#it definitely gets exhausting to keep up with 😫
codenamecondor · 10 months
I can’t be the only person who makes whole new accounts for new fandoms (or like groups of fandoms*) right? 😅
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bunny-yan · 3 months
VALENTINOOOOO 😫 UGH that last fic of him was good omg; begging on my knees for MORE Also;; the hint of mascoism? 🙈 is his thing for biting more a claiming thing or a biting thing? ALSO ALSO maybe he should wear a mask next time he breaks in so we cant see his face but he'll be able to look at us properly 🤭
I think it’s more of a you kink than masochism, but he would definitely break out into a goofy ass grin whenever the wounds caused by your teeth would start hurting him. Maybe he’s a masochist and just doesn’t know it TW: mentions stalking
You knew it was late before you opened your eyes. A sixth sense that suggested your nap had gone on longer than you initially planned for it, too. 
Body heavy with sleep, you rolled onto your back, attempting to rub the sleep out of your eyes, grateful that you had turned off the lights before you collapsed. Stretching languid, you blinked. It felt as if your hand was moving in slow motion as you shifted to lie on your other side. 
Freezing when you noticed an undeniable figure cloaked in the shadow, it was hard to miss the plain white mask that shielded everything but those rose-colored eyes. Your own were wide, your body struggling to inhale as your mind attempted to comprehend if this was real. Deciding the unmistakable dread was a sign this wasn’t a dream, the exhaustion fled completely as your mouth opened wordlessly, mouth dry. 
He must’ve noticed. 
The moment you found your lungs capable of producing sound, his body shot forward, a hand over your mouth before you could blink. 
Wide eyes stared into the stranger’s as he slowly pushed you to lie back. 
You struggled to comprehend what exactly was going on. You knew it was just hard to wrap your head around. Hard to put a face, or at least a body, to the countless notes and gifts that previously seemed to magically appear in your apartment. 
But it wasn’t magic, and those things didn’t just appear. His presence was unmistakable. 
There was someone in your apartment. 
He had been watching you while you slept. 
“I’m sorry,” he said. His voice would’ve been soothing if it didn’t feel as if every muscle in your body was locked like a spring compressed. “I didn’t mean to stay for as long as I did, but you were sleeping so peacefully. It was hard not to watch.”
He had the gall to sound embarrassed. 
Unable to move, to think, you could only wonder if this was actually happening. 
“I’m actually glad you woke up. I’ve been dying to get a chance to actually speak to you.” 
You waited, but he simply watched you. At his pause, you managed to lift a shaky hand to his wrist, and despite not being able to see his mouth, you could tell he smiled from the way his eyes lifted when your fingers wrapped around his wrist before tugging at it. 
“Promise not to scream?” 
You nodded slowly, not sure if it was complete and utter bullshit. What were the chances of him getting angry if you yelled for someone to help you? 
Humming, he didn’t appear to believe you, but he slowly removed his hand, fingers lingering to brush a knuckle against your cheek. 
Swallowing to bring back some moisture to your throat, your eyes looked into his. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of you for a moment. 
“Are you V?” you asked, remembering the elusive signature at the end of the letters he’d write, wondering if he was offended to find them in the trashcan. 
His eyes became alight with excitement. “You remembered.”
You couldn’t help the uncomfortable smile, anything to break this awful tension. “It’s hard to forget the name of someone constantly breaking into my apartment.”
He chuckled, the sound catching you off guard as you continued to watch him. He sat next to you on the bed, expression unchanging as you stupidly glanced towards the door. It was hard not to resist the urge to bolt, but he appeared as if he wasn’t worried about you going anywhere. It only made this situation more unnerving. 
“It’ll take a lot more than a couple of changed locks to keep me out.”
His tone was light and playful, but you read the seriousness behind his words. The reality sitting comfortably in front of you. 
It was strange. You never imagined that you’d be able to have a conversation with your stalker. Sure, you imagined cursing him for destroying your sense of security, your ability to trust anyone around you, but as he sat in front of you, seemingly eager, your mind was blank. Empty of the words that plagued your mind, you thought of the millions of scenarios of how this encounter would happen, but him hovering over you was not one of them. 
“What are you doing here?” you managed to say. Unsure how he’d react if you moved from the awkward laying position you were in, you blinked, trying to swallow whatever was blocking your throat as you at least managed to tilt your head down to see him better. You fought the urge to launch off of your bed and make a break for the door. There was no doubt in your mind that you wouldn’t make it two steps from the way those pink eyes stared intently, watching your every move. 
He seemed to be holding back urges of his own. 
Urges he didn’t act on, given the clear fear and discomfort in your eyes. He might’ve been hurt if he lacked the common sense that a stranger watching you while you slept in the middle of the night was something that would frighten most people. He’d hoped you would’ve felt more relaxed in his presence, but he would be patient. You would come to understand that he would never do anything to hurt you intentionally. 
Smiling, he moved to lay next to you, and while you were grateful that you no longer had to look up at him, it was unsettling how natural he made this seem. Laying next to you as a lover would. As if it was something he’d done before. 
“You left your clothes in the dryer. I finished folding your laundry and after putting the towels in your bathroom, I got… distracted.” 
Your laundry. 
He broke into your house, picking brand new locks that you put on the door today… to do your laundry. 
The smile he wore turned into a half-grin. “You’re looking at me like I’m crazy, but I’d use anything as an excuse to come see you.”
You couldn’t help the way you flinched as his thumb came up, unrepentant as he caressed the side of your face. 
You couldn’t understand him. You don’t remember how this even started. 
One day, you were living life normally, hating your job like any other person who was forced to work yet lacked the skills to do something they would actually enjoy, coming home to an empty apartment, and all of a sudden, gifts started randomly appearing, slowly leaning closer and closer to things that suited your tastes along with cryptic, often disturbing letters. 
I like the shirt you were wearing today. 
I think this would smell great on you, so you should wear it. I’ll think of you every time I smell it. 
Who was the person you were talking to near the bus station? You should be careful. You don’t know what their intentions are. 
I don’t like it when you act so friendly with your co-workers. 
Why are you throwing away the gifts I got you? Do you not like them?
When are you going to accept the things I give you?
From, V. 
Love, V. 
Only Yours, V. 
An anonymous figure that terrorized you. Ambiguous, disembodied, and unknown. 
Until now. 
