#it's been almost 20 years since chapter one yall can let it go now
lovelycureaestetic · 23 days
People with no reading comprehension will keep on saying that "Sebastian doesn't care about Ciel" and that "he only worries about him because if he dies it would be counterproductive for him!" While ignoring that at the very beginning Sebastian acted like this
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Uncaring about how in danger Ciel would be because of course he was ultimately going to save him, so why worrying that much over nothing? He even got some kicks out of seeing him struggle.
Then the Campania happened and he almost seriously lost Ciel. That was a turning point (for both of them but we're focusing on Seb here) and how does he start acting whenever Ciel is in danger?
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Immediate reaction, instant worry, ready to take action and make sure the little master won't die on him. One could wager that in the last two cases it was an issue that Sebastian himself couldn't demonically solve like a kidnapping and that would be correct, but his attitude has changed. His expressions are different, he's genuinely worried about not being able to help him because illnesses and the likes are not things he can cure as part of the contract.
Another tidbit I noticed is this
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In the very first chapters, Ciel gets kidnapped and sent to sleep with chloroform; as per the previous panels I've posted, Sebastian was blissfully unaware of it. Fast forward 100+ chapters and Sebastian can IMMEDIATELY tell Ciel fell asleep. He didn't see that as an issue and would later come to regret it, but this tells us he is now constantly checking in on Ciel's vitals, maybe as a result of the Green Witch Arc who knows, but what's important is that now he is doing it.
To say Sebastian is not fond/does not worry about Ciel is to deny all the development Yana has made him go through. To say Sebastian and Ciel dislike each other is to be stuck at chapter 1 and if that's your case what are you even doing here.
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deans-baby-momma · 9 months
Law & Love Chapter 20
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A/N: Well, guys.....looks like this is the end. NOT!! HAHA I know last time I said there was only one more chapter to this but my muse woke up and after talking over some ideas with my beta @kazsrm67, there are about 3-5 more chapters of this now.
Beau gently lays it out for her. How Emily was invited back up to Montana to help with Sunny Day Excursions, how he wants to be honest and truthful with her. 
"I've come to realize that I'm not happy here anymore, Car. I miss the mountains and the fresh air."
"You're going back for her, aren't you?" Carla says, sitting back in her chair, crossing her arms and glaring at him.
"It's not like that," Beau objects as he stares at the woman in front of him. "I told you, Em got that letter and it just made me realize, I miss it up there."
"Beau, babe," Carla stands up and walks around the desk. "Can I be honest with you?"
"Of course."
"I've been selfish-" she begins. "-and weak."
Beau watches his ex-wife in perplexity. ‘What is she talking about?’ he thinks and opens his mouth to voice the words, but Carla holds up her hand, silencing him.
“Listen Beau, when I asked you to come back home-” she sighs before continuing. "-I wasn’t completely honest. After Avery’s death, I was afraid to be alone. I haven’t been alone since….well, ever. We got together in our freshman year of college, married a year after graduation; had Em and then after our divorce I met Avery and in a whirlwind got remarried. And then I found myself being a widow with an ex. So I took the coward’s way out. I asked you to try again.
“I knew you had moved on. I met Y/N, remember. Hell, yall were living together for fuck’s sake! I saw that and it reminded me of us when we first got together."
Beau sits there unmoving, flabbergasted over Carla's admission. He keeps his eyes on her as she begins pacing back and forth, between his spot and her desk. 
"I realized that I was about to come back to Texas, alone, as a widow and I was scared. I haven't been a single woman since before college and I was terrified of what that meant."
Beau's heart breaks at her confession. It's true though. From the moment they met in the financial aid line their freshman year of college, he and Carla had been inseparable,  spending every free minute with one another. It was love at first sight for both of them and even back then he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with her.
They'd graduated college and had both entered the workforce with promising careers before taking that next big step of getting married. The first few years were bliss and they felt indestructible.  Even with the unexpected arrival of Emily, they were invincible but by the time Em turned 5, that armor had been chipped and by their daughter's tenth birthday, their relationship was nothing but a shell. 
And then Beau received the final blow when he was served with divorce papers; Carla had filed for divorce, claiming irreconcilable differences. The difference was she had become captivated by a friend of a friend of an acquaintance,  Avery McCallister. And less than a year after the divorce papers were signed, Carla was no longer an Arlen.
"So," he finally spoke. "Once again, you duped me? You pretended to still feel something for me to make me do your bidding. Did you ever love me, Carla?"
Standing up, Beau towers over the brunette,  his chest heaving. "I'm just a pawn in your game of life huh? Well, guess what. I'm done. It's over. We're over. Emily and I are headed to Helena soon, and after her stint as camp staff is finished she can come back to you, if she wants. But I will not be returning. This is goodbye, Carla."
With that he turns and walks toward the door. As his hand wears around the knob, Carla defends herself. 
"I do love you Beauford! You were my one true love for almost my whole twenties. But I let outside factors cloud my judgment. I am truly sorry, honey. I moved on but I guess I didn't expect you to. I'm sorry. "
"I'm sorry too," Beau replies before turning around and looking at his ex-wife. "I'm sorry for not being enough. I'm sorry that I let you down. But I will not apologize for continuing my life. And if she'll have me back, I plan to continue living my life in Montana with Y/N."
He gives a small smile toward Carla and turns the knob and walks out of her office, passing by the receptionist desk and to the elevator.
On the way to the bottom floor, Beau closes his eyes and pinches his nose. 'God, please don't have let me have fucked it up with Y/N. I'll beg if she wants!' he thinks to himself. 
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Beau: Hey Y/N. It's Beau. Looks like I'm going to be coming back to Helena. Could we meet up and talk about some things?
Beau wasn't expecting his phone to ring so when it did, he almost dropped the device in the floor.
"It's me," she answers and her voice washes over him like a warm breeze. God, how he missed her!
"How you been, sweetheart?"
Beau closes his eyes and just basks in the cadence of her voice until she says something that causes him to pause. His eyes shoot open. What did she mean by that?!
"Wait, what do you mean taking me back?! Don't you still live there? Please don't tell me you've moved back East," he begs. 
She laughs and it brings a smile to his lips and he breathes easier. She explains that she still lives in Helena but isn't there and once again, Beau holds his breath. Had she already met someone and is off visiting her new man? Oh god, please don't let that be it!
"Ohhh," Beau breathes out before asking "where are you?"
As soon as her answer hits his ears, he smiles. She is so close. But why is she in Texas? What brought her to the Lonestar State?
@spnbaby-67 @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogarukee @supraveng @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @kazsrm67 @chriszgirl92 @deanwithscissors @raisinggray @fanfic-n-tabulous @hobby27 @stoneyggirl @purpleeclipseeggsland @kmc1989 @deans-spinster-witch @yvonneeeeeeee @tmb510 @globetrotter28
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ushidoux · 3 years
A Life Well Lived - Bokuto x Reader (Pt. 1)
Summary: An immortal meets a human she’s meant to care for temporarily. ‘Care for’ and ‘temporarily’ are not well defined. (1.7k words)
Warnings: these will change by chapter, but for this one, I guess alcohol
A/N: Hey yall, it’s your girl starting yet another mini-chapter fic, please bear with me. This popped into my head and I got excited, let me know what you think or if I should continue.
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When you gaze upon your human the first time, you’re genuinely surprised. 
He is terribly young, to the point that it shocks you, although you’re not sure you’ve ever really experienced ‘shock.’
You cannot estimate exactly how old he is (from your studies, humans age extremely variably) but from the looks of it, he’s somewhere in his early to mid 20s. He looks healthy and happy too, you note, as you sit perched on a large tree, enhanced vision allowing you to pierce through the very ceiling of the large restaurant in which he’s seated and laughing boisterously while he enjoys a dinner with friends that seem to love him dearly.
You scratch your head before turning to your hovering aide called a Companion, a bouncing bright light not unlike any of the stars that hang above in the night sky. Your Companion is a semi-sentient link to the celestial realm from which you were born and is similar to what humans would call pets, albeit more intelligent and able to quickly provide you information; yours, however, tends to be on the quiet side unless you ask it questions. 
Your first question is to confirm that you are indeed looking at the right human. It would be embarrassing if your instructor found out you had been tagging along behind the wrong subject the entire time, leaving your true human defenseless, but you couldn’t say it was the first time it had happened in the history of GA training. Guardian Angel trainees weren’t always selected for promotion strictly based off of their attentiveness, even if it was a crucial requirement for the job. 
<< Companion, am I surveilling the right human? >> You ask, tentatively. Your lips don’t form words, but rather think thoughts that the Companion understands. The light seems to glow a brighter gold then retreats to its normal luminance before replying to your question.
<< Bokuto Koutaro is the one you have been bonded to. Your eyes rest on the correct subject. >>
You frown. It’s not a good thing to have a young subject as a trainee. Trainees work on stints of two to three years maximum, which means that this young man, so full of life and cheer, will not be long for this world if you truly are meant to be his keeper. The fact is a bit upsetting, but you remember that this is the nature of the role you were created to fill. Two years, ten years, twenty years of life was not very much time in the grand scheme of things, anyway. Mortals live relatively short lives regardless.
The moon above you is full, and you continue to watch him carefully in the light, still settled weightlessly on the same tree branch and humming quietly to yourself as the night progresses. He’s drunk, you realize once he finally leaves the building, and a young man whose name he mumbles intermittently - Akaashi, is it? - is all but carrying him into a cab and leading him home. You giggle as Koutaro burps loudly into Akaashi’s face while he attempts to push him into the vehicle. 
Humans are so funny.
When the car starts to leave, you stretch out your wings and glide through the dim sky, your Companion besides you, to follow your human to his home. 
It turns out to be a short trip towards a modestly sized apartment building, and Koutaro stumbles out and makes his way safely to the elevator and all the way up until his front door. He struggles to find his key card in his wallet, which he drops more than once, but eventually he makes his way in. You notice a couple of loose bills he drops on the ground and decide to pick them up for him and drop them on his kitchen counter. 
Koutaro does not take off his shoes at the door, but he kicks them off right before he collapses onto his couch instead of his bed, and they go flying in your direction, you phasing in and out of your physical form just in time so that they don’t hit you square in the chest. You think that you probably shouldn’t stay in this form, but you’re bored of floating and sit instead on his kitchen counter.
He falls asleep almost instantly, laid on his belly and snoring loudly, one arm dangling off of the couch.
You’re surprised he can slip out of consciousness that quickly, but he really is quite inebriated. Usually at this time, you can give yourself a little break and allow your Companion to monitor for any sudden changes while you find something else to do to pass the time other than stare at him, but instead you watch him sleep a little longer.
The young man is fascinating. Granted, you haven’t had experience with tons of humans before this, but he’s notable. First of all, he’s larger in frame than the average human, and his hair is an unusual color and shape. His eyes, when open, are gold like your Companion, and his smile is warm. 
His snore is really quite loud though, but suddenly it stops and for a moment you are nervous he’s stopped breathing. You go over to check and roll him onto his back, not bothering to shroud yourself in invisibility immediately thereafter because there’s absolutely no way he’ll wake up with how soundly he’s asleep.
Until he does.
Bokuto’s golden eyes shoot open in the dark, and suddenly he’s staring right at you, and those same eyes become wide like saucers.
He gasps and you gasp, and immediately out of panic, you disappear.
You jump up in the air, letting your wings flap once to create distance between you, even though his frantically searching eyes can no longer see you now that you’ve shrouded yourself from view, and you watch him sober up immediately as he tries to come to terms with what he just saw.
He flips on all the lights, looking frantically for the spirit appearing like a young woman who just hovered mere inches from his face, and his heart is pounding - you can hear it from here - while you continue to float, unsure if you should leave him alone for now and escape back to your realm.
You’ve royally fucked up. Maybe he’ll forget because he’s drunk, you hope, biting your lip.
Instead, he calls a friend.
“There’s a ghost in my room!” He yells. Your ears are tuned to the other end of the phone where you can hear a groggy, exasperated voice remind him that it’s 3am and hang up the phone promptly. It’s the same friend from earlier; it seems like his fright today is not out of the realm of his usual antics.
Bokuto looks absolutely panicked now and sits back on the couch, legs pulled into his chest. You wonder if he’ll actually die from fright, so pale he now seems as he looks around, unable to sleep.
Maybe you take a little bit of pity on him, because you turn off your Companion who helps you but also monitors your every move, and decide disaffectedly to break the rules again. It’s only meant to be for a moment, just to assuage his fears, and you drop yourself back to the ground and reveal yourself.
“Don’t be afraid,” you say in a small, gentle voice, as you stand before him. “... I’m not a ghost.”
You’re not exactly sure what more to say after that. The young man’s eyes are wide, incredibly wide again, and his mouth takes the form of an O as he takes you in.
Your wings are not very large but they’re not small either and they’re untucked, and you realize he’s staring at those rather than your face.
“... Angel?!” He exclaims.
You nod, perhaps too solemnly, and he looks like he’s about to faint.
“I’m dying, aren’t I? I’m fucking dying! I drank too much and I’m fucking dead! I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead!” He is now wailing, no longer looking at you, but burying his face in the couch cushions dramatically. 
You approach slowly, not sure what to do with a crying human, and he gets up suddenly and looks at you pitifully.
“Heaven or hell?”
“What?” You repeat, and he doesn’t seem phased by the fact that you, a stranger with wings and a halo are speaking to him, but rather that his life is coming to an end.
“Am I going to hell? I think I shoplifted once when I was a kid… Some grapes! I stole some grapes and I’m going to hell for that, aren’t I?!”
His lower lip is quivering and he’s waiting for an answer, but before you can speak, he is wailing again.
“Give me another chance!!! I didn’t know better and I was hungry!”
You’re stunned, and then a little flustered. For goodness’ sake...
“Y-you’re not dying!” You finally exclaim.
He’s back in sorts for just a moment, and blinks, looking at you with surprise.
“I’m not?”
Not yet, anyway, you think. You clear your throat.
“I-I’m your guardian angel.”
As soon as that comes out of your mouth, you wince, because you already know that you’re breaking too many rules at once, even if your Companion is turned off and can’t report you. You’re not exactly sure why you’re telling him the truth like this in the first place, but the sight of the crying human gets to you, especially since you feel bad for what is yet to come for him.
Before you know it, he’s reached out for you surprisingly fast, and to your shock, he now holds your face in his hands. His hands are large, gentle and warmer than anything you’ve ever felt in your life. You can hear his heartbeat through his palms. It pounds.
You don’t have a heart, but if you did, you think it would have stopped. There’s a split second of wonder that you detect from his golden eyes as he drinks your face in, confirming that you are indeed real and he is not dreaming. Even in the dark, you can see redness form on his cheeks anew, still from the alcohol that he consumed too freely hours earlier. Probably.
It occurs to you that something again is very wrong, this feeling of doom that seems to arise from inside you, even though you are immortal and this is a human destined to die.
He’s too bold. There’s too much intensity in his eyes.
You fade into nothingness and disappear for the night.
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Perchance to Meet Final
Hi everyone!!
It’s finally here!! I decided to give you all an early birthday gift with this last installment. I want to thank everyone who liked, commented, and reblogged this story it truly means so much to me! This story is kinda my baby on this blog and I hope I did it justice. I’m excited for the future yall! And thank you for being on this journey with me!
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x fem!reader
Enjoy the last chapter!
The dim lights of the bookstore provide appropriate background for the employees closing up. Kona and (Y/n), now co-owners, are closing up for the night after a successful day of handling demanding children, strange grandmothers, and eager 20 somethings looking for a new hangout. It was long and tiring but incredible.
After the two of them finish writing up and closing the books and organizing the store for the next day, Kona heads up with (Y/n) into her apartment.
“Just so you don’t forget,” Kona starts, “you’re taking a few days off this upcoming week right?”
(Y/n) nods as they enter the apartment. Right by the door are a couple of suitcases and boxes and the pair pick them up and head back down to the storefront. “Yes Kona I didn’t forget. I’m just staying with Shota for a little bit.”
“And you need half of your life with you because?”
“Oh hush,” she chides, “I’m just moving some of my stuff into his place! Even though he lives at the school…”
Kona chuckles as they load up his car, “right, right. Whatever you say.” She sticks her tongue out at him as she shuts the car trunk. (Y/n) then slides into the passenger seat and she and Kona are on their way to the dorms at U.A.
After a bit of driving, they’re driving past the gate after security let them through. The young woman feels her anxiety skyrocket as things start to connect. This is her first time somewhat moving in with someone, her first time really meeting his students, and the first time she’ll meet his coworkers and learn more about his job. It’s exhilarating but frightening.
Kona looks over to her and places a hand on hers. “Hey, you’re gonna be safe here, otherwise I wouldn’t have allowed it.”
She snickers at him and starts to calm down. Upon entering the grounds, she sees heights alliance and is in awe of the tall buildings and the beauty surrounding them. She never realized just how big the campus was and now seeing it up close is how Shouta described it doesn’t do it justice.
And speaking of Shouta, there he stands right where he said he would be. Her lips upturn naturally at him and she can’t help but smile at her man. He’s hers, and she’s his. His hands are in his pockets as per usual as he sees you pull up, signature snarky grin on his face. When she opens the door, he takes her hand and pulls her into a hug.
He kisses her then, softly and wraps his arms around her waist not entirely caring who could potentially catch them. Most of his students should be in their dorms and Aizawa had a feeling he’s going to be introducing her to a lot of his coworkers tonight.
“Let me take your luggage for you,” he whispers in her ear and walks to the back of the car. Once he opens it, he stares at her in a deadpan. “Did you really pack all this stuff?”
“I mean, yes? Who knows how long I’ll stay here or if an accident happens. And besides I’ll need extra clothes just in case.”
He scoffs as he picks up your luggage and sees Kona carrying your extra box. “Is this your way of saying you want to move in together?”
That causes (Y/n) to visibly straighten. She had considered it, but maybe now is the right time to talk about it? “I mean, maybe? I’ve been thinking heavily about it. Is that okay?”
He holds her hand and brings it up to his lips and kisses the back of it. “Of course kitty cat,” he whispers huskily, “I’d love to move in with you at some point.”
Unfortunately, this act of intimacy wasn’t missed by wandering eyes. Upon walking up to the faculty dorm, two pairs of eyes were peering by the door in eager anticipation. Blue and green eyes look between themselves and matching sinister grins greet the couple.
“’Zawa she’s here!”
“This is her? She’s gorgeous! How could you keep her away from us for so long?”
“Well I met her first, Nemuri.”
“You don’t have to rub it in, Mic!”
Hearing the two friends banter makes Aizawa roll his eyes and holds onto (Y/n) tighter as they walk past the troublesome twosome. “Hey,” Nemuri steps in front of the couple, “I’m Midnight! But my friends call me Nemuri and I think you and I are going to be great friends!”
The sapphire eyed woman sticks out her hand toward (Y/n) and the latter takes it and smiles at her. Midnight squeals and takes her away from Aizawa, skillfully sneaking in a “I’ll take her to see some of the other teachers,” and the two of them were gone. Aizawa rolls his eyes again, something he figures he’ll be doing a lot of over the next few days, and asks Present Mic to pick up the slack.
The blond man walks with the always tired man and sparks conversation. “You must really love her, huh?”
Shouta hums and nods as they approach his room. The two men put her belongings down and then head back out to the common room. His eyes soften as he sees Nemuri introducing (Y/n) to some of the teachers that weren’t dealing with students freaking out about the festival tomorrow. The large and beautiful smile on her face makes everything they’ve waited for and been through worth it.
“Yeah Hizashi, I really do.”
It had been years since the bookstore owner had set foot on a school campus, let alone for a school festival. Seeing the school at night was one thing, but seeing it in the day time is something else. The courtyard was dressed and set with tents, balloons, stalls and more. Her eyes lit up with childlike joy, but she wasn’t going there just yet. She had to meet her festival touring partner. (Y/n) walks down toward the front of the school and is greeted by a black car and outstep two people. One with a blinding smile, and the other dressed adorably.
“You’re Miss (Y/n) right? I’m Mirio! And I’m sure you already know Eri-chan here.”
She can’t help but smile at the energy the third year exuded. Shouta had told her that he had lost his quirk in the battle, but he is incredibly strong to be here right now smiling. The attachment he has to Eri is one you don’t miss. “It’s nice to meet you Mirio! Eri has told me so much about you.”
He smiles back at her and the three of them walk toward the school. Eri holds onto both of their hands as they walk through the festival. Eri is the first to speak up. “When will I see Midoriya? He’s performing soon right?”
“Yes he is! And that’s where we’re headed. Do you want to be up front with me or sit in the back near Aizawa-senpai?”
Eri ponders Mirio’s question looking between both adults and then answers, “I wanna see Midoriya up close!”
Her response makes (Y/n) giggle and nod. The three of them speed walk toward the gym where class 1-A is having their music show. Once the trio reaches the gym, Aizawa spots (Y/n) and motions her over, letting Eri and Mirio to find a spot close to the front. The stoic man stands at the back, taking in the large crowd in front of him as he waits for his partner to join him. He does his best to avoid the stares and whispers of students about his class and about the strange woman that was allowed to come onto school grounds.
The entire performance is mesmerizing! Her eyes were blown wide the whole time; she knew they were incredible but to even put on a festival performance like this as first years? Her high school could never compete! To her right, Aizawa watched her in silent amusement at her childlike wonder at his students. He thinks to himself that this was the right way for her to see his students as just students and not victims of tragedy. He wanted the whole school to see it. And he knew his class would do just that.
Once that was over, the couple walked out into the gym lobby and waited for the large crowd to disperse. As they waited, (Y/n)’s mind began to drift off. This is his world and he’s openly sharing it with her. Although schedules had prevented the two of them from truly immersing into each others worlds, it’s nice for it to finally happen. The content woman hadn’t noticed the small smile that graced her features, but Aizawa had caught it. With how close they were, he reaches out his pinky to connect with hers for that little bit of intimacy they could do in public. The touch alone sends electric shocks through her body, finding out the man next to her does enjoy small acts of intimacy like this.
With the students moved on to the next thing, Aizawa leads them into the gym where his students are cleaning up. He spots Eri and Mirio talking with one of his troublemakers and his heart almost stops. He hears a gasp from beside him, most likely in recognition of what he saw.
“Eri,” she starts as happy tears form in her eye creases, “she’s smiling.”
The moment is short lived when Mineta interrupts the trio and begs them to clean up faster. As they finish cleaning up, Aizawa calls his class to his attention. He congratulates them on a job well done gives them their well earned praise. The class is excited but can’t help but keep sparing glances at the beautiful stranger next to their sensei. The only one who knows but is already nervous at the potential questions.
Aizawa lets his students go and is already heading toward the exit before they can bombard him with annoying questions. (Y/n) does her best to stifle her laughs because she can feel the questions lingering in the air as they leave his students confused. She can already hear the questions from different voices asking about who she is to their sensei and if they’ll see her more often. The noise fades when the couple walks outside to the rest of the festival to visit different vendors and stalls. Her ears pick up on something that surprises her is that there’s a fashion show? This school has everything.
She feels a tug on her pinky and looks up to meet unmoving eyes. Shouta directs them to a shaded and covered area that upon first glance, can’t be seen by passersby. He pulls her into the trees, checks for any onlookers, and places a sudden yet passionate kiss on her lips. She leans into his body, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him closer to her. Their lips move and mesh like the waves crashing upon the shore, natural and effortless. When they pull apart, he places his forehead on hers and intertwines their fingers. “I’ve been wanting to do that all morning,” he breathes over her lips.
A giggle escapes her lips as she pecks his lips in happiness. She wants to deepen the kiss, but knows that Eri is waiting for them. She pulls at his arm for them to rejoin the festival and he huffs, disappointedly. Noticing this, she pulls him close to her mouth in order for her to whisper, “and we can continue this later where we can be as loud as we want, Sir.” She winks and skips toward Eri and Mirio who seemed to be looking for her.
Aizawa is usually a very stoic and composed man, but hearing her whisper that made him not leave the shaded area for a couple of minutes.
The sunset over the edge of campus lit up the sky in beautiful oranges and purples. The festival went off without a hitch and it seemed that Eri had the time of her life. And so did (Y/n). The young girl was taken to the third year dorms to hang out with them and give Aizawa some much deserved alone time. He had finished chatting with Shinsou, his new mentee, while (Y/n) refreshed herself in the ladies’ room. Upon her return, she has to do a double take because she’s certain she’s seeing double. Two pairs of eyes turn to her as she slowly approaches.
“Oh Shinsou, this is (Y/n). You’ll see her from time to time.”
She waves at the lavender haired student and he lifts his eyebrows to acknowledge her. Looking at how close they are he speaks up, “Girlfriend?”
“Hm. Well I’ll see you tomorrow sensei and sensei’s girlfriend.”
(Y/n)’s mouth still hung open at the exchange that she was part of but also wasn’t part of. Shouta waves off Shinsou and starts walking in the opposite direction with her. Regaining her composure, she questions the man walking beside her. “So you’re just going around calling me your girlfriend when you haven’t even asked me?”
