#it’s a season of love and giving regardless of how you celebrate
pkmn-smashorpass · 6 months
Merry day for everyone!
I know some people don't celebrate Christmas (or hanukkah or another holiday) but i hope your day goes great nonetheless!
Also happy birthday to you!
Happy holiday season to everyone!!! Even if that just means the upcoming new year!!! And thank you ❤️
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astrxealis · 6 months
not yet xmas for me but it is in a few hours RAGHHH anyway idk if anyone will mind this it's ok if you don't (genuinely) but very appreciated if you gimme a lil message https://colormytree.me/2023/01GN3NNGYGTV90NYVYZSBH4GFV <- there tada tyvm ily <3
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
The main cast of Hazbin hotel on Valentine's day
I know I may be a little late. I had to do some shopping today and hadn't had the motivation or time to get down and write until now! I apologize is some characters are given more writing than others... the truth is that I am bised for some characters or simply have more for them. :C
Regardless I hope you enjoy these, I likely won't do these large posts very often.
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I hope you can forgive me for being a little short on Charlie's part, I had stated earlier what she would do for the holiday in an alphabet post! But to recap she makes you a mixtape with songs dedicated to you, songs made by her and songs she knows you like! The case is handmade too, covered in hearts as well as having a hand written note inside further expressing her affections for you. She would also give you some of your favorite candies! Expect to go out and do something fun and romantic too!
Much lower compared to her canon partner, Vaggie is not much of an enjoyer of the holiday. She keeps her thoughts to it to herself, though sometimes you might find her grumbling about all the pink and the red. She just doesn't enjoy the aesthetic all that much. However despite that she will still participate if she knows it will make her significant other happy! She would get you something small, like a stuffed animal and some flowers.
Respectfully stealing this idea from my mutual, but he already gets so many gifts and cards from his crazed horny fans. He hardly has the room for any more! Though.. he probably sells a lot of it for some extra cash, only keeping some of the candies. If you get him something, he probably wouldn't sell it. He's actually touched. In terms of what he does for you, he might treat you to a night full of him... in more ways than one if you're open to it. If you don't feel like going out he's fine with staying inside and watching some movies in his rooms... perhaps it's a deserved break after a rough day during the love season.
Similar to Vaggie, Alastor wouldn't do much. He understands the purpose of the holiday, but he simply. Does not care for it all that much. However I do rather enjoy the though of Alastor sending letters to his friends (Mimzy, Rosie, Niffty, ect). He even puts them in fancy envelopes and seals them with wax. How nice is that? If he can, he might even send a box of chocolates. Fingers, in Rosie's case. However, he doesn't do much to celebrate outside of that. That's assuming he sends anything at all, anyway.
He would go all out. He might even make a machine dedicated to you and gift it. He makes a mechanical heart that beats and gives it to you. He gives you all of the candy he can get his hands on, not exactly sure what you prefer. He takes you out for the night, to the nicest restaurant he can go to without getting jumped (because let's be honest... his days of trying to pick fights and climb to power has probably landed him with some enemies...). He's a total gentleman on the date, opening the door for you and pushing in your chair for you. Considering he's a little flustered that he is on a date with you, everything goes smoothly.
He likes to stay in, but you can count that if you manage to get him to go out it's going to be a to a club or bar. Anywhere with alcohol. He'd much rather prefer a bar, since it's usually... lower in energy. He also isn't much of a Valentine's person, and he does show his disdain. He does tone down on talking negatively about the day around you, so there's that at least. A simple night in with an affirmation of love is enough for Husk.
She bakes you something and perhaps sews you something. A red throw pillow in the shape of a heart. Though you may have to tell her that's what you want because otherwise she's going to try something akin to the roach crown.... shivers... The baked goods are actually pretty good, and you'll be snacking on them for the rest of the week due to Niffty getting too excited and making too many. She will stab someone with a needle if they try to take one without asking you first.
He also goes all out, it might actually be a little overwhelming! He can conjure nearly anything he can think of, if his song was being literal! He wants to make sure you're loved, and that there's no possible way that you would ever think otherwise. Despite this he might rather stay inside, or maybe alter the home to look more fancy to make a mock dinner. Generally very sweet and you will be drowning in gifts from the second you wake up to the minute you go to sleep. He also makes you breakfast in bed.
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newtonsheffield · 24 days
Okay but also the way Kate is totally playing off Anthony’s breeding kink is ludicrous and I am here for it haha.
Anthony is… ✨enamored✨ with the idea of Kate having his baby. When she first mentioned it to him, even before their wedding on days when they’d walk with her arm in his through the park with Newton wagging his tail in front of them his stomach had dropped at the idea in a way he hadn’t expected.
He knew he had to have a child, he was a first born son several times over and it was expected of him, to have a son. But he hadn’t expected the thrill in his chest when she mentioned it. Teasing him.
“Aren’t you supposed to be asking me how many children I wish for? I had heard you terrorized quite a few young ladies with that question at the beginning of the season.”
Anthony felt his jaw clench at the idea of Kate with a tiny child on her hip, dark curly hair bouncing as Kate laughed.
“There’s Papa!”
It surprised him, how badly he wanted that for himself. How badly he wanted that for them.
He rolled his eyes at her. “It’s been greatly exaggerated I assure you. Do you desire children?”
A look crossed her face, tentative and unsure as she fiddled with her glove. “Until recently it’s not… something I had let myself consider but I… yes. I would like being a mother, I think.”
Anthony’s chest felt tight and he nodded, “Then it’s decided. We’ll have children.”
Kate chuckled, “I think it’s expected of us regardless. Do not fancy lords need an heir?”
“We’re not speaking of an heir. We’re speaking of Children.”
“Children then.” He watched her relax, smiling at him as the passed a woman craning her neck to stare at them. “Of course we already have Newton.”
“Ah yes, other than Newton.”
The idea of it burned in his chest after their marriage as well. Kate growing round with his child for everyone to see. Everyone able to see the love she bore him. But more than that he wanted to give her what she wanted. She had asked for so little in her life, putting everyone else before her own wants and needs. The thought of being able to give her what she wanted burned in him.
He can barely contain it in those first few weeks after she told him, her cheeks a little flushed.
“I’m not certain, so please please don’t get too excited. But my courses should have arrived this week just gone.”
She hadn’t wanted to make too much of it at first, until nearly a month had gone by and her courses still hadn’t made an appearance and the signs became more and more evident.
“Can we celebrate now?” He’s asked her, his hands resting on her stomach when he caught her studying her reflection in the mirror.
A small smile, gentle and beautiful, swept over her . “Yes, we can celebrate now.”
He can’t wait to announce it to their families. He watches her write a letter to her mother telling her they were expecting, inviting her to visit. And excitement thrums in his chest when he finally says
“Kate and I are expecting a child.”
He never thought it would feel like this. He’d expected marriage to be such a duty but this could never be a duty with Kate. And he’s glad for it.
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haleyboook · 6 months
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Christmas cheer
When a relationship not known by Chris’ family is suddenly front and center when he insists on her coming to his family Christmas festivities. Just how insane can she expect it to be? And how bad will it effect her relationship?
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“I just need my bathing suit and I’ll have all my clothes ready to be packed.” I tell him as I hold the laundry basket in my arms
He nods as he remains half out of it staring at me
“What’s on your mind?”
He sighs as he sits up saying “I’m not liking the idea of not being together on Christmas. The best holiday.”
I drop the laundry basket and walk over to him, I sit on the armrest of the chair as he pulls me towards him
His lips press to my shoulder as he says “The Bahamas are so lame right now. Change your flight. Let’s go there for New Years. Boston is so beautiful right now.”
Sighing I say “My whole family is there, and they would love to meet you. You know that. I talk about you all the time and my mom already loves you. Why don’t you come with me? And then we can celebrate New Years with your family?”
Slowly he considers giving in as my eyes practically melt him and my lips press to his as I smile widely
The corners of his lips curve upwards in response to me and he groans saying “My mom and sisters would kill me if I missed Christmas. My nieces and nephews are expecting me there.”
Nodding I sigh saying “So basically we can’t spend the holiday together. And we’re back to square one.”
He smiles to me and says “Yeah. I guess so.”
But that look on his face for a split second was awfully mischievous and I know he’s up to something.
He pushes my hair out of my face and kisses my collarbones as we draw closer to each other
“It’s snowing in Boston. Have you ever been to Boston when it’s snowing?”
“No. I haven’t.”
“Winter is my second favorite season there. A white Christmas is my favorite. And my family goes all nine yards.”
“Oh really? What do they do?”
He smiles and says “Well my whole big family pile into my childhood home and we spend the whole week together. My mom has us baking and cooking all week and we go see a Christmas play on Christmas Eve. And we have a Christmas Eve party after. And Christmas Day is the best, seeing my niece and nephews excitement over the gifts is the best. My mom makes us spiked hot chocolate and we have this massive dinner. It’s literally heaven.”
The pause sits for awhile as I think on my family, my parents have my sisters and all their friends in the Bahamas with them currently
I paid for the vacation, called it an early Christmas gift.
But… Boston doesn’t sound too bad
“If.. I can change my flight, I’m in.”
His eyes widen suddenly as he looks to me surprised saying “You’re serious?”
I scoff saying “Was that not a real offer?”
“No! No it was real. I’ll.. I’ll call my mom telling her you’re coming along.”
I nod and stare at the laundry across the room. I sigh saying “im not going to need that bathing suit am I?”
He laughs whole heartedly and I grumble saying “You owe me time at the beach. I need ocean and sun time.”
“Promise. New Years with your family in the Bahamas. We can stay a week longer than your family. Just us.”
I sigh into him as I grow relaxed, nodding saying “That sounds perfect. Just what I need after the shit-show movie I just wrapped.”
“He was a terrible director.”
“He made me pull my hair out. I need to strictly rely on Greta and Sofia for work. They’re the only tolerable directors I’ve worked with. Besides obviously the marvel projects.”
He nods saying “Making everyone work on a holiday is crazy.”
“Well you saw how well that worked out for him.”
Chris laughs saying “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie crew so happy that an actress went full diva for them.”
“They all deserved to be with their families, regardless if they celebrated the holiday or not.”
“Trust me, I know they were thankful.”
I sigh saying “Yeah…. Now tell me what I need to pack for Boston.”
“You need to start with at least 3-4 coats or jackets.”
I make a winced face and say “You’re kidding.”
“That doesn’t include winter coats. Do you have a winter—”
He pauses as he looks to me as I produce a pinched expression and shrug saying “I don’t own anything like that.”
