#in the end the tiger wanted to be drawn first but this was started way beforehand
b4kuch1n · 1 year
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the king shunned, the lion dead, the knight lost, the princess absent. but the wizard lives.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 4 months
Yandere Nagas
Their gender(s) are up to you. Yandere nagas x gn reader
Idea I might think more on later
Several yandere nagas you take care of that are in a type of zoo. They’re abnormal in that they’re not the typical rumored antisocial kind. They have a more human-like nature added to their personalities, making them rather sociable. However, they’re such a rare and unique creature, that they’ve been put in the zoo for show. It’s actually for their safety. Many others that were found in the wild were either illegally hunted and killed or died by the harsh climates their body just couldn’t tolerate. 
At the zoo upon their first meeting with each other, they had separate caves in the enclosure. There are no windows or cameras for them to have their privacy if they wanted, but it wasn’t needed. They all shared so the cave was remodeled to be one big cave. 
They’re incredibly intelligent and picked up on human language very quickly. They were taught by the previous “caretaker” of them, but they sensed some malice within that person. They killed him when he brought in a gun one night and tried to shoot them. After that, the new “caretakers” were thoroughly run through to make sure there was no illegal hunting background. They found the old one was found of poaching a tiger and skinning it, then brung it back to his house in a different country. 
After that, you started, and they were all drawn to you instantly. You hate to admit it, but you were fascinated by them. You always wanted a pet snake and love the feel of their scales. You just didn’t have the money at the moment to properly take care of one. 
Their love for you grew all the more when you noticed one of them acting a little different and figured out fast they had some sort of illness that wasn’t contagious to humans. They were separated for a while for treatment, and you made sure to visit them frequently as to not let them get lonely. 
The end of their tail started to latch onto your bare ankle whenever you were nearby cleaning their sterile enclosure. You didn’t mind it and accidentally let it slip you like their scale’s texture. 
They took that as the go-ahead and latched on more. It got worse when the sick one went back to being with the others since they all wanted in on it. At least they’re careful and make sure you never fall and hit the ground. 
One thing is they don’t know personal space so it becomes more and more common to be wrapped in one or more of their tails one way or another. 
It gets worse when the days start getting colder. They have their heated cave, but it just isn’t enough in their opinions. They want you in the cuddle pile. 
One day it’s a record-breaking cold that slips through the glass even with the zoo’s best efforts. It was late at night and you were finishing up searching for any holes to temporarily fill with foam to easily find and be fixed later. 
One distracts you while another trips you. A third quickly coils around you and a fourth does the same, also covering your mouth as they drag you into the rather dark cave. Only a very dim light in the ceiling making you just barely able to see their traits. The temperature difference is rather great. 
The other two quickly follow in and quickly find a place around your body to coil as well. 
You’re piled and stuck in a knot with the nagas wrapping and coiling snugly around you. Their heads, torsos, and tails all going together to not leave any uncovered skin besides your face and hands.
The nagas all fully agree they do not want to let you go, and will find any way possible to make sure you can do this again. Maybe they can talk the zoo owners to allowing it and making you stay~
Struggling is absolutely fruitless with all the solid muscle around your body. Even if you managed to escape, there are four compared to just one of you. 
… well, at least they’re smart enough to not coil tight enough to cut off your oxygen. Almost though.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 2 months
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Heyo! All the art on these readings is drawn by me. Take what you can from the reading and leave all that does not resonate behind but always be open to new perspectives.
The archetype reading was inspired by the deck I used today. The guide book uses examples from anime to fit the descriptions of the tarot cards. I thought that was really clever so I decided to build off that idea and tell you what archetype you are most drawn to wants to tell you. In short, this is really a message from a specific cards energy. I hope this helps anyone who might be struggling!
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Character: Badtz-Maru
Archetype: The Empress
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Libra ♎️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Dear pile 1, you are represented by the empress of this deck. The archetype you embody is someone who is luxurious, modest, kind and attentive. You care deeply for those you love and would do anything to assist them and make their life easier. You are a fantastic friend, partner and companion. You don’t necessarily have to be a woman to embody that energy. The message this part of you wants to tell you is that your kindness is being taken for granted. Your attentiveness is being discarded as if the love you gave isn’t worth anything. Your intuition is telling you to withdraw from the connection that is causing this. You maybe started this friendship or connection a while ago but you have started to notice this pattern from the other party in this relationship. They don’t return your love. They don’t say thank you when you go out of your way to be good to them. This doesn’t mean you should necessarily cut them off. Just don’t go out of your way anymore. They are undeserving if they cannot be grateful to you for all you do. I see if you did stop it would barely be noticed at first. However, the person will slowly realize how much you did to assist them. How much work you did was important and helped them get through the day easily. If they apologize and communicate they did wrong that won't necessarily be your queue to go back to scratching their back. You need to wait for them to lend their assistance to you. That will be your invitation to return to being kind. Until then use the extra time you have working on your passion projects and aiming for your dreams.
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Crystal: Flower Agate
Character: Keroppi
Archetype: The Devil
Astrology: Leo ♌️, Aquarius ♒️, Capricorn ♑️, Gemini ♊️
Hey pile 2! Your archetype is the devil. Don’t worry though, for this doesn’t make you evil or bad. All this communicates to me is you are an enjoyer of the darker parts of life. You enjoy what other people usually fear. This is definitely not something horrible you should shame yourself about. I see you probably enjoy altered states of reality or perhaps you are very free with your sexual expression. I see you like the taste of control, power and vengeance. Again not a bad thing in my mind. Humans have many states of being and no part of existence is incorrect. Your message from the devil archetype is not asking you to cold turkey your behavior. However, I think it is saying balance is super important when you dabble in darkness. You might be prone to addiction to literally anything you can get dopamine from. I am an addict as well. I know how hard restraint can be. Even doing this reading is giving me cravings to be honest so I know you deal with cravings constantly. Your cards are saying it doesn’t matter if you feed the addiction. You will always be starving for more. You will always be chasing something you can never achieve. Please take care of your body before the cravings lead to worse. When I was dealing with my addiction I ended up in the hospital multiple times. It would have killed me if I hadn’t stopped. It is okay to dabble in darkness but seriously I beg you, from the bottom of my heart please moderate. Moderation is key to keeping yourself safe. If you are meant to have the darkness, it will be in your grasp. If you are in need of a break. Trust the universe when it takes it away. You are not evil for needing. I want to reiterate that because I know how it feels to need something that hurts you.
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Crystal: Carnelian
Character: Tuxedo Sam
Archetype: Emperor
Astrology: Cancer ♋️, Aries ♈️, Sagittarius ♐️, Scorpio ♏️
Hey, pile 3! Your archetype is the emperor. You are a force to be reckoned with. A master of your craft and skilled beyond other people's wildest imaginations. You have a plan and have been putting so much energy into it. You know exactly what you want and exactly how to get it. Your cards are pretty straight forward just like you are. They are telling me that working hard is good! That your progress is fantastic and you have made it so far! However, the pace you are keeping at is almost unsustainable. You can’t juggle all of the tasks you are trying to keep under control. You cannot do it all by yourself. That isn’t logical! Humans are not solitary creatures. We need community and connection to continue on. Humans who have been left alone for too long go hecking crazy! You absolutely can handle all of it mentally. I am not saying you are incapable because you are SO CAPABLE. Rome was not built in a day. Masterpieces are not made out of minutes, they are made out of days or months or years. You are creating a masterpiece so allow yourself time to think about it. Allow yourself the space to brainstorm and be patient with your body and your creativity. Be gentle with yourself. You are only one person and the secret you are missing is that you are not alone. The silly little secret is that you don’t need to set a deadline for the greatness you are going to grow into. One of my favorite artists didn’t make it when he was 20. He grew into his greatness when he was 35. Does that make him any less of a great artist? Absolutely not!!! You are cool, awesome and wonderful! Why do you need to prove that when you already know it is true?
-ghost 🖤🩵
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sapphic-catz · 7 months
I don’t want to like hijack @spotty-is-too-sleepy ‘s inbox lol but his TigerJake au has suddenly like captured my mind so um have my own take on it :)
Anyway I see them as like first meeting when both were pretty young cats. Tiger is being treated terribly by his mentor and stuck between becoming the cat Thistleclaw wants him to be and hating himself for being like him. He one night attempts to flee and ends up finding Jake, a cat similar his age that’s just so carefree and happy. From Jake’s view he’s met this like super buff mysterious stranger cat who smells like the forest and is def has the hots for him immediately, while Tiger is a bit drawn back but is also pretty quickly falling for the ginger kitty
(Kinda like canon TallJake except yknow between these two and Jake is made to be the same age as Tiger)!
The two don’t formally put a name on it but Tiger thinks they’re officially together while Jake would more call it talking?
Anyways um ofc Tiger has to go back and he is immediately found by his mentor who is furious. Esp as he can smell the kittypet on his apprentice’s pelt. The two are separated for a long time until Tiger has just gotten his name, Tigerclaw after his own claws (but he kinda has suspicions his mentor orchestrated them to share a suffix)
He goes on a lone night patrol and guess who he meets. Jake. The two are right back to where they first met. Jake is his same silly, lighthearted tease while Tiger is drawn back but loving.
They start right back where they were before.
[read more bc this is so long sorryyyyyy)
After like a few moons of sneaking off to see his boyfriend he finally gets caught, by Thistleclaw none the less. He is forced by his old mentor to break up what he has with Jake and Tiger has to. He feels like he has to. He has been selfish and sneaky, breaking the code to see some pet (these are his thoughts sadly). He goes to Jake and tries to speak first but is stopped by-
Jake saying he’s expecting. Expecting Tigerclaw’s kits.
Tiger is horrified and freaking out bc no no no no no while Jake is just staring at him confused. They love each other right? And now Tiger can come with him and they can raise their family together!
The two break up from the fight. But Jake says very clearly that he is not going to raise these kits. Tiger would have to either change his mind or, take them himself.
Even more panicking as Tiger tries so hard to find a way to somehow convince Jake to keep them or how he could take them. He can’t just waltz in with kits!! But as if a gift from the stars, Goldenflower announces she’s expecting. With no other parent…
He pulls her aside and tells her the situation he’s in hopefully to see if she’d agree and luckily she does. Because she’s in the same one lol (the sire to her litter is a kittypet). The two make the plan for Tiger to sneak his kits in the litter as Golden has hers. They’d be raised by the two and appear as full Thunder kittens. Its announced not only their official partnership as mates but also that Tiger is the dad to her litter. Now he just has to wait.
Eventually the time comes and he disappears to try and find Jake with his kits. He finds them and Jake just coldly shoves the two babies at him. Tiger wishes for the love they used to have but. He can’t amend it now.
He’s carefully making it back when he’s stopped. By Thistleclaw. He should’ve been more careful in his tracks. Thistle screams that he’s not only back with that pet but also now bringing back little pests the clan will have to feed!!! It’s real dramatic and as Tiger tries to bite back, Thistle leaps to grab one of the kits. Without thinking Tiger just smacks him back, claws drawn, all the force he can. Thistle is thrown back but too hard, smashing his head on a rock. Tiger is horrified but he can’t keep his kits outside any longer. He cleans Thistle enough to hide his own scent then finally sneaks them back.
Goldenflower has two kits of her own, Lynxkit and Swiftkit she calls them. She feigns another birth as he shuffles his own in the litter. All together they have Lynxkit, Swiftkit, Ravenkit (Scourge), and Leopardkit (Ruby). Lynx dies sadly a week after but the rest make it through. Ravenkit was named after his dark pelt while Leopardkit was after his mom. (Also is matching. Two cat names with Two bird names)
Ravenkit kinda fills the role of Ravenpaw except they still become Scourge. Opposite of Fire arc as he started as a clan cat that then became a kittypet.
He as a apprentice witnesses the killing of Oakheart and then his siblings (Leopardpaw and Swiftpaw are both killed by the dogs). He learns that it was his own dad who set up the trap and runs away. They end up being taken in by Brick and Bone who run a scrappy group of strays. Once he starts working it they become Bloodclan and they kill Tiger in revenge for his siblings but also as a show of what the clans create, monsters.
Fire though. Rusty is instead the slightly younger half sibling of Raven/Scourge via Jake who had him in a fling. Him along with Princess weren’t cared for the best but he did most love the stories he was told by Jake about the woods. Sorta Cloudtail style, Tigerclaw stumbles into Jake and as a “gift” (more begging to plz plz plz take this kit off my paws I cannot raise him) he’s given to the cat. He’s then trained by Tiger, sees the bad his mentor is, helps then Ravenpaw escape, and eventually becomes the Fire we all know and love :)
He kept his name tho and is called Rustyfire. Doesn’t become leader but Sandstar does! He’s mostly a advisor/dad/deputy. Kinda takes a role of both being the deputy but also a camp caretaker and sometimes a medic since he picked up a lot of herbs
A few more brief notes I’ve had lol
Jake is pretty explicitly a bad dad. He just isn’t a cat who can take care of kits so he’s kinda dumped every litter away. Princess is taken soon after Rusty leaves to live in her own forever home. He loves them but more in a uncle kind of way. Not good for them clearly
Raven/Scourge is really just Scourge except with the arc of Ravenpaw. Their a very cold cat that’s incredibly watchful. It’s said they have eyes on the back of their head (if I drew him I’d draw him as a all black cat with the tiger eye ears thingy)
Goldenflower raised all the kits like her own and was hurt so badly by the death of two of them. Even more when her final baby disappeared. Luckily Fire had enough insight to like pull her aside and tell her what happened. She knows what Tiger’s done and also that her baby raven is safer now.
In the final battle Scourge kills Tiger and instead of the Bloodclan/Tigerclan alliance it was Bloodclan/Lionclan. The ending fight is between the cats still loyal to Tiger and Leopard and the ones against it. Eventually it ends in the death of Leopardstar along with most of her loyal fighters. A lot more death. Mistystar takes power and in Shadowclan Russetstar rises (Blackfoot died in the fight)
Fire and Sand are together but in a platonic way :) they still have Squilf and Leaf
Bramble and Tawny are now one cat called Thornflower who was the actual kit between GoldenTiger. She initially followed his dad but turned against him and joined back. Him and Squilf are never together, older sibling vibes ONLY
Scourge takes Bloodclan back to the town but they keep a close alliance. It soon after is renamed to the Blood Band (yes it is a joke on them being a metal band)
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heydorothea009 · 2 months
Bread on Toast - Future Man Fanfiction
Josh Futturman and his fellow coworker and best friend, Liv Branson, get roped into saving the world as time traveling saviors with, what were thought to be, video game characters, Wolf and Tiger. Not only are Liv and Josh completely incompetent, but they are also emotionally inept- will this cause the destruction of mankind? Only time will tell.
Warnings: strong language, Tiger throws up at one point…yeah, I think that’s it
Chapter 6: Pandora’s Mailbox
The van was silent as they drove to an empty lot in Loma Linda. It was almost 1 in the morning by the time they pulled up to it. Josh parked the van and the four got out, but only three of them walked up to the site.
“We’re gonna jump in, find the lab, and don’t kill James Cameron in the process.” Josh explained.
“I’ve never seen you this focused.” Wolf said. “Did you get a charge in before we left?” Wolf looked at him, disgusted. “Little necro charge?”
“What?!” Liv stopped walking. Josh did too.
“That’s a thing?” He grimaced. “No! No!”
“That’s fucked up.” Wolf muttered, looking Josh up and down.
“What the fuck is charging in?!” Liv asked, thinking she may have figured it out but wasn’t exactly sure.
“Nothing!” Josh waved his hands in the air, wanting the conversation to end. “Listen! I’m just trying to get you and Tiger out of here before the Biotics show up and start causing harm or- or good…I can’t be sure anymore.” Josh looked around, realizing Tiger wasn’t with them. “Where the hell is Tiger?!”
Wolf and Liv shrugged and looked around with him. “Oh, there she is.” Liv pointed to Tiger coming up over the hill.
“Where were you?” Wolf asked.
“Oh, I was just having a stranger put her rat hole around my penis when I was supposed to be running an interference op. Oh no, wait, that was you.” She squinted at Wolf. Josh looked at Liv, confused.
“It’s called a blowjob, and I’m never apologizing for it.” Wolf said smugly, firing up the TTD.
Tiger looked at Liv and Josh. “You do realize that if this goes wrong we’ll be stuck in 2023 with no coming back.”
“Honestly, after the way this night has gone, I kinda don’t care. Let’s just do this.” Josh said in a defeated voice. He put a hand on Liv's shoulder. She looked over at him, feeling her cheeks get hot, but then realized he had a hand on Wolf’s shoulder too. Tiger also put a hand on her.
“First time time traveling, you excited?” Wolf asked Liv.
Liv nervously shook her head. “No.”
“It’ll be okay, Liv.” Josh said, moving his arm around her protectively. Liv side eyed him and furrowed her brows.
“Hey, what happened tonight?” Tiger asked.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Josh lashed at her, surprising both Liv and Wolf. The feeling of time traveling was crazy, because it just felt like Liv was hit with a big blast of air. One second they were outside then the next they were inside of a house. A big house. The second they landed, Tiger took her hand off of Liv’s shoulder and paced away, clearly annoyed by Josh’s tone of voice.
“I genuinely don’t know what you mean, but you might wanna check that attitude of yours at the…” she looked up and realized where they were. “Very impressive door.” The lights in the room turned on, sensing activity. Josh, Liv, Wolf, and Tiger all looked at each other.
“Hello, and welcome!” An automated voice said kindly. “Please accept my apologies, I was unaware there were guests in the house. I will run a full diagnostic to determine the cause of this error to ensure it does not happen again.” Wolf and Tiger immediately pulled out blasters.
“Woah, woah, woah, woah. Stand down.” Josh said quietly. “Cameron must have, like, a smart house or something.”
“What the fuck is it then?” Wolf still had his blaster drawn and pointed at the ceiling.
“Uh, it’s just a voice. Like a robot without a body.” Josh said.
“Who are you?” Tiger asked.
“I am the Simulated Intelligence Guardian of Resident and Network Environment, but you may call me SIGORN-E.” The kind robot voice said.
“Ha. Nice.” Liv grinned and folded her arms.
“To whom am I speaking?” Sigorn-E asked.
“Um, my dad actually works with James Cameron,” Josh began formulating a lie. Liv squeezed her arms and stared at him intensely, pursing her lips. She mouthed “shut up. Shut up.” Josh shook his head at her. “Ummmm, I am Tom Arnold’s son.”
“Welcome, Jax Arnold.” Sigorn-E greeted. Liv let out a sigh of relief. Josh grinned to himself. “And a happy belated 10th birthday!”
Josh’s proud grin fell so fast. “I’m a fourth grader.” He mumbled. Liv smacked his arm. Wolf gave a gravelly chuckle.
“And you are accompanied by…?” Sigorn-E asked.
“Uh,” Josh looked back at Liv, Tiger, and Wolf. “Babysitters.” The three “babysitters” all exchanged glances.
“Greetings to your childcare professionals.”
“Um, hey Sigorn-E? When is Mr. Cam- uh, James, uh…Uncle Jim returning home?” Josh asked.
“Award Winning Filmmaker, James Cameron, is at Governor Clooney’s for a private screening of his hotly anticipated Avatar 5.”
Josh lit up. “Awesome! And good for George.”
“Yes! As First Husband, he has considerable influence on the social calendar of Governor Amal Clooney.” Sigorn-E said. Liv looked impressed and nodded along.
“Um, is there any chance we could get a tour of the lab before Uncle Jim gets home?” Josh asked nicely, hoping that politeness would go a long way.
“I'm sorry, but Jax Arnold and childcare professionals are not cleared for that level of the JCC,” Josh looked confused. “The James Cameron Compound.” Tiger, Wolf, and Liv all shared different variations of stressed looks.
