#im nervous about it and I think that’s where the dreams are coming from
cherrysnax · 1 year
i do wonder why I’m having all these weirdly vivid and grounded dreams all of a sudden
#‘all of a sudden’ in silv times means months ago btw#recently I feel very… determined to get my life together#do the things I’ve been putting off because I guess I gained the will to live#and not just from my happy pills#im nervous about it and I think that’s where the dreams are coming from#im mentally in a place of moving forward but am I ready for that#im scared yeah but more than that am I disciplined enough? I don’t usually like that phrase cause it’s so rooted in self punishment and harm#for me at least#doesn’t help that I’m always in pain but recently this pain coulda actually killed me instead of just being a major hindrance that I’m used#to. so I’m forced to look at my life and ask if would be satisfied if I died now#and the answer is resounding… eh? I’ve met a lot of lovely people. done some coolish things and promptly did nothing but#*be anxious mad and depressed. sure I drew a lot and started somethin I love w the woman I love but does it matter if I don’t really get to#start it and maybe even finish it? I don’t want to die with too many regrets you know? esp since I’ve done so many small things to get out#of my comfort zone but not nearly enough. I want to dance again I want to make a comic I want to go to college and have a shitty job and a#shittier apartment I want#to live and not just be alive#I don’t want to be defined by my fear of expirences and pain because even if I do NOTHING life will go on w/o me#boh i dont know maybe I’m just. stupid
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jyoongim · 3 months
Just found you and read all your Alastor fics. Love them! My request is jealous fucking with breeding. But the jealousy comes on because of Lucifer. Luci comes to visit the hotel and causally makes a sweet comment to reader but as soon as he notices that it pisses off Al, Lucifer just goes all in offer to buy readers soul and free her just to piss off Al until reader and Charlie have to break them up before they fight. Then comes in the breeding, so everyone knows your his as if him owning your soul wasn’t enough
Oh I appreciate it so much! I hope you enjoy it around these parts and I am happy you enjoy my writing!
Warnings: fem!reader, jealous!Alastor, flirting, Lucifer riling up Alastor, rough sex, breeding kink, pregnancy mentioned
The hotel was in an uproar over the King of Hell's impending visit.
Charlie was a nervous wreck and you were doing everything to make sure that the hotel was somewhat presentable and that everyone was well behaved.
”Now just be your charming self and make sure to help promote the purpose of the hotel for Charlie” you said fixing Alastor’s bow tie. He smiled down at you, waving his hand dismissively “Oh don’t worry my dear Ill be the perfect host. There’s nothing to worry about”
Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell…was not what you had expected.
You could see where Charlie got her flare from.
He was looking around the lobby, taking in the interior and the residents. You didn’t miss the way his face scrunched up a bit.
”And here are our lovely hotel managers dad” Charlie said, turning towards you and Alastor.
You smiled, giving him a slight curtesy “Its a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty, I hope that you enjoy your time here at the hotel” 
Lucifer dawned a sultry smile, grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips. Kissing it.
”The pleasure is all mine”
Alastor growled, stepping between the two of you. He gave a tense smile “Pleased to meet you sir” he slapped your hand out of his and took it to shake. Lucifer blinked, a slight frown on his face “and you would be?” A snort escaped the red demon 
“Alastor! Im the host of the hotel. Maybe you’ve heard of my radio broadcast?” Lucifer deadpanned “nah never was one to consume media” he shrugged.
He slipped by to your side, looping an arm around you “Now I’m sure you wouldn’t mind giving me a tour hmmm? Show me all of the more intimate parts” he chortled, as you nervously turned to Alastor.
Alastor's smile was tense and his eye was twitching slightly.
Irritated and annoyed.
Lucifer seemed to pick up on that.
He eyed the lanky demon, before cooing at you “oh don’t tell me you need the bellhop’s permission? ”
oh no. The lights flickered.
You cleared your throat “I would be honored your grace,but Alastor knows the hotel better than I. He can show you around” you offered, making the King groan.
Charlie chirped in “Yes yes. Alastor has been a great help. Well shall we?”
The tour went without any mishap. Alastor had you tucked away into his side as Charlie gave a run through of what she was trying to achieve.
Charlie suggested dinner before her dad left, to give him a little convincing to help.
You bustled about the kitchen, setting everyone’s meal down and making your way to sit by Alastor.
A hand grabbed your wrist, you stiffened as Lucifer gave you a charming smile “why not sit by me. Charlie has told of some of the improvements you think would work for the hotel”
You heard a static buzz as you took a seat by him.
You listened quietly as Charlie went on and on about her plans.
Lucifer had been not so subtly subtly flirting with you the entire dinner.
”Well I will think about it Charlie. I do believe your dream is possible” She smiled happily. he turned his eyes to you
”Especially with such lovely help” you blushed.
He seemed more interested in you.
”sooo what’s your deal with that guy” he was referring to Alastor
you tilted your head in question, he clarified his intention
”I mean he own your soul or something? A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be tied to the likes of him. how about I nullify whatever deal you made and you take you under my wing instead”
You looked at him shocked.
The sound of glass breaking sounded and Alastor shook his hand of the liquid once in the glass
He chuckled darkly “Well I am afraid it is late, wouldn’t you agree dearest?” His eyes narrowed on the man as he stood, coming around to stand behind you.
His eyes were black and glowing red as he practically sneered at the King.
Lucifer was unfazed by the intimidation tactic.
”haha what I strike a nerve? You’ve got this amazing beauty on a leash and for what? Im sure shell do much better being tied to you” 
Before Alastor could lunge at the man, you stood up and pressed yourself against him as you heard Charlie grab her dad to pull him away. 
Your hands reached for his face, turning his enraged eyes to you.
You shook your head at him slightly. You know when someone wa just trying to ruffle his feathers.
”I am feeling quite tired from today’s activities why don’t we turn in for the night yes?” You pleaded with him, softly pushing him back towards to door.
Large hands gripped your waist as his turned his eyes back towards Lucifer, he hissed lowly before whisking you out of the kitchen and to your shared bedroom.
The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room.
You whined at a harsh thrust that jolted your body against the silky sheets.
The room was buzzing with static as Alastor fucked into you.
Green chains hung heavy around your collar as Alastor pulled on them to pull you into his thrusts.
He was pissed.
His usual composed and controlled demeanor slipping the moment he slammed the door.
He had taken you against the door roughly, too pent up to let you get a single word out.
He had thrown you onto the bed after, a dark aura surrounding him as his antlers grew with the angry emotions swirling inside him.
“Ah! Ha! A-Alastor!” You moaned as another orgasm racked through you.
He twisted your chains around his arm as he used them as leverage to drill his dick into you.
“Who do he think he is?” He growled, pushing your head into the mattress 
“Thinking he can just take you from me…ME?! You are mine”
You let out a cry as he ruined your walls, balls slapping against your cunt.
“You wouldn’t leave my side would you sweetheart” he hissed down at you, turning your head so you could see him.
”Who would want you after I ruin you hmm? You would be nothing but sloppy seconds.” He regraded you, angry at the very thought of you thinking you could terminate your deal with him.
Your deal with Alastor was nothing too extreme. Your complete devotion to him for his protection.
While he might not admit it, Alastor had grown accustomed to you being by his side, able to help him see reason and take on tasks he found too mundane.
You were like his wife in a sense. 
Soft and caring, always doing whatever he asked of you.
You never complained, happily fulfilling your duties to a tee.
And some goofy, short king thinks you would leave your benefactor?
Had he not given you anything you ever wanted?
You were the most free soul he had, that was a privilege.
Your cunt squelched as he pulled out, the tip kissing your outer lips as he stilled in his rough fucking.
You panted, clammy sweat sticking to your body as he tugged at your chains.
You were on your back, thighs spread around his waist.
A hand wrapped around your throat, Alastor leaning down to press a surprise soft kiss to your forehead
”You wouldn’t dare leave me would you baby” he cocked his head at you.
You shook your head quickly, hoping that he had blew off enough steam to finally be reasonable.
But Alastor’s jealousy was ugly.
He wouldn’t be done with you until there was nothing you thought about but him.
He should be what plagues your thoughts.
You should crave him by the time he was done.
He slotted back inside you, making you gasp as he returned to his fast pace.
”Leave me for that sorry excuse of a king? Ha! You wouldn’t. No not my pretty girl. Youre my good girl aren’t you?”
You mewled as you watch him transform.
”I-Im your good girl Ah! Pl-please!” Your eyes clenched closed in pleasure.
”Youre mine. You understand that? I own you. Your every thought. Every feeling. Your body, mind, and soul are mine. You gave them to me oh so happy. I can do whatever I please with you. Ruin you and dump you off into the street like a common whore if I wished”
You whimpered at his words.
”But thats not enough is it? Hmmm? Noooo. Youre not mine” he purred.
you pouted, ready to reassure him that you were, in fact, his.
He lifted one of your legs to your chest, angling his hips down
”Ill make sure every disrespectful wretch knows you are mine. Fir it seems my constant presence isn’t enough”
Your cunt fluttered.
How else would….
His dick hit that sweet spot deep inside you
”Oh! Ah!” His hand on your neck tightened as a sharp smile appeared on his face
”So maybe putting a claim to you will do the trick”
Your mouth shaped into an ‘O’ as he fucked you roughly, hips grinding down as if to make you mold to his very shape.
Sinners couldn’t reproduce.
that was your last coherent thought as he slammed his hips into yours over and over til he sighed, his dick twitching as he filled you with his cum.
You whined as he gave soft thrusts to keep his cum inside you, purring as it spilled around him, pooling around your ass.
You whined when he pulled out, hearing a soft ‘pop’ as you clenched around nothing.
A hand settled on your lower belly, now full of his cum, Alastor grinned wicked “Let’s see how much the pipsqueak will want you now my dear” he chuckled.
“Its nice to see you again sir” you said welcoming the King of Hell inside the hotel.
He smiled and once he got a good look at you, it fell.
”Charlie will be down in a second do you need anything?” You asked sweetly, hand resting on your swollen belly.
He stuttered out a response in surprise “O-oh w-why thank you. I take it you’ve been well”
Alastor manifested behind you, grinning at the short monarch, his arm roping around your waist, hand settling on the side of your stomach “Ah yes! We’ve been busy. Im sure you can tell”
Alastor- 2
Lucifer- 0
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mehrsdigitaldiary · 1 month
Nothing Feels Better
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
summary- the legendary win. a win no one will forget
a/n- AGGHHHHH I'M STILL NOT OVER HIS WIN IT FEELS LIKE A FEVER DREAM FRGRGHSKFQWRJ. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this, I'm sorry if this is bad, I'm still improving🤍
The atmosphere in the McLaren hospitality was tense. No one relaxed after Lando pit. Each and everyone in the hospitality was a nervous wreck, their eyes focused on the gap between him and Max.
You were sitting with Ria and Aarav, heart racing, praying to all the gods for no fuck ups. The safety car ended and the tension levels in the hospitality were at an all time high with Verstappen lining his car up almost next to Lando. Everyone was up from their seats. This was it.
Once the green flag was waved, Lando pulled away with ease but Max was well within DRS range. But with pressure from Charles and Carlos right on his tail, Max had to focus on defending his position rather than fighting Lando for P1, although the gap between Lando and Max kept giving you mini heart attacks with it decreasing and increasing every millisecond.
Lap 33 to Lap 56 went by in the blink of an eye. It was the last lap of the race. No one in the hospitality dared to move till he passed the last corner of the track. After he did, the entire hospitality emerged in cheers, mechanics running over to the pitwall grill and climbing it to cheer your boyfriend on his very first of many wins in Formula 1.
You however stayed put where you were holding Ria's hand, both of your eyes glued to the screen until Lando crossed the finish line. You were completely shocked. Your boyfriend had won the Miami Grand Prix. LANDO WAS A RACE WINNER. Now, everything was a blur to you, all you were thinking about was running to Parc Fermé and smothering your boyfriend in kisses.
