#if not a compilation of 'previously' and fic recs?
casuallivi · 1 year
Elain Week March 2023. Day 7. Free Day. @elainweekofficial
A sweet kiss to my our brilliant friend @nikethestatue who gives us the best nicknames. Here I am, stealing your lore again 🎵 forgive me, love you 😊😚❤️
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The house felt oddly silent when there wasn’t a single loud-foul-mouth family member in it, the stillness balancing itself in the possibility of being disturbed at any minute, once one of them passed through the threshold. Her bet was on Cass, who had dinner with them nearly every night.
Elain’s love for her family cannot be measure in any metric system known for man or fae, but she won’t deny the peace and quiet is a soothing balm to her tired mind. The sounds never leave her. The creaking of worms digging the earth, the gentle unfurling of rose petals, beating wings cutting the air, water springing from between tiny rock, a cry of freedom, the quick legs of a panther chasing it’s prey, galloping horses marching into the battlefield, piercing screams of faceless men bathed in blood, waves breaking against the hull of a ship, the incessant cry of helpless females stolen from bed. Honeyed promises that demand compromise, complacency, obedience.
“Give in to me.”
Dread bristled the hairs her arm, lungs compressed, expelling everything there is inside, refusing to let her fill them back. She's trapped. No. She's drowning. Horror claws its way into her heart as water pools beneath her, soaking her gown, rising above her empty chest, threating to swallow her whole. A thousand ghost hands tug at her, dragging her down. Drowning her again.
“Breath.” The strong command doesn’t come from her daydreams, the male lying beside her wrapping her cold hand in his warm one, his patchwork of bumpy scars falling in line with the sunk gashes in her palm, fingers lacing with hers. “Breath.”
She’s desperate now, has lost any semblance of control, gasping for the air that won’t come.
“Water. Water is –”
“Not real.” The slice of her words is so sharp one might think he used Truth-Teller, leaving no place for second-guessing. The midnight voice, honed to conduct legions to glory, being spent in the mundane act of calming her down. A blasphemy of some sort, she’s sure.
Elain is lightheaded, body itching, changing, glowing. She had to lose her eyes in order to see the worlds with clarity, ancient power soaking her bones, the Seer woving itself within the fabrics of her soul, singing praises to the being that can finally contain her without shattering into million pieces. “Free,” it chants delirious, “I am free.” Elain isn’t. Elain is shackled. She’s back there, back at that nauseating day. Drowning. Dying. Dead.
Gentleness gives place to a bone-shattering grip that demands her attention. Air rushing back to her lungs in the shape of a painful whimper, desperate wheezes rattling her core. Tears stream past her dark lashes. “You are not there.” Stable words, confidant words, the constant swipe of a thumb moving back and forth over her clammy skin. “You are safe. You are with me. I got you.”
I got you.
In and out.
He got her.
Breath. In and out. Just breath.
Elain tames the white glow escaping the translucent skin of her eyelids, the tremor in her hands, pushing the lump that clogs her throat all the way down.
A voice in the back of her mind calls her useless for failing the simple task he presented to her, tells her she should be ashamed to waste precious time so kindly offered to her. Elain holds him tighter. The voice can go to hell.
“Good.” Her cheeks heat at the praise she doesn’t deserve. “Very good.”
“I was terrible.” She contradicts. “You can tell me the truth. I won’t break if you yell at me.” Despite her words, Elain is in the verge of crying, overwhelmed with emotion. Stupid tears. She wished someone would shut her lacrimal canal forever.
“I don’t yell.” True. Azriel was probably born with the ability to make himself heard without uttering a single word, the strong essence of a leader brewing in his soul. “You think I could yell at you?” is a teasing question, an attempt to lighten the mood, but she can sense the faint hints of apprehension as he waits for her answer.
Elain knows he cares for her opinion, he has told her so. Sometimes she wonders if it's simply the family ties that bound them together, or if he has an inkling to the feeling blooming out of control from the depths of her heart, wonders if him, by some miracle, has been cultivating similar boldness in himself.
“Nah, you'd be too scared of me never letting you taste my cooking again.”
Her surroundings are perfectly clear once more. No throne room, no boiling cauldron, no evil gazes, just the townhouse living room. Couch, armchairs and center table have been pushed out of the way, creating a hollow space in the middle of the room, wood burning quietly on the hearth, Azriel and Elain laid side by side on top of the fuzzy cream rug, the only point of contact consisting in the now tightly woven hands resting between their bodies. Her other hand rests above her stomach, feeling the undulations caused by every breath, Elain trying to keep herself anchored to the present and not a slave to her cumbersome visions.
After long days of strenuous research, walking through multiple shops in search of way to grant her peace of mind, Elain came across a certain shadowsinger who stole her materials in the blink of an eye. The stack of book that had seemed like a mountain in her arms now looking like a tiny pile in his.
“Dream walking no more, how to control your sleeping body. The cognitive ability to transcend space and time...” He enunciated the tittles without looking at the books, being his usual meddlesome self. Of course he had seen it, nothing escaped the spymaster. "What are you doing?"
“Anything I can help you with?”
“No need.”
“Are you sure? I am very good at keeping unwanted dreams at bay.”
“You don’t count.”
“Why not?”
“Because you accomplish that by not sleeping.”
The corner of his lip turned upwards. “Touché.”
Elain was nervous. Scared she’d take a wrong step in her journey to control her visions, and ending up losing them all together. She didn’t want to get rid of her seer abilities because of how useful they had been so far, but she wanted to tame them. She needed to. Time flow different in her head, visions stretching for days without end, seasons passing in front of eyes, vigilant months of agony that turned into years, Elain blinking back to reality to learn mere seconds had gone by, her glazed eyes the only indication that her mind had been far away.
When she voiced her concerns to Azriel, he said she needed to find an anchor to the present, introduced her to meditation as a way to stabilize her mind here and now. He told her, she should not feel pressure to unravel every vision as they came to her, comparing her hazed slumber to his unending reports. “Every information can be important for a specific cause, yes. But that doesn’t mean I have to read them all the same time. You control you vision Elain, not the contrary, remember that.  Learn to choose what you see. When you see it.”
“What can I use as an anchor?”
“Anything you want.”
“Hold me.” Elain doesn’t know who is more surprised by the request, she or Azriel. She clears her throat. “Will you hold me if it gets too much? Will you bring me back?”
There's not an ounce of hesitation in his answers. “Always.”
His determination reminds her of a turbulent escape from behind enemy lines, the fear of eminent death, her resolve to at least help him to get out. Ready to let go of his neck if it meant he could fly out of there without the extra weight. Azriel had to live, no matter the cost. She needed him to.
Their sessions began with a quota of formality that never lasted till the end. Azriel was a firm teacher, yes, but he was also gentle and patient, smiling at her attempts to slack off, amused with a few small complaints. He even joked and laughed at her expenses. Physical Touch proved to be an anchor that worked nine times out of ten. Except that this anchor didn’t please her very much.
Their goal was to have him touch her as little as possible, because that would mean she was gaining control over the powers. Elain trained alone every chance she got, trying bother him the minimal possible, but it was hard to progress without someone to bring her back. Elain was growing frustrated from the constant failing.   
“I don’t know if this is the right choice.” she confessed apprehensively.
Azriel’s hand laxed in hers
“Do I make you uncomfortable?”
“No! No, I fine with you, believe me. I trust you with my eyes closed,” she wiggled her brows, “quite literally. I just… I don’t want to keep depending on other. I want to be stronger.” Elain didn’t mind Azriel touching her, but Azriel wasn’t by her side all day long, no one was. All it took for Touching to be an unreliable crutch was she being alone. “I want to be strong like my sisters.”
“You are.” His proud tone didn’t escape her. “Let’s try something else. When the next wave comes, don’t wait for my touch,” he instructed. Elain relaxed her limbs, breathing deeply, his woody scent tickling her nose, calming her anxiety. “Think about the place you are, describe it in your mind. Furniture, shapes, color, smells, if there are people describe them too. Recall their clothes, conversation, mannerism. All that is information to keep you anchored, accurate as touching, without having you at the mercy of others. Sounds better?”
She nodded eagerly.
“Give it a try.”
“Yes, master.
Their carefully constructed bubble of concentration is popped in the blast of a canon. Wide-eyes mirror each other as their heads snap to the side. Shock, surprise, confusion. Different emotions cloud the air.
Elain keen ears capture the smirk in his tone, making her painfully conscient of the word she used, a word Nuala and Cerridwen say so much she picked up by habit, a word she only used as a joke when her friends were around.
“Say that again.”
His amusement fades as quick as it came. There’s a change in the air, subtle, or maybe she’s the one who is still learning how to identify it. Is this what they call a scent-change? Night-chilled mist mingles with something thicker, spicier, darker. There’s a dryness to her mouth there was not there before, the picked-up pace of a heart beat sounding almost indecent in strong gallops at her ear. Is it hers or his? Gods, she hopes is not hers.