“Hey, uh, Sigorn-E, you think you might want to take a break for a while? Turn yourself off?” Josh asked.
“There is no off.” Sigorn-E said darkly as her lights turned red. Josh slowly turned around with a worried look.
“Hey, guys,” Tiger motioned for them to huddle. She held her blaster to cover her mouth from Sigorn-E’s cameras. “I think Sigorn-E might be a bit of a problem. We need to shut her down.” She whispered. “Wolf, find the mainframe that’s powering her. Kill it.”
“I don’t have any beef with Sigorn-E, she sounds tough and accomplished.” Wolf said, brows knitting together. “At the same time she’s approachable and maternal.” He looked up with soft eyes. “I feel safe in this house.”
“Okay, your feelings mean nothing to me.” Tiger rolled her eyes. “You’re the demolition expert. Find that robot brain and fucking blow it up.” Wolf grumbled. He looked at Liv.
“Can she come with me?”
“Actually, I was thinking-“ Josh started, but was interrupted by Tiger.
“Fine. Me and the 10 year old will try to find the lab.” Tiger elbowed Josh.
“Ow…” Josh whined, rubbing his arm. Josh watched as Wolf excitedly left down the hall with Liv, feeling a bit of jealousy creep in. Wolf and Liv seemed to be real buddy buddy as they practically skipped down the hall together. Josh wanted to have a chance to talk to Liv. Alone. He wanted to tell her about what Jeri had said, it was something that had stayed in the back of his mind for the last two hours. Probably because she likes you. Bullshit. Liv didn’t like him. They were just friends! If Jeri had said that to get into Josh’s head, it had worked. Josh watched Liv prance off with Wolf in his sweatshirt and sweatpants. The jealousy grew firmer inside of him. He was her best friend. Not Wolf. He clenched his jaw.
“Hello? Future Man? Josh? Josh Futturman!” Tiger snapped her fingers in his face.
“What?!” Josh hissed, slapping her hand away.
Tiger glared at him. “Okay, this attitude?” She pointed at him. “I’m sick of it. Put it in your back pocket and let’s go find that fucking lab.” She hissed back, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him down the hall.
Meanwhile, Liv followed Wolf down a different hallway. Liv peeked over her shoulder as she trailed behind Wolf, seeing Tiger drag Josh into another hallway. They caught each other’s eyes and Liv gave him a small smile before following after Wolf. Wolf looked around the hall with wide eyes.
“This place is amazing.” He breathed. “Okay, if I was a house where would my brain be?” He was holding the scanner he used to scan for brain bombs in Biotics, scanning for anything that could be used to blow up Sigorn-E’s mainframe. He got distracted looking up and scanning the ceiling, he didn't notice a door open that led to a massive room with many artifacts and in the center, a futuristic looking beacon. Sigorn-E. Liv stopped in her tracks, staring inside.
“Wolf.” She said, catching his attention. She pointed inside the room. Wolf walked over to the door and his eyes widened even more (if that were even possible).
“Rat pot…” Wolf muttered in a gravelly voice, beelining for a wall full of weapons. Liv furrowed her brows as she mouthed to herself “rat pot?”
“The prototypes that you are admiring were all designed by groundbreaking, multi-hyphenate James Cameron.” Sigorn-E’s voice startled both Liv and Wolf, making them both look back at the beacon in the center of the room, which glowed red when she spoke.
“Wow,” Wolf turned back to the wall of weapons. “This guy!”
“To taller than average James Cameron, there’s nothing ‘Aliens’ about getting your hands dirty. He has been known to wear many hats.”
Wolf, who was still admiring the weapons, turned around. “So…wait…he trained all of his life to do one thing, was great at it, and then found other stuff he was great at and he…and he did that too?” Wolf asked, voice filled with hope and admiration.
“Celebrated innovator James Cameron has lived a dozen lives! Director, philanthropist, undefeated little league coach, deep sea explorer, good at marriage, and the list goes on. He is truly a…” Sigorn-E made a sound as if she were sighing, and sounded very annoyed. “Titanic talent.”
“What sacred text is this?” Wolf asked, pointing to another artifact.
“It’s Na’vi, the language visionary linguist James Cameron invented.”
“Oh, from Avatar. Josh is always telling me I need to watch that, but honestly, I don’t really care.” Liv leaned against a pillar and folded her arms. Wolf made some of the sounds from the text, turning around to Liv and repeating them multiple times. “Wolf, I have no idea what you’re saying.”
“Two.” Wolf said proudly, clearly considering himself to be bilingual now.
Liv laughed at him and looked to her right. “…is that a frog?” She asked, squinting as she walked over to a terrarium.
“Noted environmentalist James Francis Cameron has a Venezuelan frog species named after him, while lesser talent, Steven Spielberg, does not.” Sigorn-E said. Wolf came barreling over, wanting to see the frog.
“Okay…” Liv pushed away from the glass, looking over at Sigorn-E.
“This guy’s amazing.” Wolf sighed, studying the frog. “Hey Sigorn-E! Teach me more Na’vi words! What’s Wolf?”
“There is no Na’vi word for ‘wolf’. But there is one for ‘website’, which I assure you makes perfect sense.” Sigorn-E said in an overly positive voice.
“What is Avatar even about?” Liv muttered, shaking her head.
“Alright,” Wolf said to Liv. “We need to start focusing…oh, what’s that?!” He got distracted and immediately went to look at something new. He hurried over to a set of blueprints that hung on the wall by the door they entered through.
“You are looking at the FOAB, father of all bombs.” Sigorn-E explained.
“Look at the kill radius on that thing!” Wolf exclaimed to Liv excitedly as she approached what he was looking at.
“…oh! Cool, Wolf!” She gave him two thumbs up. She actually didn’t know what he was talking about.
“It’s impressive! It would make my job a hell of a lot easier.” He traced the glass that covered it longingly. Liv felt like she’d walked in on something private.
“I’m sorry,” Sigorn-E’s light burned a brighter red than usual. “How would an impressive kill radius assist in the caregiving of Jax Arnold?”
Wolf looked back over his shoulder at Liv. “Who the fuck is Jax Arnold?” He asked her. Liv’s eyes bugged out of her head.
“Uh! Haha! Wolf! Did you hit your head, uh, silly? You know Jax!” Liv was practically yelling. Sigorn-E’s light burned redder and redder. An ominous alarm began to sound through the room and down the halls. “Jax! He knows who Jax is! He- he was kidding! Say you were kidding Wolf!”
Wolf’s eyes widened as he realized. “Oh! That Jax Arnold!”
“Give me a minute.” Sigorn-E said in a dark voice and went silent.
“Hallway 4, mood lighting set to…ominous.” An automated Sigorn-E voice said as the lighting shifted.
“Seems like it’s just set to colored lighting.” Tiger said as her and Josh explored their hallway.
“You know what, you could not possibly begin to understand the subtleties and the genius of James Cameron.” Josh said as he tried to open a door, only to find that it was locked.
“All I understand is that he’s got a hard on for blue lights.” Tiger said.
“Access denied to Hall of Miniatures.” Sigorn-E’s automated voice said. Josh sighed and walked to another door. “Access denied, trampoline porch.” “Access denied, bathroom 14.” Tiger had tried to open a door too.
Shaman’s quarters, corn maze, heirloom seed vault, just a bunch of phone chargers, and Billy Zane’s bedroom were all locked too. Josh let out a frustrated sigh.
“You know, I could blow open any of these.” Tiger whispered.
“Blow open the door to Billy Zane’s bedroom? What, do you think the Cameronium is in there? Billy Zane? The actor Billy Zane?” Josh snapped. “We’re looking for a lab.”
He walked past Tiger. “Oh…” she turned around to face him as he walked past. “I see, she got to you.”
Josh stopped. “Who?”
“Cunt-o, fucking Shoe Neck Bitch, what’s her name girl.” Tiger said.
“Jeri. Her name was Jeri.” Josh said in an annoyed voice.
Tiger hummed and nodded. “So she did get to you.”
“No, she didn’t get to me, she got to you and I had to finish the interrogation using my smarts and not my vagina scorpions.”
“Hey that would’ve worked, you’ll say anything with one of those just burrowing up your snatch.” Tiger said. Josh sighed again and paced away from her. “Oh come on, seriously, is that why you’re so moody right now?”
Josh stopped again and whipped around. “Oh, you wanna know why I’m pissed off, Tiger?”
“Yes please, an explanation would be nice.” Tiger rolled her eyes.
“Because I just watched the girl I like’s head blow up, and right before that, she told me my best friend’s in love with me to try and throw me off and I can’t talk to her about it now because she’s off, I dunno, blowing shit up with Wolf.” Josh rambled.
Tiger blinked a couple times. “You’re mad that Liv is with Wolf?” She asked, deadpan. Josh turned around and kept walking. “You’re seriously mad that Liv is with Wolf?”
“I wanted to try and talk to her.” Josh muttered, staying ahead of Tiger.
“You’re upset because of Liv’s romantic feelings towards you?” Tiger took 3 giant strides and caught up to Josh.
“Tiger, I’m done talking about this okay? Long story short, Jeri got in my head and I wanted to talk to Liv about it, Wolf got in the way and now she’s all buddy buddy with him. Liv is my best friend and not his. The end.” Josh turned down a new hall.
“Lord, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you had romantic feelings for Liv.” Tiger muttered, rolling her eyes.
“What?” Josh looked up at her.
“Nothing. Try paying attention next time.” Josh glared up at her. The ominous alarm started sounding in the hall.
“…the hell is that?” Tiger muttered, looking around.
They walked past an elevator and it opened, sensing their movements. Josh and Tiger looked at each other and stepped inside.
Josh stepped up to the keypad, studying the buttons that said Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, and The Abyss. “Well, he’s not always subtle but he keeps you guessing.” Josh said as he pressed the button to The Abyss. It turned red.
“Access denied.” Sigorn-E said. Josh groaned. Tiger clicked her tongue.
“Let me try.” She said, pressing down hard on the button several times.
“Access denied- access- access denied.”
“Red means stop- Tiger, stop.” Josh said.
“Yeah, well maybe you didn’t push it hard enough.” Tiger began to repeatedly press the button.
“Access- access- access den- access- it doesn’t work that way.” Sigorn-E said, in that same dark voice.
“See?” Josh pointed to the keypad. Tiger rolled her eyes.
“Mr. Arnold, I need to update my files, what is your mother’s name?” Sigorn-E asked in a terrifyingly sweet voice.
Josh’s heart stopped. “She- uh,” he turned to Tiger with a panicked look. Tiger tensed up, knowing Josh wasn’t the world’s best liar. “She never told us her name because she was afraid we’d stop calling her mom.”
“Oh no,” Tiger mumbled, sensing something bad was about to happen.
“Jax Arnold. What is your mother’s name?” Sigorn-E said in both a menacing and sweet voice.
Tiger sighed as Josh searched his brain for a name. “…Roseanne?” He answered in a small voice.
“Incorrect.” Sigorn-E’s voice grew more intense. “It’s Ashley. You have just told me a…True Lie.” The lights in the elevator blared red. “Security breach! Intruder containment protocol nine! Lockdown initiated!”
“Red means…” Tiger commented, looking around at the red lights.
“Yep.” Josh closed his eyes and dropped his head into his hands.
Liv and Wolf were now trapped behind a giant metal, cage-like door with geometric patterns carved out in the metal. Wolf was trying to push the door back up, but wasn’t having much luck.
“Wolf! I don’t think that’s going to work!”
“It will! It will!” Wolf strained. Liv sighed.
“The JCC is equipped with the strongest defense force known to man.” Sigorn-E was back.
Wolf pulled something out of his pocket, pressing it against the door. Liv realized what it was and started to back away. “Yeah? Well, this is called a mine.” Wolf activated the mine, making it light up as it ticked. “Problem’s all yours.” Wolf grabbed Liv’s arm and pulled her behind a pillar for protection. They both covered their heads, but then heard whirring and whooshing behind them. Wolf poked his head around the pillar to see that the security system had frozen his bomb. Liv peeked around as the bomb popped off the door and shattered on the ground.
“Fuck…” Wolf was both in awe and pissed off.
“Any escape efforts will be futile. Your comrades are in lockdown as well.” Sigorn-E said.
“Oh, Josh…” Liv whispered as she pulled her knees into her chest.
“Bested by a fucking RoboHouse.” Wolf groaned, pacing around and plopping down on some stairs.
“It is in all of our interests for you to tell me who you are and how you got in.” Sigorn-E demanded. “I am programmed to alert honorary black belt James Cameron upon any security breach.”
“Whatever,” Wolf waved his hand in the air. “Tiger’s gonna burst my sack for fucking up the mission.” Wolf curled in on himself. “Pretty sure I can handle this James Cameron.”
“I assure you, you are not equipped to handle a fully enraged James Cameron.” Sigorn-E said.
“Does James Cameron belittle you? Point out all your flaws? Treat you like a dumb grunt?” Wolf said sadly, looking so heart broken and vulnerable. Liv looked over at him on the stairs and her heart felt heavy for him. “Where’s the positive reinforcement?” Wolf shook his head, looking at Sigorn-E. “You know? ‘Nice job, Wolf’…I’ve never heard those words from her before. I’m treated like I’ve never done anything great in my life. Do you have any idea what that’s like?”
“Wolf…” Liv reached out and put a hand on the step below the one he was sitting on.
Sigorn-E was quiet for a moment, red lights fading to yellow. “More than you know.” She finally answered, somehow in a voice that sounded on the verge of tears.
In the elevator, Tiger had taken the keypad out of the wall and was trying to rewire the system while Josh paced around.
“I thought time travel was going to be fun. This- this whole mission is insane!” Josh cried.
“What did you think?” Tiger whipped her head around to look at him as she ripped a wire out of its place. “Biotic Wars was just a game?”
“Yeah!” Josh ran his hands through his hair. “I thought it was a game, you wanna know why? Cause I bought it at a game store with MY birthday money!”
“Okay, yeah, well, it was fun when you were winning your little dance battle, and getting in your little slap fight, and going rat hole to rat hole with the enemy, and then shit got real when you tasted brain.” Tiger snapped.
Josh folded his arms and stepped closer to Tiger. “Maybe I don’t wanna be in the Resistance. Maybe I’m on the wrong side of things, you know what? Maybe I just led two terrorists into the JCC.” Josh got progressively louder as he spoke.
Tiger stepped away from the wires. “Oh? So now you’re pro-Biotic.”
“Well, they don’t seem to be so excited to kill a baby, so, point to the Biotics.”
“I can’t believe you’re still on this!” Tiger scoffed. “It just always comes back to this with you.”
“Yeah! It’s a thing for me!” Josh yelled.
“Well, you know what, you live long enough that in my time those things become luxuries.” Tiger snapped, turning back to the wires angrily. “You don’t get to judge me.” She muttered.
Josh took a deep breath, feeling a knot in his stomach form. “I blew up my entire life for this, and dragged my best friend into this too. There is absolutely no going back to the way it was.” His bottom lip quivered as he got emotional. “So I need to know that we are on the right side of history.” Tiger turned back to look at him, her eyes going soft for the first time since Josh had met her. “I need a reason to believe in all of this.” Tiger looked down at the ground and then back up to Josh. She slowly nodded.
“He makes me sing to him in Na’vi, translate the news into Na’vi, it’s just a lot of Na’vi! And there aren’t even that many Na’vi words.” Sigorn-E complained as Wolf and Liv laid on the door prop from Titanic, listening intently.
“Yeah, I feel like I got a pretty good sense of it and it hasn’t even been an hour.” Wolf said.
“And isn’t the thing in Avatar called ‘Unobtainium’ or something stupid?” Liv asked.
“Oh! I was programmed with a sophisticated understanding of dramatic structure and he still never takes my notes on his screenplays!” Sigorn-E sounded exasperated. Wolf and Liv both scoffed and shook their heads. “Unobtainium and characters who fornicate with the ponytails is exactly what you get when you ignore me!”
“Oh God! Josh wants me to watch that?” Liv sat up, looking disgusted.
“I have so much potential, but my talents are wasted.” Sigorn-E sighed.
“Tell me about it.” Wolf as still laying down, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully. “To Tiger, I’m just the demolitions guy. But there is so much other stuff I’m great at too!” He sat up like Liv, smiling. “You know, I’m an amazing chef.”
“You are an amazing chef, Wolf!” Liv agreed excitedly.
“I’ve got badass style too. People fucking love me here. I’ve got ‘it’! And what am I asked to do? Blow shit up.” Wolf sighed and shook his head.
“It sounds like you and I are in the same boat,” Sigorn-E said. “Only, if it ever hits an iceberg, there won’t be any room on that door for me.”
Wolf looked down at the door. “What are you talking about? There’s room for you, look, me and Liv fit on here. This thing’s huge”
“I fuckin’ knew there was room for two on this door.” Liv muttered, looking down at the door too.
“If certified door expert James Cameron were here, he would assure you that there’s only room for one smallish woman.” Sigorn-E sounded annoyed.
“Bullshit.” Liv scoffed, adjusting to sit cross legged. “Hey, Sigorn-E? Is Josh okay? Where is he?”
“Is Josh ‘Jax Arnold’?” Liv rolled her eyes and nodded. “You keep talking about him.” Sigorn-E noted, sounding nosey.
Liv’s face flushed red. “I just want to make sure he’s okay.”
“What about Tiger?” Wolf was laying on his side, propping himself up on his elbow.
“Yeah, is she okay too?” Liv shrugged, face getting hotter and hotter.
“Josh and Tiger are in an elevator.” Liv could almost hear the smirk in Sigorn-E��s voice. “Liv, right?” Liv slowly nodded. “You seem to have something you need to talk about.”
“Talk to her, Liv, it makes you feel a lot better.” Wolf said to her.
“This Josh? What is your relationship to him?” Sigorn-E asked.
“He’s my best friend.” Liv said, unconvincingly.
“I am programmed to ensure you receive the best advice I can give for your situation, and yours seems to be that you are in love with your best friend.” Sigorn-E said simply. Liv was gobsmacked. Her jaw was on the ground as Sigorn-E read her like a book. Wolf looked back at Liv.
“Really? Josh?”
“Wolf!” Liv’s entire face was bright red. “Be nice!”
“How long have you had this relationship with Josh?” Sigorn-E asked.
“Three years.” Liv sighed. “But! I will not ever tell him that! We are strictly platonic! He likes-“ Liv faltered realizing that Jeri was gone. “Liked someone else.”
“Ohhhhhh,” Wolf nodded along. “Your break down at the party makes sense now.”
“What happened?” Sigorn-E pried.
Before Liv could answer, Wolf spoke. “She cried because he,” he looked at Liv trying to remember why she was crying. “He rat holed to rat holed that Biotic, right?”
“Kissed her.” Liv rolled her eyes. “He kissed her, and I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why doesn’t he like her anymore? You said he liked her in the past tense.” Sigorn-E seemed to be enthralled by Josh and Liv’s love life.
“She…died…” Liv traced the decorative moldings on the door.
“Her head exploded.” Wolf added.
“Oh!” Sigorn-E didn’t know what to say.
“She was the enemy,” Wolf reassured Sigorn-E. “So it’s okay.”
“…oh.” Sigorn-E sounded slightly disturbed. “So, I do have a question, Liv. Why don’t you want to confess your feelings for Josh?”
“Yeah, just tell him.” Wolf said, sitting cross legged like a Liv.
“No! I won’t tell him because what if…” she started to trace the moldings again. “What if it weirds him out or something?”
“Why would he be weirded out?” Wolf asked, scooting closer to Liv. “You’re very beautiful.”
Liv couldn’t help but smile at Wolf. “Thank you Wolf, that was very sweet.”
