#if it isn’t obvious they’re teens in this
mochiwrites · 2 years
Two feet enter his vision as Mumbo lays on the soft grass below. It’s the middle of the night, with the chilly air sweeping over him comfortably. His head rests in the grass, arms on his stomach. The grass is cool against his skin, leaving him quite comfortable. He gazes up at the moon, finding himself feeling at peace.
Except for when those feet pop up. The peaceful atmosphere is ruined, tearing Mumbo away from his pleasant moon watching.
He rips his gaze away from the moon, and instead looks at the avian standing behind him. From this angle, he can see the still healing puncture wound on his neck. Mumbo winces. He then forces the feeling down and instead smiles sheepishly, “Ah, hello Grian.” He greets.
To his dismay, Grian does not smile back at him. If anything, the colorful feathers of his wings puff up as a frown forms on his face. He sets his hands on his hips, and gives Mumbo a look of disapproval.
“Oh dear, it’s your grumpy face. That can’t be a good sign.” Mumbo says, voice carrying nervousness. He can already feel himself sweating under Grian’s scrutinizing look.
“No Mumbo, it’s not a good sign.” Grian replies, his tone blatantly giving away his displeasure. Mumbo shrinks back under his gaze, and it causes Grian to sigh. He drops his hands from his hips as he moves to sit in the grass next to the teen.
Finding himself growing more and more nervous which each second that passes, Mumbo slowly sits up. Grian doesn’t speak immediately, fingers picking at the blades of grass instead.
“Your mother spoke to me today.” Grian suddenly starts, making Mumbo go still. “She told me you haven’t been er… ‘taking care’ of yourself.” His brows furrow, “Even though you have tons of blood available, you refuse to drink it.”
Mumbo winces. He had really hoped that Grian wouldn’t find out about that, considering he knows what his best friend is like. And he can’t just… tell him why. No no, that’d be mortifying.
But he knows Grian, he knows how he likes to push.
The thought alone makes Mumbo want to crawl into a hole.
Instead, he sighs quietly, lips tugging into a frown as he stammers, “I, erm, well uh…” Mumbo stops himself, biting the inside of cheek. Though he quickly regrets that decision, fangs and all. He resolves to meeting Grian’s eyes, “Look, Gri, I’m alright! I’ve just… sort of forgetting lately?” He cringes at the way he says it, and Grian lifts a brow.
“You’ve been forgetting.” Grian prompts.
“Even though your family makes it a point to have it at dinner so that no one forgets.”
“Mhm, I guess I’m just too forgetful for them.”
“Yet you used to be on top of it, to the point you’d mark it out on your calendar.”
“Ah, well you know, it became too much work.”
The look Grian gives him is one dripping with disbelief, but unlucky for him, Mumbo has chosen this hill and he will die on it.
“Sooo, does this forgetfulness have anything to do with my blood?” Grian is quite blunt as he asks the question. So blunt in fact that it makes Mumbo jump.
“W-What?!” He mock shouts in surprise. He quickly realizes that that’s the exact reaction Grian wanted and he quickly coughs, “N-No! I have no idea what you mean!”
In turn, Grian sighs at him. “Mumbo, I’m not stupid. I can see the effects that avoiding blood has on you. Your mother is worried and so am I. You’re hurting yourself, and I just want to help. You haven’t been the same since er… that night.” He says, trying to prod at Mumbo gently. He doesn’t want to overstep, to make the other uncomfortable. He just wants him to be okay.
As Grian mentions that little incident, shame curdles in Mumbo’s gut. He’ll never forget the night he accidentally attacked his best friend. It was the worst night of his life, finally coming to with Grian limp and bleeding out in his arms.
He frowns, “I didn’t want to worry you of all people. Usually that’s the other way around, with all of the magic shenanigans you get up to.” Grian chuckles at that.
“So then what’s going on, huh? I know this isn’t your typical spoon behavior.” Grian questions, raising his brow.
“There’s no getting out of this one, is there?” Mumbo grumbles.
“Nope! So you better get talking or I’m filling your room with chickens again.” Grian threatens.
“No you’re not! I still have random feathers all over! I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve woken up with a feather in my mouth!” Mumbo wildly protests in return, making Grian cackle. Mumbo sighs, “Yes yes, I know you’re very proud of yourself for that one.” He frowns.
“It was your fault for falling asleep. You left me unattended.” Grian hums innocently.
“Biggest mistake of my life.” Mumbo sighs before getting serious again. “The truth is, — and you’re not allowed to laugh — animal blood just doesn’t… do it for me anymore.” He mutters, and he feels oddly embarrassed talking about this. “Ever since that… the vampiric side of me doesn’t want anything other than your blood.” Mumbo admits it, and he can feel his cheeks burning.
He doesn’t want to look at Grian’s face; so he doesn’t.
At least, not until Grian starts laughing.
“Hey! I said you weren’t allowed to laugh!” Mumbo scolds, and yet Grian’s laughter continues.
“S-Sorry! It’s just—” Grian takes a breath to calm himself. “Mumbo if that was all it was, you could’ve just asked! I don’t mind!” He says, and Mumbo stops.
“Do… do you hear yourself?” The vampire asks. “Truly hear yourself?”
Grian playfully rolls his eyes, “Yes, Mumbo. I’m not the spoon here.” He hums. “If you need to feed on my blood to oh, I don’t know, live, then that’s fine!” He even goes a step further, rolling up the sleeve of his shirt to expose his wrist.
Mumbo hates how his heart leaps at the sight.
Grian holds his wrist out to him, “Here.”
Mumbo stares between the offered limb and Grian and he can’t bring himself to move. “I could hurt you.”
Grian doesn’t miss a beat, “You won’t.”
That sends a pang through Mumbo’s chest, “I have.”
Something in Grian’s gaze softens as he reaches out and takes Mumbo’s hand in his own, “I trust you.”
And that’s all the little pushing Mumbo needs. With shaky hands, he takes Grian’s wrist and holds it. He brings it up to his lips and very, very carefully, he sinks his fangs in.
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
Wren Martin Ruins It All
YA contemporary romcom
student council president proposes to cut the school valentine’s dance because it's expensive and alienating for queer/single people, but instead the vice president (who he adamantly hates for being perfect) suggests they get sponsored by a popular friendship app
he decides to secretly give the app a go to “know his enemy” but ends up making a friend, and starts to catch feelings for him...and maybe realises the guy he hates isn't actually so bad either...
ace mlm MC, aro-questioning side character
I loved this so much! great MC with a funny internal monologue
despite the title most issues or misunderstanding are sorted out pretty quickly rather than drawn out for the drama and plot. which is refreshing
I was a little nervous about the concept of ‘ace hates the school dance and wants it shut down’ - there's a bit of a stereotype of aspecs being boring Fun Haters - but I think it did a really good job of showing the specifics of why, not dragging it out, and also that he’s just a snarky fun hater in general with not much weight behind it.
There’s also no discovering of sexuality or big coming out (just one-on-one) - he already knows he’s ace, and it comes up naturally a bunch, talking about how dances etc can feel isolating, the way the friendship app called buddy being called ace-friendly can feel infantilizing, avoiding dating because of the stress of having to check upfront if people about it, etc.
I would have liked to know more about his relationship with his mum? Though I understand that it’s clearly something he avoids thinking about - going too deep into his relationship with his parents might have changed the tone a lot. but still.
ARC from netgalley thanks netgalley
#wren martin ruins it all#aroaessidhe 2023 reads#asexual books#ngl as soon as i was like oh this boy is elliot schafer coded i was a lost cause#(re aro character - I have noticed a bit of a trend of “maybe aromantic but I don’t like labels” in YA#contemporary recently that I don’t love - but it’s not an inherent issue with this book)#I’ve read a lot of YA contemporary books where the portrayal of social media and made up apps doesn’t feel right; but this one did to me!#maybe it’s because it’s from the POV of someone’s who’s cynical about it.#(and types no punctuation no capitalisation…I could see my online-communication style reflected back at me…)#Even the confrontation at the end where feelings are confessed isn’t made into some big dramatic thing in front of everyone with no#communication. But it also doesn’t feel emotionally anticlimactic.#(maybe a couple of the reveals in the confession felt unnecessarily dramatic to me? like the story would have functioned without them. )#but it's common for comtemporary ya to overdramatise silly things for the plot and im glad this didn't#possibly this is just my adult opinion about teen narratives.#The adult characters (even though they’re mostly background) feel like real people.#and it has some good friendships. also he has chickens and they are very good#it did become increasingly obvious that it was the same ppl but also they’re emotionally stupid. and like….it's part of the genre.#we all know this going in.
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jackiepackiee · 2 months
Hi pooks do could you do romantic headcanons for the flags (anyone you'd like) with a reader that goes absolutely quiet after an argument, but it's not silent treatment, it's just that they've grown so used to it.(totally didn't base it on me, totally not.)
But only if you're comfortable with it of course!
Have a great day or night and take care.
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝓁𝒶𝑔𝓈 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
𝒬𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓇𝑔𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 - 𝒻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔
𝒯𝓎𝓅𝑒 - 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝒹𝒸𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓈
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The terrifying thing about your arguments is that Iceman is not very talkative
Or expressive for that matter
So when you’re afraid of his reaction, and he doesn’t have any signs of obvious anger or sadness…
Well, it’s scary!
He’s a big guy
So the argument is going… alright
Bad of course, you’re fighting, but it’s not that bad
Until he makes this face
It’s a sorta of distance, anger that he never ever shows
And god, does it set your brain off
Although, only you know that
Because to everyone else, your face is blank and you’re completely silent
He is confused
I mean, that’s his job?!
To be rather stoic, not you!
His lover, he knows you
And he knows this isn’t normal for everyday behavior
The argument ends there
He’s too confused to speak
So… he figures you’re upset
And when he does, he pauses
Then, he hugs you
Pushing back his coat to have your arms wrap his waist
Covering you from the world
He doesn’t know what to do for you other than a hug
A kiss would be too much? And his voice is calming, however he fears that he’ll stumble his words and make things worse
So, a hug
He’ll be okay with silence, as long as you’re okay by the end of it
He’s a good arguer… unfortunately
His authority shows when he fights and it is QUICK to scare
He doesn’t intend this, but work has changed him
He is so used to dealing with men who’s entire job is full of gun shots and shouts being barked orders at
So he forgets that you’re his sweet lover, and can’t handle the very intense energy
If anything confuses him, it’s silence
I mean, the flags are LOUD
Albatross always joking with Doc, Chuuya telling them off. Lippmann practicing lines with Iceman on book
But his lover shouldn’t be silent
He sorta… freezes?
Finally realizes that you haven’t put a word in for the last 5 minutes
It’s just been… nothing
A blank stare, crossed arms, and a closed mouth
He felt bad with a deep feeling inside his chest
He gave you time, thinking you’d need it
He walked out awkwardly
And left you in the apartment
He goes for a drive, and comes back
When you’re still quiet, he decides action is needed
A kiss on your hand and up for arm
Ending on your lips followed by an “I’m sorry”
He pets your cheek, pulling you against him
It’ll be okay
He is VERY happy when you’re back to speaking
But for now… he can live with the silence you desire
He isn’t the argument type
But he works too hard!!
And you’re so concerned for him
I mean, he is sick himself so he shouldn’t be around others with a weakened immune system
He is stubborn and defensive, much to your dismay
And he isn’t easy to convince
Your concern over takes you
What once caused words to spill from your mouth at him, now made you silent
He thought you needed a second to think
Process your next sentence
But that next sentence never came
He stares at you, but stays silent too
Maybe this is the vibe now?
Forgive him, he’s more physical and not mental
It finally comes to him that you’re not going to talk
He stares at you for a while
Then he turns to his pocket
He gets… a lollipop?
He always gives his patients lollipops when they’re sad, you know this
So you take it with a weary hand
But… it’s so sweet!
By the time you finish it, you are feeling better
You may not speak for the rest of the night
But! You will feel better emotionally
Fights… well they happen
Serious fights are normal, especially for the double whammy of you two being teens and a couple
He tries his absolute best to not yell
But, his resolve is only so strong
He’s naturally loud
His words aren’t that mean, as he saves those for people he thinks deserve them
And you? He would never love a bad person
That doesn’t mean it isn’t hurtful
So… when his voice raises the way it does when he’s talking to an enemy, you freeze
No longer responding
He isn’t how he is with Dazai, not at all
He notices your change the SECOND you stopped
His heart stopped, thinking you’re scared of him!
That’s one of his biggest fears
He needs to you feel safe with him because you are safe
It doesn’t occur to him it’s the argument making you upset, and not him scaring you
You sad eyes look into him
Body vulnerable and shying away
“Hey… I didn’t mean it.”
