#if they set it up to be episodic I’d have no issue cause I do enjoy the characters
blacktailmon-uver · 2 years
I’ve come to the conclusion/realisation that I got so butt hurt that ghost game went episodic instead of incorporating an epic plot I started to low ball my expectations for every new episode that came out so I either wasn’t too disappointed or I was pleasantly surprised.
And I think that cynicism is dampening my enjoyment.
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m3nt4llyr4v3d · 3 months
One thing that kind of (absolutely) bothers me about this show is the weird… avoidance?? Or major mistakes or flaws the characters have??
(This is me going off of the top of my head, and sooooo much personal bias is in this, be warned)
I’ve seen this being talked around the critical tab a bit and I just wanted to ramble: for some odd reason, the show is very consistent with blaming/placing fault on a character’s minor flaws, but the major shortcomings are just brushed aside (this somewhat applies to some parts of the fandom as well)! A few examples I could think of off the top of my head:
Marinette- Marinette’s blamed by the narrative for things she can’t even control or have nothing to do with anything. Like, in Penalteam, where she has to work to be a team player?? Even though in the episodes beforehand Chat’s whole thing was that he felt like he was being replaced/ set aside by the whole team??? At the same time, Derision made every instance of Marinette’s more unsavory acts in regards to Adrien (which was originally absurd comedy) into something serious because it’s a trauma response now! Which means every instance of her doing those things is now under the context of “oh god this is a traumatized teenager potentially breaking the law due to a trauma response and absolutely needs therapy!!”, while also… just… quietly sweeping all that under the rug under the guise of “well she does those things BECAUSE of the trauma” while not acknowledging just how many bad implications are there now. (I could go a full hour talking about how much Derision fucked EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. OVER.) Oh, and her being secretive with Chat for… no reason? This one is kind of acknowledged but also, the crux of the issue is brushed aside in the season 4 finale? Like, in Kuro Neko when Chat is trying to, like alleviate some of her duties by gathering some of the Miraculous cause he also knows some of their identities? And she says no and says he’s wasting her time? I get he was pestering her about it, I do, but the authors were saying that her reasoning with being secretive was that she was had so much responsibility… but when the opportunity arises for someone to alleviate that, she turns it down? (Honestly liked the fanon reason that she was scared of Chat Blanc timeline and him getting to close to her way more)
Adrien- His naivety in specific situations (the whole “taking the high road” advice) being criticized HEAVILY, when it’s kind of understandable he would give that? I get that it’s bad advice in this situation, I don’t think he’s part of the problem for giving it though. But his pushiness towards Ladybug? The godawful communication he had in Season 4 (this is a Ladybug issue too)? Nah, let’s just ignore that. His… really concerning mental health (Guilttrip anyone? I mean he literally tries to cataclysm himself why is no one talking about this?) What are you talkin’ aboutttt, it’s all good here! In fact, we’ll never bring that up again, how does that sound? (Please delve more into that in season 6 dear god)
Chloe- It’s… understandable??? When the show harps on her being a bully I guess?? But the issue I have with that is that the show acts like this is the WORST thing she’s done, being a petty vindictive teenager. The show rarely brings up her failures at being a superhero (for how much some fans bring up the train scene, I’m 1000% sure the show literally forgot) or the fact that she, y’know. Literally betrayed Ladybug and worked with Hawkmoth! For how much the show loves dogging on her and treating her like a secondary villain I’d expect like, a little bit more in showing that off? Also, the literal two grown adults setting her up as a scapegoat for the whole mayor thing, then the show acting like she’s the one at fault still?? And that sending her away with her mother was a good thing????
Gabriel- “Oh he’s too obsessed with his Ladybug to actually save his wife! He’s cold and distant but still loving actually!” What about his neglect? What about him literally ignoring his wife’s wishes (there was no way he didn’t know beforehand I’m sorry)? I genuinely don’t care that he “made the right choice” with his wish, he stabbed Marinette in the back to do so. Literally LOCKED ADRIEN IN A WHITE ROOM AND AT SOME POINT WAS ATTEMPTING TO AKUMATIZE HIM…! But nah, he’s just too ambitious, he’s a loving father, whatareyatalkinabout? He’s a hero! (😨)
Andre (Bourgeois)- “His flaws are that he gave up on his dream to live an unhappy life! Oh but we’re gonna ignore his role as a literal corrupt politician, look he’s redeemed now! He even sent that she-demon Chloe away! What do you mean he literally raised this child to act this way? Nah, everything is Chloe’s fault and we’re not even going to acknowledge his hand in literally raising her with these values since she was basically in elementary school! Look he’s adopting Zoe, isn’t that sweet? Nevermind how we just won’t acknowledge where Mr. Lee is, if he’s alive, or if Zoe is even okay with everything that just happened! (I mean, cmon, she literally lived with Audrey for years, she would reasonably be a little put off by this, even if she thinks Chloe is a lost cause)
These are just a few I could think of, though. Honestly my biggest wish is that the show would stop bringing the character’s least offensive trait/fault (compared to others) and truly acknowledge the worse aspects of them.
Bit that’s just me rambling like a madman, I’d love to know what you guys would think!
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lol-jackles · 9 months
Hi. Your blog is still on alarm on my dash. Really enjoying your opinions.
If your time allows you, I’d like to know your opinion & reviews on SPN 9X13.
"The Purge" has Sam and Dean go undercover in a health spa after finding a link to deaths where the victims have lost their entire fat reserve. They discover the owners are a pair of Peruvian monsters, a sister and brother who parallel Sam and Dean; the sister wants to co-exist with humans and help them by siphoning off surplus unwanted fat for food, the other only want to feed and more he tries his sister's way, the hungrier he got until he succumbs to his nature and kills for food. This foreshadow Dean's struggle to live with the Mark of Cain until he couldn't, increasingly becoming "hungry" as the season went on. Sam have lived and adapted with his freakish, "unclean" nature for so long that he is fully functional even if he never makes peace with it.
One of the strengths of Supernatural is their stand-alone/MotW/filler episodes usually advance the season-long arcs and even get referenced or talked about in later episodes. Despite Sam and Dean’s church codependent commitment ceremony in season 8's finale, they still got baggage and hence Dean lying about the extreme, desperate measures he took to save Sam’s life in season 9's premiere and keeping him in the dark.  Once Sam found out, he is angry and bewildered by Dean’s actions that he sees as betrayal, and draws up boundaries as a way of saving his relationship with Dean. But from Dean’s pov the new boundaries were walls set to destroy what is between him and Sam. So Dean conflated saving Sam from the Peruvian monster in this episode to saving Sam in those 2 previous episodes in attempt to remove the wall between them that Sam set up.
Remember, Dean isn't going to learn the same lesson each season, which is why he made Sam's anger over the Gadreel possession about his (Dean) own issue and left Sam alone (with Cas in the bunker) to hunt down Gadreel... only to run into Cain got the Mark to, huh, kill Abaddon instead for some reason.
Understandably Sam is frustrated as the 3 incidents were not the same: in the church, Dean told Sam the truth that the ritual will cause his death and promised Sam not only will they find another way, that he would never put some one else before Sam. Dean wasn't hiding information from Sam. Dean saving Sam from the Peruvian monster was a straightforward action, no underhanded agenda. So Sam told Dean the unvarnished truth: Dean didn't want to be alone. This gets brought up again by Billie in season 11's "Red Meat", and in season 13','s "Advanced Thanatology" Dean tells Billie that he's dragging down Sam.
