aquidragon · 2 years
new family [Leon Kennedy x Reader]
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hello, take a quick attempt to write Papa!Leon! I don’t want kids myself but it was nice to indulge. Enjoy! If you want to read more Papa!Leon content, I’d suggest looking into @cilantro24 ‘s work!  Rating: T (16+) Content Warning(s): brief implication of sex/nudity (not directly stated though), mentions of pregnancy and childbirth Word Count: 933 ---
Leon never planned on having kids, well, maybe he did once as a bright-eyed young man before Raccoon City. Perhaps with his ex-girlfriend, whom broke up with him the day before that fateful night; when his life changed forever. In fact, he never considered starting a family after that night. However, it seemed that fate, his enemy, had other plans for him. 
He never intended to get married, the thought of placing the burden of his trauma on someone else had always bothered him. There were women in his life that he was interested in, perhaps even loved, but his fear of commitment kept him away. Leon had always kept things at an arm’s length, away from his heart, in a desperate attempt to protect himself.
That all changed when he met you. A beautiful, perfect woman, with eyes that caught him in his tracks. Never did he believe in love at first sight, as a jaded man, but something about you transformed his horrific life into a fairytale. Carnage had turned into bouquets of flowers, and late-night dates. 
Finally, for the first time in over half a decade, he had let someone in. You were his rock, and he was yours. A balance that Leon couldn’t even have dreamed about, frankly, something that he would’ve never fathomed. 
Then there was you, dressed in angelic white, down the aisle. Your glossy lips were wide on her face, as he took your hands in his own. Your vows were short and sweet, Leon admitted he wasn’t a man of many words, but he meant everything as soon as he slid the golden band on your finger. 
Your honeymoon was beyond splendid, in a secluded cabin in the mountains, far away from any possible zombies or government orders. Skinny dipping in a hot tub, sharing a bottle of expensive whiskey, after opening all of your wedding gifts. The agent’s mouth was hot on your neck, as he groaned your new name into your skin, “Mrs. Kennedy.” 
It was agony to part with you for work, as soon as you two returned to DC, as official newlyweds. The weeks were terribly long as Leon spent hours upon hours away from his wife, although he had been yours for over two years. His lips pressed against your forehead as he departed for the White House, which led him off to another mission, away from home. 
He dropped his duffel bags as he stepped through the front door, his dirty blonde hair was almost brown with all the grease and dirt that had accumulated. Exhausted blue eyes scanned the dim living room, trying to spot your figure, as he called out your name. 
Leon furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at his watch, it was barely past nine; you shouldn’t be asleep yet. Cautiously, he walked down the hallway, and turned the corner into the master bedroom. You were kneeling on the queen-sized mattress, holding an odd object in one hand, as the other one was scrunched up in your hair. 
“Sweetheart, what are you doing in the dark?” He asked, clicking on the lights, brightening the room. 
You jumped, and spun around to look at your husband. “You’re home.” The statement sounded more like a question as you threw your hands around your back. “Why didn’t you text me?” 
Leon smiled, uneasily. “I did.”
Your mouth fell agape slightly as you reached for your cellphone, flipping it open, and looking at the message. Your expression fell as you realized that he did, indeed, texted you. Roughly thirty minutes ago, as soon as he landed back in the states. 
“Oh,” you sounded embarrassed, “I was busy.” 
Your husband chuckled as he sat on the bed beside you, the box springs squeaking in protest at the sudden weight. “What are you hiding?” He asked, pressing a chaste peck to your cheek. 
You bit your lip, and looked away. “It’s, something.” 
Leon’s dark eyebrows quirked upward, noticing your anxious fidgeting. “Oh? What is it?” He questioned gently. 
You exhaled deeply, shoulders visibly lowering before you took another inhale. After gathering your senses, you looked at your lover, looking into his bold cobalt blue eyes. You swallowed, squeezing your eyes shut as you shoved the pink object into his hands. “I’m pregnant.” 
Nine months flew by before Leon had known it, a tiny, bundle of human cooed in his arms. He smiled at his newborn, who looked up at him with curious, sapphire eyes. “Look at you, so small.” The blonde used one of his fingers to tickle the infant’s nose, who squealed with laughter. “Take after your daddy, don’t you?” 
“He certainly does,” you responded, tiredly from the hospital bed. “He is a spitting image of you.” 
Leon looked at you with glee, genuine joy lighting across his face. “He has your hair and lips!” Your husband pointed out, lowering your son so you could see. 