He isn’t great with apologies, so this is a bit of a shot in the dark for him
And he isn’t sure why you’re quiet, but he hates it
Unless you ask, he won’t leave you alone for a SECOND
“I’m sorry.”
He sorta rambles out a bunch of words
But one string of them sticks out, the last one he says
“I love you.”
That was the first time he said that
He was so scared you feared him, he wanted to confess truth
And that was enough to let you speak again
Alby isn’t exactly… emotionally mature
So when your arguments get truly serious instead of mock and banter, it’s a lot
His colder tone, sharp eyes
He obviously forgets how scary he is
There is a certain growl in the bass of his voice
So, for you it’s no surprise that you can no longer say anything
Words don’t even form
And he melts back into his old self
He walks over to you… and pokes your cheek
Something that always makes you giggle
But no, not even a smile
Internally, he’s freaking out
So, he walks to the kitchen
He gets little note pads and a pen
He asks you to write down anything
How are you feeling?
Is your throat suddenly hurt?
Can you talk, but don’t wanna?
After each, he gives you a cheek kiss
As a sort of reward for communicating
Finally, he picks you up and whisks you to bed
You’ll be okay in the morning, especially with his cuddling
Lippmann is not the type to get into arguments
He is silver tongued and he knows it
It’s quite literally his job at the port mafia
So when you do fight, he’s a bit unhinged
Since the topic has to be very specific or important
If he knows one thing, it’s how to interpret words
Loads of different types of speaking, tone, speed
He’s a master of speech
So silence?
He is confused
How is he supposed to work with this?
And that makes him realize, “I shouldn’t think of my love as another port mafia case. I need to be genuine”
And his real talent comes out
He gives you time
Before simply pulling you with him to the couch
He puts on a movie, and turns the cold silence to something comfortable and warm
What a guy
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Some assorted Smallville headcanons from some of my assorted WIPs for Plot Bunny. They did not specify which WIP they preferred, so I just picked a bunch of different ones and went from there! 
Smallville does not approve of Clark Kent’s parenting style: Smallville is a tight-knit, proud little community where everyone looks out for each other that is full of people who want to continue living in a tight-knit, proud little community where everyone looks out for each other. The population at large still considers Clark one of their temporarily-displaced own and were therefore very willing to pretend to believe the “cousin” story when “Conner” showed up–right up until they found out it was NOT a story meant to help Clark’s displaced kid he’d just found out about settle into the Kent family in a low-pressure environment while he got over whatever obvious trauma had happened to him. Now? Now there are pitchforks being sharpened and torches being lit. CLARK JOSEPH KENT, YOUR HOMETOWN IS NOT MAD, JUST DISAPPOINTED. 
Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids: Smallville is pretty sure Jonathan and Martha did NOT get this emotionally-fraught teen mom and her weird but adorable little baby from any actual adoption agency, Norwegian or not, but what’s a little illegal immigration and identity fraud between neighbors? None of THEIR business, no sir. Especially not if any strangers ever show up in town asking QUESTIONS. 
Jon and Martha, professional soulparents: Oh Jon and Martha absolutely will be clearing out the attic to make Conner a bedroom the absolute SECOND they get back to Smallville. And also being heartbroken about Clark, obviously. Everyone in Smallville is going to cry on them when they hear about Conner and be both very sad and very happy for them. And then they’re all gonna be Weird About Conner, who isn’t gonna know how to talk to ANY of them. He’s gonna get his cheek pinched by so, so many old ladies and SO many manly back-claps and it’s gonna be a pain controlling his TTK enough to actually let people do it. Meanwhile, everyone in Smallville, internally: oh he’s exactly as weird as Clark was when he first showed up, noted. Jfc, Jon and Martha, AGAIN?? WHERE DO YOU EVEN FIND THESE KIDS. 
Kon is too trans for this pregnancy shit: No one in Smallville knew a thing about Kon’s physical sex, so they’re all gonna be VERY surprised very soon, but also Smallville in general is gonna take that whole reveal like CHAMPS and just roll with it, even if it might require some people having some Talks With Their Kids And/Or Slightly Bigoted Relatives. Like, there will be a few assholes and a few over-inquisitive weirdos around, because nowhere is a monolith, but overall Smallville is gonna roll with it and be chill about it while ALSO being incredibly out of touch with the up-to-date terminology/language and having very little grasp of the minutiae of queerness in general ( aside from a couple of very quiet people who are gonna feel a WAY about finding out that Conner Kent is trans and went completely unclocked all this time, and seeing how most of the town’s taking finding out really well, and does that maybe mean . . . ). 
the one where Kon isn’t the father: Smallville has politely not asked any questions about Tim aside from if he wanted a baby shower or not, but also ALL of Smallville knows Tim was Conner’s “boyfriend” and Kyra is “his” daughter. That’s just gossip-by-osmosis that all of Smallville knows. A lot of casseroles and crocheted things and quilts have happened to the Kent household since Tim showed up pregnant and traumatized. And baby stuff donations. And babysitting offers. And general helpfulness in general. People weren’t necessarily close to Kon, but a lot of people felt very bad about what HAPPENED to Kon, especially after finding out about Kyra. Not that any of them actually KNOW what actually happened to Kon or the truth about Kyra, but that’s a clone of a different gene donor, okay?? OKAY.
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emo-batboy · 1 year
thoughts on battinson with his like seven kids and they have to suffer through everyone wanting to fuck him cause have you seen him??
Alright so this response kinda works in a competely separate realm of canon than what I usually post. I’m gonna preface that right now, but BOY do I have thoughts :D
So when I think of Battinson and his (non)accidental orphan acquisition, I see Battinson as being on a much more even playing field emotionally than most other iterations. He’s not really as stoic and put-together, so having kids (especially multiple) would cause a LOT more chaos and drama. So in this case, I like to think that it happens at a very rapid rate. (Again, I’m saying this because this require straying from the film’s canon to a much larger degree than I usually do.) SO by the time he’s 32, he has an 11yo Dick, a 9yo Jason, and an 8yo Tim. And they probably grow with him much like teen parents do with their kids. He’s not as authoritative as most parents. Instead, he starts out as like half older brother, half dad, then graduates to the roll of batdad after his whole vengeance era.
Dick, older brother and the leader of the “Save Dad and Our Childhood Innocence” brigade teaches the three everything there is to know. He is the most experienced with these awful public events like galas and charity auctions, so he is in control.
And it is SO much easier to get the creepy suitors to back off when they work as a team
Dick talks everyone’s ears off. He’s the golden boy (getting perfect grades and gold medals in his school’s gymnastics team) so he EASILY gets away with distracting people
Dick will insert himself into adult conversations all the time, and Bruce always lets him, which allows Jason and Tim to wreak havoc on whatever target they chose.
Whenever it isn’t too obvious or it’s late enough in the night, Jason will fake a cold or a headache sometimes (he’s prone to falling sick) and Bruce will insist that he take his kid home and tuck him into bed himself, very fatherly
Tim uses his Youngest Child points to woo the nicer ones and direct them away from Bruce, but it doesn’t usually works on the gold diggers (and thank god because Tim HATES acting cute) so he’ll use it on Bruce instead
When those three plans don’t work, the three gremlins start getting Creative TM
Jason, taking a swig from some wine glass and proceeding to spray it all over Vicky Vale’s white dress: “This isn’t grape juice!”
Tim, resident iPad kid and (despite popular belief) The Most Evil of the Three, sees some lady touching his batdad so he finds her phone number on an online directory and prank calls her every time she gets too close
Suitor: “Your father is very handsome.” Dick: “My father’s dead :(” “…” “Oh wait, you mean Bruce! Yeah, he’s nice.”
One lady starts hanging off of Bruce, but he needs to run off to say hello to an investor. Jason appears from nowhere in his dapper little tux and the lady just says, “So uhh, you like the Wiggles, right?” Jason: “Nope! Have you ever read Crime and Punishment? :)”
Dick “accidentally” slaps some obnoxious guests with his wild hand gestures “Oh no! I’m so sorry :(( Let me get you an ice pack” and pulls them away while the other two hide their laughter
One of the ladies who is WAY too comfortable and forward when flirting with Bruce is forced to sit down with Tim and he goes in head first “what are you doing with my dad?” “oh you know what adults do, honey. Messing around, having fun” and he’s like “well My dad doesn’t look interested” “of course he is! who knows? Maybe we’ll hit it off and make another one of you one day” which gives Tim intense psychic damage, but he’s a horrible little brat so he doesn’t give up. He hits her with the innocent doe eyes and asks in the cutest fucking voice “Where do babies come from?” she BOOKS IT (they never see her again)
Anyway, to answer your question: they are little terrors. and Bruce knows they’re little terrors, but he doesn’t care because he hates the creepy attention even more than they do, but this way it comes with a show :D
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
I don’t remember everything I was thinking about yesterday but I’ll try to tell you based on what I do remember. (Still the idea person by the way I hope you recognize me)
So Val, now that I’ve shared how I think Vox might act with the reader and how he’d first start liking them it’s Val’s turn.
I think Val’s motivation isn’t just alastor and I’m sure everyone would agree he keeps an eye on alastor for Vox but his motivation is to control angel dust.
If angel dust isn’t behaving or properly isn’t following Val in the studio I’m sure Val would use whatever information he has on the reader to keep angel dust in line. Now I’m not saying he’d directly threaten to hurt the reader because god forbid alastor finds out but I think Angel would keep the details of his occupation from the reader, and when Val finds out he’d threaten to maybe tell them, even if he can’t. Angel doesn’t want the readers thoughts on him changing so he naturally continues to obey Val.
I think the vast majority of the people in the hotel kinda infantilizes the reader, knowingly or not, it’s hard not to when they’re a teen/young adult who obviously isn’t as immoral as most sinners. And I’m sure that’s where it starts for Val, he works with the most disgusting people in hell, and because of how messed up the people around him is his conception on a normal person changed. He knows objectively the people around him aren’t normal, but when you’re in hell sickos are normal, finding kind people is like finding a nail in a haystack, it’s so rare. I imagine him starting to be interested in the reader in a cosmetic sense, the same reason why people here want expensive or rare breeds of animal.
He doesn’t care for the reader, he just likes the idea of having something rare. But he also notices Vox, and to me Vox starts obsessing before Val. Val is clearly confused, usually they agree with most things, what makes the reader so different? And why doesn’t Vox like them for cosmetic reasons? Why is Vox so interested in the things they like?
Now I think you finished the season but for those who didn’t, spoilers for episode 6.
Let’s imagine the reader also ended up going to the party (assuming they’re at least 18 and the others didn’t prevent them/ the reader didn’t insist on staying in the hotel). They’re stuck with Husk for obvious reason, but they’re clearly tuned out, in their own little world. Even when the others interact with them they’re still not fully there. And it clicks, Vox must have figured out what’s going on in that brain of theirs, and it must be the reason why he was so drawn to them. And now he wants to figure out what it is. (I typed this way too fast and even when I re read it I’m dyslexic so I might have still made a typo. Thanks for reading)
This is exactly how I imagined Val, he doesn't seem like someone to care about anyone other than himself, so his obsession with reader doesn't come from a place of admiration more from a place of possessiveness. He sees reader as something to own, something to flaunt in front of the other Overlords.
Reading this reminded me of a scenario I had in mind where reader figures out what Angel does for work and Angel begs reader to stay away from Val. He wouldn't know what to do with himself if Val got to you, and it's even more angsty when he's already dealing with Val's threats. Because of this Angel gets incredible protective over reader, keeping an eye on them at all time. And while he doesn't want to be like Val, controlling and possessive, he wants to make sure you're safe.
So when Val starts showing an interest in reader, starts asking things about you, like what you do for fun and why you spend so much time at the hotel, it scares him, because out of everyone Angel knows what Val could do to you.
Val himself doesn't get why the other overlords, especially Vox care about you so much. Yeah you're not like the other beings in Hell, but who gives a shit about your hobbies, your wants or dreams. It would take him a while to understand why the other Vee's are so obsessed with you, and even then Val's obsession if never for the same reason.
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tryingtofindava · 4 months
𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭*ೃ༄
tw: FEM READER!! And it talks about… well… smut.
: ̗̀➛Back to source
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A = Aftercare
(what they’re like after sex…)
Because of his CIPA he probably won’t be able to feel the affects it had on his body, so if you yourself aren’t too tired out��
You’ll probably convince him the two of you can take a cold shower to get his body heat back to normal. (which may or may not result in a round 2…)
Other then that he’s making sure your comfy and cozy, and the two of you will probably just snuggle the rest of the night or day.
B = Body part
(their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners…)
His favourite body part on himself is his hands, not only because they’re pretty, but he’s got long slender fingers. Not only that, but he knows how to use them.