“We’ve got a lot of work to do then.”
The flight was simple enough, I overpacked and had to check my bag. Chris didn’t have to, he had a small enough bag for it to be a carry on
I realized how big of a mistake it was to check my bag the minute I started looking through the carousels for my suitcase
Only to my surprise it never came around. Chris felt terrible as the flight attendant informed me that my suitcase, along with half the passengers were left to fly out on the next plane
I blinked in response to her, feeling anger rise within me “what do you mean you left my suitcase?”
“It will be delivered here in a few hours. We can ship it to the address you—”
“I just want my things! Why couldn’t you fit my suitcase on the plane?”
“There are certain rules and regulations we need to follow, the flight was sold out and we couldn’t exceed a certain weight—”
“Everything I need is in my suitcase! It’s 25 degrees out! I need my things!”
Chris wraps his arm around me attempting to calm me down saying “Honey… honey it’s alright. We’ll figure it out.”
I scoff saying “Don’t give me that. You carried your suitcase on. You have everything you could possibly need. I have nothing. My scripts were in there. I needed to run those lines.”
He sighs and attempts to comfort me as he looks to the lady saying “How soon will it be shipped?”
“The second it’s in our custody. You should get it by tomorrow.”
“That’s not so bad, you’ll have all your things by tomorrow. In the meantime we’ll figure something out.”
The Bahamas are sounding a lot better now
“Yeah. Okay..” I say unconvinced and on edge
Chris had called his mom a day ago telling her he was bringing his girlfriend and she was surprised to find out so late in advance
Pretty frustrated this is one of the few times she’d even heard about me.
But before I wasn’t even his girlfriend, we were just going on a few dates. He thought it was easier to just say that to his mother instead
We were both so busy, there was no time to share with anyone else but each other
And we used every single minute we could find with the other
He’d fly to me and leave in the morning. Or I’d fly in at 9am and have to leave at 12am.
He knows he should have mentioned his girlfriend earlier, to not only his mother but probably his sisters and practically anyone else in his family
I ask as he drives our rental car towards the house “Scott’s there already?”
He’s the one person I really knew from his family, considering how often he visited
“Yeah. He just got to the house this morning.”
I swallow hard saying “And your mom, Lisa knows I’m coming to Christmas?”
“She knows, relax y/n. There’s nothing to worry about. My mom will love you and we’ll have a great time.”
“So your older is Carly, and Shanna is your younger sister. Then there’s your dad and he’s a dentist. And then there’s miles and—”
“Clearly you’ve done your research.”
I sigh as I run my hands down my face saying “I wouldn’t even need to. You love your family, you talk about them constantly. I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve met them. I could probably recite their birthdays at this point… oh my god. Don’t let me say that to them. I’m losing my mind. I’m so nervous, were you this nervous to meet my mom?”
He laughs as I scramble my sentences together quickly, talking way too fast
“Your mother gave me no warning, I met her in my boxers while I was getting the paper. I had no time to be nervous.”
I smile and look to him saying “She thought you were handsome immediately.”
He shakes his head saying with a chuckle “No, her first comment was asking why I was so pale.”
Laughing I shake my head saying “I can’t believe she said that.”
“She wasn’t wrong.”
He livens up my mood just switching the topic, I feel better already. He squeezes my hand saying “Just don’t overthink this and you’ll do great. Promise.”
And that’s when we turned down a street where I saw a suburban neighborhood, it was different than I was used to
There was an inflatable Santa on the large patch of grass in the front yard and lights thrown up onto the gutters, brightly colored
The driveway was full and it made me uneasy. Chris put the car in park and once he turned off the engine he looked to me “you ready to go in?”
“The gifts were in my suitcase, Chris. I have nothing for them—”
“You have your bright smile. That’s enough, we can go shopping in the morning or wait for your suitcase. All that matters is the gifts under the tree by Christmas.”
A sigh releases my lips as I look to the sprawl of inflatables across the front yard that I hadn’t noticed earlier
Some that are so clearly Boston suburbia that it’s odd to me
“Oh. That’s Jim. Moms had that inflatable for decades. It’s older than all the grandkids combined.”
“What is… it supposed to be?”
“It used to be an 8foot tall snowman, one of the first to be released. But it’s face wore off so is kids drew a new one on with sharpie and… yeah that was the result.”
Scott slowly sneaks around the car, and slams his palms into the glass of my car door
I scream as I jerk my head towards him and heave heavy breaths as my screaming stops
Chris laughs loudly and boisterous as I nearly kick the door open. It hitting Scott as I climb out, pushing his shoulder as his laugher only annoys me
“You’re an asshole!”
He and Chris just think my reaction is the funniest thing possible
“Did you hit your head when you jumped that high?”
He tumbles to the ground as he falls in the snow and practically cries with laughter
I huff in annoyance saying “Why would you do that?”
“He didn’t tell you?” Scott struggles to say as he gasps for air as his laughter slows
I look to Scott saying “We have a whole competition going, scaring each other. We do this basically every time everyone’s home.”
Chris smiles as he says “She has an out, it’s her first Christmas with us. She is free of the jump scares.”
“No way! She needs to experience the evans family Christmas in every way.”
Chris gives Scott a look and I walk away saying “I’m freezing. Can we please go inside.”
Scott nods saying “that sounds like a great idea.”
Chris nods as he lifts his suitcase through the snow and pulls his jacket off as he drapes it over my shoulders
I look to him thankfully as I tighten it around me. I slow to a stop as I wait for one of the two brothers to lead the way
Chris steps in front of me as he says “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just cold—” but I’m cut off by Scott running towards us and throwing a snowball into the back of Chris’ head
Scott laughs as I feel the corners of my smile turning upwards quickly as I laugh quietly as Chris huffs out a breath of annoyance
“oh… little brother you so shouldn’t have started this.”
“Chris.” I plead as his hand digs into the snow
“Just let me reach this little punk a lesson.”
And they’re already at it with each other. I stand there as Chris creates a snow ball throwing it towards his brother as Scott ducks out of the shot
My sisters and I were never like this. They were 12-15 years older than me. By the time I was 5-6 years old they were out of the house or in college. I was basically an only child with occasional visits from my sisters
But Bree moved to England for a job and Elise lives across the US. Hawaii, with her husband. Her husband is stationed in the navy there
I wince as both Scott and Chris tumble roughly into the snow but I smile because it’s hilarious
“They do this often.”
My shoulders jump at the voice, I thought I was alone out here
I look to the woman and say “And I’m sure it’s entertaining every time.” My smile shines towards her and she breathes out a laugh saying “Yeah. Most of the time. I’m Shanna. You must be y/n, his girlfriend. Right?”
Nodding I say “yes, that is me. I’m sorry to intrude on your Christmas, he insisted I have a Boston Christmas.”
“You don’t have family around here?”
I pause and say “They’re in the Bahamas for Christmas.”
“And you picked this over that?” She laughs as I shake my head saying “I couldn’t leave him. We try to spend any second we can together. I’m sorry, are you Carly or Shanna? Chris talks about his sisters so much but I can’t place your name.”
She smiles saying “Shanna. His younger sister.”
“Oh okay. Thank you.
She nods saying “How’d the two of you meet?”
“Work. Of course. There’s not really anywhere else I could’ve meet someone.”
“You’re an actor too?”
I nod and say “Yeah.”
“Are you cold? We could go in while they sort this whole thing out?”
I look towards Chris as he has Scott pinned down with knee pressed against his back.
Scott’s face doesn’t leave the patch of snow as Chris tells him to tap out
I look to their sister saying “Is this normal?”
Shanna smiles saying “Yes. When they’re around each other they get like this. They’re brothers that’s for sure haha.”
I bite at my lip saying “I really am freezing. We could go in.. I’m just anxious.”
“Why don’t you head in while I get these idiots into the house?”
She steps away before I can argue the offer
I swallow hard and walk towards the house, I so don’t want to go in alone
Scott is pulled up from the snow and pushes his brother as he looks to me as Chris brushes off the snow on his clothes
“Babe, you can head in. You look like you’re about to freeze.”
I nod to Chris and ask “Just walk in?”
“My ma doesn’t care, she has everyone just walk right in.”
I stare at the door as I push it open and enter the house. Shutting it behind me to keep all the warmth in the house
I’m first hit with voices and I slow to a stop as I attempt not to intrude
But then I quickly realize they’re talking about me
“No, this is really the first time he’s ever brought her up. He told me all about her a day ago and that she was coming for Christmas.”
“Shanna is laying into her for answers and to find out what kind of person she is. God I hope she’s not some arrogant brat.”
My eyes widen suddenly as my arms drop to my sides quickly
“God knows Chris has poor taste in women. Should be interesting to meet her. From what he’s told me she’s a bit high maintenance.”
My eyebrows shoot up at that and I huff in annoyance
“I can only hope she isn’t some privileged obnoxious child. Chris didn’t give me much, only that they didn’t want to be apart. It sounds like they’re pretty serious.”
“How close could they be if he kept her hidden from us? She’s got to be the reason he skipped literally everything for thanksgiving but the dinner. He literally rolled in here at 3 and left by 8.”
The pause in conversation leaves me frozen in the entry way as I feel like I just stepped into something I shouldn’t hear
“You think he’s fallen for a girl who will keep him from us for holidays? That’s often what happens when a son marries someone.”
“You think they’re getting married?! He hardly knows the girl. God bless her but Chris could never commit to something like that. You know the cycle, give it a few more months and they’ll have moved on.”
“He said she can be difficult, especially under pressure. Like I said super high maintenance.”
“Probably means controlling.”
Excuse me?
“If this girl is wrong for him I’ll have a conversation with him. He’s my son, he’ll listen to me. She’ll be just another ex girlfriend if we don’t like her—”
I can feel the lump in my throat growing as I reach for the door handle but it opens and I take a step back as Chris steps in
He looks to me confused as I remain hovering by the door like I wanted to bolt, his arms find their way around my sides saying “you alright?”
My shoulders tighten and wind up as my whole body tightens up, I shrug in response as I slip from his grasp
Scott shouts “Ma! Chris and y/n are here!”
Chris huffs in response to his brother
The group of people file towards us as my hands pull at the zipper sides of Chris’ jacket that’s tightly wrapped around my body
Tightening it around me
He bounds for his mother, and you could tell how much he loves him mom. That’s a strong hug around her. Clearly he missed her
Maybe she was right, I didn’t think I was keeping him from his family
Suddenly I feel super out of place as their whole family hugs and speaks to each other
Slowly I slip into the background of the family as my back presses to the door, everything growing overwhelming
“My sweet boy. I’m so happy you’re here.”
