#if for no other reason than that you can tell Tal really wants to play Molly again
thelongestway · 4 months
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The prettiest warbird!
Long post and lots of spoilers this time, because there's ludonarrative discussion under the cut - and a very, VERY long a play by play to accompany it.
This episode was a particularly interesting one from a game design perspective.
But let's do this in order.
Sometimes you look at the episode rewards and go OH FUCK NO:
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This is not going to end well.
The Morg have intruded into Fluidic Space, which for some reason functions (according to Thaseen-Fei) sort of like the mycellium network, in that it connects everywhere all at once. Here, have some insane theory: fluidic space is actually that neuroliquid the mushrooms grow in and every time you open a portal there you are actually inexplicably tiny and splash around in a pool. Notably, Fluidic space fucks up the Aetherians in much the same way that time travel does Iconians (T'Ket!!! I miss you! You're fucking insane please come hit the Aetherians with your severed arm, pretty please?), so they can't go there to fight the Morg. So we have to because do we really want the Morg eating the Undine? ...Nnnope.
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Luckily, the Undine like the Morg even less than they like us. They do not like anything that they can't de-shield - understandable! So it's a tactical alliance for the some being. Notably, when asked if the other Undine are actually aware we're on their side...
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Interesting little detail there!
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Naturally, we also can't bring down their shields - but Ezri has a plan. We can do some shenanigans and beam in, and disable the shields from inside.
In we go. The consoles conveniently tell us about how the Morg came to be. They captured m!Voyager; ate everyone except m!Janeway, and for some reason decided to use her as an unassimilated (? she does have implants!) test subject. m!Janeway escapes, the Morg get into a fight with the Aetherians, realize they're fucked, and go back to talk to the Terrans. The Terrans say "hold that thought, we need popcorn over here", and the Morg are left alone. Morg, why is this on your consoles in human-readable code?.. File that away for further thought.
Other team gets to weapons control, we get to shield control...
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So far so good...
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Fuck. Why is no one on overwatch.
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What are you people doing with your fucking weapons.
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Please stop examining the fucking thing from melee range.
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Pretty much inevitable result.
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"If we're getting out of this alive, we are all spending a month in the brig for idiocy."
We are, however, not. A drone silently appears in front of us and injects us with nanites.
Let's talk game design for a little bit. This probably has more to do with engine limitations and artist crunch than anything, but from a Watsonian perspective this sequence is hard to read as anything but our characters being very cocky and unprofessional. You're in a Unimatrix. You're not Tal Shiar. Act like it. I spent quite a bit of time musing on how I would've done it, if other concerns permitted, and it would've gone something like this: use a tactic that no other Borg collective would have done before, but Janeway!studying Borg maybe. From here, there's variations - my version was something like this. The captain goes to touch a console, while the rest of the team stays on overwatch. An injection tendril goes out, the captain gets snared, two people from the away team try to get them out, get snared too, while the remaining two fight against way too many drones, including, eventually, the newly-assimilated part of the team, who are the ones to take them down. This is, of course, also a cutscene fail, but being blindsided by a new tactic would have felt better here, I think, then just lowering your guard.
At the same time, the sequence worked for a lot of people - because the subsequent assimilation was very, very visceral. Worse than the Tal Shiar assimilation experiments - and that's saying something.
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There is no way to resist. I am the sort of person who cannot resist poking at this kind of mechanic, so I did that for a good couple of minutes. Nothing. The force of a hive mind is nothing to scoff at. Well done, Zero, for getting out. Resistance will be terminated? All right. Let me AFK for a bit, will the Morg kill me?..
...Nope. No way to proceed.
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I guess we're doing this.
Of our little band, we're the Vinculum drone - which heals up the whole merry band if they fall. As a player, I like everyone's name just changes to "drone". As my character - who has good friends on the away team... Yeah. Seeing this was far worse than being assimilated alone.
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As an aside, One of Five is of course the most popular designation for LibBorg players - referring to you and your BOFFs. Quite a few people got their chuckles out of it, as I've seen!
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can you please fucking pay attention random starfleet officer. please. shoot me already.
they don't. and everyone who does, well...
Game design bit again: I spent a very long time trying to break the mission - and failed. You CAN get your team killed - if you stay out of sight with the Vinculum, they don't get revived. Whether they're up or not, eventually this happens:
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This episode is all about resistance being futile, and this does work for the theme. Very frustrating, but also very neat. I replayed the mission a few times to get screenshots, and I have to say that the cadence is, naturally, much better if you don't resist. But I like that you can try, and that trying is not fun. It shouldn't be.
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Eventually, we assimilate the fuck out of the other team, and only Harry Kim, Ezri Dax and Kuumarke are left standing. Now Kuumarke. She's an interesting character - a bit of a symbol for STO. A scientist and administrator from a planet that has only recently emerged into the galactic community, who has a childlike joy of discovery, and who has never really seen the player's captain fail...
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Before we can assimilate Kuumarke, Ezri stabs us with a neutralizer and goes "hi, you there? we got a mission to do". So we do the mission, Borg parts notwithstanding, as does team Alpha, who we liberate along the way.
Nice to see Ezri putting not only her science skills, but also counseling training to good use! Literally everyone but her freaked out at one point or the other; Ezri got some very nice spotlight holding the team together. And the rest is almost history. We use our experience with the Morg to find their King.
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The Borg representative is, of course, m!Harry Kim.
We take him down, and he leaves prime!Harry with a warning:
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"Their smile might be hiding a knife."
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Before we can probe further, a shot rings out. Kuumarke breaks. Harry is creeped out by seeing m!Kobali!Harry (it's a thing) shot in cold blood. I disagree with that assessment; that blood is anything but cold!
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And we did get assimilated. Fuck. Let's not do this ever again.
We take down the shields, beam out, and fight the Morg fleet, including...
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After that whole nerve-wringer, I laughed way too hard at B'Ger!
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Upon beating the odds, the anomaly persists. And who should show up but...
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And no warning? No communication? No "you take the Morg out; we'll move in to reinforce and rotate you out as soon as we can?" during the briefing?
I would shoot them on the spot and claim we thought they were Changelings. Are we Romulans or what.
The Undine are like... "Normally we would shoot them, but this is a new level of weird", which is understandable. We ask if they want us in on it. They go "proooobably still not, but actually... thanks?" which is the nicest thing the Undine have ever said to anyone.
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With that small victory, we leave for Deep Space Nine. Home sweet home!
But before we debrief, we stop by the medbay to get our very new implants back out.
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I really like how despondent we are here. It is an excellent capstone.
At the debriefing, Kuumarke barely maintains a stiff upper lip, Harry is understandably rattled, Ezri is like "oh boy, back on DS9, why is this place such a trauma magnet", and Bright Eyes is still suspicious of the Aetherians. So am I, my Tholian friend, so am I.
Never thought I would fight side by side with a spider. *** As y'all can see from this incredibly long post, I have strong and mixed feelings about this mission.
All of the sensory stuff worked for me. I don't play games that take your control much, and yeah, this is probably old hat to someone who does, but all of the "yikes, this is terrifying" stuff worked for me. It was very well done!
The Undine, the Aetherians, Ezri, Harry, Kuumarke, Bright Eyes and all of that jazz were great.
But the lead in? Ye gods. That did not work for me, but I am on the fence about whether I would've changed it if I could. "Assimilated through sheer stupidity" makes the sequence far more viscerally unpleasant - and there isn't anyone so experienced they cannot lapse, which I like. But yeah. Ultimately, even a lapse should be "one snowballing mistake", not "every member of the team breaks protocol."
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yudol-skorbi · 2 years
your adaar, a baby, tell me more plz!!
Than Addar the baby my poor tender son boy
lets start with some fun facts
-24yo at the start of the game - a very good cook - loves animals - better communicates with them than with people - his favorite mount is a Abyssal Hang-Tooth dracolisk named Goldie (because of color) - quiet voice, bad posture, very nervous - very tactile, but knows that he looks quite threatening, so doesn't act on it - withdrawn and reserved, trusting anyone is hard for him - VERY polite, even faced with rudeness - very soft and compassionate - full of unrequired love -anxious but fake it until you make it so he slowly starts being more confident - hates attention, being public and religious figure is a pure torture for him - Winter palace?? He prefers death - Still did his best because hyper-responsibility - he is trying like SO HARD oooh my poor boy he is doing hes best, very hard on himself - afraid to let everyone down, to fail their expectations - believes in Andraste but doesn't like church as an organisation - sincerely hopes that he really is the herald of Andraste because it helps him to make sence of his own existence - really embarrassed about his lack of knowledge of magic, especially while working with such a brilliant minds like Solas, Vivienne and Dorian, but very eager to learn - Better gets along with honest and straightforward people, that's why he quickly became friends with Cassandra and Sera -always puts the needs of others above his own to the point where this can become unhealthy - that's why he hired the Chargers despite being terrified of Bull - somehow after a long long time and couple of booze Than suddenly realized that counts him amongst his friends - romancing Dorian - for a long time Than was terrible lovesick mess around him - the boy is mesmerized - he was fully prepared to be rejected and take it as a grown up and not to cry in his room for the next week - he was not rejected! what a surprise!
and now the backstory
I couldn't find any info about Tal-Vashoth who are not mercenary, but i really wanted to give Than a happy childhood so fuck it. Let's say his parents somehow got a little farm in Free Marches far away from any civilization. Than loved his parents with whole heart and they tried to do everything they could for him to grow up happy and carefree even if they had a very vague concept about parenthood. So the boy played with goats and chickens, helped his parents farm and had pretty idyllic childhood
until his parents was killed
I think after the Qunari attack on Kirkwall may have occurred a wave of hatred towards everything big gray and horned and Than's family become an easy target for scared and angry people. He newer get to know why and how murderers end up in their home because the second Than saw his family being murdered his magic was awakened and in a fit of uncontrollable rage and sadness and desperation he burned down the attackers along with the farm and with bodies of his parents. After this Than went on a run. He was terrified, and lost, alone and so so sad and scared. He traveled through little towns while trying not to bring any attention. Somewhere around this timeline he turned to faith because the thought about Maker giving him magic for a reason and watching over him brought him comfort. I think he could find temporary shelters in small churches but he never stayed for long because he was afraid someone would find out he is a mage and he would be sent to Circle.