His favourite part on you (other than your face) is your thighs, he likes smooshing his face against them.
C = Cum
(anything to do with cum…)
If you’re on the pill he’s 100% giving you a creampie.
But if you’re not, he’s either doing it on your stomach, or tits. He ain’t wanting kids. (for more then one reason)
D = Dirty Secret
(its self explanatory…)
Not really a secret since you DEFINITELY know about it, but…
In his dresser drawer he’s has about 6 pairs of your panties. You discovered it when you remembered he had cough sweeties in his drawer and accidentally found them…
Best to just shut the drawer and pretend you never saw them in the first place. Or tease him about it. At least you know were your missing panties are now…
E = Experience
(how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
You’re his second girlfriend ever. The first being Natalie. And the furthest they got in their relationship was kissing and cuddling, so he’s got them down.
So you were his first time, though he’s not the most experienced out there… He’s a quick learner AND he definitely makes up for it with enthusiasm.
F = Favorite positions
(take a wild guess…)
Toby’s top 5 favourite positions not in order!!
1) leap frog
2) cow girl
3) face off
4) ballet dancer
5) missionary
Though he is up to try any position once (maybe more if he REALLY likes it), these are just his go to.
G = Goofy
(are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc…)
He tries to take it as seriously as possible, because you are willing to do something so intimate with him? Of all people??
Though he can’t help but make at least one joke each sesh.
H = Hair
(how well groomed are they?)
He’s not shaven clean, but he hasn’t got a bush either. Too much hair makes him feel icky. But he doesn’t have to shave often, Toby isn’t an overly hairy guy like Tim.
He’s got a patch of hair on his chin, armpits, and legs and arms. And his happy trail is top tier ¬‿¬
I = Intimacy
(how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect…)
Depends on his mood tbh, if it’s been a good day he’ll be extra romantic and sweet, praising you and how good you are. But if it’s a bad day, he’ll be rough to get his frustrations out.
J = Jack off
(masturbation headcanon…)
He doesn’t do it as often as ppl think, though he still acts like a horny teen. At least jerks off two times a week sometimes more if he’s had a rough day. And he’d be a liar if he said he hasn’t jerked off with your panties.
K = Kink
(one or more of their kinks…)
Praise is a big one for him, he’s more of a giver, but likes receiving it as well. Tell him how good he’s making you feel, he’ll cum 10x faster.
And although he’s likes to praise you, he likes to degrade you too. But only a little.
Mommy kink? Maybeeeeee… Depends if you’re topping or not.
Marking: He’s a total slut for giving you hickeys, he likes putting them in the most obvious places for people to see. Double points if you don’t bother covering them up.
Dry humping. Don’t be shy, hop on his thigh and get to work.
He accidentally discovered his Voyeurism kink when he walked in on you masturbating. He didn’t mean to just stand there and watch… it’s just… you were too pretty to look away.
Mans loves some bondage, tying up your hands and legs is just the chefs kiss to him.
L = Location
(favorite places to do the deed…)
Up against the wall, the bed, in the woods… he’s fine with doing it anywhere. It gives him a certain thrill doing it places were you could easily get caught.
But he does prefer doing it in secluded places like the bedroom, or in the shower. Rather than in public. In his mind, getting caught in public = having to stop sooner.
M = Motivation
(what turns them on, gets them going…)
Baby can pop a boner easily… You could be doing the simplest thing, stretching? Boner. Cleaning? Boner. Just talk to him In general? BONER ALERT!!!
And when he’s deep in you, and you’re making just the cutest little whimpers and moans? He’s not gonna stop as long as you keep that up.
N = Nuh uh
(something they wouldn't do, turn offs…)
Pls do not call him daddy, it makes him feel weird. And he’s not into spanking. No matter how much you say it’s okay. He doesn’t see what’s so enticing and sexy about hitting or harming a loved one.
O = Oral
(preference in giving or receiving…)
It’s 50/50 with him.
On one hand, he likes going down on you. Eating away at your messy cunt. AND WHEN HE DOES…
God does it feel good, he’s got snake bites and a tongue piercing. Feeling the metal studs against your heat is just automatically orgasmic.
“F-fuuckk, I-I think s-she luh-likes me.”
If you cum fast on his face it deffo gives him an ego boost… FEED HIS EGO!!
But he also loves when you’re sucking him off. Your pretty lips wrapped around him… how couldn’t he love it?
“Y-you can t-take wayyy more t-then that.”
He’ll stroke your hair, as he tries his best to refrain from head pushing. He’d hate if he accidentally harmed his good girl…
Р = Расе
(are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
He’ll start off slow, letting you adjust. But as time goes on he’ll just work himself up and hammer into you at an unbelievable speed.
Q = Quickie
(their opinions on quickies, how often they may occur…)
He prefers longer sessions so he can please the both of you. But, if he’s desperate… and you guys got places to be… It wouldn’t hurt rutting into you, right?
R = Risk
(are they game to experiment? do they take risks?)
Barebacking. Toby claims that wearing a condom is suffocating. Even though he can’t feel things like that… Good thing he doesn’t have a weak pull out game.
Public sex. He has a weird fantasy that he doesn’t stop, even when he hears someone coming. A part of him wants to make the poor person who stumbled upon you two watch as he fills you up.
S = Stamina
(how many rounds can they go for/how long do they last?)
He’s got a super high libido, and can last about 3 rounds in bed, and at least 2 rounds in the shower afterwards.
And that’s only if he isn’t putting in his best effort…
T = Toys
(do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or on themselves?)
He doesn’t have any for himself, but he has a small white vibrator he uses to tease your clit and nipples.
U = Unfair
(how much they like to tease? And can they handle teasing?)
He can only tease you for a little bit before he gets too desperate and has to take you the second it gets a little too much.
He himself can also be teased for so long… Before he takes matters into his own hands, and you teasing completely backfires on yourself.
V = Volume
(how vocal are they doing the deed...)
As he’s snapping his hips to yours, he’s babbling some random shit.
“S-so t-tight!”
“God… y-you love i-it like th-this, don’t cha?”
“Shit! Y-you’re c-clenc-ching!”
Half the time you can’t even make out what he’s saying. Other than that he just grunts and groans. ALMOST growling.
W = Waking up afterwards
(how they are after waking up)
Though he can’t feel it, his muscles are slightly sore from pushing himself a bit too hard.
Besides that he’s gonna make sure you’re okay after the whole thing. And if you don’t wake up, he’ll just opt to fall back asleep snuggling into your chest.
X = X-ray
(let's see what's going on under those clothes(¬‿¬))
A surprising 6 inch, though not that girthy. Makes up for it in hitting ALL the right places. The tip gets redder depending on how worked up he is, leaning slightly to the left. With a vain running up it’s right side.
Y = Yearning
(how high is their sex drive?)
Bro is ABUSING The Operator strength, he can last for god knows how long. Without any breaks. He can go at it with you like a rabbit in heat.
Z = Zzz
(how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He won’t fall asleep until he knows you’re completely comfortable and content with what happened.
He doesn’t mean to be creepy, but he’ll watch you sleep for a while. In case something comes up afterwards.
But once he’s asleep, he’s knocked out cold for the next few hours…
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152 notes · View notes
humanpurposes · 1 year
My Heart Belongs to Daddy part ii, modern!Aemond
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Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist // And if it feels good, then it can't be bad
modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+, smut, daddy kink, spanking, degradation, questionable relationship dynamics, infidelity, mentions of grief/loss, no underage elements
Words: 5900
A/n: Thank you for the love on the first part! Let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming parts or follow me @humanpurposes for updates. Also available to read on AO3.
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The wedding of Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen is turning out to be exhausting and a little overwhelming. It’s been built up for months as the event of the year in King’s Landing, extravagant and scandalous, which describes the family rather well.
Every room in the Red Keep has been booked to accommodate the city’s elite. It’s a beautiful venue, an ancient redbrick castle overlooking the bay, once a home for royalty, now the flagship of a chain of luxury hotels, and the crowning jewel in the Targaryen empire. 
She glances around the ballroom where the guests are mingling while they wait for the arrival of the newlyweds. It doesn’t take her long to spot her mother, martini in hand, making smalltalk with Corlys Velaryon, who just happens to own the largest shipping company this side of the Narrow Sea. Alys Rivers is nothing if not efficient. 
They had been surprised to receive an invitation at all, but then Rhaenyra has always valued appearances above everything else. They had hardly heard from her since Harwin’s funeral, and even then it was funny half-smiles and overcompensating niceties to gloss over the obvious pain in her eyes. That’s the thing about Rhaenyra, you can never really tell what she’s thinking.
She looked other-wordly floating down the aisle in a white satin and lace gown. Her father, Viserys, CEO of Targ Corp and patriarch of the Targaryen dynasty, walked beside her. Maybe it was the lighting in the Sept or the red and black suit, but he looked pale, and his eyes were heavy and tired. Rhaenyra’s step-daughters, Baela and Rhaena, trailed behind them in matching maroon dresses, while the three Strong boys lined up beside Daemon at the altar. A picture perfect family.
She tried not to judge Rhaenyra too harshly for wearing white– damn purity culture and the misogyny that comes with it, but she couldn’t help but think how she preferred the vintage cocktail dress she wore when she married Harwin.
She’d been too young to remember that wedding, but she’d seen the photos enough times. There was one she especially loved, of the bride and groom on the front lawn of Dragonstone, smiling to each other like they had a secret (turns out they did when Jace was born eight months later), while she and Helaena stood in front of them. Their faces were round and chubby, scrunched into the confused frown toddlers make when they’re made to wear pale pink dresses and carry round baskets of rose petals.
Alys fell out with her parents in her mid teens. She always said it was her uncle Lyonel who was there for her, who saw her through to adulthood, who offered her a room when a shitty ex-boyfriend left her with no money and a positive pregnancy test when she was twenty-two. And having no siblings, she said Harwin was more like a brother to her than a cousin.
Losing one of them would have been hard enough, but losing both had been devastating. In a lot of ways it still is.
“Harwin was so dear to us all,” was all Rhaenyra had said to them on the day of the funeral. So dear it took her just over a year to marry her own uncle.
Not that she’s in much of a position to judge.
A large, gentle hand settles on her back and Aemond hands her a flute of champagne. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” 
He means the ballroom. Gold paints the vaulted ceiling and trails down the walls, the pillars and the archways, as sunset bleeds in through the windows. 
“Wouldn’t expect anything less,” she says, trying to hide a grin. 
They’ve managed to avoid each other all day until now. He sat with his siblings at the ceremony, while she and Alys were on a bench at the back of the Sept.
She allows herself a better look at Aemond’s suit; midnight blue, with a subtle floral pattern that would be easy to miss if her eyes were only skimming over it, and a baby blue tie that matches his eyes perfectly. He’s cropped his hair for the occasion too, it’s shorter at the sides but still long enough at the top to run her fingers through, to tug on. He looks beautiful. He always looks beautiful.
His hand stays in place against her back, unassuming but just firm enough to keep her on edge as he leads her further into the hall. “The decor was inspired by Versailles, but the hall itself dates back to the original Keep. You’re into this sort of stuff, aren’t you?”
She doesn’t know why he needs to ask. At this point he knows better than anyone what she’s ‘into’. 
“This used to be the throne room,” she says, nodding to the platform at the end of the hall. “Imagine, the Iron Throne used to sit there and now it’s a stage for fucking a jazz band.”
The corners of his mouth curl into a reserved smile that makes her heart hum. Aemond is rarely one for obnoxious laughter, but then every time she can make him smile it feels like a little victory. It hurts a little too.
They settle at the edge of the room and his hand slips away, but he makes up for it when he leans into her, close enough that she can smell the dark, almost boozy scent of his perfume on his neck. “How are you doing, by the way?”
It’s a question she’s avoided asking herself. She spots Jace, Luke and Joff across the room, sitting down at a table with Aegon, Daeron and another guy she doesn’t recognise. They look happier than she feels, and suddenly she feels ridiculous for wallowing in her own self pity.
She shrugs. “Alright I think.”
Aemond’s face is somewhere between a frown and amusement, the face that means I can see right through you.
She shifts on her feet, looking for something else to focus on.
Larys Strong, she notices, is standing by the bar. They had run into him at the Sept, and though they’d definitely made eye contact, he made no attempt at conversation. He keeps his head low, only looking up to glare at Alys.
“Gods that man’s pathetic,” Aemond mutters, following her line of sight. “Not still upset about Harrenhal, is he?”
“Considering mum took half his clients when she left, I’d say yes. He’s always been good at holding grudges, creepy uncle Larys.” Harwin’s brother, director of what used to be King’s Landing’s most successful PR firm, recently overtaken by Rivers PR.
