#it’s funny how so many of my fav characters names start with S
confettay · 4 months
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that one Twitter art prompt but I never finished it
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biggie-chcese · 6 months
for the fandom ask game:
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
6. something you see in art a lot and love
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandoms
- i love how cozy rain code's fandom is on this website. it's got village energy, where everyone kinda knows each other and even the folks you dont personally interact with are still kinda like neighbors. It's a pretty chill fandom community with a lot of real cool people, small as that "lot" may be
- as for tgaa, i dont think there's ever been a fandom with such a high concentration of fanart and fic that have legitimately changed my brain chemistry. like so many fanworks still live rent free in my head. so much so that this is the fandom that inspired me to start writing fic at all! genuinely, so many tgaa fans are an absolute marvel and it is always a pleasure to see what they create
- from both fandoms, i truly do not get tired of the memes. y'all are so fucking funny fr
2. Something you see in art a lot that you love
ok this is super specific but i absolutely adore when people make aspects of a character emote that realistically wouldn't, like for example when they draw kazuma's headband forming a heart shape in the air, or make yuma's silly little ahoge deflate when sad or sharpen when he's angry (i know the official art does this too- emoting ahoges are one of my fav things about rui's art) or even edgeworth's cravat puffing up like a frilled lizard when angry. i've seen that a few times before and love it. these little details are always a delight to me bc it's something you can only really do in art, yknow? it's wonderful
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom.
GLADLY!! there were so many people that came to mind that i had to pop a bunch of names in a random number generator to choose haha. the wheel chose @hopelilies, and boy do i love your art. genuinely it's a joy to see and i like seeing you in my art blog's notifs as well! your crossover art of yakou and keiji is so big brained because i can easily imagine them being friends. your makoto and yuma hugging art is still rent free in my head. and god i just love how you draw characters in general - really appealing thin lines and unique faces. i am eating it all up <333
thank you so much for asking, anon! ^w^
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
I forgot that the guy who voices Chris McLean is different, so when the episode started, I was so fucking confused for like an entire minute and a half before I remembered lmao
what’s with the intro??? 😭 why is it so short??? and why are like half the ppl missing?? I miss the old one fdhjhf
millie’s alright--idk she gives me (way more) mellower staci vibes with the whole “my family’s generation” spiel, but eh
the shawn cameo fhjkdfhfkj also axel’s >>>
PRIYAAA!! hfjdfh her parents are total drama fans?? she’s been training for this?? the baby priya scenes?? “there’s nothing I’m not ready for” “my first bungee jump was with my umbilical cord?? courtney vibes def
fucking hell I love zee even more than I did before, those posts comparing him to shaggy were right
stop ripper just...stop. okay his introduction was funny-- “who’s even making these laws?!” had me--but he also seems kinda cringe. stop trying so hard man, grow a heart 😭
“WHERE IT AT” hfdjkhfkjdhkjfhf damien >>
omgggg Scary Girl’s name is LAUREN?! 😭 cute name, but tbh I never would have guessed
“fyi I’m very competitive. SWISH!” I knew there’s a reason I like Bowie--the way he just openly stated him being gay is just amazing. go king
chase is a yt stunt blogger thingie?! yooo that’s sick!! 
“what the who now?!” that immediate turnaround when chris calls emma’s name--oh no, that’s awkward. sincerely hope chase and emma being exes isn’t their only plotline, pls pls pls no-
hooly fuck, mk just went up so many spots on my fav characters list thus far-
oh yeah, caleb’s definitely a justin lmao--what’s the bet he’s gonna be one of the first five players voted off?
“that was not cool” priya rlly did the 👉👈
s t o p raj and wayne are fucking amazing-- “that was so cold you could hang ballcaps on my nipples” PLS
everyone on here is so fricking chaotic and amazing, I’m in love with them a l l
“sorry how are we getting hurt?” *stage whisper* “he’s never seen the show” “oh that poor poor sweet child”
ngl I like that so far, chris and chef seem more mellower?? than what they were in the recent prev seasons--especially pi. it gives me tdi vibes and I’m here for it
omfg ripper just s t o p--also kudos to zee for just...existing like wow, man’s so chillax, I aspire to reach that level
oooohhh no are we getting the chase & emma breakup reason??? cause, like bowie, I’m waiting for it
and yes bowie’s reaction is exactly mine: straight couples are messed up
 I KNEW IT I knew Caleb would be one of the first ones out
fucking hell bowie’s just rising up the ranks of my favs--he’s such a schemer and he does it well
everyone on here is amazing, I know I already said that, but holy crap they’re all so unique and they just vibe with each other already
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antlereed · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
i was tagged by @quietblueriver (thanks for the tag it gave me a break from my other words today!)
Were you named after anyone?
technically yes but not anymore! when i first came out and started transitioning i named myself after a childhood fav cartoon character. lately though ive been playing with going by antony (just as an excuse to have antlered be a nickname
When was the last time you cried?
yesterday, i was watching spider-man 2 (doctor octavius you will always be my favorite) and teared up at the train stop scene. still one of my favorite spider-man movies its so fun
Do you have kids?
nope, but i am the oldest child so ive been parent to most of my siblings (i have nine siblings!)
What sports have you played/do you play?
never really played sports, outside of some soccer and cross country when i was a little kid
Do you use sarcasm?
sometimes, though usually my go to for humor is the classic "make shit up and then commit to the bit until it isnt funny anymore"
First thing you notice about people?
depending on how we meet/interact, either their style or their like. mood? most times im too hyperfocused on how im acting to really pay much attention to people (woohoo anxiety!!)
What is your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies, if someone doesnt get possesed, abducted by aliens, or otherwise irreversibly affected by the Horrors then im not entirely interested
Any talents?
ah, hm lets see. id say im pretty decent at some viddy games (proudly bottom rung bronze in apex legends) and im not half bad at performance stuff! many years of concert band and marching band has allowed me to do stupid shit in front of crowds for ages. i also know how to play most brass instruments, tho im the best at the trumpet and trombone!
Where were you born?
born in southern california and then immediately moved to central california because my mother couldnt stand the heat
What are your hobbies?
writing, whether thats fanfic or og fiction for myself. i love reading pulpy ass cyberpunk stories, and some romance because im a simple man and i love it when people hold hands and get sappy together. im also a non-practising dungeon master and just homebrew stuff for the sake of making some dope shit up (i am telepathically begging everyone to let me join their dnd/pathfinder games please please please)
Do you have any pets?
just one cat! my babiest boy Halo: The Master Chief Collection for XBOX One S
How tall are you?
5' 7" unless i want to lie to people
Favorite subject in school?
english initially, though i was also really obsessed with the astronomy portion of science to the point that i genuinely considered becoming an astronomer myself (until i found out abt the math required and then i just decided to look at the stars with my eyes instead)
Dream Job?
in a perfect world? the commisioned freak that rich people had during the renaissance. currently though, im not too sure, just that i want to help people exist in the nicest way i can
idk who to tag, so i guess ill go the usual if you want to do this then feel free to say i tagged you! along with @horse-immorality @dadrielle and @soaring-trash if you guys want!
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oblivionsdream · 2 years
Do you have any book recommendations?
Oh I’ve always got rec’s 😆
I apologize for the length. I originally tried to keep it brief but then gave up. I have too many books I would love of gush about. 😂
-I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga: YA, thriller, son of a serial killer has to clear his name after similar murders to his father starts popping up. It’s dark but has a lot of snark and some rather lovable characters
-The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller: adult, LGBTQ+, a retelling of the Iliad that tells the story of Patroclus and Achilles
-Circe by Madeline Miller: adult, a retelling of the story of the witch Circe from Greek Mythology.
-Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer: a dark twisted supernatural YA, this is definitely for people who like screwed up characters that are definitely not the good guys. Maybe check out the trigger warnings before reading though
-Vicious by V.E Schwab: adult, it’s a roommates to enemies story where things go horribly wrong for two college roommates who do an experiment to gain super powers. One of them ends up in prison for ten years and once he gets out he’s determined to get revenge on the other. Also another book with screwed up dark characters.
-Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson: YA, fantasy, magic library, magic books, amazing characters and had the best demon servant ever. I really can’t hype this book enough
-Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta: YA, I can’t even begin to describe how this book made me feel. It follows two generations as it goes between past and present as Taylor deals with her past and the mystery of her mother who abandoned her on the Jellicoe Road
-In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan- YA, LGBTG+, fantasy, SO good and SO funny, kind of makes fun of a lot of fantasy tropes and the MC is such a snarky boy. Honestly just amazing
-Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon: adult, fantasy, LGBTQ+, epic fantasy with kick ass women and DRAGONS
-Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo: New Adult, Dark Academia with ghosts and some magic. Second book is coming out at the beginning of next year and I cannot wait!
-If We We’re Villians by M.L Rio: Adult, Dark Academia, Theatre students with a bit of murder, very good especially if you’re a fan of Shakespeare
-The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Reid Jenkins: adult, LGBTQ+, about the life of a golden age movie star
-Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Reid Jenkins: adult, about a 70’s rock band
-Malibu Rising by Taylor Reid Jenkins: adult, about the kids of a rock star who are all surfers. Honestly my favorite by this author. As an older sister who helped raise her younger siblings it hit very close to home
-Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: YA, LGBTQ+, MC accidentally summons a ghost and they try to figure out the mystery of how he died and also what happened to the MC’s cousin.
-Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun: adult, rom com, LGBTQ+, involves a reality dating show but the main bachelor ends up falling for one of the guys working on the show. Super cute and wholesome
-One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London: adult, romance, another reality dating show but the MC is a plus sized woman. Super good book but warning for some fat phobia
-Tarot Sequence by K.D Edwards- adult, LGBTQ+, urban fantasy, great found family, lots of action and snark, MC is the last surviving member of the Sun Court and in the first book he gets hired to find the missing son of Lady Judgement (make sure to check the trigger warnings before reading)
-Literally anything by TJ. Klune but here are my favs
The Green Creek series: adult, LGBTQ+, werewolves, great found family,
How to be a Normal Person: adult, LGBTQ+, MC runs a movie rental store and falls for the new asexual hipster barista. Homestly just super cute and funny
House in the Cerulean Sea: all ages appropriate, fantasy, LGBTQ+, MC is a essentially a social worker for magic kids and he gets sent to evaluate an orphanage that houses the anti christ and falls for the childrens care giver. This may be the cutest book I have ever had the privilege of reading
-Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao: YA, Sci Fi, LGBTQ+, blood thirsty bad ass woman MC who is out to get revenge on her sisters killer and also fights aliens in a giant mechs suit
-Winters Orbit by Everina Maxwell: adult, Sci Fi, LGBTQ+, arranged marriage trope where the two MC’s are also trying to solve a murder to stop an interplanetary war
-Sadie by Courtney Summers: YA, thriller, a pod cast follows the story of Sadie, a missing girl who is out for revenge for the death of her sister. I could not put this one down
-To Be or Not to Be by Ryan North: this one is just a fun choose your own adventure Hamlet retelling. It’s so chaotic
-Legendborn by Tracy Deonn: YA, fantasy, it’s like the story of Arthur but reinvented and was just a fun time.
-Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green: I’m not usually a non fiction kind of person but this was lovely, very introspective and filled with life
-We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson: YA, LGBTQ+, MC has been abducted by aliens but no body believes him. The aliens give him a choice- if he presses this button humanity will be saved. If he doesn’t everyone will die. The MC has decide whether humanity is truly worth saving after all.
-Our Bloody Pearl by D.N Bryn: adult, fantasy, LGBTQ+, a blood thirsty siren gets captured by pirates and held prisoner for a year until they are essentially rescued when a different set of pirates attack and take over the ship. They slowly begin to trust and befriend the new pirate captain
-Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu: sports, LGBTQ+, graphic novel, hockey, baking and a great team of friends, super cute and funny
-Fence by C.S Pacat and Sarah Rees Brennan: sports, LGBTQ+, it’s both a mixture of graphic novels and regular novels, involves fencing and a cast of lovable characters, also very funny
-Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg: adult, LGBTQ+, this one is an older book but I love it, it’s the story of a small town in the South and the people who live there. The movie is also splendid and one of my favorites of all time.
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sunatooru · 3 years
Feral Suna, Yamaguchi, Kuguri, and Tendou grinding on their girlfriend’s ass as she tries to cook for them after such an intense volleyball game. They don’t want food, they want her bent over and chanting their name like a prayer. She can’t resist with how good her bf feels rutting against her, groping her body, and dirty talking in her ear as she tries to cook for him. She’ll let them fill her up so she can do the same for him with his favorite meal.
This took some time to come out... but I hope you enjoy the feral boys!!