That word wanders around my head as I feel the weight of it
High maintenance
How could she have all these opinions of me before even meeting me?
Scott pulls away from his older sister saying “y/n, meet my sister Carly… y/n?” He looks behind him not finding me
I’m practically melting through the door as Chris suddenly pulls away from the conversation him and his mother are having
The people in front of me, serving as I wall suddenly break into two groups and the whole Evans family turns towards me
Chris looks to me with a widening smile and walks forward, grabbing my hand and saying “Everyone, this is my girlfriend y/n. I’ll introduce you to each person in a minute. Firstly, this is my ma.”
The woman looks to me and I feel the nauseous feeling grow as I stare at her nervously
She takes a step towards me as Chris’ warm hand leaves my back
She smiles and says “I’m Lisa. It’s so great to meet you.”
My grin slips as she pulls me into a hug and I grow frustrated as she says “Chris just adores you.”
I swear there’s sarcasm coming off her words
“Love, mom. I love her.” Chris confirms as his smile falls from his lips and I’m released. I’m basically introduced around and the minute I’m free from introductions I find Scott
He’s with Carly but I grab his wrist tightly and give him the crazy eyes. He excused himself from his sister as I pull him out front
“I have to get out of here.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
My hands pull down my face as I frown and say “Your mother doesn’t know I heard what she and Carly were saying in the kitchen.”
“What we’re they saying in the kitchen?” He leans forward, practically begging for the information
“Am I controlling?”
“What? Why would you…. Oh.” He pauses as he looks inside the glass panels for a second saying “she doesn’t know you. Don’t take what she said to heart. She probably read a bad article about you.”
I shake my head as I sit down on the front steps and he follows shortly after “They lost my suitcase. I have nothing. I’m feeling insecure enough already. And I know Chris is loving every minute of this but I’m just… overwhelmed and annoyed.”
Scott nods as he rubs my shoulder, and I continue saying “He never told his mom or anyone about me. They don’t know me. Would he have ever told them about me? He basically worships your mom. But I’m not important enough to be a topic?”
“I’m sure he has good reason, bee.”
I huff in response and cover my face saying “This is going to be a long week. You have to promise me you won’t leave my side. If Chris isn’t glued to my side you have to be. Please.”
His eyes widen and he says “That’s a big job.”
I narrow my eyes to him saying “Scott.”
He smiles lightly saying “Fine deal.”
“This is going to be a long week.” We both say in sync
Oh hi! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it! I wanted to create a Christmas story, this is only going to be a few parts, I think (don’t know yet!)
I really enjoyed writing this part, I’m currently working on a part two! I hope you all enjoy this!
Next part>>
Make sure you comment to be added to the taglist!
More will be published soon! Promise!
Make sure you interact with my stories please!
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
au masterlist
notes: this is short and i apologize, but i’ve had an extremely busy day and didn’t have much time to write but i wanted to get this out before tonight’s game!
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liked by trevorzegras, tmeier96, and 308,619 others
y/ndevils00 WE’VE TAMED THE WILD!
tonight, my (and hopeful your) favorite boys in white and red, won the second game in our back to back games with the Wild! making us 2/2 in our games against them this season!
we had a great FIVE goals tonight compared to mini’s measly three! i’m incredibly proud of all 4 of our goals scorers, AND the magical puck that flew into the net on its own about 15 minutes into the first! that was insane, am i right?!
and even more exciting, we only had TWO penalties tonight! 🥹 they’re finally listening to me!
my lil rabid chihuahua almost got into a fight tonight, which would’ve solidified his rabid status! but alas, he did not, and Timo the Train stepped in to defend him— which both spoiled my fun and saved me from heart failure; i’m not sure whether to be mad or grateful, so i’ve decided to be both! never limit your emotions, kids! be dramatic! i promise, it’s fun!
babygirl DID, however, draw a penalty on one of his former bffl’s, moldy boldy, for interference! which took us to the power play and secured dougie’s fantastic goal tonight— which was assisted by none other than the man who snores in my ear every night! giving him his 20TH POINT OF THE SEASON!! I’M SO PROUD OF YOU, MY LOVE! I’M GONNA KISS YOUR FACE!
tagged holtz_10, tmeier96, lhughes_06, jackhughes, jesperbratt, dougieham, and vitacz15
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lhughes_06 before you say it: i’m not gossiping. i fell.
y/ndevils00 that sounds like something someone that was gossiping would say
lhughes_06 then what would someone who WASN’T gossiping say?
y/ndevils00 idk, i’ve never NOT gossiped. and usually you gossip with me
jackhughes i have so many comments on this, idek where to start
y/ndevils00 you could start by telling me you love me? 🥰
jackhughes mhm i love you- why rabid? why chihuahua? why the snoring? please never call him “moldy boldy” again
y/ndevils00 i love you too! because you’re a bit feral sometimes! you’re tiny and yappy! i felt like it was pertinent information! i will.
jackhughes I’M TALLER THAN YOU! (wtf does “pertinent” mean?)
y/ndevils00 WHAT DOES THAT MATTER?! (relevant, baby! it means relevant!)
dawson1417 i didn’t do it :(
y/ndevils00 NEXT GAME!
dawson1417 next game!
john.marino97 are you guys just gonna do this after every game until dawson gets a point?
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 we’re bound to be right eventually! next game!
john.marino97 i guess i can’t argue with that logic… next game!
tmeier96 i did that for your own good. i could not risk him getting hurt because then you’d be sad
y/ndevils00 but a fight would’ve been entertaining!! if you’re gonna prevent a fight then you have to at least have one of your own! those be the rules!
tmeier96 i’ll keep that in mind??
nicohischier thanks for facetiming me and giving me a play-by-play run down of every single thing that happened
nicohischier i think i could’ve gone without the jack comments though
y/ndevils00 wdym? you DIDN’T want me to tell you how hot he looked? that’s YOUR boyfriend too, ya know!
nicohischier nope. i can guarantee it’s not!
y/ndevils00 i have photographic evidence
nicohischier pictures of us hugging to celebrate a win or goal is not “evidence”
y/ndevils00 i have about 475,000 people who think otherwise
nicohischier your followers don’t count
y/ndevils00 i have about 2* people who think otherwise
nicohischier neither do merc or johnny
y/ndevils00 *i* think otherwise
ehaula i wouldn’t necessarily say we started listening to you, i think we just did pretty good at staying out of the box this game
y/ndevils00 why do you do this? do you not wanna be my favorite uncle?
ehaula i’m your favorite uncle regardless. don’t lie.
trevorzegras go hughesy! that’s my best friend!
y/ndevils00 yeah? well he’s MY boyfriend, so HA!
trevorzegras this wasn’t a competition, y/n. you don’t need to assert your dominance
y/ndevils00 sorry, i had a nightmare last night
trevorzegras about what?
jackhughes that i realized i was in love with your “slutty ways” and i left her for you
trevorzegras aww, y/n! you’re intimidated by me and jack’s love!
y/ndevils00 i actually just know you’re a slut
trevorzegras all i’m hearing is that you’re jealous of me
y/ndevils00 then get your ears checked
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rickfucker · 2 years
SFW Rick Headcanons (GN!)
BC why not. This season is literally so good so I’m celebrating with this nonsense >:)
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I am of the belief that Rick is huge on PDA. If you asked him, though, he’d deny it vehemently.
Arm around your shoulder on the couch, around your waist out in public, hand on your thigh when he’s driving. If there’s the chance to make someone else uncomfortable for his own personal enjoyment, he will take it. He doesn’t like it when people so much as look at you wrong. He will let them know you’re taken in the most obnoxious way possible.
He also loves PDA for the sake of embarrassing you. Getting to see his SO blush/get flustered makes life worth living.
He’s tall as all hell so: resting his chin on top of your head and top of the head kisses!!
Comparing hand sizes because yes.
Obviously, he’s a hard man to get close to. I imagine he does a good job at making you feel like you know him/relate to him one moment, but when he realizes he’s shown any vulnerability, he locks back up and gets pissy about it for a few days. Absolute King of mixed signals.
When he picks up on things that interest you, he finds things on his adventures to bring you, whether it's snowglobes of alien planets or potions or geodes or whatever. He’ll never directly give you a gift, though, he’ll just leave it somewhere inconspicuous like next to where you keep your other trinkets in your home.
(The first time you try to thank him for a gift, he acts like he doesn’t know what you’re talking about. It’s never brought up again, but your collection mysteriously keeps growing.)
If you’re significantly shorter than him (or just shorter than him at all), he will tease you for it. If you’re stubborn about reaching all the shit on high shelves yourself, he’ll just stand there watching you amusedly instead of helping. Glaring at him will only entertain him further.
I do imagine he does best with a SO equally as insufferable as him. Nice people will never break past his hard exterior. But someone just as stubborn? Someone he can intellectually spar with? Someone with just as much baggage to be bitter about? That, he can work with.
He loves introducing you to new alien drugs, honestly. If not just for the fun of it, he probably already finds you fascinating, so he’d be studying your reactions when not partaking in it himself.
Rick talks during movies. Shocker; the man never shuts up. You have weekly movie nights with the family, but Rick just mercilessly makes fun of whatever you’re watching for its entirety. It could literally be Shawshank Redemption, he doesn’t care. Every Earth-made movie can and will be mocked in his household.
I’m not under the impression he wouldn’t say The Love Word. Give him enough time and he will get there. He gets so annoyed with his own hubris that he makes a point of saying it first. He knows what love feels like and he knows he’s in love with you, and being in love pisses him off just as much as denying it to protect his pride does.
He barely sleeps, and when he does it’s only for a few hours. When he wakes in the early hours of the morning, he’ll watch you sleep for a while before tucking you in and heading to his work space.
He loves just making out; it makes him feel young.
Learns how you like your coffee (or tea!), and it’s always sitting there when you get up for the day, regardless of if you’re at his house or not.
Seeing you get along with the kids makes his self-proclaimed frozen heart melt a little. His only way of showing this is vague annoyance, mostly because they’re taking your attention away from him. 
What can I say? He’s the biggest baby in the universe.
He dresses up as Slutty Santa to disturb his family. Makes you sit on his lap and tell him what you want for Christmas later that night.
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gingernut1314 · 6 months
'Tis the Season
Straw Hat Crew x GN!Reader
Summary: You share your holiday celebrations with your crew aboard the Going Merry.