Aizawa turns his head toward her with his eyebrows furrowed. “I thought we established that back at the hospital.”
She laughs loudly as they approach the stairs leading to the roof. “All you did was tell that student I’m your girlfriend. You never asked me.”
All he does is hum and lead the woman up the stairs and to the rooftop where he had spent many hours before in his youth. With the moon starting to rise, he knew the fireworks commemorating the end of the festival would start soon and he wanted them to have the best view. Once the door is opened, she’s left stunned at the view. With the fire pits below them leaving little flakes and smoke to float into the sky as it transitions from purple to a deep blue.
“Shouta, this view is incredible.”
The awestruck woman doesn’t notice the change in demeanor of the pro-hero beside her as they walk further out onto the roof. Aizawa wants to capture this moment forever, just seeing her in this light on top of a place he can almost call home with fireworks about to start. He checks the time and then walks behind her and wraps his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder.
“Be my girlfriend. Again.”
“That was more of a demand.”
“I’m only gonna ask once.”
She chuckles at his stubbornness and turns her head to kiss his cheek. “See that wasn’t so hard? All you had to do was ask.” He rolls his eyes and holds her tighter as they sway to the music playing in their heads. Maybe it’s the music from the night they met or the music from his student’s performance. The fireworks begin to light up the sky in front of them, decorating the dark night with an array of bright colors.
The show continues as the couple still sways to their own rhythm. Minutes later the show ends and applause can be heard from down below. The couple completely content with each other and the atmosphere they have created ignore the world around them. Aizawa is the first to break the mood by turning his girlfriend around so they’re face to face.
“The night we met, I almost didn’t go out with my friends.” His confession earns an eyebrow raise and a look of realization from his other half in front him. He takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips, grasping her palm and kissing the top of her hand.
“But I’m glad I got the chance to meet you and fall in love with you.” She hadn’t noticed it until it was too late. He was down one knee, at the place that has been a huge part of his life, eyes full of love and adoration for the future despite the trials and tribulations they may endure. He wants nothing more than for her to be part of his life forever.
“Will you marry me?”
Thank yall so much! Taglist: @kiribaku-queen @shinsouskitten @shinsotired @cupcake-rogue @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus @maat-the-prescriptive
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stressisakiller · 3 years
The Sunflower and His Star
Bucky Barnes x Reader Soulmate AU
(Hello Sunflower Part 13)
Summary: What happens when you and Bucky are framed for the murder of a Wakadian King?
Warnings: mentions of death, interrogation and a couple of cuss words
Word Count: 3k
A/N:  Ok guys this is the final chapter of the main storyline. I have a couple of Ideas for some offshoot chapters that are more like drabbles, but otherwise, this fic is done. Well after I add the Wanda and Vision chapter. I will be going back and making some changes, especially after watching The Winter Soldier tonight and seeing some inconsistencies.
Please let me know if you have any drabble requests. I will probably put them under a different heading just to keep it all clean and clear.
Thank yall for reading!!!
Series Masterlist
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It’s been 2 weeks since the trial, you and Bucky have spent the majority of that time within the confines of the tower, with the small exception of running to your favorite coffee shop a couple of blocks away. The morning starts off like any other, you wake up way too early and go for a run, leaving Bucky to sleep in for once. You are walking to the kitchen passing through the common room when your attention is caught by the headline of the TV. You freeze, Wakanda’s King and other dignitaries are dead after an explosion at the Vienna international center. You see the photo that shows the suspected culprits and you collapse into the chair behind you. The two people running from the scene look like you and Bucky because of course, they do.
“Friday, could you please ask Tony to come here.” your voice is shaky as you call out to the AI. “Tell him it’s urgent.”
“Yes, ma’am”
It takes Tony all of two minutes to come rushing into the room.
“Friday said you called for me and that it’s important.” He speaks between deep breaths, showing just how quickly he ran at your summons. You just point at the TV and the breaking news displayed.
“Fuck,” is the first word that comes from his mouth after a moment of stunned silence, “wait, wait wait. That’s not possible, you were here that day, we watched Lord of the Rings with Cap and his girl.”
“Right,” you agree, “since neither of us had seen them before. Although I’m pretty sure Bucky read the Hobbit when it came out, cause he’s ancient.” you allow yourself a small amount of humor in the face of this news. If you didn’t have humor you would have given up a long time ago.
“Then it’s fine you have alibis. And Friday as proof.” He says as if it were the simplest thing ever.
“But will anyone believe us? Our alibi is that we stayed in our room all week and then had a movie marathon with three people who would probably lie for us anyway. Nat was there with the new King and she texted me and told me he’s pissed and will do anything to find his dad’s killer, which as of now everyone believes to be me and Buck.”
You are trying to keep your hands from shaking, you couldn’t have one fucking day without some new bullshit popping up, could you? At that moment Tony’s phone begins to ring, he looks at it and then at you with a grimace. You just wave for him to answer it, you knew this was going to happen. Once he finishes the call he looks at you.
“That was King T'Challa, he said he would like to speak with you both in person.”
“Fine,” you answer, keeping your voice firm, “but he has to come here, I’m not going somewhere I don’t know to speak with someone who wrongly believes that I killed their dad. I’ve had enough torture to last a lifetime.”
He nods at your words, agreeing. “That’s what I told him, he said he would be here in 30 minutes.” You shake your head at his words.
“How the fuck will he be here in… you know I don’t even care right now. Let me just go wake up the grizzly bear and we will have a calm uneventful talk with the Monarchy.”
You trudge to your room and open the door. The sight of Bucky sprawled out across the bed relaxes you enough to smile. You step up to him and sit on the edge, tracing his face lightly to wake him up. He’s used to you waking him up like this so he doesn’t freak out.
“Morning,” He gives you a dopey smile with his eyes closed before immediately sitting up at the look on your face, hands coming up to cradle your cheeks, “What happened?”
“We’ve been framed for a crime and now the king of Wakanda wants to talk to us about whether or not we killed his father.” You whisper.
“Fuck.” He wipes a hand across his mouth, “When will he get here?” You hate how resigned he sounds.
“We have about thirty minutes so I’d get dressed if I were you, I’ll go make some breakfast.”
You leave him to get ready and walk to the kitchen to start making some eggs and bacon, might as well have a good breakfast since the rest of your day will probably be shit.
There is an alert from Friday that an aircraft holding the king and his warriors has landed on the roof. You take a deep breath and continue to drink your coffee, there is no reason for you to be anxious you did nothing wrong. The guests march into the room, straight to where you and Bucky are sitting.
“Come we need to speak with you.” Says the man at the front of the group. You immediately realize that he must be the King. You are surprised by how muscular he is, Wakanda must value strength in their culture.
“I’m not going anywhere, whatever you want to ask us you can ask us here. We agreed to answer your questions, not to be taken away and interrogated.” You speak as evenly as you can, looking straight into the angry eyes in front of you. You can see his hand clench and the warriors behind him grasping their spears tighter. Tony steps in between the two of you.
“I invited you here for a civilized conversation, not an interrogation.” He speaks calmly yet firmly.
“Screw that, these two soldiers killed my father and countless others. I will have justice for their crimes.” He is practically vibrating with anger at Tony’s words.
“I will admit that we have done terrible things, but I swear that this isn’t one of them,” Bucky says standing and placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Do you have proof of that?” One of his warriors steps forward to speak.
"Well-” You turn towards her as you speak “-for 3 days ago we have the witness of a priest, a judge, and about 20 others."
"A priest?" The King’s voice is full of confusion.
"Yes, a priest, we got married 3 days ago and since then have stayed confined to our room for a stay-in honeymoon, other than a movie night last night with three other people that Friday will be able to provide you with a record of." You are calm as you speak, you have been through worse things than this.
“Who is Friday and who are your witnesses for this movie night?” The Warrior demands, obviously, the King trusts her, or else he wouldn’t let her interrupt so often.
“Friday is Tony's AI and the witnesses are Tony, Captain American, and Cap's soulmate.” He isn’t going to like that, honestly, if you were him you wouldn’t like it either, it’s too convenient.
“Well, how can I trust them? One is your brother, one is the Winter soldier’s best friend and the other is Captain America's soulmate, she will say whatever he asks her to.” he spat, you couldn’t help but snort at his words.
“You obviously haven’t met her.”
You finally agree to go into separate rooms and speak with one of the warriors, but they were not allowed to keep their weapons. After being asked an insane amount of questions you finally decided that you are done, you had done nothing wrong and Bucky needs you.
“If you are quite finished asking the same 5 questions worded differently over and over, I would like to see my husband.” You are over being patient with them, it was getting you nowhere.
"Your husband? You and the soldier are married?” She looks at you incredulously.
“Yes I believe we mentioned this when you all got here, it is known to happen between soulmates. We got married 3 days ago in the tower, not that it is any of your business, and considering neither of us have done anything against you or your country I would like to see him.”
“You and the Winter Soldier are soulmates? Why haven’t you told anyone?”
“Yes we are soulmates and all the important people in our lives do know. We don’t make things like that public knowledge since Hydra can and will use it against us. Now I am going to go see my husband. And his name is Bucky”
Without waiting for an answer you walk out the door and head down the hallway towards the raised voice of the person questioning Bucky.
You step through the door without knocking and the sight before you almost breaks you. The warrior is yelling at Bucky while he stared blankly forward, you had only seen him like this a couple of times before. He is stuck in his memories and is accepting all blame for something he isn’t responsible for. You walk straight to him and place your hand on his shoulder, letting him know that you are there for him. The lady's yelling stops as soon as you step forward and she instead begins to glare at you.
“What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the other room?” She doesn’t hide the malice in her voice. You can understand if you thought that someone had killed someone you loved you too would do anything to catch the killer.
“Well considering that we did nothing wrong and I am the one who lives here I decided that we are done being interrogated.” Speaking quickly and firmly to the warrior, you defend your soulmate. “You see my husband and I were here at Stark tower when this tragedy happened. We decided to have a couple of days at home to relax since 2 weeks before I had been kidnapped and tortured by a man I believed to be my father for the first 25 years of my life.” The volume of your voice slowly increases as the ridiculousness of the situation and your life sink in. “Then I was questioned in front of the entire United States about crimes that I was forced to commit when brainwashed by HYDRA. Which most people believed was destroyed during WWII when in fact it was hidden inside of SHIELD. We decided, as many soulmates do, to get married and we haven’t left the tower in 5 days, if you won’t take my word for it, Tony’s AI Friday has full records of everyone coming and going from the tower as well as surveillance. But for now, you have done enough and I would like to take my husband to our room. I don’t care if you insist on surveillance in fact I expect it from you at this point. But we are done here and you can speak with Tony for anything else you may require."
You don’t allow her to interrupt, you are so fucking done at this point. You turn to Bucky, who still hasn’t moved once you had thoroughly reprimanded the woman in front of you and the King you knew to be watching through Friday. You crouch in front of your soulmate and gently place your hand on his cheek.
“Hey Sunflower, I need you to come back to me. At least walk with me to our room.” he nods at your request and you both slowly stand and walk out of the room.
You gently tug Bucky into your room, pulling him to the bed and having him sit. You crouch back down in front of him and take his hands.
“Bucky,” your voice is soft and you try to pull him back, “Sunflower, please come back to me. The sun is up and your dreaming is done, my love. You aren’t there, you haven't hurt anyone, and no one here will harm you.” You can see his eyes start to focus back on you, pulling him out of the memories that he had been caught up in.
“Sorry.” His voice is raspy from being so caught up in his memories, he sounded as if he had cried for days.
“No need to apologize to me my love, we are ok." As soon as you say this there is a knock on the door. You look over Bucky who gives you a nod before heading to the door. Clicking the button on the inside a screen pops up showing who is on the other side. You sigh and open the door.
"King T'Challa, is there something we can do for you?" Exhaustion seeps into your voice, it truly had been a long day.
“I wanted to apologize for how we have treated you both the past couple of hours. We received word that they caught the Hydra operatives that actually caused the explosion. I apologize for any harm we may have caused to either of you.” His eyes strayed to Bucky as he spoke.
“Apology accepted, I understand why you did what you did, and I hope that we can work together in the future. Goodnight, your majesty.”
He nodded at you and took his leave. You step back over to the bed where Bucky is sitting still a little out of it.
"Did you hear him Sunflower? They caught the operatives that caused the explosion. We are safe again love.” He nods at you, eyes glassy, voice soft as he speaks.
“She brought up something from my past and I couldn’t stop the flood of memories taking over. All the terrible things I’ve done, how can you stand to look at me?” He finally looks at you, his eyes swimming with guilt. It had been a while since you had seen Bucky look this vulnerable.
“I have done terrible things too, my love, there is nothing that you have done that could ever make me love you less. You should know that by now.” You take his face in your hands and gently kiss his forehead before straddling him and pulling him close. You both stay this way for a long time before finally laying down and falling asleep.
You are awoken in the morning by a knocking on your door. Padding over you are greeted by T'Challa standing in a pair of black robes.
“Hello,” you say, your confusion obvious, “what can I do for you?”
"I wanted to speak with you. I spoke with Tony and Steve and they explained what happened to you and to Bucky. I think I may have a way to make this up to you and to help you both." You stare at him in confusion,
"My sister. Shuri has discovered a way to erase the trigger words that Hydra programmed into you. She has asked that you join us in Wakanda so that we can help you as means of apology in our treatment of you both."
You can’t hear his next words over the blood rushing in your ears. They might be able to erase the words? Your head starts to spin at the thought.
"You can get rid of the words? They wouldn't be able to brainwash us again?" you finally get out after a moment of stunned silence.
"We believe so."
"Ok let's discuss this over breakfast. I’ll get Bucky and we will be there in a moment."
You decided after a month in Wakanda that you really liked Shuri, she was wicked smart and took no shit. She explained to you both how the treatment would work once you arrived. She admitted that it may be painful to which Bucky stated that you can both deal with pain. The treatment included testing the words and the effect that they have on you. Bucky would talk to you at night about how it was going for him and he told you something interesting about it. He explained to you that when Shuri used the words it felt different, and since she didn't immediately give him orders he was in a bit of a limbo where he was able to speak with the soldier. It was strange for him, it made him realize that the soldier had no choice either and that the soldier was and is a part of him. In between sessions you would both go and train, occasionally with T'Challa, but mainly alone. During these sessions, Bucky would practice bringing the soldier forward without letting him take control. You watched as Bucky changed, he was no longer as lost as he had been, he was more confident, more sure of himself. The words began to affect him less and less and you found yourself enjoying the time in your little hut out of the way. Life was more peaceful than either of you had ever experienced.
Six months later you and Bucky are sitting in a hut with Ayo as she tells you that you are both free. Free from the control of Hydra. You almost can’t believe it, you haven’t been free a day of your life, not with the constant fear of Hydra remaking you into their puppet. She said your trigger words to you and you felt nothing, you could both still access the soldiers, they are and always will be a part of you, but they can no longer take control. The winter soldier can no longer take control of Bucky. You stare at him, the unfiltered joy and disbelief on his face breaks your heart. This man, who so completely holds your whole heart is finally free of the hell that he has been living for over 70 years. It is true that neither of you will ever be truly free of the horrors that you have seen and the ones you committed but you will never again be forced into doing things that you don't agree with. You are free. Bucky Barnes is finally free. The Sunflower and his Star are free.
Tagged users: @calwitch @writerwrites
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jeyusos-girl · 4 years
Part 2.5
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A/N: it’s been a while since i’ve updated this story and I feel so terrible😭 this has been in my drafts for a while and i’m just now finishing it. consider this a filler chapter, i will be continuing this and hopefully the next chapter will be out soon, thank you for reading ❤️
warnings: possible spelling errors 😗
word count: 1268
Samantha and Erik were cuddled up on the couch watching Proud Family reruns on Disney plus. “You hungry bae?” Erik questioned rubbing her arm.
“Yeah,” she answered, “did you have anything in mind?”
“What about that soul food place around the corner?”
“Ooo, yeah that sounds good,” she said, “get me a number 2 with mac and cheese, yams and collard greens. Ooo and a side of fried shrimp pleaseeee.”
“I got you, ma” he replied, kissing her forehead.
“Thank you, baby. Oh! Don’t forget the honey biscuits!” He yelled back an “okay” and made his way outside towards his car.
Samantha was still laying on the couch watching tv when her phone started ringing. She grabbed her phone from the side table and saw that it was a facetime call from Layla. She answered, smiling at the screen. “Hey, Laylay! What’s up?”
“Heyy, girl. What are you doing?”
“Nothing much, waiting for Erik to bring me my food. I’m getting hungrier by the second.” she groaned. 
“Hm, speaking of Erik, did you tell him? I swear to god if you say no I’m gonna smack your big-headed ass through the screen,” Layla threatened squinting her eyes.
“Damn, bitch calm down,” Samantha laughed, shaking her head, “yes I told him, Jesus.”
“And you’re just now telling me?! Oh my god, what did he say?” Layla shouted. 
“Layla, I’m gonna hang up on you if you keep on screaming in my damn ear. I only told him two days ago, calm ya self.” she scolded playfully. 
“Okay, okay I’m sorrrry, just tell me!”
“Well, I told him and at first he was quiet. Obviously, I was nervous but he reassured me that no matter what he was gonna stick by my side.” Samantha smiled, biting her lip
“Awww, see? I told you that you were overreacting. Over here fussing for nothing.”
“I know, I know. I’m just happy I got it over with, and I’m happy that he’s happy.”
“I’m so happy for you guys,” Layla gasped, “wait, we have to tell Janae and Gia!”
“Oh shit! You’re right! Add them to this call.” Samantha and Layla met them at a Paint and Sip studio about three and a half years ago. They all got tipsy and would not stop cracking jokes with each other. From that day on, they became the best of friends, they even called themselves “The Fab Four.” 
They waited for the call to connect before they heard Gia’s voice. 
“Hey, y’all,” Gia dragged out.
“Hey!” they all said in unison.
“Whats up girlies?” Janae exclaimed, setting her phone down in front of her.
“What y’all doing?” Gia questioned, lighting the blunt between her fingers.
“We just called because Samantha has something she wants to tell you, girls, right?” Layla raised her brows, looking at Samantha through the screen. 
“Ooo, y’all know I love tea,” Janae exclaimed clapping her hands causing the three girls to laugh.
“Okay well, there’s no other way to say this so I’ll just say it. I’m pregnant!” Samantha exclaimed, a sweet smile on her face. Both girls gasped loudly while Layla squealed excitedly. Janae got up from her seat and jumped around her room clapping, Gia was still sitting in her seat eyes wide, mouth hanging open.
“Janae you are so damn extra!” Samantha shouted laughing.
“I’m sorry but this is so exciting!” Janae smiled.
“Samantha I’m so happy for you. How far along are you?” Gia questioned leaning in close to her screen.
“I’m almost 8 weeks! And I’m already fucking exhausted as hell.” Samantha groaned smiling weakly. 
“Awww, my baby,” Janae cooed, “Oh! How did your baby daddy react?”
“He took it well, surprisingly,” Samantha started before being interrupted.
“Girl it ain’t no surprise, I told you that man is in love with you. This girl went weeks without telling Erik because she was scared he was gonna leave her.” Layla spoke addressing Gia and Janae. Gia shook her head taking another drag of her blunt. Samantha was about to rebuttal when the front door opened and Erik walked in with two bags of food. 
“Speaking of my baby daddy,” Samantha looked over at Erik and smiled sweetly. Erik dropped the bags off on the kitchen counter and made his way over to Samantha, leaning over the back of the couch and kissing her neck.
“Who are you talking to?” he asked, face still nuzzled in her neck. 
“Your besties, say hi” Samantha angled her phone toward Erik.
“Wassup y’all.” Erik nodded towards the phone, they all greeted him and he made his way around the couch, plopping down next to Samantha. “What yall talking about?” he questioned.
“We’re talking about how you ruined hot girl summer for Samantha. Took our girl out the game.” Gia explained shaking her head. Erik laughed throwing his head back. Samantha shook her head smiling at her screen.
“Y’all always talking about how you want to be aunties right?” Erik shrugged smiling.
“Yeah, you’re welcome. I took one for the team.” Samantha rolled her eyes. 
“Girl we all knew you were gonna be the first to get knocked up, the way you and Erik be fucking I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner,” Layla commented. Janae and Gia started cracking up and Erik couldn’t help but laugh.
“LAYLA! Shut your ass up. I can’t stand you,” Samantha shook her head, “Anyway I’m gonna let y’all goofy asses go so I can eat. Bye, y’all!” The girls said their goodbyes and Samantha set her phone down on the coffee table in front of her. She looked over at Erik to find him already looking at her with an amused smile on his face.
“Your friends are crazy, you know that?” he snorted.
“Yeah I know,” Samantha sighed, “but they’re your friends too.” 
“Yeah yeah, let’s eat ma.” They both made their way to the kitchen. Erik handed one bag to Samantha and headed towards the fridge to grab them both a drink. Samantha took her spot at the kitchen island and began pulling out the contents of the bag. Samantha opened her box of fried catfish and her favorite sides.
“Mmm smells so good, doesn’t it?” Erik hummed in agreement, he sat down and placed a water bottle down in front of Samantha.
“I’m about to tear this shit up,” Erik rubbed his hands together causing Samantha to giggle.
“Ooo what’d you get?” Samantha snuck a peek over at Erik’s food, licking her lips.
“The same thing you got but with jerk chicken instead of fish. Oh shit, can’t forget the biscuits.” Erik pulled out a small paper bag and set it in between the two of them. Samantha opened the bag and pulled out a biscuit, bringing it to her lips and taking a big bite. She moaned at the taste while doing her happy dance and Erik shook his head chuckling slightly.
“It’s that good?”
“Hell yeah, it is. This shit is about to be gone in 2.5 seconds,” Samantha stated. Erik smiled slightly at her and began eating. 
About 20 minutes later, the pair had finished eating. They were cuddled on the couch watching tv when Samantha looked up at Erik and smiled. His eyes met hers and he furrowed his brows.
“Why are you staring at me like that?” he raised a brow.
“I can’t admire my man? Damn,” she scoffed playfully.
“Okay okay, my bad. Admire all you want baby,” he winked. Samantha giggled snuggling closer to him. 
“Thank you for the food baby,” Samantha smiled.
“Anything for my baby momma,” he kissed her forehead, pulling her close.
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daisyxbuckley · 3 years
O’Death//Calliope Kane Book 2
Disclaimer: Look yall. You should know by now, sometimes you will get 2 chapters at the same time and sometimes you’ll get one every three months from me. So enjoy lol
Description: The Grounders have been defeated. The people on the Ark have landed safely….so where is the rest of The 100? Calliope and her friends must work in a race against time to save everyone..no matter the cost.
“Calliope, I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you, but that was such a reckless move. You have no idea if he’s going to make it or if they will believe him if he does.” Kane was pacing back and forth in the council room as Callie stood without emotion, looking at the wall in front of her. She knew her dad was pissed, she could feel it radiating off him in waves, but she didn’t care. Bellamy was at risk and Callie would do whatever she needed to do to protect him. Finally realizing that her father had stopped yelling, the redhead broke from her thoughts and looked at him. “You realize that this isn’t about what you want right? This is about the good of our people.” 
“The good of our people rest on Bellamy’s shoulders. If he doesn’t make it then we all die.” Callie said as she fought to keep her voice neutral. “What I did was make them look the other way until he could get to where we needed him to be.” 
“I don’t care why you did it, I care that you did it without consulting me.” Kane yelled as he stepped closer to his daughter. “You are NOT in charge here anymore.” 
“And i’m also not a child anymore, yet you still treat me like one!” Callie finally let go of her anger. She was pissed that her father of all people, was still treating her like she had no clue what she was doing. “We survived for MONTHS down here by ourselves. We did what we needed to do. And then you guys arrive and act like we haven’t done a damn thing but we have..” Callie moved so her father started to back up. She knew that he had never seen her like this, but maybe it was time he did so he would let her grow up. “I am almost 20 years old. I know what i am doing, and what i was doing was for the good of our people. If we keep Bellamy alive, then we all live.” 
Kane wasn’t able to respond to his daughter as the door opened to find Abby standing there. The two broke eye contact to look at her as she cleared her throat. “Callie, Clarke needs you in the radio bay.” She said quietly. Callie didn’t even spare a look at her father as she turned on her heel and brushed passed Abby. The older woman watched the redhead walk down the hall before turning to her father. 
“She’s gonna get herself killed one day.” Kane said as he groaned, a hand rubbing his eyes. “And she doesn’t realize it.” 
“She does...but Callie is very much the type of person that doesn’t care.” Abby said moving over and putting a hand on the mans shoulder. “She has grown into a spectacular woman, Marcus. You and her mother made sure of that. But you need to understand that she would do whatever she needed to do to protect her friends.” Abby didn’t need Kane to say the worry that he was going through. She felt it with Clarke, as she was the exact same way. “Maybe it’s time we step back and let them do what they’ve been doing all this time.” Hearing the man grunt, Abby hid a smile as she rubbed his back. “Come on. Let’s go try and help the girls.” 