After some time he stumbled upon a Tal-Vashoth mercenary group who decided to take him in (he was 17). There was a Saarebas in the group who taught Than the basics about how to use his magic but with knowledge he also passed those fucked up Qun opinions about mages (well not all of them but some. i think even even if they don't follow the Qun anymore it's not easy to just forget or rework some core beliefs that they learned from early childhood) So Than had become very strict to himself and used his magic very reluctantly and tentatively. Also that is why his knowledge of magic is very limited. Saarebas's don't use spells and staffs, so Than only knows some basics spells that he overlooked somewhere along the way
Now i have a whole another essay about how his views changed during the events of the game and how meeting Solas, Vivienne and especially Dorian affected them but my brain is literally on fire from all of this translation, i didn't have much sleep for a while and this gets just too long, so if anyone interested i will write more, but for now??? I'm tired, but also really really happy about this ask, so thank you very much!!!!!
This playthrough is still in progress because at some point i was like huh i want to play DAO as Amell and now when Amell is on the Deep Roads i decided to return to my son. And I'm really looking forward Trespasser! That will be a lot of fun. For me at least. Than probably will get another mental trauma or smth
anyway please have some doodles i have lots of them but i'm too lazy to scan
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also this is how his parents look like their names are Vat and Meraad bc i am the most original human in the world
they traveled a lot together before they decided to have a baby and start a more stable life
unintentionally they turned out very cool and pretty and now i feel bad about killing them for the drama :/
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larsisfrommars · 3 years
Episode 140 guys…
What a night!
I love Essek and Cad and Molly and Fjord everyone so much I am going to MISS these mfers! SO MUCH!!
I still think the very last leg of the journey will be dealing with Trent, whether by combat, or by just ratting his ass out to King Dwendel about the Volstrucker Program type skill/persuasion challenge. I’d be happy either way. This could also potentially be done in a one shot but I hope they tie it up as an end of campaign mini-arc before we get the epilogue.
I kinda had my fingers crossed that Lucien used the Cloven Crystal and we’d get an Uka’toa cliffhanger for a one-shot of either finding the crystal (probably dealing with Sabien) or a fun Uka’toa fight (could still happen but I doubt it). On the other hand, I also think it was good for Fjord not to pursue vengeance or Sabien, or any more of his super emotionally toxic warlock stuff, it’s better this way. I hope he reunites with Vandren in his (and Jester’s) epilogue.
I also wanna see some Shadowgast in that epilogue babeyyyyy. That whole sequence of using his Mote of Possibility to pull Caleb from the rubble, the forehead touch followed by Essek immediately defeating his guilt-induced Slow, then trying to CRUSH the SHIT out of Lucien with a gravity nexus after he dealt a ton of damage to Caleb. Like. Wow. These wizards are Extremely Gay and I Love Them.
All I have left to say is
Yasha = Love 💜
Caleb = Magician 🪄
Fjord = Sea 🌊
Jester = Joy 😄
Beau = Rumor 🖕🏻
Nott/Veth = Tinkerer ⚙️
Good night everyone!
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heejojo · 3 years
Mr Hollywood
summary: Sim Jaeyun had made it, he had finally fulfilled his dream of being an artist but he had to leave the place he called he called home promising he would come back when everything was okay. He’s back now but are you sure it’s the same Jake you once knew?
genre: fluff, minor angst, childhood lovers turned exes to lovers again
pairing: Celebrity Sim Jaeyun x non-celebrity reader (with enhypen and treasure appearances)
warning: none
word count: 4.1k
a/n: although it has been proofread, I cannot guarantee no errors so please let me know if you see any! please let me know what you think. likes and reblogs are appreciated and I hope you have a good day.
listen to the playlist here
send an ask or fill out this form to be part of the taglist!
taglist (open): @enhyphun @jungwoniics @penny-quinn @ncthpen @fylithia @taecup-ontrack @renee1414@studioreader
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“And the Artist Of The Year Award goes to none other than...” the announcer said, keeping you all at the edge of your seats. Everyone here had voted for Jake so many times so that he would win. The announcer looked at the folded card in his hand before smiling and saying.
“Jake Sim!” The screams of everyone in the beer parlour with you watching the award ceremony were probably louder than those in the venue itself. You all watched in pride as the look of shock was evident on his face and he shakily walked to the podium to collect the award. You smiled at how good he looked, he had come so far from the boy you once knew here.
Five years ago, Jake had left his hometown, where he grew up for 18 years to pursue his dream. Granted, not everyone is supposed to stay for the rest of their lives but he thought he was going to stay but he made up his mind to leave for his passion. You all supported him even if you weren’t able to talk to him because of his busy schedule. Being able to cheer him from the sidelines was what you were content with. He was the pride of the town and people did not hesitate to show him off.
He gave the announcer a bow and collected the award. You could see the way his hands shook as he collected the award as if it felt unreal that he won.
“I would like to thank God for the ability to get to this point today and to thank my parents for always teaching me the right way and having the courage to let their child pursue his dreams even if it meant that I would be very far away; almost out of reach even. I love you. To all those that have continuously supported me and listened to my music, thank you. To the staff that have worked so hard and everyone I've had the pleasure of meeting, a big thank you to you" he said and walked off.
The excitement of the crowd reduced and everyone eventually retired to their homes while chatting amongst themselves. You think about the award one more time, feeling happy for him and move on. After all, the same way Sim has a life to live is the same way you do also.
The next day, when you wake up you feel a shift in the atmosphere. The birds are still chirping, yes but something feels unusual. You brush off the paranoia you feel and decide to do your usual morning duties and carry on with your day. While other people your age wanted to have prestigious jobs(not like there was anything wrong with that), you wanted something simple and had decided on being either a cafe owner or a florist.
Sadly, the cafe owner agenda wasn't able to work out because everyone in the vicinity was now aware of the way you burned down a cafe trying to bake and collectively decided that you should not be allowed to make food for people. Flowers were better than running a cafe shop. You stayed with your flowers and you were able to give
someone a flower when they needed it.
Need a flower for your mother? You got it, a daylily was exactly what they needed. Wanted to attend a funeral? Take a bouquet of lilies. It was easy to understand and you didn't directly put anyone in harm’s way. Although your shop was hardly ever full, you were content with everything.
That's why you're shocked when you find a line of people waiting to be let into your shop at 9 am. You raised an eyebrow in confusion but you opened the door nevertheless. At the end of the day, you were the one earning the money. You had things to buy, didn't you?
You take your place at the counter and start attending to the customers. They didn't tell you to pick out one for them and just chose it themselves. The crowd slowly reduced till there was only one person left. When there remained a few people, you quietly moved to one person to ask for the reason why they were so cheerful today.
"Jungwon, do you know why everyone is so happy today? My shop was full today!"
"Are you complaining about it?" He asks. Jungwon was the son of the cafe shop owner. He came to your shop frequently when he was on his break and you would talk to each other.
“Of course, I’m not. I just want to know what’s making everyone come here all of a sudden. Even old man Jay came here and you know that man never leaves his house. He bought a red carnation and I’m confused because who does he have affection for that he’s getting them flowers”
“He has a wife you know”
“Please, the last time they had a conversation with each other was when he asked for a divorce” you deadpanned.
“Look Y/N, who’s the one person in this town anyone would do anything for?”
“Kim Junkyu?”
“Close but not him, I wouldn’t do anything for him” Jungwon stated making you roll your eyes.
“The only person left is Sim Jaeyun and we know it’s not possible”
“Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner”
You give him a shaky smile before asking him, “You’re joking right?”
“I’m not,” he says sincerely. You nod your head and go sit on the nearest stool. Placing a hand on your throat as you begin to scratch at it (something you did when you were nervous) and just sit in silence while Jungwon continues talking.
“After the award ceremony, his management released a statement on his Instagram saying that he would be going on hiatus for two months to visit his family. So we townsmen decided to get flowers to pave the road with because he would be coming back. We would have used gold leaves but it’s too expensive”
He continued talking and talking while you were still trying to process the fact that Jake would be coming back. Physically he was still going to be the same Jake you had a crush on before he left but personality-wise? You doubted that. You heard stories of the way fame had changed people; the love from others would get to their heads and make them overly egotistical. A part of you knew that he wouldn’t change but the other part was unsure. Before he left, you made him promise to not change and while you knew promises could be broken, you knew he wouldn’t break them.
“Jungwon, I want to close the shop for today. I’m not feeling too well and want to rest a bit”
“No problem Y/N! If you want, I can stay here and do business for you”
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve made enough money today to last me for next month” you say and shoo him away.
At home, you just sit and think for some time before getting up to make some tea and reminiscing about your high school memories. You hardly had feelings for people so when you did, you let them know immediately. When you told Jake that you liked him, he told you that he felt the same. You ignored him for a week after that because you didn’t think that far. After that, you met up with him and explained the reason why you avoided him. You went out with each other for less than 2 weeks and during that period, he had told you about his dreams of becoming an artist and you supported him wholeheartedly.
He would carry your books from school and you both would walk home together every day. He'd play the violin for you because he was good. You'd both pet stray cats and run when they started chasing you. All good things came to an end when he told you that he had to leave to pursue his dream. You both knew you were too young to even attempt a long-distance relationship so you let each other go even though it hurt. You’d watch his music videos and support his activities even though there was a possibility he would never return. Now that he was going to be here, how were you going to cope knowing that your feelings for him were still the same while his feelings could have gone, especially with all the beautiful people in the industry?