Lando was the last to reach Parc Fermé. He got out of his car and ran towards the mechanics, jumping on them. Next he came to you and captured your lips in a passionate kiss, you crying into the kiss. You pulled him into a hug before he left for the post race interview, "I'm so so so proud of you my love. My future champion, I love you.", you whispered into his ears. Lando whispered a quick 'I love you' to you with a cheeky wink before he rushed for his interview.
"Lando Norris, how does it feel to be an F1 Grand Prix winner?" Jenson asked him. "About time huh? Fuck, sorry. But yeah, it feels surreal. I'm so thankful for my team, my family, my friends, my girlfriend Y/N who is right there for their constant support. I wouldn't recommend recording her right now she's a mess." he chuckled. "But yeah, a huge thanks tot the team for believing in me, I finally delivered to them."
Once the podium celebrations were over, Lando and you went back to his drivers room. As soon as he locked the door, he pulled you in for a long, messy, passionate kiss. "I'm beyond proud of you baby. it was always a matter of when, not if. There's so much more to come for you. My future champ." You spoke into the kiss. "thank you so much for supporting me through this baby. I wouldn't have bee able to do this without you. I love you babygirl." he said. "I love you so much more"
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and others
landonorris thank u so much babygirl couldn’t have done it without ur constant support🤍🤍🤍🤍
fernandoalo_official bravooooo👏🏼👏🏼
lewishamilton WELL DONE.
user okay but is anyone going to talk about how Y/N and ria fell when he crossed the finish line😭😭
— user that and how Y/N sprinted to climb the pitwall grill with the mechanics to cheer lando on 🥹😭
Requests are open send in requests for fics and blurbs <33
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lingeriae · 9 months
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pairings - onyankopan x black fem reader
warnings - use of marijuana, smut, cursing, slight daddy kink? lil bit of choking, ass smacks here and there, breeding, talks about marriage, grammar errors, reader is black and female!
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a cloud of thick smoke surrounded onyankopon as he exhaled, slowly dispersing to show the glistening dark skin of the male beside you, his eyes closed and his face relaxed. his chest, inked with a tatto of a cross, expanded as he inhaled the smoke from the blunt a sigh falling from his full lips before they opened, catching your eyes.
you hesitated, looking away from him and back again. "you straight?"
his eyebrow raised at your question, eyes looking you up and down waiting for you to 'fix your sentence' causing you to roll your eyes and smack your lips together. "are you okay?"
ony mumbled something that sounded like a 's'what i thought.' before shifting his hips a little, head rested against your headboard while he stared at the blunt in his hand, collecting his thoughts so he could offer you a good enough answer.
he rolled his tongue over his teeth, huffing through his nose before dragging his eyes to meet yours, "you know, you the first girl I ever been with for so long," he says causing you to shift, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth and your eyebrows furrowed, wondering where this was coming from,
you shifted from your place on the bed from his words and from how hard he was staring at you, both making you nervous.
tilting your head with a grin you responded to him "maybe cause im a woman and not no 'girl'." ony sucked his teeth in responce causing you to snicker, which sounded a bit like a windex bottle.
it goes quiet after that and your nerves rise, wondering if something had happen why ony had suddenly brought this up, wondering if he was going to break-up with you. his gaze is intense, and you figet under it, trying to find something to distract yourself until he mutters out a soft 'cmere', spreading his legs and patting his stomach for you to come sit.
he watched you hesitate, eyes flickering from his eyes to his hand on his stomach before your swung your leg over him, thighs pressed against his side, slowly easing your body weight against him with your hands pressed against his chest only fully sitting down when his hand came up to rest against your hips.
your suddenly hit with the scent of cinnamon and weed as you inhale, face heating up at how good the man infront of you smelled, watching your acrlyic nails tapping against his biceps to avoid looking into his eyes knowing the minute you did, it would have you smiling goofily.
the way his fingers traces teasingly at the waistband of your shorts has your body running hot and your plush thighs squeezing at his waist, a chuckle falls from ony's lips at your reaction, smirking at how quiet you suddenly got now that your on top of him.
"had a dream bout you last night." he says after a minute, placing his blunt on the hello-kitty ashtray that sat neatly on your night stand, before putting his arm under his head taking the chance to look you up and down, eyes pausing at the sight of your nipples in the white crop top you had on licking his lips before looking back at you watching you trace the tattoo that laid on his chest, still not looking at him.
"mmm, course you did." you sass, rolling your eyes. ony pinches your thigh at the attitude, smiling as you snicker with your windex sounding laugh again. "wasn' that typa dream, you're just nasty."
"I didn't even mean it like that, you the nasty one for thinking-mmph!" you don't time to react as ony wraps his hand around your neck and pulls you closer to him, pressing his plump lips against yours in a quick motion, making your body feel hot in the little clothes you had on. his hand on your waist moves to grip the fat of your ass, slurping up the whine you make when he squeezes it before pulling away from the sloppy kiss, brown eyes darkening at the way you looked up at him with your pretty lips parted and your lip gloss smudged at the side of them.
ony licks his lips moving his hand from around your neck and placing it back to it's position behind his head, not once looking away from you even as you looked down at your nails, nibbling your bottom lips.
he snickers, "mouth ain't smart no more, huh?" you only roll your eyes before crossing your arms over your chest, giving him an unimpressed look.
"gonna tell me about your dream or what?" you ask, flipping a braid over your shoulder and ignoring the slap he gives your ass.
sucking his teeth ony shakes his head, "man, stop talking to me like im one of your lil friends before I bend you over." he mumbles it low and threatingly, you shudder because you know he's not playing and that he would indeed bend you over, no hestitation.
that alone has you shifting on his lap in an attempt the throb that you felt from your pussy, praying that he didn't feel it.
"we got married," he says, smiling lazily at the way you immediately look up at him with your eyebrows raised, "and we had a kid. a girl, had your big ass forehead with my pretty eyes." he said, laughing when you punch him in his chest and roll your eyes with a pretty smile on your plump lips.
his hand rubs your back as he continues, closing his eyes. "had your smile and hair, and we had one more on the way."
a huge smile makes it way to your face, fingers tracing shapes on ony's bare chest, mentally imagining how your kids would look. "damn, we would have some cute-ass kids." he hums in responce, still rubbing your back. "too bad m too gangsta to get pregnant by you."
the hand on your back pauses, you try not to laugh as you continue tracing shapes on him, biting the inside of your cheek so you don't smile. ony's eyes are open, eyebrows drawn and a blank look on his face as he sits up, chest now pressed against yours whilst both his arms attach themselves to your waist, trailing down your ass slowly--almost threatingly.
you still don't look up at him, body heating up as excitement and amusement runs throughout your body, knowing you were about to be dealt with soon.
"whatchu say?" folding your lips together, you look up at ony through your lashes, not knowing whether to be scared or turned on from the look he held on his face. you shake your head as you blinked up at him, watching on of his eyebrow twitch, a indicator that shit was about to go down.
his hips shift, pulling a gasp from you as you feel his half-hard dick press against your pussy, his hands drapping you towards him so that your nose brushes against each other and your clit drags against the material of your pink shorts, your mouth falls open at the friction.
"nah, repeat what you said."
you shake your head again, hips grinding against him. he narrows his eyes at you, the grip he has on you tightening.
"o-ony slow down please-fuck!"
his pace only increases, hips snapping up into you with god-like speed, the tip of his dick repeatedly hitting your sensitive spot inside your spongey warmth, hitting you with pleasure over and over. he's dicking you down so good, it feels unreal.
“i-it's too much, baby i-i can't-"
"nah," he drawls, "you gon take it, cause you gangsta, right?"
"take this fucking dick and don't play with me, lil girl."
you moan at his words, clawing unto his back as he fucks you deeper into your pink satin sheets, back arching with pleasure and a desperate need to be closer to him.
he hisses at the feeling but his harsh thrusts don't ease up, his chocolate eyes look down at you, watching how you titties jump in your lil white shirt, pretty face screwed up from the pleasure he was giving you. moaning his name, with your sweet lips and pretty ass voice.
"talm bout you 'too gangsta to get pregnant by me.' ima show you sum in a minute."
you sniff, shaking your head. "was playin, daddy. didn-didn't mean it,"
"told you to stop playing with me, and you ran your mouth." he grumbles, shaking his head with a laugh. "look where that got you, dicked down and dumb."
"m'sorry, please onya m'sorry!" you babble out, gripping him harder.
he pulls you closer to him, pushing up your thighs so he can fuck you deeper, licking his lips at the whine you let out. he knows your close from how your holding unto him like your about to die, and the way your pussy clenches down on him the same way.
"know you sorry, mama. still gotta take this dick though." your breath hitches and moans get shaky, glossy eyes looking up at him. the sight alone is enough to make ony cum, but he restrains himself.
your eyebrows draw together, lips parting as you feel a familiar feeling in your stomach. ony watches you, nodding his head with a smirk on his face, white teeth showing behind his full lips.
"you gonna cum? too gangsta but you bout to make a mess on this dick?" he taunts in a deep, seductive voice, letting out a grunt when he feels you tighten around him. your lips part with a squeal when he brings his hand from your hips to press down on your tummy, the pressure has the knot in your belly feeling like it's about to snap. "gonna nut all in this pussy, give you a pretty baby. you want it, mama?" ony asks, smiling at how you bit your lips and nod your head, obviously way too fucked out to give a proper responce.
"you gotta mouth, mama, know you know how to you use it."
your head bobs as you nod again, drool running from the side of your lips as they part to answer him. "y-yeah. want your pretty babies, ony." a pretty smile makes it's way to ony's face before he's leaning down to press his lips against yours, swallowing out every whine and moan you let out as you cum hard, pussy fluttering around ony's dick and your thighs trembling in his hands as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm until he cums, white load shooting inside of your pussy making you feel full.
he pulls out, watching a mixture of yours and his creamy liquid pool out you, and unto your sheets, brown pussy glistening prettily. ony licks his lips his lips at the sight, pushing back into you, laughing at the gasp that leaves your lips.
"o-ony wait-"
ony cuts you off before the words can leave your lips, licking his owns which shined with the lip gloss that was once on yours, "uh-uh, think I was joking bout you taking this dick? ima show you what happens when you don't watch that mouth."
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irndad · 3 months
if you’re still doing flower prompts i’d love either Rainflower or Purple Lilac with spencer <3
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a/n: heyyyy im alive! writing from my trip, love you guys, don't know the wc! flower prompts
Rainflower - realizing that you/they love them/you back
It comes on all at once. 
Spencer- he’s never been particularly good at knowing when he’s feeling romantic. There wasn’t any experience with it. He knows that he’s hardly anyone’s dream guy- all awkward gangly limbs, too tall and too full of information that no one wanted to hear.
He’s carved out a little corner of the world that he can be seen in, that he can be loved in- but he’s never really been under the notion that someone could want him. Spencer knows that he’s lucky to have even this- to have people that ignite the prickly and irritating parts of himself and love him despite about this. And while he might fantasize, daydream about a life where he can lace his long fingers with those of someone who sees him only in a loving gaze of joy, Spencer knows that he’s not the kind of person that gets that. He’s being rational about it- most days, he’s able to relegate this desire to be filled with fantasy. 
Except- something has been up lately.
His best friend is probably the best person that he’s ever met in his life. She’s a consultant with the BAU, and it’s been nice to know her, in so many ways. She’s funny and kind in a way that never seems to have a victim. Spencer is not the kind of person that particularly values physical beauty, but she possesses it in such a large margin that it is difficult to ignore. He’s actually distracted by it sometimes, having to take extra mental attention to her words when all he is drawn to is the lovely curve of her Cupid’s bow, and the both light and heavy weight of her gaze in him. I like when you look at me, he thinks. She never makes him feel small. 