This made you laugh, shaking your head. “I know what our son looks like Leon, I gave birth to him five hours ago.” 
The agent brought the baby back closer to his chest, and let out a deep hum. “You did amazing, I would’ve never seen myself here if it wasn’t for you.” He leaned over and pressed his lips to your temple. “You’ve made me into a husband and a father.” 
You snorted, leaning back onto your mountain of pillows. “You played at least fifty percent into that.” 
Leon smirked, bouncing the infant in his arms, starting to rock him to sleep. “I don’t regret it.” You smiled back at him, giggling softly. “Neither do I.” 
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alicerosejensen · 8 months
Tags: Dad!Leon(Older), Leon is the girl's father; fluff.
Warning: There are none.
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He was really afraid of becoming a father. It's not so much the news of your pregnancy that scares him, but the likelihood that an innocent child may be harmed. His child. Leon is paranoid to worry about you and the baby. He'll probably get drunk before he puts that thought in his head. Don't get him wrong, he wants a family, he had plans after completing the police academy to get married in a few years and have two children, he still wants a family, but his fear devours this desire entirely because he knows that if something happens to the child and you one day, he just won't survive it.
It takes two to tango so I don't think he'll start getting angry and blaming you for everything. Leon just needs a little time, but when this happens and he thinks it over, he will want to transport you to some place that he thinks is safe.
You might have to get into a long debate with him, but this guy doesn't want anything like the Winters family to happen to his family. If someone kidnaps his child, he will simply go wild.
Due to the fact that he is a government agent, all information about you is classified. Also, if a bioterrorist attack suddenly occurs, you will be quickly evacuated along with your child. At least that's what Leon wants to believe.
The house will be nice and simple (perhaps like the Baker's house but without additional extensions) I think Leon likes something classic and cozy rather than modern and abstract. It is unlikely that you will be against it, especially since he does not skimp on quality items and excellent appliances.
Your child will definitely have a great room at all stages of growing up. But when the baby is born, Leon will still insist that the baby girl sleep next to him and with you for the first time. He would have put her in the middle of the bed, but since it was not safe, he agreed to just put the crib on his side. He's just calmer that way.
“Look, I found a catalog with a whole selection of cribs. There are different options, classic, round, even some very strange ones, what position should the child lie in?”
You will laugh, but in the end you will find the right option. Not too expensive, but first you need to explain to Leon that the baby in the first months of life will definitely not be whimsical in which bed he sleeps on. Leon, of course, knows this, as well as the fact that many of the toys that he has already ordered will not be needed by his daughter until at least six months, but he cannot do anything about it.
Choosing a name is a whole challenge. You two will have a debate about this when you find out the gender of the baby. Leon will want a simple name and will roll his eyes when you read him rare names from your notebook.
"Laura, Mary, Ashley, Sarah, Jessica, Kate? These names are for weaklings! Need something crazy and original, right?"
It will really be difficult, but he will win and his daughter will have a normal name.
When his baby is born and Leon holds her for the first time… you will see tears running down his cheeks. He would have kissed this pink, swaddled bundle of joy, but he just sat there, held her in his arms and cried from the fact that he was now the father of a little girl.
This girl will be lucky as hell. Her father would literally give her the whole world at her whim so you're a little worried that she might grow up spoiled. However, while she is a baby, your only problem is the fact that your daughter loves to be held in her arms because Leon constantly carries her around the house, showing her things and telling her some stories.
Leon will wake up at the first cry and immediately try to calm her down. Change a diaper? hungry? If you are not breastfeeding, Leon will easily prepare the formula and feed her. Sometimes you think that he is a better mother than you.
The best toys, a special children's area when your daughter begins to explore the world around her, beautiful and comfortable onesies. Your daughter will definitely have a bodysuit with the inscription "daddy's princess"
A stern special agent in the White House and on missions, Leon becomes an affectionate bear at home.
He is a truly caring dad. Watching cartoons with her, coloring coloring books, playing games when she grows up. This child is the only person who can attack him from behind and Leon’s reflexes simply won’t work.
Often he needs your help and advice on what to do best. He will especially need your help when her first childhood love and first broken heart happen. Because he can get really angry at anyone who causes his baby any pain. He really doesn’t understand how it’s possible not to love her, but more on that later.
