#it’s kinda like a kid getting embarrassed about their dad in public
chasiufan · 15 days
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Warmup doodles I did a week ago that I still like so I’m posting here…. Grown ass man
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thethirdtriplet · 2 months
Headcanon for the Bats:
The Bats are absolute menaces to society, in their own weird and unique ways.
Dick refuses to be referred to as anything but “Dick” when in public with his family or even his friends, so no, he will not be referred to by his legal name or any of his common nicknames, but any and all variations or nicknames for “Dick” (Dickie, Dikehead, ect…) are acceptable:
It almost makes Dick a little too happy when any of his siblings yells “Dick” in a crowded room or public place.
One woman actually yelled at Dick and his siblings for their language, that is, until he informed her that Dick is his name. She was so embarrassed she turned a deep shade of red and she apologised.
Dick tried to hide his smirk because he's an absolutely horrible person. His siblings are not impressed, and refuse to admit that it’s kinda funny.
On Father’s Day, Bruce receives a multitude of gifts from his children (whether legal, emotional or biological), as a joke he has to receive at least one gift that has “worst parent ever” on it, from one of them. And while he loves all of the gifts (gag gifts or sentimental) equally, he still has his favourites:
Bruce might enjoy the utter horror and unease a little more than necessary as he uses the thermos Jason bought him for Father’s Day with the words “worst dad ever”, printed on the front, in bright red for all to see.
He is currently forced to endure attending yet another board meeting when one -brave but stupid- new board member made a rather rude comment about how Bruce’s kids shouldn’t disrespect him with such gifts. Which prompts Bruce to go on a tirade about how he should mind his own business, and never speak about any of his kids like that. It got so bad, and he was so furious, that none of the other board members mentioned that the meeting would be ending soon. By the end of Bruce’s speech, their time was up and the meeting had to end.
Not that Bruce was finished. The next day, to work, bruce wore the bright blue tie Dick had gotten him, holding the mug Tim got him that had “Not the best parent, but I am trying my best.” printed on it. And he has continued to wear the things his kids buy him to work, without fail.
No one mentions anything about his clothing choices or the mugs (yes, mugs because there’re multiple mugs with equally concerning words printed on all of them), because if they do, he will go on a tirade about his kids and how much he loves them, and no work will get done.
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lesamis · 4 months
1810s dashboard but it's niche drama
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💛 heartofanna Following
imagine cancelling someone for saying war is bad
🧵 sharethewoe Follow
#didn't expect better from w*rdsworth but some people i rly thought i could count on…… #anyway we will live to see this empire fall. can't stop history lol (via @heartofanna)
speaking as someone who was press ganged at the age of 17 to serve in his majesty's royal navy i couldn't be more grateful for your poem. young men like me are cannon fodder and you spoke for so many of us. fuck napoleon but fuck parliament even more.
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stable forgiving virtuous flourishing in my lane definitely not buying poison moisturized unbothered never been better
me when i lie
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🏛 mynoseisfine Follow
Settling this once and for all. What does the public actually think about the Parthenon marbles debate:
🦉 realminerva Follow
lol i know it’s you lord elgin
🦉 realminerva Follow
like we joke and all but fully aside from the fact that removing the sculptures from greek soil was vulturine and opportunistic etc, it’s really just the tip of a frankly gigantic mountain of imperialist bullshit. let’s not pretend we haven’t been brutally killing hundreds who resisted oppression in india, LITERALLY BOMBED A NEUTRAL EUROPEAN CAPITAL, and embarrassed ourselves in the charge against napoleon for years now. pathetic ass empire & evil as hell to boot. @mynoseisfine the greeks who carved your marbles millennia ago would kick your tory ass so hard
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🎀 emmawoodhousestan Follow
how do i still keep seeing thomas chatterton's final post being reblogged, wtf is wrong with you freaks??? he was seventeen it was tragic and horrible and happened ages ago. he was a kid just let him rest
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🍎 masque-off Following
callout post for @castleyeah @lordsidmouth @officialcoe @parliamentofficial: they oppress, murder and famish the british working people & also suck majorly
⛪ castleyeah Follow
sour cuz you’re unfit to have custody of your own kids huh
🍎 masque-off Following
proud to be the dad of a newborn who could already rend your pudding spine asunder with a mere glance
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🦆 mallardturner Following
finished this today 😊
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😎 chadeharold Follow
why is it always “you’re risking your life and legacy & will get yourself killed before the age of five and twenty” and never how was swimming the hellespont the hellespont looked fun was it fun
🎭 loved-joanna Mutuals
ohhh my god you swam the hellespont five years ago?? wooow should we tell everyone?? should we throw a party?? should we invite famous hero of greek myth leander who swam the hellespont
😎 chadeharold Follow
@loved-joanna look we never had any beef & don’t have to start this now. it’s cool that you’re sticking up for my ex, you guys were friends first, but just know that i’ve always trusted your opinion on my work & genuinely respect and admire you & would still be up for a collab whenever.
🎭 loved-joanna Mutuals
yea sure why don’t your lips collab with my ass
😎 chadeharold Follow
on it boss
1009 notes
#literally call me. down if you are
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🍂 endymion Follow
sorry is it me or is the assassin who stabbed german bootleg wordsworth kinda…… 🥵
💄 biprincesscharlotte Mutuals
JOHN KEATS????????
2427 notes
#i'm p sure this is the author of lamia thirstposting on main??? help
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🌾 huntsmanx Follow
romanticism this romanticism that why don’t you romanticise universal suffrage and rights for labouring people
🌾 huntsmanx Follow
anyone else in jail for seditious libel
🏹 axelaidtotheroot Mutuals
lmao i'm one of the “anyone else”s and i know you’re enjoying family visits and apparently some kind of cushy armchair situation, plus tons of books. try being in here as a spencean dude they won’t even let me learn how to write. worst of all some evangelical came by yesterday just to proselytize & put me “on the right path” fml
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🗻 mounttambora Follow
y'all i don't feel so good :/
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joeys-babe · 7 months
Joey B Imagines: #6 and #9
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summary: despite your love for joe, you absolutely detested his fashion sense. you and him take up a little bet and if you win you could pick out one of his game day fits.
warnings: none, fluff
pairing: joe burrow x reader
imagine universe: into the mystic
(y/n’s pov)
"joe. i love you more than anything, but i'm not letting you wear that in public." - you
"what?! i was expecting you to say something along the lines of 'oh god joe, you'll look so sexy in that. i can't believe you're my husband.’" - joe
after the twins were asleep joe and i would usually savor our alone time because with 2 toddlers, it doesn't happen often. we'd either cuddle up on the couch and watch a show, or lay in bed and just talk. 
currently we were sitting on the couch, joe was online shopping for game day fits and i was texting my dad. i wasn't really paying attention to what joe was looking at until out of the corner of my eye i saw one of the most atrocious suits i had ever seen.
"baby... i'm so sorry but i'm not letting you wear that." - you
"why?" - joe frowned
"joe, do you actually like that?" - you
"yes." - joe
"it's a little much, babe.." - you
"i get it. you'll be embarrassed of me." - joe
"what? no of course not. joe i'm never embarrassed of you-" - you
"you know people will say stuff about it so you don't want me to wear it knowing you'll be embarrassed of me." - joe
"are you kidding me? do you literally hear yourself? if this is the kind of mood you're in i'm going to bed." - you stood up from the couch
"y/n wait.." - joe sighed
i pretended that i didn't hear him and kept walking towards the stairs.