Warnings: fluffffffff, some (very little) mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Soooo I've gotten into the holiday spirit and needed to write this, so I hope you all don't mind too much! @fanaticsnail thank you for contributing to my holiday cheer with your wonderful x-mas works! (go check them out if you haven't already! Very good!!) I hope everyone has an amazing holiday or can find joy in something that brings you happiness this month!!! 🩷
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Luffy: 🍖
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As soon as you tell him anything about the holiday you celebrated back on your home island, he would insist on doing it right then and there
Festive and colorful decorations? He’s stopping at the nearest island to gather supplies and doctorate the Merry to your liking
Hot chocolate and food? Yes please.
Turkey, roast beef, or ham for dinner? Why not all of it?
The food is the most important part of this new holiday, he thinks
He’s getting Sanji to whip up every delicacy you can possibly think of
Fun holiday activities? The crew will be dragged along and they will have fun
He’ll want to double--no triple check that Santa is going to visit the Merry because he sounds super cool and he wants to recruit him onto the crew 
I mean, come on! The guy loves cookies and milk and those are some of Luffy's favorite things!
…and he will be very skeptical of you telling him Santa is, unfortunately, not real 
Luffy is dead broke so he goes to Nami to beg for berry so that he can get you a gift
Nami, of course, refuses to give him a single coin and tells him to make you something
So he would spend hours making you a gift
He would hand you a drawing of him hugging the life out of you on the Merry
And you would have to have him explain to you what is happening in his creation because all you can make out is the colors red and blue and what looks to be his signature straw hat
You love it regardless and hang it on the wall next to your hammock
Luffy will want to recreate the picture of course, and you’ll be more than happy to hug your captain back
Will leave cookies and milk out for Santa (and will eventually devour what he left out) and will try (and fail) to stay up all night to see Santa
You would find him dead asleep half an hour later and would be sure to leave a few gifts under the too-large tree he had Zoro set up on the deck for him
Luffy will get that guy next year, just you wait and see
Zoro: 🗡️🥦 ⚔️
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He is uninterested
None of it is his style
Too flashy and too loud
He’s good to take a nap during the festivities
You will be able to entice him to come and eat the food Sanji was kind enough to prepare
And you’ll entice him further with some spiked holiday drinks
Luffy is all over the holiday, so it won’t take much convincing to sail back to your home island for the day
And while the rest of the crew is partaking in the festivities your home village is throwing in the snow-covered street, you’ll slip away with Zoro’s hand in your own
You will tell him how this holiday isn’t just about joy, food, and festive songs, but about life and death
You showed him back to the ruins of your childhood home, which he had been in mere moments before the villain you had been helping them fight set fire to it
The scorched front lawn was covered in clumps of candles, garland wreaths, rocks, and food, just as you knew it would be
You explained that your village had done this in celebration of the life your family had lived--to remember them and keep their souls filled with joy in whatever afterlife they might have entered
He would watch you light a candle and pull a small trinket from your pocket, placing them both on the blackened steps of your home
Zoro would light a candle and place it next to yours, sitting there with you for as long as you needed
He would even wrap you up in one of his strong arms, holding you tight
Later, you would gift him a bottle of sake 
He had no clue gift-giving had anything to do with your holiday, so he would insist you share the bottle with him
He will be sure to get you a gift next year
Nami: 🍊
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She would be a little on the uninterested side at first
But after watching how excited you got as you explained to the rest of the crew about the holiday you celebrated, she would warm up to it
She would even warm up enough to allow you to doctorate her tangerine trees with lights and tinsel
The lights were pretty enough, she supposed. The tinsel shiny
And she does love shiny things
Once in the holiday spirit, she would let it fully take her over
Nami would dock the Merry on the closest island and go searching for the best gift she could find you
When it came to you, she hardly thought much about how much berry she was spending
You and your joy were more important to her than a number
You had commented on needing a new pair of shoes a week ago? Bought.
Commented on wanting something so offhandedly you had forgotten the moment you stepped away? Bought and wrapped in whatever wrapping paper she could find that screamed your holiday in its bright colors
She would be very excited to watch you unwrap everything she had gotten you (which you had been very shocked at, but had been told strictly to just unwrap everything and not worry so much)
You would feel a bit embarrassed at how little you had gotten her, but she wouldn’t care because your gift was thoughtful
So thoughtful it nearly brought her to tears
After everyone else had gone to bed, she would take you back up onto the deck and hand you a cup of hot chocolate she had attempted to make (which she had done a pretty good job at creating without the help of Sanji)
The two of you would sit, snuggled up next to each other under a heavy blanket and watch the dancing, multicolored lights adorning her trees late into the night
Usopp: 🤥
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Will get into it right away
He loves any excuse to celebrate, so your holiday is already perfect
Usopp is quick to make colored lights to hang up around the ship
And he’ll want to make everyone a stocking, which will be color coordinating and have some sort of special technique that didn’t need to be added in the first place
He loves all the different holiday-themed stories and songs 
Throughout the day, he’ll randomly burst into horribly off-tune song and you will be expected to join in
The traditional stories you tell him get the typical Captain Usopp spin to them
But it just makes them that much better in your opinion
They become your crew's stories, making them so special
While the crew eats and drinks holiday drinks, he’ll tell the stories and have everyone, even Zoro, entranced by their colorfulness
You made the big mistake of telling him about Krampus
And now he is utterly terrified of getting kidnapped and beaten by the goat-demon
Though he won’t say he’s scared
He'll be very admit that he isn't
But a loud stomp of the foot against the deck floor from Zoro has the poor storyteller jumping out of his skin and using you as a shield
Usopp is a very good gift-giver
Not only is it handmade, but it is also functional (for once) and it will help you out loads
You give him his gift and he bursts into tears, thanking you and hugging you profusely
Everyone will go to bed, the lights hanging up everywhere only adding to the cozy, homeyness of the Going Merry
And you’ll just be nodding off when Usopp comes crawling into your hammock, begging you with tears in his eyes to keep Krampus away from him
You’ll laugh at him at first, but end up promising to keep him safe while you hold him tight
And he’ll hold you back just as, if not more, tight
Sanji: 🧑‍🍳
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Of course, Sanji gets into the holiday spirit 
It's a holiday you celebrate and one that makes you happy
And all he ever wants to do is make you happy
You’ll sheepishly bring him your family's old cookbook full of recipes passed down from generation to generation
And he’ll be more than happy to cook you whatever your heart desires
Nothing is too much in his eyes when it comes to you
He’ll insist you help him cook everything, seeing as you are the expert when it comes to these recipes
And you two will share bits and pieces of everything before it all disappears into the void that is your captain’s stomach
He will also be very interested in this mistletoe tradition
He makes it his mission to not only hang the green sprigs everywhere around the ship
But to get you under as many of them as he possibly can, for as long as he possibly can
You find yourself purposely wondering under the mistletoe and lingering there until Sanji notices and rushes over
Though Sanji wants to get you the best gift he can possibly buy, he’s not the best when it comes to gift-giving
Food and physical touch are his love language after all
So he bakes you a sweet treat you had once told him about, one you hadn’t had since your childhood
And it’s the best gift you could have ever wished for because he made it just like how you remembered it
He loves whatever you give him
It could be a stick you say reminds you of him and he would be over the moon, mounting it and hanging it up in the kitchen
Though you are sure to get him a very nice gift, one you had spent weeks thinking over so it was just right
He doesn’t need the mistletoe to show you just how much he appreciates the gift
Sanji makes you both hot chocolate and holds you tight as you two talk in the abandoned and cleaned kitchen
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agendabymooner · 6 months
dadventures with the schuminis: rock it, minnie! || ms47 scenario (1)
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dad!mick schumacher (x ofc) centric
Summary: A series in which Mick Schumacher tackles the challenges and moments of being a father to his little carbon copies with his father Michael Schumacher (alongside his in-law Sebastian Vettel, who continues to deny that he was a grandfather while accepting his role as the Schumacher kids’ Opa).
Scenario summary: With Minna’s first birthday coming up, Mick struggles to find the perfect gift that she’ll learn to cherish forever. Thankfully, Michael still knows how to make Gina’s old rocking horse and Sebastian knew how to operate the electric sander. AND Michael and Sebastian are insufferable as in-laws.
Content warning: dad!Mick Schumacher, grandpa!Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel being competitive as grandparents, Seb denying he’s a grandpa, terms of endearment, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, Mick making a dirty joke, brief German translations, mentions of grandma!OFC (Bel Vettel) spoiling Minna
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Mick Schumacher knew that his off days were numbered. He hated that he had to count his days and immediately head back to the road and race. 
But he did what he had to do for the sake of giving his daughter a better future— whether it had something to do with their financial situation (they were rich as hell) or her desire to follow Mick’s footsteps to become a racer (Mick was praying to god she didn’t want to be a racer), he persisted on staying and racing for the season for the sake of his family. 
Regardless of his limited days off, he did what he could do and participated in the event planning for his firstborn's first birthday celebration. His wife, Barbie, insisted that she and Gina were handling it well, but he wanted to do something special alongside them. 
And so Barbie and Gina assigned him to find his daughter a special gift for the celebration. “Something that would mean to her in the long run,” his sister said. 
His face paled a little when she said that. It was so cryptic and vague. It was just vague. 
He thought about the theme of the party at first. Minna Elisa’s first birthday party was running with the farm theme.
When it was first suggested by Gina, Mick almost snorted to ridicule the thought. “We already grew up around them,” he said, “I don’t think Minna would appreciate that. Why can’t it be just horses?” 
Then Barbie and Mick’s mother Corinna agreed to Gina’s idea. After all, Minnie was already showing a great interest in animals! Specifically horses.
RIGHT! Mick almost yelled and stood up, looking for his old photo albums. He skimmed through the pages and wondered what his and Gina’s rooms looked like before in Texas. The Schumacher siblings loved their home in Texas— especially their rooms. Mick’s room was converted to be Kimi and Stefan Vettel’s guest rooms but they remained with the same theme of western style and horses. 
Then, just as he browsed through his pictures with Gina in her bedroom, his eyes immediately zeroed in on the pink and blue wooden rocking horse that his baby self sat on while Gina stood next to the boy. 
He knew what he wanted to get his little girl now.
And so the first thing he did was phone his parents. He called Corinna’s phone, but it was Michael who had answered the call.
“Oh, hey Dad, is mom there?” Mick nearly facepalmed. This was literally Corinna’s phone he had called.
