#it was spur of the moment but felt just sweet and goofy enough
look who finally finished a wip, it's me i did that 〒▽〒
here is eddie being high off painkillers, what was previously known as "oh no this got feelings by accident" and was also titled "they took his teeth" at some point, now known as home smells like soup and feels like you
and here is the second chapter which is just the same as the first but i tried to make it as screen-reader accessible as i could!
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"We're home," Wayne confirms, opening the car door as Steve moves over to undo Eddie's seatbelt.
Gently, Steve wraps his arms around the under of Eddie's arms, laughing when he tries hugging Steve back. He pulls Eddie out slowly, giving Wayne time to take over so he can shift over to Eddie's other side and they both help him to the door.
It takes some time and a lot of patience to get Eddie settled on the pull-out - he keeps fumbling over his steps and trying to bump his head into Wayne's like a weird cat - but once they get there, he settles himself into the mess of blankets and bedsheets all snug and Steve has to really hold back from punching a wall.
"How does he just knock himself out like that?" Steve marvels as Eddie wiggles even further into - well, it looks like a fucking nest to him, but he doesn't want to say it out loud - with a content sigh.
Wayne snorts and pats Steve's back as he walks over to the kitchen. "Kid could sleep through a hurricane even if it was dancing right on top of him."
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chetchad · 2 months
Leon Kennedy NSFT Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
Depends on his mood, honestly. If he's in a sweet and loving mood, he'll hold you, clean you, and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. But if he's just gotten home from work and is in a bad mood, most likely he'll leave you with a mess to clean and not help. Asshole.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
He loves his hair the most (if that isn't obvious.) He likes the way you tug on it when he's going down on you, or when you play with while you two cuddle. On you, he adores your cheeks. It's strange to you, but he just loves them. He doesn't even know why. If they're chubby; he'll pinch them like a little old lady. If they're jiggly; he'll purposely push you around just to watch the them jiggle.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
He prefers to finish inside, something about watching it leak out of you spurs him on so much. If you're not in the mood to deal with waddling to the bathroom and cleaning him out of you, he'll respect your wishes and not finish inside.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Leon lost his virginity in church. He probably did a summer program when he was a teenager, and met a girl there. After, he never felt so guilty. He. Had. Sex. In a place of such holiness. Dirty, little sinner.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)
I hc him as being a slut and having tons of experience. He'll use it to his advantage if you don't have experience to teach you (Even if you told him multiple times that it was embarrassing).
F = Favourite Position
Honestly, any position works for Leon. He prefers to be on top, but if you want to he'll let you. Likes to be able to see your face during the session, watching it scrunch up in pleasure when he hits all the right places makes him feel so proud.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Again, depends on his mood. If Leon's in a good mood, he'll be more lighthearted and goofy. If he's in a bad mood, he'll be serious, probably won't even talk much besides degrading you.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He'll trim it when necessary. It's not baby smooth, but it's not a bush. As he gets older, I could see him caring less and less about his pubes and their length. But if you nag and beg enough, Leon will trim them... Begrudgingly.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Once again, depends on his mood. If he's in a good mood, he'll whisper little praises to you, gently hold you, smile at you.... And when he's in a bad mood, he's rough, not really giving you time to prepare, insults thrown your way, he's overall a dick during times like that.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
When he was younger he jacked off a lot. But as he got older and less of a hormonal kid, he definitely doesn't do it as much as he did before. But on some rare occasions, when you're not there to help him, he'll rub one out quickly.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bondage, handcuffs, hair pulling, marking, the list goes on. He likes being dominant and controlling during sex, so his kinks would probably be rough.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He could (and probably has) take you anywhere, kitchen? Check. Bathroom? Check. Living room? Check. Work? Check. Home office? Check. The list goes on and on. He honestly doesn't care, as long as you're up for it.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you fight, whether its punching a punching bag or kicking a ganado's head off. He's getting a hard-on either way. You wear his clothes? He's already pressing his bulge on your back.
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
He'd never really hurt you. Sure, he'll slap you around, bite you, maybe choke you a little. But he'd never draw blood or leave something that will scar, even if you're into it.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers to receive more than to give. Listen, he will go down on you, and he'll enjoy it. But, he just likes watching you gag on his cock. Listening to your quiet gags and whimpers ignites something in him.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on his mood. He's in a good mood, he'll be slow and sensual, you know, make love. But if he's had a bad day, he'll fuck you until you can't feel your legs.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He likes proper sex more, but will take quickies. At work, in the shower, the kitchen, wherever.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He thrives at the thought of being caught, knowing that whoever walks in knows that your his and his only turns him on so much. He'll have as many quickies at work as he can just so he can live with the memory of someone walking in while he's balls deep in you.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
2 or 3 rounds at most. If he's really fired up, he can go for many more.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He only owns one viberator that he'll use on you, and sometimes himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves to tease, he loves to watch you writhe and beg underneath him.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He only lets out low groans and grunts. But when you're going down on him, he'll whine, whimper, and moan.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
I believe that Leon grew up Christian and was sheltered for most of his childhood. The only "porn" he had seen (which wasn't even porn) was a lingerie catalog.
X = X-Ray (Let's see what's going on in those pants)
I'll leave this to your imagination.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Quite high. But as he gets older, his libido will slowly dissipate. But when he was younger, he had a very high libido and could get turned on by the slightest things.
Z = ZZZ (... how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He'll make sure you're clean and comfortable before he thinks about sleeping. But whenever you're ready, he'll hold you and fall asleep with you on his chest.
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minamotosousuke · 2 years
The way I h/c mitsukou’s dynamic during their first year:
For Kou, from the moment he first laid eyes on Mitsuba, the boy had been an enigma. He was pretty enough to contend with the girls, with his long hair and big eyes and soft smile- pretty enough to make Kou feel nervous around him. Mitsuba was an enigma for the fact that Kou could tell he had fire in eyes underneath that calm- no, bland, demeanor. Something about Mitsuba spurred something in Kou which manifested in Kou wanting to impress Mitsuba through every means but academic. Maybe though, by Mitsuba’s wince as he handed Kou’s tests back to him, academic prowess would’ve meant more. But Kou spent their entire first year acknowledging this pull he felt towards Mitsuba but not daring to think about what it meant. Trying to befriend the boy, but never doing enough to get his defenses down. Though it was alright, he thought, to not see him much in Second Year. They have so much time ahead of them, yeah?
And for Mitsuba. Everyone quickly learns who Kou Minamoto is. Polite and charming albeit boisterous. Sweet, handsome. Those thoughts are a problem for Mitsuba, whose scared to prove all his bullies right. Their taunting haunts him the most right when Kou leans in from the desk behind and offers him candies. Or when he hears Kou humming the song he was humming at the beginning of the day. Or when he walks into class in the morning and Kou decides now, just now, is the time to have an arm wrestling competition with his friends. There’s so much he wants to tell Kou, so much he wants to show the cute goofy boy who brightens his days… but he can’t. He can’t.
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
The Magic of Sleep Deprivation and Tea (Fives x reader)
Warnings: Allusions to sex and a role-playing kink, swearing, brothers being annoying. 
Notes: It’s loving Fives hours
Words: 2.2k
You were in the mess hall when he walked in, hurriedly eating your meal so you could sooner go to sleep. After spending approximately 40 hours attending to critical condition patients you were eager to return to your room for some much needed shut-eye. In an effort to keep yourself from falling asleep in your food, you were keeping yourself occupied by tuning your ears into the chatter of the clones all around you. The animated discussions that permeated the mess hall were enough distraction from the unending beeping of heart monitors, the clatter of medical equipment being hastily moved around, the barking of the doctors as they ordered things from the nurses, and, most haunting of all, the pained groans of the men wounded in combat who were still clinging to life. 
You shook your head to bring you out of the sudden darkness that clouded your already foggy head. A peal of laughter sounded from a table close to the door and you snapped your head up to examine the intermingling 501st and 205th soldiers. You allowed a small smile to sneak across your face at the happiness the men were displaying. One of them, Codex you think, clad in his freshly painted teal armor caught your stare and sent you an enthusiastic wave. You returned it with a quiet laugh and toned down two-finger salute. It was then that the door slid open and the already noisy mess hall was deafened by the thunderous roar of laughter coming from the entering cloned men. It was a group of oh-so familiar 501st soldiers and the sight of them had the weariness from the excruciating work-life balance  you had melting away. 
Jesse was the one to spot you and he paused mid-joke to elbow Kix who was closest to him. The man bearing the republic gear on his head pointed to you which caused you to sit up a little straighter to wave the group down. They started heading towards you. As they drew closer, you were able to identify who was who; Jesse and Kix, of course, Rex, Echo, and Fives. Each one was still in their armor and they all looked better than the last time you’d seen them. Except for Fives. Although to be fair the last time you’d seen him had been 5 hours ago when he snuck into the med bay to quietly inform you that he and the rest of the 501st (those that hadn’t been sent to you on gurneys) had returned to Coruscant. 
“Hey, Doc!” Jesse yelled as he plopped down in front of you. You cringed at his loud volume by found a small laugh tittering from you all the same. Kix, with an eye roll that would make Commander Wolffe proud, settled next Jesse tiredly-it appeared as though he’d had a rough go out there and was in a state similar to your own. Rex took his seat on Jesse’s other side and Echo and Fives came round to sit on the same bench as you. Fives may or may not have ‘accidentally’ brushed his hand down your arm as he settled on your right. 
“Hey, boys.” You greeted with a smile. “How goes it?” You received a myriad responses ranging from a tired shrug from Rex, a so-so from Kix, an ‘alright’ from Echo, and a ‘good’ from Jesse. But the most dynamic response came from none other than the arc trooper on your right. 
“Better now that you’re here.” Fives simpered exaggeratedly, propping his elbow on the table so he could drop his chin atop his fist. A puff of air slipped from your nose as you rolled your eyes. 
“Gods, you’re a ham.” You bit back. With a dazzling grin, Fives embraced the challenge you’d accidentally presented him with. 
“Only for you, doc.” Fives slid closer to crowd into your personal space. 
You moved back enough to keep eye contact with him and raised an eyebrow. “I bet you say that to all the doctors.”
“Only the pretty ones.” The arc countered with a wide (and rather goofy) smile. 
“C’mon, Fives, leave Doctor L/n alone.” Echo’s condemnation of his brother’s dogged attempts at wooing you broke the moment and returned you to the mess hall. “I’m sure she’s got enough on her plate without your flirting to add to it.” 
“C’mon, Echo,” Fives mimicked his twin’s tone expertly, “I’m sure Y/n doesn’t mind. Right?” The arc turned to you with a comical wiggle of his eyebrows that had you trying to hide your smile behind your near-empty mug of tea. With a shrug, you downed the flavored water while Echo continued to rebuke his brother-much to the amusement of Jesse and Kix and the irritation of Rex. Fives didn’t listen to a word of it. 
“So, how have things been with you, Y/n?” Jesse eventually asked, having gotten bored with Echo’s lecturing. You took a second to finish chewing the bite of food you’d just put in your mouth which afforded you some time to think about your response. 
“Good,” you began when your mouth was clear of food, “well as good as you can be working back to back shifts.” A dry chuckle slipped from you that was mimicked by Kix who understood what you meant all too well. “If you guys could do me a favor and stop getting injured, that’d be great.” 
“We’ll stop getting injured when the clankers stop shooting at us, cyar’ika.” Jesse quipped immediately. You chuckled lowly before noticing the way Fives’s hand had clenched into a fist while it was still on top of the table. Thinking quickly, you dropped your own hand under the table to gently place it on top of his thigh-a silent reassurance that Jesse had meant nothing by the term of endearment Fives so often used for you and that his usage of it had no effect on you. Fives’s hand relaxed and you allowed your lips to quirk up in the briefest of grins. You didn’t remove your hand though and instead opted to go about eating without the usage of your right hand. With a low mutter of ‘that’ll be the day’ you downed the last of your tea as the other four men dove into their own conversation-something about Commander Cody punching a droid in the face, you weren’t really invested. You were far too focused on Fives whose hand had dropped over your own. His head was tilted downwards so he could watch as his finger dragged imaginary lines over the back of your hand. But the clink of your empty mug on the table caused his head to lift once more. 
“Here, I’ll get you some more tea.” Fives whispered and snatched your mug up before you could protest. You sent a soft thank you after his retreating figure and he spun around to send you a wink that immediately caused your cheeks to warm. 
The other guys said nothing regarding the interactions between you and Fives as they had all been distracted by the prospect of food as Jesse had gotten to his feet. As the trooper wandered off to complete his task, you dove into conversation with Kix, Echo, and Rex who were eager to tell you about their latest successes. You’d gotten so invested in the discussion that Fives returning to the table caused you to jump which elicited several laughs from the cloned men. You dismissed them with an eye roll and focused on the arc trooper. “Here you go, doc.” He chirped, gesturing to the mug in his hand with his head. “Just the way you like it-black tea steeped for three minutes with a splash of milk and a tablespoon of sugar.” As he explained your preferred preparations for tea, Fives leaned around you to set the mug on the table which brought his head close enough to your own for your cheeks to almost touch. 
You smiled softly, touched by his attention to detail and for just a moment you forgot about his brothers who were seated at the table as well. “You’re too sweet, Fives.” You sighed and took his chin in your left hand to turn his face towards you. His warm eyes that reminded you of pools of liquid bronze met yours and you felt yourself swooning again-although maybe it was an effect of the sleep deprivation. “What did I do to deserve you?” You didn’t catch yourself in time and, before you knew it, your lips were on his. It was a soft kiss-just barely longer than a peck but the effect it had was undeniable. Fives froze completely as you tore yourself away, hands coming up to cover your mouth as you stared back at the startled arc trooper. 
“Holy shit.” Kix breathed out in shock but it did little to distract the rest of the table from what they’d just witnessed. 
“Uhhhh…” You began, willing your mind to conjure up something. Nothing, nada, zilch. Your own mind had abandoned you. “Errr-I…”
A loud metallic slam on the edge of the table saved you (or damned you depending on how you look at it) and made everyone flinch. Jesse stood at the head of the table, a finger jabbed at both of you, a triumphant smirk on his face, and the metal tray he’d been using to carry his brothers’ food precariously balanced on the edge of the table. “I kriffing knew it!” He looked away from your horror struck face and turned to your equally startled boyfriend. “Fives, you lucky bastard.” Jesse’s complete acceptance of the shocking revelation was what finally kickstarted not just you but his brothers as well. 
“Congrats, you two.” Echo chirped as soon as he got a hold of his tongue. It was a little shaky but you were grateful that he refrained from condemning your relationship for being against regulations. Although, you might as well not have heard it considering you had already retreated into your own mind in an attempt to escape the situation. 
“Yeah!” Kix was next to accept it. “Although, I never thought Fives would be the one to finally get in your pants, Y/n.” And he was the first to begin the unavoidable teasing. 
You groaned pathetically and dropped your head onto the table with a loud thunk. The exaggerated reaction from you only served to spur the brothers on. “It was the goatee, wasn’t it?” Jesse queried in a mock sympathetic voice; like an older sibling that had just learned about their younger sibling’s crush, he was determined to tease the hell out of them. “You struck me as the facial hair type.” 
“Stop.” You whined, bringing your arms up over your head. 
“Maybe she’s got a thing for ARC’s?” Rex joined in and there went any hope that you and Fives would escape with any dignity. You whined again and thumped your forehead on the table. A chuckle slipped from Fives as he slowly regained his functions. The arc trooper reached over to rub his hand on your shoulder blade and you carefully peaked out under your arm. Fives’s face was steadily darkening and he had a small, bashful smile on his face that encouraged you to come out of the impromptu shell you’d constructed. 