That night, while everyone was outside welcoming Mr Hollywood, you stayed in your house dreading the days that would come. The town was small so there was no way that you wouldn’t bump into him. The voices were loud when you tried to sleep. Seems like everyone was ecstatic that Jake had come back. The noise wasn’t able to let you sleep but deep down you knew it was because you were nervous.
You decide to bake cookies to reduce the stress you are currently feeling. You had learnt from your mistakes and no longer burnt kitchens (your kitchen being valid proof of that), but Jungwon’s dad still wouldn’t lift his ban. You baked cookies till 2 am before you were really tired enough to sleep. You had baked almost a hundred cookies that night.
The next morning, you made sure to wake up early so you wouldn’t run into anyone. Thankfully, the townspeople didn’t want to buy flowers that morning and got started on the orders that people out of town had placed. You brought cookies for Jungwon so he could test them. You were trying to fix the counter when someone walked in, making the bell jingle. Assuming it was Jungwon, you say, “Jungwon the cookies are on the counter. Test them and tell me what you think, don’t eat them and run away”
“I’m not a Jungwon but can I talk to Y/N?” You’re startled but you freeze, instantly recognizing the voice. Jake Sim.
“Hello, what would you like?” you asked with a forced smile. You were way too close, the proximity was making you uneasy. He looked a bit disappointed with the way you answered him but what did he expect to come to? It had been five years.
“I just wanted to tal-” he is cut off by Jungwon bursting through the door.
“Y/N, you will not believe who I saw. I saw Jake Sim with my very own two eyes. He looks so much hotter in real life. Do you think he’d sign my back if I asked-” he stopped instantly when he saw the person that was in the flower shop.
He looked like a fish out of water with the way his mouth was agape. Looking at you, then at Jake and then you again. He brought his hand to his head and he hit it hard making you startled.
“Sorry I will leave now,” Jungwon said.
“To cry” he murmured, making you chuckle. Jungwon was someone that cried when he did something embarrassing.
“Jungwon wait,” you say and walk to give him the cookies you had packed for him with a little note.
“Eat them and get back to me when you’re less you know...embarrassed” He snatches them from your hands and makes a run for the door. You giggle then you remember that Jake was still present. Turning to face him, you ask if he wants anything. “I want to talk to you”
You motion him to sit on the spare chair you had and he obliges. Before you even ask him a question, he begins, “Was that your boyfriend?”
“No, not that it concerns you though”
“Where you last night? I saw everyone but you. The Johnny kid said you were feeling ill. I doubt that wasn’t true as you made cookies. The last time I remembered, you were really bad at anything relating to the kitchen”
“Times change and people change, Jaeyun. It’s been 5 years since we last had a conversation with each other. I’m not the same and I’m sure you’re not the same either”
“Let’s get to know each other again. Do things the old fashioned way. Go on dates, paint, and bake with each other. Do some of the things we could have done 5 years ago.”
“And then when you have to leave and have no contact with each other again”
“I won’t do that, I promise. Never again.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“Let me prove it to you-”
He’s cut off by the entrance of another customer and stands up to leave but you don’t miss the longing look in his eyes. You hope he can see the same look in yours that’s covered by hurt and waiting for someone to return.
You were not expecting Jake to be at your store first thing on a Friday morning. He was even earlier than you and you're the boss.
“What are you doing here?” you ask. He was bouncing on his feet and looking cherry when you hadn’t even gotten enough sleep.
“I’m here to take you out. Do it like the old times where I’d wait for you so we could go to school together”
“I have work to do today and I’m going to be booked so another time”
“I have come to offer my assistance so tomorrow we can go out together”
“Don’t you have things to do?”
“I’m on a hiatus, I’m free for almost two months and if you want I can be free for more. Imagine all the things we could do in that time” he trails off, fantasizing when you hadn’t even told him that you still liked him. Meanwhile, you had opened the door and walked in.
"Aren't you going to come in and stop thinking of cute stuff?" you ask him and he quickly runs in, flustered.
He takes a look around and puts on a determined face and gets a broom and starts cleaning. For someone that's supposed to be a celebrity, he was cleaning like an employee. You take a rag and wipe all the surfaces and take care of the flowers. After an hour, the shop is ready to open. Customers come rolling in once they see a new help. Although they're surprised, they don't question it.
During your break, Jake picks up a chrysanthemum and hands it to you. "It's for you because you're beautiful," he says
"Hate to rain on your parade but if you gave me this in Italy, it means you wish I were dead" and with that, he takes back the flower instantly and brings a single red rose. You receive it with a small laugh, finding it funny when he doesn't want you misinterpreting him. You were having a sweet moment with him until Jungwon came in again.
"I'm getting tired of seeing you here Mr Sim. As much as I adore you, I need to meet my friend" he states and pulls you to the back. "Care to explain why Jake Sim is in your store again!?"
"Nope" you respond, popping the p. He brought his hand to his forehead and tried to relax his muscles because according to him, he doesn't want to look forty-five when he's thirty years old.
"Look, it's weird coming here and seeing you have company. I'm not against you having company seeing as you've been lonely the entire time I've known you but, I can't stay in his presence! Why must a man Look so gorgeous!? He's ruining my already broken esteem. Everybody saw him in real life and was wondering how a man could look that good."
"They saw him when he was seventeen years old," you tell him.
"And he's twenty-three now! He doesn't look the same and I don't even need to have known him then to know now"
"Jungwon, I want you to get to the point," you tell him, basically pleading at that point because your break would soon be over.
"I'll see you when I have enough confidence to meet him," he says and leaves the store. You shake your head at his overdramatic behaviour and continue with your day. Jake proves to be amazing assistance and you got things done quicker and even closed earlier.
"Thank you for offering help, you can go home now. See you tomorrow" you say in an attempt to shoo him out.
"I want to walk you home" he announces and goes with you home.
"Do you hate me for not talking to you?" he asks.
"I don't hate you. To be honest, I think we both did the right thing by not talking to each other. It was good we had each other in mind but I would have caused too much of a distraction for you. It was great you focused on your career and achieved your goals. I did well too"
"Johnny boy said you were lonely though," he said.
"Number one, I know you know his name is Jungwon but you're just being petty. Two, why were you eavesdropping on our conversation and three, I still had a bit of hope that one day you'd return. I didn't think that you'd come" you say truthfully. The night was making you vulnerable when answering his questions.
"I always asked my mum how you were doing when I called her, you know? I wanted to check up on you without doing so myself. I'd ask her to give you a pop tart because I knew they were your favourite"
Even though he was still far away, he still had kept you in his mind the same way you did for him.
You got home and stayed at the door before you took him by the shoulder and said, "Let's go out together and have fun". He gives you a soft smile and watches you go in before he retires to his own home.
The following day, you're waiting for him to come. You had tried to dress up for the date but didn't want to underdress or overdress since he hadn't told you where you were going. So you decided to wear a simple sundress and made yourself look nice. He arrived wearing something as casual as you in a car.
"Is this your dad's?" you questioned.
"Yup, I borrowed it to take you out,” he says and winks at you. You shake your head laughing and get in the passenger seat and he drives.
“Where are we going?” you ask, curious.
“You’ll see when we get there” you don’t respond but wind down the window and feel the wind on your face which makes you smile.
You catch Jake glancing at you while he’s driving and he doesn’t even try to hide it. “At least try to pretend you’re not starting”
“I can’t help it, you’re so pretty” This kid, he was making it too easy for you to fall for him.
“Do you still like me, Jaeyun?” you inquire.
“I do,” he said with certainty. Has he always been this bold? You don’t say anything and continue to look out so he reaches over and takes one of your hands in his while he uses his other one to drive. You look at him but just continue doing what you’re doing.
“You might not believe me but I mean it,” he says, lightly squeezing your hand as a form of reassurance.
He stops the car at an aquarium and you both come out. You have a wonderful time and although people recognize him and are surprised to see him with you, they don't say anything and leave you alone. You smiled that day more than you had ever smiled before.
"The fishes look good to eat" you whisper in his ear and he playfully smacks your arm and jokes.
"You monster! How can you say that!?" to which you jokingly shrug.
After the aquarium, he takes you to a flower field. "I did my research this time so I don't give you a wrong flower." He picked up a primrose and says, "I know this one means love is eternal so I'm giving it to you because no matter the distance between us, our love will be forever"
You feel warm this time and know that even if he were to leave again, the distance wouldn't matter because together, you both could overcome anything.
"You're all I need" you manage to say.
"When did you get all sentimental?" he teases and you chase after him in the flower field. When you get tired, you lie down on the grass and he lays next to you. Your hands find his hands amid all the grass and you squeeze it. Unknowingly, you fall asleep next to him.
The next weeks that follow include you two bonding and Jake having fun and being relaxed. He was able to write a song but wouldn't let you see the lyrics, saying it wasn't something he wants you to see yet. You met his parents and thanked his mum for taking care of you indirectly and conversed with his dad too. You could tell that he hadn't forgotten any of the values his parents had thought him. He grew up surrounded by a lot of love so he had more than enough to give.
He also met your parents and he was nervous even though you had tried to reassure him that they wouldn't do anything to him. Your father tried to act scary but deep down you knew he had a soft spot for him. Your mom was showering with more affection than she gave you and Jungwon tried stylishly asking him for his celebrity crush numbers.
"Jake, since you're dating my friend can you link me up with Han Sohee? You've worked with her before, help a friend out"
"I'll ask her but no promises" Jungwon was so happy the entire day.
A few days before Jake had to go back because his hiatus was over, you both were talking about how things would be while baking muffins.
"Y/N don't think I won’t talk to you when I go because I can already see the gears turning in your head."
"Pass me the butter Jaeyun"
"Are we back to the first-name basis? Call me the sweet names" he whined.
"Just pass the butter babe" and he passes it instantly.
"Now back to what you were saying, I know you won't forget me obviously and if you try I I can always take a flight to get to you." You tell him. You weren't going to wait around for him anymore. If you missed him, you'd go see him if he was unable to come to see you.