"baby!" - joe
when he noticed that i wasn't going to stop i heard him mumble a silent "fuck" out of defeat.
he knew he shouldn't think of me like that. joe knew that i'd never be embarrassed of him no matter how colorful and outgoing some of his game day fits were.
once i was upstairs i brushed my teeth and then slipped into bed. it wasn't long after that when i heard joes unmistakable footsteps in the hallway.
i heard him shuffling around the room; probably changing out of his clothes since he just slept in boxers. soon after, the bed dipped and i felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"baby?" - joe whispered
since i was facing away from him i thought i'd be able to hide the fact that i wasn't actually sleeping.
"i know you aren't asleep, honey." - joe whispered again
all i did was nudge his arms off, to which he let out a defeated sigh.
"please don't be upset with me, i don't want to argue.." - joe
i rolled over to face him, and as soon as i did he knew he was going to get a talking to.
"do you know how much it hurts when your partner questions if your embarrassed of them? it makes me question how i’ve been as a wife." - you
"i'm sorry.." - joe
"joe you should know better. i've never and will never be embarrassed of you. i'm so proud to be your wife, even if you have questionable fashion sense." - you reached forward and rubbed his cheek
"i know you are. i was just kind of annoyed in the moment. if you don't think i should wear it i won't, do you have any outfit ideas you'd like me to wear?" - joe smiled when he asked the last part
"how about a cowboy hat, some nice boot cut jeans partnered with boots, and a fitted white shirt." - you
"anything but that." - joe
"please, joey?" - you
"nope im not doing it." - joe
"how about we do a bet. if you win you can wear that suit you wanted, but if i win then you have to wear my suggestion." - you
"okay, i like how you talk, burrow. what kinda bet are you thinking?" - joe smirked
"how about we do a scrimmage at the practice fields?" - you
"like a football scrimmage?" - joe chuckled
"yeah." - you
"sweetheart that's like an automatic win for me, i'm a professional." - joe
"i'm better than you think, j" - you
"we'll see about that.." - joe
*a week later*
"okay so i asked zac if we could have a scrimmage and he agreed. it's gonna be in 3 days, after practice that day." - joe
"okay sounds good, am i gonna get my own jersey?" - you
"cant you just use one of mine? it's already got your last name on the back." - joe grinned
"i'd prefer to have my own, i think itd be less confusing for the team if i had a different number." - you
"okay fine. i'll get you a jersey, do you want a specific number?" - joe
"nope you can pick, just not 9." - you
"okay sounds good." - joe smirked to himself as he got his phone out to pull some strings and get you a jersey
the day of the scrimmage i walked over to the practice fields 15 minutes before practice ended.
joe wasn't doing a drill at that time and immediately spotted me.
"hey beautiful!" - joe walked over and kissed you
"flirting with the competition?" - you
"that's what happens when the competition is my gorgeous wife- oh also i have your jersey." - joe
"where is it at? i was thinking about changing early." - you
"my locker. it shouldn't be too hard to find, it's the only jersey that doesn't have a 9 on it." - joe
"what number did you pick?" - you
"you'll see when you get it." - joe smiled
"cmon babe, tell me!" - you
"nah- oh i think coach needs me." - joe
"i didnt hear him call for you?" - you
"is that a whistle i hear?" - joe jogged away
"you're so stupid!" - you grinned as you watched joe run away
i made my way over to the locker room and over to joes little corner. after digging through his messy ass locker that i've been begging for him to clean for days, i found my jersey. it was pretty easy to find since it was significantly smaller than the rest of the ones hanging up.
"burrow, #6" is what the jersey read.
i wouldn't find out till later the reasoning behind why joe chose the number but in the meantime i thought it was because it was an upside down 9.
after i changed and put my hair into a ponytail, i walked back over to the practice fields. the team has just gotten done with their final huddle so was able to talk to joe before he became my opponent.
before the game started i told some of the players on my team what the bet was so they made sure to play their best.
joe naturally was quarterback for his team, and i was qb for mine. joe wouldn't admit it during the game but he was actually surprised with my throwing skills.
long story short; my team ended up winning.
i'm not even gonna lie, i was definitely surprised that i won.
even after losing, joe congratulated me with a smile on his face.
"good game, burrow." - joe smiled and stuck his hand out
"good game, burrow." - you smiled back and took his hand shaking it for a second and then pulling him into a hug
later on after all the guys had showered, everyone was walking back to their cars. joe and i held hands as we followed behind the other guys. all of a sudden i had the urge to ask him the question i had been asking myself ever since i got my jersey.
"why'd you pick 6?" - you
joe shrugged with a slight smile on his face but some of the other guys just laughed to themselves.
"what?" - you looked into the direction of tee and jamarr who were dying laughing
they didn't say anything back to me, instead ja'marr whispered something to joe mixon. i'm guessing explaining why joe picked the number that he did.
"that's pretty funny burrow!" - joe mixon
"anyone care to explain it to me?" - you
"y/n why do you think joe made you stand on his left when a photographer got a picture of your backs?" - tee laughed
"i'm confused.." - you
joe stopped walking and pulled his phone out, he pulled up the picture tee was referring too and zoomed in on our numbers.
"6...9..69?! joseph lee!" - you shoved his shoulder as him and the rest of the guys laughed
"that's so immature!" - you
"it's so funny though!" - joe chuckled
"oh my god." - you rolled your eyes
"cmon, you know it's funny y/n." - tee
"whatever." - you rolled your eyes and tried your hardest not to laugh
joe slipped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him more.
"i love you" - joe
"i love you too, but i think for now on i'm gonna leave the football to you. i need a hot bath after that." - you
"sounds good to me." - joe smiled
"EW. i'm out. goodnight guys." - ja'marr
"i think you guys are cute, but i'm out too." - tee
"y'all have a good night. tell the twins that uncle tee loves them." - ja’marr
"we will. remember you're always welcome to come over and have a play date with them." - you
"i appreciate it, bye guys." - tee walked away
"bye tee!” - you
"see ya higgins!" - joe
on our way home i ordered joe’s cowboy game day outfit even though he complained the whole time.
"you're gonna look so handsome." - you
"oh whatever." - joe
"you are!" - you
"i think i'd look straight up sexy in the outfit that i wanted to get." - joe
"absolutely not." - you
"you're missing out, baby." - joe smiled
"oh my lord, just shush it and drive" - you
joe laughed before turning up the radio and putting his hand in my lap, lacing his fingers with mine.
"i love you." - you rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb
"i love you too." - joe
authors note: fic to wrap up today’s win!!!
hope you enjoyed! ❤️❤️
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omnipresentlemon · 1 year
Avatar Modern AU Headcanons: The Early Years
Spider was adopted into the family after Neytiri found him wandering around the neighborhood as a toddler in just a t-shirt and underwear on one of the coldest days of the year. She immediately went to the police station and within a week Spider was removed from the McCoskers and was taken in by the Sullys as his foster family.
Jake and Neytiri have it ROUGH for a couple years - four kids under four? Eywa have mercy.
Listen. It is inevitable that little kids have a favorite parent, but the Sully kids are a little extreme with their hardcore Mom Favoritism™️. Neteyam can only fall asleep if Neytiri sings to him. Kiri doesn’t like Jake reading their bedtime stories because “mama does the voices better.” If Spider gets hurt he is inconsolable until Neytiri kisses it better. Lo’ak throws a tantrum for at least an hour every time Neytiri leaves them with Jake. My dude is being bullied mercilessly by kids who can’t even spell their names yet.
I fully support @be-the-glenn-to-my-maggie’s headcanon that Jake and Lo’ak are mortal enemies until Lo’ak hits about 5. But like, in a Megamind kinda way.
Whenever Lo’ak is acting up Jake pretends to call Santa and tell him to put Lo’ak on the naughty list.
Lo’ak will tell other adults the most embarrassing shit about Jake in the worst circumstances.
When Lo’ak is two and realizes his parents have names other than mama and daddy, he calls Jake by his first name only for three months. Imagine trying to discipline your two-year old and he whips out the first name.