“Shouldn’t that be ‘creepy second cousin Larys’?” Aemond says with a little smirk.
“My version has better ring to it, rolls off the tongue easier.”
A hand suddenly slaps her shoulder and she nearly drops her glass. Aemond quickly takes it from her as Viserys Targaryen pulls her into a stiff embrace and makes a grand exclamation about love and family that she forgets to pay attention to.
She’s a little bewildered but manages to smile. “Good to see you again, Mr Targaryen,” she says. As she pulls away she catches the eye of the woman standing over his shoulder. Alicent Hightower has donned her usual shade of dark green in a velvet dress that compliments her auburn hair and elaborate gold jewellery perfectly. She has a particularly sour look on her face this evening.
“How are you, love?” Viserys asks. “Doing well I hope?”
A thousand thoughts flood her head, but she can already see the interest dying in his eyes. So she just nods.
“How is school, you’re still at school, aren’t you?”
“She’s at the university, dear” Alicent corrects him, “final year, yes?” Her lips thin as her eyes finally spares a glance for her son. “Two years behind Aemond.” 
Mother and son exchange a vacant look.
“Yes,” she says, making her best attempt at Alys’ networking voice, “I study History–”
“Excellent! Well wonderful to catch up, and good to see you too, son.”
Aemond nods in acknowledgement as his parents move away to offer a similarly shallow greeting to the next group of guests. His breath tickles over her neck as he sighs. At least Rhaenyra tries to act friendly. 
“I’m sorry–” she blurts it out, not really sure why she assumes it’s her fault.
He smiles. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
There’s an uneasy feeling of guilt settling in her stomach. She knew Aemond wasn’t on the best of terms with his parents, but she hadn’t realised it had gotten to a point where they would hardly even look at him.
Her fingertips brush over his as he hands her back the glass.
She watches his eyes as they start to skim over her lavender summer dress, the thin straps running over her shoulders, the dainty gold necklace on her neck and the gathering of silky fabric at her bust. 
“You look lovely by the way,” he says.
For a moment she forgets how to breathe. Maybe she should be used to his compliments and praises by now, but it still makes her nervous. “For a lovely occasion,” she says, taking a tentative sip.
“Not a fan of weddings?”
“Not overly fond. This…” he briefly sweeps his gaze around the room, at the endless arrangements of orchids and roses, the crystal centrepieces on the tables and the perfect smiles that are just a little too forced. “It’s all very pretentious.”
“I would have thought you like that, all the pomp and ceremony.”
He huffs a laugh as he takes her glass and casually brings it to his lips. “Call it a combination of circumstances.” He keeps his eyes on her as he tips the glass back. 
She does the same, admiring the sharp features of his face, his jaw, his chin, his neck and the way it bobs when he swallows.
He “tsks” at the dryness of the champagne and hands her back the glass. “Things with my family have never been straightforward.”
But even less so over the last year, she imagines. For most of her life, the Targaryens existed at a distance. She and Alys used to see more of the Strongs– Harwin, Rhaenyra and the boys– for birthdays, the occasional family dinner and that summer they joined them at Dragonstone. But that was before things really started to get messy, before the lawsuits and the infighting.
None of it is helped by the fact that Viserys and Alicent despise Alys. They think she’s an opportunist, desperate for some profitable connections, stealing away their golden boy. She knows her mother better than that. Alys is less of an opportunist, more of a pragmatist, and to her credit she doesn’t pretend to be oblivious to the benefits of dating the son of the wealthiest man in Westeros. 
She likes to think Aemond’s more than that though. A little less entitled than Rhaenyra, and certainly more motivated than Aegon, but brilliant in his own ways. He has a first class degree in International Relations from the University of Oldtown, a quiet but mysterious public persona, with a Hightower work ethic and an understated confidence, usually wrapped up in a Prada suit or a vintage leather jacket. 
She finishes her drink before she asks, “have you spoken to Jace and Luke yet?”
His face darkens. Another point of conflict. Aemond had a falling out with the Strong boys when they were kids, something to do with inappropriate use of a kitchen knife on Luke’s part, resulting in the scar slicing down the left side of Aemond’s face. By some miracle it managed to spare his eye.
“Might be worth saying ‘hello’ at least?” She suggests.
He glances over at their table with his lips pressed together, rubbing his thumb over his index finger.
Before she knows it her hand is on his bicep, stroking her thumb over the fabric of his suit. It’s her usual reaction when she notices he’s anxious.
His eyes meet hers. His nostrils flare as he takes a deep inhale. “Maybe later,” he mutters.
A rush of cheers and applause announces the arrival of the bride and groom. Rhaenyra has changed from the elaborate gown she wore to the Sept to a black slip dress, with rows and rows of diamonds dripping from her neck. They make their way to the high table and the guests begin to settle at the round tables around the hall. She doesn’t look back to Aemond before she heads for Jace and the others.
Jace is in his first year at KLU studying politics. It’s a small campus and she often sees him hanging around the humanities block or in the library. Understandably he’s not been himself these last few months.
“Alright?” he says brightly, pulling her into the first genuine hug she’s received all day.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “You?”
Jace seemed so much younger a year ago. All three of the Strongs seem to have grown up far too quickly. “It’s just been… things have changed so quickly.” He runs his fingers through his dark curls, grown down to his shoulders, she notices. “I just miss him, you know?”
 She offers him a bittersweet smile. “Yeah, of course.”
“But Daemon’s great. He makes mum happy. That’s what matters most.”
She sits between Aegon and the other guy at the table and realises she vaguely recognises him. He looks older than Jace, with dark hair, surprisingly sleek stubble and silver direwolf cufflinks on his sleeves.
The dinner is infuriatingly exquisite; seared tuna, steak that almost melts in her mouth, followed by a raspberry and rose pastry and a lemon posset topped with purple primrose petals. It’s all pretentious and so very Targaryen.
Her eyes keep wandering. There’s a haunting kind of beauty about watching Daemon and Rhaenyra. They keep their fingers intertwined and share smug, knowing glances. They fit perfectly together, despite the taboo of it all.
Alys and Aemond are at a table with the Velaryons and Aemond’s sister, Helaena and her girlfriend. Alys keeps a hand over Aemond’s as she talks to Rhaenys and Corlys about some (no doubt dull) business venture, but she’ll make it sound brilliant. Her skills of persuasion are second to none.
She had half expected Aemond to follow her, but that was a stupid expectation, wasn’t it? She’s enough to fuck behind closed doors, not enough to sit beside at a wedding dinner.
She needs to stop getting her hopes up. She needs to stop looking for more from him because she’s only setting herself up for failure. But that’s just the problem, she wants to cling to every look, every hand against her back, every whisper in her ear, and convince herself that, whatever this is, that it’s for something more than just carnal desire.
She often finds herself wondering if Alys really loves Aemond. It started off as a casual thing, from what she could gather without wanting to know the details. Alys would go on these overnight ‘work trips’, which she suspected were really dates.
Her suspicions were confirmed when she came downstairs one morning to find Aemond Targaryen in the kitchen, leaning over the island and sipping an espresso. That was after his last fight with Alicent and Viserys. He had been planning to retreat to Aegon’s, but ended up spending the night with Alys instead.
She watches Aemond, running a slender finger over his fork, his eyes moving sceptically around the room, until they settle on her.
He smirks, and then he turns to strike up a conversation with his sister. 
Alys certainly likes him enough to get him involved in Rivers PR, to let him live in their house and sleep in her bed.
What does he get out of it, she wonders?
“Got your eye on someone?” 
The unfamiliar voice snaps her out of her trance. The boy with black hair is leaning into her.
She glances down at his cufflinks. “Stark?” She guesses.
“Cregan. My dad’s an old mate of Viserys’.”
He’s a politics student too, a classmate of Jace’s and captain of the KLU rugby team with the muscles to prove it. She recognises him a little better as they talk; he was at Baela’s Halloween party last year, though they hadn’t spoken then.
Jace shoots her a quick wink from across the table and inclines his head ever so slightly towards Cregan. She swears under her breath and rolls her eyes at him. Gods, as if she needs help from her cousin to get laid. 
It’s Aegon who starts ordering rounds of shots. She tries to stick to champagne at first, until she looks across the room again. Aemond leans into Alys, as though he might kiss her, but she turns her head and his lips settle on her cheek.
After seeing that, she reaches for the tequila, met with cheering from Aegon and Daeron. 
Daemon and Rhaenyra take to the floor and sway to a dreamy number played by the jazz band. Rhaenyra soon takes Helaena by the hand and Daemon grabs his girls to join them on the dancefloor.
She smiles as she watches them all, Rhaenyra and Helaena spinning around each other, Baela and Rhaena giggling at Daemon’s smooth moves that come straight from a 50s movie.
“I feel like we should go up,” Jace says. 
Luke starts to groan but Joffrey is already up  and dragging his brothers with him.
Aegon turns to her in his seat. The oldest of the Targaryen Hightower siblings and undisputedly the messiest, but she had found him the most approachable that Summer at Dragonstone. “What do you say, kid?”
How could she say no to that sly, self-assured grin and those puppy dog eyes? They’re a little duller than Aemond’s, closer to grey than blue. She lets him lead her to the dance floor. 
As she and Aegon sway to the charming brass and bass, she wonders if Aemond is watching them. She doesn’t want to give him the satisfaction of checking. Not just yet.
Aegon leans into her ear. She ignores the sour, bitter smell of alcohol on his breath. “How is Aemond?”
It takes her off guard. She finds herself a little perplexed, eyebrows raised and lips parted as she tries to think of an answer that won’t seem suspicious.
But having to think about it at all must be incriminating.
Does Aegon know? If he did know, why would he want to bring it up?
“Good, as far as I’m aware.”
Her internal crisis seems to evade his attention. His eyes move between the space over her shoulder and the floor as he gnaws slightly on his lip. “Look, I know this isn’t your problem, but I just worry about him.”
Aegon Targaryen, worried about his brother?
“He said things were difficult lately.”
“Gods yeah, things have been tense with dad trying to sort out his will. Mum and Rhaenyra have been at each other’s throats, then there’s granddad trying to get something out of it all. It’s a fucking mess.” 
Realistically she doesn’t know him that well, but between their few interactions and what she’s heard from Jace and Luke, Aegon is easy to understand. It’s strange seeing him so concerned, about anything really.
He sighs heavily. “Then Aemond went and completely fucked up a contract with Storm’s End and mum was livid.”
“That’s it? They fell out over a work issue?”
“She needed it. She’s really pushing for Aemond to take over from dad, because Gods know once Rhaenyra’s in charge she’s not letting the Hightowers get a fucking look in.”
“What about you?”
“Me? I’m the designated disaster child, no one expects anything from me. Aemond’s always been perfect. And now he isn’t.”
It would explain the dramatics of it all.
“Are they happy? Him and Alys?”
She’s not sure how she should know, or what the criteria for ‘happy’ would even be.
“They must be. I don’t see why he would stick around otherwise.”
Aegon’s lips flash into a crooked smile that disappears as quickly as it comes. “I think he wanted to get out. I said he could come live with me, hells, he could afford his own place.”
“So why doesn’t he? Get his own place, I mean.”
“He likes the distraction, something to get him away from Targ Corp, and the rest of us, I suppose. I think he needed an escape.”
The pace of the music picks up in a flourish and Aegon spins her under his arm. Aemond is looking at them.
At some point in the night, the band is swapped for a playlist of songs everyone knows the words to, and closer to midnight the hall becomes a haze of thumping bass and sparse bursts of red and green lights. She loses count of the number of cocktails she’s had, all she knows is her mind is buzzing blissfully. She feels happy and careless, but one drink away from a nasty hangover in the morning.
Aemond is still at his table, sipping a glass of what she guesses is whisky. He loves an old fashioned, if they’re out for dinner or if he makes it himself at home. He talks to Rhaenys and Corlys, and has a brief exchange with Daemon and Rhaenyra when they come over to him, but other than that he just sits and watches her.
She’s not sure how she ended up dancing with Cregan. He wraps a large, muscular arm around her waist and holds her close against him. 
He brings his lips to the shell of her ear, shamelessly letting them brush against her skin. It feels nice. “Sure you’ve not got your eye on anyone?”
She smiles even though he can’t see her face. “Why is it important?”
“I’m trying to figure out what my chances are here,” he says as his mouth moves along her cheek.
She giggles as she pulls away from him. “You’re lovely,” she says.
A hand lands firm on her shoulder. She recognises his perfume and a cool steel ring against her skin.
She turns into Aemond and puts her hands on his chest. “Are you going to dance with me?” 
Aemond holds her wrists and leans into her so that she can hear him over the music. “I think you look tired.”