Elain disentangle herself from him, sitting straight as an arrow, tense, smoothing her hair in a nervous habit. Azriel props himself on his elbow, watching her.
“The girls–” she stammers, not able to look at him. “The girls call you – I hear all the time, so – you know – you trained them, and now you train me –”
“You think this is training?” All color drains from Azriel’s face. His anxiety confusing her.
“Yes...?” Now he’s laughing at her, his leathery wing hitting her back, bumping her forward as he spams on the rug.  “I don’t understand, you offered to train me,”
“I offered to help you. We spend time together anyway, improving some skills while at it doesn’t hurt.”
“I thought these were training sessions,” Elain mumbled, feeling self-conscious. “You helped me stretch and everything.”
“You said you neck was stiff from pruning the buds.” He quipped, attentive hands finding her shoulders, gently settling her back down, “you can’t be my apprentice, flower.”
The endearment skittered across her skin like one of his curious shadows. It wasn’t the first time he used it, but Elain thanked the mother for being on the floor, because her knees were set on giving up every time he did.
“There are lines to be kept in a mentorship. Lines I do not wish to trace with you.” For a moment there it feels like he’s on top of her. “If I made you feel like a trainee up to this point, let’s get that cleared out of the way, shall we? I can be your master any time, but you are not my trainee. Bear that in mind.”
Elain clutches the rug, eyes rooming over his wings, looming wings that expanded under her attention, spreading proudly to their full extent. They take over the room, drooping things she can’t see or care about, shadowing everything beneath him including her. His hands are on either side of her head now, not a fleek of green in his darken gaze, zeroing on her.
Burning cedar invades her lungs, or maybe she’s the one burning up, imaging what it would feel like if he closed the distance and kissed her. Her face flushes. With a shaky breath, Elain gathers her flitting courage and ask,
“If I’m not a trainee, what am I?”
His wings snap back shut, Azriel settling on the floor, a tamed beast retracting into its cave. His answer is short, simple, declaring the five letters word capable of compassing all the feelings he couldn't find words to describe. 
It probably was.
Because she had a six letters word worthy of the same feature.
“Are you ready?”
“I am.”
“Good. Close your eyes.”
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toxicrecs · 1 month
raiders: my historical fic recs, compiled
Here are some raider fics I've publicly reblogged or recommended over the past 11 months or so. All of these writers are lovely and have more works you should check out. I also have several raider fics of my own on @toxicanonymity. BLOG FAQ
Smack my Bitch Up by @milla-frenchy
Beastly by @ezrasversion
Stranger than a Stranger by @proxima-writes
Run Rabbit by @justagalwhowrites
The Wrong Way by @romana-after-dark
Guard Dog by @romana-after-dark
Bullet for You, Darlin' by @kewwrites
The World is Not Made for You by @corazondebeskar-reads
A Kindness you can't afford by @joelscruff
Valentine's day by @darkuselesssomebody
Devotion by @noxturnalpascal (main quality is cult leader)
You have been warned by @bonezone44
I've previously shared another rec list by @dins-riduur-anthe too. It does not have all of these or all of mine but is broader to include other dark characters.
These are my personal recs, not a comprehensive list of all raider AUs.
NOTES: I don't expect this to grow significantly. I don't read all dark fics, and my pedro reading in general has been declining. Linking to your own reblogs is best practice in case the original gets deleted. Please click through to the original posts for masterlists, which may have been updated. Some of these I've shared multiple times but have a poor tagging history.
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lilydalexf · 5 months
hi! do you know of any fics where mulder or scully (i think this fits either of them well) ask the other "can i kiss you?" ? its my favourite fic "trope" but i think ive only found one xf fic that does it and i cant even remember it, please help!
Thank you for this ask! I have (many) older asks I maybe should've answered first, but it was very fun compiling this rec list of fics where one of Mulder and Scully asks the other "Can I kiss you?" Enjoy! Anamorphosis by Megan Reilly Assigned to find a horrifying serial murderer, Agent Scully discovers things about herself and her past that she never suspected. City of Light by Bonetree On the run through the American Southwest, Scully and Mulder flee the shadowy forces of Owen Curran and Padden's government agents, who threaten their freedom and their lives. On the way, they must also struggle with their own demons, which threaten to tear them apart. (Part of the Goshen universe) Eleventh Hour by Rachel Anton Some feeling defy the confines of time. Fumbling Towards Ecstasy by Jenna Tooms Scully comes to Mulder with a wound only he can heal. general conundrums by @intrepidment Nonsense fluff. Impulse by Suzanne Schramm Mulder and Scully investigate some strange doings in a little town where people seem to have no control over their actions. Let's Bee Together by @baronessblixen Set during IWTB: Scully comes home from the hospital to find a bored and restless Mulder has picked up an interesting new hobby: apiculture. Little Notes by aRcaDIaNFall$ Mulder and Scully are bored in a meeting and start passing notes... The Mad Physicist & The Lab Rat by littlemisfit5290 (@alittlemissfit) "Who said I was even going to the party?” “I said you are if you plan on knowing whether I dressed up as a sexy alien or that beast woman.” MSR, pre IWTB, Halloween fluff. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by Baroness_Blixen (@baronessblixen) For the first time ever, the FBI is doing a secret Santa exchange. But what do you do when you're not paired with the only person you can imagine exchanging gifts with? You do everything in your power to rig the game. Nuptiae Sub Rosa by SisterSpooky1013 and XFMaweezy (@sisterspooky1013 and @xfmaweezy) A series of canon-compliant missing scenes showing that some dynamics of Mulder and Scully’s relationship may have changed much earlier than previously thought. radiant by kittenscully (@kittenscully) Under normal circumstances, her vulnerability would shock him. But things are different now, the shift tectonic and undeniable. He owes her the same trust that she’s showing him. Saying the Words by Karen Rasch Mulder and Scully finally confront their feelings for the first time. (Part of the Words series) Tender Intent by A.I. Irving When Scully returns to work after recovering from her illness, Mulder discovers that she isn't quite the changed woman she claims to be. Untitled by @baronessblixen “I’ll kick his ass if you want me to.” / “Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?” Untitled by @broadcastnews1987 a “what if one breath never happened au.” Untitled by @msrafterdark scully puts the moves on mulder post-millennium. What Happens In Vegas (Sometimes Finds Its Way Into Official Documents) by tiredmoonlight (@myshipsintheharbor) When some interesting news about the marital status of two agents finds its way to back to the FBI, questions are raised, the main one being that the agents don't actually remember getting married. While You Were Sleeping by Skinfull Mulder falls for an intoxicating red head he spots in the park, then saves her life but not before she is injured and put into a coma, then he meets her sister! Den den dehhhhhh! Seraphim by chekcough (@chekcough) After Mulder returns from the dead, Scully tries to pick up the pieces. AU, with Mulder/Scully relationship pre-established after FTF. Implied character suicide.
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inukag-archive · 9 months
Looking for canon or canon divergent fic where Inuyasha and Kagome are in relationship SFW or NSFW welcome on their journey, please no post canon I’m drowning in them
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Hey @loreperseus! Thanks for reaching out to the Archive! We've previously put together some lists of strictly during-canon fics that we think can satisfy your needs:
Fill The Gap aka Stories Set During "Missing Moments" In The Series
InuKag Go On A Date In The Modern Era
Realistic Canon
Most of the above are in the SFW spectrum but we have also compiled specifically NSFW canon lists -however they also include post-canon. But since there are some absolute favorites in these lists so we would be derelict in our recommendations to not include them.
NSFW Canon (1)
NSFW Canon (2)
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs!
Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered. 
Send us an ask (here).
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hpsaffics · 6 months
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🕊 WLW Wed: Dead Dove 🕊
A jointly compiled HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library on Tumblr or AO3!
Currently: Dead Dove Do Not Eat Previously: MCD (see list)
!WARNING! This list contains fics with dark and disturbing topics. Even the summaries could be potentially triggering. Please proceed with caution and remember one of the basic rules of fandom: Don't Like, Don't Read.
This list was made in collaboration with @danpuff-ao3 and her Dead Dove Diaries Series. Go check it out for more dead dove recs!
🕊 LONG (>10k) 🕊
Of Blood & Carnations by rice_and_beans [Fleur/Hermione, E, 17.7k] 🖤 CW: Dubious Consent, Body Horror
The war is over. It is a time for healing. The Order has invested in a sort of intensive therapeutic house for our heroes to recuperate... So why does Hermione feel worse? Is she going mad? She's hearing voices, and she feels more and more that her body is not her own.
Clip, Ravel, Cleave by @vdoshu [Bellatrix/Andromeda, E, 15.2k] 🖤 CW: Sibling Incest, Possessive Behavior, Non-consensual Pregnancy, Addiction
Before Andromeda met Ted, she was a Black, through and through. While years later the story was told that she’d turned her back on her family’s dark ways, in truth, nothing was so simple. In the beginning, it was just Andromeda and Bella. And it was just the two of them until it was too much.