“Am I that boring to you, Mickie?” Michael scoffed, making Mick roll his eyes. “I can hear your eyes rolling from here. Seriously, is there anything I can help with? Your mom is out at the back right now.”
“Yes, actually,” Mick cleared his throat and stared at the picture of him and Gina as he continued, “I saw this photo of me and Gina in the ranch— her room actually. Gina had this wooden rocking horse and I’m wondering if we still have it there. I’m hoping to ask Gina if I can get it and restore it as a gift for Minnie’s birthday?” 
“Oh. That pink and blue one?”
“Yup, that one.”
“Gina broke it when she was five and we had it thrown out,” Michael almost sighed at the memory.
Mick winced when he learned the news. “Why- ugh Gina.”
“We told her that she can’t ride it anymore but she was persistent,” Michael chuckled. “Why would you restore it when you can just buy one?”
“Because it would mean a lot more if Minna got the same one her Aunt Gina has,” Mick murmured. “She’ll see it in the pictures and be like ‘Wow this was my Auntie G’s!” 
“Huh,” Michael let out a hum. “That’s… that’s very thoughtful, Mick. But sadly we don’t have it in Texas, anymore.” 
Mick let out a sigh of defeat. He could just always get Minna a new one, but it would mean a lot if his daughter got something from their childhood that she would enjoy as well. 
Michael had a different thought, however. 
The 7-time world champion had spoken up again after hearing absolutely nothing from his son, “It was something that I made from scratch, Mick.” 
Mick’s eyes quirked at the sound of this as he asked, “You made it?” 
“Ralf and I did,” Michael replied, referring to Mick’s uncle as Michael continued, “I still remember what it looks like and if you’d like, we can make it. Though I doubt that you’d have time to—“
“NO, NO, NO!” Mick panicked, wincing at the volume of his voice as he looked back at the entryway of the living room. Barbie would kill him if his tone woke the baby up. Then he began speaking as quietly as possible, “I’m not busy on my next off— surely it won’t take us long to make it right?”
“You have to rest for the—“
“—Dad, I’m begging you right now please help me,” Mick pleaded desperately. “I have a doubleheader after my next off and I wouldn’t have time in the future like Dad please.”
Michael immediately interrupted Mick, “Mick for the love of god, stop freaking out—“
“—Sorry,” Mick muttered. “Didn’t mean to freak out. ‘S just… I haven’t done anything for Minnie’s birthday and this is her first birthday. My first kid’s first birthday. I’m already missing out on most of her life and I can’t even do anything for her first birthday? What kind of a father would I be?”
Michael understood. He understood fully what Mick felt and he wouldn’t deny that. He was a father as well, and he rarely saw Gina and Mick during the season— he had often labelled himself as a shitty father for it. It was only fair that Michael understood how Mick felt now that he, too, was a father. 
But instead of expressing his empathy outright, Michael only sighed and spoke, “Lassen Sie uns morgen mit klaren Köpfen beginnen.” Let’s start with clear minds tomorrow.
“Was meinst du, Dad?” What do you mean, Dad? Mick asked. 
“We’ll plan out what to do in two weeks then start,” Michael told his son through the phone and instructed, “It’ll take us a while to figure it out so I need you to clear your brain and sleep it off. Don’t get too stressed, Mickie. ‘s not good for you— Minnie’s a baby but she can feel stress when it’s nearby.” 
“Okay,” Mick cleared his throat, now determined to stay sane for a little while. “I’ll do that.”
“Don’t get too antsy about not being able to do anything,” Michael reassured him. “Everyone around you already knows you’re doing more than you think.” 
“Alright,” Mick murmured softly, “th- thanks dad. Say hi to mom for me, yeah?”
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“You guys~” Barbie had walked into the deck of their home, her face offering her husband Mick and father-in-law Michael a puzzled look. 
“You two have been here for hours,” Barbie told them as if she was worried. She had been hearing some strange noise at the deck earlier today alongside the murmuring. Knowing Mick and Michael, she assumed that they were just relaxing at the back. 
Yet here she was, looking at them with a baffled look as she watched Mick’s hand pull away from the half-cut lumber and electric saw.
“No we’re not,” Michael quipped, “we’ve been here for two.” 
“Hours,” Barbie emphasized. “Minna just—“ 
“Da! Da!” Corinna had followed suit and walked out with eleven-month-old Minna in her arms, grinning as the baby continued to babble happily.
“Yeah, what Minna said,” Barbie murmured, stepping back as she said, “she just woke up from her nap.”
“Aw, is that right, meine kleine Minnie?” My little Minnie. Michael cooed, arms extending to reach for his granddaughter as he carried Minna in his arms. He grinned heavily as he began to move around with the little girl. “Did you have a good nap, liebe?”
“Pip!” Minna shrieked, only knowing that word alongside ‘Ma’ and ‘Da.’ “Pip!”
“Is that a yes or a no?” Michael hummed before pressing a kiss on the little one’s chubby cheek. “I assume it’s a yes.”
“Oh definitely a yes,” Barbie chuckled, “I know what Mick looks like waking up from a nap— she's definitely a Schumacher who had a good nap.” 
Mick groaned playfully, earning a giggle from Barbie. 
“By the way,” Barbie brought up, “Seb is coming over with Kimi and Stefan.” 
“Oh great, look, Dad, Seb’s helping us,” Mick looked at Michael. 
“What’re you two doing anyways?” Corinna asked, her eyes looking at the scattered tools and piled-up lumber. Barbie found herself looking as well, curious eyes now trained at the cans of paint as she looked back at the father-son duo. 
“Stuff,” Mick shrugged nonchalantly.
“Wow aren’t you specific,” Corinna muttered.
“It’s for Minnie’s birthday,” Michael waved off the two women, “don’t worry about it. It’ll be done by the end of the day.”
“Minnie’s birthday is in four weeks,” Mick continued, “I wanted to make something for her so… yeah.”
“You don’t even know how to make something wood-related, Mick,” Barbie replied with a raised brow.
Mick then murmured, “I’ll show you something wood-related— ow, Mom!” Corinna smacked Mick on the back of his head and glared at him, gesturing back to Minna. 
Michael snorted aloud, making Minna laugh at the sound. 
“That’s your child in front of you, Mick,” Barbie warned with a cheeky grin. “Careful with your words now, yeah?” 
Mick only rolled his eyes. It wasn’t as if Minna could understand that easily. 
“Besides,” Barbie continued, “shouldn’t you be talking to Seb about… lumber stuff? He’s made an impressive apiary before.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael scoffed and waved off the offer, “I’ve made this before. It’s nothing I can’t do. Sebastian’s never done this— he wouldn’t be that good without any instruction.”
Corinna and Barbie traded looks. If there was something that the Schumachers and Vettels knew, it was that Sebastian was good at a lot of things— so the fact that Michael was underestimating his woodworking skills? That definitely wouldn’t sit right with Seb especially if he’s heard of it.
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Sebastian Vettel wasn’t usually like this, but when Corinna brought up Michael’s comments about his skills the 4-time world champion couldn’t help but lean against the deck railing with a smirk. In his hand was a bottle of beer, watching the Schumacher men struggle with sanding the wood surfaces that they’ve cut. Or rather, they didn’t know how to operate the electric sander. 
Mick groaned, “Seb— some help please?” He turned to look at the driver, who kept leaning against the railing with a cheeky smile.
“I would but Michael said I can’t be good without ins—“
“Oh come on, have a laugh, Seb,” Michael looked at Sebastian in annoyance, making the man finally cave in and laugh. “Just come help— this is your granddaughter’s gift too—“
“No, don’t call Minnie that,” Sebastian interrupted Michael and shook his head. “Don’t call her my granddaughter.”
“Is she not?” Mick raised a brow. He was merely teasing. After all, Sebastian proudly called himself Barbie’s (foster) father — therefore he was a proud Opa to the little Minna Schumacher. 
Seb just refused to be called a grandfather. He wasn’t that old yet. Fernando Alonso was literally older than him! He sometimes denied that he was a grandfather— but he wouldn’t ever deny Minnie the right to call him Opa.
“Step away,” Sebastian said, now handling the sander as he started it. “You should’ve called me earlier today— I would’ve gone and done all of this.”
“Dad said he could do it, that's why I thought we didn’t need some help,” Mick reasoned.
Sebastian gave his mentor Michael a look and said, “Minna’s not just your granddaughter, Michael. Learn to share responsibilities. I have to spoil her too.”
Michael rolled his eyes, “Just sand the whole thing so we can paint it.”
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Minna Schumacher’s first birthday party was anything but simple. The little one had charmed people with her signature Schumacher grin and had giggled at almost anything. 
But it wasn’t just her adorable and charming being that turned the environment of the party up a notch. Her little heart-studded cowboy boots gathered the attention of most guests as she slowly walked and stomped around the venue, smiling up at whoever she came across as her mother Barbie assisted her. 
“Oh my, is that my Minnie baby?” Barbie grinned at her mother Bel Vettel as the little one excitedly stomped her feet down. Minna immediately sped up her steps and leaned forward to be reached by Bel. 
The older woman, despite not looking the part, took Minna in her arms and hoisted the baby up with a light grunt. Bel grinned and squealed at Minna, “You are such a big girl now, Minnie! Whatever will Oma do about it?!” 
“Oma,” Minna babbled repeatedly before putting her little hands over Bel’s cheeks. The baby continued to babble as Bel nodded along. 
Bel then looked over at her daughter and smiled, “And you? I’ve heard you’re feeling sick lately.” 
Barbie rolled her eyes playfully, “It’s hard to keep things a secret in this family, huh?” 
Bel chuckled, “You know that we’re only worried. Are you okay though, Barbie? Corinna said—“
“Nina!” Bel and Barbie chuckled at Minna’s excited expression. 
Bel then continued, “She said that you’re feeling ill— or at least Mick’s been telling her.”
“Mm, yeah,” Barbie hummed, reaching to fix Minna’s pigtails as she continued, “I’ve been throwing up and all that… I think I know—“
“—I knew it,” Bel squealed, bouncing Minna in joy as she cooed at the baby, “Minna’s gonna be a big sis huh? Are you?” 
Barbie chuckled happily, “I have a hunch. Let’s just not tell Mick or the others yet, if that’s okay. I don’t want them to get their hopes up.”
“Yeah, of course,” Bel grinned, pressing kisses on Minna’s face. “I’ve got more babies to spoil— and I thought Stefan and Kimi’s gonna be the only kids I’ll be able to spoil!” 