“I don’t feel tired. Where’s Alys?”
He cocks an eyebrow like he’s irritated she would ask. “She went to bed an hour ago.” Then his mouth curls into a smug pout. “Do you want me to take you upstairs?”
He starts to stroke his thumbs over her hands and his eyes, though hard to make out through the darkness, are fixed on hers. She can’t quite catch her breath. “Yeah, I do.”
They don’t speak as they head up. Her room is on the third floor, and they could take the lift but a few other guests have had the same idea. Quicker and quieter to take the stairs.
Occasionally her hand brushes against the sleeve of his suit but he doesn’t react. She listens to his breath, heavy and pointed, and imagines he might want to say something but keeps deciding against it.
They reach the hall on the third floor, lined with mahogany panelling, vintage gold lamp shades mounted on the walls and patterns of dragons swirling in the red carpet. It’s empty, so she weaves her arm through his. 
Aemond holds her arm tight. “Had a nice time?”
It was nice to see her Strong cousins. It was nice to chat to Baela, and get to know Rhaena a little better. It was nice to dance with Cregan and to know Aegon cares about his brother.
“Yeah,” she sighs, letting her head drop against his shoulder. “You?”
Aemond starts to tell her about a conversation he had with Corlys about some new customs regulations that could screw over his company. She likes to watch him when he’s explaining something, how he moves his hand around, how he tilts his chin up and presses his lips together when he’s thinking.
When they come to her door she drags herself away from him and swipes her keycard over the lock. The door is heavy and Aemond reaches over her to prop it open as he follows her inside. 
He switches on the low lights and hovers by the door to the ensuite, muttering about tariffs while she slips off her heels and places her jewellery on the vanity.
He looks deliciously casual and self-assured, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets, the warm lights dancing over his cheekbones and the shape of his nose. “...they just can’t compete with the Triarchy, not to mention the extra costs…”
His eyes drift to where she stands. They stare at each other for a moment. The silence is screaming at her.
“Who was the guy you were dancing with?” He asks.
“Friend of Jace’s. He studies politics.”
Aemond hums and smiles to himself. “Looked like the two of you were getting on very well.”
She could point out his poorly placed frustration and that their entire involvement revolves around someone else.
“Is that why you came over?”
He’s still smiling but there’s an intensity to his stare. He puffs his chest a little as he takes a slow breath. He taps his fingers three times against the wall. “Did you like him?”
Restraint is one of Aemond’s most defining traits, she thinks, everything about him is meticulously planned, and every decision is a considered one. Restraint is also his downfall in some cases. He rarely raises his voice or gives into his impulses, but he tries too hard to hold back and craft his perfect image. It excites her whenever she sees the cracks and inconsistencies in him. They feel sacred, another secret she gets to keep.
She takes a few slow steps towards him, until she can smell his perfume again. “I might have done.”
“Might,” he echoes. “If it weren’t for what?”
She tilts her head. His eyes are soft and his lips are parted. She holds the scarred side of his face in her hand and kisses him. She intends it to be slow and reassuring but it’s too easy to get lost in him. She presses herself into him and caresses the back of his neck and she deepens the kiss.
Until his other hand cups her head, lightly pushing her away. “I should go back to the party,” he whispers. 
He takes a breath through his nose.
“Stay with me for a little while,” she says, nudging her forehead against his. “I need you.”
His face starts to light up, a familiar playfulness in the curl of his mouth. “Need me?”
She trails her fingertips down his shirt, tracing over his chest and the ridges of his abs, dangerously close to his belt. “Aemond, please.”
He walks forward and she stumbles with him until her back is against the opposite wall. He grips her chin between his fingers, forcing her to look up at him. “Try again, sweetheart.” His voice is low and it makes her feel weightless.
“Please, daddy,” she whispers. 
He half growls a “hmm” before he pulls her into him to claim her mouth. His kiss is firm, slow and hungry. She was right about the whisky. She can taste it on his tongue and feel it tingling on her lips.
His knee slides under her dress, between her thighs, and pushes up. She gasps at the pressure and starts to rut her hips against him.
“You’re so eager,” he hisses, “what a desperate little slut I’ve made out of you.”
His hands slip under her thighs to carry her to the edge of the bed. He’s careful as he draws her dress over her head and lays it out over the armchair by the window.
He leans over her, laying her down, working lips, tongue and hands over every inch of her bare body. He starts by kissing her neck, sucking at the soft spot that always makes her melt. His hands run over her collar to her breasts, kneading and pinching her nipples between his fingers. Then he goes lower, planting a trail of kisses down the valley that leads to her waist and her stomach. Usually he likes to drag this out, treat her to divine torture until she had to beg, but tonight he is urgent, no less desperate than she is.
His hands run down her thighs, skimming one moment and squeezing the next. And then she feels his lips against her panties.
“Oh you do need me, don’t you?” He teases. “You’re already so wet for me, baby.”
She writhes against his mouth, desperate for just a little more friction. “Oh fuck, please, daddy, just–”
“Not yet.” He stands over her, slips off his suit jacket and starts to roll the sleeves of his shirt, exposing the pale skin of his forearms. “I’m going to take care of this pretty pussy, but first you’re going to tell me why the fuck you thought you could flirt with Stark, right in front of me.”
She gazes up at him. His expression is stern and intense, and she finds it thrilling.
He pulls her to her feet and takes her place sitting at the edge of the bed, running his hands over the silky fabric covering his thighs. 
“Come here,” he orders, taking her hand and guiding her to drape herself over his lap. She can feel the bulge in his pants pressing into her stomach.
He’s gentle at first, stroking his palm over her ass, toying with different pressures and patterns.
The first slap is gentle. 
“How many– ah!”
The second slap is harsher and she groans at the sting it leaves behind.
“You’re gonna take what I give you,” he says, stroking softly again while his other hand rests on her neck. “We’re done when I say we’re done.” Slap. “Understood?”
“Fuck!” She gasps, “yes, daddy.”
“Hmm, that’s my good little girl,” he says, running his other hand through her hair. It’s comforting, lulling her into compliance. “Now, have you got an answer for me?”
“I wasn’t trying to flirt,” she utters.
Her answer is met with a few succinct blows. She doesn’t care to count them. She breathes through it, focusing on the burn and controlling her reactions to it. She tries to keep her hips still, but she can feel her pussy throbbing and her arousal dripping between her legs.
“Don’t play dumb with me,” Aemond warns. “You’re smarter than that, baby, I know you are.”
He switches between tenderness and pain so easily. Every time she feels his hand against her flushed skin her belly tightens and she starts to shiver, never quite sure what to expect.
“Do you know what I think?” He asks, slipping finger underneath her panties, circling through the wetness and the sensitive flesh of her pussy. “I think you’re just a needy little whore, desperate for my attention. But it’s okay baby, I know you can’t help it, right?”
She can’t help the broken whimper that escapes her throat as he inches closer to where she needs him most, or the cry that comes when he withdraws his touch delivers another stinging slap.
“Shh, baby,” Aemond coos, “I know it hurts but I need you to know you’re mine,” a point he emphasises with another few strikes that have her squealing and squirming over his lap. 
“I’m yours,” she mewls.
Slap. “Say it again.”
“I’m yours, daddy!” She cries, “only yours.”
He strokes his palm over her again and she grips the duvet, expecting another slap. Instead, he curls his fingers over the hem of her panties and slowly drags them down over her thighs. “I’m going to take care of you, baby,” he says, planting a kiss at the base of her neck, “just like I always do.”
Unable to form a response, she nods absentmindedly. The anticipation is driving her crazy but she trusts him completely.
He positions her with her back on the bed again, and kneels before her. He kisses along her thighs, groaning with satisfaction at her little whimpers and moans.
He leans in and kisses her pussy as sweetly and delicately as he would her cheek, letting his lips linger against her. “I’ve been thinking about you all fucking day,” he says, teasing her with gentle pecks and licks while his hands knead at her thighs. “You looked so pretty in your little dress, I couldn’t wait to take it off and have you laid out for me, just like this.”
She runs her hands through his hair as he deepens his movements, that delicious feeling rising and rising as he draws his tongue from her entrance, up to tease her clit, and back down again.
He slides a single finger in, letting out a soft groan at her slick and the sound it makes as he inches further in.
Her hips buck when he starts to flick his tongue over her clit, met by the weight of his hand against her stomach to hold her in place.
“Just relax, sweetheart, be a good girl for me, that’s it.”
Her eyes start to glaze over as her orgasm builds slowly. Agonisingly slowly. She stills her hips, fighting the urge to grind against his mouth. She’s left panting and groaning, desperate for more but she has to be good for him. 
“Daddy,” she chokes, feeling a single tear stream down her temple. “Please… please…” she whimpers as she feels herself hurtling closer and closer to the edge. Just a little more and she’ll fall apart.
“There you go,” he hums, pushing deeper and working his tongue faster. “I want you to cum, baby, want you to finish all over my mouth.”
Finally she comes with a stuttering moan, back arched and pleasure rippling through her body, leaving her pleasantly numb in the afterglow.
Aemond presses a sweet kiss against her quivering cunt, trailing back up her body, coming to nuzzle into her neck.
“You alright?” He whispers. “I’m not being too harsh, am I?”
She turns her head to look at him. His eyes are so bright and his breath washes over her skin. He’s still wearing his shirt. She wants to tear it off him, feel every inch of him with no barriers or modesty.
It just slips out, mindless and simple, like a breath or a heartbeat. “I love you.”
He looks at her, wide-eyed and vague. She leans up to kiss him and he pulls away.
Then he comes to his feet, looming over the bed. He wipes his hand over his mouth and drags it over his chin. 
She’s sure her heart has stopped beating. Why is he staring at her? Why hasn’t he said anything?
“I should…” His eyes dart around the room, to his suit jacket discarded on the floor. Then back to her, trembling, breathless and bare. 
She props herself up onto her elbows, drawing her legs together. She’s never felt ashamed of herself in front of him before. 
Suddenly he snaps out of whatever trance he’s been under.
“Night,” he mumbles, disappearing around the corner of the ensuite. The door opens. The door clicks shut.
Her hands shoot up to her hair, tugging and gripping, if only to have something to do with her hands. When it gets too painful she smooths her hands over her neck. Her pulse drums under her skin and beads of sweat trail down her back.
What the fuck was that?
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Tags : @marthawrites @randomdragonfires @urmomsgirlfriend1 @aaaaaamond @boundlessfantasy
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Baby trapping with the yandere obey me boys
AFAB! Reader, you/your pronouns, my favouritism for certain characters being obvious
tw pregnancy/yandere
Part 2- do they see the child as their own person or an extension of MC?
Who do I think is most to least likely to baby trap MC?
I honestly think this partially because he needs an heir because he’s a royal but also he’s delusional. He truly believes you love everything he does and you’re both ready to have a child. It also ties you down to him, what more does he want but that? If you have a child together, surely you can’t leave him.
he dismisses your fears with patronising words and gentle touches. It seems you cannot anger him during this period, take this newfound power with care though. Just because he can’t punish you now, doesn’t mean he’ll hold a grudge
from an outsider looking in, you are an adorable couple excited for their baby to be born, but they don’t see the crying as you are kept at arms length so you don’t do something stupid. They don’t see the pain you feel when he talks to your growing belly in such a tender way that you wish your relationship could be normal. It would be a comfort then. But it’s not. It feels like a constant threat, you are too afraid to push him away or move
I think your child(ren) will grow up thinking you and diavolo are normal and lost in love with one another until they reach their teen years where they realise it’s not healthy. You think they’ll help you? I’m afraid your mistaken, they will simply act as guard dogs for their father. You cant leave now, none of them want you too. You love them don’t you?
levi is next in my list.
this might not be a popular pick for this high position but it asserts to him that you are HIS
he’s not prepared to be a father, you don’t want his child
You cant find help anywhere, his brothers don’t know your there. You just know there is a child inside you and you want it gone.
levi sees it as a sign of your love, he feels affirmed by it
he will do research to help you but you just cry. This delusional demon thinks they’re happy tears
he tries to make you feel happy, truly
The chains are for your safety
he wants you to be together forever and this child HE put there keeps you tied. Why cant you understand that?
the pregnancy runs surprisingly smooth however you are left a broken being by the end of it
You think this could alert the brothers though, however what you don’t realise is that leviathan has a secondary location prepared. You’re still a prisoner, but you have a bit more space. You can hardly look at the child when it looks so similar to the bastard who kidnapped you. You know it’s not their fault but you hate them
the child(ren) grow up knowing you and their father aren’t a normal couple
I see 2 outcomes: they help you escape and reintegrate you into society and call their uncles to help OR when they still are young and Levi isn’t around you kill them. You feel guilty but in the spur of the moment it seemed logical. And Levi went furious over this and you were drowned when he summoned Lotan. He couldn’t believe you were all dead. He kept you and the kid in a coffin looking for ways to bring you back. You can only hope he doesnt
Well it’s quite obvious he’d be high on the list
hes a control freak and a sadist
seeing you wailing as it’s obvious that your pregnant makes him feel a sick sense of joy.
you’re stuck with him. Forever. You couldn’t raise a half demon child on your own and you know it. You couldn’t provide and no one would believe what lucifer did to you was true
hes baby-proofing everything
he constantly reminds you of it too
He knows how much you hate this situation , but he just doesn’t seem to care
he does make sure you get all the care you need and everything you could even think of.
the pregnancy runs somewhat smoothly with only your hatred of him causing some disruption
he still punishes you, but lighter than before.
you try not to hate the baby, you know it’s the fathers fault, but you can’t help but want to cry as you see the dark hair and red eyes in small bundle you hold close to you. You want to protect it though, from Lucifer
he seems to be more tender than before, but he’s still cruel
Lucifer uses the child as a reward. If you behave you see it. If you don’t, would be a shame if something happened, wouldn’t it?
