#ikemen vampire matchups
ifthiswingscouldfly · 11 months
Hi M!
So I first: I went through your blog and it was a very nice discovery! In love with what I've seen so far! Especially found of the mood boards and Zodiac analysis you did for Arthur and Isaac (that is such an original concept and am whipped).
I hope you're not crumbling under requests for this event, and I'd like to request a matchup too if that's fine by you :)
Looks: brown medium length wavy/curly hair, hazel eyes, pale olive skin, rather short, lean and toned
Personality: Creative, Sarcastic, Honest/outspoken (sometimes clumsily so), Compassionate, imaginative and independent. As for flaws, I am anxious, especially socially (usually I try to hide it best I can but it can get overwhelming), am also indecisive and a huge overthinker, clumsy socially and I tend to bottle up negative emotions (especially anger and sadness), my boyfriend has also told me that I lack diplomacy (if that's a flaw), short attention span (I need to be entertained by something otherwise I lose interest pretty quick if am bored, doesn't apply to people though)
Hobbies: Ballet and just dance in general, writing/reading, making jewelleries, learning about niche subjects like Greek Mythology or X-country's folklore/ philosophy/psychology... Anything that sparks my interest at a given moment, but am especially fond of philosophy.
Likes: The sea and nature, animals (cats, dogs, bunnies, horses...anything), a good debate, listening to someone's point of view and mine being listened to as well, music, FLOWERS, fashion (I am lowkey a fashion girlie, no shame), a good sense of humour
Dislikes: Any place where there's a lot of people (this tends to make me very uneasy and anxious), narrow minded people, am very open minded so it always baffles me when some people can't see farther than their own nose.
MBIT: intj
Zodiac: Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon and Cancer Rising
Love language: Acts of service, quality time and words of affection, I'm not huge on giving personal touch but for some special persons I cross this line.
Aesthetic: A bundle of cottagecore, balletcore, european summer
Suitors I dislike: Dazai, Sebastian, Vlad and his 2 children
Hope these all helped! Thank you so much for reading this and hosting this event, and have fun!
Thank you for the compliments btw❤ you're for sure a very unique person @maries-gallery
I matched you with....
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Pre-relationship (SFW)
Now before you attack me let me show you my point of view.
At first you and Arthur had a casual encounter and both of you never really felt like there's something can pull both of you together.
Arthur knew from the beginning that he is dealing with more than a pretty bird yet he thought that you might be someone who is naive but to his bad luck you're not.
At the first week of your meeting with him he thought to himself "why don't I hit on her and see if I will succeed getting her attention" but poor man, this never worked.
You talked to him casually showing no signs of interest and instead you found joy with chatting with Leonardo.
Because you know Leonardo know almost everything. So, Arthur never had the chance to ever getting to know you better.
While you were enchanted by Leonardo; Arthur for a moment felt like it is his priority to entertain you instead.
The mystery writer loved to get to know you on a personal level. So, he tried to fake a scenario where he can be in a position for you to trust.
Not in a bad way he was intrigued.
One evening, Le Comte were hosting an event in another place so you got ready and you wore this dress.
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Confession: (SFW)
It was September 1898. And the weather was cold. No one expected it to rain that night because the sun shined all day long.
That night you arrived there and all the residents were there too. So, you spend your time dancing and talking to them. And Arthur finally had the chance to just talk to you. He asked for your hand for a dance and you agreed. "You look pretty today" he said while one hand on your waist and the other in your hand. "Thank you" you said smiling gently at him. "So, I heard that you're taking interest upon Leonardo" he said teasingly. "Hmm.. I see you're interested in me" You tried not to show your embarrassment. "I wonder why won't you give me any chance" he said while his eyes was looking directly into your soul.
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And for no apparent reason you tried so hard to focus but for a brief moment you felt like everything was around both of you was vanishing away. Like tears in the rain. You heard the noises around you rising and you looked around to see that the guests started to leave due to the rain the was heavily falling. Everyone got in a carriage. At the moment you remembered that you forgot your bag there and the only one that followed you inside was Arthur. After going inside and taking it. No carriage to be seen because no one stayed there but Arthur. "I got my bag! Let's go" you said. You walked out of the building while Arthur was trying to shelter you with his coat from the rain. "I think we can not find a carriage dear" He said almost yelling. "What are we going to do?" You asked. "I say let's find any public building to spend some time in until the rain stops" he suggested. That moment you felt tired and sleepy. The cold almost broke your bones. "Okay, let's go quickly" you said. Upon going to church because the building was open. You took a deep breath of relief. "Are you okay?" Arthur asked. "Yes I'm okay, what about you?" You said. Arthur smiled "please Mary I'm a vampire" he said. You felt dizzy so you set down on a bench and after that everything became dark around you and you lost all your senses. Waking up the day after you were at the mansion in your bed. You looked left and right but no one to be seen in your room. So, you get dressed and went to the dining room to search for Arthur. But he wasn't there. You found Vincent instead. "Hey Marry how are you now?" He asked with a big smiley face. "I'm good, where is Arthur?" You asked. "He is in his room" he said. And you stormed out to go to his room. You knocked the door and you heard his voice from the inside "come in" he said. You opened the door, "why are you shy come in luv" he smiled. You intered the room. Then you threw yourself on his lap. "Thank you for helping me Arthur" you said. It was like the whole birds in Paris gathered in Arthur's chest and you heard the most light-hearted giggle from him. "I know I love you" he said while giving you the cutest smile ever. " I think I love you too" you returned it with the same smile. Closing your eyes feeling his lips on yours pressing so softly.
