#is too great for any of us to get in trouble for that 👍
kjzx · 5 months
Was at a new years celebration recently and before that I was at a political parade some time ago and it's insane how there's a certain minority of people who are vocally against the war (as much as it's safe to do that here, which ends up not being much but if you're in on it it's fairly easy to tell), but the absolute majority of people aren't vocally against but instead spitefully quiet.
Can't tell how often it's a case of "I'm fully against the war but the possibility of losing my job/kids/home/freedom stops me from doing more" and how often it's some other opinion on the war but the person has doubts about drinking to that/fully supporting that.
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riessene · 11 months
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@mutantenfisch ty for appreciating my baby so you get a lil tutorial First step is naturally to have Baldur's Gate 3 installed and preferably patched to the latest version as that one is what will mostly be supported by modders. Next you install a mod manager of your choice. I used bg3 mod manager because it was the one recommended in the first mod I used and it works great for me. Link to download it: https://github.com/LaughingLeader/BG3ModManager/releases
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Unzip the archive wherever you like it doesn't matter and click on the icon.
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Before you start just to make sure everything works as intended, fill out the paths for the game.
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(Mine found the game by itself but never hurts to check.) Okay now we are ready to get mods. Download the one you like from Nexus (or anywhere else tbh I don't think the files are different) As an example I'll use this one https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/213 First rule of modding is to CHECK THE REQUIREMENTS
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We see that author helpfully linked the things we need for their mod to work. We click on Patch 3 Mod Fixer, go to FILES and download (use MANUAL DOWNLOAD) it and do the same with Improved UI. And download the mod we're actually here for too 👍 Most mods come in zip files containing pak files. You don't have to unzip them bg3 manager takes care of it itself. Go back to the mod manager and follow my very fancy diagram
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Make sure you got all the mods in the requirements section. That's it! You can also click Go->Open mods folder and check if they are there.
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Read the mods descriptions carefully - usually authors will note if there's a specific order their mods should be or direct you to a patch that might solve conflicts with other mods. If you want to delete the mods you can drag the mods back to the Inactive right column (click save!!) and then delete the paks from the folder above^ Hopefully it's coherent enough!;^) Ask me if you have any more troubles and if someone more savvy in modding than me noticed a mistake in this little guide I'm all ears! And remember - a lot of mods will stop working on full release so I'd strongly recommend clearing up everything you installed before loading up the 1.0 version.
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justgrey · 1 year
TF2 Scout x Younger Sibling Reader - General Headcannons (Platonic)
Warnings : Swearing
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He'd be that kind of brother that makes fun of you for the dumbest shit but would come to your defense in a heartbeat.
Like if you had any bullies at school and you were in a similar grade to him then he'd probably try to beat them up but would just get himself hurt in the process.
Very lovable big bro if you're able to see past his hyperactive nature.
Would do that thing, I don't actually know what it's called so sorry if this is a bad description of it but he'd pull you in to a tight headlock and then mess your hair up.
Calls you dumb sports related nicknames that he thinks are the greatest things ever.
If you are really young and him and his Ma were the only ones taking care of you he'd probably try to be like the father he didn't grow up with.
If you joined him in his line of work he'd be worried at first but as he grew more used to it he'd just stop caring and use it as a way to spend more time with you.
He tries to keep Spy far away from you at all times. Spy doesn't go along with it though and will attempt to make conversation with you just to spite him.
If you managed to befriend a certain firebug, Scout would be really concerned. Especially if he caught you and Pyro having a tea party without him.
Gives you tips on how you could improve at something even if he knows nothing about the subject. Some tips are terrible, some of them are great.
Makes you listen to Tom Jones at the most random times. Emotional damage? Sexbomb Broken arm? Sexbomb. Graduating? Sexbomb.
Depending on the type of person you are, it would either never get old, or it will get old FAST.
And yes, you did try telling him that the tatoo he got of the song was spelt wrong and just to annoy you, he sang Sexbomb for the rest of the day.
Seeing as he can't spell for shit, written letters and cards from him would be very interesting.
Speaking of which, during his schooling years he zoned out way too much and had trouble focusing and never got any decent grades. Would probably have begged you to tutor him if he was ever scolded by his Ma.
He'd be a very interesting and cool big brother though 👍
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murkystarlight · 21 days
DREAMZzz S2 spoilers pt.2
(And my personal comments)
Okay- I lost all progress once. But this time it'll be fine. Right? Anyways... I lost my energy so I'm going to make it a bit more shorter and brief....
Starting off with the sirens. Can we appreciate that glossy tail?? We need them as figurines ASAP.
Izzie and Cooper suffering
I like the sticky hand Mateo makes. Probably the best one he made during his... *I miss z-blob phase*
And- have I mentioned the opening song before?? Cause it's really nice
RIP Sandman... where did he go??😭
I personally loved all the ✨family drama✨ in this season (also, poor Izzie that keeps thinking she forgot stuff she doesn't actually know. Must be really confusing)
And do they not know that their parents got divorced? I mean... they gotta be divorced, right?
(Did anyone hear Mr. Oz grumbling while he took out the dreamy-screamy?)
Cooper, not having any knowledge on tech giving an idea for using a Lumi-Caster, that's used for making light, while they're in broad daylight? Sad. But adorable
Why do they have headphones in the library? For kids who have trouble with the noise?
Zoey winking? And mentioning Way of the departed?? Then she punches a siren in the face???