It could grow up cruel and like it’s father or like you, wanting you to get out. Maybe if it speaks out when it’s older and people get to you fast enough, you’ll be saved? This depends on how much the child sees you though
He is sure it will strengthen the bond between you
he also just wants you to feel forced to stay with him
surprisingly, he treats you both extremely well. It’s almost enough to help you forget the circumstances on your ‘relationship’ ALMOST
he enjoys reading books to the bump and kissing it, it’s honestly heartwarming.
he makes sure you get all the medical attention you need and also your cats are an excellent form of comfort and warmth
he enjoys looking after you, he treats you so well because maybe the entire experience might make Stockholm get its hold in you?
The child sees the healthy side of your relationship because you cannot bear the idea of it seeing what happens behind closed doors
it grows up blissfully unaware and if it does work it out, they will simply ignore it, out of fear or not, you’ll never know
youll be the image of the happy family, but you never will be and you know it.
It was an accident but a part of him is happy
He and your love formed a whole new thing.
you can’t leave him now, after all you have showed your devotion
unfortunately he thinks he knows how this will work. He doesn’t
he takes up more of your time than before and he doesn’t provide everything you need. No doctors appointments because he can’t stand other people touching you
so it’s a horrible experience
you suffer through the whole experience and he can’t see it
the child grows up like their father I’m afraid, clingy and a bit of a moron but you try not to hold their resemblance to their father against them
you might be able to get away I think. Depends on the plan
Honestly I think you could ignore the toxic traits and it could happen quite quickly with him. It looks like a normal relationship but you know deep down it’s not
its a ‘planned’ thing. By Simeon of course. Not you
he keeps you close so you can’t leave. Even before the child(ren) is born you’re stuck with him
he treats you incredibly. He keeps you as happy as you can be in that situation
the child is radiant and the perfect combination of you and it’s father. He loves the baby, you hurt that you and him are now joined in the way of a child
simeon acts as though you are normal and always have been. You go along with it. You’ve never seen him truly angry and you don’t want to so you go along with his lies.
the child grows up with affectionate parents and becomes a well rounded adult. Also big brother Luke is prominent in their life
they end up as an amazing person and you are so proud, but you know that if you asked them for help, told them the truth of their father, they wouldn’t believe you.
Hes a family man
Once again may be an accident
he knows your relationship is unhealthy but he thinks this will repair it
he also wants you to love him more
the pregnancy is average, not amazing, not terrible
hes sure he’ll be a great dad and assures you of it
the baby grows up in an alright household. It seems like the usual family, arguments and affection
The child won’t know what happens when they sleep and before they were born. And they never will and beel makes sure they’ll never find out
Asmodeus has a true love of you. He just presents it in a less than ideal way (blackmailling you to be in a relationship with him)
he thinks that the baby will be so cute on your shared devilgram. It may also be a publicity stunt on top of forcing you to stay close to him.
you get arguably the BEST treatments in the Devildom and glow throughout the process. You’re pretty, healthy and pregnant with his baby, what more could asmo want
the baby is one of the ones that grows up in the public eye. It’s sad honestly. They grow up with little privacy
they also know (despite their father trying to hide it) the way you two ‘fell in love’, they want to help you. You’ve always been their favourite parent too
if they help you, you present it publicly that you just weren’t happy anymore. Only you three know the truth. You and the child will remain popular and wealthy and you’re safe now. The child will go a bit obsessive over your safety, make sure it doesn’t go too far though. If they don’t, it will either just remain unknown or it might come out when you snap. Will everyone believe you?
Honestly he could go anywhere on this list. I’ve put him here though because I believe he doesn’t feel as though he has to.
he does it doesn’t do it depending on his wants. If barbatos wants a child, he’ll have a child with you. The universe is on his side, so you can’t deny it seems logical that you can’t really say no.
he may leave some feelings of not wanting the baby from you but this honestly once again depends on his feeling and his ‘relationship’ with you. If you’re more willing to fight he will be more sadistic. If you’re Docile, he’ll be kinder and gentle
( i have a headcanon that barb’s SO can see visions of the future and past but like only in other universes. I’ve written it in other works I think somewhere. I gained it from a creator who has a similar one but I changed it up a tiny bit to fit what I think so MC also has this going on for them)
the pregnancy runs perfectly. No problems. Not once.
he takes care of you really well
The child knows their parents are not in a healthy relationship.
it helps their father. Remember that he can change things to fit his will? Everything forced you to stay with him. Himself and his child. The slim chance of escape has reduced to 0, don’t worry though. They’ll take care of you
Belphegor doesn’t know anything about having children. But one too many escape attempts has lead him to the conclusion of a child. That would force you to stay
The pregnancy goes badly, simple enough and leads to you being in pain.
oh and by the way, you’ll be the only taking care of the child, belphie only sees it as a method of keeping you close to him.
you behave for your child’s safety. You find yourself fond of them. and of course belphie uses that against you
the child knows how bad the relationship is but doesn’t comment as it’s afraid of it’s father
Cannot see him with kids. He doesn’t think he’d be a good father and I don’t think so either. He’s somewhat self aware
he simply uses magic to tie you down instead
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volleypearlfan · 1 year
Where are the teenage/YA cartoons?
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Recently, two cartoons that were slated to be on Cartoon Network, Unicorn: Warriors Eternal and My Adventures With Superman, are now going to be on Adult Swim.
To me, this move makes no sense. These shows could have diversified Cartoon Network’s very barebones lineup, but they were shoved to Adult Swim. I sorta understand Unicorn, as it is dark (but definitely not on the same level as Primal, one of Genndy Tartakovsky’s other shows), but My Adventures with Superman? That show seems pretty innocuous. It has a bright color palette and doesn’t seem similar to Harley Quinn or the later seasons of Young Justice.
This reminds me of the desperate need there is for teen/YA-oriented western cartoons. In western animation, there are three primary audiences:
Preschoolers; anything rated TV-Y, shown on PBS Kids, Nick Jr, Disney Junior, or Cartoonito. Example: Doc McStuffins.
Big kids/elementary school crowd; anything rated TV-Y7, can be seen on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel. Example: The Amazing World of Gumball.
Adult; anything rated TV-14 or TV-MA, seen on Adult Swim, Comedy Central, or the prime time Fox lineup. Example: Rick and Morty.
That’s it. Despite what the rating of TV-14 might lead you to believe, the stuff on Animation Domination or Adult Swim isn’t targeted to teenagers, obviously.
This leaves teenagers in a weird spot when it comes to watching cartoons (western ones, that is. They definitely watch anime). They tend to stick with big kids and/or adult cartoons, like Avatar. With all of the heavy subject matter it and Korra tackle, they definitely feel more like teenage cartoons, especially since they were inspired by anime.
I bring up anime because they have clearly defined demographics, including teenagers. They have manga/anime for teenage boys, shonen (Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball Z), and teenage girls, shojo (Fruits Basket, Kamisama Kiss, Yona of the Dawn).
Shojo anime (except Sailor Moon) pretty much never air on American TV, but when shonen anime are exported here, they end up on Adult Swim’s Toonami block. For example, Demon Slayer aired on Toonami (they had to stop airing it because it got too expensive), and in America, the Mugen Train movie was rated R. This despite Demon Slayer being aimed at teenagers, and also being enjoyed by small children in Japan. They even had a Japanese Happy Meal promotion that ran alongside Pretty Cure, a show that actually is aimed at small children (kodomomuke).
With America’s teenagers flocking to anime, I believe that the American animation industry should keep up with the times and try to capitalize on the teenage demographic instead of shoehorning shows to be for elementary schoolers or adults.
Here are some western cartoons I believe could be classified as YA/teenage shows:
Avatar and Korra, as mentioned above.
Most cartoons aired on MTV, such as Daria, Beavis and Butthead, and Clone High. It helps that MTV itself was aimed at teenagers. Aeon Flux is an exception however, as it is clearly for adults. They’re often shoehorned into the category of “adult animation,” but their subject matter is more appealing to teens.
6teen. It’s right there in the title! Canada knows what’s up.
Total Drama, another Canadian cartoon. I know that they made the younger-skewing DramaRama spin-off because teenagers weren’t watching cartoons anymore, but now that the main show is coming back, it will definitely be aimed at teenagers again.
Sym Bionic Titan, yet another Tartakovsky show, pretty much is a teen/YA show, minus swearing. If I remember correctly, it aired on Toonami for a little while.
Regular Show. The most obvious example of a YA cartoon disguised as a kids cartoon.
Infinity Train. Never forget that it was cancelled because “no child entry point.”
As Told By Ginger is essentially a teen drama in animated form.
Invader Zim - Nickelodeon asked Johnson Vasquez to make a show directed towards older audiences, got exactly what they wanted (most of the viewership was from teens and adults, especially of the shops-at-Hot Topic variety) and cancelled it anyway.
Arcane is technically an adult series, but League of Legends is rated T by the ESRB, so I’m putting it in the teen/YA category (there IS a distinction between ‘young adult’ and ‘adult’)
I highly doubt that the likes of Nickelodeon will add a teenage animation block to their lineup (and TeenNick is nothing but iCarly reruns), but I hope that streaming services will start capitalizing on the YA demographic for western animation. Bee and Puppycat is a good start, featuring relatable young adult situations while technically being watchable for all ages. At least Unicorn is gonna air on ACME Night, which isn’t too late in the evening (currently, the block starts at 5:30 EST). And with Clone High and the aforementioned Total Drama making a comeback, I’m holding out hope for more YA animation.
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royal-they · 2 years
I feel like a lot of people don’t realize how important it is for people to see ships like lumity and huntlow coming from a brand like disney that’s known for having ships that really is known to enforce a lot of beauty standards on to kids. 
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lumity is definitely not “on brand” with disney but i feel like so much of the appeal in it comes from that fact. luz doesn’t fit disneys standards for an attractive girl at all. (she is very pretty tho don’t get me wrong) whereas amity is definitely seen by a lot of fans to be very attractive and i think that makes the ship even more powerful. luz doesn’t fall for amity first, amity falls for luz. 
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i don’t think i can even explain how much this meant to me as a poc. like omg the hot gay witch that everyone thinks is super hot falls for the dorky brown girl??? that alone makes me love the ship 1000x more. its amazing that kids get to grow up with a ship like that that really flips tropes and cliches and is still so fun and cute to watch. it really teaches young bisexuals and pocs that; hey! you can totally find a super loving healthy relationship where the other person respects you :) ive mentioned in the past that i used to feel really self conscious of my lips but luz helped my overcome that. it’s a small but very important thing to me. i also used to always be worried about how partners would take me being bi, again luz was so helpful in overcoming that fear. 
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huntlow is another ship that i feel is incredibly important for reasons similar to lumity. a lot of people are probably going to hate me for saying that lmao but idk i still think it’s very likely to become canon. again like lumity the character the fandom finds to be the most attractive falls first
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some people say that willow fell first but I feel like given the fact that hunters been the only one who blushes a lot more people are gonna go “oh hunter likes willow” rather than “willow likes hunter” (i mean i think willow likes hunter but it’s not as obvious so im not gonna talk about that aspect of this ship and it’s not relevant to the point im trying to get across.) 
a lot of people have also said that huntlow parallels lumity in how lot in how their interactions are written and i really agree with that. hunter has from the minute his face was revealed always been seen as attractive by the fandom. i feel like people only really started saying the same about willow when hunter started showing signs of having a crush on her. 
willow like luz isn’t the conventionally attractive disney princess type. she’s larger, east asian, and more quiet. still through hunters perspective we’re able to see these aspects of her along with how she can still be confident and an incredibly powerful witch. 
just like with lumity the show allows people to stop and be like huh luz is actually really pretty and super cute or huh willow is actually really gorgeous and talented. we’re able to see these characters from the perspective of the people who are in love with them. 