At the age of 3-6 years, Leon can only be seriously shocked by some accidental injury or illness. Be serious but he will panic even if it is a common cold. You will have to work hard so that he doesn’t drop all his business and take your daughter straight to the doctors for all the examinations. Of course, you will dissuade him, but he will repeatedly check the baby while she is in bed. He will kiss her on the forehead and lie with her for a while so that she does not worry (even if she was initially calm). It would also literally break his heart if Leon heard you sneeze.
She will definitely be daddy's princess. She almost literally walks on his head, does her dad's hair with pink bobby pins and combs his bangs, and paints his nails with polish. Leon allows her to do almost everything to him. But of course he won't come to work with pink nail polish.
Support any hobby. It could be dancing, drawing or playing football. The main thing is that she likes it herself.
What Leon definitely won’t allow is to look into his safe where he stores weapons and ammunition. The password will be complex and only he will know it. This is one of the few things that Leon forbids his child.
He, of course, loves his baby and is ready to do anything for her, but… he won’t have a second child. Every time he returns home, a terrible thought comes to his mind: “What if something terrible happens to my family.” He often has a nightmare in which you and your daughter have turned into zombies, so he will need a drink.
I think one day, when your daughter woke up, she left her room and went down to the first floor, holding in her hands the plush bunny with whom she usually sleeps. She saw her father sitting at the table with a bottle of whiskey as he simply looked thoughtfully into his glass.
Leon, of course, immediately noticed her and looked at her. God, tears will immediately flow from his eyes when he stretches out his hands to her and your daughter runs to him. His arms wrap her tightly in his arms and pull her onto his lap. You will see this picture and the perplexed look of children's blue eyes turned to you when your husband is just sitting at the table, holding his beloved child and crying because he is fucking AFRAID!
You understand why Leon behaves this way. He finds it difficult to get rid of these thoughts because of his job. He survived Raccoon City, Tall Oaks, saved the president's daughter in Spain from parasite-infected fanatics, and a whole bunch of other crap that you probably don't even know about. He has every reason to be afraid and sometimes you regret that you did this to him. Although you know that Leon loves your daughter with him, the very thought that something like this will happen to her simply destroys him to the core.
Your little girl wipes the tears from his cheeks and kisses her daddy on the cheek, telling him that he doesn’t need to cry. Leon simply presses her too tightly, feeling her scent. If he could put an end to zombies and their creators once and for all…
Leon will take her and you back to the bedroom. Next to the two of you, he will be able to sleep a little peacefully, but you know that his sleep is never sound.
You try to talk to him but he pushes you away. He really loves you, but he hates it when people mess with his brain. Of course, whiskey is a bad medicine and Leon himself does not want his daughter to find out that her dad sometimes has the weakness to drink, thereby ignoring his problems, but still… no matter how hard he tries to be perfect, he is not perfect.
When your daughter goes to school, Leon will rejoice at any of her successes. She will also help with homework as much as needed. He will explain everything in detail, clearly and without shouting (sorry, this is a sore subject for me).
He will not always be able to attend school events, unlike you, but if possible he will not miss them. However, he asks you to record everything on camera.
Oh yes, on his desk at home there is a framed family photo of the three of you in the park, joyful and carefree.
So, adolescence is…complicated. Leon understands that his baby will begin to grow up and has no problem organizing small changes in her room. And he also understands that hormones are coming into play. Sometimes screams and anger accompanied by loud slamming of the door are simply inevitable.
That's the time when he can really start to get angry and swear in response, so you realize you need to cool his temperament… The truth is that you really have to punish your daughter when she crosses all boundaries.
Nevertheless, if something suddenly happens, she will always run to Leon, knowing that he will protect her. He may be angry, but as mentioned above, he will do everything possible so that nothing happens to his family.
Partying with friends at night? Absolutely not! Never! Have pity on the old man's heart. Leon will find a bunch of reasons not to let her go anywhere at night. After all, there will be alcohol, shitty guys who can offend her or get her drunk and take advantage of this by ruining her life. Perhaps Leon will exaggerate, but until the age of 16 he will definitely be adamant about this. Sometimes being the daughter of a government agent just isn't possible.
And then, before letting her go to the party, he will sit her down on the sofa and give her a long lecture, telling her to always watch her drink, drink only what she pours for herself or is poured in front of her. If are distracted, do not drink under any circumstances, but take another glass! If someone pesters her, he will show several self-defense techniques and immediately tell to call him. Well, the cherry on the cake - he still won’t allow her to stay there all night. He also won’t bother with calls, but she will need to respond to all his SMS, if not… he will come right away.