When they’d met, he was reluctant to her presence in most regards. Spencer knows that when he is focused, he can be a solitary creature, and that he’s an acquired taste. But she never seemed to need time to acclimate to him. From her first day, she listened to him when he spoke, and god, she squeezed his shoulder when she walked past him. 
She never had to try to like him. He was never a concession to her. 
This morning, she is late to work. He tries not to time it, but he enjoys the ritual of his mornings far more when he’s with her. He makes her tea and greets her first thing, and she asks about his evening the day prior. He tells her about whatever foreign film or Russian book he read the night before, a little too earnestly. She listens with her lovely doe eyes, sipping slowly as she transitions into her day. It doesn’t feel like patience with her- it feels like she actually cares what he has to say. Their routine is a warm radio crackle of familiarity, his favorite part of his day.
But she’s late today.
When she walks in, she’s a little frazzled and  so, so, adorable. She’s in a T-shirt that looks so familiar to him, and a pair of jeans that look lovely on her pretty legs. It’s a pleasure, looking at her. He wish he had more time to do it, wants to leisurely drink in the sight of her like he has all the time in the world, it never feels long enough to look.
Her hair’s frazzled and she’s just about 5 minutes late- Hotch hasn’t even come out of his office yet, but she’s clearly nervous.
“You’re okay,” he hears himself say, as she plunks down her bag on the desk, “I have your tea.” 
He doesn’t expect her to look up, but she does. She looks up at him and beams, and Spencer- his heart swells. She grabs the cup, dainty pretty fingers wrapped around the curve of it, and she beams her so-sweet smile at him, and god, his knees might buckle. Has it always been this way? 
He drinks in the sight of her, as she runs a hand through her hair in a worried, incredibly endearing gesture. She’s beautiful, he thinks to himself. He wonders aimlessly, that she might have been meeting with a man this morning. It might be the explanation for the dishevelment. 
The burning bit in his chest this causes is one that lacks explanation. It hurts in a way that he cannot explain- she is not a realistic dream for him to have. It’s not like he’s never thought about the idea of the two of them together. It’s a fleeting thought, like the consideration if your life if you could fly. It’s not a dream that warrants real consideration. 
But when their fingers brush, her light touch on his hand, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like if she wanted him.
“Thank you, Spence,” she says, warm voice dripping with gratitude and something in his heart warms at the nickname, “You’re my hero.”
She takes a sip of it, and closes her eyes in a contemplative, restful moment. It’s unfairly adorable.
He’s never actually thought about it, until this moment. But her beauty transcends just being pure fact, a thing to note about his reality. It would be nice, Spencer thinks. It hits him like a tidal wave, images of her gorgeous laugh washing over him on a Sunday morning, the curve of her cheek, a world where he can hold her by the dip of her waist, where her ever-present kindness meant that she might, could, maybe, love him.
Love him back.
She has whipped cream on her finger. She took the lid of the drink off to have the whipped cream. 
He is so, so fucked. 
“Have I told you that I love you today, boy-genius?” 
Even though she’s kidding, and he stammers out a reply of acknowledgment, it is in this moment he knows, with the certainty of every empirical journal he has ever read. 
Spence Reid is hopelessly in love with his best friend, and there is absolutely nothing he can do about that. 
It’s still nice to want, though. 
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Off Script
Actress!Wanda x Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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You couldn’t believe it. First big time film project and you were teamed up with your celebrity crush, the world famous Wanda Maximoff.
It was a smaller indie project but Wanda always loved to do them after a blockbuster. It kept her grounded in her mind. And here she was about to work with you.
You somehow got thru the chemistry tests with her without completely falling to pieces in your presence. It was only later that you found out that she personally voted for you to be her love interest in the movie.
First day of filming and you were having jitters. You felt your script shaking in your hands.
“First day jitters,” a kind and lovey voice spoke to you. You turned to find Wanda giving you a friendly smile. “I still get those too. Especially on films im so excited about”
“You do such a wonderful job at hiding them.”
She giggles, “don’t worry it’ll pass. You got this Y/N. See you for scene 28” she gives a wink and walks off to join her assistant.
Scene 28? How could you forget? The first scene on the first day of filming and it’s the big scene where your character and hers admit their star crossed feelings for one another. You were supposed to then pick her up and set her on the kitchen counter before being interrupted.
Your hands were gonna be in her waist. She was supposed to be panting according to the script. The only woman you’ve ever crushed on and this was the scene?
Well the first few takes were a disaster. The director wasn’t furious but more frustrated. “This is not align with my vision!” The director whined before moving from the set to his trailer to think.
“I’m a screw up” you sigh. Wanda places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“It’s not easy. Building a sense of intimacy with a total stranger.”
“But you and Vis do so great on—“
“We hung out before the cameras even rolled” she shrugs. “Come on. I think our director’s gonna be gone for awhile”
Wanda takes your hand and leads you to her trailer. Her trailer, a mishmash of her guitar, some old TV show DVDs and her laptop. She takes a seat on the couch and pats the space next to her. You take a seat.
Your favorite actress stares at you like a girl who invited to her crush up to her bedroom. You could feel your own heart pounding out of your chest.
“Ask me anything.” She says, “anything to break the ice.”
“Favorite food?”
“My momma’s paprikesh. Old family recipe. Favorite show?”
You were tempted to say hers, “uhh…Dick Van Dyke season two”
“Nice choice. Also my favorite” she giggles, “if you weren’t acting what would you do?”
“Writing.” You answer, “I just love it. And you?”
“I honestly don’t know.” She takes a deep breath, “maybe gardening…or maybe writing a children’s book”
“Got anyone special?” Your question makes Wanda’s cheeks burn red with embarrassment.
“No. I know what the press says about me and Vis but there’s nothing there.” She smiles at you, “and you?”
“No. I-I’ve been so nervous about working with you. You’re like so cool and amazing and beautiful.” You wanted to slap yourself for saying it aloud.
“You think I’m beautiful?” She smiles at you. As if on instinct, you nod. “I-I have to admit, I was nervous about today too.”
“The great Wanda Maximoff? nervous?”
“I couldn’t tell you at the audition but…I-I thought you cute.”
You could practically feel your heart stop. This had to be some last second before death kind of dream.
Wanda gets up on her knees. “Mind if I try something?”
“Sure. What?” She wraps her arms around your neck.
“Chemistry test…detka” she leans in, your arms wrap around her waist. She kisses you. First gently and then a little quicker and then a little more desperate. She pulls back and looks you in the eye.
“Perfect” she whispers before kissing you again. “You’re perfect”
It was perfect. It was everything you dreamed of. Wanda was in your arms, her legs wrapped around your waist, kissing you. Her lips were like the sweetest candy. You never wanted it to end.
A knock at the trailer door breaks you apart. “Ms Maximoff? You and Y/N are needed on set. Everything alright?” The A.D. asks.
“Yeah. Y/N and I were…practicing for the scene.” She blushes.
“Need you both on set in five.” The A.D. says before leaving.
“To be continued?” You ask a little hopeful.
“I can’t wait for us to practice Scene 75,” Wanda gives you a wink before pulling you out the door. She pulls you close and whispers, “later…detka”
Wanda Maximoff, you’d want no one else for a screen partner…and maybe just for a partner in general. The paparazzi is gonna have a field day with this.
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ecstasyhighway · 2 months
You & I | E.Williams
chapter i
CW, ellie is a pervert here she watches the reader masturbate… there is smut towards the end guys (im not good at smut but i tried my best) masturbation (reader and ellie) , stalking, y/n is used
this might be straight cheese ngl…im not good at ts 😭 but enjoy ig
wc: 1.4k
read the prologue here ch 2
“Hi! Hello”
A voice chimes from behind her, she turns around, and a lump forms in her throat.
Ellie quickly clears her throat and begins to talk, her eyes scanning your features. She is infatuated with you, you’re gorgeous, ethereal even…
“hi sorry how may I help you?”
“Yes, do you guys happen to have 21’s new album?”
you ask so sweetly, Ellie watches you speak, your oh-so-beautiful smile just making her want to fall to her knees. Ellie signals you to follow her, heading back to the rap section of the store, her eyes scan the shelves as she looks for the album, She reaches up and pulls out the ‘American Dream’ and hands it to you.
“This one?”
You smile and giggle a little, “Yes! this is exactly what I've been looking for… I couldn’t find it anywhere else I've looked all over thank you um…?” You trail off looking for a name tag, “..Ellie, thank you”
Ellie smiles, her face feeling warm, she knows she's red as fuck right now and her feeling embarrassed about it is just making her even more flustered “Y-yeah no problem, is that all? I can ring you up over here” She chuckles softly trying to cover the anxiety in her voice.
You and Ellie head towards the register, she rings you up and you hand her your card. Ellie examines your card trying to get your name, she needs to know, she knows nothing about you, just some things like you like 21 savage and Tyler. But that’s not nearly enough, she needs to know everything about you, things even you don’t know about yourself...
“y/n? That's a really pretty name” She smirks and takes a mental note of your first and last name, she will most definitely be looking you up later.
“oh thank you so much!” you say with joy in your voice, “I might come back another time, I uhh really like music and I really want to learn how to play an instrument so maybe I’ll see you again?” you ask so innocently, Ellie, on the other hand, was freaking out on the inside, she just thought you were so gorgeous and she needed to know more about you and she needed you to come back
“yeah, uhm I teach acoustic guitar, and piano so if you ever want lessons just show up, I'm here pretty much all the time, haha yeah this store is actually my life and-“ She cuts herself off realizing she's just rambling about nothing. “sorry yes you will definitely see me again” she is mentally cursing at herself for being such a nervous wreck in front of you.
“awesome, I’ll see you laters Ellie” and with that, you turn around and focus your attention on your phone, a message dings and you begin typing away. Ellie noticed this and is already feeling a certain way.. do you have a boyfriend? girlfriend? Are you single..? its okay she’ll figure all that out.
Once Ellie’s shift was over she went down to her music room. She sat there for a second and put on some jazz, she grabbed her laptop and began her long and tedious search, y/n l/n, she scrolled through the search page filled with many other y/n l/n’s. she stops. ‘bingo’ she thinks to herself, she found you ‘y/n.oncam’ on pretty much everything. Luckily all your accounts are public, unluckily she notices that you literally post your entire life on the internet, ‘do you know how many creeps are on the internet? oh once I have you to myself no one will be able to ever know anything personal about you’ she scoffs.
Here's what she knows, you’re 20, you’re single, you like to read, and you lovee music.. you live in an apartment with a big window.
Wait, she knows that complex, yeah she knows where that is, it's right across the street from the bookstore Dina works at. Shit Dina! Ellie forgot that she promised to bring Dina a limited edition 2Pac vinyl she had in storage. Ellie jumped up, grabbed her jacket, went to the storage to grab the record. She gets in her car and heads to Dina’s bookstore.
‘D are you still at work?’
‘I'm bringing the record rn’
*Dinabina like a message*
Ellie arrived at the bookstore, the words ‘Hidden Pages’ flickering softly as one of the letters had gone out. Ellie walks into the store and walks up to Dina, who is reading.
“D, I got the record”
“yayy thank you Ellie” Dina walks up to her smiling and gives her a hug “I’ll give it back as soon as I'm finished listening to it”
Ellie said her goodbyes and left the store.
She looks around trying to find the apartment, she found it. ‘Havenwood apartments’ She walks to the tall building and examines it and she spots the only big window, no curtains, lights on, and a woman's figure dancing around. She gets closer to the building, not too close but close enough to see into the window. Sure enough, it's you, dancing and singing, oblivious to the world around you, if you would just stop and look out of your window you would see Ellie, watching you closely, biting her lip and just enjoying the view of you.