"Better, I was already worried," he says and gives you a back hug.
The day he left was bittersweet and you shed a few tears. It took a lot of willpower to not cry in front of him. You didn't want him to leave but you knew that he had a job to get to and you couldn't be in the way of that.
You both regularly kept in touch, calling each other at least twice a week to catch up on what had happened during each other's week. He hadn't told you that he released a new song and you found out through his fanboy Jungwon who was now the self-acclaimed president of his fan club.
"Y/N, have you heard Jake's new solo? I cried to it for an hour straight" You didn't have any time to check what was going on because someone had ordered flowers for their wedding and you had to get them done quickly.
"New solo?" you ask and Jungwon sits you down and plays the song for you. Truth be told, you cried as well. It felt like he was there with you telling you that he'd never change.
You watched the interview and when he was asked about the meaning or person behind the song, he said, "There's someone that I love and I wanted to let her know that no matter how famous I get, I won't ever change and she shouldn't change either". He looked directly at the camera then continued, "You're stuck with me forever".
That night, you called him and cried on the phone to him telling him about how you saw the interview.
"Y/N, you know I care about you" you sobbed even harder.
"I care about you too, forever"
"Forever baby, regardless of the distance"
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 3 years
Hello, it's me again.
I'm ready to tell you my favorite pairings.
I have a lot I want to talk about, but I'll just be about a few of them today.
Anyway, here are my favorite pairings and why I ship them.
Brainy x Clumsy -- I already told you that they were my OTP since I was a kid, so I decided to keep it short here.
Their song: ''More Love'' by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles.
Gutsy x Tailor -- I know that people ship Gutsy with Brainy and Tailor with Farmer, but I ship Gutsy with Tailor because it is actually very underrated and needs more love.
A loud, boisterous, and adventurous Scottish Smurf and a no-nonsense, straight-laced, & prissy Smurf who makes clothes?
In my mind, it could happen.
Hefty x SmurfStorm -- I shipped these two together after seeing Hefty x Stormy fanart on DeviantART from my friend Alihoorn202d.
You might want to her art after this.
It's really good.
Their song: ''She's So High'' by Tal Bachman
Smurfette x SmurfLily -- I originally planned to ship Smurfette with Stormy like, you know, everybody else.
But after rewatching the movie a few times, I began to ship her with SmurfLily instead because, like Gutsy x Tailor, it is very underrated.
This is another ship that needs more love.
Their song: ''Girl Crush'' by Little Big Town
Grouchy x Jokey -- I just really like this ship.
A pessimistic, brooding Smurf who hates almost everything and a funny prankster Smurf with an incredibly scratchy voice?
Once again, it could happen.
Their song: ''Toxic'' by Britney Spears
Harmony x SmurfMelody -- If these two had met in the movie, it would've been a match made in heaven!
And yeah, Harmony isn't the best musician, but Melody believes that she could change him.
Their song: ''Dear Future Husband'' by Meghan Trainor
Alchemist x SmurfBlossom -- A lot people ship her with Smurfette or Brainy or Hackus, but I chose to ship her with Alchemist Smurf, an underrated character from the comics.
Their song: ''Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic'' by The Police
Hefty x Vanity -- I like to ship these two together every now and then.
Their song: ''Crazy Little Thing Called Love'' by Queen
Papa Smurf x SmurfWillow -- I mean, come on, who DOESN'T ship these two village leaders together?
Their song: ''Ain't No Mountain High Enough'' by Marvin Gaye & Tammy Terrell
Wow, this is probably the longest thing I have ever written.
aww! all of those are really sweet! 😄💙 I've never heard anyone ship harmony and melody but they would be adorable together!! I can see melody trying to teach harmony how to play the trumpet and being proud of him when he makes progress 🥺🎺 personally, aside from clumsy and brainy I kinda just find all different ships cute and there's also a lot of smurfs that I like together just as friends 😄💙
that being said here are some of my favourites:
greedy & lazy: I just think they're sweet!💤🥧 they have some cute moments in the cartoon and are seen together somewhat often
song: sophia by clario (no reason really other than that it's a really soft and pretty lighthearted song so I think it fits them :)
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jokey & grouchy: I'm not sure if I ship it or not but I love to see them together and I think they're a really funny pair! 😂🎁
smurfette & smurflily: as you said I very rarely see anyone ship them but I feel like they would be really cute, I loved the scenes where they were looking in eachothers eyes and when smurflily was trying to teach smurfette archery in the lost village 🍃🦋🏹 (I also like smurfette and smurfblossom together :) 🌺
song: girls like girls by hayley kiyoko (the classic for anyone whose just discovered they're sapphic 🤭)
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and ofcourse, brainy & clumsy: there's so much to say! the smufiest of friends, the darkness monster, them almost always being together, I don't know what to say 'cause there's too much to say! 😂📚🪨 I love them because they're so funny as well, anytime they're on screen together it's pretty much guaranteed that I'm going to laugh! :)
song: lover by taylor swift ("can I go where you go? can we always be this close? forever and ever-" it just fits! 💗)
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I also think papa smurf and smurfwillow are an adorable ship! 🌼🍄 and painter & poet would be another honorable mention 🎨📜 though as I said I find most ships cute, even if I don't necessarily ship them myself, clumsy and handy for example 😄🔧💙
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nol-an · 3 years
it was good until it wasn’t || n. patrick
inspired by the prompt, “please don’t make me choose.”
2k worth of A N G S T!! um yea haven’t written in over two years and this is my first hockey fic so bear with me. feedback is always appreciated! (this is not proofread and im sure there are probs some plot holes- oops)
For so long, everything had felt too good to be true. Nolan finally accomplished his dream of playing in the NHL, and you had gotten into your dream school in Philadelphia. To you, there was nothing more important than pursuing a career in the medical field and being able to do that with Nolan on your side.
At times, the long study nights, missed plans, and occasional stressed-induced breakdowns made you question if you were ever going to meet your end goals. That feeling was definitely not foreign to you, but it didn’t necessarily make coping with the thought any easier. It was a weird feeling — four years of undergraduate school almost felt like too much yet not enough time. There was so much you wanted to accomplish, and you sometimes wished you weren’t so ambitious because the days where you felt incapable of being successful were the days that you wanted nothing more than to wallow in your fears alone.
Luckily for you, Nolan was incredibly understanding of your fears. While he knew his life as an athlete was drastically different from your life as a student, he tried his best to understand your thoughts and always told you how much he admired your drive to reach your goals. No matter how often you tried to internalize your emotions, Nolan knew better and never hesitated to be your rock. Be it in the form of verbal or physical reassurance, his presence radiated a sense of comfort that always brought you out of any illusion of doubt you may have conjured. 
He doesn’t tell you enough, but you have a similar effect on him. Your gentle touches, cute pre-game texts, and warm hugs never fail to bring a smile to his face. If he’s being honest with himself, he’s not quite sure what he would do without you. It’s not really a thought he has to worry about, though, because for what felt like a blissful eternity, the stars aligned for you two. There were undoubtedly times when Nolan and you would run into disagreements, but the desire to make things work seemingly mended any issues in the relationship.
That was, however, until everything seem to come to a head. With your MCAT exam date approaching very soon and Nolan’s season with the Flyers starting just as quickly, it was hard for the two of you to bask in each other’s presence like usual. It wasn’t something either of you really noticed, as you both understood how important the other’s career was. You knew how important this comeback season for Nolan would be, and you tried your best to let him know that you would support him no matter what. He didn’t have to say it, but you knew a lot of doubts were rushing through your boyfriend’s head and you almost mistook his increasingly reserved demeanor as nerves. 
In fact, you didn’t really give it much thought until Nolan came home from his fourth game of the season. As badly as you wished you could have attended, the remaining hours you had to prepare for the MCAT were previous and you reassured Nolan that you would be his number one cheerleader again as soon as you got the dreaded test out of the way.
Your nose was stuffed into a psychology textbook until your trance was broken with the slam of the front door to you and Nolan’s shared apartment.
“Hi, baby,” you greeted as you got out of your seat to hug your freshly-showered boyfriend. If the sound of the front door was any indication, you had a feeling that the game didn’t go as desired, and you didn’t want to push any touchy subjects. On more than one occasion, Nolan had told you how much he liked how he could escape from hockey in your presence. He loved that he could escape from that part of his life, loved how you made him feel like a normal guy. You thought this would be one of those nights where even the word “hockey” wouldn’t be uttered, but you were wrong. So wrong.
“You’re not gonna ask how the game went?” Your boyfriend pressed, his tone bitter. Pulling away from your hug, he turned his back to you all too soon and he walked towards the kitchen.
“I-I mean, you know I’m always here to listen about your games, but I just thought you wouldn’t want to talk about it?” you meekly replied, unsure of where he was going with the conversation. 
You weren’t entirely sure what the outcome of the game was, but you were definitely confused. Nolan usually didn’t like talking about the Flyers’ losses, but you were so sure something went wrong based on his dramatic entrance into your shared home.
Prompted by his silence, you continued, “Um, so was it a win?” you uttered, regretting your words as soon as they slipped off your tongue.
Slamming his water bottle on the countertop, Nolan’s actions caused your words to dissipate. Silence filled the room, the tension almost palpable.
“Well you would know if you were there, wouldn’t you?” he replied, clearly annoyed by your seemingly stupid question.
Alright, so definitely not a win.
“Nols,” you tried to reason, “You know I wanted to be there so badly, but I couldn’t. The MCAT is almo-” you were abruptly cut off.
“I know. The MCAT is only two weeks away and it’s super important for you. It’s been the same thing for weeks now, you don’t have to remind me,” Nolan finished your sentence, his monotonous and resentful tone making it clear that he had already heard the same words from you numerous times before.
Had it not been for this same tone, you would have brushed off his comment. You would have instead attributed his harshness to tonight’s loss, which would have been the third one in a row. However, his response felt condescending — like he was downplaying how important the MCAT actually was to you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you quipped. It felt like you just recited the most cliche line in the book, but your brain and heart had already started functioning at two different rates. If you attempted to say any more, your stress from the upcoming exam mixed with the rising argument you sensed would have surely sent you into a pool of tears.