Relationship headcanons (SFW)
Arthur is a romantic lover even though he doesn't show it often. He will notice every shift of your mood and react accordingly. Also he is a sweet gift giver. Every gift he gave you had a meaning like this one.
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But no one can deny how powerful and amazing he is when it comes to writing poems and drawn your every detail in them.
He would literally write the most romantic poems about you and sending it to you.
He is really into writing letters especially if you both didn't have enough time to spend with each other or both of you were busy doing your errands.
Arthur is a touchy-feely man and he is really into cuddling and kissing. Because the feeling of you give him reassurance and love.
He would take you to your favorite places and he would totally respect the fact that you have social anxiety.
He would probably help you with that too (your social anxiety).
He is so into taking you out into nature and planning cute picnics for just the two of you.
Both of you would adopt animals like cats,dogs and rabbits. It won't be a lot but why not?.
He is into soothing his partner and he know well how to win a woman once he put her into his mind.
You're the challenge he wished to have his whole life.
He really loves making you smile because that smile is something he lives for.
You have so much power over him more than you think omg.
Relationship headcanons(NSFW)
He is a fuckboy and everyone knows that.
He dated nearly every whore in Paris and had sexual intercourse with almost all of them.
And you think he won't satisfy you?
I can see that he is into doing multiple positions in one round. He will literally change positions like A LOT.
Also he is hypersexual and he would really appreciate a woman with a strong appetite for sex.
Whenever he see you around or feel that you're close to his room he would pull you inside for a quickie.
If you both didn't have an intercourse in that quickie it would be something like pleasuring each other with your hands.
Also he love to receive oral sex. He don't mind giving pleasure to you at all. But he prefer to receive more because he can see how much you can take and it is a turn on for him.
This man is so into role-playing. He loovesss it and he lives for it.
Especially when you're his boss or secretary and this goes along with anything.
He would also loves it when he plays the vampire and you're the hunter, he loves how he can seduce you into doing it.
Also he is an addict to your moans. Like they're the only prayer you can say during the rush hour.
I can see him loving your facial expressions while doing it. The redness on your cheeks after that is so mesmerizing.
He is into bathing together too it is just so intimate for him to try with a whore. So he waited patiently to get his love which is you to do intimate stuff with.
Possible Conflicts
Well the only problem and the main one is that he know a lot of women and they like him and can't stop liking him too. Because of how he made them feel. So whenever you two will go out you will find strange women coming to say hi to him and he would try with his whole being to just focus on you.
Sometimes he might give them attention but not out of I'll cheat on you with her. It is just that he loves making you jealous. So, don't let him make you feel that way okay?.
Other possible match
Le Comte De Saint Germain and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Thank you for reading my match up.
The ask box will remain open until 20th/Jul/2023.
Have a good day/evening🤍.
*Follow me for more
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chandeliermichel · 9 months
My spin the wheel art event for my 800 followers event!
How it works:
You need to comment on this post
I will spin the wheel (after 3 hours) by entering the names of the people who participated, and two people will be chosen!
I will draw a small drawing of anything or anyone the person wants (nothing nsfw) <3
Thank you so much for so many followers! Love you guys!!
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shytastemakerthing · 6 months
Hi! I was wondering if I could please get an Ikemen matchup, I'm torn between Sengoku, Prince and Vampire so whichever is great!
I'm an INFP Gemini, 5'4, I'm covered in burns scars but I'm not self conscious about them. I'm the dad friend of my group so naturally I come with terrible dad jokes and puns! I can be quite annoying (in a lovable way?) and have been known to wake friends up at crazy hours to talk to them. I'm also awkward and I'm terrible at introductions if you couldn't already tell 😂
I tend to hide my emotions but I crave someone who can understand and accepts me for who I am. I daydream and zone out a lot but I'm also observate and am a good listener! On top of all this I'm also sassy, sarcastic and stubborn...I can also be a bit lazy and somewhat lack ambition.
My hobbies include: Gaming, painting, drawing, art history, knitting, crochet, reading, learning languages, watching anime, watching the same shows on repeat, baking watching my favourite sport and learning new things!
My love language (receiving) is acts of service and quality time. I love giving/making gifts and Christmas is my favourite time of the year (I go absolutely bonkers for Christmas!) And I'm secretly a romantic at heart.
My big three anime kins are:
Kaido (Saikki K)
Chifuyu (Tokyo Revengers)
Yamaguchi (Haikyuu)
I hope this information is enough,- I'm so bad at talking about myself but I wanted to try cause I've wanted a matchup for so long!
Hello and thank you so much for the request! Thank you for being so patient with me on this so I really do hope that you like your match-up! Since there were several options to choose from (and I would love to be able to do all 3 but I'm trying to conserve the time to try and get all the remaining requests out, I may come back for the others), I went with Ikemen Vampire as I haven't done one of those just yet!
Tw: None
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I match you with............
Vincent Van Gogh
Who better for someone who enjoys painting and drawing such as yourself than a world wide known artist who is responsible for creating some of the most memorable pieces of artwork in history?
