesky free radicals and may even have anti-inflammatory properties. Talk about a double win!
Cooking with Confidence
Now that we've established the superiority of purple cauliflower, let's talk about how to wield this colorful nutrition powerhouse in the kitchen. I don't know about you, but I like to keep things simple, so here are a few easy and tasty ways to incorporate purple cauliflower into your meals:
Roast it: Toss florets with olive oil, sprinkle some salt and pepper, and roast them in the oven until they're crisp and golden. The heat will intensify the purple color, making it a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds.
Mashed magic: Boil the cauliflower until tender, then mash it up with butter, garlic, and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Not only will you have a vibrant purple mash, but you'll also have a side dish that would make any regular mashed potato jealous.
Stir-fry sensation: Chop up the cauliflower into bite-sized pieces, throw it into a hot pan with some colorful veggies, and sauté it until it's tender-crisp. Add your favorite sauce or spices, and voila! A purple stir-fry that will make your dinner guests go wild.
Final Thoughts
As with any food trend, it's important to remember that variety is key. While purple cauliflower is undoubtedly a nutrition powerhouse, it's always best to mix it up and enjoy a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. But hey, don't let that stop you from indulging in the beauty and benefits of purple cauliflower every once in a while.
So, my fellow food enthusiasts, let's embrace the purple cauliflower revolution and let its vibrant presence grace our plates. Whether you're a nutrition nerd or simply an adventurous eater, this colorful veggie is sure to bring joy and health to your culinary escapades. Happy cooking!
Learn more about gardening with Taim.io!
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