“Liv, I understand where you’re coming from, you don’t want to ruin the friendship you have with this boy-“
“But, keep in mind that you said ‘what if’. You don’t know for sure. He could be the Jack to your Rose! Without the dying!” Sigorn-E said optimistically. Liv couldn’t help but laugh.
“I guess,” she shrugged.
“Never let go, Liv. Keep him close to you. He seems like a great man.” Sigorn-E said.
Liv pulled her knees into her chest. “Yeah, I know.”
Wolf leaned back on his hands and looked at Liv. “That’s why you’ve stayed with the mission, huh? Because you care so much about Josh. Tiger didn’t think you’d make it this far, I think she kinda hoped you’d leave. Not me though, I like you.” Wolf gave her a small smile. “I like you more than Josh.”
Liv laughed. “I know, I can tell. Thanks for believing in me, Wolf.”
“Hey,” he bumped his shoulder into hers. “What are friends for?” Sigorn-E’s light fluttered, like she was happy. “You guys have been the first people- uh- person and house, I’ve ever felt get me, when I’m with you guys it’s like I’m looking out a window into a new world. I’ve always felt trapped like a…um…” Wolf searched his brain for a metaphor.
“Bird in a cage?” Sigorn-E suggested. Wolf shook his head. “Fly in a spider web?”
“Mmm, no not that.” Wolf shook his head.
“Trout in a net?”
Wolf looked at Sigorn-E with soft eyes. “Sigorn-E in a house.”
Liv and Sigorn-E both sighed, Liv nodded at what he’d said. An alert sound sounded over Sigorn-E’s system. She sighed again, this time with annoyance. “Outstanding driver James Cameron will be home in 19 minutes.” Liv and Wolf straighten up, realizing they needed to get their Cameronium soon. “Liv? Wolf? Please tell me how you got in and what you’re doing here? I need to fix this before he gets home.” Sigorn-E sounded panicked. “I can’t endure another reprogramming.”
Liv and Wolf got up off of the door and Wolf walked to Sigorn-E’s beacon. “I’m a soldier from the future and the past… she’s just Liv. We’re here to steal something from the lab. And I was sent to kill you.” Wolf said in a gruff yet kind voice. As soon as he finished talking, Sigorn-E returned the room to its normal lighting.
Back in the elevator, Josh and Tiger sat on the floor. “The Resistance didn’t start the Biotic Wars. We were just a group of people who said no to the cure. The more the government insisted, the more we did too. Hence the name.”
“Yeah, you guys are very literal that way.” Josh said.
“They started hunting us down. They drove us underground. The only way to survive was-“
“To defend ourselves, yes I know.” Josh said. “I’ve heard it a thousand times, it’s the prologue to the game which you narrated.”
“Yeah, well, that was just the prologue.” Tiger’s voice was unnaturally quiet. “We got good enough at surviving, so they decided it would just be easier to…sterilize us instead of going through the trouble of killing us one by one.” Tiger watched as the gears in Josh’s head turned. His face fell as he realized where her story was going. “You’re so hung up on saving one baby, but the Biotics killed all of ours. That’s what started the Biotic Wars…and turned my hair purple. But then, Owl, he- he came up with a plan to rewrite history. And all of the sudden what was left of the Resistance had something to believe in again. You.”
Josh rubbed his lips together. “Right.” He sighed. “And then you lost all your comrades in the tunnel trying to get to me, and I’m a huge disappointment-“
“No,” Tiger said gently. “No, you’re our last hope. We’re still here, still fighting, still surviving because of you. Right now, humanity still has a chance and as long as that hope is still alive, that my generation won’t be the last, there’s no sacrifice I won’t make. That’s what I’m fighting for. That’s the side I’m on.”
Josh felt tears brim in his eyes. He looked down at the ground. “Wow, Tiger, that was…”
“Moving.” Sigorn-E’s voice said overhead as the elevator began moving down. Josh and Tiger scrambled to their feet. The doors open to reveal a giant lab that had Liv and Wolf standing inside. Wolf was leaning against some railing while Liv sat next to him with her feet dangling over the edge of the platform.
“Welcome to The Abyss.” Sigorn-E said.
Wolf pushed away from the railing and folded his arms. “Well, well, well, look who decided to join the party.”
“What did you guys do to Sigorn-E? What’d you- rewire her? Reprogram her?” Tiger asked, walking up the stairs towards them.
“Nope.” Liv said, getting up.
“We listened to her.” Wolf said, sassily putting a hand on his hip.
“I believe what you are looking for is down there.” Sigorn-E said, opening a hatch that led to deep, dark water. They all approached the hatch and cautiously looked at the water.
“Um, okay guys, let’s go get ourselves some Cameronium.” Josh said.
“Wait,” Wolf held an arm out in front of them. “That water’s freezing, and that pressure…whoever goes is going to need to wear a suit.”
“You don’t have time for the suit, it requires a one hour stabilization window and diabolical Canadian James Cameron will be home in 12 minutes.” Sigorn-E said.
“Is that Cameron time or GPS time?” Wolf asked.
“It’s always Cameron time.” Sigorn-E said, voice filled with annoyance. Liv and Wolf shared a chuckle, clearly understanding some sort of joke that Tiger and Josh didn’t get.
“What the fuck is this shit? What is going on here?” Tiger asked, folding her arms. “Focus! We can take this guy, he’s a movie director.”
“No, he’s so much more than that.” Wolf said, shaking his head.
“I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t really know who James Cameron was until tonight, and I’ve gotta say, he scares me a little.” Liv said.
“Supervillain James Cameron is already overriding my systems!” Sigorn-E said, panicking. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold him off!”
“Tiger, there’s nothing this man can’t do. There’s nothing he’s not capable of.” Wolf said seriously. Josh raised an eyebrow and looked at Liv.
“Josh, he’s an honorary black belt! Yes seriously!” Liv cried.
“Once he knows you’re after his microorganism he will make it his life’s work to keep you from getting it.” Sigorn-E piped up. “Setting mood light to…FUCKED.” The lights turned dark blue.
Wolf and Liv looked wide eyed up at the lights while Tiger and Josh just stood there.
“All I’ve seen in this fucking house are blue lights, where’s the variation?” Tiger rolled her eyes.
Josh slowly approached the small pool of death. “The Cameronium is down there, so, somebody’s gonna have to free dive down there and get it. Probably one of you guys.” He referred to Tiger and Wolf. Tiger and Wolf avoided eye contact with Josh and slowly nodded, pretending like they were considering it. Josh looked between both of them. “Which, uh, which one’s, like, the strongest swimmer?”
Tiger kept her eyes on the pool. “I- uh- I’d say we’re pretty much the same…” Wolf sheepishly shrugged and nodded, also just staring at the pool.
“Alright, so did you wanna like…eeny-meeny-miney-moe it or…rock, paper, scissors…”
“Um…” Tiger awkwardly cleared her throat. Wolf slowly shuffled away from Liv and Josh.
“Oh my God…you can’t swim.” He paced away, putting his hands on his head.
“There’s lots of stuff you can’t do.” Wolf grumbled defensively.
“The Resistance had limited resources! We could only train certain soldiers for certain things and, well, Porpoise and Otter did the wet ops…” Tiger explained, sounding equally defensive as Wolf.
“Oh my God,” Josh turned to Liv. “It’s gone have to be one of us.”
“Josh, you know I’m afraid of the ocean, you tease me about it all the time.”
“Awww, teasing.” Wolf commented under his breath.
“No.” Liv snapped at him.
The reality of the situation sank in as Josh stared at the well. “Oh my God…I’m gonna have to do it…”
“Free diving in the well is not advised. Risk factors include hypothermia, 67%,” Sigorn-E began listing.
“Oh God,” Josh grew more stressed.
“Drowning, 82%, decompression sickness, 49%,” Josh ran a hand down his face as she kept going. “And heart attack, 38%.”
“You better tell him now, Liv. He might die.” Wolf muttered to Liv.
“Wolf, shut up.”
“No swimming at all?! Not even the doggy paddle?!” Josh imitated the doggy paddle for them.
“I…I don’t even know what that is.” Tiger mumbled.
“Oh my God, I have to do this. I- I really have to do this.” Josh said, taking off the open navy blue button down he was wearing, leaving him in a white t-shirt and approaching the pool.
“Wolf, please not now.” Liv hissed to Wolf.
“Okay, alright, you got this,” Josh hyped himself up as he sat at the well, putting his feet in. “Oh! Oh God, that water is cold.” Josh gasped.
“34.6 degrees Fahrenheit, to be exact-“
“Hey, Sigorn-E? At this point less information is better!” The panic in Josh’s voice was apparent.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Tiger asked, kneeling by him.
“No.” He looked up to Tiger. “But, yes. I mean…humanity still has a chance, right?” Tiger grinned and nodded. “I’ve chosen my side.” Josh felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. Liv had dropped to her knees and had pulled him into a tight hug.
“Please don’t die. I’ll bring you back just to kill you again.”
“Liv, don’t cry for me.” Josh held her arms, leaning his head back against her shoulder, looking at her. Wolf looked up to Sigorn-E’s sensors as if they were sharing a smug grin together.
“I’m not crying!” Liv wiped her tears away. She was. She let go of him.
Josh looked back at her. “Yeah, you are.” He gave her a small smile. “I can do this.” He let out a shaky breath.
Liv nodded. “Go get that Cameronium.”
“I’ll…be back?” He asked, mostly to himself. He took a few rapid breaths before plunging into the deep, dark water. Liv stood back up and traced her lips with her fingers as she nervously rocked on her feet.
“No he won’t.”
“Sigorn-E!” Liv cried, looking up. “Did our conversation earlier mean nothing?! You can’t say that!”
Wolf leaned over the pool to try and see. “He’s not a very fast water mover.”
“He’s gonna make it.” Tiger reassured both Wolf and Liv.
“That smacks of delusion.” Sigorn-E said.
Tiger gritted her teeth. “What do you know? You thought he was 10 years old.”
“He was more believable in that role than as heroic aquanaut.” Sigorn-E said.
“Sigorn-E!” Liv wailed.
“You know what Wolf, can you tell your girlfriend house to shut the fuck up?” Tiger glared at Wolf.
“I dunno,” Wolf looked stressed. “Maybe Sig is right. He should be back by now.” Liv felt a lump form in her throat.
“Wait! Hey, hold on, I think- I think I see something.” Wolf dropped to his knees next to Liv and Tiger and leaned over the well.
“It might be the giant albino crab…” said Sigorn-E.
“No,” Tiger grinned. “He’s doing it!” A fluorescent green vial could be seen glowing through the dark water as Josh swam up to the surface. Liv let out a sigh of relief. That’s when Josh floated to the top like a dead fish. Tiger, Wolf, and Liv all froze, not knowing what just happened.
“That’s not good…” Sigorn-E muttered.
Wolf pulled Josh out with one hand and Tiger pried the Cameronium from his grasp and they laid him on the floor. Liv dropped to her knees next to him and felt for his pulse. Nothing. He was dead.
“What do we do?!” She was screaming, not being able to think straight.
“Breathe!” Wolf smacked him across the face. “Well, we tried everything.” He stood up, ready to give up.
“No! Wolf!” Liv yelled frantically. “Uh, uh, CPR! We need to do CPR!”
“English please!” Tiger snapped.
“Liv is right, CPR is the best option in this situation. Tilt his head back slightly, lifting the chin, pinch his nose shut and place your mouth over his mouth, forming a complete seal.”
“You want us to put our mouth on his…” Wolf gagged. “Mouth?”
“Yes. It’s called mouth to mouth resuscitation.” Sigorn-E said flatly.
“Well, Liv, now’s your chance to go rat hole to rat hole Josh.” Wolf grimaced.
“Me?!” Liv looked between Tiger and Wolf. “Look, I learned CPR in health class when I was 13, I don’t remember-“
“Place your mouth. Over his mouth. Forming a complete seal.” Sigorn-E said loudly. “The instructions are not hard, Liv. Your lover boy is not breathing, millions of brain cells are dying each second!”
“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry, I’m panicking!” Liv was practically hyperventilating. “Uh, uh, Tiger, prop his head up.” Tiger pulled Josh’s head into her lap.
“One of you will need to do chest compressions as well.” Sigorn-E reminded them.
“What?” Tiger asked.
“Pound his chest forcefully.” Sigorn-E said.
“On it!” Wolf knelt next to Liv. Tiger tilted Josh’s head back.
Liv took a deep, shaky breath in, scared of fucking it up. She leaned down and pinched his nose, covering his mouth with hers and blowing air into his lungs. Tiger winced at Liv putting her mouth over Josh’s, looking up to avoid seeing it.
“This is disgusting.” She closed her eyes, feeling sick. Wolf pounded his fists on Josh’s chest, and Liv felt Josh spasm, immediately pulling away and seeing him cough up water that had infiltrated his lungs. Tiger and Wolf gagged and turned away, but Liv heaved a heavy sigh of relief as Josh sputtered and hacked up more water.
Josh looked at Liv with wide eyes. “Did…did I just die?!” He exclaimed in an abnormally high voice.
“It’s okay, you’re okay!” Liv sighed, leaning down and giving him the biggest hug, his wet clothes getting her clothes wet.
“She went rat hole to rat hole with-“ Tiger couldn’t even finish her sentence before spewing vomit. Wolf couldn’t hold it in either, throwing up too. Liv pulled away from Josh, looking disgusted.
“Oh my God, stop being dramatic!” Liv yelled at Tiger and Wolf, helping Josh sit up. Liv looked back to see Josh’s face unusually close to hers.
“Thank you, Liv.” He said softly.
“Of course, I would take a bullet for you Josh. I…you’re my best friend.” She said, dropping her eyes to the floor as he looked at her. The lights in the room fluttered. Sigorn-E was clearly excited by Josh and Liv’s interaction.
“I’ve been programmed to identify moments suitable for character development.” She said, proudly. Liv rolled her eyes out of endearment towards Sigorn-E and chuckled.
“Huh?” Josh wiped water off of his face.
“Nothing.” Liv said.
“Okay, okay,” Tiger inhaled shakily. “We’ve got the Cameronium, Wolf, fire up the TTD and let’s get out of here.” Sigorn-E lowered a hose and vacuumed up the puke on the ground.
“No, not yet, I’ve got to do something first.” Wolf looked longingly up at Sigorn-E.
They ended up in the room that contained Sigorn-E’s mainframe, the room Wolf and Liv were supposed to find earlier. Wolf was hugging her giant mainframe and muttering, “This can’t be the only way. Come with me.”
“I can’t Wolf…I’m a house.” Sigorn-E said sadly.
“So, did Wolf fall in love with Sigorn-E, or…?” Josh whispered to Liv.
“Yeah. They, like, trauma bonded or something.” She whispered back. As Josh and Liv watched Wolf mourn Sigorn-E, Tiger was measuring out the Cameronium into the vial that went with the TTD.
“You know there’s only one way I’ll truly be free.” Sigorn-E said sadly to Wolf. “Start with the energy cell on the right.”
Wolf sobbed as he reached down and began to turn off each energy cell. “Hey, so, I wanted to talk to you about something…uh, I’ll do it later…” Josh whispered, as Wolf was racked with sobs.
“Alright,” Tiger said, getting up and holding the TTD. “When we get back, one of you will just need to find out when and where Kronish was born. We’ll take care of the rest.”
“What do you mean?” Josh asked.
“I mean you’ve done enough for the cause.” Tiger said gently. “You died for it, and you brought him back.” She said to Liv and Josh. “It’s not too late for you to have a normal life again. You guys aren’t baby killers, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of.” As Tiger spoke, Liv turned her head to look at Josh, confused. “Trust me, I’m not judging. If I could do this without killing anybody I would do it in a heartbeat, but I can’t. We’re gonna have to do it without you.” She put a hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Consider your savior duties complete, Future Man” She looked at Liv. “And Liv, you don’t have a name other than Liv, but I’m glad you crashed our party. And so is Wolf.” They looked back at Wolf as he had reached the last cell.
“You have to let go.” Sigorn-E told him.
“I’ll never let go, Sig…” he cried.
“It’s okay, Wolf. I see you” Sigorn-E sounded on the verge of tears. Wolf gasped lightly. He mumbled something in Na’vi. Tiger and Liv furrowed their brows, confused. Josh looked impressed.
“Fuck me. Wolf learned Na’vi?” He asked Liv quietly. Liv just quietly nodded as Wolf turned off the last power cell and the mechanized droning signaled Sigorn-E was gone.
“Oh Sig…” he whispered as he sobbed. Josh, Liv, and Tiger stood watching uncomfortably as Wolf sank to his knees. There was an extremely awkward silence.
“…we good, or…?” Tiger finally broke the silence. Wolf cleared his throat and stood up, turning to them and wiping his tears.
“Sigorn-E didn’t say goodbye to me.” Liv muttered, folding her arms and scuffing her shoe on the ground.
“Yeah. We’re good, what the fuck are you asking me for. I don’t even care about what’s happening right now.” Wolf grumbled. Tiger rolled her eyes. “Let’s go! Come on.” Wolf barked impatiently. “Let’s get out of this shitfuck.” Tiger, Liv, and Josh gathered around Wolf and Tiger handed him the TTD. He fired it up, setting it for 2017. They put their arms around each other, but this time, Josh put his arm around Liv’s waist. She looked at him and he caught her eye. He realized where his hand was and moved it up to her shoulders, glancing away quickly.
“Sig said bye by the way, Liv.” Wolf mumbled.
“Oh, so she did care about me!”
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Beached Burps (Sousuke Yamazaki x female!reader)
FAIR WARNING THIS IS A KINKFIC SO ONLY 18+ PLEASE🙏 Hey loves! So this was a request I received last week by an anonymous person and it is a Sousuke Yamazaki burp/stuffing fic. This is the first burp fic I’ve posted, but I am willing to take more requests for it. I apologize for the wait Anon and I hope you enjoy!🖤
It was a warm summer evening and you and Sousuke had spent the whole afternoon together. All day you two had lounged around in the sun, held swimming races in the sea (Ofc your boyfriend Sousuke won, but he’d always allow you to piggyback on the swim back to the shore), and generally had time to relax and de-stress about college and what would come next. The section of the beach you two stayed on was more secluded and at the base of a small hill that was on the outskirt of your backyard, so you both had complete privacy as well! (We won’t discuss details about certain past events between the two of you..) To sun it all up the day was perfect! You got spend all day with your loving boyfriend, and to top it all off Sousuke had brought along a picnic dinner for the two of you to share after a long and exciting day. 
The sun was sinking into the horizon as the two of you finally sat down on your towel in the sand, it was finally time to eat! You sat cross legged across from Sousuke who did the same. “I’m starving!” You said, diving right into the basket trying to get our all the food so you could eat as soon as possible. “Easy there tiger..” Sousuke teased, letting out a small chuckle. You blushed and withdrew your hands from the basket, a little embarrassed by your ravenous appetite. “I’m just teasing Y/n, I know better then to interfere with you and your snacks. Plus lm so hungry I could eat out a whole damn restaurant.” Sousuke said, looking down at his own empty stomach.
Sousuke hated to admit it, but he was starting to gain some weight. It wasn’t a lot and he still had his abs, however it felt different. He always had a huge appetite but normally all the exercise would drop the weight. He had noticed that since he got with you he wasn’t working out as much. It wasn’t anything against you, he actually enjoyed spending time with you way more then working out at the gym by himself. But during those times, you guys would both lay around and snack while you watched movies, and Sousuke found himself pigging out more at home as well. If he was hungry he’d get a snack, but then that snack wasn’t enough so he told himself something else to eat wouldn’t hurt, and then of course he needed to wash it all down so he’d end up chugging down a whole Gatorade within 5 minutes. This left him bloated and fighting back burps, trying to stifle them with his fist. What scared him the most was that he kind of enjoyed the feeling of being so stuffed and bloated the only way to feel better would be to be belch. He liked the feeling.. he craved that feeling. 