“Or maybe Fives’s got a thing for doctors?” Jesse snorted and both of your faces fell at the blunt reminder that you were still with company. An awkward moment of silence passed until your boyfriend nervously cleared his throat and the table burst into laughter at the nonverbal confirmation. “Oh, kriff, does she keep the labcoat on?” Echo made an indignant squeak of warning on behalf of you and his twin  but Jesse stared his brother down unabashedly and you finally crossed into mortified territory. 
“And the stethoscope too?” Rex chimed in again, relying on his vague knowledge of the lab wear he’d seen you in. 
“She got a checklist of your kinks, vod?” Kix snickered. Fives chuckled at that one, apparently amused at the idea that hit a little too close to home. There was certainly a list, it just wasn’t a checklist. 
“No,” Fives tried to gain control of the situation as he tossed an arm around your shoulders, “None of that.” You sighed in relief, thankful that he was trying to keep the teasing to a minimum for once. “Although, I’ve certainly got some more ideas now.” 
“Fives!” You exploded away from him, crashing into Echo, with a shrill cry that launched Jesse and Kix into hysterics and pulled a chuckle from Rex. Your face was so warm that it felt like you’d decided to stick it in a furnace as embarrassment coursed through your system. Echo wasn’t much help as he was currently the only thing preventing you from bolting out of the mess. 
While this may not have been the way you planned to inform his brothers of your relationship, you couldn’t deny the relief at their acceptance of it. And if you had to put up with their teasing at least that would serve as proof that they’d already accepted you into their family with open arms. And you supposed that deep down-way past the mortification you still felt as you and Fives slipped away from his brothers followed by cat calls, whoops, and hollers-you were grateful for the chance to provide Fives’s vode with hope for their own futures. 
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nights-legacy · 4 years
Safe Change - Sokka
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+ Y/N is the loner of the town but she sometimes get unwanted attention from some of the men. The GAang comes to town and she also gains the attention of a certain Water tribe man. One day, she is confronted by two men that won’t leave her alone until Sokka steps in and chases them off. The two spend a lot of time together until it’s time for the GAang to leave. In a spur of the moment decision, Y/N asks if she can go with them.
The sounds of the market echoed through the streets. I smiled as a young child apologized as she ran into me and ran off. I shook my head and turned back to the vendor and thanked them for the fruit. I walked down the path, through the stands when suddenly I was knocked off my feet by a strong blast of air.
“Ah!” My basket fell and rolled, spilling the contents just slightly. I sat up on my knees and brushed off my hands as a pair of feet appeared in front of my.
“Oh I’m so sorry miss!” A boys voice exclaimed, worried. I saw him kneel down and start picking up some of my fruit.
“It’s alright. It’s not like you can control the winds.” I righted the basket and grabbed a few of my groceries that were in reach. “Strange, today hasn’t been very windy at all. So that was…”
“Actually…” He nervously chuckled. I looked up and saw a young boy dressed in orange and yellow. He was rubbing the back of his neck with a small smile on his face. What stood out the most to me was the arrow tattoo on his forehead.
“You’re…” My eyes widened. He nodded. “The Avatar.” He put the rest of the fruit and put it in the basket. He stood up, holding out the basket.
“Yeah, I am Aang and I’m sorry about knocking you over. I was racing with a friend and got carried away.” He gave me a sheepish smile. I took the basket and thanked him.
“It’s quite alright. Things happen.”
“Aang! What’s the holdup buddy? You disappeeeeeaaaared, oh hi.” A boy in Water Tribe clothing came running up. He skidded to a stopped when he saw me. He stared and gave me a goofy smile before waving. “I’m Sokka, beautiful.”
“Hi.” I waved back, giggling nervously before noticing the position of the sun. “It’s getting late. I better go. It was nice to meet you, Aang and Sokka.” I said before turning and leaving.
“Nice to meet you too!” I heard Sokka yell. I waved but kept going. I didn’t want to be caught in the dark by some ‘admirers’ again.
No one in town ever really paid attention to me, making me the loner or outcast of the town. No one but some men that found themselves attracted to me and gave me all their unwanted attention whenever they saw me. I sighed in relief when I made it home without an incident.
*Time Skip*
A couple of days after I met the Avatar and his friend, I saw them around town a lot. They were resting for a while before they went on to their next adventure. Sokka had made a point of always saying hello or some other conversation. I hadn’t seen them much today though.
“Goodnight, Y/N. Come again!” I smiled and walked away from the vendor stand, making a path for home. It was getting dark quicker now and the sun was setting as I came to the edge of town. I saw a few men lounging in a meadow as I walked on home.
“Hey there!” I heard one of them call. I stiffened but kept my head forward and kept walking. “Hey! I’m talking to you!” I heard the same voice call again but more annoyed. I heard the men get up but not move. All of a sudden, the ground moved beneath me, causing me to fall.
“Great. Earth bending jerks.” I sat up before I was encased in a shadow. I looked up and saw the two smiling big. “Umm, I should be going.” I shot to my feet and tried to walk away. One of them darted in front of me and started to walk closer. I started backing up and they kept advancing on me.
“What’s wrong little miss?” One asked all sweet like as my back hit a tree. He quickly lunged forward and set his hand just above my head. “Are we scaring you?” They laughed as if were the funniest thing in the world. Neither of them were very big guys and I could probably easily out run them but they were creepy enough and close enough, I couldn’t go anywhere.
“We just want to get to know ya.” The other one reached forward and brushed his finger around my jaw.
“I need to get home so please just leave me be.” I tried to move but he stepped in my way. Before either could say anything again, a metal boomerang lodged itself in the tree a foot above my head. The two jumped back shrieking and I dropped down.
“I think you need to move along and leave the woman alone.” I heard Sokka in the distance. I turned to look and saw him with a murderous look on his face. He was walking this way with a club in his hand. He stopped when they didn’t move. I glanced at them. “I won’t ask you again…” He lifted the club and the two scampered off, tripping over each other in the process.
“Thank you.” I said while watching the men disappear. I turned and jumped when I saw him next to me. He looked worried.
“Are you okay?” He asked. He held out a hand and pulled me up.
“Yes. I’m okay. Thanks to you.” I said while pointing to the boomerang. He reached up and yanked it free. He looked at me and smiled.
“It’s my pleasure. I will always stand up for a friends.” I paused and looked at him in surprise when he said friend.
“You think of me as a friends?” I asked.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I? I mean you’re an amazing girl and so nice. Who wouldn’t consider you a friend?” He said cheerfully. He reached back and put the weapon away before continuing. “I hate cowards like that. Don’t have any manners or decorum. I was just walking by when I heard their sick laughter and saw them harassing you.”
“Earth bending cowards and no they don’t have anything remotely associating with decenciy.”
“They were earth benders and they ran? Oh that is rich!” He laughed out loud. “Toph would have beaten them to a pulp for being so cowardice. Take your weak earth magic and take it somewhere else!” He jumped back and laughed. I smiled and laughed with him.
“Well…” I looked around and saw it was completely dark now. “I need to get home. Thank you again for saving me. No one ever has done anything like that for me.” He looked at me confused. “I don’t have any friends or family around here. I’m kinda the loner of the town.”
“Oh. I see.” He said quietly. “Well, I will proudly say I consider you a friend. I hope could consider me one as well.”
“Of course Sokka. Well goodnight Sokka.” I walked away towards my home feeling better than I have for a while.
I spent the next couple of days spending time with Sokka and his friends. It was the day they had planned to leave that an idea sparked in my head. I wasn’t happy around her and I feeling of safety would be gone once Sokka left.
“Sokka!” I called as I ran up on the group. They all paused their packing of the air bison.  “I have something to ask you. All of you actually. I know I don’t have any special bending or even have any fighting skills but I was wondering if I could come with you?” They all stood silent.
“Well…” Sokka looked at the other three. They all shared looks minus Toph. Aang jumped down and stood next to Sokka.
“Are you sure? We don’t live a very normal life. We run into danger around every corner. We can’t garuntee you won’t get hurt at some point.” Aang explained. I smiled softly and nodded in understanding.
“I know and I don’t mind.” I looked back at Sokka. “Like I told you, I have no one around here. No friends, no family. You all were the first to treat me normally or more than just my looks and that’s a big change. I finally feel like I am important, that I am…safe.” They all looked at me before having a silent conversation. I stood apprehensively, worried they were going to say no.
“Go pack a bag, Y/N.” My eyes widened. “You are officially a member of Team Avatar!!” Sokka exclaimed. I smiled and hugged him.
“Thank you!” I pulled back and looked at the other three. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course. You’ve been an amazing friend in this short time.” Katara smiled at me. “We are happy to have you with us.”
“As long as you aren’t as annoying as Captain Boomerang here and as uptight as Sugar Queen, then we’ll be good.” Toph sassed with a big smile on her face. I saw the two siblings glare at her.
“I’ll do my best.” I said before turning to run home.
“I’ll go with you to get your stuff.” Sokka said while running up next to me. As we quickly walked to my house, he kept telling me of stuff the team was going to do, of things they could show me, and a lot of other things. We walked up to my door and I stopped turning toward him.
“Thank you Sokka. For everything.” I said. I moved onto my tip-toes and pecked his cheek. I saw red bloom over her cheeks and I could feel it come over my face too. I bit my lip before stepping back. “I’m going to get my stuff.”
“Wait…” I felt Sokka grab my arm gently. I turned back to him slowly. In one movement, he gently grabbed my cheek and kissed me softly. It only lasted a few seconds but it felt like forever. He pulled away slowly. “I’m glad you’re coming with us. I was fighting with myself with the thought of leaving you.”
“Really?” He nodded. I took in a breath. He moved his hand down and held my hand for a second.
“Let me know if you need any help.” He offered. I nodded before walking in and heading straight for my room. I pack clothes, necessities, mementoes, and a few other things that I held dear. I walked through my house, reminiscing of the good times I had here. I smiled once more before walking out the door, ready to leave with Sokka and the rest of the GAang. Ready for my safe change.
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Will you play it for me?
Ivan McCormick x Reader
Word Count: 850
Tags: fluffy fluff
Warnings: none at all, it's safe folks ;)
a/n: You catch Ivan playing a beautiful song and he teaches you how to play it on his guitar
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You entered the open space of the warehouse, its dusty sent filling your senses. You could hear Ivan pulling on his guitar strings playing a beautiful little melody, singing softly along with lyrics you couldn't quite make out yet. The moment you stepped in sight the sounds stopped and Ivan looked up at you with a loving smile.
"Can you keep playing for me, Ivan? I like the sound of you playing.", You softly broke the new silence that lied apon the two you. Steps patting lightly against the hardwood floor towards him.
"Come 'ere baby, I can show you how to play if you'd like me to", Ivan grabbed you by the hoops of your jeans and pulled you gently towards where he sat on the warehouse floor.
You got to know Ivan and Neil through Gloria after she hit it off with Neil. She thought Ivan and you would make a cute pair so she introduced you. And to your surprise, she was absolutely right. You quickly fell in love with the way his hair curled and he smiled when he gently plucked at the guitar strings. The two of you started to spent more time together until you were inseparable.
Now you found yourself sitting comfortably in his lap, your back leaning against his toned, warm chest, guitar in your hands.
Ivan's hands brushed the lost strands of hair that had fallen in front of your eyes gently behind your ears. His arms circled around you, which you were more than contend with because the cold air in the warehouse was getting to you.
You felt his puffed breath warm on your neck as his hands slipped over your own.
Carefully Ivan positioned the fingers of your left hand over the strings, explaining softly which frets you needed to hold to play a specific note. Though you were barely listening, his scent almost overwhelming you. He consumed your senses so much that you weren't able to listen to his soothing voice.
Ivan positioned the pick he had nearby between your right forefinger and thumb. His hand still covering yours. He started strumming your hand along the guitar strings gently, whispering softly into you ear explaining what you had to do.
The sweet melody flooded the room as you slipped into a world with only you and him in it. The cold of the warehouse floor evaporated and you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
The song he was teaching you was simple and soon you began to get the hang of it. Ivan's hands never left yours but you were taking more and more control of your movements. Getting lost in him and the music you were strumming absentmindedly, miraculously hitting the right notes. You slowly realised you played the song he played when you first entered the room.
"Are you writing this for the band then?", You whispered softly, afraid the atmosphere around you will shatter if you spoke to loudly.
"No, I am writing it for you", he whispered into your ear.
This brought a pink tint to your cheeks and a goofy smile to your lips.
"Will you play it for me?"
"But it's not done yet", you heard the smile in his words as he leaned down and softly kissed the crook of your neck.
"Please I want to hear it. Ivan, please", you playfully begged him. His lyrics were always beautiful but he was too shy to suggest them to the band and he simply wanted to keep them personal. Ivan was contend with leaving the bright spotlight to Neil.
"[y/n]",he dragged out, "you just gotta be patient, love"
His gentle assault on your neck moved to your jawline, the guitar long forgotten. You leaned your had back on his shoulder, tilting your head to the side to give him more room to explore your skin.
Ivan left little marks on your skin and when he reached your cheek, you turned your head to meet his lips with yours. It was a soft kiss filled with emotion, conveying more than most words could ever express.
You turned in his warm embrace now facing him. Your foreheads rested against the other as you breathed. For a moment you just stayed in this position but soon you felt his hands tighten around your back, pulling you onto him. Now chest against chest, your knees on either side of his legs, Ivan leaned back in again, this time more fiercely. You shifted on his lap causing him to groan into your mouth, you used that opportunity to slip your tongue between his teeth. Your hands found the ends of his soft curls, pulling them not quite hard enough to hurt him but the sounds you eclicted from him only spurred you on.
"[y/n], if we don't stop now, I don't think I can contain myself much longer"
"Well. Neil and Gloria are gonna be gone for a while longer, we have the whole place to ourselves.", you smirked mischiefly, re-connecting your lips hastily.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Their best sexual characteristic | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
Part 4/?