“I still can’t believe you got her a bag,” Barbie rolled her eyes, making Bel giggle as Barbie continued, “She won’t be able to use that for a while, Bel. She's only a year old.”
“Yeah, but she’s my Minnie baby,” Bel pouted dramatically. “You know I wouldn’t pass up the chance to spoil my little Minnie, no, Bebe?” Bel grinned at the toddler as Minna replied with a laugh.
“Bel,” Barbie sighed, “you got her a Hermes.”
“Only the best from Oma Bel,” the older woman grinned, making Barbie sigh again.
Barbie then said, “Only the best for Minna— I feel like I’ve heard everyone say that.” 
“Of course,” Bel quipped, “everyone wants to be Minna’s favourite. But it seems like her Da and Pippa will win that title sometime soon.” 
They both looked over where the wooden rocking horse was. It was majestic— the handiwork that Mick and Michael made for the little girl. 
It was similar to the one that Mick showed Barbie. But instead of the pastel blue and pink, the rocking horse was painted with the colours of Michael Schumacher’s racing suit back when he won his first world championship— the Benetton blue and yellow accentuated in the wooden horse while his driver number was painted on the sides of the horse.
Barbie chuckled softly, “Don’t say that out loud— Seb might hear. You know that he wants to be Minna’s favourite grandpa no matter how much he refuses to get called one.” 
On the other side of the room, the birthday girl’s dad Mick, and her grandfathers Michael and Sebastian (who still called himself ‘Opa’ rather than ‘Grandpa’) stood as they looked over where the wooden horse was. 
“I’m surprised that it turned out well,” Mick mumbled. Sebastian and Michael hummed in agreement. “Minnie wouldn’t stop going to it since she found it.”
“Well that’s good,” Michael joked, “otherwise I wasted hours of my time for nothing.”
“This was an eye-opener for me, you know?” Mick told the two, making the older men shoot him a puzzled look as he continued with a grin, “Who would’ve thought that it’ll take being Minnie’s grandpa for you to fight over the little things?” 
Sebastian scoffed and Michael rolled his eyes.
Sebastian then grinned, “Had I known that Michael was going to be this insufferable as an in-law, I simply wouldn’t have let you date Barbie—“
Michael’s eyes widened and he looked at Sebastian with a baffled look, making Sebastian and Mick laugh aloud. 
“Oh you two,” Michael muttered. “It’s no wonder why I’m Minna’s favourite.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep lying to yourself, Michael.”
“Yeah, whatever, Dad.”
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader
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goldielia · 2 months
what if (all i need is you)?
a part of: call it what you want au
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will’s in the locker room after practice when he thinks about it for the first time. they’re talking about cutter, how he’ll probably be signed after the championship game. where all the other boys will go, that they think they’ll be signed by the end of the next season or the one after that.
ally breezes through the hallway by the open door (they promise her to not keep it open while anyone is indecent and usually it’s closed until after they’ve been showered and are shirtless at most) and it spikes a thought. one he hadn’t even considered, used to being a couple steps ahead on the ice but keeping his mind in the present off of it.
he’ll leave boston. for san jose. probably before his college time would be over if he simply got his degree. he’s a fourth overall pick, there’s people waiting to see him on the ice for the sharks, people that would rather him score for their nhl team then have him finish college.
but leaving boston would mean leaving home. leaving ally. he doesn’t know if he simply pushed that thought to the back of his mind or if it hadn’t crossed his mind at all. the worst thing about it is that he doesn’t know when. maybe they had meetings about it, have decided to give him a call after the championship game if he wins, that they won’t if he doesn’t. or they still might, win or lose.
maybe he’ll be back in boston, snuggled up in their corner of the library with ally. maybe he’ll be in minnesota still, barely back in the hotel room after a devastating loss or raging celebrations. he has to look up the time zones, actually, maybe that wouldn’t even be possible. his mind is going there regardless, though.
in fact, his thoughts are running a mile an hour. what if-questions are kind of always on his mind, inevitable with hockey really. what if i’d realized his play a second earlier? what if i passed to my right instead of my left? what if i shot a fraction of a millisecond earlier, would the goalie still have saved it?
what if ally leaves him when he has to go to san jose? what if she dumps him the second he tells her? what if she doesn’t, tortures both of them with long distance for a few weeks before she breaks up with him over text? what if she agrees to it, loves him over miles and time zones and then falls in love with some other blond, blue-eyed hockey player in boston and forgets about will?
the what-ifs torture him, constantly and for days. he can’t quite bear talking to anyone about them, feeling stupid one second and like they’ll confirm his fears right after. gabe and ryan try to get through to him multiple times, cutter tries to talk to him as well. even eamon starts an attempt of a conversation. he blows all of them off.
the only person he might want to talk to is the one who doesn’t pressure him. there were multiple instances over the months they’ve been together when will got into his own head, about hockey, about school, pretty much anything. ally doesn’t urge him to talk, doesn’t try to solve problems for him unless he comes to her with them. she takes care of him, quietly, and just like she normally would, and waits him out until he’s ready to talk.
she’s making sure he eats, hydrates, secures his sleep by scratching his back or caressing his skin or burying her hand in his curls. massaging the sore spots after games and applying balms on bruises, kissing him when he plays well and holding him when he doesn’t and she knows he beats himself up for it.
ally just knows he wants to talk to her when she settles into his passenger seat one monday, somehow she feels it in her bones. his right hand may find its place on her thigh, like it always does, but he’s tapping his fingers down on it like he does when he’s nervous. it only stops when she slips her own hand into his, entangles their fingers and slowly drags her thumb over his knuckles.
after she presses a soft peck to his lips and another to his cheek she keeps her eyes trained on their hands, painting shapes and letters onto his skin and playing with the bracelets on his wrist. it’s become a habit, a thing, if you will. love letters and secret messages traced into skin, trails of conversations and silent reassurances traded wordlessly and blindly.
she uses just this to hopefully make will feel less anxious as they’re in the car, tells him i love yous and little hearts through her touch until they’re at his chosen destination. he parks the car at the rink on campus and she goes with him without protest, lets him lead her center ice and follows him when he lays down on it.
they stay there unmoving except for ally slipping her hand back into wills, breath leaving their mouths in small clouds as they’re staring up to the ceiling. ally’s glad to have chosen a hoodie when she left the house in the morning, thinks she might be able to better fight off the cold for as long as will needs. he squeezes her hand once before he starts speaking, a shaky breath before his voice sounds through the empty rink.
“i was drafted to san jose.” ally briefly closed her eyes, having feared this talk would come at some point. after taking a deep breath she squeezes wills hand, silently telling him to continue. “i don’t know when they’ll want me to sign with them but, like- i guess i just want you to know i won’t say no to them. if they do want me.” her green eyes shoot open, head turning to her left to find wills face. “what?” she sounds breathless, scrambling to sit up and turn his head towards her with the hand that’s not in his.
“you think i’d want you to stay here? instead of playing in the nhl?” before will can even nod or talk or do anything, really, she continues. “will, i wouldn’t hold you back. not from achieving your dreams.” her voice breaks slightly somewhere between hold and back and his body acts before his brain catches up when he sits up and wraps her up into his free arm. “that’s not what i’m saying, gorgeous.” he whispers, lips brushing her ear. “i just-, i might, probably, not be around for graduation. or maybe a year before that.”
ally pulls back slightly, leaning her forehead on his and squeezing his hand once more. “i know.” will keeps quiet for a second, the only thing there is to hear is their synchronised breathing. ally thinks they must be a poetic picture, really. center ice in an empty rink, barely enough lights on to find the way to the ice and back. two teenagers all tangled up, foreheads touching, a hand intertwined and wrapped up in the other, breathing in sync and thoughts racing.
“i just need to know how this- how we’ll work. if you’d be up to trying long distance or like, what your plans are.” will continues, his words somewhere between a whisper and a breath. “hey” she murmures gently. “ever thought about what happens if all i need is you?” his eyes shoot open in surprise, clearly having waited for rejection, to be let down gently.
“san jose has a school for criminology, they have a pretty good grad school program for criminal psychology.” she smiles softly at the way his eyes widen. “plus, i only have two more years here” her warm hand squeezes his once more before she breathes deeply, hiding her face into his shoulder after a moment, not only to mask her expression but also the tears forming in her eyes. after she feels a kiss pressed into her hair she lifts her head again.
“i thought you were going to tell me you had to break up with me because they signed you and you didn’t want me to hold you back” her voice is shaky like he’s never heard it and her words make him pull her into his arms fully, fingers detangling and wrapping around her waist instead. with her face pressed into the crook of his neck, he nuzzles his nose into her hair and kisses the top of her head before speaking hoarsely.
“i thought you were going to break up with me because you didn’t want to do long distance” he’s concerned when her shoulders start shaking, thinks she has to be crying but after a second he realizes she’s in fact giggling into his skin. will hesitates for a few more breaths before he, too, can’t hold back the laugh building in his chest, breathing all his anxieties out with it. “i love you, you know” she mumbles into his lips when she’s lifted her head before pressing a lingering kiss to them. “i do know, you looked up schools in san jose for me” he grins.
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theloveinc · 6 months
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dabi x reader - you can't tell me this man doesn't know how to pick out jewelry, for himself or you.
(warning - no specific holiday mentioned, gn except there's a necklace <3)
happy holidays!
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It’s the end of the night. The soft glow of the holiday lights a comfort as you wind down from your day of calling friends and loved ones, drying your mouth with greetings and kisses that won’t be matched for another full year’s time.
Decorations adorn your apartment, waiting to be torn down sometime after New Years once you recover from your holiday bliss, the expected hangover that comes with it, and all your friends get up off your couch.
Dabi had… surprisingly… joined your celebrations this year. Last year, though you were familiar with him in ways just the same, you suppose you hadn’t actually known him well enough for him to willingly stand witness to the intimacy of your friendly gatherings. Though he hardly participated in the festivities even now—preferring to hover in the kitchen over the rising bread rolls and honey whilst others decorated cupcakes and shared food—he stood beside you like a good boyfriend when it was required of him, bowed his head for any introductions, and pinched out a smile when people asked what you got each other as gifts.
Which, mutually, was nothing.
(In all honesty, you considered your gift to him the simple fact that you allowed him to stay at your apartment more often than not… and simultaneously, weren’t expecting anything from him in return. Besides, he had hardly brought up the holiday season except for a handful of times, once almost embarrassedly, if not just cold, to confirm that he wasn’t going to be kicked out from your dwelling the second someone “civilized”—your words, out of his mouth—showed up.