Sam's admission that he wouldn't save Dean under "same circumstances" means he wouldn't selfishly save Dean for personal gains, or without vital information. Back in season 3 he first sought Dean’s agreement to use the immortality serum instead of giving it to him without informing him ahead of time. Sam was ready to die in the hospital (season 9 premiere) and Dean essentially violated a do-not-resuscitate order (DNR). Nobody can really blame Dean for wanting to save Sam's life at any cost, but he fails to see things from Sam's pov that led to him needing boundaries in the first place.
I found the scene of Dean immediately recognizing roofies pretty on-the-nose. He said he didn't want to end up missing kidneys while traveling in little known places, which, yeah good idea, so why didn't Sam know what roofies look like? I took it as callback to when Sam didn't know he was being possessed by Gadreel under Dean's watch.
"The Purge" was one of the weaker MotW episodes but it still gets the job done of advancing the main storyline arcs. It started out as a lighter filler episode and ended with a "truth hurts" bite that leaves a deeply wounding mark that set off a fierce fandom debate.
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Finally got around to watching Being the Recardos on Amazon Prime after procrastinating for months... ugh, why do I torture myself? I knew it was going to be God-awful.
I generally hate biopics. It’s just too hard to cram an entire person’s life in 2 hours. I much prefer to read a biography or memoir which offers deeper insight and can be thorough and detailed or watch a doc. Real stories are always more interesting than dramatizations. That being said, my main issue was with the casting. I just couldn’t see Nicole Kidman and Javier Bardem disappear into the roles of Lucy and Desi. They looked NOTHING like them. I will give props to Kidman to at least nailing Lucy’s voice, but otherwise, her hair and makeup was atrocious and did not embody Lucy at all (it looks better on the obviously photoshopped poster, trust me... it looks like utter sh- in the movie). I generally like Bardem but he was miscast as Desi. So he’s got an accent so what? A guy who was shorter and didn’t speak in a deep baritone would have been a better choice. I would have preferred unknowns in these parts. When you use A-list actors who are supposed to be representing Icons, it’s hard to see them as the people they’re meant to be portraying because they’re too recognizable themselves. 
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I also had issues with the actress playing Vivan Vance as well (too lazy to look up her name). She was about the right age as Viv maybe a couple years younger but much too thin and pretty. Viv was an attractive woman when she wasn’t playing Ethel (they always made her look frumpy and older than she was irl) but you have to keep in mind she wasn’t a pin-up girl, either and she wasn’t old but she wasn’t that young either. She was 42 albeit classy but still... the hair was all wrong and I just couldn't see her as Vivian. In fact, after comparing their pictures side by side I think Vivian was much more glamorous but she wasn’t supposed to look that glamorous as Ethel... they let Ethel be glammed up in the later episodes and this was an issue that cropped up in the movie but still. The actress didn’t even try to do her voice and sounded nothing like Vivian so she just didn’t do it for me. The only actor that completely fit his part was JK Simmons as William Frawley. Maybe he was thinner than Frawley but he got the voice and mannerisms down pat that if I closed my eyes I could totally see Frawley speaking. Now if only the rest of the cast was as good as he was, the movie would have been at least partly bearable.
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I gather this movie was intended to be a low budget TV movie because that’s exactly what it felt like. No effort put into it all because it went direct to streaming. 
Also there were so many historical inaccuracies, too many to list off but purist Lucy fans would spot the inconsistencies from a mile away (the most glaring issue was how Lucy and Desi met on the set of Too Many Girls in 1940).
Honestly... the costume department couldn’t have done a worse job...
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Was this supposed to be Lucy’s natural brunette hair? Cause no.... no it’s not. 
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Sorry but Kidman just couldn’t capture her beauty at all... 
The Communist speech was also really cheesy... the audience reactions could not be more forced and you can tell when they were told to gasp and look shocked. If Desi’s speech was staged for the cameras I could forgive the forced reactions but it was not staged and the audience irl was not expecting Desi’s speech. If you look up the actual address Desi gave to the studio audience it was much less dramatic and easier to suspend one’s disbelief.
The film offered nothing new either... in fact the crappy 1991 TV movie Before the Laughter did a more entertaining job of capturing Lucy and Desi’s rocky marriage than this movie did. I didn’t care for Maurice Benard as Desi but Frances Fisher KILLED it as Lucy. It was not a great movie by any means but I’d rather watch that one any day over this hot mess.
The only thing I can say that was positive was that it was a wise choice to zero in on a single week of filming the I Love Lucy show as opposed to showing their entire lives and careers. we see parts of that but there was too much to show in 2 hours so focusing on a single moment in their lives and what led up to that was for the best so that it didn’t feel too rushed. Biopics work best when you’re focusing on just one thing. But that being said the movie still fell flat on its character development and there was no emotional connection to Lucy and Desi at all. In 2 hours I felt like I still didn’t really know who these people were. It was a very surface level movie with no real deep commentary or themes or anything. I also hated the fake interviews with the writers as the movie’s opening it was very weak and cliche. They were trying to push this movie as a docu drama but it wasn’t. It was just another bad dramatization of two Hollywood Legends with no new insight. 
But then I didn’t really expect it to be a good movie so can’t say it met my expectations or really disappointed me because I had none going in.
I’m definitely going to watch the far more superior documentary Lucy and Desi directed by Amy Poehler. Docs are always 10000x better than crappy biopics.
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catwouthats · 7 months
I didn’t want to post anything Loki related bc I don’t like promoting Disney shit after what they did (FUCK DISNEY! they donated 2 mil to Israel. So, don’t give them money y’all), yet somehow this is RELEVANT for social issues???
Mobius- Structural Functionalism
Sylvie- Conflict Theory
Loki- Symbolic Interactionism
But Loki and Mobius flip flop a little.
If you know sociology, this probably just damaged you emotionally. If you don’t know sociology, you are probably confused. Let me explain. Also I have more I want to say about what this all means. (SEASON 2 EPISODE 6 SPOILERS)
Structural Functionalism- Basically, things like institutions (schools, prisons, etc), roles (what you are expected to do), rules, and strict control are seen as important to hold society together. Each part is needed for the system to survive (else something else will try to take the broken system’s/part’s place… usually messy. Thinks break/slow.)
Conflict Theory- A lower class is oppressed by the upper class. Belief that the systems in place are made to oppress those who don’t have the power
Symbolic Interactionism- seeks to understand relationships between people. The importance of them on an individual level. Why and how one’s personal circle affects how they interact with the world as a whole. focusing on the symbols that help us give meaning to the experiences in our life. Symbols are subjective. Everyone has a different interpretation. The meanings of these symbols can change.
Mobius- Was devoted to TVA (institution). Generally interested in how to use the system as it is. Likes the structure and set up (until later?). Doesn’t question authority (until others do. Follows norms and peer pressure). Did not want to know who he was a while (against social norms in his society that was the TVA institution)
Sylvie- TVA oppressed her all her life. She’s interested in all the people wronged by imbalanced power that is the TVA (herself and everyone along branching times). Interested in equality. Mad at bourgeois (She is passionate and didn’t know as much as Loki —WHO WAS FUCKING TIME SLIPPING SO OFC IT MADE MORE SENSE TO HIM— so ofc she gets mad and makes “rash decisions” bc in her eyes they are logical.)