Even you yourself will get tired of this overprotection, realizing that Leon often goes too far.
But you ask your daughter to be more lenient towards her father, because he is simply worried about her life. However, when you are young and have not seen what Leon saw, it is difficult to understand his actions and behavior.
There will be conflicts and there will be a lot of them.
The only thing that can make your daughter understand the actions of her father is if someone kidnaps her and confronts her with the infected, forcing her father to go to another wilderness inhabited by the infected. (bad version of events).
Leon will immediately go after her, promising you that he will return her safe and sound. He remembers how he saved Ashley, but she was already an adult girl and not a teenager who, at most, had seen horror films on TV.
Leon, like Barry or Ethan, is ready to kick the ass of any bastard who hurts his baby. In any case, he will do everything to save her.
I imagine this concept as a teenage girl hiding behind her father's back, holding on to his kurta or vest while he shoots enemies, sometimes throwing improvised objects like bottles or stones, stunning the opponents.
After returning home, she will hug you tightly and cry for the hundredth time, promising her father that she will no longer contradict him.
There is no need to say what condition Leon himself will be in after this personal rescue mission. All three of you will experience extreme stress after what happened.
In a good scenario, bypassing the kidnapping, peace between father and daughter would most likely have come much later, when the teenage years would have been long behind us. Probably this realization would have come to her when her naive view of the world ceased to be naive and she began to understand what her father had been struggling with for many years.
Oh yes, about first love. Leon would definitely be vigilant and keep a close eye on everything. He has a whole database and he will immediately run through all the boy’s data, having learned everything about him, and yet he doesn’t really like the idea that some dubious guy is hunting for his daughter.
If Leon realizes that this is an ordinary bastard who runs after every skirt… well, he will find a way to take him away from his treasure. If not and he's just a normal guy… he'll just watch and give a couple of warnings.
The first parting… Leon consoles as best he can, but he has no idea what to do. He himself got drunk and slept through his first day of work, but this option is definitely not suitable. That's why he needs your help again.
"Movies, books, maybe give her something? What can I do to stop her crying into her pillow?! I don't know what else to tell her!"
In the end, he will gain strength and give a good speech, comforting your daughter's broken heart. After all, life does not end with one boy who, in Leon’s opinion, only proved that he is not worthy of his daughter.
He's a good dad. Not ideal, but your daughter wouldn't want it any other way. Of course, she is sad that he may not be home for a long time and sometimes he is too suspicious, but he is her dad who will move the earth for her.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 7 months
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Hello, my little bumblebees!
Welcome to my tiny corner here on Tumblr.
You can find all of my works for multiple fandoms here <3
Here is who I write for and my request rules!
Fi's Christmas Market ☃️
Resident Evil
Leon S Kennedy
♥︎ Lost and Found ♧ 1. 2. 3. (Complete!)
• you survived Raccoon City with Leon, but got separated and thought he was dead. After 6 years, you reunite with him on a mission in Spain, rescuing Ashley Graham. What happens once he's pushed back into your life all of a sudden?
