#inner crone
lochness-tess · 1 year
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I changed my Instagram to private because I don’t want to be perceived.
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echeveriia · 1 year
my life trajectory: weird little girl -> weird adult woman -> weird old crone
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greenwitchcrafts · 8 months
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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the triple goddess in astrology
the triple goddess is represented by 3 archetypes in 1 to describe the multi-layered experience of the divine feminine. they are the maiden, the mother, and the crone.
the maiden: venus
the maiden is the archetype of the young woman who is grounded in her identity, her sexuality, her gifts, her desires, and her standards. she's confident in herself and what she wants, allowing her to cultivate meaningful connections that elevate her on this soul journey. she recognizes that this is her world and you are just living in it. the sign of your venus tells you how you are meant to embody this maiden innerG.
☾⋆。 for example, a virgo venus is meant to embody her maiden energy through being of service to herself and others with integrity. this means that she doesn't let people take advantage of her and she doesn't do shit for people with manipulative intentions. she only allows what serves her highest good into her life, from what she eats to the environments that she takes space in, because when she focuses and allows only what serves her, she is also of service to The Most High.
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the mother: moon
the mother is the archetype of the woman who gives birth to her creations + nurtures them so that they can grow to sustain life on their own. this is deeper than just having kids —this applies to all creations which once started off as a desire. she is an effective nurturer because she recognizes the importance of taking care of herself first. she uses her heart space to heal her wounds through compassion + forgiveness and in turn cultivates a loving community through the love that she fosters. her first home is herself and her life is a desired reflection of everything she already holds within her. the sign of your moon tells you how you are meant to embody your inner mother innerG.
☾⋆。 for example, a capricorn moon is meant to embody their mother innerG by reconciling the energy connected to family trauma (especially their parental relationships) and not letting their childhood traumas + resentment bleed into the way that they care for themselves and others. she doesn't add unnecessary pressure to herself and shows grace to self + others. she leads by not being too hard on herself and those that look up to her and depend on her. she trusts herself to lean into her femininity + allows others to support her instead of always being the one that others are always relying on.
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the crone: saturn
the crone archetype is the wise, older woman who is a pillar in the community, being able to provide support and insight for others due to the hardships + lessons that she experienced. people look up to her as an authority figure because she has the wisdom to guide others in the right direction. she isn't distracted by what's going on in the world + uses her time wisely because she's aware that she won't be here forever. she doesn't entertain bullshit and while others may call her mean, she stands firm on her boundaries. this is that grandmotherly innerG that is very supportive + protective of our highest good by holding us accountable. the sign of your saturn is meant to show you how to embody your inner crone.
☾⋆。 for example, a cancer saturn is meant to embody their crone by holding herself emotionally accountable to cultivate healthy connections with others. she is aware of the "generational curses" that she has karmically acquired though the bloodline and doesn't play the blame game, recognizing that it is her duty to break those curses so that those same karmic patterns aren't played out in her connections and the family that she has/will create for herself one day. she is aware of the complexity of humans + their emotions and is able to teach + heal others through her own experiences with family + other loved ones that are or were once near and dear to the heart.
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merymoonbeam · 4 months
Just look at the same highlighted parts...greens especially.
“When I sleep,” she murmured, “I can hear your heart beating through the stone.” She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer. “Can you hear mine?” He wasn’t sure if she truly meant to address him, but he said, “No, lady. I cannot.” Her too-thin shoulders seemed to curve inward. “No one ever does. No one ever looked—not really.” A bramble of words. Her voice strained to a whisper. “He did. He saw me. He will not now.”
Look really.
The ancient healer jerked her chin toward Lucien. “See what he can do. If anyone can sense if something is amiss, it’s a mate.” “How.” The word was barely more than a barked command. I braced myself to warn Nesta to be polite, but Madja said to my sister, as if she were a small child, “The mating bond. It is a bridge between souls.”
It really tells a story.
Lucien murmured to me, eye still fixed on Elain, “Should we—does she need …?” “She doesn’t need anything,” Azriel answered without so much as looking at Lucien. Elain was staring at the spymaster now—unblinkingly. “We’re the ones who need …” Azriel trailed off. “A seer,” he said, more to himself than us. “The Cauldron made you a seer.”
It does.
It made sense, I supposed, that Azriel alone had listened to her. The male who heard things others could not … Perhaps he, too, had suffered as Elain had before he understood what gift he possessed. He asked Elain, “There is another queen?”
As if it is making us...
But Azriel nodded. “You knew,” he said to Elain. “About the young queen turning into a crone.” Elain blinked and blinked, eyes clearing again. As if the understanding, our understanding … it freed her from whatever murky realm she’d been in. “The sixth queen is alive?” Azriel asked, calm and steady, the voice of the High Lord’s spymaster, who had broken enemies and charmed allies. Elain cocked her head, as if listening to some inner voice. “Yes.” Lucien just stared and stared at my sister, as if he’d never seen her before.
Elain looked up at Azriel, their eyes meeting, his hand still lingering on the hilt of the blade. I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulder. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of the two. The only bridge of connection … that knife.
And that's it, your Honor
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corruptedcaps · 4 months
Inner Demons
Special thanks to @lsat (discord: thedivergence, Twitter: LSAT1886) for providing the idea and the images used here.
In the quiet corridors of Saint Agnes Convent, Mother Superior Mary Catherine moved with grace, her silver hair framing a face etched with kindness and wisdom. Her gentle presence enveloped the nuns in a soothing aura of compassion. With each step, the creaking floorboards bore witness to decades of devotion.
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Mother Mary Catherine's care extended beyond the spiritual realm; she knew the name and story of every sister under her watch. Her wrinkled hands crafted remedies for ailments, and her warm smile healed wounded spirits. In the convent's courtyard, where roses bloomed in vibrant hues, she often gathered the sisters for moments of shared laughter and reflection.
The tranquility of Saint Agnes Convent was soon interrupted when a bus rolled into the quiet convent, carrying a group of new sisters. Mother Mary Catherine stood at the gates ready to meet her new flock but in particular was interested to meet one new member in particular.
Kat stepped off the bus and immediately lit up a cigarette. Her purple hair and leather jacket standing out amongst the crowd of pious women ready to start their new life devoted to god. By comparison Kat looked like she wanted to be anywhere else but then again the judge had given her the choice between the convent or jail and she had picked the habit over the prison jumpsuit but she was immediately starting to regret her choice.
Mother Superior locked her eyes on the young delinquent and walked over to her with an open mind and an open heart. Kat had just taken a long drag of her cigarette when she turned and accidentally blew the exhaled smoke in the Mother Superior’s face. Rather than apologize she instead laughed.
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“Grey smoke, I guess that means there’s a new pope… or does that mean there’s isn’t? Whatever, which way to my room?” Kat said with a smirk. Mother superior stood in frozen shock at the young woman’s blatant disrespect. So much so that Kat eventually rolled her eyes and walked away to find her room.
As the days unfolded at Saint Agnes Convent, Kat's rebellious spirit began to infect her fellow newcomers. The once-pious group found themselves drawn to her edgy charm and the allure of more free wheeling spirit that seemed to exude from her. Within a week Kay had a small but growing group of followers who seemed to be less interested in their religious duties by the second.
The Mother Superior tried her best to bite her tongue and put their changing attitudes down to nervousness. She had hoped it would all settle itself soon enough but this hopeful thought was shattered as Mother Mary Catherine stumbled upon a scene that tested the limits of her patience.
In the dim moonlight, she discovered Kat and a group of sisters stumbling back into the sacred grounds, laughter echoing in the hallowed corridors. The scent of alcohol lingered, staining the air with a discordant note of rebellion.
Mother Mary Catherine's eyes widened in disbelief as she witnessed the blatant disregard for the convent's sanctity.
“Ladies! This is simply unacceptable! This is no way future servants of god to be acting!” She said letting her anger rise for the first time in a decade.
“Oh shut up you old crone! The only person I serve is myself.” Kat giggled drunkenly, with her cohort joining in with the laughter as they stumbled off to their rooms.
Tears welled in Mother Mary Catherine's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the unraveling of the sacred haven she had devoted her life to. In the face of this final straw, she grappled with the challenge of restoring order to a sisterhood now teetering on the edge of chaos.
Determined to salvage the sanctity of her order and the souls of all the girls infected by Kat, Mother Mary Catherine knew she had to do something extreme.
With unwavering conviction, Mother Mary Catherine headed to the library and entered a room she alone had the key too. It was a room she had swore to never set in foot to but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Scanning the arcane tomes in the private room, she finally found the book she was looking for. Pulling it off the shelf she had a moment of pause as she read its cover. It’s Latin roughly translating to ‘Witches Handbook’. All the books in here were vile and evil tomes that the church had collected over the centuries.