In retaliation, Jake refers to Lo’ak as “the brat attack” until Neytiri reminds him that he’s the adult in this situation. He still does it sometimes when Neytiri isn’t around.
Neytiri has the mom reflexes of a god. No ER trips on her watch.
In fact, the first ER visit for the Sullys was when Neytiri left the kids with Jake to go shopping with Mo’at for some baby stuff while she was pregnant with Tuk. They don’t even make it down the street before Jake is frantically calling about Spider splitting his head open on the edge of the coffee table.
Spider is the most accident prone of the kids not due to clumsiness but a serious lack of survival skills and critical thinking. He used to throw himself off the top of the bunk bed he shared with Lo’ak just for fun.
Spider is technically the oldest, but due to the McCosker’s neglect he has some developmental delays and regressive behavior. Neteyam loves being able to act like a big brother for Spider even though he’s a year younger. They have a rough patch when they’re a bit older and Spider starts to assert himself more, but at the end of the day they’re Team Eldest and lean on each other a lot.
Kiri was a leash kid. Jake thought it was embarrassing but Neytiri could no take another incident of Kiri disappearing in public because she saw something interesting and wandered off to investigate.
Bluey is a staple in the Sully household. Jake and Neytiri are just happy that the chokehold Paw Patrol had on their kids seems to have gone away. Plus, now whenever they’re mean to each other, they just have to ask, “would Bluey and Bingo treat each other like this?” It results in an instant apology 99% of the time.
They talk back to their kids babble like it’s the most interesting thing in the world. Neytiri has full-on soap opera plots. The kids find it hilarious.
Jake, at the end of the day, is a military dad. And that means it’s MMA every day in the Sully household, starting young. He’ll suplex them into the couch, throw them onto the bed from across the room, toss them so high in the air he sees the bottom of their feet. Neytiri at first hates it, but she sees how gentle Jake is and tries to let it go. Even if it gives her heart palpitations.
Neteyam’s first word was “dada”, Kiri’s “mama”, and Lo’ak’s “no”. Spider’s speech was severely delayed and it took half a year of speech therapy to get him where he needed to be developmentally, so there’s was hot competition between Jake and Neytiri over who would get his first word.
It’s neither of them. Spider’s first word was “Teyam”. Even when they’re older Neteyam lords it over Spider’s head (but if he thinks too much about it it’ll make him cry, he just loves his brother so much).
I def have more of these percolating in my brain, but for now, enjoy!
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oneforthemunny · 8 months
Would NB ever get seriously upset at Eddie over something? Like just wanna see if she ever felt vulnerable enough to think that maybe this would not work
yes there's at least two solid times she really thinks about leaving and breaking it off.
one time was when it was still a secret to the public but they were together. they get in a blow up kind of fight, he was jealous about her talking to someone, she was mad at him for being immature- it was a whole fight that just snowballed.
i think he'd say something entirely too hurtful and mean, just trying to hurt her because he was embarrassed and that's all he knows how to do- hurt the other person more when he's been hurt.
said something about her being just as bad as her parents, careless and uses something she told him that was very vulnerable and sensitive, and uses it against her. some fear she had that she told him in private, trusted, intimacy and he threw it back at her in anger.
they broke up/took a break whatever you want to call it for a while, and eddie goes off the deep end.
i've kinda talked about the other before on my old account but it is when persephone and kensington are still really little. you and eddie made a pact that you wouldn't be intoxicated in anyway around the kids because you don't want to be like your parents.
eddie was "tired" with kensie and a young toddler. he's exhausted and trying to make new music while also trying to be a dad, and instead of coming to you, he calls up an old friend for some coke. just a small bit, in a teeny tiny bag to wake him up and help him get through thsi week.
you notice he's like tweaking a little playing with the girls, just erratic and energetic, and you get curious bc it's familiar. you find the baggie in his wallet, and you leave. you don't even tell him you're leaving, just pack up the girls, put them in the car.
eddie's confused really what's going on, and you just hand him the baggie and your rings. "you made your choice and you can stay here with it, but i am not letting my babies anywhere near what i went through growing up."
a breakdown, a frantic unhinged call to gareth later, and eddie's in rehab.
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newtdrawz · 7 months
Paul and Darry friendship (homo) headcanosn ?!?#??%?@
Omg omg ok,, I had to do a lot of rereading and searching to remember Paul and get the vibe of these two down 🙏😭
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(Tried to find a picture and this is the only one I could get,,, the tension in here is INSANE. bro,, I'm like going insane)
Ok so these guys,, crazy. They DEF were on and off during high-school
Take that in a friendship way or another way, but they definitely had SOMETHING going on 😭
One week they're attached at the hip and the next they're not even talking to each other, no one knows why that keeps happening but they end up being fine the next week
When it comes to football tho, suddenly any weird feelings the two have are gone, evaporated from existence and they work perfectly fine with each other and communicate well
When they are talking and being normal they do try to hang out outside of school
In secret tho,, hm. Strange.
Is it cuz Paul's embarrassed to be friends with a greaser? Maybe. Is it cuz Darry doesn't wanna be seen with a soc? Maybe. Who knows definitely not them 😭
Paul does come over to the Curtis's tho for HW or class projects or to just hang out with Darry
The Curtis's like him! They like having him around and Mrs. Curtis likes how polite he is, there's only one member in the family who has a problem with Paul,,
It's Ponyboy. He cannot STAND him. No one knows why, Paul doesn't know what he did and he's constantly trying to get on his good side. Darry thinks it's hilarious cuz it bothers Paul so much
Imagine having beef with your situationship/friend/teammate's little kid brother 😭😭 (Pony: yeah well you're a poopyhead and you're ugly and I don't like you. Paul: oh yeah? Well- Darry: Paul. He's like 10, leave him alone. Paul: Darrel. He called me a poopyhead.)
(This part is inspired by @deflated-leaf 🙏 if you're not fine with your hc in here lmk!!!) Paul see's Pony drawing in the living room one day and makes a comment on how he used to draw a lot too (and Pony being the little hater he is probably says something sassy but he's kinda interested) so he shows Pony his old drawings (they're not perfect or amazing and half of them are of Darry but Pony's a little young to think anything of it) and that ends up with Pony showing Paul his drawings
So Darry walks in and sees them talking and showing each other drawings and this is the first time he's ever seen Pony not calling him names or flat out ignoring him
They try to have alone time though and it's always interrupted
It does not matter where they are they never get to be alone, it's like an on-going bit and they're sick and tired of it 😭😭
At Paul's he's either getting calls from soc friends or his dad is trying to talk to the both of them
At Darry's it's either Soda being Soda, just being loud or it's Pony straight up coming into Darry's room to talk to Darry or ask him for help with something OR it's someone in the gang (love younger versions of the gang 🙏😭) being annoying and wanting to talk to him
At school it's their own friends always popping up out of nowhere and they can't really go out in public to spend time with each other
They do end up drifting in senior year/near graduation tho :(
With the stress of graduation coming and choosing colleges they don't hang out or talk as much, those weird periods of time where they're not close lasts longer
Then Darry finds out he won't be able to go to college, scholarship or not he can't go and he's upset obviously
Paul and Darry had a plan to go to the same college and share a dorm or live together or something like that
Darry has to tell Paul and it turns into a fight that they're not gonna come back from, they leave on bad terms and they split up their weird off-on relationship they have with each other
Paul tries to reach out though
The first time he decides to reach out he hears about how Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died and now Darry's raising his two brothers on his own so he decides not too
But when he finally does his timings off all of the time, when he tries to call some kid named Dallas always answers and he's rude and hangs up, another time some guy named Two-bit (he sort of remembers Two-bit but he's not so sure, he never really hung out with the gang or saw them much) answers saying he'll let Darry know he called (he forgets immediately and ends up never telling Darry Paul called)
He ends up giving up on trying to reach Darry, when he comes home from college he sees him around though, he never stops and says hello or chases after him. He's not sure why he doesn't
He see's Darry with the gang sometimes or he see's him with his brothers (he's shocked to see how big Soda and Pony got, especially little guy Pony who was a menace to Paul all of the time)
Rumbles between them are crazy
Darry had no clue Paul has tried to reach out he's seen him around too but he's never tried to reach out or say hi either
During the rumble Paul was the one to go up to Darry and that was the first time in a awhile they've been fave to face
Paul gets to see Pony (who he thinks is a little young to be here but he's not gonna judge Darry's parenting lol) and Soda
When they fight tho, they fight HARD. It's all the pent up anger and resentment and jealously and,, dare I say longing. OH I DID. I SAID IT. Longing.