One shots
♥︎ Raindrops falling on my heart ♡
♥︎ Random Leon headcannons
♥︎ Sleepy desperation ♡ (nsfw)
♥︎ Rocking the Tides 🌊 (nsfw)
♥︎ Renaissance!Leon headcannons 🩷☁️ (nsfw)
♥︎ Everybody loves Somebody 🫀
♥︎ Back to me 🖤
♥︎ Brick by Brick 🎄
♥︎ Tradition and Love 🌹
♥︎ Red Ribbon ❣️ (nsfw)
♥︎ Stuffed Heart 🧸
♥︎ Siren!Leon headcannons 🧜🏼‍♂️🐚
♥︎ All I see is Red ♦️
♥︎ The honey to my moon 🌬 (nsfw)
♥︎ The Kiss of a Siren 🫧
♥︎ Holly-what?! 🎬
Jason Todd
♥︎ The Hercules to my Meg ♤
♥︎ Paper Rings 🩷
♥︎ Wrapped 🎁
Bale!Bruce Wayne
♥︎ BATtrayal
♥︎ My precious Jewel ♧ (nsfw)
♥︎ Dating Bruce has his assistant headcannons
♥︎ Bruce secretly being in love with assistant!reader
♥︎ Bruce x assistant!reader 3 ♡
♥︎ Burning Touch ♠︎ (nsfw)
♥︎ Deck the Halls 🎻
♥︎ Diamond Rings 💫 (nsfw)
♥︎ Bruce taking your virginity ♡ (nsfw)
♥︎ PALentines day 💋
♥︎ Sweet as a Peach 🍑
Dick Grayson
♥︎ Nightingale 🕊
Ghost (Band)
Terzo Emeritus
♥︎ Garden of Love ♡
♥︎ Phantom of my Soul 🌙
Stardew Valley
♥︎ Knight in shining armor
Baldur's Gate 3
♥︎ The sweetest Taste ♤
Linked universe
The Chain
♥︎ Home is where the Heart is 🌱
♥︎ Aching Heart left there in the Cold ♡
Call of duty
♥︎ TF141 w/ a chubby girl ♡
♥︎ TF141 getting a boudoir photo album as a wedding gift ♡ (nsfw)
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
♥︎ tit man Johnny hcs 🤍 (suggestive)
♥︎ Mo ghràdh mòr 🩶
Simon "Ghost" Riley
♥︎ Simon relationship hcs ♡
♥︎ Simon Riley NSFW hcs ♡
♥︎ Phantom of the Ball 🥀
♥︎ Königs German specific quirks <3
There's more to come~
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froggityboingerrr · 3 months
( Ninjago leak spoilers ish )
So they’re prob not gonna be a wolf warrior- but if Jay was, this is how I imagine Ras would try to recruit them. ( stupid doodle I’m never finishing) Shhhhh!!!! Jays trying to finish papas freezaria!!! ( one of my fav games fr 😔 )
( ft: ras, jay, jordanna, Leon ( @fernaldoishere ‘s oc, ember my oc, and cinder @nyaskitten totally oc ) also read my tags for extra detail btwwww
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drlettuce · 1 year
Merlin holding aithusa:baby my cute babey
Arthur:Merlin no!
Merlin: my scaly babey
Arthur:put that down!
Merlin: hold our scaly babey Arthur
Arthur: Merlin no where do you get that
Merlin:B-but scaly babey
Aithusa:*rawr* papa!!!!
Arthur: scaly babey
Arthur:come to papa!!!
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kevinthecrackhead · 15 days
Papa Louie Pals TikTok trend
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leonsliga · 9 months
Who would make the best coach post-retirement?
I’m thinking either Thomas Müller or Leon. I think Serge would make a good assistant coach.
Something about Jo naming his dad and his two bfs as possible managers of the future 🥰
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linobrocka · 4 months
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Iti Mapukpukaw ('The Missing', 2023)
direksyon ni Carl Joseph Papa
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pretty-blue-flower · 2 years
Casey: Sensei! 
Future Leonardo: I would both kill and die for you.
Casey: Excuse me?
(Do not tag as ship.)
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dgaftilwedie · 17 days
hai gang im back like 5 hours later here is the roster in question
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aquidragon · 2 years
Plaga Papa [Leon Kennedy x Reader]
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Las Plagas! Leon Kennedy x Reaer
Rating: T (brief sexual innuendo)  Content Warning(s): Plagas! Leon, hint of body horror
Word Count: 1035 --
“Leon! Your son is on top of the refrigerator again!” 
You called out, looking up helplessly from your stool as your son hissed at you from on top of the tall appliance. This was a regular bedtime occurrence for you, since the small child of yours hated having a bedtime. You knew it couldn’t be the plagas he had inherited from his father, but it was the stubbornness instead. 
A stubborn toddler, with superhuman abilities. 
You could hear your husband’s approaching footsteps from his office as you tried to reason with the boy, holding your arms out as welcoming as you could. “Come on Luis, it’s past your bedtime.” You begged.
“No! Bedtime bad!” Luis shouted, small spikes bristling on his back. His eyes were a bold red, as he scooted farther on the surface of the refrigerator, toppling over empty containers of Tupperware. 
You sighed, tempted to kneel down and plead for your toddler to come down from such a high place; hopefully to a place where you could reach. Frustrated, you sat down on the stool, looking up at the proud child, perched above you. Two warm hands rubbed your shoulders from behind, massaging your tense muscles.
You turned your head to see your husband, smiling at you with an amused twinkle in his cobalt eyes. You lightly smacked his chest, as he laughed. “Need help?” Leon teased cheekily. 