Warnings: 18+ smut, minors dni, all characters are aged 18+ (post timeskip!Suna), f!reader, kitchen sex, boob groping, unprotected sex, some choking, fingering, thigh fucking, biting, breeding, cream pie, some praise, reader called 'baby’ ‘bunny' 'love' 'sweetheart' 'angel' and 'good girl', let me know if I missed any or if should add any more
* He couldn’t stop replaying the game in his head, it was so intense and fast and he knew it was possibly his best game ever
* He could just envision the proud look on your face when got home, that look that made his cock twitch
* When he gets to your house he’s met with you chopping vegetables in the kitchen
* “Rin! The game was so good! So I’m making a meal to celebrate.” You smile at him, looking at his tall body with proudness
* He nuzzles his head into the crock of your neck, his hand massaging the sides of your waist
* “Mmm…nice…” he pushes his hip into you, humming as he begins circling his bulge against you
* “Rin…aren’t you tired?” You mumble, his hands sliding under your waistband and reaching for your underwear
* “Not that tired…” he groans, his hip jerking up sharply as he pushes a finger through your wet folds
* He attacks your neck, pulling and biting at the skin as quickly pushes any clothing away, dropping his underwear low enough to free his straining cock
* He presses his cock against the curve of your ass, smacking it against the flesh and grunting at the sound
* “Fuck, my little bunny…missed this ass.” He pulls your hips up, making you support yourself on the counter, you whine as he teases your entrance
* He can’t help but ram his cock inside, giving you no time to adjust as he starts moving in fast strokes
* Your pussy flutters around him as he closes his eyes and grabs a fistful of your tits, kneading it as his hips start to thrust up sharply, each hit making your eyes rolled back
* He can’t control his pace, his slams into you continuously, barely pulling out before fucking back into your wet pussy
* “Ah shit..” he moans, his knees bent as he forces his cock deeper into your hole, one hand gripping the flesh of your ass and the other pinching your nipple
* “Mmm…r-rin so good…fuck AH!” You scream when he pushes your harder into the counter
* “So good baby…W-wet little cunt feels f-fuck…amazing.” He stutters, panting as he chases his high
* “Fuck fuck fuck…” he groans loudly, hips shaking as he plows your pussy with his cum
* You whimper when he pulls out, legs weak as your try to stand up straight
* “Don’t worry about the food…let’s take a shower...” He pulls your underwear up, trapping his cum before lifting you up and taking you to the bathroom
* the adrenaline of his last game ever was still running through him
* He had this stored up energy and it was making him crazy
* So when he saw you alone in his house busy at the stove, he knew exactly what to do
* “Baby! I’m proud of you! Making your fav..” you praise him, your domestic side making him very hard
* He come up behind you, kissing your shoulder and slowly trailing up to your neck
* “Thank you, sweetheart.” He whispers, nose brushing the side of your face as he pulls your hips back a little
* “Can I do something? Please..” he asks, slowly grinding his bulge against your ass
* He breathes deeply as he ruts against you, his fingers running down your arm and the other holding onto your hip
* “Mmm…whatever you want ‘dashi..” you whisper, your grip on the wooden spoon tightening when he pushes your trousers and panties down
* He presses himself harder against you, slowly slipping out of his joggers and underwear
* You mewl when you feel his stiff cock touch your skin, licking your lip when you hear him pumping himself
* He clamps your thighs together, grunting as he slowly pushes his cock between them, just below your cunt
* He starts moving his hips, rutting forward and grunting when he brushes against your growing slick
* “Fuck…always so good to me…” he wraps an arm around your waist, pushing himself in and out of your thighs as he marks your neck
* He quickens his pace, slapping your thigh so you squeeze harder, making you jolt and moan when his cock grazes over your clit
* “‘T-tadashi…feels good…’dashi pls..” you fight for your eyes to stay open, trying to finish cooking
* You keep one hand on the counter as you body shakes, his thrust harder and faster, his tight balls coated in your arousal
* “You’re so wet, sweetheart…I’m not even inside you yet.” He leans back, watching the way his cock comes out covered in your wetness
* You bite your lips and look down, moaning when you see his swollen tip slide past your thighs
* “Shit…I’m close” he whimpers, slowly pushing past your folds and into your wet cunt
* “So wet..mmm..so hot , that’s it, squeeze me ..” he moans loudly, almost whining at how good you felt, fucking you faster
* “Gonna fill you up baby…shitt… then eat your cooking.” He groans loudly, hips shaking as his cum shoots inside you, panting heavily as his hips buck up
* “…mmm thank you baby.”
* He usually has a bored look on his face, never looking that interested even in during games
* But today, the game was so crazy and his usual demeanour washed away
* The grin on his face was intimidating, his hands were still shaking from all the receives and he knew he needed to release the Energy in some way
* Fortunately he saw your figure in the kitchen, humming to yourself as you stir a pot
* You don’t have to tone to welcome before he drops his whole weight onto you from behind
* His fingers dig into your flesh as he rolls his hips into your ass
* Hard, slow circles, hips stuttering when you push yourself up against him
* “Good game?” You whisper
* “Mmm” he gropes your body, grabbing your stomach and then cupping your breasts
* He doesn’t even care about the pot starting to over cook
* Eyes shut as he rubs himself against you, moaning and grunting from the pressure, his hand around your throat as he starts jerking his hips up
* “Need to be inside…”he states, shoving your clothes down and pushing his, to quickly slip into your warm walls
* He moans in your ear, grabbing your face and smashes his lips to yours from the side
* It’s messy, he slams his cock into you, the kissing sloppy as he pushes his tongue inside your mouth
* His grip on your hip and jaw tighten every time your silky cunt clenches around him
* “Yeah…f-fucking squeeze me Angel…” he groans, pulling away to suck on your lips
* “Nao…s-so big…-” you cry when you feel him hit the edge of your walls, you desperately hold onto his hand on your face, pulling him back into a kiss as he gives you one last stroke
* You fall forward when he stuffs his warm load into you, your legs beginning to buckle as you weakly torn the stove off
* “The…foods ruined…” you manage to say and he hugs you from behind, still inside you
* “Sorry. We can get takeout.”
* He loved the feeling of looking down at players after he blocked their shots
* They made his stomach swirl, his mind race and balls tightened
* the rush from the game was going straight to his growing cock and he badly needed to soothe it
* “Welcome ‘tori! I heard the game went well, so I’m making a celebratory meal!” You beam at him and he smiles walking up to you
* “Sounds good, pretty.” He inhales your scent and wraps himself around you
* “It was a great game….” He starts, rubbing his nose over your neck and kissing just under your ear
* “…got me so excited.” He jerks his cock against you, making you stop what your actions
* “I made so many blocks…mmm…their faces made me proud.” He pulls down your top, sucking and biting your shoulder
* “‘Tori…right here?” You mewl when you feel him pull down your pants and kiss your neck
* “Mmm yeah…is that okay?” He asks, massaging your ass and playing with the material of your underwear
* “Y-yeah..” you breathe out, he pushes your underwear down and glides his fingers over your folds
* “Good.” He keeps your steady, his finger focusing on your clit, circling the bud and moving his cock against you in the same motion
* “So easily aroused..” he chuckles, picking up your slick with his middle finger and presses it against your clit, rubbing diagonally as you reach out from behind to push him closer against you
* He chuckles at your eagerness and pushes his middle and index finger into your cunt, curling them inside you and fingering your fast
* He stokes his cock as he watches the way your ass shakes between his hand, the sound of your slick making him twitch as he swiftly slips into you
* “Ah shit…s-shit baby, you’re so fucking wet…” he moans, a hand on your hip whist the other holds your nape
* You feel his cock throb inside you, throwing your head back as his shaft fills you
* “‘Tori tori tori….” You wail, mouth open as he quickens his pace
* His tight balls smacking against your ass as he lifts it your legs up for better access
* “Yeah baby, say my…f-fuck..name. Scream it for me.” He grunts, pounding into you and attacking your neck again
* You clench around him, your funny walls contracting as his tip nudges against your soft tissue
* He rubs your flit fast, pressing and rolling it as your legs start to give up
* “T-too m-much…cum ‘lease, p-lease cum…” you beg, body getting weak as he fucks you relentlessly
* “As you wish baby..” you mewl when he pulls out, giving himself a few more pumps and then spraying his load all over your ass
* He rubs his length across your ass, turning you around to give you a kiss
* “Such a good girl.”
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John Munch / Simple
Prompt: “Suck it” “oh i’m gonna suck something” 
Word Count: 3,887 
Warnings: canon typical situations and violence, discussion of rape (non-graphic), hurt/comfort apparently, fin and munch are literally some of my fav characters to write for lmao, some discussion of the psych evals from 1x22
A/N: what is this? how did this happen? I don’t know - i blame @laneygthememequeen​ mostly, but also my friends for enabling me beyond belief lmao. 
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“Am I allowed to come in or must I bow and show my allegiance before I am deemed worthy?” and you didn’t need to look up from your desk to know who it was. Your pen still moved, scribbling notes in the margins of the answer that was given to you by Roger Klessler — more hassle than law. 
“No need for allegiance, Detective Munch — I know you only give that to your squad and your string of conspiracy theories,” you finish with the page, sparing him a glance, “only compliance is needed — the one thing you didn’t do on the last case.” 
“Your hands aren’t exactly clean yourself, counselor,” he shuts the door behind him, slipping his hands into his pockets, “what did you do to get that warrant again?” 
You raise an eyebrow, “Are you questioning my integrity?” 
“Funny, I didn’t know lawyers had any,” 
“They don’t, but I can try, can’t I?” you lean on your elbow, “what do you need?” 
“We have a suspect in holding who just invoked, we thought they might be a little more conducive to having an A.D.A. in the box with them,” he tilted his head. 
“Alex isn’t available?” 
“Alex told us to get you,” you held in your sigh, “don’t you lawyers talk to each other?” 
“No, we communicate through telepathy,” you reply drily, grabbing your coat and bag, “Let’s go.” 
“Counselor, you should remind your client that his options are running out,” to say this meeting was going poorly would have been the understatement of the century, “and my patience is running thin.”
A serial child and women abuser — with videos abusing so many children and women over the last twenty years, videos that made your stomach turn — and to make matters worse, he had made into a business, selling these children and women and their pain for profit — and now it was time to make his pain your profit. 
“You have no evidenc—” 
“We have a witness who saw your client, we have his DNA being run against the blood that was found at the scene, and when it comes back it will match and your client will be facing life in prison—” your teeth grit,  “And I’ll be sure he gets it. Or, give up your sick buddies. And maybe you’ll have the possibility of parole in the far off future.” 
“You fucking bitch—” he spits at you. 
“Is that the best you can do?” you raise an eyebrow, as you see Munch tense out of the corner of your eye, “Mr. Bradford,  I’m not scared of you. I’m not a defenseless child or battered woman you can intimidate—” you cross your arms, “not so easy picking on someone who can fight back, is it?” 
 Bradford lunges,  but Munch shoves him back into his chair, “Do we need to add assault on an A.D.A. to your laundry list of charges, Bradford?” and you blink, slack jawed, a shiver going down your spine — if Munch was a second later— “Try that again and I’ll have you—” 
There’s a knock on the window, and your eyes snap over, “Control your client, counselor, or I’ll have him locked up in solitary,” your jaw is set — you wouldn’t give him the pleasure of seeing you waver, “the offer had 24 hours — it now has an expiration date in ten, so look forward to hearing from you in one.” 
The door shuts behind you, your fingers white knuckling the handle of your briefcase. Liv frowns, “Are you—” 
“I’m fine,” you wave them off, as Munch emerges from the room as well, “tell me when he caves to my offer. And when you’re setting up the sting to get the other guys — I want to be there to make everything go smoothly. No screw ups this time.” 
“All due respect, counselor, but we don’t need a babysitter,” Fin says. 
“All due respect, Detective, maybe you do,” you swallow the lump sitting on your throat, “we need to nail these guys — we have all of New York, 1PP, and the D.A.’s office all breathing down our necks — it needs to be airtight,” you scan all of their faces, “unless all of you would like to take the heat?” 
“I don’t think any of us want that, counselor,” Cragen cuts in, “we appreciate your help. We’ll let you know when we decide to go ahead with the sting.” 
You nod curtly, intent on leaving the precinct as quickly as you could — the image of Bradford lunging at you still fresh and stinging — but nothing was that easy, “Counselor,” Munch was at your side, standing beside you at the elevators, as you pressed the button, “in a rush?” 
“To go home? Yes,” 
“I just wanted—” 
“Wanted what, Munch? What do you want?” you sigh exasperatedly, fighting a losing battle for your voice not to break, “I’m not in the mood for a verbal sparring match, so why don’t we take a rain check?” 
The elevator doors ding, and you step in, hoping to spare yourself the agony of a response, but he follows, the doors shutting behind him. 
But surprisingly his voice was soft,  “I wanted to make sure you were okay,” 
“I’m fine,” you cross your arms, hoping that it would hold you together, until you got to your office, “I’m not scared of him, Munch—” 
“I know you could kick his ass, counselor, I’m not asking you if you’re ready to go seven rounds in the ring with him—” he leans against the wall of the elevator, “I’m just asking if you’re alright.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “John Munch asking me if I’m alright? No sarcastic remark?” 
“I know, I’m surprised myself, I might have to ask Skoda to do a psych eval on me,” and you crack a smile, shaking your head. 
“It was scary,” you admit, something you didn’t want to, “I’ve been threatened before — messages, verbally, even had a guy say he would kill my family—” you bite your lip, “but I never had someone try something, physically before.” 
“It’s okay to have been scared, y’know,” the elevator doors ding, and you step out, shaking your head, “no one expects you to be strong all the time, counselor.” 
And you pause, looking back at him, “But I do,” you blink away the tears, “good night, detective.” 
“It’s too risky!” you ignore Munch, continuing to fix your makeup, “You saw how you acted when Bradford lunged at you — why—” 
“I would do anything to make sure these men get put away,” you finish your makeup, grabbing the outfit Liv had handed you, “and that includes this.” 
This being an undercover operation designed to get names of victims, ages, and dates if possible, before arresting the group for exchanging pictures and videos of their crimes. 
“Putting yourself in the middle of this chaos? You’re being reckless—” 
You slide past him and into a bathroom stall, “I know what I’m doing,” 
“Do you? Do you know how many things could go wrong?” he continues, “I could list them for you for posterity — assault, battery, rape, and let’s not forget murder—” 
“I don’t think Liv will let me get murdered when she’s in the room with me, and I would you, Fin, Stabler, and the Captain wouldn’t either—” 
“Things go wrong on these ops, counselor — the field isn’t as safe as a courtroom — court officers, a metal detector right outside—” 
His words fail when the door swings open, a skin tight bodysuit clung to your figure, crimson, just as his ears nearly were, his eyes raking over your outfit, before finding their way back to your raised brows, “You were saying?” 
He stumbles over his words, “I was saying that—” you cross your arms, waiting and he finds himself distracted all over again, before he shakes himself from his stupor, “I was saying that this is too dangerous—” 
“Munch—” you cut him off, “I appreciate your concern, really I do, but I’m going to nail these guys anyway I can, so you can’t change my mind,” your hand finds his shoulder, squeezing, “but I can count on you to have my back right?” 
He simmers, sighing, his eyes softening, “Of course,” and you squeeze his shoulder, and he calls after you as you head towards the squadroom,  “I just hope they taught you taekwondo in law school,” 
“And I hope you know by ‘having my back,’ I meant more than my ass,” you flash him a smile over your shoulder, shaking your head, and flexing your fingers. 
It would be fine. 
You would be fine. 
It wasn’t fine. He couldn’t find you. 
“Where is he? Where is that son of a bitch, he took—” 
“Munch, calm down,” Liv starts, and he’s shaking his head, his finger in his face. 
“You were supposed to watch them, you were supposed to—” 
“Hey, Munch,” Elliot cuts between him and his partner, his hand on his shoulder,  “we all were there, Bradford slipped out during the raid, there wasn’t anything we could do. We’re going to find them.” 