Flipping the pages she found what she was looking for. Demonic exorcism. She knew that Kat had a poison in her that needed to be removed and while it wasn’t demonic in nature, she was sure this spell would work to exorcise Kat’s ‘inner’ demons.
As if to solidify her resolve, Mother Mary Catherine suddenly heard the cackling laughter of Kat coming from her bed chambers. It was almost taunting the Mother Superior whose gentle features grimaced at the sound and ended her conflicted mind.
After an hour of waiting for the cruel laughter to die down, Mother Mary Catherine made her way across the solemn hush of the convent to Kat’s room. Creeping in she was relieved to find that Kat was passed out.
The Mother Superior commenced the unorthodox exorcism over Kat’s unconscious form, her words resonating with an ancient power. As she uttered the sacred verses, a tangible shift occurred—the air thickened with an eerie energy, and a vibrant purple cloud materialized, swirling around Kat’s inebriated body.
Mother Mary Catherine's eyes widened in astonishment as the ethereal mist, laden with the essence of Kat's rebellious spirit, rose from her mouth. The bed chambers seemed to pulse with an otherworldly force. Yet, to her shock, the amorphous cloud didn't dissipate into the air; instead, it surged toward Mother Mary Catherine, quick as a gust of wind.
Before she could react, the purple mist enveloped her, winding its way into her mouth. A moment of eerie silence settled over the room, broken only by the distant echoes of the town. Mother Mary Catherine stood, breathless, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and uncertainty. Before she could wonder what had happened Kat began to stir so she made her way quickly out.
By the time the Mother Superior had made it back to her bed, she was exhausted. She barely made it to her mattress before collapsing into a deep sleep. In the stillness of the night, Mother Mary Catherine drifted into an unsettling dream. The sacred confines of the convent transformed into a surreal landscape, where she encountered a distorted version of herself. In the dream, she stood tall, her demeanor starkly different—purple hair cascading down her shoulders, clad in tight leather that whispered of unstoppable power.
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The dream cast her as a strict disciplinarian, a figure she scarcely recognized. Her eyes, usually wellsprings of compassion, held an unyielding authority that seemed to clash with the gentle guidance she had embodied for decades. As the dream unfolded, she found herself enforcing rules with an iron fist, a stark departure from the nurturing spirit that had defined her tenure as Mother Superior.
Most startling however was how she punished those who stepped out of line. She would pull off their habits and flog them for the whole convent to see. She would clamp their nipples, bind their limbs, and hit them with a leather whip. However the victim would seem to enjoy it, pleading with the Mother Superior to punish them further.
Before she could continue though, the Mother Superior found herself waking to the sounds of the convent’s cock, welcoming everyone to a new day. She jolted awake to find her undergarments soaked. Embarrassed she quickly undressed and got into a fresh outfit and took a moment to compose herself in the mirror.
She scarcely used the mirror and so didn’t notice that a lot of her wrinkles had seemed to have faded. Her silver hair was darker now, her liver spots had faded and her lips plump and full. She hadn’t even noticed that she had unconsciously picked out one of her older habits, one that teased cleavage.
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However Mary Catherine took little notice of the change, save for an absentminded thought of how good she looked. That thought was quickly dispelled as she left her room and spotted Kat across the courtyard. Memories of last night flooded back into Mary Catherine’s mind of the exorcism and the wicked dream she had after. She was so preoccupied with it that she didn’t watch where she was going and bumped into one of the sisters, Sister Helen.
“Oh I’m so sorry Sister Mary Catherine, I didn’t see you there.” The sister said apologetically.
“You fool! Watch where you are going! And call me by my title!” Mary Catherine said, snapping at the girl uncharacteristically.
“I-I’m very sorry Sis- I mean Mother Superior. It won’t happen again.” Sister Helen said almost trembling and Mary Catherine could feel her panties begin to get wet at the sight.
“See that it doesn’t.” She said peering down at the girl with an intense stare. The nun quickly averted her gaze and left. Mary Catherine meanwhile felt a smirk cross her lips. She had never demanded such respect before, it felt intoxicating. She felt like she could boss anyone around, as was her right, and she knew who to start with.
Strolling over to Kat surrounded by her makeshift gang, Mary Catherine took the cigarette from the leather clad brat and stamped it on the ground.
“What the hell!” Kat cried.
“You and your little cohort here are going to scrub every floor of this place starting right now, understand?” Mary Catherine said looming over the pack, the majority of which fled. Kat and a few others remained, unwavering in their defiance and yet Mary Catherine could see something in Kat’s eyes, a crack in her armor.
“As if. Come on girls.” Kat said standing up and walking away obstinately with her friends in tow. Mary Catherine was angered but knew that something had happened last night, that Kat had lost some of her power. She also knew that she absorbed that power and so it as clear what she had to do next.
This time Mary Catherine did not creep into Kat’s room, but strolled in confidently. She was certain Kat would be passed out like last night because she had seen the young hellion sneak into the chapel and take the communion wine. Mary Catherine could have stopped her but knew letting Kat take it would only be to her advantage.
Standing over Kat, the Mother superior did not hesitate as she had done before and in fact positioned herself closer to the sleeping brat to absorb her essence quicker. Speaking the words aloud, Mary Catherine opened her mouth wide after her final word and tasted the sweet purple wisps as they slid down her throat.
Where the previous changes happened over night, new changes happened instantaneously to Mary Catherine’s body, spurred on by her own want. The last of her wrinkles disappeared as her skin grew soft and taut. Her hair lost all of its grey returning to her natural black but with stops of purple too and her breasts were now close to spilling out of her habit.
Her mind meanwhile never felt better, never felt more free. Kat’s rebellious and selfish mind was overriding most of the remaining kind thoughts that the Mother Superior had left.
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Licking her lips she looked down at Kat with increasing disdain. She also revelled in seeing Kat’s younger good looks fade as her own appearance started to improve. Strolling over to the mirror Mary Catherine smirked at her new appearance but also at the feeling of strength she now felt coursing through her body.
“Mmmm yessss Kat’s strong resolve is much more suited in my body. It’s clear now that I was too weak before, too much of a pushover. With Kat’s attitude flowing through me I’ll finally have the respect I deserve.” Mary Catherine mused to herself in the mirror.
But something was seeming off about her whole look. Her old habit mixed with her now more youthful body made her appearance somewhat comical. She needed something more fitting her body. That’s when she spotted Kat’s ajar suitcase.
Opening it up hungrily, Mary Catherine was delighted to see such wickedly tight outfits inside. She ran her fingers over their shiny surface, imagining her new younger body slipping inside. Underneath the clothes were an assortment of sex toys and aids, including a leather whip.
The word whip repeated in her mind and made her remember her salacious dream from the previous night. Her pussy started to get wet at the thought of it. Her eyes wandered over to Kat’s sleeping body and she couldn’t help imagining the bitch strung up with a ball gag in her mouth. The Mother Superior had to drag herself out of the room for fear she might make her dream a reality, but she felt compelled to take the bag. That’s when she ran into Sister Helen again.
“I am SO SO sorry Mother Superior, I know you said before, oh my Sister, you look so young and beaut-” the nervous nun said with a mixture of fear and curiosity in her eyes but Mary Catherine cut her off.
“You insubordinate little maggot.” Mary Catherine said with venom in her words as a voice in her head urged her to punish sister Helen.
“You will be punished for this heinous infraction.” Mary Catherine said looming down on the young nun.
“Y-yes of course, I’ll clean whatever you want, I’ll say a thousand rosaries. I’ll do anything.” Helen said pleading. Mary Catherine stayed silent however, choosing to simply smile unnervingly at Helen and beckon the young nun to follow her.
Helen walked timidly into the Mother Superior’s bed chambers after Mary Catherine who had disappeared into her connected bathroom. Helen stood nervously, not wanting to touch anything for fear she would do something to anger the Mother Superior. However her nervousness only skyrocketed as Mary Catherine walked out of the bathroom in a most unexpected outfit.
Gone was her habit, replaced with tight black latex that showed off her impressive curves. What was most shocking was the item in the Mother Superior’s hand. While having zero experience with such things, Helen was sure that Mary Catherine was holding some sort of sex toy in her hand. It was a large almost wand like item that seemed to glow purple and hand a long length of leather attached. Helen shuddered to think what she had in mind for it.
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“Undress. Now.” Mary Catherine said sternly.