Loki- Personal. Think “Why?” Questions. Why did He Who Remains do this? Why do I have to be alone? He’a affected by his family/friends. THAT is what causes him to invoke change in society. He doesn’t admit it at first, but it’s clear that he treats everything personally to him. He is a God, something I see as more symbolic rather than functional because it makes everything personal to him on a different scale. The symbol of the TVA changed it’s meaning to the tree of life because of him.
He fixed it all by fixing his personal issues… or breaking them. It’s not how real life exactly works —it’s magic— but it’s interesting. It makes an interesting point. Not that one person is the hero, but that, despite EVERYONE’s group work, still at least ONE person had to give up living (usually it’s too many).
The reason I bring this up is because, again, it is so interesting. I thought this was gonna be copaganda (that one Ep Loki says some wack shit.. which he doesn’t agree with anymore I don’t think bc he literally ripped it apart)(maybe it still is copaganda?? Idk, that’s not the point of this thing). This media actually showed the importance of each social theory individually though. AND HOW THEY CAN WORK TOGETHER TO BRING CHANGE! I’d argue they need to work together to bring change.
You need to have that closeness to each other, that understanding of why people are reacting in ways (symbolic interaction). So you can grow stronger as an organized group and figure out plans (structural functionalism). So you can stand up STRONG to your oppressor without leaving ANYONE behind, so you can reduce the HARM of the oppressive system (conflict theory).
I know this is all over the place and I apologize. It seems weird to talk about something so serious using a show (especially when the thing owning that show is part of what you’re speaking out against??)(like seriously wtf Disney!??? Fuck you!!!??)
That said —off topic again— when it comes to Loki, I think he is going to have to find away to be with Sylvie & Mobius again. He has no defenses. They, Sylvie and Mobius, are his defenses. They help him to not die/kill others. They help keep the TVA workers stable to support him. They help keep things in check so no one gets treated unfairly. He needs both of them.
Anyways, back on topic, this can all be overwhelming. Society as a whole. Just remember that we have each other’s backs. You might not feel it yet, but trust me, more and more people are coming together. They/we are doing more and more amazing things, things that get bigger and bigger with more of an impact.
We are stopping weapons from being shipped.
We are boycotting.
We are donating to support.
We are spreading the word.
There is love, it’s just not ever given by the oppressors. Don’t ever look for love there; the people that are hurting family and friends are not ever going to give you love.
Also, if any part of this is off or insensitive please let me know. I’m terrible at being socially human, like my words don’t get interpreted how I interpret them.
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angelasscribbles · 2 years
About that Tumblr Bullying
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I know I said I was going to do a whole call out post about the bullying that happened to me. Complete with receipts. But a funny thing happened after I posted my little preview post yesterday. My DM’s blew the fuck up with people reaching out to me with, support yes but also, and unfortunately, their own stories of having been bullied. Like a lot of people.
That got me thinking, what happened to me is a drop in the bucket. This problem is much more prevalent than I ever would have thought and that is so disappointing and unfortunate. This is supposed to be fun. Grown adults are not supposed to act this way.
A hate post was made about me, and I was, in fact, clueless to its existence until my little anon friend gave me the heads up. A move that seemed desperate for my attention. I have decided not to give it to them. I have decided that they don’t get any more of my time, attention or energy.
I want to focus, instead, on those being bullied. Because this issue is way larger than just me. I can handle it. I have been through some shit in my life and come through it with flying colors. A little Tumblr hate isn’t about to break me. But I know not everyone has the same level of resilience, not everyone is in a good place, not everyone has a good support system filled with loving, supportive people. I know there are people out there struggling with depression, anxiety, grief, stress, and worse. I know there are people for whom toxic internet bullying could cause a major mental health crisis, or set off a depressive episode or hell, even just seriously mess with their self esteem. My inbox is full of stories of writers doubting themselves, their writing, their worth as a human being because of the atrocious things said to them (way worse than what was said about me).
I  want to do a couple of things here. The first is simply to let each and every one of you know that you are worthy. I know my platform isn’t that large, I’m no one special, but to those this does reach, I want to tell you that you do matter! You are worthwhile!
Secondly, I’d like to remind you that you own no one anything, not your time, not your attention, not a response to their messages, not an acknowledgement of their complaints (real or imagined). Literally, nothing.
My advice?
Surround yourself with positive people. Block the negative ones. You lose nothing by cutting toxic people out. Out of your Tumblr feed, out of your Facebook feed or even out of your real life. Sometimes, blocking and moving on with your life is self-care. There are people who thrive on drama and negativity. They can’t live without it, they feed on it. Don’t feed them. Cut off their access to you. Save your energy for those that make you smile, those that see the beauty in you (even when you don’t see it yourself).
When you have the energy/spoons for it, pay it forward every chance you get. Give compliments, prop up other people. You never know when that compliment might be the thing that turns an otherwise dull day into a bright one. And bonus, you’ll feel good about it too! I believe that what we put out in the universe comes back to us. So, send positivity out there every chance you get.
Engage in aggressive self-care. Block out time for yourself. Do the things that you enjoy, eat the foods that you love, allow yourself time to watch that TV show that makes you happy, even if the laundry isn’t done. Take a hot bath, go for a long walk (if you’re able), draw, write, paint, do whatever it is that feeds your soul. And don’t apologize for it, or feel guilty for doing it. Your happiness counts. You count!
If you are struggling, please reach out to someone, talk, tell someone. Don’t keep it all inside, let it out. I know that can be hard sometimes, but it’s crucial for healing. And let’s face it, most of us have unresolved trauma of some sort or another.
The last thing I want to do here is give a little practical advice. I want to offer some tips for how to lock down your account to better protect yourself against being blindsided by anon hate. Here they are:
This is the most obvious one. Turn off anonymous asks. To do this, go to “Account” (little gear icon in upper right hand corner on mobile) and scroll down to “Allow anonymous asks” and toggle it off. <- I did this, because I had witnessed others getting anon hate. I thought it was enough. It wasn’t. Someone determined to stalk, bully and harass you will find another way. So keep reading.
Take away the ability for an anonymous, fake, blog to message you. Yes, you can make it so that only blogs you follow can DM you. To do this, go to “Account” and click on “Account settings” then click on “Messaging”, here you can choose who can message you, pick “only Tumblrs you follow can message”. <- Wish I had known that sooner. Never occurred to me that someone would make an entire fake blog just to send me hate.
Next, if you want, you can limit who may comment on your posts. Go to “Account” then to “Account settings” and click on “Replies” choose “only Tumblrs you follow can reply” <- This is tricky for me, because the whole point of Tumblr is interacting with new people/content. But if you are being stalked, harassed and/or bullied, I would recommend taking this extra step.
This is just a privacy issue, but if you don’t want others to know when you’re active, go to “Account” then “Account Settings” and click on “Privacy”. You can toggle to turn off “Let others see that you’re active”<- Not really going to keep anyone from bullying you, but if you have anxiety about people being mad if you don’t respond when they can see that you are active, then it’s a good thing to deactivate.