“Who are you?” you asked,  wanting to end this charade. Honestly, wanting to know. You could tell he smiled again, and you felt stupid for asking, knowing he wouldn’t wear a mask if he was unconcerned about you finding out about his identity, but you couldn’t help but feel that it’d make you feel better if you knew. If it was someone you knew, you could think of why they’d decided to start harassing you. Put an answer to if it was something you might’ve said or done to gain their attention unknowingly. It was something you agonized over for months. 
Was it an old friend? A co-worker? A disgruntled customer? You couldn’t imagine what you did to catch their attention, especially if this guy was some random stranger on the street. 
You felt choked up, feeling ridiculous for getting so emotional, but you had never been this close to learning the truth behind what had caused the unsettling anxiety you carried every day. 
“Hey,” his voice said, full of concern, as he moved to hold you. You were tense, wondering if he could tell and struggling between whether you wanted to relax or continue hoping he would let go. “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
He rubbed your back, and you hated to admit that despite how uncomfortable this situation was, his attempts to soothe you were working. 
“I can’t tell you right now, but I’ll be able to soon.”
What did that mean? 
“Don’t worry. I’ll leave when you fall asleep.”
You don’t know why he sounded so confident that you would be able to fall asleep, fully aware of his presence in your apartment, but you didn’t say anything. 
Closing your eyes, you felt some relief that, all things considered, your stalker seemed pretty kind. 
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kentopedia · 1 year
hi! i just found your account and WOAH you’re so so talented!! i loved your sleepy cuddles with dazai and i wanted to request sleepy cuddles with chuuya maybe?🫶🫶 sorry about the red text, it suddenly changed my normal text to black on a black background so i cant see what i write unless i change the color 😫
sleepy cuddles w/ chuuya
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*:・☆— wc: 1.6k *:・☆ chuuya nakahara x gn!reader
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You heard the soft and steady thrum of music coming from the other side of the threshold as you unlocked the door to your apartment, releasing all of the tension in your shoulders. It was a Saturday night, and you’d been away from home for almost a week, low on sleep and energy. You felt like you were one step away from falling to the floor and sleeping in the middle of the hallway.
It was just after midnight. You’d had a hotel room booked for the night, but when your job finished this morning, you’d hopped on the earliest train back to Yokohama, desperate to be back home.
The scent of freshly burned candles instantly washed over you, and the further you stepped into the apartment, you realized the only source of light was coming from the waxy flames. The curtains had been drawn closed, though a sliver of moonlight filtered through the cracks, shimmering over your couch like a beacon.
You dropped your bag on the floor, throwing your keys onto the side table. “Chuuya?” He was definitely home. It was cool in the apartment—he always turned it down much colder than you preferred. “I’m home.”
You waited, and after a moment, received no response. The relaxing piano filtered down the hall; it was likely too loud in the other room. He wouldn’t be able to hear you.
Tiredly, you kicked your shoes off, slumping down on the sofa as you indulged in the classical music.
The tune lulled you into relaxation, and you closed your eyes, feeling beautifully soothed. In your wearied state, you couldn’t help but drift off to sleep, falling into a dream as you let your body sink deeper and deeper into the couch cushions.
Minutes later—though it had felt a lot longer than that in your exhausted state—you were shaken awake, a gentle voice calling your name.
“Hm?” you blinked your eyes open, wondering how you could’ve fallen so quickly into a deep sleep. “Chuuya?”
“What are you doing sleeping out here?” he asked with a quiet laugh, tracing your cheek with nothing but his fingertips. “I didn’t think you’d be home this early.”
You yawned, snuggling deeper into the sofa. His hand was warm against your skin, and you leaned into it, threading your fingers with his own. “I didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to come home.”
Chuuya’s smile widened, his teeth showing through. “You should’ve called me.”
“Wanted to surprise you.” Never before had it felt so impossible to keep your eyes open, even as Chuuya bent down to kiss you on the forehead, dragging his mouth down the bridge of your nose until it was ghosting over your own lips. “Now I’m too tired.”
He laughed, the sound warm and so much like home. Hair tumbled over his shoulder, tickling your face as he bent over you. “I can see that.” He tugged your arm, trying to pull you to your feet, though you were dead weight, glued to the couch. You fought against him, grunting out a sound of displeasure.
“I don’t want to get up,” you said, but Chuuya still managed to pull you into a seated position as he stood, straightening his back. You fell forward and rested your cheek against his hip, the sharp bone poking into the thin skin around your jaw. He smelled clean, and the aroma of soap was freshly scrubbed into him. Chuuya must’ve been in the shower when you’d arrived. “Too tired.”
“Come on, sweetheart. You can’t be comfortable in those clothes.” He ignored your protests, scooping you up off the couch like you weighed nothing, and carried you back into the bathroom.
You closed your eyes, barely processing the action of being held above ground, everything experienced through the haze that came with days of minimal sleep. You weren’t sure how much of your weight was held up by his own strength, or if it was his ability assisting him.
Chuuya’s t-shirt was soft against your cheek, and you could hear the steady thump of his heart through the ribcage, just inches below your ear. You smiled to yourself, caught in a sleep-deprived state.
He turned a lamp on, sitting you on the bed as you gazed after him with half-closed eyes.
“Love you.” The words were saccharine, dripping from your tongue with the sickness of adoration.
He was, briefly, caught off guard as he sorted through your dresser for a fresh change of clothes. Though you had said it to him more than enough times, he always froze like it was the first, the smile only slowly appearing. His eyes morphed into the shape of hearts, every line in his face softening. “I love you too. I’m glad you got home safe.”
Chuuya came back over to you with the clothes in his hand and took his time gently peeling your dirty shirt from your skin. As carefully as he could, he swapped the clothes you had traveled in for pajamas, and you stared back at him sleepily, wondering how you’d gotten so lucky. Before he finished his task, he made sure to rub in your favorite lotion, massaging the muscles that had grown tight and sore from the assignment.  
Finally, he scratched his fingers into your scalp, and you relaxed, slumping back onto the bed. Just as you thought you were going to get to drift off into another peaceful sleep, Chuuya had shoved you back to your feet disgracefully.
“Chuuya,” you whined as he tugged you into the bathroom with determination. “I want to sleep.”
“You’ll be mad at me in the morning if I let you do that.” He rubbed small circles into your wrist as you stumbled after him, feeling like you weren’t attached to your feet at all. Though the light was dimmed, it still felt like a bright fluorescent against your retinas.
“Sit,” he said, gesturing to the counter.