Now, it took some time to get into the relationship. The issue wasn't with Vincent, as he really was a nice person who grew rather fond of you. It was getting past his brother, Theo, before things finally took off. Theo is just protective of Vincent but seeing that you really do care for his brother and mean no harm, he starts to warm up to you, most of the time, at least.
I can see both of you having a lot of painting dates. They're honestly really fun and entertaining. Both of you meet up really just anywhere, he'll even bring some food and drinks over (try not to mistake the drinking water for the paint water.... I've done that too many times), while everything is being set up. And a lot of the time, he does end up painting you.
He will certainly feed into your love languages. Sometimes quality time is all that is needed when you are with someone you love. Just the presence of them is enough to make one happy. Acts of service, Vincent is a gentleman. Service is something he will certainly show to you, whether it be elaborate or just something calming and simple such as just bringing you your favorite drink after a long day.
If you were to ever give him something as a gift, it is now his most cherished possession and he now has a stand/shelf in his room dedicated just for the things that you have gifted him. They are his prized treasures.
Overall, his love for you is as endless as the stars that he paints. You are his beautiful and amazing muse, the one that he cares for so deeply that it makes his chest hurt. And he wears it all with a smile on his face.
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What makes Comte de Saint-Germain a member of team almond?
*please read for more context Team almond: 2 Lines & A Circle : Flavor of Love: Team Almond In-depth Description (tumblr.com)
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This man gave me a run for my money with how much I struggled in figuring out what flavor he is.
I started with team coffee cause he’s got that bittersweet feel, then I went and put him into team white chocolate. After that I was too frustrated, I didn't wanna look at his handsome face anymore, so I left him for Vlad. Once I finished Vlad’s route, I was okay, I can go back to you, nope. I couldn’t figure him out.
See, Comte is overly sweet with a gentleman's side to him, but he’s also more possessive than you would think. Not to mention how loyal of a man he is towards those around him, but he’s not going to push one away like a coffee would. If he was a coffee, he wouldn’t fix any of his problems by the time his route ends. With Comte we see him come face to face with his past as well as love the MC in his route.
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The storyline is heavier on the plot rather than romance, which was a bit off putting. Plus, he wasn’t sure if he loved the MC as a father or as a lover too. Yet, there remained one thing that didn’t change. Through it all Comte had taken responsibility for the MC and genuinely wanted to help everyone under his care. That stand alone action really got the ball rolling for me.
Then came up the idea of how he is to the rest of the residents. To them he’s someone they can openly rely on when a problem occurs. We see from the very beginning that he’s a quick thinker and Comte isn’t one to abandon anyone either. While he’s kind to those around him that doesn’t make him weak or hinder his judgment. I find that even when Comte is surrounded in trouble, he doesn’t let those personal feelings intervene all too much.
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I don’t think many people point this out when we talk about Comte, but he’s quite a strange character. I can’t quite explain this feeling, all I know is that he is a little unhinged at times. Thus, leading me to realize that even if they paint him as this perfect gentleman, he has tons of moments where he’s the opposite.
In the end I figured out all of those things combined made him up to be one thing, a member of team almond. It’s strange really, he’s not your typical team almond member. In comparison to the others, he’s far more white chocolate than the others. On the other hand, he just doesn't sit with the other white chocolates. Making Comte out to be a mixture of white chocolate almond like Kuroo from haikyuu who has both dark chocolate and almond.
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All of the reasons I’ve previously talked about can be made to point out how he belongs in team almond. See, team almond takes a character who follows a typical trope and mixes in something different. That’s not to say they don’t share anything in common though, team almonds are all hard to break. We see this with Comte as he continuously fumbles over his relationship with Vlad and the MC.
This man isn’t that similar to the other members of this team for how he is a mix of white chocolate and the rest have more dark chocolate features in them. That being said, I would recommend you check out Nobunaga from Ikemen Sengoku. I know he isn’t very similar to the noble Comte, still he’s got a great story.
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leonardhoee · 1 year
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Hello my lovely readers! I’m reopening my matchups for Valentines Day! Submissions will be accepted until February 14th.
I’ll be having 2 different matchup types.
I will not be accepting anonymous requests
Must be Following me
I will be writing your matchups in the order I have received them. If you would like to know your place in the queue feel free to message me!
However, if you harass me in my messages or demand to have your matchup done ahead of other people I will have to delete your request. Please be cordial.
I will not be writing nsfw for this event and I will delete any requests that include that kind of information.
Age must be in bio. I will not be taking requests from anyone under 16.
If you happen to get paired with someone you did not want or did not expect, do not be rude. You will be blocked.
Check the list of fandoms I will write for at the bottom of this post and the matchup guidelines. If the guidelines are not followed I cannot write the matchup.
I will only accept one request for each matchup type per person. Since there are limited spots for the personality matchup, it is not fair to allow people to send in more than one request. If you would like another matchup for a different fandom, please feel free to join any future matchup events!
That’s all for the rules! Now onto the fun part, the matchup types!!!
You can request up to 4 fandoms for this and I will post you with characters who I think you would look good with! Since these matchups will be shorter I am not putting a limit on how many I will take as of right now.
Information to include:
• At least one picture or a picture of yourself
• Age
• Gender preference
• Fandoms you would like the matchup to be for
• any characters you absolutely do not want to be matched up with
Things that will be included in your matchup:
• the reasons I chose the character for you
• a song that makes them think of you
All pictures will be kept private and only the matchup result will be posted!
