#instead of zooming in digitally
b4kuch1n · 2 years
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learning how to color with my new screen tablet. turns out people still zoom in digitally and dont put their face up to ~.3 cm from the screen
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stargirl230 · 10 months
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brought to you by my latest hyperfixation (bᐛ )b
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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jayisabellsart · 23 days
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Stelle wip
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villiun · 2 months
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Made a pixel dude!!!
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parisoonic · 9 months
I just want to say I love how you do your lineart, it looks so good! ahhhhhhhh!!
I'm gathering a lot of advice about the topic of lineart and I just wanna know how you get it to look like that? My line weight is getting better but the drawing itself just comes out a bit.. weird.
Thank you so much! Lineart is probably the thing I've been working hardest on as I am not a lineartist (and still struggle a lot) but it's something I really need to get better at for my job. UM there's honestly so much that could be said on the topic of lineart. Big things for me are:
Weight -> Use line weight (aka thickness) to describe form, lighting, contact and scale. Thick lines imply shadow, contact and nearness-to-camera. Thin lines imply tension, recession and light.
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Straights vs Curves -> Use straight lines against curved ones for maximum interest. This is partly a character design thing but as we're using lines to describe our characters it's worth mentioning :)
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Complex vx Simple -> Use complex lines against simple. Faces are always complex so therefore the backs of heads should always be simple. Chests are quite complex so backs should be simple. Dorsal sides of the arms are complex (Delt, tricep, bicep) whilst the ventral side is more simple (tricep...mainly) etc.
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'Think in Ink' -> Lower your sketch layer almost to 0% opacity so you're not getting hung up on how nice/energetic your sketch look and instead are approaching the piece from an ink mindset. BUT it's digital! So if there's something in your sketch that you like just bring it forward (copy and paste) into your ink layer. I sketch and ink with the same brush so I can use this workflow
'Confidence' -> small hesitant feathery lines will look nervous compared to big swooping lines. Less is always more. I'll redraw arms/limbs until I can get the appearance that it was done in one brush stroke. Again it's digital so you can erase to cheat this look : )
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MISC 01: I always hear 'draw from the shoulder'........meh............it's digital so draw from your wrist...it's fine honestly. If we were working at A1 in a life drawing class then we could get some shoulder action going but most of us are hunched over 16inch tablets. I think this advice aims to pull people away from feathery-nervous lineart honestly which you can improve on without relearning how to draw from your shoulder.
MISC 02: For a 'smoother' look do your lineart at a larger canvas size than you need. Once I'm happy with a sketch I usually double the canvas size and do my lineart then.
MISC 03: In PS (at least) anti-aliasing goes funny at any zoom level that isn't in the 5 times table. So try not to look at your canvas when you're zoomed in to 87% or 71.39% or something crazy. Just stick to 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% if possible.
UNFORTUNATE TRUTH: Lineart is incredibly based on raw draughtmanship I've discovered. When you're working with colour you can hide a lot in rendering (shadows, highlights) or post-processing (depth of field) but in lineart all your mistakes are just...there for people to see. There's ways round this...which I use A LOT. 'Flourishes' (I use 'flourishes' to mean over-confident lineart where it veers particuarly thick or particuarly thin in contrast to your approach in the rest of the image) can sort of trick people into thinking you're more confident about an area than you actually are.
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As well as leaving 'breathing room' within your lineart instead of actually...resolving the area. I do this the most around the face and hands.
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Hopefully some of this helps? Honestly there's a lot of deep dives that could be done into indivudal things and there's also the massive caveat that all of these are 'guidelines' and not strict rules. I also favour a more...concept-arty? animation-y? storyboard-y? look to my lineart which favours flourishes and breathing room for a incomplete/work-in-progress feel which would make methodical colouring (ie: for a comic or something) a pain.
Keep up pratice is the main thing and doing studies of artists who you like that have great lineart - you'll pick up draughtmanship skills along with the lineart studies. Here's some of my lineart from a year or two ago...it varies between very 'standardised' (which makes it difficult to read volumes and to be honest, it's boring) and 'TOO EXCITING' (which...also makes it difficult to read volumes and for the eye to rest).
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I'd like to share my brushes at some point as I've found 3 that I really like and use for everything more or less. I discovered that a shocking low amount of people use PS on tumblr (shocking to me I guess as i'm so used to PS being the standard) and everyone seems to use Procreate or Clip Studio Pro...so I want to check that the brushes are Procreate compatible at least before I share!
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scoobydoomistakes · 6 months
At first I was digitally haunted… and then my attempts to *show* it to y'all were haunted, too.
Fate gave me a better Halloween post than I could possibly come up with myself. Thanks, fate!
Context: I'm a photographer by trade.