“Mother Superior, I don’t think this is-” Helen began before Mary Catherine snapped back.
“That’s right you don’t think. You don’t think where you are going and you don’t pay attention to those that are more important around you. But that changes tonight. Now strip!” Mary Catherine said with malice. Helen obliged by slowly undressing.
Within a few minutes Helen was standing naked in front of the Mother Superior who eyed the girl up and down. Swinging her sex you she approached the nun until their faces were mere inches apart. Helen didn’t know until it was too late, but Mary Catherine did this to distract the young nun from the sudden insertion of the sex you into her pussy.
Helen gasped as the cold phallic object pushed deep into her vagina until with a pop her lips closed tightly around it. Helen couldn’t help but shivering in pleasure. She had never allowed even herself to delve so deep but the sex you felt as comfortable as a glove.
“Come here my pet.” Mary Catherine said as she walked a few feet away. Helen however stood still, still rather shocked by what was happening. Rolling her eyes the Mother Superior tugged on the leather lead and Helen was compelled forward. Each step hitting a different erogenous zone.
“Now my pet, I have enchanted this wonderful little device to slowly instill you with subservience to me the longer you wear it. I found it in this deliciously dark book of spells. I’m starting to think witches may have had the right idea. I’m telling you all this because you will, by now, be unable to fight the growing loyalty you feel towards me, isn’t that right?” Mary Catherine said with an evil smile.
Helen looked at the Mother Superior, her face conflicted. Inside her mind, a war was raging, one that the moral and just part of her was losing. She smiled at Mary Catherine and said, “Of course Mother Superior, I will do anything you ask.”
“Excellent, now get on all fours like the dog that you are, you are going to lick my new boots clean with that wretched tongue of yours.” Mary Catherine said looking at her new leashed companion with equal parts disgust and excitement.
The next day the convent was a buzz with word that the Mother Superior had gotten some sort of makeover. Gone were her sensible habits and elderly charm replaced with outfits that showed off her new youthful voluptuous figure paired with a distinctively cold demeanour.
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Over the next week she seemed to pull up nuns for the smallest of infractions and banish them to her quarters where she would enter soon after. The nuns would then emerge changed, more docile, more loyal to the new Mother Superior. Weirder still was that the Mother Superior herself seemed different too. She would exit her room looking younger, hotter, and more confident.
Some of the nuns she reprimanded had become her enforcers, reporting infractions directly back to Mary Catherine. Enforcers like Sister Helen even started to dress and act like the Mother superior, copying her purple hair, wearing tight latex outfits. The convent was looking less like a place of worship for god each day and more like a cult of worship to one woman, Mary Catherine.
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But despite her growing authority over the convent, Mary Catherine still felt a tug at her conscience, a little voice that nagged at her telling her what she was doing was wrong. She had only wanted to stop the spread of Kat’s influence over the other sisters and instead she had taken that influence and weaponized it for herself.
And yet she couldn’t deny the results. The sisters had never been in such revelry towards her. It was an intoxicating feeling having so many of them literally kiss her feet and praise the actions that she committed. Even when they were deplorable acts against themselves, they begged her for more. No Mary Catherine needed a change but not to her new outlook.
Walking confidently over to Kat’s bed chambers, the Mother Superior was done with hiding in the shadows and instead kicked the door down with her six inch heels waking Kat inside.
“W-what the hell are you doing?” Said an incredulous Kat but the Mother Superior just simply snapped her fingers and a swarm of her loyal supporters rushed in and held Kat down.
“You’ve been a thorn in my side since you arrived you little bitch, but if it were not for you then I wouldn’t have realized what power I was lacking. And now it’s time I take the last of that power from you.” Mary Catherine said with a disturbing smile as she produced her magical sex toy that she had used to build her growing army. Only this time there was a matching glowing plug on the other end as well.
Stilling up to Kat, she shoved one in into the rebel’s pussy and watched with joy as Kat’s eyes rolled back into her head. She had made the magic much more potent this time after all. Taking the other end she then delighted in slipping it into her own wet pussy. With a pop it found purchase nearly inside her and she grinned in satisfaction.
Happy that they were ready, Mary Catherine began chanting the Latin words she had memorized. As she did, the plugs deep inside her and Kat began to glow. Their two bodies became bright purple sources of light. So bright that the other nuns had to shield their eyes.
“Yessss! Yessss! Give me everything! Make me everything she was! Erase the last drop of good in me!” Mary Catherine yelled as the light filled the room.
Then just as quickly as the light had appeared, it disappeared with a whoosh. The nuns in the room all blinked and rubbed their eyes, trying to refocus their vision. Once they had they found only one figure remained where once there had been two.
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Mary Catherine stood transformed before them. Everything about her was more emphasized than before. Her hair more purple, her tits bigger, her nails sharper, her face colder, and her power inarguabe. “Mother Superior are you ok? Are you hurt?” Helen asked concerned. Mary Catherine responded by grabbing Helen by her neck and lifting her effortlessly off of the ground.
“Never better. From this day forth you shall refer to me no longer as Mother Superior Mary Catherine, but instead as Goddess Katherine. Understood?” The new goddess commanded and the rest of the sisters all nodded and bowed in respect. Katherine looked at Helen and for a moment contemplated snapping her neck. The thought brought a wetness to her pussy that delighted her but she knew she would need Helen, at least for now and so let her down.
“Thank you Goddess for the pain, I do not deserve your touch.” Helen said sycophantically kneeling before her mistress. Katherine didn’t even pay her much attention and instead walked out of the room into the cool moonlight of the courtyard. She licked her lips as she looked at all the doors belonging to the nuns she had yet to ‘bless’.
“Come along sisters, we have much work to do.” She said with a wicked smile as she strode to the closest door, ready to convert another sister to her flock.
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astranautic · 1 year
Hello! Here is Leander’s belt
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His belt buckle is the Triple Moon/Triple Goddess Symbol! Here’s the significance of that:
“The waxing moon stands for the Maiden and symbolizes purity, youth, new life, beginnings, rejuvenation, excitement, enchantment, and expansion. The full moon represents the Mother and represents fulfillment, fertility, ripeness, potency, compassion, giving, caring, nurturing, protection and power. The waxing moon represents the Crone and stands for repose, maturity, wisdom, experience, knowledge, understanding, completion, death and rebirth. In its entirety, the symbol is believed to signify the eternal cycle of birth, life, and rebirth.”
“Also called the Triple Goddess symbol, the Triple Moon icon is commonly seen on the crowns or headpieces worn by the High Priestesses.”
Ok, so some connections to the High Priestess. The Triple Moon/Goddess symbol is a feminine symbol traditionally, and Leander is a whole man, but idk, that’s could be neither here nor there.
Here are some keywords I found relating to The High Priestess tarot card nonetheless:
Upright: unconscious, intuition, mystery, spirituality, higher power, inner voice
Reversed: repressed intuition, hidden motives, superficiality, confusion, cognitive dissonance
Those things might be interesting and relevant, or they may not be. But as many people have pointed out already, he is depicted with an Ouroboros in his sticker!
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“The ouroboros symbolizes rebirth, immortality, eternity, protection, self-reliance, unity, and nature’s cycles.”
So there are similarities between the Triple Moon symbol and the Ouroboros! I’ll leave it to you all to draw conclusions from this. I just thought it was interesting!
EDIT: oh? What are those flowers around him?? White lilies, you say?
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I wonder what they could mean…
“Popular at both weddings and funerals, white lilies are believed to represent rebirth and purity.”
“Lilies are believed to symbolise femininity and fertility.”
Oops! All.. rebirth symbolism? And, weirdly, lots of symbolism tied to femininity and the divine feminine.
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weirdlookindog · 9 days
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"A girl's piercing scream drew Byron Kent to that inner room where the blind old man, the giant idiot and the cursing crone sat in ghoulish glee - as the rats fed!"
Amos Sewell (1901-1983) - Illustration from William B. Rainey's 'When the Rats Fed'
(Dime Mystery - April, 1934)
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talonabraxas · 23 days
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Hekate )O( Talon Abraxas
Hekate (Hecate) as Archetype: Symbolism of the Goddess of Witchcraft and Intuition.
An archetype is a timeless and universal symbol (pattern or motif) that resonates with the human psyche, repeatedly appearing in the narratives of mythology, folklore, fairy tales, religion, art, and beyond.
According to Jungian theory, these archetypes emerge from the collective unconscious, weaving together the threads of our individual experiences and the shared tapestry of human history. Through their potent symbolism and enduring presence, archetypes serve as a bridge between our inner world and the larger forces that shape our collective consciousness.