“It’s just exhausting you, know?” Nolan started, “I know you’re busy with your own things, but it sucks seeing all of the other guys getting to hug their girlfriends and wives at the tunnel at the end of games while I know I can’t have the same with you. I mean, is it so much to ask of you to just be there for me? How am I supposed to believe that you want the best for me when you aren’t even acting like it?” he argued.
“‘So was it a win?’” he bitterly recited your earlier question, scoffing at it. “You could have at least Googled the score and pretended like you were keeping up.”
You didn’t know what to say. Your confusion immediately turned into anger and shock — you thought Nolan, out of all people, would have understood your situation. Not being able to wrap your head around his current state of irrationality, it felt like hours passed before you willed yourself to reply.
“I've attend almost every game of yours. I’m sorry I haven’t been so good at that recently, but you know how much I want to do well on this exam,” you seethed. 
You were trying to stay level-headed, but anger consumed any possibility of making the discourse calm. “My life does not revolve solely around your career, and I’m sure as hell not going to always be able to put my life on hold to make sure I know what the scoreboard of every game is.” You couldn’t help but let every one of your words become coated in frustration. You thought everything you were saying was so obvious, and you couldn’t help but become more upset with the fact that you even had to reiterate these points to Nolan.
“Sometimes it feels like I’m not even dating someone,” Nolan dryly responded. “Feels like all you do nowadays is drone on and on about this test. Is this what the rest of our relationship it gonna be like? I mean, I can’t imagine what things are gonna be like once you’re in med school,” he hastily commented, pacing around the kitchen.
Every one of his words felt like a punch to your gut. His words hurt more than your face let on, every instinct in your body asking —no, begging— you to flee your current predicament.
“I don’t know what to say,” you truthfully replied.
“Is there even room for me in your life anymore?” he questioned, adding fuel to the fire. “It feels like I’m always second to your fantasy life as a doctor.”
This was your last straw. Sure, you could have tried to see the validity in his initial argument if you gave yourself time to cool down. But now, it felt like he was mocking you. The same person that made your goals feel attainable was starting to break down your confidence. The confidence that he helped you construct was now crumbling, brick by brick.
“Nolan, you mean so much more to me than that. Please, I would never want you to feel this way, and I know we can work this out we just need to tal-” you were cut off once more.
“I don't know if I can do this anymore,” he cryptically stated, letting your worst fears fester around the kitchen that felt way too cramped now.
“Nol, please,” you pleaded. Your anger immediately shifted to dread.
“I want you to achieve your dreams more than anything, but I don’t know if I see myself in these future plans if this is what the rest of your career is supposed to be like. Do I even have a place in your future plans?” Nolan sighed.
Your stomach dropped. Even though he didn’t explicitly state it, you knew what he was hinting at. It was your career or him, and he was making it clear that having both in your life wouldn’t be feasible. As if he pulled out the last brick, you finally let all of your walls down. Tears freely flowed down your face, as you tried to convince yourself that you were hearing wrong. You wanted to scream it at the top of your lungs. Of course you saw Nolan as part of your future. Hell, he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. However, his seeming disregard for your career aspirations was off-putting and made you reconsider everything.
Your eyesight, blurry from your tears, tried to focus on the hockey player. Your dejected state urged you to reason with him, but you were unsure of what to do.
“Please, Nolan. Please don’t make me choose,” you pleaded. In comparison to your vulnerable state, Nolan was composed. It was as if he rehearsed this, his blank stare void of emotion. You tried to come closer to him, but his body language told you that your touch wasn’t welcome.
“I don’t have to,” Nolan pushed himself off the counter, “The fact that you don’t already know your answer already tells me what I need to know,” he stated. Grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter, he headed to the front door before you could gather your emotions and form words.
Your anger, confusion, and hurt seemed to weigh you down, gluing your feet to the ground. As much as you wanted to stop his exit from the apartment, your body kept you in place. With a second slam of the front door, the gust of wind from the heavy door whiffled through your long-forgotten textbook, the sound of the pages ruffling mocking you. The silence following Nolan’s exit was deafening. You never thought Nolan would make you choose between your relationship with him and your career. You thought you knew a lot of things about life, really, but this was certainly something you were not prepared for.
Your world was spinning, orbiting into a field of anguish and heartbreak. As if your brain hadn’t quite registered the turn of events, you almost thought about calling for Nolan until you were cruelly reminded that reaching for him was no longer an option. Your rock was gone, and you were lost.
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E111 (Redux! Oct. 13, 2020)
Gooooood evening good evening good evening, all! I started the VOD late for this recap and somehow the first four or so minutes of the show have a Twitch audio copyright claim, so I am reduced to only reading Brian's lips when he asks if we're on the internet. Hilariously, Marisha's background room is a comfy-looking blue/gold fabric wall with a ceramic colorful abstract lamp and a yellow silk scarf over the lampshade, and Taliesin's is an industrial looking games room in grey and black with multiple monitors, overhead speakers, and mysterious metal fixtures behind him. What a treasure this group is, honestly.
Tonight's guests: Marisha Ray & Taliesin Jaffe, discussing episodes 110 and 111 again. I wildly speculate once more about what might have caused their absence: jury duty? Sam appearing on The Masked Singer? Something to do with the animated show? One day, we’ll know, one day... (One day this “copyrighted audio” section will come back from the wars, too. Ugh!) Finally! The audio comes back to reveal Brian discussing the endless reality of digital meetings and Marisha talking about (I think) her glare-reducing glasses she’s wearing. Welcome to the New Age (welcome to the New Age, to the New Age).
Announcements: Marisha suggests checking out Dimension20, another live tabletop gaming group, which premieres live on Wednesdays at 4pm (CollegeHumor). 
Brian immediately wants to know how they feel about the revelation that Molly is alive. Taliesin’s personal reaction: he “knows some things” he can’t talk about and is aware of several possibilities that might be going on, but had a sneaking suspicion that there would not be a body for them to find. He says it’s almost all there for anyone to see in past material. Marisha’s personal reaction: she just wants to know how she’s doing with her theories, & was trying to block Tal’s face out deliberately as she was going off on her theories in the last episode. Taliesin says he thought her ideas were pretty good!
Cad has no clue what to think - it’s like listening to your friends talk about Buffy. Marisha thought it was a 50/50 Molly would still be there, but Beau had no idea. Not that it mattered, because as soon as Matt went through with it the reveal still blew their minds. Tal laid out his plans for the character with Matt during Campaign One (towards the end) after they all got their VM tattoos.
It is a “horrifying and gross” thing to dig up a body, and Beau was pretty reluctant to do it. Tal, as Cad: “Sometimes dead’s better.” The moral quandary of trying to speak with a dead friend was very different here than the frequent occasions they used the spell in C1.
Taliesin says his poker face is very bad, so it’s easier for him to over-react and let it all play out. The only other player he can see very easily from his place in their current setup is Travis, and because he knows Travis doesn’t watch TM, tweet, or participate in social media, he admits he thoroughly enjoyed watching Travis freak out at his freaking out. He says he only knew about 20% of what Matt described at the end of that episode. He was picking things to mug to increase Travis’s surprise. I love this so much.
Taliesin provided the table left leg shake; Travis provided table right. Ha!
Beau is really accepting her role in the Cobalt Soul. It’s good when “as a person, you feel like you can settle into your calling. Sometimes you can do more from the inside than fighting from the outside.” It’s a mirrored but opposite path of Keyleth from C1; Beau felt like she was too good for her duty, while Keyleth thought she wasn’t good enough.
Caduceus is not a big believer in jumping to conclusions. He does have an idea/notion of the “city of the undead” and thinks all this necrotic energy must come from somewhere, and wonders if this is the “capital of anti-death.” He’s willing to believe whatever he sees. This is one of the few things that trigger a bit of loathing and disgust in him. It was terrifying that the Wildmother didn’t know anything.
Beau is pretty confident in her Charlie Day impression laying-out-the-research last episode. She enjoyed taking the things that were known & extrapolating around them; this is a huge facet of Marisha’s own personality and she really enjoys it, so she built a character this time that would allow that kind of puzzle-solving. It’s also why she repeatedly notes when Beau journals, so she can avoid metagaming. Trent’s mention of Vess Durogna’s tomb raiding was completely circumstantial, and the only reason she’d made the connection to the Tombtakers was because she’d recently reviewed those notes for a separate unannounced project. Sometimes she tries to make connections and Matt is like, “It was...just descriptive. Just flavor. The curtains were red...” and she has to discard a paragraph of notes. She feels like it’s still something they have to do because of “look at what he does! Look! It’s totally valid!”
Cosplay of the Week: @kitsunstudios with a gorgeous Caduceus with a very intricate silk vest.
Caduceus’s takedown of Trent! One of my favorite moments in the entirety of C2. Taliesin felt Trent was an asshole; Caduceus felt sorry for him because of how dumb he thought he was. Caduceus’s response was "this is the dumbest man I’ve ever met in my life. He’s so dumb! Is nobody going to tell this guy how dumb he is? Oh, they’re all freaked out. Somebody needs to tell this guy he’s an idiot before somebody gets hurt.” (Marisha: “Before?”) Tal says it was the product of several years of therapy and many drunk conversations with Whitney Moore. It was from a genuine place of concern from Caduceus. “How are you allowed to have this much power and be that dumb?”
Brian loved how funny it was to watch everyone tiptoe around Trent and then Caduceus bulldoze through the end of the meal.
Taliesin: “Damage doesn’t make you interesting or better. It’s not what makes you good. Character isn’t found in damage. Just recovery.”