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(It was surprisingly hard to find a recent photo of myself with a camera, so I opted for one at DPAC, a place I shoot, and one with a small cat, which is about the size of a camera)
And the thing about modern cameras is, corrupted files are not common.
I probably hadn't seen even something minor in, what, a year or two?
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Until this, yesterday.
Which would have been the weird thing.
Except that this is a completely-different glitch than the original I wanted to show you.
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Seriously! The instant I viewed the image large for the first time, the original version vanished, permanently.
Zooming in it's cool and all, but I wanted to get to the bottom of things.
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...huh. Well, that's not very helpful in the file browser.
What if I open it in–
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Yeeeaaah, that ain't any better. What if instead, I opened it in–
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…now, that's just adding insult to injury, technology.
Is there seriously no program that can display it with any more–
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WHOA! Now, that's more like it!
Also revealed it was a test frame in the portrait session! Neato.
Well, what if I try to import it into Lightroom again... but in a different way?
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Ooh! The teensy initial preview is promising!
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I'll be darned. It's actually 100% normal this time!
...wait, that's the exact opposite of what we're trying to do.
One more time.
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Alright, that's more like it. It's still not that weirdest original glitch, but–
...hold up, is it... different, though?
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Yes, it was.
Testing proved it randomized a whole new way every stinkin' time you import it.
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We needed a breakthrough.
The file itself was corrupted, sure, but clearly the display/conversion process was crucial.
As a last-ditch effort, I tried importing it with multiple unglitched portraits.
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This was it! This was the extra-haunted version I wanted to show!
Sure, it would still revert to 120% scrambling if I double-clicked it, but hey, all the best spookiness is ephemeral.
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We'd found our Halloween post, lost it... lost it some more, lost it again, and then finally got it back...
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...only, erm... at the cost of losing our sanity.
Happy Halloween, y'all. May your night not be cursed with technological hauntings, unless that's exactly what you're going for, in which case have at it.
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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u guys wanna see more WIPs... similar to the last post, here are Some WIPs
all of these were started in sai before going on to procreate. before going back to sai again in the case of the strength card
so Blue Sky/Out Of Time... yeah it’s extremely self-explanatory, it’s very obvious what this scene depicts and i’m sure everyone gets it (this is a joke i’ve had multiple people dm me asking wtf this even is). the one element that absolutely NEEDED to be there was the LED digital clock with a bullshit time on it, and i decided to replace it with an AIRE warning sign instead and put the LED readouts in the bg. the warning sign in this setting serves the purpose of informing ppl when there are hostile faeries around. i knew what the colours would be from the beginning, but it took a bit for me to realise what sort of shading style i wanted (it took forever). but i did know i wanted to contrast the very sketchy black void against the cleaner and almost cartoony/comic book style rest of the drawing, to emphasise the fact that the foreground sky and background void are made of two very different things. again i used a colour shifting brush to quickly make all the shards of sky different colours, but originally i planned to have some of the shards be dark or night time (with stars or the moon etc). unfortunately it didn’t work, it was too dark and pascal got lost against it.
My Eyes Are Up Here is pretty obviously the exact same scene with the same character, in the same field, but with a different sort of atmosphere. i sketched this in sai then did the final in procreate. originally it was going to have a black background
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i really like this version tbh but the blue works better. i think he looks good against dark backgrounds where it’s kind of hard to see wtf is even happening there
so about the neon signs..... i’m well aware that the sketch has way more promise than what the final ultimately was, and that’s because i found that i didn’t have the technical or artistic ability to pull off the complex neon signs like i wanted to. i couldn’t get it looking good enough so i had to scrap them. but these signs will be back, i want to draw them properly and do them justice. the gif was unplanned too but i thought it would be fun to have the flicker be very intermittent so that if you scrolled past it you might not even realise, or you’d have to stick with it just to catch it looping. i used GIMP to make the gif and change the frame rate, and this actually took a very long time because i had to preview it over and over. anyway if you WERE to get lost in the púca’s field, in this story, you would see neon signs like this encouraging you to follow them.