Through a therapeutic lens, archetypal patterns offer a profound opportunity for self-discovery, understanding different parts of us, and a richer appreciation of our shared human experience.
Beyond Maiden-Mother-Crone: Hekate (Hecate), the Triple Goddess
Hekate's multifaceted nature transcends the familiar Maiden-Mother-Crone trinity, for her power is vast enough to encompass the three realms of the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. As a triple goddess, she is depicted with three heads and six arms, embodying the very essence of divine power. The numbers three, six, and nine hold significant meaning within the pantheon of Hekate, underscoring her enigmatic and complex nature.
Hekate's (Hecate's) Keys and Torches: From the Crossroads to the Underworld
Hekate's dominion over the spirit world is evident in the keys and torches she carries, symbols of her power to bind or free souls and guide them through the darkness. The keys unlock the gates to the underworld while the torches illuminate the path ahead.
A well-known tale recounts how Hekate used her torch to lead Demeter through the netherworld in search of her beloved daughter Persephone, who had been snatched away by Hades. In this way, Hekate served as a mediator between the living and the dead, navigating the boundary between life and death.
Hekate's dominion over the three realms of heaven, earth, and the underworld extends beyond physical boundaries, as she is also associated with mystical borders, portals, doors, and gates.
Among these, the crossroads held a special place in the hearts of the ancients, for it was there that Hekate reigned supreme as the goddess of the crossroads where the paths of one's life fork and a person must decide which path to follow. For the ancients, the crossroads were a place of great mystery and magic, where the veil between the living and the dead was at its thinnest and Hekate held the keys to the underworld.
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lunarlianna · 1 year
Asteroid Hekate in signs
In astrology this asteroid shows us what we know and what we seek to know it can also help us understand how we think in the moment we are on a crossroad and from who do we seek answers. She’s the maiden, the mother and the crone, as the triple Goddess she rules also over the psych and intuitive abilities. The asteroid is activating in a chart when is in close conjunction (no more than 2-3 degrees) from the sun, moon, Jupiter, ascendant, MC or 1st house ruler, also when she’s at 29 degrees, part of a stellium or close to the lunar nodes (NN&NS). You can find it on astro.com, extended chart selection, type 100.
Asteroid Hekate in signs
Hekate in Aries:  You may ask guidance from a leader or authority. You may be prone in following influencers or celebrities that had a similar issue as you did and prefer to take your advice from there. As per your intuition, you may get short migraines when you are around negative energy.
Hekate in Taurus: You tend to surrounded yourself with nature and speak with your plants, this are the moments when we gain clarity over the issues you have. You also have to let go from overanalyzing and surrender to the 5 sense that you have. Intuitively you have a sensitivity to your throat and to smells.
Hekate in Gemini: You will seek guidance through your siblings or relatives. You have a keen interest in the occult science and astrology. You may be prone to talk a lot about this and seek new information about this subject. You may feel like tingly sensation in your hands when around negative energy.
Hekate in Cancer: Most probably you’ll seek advice and guidance to your mother or a motherly figure in your life. You need to trust your intuition more and understand why the stomachaches appear for no reason in different situation or you may feel like spines around your 4th chakra.
Hekate in Leo: At times you have moments when you ignore the very unique thing that makes you special. You need to believe in your instincts even when you feel egotistical in doing so. You may really love cats. Your intuition may come in a very powerful way, like a powerful short backache or chills down your spine.
Hekate in Virgo: You may need to balance the inner critique, sometimes people need that from you and other times they don’t. You may have a very homeopathic routine in your everyday life and have the tendency to search there for answers whenever you feel questioning yourself. Your intuition may be expressed through digestive symptoms.
Hekate in Libra: You may seek advice from your partner, a close friend even business partner or family member but they tend to relay too much on others. Even if the people you trust have all the good intentions to help you they are not you and sometimes is good to trust yourself that you know what is best for you.
Hekate in Scorpio: You prefer to go on a soul journey in order to find the answers you need. You don’t like to relay on others at all or ask for any kind of advice. I see this people looking in a forgotten library looking into old books to give them the answers they seek. Sometimes a different pair of eyes on a subject can be helpful.
Hekate in Sagittarius: With this placement you tend to trust your spiritual leader whenever you want advice or your teacher/professor. You may have a lot of trust and faith towards people that you consider they have higher knowledge than you.
Hekate in Capricorn: You will most probably trust your father whenever you seek advice or a father like figure. You may also help other when older by representing a father figure to them. You usually find your direction in life through hard work.
Hekate in Aquarius: You are quite picky when it comes to your inner circle and usually you go to them for advice. You can be quite compassionate and objective whenever someone is asking you for advice and prefer the same approach. Usually you trust your intuition more than anything else.
Hekate in Pisces: With this placement you will turn to astrology, tarot reading or any kind of spiritual practice for advice. Be aware to don’t lose yourself in “maybe” and “what if” situations, trust your intuition and also have a common practice in going to a therapist in order to be grounded.
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vertigoblockbuster · 3 months
Jyestha: Victory, jealousy
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Jyestha is Nakshatra Eighteen
Nakshatras are sometimes called lunar mansions - one full cycle of the moon equates to it's passage through all twenty-seven nakshatras, or all of it's twenty-seven 'homes' or 'mansions.' In this way, the moon is of utmost prominence in Vedic astrology - a key difference from astrology in the West, where the placement of the Sun is generally revered as being most important.
Jyestha means "eldest one" in Sanskrit. It also can mean "first one," "right one," "most victorious." If we think of the twenty-seven nakshatras as being twenty-seven sisters, Jyestha would be the oldest - despite this not being the final nakshatra in the Vedic zodiac. Although Jyestha is the oldest, wisest, and presumably the best by her name, it is the nakshatra Rohini who is the favorite dwelling place (mansion) of the moon.
A dark side of Jyestha nakshatra is it's tendency towards jealousy. Rohini, while not the wisest or 'best' of the nakshatras, is favored above all the others by the moon - this kind of thing greatly agitates Jyestha. There is a deep pride at this point in the zodiac. While they often come by their pride honestly by way of perseverance and victory through personal hardship, there is a danger of feeling entitled to special treatment. If A Jyestha person is (in their mind) robbed of the attention or respect they deserve, these are people that can be viscerally covetous. Of course, the inverse may be true as well - Jyestha people are commonly on the receiving end of jealousy coming at them from other people.
In the neo-pagan feminine triad of maiden, mother, and crone (represented by the waxing, full, and waning moon phases), Jyestha is the crone (Rohini, sitting opposite to Jyestha on the zodaic wheel, is the maiden). She is a wise and weathered old woman with a wealth of knowledge and sage advice. She has accumulated her life's lessons and now seeks to pass them down to her younger sisters. She expects her advice to be heeded, her presence respected. And rightfully so - she possesses priceless lived experience.
It's easy to love an old woman who doesn't give a fuck. She knows that she knows better than you... why would she care about your opinion? There is a deep inner knowing that radiates from Jyestha people, and they are made all the more attractive by their confidence in their beliefs, values, morals, etc.. They carry an air of victory, even in moments of defeat. They know that for every moment of despair there is a moment of bliss, for every defeat a victory. Defeat to Jyestha people simply implies that victory is ensured in the future.
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Jyestha is Located at 16°40' to 30°00' Scorpio
In the astrology community (or at least the pop-astrology community) Scorpio is one of the most widely misunderstood and stigmatized signs. Traditionally Scorpio has been associated with the planet Pluto while modern astrologers have come to associate it this sign with Mars. The constellation ruling Scorpio is Scorpius, with the bright red star anteres at it's heart. It's symbolized by.. a scorpion.
If you run in astrological circles you've probably been hearing a lot about Pluto in recent months. That's because it recently entered Aquarius after being in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is going to retrograde back into Capricorn one more time in 2024 before it slides into Aquarius for the long haul, from November of this year until 2043. When it changes sign its kind of a big deal.
It takes Pluto about 250 years to orbit the sun and complete it's journey through the zodiac. For this reason its considered to be an outer or generational planet because the sign that Pluto is in stays the same for a long time. A cohort of people born in the same time period will have an outer planet in the same sign. Most millennials will have Pluto in Scorpio, and most of Gen Z will have Pluto in Sagittarius.
Pluto moves slow and his effects are profound. Pluto is Hades, god of the underworld. From this linkage it's easy to understand Pluto's connection to death, rebirth, riches and wealth (thinking about mining as literally going underground to find precious metals). As the underworld planet, Pluto rules over things that effect us that we can't see - material buried in the subconscious. Potent Pluto transits unearth patterns in our life that we didn't know we had - or were in denial about. Pluto is tricky because when it's truly operating you aren't aware of it. It is a planet that brings us face to face with our own psyches.