Characters: female!reader, Kageyama Tobio, Nishinoya Yuu, Tendou Satori
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), 18+, explicit descriptions of sex, headcanons, imagines
Attention: All characters in this series are aged up to be at least 18+
A/N: I've noticed that the more I do these, the longer they get, and now I feel bad that some of the others might have been neglected T^T
Oh, and I got a new phone, and now the emojis don't look the same... Please tell me if any of them look weird or don't fit the ~vibe~. Previous parts are linked at the bottom ♡ Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! Imo~
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Kageyama Tobio
» How vocal he is
Kageyama can't help it, but he moans, groans, and growls with every second of pleasure those deep thrusts have him singinggg 👅
It's such a desperate, stimulating sound that falls from his lips
It turns you on no end hnng
Gets your pussy dripping, which drives him insane
It didn't used to be like that, though
At first he used to stifle his sounds because he was embarrassed
He had heard somewhere stupid that it was 'unmanly' to moan during sex, and became self conscious about it my poor, sweet baby 😭
Like, who even thought if that?! Shame on you!! >:(
But it didn't take long for you to realise something was wrong he had to be so focused just to hold it in, so it was kind of obvious something was up
So one time, when he was buried inside you, clearly struggling to stifle the sounds in his throat, you pulled his head down to your lips and whispered in his ear how much you wanted to hear him moan for you
He was a little taken aback at first, wondering if it was really okay he looked so innocent right then
But you stroked his hair and reassured him that you wanted every part of him, and he didn't have to hold back or hide anything from you like, please. Guys' moans are so hot 💦
As he eased into it, getting used to allowing the sounds to flow, his thrusts got deeper and faster, the blush on his cheeks reddening with every inch further inside you so freaking adorable
He was pressed down on top of you with his hips flush with yours, his desperate sounds filling your ears, pushing you closer to the edge
It was mind-numbing how erotic it was to finally hear just how much he wanted you – how good it felt inside you
And when he came with a whimpering moan of relief, you toppled over the edge, spasming around him please, omg
You had a soft heart-to-heart about it after, curled up in bed together, making sure he felt comfortable with things and LOVED, DAMN IT
Lots of hand holding, hair stroking, and forehead and shoulder kisses by both of you 💋
Now he never hides it from you as it should be
It's brought you much closer as lovers, deepening the connection between you. You're both much happier now it's too cute, I fucking can't
Though the neighbours aren't so appreciative 🤭
I literally love Kageyama. Please cherish him with your entire soul
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Nishinoya Yuu
» His spontaneity
There's no such thing a dull sex routine with this hyperactive firecracker 💥
Or any kind of routine, for that matter lmao
Anything romantic or sexual always happens spur of the moment, keeping it fresh and interesting and damn hot *fans self*
Now, Noya isn't massive in the dick department, no third leg, I'm afraid, ladies
But he's actually really decently sized, and as it turns out, the perfect size and shape for quickies which you most definitely do a lot of
Noya definitely isn't afraid of sex in public places kinda turns him on, tbh
Places you've boned, given him a blowjob, dry humped, or he's fingered you include: the park (behind some trees), in the car, in the stall of a restaurant toilet, and at the beach never again, omg, the FREAKING SAND
All this spontaneity, however, means that you're sometimes caught without a condom which will either turn you on more or make you think again depending on the circumstances
Noya is all too happy to go in raw if you're cool with it, but he does try to remember to keep a fresh rubber in his pants or wallet
He buys the extra thin-feel condoms because the sensation inside you drives him literally feral
They sometimes fall out when he's getting something out of his pocket, and it's always at the absolute worst times
Like that time he got his phone out to show your parents a some cute vacay pics, and then BAM, there it was, on the floor between you all hahahaaa, omg. You wanted to die
But it's not just about getting it on in dangerous or compromising places, though
He's just as spontaneous at home, like on the couch while watching Netflix, on the counter top while you're in the middle of cooking don't worry, you turned the stove off first, in the middle of the night when neither of you can sleep, or when you're collapsed in a giggling heap together after a short and decisive pillow fight I'll let you decide who won
It's not about specifically when or where for Noya, but about when if feels right. When that connection is there mah heart
He also tries his absolute best to talk with you about what you do and don't like, what you'd be willing to try, etc. in your free time or in make out sessions, because he's aware his spontaneity can make it hard to talk about those things and that's not his intention at all
But one thing is for sure: it's never, ever boring with Noya
He'd be like this even if y'all got married 💍
Like, you don't have to worry about a dull, routinely or (God forbid) sexless marriage. That's not his style at ALL
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Tendou Satori
» His goofiness
This lanky bean can't get enough of your laugh, your smile, your giggles just you in general
He thinks it's when you're at your prettiest
So it follows that he does everything he can to see it, especially when he's trying to make the both of you cum
Smile like that when he's inside you and he'll probably shoot his loud prematurely, lmao
His naturally wacky personality really lends to it, sending you into laughing fits on a regular basis you literally get stitches in your sides
He does all sorts of things on a regular basis in order to see that beautiful smile of yours, like blowing raspberries on your neck and stomach,
~doing stupid impressions,
~having pillow fights,
~giving you piggybacks around the shopping mall at top speed like a madman,
~tickling you in that spot that only he knows about that always makes you giggle and squirm
so freaking adorable!!
He tones down the silliness a little when you're having sex because he knows it's important and not a joke, but sometimes he just can't help himself it's his natural state, after all
And honestly, it's a blessing to have a boyfriend who can make you laugh out of bed AND in it
Awkward moments, like queefs, accidentally breaking bed slats, or getting leg cramps, are always immediately dissipated by his easy going, fun loving attitude a Godsend, honestly
But he normally knows when not to turn things into a joke, making for a pretty healthy, balanced attitude
It makes for such a warm, comforting atmosphere where you feel completely at ease and at home
You feel like you can tell him anything – and you do
Sex is literally so fun with him, but it doesn't detract for the moment at all it's still hawt
He's all down to try new positions and keep it fresh, especially if the position looks fun wheelbarrow, anyone? Lmfao
Spooning!! It's so fun a squishy, and he's a but of a clingy boy
He loves nuzzling the nape of your neck, and sometimes it turns into ✨spooning sex✨
His cock's really long with a nice curve to it, so he can get a great angle like that, ayyee
It sometimes seems like sex is almost too fun for Tendou it's pretty much his favourite past time
But not in a creepy way. This goofy baby is absolutely adorable
please love this man
Part 1: Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo
Part 2: Ushijima, Suga, Bokuto
Part 3: Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Asahi
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© imo-chan-imagines 2020
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jawabear · 4 years
Frankie “Catfish” Morales NSFW Alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: Here is a NSFW Alphabet for the love of my life, Frankie. As with the Javier one, these are just what I put to his character and my views may differ to others so please be respectful of mine and others’ views :) Sorry for any mistakes.
Genre: Smut 
Warning: fem!reader, mentions of sex, nothing too much, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: An A-Z of Frankie’s bedroom antics...
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
As I’m sure we are all aware by now, Francisco Morales is an absolute sweetheart. And when it comes to sex, he is no different. After doing the deed, he will make sure you have everything you may need. Water, food, a shower, whatever. He will rush to the bathroom to get a warm wash cloth to clean you. And he will cuddle you forever if you want him too. He is just the most gentle and loving man, he will do anything to make sure you are okay.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you, he loves your thighs. Because he loves to be between them so much. He loves when they wrap around his head when he eats you out, and he loves to watch as they tense and shake when you’re about to release. He loves how soft they are, he loves to touch them, to squeeze them, and to kiss them. 
On him, would probably have to say his mouth? Simply because he loves how quickly he can get you to come from using it. Because he loves to eat you out (which will be a common theme)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves to come in you, to fill you up. But he loves to come on your body to. But he won’t come on your face, he doesn’t find the thought you your precious face being covered in his mess attractive...
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He had liked you for a while, you had been friends for a long time but you and he had both been in and out of relationship. He was still in the army when you first started dating, two years before he left, and to keep him going on those long cold nights in a far off country, he may have taken a pair of your panties with him from his last visit to your place, his favourite pair but one you weren’t that fond of and that you didn’t wear that often so he wasn’t worried about you not being able to find them. I imagine you can think of what he did with them while they were in his possession...But just in case...
He would either, hold them to his nose, breathing in the sweet scent of you while he got himself off. Or he would wrap them around his dick while he fucked himself, he loved the feeling of the rough lace against his skin, he imagined dragging his dick over your clothed wetness as he had so many times, he loved the way you would shiver and whimper when he did this.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Frankie had been in and out of relationships before and after his army career, they never lasted that long simply because Frankie didn’t really have any interest in relationships. But he’s been with enough girls to make him know what he’s doing. 
But every girl is different, so he found that things that worked on others didn’t work on you, and things that didn’t work on others worked on you. He had fun exploring your body, finding out what touches got you going the most. What touches you didn’t like so much.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Hear me out, 69... 
Okay look. Frankie loves to eat you out. It’s his favourite. And something about you being above him, you perfect hands and perfect mouth on his dick just sends him over the edge. To feel you moan against him when he sucks your clit, he just loves it. 
But he’s also a big fan of missionary, it’s easier for him to worship you, to feel you more.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He is defiantly more serious during sex, leaving his goofiness for out of bed. Sometimes his goofiness would lead to sex, like tickle fights would lead to giggly sex, but he prefers to keep it serious.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Frankie is not very particular when it comes to down there. He trims of course but he’s not necessarily tidy. He just makes sure it’s not a complete mess and that he’s clean, but unless you said something about it, he won’t really change his routine
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Frankie’s idea of romance during sex is simply just kissing you as much as possible without seeming overwhelming or forced. Soft and gentle kisses to your neck, to your cheeks and of course your lips. 
His hands will touch every inch of your skin, caress you, make you sigh in content. He worships your body, he wants you to know how beautiful you are, and he won’t stop touching you until you admit it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it as much as he used to. He doesn’t really have any need to. Most of the time when he used to get off it would be out of frustration, not out of sexual desire to come. But now he’s with you, he doesn’t get like that. And if he ever does, you are more then happy to help him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Whispers. Does that count? He’s not particularly kinky, he just kind of does what feels right in the moment, so if it feels like the right time to tie you to the bed then he will. He doesn’t necessarily think prior of what he’s going to do, it just happens. 
He loves to watch you finger yourself. He loves to watch you touch yourself, and talk to him while you’re doing it. He fucking loves it. He loves to watch as your thighs shake when you bring yourself to you climax. He loves to hear your words as you tell him how good it feels and you tell him how much you wish it was his fingers touching you. 
He also has a praise kink. Being in the army meant he faced a lot of criticism, especially when something went wrong, one small slip up mean the destruction of the whole mission. The first time you had sex together and you whispered how good he felt, he came right then. It just makes him feel so good to know he’s making you feel good and that you tell him that. He loves when you tell him he well he’s doing or how good he feels, how big he is etc.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Somewhere inside. Where he knows it’s safe. 
He defiantly favours the bedroom, but he is also fond of doing it on the sofa. Because the times you do have sex on the sofa are more spur of the moment sessions. One minuet you’re making out like teenagers, the next he’s plowing into you. But the bed it bigger so he can do more with you there.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He loves when you whisper to him. Or speak softly at least. It doesn’t even have to be anything particularly sexy, just hearing the softness of you voice, it relaxes his and turns him on. (Asmr much)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Frankie would never dream of hurting you. Especially during sex, the most intimate of times. So anything to do with causing you harm he won’t do. He’s okay with light spanking and maybe a little choking but he won’t ever go further then that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is the best at oral. He knows how to use his mouth to get you off. He would spend all day between your legs, just eating you, if he could. He just loves the idea of having you completely submitted to his touch, and he takes pride in himself that he’s able to get you off so amazingly just from his mouth. His praise kink comes into play here where you are moaning how good his tongue is, your fingers tangled in his hair holding him against you. He thinks he has some sort of magic touch, of course you would agree with him on that. 
He definitely prefers giving then receiving, but he won’t say no if you ever wanted to suck him off, but you would have to let him repay the favour by letting him eat you out afterwards.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He definitely prefers to go slow. He just loves to feel. He loves to relish in the feeling of being with someone, someone as amazing as you. And he wants to feel everything. He wants to draw it out as long as possible so he can remember it for longer. And he just makes its seem so damn good. Feeling every part of your body with his mouth, and his hands while he slowly thrusts in and out of you, in long, even strokes. 
But he can go fast and rough if he wants to. This usually happens in your sofa sessions, he’s all riled up and just has to have you as soon as possible.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Being in the army, he had to live with getting himself off quickly before and after a mission. And you kind of get bored of it. So he’s not really a fan of getting it out quickly. He definitely prefers to take his time with you, and he feels like they’re a little degrading? He loves you and thinks the world of you and he thinks you deserve the upmost respect and care, so for him, taking you quickly in some bar bathroom is not his favoured or most desired activity. 
But, if you are in a bar, and you’re teasing him under the table while he’s trying to talk to the guys, he’ll pull you away and take you, obviously he’ll try and draw it out for as long as possible. He knows the idea of possibly getting caught turns you on...
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s always a little hesitant when you ask him to try new things. He’ll do it, but he may not enjoy it. He’s not used to it. He’s used to sex. Not all the kinky shit that kids are into nowadays. But he’ll try it for you, because he loves you and he’ll do anything for you. But he will also be very open if he doesn’t like something. But he’ll try his best to hold out in doing it if he can see you’re enjoying it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Frankie usually is only good for one long round. But that’s all you need really. In one round you feel seven layers of heaven. He pulls you down the sweetest road of pleasure, every single time. 
But he can go a couple of rounds depending on how worked up he is. Especially with the aforementioned sofa sex...
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Frankie doesn’t use any toys on himself. He’s always been used to using his hand, and in the army, you weren’t really allowed those sorts of things. But you use one, and he’s happy to use that vibrator on you if you want him too. And he loves to watch you use it on yourself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Frankie isn’t really that much of a tease. You are the tease in your relationship. Unless he’s drunk, he can’t ever follow through on his teasing because he just gets so turned on by your facial expressions that he just has to get inside you. It’s not that he’s not good at it, he is, god he is. One little touch to your inner thigh and your already soaked, even more so if he whispers something in your ear, but the second you let out a whimper or a moan, or the whisper of his name, he’s gone. He can’t continue. He has to have you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He isn’t that loud. He gets turned on by hearing your noises so he won’t want to do anything that will prevent him from hearing them. So he stays as quiet as possible, burying his face in your neck to silence his moans. But he gets loud when he comes, always. He lets out a low groan when he comes, and it’s just the most beautiful noise you could ever hear.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He had always dreamed of taking you in one of his helicopters. Having you ride him while he’s in the pilots chair, or seeing you touch yourself while he’s flying, or even better, you sitting the the pilots seat (not flying obviously) while he eats you out. That thought got him through those cold nights.
But since getting his license temporarily suspended, that fantasy was pushed into the far future...
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s a fair size. He’s long and a little think but he’s not incredibly big, he a little above average, but to be fair, he’s never really cared about his size, it’s good enough for what it needs to do. And you’ve never seemed to voice any complaints about it. To you, he’s perfect.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
You would think that spending 17+ years in the army, being deprived the loving touch of a woman, he would be much more wanting to have sex when he has the loving touch of a woman. But he’s not. His sex drive isn’t particularly high, he likes to cuddle. It’s really only if you do something to initiate sex, or if he’s just particularly turned on will he suddenly have a dying crave to fuck you. But he’s not constantly wanting to have you. Unlike some people he knows *cough* Santiago *cough* Benny *cough*
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After mind blowing sensual sex, he usually is ready to call it a night, but he has to make sure you are okay before he does. And he’ll pull you into his arms, holding you against him all night because you are his comfort and he needs to know you are safe and that you are next to him.
His life in the army meant he would sleep alone, he wouldn’t have anything to hold at night and it would be cold, so he has to hold you to make up for all the nights he’s spent alone. And with you beside him, he finally feels safe. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by lets-make-surveys
1 - When was the last time you were at the beach? What did you do there? 2019. It was a daytrip with a few friends, and for the most part we had just sat by the sand and then taken dips in the water whenever we felt like it. We went when there was supposed to be a typhoon entering the city so the resort was literally empty. Anyway, it was a spur-of-the-moment thing that would’ve been such a fun and wholesome memory in my head if not for the fact that my ex tagged along for that trip.
2 - When was the last time you updated your profile picture somewhere? What is your current photo of? A week or so ago, I think? I had had a few drinks and tipsy-me changed my profile photo to something goofy; by the time I woke up the next day I just changed it right back to the profile picture I had before the change.
3 - Who was the last person you spoke to online? How do you know this person? Someone from HR since I did a minor booboo on the website where we have to clock in and out, and I was asking how I could help fix it.
4 - When was the last time you got a blister on your foot? A fewwww months ago, I wanna say? I remember struggling when I recently bought a pair of adidas sneakers.
5 - What was the last reason for taking painkillers? Did they work to make you feel better? I only ever take painkillers for my headaches. Yeah, they always work.