The Haunting of Pavenham Manor by @venom0usbarbie [Hermione/Pansy, E, 10.1k] 🖤 CW: Violence, MCD, Torture, Horror, Mind Manipulation
Her dead mother had asked her to return. To witness their past in Pavenham Manor with fresh eyes—those of the woman she had become, and not the child she once was. Pansy dreaded the delusions, the mania that seemed to overcome her mother eighteen years ago—but the estate was within her reach, so close she could touch it, feel it. So she agreed. To put the past behind her once and for all, to learn to forgive her mother, to forgive herself.
🕊 MEDIUM (3-10k) 🕊
Happy Birthday! by fandomgalore [Bellatrix/Andromeda, M, 8.6k] 🖤 CW: Offscreen Rape/non-con, Aftermath of Torture, Manipulation
Bellatrix's life as seen through sent and unsent birthday letters.
shake off your flesh, run from the light by @iamsiriuslyriddikulus [fem!Barty/fem!Evan, E, 6.6k] 🖤 CW: BDSM, Bloodplay, Knifeplay, Woundfucking, Drugged Sex, Murder
It starts with a confession. Beatrice never meant to let it slip, but the Firewhiskey loosened her tongue until she found herself leaning over to Evan and saying, “Sometimes I prefer to kill them with a knife.”
fuck or die (a little death) by foxglovetonic (nocturn) [Hermione/Bellatrix, E, 5.3k] 🖤 CW: Rape/non-con, violence, torture, bloodplay, forced drug use
“I thought you’d missed me.” Bellatrix traces one long nail across the girl’s cheek, then slaps her hard across the face. “We’ve got five more days to break this curse, and I intend to use them to the fullest.” 
where dust was once man by @slashmarks [Narcissa/Lily, T, 3.4k] 🖤 CW: Necromancy, Dark Magic, Dubious Consent
Terrified of losing her son to the Dark Lord's plotting, Narcissa is haunted by the memory of another woman who faced the same threat.
As Easy As Breathing by @siriusly-sapphic [Dorcas/Narcissa, E, 3.1k] 🖤 CW: Cannibalism, Corpse Desecration, Blood and Gore
The First War is raging around them and Dorcas and Narcissa have found themselves on opposite sides. That little detail hasn't lessened their devotion to each other, and they're just as determined as they've always been to come out on top, together. They know just how to accomplish their goal, and all it takes is a touch of dark magic, some patience, a disregard for what's right. It's easy, really.
🕊 SHORT (<3k) 🕊
A Night at the Loo by @cntrl15 [Hermione/Narcissa, E, 2.5k] 🖤 CW: Rape/non-con, Mind Control
The conditions of Narcissa’s parole restrict her to house arrest, unless personally accompanied by her designated parole officer. Luckily for her, Hermione isn’t a very good parole officer.
Poster of a Girl by @leftsidedown [trans!Sirius/Bellatrix, M, 2.0k] 🖤 CW: Cousin Incest, Rape/non-con, Underage
It’s not a tragedy that she’s born a boy. Sirius loves all her older sisters, and they accept her too.
Five Things That Happend To Pansy Parkinson That She Wished Hadn't by Anonymous [Bellatrix/Pansy, E, 1.4k] 🖤 CW: Rape/non-con, Underage, Violence, Torture, Mind Control, Grooming
Bellatrix takes Pansy under her wing for the cause of the dark side and it all goes wrong.
Maraschino Red by @lumosatnight [Hermione/Luna, E, 1.2k] 🖤 CW: Cannibalism, Vore, Blood, Painplay
Luna eats blood for breakfast, limbs for dinner, and hearts for dessert. Luckily, Hermione has lots to spare.
The Perfume and Suppliance of a Minute by Lillielle [Hermione/Bellatrix, M, 260] 🖤 CW: Rape/non-con, Underage, Sex Under Imperius, Stockholme Syndrome
Hermione is lost, and Bellatrix has found her. At what price?
Death Eater Art Appreciation by @schmem14 [The Fat Lady/Alecto, E, 200] 🖤 CW: Rape/non-con, Extortion, Forced Exhibitionism
Alecto steals Gryffindor's entrance portrait for sick and twisted reasons.
desperately mine by @fantasyborn [Astoria/Daphne, M, 200] 🖤 CW: Sibling Incest, Infidelity, Non-consensual Voyeurism
Her sister may be set to marry Draco Malfoy but Astoria will always belong to Daphne.
🕊 Want more Dead Dove femslash? 🕊
@hpdeaddove | AO3
@eatyourheartoutfest | AO3
@hp-deaddovedecember | AO3
Dead Dove: Tag on AO3
WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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jaynovz · 11 days
Hey do you know of any silverflint fics where silver looses his leg and flint takes care of him?
Hello there!
Yes indeed, this is one of our fandom's favorite tropes.
I have previously compiled a John Silver recovery rec list, to give you a place to start.
Also, if anyone else has suggestions that aren't on that list, feel free to recommend to our friend here! <3
Thanks for asking!
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blouisparadise · 2 years
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Upon request, here is a rec list of BL fics featuring groupie or fanboy Louis! We previously had a short groupie rec list and we decided to add those fics to the fanboy fics that we’ve compiled here. If you enjoy this rec list or any of our others, please be sure to like and reblog this post to spread the word. Happy reading!
1) See You Lookin’ Up | Explicit | 3321 words | Sequel
Part of Harry’s brain tells him that he says this with every other fuck, but he’s convinced Louis’ ass is the best ass he’s been in.
2) Not Crazy, Just Obsessed. | Not Rated | 9072 words
Louis is a hardcore fanboy who nobody seems to understand.
Until Harry comes along.
3) I Must Confess (I'm Addicted To This) | Explicit | 14620 words
Louis Tomlinson prides himself for being a very successful groupie. He always knows the tricks to get backstage to see his favorite artists and bands, and about 90% of the time, he gets way past third base. He even has an entire list of artists he wants to bang (although 3/4 of them have already experienced what his ass feels like)...
...Tonight is the night Louis has been waiting for for about seven months. Zayn really came through this time; he got two front row tickets to see Harry Styles perform live. Among all of the names on Louis' list, "Harry Styles" has been underlined, starred, circled, and capitalized. He was the one that Louis has been practicing for, the whole reason why he started being a groupie in the first place.
4) When The Sun Goes Down | Explicit | 47109 words
Harry Styles is a rockstar who has written too many songs about love and Louis Tomlinson is a nobody with too many issues for a 22- year old.
5) Obviously | Explicit | 64564 words
Louis is blind and a fan of One Direction, aka Harry Styles, and when they meet Louis' life turns upside down.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Staff Recs - Foxes give back
For the month of May 2022 we’ve decided to look into fics that show the Foxes in a giving mood, be that as social workers, lawyers, volunteers, foster carers or taking part in fundraising events. We hope you enjoy these fics with their display of generosity and social conscience! - AFTG Fic Rec Fam
Previously recommended:
Andreil fostering/adopting here (includes ‘Blame It On My Youth’, since updated)
(K)andreil fostering here
‘Meow Meow Lullaby’ here
‘Bleeding Hearts’ here
‘where the heart is’ series, ‘Forming a Family; Forging a Future’ and ‘We Are Survivors’ here 
‘Whisker Me Away’ here
‘Better Than His Word’ here
‘All I really wanna do is love you’ here
‘Stay Home With Me’ here 
‘Spell it Out’ here
‘Something Good’ and ‘...(The Happy Paws Remix)’ here
‘N for nebulous’ here (complete)
Two worlds collide by pandaseek [Rated T, 30345 words, incomplete, last updated Nov 2021]
A waiter showed another couple to the table beside them; Neil was grateful that the interruption seemed to remind his date to lower her voice with the tables being so close. He looked up when the man diagonally from him failed to sit when his date did. The blond man from the bar stood behind the seat staring openly at Neil and ignoring his dates nervous gesture to sit. Up close, he was far shorter than Neil had given him credit for across the bar. Well-groomed and confident enough to draw the attention of everyone in the room. Neil deliberately averted his gaze, hoping the guy would understand that he had no intention of dealing with people ogling at his scars.
Miranda went quiet watching the man out of the corner of her eyes, uncomfortable with the obvious attention that he was paying them. The man sat down but didn’t stop his staring as his date tried to reclaim his attention. Neil tried to shake it off, but his limited patience was already being pushed.
“Do I know you?” Neil snapped at him when he could no longer bite his tongue.
The blonde looked him in the eyes blandly, unimpressed with his outburst. “I don’t know, do you?”