It should be noted that Jyestha's association with Scorpio depends on the astrologer you ask. Sidereal versus Tropical calculations will tell you different things... you might be a Scorpio ascendant using sidereal calculations and a Sagittarius ascendant using tropical calculations. The reason sidereal astrological calculations give different placement results from tropical ones is because the sidereal system takes into account the 'wobble' of the earth's rotating axis. More about that here: https://www.whitelotusoflight.com/blog/sidereal-vs-tropical-zodiac-and-why-it-matters
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Jyestha Falls at a Gandanta Point - Places of Transformation in the Zodiac
Vedic astrology notes three places in the zodiac where (potentially volatile) changes take place in an individual. These places are called gandanta points and can be found where the water signs meet the fire signs - on the Pisces-Aries cusp (Revati/Ashwini), the Cancer-Leo cusp (Ashlesha/Magha), and the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp (Jyestha/Mula).
"Gand" means knot and "Anta" means end. Gandanta points are where karmic knots are tied and untied, depending on previous lives and where someone is in terms of soul evolution. Only you can untie knots that you have tied. This is why for people with prominent natal placements in gandanta nakshatras (look at the sun, moon, and ascendant signs in particular) are faced with difficulty in their lives. They are here to unlearn and relearn new and different ways of being to ultimately merge with universal consciousness. This comes through exposure to (sometimes painful) life lessons. If you pay attention, different iterations of the same lesson come to you over and over until you have mastered how to handle it. This is the cyclical nature of karma. We are constantly creating and releasing karma, this is the reality of living in a physical world of cause-and-effect. Until you are different (untying the knot/breaking the karmic cycle), you will get the same.
A lot of fear-mongering is out there about gandanta points. It's human nature to be afraid of what we don't understand, and a lot of the time we don't understand why we suffer difficulty and pain. I think that these gandanta points are master courses in surrender. The way you thought things were, the way you thought they should be, no longer works. It doesn't matter how tightly we cling to how things were, these gandanta points pry from our hands what we thought was true to reveal Truth. Reality, whether we like it or not, makes itself known. To progress past who we have been, we have to let go of who we were and fully surrender - thus untying the karmic knot so we can tie a new one.
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Indra: King of the Gods
We can derive a lot about the unique characters of the 27 nakshatras through investigating their ruling deities and Jyestha is no exception. Jyestha's deity Indra is one of the most important gods in the Vedic pantheon. He is god of the skies, controlling rain, thunder, and storms (often depicted artistically as wielding a lightning bolt or vajra). His connection with storms associates him as a warrior god and he was often invoked before battles. He is king of the devas, king of the gods.
Indra's most famous moment of victory is his battle with the demonic serpent Vritra. Vritra stole all the water on earth, bringing drought upon all it's inhabitants. To prepare for his fight against Vritra, Indra consumed copious amounts of the ritual drink Soma to provide him with supernatural strength and energy. Using his Vajra (a kind of weaponized version of a lightning bolt) Indra vanquished Vritra by removing his head.
At the time of Indra's battle with Vritra it was Varuna who ruled the gods. Upon his return from battle Indra saw his opportunity to usurp Varuna. The way he did this was by whispering in the gods' ears, planting seeds of doubt regarding Varuna's ability to lead. "If Varuna is such a good leader... why was it me who killed Vritra?" This is very Jyestha behavior - these people are indirect, intelligent, and calculating. They constantly look to work situations in their favor. They don't lie, exactly. They also aren't inclined to tell the truth, especially if doing so is not advantageous to their own goals.
Indra, while one of the most powerful and important Vedic deities, is known for possessing human qualities and flaws. He drinks soma heavily, revealing his susceptibility to drunkenness and addiction. He is prideful and selfish, taking a position of power by means of manipulation and deception. He has obvious human vices and traits.
In many of Indra's blunders in Vedic mythology, his pride is often the cause of his downfall. This is perhaps the most important lesson we learn from Jyestha nakshatra - the greatest protection against rivals (and those with Jyestha prominent in their chars are almost guaranteed to face rivals in their lifetime - this is the cost of reaching for victory) is humility. The greatest leaders and victors are those no one can possibly spin negative stories about because of their unwavering goodness. Jyestha people have to learn to be humble (at least outwardly) no matter how victorious they become in their lives. To not do this is to ensure inevitable defeat. Perhaps by the same means through which they claimed their own victories.
A Song with Definite Jyestha Vibes: Getaway Car by Taylor Swift (Jyestha Sun)
I'm in a getaway car I left you in a motel bar Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys That was the last time you ever saw me
Check out Vic Dicara's YouTube channel for more information about Vedic astrology.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
bella i need the faith of the seven parallels with the targaryen parental figures IMMEDIATELY
…I admittedly put way too much thought into this, but I will seriously never tire of the religions themes/parallels in Stormbreak. Plus, there's about to be a ton of religious stuff happening in upcoming chapters, so it's just on my mind. So here are all seven of the parental figures of Team Black & Green, as members of the Seven!
The Father- Aemond Targaryen.
The Father Above is known for being stern, but not unnecessarily so. He has a strong sense of justice, and considers it part of his duty to enact said judgment. At the same time, he's a protector, particularly of children. Aemond is similarly very reserved and righteous, but is deeply protective of children in every possible way (physically, but also mentally and emotionally).
The Mother- Rhaenyra Targaryen.
The Mother Above is known for being very loving and merciful. She's strongly associated with families and motherhood. Rhaenyra is a kind parent who can sometimes coddle and shelter her children. She's probably the best example of a Targaryen parent who loves her children unconditionally. Despite initially being wary of motherhood, she genuinely comes to love the act of building her own family, her own little clan.
The Warrior- Daemon Targaryen.
The Warrior is a study of opposites. On the one hand, he is associated with the most violent aspects of humanity, such as bloodshed and battle. But on the other, he is also one of the most compassionate faces of the Seven. He is the one who brings peace to the souls of those slain in battle, and who comforts the grieving loved ones left behind. This suits Daemon so incredibly well; he encompasses both of these extremes perfectly. It's also very clear that he identifies himself as a protector of his family, in part specifically because of his battle prowess.
The Smith- Alicent Hightower.
The Smith is, at his core, the mender of broken things. His entire purpose is to fix, to repair, to heal. Because of this, he is associated with incredible inner strength and selflessness. Alicent spends her entire life desperately trying to solve the problems of everyone around her. She is a natural caretaker and feels personally responsible when members of her family are unhappy.
The Maid- Criston Cole.
The Maid is associated most strongly with innocence and virginity. She embodies the value of chastity, and is also connected to children and marriage. Criston is a very religious and conservative man who views everything through this lens of righteousness and purity. His downward spiral after he sleeps with Rhaenyra and his devotion to Alicent are both directly related to the violation or fulfillment of this value. He also falls very naturally into a nurturing and guiding role for Alicent's children.
The Crone- Helaena Targaryen.
The Crone is associated with unparalleled wisdom. She is the one who knows the path ahead, and guides those around her along that path. There is an element of mystery to her; the idea of forbidden or secret knowledge. Helaena, as a very powerful dragon dreamer, has access to information about the path ahead in a way that no other Targaryen does. And we see her use this knowledge to influence the directions of those around her, always trying to nudge them towards the right path.
The Stranger- Aegon Targaryen.
The Stranger is part of the Seven, but is simultaneously completely unique. Unlike the others, they have no gender, nor do they have a face. They are the outlier, and this makes them the patron saint of outcasts. They do not decide where the souls of the dead go, but they lead them to their final resting place. Aegon feels isolated from his family, as if he is the lone black sheep within the herd. He distances himself from the other members of his family, and from his Targaryen heritage. He wants to support his loved ones, but thinks it is no one's place to decide or influence another's path.
Hope this fulfilled your brainrot the way it did mine!
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chaoticwitchgrimoire · 5 months
Archetypes and Occultism
Jungian psychology is popular in contemporary occultism, often being referred to as “Shadow Work”. This post will explore Carl Jung’s definition of archetypes in his psychological work and how they can be used in magick. The straightforward definition is as follows:
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Jung’s archetypes have been beneficial in the realm of psychoanalysis, including dream analysis. They’ve given way to the multitudes of personality assessments, and even have their influence on contemporary therapy.