You sighed loudly, making sure he knew exactly how much of an inconvenience this all was. Still, you did what he asked of you.
As you watched with drooping eyes, Chuuya gathered the products for your nightly routine, omitting the ones he knew you wouldn’t mind missing for a day. Then, he gently scrubbed your face, running a cloth over your skin before getting all of the soap completely off.
“I feel like a baby.” You leaned back against the mirror, but even with your comment, you didn’t protest when Chuuya massaged moisturizer into your skin, taking care of you with focused eyes. His cool, slender fingers felt nice against the tension of your jaw.  
“Do it yourself, then.” He stopped, momentarily, before laughing quietly.
With your eyes closed, you poked your tongue out at him. “Don’t want to.”
“Yeah.” Chuuya leaned forward to press his lips against your own, the hint of wine lingering on there as usual. He pulled away much too soon, leaving you trailing after him without a conscious thought. “That’s what I thought. You just relax and look pretty for me, okay? Shouldn’t be too hard.”
Despite your annoyance, you smiled, feeling much too pampered, even when he shoved a toothbrush into your mouth, scraping each crevice with practiced care, poking your cheek in amusement. You spit the minty taste out to rinse your mouth, finally slumping your head against Chuuya’s shoulder. Drained, you closed your eyes and yawned heavily, looking forward to a good night’s rest more than anything.
“Can I go to sleep now?” you asked, and his body shook with laughter, fingers dancing patterns across your spine.
“Sure, baby. Come on.”
Once more, he pulled you to your feet, but you went with ease, knowing that there would finally be some relief at the end of it all. The bed was a welcoming haven, the mattress softer than you’d remembered. The pillow felt like a cloud when you finally closed your eyes, humming out a great sigh as you settled down.
Chuuya made his way across the room and finished getting ready for bed before finally turning off all the lights and blowing out the candles. Somehow, you’d managed to stay awake until he’d crawled into the bed, sneaking up behind you.
“Thank you,” you said quietly as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his usually warm body. He pressed a kiss into your spine, squeezing you against him.
“Well at least you’re being sweet about it now.” He groaned, but you could hear the underlying humor in his voice, knew he was only joking as he snuck two fingers under your shirt, rubbing circles into your side. “I just wanted to help, and all you did was complain.”
“I wanted to go to sleep,” you explained, and he snorted, snaking a knee between your thighs.
“Right,” he scoffed. “If you’re so tired, then why are you still talking to me?”
You only groaned, pinching his arm to keep him from making any more comments. “I was waiting for you." You dialed up the charm in your voice, silky with sleep. "I missed you, was all."
Though he huffed, he buried his face into your back, breathing you in quietly. "I missed you too."
Chuuya kissed your shoulder before turning you on your other side, facing him. His features were barely discernible in the dark room, though his lips brushed the tip of your nose, his breath warm against your cheeks.
You smiled, shutting your eyes once more as you settled against his chest, holding his hand loosely under blanket. Another yawn escaped you, and you let it go without a care, feeling the edges of a dream take over you.
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author's note: thank you so much anon <3 i hope you enjoy! no need to apologize about the text. i feel like that's been happening to a lot of ppl for some reason!
dazai version here!!
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Itachi’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Konan
Nobody eats until you come out and eat with us 😤
Thank you! You’re the only one who even noticed 💙
You need to do a better job of hiding that kitten lol  it pushed open your door and walked down the hallway again
Of course! You know where I keep it you don’t even have to ask 😊
I know I’ve spoken to Nagato about them he’ll handle it
You have GOT to come try this new massage chair I got it’s heaven 😌
From Deidara
Come on I was just kidding!!
Please call him off if he bites off my hand again Sasori said he won’t replace it 😔
Sharingan is not art it’s dirty cheating 
The counter is covered with plates of eggs, did you do that weird sleepwalking thing again?!
Me and Hidan and maybe Tobi. Come on take the stick out of your ass and just come with us!
I’ll paint them if you braid my hair first.
Why do you always blame me?? Hidan probably took it!
Omfg I SWEAR I meant that for Sasori!! 😳 Please please don’t show Kisame he’ll kill me 😫
From Zetsu
He’s just so emotional is that an Uchiha trait?
I can literally smell your exhaustion you need to go and rest
Yeah very cute. Be a shame if someone ate it 👀
He was doing fine. Got a lot taller. Looks a lot like you in the face.
No I’m glad you made him leave that dude freaked even ME out 😵‍💫
From “Tobi” aka Obito
Can I borrow your face cream? This mask makes my skin itch like crazy!
God stop it man are you TRYING to speed up going blind?!
Would he take your last name or would you take his? 🤔
No. Never. They think I’m a dumbass, remember?
Little more time in the sun would probably help 🤷🏻‍♂️
“Crushes” are for little kids. And anyway he hates me 😔
I thought about that yeah. Reminded me of your mom’s. She always made the best ones.
I’m not sure of anything kid. But we’re in it too far to back out.
Idk you just looked super pale
Ask Sasori to make you more, they’re helping a little 
Idc what Zetsu says. I can do a lotta shit but cannibalism isn’t one of them 🤢
You think I didn’t see you sneak in that pie? Either share or I’m telling Kisame.
From Nagato
Come and join Konan and I for tea. We’ve got a new blend we think you’ll like.
Permission granted. Just be back within three days, I’ll be sending you two on a mission then.
Thank you for the tips. My eyes feel much better now.
Take your time reading it. When you finish I’d love to discuss some of the themes with you.
I know you dislike meat but perhaps a bit more protein might help improve your stamina.
I don’t mind but do not let Kakuzu see it.
From Hidan
Movies with me and blondie?
Yeah but he’s half-animal right? Still counts, pervert.
PLEASE make the splinters in the ass joke PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU😭😭😭
If I didn’t take a piece you would have ate the whole fucking thing yourself and your stomach would burst. You’re welcome 😊
No that was definitely Deidara’s gay ass
Mask boy’s looking for you
Oh right like Kisame wouldn’t beat my ass for that 🙄 Nice try asshole
God damn it’s 3am when the FUCK do you sleep?!
We’re not “plotting” anything just come with ffs 🤦‍♂️
It was an accident and I didn’t even look that long don’t tell her she’ll slice me up with that sharp-ass paper 😖
From Kakuzu
You always being on time with your rent is most appreciated.
To be honest I don’t really know. But at this point I’m too far into my feelings for him so this is my life now. 
Getting enough sleep is important. Nagato agrees that a new mattress would be in your best interests. No arguments.