With an aggressive gesture, you pointed at your son, giggling wildly as he looked down at his parents. “Your Plaga-infected sperm is sitting on top of the fridge.” You gave Leon a tense smile. “-And it’s wayy past his bedtime.” You said the last part loudly, fighting to hold back your own laughter. 
Your husband snorted at your “Plaga-sperm” comment but didn’t comment on it. He was tall enough to look over the silver appliance without standing on a chair. “Luis, what did your mama say?” He asked, arms crossed. 
“Bedtime is dumb!” Luis insisted again, giving his father a partially toothless grin. “I don’t wanna go to bed!” Leon smirked, apparently finding the situation extremely amusing. “If you don’t come down in the count of three; I’ll get you myself.” He ordered sternly, sapphire eyes morphing into an intimidating scarlet. 
Typically, he didn’t like using his Plagas abilities to threaten people; but his son also had Plagas abilities. Fair game, right? 
Luis blanched from his position, his spikes flattening against his back as he visibly shrunk down. “One…” Leon started, raising his eyebrows, meaning business. 
Your son glanced at you with wide eyes, mirroring a deer in headlights. You shrugged at him, trying not to laugh. You were the simple human in this situation, you weren’t getting between two superhuman individuals. 
“Two…” Two pincer appendages erupted from Leon’s shoulders, with a disgusting sound of bones cracking. You almost gagged at the noise, but the intimidation seemed to be working on the Plaga-toddler. 
“Thre-” Luis lept from the top of the refrigerator, directly in your arms. His Plaga appendages vanished within his body, as he clung to your oversized t-shirt. He buried his face in your bosom, murmuring apologies into your chest as you held him.
You rose to your feet, holding up your son’s legs, carrying him to his bedroom. You almost tripped over a toy police cruiser as you made your way over to the small bed, placing him down on the mattress. He looked up at you with watery eyes, no longer crimson, but instead an oceanic blue. “I’m sorry, mama.” Luis sniffed. 
You let out a breathy laugh, brushing away his blonde baby curls from his face. “It’s alright, you need to stop climbing the fridge before bedtime, though.” You soothed, pulling his racecar blanket over his chin. 
“I won’t, I promise!” Luis insisted, smiling at you. 
“Good.” You pecked his forehead, turning off his bedside lamp. Despite the darkness, you knew he could still see in the dark, a trait inherited from his father. “Sleep well, darling. Goodnight.” You shut the door behind you with an exhausted sigh, but Leon was standing at the other end of the hallway. Looking down at the hardwood floor with a contemplative expression. You furrowed your eyebrows and walked over to him; resting a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Leon? Are you alright?” You asked sweetly, tracing his shoulder muscles tenderly. 
“Do you think he’s scared of me?” Your husband exhaled, almost like a sob. 
You blinked, surprised. “Luis? Of course not, he loves you.” 
Leon looked up at you, with an expression that broke your heart. “I felt awful threatening him.” 
You took one of his large hands in both of yours, with a comforting gesture. “I don’t think he’s scared, babe, he just needed a little push.” You kissed the palm of his hand affectionately. “God knows I can’t fish a toddler with inhuman abilities on my own.” 
Your husband snorted, as you both headed to your shared bedroom. “Maybe with a stool and a broom.” He finally cracked a small joke, which made you chuckle. 
The dim light of your bedroom was comforting as you began to loosen up. Leon was still in his dress shirt for work, now ripped due to his appendages. He quickly tore it off, and let it fall to the ground. “I liked that shirt.” The blonde grumbled as he collapsed into your arms on the bed. 
You kissed his hairline, holding him closer. “I know, you can buy a new one.” You slid your bodies up to the mountain of pillows resting against the bedframe. “Turn around, you need a back massage.” 
He groaned as he peeled himself off of you, turning around to face the wall. You knew that his back always hurt after using his extra pincers since it tore muscles around his shoulder blades and spine. You tenderly rubbed your fingers deep against his muscles, making him groan. “You have magic fingers.” Leon moaned, arching his back slightly. 
You smirked, lips briefly meeting the nape of his neck. “So are yours.” You teased, you swore you could see the plagas shiver inside of Leon’s skin. 
“Maybe, after this massage, I can use my magic fingers as well…” 
“That sounds good to me.”
I know choosing the child’s name to be Luis was predictable but t’s 10:22pm and I have a headache,, lemme live
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
I did it!
Papa!Leon and his sweet pumpkin daughter!