Some archetypes that many people may be familiar with are: the Child (or even known as the Inner Child); the Trickster; the Maiden, Mother, and Crone; the Father; even locational archetypes like the Desert and the Forest. These are just a few examples that we see often explored in art, magick, and even everyday life. The actual number of archetypes is limitless—which is both exciting and daunting when beginning your journey into working with them. Exploring archetypes is also a great way to explore parts of the self, such as gender expression and sexuality.
There are a few ways to discover your archetypes. The first being to just pick one. If you feel drawn to it, there’s probably a good reason. If upon your discovery you realize that you chose wrong, it will only point you in the right direction. Another way is to connect with a higher power such as your spirit guides, ancestors, or deities and ask them. Deities themselves are archetypical, and often the deities that we feel drawn to work with are archetypes within ourselves.
I recommend working on one archetype at a time. After you have your archetype, you need to dig deep into it. Understanding the meaning of an archetype takes time, but coming into individuation is an even longer process. Don’t be surprised if you need to sit with a single archetype for months on end before it makes sense to you and your life. Look at art, read books, watch films and TV, all pertaining to the archetype. Explore how it manifests in others. Pay attention to your dreams, and journal often. Study, learn, and research.
Working with Archetypes in Magick
Archetypes can be used in many ways. We can bring forth an archetype when we need it. If you have an exam coming up, summon the archetype of the Scholar to bring that energy into your studies. If you work in a specific field, you can bring forth an archetype with those qualities to get the job done. This can even apply to spellwork and ritual. By taking on certain aspects of an archetype, you can use that energy to manifest what you desire.
The Archetypes and Occultism grimoire pages are free to download on my website. They dive further into the basic things I describe in this post and I offer a detailed example of the archetype the Scholar and a ritual for it.
I also offer detailed grimoire pages for the archetype of The Mask which honors Dionysus. This is available on my etsy and includes information about the specific archetype, how to honor Dionysus with it, and also how to explore it and use it to discover other archetypes with a detailed meditative exercise. (If you're a theatre nerd like me, this is for you).
I also offer Archetype Readings as part of my Custom Personalized Readings on etsy for only $6 (poke around my website or my grimoire pinned on my blog and you'll find discount codes) where I use Kim Krans's The Wild Unknown Archetypes oracle deck to find your current top three archetypes and help guide you on beginning to explore them.
For beginner witches, practitioners, and magicians alike, archetypes can be a great way to overcome disbelief when doing spellwork or performing rituals. Tapping into the archetype of the Magician or the Sorcerer, the Witch, and even the Inner Child, can help you take on a role to perform your magick.
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satanandsoul · 1 year
🟡 Affirmations that will transform your life 🟡
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<<Pile 1>>
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Your tarot cards describing your situation: Crone of Swords (King of Swords in traditional Rider Waite tarot deck), 8 of Pentacles
You are being the worst critic of your work or your study. You never feel good enough at it and possibly have imposter syndrome.
Your affirmation card: No Judgement "I release myself from any and all judgements. I find my inner critic, call it into my office, and tell it to take a vacation. As it leaves the room, I let out a sign and begin to enjoy the joy of simply being. Who hired that guy anyway?"
<<Pile 2>>
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Your tarot cards describing your situation: The Emperor, Knight of Wands
I can see you being harassed by a bully. You are going to stand in your own power and tell him or her to fuck off.
Your affirmation card: Courage "No one is fearless. No one. But even though I'm not fearless, I am courageous. When fear shows up, I don't run away from it. I use my courage to conquer it. My courage allows me to walk right up to that fear and kick it in the nuts - then quickly hide behind someone bigger until it goes away."
<<Pile 3>>
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Your tarot cards describing your situation: The Hierophant, 9 of Swords
It seems that you are having issues with an authority figure or an institution. It is making you to lose sleep or have bad headache.
Your affirmation card: Awesomeness "I am capital-A Awesome. And I refuse to pay attention to anything that makes me feel otherwise. Instead, I congratulate myself for every victory/accomplishment/teeny-tiny step in the right direction. Because even the smallest positive action (ahem, like reading an affirmation!?) is evidence that I care about keepin' my sweet creative juju juiced up. And isn't that just the awesomest?"
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wildlyglittering · 4 months
Silver In Her Eyes - Part 4
Happy Saturday!
Silver In Her Eyes part 4 is up on Ao3 here and also below the cut!
Please show it some love ❤❤❤
Lucien appeared well.
His long, russet hair flowed to his waist and he smiled more, laughed more. Rhys had interrupted raucous noise when he entered the drawing room, Lucien and his new friends throwing grapes into each other’s mouths.
Rhys' visit was unexpected but also apparently unwelcome. Jurian and Vassa excused themselves to the garden while Lucien stood and watched them leave. When he turned to face his guest his eyes, both the good and the golden, pierced straight through as though he could see Rhys’ very soul.
Rhys turned his agitation into resentment.
Resentment that Lucien was well while Amren made herself ill, resentment that Lucien greeted him as cooly as Varian now did. Resentment that Lucien found delight in the world when Feyre bloomed and grew like a rose before the sharp snap of winter claimed her.
There was the looming issue of allies. Varian’s growing coolness might influence Tarquin and Kallias was fretting like some old crone. Rumours persisted that Keir was whispering promises in Tamlin’s ear and Eris seemed extremely displeased at the lack of negotiated terms between himself and Night.
Even Helion had spoken to Rhys. About how worried he was over Rhys, how Rhys wasn't himself. Rhys had gritted his teeth. Now Helion thought him weak and it just wouldn’t do.
Rhys knew if he secured Lucien, Helion would remain an ally and Lucien could be used to convince Eris to drop his request regarding Nesta and potentially get Tamlin to choose Night. The trick was to secure Lucien in the right way.
Rhys joined Lucien by the window as Jurian and Vassa now lounged on the grass continuing their game. Vassa laughed when one grape missed and hit her in the eye.
“Is this what you were doing before I arrived?” Rhys asked. “How...puerile.”
Lucien scoffed as he moved away to lean against a bookcase. “We were having fun. It’s what friends do with each other. You’d know if you had any left.”
Rhys snarled, more beast than High Lord. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. I have friends.”
The golden eye whirred as an eyebrow raised. Lucien crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. Detached, disinterested, bored.
“If you think you’re intimidating, you’re not.” Lucien looked back to Rhys. “You forget I lived with Tamlin for centuries and stood in front of Amarantha myself.” He gestured to the very gold eye Rhys was glaring into. “For my troubles.”
Rhys took a breath. This was not securing Lucien the right way. Rhys wouldn't benefit in losing his temper and giving Lucien a reason to slam the door in his face – not until Rhys had dangled his carrot.
“Apologies. I am... tense. Keir is making a power grab. He seems to think now is his chance to strike. He’s wrong of course but he has some invested parties and I’m now forced to try and find the same.”
“I’ve heard.” Lucien paused, his face falling into a frown. “What I don’t understand is why now? When Feyre is having your son, doesn’t that weaken his position?”
Rhys closed his eyes. He’d been able to contain the truth to the Inner Circle and Madja. Keir was an unfortunate slip up, one that wouldn’t be repeated once Azriel found the fae who shared that piece of information.
“Who knows what Keir is thinking,” Rhys said, opening his eyes, “but you can probably guess why I’m here.”
“Influence Tamlin? Beron?”
“No, not him.”
Lucien tilted his head and Rhys decided honesty would be the approach.
“Eris has promised to ally to me in exchange for certain conditions. One of those is that he marries an Archeron. For his sins, he’s chosen Nesta.”
A wry smile emerged on Lucien’s face.
“I have to dissuade Eris. Cassian and Nesta are together. I’m hoping you can appeal to Eris’ better nature as his brother, his love for you means you’d have his ear. I’d so hate for mates to be torn apart. Wouldn’t you?”
Half honesty then. Lucien didn’t need to know about the blades Nesta Made.
Lucien exhaled, facing towards the window, his pulse thundering in his neck before he relaxed as though something swept in and whisked his upset away.
“Ah yes,” he said, “the glory of Eris’ brotherly love. If Nesta hasn’t chosen him in return, why not tell him no? She doesn’t seem the type to be shy on how she feels.”
Rhys narrowed his eyes. No. This reluctance of Lucien to be involved wouldn’t do.
Rhys conjured images, of Eris turning his head from the eldest Archeron to the one that tended the thorns. He constructed an image of Elain amongst her roses, being swept up by Eris and dragged to the Forest House where she walked the hallways, wailing like she did now.
Rhys fluttered them across to Lucien’s mind like butterflies where they should have landed so delicately that Lucien wouldn’t have realised they were not his own fears.
