#it's rare
mehilaiselokuva · 9 months
Finnish municipality name generator
(Sorry if there's a doublet!)
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Guide: Choose 1-2 from the yellow box and finish with 1 from the pink box! Remember to conjugate!
Example: Kauhanurmi, Kyyvaara, Jäminen, Kemiranta
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annemarieyeretzian · 7 months
chetney telling ashton “if you’re going to do things for yourself, then do them! but don’t risk us! I understand what it’s like to look out for yourself… but if I thought I couldn’t control this, I would’ve fucking left!” is Pissing Me Off
you couldn't control this, you bit orym not once, but twice and intended to lie to the rest of the party about it but – after giving you a chance to come forward yourself – orym brought it up after the second bite and then when everyone else was aware of the situation they supported and literally fought for you
only after the forced disclosure did you start to take responsibility and remove yourself from the party when you felt you couldn't control it (re: F.R.I.D.A.)
come correct or get corrected
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aquidragon · 2 years
new family [Leon Kennedy x Reader]
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hello, take a quick attempt to write Papa!Leon! I don’t want kids myself but it was nice to indulge. Enjoy! If you want to read more Papa!Leon content, I’d suggest looking into @cilantro24 ‘s work!  Rating: T (16+) Content Warning(s): brief implication of sex/nudity (not directly stated though), mentions of pregnancy and childbirth Word Count: 933 ---
Leon never planned on having kids, well, maybe he did once as a bright-eyed young man before Raccoon City. Perhaps with his ex-girlfriend, whom broke up with him the day before that fateful night; when his life changed forever. In fact, he never considered starting a family after that night. However, it seemed that fate, his enemy, had other plans for him. 
He never intended to get married, the thought of placing the burden of his trauma on someone else had always bothered him. There were women in his life that he was interested in, perhaps even loved, but his fear of commitment kept him away. Leon had always kept things at an arm’s length, away from his heart, in a desperate attempt to protect himself.
That all changed when he met you. A beautiful, perfect woman, with eyes that caught him in his tracks. Never did he believe in love at first sight, as a jaded man, but something about you transformed his horrific life into a fairytale. Carnage had turned into bouquets of flowers, and late-night dates. 
Finally, for the first time in over half a decade, he had let someone in. You were his rock, and he was yours. A balance that Leon couldn’t even have dreamed about, frankly, something that he would’ve never fathomed. 
Then there was you, dressed in angelic white, down the aisle. Your glossy lips were wide on her face, as he took your hands in his own. Your vows were short and sweet, Leon admitted he wasn’t a man of many words, but he meant everything as soon as he slid the golden band on your finger. 
Your honeymoon was beyond splendid, in a secluded cabin in the mountains, far away from any possible zombies or government orders. Skinny dipping in a hot tub, sharing a bottle of expensive whiskey, after opening all of your wedding gifts. The agent’s mouth was hot on your neck, as he groaned your new name into your skin, “Mrs. Kennedy.” 
It was agony to part with you for work, as soon as you two returned to DC, as official newlyweds. The weeks were terribly long as Leon spent hours upon hours away from his wife, although he had been yours for over two years. His lips pressed against your forehead as he departed for the White House, which led him off to another mission, away from home. 
He dropped his duffel bags as he stepped through the front door, his dirty blonde hair was almost brown with all the grease and dirt that had accumulated. Exhausted blue eyes scanned the dim living room, trying to spot your figure, as he called out your name. 
Leon furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at his watch, it was barely past nine; you shouldn’t be asleep yet. Cautiously, he walked down the hallway, and turned the corner into the master bedroom. You were kneeling on the queen-sized mattress, holding an odd object in one hand, as the other one was scrunched up in your hair. 
“Sweetheart, what are you doing in the dark?” He asked, clicking on the lights, brightening the room. 
You jumped, and spun around to look at your husband. “You’re home.” The statement sounded more like a question as you threw your hands around your back. “Why didn’t you text me?” 
Leon smiled, uneasily. “I did.”
Your mouth fell agape slightly as you reached for your cellphone, flipping it open, and looking at the message. Your expression fell as you realized that he did, indeed, texted you. Roughly thirty minutes ago, as soon as he landed back in the states. 
“Oh,” you sounded embarrassed, “I was busy.” 
Your husband chuckled as he sat on the bed beside you, the box springs squeaking in protest at the sudden weight. “What are you hiding?” He asked, pressing a chaste peck to your cheek. 
You bit your lip, and looked away. “It’s, something.” 