Callie was still trying to come down from the fight with her dad when she reached Raven’s work area. The only thing that calmed her down was hearing a voice...his voice. 
"I don't know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level. Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss, and I'm still trying to find a way in."
Callie ran towards his voice and noticed Clarke’s panicked look as she handed the mic to the older girl. 
“Bell? Is everything okay?” She asked quickly. Callie knew they didn’t have much time as the second they realized Bellamy was in there he was as good as dead if he didn’t do what they needed him to. 
“Hey Red. Yeah, everything is fine. Maya is just getting me a different route.” His voice seemed calm but Callie knew that he was nervous. 
“I think I found a different route, here is that radio and earpiece Raven needed.” Maya’s voice came across the radio and the two girls looked over at Raven who shrugged. 
“I’m making him mobile.” 
“Bell, you HAVE to save them. We’ve already lost too many people...we don’t need to lose anymore.” Callie said quickly. Looking at the time she noticed Clarke trying to wrap it up. “I gotta go, but check back in two hours okay?” 
“I will Cal. But you be safe too..I don’t need anything happening to you out there.” 
Before she could say anything else, the radio cut off and the three girls were alone in the room with their thoughts again. Before any of them could say anything, Kane was coming into the room and Clarke stood up. 
“Clarke, it’s time to go to Tondoc.” He said, his eyes never going to rest on his daughter. He knew that they wouldn’t be able to talk about this calmly until things were less tense, but that didn’t help her at all. 
“I’m not going.” She said quickly. Standing up she went to walk out the door when Callie grabbed her arm. 
“Clarke, you have to. You have a meeting with Lexa...she trusts you.” She said quietly. 
“Callie, you and I both know that I can’t go with our friends still in that mountain. They are in trouble and I’m not leaving them till I know they are okay.” Clarke said as she looked over at Kane. “Lexa knows and respects you as well. She will be more than willing to talk to you.”
“Clarke, the whole point of being a leader is when to choose what battles you want to fight.” Kane said. He knew why she was so upset, but she needed to focus on the bigger picture. 
“And I also need to know when to Delegate. You and Callie will both go to Tondoc.” 
“Maybe your mother should go.” Kane said slowly as his eyes shifted to his daughter finally. Callie didn’t miss the fact that it took him almost the entire conversation to actually look at her. 
“She is still Chancellor and she's needed here.” Clarke said, shaking her head. “Please, just do this for me.” 
The two of them were silent for a few more minutes before Kane sighed and nodded his head. “Fine. But you have to promise me that you will go as well once you hear back from Bellamy.” Clarke nodded and headed out of the room while Callie watched her walk out. Abby walked in and watched her daughter leave as Kane looked back at the redhead. “Callie, be ready to leave in twenty minutes.”
 All Callie did was nod and go back to the radio with Raven as her father left the room with Abby. “You and your dad really got into it, didn’t you.” Raven hardly spoke to Callie after what happened with Finn. Honestly the girl didn’t blame her, but she was a little surprised that the first conversation that they would have was about her father. 
“He seems to think that I shouldn’t be making the choices that I am making.” Callie said carefully. “That i’m being reckless.” 
“Callie...you have done some stupid shit since i’ve known you...but you have also been the most level headed out of all of us.” Raven said quietly. “You’re not being reckless, you’re just trying to keep everyone alive.” 
Callie honestly had no clue how to respond to what the other girl said. So she didn’t. Putting her hand on Raven’s shoulder, she squeezed it before heading out of the room herself. Running into Clarke, the two girls shared a quiet moment before everything was about to erupt. 
“If you hear from him...don’t tell him where i’m at. I don’t want him worrying about me or his sister when he needs to focus on this.” Callie said carefully. She didn’t need to elaborate. Clarke knew. 
“Cal...if something happens.” Clarke said slowly 
“Nothing is going to happen. We are going to Tondoc, we are going to get help and we are going to get our people out of that damn mountain.” Callie said as she squeezed Clarke’s hand. “I have to go meet my dad. I’ll see you soon.” 
Clarke watched the redhead hurry off down the halls till she was out of site. The pit in the bottom of her stomach wasn’t going away and the girl hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time she would see her friend. Walking back into the radio room, she heard Raven on the radio with Bellamy again. 
“I’m at the intersection, which way?” His voice was hurried as he had been running. Trying to avoid the guards while also getting the help from Maya had been difficult but the sooner all of this was over, the sooner they would have their friends back. 
“You just passed the filtration system. So you’re close Bellamy.” Raven’s voice crackled through the earpiece as Bellamy tried not to roll his eyes. 
“Can you be more specific?” 
Before anyone could answer that question, they heard it. The high pitched whine of a drill cutting through the silence. The screams coming from the recipient who the extraction was being done to. “Nevermind, found it.” He said as he crept closer. 
“Bellamy...is that a drill?” Ravens voice was quiet and distorted and Bellamy instinctively nodded before he remembered she wasn’t with him. 
“It’s a bone marrow extraction.” Clarkes voice sounded horrified and the man knew that if she was here her face would match his own. Bellamy watched the doctor stand next to a man in front of a table with another man on it. 
“Are you ready for the last treatment you will ever need?” The doctor asked. 
“You have no idea how ready I am.” 
“Thats Emerson. I see he made it back on time.” Clarke’s voice was almost bitter, but she kept quiet as the men kept talking. 
“Did she say anything about the army?” Cage asked as he looked down at the other man 
“No sir. She did say that she was coming for us...and that she would let our people live if we let the others go.” Emerson said quickly. “I’m sorry I failed sir.” 
“No, it’s fine. We will finish the job tonight.” Cage said rubbing his chin. “Apparently there is a war council tonight in one of the villages. All the leaders will be there. We have the missiles. With that hiting them, they wont have the forces to continue to fight us.” 
Clarkes eyes went wide as she looked at Raven. “Bellamy, you need to get in there and disable the fog now.” She quickly muted the radio and paced for a second. 
“Did Kane or Callie take a radio?” She asked the shocked girl next to her. 
“No. The only open channel is this one and we need it for Bellamy.” Raven said. “Clarke..what are we going to do? 
“Clarke, hey where is Callie? And Octavia was in Tondoc when I left-” Bellamy’s hurried voice came back over the radio as the blonde grabbed it. 
“They are fine. They are currently helping with other things though.” She said quickly. “Let me focus on warning the leaders. You focus on getting us in.” 
“I will. Be safe.” He said quickly before the radio cut out. 
“Why did you just lie to him?” Raven asked as Clarke started out of the room. 
“He can’t be distracted. Two of the most important people in his life are currently in danger and we need him focused on the task at hand. If I leave now, I can reach Tondoc in time.” She said quickly before heading out. 
“Hey. Don’t get blown up!” Raven yelled. 
The journey to Tondoc was quiet. Callie refused to look at her father and he barely glanced at her. She knew that with everything coming up they needed to have a discussion, but both of them were too stubborn to say anything. Eventually the torches of the village filled their visions and Callie was met with a smiling Octavia. “It’s about time you got here. I didn’t think you were coming though.” 
“Clarke has some things to take care of so she sent us in her place for now.” Callie said, giving the shorter girl a squeeze. Seeing Indra’s stoic face, Callie nodded. “It’s good to see you again Indra.” 
The older woman just nodded as she motioned towards the tent Lexa was in. “She’s waiting for you.” 
Looking over at her father, he nodded as she followed Indra into the tent. Lexa’s eyes showed surprise for a split second before her face morphed into a small smile. “Calliope. It’s good to see you again. I wasn’t expecting you though.”
“Clarke had some loose ends to tie up back at camp. She sent me here just so we can get started.” As Callie spoke, she heard the tent open and the blonde hurried through. 
“Well, Clarke of the sky people has finally honored us with her presence.” Lexa said with a grin. 
“I am so sorry i’m late commander. But we need to talk.” 
The look on Clarke’s face was enough to set off alarm bells in Callie’s head. “Clarke..what’s going on?”
“There is a missile coming this way. They are launching it any minute.” Clarke said quickly. The joking demeanor that Lexa had was gone as the words came out of the blondes mouth. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, we need to start evacuating now.” Clarke said looking at Callie.
“No.” The tone was clear from Lexa and the two girls looked at her with mouths agape. 
“Lexa..we have to tell everyone. What’s the point of having an inside man if we can’t save these people.” Callie said  “We can’t just sit here and do nothing.”
“Is the acid fog disabled? Do we have our army inside the walls free? Then Bellamy’s job is not done.” Lexa said. Her face had a soft look on it as she knew this was hard for the others. “If we evacuate, they will know there is an imposter in their mist. Then we will lose.” 
“Lexa..I provoked them.” Callie said quickly. “They wouldn’t do this if I didn’t.” She knew that what she did was stupid, but she didn’t think that this would be the outcome. “Lexa please…”
“Sometimes we must concede a battle to win the war.” Lexa said quietly. She knew that neither of the girls could understand why she was choosing to do what needed to be done, but hopefully in time they would. 
“Let’s tell the clan leaders then. Help them get out and meet up at a point in the woods.” Clarke said quickly 
“And then how many more people will we tell? Where will we draw the line?” Lexa asked. The frustration on all three of their faces was evident as they tried to work a solution out. “"It is our only choice, and you both know it. You could have warned everyone up there, but you didn't. You said nothing, not even to your own people. This is war. People die. You both showed true strength today.” Lexa said as the other girls looked at each other.  “Don't let emotions stop you now. It's time to go.”
Bellamy crept along the hallway to where his destination laid. He knew that he needed to hurry up and get the acid fog disabled, but it was proving harder and harder. When he heard the familiar crackle in his ear, he sighed. 
“Talk to me.” Raven’s voice said. “Tell me what you see.
“Close your eyes and imagine a bottomless pit.” He said as he quickly looked around and headed off down another hallway. “That’s what this is. How much father?” 
“According to Dante’s instructions, you’re almost there.” Raven said as she looked at the makeshift map in front of her. 
“What about Clarke? Was she able to get to Tondoc in time?” Bellamy asked quickly as he slipped through a door. 
“She should have. But it’s Clarke, she will get it done.” She said chewing on a pencil. “Now just focus on getting your ass to where you need to go and leave your sister and girlfriend to us.” The second she said it though, Raven knew she fucked up. 
“Wait..Callie and O are in Tondoc? I thought you said they were back at the base?” Bellamy said quickly as he stopped. “Raven, why would you guys lie to me?”
“Because we needed you focused, Bellamy. And we still do. They are going to be fine, but you need to move or all of this will be for nothing.” She said quickly as she sent a silent prayer to the universe. 
“Fine.” Was all he said before the radio clicked off.
Callie and Clarke stood in Lexa’s tent as they debated what to do. “I’m not leaving without my dad and Octavia.” Callie said. “No way in hell.” 
“Calliope, if we don’t leave now, then all of us will be dead.” Lexa said quickly. “And in what way will that be helpful at all.” 
Callie shook her head. “No. Take Clarke and get out of here. I’ll get my dad and Octavia.” She said as she started towards the tent opening. 
“Callie, no. If something happens to you-” Clarke cut herself off as she grabbed the older girls arm. 
“If something happened to me...make sure Bellamy knows there’s nothing he could of done.” She said before slipping back out. Using the light of the bonfire and torches, Callie spotted her father pretty quickly talking to Indra.
“Dad.” She yelled as she ran over to him. “Dad, we need to go now.” Looking around, Callie looked at the woman next to her father. “Have you seen Octavia?” She asked quickly. Indra shook her head as she stared at the redhead with a wondering look. 
“She went out with one of the scouting parties. What is going on, young one?” Callie really didn’t want to lie to the older woman. She hated the thought, but if Lexa wanted her to know then she would have found a way to tell her. “Callie, where is the Commander?” 
“They left...Clarke and Lexa left.” Callie said quietly. “There is a missile heading this way. And Clarke came here to warn people, but Lexa said that it would ruin the plan in the long run.” Callie saw the look of horror from her dads face and tried to ignore it. “We need to get out of here.” 
“Callie you need t-” Whatever Kane was about to say to his daughter was cut off as it seemed like all the sound in the forest was wiped out and everyone was lifted off their feet almost at the same time. Callie felt her feet leave the earth and felt her body fly back before it impacted with a tree and she fell to the floor. The earth spun as she tried to figure out what the hell had just happened, and chaos erupted all around. The entire village was on fire and the ringing in her ears was so loud that it was like someone had set off an alarm inside her brain. Feeling herself be lifted up, her fathers face swam in and out of her vision as Callie looked around at all the destruction that was caused. All the bodies of people that she knew, dead and staring vacantly at the sky. The stars were covered by all the smoke that was rising from the ground. 
She felt the hands on her as her vision tried to settle. Looking into Clarke’s eyes, Callie tried to find her footing and realized that her father was nowhere near where he was standing a minute ago. “Clarke...my dad. I don’t know where he is.” 
“My mom is here. But we need to go NOW.” Clarke said as she led the redhead away from the town and towards where Lexa was. “We need to get to the spotter who aimed the missile.” She said as Lexa looked at Callie with a worried look. 
“Clarke, if he’s the spotter then he’s here to make sure we are dead.” Lexa said. “If he knows we are alive.” She looked down at Callie trying to catch her breath against a tree. “And she is in no shape to go anywhere.” 
“He won't know. I’m going to kill him. Callie, you need to stay here and help the wounded...i’ll be back as soon as I can.” Clarke said as she headed into the woods. 
Callie watched the two girls head into the dark woods and turned her attention back to the village. The damage was insane as she watched people run around and try to find loved ones that were buried under the rubble. Once her mind cleared, Callie realized that her father was nowhere to be found and panicked. 
“Dad!” She yelled as she ran through the smoke and fire. Feeling hands grab her, Callie looked into Niyko’s worried face. “Niyko. Have you seen my dad?!” Her voice was horse from all the smoke and the damage to her body but Callie was more alert than ever. 
“No, but you need to rest. You’re bleeding as well.” He said motioning to her forehead. The cut above her eyebrow stung as she realized she would probably need to get stitches later. 
“No, I don’t have time. I need to find my dad.” She said looking around. Hearing her name, Callie looked over and saw Abby running towards her. Once the woman reached her, she made sure the girl was okay. 
“Abby, my dad was standing right next to me when the missile hit.” She said loudly. The ringing in her ears made it hard to know if she was yelling because of the noise or because she couldn’t hear a damn thing. 
“Callie, I will find him. I need you to get back to Camp and get help. Can you do that.” Abby asked as she tried to keep her voice calm. She noticed the girl not paying attention and raised her voice to get her to look. “Callie, please. If you can go get what I need to help people here, then we can save more people.” 
Nodding, Callie took one look at Abby and bolted towards the woods that led to camp. She knew that she needed to get help, but her mind was also on if her father was alive or not. Callie felt like she had been running forever when she finally saw the lights of camp. James met her outside and the redhead just collapsed into his arms. 
“Callie, what the hell happened?” He said as some of the others in the camp made their way around her. “We saw the light and heard the boom from here.” 
“A missile. Mt Weather sent a missal.” She said quietly. “We need help for the wounded.” She looked up at some of the other people around as they ran and got what they needed. “We need to go back.” 
“Callie, you need to get patched up first. You’re bleeding really bad.” James said as he moved her hair out of her eyes. The front matted in blood and covered in soot and smoke. Her skin was paler than usual as the blood loss took a toll on her.
“No. Just put a band aid on me and let’s go.” Callie said as she saw Jackson run over and quickly bend down to her. 
“Callie, you’re gonna need stitches.” He said as he put gauze to her wound and taped it down. 
“I know, but now isn’t the time. We have to go now.” She said as James helped her up. “There are more people who need help right now.” 
James shook his head and tightened his grip on her body as he looked at the others running around, seeing Jackson as he ran over. “Callie needs stitches, but you need to go and help Abby. Take a few people and get supplies to the wounded.” He said as he reached down and scooped the girl next to him up. 
“James, stop.” Callie said trying to fight her way out of his arms. “I promise i’m okay.” She knew that she wasn’t very convincing and Callie eventually gave up fighting and let James take her to get patched up. 
“Cal, you can go help when I know that you’re going to be okay.” He said as he headed towards med bay. Entering the room, he sat her down on the bed as he looked around for things he would need. 
“James, you’re great at a lot of things, but stitching me up is not one of them.” The redhead said as she put a cloth to her forehead. The fabric was getting soaked and the girl knew she needed to take care of it and let James help her. Moving back over to stand between her legs, James moved the cloth and checked the wound before getting the needle and thread ready to stitch. 
“It might not look as good as when you do it, but at least you wont be bleeding everywhere anymore.” He said with a slight grin. “You ready? We don’t have time for pain meds right now.” 
“Yeah, just get it done and over with.” Callie said, closing her eyes. Hissing as his hand touched the wound and pinched it together, the redhead held back a scream of pain as she felt the needle pierce her skin to sew the gash shut. After what felt like hours, James finally stood back and applied a bandage over it to keep it from infection and touched her arm. 
“Hey, you’re good to go.” He said as he watched her open her eyes. Moving a strand of hair from her face, James stood there as his hands went to rest on Callie’s upper thighs. “You gonna be okay?” He asked as she looked down. 
“Yeah, I will be once we get everyone out of that mountain.” She said as she jumped down from the bed. “I need to check on Raven, then we are going to go.” Callie didn’t wait for James to respond before she was running down the hallway to where Raven was. Busting into the room, Callie saw Raven at the radio and tried to ignore the look of worry she was given when the brunette saw her. 
“Cal, what the hell!? Are you guys alright?” She asked as she quickly got up and walked over. Waving her away, Callie walked over to the radio. 
“I’m fine. Has he checked in?” Callie asked as she sat down. Raven shook her head. “No...but he’s due to.” 
As if on queue, Bellamy’s voice rang through the room. 
“Raven, are you there?” 
“Bell, it’s Callie.” She said as she grabbed the mic “Octavia and I are safe. Please tell me that you are as well.” 
“Cal? Thank god, why did you lie to me? I told you to stay at camp so you were safe.” Callie could hear the worry in Bellamy’s voice as he tried to keep quiet. 
“Because I didn’t need you to worry. I needed you to focus. Now are you almost to the fog chambers?” 
“I’m working on it.” Bellamy said quickly. “Somethings wrong...my card isn’t working.” 
Callie and Raven locked eyes as James entered the room. Both girls knew what it could mean with his card not working, but neither of them wanted to admit it. “Bell..what's going on?” 
“Give me a minute. I need to figure something out.” And with that the connection cut out again. Pushing back, Callie stood up quickly. “Raven, you and Wick need to help him. I need to go find Clarke and help with what I can there.” Raven nodded as she went off to find the other man, leaving Callie and James alone. 
“I’m going with you.” He said quietly. Callie shook her head with a sad smile. 
“I need you here, to help in case we don’t make it back. I need to know there is someone here we can trust.” She said quietly, looking at the floor. Feeling his hand take hers, Callie finally looked up into his ice blue eyes. 
“Callie, you can’t sacrifice yourself for him….he wouldn’t want you to.” James said softly as his hand moved to her cheek. “You can stay here and be safe.” 
“James...I love him. And I know he would go through hell and back to make sure that I made it out of there alive as well.” She said as she moved his hand. “‘I’m sorry.” And with that, Callie pushed past the man in front of her and sprinted towards the mountain. 
It felt like her lungs were on fire before Callie finally saw some of the people Lexa had brought to fight. Thankfully they recognized her and pointed her to where their leader was, Callie just hoped that she wasn’t too late. The whole time her mind was focused on Bellamy and everything that could have happened to him as he was stuck inside that mountain. Seeing Clarke’s blonde hair, Callie pushed on till she got to the other two girls. 
“Callie!” Clarke yelled. “Thank god.” She said as they hugged. Stepping back, Callie nodded to Lexa who looked a little unnerved but hid it well. 
“I think Bellamy has been discovered. His card didn’t work anymore and the only way for that to happen would be if he was caught.” Callie said as she tried to catch her breath. Before either of them could say anything, one of the grounders ran up to Lexa excitedly saying that they saw the signal. 
“He made it.” Callie whispered. The pit in the bottom of her stomach was finally gone as she heard Lexa give the order to sound the horn to proceed. Noticing Octavia, Callie ran over to her. “O, thank god you’re okay.” She said quickly but was taken aback by the look on the girls face. 
“You knew. You knew about the missile and you and Clarke were going to just let us take our chances.” Octavia spat at the older girl. 
“O..please. I was coming to find you when it hit. We were told not to say anything BECAUSE Lexa told us not to. I wasn’t going to let anything happen to you though. I couldn’t let that happen.” Callie pleaded. She didn’t want the younger Blake mad at her too, but it seemed like it was heading in that direction. 
Before Octavia could say anything, Clarke came running up. “Octavia. You’re not going to the mines with Indra. It’s too dangerous and I need to keep you safe.” 
“Fuck you Clarke. I’m so tired of you and trying to keep me safe. I can take care of myself and obviously Indra thinks so too.” 
“O, Bellamy would be devastated if anything happened to you. We just want you to stay alive.” Callie said quickly, hoping to stop a fight before it started. 
“Worry about yourself Callie.” Octavia said before she turned and walked off. The older girls watched her for a second before Callie turned to the blonde. 
“Come on...we have a job to do.” 
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
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FT- A lil Joon, Seok, and Yoongi 
AU SUMMARY:  A powerful alliance made up of  4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have enforced. Sooo now, it’s game on…
Yall are all wanna wrap Tae in a blanket after this....
WARNINGS- For the sneak peek just no it’s a little heavy, mentions of death, overdosing, hella emotions, religion is briefly mentioned for all of one sentence! OH  there’s also a hint of fluff 
AUTHORS NOTE-I've decided part 5 will be done in 2 parts because as I’ve mentioned that’s the bridge chapter before everything kinda hits the fan! There's actually another character death planned for part 6 and yes it’s one of the boys. P1...will be around 8k and P2 will be around 6...I’m separating them because there's a lot of info and I don’t want to overload you all in one and you guys get lost! 
One thing leads to another and you found yourselves talking for a good 40 minutes or so, which wasn’t too surprising…considering all you had to debrief within the past 15 hours! Ultimately deciding to bring Henry back with you on the jet, Tae would start trying to slowly detox Henry while on this 15-hour flight. He’s done it before…he can do it again…
This time all four of you walked into the house…still dark, the stench seeming even stronger now, instantly picking up on the running water in the bathroom.
“Henry!!” Taehyung called out as he walked towards the door “Cho!!” Voice a little louder this time as he banged on the door.
Nothing, the four of you glared over at each other, as Tae pressed his ear to the door. “Henry, man open the fucking door before I beak this bitch down! We don’t have time for this shit!”
Nothing, nothing but the sound of running water rattling against the porcelain tub….
 Ramming his shoulder against the door, a  low growl ripping from his chest at every blow, after the third time the flimsy piece of wood ripped from the hinges!
The steam from the shower came pouring flooding into the hallway……The handle still in Taehyung’s hand, as it swung backward, feeling jerk back into his hold. Almost as if something was hindering it from fully swinging flush against the wall…That’s when his eyes dropped to the floor…
Part 5......
“HOLY FUCK!” It seemed to be the phrase of choice as it spilled from numerous lips… as you all fanned the smoke out of the room so you could see a little better! Frantically, Yoongi dropped down to his knees first, snatching the needle from Henry's arm tossing it into the tub, not that it mattered you all knew, and the realization was nauseating! This damn sure wasn’t your first dead body, and unfortunately not your first OD either...he was gone..long before you lot even strolled in there. Hoseok's body slumped against the back of the cracked up bathtub, feet crowning the top of Henry's head as he gazed down at him. Eyes and heart heavy, a string of words whispered low under his breath, and it took you a second to realize he was speaking in Korean. Hoseok may have actually even been praying over Henry’s body, I know, I know, in this line of work it may sound comical to some that there are members within the alliance that have some sort of faith...but some do! 
Taehyung was dead silent, he didn't have a choice, feeling as though someone had cut off every artery to his heart, completely light-headed and the smoke wasn’t helping. Well aware that if he didn't leave he’d possibly pass out, his body did not understand how to process what he was currently feeling. Everything just fucking hurt...physically hurt, it literally felt like he was the one who just shot up and every vein in his body was on fire! What made it even worse, is Taehyung's eyes accidentally graced Henry’s...and for the first time in months, he looked like Henry. Like the man Tae met four years ago that swore on his life that if they didn't kill him, he would get clean, stay clean...do whatever they needed him to do to show his gratitude. Being able to look at Henry and connect on that level should’ve almost been peaceful for Taehyung. The fact that he could see the innocence in his eyes again, as opposed to all the hurt, pain, and hell just dope! But it wasn't it fucking sucked because there wans’t any “innocence” there was no emotion Henry's dead, he’s actually fucking dead! It’s somewhat haunting to think that Taehyung came here with that on his heart, he came here to do what he did not allow himself to months ago. Yet when all the anger subsided all he could feel was hurt, and even thorough Henry’s cloudy tweaked out haze, he still couldn't do that to him. Yet at the end of the day..his body is STILL laying along the tile, cold, lifeless, to be fair Taehyung, would probably sleep better at night if he was the reason Henry sat lied this floor. The Idea that Lau did this to himself just feels like a ragged blade, continuously kneading at his skin. 