You had gotten tired, turned off the music and began getting ready for bed. Oh, but that feeling between your legs was getting stronger, you tried to ignore it, you’ve been pent up and so busy lately, mostly because of work and shit. ‘Fuck’ you curse quietly to yourself and you head to your couch, you slip your hands down your pants and begin rubbing circles on your clit, dipping your fingers into your hole and gathering your juices to add more lubrication. Your eyes close and as you add pressure to your throbbing clit, you feel yourself bucking your hips for more friction. Fingers pumping in and out of your hole. Your other hand fondling your soft tits, adding more stimulation ‘mmph fuck’ The noises coming from your mouth are almost pornographic, your neighbors could probably hear you as the walls are thin. You feel yourself getting closer so you begin moving faster your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape “Mmpfh shit’m gonna cum fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck” You get that feeling in your stomach and let yourself go, your orgasm hitting you like a truck, you continue rubbing your clit riding out your orgasm, legs shaking from the overstimulation. Once you’re done you sit up and head to the bathroom to clean yourself up and you go to your bed to watch a show, you feel so comfortable and safe in the warmth of your bed so, you drift off into a slumber…
Oh but little did you know. You weren’t alone. Ellie saw what you were doing, she saw your most intimate moment and you didn't even notice you were being watched. Like she thought you were oblivious to the world around you, a normal person would sense another watching them, but not you…or maybe you knew she was watching and you put on a show for her and only her. Ellie’s hand reaches to unbutton her jeans, reaches her hand into her underwear, and begins rubbing her clit to the thought of you, your body, your pussy just begging to be touched by her, your soft tits and your skin needing to be marked by her…she needs you so bad.. just as she’s about to come undone. an elderly opens the door behind her, luckily Ellie had her back turned so the lady didn’t see her pleasuring herself to you. Ellie saw that the lady had many bags and offered to help her.
“Can you call a cab for me dear, they all just speed right passed me?” the woman asked kindly, and Ellie did what she asked, grabbing the cab’s attention and opening the door for her, all with a smile and her juices dripping down her thighs. The cab leaves and Ellie walks to her car.. “why were you touching yourself out in public while watching an oblivious girl masturbate..you’re so fucking weird.. fuck Ellie what the fuck, you need to be more careful, that could’ve not gone in your favor…” she whispered to herself, her cheeks red from embarrassment. She gets in her car and heads to her apartment….
idk what a tag list is but someone said “need to be in the taglist” and my gf said that means they wanna be tagged when the next part comes out so yeah
🏷️ @vqxen
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chrissfawn · 4 days
ꨄ ⌒ ⋆。 ˚ SOFTLY .
— show me pt. 2 !!⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
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│⊹ warnings ⋆ ;; fluffy smut :3, cowgirl, praise, pet names (baby, angel, gorgeous), lowercase intended
│⊹ pairing ⋆ ;; chris sturniolo x fem!reader
│⊹ haven’s notes ⋆ ;; MY CHILDREN. im so so sorry for being gone for so long :((( i had CRAZY writers block. i promise ill be back!
reader’s — pov .
its been about three days since me and chris confessed our feelings for each other, but yet neither of us have made the first move on dating yet. don’t get me wrong, i would love to date chris but i don’t wanna make the first move!! my mom always told me that the boys should always do it first before the girls so i still think that.
the triplets were having a small get together at their place tonight and they all told me to go but my social battery was low so i didn’t. so instead im laying in bed, scolling on instagram reels while my tv played god knows what episode of the simpsons.
it was now 2:00am and my eyes were getting heavy. i let out a small sigh of defeat since i wanted to stay up longer. i reach over to grab my remote and i turn off my tv, then i put my phone on my nightstand. curling up against my soft pillows, i shut my eyes and slowly drift away to dream land. until i hear my phone vibrating. i groan out of annoyance and get my phone, surprised to see chris calling me. “chris?” i mumble.
“hey, sorry for calling so late.” i hear him speak softly from the other side of the phone, somehow being able to see the small smile on his face. “yeah no its fine, what is it?” i say a bit sarcastically, getting a giggle from the boy. “is it okay if i can come over?” chris said. my eyes opened up a bit more once he said this. “isn’t like, jake and—“ i was cut off by him saying; “nono, they already left. i just need to talk to you.”
i bit my bottom lip down as he told me he needed to talk to me. “oh uh, yeah you can come over.. the key is under my plant.” i note, closing my eyes again slightly. “alright great. see you soon.” chris replied. “see you.” i mumble, hanging up the call and tossing my phone on my blanket.
as i was waiting for chris, i was slipping in and out of sleep, getting as much sleep i could get before having to talk to him. soon enough, i heard my bedroom door open. “he— oh sorry are you sleeping?” he whispered. “not anymore.” i giggled a bit, getting up to turn on my lamp. chris gave me a small awkward smile as he sat down on my bed.
i bunched my hair together into a messy ponytail, grabbing two strands of hair out on each side. “so whats up?” i ask, seeing how nervous he looked. i would be lying if i said i wasn’t also nervous. “i wanna talk about what happened like three nights ago. you know, the night where you came over?” he began to start speaking. i gave him a small nod that made him continue. he began to start speaking. i gave him a small nod that made him continue. "i like you, a lot. and i know you already know that but the point is, can i.. be your boyfriend?" the brunette boy mumbled, loud enough for me to hear him.
"aw chris." i giggle. "yes, of course you can." i say, leaning over to tuck a strand of his loose curls behind his ear. "good" he giggled back, his cheeks turning pink. i hold his face and press a soft kiss on his lips. his hands automatically rest on my waist, pulling me closer to him. chris ended up guiding me to sit on his lap, making me giggle a bit. i threw my hair over my shoulder as i leaned back from him. "you're so pretty." chris mumbled whilst his lips tried to catch mine again. i laugh a little bit into the kiss and let out a shy thank you.
chris' fingers sneaked underneath my tank top that i always wear to bed and he messed around with the hem. "can i take this off?" he asked me quietly. i nod a bit eagerly, so this makes him throw it above my head slowly. "god your beautiful." he breathed as his hands start to roam around my body. "oh shush." i giggle out in a flustered expression. chris hands left my body and went to take off his jacket and shirt. we were now chest to chest as we laid back on my bed. our lips were pressed together as we both let our hands caress and touch each others skin.
i leaned up and looked down at chris with eyes filled of love and a bit of lust. "y'wanna do this?" he asked me with doe eyes. i nod my head quicky, a smile planted on my face. i slipped off of chris’ lap to lean down to my nightstand drawer to grab a condom left by my ex. i turned back to chris and helped him slid his blue fresh love sweats down, along side his boxers. i handed him the condom which he ripped off and slid down on his cock.
i slipped my pink sleep shorts and throw them into my laundry basket. i straddled my legs around chris’ waist while he aligned his tip with my entrance that was begging for some sort of friction. i sunk down onto him, both of us letting out a shaky moan. “tell me when to move, alright?” chris assured me, reaching up to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear. i nod, both in pain and in pleasure to the feeling of him stretching me out.
after a while, the stinging pain went away and formed into pleasure. “okay, try moving.” i mumble. and with that, chris let his hands grab onto my waist and he slowly started to thrust up into me. i tossed my head back a bit, my hands reaching down to his chest. “takin’ me so well already angel.” he moaned quietly, his hand slipping down to mine and intertwined our fingers together. i smile weakly to this small gesture. i rocked my hips back and forth onto his hips, his tip brushed against my cervix lightly. i moaned softly as his hips rutted up into my cunt.
his hand that was originally on my waist went down to my clit. chris’ thumb brushed against it gently, rubbing small circles to get another whimper from me. “jesus, m’ so close already.” the brunette boy moaned quietly. “m-me too.” i sigh, gasping a bit as chris’ thrusts picked up their pace. “oh chris.” i moan out, looking back down at him. “fuck, just like that baby.” he mumbled as a reaction to me swaying my hips to the sides.
“god, your so beautiful.” he smiled weakly up at me, making me blush even more. “thank you.” i giggle. his thumb on my clit slowed down and his hand went back to my hip. we both give each other small smiles that soon turn into our mouths falling agape. his thumb brushed on the top of my hand reassuringly before saying something again. “‘m gonna cum, shit.” he panted out. i let out a small “me too” that slipped my breath. “cum with me angel.” chris whimpered, sliding his hand onto my lower back. i leaned down closer to chris, giving him a messy kiss on his cheek. i came over his cock, i guess he came as-well since he let out a louder whimper.
he fucked me through our high before we came to a stop. chris noticed i was a little bit too quiet when i laid down on his chest. “you okay gorgeous?” he asked me, his hand going up to stroke his fingers through my hair soothingly. “mhm.” i mumble. we stayed still in the comfortable silence before chris spoke up. “lets get changed, yeah?” he said. i nodded, getting up from his chest. i rolled over and laid down on my bed comfortably. i shut my eyes, just hearing chris do his stuff.
“here baby.” he whispered, making me open my eyes. i sat up and he slipped one of my hollister shirts on me. he handed me a pair of my underwear to put on as well, which i did so. my eyes focused on him in awe, seeing how his hair pointed out everywhere and how sleepy his eyes looked. i laid back on my bed while he scooted next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. “sleep well angel.” a warm kissed pressed on my temple. “you too baby.” i say before immediately drifting away to sleep.
│⊹ ps ⋆ ;; sorry for posting this almost an hour late, i fear daddy was at target getting asked if i had w rizz by an 11 yr boy 😊
│⊹ taglist ⋆ ;; @deftonesmatt @mattsluttywaist @mattscoquette @too-efn-old-to-be-here @xoxo4chrisss @mxqdii @sweetstars-posts @larnieboox88 @sturniol0s
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danikamariewrites · 6 months
I’m in such a mood for some good old corruption😈 Would it be okay to request something with Eris x reader where reader was very shielded and never experienced normal things, like sleepovers, gossip w friends, and doesn’t get insinuations. She’s maybe eating something with cream and she’s licking stuff and it turns him on but she doesn’t understand why. Like she’s so naive/innocent and he just wants to corrupt her. People want the same and she gets hit on a lot, she unintentionally flirt back and think they’re having a normal conversation. So Eris protects her from it bc only he is allowed to bask in her innocence 👀 maybe he even takes her virginity 👀👀
idk why im like this tbh. Im just horny i guess…
Eris x reader
A/n: he would have a corruption kink lmao
Warnings: Dom/sub dynamics, corruption kink, suggestive
You’re younger than Eris by 100 years and you’re also the only girl in your family
Your family is high nobility in the Autumn Court so you have been heavily protected all your life
When the bond snapped for you and Eris it was at an Autumn Equinox ball
Eris was overjoyed that his little mate is so innocent
He couldn’t wait to show you everything around the court, in the bedroom, and about relationships in general
Eris took a risk and told his father who thought the match was perfect because Beron could get something out of it
The next day your family was called to the forest house. You were nervous because your parents wouldn’t tell you what was going on but focused on making sure you looked beautiful
Entering the throne room and seeing Eris you knew this meeting was about the mating bond. Eris could feel your nerves so he sent a wave of calm down the bond. You rest your hand on your chest giving him a shy smile
Once the adults were finished talking Eris came up to you, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles as he stared at you with those molten amber eyes
You have never been in a relationship before and you had dreamed of a mate since your mother told you about the concept when you were a little girl
“Would you accompany on a walk around the gardens little fox?” You nodded enthusiastically. Your mother cleared her throat giving you a look that said ‘use your words’. “Yes, I’d love to.” You curtsy. Eris offers you his arm and leads you outside
Eris wanted time with you before the mating ceremony to get to know you better instead of just watching you from afar at parties and balls
Stopping at a bench in the gardens Eris guides you to sit as he picks a rose for you. You tell him how you e been sheltered your whole life, you never were really allowed to hangout with your friends past curfew unless it was for court and if you were with a male one of your brothers had to be with you
It drove Eris wild to know that he was the first male you’d ever been alone with
Knowing that he would be the one to corrupt your innocence made his cock hard
Eris didn’t want to rush you of course. Everything he plans on doing needs time and he didn’t want to scare you off
So he took his time courting you properly. Eris takes you on dates, spends time with you when he’s free from work, you eat meals together
On one of your picnics Eris had packed your favorite snacks, on being strawberries. He didn’t think watching you eat the fruit would be so seductive
He watched as you wrapped your perfect pink lips around the berry. As you bit into it and sucked the juice from it Eris had to adjust himself so you wouldn’t spot his arousal. You could smell him and your cheeks flushed
“Did I do something wrong?” “No little fox, come here.” You shuffled toward him as he reached his arms out to pull you onto his lap. “Do you want another little fox?” You smiled and let out a small ‘uh-huh’. He grabs another strawberry from the basket and holds it up to your lips. You reach out to take it but he clicks his tongue at you. You look at him a little confused until he brings it to your mouth again. You relax against him as he feeds you
You also accidentally on purpose lick his fingers which does not help his situation
That afternoon Eris’s first lesson was focused on your lips. you two made out for what felt like hours. You never wanted to leave his embrace or his warm plush lips. From then on you would steal him away for kisses or make out with him in his office so no one would see you
You even moved into your own living quarters at the Forest House so you could be close to each other
One night you were reading in Eris’s living room while he worked late. You usually leave by 10 pm since you’ve never stayed the night with Eris or anyone. You fell asleep with your book on your chest, your even breathes catching Eris’s attention
He took your book, marking your spot. Eris kisses your forehead and your eyes flutter open. Realizing what happened you sit up a blush during your cheeks. “Sorry Eris, I’ll leave-“ Eris cut you off by holding your chin between his fingers.