Munch brushes him away, finding Fin, “Where are we on Bradford?” 
“Got him sneaking out during the takedown,” Fin points you out in the crowd, “looks like he had a knife pressed against counselor’s back, just out of view.” 
“How the hell did that scum sucking, gangrenous low life of a—” 
“Looks like he stole it off one of his buddies he was setting up,” Fin rewinds the tape, and points it out, “lifts it right from his pocket.” 
“Where does he go?” Fin fast forwards, until he gets to the cameras outside, shooting from the van itself. 
“He steals a car down the street, must belong to that brownstone,” Fin shoves the equipment at another officer, “Let’s get the license plate and get a bolo out.” 
Liv and Elliot join the two of them, handing a report to Fin, “We got a list of places that Bradford was known to hang out at—” 
“What are we waiting for?” Munch brushes past them to the car, rounding the car to the driver’s seat, pulling it open, before Fin stops him. 
“I’m driving,” Fin says, holding his hand, and Munch opens his mouth to rebut, “do we really have time to argue right now?” 
Munch glares at him, before handing him the keys, “You better not abide by any traffic laws,” 
“Do I ever?” 
“Can we go any faster than this? I swear my great uncle could drive faster than this,” Munch expects his partner to be angry, but he’s only sighing and shaking his head, “what?” 
And Fin side eyes him, “If you’re in love with—” 
Munch gapes at him, “I’m not—” 
“--then why don’t you just say something, man?” Fin scoffs, “you can deny it all you want, explain it away with one of your crazy ass conspiracy theories, but it’s there, John.” 
Munch pulls off his glasses, running his hand over his face, fingers resting right below his nose, “You know every time I got married, I thought I was in love,” 
“I know, and then your ex-wives screwed you — what about it?” 
“This is different,” he sighs, “and I don’t want to admit that to myself.” 
“What’s so bad about that, Munch? You want to try again,” and Munch is shaking his head. 
“You know a psychiatrist once told me that the reason all my marriages failed was because I chose women who were spoiled, beautiful, and not my intellectual equal?” 
“Meeting some of your ex-wives, I could believe that,” Fin’s eyes fall back to the road, “what’s your point?” 
Your name slips from his lips, “this is different — this is someone’s who's my equal — smarter than me, beautiful— it could — we could be—” he cuts off, “I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose--” and he cuts off, sighing, “I don’t know.” 
“Well that’s easy, John,” Fin pulls over, the car screeching as it does, “we won’t,” and he jerks his head, “whose car does that look like?” Munch calls in the car, unbuckling himself and slipping from the car, “We have to wait for back-up—” 
“I’m not waiting—” before he adds, “you don’t have to come—” 
“I’m not letting your bony ass get shot again,” Fin is already shutting the car door, pulling his gun out, “let’s go.” 
“Are you scared now?” Bradford asks, circling you — a predator gauging its prey — no, he was simply playing with you now. Your wrists flex against your restraints, the wood grain of the chair digging into your skin the more you struggled, the rope around your wrists ungiving, “are you, counselor?” 
It was rhetorical — judging by the tape stuck to your lips and the fact he continued to speak, and his fingers fist into your hair, pulling your head back, “Come on, no smart remarks now?”
Are you that stupid that you’ve forgotten that you taped my mouth over? 
No, wait he was that stupid. 
And he slaps you — the sting of his palm against your cheek dazes you a moment, and then his fist lands a blow in your stomach, choking on the same air you breathed, tears burning before slipping down your cheeks. 
“Do you think this is bad?” and now he’s holding your face between his fingers, nails digging into your cheeks, and he grins, a shiver going down your spine,  “just wait.” And he disappears a moment, his shadowy figure rifling through a bag on a table. 
Your eyes darted around, looking for something that could help you, something to help you escape, but nothing was within reach. Your chest squeezed — what if you died here? What if you never saw your family again? What if you never saw your friends again? What if they never found your body? Fear claws up your throat, eyes burning. 
What if they found your body? 
What if Munch found your body? 
You had promised him you’d be careful, but you were careless. You didn’t watch Bradford close enough, you didn’t stick with Liv, you were stupid — so stupid. 
And you wondered if he’d rape you before he was done — if they would find your body like so many victims that came across your desk. You wondered if he’d kill you at all — or just let you live with the memories of his torture. 
And you didn’t know what was worse. 
But then something clatters in the distance, and his head is whipping around, there are footsteps, and he’s grabbing a knife, cutting your restraints free,  “Come here bitch,” he mutters, hurrying to cut the ropes, at your feet before moving to the ones at your wrists,  “they aren’t taking me before I get a chance to slit your throat.” 
Blood roaring in your ears, you know you have to do something — he’s almost done cutting the last rope at your wrist. You couldn’t wait for help. 
You rear your head back, before smashing it into his, hard. His groan gets caught in his throat, as you lunge for the knife, the handle within grasp of your fingers, and you’re trying to crawl away, a deep ache in your skull. You’re stumbling to your feet, but his fingers close around your ankle. 
“I should have fucking killed you from the start,” and you kick him with your free foot, hearing him scream and the satisfying crack of his nose breaking, gripping the knife in your hand and pushing yourself to your feet. 
And you rip the tape from your mouth, “Get the fuck away from me!” you point the knife at him, heart pounding against your ribcage, as he lays clutching his bloody nose. 
But he’s still getting to his feet, “You better hand over that fucking knife—” 
“You better not take another step before I blow your brains out,” and suddenly Fin and Munch are there, Fin stepping forward to arrest Bradford, as Munch is beside you. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” and he’s trying to ease the knife out of your fingers, but you won’t let go, “let go of the knife, it’s okay,” he’s murmuring in your ear, slipping the knife from your fingers, “you’re okay. I got you.” 
Your knees are buckling, and he’s holding you, your head buried in his chest, “I thought he was going to—” 
“I know,” he says softly, “I know, but you’re okay.” 
“Because of you,” And he’s helping you up, and police sirens in the distance, as he helps you out of the building, “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” he whispers, “I’m sorry,” 
“For what?” and his arm around you squeezes you gently. 
“For not saving you sooner,” And suddenly EMS and police are flooding the scene, Fin is shoving Bradford into a car. And you spot him, glaring, but Munch steps between his view, his arm around your shoulders, “don’t bother with that scum. He’s not worth it.” 
And he wasn’t — you knew he wasn’t, but you know that you wouldn’t be able to prosecute him now. But, you craned your neck to watch him be taken away, you wanted to see the bastard get put away at least. 
It’s over, you tell yourself as you rest your head against Munch’s shoulder. 
It was over. 
“I just want to go home,” you shake your head, but he pulls you along regardless, protesting all the same.
“Just let them look at you, please?” he asks, “if only for my sanity.” 
And you scoff softly, “I thought you lost that a long time ago,” 
“There’s that wit,” he replies, and you go with him, fingers intertwined with his. E.M.S. examines you, insisting on taking you to the hospital for a possible concussion. But you don’t want to — you just want to sleep, you want to take a shower, you want to forget this ever happened— 
“Please just let me go,” you’re pleading with him, tears slipping down your cheeks, “John, please let me go home.” and he’s wavering for a moment, before his hand is on your shoulder, gently pushing you back down. 
“I can’t, and you know that, counselor,” he never wanted to see you cry like this, he never wanted to see you as a victim — because you aren’t just another victim at his desk or in photos spread across his desk — you were you. 
But you were also a victim now. 
“Why not?” you lie against the pillow in defeat, tears slipping down your cheeks, and he’s leaning down to your level, running his fingers through your hair. 
“Because you’re hurt, and you need to be seen. I don’t trust doctors as much as the next conspiracy nut, but you still need to see one,” he tilts his head, “do you want me to come?” 
And you’re blinking back tears, before nodding, “I’m sorry, I’m—” 
“Don’t apologize,” he’s wiping your tears away, “don’t ever apologize for this.” 
You don’t remember much else — it’s a blur of testing, until finally they let you sleep. And you don’t know how long you sleep. But you don’t dream, and for that much, you’re thankful. You awake to the low hum of hospital machinery, and quiet voices in the room. And you blink, the fluorescents much too bright for you, and your eyes flutter shut again, before not before voices creep in. 
“—been asleep?” 
“It’s been a few hours,” Munch whispers, assumedly trying to keep from waking you, but that was out of the question already, “docs gave something for sleep.” 
“Have you said anything yet?” and it’s Fin asking. 
“When? In between the ambulance ride here and the C.A.T. scan and the fifty other tests they ran?” Munch replies drily, sighing, “it’s not the right time,” 
“You know there’s never going to be a right time, John,” and you’re grateful that you’re turned away from them, your brow furrowed, their voices growing louder, “you have to say something or is counselor a mind reader now?” 
“Don’t spout another conspiracy theory or you’ll be the one in the hospital bed,” you could almost see Fin crossing his arms. 
“You know that psychiatrist also told me I could make a conspiracy theory from a five-year-old’s lemonade stand,” 
Fin raises an eyebrow, “Well now that I believe,” 
“What am I supposed to say?” Munch asks, “‘hi, I know you almost just died, but I think I’m in love with you?’” 
And your eyes snap open, the air sucked straight from your lungs — “It can be that simple,” 
He was in love with you? John Munch was in love with you. Your heart squeezed at the thought — you hadn’t a clue that he was. You knew he cared — but you didn’t know he… loved you.  
“Nothing is ever that simple,” and you turn around, the words leaving your lips without a thought. 
“It can be, John,” and both him and Fin’s gazes snap to you, a small smile on your lips, “if you let it be.” 
Munch is staring at you slack jawed, while Fin is grinning, elbowing him, “I’ll leave you two alone,” before he adds, “remember that there is an officer at the door—” 
“Fin—” and he’s gone, disappearing out of the door, and Munch is wiping a hand down his face, his cheeks flushed red, “so how much of that—” 
“All of it,” and he’s covering his hands with his face, “for someone who claims to be so evolved, you’re very cute when you’re embarrassed,” 
“I’m cute?” he repeats, and you hold out your hand to him, and he’s staring a moment — as if he can’t believe it — before taking your hand, “how cute?” 
You snort, “Just cute enough, don’t go getting an ego,” 
“You’re sure it’s not just the concussion? And the almost dying?” and you roll your eyes, tugging him closer, by his coat’s lapel, and he’s whispering your name. 
“How’s this for an answer?” and you kiss him — his lips barely brush yours a moment, but he’s already pulling you back in, parting and meeting until you hold him there a moment, fingers twisting in the hair resting on the small of his neck, “John—” you breath against his lips. 
“I don’t understand why…” he whispers, your foreheads brushing. 
“I don’t understand why me,” his fingers cup your cheek gently, as if you’d disappear between his fingers, “you could be with anyone — why would you choose this paranoid, old detective?” 
“Because it’s you,” you softly chuckle, and you draw your lips to his again, “and I wouldn’t want you any other way,” before you add, “except maybe sharing your feelings more so I don’t have to overhear any other conversations to know how you’re feeling.” 
“I could say the same to you, counselor,” 
“Excuse me, I said how I felt first,” you gape at him, in mock offense. 
“Only after hearing how I felt,” but you shrug, smiling as your noses brush. 
“Still, I was the first, so suck it,” you reply, and he laughs, a warm sound that makes your chest stir. 
“Oh,” his lips brush yours, a smile on his lips,  “I’m gonna suck something.” 
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
What's in a name? (Analysing all the names in stranger things)
*I'll be repeating some names more than once as I break down categories .
Show , book, and tv easterggs
Alot of character names may have deeper meaning but some are also refs to stories they liked. The stranger writers twitter posted a list of movies said to inspire s4 (which I’ll be referencing).
Dart- dustin names him this after d'artagenean (a 3 musketeers book character) and one of Dustin's fav candies (3 muskateers). Similarly his pet turtle yurtle is implied to be named after the dr Seuss’ story 'yertle the turtle'.
Brenner- main character from 'the birds', which was on the st s4 list.
Byers- john byers from x files. The duffers mentioned x files was an inspo for the show. Although John byers (from x files) resembles Murray as an unhinged conspiracy theorist. The documentary paradise lost was also cited as inspo for st- john byers and his son, terry, Michael, and Steve were names in said film
Jim Hopper- in Predator (another st inspo) he was a soldier who was flayed to death in the woods. Another character in the film with a similar fate was “Hawkins”.
Detective Wheeler and elle Holloway- from silent Hill franchise. Another ref mentioned by the Duffers. Holloway was the surname of st's Heather. Elle (is el) and Wheeler is Mike's surname. Wheeler was also on the ep of twiglight zone (another cited ref by the duffers) . In the ep 'mute' sheriff wheeler takes in a mute psychic girl as his foster daughter. So some hints at hopper too . Hopper even mentions el-anor (gilipse) in s1. The surname of a main character in the silent hill series.Lt. Colonel Sullivan (s4) could be a eastergg of silent hill 4 which had a Sullivan character.
Henderson- st twitter mentioned how all the bond films were on the s4 inspiration list . So Dustin's surname being the same as one of the bond characters is a nod. Duffers also mentioned ‘freaks & geeks’ as inspo- and 1 character’s surname was also Henderson (another nod).
Mrs Driscoll (from s3) - a nod to invasion of the body snatchers which was mentioned as inspo by the Duffers. And clear inspo for s3.
Powell (cop and partner of hopper ) - diehard films also on s4 list. He's named after the cop powell.
Callahan (cop and partner of Hopper) - father Callahan ref. He shows up in many of Stephen King novels. The Duffers have cited over 10 novels and books from him as inspo for st
Nancy- she's called ‘Nancy drew’ (from the novels). And the duffers have mentioned they are fans of elmstreet - who's main character was Nancy. Nancy also references 'Oliver twist" ,and that book has a character named Nancy in it. Nancy was also a first Lady in the 80s similar to her friend Barbara- who was also a first Lady in the 80s.Nancy's name might also be inspired by "Nancy Wheeler", a secondary character in the 1970 book Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret written by Judy Blume.
Fred (s4)- apparently a high-school journalist who may be friend or foe. This one is a stretch but given nancy maybe being an elmstreet ref- and her enemy being fred-die kreuger. Fred may have animosity to Nancy and that's why his name is Fred. I mean ... they even cast a new s4 character with Freddie kreuger's original actor.so...