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: involuntary outing, tw: homophobia 
sway by PoolToast22 [Rated G, 3991 words, complete, 2021]
Jeremy Knox had a handful of things. Firstly, he had a fake boyfriend. Part of a ploy to make the USC Exy fundraising dance sell tickets after a mistimed break-up. Secondly, he had a crush. On said fake boyfriend. Lastly, he had two hours to get ready to pretend to be entirely neutral and professional to his fake boyfriend/teammate so he won’t guess just how okay he is with this whole situation.
AKA an AU where Jean can dance, Jeremy can't- and that just won't stand.
Rainy Day Daydream by rooftopkisses [Rated G, 2538 words, complete, 2020]
Andrew works at the Palmetto Animal Rescue. Neil often volunteers to read to the Cats.
This is the origin story of how Neil and Andrew get Sir and King.
Visiting Hours by fuzzballsheltiepants [Rated G, 2179 words, complete, 2018]
Neil and Andrew visit Dan and Matt in the hospital. Sweet mayhem ensues.
tw: scars
Let Nothing You Dismay by imagined_melody [Rated G, 1717 words, complete, 2018]
The thing about Andrew is, he hates hospitals.
A pro-team publicity visit to the children's hospital hits Andrew closer to home than he expects. (Written for the 2018 AFTG Holiday/Winter Fanzine.)
Breakfast with Champions by belncaz [Rated T, 1531 words, complete, 2017]
Wymack signs the Foxes up for a charity breakfast for kids. Things don’t go quite to plan, until they do - pretty much how the Foxes roll with anything.
It's Always You by justdk [Rated T, 6985 words, incomplete, last updated Aug 2017]
Part 1 of the It's Always You series; part 5 previously rec'd here
In which Neil Josten, rising high school senior, participates in a car wash fundraiser and meets the infamous Andrew Minyard.
The Morning AUs - A Compilation by scribbleb_red [Rated T/M/E, Collection, last updated May 2021]
Chapter 50: The Ultramarathon AU [T, 2531 Words]
Neil has been training for the Wadi Rum Ultramarathon for almost a year. It's a charity race, raising money for families escaping domestic violence. But injury means Andrew is the one who has to do most of the hard work.
Afterthoughts by wesawbears [Rated T, collection, complete, 2017] 
Chapter 73: Kevin- Retirement [465 Words]
When Kevin imagined his future, Exy was predictably a prominent feature. He imagined playing well into his 40s- not out of arrogance, necessarily, but because the idea of not playing was simply incomprehensible. 
together by badacts [Rated T, collection, complete, 2017, locked]
Chapter 9: Philanthropy [1717 Words]
Prompt: I was wondering if you could write some andreil angst/comfort (since its your forte) about Neil sneaking around and Andrew assuming maybe he's cheating (or the non-relationship 
Andreil later in life by @haletostilinski [tumblr, 2016]
Neil plays professional Exy for as long as he can, until he’s like 38, 39 years old, maybe he even pushes it to 40, just one more year, and maybe he gets injured because of it
tw: implied/referenced child abuse
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soldiersweiner · 3 years
Recs 3
(Decided to move all my 2021 reads to another post since the last one was getting too damn long) 
Am lowkey nervous when I see my scroll bar getting smaller and smaller with each fic I add to my personal table of contents LMAO (tumblr, please don’t crash on me now!) Recs 3 is a compilation of all the fics I’ve reblogged for 2021 (I won't even attempt to include next year's reads/finds here bc that's going to be too long). You may also notice that there are some works that not here anymore - I removed them since they’re "non-existent" according to Tumblr.
Created this to not only share the wonderful works made by these amazing authors, be it the simplest of their works, but because I also do a lot of rereading of my faves so it’s a win-win! Newly added works and authors will be tagged while previously added works and authors will be linked because the tags and this post itself shows an error when saving (because it’s already the longest allowed or because I may be at a limit of a post?) If works are made by the same author, I can only tag 1 and link the others so tumblr can still allow me to tag others.
All works linked here are completed unless stated otherwise or I wasn’t aware that it is in progress. All fics are arranged alphabetically because I like it neat that way lmao
ATTN: Minors, heed the warnings on each fic. YOU are responsible for what you consume on this website. DON’T let the warnings go over your heads!
This blog reblogs 18+ content. This fic rec contains 18+ content.
For reference:
Title - Author/Writer
Work and/or blog with strikethrough means that it cannot be found or has deactivated (I think one of the reason for this is “The Great Tumblr Purge”) :(
X means untitled work, unless I was not aware that there was a title (please message me to correct it!)
Please feel free to correct me if you see any errors or blogs that changed their URLs so I can update this, and to the authors, thank you! <3 (also I feel like I’ve basically recommended your whole masterlist lol!)
Originally posted: 25 May 2021 | Updated: 2 October 2021
Recs 1 
Recs 2 
Recs 3A
Please let me know if the links aren’t clickable so I can fix ‘em! ^.^
03:35 - buckystarlight
5:32 AM - buckyhoney
A Kiss of Wine - jobean12-blog
A Helping Paw - river-soul
A Mutually Assured Attachment - cacoetheswriting
Adore You - cupidsbarnes
Always You, Forever - pellucid-constellations
Amnesia - sergeantbuckybarnes 
Among the Layers - starsvck
Breathin - mischiefmanaged71
Brighter Than the Sun - gigglygiddybarnes
Buchanan - barnesmurdock
Buzz-cut Szn - whirlybirbs
Can I Steal Your Fries? - untiltheendoftime
Can We Stay Here Forever? - blanketbarnes
Citrus, Miniature Sun - babycap
Codename: Last Resort - lovelyavengers 
Cool - itsapeterthing
Cracking More Than a Smile - buckys-blue-eyes
Crawl Home to Her - nexusnyx
Dares & Coffee Dates - moonstruckbucky
Devotion - avecra
Divine Retribution - pellucid-constellations
Drawn to Love - jobean12-blog
Dream a Little Dream of Me - blissfullybarnes
Drunk - coffeecatsandcandles
Do I Move You? - nexusnyx​
Don’t Come In - motioncvpture​
Don’t Look Back - belowva
Doodle Hearts - jobean12-blog
Dream on Me - margowrites
Drunk on You - wkemeup
Fairground - softlybarnes
Falling For You - itsapeterthing
Favourite Person - parkersdoll
First Name Basis - baroquebucky 
Flirtin’ - wannabeschyulersister 
Greatest Neighbor - maybepointlessthoughts
Happy Birthday - theimpossibleg1rl 
Heal - statticscribbles 
Here to Help - itsjustmelainey
Hey Doll - allydrabbles
Hide & Seek - angrythingstarlight
Hideouts - xbuchananbarnes 
History - bitchassbucky
Home Comfort - justatirednightowl
House Warming - imagines-hoarder 
Housesitting - emwritesstuff 
Insomnia - intrepidacious​
I Can Save You This Time - pellucid-constellations
It was Only a Kiss - navybrat817 
I've Got You - starks-hero 
Jamaican Me Crazy - moonstruckbucky
Lavender, Yellow & You - loveaffaire
Lay Here With Me - all1e23
Life Before You - world-of-aus
Lights - barnestuff
Looney Tunes - 19ana45
Marriage Story - sunmoonandbucky 
Meet Cute - spilledkauffie 
Midnight Aid - greekgodwannabe
Morning Kiss - buckybleu​
Never Again - houseravenclaws
Nice to Meet You - itsapeterthing
Paint + Ladders - mvtthewmurdvck
Peace - scarlvtbitch
Pear Conditioner and Scary Movies - wasianhermione 
Please Notice - nexusnyx
Plum - creme-bruhlee 
Pretty Boy - gogolucky13
Purgatory - wkemeup
Right Here Waiting - celestialbarnes 
Safe - barnestuff
Safe Place to Land - sunlightdances 
Shadow - bubblebuckys
She’s Not You - classylo
Secret Girlfriend - buckyhoney-library
Singing in the Rain - bucky-bucket-barnes
Stay - barnestuff
Staying Past Dawn - puffberries 
Suburbia - wkemeup
Swinging - the-wintershade 
Tag! You’re It - jobean12-blog
Tap - houseravenclaws
Tell Me Something Good - navybrat817
Thanks for the Memories - sunmoonandbucky
The Barnes’ Are Still Loud - jbarness
The L Word - babyboibucky
The Mess I Made - wkemeup
The Midnight Coconuts - bitsandbobsandstuff
The Night Shift - cjsinkythoughts
The Offer - wkemeup
The Only Kindness - wkemeup
The Power We Hold - thestarssalign
The Right Partner - bucky-bucket-barnes
The Shot Heard Round the Tower - pellucid-constellations
These Hands are Meant to Hold - vanderlustwords
They Know - sparklefics
Three’s a Crowd - itsapeterthing
Throw Back your head laughing like a little kid - honeyhargreeves
To the Rescue - lovelyavengers 
Touch Starved - shurisneakers
Undercover - buckysknifecollection 
Understudy - wkemeup
What Would you Give for Love - buckystarlight
Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of - msmarvelwrites 
Who’s She? - itsapeterthing
Winter Solstice - writersbuck 
Voicemails to an Unmanned Inbox - pellucid-constellations
You’re the Best Book I Ever Read - mickey-henry
Your Protector - buckys-broody-muffin
Your Touch - marvelettesassemblenow
X - avenging-fandoms
X - baroquebucky 
X - bemine-bucky
X - bemine-bucky
X - bemine-bucky
X - buckyblues 
X - buckysknifecollection
X - gogolucky13
X - thefanbasewhore
X - modern-vellichor
X - modern-vellichor
X - sunlightdances 
X - thefanbasewhore
#Bittercoffee - whirlybirbs (ongoing?)