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at first amity and hunter both don’t really understand why willow and luz are the way they are. hunter and amity have been raised with the perspective of having to be better than everyone all the time so when they meet luz and willow - two very powerful witches - they dont understand why they’re approaching things with the perspective they have. but slowly they’re able to see a different side of them which in turn allows the viewer to also understand luz and willow more. 
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we see hunter and amity have this moment of realization; huh it’s actually okay to let people see a more friendly side of myself that’s more open with people and that doesn’t take anything away from how powerful i have the capability of being. 
I think that just the fact alone that luz is able bring out the best side of amity and the fact that willow is able to bring out the best side of hunter is really cute and admirable. these two standoffish teens with self hatred issues are just are suddenly super soft around these two super sweet cute girls. idk i just really like these two ships. 
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rizatouchesthewalls · 9 months
everyone who writes and supports miles smut can block me, that includes 42 btw.
TW: BELOW THE CUT IS DISCUSSION OF P//DO, UNDERAGE CONTENT. (I don’t go too far into detail but I know some people have been affected by it).
elaboration on why aging up (for sexual purposes) is bad
miles is canonically 15 and dont even pull that “he’s aged up” shit with me cause you know damn well on aged up fanfics they use pictures of CANON MILES. so its pretty obvious u have the teen in your mind. and you know what the ones that are around his age are annoying too but it doesnt put nearly of a bad taste in my mouth as the GROWN ASS ADULTS who make that shit.
and btw dont go and say “oh, it’s hormones and plus miles has hormones” and to that i have to say:
1. if you are a child who likes miles like that, fine, deal with that shit in private tho. you posting s*xual content of a minor is catering to creepy adults online
2. if you’re an adult saying that shit then i can say nothing less that you have the mindset of a groomer. You’re not very far from the mfs who say that “teenage girls are at their ripe age at 16.” you as an adult SHOULD NOT be using teenagers having hormones to your advantage and excuse. That’s disgusting.
“they’re just a fictional character” 😟 can you get a grip? go outside. Miles is a fictional character who is BUILT and DESIGNED to look like a teenager. And astv aint that unrealistic that you can say he’s ambiguous. He’s not. And even if he was he does activities that I do as a teen—I go to high school, I’m nervous about my future—miles is literally a relatable teen, as he was designed to be.
“Then stop looking for the smut posts.” I DONT NEED TO! It infiltrates my ASTV tag and at times the Hobie Brown tags too. You act like your tags aren’t public. If someone wanted to read a Miles fic that was normal fluff they would have to scroll through some smut too!
anyway thats all and dont even both coming up in my comments and reposts throwing a hissy fit you niggas r weird asf and can block me. maybe then id see less weird shit on my tag page. do us all a favor and log off.
+ Update: His ages from any other media isn’t a valid excuse. If you were clearly writing for canon adult miles you wouldn’t have astv miles as the icons and astv as the tag.
+ Update: Miles is CANONICALLY 15 in the first movie, and somewhere in the last movie he was YOUNGER. As mentioned above, mentioning other media as an excuse is bs when in the movies your writing for (itsv, atsv) he’s clearly a minor.
+ The thing that pisses me off the most is how ya’ll act like the people who are uncomfortable are weird. Are you not writing s*xual content about a 15 year old on a daily basis? please.
+ Fiction DOES affect reality. Why do you think people have nightmares after horror? Why does a sad film make people cry? Why does a deep movie change perspective?
+ In the scene where Miles argues with his parents, he says something along the lines of “I’m 15!!!” So if you think he’s not underage, you either didn’t pay attention or don’t have google. Plus what 18 year old discusses college that late? (without any other discussions prior?)
+ if you like little boys stop tryna hide that you like little boys it makes you even more manipulative and gross. no but in all seriousness telling minors that behavior is okay has gotta be SOME form of grooming on a more subtle scale. sorry if that’s too bold for ya’ll but as someone who’s been tricked into thinking content like this was okay when I was younger, I can confirm that this isn’t okay.
+ If to prove character that’s canonically a minor isn’t one you have to pull up seven different source materials that barely correlate to the one you write for, that character is still a fucking minor! It’s giving “she’s actually 3000!!!” when she looks 8.
yeah. kay bye!!!
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Specter of Starlight - Part 1
Tim meets a specter of a ghost on a roof. He doesn't know that, not at first. At first he just meets a friend. It's only later he becomes very, very scared for him.
Content warning:
While I promise a happy ending, this fic does not start out happy. The start of this fic deals with (mistaken) suicidal ideation. Neither character is, but the assumption is made and there's a lot of internal thoughts about running into someone on a ledge in the middle of the night and how to handle that. Proceed carefully, darlings.
Wc: 666 (coincidentally spooky)
Sometimes a person on a roof was just a person on a roof— someone out to get some fresh air or distance or space. Sometimes a person on a roof was a tragedy waiting to happen. As protectors of the city, the Bats had to learn to tell the difference.
They tried to stop every time that they could, just in case, but when they were in the middle of a chase or attack they had to make a call. They all had choices that haunted them. They could only make the best guess based on what they knew. Obvious apartment complexes, lower buildings, people on the phone or smoking, in the middle of the roof— if they didn’t have the time, those were usually safe to pass on. Tonight it was an office building, several stories high, a person sitting on the edge of the building as silent and still as the stone gargoyle they were next to. Tonight Tim wasn’t going to risk passing by. At least the figure was looking up and not down. Maybe it was okay. Please be okay. Tim landed lightly, almost soundlessly, on the roof. Still, he saw the shoulders of the person stiffen ever so slightly. They had heard him. Tim let the toe of his boot catch purposefully on the aggregate of the roof— let himself be obvious in his presence. He went kept wide. It was far enough away not to be a threat (that was a lie, Tim would always be a threat) but close enough that at this height he would have time to catch the person if they jumped. With ease, Tim hopped up onto the ledge and let his feet dangle out over the open air. For him the height was comforting, an old friend. “What brings you all the way up here?” Don’t ask them if they’re going to jump. Don’t ask them if they’re that far gone. Don’t cement the idea in their mind. Out of the corner of his eye, Tim took in what details he could in dim light. Dark hair— black likely but possibly dark brown. Late teens likely, early twenties if they were a late bloomer. Which was possible. They’re far too lean— lean enough to be pushing into gaunt. Bright blue eyes flicked to look at Tim and then back up to the sky. “Stargazing.” Tim stared up at the cloud cover that was so thick not a bit of starlight sneaked through. They snorted, as if reading Tim’s mind. “Yeah, it’s not being very cooperative.” There’s a subtle drawl to their voice. Midwest accent, Tim’s subconscious supplies, not a Gotham native. Not even someone who’s been here long enough to lose the accent. Just long enough to be up on a roof in the middle of the night. Their voice is almost lost in the night air even though it’s still as death. There’s not a single breeze to snatch their words away, but the voice is still just a little hard to hear. “I don’t think you’re going to be in luck tonight,” Tim replied. “Lady Gotham isn’t known to be accommodating.” They gave a long hum at that, clearly thinking something over. “Guess I’m not really stargazing then.” “So what would you say you’re doing?” Tim tried to keep his voice casual. They gave a little shrug, eyes still glued to the murky sky. “Just… wondering it must be like… to die without getting to see the stars one last time.” Tim jolted towards them instinctively, his hands gripped white knuckled tight on the ledge to avoid reaching out. Don’t do anything that might give them a reason to jump. The stranger glanced at Tim again. A crooked smile graced their lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Tim wants to say he’s not scared. It would be a lie. “I’m not up here to jump, I promise. I very much want to live.” Tim wanted desperately to believe that.
AN: Finally wrote the start of this last night when I couldn't sleep. I gave it a rough polish so here it is! I don't know if I'll post all of it on tumblr, as I think I want to play around with chapter pacing for effect, but have this here at least. (Also I cannot tell you how many times I wrote Tim as TIme.) As always, stay delightful.
@michealawithana | @skulld3mort-1fan | @legowerewolf | @tsukihimeyfan | @bahfev
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
SPOILERS for Across the Spiderverse, ganna rant about Gwen’s character and the unnecessary hate she gets. 💀
After finally seeing Spiderverse, yeah…I don’t trust Gwen haters. Like holy shit, I have seen SO many people get on her ass. And I get it. She lied to Miles, she let him down, she screwed up. I think what just ticks me off is that people today just love making everything so fucking black and white. This film isn’t one note, it’s complex. You feel for BOTH sides, not just Miles. I never thought some people would need to have it spelled out but….Miles wasn’t the only character going through something. Gwen does too, and this film explores that, like it legit makes me wonder if people just…turned their brains off whenever the film focused on her, which was legit most of the first half.
Not only was she still carrying the weight of her friend’s death while also feeling guilt of leaving him, but her own father is a cop who is out to get spider woman, believing that she is a criminal who let Peter die. It isn’t easy on Gwen, the opening scene of her trying to get lost in playing the drums and shutting down her band mates shows that she wants to avoid her feelings. Miles was the ONLY friend she had, she didn’t make any other close friends other than Peter. She felt alone, she felt trapped, and once her identity was revealed to her father, the moment he tries to arrest her is her breaking point, it’s why she joined Miguel and the others. She had nowhere to go, she felt like she couldn’t go back and was utterly alone until the spider crew accepted her.
When it comes to Gwen and some of the other characters, some of y’all need to see their perspective. They all lost someone they loved, someone they cared about, and Miguel comes to them and tells them that their trauma happened for a reason. It made them stronger, it made them move forward and created who they are today. They all felt alone at one point, only to realize that they weren’t. They also know that you can’t save everyone, and wether Miguel’s point of view is morally corrupt or not, everyone felt they were doing what was right.
In Gwen’s case, she WANTED to see Miles, and she DID see Miles. She wanted to hang out with him so badly but couldn’t, and you eventually see her guilt for not telling Miles the full story, how he wasn’t supposed to be here, how his dad is going to die and he can’t do anything about it. She felt like she had no choice, Jessica was strict on her (for good reason) and Gwen knew she had a job to do, she like everyone else wanted to save the multiverse and protect everyone, even if it meant breaking Miles, and his dad’s death. I don’t want to make it sound like I’m excusing Gwen, but I find it so funny that people beg for complex and flawed characters, and then when we actually get them, they’re targeted for making mistakes. Cause yeah, god forbid a teenage girl feels alone, doesn’t know what to do, and makes a mistake.
And what’s even more insulting is that Gwen actually REALIZED her mistake. She knows she fucked up, she KNOWS she hurt Miles and let him down, her line of “we’re supposed to be the good guys”- is important because that’s her realizing just how far Miguel took it to a bad level. We all see how utterly broken she is when Miles tells her he should have never come, and broke her web off. In the end, she switches sides and decides to GO AFTER Miles. That’s her making a choice, realizing she was wrong and doing the right thing. Gwen is still a good person guys. She cares for Miles, she’s not a snake or malicious. She’s a troubled teen who wants to be a hero, but was split between two sides, along with the weight on her back regarding her father and her friend. This movie begs the question of saving one person or making sacrifices to safe others. You understand BOTH sides even if Miguel went about it the wrong way.
Speaking of Miguel, the last thing I want to talk about is the obvious sexism going on, cause I feel like that mostly stems from why so many people hate Gwen, cause MAN do people lose brain cells when they’re horny. Like…let me get this straight, y’all get on Gwen, a teenage girl btw….call her a bitch, a snake who doesn’t deserve Miles and a horrible person, but praise a grown man who ridiculed, chased down, clawed, and body slammed a 15 year old kid, calling him a mistake over and over again all because he wanted to save his father???? Yeah okay, if you’re someone who doesn’t like Gwen, fine…but if you hate on her and praise Miguel, a dude who needs therapy and beefed with a 15 year old……then you’re just sexist…I don’t know what to tell you. Same goes for Jessica Drew. Like so many people are quick to say Miguel is complex and that they get where he’s coming from, but when it’s Gwen or Jessica?? They’re just bitches apparently. 🫤
So yeah, regardless of if you like her character or not, Gwen deserves better fr. I for one can’t wait for the next film and to see her mend her relationship with Miles, because they do genuinely have a good relationship, they just need to fix it. That’s all I wanted to say…oh, and one more thing, the way the animators on the movie got treated was NOT okay and the film better be delayed. No way in hell is it coming out next year. Do better Sony/Phil Lord ect, treat your animators right. Kay bye.