Jason (s4) - is in the 1986 Nancy drew novel (when s4 takes place). He is similar to the duffers description. In the novel he's a rich, popular, arrogant jock and blackmailing students at the high-school . S3 even named one of its episodes after a nancy drew novel- so wouldn't surprise me.
Christie carpenter (s4/reffed in s1 by hopper)- christie is the main character in the hellraiser series (which is on the s4 st list). Carpenter is the surname of the director of 'the thing' name dropped in s3. (The flesh monster in s3 also resembles the thing) , and in s1 mr clarke watches it ,and mike has the thing movie poster in his basement.
Argyle (s4) - die hard 1-2 were on the s4 st list. And is a name of a diehard character.
Max- her name is 'mad max' like the 80s film. But since the Duffers like videogames. Her name may be a ref to max caufield from the ‘life is strange’ game as well. She has a 'never Maxine rule' similar to max in st. But the game character is similar to jonathan as she is a teen photographer and says similar words to jonathan in s1 saying she would rather watch people through a camera than interact with them.
Eddie munson (s4)- not going to lie. I have no proof of this but I immediately thought of the TV character Eddie Munster (the friendly monster ).
Possible comic book easteggs
The duffers are no stranger to comic book references. The duffers have already directly reffed xmen, wonderwoman, and green lantern. Kali's place also has a comic book ref to 'the invisibles' on the wall. While the s4 movie list mentions thor ragnock , age of ultron, and 2 batman films. Some of these refs will go over your head if you haven't read my DID theory. But a lot of this analysis will still be enjoyable. :)
Jane st ives (jane ives aka el). marvel. (jane st ives sees her dad k*ll her mom and vows revenge against him.Sort of similar to what brenner did to terry).
Stephanie harrington (Steve harrington)- 80s marvel comic. DP.7. Will DID ref. Antibody, is a medical resident who can project from his body a dark figure of himself (also called an "antibody", a word play on the medical term) that flies, can become intangible, and transfer its memories to another person by physical contact (mindflayer).  He later merges with the antibody. like how susie refs ‘wizard of earthsea’ -the novel where the young wizard Ged releases a shadow monster (said to be an ancient evil) but it turns out to be the dark aspects of his personality and the only way for the chaos to stop is to accept his darkness and merge as 1.
Barry bauman (Murray bauman) . marvel comics - Will did easteregg.Bauman lived in never ending darkness. He felt, that there was a realm outside the darkness and started to explore the entire content of his brain thus using now more than the usual 10 % .Also had telekinesis.He turned his attention to the stars in order to exact revenge on the human race which spends billions of dollars to kill each other, but wouldn't spend the mere million or so it would have cost to cure him. For his vengeance he transported the suns near our galaxy into his omnipotent brain. As the people of Earth would learn of the disappearing of the suns they would panic and feel Bauman's loneliness before he would destroy Earth.Despite the death of his physical body, Bauman's consciousness somehow survived and began hopping from body to body throughout the galaxy, his powers growing until the Star Thief was recognized as a major threat to galactic society.
Sinclair- last name of xmen rhaine.  Will Did ref. storyline Rahne Sinclair is mentally bonded to Havok against her will(Will/mf).She is subsequently manipulated by the Shadow King. Her bond with Havok causes her to act irrationally, sometimes threatening teammates, sometimes by flirting with them.  She undergoes more than one attempt to undo the bonding, with varying results. Her instability also manifests in many odd dreams, in which her identity is merged into pop culture figures. What’s funny is charlie heaton (jonathan byers) was just in an xmen movie with this Rhaine character.
Victor creel (s4)-sounds like mutant victor creed of the xmen comic. x men Mutant with ab*sive dad and poor socioeconomic background. He had a "birthday tradition" of ab*sing his young relatives on their birthdays. Which reminds me of Lonnie making jonathan cry for a week (because he forced him to k*ll a rabbit on his b-day). Not to mention Lonnie is prob coming back for Will’s b day in s4... so... the name is prob a ref to that ‘birthday tradition’. Could also be a stephen king reference -since Duffers love him. The Creel family was in sk’s book “pet cemetary’-which fun fact (the actress who plays El’s aunt is in the recent remake)!
Yuri (s4)-Yuri Topolov (Russian: Юрий Тополов) was a Soviet scientist and the first foe of the Hulk. 
Dimitri (s4)-Dmitri Bukharin was born in Kuibyshev, Russia (some sources say Moscow).  First appeared in Iron man.
Peter ballard ( s4 character) may just be a hellfire ref . since I guy with last name ballard was a double agent for the hellfire club (name of st s4 ep 1). And ballard means bald which the actor is certainly not lol. I don't think he's literally associated with hellfire but its just a ref. And because its implied in his st character summary despite working for the mental hospital-where brenner is most likely at- he's horrified by the treatment of the psych patients. So that may be where the double agent aspect would come into play.
Ian Hargrove (billy hargrove)- batman comics. had a history of mental health problems dating back to childhood, which his parents were unable to afford treatment for. His brother John hargrove tried to keep him out of trouble but Ian developed an uncanny talent for explosives (will the wise fire powers). He ends up at Archam asylum. Cough billy is Will's alter. Why he has the name billy (a nickname for William) . Jonathan in s2 mentions how he likes the writer vonnegut- who wrote slaughter house 5- the main character was Billy. Already mentioned how it connects to my did theory .
Jason carver (s4)- carver is the last name of the comic hero thunderbolt (in the flash)-the first name of thunderbolt is Will and his brother is named Lonnie. There was also a John carver in the comic.
Holland (barb's last name) last name of Swamp thing. I think its plot has quite a few s4/5 spoilers but Im not diving into it right now.
Names associated with religions or mythology 
(if you’ve read my DID theory- some themes will appear relevant in relation  WIll’s alters or to WIll’s past/tr*uma).
-‘Kali prasad".Kali  is the name of a Hindu goddess . Kali’s iconography and mythology commonly associate her with death,  violence, s*xuality, but also paradoxically -motherly love. In myths ‘she only k*lls demons’ and is described as  ‘overflowing with incomprehensible love for her children’ - (aka ST’s Kali k*lling people from hawkins lab for hurting kids). Her third eye stands for wisdom (like Will the wise).Kali is called at times ‘ the bright fire of truth’ (will the wise/fire powers).The devotee makes her image in his heart and under her influence burns away all limitations and ignorance in the cremation fires. This inner cremation fire in the heart is the gyanagni (fire of knowledge), which kali bestows (cough Will the wise-fire powers). The goddess also could create a darkcloud of lightning (similar to the mf). The phrase “brilliant as a dark cloud” is a snippet of one such prayer dedicated to Kali.The name Kali is derived from the Hindu word that means “time”. Kali receives her name because she devours ‘kala’ (Time)- like clocks ticking when El sees demogorgan/clock being wonky when Will see mf/clocks in s4 promos.’ After devouring time she resumes her own dark formlessness. “This transformative effect can be metaphorically illustrated in the West as a black hole in space” (cough mf cough hopper blackhole/time refs). Kali’s s2 butterfly-“Kali is the Hindu goddess associated with eternal energy. ... The cocoon, butterfly and the karmic golden wheel reflect Her deep connection with life.”And Prasād (her last name) is a material substance that is a religious offering to gods in  Hinduism .
-While, EL is the name of a Cannanite (male) god associated with “salt water “ (pool filled with salt in s1) who “dwelled in a tent” (in s1 Mike’s blanket fort) .And his gray-beard was described as " "full of wisdom.” él’  in Spanish means ‘he’- which could be a nod at her ( androgynous) presentation in s1. El can also be translated to "God" or 'god'. The el character has various mythologies depending on which culture/ religion is using the term 'el'. In the post-biblical period, "el" became a regular element in the names of angels such as "Gabri·el," "Micha·el," and "Azri·el," to denote their status as divine beings.And Jane translates to " Yahweh (god) is gracious/merciful". The cannanite god El was also dubbed “Compassionate God of Mercy.”  Earlier, a ninth century B.C.E. inscription  identifies Ēl- the name of the Babylonian water god Ea, lord of the watery subterranean abyss (cough watery  dark void in st). Terry (el’s mom-aka Teressa) was originally used in the Middle Ages for a “child baptized in holy water” (El in the sensory water tank/Terry used it too,according to Becky in s1). Eleanor (called this in s1)- can mean "sun ray" (possible the opposite of the ‘shadow monster’ or Kali who can represent a “black hole”). 
-Will-the s4 st movie lists (‘red dragon’, gods of monsters, & ‘blade runner’ ) mention the artist and writer William Blake  (specifically his painting of the angel michael fighting a dragon in revelations - reffed in st s1). He was one of many painters part of the exhibition of “ The World Turned Upside Down: Apocalyptic Imagery.”The World Turned Upside Down explores the myriad ways that artists in England visualized the apocalypse in a period fraught with political, religious, economic, and cultural change. 
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During this period Blake was commissioned to create over a hundred paintings intended to illustrate books of the Bible along with revelations .  He also drew illustrations for the novel Dante’s inferno. Blake’s brutally satirizes oppressive authority in church and state.He said those who proclaim restrictive moral rules and oppressive laws as “goodness” are in themselves evil. Hence to counteract this repression, Blake announces that he is of the “Devil’s Party” (cough hellfire club ref-and dissing the satanic panic of the hellfire club and other marginilised groups) . He also says “men forgot that All deities reside in the human breast.” So Instead of looking for God on remote altars, Blake warns, man should look within.He produced a diverse and symbolically rich œuvre, which embraced the “imagination as “the body of God.” He wrote his own stories based on biblical writings- one includes the fire wielding character of Los (will the wise) who represented jesus. Los (like jesus does in revelations) causes the destruction of the world and the second judgment unfolds. The poem ends with Los’s unfallen state rising up and shepherding in science and removing the dark religions. I also talked about  how this story ‘book of los’ hints at the DID theory-but this is getting long-so you can just read the explanation here if interested. Also, hellooo Both names are William B(yers/lake). Billy (a alter of Will-sharing the name William) in s3 he even wore “lady of pillar” medallion- i.e about jesus/mary.
JOHN (supposedly Jesus’ blood relative- who wrote ‘revelations’.) In scripture John was called “the disciple whom Jesus loved as a brother” .Fire is the most typical element associated with the Saint John's Eve celebration (Jonathan did light the demogorgan on fire). Many scholars consider John & Jesus ("apocalyptic prophets"). Jonathan itself translates to " yahweh (god ) has given" in Hebrew.
Michael- Similar to kali, he’s a religious figure known for killing demons. He’s the arch-angel from the book of revelations (Apocalypse). A evil Beast (with seven heads usually translated to ‘satan’ or ‘dragon’) appears .“it was a 7″ causes Will to be attacked by the demogorgan ( which in d&d is a demon with multiple heads). The Archangel MICHAEL fought and defeated this 7 headed beast/satan. Corresponding with Mike at the end of s1 writing a fictional d&d story for Will (based off defeating the demogorgan) which was about helping kill a 7 HEADED MONSTER! Michael is also the archangel who oversees on Earth the natural element of fire (Mike telling Will the wise to use ‘fireball’ to defeat this same 7 headed monster in the game, at the end of s1)! Ironically though Jesus /Christian god is also associated with 7s a lot (he has 7 angels and during the apocalypse causes 7 plagues , he has 7 candles etc .)cause the number seven, represented ‘perfection’ according to ancient numerology . Will’s b day is March 22- (3) +2+2 =7 (“it was a 7”). Will’s bday even falls in what christians call “the holy week”( the week immediately preceding Easter.)  At the end of s1 they even defeat this 7 headed monster because Will rolls a 14 (which can be broken down into two 7s). Michael & William also have 7 letters in each of their names respectively- equating to this 14. This dragon biblical story (of Michael) is also William blake’s most popular painting. Also, random fact in revelations god has a rainbow throne (with thunder /lightning -will the wise powers- coming from the throne, and seven lit torches next to it ) . He also wears a rainbow halo. Lol. Michael also roughly translates to  ( 'Who like el?' The answer being roughly translated to ' no one like el' ... which i mean literally is saying there is no one similar to her. But I still think its a linguistic pun/ burn that Mike is not actually into El romantically).
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Jim (James) hopper- According to the s3 script Hopper’s real name is James. JAMES (JIM) was an apostle to jesus- brother of john. And in the bible was called a ’son of thunder ’. Will’s powers/ hopper being an alter of Will's so technically brother of jonathan and thunder powers. Not to mention David on Instagram saying hopper has " he has risen. like bread" is a Jesus ref to 'he has risen"... even the bread ref could be a catholic ref to the last supper.
  Martin Brenner/marsha holland-  have their first name reference the roman god Mars who was originally a ‘thunder or storm deity’ (will the wise/mf powers). EL (in cannanite mythology) also allowed Baal the storm god to rule the entire earth.
ROBIN- was the God of Thunder’s- Thor’s- favorite bird. And Dustin also means ‘Thor’s stone.’The red belly robin is also an important bird in Christianity. Legend has it that the robin got its red belly from a fire in which it was trying to protect Jesus. Robin also name drops the greek god prometheus- the god of fire (will the wise) who brought human beings life and knowledge. And Steve looks at Robin and says "let there be light" a biblical passage. The robin represents selflessness for a higher truth. 
Barb- Saint BARBara- dad kept her locked away from the outside world (like el/brenner) . He tried to k*ll her when he learned she didn’t believe in his religion- so the dad was punished by “god” who electrocuted him with lightning/lit him on fire. (Will the wise powers).
Nancy- is derived from a medieval diminutive of Annis, an English form of Agnes.  There’s the christian saint Agnes- who was beautiful and from a wealthy family. She was the Christian saint of girls and v*rginity . And the duffers subverted this along with the problematic horror movie trope of the ' v*rgin female heroine surviving while her more se*ually liberated female friends are punished by the villain' ( by having her survive specifically because she decided to have s*x).Agnes was also led out and bound to a stake, but (allegedly) the bundle of wood would not burn, or the flames parted away from her (will the wise fire powers). Also people claimed that any man who tried to r*pe her was struck blind.
Hopper's wife’s name -Dianne- is also the roman goddess of ,nature, hunting and wild animals( and greek equivalent to Artemis) .Becky  means ‘snare’ -for hunting animals .Teressa (Terry) means ' huntress'.  The name was originally used in the Middle Ages for a child baptized in holy water . Name of 2 saints-Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux. Lonnie’s gf (Cynthia) was originally an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, as well.