Strength is actually the last drawing i ever made that ended with a paint-over in sai, and the oldest drawing here. as such i actually don’t think it’s representative of my current ability but i do have a soft spot for it for sentimental reasons lol. the reason for the paint-over in sai was because i drew this at a time when i still did not trust procreate to be able to place the level of finish on it that i wanted
the background took me a thousand years to figure out. literally it was so annoying that i considered scrapping it for something simpler. but the idea was for it to be a kind of fairytale-ish lost in the woods sort of look while also appearing like the blood vessels around the human heart. the branches were also supposed to be heart-shaped in cross-section but i spent so long zoomed in painting them that i forgot to zoom out to see if all those fine details were actually visible, and it turned out they weren’t. i was disappointed that i couldn’t get félix’s tattoos to look right but that’s what i get for making a character with shit tons of both tattoos and body hair. i also got rid of the foreground branches really soon because they weren’t adding anything and muddied up the readability of his pose
the swan is from a daemon au and bears no relation to my other swan characters. i just like swans a lot
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kottkrig · 2 months
I don't want to gatekeep anything when it comes to how I work as a digital artist (though I am pretty bad at explaining) and for what I know as a painter most of it boils down to:
Try out a variety of brushes, esp. ones with textures built in
Object brushes are also a huge help (such as foliage), but I like to manually edit them so they don't look entirely copypasted by adding highlights or changing their shape/opacity and so on
Use 3D models as assets to figure out the shape of things and build dynamic poses (Sketchfab, WoWhead dressing room, Blender)
Look into photobashing and using royalty free stock images
Tracing the above is fine and dandy when it comes to learning anatomy and setting up poses fast (just don't outright steal stuff and instead use it to learn)
Zoom in on other ppl's artwork and study the brushwork, the lighting, watch their speedpaint videos
But when you are starting the painting itself, setting up the composition/lighting/depth is easiest if you zoom out and view the whole canvas at a bit of a distance
Don't just learn the superficial shape of things; figure out the density, the texture, how they reflect light, how they bend
Putting in the effort to find references is always worth it, you have to practice a lot and paint ugly in order to improve
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pussycat-scribbles · 8 months
Help!!! Tips for drawing digitally? Every time I draw digitally it gets and wiggily and lop sided :(
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I'm SO sorry about the delay in replying to this!
I guess my main tips for avoiding wiggly lopsidedness in digital art would be to:
flip your canvas regularly so you can see the art with "fresh" eyes, allowing you to spot any weird and wobbly bits more easily
use a line stabilizer (also called smoothing in some programs) if you don't have a steady hand. There's no shame in using the tools available to you if it makes creating more enjoyable and the outcome more pleasing to you!
if you're in the habit of using small, choppy strokes with your pen, try zooming out a bit and using longer, smooth strokes instead (and keep one hand on the undo shortcut so you can draw > undo > draw until you hit just the right line)
if you're really struggling with a piece, or are super unhappy but don't know how to proceed, take a break for a day or three and come back to it. It probably isn't as wonky as you've convinced yourself it is!
I hope that helps a little. I'm no master artist by any stretch of the imagination, and I draw a LOT of wobbly, lopsided drawings. Most of my pieces start out totally wonky, if I'm honest! But the process of ironing out all of that to get to a finished piece that I'm happy with, aesthetically speaking, is often more satisfying than the finished piece itself.
We're all a little wiggly and lopsided here...and there ain't no shame in that :D
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citylighten · 2 months
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Pietro takes in the imagery. Undeniably more awake, he pulls himself forward in the chair: traces his fingers across his phone’s screen to zoom in on the snapshot. “And the back?” He can’t help but ask. “Um, hold on!” Pietro had no moment to pine: in a matter of seconds, the second screenshot comes through. “It’s nice.” He utters below his breath. Rosaria would look wonderful in this, the very thought of seeing her in that made his dick twitch, attentive. “What were your third and fourth picks?”
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🚫 18+ ONLY 🚫
In spite of her enthusiasm, Rosaria’s nerves were high. She was capable of discussing the first two articles with ease: she picked them out and frankly, she was relatively satisfied with her choices. However, outfit three and four? Sofia convinced her to put them in her digital cart. Part of Rosaria felt they were good looking, the other half of her was skeptical. The idea of Pietro seeing them makes her flush and shy away.  “Well!” She begins, large brown eyes rolling around her room. “let’s say the other things can be a surprise! Because I don’t know how I really feel about them and I might just send them back…?”
“I’m sure you won’t do that,” Somehow Pietro spoke reassuringly and confidently even when he sounded to be on the verge of exhaustion. “You’re going to love it when it arrives.”
Despite this, Rosaria remains firm in her indecision, “maybe!”
There’s a moment of silence. Rosaria, forgetting if she could just ask for Pietro’s card number and call it a night, wondered over what to say next. Even if she did ask for his card details, she didn’t want to get off the phone with him. Thankfully, Pietro speaks first before she can rack her brain: “I wish you were here.”
“I mean, I wanted to be.” Rosaria muses. She hears him clear his throat, “I know, I know. But this…wasn’t the sort of meeting I would feel comfortable having you in. Not yet." A pause, "but, while I was at the bar, I kept thinking to myself…the first thing I was going to do when I got to my room was call you.”
That did not sound thoughtful or melancholic. It didn’t even sound innocent. No, Rosaria had come to know that tone well. The familiar way Pietro’s voice dropped let her to know what wanted: sex. 