If you’ve taken the above steps, then you are safe from anon hate in your asks, your inbox and the comment sections of your posts. <- someone can still create a fake blog and make a nasty comment in a reblog of your post, but at least they have to show their nastiness publicly.   
If anyone has more tips that I’ve missed, please respond with a comment or reblog and let us all know!
I’m going to leave you with this little gem. No Time for Toxic People by Imagine Dragons. Lyrics are under the cut.
The way they look at me, I know exactly What they talk about when I'm not around Got no time for that, as a matter of fact Every day's my birthday, oh, I hope you heard me
Take a look outside, it's a beautiful day, yeah Yeah, it's a beautiful day, yeah I'm gonna keep it that way, that way, ayy Take a real good look, it's a beautiful day, yeah Yeah, it's a beautiful day, yeah I'm gonna keep it that way, that way, ayy
So spend your hours on what you think I've done wrong I know I'm in your mind, I've been here way too long I want to spend my life with those who's done me right Your heart is frozen over, I'm a four-leaf clover
Take a look outside, it's a beautiful day, yeah Yeah, it's a beautiful day, yeah I'm gonna keep it that way, that way, ayy Take a real good look, it's a beautiful day, yeah Yeah, it's a beautiful day, yeah I'm gonna keep it that way, that way, ayy
Do-do, do-do-do, no time for toxic people Do-do, do-do-do, no time for that, I Do-do, do-do-do, no time for toxic people I, I've got no time for toxic people
Move along, move along, move along, go Let me go to the clouds below 'Cause they're callin' me up to higher ground What a teacup sound, even mighty drown, oh
Take a look outside, it's a beautiful day, yeah Yeah, it's a beautiful day, yeah I'm gonna keep it that way, that way, ayy Take a real good look, it's a beautiful day, yeah Yeah, it's a beautiful day, yeah I'm gonna keep it that way, that way, ayy
Do-do, do-do-do, no time for toxic people Do-do, do-do-do, no time for that, I Do-do, do-do-do, no time for toxic people I, I've got no time for toxic people
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artpoint420 · 8 months
Alright, so if you’re a fan of the Animaniacs here on Tumblr, you probably understand that all three of the Warner’s are most likely neurodivergent, and Dr. Scratchansniff trying to “cure” them of their “zanyness” is an example of abelism (as well as the rest of the humans who want to lock them up.)
I think Dr. Scratchansniff himself may be autistic, and here’s why:
First of all, he is a psychiatrist who has been with the Warner’s for sometime and doesn’t seem to realize the Warner’s are neurodivergent (most likely ADHD and autism in all three of them.)
He gets overwhelmed by the Warners when they throw off his plans and his schedule.
Those on the autism spectrum tend to prefer following a set schedule and doing this according to a plan. When this plan is interrupted we get upset. For Scratchy this may be when the Warners are being to hyperactive and hyperimaginative for them to even want to answer his questions. I get that the joke is supposed to be that he’s a psychiatrist driven insane by the Warners but for me the best way to describe feeling overstimulated is “being driven insane by everything around me”
He also tends to get overstimulated, particularly in “I’M MAD!” when the Warners are bickering in the car while he’s trying to drive. Of course most people struggle to drive with tons of background noise. This just sticks out to me, even though it isn’t the first time.
Also, special interests. Scratchy definitely has special interests that he seems to get lost in. Psychiatry is a special interest of his, obviously. Once he starts having appointments with the Warners everyday, we get to see that the Warners are consistently on his mind (just like how they are always on my mind because special interest yes). Part of this may be because he gradually took on a more parental role towards them, but this could also be because he began to develop a special interest in caring for them. Perhaps his own neurodivergence is the reason he was able to eventually sympathize and care for the Warners.
If you read the Animanicas comics, there is an issue, were we see Scratchy reading a comic in his spare time. This is particularly interesting because not only are those on the spectrum more prone to develop and interest in comics, but when he begins to talk about comics to the Warner’s he knows the entire history of comics down to a tee. He begins to infodump onto the Warners and doesn’t realize when they are annoyed or bored because for some reason they find the history of comics boring. Scratch that, HE BECOMES SO ABSORBED IN IT, HE DOESN’T REALIZE WHEN THE WARNERS LEAVE.
Wrestling is probably a special interest of his too, as well as psychology of course.
Also, like I mentioned earlier, he obvious struggles with anxiety, a mental disorder those on the autism spectrum are more likely to develop due to social and communciation issues and the after effects of overstimulation. This can be observed in his body language and how he reacts to Plotz as well, causing him to become a pushover to his boss.
He also age regresses when he is overly stressed out and even has a comfort object (something that I’ve personally observed in others on the autism spectrum and have experienced myself to a certain degree, I’m still not sure if it’s always autism related though)
In the reboot it’s revealed he waited 20 years just to prank the Warners. The prank seems to have become a special interest and they should have done more with Reboot Scratchy.
Going back and watching episodes with Scratchy with this in mind, his behaviors and general attitude towards the Warners makes a TON of sense. He’s annoyed by them but ultimately wants to get along with them.
To me it makes Dad! Scatchansniff even more wholesome. It’ll never happen but one day I’d love to see an episode where he just accepts the Warners for who they are and perhaps, in the process, accepting himself a little more.
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
Hey there! If you’re still doing the ask thing, hm, maybe 33, 19, and 9?
(Also just gonna say you have really funny, neat headcanons!)
Aw! thanks lolol. I like makin myself laugh when coming up with kyman stuff so I'm happy to hear you like 'em too.
Anways *sigh*. I don't know the meaning of brevity ok here we goooooo
33. what is an episode/moment from the show (or a game) that you consider to have very kyman-undertones, yet NO ONE ever talks about it? (UNDERRATED KYMAN MOMENT(S))
I wouldn’t say it’s underrated, but it’s recent so it doesn’t have the attention that other moments have garnered. Help My Teenager Hates me is such a good kyman episode. Kyle takes the first shot. Cartman gets hissy about it and fights back with his words. Kyle, in demonstration of his fiery temperament, shoots unnecessary amounts of paintball bullets. Cartman has no choice to surrender... for the moment. Cause Cartman catches Kyle off guard, honing his energy on one, harsher blow. Like, that’s been their dynamic for decades! Kyman’s dynamic is expressed in a way I’d never thought could be succinct! I’m so happy with this episode.
I’m not surprised he picked up on his tears with lightning speed. Kyle’s always been in tune with Cartman’s emotions. He’s the cartman whisperer fr. Love this episode to death.
Kyle putting on concealer and Gerald covering for him like it’s a damn scandalous hickey and not a bruise. “hE’s eXpIrimEnTinG” oh my fucking god, mattrey.
“Kyle and Cartman hate each other” Why the hell they talkin like friends and engaging in friendly banter when they come across each other at the store then. Check and mate, hoes. (jk jk lol. I just love the reminder that at the end of the day, they’re still friends)
19. do Liane and Sheila (& Gerald, I guess) approve of this relationship?
hm, For Liane, it's not a matter of approval or disapproval; she's fine with Cartman dating whoever he wants. When Cartman was dating Heidi, she stood to the side with little interference. She'll do the same here. In the unlikely even that he turns to her for advice, for example, asking what Kyle meant by “setting boundaries”, Liane would take the conversation…um.. into another direction: “Boundaries?? Aw poopsikins, well, I guess you’re old enough to start understanding this sort of thing. Now, one of the first thing about consent is establishing safewords..." I think all in all, she’d be relieved that someone headstrong and stubborn like Kyle is dating Cartman. He’s starting to put the dishes away! He’s not screaming at her to be at his beck and call! She has time to look for work!