Power couple Angela & jake (s4) - Angela means 'messenger of God". And Jake (also means ”supplanter”) is derived from jacob. Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebecca in genesis. El’s aunt,Becky (Rebecca) is wife of isaac.Other theories claim that Jacob is in fact derived from a hypothetical name like יַעֲקֹבְאֵל (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "may God protect".The name jacob is also where the names James/jim is derived from.
couple Steve spies on in s3- Anna Jacobi & Mark Lewinsky. Anna ( name of the mother of the Virgin Mary) Jacobi ("he who supplants"-aka same meaning as jim since both names are derived from jacob). Mark (”the god mars”-same meaning as martin brenner) .Lewinsky (lion-same name meaning as Lonnie). Also derived from the Hebrew root לוי‎ (leví, “priest”)
Joyce means "lord". Could also be a ref to the ('unofficial') saint Joyce who gave up wealth to live in poverty.
Ted-is the short form of the names Theodore and Edward. Theodore is a Greek name meaning "gift of God", Edward has an English origin and means "wealthy guard." Eddie (from s4) also means ‘wealthy guard”
Holly (nancy and Mike's sis)- Holly meanings are 'One who is pious' or 'sacred'
Karen- can be short for Katherine-one of the first christian saints.”Saint Katherine of the Wheel “(er). A 4th century martyr who suffered t*rture on a spiked wheel.  Wheeler does mean ‘occupational name for a maker of wheels’ after all. 
Gospel of LUKE (lucas?) , or simply Luke, tells of the origins, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
Sinclair- Catholic saint of computers and TV screens (i mean... he is in the av club).
MAXimilian was deemed a saint in the 1980s- saint of journalists and radios. (Both aspects of s3)
Saint stephen/steven ( STEVE)-an early disciple and deacon . Considered one of the first m*rtyrs of the church.Stephen is first mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as one of seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to distribute food (lol icecream) .According to Orthodox belief, he was the eldest and is therefore called “archdeacon”.
Sara- Her name is a feminine form of sar (Hebrew: שַׂר‎), meaning “chieftain” or “prince."  She was the wife and sister of Abraham (ew -given her being an alter of Will though, such a name doesn’t surprise me). Similar to st Barabara’s dad - Abraham tried to k*ll his son isaac in the name of god. Becky (El's aunt) - is derived from Rebecca - wife of Isaac.
Claudia (Dustin's mom)- Christian woman of Rome greeted by Paul in his second letter to Timothy (in the bible).
Sam mayfield (max's dad) -  Short for Samuel or Samantha, from the Biblical name Shemu'el, which means "God has heard", from the Hebrew shama, meaning "heard" and el, meaning "God". Samuel is rumored to be argyle first name.
Marsha Kelly (s4)- Kelly means "frequents churches" or " bright headed". Given she's a counselor the bright headed pun makes sense. But maybe she's not to be trusted if she frequents churches during a satanic panic arc which was fueled by Christian religious extremism . Or she's someone who contrasts the rest of the religious people in town since she's not originally from hawkins...who knows. x files’ main character was catholic but in one ep she criticized a small town for the satanic panic occurring-and says how accusing these kids who listen to rock as satanic or being k*llers is ludicrous.
Peter ballard (s4) - Peter was also the name of an apostle. 
Tina (side character s2)- like christy (s4) it’s short for Christina which translates to "follower of christ" or 'stream'. Tina was the gal who hosted the t halloween party and also the name of one of Erica’s friends in s3.
Samantha (goth girl jonathan talks to in s2 party) translates to "told by god".
Tommy (s1-2) "God's gift" or "twin".Thomas is the Greek variation of the Aramaic name Ta’oma’. It came about because there were too many apostles named Judas; Jesus renamed one Thomas—meaning "twin"—to distinguish him from Judas Iscariot and the Judas also known as Thaddeus.
carol (tommy’s gf)- Carol is the short form of Caroline and the meaning is derived from the English vocabulary word for “song” or “hymn". A hymn being a religious song or poem.
Benny ( who helped El at his dinner) - originally derived from latin bennedictus which means "blessed"
Stacey (s2-3 ) rejected dustin at dance. Stacey- "resurrection "
Grigori (the guy following and tracking hopper, Joyce, and alexi)- The name was adopted by early Christians heedful of the Biblical passage located in 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober-minded; be watchful."grigory now means 'watchful and vigalent'
Alexi- prob based on the russian folklore story of alexy. A clever priest's son who tricks a dragon.
Harrington- similar to Robin's religious animal iconography. Harrington means 'he goat'.The most popular image of the Satanic goat dates back to the ever-mysterious Knights of Templar, who were accused of worshipping an idol known as Baphomet (a 1/2 human 1/2 goat man). Roman Catholic society decried it as a demon that demanded human sacrifice — but it would take a few more centuries before the goat became a truly occult symbol.Anton Lavey adopted Baphomet as the sigil of the Church of Satan in 1966, and it has appeared on countless metal album covers. But, Baphomet isn't the lone source of inspiration for our goat-like depictions of Satan.it's also believed that early Christians, seeking to demonize preexisting Pagan traditions, drew comparisons between the Devil and the Greek god Pan (god of nature), who happened to resemble a goat.Some cited how in revelations- during the apocalypse- Jesus separates the 'lambs from the goats'. ( supposedly Good vs bad)
Given the fact s3 alluded to the satanic panic. A Christian movement in the 80s that demonized and said d&d ,rock music, homosexuality, other religions, stephen King,horror films, wearing black,and non conservative ideology were 'satanic.' I wouldn't be surprised by this possible ref. Heck even William Blake criticized similar religious movements in his own time period. Several movies from the s4 list allude to this. The most obvious being the documentary paradise lost (named after the fictional retelling of satan/adam and eve story) - the documentary directly focuses on a witch hunt of rock loving teens (wrongfully accused of m*rders) in a small town during the satanic panic. Not to mention ironically s4 is hinted to be around easter. So Using such symbolism to address religious fundamentalism and the bigotry/hysteria it can cause isn't surprising. No i’m not lumping all religious people into this negative category- obviously.
Other Names with similar definitions
*Hunting /forests woods, nature, animals
Hunters and people in forrests
name meaning : becky - snare (a trap for catching birds or animals). Teressa-huntress. Dianne/Cynthia (Hopper’s ex wife/Lonnie’s gf) - is a roman/greek goddess of hunting and wild animals.  Rhadaghast- Will's password for cb is a lothr wizard who protects forests/wildlife.martin/marsha- previously god of agriculture/plants.As an agricultural guardian, he was believed to directed his energies toward creating conditions that allow crops to grow, which may include warding off hostile forces of nature (pumpkins rotting in s2). El in phoenician culture was called Elus and its Greek equivalent Cronus (god of agriculture) steve- he goat- associated with pan- god of fields, groves, wooded glens . brenner- ‘someone who cleared forests by burning’. the blond women, Brenner worked with,  Fraizer-  “of the forrest men”
* FUN FACT: Kali’s name originally was going to be ‘Roman’ (which is derived from Romulus-the son of Mars... aka Martin Brenner) .
Ives and owens- ives means 'yew wood' while Owen means 'yew tree. ' bauman- nickname for someone who lived near a tree.comes from the German word "baum," or "boum" in Middle High and Old German, meaning "tree’. Jennifer hayes- Jennifer  derived from Old English words "jenefer", "genefer" and "jinifer", all of which were variants of Juniper used to describe the juniper tree.Lonnie means "oak tree; or lion". Lion plushie in cb and the lion el has along with the tree establishes a connection between all 3 maybe? Oak groves were especially sacred to  the goddess dianna too. Buckley (it has many different translations) - Old English "boch ley" (with boch meaning beech tree and ley meaning wood, glade or clearing).
buckley if translated from "bok lee," means meadow, or field. mayfield- open country (field) where madder (mæddre) grows. Holland- wood land, Bruce (who was also possessed) - means WILLow lands . Keith (s2-3) : woods or forrest.Hargrove- meadow filled with rabbits (Jonathan’s hunting story).Holloway is a topographic surname, which was given to a person who resided near a physical feature such as a hill, stream, or type of tree. Tina means 'river' . Burness (guy who claimed he jumped into quarry)-stream. Neil- cloud. Lowe (Bruce's last name)-This surname is derived from a geographical locality 'at the low,' i.e. the hill. Hayes means "hedged area'.
Flo (hopper's secretary)- means flower. Suzie-  lily flower. Susan (Max’s mom)- means lily, lotus flower or rose. Karen (in Japanese can mean)- flower, lotus, or water lily. Heather is also a variety of small shrubs with pink or white flowers which commonly grow in rocky areas.  Erica is a type of "heather" plant. martin/marsha: in the legend of Mars,his mother become pregnant with him using a magic flower- which was given to her by the goddess flora.
Bright (aka intelligent)
Bob- nickname of Robert . Both Bob and Robert mean 'bright, shinning or fame'. Aka smart -he's called ' Bob the brain ' for a reason.
Robin- is also diminutive of Robert . And we all know robin is smart too. Being multilingual/ cracking the code.Robin (like Robert) also means 'bright, shining , or fame.'
Lucas- means "bright" or "shinning" aka he's also a smart cookie. His firework plan saving the day.
Lonnie and Larry (the mayor) can both be nicknames for Lawrence which also means ' bright one' or 'shinning one'. Well... both are cunning I'll give them that. Lonnie is unfortunately ...smart. I think this detail had other foreshadowing. Joyce to Will about Will the wise ' if he's so wise why does he need the fireballs? can't he just outsmart the bad guys? " Will: " yeah. Usually. BUT sometimes the bad guys are smart too." I never understood why on earth Joyce would be with someone as awful as Lonnie in the first place- than be with his literal opposite Bob- but maybe she just found intelligence attractive?
Names associated with thunder/lightning/fire (Like Will/mf/Will the wise)
Byers-reprsents Greek Zeus (god of thunder/lightning). Martin - references the roman god Mars who was originally a ‘thunder or storm deity’ .ROBIN- was the German God of Thunder’s- Thor’s- favorite bird. And Dustin also means ‘Thor’s stone.’Jim- “son of thunder”. Christian god- has throne (surrounded by thunder /lightning). Kali- could summon thunder storms.Nancy/Barb-both saints associated with fire. Kali-is called at times ‘ the bright fire of truth’ /and bestows the fire of knowledge. Robin also name drops the greek god prometheus- the god of fire. Mars -the keeper of Rome's perpetual flame . The Robin bird in a Christian story myth protects Jesus from hell's fire. William Blake- wrote about a fire wielding character of Los who represented jesus. Jesus during end times wields fire. Michael is the archangel who oversees on Earth the natural element of fire. Fire is the most typical element associated with the Saint John's Eve celebration (Saint John- called Jesus’s brother).
Animals (and their symbolism)
Byers- means ‘ cattle shed’.The Greeks considered the bull animal totem to be a symbol of Zeus (god of thunder and lighting - will the wise powers). He is the head of the gods and the almighty ruler of Olympus.  I”n hinduism, Shiva is known as Gorakhnath, means the lord of the cows.  And is also known as, Pasupathinath, the lord of all animals (similar to Rhadaghast). According to some scholars, Shiva’s association with cows and bulls might date back to the Indus Valley period. Cows have a special significance in Hinduism, as aspects of Mother Goddess and as symbols of selfless service. Mahatma Gandhi declared the protection of cows a central feature of Hinduism.Hindus worship cows as the Mother Goddess and symbol of motherhood, kindness and forbearance.”
Tigers: (Sarah’s plushie/ Hawkin’s macott/ Will & Mike have tiger posters in their rooms): The goddess Kali & God Shiva wore a tiger skin (this fact was actually mentioned by Kali in the prequel novel ‘suspicious minds’ ).”In many tribal traditions of India, the tiger (or lion) is worshipped as a god. In some Hindu hymns the domestic fires are compared to the tigers that guard the house.Tigers also figure prominently in many Indian folk-tales, Jataka-stories, and the Panchatantra.”
Lions:(Lonnie means ‘lion’ and el and Will have matching lion plushies)- In the Bible, the lion has two opposite meanings: it is compared to the Devil (1 Pet 5:8) and to Christ (Rev 5:5). Aka: Lonnie is the devil. The kids are the opposite. Nancy also compares the demogorgan to a lion. “In many tribal traditions of India, the lion is worshipped as a god.One of the ten incarnations of Vishnu is Narasimha, who has the head and shoulders of a lion, but the torso of a human.Goddess Durga, a fierce form of Parvathi or Shakti, has a golden lion as her vehicle, while Rahu, a planetary guard, rides upon a black lion as his vehicle.Lions form an important part of Hindu religious art. The face of the lion (simha-mukha) is used in images and sculpture in many Hindu temples to decorate the doors, walls, arches, and windows.The memorial pillar at Saranath  contains four beautifully carved standing lions at the top on a round abacus representing the imperial power. They now constitute the official emblem of the government of India.”
El almost k*lling a cat- “Some superstitious beliefs are also associated with cats in Hinduism. For example, killing a cat is considered a grave sin, for which one may have to offer prayers and give in charity at least seven golden images of the killed cat. “
Harrington- he goat. Buckley- has various translations. Anglo-Saxon: ‘bucc and leah’ meaning goat and wood respectively. And obviously there’s the robin-bird. And I've already discussed their symbolism. Goat= baphomet/pan. 
Robin- thor's fav bird/ helped Jesus from hell's fire.
Buckley- can also translate to " field filled with deer" (like the deer attacked by the demogrogan or the bambi film jon reffed in relation to the hunting story about lonnie).And Karen ( when from it’s Hebrew origins) can mean- antler or horn. Also the caananite God el was usually depicted with animal horns on his head.Diana in Roman art usually is accompanied by a hound (demo dog) or deer.  Because of the story of her turning an attempted r*pist-hunter into a deer/ and then causing dogs to attack him.  Deer is also one of the symbolic animals accepted since early Christianity as an allegory of Jesus Christ and the Christian Disciple. And when associated with Shiva (kali's husband) in Hindu iconography, the deer omen denotes sovereignty over nature and symbolizes the lord of all animals, humans, and the King of the Forest. In many visual and written illustrations, human beings and deer appear as close companions and in some cases, humans adopt the face or antlers of a deer, in images more common in stories of human strife. Deer also have a supernatural significance and appear as apparitions of divinity and in legends of spiritual awakening.