6 - Which do you prefer - Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr or TikTok? Ooh idk. I enjoy each of them for different reasons, but I guess I’ll go with Facebook since I never run out of funny content/memes over there. TikTok I like too but then again all the TikTok clips I run into are on Facebook anyway.
7 - If you drive, how much does it cost for you to fill your car up? If we’re going from a nearly-empty tank, I think it takes roughly around P1500 to fill it up, or roughly $30.
8 - When was the last time you walked over five miles in one day? Maybe last July when I went to the mall with friends. I remember doing quite a lot of walking that day and I’m sure the total distance was more than five miles.
9 - What's your favourite brand of ice-cream and which flavour from that brand do you like best? I don’t really like ice cream, but I guess the yummiest I’ve had are Aice’s coffee ice cream and Ben & Jerry’s chocolate chip cookie dough.
10 - Are you a fan of scented candles? If so, what kind of scents do you like the most? I am a fan, but it’s not something I’m obsessed with enough to buy for myself. I’ve gotten scented candles as gifts and I can live off of those alone, lol. As for scents, I like ocean-y or sweet ones, like cinnamon.
11 - What did you order the last time you went out for a meal? The last time I went out for a meal...I think that was Taco Bell. I got one of their burritos and some deep-fried side, but I don’t remember which one it was. But right now I literally also just placed an order from KFC; I got a Double Down (FINALLY), and two orders of Fun Shots – one for me and another for the delivery guy as a way to thank him for taking my order at midnight. 
12 - Who was the last person to visit your house? What were they there for? Ooh we haven’t received visitors in a while. I wanna say the last guests were still Angela and Hans, from the time we watched Sowoozoo together.
13 - If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be and why? I’d fix my teeth so I can finally feel entirely confident when smiling.
14 - How many miles/km's do you drive/walk on an average day? LOL like 0.5. I’m always at home.
15 - What's more annoying, a stone in your shoe or an eyelash in your eye? STONE IN SHOE. It hurts like hell and I have to stop whatever I’m doing to get it out, too.
16 - Do you get your groceries delivered or do you prefer to go the store yourself to pick them? I don’t do the family’s groceries but when I’m craving a snack or need toiletries for myself or whatever, I order online.
17 - How many surveys would you say you take a week, on average? Probably like 5 or 6. I only ever get to take them during the weekends now, but occasionally I’ll get to sneak in one or two in the middle of the week.
18 - What percentage is your phone battery on right now? 76%.
19 - What have you had to eat/drink so far today? Are you planning to have anything else before you go to bed? I had chicken fillet with rice for dinner, andddd that’s all I had for today haha. Right now I’m just waiting for my order to arrive. I do feel bad for giving into a craving but I’m trying to justify it by saying, 1) I literally sponsored three birthdays in the last two weeks, 2) this work week had been particularly been brutal, and 3) the Double Down is a limited-time offer thing so best to get it before it randomly disappears again for the next like three years. 
20 - Have you ever donated to anyone's GoFundMe before? I don’t think so, no. But I’ve shared links.
21 - Have you ever won money on a scratch-card or lottery ticket? What did you spend it on? Nope.
22 - What was the last reason for you to leave your house? I went to Angela’s house for her birthday last Wednesday.
23 - Assuming you had all the money, space and knowledge necessary, what animal(s) would you love to keep as a pet? I’d still choose a dog.
24 - How many times a week do you get takeaway food/drink? I try not to make it into a habit. I get food delivery probably only once or twice a month.
25 - Are there any pets in the room you're in right now? What are they doing? Nope. Both dogs are downstairs.
26 - What was the last thing you took a photo off? Did you upload it onto social media anywhere? Yeah, Anj gave me Taehyung’s Persona postcard. Funny story about that; she had kept pushing it onto me but I vehemently refused because it’s her merch, until she finally said, “it’s fake, just take it” for me to take the bait. A day later she messaged me saying, “by the way the postcard’s an original” :------) Anyway after that I took a photo and uploaded it so I can thank her.
27 - How long have you know the friend you've known the longest? It’s 16 years this year.
28 - Have you ever had a job where you had to wear a uniform? No. We have a dress code, but no uniform.
29 - What time do you tend to get up/go to bed on a weekday? 8:30 AM/1 or 2 AM.
30 - What's your soda/soft drink of choice? I don’t like soda and I try to remain un-into it, but I tried Pepsi a few months ago and actually liked it, so I guess we can go with that.
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kpopblurbs · 4 years
Pairing: Jae/Reader Word Count: 1.9k Tags: Mentions of Religion, Hand Jobs, First Time, Public Hand Jobs, Sub!Jae, Dom!Reader, Gender Neutral Reader A/N: So I’m finally finally effectively done with smutmas, ill be finishing the last one tomorrow at the latest so ill be posting for smutmas every day for the next four days Smutmas Masterlist AO3 Link
It wasn’t often that you went to church, not that you weren’t into it, you just weren’t nearly as devoted as most people, opting instead to spend your Sunday mornings sleeping. Recently, however, you had discovered a new motivation to attend, the cute boy you had met a few months ago was currently inspiring you to go every week.
You had seen him for the first time 6 months ago on a spur of the moment trip to the church, he had focused on you a lot during the service, always averting his eyes when you looked at him. He had piqued your interest then but it was only the next month when you caught him staring at you after the service that you decided to approach him. You had introduced yourself to him, he had told you his name was Park Jaehyung but that everyone just called him Jae. He had followed that up by asking whether you were new to the church or not, to which you explained your position, not missing the slight frown that flashed across his face before he hid it quickly. The two of you had shared some awkward small talk for a few minutes before parting ways though there was something about him that intrigued you enough to keep you coming back the next week.
From then on the two of you fell into a routine, one that was slowly entering more flirty territory, mostly prompted by you though Jae was not unreceptive to it. You could tell by the way he would react to your suggestive statements that he had zero experience in the flirting department. His innocence was a big part of what drew you to him, you were always weak to boys like that, the idea of corrupting them was so tempting it was near impossible to resist.
After the service one Sunday you dragged him with you on a walk around the church, stopping him in one of the few areas where there was no one around. You took his hands in yours and moved so that your back was up against the wall of the church, bringing Jae with you and pulling him closer. You could see that he was nervous so you began to rub the back of his hand with your thumb soothingly. “You can say no if you want to,” you started, biting back a smirk at the way he struggled to maintain eye contact. “But would you like to kiss me?” you asked.
“I-I uhm, I haven’t...” Jae started, trailing off at the end as he looked down shyly.
You resisted the urge to coo at him, not wanting to embarrass him too much, “That’s okay,” you said softly, “My question still stands.”
He paused for a second, thinking hard before taking a deep breath and looking up at you, “C-can I?” he asked.
You smiled and nodded, tilting your head and leaning in close enough that he could feel your breath on his lips. You waited for him to close the gap, sighing happily when he did after a few moments. The kiss was messy on his end as he tried his best to follow the rhythm you were setting, you kept it slow just allowing him to adjust to the new experience. You brought one hand up to the back of his head, tangling your fingers in his hair and smiling into the kiss when he seemed to gain enough confidence to take a small step forward, his body now pressed to yours. You stayed like that for a few minutes, giving him the chance to improve his technique before gently tugging on his hair to pull his head away. The two of you were breathless, a goofy smile spread across his face which you returned with one of your own. 
After that you fell into a routine, attending church to meet up with Jae and then dragging him around to the back of the church to make out. It was going well until he started cutting your makeout sessions short, pulling away quickly in the middle of it, his cheeks were red and he was unable to look up at you. He would stutter out some excuse about having to go home but you could tell by his body language that he was getting hard.
After two weeks of that you decided to take things further, following your normal routine up until the point where Jae pulled away. You grabbed his arm gently making him look up at you with a shocked expression on his face. “You know I can help you with your problem,” you said, sending a quick glance down to his crotch before going back to making eye contact with him.
“W-What problem?” Jae asked, letting out a fake chuckle to pretend he had no idea what you were talking about.
“Did you want me to say it out loud or would that just make you run away from embarrassment?” you asked a hint of humor in your voice.
Jae sighed, looking down once again, “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he said softly.
You chuckled, “A sweet, innocent boy like you couldn’t make me uncomfortable if you tried,” you said with a smile. “Plus it’s a perfectly natural reaction, one that I can absolutely give you a hand with,” you winked for emphasis.
You could see the confusion on his face as he tried to process what you were offering so you continued, “Feel free to say no, there is absolutely no pressure here but I’d really like to take care of you if you’ll let me.”
“I-I,” Jae paused to collect his thoughts, “We’re at church,” he said at a near whisper, looking around to make sure the two of you were still alone.
“Doesn’t that make it hotter, though?” you smirked, lowering your voice to match his hushed tone.
Jae gulped, his cheeks turning pink and you could tell he was imagining what you were offering. “B-But...” he trailed off, still clearly lost in thought.
“I’ll let you think about it then, we’ll see how you feel next week,” you said, giving his arm a gentle, reassuring squeeze before starting to step away.
That seemed to shake him from his thoughts as he only let you take a couple steps before calling out to you, “Wait!” he said, a little louder than he expected causing him to jump and look around once again. You turned back around to face him and he took a deep breath before speaking, “I want to say yes.. I’m just nervous,” he confessed.
You smiled, stepping back over to him, “It’s okay to be nervous, if you want me to take care of you I will,” you said.
Jae took a deep breath before speaking, “Yes, please,” he said as confidently as he could.
You nodded, the smile still on your face, “Of course,” you said, reaching forward with both hands to hook your fingers into his belt loops and tugging him closer to you. He squeaked at your sudden boldness as you reached one hand up to tangle into his hair, tugging him down into another kiss. Without disconnecting the kiss you maneuvered him around to press his back against the wall. You pulled your hand out of his hair and moved both of your hands to the front of his pants, making quick work of unbuttoning them and nudging them down slightly.
You felt him tense up as you pushed your hand into his pants and wrapped your hand around his dick. You paused, breaking off the kiss to look at him, “You alright?” you asked.
“Y-Yeah I’m just, it ah, feels different when its not my hand,” he responded.
You smirked, your hand shifting to swipe your thumb over the head of his dick, collecting the precum that was already collecting at the tip. “Good different or...?” you asked, leaning forward to suck gently on the sensitive spot behind his ear and relishing in the stuttered moan he let out.
“G-Good... very good,” he responded, letting out a gasp as you began to stroke him slowly. His hips twitched as you began to stroke him faster, the little noises he was making started to increase in volume forcing you to reconnect the kiss to keep him from getting too loud. He put his hands on your hips, gripping tightly to the fabric of your shirt as he bucked his hips into your hand. You swallowed his moans greedily and tried to slow down your strokes, knowing that he wasn’t going to last very long if you didn’t give him a break. You knew that given the situation you weren’t able to take as much time as you would’ve liked but you still wanted to take as much time as you could. You shifted your hand around to rub your palm in circles over the head of his dick, his hips bucking more aggressively in response.
He pulled away from the kiss, leaning forward to rest his forehead on your shoulder, letting out little gasps as his body tensed rhythmically. You used your free hand to run your fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp gently and sending a shiver down his spine. “I’m -ah- please I’m gonna...” he gasped out and you moved your hand back to stroking him while your other continued to massage his scalp.
“Go ahead, baby, cum for me,” you said at barely above a whisper. It only took a couple more strokes before he was cumming with a low groan, his hips bucking as he spilled his load into his jeans. You worked him through his orgasm while he clung to you, his grip tight until he relaxed, leaning most of his weight on you as he came down from his high.
You pulled your hand out of his pants and tried to balance his weight, doing your best to support him as you shrugged off your jacket to wipe the mess off onto the fabric before bundling it up and dropping it to the ground. Once his breathing returned to normal he stood up straight, reached down to adjust and button up his pants and grimaced at the feeling of the mess he had made, “I feel gross,” he murmured.
You chuckled, “Maybe we should get you home so you can change,” you said softly.
“Yeah that’s a good idea,” he said, stopping to think for a second before continuing, “Would you, uh, would you wanna come with me?” he asked hopefully.
You smiled, “Well I drove here so I can’t ride with you but gimme your address and I’ll meet you there,” you responded.
A goofy smile spread across his face, “Great!” he said before coughing once and clearing his throat to try and disguise his excitement, “I mean, uh, cool yeah, and maybe I could, uhm, I dunno, return the favor?” he suggested.
You giggled, “I would like that very much.”
“Cool, yes, great, uhm, shall we?” he asked, nodding his head in the direction of the parking lot.
“Lead the way,” you said with a smile, letting out another giggle as he grimaced as he took his first step. You followed him as he shuffled awkwardly towards the parking lot reaching forward to lace your fingers with his and smiling when you felt him squeeze your hand.
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offtopicoverload · 3 years
alright, i was on the fence about the oc weekend idea, but fuck it i have a bunch of shit made why not? block “oc weekend” tag if you don’t care cuz same
so have some cleo (and nia) headcanons to kick whatever the fuck this is gonna be off
super long cuz i have a serious problem
So her starting skills were bow, charisma, and wildlife, then woods lore, then blade, medicine, deception, brawling, seduction
She made some money hunting, which is where the bow and animal skills came from
With being an elf, her and Kade were orphaned together in a massacre and taken in by a local farmer
Absolutely got into so much trouble, usually Cleo getting a bad idea and dragging Kade along, but could always talk her way out of it, hence the charisma
MC canonically has relationship experience, right? I think she had a short term partner, maybe some flings with travelers or something, but never really got invested in relationships, just wasn’t her thing
Especially in RIverbend, where everyone knows everyone and it’s awkward if you break up
She’s pretty similar to canon MC, wild and goofy and somewhat reckless
But also really determined and caring and sweet when she needs to be
I adore her if you can’t tell
The first time she saw Nia, totally tongue-tied and a flustered mess, she’s smooth when it’s a joke but incapable of any coherent words when it turns real
She’s pretty awkward, definitely stiff at first, but slowly loosens up as she gets closer to Nia, letting her goofy side show
She for sure pines and gets made fun of for it by Kade, then Mal and Imtura every time she gets flustered 
And Threep likes to rub it in too, occasionally threatening to say something unless he gets snacks he does the same to Nia askjksdf
I’m also in love with the idea of Mal and Imtura playing matchmaker and constantly trying to set them up in situations where they have to be close, and the two of them losing their minds when Cleo and Nia get stuck in that pit
The night at the cabin in the Deadwood was the first moment Cleo realised that there could be something real there, like it just never clicked until Nia was straight up telling her she liked her
From then on things definitely change, and Cleo starts being a lot softer, like at the masquerade and stuff
But the argument in the cabin always sticks out in her mind, she defended Nia’s right to spend her life as she chooses, but she doesn’t necessarily like it
She always tries to find work arounds for Nia using her light, like using her own before Nia can get the chance
She for sure nearly decked the High Priest, just for all his bullshit, and was very happy to get that tracking orb from him to make sure they would be safe she had some plans already
So I don’t accept MC being cool after Nia straight up gets yanked into the Shadow Realm, Cleo absolutely was about to jump in after her until Imtura grabbed her and jerked her back like “what the fuck are you doing”
Cleo was about to snap the entire time they were working their way through the Shadow Realm, definitely wrecked Vonstratz on Nia’s behalf
I also don’t accept the “single tear” line when MC fucking KILLS Nia, Cleo would be bawling her eyes out and refusing to let go of her when she dies
There not being an ily felt kinda weird to me, and cuz Cleo’s a sap, I feel like she’d either say it before stabbing Nia or during the diamond scene where they’re looking out at Whiterun
In the first instance, it’s more for her piece of mind, that Nia knows what her sacrifice means
When Nia comes back, Cleo whispers it a million times into her shoulder as she hugs her, until she sounds like a broken record
For the second one, it’d be a bit spur of the moment, she’d just be looking in Nia’s eyes as the words spill out, but she wouldn’t even care cuz it felt so right
And now I’m going to ignore book 2 and make up my own shit
So immediately after, Cleo and Kade go back to Riverbend to pack up their lives there, Kade in order to stay in Whiterun cuz King Arlan made him a librarian or something, idk but he’s in Whiterun at the royal library and archives
Cleo ends up running a few odd jobs out of Whiterun for a while, helping Mal out quite a bit as Nia ends up with a lot of responsibilities at the temple after the High Priest gets axed
Cleo ends up quite well known as a good adventurer/travel mate by the time Nia ends up quitting the temple
Before they leave on their first trip as just them, Cleo takes her up to that terrace overlooking Whiterun after taking her to the market
They stare out at the city for a while, until the sun’s setting along the horizon
Cleo pulls out a ring from her bag, fiddling with it as she shifts on her feet nervously. She’s wussed out like half a dozen times already, and this is her last chance to do it somewhere so special
Nia figures out something’s up and starts prodding to figure it out, poking her and stuff and laughing the whole time
Cleo’s kind of found out, and turns to her blushing the ring held between her thumbs and index fingers as she avoids eye contact, “So, um. You wanna get married?”