I’ve ripped off his leg and made it clear it won’t be returned until he returns your property to you.
I’ll consult with Sasori and get back to you.
Konan is insisting everyone text you to come down to eat. It’s my turn. Be advised that continued delay will result in one or more of us coming and retrieving you by force.
From Sasori
Please inform me right away if you notice any adverse side effects. I may need to change the medication or adjust the dosage.
Oh, thank you for reminding me. I wouldn’t want a repeat of last year. What sort of gift do you think I should give him?
You’re more than welcome to anytime. You know I don’t sleep.
Finding the correct body is the most difficult part. All that follows is merely routine.
He can be very sensitive. I’m still learning to decipher and appropriately react to his emotions.
May I borrow that book when you’ve finished it?
Heh. That’s actually very funny.
Try not to overdo it. Your chakra levels still haven’t recovered from the last time.
You may want to hurry back. Zetsu has been circling outside your door like an animal and trying to sniff under it. That lock may not hold.
From Kisame
You remembered your meds today right?
Did you eat?
Yeah? I bet I could work out that tension 😏
Cake is not acceptable for every meal, Itachi.
I got a new blanket, very soft. Come test it out with me 💙
I’ll talk to him about it don’t worry.
For God’s sake just TAKE A NAP!
Have fun but watch your back, I don’t trust those two.
Pretty warm out tonight. Midnight swim later? 😏
You left your necklace on my dresser
Leave it there. You’ve already got one illicit pet you don’t need a second.
I’m cooking, you’re eating. No objections.
My hands are craving being in your hair 😔
I did not eat him. Zetsu is a liar.
You got any more pics like that? Please? 👀
I 💙 you too
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the-magicians-blue · 2 years
Can we get a fic of Micah and black reader retwisting his Locs (I think he got Locs I don’t know for sure tho because the official artwork is kinda confusing if he got Locs or not 🥲🥲🥲) or black reader getting braids or sum like that I BEG OF THEE I BEG OF THEE 😫😫😫😫😫🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
YEEEEESSS YES YOU AINT GOTTA BEG I LOVE THIS IDEA. Looking at his hair in the game it’s definitely not locs it looks more like a twist out so Imma do a black reader twisting his hair up for wash day.
“Micah… when was the last time you had a wash day?”
Normally Micah’s hair was just a tad messy but it was more noticeable than normal today. His curls had become frizzy and parts of his hair became a little matted. He could only scratch his head awkwardly at your question, a part of him wanting to avoid it all together.
Its was never that Micah didn’t wanna look good, Micah always made a point to look good. Gotta give his Angel something to swoon at right? It was just that wash days took forever and as much as he liked to keep himself looking good he hated how time consuming it was and time was not always on his side. Normally he’d just suck it up and do it but recently he’s been especially exhausted from work.
“Thats a great question Angel! One that I don’t have to answer to but a great one nonetheless!”
You shook his head at him and offered to do his hair for him, an offer he wasn’t going to refuse.
The actual washing was his favorite part. He loved how meticulous you were in getting all of his hair washed and the way you scrubbed and messaged his scalp felt heavenly to him. It was the brushing that made Micah want to back out. Even with his hair dripping wet it was a hassle getting a few of the knots out. Micah, being a bit on the tender headed side, whined the whole time.
“Ow! Angel you sure you aren’t just pulling my hair out?” You gently smacked his forehead.
“Maybe if you actually took care of your twist outs we wouldn’t have this problem.” Of course you were only met with more whining as he wiggled around on the floor.
Micah has A LOT of hair, so twisting all of his hair took a little over three hours. It would gotten done quicker had it not been for the fact that Micah would have to get up every now and then from his butt being sore. Then he put on Sailor Moon and you kept getting distracted… The two of you always had a hard time being productive together…
When you finally finish Micah gets up from the floor excitedly as his next favorite part came up: the bonnets.
Before meeting Micah only really had two bonnets, a plain black one and one with cat ears on them (ya know, so he and Skrunkly can match during self care nights). But after you started living together his bonnet collection grew exponentially.
Tonights bonnet if choice was a tuxedo mask themed one for him and a sailor moon themed one for you. (Yes Micah bought and yes sometimes he wears the sailor moon one instead)
After this Micah often asks you to do his hair. He likes the feeling of being pampered by you. Sometimes he’ll ask for braids and once he asked you to put a wig on him (which be greatly enjoyed until his scalp started to itch). Doing hair ended up becoming a bonding experience for both of you. You sometimes experiment are do styles you never tried before and Micah gets to see new styles for himself and learn about hair from you. You both talk about any and everything you can think of through it all.
Could you consider doing hair a love language? Maybe not but for you both it definitely is.
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jinnify · 1 year
Hi hello! Could u write up a lil something with Minho and a vball player s/o? Like hes there at every game, practice, and even drives to away games/tournaments- AND HE HELPS YOU PRACTICE OH LAWD- 😫
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untitled — lee minho
pairing: leeknow x y/n genre: i dont even know probably fluff, maybe slice of life ? warnings: none word count: 0.6k now playing: lovers rock by tv girl author's note: gosh anonie im so sorry about how late & short & shit this is 😭 i'm definitely going to try and rewrite this later on bc this is not it but you've waited way too long for it.
— “HOW WAS IT?” Minho asked as he picked you up from your academy gym. “I’m sorry I couldn't make it today, sweetheart. I promise I’ll be there next time.” You pouted, reaching over the console of his car to hug him, “nine to thirteen, the other team could tell something was up, I guess.” You felt Minho squeeze you, “No worries, baby. We got another game this Wednesday, and I think this might be your best one.” You pulled back, “I need to get you banned from my practices. You’re starting to sound like Coach.”
“Baby! Wake up! I gotta get you to practice!” you heard Minho yell out as he burst into your shared room, holding a pair of pans he planned on smacking together if you didn’t wake up the first time he called. “Minho! Please, give me five more minutes!” You could hear a strange clanking noise as you rolled over, pulling Minho’s pillow over your head. “Winners don’t sleep in y/n! Winners are at practice showing off their ass for their boyfriend!” Before he knew it, you were running towards him, “wait, baby! I was kidding! I was just  kidding!”
Minho chuckled to himself as he looked over and pinched your cheeks. “Winners don't go to practice grumpy,” he cooed at you. “Minho, I swear if I hear the word ‘winner’ come out of your mouth one more time, I'm going to throw myself out of this car and walk home.”