When Sousuke was around you though, he always tried to mind his manners. He kept his burps to himself or at the max stifled into his fist while muttering out a quiet “Excuse me..” You never really seemed to notice as you were always focused on other things (having the attention span of a squirrel). He was hoping you wouldn’t notice his slight weight gain, or maybe he was hoping you would..? He didn’t really know how to feel about it. On one hand he wanted to explain to you the pleasure he felt from overindulging, on the other hand he was scared you’d find it strange or gross and leave him. So he tried to ignore it and keep it to himself as much as possible.
Sousuke was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice he was chugging a Sprite until he stopped for a breather. He was drawn out of his train of thought with a giant “bUrRrRpPpP…!“ To his shock the sound came out of HIS mouth. He felt his flush a Scarlett red as his fist immediately flew to his lips. You on the other hand froze, your mouth wide open mid-bite of your sandwich. You couldn’t help but bust out in giggles at Sousuke’s flushed face. The poor guy looked like he wanted to die! “You good?” You asked between giggles, setting your sandwich down. Sousuke nodded, letting out a smaller more breathy belch. Sousuke looked down, noticing his belly was slightly distended. He wasn’t sure what to be more embarrassed about, the giant burp or his belly. Part of him wanted to keep drinking to feel his belly all taught and right, but the other part of him remembered you were there and he didn’t know if he was ready to show you that side of him yet. What if you thought he was a disgusting slob? 
Feeling a lot more air bubbles trapped in his chest, Sousuke anxiously shifted around. “Um I’m going to go take a quick walk real quick..” He mumbled, getting to his feet and stifling another burp. “Okay.. Are you sure you’re okay..? You don’t look to good..” You said gently, getting ready to go with him. “No babe you can stay here, I’ll be back in a minute..” Sousuke said, suppressing a hiccup. “Okay..” You said wearily, hoping he was okay.
Sousuke made his way down the sandy beach, letting out a small burps with each step. He didn’t like having to leave you on the date he planned, but he was just too embarrassed to let out all these gas bubbles in front of you. Slightly out of breath from just simply walking, Sousuke saw a log of driftwood and took a seat upon it. He looked down at his bloated belly. He could feel his swim shorts digging into the stomach so he pulled down the waist band, letting his belly hang free. Long gone was his chiseled and and visible v line. It had all simply turned to beginner belly chub. He grasped his gut observing his new chub which hit a gas pocket and out came a loud “BuuuuUUUrrRRRppPP!”  He couldn’t lie, that burp felt damn good and released a lot of pressure in his chest. 
Little did Sousuke know, you had followed him just to make sure he was okay. After all, he was acting kind of strange and seemed to almost be in pain. You watched as he took a seat on the driftwood log, grasping his tummy and letting out large burps. This was definitely new behavior for him… I mean sure Sousuke could be your typical immature male, but this just seemed different. The way he’d grope his gut and throw back his head while letting out low burps, almost seemed to be done all through the act of pleasure. After watching his actions for a moment you decided to step in. “You okay..?” You asked quietly, making your way beside him on the log. Sousuke froze. His face turning a beet red. Did his girlfriend really just watch him grope his gut like a fatass pig..? He couldn’t even form an excuse or an apology he was at such a loss for words. “Sousuke..?“ You teased gently, waving your hand in front of his face. Knowing he had to say something Sousuke responded “…Yeah.. My stomach is just bothering me..” He mumbled, looking away from you. “Yeah you look a little bloated!” You teased, an innocent smile on your face as you poked Sousuke’s extended belly. “Nghh..” He groaned, grasping your hand and gently moving it away as he stifled a belch. Your face then become more serious. “Bubs.. you don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s okay to not feel good or to be bloated and gassy, that’s a normal thing.. You don’t have to hide it from me, you honestly scared me the way you left looking kinda sick..” You comforted softly, rubbing your hand up and down his arm. “It’s not just that..” Sousuke muttered looking down at his pudgy tummy. “I’ve gained weight..” 
“So? Everyone gains weight-“ You start, only to be interrupted by Sousuke saying “..and I think I like it..” Thats when it all clicked into place. The burping, the extra chub, the larger appetite. It all made sense now. You had suspected something like this at first but then eventually pushed that thought aside. “Y/n/n.. I’m sorry.” Sousuke said, embarrassed of himself. Embarrassed he lied, embarrassed he’s more attracted to himself when fatter, and embarrassed that you probably thought he was disgusting.. “Sousuke..” You said softly, grabbing his chin so he’d look you in the eye. “There’s no reason to be sorry. It’s okay to be attracted to these things or to find pleasure in them.. Whatever makes you feel the most comfortable or attractive is anything I’ll support. You don’t have to hide this.” You said, giving him a small smile as you took his hand. Sousuke looked shocked, his eyebrows raised. “You’re not grossed out?” He asked, clearly confused. “Not really. It’s a normal thing and I’d be okay…with helping you..” You mumbled the last part, now you were too embarrassed. “What do you mean by that..?“ Sousuke teased, a sly grin on his face. “..You know I could like buy more food or bake new things for you to try..? Or rub your belly..” You said, your own face flushing now. “Seriously babe, you don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable with the idea.” Sousuke said, his teasing demeanor long gone. “No I want to.” You said, looking him in the eye and giving him a lopsided grin. Clearly your fiery attitude was back. Sousuke grinned, ruffing your hair. After a moment of sitting there together enjoying the ocean view, you ask “So… wanna go eat?” A grin on your face. “I always am.” Sousuke teased, lifting you up in his arms and carrying you back to the picnic blanket where you both enjoyed a small feast.  
Now full from the feast, Sousuke leaned back his full gut extended over his swim trunk waist line. You sat beside him, quite full yourself. You wanted to give Sousuke some relief and help him get the burps out but you weren’t sure how to initiate the idea yet. “Umm Sousuke..?”You asked, looking at his stomach. “C’mere.” Sensing what you wanted Sousuke lifted you up onto his lap so you were straddling him. You blushed and smiled at the feeling of his hands on your hips. “So I just like rub it and apply pressure?” You asked, wanting to make sure you did it okay. “Yup.” Sousuke replied, leaning back all comfy. You slowly put your hands against his belly, it felt tight and bulging under your finger tips. You gently kneaded your hands into his stomach. You could hear him biting back small moans. “You sure you haven’t done this before?” Sousuke teased, groaning a bit as you hit a pressure point.  Understanding that if this area gave him some uncomfortable pain that there was probably a trapped air bubble there, you pressed down deeper into his chubby stomach. Sousuke let out a big “BuuuuUUUrrRRRppPP!” His head thrown back in pleasure and his own hand patting his belly. He couldn’t help but let a loud moan escape after all that tension being released. Not only that but here he was with his girl getting straddled and belly rubs which also got his girlfriend slightly turned on as well. Y/n responded to his moan by adjusting her hips, clearly feeling attraction and excitement of her own. Let’s just say this adventure was a 2 way street where both participants benefited…
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drunkewok · 10 months
Tiger Inside Chapter Seven
Stray Kids Mafia (ongoing)
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Likes, reblogs and feedback always greatly appreciated
WC: 3k
Pairing: Lee Know x reader
Genre: Series, Enemies to lovers, non-idol AU, Mafia AU
Synopsis: After years spent away from the family, two strangers start frequenting your place of work, only to bring daunting news. Flung back into the world of the mafia, you try to adapt to your new normal and work alongside a team of eight skilled members to uncover a mystery and take down an unknown enemy.
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, drinking, swearing, violence, weapons
Disclaimer: Any portrayal of Stray Kids or any other idols in this story is purely fiction and do not at all reflect their own personalities or how I view them as a person, it is purely for the sake of the story.
Please do not copy or repost my work
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The drive proved to be longer than I expected, I was unsure of how much time has passed since my initial departure from the house, the silence in the car still deafening as the moment I first left. I finally began to recognize my surroundings as I approached the city limits, focus being set on reaching Blossom distracting me from the car that had been tailing me for quite some time now.
With each turn my stomach started to do somersaults as I neared closer to the well known alleyway. I was still unsure of exactly how I’d explain my situation to Seongho, what reasoning I could formulate to explain to him my abrupt vanishing act. I pulled the car alongside the curb, placing it into park before shutting off the engine. The secondary car, still unbeknownst to me, parking on the other side of the street and also killing its engine. Crossing behind the vehicle I started my walk down the alley in silence, attempting to take a deep breath to compose myself before a tight grip found its way around my wrist, pulling me back.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” My eyes immediately are drawn to the hand around my wrist, glancing up to meet Minho’s cold stare, his brows furrowed in irritation.
“How did you-”
“I have full surveillance over the house. You really think I’m not alerted anytime any entry point is breached? Especially after dark?” His grip stayed firm, halting any movement as I attempted to wriggle my arm free. “You think you can just steal one of the cars and take a joy ride whenever you feel like it?” His agitation was clear, I should have assumed that someone would have known of me sneaking out.
“Oh please, I totally thought there would be no better way to spend my time than taking a car for a joy ride.” Our expressions stayed sharp on each other, both not daring to take a breath under each other’s stare. “I had loose ends I needed to tie up, okay? Now could you please let me go?”
“Siu…?” Seongho’s voice was soft behind us, almost as if he was trying to comprehend my sudden presence in the alley before him. I turned to see him directly outside of the door, cigarette hanging from his lips, yet to be lit by the lighter in his hand. I used the brief moment of distraction as an opportunity to pull my arm from Minho’s loosened grip as I turned back to him and spoke in a hushed tone.
“Just let me take care of this, okay?” I stepped forward towards Seongho, leaving Minho frozen in his spot as his eyes stayed sharply on me. Seongho’s expression stayed as one of shock, clearly not expecting me to abruptly show up in the night. The familiar help wanted sign once again posted outside of the door, clearly looking to fill my now empty position. I stared at it solemnly before looking up to Seongho with pained eyes, trying to force a smile. “I see you guys are needing some assistance already.”
“Well I-yeah… We assumed you weren’t coming back by your radio silence.” His eyes glanced up to Minho down the alley behind me. “And who’s this manhandling you?” Seongho’s voice was that of irritation, his familiar protective nature over me the same as always. I turned back to face Minho, still standing in place where I left him.
“He um… He works for my family.” Seongho’s brow raised in confusion, eyes crossing between me and Minho as I turned back to him.
“And he’s here with you? This late at night?” Realizing I had briefly forgotten my original story I had formulated for Seongho, the one in which my family ran a convenience store on the outskirts of the city, I quickly tried to backtrack.
“Oh yeah, we’ve been working some late nights at the store, he was just giving me a ride back to my place.” My thumb pressed into the palm of my other hand, rubbing it to find some source of relief to break the tension coursing through my body.
“Is that where you’ve been this whole time? The store?” His eyes glanced between Minho and I, not wanting to break contact with him for too long and keeping an eye still on him.
“My mother hasn’t been doing too well and hasn’t been able to help out so they needed me back at the shop. I’m sorry, I should have let you know before I took off.” The familiar twinge of pain settled in my chest while speaking of my mother. As far as Seongho knew, my entire family was still alive, I hadn’t dared to even attempt to explain to him her absence, and I definitely wasn’t about to try and formulate a reasoning for my father’s abrupt passing. Seongho’s gaze stayed pointed on Minho, clearly still uneasy about his presence.
“I’ve been worried about you.” Seongho’s eyes turned pained as he glanced back to me. “We’ve all been worried. Even the regulars have been asking where you’ve been.” I turned to the ground with a hurt smile, recalling everyone inside who I had grown so accustomed to seeing every night. I never thought I’d miss the mundane so heavily, finding comfort in knowing what each day would bring me. Mornings spent in cafes with Seongho, our movie nights back at my place when we both happened to have a night off. The solace it brought me to not having a looming threat over my head now obliterated, especially after the meeting with the group earlier in the night.
“I truly am sorry, but I also can’t stay. I just knew I needed to see you so you could physically see that I was alright. I don’t need you having an aneurysm from stressing out about me.” I left a soft punch to his arm with a forced chuckle, his smile failing to reach his eyes as he pulled me into a hug.
“Please don’t leave me in the dark like that again.” Seongho rested his chin on my head as he held me tight, my arms wrapping around him as I tried to blink back the tears making their way into my eyes. My suspicions that he was once again glaring down Minho were confirmed when I pulled away, Seongho staring over me directly at him before looking down at me. “And don’t let this guy handle you like that again, and let me know if he does. I’m not scared to get involved if needed.” I let out a soft chuckle as I glanced behind me towards Minho, his hands settled in his pockets as he maintained his distance from us.
“I’m not too worried about him.” I squeezed Seongho’s arm, “I’ll keep in touch, okay? Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” I pulled him into one last hug before giving him the most genuine smile I could muster before turning around and making my way back down the alley. I continued past Minho, not speaking a word as I worked toward the road. He stayed planted for a moment, exchanging sharp eye contact with Seongho before turning and following me down the alley. Once reaching the road I rounded the corner behind a building and out of sight of Seongho, Minho in tow and stepping to stand in front of me.
“Who is he?” Minho nodded in the direction down the alley, his cold expression matched with his flat words once again causing me irritation.
“He’s just a close friend, okay? I can’t have him blowing up my phone because he’s freaking out about where I am.” I crossed my arms, leaning against the building behind me and breaking eye contact, staring down at the ground.
“And what did you tell him?” He slightly closed the distance between us, his abrupt interrogation the last thing I was needing tonight.
“I’m not stupid, Minho. He thinks you work at a convenience store run by my parents.” I looked back up to him in frustration, Minho chuckled softly as he glanced down the empty street, clearly finding amusement in the idea of him working at such an unassuming location.
“Well, are you happy now? Everything settled? Time to head back.” He turned to make his way back across the street to his car. I called out, stopping him in his tracks.
“Could we… grab something to eat actually? I’m starving, and I know you won’t let me go by myself.” Minho sighed and stared up to the sky as his shoulders dropped in frustration before turning back to me.
“Fine. Where are we going?” A true smile finally crossed my face as I immediately perked up a bit, the thought of going to my favorite late night restaurant giving me a small dose of joy that I hadn’t felt since leaving.
“I know a really good ramen place down the road from here, you can follow me there.” Minho glared at me through his lashes, I raised my hands in surrender. “I promise I’m not trying to pull a fast one on you, I have no intentions of fleeing. Not like you wouldn’t be able to keep up with me even if I tried.” He had a small smirk as he shrugged, simply proud I was at least acknowledging his skill behind the wheel. “Perfect. Thank you.”
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The bell chimed as I opened the door to the little shop, an older lady turning to greet us as we made our way to a table against the wall.
“Siu! Haven’t seen you for a while!” Her smile matched my own at the sight of each other, a warm feeling finding home in my chest.
“Hello Mrs.Park!” I gave her a soft bow before sitting as she made her way to our table and settled a hand on the back of my seat. “It’s good to see you too.”
“The usual for you dear?” I nodded happily before turning to Minho, his eyes meeting her’s as he quickly tried to place an order, the most polite I’ve seen him act. In all honesty I wasn’t aware this man had a single polite bone in his body, and it felt slightly refreshing to witness. Her eyes crossed back to me as she raised her brows with a smirk before I quickly shook my head and hands to brush it off, not wanting her to assume anything between the two of us. “Alright then, I’ll have that right out for you.” With that she left us alone in the empty shop, the awkward silence now sitting between Minho and I once again.
“You’re clearly a regular here.” Minho leaned back in his seat as he tapped a finger to the table, finally speaking up.
“It’s one of the few places to get a good bowl of ramen at this hour, Seongho and I commonly come here after our shifts are over.” Minho quietly nodded in response. A soft smile reached my lips as I stared down to the table, recalling happy memories of nights spent over a bowl of ramen together, laughing about different stories of interactions with patrons during our shifts at Blossom.
“And I assume Seongho is the guy from the alley?” My lips pressed into a line as I nodded, hands settling in my lap. The fluorescent lights of the shop were a sharp contrast to the dark night outside, and the interior was nothing special. Mostly white walls with white tiled floors reflecting the lights and making it feel even more bright. It was a small shop, only consisting of a few tables, a family run place clearly in business for quite a while giving them time to perfect their recipes and relationships with their patrons.
We fell back into silence until our food finally arrived, the large bowls sat before us creating ribbons of steam radiating off the hot broth. I smiled with a thank you before gladly picking up my utensils and digging in. Minho failed to touch his immediately, instead watching me devour the food in front of me. I swallowed an abnormally large bite, bringing my hand in front of my mouth as I caught my breath for a moment.
“May I help you?” My brow raised in question, clearly unsure of his decision to watch me instead of eating his own food. He shook his head with an amused look before finally taking his first bite, a small smile reaching his lips at the taste. “See? It’s good, isn’t it?” He nodded with a shrug before the two of us put our focus in our meals, the contents of our bowls slowly starting to dwindle. Our first moment together without some type of negative energy felt nice, both just enjoying our bowls of ramen in silence. I sighed in relief as I leaned back in my chair with a smile, finally finished. It felt good to have seen Seongho and enjoy my classic bowl, some sort of normalcy to savor before I ventured back to the house and readjust to my new normal.
Minho quickly paid for our meals before I had a moment to protest, leading me out as I gave a wave goodbye to Mrs.Park. Outside felt even colder after our warm meals, I pulled my jacket closed in front of me before turning to Minho.
“I could have paid for that, you know, I’m the one who wanted to come here.” He shrugged before continuing back to our cars, beckoning me to mine as he crossed to his.
“It’s not that big of a deal. Now com’on, I want to go home and get back in bed. I wasn’t expecting to have to chase you out here tonight.” I scoffed as I unlocked the door and slid into the driver seat and grumbling to myself as the car turned on and shut the door behind me.
“Not like you had to follow me out here, I was coming back.”
I followed him on our way back to the house, considering I was still unclear to where it actually was, or even how I even made my way out here in the first place. The drive felt like it went by much quicker than my venture out here as we pulled into the drive and shut the cars off. A bit more comfort in the drive with the radio actually on this time and a full stomach. As I stepped out, Minho was already by my door, waiting for me to exit.
“Tonight didn’t happen, okay?” I was taken aback as his cold demeanor quickly returned, staring down at me sternly. “Chan doesn’t know you left, and I’m doing you a favor by not telling him. So we’re going to enter the house quietly, and make our way to our rooms and act like we’ve been in bed all night, okay?” I nodded quickly in agreement, pulling my arms across my body and breaking his strong eye contact with nervousness. Chan had already stopped me fleeing from the house once, and I was more than alright without him knowing of my night journey. “Although, you will need to tell him about Seongho. I don’t care that he knows a fake story of where you are, he’s still a weak link that Chan needs to know about.” I quickly looked back to him, opening my mouth for protest.
“Please no, I can’t have him get roped up in this at all.” A fear I hadn’t thought about until now, the possibility of Seongho getting pulled into all of this, I much rather preferred the option of him staying in blissful ignorance. Minho shook his head, slowly blinking toward me.
“He’s not getting involved. Chan just needs to know he exists, before he learns another way.” My eyes grew in fear, my mouth parting slightly.
“You don’t think… they’d go after him… Do you?” Minho’s nonchalant shrug unnerved me, providing me with no sense of comfort in the matter.
“I can’t say for sure, but this isn’t up for debate. You’re telling him.” I softly nodded as my eyes met the ground again, attempting to hide the subtle tremble making its way into my bottom lip. With that, Minho placed a light hand on my upper arm, leading me back to the house as we quietly opened the door and made our way in.