Instead, they caught on a torrent in the outer reaches of Lucien’s mind and tore into pieces, their fragile wings shredded and gone. Rhys kept his face neutral as his heart raced. Power had built within Lucien, the natural resistance of a High Lord against a High Lord but without trying, without even knowing.
The second approach then. Rhys’ back up plan. He snapped his fingers behind his back, a cry of surprise echoed out from the garden beyond.
“Elain’s here,” Rhys said, inspecting his fingernails. “I’ve winnowed her into the grounds. Take a look.”
Lucien’s face snapped to Rhys’ but he lifted himself from where he leant against the bookcase to move nearer to the window, Rhys joining him.
Elain now stood in the garden, glancing about her at the trees in confusion as a shocked Vassa and Jurian went to greet her. Rhys had promised her a visit to the Mortal Lands, a great garden for her to view and she seemed eager to accept the invitation.
Her fingers curled into the pale pink fabric of her dress, colour blooming to her cheeks which Rhys had yet to see in Night.
Lucien drank her in like he’d been deprived of water for years.
“It is a tragedy, isn’t it? When mates are torn apart,” Rhys said by Lucien’s shoulder. Some small guilt spun down Rhys’ web, knowing he dangled a mate in front of a male when Rhys himself was on the precipice of losing his own.
But it wasn’t the same. Elain and Lucien were nothing in comparison to he and Feyre.
“She looks well enough,” Lucien said, “but she’s sad, lonely. All the pieces of her life are falling away.”
“Night is good for her,” Rhys said, noting how Lucien placed a hand against the pane of the glass. “I think it would do her good to remain. I don’t know how she would fare though if she lost Nesta to Autumn. Another piece taken away I suppose.”
She’d fare fine, Rhys thought. Considering as the sisters could scarcely exist in the same space.
Lucien blinked, his palm dropping from the window and he turned to face Rhys, their bodies too close for his comfort. That damned golden eye whirred again.
“Rhysand, you speak of Eris wanting to marry Nesta to ally with you, of your concern over Cassian and their bond, of Elain’s wellbeing. Surely you can tell Eris no and be done with it. Or perhaps ask Nesta what she wants. That isn’t what you think of those under your protection is it? That they are merely pieces of furniture in your Court without will of their own.”
Rhys’ teeth pressed together. An impulse to dash out that damned eye rose within him, an impulse he quashed. Instead, he turned towards the window where Vassa was now offering Elain grapes but Elain was ignoring her, instead staring through the window back at Rhys, her brown eyes watchful.
“Of course not,” Rhys said, and with a click of his fingers, Elain was gone.
Rhys had been fouler than usual.
Where others saw confidence, Nesta saw arrogance. Where they saw charm, she saw manipulation. She never had love in her heart for him and though she tried to find a slither of affection for Feyre’s sake and Cassian’s, Nesta felt that she had always been looking at a different person.
She knew he’d travelled to the Mortal Lands to visit Lucien and had taken Elain with him. She’d not learnt that from Elain but from Feyre, the only sister still willing to speak with her. A simple note landing on her desk; Feyre was busy planning the nursery, the baby was kicking and keeping her awake, Elain had gone to the Mortal Lands.
Nesta guessed that Rhys’ interaction with Lucien had been far from pleasant based on the way Rhys stormed into the House of Wind.
She hid her smile behind her hand, a smile which didn’t linger long as Rhys checked over the blades she forged, chastising her for producing less.
“Three,” he said, a dark mist swirling around his feet. “Last week, the number was five.”
Nesta narrowed her eyes. “I’m tired,” she told him. “These three are what you get.”
He’d slammed the door on his way out while Nesta rolled her eyes at his retreating back.
It was no lie. She was exhausted. The time it took for her to forge a single blade had increased. Her back hurt and her head throbbed, her fingers slipped when she held the tools and she’d almost dropped a dagger on her foot.
The clash of hammer on metal was still a song but now each blade joined a screaming chorus in the room and Nesta couldn’t recall when there had last been silence.
She loved the blades but she knew, as she had always known, these were not ordinary. That she had poured a part of herself into their being.
The pile was growing but it wasn’t enough and deciding that Rhys would never be happy if she produced two or twenty, Nesta left the House, the hood of her cape pulled over her face and she stepped out into the fresh Velaris air.
Her desperate, clandestine walk along the cobbled fae-lit streets was not to meet a lover but the two friends she had made on her own. The café was small and squashed between two shabby buildings that would be overlooked by any of the Inner Circle if they tried to find her.
Hours were spent tucked in an alcove, the three of them; Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn, so close Nesta had to push down the pang of sadness at remembering when she, Feyre and Elain had to share the same bed.
This time there was nothing but joy. They consumed cups of hot tea and thick slabs of cake with chocolate so rich Nesta smelt it as it left the kitchen. All she wanted was this. A home, friends, someone who loved her.
Nesta returned to the House drunk on excitement. When she approached the first steps, she considered turning and fleeing into the darkness of the wilderness. Yes, the House gave her everything she required but a gilded cage was still a cage.
That excitement soon died when she reached the top. At first Nesta thought exhaustion had overtaken the adrenaline but she realised what she was hearing – or rather what she wasn’t.
The blades that spent their time calling to her no longer did. Her stomach squirmed as she ran, her heart racing.
The door to the blacksmith was open, the blades gone. Only Rhys stood in the darkness, the moonlight highlighting his form.
“Did I give you permission to leave?”
“Am I a prisoner?”
He ignored her. “I thought you were tired, Nesta. Isn’t that why only three blades were made this week?”
Her laugh was brittle. “Have you not heard of rest? I asked if I was a prisoner but let me re-phrase; I am not a prisoner. Nor am I your slave. It seems the fae struggle to let old habits die out.”
The growl was low and strong that Nesta first thought it was thunder. But Rhys’ eyes were now blacker rather than violet, the mists swimming about his fingers.
Ice grew within her, her bones hardening, her blood freezing. Nesta’s teeth chattered together as her skin turned grey. He’d freeze her from inside out and then she’d shatter into pieces on the ground.
“You are worthless,” he said. “Letting your baby sister risk her life to keep you fed and clothed, allowing her to come close to starvation. Even the first blow against Hybern wasn’t yours. You benefit from the success of others while doing nothing of note. Your family doesn’t want to see you and Cassian is with you because he has to be. You are no one’s choice, Nesta, no one’s. I am gracious enough to give you a gift to make you more than useless and this is how you repay me.”
The heat she’d felt before burned in her, the flames licking the inside of her skin. A voice spoke into her ear. Do not let him see. Stay as you are, as hard as it may be.
Nesta shivered and she pushed her tongue to the roof of her mouth lest her teeth bite through it.
“You leave this House without permission again and I won’t be so forgiving. Agree to it. Agree.”
Nesta’s words were forced. “Agree.”
He moved away, dropping his power as he did, walking past her without a backward glance as Nesta sagged on the floor like a puppet whose master had cut the strings.
She didn’t cry. She couldn’t cry. The effort of pushing down whatever rose within her had exhausted her and the fire which burned inside her had turned any tears to steam.
Nesta made it to her room. She was alone in the House again, no Cassian, no Azriel. She knew she wasn’t the only one who had demands held against them but unlike the others, she wasn’t acting through love.
Her arms and legs were heavy as she crawled into bed, barely removing her cape, not even removing her dress. An ache started in her chest and she pushed her hand against it. This wasn’t an ache for Cassian, it was for something else.
“Where are you?” she said aloud. She could never reach Ataraxia although she knew where the sword was housed. She thought of Betrayer who had been mounted in the blacksmiths, of the other swords surrounding it.
Nothing. But she was starting too large - she was weak and unpractised so why did she think calling to a broad sword would gain an answer.
Nesta thought of the small, unassuming dagger which had been sheathed in the corner, its snake like handle twisting into an open jaw, sharp fangs protruding. That had been a blade which called to her with clarity, an image of Nesta slicing through Rhys’ cheek to draw first blood.
Viper. She spoke its name. This time not aloud but inside her mind, imagining the colours of the metal, the shimmer of subtle green along the metal, the sting of its point.
Nesta envisioned pulling; her teeth grinding, sweat dripping down her neck and back. A reverse birthing. No expulsion of life but a calling of it back. She dug her heels into her bed and pressed down, grabbed at the sheets with her fists tearing into the cloth.
Then the pull snapped and her eyes opened. There it was, lying on her stomach, blade pointing towards her heart, as though an invisible midwife had lain it upon her.
Nesta sobbed, even if she couldn’t form tears, sitting up and grasping Viper in her hands. Somehow it was warm and cold to the touch, shivering with anticipation, overjoyed to be back with Nesta.
