#if you saw this on twitter
lilisouless · 6 months
If the Grishaverse was a Mexican telenovela
Alina Lucero
Manuel “Manu” Otero
Nicolás Larios/ Capitán Ciclón
Zoila de los Cielos
Genoveva Solís
David Costa
Tamara & Tolomeo Benítez
Nadia & Adrián Zapata
Carlos & La gata
Fedro Kabana
El Iván
Leona Colina
Las cornejas and associates
Carlos Barrios
Inés Garza
Nina Zendal
Jesús Fuente
Matito Helguera
Guillermo Del Valle
If someone has a good one for Kuwei please tell me
Don Cosme Fuentes
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
Is Charles Leclerc the next ..?
Especially in the beginning of the season, I had a lot of conversations about if Charles was the next Lewis Hamilton.
The general consensus is no but I got to thinking — I think Charles Leclerc will be the next ‘Daniel Ricciardo’ type star of F1.
By that I mean, popular on social media and popular in the fandom spaces.
Charles has gained 2.7M followers on Instagram this season and even though a good bit of that in the beginning was driven by his race wins and championship contention, even now, he is still usually in the top 2 of gains.
But also, more telling in my mind is that Charles has surpassed Daniel for 3rd most tagged F1 driver on AO3. Since I started tracking AO3 tags, Charles has been tagged in 591 new fics (most of all drivers) while Daniel has been tagged in 332 new fics.
So yeah, I’m curious to know what you guys might think but I think Daniel Ricciardo-type stardom is what Charles is heading for.
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millificent · 5 months
Every Nico Di Angelo fan focusing more on the background of the episode than the actual plot
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sassylittlecanary · 1 year
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Read some actual comics, Kyle.
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Superman is an incredibly kind and tender character. (If he’s not being written that way, then he’s not being written well.) He inspires hope not just through his heroics, but also through his kindness toward other people. That’s his thing. Don’t you DARE call tenderness a “weakness.” Get your toxic masculinity the hell away from me and go read a badly written Batman comic if you want a “tough” male character.
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wolfythewitch · 20 days
I volunteer at the kid's Sunday school which is fun the kids are great but I can't speak to them properly man 😭 a kid was sulking under the table and I asked why, she said that there was a monster, to which I replied on autopilot "I'll kill them"
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hamletthedane · 1 year
Still laughing at Brian May offhandedly writing the greatest understatement in the history of academia in his astrophysics doctoral dissertation:
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Ah, yes - “various pressures.” Like being one of the greatest guitarists ever and playing/writing/singing for the most legendary rock band of all time.
Those various pressures.
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
actually can we stop talking about “deserve” when it comes to characters dying in fiction. not everything is a fable with a moral lesson to be learned. romeo and juliet didn’t “deserve” to die. bambi’s mom didn’t “deserve” to die. izzy dying in the finale doesn’t mean ofmd is saying that certain types of queer people “deserve” to die. fictional death can serve more narrative purposes than just punishment for the character doing the dying.
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fabrickind · 11 months
I know the joke is that Ghost Trick fans can't tell you why to play it, just that you should, but here's some spoiler-free reasons to play it:
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It's an incredible puzzle game. The puzzles are basically Rube-Goldberg machines, where you manipulate objects in a series to effect change in the overall situation. Do you like complex mechanisms and the concept of the butterfly effect? Play this.
The basic gameplay: you are a ghost. You have the ability to posses and manipulate objects, and move from object to object. Someone bas died. You can go to four minutes before their death to change their fate using your Rube Goldberg powers. Also! The puzzles do a great job of ramping you up in difficulty and teaching you the gameplay, but wow do they get HARD in late game. You can replay any puzzle, and also rewind time as you wish. You can't lock yourself out of things by doing it wrong, since you can redo.
The story is SO GOOD. There's a reason why everyone tells you as little as possible -- it's a compelling mystery that sucks you in. The basic idea: you are dead. You need to figure out who you are and who killed you. This spins out into a tale of political intrigue.
It's by Shu Takumi, the creator of Ace Attorney. It has very similar vibes, in that it's absolutely bonkers characters and situations but also WILL make you cry once it's all revealed. Great mix of serious and humorous tones. Seriously, someone dies when a giant roast chicken statue falls on them and the root cause is because of [serious political events]
The aesthetics. Great music, great character design, have you SEEN what the game looks like? Really good use of color and stylization. Character animations are often hilarious.
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Missile is there. You WILL love bestest boy. Don't google him. Just trust.
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nekrosmos · 8 months
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Okay one last batch of silly little memes for you silly little memes enjoyers out there
Part 1 / 2
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astearisms · 9 months
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may you find peace 🌾
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nibeul · 2 years
hey in light of this all, just a reminder: don't fucking "sign up" for protests, don't give your names, phone numbers, and/or emails to any sites, don't announce on social media that you're attending protests, and definitely don't make dumbass posts like "who's rioting tonight?". This type of shit is going to get you in trouble and put others in danger too. Use your heads.
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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phantom of the opera + twitter
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eternallovers65 · 1 year
Moments in Charles Leclerc that are so insane I wish I made it up but can't, because this stuff can only happen to him
- When his watch got stolen and he decided to CHASE the guy with his custom ferrari 488 pista
- When his former girlfriend got locked out of the apartment and he wasn't answering his phone so she had to subscribe to his Twitch channel to tell him to open the door (please watch his former streams I beg)
- When he crashed Niki Lauda's 1974 ferrari during the Monaco historic grand Prix (his luck I swear)
- Every Monaco Grand Prix ever (the infamous charles leclerc curse)
- When he went to dinner with a guy, posted the picture on Instagram and it turns out it was an international criminal wanted by the Interpol
- He went to a restaurant once, handed his car to the valet and the car was out of fuel
- When he went for a run, took some photos with fans and this couple started to fight in front of him
- When he didn't realized his tiktok likes were open to the public (it was mostly fan edits of himself, baby goats, babies but mostly fan videos about himself)
- Recently, he dropped his airpods in the airport floor and decided to use this gigantic clamp to get it back
- Or just his babygirl esque nature (i love him <3)
- He accepted a ride from two strangers just because he couldn't find a cab (Arthur was also in the car!!!)
(Also, feel free to add more, please, and every time he does something so charles, i will uptade the list)
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catocappuccino · 7 months
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writerswho · 2 years
Wednesday: Oh my hell, Thing. I'm my Father.
Wednesday: I have trying so hard to not become my Mother, I did not see this coming.
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asukachii · 3 months
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Where Our Blue Is
(I don’t like putting watermarks so, PLEASE, if you want to post this gif somewhere GIVE CREDITS! Also, don’t use it in edits/videos. Thanks~)
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