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Had this been the 90s, Rosaria would have been fingering the spiraling cord of her telephone. Instead, she keeps clutching onto her phone as she moves it back to her ear, “Oh…” That's sweet? She was hoping to hear his voice too? Once again, she doesn't get to think of a response as Pietro speaks again. “I want you here so badly.”
Rosaria dwells on how she’s never engaged in phone sex. She thinks Ben tried it once, but she’s not sure if he was playing around or not. Either way, Pietro Impellizzeri is not a man who plays around. Rosaria questions her ‘skill’ for this. Rosaria worries about saying something stupid. She even worries about whether the pitch of her voice could be considered sultry. However, rather than killing Pietro’s lustful thoughts, there is a curiosity to see where this goes.
“Well, if you had just let me come on this trip…” she begins. And what would she do? Make him comfortable after his three meetings? Make him feel good? Rosaria blushes, not yet ready to spring into the sexual side of this conversation. She has to say something worthwhile! “I wouldn’t have gotten in your way.”
“And what would you have been doing in the meantime?” Detail, phone sex was all about detail. Rosaria felt the need to list a few mundane events: renting a hotel room, catching up with old friends, that could have sufficed and eventually lead to something sexy.
“I would’ve given you my card to do whatever you wanted,” Pietro remarked and as easy as that, Rosaria feels as though she’s given an opening for her imagination.
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“Then, I’d go shopping!” She exclaims, “Actually! First, I would’ve gotten us the hotel while you did your business, and I would have done my own thing. I’d find…” her brow creases as she needs to think of the stores in San Myshuno. Actually, she’s having a difficult time remembering anything other than a few outlet stores and some bodegas.
She is not aware that there’s an alluring element to her lingering pause. To Pietro, what is actually genuine contemplation to her behaves as a playful tease meant to bring suspense.
“…a Victoria’s Secret store. So, I could buy some lingerie there and we wouldn’t have t’wait a week for all of this we ordered to come in…I’d find something…red.”  
Pietro almost smiles. If it's one thing Rosaria does, it’s hang onto his words. He visualizes her attire in his mind - a lace, red teddy. Crotchless. She waited for him in the hotel room, wet.
He thought that every now and then, as the waiting was just too long, her hand would slip between her thighs. Pietro still does not unzip his pants, instead he sighs, palming his constricted dick. It makes Pietro feel pitiful to admit to himself that this is the most relieved he’s felt all day. “Would you keep this a surprise from me?” He mumbles.
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He thinks of Rosaria sending him an image of herself as he was outside of Windshield Vipers. Like a fool, he would have opened her message in the lobby of Liam and Nico’s business. It would have given him a challenge to not think about as he engaged in a serious discussion with Liam. Would he have seen Victor had Rosaria given him a preview of what awaited him in the night? It was likely. When responsibility called, it called. But he would not have made it to the bar to speak with John. “Of course I would!” Rosaria kills his fantasy like that, but he doesn’t mind. “You never thought of trying it on and sending me a picture?” He asks, remarkably focused.
“Of course, I want you to focus on work! It’s something you’d come back to at the hotel!”
A chuckle escaped his lips. So, she would have always ensured responsibility was first and foremost important.
“You would have made my night…” he says, drifting back to his fantasies. “The red bra…it looks beautiful on you, Rosa.”
“Are you gonna…” she hesitates, shy as the conversation undoubtedly travels into explicit territory, “…take it off me?”
“No.” He answers, “I want to enjoy this. The silk…your soft skin. Are you touching yourself?”
Rosaria blushes at his command: “I want you to run your fingers across your pussy, pretend they’re mine.” Not only did she appreciate Pietro taking the reins, but there was something incredibly erotic about being commanded over the phone when he was miles away. Laying back, she lifts her legs and pulls her panties to her ankles. Shit! She suddenly remembers how Sofia is downstairs!
“Um - I forgot to say my roommate is here…”
“Then you’ll have to be quiet, won’t you?”
Rosaria hums in approval, a bit too enthusiastically.
“Now don’t touch yourself,” Pietro says, “Just run those pretty little fingers over yourself…are you doing that right now?”
Her breath hitches, “yes…”
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“Good girl…” Pietro is close to unzipping his pants, but he holds back. “Now, cup your breasts. Tease your nipple through the fabric, cara. I’ve heard so much today - all I want to hear now is the soft little soft sounds you make…” Rosaria quietly rebels against Pietro, slipping her fingers inside her warmth in the pursuit of friction. She moans, and hopes Pietro assumes it’s just from nipple play.
“How do I make you feel?”
“You make me feel-” like she needs her vibrator thrusting inside of her, “you make me feel good. I want you in me.”