“Okay,” click, “let’s not do that, actually.”
“Y’know, maybe we need to start bringing Soonie to my practices. Every time I see him before a game, we win,” you grumbled as you looked out the window. “Should I be feeling jealous of my cat right now? Because I feel jealous of my cat,” Minho pouted as he pulled into the gymnasium your team used to practice.
“Alright! Do your stretches! We start in 10 minutes!” your coach yelled as you walked through the side door, frantically tapping his watch at you. Minho immediately pulled you to the bleachers to help you switch your shoes as you put on your knee pads. “You see. You were holding up practice, yn!” Minho teases while he ties up your laces.
“Don’t say that. You know how I feel about being late,” you say as you lightly smack his shoulder. “I’m just kidding, baby,” he chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your temple, “now let’s get started on stretches.”
You were thankful Minho had decided to stay for practice today. Your coach was as tough as ever because of your recent loss. Having Minho there as moral support was the only thing keeping you going. Seeing him pump his fist in the air as he cheered on your entire team warmed your heart.
“You look funny from the back,” you heard Minho chuckle as he walked up while you tried to catch your breath. “Wow, thank you, baby. Exactly what I need to hear after that god-awful practice,” you rolled your eyes as you stood back up. He stifled his laugh as you pushed past him to grab your water bottle. “Okay, I see you’re not in the mood. Are you ready to go home?”
“Actually, do you think we could practice together?”
Minho hesitated before reaching for your hand, immediately interlocking his fingers with yours, “I think we need to rest up instead. You’ve been at it for nearly six hours.” As much as you wanted to continue practicing, Minho was right. You could already feel the exhaustion setting in, and cuddling up next to your boyfriend sounded extra enticing right now. “Fine, but you owe me a session!” you remarked as you made your way towards your bag, ready to pack up all your things.
"How about a cuddle session? Does that count?"
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© jinnify — reblogs appreciated
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twinkinspector · 1 year
It's still firebending Friday where you are so I humbly request some more iroh ii crumbs 😫
one of our military men!!! you really like a guy who can manhandle u 👀
i mean absolutely fair enough 🫡
he's just so stressed all the time. he's got so much responsibility!! sex is definitely where he gets all his frustrations out and you just want to help in any way you can
every time he comes home from a long day and collapses onto the couch, you're RIGHT UP BETWEEN HIS LEGS immediately, pawing at his crotch and looking up at him with your doe eyes
he looks down at you and chuckles, exhaustion apparent in his eyes, but how could he say no to you? how could he deny you what you want? especially when it feels so good on his end
you've been thinking about his long pretty dick all day and how the smooth skin feels as he taps it against your cheek, teasing you, testing just how bad you want it
your mouth is open, tongue out, trying to catch it as he pats your other cheek with his tip, getting his sticky pre on your face, an amused little smirk on his lips all the while
grabbing his heavy cock in your little hands, you take him into your mouth, letting your tongue explore his skin as you bob up and down his length
as soon as he feels that wet warmth enveloping him, massaging him in all the right places, his hands fly to your head, threading through your hair to take control of the situation
at first, he's not applying any pressure, letting you suck on him at your pace, letting you drool down his length and stretch out your throat around him
his hips buck up into you as his chest heaves and he throws his head back, a broken moan ripped from him as his tip kisses the velvety walls of the back of your throat
as you try to pull back to give yourself a break, you realize you can't. now he's got his strong hands tight on the back of your head, keeping you trapped with your nose against him again
the walls of your throat massage him as you start to gag, tears welling in your eyes as you tap his muscled thigh frantically, and he almost doesn't let you pull off
but he does. you pull off and cough, taking a deep gulp of the cool air, taking a sip of water from the cup on the table behind you. as your breathing calms, he looks at you
"are you alright?" he rasps. you grin and take another swig of water before diving back down onto his cock all the way, nose pressed up against his pelvis again, drool slipping from your lips and down his hot balls
and he chuckles. "that's my girl," he breathes.
his cock was twitching while he was watching you catch your breath btw
good morning jas <3
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
ok listen because i'm always feral after consuming new chris content but this press junket messed me the fuck up:
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i know this blog appreciates hands so can we talk about the placement. like, chris for sure knew what he was doing here, gripping his own thigh like we aren't watching his every move and drooling over them, and don't ask me what he was doing in the second pic 🤭. and the last pic is included solely because i love the way his hands look and i want them on. me. more than usual actually.
I'm having some evanstan thoughts about this, now. come on, wouldn't poor seb lose his goddamn mind having to watch chris looking as yummy as he does in all these interviews, laughing and chatting innocently with ana and the interviewer whilst feeling himself up on camera?? seb wants him so bad but he has to wait a few more days for chris to come back. you know he's prepared himself, worked a few fingers inside him in the hours before chris was due, thinking about those hands touching him all over.
chris comes back to the pretty sight of seb riding his own fingers on their couch and you know he can't resist getting that sweet little ass on his face for a bit, giving him a little beard burn as 'punishment' for him not being patient enough to wait for chris to make him feel good.
seb would get so fucking flustered being asked 'what's got you all worked up, huh?' by chris, he'd blush down to his toes and squirm all over the place before mumbling 'your hands'. chris would ask him to explain and he'd get it, giving seb exactly what he's wanted since he first saw chris in that interview.
seb definitely comes more than once and is exhausted by the end of the night, curling up into chris and giggling about how pent up he was. chris' hands in his hair are the last thing he feels before drifting off to sleep.
im dying to see what you add to this because your brain is amazing and i hope school is not too stressful for you right now bby😘 sending love (and thots) your way xxx
I hear you, I hear you, I hear you 😫 All this new content has me like -
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And we sure fucking CAN talk about that HAND PLACEMENT-
(Speaking of which, I think you will greatly appreciate this placement post I made a while ago 👀)
He knew what he was doing, that bastard. He knew. Sure, whenever he touches himself (😏) we go feral, but he has to be aware of how that looks. Whatever the reason for including the picture, I 👏🏻 am 👏🏻 here 👏🏻 for 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
You are entirely correct. Seb would lose his mind--have a nose bleed, pull out some hair, lick his own lips raw, etc. He would. Come on, he's feeling himself up on camera. 😫 How could anyone not lose it?!
And yes, yes, yes, Seb would spend the next few days waiting for Chris to come home and fucking touch him.