The thing that trumped every other emotion, the thing that actually made Tae sick to his stomach, was the fact that he wasn’t even aware if Henry knew why this hurt so much! If he truly knew how much he meant to Taehyung, how rare it is for him to care about some enough to spare there life not only once..but twice! 
He should be angry yet all he feels is fucking guilt, yeah, he’s the one that feels guilty right now, and all he wants to do is break every single thing around him! 
Clearly, he’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, he keeps his feelings to himself because he worries everyone's going to despair. Yet he never told one of his friends how much he meant to him and he’s gone anyway so what the fucks the point!? Why has he been working so hard to guard every centimeter of his heart if, in reality, everyone has the same ending regardless!?  Wordlessly Tae stumbled his way out of the bathroom..everything about it just felt suffocating!
Your eyes were burning to the tenth degree as you tried your damndest not to cry, yeah you’d seen a shit ton of dead bodies, caused more than you could count...But when it’s someone from within the “Family” no matter how the scenario pans out shit just hits different. Reallll different..not even realizing you’d crouched down next to Namjoon..who had his arms tightly wound around your waist, both cursing and grieving for Henry all at the same time.
“Guys he’s...” Croaked from his throat and with a slow almost disgusted shake of the head Yoongi cut himself off mid-sentence, there was no need to say it out loud at this point. Leaning down to gently brush the pads of his overs over Henry's lids so they could actually close...maybe have him look like he was peacefully sleeping!
“GODDAMMIT LAU!!” Ripped through Mazda’s chest and felt as though it echoed throughout the entire house as he slammed is fist into the glass mirror. No one even budged upon hearing it start to shatter, your entire body tensed at the impact. Almost as if you were the one who did it yourself, probably because you really fucking wanted too as you subconsciously dug your own nails into your thigh.  Mazda was relatively quiet, always smiling and cracking jokes...much like Taehyung he was never one to yell, seeing him like this was a rarity and it broke your heart. 
Chest heaving painfully hard as he plopped down on the floor, bloop dripping onto his jeans as he sat cramped in the tiny corner, the space far too small to hold all of you. His anger was communivate, that release of pain, aggression, brokenness, it wasn’t for him. It was for his boss, best friend, the man he’s protected since they were in high school …..the man he knew was hurting whether he chose to show it or not!
That’s when it hit you that he wasn’t in the room, his silence was almost stiffening at this point as you broke away from Namjoon and scrambled off the floor. “Tae!!?”  There weren't many places he could be in his box of a house, still trying to be cautious as you maneuvered through the many bags of trash, pieces of glass,and discarded needles. The lack of response had your heart pounding into your throat at this point “Tae!!?? Taehyung!!?” The sense of panic within your voice was more than evident..you hated when he went into shut down mode like this, it scared the living hell out of you! 
The minute your feet landed on the porch and the crisp air hit your nose you almost felt as though you wanted to throw up for some reason. It suddenly hit you how light-headed you were, resting your weight against the deteriorated wood beam. Every inch of your body just felt hot and sticky, it was almost like you could feel Henry on your skin right now, and you just wanted to claw it all off. Suddenly your body just felt almost foreign to you, as if it wasn’t even yours, your first instinct was shoving off your coat! Literally tossing the piece of colored fur into the nearest bush, hoping that would give you some relief, it was probably 20 degrees outside yet you were damn near sweating! Shaky legs wobbled down the steps...slowly moving to the side of the house, “Tae!?” Silence, and you really hate silence.. “Fuckkkkk '' Hastily running your fingers through your hair, tugging slightly against your scalp..wanting the tension as you tried to wreck your brain! 
I mean he could only be so many places and now you were nervous because he’s impulsive and hot-headed and he’d be the type to just take off and walk with no clue where the hell; he was going!
Suddenly you had an idea, something you actually learned from his mother back when you guys were younger and he’d go into shut down mode like this! You slowly started walking towards the back of the house “ Tae-hyung ” This time it was softer as you put emphasise on the proper pronunciation of his name. Then you asked him where he was, and if he was okay, all in the same soft tenor. Only this time you found yourself oh so thankful that you’d picked up the language over the years! 
Opting for Korean since that is technically the first language he’s ever known so sometimes even when he’s not thinking he’ll respond on autopilot! Then,just as you were about to give up, he responded. Tentatively..and slightly hushed, it was clear he was further away than you thought… randomly you started asking him stuff. Nothing intense just random little questions so you could follow the sound of his voice and this man was damn near in the alleyway! 
Sitting in a low squat, you could already see even from a couple feet away that apparently his fist had ran into someone again. His long delicate hands were currently a bouquet of blue, red and purple. As he sat there wordlessly clenching his fist as hard as he could..wanting to amplify the pain that streamed through his veins. Aimlessly gazing straight ahead, as the wind swept through his hair, he actually looked extremely peaceful, almost like you were watching a piece of art. 
You didn't say anything as you approached him, just crouching down beside him, yet to your surprise, he actually made eye contact and fuck you wish he hadn't. You couldn't even read the expression that danced with those dark brown orbs of his...everything was just black! And what wasn’t was, completely bloodshot. Cheeks clearly tear-stained, nose red..yet he just looked empty, not sad, hurt, angry..just empty! 
Reaching up to tentatively stroke his cheek, his hand reaching yours before you could even make contract, not that you were surprised, those Kim reflexes are something else! What did have you surprised was how hard his hand was shaking once it met yours. Attempting to pull away, assuming he didn't want to be touched right now, only he tightened his grip once he felt your resistance. “Tae I-”
“I love you…”
HI, HI lol I know...I know….as I said this will be in 2 parts..I wanna actually finish the full thing before I post it though so that way I can post P2 a week or 2 later! But who knows..I have P1 more than halfway done I may just post that first and have Part 2 come when it comes...if you guys enjoyed and are excited show this some love and come lemme know!  I’m Tech on hiatus until sometimes in January but we shall see....
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crowsent · 4 years
Reaper At The Gates
Full disclosure, this book has 458 pages and I kinda cried on page 448 so this may or may not make sense because I am FUCKED UP right now. Page 448 has no goddamn diddly fucking RIGHT to be that emotional and Page 449 is fucking CRUEL. The page header. The fucking PAGE HEADER telling me which goddamn POV the chapter is in made my heart SAD and that shit should be illegal. Chapter LVIII had no fucking RIGHT and I’m suing for emotional trauma.
I am crying in the goddamn club right now. I am inundating this club with my tears and bringing about the second great flood because THIS FUCKING BOOK.
If you’ve been with me for ANY amount of time, you already know about this book because I started this book in the goddamn SUMMER of 2K19 and I only just finished today, on the day of our lord, February 10th 20 FUCKING 20. Took me a goddamn year to read this book and honestly?
Honestly I should have fucking finished this book earlier because HOLY SHIT.
The book is a rollercoaster that I got shoved on without a seatbelt or something to hold onto, then subsequently yeeted into a sea of emotions that hit me on the head like a fucking WARHAMMER. The author, Sabaa Tahir, is a goddamn sorceress. Her words are twists and turns and it is all I can do to hold on.
With every fibre of my being, from the pull of my muscles to the creaking of my very bones, I wish so so desperately to have copies of the first two books so I can experience them again. So I can start the journey all over again. So that when I read this FUCKING BOOK, everything is fresh on my mind.
It’s the third book in the Ember In The Ashes series and when I say that I am shooketh. This book swung for my goddamn kneecaps and went for my jugular.
It is painful.
Let me say this right fucking now that it is PAINFUL. The imagery is beautiful and brutal. The sentences are skillfully crafted knives that are thrown at me with precision. It is a thunderstorm that has long since been spotted but has yet to strike. Anticipation builds and builds and builds until you feel like you’re going to crack under the pressure. And then the storm comes. And you break.
This book is fucking painful. Characters I’ve loved, characters I saw laughing, crying, howling with hurt, characters that I’ve grown attached to, are subjected to so many things that I can’t help but feel for them. They are clay, Tahir is the sculptor, and I am the poor fool watching them get broken down to be molded again, hoping desperately that this time, this time, they’ll be fine.
It’s fucking painful.
And beautiful.
Because this book is a goddamn thunderstorm, and it finally struck. It set fires that burned down trees and houses, but lit up a dark night. These characters grow so much and I grow with them. My mind is constantly thinking with every page I turned, trying to find some comfort when the book offered me pain, trying to find the wounds when I am offered mercy.
The plot is strong. The characters are stronger. All three of the main leads are thoughtfully crafted. You can see into their minds when they speak. You can feel every beat of their heart when they act. You can hear their goddamn fucking souls crying out with every atrocity they face and witness and commit. And the villain? I pity him. I pity him and hate him and love him. The villain is not a force of pure evil. The villain is broken. And some part of me wants him to win. The side characters are no slouch either. That small snippet of Alistar made my breath hitch and my heart harden. And Alistar is one of the lesser side characters, not as prominent as Harper or Dex, but he was there and I was not okay. And Keris. Just. Keris.
And the best part is that ALL of the characters change. They grow, for better or worse.
I don’t think it’s for everyone because of its kind of sensitive content. War. Slavery. The brutality of mankind on full display. Pain and pain and pain with nothing to show for it. Failure and sadness and betrayal. Hurt that runs so deep it colours the soul. But if you can handle that kind of content, read it.
You kind of have to read the first two books, but the third one is worth it. The first two books are good, but this one is visceral. I felt empty when I finished, and I felt different when I finished. Not in any kind of profound way, mind you. This book didn’t change my life or anything, but it did change me.
It made me think of things a little bit too deep for my usual shitposting fuckall veneer. It made me think of life and death, of duty and sacrifice, of pain and love and of people. Not everyone is black and white. Even the darkest of souls, the most monstrous of monsters, the most ruthless, heartless, cruel, vicious beasts have some good in them. They can love and they can mourn. They can fight to the death for what they believe in. And even the kindest people, the ones with bright smiles and gentle hands, the ones who are sunlight on a dark day, can be capable of wickedness.
I don’t think about the duality of man that often. By that I mean never. On a subconscious, hidden part of me, I know that mankind is never black and white. Everyone is grey. Someone who hated you so deeply can love someone so much it aches. Someone you would bring the stars down for could be a hideous sinful creature. And this book brought that to the surface. It made me LOOK.
The series was always a little dark, but I underestimated how deep this cesspool of emotions ran. The line “Skies save me from the men in my life and all the things they think they know” did not, in any way, reveal just how much of a painful, beautiful, vicious thing this book was.
The prophecies made me wrack my head for an answer. And just when I think I have it in my grasp, something else gets revealed. “When the Butcher bows to the deepest love of all.” A love for kinsmen, for the Butcher’s people, for the Butcher’s family. And the Ghost? “The Ghost will fall, her flesh will wither.” When the meaning, the TRUE meaning of that line got revealed, I lost my shit. This book yall. This fucking book.
My only major gripe about it is how much it used the word “bleeding” as a swear word. Y’all call Keris “piece of shit human being” Veturia the Bitch of Blackcliff but y’all won’t let Laia of Serra say the word fuck? Okay. But we ain’t talking about that.
Fourth book is coming and boy fucking howdy I was not prepared for how much I want it. I want it so much I can’t put it into words. What I can put into words, somewhat, is how much I feel for THAT scene. You know. THAT scene. Spoilers for the three things that destroyed me the most emotionally below
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What we are talking about, is Helene Aquilla. She deserved none of the shit that happened to her. My beautiful, beautiful daughter deserved none of the pain, none of the suffering, none of the tears and the worry and the strife she was given. My daughter deserves to be HAPPY goddammit. And what? First you subject her to emotional trauma by having Marcus torture her sister over and over. You poison Livvy and subject Helene to a terror so visceral and vicious that she blames herself for putting Livvy in danger even though it wasn’t her fault? You tease the Harper thing but then you take it away from her. Just like you take everything away from her.
How fucking dareth????? Helene deserves more than that??? Like the Harper/Helene ship has set sail and docked in the empty harbour of my heart. Their interactions are so goddamn GOOD and then you take everything away just like that. They kiss near the end of the book and all of a sudden, it’s gone. It’s nothing.
That moment in Navium? Where Helene was almost killed but saved at the last and final moment? The scene where Harper urges Helene to trust him, to let him carry some of her burdens, to allow Harper to see part of her. “Needing protection is not a weakness. Refusing to trust your allies is.” That quote ripped me the fuck apart. And I think it was this moment that the Helene/Harper ship truly and irrevocably burrowed within me. I will not let this go. I will, and I do not say this lightly, go down with this fucking ship. Even if it burns and drops into the bottom of the ocean as nothing but wasted wood, I will go down with this fucking ship because BRUH.
And Laia of Serra? First you have her captured. Then you have her see her people beaten over and over again. Then, and fucking THEN you have her discover her mother’s identity and the violence her mother has committed right before her meeting with Cook? You fucking do that shit?????? HELLO?????
That reveal destroyed me. Cook has been with us since the first book. She was something familiar. Amidst all the chaos and suffering, cook was the one single constant in the book. No matter how much the scene changed, or how the plot shifted, Cook was always there. Always present. And we learn that she is Laia’s mother. And THEN she fucking dies. And Laia has to live the rest of her life knowing that her mother had been so close to her, and she never noticed. Knowing that her mother died to protect her. Like nani the fucko was up with that??????
But you know what really hurts about Cook? What really hammers the rusty nail of pain inside my long-dead heart?
It’s the stutter.
For some goddamn fucking reason, when Cook said “You’re just like your f-f-f-fath-” I FELT that. Some part of me recoiled. I wanted to put the book down. Because while I knew that she killed her daughter and husband, I never had to actually KNOW that she killed her daughter and husband. That scene was impersonal. That scene was much like how Mirra of Serra snapped the necks of the people she loved. Quick. Painless. I did not know that she killed her daughter and husband because when that scene happened, Mirra of Serra was just putting them to sleep. But then she stuttered. “L-L-L-L-Lis.” “F-fath-fath” And she can’t say it. Because their deaths haunt them.
Because she killed them.
That was the moment it sank in for me. She is not Mirra of Serra. She is Cook. Because Mirra of Serra died with Lis. Because Mirra of Serra died with her husband. Because Mirra of Serra died long ago and this was the moment I realised it. “Curse this world for what it does to the mothers, for what it does to the daughters,” Helene said. I fucking agree. Out of everyone in the cast, the world took the most from Cook. I will never get over that.
But you know the one thing that really destroyed me? The one thing that made me realise that this book IS merciless and this book WILL shoot for a killing blow?
The penultimate chapter.
The bitch of a chapter that took what’s left of my heart, raw and bleeding from the miraculous escape and alliance in the previous chapter, and just shattered it. It squeezed my raw, vulnerable, bleeding heart until it was nothing but dust.
Look at the chapter title.
LVIII: The Soul Catcher
Not Elias. The Soul Catcher.
He’s not Elias anymore.
Elias is gone.
He’s just the Soul Catcher now.
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spirit-of-the-void · 5 years
Ebony and Ivory (V x Reader Fanfic) Chapter 20
Author’s Notes: Mmmm let’s keep this shit going, yall. Sorry for the wonky schedule as always, I’m going my best
Chapter 20
Trish was understandably quiet as they walked toward the Qliphoth tree.
V knew she would be, especially after all he had told her about himself. About...everything. The poet couldn’t fathom why he felt the need to do so, and especially her of all people. Maybe he thought she would provide some insight, some guidance of any kind? As much as he was hoping, telling someone didn’t really ease the burden on his shoulders, or the pain of it all. The guilt, despair, and desperation were all still there, clawing its way through his chest to his throat. He felt like he needed to tell someone, but...with you, he knew it would only cause you more pain, more heartbreak. There would be no happy ending to the time he shared with you, and that alone was enough to make him hate every part of his existence.
What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t find the will to tell you. He knew what he needed to do when he reached Urizen, there would be no choice in the matter.
You always had the choice to warn her. But you decided not to, because you are a coward. You don’t want to face her pain now, when it means something to you.
You were the only comfort in his life, and he was going to hurt you like this.
Because later...It will mean nothing, won’t it?
His teeth ground a bit, hand griping his cane tighter as he struggled to keep up with the blond-haired woman. Panting, limping, exhausted. The energy you gave him had faded fast now that he was moving, not wanting to use Shadow to travel because Trish definitely wanted no part of that. It felt...wrong when it wasn’t you. She seemed in no mood to wait up for him either, and he was in no mood to argue it. The goth only wallowed in his own self-loathing, still wishing you were beside him despite how utterly selfish it felt. He was a fool, and a cruel one at best. And acknowledging what he must do to stop this calamity from continuing, to keep himself alive...it only made the pain worse to bear.
But he remained silent, Trish’s words echoing in his head.
I’m not your mommy, V. You’re a big boy—and you need to see this through. Dante’s war.
She was right, of course. He had a duty to see through, it was his mistakes that caused all of this tragedy. The fighting, the death, the blood-stained earth...it was his job to fix, despite his own wants and emotions. Despite what he felt for you. And that was what hurt most of all, the idea that in the end you would become another unfortunate victim of his bad decisions, his greed. Just like every human sacrificed to the Qliphoth tree. The thought made his steps falter a bit, eyes squeezing shut as your expression at the time he started crumbling replayed in his mind. Your shock, your horror...How ironic that now your tears would mix with the blood on his hands, burning his insides until he crumbled into nothingness.  
He deserved this suffering. You didn’t.
“Does she know?” Trish said suddenly, making the poet flinch and snap out of his thoughts.  
It was the first words she had spoken since they had started walking, her eyes usually forward and mouth firmly shut. V looked at her, the woman now gazing back with a frown planted firmly on her lips.  
“...I beg your pardon?” He inquired, voice a little strained and hoarse. He didn’t know why he was asking...he had the feeling of who she meant.
He just didn’t want to answer this question in the first place.
Trish stopped walking, making him pause as well as she stared at a crevice stretching in front of them. The tree was close now, so close V almost gagged at the smell of it. Ash, rotting bodies, blood. So much blood. Trish winced as well, her nose scrunching up as she turned her gaze back to V once more. The woman was luckily dressed now, wearing her usual attired of revealing, tight black leather. Something about it made V heavily uncomfortable, resisting the urge to look away from her serious gaze. Or maybe that was his desire to ignore the question making him not want to stare at her?  
“That girl from before,” She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and staring him down with eyes he felt could cut right through him, “Who was she, anyway? I heard enough of what you both were saying to tell she was close to you.”
V felt his body stiffen at the mention of you, that guilt gnawing at him even more now that someone like Trish was calling him out. It felt like she knew exactly what he had been thinking about, like she could sense his innermost turmoil. It was strange though, he neither expected her to notice it, nor for her to speak out. She didn’t know you at all, but her tone sounded heavily displeased. Not that he could blame her. His own actions and mission were displeasing to himself as well, a constant weight on his already aching back.
“We...met her in Redgrave,” He replied slowly, turning to meet her heavy gaze from under his own lashes. They wouldn’t protect him from her sharp glare, that was for certain, “She offered to come along and help us. And...no. She doesn’t know what I am, only... that I am falling apart. And you will not be informing her.”
Trish’s brows touched her hairline at that firm comment near the end, her eyes narrowing a bit on the poet's face. His wording definitely didn’t jive well with the woman, that was plain in her expression.
“Are you using her?” She asked in an annoyed tone, sounding as if she was promising swift violence based on his answer, “Didn’t think you were the type to stoop so low. Might not be my business but it’s cruel to lead a girl on.”
Something about the way she said that made annoyance ripple along his spine. Like petting a cat the wrong way. They were wasting time on this conversation when they should have been heading for the tree, meeting back up with you. V would be lying if he said her words didn’t sting, like daggers cutting into his chest. You were more to him that she could ever understand, so why trying defending himself? He cared about you, craved you, needed you. But...was she wrong? He was using you in a way, using your energy, your kindness, your affections. It was tearing him apart, and Trish could never understand that. But what did it matter?
He was worried about your safety, and he wanted to keep moving.  
But...why couldn’t he just let it go? His jade eyes were tired, his tone defensive when he replied, “I wouldn’t dream of leading her on. What I feel for her is genuine, and I don’t have to explain that to you.”
V griped his cane, turning to start walking toward the tree again, but Trish grabbed his arm and stopped him. Why couldn’t she just let the topic drop? He turned, a scowl tilting his full lips as he met her gaze again. The pain and deterioration were making him irritable, even more so now that you weren’t by his side. All the goth wanted was to go, but Trish seemed firmly against it.
“All the more reason why she should know,” Trish made a face, staring at the poet incredulously as she continued, “You fell in love with this girl? Being half a person, crumbling like you are? And she doesn’t know? You’re going to just string her along and then leave her to mourn you?”
So many questions, all the ones he didn’t want to answer.
“Why does it concern you?” He replied, tone harsher than he intended. Closer to a growl, filled with exhaustion as his jade gaze landed on her face. She blinked, probably never seeing such emotion from the poet before, but he couldn’t care, “Does me having emotions jar you so heavily? She is everything...and I am nothing. I know what my actions will do to her, but she deserves to be happy in the time we have. She deserves her hope.”
You deserved more than him. Better than him.
Trish could only stare at the ebony haired man, the breeze sending her blond hair waving gently to the side. He was never good at reading people, and he didn’t know her very long. But there was shock in her gaze, and... disappointment. Like his words had hit a heavy chord with her.  Maybe it was due to her being a woman, wanting to look out for you. And how could he blame her? Or Nico and Lady, for that matter? There was a purity to you, that gentle kindness and affection that filled a room. Trish sounded just like the other women just after glancing upon you. A motherly thing. Which seemed far too fitting, hitting him like a fist to the gut. Her expression made him feel glum, scummy. Like was being scolded by his—
He gritted his teeth, pulling his arm away and wincing at the flecks of crumbling skin. He said nothing, but then again, he didn’t have to. Trish crossed her arms again, tilting her head to the side as she addressed him. What she spoke made his thoughts freeze in an instant, her tone almost accusatory.
“From what I heard of him... I didn’t think Vergil was capable of love.”
Well now. If hearing that name wasn’t a slap to the face.
V let out a low, bitter laugh, putting a hand to his forehead and leaning over a bit, bracing his weight on the cane. Something about the whole situation was ironic and amusing, in a very dark way. From what she heard of “Vergil”... of course Dante would have told others about his twin brother, why wouldn’t he? His words had been less than kind, obviously not praising his power-hungry sibling. Why did that sting? He had every right to paint a bad image of the man, dealing with all the things he had over the years. And V....he hated himself too, so why should Dante’s hate be any surprise?
You are a fool.
“So easily you forget,” He breathed, a bitter smirk on his lips as he met Trish’s gaze again, “I am his humanity. Contrary to what you have been told, Vergil is capable of emotion, and as for me... I can assure you I feel it heavier than you can imagine.”
V took a few steps closer to her, limping and slow. His memories as Vergil, his memories of you...he knew what Trish was thinking, and he could understand. But she could never comprehend what he was, what he felt, what he craved.
Still, he continued. His gait slow as he gritted out through his teeth, “I feel the self-loathing. The disgust. The pain. The regret.”
He stopped in front of her, panting as he observed her expression, that surprised look in her eyes as he kept his lips moving.
“The disgust you feel for him is nothing compared to my own,” He rasped, voice raw as his hand griped his cane so hard his knuckles were white, “And what I feel for her cannot compare. So, spare me the prattle—I know what Dante thinks of his brother, and he is entitled to those emotions. But neither of you could ever comprehend what she has done for me, the feelings she stirs. I do love her—I love Y/N with every part of my broken, brittle human soul. His human soul. And the idea of hurting her is far more painful than any words you could say to me.”
He turned away from Trish, caring not for the shock on her face as he started walking toward the tree once more. The conversation had exhausted him, drawing out the internal turmoil he already felt like ripping open a wound not yet healed. You were the balm on those wounds, and he had sent you after Dante. He only hoped and prayed Trish would remain silent, and let things happen as they were supposed to. Knowing everything he had hidden would crush you, hurt you, break you. And he couldn't bear to see it. He would suffer through the self-hatred, the despair and the hopelessness alone.
And you...he would give you all the love he could in the time he had, until he could give no more. It was all he could think to do, all he wanted.
Trish opened her mouth, sucking in a breath behind him like she was going to speak. V didn’t particularly care for whatever she was going to say, but the woman never got the chance.
Everything around them started rumbling and shaking.  