(Logan needs more appreciation)
Dallas is doing a great job knitting
Throws headphones, lands on their heads perfectly
Also, they almost get eaten. EATEN. By the sirens!? We need angst art on this👍
"Remember, DO IT QUIETLY" (he's Dumbledore) ((what color can I give mr oz? This is the only one left so))
Cooper stressing out from not being able to turn on a computer- he's losing brain cells, oh god... and he got a temper like have you seen Mateo and Zoey's face? Shocked
Mrs. Castillo is the best
(Oh~ then we must go north!)
Why are their colors the same? In the last season when they went through the rift the colors were like... faded and... dreamy
"The fantasy realm? Sirens dont belong here!" (That's a bit mean- be like Cooper->) "well, they have to be somewhere, don't they?"
Or preferably. Like Zoey
"I hope they don't eat anyone though"
Why did Mateo tell Logan to play his song before they left the rift?? Or- at least when they're a little bit closer to the rift?
Cooper was badass with that frying pan.
We got a new
He looks so happy when he tagged the ravennn (the wacky-tracky looks like it resembles a bird. Don't you think? Or... is it just me..?)
aughhhh my heart
(He also seems really down, he says so himself that "if I do one thing right today, please be this" he needs help y'alll)
José and Jasmin look so happy togethr
And Mateo got over his mom a teenie weenie bit "we're all just figuring it out, right?"
(Sounds a bit...🏳️‍🌈) just saying! Don't take any of what I'm saying seriously
Episode 4
Logan's song. Let's see the good parts I found-
Mateo singing along and dancing(and being mad about it- btw, the z-blob drawing right in front of Mateo when he wakes up has got to be one of the cutest drawings yet). Zoey, Cooper, Mr. Oz and Albert dancing
Why can't they be supporting? I mean... okay.. maybe it's a bit weird (and I thought it was a bit weird too- especially when the other guy suddenly got so popular just as fast as Logan) but he's your friend?? Is it that surprising that Logan have fans? ....yeah.. okay, maybe?
(Also, Logan can do splits??)
Uh- I just noticed, Izzie has pickles on her lunch plate. Like- a full sized pickle! That's pretty much all she has on her plate
But Zoey. That was kinda mean- you... you were more than harsh
They really tried to make us belive that Jasmin is a witch or smth- but! I know my cliches. And at this situation? She's definitely just a normal person(and I was right)
Does Logan's beast crafting only work with his anger? I remember seeing a cool artwork with Logan using it with other emotions. Maybe later if he develops his powers?? Or.. something similar?
Why does some people only think of dancing and some people can keep thinking 'what the- why can't I stop??' And all that(like Zoey still complained)
Rupert Finneas Shufflebottom Oswald
How did Mateo and Izzie get up in a tree??
Cooper looks so darn cute!! Look at his smile! So precious
He looks... genuinely happy. Like... has he really been losing brain cells?
When Logan has his head down, the mouth animations looked really cool(also, I love the captions. Logan's official name as the blue gremlin is Lo-lo)
Zian and the frog cab is also dancing! Cute
"A lizard person from planet Sikoria!"
"And- why are we sitting on mrs. Castillo's food truck?"
"I don't want dad to hurt like I'm hurting right now.." such- a good kid
Is it just me or did Cooper really, actually get more laid-back than before??
Oh- so Logan is the tech guy now?
Logan looks so sad-
Well Zoey. You tried. It wasn't a bad apology, but.... not the best.
And Logan with a new instrument??
Episode 5
We need info! Why is the Never witch so mad?!!
But seriously- her incantations are just... really nice
Really sad that Izzie can't remember Phil...
Hate Royce
Cooper being...
Phil being the best wingman ever-
(The hug.... Phil- oh god)
"Coop, did you mess with this thing?"
"No, why?"
"Just wondering if you broke it"
The raven was being happy and cute making it's nest... aww
I like how Izzie keeps repeating what she did the first time(like trying to fly)
"Oh! Try asking it to lead us to the witch!"
"[Laughs].... oh, you're serious"
Oh right! The Grimm spawn disguise! We have a new costume now~
Logan's moms being bird ladies and everyone staring at Logan like he's gone mad
Izzie still doing the Naruto run
"We're close"
"Uh- close to what?"
Yup. He's losing brain cells...
And that one scene when they retrieve their memories?(kinda). Oh..... boy
Cooper you poor thing! Nooooooo
I was very happy when I heard the sound of glass shattering. And.. why was it so sad?? They do not have the right to make it seem so sad
But like- even though this is great. Love the angst and all...(he barely got to be sad about it? He barely showed it) I hope Cooper gets his tech powers back. He can be a chef, and a tech guy. Like that show on Netflix! Baking impossible? I think it was? Making functioning cakes. But maybe the whole "tech guy" thing was like... a fence for him? He only thinks of things in that way. Maybe that's why he was the most closed(least creative) person at first. But now he's out of that boundary. And he does look like he's being more care-free and seems more brighter? (...in case you haven't noticed yet. He's my favorite character. He's going to take up about... half of the space in my rambling;;)
Zoey's past!
That was dark. Like... really cool though
I love how Izzie gets her memories back!
The armor coming together? Coool
Inspector Strick actually helping them??