After the rumble they kinda just look at each other for a minute, Paul nods and Darry nods and they just leave (insane ik.)
The aftermath is a little weird
Guess who wants to reach out again? It's Paul. But guess what? Darry's two close friends just died so once again he feels weird and like it's bad timing to reach out
But he finally does this time and THIS time it's Pony who answers and when Paul says it's him and asks if he can speak to Darry you better believe Pony quietly calls Soda over so now they're both on the phone being nosey
Pony once again starts being a menace and once again Soda starts being annoying (PB: why do YOU wanna talk to him? Soda: yeah. Why do YOU wanna talk to him? Paul: can I just please- Soda: No you cannot. PB: he's not here. Paul: then why have I been on the phone for 10 mins with you two for both of you to tell me he's not even there?)
This post is already really long but I gotta add a little extra one/au where no one dies and everything ends up fine 😭😭
This is where Paul and Darry DO decide to meet up and catch up after the rumble cuz they both realize they both miss each other
When they do start talking more and seeing each other (hehehehehehhehe) he starts introducing him to the gang, once again no one has any problems (they do but they don't lol he's a soc but he makes Darry happy so it's whatever to them) but guess who has beef with Paul?
Ponyboy AND Sodapop.
Paul has like war flashbacks to all the times a younger Pony would call him names but 14 year old Pony is MUCH more mean 😭😭 (14 year olds are so mean bro 😭😭)
He's definitely not used to Soda being petty though, Darry just tells him to wait it out and they'll come around, which eventually they do
They don't really confirm what they are but they're both just together now and that's really all they care abt :)
ok,, I think that's all I have,, y'all... this Paul and Darry stuff is insane 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 I really tried, I never really hear much about Paul besides him and Darry going to school together and being old friends 😭😭 my fav part honestly is him having beef with like a 10 year old Ponyboy and then once again having the same beef but with Soda too 😭😭😭 (protective Curtis brothers 🙏) also once again sorry if Darry is ooc 😞 also dedicated to crow 🙏 I TOLD YOU NOTHING WOULD STOP ME 💪💪💪
Also the idea of them not being friends and one being able to get out and go to college while the other will be there forever and is stuck,,, hhh and they're only 20-21 plzz,, they're so young and ones literally raising his brothers,, 😭😭😭 I'm devastated man
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8zult · 1 year
sereshaw/hangster headcanons i (sereshawers) have about their dating history (mostly dad sereshaw).
this is kinda au but high school bfs au where they met in navy rotc
ex-boyfriends but that’s just canon bc i said so
to add onto the ex boyfriends thing, rooster was the one to break things off originally. reason why? unknown.
hangman had like an overly loving family. like family dinners were mandatory, family game nights every saturday (also mandatory), if a sibling had a big football game or whatever EVERYONE WENT!, big family parties. the whole thing. so whenever rooster would visit he would be so overwhelmed but he loved it.
After the mission, when they finally get a moment alone, hangman kisses rooster. like they are just talking and drinking beer and hangman just kisses him. and he is like only a couple sips into his first beer so he can’t even blame it on being drunk.
rooster kisses back… but hangman gets mad at him and rooster is like “woah??? Sorry” and he is like “fuck you i hate you let’s make out”
they just have a whole “will they? won’t they?” thing going on for a good while and the dagger squad has a separate gc without them in it to make bets and gossip about them (all love though <3)
they date for like 3 years and hangman breaks up with him like a million times throughout that 3 year period over nothing just because he is petty. less than an hour later he is like “babe 🥰” though.
rooster says something like “are you going to ask me out anytime soon” and hangman is like “that’s funny. no, you have to ask me out.” so rooster does.
rooster proposes in their apartment bc hangman said if he ever proposed in a very public place he would say no and run away dramatically to be funny. rooster said that would be mean but hangman just responded “it’s what you deserve”
Beach wedding beach wedding beach wedding
hangman is the first one to bring up kids and rooster is a little scared at first but they adopt a 5 year old girl named harper and before they get her, they redecorate a whole room in their house to be perfect for her. they asked her favorite color and she said purple so they painted the room purple and she said she liked butterflies so they got little hanging butterflies to hang from her ceiling. they got her a canopy bed with decorated it with fairy lights on the curtains. they also got her a a huge toy chest and a huge doll house and the first they will do on her first day home is take her to the store so that she can pick out tons of toys and books and clothes and whatever else she wants.
they spoil harper beyond belief and everyone calls them crazy but they don’t really care they love her.
harper sees a picture of bradley playing baseball and says she wants to do that and from that moment on they are baseball (softball?) dads.
after harper turns 7 and goes into first grade and they miss having a kid around all the time they are like “yeah let’s have another”. this time around they adopted a 2 year old girl named morgan. everything they did for harper, they did for morgan but this time harper got to help too and she was really excited to have a little sister.
for halloween, they dressed up as elsa and anna and harper was over the moon. morgan just liked to copy what her sister did or told her to do so she was happy as anna.
both girls love princesses so everytime a new disney movie comes out, they beg jake and bradley to take them to the movie theater to watch them. each time they want to dress up, so they put in princess dresses and make jake and bradley dress up like princes. are they embarrassed? yes. do they do it anyways? yes absolutely.
when morgan turns 4 she started to take an interest in soccer which meant bradley and jake switched back and forth between soccer and softball practice.
hangman watches videos on YouTube on how to braid hair and braids both their hair for games. the moms start asking him to braid their daughters’ hair and he is like “um ig”.
the girls ask to put makeup on them a lot and everytime they sigh and go “fine.” so they just sit and watch tv on the couch and let the girls paint their face and put little bows in their hair.
jake can post a million times on facebook with pics of the girls and bradley and stuff but bradley posts only a few times a year (that being for birthdays and holidays)
that’s all I got for now idk
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fugos-lil-fork · 2 years
Some Random Mista Headcanons! (Some r kinda NOT SFW)
Has definitely thought about getting a navel piercing
I wouldn't say he's really clingy?( At least not in the level i hc Nara to be where he'd definitely want/need to know where his s/o is at, at all times in fear of them suddenly abandoning him-) But like, Mista does like it/feels relieved when his s/o updates him on where they're at/what they're doing just bc of y'know, mafia- And he's been left a bit traumatize by witnessing what had happened to the woman he saved, that he's afraid anyone he loves could suddenly have that happened to them and he, or someone like him, wont be there to save/help them.
Bc of that, I also think he absolutely hates ppl that get too handsy immediately. It's not jealousy, he's just genuinely afraid of his loved one being taken advantage of/being forced into do something they don't want to do.
Mf turns every game between him and s/o into a stripping game 💀
Absolutely adores PDA- (obviously I mean, I hc that mans has a thing for fucking in public so why wouldn't he love PDA?-)
I hc that this boi grew up with multiple siblings- Which is a reason why he's so over his stand. They just remind him of his siblings and bc he has younger siblings, he knows how to take care of them.