Not what Nia was expecting at all and she kind of just 👁👄👁 for a while, until Cleo starts trying to back out of it, thinking she fucked up
And then it’s Nia’s turn to stumble over her words something along the lines of, “No, wait! Okay, um, no, so - No, I don’t mean no, just - Yes! Of course!” 
The ring’s super basic, like plain silver without even a gem 
I feel like Cleo found it on a trip with Mal, and immediately thought of Nia and proposing and freaked herself out a bit, but that’s why she didn’t look for another cuz shes a sap
They travel around the realm a bit, stopping in Undermount so Cleo can look into House Nightbloom, and getting rides from Imtura when Mal gives them a tip on a relic or something
All the while Nia’s trying to spread the Light in small villages, using her magic for little things as Cleo works favours again
At some point they get a cottage a ways away from a village, I’d say not too far from the Deadwood and things slow down for the most part, only the occasional trip for the temple
It’s a really cute house, small and surrounded by flowers and huge trees, Cleo builds a swing on one
The others visit occasionally, Kade and Threep the most often, and I almost want to say they take in an orphan, but I can’t decide if Cleo would trust herself enough for that
Though I feel like Nia would love to have pets at the least cleo always compares threep to the cats to annoy him
Elves canonically have longer life spans than humans, and Nia’s is even shorter from using her Light, so I’m sure you can tell where I’m going with this
Nia passes in her sleep before anyone else in the gang and it really fucks up Cleo, like the way she wakes up to it and can’t even stop it
And the worst part is that she’s always hoping just a little bit in the back of her mind that it’s like the first time, and Nia’s just going to wake up or knock on the front door
The gang meet up all together for a funeral, and Cleo plants the flowers from the bouquet from the end of book diamond scene
She ditches the cottage cuz too much of it is Nia, and is just kind of aimless for a little bit, staying with Kade in Whiterun, but ultimately hates not having a purpose
She moves to the old elven cabin in the Deadwood cuz shes a sap cuz it’s one of her favourite places
She devotes herself to fixing it up and making it better, helping travelers through the Deadwood cuz I feel like Tyril would open Undermount up
Everyone’s stayed in relative contact and tend to invite Cleo on adventures if they don’t hear from her for a while, just to keep her from isolating herself in the woods
Mal works with the monarchy to make things better in the Nooks and Crannies while still thievin, and especially when he’s older settles down more
I feel like he lives pretty long, but ends up sick and passing away, second to go and he kinda laughs about it his mum was sick right? and he jokes about the irony to feel better?
I doubt Imtura really accepts being a princess, I think she keeps captaining and fights it as long as she can until she really doesn’t have a choice
But she’s not like her mum, actually leaving Flotilla and like working with the guard and stuff
I think she’s third, dying in battle like a badass and saving her crew. She’s honored by the clans, and the monarchy and even Undermount declares her a hero or something idk how it works there
I feel like Kade would keep to stories, but maybe spend a while just moving about the realm, stay in Undermount to explore it and stuff, builds up his name as a bard
He dies in his sleep too cuz he deserves it, he passes when he’s visiting Riverbend again, he’s buried there and like the whole village shows up
I feel like Tyril’s significantly older than everyone else, but being an elf hides it
He always gives Cleo tips on artifacts, or asks her to escort travelers through the Deadwood or around the realm if they’re important to keep her busy
He’s not the head of House Starfury, but he’s still pretty involved in elven politics, mainly focused on opening up Undermount, educating people on the elven empire and spreading the wealth and stuff
He’d go before Cleo, just running out of life force after all his magic
After Tyril passes, Cleo’s just done, he was the only thing giving her purpose, and she’s spent decades cleaning up the Deadwood as best she can
Threep’s joined her after Tyril’s funeral, staying with her for a few days and how following her out into the forest
She walks out to the clearing they saw the unicorn at and stops right on the edge, sitting down and setting up a purification ritual
She’s known how for years, she learned after Nia passed so she could spend some of her life completing one of her dreams like a sap
She clears out the darkness from a lot of the Deadwood to drain the last of her life force, stumbling over to a tree and sliding down to the ground, her back pressed against the bark
Threep flutters into her lap, her nails scratching behind his ears as he licks her chin comfortingly, a final goodbye
Her breathing starts heavy, growing slow as her chest feels far more hollow than it did a moment ago, and her eyelids slowly grow heavy
A breeze brushes her hair, stirring her awake. The lake’s shimmering before her, bright and magical as she stumbles to her feet, Threep gone from her lap
The Deadwood’s healed, more than she could possibly have managed on her own, and she has so much more energy now than when she fell asleep
She trips through the trees, running for what feels like hours until she’s back at the cabin, the stone bright against the trees as it sits, whole again after all her effort
She shoulders the front door open, freezing when she sees the fireplace, or rather, what’s before the fireplace
Nia’s there, her back to the flickering flames as she smiles, cheeks redder than the curls falling down her shoulders
And Cleo doesn’t stop running, tackling Nia into a hug and squeezing with all she is, tears dripping down her chin as she laughs, carefree and disbelieving and happy. So, so happy, for the first time since she last saw that smile
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valhallanrose · 4 years
Hey, nobody asked for it, but I did the entire NSFW alphabet for Zelda because I could and here it is on your dash. 
Under 18 don’t interact I’ll die
Anyway horny under the cut 
[A] Aftercare
So here’s the thing about Zelda: she’s got the stamina of someone twice her size. No matter what role her partner takes/she takes, unless she has been completely worn out, she’ll take care of the cleanup/
Her favorite way to relax with her partner afterwards (or between rounds, if they have the energy) is with their head on her chest, so she can wrap her arms around them and run her fingers through their hair. Especially so if their hair is longer - she’ll play with it until she passes out, hand still half woven into the hair at the nape of their neck.
Sometimes, if she’s really into her partner, she’ll weave illusions for them. The ceiling of her room is enchanted, done just so to mirror the stars outside, but she’ll add her own magic to the enchantment so she can pull the stars down to her level. The constellations coalesce, tiny strands of light dancing between her fingers and down her arms, letting her manipulate them into creatures from everywhere between the depths of the sea and the highest mountain’s peak. 
[B] Body Part (their favorite of theirs & their partner)
On herself - she likes her hips. Some of it is utility - balancing a basket is easy between her hand and hip and it’s convenient - and it’s the natural place her hands fall when she’s thinking or talking. But they’re also a good place to squeeze, with just enough softness to her to make it comfortable no matter why you’re clutching her hips.
On her partner - Zelda enjoys people’s hands. Not only for the pleasure they can provide, but also for the stories a person’s hands tell. She’ll take in the scars, the curves, the lines, whether your nails are manicured and well cared for or rough with ages of physical labor. No matter what, she’ll bring their hands to her lips, press a kiss to their knuckles and smile as she gives them a squeeze.
Also, if she’s bottoming and her partner (equipped with a strap or nature’s strap) holds her hand as they’re lining up? Oh my god, she fuckin’ dead
[C] Cum (anything to do with it)
She’s kinda neutral on this one? She doesn’t go wild for it but she doesn’t hate it
Please don’t cum on her face, that will have her nope out of the situation so fast (unless you’re afab in which the answer is please do she’ll feel like she did good)
Amab, just warn her and she’ll swallow instead
And if you want to cum on her, ask, because that’s not always something she’s into anyway. That has weird marking connotations for her. 
She’s more pleased to know that she’s the one who made you feel that good rather than seeing the cum itself
As for her, she eats a lot of fruit, so hers ends up tasting sweet above all else, so if you’re not a fan tough shit because she won’t stop eating her fruit
[D] Dirty Secret
Really wishes someone would just drag her into a private space, pin her up against the wall, and take her right there. Clothing removed beyond the necessary is optional. 
Like...full legs thrown over her partner’s arms, hips slapping together, having to bite down on her hand to keep from alerting anyone that she’s being absolutely railed in the shop’s backroom while loving every second of it. 
She’s normally a ‘soft and slow’ person but that’s been one of her fantasies for a long time and she’s never felt comfortable enough with a partner to ask them to do that
Zelda, you’re drooling, get it together this is only the fourth letter
[E] Experience
Not wildly experienced. I’d say, in any timeline, she’s only had maybe two partners that got to a point of sexual encounter. It’s not that she’s opposed to casual flings (she’s had one or two), she just doesn’t always click with people, and she needs that connection to feel attracted enough to engage in a sexual relationship of any kind.
[F] Favorite Position
Lotus, for sure
She likes riding/being on top but she really generally enjoys the connection of being able to see her partner, kiss them as much as she wants, press her forehead against theirs
But also she’s up for smothering someone in kisses while giggling if they squeeze her sides in a weird way that makes her feel ticklish and that’s easiest to do when you can face your partner
[G] Goofy (are they serious or humorous in bed)
Definitely goofy. She’ll laugh it off when bodies make a weird noise, crack jokes, and bonus points if you dish it back. 
Sex for her is about having a good time, and not just the pleasure aspect of it.
If you’re serious in bed go away her four-poster is for lighthearted sex only
[H] Hair
Definitely keeps things trimmed neatly, because she can’t stand the feeling of it getting long, nor can she even begin to tolerate the feeling of hair growing back after shaving it all off. She’s done that, she regretted it deeply. 
A little lighter than the hair on her head, and let’s be real she probably oils it because she likes being generally soft and also prepared for a hypothetical encounter
[I] Intimacy
Intimacy comes easier to her if you reciprocate, obviously
Spread across the act, from foreplay to aftercare
Lots of gentle touches and soft words of praise 
Feels most connected to someone during sex the more intertwined with them she is - hence why she likes the Lotus position. It’s easy to see them, watch their pleasure, press gentle kisses to their lips and face and smooth back their hair
In a relationship, it’s the most intense way she can show her care for her partner, given that she’s already quite physical
Please cuddle her after she just has so much love in her body for her partner and needs to express it
[J] Jack - off (masturbation hc)
Zelda usually has trouble getting off on her own, so this isn’t something she tries often, but her most successful effort involved a rather potent aphrodisiac and a dildo
With those + her fingers for clitoral stimulation? That’s probably the only time she successfully reached orgasm on her own
Which ties into her biggest kink/preference...
[K] Kink
Since she can’t often climax on her own, and if her partner is willing, she’ll go until she drops
Especially with the combo of g-spot and clitoral stimulation, she’d die and go to heaven
Prefers to be 
Laid out beside her partner so she can kiss them with their hand between her thighs
Straddling their face and grabbing something, be it the headboard or some fixture on the wall
Or laying back on the bed, hands buried in her partner’s hair and her thighs hitched over their shoulder
Do not recommend a sixty-nine if you’re overstimulating her because she will get so into pushing her hips into your face she’ll kinda forget to reciprocate
[L] Location
Prefers to be somewhere private and comfortable, which usually means her home. Otherwise, she is content to have sex involving any surface in her house. 
Except for the shop display case, please don’t make her polish that thing more than she has to she’ll be so salty afterwards
[M] Motivation (turn ons etc)
Intelligence (big brain sexy)
Seeing someone blush
A hand on the small of her back or on her knee
Idle fingers tracing patterns on her thighs, innocently or not so
Someone she’s already attracted to smelling absolutely delectable
Kisses on the inside of her wrist will really get her
So will kissing her freckles
[N] NO (turn offs, deal breakers, things they wont do ever etc) 
Zelda’s only hard no is public sex, because she’s too noisy, but she’s willing to try almost anything at least once
She’s not into receiving pain (save for like, a smack on the ass/a bite/a hickey/etc) and not really into choking (also receiving) but just about anything else is fair game
[O] Orgasm Denial (how do they do it, do they like it done to them)
100% willing to give
Prefers oral as her tool of choice, but will alternate between mouth and hands to offer kisses as her partner settles down
Never cruel about it, always willing to relent if you use your safe word or ask her to let you cum
Really, really doesn’t like receiving
She doesn’t get to get off on her own and she’s not gonna deny herself guaranteed pleasure if she can help it
Will be a no unless she’s been with you long enough to know you won’t leave her high and dry
[P] Pace
Usually prefers softer and slower sex, mostly because she likes taking her time. However, if you’ve been teasing her all day? She will have you pinned to the door of your place or hers before it really has time to shut. 
[Q] Quickie (where, how often, do they like them)
Likes them, but has to be in the mood for them
She doesn’t really like feeling rushed when trying to enjoy herself and make sure her partner is too
However, a promise of a more thorough round later usually is enough to placate her
[R] Risk (experiments, do they like pushing themselves/their s/o)
She’ll try anything once, but don’t spring it on her in the middle of the act. She’d rather sit down with her partner and talk about it, maybe do some research, give her time to understand the best way to go about it and what they need to do it properly. She’s not really spur of the moment. 
However, positions? That she’ll try in a heartbeat. If Zelda could be described by one word, it would be curious.
[S] Stamina
Lots of stamina. Faster sex wears her out more, so her preferred slower pace is part of it, but she just generally has a lot of energy. Could go multiple rounds, and her partner’s recovery time just extends her stamina a bit more. 
Really shouldn’t have this much stamina but part of it comes from a lot of time doing physical work in the shop/her garden so whoops
Cold showers have been a useful tool when she just can’t settle down
[T] Toys (do they own any, do they use them, how often, where)
She has a few different styles of dildos and vibrators that she’s tried to see if she could find something for her that works, but nothing really does, so they’re all shoved in a box under her bed. 
Are aphrodisiacs applicable? Because she absolutely has and will experiment on her own with them, otherwise their involvement is up to her partner
[U] Unfair (how do they tease)
Really dependent on her partner and what she knows gets them going
Generally lots of subtle, under the table touches that could possibly be construed as a mishap
At least until she squeezes your thigh or skims her fingers far too high up for it to possibly be a mistake at all 
[V] Volume (how loud, what do they sound like, what sounds they make)
Very pretty sounds. She won’t get vocal unless her partner explicitly tells her it’s okay, and until then she’ll bite her hand or her lip to keep quiet. 
Not vulgar when she speaks during it - kinda polite, actually, paired with sighs of delight if you oblige any requests she makes (see below for examples if you desire)
“May I touch you here?”