3B - softlybarnes
A Half Naked Nurse and Wrong Ideas - urimaginespimp 
As You Wish, Ma’am - aescapisms 
Baby Fever - barnxsromanxff
Baby Fever | Little Beginnings | Mini You | Dance With Me - youlightmeupfinn 
Bingo | Game Night - spilledkauffie
Bucky x Pregnant Reader - spilledkauffie
Everybody Loves Somebody - ladylibby
Flashing Lights - pellucid-constellations 
Harmless - shurisneakers
I’ll Take Care of It - touchstarvedirl
Ignoti Nulla Cupido - persephonesinfernos (ongoing)
Misfire - shurisneakers
No Control | Flight Risk - wkemeup
Stay Still - buckysknifecollection
The Holiday Hack - gogolucky13
TFATWS Series - cjsinkythoughts 
We’re Fools - achillieus 
Weird Way of Flirting - buckysknifecollection
You Look Yummy - beyondspaceandstars
Actors on Actors - youlightmeupfinn 
Thirst Tweets - nev3rfound 
This section contains 18+ content as warned by the writers on their posts.
Minors, get out.
3:1 - nialls-flute
Again - theimpossibleg1rl
All Shook Up -  jobean12-blog
Baby Fever - jurassicbarnes 
Best Man - navybrat817
Break Lights - boxofbonesfic
Can’t Keep My Hands to Myself - angrythingstarlight
Caring for Bucky - angrythingstarlight
Chase Away the Nightmares - angrythingstarlight
Cockblocked - borkingbarnes
Come as You Are - gogolucky13
Cool You Down, Heat You Up - angrythingstarlight
Dead of Night - bucksfucks
Destroy - navybrat817
Don’t Fear the Reaper - gogolucky13
Don’t Flatter Yourself, Doll - tricksters-captain 
Dream a Little Dream of Me - sugardaddytonystark
Ever Since -  syntheticavenger
First and Last - navybrat817
Forbidden Fruit - bucksfucks
Fruitful - bubblebuckys
Heat Waves - bucksfucks
Hurricane - syntheticavenger
I’m begging for you (Take my hand) - cupidsbarnes
In Two Years - starbuckie
Intentional - buckycuddlebuddy 
Interrupted - sxbby-barnes 
Just One Taste - angrythingstarlight
Let Me Give You a Hand - angrythingstarlight
Like It Rough - navybrat817
Mean It - gogolucky13
Midnight Delight - bucksfucks
Netherworld - bucksfucks
Night and Day - navybrat817
On Eve of Destruction - threeminutesoflife
Partition - angrythingstarlight
Peaches and Cream - river-soul
Please - buckybarnesdiaries
Pour Some Sugar on Me - buckycuddlebuddy
Remind Me - navybrat817
Sexual Healing - gogolucky13
Shower Me in Praise - angrythingstarlight
So Good For Me - angrythingstartlight
Stolen Comforts - bonkywobble 
Sweaty - coffeecatsandcandles
The Staring Contest - jobean12-blog
The Unseen - sinner-as-saint
The Wedding Date - river-soul
The Widow - darkficsyouneveraskedfor​
Vowel sin Marble - pellucid-constellations
Wine & Dine - witchysoldier  (deactivated)
X - angrythingstarlight
X - angrythingstarlight
X - angrythingstarlight
X - angrythingstarlight
X - angrythingstarlight
X - angrythingstarlight
X - navybrat817
X - sableseb
A Tender Heart - river-soul (ongoing)
All That’s Best of Dark and Bright - ursulaismymiddlename 
Burn the Witch - dreamwritesimagines
CTRL - bitchassbucky (KAYE SRSLY WTF)
Deadweight - loving-bucky-is-easier 
Fake Boyfriend Real Orgasms - bucksfucks (ongoing)
For the Love of the Game - pellucid-constellations
H.C.M.C. - lokithealligator
Just Friends | Rollercoasters - writingcroissant
Let Me Come Home - buckysho
Lost | Found - sunshinebuckybarnes
Peaches - buckycuddlebuddy
Play Pretend  - wkemeup
Project V - babyboibucky (ongoing)
Sanctioned - imaginedreamwrite  (ongoing)
Something More - tellmealovestory 
Stark Hub - world-of-aus (guuurl I kennat) 
Swallow - all1e23
Sweet as Cinnamon Sugar - propertyofpoeandbucky
Taste for Older Men - seventven (ongoing)
The Barnes’ AU - agentofbarnes
The Coupon Book - tuiccim
The Match - babyboibucky (ongoing)
The Unseen One - extremelyblackandwhite
‘Till We Bleed Out - sinner-as-saint
To be a god or a hero - spiderbitchspiderbitch
Vacant Mirrors - whirlybirbs
Wide Awake and Still Dreaming | Red Cherry Lips - syntheticavenger
2K notes · View notes
oldshrewsburyian · 2 years
Hello, Shrews! (Apologies if you don't like that as a nickname, I had trouble deciding how to address you...!) Just popping in to say that I stumbled across 'a pale and woven blue' last night, read it all in one sitting, and now I've started watching Merlin on the iPlayer, having somehow missed it at the time. So thanks for that! Do you have any reading recommendations for an amateur medievalist? Doesn't have to be Arthuriana, though that's a bonus! Hope all is well with you :)
Hello! I cheerfully answer to that (it's better than Old, and I did not consider nicknames when I created this handle.)
I am charmed if startled to find my fic named as a Merlin-watching origin story. And I do indeed have reading recommendations.
Previously compiled, an Arthurian literature starter kit
Arthuriana (journal of up-to-date scholarship, annual subscription only $50, also they have a free listserv!)
And for the amateur medievalist's toolkit, a few other recs:
The Middle Ages: a Very Short Introduction, Miri Rubin (a good overview of medieval European history and key issues within it)
Thinking Medieval: An Introduction to the Study of the Middle Ages, Marcus Bull (this discusses, in more detail than the previous title, the use of primary sources and the creation of popular visions of medieval history)
The Middle Ages: Facts and Fictions, Winston Black (this is really great, but also a bit pricey, so you might want to ask your library for it. It explores origin stories of fictions about the Middle Ages, as well as offering lively and engaging discussion of facts)
And OA resources:
The Public Medievalist
Media-Eval: A Medieval Pop Culture Podcast
Going Medieval
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forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask but i was wondering if you had any good recs for spooky fics and/or fics that use a lot of kraken imagery? i want to read like all the spooky kraken fics 😂😭
Tumblr media
Don't worry! There are new fics being written every day, so I'm happy to provide. Previously compiled Kraken fics can be found here.
some ancient call by Jaynovz (Christel_Jenkins) [T]
With a lantern held aloft, already clad in his dressing gown and cap, he peers out over the dark gleaming surface of the sea and suddenly catches a flash of something. He sucks in a surprised gasp, trying not to drop the lantern. There is a vague stirring in the brine; squinting, Stede can just make out a shape moving amongst choppy waves.
Marshalling his shock, he deliberates. Perhaps he should call out to see if it’s someone who needs assistance? It could be a lost sailor or fisherman who drifted too far from shore and has fallen overboard. Lighthouse keepers are supposed to help others, Stede reasons. They are supposed to provide a guiding light.
this dream is upon you by yukla [T]
The tentacle draws Stede past the edge of the boat, over the churning waters, and in close to the kraken’s left side. Up close, it’s even more terrifying; the big round bulb of its dark eye, the unbelievable rubbery mass of its body, the thick briny smell of it, all of its magnificent grotesqueness magnified by one hundred.
Stede quakes in his fine boots. “Don’t eat me,” he pleads, feeling his face go numb with fear. “I’ve—I’ve got scurvy.”
“He does not have scurvy,” the Swede shouts helpfully from the deck. “The captain has eaten half of our orange supply!”
When Blackbeard rescues him from the Spanish Navy, Stede isn't aware that they've already met before.
chain, keep us together by magisterpavus [E]
The Kraken ate Edward Teach, and Stede Bonnet is determined to save him.
Unfortunately, Stede's not very good at saving himself.
(or, the one where ed has breakup tentacles, stede has no self-preservation instincts, & they're both a mess!)