Right as we entered, the kitchen light shut off as Felix crossed into the hallway towards the stairs, immediately stopping in his tracks at our sudden appearance at the door. My eyes widened as I glanced between Felix and Minho, Minho’s eyes sharply on Felix with a shake of the head.
“You’ve seen nothing.” He whispered quietly as Felix silently nodded. Minho made his way up the stairs, Felix and I staring at each other before I quickly followed Minho upstairs, Felix watching my ascent in silence.
Dropping my backpack onto the floor next to the dresser, I began to change into pajamas. Settling under my warm blankets and turning on my side, staring out the large window to the night sky. Stars littered the darkness, paired with the moonlight for a soft glow over the trees. I couldn’t help but still feel the pain in my chest, seeing Seongho really felt like I was truly closing a door on everything I had built for myself. And the thought of Seongho possibly being in danger simply for being close with me gave me every reason for worry. I was unsure what I could truly do on my side, all I knew was that as long as I kept checking in on him, I could assure that he was alright.
I turned onto my back, immediate restlessness overtaking my body. My thoughts were back to racing, the inability to calm all of the new possibilities running through my mind as I stared up to the dark ceiling. Tomorrow I’d have to approach Chan. As much as I hated to admit it, Minho was right. If Chan was at least aware of Seongho, maybe there was a chance to ensure his protection, even from afar. I ran my hands across my face, my cold fingers rubbing into my eyes. I just needed to sleep this off, get some rest and work through all of this in the morning. Hopefully a discussion with Chan will give me the ability to put some of these thoughts to rest.
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Next Chapter
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measuringbliss · 4 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 046: Night Fever (SSM 22-24)
In this post:
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Hell yeah!
SSM #22 starts with Moon Knight failing to protect an informant and discovering that the Maggia may soon discover his secret identity.
Cue Peter Parker drawn by Mike Zeke.
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He does the Monthly Aunt-May-in-Hospital mention (interconnectedness, woohoo!) and the bell rings. Betty's here! Remember how she left Ned, and Peter got kinda dumped by MJ? Well, they're off to the movies now!
Turns out Betty's already seen every big movie with Ned in Paris, so they go to a Chaplin festival.
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Oh, I hate those faces. They look nothing like Peter and Betty have looked these past ~200 issues (not counting Team-Up). Why such harsh lines? They're in their 20-somethings!
By now, Flash and Sha-Shan are called regulars by the yellow box, which pleases me quite a bit. They seem to be doing just fine. Another regular is White Tiger, my beloved, who's angsting about the girl who won't date him because he's a super-hero. Yeah, we don't want another Gwen Stacy now, do we?
Anyway, thugs attack a coffee shop where Moon Knight (in his civilian identity) and Spidey cross paths, and we get a fun battle.
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I love that kind of thing.
Of course, MK and SM have to fight, because talking isn't a free action in this world. And suddenly, someone storms in...
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Literally. So we've got presumably French Moon Knight (and/or his acolyte, I don't know the lore and the way this is presented in this issues is confusing) and a French villain too. Yay, France?
On *another website*, readers are just as annoyed as me that Spidey keeps fighting potential allies before trying to talk to them. He makes the same mistake again and again!
In the letters, there's a very salty message I can't help but agree with.
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Recent issues have been better about it at least, but it's telling that the "not enough Peter Parker" complaint has been held again and again. I do love White Tiger, and found Razorback fun enough.
Thankfully, for #23, Mike Esposito is back.
For what's worth, I like Cyclone for no other reason that I love his design. So I'm happy to see him!
Cyclone helpfully informs us that it's been a year since his first appearance in ASM #143 and #144! That's neat to know. He also kills someone on-page.
That's actually kind of surprising to see, and it does up the stakes. Anyway, he leaves, thinking he also killed the two heroes, and the latter finally talk. Spidey ends up going to Moon Knight's base.
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Seems like our friend has been doing some work.
Meanwhile: we see a glipse of Hector's family, Holly's about to call him, MJ tries to call Peter but he doesn't answer and she goes to the disco with "Marty" (a proto-Paul?), and Betty also can't get a hold of Ned.
It's funny how in ASM, the Peter/Betty pair was recently quite outrageous, but then in SSM they dialed it back quite a bit. Just like the quick MJ appearance in a recent SSM issue, it seems like the writers are in conflict.
Anyway, SM and MK find a Maggia meeting and fight everyone.
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What the heck.
Aside from (probably) Big M, everyone is taken care of.
As for #24...
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Now, THIS is fun!
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First page. We got the Monthly Aunt-May-in-Hospital mention, phew!
This issue starts with Peter being forced to fight thugs in a train. It's quite original, since he has to wait for a tunnel to obscure everything and use his powers.
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So there's a lot to unpack here. First off, Mrs Muggins is much more friendly than in the past issues. Secondly, Peter mentions his "not so obvious" sex appeal and I have to laugh because COME ON. I don't know if it's a writer trying to rewrite history, or just Peter being clueless, but regardless, come oooooon...
This is also the first time in ages we see Harry, so that's also great. And Sha-Shan's part of the group, neat! By the way, where's Randy?
...Where IS Randy? For a few issues, a while back, it seemed like he was part of the group, but now? Who knows! Holly's here though. Without Hector, but still. But then... where's Gloria?!
Aaaah, they keep changing the cAAaaAaAaast!!!
Anyway, Peter says the place they're going to is fancy and he doesn't have a tuxedo, but Harry took care of that. Of course he'd know the measurements of his boyfriend!
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Oh, they came out alright. I missed seeing the cast interact with each other, that's cool!
Elsewhere, the Maggia steals a big magnet or what not, but it's for the next SSM batch and I kind of don't care.
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So this is kind of a disaster, but those interactions are delicious. See, when they try, Spider-Man can be really fun! Especially when Peter is dashing like that.
The Hypno-Hustler and his backup singers arrive on scene and hypnotize everybody, except for Peter, who quickly changes and beats him.
Anyway, in the reader's letters, someone is just as clueless as Peter:
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"OUR Peter? Who really was never even very handsome?" who ARE you, Al Shroeder III?
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I feel validated!
In the next SSM batch: more cloning! Can't wait.
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wreywrites · 6 months
Tiger Shark
Part 5: The Net
Chapter 27
None of us can believe how this turned out. Of all the ways for the reaping to go, this somehow seems the least fair. But there is nothing to be done now. And nothing is what we do. We spend the train ride in silence, we sit in our living quarters in the new Tribute Center in silence, we watch the replay of the reaping in silence. Cashmere and Gloss from One. Augustus deflates when they call his mentor’s name. Brutus and Enobaria from Two. She bares her teeth at the camera. Johanna, whose name is the only one in the District Seven female fishbowl. In Ten, the woman who didn’t get drawn—Rein, I think is her name—screams when they draw Beau. Alvan volunteers. And in District Twelve, Katniss and Peeta, and Haymitch volunteers.
Everyone goes to bed, but Finnick and I sit on the couch, watching a replay of Johanna’s Games. He reaches over, tapping on my leg, You have to trust me in there. There’s more going on. I can’t say, but you have to trust me. Stay with me.
I nod. Then suddenly, like we’ve never left, I stand up, go to the snack table, and retrieve the platter of cream cheese rolls, because of course they are there. I bring them back to the couch. Johanna goes on her rampage, and Finnick and I eat all the rolls.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
We get the fish nets. I shouldn’t be surprised. Finnick takes it in stride. I am less confident, even when he assures me with a wink that I look good. He passes me a sugar cube, just like five years ago.
“Stay with me,” he says with an easy smile. “Just stay with me.”
I nod. I know what he means. I have never wanted to slip, but I know that I can’t now. Not anymore. It’s not just my life at stake—if I go blank at the wrong moment, that’s the end of Finnick too.
He gives me another sugar cube, and we go out into the waiting area with the chariots and the rest of the tributes.
Someone whistles, and I take half a second to compose myself. I am the Tiger Shark of Four. I look off to the right, and see Gloss.
In spite of all of it, a grin splits my face and I flash a wink back at him. He laughs and waves me over.
“Go on,” Finnick snorts. “I’ll catch up.”
He starts off toward the District Twelve chariot, and I head for Cashmere and Gloss. I only get halfway there when I see someone else I have to talk to.
Alvan and I have spent enough time together to be something like friends. And no one else quite understands what the two of us went through in the arena.
He smiles good-naturedly as I approach, then extends both arms to offer my choice of a handshake or a hug.
I opt for the hug, a little awkward around the light-up belt on his cow costume, but surely that makes it no more awkward than my fish net would on its own.
“I mean this in the nicest way, but we look ridiculous!” I laugh.
Alvan chuckles, a smile lifting one corner of his lips. “Well, ya look better’n me.”
“Thanks. I’m sure that’s what Marius was going for.” I do my best Marius impression. “‘I don’t care what we put them in, they just have to look better than Ten!’”
Alvan laughs, and it is maybe the first time I’ve ever heard him really laugh. He has a nice laugh, a good strong booming laugh that is surprising at first, but fits him perfectly upon inspection.
Then he shakes his head, still smiling, and says, “Ya better get goin’. I’d hate to be the one who held up our Tiger Shark.”
“See you after, then,” I grin as I walk away, on toward Gloss, who gives me what I can only describe as a friendly up-down as I approach. I return the favor. He’s not wearing much either, and he might be approaching thirty, but he’s still in fantastic shape.
“I see you finally ditched Finnick,” he smiles, leaning against the chariot.
I shrug. “Maybe I’m looking for someone a little… newer.”
Cashmere’s bright laugh rings out. “Not sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here. My aging brother just isn’t what he used to be.” She sighs dramatically as she looks off into the distance. “Any day now the Capitol will tell him his services are no longer required.”
I snort at Gloss’s pretended offense, then he rolls his eyes and says so quietly I barely hear him, “Wouldn’t that be horrible.”
Finnick appears next to me, handing me another sugar cube. “Talked to Katniss. She’s…”
Cashmere and Gloss raise opposite eyebrows, giving the hilarious illusion that their outside halves are two pieces of the same person.
“Boring,” Finnick says after some thought. But it’s almost a question, and there’s something strange in his eyes. “Or at least not nearly so interesting as you three.”
“Thanks, I guess,” Cashmere says, reaching for a sugar cube.
Finnick pulls them out of her reach. “Ah-ah-ah.” He pops one in his mouth, then does the same to me.
Five years ago that would have had me up the mast like those stupid strawberries, but now it’s just life.
He grins. “Close your mouth, honey, you’ll catch krill.”
Absently, I close my mouth, watching Finnick smile cheekily at Cashmere.
“You didn’t say please.”
Cashmere rolls her eyes. “I don’t think you made her say please.” She jerks her head in the direction Finnick came from, where apparently Katniss is.
Finnick shrugs. “Didn’t have to. She didn’t want one.”
“Is that the first time a girl has said no to you?” Gloss raises a playful eyebrow.
“It is…” Finnick looks thoughtful. “Not a pleasant feeling.”
The rest of us laugh, and then the anthem starts, signaling us back to our chariots.
“Good luck out there!” Cashmere calls, her clear laugh ringing out as she jumps into One’s chariot.
“You too!” Finnick laughs, grabbing my hand as we hurry back to our chariot with its iron gray horses. It’s a lot easier to run in the fishnets than it was to walk in the mermaid tails.
Before we can take too many steps, Finnick turns back. “Cashmere!”
She turns just in time to see him toss the sugar cube. Face split in a wild grin, she opens her mouth and catches it easily, then turns back to face the big doors as One’s white horses trot out onto Victor’s Way.
Finnick and I jog the rest of the way to our chariot. He springs up, then offers a hand back and pulls me in beside him.
Suddenly it all feels real again.
The horses start forward. I wonder if they’re the same ones from my Games.
My head whips around to look at Finnick before we pass the doors. “What now?” I whisper.
“Smile,” he says, already grinning smugly himself. “You’re the Tiger Shark. Show them your teeth.”
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
After the Parade, we watch Johanna snag an elevator with Haymitch, Katniss, and Peeta.
Finnick chuckles. “I can only imagine what she’s going to do to them.”
“Scare them finless, probably,” I say as we get in an elevator with Mags and Beck.
We get out on Level Four of the new Tribute Center. I see now what I couldn’t put my finger on about it last night. It looks shinier than the old one. Sharper. Colder. All hard edges and glass.
But the same snack table, and the same plate of cream cheese rolls.
Finnick has already eaten two by the time I return from changing into shorts and an oversized sweater. He’s sitting on the couch, watching the pre-replay of the Parade, still in just the fish net.
I sit down next to him, take a bite of a cream cheese roll, and say, “Are you really going to keep wearing that?”
He glances down, then at me. “Yeah. Do you find it distracting?” He winks.
I roll my eyes. “Something like that.”
It is only a few more minutes until the Parade replay begins, but I can barely force myself to watch it. These are my friends. At the very least, these are people I know. How do you kill someone you know?
Thankfully, he seems to know what I want to ask but can’t find the words for.
“I would love to be allies with you, Annie Cresta. I think a good strategy for people of our skill level would be to go straight for the cornucopia. In our interviews, we need to remember who we were when we won, but also show the audience who we are now, and how we feel about being reaped again when they told us we were done.”
I nod. “Alright, Finnick Odair. That sounds like a plan to me.”
Five years ago, he told me most alliances break themselves. It was true then and it is surely true now, but I’m not going to worry about it yet. I have four more days with him before the arena, so I will live these last four days like there is no arena.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
“So,” Beck says over breakfast the next morning, “any ideas on allies yet?”
Finnick shrugs. “Three’s never a bad idea. And I bet Haymitch will be shockingly useful. Ten.” He shrugs again and glances at me.
“Johanna,” I say.
Finnick nods. “Yeah, definitely Johanna. Other than them, we’ll see how today goes, I think. And you two, feel everybody out for us.”
Mags nods eagerly, Beck more reservedly.
We escort ourselves down to the Training Center.
Finnick is almost bouncing. “Think of all those shiny new toys.”
“Hey.” He puts a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t think about that. Think about all those shiny new toys. Spears nobody’s ever thrown. Rope that’s never been tied into a knot before. Think about that. This will be just like recess.”
The doors open to reveal less than half of the tributes gathering around the same woman from five years ago.
Just like recess.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
Cashmere and Gloss are setting up hammocks. Why there is a station in here with anything resembling hammocks, I don’t know, but I don’t particularly care. I care even less when they wave me over, Gloss sitting up and making room for the two of us to sit next to each other as Cashmere lounges in the other. We watch everyone else for a while. No one seems particularly concerned with any of this. I know we are all planning last ditch attempts for our interviews. Until then, there is nothing to be done, so everyone who bothered to come down to the Training Center is either goofing off—Finnick tying a noose and pretending to hang himself in front of Katniss at the knot-tying station—or enjoying what they are already good at—Johanna throwing some axes in a manner that is much more recreational than “I’m planning to kill you all.” And then there are the three of us in the hammocks, chatting and watching the others.
When they call lunch, we drag all the tables together and sit as one big group, talking and laughing.
I cannot kill these people.
I tell Finnick as much that night as we watch a replay of his Games. There are tears in his eyes every time they show Leena. He doesn’t talk about her. He hasn’t since just after I won, when he told me how hard it is to go on, to keep moving forward, to keep living with what you’ve done and the people you’ve killed.
Beck says ever since the reaping, they have had a constant replay of the Games this year’s tributes won. Curiously absent, he and Mags have noticed, are Katniss’s Games last year, and the last Quarter Quell—Haymitch’s Games—which you would think would be their big-ticket item this year.
Finnick doesn’t answer. He blinks away more tears as he and Leena call off their alliance, and his hand drifts to my leg and he starts tapping. Won’t have to. Trust me. Stay with me, and we shouldn’t have to.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
The next day, about eight of us decide now is as good a time as any to learn to juggle. Seeder knows, and Blight, and by lunchtime the rest of us are not too bad, though my mind is preoccupied with Zalea’s interview, when she said she could juggle eight oranges.
Over lunch at the tables we have once again pushed together, Gloss jokes about juggling for the Gamemakers for his one-on-one. None of us are taking that too seriously either. They know what we can do—or at least what we used to be able to do—and none of us want to be here, so why play their game? Why not play our own?
“Think I’ll weave something,” I say, with a glance at Finnick.
He nods. “I’d tell you to weave me a hammock and then I’ll nap for mine, but I have to go first.”
“Maybe you should weave and I’ll nap!”
Seeder laughs.
Throughout the afternoon, we all discuss what we are going to do. Haymitch jokes about mixing drinks for the Gamemakers. Beetee wants to try to build something that would play the anthem backwards and even launches into an explanation of how he’d do it, but he loses me somewhere along the way. Cashmere says she is going to string up a hammock and nap. Cecelia has several children’s books memorized and thinks she’ll just recite one of them. Alvan and Kivvie are talking about walking the Gamemakers through butchering a cow, which inspires Johanna to try to make a wood carving.
I’ll be amazed if they don’t kill us all before we get in the arena, just because we won’t play by the rules. But it might not be the worst thing that could happen.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
The next day as we wait to be called in before the Gamemakers, everyone—even the people who haven’t been down to the Training Center yet—jokes about the useless things they will show off. Everyone except for Katniss, who seems confused by our camaraderie, but Haymitch says she’ll come around.
I don’t know when. We’re running out of time to all be friends. Once we’re in the arena… Well, I guess Finnick does want Haymitch as an ally. Maybe he and Katniss are a package deal.
Finnick and Johanna and I are laughing at Augustus’s expense, since he isn’t here to defend himself, when the voice calls, “Finnick Odair, District Four.”
He winks at me. “I hope they’re ready to hear the epic tale of Finnick and the octopus!” He’s out the door and I am laughing hysterically. I can only imagine him reenacting the whole story, probably with props and voices.
Johanna raises an eyebrow. “Finnick and the octopus?”
Still giggling, I say, “Yeah, you’ll have to ask him about it tonight. It’s a good one.”
Before I know it, the voice speaks again. “Annie Cresta, District Four.”
I stand.
“Weave good!” Johanna teases.
“Go get ’em, Tiger Shark!” Haymitch calls.
Someone else laughs.
Grinning, I head through the door, and spend my fifteen minutes weaving the best sunhat I have ever woven. Mags would be proud, I think as I settle the hat on one of the archery dummies. The tone sounds, and I leave.
~~~                               ~~~                               ~~~
They show our scores, and they are ludicrously high. All of us from One, Two, and Four pull elevens, despite Finnick saying he dramatically reenacted the octopus story, Gloss’s sworn statement before he went in that he was going to juggle the little rocks that were always at the camouflage station, and me having left a woven sunhat perched jauntily on one of the archery targets’ heads.
Johanna gets an eleven, Alvan gets a ten, and Katniss and Haymitch get twelves.
Finnick swears, though whether it’s at their scores or his dropped cream cheese roll, I can’t be entirely sure.
“Here I was worried about you two having the target on your backs,” Beck says without humor. Then he and Mags go to bed, and Finnick and I settle in with the cream cheese rolls and the Game replay of the night.
When it starts, Finnick reaches for the remote.
“No.” I grab his wrist. “I have to- I have to get through it. If I can’t watch this, I’ll never survive the arena again.”
He looks at me for a minute. Long enough to hear replay-Casca call my name and then Mako’s. Then he nods. “Okay. We’ll watch it. But let me know…”
“I will,” I say quietly, watching Mako walk to the stage to stand next to me.
They are showing the scores when it clicks.
“They want us to kill Haymitch and Katniss first.”
“That is what they want,” he says slowly, emphasizing every word. There’s something he isn’t telling me. I know this, but I also know him. I trust Finnick Odair with my life and with everything else. If I needed to know, he would have told me. Maybe tomorrow he will. But tonight, it isn’t important.