V gasped, stumbling and slamming his cane into the dirt to try and steady his already wobbly form, looking up at the tree causing the disturbance in shock. What the hell was happening? Trish grunted, stumbling as well when the earth began crumbling away, already on the verge of collapse due to the effects of the roots ripping apart the landscape. Something had happened. Something had happened with Urizen. V couldn’t discern what yet—it could have been Nero, Dante, or the tree--it was bound to reach its peak of blood consumption at any moment.
The idea of it being Dante frightened him, especially considering he had sent you after the demon hunter. He prayed to any being that would listen that you weren’t up in that tree without him, that you were safe.
The same couldn’t be said of him.
The ground underneath him shifted, falling away suddenly and sending him into a dead drop. He let out an alarmed shout, feeling Trish’s hand firmly grab his wrist before he could plummet into the abyss below. This wasn't good, this was definitely not good. He gasped, looking down before darting his gaze up to the straining blond. She was on her stomach, struggling to hold him while the rest of the ground around her began to crack. It was too much weight, both him and Trish combined. He didn’t dare summon Shadow, and Griffon was still gone. What was he supposed to do?
He was going to fall, Trish along with him.
(Your POV)
Faster, you had to go faster.
A feeling of foreboding filled you once you reached the edge of the crevice, traveling alongside it in a desperate rush to reach V.
The ground started rumbling, shaking pieces of debris tumbling down into the abyss. You gasped, gripping onto as much as you could and launching yourself along the gaping hole to avoid falling. You were suspending in midair for a moment, closing your eyes and focusing on everything around you. Body flipping gracefully, senses alert and taking in everything at once. The tree was causing the tremor, sending the edges of cracked earth shattering in places and falling. Unstable, already on the verge of collapse before this whole god damn mess.
What the hell was going on up there? You had only been away from Dante for a few moments, but it seemed like he was up to something up in the Qliphoth.  
Chaos was in control now, the dead husks of trees shaking and swaying before splintering to the ground. Your gaze whipped around, searching for anything to grapple onto with the tendrils, anything that would keep you upright. Bad, this was bad. You hopped between falling pieces of debris, heart pounding as you kept your Void gaze activated, searching for the whale oil. It was so close, so much so that it made your energy swirl in your abdomen and chest. V was nearby, but that was a fear in itself.
Everything was collapsing, and you were terrified of him falling into the abyss below without Griffon there to aid him. You had to hurry, propelling yourself along and arcing through a narrow opening between sliding pieces of the Earths plate. This was so dangerous, but you had enough time practicing on floating debris in the Void to be good at it. You wouldn’t be stopped.
It wasn’t until the horizon line was within your sights did you spot the blessed, familiar form of your poet. But even then, the relief would not come.
Your heart nearly stopped at the sight of him dangling over the edge of a cliff, Trish barely holding onto him by one arm. Everything seemed to freeze for a moment, you suspended in air, eyes ever calculated as you watched the cliff Trish was on start to crack. Ready to fall as well. Your brain was working overtime, looking at the distance between you and them, looking at the crumbling earth, looking at the drop below. Feather fall wouldn’t save you all in a drop like that, especially when it was so far down. The land was too unstable to grab onto them both and fling them to safety—there was nowhere to find purchase, no areas to latch in your tendrils. Think, you needed to think.
It was time to do something risky.
Neither V nor Trish noticed you, but that didn’t matter. You needed to be fast. You had extended your limits, and your energy was still pretty high all things considered. This was something you could handle if you timed it right and used your head—V wasn’t going to die here. You saw briefly that he was crumbling again, but you would worry about that later. Focus now. You inhaled as much as you could, letting it settle in your lungs and turn into frost as you propelled yourself over to the two, right as Trish began to fall.
You saw frustration and fear in her face, a silent shout stuck in her throat as she and V tumbled into a flat plummet. Faster, you needed more speed.  
You shot several tendrils out, following their path down in an attempt to grab them. You let out the huff of frost, meeting V’s jade gaze. His teeth were grit, eyes wide as he met your stare with a shocked one of his own. You doubted he would be able to process what was happening fast enough to really take it in, but that didn’t really matter in the moment. Saving him and Trish was all that filled your head, brain going into autopilot and power taking over. The seconds passed slower when a few tendrils managed to grab them, still falling and falling into the abyss.
You sucked in another breath, reaching your hands out to grab them even as you snarled in an inhuman tone, “Open the Void’s maw...!”
Your power burst out from your lungs, words filling the air like an invocation of their own. Icy cold, gripping your lungs and organs like clawed fingers as you expended a huge amount of Void power, an ability you hadn’t tried in a long time. The ability to step through the Void, letting it chose where to take you. Risky, difficult to pull off. But the only choice you had.
A crack snapped through the area, filling the surrounding space with the dull howl of the Void. You pulled Trish and V against you in the next instant, barely managing to grind out, “Hold your breath and don’t look...!” before a fissure opened in the open air below you all, swallowing the three of you like the inky caress of a black ocean.
Taking you into the Void.
You breathed in, staring out at the familiar, hollow darkness of your Deity’s home. Wind was blowing like icy fingers over your skin, the familiar sensation making your teeth grind after being away from it for this long. You wrapped your hand over V’s eyes, not wanting him to see the place so very few souls ever had to experience. The sight of it would never leave them. If they breathed in the air here, the chill would stay in their bodies for weeks, unable to be shaken by tea or hot showers. You had long grown used to it, but the few seconds suspended in air would be the only time you allowed Trish and the poet to be there.
You could tell they both listened, holding their breath and eyes shut in the brie moments of transition. You regretted putting them both through the experience, but it was the only ace up your sleeve. Where would the Void put them out? You had no idea, you only hoped it was close to the tree. Anywhere at the base, away from the crumbling. You doubted it would screw up your “mission” so royally by depositing you further away.
But that didn’t matter now. Saving the two with you did.
You saw another fissure open in the Void, ready to move you to a different space away from the place you all had fallen.blessedly, finally. You were counting the seconds but they always felt...too long here. Warped, incorrect. You feared the other two wouldn't be able to hold their breath much longer. Griping them closer, you prepared to exit the Void the way you came. But not before you caught sight of him.
He was watching you.
The Deity stood in the distance, suspended upside down on a piece of floating debris. Your eyes widened, catching his black-eyed gaze as your body froze. You felt like you couldn’t breathe for a moment, like a child caught stealing candy from a store. His eyes were so sharp, his hands clasped behind his back and body so still it was unsettling. But his lips were curved in a bemused smile on his handsome face—was he handsome? You blinked, but the memory of his face never stayed. You couldn’t have even been sure he was smiling. But he had been watching you, that much you were certain of.
Why wouldn’t he say anything? Why had he been so quiet for this mission? Seeing him was both a blessing and a curse, you cared not for his cryptic bullshit. Not now, not when everything was so crushingly hectic.
You wanted to say something, but never got the chance.
You spent ten seconds in the Void before it spat you all out, sending you tumbling out into the real world again onto hard ground. You yelped on impact, trying to cushion V and Trish with your tendrils as best as you could, but it was a hard landing for all. Trish rolled, groaning and gasping for air after holding her breath. V did the same, breathing heavily and laying on his side next to you. Fuck, that could have been bad. But you still weren’t out of the park yet. The transition from cold, hollow air to warm, reeking stench was jarring—you immediately gagged, landing on your hands and knees and momentarily registering that the ground was wet. Fleshy. Where the hell were you?
It didn’t matter in that moment. Making sure the other two were alright was the only important thing.
“V...!” You immediately gasped, pulling the poet up with your tendrils and holding him in your arms. He gave no resistance, his forehead cold and clammy when it rested on the side of your neck, “Are you alright? What about you, Trish?”  
You looked at the woman, relieved to see her sitting up on her own and rolling her shoulders. She looked a bit shaken, but not injured as she turned her eyes to look at you.
“I’ve been better,” She grunted, eyeing you warily before looking around, “What the hell just happened back there? How are we in the Qliphoth now?”
You blinked. The Void had deposited you inside the tree? You supposed that was a good thing, since it was the destination to begin with. But it didn’t shake your worry for V, smoothing some of his ebony hair back and sucking in a breath. The cracking had extended further, barely visible spider-webbing now on his face and those lips you adored so much. You hadn’t been gone that long—how had it increased this much? You were running out of time. And worse yet, you were willing to bet there would be plenty of demons in the tree. V wouldn’t hold out much longer, you couldn’t afford to waste time to rest.  
V opened his lips before you could speak, letting out a weak chuckle as he replied to Trish, “Isn’t she something incredible? She teleported us into the Qliphoth.”
Your heart thudded at his praise, tendrils wrapping around his body as you replied in a shaken tone, “Void Stepping. I would have done it a lot sooner had I thought I could manage it. I wanted to save my energy for healing you, but I've extended my reach enough to manage both."
Your energy flared again, but you could tell Void stepping had taken a big chunk. More than you could afford in that moment. But you would address that later. For now, you murmured the familiar words of “From the Void, Into You” and pressed as much energy into the poet as you could.
He immediately flinched, a low groan leaving him as the familiar sensation traveled through his body. You pressed your lips to his head, not caring if Trish saw you as you tried to soothe him through it. She was definitely watching, even as she pulled herself to her feet. It clicked momentarily that she was now dressed, the outfit pretty revealing too. You weren’t sure how she found such clothes where you had left her, but that was the least of your worries in that moment.
The crumbling barely left him.
You knew when you had to stop pushing the energy, cutting it off with frantic panic growing inside of you. It bloomed like a poisonous flower, spreading its thorny vines around your heart and squeezing like a vise. Your energy had practically done nothing. He was still crumbling, even on his face. It was only lighter now, but flecks of matter were still drifting lightly from his form. Like falling snow. Like ash.
You put a hand to your lips, trying to push back your panicked breathing as he finally opened his jade eyes again. His gaze met yours, his lips parted as he relaxed in your arms. Fuck, leaving him was the worst idea. There was relief in his expression, crushing relief and guilt as he stared at you. And... adoration.
It took your breath away. You pressed a kiss to his lips, that finally making Trish clear her throat, taking a few steps away to look around the area of the tree you were in. V let out a relieved sigh, his lips feeling dry and a little bit cold as he pressed to your warmth. Like you were water and he was dying of thirst. You mimicked his desperation, but you were at least kind enough to know not to get too invested with Trish there. And with so much at stake...you couldn’t afford to kiss him how you wanted.
“We’re running out of time,” You murmured, pulling away to help him to his feet. The kiss felt far too short after how worried you were, after how dire the situation had become. But V didn’t complain, only letting out a light grunt as you pulled him up, “We should get moving. I don’t know where in the tree we are, but at least we’re here.”
“I’d say we’re almost at the top,” Trish replied to your words, making you and V turn to look at her as she approached you both, “How did you manage to move us so far up?”
If you were already at the top...Urizen couldn’t be very far. Hope buzzed in your skull, making your heart pound so hard you were sure it would burst. There was a chance to stop him, to take back what he had stolen from V. The demon seemed big on taking things--stealing a part of V, ripping off Nero’s arm...so many deaths were on his hands and it needed to be stopped. If you could meet back up with Dante and Nero, a fight could begin and his life could be saved, right?
Not yet. You can’t afford to hope yet.
You instead focused on Trish. Her eyes were sharp, making you a bit nervous as you stammered in reply, “Er...I used my abilities to move us through a space between spaces...it popped us out in an area of its choosing, one that would benefit me most. This...is the area that benefits me most.”
If you had any confidence in your ability not to over exert, you would have done it sooner. You regretted not doing so, but Christ you never imagined you and V would be separated.
Trish put a hand on her hip, staring at you as V griped his cane, leaning on it as he summoned Shadow out again. The mighty cat looked thrilled to see you, letting out a pleased purring sound and rubbing your legs. It was a small comfort amidst the chaos.
The poet let out a low grunt, putting a hand on your shoulder as he told you in that low, honeyed voice, “We need to get moving. Are you close to exerting yet?”
You knew he was going to ask that.
You frowned flexing your fingers a bit as a few of your tendrils wrapped around them, “I’m good for now. I’ll eat while we walk. You should too.”
V shook his head at that, simply offering you a weak smile as he started forward. You lifted your hands, wanting to stop him when Trish put a hand on your shoulder. You blinked turning your gaze to her and feeling a bit...intimidated. She was much taller than you, wearing a revealing bust and black leather pants. A beautiful woman, and definitely not human judging by the aura she gave off. She seemed to be sizing you up, her gaze searching as it met your own stressed, worried expression. You weren’t sure how to read her yet, this new woman who was friends with Dante.  
“Leave him be for now,” The woman told you, pulling on your arm to tug you along. Walking and talking, then? You didn’t want to fall behind, so you kept in step with her, wishing you could run to catch up with the poet in question, “You and I haven’t been officially introduced. You know my name is Trish, yes. And I know you’re Y/N.”
You nodded hesitantly, not sure where she was going with the conversation.
She moved her lips closer to you, murmuring in a low tone, “And I can tell you’re not human. So, what are you? Some servant of a god?”
You sighed. Way too many people were wary of that here. But why lie now, when she clearly already partially knew the truth?
“I am,” You replied easily, seeing no point in hiding it as you stared ahead at V, “I’m a priestess. And I want nothing more than to get V to the top of the tree and help him to defeat Urizen. I swear I’m not up to no good, I just want to help the person I care about.”
The words came out almost pleading. Quiet. You saw V look back at you, a bit of worry in his gaze as it flickered between you and the scantily dressed female speaking to you. What was with that look? Trish definitely didn’t miss it, meeting V’s gaze with a challenging one of her own. The two seemed to have a small staring contest, confusing you even further as V paused his steps. What the hell was their problem, and why were they having it now of all moments?
Trish looked like she had something to say, but her eyes wouldn’t waver from V’s as she ground her teeth. The two didn’t seem to like each other, clearly having exchanged words before you met up with them. But you didn’t understand what they could have talked about to make this happen.
But Trish sighed, clicking her tongue and releasing you so she could quickly walk past V, her hair swaying back and forth as she did so. V let out a low, relieved breath, turning his face away from you and down to the ground.
What the hell was that about?
And even more alarming, you heard Trish mutter to V, low enough that she probably thought you wouldn’t hear as she slid past him.
“I’ll keep my mouth shut,” Her tone was displeased, angry as she flung the low murmurs at him like daggers, “But know that anything that happens from this point on is on you.”
What the hell did that mean?
You kept your face blank and confused, not wanting either to know you heard her. But you had, and you wished that wasn’t the case. V was still hiding something, something bad, and Trish knew about it. The knowledge was like a knife to your gut, making pain twist around until it felt like fire burning you from the inside. Foreboding filled you now, that sense of hope gone when you saw that guilty look in V’s eyes again. No...he couldn’t have been lying about his chance at getting better, could he? The very thought made your stomach do painful flips, toiling and rolling. You felt nausea building, threatening to make you retch. When was the last time you felt this stressed?  There was no way to tell.
You couldn’t take it. You couldn’t stomach the idea that he was hiding something like this again.
You wanted to confront V, wanted to force the truth. But...that look in his eyes stopped you. That pain, the guilt, the sadness...he looked like hell and then some. How could you make it worse for him? What were you supposed to do? You wanted to cry, wanted to sit on the ground and bawl like a child. But that wasn’t an option. More than anything...you wanted to hug someone, wanted someone to promise you everything would be okay. But that wasn’t going to happen either, and the sensation wouldn’t leave you even as you walked forward, forcing your feet to move so you could catch up to V.
He needs you more than you need the truth.
You faked a smile, taking one of his hands in yours and giving it a squeeze as you tugged him along. You saw surprise in his gaze before you looked away from him, forcing yourself to keep your eyes forward as you walked. No more wasting time, no more waiting. His hand was too cold for your liking, his skin feeling strange now that he was crumbling again. You were so in love with him, achingly so. The fact that there was still something terrible lurking, something threatening his well-being...it made you more anxious than you would care to admit. You wanted to share these fears with V, but god it would only make things worse for you both.
But V still seemed to tell.
“...” He was quiet for a moment while you both followed after Trish, him panting a bit at the incline. He was limping still, but he seemed to be walking alright with the cane. But his tone was breathy, low and concerned as he asked you, “Are...you alright, my sparrow?”
You sucked in a trembling breath, trying to hold back every ounce of emotion. For his sake, as well as your own. You wished he hadn’t asked that.
“I...” You mumbled, tone low and hesitant, “I...I’m just worried. I feel like...something bad is going to happen.”
It wasn’t a lie. But you couldn’t elaborate. You couldn’t tell him you knew there was more to his condition than he was letting on, more to everything. And that was ripping you apart.
V sucked in a sharp breath at your words, his hand squeezing yours as tightly as he was able. You welcomed the physical touch, welcomed him more than anything. You just hoped to the Void and back that you were strong enough to keep V safe, strong enough that whatever he was hiding wouldn’t matter. You had pulled off miracles before—you were willing to break yourself to do it, to save him from this fate. The Void was mysterious and powerful, able to shape reality and time to its will and change fate itself. You might have to give up a piece to access that brilliance, but...what else could you do, in the state you were in?
V leaned closer to you, his breath shaken as he pressed his lips to your hair. Nuzzling to you, getting as close as he could without truly embracing your form with his familiar arms. Your eyes closed at the contact, a whimper born and dying in your throat before it could be released. He was killing you softly, burning you up inside. Your eyes stunned with tears that so desperately wanted to come out, but you couldn’t let them. He was so weak, so desperately weak and breaking. You were willing to hold him together as long as needed, but what if it wasn’t enough?  What if you were never enough? The idea slayed you where you stood, making you want to throw up it was so terrifyingly terrible.
V’s words to you pushed the dagger in more, his voice so soft and deep. What he spoke to you was both a blessing and a curse, mingled together in a painful potion that made your throat clench with bottled up cries.
“I love you, sparrow,” He murmured, his lips brushing your forehead and breath brushing your skin. His voice was so raw, painfully so as he added, “And I will keep you safe.”
Your breath hitched, threatened to come out in a broken sob. Fuck. You were coming undone once more, heart breaking into a million lovely, sharp edges.
All that you love, you eventually lose. Destined to taste the fruits of happiness but never have your fill.
It hurt, but you couldn’t show it.
How cruel. How unfair. To finally have someone who loves you and they are dying.
You couldn’t break, not now. He needed you to be strong, right?
A pitiful creature. You truly belong in the Void, don’t you child?
The whispers of the Void were in your ear, so loud and rising in tempo. They wouldn’t stop. They couldn’t stop.
Please stop. You wanted them to stop.
Your eyes teared up, threatening to spill over as you closed them. You leaned closer to him, your cheek resting on his arm as he released your hand, sliding it around so he could hold you closer. Christ, it hurt so beautifully much. It ached in your heart, your soul, every place it was supposed to until it filled you to the brim. Like a glass with water shimmering on the rim’s edge, threatening to spill like the tears on your face. It was too much, and it was not enough—it was more than enough to make you realize just how in deep you were, like you had plunged inside of his jade eyes while he was drowning right beside you. The only problem now was both of you couldn’t seem to find your way up. And that alone threatened to crush you.
God damn it. God damn it.
How could he kill you with the very words you had so desperately wanted to hear?
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18136193/chapters/44161798
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Tagged: @silentwhispofhope @slightlylunatic @nightshadow4713 @just-call-me-no-name @efiicitia @raven-huntress
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sevenseasofrog · 5 years
Lads ‘n Lasses Chapter 3
Pairing- highschool!ben x fem!reader
Summary- single sex schools are never boring
Word Count- 1,467
a/n- sorry this ones only short, as I’ve said though, the next chapter is a little juicier, it’ll be up later next week :) hopefully y’all like it though !!❤️❤️
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As ever, September crawled by painfully slowly, with each student rebuilding the exhausting school routine for yet another year. For most of the other girls in your school, they started their day with a steaming mug of coffee or loose leaf tea. Your day however started with a real mug, who stood outside your door at 7:15 each morning waiting for you to stumble out. For the pair of you, coffee came later on in the process.
It would be fair to say that you had never bonded with someone quite so quickly as you had with Ben. The walks to school were no longer quiet and solemn as they once had been, and the walks home from school had you reaching your house with even more energy than you had at the start of the day. The pair of you had clicked into place almost immediately after first meeting each other, and it had become an extremely rare occurrence to see one of you without the other outside of school hours. You were most gracious when your friendship group welcomed him with open arms, a little. nervous at first that they wouldn’t want the new boy to cause a commotion. Him and Lewis became equally great friends, and it was nice knowing that he had friends at school too. The pair were hilarious to watch when they were together, mainly because they were polar opposites. There was Ben, short blonde hair, piercing green eyes, perfectly symmetrical face, very athletically built and a little shorter than the rest of the boys in his year; and then there was Lewis, long and lanky, often nicknamed Stretch by others, deep brown eyes, mousey brown bowl cut and slightly wonky teeth. The two boys couldn’t have been more different if they tried, but being able to call them your friends was one of the greatest privileges.
Things had moved quickly since the start of the new term, and you were working tirelessly to complete coursework in school simply so you didn’t have to do it at home, luckily, the free periods you had after lunch were becoming increasingly useful now the workload had gotten heavier. It was equally convenient that your friends were in a similar mindset, which meant that the time you had after school wasn’t spent alone. Making the most of the autumn warmth, the five of you would often head down to the park where you would lie contently until someone’s parents rang, instructing them to come home, at which point you would all leave. Maria and Lewis would step off the tram first, then Niamh a few stops later, once again leaving you and Ben alone for the rest of the journey home.
“You coming back to mine for a bit then?” You asked, looking up from your bag, in which you were searching for the pack of chewing gum you knew was floating around in there somewhere.
“Don’t have any reason not to, Mum and Dad are away on business until Sunday night anyway.” You felt yourself frown a little, today was Thursday, and to you it seemed a little unfair for Ben’s parents to leave him alone for a good chunk of the week, especially since you had become aware that this happened more often than not.
“D’ya wanna come round to mine tomorrow though? only seems fair really, your parents will start confusing me as one of their own otherwise” Ben had a gleam in his eyes and you let out a scoff.
“Go on then, I’ll check later yeah?”
Dinner was practically on the table by the time you and Ben reached the house, and it wasn’t long before you had both finished and we’re making your way upstairs. As ever, you flopped down onto your neatly made duvet, and Ben parked himself on the spinning office chair which was by your desk.
“I’m. So. Tired.” You dragged out each syllable for emphasis.
“Nah, you’re not the one doing laps of a field each day”, Ben replied with a smirk, stretching his arms above his head.
“That’s because I love myself dipstick.” You spoke back, giggling to yourself a little.
“Don’t be a bitch! I carry the whole bloody rugby team at the moment!”
“Sure you do… What would we do without our knight in shining armour to score all the tries in a match no one realllyyy cares about”, you both rolled your eyes at each other before Ben could slide in another sarcy comment.
Believe it or not, you enjoyed moments like this, you were both being yourself and there was no one else there to tell you to pack it in. Time you spent with Ben always went a little too quickly for your liking however, since you would both spend hours talking, it was easy to lose track of how late it was.
“Shit! it’s half-nine!”
“Are you joking?” You asked, genuinely shocked
“Unfortunately not”, Ben spoke as he sprang up from next to you on the bed and began to pick up his bag and put his jumper back on for the journey back to his house. You walked down the stairs with him and to the front door where you gave a quick hug before yawning.
“See you tomorrow Jonsey”
“y/n l/n.” He paused “We both know we’ll be talking on the phone in like 20 minutes so don’t get too ahead with yourself, aight?”
“You got me there!”, You three your arms up in defeat, “Now please piss off so I can go to bed!”
Ben gave one last grin before turning and heading down the gravelled path of your otherwise green driveway, you watched him walk to the corner of the dimly-lit road before shutting the front door and trudging up the stairs back to your room for the night.
When Ben said you’d be talking again shortly, he really wasn’t lying, and it hadn’t been half an hour before your phone began to buzz uncontrollably.
The bois and the gorls: 3 New Messages
Prince Ben of the South joined the chat
Prince Ben of the South:
Gooooooooooood eveeeeninggggg everyoneeeee
Nev joined the chat
Dear Maria Count Me In joined the chat
Dear Maria Count Me In:
You joined the chat
Le Artiste:
Prince Ben of the South:
Lewissss ??
Where are you my beany friend ??
Le Artiste:
What dya want jonsey
Long Boy joined the chat
Long Boy:
At your service
Prince Ben of the South:
Not sure if you all care but basically I just got a message from the team group chat and there’s gonna be a halloween shout at some point in the holidays so do yall wanna be my plus four or na?
Nice one mateee
Le Artiste:
Long Boy:
One question my noble companion
Prince Ben of the South:
oh you know it ;)
Dear Maria Count Me In:
Omg yes
Le Artiste:
Im sold
Long Boy:
Don’t see why not ?
Prince Ben of the South:
We should SO do a group thing
Fuck off
Dear Maria Count Me In:
Oooooooo, acc that’s quite a good idea
Long Boy:
Only if y/n is in charge of what we wear
Le Artiste:
So im a fashion designer as well now ???