“What are you doing? I can’t kiss you properly if - oh. Oh. No, please, keep going, I -” (cue some mild incoherent babble)
“Please, please, more”
“Yes, hah, right there - oh!”
[W] Wild Card (random NSFW hc)
She broke a headboard one time while riding someone’s face (grabbing onto it) and she’s never been able to look at one the same since
Sometimes in her post-overstimulated orgasm headspace she’ll thank her partner a couple times in this dreamy little voice and kiss the closest part of them she can reach without moving
If you’re overstimulating her, especially if you’ve been at it for a little bit, she’ll start to speak in her native dialect (Neviv/Nevivonic/whatever you hc Julian and Portia to speak. I believe it’s Russian sue me) \If you happen to speak it, she might just cum then and there 
[X] X - ray (what do they have going on under their clothes)
Usually doesn’t end up with matching undergarments but if she does you know she wants to get laid
Lots of lacy underthings and thin bralettes because full bras are The Devil, typically bright colors for fun
If she’s feeling really saucy, she’ll go with a full bralette/panties/garter belt/stockings combo just to really show off for her partner once the outer layers come off
Usually she just ends up laying around her house in nothing but her panties and knee socks that match in no other way but height and texture
She has a near perfect heart shaped birthmark, right where her inner left thigh meets her pelvis. She likes it, but teasing her about it or kissing it will make her both melt and go cherry red.
Fun fact: if you leave a hickey anywhere near it, that’ll get her going like nobody’s business
[Y] Yearning (how often to they think of sex, how long can they go without it etc)
She can go without it for a while, but she’s got a high sex drive, so she doesn’t want to
Sex really only comes to Zelda’s mind when her partner does something that really gets to her (see Motivations)
Willing to Yearn if she’s not sure the sexual feelings are reciprocated
[Z] Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep, do they snuggle, etc) 
Very affectionate and very cuddly. Catch her with her forehead pressed to her partner’s, giggling a little as she rubs her nose against theirs, smiling into kisses and burying her face in their hair as she lets her hands wander idly. 
However, unless you’ve totally worn her out, don’t expect her to fall asleep right away. 
One time she cleaned the whole shop after masturbating at like four AM and she’s never gotten it that clean again
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franklyshipping · 4 years
Day 16 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
TAGGING: @bright-light-mark
Making snow angels is amazing. Even though I know I’ll spend hours wrapped up in blankets with soup and a blocked nose afterwards….I’ll still be smiling because I’ll have made the best damn snow angel there is. Lying in cold snow with it seeping through your clothes just adds to the thrill of it, you know damn well you’re going to be shivering for a good damn while but it doesn’t matter because in that moment you are an artist. Doesn’t matter who you are, if you have a moving body or someone to help you move your body, you can make a snow angel, and every single one will always be beautiful. However, there were certain egos who had a particular advantage when it came to this festive activity…because they had actual angel wings.
Angelicsepticeye, known as Angie for short, had a particular talent for leaving his imprint in the snow, because he somehow managed to leave the most specific imprint of his feathers that made the whole imprint look so beautiful. It was late afternoon in the ego household’s back yard….and he’d just sat up from dong his sixteenth imprint in the snow.
‘Angelo look!’
Angelo, the angelic ego of Markiplier, looked over to his boyfriend with a soft smile in place. Out of the two of them, he was far more regal. His hands were clasped at the small of his back as he stretched his vantablack wings a tad, raising a playful eyebrow at Angie’s excitability.
‘It looks exactly the same as all the others darling…’
Angie pouted at that, which made Angelo fondly roll his eyes fondly before continuing.
‘But it is a beautiful imprint.’
Angelo’s smile widened when he saw how Angie lit up, letting out a happy giggle at the compliment; which was honest by the way, Angelo did think that the imprinted “snow angels” were rather lovely to look at. Angie sat up from his latest creation, ruffling the snow from his hair as he spoke.
‘I know right! Won’t you come and do one with me?’
Angelo wrinkled his nose. Yes, they were beautiful to look at, but making one was less appealing to him.
‘I think not darling. Besides, you’ve certainly done enough for the both of us.’
Angie pouted once more, he knew Angelo didn’t always partake in playful things like this, but Angie was determined to persuade him! These snow angels were such a beautiful concept, and Angie couldn’t help but wonder what Angelo’s would look like. He bounded over to his well-postured, refined boyfriend, his own ivory wings ruffling cutely as he took one of Angelo’s hands in both of his own.
‘Aaawww c’mon, it’s fun! Plus, I bet if you made one it would look so gorgeous!’
Angelo let out a soft, amused laugh as he decided to peck his boyfriend on the lips; Angie was almost unbearably sweet sometimes.
'Your flattery isn’t going to persuade me to let myself get soaked through for some temporary, festive artwork.’
Angie’s bottom lip stuck out even further as his pout deepened, and he gently tugged on his boyfriend’s hand.
‘Oh pleeeease? Won’t you do it for me?’
Angie batted his eyelashes up at Angelo….which served to make the latter angel develop a smirk. Angie ended up letting out a gentle gasp when Angelo slid an arm around his waist, pulling him close in a manner that was pretty seductive. Angie could feel his heart pounding as they locked eyes, and Angelo started to lean down towards him…closer…closer….
Angelo suddenly whispered, before drawing away from Angie and releasing him with a chuckle. Of course, this made the septic angel blush a hot pink and indignantly squeak at the teasiness.
‘H-Hey! That w-was r-really mean!'
Angelo merely chuckled more, sending a wink to his flustered angel before setting his gaze back upon the snow-covered gardens of the ego household, watching the snow fall happily as the satisfaction of flustering his boyfriend rose inside him. Angie meanwhile let out a low, flustered growl as he folded his arms at his chest. That was it. Not only was he intent on getting his boyfriend to make a show angel, but now he also wanted to get revenge on him for being so teasy. A sweet smile of mischief grew on Angie’s face as his gaze locked onto his boyfriend, who was stretching his wings.
‘….you shouldn’t have done that.’
Angelo was all set to roll his eyes and let another tease roll off of his tongue….but he ended up shrieking instead. Angelo realised too late that Angie had lunged at him, nestled his hands in the bowels of his wings, and wiggled all ten of his fingers into the joints in a very tickly fashion. His feathered appendages flapped and twitched as the wide-eyed angel tried to back away from the tickling.
Angelo was so embarrassed, especially at hearing how raucous his laughter sounded, it sounded so wild and unrefined but he couldn’t stop. He was practically flailing about as he tried to stumble away from his boyfriend, but Angie’s fingers kept wiggling and scratching those hidden tickle spots with a glee that wouldn’t be easily hindered.
‘Uh uh! A) You deserve his for teasing me, and b) I want you to make a snow angel, right here, right now!’
Angelo threw his head back with laughter, trying to fold away his wings and push at Angie’s chest, but the tickling didn’t stop. Despite the torture though, Angelo shook his head, he wasn’t going to embarrass himself even further by letting himself get soaked!
Angelo was very adamant…but so was Angie. He grinned at his boyfriend fondly, before sneakily tripping up his ankles so that Angelo fell to the soft ground with an adorably surprised yelp. His onyx eyes were wide as Angie pinned him so swiftly, trapping his arms under his knees before proceeded to literally knead his wing joints. He was an evil little angel.
‘Oh yes you will, you know you can’t handle my tickles, you never can.’
Angie felt even more gleeful at seeing Angelo’s cheeks go red at his words, all the while he thrashed and threw his head back with his booming laughter.
Angelo simply knew Angie’s words weren’t true, I mean, he couldn’t think of any precise events where they were inaccurate….but in his mind it still wasn’t true! He was a strong angel darnit, he could take being tickled….totally. Angie of course knew this to be bullshit, and raised his eyebrow down at Angelo as a result.
‘I’m sorry, what was that? Are you calling me a liar?’
Angie cooed, rubbing his thumbs deep into Angelo’s primary wing joints, all the while hoping Angelo would carry on being defiant so that he could carry on tickling the heaven out of him. Of course, Angelo was too proud to let his boyfriend make such flustering accusations against him.
He replied adamantly through his laughter, which spurred Angie to huff dramatically and put his hands on his hips, having mercy on his boyfriend for now tickling-wise…but the teasing he did not relent on.
‘Okay, first of all that’s mean! And second, do you really want me to list off all the times you’ve submitted to my tickling?’
As Angelo gasped for air he felt his blush creep down his neck, initially averting his eyes because he knew that list would be very, very long. Angelo was starting to feel very intimidated by his boyfriend too, since he was usually ever so sweet….but when Angelo looked up to see Angie with his hands on his hips so sassily, he couldn’t help but burst into giggles. Angie raised an eyebrow down at him, but was internally squealing with delight. He loved when Angelo’s dam broke and he just got overwhelmed by giddiness, it meant he got to play with him more.
‘Oh? Is something about this funny to you?’
His words only made Angelo giggle harder, despite his attempts to hold it all in. Angie was so smitten with him right now. His giggles were just so deep and beautiful, and seeing Angelo smile so much and be less stoic was something Angie seriously adored. Especially when he tried to maintain conversation.
‘Yehes, y-yohou!’
Angelo stuttered, and soon snorted through his giggles as his boyfriend gasped and dramatically put his hand on his chest.
‘Me? Why, whatever did I do to make you giggle so much? I’m not even tickling you right now!’
Angelo whined with cutely pursed lips.
‘Y-Yohou ahare beihing a sihilly goof!’
Angie’s happy eyes glinted playfully at that.
‘Oh I’m so glad you noticed! Goofiness is what I was going for….’
The teasy angel then set about resting his fingers on Angelo’s tummy as he softly purred.
‘….now then honey, about that snow angel….’
Angelo spluttered and squeezed his eyes shut, trembling and tensing as he felt Angie’s fingertips start to evilly trace over his tummy.
‘Are you suuuure you don’t want to do one?’
Angelo whimpered at his boyfriend’s evil coo, his giggling bubbling out of him preciously as he tried to stay strong.
‘I-Ihihi wohohon’t doho ihit!’
Angie grinned.
‘Then you leave me no choice….’
Angelo gulped and bit his bottom lip, anticipating his boyfriend going in for the kill somewhere on his body….but no rough tickling came. The tracing and stroking persisted. After a few moments, Angelo looked up at his boyfriend, flustered confusion painting his features as he stammered.
‘Whahat a-a-ahare yohou dohohoing?’
Angie giggled with malevolent mischief, happily tracing shapes and patterns into Angelo’s taut stomach.
‘Oh come now, we both know that light tickles are what actually get to you….’
Angelo honestly looked like he was made more out of blush than angel….because Angie’s words were just so true. He had to avert his gaze once more. Gentleness affected him greatly and it was a sure fire way to make him crumble into a mirthful, weak mess if it persisted. Angie knew this, so Angelo knew that he was utterly screwed.
‘B-Buhuhut th-thahat ihisn’t fahair!’
He muttered through his giggles, which made Angie giggle fondly as he moved his tracing to Angelo’s sensitive hipbones.
‘All’s fair in love and tickles!’
Angelo whimpered and softly bucked, his hands balling up into desperate fists as he wriggled about beneath his boyfriend.
‘Nohoho ihit ihihisn’t ihihit ihisn’t!’
Angie grinned, continuing to use his fingertips to give Angelo’s hips only the very lightest of tickles; he also decided to lean down so he was nose to nose with Angelo, he always loved seeing his flusteredness up close.
‘Is too is toooo my ticklish little cherub!’
Angelo arched his back, his body literally starting to shake from all his giggles; the poor angel just felt so weak from it all, especially since it was Angie who was doing it.
‘A-Ahahangihie p-plehehease nohoho mohore!’
Angelo had tears in his eyes as he gazed up at his boyfriend pleadingly, smiling his sweet, embarrassed smile which always made Angie melt with adoration. He lovingly kissed Angelo’s nose as his tracing delved into the bowels of his ticklish hips, and he crooned softly.
‘You’ll make a snow angel?’
Angelo could only nod adorably as he stammered.
‘Yehehes yehehehes ohoho gohohod noho mohore tihickles!’
Angie snorted and giggled at Angelo’s sweet begging, and had mercy on him because he adored him too much to be too torturous. Angie released Angelo’s hands too, before proceeding to lie on top of Angelo so he could cuddle him as he snickered.
‘My poor ticklish baaaby.’
Angelo gasped, his cheeks staying as hot as hell from his flusteredness as his arms and wings flopped onto the ground from his tiredness. They laid there together for a few minutes, since the sweet, dark-winged angel always needed time to recover from tickle attacks like that. After he’d caught his breath, Angelo sighed, resigning himself to the fate of being soaked through pretty soon.
‘Are yohou going to get off me so I can make one then?’
Angelo mumbled with a light smile, but was surprised when Angie snorted into his chest….but then his eye widened at Angie’s words.
‘Ihi don’t thihink I need to…’
Then….the cold hit him. Amidst all the tickling, Angelo hadn’t even realised that Angie had been pinning him down on a thick patch of snow, he thought they’d still been on the back porch! Now, as they both hurriedly sat up, Angelo looked behind him to see a perfect imprint of his body and wings in the snow.
‘Y-You sneak!’
Angie giggled, giddy that his little deception had worked. Angelo meanwhile was hmphing and rustling his snow covered wings.
‘Now my wings are cold….’
Angie softly awwed at his pouting boyfriend, and was about to suggest that they headed back inside….when suddenly, something round and green landed in the snow next to them with quite the thump and a whine. Angie furrowed his eyebrows.
‘What the-…wait….Gooper?’
It was, in fact, Gooper. The little creature whined and whimpered in the snow, spurring Angie to scoop him up and cradle him at his chest as Angelo looked at him in great concern. Every ego loved Gooper, with no exceptions, and the angelic couple were worried at seeing him like this.
‘Oh honey what’s wrong?’
Angie cooed gently as Gooper nestled into his chest, rife with whimpers, which Angelo thankfully was able to translate.
‘He’s been trying to make snow angels himself for the past hour, but hasn’t been able to because every time his body hits the snow he stiffens up from the cold….’
Angelo trailed off, frowning as he reached to softly stroke the poor tickle monster as Angie gasped, worried intensely for the poor thing having been out in the cold on his own for such a while.
‘Gooper you could have put yourself in danger! Oh sweetie…we’ll figure something out, I promise! Won’t we?’
Angelo nodded following on from his boyfriend’s words, and they both stroked and petted Gooper now, which needless to say improved the creature’s mood mightily. He started to purr, feeling less sad as he became surrounded by all their love. Angelo smiled fondly.
‘We certainly will…but can we do it inside because I can feel my wings freezing.’
Angie giggled at that, and hurried to stand and help his boyfriend to his feet.
‘C’mon you two, we can’t have you both catching colds!’
The trio then managed to get back to the safety of the warm indoors where they had a fest of warmth and brainstorming, trying to figure out how they could help Gooper make a snow angel of his own safely. Eventually, the angels came up with the ingenious idea to fashion little wings from their own feathers to attach to Gooper’s Christmas jumper….and thus, there were three angels in the ego household.
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sadisticpussies · 5 years
Salacious Endeavors
Fandom: 13 Reasons Why
Relationship: Justin Foley/Jessica Davis
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Additional Tags: Smut, Sexual Content, 13rw Season 3, Jesstin, Foreplay, Light Teasing.
They sat atop Jessica's, frankly, disgustingly huge bed. The moonlight pouring through her open windows, the ethereal hues of the night skies transcended a soft glow that emanated through the room, the wind offering a welcome chill to the otherwise burning furnace their body heat created between them. Jess sat straddling him whilst Justin was propped against the headboard. His thighs were quivering, shaking underneath her and his hands, gripping her hips, tightened minutely. She'd have fingerprint bruises tomorrow, she was sure. After a second of thought, she found she didn't mind at all.