He loves the beach... Just that-
Mista keeps condoms in his boots. He sometimes accidentally pulls them out instead of his bullets 💀
The pistols always snitch on him, how he's feeling, and embarrassing shit he's done/said.
Definitely owns thongs-
He definitely has a playlist for when he wants to get down and dirty either with himself or someone else-
Ik this man's gropes his s/o on a regular basis 💀 Just a quick grab, squeeze, or smack of certain areas 😭
I ACTUALLY GIVE CREDIT TO MY FRIEND FOR THIS ONE- He hc that when Mista's desperately lonely and depressed about his s/o being away for so long, he goes as far as fucking his own pillow 💀 (that poor innocent pillow, #JusticeForMista'sPillow)
Kinda rare for him to call his s/o by their name. He absolutely prefers to use pet names/endearing names.
Man's jerks off twice a day, maybe three if wakes up to morning wood-
Definitely owns porn magazines (mf stole them tho-)
He owns two tube tops-
He has a BIG family. Aside from having a couple siblings, his older siblings have children. Has quite a bit of aunts and uncles as well as cousins. Yet, no one knows about his "profession". He simply tells them he works for a company that requires his to travel quite a bit. And whatever scars they're able to point out on him he shrugs them off as scars from guys trying to mug him.
He has a genuinely wholesome relationship with his family. The only reason they hadn't been able to bail him out of jail when he was thrown in it was because they didn't have the money to do so. However, they're all extremely proud of him for saving the woman.
He "worked" at a small family business growing up. (Worked, in quotes, bc he mostly goofed around or just lounged around in the back lmao-)
Has a family tradition where his entire family meets up at one of their homes just so they can all see and bond with each other. Obviously, he always goes, and has dragged the Bucci gang to it before. (Fugo and Abbacchio agreed that never again- Narancia loved how sweet and fun everyone was- And everyone demanded for Bruno return next time-)
He isn't sure if he wants children or not (biologically or otherwise) because he, obviously, loves the energy his big ass family brings. But, he also understands the reality of his line of work. Though, his family constantly pressure him to have kids one day.
✨Bi King✨
He's never out right said he's fruity to his family- He's heavily implied it to them. Some of them understand and actually accept him (bc they been knew ever since he started dressing himself up-) but others still don't get it and think he only gets pussy- (those who don't understand r actually the ones that pressure him the most to have kids 💀)
His mom and dad have known since day one that he also liked dick-
His siblings bet on whether he's gonna end up marrying a guy or a girl (some bet he's gonna stay a hoe and never get married-)
Spoils his family thanks to Mafia money
Sweats SUPER easily, that's the real reason he gets rlly stinky
Despite being naturally really warm, he loves warm clothing even during the summer (another reason as to why he gets stinky so quickly/easily)
Has absolutely no clue how to match outfits- He just throws on the first items he sees and since he considers his clothing nice/attractive clothing, he figures it all matches/goes together (it doesn't.)
Man's sleeps ONLY with boxers (or butt-naked-) and no blankets. Only uses the thinnest blanket known to man in the winter-
Absolute sucker for men in fancy ass suits. He somehow finds them as sexy as lingerie
Y'know how u fall asleep one place then wake up in your room? It's him. He's the one carrying you to bed whenever you fall asleep somewhere else-
He gossips a shit ton. But he's slightly better at keeping secrets than Narancia- The only reason he'd tell is if he's bored and wants to start up ✨drama✨ or the person who the secret came from pissed him off and he decides to expose them
Pretends to be in serious pain when he's not just so he could hog his s/o's undivided attention and they can shower him with physical affection-
He owns a motorcycle but only uses it on his days off when he goes out and to show it off
He's a soar loser- If he loses at a game he'd definitely start being like "Yeah... This game isn't really fun. Let's do something else"
Loves to leave bite marks on his s/o's thighs, neck, and shoulders
Needs to take at least one nap a day with his s/o, doesn't matter how long it is. He n e e d s it-
Can and does stick other stuff into his pants when he gets tired of holding them instead of using his pockets like a normal person
One of his favorite animated movies is definitely Sausage Party 😭
Every time he has sex in a multiple of four, he gets an STI 💀
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sappy-detective · 4 months
i was talking with a friend about my saiouma with kids HCs/AU and they really liked it so..
(this is an AU where ouma is a kindergarten teacher. let’s make the kids kenji (M 7) and mei ( F 3))
- kenji was originally one of oumas students. he was a troubled kid and would get into fights with other kids a lot. ouma spent a lot of time with him because he saw a lot of himself in kenji. and kenji came from a troubled home
- saihara and ouma where already approved to be foster parents because they took care of some of dice before
- he and shuichi talked it out and decided to take in kenji and his sister as they figured everything out with CPS and everything. and they ended up adopting them both
- ouma is very family oriented and worries about them a lot and he’s emotional about them. he used to take care of DICE when his parents wouldn’t and so it just kicked in
- shuichi is kinda chill but also very nervous about doing something wrong.
- on their high school reunion when they asked “who has the most kids?” ouma raised his hand and said “we have 27!” and shuichi corrected him “no we don’t, oumas a teacher. we only have two”
- oumas like“sorry i can’t tonight i have to tuck my kids in and read them bedtime stories” and they’re 13 and 17
- don’t get me wrong ouma is still a menace to society but he changes when infront of kids
- mei is kinda spoiled and sneaky but she’s a great person. she’s EXACTLY like ouma and shuichi teases ouma when he scolds her for doing something he probably did when he was younger
- kenji is autistic and he’s very apathetic and has trouble showing emotion
- he still gets into fights here and there and depending the reason ouma will buy him ice cream or take him out in public and do something embarrassing. maybe picking him up from school in a clown costume or something (if he did tho kenji would start walking home like he didn’t know/see ouma)
- ouma is the kinda dad to yell out the car window as kenji and mei walk into school. kenji is always embarrassed and mei is never embarrassed, especially when it comes to ouma. shuichi laughs but also tries to drive away to save him some embarrassment
- despite that, kenji is definitely more drawn to ouma and mei is very clingy to shuichi
- miu isn’t allowed near the kids without adult supervision (jokes)
- they call kaito, miu, kaede, maki and taro their aunt/uncle
- kaede is one of the only people they can both mutually agree on being okay with babysitting them or taking them out picked them up
- kenji is gay and madly in love with mius son. (oumas petty about it, and her son is exactly like her)
- whenever mei catch them kissing/ dancing/ anything PDA she goes “EWWWWW!!!”
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bluest-planet · 1 year
Some fun Mexican HCs for Miguel as a mixed Mexican/Salvi first gen American person (don't take these too seriously I haven't read his comics so sorry):
Being Hidalguense I am claiming him for my state >:) suck it Michocanos, Oaxaqueños, Poblanos, Yucatecos, Morelos, Leonés, Potosinos, y Jaliscienses! (And every other state I missed lol.) ((Also this is a BIG joke of course he can be from any state lol))
Not only does he love empanadas but he also loves Pastes. Basically the same thing but better imo. I feel like he'd like Mole Verde, papa con carne, and tinga the best (totally not projecting)
Ik he's from the future and raised by his Irish parent (?) But that man has eaten barbacoa somehow. Idk when Idk how but he has. Bonus points if he's helped in making with friends or smth but I doubt it.
Has tried pulque and does not like it. Loser for this.
Has fished mojara in a shallow lake with his bare feet and claws I bet. Enrichment. I feel like he'd totally know how to skin and gut em to cook but he's also... From a cozy looking futuristic world so maybe he's too modern to get his hands dirty lol.
Tried tenango embroidery at some point as a hobby. Did not work out.
Big fan of drinking atole in the mornings instead of coffee.
