#inner silence
nobeerreviews · 10 months
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The desert is a natural extension of the inner silence of the body.
-- Jean Baudrillard
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jrich103 · 10 months
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To carry the deep process of transformation by inner silence, is the most lovely love of the soul. ― Petra Hermans
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mindful-luna · 3 days
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Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence. - Deepak Chopra
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cadmar · 1 year
Pleasure is you and you are pleasure.  This then leads to thoughts.  Desires are just a degree and amount of focus on pleasure.  Strong desires and weak desires are just the amount of focus and intensity one has on a specific pleasure.  Thoughts are created from desires.  Your worries, your plans for the next day, next year, your goals, the things you should have had done instead, the things I can do to achieve a better life, and so on.  If you examine even your most common, boring, and ubiquitous thoughts, at their core is a pleasure.  Something you want, something you want to maintain, or something you want to avoid.  This is the creation of thoughts!  No pleasure, no desires, and no thoughts.
You are pleasure basically means all your abilities, thoughts, ideas, concepts, ambitions, goals, actions, and experiences are all created from pleasures.
Nothingness is simply not being within this physical process of the brain’s pleasure process.  Nothingness is outside of this.  Nothingness does not mean that you are in an existence of emptiness and there is absolutely nothing.  Nothingness means that you are not a part of this pleasure process where you focus only that which gives you the most pleasures with the least amount of effort and pain.  
In the world of nothingness, it can still be another process of the physical brain.  Its location is not important, only that it is not a part of your pleasure-making process.  In nothingness, the simplest, the most common, the most basic things, experiences, and actions create the most beauty, the most peaceful, the most depth, the most connection to life!  Nothingness focuses on everything equally, deeply, and peacefully!  You are overflowing from life!  All of life pleases you!  You are touched with joy from moment to moment!  A happy soul dancing to the melody of life!
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acid-by-thomas · 1 year
I wonder if there are ascetic monks who get dangerously depressed.
Wow, that's a hilariously sad thought.
I've often thought that that sort of monasticism was the ultimate in freedom from material thought and emotion. And maybe it can be, sure, but even that's not for everybody. Being released from all negativity and positivity is, perhaps inherently, kind of hard to enjoy, beyond a cool, calm tide in your heart.
And the thing is, if you've smoothed yourself out enough, that tide is always there, for anything.
At least, that's how it felt for me these past few days of meditation. Yeah, I've still thought a lot of stuff, still experienced warmth and darkness and excitement, still acted upon it, but that tide is still there with it all.
So what do you do when there's a problem outside of you and that quiet just stays there? Do you just let your thoughts guide you? What if you've quieted them, too? Is it okay for me to feel this calm even in more heightened situations? I feel like it might be, but sometimes I'm not sure. Sometimes I don't even feel motivated for it. Is this why I've just sat down and fallen asleep instead of taking a shower before bed?
...Is this just depression?
Is that what meditation is, clinically speaking? An exercise in consciously depressing things inside of yourself?
Maybe, which is honestly a little bit sad. I've definitely practiced consciously turning things on and off inside myself, like my stream of thought. But maybe turning everything off isn't always for the best. Self-help told me this'd happen, that I'd feel less highs and lows, but is that what I want?
I dunno.
Maybe not to this extent.
Some of the scarier things from my last meditative phase are coming up again, and I think I at least have the mental skillset to let them pass by easily now, but I'm still a little scared I won't be at the controls if things get more serious.
But maybe that's just what meditation has ultimately taught me, is how to handle everything in myself. Take things out, tune things up, repair and get everything moving again. Shut things down for a while, but you don't need to let the whole thing rust.
Just because you're with this tide doesn't mean you have to lie face down in it and drown.
And I still like that tide being there. I think it's made the downtime of my day-to-day feel easier, less worrisome. I don't know if I want to be on that tide all the time, though. Maybe it's time I built a home next to it.