You can request 1 fandom for this matchup. (Mutuals can request up to 2). Since these matchups will be longer I will only take a maximum of 10 requests as of right now in order to not overwhelm myself and to give you guys quality content.
I will keep this post updated with the amount of spots available! If you aren’t able to get a personality matchup this time around, no worries, appearance matchups will remain open!
Information to include in your request:
• pronouns
• the fandom you want to be matched with
• gender preferences
• age
• zodiac (big 3 + Venus if you know it)
• your MBTI and enneagram/ MBTI and enneagram types you like/dislike and why
• tell me about your personality. Include your hobbies and interests, things you like and dislike about yourself, your general lifestyle and attitude towards people (Like if you have social anxiety for example), relationship dealbreakers, the kind of person you’d want to be with, your type physically, love language, and your general likes and dislikes.
• Other things you can include are your pet peeves, Godly Parent, Hogwarts House, favorite things, etc…
• Include 5-10 general fun facts about yourself.
• your style/aesthetic, taste in music.
• a quote you really resonate with (can be from anything)
• what you expect from a relationship/what you need
• describe your dream date
• characters you relate to and why (preferably not from the fandom you want to be matched with)
• any characters you absolutely do not want to be matched with
The information you sent in about yourself will not be posted, only your matchup results! Keep in mind that the more information you give me, the more accurate and detailed it will be! Don’t hold back!
Things that will be included in your matchup:
• reasons I matched you with the character and what they would love about you
• what your Valentine’s Day date would be like
• a song that makes them think of you
My favorite shows are in italics but you can request whatever you want from this list!
Tokyo Revengers (I am caught up on the manga and anime)
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Prince
Obey Me
Hunter x Hunter (will not include gon or killua)
Chainsaw Man (anime only)
Black Butler (anime only, will not include Ciel)
Twisted Wonderland
Record of Ragnarok
Tears of Themis
Genshin Impact (will not include Klee, Diona, Sayu, Qiqi, Nahida, or Yao Yao)
Demon Slayer (anime only)
Jujutsu Kaisen (anime only)
Attack on Titan (anime only)
Bungou Stray Dogs (anime only)
Case Study of Vanitas
Moriarty the Patriot
Great Pretender
Ouran High School Host Club
Kamisama Kiss
Psycho Pass
Bleach (caught up to TYBW but not a manga reader)
If I say anime only for any of them please do not send me manga spoilers, and as a rule of thumb I won’t write for small children obviously. If there’s any I missed above, then I’m including them in this statement. Additionally I will write for all characters unless specified above (anime only or specific characters I have excluded).
If you would like to request an appearance matchup and a personality matchup, let me know in your request and include your pictures with your personality matchup information! Feel free to message me with questions at any time! And happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!! 💗
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katrielle-writes · 1 year
Take your heart!  Katrielle’s calling card event
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Good day to you, dearies!  This is my first event (basically letter matchup) which I’m excited to share with you!!
This event was inspired by Persona 5 and the idea in which phantom thieves leave a calling card after they’ve stolen something valuable.  So what better way to have your heart stolen romantically by a love interest or platonically by a friend!
Status: Ongoing; no deadline!
If you don’t want to get posts on this event, please block the tag, #katrielle’s-calling-card-event
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Send me an ask, telling me how you would like to be addressed, some of your strengths, weaknesses, and your favorite hobbies.  If there’s a special place you like to spend your time you can include that also
Tell me who you would like the calling card to be from or if you would like me to choose your character for you, but they will be from the following manga/anime/games as these are the ones I’m familiar with (Persona 4 and 5, Genshin, Obey Me!, FF10, FF7, Vanitas no Carte, Ikemen Revolution, Ikemen Sengoku; I may add more in the future!)
If the character is a minor, they will be written platonically. 
No deadline!  I plan to keep this an ongoing event unless noted!
A couple of other notes: If you send in an ask I will try to post your calling card in 2-3 weeks.  I am an extremely slow writer so please be patient with me!
Without further ado, prepare your heart to be stolen!!
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Dee, an altruistic who knows no bounds
Corey, a cruel and vengeful cynic who trusts no one
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Credits: I do not own the catchphrases "Take your heart” and “Take your time.”
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 1 year
~Character Matchups~
Since I have a sprained ankle and have nothing better to do, I wanna do some character matchups to pass the time because I think they'll be fun. If you're interested, please do the following and send it to me via ask:
Include a preferred name you'd like to be called, gender, personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, sexuality, what you like in a person, what you don't like in a person etc.
Please include if you have certain characters you absolutely hate/dislike so I won't pair you up with them.
Include some characters you like if you want to, no 100% chance you'll get paired with that character though.
Please include which fandom you would like (Fandom's listed below)
You may submit for more than one fandom because that's what makes things fun.
Twisted Wonderland
Record of Ragnarok
Tmnt (Because why not 🤷‍♀️)
Yugioh (Only the og)
Ikemen Vampire
Please don't be angry if you don't get the character you think you should be matched up with. I'm only doing this for fun, nothing should be taken seriously. Though I think that's obvious. For tmnt please include which kind you want. I know Bayverse, rise, 2003 and 2012.