Previous part , next part
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starlight-writer · 1 year
FIRST OF ALL: SHIT THAT HURT. why do I do this to myself
Are you happy? Are you proud??? CONGRATULATIONS I GUESS, YOU DID IT AGAIN. this fic hit close to home in its own sadistic way, and I couldn't thank you enough for taking my request. it was perfect, angsty and heartbreaking, no sugarcoating. perfect
On another note, I just wanted to add to something you mentioned about a second part. if it's alright, and sorry in advance since I'm kind of shit at explaining myself clearly as seen in my last ask, I wanted to correct what I really meant by "reader protecting them", as in they are maybe in a similar situation as Marc, Steven and Jake. Perhaps they're also a vigilante caught up in some deep shit and feel the boys deserve better than dealing with them
It's good either way though, just wanted to clarify that. Reader protecting themselves from the moon knight business is a good prompt too, so whatever you chose to go with is great
Once again, thank you
Divorce pt. 3
A/n: Thank you for clarifying! I'll be happy to write reader as a mercenary/physically dangerous person! Also IM SO FUCKING SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS PLEASE FORGIVE ME I LOVE YOUR ASKS BUT TIME JUST GOT AWAY FROM ME SO FAST ;-; (p.p.s I hope this isn't too short and I hope this is what you wanted, you deserve so much compensation :'))
Warnings: talk of violence, talk of depression, talk of guilt, angst, no chance of a happy ending
Gn! reader Masterlist
He's more likely to believe you as soon as you explain why you left
Only because this isn't something he could see someone lying about
Being a mercenary or someone that lives in violence? That's not something you should lie about
Especially when Marc is seething in the corner of his mind, just begging for a reason to front and yell at you
So he hears you out, makes you a cup of tea
(He'll never admit it, but he still catches himself making an extra cuppa for you late at night)
Steven will end up crying for you
He's mad, of course, but he suddenly feels guilty
Did he make you feel like you couldn't talk to him about this kind of stuff?
Did something he do make you think he would hate you for this?
Steven didn't know, but offered you the utmost comfort
He couldn't stop himself, he just fell back into his old ways and hadn't even realized until Marc yelled at him for it
He kinda pulls away really awkwardly before asking you every single question he could about why you left
And he understands
He doesn't want to, he wants to be mad, he wants to yell and scream and throw things
But he doesn't
And he knows he shouldn't
So he sits patiently and lets you speak
Afterwards, he asks you to leave with a promise of keeping in contact
He's thought of the possibility of your presence getting him in trouble or danger, but he doesn't really care
He's used to danger, at this point he doesn't even mind it
And it's worth it for you
Everything is worth it for you
Believes you 100%
He thinks you're just trying to save yourself and get rid of any guilt you might have
He doesn't believe for a millisecond, but he lets you explain
You peaked his interest
Really he just wanted to see how far you would take this 'lie'
After that, he starts believing you more and more
Because he knows what life is like being in constant danger and only people who have experienced it can really explain it in such detail
He's the one to be more forgiving about the situation since he did the same thing to Layla
Actually the only one to let you stay at the apartment to fully explain
He's still hurt and feels somewhat responsible, but understands and is more willing to talk with you more about the entire situation
Which surprised Steven and Jake
But they didn't really have room to speak, Marc was the host and it was his decision to hear you out
No matter how angry they were, Steven and Jake still somewhat respected the schedule they were given to front
So by proxy, they heard your explanation and Marc's input on the situation
Marc understood the stress you were under and he wanted to help
He couldn't marry you again, not right now
He couldn't even think about dating you sgain
But he was willing to talk and help you out of the dangerous life you lived
He still loved you no matter what and he'd do anything for you
Even after all the pain he's been in that you, whether you meant to or not, caused
He doesn't believe you
Not just because he's upset at you, but because how could you hide something like that from him?
He's the protector of the system, the one that sees everything
He's been behind the scenes watching everything constantly and you managed to hide something this big from him?
He feels like a failure
He feels like he shouldn't be a protector anymore
He feels hurt and betrayed and inferior
He will forcibly remove you from the apartment or leave the street he bumped into you on
It takes him days, weeks, months to be able to look at himself again
For a while, he doesn't blame you for the pain you caused, he blames himself
He should've seen this coming
He should've known
He should've seen it
But he didn't and he got Steven, Marc, and himself hurt because of it
After a while, Jake realizes everything you were saying sounded a whole lot like his life before he started fronting more
And now he feels guilty
Gives you a call (because he never deleted your number, he just couldn't) and makes you explain everything in full detail
And then he's silently crying as he realizes you divorced him for him
He still didn't forgive you, but he was coming around
He never stopped loving you and he wanted desperately for some reason to get back together
Because whether or not he'd admit it, he was dying without you
Probably the first one to fully forgive you and ask to be in a relationship again
He needs you like he needs air and he's not above admitting that he's sort of possessive of you
(They all are)
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goldenbloodytears · 2 months
If you feel up to it I have a lot of random questions that I would like to know about Danny and if you comfortable Sam.
The questions beeing 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 16, 24, 27, 33, 37, 42, 43, 46 and 49. Please feel free to discard any if they are too many or spoil something.
-Mx. 👍
Canon I outright reject
Honestly... I don't actually think there's a lot about Danny's current canon as stated by BHVR that I reject--I think the closest is maybe the fact that he hates satire/parody... but that's not so much due to dislike rather than that I have trouble wrapping my head around it. Comedy and Horror are two sides of the same coin, and as a somebody who likes absurdist gallows humor I find it personally hard to wrap my head around.