Leon’s dark eyebrows quirked upward, noticing your anxious fidgeting. “Oh? What is it?” He questioned gently. 
You exhaled deeply, shoulders visibly lowering before you took another inhale. After gathering your senses, you looked at your lover, looking into his bold cobalt blue eyes. You swallowed, squeezing your eyes shut as you shoved the pink object into his hands. “I’m pregnant.” 
Nine months flew by before Leon had known it, a tiny, bundle of human cooed in his arms. He smiled at his newborn, who looked up at him with curious, sapphire eyes. “Look at you, so small.” The blonde used one of his fingers to tickle the infant’s nose, who squealed with laughter. “Take after your daddy, don’t you?” 
“He certainly does,” you responded, tiredly from the hospital bed. “He is a spitting image of you.” 
Leon looked at you with glee, genuine joy lighting across his face. “He has your hair and lips!” Your husband pointed out, lowering your son so you could see. 
This made you laugh, shaking your head. “I know what our son looks like Leon, I gave birth to him five hours ago.” 
The agent brought the baby back closer to his chest, and let out a deep hum. “You did amazing, I would’ve never seen myself here if it wasn’t for you.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to your temple. “You’ve made me into a husband and a father.” 
You snorted, leaning back onto your mountain of pillows. “You played at least fifty percent into that.” 
Leon smirked, bouncing the infant in his arms, starting to rock him to sleep. “I don’t regret it.” You smiled back at him, giggling softly. “Neither do I.” 
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movielosophy · 10 months
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Watakekkon ep 5 | Godo, you're just a third wheel
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kyuohki · 1 month
ok, i'm hyperventilating just a bit rn...
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mulderscully · 2 years
hard being a sunlight anti when the clocks are abt to change bc everyone expects me to relate to being sad about losing an hour of daylight and i'm just so relieved
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sub-lexicon · 11 months
I don't think of myself as good top/dominant at all, but every so often someone can bring out something in me...
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Just curious, how was Tila able to be diagnosed as schizophrenic when she is a literal teenager?
It's uncommon but not impossible for symptoms of Schizophrenia to show in kids and teens. It's known as "early-onset" schizophrenia when it is caught in someone under 18.
Also my Tila is 16 going on 17 probably soon, so she isn't a super young teen like I've seen some people headcanon her as (like I've seen some people who see her as 14 while others headcanon the crew as college students. Either is fine, but mine is 16).
Even children under 13 can be diagnosed with schizophrenia, which is called childhood-onset schizophrenia, but it is extremely rare.
Just because someone is young doesn't mean they are absolutely excluded from ever having some kind of mental condition (or physical). That's how you get people saying girl's can't have autism, young people can't have heart attacks, and only veterans can have PTSD (none of which are true).
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When it comes to casual flings and friends with benefits situation, Izumi doesn't mind, after all, they're immortal, so actual relationships are very much difficult for them.
In terms of actual attachment to others, Izumi can fall in love, but will often deny themselves, mostly out of worry that perhaps the other person doesn't feel the same or again, they don't want to deal with the pain of losing a loved one. They crush easily, and perhaps that's partially because they're a romantic at heart.
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yondamoegi · 2 years
I'm a shallow bitch and I can't stand ugly art in mangas. My sense of ugliness is very subjective tho.
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macdenlover · 11 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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pigswithwings · 11 months
"damn I'm crying over an insect" "why am I having such strong feelings over how the sky looks" "it's weird how happy this small thing made me feel" THAT'S BECAUSE YOU LIVE HERE!!!! you live on this earth. everything all the time is an experience, no matter how common or mundane. this world is unique. so are its small moments. it is good to enjoy a tiny thing. you love the world even at its smallest scale.
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spectralsleuth · 4 months
Reblog and put your rare pair in the tags/comments! I want to see the depths people will go to create, for the most random two characters in the most obscure media.
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“why would you write fics for small, unpopular fandoms? you’re not gonna reach that many hits in fandoms not many people know about” ?? because I’m not writing fics for hits or kudos, I’m writing them for me because these characters are my blorbos and I have so many ideas, so much thoughts about them that my brain might explode if I don’t write them out.
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 11 months
Came back wrong this, came back monstrous that
What if they came back loving? What if they came back in love. What if the necromancy worked and you cheated death and it's everything you've ever wanted, but now they love you in a way they never did before and you cannot know if that is because they finally know the lengths you are willing to go for them, or because something in this deathless magic bound their soul to yours to guide them home and it left them no. choice.
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