(The only other time it came up was when he came home with a shoplifted bag of white chocolate peppermint kisses and started throwing them at you from across the living room when you scolded him about potentially being caught.))
And you didn’t mind.
For as long as you had known him, in sleeping together, and in dating—it was never about the material. Your heart was already full, by his doing (for a partial criminal, he was rather quite giving) and most others: your home was furnished and comfortable, your friends close and happy, and even the high quality pillows you had been wanting for ages (to which even Dabi agreed you needed new ones,) were so much of an aside that you hadn’t even bothered to ask anyone for anything.
It’s only now as the evening fades that he approaches—his face like a petulant cat waiting to be stroked, lips upturned under those glazed, knowing eyes—holding out a box you do not recognize.
No bigger than your fist, He doesn’t discard it gently in your lap. Instead, he tosses it to you nonchalantly, without concern for what’s underneath the terrible wrapping paper he made of yesterday’s newspaper, no obvious interest in your reaction.
Regardless, he lingers. First, you think to acknowledge your questioning look with a sneer. Then, when his lip is curled but he doesn’t move, you realize, to watch you unwrap the thing.
You roll your eyes, but give him what he wants… and under the newspaper find a soft velvet box. Not the right size for him to be offering you a ring, but instead the most beautiful pendant necklace: delicately chained and well-polished, it’s far superior (and more expensive) than what you would’ve assumed is his taste.
“Touya,” you say, suddenly shy with surprise as you glance up. “It’s lovely.”
He seems to balk at a response, barely shrugging when you catch his eye, as if you weren't expected to react at all.
“It’s nothing, really.”
You remove it from the box, careful not to pull too hard or potentially mar the gem, and stand to offer Dabi your neck though find that he’s already reaching in, eyes lowered, to help clasp the chain.
“Nothing? You can't say that. How'd you even pick something so...?"
His fingers are cold against the skin of your nape, though you find he’s careful not to snag any loose hairs that linger freely. He manages the hook in barely one try.
“So pretty?" he says, his voice is dry as ever as he presses you to turn and face him. "I had a feeling it might suit you. Think I might've been right, huh?"
And when you lead him to the mirror to inspect, you find that you happen to think so, too.
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horridgoblin · 6 months
In Need of Comfort (Part 1)
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For part 2, click here. Tags: Fluff, hurt/comfort, romance, SFW, Christmas AU set in Waterdeep, gender neutral Tav x Gale. Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, anxiety in a crowded place, sensory overload. Disclaimer: I’m currently in the middle of Act 2, and I'm yet to finish BG3, so this is where my knowledge of the game stands. No spoilers please!
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The Market was charged with the energy of festive cheer, and you could not help but feel entirely out of place. Sounds overwhelmed you; the crowds made you wish you were invisible, and a persistent sadness refused to leave your soul. The Market of Castle Ward was spectacular, despite how you felt. Twinkling baubles, trinkets, and other valuables were displayed proudly in their vibrant stalls. The scent of spice filled the air, and chants of merchants advertising their wares filled the atmosphere with electricity. It was a lot to take in. You wanted desperately to reciprocate the joy of the season, especially because Gale was beaming with joy; talking for weeks about how excited he was to show you how the ‘City of Splendour’ celebrates Christmas. 
A gentle, warm touch of Gale’s hand deliberately brushing yours snapped you out of your thoughts. As you looked up, brown eyes full of adoration locked yours. You could not resist but to smile. Gale was dressed in his best winter finery fit for the occasion, swathes of deep purple wool keeping most of the cold at bay. The grey streaks in his curly brown hair glinted in the winter sunlight, his beauty ethereal. Your anxiety abated with his love, but you thought it best to not show how you felt to preserve his happiness. Gale was always putting others before himself, and you wanted more than anything for him to have happiness in his life.
“You look absolutely stunning my love,” Gale said, gently tucking stray locks of your hair behind your ear, “I know we have a firm agenda set for today, but is there anything that catches your eye? I want nothing more than to spoil you.”
“Gale, spending time with you is a gift enough, please don’t fret.”
“Alright, I won’t try and outdazzle this gift, but I may be purchasing you a trinket or two regardless.” He winked, kissing your forehead, his beard scratching you lightly. “The stall with the brandy mincemeat is over there,” he pointed towards a stall of green tarp with jars gleaming in the sunlight, neatly lined up and tied with delicate red ribbon, “I bet I could add a bit of pizazz to it with an enchantment or two, though this doesn’t mean making the pies explode in some grand display, unfortunately.” You laughed at the thought despite your growing anxiety as you both approached the stall, hand in hand.
Snowflakes began to flit down from the greying sky, their icy touch amplified by fear as they landed on your face. The Market was becoming increasingly crowded. Claustrophobia was setting in. You had a nagging feeling to give into your base instincts and to run far, far away and hide. Instead, you gripped Gale’s hand for support. Your anxiety came at you at full force, and it was dizzying, the stall in front of you feeling imposing. 
Concerned, Gale took you aside and put his hand gently on your shoulder, turning you to face him. He leaned to whisper to your ear. “Are you ok, my heart?” 
Shaking your head to say no, he planted a feather light kiss onto your cheek. “These crowds must be immensely overwhelming; I can tell that as much. I am so sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, darling.” You murmured, croaking as you struggled to speak.
“I’m afraid I must.” Gale insisted, “I think it's best if we leave, I cannot have you suffering.” He cupped your cheek with his hand. “Would you like that? To return home?”
You felt incredibly guilty and ashamed. He was looking forward to this for so long. “We can stay, we have to buy things for tonight.”
Seeing the sadness on your face, he said, “Don’t concern yourself with that any longer, I shall deal with this.”  Turning back to the stall, he placed a loving hand on the small of your back as he purchased two jars of mincemeat. “Perfect! We can do without the rest and have a splendid night together. Shall we head home?”
Putting aside your guilt at his insistence, you nodded. He knew you liked to appease others; it was why you could relate to each other so much. Your fatigue from sensory overload made it hard to refuse his suggestions. Snowfall began to intensify so much that it was difficult to see. Most of the crowd rushed for shelter away from the increasing cold, and the two of you sped to find a hire coach home.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Ookay this one is really really tooth rotting fluff level
Tadc x reader who just realized christmas is coming, and is freaking out with absolute glee and childlike wonder
TADC cast x reader who loves christmas!
AAAAAA im so so sorry i could have sworn i answered this but i guess i didnt??? i promise i didnt mean to leave this in the inbox this long on purpose i think i must have lost track of stuff </3 regardless, i hope you enjoy! admin must admit, asides from presents and the christmas tree, he doesnt do many holiday activities so... admin is underqualified for this but hes still gonna try! a lot of the character segments intertwine in this btw! like not in a "similar idea" thing but in a "they are actually overlapping and interacting with one another" way so !! side note unrelated to the post eheheheh the second batch of macarons have been piped! theyre now on the counter set out to dry, and ive got my ganaches out to get to room temperature so i can whip em up into a frosting :3
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oh i just know that caine would lean hard into holiday stuff, plus i think he has the best sense of time in the digital world out of everyone.. plus he just seems like the kind of guy to celebrate all sorts of holidays, not just christmas! year round stuff, you know? not just winter... so you guys would likely team up and totally deck out the grounds to match the holiday spirit! sure caine on his own already puts in way too much effort decorating everything, he even makes it snow! but with you around he cranks it up to 11! lets just hope there arent any scrooges around, though.... also prepare yourself because he would definitely find a way to have christmas music play on loop in the background... somewhere... ambient music but its festive songs... i think caine is also the one responsible for most of the presents, since he can basically get most things with just a flick of his wrist! ooooo perhaps a date (platonic or romantic! up to you!) where you guys wrap the gifts together!
funny enough, while i usually think pomni would SUCK at cooking, i think she can make a mean hot coco. granted, hot coco and/or hot chocolate arent the hardest things to make, but... i dont know, its just different when she makes it... (recommendation from the admin, add a bit of cinnamon or nutmeg to your hot coco its a game changer frfr, this goes for a lot of chocolate stuff, actually. its like the chocolate-coffee effect but like. makes a different flavor profile. add a bit of nutmeg to your chocolate chip goodies. rn.)
anyways! pomni always keeps you supplied with hot coco, and honestly it benefits you both! keeps you nice and warm, plus its delicious; and it gives pomni something to do... i mean, its christmas... surely she can take it easy from trying to find the exit... just for the season... helps with her anxiety about the whole situation, you know? making digital food sure is weird, though...
as mentioned in gangles part, she joins you and gangle in helping making a skirt for the tree! keeping up with the idea of sewing things, i think she would also make stockings for everyone; leaving most of them blank so everyone can customize them however they like... but you and her get together to decorate your own together and just !! i just think thats sweet! depending on how soon caine starts putting the christmas stuff around, you and her might be able to make some ugly sweaters for yourselves! thats a christmas thing, right? oooo and they match.... OOOO YOU GUYS MAKE AN EXTRA LONG SCARF FOR YOU GUYS TO SHARE!!!! rolls around... she makes you mittens so you can go mess around in the snow caine put all over the grounds
snowball fight. and i mean really intense once. in fact it wouldnt be too much of a stress to call it a snowball WAR! honestly jax might just be the type to put rocks in his snowballs.... but because this is meant to be nice and sweet, he wont... just this once, and because he feels TOO mean crushing your holiday spirit (even if your digital body would quickly recover from the possible injury...)
you guys make forts and go absolutely ham. the stuff ragatha had made for the two of you! i mean sure you guys cant succumb to hypothermia, buuuuuuuuuut being really painfully cold still sucks... but the sweaters help you guys stay out for longer to play! and you can perhaps ask pomni to make some hot coco
oh yes its all coming together
ooo perhaps you convince jax to make snow angels and snowmen with you... though, i think jax would make the snowmen purposefully unappealing... but maybe you think hes actually trying his best... oh you jolly little thing..
okay so i admit this one might be a stretch and its mostly because his robe already has the fur and he gives off grandpa energy (even though hes only 48 but hey some grandpas become grandpas young) but imagine somehow someway he dresses up as santa (and i say that loosely, his robe turns red and the fur turns a plain white), bonus if he wears a hat to tie in the entire look. while caine is the one getting the gifts and wrapping them, i like to think kinger would ask to be the one to put them under the tree at an ungodly hour. sweet man. chews
as for an interaction with the reader... hmm.. hes the last character im writing, everyone else already has their parts done... the one christmas activity i can think of that hasnt been taken yet is baking! honestly i can see him being a decent chef! maybe its the dad/granddad energy speaking to me again... perhaps its the admin projecting... buuuut imagine you two make shaped cookies togehter; stars, candy canes, trees, bells, ect... and you ice them together! sure they may not be the prettiest or look the most professional; but does that really matter when youre having fun? they still taste delicious!
ok i get it, i tend to lean hard into the zooble being negative and/or unimpressed with things a liiiiiiiiittle too often, but again zooble doesnt strike me as the type to enjoy most holidays. they seem more of a halloween person to me, you know? though, i think that they would switch out their antennae for ones that resemble antlers more... or if they dont have those, they string lights up on them! all for you, just because they know how excited the holiday makes you. they dont care about many things, but they care about you... and if it means doing (harmless) things they normally wouldnt do, then so be it! dont expect them to get in on many holiday activities, though...
you and her make decorations for the grounds and the giant digital tree caine put in the main common area! handmade ornaments, paper stars and snowflakes, things like that! you and gangle stay up take cutting each thing, applying the colors and the glitter and any small details.... dozens of times.... because caine chose a tree that was way too big than it needed to be.... oh you might have to have gangle on your shoulders so she can reach the higher points of the tree! sits and thinks.... ooouuuuuuuuugh you guys make a skirt for the tree together with the help of ragatha... little group activity... sobs...