2. Canon/Headcanon hill I will die on Bisexual Danny is the hill I will die on. If his sexuality were to be confirmed one day.... no it ain't! 3. Answered this one in another ask, see it here.
12. See above.
13. Dumbest thing they've ever done Falling in love with each other… otherwise Plot Spoilers :)
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves For Danny... I don't know if it's a secret exactly, but I genuinely think he is deeply alienated from the idea that when he was a child he likely wanted to be more than a killer. Sure, he was fascinated by his dad's war stories and drawn to horror... but I think if he could have a talk with his 8 year old self, little baby Danny would not say "Oh boy I can't wait to be a serial killer!" I don't think he's really prepared to face the concept, and as such, this sense of betrayal at how his life has gone is buried very deeply in his subconscious and it’s giving him stomach ulcers. For Sam, I honestly feel like it's a bit similar. She knows to some extent, but fights against the idea that she's a bit of the odd duck in her family. She doesn't know how to wrap her head around the concept of a mother who loves her and wants the best, but doesn't really like her or 'get' her. Slightly related, but the concept that she knows that she's failing spectacularly to look for people who genuinely appreciate her for her.
24. Most annoying habit
With Danny, I'm kinda tempted to say that he talks a lot... except I feel like he's got to be a decent listener to be of any use. I think his most annoying habit would genuinely be that he comes off like a blowhard who likes to hear himself talk when discussing something he knows a lot about. So it's not so much that he talks a lot all the time, but rather that he will steamroll you with info... which might come off as him thinking you're stupid.
Sam also tends to do this behaviour, and is the person who will "Well, actually" you when you say something wrong. The only difference from Danny is she's more likely to argue about it, where Danny is more likely to drop it and quietly seethe about the debate. Unlike Danny, she's not necessarily trying to prove a point (up until someone doubles down on being wrong) but rather that she likes sharing trivia.
27. their guilty pleasure I think Danny's guilty pleasure is getting to sleep :')
Sam's guilty pleasure is music. She's used up a lot of her paychecks on cassettes and cds. She also likes detective fiction, and as a child read the entire series of Nancy Drew detective novels (1930-1979).
33. something guaranteed to make them cry
For Danny? Honestly I think he's borderline an angry crier. He's got it on lock so as to not actually cry, but just general stress is enough to get him close. He very much will go into a bathroom and slash his face with water while trying to calm down (and probably thinking about violence while he does it). He's going to resist crying at a sad movie even if it kills him. Sam gets teary-eyed pretty easily too, but she's more open about it when in places where it's expected--like at a sad movie or a funeral. She very much cries at funding commercials for local pet shelters.
37. what they really think about themselves
Danny thinks he's great, pay no attention to the fragile ego hiding behind the curtain. Basically, where Danny's ego is wrapped up in attempting to hide his insecurities from himself and others, Sam's ego is somewhat wrapped up in tearing herself down. It kinda sucks for everyone around them if they're both in a depressive funk because they both need external feedback to counterbalance it.
42. three comfort items Danny: his vcr player, his pocket knife that belonged to his grandpa, his bug-out (escape) bag. Sam: Her walkman, her tape recorder, the original 56 hardcover novels of Nancy Drew with multiple dog-eared pages.
43. three favourite foods and three they despise Danny loves shepherd's pie, Texas sheet cake and coca-cola. He hates olives, beans and wieners (together), and blueberries.
Sam loves cheesecake, hot dogs and poutine, and will devour les oreilles de crisse like no tomorrow. She hates ketchup chips, canned tuna and bananas that are either too ripe or not enough.
46. The person they most admire
Danny is drawn to men that remind him of his father aka very masculine archetypes. It’s hard to find someone who will outright replace his dad, it’s probably borderline impossible without a lot of therapy work… but he lowkey admires his boss at the paper, something he shares in common with Sam. O’Reilly just gives off big Irish dad energy, he can’t help it.
Sam lowkey thinks of O’Reilly as a father figure, not that she would admit to it. It helps that he was dating her aunt at one point, and said aunt was also the closest thing Sam had to fitting maternal figure.
49. Favourite toy as a child
I don’t actually have any real answer for this one at this point. I feel like I will have to do some more research into 1960s-70s children toys, it would be nice to have something a little more specific than “generic gendered child toy” bc they definitely had lots of those each.
For Sam, it’s maybe not her favourite toy in the sense she got to play with it a lot, but she has a porcelain doll that she’s kept into adulthood despite the fact it has a cracked and reglued face in a way that makes it look kinda wonky. It was a gift from her mom, which proceeded to get broken by her younger brother Robby, but when Joan went to throw it out Sam threw a fit instead… so the doll got repaired, but on the condition she’s now a display doll, which she proceeded to be for the next 20 years.
Thank you for the ask!!
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panzershrike-pretz · 6 months
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Source: x x x | x x x | x x x -> song: Come Along
We'll be here when the world slows down And the sunbeams fade away Keeping time by a pendulum As the fabric starts to fray There's no such thing as time to kill Nor time to throw away So once for the bright sky Twice for the pig sty Thrice for another day Come, come, come, come, come along now Run away from the hum-drum We'll go to a place that is safe from Greed, anger and boredom We'll dance and sing 'til sundown And feast with abandon We'll sleep when the morning comes And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs
- About;
- Michael Lyall Wolf - he/him (trans ftm)
Michael's name comes from the Be More Chill's character, Michael Mell. At the time I changed his name to that, I was deeply in love with that musical (not that I ever stopped being in love with it) and, just as I did with Jeremy, decided that I needed a character with that name. It means "gift from God" and, well, he truly is a gift from God (or better yet, the child of one xD)
Micah, his nickname, comes from a typo that decided to stick with me every time I'd write his name, so I kept it.