Prince Ben of the South changed your name to Coco Channel
Evidently, u better make me look HOT tho
Coco Channel:
of course bby ;)
Dear Maria Count Me In:
Is that that then ??
I can sleep now ??
Prince Ben of the South:
You are all free to go :)
Nev left the chat
Dear Maria Count Me In left the chat
Long Boy:
Not until i know how much of a prick ill look at this thing
What am I wearingggg
Coco Channel:
Gimmie a sec ive had like 3 seconds to think
Prince Ben of the South:
Steady on lhewees
Give the gal a chance
Long Boy:
If this isnt good then ill sue
Coco Channel:
Anything for u dear
Long Boy left the chat
Prince Ben of the South:
I have no problem believing that
Btw if u make me look silly then ill never forgive u
Coco Channel:
Im quite sure u wont tbh
Prince Ben of the South:
Cya in like 10 hours g
Coco Channel:
Bye stinky :)
Prince Ben of the South left he chat
You gave a tired sigh before placing your phone down on your bedside table and flicking off the lamp next to it, as you pulled the crisp duvet up to your ears, wondering what on earth you had just signed up for.
There was one thing you knew for certain however.
This was bound to be good.
Very good indeed.
tags(if you want tagging in future chapters lemmie know !!) - @fatbottomedbitch , @crazyweirdocalledfriday , @disaster—bisexual , @seedless-vascular , @annoyedsloth , @borhapandshawn , @prettysureimgayxo
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
Part 1, Start from the way beginning here!
Chapter 30.5: I’m Not Playing These Games!
There I stood in front of the person that made me flee to protect my family, the gang leader himself, Johnny. Two years since the incident and he shows up at my most vulnerable.
“How the hell did you get here anyways.”
“My right hand man here pulled what you would call a ‘pro gamer’ move and transported us here” he gives me a look “this would’ve been you but you just had to be good at heart and play hero” they roll closer to me “now everyone and their abuela are rising up and becoming the very thing that has failed them, heroes never gave a shit about us!” his voice steadily raising “I’ve killed them all and look what it has brought, no heroes and local law running in fear but I’m not the bad guy. If anyone wanted to join, they get the freedom to use their quirk in public, I’m empowering them!”
“That’s not empowerment!” I bark back “that’s terrorism! The people join out of fear and you use them like pawns to take over!”
“Terrorism, liberation, same thing!” he rolled his eyes “point is, I’m here to kill you once and for all!” he stopped 5 feet away from me “I don’t let anyone live to tell the tale of fighting me!”
“What will killing me do for you now?” I tried to find the logic in his plan “I’m already not returning home and everyone thinks I’m dead.”
“Ah I though so too until Humberto couldn’t shut his mouth about you being alive because he could see some ‘red string’ bullshit” he scoffed “his cousin pried information from him and I just had to see for myself, he had visions of you roaming around these streets and going to some sort of hero training school.”
“Fuck, he would develop his quirk better when I died” I muttered to myself. I had to think fast, since I’m not at 100 percent because technically my body is still healing itself AND I only had one gun on me with 10 bullets. “I’ve defeated you once, and I’ll do it again!”
“Oh? Where you planning to throw fists in this GUN fight?!” he pulls out a very weathered and old rifle, like it was cool “I brought the HEAT tonight!”
Out of habit, I pulled out my gun but burst laughing when I saw what he had “That?- pbbt! Boi brought the rifle Winston Churchill used in the war!” I cackled and made the other person crack up too. I start to tear up “Yo! How much did that cost you? 5 bags of wheat and a chicken?!” I laughed harder and the other person was rolling on the floor laughing out of control.
“Sorry boss but I warned you” said the lackey, trying to stop laughing “she was gonna roast you ass all because you took the gun from that veteran’s display at Century High.”
“Fuck you guys!” he cocked the gun “I’ll just end yall laughing!” 
At that moment, I lunged forward and knocked the gun out of his hands and threw in an elbow to buy me time to escape. I ran toward the warehouse area, hoping to hide and teleport out to familiar area. The area was void of anybody and my plan to teleport out was a bust because my body can’t handle a 100 meter teleportation, let alone a 2 mile one! Plan B, send an SOS ping to Mimi while hiding. I hid behind a tall stack of pallets, the sound of the other two coming closer and closer to the warehouse.
“19 to 20, can you hear me?”
“Loud and clear, what is going on?”
“Code Moonbeam, I need backup and escape.”
“-gasp- Who’s the perp?”
“It’s the gang leader that caused me to leave home, he found me.” The sound of a loud bang of metal on metal was heard, startling me. “Just please send me anyone that’s near downtown! I’m in a warehouse with the number 64 painted on it.”
“We’re on it! Hang tight!”
I’m absolutely terrified, who knows how long help will arrive or if I’ll make it out alive. This isn’t a training game, I have a high chance of not surviving this one.
“COME OUT, COME OUT ITATI!” yelled Johnny with a gun cock “I know you’re here! just give up and accept your fate.” He breathes heavily “I’ll make sure to put you in that empty casket!”
I stifle my sob, I was basically a sitting duck, waiting to get plucked. Two minutes of keeping silent, I hear a very distinct ‘SMASH!’ battle cry followed by the sound of a brick wall breaking. I peer over the pallets and see Midoriya, Bakugo, Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka and Kirishima. I ping Mimi again.
“Hey um 20, quick question, WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“IT WAS THE BEST I COULD DO! Everyone else was indispatch-able in a reasonable amount of time.”
“Okay, so who else is on the way?”
“Your caseworker, Hemingway, Midnight and myself with Jin.”
“HURRY PLEASE before the twinks become my liability!”
I look on to the madness going on the other side of my hiding spot, these crackheads are really wailing on Johnny and his right hand man. It wasn’t safe for me to come out and I had to think of something quick. Uraraka and Todoroki found me and almost gave away my location.
“Palma-san! Thank goodness you’re alright” sighed Uraraka in relief “who is that person in the wheelchair? and why are those two a threat?”
“No time to explain” I squeeze my eyes shut “I’m trying to think of a plan that won’t risk my body to further damage” I bring my hands to my face “I can’t teleport nor levitate very strongly and I only have 8 bullets now.”
“I saw that he has fire” Todoroki put his hand on my knee “if you copy my fire quirk, will that help your thought process?”
“Shoto, you’ve been granted the brain cell tonight!” my face lit up “I can still copy! This will work perfectly!” I clap my hands to refocus my thoughts “Shoto, on my cue, I want you to form an ice dome to trap in those two. Uraraka, on my cue, drop that stack of pallets on them. I’ll distract them long enough to get things in motion.” I stand up “In the meantime, Shoto, I’m counting on you to let everyone know to back off because I came up with a plan.”
“Right!” both affirmed with me before getting to their part of the plan. I copy Todoroki’s quirk and ran out to the action.
“ENOUGH FOOLING AROUND JOHNNY!” I bellowed to stop everything “this a fight between you and me! Square up if you’re so tough!” I strike a power stance to show my seriousness.
“Need I remind you that you’re the reason I can’t fight at my best anymore” he drops his rifle “you disabled my ability to use telekinesis along with my ability to walk” he summoned fire on the palms of his hands “you’re the real villain here! Fuck you and your heroics! People like you deserve death!”
“NO! It’s you that’s the villain” I take slow steps forward “I came here to hide from the terror you’ve caused in our quiet piece of town! No more will I hide, we settle this once and for all!” I unzip my bomber jacket and go into a fighting stance, everyone backed off the moment I got in my stance.
“Fine by me!” Johnny clenched his fists “first to die, loses.”
“BET!” I scream as I do the Rising Phoenix, flames cover my body and burn off my non-flame resistant items, luckily my outfit was flame resistant. I fight them the best I could to get them all in one spot for the plan to work but I was getting tired fast. My body was trembling for me to stop using the fire quirk by the time I get them where I wanted “URARAKA!” I screamed and the pallets fell on top of the two. “SHOTO NOW!” a blast of ice came in on the left and quickly engulfed them in a thick ice dome. I released my fire copy and gasped for air.
“Are they dead?!” worriedly peeped Midoriya.
“Not yet” I smirked “I’m gonna contact the police and caseworker, they’ll-” and before I could put my finger to the earpiece, I heard the ice cracking “TAKE COVER!” It was too late for me, since I was the closest, I got hit with shards of ice and got knocked down onto my back. I sat up quickly and saw that the two weren’t there but I knew exactly what happened. “The other person’s quirk was Wormhole!” I facepalmed myself “of course it was! That’s how they got here without a plane, they wormholed to coordinates.” I felt myself go weaker and weaker “Is everyone...okay?”
“Don’t move!” Bakugo cried out “you’re bleeding, somebody help me stop the bleeding!”
I look at my body and I saw a piece of ice the size and thickness of a portfolio file, pierced into my upper navel. I touch my wound and saw the blood on my hand “Huh? So I am” the sound of everyone panicking around me was fading, my vision blurring “just leave me here to die, it’s okay” I said smiling, accepting my fate “I lost, tell my family I love them, I’m coming home Jesus.” I slowly close my eyes because finally my agony of being in hiding and not being happy were coming to an end. I felt my body go into a comfortable numb feeling along with feeling light as air. A blinding white light came into view, ‘ah yes, the heavenly gates’ I thought to myself as I felt myself get closer to it. I regained my vision and I was met with a familiar setting of an IV drip, heart rate monitor, brain wave monitor and a TV in the top-right corner of the room.
“DAMMIT! I DIDN’T DIE!” I yell and winced in pain.
“She woke up, doctor” a nurse gasped.
“Bring in the legal guardian” said the doctor, then turned to me “Hello Miss Palma, that was quite the scare you gave your friends” he scribbled on a clipboard “can you recall how you got here?”
“I remember getting the ice in my navel and realizing I was bleeding” I take a look at my surroundings “then I closed my eyes because I thought I was going to finally die, then I felt numb then I saw the light” I looked at the doctor “now I’m here and awake, not dead.”
“Well that’s all thanks to your hero friends” he tucks his pen in his ear “they rushed in with your extremely fatigued body and the bleeding was stopped before you reached critical levels. We expected you to wake up in the late afternoon but it looks like you’re recovering fast.”
“Wait, what time is it?”
“It’s 11pm, you arrived here right before 10pm” he answered me and got up “I’ll leave you to the legal work with your guardian, expect me again in 2 hours.”
My caseworker walked in, tear stained and clutching her flies “Oh sweetheart!” she threw herself over my left side “how could I be so careless to just-”
“It’s not your fault” I interrupted her “nobody could’ve predicted this, I was being erratic and ran off by myself!” I told her everything that happened “Will I be okay?” I asked softy, stopping her scribbling “it’s just that, more and more things are popping up and I’m worried that I won’t be strong enough to last this final year of high school” I try not to cry “I don’t want to be relocated again or get sent home, my heart can’t take another one.”
“Sweetie, don’t cry” she put her files down to hold my hand “you won’t get sent away until the threat is gone. And you don’t have to worry about getting any of your tuition money getting taken away nor the labyrinth exam.”
“Wait what do you mean?” I was taken back by those words.
“The proctor properly documented what went wrong and everyone checked the exam requirements” her smile broke through like sunshine through gray clouds “since you got interrupted by a non-exam projectile by a non-staff, it falls under unfair termination, so you are set to take the real test in the last month of your 3rd year.”
“I got pardoned?!” I got excited but winced in pain “that’s great news! I guess I have time to heal until then huh?”
Midnight walked in with a phone in her hand “Oh it’s true, you are awake” she sighed in relief “We called your parents and your mom had a lot to say, very loudly.”
“Not surprised” I giggle “is she on the line? Put her on speaker.” Midnight put the phone on speaker and put it on my shoulder “hello? Madre?”
“Mija! Que en la Jesus estas haciendo” she exasperated “cada ves me hablan, voy en para cardiaco!”
“Sorry mom” I sighed “pero estoy en el hospital y no soy muerta, but what should I do? I took a lot of damage.”
“Ya saves que nessistas hacer mija” my mother took on a serious tone “ya se que no lo gustas pero dilen nessistas estasis.”
“Estasis? What is that?” muttered Midnight “I don’t think I like the sound of that.”
“I don’t like it either” I groaned “Estasis, or Stasis in english, is a quirk medical procedure were they put you in a mild coma so your body can heal from the inside out BUT this is only done on patients with telekinesis after surgeries, sever injuries and child-birth. Since telekinesis is very hard to suppress, it makes healing very difficult and posing danger to our already damaged bodies.”
“Is that why you didn’t want to go to the hospital after the practice exam?” Midnight sat by my right side, getting at face level with me “you feared of getting into stasis?” I nodded and she gave me a very understanding face “oh Ita, you’re our little trooper but now you really need it” she turned to speak into the phone “okay Mrs Palma, what needs to be done?”
As my mother explains how it’s done, everyone else is in the hallway in anxiety of my well-being.
“Do you think she’s going to be alright?” Kirishima worriedly asked Bakugo and Uraraka “that doctor didn’t seem too worried but that lady and Midnight were in shambles rushing in.”
“I’m worried about Iida-kun” Uraraka softly spoke, turning to were Iida was sitting “he hasn’t said a thing since they took her in. And he hasn’t changed out of his bloodied suit, poor thing, having to carry her limp body and screaming for her to wake up.”
“Probably thinking about their fight before the incident” Kirishima sighed “he thinks this is all his fault.”
“Well, isn’t it?” Bakugo butted in “if he didn’t interfere in her practice exam, wouldn’t she not be here?”
The two thought about Bakugo’s point and how it was true technically but then a portal appeared. Mimi and Jin rushed out of the portal.
Mimi scanned the room and locked sights onto Iida “YOU!” she screamed and ran over to where he was sitting and grabbed him from his suit collar “You told me that you’d insure her safety! Now I’m gonna lose her all because of your insolence!” when he didn’t give a response, Mimi slapped him so hard it made everyone’s head turn.
“Mimi thats enough!” Jin pleaded “let go of him, we don’t know who’s fault it is yet” he put his hands on her wrists “please babygirl.” She let go of Iida and Jin holds on to her arm “lets go in and check on her, she’ll be happy to see us.”
“Yes, lets” Mimi calmed down and walked into the hospital room with Jin.
-Few hours later-
“Okay Miss Palma” the doctor said as he attached a syringe to the IV drip “I got the dosage attached and it’s a slow drip” he puts his thumb on the plunger of the syringe “why don’t you sing for us” he gestures to everyone in the room “you’ve got quite the audience here.”
“Sure, any requests?” I get ready for the incoming comatose state.
“What’s that french song you sang when you were sweeping the other day?” recalled Uraraka “it’s very pretty.”
“OH I know which one you’re talking about” I clear my throat “okay, ready” the doctor started the drip before I starting singing “Hold me close and hold me fast...” I saw everyone smile and enjoy my singing, slowly feeling the medicine take effect “...and when you speak, angels sing from above...” I could barely feel the warmth of Mimi and Jin’s hands holding mine “...and life will always be, le vie en rose~” my eyes fluttered shut and the rest of my body went limp.
I was expected to wake up in 10 days, in those days, I’m as delicate as a newborn baby. Mimi and Jin take care of me by regulating my body temperature, bathing, feeding me liquids and making sure I don’t get bed sores. It wasn’t difficult but it got lonely as everyone but them got to go home for the holidays. On the ninth day, something came up were they were needed immediately. With Midnight unavailable to care for her, they turned to the help of the hero dorms. They teleported in with Ita swaddled in a sleeping bag.
“Listen up wannabes” Jin demanded everyone’s attention “we need your help for one day, see, we got summoned and can’t leave her alone” he gestures to Mimi “so we’re depending on you to care for her until we return.”
“I have instructions and schedule of feedings and other stuff” she slings off a duffle bag “here’s everything and the food.”
“We’ll take care of things!” Iida stands up to get the bag “you have my word.”
“Good!” she hands over the bag “if you fuck it up, I’ll end you.”
“Mimi, cool it!” Jin scolded “but seriously, if we come back and she’s in worse condition, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to reproduce!”
Mimi hands over Ita, then jumps in the portal. 
“Well, I’m confident that we’ll-” he turns and sees that everyone that was in commons area, fled to their rooms “I’ll take care of her” he sighed and took her to his room. He gently set her down on his bed and he sat on the floor to look through the bag. “Let’s see, theres the list and soup” he took out some books and a mini speaker “wonder what these are? Guess I should read the list” everything was neat and organized to Iida’s liking but the contents were a bit strange “let’s see, it’s 11am right now, so she had breakfast already. Next is... read to her?” he was puzzled on the scheduled item “well I can’t ignore it, I shall read to her” he picked up the book with a book mark sticking out of it “this one will do, The Secret Garden, chapter six” he cleared his throat “Next morning, Mary told Martha that she had found Colin...” he gets invested in the book and read it all the way to the end “...And by his side with his head up in the air and his eyes full of laughter walked as strongly and steadily as any boy in Yorkshire—Master Colin! The End.” He looked at the time, it was nearly 3pm! “Oh my- reading this book took so much time! What’s next on the list?” he looked and saw that he missed taking her temperature. He took note of the thermometer after the beep “Okay you’re at 89 degrees, nearing over-heating” he unzips the sleeping bag to see her in comfort wear and thermal socks, her squirming scared him but it was just a reflex. He carries her out to the commons room to set her on the couch as he heated up her soup.
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk to you” Bakugo whispered as he sat down near her “but please come back stronger than ever, we need you.”
Tokoyami slid in the moment Bakugo got up to go back to his room “Ita, I miss you dearly” he nuzzled his beak against her forehead “when you wake up, I’ll help you back to your feet, I promise.”
“What are you doing?” Iida asked confused at the sight of Tokoyami nuzzling Ita’s forehead.
“She likes it when I do this” he responded without thinking “but usually were cuddling and kiss-” he stopped his sentence but it was too late, Iida put 2 and 2 together.
“You’re the mysterious boy she’s been sneaking off to make out with?!”
“Well, to be fair to her” Tokoyami laughed nervously “she hasn’t came over for a session for months” he stood up “I think she’s seeing somebody else or maybe is cooling off to start something with someone else?” he gulped “but we were never in a relationship and what we had was just purely physical, she’s a needy girl Iida-kun. If you kissed her, she’ll pounce on you for more.”
Things got very awkward after that, Tokoyami in general avoided Iida for the rest of the day. After Ita’s afternoon feeding came washing her face and letting her on the floor to listen to music. Iida laid on the floor next to her.
“Remember when we’d sit around and talk for hours” he reminisced “and how I’d hold you close, so many times I’d held back kissing you” everything was very still yet the music and company made his room less solemn “I just love you Ita. You’re amazing and I don’t know why you spend time with me when I ruin everything and cause you stress” he reached out to stroke her hair “I’m sorry for making you so angry that day, sometimes I don’t know how to approach things and I just end up ruining things. I have so many things to say to you” he turns his head to face her “I want to tell you how I feel, the dreams I have of you, all the wonderful feelings you give me when you run up with your arms out for a hug, the thoughts I have when I hold your hand” he sighs “but my mind blanks when I want to tell you, not for long though. When you wake up, and the day presents itself, I’ll ask you to be my girlfriend” a warm smile creeps on his face “I’ll give you flowers and set up everything perfectly so you’ll never forget it, we’ll kiss and be filled with our love...won’t that be nice?” he waited for a response like she was conscious “you’re my darling Ita, I love you” he kissed her nose.
Next on the list was to bend her joints and to rub the tension out of her back, it brought back memories from the time she came back from her first practice exam. Iida was feeling the regret of not telling her that day before her couch pass out. That didn’t matter right now, the day will come for his turn. He served her dinner and cleaned her up for bed. Mimi thought ahead and packed an air mattress so she didn’t have to bunk with anybody.
“Iida-kun, are you sure that air mattress is going to fit on your floor?” Midoriya asked in the open doorway of Iida’s room “it’s running up really big and it’s not at half-way inflated.”
“Not to worry” Iida tried to talk over the sound of the air pump “I’ll find a solution to fit this in, as long as she has a soft place to rest.” Ita was lying on his bed on her side, already looking like she fell asleep waiting for Iida to inflate the air bed. Finally, after rearranging half the room, the bed was ready for her. He puts her in the sleeping bag and places her on the air bed with 5 pillows laid about. He closes his door and crawls into his own bed “Good night Ita” he turned to her side of the room as he puts his hand on the light switch of his table lamp “sweet dreams, I love you.”
Dreams of her waking up and being back to her sweet, loving self came to Iida that night. When morning came, it was back to the harsh reality that she isn’t back yet. Still, he was full of duty to take care of her until Mimi and Jin came back later that day.
“Iida-kun, are her eyes supposed to do that?” Uraraka asked as she was looking after her on the couch as Iida was heating up her soup “it’s like she’s trying to open her eyes but can’t.”
“Oh that, yes it is” he responded from the kitchen “it’s more concerning if she doesn’t, it means that her brain is actively functioning at a normal rate.” the sounds of plates being shuffled were heard “I learned that from the papers her friends left for me, apparently when telekinesis users sleep, their brain activity spikes at random and their eyes do the same thing but at a much faster rate.”
“That makes sense on why she can stay up for days at a time” Todoroki said as he leaned in closer to her face “I wonder if she can hear us?”
“Give her some space Shoto” Midoriya warned “what if she wakes up seeing your face up in hers?” he turned to Iida walking in with the soup “can we watch you feed her?”
“Sure but it’s a bit of a strange sight to see her eat” he sat next to her and brought a cooled spoonful of soup to her lips, she does some quick sniffs and opens her mouth slightly to consume the spoonful “it’s an automatic response to swallow liquids so her food consists of soups with smooth textures.”
They keep watching her eat and see some of the after care until Mimi and Jin showed up.
“Alright, looks like she was well taken cared of” Mimi announced as she was inspecting her “thank you so much for caring for her.”
“Not a problem” Iida said bowing “we hope she recovers soon.”
Another 2 days pass, it’s New Years and she hasn’t woken up. Concern and slight panic set in Mimi and Jin as they really don’t know what to do. They call her mother and she said to wait it out a little longer as her brain might be adjusting back slower to full power. Everyone comes back to the dorms the next day and are worried for her, a knock at the door of their dorms kicked everything into high alert.
“Oh Shinso, nice to see you” Jin said relieved as he opened the door “we thought it was somebody else.”
“I came as fast as I could” Shinso panted “is she awake?”
Jin lets him in and walked to her room “That’s our concern” he opened the door to see Mimi taking her temperature “she was predicted to wake up 2 days ago but there’s no signs of her waking up soon.”
“It’s been emotionally taxing these last few weeks” Mimi sighed as she stroked her hair “I really want my baby girl back.”
“Can I have a moment alone with her?” Shinso asked and without hesitation, they got up and let him have his moment. He sighed the moment they closed the door “Oh Ita, I wish I was here to prevent this mess” he held her hand carefully “I have so many stories to tell and things to give you” he looks out of the window, it was dark with light snowfall out “I smoked that blunt you gave me, it was really good and I slept like a log that night” he chuckled “I dreamt about you that night and I couldn’t wait to come back to kiss you and play with you” he leaned in and kissed her lips “it’s not the same, wake up so I can get a proper kiss.”
Like it was on cue, she opened her eyes and groaned. She blinked and looked around her, not really processing what’s going on. “Wha- what day is it?” she stretched her body and her spine realigned “Hey Hitoshi! How was-”
“I can’t believe it!” he gasped “you woke up!” he ran to open the door “SHE WOKE UP!”
“Hmm? What’s the big deal with me being awake?” I asked as everyone piled in to see me.
“You took longer than 10 days to wake up!” Jin cried out, throwing himself onto her for a hug “but you’re back and nothing else matters!”
“Oh fuck really?” I hugged back “I must of been really injured if I took longer to heal.” Jin released his embrace “actually, if you say that, I don’t know if I’m at 100 percent then.”
“What do you mean?” asked Hansai “you took extra time, doesn’t that mean you can get back to things like normal?”
“Not exactly” I responded “I’m going to be weak and vulnerable but now I can sort of do things on my own, WHICH REMINDS ME!” I gesture for everyone to make room for me as I pull the covers off me to get up “it’s time to-” I felt my legs give out like they didn’t even try to support me and I fell.
“Oh shit you alright?” Yuka panicked as she helped me up.
“FUCK ME! I can’t walk” I stressfully screamed “I hate this side effect.”
After some quick planning on my next course of moves, everyone left my room again to leave me and Shinso alone.
“It’s getting really close to your curfew” I checked the clock, it was 7:50pm “you should go before everyone gets worried.”
“I’ll come by tomorrow to tell you about my time away” he leans in to kiss her, she kissed back “until then, stay warm love.”
Those words lingered with me all night, the thought of Shinso being the one I woke up to was making my heart pound. I was motivated to get better now, the sooner I can get back to full health, the sooner Shinso and I can be in an intimate relationship! Even though I had a week and a half until school resumed, I was still too stumbly to do any physical training or walking long distances in that matter. First day back and I was wheelchair bound but this time I had so many people helping me around. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel lonely or pathetic. I had so many holes in my schedule that I could leave 2 hours early if I wanted to. But I planned to fill them with training sessions and helping lower-classmen once I was able to. Soon I was able to walk and run like normal, I felt myself get stronger with my quirk too. Word got out that Iida helped me recover and was the one that carried me to the hospital that night. I gather the courage to say thank you to him after class, since lunch is right after the class we’re in.