Hargrove- meadow filled with rabbits (like the rabbit lonnie made jonathan k*ll.) Hopper sounds like thumper the rabbit- which jonathan mentions in relation to bunnies . And ... idk... Hopper did make that pun in s3 about bunnies to Larry (lawerence) ? We also have rabbit refs elsewhere like with- el in Benny's. They play the song 'white rabbit' a song referencing Alice in wonderland and in el's room at Terry's house is the white rabbit from that story. Also paralleling to jonathan- el was almost made to k*ll a cat by her father (Cheshire cat aka Alice in wonderland ref + cats are associated with magic powers/witch craft).In Celtic folklore, the rabbit is seen as a supernatural being from the Otherworld.The rabbit symbolism in Christianity has found its way through the Germanic deity Eostre from which the name Easter came to be (s4 will most likely have the Easter holliday).One tale describes the rabbit as the pet of Jesus Christ. And rabbits were often inserted into art of jesus' mother .
Creel- basket or container of fish.fish is taken as symbolizing Christ’s faith, charity, and abundance. A biblical story goes how Christ fed his disciples with 2 fishes and called them “fishers of men.”  The Christians made an acrostic from the Greek word for fish, “ichthys” as early as the first century and it is, “Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter”, meaning Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.
Names hinting at character traits (which are very literal)
Mr clarke (science teacher)- clarke means 'scholar'
Dottie (in kali's gang)- she was in an insane asylum . And ‘Dotty’ is a very old British slang term  for 'crazy'
War (usually relates to ‘villains’)
Troy- means ' foot soldier'. Martin brenner: Martin means 'war like'. Lonnie is diminutive of Alonzo or Lawrence. Alonzo means 'ready for battle'.
In contrast to Lonnie, Will can mean "desiring peace. " Axel  who is part of Kali’s crew (who i think Will created along with others ) even means "father is peace."
Tom (Heather's dad) and Tommy mean ‘twin’. Robin's crush Tammy ('twin') Thompson ( 'son of tom’).
* Besides similar/identical name meanings.There’s also a lot of other repeated names that go into this whole twin/mirror imagery which i find strange... makes me wonder about @strangertheory ‘s version of the did theory. If not...maybe it’s just a allusion to the whole Will vs Will the wise arc (possibly) coming up?
Jennifer hayes (popular girl) & Jen (Mr clarke’s gf). Tina (highschool gal) & Tina- erica’s friend- Tina & christy are also nicknames of christina (s4 character). Susie (dustin’s gf) & susan (max’s mom). Sam (max’s dad) and Samantha (girl at party)/ samuel (possibly argyle). Billy Hargrove, Bill (dianne’s new huband),  and Will-all being nicknames for William. Robin & Bob-nicknames for Robert. Lonnie & Larry-nicknames for Lawerence. Ted  & Eddie being nicknames for Edward.James (Will’s bully), Jim Hopper (real name James), jacobi, and jason- all 4 are derived from jacob . Marsha Holland (barb’s mom) and marsha kelly (therapist s4)/martin relate to mars. Tom (reporter), tommy (highschooler), thompson (other highschooler).
it’s definitely peculiar to repeat names like this in a story. Unless it means ...something... I talked about how David was mentioning alot of doppelganger/twin imagery recently-here. So the name mirroring could just be an allusion to the Will/WW arc coming up ...possibly?
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maschotch · 2 years
Nah cuz fr the older seasons were FIRE. It’s actually legitimately one of the only shows I fell in love with within the first few episodes cuz it was just so good. It’s honestly funny tho cuz I distinctly remember pointing to hotch (who I didn’t even remember the name of the time lmaoo) and saying he’s my least favorite character cuz he was boring 💀💀 then he became my fav in season 2 and I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED but i got wayyy too attached to him in season three and......well you don’t come back from that. Just something about how they presented cases was more interesting, like I was somehow more invested in just the team putting their brains together and solving the case rather then having them show me everything that the unsub was doing. Each character felt like they played their own role but they also worked as a team (and I know this isn’t a popular opinion, but I liked it better before they shoved the family aspect down our throats, rather then having them just be a unique team of individuals that respected and trusted one another. That’s what made the show special). No slander to season 10 and 11 but, there was so many episodes where I’d be sitting on my phone or straight up skipping scenes cuz it’d be so focused on the unsub’s actions that I got bored. Like what happened to them solving the case?? Maybe it got repetitive but I felt like especially with seasons 1–4 (especially 1 and 2 imo) they were very good about not making the episodes fall into a formula or pattern. Each episode felt special and unique and I can distinguish each episode perfectly, while I can’t with later seasons (with some exceptions when they jump out of pattern, like Mr. Scratch or Entropy, which are some of my later season favs).
yeah like there really is something special about the first season in particular. it was like... before they hit their rhythm, both the writers and the profilers lol. it starts to get very formulaic around s 3/4 and its like they put more energy into making the murders/unsubs interesting than the episode itself.. like the layout of the thing. and its nice to see the characters kind of hovering around each other a little more. they're not settled yet. they love each other but its like they don't know it yet kajshdlgk their bonds are currently being forged and they're proving to the rest of the team as much as they're proving to the audience that they're capable of this job.
don't get me wrong, i like the criminal minds formula lmao i wouldnt be here if i didnt. s3-9 follows the formula to varying degrees of success. and with all the shit that happens to the characters s2/3, it makes sense that their bond as a family is much stronger and much more clear to everyone. it starts with the fisher king as they're in danger of losing one of their own.. when elle leaves and they all cling to each other tightly... when emily comes in and the others are sooo resistant to her presence, rocking the boat a little... when morgan's past is revealed and there's a shift in the dynamic, suddenly it's much more personal and intimate now that they know this part of morgan's history that he's kept separate from them.... when reid suddenly goes through a lot and they all want to be there for him in a way beyond how normal coworkers would go about it..... all climaxing with 'in name and blood' when suddenly the team is getting torn apart and they realize how important they are to one another. it's more than just a job now, it's more than just a team. it's a definite tone shift from season one but it's done well and i like the result.
late season three early season four is when they really hit that formula hard. something personal between one or two members of the team in the beginning/end and maybe sprinkled throughout the ep... following the unsub/victims along the way... get off plane, go do things, reconvene, talk about it, give profile.... conclude it neatly with a nice connection back to whatever background team plot was happening. it's very simple. and honestly i really do like the episodic way it's written... it makes it clean? easy to watch. you don't have to watch the whole thing to know what's going on. it's nice
they start going a little too hard on the formula starting around s6. idk if this makes sense akjshldg but its like... they turn everything up to the max in a way that really just overwhelms the episodes. like the intensity is dialed up and there's so much tension that it doesn't really work. part of it is their desire to continue these overarching arcs, like doyle, doyle's immediate aftermath, and the replicator. some of it's good, but sometimes it's just a bit too much.
but then starting s11, they stray from the formula entirely, and thats where things go batshit for me lmao. suddenly the episode unsubs matter very little and the majority of the focus is what's going on in the whole season. and i dont think that type of story suits criminal minds? at least not for me lol. like everything with the hitmen, everything with the prison... it just made the day-to-day episode stuff feel insignificant. like why should we care about the weekly unsubs at all when there's clearly something much larger at stake? but then they don't really get around to actually fleshing it out until whatever episode they decide to finally pay attention to it. and again those tend to be hit or miss. they're all very much a miss for me asdjhlgjs rip but entropy.. one of my least favorite eps but maybe im just not a reidgirl. there's just a little magic that's lost with these season-long plots? it's not that quick-and-easy "just put on an episode" show anymore, which is honestly what i loved about it
the show definitely evolves over the course of its 15 seasons. it would be weird if it didn't. but looking at s1 and s15.. it's hard to tell its the same show at all anymore lol. maybe its the nostalgia, maybe its the shitty 2005 cameras making everyone look good bc its not in HD yet, maybe its bc they didn't feel pressured to make it showy and pizazzy and they just focused on making it good, but there really is something special about those early seasons.
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agent-cupcake · 3 years
just curious, what’s your favorite and least favorite character design? my least fav for sure has got to be female byleth for reasons i don’t want to get in to yep ok have a good day 😁
IOops this accidentally became a rant, sorry
Okay so, to preface this all, I’m not a character designer and I’m actually pretty bad at it, but my rule of thumb with really unappealing or fan-service outfits is whether or not it makes sense character-wise and how much it tells the player about the character. For example, I think we can all agree that there’s quite a bit of fan-service elements in Hilda’s design. Boob window. However, it’s not unrealistic to imagine Hilda picking out those clothes for herself. Her costume tells you almost everything you need to know about her character on a visual level. She’s confident, pretty, attention-grabbing, and high maintenance while the gloves and laced girdle give a nod to her Viking-maiden roots.
Taking it to female Byleth, I don’t think that her outfit works on either front. Her design is definitely my least favorite and it’s not helped by the fact that you have to look at her at all times. Whatever. The huge, solid mass of boobs, the buttoned bib, the big eyes, the feather hair, the bellybutton, the ripped tights, the booty shorts. She’s a merc out in life and death situations with an accessible, pale, tacky 2000′s “stab me” stomach cut out and a wedgie. Which could be excusable if, like Hilda, there was reason to believe that that her costume was character choice. But she doesn’t really have much character, and what there is gives the impression of a very stoic, dry, blunt person. I have no idea why they’d have gone that route when the sexual appeal of more “utilitarian” costuming (aka, form fitting armor that at least pretends to be functional) for characters like her is scientifically proven AND would say more about the singular personality trait she possesses. Okay, well, I know why they didn’t do that and I think it’s lame. This dysfunction of “character designer wanted a sexy girl but it’s kinda random and just shoved in the game without any thought” actually reminds me a lot of Xenoblade 2′s leading ladies, Hikari and Pyra. Although considering that their bad designs led to a lot of people hating the game for superficial reasons while accepting female Byleth’s design, I guess I’m just bitter. Jumping to a different comparison, then, look at 2B from Nier Automata. Her design is fine as hell which is kinda hypocritical of me considering that it's explicitly fan-service, but I think it also shows the most damning thing for female Byleth. Her whole look, despite having a dozen different element thrown in, is boring. Maybe it’s the colors (dressing her in all black and white would have been really interesting considering the colors of the three lords are so heavily emphasized as a part of their characters) or maybe it’s just the way the desperate elements come together. But, like I said, I'm not even slightly knowledgeable about character design and I know that despite Three Houses being mostly separate, they had to appeal to a larger aesthetic brand to which I have little experience with. And, ultimately, a lot of people find her cute or sexy which...To each their own, I suppose. I don’t pretend that fan-service doesn’t work on me (2B... Cloud’s arms in the remake... Seph's shirtless Smash skin...) but when it’s this obviously inserted in by the character designers rather than feeling organic in any way AND looks bad I'm just not super interested.
The other worst designs for me would be all four of the Ashen Wolves post timeskip. I don't think it's controversial to say that they didn't try with the clothes, even if I love their designs from the neck up (Yes, even Balthus. He looks like the type of guy that would let you sit on his shoulders at a rock concert so you could see the stage). While there are other designs I think are unappealing, those are for purely aesthetic reasons and so I can't maintain the opinion that they're actively bad or that I even truly dislike them.
As for favorite looks... I actually have a few so sorry you're getting all of them because despite the shit I'm talking, I actually really really love the character designs in Three Houses. 
Ferdinand's post timeskip is one of my favorite designs, if not my favorite. The hair, the coat, the armor, the spurs, the colors. You know exactly who Ferdinand von Aegir is just by looking at him. He’s wealthy, handsome, confident in his appearance, a hero, a princely type character, his battle form is mounted combat which is traditionally aesthetically reserved for nobility and leaders... I love it. The only reason I cannot say he IS my favorite is because of the three Lords. But before them, my honorable mentions include post timeskip Hilda, Dorothea, Lorenz, Felix, and Hubert. Granted, I could make a case for why I like almost all of the student’s post timeskip looks.
For the Lords, I obviously have to start with colors because, weirdly enough, Persona didn’t invent primary colors but are actually used as shorthand. Blue is the color of honor, loyalty, sincerity, sadness, and depression. Something I’ve always found very interesting is that blue is very rarely found in nature. To me, that’s always made it seem more lonely which, at least in this case, is thematically relevant. People call Dimitri boring pre timeskip and while I won’t defend his hairstyle (okay, actually, I probably would because he tucks it behind his ears and idk why but that’s one of the cutest things ever) I really like how unassuming he is. Bland. He’s supposed to be the plain shortbread cookie to caramel deLite Claude and strawberry meringue Edelgard. It is not in his character to draw attention to himself or stand out. To me, he kinda looks like an old Barbie prince, like he should have been named Dominic. Also I love the blue eyes/blonde hair thing and his more angular features. It really helps to sell him as the fakeout chivalrous prince type. Post timeskip, Dimitri's black armor is amazing. I love the fact that it’s a lot more intricate up-close with the different little shell-like pieces and the fact that his boots are furry. I love the big cape and the black and white fur around his shoulders. It’s really cool how they used his costume to change the shape of his in-game model to match the bodily proportions of the character art. It’s easier to see when you change his costume into the DLC ones, but the fur and cape build up his shoulders and chest look more broad while keeping that tiny little waist. The choice to give Dimitri an eyepatch is probably my favorite thing about this design. It’s genuinely inspired. Such a simple detail yet it tells the player everything they need to know about adult Dimitri when they see him post timeskip, in one frame the player can begin to understand the extent of his loss over the past five years. The subtle shadow under his eye in the first few Azure Moon chapters and the messy long-ish hair really help to sell the feral prince aesthetic as well, as it’s from those small cues the player gets that he’s exhausted (in more ways than one) and doesn’t maintain himself. None of these things are intentional choices by Dimtiri, they’re the result of what his character has been through.