Lyall is the middle name of Remus Lupin, the werewolf character from Harry Potter's story (which is also who inspired me to make Micah be a lycanthrope). It means wolf and faithful, which I guess really goes well with Micah's whole deal KEKEKEK
Finally, Wolf. Well that is self-explanatory enough
Michael Wolf Wolf 👍
- Cook
Michael's position in the ship is of great value; besides being responsible for keeping the crew well fed, Micah is in charge of keeping track of rations and maintaining storage.
Tho Micah was not initially good at cooking, he was able to make end's meet and eventually grew more fond of the kitchen - well, enough so his skills grew and now his food is one of the favorite's in the ship, just behind Theodore's (tho that's a given, since the man has a dregree in gastronomy).
Micah was not always well liked between people, mainly for his lycanthrope illness, so he endured many hardships involving food - that was enough to traumatize him. He swore to never let anyone in his care feel hunger at all. This led to him getting in a lot of troubles for sneaking food to his crewmates.
- God of Time, the Moon and Love
Michael was one of the first Gods to exist, direct son of Ozymandias and Imbatwa. He originally only represented time, but as the universe grew and forms of lufe beegan evolving, he took the roles of Love and Moon God as well. Being one of thes first Gods granted him some more powers than usual, tho not so useful as he'd want.
Michael is able to feel people's emotions and somewhat affect them if he wants too - that does mean he can make people fall in love, but he learned from many mistakes and refrains from doing that at all. With that, he can also make hisbtouch calm people down if needed and hypnotize them momentarily with his eyes. He hates it.
Can create portals that travel back or forth in tome by some hours, but it's incredibly dangerous to him and his health. Unlike time-loops, those portals are not stable and can easily collapse, which means he can get trapped in the Void, between dxeath and life. Useful? Maybe. Does he use it? Not at all.
He's able to turn into a wolf, tho he doesn't really enjoy it since he's been bitten by a werewolf. Every full moon, he has a painful transformation and becomes a menace to everyone around him - the simple thought of turning into a wolf out of that time sends shivers down his spine. When not transformed, his bite can still cause nausea and infections, as well as some signs of a not-full Lycanthropy (just intense need for raw meat, angryness, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells, foaming at the mouth). He's considered a highly dangerous individual and that has messed up with his views upon himself. This is not a power, it's a curse and he hates every bit of it.
So, in short, Michael doesn't use any of his powers because he fears them and himself.
- Personality
Michael is a very kind man, who'll not hesitate in helping others first and above all else. He hates what he is and how people view him and his kind, so he does his best in trying to make up for his curse even if that means he gets a bad time. He's a people pleaser who can't say no to most things - well, yeah, people can easily take advantage and manipulate him.
Michael is a total lovebug. He dreams and lives for romance; he never thought it'd be possible for him to have that and constantly fears that one day he'll wake up and be alone once more (it won't happen, but he's paranoid).
An excellent listener, who just has a way of atrracting people. He's a calm and gentle soul wsho believes the world can be a better place eventually; a hopeful little guy.
He's very prone to panic attacks and get's easily overwhelmed. Poor autistic guy. Anyway I torture him way too much :]
- Funfact: Michael is utterly addicted to chocolate. Any kind of chocolate. He goes insane over it and it's just a good way of calming him down. He smells of chocolate, books and spices. ALSO, sometimes he howls when he's happy.
- Relationship: Sirius and Jeremy
Oh no! Who is that I spy? The little boy. He has lil' teef :3 and heterochromia :3
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lgbtally4ever · 2 years
BL Series I’m Currently Watching
Only 2 episodes in, but I like it, already! (GagaOOLala)
My, absolute favorite series, at this time! (iQIYI)
My second favorite series, at the moment. (You Tube)
It’s getting better now! (iQIYI)
I like it. It’s cute and has 👻 ghosts! (GagaOOLala)
More “grown-up” than Akarakun to Amagikun. Cute, funny, fluffy, with some more serious drama undertones.
More BDSM! Mostly implied, so far. 👍 (iQIYI)
Cute and entertaining, so far, with a deeper story to come, it looks like. Taiwanese (Viki)
Landlord/tenant at home, employee/Boss at work—Korean series with the stars of Kissable Lips! ‘Nuff said! (Viki)
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THIS SOUNDS INCREDIBLY SAD AND TRAGIC, but I’m going to try to get through it, anyway! Even with the tragic circumstances, they’ve managed to keep it light. (Rakuten Viki)
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It IS what they advertise! “SEX”
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My Third favorite 😍 Koreans do BL so well! But, too short! (Viki, iQIYI)
Addendum: Finished this series. Loved it right up until the final episode, which could’ve made more sense and turned out better!
The Japanese do BL well, too, but too tame for my taste. Adorable leads, though! 😘 (Viki)
Very good story, great relationship. I really liked the fascism vs. progressive theme. (On YouTube, GMMTV)
Minato’s Laundromat-cute, very enjoyable, easy-to-watch.