Any Port In a Storm by CarryOnWriting [T], WIP
It was then that Stede noticed him. He would later introduce himself as Ed, but in that moment to Stede he was just ‘that-bloody-idiot-who’s-standing-on-the-rocks-in-the-middle-of-a-fucking-hurricane.’
AKA Ed called himself The Kraken and I took that literally.
~Mod N
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unforth · 3 years
The 2021 Destiel Favs Survey!
The December, 2020 edition of the Destiel Fan Favorites Survey is now completed! I got 340 submissions, the most I’ve received since the first time I did the survey in 2017 (this is the fifth time). Since the inception of the survey, I’ve received 1372 surveys, reflecting the tastes of those in the fandom at the time they did the survey and completed especially with an eye toward highlighting excellent lesser-known works.
On the latest survey, 336 different authors were listed as favorites! 165 of these authors were added to the list for the first time. Across all five times I’ve given this survey, 700 authors (on the nose!) have been listed as favorites. You can view a list of all those authors, and links to their accounts, here!
On this survey, an astonishing 1,448 stories received a vote!! The majority - 891 works - were added to the collection for the first time, which is absolutely thrilling to me. 253 of the authors of these works had never been listed before, and now know - they’re someone’s favorite. How awesome is that?
Since the inception of this survey, 3,544 stories by 1,365 different authors have been named as someone’s favorite. All of these works are assembled in a collection that you can view on AO3 here! (works that aren’t on AO3 are bookmarked, as are the works of author’s who chose not to accept the invite to the collection; 210 invites are still pending from the 2021 survey; if authors don’t add their works by next weekend, I’ll bookmark them). Alternatively, you can view a list of every work in the collection, and a link to access the work if it’s still available online, here!
By far, the best way to navigate the collection is to go to the AO3 Collection and use the tags searches and filters to find works that appeal to you. That said, I know some people are curious about results. It’s outside my ability to make lists that include every work, and so I do in general compile some of the data and share those who got the “top” results (not in a ranking, only in alphabetical order). If you’re interested, keep reading...
(read more)
if you are having trouble seeing the links on this post, please access it on pillowfort here: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1967244
In the past, I've done an annotated "Top 20 Authors" list, where I list (in alphabetical, not ranked) order the authors who received the most votes and every work they have in the collection. I will not be doing that this year. I'll give the top 20 list, but not list all their fics - it's too much, and too many of these authors are the same as previous years. The goal of the Collection is and always has been to highlight the works of authors who don't get as much love and aren't as well known, and I've come to feel the Top 20 list doesn't serve that goal effectively. As such, I will instead be doing a "Rookies of the Year" list, listing 10 authors who have not been on the top 20 list previously, and a "Top New Stories" list, with the 10 most popular stories added to the collection this year.
You can see the past top lists at these links:
January, 2020
June, 2018
March, 2017
I also have done a number of rec lists based on the data, but not since the last two surveys (the collection has grown too big, and I don’t have time any longer). These are also all available on pillowfort.
All lists are in alphabetical order! These are not rankings!
Rookies of the Year! A list ten authors who’ve scored highly for the first time on the survey, and every work they’ve written that received at least one vote in the survey!
After the Darkness (Series) (26,438 words, 6 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Canon divergent AU where Dean goes missing.
Angel Bridge (55,944 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Paranormal writer Dean meets Wiccan Castiel.
Autumn in His Eyes (50,452 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Artist Castiel, retreating to seclusion to avoid the paparazzi, meets small-town Dean.
The Bond-Breaker Murders (75,696 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Detective Dean and his partner Castiel hunt a serial killer. 
The Deal (29,094 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Business owners Dean and Castiel meet soon after Castiel’s divorce.
Finding Home (42,828 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Bakery owner Dean and writer Emmanuel aren’t sure what’s drawing them together, but they’re sure something is.
Ghosts (Series) (71,676 words, 2 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Paranormal investigator Dean Winchester doesn’t believe in ghosts and definitely doesn’t believe scam artist Castiel.
I'm the Only (25,121 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Professor Dean and tattoo artist Castiel look back on how they meet.
Lojacked (28,393 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Guidance Counselor Dean is kidnapped days before the anniversary of his marriage to Detective Castiel.
Loved You Forever (Series) (98,896 words, 21 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Mechanic Dean has been in love with his best friend Professor Castiel since they were children, but has never told.
Parking Lot Confessions (3,820 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Castiel gets hit with a truth spell, and Sam learns far more than he expected.
Remember Me After the Storm (47,425 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. After a car accident, Castiel doesn’t remember the past 13 years of his life with Dean.
Bitch Better Have My Money (Series) (247,834 words, 4 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean’s suburban life goes to hell in a hand basket after he meets a devil with the face of an angel.
The Card Cheat (3,101 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Dean and Castiel are hitmen who hate working together.
Chronicles of a Serial Killer (Series) (52,760 words, 2 works, second is a work in progress). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Detective Dean Winchester is intrigued by the newest serial killer operating in his jurisdiction.
Dial "M" for Monster (23,809 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Baker/Vigilante Dean investigates the haunted rooms at Castiel’s motel.
I Only Come When You Scream (Series) (23,117 words, 7 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used, Graphic Depictions of Violence. Three serial killers meet over coffee.
Interview with the Vampire's Wife (6,040 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A vampire’s wife walks into PI Dean’s office.
Lock Stock and Two Smokin' Winchesters (29,392 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Boxers Dean and Sam are fucked when they run afoul of Crowley and his prize fighter Castiel.
Murder Ballads (Series) (97,416 words, 3 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Serial Killer Castiel sets his sites on Dean.
My Whole Existence is Flawed (6,388 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean accidentally flirts with Castiel, with whom he had a relationship in high school.
Number 1 Crush (103,891 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. College friends Dean and Castiel meet up with some college buddies just as Dean’s college stalker comes after him.
Stone by Stone (37,269 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Teacher Castiel and student Dean find trouble together.
Baby Whispering 101 (2,835 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Castiel has to bring his daughter to class, but Professor Winchester doesn’t mind.
Bunker Files (30,519 words, work in progress). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon Divergent AU, where the British Men of Letters hear more than they bargained for.
Dark Blue, Dark Blue (36,112 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Online friends Dean and Castiel come to meet in person after Castiel’s meatspace life puts him in danger.
A Demon Like Him (24,595 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Warlock Dean isn’t sure if he should work with incubus Castiel.
Drunk Texts and Midnight Snacks (4,589 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College AU. Dean keeps sending Castiel drunk texts...until he stops.
Felix in Aeternum (23,837 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel meets Dean at a Halloween festival and learns maybe there’s some supernatural in the world after all.
For a Dream's Sake (28,511 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU during season 13. Castiel falls into a djinn dream.
Lonely Eden (Co-written with Threshie) (44,091 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean and Sam deal with the aftermath of the Croatoan outbreak until they meet a lone uninfected man, Castiel.
Profound Magic (Series, Co-written with Trenchcoatbaby) (227,233 words, 2 works). Occult student Dean runs into trouble with his strict thesis advisor, Castiel.
Season Z (by multiple authors). (220,673 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Canon Divergent AU, post season 14, with zombies.
Undercover Angel (Series) (44,716 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU where Dean discovers that Castiel has a panty kink.
Departure Strategy (Co-written with choranaptyxic) (39,778 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel meet when Mary decides to contact Castiel’s employers for their help assisting her suicide.
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean (121,472 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel have a one night stand...and then Dean finds out Castiel is his new boss.
Evangelist (334,398 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Wealthy business heir Castiel meets poor Dean.
Five Ways to Wake Dean Winchester (without Getting Shot) (1,598 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. “Sometimes, Dean’s dreams are violent.”
Halloween Horror (Series) (117,399 words, 4 works). Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Dean discover a haunted house while cataloguing a Men of Letters library.
Ipamis Ol Olpri (56,418 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Jack need John Winchester’s blood to kill Michael.
On Falling (996 words). Unrated. No Warnings Apply. “He had fallen, further and faster than any angel before him.”
Saint's Hollow (Co-written with sleepinnude) (43,718 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Five years after Castiel and Dean are estranged, they’re forced to meet each other, and their shared past, again.
The Shawnee Trail (166,094 words). Unrated. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Stagecoach messenger Dean and Doctor Castiel have to deal with outlaws in 1887 Lawrence.
All Things in Succession (313,468 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O Dynamics. Omega Prince Castiel is bound to Alpha Knight Dean in an arranged marraige.
At Midnight (8,516 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean’s been pining for his best friend Castiel for a decade, and tonight he’s determined to kiss him.
By Any Other Name (6,785 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean doesn’t want anyone to see his soul mark...but Sam sees, and tracks down Castiel.
Casicorn (56,649 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Detective Dean gets a new, mysterious roommate.