Brian & Marisha commiserate going through the stage where believing surviving something automatically made you a stronger person, better for the pain; instead it just meant you had to pick up the pieces after. Marisha talks about how strength through survival may be true for some people, but it shouldn’t be considered a necessity. Taliesin talks about how he used to think he had to be miserable to write. Brian talks about how believing he liked reading and writing miserable things only limited him for years.
Marisha feels it’s a C2 theme that almost all the PCs have someone trying to handwave or take credit for their accomplishments or explain their pain as being for their own good (Trent, Beau’s dad, Obann). She thinks it’s interesting to see all the various ways people try to take credit for your work/delegitimize you as a person. She loves that RPGs allow you to explore these odd moralities in interesting ways. The only way to fight it is to have a sense of your own self-worth, which is a problem a lot of the M9 started with.
Caduceus likes everyone, and really likes people who appear to need role models (Eodwulf). “With the right friends and the right bar and the right attitude, I think he’d be okay. Come over here where it’s so much better. That seems like an exhausting friendship that you have there.”
Marisha loves the mix of personalities in the M9; Veth, Cad, & Jester were all “we kind of like them!” after the dinner, and she immediately made eye contact with Travis and they both shook their heads. She knows Beau has to go along with it for Caleb’s sake for now, but she & Fjord are pretty sus of Trent’s proteges.
Beau is less concerned about Artagan’s relationship to Jester because “he showed his ass--she’s less worried about Jester now because a little of the magic is gone.” It’s a little like becoming an adult and realizing your parents are also just adults & human. Caduceus wasn’t suspicious of the Traveler for a long time until they got to the island. Aside: Taliesin loves the pantheon in D&D. “The notion of attempting to apply common Western conceptions of religion to a world where you have a pantheon of interventionist gods as baseline makes no sense to me. Everyone admits that every other god is there and doing shit; it has more in common with ancient Rome than anything else.” Now that he knows it was a con, he feels the wind had been taken out of it. He does have a sense that Jester’s gotten back together with an ex: “I hope that I’m really happy for you.” They’re both interested to see how Jester navigates the new relationship.
My internet goes out, of course. I panic for a second, thinking I’ve lost everything above, but all is well! Thanks, Form History Control addon!
Marisha loved punching Artagan, but regretting rolling so poorly. “I miss violence.” Dani lets us know it’s been about four episodes since the last battle.
There’s no way the Cobalt Reserve doesn’t have a single document on the Eyes of Nine. Beau believes “there are no real secrets” because people are just bad at not writing things down. For there to be no information at all seems really suspicious for her.
Fanart of the Week: @oddalchemist on twitter with some awesome Beau conspiracy red-thread boards overlaid a distant shadowy Molly walking away.
Caduceus feels a little guilty for really enjoying his time right now with the M9 and not wanting to go home. He’s starting to suspect that he’s going to go home very different than when he left. “He has the softest problems. I don’t know if I want to move back in with Mom & Dad.”
Beau is trying to get comfortable with the idea of being happy. Jester is probably Beau’s first real best friend & one of the first healthy female friendships she’s ever had. As long as she still has Jester in her life, she doesn’t care. For Yasha... “At the end of the day, Beau is a lonely person and has always been a lonely person. And I think you kinda reach this point where once you’re not lonely anymore, you can kind of come out of the fog and realize that was horrible! And terrifying! And is even more terrifying now that I know what I could have, and I don’t want to go back to that. At the end of the day Beau doesn’t want to be lonely anymore. There’s always been that flirtation with Yasha, but everyone had to figure their own shit out. And now it feels like it’s coming out a little bit of that haze, maybe this actually could be...” There are a lot of ways they complement each other & are good-different from each other. Marisha believes people can be attracted to more than person at once.
Caduceus doesn’t think nature turned against him on Rumblecusp, it was just a reality of nature being dangerous and violent. “He has a complex relationship with nature.” He doesn’t expect special treatment.
Thoughts on the mansion: “Man, it’s nice to be seen.” Marisha: “I don’t know how I ended up becoming the Scanlan of this campaign, but I’m living for it.” It felt like an echo of “I’m better for having known you.” They compare Marisha taking specific notes on the campaign to Liam taking specific notes on people’s favorite tapestries, comics, etc.
They talk about missing theme parks and daydream a park version of the mansion in CritRoleLand. It’s lovely.
Taliesin never expected Divine Intervention to work; he just wanted to roll some dice. He’s still processing what he saw/heard. They all agree it was very useful in the Vokodo fight.
Vilya! Marisha: “Ah! Ah! Ah!” As a player, Marisha was so deep in Beau’s eyes she didn’t pick up it was Vilya at first (especially since Matt really emphasized they should not be looking for C1 NPCs). Marisha’s brain melted. She bawled her eyes out on the ride home after that episode. Right after it ended, Laura told Marisha “Keyleth finally gets her happy ending,” and it makes Marisha emotional again since Keyleth’s story ended so bittersweetly. She talks about the very real feelings of “just wanting them to be happy, though!” She went back and listened to all her old Keyleth playlists. Everyone was teary after the episode. “Everyone has these 100% real memories of being these characters and having these good times.”
And that’s that for that! Thanks for your patience, all, and is it Thursday yet?
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dent-de-leon · 3 years
Hey Leo! I hope you don't mind me rambling about critical role in your inbox... Remember how Tal said that Molly wouldn't change much? I think that's impossible in a D&D game (but it's Tal we're talking about so who knows). If Molly didn't die and if Matt had thrown Lucien at the party wanting his original body back as planned... Do you think (alive) Molly would have those visceral reactions like (our) Lucien does because of how similar they were thus eventually changing?
Hi! Oh I don’t mind at all, I love talking about this stuff too! I think this is a really interesting concept, because we actually do know that Mollymauk has felt these faint touches of Lucien’s presence for sometime. It might not have escalated to these very physical manifestations we’re seeing in Lucien now. But Lucien definitely left behind enough of an impression for Molly to feel something:
“Few months after I came to, I started noticing I could do things, knew things that I didn't necessarily know I knew.”
“Okay, here’s the thing that you’re not catching. That wasn’t me. This is mine...That person is someone else...I did not feel good coming out of that.”  
“Whoever that was came to that end, and I want nothing to do with it. Whatever it was, it doesn't feel good when I--the moment when something creeps through, I don't like it. I don't want anything to do with it...”
“That sounds terrible. I don't want to remember anything. I don't want anybody else's baggage in my head and I don't want anybody else's problems, thoughts, ideas. I like this person--this person, right now, is a good person. Is a fine person. A happy person.”
I think part of what actually drives Molly to embrace his own identity and completely distance himself from Lucien is the fact that he’s already felt these echoes of him. And whatever remained of Lucien, Molly realized that he hated him. In Zone of Truth, Mollymauk admits he believes himself to be a good person--and he tries to be one entirely in spite of these remnants of Lucien that he can’t bear.
Beau: “Molly, you seem to have a pretty solidified identity for someone who has only had consciousness for two years.”
Mollymauk: “Things came back quick, and the circus helped. They were good people. They did a lot for me, and joy can fill an awful lot of a person’s life.”
Beau: “Things came back quick. Do you feel like there’s still remnants of who you once were that have informed who you are now?”
Mollymauk: “Maybe. I feel tinges of things on occasion, nothing I like.”
These errant pieces of Lucien creeping in terrified him. Molly likes his joyful, charmed life, the fun and freedom of a traveling carnival, with no burden of heavy memories attached. I think Lucien had already been changing Mollymauk, in the sense that Molly caught these glimpses of a life that wasn’t his, and made the conscious decision to tear himself free of it. Because he’s happier shutting out these remnants of Lucien’s, a better person than what chasing after those impulses would have made him.
Molly tried to tattoo over the Eyes of Nine. And when that wouldn’t work, he took back his body piece by piece, decorating himself in his own art to hide and conceal these marks Lucien left behind. He tells Cree to abandon the book, because it will only bring more trouble for her. He has what Taliesin describes as, “a mild nervous breakdown” when he first actives his Rite of the Dawn--likely because he’s terrified of gaining anymore of this stranger’s powers, these abilities and this knowledge that still don’t quite feel like his. He makes a point of telling the Nein that, in spite of his bullshit and games, he tried to be a good person. To leave every place better than he found it. I think Lucien’s influence was enough to change Molly, in the sense that he actively tried to be better than whatever person left this body behind.
But I also think Molly was in a very different place before. Because Lucien was mostly shattered and scattered in another plane of existence, Molly was mostly free of him. We knew from Matt that Lucien was going to try to take his body back, but that would be quite a way’s off, I think. For the most part, Lucien was cut off from the body. But now, it seems to me as though that shard of Molly is...suppressed. Quieted, but still present. And as time goes on, it seems Molly himself is developing more of a presence--enough that he could possibly wrestle control of the body from Lucien. It’s the kind of thing I don’t think Lucien would have been able to do to Molly unless he was returned to the material plan and had considerable help, but it’s an interesting thought. I could definitely see it playing out something like this.
For context, whenever I throw out stuff like this, I’m speculating under the assumption that Molly is still a wholly separate entity from Lucien, a broken piece who grew into his own person because of all his bonds and beliefs and experiences. Think the Velveteen Rabbit. Molly is just a speck, a fragment. A hollow vessel. Empty. But, he was loved by his little circus family and grew to love them and this colorful world all around him in turn. He filled his life with joy. And that made him more than just a shard of a soul, made him real.
The reason Molly believed he was free of Lucien was because, well, he was dead. But Lucien seems to think Molly isn’t even a person to begin with, little more than a forgotten fragment. “I believe you seemed to fall for one of these pieces left behind.” “You felt for this empty speck?” Lucien cannot fathom why the Nein would ever care for a broken piece, or how something without a “whole” soul could care for others in turn. And that will be his undoing, I think.