My Secret Love-which got better toward the end. (you tube)
Coffee Melody-that I feel I could’ve missed and that would have been ok. (Viki, iQIYI)
180 Degree Longitude…-pretty excellent. Not BL, really an LGBT Drama. Adult, sad, dramatic. (GagaOOLala)
On Cloud Nine-Strange, but interesting! (you tube)
Unforgotten Night-It’s an acquired taste. (GagaOOLala)
Papa and Daddy 2-extremely lovable series! (GagaOOLala)
About Youth- Cute, easy to watch, quick. (GagaOOLala, Viki)
I’m a Fool For You 3-I like this series. Too damned short & quick, though. (You Tube)
21 Days Theory-It’s short, quick, easy-to-watch, fun & cute. I liked it. (You Tube)
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loveydoveykirk · 8 months
i got my cane off amazon - i thiiink it was this one (amazon.com/RMS-Folding-Cane-Lightweight-Collapsible/dp/B07JBY42X4/)? its collapsible, but i havent had any trouble with it + it being adjustable is great for when u wear diff shoes yknow?
some people dont like that sort of harder material for the handle though. also if you need a cane for balance issues specially, maybe look into one with a quad-base. also-also, if you live in a place w/ snow/ice, there's attachable tips u can get that will prevent slipping
if u havent used one before, its a good idea to look up videos on how to use one! it needs to be the right height, otherwise you can strain yourself pretty bad
good luck! 👍
OH ALSO i think a lot of drug stores/pharmacies tend to have some canes- not the best selection, but you can check at those too! -previous anon
thank u!!! i need to get a snow/ice tip bc that's happening soon 🥴 i've watched videos a bunch bc ive known ive needed one for awhile i just always convinced myself it wasn't That Bad so i've put it off. yeah ive seen some at the drugstore but they're p basic and usually out of stock for my height for some reason. thank u for ur help again!
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danothan · 1 year
would you have any recommendations for comics for someone to get into the flash? ur art is so awesome :3
okay so one thing you need to know abt me is that i’m a fake fan and also i can’t read
i started my dc dive back in september, but there was a several month period where i stopped reading comics or getting into new material (cue rewatching flashpoint paradox on repeat), so i’m just as much as a novice as the next guy. but i can recommend my favorite flash media + things i plan on getting into!
- obviously flashpoint paradox is number one, rly good introduction for barry and great to look back on in retrospect! here’s where the fake fan part comes in: i do not care to read the comic. i’m sure there are things that the movie missed, but honestly? it’s a rly good standalone and i prefer a lot of the changes. this story also gets done to death with the flash, so you might as well get the best version of it here first
- flash/green lantern: the brave and the bold is also rly good, very iconic, easy to read (me shaking in restraint to hold off my dozens of documented panels from this comic)
- and the first flash comic i read (and still reading…) was flash rebirth (2016)! out of order bc there’s smth wrong with me, so idk how it holds up in quality, but i like barry in it at least
- i hear one-minute war is rly good, haven’t read it yet but i’m liking everything i see from it! you get to see a lot of the flash fam in this one!
i’d love to read more comics, but i have trouble with reading anything that’s not a physical, tangible copy, and i don’t have the budget to keep buying them. so just do what i do and skim thru copies at your local bookstore like it’s an extreme sport 👍 i have gotten many a reference points this way
if any more cultured flash fans would like to leave suggestions, pls sound off!! i could obviously use the recs too, even if i’m going at my own tedious pace
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In hospital yay😭
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Apologies if this don’t make sense i like just got home from hospital a little bit ago and still feel some effects of morphine (the pic and words above pic i posted while on morphine😂)
They gave my 2 things of morphine while i was there as well as something for nausea and toradol when left
My nephew when i came in my moms room crying goes are you kidding i thought we did this already and my dad goes did what and he goes the crying (i cry sometimes and one time I’ve cried like a month or 2 before because if pain(we thinking it was kidney stones this kinda confirms it and they just taking they sweet time)) i was offended but i thought it was sort of funny but i was hurting to bad to laugh at it
*got sick* a good bit
Got *sick* because of pain
Was freezing my ass of the whole time
I mean my teethe were chattering
My doc Ron looks like Jimmy Palmer (older version) i told him too (when he got wheelchair so he could take me to where my mom was pulling up closer to the hospital) and he goes I’ll have to look him up and see what he looks like (pretty sure doctors and nurses heard cause they started laughing)
I had a CT slam with dye on my abdomen
I was in so much pain i couldn’t rlly sleep even with the morphine
Was there from about 10:15pm-1:30am
Sunday March 19, 2023- Monday March 20,2023
And not to mention we live like 10 min away from hospital and a lot of roads were closed so it took longer
If i had to go to surgery if it was a gallbladder or appendix thing or to get the kidney stone removed i would have to go even further for a hospital that can do stuff like that
Couldn’t have any water and it sucks cause my mouth was dry as hell and it’s worse cause of *getting sick* i could have ice chips which did nothing and made my mouth even drier
Pain started at like 9:25
It was so much fucking pain and on top of that was on my period and i have PCOS so the cramps were worse and then got kidney stones on top of that
Can’t take certain meds cause if it so im just gonna get off all of them (it’s a lot like 9 a day 5-6 in morning 3 at night) until Thursday (certain meds can react to the dye they gave me for CT)
I have kidney stones on both kidneys some aren’t moving but the one causing me trouble is the one on the right and it is 2mm so they said i could pass it and made me finish my IV and gave me toradol and sent me on my way
One of my sisters was mad no one told her i was in hospital
My mom took pics of me while i was like high on morphine😂👍😅
I didn’t even rlly sleep when i had the morphine and my mom was shocked a couple times she thought i was asleep but rlly wasn’t
I was so cold when i left for CT my hands were so pale and could (it was like you could kinda tell by the nails too) hear my teeth chattering. He made me sign something and i almost got my mom to do it cause i didn’t thing i could (the 2 blankets they gave me did nothing for me)
Also used sick bags and had to bring home 2 more just incase
When i got home first thing i did was brush teeth and drink a while thing of water also ate just a lil (cuz all my food that was in my system is gone) before i went to bed like they didn’t have mouth was or anything i could use to get the *sick* taste out my mouth
Legit had to go back to the ER Nov 12 again because i was in pain and was “sick🤢” because i had kidney stones but honestly it felt a lil dif so i though it was a cyst on overies rupturing. And i had an infection so that sucked
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I’m sorry now I feel bad for being so rude to you. I got so annoyed with that other anon.. I just don’t understand how they can watch teams perform arguably pretty good, at least not bad, and have the reaction ”oh well Norway suck, they would never beat us”. It’s not very respectful of teams who are doing well to just always dismiss their talent and developement by saying they are playing weak opponents, and it seems like a much more practical reaction to go ”oh some of these teams are playing pretty well, we need to take them seriously and prepare well to beat them”.