Sheila would be cautious. She trusts Kyle, and it’s not an issue of liking Cartman or not (because Cartman knows how to suck up to adults, and she’s happily had tea with him during the show), it’s more a worry that Kyle and Cartman will make good decisions in their relationship. I envision Sheila as the type of mom who takes dating very seriously, like, the mentality of “dating for marriage” kinda deal. Her extensive lectures on consequences and communication won’t do well to assuage Kyle's neurotic tendencies. That’s where Gerald comes in.
Gerald’s a dick, kay, he’s got a lot in common with Cartman and can see through his sons’ boyfriend’s bs like THAT. Above that though, he’s a family man who knows how to dish out sage advice. Gerald will set Kyle aside and encourage him to “yes, listen to Sheila, but also, don’t navigate so piously that you forget to have fun. And hey, lighten up. Don’t date Cartman to fix him. That’s not how it works, kiddo.” He can’t say for sure if they’ll last, but if Kyle really likes being with Cartman for who he is, then it's fine. Gerald speaks to Kyle from the perspective of a sadistic asshole who fell in love with a self-righteous redhead with an explosive temper– and while Kyle may not make that connection, Gerald does, and he talks accordingly. He makes a note to do what he can to help Kyle out when their relationship inevitably hits lows (yes, plural, because it’s his son. and it’s Eric T. Cartman.)
Wahh!! I went too into detail gfkjdhgkjdf but in honesty, I see it as a more complicated issue than a matter of approval or not.
9. who’s the more affection one?
Outwardly? In terms of physicality? Cartman. He’s so shameless that he’ll make out anywhere, anytime, if Kyle so much as asked. He’ll call him pet names. He’ll STILL buy those couple outfits. He’ll find any excuse to be in contact with Kyle in some capacity. He’ll make grand gestures, and those are his favorite because not only does he get attention from others, he get the coveted double whammy of humiliating AND doting on Kyle. Some might say Cartman’s affection is shallow, that he has a juvenile view of love. Arguably, the affection is there, he just doesn’t realize to what capacity. All he knows is that he finally has Kyle, so he will express himself when emotions arise. It’s very ‘spur of the moment’.
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
it's thursday, lets round up law and order night
Just discovered I can select citytv toronto so I can watch this shit at 5pm. Fucking win. 
Okay, the way these eps are airing doesn’t make our hypothesis about the maddie case coming to canada to launch CO:TO make sense, we’ll see… 
Not shaw instantly knowing it’s a dating app 👀👀 
Jfc...word on my laptop doesnt want to open, im stuck doing this through safari, fuck i hate the way technology is changing... hoping it works later, i was planning on writing tonight. Ugh. 
Man, the way that receptionists/door staff is always all “hey! Excuse me! You can’t go back there” always makes me laugh, like, first off, how do the cops know where they’re going/that the person theyre looking for is actually back there?  
Why are there no lights on in this courtroom? Wtf? 
Nolan just tells sam to do all the work and then takes lead on all the cases, huh? 
The way this ep is going its lowkey looking like mccoy is getting fired/forced to retire, not doing it voluntarily lol. 
Lol, i give no shits if they fire nolan, just don’t touch my samantha bebe pls. 
Okay so they really are setting mccoy up to being fired, hey? 
All of these shows would be SO much better if they actually just acknowledged that they all exist in the same universe/city. Like... i’d love to see the same recurring cast members as the defence attorneys/judges/etc as the same characters in all three shows. Or like, have them mention each other, like in this ep they easily could have at least been like “hold on, I'll call benson, maybe she caught the case” no need to guest star, just mention it. Though they could guest star the other characters considering svu is only giving screen time to M and Ice... 
I am SO bored watching jack in court... where’s the spunk? 
There is way too much political shit that goes into this. Ugh.  
Also this send off is lame. They really couldnt have done it any better? The promos made me think it was some big celebratory thing... 
Yeah that was lame as shit. 
Alright... moment of truth.... is CI Toronto going to be good or absolute crap? 
Why is it tinted blue? This is like when shows “go to mexico” and they just tint the screen yellow. Do they think canada is blue tinted because of the snow/cold? 
Theme song does not slap. 
Where did my subtitles go?? 
Okay the liutenant is my faourite part so far. I like her. Female detective is on the fence for me right now, i don’t like the dude. 
Are they not carrying guns?? Does dick wolf think canadian cops don’t carry guns? Cause i assure you they do... 
LOL at the casual dropping of facts about characters we know nothing about. She has a kid, noted. 
... i stopped paying attention, i can’t lie. This isn’t terrible, but it isn’t great. We coulda had For the Defence... 
Okay, so like i said, not terrible, but i found it pretty boring.  
Moving on to SVU 
Okay this is clearly some kind of abduction situation going on. 
Velasco got a line! Yay! 
Wanna steal that plaid...ngl. 
“aren’t you a captain” THAT IS EXACTLY MY QUESTION, HOW DOES THIS SQUAD NOW HAVE TWO CAPTAINS??!! Make it make sense!! 
“and you needed a rollins” thank you fin for telling it like it is. 
Liv is off her fucking rocker man, like yeah, the kid on the train obvi needs help, and they should intervene and there is a slight chance that it is related to the maddie situation, but that’s the only thing she can see righ tnow and it’s not making for a good show. 
Say pittsburg one more time. I dare you. 
“it’s captain benson” uh... eileen called *her* why did that phone convo go like that? 
The delulu in this episode is stronger than my delulu imagining being married to fictional charaters jfc.. 
“happi burger” ?!?!? I'm having s9 flashbacks 
Aaaand a guest star that was on the show in the last year and a half is guest starring again... as a different character... not surprised. *sigh* (at the v least she’s acting her ass off and is good at what she does so...) 
Liv you have as many issues as this agent, don’t try and make her seem like she should open up to you lololol. 
“you sure youre not just projecting?” THANK YOU 
Thank fuck this gd maddie shit is finally done with. I am over it lol. 
Liv's out here just adopting rescues from all sorts of different departments temporarily, this doesn’t make any sense. 
Omg this OC flashback just made me so excited, all the amazing shit that happened last week LOL. 
Literally thought that old man was mcgrath.. 
I'm sorry... if i find something in a *bathroom* garbage can, the last thing I'm doing is putting it in my *mouth* 
Ayanna being all “gimmie!” about the stuffie is adorable. I may have to write some kind of fix it fic for her/this situation.... 
Okay that was lazy writing, Rita’s friend literally just basically repeated the exact same phrase twice... 
“no gps to pull from a camera” that is a straight up fucking lie. Both my point and shoot and my dslr have gps... 
This other tech guy working for them (ai guy?) he reminds me of kevin from crimi. Not sure if that’s just the over eager-second choice tech- guy vibes or if its something else... 