Yellow is an intense, energetic color. Mostly, people think of it as being warm and inviting, the color of the sun and positivity. That intensity can be overwhelming, though, too visually demanding when compared to its primary counterparts. Don’t stare at the sun too long. Buuuut, it’s okay to stare at Claude. Claude not wanting to wear tight pants in either of his costumes is not only a mood, it is iconic. Pre timeskip, the softer lines of his silhouette makes him look kinda slouchy, kinda lazy. Like he’s not too concerned with appearances. But those adorably messy curls, the little braid, the clearly tended eyebrows, and earring make it clear that he DOES care about appearances and is very aware of his allure. And that’s before he even starts winking. It is honestly so in character that as many people picked him first on the basis of being thirsty, that feels like an intentionally Claude thing even if it was inserted by the designers. The contrast of his complexion with his seagreen eyes is gorgeous and instantly adds a kind of mystery and intrigue to him considering the setting... but it’s sf funny that nobody looked at bronze god Claude among a sea of white faces and thought something was up. Post timeskip, they used the same trick like they did with Dimitri to change Claude’s in-game model to match his canon appearance. The way they designed his uniform makes him not look as twink-ish, like he’s actually muscular and imposing and has the strength he’d need to shoot a war bow with a 120lbs draw weight. Also like Dimitri, you can instantly tell what Claude’s been up to. Like, he was very pretty pre timeskip but when he shows up in the Goddess Tower after those five years in all that gold, he demands your attention. Like a gentleman general with the excessive aesthetic ideals of the Alliance and details to imply his heritage. The quilted pants are amazing from both an aesthetic and practical standpoint. He’s a mounted unit riding a creature with scales, of course he’d want something on his legs for protection. And the chinstrap. I love that so much, it definitely makes him look more adult. He’s got such a cute soft baby face, it’s fun imagining him experimenting with different styles during the five years to get the most desired physical reaction to him as a leader. 
Frenchfries, meet forehead. No, actually, Edelgard’s design is really fantastic. Claude and Dimitri both have realistically colored eyes and hair and then there’s Edelgard. Dimitri shrugs off attention physically and Claude shirks it with a wink but Edelgard commands the players attention from the very start. Although I’m sure there’s a lot of things to associate with white hair and purple eyes, my first thought was Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Otherworldly beautiful by with an edge. Red, of course, is The power color. Strong emotions, love and hate. Red is also associated strongly with blood, which is very important to Edelgard’s plot. Granted, I think the red and black association is even more powerful than JUST red and red is the cheapest play to make in regards to displaying villainy (I mean, there are some pretty universally recognized associations with red and black and it led to people making some unfair comparisons between Edelgard and a famous dictator) but I think it was effective and well used and I genuinely enjoy its use in her case. Anyway, if I had a major complaint about her design it would be the weird ashy color of her hair whereas Lysithea’s hair is pure white. Which doesn’t even matter with the AMAZING hair horns. Ram horns can actually symbolize quite a few things, but their association with power and strength is pretty universal I think. They’re also used in demonic imagery. I love that THIS was her alternative to a crown. Edelgard views herself as a force of war and power before she thinks of herself as royalty. She also mentions that she isn’t super vain, but she loves to do her hair, so the hair being the most elaborate part of her look is entirely in-character. Edelgard’s ensemble is, like Claude, very militaristic. I love that they kept her in a dress that embraces femininity without showing skin as that wouldn’t really suit her Also, again, Edelgard demands your attention. She’s dressed all in bright bright red waving around a giant axe. She is a symbol as much as she is a combatant, someone to follow. I didn’t really mention their secondary lord costumes, but a girl in sexy armor is literally everything and I love that they had the balls to put their main sexy waifu girl in full body armor.
Okay I’m sorry I realize this was excessive and probably didn’t need explaining and I’m not sure I even articulated my thoughts properly but anyway I love their designs so here is the positivity I’ll put into the world.
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kagedaddy · 4 years
how you meet - haikyuu!
Warnings: none
boyfriend scenarios [1] [masterlist]
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daichi sawamura
You were running late to your volleyball practice,”not again, not again!”you sprint towards the gym.
You swing the door open unintentionally smacking a person on the other side,”aita (ouch)!”the person groans in pain.
“Oh shoot! I am so sorry,”you bend down and profusely apologised to the male who’s bent over in pain, he waves his arm as if to days it’s okay.
Your captain tsks at you for your tardiness and your clumsiness,”(last name) please bring Daichi-san to the clinic and run five extra laps when you get back,”she instructs you and you nod.
You help the male up and walk with him to the clinic,”I apologise again Daichi-san,”I bow my head. “It’s alright, don’t worry about it,”he smiles at me as he clutches his face.
We reach the clinic and the nurse looks at me,”again, (last name)-san?”Daichi quirks his eyebrow at you, stifling a laugh at your embarrassment state.
I rub the back of my head,”how many people have you hit?”he looks at you with amusement in his eyes.
“I think four?”
sugawara koushi
Walking into the gates of your new school, Karasuno High. You were having new student nervousness, as much as possible you didn’t want to be late to class.
You took out your student packet to check where your shoe locker and classroom was located.
Finding your shoe locker was easy enough to find but your classroom was not, you had gone up and down the floors and was still not in luck.
“Hey, you seem lost. Are you new here?”you turn around and you meet a grey haired male,”oh is it that obvious?”you joke awkwardly but nod your head.
“I’m looking for class 4, any chance you can help me?”you say as you hand over your student packet to the male. “Well, you’re in luck, I was heading that way.”
“Thank you,”you say happily and he just laughs at you. “I can show you around the school, later. I’m Sugawara Koushi by the way,”he flashes you a smile.
“That would be awesome! I’m (last name) (first name), it’s nice to meet you!”
asahi azumane
It was a regular school day, nothing out of the ordinary except for you rushing down the third year floor.
You were holding a stack of papers your teacher had instructed you to bring them to his desk and you had completely forgotten to do it.
Being distracted you had not seen the ace of Karasuno as he exited his classroom and colliding into the tall figure, making all the papers fly.
You had looked up to the male you bumped into and was intimidated by his looks. Slightly frightened you bowed immediately. “I am so sorry Asahi-san, I was not paying attention where I was going.”
Quickly trying to gather the scattered papers and leave but you were surprised as Asahi helped you picked up the papers. “It’s okay, it was my fault too (last name)-san.”he apologises as he handed me the stack., hands both touching.
You both looked away with pink tinted cheeks before you quickly left.
nishinoya yuu
You had been chatting to your friend, (friend name) at your school’s courtyard, enjoying your lunch and the afternoon breeze.
Out of the corner of your eyes you noticed the blond streaked second year rolling in the dirt yelling,”rolling thundaaa!”
You couldn’t help but stare and giggle at the hilarious sight, he knocks into his bald friend which breaks into a playful argument.
The two males turn their attention to your giggles and stare wide eyed as they have made a pretty girl laugh.
You flush in embarrassment having Ben caught staring at them and turn back to your friend who snickers at you, she leans into whispering,”blond streak guy is approaching.”
He taps your shoulder and you turn to him,”I’m Nishinoya Yuu and I think you’re cute,”you flush even more red.
“I’m (last name) (first name) and I think you’re funny,”you introduce yourself and the boy nearly blew a fuse, he runs back to his friend who pats him on his back.
tanaka ryuunosuke
The soft jingle of the bell alerts you that a customer has entered the cafe, you quickly rush to the front of the counter ready to take their order.
The voices of teenage boys fills the small cafe, all of them talking loudly, yelling out their orders before their senpai yells at them to be quiet.
“Hi, what would you all like to order today?”you ask politely once they have settled and quieted down, after their senpai ordered for everybody, they all take their seats.
You move to the back of the bar and start making their orders, once finished you brought their orders to their tables.
“milk for #1 setter?”you question as you hold up the cup of warm milk, a boy with midnight hair raises his hand and mumbling a small thank you.
“Caramel Latte for the MVP?”a bald male raises his hand and takes the cup from your hold, his friend elbows his and points towards you.
“Hi. I think you’re hot, I’m Tanaka Ryuunosuke,”he smiles flirtatiously but he gets smacked by his senpai,”Tanaka apologise!”
“I’m sor-,”you cut him off, giggling at his antics, he was kinda cute. “Thank you, I’m (last name) (first name),”you wink at the male before giving the rest their drinks.
His cheeks heat up as his team teases him.
kageyama tobio
I’ll be partnering everyone up for the semester long project, you have the whole semester to work on this.”your sensei announces and all the students groan in annoyance.
“Kageyama and (last name),”you turn to the grumpy male offering a small wave only to receive a scowl in return.
Well this was going to be a long and fun project, you sigh. Your partner was already not up for it, after all the announcements you approach him.
“Kageyama-san, how do you want to go about our project?”you ask as you pulled a chair to sit across him, he blushes but hides his face from you.
“I-I-I can do it after my volleyball practice.”he curses himself for stammering,”oh okay, should we exchange numbers?”you tilt your head.
“S-sure,”he hands you is phone and in return you hand him yours, your classmates look in shock as the setter’s ears burn hot.
“We can start on it this weekend, just message me after your practice.”
hinata shouyo
“(last name)-san, would it be okay if you tutored a fellow classman?”Takeda sensei asked apologetically,”I don’t mind sensei,”you offered the stressed sensei a gentle smile.
“Thank you, (last name)-san, his name is Hinata Shouyo,”he points to the orange haired male jumping around the courtyard.
“Hinata!”Takeda sensei calls the energetic male and he bounces over to both of you,”This (last name) (first name), she’ll help you with your exams,”the male nods in understanding.
“Please listen to her, if you don’t pass you won’t be able to go to the training camp in Tokyo,”Takeda sensei warns him and it petrifies the poor boy. “Yes I will,”he salutes sensei before turning his attention to you.
“Help me beat bakageyama!”he bows to you and you can’t help but laugh, who’s bakageyama?
tsukishima kei
You huff in frustration, it has been five minutes and you were in the same situation. The book that you have been needing still sat at the top most shelf and you were still unable to reach it.
You stand on your tippy toes and attempt to at least touch the dammed book. Your finger grazes the spine of the book but that was it.
“I swear!”you quietly say and ball your fists, a large shadow looms over you and takes the book from the shelf with ease.
You crane your head to your hero and you are met with the sour face of your tall blond classmate, he drops the book in your hands.
“Thank you Tsukishima-san,”you gratefully bow your head in thanks earning yourself a “tch” sound as a reply.
“Elementary students do not belong here (last name),”he says before returning to his seat.
You stand in your spot even more annoyed and embarrassed with enflamed cheeks.
yamaguchi tadashi
“Excuse me, are you Yamaguchi-san?”you ask the green haired male, he turns to you and nods shyly. “You must be (last name)-san?”he asks back.
“Yup. Thank you for accepting to tutor me in algebra.”you bow your head, the male becomes flustered and his cheeks burn red as the whole class turns their attention to the both of you.
“It’s n-no problem (last name)-san,”he managed to get out and you jump in joy startling the poor green haired male.
“We can meet up after my practice,”he says and you nod your head,”okay. I’ll be waiting Yamaguchi-san.”you yells as you sprint out of the class in a hurry.
Leaving the poor boy flustered.
heyya! first scenario up, wooo! i enjoy writing these kinds of stuff i think it’s cute, where you read or imagine just small snip bits of the story. if you guys would want me to write a complete story on your fav characters let me know. made a masterlist for all the scenarios, i’ll update the other schools in the coming days. leave a like and comment if you enjoyed reading, have a great day guys.
all the love xx
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kyotakumrau · 3 years
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2020.12.16 The World You Live In at Zepp Nagoya, 2nd event report
For this one I was sitting in the last row on the 2nd floor😂 but the view was good, especially when watching the live footage.
This time Takabayashi also joined, he sat on the left, and we again got Die and Toshiya, with Fujieda on the right who again acted as the MC.
F again started the talk with the topic of the show without audience and Ochita. He asked band members about the flow of working on the songs, which to choose, how they decided to go with a song like that for a single. D replied that they make many songs for albums, when they work on the singles they want them to connect somehow, and he thinks they were able to do that.
T: what he said.
(true mastery of short answers aka no answers😂)
Next F again brought the merch items, saying he was wearing Die's mask, he liked it black.
D: it's a mask you can wear easily.
F: (struggling) ne...si...cessity.
D: again.
F: necessity.
(just leave him alone😂)
D: some people might find girls wearing black masks scary, so I added a bright element (to make it easier to wear).
(...but one of them says HURT???😂)
D: Ta(kabayashi), can you say 'necessity'?
Ta: not gonna play this game.
Then they laughed a bit about 'ビッグピックキーホルダー・biggu pikku・big pick'
T: which colour is the rare one?
F: I think they're all same.
T: how can you use it?
F: attach it to your bag etc I guess? You should know as a producer!
T: I guess I will use it as my pick at our next show.
F also brought items produced by other members, handing Shinya's bottle to T.
F: S also posted video promoting it on his instagram. It's really tiny.
T: how many of those I can drink in one day? (?)
D: but it is a perfect size for a bag.
Then F handed the pouch produced by Kaoru to D.
D: I guess masks can fit in, pick keychains can fit in, bottle can fit in, anything can fit in. 😂
F: there are 5 different merch items,please get them all.
After this it was time for the questions submitted by fans again.
D: ok, got one, from Kumi-san...
F: Tommy-san?
D: what? Why would you bring the boss up? It's from Kumi-san from Kagawa. 'please tell us your memory from Kagawa'.
F: we went there on tour last September.
D: Takamatsu, right? I remember I was watching TV at the hotel, not going for dinner... ah no, I got a take out, chicken, a big one, I was eating it alone.
F: what about you, T?
T: hmmm, I guess udon?
F: you eat udon a lot.
T: I eat everything. It was good then.
F told a story about playing around when waiting for band members to get ready to leave (Kaoru), he imitated Shinya playing drums. He said it was very embarrassing so he remembers it very clearly. Did S upload a video of that on his Channel?
T: 'please tell us your good and bad points of Fujieda'. He can eat anything, everything tastes good for him? As for bad points, everything tasted good for him?
(everyone laughed)
D joked that instead of getting 'good point' (like a grade at school) he has more 'passable points'.
D: 'can you tell us about your outfits today? I noticed that Toshiya's socks are very cute!'
T got surprised people noticed something like that, his red socks. F said that most likely a fan who attended the 1st slot noticed and sent that question.
T: I received them, they are just red checkered socks.
Ta: 'what kind of bath salts do you use?'
D: recently I don't use any (then he joked about the smell of old guys at the gym?)
T: I don't really use it.