I don’t think the US need to be afraid to play any team, and no team would be smart to think the US are easy to beat, they never will be. But I think there is a certain arrogance sometimes among some fans and journalists that they can’t take in that other teams can be good. And if the US team does that too that could be a weakness, because then you’re not as well prepared. There’s a difference between being confident in your own ability and just blind to see the developement of other teams.
I followed the USWNT for a long time, especially I’ve seen you in tournaments, always looked up to you as a good team. I’m very aware of the US winning all the titles, the US and Germany, that’s pretty much it on the women’s side, with a few exceptions. I’m definitely not counting the US out, and if ever people say that they aren’t good anymore I always contradict them. I think you will be one of the favourites at the World cup. You have great players, competitiveness and tournament routine, used to winning, which is also important. And the US has a special role in women’s football, you were one of the big trailblazers, probably the biggest one, and that doesn’t just go a way.
That tradition combined with having a big player pool I think the US will always be one of the top teams. But the better women’s football gets it will get more even at the top, which will probably have the US, the bigger European countries and hopefully Brazil, Japan and other South American and Asian countries too the more the game grows.
Thanks for coming back anon. I will always accept other peoples opinions about the USWNT. Your ask was just a bit snarky but understandable if you are passionate about the game and your country. You have valid points and I have no trouble posting them. One point I did make in my original answer was that teams are for sure getting better and making us have to be better. I agree that it’s great for the the future of the womens game. Sometimes as Americans we can get protective of our legacy and it’s tough when our own fans want us to fail let alone the rest of the world. So let’s just look forward to where we are going and it should be a great World Cup👍
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alelathedragon · 6 months
Connected Worlds (Crackship Fanfiction)
In a world of Monsters and creatures known as Pokemon… There were many kinds of people; --Profound Hunters: hunters that still hang on to the olden days of all magical creatures being their enemy and hunting everything with little to no other thoughts about it. They're not heartless but it'd take a lot to convince them to change --Buddy Hunters: Hunters that were moved after the Black Blight events and have opened up to the idea of having pokemon or even monster friends. They can even have some of their own that they don't just take on hunts but care for like their family. --The Scriveners: reaserchers that are VERY good at their job, they can make recipes for downing monsters or pokemon of different types based on their knowledge. They know about the land and wish to record everything possible. They're really smart and can range from acceptance of monsters and pkmn to not. --Pokèpals: they were moved by the events of the Blight but could only open they're heart to the pokemon. They respect their riders but they just can't bring themselves to love monsters the same as a pokemon. --Riders: they love Monsters and pokemon equally, sometimes they can have a bit of a bias towards their monsties however they typically have at least one pokemon on them and love nature. They do what they think is right for everyone though sometimes this can lead to chaos.
👍This is a fanfiction about a crackship I made, including Reverto from monster hunter stories and Guzma from pokemon.
If you don't enjoy crackships, that is completley fine but please don't haras me over it. You harrassing me isn't going to stop me from publishing more.
~Reverto: One morning deep in the Jungles of Unovaria was a man slugging his way through the woods, he had golden yellow hair that was so fluffy you could mistake it for the sun with how warm it looked, a Tgrex longsword hitched in it's satchel on his back, armour glazed one arm and his legs… Sighing a long exaggerated sigh the man groaned as he once again had to push his way through some foliage. " Man like… This isn't cool you know Popola… We could have taken any quest on the board but you just HAD to teach me a lesson for taking a DAY off…"
A cat popped up from seemingly nowhere on the man's back, hopping up to his shoulders and bouncing angerly " Damn right Popola had to teach you a lesson mew lazy bum!! All mew do is eat,sleep,cook,sleep,and eat! That's hardly enough to pawy for our house!! "
The man got a less then pleased expression " Did we really have to hunt a Ariados thou dude…."