Those days would be full of imagining his own hands were Chris' hands instead. Hands that he fucking loves, not just because they're thicker and a little longer than his own, stretching him out just right, but... he doesn't love them independent to those factors. 😏 Anyway, Sebastian almost wants to wait for Chris to get home so Chris' fingers, his fucking hands, will feel that much bigger inside him, and he'll be that much more on edge, but he just can't. He has to take the edge off.
Meaning, e x a c t l y -
When Chris finally does come home, he's welcomed by the sight of Sebastian keeping their couch warm with his thighs spread, legs curled under himself, bouncing on his fingers as much as he possibly can. Seb has been there for hours and he couldn't be more ready for Chris, his is cock heavy and throbbing, his is hole wet and open, all relaxed after treating himself so much, so often, and his whole fucking body is burning with a fever--his chest and neck and face are all pink and glistening with sweat. So, of course, when he looks so fucking edible, Chris has to eat him out. There's no way to resist--no way to hold back.
Chris uses his whole mouth, he fucking goes for it, with his tongue especially, and it's good. It's so good Sebastian is losing his mind, sitting on the edge and about ready to lose it all over Chris' mouth and neck and chest, but...
It's not what Seb has been craving for so long. It is insanely good, don't get him wrong--the beard burn and wetness of Chris' tongue and lips (and the every so often nip of teeth) leave his toes curling and his chest heaving with sound after sound, but Sebastian can't tear his mind away from what he's been needing so badly.
Chris' mouth is heaven. It really, really is. Still, it's Chris' hands gripping his ass, spreading him open for devouring, that leaves Seb dizzy.
Those hands.
So, when Chris asks him what has him so worked up, yet unable to fall off the edge, with a little pinch to the ass as the same time--
Sebastian crumbles.
With an especially obscene moan, he falls forward on the couch toward the other armrest, no longer sitting on top of Chris, more laying across his (still fully clothed) body. And Chris gets it. Right away. He knows what he wants.
But, he still wants to tease, "ohh, that it, huh, baby?" His voice is breathless with amusement, hot and humid against Sebastian's most intimate skin.
Sebastian whimpers and weakly squeezes Chris' hips over his jeans. He's useless, about as structurally sound as wet paper. The pleasure Chris is giving him, Chris' touch, Chris' voice, Chris' beard against him, and--
"You miss my hands on your ass, baby?" Chris just says it. It's devastating.
Seb shakes his head frantically. He did. He did, but--
"No," Chris drawls, ever a tease, with his face still all up in Seb's ass, pressed in close enough to give him more of that delicious beard burn and pause for long enough to fuck his tongue into his gaping, trembling rim, "no, I think you didn't miss my hands on your ass, I think you missed..." Chris trails off in favor of sliiiiiding his fingertips closer to his wet, clenching hole. Tracing circles around him. Not pushing in.
It's torture.
"Oh, God," Seb chokes.
"Yeahh, that's it, isn't it?" Chris smirks against him. The bastard.
"Yes, God, yes-! Please!" Seb begs, no longer in control of anything that comes out of his mouth.
"You missed my hands in your pretty little hole, didn't you?" Chris purrs.
"Fuh-fingers," Sebastian whines. Protesting because otherwise, he'll explode with embarrassment. He's not that much of a slut.
Oh, but he is.
He is.
And he can't help it 😫
"Mmm, I guess," Chris presses his first finger into his hole, and it feels... unspeakably good. Sebs eyes roll back into his head. "But you probably want my whole hand now, don't you? Poor thing, you've been pent up, I've been doin' press, leavin' you lonely, you gotta want it extra bad..."
Sebastian doesn't manage any words this time, just a collection of high, incoherent, embarrassed sounds. His words and his finger--fingers. God. Fingers. Two. Yes, please. Chris has him pinned. He hadn't been thinking about that but, but-
Now that is he, his whole body shudders. He can feel the hunger deep inside him for more. He wants it. He wants three of Chris' fingers, like he usually gets, but then he wants four. Five. He wants all five. He wants his knuckles too, wide, just enough to stretch him until it burns as he slides in. In. His whole fist inside Sebastian.
Oh, God, he wants it so bad.
He wants to feel it.
All of it.
The overwhelming fullness of a fist inside him. God, if he could take it right now, Seb would beg and plead and gasp for it until Chris punched it up in him.
He needs it so bad.
Chris just chuckles at his desperation, teasing Sebastian's twitching, hungry rim with his pinkie. Three fingers deep... with two more to go, but Seb isn't gonna make it that far before he orgasms. He's gonna now. Already. He can't help it! 🥴😫
Oof, I couldn't help myself. I wasn't supposed to write that much, but, uh, Chris' hands always leave me feeling some type of way. (And that way is apparently wanting to destroy Seb's poor hole, lmao). So... I hope you enjoyed! Hopefully, you're into fisting lmao 👀
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johnnys-breastmilk · 6 months
Wally anon: For now. Idk how pronounced the problems become, but the way people have discussed them do not sound very inspiring. 😶‍🌫️
Yessss. He's just getting so sloppy with it, thrusting up & down until he probably wouldn't even need to keep fucking it from how much juice is on his dick, but he's so lost in the moment that he keeps going until he cums everywhere. 😮‍💨 Oh, for sure. The only thing that get him temporarily sticky is your cum & he loves the feeling of it. And, yup, if he does it for long enough, the lingering flavor is on his dick the entire day & you can't get enough. 🤪 I almost want to say he's fucked a whole cake before. It made an absolute mess, but, once again, not a problem for him. 🎂
lollllll @ the loan. But, yeah, I getchu. It's really the bond between you & him that's reignited the excitement for him like he's going through puberty all over again.
Exactlyyy. You'll be leaving that little exam more wobbly than usual cause he'll have exhausted every single area that drives you wild. 🥴
You get it. 🙌 You've gotta hold on tight (both with your hands & hole) to him when he really gets into it just so you don't end up being completely jostled around. But, even then, you know the bed is about to fully give out (& he'll keep fucking you through it, as if he doesn't notice it).
And that's one of his best attributes cause you know he's gonna be 100% honest at all times.
Yupppp. He just can't get enough & gets so overwhelmed thinking about how lucky the both of you are to be with each other. Oh, you KNOW he's gripped on tight to you in the most comforting bear hug you've ever felt while you fall asleep in his arms on those nights when you absolutely have to rest. Even though he doesn't have to sleep, just the close proximity is a comfort to him.