“Hey, it’s ok. You can stay tonight if you want.” You played with the ends of your hair as you thought. “Yes please.” Eris smiled and picked you up bridal style carrying you to bed where you snuggled all night
One of the things Eris adores about you is your clueless demeanor and your curiosity about everything. When he teaches you things (😏) you get all blushy and try to hide from him
Eris does everything for you. He never wants you to have a need that isn’t met
There was a ball to celebrate your mating ceremony/wedding days before the actual party and you stayed attached to Eris the whole night
The one time he left you to get you a new drink you got hit on. You had no idea the male was flirting with you, you thought he was just being nice
Eris rushed back to your side pulling you into his side as he gave the male a death stare. A low growl sounding from his throat. The male couldn’t get away fast enough. “Eris he was just being nice.” He shook his head watching the male weave through the crowd. “No baby. And he needs to know your mine.”
After the wedding party you and Eris go to his cabin in the woods. You wanted to give him his food in private because he wants you all to himself. Plus it was what you were comfortable with
When he finishes his food Eris looks at you, his eyes blown wide with lust. He grips the table as you get closer to him until your on his lap
You run your hands through his hair and he takes in a shuddering breath. “Are you ready little fox? Are you sure you want to do this tonight?” “I wouldn’t have given you the food if I didn’t want to. And you’ve taught me enough my love.”
Eris quickly brought you to the bedroom placing you down gently in the middle. You pulled Eris by his hair to kiss you hard. Wrapping your legs around his waist you rubbed your core against his hardening cock. He moans out in surprise. Pulling away from you panting Eris looks at you with a feral grin. “Where did you learn that little fox?” You give him a shy smile, “My books were a little more than romance.”
Eris kissed you again mumbling ‘I love you’ as you started to make the mating bond official
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mwrmaidluvz · 1 year
rockstar!hobie x black!fem!reader - where the reader is his makeup artist and she falls for him during their time together and one day before a show hobie makes eye contact w/ her while she does his makeup and she gets all nervous and she confesses her feelings for him without thinking then smooch smooch
Unexpected romance ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ☆ 🎸
✎ᝰ: Aged up! Rockstar Hobie x Black! Fem reader, I tried to make this like a lil spice cause im just that girl but..I don’t think it kinda came out how I interpreted it to be like in my head but my heart is melting tysm for the requests and love! I deleted a request I replied to by accident and idk how to get it back 😭 pls help. I also wrote this fully smut with aftercare and everything and It came our so bad as I read it so I just kept it like this. Please make more requests guys ! I’m mostly drawn to Miles , Earth 42 Miles and Hobie and Miguel so yea!! I need to practice more 💀, so be patient because more is coming soon! Not proof read btw
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“Hey Hobsta’ ”
You said turning around to face the Punk rockstar. He sat down in your makeup chair,
“I told you not to call me tha’, didn’t I? Yk I ain't big about labels’.” He winked then, watched you shuffle around your desk for makeup. You gave him the most devious smirk that screamed, Idgaf as you turned around with your supplies. You then looked down at him before doing his eyebrows, Your titties where right in front of his eyes and nose, he was staring at them. They where just pulling him in a trance, longing, to be touched and squeezed and-
"Hobie? You good?" You say snapping him out of his titty dream.
"M?' Yea luv' just peachy."
You then, lock eyes with him, god, this boy was dangerous. He was gorgeous.
"You seem a bit nervous hun." He smirks. You then move quickly snapping out of your fantasy to get an eyeshadow brush. You cover it up in black eyeshadow and continue his makeup. A moment of awkward silence until you break it.
“Who’s the lucky guy that’s got you all Head over heels hmm?” Hobie says
"It's you.'" You mumble.
It takes him a second to process what you had just said. "Huh?"
“I-I nevermi-“
Your glossy lips come in contact with soft plump lips. You jump in suprise ruining his eyeliner. He stands up and watches how you’re eyes go from looking down at him before looking way up to him. Hobie gently pins you against the dresser/table. The cold table pressing against your exposed backside, due to your lace crop top. Hobie kisses you and you guys stay like that for a while until you both remember. You have to breathe. You both pull back panting from the intimate moment you both just shared. You then lean in and wrap your hands around his neck. And the kisses become more sloppy, more needy, Hobie wants to feel and explore every single curve on your body. You slightly moan as he slides his tounge into your mouth. You open your mouth for more access, the room is filled with open mouth moans from you and groans and praises from Hobie. Drool escapes from your lips and Hobie asks,
“You sure you wanna do this hun’?” Hobie says
“I am. But don’t you have to be on stage in 14 minutes?”
“ ’ll give us enough time.”
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caraphernellie · 1 year
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truly, madly, deeply // a.a.
librarian fem reader x abby anderson !! 🍂📚
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an: im starting my training soon!! im gonna be a librarian :D
info: reader overthinks a LOT and is shy, they flirt through sapphic literature ☺️ classic loser lesbian yearning, reader is very lonely, this is kind of very self indulgent i cant lie to you,, im worried i made abby a little ooc but i think it does seem quite like her so IDKKKKKK
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there was nothing you loved more than your job. you were so passionate about it - you loved books so dearly. you loved reading, spreading knowledge, and helping others.
being a librarian was the perfect job. it was a quiet environment and it combined many of the things you loved. it didn’t matter whether you were working behind the scenes cataloguing books, or if you were at the front desk working circulation, or if you were simply shelving books into their correct spaces - you loved it. it was stress free, and the conversations you got to have with customers were pleasant and made you excited.
one particularly chilly and rainy autumn morning, you were working circulation when a very pretty stranger walked up to you. you’d not seen her before, but you knew she must be a regular given the way she immediately placed down both the book and her library card gently before you.
you smiled sweetly at her, trying not to tremble as you picked up her book to scan. she was so pretty you seemed to be getting nervous.
she was all muscle and height, but she didn’t act that way. she was so gentle to you.
eyeing the cover of the book as you turned it over to scan, you spoke up. “i’ve not read this one yet. it’s on my reading list though.”
it was a sapphic novel, and you knew you had to say something - it was the perfect way to try and hint that you liked girls. it was not always obvious to people so you had to take any chance you had.
she laughed politely as you scanned her card, and you took note of her name. abigail anderson.
“it’s been on my list for a while, too,” she admitted, scratching her neck. you almost fell apart over her voice alone - you didn’t know if it was her voice in general, or the way she tried to speak lowly as to not disturb other patrons in the library.
you nodded and passed back her book and card. “they’re all yours until next week. i guess you’ll have to tell me what you thought of the book. an honest review might motivate me to move it up on my list.”
she looked you up and down once more, taking the book from your hands.
“i guess i will, then.”
and with what happened next, you felt your eyes practically turn into love hearts. it was so small, but said so much.
she put the book into a fucking book pouch.
most people wouldn’t think twice about it- but people who take care of their books are huge, huge green flags.
especially when you work a job where you see hundreds of people shove a book into their bag or even drop the book on the floor before even walking out of the building.
with rain gently spattering the windows of the library you glanced at her one last time for the day. if you had self restraint, that is.
“have a good day.”
“you too,” she replied, a pleasant smile on her face.
as she walked out of earshot, suddenly your coworker beside you broke down into quiet giggles.
“you should see how red you are!” they quietly laughed, pointing at your cheeks. “and what a great attempt at flirting that was!”
your face burned in embarrassment as you gasped. “shut up, ezra. she was… she was totally digging it, right?”
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of course, for the entire week that pretty stranger had not left your mind. if anything, she consumed every little space in your mind. you were up pacing at two in the morning some nights, hoping it really was the start of something special, or if it was just another dumb, unrealistic dream your imagination had come up with.
some might say romanticising every part of your life is a blessing, or a beautiful quality to have. but to you, it was just something that came with being a bookworm, your mind filling with cliches and maladaptive thoughts over everything until you went insane.
it was exhausting.
ezra hadn’t forgot, either. they teased you everyday, letting you know that it was a day closer to when you would see abby again.
ezra also knew a bit more about abby than you did, as they worked the circulation desk more than you did on the days abby would come in, and they didn’t hesitate to tell you what would be very helpful information.
abigail, or abby, as she preferred, which ezra had told you, came in weekly to borrow and return primarily classics and sapphic lit.
she was perfect. probably the dreamiest human being ever. tall, buff, and she had good taste in literature.
today was the day! you’d been looking forward to this tuesday for the whole week, but you had this horrible feeling inside of you, too - what if it went wrong?
to ezra’s knowledge, abby was single, so you didn’t have to worry about that, but still - what if she didn’t even like you in general?
what if she didn’t show up at all?
and that was how you knew you were being delusional about this whole thing - you had one conversation that lasted a minute. and now you wondered if she even cared as much as you did, or if she had literally forgotten about you.
it felt like you were staring at the clock all day long, taking note of every time an hour passed.
she didn’t come.
at the end of the day, you tried not to look disappointed as you got ready to leave. you grabbed your umbrella, noticing the pouring rain.
you couldn’t help but feel like maybe you were overreacting, but the miserable rain said exactly how you felt on the inside.
you stepped over orange leaves soaked into the road as you walked to your car and thought about her again.
you just wanted your happily ever after already.
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abby had no idea what had gotten into her - she really spent all of last night writing a spoiler-free review of some dumb romcom for the cute librarian. reading romcoms was typical for her, sure, but writing an in depth, spoiler free review? for the cute librarian?
unusual behaviour, for sure, but there was no way she would let whatever this was lead to a dead end. and as abby was walking towards the door of the library, crunching leaves in her path on a day that finally wasn’t raining, she realised she had forgotten something.
she mumbled a curse quietly to herself as she grabbed the paper she’d typed up and printed out, leaning against the wall and fishing through her bag for a pen.
she finally found one, scribbling down her name and number in what she hoped was legible handwriting, drawing a small heart next to it.
with a small nod at herself she finally mustered the courage to walk through the doors. she paused for a second in defeat, spotting the front desk with no sign of you there. fuck. how embarrassing, she mused.
she’d seen you shelving a few times in the past when she’d come, and admired you from a distance. she was praying to god that that was the case today.
she walked up to ezra, who she’d seen many times, to return the book. they gave her a knowing smile.
abby nervously returned the smile, turning back to walk upstairs. she held the paper so delicately in her hand, trying her best not to crease it, and fiddled with her braid in the other hand.
as she reached the top of the stairs, she was so relieved upon seeing your checkered brown blazer that she almost jumped in the air.
this was the hard part - getting the courage to speak to you. she almost didn’t want to disturb you while you were working, you just looked so cute in the dark lighting, searching through the classifications to find the right spot for every book you shelved.
until she noticed you struggle to lean up and push in a book on the highest shelf. that was her chance.