But, despite Molly now being his own soul, I think he and Lucien are kind of still inexorably tied together. So sometimes, the feelings and vague impressions of one bleeds through into the other. I hope that makes sense? That might not be entirely accurate, but that’s just how I see it. So, just like how Molly admitted he sometimes felt this residual influence of Lucien and was haunted by it, I think Lucien is very much experiencing the same. Only, much more pronounced. Whereas Lucien was shattered and mostly scattered, I think that shard of Molly is still trying to cling to the body. And that’s why it seems like he’s gaining more of a presence and even fighting Lucien for control. I hope that makes sense?
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Prue gets together with Mitch (reincarnated Micah) and lives. How does their relationship evolve over the rest of the series?
okay so fr because like i've been thinking about this I've Been Thinking About This. WHY give us that connection if we're not gonna do anything with it??? WHY make it worse my literally giving us the guy THE EXACT SAME GUY and then never mention him again What is the motive?????? okay okay okay so here's what i'd do: 2.6 undercut lmao
because prue has really only had two boyfriends in the series so far: andy & jack (bane doesn't count as he was more of a tryst and also he's in jail :'( could have been fun tho! he could have sacrificed himself for somebody else and become a whitelighter he already knows the ins and outs of the underworld like. could have been something there. but as they were only together twice, once when prue was posing as a hitwoman and then again when he kidnapped her, he, tragically, does not him boyfriend status.) so here me out andy is a cop he represents protection and familial ties / ties to the past (prue's childhood best friend, already friends with the sisters, he's also a third generation cop so like there's that too). he represents prue's early stage, where she feels like she has to be the protector of the whole family, of which she is basically the matriarch. she doesn't get to have fun, she has to protect her sisters and now the whole world, and her past is having some very real effects on her life right now. that's her andy era.
jack era is at buckland's, it's her breadwinning era. we even saw in morality bites (which, i am once again bringing up, is fake) that she goes on to be superbillionaire whatever. so jack kind represents professional ambitions, amplified by the fact that the fonet also served as a blatant metaphor for their relationship (prue, the world is made up of almost perfect. it's nothing but near misses and necessary compromises. in this case, i think we got a little bit of both. that's okay, i know how you feel. i'm just asking you not to look so close. nothing bears up under that kind of scrutiny. are you talking about the monet? yeah, that too.) and that their relationship ends when she decided to leave bucklands to pursue a career in photography.
so now we enter season three, which is prue's artist era, her passionate like zeal for life era she finally seems to have a weight lifted off her shoulder for the first time in a long time like you can tell she like. trusts her sisters more than she ever has before she sees them in a new light and knows that they are strong and smart and independent and she doesn't need to protect them every waking hour. this era's for prue. so i'm pitching that micah mirrors this by being an artist, too. i wouldn't say the same medium (photography) as prue because like. prue's definitely someone who would compare herself to him just like subconsciously constantly that's the type of woman she is, but maybe like a painter. not a writer because they're all insufferable. lmao 🤙🤙. but someone who lives in a hella nice studio type loft filled with art and just like life. passion. something prue hasn't really allowed herself in like. a hot minute. and i would make micah (mitch??) a witch. haha it rhymes. scratch that i'd make him a warlock. or a darklighter i'm cashing in my half-darklighter character. it's mitch now. idk how this would fit into phole narrative foils maybe or we scrap phole but they're really coming from two different perspectives where cole is entering the joint like i am evil and here to murder and then he catches feelings whereas mitch would be like yes i have some dark past but i'm not letting it define me bonus points is prue is able to piece together the clues of his origin just by looking at his paintings. this also adds to the rift between prue and phoebe on prue's cole stance like oh your evil boyfriend is fine but mine, for some reason, is still evil? yes. oh you know what we keep the source's heir in this au let me continue.
instead of introducing mitch in p3 because like WHAT WAS THAT, we instead, parallel their first meeting. mitch's origin story is
his mom was a future whitelighter knocked up by a darklighter this was not intentional on anyone's part mom wasn't trying to become mom dad wasn't trying to become dad Nor did dad know mom was a future whitelighter. because well he's not great at being a darklighter in spite of maybe being like the. head darklighter's son he's like the fucked up son who doesn't wanna run things. he doesn't know he has a kid!! until something something an oracle or something tells him he has a son But he can't find mom because she's cloaked by her whitelighter. mom dies doing something heroic idk (maybe mom was a firefighter??) and then cloaking on mitch is lifted when he's in his late teens his dad finds him his dad is now like proper leader of the darklighter clan and is trying to bring mitch into the fold which initially he is game for because mitch has all these powers black orbing touch of death that he doesn't understand and finally a community to explain that to him! he gets a crossbow (which is lit) but um. quickly catches on to how blatantly evil the whole thing is. he's secretly teamed up with some whitelighters (not his mom tho. friends of his mom, but he's not allowed to see her :'/ ) to help get other halflings like him out and cloaked.
leo's been taken hostage by the darklighter something something something a plot a plot a plot we do some solid pleo angst we maybe have cole drop some thinly veiled advice about the underworld without coming out as a demon, something that will help the sisters later. but what's really important here is they're sneaking through the underworld maybe they've been split up and they need to find leo so either they're looking for him Or they're looking for a darklighter to interrogate. and prue hears shifting behind a rock and goes over to look and it's mitch and some kid and the kid immediately summons his crossbow but mitch knocks it away just like prue did with piper in the past and piper's like prue u see anything and she's like no nothing here and then mitch and the kid blackorb away which just leaves prue with this sinking feeling like what the fuck?? because. what the fuck??? a) that was the same guy from puritan times and b) she still feels the same she felt back then and c) it's clear he does do but d) --and this is the crucial one-- D) he's fucking evil????? so blah blah blah we save leo but now prue is left with one crucial question what the fuck is going on?
so what she's gonna do is research the town the colony whatever that melinda warren was born in she astral projects to salem or whatever and steals. maybe the mask mitch wore at the party she recognizes it from all hallows eve. and she brings that home and scrys with it. and she finds him!! and um bonus points looking at his place she sees he's an alum of the college she went to because backstory!! when prue was in college back when she was still pursuing photography before grams got sick, they had met before! once before, at a party, and it was this instant spark, this instant connection, but then something pulled them apart be it one of them was already in a relationship or their ride was leaving something but like. again! this connection has always been there. so like blah blah blah prue has broken into mitch's place she sees their college connection she sees his art and starts to pull together a life story he sees maybe some paperwork that just says like in bold letters like saving kids: good person activities something real obvious you know and that's Right Next To his crossbow. ~juxtaposition~ so like. what the fuck is this. but whatever that'll be dealt with later she has to get to work! but!! at the magazine her boss is like hey prue some guy came by here earlier asking for you you know [description of mitch], [description of mitch], [description of mitch], you know him? and prue's like ummmmmmmm. no. ?. and her boss is like ?? i don't really care. photography! but now she knows that while she's been digging up on him, he's been doing the same with her. so that night at p3 prue's like okay i've got to come clean with u guys remember micah and phoebe's like oh yeah that hottie from the past who was like . spiritually in love with you? and prue's like yeah i found him. and piper and phoebe are like 🤗🥳😃 and prue's like. and he's a darklighter. and piper and phoebe are like 😳😶👎 and prue's like yeah remember when like we were trying to save leo and you asked me if i saw something? well i did. it was him and and this kid and i think he was trying to save him and phoebe's like wait you think? and prue's like well i mean yeah phoebe like. it was like the same thing when he saved us in the 1700s. and phoebe's like well no because we're good witches and he saved us you saved a darklighter? and prue's like he's more than that phoebe and phoebe's like but how can you know (flash forward to her sparing cole in about three episodes and being like hmm 😐 those words are gonna bite me in the ass).
the point is they're hashing it out phoebe's devil on the left and piper's trying to be angel on the right But he is in the clan that kidnapped her husband so like..... but prue is explaining the good person papers she found on his desk, the fact that she went to college with him, she's like. she thinks he's only half darklighter and he's helping others like him and piper phoebe are like ....................do you just want him to be half darklighter and helping others like him but prue's not even listening but look who's coming down the stairs!! so she beelines over and phoebe's about to follow but piper holds her back bc wait let this play out they'll watch from afar and piper will freeze the room if she has to.
and something something something blah blah blah they tal and there's this tense like. what now. because like. What Now? you're evil and i'm a charmed one but this invisible string pulling me here whether i want it too or not. and i think prue kinda shifts back into her earlier seasons self where. it's family above all else. like i need you to steer clear because if i see you again i will vanquish you. and mitch knows she's bluffing. because he know that if he tried, even if he really wanted to, he couldn't harm a hair on her head. and it's clear she's like. suffering from the same ailment so to speak.
something something something maybe they have a couple quick brushes but not actual meetings And Then we get another time travel/past life episode where!! as it turns out. prue and mitch r soulmates cursed by a spurned lover to always be on opposite sides. meanwhile we just got cole demon reveal/cole's still alive reveal so prue's like hi mitch you're. evil. evil-adjacent. what do you know about belthazor/cole turner. and mitch does his due diligence and like. the stuff on belthazor is appalling. genuinely terrifying. but then there's some stuff on cole turner that's like kinda okay. this is were mitch does is big tragic backstory reveal, kids born of dark magic falling in with the wrong crowd blah blah blah and this kind of. supports our theory moving forward it's not really a theory. our endgame moving forward of healthy!cole. also prue and mitch still have not gotten together through all of this in spite of the cosmic pull and the past evidence of like. soulmatism. because they're both a bit too pragmatic they both think it's kind of a lost cause. blah blah blah pining we give prue a mini love interest here someone to keep her mind off mitch and we do make him good. kind, attentive, caring, smart, hot, but like. it's so painfully obvious she's not all in. so he calls it off. heart to heart with piper because piper's like hi you're in love. and prue's like yeah with a doomed relationship i think i'd rather not and piper's like hello you're talking to the queen of doomed relationships you wanna know the secret? and prue's like yes :( and piper's like just go for it. the time you have together is. it's better than anything else you'll ever have. there's gonna be heartbreak, but hell there's always gonna be heartbreak in the halliwell family. wouldn't you rather spend your time with someone you love?