Rhys had the blades hidden someplace Nesta couldn't reach but for now she had this one, her one. Viper.
It whispered to her, soft and slow, a much-wanted breeze on a too hot day. Mother.
“I will not forge.”
Cassian’s presence at the House was a rarity these days and she was loathe to spend their time together in any state of argument. After their fight regarding children, they hadn’t spoken before he’d once again left for Illyria.
Now he was home and while their old argument was cast aside, they were on the precipice of a new one. But this was one she meant.
Cassian had paused by the bed redressing, shirt half on, expanses of tattooed skin still on display while Nesta stood in front of the fireplace. The flames flickered across the wood but she’d been long adept at making them soundless. All that existed was the heat.
She refused to continue forging, not until she learnt what the blades could do or who they were for - or who they would be used against. She also didn’t want Rhys to lay claim to any more, not like he’d done with her first three and the rest he’d stolen since.
Cassian’s shirt rustled as he continued dressing, movement finally returned to his body but she noted his fingers were stiff, fumbling as he worked the buttons.
“Have you said this to Rhys?”
“Not yet.”
Cassian stared at her and Nesta braced herself for the onslaught of his irritation, the protestations of how could Nesta do this to Rhys, his most beloved High Lord and friend.
Instead, he walked to her, placing large, warm hands on her shoulders as his eyes searched her face. A war waged within him; guilt, shame, worry. No, not worry, something stronger and with a more potent flavour – fear.
“Don’t tell him,” Cassian said, “let me be the one to speak to him.”
“Why? I’m not afraid of him.” Furious yes, but not fearful.
“Because he’ll say no to you. He might not say no to me.”
Nesta clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms. “Do you hear yourself? I don’t care if he says no. He doesn’t get to make that choice. I want to stop, so I am stopping.”
Heat flooded her hands, fuelled by the pit of rage stoking in her belly, and rushed up her arms and over her chest. For a moment Nesta felt like her face was on fire, that her eyes were burning.
Cassian reared back, dropping his hands from her shoulders and stepped away, his palms singed.
“Nesta-” he begun
“I don’t know what that was,” she said, stepping backwards herself, groping at the wall behind her. “I don’t-”
“Tell no one,” Cassian said, the smoke already dissipating from his hands as he held them up, imploring her. “And don’t speak to Rhys.”
“Fine,” she said, pressing a shaking finger against her newly pounding temple. "Speak to him yourself if you think that will sweeten the blow but I will not sit in that room for him anymore.”
Cassian’s chest rose and fell, his eyes wide, his hand now rubbing his brow. A stab of sadness hit Nesta’s chest and she felt his confusion, his torn allegiance.
Part of him remained a little boy, a child forced to be a soldier rather than play at one. He wanted comfort, a mother to hold him, a mate to love him. Cassian had stood for centuries; fighting and commanding, garnering respect and loyalty, dragging numbers of creatures into a prison and here he was, subservient and scared.
The ice-cold shimmer of his fear was not directed at her but towards the male he called brother.
She walked towards him, pulling his hand from his face, before tilting his face down so she could press a kiss, sweet and chaste, upon his cheek.
Even as she did, Cassian leaning towards her, his chin on the crown of her head, pulling her tighter into his embrace she knew part of him was too far away.
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taurussoulastrology · 5 months
Mythology Series #1
Persephone (asteroid 399)
The goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, AKA Kora, was the daughter of Ceres(Demeter) and Zeus (Jupiter). Throughout the story, I will keep it as Ceres and Zeus.
Even though Persephone isn't part of the planets and is only a minor asteroid, her mythology and archetype is a story to know. In my opinion, I see her connected to the Taurus Scorpio access. She's also part of the triple moon symbol as the waxing crescent representing the maiden. Her mother Ceres is represented by the full moon, the mother, and Hecate, the waning crescent as the crone. If you're into rituals or getting into them and looking for a goddess to work with, Persephone is one to consider. I work with her and feel very connected to her through my natal chart placements.
So there are quite a few different stories about how the goddess of spring also became the queen of the underworld, I will tell it the way I know and how I feel it fits best with her in my mind.
So The Story Goes Like This. One beautiful day Persephone was out picking flowers when she was kidnapped by Hades (Pluto) and brought down to the underworld. (She would have been kidnapped by Hermes which is Mercury as no god was able to cross to the underworld or back, in another series we'll talk about Mercury as he was messenger of the gods since he was not a god himself he was able to go to the underworld and back.) Ceres was so distraught trying to find her daughter as she was extremely close with her. She begged Zeus to send Hermes to go fetch their daughter. What Ceres didn't know was that Zeus promised Persephone to his brother Hades so they would be married. Persephone was not happy. She longed to go back home with her mother. Ceres being so angry, she used her power and made it so that there was no harvest for the mortals. Zeus freaked out! He loved being worshiped by the mortals, and with no harvest, the mortals got pissed and vowed to stop worshiping him. So he talked to Hades and asked him to send his daughter back home. During this time, Pluto/Hades had been trying to get Persephone to submit to him by beating her and raping her, but she refused to be his queen. He had even promised that all the gods would worship her, but she was not interested. She just longed to go back home. Zeus asked Hades to please send her back, and he agreed since she wouldn't submit to him as the story goes. But he's sneaky, before letting Persephone leave, he asked her to at least eat something. So she ate six pomegranate seeds and then let Hermes take Persephone back to her parents. Ceres was so thrilled, she used her powers to bring back the harvest. She then thought that it was too easy to get her back and asked Persephone, "Did you eat anything before you left the underworld?" Persephone told her mother about the pomegranate seeds. Again, her mother became enraged as these seeds made Persephone connected to the underworld. So Persephone would have to go back in order to stay alive. She would be allowed back to Earth for springtime, but would have to return to the underworld again. When Persephone would have to leave and the harvest ended (Autumn Equinox, Mabon), and when she came back, so did the foliage and grains (spring equinox, Ostara). Eventually, Persephone made the best of her situation even though her mother was not happy. Ceres refused to change things to the way it was.
Persephone stepped into both roles; the goddess of spring and queen of the underworld.
This story shows how to integrate both the light and the dark. It shows great strength and inner power. It shows how you can transform yourself with a change of perception and willpower.
Now I equate Persephone to the Taurus-Scorpio axis because we have spring in Taurus season, the foliage and flowers are all in bloom (and even thousands of years ago spring equinox was actually during Taurus season). When Persephone goes back to the underworld that starts the Autumn Equinox, but remember Libra was once part of the Scorpio constellation, and that's when we have the equinox. Also, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and is the sign and energy of transformation. As I mentioned earlier, she's also part of the triple moon symbol (below), being the waxing crescent. So if you work with the moon, you're working with Persephone in a way already.
Like I mentioned, there are many versions to the story, and with mythology, we can change them a bit to fit the times we are in or to fit how we resonate with it.
Finding an archetype or archetypes to connect to can really help any healing process. Also knowing the archetypes of our solar system can help you better understand astrology and your own charts.
I feel I resonate with Persephone through my chart as my Cancer moon is a waxing crescent, Ceres is cazimi to my Taurus Sun 8th House. Persephone/Asteroid 399 is also in wide conjunction to my North Node, they both inconjunct my sun/Ceres and Pluto/Ascendant. During my solar returns, it's spring, and everything is in bloom when the sun conjuncts my Ascendant it's during autumn equinox.
Some items to use for rituals to work with Persephone:
●Offerings - pomegranate seeds, lily's, narcissus(yellow flower similar to daffodils), roses, violets, crocus, iris, jasmine, or larkspur, bones, apples, acorns, bare branches, milk, honey, red wine, or corn. These all depend on the time of year. Also you can use these to decorate your altar with.
○Really, you can use any spring flower as she is the goddess of spring!
●Wearing a floral crown or an iron crown depending on the time of year.
●Wearing pastel colors during the spring and summer; dark colors in the fall and winter.
●Using our wearing garnet. The word "Garnet" is derived from the Latin Granatum and can be associated with pomegranate due to the color.
●Carnelian, ruby, onyx, obsidian, or any red or dark colored crystal. Garnet, obsidian, and onyx are wonderful protection stones, too. The dark stones are symbolic to shadow work, rest, and renewal. The red stones are symbolic of passion, connection, and renewal. Using green colored stones during spring or clear quartz and amethyst for anytime of year.
*There's also a great book about her if you're interested in learning more about her and rituals to work with her. It's called 'Persephone's Pathway' by Jennifer Heather.
The symbol below represents Persephone and is a combination of Ceres and Pluto along with the Cresent moon and 6 dots to represent the 6 pomegranate seeds.
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