“hey, you need help?” she asked, walking over and leaning a little closed to you. she cringed a little at the way she sounded, so shaky and nervous for no reason - it’s not like you were going to laugh at her.
you jumped a little, looking at her, unable to stop a wide smile from crossing your face.
“if that’s okay- i just have some trouble with the high shelves sometimes…”
“of course, no big deal.” abby suddenly felt a bit more confident, taking the book from your hands gently. “where am i putting it?”
you pointed up high at a little gap you had created. “just up there, thank you-”
“hey, it’s no problem,” abby said as she shelved the book with ease, then leaned down to squeeze your shoulder. she liked the way you suddenly grew bashful over that. “i know i was supposed to come in yesterday- i needed an extra day to finish…”
“oh! that’s alright,” you laughed off, suddenly feeling a bit dumb. of course she needed an extra day to finish. why hadn’t you thought of that? “one extra day’s not bad. so how was the book?”
now abby didn’t exactly know what to say - she knew there was a chance she’d come across weird. she rehearsed this a million times and yet she strayed so far from the script she’d made in her head.
“uh- s-so i had like a lot of thoughts about it and- i mean, i don’t know, there was a lot to say. so i kinda wrote a- a review? no spoilers, don’t worry! i just-”
“no way!” you exclaimed, a wide smile on your face. you realised you were a little loud then, trying to calm down. “that’s really nice! thank you-”
“it’s no biggie,” abby mumbled shyly, handing you the written review and rubbing the back of her neck. she was close enough that she could smell your perfume - a warm, vanilla scent, almost like cookies.
she couldn’t help the small smirk that played at her lips when she noticed you stutter and pause when you saw her number at the bottom of the page.
“i- thank you- i’ll read it when i get home,” you said, a quiet giggle accompanying it. everything about you drove abby insane.
“you got any recommendations for what i should read this week?” abby asked.
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burntb4bydoll · 1 year
I love your writing soo much it hurts. 🥲
Can you please write like a 2000s bill smut or fluff ( whatever you feel comfortable with), where they build a pillows and blankets fort together and they end up falling asleep cuddled. And the rest of the band takes photos and mocks them the next day.
At this point I need fics to breathe. Thanks ✌
Thank you so much beautiful<3
This is such a cute idea! Im gonna do fluff for the people that dont like smut, cuz i feel like i dont post a lot of only fluff fics!
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Bill Kaulitz x reader
Warnings: friends to loverssss🤭, nothing else really just a lot of cute stuff
When Bill had invited you to come over, you didn’t think this is what you guys would end up doing. You’re currently helping Bill set up a massive blanket fort in his living room. He originally invited you over to watch a movie, but after you arrived he decided that he wanted to make it more fun by making a fort. Even though you didn’t expect it, you were having so much fun hanging out alone with him. After you guys finished setting up the fort, Bill let you pick out a movie and you laid next to each other to watch it.
“This is fun. We should hangout alone more often. I feel like we only ever spend time with the band, I like having this type of one on one time together.” Bills attention left the tv screen to look over at you as you started talking. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I love hanging out with them too but you know…”
“I know. I like this too. I’ve actually been trying to hangout with you alone for a while now, but uhh things never really go as planned…” he trailed off, his eyes moving down to break your intense eye contact. He awkwardly shifted for a minute before turning to fully face you. His head still laid on the pillow, but now he was looking at you. “Um..I actually invited you here to tell you something. Its kinda important to me…” you turned to face him too. Now you were only a few inches away from one another, you could practically feel his uneven breath hitting you.
“Whats up? You seem nervous. You know I won’t judge you, Bill.” Your hand comes up to hold his hand comfortingly. He takes a shaky breath in and stares into your eyes,
“Y/n, I really like you. And not as a friend. I wanna be your boyfriend so bad. Not a day goes by where I don’t dream about being with you.” Your eyes go wide, inhaling sharply.
“Bill..I like you too. I was literally going to tell you tonight.” He looks at you with a blank expression for a moment before giggling loudly. His adorable laugh made you giggle too. Once you two calm down a little he starts talking again,
“Oh my god I was so nervous! I can’t believe I was so stressed for nothing!” He laughs softly, leaning closer to you. You smile and shake your head, just happy that you don’t have to hide your feelings anymore. “Can I…can I kiss you?” You nod eagerly as his hands cup your face gently. He slowly leans in, placing a experimental kiss on your lips. Once you both relax a bit, the kiss turns passionate and intimate. He pulls away and gives one last peck on your lips before tucking his head underneath yours and holding your waist tightly. Before you knew it, both of you fell asleep in each others arms.
You woke up the next morning to hearing some snickers and giggles. Sitting up slightly, you groggily rubbed your eyes and looked around the room. When your eyes finally focused you realized what was happening. Bill was curled up against your side with his head laying on your shoulder. His hair was messy and he was drooling a little. The rest of the band was standing above you guys, taking pictures and laughing. Bill stirred and sat up, groaning at his brothers loud laughter.
“What are you guys doing here? You’re so annoying!” Bill grumbles, swatting away the camera that Gustav had shoved in his face.
“What are we doing here?” Tom exclaimed, “What are you guys doing here? We’re not the ones all cuddled up and being all lovey-dovey!” Georg and Gustav bursted into another fit of giggles, looking at the pictures they had took of you.
“Hey! You better delete those! I did not agree to have my picture taken, especially while I’m sleeping!” Bill jumped up and started to chase Georg around, trying to retrieve his camera. You giggled a little and laid back down.
“Its too damn early for this. Fuck you guys I’m going back to sleep.”
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ramshacklerumble · 1 month
Feeling sappy, so let's go with ♥️ & ♠️ for Helena regarding the TWST relationship ask <3
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lel thanks for the ask on helena, it’s forcing me to actually think about her some
broadly speaking, helena and ace get along just fine. she’s shy and a bit of a nervous wreck, but she’s sweet and approachable once ace establishes himself as a frequent friendly face at ramshackle. ace thinks she’s cute in a puppy-dog type of way, though that doesn’t stop him from occasionally involving her in his antics from time to time.
beyond being able to chat casually, though, i haven’t been able to come up with anything beyond that. they’re not terribly close, but they don’t have issue being left alone with each other either. helena finds ace to be fun and he’s able to coax out a snarky streak in her she normally isn’t comfortable sharing— even if it isn’t anywhere near as mean-spirited as his.
the big thing that does connect them however is ace VERY QUICKLY catching onto helena’s astronomically massive crush on deuce. while he insists he’s not got a romantic bone in his body, he finds it funny, so he’s not above butting in to give helena a nudge.
especially since he suspects the feelings aren’t one-sided—
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admittedly these two are still a major wip as im still figuring out just how i wanna go about them
but i wanna say the main theme these two have going on and the main thing that really makes them gravitate towards each other is that they both acknowledge each other’s drive to become better people. and what really makes them click is that they both also begin to hold each other accountable for certain viewpoints of themselves that aren’t helping them achieve that betterment.
deuce’s whole goal is to become a model student and while helena fully believes he’ll be able to achieve that someday, she at some point muses that the reason why deuce is having such a rough go at is is because he thinks the only way he’ll be able to is if he waters down who he is. she sees how much pressure he puts into becoming this imagined “perfect model student,” something he thinks is the direct opposite to who he is naturally.
helena has much respect for deuce. he’s a hard-worker, persistent, and deeply earnest. he dislikes his hot-bloodedness, but helena admires how passionate he is. she wants him to follow his dream of making something of himself— but she believes the answer isn’t to change who he is to the very core of his being, but rather strive to be the best version of himself. he HAS amazing qualities already, he just hasn’t been able to recognize them within himself just yet.
this isn’t all that different from what deuce thinks of helena. he thinks helena is far braver than she believes herself to be. he aware of how little she thinks of herself and how she preemptively beats herself up for things she can’t control, but he also sees her efforts in trying to counteract these thoughts. it’s difficult and she stumbles often, but there hasn’t been a time where she hasn’t gotten back up yet either. helena doesn’t take the easy road and deuce finds that incredibly inspiring. simply put, he thinks she’s one hell of a tough girl. he doesn’t know how to help helena see her the way he does, but it doesn’t stop him from trying.
tag list: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter @jovieinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch
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slasherbvnnie · 1 year
Could you possibly do a jealous Stu x reader? Maybe where Stu and Tatum are still together, but Stu is actually cheating on her with reader. And Randy gets a little flirty and touchy with reader, unknowing that reader is taken by Stu? Im fine with anything else for the plot- sorry if this isn’t the best, I’m still new to requesting!
I hope this is to your liking, I’m waiting on my ride to go out tonight and wrote this in like 6 minutes… if you want a continuation feel free to ask! Dirty Little Secret
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A short and angered breath had left your lips as you stared to your left side, trying to block out any of the noise Randy was currently making in your direction. You blocked out the words he was saying to the best of your ability, you were doing a great job at it up until you felt his hand on your shoulder. Your eyes stared at his hand before moving to his face, his voice suddenly coming in clearly.
“Come on, just one date. I promise it will be well worth your time, I’ll take you to that restaurant you’ve been mentioning,” he offered as you laughed a little. “No offense Randy but we’re just friends. If i saw you as more I would have accepted the other hundreds of times you offered to take me out,” you said as he placed his other hand onto your waist, boxing you into the closest wall.
You frowned as you looked up at him, moving your hand from the strap of your backpack to his hand on your waist, pushing it off of you before he quickly moved it back. “One little date won’t hurt, who knows, maybe you’ll change your mind. And let’s face it, the perks of free rentals with dating me will be well worth it,” he joked slightly, moving closer as you put your hands onto his shoulders. You were about to push him off before a stronger hand grabbed his neck and flung him off of you.
“In your dreams, Meeks. Stay off of her before I rip those hands of yours off. I may not be the killer but I will sure as hell become one if you lay another finger on her,” you heard the familiar voice threaten, looking up to see Stu. It was rare to see Stu as angry as he was now, even when he was mad he usually played it off well, but this time his face was flushed with anger and you could see the veins in his forehead threatening to pop as he stared Randy down.
“Okay, okay. It’s not like shes Tate or anything,” he said, which only angered Stu more as he walked closer to Randy, pushing his index finger against his chest. “You’re right, touch either of them and you’re dead. Think about touching them, dead. If i so much as catch you breathing next to them again, dead. Don’t even make me warn Billy about you being around Sid, you’ll be a deadman as soon as he picks up his phone.” Stu said in a monotone voice, scaring both you and Randy since he was always so lively. Once Randy got the message and walked away, Stu went to your side and placed a hand on your cheek.
“You okay?” He questioned as you nodded, “yeah, you’re really scary when you’re angry, you know,” you said with a nervous laugh. “I’m not angry, well, a little. I’m jealous he can touch you like that in public,” he admitted as you scoffed slightly and brushed his hand away. “Well i’ve already told you how you can fix that,” you said as you began to walk away from him, Stu quickly followed behind and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You said it yourself too that you didn’t want Tate or Sid to be mad at you if I broke up with her just for you. Besides, I know how turned on you get knowing we might get caught,” he said as he pulled away from you, making you flash him a little smile.