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Decided that I need to do something with my life so I shall be opening requests! I do gender neutral x reader and here are the fandoms I do:
-Nick Pope
-Miguel Almiron
-Callum Wilson
-Heung Min Son
-Harry Kane
-Cho Gae Sung
-Jude Bellingham
Bungou Stray Dogs:
-anyone else, if I can't then I'll tell you
Attack on Titan
Tokyo Revengers
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Vampire
Inside Job
Valorant (some characters)
Overwatch (some characters)
No smut.
I could do headcanons and matchups and I'll be posting a new post about it soon!
I can't assure the quality of every request and I'll be closing requests at like 5-6 quotas.
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touyaspeach · 1 year
Ikemen Vampire matchup for @sluttyshima
I match you with Isaac!
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ifthiswingscouldfly · 10 months
Hello! ❤️ If you're still accepting requests for match-ups, I'd love one, please.
Both SFW and NSFW (if that's okay)
Physical traits: I have very light blonde hair (not white/platinum but close) I have green eyes and I am 5 foot 4 inches tall. I have a curvy/bigger body type. I think it would be considered a pear shape?
Positive traits:
I am very reliable (although this may stem from my inability to say no) I am always willing to offer up help in any way that I can to others.
I am incredibly loyal, especially to my family and friends (who I consider family) I often don't stand up for myself, but I will rain down hell on those that hurt the ones I love and care about.
I can be very creative/inventive, I often notice things that others don't and love coming up with new solutions to problems.
Negative traits:
I can be secretive, and I hold everything in. If I have a problem or something bothers me, I usually just keep everything in, don't talk about it and hope that forgetting will make it go away.
I often lack motivation and self-esteem. I battle depression every single day, and most days it kicks my ass. When it's really bad, I don't eat, don't sleep and can't talk. I am basically unable to do anything that I need to do.
I can be easily jealous. This mostly surrounds relationships (friendly or romantic) mostly just because I worry that I'm not worthy of their time or a place in their lives.
Hobbies: Researching things? Dunno if that's a hobby tho, but if I find something of interest I will research it endlessly. My friends have referred to me as an "encyclopedia of useless knowledge". I love music and can play a handful of instruments. I love playing trivia, word and puzzle games... anything that really makes you think. Reading! I love to read and have beta read for friends and acquaintances and I have arc read for writers from tiktok.
Likes: reading, the night sky, candles, bats, plants, tea, chocolate, autumn, music, rainy days, crows, and the colors gray and white.
Dislikes: winter, snow, spiders, lots of people/crowds, sports, sleeping/being tired, scary things/horror, surprises, lasagna, and rude people.
MBTI & Zodiac: INTJ-T and Scorpio (Nov)
Love language(s): Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation
Thank you @namine-somebodies-nobody for the request ❤.
Your match is....
Isaac Newton
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Pre-Relationship (N/SFW-ish)
Well, This relationship is mainly featured by trust and mutual understanding.
But first and at first there was nothing to be so alluring towards Isaac. You both had a very casual encounter where you both exchanged names and other mundane things to know about the person. Isaac needs time to open up and so do you.
Staying at the mansion you started to open up for all the suitors mentioning all the knowledge you have and almost all of them admired how much you know especially our scientist Isaac. He was engaging in almost every topic you know because God he was so thirsty for a smart woman like you. But, he never had the courage to tell you how much he admired you for real. So, both of you agreed to be friends because why not? You both shared almost everything and you know what this struck Isaac like a thunder.
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One evening at the library where you used to sit and read in silence Isaac opened the door and he found you there. Nothing in particular was wrong or weird but he asked you if you want to drink a cup of coffee with him or not. So, you said yes because why not?. As the coffee arrived to the library you and Isaac sit on the chairs close to each other and a book was in front of you. Isaac looked at you and said "You know what I think the author wanted the reader to look at a deeper meaning". "Yes I think so, I mean the main characters delivered the idea pretty well" you answered. And then the ideas where coming like a fountain and both of you where discussing each one with so much excitement and passion. Your eyes where gleaming in the romantic light of the library and Physics professor got a bit excited because of it. So he never left his seat whereas you stand and took a lazy steps while talking not realizing that he got in fact excited. His face flushed and he bit his lower lip in frustration and he no longer responded to you. "Is something wrong Isaac?" You asked. Leaning forward your golden hair flow softly around your waist. Isaac looked with a flushed face and then said " N-nothing but can you please bring me a cup of water? I feel feverish" he said. You nodded and headed to the kitchen to bring him a cup of water and when you returned to the library Isaac wasn't there. The library was empty and almost everything was like you were alone except for a two empty cup of coffee at the table. "What's wrong?" You said to yourself, "maybe he went to the restroom" another voice in your head replied. "Should I wait for him?" Another voice said, "A little I guess" another voice replied. You sit there waiting for him until you remembered your book so you returned to it forgetting about Isaac. Several hours later after you fell asleep on the couch you felt someone covering you up with a blanket and when you opened your eyes it was Le Comte. You woke up next morning and folded the blanket to go get ready in your room.
The following week nothing really happened you spend more time with Isaac and other residents.
Listen to thunder by Lana Del Rey while reading this.