Expectations (418,319 words). Explicit. No Warnings apply. A/B/O Dyanmics. Omega Castiel is infuriated that his sister is to be wed to the Alpha crown prince Dean, whom they’ve never met.
I'll Be Home for Christmas (3,872 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel’s family has vastly misunderstood his relationship with his college roommate.
Issues (Series) (252,401 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Childhood best friends Castiel and Dean have a falling out that leads to them pretending to date.
Quarantension (129,289 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College roommates Dean and Cas quarantine together - strictly platonic, of course (yes, that includes the orgasms).
With Interest (161,935 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. High School AU. Bad-boy Castiel bets he can make nerdy Dean fall in love with him.
All Been Blown Out (1,908 words). Explicit. No Warnings apply. Stripper Dean and mafioso Castiel have sex sometimes.
Anything You Can Do (21,087 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean, who is definitely straight (right?), is determined to prove by any means necessary that he’s better at sex than Castiel.
Becoming (4,924 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean develops a relationship with the android, Castiel, who owns the coffeeshop down the street from him.
Don't You Cry No More (5,094 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A rewrite of 15x20.
I Leave in My Heart (3,343 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Office workers Dean and Castiel are just friends with benefits...aren’t they?
Make It That Much Better (2,469 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Four times people mistook Dean and Castiel for a couple.
The Novak Hickey Mystery (1,540 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Professor Castiel’s class isn’t sure how he got a hickey.
Picture Perfect (13,356 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel is attracted to a man he sees in an old photograph...and then they meet in real life.
You Start to Grow Wings (10,911 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel have a relationship when they’re young, part ways, and meet against twenty years later.
Beautiful Mess (12,849 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean grows wings, and has to deal with all the issues that arise thereafter.
Dean Winchester: Monster Fucker (30,358 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Cursed Dean finds himself disturbingly attractive to monsters...and Castiel.
Doubting Thomas (40,184 words). Mature. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Two months after disappearing, Dean and Sam appear in Castiel’s garden, and they’ve been made into angels.
Forget the Sky (26,392 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean wins big on a scratch off ticket, and he and Castiel go to Japan.
Heart Like a Wheel (24,921 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College student Dean decides to model for Professor Castiel.
If Love Was a River (17,364 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Orion is missing a star, and Castiel has fallen from the sky.
A Kite (720 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. “Two gold bands burn a hole in his pocket - he doesn’t think he can wait any longer.”
Lights (2,671 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Pre-canon Dean meets season 5 Castiel.
Lonesome Roads (Series) (12,934 words, 2 works). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Terminally ill Castiel merges with the earth to heal, and returns many years later.
Me in Honey (6,520 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel goes into heat, and Dean gets more than he expects.
Rooms to Let (Series) (32,962 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hunter Dean finds an angel crucified to a cross.
The Rosary (9,082 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel escapes from a home for stray angels and is found in the forest by a stranger.
The Safest Place (5,312 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Dean feels the urge to nest.
Through the Mists of Time (Series) (24,689 words, 2 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean is sent back in time 700 years and lands in the bedroom of the handsome Scottish Lord Castiel.
We Fly By Night (15,672 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Business owner DEan can’t get rid of a strange mark on his arm.
We Gave Love a Chance (5,210 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Team Free Will gets a chance to rest on a Florida beach.
Cupcakes and Kittens (73,937 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean finds himself with an abandoned kitten, and Castiel finds himself in a baking class, and fortunately, they also find each other.
Hot Gym Guys (Series) (18,805 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean can’t keep his eyes of the sexy owner of Healing Hands Spa and Gym.
Interrupted (5,818 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean loves his kids but is ready to do just about anything for some alone time with his husband Castiel.
It's in His Kiss (7,877 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hockey player Dean gets put on the kiss cam while standing next to his best friend (and secret crush) Castiel.
Netflix and Chills (15,503 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Team Free Will tries to figure out if the coronavirus is Chuck’s next move.
New Holiday (6,258 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A finale fix-it.
Paparazzi (7,004 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hockey player Dean Winchester gets caught sleeping with billionaire Castiel.
The Shots We Don't Take (56,534 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College senior Castiel hooks up with hockey player and playboy Dean.
Stay With Me (Series) (162,055 words, 4 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Firefighter Dean rescues injured Castiel from his mangled vehicle after a car crash.
What I Need Most (32,397 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Who does Dean really need most? 
Y Tu Dean Tambien (6,909 words). Teen+. Archive Warnings Not Used. Dean has managed to keep his crush secret from absolutely everyone...except his crush, Castiel.
Baby, Baby (728 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Musician Castiel and Engineer Dean meet ugly.
Boneless Wings (4,333 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Castiel’s wings aren’t always as sexy as Dean might wish them to be.
Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover (1,106 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Fix it for 15x18.
Funny Bone (4,933 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean would give a lot to know why the posed skeleton is admiring his ass.
Occursus (4,341 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Post-canon/15x20 fix it.
Piledriver (1,815 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. 15x18 coda.
Twenty Questions (1,246 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Sam have a chat about Dean.
(Atypical) Love Story (13,360 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel is shocked when Dean is attracted to his scent.
Biological Imperatives (or Not) (29,103 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Charlie convinces Dean to go on a date with her awkward professor friend.
Deference (9,981 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Criminal Castiel makes torturer Dean kneel.
Epistolary (9,408 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel leaves an unexpected note for Dean.
Intangible (13,927 words). Explicit. Major Character Death. Mechanic Dean loses his soulmate, and gets him back as a ghost.
Koinophilia (Series) (31,139 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Dean refuses to talk about why his heats come so infrequently.
The Neighborhood Watch (Series) (31,628 words, 6 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel and Dean are husbands living a happy suburban life.
Nightshade (3,111 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Rowena accidentally feeds Dean a cursed aphrodisiac.
Pigment (1,573 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean takes up painting.
South Side Swing (Series) (75,859 words, 6 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean, boss of the Chicago outfit, runs into trouble with Castiel, head of the Bratva.
Stripes (Series) (32,368 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel insists that he and Dean are not soulmates.
Tentacle Husbands (Series) (23,658 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Octo Castiel and Prince Dean are happily married.
Top 20 authors over all: aeli_kindara, almaasi, bendingsignpost, castielslostwings, Desirae, Duckyboos, EllenofOz, followyourenergy, komodobits, ltleflrt, MalMuses, MandalaRose, NorthernSparrow, riseofthefallenone, saltyfeathers, sharkfish, tiamatv, tricia_16, whelvenwings, xylodemon
All authors who’ve ever been in the top 20: 60r3d0m, aeli_kindara, almaasi, Annie D (scaramouche), anyrei, bendingsignpost, castielslostwings, CloudyJenn, deathbanjo, Desirae, dothraki_shieldmaiden, Duckyboos, EllenofOz, emwebb17, followyourenergy, imogenbynight, jemariel, jhoom, jupiter_james, K_K_TiBal, komodobits, ltleflrt, MalMuses, MandalaRose, microcomets (formerly mishcollin), MittenWraith, museaway, NorthernSparrow, orange_crushed, ozonecologne, pantheon_of_discord, PersephoneShadow, quiettewandering, riseofthefallenone, saltnhalo, saltyfeathers, SaltyWords (agent4hire22), seperis, sharkfish, thepinupchemist, tiamatv, Trenchcoatbaby, tricia_16, unforth, VioletHaze, violue, whelvenwings, WinJennster, xylodemon, youaresunlight
The Top Ten Newly-Inducted Fics in 2021:
The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses (24,190 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel starts acting strange.
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (18,250 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel lies about his feelings for omega Dean to avoid an arranged marriage by his king.
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Bitch Better Have My Money by Duckyboos (linked above)
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (189,629 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Firefighter Dean falls into bed with his best friend, EMT Castiel.
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (42,966 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean goes undercover at Brock Pleasure Ranch and discovers that merman Castiel is less a monster than he’d imagined.
Ghosts that We Know by dothraki_shieldmaiden (89,411 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Hunter Dean could wish that the best partner he’s ever had, Castiel, wasn’t a ghost.
Option C by followyourenergy (63,310 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel fake a relationship during their senior year of college to get rid of their asshole third roommate Vaughn.
Starstruck by peanutbutterjelly-pie (146,461 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel used to live next door to movie star Dean, but doesn’t think much of it...until he does.
Welcome to Pine Shores! by andimeantittosting (20,901 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. After retiring from hunting, Dean and Castiel buy a motel together, and they run it for years, and Dean pines the entire time.
The Top 20 fics of 2021:
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos (linked above)
The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (linked above)
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (linked above)
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (linked above)
Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost
Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche)
Down to Agincourt by seperis
Ninety One Whiskey (series) by komodobits
Riptides by sharkfish
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses
So Says the Sword by komodobits
Stay With Me (series) by MandalaRose (linked above)
A Turn of the Earth by microcomets (formerly mishcollin)
Wild (series) by Castielslostwings
With Understanding by apokteino (not available online)
And may I just say, this is the first year that Twist and Shout didn’t make the top 20 list, and I am thrilled.