“Are your parents home for the night?” You asked as he smirked, “business trips,” “Tate?” “At Sidney’s, projects due tomorrow for chem,” he said as you held your hand out to him, gladly accepting your hand into his. “Let’s head to yours then,” you hummed. “Only if you promise I get to send Meeks some pictures of what he’s missing out on.”
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seriesxwriting · 1 year
Giving in to you
W stiles stilinski
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𝐆𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮- 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 (𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫)
Series- tw (teen wolf)
Paring- stiles and McCall fem reader
Warnings- kissing, t-shirt removing, swearing, um cliff jumping??
Summary- you can’t tell stiles how you feel. He’s your best friends brother, surely he wouldn’t even look at you twice. But on the anual camping trip you realised that he’s struggling to not give in to you just as much as you are him.
The anual camping trip. It was that time once again where me, my family and a few family friends all packed up the cars to the brim just to camp out in a cold, boring woods. Needless to add the fact there was no wifi or electricity, even working toilets didn’t accompany us on the trip. I knew it was going to be a weekend of my mum trying and failing to catch fish, stiles and Scott ditching me, made up camp fire stories and uncomfortable sleeping.
Still, i couldn’t get out of it. So here I stood with my hands on my hips biting my lip trying to figure out if my orange, wonky tent was supposed to be wonky or if it would fall down and suffocate me in my sleep. I guess that would be a way out of the trip. 
“Y/n- that doesn’t look right” my brother observed as he walked over holding his backpack with one strap on his shoulder. “Yeah.. I was just thinking that” “you didn’t pull the strings tight enough” stiles chuckled joining us, he began pulling the strings out the ground. “Pass me the hammer” he pointed to my hand with a smile. He was so cute.
Shut up y/n, that’s your brothers best friend don’t be selfish he wou- “hellloo? Earth to y/n” stiles called out pulling me from my day dream. “Shit- here” I passed him the hammer and using his strong muscular arms pushed it into the ground making my tent look somewhat normal. “Thanks” I smiled when he stood back up. “Well i don’t want it falling on us when we’re asleep” he laughed giving me the hammer back. When his hand touched mine I felt electric sparks fly off.
“Us?” “Yeah, my tent was wrecked so Scott said i could just crash with you guys” stiles explained looking down at it. “Not a- problem Right?” “N- no no not at all” I practically shouted feeling nervous, stiles looked at me with one eye closed. It felt like it was just us here, even though everyone was clanging around us. “A-are we okay? I dunno it’s just felt like you’ve been a bit off with me recently” stiles asked turning to look at me once more.
Yeah because I realised I liked you more than I’m supposed to, more than I’m allowed to. “Yeah we’re fine of course we’re fine” “good- good, your the last person I wanna fall out with you y/n” stiles told me lowering his voice as if we were talking about some secret drug deal that was about to go on. You’d think Scott would be the last person he wanted to fall out with, right?
I couldn’t tell if he was flirting EVER. He was quite hard to read. It was stuff like this that he said to me that made me fall for him. I wonder what he was thinking. “No we’re- fine, Im just- I don’t really like these trips so I’m a bit off I guess” “why don’t you like them?” He wondered with a little laugh. “Because- I’m in the middle of the wood with no phone and I stick to my mums side like we’re magnets because there’s nothing else to do”
“What? There’s loads to do why don’t you ever come with me and Scott to explore and mess about?” Stiles jerked his head back in shock, my lips pressed together looking at stiles. “I didn’t get an invite” “yes you did, I always tell Scott to ask if you want to join us- always”. I took a second to swallow that information. Fucking Scott. I didn’t want to bate out my brother but that had really pissed me off. “Maybe I wanted an invite from you” I shrugged softly smirking still holding eye contact with the boy.
“Did you now?”. I hummed in response keeping my thoughts a mystery, stiles let out a breathy laugh breaking our eye contact for a second. His cheeks turned slightly pink almost as if he was nervous. “Well you’ve got an invite, trust me i wouldn’t turn down spending any time with you”. I watched his eyes carefully, so when I saw them flick to my lips I knew for a fact he was thinking what I was thinking. We gave each other a look both knowing exactly what we were both imagining right now.
“Stiles! Come help me with the air bed” Scott shouted over from the famous jeep breaking the tension between us. Stiles looked across at Scott and then back to me “you coming?” “No I’ll leave that to you men” my hands shot up in defence and a laugh tumbled out of my pink lips. “The quicker it’s done the quicker we can get away from camp” he wiggled his eye brows at me before his arms stretched out and pressed down on my shoulders.
Stiles turned me around and walked me over to Scott as I giggled and tried to escape his grasp. Us three on our own carried the bed into the tent and managed to blow it up to an adequate level of comfortableness. After that was done we filled the tent with everything it needed, that being the flasks, the cool box, blankets and pillows and our bags with some change of clothes and activities to keep us occupied. It was much more fun doing it with stiles and Scott instead of just my brother this time.
“It looks perfect, shall we set off?” Stiles looked to Scott who had gotten comfy in one of the chairs. He had a flask of tea and a pink flowery blanket sprawled across his lap. But that didn’t matter, he was the alpha he could do as he wished with no questions asked. “Yeah sure, let’s go that way” he pointed behind our tent “mum, we’re going off to have a look about” Scott called out grabbing his mum’s attention, she stopped her conversation with Noah to wave at scott.
“Alright hun, will you bring some sticks back with you for another fire” she pointed to the pan sitting on the chard sticks. “Yeah will do, here y/n you can finish my tea” Scott said clearing making the assumption that I wasn’t coming with them. “She’s coming, just leave your tea there it will still be hot” stiles explained pointing at the ground. Scott’s eyes flicked towards me. “Come on” I told him with a sarcastic smile knowing he didn’t want me there. “Fine” he muttered putting his drink down in the grass and bouncing up, heading into the woods.
Stiles turned his head to give me a soft smile and nodded me along. He waited until I got to his side and then we followed scott into the woods. “I shouldn��t have worn shorts and a crop to these mozzys are killing me” i snarled slapping my leg trying to kill the blood sucker. “Gonna have to disagree, I like your outfit” stiles shrugged lightly looking down at me “this is just stuff I usually wear nothing special” I giggled shaking my head.
“I know, I remember when you wore that top to school because the boys wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it all day long” stiles rolled his eyes. What was going on. “I-m sure they were just- messing around” “i don’t care either way they shouldn’t have been saying it they shouldn’t have even been looking” stiles told me in a much more serious tone making my heart pound against my chest. “Stiles it’s really not that deep” I shook my head making my hair fall into my face. “It is to me” I heard him mutter under his breath.
“Why” “Because i couldn’t stop them- no one, I couldn’t stop their thoughts about you i couldn’t stop them looking at you” he told me stopping in his tracks making me stop too and look directly into his baby brown eyes. Was he jealous? No he couldn’t be it, couldn’t it? “Because your not mine and that felt shit”. I blinked at the boy towering over me as the air pulled it’s self out of my throat and my heart nervously pumped out of my chest.
“Guys! Come check this out!” Scott yelled from up ahead. “We should- go” stiles began walking putting a defensive wall up between us. I watched him walk off for a few moments before I made my own move. I was so confused. We trudged through the sky scraping trees before we got to a clearing and there stood a huge lake with a sort of waterfall coming down from some rocks. “Looks like fishing is on the table” Scott told us as we took in the view. “It’s beautiful” “yeah, beautiful” stiles agreed, but when I looked across at him he wasn’t looking at the view. He was looking at me.
“Let’s go see if there’s any rocks at the bottom of the water, if there isn’t we should be able to jump in” Scott wriggled his eyebrows up and down. He bagan to wade his way in after removing his top. Stiles copied throwing his top onto the the floor and removing his shoes. I had to grit my teeth together so my mouth didn’t hang open or I started drooling. Scott turned around splashing at stiles beginning a water bending fight. “There’s no rocks over here” stiles called out ten seconds before he disappeared under the water.
“And it’s pretty deep too” he yelled when he came up for air. His hands ran through his hair and the moment felt as if it was played In slow mo. “Come on y/n, climb up” stiles shouted as he began pulling himself out the water onto the rock formation. “I don’t really- like hights!” I yelled back across the water. “Don’t be a baby!” Scott cackled as he climbed up behind stiles. I let out an annoyed sigh before taking off my shoes. I went round so I didn’t have to get into the water.
When I reached the top the boys were lying on the grass laughing and panting. “I won! I beat the alpha!” Stiles howled out and he fist pumped the air. “You got out first” Scott laughed shaking his head while standing. He looked down at the water before backing up. “Your just jealous j-e-a…” Stiles chuckled sitting up with his legs dangling down. Scott whizzed past us cutting stiles off, taking a large leap into the air and then plummeting into the water. I gasped covering my mouth but relaxed after I heard a splash and then a very excited scream come from my brother mouth.
“Come On” stiles looked my way laughing a little. “I’m not sure sti” I chewed on my lip looking down. “Do it with me then” he told me pushing up off the floor. “You can close your eyes if you have to” he leant his head to the side playfully “come on I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, you just have to hold on” “fine” I rolled my eyes trying to hide my smile. “Get on” stiles tapped his back, slowly walking over I held onto his shoulders and then jumped onto his back. He caught me tightly holding me against him.
“You okay?” He asked gently turning around to me, my chin was resting on his shoulder so our faces were now inches away from each others. “Y-yeah” I gave him a breathy answer. “Good” he answered looking at the side of the cliff that we were edging towards. “Stiles i don’t….” And with that he leaped far off the cliff. I felt the air rushing past my whole body. I couldn’t breath. And then we hit the cold water. Letting go of stiles I splashed about panicking, but I felt a hand on my wrist pulling me up to the surface.
“You okay?” Stiles laughed attaching a hand to my hip bringing me towards him so I was sturdy until my memory of treading water was triggered. “That was fucking awesome! Let’s go again” I rushed swiping my wet hair out of my face. Stiles left out a laugh throwing his head back, I looked at Scott who was looking at us suspiciously. “You coming?” I quizzed pulling instantly away from stiles and swimming to rock wall. “Yeah” Scott nodded. And that’s what we did for what felt like hours. Messing around in the water.
On the way back we collected some stick for the fire but it was pretty hard as the moon was coming up and our source of light was no more above us. When we got back to camp our food was ready, apparently Noah got tired of waiting for us and went off to get sticks himself, so we now had a surplus of sticks. We told them about the body of water we found and surprise surprise my mum said we can go fishing tomorrow. And as if somebody was reading what I was saying, the camp stories began after dinner.
“Dad you didn’t see a ufo on one of your calls” stiles rolled his eyes laughing. “Were you There stiles? No, so how would you know what I saw?” Noah raised an eyebrow at his son who still didn’t believe him. “We dunno what’s out there” Scott shrugged looking up at the stars. “We’ve seen things that no one else would believe” “yeah but… aliens?” My mother chewed her lip nervously, clearly frightened of that idea. “I think I’m going to go and get comfy, if I don’t come back out Goodnight everyone” I smiled pushing up from the fold up chair.
“Night sweetheart” my mum beamed at me. I unzipped my tent, it was quite big it had two compartments one for sleeping and one for living in. I spent what felt like hours sitting in the corner with a blanket reading my book before I decided to get changed into my pjs for extra comfort. I climbed into some gym shorts and I was just about to put my top on before stiles stepped into the tent. “Shit- shit I’m- sorry” he swallowed nervously turning around quicker than I’d ever seen him move.
“It’s just a bra stiles” I laughed shrugging it off while trying to find the top I wanted. “No I- should have knocked” “we’re in a tent” I told him feeding my head through the hole and my arms after. “Where is everyone?” “Everyone’s in the car listening to some music, most of the adults are drunk” “as per, You can turn around now and stop complaining” i sniggered while zipping up my bag. “Oh that wasn’t me complaining, that was me respecting you- and boundaries” he said when he looked back at me. “Well next time Don’t be so respectful”.