They teased F for playing with the foam in the bath.
Then D talked about some gel type bath Kaoru recommended him, at Fukuoka during the tour in the past (?)
Ta commented that when hot the water in Tokyo smells. Water in the countryside like Nagano is better quality.
F: 'what song did you listen to the most during pandemic? It can be an artist.'
D: Kimetsu one?
F: 'Kousui' is also played everywhere.
they also said they listen to dir songs. D said he listens to the setlists from the audiostreams and T and he joked a lot about not remembering some of the older songs, like 'we made this??'😂 they also talked about the flow of songs.
T: 'how did you decide the members for each venue?'
Ta: I thought about many factors before deciding.
F: basically Ta decided it.
Ta: I thought about who should go where, who to pair together, about who went to which event in the past.
D: I remember we had some event at a department store in Nagoya.
T: at Parco, there was a signing event at Tower Records. At the same time there was an event I liked? ...no one knows it? Sorry, I guess you're all too young, there's a generation gap here.
T: 'do you have any plans for shows next year?'
They explained that the situation is not looking good and shows have big chance being postponed.
F: but we are thinking about the things we can do. But those two people definitely want to play a concert.
T: this many people are waiting so we have to.
D talked about getting out of Tokyo and ??
Ta: 'it suddenly got really cold. Could you tell us any stories about snow or cold weather?' (he added joking) Nagano stories?
T: you think you're funny.
F: but I love oyaki (it's famous in Nagano stuffed dumpling, grilled).
T: I saw a cockroach for the first time only when I went to Tokyo and then Kyoto. Nagano is too cold for them.
F: Hakkaido too.
(Toshiya, I really feel ya, I've only encountered roaches after I came to Japan💀)
they talked about fighting with them, D used something to immobilize them (???)
T: they are so big. When we filmed Clever Sleazoid video I just stepped on one.
F (laughing): went 'kyaaaa' and stepped on it!
T also talked about the old story when they just started a band and they came to Nagano to meet T, there was a lot of snow then and all band members got super excited because of it, starting to play in snow. T's mother took a photo of them, that photo is still at T's home at Nagano.
F: who was driving then?
T: Aki-san, from the previous company.
D: I didn't know it gets all snowy like that.
Then they talked about old simple phones without cameras and cameras they used, heavy bricks.
T: sorry, generation gap again.
F: what happened to the 'cold' topic? Why roaches???
Ta: we can do 2 more questions.
T: F, why did you ???
F told us a story about almost being in a traffic accident on a highway driving from Nagoya when suddenly their tyre got a hole, but thanks to his super special technique he could stop the car.
D: how long was this whole situation?
F: one minute. Thanks to my special technique.
they also talked about Shinya driving😂
Next, T: 'why did F use a name Rei with ShibireBajiru (band where F's played drums)? Question from Toshiya from Tokyo'
But F's explanation was about the image names have and that Rei has a strong image. About which T and D teased him a lot.
As the last question they talked about alarm clocks, 'can you wake up without alarm clock?'
D: recently I can.
T: I can wake up when I can wake up.
F: ...so when you can't you can't?
T: ...(be quiet you)
D: so what time do you wake up?
T: 4 or 5, then I work.
D wakes up around 6~7
Extra question, F: 'what's your fav nabe (hot pot)?'
D: nabe?
F: for me it's motsunabe (offal hot pot). That place in Fukuoka.
T: you prefer miso type? Or soy sauce?
F: in the past Shinya gave me a very firm 'I don't need any of the miso one', he was so angry about food😂
F talked about the additional event online again and the announced video with virtual characters the previous day. Filming was done a bit earlier.
T: it was unexpectedly fun.
F: let's spend New Year Eve together.
Last comments.
Die: thanks for comming to the event, especially in such a cold weather. This was a safe way, the situation is not good, we can't hold shows at the moment, we want to make songs and work on the next album.
Toshiya: thank you for coming on a cold day. I'd like to say what I want, but it's hard because of this situation. The band is searching for the things we can do. Please wait for us. Next year, I want to stand on the stage in front of you (at a concert).
D asked T for the red version of the pick to take photo with it. He took it to his spot at kamite area, adding 'next year I will use it'.
(Die mobile members probably will get to enjoy that photo?)
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Comic Review: Cartoon Network Presents #6
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I said I was gonna do this, so let’s get this rolling!
Okay, so Cartoon Network Presents was among the first lineup of DC’s CN comics, alongside their Scooby-Doo book and The Flintstones and the Jetsons. Those are pretty self-explanatory, but CN Presents was meant to be a grab bag of the rest of their lineup, featuring favorites from the vast Hanna-Barbera library as well as some of their recent hits. At this point, I believe they were just doing Dexter’s Lab and Cow & Chicken, as Johnny Bravo’s first season was more or less written off as a failure at the time. But don’t worry, Johnny will have his day.
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Okay, so confession time- this story is not new to me. Way back when, DC released a freebie comic which had stories from each of their three CN titles, and this was featured in there, alongside a short Scooby story where a stalker keeps on doning a costume to get closer to Daphne, and a Jetsons story where George is replaced by a robot version of himself. Needless to say, some serious memories came crawling back to me when I saw the cover.
Anyway, both of the stories featured in this issue are done by regulars in the comic industry, and I’ll bring up how apparent that is in a bit,
That said, I can see this story actually fit in an episode of Cow & Chicken, as it’s a cautionary tale that doesn’t go in the usual direction you’d expect, like many of David Feiss’ cartoons tend to do things. This starts off with Chicken littering, which goes against what his and Cow’s teacher taught them in school. Chicken, as per usual, is apathetic to his loud teacher’s learnings, but he changes his tune when Cow mentions that bringing in metal can bring you some change,
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Needless to say, Chicken has some ideas, and he starts scourging around town. There’s a slight detour when he learns that you only receive payments from going to the trash collector directly, but it gives him incentive to have Flem and Earl help him out.
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Alongside a dubious reading of Malcolm X’s philosophy.
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The three of them find enough metal to hopefully make them a little richer, and they’re greeted at the trash heep by a weird looking Cerberus creature, and guess who they belong to!
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Yeah, it’s the Red Guy. It’s not a Cow & Chicken segment without him, is it? 
I had a better screenshot of his appearance, but it came out weird and I don’t feel like taking another, so let’s skip to this part where Chicken is caught cheating the scale, and is about to be rightfully punished along with Flem and Earl. Not by death, but by filling up the Red Guy’s furnace, which is actually pretty fair.
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But have no fear, Supercow is on the way to come save the day! This comic even translates her dialogue for us, which the show never did. 
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It ends with her beating the shit out of Cerberus and the Red Guy, even though Chicken deserves his punishment. Flem and Earl, not so much.
It’s a fun enough story, and it does seem like a perfect fit for the show. The dialogue fits right in with the show.
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Even Flem’s awkward, vaguely racist broken English. I’m not touching that one...
The art style is a little off, though, looking more like a regular DC comic than an episode of Cow & Chicken.
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I mean, it looks like Chicken, but doesn’t the penciling look closer to an issue of Robin at the time instead of something? But it’s a minor complaint, as it’s still a fun read.
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The b story is new to me, with a Quick Draw McGraw story. It starts off pretty ordinary, as El Kabong OLE’s himself to save the day. Er, not that ordinary, as El Kabong is a bit of a klutz and usually needs Baba Looey’s help, but it’s okay, something’s about to change.
It turns out that El Kabong’s identity may be liable for copyright infringement, as there’s a Canadian crime fighter known as Le Kabong.
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We meet him here, and I believe he’s meant to be Loopy de Loop, but he looks more like Hokey Wolf... or maybe Mr. Jinx. Hanna-Barbeta made some nice-looking characters, but they get pretty samey.
Anyway, his agency was the one who ordered a cease and desist to El Kabong, while his French Canadian doppelganger refuses to follow suit, considering it unheroic. Until it’s discovered that someone kidnapped the local hockey team, and he takes action... so I guess he blames the devil we know? That isn’t really explained, as the next panel shows Quick Straw accepting a battle of the Kabongs.
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So we’re about to get a WWE (or I guess WWF. Or maybe WCW?) match, until a new challenger approaches, with a German vigilante jumping in.
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And then many more. This switches from wrestling to Super Smash Bros to a full on battle royale of the localized knock-offs. Which I won’t lie, it’s a pretty funny idea.
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Luckily, what’s a Kabong without a trusty sidekick to save the day? A few of them attempt to team up to find a way to put a stop to this, including one who looks like Boo Boo with Yogi’s hat and Johnny Bravo’s glasses.
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So it ends with the Kabong from Mars (no Spiders) threatening all of the puny humans to stop their shenanigans, and go back to their duties. Which hey, it works! And the story ends with Quick Draw attempting to turn the ten million pesos El Kabong received at the beginning from saving the day into cash. Except pesos are basically useless, which is funny haha right?
This reads like a Hanna-Barbera writer from the 90′s attempting to write a classic character in the present day, and mostly works alright. This does show off one problem with Quick Draw though, that its take on Hispanic culture during the period of the Wild West is problematic. Baba Looey for instance has an exaggerated voice, and he probably needs an overhaul to work today (how did that work in Jellystone btw? I still need to see it). And unfortunately, this point in the late 90′s isn’t all that much more sympathetic to Hispanic culture, as their take mostly stays the same.
But away from that, it’s pretty funny. I do really like Quick Draw when it focuses on how pathetic he is as a supposed hero, either with or without the El Kabong persona.
But I wouldn’t have known if this was in if I didn’t pick up the book. I do understand why Cow & Chicken was the main attraction- *insert Malcolm in the Middle “future is now, old man” img here*- but part of the appeal of Cartoon Network at the time was the mix of old and new school. It wasn’t uncommon to see a classic like Quick Draw next to a modern fav like Cow & Chicken.
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But oh well, let’s finish this up. The letters column features a 12 year old offering some of his cartoon ideas- I hope John made it; another boy named John who offers a cute drawing of Space Ghost, and asks about Jan, Jase, and Blip, while insulting the latter, which the editor is not here for; and another boy asking if there are plans for stories featuring 2 Stupid Dogs or Secret Squirrel, as well as hopes for a Cow & Chicken comic. The editor shoots down 2 Stupid Dogs happening, and to be fair, I don’t believe that ever happens. Classic cartoons from 40 years earlier? Sure. Something that ended about five years earlier? Old news. But I do believe Secret Squirrel does show up at some point.
The editor then bemoans how no girls brought in letters this month, and offers a preview of the next issue, which involves Wacky Races. And guess what, I have that one too!
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The issue proper ends with an editorial about the importance of recycling, which is fine and all, but my reaction to reading this was “blahblahblah put on more cartoons”
Not bad! Oh, and one more thing of note.
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I know, I know, they’re the enemy, and I was all over CN at this point, but I have memories of this promotion. Even though I believe it was long over at this point, and Alex Mack should have aired its last episodes before this issue hit stands. 
Here’s an ad! And now it’s in your head. Sorry/you’re welcome!
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leojfitz · 3 years
rules: answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gif makers you love!
i was tagged by @julielukes & @gillespiecharlie thank you both <333
Link a gifset you’re really proud of:
this zade one (who’s surprised) i don’t even know why but it’s one of my favorite i’ve made!
Link a gifset where you tried something new:
this juke one i tried something a bit different than what i usually do with the fonts placements especially in the blended ones and i really liked how it turned out! (i should do it again omg)  
Link a gifset that features your favorite character or celebrity:
i’m going to say this one of zeke from the get down because i love him sm and i miss him (i used to have an url with his name years ago so kjadas) (also i really enjoy when people reblog this every once in a while complaining about this show getting cancelled too early haha) 
Link a gifset that you want more people to see:
i can’t think of anything in particular there are just so many in my hod ones but i knew from the start is not a popular show so i’m okay with it lmao 
Link a gifset that you had fun making:
i think this caskett one because it was my first time giffing a new show in a while and i had fun going into uncharted territory! 
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series:
this alex gifset i made for the jatp meme (that i have to finish shh don’t @ me), i had so much fun doing it, if you can’t tell alex is my fav character from the show 
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile:
definitely all the ones i made about the jatp cast but i think in particular this charlie and owen one because they’re two dorks and their interactions are just so funny to me. 
Link a gifset that you made for someone else:
the one that i have pinned aka the one based on @waydekinsella ‘s text fic 
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs:
i’ve been giffing for so long i honestly can’t remember tbh i’m an old lady 
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs:
@haleyjs (everyday i wonder how you manage to color oth so well ksdjas) and i’m sure a lot of other people i follow but my mind is blank rn nice lmao
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs:
uhhh i don’t know i don’t think i follow anyone who do pastel gifs !? 
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love:
special shout out for all my hod giffing friends @kevsryans @lemonbreelnd @waydekinsella @nightondarillium <333
and of course my fav jatp girls aka @gillespiecharlie @flynncarter
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets:
@juliesmolinas  @julielukes @pureheroines
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game:
i’m gonna go and copy lauren’s answer here and i’ll say pretty much everyone i follow! i always learn something new from every gifmaker i follow tbh 
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from:
pretty much all the people i tagged before tbh
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!): 
i feel like i have already annoyed so many people with these tags so i’m going to stop at that lmao tbh i admire every single gifmaker i follow and i’m not saying just because
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dropsofletters · 3 years
@ your post, my fav fic by you is def "let's dream in reverse" and "the showstopper" !!
"let's dream in reverse" was the first fic i read by you and i literally cried tf out at the ending, and it's still one of my favorite fics to this day 😭😭 i love how realistic it is and doesn't have a cliche-d happy ending, and i enjoyed reading about her feelings when she lost and guanheng became famous af and tBH IT'S THE FIC THAT INSPIRED ME TO START WRITING
"the showstopper" was just so funny to me hfSDJFHM and i have no other words. it was a fucking ✨ m a s t e r p i e c e✨ and i literally wanted to smack her bff + boss (don't even remember their names bc they're so irrelevant LMFAOO)
+ and many more!! i love your fics so much <3
oooh, i should definitely sit down to read ur stuff then!
let's dream in reverse is my baby. my little angst baby that i just think about every once in a while. i think hendery has such a face for the guy who breaks your heart kind of character lol
the showstopper was heavily music inspired and it is Something so, i am so happy you enjoyed both of those 💓
please, do tell me what your fave fics of mine are
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