Confession (SFW)
The month passed and Le Comte invited you to his room so you can discuss your situation matter. You knocked the door of his room "Come in" he said. You entered the room with two cups of tea placed on a tray and then you sit in front of Le Comte. "I invited you today to discuss your stay here ma cherie. Have you decided whether you want to leave or stay yet?" He asked. "Will I think it was lovely to stay here Le Comte but I might think that I should leave" you answered. "Well then I can't convince you to stay here ma cherie it is your decision after all" he said. "You are right Le Comte" you said lowering your head " but I might say that I will miss my life here" you said pouting. " Think wisely and if you needed any help" he said while taking a sip from his cup "tell me" he said. You nodded your head " I appreciate your generosity so much" you said.
The following day almost all the mansion's residents knew that you might leave by the end of the moon, including Isaac.
That day you received a letter from Isaac delivered by Sebastian.
" Dear Namine...
I was so sad that we had to depart after we became close friends to each other. The thing is I cannot change your mind but I can invite you to spend a night with me where we go to stargaze together.
Please don't decline my offer because this is the last chance for both of us to spend time together.
Your loving servant...
You closed the letter and thought to yourself about how good was your relationship with Isaac. He was really a good and comforting friend which was to some point the warmth you never felt in your life.
At night Isaac knocked on your bedroom door and asked you if you were ready or not and you answered that you are. Putting the last touches on your outfit.
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You opened the door with a sweet smile on your face. Isaac smiled back at you and held your hand. "Let's go" he said. After walking for like 5 minutes you managed to see a cute picnic blanket on the grass and Isaac's telescope was there too beside the blanket.
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You looked around amazed of what you saw then you looked back at Isaac "Wow that's wonderful" you said. "It was only for you" he said. You looked into his eyes and then away. "You don't have to do all of this" you said lowering your head. " No I should've done more for you Namine because what inside my heart is beyond admiration" he said. You looked back at his eyes and said "Thanks I'm really sad because we have to". Isaac looked at you and said " There's something I have to tell you". "What is it Isaac?" You said. "We are friends right? I admire our friendship so much Namine but you're more than that to me" he said. " There is nothing like you and it would be nothing too. You're smart and wonderful just the way you're and I would never trade you for anything in this world at all" he continued. "But alas you had to leave while something inside me growing bigger and bigger each day for you and I was too shy to say. I had to admit long time ago that you have bewitched me body and soul Namine and I love you" he said. His confession made your head spin and you almost fainted but he captivated you and lay you down. "What were you thinking of?" You asked. "I don't know I just wanted you to know because Leonardo told me to not keep this secret in my heart and I cannot bear the fact that you'd be gone soon" he answered. "Isaac" you said. " I think I love you too" you said confessing for him. He took your lips with his, kissing you slowly. Such a poetic evening for both of you.
Relationship headcanon (SFW)
Isaac is a very peaceful lover. Everything with him is just calm and peaceful.
The fact that he asked Le Comte to bring you both a gramophone so you can slow dance whenever you feel stressed or sad.
At first he might be shy and awkward but looking at the way your relationship started it will warm up eventually.
He is so sweet he will try to make you sandwiches and remind you to take breaks and relax because you shouldn't take life seriously.
But on the other hand he is a workaholic too so please remind him to take some rest and relax.
He love your hands and fingers. He loves to hold your hand because he feels at peace and loved after all that loneliness.
He loves how you cup his cheeks and hug him so he could calm down whenever he feel anxious.
Both of you stargazed a lot together. And he really do enjoy explaining the science behind the stars and astronomy too.
Whenever you feel busy or you need help he will jump and go with you so he can help you and protect you at the same time.
He is such a "cover mistakes with a concealer" type of person. I mean that with my whole mind.
If any of you misunderstood each other he won't really try to fix the problem. He either tend to ignore or run away from them.
But he won't let you go to sleep angry or unsatisfied. No, he will learn how to face them as a grown up adult.
He would really appreciate your loyalty above all and because he is loyal too.
Relationship headcanon(NSFW)
"Come on take a walk on the wild side and let me fuck you hard in the pouring rain".
This is literally him in a relationship. I can say no more.
So, at first he was shy towards the thing especially after the first two times.
He doubt himself like A LOT. And poor boy don't really know how to satisfy you.
He is not that knowledgeable with sex and intimate stuff BUT he will seek your pleased and opinion above all.
He might ask for advice from the mansion's Daddys Leonardo and Comte.
But let's get real here I'm trying to write smut after all.
He is so thick. He lust after you like crazy.
He is just as horney as Arthur when he is in love ugh Arthur was never in love.
Whenever he have to travel to another country to lecture his researches he would probably take your underwear with him so can remember your smell.
He would be eager for you and when he come you he have to immediately make love to you so you can know how much he loves you.
You're so pretty when you wear red. He loves red and black lingerie on you.
He is really into giving you oral sex. Also I can see that he is so into putting you in the right mood.
When it comes to being intimate with you he will always make your comfort his number one priority.
Key work is MOOD. He would never manipulate you into doing it when you're not in the mood. He would like it more when you feel like doing it with him.
Possible conflicts:
As I mentioned before there's two point you two have to deal with. The first one is Isaac's attitude towards problems. He either run away from them or just ignore them. So you have to really talk to him so you don't have to fell into the misunderstanding trap.
Another thing is that Isaac is a literal workaholic and anxious most of the time. So you really need to find the key balance between work and your love life.
Other match:
Le Comte De Saint Germain
Hey guys I'm M and I'm really sorry for being late with this. And I do really appreciate your patience.