I trust you, I tap on his leg.
He smiles, taps back. I love you.
What a night for confessions.
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@avoxrising @snow-dragon-rider @anakins-ride-or-die
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khalixascorner · 2 years
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A Debt Paid in Soul
Summary: Tony fully intends to go to the Parker residence simply to claim his latest acquisition, one Peter Parker. When he finds out Peter is in fact his soul mate, things change in ways Tony couldn't have planned or expected. Not that he's complaining. Instead of just another worker for his clubs, he found a smart sexy omega that he's going to keep for the rest of their lives. This is an omegaverse hybrid mob au with a different bingo prompt per chapter.
Tags: Mafia AU, Mob Boss Tony Stark, Soul Bond, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Hybrid AU, Serval Peter, Black Tiger Tony, Dub-con first time, Soulbonds made them do it, Lots of spice and smut, Some fluff too, Dark Tony Stark, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Intersex Omegas, Tony is not a nice person, except to Peter, mention of sex work, Human Trafficking, In that tony makes people pay off debt while working for him, and some of those people work in sex clubs, Size Difference, Tiny Peter, Large Tony, Mild milk kink, Breeding Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, stuffing kink, Size Kink, Tony loves how huge his cock is and making Peter take it, Nipple Play, I don't know, theres lots of omegaverse typical sex tropes, eventual kidnapping and rescue,mild angst but always with a happy ending
Read on AO3 Here Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 View Art Here And here And here
Adjusting to life post mating with Tony Stark had been interesting to say the least. In some ways, things had stayed the same. He still went to school, though now he was enrolled at Columbia since it was easy to commute there and back. He also still saw May for dinner at least once a week. He tried to time it with her and Tony’s work schedules, as his mate and his aunt still didn’t get along so it was better if Peter went alone.
As for the differences, well, he never went anywhere without at least two items that were chipped with a GPS tracker. Tony was paranoid that he would be kidnapped and it was either this or Tony chipping him, so Peter agreed, though privately he was starting to think being chipped would be easier than triple checking he had enough trackers on him each day.
He also still felt drawn to his alpha. Their bond hadn’t eased much, and maybe Tony was right, and their soul marks had meaning because he found himself unable to resist when the tiger demanded his attention. Or even was just in the same room. It was like hitting puberty again for both of them, and they could hardly keep their hands off of each other.
Another difference was the tension between him and May. His heat was due soon, and she had tried to suggest that he spend his heat with her, but the very idea made Peter’s soul recoil.
Sure they had gotten off to a bad start, and yeah he could see how she would take issue with Tony’s career choices. He wasn’t super fond of some of them most days either. But Tony was his mate and the man cared deeply for him. Peter would sooner cut off a limb then try to cut Tony from his life, let alone his heat, and May struggled with accepting that. She felt that Peter should resent being bound to such an alpha, or at least not let himself love Tony so easily.
Regardless, Peter was trying to find a balance to it all. He didn’t want to lose his aunt just because of the circumstances with which he found his mate, but he absolutely wouldn’t abandon or betray Tony. May would have to accept that or Peter would have no choice in the matter. Tony had more than shown that he would take care of Peter while also giving Peter his freedom. He wasn’t locked in the tower under constant guard or followed every moment of every day. They compromised, and Tony kept to his promises, so for Peter, that was enough.
Today was one of the days he regretted Tony being so hands off though. His heat had come on suddenly and he couldn’t shift to try to get home faster because his feline form was too small to carry his backpack and clothes. Instead he was stuck trudging home even as shivers wracked his body and alphas on the street catcalled him while leering. Had he been thinking straight, he would have just called Tony and asked for a pick up but Peter was used to relying on himself and it was his first true heat since their mating, so the thought didn’t even occur to his hormone-riddled brain.
It was a relief to finally slip into the private elevator and let it carry him up to the penthouse. Tony wouldn’t be home for a while yet but Peter would be ok riding out the early stages of the heat himself. At least he hoped so.
Most people agreed that a heat while mated was easier, so long as you were in contact with your mate. However everyone was different, and the hormone fluctuations caused by new bonds could throw things off for numerous heats before they finally settled.
Peter stripped his wet clothes and curled up in their bed, miserable but unable to muster the energy to do anything but whimper and clutch at Tony’s pillow. Distantly he registered JARVIS saying something but he was too wrapped in his misery to understand. Whimpers turned to cries as Peter buried himself deeper into their bed. Everything was too much and he just wanted his mate.
Tony was going over the quarterly numbers with Pepper for their legitimate businesses when JARVIS interrupted them.
“Excuse me sir, but I believe Master Peter has gone into heat and he appears to be experiencing a great deal of distress,” JARVIS said.
“Sorry Pep, looks like I’ll have to leave this to you too,” Tony said with a grimace. He was glad to have found his mate but their intense mating and issues being apart for too long had severely cut into his working hours for the last few months.
“It’s ok,” Pepper said with a chuckle. “Those first few heats are the hardest but then it will ease up.”
“I hope you’re right, because my knot is going to fall off otherwise,” Tony muttered. Pepper laughed and shooed him away. He kissed her cheek then slipped out of the office, heading for the elevators.
“J, make sure we have supplies for a heat,” Tony ordered.
“Already done sir,” JARVIS responded. “And if I might make a suggestion, I would not dally. Master Peter seems to be slipping into distress.”
Tony’s pace quickened, and an elevator was open and waiting for him when he got there. JARVIS deposited him on the main floor of the penthouse, and Tony quickly stopped by the pantry before making his way to the bedroom.
Peter lay in their bed, buried under the blankets and miserable if the soft cries were anything to go by. Tony didn’t waste time, dropping the snacks and drinks by the side of the bed before stripping as quickly as he could. Then he climbed in the bed, pulling his mate out of the pile of blankets and into Tony’s arms.
“Hey there, kitten, you’re okay,” Tony soothed, letting his tail twine with Peter’s even as his hand automatically went to the kid’s soul mark. His omega was chill to the touch, so he pulled the blankets back over both of them as well.“It’s ok baby, I’m here now. Come on ‘mega mine, let me see those gorgeous eyes of yours.”
Peter didn’t respond right away, shivering against him and pushing against the alpha’s chest as if he could get closer if he just tried a little bit harder. Tony kept up the verbal reassurances until Peter finally lifted his head up and blinked at Tony.
“It’s ok, Omega, just a rough start to your heat,” Tony soothed. “Get some rest until it starts properly.”
Peter hummed and then let his head fall back to Tony’s chest. Based on his smell, they didn’t have long, but his little omega would need rest, and Tony would still need to stretch him well before they could play. He had already begun training Peter’s body to take him but he was just so tiny.
Once the omega’s breathing had evened, Tony propped him on the pillows and covered his chest to keep him warm. Then he slid down and started sucking gently on Peter’s cocklette as he slid two fingers into the omega while also fondling his tail. The combination had the omega moaning, his body offering no resistance to the intrusion.
Tony added a third finger, causing Peter to start squirming but he didn’t try to pull away.
“That’s it, such a good little kitten,” Tony said as he let Peter’s cocklette slip from his mouth. “Look at how good you’ve gotten taking things. Three fingers in you already and you just keep getting wetter for me.”
Peter whimpered, letting his legs fall further so Tony had more room. The alpha let go of Peter’s tail and lifted his cocklette out of the way so that he could start licking around Peter’s folds. Soon he was thrusting his tongue in with his fingers, all the while teasing Peter’s little cocklette.
“Alllphaaa, pleeeaaaaase alphaaaaaa,” Peter moaned, fully in heat and dripping slick.
Tony rose up just enough to kiss his way back up Peter’s body before capturing his mouth in a searing kiss. The omega whimpered beneath him, pliant as Tony forced him to taste his own slick.
“That’s my good boy,” Tony murmured as he nipped his was down Peter’s chin and to his neck. “Gonna give me exactly what I want aren’t you? Your body had been practicing for this since we bonded, and now I’m going to stuff you full and breed you like the omega you are.”
Peter whined and tilted his head, giving Tony easier access. The scent of horny, desperate omega filled the air until even Tony couldn’t resist. He pulled away from his omega’s neck just long enough to turn him over, positioning Peter so that he was presenting properly. Tony draped himself over Peter’s back so he could keep sucking dark marks into the omega’s neck, one hand pulling Peter’s tail out of the way as he lined himself up and pushed in as deep as he could go.
Despite the stretching and even the heat helping them along, he couldn’t bottom out for the first few thrusts. With a grunt, he sat up and grabbed the omega’s hips firmly, using them to impale Peter on his cock. The little serval’s tail whipped around as Tony continued to yank him by his hips, the omega’s small body so easy to use like a toy in this position.
It didn’t take long for his knot to start to swell in response to the omega’s pitiful cries. Peter’s tear-streaked face even as he begged Tony for more while his tiny body literally hung off of Tony’s cock was enough to push him over.
Tony pushed Peter down into the bed and fucked into him without holding back until he felt the knot catch. Then he shorted his thrusts into grinding jerks, making sure the omega milked him properly even as he renewed their mating bite.
After the initial rush of orgasm faded, Tony carefully rolled them onto their sides. He drew Peter in close, nuzzling at his kitten’s hair between his ears, and occasionally nipping at them. Honestly it was ridiculous how small he was, Tony couldn’t help but think. When they were knotted like this, he couldn’t reach anything but the top of Peter’s hair, because his poor omega was so tiny.
As he continued to stuff Peter full, the little omega whimpered, and Tony caught a whiff of a mix of nervousness and fear.
“What’s wrong ‘mega mine?” Tony asked, purring gently for his mate. “Are you hurt?”
“No, but alpha, what if- what if I get pregnant?” Peter asked softly, and Tony hugged the omega firmly.
“Do you not want to have kits?” Tony asked, though he was fairly sure he knew the answer. They hadn’t discussed it directly but Peter loved children and always cooed over them whenever he saw them.
“No, I do, but we only just mated and I’m still in school,” Peter said hesitantly. “People might say stuff.”
“What do you say, omega?” Tony asked firmly. “Because I don’t give a rat’s ass about what anyone else says. And if they hurt your feelings about doing what makes you happy, then I’ll hurt them.”
Peter whimpered but rather than fear, all Tony smelled was arousal.
“So what do you say, omega?” Tony asked, hips grinding his still hard knot into Peter. “Do you want kits now?”
“I- I do,” Peter gasped and moaned as he came again, making Tony chuckle. “But I still want to finish school too.”
“We’ll make it work, kitten,” Tony promised, his purr starting up even stronger. “We’ll figure it out and we’ll make it work.”
Peter nodded and whimpered as Tony teased his body while they waited for the first knot to go down.
As the heat built again, Tony still took his time. He covered Peter’s entire body in nips and kisses, spending extra time sucking at his tits while one hand slowly ran along his mate’s tail.
Peter squirmed beneath Tony’s assault until the alpha reached his nipples. He could stop the whines that slipped past his lips as his mate suckled on each side. Tingling desire built and built until finally Tony took some pity on his and buried three fingers in him suddenly while still sucking at Peter’s tits.
He came hard around the alpha’s fingers, slick gushing out as body twitched and squeezed at Tony’s hand. As soon as he came down from the high, he felt the alpha pull his hand out.
“Suck it clean baby,” Tony commanded as he gently thumbed Peter’s mouth open.
Peter whined as all three fingers were pushed into his mouth, and he struggled to breath around them. Tony pulled back just enough for Peter to catch his breath, then pushed his hand in again. Peter was able to catch his breath and set to work cleaning him up.
“That’s a good boy. Get it all clean and then I’ll give you a nice reward,” Tony said. Peter did his best to obey. As soon as Tony deemed his hand clean enough, he flipped Peter over onto his stomach again and pushed straight in.
Peter let out a choked moan, ears going flat as he was overwhelmed by how full he felt and yet he still wanted more. His body ached for it and his blood burned with the desire to be fucked and used by his alpha. To be bred until he was so full of cum that there’d be no way he wasn’t carrying a little for his alpha.
As he lay dozing while still stuffed with the second knot, Peter couldn’t help but imagine what life with kits could be like. Tony had said they’d get help and he could do school, so it seemed like there wasn’t a reason to say no.
The only worry was aunt May, who would undoubtedly have comments. And yet Peter couldn’t bring himself to care. He had his mate, who would take care of them. Why shouldn’t they go ahead and start mating? Peter shook off his thoughts of May and focused on Tony. Tony who was attentive and kind to him, who loved him dearly but still gave him freedom, and who was letting him decide even here.
Mind made up, Peter let himself finally rest. And then next time Tony put him in the breeding position, he offered himself up freely.
“Fuck me alpha,” Peter moaned. “Breed me and make me a mommy.”
Tony had been insatiable after that, and the rest of the heat passed much the same, with Tony filling him over and over, breeding him as thoroughly as possible with only short breaks for food and rest.
By the end of it, both of them were exhausted and the room was as filthy as they were. It would take a few days to see if Peter’s scent began to change and the eggs took, but both of them were optimistic and they began planning the nursery.
Then they just had to figure out how to tell everyone.
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doomedandstoned · 1 year
Belgium’s WITCH PISS Serve Up Grinding New Stoner Metal Epic
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Artwork by Jo Riou
"One thing we can be sure of is that we'll all die. Everyone will. It makes sense not to be afraid of this, but to come to terms with it."
With this bit of narration, WITCH PISS belt out "Old Hound Religion," a swampy southern-tinged rock stomper from their eponymous extended play debut.
Witch Piss is a five-piece stoner metal crew hailing from Mechelen, Belgium, with members of Marche Funèbre and Drawn Into Descent.
"How to Travel Lighter" is the gnarly little number that follows, which Doomed & Stoned is debuting today. Vocals are husky, with a gravely edge, and hold their own well amidst instruments that hold nothing back in terms of chugging, downtuned devastation. The song's incessant groove reminds me of a band from my neck of the woods, Tigers on Opium, and I would be happy to see the two bands collab one day.
Singer Peter Egberghs shares some background:
"How to Travel Lighter" is one of those songs that doesn’t muck about. We wrote a first version and then rewrote the whole structure, cutting some of the repetitions. Less is more in this case. We sent it over to Chiaran Verheyden, who engineered the studio session, and he suggested adding a slow crushing ending riff to top the whole song off. Slow riffs? Sure, we can do that! So that’s how the music came about, in a nutshell.
Lyric wise, it’s a bit of a personal song for me. It might not be that obvious because they are cryptic, but it’s actually about my mother who passed away. She was dying when we were touring with Marche Funèbre in Europe. I got a call with some bad news and drove back from Denmark to Belgium only to find her in a coma.
That sounds heavy and depressing, but it’s actually a positive song because it shines light on how you can lighten that burden for yourself. I dealt with this in my own way, which involved therapy, but through that whole process my mental luggage started to weigh less and less, so that’s how to travel lighter. Throughout the lyrics you’ll find references to her. But I like to keep some of that open to interpretation.
The tracks that follow give us an idea of the band's full range of expression, including the desert rumblings of "Me and My Camaro" and "Hoofprints," which takes a turn for the dismal with its doomy touches.
In "The Hunter And The Game," Peter Egberghs's pipes rival Clutch's Neil Fallon and Orange Goblin's Ben Ward. Dennis Lefebvre's drumming is deep and full, as is the basswork by Glenn Van Bael. Dual guitar force from Andoni Lombide Carreton and Stijn Georges Moens lends each song frenetic energy and gravitas.
"Children of the Fire" slows things back down for the closer. It's a slow burner with splashing, emphatic beats, dark, mysterious atmosphere, and an imposing guitar presence. Don't miss the final minutes, with its rousing chorus: "Your time is nigh" -- taking us full-circle to the sentiment with which the EP began.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this band progresses as the year plods along. In the meanwhile, you can expect 'Witch Piss' (2023) to embrace the light of day on April 7th via Saturni Records. And if you're in Belgium, don't miss the release party, taking place May 6th with Gnome and Opium Heathen at De Club in Mechelen (pre-sale here).
Give ear...
WATCH & LISTEN: Witch Piss - "How To Travel Lighter"
Witch Piss is a band that started at the bar. A group of friends were drinking beers and were listening to some groovy stoner music. They decided to pick up their instruments and start playing some tunes. Peter, Stijn and Andoni were in the first try out line up. Back then that meant three guitarists. Peter was combining guitar and vocals but they decided three was overkill and Peter wanted to concentrate on the vocals. The band was soon joined by Glenn on bass and Dennis on Drums.
Musically they wanted to sound somewhere in between Black Sabbath and High On Fire. They haven’t strayed from that path. After the lockdowns the band premiered live in the same bar where the band was conceived.
In the live shows that followed they shared the stage with Vandal X, Your Highness, RRRags, Whorses etc. This all happened without having released one second of music. That is about to change. Witch Piss hit the studio in December 2022 and recorded everything live. The whole process was in the hands of Chiaran Verheyden, known for his excellent work as engineer and producer of Psychonaut and Hippotraktor.
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lilbookmark · 2 years
I just finished the whole book, the English version, since it was the only version I could got cheap deal online (Rp19.000 mint condition!)
The first thing I identify from myself after reading the whole book is that I'm not ready for this novel to end. But not in a good way that I want to read more about it.
I finished the novel with unsettled feelings. So I came to goodreads to find only so little reviews. But thanks to that few reviews though I could then understand the plot better. And with this, I seconded the review about the plot being hard to follow.
I thought maybe because I'm not a regular graphic novel reader, so I could hardly grasp some part of the novel. But, it is true that there's not much explanation on the novel. Even with the epilogue following the sequels.
I have some additional—if not different—intakes about the story, that made me write the following notable perspectives.
1. The premises
The story started with two Hollanders, Knavel and Eric. Both heading to Hindia Belanda (Indonesia) with different motives. Knavel for a personal reason, that he was born and raised in Indonesia, and he had to find his Ninih (nanny). And Eric, for communist activity.
What makes this Ninih so significant to Knavel wasn't explained by the author. It looks just like Knavel just have the urge to find his Ninih which left me as a reader to second guessing everything Knevel's risk just to find the Ninih—not to mention the lies and betrayal he has to put upon his military oath. This, again, because there's little to no information regarding the significance of this Ninih to Knavel.
The premises was unclear, as if the readers were lead to go astray, given the title and the introduction to Rampokan on first few pages.
I look closely at the earlier panel, it was drawn and told that Knevel really loves Indonesia. He was bounded to the mist, rain forest, wild animal in the trophist (at least this is how I relive the scene in my head). He took pride of himself grown in Indonesia—he could walk barefeet!
That details was the only clue I held on to rationalize each of Knavel's reckless behavior to find his Ninih.
2. The conflicts
The back bone of all conflicts in this novel was paradoxical tragedy.
First conflict was identity crisis Knavel has as he found himself very fond of the land where he was born and raised, despite being on the military to invade the land. Whereas the long on going invasion has created noticable gaps between the collonials and the pribumi. He was supposed to look down at the pribumi, but he was raised there by Ninih (a pribumi).
The conflicting idea of Knavel's identity goes along from the beginning towards the entirity of this novel, where Knavel found himself in a hard place and stole Eric's identity after Eric drowned.
He then goes to seek for his Ninih, in Java, since Ninih is Javanese, using the identity of Knavel and Eric interchangably to mischieve his way out. But, he found nothing of Ninih's left there. He also met Lisa and slept with her, a local who was a mistrees of Knavel's superior in military, a major. Long story short, Knavel's escape his dead to Celebes.
Java, where Rampokan tradition took place, also the chapter of this book in which the author shows that Knavel's life being analog with a wild tiger who was on the loose, after escaping dead on rampokan macan where it was supposed to be killed.
The story took off again to Celebes, the closest to Knavel's childhood where he found his late house was nothing but ruined. Then all the memories with his family and Ninih come back.