It's scary to think that there are things that can't be fixed by just locking up and being with yourself internally. But maybe that's okay. Maybe it's good to get outside yourself, too.
And it may disrupt the quiet, but if you wanna make some noise, the world is always listening.
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waking-hell · 1 year
When the silence beckons And the day draws to a close When the light of your life sighs And love dies in your eyes Only then will I realize What you mean to me
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
The silence of the mountain instilled in me the possibility of inner silence, and it was in that silencing of my thoughts that I found a lasting peace capable of expanding all the abilities and gifts that humans possess.
Eduardo Strauch Urioste, Out of the Silence: After the Crash
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thehealingdance · 7 months
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juliaridulaina · 9 months
इकोनॉमी-इक्नामी- एकांतवासी (Ekonomee-Eknami-Ekantvasi)Ekonomee , Eknami, Ekantvasi (Econòmic, Pertànyer a l’Únic, Estar en solitud) Econòmic… amb els pensamentsPertànyer… a Déu amb la mentSolitud……. submergit en les profunditats d’un mateix És bo pensar en les coses que s’han de fer o revisar les que s’han fet, o, els pensaments que han passat per la ment; només que, de vegades ens perdem…
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healingdigest · 1 year
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Once we silence all the other voices in our head, we can finally hear truth speak. Close down the yes-men and the cawing, in order to hear that one voice that actually matters.
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santandreas · 1 year
Pravčická brána arch
We are staring at a magnificent landscape near the German border in the far north of the Czech Republic. Pravická brána, the largest sandstone arch in Europe, is one of the region’s most well-known landmarks. It is a magnificent creation that is also incredibly picturesque. It is about 15 metres high and spans over 27 metres. . (The Falcon’s Nest, inn was built in 1826, by the Pravčická brána.…
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naturalfeminine · 2 years
People don’t really understand introverts or quiet individuals like they think.
“You don’t say much”
“You don’t ask questions”
“You’re not clear about what you’re saying or explaining”
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jrich103 · 8 months
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Inner silence promotes clarity of mind; It makes us value the inner world; It trains us to go inside to the source of peace and inspiration when we are faced with problems and challenges.
–Deepak Chopra
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selfhealingmoments · 11 months
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cadmar · 2 years
Not Interested
If you search this number on the internet, you will find that in just North America alone (U.S. and Canada) there are 152 Major League sports franchises (MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA & MLS) across 52 cities!  Do you watch all of them?  Just the ones you are interested in, or none at all?  What determines you to be interested?
Hopefully, you realize that to be interested in anything, not just sports, but, your career, your friends, your hobbies, your favorite foods, etc., you need to have some emotional connection.  You like, or not like, you hate, you detest, or not detest.  You like a lot, or just a little.  You hate a lot, or just a little.  
You focus because of some emotional connection.  Can one have a focus without a thought?  When you have a thought, immediately you are focused on that thought.  Is it possible to focus without having a thought?  Your consciousness is a collection of thoughts.  A collection of what you currently focus on,  what you can and will focus on, and what you have at least once in the past had focused on!  All are merely a collection of some emotional connections.
And, what is connected to a thought?  A thought is something that you are interested in.  You are interested  and you immediately have a thought.  What makes you interested is the emotional connection.  Very simple.  What creates the emotional connection can only be created from  previous experiences and memories.
Using the metaphor of the garden full of plants and at the center of the garden is the Source.  Of course, the plants that are touching, or very near to the Source, become weeds as the plants are automatically compared to the Source.  Some plants in the garden are swaying back and forth.  There is a wind blowing through the garden which makes certain plants to sway back and forth.  The wind is your emotions of desires and fears.  When you notice the swaying plant, you are focused on that plant.  You have a thought.  You then act on it.
What happens when all the plants do not sway back and forth?  Is there something called inner silence?  Inner peace?  Inner beauty?  
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derangedrhythms · 9 months
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Charles Simic, Dismantling the Silence; from 'The Inner Man'
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