I don’t trust this bitch. At all. She's gotta be in on it. 
Hahahahaha elliot’s face when he walks in to jet and bobby in the room lol. 
This hate crimes guy is growing on me. 
Anyone else looking at the parallels of liv being hyperfocused on maddie and finding her, meanwhile elliot was so wrapped up with the Rita situation in the last season and now is so upset/lost about losing her... 
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amimons · 2 years
i feel nervous about the ending of s5, ppl who read the bible say its shit and ive been really loving how s4 and s5 have been playing out so i would hate it if things just SUDDENLY dropped the ball towards the end ;-;
To start, I just wanna say I have not read the bible leaks nor do I want to. So if anyone tries to counter me with some bible leaks…😤🤚
Something that I see to be a reoccurring issue with the miraculous fandom is that some of the louder complainers end up influencing other fans opinions before they’ve seen an episode or event for themself. So they go into it with expectations of it being bad.
I like to go to any episodes with an open mind and no set expectations even if I’ve received information on what is going to happen either through synopsis, trailers, and or leaked information/spoilers. Majority of the time whatever doom and gloom that was being presented did not happen or was not as bad as someone made it to be.
I’ll be honest and say before season 4 started I knew information about that season (which is why I barely made predictions or talked about future episodes) and some plot points that were going to happen that was not public knowledge. I’ve seen the panic it caused and the misconceptions it created…that stuff happened but not in the way people predicted and not nearly as horrible; or in my opinion, not horrible at all.
Basically what I’m saying is everyone has different opinions and also people do misinterpret things. I heard the bible leaks don’t have “major spoilers” and are vague enough where you know whats going to happen but not to the full extent. Personally I don’t trust anyone’s interpretation of the bible leaks because they could be wrong or they could hate something that I would like to happen. Especially if they are a salter I don’t ever listen to their takes on things 💀
I’d be disappointed if they suddenly dropped the ball too but I’m going to wait until I finish the season and not even going to imagine that what if scenario. I love the direction they’ve been taking the show and having even more fun with these new episodes! I’m going to keep enjoying it and I suggest for you to do the same anon 😄
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carebearscomfort · 1 year
No spoilers
Loved that SOOO much more than the last one, by LEAPS!
Though it definitely takes place early on in the show, like REALLY early
Range to give? At LEAST before The Grumpy Effect, at the absolute latest it’s before that episode
Everyone’s development and dynamics with each other completely correlates with that point in the show, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Robbie and Bluster! But I’ll talk about them later
Togetherness was so cute!! She didn’t play a major role in the episode, but what time she did have was pretty fun and I liked her character! Her voice was also really nice!
Speaking of voices, I can hear Grumpy and Tendy’s voices definitely improving from the previous special, which I’m glad to see! Still not major on them, I like both of their old ones more still, but it’s improving. Which I’ll fully congratulate!
Despite seeming to be set early on in the show, the writing is on par with later episodes, which was VERY fun to see!! Again, especially with Bluster and Rob. But again again, I’ll get to them later
The bears were really fun in this one as well, I caught myself laughing at them a lot more this time. I thought Bedtime would take a bigger role than he did, him being on the poster and all, but his role didn’t last for too long in the episode. Which was somewhat disappointing, but I love the rest of it so much I can like, honestly forgive it tbh. Like he was still there and played his part, it just wasn’t the full ep, so the Bedtime food is still pretty good!
I liked Cheer’s character here, you can definitely tell she’s in that early on “I’m the leader I’ve gotta know what I’m doing and handle the issues on my own” phase in this ep! Which again, reminds me a lot of her earlier character back when the imposter syndrome she has kicks in!
The rest of the gang was also really funny, nothing major character wise there, just great to watch. Grumpy and Funshine’s lil hug bit was cute and Share thinking Bluster and Rob were funny and cool was a FEAST for me
Speaking of which I’m gonna finally talk about those two
ANYWAYS, they’re the biggest reason I believe so firmly that the episode takes place really early on in the show. ESPECIALLY because of Robbie herself, I assumed it pretty quickly after she started speaking at all.
Her character arc in the show starts pretty damn early on, like episode 14 early on, and was a pretty big part of style shows small narrative. Heck, I’d argue THE biggest part of it! Anyways, what I’m saying is her character was something the show really took care of and slowburned with, and by the last episode she’s changed a lot. Her motives and behavior changes, but so does her relationship with Bluster and the bears. Her dynamic with Bluster is horrifically strained to the point they almost hate each other, and she gets along with and likes the bears. She’s not like that at ALL here. And the bears? Don’t like her either
What I’m saying is, the show REALLY cares about Robbie’s character and growth,,,and I don’t think they’d actually throw that away for this special. Especially her development with the bears themselves
So it’s gonna be near impossible to convince me that this doesn’t take place after like, pffff,, I’d say close to A Yoorg Awakening perhaps
Cause her and Bluster get along, but they still bicker, which is very reminiscent of their characters in THAT period of the show
Hell I’d say this episode could be put like, RIGHT after Yoorg Awakening and it’d fit right in
So no I don’t believe they botched the character growth, it’s just early on in the show
Anyways, LOVED this episode so much, aaaand this is my favorite image ever now
Tumblr media
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bvannn · 5 months
Weekly Update January 5, 2024
I’m still recovering slowly. I never mentioned this because I want to be as vague as I can about my big congenital medical issue, but the surgery last week removed some tissue that affects my endocrine system, and now that it’s gone I’m having some problems with my mood. I have a medicine that corrects it, but I need to wait another week and a half to get my dosage adjusted, so all next week I’m going to be volatile which sucks. Stomach has seemingly gotten better though so hopefully that pain was just caused by those cysts and nothing else was wrong. Sorry if I ramble on a bit too much tonight, I am loopy because of the endocrine stuff so I might go on too long. Anyway artstuffs.
I got a music project done. It was for Mav, and it was pretty small but I stayed up all night working on it. Working on it I discovered a big set of plugins that I got somewhere that look to be automatically doing some of that balancing I was worried about. I still need to double check what exactly it can do, since I’d like a widener plugin, but I don’t want to stack my brain over it if I already have one. I have a few ideas floating around for the next song thing, I’m a bit hesitant on continuing that vocal one I haven’t finished because I watched a bunch of videos today in the bad lyrics of the Wish soundtrack, and the lady kept bringing up cadence and pentameter which are concepts I know about but can’t hear. Like, pentameter is supposed to be the natural inflection a syllable has, but like whenever I hear it, I just hear the inflection of the vocalist. I think I’m overthinking it, since she used a writing scheme to explain it and I think the vocaloid software uses that same writing scheme so maybe I can learn through practice? Or I can just write lyrics that match the melody and call it good as long as the flow sounds natural because of subconscious understanding, like how I figured out how to do harmonies. Whatever. Music theory is hard but my stupid will and brute force is harder.
Other instrumental things I’ve been kinda thinking about include a little Zelda medley that I already recorded the melodies and stuff for, instrumental themes for my OCs because of course. And then I kinda want to just do a big fat medley that goes on for like an hour-ish because I love those kinds of medleys they’re great for car rides and stuff. And the final two I’m thinking about would be for animation memes: either an arcade beat-em-up style boss fight sounding theme, or a cover of a 90s pop-punk-rock (idk what genre) song. I think that one would be cool because I could use it as promotional stuff for a comic.