" YES REVERTO!! If mew won't keep up on the bills then Popola will pick your purrrfect missions for you! " Great ✨ Thought Reverto as he went through more forest- Popola was giving him the earful but he'd hoped that if he went slow enough the spider would move on to somewhere else that it wouldn't cause issue- Thou to his dismay up ahead he heard rustling, grabbing the hilt of his sword he drew his weapon ready for battle when suddenly -
" YEAH! GOLISOPOD USE LIQUIDATION " Was suddenly yelled from ahead, someone is in trouble!? The Buddy Hunter quickened his pace to go through the trees and only have greet his eyes a giant Ariados having its head slammed into the ground by a girthy Golisopod-- oof! That looked like it hurt, the spiders head squished into the ground as it was brutally forced deeper into the dirt below it before the golisopod flipped off landing perfectly on their feet. Thou the thing that caught his attention next startled him, it looked like there was someone under the spider!! Pokemon or no pokemon with them they looked like they were in trouble so he started to run out with speed- but halted when the spider suddenly moved, it's legs were flailing trying to get a grip on the ground but the person under the spider- was fucking lifting it. " HRRRRRRRRRUP!! " They suddenly tossed the thing up! What a feet, thou Reverto could do it too but he didn't expect the stranger to be so strong! With help from the golisopod suddenly using pin missile the spider was turned and the stranger had jumped up to grab onto the spider and utterly suplex it into the ground with style. Knocking out the Ariados instantly.. Now, man half wanted to clap as the stranger got up but there were two very big problems that lead him to be silent- One: that was his hunt and if he didn't take it home he would be cooked for dinner. Two: Reverto is terrified of bugs- friendly or not that golisopod noticed him and was staring at him with a certified death glare and the man was horrified. Popola however jumped up " WOW! They're probably just as strong as mew Reverto! That was amazing! "
But when the stranger got up to look their way and the body of the Ariados flinched Reverto shrieked. "I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE MAN!! "
And ran away from the scene- " What's 'iz problem…" Muttered the stranger.
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Part 1
Part 2 when i feel like it
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lunathewafflelord · 3 years
+INTRO (2.0 because the old one was too wordy]+
I’m Luna
I’m 18 and am autistic and also have severe anxiety and PTSD. More information on this in “random and important notes” ,,,
This is a WIP
#Can’t choose between the title “space princess” and “waffle lord”. Both are great tho so I like both
#Space aesthetics are my favorite, hence my nickname
#Also I rly like crystals. Rocks in general. Basically Maud Pie Irl
#Waffles are a running joke with some friends of mine hence why most of my usernames have “waffle” in them.  #Favorite video games /series:
-Animal Crossing (New Leaf is my favorite)
-Pokémon Series (BW is my favorite)
-Miitopia (fave stand-alone game by far)
-Puyo Puyo (how did I forget to add this until now, Puyo sideblog is @sigslefthand! )
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Misc Pokémon games
Madoka Magica/Magia Record
Among other things
I try to tag things as spoilers when possible, so if you haven’t finished one of said medias you can have those tags blocked! I don’t want to accidentally spoil anyone.
Random and important notes:
-I don’t (USUALLY) swear, but I may reblog posts with swearing. I’m trying to add “swearing” or “swear warning” to the tags of posts with swearing so people who dislike swearing can avoid those posts. I don’t mean to offend the OPs who swear, I just know many friends of mine who visit my blog don’t like swearing and would rather avoid it.
It’s not I don’t like swearing, I don’t like TO swear. I might share posts with swearing, but I’ll censor swears whenever I write them.
-Due to personal triggers related to certain ongoing political events, I don’t normally reblog political related things unless it’s VERY important or relates to something I deal with (eg autism things). I 100% stand by Black Lives Matter, stop Asian hate, trans and queer acceptance, respecting the beliefs of all religions and cultures, and all other important movements, but I find many of the posts about them extremely triggering and as a result I don’t normally reblog them as viewing them can be anxiety inducing. I will like and comment on such posts, but I usually don’t reblog them.  (I know that “political” isn’t the best word for many of these things, but it’s the best I can come up with. If there’s a better word to use please let me know and I’ll correct myself)
-Please understand that I generally have trouble wording things at times and may accidentally come across as rude or insensitive. I don’t intend for things to come out in such a way, and I’d appreciate if people POLITELY would let me know if I say something wrong and how to say it in a better way so I don’t cause issues again. I’m only human, and I have some issues with wording, and it’s really helpful when people let me know if I ever say/do something wrong so I can correct it and make sure I don’t do it again.
-I type in caps lock a lot! I don’t typically mean caps lock to be yelling, I use caps lock to express excitement/happiness or to put emphasis on certain words. Like if something cool is added to a game I like I might write in caps lock to show how excited I am about that. But if you don’t like caps lock I’m fine with not using caps lock around you in direct messages 👍
More will be added later.. I don’t really like how this is formatted so it’ll probably be completely revamped again in the future. Sorry.
Other cool stuff:
I have two dogs and two cats and have worked with cats in a professional setting, specifically in animal shelters! I interact with the cats to help get them used to people and through the people at that shelter I met my doggo Poppy!
My dogs are beagles named Poppy and Bagel! Poppy’s full name is Lemon Poppyseed Muffin, usually just called Poppy or Poppyseed. Bagel is 10 years old and a very good boy, we don’t know Poppy’s age but she acts like a puppy!
My cats are Lyra and Divina, both girls, Lyra is a little baby calico (just turned 2 recently!) and Divina is a beautiful brown tabby and is 6-7 years old
Images of them under cut!
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