“That’s what you want now?” “Uh-huh, I don’t -” like excessive foreplay, not that it wasn’t bad, but when she wanted penetration, she wanted it. “-I don’t want to be empty.” So aroused, Rosaria doesn’t internally coil back from the phrase. It was honest. It was needy.  “Then gently ease a finger into yourself. Don’t get carried away. You know I have to get you just right for me…use just one finger on yourself, over your clit. Keep circling it. Remove your finger and lick your fingertip…” Those instructions? Rosaria nearly followed to a T.
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Pietro can’t abide by his own self-control any longer. He unzips his pants and drops them to his ankles. Phone placed on the table beside him, Pietro strokes himself lightly. He wanted to see her sighing at his touch, full of need. He wanted to watch her shudder as he rubbed his cock against her pussy, her eyes wide with anticipation as she wondered when he would finally enter and give her what she wanted. He thought of her positioned on his knee, grinding as he refused to touch her. He was touching himself now, Rosaria could tell from the low groans. “…while I was in the bar, I was thinking about fucking my pussy. And I know you were thinking of me in this room while you waited for me to return…you had two fingers in, you had your hips lifted pretending I was taking you. You hoped I wouldn’t unlock the door and come in…you know I don’t like it when you rush your orgasm…I know that's why my fingers slipped inside you so easily when I came into the room.” He can predict her a little too well, even in a fantasy. Rosaria has no time to be upset at being so predictable, instead she releases a soft whine as she pleasures herself, “I’m sorry. I needed it-”
“You needed to be fucked in this mattress by me?” Rosaria loved when he spoke like that. Unrefined, blunt. In return, she gives a thrilled: “yes!”
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“Say Lo voglio.” He grunts.
“L-lo voglio!” “I’m not undressing you. I’m pulling those tits out and pulling your little panty aside to fuck you. Do you like that?” “Si?” she answers breathlessly, “lo voglio!” Feeling her orgasm climb closer, Rosaria quickens the speed of her digits. She wishes she could drop this stupid phone, grab her vibrator and give herself a rough climax. In the midst of her pleasure, she no longer calls Pietro by his alias. His real name slips out numerous times as she lifts her hips.
“Don’t be so loud,” he growls, “you don’t want your roommate to hear.”
Dammit, Rosaria remembered he was right! What was she suppose to do? Bite her lip and draw blood? Smother her face with a pillow? "I-" she gasps, sweat rolling down her neck. "Don't think I-"
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"Be respectful, Rosa."
His rough demand led to her white, blinding bliss. She rode out the sensation from beginning to end, audibly. Although this was the very opposite of what Pietro told her, he can’t help but feel his own satisfaction in knowing he had that sort of effect on her. It brought him to his own completion.
“I’m sorry-” she pants, “I’m sorry.”
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“Do you think your roommate heard?” Pietro softly asks, his head hanging low. Once again, his energy dropped. He thinks of dragging himself to the shower, but it feels as heavy and tedious as speaking with Victor Russo.
“I don’t…” Rosaria gasps for air, “I don’t know.”
“Now I know we can’t do this in public, you’ll have us in jail.”
Rosaria can’t believe Pietro joked with her. She laughs in response, although she supposes she should feel guilt and shame for treating Sofia and her cat to these sounds.
“So…” Rosaria begins, “do you still wanna give me your card…?”
“Hold on,” Pietro says, “and Rosa, before I forget, I want you to check off the option for these to come as soon as possible.”
“To live out your phone fantasy?”
She smiles at the sound of his light laughter, “of course.” @cartelheir @wannabecatwriter @dresdendarlin @crsentfairy @santanasimsx @thewalkingplumbob @weirdosalike @nightlifeseries @ellemant @99simproblems @sharpiegirl @lushnightjelly @reverieinsimlish @javitrulovesims @eslanes @waitingforspoons @miss-may-i @rainymoodlet @quesims @keesimziaa @lynzishell @nilonne @percosim @havenroyals @digital-deluxe @swiftviolets @stevihj @sheplayswithlifee @joannebernice @ardeney-sims
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katapotato55 · 6 months
theory: the amazing digital circus is an early 2000's edutainment game.
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I am probably biased but this entire pilot brought back so many memories of my childhood windows 99. my reasoning -those graphics are very late 90's early 2000's esk (before it zooms in ofc) -no one can swear -the name of the show sounds like shovelware you would buy to give out at schools. -the first thing the "players" are asked to do is to collect colorful cutesy creatures all around the map. -Zooble's design feels aggressively 90's, though that could also just be gooseworx's funky style. Basically what I am saying is TADC is what if SAO took place in a 2000's edutainment game instead of an RPG game lol.
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rei-vii · 11 months
The Depths Call, Plunged by the Beauty
|| basically an Octavinelle x GN!Reader but is a an actual shrimp merperson thingy
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A/N: Did this first instead of doing my schoolworks 😭 the brainrot was getting to me also i'll prolly make this a series of sort. will post more of my hc in a few days. just need to take care of this hectic week !!