I hope you loved my match up. And write me in the comments if you liked it or...
Love you all
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chandeliermichel · 1 year
・❥・ matchups for the ikemen series !
tell me a lil bit about yourself
what type of people you tend to like
a song that you associate with yourself
and ta da! you will get a cute matchup and the surprise? you won’t know which game the character will be from <3 and i am only doing these for a day so make sure to send in a request if you want to!! 
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luvrbug · 4 years
My Matchups are open for 500 followers! They will be open for One week (until December 6th in America)! Ill reopen them after i reach 600 (if that's possible?)
Matchup Rules
• My matchups will Only be open for TWST, IkeVamp, The Arcana, + Obey Me.
• Send me your MTBI, Sun zodiac sign, The fandom you want to be matched up with, Pronouns and Sexuality.
• One character per ask pls!!
• dont send in more than 3 matchup requests per person
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What makes Osamu Dazai a member of team mint?
Similar to Vlad I didn’t have enough material on Dazai, so I decided to read his route and I don’t regret it one bit. A lot of things concerning what flavor he was had gotten the chance to be cleared up in his route. To my surprise he ended up being a part of team mint! I definitely thought he was going to be in team bourbon or team matcha…
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*for more context please read Team Mint: 2 Lines & A Circle : In-depth description on flavors: Mint (tumblr.com)
Dazai is an enigma who is cheerful on the outside, similar to Cater Diamond from Twisted Wonderland. Right from the start we see Dazai’s feelings of being someone undeserving of love to the point that he wishes everything to wash away. Then, like in a single flip Dazai leaves us with a mysterious smile on if what he said was the truth. All of this is eerily similar to Cater who leaves with a smile on his face only after he’s done sharing a glimpse of how he really feels. Taking into account what I said earlier about how similar Dazai’s actions are to Cater, we can see the close bond to team mint.
The basis to team mint is their refreshing actions, so what are his? Well, through his stories it’s common to see that he doesn’t act even remotely similar to any of the other residents. Each time he approaches the MC it’s never done on his own accord. I feel that a majority of their reactions are by chance or because everyone is together. That doesn’t mean the two never interact on his own. In fact, Dazai makes an advance at night when he meets the MC in the hallway by herself. After meeting there he takes her into his room where they talk and learn how he never approached her because she’s always surrounded by others. This kind of thinking is rather refreshing as he doesn’t lie to her but tells his thoughts on the table. The point I’m making is how Dazai is one of few residents who don’t actively search her out, despite wanting to be near her.
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Another refreshing action of his is how smoothly he captures the room, it’s almost like he guides it in his direction. That is quite common for team mint as they’re able to control a room’s atmosphere how they please. Speaking of interactions, Dazai is notorious for teasing Isaac, which is on brand for team mint. See, everyone from team mint has a tendency to tease those close to them. For example, Jade leech from Twisted Wonderland, often teases those in the same year or his under classmates. A moment in particular being when he teased Riddle for running around in his dorm after the rain.
Once in love Dazai is refreshing like mint, so if you’re a fan of his I highly recommend no one. I honestly was going to, but team mint has some pretty weird otome routes. I definitely wouldn’t recommend them to newcomers. Instead, how about Arthur Conan Doyle, a fellow vampire from the same title. Like Dazai he has the refreshing air, plus it comes with a sad backstory for those who love crying to their phone.
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enjiyuuu · 4 years
Ikevamp matchups #2
Hey, can you please do an ikevamp matchup for me? I’ve never done one before so here we go- I’m a 157cm teen with black hair and dark eyes, I like wearing black hoodies and black suits me the best. Personality wise, I’m chill, but I also get more angry easily. According to my friends I’m funny (I’m a meme person) but sometimes I can get harsh. I rlly hate socialising, and I’m an introvert. Talking to ppl through the screen is perfectly fine for me, but talking face to face is something else. Im kinda insecure about myself when I go outside bc I rlly rlly hate ppl (most of the time kids staring at me for speaking another language or smthing,) so it’s rlly hard to get me to go outside. I sometimes don’t like speaking to ppl it’s hard bc I sometimes can’t speak clearly/words get jumbled up bc of my lisp. I’m the type of person who don’t follow the crowd on trends and stuff other ppl do bc I do my own way, and I’m the type of person who’s stopped giving a fck about stuff anymore. I’m the kind of person who don’t go outside much, and I usually stay home chilling on YouTube or Netflix (usually the not so popular shows), or listening to music. Speaking of music,I’m a music nerd and I play the violin and that’s my hobby- I’ve been playing for 7 years now and I’m also a piano dropout (I didn’t like it)- but anyways thats it (I think) I hope this is good enough and thanks :)
A/N : Thankyou for signing the matchup! :D and i’m sorry if i took a very long time to write it HSHSHHS i hope you don’t mind huhu. I have a very great time writing this, i hope you like it and have a nice day xoxo! 🌻 @need-ideas-for-a-new-username​
So, i match you with... Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart!
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Both of you aren’t the typical outgoing and talkative person, but at the same time the two of you found ease at each other existence.
At first, he is never going to know that he’ll fall for you because you’re so similiar to him. Nobody at mansions do think that way.