Has the weird ability to tell when it's gonna rain. Cause it's always raining in Pachuca lol.
Maybe he visited or stayed in Mex for a hot minute for mission and came back he was friendlier, saying good morning and other pleasantries more often bc the older folks there would constantly say hi to him in buses, streets, shops whatever. (It's actually kinda nice. It fosters camaraderie between strangers in public spaces 100% recommend being friendly to strangers more often.)
Likes fresh juice and agua frescas. Particularly fresh OJ and agua de jamaica.
On that note he also likes fresas con crema. He makes a good bowl and doesn't share with the kids (all of whom try to steal a bite cause it's simple but good)
Starting to realize this is all about food.
MOST DEFINITELY HAS A PAIR OF NICE HUARACHES and a good leather belt. Necessities.
Do you think he'd have that stereotypical Mexican dad sombrero/cowboy hat? I think it would be so funny if he did but probably not lol.
Doesn't like soccer (yes I'm American ik I'm being a traitor by calling it that) so he gets another loser point for that (not that I like it either tho so like. Same hat.)
One of those customers that somehow knows when the panerias just finished baking a good batch and comes back with bags full of fresh bread for the commissary/as a reward.
My man's just likes carbs okay.
Actually I don't think he'd last very long in the campo.
Spent one night in a rual town and came back covered in bug bites in the worst places (bad experience he also has now.)
One bite was on his eyebrow and got hella swollen and red. Avoided the kids at all costs while it was healing so they wouldn't roast him.
Scolds miles for his spanglish but never offers to correct him so he embarrasses himself. (I'n a teasing way)
Miles picks up on Mexican slang from him like Ashcale doña! Me calle gordo, tragasolas, nada pescadito! and more. He also picks up on saying: "aguas!" As a warning/heads up like Miguel.
They talk shit about others in Spanish in the rare moments they get along.
Miguel always wins at loteria.
Does that thing older relatives do where they sit and talk to each other for hours outside on a sunny humid day breaking and eating countless peanuts and/or walnuts. Then sends the kids with pocket change to buy some homemade popsicles from an old lady down the street that are the best damn popsicles you'll ever eat in your entire life for only 5 pesos. But only when they actually get over their issues and bond.
Certified glass bottle guava bong! Fan. If you know u know.
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fungusfairgrounds · 2 months
People are doing a screenshot of an ask box thing on twitter from tumblr for their oc x canon im just gonna do it here+skipping some i dont wanna answer. Sorry if this ends up in a tag cause i say their name or w/e idc.... enjoy the fruits🍑🍐🌺🌟🌷🌻🌷🌻🌷
Grushangel answers in blue Hydieon in pink
1. Who makes the other blush all the time and who finds it adorable
I think they both make each other blush and they both think its cute lol...but Angel has an easier time flustering Grusha.
Hydie isn't quick to fluster, so Leon probably blushes more in that sense. They're both happy blushers though and both think its cute
2. Who sings in the shower
Angel hums sometimes, I don't think Grusha sings in the shower
Both probably, really loudly
4. Who embarrasses the other in public with kisses and pet names
Angel and grusha are always calling each other pet names its not that embarrassing to them. It is probably embarrassing to their little siblings if they're there, though...#cringe. They don't really kiss in super public places, so if one kisses the other at the store or somethin it might make them a lil shy. I can see it either way
Hydieon dont caare they're PDA kings lol
5. Who curses, and who reprepends the other for it
They all curse and are responsible about who they curse in front of. Hydie might sometimes forget but hes not scolded for it. Weird ass question
6. What small quirks do they love about each other
I want to answer this one but I can't think rn I'll come back to it maybe ✌❤
7. Who makes the other laugh more
Angel and Grusha both make each other laugh a lot, its one of the initial reasons they're so fond of each other [:
Hydie probably makes Leon laugh more but Leon is always so giggly with Hydie to me so. Lala
8. Who gets jealous easier
Grusha definitely I think... not like super jealous per say but more so he just sometimes wants to hang out with Angel alone since its a rarity so when others get to hes just gr..
For Hydieon I donnt know I dont think theyre particularly jealous people. Maybe envious of some things but idk
9. How did they know they were right for each other
I got no clue how to answer this one but I do want to say I dont think there was an all knowing moment I think they are just happy together and make life joyful for the other and inspire the other to be better and grow and thats enough
10. Who brings up the subject of kids first
I think Angel always wanted a baby, but didn't know how Grusha felt so he never brought it up + they're already raising their little siblings so it felt like a tricky subject. So, he's pretty happily surprised when Grusha actually does bring up that he wants to be a dad. Also important to me cause shows a lot of healing in Grusha too...
I feel like they both kinda bring it up but in different ways ? Hydie is more subtle and points out lots of baby things in stores or mentions the families around them etc etc Leon eventually is the one to actually ask about it
11. Who's adorable when they're sleepy, and who gets grumpy and irritable
I dont like how this question is worded i dont think any of them are adorable per say
I think if anything Angel can be a little silly tired, but he's usually just groggy and zones out a lot. Grusha seems like he would be either cranky or really sad when he's tired.
Hydie might either be a tad snappy or very spacey depending. Leon i think doesn't change much I think he is good at hiding when he is very tired minus the several yawns.
12. Who's more protective
Grusha lala... i think he gets overly worried at times. Angel cares too but I think Grusha's experiences made him prone to really worry about the safety of those he cares about.
Both Leon and Hydie are super protective of the other haha... I think they are both willing to sacrifice themselves for the other
13. How do they express their feelings
Angel and Grusha both like to make the other laugh to express their love... they tease each other a lot too. Whenever they get time for just the two of them they enjoy every moment, and even if family is there they still do little things to feel closer. They are almost always holding the others hand when they're out and about on errands lala.
At home they show care and love a lot too by taking care of each other the best they can. Grusha often has one of his pokemon go with angel when he goes off to work on art to make sure he stays safe. Angel makes sure Grusha eats well and always has a dish he likes at meals. When Grusha moves in, Angel invests in a lot of small things to make Grusha's life easier since he's disabled.
They get each other promise rings too when Grusha moves in...i dont wanna write it all out rn but felt like an important bit about how they express love.
Hydie and Leon just love to have fun together, making the other smile just makes them feel very loved I think. I wrote more but tumblr deleted it when I saved the draft and I don't want to rewrite it #sorry
14. Where would they go on a 3 am adventure
Angel and Grusha live on glaseado mountain and its always snowing so I think a 3 am adventure might be dangerous for them. If anything they might go to the convenience store, they don't want to leave home too long since their lil brothers also live there and might need them.
Hydie and Leon might go just about anywhere lmao. They might be out camping, or walking in the empty streets and looking at the stars. Maybe at the park on the swings and just laughing and playing. I think its nice for Leon to be out like that and not worry about being flooded by people...even if the two are sleepy the next day its worth it.
17. Who picks flowers for the other
Grusha would pick flowers for Angel I think if they are out and about... in general Grusha does like to buy Angel flowers a lot too.
Both ! Leon really likes getting Hydie bouquets while Hydie likes to bring home picked flowers for Leon+ cuttings from the garden for them both to enjoy
18. Which one wears the "im with stupid" shirt
19. Whos the better dancer
Angel isn't a good dancer I dont think but he probably wins by default cause Grusha only has one real leg
I think Hydieon dances silly but they do love to dance together. They dance in the kitchen a lot or in the garden, lil moments of joy
20. Who infodumps and who listens with heart eyes
I think this question only fits Hydieon lmao anyways the answer is both, they love to listen to each other talk and take turns sharing their fixations
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shipcestuous · 7 months
One time I had the weirdest (and most ridiculously detailed!) incest-related dream. It was about a fictional anime, and while it's all kinda blurry now, I remember dreaming up the plot of a couple of episodes. I'd like to preface this ask with a big fat TW because the anime itself was kind of... old school in a sense, with ecchi-like jokes and gags that were handled in a very lighthearted way but objectively would have had to be treated as molestation of a teen girl in any more serious work.