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The luminescent lights of the aquariums never felt so alive right now. The corals dipped in radiance, basked by the effulgent energy. Eyes beaded to the lone swimmer of the still waves, their figure illuminated by the jellyfish. Such phylum glowing bright like cyan pearls that adorned the flourishing abode. 
The dorm felt lively.
The clattering of utensils, shuffles of quick footsteps of workers, and the chatter of students who all made way into the lounge for a dine and rest. Violet hued interiors provided regality and sophistication as if wealth and ambition were morphed in it, giving such a satisfying sight of the interior for one to see. Employees clad in black and gray scarves worked diligently, serving their dear customers with dishes and exquisite drinks. But drew the attention of the people was the features of the performer in the tanks.
Draped with nothing but scales and a grin, they swam across the water with elegance. Tendrils of their hair swayed by the motion of the water and the flick of their tail created an enchanting movement. Students watched the performer who worked in silence pulled by a magnetic appeal. The cafe seemed so busy, but time felt slow when they glided in a circular motion. The tank’s colors suited them so much, along with the twinkle in your eyes which blended well with the flowing substance yet stood out in the sight of the viewers.
“Ahahaha! They look so happy swimming right now!” The squeal of an impulsive twin was vocalized, chuckling at the scene of you waving at a student who watched you in the tank with intent. With a delicate smile that pushed your eyes up, the student flinched and returned to their meal with flustered cheeks. 
It was a usual day in the lounge but you enjoyed this part of your job nonetheless. 
Small fishes that paddled their way to you were gently caressed by the hands that cared for them. Hands of which happily poked at them behind the glass screen of the aquarium and gave company to their little world. A little titter from your mouth and a fish zoomed behind your neck, pushing through the flowing mop of hair that rippled like an upward seagrass. 
“How bubbly,” Nobody can hear the light whisper of your remark in the waters as you tenderly prodded the fish that caught your attention earlier.
A few spectated the simple scene but Jade smiled under his hand. So endearing of your antics, he presumed. The corners of his lips ghosted a genuine curve and his gloved hand neared his mouth and urged a cough in his throat as he went on with his task.
Few onlookers had their heads boldly turned to your appearance behind the encased glass. Curious eyes and those who seek of entertainment trailed behind you, of course you were standing out in the background. Your shelled tail flapped again as you went near the glass, hovering over as few inches were between you and the wall that separated the water and the dorm. 
A small fry approached the tank and slowly pressed their digits to the glass. They had no distinguishable appearance, you mused. But the hand they placed made a sentiment to you. As you drift near the glass, you connect your hand back to the student’s palm beyond the transparent panel. You eyed down the individual as they reveled in front your true sea form. Amazement scattered across their face, ignoring the yap of their companions which were calling out to them.
You only smiled back in return, eyes half-opened that took in the appearance of the peculiar person.
“Enjoying [Name]’s little show, Prefect?” 
Azul quipped in, a staff in his hand and the other placed onto his chest. He absolutely didn’t miss the way your eyes subtly lit up by his arrival.
The dorm truly felt lively with your company.
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kingofthering · 28 days
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2021 Honda Valentino - mixed media AU (5/∞)
Marc has never been a fan of team launches (any event where you have to wear your leathers while not being allowed to ride the bike is rarely fun) but as he approaches the hangar in the Barcelona suburbs and finds a place to park himself, he tries to focus on the positives.
This was only a 20 minutes drive from his home. It's digital and he won't have to interact with a lot of people. In about three hours, he'll already be back to his dogs, just in time to go walk them out with Alex.
Well, and then there is the Valentino Rossi of it all. Something Marc's mind dutifully ignores until he's lead to the room he's supposed to use to change himself and he comes face to face with Valentino the second he opens the door.
Valentino is sitting on a small chair in a corner, long legs crossed at the ankle, his attention on his phone until Marc enters.
He's wearing the Honda leathers and it's bringing Marc two decades back, back when he was a little boy in front of the TV, watching Valentino zoom past everyone on track on top of an orange bike.
It's the leathers Marc has been wearing for the past decade, identical saved for the yellow of the boots, the yellow of the knee slides and the yellow of the gloves that Marc can catch a glimpse of on the table to the side.
The sight is more dizzying than Marc prepared himself for.
They shared a couple of Zoom calls over the last couple of weeks but Valentino looks different now, his beard shaven and his wild curls hidden under a cap.
The last time Marc saw Valentino in the flesh had been in Jerez, when Valentino ran into him on Friday night of the second week, exiting the elevator that Marc was waiting for.
Marc's left hand had immediately risen to his right arm and Marc could see the immediate panic in Valentino's eyes, his mask not able to conceive the evident grimace on his face.
"Sorry," Valentino had apologized. Marc hadn't missed the way his hand had almost tried to reach for Marc.