“Hey Tenya!” I get in his way to get his attention “can I talk to you for a sec?”
“Sure!” he didn’t hesitate at my request.
I pull him to the far corner of the hall “I just wanted to say, thank you for helping me during my recovery time” I take a deep breath “and, sorry for being angry and shouty before I ran off.”
“Don’t apologize for that” he fixed his glasses “I’m sorry for pushing you too far to make you angry.”
“Well, I was wondering if there’s anything I can do to make it up to you?” I get timid “like, anything at all?”
“No need” he smiled “seeing you healthy and safe is reward enough” he put a hand on my shoulder “I’m just happy you’re back.”
“Okay, if you say so” I give him a tight hug “I’ll pay you back! somehow.” We part ways for lunch but I was in a dilemma, how could I see Iida with intentions of sparking something when things were going well on their way with Shinso?! Was I in denial that Iida doesn’t have feelings for me or that I don’t really want to be in a relationship with Shinso because of some underlying issue? I don’t know, it’s all very confusing that I’m teetering between them two when it’s super obvious who I want to be with. I meet up with Shinso at the roof of the hero dorms for a smoke sesh later that night.
“Hey remember when we danced up here?” Shinso said, laying next to me on the blanket.
“How could I forget?” I smiled, recalling that night “I was so sore from training but I forgot about my pain because you did that.”
“Remember what I said?” he cleared his throat “after the kiss?”
“Yeah~” I start blushing and turned my head away to hide my face.
“I’m holding myself against my word tonight” he gets closer and leans on his side “it’s the right time and I’ve been longing to ask” I turned my head to face him and he holds my hand “will you be my girlfriend?”
My heart felt like it stopped, this is it, your chance at happily ever after. I felt my face glow red and my lips trembling “Yes, I’d love to be your girlfriend.” As he leaned in to kiss me, as if to lock in my answer, my anxiety of if I chose the right answer was lifted off me. That or the high was kicking in, but I was happy that better days were coming...maybe senior year won’t be so bad.
-Chapter 30 End-
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onpurposebreezy · 6 years
CHAPTER 9 (Long Chapter)
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Once I got to the club I went right in and to the VIP section where I saw my bestfriend Rick dapping him and I saw the section was full of woman so I didn’t know which one I was to babysit while he got the draws.
“I was worried that you wasn’t going to show up”
“I wouldn’t leave you hanging like that man you my dog so where is she and how ugly is she and how long do I need to watch her for you to get in her sisters panties”
“Damn man don’t say it like that but here they came now and long enough for me to signal you the thumbs up when I’m leaving with her and you can just hang out with her sister and maybe drive her home or send her a Uber or Lyft I don’t care just know that your job will be done… hey yall back from the bathroom this is my friend Cody… Cody this is Char and this is her sister Tina”
“Wow he is going looking I thought you was going to hook me up with someone ugly”
“I don’t have ugly friends”
 “If you don’t have one then you are the one” everyone laughed but Rick.
“Whatever yall want a drink?”
“Yea anything but whiskey I hate it makes me sick”
“Vodka and OJ please”
“be right back”
“So Cody tell me about Rick what kind of guy is he?”
“He’s a good guy loyal we been friends since middle school so I trust him with my life”
“Good to know, really good to know” we hung out and talked and the girls danced we was here for about 3 hours when I saw Rick walking off with Char and she waved her sister bye and he gave me the thumbs up and I nodded to him.
“You wouldn’t have a problem with driving me home do you?”
“No not at all” she smiled and down the rest of her drink and her sisters drink the whole night she danced on me even tried to kiss me a few times but her lips didn’t connect she was getting drunk off her ass right now.
“WHOA there you almost fell come on let’s get you home where do you live”
“In the bottom of the barrel ha bet you didn’t think I was going to say that”
“Nope do you have to puke?”
“I don’t want you throwing up in my car”
“I’m not drunk I’m good I live off of 10th street near regency park dr”
“Okay I know where that is come baby let’s go”
“Awww you called me baby I think I love you too baby” giggling as we left the club and got into the car we was off I checked her purse and she gave me the right address and I also noticed she was just 20 not 21 she shouldn’t have been drinking. We rode to her house I would like to say in silence but nope she sang every song on the radio off beat and loud all I could do was laugh at her as we pulled up to her house.
“We’re here”
“I don’t wanna get out just yet I wanna do something for you first” she said as she kissed my neck and grabbed my dick.
“You don’t have too really”
“No I want to please don’t deny me this please” I just looked at her as she grabbed my dick again. What the fuck am I doing?
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 I was still a virgin and I think he was too. I'd never even seen a guy's dick live, up close.
Excited, extremely curious and wanting to see what it looked like, I tried to open his jeans to pull it out. It was impossible in the cramped front seat of his car though, so he kindly (What a gentleman!) and eagerly slid his seat back, lifted his hips up off the seat, opened his belt, and shoved his pants and underpants down.
It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Though I had no way of judging relative to other guys, it was big, hard, and had a huge head that was leaking something. I had heard enough to know that it wasn't anything bad, so I just leaned over and licked it. It was thin, watery and just a little slimy, and salty -- and I enjoyed its taste.
The next thing I knew I was slurping up and down his wonderful dick, enjoying the feel of it in my mouth and the sounds of his moans. He was thrusting a little. I instinctively knew that it wouldn't be good to have my teeth scratch his skin, so it just seemed natural to keep my lips securely over my teeth and to keep the lips and his dick well lubricated with saliva.
I had no idea how it was going to shoot out, but I just knew I wanted to see it and to taste it. Though I was always getting asked out because of my boobs, I had actually gone on a few dates and I had felt a few dicks, but never actually looked at one closely. Yet, here I was kneeling on this guy's front seat with my head in his crotch, sucking for all I was worth on his beautiful dick.
From the sounds he was making I knew he was about to have an orgasm. I was frightened, but very excited, and conflicted about wanting to watch it shoot and wanting to taste it. Suddenly, he solved my dilemma by jerking a little too much and as his first shot spewed out he slipped from my mouth. It shot almost a foot in the air, straight up, and landed right down on my hand holding his dick. At that moment I came. Hard.
He wasn't even touching me (well, he did have one hand on my shoulder), but I had the largest orgasm I'd ever had since I began masturbating a few years earlier. (Look, ma, no hands!) It amazed me: there was so much happening. He was shooting, moaning, thrusting. I thought I was going to pass out from my large orgasm that occurred just by watching his dick shoot cum.
I leaned back down to regain his dick and he shot a second gob up into my wide-open mouth. When I finally surrounded his dick, he'd spewed another couple of shots into my mouth. Immobilized by my own body's reaction, there was absolutely nothing I could do. My orgasm was still controlling every muscle in my body, I was tingling and very wet between my legs, and my nipples were very erect. Because I was leaning over, the top halves of my boobs were rubbing his thighs while the bottom halves were rubbing my knees. As I slowly rocked back and forth, my hard nipples were getting caressed by both of our legs, enhancing my orgasm.
Eventually, realizing that he'd stopped shooting, I just kept my mouth on his slightly softening dick. I also kept the mouthful of semen he'd deposited there tightly secure between my lips. Eventually, he got soft and I carefully slid my lips off his dick, holding his liquid gift in my mouth.
My orgasm was just about through, and I slowly straightened up. I opened my mouth a little. When the air touched the semen and I could really smell the aroma of cum, I had another, smaller orgasm. What a blast! I loved it.
I swallowed, and immediately wanted more. Remembering that there was more on my hand, I brought it up to my mouth and licked every inch of it in the moonlit front seat. After finishing all I could find on my fingers, I leaned back over and licked all around his crotch, his pubic hair tickling my nose, attempting to find every last drop of that wonderful stuff. And with each dollop that my tongue located, a little orgasmic spark flowed through my 20-year old body.
After lovingly licking up all the cum I could find, I leaned back and we looked at each other, amazed. In the dim light, he looked at me, betraying a host of emotions: affection, gratitude, lust, and friendship, amid others. I could only sit there and feel the warmth of my largest and most emotional orgasm ever. Of course, I was still a virgin, but for the time being I was very satisfied. Then he reached up slowly to my face with his right hand, though I wasn't exactly sure why. A second later I found out: he'd seen a glob of his cum on my cheek in the moonlight. Needing to taste more, as he pushed it closer to my mouth I turned my head to meet his finger and the additional treat it contained. As he put his fingertip into my mouth I sucked on it and tasted my last taste of semen for the evening. I just savored it for a brief second and swallowed.
"Thank you," I said.
"That was wonderful," he sighed.
It was then that I realized a several things: First, I'd just given my first blowjob. (Yay!) Second, I'd swallowed. (Double Yay!) Third, I absolutely loved the entire experience. Fourth I knew I was drunk I opened the door only to pass out.
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cyancees · 6 years
salty ask meme answers
ok im awake now hehe so here’s all my answers for that ask meme
@adoggodude asks:  5, 7, 14, 16, 20
5: Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
yes. none i can think of for danganronpa, but .... mch/anzo....... but tbh, it was also partially me realizing it’s such a boring ship and they’re only paired because they’re both hot
7:  Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
see above - nah i’m kidding i don’t hate it that much. a lot of animes i used to like have lost my favor because of things i’ve realized as i got older, mostly pedophilia. namely kill la kill i used to adore until i realized how many characters were underage. i used to really like attack on titan too but the creator is fucking bonkers.  i also liked koma/eda during the first chapter of dangan (as im sure most people did lmao) but i then hated him when he went nuts
14:  Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
16:  If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
a lotta things, but if i had to choose one, i’d either let juuzou live :( (or maybe i’d make asano from drg end up with the sleepy chick because her ending up with hijirihara pissed me off sooooooooooo bad you have no idea)
20:  What is the purest ship in the fandom?
naegiri uwu
Anonymous asks:  6, 16, 19?
6:  Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
hmmmmmmmmmmm..... i can’t really think of anything for danganronpa. i’m a huge multishipper after all! well, when i was back into one piece, i hated zoro x sanji. but now i like it - however that wasn’t because of the fandom, i’m long gone out of that hahaha. more just me being nostalgic and watching clips of the show and realizing the sexual tension that little me didn’t 😔
19:  What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
people will call you out for liking the good guys because of one or two “problematic” things then kin sociopaths and serial killers
@sparklygems asks:  eyoo this is for the salty asks list and I was curious about if you could change anything in the DR games what would you change? (You have some Good opinions, i like hearin your thoughts~)
hehe thank you! i already answered this one, but, i guess i’ll give a different answer this time.
less weird borderline pedophilic things coming out of yumeno’s mouth :) (borderline because she’s technically of age but she’s total lo/li bait) and i guess just a bunch of other things regarding the weird unnecessary sexual shit lmao
@oxonicrab asks:  22 and 23! for dangan ofc
22:  Popular character you hate?
pretty sure it’s very well known that i hate koma/eda and ou/ma by now, soooo.... fucking MON/ODAM! he’s by far the most popular cub, i cannot stand him and i never could
23:  Unpopular character you love?
@chainedintimacy asks:  If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Also purest character? Popular character you hate? Unpopular character you love?
welp, almost every one of these has been answered, im gonna have to get creative!
16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
mukuro-junko incest. totally ruined a perfectly good character for me (mukuro)
Purest character?
fucking usami.... nanami and naegi also are perfect and pure!!! 
22:  Popular character you hate?
hmmmm... shing/uuji
23:  Unpopular character you love?
i adore angie but it seems like a lot of the fandom hates her so;;;
@fly-fool asks:  Unpopular fan opinions 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 14, 17, 24, 25, 26, and 27 please
[rubs hands] here i fucking go
2: Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
toukomaru :x not that i hate the ship or anything! it can be pretty cute! just.... one is a minor and one is an adult haha
EDIT: i now know that komaru is only a year younger than fukawa, but, this ship still counts for the question!
4:  Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
fucking. KOM/AHINA. OUM/ASAI. wayyyyy too popular for my liking. also oum/ota
5:  Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
fuck i really gotta think of something for dangan huh? cus the pairings that i hate, i already hated... if it counts for anything, i only disliked oum/asai at first but the fandom made me loathe it so incredibly?
8:  Have you received anon hate? What about?
nothing too serious that i can recall. a couple funny little things about my CONTROVERSIAL SHIP/CHARACTER OPINIONS but nothing else really! oh, and some of that wasn’t even anon, so...
9: Most disliked character(s)? Why?
here’s ma top 3: 
3. koma/aeda. it feels dumb to have to explain why, but we’re in a fandom where he’s one of the most popular characters, so... just remember every bad thing he’s ever done, and that’s most of it. but i also hate the edginess surrounding him, the weird wheezy laugh, the self-deprecation done in such a weird creepy way, the appearance, the fact that he has the voice of my love, the fact that he’s the sans of the fandom... the sans before sans, if you will...
2: hai/ji. i shouldn’t have to justify this one since almost no one likes him, but. pedophile. even if you take away that totally unnecessary character aspect, he’s just... so fucking annoying. huge dickhead. ugly ratty hair. pissy pissy man. I HATE HIM
1. k*k*ch* **ma!!!! :)))))))))) again, just like kom/aeda, think of every bad thing he’s done. think of how the fandom treats him, amplifying my already-existent hate. think of his mortal enemy in the game who happens to my my favourite v3 (momota) and there ya go! his lying is only entertaining for so long, his stupid fucking shota face, the way people call him hot when he looks 12 and the fandom overlooks it because he’s a boy, the way people treat him like some canonically gay icon, some dickhead i saw who called him autistic once which offended me and my autistic brother deeply since the evidence they used was clearly a lack of understanding of autism... it’s a combination of the fandom’s obsession and his actual canonical character.
14:  Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
it’s fucking shite and everyone is a sheep - not to sound like some “intellectual” atheist who watches rick and morty but.... yall really do just latch onto what others say without looking into things yourself
17:  Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... instead of gonta getting iruma killed and being punished for it, i’d rather iruma have succeeded with her plan and taken one for the team :)
24:  Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
i’ve gotten ummm... at least 6 people to play so far hehe
even back in 2013-2014 when i was first into dangan, i got a couple friends to watch the anime. so that’s a yes! :)
i recommend it because, primarily, i need friends to talk about my hyperfixation to - but also because it’s genuinely a great series in my opinion. it has its flaws, but overall i really love danganronpa !
25:  How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
i mean...................... they could’ve thrown a naegiri wedding in there at the end of dr3 i’m just saying
26:  Most shippable character?
souda hehe. no bias xd (but for real i don’t think there’s bias considering none of my other top faves have nearly as many cute ships as he does. i can ship him with sonia, gundam, nidai, hinata, kuzuryuu, ibuki, iruma, kiibo....)
27:  Least shippable character?
ou/ma because he deserves nothing. i mean at least i can ship kom/aeda with himself (amami) and himself (sans) :///
@holy-shit-dangan-ronpa asks:  salty ask #17
17: Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
shit lemme think of something else. uhhhh instead of... monaka going to space i want her redeemed too :( she may be totally evil and a bitch but they’re all kids!!!! i can’t wait for despair girls 2 i want the monokuma kids to be saved from their helmets and i want the warriors of hope to be adopted by good parents :((((
Anonymous asks: 10
10: Most disliked arc? Why?
i’ll probably have to choose ruruka’s whole character arc, what a bitch haha. she caused her own demise by trying to cheat in her exam, blamed her ‘friend’ for it who she only used, then killed her boyfriend because she didn’t wanna be ‘betrayed’ again. fucking christ woman get your shit together lol
Anonymous asks: 1
1: What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
besides the notps i’ve already mentioned earlier... i guess oum/eno? like... the whole thing seems either based on the fact they’re both pedo bait... or because in the 5th trial ou/ma says he likes her (WHICH ISN’T EVEN OU/MA SAYING IT? AND IF MOMOTA IS GETTING THAT FROM HIS SCRIPT THEN DON’T THEY KNOW YOU CAN’T TAKE ANYTHING OU/MA SAYS SERIOUSLY BECAUSE HE’S THE BOY WHO CRIED USO DAYO?)
thanks for those guys it was fun :D xx
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averymessyxmas · 5 years
Chapter 10
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 Norielle passed out and MJ grabbed her in time. “Narkim go get Janessa and Vada now!”. I ran upstairs, and Janessa was already coming out the room. “What’s going on?” She turned on the hall light. “Oh My Gosh what happened to your face?!” She said trying to inspect my face, I lightly moved her hand and shook my head. “Norielle passed out” I told her. Her eyes widened. “Where, where is she?” She asked. “Downstairs, get Vi” I said. I ran back downstairs, Vada and Janessa followed me minutes later. “Okay somebody call an ambulance, she is pregnant” Janessa said. “Nori!” She said lightly. MJ pulled out his phone and called 911. “Narkim what happened?” Vada asked. I shook my head. “She had an anxiety attack” I told them. “Alright they are on the way” MJ said.
We all sat in the waiting room at North Side Hospital. “Should we call mama?” Vada asked. I shook my head. “Nori would be pissed if we told mama” I said. MJ stood up against the wall. “How come yall aint tell me my baby sister was pregnant?” I shrugged. “Yall let us know what they say, walk with me Nari” MJ said. I sighed. “Yo what happened?” He asked. “My friend Andre, I was telling you about is her baby’s father, her boyfriend. I aint tell her I was the reason, she been stressed lately, and I can feel it sometimes she gets anxiety attacks it started since she got pregnant, I aint expect her to find out like that. I feel really bad man” I said feeling my eyes get watery. MJ sighed. “Nari, look once dude get out and everything, she’s going to forgive you, may take a minute but yall closer than we all are cause yall shared a womb, birthday yall just close, she just hormonal” He told me. Denisha ran into the hospital doors. “Is Nori okay?” She asked. She looked at my face. “What the fuck Narkim?!” She asked. “I got beat up by some nigga trying to do a deal, I’m good though, and we don’t know about Nori”. We walked back to the waiting room. “I’m looking for my daughter Norielle Simone Richards, she’s 20 years old, I’m her mother Sharice Richards” We all looked at each other. My mom had walked in with Nylah and Damien. “Man, who called?” I asked. Vada pointed at Damien. “D probably did” Janessa shook her head. Mama had seen us all and rushed over to us, “What happened is she okay?” She asked looking at MJ and Vada. She looked over at me and gasped. “Was it an accident, Narkim what happened?” She asked. I looked at Denisha. “I um got to a fight with some dude at the club” She shook her head. “If it’s one twin then it’s another” The doctor came out. “Okay Richards family?” She asked. My mom waved her hand. “Okay so Norielle is up, she’s just a little light headed. It seems to me she had an anxiety attack and passed out due to the attack, she is okay and so is the baby. I just ask that we keep her from stress being that she does have a little high blood pressure” The doctor said smiling. Mama shook her head. “Okay run that by me again you said the baby is okay?” She asked. I shook my head. “Yes, the baby is fine, and moving around he seems to be an energetic little fella especially due to the circumstance, you guys can now see her” She said before walking away. Mama turned and looked at us. “Yall knew?” She asked. “Mama I just found out like you” Damien said. She shook her head. “I’m talking to your older siblings”. We all nodded. “She didn’t want to tell you yet” Janessa said. “I need to sit this one down, I will see yall back out the house I can’t see her right now” Mama walked out. I was nervous to walk in the room. “Come on yall” Vada said. I sighed. “I’ll be out here” Nisha told me. When we walked in Nori was eating Doritos and drinking cranberry juice. “Nor, Nor” Vada said hugging her. She smiled as she hugged MJ, and Janessa, Damien and Nylah. She looked at me and shook her head. “I want you out! Get him out!” She yelled. MJ sighed. “Come on man. Doc said no stress”. “Norielle man I’m sorry” I said as MJ was lightly pushing me towards the door. I sucked my teeth and threw myself into the seat. “What happened?” Nisha asked. “Nori don’t want to see me” I said pouting. This is what I feared, losing my sister.
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I was relieved to know my baby was okay, but I was scared as fuck to know I had passed out after having a bad anxiety attack. I was pissed at my twin for setting up Andre’ like that. He was in there doing time for nothing. While my brother was out here still doing nothing with his life but being a dope boy. Fuck him I don’t want to talk to him ever. He the reason I’m doing this shit alone. “Nori man how come you aint tell us we were having a nephew!” Damien said rubbing on my stomach. I felt happy to have my bump out and not hiding it anymore. “You’re going to freak but Mama Richards knows now” Nylah told me. I sighed. “I mean, She was going to find out eventually” I said calm. The doctor told me to stay calm. “When can you leave?” MJ asked. “Now” I told them. “Alright then chipmunk get dressed so we can go, its 5:13 in the morning we are tired” Vada said. I got dressed and checked out.
 When we got home, everybody went to their rooms. Nylah slept in Vada’s room since she was back in the guest house. I was hoping Narkim was smart and went to Denisha’s. When I walked into my room my mom was sitting on my bed drinking wine, at fucking 6 in the morning. “You know when I was pregnant with you guys, I almost lost you both due to high risk, the doctor said you were guys were supposed to not make it but you did and I knew you were destined to be something great. I didn’t expect you to end up pregnant” She said looking at me. I shrugged. “Well I didn’t either, but it happened, I can’t undo it but I can make the best of it” I told her. She just stared at me. “Was this a one-night stand, did the father bail, where is he, please don’t tell me you don’t know who he is?” She asked. “The baby’s father and I are together, he is away right now” I told her. She nodded. “So, he is visiting family?” She asked. I nodded slowly. I couldn’t tell her he was in jail. “What does he do, is he in school?” She asked. “Yes, his name is Andre’ Dobbs, his dad owns a small restaurant chain in Savannah, his parents also do ministry work and he is an honor student” I told her. She laughed chugging her wine. “Ministry work, do they know their son fucked my daughter and got her pregnant?” I nodded although I was unsure. “They are thrilled” I said. She shrugged. “Well, I hope you have a plan because I’m not taking care of that baby and honey when your father finds out, you’re going to have an ear full” She told me. “I’m going to school and I’m going to work and take care of my son with his father, I won’t need help” I said sternly. She nodded. “You don’t have a car Norielle or a pot to piss in but this house, you live in a dorm on campus once that baby is here you can’t raise him in the dorm room and have your roommate watch him before your classes” She told me. “Mommy I got this please don’t stress me out” I told her. “Hey, I’m, being realistic, I knew my fish dreams were real” She said before leaving out. I laid on my bed and rubbed my stomach. “Don’t worry baby, we won’t be struggling hopefully daddy gets out in time” I said. My door opened again revealing Grandma Rudy. “Nori” She walked in. “You okay?” She asked. I nodded. “Your mama called and told me what happened” She said. My mom walked back into the room. “You knew too?” She asked. Grandma Rudy nodded. “Mama you could have told me!” She yelled. Grandma Rudy put her hands on her hip. “I don’t have to tell you shit If I don’t want to, and this is why, you drunk again hollering go to bed Rice” She said before walking out. I laid back down and heard them arguing in the hall way. I was now wondering what Daddy was going to say.
Janessa: (5 days before Christmas)
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It had been 2days since Norielle went to the hospital the house has been chill, no drama, Narkim been I’m guessing with his girlfriend. Nylah and Nori been spending time together. I’m assuming Damien and Nylah aren’t getting along. Which is awkward since it’s been so calm, but it’s always calm before the storm. I was making lunch for Chase, while Dylan was upstairs sleep. Since our last Dinner our mother had been at Stephans for a little while she had planned on coming back tonight since all the drama had ceased. “Paw Patrol!” Chase yelled. I turned on Paw Patrol on his tablet, I started cleaning up the dishes the house had been a mess since mama was gone. I heard a knock at the door. “Chase Mommy will be right back” I told him. He looked at me and smiled eating his grapes. I wiped off my hands and I opened the door. My heart dropped. “Hey Ness” Omari said. He had two roses. “I got one for you and Vi” He told me. “What the fuck? Why are you here?” Vada asked appearing beside me. He gave her a rose and handed me one. She grabbed her rose and threw it. I simply shook my head rejecting it. “She asked you a question?” I said folding my arms with the drying towel still in my hand. “It’s snowing out here can I come inside?” He asked. “Uh no you can freeze to death” Vada said. He pleaded with her through pleading eyes. “Vi” I said. She moved out the way. Omari walked in and closed the door. “Look I wanted to apologize to you both for putting you guys against each other and cheating on you Vada and taking things further with you Ness” He said. I shook my head. “Janessa” I said sucking my teeth at him. “You’re an asshole for telling her and second you made me seem like a hoe when you were the one  pressuring me to drink and fuck you that night when I was only 16, then you got me hooked on your pills after you got injured and couldn’t play football so you got addicted to pain pills and you knew I was depressed for getting an abortion after you tried to guilt trip me into keeping a baby I didn’t want in the first place!” I yelled. Vada folded her arms and shook her head at him. “Omari you need to go” She said. “Vi, you really going to listen to your hoe of a sister that split us up from the beginning?” He said. “Excuse me?!” I yelled. He looked at me and pulled out his phone. “I have old photos of you, and old videos of your pill popping druggie ass, All I wanted was Vada, so I settled for her dumb ass sister” He said. I was about to hit the fuck out of him. When I felt a force move me and punch him in his face. “Come at my wife again, and we going to have a problem for real” Dylan said. Omari laughed. “What you going to do white boy?” He asked him. Dylan walked up to him. Vada opened the door. “You really need to go and please for the love of God don’t come back don’t hit me up, you are already blocked” She said. “Vada look I’m a little drunk, I’m sorry”. He wasn’t trying to leave. “Ayo, this that Omari cat” Michael said coming down the steps. “Yeah it’s me” MJ nodded and pulled out his gun. “Come near my sisters, my family anybody again, I will put a bullet in your dick” He said. Omari hurried up and ran out the door. I looked at MJ shocked. “Malcom what the fuck!” Vada said. He smiled and shrugged. “I told you I was tired of him” he said before walking back upstairs. “Mommy!” Chase yelled. I quickly went into the dining room. “What’s wrong baby?” I asked. He pointed to the ground. His grapes had fell. I laughed and kissed his head. “Okay I will get you some more” Dylan walked in holding his hand. “Baby I need ice” He said. I kissed his knuckles. “You need more than that, that was sexy” I said to him. He smirked. “Nobody disrespects my wife” He told me.