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neonscandal · 5 months
This week is Sk8 3rd anniversary.... So for celebrating, can I ask a few things :
-Who are your fav character from this series? Why?
-What are your fav moments from this series? -What are your opinions on this fandom's famous ships : Reki/ Langa, Cherry/ Joe, Adam/ Tadashi?
Season 2 and an OVA are coming (eventually)! Which is more than we can say for other series' so I'm going to remain delusionally hopeful. I think it'd be nice if, instead of announcing long awaited continuations, new seasons dropped like Beyonce albums. Without warning and like an unexpected blessing. Just like this ask so thank you for reaching out!
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Sk8 has a wonderful band of idiots who I adore but Cherry is, by far, my favorite. Most specifically through the interactions he has with Joe because they are just so catty and mean to one another but you just know it belies an affection from their entrenched history together whether you consider them a ship them or not.
I love that Cherry had this rebellious era and continues to do so as a respectable adult while juggling such a disciplined craft and career. Like, that dichotomy is just 😘👌🏾. Goals, honestly. He maintains this split by ensuring that his S persona and his everyday persona remain mutually exclusive similar to how Adam conducts himself. Which, now that I'm thinking about it, might be kind of sad but he is, somewhat, of a man of contrasts.
Like, the way his talents splinter is so interesting. He is a founding member of S wherein he remains a threat, an established and respected calligrapher... plus, I feel like he customized Carla himself. What a nerd! Plus, Cherry is so gender. ✨
Reki & Langa - idiot x idiot, I love it? But also, how silly to show someone something you love so intensely only for that love to envelope them so completely. Both in how they receive your hobby but also in how they just become a part of your life. Plus, Langa sees Reki's strengths that he takes for granted and its so necessary because they both think the sun shines out of each others' ass. Also, I see them as a reincarnation of AshEiji from Banana Fish.
Cherry & Joe - Yes. Was that not evident from above? Yes. They fight like an old (and sassy) married couple and then will have a moment of saccharine sweetness that's just... too much. There's also a hilarious sense of patience Joe must have to adapt to Cherry vs. Kaoru and its more evident because there's who the pair are when they are around others, regardless of who the others are, and then who they are when they're alone. Like, why put on the act, guys? Just kiss already.
Adam & Tadashi - As long as it's consensual, I guess, but I'm sure Tadashi could do better.
Oka & Shadow - Okay, but go with me here. Please thank the chokehold umikochannart had on keeping this ship sailing before they wiped their IG of all evidence.
Adding a few other artists guaranteed to give you the brainrot because I fell down a rabbit hole while looking for umikochann and fan artists deserve so much appreciation for covering the spread when we are awaiting new content so go follow them and join their patreons, buy them a kofi and bark on all their posts because we are not deserving of their labor: angrymorilas, bunbun.ji, @pochiikou and @ratcarney IG.
These artists are my gift to you. As a gift, that means that we should love and appreciate the people whose talents enable us to experience the characters we love even more and be thankful for, however long the stretch, the time that our favorite characters and ships were their muses. And to subsequently not be a prick when their muse changes.
⚠️ Spoiler warning for S1 of SK8 the Infinity anime.
"Push me, Reki." - needs no explanation.
Reki defending Miya's honor - When you see Miya's backstory, his isolation is really sad and makes him vulnerable to Adam's predation but Reki punched well above his weight to defend Miya and it effectively brought the kid into the fold and I loved that. And that's on the power of friendship. ✨ Reki really subjugated everyone in that friend group and is not appreciated enough for it.
When everyone cockblocked Joe - Not every show needs a beach episode. This one does.
Sia La Luce after hours - the fact that Kaoru, after being bride carried by Joe, broke out of the hospital just to go running back to Joe is just so... beautifully chaotic and unexpected. Add a zest of Jonah Scott murmuring "We're not alone, right, Kaoru?" and I am undone.
When the might of Reki's rain wheels kicked in - Overcame insecurity by utilizing the gift he'd had all along? AGH. So perfect, so proud.
When Reki's laughter melts into that of young Adam's - only because that was really sweet
Not in the show but: sharing this series with my niece and nephew and them loving it just as much as I do. They're pretty young so the Venn Diagram of "Shows I Love" vs "Shows I Can Share With Them As A Discerning Adult" has a pretty narrow overlap. So imagine my surprise when my nephew randomly makes a SK8 joke or observation or when my niece drew fan art of Carla? We also sing and dance and laugh during the intro and outtro so I hope they remember the series affectionately when they're older.
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catladywriter · 1 year
Inotan Fan Comic: Springtime Study Session by ReName 重名君
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Author's Original Notes: Slacking off~ Happy May 20th & 21st! It's a Springtime Study Session~ (In China, May 20 and May 21 are celebrated by some as Internet Valentine's Day as they sound like "I Love You" in Chinese)
Click here for links to the artist ReName_重名君’s social media and artwork, the master list of their translated artwork, and proof of permission to translate and repost.
Do not repost/edit without the artist’s permission.
Translator’s Notes:
Having just returned from a trip to Japan during the height of the sakura season, I can't help but imagine a serene and therapeutic scene of Tanjirou and Inosuke sitting amidst the cherry blossom trees on a lovely day when I look at this beautiful fan comic. It's easy to picture the delicate pink petals falling gently around them, creating a picturesque atmosphere.
I can only imagine how challenging it must have been for Inosuke to agree to sit still and learn how to read and write from Tanjirou. It's no secret that Inosuke can be prideful and stubborn at times, so it must have taken some persuasive "Tanjirou magic" and some compromise on the part of Boss Inosuke for his Underling #1 to make it happen. Regardless of the circumstances, the image of these two enjoying each other's company under the blossoming trees is truly heartwarming. It's also worth noting that Inosuke must have felt really safe in Tanjirou's company for him to stay asleep even when Tanjirou removed his boar mask!
Reblogs are ❤ and please give the artist some love if you have a Lofter or Pixiv account. Click here for the artist’s socials and direct work links.
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luvghostie · 2 years
ೃ⁀➷𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙
𝘎𝘕 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 + 𝘓𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦
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The air was crisp, clinging ever so gently to the breeze that swept the night. Kids running up and down the street, people handing out candy, and houses booming with music. It was All Hollows’ Eve. The celebration is observed in many countries on 31 October. People dress up, carve pumpkins, trick or treat, and throw parties. However, there are always a select few whom don't celebrate.
You were at a house party with your two other friends. Each member of the trio was doing something different. One was drinking rather hard, the other was starting fights, and you were sitting on the front porch alone.
House parties weren't exactly your thing. The loud music and sexual gestures weren't exciting to you. Rather, you'd love to stay at home handing out candies. You were still dressed up, of course. You sported a very nice witch costume, not the usual mole-faced one. This time you added... spice. Regardless, No amount of catcalling and drunk people could change your Halloween spirit.
You dug through some candy you snatched from the party. Twix, Snickers, Hershey's, you had all kinds of goodies. Each piece reminded you of a special moment in your childhood. You still recall the first time you ate candy. The sugary snack was something you loved since and craved since the day.
Before you could decide what you wanted you felt uneasy. Like, something or someone was watching you. Looking around the lonely porch you spotted someone in the distance. They were approaching the house with what looked to be... A garbage bag? You tried not to think about the person too much. After all, you were at a house party. Maybe he lived here or knew these people somehow.
The air blew harder sending a chill throughout your body. “Damn, why does it have to be so cold?” you asked yourself, clinging to the little warmth you had left. Fall was amazing to you however, just like any season it has its downs. Sickness and coldness, are two things you hated feeling and getting during this time of year.
Sudden creeks startled you from your thoughts. Someone was going up the stairs nearing you. Looking over to your left you see, a clown. His nose was pointy and long, his outfit black and white, and how could you forget the little hat that rested on his head.
“Oh,” you said, jumping slightly. You didn't expect to see someone with such a good costume here. Little alone a clown. Collecting your thoughts again you smiled at the man. “Sorry, you scared me. I really like your costume though.”
The man's eye moved to yours, a grin spreading on his pale face. He pointed at himself giving a “are you talking to me?” kind of expression. Giggling you nodded your head in agreement. “Yes, you, no one here has a cool costume like that!” you stated, pointing towards the closed door leading inside.
His eyes moved to the door and back to yours. You expected him to say something. Whether that be a thank you or screw off, you thought something would be let out. He instead bowed to you as if you were of high class. That's never happened to you but coming from this guy, it felt sweet.
As he raised up his hand started to reach into one of his pockets. He searched in there for a few seconds soon bringing out a piece of paper. You were confused, to say the least. That is until you received the paper from the clown.
“Art,” you said aloud, now wanting an answer to this word. “What does that mean?” you questioned him looking back up. He simply pointed to himself giving you the missing piece. “that's your name?” he lifted his thumbs up signifying your first guess was correct. “I'm y/n, nice to meet you, Art.” you reached your hand out to formally greet him for the first time. Art's hand clasped around yours, shaking it ever so gently.
Something about him felt familiar. Something felt, off. You pushed whatever that feeling was down and took this as an opportunity. “Well, Art, would you like to go get our Halloween spirit on?” you questioned. Art's eyes gleamed as he answered your request with actions. You could already feel this was the start of an amazing friendship.
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