He (& Milo in general) really deserves so much more. 😫 Yup, it's just a good practice for both representational reasons & adding variety to headcanons. A small thing, but can make a big difference over just going with the same old same old.
(ah, I see, I see. I'll have to give him a shot sometime.)
Let’s just say the show queerbaited its finale😭
For realll, he just needs that release that he doesn’t care how it’s making a mess on him. Even with a cake (would moister cakes feel better?? does fondant or buttercream icing feel better??) he doesn’t care that crumbs and icing are smashed all over his hips and his dick has been smeared in the color of icing some poor sap in Home Ec. decided to use on their cake. (If we’re talking alive!Wally here, he could be fucking a navy blue cake the sports team was gifted for one of their wins sksjsjg)
Exactly, he’s confused but ecstatic to explore what he can in whatever way, shape, or form possible.
Speaking of the whole doctor/“exam” thing, I totally forgot he was a patient in that one disney show and a fine one at that😮‍💨 off topic mini-mention over.
Wally just has the kind of (ass)ets that leave you drained in more ways than one. whether he’s pounding or riding you, it’s always gonna make you feel weak after. I bet his aftercare is phenomenal when he isn’t limited to what the school offers.
He speaks his truth to be sassy and to be the best partner ever fr
He’d definitely close his eyes and think about sleeping as hard as he can, but you’re already his dream come true… (cheesyyyyy) and he may smell like a locker room because he literally died while playing football so i know he doesn’t smell like roses💀😮‍💨
They really do, Milo unfortunately got stuck in the Disney web where most of his stuff is either marketed to kids or just never gets popular enough for recognition. I’m glad he doing more and getting noticed more. He deserves it🖤🖤
(yeah he’s got kind of the same positive vibes i’d expect milo to have if i met him imo)
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
part 3 to injured aegon cause I can’t stop myself apparently - when you give birth, it’s aegon’s turn to look after you. The birth is a lot for you (aegon’s a big boy, his babies probably are too) and he’s horrified by all the blood, but when it’s over he’s so so proud of you. He doesn’t want u to have to lift a finger while u recover, he insists on lots of bed rest. You love your newborn son, but you’re exhausted, so you’re more than happy to let the army of maids and nannies get up with the baby at night so you can sleep. You’re surprised to find out that aegon has been getting up with the baby at night too. Aegon is in awe of his infant son, this fat little pudgy newborn with his hair and eyes that dart around the room taking everything in. He spends much of his time just mesmerised by him (you walk in on him one time holding the baby and they’re both sizing each other up like 👀 and you can’t help but laugh) He was terrified during the battle of rooks rest, and he was in so much pain afterwards that he contemplated whether or not it was worth it but he knows now that it was. He’d do it all a thousand times over if it meant keeping his little family safe.
the babe in your arms look huge but in Aegon’s tiny!!!
he’d absolutely cherish the thought that he persevered. poor baby, he definitely takes on the father role without hesitation, also because he knows physically you are exhausted. he doesn’t want you to worry about the babe being neglected.
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wonusite · 1 year
masseur!shua and client!reader
reader has been stress from her exhausting work so she decided to get a massage. going to the spa, masseur!shua is the one assigned to her. the man is obviously attracted to her but she ignore it even if she also find him hot. reader chose a private room so it's just only her and shua inside. at first it was just a pure massage not until shua almost touches her cunt that absolutely did something inside her that make her panties wet. and she definitely feel his big cock through his sweatpants whenever shua massage her back. that action went on and on until shua is purely rubbing his dick against her ass. then his flipping her on her back, removing her panties eagerly and diving right into her sopping cunt. whispering to her pussy how sweet she is and how he's been wanting to pound into her the moment he saw her lying on her stomach on the massage bed. shua keeps eating her until he can't keep his throbbing cock to finally feel her pussy. grabbing her by her waist to wrapped her legs around him. shua carried her against the wall, pulling down his sweatpants to just get out his big cock. rubbing his pink cockhead in her drenched folds before finally pushing into her, thrusting hard, fast and deep until their both cumming, filling her up with his cum while she's creaming around him. after that, reader always come to the spa every weekend to get a massage from shua and to fuck each other until her sessions are over.
just imagine the amount of teasing he would do during the massage, teasing u bc ur so wet and bc ur so loud when he starts to fuck you 😫😫😫
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foxymoxynoona · 1 year
Hellooo good morning/night/afternoon! I got the email for flux this morning and my plan was to get up and study but no! I spent the whole morning reading cause that chapter was so loooong and that made me sooooo happy🥰 thank you 언니! No worries, I studied anyway eventually😫.
Okay so the feeling of stress from the events of last chapter is definitely still lingering. As soon as I started it I was like “oh god she has to do it all again💀💀💀” but it actually got better gradually! Tbh my feelings of uneasiness are mainly because of the whole foreigner thing. Based on what I gathered some Koreans actually make a big deal out of dating a foreigner and that just… I mean do each their own but it’s a bit stressing because it doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a place of curiosity most of the times🙁. But that’s probably why Sasha is stressing the fuck out too! Terrified of mortally offending somebody because she comes from a totally different background.
And talking about background! Eomma was determined to get to know in 5 minutes what us readers (and dear jk) got to know in 2 books, almost two years, more than a million words and many tears. Honestly it was so amazing to read about what’s going on in Sasha’s mind when she’s in this kinds of triggering situations. To read (once again) about how she sees the world, how she would randomly think of her sister, whether she lived or not, and witness that thought coming out of nowhere all of a sudden was so intense and real. That’s stupid lol but idk that part really got me! Makes you think of how many things she actually has to deal with on a daily basis.
Apart from the questions, I was so happy to see eomma warming up to Sasha! When jk told her to “be the mom she never had” I know for a fact eomma was right there with him. She was like “alright daughter! Come here and cut potatoes”. Basically like saying I love you🥰❤️. Can’t wait to see what else is there for them! And little Misuk too! She was so cute, PLEASE GO HUG SASHA FOR ME!😭
PS. the Russian thing about childbirth! 10 children!! It was removed this year??😶 when I was reading about it definitely sounded like something older. I think Italy had something similar during fascism, like families being exempted from taxation if they had more than 6/7 children. And they also had the help of the church that helped in banning contraception! What else could go wrong?🤡
PPS. This, right here foxy, I’m not forgiving you for editing this chapter and still leaving it in:
“The countdown for Jin-hyung’s enlistment was on and still no word of exemptions.”