Basically, the anime was about this high school student who was also a magical girl heroine. She had to balance her school life and friends with her secret identity while fighting a mysterious supernatural Big Bad and their lackeys as well as more mundane criminal. So far, so normal, right? But the twist was the her sidekick was her father, who didn't have any powers but drove her around to wherever she needed to be to fight evil and took care of her injuries after her battles.
Except... the dad was young, kind of DILF-y, and both a goofball and a total pervert. He perved on his daughter both in her magical girl/crimefighter persona (cheering whenever he got to see a panty shot during a fight thanks to the skimpy frilly outfit she naturally got during her transformation sequence, roping her into infiltrating some crime syndicate's hideout by masquerading as an exotic dancer) and in her civilian identity (trying to get her to wear a maid outfit while doing her chores around the house, gleefully suggesting he should spank her when the stress of trying to figure out what the Big Bad's goal actually was caused her to have a a bit of an attitude).
The daughter was understandably weirded out and embarrassed by his behavior, but it was played less in a "her dad is a creep and she should try to get away from him asap" and more like she thought he was a cringy loser who frustratingly insisted on behaving like an irresponsible kid. There was plenty of slapstick humor where she punched him in the face or hit him with over the head with whatever was at hand to get him to leave her alone, but also a lot of times where she just made comments like "ugh, Dad, I shouldn't be the mature person in this house" or "stop being a gross old man, we're in public!" She didn't think much of her father's attraction to her, but it seemed to be mostly because she wanted to date boys her age with whom to do cute teenage romance stuff.
Obviously, the dad was extremely jealous of any boy who showed an interest in her, but he showed it less by being openly hostile to them and more by getting extra handsy and possessive around them to weird them out and turn them off the idea of dating her and dealing with more of that, or even by tricking them into appearing even more perverted than him. At least until she met a shy, quiet boy who was supposed to be her endgame love interest, who surprisingly took it all in stride, blushing a lot but being very polite to him and still very affectionate towards the daughter at the end of the day.
Eventually, a flashback from the point of view of the dad was shown and it turned out he was a widower and his wife had died when the daughter was a baby. Grief had thrown him into a downwards spiral, not helped by the fact that, because he and the wife had married very young and against the will of their families, they were struggling economically. But taking care of the daughter had become the one light in his life and he had resolved to fight against his despair, get his act together and give her the life he'd been unable to give her mother. Through the years, his feelings had turned into outright adoration, and while the daughter was growing up from an adorable child into a smart, determined, responsible teenage girl, into romantic love. And eventually, when her body started developing, also into physical attraction. He had initially decided not to act on any of it... but his feelings were just too strong to repress them or ignore them, so he decided it would be easier to deal only with the sexual side of things, because he could deal with his daughter refusing him over and over again when it came to that but he feared he wouldn't be strong enough to stand her telling him she'd never love him the same way.
Unfortunately, I don't remember how the story ended after that. But I like to think the dad would have eventually had to have an open conversation about his feelings with his daughter and that, no matter her response, they would have been okay somehow.
Wow, that's so detailed!
It was so easy for me to picture it as an old anime.
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bellincurl · 16 days
I was hoping someone would ask for theseee YAY
❓️ : fav total background character (im not talking minor characters like say. whitewing or moonlight, i mean cats with like...3 lines tops)
This is sooo hard actually. I think most of mine still fall into minor adjacent cause they get some focus and lines. But I've always really liked Ashfoot, literally one of the only wc map parts I've made was about her. I always thought the windclan family dynamic of her being related to onestar was really fun. She just seems very together and competent and idk, I like that she and her husband were both deputies with a foot suffix.
I also always really liked breezepelt's kids, idk what they ever really got up to in canon but Smokehaze, brindlewing, appleshine and woodsong are such cute names. There's probably a lot to explore with how he'd approach parenting with how he grew up. I also think it's really cute that the older sisters ended up mentoring their younger siblings.
Also not super minor, but I guess semi-minor in terms of how often I see fan stuff for them. Pretty much every side or minor character in Graystripe's vow i really liked. Gremlin, Fury, all of warriorclan. Petunia especially, I think all of them you can draw some really fun parallels with first arc characters, I almost wish we'd gotten some kinda soft reset where we start following them instead of the kinda giant extended never ending conflict we have in the main clans. Fury is the antagonist obviously but I don't think she made any kinda impact on the fandom really, I just think she's fun. At the end when she's mostly defeated and bleeding out she crawls to the top of the high rocks in thunderclan camp and I was hoping soooo fucking bad she'd be deranged enough to just stand up there boasting until she died. Not what happened but it's what happened in my heart, not deep at all as a character I just liked that she got to be kinda crazy.
OTHER than thattt. I can only think of Red from Skyclan's destiny. There was a rogue camp and she had drama with her dad bc she had a boyfriend, then her dad Stick tries to kill that guy and she jumps in front first and dies and everyone regrets it lmao.
💢 : what scene made you the most irrationally angry upon first reading
The entirety of Squirrelflight's hope for 1. It was such a viscerally deeply upsetting book to me.
The scenes of Bramblestar demoting squirrelflight to children's tasks, not letting her leave the camp without telling him because she Challenged him, taking her autonomy away, guilt tripping her, telling her she's selfish for not wanting to kill pregnant woman who is going to leave in Less than a MONTH anyway. The whole book just made me feel crazy. It's crazy how uncharacteristically sadistic every character becomes JUST so squirrelflight can be made to look inconsiderate for Embarrassing her husband in public by telling him they can just Wait for them to leave. And it's worse because it does completely break her down, Bramblestar completely shatters her sense of confidence, her sense of safety and personality ALL for the book to treat it like it was two-sided, all for her to apologize to him for speaking up and then the book ends. I don't think warrior cats has ever written anything more vile than this genuinely.
I remember that scene where she brought one of the sisters, who was dying, into camp for Leafpool to treat. and bramblestar threatened leafpool, his sister-in law and their DOCTOR not to heal an outsider. when squirrelflight argues and protects leafpool, fights for sunrise, bramblestar asks Why are you doing this to me. Guilting her and forcing her to choose between saving a woman's life, protecting her sister, AND listening to him beyond all reason. Choosing anything else except him is Hurting him. That's the framing. And it's crazy bc this isn't normal for warrior cats either, again it's uncharacteristically sadistic, it goes against the code, and it's all so they could write this scene, so bramble could say that, So it would Hurt squirrelflight, and punish her narratively.
You'd think it's intentional writing but then you remember this is the last book he's meant to be Good, because the next arc he's possessed by ashfur and is meant to actually be abusive and possessive and terrifying, which he is. But it's just fucking mortifying that the writer's idea of Bramblestar at his best, at the point where everyone missed him, is this. That they consistently do believe their relationship is healthiest and most equal when she is completely submitting to him.
ANYWAY that;s not even the actual last scene that broke me irt actually reading warrior cats myself LMAO.
it was similar though it was the way they handled shadowsight in the broken code. Similar thing of a character who is being so outrageously abused, other characters around him are suddenly far more sadistic and cruel than they've been before just to further beat him down While also having it be narratively justified.