I died of cuteness while writing this. I think Leon would be a great father, but being a government agent means he's often away from home. Because of this, he feels wild guilt towards his wife and baby.
I hope you enjoy it too.
Warning: Papa Leon, his child is a girl.
I still stealing gifs and pinterest pictures.
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- Leon will definitely do everything to protect his family even from a potential threat. Your house with him is a small island of boundless peace and security. It has no place for bioweapons.
- And the first thing you need to know is that when leon finds out that his S/O is pregnant by him (even if they planned it for a child), he will be a little confused and scared. But only because he understands what a big responsibility falls on his shoulders: Leon wants to protect baby from any troubles.
- Of course, he already loves your child with him. He already has a couple of names in mind, if you don't mind.
- Leon will talk to his baby a lot, constantly stroking and kissing your belly. You will tell him that it is useless and the term is still too short, but he does not care. He will also insist that you get plenty of rest and not take on too much work.
- He likes to equip the children's room.
- His wife (and I'm sure that he will settle down, read the post about the college girl) is always under vigilant supervision. Family is what Leon puts in the first place. You and the baby must be absolutely healthy, so visiting a doctor, taking vitamins for pregnant women, special gymnastics - this is what Leon will not disregard. If you forget something, he will immediately remind you of it.
- Leon has absolutely no revulsion. He is not one of those men who are afraid of pregnant wives. Sure, he can get tired of some of the pregnancy quirks like eating habits or frequent mood swings, but he understands how difficult it is for you in the first place! No matter how desirable a child is, pregnancy is not always wonderful, and often terrible. Leon loves you and will happily massage your feet, bring you whatever you ask for (even if he has to run back and forth a few times) and comfort you if you suddenly feel overwhelmed again.
- His biggest hate is when he gets called to work. This usually goes on for several weeks or even a whole month, and Leon does not want to leave you unattended, so he will most likely ask someone close to visit you (this could be Claire or your parents)
- Leon keeps an ultrasound photo of the baby. He doesn't know a damn thing where everything is, but the very idea that it's HIS baby makes him a little sentimental. No, he will never throw it away.
- He doesn't care about the gender of the baby.
- However, when he takes the babygirl in his arms, Leon decides that she will always need additional protection.
- He will tremble with excitement when he realizes that this rosy-cheeked, chubby baby is his tiny daughter. Leon's tears will flow looking at her.
- He literally has a real diamond at home that sleeps in a crib and let at least one bastard try to harm her!
- If Leon is at home, then taking care of his daughter also lies with him. He really does not understand how can ignore or leave your child! Bathe? Change diaper? Change clothes or put to bed if her wake up at night? Leon will be the one to sing the baby a lullaby.
- I'm sure he has terrible sleep problems. But you can wake up and see that the bed is empty and Leon has gone somewhere, but there is no light in the kitchen. You will find him in the nursery where he will sit silently over the crib and just look at his daughter.
- "I just can't bear it if anything happens to her" - that's what he said when he felt your presence. - "My pumpkin...so small. I would give her the whole world."
- This is another of his giant fears - the loss of his daughter.
- Leon will call the girl pumpkin. Constantly. Or "my sweet pumpkin"
- He will always bring her new toys.
- He likes to spoon feed her when she a little older . Definitely, Leon will rejoice at the first successes and will support the idea of ​​creating a children's album, where the important moments of childhood will be preserved: the first steps, the first word, how many milk teeth, etc...
- Whether he is tired or not, Leon will play with his daughter if she brings him her toys.
- In the future, Leon will most likely learn to braid pigtails. He also knows the plots of many children's cartoons and all these songs.
- Would not mind if the baby fell asleep on his chest. Leon will either fall asleep with her or gently carry her to bed.
- He won't have a single photo or any mention of you or your child on his phone, but that's only because he's protecting you.
- He keeps all the cute pictures at home in his desk drawer.
- Leon will definitely spoil the baby a little.
- However, he can also be a strict father.
- He will not allow more than what is required. Sweets? of course, but only within reasonable limits. This also applies to behavior. Leon will not encourage whims.
- When Leon is away from home, he feels like his heart is breaking because of guilt. Especially if he looks at those puppy dog eyes of his daughter. He would give up everything in the world to stay with his family.
- He always hugs and kisses you and your child before leaving.
- If some son of a bitch from Umbrella or someone like Simmons decides to kidnap his daughter for blackmail or revenge, Leon will turn into a real monster who will do everything to get her back. He might have to ask for help, but once Leon gets to that bastard, no one will save him. However, the baby will be able to calm her father's dead nerves a little.