"It's fine," Marc had said, watching Valentino carefully. He'd expected another reaction, something ranging anywhere from "Are you okay?" to "You shouldn't be here".
What Valentino had gone for had been "They changed the location of the media room compared to last week, still on the second floor but you have to head right instead of left when you leave the elevator."
Marc had stared at him and Valentino had given him a quick nod before moving around Marc and leaving him there, the doors of the elevators closing before Marc could get in.
The next day, Marc rode in practice with so much pain that he had to quit for the weekend. The following week he was getting his second arm surgery and soon after, he was putting an end to his 2020 season.
Valentino’s announcement that he was joining Honda came. He never contacted Marc. Marc never expected him too.
"Ciao," Valentino says from the other side of the room, his eyes leaving the screen he was previously focused on but the phone staying in his hands.
Marc greets him back, a short hello and a polite nod before focusing on the side of the room where his stuff has been piled, his leathers hanging on a hanger and the rest of his equipment down in a bag.
JL must have been here earlier. Marc has no idea why he's no longer there. He's tempted to call for just a moment but quickly decides against it. He can dress up on his own. He can spend time alone with Valentino as well. It's fine.
The silence is a little disconcerting and Marc can't tell if Valentino is giving him privacy or if Marc just can't feel his eyes on him (and then, he has to try to not feel disappointed by the possibility that Valentino doesn't want to look, which is even worse, all things considered).
Putting the on the bottom part of his leathers is easy, mechanical, brain working on auto-pilot. Same thing for his long sleeves and his boots. When Marc gets up and starts going for the next step, he wishes JL was there.
His arm has no right feeling so stiff two months after his latest injury. Did he overdo it during his latest training session or is he just too tense from the program today? Both feel too ridiculous for his liking right then.
Marc doesn't hear Valentino moving.
"Let's start with your right, it'll be easier on your arm," Valentino says behind him. Marc can feel the pull on his leathers as Valentino now holds onto the top part of them.
"I don't need to go easy on my arm," Marc bites back. It's too defensive. He can't bring himself to care.
Valentino doesn't answer but Marc can still feel the tension on his leathers and he accepts the help, slipping his right arm first into the offered hole of his sleeve and then the left, feeling the back of Valentino's hands against his shoulder blades as he finishes pulling the suit up around Marc's shoulders.
Marc takes care of zipping up his leathers and when he turns around, Valentino is three steps back, his helmet held between his hands.
Marc stares. A whole bunch of seconds too long.
"You're welcome," Valentino says. "Do you need to fix your hair first or can we go?"
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gender-trash · 2 months
you know the tumblr aesthetic houses/aesthetic interiors blogs? the ones that post exclusively unsourced images usually ganked from instagram or pinterest?
ai image generation has taken over that entire corner of tumblr like a parasite, and because i content tag for ai generated images i need to zoom in and squint every fucking time -- but i follow a lot of blogs who talk a big game about being anti-"AI art" and seem to, like. not realize? when they are in fact reblogging ai generated images (i suspect because they look more like photos than like digital paintings or w/e).
anyway here's my set of tips for recognizing ai generated aesthetic house photos on tumblr. we're gonna use this post as an example:
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check the source: on posts by this species of aesthetic photo aggregation blog, there may be some kind of text that purports to be "a source" (in days of yore, sometimes if you googled this you would find some kind of instagram page that itself aggregated stolen image content; occasionally it was even the actual photographer). in our example post the text is "Thierrynuchanant", which might be a street name or a photographer's mononym or an instagram or all manner of other things, but the entire first page of google results was exclusively this tumblr post or reblogs of it, so i feel pretty confident in assuming it's completely made-up.
(this by itself is a weak signal that the image is also completely made-up, but, like... if it ISN'T, it's still a blatantly stolen unsourced photo. but if you're active in this corner of Aesthetic Tumblr i guess you've already made your peace with that.)
inspect the architecture: this particular house makes it tricky because it's purposefully artsy and asymmetric, and how the hell do i know the architect didn't make all the window frames different on purpose? so instead of asymmetry, keep an eye out for misalignments, things that don't make physical sense, or things that are mismatched but look similar from a distance (typically if you are doing something purposefully mismatched, you want to draw attention to the contrast -- so, an all-black outfit with one black sock and one bright green sock is purposeful, but an all-black outfit with one black sock and one dark gray sock looks like you made some sort of laundry error).
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what the fuck is this pointy archway thing that's only on one half of the window? where does it attach?
these lit-up yellow windows look like really fancy and decorative leaded glass (i mean, i *think*; the image is blurry enough that it's hard to tell), so it's weird that they look similar in color but the left one has a diamond-ish pattern and the right one has vaguely gothic arching tracery that is replicated NOWHERE else in the house
the windowsill looks lumpy and, uh, irradiated, and the planterboxes are at two different heights. also come to mention it how are the planterboxes even attached to the thick stone sill?