Anyway it's the scene where Shadowsight, mothwing (i think), lionblaze and willowshine are trying to access the dark forest or starclan to get bramble's spirit back. No one trusts shadowsight, they all literally hate him, especially Lionblaze. Shadowsight offers to go to the dark forest, knowing there's a good chance he'll die there. He does this because he's basically suicidal at this point, so wracked with guilt over unknowingly creating this situation and having everyone Blame him for it that he's like Let me make it right. Lionblaze refuses because he doesn't trust him, so Willowshine offers instead. Willow lies down and closes her eyes so she can dream herself into the dark forest and in one of the fucking rawest scenes they've had in a MINUTE she dies on the spot. Ashfur killed her spirit in the darkforest so fast that barely a minute after she closes her eyes her physical body DIES. Lionblaze immediatelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy blames shadowsight for this and is like it should have been you why did you let this happen. And at that point i was really like. if i keep reading this series I am Actually going to smash my head into a walllllllllll. I think I did finish the book a while later and idk.
It's hard knowing so much of this could be really hard hitting writing about abuse and complex situations. I think the meta of warriors is really interesting, the way the authors misogyny and absurd hate for abuse victims literally warps the world and character morals book by book. The way it literally gets worse as the books continue. I can't stomach reading it myself anymore LMAO. But I also have permanent brain worms for warriors so I still keep up with the character drama in the new books, there's stuff that's really interesting to me. Looking at curlfeather, frostpaw and splashtail's stuff. But yeah
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ver0-needs-spxce · 10 months
List of Lifeline headcanons (reposted cuz yeah)
DISCLAIMER: these don’t really have any substance and are just for fun, thank you :3
She has ADHD and autism, her mother and father forced her to mask at a young age and if she stimmed out in public her mother pinched her/her dad hit the back of her head
her love language is touch and gift giving, sometimes if she’s really excited and comfortable around a person she’ll grab their hands and twirl them around.
She likes to gift jewellery, especially matching jewelry, it makes her feel connected with people
It’s easy to tell when she’s fake smiling, her real smile is “gummy” and her eyes are closed, usually when she fake smiles it looks too “perfect” and her eyes are halfway open
She listens to music before dropping into battle, otherwise she’s nervy before the jump
Speaking of music, it’s her hyperfixation as well as some mechanics/engineering, she loves music and it’s her coping mechanism for everything
She likes to chew on things, like gum, her favourite is strawberry/plain bubblegum flavour (she occasionally indulges in plastic if she’s alone)
Gets overwhelmed easily, good at controlling it if it’s on the battlefield or some sort but if it’s not then she just kinda zones out and becomes nonverbal
Her and Ramya banter a lot, they can argue for hours about the same topic without stopping (Loba walked in on it one time and had to restrain the two)
A people pleaser, just wants to show others love and support that she lacked from her parents growing up
Whenever she gets called ‘Che’ she kinda goes quiet for a moment, she doesn’t like to be reminded of her bloodline
Can drum the beat of any song after hearing it once (autism be damned my girl can play the drums!!)
Insufferable to sleep next to, hums in her sleep, can’t sit still, tosses and turns
has chronic nightmares
Doesn’t like a lot of attention at ALL, makes her feel embarrassed
Speaking of, would rather eat broken glass than embarrass herself
Unironically says “Mozambique here” for no reason, chuckles to herself when she knows someone can hear it
Loves sugar cookies, has a sweet tooth but hates chocolate?? her favourite flavour is strawberry and she really likes strawberry cake w buttercream frosting
Has anxiety and BPD, her panic attacks aren’t that bad (so she thinks) so she doesn’t really “get help��� during them
Makes lunches for the other legends (if she likes them enough), and baked goods whenever she hears they enjoy them
Once drove a trident off of Olympus with Tavi, still laughs when she remembers the story
Used to drink/smoke and party with Tavi, she carried smoking (mostly weed) with her into adulthood (Tavi kept the drinking habit, until he discovered stim and that was his new addiction)
High achiever as a kid/teen, was put in all the advanced classes, 4.0 GPA, stuff like that and overworked herself to no end. Still works until exhaustion now helping the frontier corps, charities, etc etc
(Some of Stella’s headcanons)
#1: Homophobia
#2: Gay and tramsgen
#3: whore
#4: Insert slur
thank you
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i-keepmyideals · 3 months
Akira Toriyama
My first anime were Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Inuyasha and Dragon Ball Z. They were all on air at the same time when I was really little. The first time I saw DBZ was when I was like, five years old. I had just come home from my morning kindergarten class and my older sister was in like 4th grad at that point, so I was home alone with my dad for most of the school day, I would sit at the living room table and turn to Cartoon Network. Toonami used to come on in the afternoons and I think this might have been a marathon. The first episode of Dragon Ball Z I saw as the second episode when Raditz had touch down on earth. I was so into this man with crazy big hair fighting this guy in a orange jump suit and a green alien. It was fast paced and fun. After that, I was hooked. My sister didn't really care for anime other than Sailor Moon, so she wouldn't play fight with me, but I didn't care much. I'd just watch TV and pretend to be fighting with Goku
I'm from a small village of about 3,000 people. I'm black and there were other black families, white families, Hispanic families, I think my sister had a Japanese friend at some point. It was a very mixed community and everyone was welcome and everyone had their quirks. I was the only person that really watched anime, but I didn't feel ostracized. That is, until we moved to the south side of Chicago where it was, like, a 99% black community and people weren't so open minded. And the kids were mean in a way I wasn't used to. It was hard growing up as a black girl that liked anime. It's still kinda hard now in some places, but I held on to my favorite anime and they helped me make the right handful of friends.
I remember watching Resurrection F and getting so excited for Dragon Ball again. I remember being really little and my dad buying VHS tapes because they were Dragon Ball Z and I'd really want them. At that time we didn't know that the VHS tapes were waaaaaayyyy ahead of the US airing of the show so I was confused when one tape was somewhere in the Cell Saga and the androids were there lmao I remember not being super into Super, ironically. I remember laughing at 2AM with my friend like a year or two ago when I found out there were characters named Granola and the Heeters and losing our shit about it. I'm looking forward to Daima and I really want to play Sparking Zero when it comes out. I saw an article a week ago where Toriyama was talking about how excited he was to be working on some projects.
And then last night about ten minutes after I came in from work, another friend on discord told us Akira Toriyama passed away. And I was in disbelief, cuz ain't no way he died. He has so much going on and was looking forward to. And I think that's what made me cry after a while last night. He was so excited, so happy and so in love with what he did. Thinking about how he won't be able to work on these things anymore and see them come to fruition made me so sad. I was sad for his family for losing a loved one so suddenly and keeping that to themselves and grieving for a week before sharing it with the public. And then finally, I cried for that huge chunk of my life that was shaped by Akira Toriyama.
He didn't just make an anime or a cartoon, he made childhoods. He was an inspiration. So many mangaka we have today were influenced by him. Oda, my favorite manga and anime creator Kubo, Kishimoto. the creators of the big three, all point to Toriyama as their biggest inspiration. Without Toriyama, the world of anime would look very different. A lot of out lives would be very different. He is the reason why a lot of us began to draw, or learn Japanese, or get into making music. Yeah, we might not have known him personally, but he still touched our lives in some way, whether you are a Dragon Ball fan or a Chrono Trigger fan, or something else in between.
So, don't feel embarrassed or silly for mourning the death of a technical stranger. He did a lot for the medium and a lot for us fans. It's only natural to feel saddened when someone like that passes away. Same for when Kazuki Takahashi passed or Stan Lee. Yeah, I might have clowned Dragon Ball Super, but it didn't really matter. Toriyama was doing another victory lap at that point. He truly did it all. He did so much work that I think I can really say rest easy and in peace.
Thank you Akira Toriyama for creating a safe space for me when times were tough I faced really harsh bullies. When things were really looking down, I could think of Goku's goofy smile and turn on an episdoe of Dragon Ball Z and feel a little better. Thank you for being such an inspiration to myself and other creators I look up to. Thank you for working so hard, you did amazing work.
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