But sharing alot of similiarity with you, he can relate so many things with you, especially the part that you don’t like talk too much and hate socializing with people. Even though that he’s pretty good at keeping his social-butterfly facade when he’s with the other people, but it’s also make him feel so exhausted.
With you, it feels different. It feels much better. He doesn’t have to wear that mask, he could be himself whenever you around and he liked it.
Both of you don’t like going outside too much, so he settles your quality time with him at his music room.Just discussing about his music or your preferences in music. 
He can’t take his purple eyes from you when you’re playing the violin. He loves to watch you playing his violin. It sounds so lovely, he admits it. He also likes to make some music based on his feeling towards you.
Won’t admit it, but he is head over heels with all the things about you. Especially that you likes music too and play violin, your similiarity about him, and your personality.
A hoodie looks a bit weird in his eyes (because he never seen a 21st-century hoodie before and his style preferences is different, of course) but when you wore it, you look very cute and small (of course he didn’t say it out loud. That guy doesn’t want to make you angry. It’s just that... you’re too cute and he can’t bear it).
And of course, your style preference (hoodie and black colour) sometimes get criticized by some local noble women back then.
“Why? But my lady looks so gorgeous in black. If you have some time to criticized my lady, then please take a lot more time to fixing that attitude of yours.” He smiled, contrary to the words that he just say.
He know that you’re strong enough to stand up for yourself, but as your lover, he also wants to stand up for you too.
“Listen, there’s nothing wrong by being yourself. There’s nothing wrong by wearing black or that hoodie. I love it, just the way you are.”
After that, you two go inside carriage to go home. In the way, both of you didn’t say anything. Not because of fighting or something, it’s just that the both of you appreciate the silence that lingering inside while his hand are attached to yours. 
There’s nothing more he likes rather than his music and the moment when you’re with him.
other potential matches...... Jean D’Arc
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monty-makes · 4 years
Hello ! I Saw you were doing Mach UPS and was wondering if you could do it for me ? I am a short INTJ girl who's passions are writing and learning (about History, psychology and criminology). I love cats and blue. I am usually quiet and introverted but once you get to know me I am friendly and enjoy debating :) Thanks you so much ! And Please continue to fuel your blog :))
Right away, @marie-quentin! Just a reminder/disclaimer, if you don’t give me a specific fandom or series, I’m really just gonna run wild with it out of every fandom I know. ★~(◠‿◕✿) Which I’ve done here! Your match is below the cut!
First, I match you with.. 
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Arthur Conan Doyle, of Ikemen Vampire!
While your relationship with Arthur isn’t exactly love at first sight, the closer you grow to him, the more he discovers about you, and the more he ends up falling for you despite his best efforts.
Originally, you didn’t strike Arthur as anything special. He was able to fluster you relatively quickly, but then again, who wouldn’t he be able to fluster with his endless, incessant flirting? Admittedly, when you first arrived at the mansion, his teasing ended up.. mildly beneficial? You weren’t the most talkative around new people, and it was a bit of a relief to have someone to help you relax a little around this completely unfamiliar, and intimidating, group of people. Without Arthur, it probably would have taken you a lot longer to open up to the other residents of the mansion, and you’re that much better off because of it.
However, the more time passes, the better Arthur gets to know you, and the more common interests rise to light. Arthur may be a playboy, but he’s the author of the most famous mystery series of all time, so you bet he’s well versed in the topics of criminology and human psychology. As you spend more time with Arthur, not only do you seem to open up more to him, but he opens up more to you in return. His teasing never ceases, but eventually, it gets less excessive, and more.. familiar. As you grow more comfortable with Arthur, you feel Arthur growing fonder of you, fonder than any of the girls you’ve seen him interact with in the past, and over time, you see him lose interest in them, favoring conversations with you instead. Your conversations can range between the two of you teasing each other back and forth, or having a serious, and educated, discussion of the human psyche. Each time, it’s a 50/50 coinflip, and completely unpredictable, just like your relationship.
Alternatively, I also match you with..
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Ciel Phantomhive, of Black Butler!
now, i know that it seems like i just stuck you with the blue-haired ones, but bear with me!
The introverted nature that the two of you share means that your relationship takes time. However, slowly, the two of you learn more and more about each other, and more and more things that you have in common.
You and Ciel don’t exactly click straight away. Between Ciel’s stoicism and your quiet nature, there’s no real attempt right off the bat for either of you to connect with the other. Further, since Ciel doesn’t seem to have any interest whatsoever in connecting with you, the two of you remain shut off from each other for a very long time.
However slowly, that all changes as the two of you discover the several interests you share. Ciel’s job fascinates you; as one of the Queen’s Watchdogs, his position heavily involves dealing with criminals, something that you’re actually able to assist him with, given your knowledge and interest in such things. And as the two of you work together more, the warmer you notice Ciel grows to you, and that change spurs you on to open up further to him in return, and eventually, while working together and supporting each other, especially in more dangerous settings, the two of you form a close and unshakeable bond that ties you together.
Hope you enjoyed, Marie~ 
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xx-lemon-drop-xx · 2 years
⚝⭒⭑𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⭑⭒⚝
Requests Are Closed-
3/8 Requests.
-Rules And Tags-
-Obey Me Masterlist-
-Twisted Wonderland Masterlist-
-Yugioh Masterlist-
-Ikemen Vampire Masterlist-
-Record of Ragnarok Masterlist-
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Character Matchups: Closed
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