(So this is long, as usual… Sorry?😭)
"“oh god she has to do it all again💀💀💀”" yeah this is how I keep feeling for her too haha. It's why I felt like I wanted to take the chapters as needed to go through it all slowly so we're right there in this experience wiht her, really feeling how exhausting it is. It's so exhausting!!
Eomma will continue to be a lot of fun to develop and explore, that relationship between them won't necessarily be quick and easy (though nothing like The Mother in Lowlander haha) but it's SUCH an important one in the series. She definitely wanted to use to use Mother-in-law privilege and see what info she could get haha. She probably figures too that Jungkook may just not have asked/pressed much. She knows her son!
As for the Mother Heroine thing, from what I found in research is was active from the Soviet times until like the early 90s, and then it turned into just a title and medal for 7 kids but no money attached to it. But then this year they bumped it back up to 10 and put the money back on it. The disclaimer is so fucked up though: you get the payout on the first birthday of your tenth child as long as the other nine are either all alive or died in specifically sanctioned ways (like in the military.) CRAZY. Trying to avoid exactly what happened with Sasha's family though ooooops.
As for enlistment... I think a part of me had hoped that if I wrote it one way (assuming excemptions didn't come through) the opposite would happen IRL. Oops. :(
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neonpigeons · 2 years
guess when I tell my puppy "no" he just decides to bite me now
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🦊Being Inarizaki's Manager 🦊
🤧 Miss Manager is Sick 🤒
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Inarizaki x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Miss Manager is sick, insensitive Atsumu 😑
AN: This is another anon request!
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Yn you work so hard 😫
Seriously being a team manager is NO JOKE
These boys rely on you for everything
Kita, Aran, Omimi and Michinari always help you
The freaking angels 😇
But still, being the manager for a powerhouse like Inarizaki is taxing
I mean, you literally do so much
🙌🏻 For Example 🙌🏻
You always arrive early to set up nets, make sure the volleyballs are filled
Sort the towels and laundry
Make sure the water bottles are ready and waiting
Make sure Atsumu and Osamu don't kill each other before practice 😅
And that's all before these boys even step on the floor of the courts!
When they are on the courts, your job never stops
You are taking notes and reviewing with Kita
Helping Suna and Omimi with their blocks
Making sure Riseki is reassured he's doing a great job 👏🏻
Helping Aran, Osamu and Ginjima with their spikes
Tossing a million and one balls to Atsumu because he never stops ✋️
Tossing balls over the net for Michinari to receive
It legit never ends YN 🤗
But you love your job and you wouldn't have it any other way!
Unfortunately for you, despite how much you love your job, your body needs to rest
So on top of managing this crazy bunch, you have school work, chores and your own life to handle
It's exhausting 😪
So it's no surprise that your body starts to fight back
You notice you're extra tired one morning
It's harder to get out of bed and your body is sore
You've lost some appetite but you figure it's just from fatigue
Nationals are coming up and we are working out butts off 👏🏻
You get to school and you're dragging 😭
Suna and Kita definitely notice first
Suna always meets you at your locker and Kita has YN radar 🤣
"Whats wrong with you?"- suna
Kita 👉🏻👂🏻 🏃‍♂️
"Somethings wrong with YN?"- Kita, pulling up from wherever he was
"I'm fine guys! Just a little tired that's all"- you
Kita 👉🏻😐😑
Mans is skeptical of everything
You go about your day and when it's time for lunch, you just aren't that hungry
Osamu notices next
Omimi and Aran noticed too but they are too polite to say anything
But they keep a watchful eye 👁
"Yn what's up with you today? You barely ate"- Osamu
"I call YN's food" - Atsumu
Que Ginjima smacking him I'm the back of the head
"Ouch! What the hell?"- Atsumu 😤
"Yn maybe you should go home?"- Michinari, the freaking cutest thing ever 😍
"Guys really I'm fine! I think my body is just tired. You know, lack of sleep and stuff. I've been up late alot"- you
"You should take a break Yn. We can cover for you"- Omimi
"Yeah we are capable Yn"- Aran
"I know guys geez"- you say, standing up honestly annoyed at this point 😒
"Yn wait"- Ginjima
Too late, you left
You don't want to deal with it anymore
You're tired, cranky and you just want to get today over with 😮‍💨
That afternoon, you start to feel warm
You're more exhausted than you were before and it's hard to stay awake
Your body is screaming for rest and sleep
But YN had things to do 👏🏻
Practice comes and you are barely keeping up
You manage to get the nets and waterbottles filled before you reach your limit
"I'll just lay down for a few minutes"- you say to yourself
Cuddle in the corner with your head on your managers sweater and your body covered from head to toe
Boy is it getting cold in here 🤧
You are shaking and shivering but oh so tired
You literally fall asleep so quickly
The boys come into the gym
Kita immediately spots you and runs to you
"Yn! She's burning up guys"- Kita to Aran, Omimi and Michinari
"I'll go get a wash cloth"- Michinari
"I'll get some Tylenol"- Omimi
Aran picks you up and carries you to the club room
"What the heck is going on?"- Atsumu
"Shut up idiot! Can't you see somethings wrong with YN!"- Osamu
"She's been wearing herself down for weeks getting ready for nationals"- Suna
Aran and kita take you to the club room
You wake up and start to sit up
"Hey guys, sorry I slept a bit, ill get back to work"- you
"Oh no you wont" -Kita
"You are staying in here until after practice and then we are taking you home"- Omimi, handing you Tylenol and water
"But-but"- you, on the verge of tears 🥺
"YN you've been working yourself so much you need to rest"- Michinari, placing a cool washcloth on your forehead
"Oh alright"- you say, finally resigning yourself to your fate
"We'll be up to check on you in a while YN. Sleep"- Kita
You don't have to be told twice 😴
After practice, Osamu, Atsumu, Suna and Ginjima are tasked with taking you home
Kita says he will meet them at your house with supplies
He has way too much trust in those 4 🤣
Thank god Ginjima and Suna are somewhat responsible
They get you home and into bed
Kita drops by with a store full of supplies
"No going to school tomorrow YN! You need to sleep!"- Kita, tucking you in
Don't fight it YN, just listen
"Ok Kita"- you, drifting back to sleep
The boys will come and check on you while you recover
They bring food, medicine and entertainment 😅
When you are back to 100%, you get back to your old routine
But this time, the boys pitch in to help more
Seriously, they hated seeing their manager sick 😫
You Seriously have such an amazing team Yn 🥰
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