Usually, foreplay wasn't exactly her thing, she preferred to get things over with in as efficient a manner as possible, but she had to admit; teasing Justin for hours, listening to his noises, getting increasingly more desperate and loud, watching him writhe helplessly beneath her as his hips avidly spurred, feeling desperate for her to touch him anywhere was really doing something for her. Earlier, she had asked him not to touch her besides holding onto her if he chose to and so far, he'd been very obedient albeit she could tell that he desperately longed to caress his fingers along the silken skin on her thighs.
Her free hand, the one not wrapped around his pretty, thick cock, was stroking his side, alternating between squeezing his hip and running her fingers along the chiseled muscles that taunted on his toned abs. Her hand gently wrapped around his dick, slid up and down in a steady rhythm, slow, lazily, torturous, maddening. Her fingers brushed against the sensitive underside of his flushed head, her pinky finger catching on the edge. He moaned, long and drawn out, into her shoulder, his whole body shuddering uncontrollably. She was gentle in all her ministrations, so gentle, nothing more than a light touch, just the barest of sensations.
"That good?" She whispered in his ear, her breath spreading goosebumps across his neck. He shuddered hard, gulping thickly as his tongue drags across his lower lip. He only grunts in retort, unable to form any tangible words at the moment.
Jess hummed, relenting, and tightened her hand on an upstroke just once, just so, causing him to gasp sharply. His hips strained up, desperate for more, more friction, contact, anything. She chuckled, tilting her head to kiss his cheek where his face was pressed into her shoulder. He was burning, his warm breaths coming out in puffs against her collarbone, his forehead fire against her neck. She carded her unoccupied hand in his soft curls, slightly damp with sweat, and tugged. His cock jumped in her hand and he let out a high, wordless moan. It was almost too much for her, seeing him like this. Her arousal pooling between her thighs, dripping onto the sheets below and probably Justin's thighs. She groaned and pulled his head up, gently, with the hand still in his hair. Her mouth latched onto his exposed neck, sucking delicately at his soft skin. His back arched into it, gasp after gasp, moan after moan leaving his mouth in hot breaths.
Her lips travelled down his throat, kissing every crevasse of skin she could. She dragged her teeth along his collarbone, biting it, firmly but not hard enough to hurt, if the moan he let out was anything to go by. She continued her path down after licking and soothing any angry red mark she'd made, his chest her next target. She loved how soft it was, how much it gave underneath her touch, despite the muscle. Right now, it was expanding and contracting rapidly, like he'd just ran a marathon, although with his stamina and agility, she doubted he'd be this spent after even that. A gasp tore from his throat, high and sharp, that quickly turned into a long, low moan when she squeezed his cock in her hand, admittedly a little left out after her distraction with his neck. The angle was not the best, hunched over as she was, face buried in his chest, and it was beginning to hurt her back. She scooted farther down his thighs to allow her hand more room and she felt her wetness drag along his thigh. They groaned in unison, Justin choking on it, his throat clicking.
"Jess—fuck—I'm," He stammers abashedly, cheeks flushing in chagrin as he feels a clenching tightening in his lower abdomen. His teeth roughly gnawing at the plush skin on his lower lip, the bittered taste of blood sits on his tongue.
"Justin" she whispered huskily, the tenor of her voice is alluring and coquettish. Her mouth left his neck and she leaned up and kissed his cheek, his chin, his left eyelid before she kissed him deeply, open-mouthed, cutting off his unevened gasps. She pulled away and a broken moan escaped his mouth, his bottom lip caught briefly between her teeth. "are you close?" She knew he was; she could tell by the way his breath hitched, how his face was completely flushed and debaunched, how his fingers curled into a clenched fist as he resisted the urge of reaching out to touch her but she needed to hear him say it.
His chuckle abruptly cut off into a gasp when she dragged her thumb heavily over his slick head. "Yes, shit, I-" She was amazed he could do anything but moan right now. "Have... have been for- hah- ah!- a fucking while now, Jess." He gasped, murmuring a hymn of profanities under his breath.
"Okay," she smirked, her voice much steadier than she felt, "then cum for me, sweetheart." He whimpered inadvertently at the use of that pet name, or in anticipation, she didn't know.
She dragged her hand down his stomach, reveling in the way his muscles quivered and quivered and didn't seem to stop, and joined it with her other at his cock. Using them both to pump him lightly a few times, she brought it down even farther, past his balls and up, her first two fingers held up beneath them, at the base of his dick, while the rest of her hand cradled them in her palm. He was shaking, gasping, cursing under his breath and then louder. He was so worked up, she was dizzy it it.
She pressed her fingers to that spot she knew drove him crazy, lightly at first, and then harder when she felt his cock lurch in her hand. He grunted gutturally, back bowed, head flung back over the edge of the headboard, his throat bared, and came in rivulets over her hands and his stomach. His eyes were squeezed shut and his face was painted in the prettiest blush, his mouth hung agape in a near perfect 'O'. At some point he had leaned over and laid his head back down on her shoulder, his own shaking. He was still shuddering through it, though his cock spent.
"you okay up there?" she whispered, her voice slightly teasing.
"Hnn." Was all she got in response. She lifted his head gently off her shoulder with both hands cupped around his cheeks. He grinned tiredly at her,
"I'm fine, really. It's just that was the most intense handjob I've ever had." He blushed, seemingly embarrassed at his reaction. After a moment, a grin was back on his face, wider this time, and he leaned in to kiss her sleepily, no more than a simple pressing of lips, but still her heart fluttered.
A long moment later and he cleared his throat, gesturing between them, "Did you..." he asked airily, although his meaning was clear.
"Oh. No, I didn't." Jess looked down at herself; to be honest she'd forgotten all about her own throbbing arousal, watching him like that.
"Here, let me just-" he patted her arms in an unmistakable gesture to get off him, already. She chuckled, but obliged nonetheless. He hummed an inward thank you and scooted down until he was lying fully horizontal. He wriggled and stretched, rolling his shoulders into the soft sheets, getting comfortable. With a final, content sigh, he beckoned her back to him, waving a hand toward his face. "Alright, you can sit now."
She let out a startled laugh that quickly turned into a cough, her hand brought up to cover her mouth. "What?" She asked incredulously, a subtle smirk on her face as she glanced over at him.
"You heard me. Sit on my face," he dragged the last part out in a stupidly endearing sing-songy voice and she playfully swatted at his chest. "I can handle it. Now sit those pretty pink lips over my mouth so I can suck on them until you cum." she amusedly smirked at him, swinging a leg over to straddle his wide chest. His sudden goofiness was forgotten momentarily, her arousal a more pressing matter.
"Only if you insist," she says, though she felt herself already throbbing at the thought of his heavy tongue lapping up the saccharine juices along her wanton slit.
"I do," he grinned wiggling his eyebrows cheekily at her. He grabbed her ass in his large hands and squeezed, pulling her just slightly towards him, enough to make her lose her balance, unexpected as it was. She gasped and braced her hands on his shoulders for balance.
"Alright, alright!" She laughed before leaning down to kiss his forehead, once, twice, three times and then his mouth. Just once. Enough to make him groan, low in his throat. Sydney smiled down at him and lifted herself up on her knees, scooting closer until her swollen center was hovering only inches above his mouth. He pulled her down by her ass and peppered kisses along the very inside of her thighs, centimeters from her wanton sex. He noses her apex lightly, enthralling at the sweet smell of her sex lingering in his nostrils.
"Justin, come on. You bastard," she whined, "don't tease me."
He scoffed, loud and amused, but with a dangerous edge to it. "Don't tease you? Don't tease you? Oh, that is something." He had a mischievous glint in his eye, the corner of his lips arched in a roguish smirk. She watched him, best as she could from her current position, as he raised a single eyebrow in a perfect, practiced arch, filled with mischief and promise. "But oh, don't worry I won't tease you, Jess. I promise."
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lygerastia · 5 years
maybe some other time (Lance)
Tumblr media
Summary: After so long, Lance reunites with you, his long lost love -- but...
If only.
Warnings: angst; death.
Chapters: 1 [completed]
Words: 2,110 
“[name]...! [name]! [naaaame]!”
It came from a distance; or so it seemed, you had no idea. Too tired to figure it out. There was a loud ringing in your ears and a stinging pain in your side—you were drifting on and off out of consciousness and couldn’t keep your mind straight, coulndn't think clear.
But that familiar voice…You focused on it, trying to stay awake and holding on for a few more seconds.
“[name]! [name]! Stay with me!”
Clearer this time: was it Lance? It must be Lance…You were with him, last thing you remember.
“Don’t…Don’t do this to me…”
“Lance…” you try to say but your throat is dry and your lips uncoordinated. Two arms were holding you, dragging you through the dust. It was all quiet around you, except for Lance’s worried murmurs—his words were overlapping and you don’t have the energy to completely focus on them.
It doesn’t matter anyway. You feel like blacking out once again…
“[name], please—“ a pitiful sob wakes you up. “—please wake up…”
Arms were squeezed around chest, cradling you, swinging back and forth gently. Your hair was wet—was someone crying in your hair?
Because someone planted soft kisses on top of your head every few word; they felt warm and protective. You felt safe, you could just drift back to sleep and forget all the pain that your whole body felt. Your brain buzzed with blackness and you couldn’t move your body at all—it was numb, without energy.
Were you just extremely tired?
Or was it something else? You drifted back to sleep until—
Lance…It was Lance that was crying, no?
After such a long time since you’ve last seen him, you finally reunited. You saw his goofy face and your heart skipped a beat: he was there to save you.
Lance. The one you’ve been loving ever since you first met him, back on Earth, his hometown. He was here for you—you thought your cries for help were going to be left unanswered. But he heard you and he came for you.
T o save you from years of slavery; who would’ve guessed that so deep in space, you would meet with him again?
It was fate. Destiny wanted you two to..
Everything went wrong, though.
It was no tearful reunion—a tragic one instead. When you were holding his hand as you were running to safety, you knew that things will be better. Your hero, with his bright grin you so missed, was here for you. ‘
It’s going to be fine!’ he told you, squeezing your hand. ‘You have the best sharpshooter with you. [name].’ When he called you your name, you were amazed he still remembered. But then…a hidden enemy appeared in front of you, taking you by surprise. Lance didn’t manage to ready his weapon in time and the Galra soldier drove his blade into your stomach, deep enough, straight to the mark.
Blood everywhere….The intense pain…It all came back to you.
Lance panicked and killed the soldier before picking you up bridal style. You couldn’t focus anymore, though—you weren’t strong enough, you couldn’t deal with this. You were weak from all the work and...
There was something about an escape pod that malfunctioned…
And you two landed….on a stranded planet.
You were alone with no way to escape.
“Lance!” you gasped audibly, opening your eyes and meeting a yellow sky—foreign.
Yet again, everything was foreign for you in space; you didn't get to explore it, as you would've wished.
“[name]! You’re—you’re awake!” Lance’s relieved voice reaches you, crystal clear. You were amazed that you managed to somehow recover, but you were sweating and feeling weak—you didn’t think you could hold that long. “I’m so glad, I’m so glad, oh…” Lance cried onto your hair, hugging you even tighter. You were slumped against his chest and you oh so wanted to kiss him. You missed that feeling; but you had no strength. “I—I contacted the team, K-Keith’s coming for us.” His voice was shaky, filled with tears but he tried to keep his cool. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine, you’ll…” he pauses, staring at his bloodstained hands.
It was too much blood, he believed that if he waited too much, he’s going to lose you again. For real this time…
“…You’re a terrible liar, Lance…” you chuckle, moving your head a little bit to look at his gorgeous tanned face. His blue eyes were so damn beautiful: reminded you of the ocean back in Cuba. Reminded you of home—those eyes were so familiar, so damn beautiful. They were the reason you fell in love with Lance in the first place. “Always have been…”
“Sh-Shush, don’t speak. You’re weak.” His orbs are swirling with emotions, concern and tears. He tried to smile reassuringly, but he fails to do so—it doesn’t look convincing enough.
“Mm…Thank you for coming for me, Lance…” you start, knowing that these might be the last of your moments. “I never expected…to see you again. You simply disappeared…”
“I’m sorry about that, something came up—I’m a defender of the universe now! I have a mission, I have to fight stuff. Have you ever heard of Voltron? I pilot the Blue lion but I left her back in the castle…” his passionate voice turned low the more he talked. He tried to be energetic to keep your mind off your wound. “I shouldn’t have done that, but it was part of the plan.”
“I appreciate you anyway…I’m glad I saw you again.” You smiled weakly, trying to lift your hand to touch his beautiful face. It was scratched all over, but they didn’t make him any less handsome. But your arm was shaky and you only reached to put your palm on top of his hands. “I’ve missed you…Lancey…”
“Lancey…” he chuckles. “Your nickname sense sucks.”
“Hey, you told me…you liked it,” you laugh dryly. “Remember…the first time I told you…When we…”
He nods, closing his eyes. He does remember. Back on Earth, when you first…
You’ve always been friends, but one day, it escalated to something more. Mutual pining turned into expressed feelings. He remembers your first kiss, so sweet on the beach, late at night while you were stargazing. Happened naturally, no words needed. You were simply attracted to one another. Your mouth was so soft and tasty—he memorized it and sometimes, while missing his home planet, he thought about you.
How he missed you so and all the things you did.
“Remember, Lance…Our beautiful moments together…” you close your eyes.
“I do…”
How you were each other’s first. After many days of desiring on another, of experimental kisses and not so decent touches whenever no one was looking, it happened. Both inexperienced indulged into the arts of carnal pleasure. Heh, you still remembered how you took control of him, since he was fumbling too much. He was so shy despite his bravado—but he was extremely insecure and had no idea where to touch you. You guided him, though. You both wanted it, why waste the time? The atmosphere was hot and you were all sweaty as you continued on kissing, enjoying the feeling of your tongues battling. You memorized his features and textures, the shape of his chest and arms and hips and legs and…
“Best time of my life,” he says melancholic.
You agree. Because Lance, in those vulnerable moments, was delicious to look at. As you rode him, adjusting to the feeling of your act, he looked at you with loving eyes, half-lidded by the desire he felt. He held onto your hips, nails digging into your skin and making you hiss in pleasure. But your eyes were only focused on your face, as his was on yours. He kept on moaning your name loudly because he couldn’t control himself. He never did. Always loud like he was singing a concert—but you liked that. You felt smug seeing that you were the one that made him feel this way. It made you go stronger. Sweat was running down his face and body, his brown hair tousled from your naughty fingers. His bruised lips and those many hickeys you left him—all done by you.
All just a beautiful and distant memory.
“I’m sorry I left, [name]…Sometimes I think how it would’ve been if I stayed with you…” he’s sorrowful; he always wondered this. He’d never know the answer. Maybe he was wrong—but…“This was my call. I couldn’t be there when you needed me, [name]…”
And now he’ll regret it for the rest of his life.
“I understand, Lance. I’ve never regretted…letting you go. You needed this, you..” you coughed and there’s a metallic aftertaste. You feel it dribbling down your chin. But you continue. “I couldn’t stop you from your destiny…You’re doing something great…” Although you’ve never heard about Voltron. But you’ve always believed that Lance was made for greatness—he wasn’t meant to stay by your side, on little planet Earth.
He was meant to conquer space.