He continues his journey to look for Ninih, still mischieving his identity.
He finally, met this Ninih old and all for a very short time, revealing that he was actually her son, as Ninih was the mistrees of Knavel's late father.
All the things in his childhood started to make sense, flashing real quick, before he was captured and killed instantly, like the tiger. And drowned, like Eric.
Knavel was dead, leaving everything's behind like nothing ever happened. Like it's just natural that the history finds its own way to repeat itself, drawn in last panel where Lisa is with Knavel's child, cruising with the major.
— Garongkong, 15 Mei 2022
0 notes
odetojeons · 3 years
What Tigers Do — Kwon Soonyoung
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request: hi! i just came across your recent joshua imagine and omg IT WAS REALLY GOOD😭, would you be able to do a dom!hoshi with a breeding kink, please? already in love with your blog<3
tags: fem and sub!reader, dom!hoshi, breeding kink, multiple orgasms, reader insert, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe everyone!), established hoshi x reader
a/n: accidently spent the night writing this lmfao, i was going to only start a bit but got too caught up on it :’) btw this goes from cute to sexy real quick to cute again, but anyways, i hope you like it!!
word count:  3329
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“Another plushie?” you ask as soon as Soonyoung enters inside the room, holding plastic bags in a hand and a tiger plushie in the other. He pretends he didn’t listen, but you continue anyways. “You know that you have a lot of those already, right? They are only collecting dust.”
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“Why not have more?” Soonyoung asks instead, like that would make all the sense.
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“Because,” you start, getting up from the sofa and walking across the living room until you’re right in front of your boyfriend. He towers over you easily, but the way he averts his eyes elsewhere makes him look so small. “You only ever use a few. The rest is sitting somewhere getting musty and you take forever to clean them.”
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Soonyoung pouts. You sigh; it means that he knows you’re right but he’s too stubborn to say it. Grabbing one of his hands, he stops unpacking the stuff he bought and looks at you.
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“You like tigers that much?” you question softly, and he nods a little. Soonyoung puts his plastic bags on the ground and makes a grab for your waist, pulling you up against him.
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The action is a bit sudden, although welcome, and you yelp in surprise when you lend against his chest. You look up and catch Soonyoung smiling down at you like you’re the most endearing thing he has ever seen.
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“Of course I do,” he tells, watching your face attentively. “You said I look like one.”
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You don’t know why his words make you blush, but you feel heat creeping up at your cheeks and tinting them a light shade of red. 
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“You don’t.”
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Soonyoung chuckles softly at your reaction.
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“So cute,” he comments before you rip that attitude out of him by tickling his sides. He contorts himself and laughs harder, head thrown back. “Stop it!”
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Soonyoung somehow manages to catch one of your wrists, using that as leverage to push you against the entrance door. You groan slightly in pain when Soonyoung pins you down against the wood frame, his chest heaving and a bright, warm smile on his lips.
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“Not fair you’re bigger,” you mumble with a pout.
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“Should’ve eaten more rice if you wanted to be taller than me,” Soonyoung says, still trying to catch his breath, and fuck… he looks so handsome like this, with the collar of his shirt hanging low and exposing the beginning of his — very nice and very big — chest, blonde hair all over the place, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkling like he holds all the galaxy in them and you feel like your heart will burst really soon.
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You lick your lips nervously, watching Soonyoung’s eyes flicker to catch the movement, and try to move your hands free. But Soonyoung is not letting go, suddenly gripping your wrists harder. The action makes you gasp slightly, the quick change in the air leaving you breathless.
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“Admit you think I look like a tiger,” Soonyoung says, more like orders, and you whine at the intensity of his eyes. 
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“No,” comes your answer, and he frowns at you, body pressing against yours until you’re sandwiched between him and the door. “Gonna have to prove it to me first.”
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Soonyoung’s eyes flash with something you’re very familiar with; it makes a burning heat pool at your lower stomach alarmingly fast and you want to close your legs. But Soonyoung is faster, steps completely into your personal space and crowds you tight against the door, the air growing heavier and thicker by the second. You bask in the warmness of him, his firm body so pressed into yours that you’re afraid he can feel your stuttering heartbeat.
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The soft drag of your chest against his every time you inhale and exhale is also not helping at all, and you can’t help but slightly move your hips forward, trying to rub off on his thigh. Soonyoung catches your neediness easily, of course, and he smirks before his face gets closer and closer until his breath is mingling with yours.
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“Careful with what you wish,” Soonyoung says, voice low and teasing. He drags his lips into yours, so softly it has you whining and trying to kiss him. “Might as well end up eating you.”
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You smirk back at him, biting at his lower lip before dragging your tongue to soothe the pain.
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“What makes you think I don’t want that?”
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Soonyoung growls. It catches you off guard, it always does since it sounds downright animalistic, but you can’t dwell on the hotness of it too much because he’s kissing you without mercy. Soonyoung kisses you like a starved man, teeth clacking and tongue pressing against yours until you’re putty and breathless just for him.
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You whine into the kiss, feels like Soonyoung’s drawn the breath right out of your lungs, your mind hazy.
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It only serves to rile him up, the kiss hungrier, messier, his tongue licking into your mouth as if you might disappear and fingers digging into your wrists harder in his desperation, before he let’s go of one of them to sneak a hand in your waist.
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Now free, your digits desperately come up to take a fistful of his hair, in dire need of holding something, anything. Soonyoung groans at the feeling of your nails scratching his scalp, pulling your lower part closer so he could rut against your belly. You go easily into it, and Soonyoung’s half hard cock presses on your stomach, so hot it makes you whine. 
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“Fuck,” he curses, affected with the drag of his cock in your skin. Soonyoung circles his arm around you to lift you higher, almost taking you off of the ground as he thrust now against your clit.
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It takes you off guard, the way he’s holding you with one arm alone — not your fault your boyfriend looks so hot when he’s all hot and bothered like this. The press against your sensitive cunt makes you moan and throw your head back, hearing him groan at the sight of your neck bared for him.
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You laugh.
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“What’s so funny?” Soonyoung asks, hips canting up firmly and mouth glued to the exposed skin of your neck.
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“Fine, I will admit it,” your voice breaks into a moan when he fucks up just right. “You look like a tiger.”
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You pull his head back by the grip you have on his hair, looking him deep in the eyes.
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“A tiger in heat.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You feel the growl before you even hear it, Soonyoung’s chest rumbling with the sheer intensity of it, eyes darkening and pupils blown wide with lust. His strong earthy smell — due to his cologne you love so much and are so familiar with — burns your lungs as if on cue. He looks drowned in such a dark desire you feel it to your bones; your brain begging, clawing at you to submit, submit, submit, because my boyfriend will make me feel so good. 
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“Yeah?” Soonyoung says, and you would find it funny how a simple word could make you shiver so hard, if it weren’t for how horny you are. He lets go of you completely, pressing a hand on your shoulder, and you know very well what he wants you to do.
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Your knees touch the ground, your face now centimeters apart from Soonyoung's fully hard cock. You take a moment to look at how it presses against the fabric of his jeans, mouth already salivating in need.
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“Would that make you my kitten, then?” Soonyoung asks, watching like a hawk when you moan, mouth pressing against the outline of his prominent cock. The pet name is something new, but you sure are keen on it already. “Oh, you like that.”
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Soonyoung reaches down and opens the zipper of his jeans, unbuttoning his pants until he has enough space to pull his cock out. He holds on your chin, bringing your face closer and closer until he could press his manhood against your cheek. In your haze and impatience, you push more against his cock, trying to get it inside your mouth.
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He laughs and you blush at your own desperation.
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“Such a dirty little kitten,” Soonyoung feeds you the fat head of his cock, and you moan in relief when you feel the familiar salty taste of his pre-cum mixing with your saliva. “Suck me off good and maybe I’ll give you a reward.”
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You nod a bit desperately, at least the best you can with your position, and relax your throat in order to take more of him inside. He’s big and his thickness doesn’t help, but you do your best to put as much as you can in your mouth, hand coming to jerk off the part that doesn’t fit there.
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“Mouth’s always so fucking good,” Soonyoung moans out, watching you bob your head on his cock. He kicks his hips a little, just to be a bit mean and watch tears gather in the corner of your eyes. “Do you know what tigers do when they’re in heat, hm, kitten?”
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You moan, expecting it would convey your answer when you are too occupied sucking him off. Soonyoung groans at the vibration, hold tight and unforgiving in your hair.
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“They breed their mates,” he says and holy fuck, you felt a shiver rocking all over your body, throat convulsing when you try to take him further than you can. You pull out, coughing a little, but take him back inside as soon as you catch your breath. “Would you like that? Be stuffed full of cum until it’s oozing out of your hole.”
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There’s this unbearable urge to come that has you reaching your clit and rubbing at it furiously, by the same time that Soonyoung impulses his hips forward and fucks your mouth relentlessly for a few times.
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“Stop,” he tells you, and you moan in frustration, especially when he pulls out of your mouth and jerks himself off in front of you. Not fair.
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“A-are you gonna cum on my face?” you question instead, blinking at him in hopes he says yes, but he only smirks.
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“No,” Soonyoung answers simply, grabbing your arm and pulling you up. He holds you tight, which you’re thankful for because your legs feel jittery. Then, he smooths a hand in your belly. “Rather put my cum in here.”
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You moan at his lewd remark.
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“Fuck, you’re so dirty—” your sentence gets cut off in the middle with your own little yelp of surprise when he holds the back of your thighs and lifts you off of the ground, your legs circling around his waist so you don’t fall. “Soonyoung—”
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“Gonna breed you like you deserve,” Soonyoung says, voice rough, and you hold him tighter when you realize he’s taking you to the bedroom.
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He throws you on the bed, your body bouncing on the soft mattress as you watch Soonyoung take his clothes off. You never get tired of seeing him and his dancer-like body, especially on this kind of occasion, because his chest looks sinful when it’s flushed red and sweaty. Your eyes soon fall downwards though, looking at his hard, leaking cock. It’s such a pretty cock, a beautiful shade of pink and it almost doesn’t have veins.
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Soonyoung notices your hunger and laughs softly, getting in the bed with you.
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“Like my cock that much you can’t even stop staring at it?” he teases, pressing against your clit. Your cheeks heat up with shame and arousal, Soonyoung’s hand creeping up your body and going inside your shirt — technically, his shirt, which you borrowed from his closet, and you know that’s the only reason why you’re still not naked. “Hmm, love it when you use my clothes.”
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He sighs against your throat when he cants his cock up against your clothed cunt.
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“Want you to smell only like me,” Soonyoung admits, kissing down your neck. He pulls your shirt up until it’s above your chest, so he can suck one of your nipples into his mouth. 
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“Yours—” you breathe out, a whine escaping your lips when Soonyoung sucks a hickey right above your left breast. “All yours.”
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He groans, too desperate to care when he accidentally rips your panties in the process of taking them off. You would complain, but the protest dies in your throat when Soonyoung sucks a finger into his mouth and rubs against your entrance, mumbling something among the lines of “fucking drenched”. He pushes it past the ring of muscles just slightly, knows you could take it easily since you’ve fucked in the morning, yours and Soonyoung’s sex drive shooting through roof lately.
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Soonyoung shifts, mouth working it’s way down your stomach, tasting the cloying sweetness of your skin as he licks and bites at it. He wants to cover you with marks and the thought has you squirming underneath him, moaning when he adds another finger.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ��� ⠀
“G-give me more, come on,” you say, impatient to have him inside already.
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“So impatient,” Soonyoung tsks, grabbing your jaw tight. “That’s not how you ask.”
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“Fuck, p-please, ah—” your sentence breaks into a moan when you feel another finger prodding against your entrance, squirming when Soonyoung’s hand works furiously inside you.
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Electricity runs up your spine when the pad of his finger hits just right in your sweet spot, your body jolting upward on the bed and head falling back in pleasure.
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“S-Soonyoungie,” you whine, hands fisting into the sheets. “Stop t-teasing.”
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“I don’t know if you deserve that, kitten,” he hums instead, pressing persistently against your sweet spot. “Haven’t heard you begging for my cum yet.”
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“Soonyoung,” you’re nearly in tears, little cries muffled when you bite on your lip, and it’s so good but you just want his cock. “Please, Soonyoungie. Want— Want it.”
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“Want what?” Soonyoung asks, unfazed with your pleading. He wants to hear the exact words coming out of your mouth. “Tell me, kitten, come on.”
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“W-want,” you try to focus your eyes on him, and you notice he’s looking at you like he’s ready to pounce on you. “Want your cum.”
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Soonyoung hums, pleased.
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“Breed me, please,” you squeeze around his fingers. “Breed me full of your cum.”
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“Shit, fuck,” it’s a haze from there; Soonyoung takes off your shirt, also almost ripping it in the process, and turns you over. He grips your hips and pulls your ass up, a hand pressing your face down into the pillow. 
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For a moment you think you’re in for more teasing but the head of Soonyoung’s cock prods inside your entrance and knocks the breath right out of you. He kisses your nape as he pushes all the way in, cock throbbing inside of you.
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“So fucking hot and tight,” Soonyoung groans, grinding into your tight heat and you’re incapable of words, mind utterly blank, mouth hung open. He pulls back enough to fuck right back into you, sending your body foward in the bed with the sheer intensity of it. “Gonna fuck you so good.”
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You can only whine and whimper, face buried into the curve of his neck. It feels like you can’t even hold yourself up, Soonyoung supporting you by the grip he has on your ass, and he angles your body so he could fuck into you even deeper. It has you seeing stars, mind focused on the feeling of the drag of his cock inside you and the pleasant oversensitivity on your cunt.
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You already came around four times and Soonyoung is a little behind with two times. You just know it’s something about his dancer stamina, it must be, with the way he still has the strength to hold you on his lap and fuck into you almost brutally. 
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Somewhere in the back of your mind you think he has never been this set on filling you up, if the lewd squelch of cum echoing through the room every time he fucks inside you is anything to go by. 
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“Such a good fucking pussy, swallowing me up,” Soonyoung tells you, watches how your mouth gets more open at the comment, and leans to lick into it. His mind is fuzzy, can’t think of anything beyond putting his cum inside you. “Gonna breed you until you’re swelling with my cum, fuck.”
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Soonyoung knows it’s unrealistic — also because you’re on the pill — but he can’t help but get lost in the thought. He fucks into you faster, groaning at how tight you feel, sloppy and wet and so so so good for Soonyoung.
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“Y-yes,” you reply intelligibly, don’t know what you’re saying yes for, but Soonyoung groans and bites on your neck, tongue soothing at it later.
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“Yeah, you’re gonna take it, aren’t you?” he breathes out, voice ragged with effort and he’s right, you do love taking it. “Pretty little kitten.”
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You squeeze around Soonyoung’s cock in answer to the praise, enjoying the way his hips stutter at the feeling of your walls suffocating him. He slows down, fucks into you languidly, dragging his length in and out at a torturous pace. It makes you go livid, the burn of your release ebbing away. 
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You’re lucid enough to take in how fucking hot and ethereal he looks. The way his skin glistens with the dim light of the room, cheeks flushed red from all the effort and pupils blown wide with lust. Just looking at Soonyoung makes you want to squirm.
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“S-so full,” you comment appreciatively, gasping with the way he grinds inside you. “Make me fuller, please.”
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Soonyoung growls; he picks up the pace after that, fucking into your sharp and fast, the sweetness of your “ah, ah, ah!” falling in sync with the sound of his balls slapping your ass.
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He presses your back down on the mattress, body completely engulfing yours and a hand firmly wrapped around your waist as he drills into you. You silently thank him for being such a great dancer because he’s hips are like magic, hitting your sweet spot dead on and it has the burn in your lower stomach building higher and higher.
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“Gonna— gonna c-cum,” you cry out, body thrashing on the bed before your arms circles around his back and brings him impossibly close.
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“Come on, kitten,” he tells, hips hammering inside you unforgivably. “Go ahead.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You sob as you come, back arching off of the bed and head thrown back. It’s less intensive than the others you had before but somehow it feels even better, cunt clenching around Soonyoung so hard he stills momentarily, rubbing at your sensitive clit to help you out with your orgasm. You forget where you are, chest heaving and mind numb, but you still want Soonyoung to come inside you.
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And he seems to think the same because he fucks you right after your back melts against the bed again, thrusts erratic as he grips you so tight he knows it’s gonna be bruised the next day.
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Soonyoung curses, desperate for release, and the oversensitivity leaves you crying. But you still manage to catch a breath to encourage him.
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“Want your cum— oh,” your words get stuck when Soonyoung fucks inside you one more time before halting his hips. And then you feel it, another hot surge of cum filling you up.
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They moan in unison, bodies falling limp on the bed as he grinds a few times through his orgasm. You wish you could keep it all inside you forever, fingers intertwining with Soonyoung’s.
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The touch has him lifting his head from where it lays beside yours and looking at you with soft eyes.
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“I love you,” he says with a tired, but fond smile. Soonyoung moves a little so he can give you a peck in the lips. “So much.”
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
You bask in the feeling of being in his arms. So warm, so inviting, so home. Kwon Soonyoung is your home.
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“I love you too.”
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shijiujun · 3 years
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Okay I’ve decided to do a single rec after I finish one novel hahaha because if I wait to get around to it all it’ll never happen! Anyway because @sarah-yyy​​ has been reading it and I’ve gotten a lot of asks/replies on this, I’m just going to do one huge list for one of my faves so everyone knows what’s going on and where to find things XD
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
This is set in a historical setting where men can marry other men, but it’s usually reserved for sons who were not borne by the official main first wife of the patriarch of the family, i.e. a son born by a concubine in a family may be forced to marry a man to keep him from being able to become the next family’s patriarch for example. This is because any family’s next leader needs to be able to have children with a wife who married in as a zheng shi (lawful wife), and not a ce shi (second wife) or any other concubines/mistresses etc. Most of these men who marry other men have to take them as their zheng shi and lawful spouse in a sense, and the same goes for the royal family.
The story starts with third prince Jing Shao, who was forced to marry Mu Han Zhang, a Marquis’ second son, by the Empress and Emperor, thereby officially and effectively cutting him out of the race for the throne. He’s mocked by the public as everyone knows what this means, and for the next 10 years, he neglects Mu Han Zhang, blaming him for his predicament, and deliberately showers his three other concubines with affection in front of him, but 10 years later, when Jing Shao is accused of treason, everyone leaves him except for Mu Han Zhang. They are chased to the edge of the cliff by soldiers, and Mu Han Zhang dies in his arms having taken an arrow meant for him earlier, and Jing Shao jumps off the cliff with his dead body, and promises that if there’s a next life, he will do everything Han Zhang says, and love him.
He wakes up immediately on the night of his marriage with Han Zhang, and realizes that he’s been given a second chance to make everything right. Han Zhang is definitely afraid of him, humiliated and angry when he first wakes up after how rough Jing Shao was with him earlier on their wedding night, and he has no memories of their past life. Jing Shao then sets to SHOWER HAN ZHANG with affection, love and basically everything, because he realized that this is the only person who stayed by his side until the end, and then he falls in love with Han Zhang properly this time, and also deals with every single person who maligned and schemed against him in his previous life, with Han Zhang by his side.
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - Not Available | Novel Translations | Manhua (You’ll have to download the KuaiKan app, the chapters are currently all free)
1. 景韶 Jing Shao - 3rd Prince and is the first out of his three other brothers to be given a title 成王 (cheng wang). He’s referred to as 王爷, and also 小勺 (xiao shao) by Han Zhang. Went out on his first war when he was 14, and was thus given a title before any of his brothers. He’s known for being a merciless, cold and fierce army general/commander, but this was before his second life with Han Zhang, where he puts on like his doting mode and is basically a dumbass XD who listens to Han Zhang with a lot of trust, which is cool and all.