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 Nylah hasn’t looked at me, spoken to me. Respond to my texts in 2 days. Narkim aint been around to talk to. I’m positive Nylah has me blocked. Kristen still blowing me up after I aint talked to her since that night. I’m conflicted but then I’m not because I just want to cut this shit off have my best friend back. I was eating spaghetti mama made for lunch at the table by myself, Nylah came down to get some chips or something. She had knocked all the water bottles out the fridge. I got up from the table to help. She looked at me and shook her head. “I’m find Damien please leave me alone” She said sternly. “I’m just trying to help” I said grabbing a water bottle. “Well I don’t want or need your help” She said snatching the water bottle from me and leaving. I sighed. “It shouldn’t be this complicated” I said to myself. Kristen started calling my phone. I sighed. “Yerrrr” I said. She paused for a minute. “Excuse me! You haven’t answered your phone in 2 days sir, what’s going on?” She asked. I got up and took the call outside. “Look I’m not your man! I don’t have to talk to you! Please stop blowing my shit up! Damn!” I snapped. She started laughing. “So childish, your father doesn’t act like this” She said. “Bitch go fuck his old ass then, you’re talking to a child what do you expect” I said annoyed. “Bitch? You will not call me a- “I hung up the phone and went back into the house. She kept blowing up my phone. I put the spaghetti away. “Yo Mama?” I said. She was decorating the house with lights. “I’m bout to go for a drive I’ll be back”. I got in my car and drove to the park to play basketball. It was a little snow outside by I just needed my mind clear. I was playing for about an hour. “Damien?” I looked up to see Narkim. “One on One?” I asked. He shrugged. He still had a bruise under his left eye and band aid above his eyebrow. “What homie look like?” I asked. He looked at me funny. “The nigga that you fought” He laughed. “Ummm homie in crutches” He said. I laughed. “My nigga” I said. He started bouncing the ball and took off on my ass. We both played for our basketball team, well I currently play on the team while he played when He was in school. “How you and La?” He asked. Shooting his shot. “We not talking, she found out about the teacher” I told him. He stopped and looked at me. “What you going to do?” He asked. I shrugged. “Ima cut that bitch off simple” I said. “And then what?” He asked. “Get La-La back” I said. He nodded. “That’s my little brother” He said dapping me up. “How’s Nori?” he asked. I shrugged. “I don’t know she been chill her and Nylah been kicking it you know laughing and shit” I said. He slowly nodded his head. “I hate when we all aint getting along you know, we family we should be tight, but you know shit happens” He told me. “I don’t know what yall got going on, but it’s always been us 3 when the rents were gone or when everybody else moved out and we always been close so I’m sure shit will get better hopefully between mama and daddy” I said. He sighed. “Keep dreaming with that one kid, but aye I’m catch you later tonight maybe” He said before driving off. I bounced the ball a little bit before deciding to drive to Kristen’s spot.
 When I pulled up at her spot, I knocked on the door. She quickly opened the door and closed it. She shook her head. “Your dad is here” She whispered. I shrugged. “Good for you, I’m done with this shit don’t call me don’t show up at my house unannounced leave me alone” I said to her. She bit on her lip. “Why? Huh before you didn’t want to stop now why?” She asked. “Because Nylah found out and I care more about her then I do you, I’m sorry Ms. Madison” She laughed lowly. “That little bitch, she’s not even women enough for you” She said smirking. I smiled at her. “Call her a bitch again and I’m tell the whole world about us” I told her. She shook her head. “I can fail you out of my class and you won’t graduate or play ball again” She said. I looked at her. “You try to manipulate me to many times, now all I have to do is tell your father and everyone else that you been coming on to me harassing me, I have all those messages we used to have from each other” She told me. I shook my head. “I’m 17 and you psycho over some under age dick” I said before leaving. She got me fucked up.
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 Shit has been chill since we found out Nori was pregnant. Mama been quiet, we know she’s pissed. Nori and she haven’t really spoken. Nylah and Damien aint been talking. I don’t know what’s up with that. Narkim been distant. I don’t blame him, Nori is really hurt by his actions. My life been ok for these past 2 days. Gia and I been texting on and off like I said. I’m just chilling. I was sitting on the couch with Chase and Nori, and Nylah watching Zootopia. I don’t why they got me watching this shit, but it makes me really miss my kids. “Ding, Dong” The doorbell rang. “I got it” I told them. They were glued to the phones while Chase was watching in his little chair amazed at the movie. I got up and opened the door. I see it was Danielle. “Hey” I said. She smiled lightly. “Um I just wanted to stop by to check on Norielle. I had called your phone the other day but you didn’t answer so I called the house to let you know I was coming back on Christmas eve but your Grandma picked up and kind of yelled at me for not bringing the kids to see her and for not coming to check on Nori, so I’m here” She said. I nodded. I moved to the side to let her come in. “Norielle, Danielle here to see you” I said. She came in to the hall near the door. I swear as soon as we found out Nori was pregnant it’s like her baby bump grew or she just stopped hiding it. “Oh my Gosh, your pregnant?!” Danielle said in excitement. Nori smiled and nodded. “Yeah, been keeping a secret for a little minute, I’m having a boy” She said. Danielle lightly rubbed her stomach. “I’m glad you’re okay, congratulations honey, I will bring Chris and Lei over on Christmas eve”. Norielle nodded. “Okay cool they can meet Janessa son Chase, their cousin” She told her. Danielle looked at me. I shrugged. “Hey what’s my family without secrets” I told her. “Malcom can we talk upstairs” She asked me. I nodded and followed her upstairs. She sat on the bed in her big coat she had on. “I wanted to see you honestly, I had been missing you a lot and shit hasn’t been good between us and I don’t want us to get a divorce but at least try counseling this time and work on us, take time away from my job the kids just us” She said. I looked at her. “I mean, yeah that’s cool. I wouldn’t mind that, I mean I’m happy we can work on shit” I told her. She smiled. “Me too” She got up and kissed me. We started making out, it had been a minute since I see her. I can’t lie I missed my wife.
 “Ima come back with the kids before Christmas eve” Danielle said pulling up her leggings. “Come back tonight” I said grabbing her hand. She blushed. “Ima try” She told me. I got dressed and walked with her downstairs it was around 7:43pm. “I love you” I told her kissing her. “I love you” She smiled before leaving. I went into the kitchen to warm up the food mom made, and probably watch a movie on Netflix. I grabbed my food and brought it into the living room. Nylah was in the dining room with Vada. Nessa and Dylan were bringing up the stuff for the tree. “You know yall got to go get the tree tomorrow” Janessa said. I nodded. “Yeah, I know” I said to her. “I heard you and Danielle” Damien said making a face. I rolled eyes. “Shut up lil nigga” I told him smiling. “Yall made up, yall good?” Nessa asked. Mama came downstairs and grabbed my food. “You know you eat in the dining room MJ” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Aight mama” I told her. “When is Dani bringing my babies?” She asked. I got up from the couch. “Soon Ma, soon” I was walking to the dining room when the doorbell rang again, followed by a knock. “Who is it?” I asked. I opened the door to see some tall young guy. He had on a long coat with some skinny jeans and vans and his hands were in his pocket. He was like a rich kid. “Yo can I help you?” I asked. He nodded. “Hi, how you doing I’m looking for Norielle Richards, is the right address?” He asked. I just looked at him. “Im here big brother Malcom, who are you?” I asked wanting to know what this nigga wanted with my sister. “Im her boyfriend my name is Andre’ Dobbs”
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summerrrluvvv · 3 years
Chapter 11:
The next day : Day 13 in Miami
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 I woke up with huge hang over which is normal since this has been how I felt every other couple of days. The sun was beaming bright as hell. I could hear snoring, I turned over to see Julian, and instantly last night hit me. We had sex, I slowly got up and seen it was condom wrappers on the floor “Thank God” I mouthed to myself, but damn how many rounds did we go, then I see his mini trashcan full of used condoms and made a face, nasty ass nigga. I quickly grabbed my stuff and left his room. I see it was some niggas sleeping on the couch and trash everywhere it was nasty as hell in here. I hoped nobody would think I was a prostitute in this one piece with my ass out. I was happy they had a bench on the porch, I sat down and grabbed my phone out my purse and called Melody. The phone kept dialing until it went to voice mail. “Damn it! Mel”. She was the only one with a car last night. I sighed and swallowed my pride and called Samar. “Hello?” He answered. “Samar can you come get me?” I asked. He sighed “Where you at?” He asked. “I’m going to send my location” I said. We hung up and I sent him my location. I guess he wasn’t that far because it only took him 20 minutes. I felt like I was doing the walk of shame on my way to his car. I got in the passenger seat and he suck his teeth at me. “What?” I asked annoyed. I didn’t want to hear his mouth. “Nothing” He peeled out of Julian’s driveway and we rode in silence for the first 10minutes. “You fucked that nigga yo?” He finally said breaking the silence. I sighed. “Why does it matter to you Samar you got a whole bitch” I said. “Because you don’t ever learn shit like that makes you look like a hoe, you think you proving something to me that just makes me want you less” He snapped. I almost killed us both, I wanted to grab the wheel I was so mad. “Well, I don’t want you Samar or give a fuck about your opinion you fucking want to live in L.A with a bitch who still fucks industry niggas and got pregnant with another man’s baby while she was with you, and that make you want her more, ha ha okay sir! Good luck to you and your thot ass wife and your kids that aren’t really going to be yours living your best life because you think you can’t get promo on your own, and Ima be happy with my very rich man who loves all of me and doesn’t play games with me! Why would you even settle for her and not me?!” I yelled trying not to cry. He pulled into my driveway and turned off the car. “Shut the fuck up Tye the only reason I’m with Diamond is because she is safe, I’m safe with her I know how we roll I know how it’s supposed to go, I know she will fuck up and I know the pain and I can deal with her leaving my life but you it would kill me, Tye if we were to be together how do I know you won’t hurt me, or I won’t hurt you and you won’t leave me?” He said looking at me sadly. Is he for real? I thought. “Samar, you don’t even want to try to be with me over thinking you would hurt me? And I would hurt you? So, you already believe we wouldn’t work? So you rather us be friends who have feelings for each other where you constantly dictate my life like your my man, Samar regardless it seems to me I would leave your life because this friendship can’t work anymore it’s too much going on and I’m at the point where I rather risk losing you as a friend than being stuck in a toxic never going to happen love cycle, so after Lit and Wild we just need to go our separate ways” I said. He looked at me sadly laughing “Tye you don’t mean that” I just ignored him and got out the car, he grabbed my arm “Tye you serious you going to let Diamond come between us?” He asked. I snatched my hand back. “Nah Samar you did that. You knew how I felt and stepped on my feelings as if it didn’t matter and showed me how much I meant to you” I said before slamming the door. “Tye!” He yelled as I walked off to go in the house with tears running down my face. I had to do what was best for me, I been in love with this man for years and finally when I get the opportunity he spits in my face. I noticed that the other jeep still wasn’t at the house, which means once again I have time to be by myself.
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 I was pissed driving home. I couldn’t believe Tye really wanted me out of her life like that! What the fuck, she going to go fuck this nigga probably have this nigga in her ear and shit man! I pulled into my Airbnb and sat in the car for a minute. But could I blame her, choosing Diamond over Tye was the most fucked up decision I probably made, but hopefully Diamond changed man, hopefully she wouldn’t make a fool out of me. I turned off my car and went into the house. I heard Diamond giggling. I closed the door quietly. She was in the guest bedroom, which was weird because out of the rooms she was sleeping in of course the bed with me. “Oh really, and what if he was there watching?” I heard her say seductively. “What are you doing?” I asked. She jumped. “Girl Ima call you right back” She quickly said. “What if who was watching?” I asked. She came over to me being flirtatious “You know how I told you I got to a surprise for you, so I was thinking about a threesome, me you and my friend Kimberly” She said nervously. “Kimberly sounded kind of like a nigga on the phone she a stud or something?” I asked. She laughed and shook her head “Baby now you are hearing things, I feel like we still have trust issues Sami. I told you I have changed” She said kissing me all over my face and unbuckling my pants. I moved her off me. “Move man, you in this room talking all low and shit, this the same sneaky shit you used to do Diamond. If I found out, you are cheating on me. I’m bust your shit” I said to her. She rolled her eyes. “Nigga I wish you would, and I’m not doing anything now can I have the keys please” She said holding her hand out. I looked at her crazy. “Why?” I asked. She sucked her teeth at me. “To go shopping remember I need a fit for lit and wild duh Samar” She snapped. I looked at her outfit she had on. “You are going shopping in the little ass dress?” I asked. She nodded. I threw her the keys. I grabbed her back and grabbed her face and started kissing her, I slapped her ass. “Hurry back” I said, she smirked. As She was heading out the door, I heard a familiar voice. It was Malachi “What up Di” He said to her. She smiled at him as she left. Shit like that I didn’t like. “What’s up?” He said dapping me up. He had a black eye, and his cheek was swollen. “Man, what happened to you?” I asked. He laughed. “Some cat tried to rob me man” He said.  He nodded. “Yeah, but we got my homies looking for him” He said. “I actually came over here to ask about Melody” He asked. “What about her?” I spoke. “I want to know how to win her over” He asked. “Ummm man just let shorty go. She been in love with my homie Isaac since they were young ins and I think they broke up at one point but now they seemed to be back on or idk he been hitting me up on how to get her back and stuff and so I think you just need to forget her” I told him. He smirked at me. “I like a challenge though” He said. I just looked at Malachi crazy cause word on the street was homie was obsessive and into some shit, but he knew everybody. He was cool as fuck no lie but mysterious as hell. “I mean best of luck homie” I told him. We talked about some other gigs he had for me and then he left, a couple hours had gone by and Diamond still wasn’t back. I was trying to call Tye, but she had me blocked. I started drinking some Henny and rolling me a blunt cause what the fuck man. I had Bryson Tiller blasting throughout the house. Another couple of hours went by and Diamond finally came into the house. She jumped by me being by the door when she came in. “It took you 6 hours to go shopping Diamond?” I asked. She nodded. “Yes, I needed a bomb ass fit” She stressed. I took another shot. I analyzed her for a minute. “Come here” I said pulling her close to me kissing her. I smelt cologne on her. I was testing her, if she gave in okay, we would fuck but if she didn’t, she had fucked another nigga. “Samar wait, let me take a shower. I been out all day” She moaned as I was kissing on her I could literally smell another nigga on her. I backed up off her. “Whatever” I said. I grabbed my keys and she snatched them back, “Your drunk” She said. Bryson Tiller “No Longer Friends” was playing “Oh you care?” I asked. “Samar where are you even trying to go?” She asked. “To see Tye” I said. She nodded. “Yeah Of course” She put her hand on her hip. “I see the way you look at her Samar, things have changed, haven’t they? You guys fucked or something? You have feelings for her?” She asked. “Man, Tye like my sister” I lied. “Yeah, but yall aint blood” She said rolling her eyes. “So, you guys never crossed that line?” She asks looking at me. “If we did so what” I said trying to snatch my keys. She still wasn’t giving me the keys. “So yall fucked?” She asked mad. I grabbed my bottle and went upstairs “Samar!” She yelled. I ignored her and went into my room and slammed the door. I played Music Soulchild “Half-crazy”. “Never thought that we would ever be more than friends, Now I'm all confused cuz for you, I have deeper feelings, we both thought it was cool to cross the line, And I was convinced it would be alright. Now things are strange, nothings the same, and really I just want my friend back”.
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 I woke up with a huge head ace. “Uhhh” I moaned. I slowly got up and looked around. I realised the room. I seen Kyrel sit up from the floor. “What am I doing here?” I asked confused. “You don’t remember?” He asked. I shook my head. “I just remember being at the foam party dancing on stage and that’s it. Did I get too fucked up? Why am I here?” I asked again. He sighed. “Man you know that nigga B Hunnid?” He said. I slowly nodded cause I only knew one song. “You don’t remember being in his section?” He asked. I shook my head. “What happened?” I asked still confused. “I fucked him or something, I did something crazy?” I asked. He shook his head. “Nah he drugged you, him and his homies notorious for gang raping girls, he had you on his groupie bus was touching on you and I don’t know what else” He said. I started to panic, I started crying. “They raped me?!” I asked. He shook his head. “I see you with them and I followed the bus and got you off before they could” He said looking at me. I quickly hugged him because I never been in this situation and even though we weren’t speaking he saved me. I started crying harder when he hugged me tighter. “Thank you” I said. He rubbed my back. “I kill a nigga behind you Zion” He said. I then kissed him and hugged him again. “Thank you soo much”. He just let me cry. “You want me to take you home?” I shook my head and wiped my face. “No im a little scared I want to stay here just for one more night” I said. He nodded. “Aight, You go clean up and I’m going to get you some food but we taking you to get checked out first aight?” He spoke. I nodded. “Where is my phone?” I asked. He went over to his book bag and handed me my phone. It was some messages from Tye and Mel but none from Ariana. “You going to let your girls know what’s up?” He asked. I shook my head. No I will see them tomorrow. I’m still shaking up. We got up and he let me wear his sweats to go get checked out. We waited in the waiting room for a minute, and then we were able to go to the back. The doctor gave me a rape kit and confirmed that I wasn’t raped. I sighed in relief, she asked me If I wanted to file a report but them niggas was crazy and I didn’t want no parts, so I lied and told her I didn’t know who the people were. Afterwards we grabbed some food and went back to his place.
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The feeling of nausea woke me up out my sleep. I jumped up and looked around realizing I was not at our Airbnb. I noticed the familiar smell. I was at Anthony’s. I ran into his bathroom and started throwing up. I heard him come into the room then his bathroom. “Damn mami you good?” He said. I moaned. “Fuck no, I’m sick as fuck”. He came over and rubbed my back. I pushed him off. “Why am I even here anyways” I said in pain. I laid on his bathroom floor cause who the fuck cared about that right now. He pulled me off the floor. “Anthony stop it!” I said. He scooped me up and brought me to his bed and turned on the fan. “I’m going to take care of you RiRi” He said. He passed me some water and I drugged the whole bottle and he passed me another. I drank some of it and curled up in bed as he rubbed my back. I fell asleep for an hour or so and felt a little better when I woke up. My breath smelled like ass. “How you feel?’ He asked. I sighed. “Why am I here?” I asked him. “Nina brought you here you was fucked up at the concert” He said. I rolled my eyes remembering the talk we had. “Well I guess all is good I don’t know I need time” I said. “Take all the time you need ma” He said. He got up from the bed. “Where are you going?” I said. He covered his nose. “To get you a guest toothbrush ma, and get you some of my abuelita special hangover soup” He said. I flicked him off putting my hand over my mouth embarrassed. “Shut up!” I softly laughed.
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“Girl they don’t know your worth, telling em your my girl and anything you want is yours mmmmhm yeah” The Internet “Girl” played as I was rolling up. Melody was still sleep in the bed. I was just vibing. She started to turn over and look at me. “What up sleepy head” I said smiling at her she had her hair all over her head. She just looked at me. “Damn nigga say good morning” I said laughing. She smiled as I climbed into the bed to tickle her. “Isaac stop!” She squealed. Trey and Freddie ran into the room. “Aye, my man’s last night was crayyyyyy” Trey said. Freddie nodded. “Chaotic”. I sucked my teeth at them and lit the blunt. “Damn Tye called” Mel said. “Man he did get one hit in, look at your eye” Trey pointed. I pushed his finger down. “That nigga got ONE, thats it” I said passing the blunt after I took a hit. We all chilled and talked for a minute, I promised Mel we could go back to her place so she can get dressed before getting something to eat. When we pulled up to her house, that nigga Malachi was there. My blood starting boiling.
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When we pulled up to my airbnb, I had seen Malachi resting against his car. The jeep we were in was tinted so I know he couldn’t see me. Isaac stopped the car slowly, and I got out quickly to diffuse the situation before things got crazy but I was also mad. “Malachi what are you doing here? You need to leave!” I said. He looked at me, he had bruises all over his face “Look Mel, I’m sorry about yesterday. I brought you flowers” He said showing me the flowers. Isaac hopped out the car. “Yo home boy what the hell you doing? Is you dumb? Are you stupid do I have to beat your ass again?!” Issac yelled. Malachi smirked, “Go ahead big boy, you mad cause I was taking care of your girl?” Malachi said. Isaac got really mad. “You ain’t did none of that, cause that’s all me right there homeboy” Isaac yelled. Tye then came outside. “Yall need to chill with all that before they call the police is this neighbourhood!” Malachi backed up with his hands up in defense. “Just wanted to apologise Melody. I’m truly sorry. I’m going to show you I’m going to be the last man standing” He said coming up to me, i moved back a little as he touched my hair softly. Isaac ofcourse got in front of me. Malachi chuckled lowly and got his car and drove off. “He aint letting up” Tye said. “Well he needs too” I said stressed. “Go get your shit, you staying with me” Isaac snapped. “Um no this is a Girls Trip nigga” Tye snapped. “Not no more” I looked at him crazy. “Isaac chill out” I said he shook his head. “Man hell naw that nigga going to keep pulling up pressed over my girl, you got me bent!” He said mad. “Oh my gosh. This trip is so stressful!” Tye stressed walking off. “Isaac pleaseee let me go get dressed we will eat and just calm down we both need to still chill with our friends this aint no couples trip” I told him. “Man aight, hurry up”. We went in the house and I came upstairs to check on Tye. “You straight?” I asked her. She wiped her face and shook her head. “Fuck no, but I will be we have a couple more days and we go back to our normal lives, you check on Zion and Ari?” She asked. “Shit! No” I checked both they locations “They seem to be at familar places” Tye said checking as well. I nodded. “Let me go get dressed before he have a fit” I said. “You know Malachi aint backing down homie is throwed” Tye said. I palmed my face. “After last night and Isaac I need him to leave me alone or things might get worse” I said. She nodded. I got dressed and went downstairs. Isaac was sitting at the bar scrolling through IG. “You good?” I asked. He nodded. He got up and came over to me and kissed me. “I’m sorry” He said. Before I could say anything back there was a knock at the door. I went to the door and seen it was the police. “Its the police” I said lowly to Isaac. I opened the door. “Hi can I help you?” I asked. “Yes were looking for an Isaac Gains?” The officer said. “I’m him what’s going on?” Isaac said coming to the door. The cops grabbed him. “You are under arrest for assault and battery against a Malachi Davis”. “What?!” I yelled. “Man I aint do nothing wrong that man freaking attacked my girl man” Isaac said. “Get on the ground and put your hands behind your back, anything you say and do will be held against you in the court of law”. Tye came downstairs. “What is going on?”. The officer held his hand out. “Malachi called the cops” I stressed shaking cause I didn’t want him to be no hashtag. They put cuffs on Isaac and walked him out. “Man I ain’t even do shit”. I followed them out with Tye neat me. “Sir be quiet!” The officer yelled. They put him in the backseat. I was still shaking Tye had her phone on her just in case. They pulled off and Isaac was mad as hell in the back seat. I stormed in the house to grab my phone and my keys. “This can’t be happening that nigga has really gon to far!” Tye yelled. I didn’t say anything I was pissed and ready to fight. “Mel where are you going?” She asked. “To that nigga house. Man hit up Freddie and Trey on IG and let them know what the fuck is going on, im going to fuck this nigga up!” Tye tried to block the door. “If you go, Im going with you!” She said. I sighed and looked at her. “Then lets go” I said as we got in the car.
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