All Fics that Have Ever Made the Top 20/Top 10 List:
All Things Shining by Askance (doomcountry) and standbyme
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead by suspiciousflashlight
Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos (linked above)
The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Broken Reflections (series) by anyrei and mugglerock
Carnival Oasis (series) by violue
Carry On by TamrynEradani (deleted)
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (linked above)
Cupcakes and Chlamydia (series) by violue
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Dean (and Cas’) Top 13 Zepp Traxx by pantheon_of_discord
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet by saltyfeathers
The Dick Pic Verse (series) by Dangerousnotbroken
Down to Agincourt (series) by seperis
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (linked above)
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (linked above)
Flight by NorthernSparrow
Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost
Get a Whiff of This by bendingsignpost
The Graveyard Shift by riseofthefallenone
Hideaway (series) by thepinupchemist
Hooked on Your Love (series) by Ltleflrt
I Wanna Get Outside (of Me) by emwebb17
I’d Do it Over and Over Again (series) by tricia_16
I’d Rather Have You (series) by Ltleflrt
Kiss the Baker (series) by Ltleflrt
The Meaning on My Skin by saltnhalo
Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche)
Ninety One Whiskey (series) by komodobits
Oddly Shaped Empty by jemariel
Out of the Deep (series) by riseofthefallenone
Painted Angels (series) by WinJennster
The Path of Fireflies (series) by museaway
Protect and Serve by jupiter_james
PWP: Pie Without Plot by MajorEnglishEsquire and orange_crushed
Redemption Road (series) by multiple authors
Riptides by sharkfish
A Room of One’s Own by NorthernSparrow
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses
Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt
So Says the Sword by komodobits
Stay With Me (series) by MandalaRose (linked above)
Traveling Light by sharkfish
A Turn of the Earth by microcomets (formerly mishcollin)
Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme
Vagabonds by chevrolangels (formerly amarillogrande)
The Walk (series) by Persephoneshadow
What has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? by Annie D (scaramouche)
Where the Weeds Take Root by deathbanjo
Wild (series) by Castielslostwings
With Understanding by apokteino (not available online)
You Can Keep Holding On by NorthernSparrow
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inukag-archive · 1 year
Can you recommend any dogyasha fics? I’ve read the dog prince by gypsyn and I love the premise of that fic so I’m hoping to find more dogyasha fics
Hi there anon! We previously compiled a list of dogyasha fanfics, but we were able to find a few more for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
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Lucky Dog by @heynikkiyousofine (G)
The Inugang come across an abandoned castle and Inuyasha has finally had enough of cursed objects. A flash engulfs them and why is Inuyasha suddenly a dog?
Remembrance by BurnedIce (M)
"The first time I saw him, I was a small child." The story of a human woman and her guardian.
Running With Dogs by @shnuggletea (E)
Kagome's life was over, running through the woods with her baby brother in her arms. She didn't know what she was running from, but it was big and it had killed her mother and father. There was no escaping, until another creature stood over her, big and white with golden eyes.
Dog Days by Nukawin (M)
Inuyasha gets cursed, and turned into a dog. And when he thinks things can't get worse, he gets lost in Kagomes side of the well.
The Year of the Dog by @inunanna (T)
Kagome takes home an injured dog and takes care of him, only to later discover he is not a normal dog, in fact he is not even a dog.
Canine Curse Crisis by @alannada (T)
The Shikon Miko Kikyou finds a stray dog under a poorly-worded spell. Now, can things be improved, or is the fate of the Second Prince of the west sealed in stone?
Completely Canine by Darksknight (M)
A beam of dark energy came flying out of the staff, and before anyone could move Inuyasha was hit square in the chest and thrown back several feet."Inuyasha!"Kagome carefully prodded his chest. "Inuyasha?" His face twitched, and he rolled a little. "Inuyasha?" One golden eye opened, followed by the other, and he lazily smiled. And then... well, then he barked.
Feel free to add your own recs in the comments or reblogs!
Check our Masterlist of previous lists to see which topics we've covered.
Send us an ask (here).
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dramioneasks · 3 years
I’m looking some specific fics where scorpius is a toddler/baby and draco is a single dad. Draco and hermione somehow meet and then she steps in as a mother to scorpius and they become a family.
Random recs:
Title: A Second Look Author: RiverWriter Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Family Chapters: 30 Word Count: 129,960 Summary: Her best friend’s life was a mess and she would have done anything to make things better for him and his sons. So, when she found her former enemy in a similar situation her heart went out to him as well… and the beautiful blond baby in his arms didn’t hurt his case. It was certainly enough for her to give him a second look.
The List - AureliaBlack90 - E, 10 chapters - After her divorce, Hermione decides to get out of town to recover from the pain of her lost relationship and the miscarriage she suffered a year previously. She arrives in the Cotswolds depressed and aimless, but compiles a list of things to do that she hopes will help her get back on her feet. Determined to put the past behind her and complete her list in time for Christmas, she diligently completes at least one tasks each day. In the midst of her journey to find healing, she keeps running into Draco Malfoy, who is nothing like she remembered him. He invites her into his world, and Hermione finds exactly what she was looking for - in the place she least expected it.
A House in the Country -  BoredRavenvlaw620 - T, 12 chapters - “That’s it, just no. I’ve done my duty to the Wizarding world. I gave up my childhood, I gave up my dreams, and for what… a tiny cubicle in which I put the Ministry stamp on endless permits. No more. I quit. Effective immediately. I think you’ll find I have ample vacation saved up. I’ll owl human resources on where they can send my check.” She spent her childhood fighting a war she didn’t start. Now life is passing her by. What will she find when she makes choices not based off expectation?
A Jersey - tealitful - T, 23 chapters - All she wanted was a jersey and a little revenge. Rated T for tubular.
Raise Me Up (Currently Under Revision) by AuroraAustralice - M, 58 Chapters - Scorpius Malfoy is born with Angelman syndrome. His mother and Draco’s wife Astoria Greengrass leaves them both, disgusted and ashamed by the little boy’s illness. Now it’s up to single father Draco Malfoy to raise his son in a safe and conducive atmosphere. What happens when one day the little boy wanders of in Diagon Ally and ends up in Hermione Grangers book shop?
More under: tags > draco > single parents
- Lisa
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
Can you give me some recs to 5SOS friendship fics? I’ve been trying to find some but I’ve had no luck since theirs not a lot of them
ah unfortunately love i will not be much help here. i haven't read many friendship fics tbh. jess previously compiled this list and honestly i don't have other ones to add right now. there simply aren't that many friendship fics on my radar. i will say that my fic puzzle pieces has a focus on muke/mashton/ot4 friendship, although there is also romantic malum, so if you want solely friendship that is not the fic for you.
megs also has melancholy and honey, which is a short friendship fic where they're bees! it's very well done and worth the read.
i know a few people who intend to write some friendship fics in the future! but unfortunately this is all i can offer you right now
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raplinesmoon · 3 years
Happy Hobiuary: Masterlist
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Hi everyone, we’ve officially made it to the end of the Hoseok Birthday Week Reading Project!! Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our Hope and sunshine, Mr. Jung Hoseok.
Coincidentally, Hoseok’s birthday also happens to fall on the 1-month anniversary of this blog! It’s been such a fun ride so far, and I’m so grateful for all the support and hope to keep reading and reviewing more awesome fics in the future. Without further ado, here is my compiled masterlist of Hoseok fic recs that I’ve read over the week:
Day 1: A Universe to You by @readyplayerhobi (Read the review here)
Day 2: Between Heaven and Hell by @jimlingss (Read the review here)
Day 3: An Abundance of Scrunchies by @hoseoksyn (Read the review here)
Day 4: Make it Right by @smoochkooks (Read the review here)
Day 5: Covenant by @junghelioseok (Read the review here)
Day 6: For the First Time (What’s Past is Past) by @candlewaxandp0lar0ids (Read the review here)
Day 7: Starfruit by @inkedtae (Read the review here)
Previously Reviewed Fics:
Matters of the Heart by @hobidreams (Read the review here)
We Float by @lamourche (Read the review here)
Dagger to the Heart by @imyourhobiii (Read the review here)
Guarded by @xjoonchildx (Read the review here)
Bonus Recs! (fics that I read and loved, but didn’t get the chance to review due to time constraints):
View from 4-B by @gardentulips​
Old Flame by @rookiegukie
Sunflower by @magicalsalamander
Who’s Your Daddy by @ppersonna
If I Could Tell Her by @cupofteaguk
Hearts on Fire by @ddaenggtan
Off Duty by @sugasbabiie​
A Holly, Jolly Crisis by @kpopfanfictrash​​
Arranged by obiwrites (AO3)
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Happy reading everyone!!
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