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why are there two slightly different styles of lamp thing at two different heights
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windowpanes crooked??? also if you squint the stonework on the window frame doesn't actually make sense or depict anything
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this mostly-hidden rectangular architectural mass seems to switch from modern with rectangular windowpanes on the left to elaborate tracery on the right, and the angles don't quite match up either. (i also spent a while squinting at that inverted nipple thing to the right of the round window but like, i don't know a hell of a lot about french art nouveau vernacular architecture, maybe it's... a disused utility hookup???)
plants that aren't in pots: this is the dead giveaway. ai generated images LOVE to have non-climbing plants just vibing on the side of a building.
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this is not a fucking epiphyte it needs DIRT SOMEWHERE
okay now i gotta hunt down another example image so i can provide examples of mangled text and maybe mismatched architectural details in other styles. brb
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amerricanartwork · 7 months
Current digital art process!
Acting on @shkika 's request because making my redraw for this post actually ended up giving me more confidence in my digital art process! As such, I'm gonna use it as a reference. And if this walkthrough of sorts turns out nice, I might do it again as my process evolves!
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I started off with a quick sketch of sorts, trying to focus both on movement and volume, and get the general idea of where each element is located. I edit the image dimensions and placement of things a lot in this phase, as my ideas often tend to change once I actually begin drawing them. In this case, as I got it down, I decided I wanted it to look like some cheesy animal motivational poster, so that influenced where the text was.
From there, I began to clean and sometimes edit the sketch, mainly by thickening the lines to make the shapes more definite, and erasing what wasn't necessary and interfered with other parts. Volume is one of my biggest focuses in my drawings, so I try my best to get the volume of each character at least hinted at with the lines. This is something that will probably remain in my process for a while, as I quite dislike doing separate lineart and like the messy, sketchy feel anyway.
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I also wanna mention, in addition to having references and such in other windows, I've recently begun having a second mini window of my current drawing off to the side so I can see what it looks like overall more easily, regardless of how much I zoom in on and flip the main window. It's quite helpful!
For reference, this is what the final sketch looked like:
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Then, I went on to add the flat colors. Another tip: I almost always set my sketch layer to "Lumi & Shade" because I think it makes the line colors a lot richer, but since it's based on what colors are underneath, it colors the lines a lot more individually than changing the sketch color as a whole. Here's some comparison to a version without the effect (left):
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Then, I add some shading using a (really nice) marker brush. This is honestly one of my favorite parts of the process, just trying to carve out all the volumes, especially since I usually use a pretty blue color for shadows!
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Sometimes, I honestly just leave drawings finished at this step, because I adore the sketchy look so much, and because I really don't like the tediousness of more realistic rendering in the painting process; from what I've seen/experienced, it often involves having to basically paint the entire image over again, which I've realized I find REALLY boring (and is also why I clean the sketch instead of making a new lineart layer). As such, one of my hopes is to reach a point where I could almost completely avoid having to clean up the image in a traditional painting method, instead being able to lay down lines and colors so well that they convey nearly all the volume necessary on their own, still have that sketchy appeal, yet also look finished and professional.
Alas, I did do a bit of clean up on this image, but I think it still turned out alright!
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Here's the finished drawing! I'll have to practice with this process a bit more to truly solidify it as my digital go-to, but nonetheless, I think this came out adorable! Thanks again shkika for the ask, and thanks to @mintscampi for the sweet prompt! I hope you guys like it!
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
how do you make your art so detailed!!!!! i feel like more detail is the next step of my art journey but i just cant seem to start doing it 😭
1. add more detail.. I know this is an obvious cop out but truly that's it. If you're doing mechs or plants or surfaces you can greeble just about anything (google it). try adding seam lines in clothing or leather straps and buckles on armour or whatever - observe from photographs how things actually look and work and draw what you see
2. here's the thing.. if everything is equally highly detailed with no focal point, and the extra details don't tell you anything more about the drawing, your composition might suffer and seem unfocused. pick a piece of digital art you like (any) and zoom in. you'll probably find that there's actually less going on there than you thought. the way people do this is by using lighting, shadows, textured brush strokes, and little tricks to direct the eye (two highly contrasting surfaces beside each other can hide a multitude of sins). my art isn't as detailed as you think. in fact i often reduce details to make a focal point more obvious. in contrast, a lot of people add detail by making really intricate lineart and you can do that and have it slap but if you're struggling with even coming up with what to put there (i do! especially for backgrounds), i recommend working on lighting or composition or whatever instead - whichever grabs ur fancy. pulling detail out of a surface will come naturally as a side effect if you practice other stuff. you'll get there
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