Your chest hurts and breathing becomes hard and painful. Consciousness is slipping away but you want to hold on, you want to hear Lance’s voice some more. No matter what he says. “At-At least I’ve seen you…one last time…”
“Don’t say that!” Panic installs again into Lance’s heart and he holds onto you, grabbing your hands. “You’ll be fine, you’re going to make it. We’re going to resume where this was going and—and create more memories!”
Ah, your vision becomes blurry…Lance was disappearing out of your sight. Will you have the energy to tell him…? “I’d be happy to…Promise me that…you’ll make me happy…”
“I promise!” he brings your hand and kisses your knuckles. Over and over and… “We’ll be happy. I’ll take you through space, show it to you. We can do so many…” he breaks down into tears and sobs, his body trembling.
This was useless. He knew. You knew. You were slipping away. “Please…Don’t leave me…I’m sorry…You—You remind me of home. You’re my home. I have to…save you..”
“And you did…” with one last spur of strength, you touch his face—you’re going to stain him with your blood. You just hope he’s going to get over…You didn’t think he’d care so much after all this time, but it seemed as strong as before, as if you were never separated. It broke your heart and your eyes sting.
You wished you had more time…But it all happened so fast. Your moment of happiness was blown away in a single blink.
I t was unfair.
“You saved me, Lance…I’m—“ you coughed some more. “I’m grateful.” Closing your eyes, your breathing was getting shallow. “I—I…” You took one breath and you seemed to sit still.
“[name]? [name]! N-No, don’t do this, wake up! No! Guys, hurry up! Please…don’t let…me lose you…I love you. I’ve loved you all this time…”
“Lance, I’m still here…” you whispered weakly, staring at him through half-lidded eyes. “I wanted to say…” your voice was choked with tears. Were you crying? You couldn’t feel them. You were cold—not even Lance’s sunny and natural warmth couldn’t hold you together now. “I love you too…”
Despite it all, your words made him smile his toothy smile.
In that moment, he was the sun. Your sun. You were glad that he was your last sight before…
“Thank you—huh…?” your hand slipped away from his face and landed on the ground to your side lifelessly. “[name]! NO! NO!!” and even though he cried dejectedly and continued on kissing your hair, your closed eyes, your still fresh tears, your chapped and dried lips, your bloody hand or your cheeks…
But you were so damn livid…And he couldn’t hear you breathing…No…
No pulse.
Lance knew he lost you back then—but his mind couldn’t accept. He continued on whispering your name until Keith finally came to the rescue. It was too late, though. You were gone. And Keith couldn’t do anything but stay at a distance, frozen and at the same time moved by Lance’s outburst of emotions. He never saw the Blue paladin this way… As Lance cried his heart out with your body in his arms, Keith only watched helplessly.
How will Lance be able to go on like this…? How will he find the strength to smile brightly tomorrow?
Only time can tell.
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writing-anomaly · 5 years
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Fandom:  Jojolion
Summary: Yasuho’s life is tearing at the seams. The volatile Rokakaka trade is catching up to them and when Josuke unravels, Yasuho  is pushed to her limit. She’s left more vulnerable than ever as she struggles to protect two men who barely know her.
This a story in which the protected must become the protector.
Chapter 5
"Feel free to call me daddy."
"Haha, I'd rather not." Yasuho, faked her best smile.
This Kaito guy was really pushing it.
She was trying her best to be open to the situation, but it was difficult.
Yasuho had to consciously refrain from throwing scowls in her mom's direction. It had only been a few moments since the couple first dropped the news that they had eloped. Yasuho had barely been able to stop her knees from buckling under her. Autopilot was the only thing sustaining her.
Part of her felt betrayed.
Although, surprise was not a word she would use to describe her thoughts on her mother's behavior. A woman who could ditch her own child was capable of anything. The unexpected was exactly Yasuho's expectation of her mother and without any further explanation, Suzuyo pushed her and Kaito to the dining room as she rushed into the tiny kitchen in the adjacent room.
Kaito pulled out a chair from the square glass table and looked expectantly at Yasuho, a sheepish grin etched into his angular jaw. She stared at him a moment before slowly approaching him, accepting the small olive branch; Despite the situation, she didn't want to appear rude by refusing his attempt at showing goodwill.
Though she dragged her feet along the way.
After she sat down, he pushed her chair up to the table with an ease that betrayed his lithe form. It was almost as if she were the guest in her own home.
Yasuho sighed.
She imagined this was all a part of one of her mother's grand schemes to glue her makeshift "family" together. And while her mother was preparing their fantastical Italian dinner, she had been left to "bond" with her new step-father, whom she'd only known existed for the last 10 minutes.
Kaito was...friendly, to say the least.
He had taken the initiative in spurring a conversation, talking animately as he attempted to tear down the uncomfortable wall of silence that stood between.
Of course, the usual impersonal topics were checked off the list:
"How's school?"
"What's your major?"
"What are your hobbies?"
To which she replied,
"Computer science."
Yada, yada.
Her lips barely parted, expression solid like a marble slab, as she mechanically responded to his questions. She hated being forced in to social situations. Yasuho trained her eyes on her view of the oak floor through the polished surface of the glass table, noting the scratch marks from where its black metal leg had been pushed to and fro.
This was not how she, wanted to spend her night.
There were so many other issues to deal with, like finding new leads on the Rokakaka, or getting more clues on Josuke's past..and her head hurt just thinking about all the homework she needed to catch up on for her discrete mathematics class! Speaking of which, she wondered what Josuke was doing at the moment..
Nodding absent-mindedly at whatever Kaito was saying, she slowly slipped her phone from the pocket of her flower covered skirt so as to avoid drawing any attention to her actions. To her delight, the message alert was present.
A smile broke through her hardened facade.
Sucking her bottom lip slightly she opened her inbox. Thankfully, her phone was already set on silent mode, curtesy of Paisely Park; She didn't have to worry about it making any unattractive sounds.
Gingerly peaking into her inbox, she nearly squealed when she saw Joshuu's name..
..and by Joshuu, she meant Josuke who had heroically liberated the communication device from his adoptive brother.
Yasuho instantly caved, opening the messages:
Josuke: Glad you're home.
Josuke: I'm gonna get you for ditching me like that Yasu-chan! Not fair :p
"As if!" Yasuho thought to herself with a grin. She still owed him for the tickle attack back at his house. There's no way she'd let him win twice in a row!
But still..
She was overwhelmingly thankful for his playful text. The weight on her chest was beginning to lift. His humor, like an eraser, wiped away the self-bashing lies and guilt that toyed with her fear of failing him.
Josuke never seemed to dwell on the bad.
No, Josuke was like a gust of wind, refreshing and strong enough to whisk her away from her self-maintained pit of quiet hopelessness. Ad she found it incredible, how adept he was to treading above water, even though his own life was flooded within a sea of misery and misfortune.
Truly, she envied his inner strength..
The glass table began to vibrate slightly, with a persistent tap that derailed her train of thought, tossing the blinding glare of the reflected chandelier light into her eyes, which she closed to stop them from stinging. Her hands, which she held beneath the table, reached for her face instinctively at a poor attempt to further shield her eyes, only to bang her phone against the underside of the glass tabletop, knocking the device from her grasp with a deafening clang. Yasuho felt an unusual draft brush against her calf as she awaited the bang of her phone hitting the ground.
But the impact never came.
"My apologies.. I'm not enough to hold your attention."
The words rang relatively close to her, reverberating within the walls of her ear canal. Yasuho's eyes shifted upward in alarm, locking with Kaito's whose face was mere inches away.
Her nostrils grazed on the earthy scent of his cologne which was sobering like the dew of morning grass, mingled with the mint of his breath. His torso leaned heavily against the glass, in a way that expressed he could sleep at any moment as he gazed up at her through half-closed eyes.
Yasuho hadn't realized when Kaito had exchanged chairs to sit beside her.
Her eyes traced along his bicep, up his forearm, to the left hand on which he rested his head. There, in his palm was a small cellular phone that seemed disturbingly familiar.
..above the glass, without a scratch on it.
Confused, Yasuho looked down through the transparent table, spreading her feet apart to check if her phone was indeed laying on the ground.
The floor was clear.
Patting her skirt didn't produce the device either.
Yasuho spared a second glance at the phone in his hand and, as if on queue, Kaito teased the power button with his thumb. It lit up, immediately displaying a lock screen of her favorite sailor boy.
How did he..?
"Yasuho-chan." Kaito looked up at her from his lounging position His eyes gleeful as he pouted, teasingly. "It's rude to play on your phone when someone's talkin' to you. I'm sure Suzuyo taught you better."
"S-sorry!" She withdrew from him immediately with a small bow.
"That's quite alright." Kaito set her phone on the table, but made no effort in returning it to her. Instead, he playfully flicked the power button again to display the lock screen of Josuke's goofy face with a mouth full of fries. A long finger trailed the outline of Josuke's form. She watched him, annoyance growing as he began to chuckle lightly. "You have interesting tastes. He's a very special looking fellow."
Yasuho's eyes narrowed slightly, not caring for the tone of his voice. "He's amazing, actually. The best man I know."
She'd had enough of Kaito's taunting.
Something about the way he gazed at Josuke, left her feeling violated, like an excavated treasure pillaged by a man with no means of proper appraisal. She possessed few things of value, but the boy on the lock screen topped them all.
Cautiously, she reached for her phone, staring down her adoptive father, challenging him. As her hand covered the hard plastic surface of her cellphone, Kaito laid his hand atop of hers. Involuntary shivers ran down her spine when his icy cool digits made contact.
Yasuho paused.
"Why don't you try asking me a few question?" Kaito did not stop her from pulling her hand out of his loose grasp, taking her cell with her. He offered a wide grin to reset the conversation.
Yasuho regarded him warily.
Sighing, she leaned against the glass table. "So, how did you two meet?"
Kaito sat up in his chair. His crisp green dress shirt wrinkled when he crossed his arms over his chest. Looking off into space with a dreamy expression, he began his tale..
"Well, I was on my way to work when I saw this gorgeous lady near the crosswalk, haggling with a food vendor about the price of her donuts. I felt drawn to her so..I slowed my stroll to indulge in your sweet mother's angelic voice as she said, "..If I have to spend 2000 yen on a dozen donuts I expect them to be lined with gold!"
Yasuho stared in disbelief.
"..and I told myself, now that's a woman I can jive with. I offered to pay, and slipped my card in the box."
He gave a boisterous laugh as he added, "I also let her know that if she wanted a little help burning those calories off she knew where to find me."
A wide grin appeared on his face as he began flexing his eyebrows suggestively.
"Kaito!" Suzuyo had returned from the kitchen, red faced.
Yasuho and Kaito both shot straight up in their chairs as she slammed a large bowl of spaghetti on the table, gritting her teeth through a smile wider than humanly possibly. It was a miracle that she hadn't cracked the glass surface.
"Honey, I think you're confused, we actually met at the bookstore, haha. Remember?" Her tone was soft as she daintily placed a hand on her cheek.
"No...I don't read books for fun.. hun." His word were slow, as if searching his memories for a forgotten file.
"Yes you do!" Suzuyo screamed.
The smack of Yasuho's palm hitting her forehead and running down her face was lost in their bickering.
Yasuho awoke the next morning tangled in a soft selection of thick aqua colored bedding. Slamming her hand down on the wailing alarm clock sitting on the night stand, she cringed as she remembered the events of the night prior. Dinner played out smoother than she anticipated after Kaito conceded to her mother's insistence that she had indeed been haggling for books on quantum physics, and not donuts.
Yasuho didn't care one way or another about what their alibi was.
She inhaled her spaghetti and chugged her water, barely sparing a good night before she escaped to her room. The activities of the day had caught up with her eternal clock by then, pushing her into a dreamless sleep nearly as soon as her body touched her western-style bed.
Groaning, Yasuho forced herself to rise. Any further attempts at sleep would be in vain. Vibrant rays of the morning sun were breaking through the blinds of her window and attacking her light sensitive eyes. So she opted to pick her outfit for the day, along with a towel and wash cloth.
Yasuho was ready to head for the bathroom shower but paused when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror of her closet's sliding glass door. Her pajama shorts were comfy but a little revealing. It wouldn't be a problem if it were just her and her mother in the home, but she wasn't comfortable with Kaito's presence yet.
She decided to change into loose fitting flannels that swallowed her curves.
It would be best to avoid any potentially awkward situations.
Luckily, she was able to reach the bathroom without running into Kaito in the hallway. After a hot steamy shower she finished the rest of her hygienic routine and dressed herself in black tights underneath a pair of gold buttoned, navy blue daisy dukes, and a gold sweater with the word 'autumn' printed in black ink. A high ponytail and pair of black-heeled boots polished her attire.
Yasuho was sure she'd be able to escape the apartment without any human interaction but was disappointed when Suzuyo called her name from end of the foyer. Every fiber in Yasuho's being wanted to ignore her, but hesitation allowed her mother enough time to run up and hug her from behind.
"Good morning to you too, mother." Yasuho turned to face her.
"So, what do you think?" Suzuyo was still dressed in her usual red night gown, a flowery silk bonnet covered her hair.
"About what?" Yasuho played dumb, wanting to avoid the conversation entirely.
Suzuyo wasn't having it.
She gave her daughter a stern look, too tired to play games; She waited.
"..He's ok. I still don't know him..but you seem crazy about him so that's what matters." Yasuho noticed the fall in her mother's expression.
"He really is a great guy..kind and loyal in all the ways your father-"
"Don't!" Yasuho cut her off. Her voice erupted like a volcano from her tiny body. She turned to head for the door, finished with the conversation, only to be yanked back by the book bag she was carrying on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry! But he abandoned us both, Yasuho." Suzuyo's voice ground into her daughter's heart like a rusted knife. Her wet tears penetrated the back of Yasuho's sweater as she held tightly around her daughter's mid section.
"Are you done? I have to finish some research at the library."
"No. I need you to do something for me."
Yasuho should've expected as much.
Handing her a spare key from her pocket, Suzuyo explained, "I need you to drop this off at Kaito's workplace. He'll be staying with us for a while until we close on our new condo, in downtown Tokyo."
"Are you kidding me? I'm not even half way through the school year! We can't move."
"I said us. That doesn't have to include you."
Once again, Yasuho could feel herself being pushed to the outer edge of her mother's heart. With much effort, she smoothed the worry lines from her brow and reinforced the dam that held her tears at bay. Her bated breath was the only indication of her high emotional state.
"Why don't you take the key to him yourself?! I didn't marry him." Yasuho's words were strained. She willed her ears to close, not wanting to hear any more as Suzuyo persisted.
"I would, but he decided to treat me to a spa day. I wanted to take you with me but you seem so busy with school." Suzuyo could feel her daughter go limp in her arms. "Kaito is a good man, and he's taking his new fatherly duties seriously. I'm sure I could talk him into paying for you to stay her while you finish your studies. He loves me, which means he'll have to love you too because you're the most precious part of my life."
Yasuho looked at the silver key resting in the palm of her hand. It was attached to a red, heart shaped, key-chain her birth father had bought as a good luck charm. She was surprised her mother hadn't thrown it away as of yet.
It was a cheap trinket from her happier days as a child and prior to the ugly divorce of her parents.
It was in good condition.
The words inscribed on it were still legible:
"My Love"
Yasuho could feel the fight leaving her.
If her mother was dead set on Kaito, then so be it.
Resigned to the situation, Yasuho uttered the only words left to say. "Where does he work?"
"The University hospital off of 53rd street."
And with that, Yasuho pried her mother's arm off and slammed the front door behind her without so much as a farewell.  
To be continued...
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