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mistkisbiggestfan · 8 months
Hello! this is based on an OC, but may you write about Medic with a cloned child OC? I always thought of him as a mad scientist type, so I’m sure he would’ve figured out how to do that. He basically raises this clone as his own kid, and they’d be a late teen / young adult by the time the events of TF2 happen
The OC is a girl but honestly you can make it gender neutral if you’d like!
Sorry if it’s too specific, but TYSM!
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Medic & Child, Cloned reader HC
A/n: This is one of my fav reqs of all time ngl Requests are open!!
Summary: You're Medic's cloned child, headcanons. Words: 636 Request: Yeah
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I like to think you’re a clone based on him, or atleast a clone made in his image. One medic is enough to create chaos and things like that, just imagine another person who's almost a 1to1 of him, pure chaos. 
Your first day being alive, he took you in his arms and was like “it’s alive!” just as Heavy and Spy walked in to ask him if he wanted to go grab a beer. They were absolutely terrified, Spy just cloaked out of there having the day Scout was born in the back of his mind.
That left only Medic, you and Heavy there. Heavy was shocked and Medic just held you up looking at him; “Isn’t she so cute!!” While you looked alarmingly similar to him with his grin on your face.
Others found out like ten minutes after that and soon everyone was just looking at you with no clue of what to do.
When Ms. Pauling found out she almost died on her spot. “There’s no way Medic is suited to even have a dog, let alone a child!” 
Nobody gave af, she soon came around to like you too. 
Medic is 100% your father figure (That’s rather obvious) but so was Heavy, they’re like your dads.
Sniper, Engie, Demo and Soldier are like your uncles (That doesn’t include Spy because he’s def a wine aunt, and so is Ms. Pauling). While Pyro and Scout act more like your siblings. 
Medic showed you the ropes and soon you were as capable of doing batshit crazy things like him. He was so proud!! 
Archimedes loves you, always resting on your shoulder doing simple things like staying with you and Medic during operations on other Mercs. 
When you were a less capable child everyone basically coparented, of course Heavy and Medic were like your parents the most but everyone wanted to take care of you so they followed a schedule of who has to babysit you and when. 
Once you grew up to actually be independent, mercenaries were terrified to realize how similar you are to Medic, you were the same person, with slightly different looks, you even wore the same glasses he did. 
When the events of the TF2 mercs splitting happened (Referencing the comics rn if someone didn’t know) you went with Medic, the change impacted you way more than it did him, you really missed everyone, they were like your family. 
Once he started to work with those blue guys you were cool with it, they underestimated you but you showed them that you’re just like your fellow dad, insane. 
Medic showed you all the modifications he made and you showed the modifications you did before you both laughed it off like the silliest thing one can do. 
When everyone got back together you were way older than you used to be, but fortunately you remembered everything. 
When Medic told you about the fact that you were a clone you were very interested and didn’t care, like at all. I mean you’re basically him, so it was more interesting than scary or sad.
He helped you in acquiring 9 souls from some suckers just like he did! (Can’t believe all mercs gave him their souls lmao) 
Sometimes you operate on the Mercs when he’s somewhere else, at first they were very unwilling but soon it showed that you were just like him in this profession (which isn’t the ideal tbh)
Everyone showed you something, so you were really multiclass, leaning heavily into being another medic (shocking, I know)
Overall a 10/10 father, sure he has some loose screws but isn’t that normal? You two are the most chaotic beings even the devil can’t contain.
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zeestarfishalien · 4 months
Part 13: My Bones Became a Drip
No TW for this chapter (let me know if I missed anything)
Masterpost/chapter list
Jason spins, eyes wide and searching, landing on the glowing white haired teen and his unconscious brother draped across their arms. Even with the cape still covering Tim’s face, he knows it’s Tim.
And the teen…
The teen is Spooky, Danny. He’d recognize that funky jumpsuit anywhere and those eyes are the same Lazarus green eyes he sees on a canid face every damn day.
He’s frozen mentally. Physically he’s moving forward to check Tim’s vitals and look for any obvious signs of injury but it’s all autopilot, all things that were drilled into him so that it became second nature, so that he could function even when his emotions are running wild like they are right now. He’s furious and relieved and anxious and surprised and ecstatic and so much more nuances of the same. It’s a cyclone of vicious emotions attempting to claw their way to the surface, fighting each other for the top spot.
His instincts purr, they’re safe they’re safe family is safe , while he gets on coms with Oracle to make sure she knows they’ve got Tim and that he’s alive.
Gingerly, he takes Tim off of Spooky’s hands and hoists him onto his hip like he’s a sleeping toddler so he can free one of his hands.
He gently reaches out to ruffle hair that has the same wispy feeling as before.
“Thank you,” he says quietly. Family , his instincts say. I love you , says the odd rumbling tone that ripples out from somewhere in his chest.
Danny clicks and a similar rumble in higher pitch comes from him and somehow Jason knows that it means, I love you too. Family.
[I felt we could all use a little refresher but on to the new chapter!]
Jason wants to cry and rage at how long it takes him to notice the way Danny scratches gingerly at the skin around the collar on his neck. They’re in the bat cave waiting to hear news on Red Robin’s checkup. Danny had followed, a ghost of a thing, barely visible most of the time, and his feet had yet to touch the ground after he passed off Tim. However, he stayed with Jason. He didn’t appear nervous, but neither was he eager to explore the wonders of the world around him.
When Black Bat sent him a little wave, he perked up a little, tilting his head to the side, assessing the vigilante. He slowly raises his hand in a small wave back.
Immediately after, his hand reaches up to ever so carefully shift the collar.
“You okay, Spooky?”
Wide bright green eyes snap to Jason in some form of surprise.
He nods, but the hollow groaning sound that emanates from his body tells a different story to Jason. It says, uncomfortable, burns, powers hurt, not enough energy.
“Is that collar dampening your abilities?”
Danny opens his mouth to speak only for the syllables to catch in his apparently raw throat. Raw from smoke? The collar?
He coughs, and Jason can hear his lungs rattling on the inhale. Spooky….
The chirp from Danny speaks clearly, some, not all.
“Well fiddle sticks…let me get Z or one of the other magic guys on the phone and see if we need magic, tech, or both to get it off.”
The cracking and groaning that comes as a response is more emotion than actual words, but it gets the message mostly across. His situation isn’t urgent. The power he holds is too great for the collar to block much of. Danny shares the way that the power flows over and around the collar like it’s an annoyingly large boulder in a stream. It may block the most convenient route, but the water will still find a way to go downhill.
“Still…” he argues. “If it’s not comfortable, we should find a way to get it off.”
Danny shrugs like it’s of little importance to him. Jason knows that kind of attitude. It’s very common among the hero types.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spots Dick watching them. His brother mouths, “I can call her,” and Jason nods his assent. He already owes her one favor. Let her pay back one of her debts to Big Bird.
"Heyyyyyy Z..."
"The next words out of your mouth better not have anything to do with that mind boggling fiend of Jason’s," she rattles off bluntly.
Pressing his lips together, Dick debates how to reply, but evidently his silence is reply enough.
She sighs. "What is it this time?"
It's probably better to get straight to the point. "They've got a suppression collar on."
"What? But that's not possible. The size of the device capable of completely suppressing that spirit's powers would have to be..." she trails off as something occurs to her. "Except it's not fully suppressing their power, is it? We would have noticed that."
"Yep. Got it in two," Dick says cheerfully but his smile doesn't last. "They seem able to use most of their abilities fine, but whatever material it's made from irritates their skin now that they're back in their body."
"Good to see I'm the first to know" she cuts back sarcastically.
"You are. It all just happened tonight. They rescued RR from a warehouse fire. They've been following Hood ever since."
There's a long pause and then she sighs again.
"Is RR alright?"
"He will be. He's resting now, nothing he shouldn't be able to recover from, but he'll be down for a while," he lets warmth trickle into his voice. He appreciates her asking about Tim’s health. Not everyone makes that effort.
"Okay, well that might complicate things. If we're going based on past experience, whoever collared Spooky is probably the same person or people that put them in that wretched abomination of a coffin. Which means...tech," she ends with a sigh. "Specifically, mad scientist levels of tech. I swear I'm going to strangle whoever is behind all of this wretched spirit-tech when we find them because I don't know that I can get that collar off without it blowing up in our faces."
"How should we approach this then?"
He can hear another long drawn out sigh from Zatanna's end.
"Lemme....Let me talk to Marvel and I'll get back to you with a game plan."
"Thanks Zee!! You're the best!!"
"Fuck you, Dickwing."
She hangs up before he can quip back so he just smiles at his phone.
Jason turns his attention back to his spooky friend.
“What’s on the agenda now that you’re free?”
The spirit freezes. The temperature around him drops, too. He frowns to himself, and stormy eyes look a little lost.
“You can stay with me until you figure it out. I’d like the company. Your company specifically,” Jason offers softly.
He nearly breaks down at the look that slowly dawns on Danny’s face. It’s like Jason gave him the world in his little selfish offer. All Jason wanted was to keep his companion.
“Thank you.” The words are half garbled and sound like they had to have hurt coming out, but Jason understands them all the same, and that’s all that matters.
Black Bat sidles over with a long strip of thin cloth in her hand, some scrap of non-conductive polymer used on something or other. [reference to City pigeons bleed green?] Jason is not sure where she got it from, but she holds it out and gestures to her neck with the other hand.
Spooky drifts closer and carefully snags the hanging end of the cloth, careful not to brush his fingers against Cass.
“May I help you?” She signs, repeating it slower when Danny looks confused. Jason is about to translate when comprehension dawns on Danny’s face.
He looks to the cloth and then back to Cass before slowly nodding. He dips back down to the ground, the tips of his toes brush the floor, and replies with sign, though it’s simple and hesitant.
“You hold.” He demonstrates holding his collar up at the narrowest part of his neck.
Cass nods and replicates his action. Danny carefully eases the cloth between the bare skin on his neck and the collar. It’s a tight fit, but he manages to make it work.
Jason steps away for a brief moment, returning with a needle and thread.
“Want me to tack it in place so it doesn’t slip?”
Danny nods, but his eyes follow the needle in Jason’s hand closely. He makes sure to move slow and steady so Danny doesn’t startle or panic. It takes a few minutes to sew together three separate spots on the fabric to hold it in place on the collar, but it’s done with no fuss and no panic on anyone’s part.
Danny is more relaxed by the time Dick peeks out of the changing rooms and meanders back over.
"It's good to see you up and about Spooky. Sorry we gave you such a cold reception. We get a little single-minded when one of us is injured," Dick says amicably.
Danny shrugs but doesn’t seem interested in attempting more communication with the man. He looks dead on his feet, no pun intended.
Dick for his part, tries not to show his disappointment in being ignored.
Alfred appears in the doorway, looking pristine as always except...ah, there's a few wrinkles in his suit, and his worry lines are deeper than usual.
"Master Tim will make a full recovery given time and rest. Luckily, he avoided the worst of the smoke and was rescued before things got out of hand." He aims that last part at Danny who ducks away and flickers in and out of sight from the grateful tone.
Jason stands and stretches with a long groan. It must have startled Danny because he blips a few feet before catching himself and drifting back close to Jason.
The brother, Red Robin, Tim... is okay. He's alive and being checked over by professionals. That's really all that matters to Danny.
He is tired though.
That's part of the reason why he doesn't give much of a response to the energetic one, Nightwing. The other part being that this one's words and actions don't match what he's actually feeling. He's clearly, at least to a ghost's senses, masking and shoving all of his emotions and problems into a box that will one day explode on him.
Sensing that sets Danny on edge. He doesn't like that false cheer, one so deeply ingrained that even Nightwing might not know it's false.
Luckily he doesn't have to attempt to summon energy to respond because the elder gentleman comes out to let them know that Tim will be okay.
His gratitude towards Danny has every part of him squirming beneath his skin. People don't just...thank him. Not before... and he certainly hasn't done much now to garner that level of acknowledgment. He has to fight to stay visible even as they're leaving. He doesn't want to worry Jason.
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I'm so excited to post this finally!!! It's been a rough one to wrestle with and it's definitely a little funky round the edges but I'm still happy with it.
I think there's a reference to City Pigeons Bleed Green by @clockwayswrites Go check out their stuff it's amazing!!! I could be wrong on which fic it's from but it's definitely one of Clock's works. (Lol pun intended)
As always, please let me know if there's anything confusing (sometimes I word stuff strangely and it doesn't make sense).
I am part way into the next chapter as well, but with my life how it is at the moment, who knows when I'll get it finished. Could be tomorrow, could be 6 months from now.
Next chapter is a good one which is part of what made this one so hard. I can't wait to write and show y'all the developments I have planned. I can't wait to see it myself!
Anywho, thank you so much for your support. You guys are amazing. Don't forget that.
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