- His child is literally the meaning of his life. Having lost her, he will lose himself forever. Most likely Leon will want to put a bullet in his forehead.
- However, in a good scenario, Leon always returns home to his cheerful little girl. When they meet, he always picks her up in his arms and kisses her on the cheek. He just adores her! If Leon comes home at night when she is sleeping, he will quietly come into the room to straighten her blanket and just look at her for a couple of minutes.
- Family is what keeps Leon from plunging completely into despair. He can still drink sometimes, especially if he lost someone on a mission, but he believes that he has no right to feel sorry for himself. He is a husband and father. Because of this, it can be emotionally difficult for him, but the embrace of a loved one is what gives him peace and tranquility. If his daughter decides to hug him just like that or saw that Dad was sitting sad, then Leon will not let her out of his arms for a long time. She is his anesthetic for all wounds.
- Leon would not want his daughter to follow in his footsteps. If she tells him one day that she wants to be an agent like him, Leon will be very scared and will most likely try to scare her to dissuade her forever. Quarrels between them regarding this topic are possible in the future.
- Leon is unlikely to have any more children. He will be very careful that you do not get pregnant again. Maybe he'll think about a vasectomy. He is sure that he can protect one child, but two is already problematic. Moreover, he is often not at home and his wife will find it quite difficult to cope with two children.
- Adolescence is a difficult thing. This is the period of growing up of a daughter that Leon would find difficult to survive. Loud music? Conflict-provoking behavior? friendship with dubious guys? Leon's daughter could accuse him of constant absence, so he has no right to scold her for coming home late.
- This is what Leon will always lose all words for.
- You could comfort him by saying that your child is just having such a period and they just need to talk to each other when everything cools down.
- Leon does not encourage night walks, tattoos, etc. If one day he smells alcohol or cigarettes from his daughter (or, God forbid, she came home a little drunk after a party), a scandal will break out.
- It would be like Moira and Barry's relationship.
- The only difference is that a difficult relationship arose against the background of the constant absence of his father. By her behavior, the girl only wants to attract his attention.
- Leon is still ready to go down to hell for his family.
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r0ttingj3lly · 2 years
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Some doodles from @cilantro24 stories I adore their stories 😭 please go read their stories! The babies name is Rafael.
I also drew me and Leon as Teletubbies for some reason while I was high.
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agentkeegan · 8 months
My MasterList
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Fluff { ❣ } Angst { ♡ } NSFW { ✿ } ((Highly unlikely.)) AU'S { ꕥ } Requests:.... Open! Working on.... : Underworld -- Ghost x reader ------------------------------------------------ <3
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Being married to a military man as an overthinker is hard. { ♡ } ------------------------------------------ <3
John Price
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Exile Series - ONGOING! { ♡ } {Part 1} ------------------------------------------ &lt;3 John Soap Mactavish
------------------------------- <3 Gaz
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Haven't you heard? Witches don't burn. -- {❣}
-------------------------------- &lt;3 Alejandro Rudy Konig Horangi Graves Laswell Valaria ---------------------------------------- <3
Leon S. Kennedy Ada wong Claire Redfield Chris Redfield Jill valentine Carlos Oliveira Ashley Graham HUNK Jack Krauser Albert Wesker ---------------------------------------- <3
Phantom/Aeon Swiss Sodo/Dewdrop Aether Rain Sunshine Auroura Mountin Terzo Cardinal Copia Cirrus Cumulus ((ANY OTHERS I MISSED)) ---------------------------------------- <3
Mr/Ms Omega ((Omega Mart)) Jack ((Jack in the box)) ((Any others, name them!)) ---------------------------------------- <3
I'm in more fandoms and write alot. If you don't see a character on here, say it in the request box along with your request and i'll do some research on them!
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 8 months
I... I just hit 40 followers.
I am speechless.
This means so much to me, really. To think that 40 actual people want to read my content is so crazy to me. I appreciate every single one of you 🫶🏻
The little girl inside me who used to sit in her bedroom at night and write all kinds of crazy stories is absolutely overjoyed right now.
And I'm crying lmao
As a "celebration", I'll be opening my requests, but I'll make an extra post with my guidelines and stuff either later today or tomorrow!
Again, thank you so, so much ❤️
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violettaenlaluna · 7 months
I can't stop watching this 🤣
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