Oh yeah that O’Malley comic! I actually did good thumbnail work on that this week! I was going to do more today but mood and sleep schedule were wonky, plus I had a meeting this morning, so good chance I’ll put it off until tomorrow. But either way, chipping away at it, trying to watch more movies so I can get better at understanding shot comp, watched Kill Bill part 1 last night and wasn’t expecting it to be like, the best fucking movie ever? Like why does everyone talk about it like ‘eh it’s pretty good’ like no that shit was *Phenomenal*! Hoping part 2 lives up to the first, planning to watch it maybe tomorrow night? Definitely before I go back to uni. Anyway pitch comic is coming along nice, after it’s drawn I can either work on the rest of that story or a pitch for the secondary story I’ve been working on, depending on demand. Right now leaning towards series, since I have general synopsies for a couple more general ‘episodes’.
Also only done like one general drawing for comsheet practice hehehe it’s fine I can try others as time comes and is appropriate. Also did epithet stuff but not as much as I’d like. My original plan tonight was to work on TTRPG stuff but maybe I’ll do writing or thumbnailing instead. Or maybe both.
TRGA: got shot 1-4 done enough. Also got Jon tweened for 1-5. I need to clean him up and do his face and stuff. Tonight maybe if I’m having trouble focusing on the other stuff I’ll clean him up, I think I want to go back to that ‘one significant development a day’ schedule I was on for a bit, but pushed a bit further since I have better strategies now. I’ve also started the ‘every time I sit down and open clip studio I’m going to draw one (1) prop’ strategy so hopefully props won’t be as bad in the future either (even the ones I can’t just recycle). Tomorrow if I’m doing better I’ll try to get 1-5 Jon’s face done (and clean him up too if I don’t tonight) and maybe do another drawing. Maybe more epithet TTRPG stuff maybe not.
I’m trying to get my priorities back in order. 1) TRGA 2) Comic work 3) fix your commissions 4) other projects. Inspiration is fickle though so I’m really all over the place. My mood being volatilized is also not helping but I’ll keep going until my brain explodes. For now I’m able to plan out enough with time for sleep and stuff. I don’t know what’s exactly going to happen when classes start but I am taking *fewer* credits than normal so theoretically that means more time.
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zebee-nyx · 7 months
CalmWriMo 2023
Jumping on this train before it rolls past (o.O)
Full disclosure: this one had no idea NaNoWriMo was a thing until maybe a week ago (0,0). Which prob either tells something about my overall attention or presence here. A more chilled version with goals that work for me sounds like the beneficial kick in the pants I need to get this show my writing on the road! (^v^)
50k words is quite frankly… daunting (x.X) and prob a little out of reach for myself at this time considering I have a time eating job and also a possible moving of house coming up (D.D). Not to mention word goals haven’t worked for me in the past for various reasons (T^T). So for this year I will be participating in #CalmWriMo by @winterandwords (thanks for cranking down the pressure btw (^.^)b)
My Writing Goals: “Progress!”
Current big issue I face is telling myself “I’d like to do this” then simply not doing it for no other reason than I simply didn’t start (-x-) cause if I just started it I’d do it… So! My writing goals will focus on encouraging me start doing the things I want to do/should do:
Work on writing project for at least 2 hours a day! [Primary Objective!]
Focus working on Digitally Dead world (and more specifically on Waywards series, as much as I enjoy spastically jumping between projects I should at least try to focus)
Complete the holy outline for Waywards! (organize, organize, organize)
At least one post per day w/ progress update and some worldbuilding blurbs for the blurg
My Self Care Goals: “Body & Mind”
I have a tendency to absolutely zone into whatever I’m interested in and in the process neglect that body needs water+food+sleep=to function. Being in the zone is a beautiful transcended state of being and I don’t want to forsake it, but for the sake of myself and preventing frequent literal headaches I need to fulfill the needs first. (x.x) So running on the idea that a functional body leads to a less dysfunctional mind, here be the goals:
Drink water! [to self: set reminders to drink water, specifically water, you dehydrated bi-]
Consume food before writing! (or at least have a nice snack at the ready)
Sleep! (Starting at a decent time before midnight) Additionally resist the urge to note take a million things when I really should be sleeping. [to self: gots a self set bed time for a reason damn it]
ReadMo! I have a backlog of books and other readings that I’d like to read, but don’t (0.0) so goal is to do, yes [to self: it do make you happy so stop pushing it off (-.-)]
So yeah! (^.^) That’s that. Thanks for attending my manic episode! Best of luck to all others participating and have a pleasant little #CalmWriMo! Anyways and always, hope you are all having a lovely day, peace (^v^)v
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deux-jared · 1 year
the boys in the band review
"Show me a happy homosexual and I'll show you a gay corpse."
this review is about the 2020 version specifically but it applies to all bc im mostly just talking about the themes and plot.
it’s a good movie it’s. great movie. it’s maybe the best movie about gay men to exist. it capture that generation of queer identity brutally and honestly. there’s slurs. there’s homophobia. there’s cool little trinkets on the tables and art on all the walls. with only a single setting the movie really makes it feel like home. an incredibly beautiful home.
not to spoil it, but it’s not a movie where anything happens, don’t go into it expecting some jump or big event or such. it’s like a slice of life movie. and that slice of life happens to be kinda fucking wild cause everyone got too drunk.
the movie has beautiful flashbacks, the kind that kinda make your heart hurt. these men think about their pasts, childhood, regrets. and in a queer light. they think back on failed attempts at romance, gay awakenings, and hookups. it feels dramatic but it well represents how they actually feel. looking back on memories with too much flair and importance, replaying copies in their mind. they are not living the ups and downs of queer life in the movie, but instead look back on some. you know there’s a YA novel story back there. but it’s not about that, it’s about community.
the movie touches on issue that are Extremely relevant to modern queer communities. the characters aren’t young, all in the 30-40 range i’d say. they’re aging, something that’s hardest of all for queer people. no family surrounding you, rarely financial stability, but worst of all you don’t look like the perfect skinny twink anymore. gay men especially put an over abundance of importance into appearance. more so than heterosexuals. the friends put so much working into dressing up then insult each other incessantly. they hold so much importance in image even just the group of them in the comfort of a house, and age scares them. they fight to be see as young. watch The Gay Body Image Issue
rarely is the pain of the queer community talked about beyond a homophobia level. too few feel strongly about gay life in the 60s. (always look into lgbt history it’s some of the greatest stuff ever and it’s well documented) an era where queer culture was more apparent in public, but still wrong. where people could be all like that but as a joke ofc. this movie is sad. it’s sad and angry and mean and nothing good really happens in it. but nothing really bad either. it’s a deep rooted sad. these men are isolated from society, hate themselves, and seem to see the worst in each other despite being each others only real friends. they insult each others age, race, apparent, effeminacy, intelligence, mental health, life style. most of them really truly hate each other. like they really truly hate themselves. life was fucking hell and they couldn’t even find community in it. that’s sad. they’re sad sad men. it’s not a fun watch with your family or friends movie. idk. it’s more of a watch alone and think about your life movie. how do you view yourself and your friends ? we all get old eventually.
anyway for a real review. the writing could be better and it could be longer. to make it feel more like a movie and less like an episode of a show we’ve never seen. i can think of endings that would have been a lot more satisfying without ruining the integrity of the whole concept. i wish they had given focus on all the characters and not just five of them because the others seemed more interesting honestly. glad i watched it tho. tex was my favorite. xoxo.
it’s on netflix and i put the link to watch free in the comments
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
SvtFoE Rhombulus Rewrite (Pt. 2)
I’m back, baby. Here’s the first part which also has a link to the context post. And now for the actual important stuff that you actually care about (but just for Season One because I like splitting things into parts I guess):
Season 2:
- Rhombulus is basically the same guy as before in Season 2, but I will add some stuff. But he’s basically the same.