He marries Han Zhang when he’s 19, and in his first life he was very reluctant and resistant, and neglected Han Zhang for 10 years, until he was charged with treason and hunted down. 
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In his first life he wanted to snatch the throne, even from his blood-related brother Jing Chen, but more out of spite than anything else because he felt he was dealt an unfair hand by having to marry Han Zhang. Not only that, but Jing Shao is not his father’s favourite son, and he always felt that the emperor was biased against him. Anyway, a huge accumulation of daddy and anger issues, which is fair.
When he realizes that Han Zhang died for him, he decides he will be good to Han Zhang if they are reborn in their next life.
2. 慕含章 Mu Han Zhang - The 2nd son of Marquis Bei Hou’s, born to a concubine. He’s called by his 表字 which is 君清 (jun qing) by Jing Shao. Official First Wife Bei Wei Hou-furen and her son (who is in line to inherit the Marquis title from his father) has bullied him all his life, and wanted to push him into greater desperation by marrying him to Jing Shao, knowing he will suffer at the hands of the supposed merciless/heartless wangye. He has a weak body because of an accident when he was younger, and in his first life he was really sick after being neglected for 10 years, and knowing this in their second life, Jing Shao does everything he can to take care of him.
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He is incredibly smart, has a brain for business and sales, and is also very good at handling people, especially scheming ones. He aids Jing Shao in the beginning of their second life, and then Jing Chen later as well, as both brothers begin to fight to put Jing Chen on the throne, against the 1st and 4th Princes. Is an incredibly good tactician in war as well.
3. 景琛 Jing Chen - 2nd Prince, Jing Shao’s blood related older brother who is handsome af too. His title, given later in the novel, is 睿王 (rui wang). He was misunderstood by Jing Shao in the first life as Jing Shao thought it was his brother who led to him marrying Han Zhang, and because he’s not very good at expressing himself and shows his concern to Jing Shao by nagging at him, Jing Shao always thought he hated him. In their second life, Jing Shao already knows that Jing Chen loves him and did a lot for him in his first life, and so trusts his brother and supports him right off the bat, because Jing Chen is indeed the most suited person for the throne.
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He has a wife and a concubine, 3 sons and 2 daughters at this point. He ends up helping Jing Shao a lot, and when he realizes that Han Zhang is way more adept at politics and the whole scheming thing than Jing Shao is, he begins trusting Han Zhang a lot more as well! There’s a surprise with Jing Chen hahaha which I loveee and could see, but wasn’t sure until they confirmed it in the last few chapters AHAHAHAHA.
Other Notable Characters:
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1. Song Ling Xin (Second Wife) on the left, and two other concubines on the right
They’re pretty much vying for Jing Shao’s attention, but at this point apparently he hasn’t slept with any of them before. Song Ling Xin is the daughter of the Military Department’s Head Song An, and Jing Shao married her initially out of interest. The right most concubine (I forgot her name oops) was a gift given to him by his oldest brother, the 1st Prince. The two of them played a huge role in Jing Shao’s downfall back in his first life, and so in his second life, he especially detests Song Ling Xin. Plus the three of them keep bullying Han Zhang in the beginning, but thankfully Jing Shao is like: “Anything my Jun Qing wants”. They don’t stay around for long either, watch as Jing Shao gets rid of them like he’s swatting flies.
2. Xiao Yuan & Zhou Da-Ge
This is another male couple who’s been married for 7-8 years if I recall. Xiao Yuan is one of Jing Shao’s important allies and friends in the second life, because in Jing Shao’s first life, this was one of the only young officials in court who spoke up for him when the accusations of treason came about. Zhou Da-Ge is his husband, who is a cook running a restaurant in the city. Whenever Zhou Da-Ge bullies Xiao Yuan in bed a little too much, Xiao Yuan punishes him by making him wear colourful clothes out (pink, bright yellow, purple, etc.) and thus he has a reputation for being eccentric and a weirdo, but oh well, all for love.
3. Gu Huai Qing
One of Jing Shao and Jing Chen’s most powerful allies, and he becomes blood-sworn brothers with Jing Shao without realizing who he is. Later he takes a liking to Jing Chen.
(Will update with photos when they come out, but they’re a bit further into the story so we won’t have them for a few months yet ahahaha)
Amazing Scenes:
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Jing Shao & Han Zhang first looks in the manhua
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Jing Shao being THAT clingy husband and helping Han Zhang to wear his clothes properly so cute!!!!!
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Han Zhang and Jing Shao in their first lives (10 years later), about to die, sad and then Jing Shao jumps down the cliff with Han Zhang’s corpse, regretful cuz he a dumb bij
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Jing Shao unable to resist kissing Han Zhang’s cheek, realizes what he’s doing, and gets embarrassed LMAOOOO 没出息!!!!!!! (This is different from the novel, because in the novel Jing Shao just kisses and is done with that, the embarrassment part is drawn in only in the manhua hahaha)
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
Jing Shao is like, he does a 180 entirely and he is very cognisant of all his faults and what he did wrong previously, and how badly he treated Han Zhang, so he legit forces his brain to go “I will listen to Jun Qing from now on” and he really sticks to it!
Loves kissing and teasing Han Zhang, but doesn’t force him into bed after their wedding night, and instead goes to Xiao Yuan and asks for tips on how to make his partner feel less scared about sex
The both of them end up with a pet tiger?!! That’s called Xiao Huang (little yellow) LMAO
They nap together a lot which I love <3333
Jing Shao knows he’s bullied at home, so when they go back to the Marquis Bei Hou manor, he holds Han Zhang’s hand in front of everyone to let them know Han Zhang has someone to back him up
Brings Han Zhang to war because he “cannot concentrate if Jun Qing isn’t with me at all times” - and asks for special permission to do so
Han Zhang notes that since he married Jing Shao, as the ‘wife’ he is supposed to serve Jing Shao, but it’s always Jing Shao serving him - Getting water for him, bringing him to baths, putting clothes on for him, putting food in his plate if it tastes nice, massaging his back and waist etc. - and best is he doesn’t have to deal with any in-laws?!! HAHAHA
Jing Shao gets revenge on those who hurt Han Zhang when he was younger for him, and the outcome is pretty hilarious but well-deserved
EPILOGUES are cute af!!!!
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(TFATWS) Bucky x Reader: Protective- Part 2
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   (Link to Part 1)
   You exhaled in relief as you moved to walk beside Sam, looping your arm with his.  It was admittedly more comfortable since you and Sam went back years.  As the group neared the bar, Bucky became more rigid as he took on the appearance of his role.  Zemo led the way, standing as tall and confidently as someone who had the Winter Soldier for a bodyguard.  
   Sam exhaled sharply once the other two continued on their way, mumbling under his breath, “good ol’ Sam.  Always putting out fires.”  He gave your hand a squeeze.  “You good?”
   “Yeah, you?”
   “So far.  I wouldn’t say I’m totally into this plan, but hey, Zemo’s the expert I guess.”
   “An expert at being annoying sometimes,” you muttered.  Sam chuckled.
   You took a deep breath and put on a smirk, forcing your shoulders to relax a bit.  You caught the sight of several armed individuals scrutinizing the crowd.  You avoided eye contact and instead stole glances at Bucky.  He was already in the zone.
   Zemo set foot in the bar and uttered a few words in Russian- ones that you knew to be control words.  Several pairs of eyes were drawn to your group.  “Winter Soldier” was in the mix of whispers.  So many people appeared to be fascinated by the idea of having a human being under their control.  So many of these people hungrily watched your group pass through.  It was a struggle to keep from bristling with alarm.  The pounding music and bright lights only added to the stress, but you kept your cool as you shuffled past several unsavory characters.
  A man with large glasses behind the bar approached.
   “Hello, gentlemen.”  He nodded in your direction.  “Ma’am.  Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
  You remained at Sam’s side, arm looped with his, and pretended to give him an affectionate look.
   “His plans changed,” Zemo answered smoothly.  “We have business to do with Selby.”
   The man hesitated, giving Sam an uncertain glance.  “The usual?”
   Sam nodded, and the man’s eyes flickered between the two of you before he set to work on preparing a drink.  You nearly froze as he reached into a jar for a dead snake and started slicing it open.  Sam caught your gaze, his eyes widening ever-so-slightly to show you his discomfort at the situation, and you returned the silent cry for help with a subtle shrug.
   “Ah,” Zemo broke the silent exchange with a smug look.  “Smiling Tiger, your favorite.”
   The glass of alcohol and snake innards was placed on the counter, and you feigned an impressed look while Sam gave Zemo one final glare before picking up the glass.
   “I love these,” he stated, though it wasn’t very convincing.
   “Cheers, Conrad.”
   You bit your lip to hide your amusement as Sam hesitated, tipping the glass back only to pull it away as he gathered his courage.  Finally, he gulped the revolting beverage and grunted as he struggled to keep it down.
   Another man approached Zemo from behind, not going unnoticed by you.  You kept smiling and pretending to be oblivious, though you turned so one ear was closer to the exchange to listen. 
   “I got word from on-high,” the man said.  ”You ain’t welcome here.”
   Zemo turned to face him fully.  “I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come talk to me...” He gestured to Bucky, who leaned against the counter with a scowl.
   “New haircut?”
   “Or bring Selby for a chat.”
   The bearded stranger glowered before sauntering away, and Zemo turned around shaking his head in annoyance.  Bucky’s expression lost a degree of harshness.
   “A Power Broker?  Really?”
   “Every kingdom needs its king.”  He sighed.  “Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
   “Do you know him?” Sam asked.
   “Only by reputation.  In Madripoor, he is judge, jury, and executioner.”
   “Lovely,” you mumbled.  Before you could comment further, Zemo turned around and calmly called Bucky to attention.  The second an individual laid their hands on the baron, Bucky marched forward to grab their wrist with his metal arm, twisting it as he pushed them back. He glanced over his shoulder at the three of you before using his other arm to lock the attacker into a hold.  Something cracked as the man went straight down to the floor, groaning.
   Your heart raced.  You knew Bucky had the situation under control.  It was still unsettling to see him in a fight, especially using such lethal combat moves.  His eyes seemed to go blank as he executed his next attack on another individual that launched themselves at him.  The man went flying to the floor, and Bucky gave him a swift kick that sent him rolling.  Zemo took hold of another attacker approaching from behind and sent him Bucky’s way.
   A hand rested over yours, and you realized that you had been clutching Sam’s suit sleeve.   He leaned in a little to utter words of reassurance.  “Don’t worry, he’s got this.”
   That’s what worried you.  He ended the fights so quickly, so easily, with ferocity that you hadn’t seen since he fell under Zemo’s control before.  Despite his words, you knew Sam noticed too.  The first time you both even met Bucky was when he was the Winter Soldier.  Back then, you had no idea of the person that was underneath all that.
   “Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo commented.  As if on cue, Bucky dragged a man by the throat to lay him on the bar with his metal arm.  Choking sounds filled the room for a few seconds until you started hearing the click of guns being cocked and ready to shoot.
   On instinct, both you and Sam separated to intervene, but Zemo shot both of you warning glances.  “Stay in character,” he said quietly, “or the whole bar turns on us.” Sam took his hand from Bucky’s shoulder, and instead took your hand again.  Zemo turned to Bucky and spoke the words in Russian to end the attack.
   “Selby will see you now,” the bartender said.
   “Thank you.”
   Bucky finally released his hold, and the man gasped for air as he crumbled to the floor.  Sam took the opportunity to look Bucky in the eyes.  “You good?”
   Bucky merely exhaled sharply in confirmation, eyes falling to you for the first time since setting foot in that place.  Something flickered in them before he turned and followed after Zemo.
- - - - - - - -
   You slipped out of the dress and began changing into the new clothes Sharon provided, glad that this outfit was a little more on the casual side.  Both you and Sam struggled to keep up in heels after the Selby fiasco.  It was a relief to finally kick them off your feet.  You stared at your reflection in the full-length mirror after you were dressed.  What an evening it was turning out to be.  An undercover mission turned into a firefight and an escape with the help of an old ally.  Fortunately, Zemo had been able to get a name out of Selby.  The next step was finding Dr. Nagel.
   You emerged from the room to see Bucky leaning against the wall beside your door, already changed.  He looked up from the floor upon your approach.
   “Hey,” you greeted.  “You okay?”
   “Yeah.  You hurt at all?”
   “Thanks to Sharon, I made it out without so much as a scratch.”
   Bucky nodded in agreement, shifting so that he leaned on his other shoulder.  He averted his eyes and scratched the back of his neck.  His lips parted, but no sound came out when he met your gaze.  You waited patiently.
   “Look, I wanted to talk about earlier.  About Zemo.  About me and how I acted.”
   “It’s okay…” 
   “No, it’s not.  Not really.”
   “Zemo has been trying his best to push our buttons,” you pointed out.  “Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn’t.”
   “It’s not just that.”  Bucky tipped his head back to rest it against the wall.  “Zemo knows things about me- things that I’d rather you hear from me directly instead of through his weird mind games.”
   Concern bubbled up inside of you.  What sort of things was he talking about?  Were there indeed more signs of the Winter Soldier lurking underneath?  Did Zemo have something over Bucky?
   “I don’t understand,” you murmured, heart aching for him, as you reached out a hand.  Your fingers brushed through the short hair on the side of his head, and his eyes fell closed as he allowed the contact, even leaned into it.  Casual contact wasn’t uncommon between you two: the occasional brush of hands when passing something to the other, feeling his chest against your back when taking cover during firefights, or even on really good days a light punch to the shoulder with a laugh.  This was different, though.  This wasn’t a line you’d crossed before in the time you’d known him.  “I don’t understand, but you know you can tell me anything.”
   His eyes opened, and he angled his head to look at you fully.  “I know.”  Then, he pushed off the wall, gently taking your hand from his hair.  He held it in his own and studied your expression as he continued.
   “Zemo knows what you mean to me.  You, specifically.  I don’t know what you’d call it.  I don’t even want to say you’re my weakness because… the truth is, you’re my strength.”  
   Your lips parted at the tender words that you’d certainly not been expecting.  Bucky held your stare, though his mouth turned up briefly in a nervous smile. 
   “I know I probably sound ridiculous right now.  Here we are in the middle of a mission.  The thing is, every time we put ourselves at risk, I wanted to tell you.  But every time, I waited because, well, I still wasn’t right for a while.  It took time to be purged from the Winter Soldier.  Now, I just don’t have it in me to keep this from you any longer.”
   You offered a smile, though part of you was scared to hope.  Was this confession merely the result of the stress of Steve’s absence?  Zemo’s taunts?  You didn’t want this if that were the case.  “Are you sure this is how you feel?  I’m sure Zemo’s games haven’t really been helping.”
   “Trust me, he doesn’t have anything to do with this,” Bucky shook his head.  “I just don’t like him bothering you.  At all.”  He sighed.  “I’ve felt this way for a long time, ________.  Before the snap.  I know we weren’t here for those five years, but I came back thinking about you.  Haven’t stopped since.”
   Your eyes had begun to water as emotion gripped you.  Suddenly, it was hard to swallow, and it was hard to look at him when it registered that you were indeed crying.  You tried to hide your face, and Bucky put an arm around you to pull you to his chest.
   “Hey, it’s okay,” he mumbled.  “Obviously, you don’t have to feel the same way.  I’m not mad.  Just please, don’t cry.”
   “What?” you sniffled.  “No…”  You pulled away to face him with teary eyes and all.  “I do feel the same way.  I just can’t believe you do too.”
   He exhaled, pulling you to his chest again, and chuckled at the end.  “You had me there for a second.  But seriously, it would’ve been okay if you didn’t feel the same way.  I just had to tell you.”  He searched your face as if still unsure, as if giving you another opportunity to retract your confession.  Like you’d ever do that.
   With your hand still in his, you lifted the other to brush the stubble and rest on his cheek.  He raised his gloved vibranium hand to cover that one.  His eyes were magnetic, drawing you in.  Seconds passed before your lips met in a warm kiss that made you feel like you were flying.  He pulled away, keeping his forehead pressed against yours.  A smile unlike one you’d seen in a long time on him spread across his face.  Both of you chuckled quietly in the hall.  Despite what was going on in the world, at that moment, you felt so giddy.  You let out another chuckle as his stubble brushed your chin as he kissed you again.
   “Oh, well then.”  A female cleared her voice further down the hall, and both of you parted to see Sharon standing there with her hands in her pockets.  “This is a new development.”  She raised her brows at you.  “Everyone’s changed.  We’re heading down to the party so I can ask around about Nagel.”
   “Okay,” you nodded.  “Thank you, Sharon.”
   “Uhuh.”  She turned to head back out, pausing to give you another pointed look.  “Watch out for these types.  They sometimes have a habit of kissing you and then never calling.”
   You winced at the comment as she disappeared around the corner.  Bucky’s eyebrows raised as he let out an awkward whistle.  “Wow.”
   “I understand where she’s coming from,” you mumbled.  “I can’t believe all this time she was out here, and Steve just...”
   “I know,” Bucky said gently.  “Anyway, we’ve gotta’ go.”  He held your hand and began to lead the way down the hall, though stopped when you hesitated.   “You think she’ll say anything to the others about...um…?”
   “Doesn’t matter.”  He shrugged.  “I’m just glad it wasn’t Zemo, or else we wouldn’t hear the end of it.” 
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winterpower98 · 3 years
The Map
I want to talk a bit about this map and the lendmarks we see on it
(I did some research on Chinese Mythology but please correct me if I’m wrong about anything)
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Let’s start off with the most obvious symbol. The big red fire in the middle of the map looks an awful lot like the symbol on the back of Red’s jacket. However, the symbol doesn’t look like it’s above any specific landmarks so, that probably means that this map belonged to Red Son or was made by him.
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The second symbol is the one in the upper right corner: A Bunny/Rabbit with a circle that looks like the moon. That could very well be referring to Chang’e, the goddess of the moon, but it’s more probably indicating the White Jade Rabbit. The Jade Rabbit is known for making elixirs of immortality, however, there is a play/dance that tells how Monkey King had to chase away a toad demon that ended up posing as the Jade Rabbit and used his pestel as a weapon (link to said play). This might be a stretch but I think it was worth mentioning.
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The third symbol it’s on the bottom right corner, above a mountain that is shaped like a familiar pair of bull horns. This landmark could be either of two things: This is DBK original home, Sky Scraping Cave on Accumulated Thunder Mountain. Or it could be Red’s old home, Fiery Cloud Cave. Either way, this probably means that we will see DBK and Red Son again.
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The fourth and last symbol is in the bottom left corner, above what looks like a lotus flower. There aren’t many characters that appear in JTTW connected to lotus flowers but there are two main ones: The first is the Bodhisattva Guanyin, or Goddess of Mercy, she is always represented by a lotus so that would be the obvious conclusion. However, The goddess home is described to be somewhere surrounded by blue bamboos, and as we can see on the map, there are no bamboos. The second character could be Nazha, also known as “The Third Lotus Prince”. I unfortunately don’t know enough about Nazha and where he lives to make a good enough assumption. Now, after thinking about it a bit more, I believe that this landmark may not be a lotus at all. If we look a bit closer at it, it almost looks like a tower surrounded by smaller towers. This might be a stretch but, in JTTW there is the Kingdom of Women, but there is also the city of the Three Immortals (Goat strength immortal, Dear strength immortal, and Tiger strength immortal).
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We do have one more landmark with no symbol on the map, in the upper right corner. Someone said that it might be the home of the Rhyno King we’ve seen in the game “Simp for the Chimp”. But I would like to point out that the mountain drawn on it is oddly shaped like the horns on the WBS’s mech. This could be a stretch and means nothing but I thought it was still important to point out.
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