Stiles watched my smirk from the floor as he tried to figure out what I meant by that. “Don’t start something because I will finish it” stiles told me as flick of excitement flashed in his eyes. “I don’t know what you mean by that- I don’t know what you mean half the time” I scoffed looking at him with my y/e/c eyes. “Stop it because I’m trying so hard here…” he sighed looking upwards. “Trying hard to do what” “keep control- but that’s not something I have when I’m around you” he admitted. I was bored of messing around.
I needed to know what he was thinking, what he felt. “Then give in, why are you trying?”. Stiles looked back down at me hungrily, I saw the exact moment he gave up the control. He darted towards me lowering to my level. I knew exactly what was about to happen. Stiles latched his lips onto mine holding my face close as if he didn’t want to let me go. I pulled myself up so my body could be closer to his and an arm went around his neck, my hand pleasantly found his hair. “I’m so fucked” stiles whispered against my lips.
I kissed him harder “Why?” “Because I’ve fully lost control now and I have no intention of trying to get it back” he told me pulling away for a second to look at me. “I don’t want you to get it back, this is what I want stiles” I whispered before pressing our lips together again. The boy pulled the top off that shouldn’t have been put on in the first place and then he lowered me to the ground kissing me again moving his tongue into my mouth.
“Stiles is y/n asleep i w…” scott pulled open the tent door. His eyes locked with mine before stiles’s seeing him over the top of me wearing no top. My face instantly turned red, stiles didn’t exactly get off me either because of my bra being on show.
Scott’s eyes flashed red.
for more like this visit my⬇️
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you could write a Jenna Ortega x Reader fic. In which they were best friends as kids with the same dream of being an actor. Then by becoming an actress Jenna moved away from R because of her busy schedule. After several years without speaking to each other, they find themselves both engaged to play in Wednesday. PS: I love your work. Also sorry for the mistakes I don't speak English.
Long time ago
Jenna Ortega x reader
A/n: I still had this in my drafts and decided to post it, I don’t like the way it ends but I couldn’t think of something better. So enjoy :)
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“Since when did you want to become an actress?” The interviewer asked the brunette in front of him, Jenna Ortega. “Oh, since I was a child. My best friend back then and I always had this dream of becoming actors and you know, take over Hollywood, I guess in some way it did come true” she answered, a smile gracing over her features.
It was you, you were the ‘best friend’ she was talking about you. It was your biggest dream to become and actress and by now you finally had some roles but you weren’t as big as Jenna. The girl who kind of ghosted you a couple of years ago, well 2 years and 4 months to be exact, but whose counting right? Well, you were as you were still hurt. It broke the both of you when she moved away from home for her new jobs but you never imagined her to stop answering at all, she texted less and less for 1 year’s until she suddenly didn’t reply at all.
“Mom? I have the role, I did it!! This could be my break through” you screamed into the phone. Your first big role, you were actually hired for the new ‘Wednesday’ series and you couldn’t wait. Sure, you had to move to Romania but it was definitely worth it. So, that day you packed your bag, happy to meet new people and finally show your talent.
Two weeks later you arrived in Romania, beforehand you had built up some contact with Emma Myers and Naomi over instagram. You had decided to meet up at the airport as you were all arriving around the same time, you could share a ride to the apartments and get to know each other more. It still wasn’t out who was going to play Wednesday herself and you couldn’t wait to find out.
About an hour later met both of the girls and made your way towards the apartments where you’d meet the rest of the cast. The mood between you three was pretty chill, it was noticeable that all off you were a bit nervous to meet the rest but nonetheless you were happy. “I heard that Cathrine Zeta-Jones is going to play Mortica” Emma told the two of you as you shared all the tea you’ve heard about the series.
After storing your luggage you went to meet up with the rest where Tim burton would finally reveal the actress that would play Wednesday. “Emma, Y/n, since you are the people that will be the closest to her you should meet her first” Tim said before he led you into a room where a certain person said. You would recognize that face everywhere, you froze, your breath slowed while your heartbeat quickened, while your face felt hot your arms where feeling so cold. The girl in front of you froze for a millisecond before recovering and greeting the third party in the room, Emma, who immediately noticed your weird behavior. “You alright?” She mumbled out in your direction, only earning a light shaking of your head as an answer. “Im sorry, I don’t feel good” you directed toward the director of the series, “oh, then you should probably go lay down, we can do this somewhen else. Get better” he told you before you speed walked out of the room, walking through your other crew members who were pretty confused. Emma and Tom looked after you with concern written all over their features, while Tim certainly was something special, he somehow felt connected to you and your behavior was more than weird to him. Jenna on the other hand couldn’t quite decide what/ how she felt, the only thing she knew was that she’d have to look for you after this.
“We’ll be friends forever right? No matter what, we’ll stay together?” Jenna asked you as you sat on a swing, your mothers sitting on a bench not far away talking about who knows what. “Friends forever, no matter what” you answered as she held out her pinky, intervening it with your. Both of you whispering out a “pinky promise”
The memory flooded in your head as you laid in your bed staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what to do now. The whole thing made your head and your heart hurt, so you plugged in your headphones, hoping that they’d make you stop thinking.
“I think we’d make great actresses, we’d be very believable” you told the brunette as you were coloring at the table in the living room. “Of course, we could always play the best friends” she grinned as she looked at the picture you drew, “yeah, after all we are best friends forever, right?” You said holding out your pinky, hers wrapping around yours, “pinky promise”
Memories clouded in your head that night when you fell asleep, exhausted from the tears and the overthinking. The next morning you were the first person awake, as you also were the first person asleep. You made your way into the kitchen to make yourself a coffee and sat down on the small balcony with your script as you watched the sunrise. A small ‘good morning’ came from behind you shortly before the sun was completely up causing you to turn around, in front of you Jenna.
The girl sighed when you immediately stood up and went upstairs again. She understood that you were mad at her but you would have to talk to her when you worked together. At the moment you didn’t seem to show any signs of budging.
You went upstairs into your room again where you sat on the end of your bed resting your upper body against the headrest. The script in your hand was slightly shaking as your eyes watered. You didn’t know how you should be able to work with her when you could barely talk to her.
The next time you exited your room the car to drive you to set arrived. You squeezed in the back next to Emma and Noami keeping up slight smalltalk so it wouldn’t get too awkward. It was rather obvious that there was something wrong between you two but nobody wanted to make things worse so they kept quiet.
It went like this for over two weeks, you talked to the others and tried to keep your distance from the brunette but as the filming went further it was harder and harder and it was obvious that it took a toll on you. That night there was a knock on your door and you already dreaded who was gonna come inside but invited them in nonetheless.
“Hello hun” it was Cathrine. You smiled as you greeted her back while she wandered around your room until she sat down on your bed next to you. “How can I help you?” Your voice was polite as it always was when you talked to her, she was like a mother figure to you. It was weird, honestly, she hugged you when you first met and since then there was just a connection. “I wanna talk to you about something that seemed like an obvious problem to all of us, we’ve seen how it takes a toll and you and we want it to become better” you sighed already knowing what this is about. You pulled your blanket up higher until half of your face was covered. “I don’t wanna talk about it” you mumbled into the blanket as a hand stroked your arm. “What happened between you two hun?” Another sigh followed before you decided that there was no going back.
“We used to best friends, a long time you know. We’ve always wanted to be actors, together but she made it wayyyy before I did and that has never been a problem to me. I was proud, the only thing I wanted was to stay in contact and we did for a small but until she suddenly ghosted me. No text, no call, not even an answer on my texts. She left me like I was nothing, while she was my best friend, maybe even more than that. But I was nothing to her” you had to hold back your tears, you didn’t want to cry and kept telling yourself that Jenna wasn’t worth it, but oh how she was. “That sound terrible and there are barely any excuses that could make what she did okay but it’s also hurting her. Maybe you should talk to her, listen to what she has to say for herself. You can either be friends again or you’ll at least get closure” you laid your head on her shoulder as you nodded slightly.
“Now let’s get down, we are having drinks” she pulled you downstairs without any regards to your unwillingness. “Look who I found upstairs” she called out causing the others to applaud and you to blush, the blush got even worse when your eyes met Jenna’s. “Come on, Gwendoline is making drinks” Emma said and pet the spot next to her.
It didn’t take long for everybody to be a bit tipsy while you were a bit more than tipsy, you were babbling and rambling while everybody was laughing. When your face suddenly changed the only person who noticed was your old best friend. She knew that look, and wasn’t surprised when you suddenly stood up and walked away, nobody else seemed to notice in their intoxicated mindset.
So she was quick to stand up and follow you upstairs where she found you, unsurprisingly, howling over the toilet. “Did you already throw up?” She asked as she kneeled behind you, the answer was a slight shaking of your head. “Then let’s wait a bit longer, shall we?” She said as she rubbed your back. It was unknown to the actress if you were to drunk to realize who she was or if you just needed the comfort, but she took what she could get.
About 20 minutes later you didn’t feel like throwing up anymore, so she helped you up and took you to bed, hers not yours. She wanted to make sure that you were fine and it was closer. “Why did you ghost me? I loved you so much and you just disappear. Why? Do you know how much that broke me?” You slurred when she sat you on the bed. “I’m sorry, I was overwhelmed and I was in love with you and I was scared that people here weren’t going to accept me and that you weren’t going to accept me when I told you, so I thought that if I break any contact that I’ll forget about you. But I never did, I still love you like the day I left. Every damn day I thought about that stupid smile you had when I FaceTimed you or how your eyes sparkled when we saw a dog outside, the way my heart fluttered when you texted me and when you held my hand. It was like everything was you” she guessed that you’d forget about all this in the morning. “You could have just told me. We could have been a power couple” you grinned before falling back on the bed and falling asleep.
The next morning you woke up in Jenna’s arms which made your heartbeat quicken at least until you noticed the unbearable headache and groaned. The sound caused Jenna to wake up, “headache?” She asked as she untangled herself from you to reach over you. You grabbed the water and the pills from her hand and mumbled a small thank you. “Do you remember what I said yesterday?” She asked with hope in her eyes, the way it felt to have you in her arms was just right. It was like it was made to be, like you were a puzzle that was finally done. “I do, most of it I believe at least” you mumbled as you drowned the rest of the water. “Maybe we should-“ before she could finish someone knocked on the door. “Guys you are late! We will be picked up in 10 minutes” that made you two jump from the bed and run to get ready.
The day on set was awkward, there was a lot that you two had to talk about but you couldn’t be alone for even 5 minutes. And to make it worse, today was the filming of the first kissing scene.
You laid on the ground in the middle of the woods, you had big cuts all over your body and fake blood was everywhere. Jenna was kneeling down next to you, her hands on your wounds. “You will be alright” she said in her Wednesday voice, but you shook your head. “I won’t. There is no way anyone will come in time but at least I get to spend the last minutes of my life with you” you chuckled weakly. “You are not going to die!” She said but you both were sure you would. Your eyes started to drop slightly, “stay with me” she said before her eyes roamed your face.
She suddenly leaned forward and pressed her lips to yours in a slow but passionate kiss. When she pulled away your eyes opened again as you smiled at her before they dropped shut and sirens could be heard.
After the director called cut Jenna helped you up from the ground. “That was great guys, go get cleaned up before we film the next scene” you nodded and went away to the makeup trailers but you pulled her away before you arrived. “Can we please talk about this? I can’t concentrate” you pleaded with a hand on her waist. “I don’t think there is a lot to talk about” your heart broke before she continued “I like you, you like me. So let’s do on a date. I wanna make right what I fucked up before” you smiled as you nodded before leaning in kissing her with your hands around her waist.
“Yes!” And “finally” could be heard around you causing you to break apart. The crew stood around you which made both of you blush and Jenna try to hide her head in her chest while they laughed.
This was the beginning of something great
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