- In “Page Turner”, he is literally exactly the same. Nothing is different. It has everything I need for this and sets him up perfectly, both his personality, flaws, relationships, and room for growth.
- It most importantly shows his impulsiveness and how he acts without thinking, as well as his relationships with the others and how he is treated like a child. He dislikes Glossaryck while also seeking his approval. He’s often left out of these important meetings because of his slightly immature attitude and place as the youngest and least experienced of the MHC. These will all be important to his arc.
- Since “Crystal Clear” is the first episode where we actually get to know this guy, I will make a slight few changes, but not many.
- First off, Star and Rhombulus have had slightly more interactions before this episode in comparison to canon, though not that many, and they still barely know each other anyways.
- In terms of the dynamic between Rhombulus and Lekmet, no one is really sure who’s taking care of whom. Lekmet acts as a bit of a parental figure to Rhombulus, while Rhombulus is basically looking after a senior citizen. It will subtly show that they care about each other a lot and have a pretty close bond, which we can kinda see in the episode already, but I’m just extra pointing this out, as it will be important for later.
- During their more personal conversation, the two might also connect over how they are seen as immature and incapable of handling responsibility. They don’t get particularly into it, but if Star ever mentions how she’s both expected to be responsible while still not being taken seriously, Rhombulus will admit that he feels the same way a lot, but not really elaborate on this.
- Honestly, upon rewatching that episode? It sets up everything I liked about Rhombulus as a character and everything I want to explore as well. Those moments where he’s talking to his hands or to himself perfectly capture a lot of his insecurities and issues, as well as his general personality. It basically sets up a great potential character arc...that fact honestly makes me even more mad that they didn’t do anything with it.
- “Face the Music” stays the same because Rhombulus supporting Star was nice and also I don’t feel like changing all that.
- I’d only change one thing about “Starcrushed”, and that is a small moment between Rhombulus and Lekmet. When Rhombulus notices Lekmet reviving people and tells him “you can’t keep doing that, Chancellor,” I’d instead change it to this:
- Lekmet revives Rhombulus, who takes a second to look at the battle, then to Lekmet, who, like in the show, falls to his knees. Rhombulus looks at him with concern and, putting a hand on the Chancellor’s shoulder, (very emotionally) says “Lekmet, please, you know what’ll happen if you do that again.” 
- This is important because Rhombulus will always refer to him as Chancellor before this line. This is a more personal and open moment between the two of them and shows Rhombulus’ genuine concern for his elderly companion. 
- Lekmet weakly smiles at him and gives him a pat on the head, causing Rhombulus to tear up a bit before he nods and runs back into the battle. This is the last moment he will ever see Lekmet alive again.
Frick, now I’m making myself cry. This is going to happen multiple times throughout this AU. Which you will read more about LATER in Part 3!
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thelaithlyworm · 2 years
Love Like The Galaxy
“looking forward to your thoughts on 48. see you on the other side!“ ( @uchihasass )
Episode 48 was indeed  a m a z i n g. This visuals, the gathering storm, that tense spoken confrontation at the Marquis’s birthday party that explodes when Ling Buyi throws off his cloak! That they chose some discretion in the fight scene and pulled back to show the blood spattering on the windows (because the big mook fight was not the main event and it gives the audience a breather before the next big gory event. (Good heavens, Ling Buyi’s blood-spattered face.)
And I’d adored the build-up as Niaoniao begins to realise what’s happening and sends out a quiet messenger to confirm what’s going on and, and - she’s acquired a lot of subtlety. And that scene where her mum and dad are talking about how there’s kind of an ominous air about her and at the same time we can see her and the wedding attendants through the window just quietly doing the preparation thing...? They had a really good cinematography team here, a good eye, they take the time to set things up nice.
The bit where I started crying was when Niaoniao is about to head out on a horse - and then her entire family gears up and fights the blockade so she can get through. For a girl who starts the story completely estranged from her family, this is a powerful moment.
I’m now on ep 50 where she has, once again, saved Ling Buyi’s life, but doesn’t want to ever forgive him for, er, not letting her die with him.
And like a lot of conflicts in this story, I can absolutely see where both sides are coming from. He loves her. He can’t give up his revenge. He doesn’t want her to die. Kill his ‘dad’ before the marriage happens so her and her good family don’t get implicated.... it’s an obvious choice.
Whereas Niaoniao, who has been very lonely for much of her life, very disrespected, in situations where people believe the worst of her, all things which scar her soul, wanted him to understand that she was Ride or Die.
There’s some other things boiling out when she talks to various people about things - her continuing frustration that she, a talent just as much as Luo Ben was a talent, is expected to marry and put all her energy into supporting her husband, that this is the only way her culture will let her advance. That she can’t trust his sincerity, because at multiple times it looked like he was doing things for her, but was also using that as a smokescreen for his other matters.
Yeah, Ling Buyi made his decisions because he loved her very very much.
His actions also... made her feel like something flimsy and disrespected.
“Has he ever been of one heart with me before?”
And she still saves his feral bastard life. (Because he saved hers.) Bless her: she’s got a good heart.
There’s... there’s a lot about relationships in this story, the ones that work, the ones that don’t, about loyalty to the family and how they can support you, and what one owes to the family. So Niaoniao, a spiritual loner, interacting with all these issues, is interesting.
Also... so people act out in this story for two big reasons. 1. They have a pretty cushy life but They Want More. 5th Princess etc. Kind of... super-anxious about losing status or selfish, whatever.  And 2. They cannot get justice through the rule of law.  Niaoniao with her 2nd Aunt and, once that woman is gone, her mother constantly believing the worst of her (not without cause). Luo Ben, his career constantly sabotaged by his uncle because the minor family should not outshine the main branch. Huo Wushang, who witnessed murder and treason but he’s a tiny child and the only other witness is mad...
I can understand why people start planning private revenge and crooked tricks when the law fails them. It’s still a dangerous road to start on - once one starts doing extrajudicial violence it’s tempting to keep going. Note the bodycount from Luo Ben’s ploy, or Ling Buyi in his status of a law enforcement officer torturing prisoners.
And I think it’s important to note that Ling Buyi spends more than a decade (mostly) trying to assemble his evidence in a (mostly) legal way. Niaoniao, yes, a trickster, who dares to love and hate, learns not to deny her tricks - and she will ask for clemency for people who have actively tried to wrong her. Somewhere, someone, probably 3rd Aunt and the Empress, taught her mercy as well. Perhaps, through the estrangement with her mother, Niaoniao learnt some of her mother’s ideas on justice, too. (They’re trying, okay!)
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