something something something leo/mitch/cole buddy episode b plot. leo/mitch/cole/DARRYL buddy episode b plot. :D. prue and micah get their big first kiss in a very tv show build up way my heart is saying new years and all the fireworks go off around them.
we're bringing in paige because i love her she's first introduced by some seer oracle whatever as your other sister and the girls are like respectfully, bullshit. but micah's like hey......... she's half whitelighter. because he can sense those kind of things, being a darklighter. and piper and leo are like patty's affair....................... and all the pieces are falling together and in this one. paige either gets a witch love interest a cupid love interest or we keep henry because fwiw i do really like mortal love interests. if we do do the witch love interest it won't be richard i love him to piece i do but he sucks <3. source!cole time.
oh we introduce paige thru mitch trying to help one of his kids and that lands him at social services.
source!cole. idk what happens here but like. using our nifty-difty tool box the squad has been assembling over the years helping all of these wayward souls born from evil, things mostly work out fine. source's heir is born, a girl, but since prue isn't dead her name is either colette or victoria. depends if cole died or not.
prue moved out at some point and lives in a hella nice studio apartment with mitch they r both artists (who the fuck is paying for that?) phoebe moves back in the manor post-source fiasco paige moves in the manor but spends a lot of time with her sister prue and soon to be brother in law (??) mitch. (paige is like fr dude when are you gonna pop the question and mitch is like woahhhh pump the break because paige is new here and when she saw them she's like oh. married couple. but then they're not married. engaged? nope. no just loosely dating? okay. lame. bad idea. but as it turns out one of them always dies so they're just trying to avoid that for as long as possible) but paige spends a lot of time at pritch's place because not only is it The Art Zone it's also the rehabilitating kids zone, of which paige is a grand help. prue jokes about how much paige reminds her of phoebe as a kid, and since we're already muddying the timeline, we're having paige enter and solid advice columnist, married phoebe and paige is like haha what the fuck??
source's heir born twice blessed born magic school located under the charmed & co squad becomes integrated with children born of all magic and like our season 8 wrap up saccharine finale is like how magic has reached a new era of peace n understanding. <3
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fu-yao · 3 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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jaeyunluvs · 4 years
true family - jj maybank
Requested by @bananablazer20 : Can you do one where the gang (mostly pope and Kiara) come visit and talk to an unconscious jj in the hospital because he got really hurt by his dad. Also if you can have pope’s dad confront Luke at the hospital Basically the gang and pope’s dad being hella protective of jj
a/n: I kinda changed this into more reader based, i asked if i can, and the response was yes so here we go! thank you so much for requesting!
disclaimer: i don’t own the characters, english is not my first language so please let me know if i have mistakes
warnings: mentions of hurt, angst, fluff
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“Hey can I get that bathing suit?” A customer asked. You were working in Outer Banks’ only surf shop. You had to earn money because Pogue life wasn’t easy. You wanted to help your family. You had left the Pogues and your boyfriend in the Cheteau this morning, checking up because you weren’t planning on hanging out after working and going to house taking care of your siblings.
The weird thing was no one ever messaged you. Even your boyfriend JJ. He always texted you when you were at work, making sure you knew he was especially because you were worried about his dad and it was calming talking to you.
You were interrupted from your daydream by the customer and you immediately apologized and gave the bathing suit.
After the customer left, you looked at the time. Your shift was ending. You saw your friend Marina, who was going to take your place.
“Hi Mari, whats up?” you asked. You can tell that she has a weird look on her face.
“Hi y/n, I was walking down and I heard from Jacob that there was a guy who was really bad in the hospital. I felt bad that’s all.” Marina explained. You were worried if it was JJ, but you eventually stopped and remembered that the gang was together in the HMS Pogue, chilling and helping Pope’s dad.
“Do you know who it is?” You asked.
“No. But i’ll let you know if I learn” Marina said. You said goodbyes and started walking to your house. You were listening to music then you heard the music stop and a similar ringtone. It was Kie.
“Hi Kie hey-” You were interrupted by worried Kie and Pope.
“Y/N Please come to the hospital JJ is not okay he’s so bad.” Kie said almost crying. JJ was like a brother she didn’t have. She really cared about him. 
You didn’t say anything just sobbed through the phone.
“Look Y/N where are you? Maybe we can come and get you?” Kie asked more calmly than Pope itself.
“I-I-m i-infront of the harbor. C-can y-you guys get me? Please” you asked with a thin voice.
“We’re there in 5″ Pope answered.
In the 5 minutes, you decided to text JJ maybe it was a stupid idea but you couldn’t think what was making sense or not.
You: Hey 
You: Are you okay?
You: JJ baby? You: Is everything okay?
You: Where are you?
The messages were delivered but it wasn’t answered. A few minutes later you heard a notification.
JJ: Y/N It’s John B
JJ: He’s in the surgery.
JJ: He needs you guys here.
Your eyes started to fill with tears once again, and it was interrupted by a car honking in front of you.
“Y/N?” Kie ran from the car and started to hug you. She tugged you by the arm and got you in the car.
“Hey Y/N” Pope greeted. You can see his puffy eyes too. You loved your gang. It was so cute that Pope was crying letting his emotions go. Kie made him much more better. 
“Hello Y/N, how are you dear” Pope’s dad asked. He loved you. You always helped him with his job and always greeted him. You were always the favorite of the parents from everyone else in the group.
“Hi Mr. Heyward, I’m trying to be better thank you so much.” You half smiled. The road was only you softly crying, resting your head in Kie’s shoulder You were just so worried about him because he was the person you loved. Kie was holding you and holding Pope’s hand with her other hand trying to calm him too.
When you got into the hospital you saw John B in the cafe, getting water. You just ran to him and when he saw you he ran back, hold you. He greeted everyone and finally talked.
“Y/N, he’s upstairs. Let’s go all together” John B stated. The gang were holding yourself to each other, panicking to see hurt JJ. You weren’t sure you could see him like that. Yes, you always took care of him, cleaned his bruises and stuff but this was big enough to have a surgery. 
When you go up to his room, you saw a boy who looked miserable from the damage he got, peacefully sleeping in the hospital bed. You got out from the gang’s presence and slowly walk beside JJ. You sat beside him and started to calmly caressed his cheek. Tears falling from your eyes. You didn’t realize your tears were falling into JJ’s face until you heard him speaking.
“Y-Y/N?” He asked with the huskiest voice you could ever hear. You were in shock so you just hugged him closer and sobbed. The gang couldn’t help but hug too. 
“We thought we lost you, you asshole!” Kie said laughing between crying. She playfully punched JJ arm.
“You scared the hell out of us, man” Pope joined Kie’s laughter.
“It was bad.” John B grinned “But here he is safe!” 
JJ didn’t say anything just smiled at his family. He considered them as their family. He looked at John B, how worried he was but how he didn’t show. He looked at Kiara, his almost sister. Then he looked at Pope, the nervousness was filled in his eyes. Lastly, he looked at you, admired your beauty even your redness in your face. Eyes puffy, wet nose. He didn’t care about it at all. He was with his family and the person he loved the most.
Pope’s dad appeared behind the couple of kids and greeted JJ.
“Hello JJ, I’m happy you’re fine. What happened to you?” Mr. Heyward asked. He really did see JJ as a person who he really admired and like. Yes, he is a bad influence for his kid, but he knows he had some problems by the way he acted and they were the only reason for that.
“Hi Mr. Heyward thanks for checking in. I’m fine, everything is all right.” JJ smiled. Mr. Heyward just stared at the poor boy. He was so calm after all the things he had been gone through. 
After realizing JJ is going to stay at the hospital for a while, Kie and Pope being the most overprotective moms of the group decided to get some food. John B went to get some stuff at JJ’s house. Mr. Heyward saw a friend of his, by that he left too.
You and JJ were alone at the empty hospital staring at each other. You decided to speak up.
“You scared me so much baby” playing with his hair. He had a weak smile but you can see his smile was faltering. His eyes started to fill with tears. You knew worrying you made you feel so bad. He felt so weak, he felt he needed to be the strong one. Once you realized he’s crying you cupped his face.
“Look at me JJ.” You said trying to get his attention. He immediately looks at you with his puppy dog face.
“You, Mr. Strong, you didn’t deserve any of this. You are the strongest person I know and that’s why I love you.” You said. “I know you don’t like to cry in front of me and you think that’s a weakness but it’s not, in fact I find it adorable.” looking at his eyes more carefully. You gently placed your lips into his, feeling the blood in your lips. You two shared a long, passionate kiss that JJ needed so bad. All the things you’ve said really meant to him. After you stopped kissing you said one last thing. 
“JJ I know, you think that nobody loves you, but I do. I love you so much that I would literally die for you” You said. 
“Woah wait right there princess, I don’t wanna end up like Romeo and Juliet, I don’t wanna lose you.” JJ giggled. But that giggle was very geniuine. You were literally the only person who made him feel like the world is the best place.
You couldn’t help but kissed him on the lips again. Until, the kiss was turning into a make out session, Kie entered the room. 
“What are you guys doing?” Kie laughed, placing all the stuff into a table in the hospital room.
“But who could blame them, kissing feels nice am I right?” Pope asked glancing at Kie. Everyone laughed a little when Kie had a blush on her cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah bro. I think I should invite Sarah, I don’t want to be the fifth wheel” John B said calling Sarah.
Mr. Heyward wandered inside, looking at the gang. He suddenly felt so proud of his son by finding these people because this gang was a real family.
A little while later JJ’s doctor came. “JJ Maybank?” He asked. 
“Yeah? He replied.
“You’re lucky, you were hurt pretty bad but you’re gonna have to stay here for another two days so we make sure that you’re totally fine, I have to talk about details with your father, is he in the hospital?” Doctor asked.
JJ’s eyes filled with horror “Is it okay, If i don’t invite him?” JJ asked nervousness filling in his voice.
“You’re a minor, we need your legal guardian, which says Luke Maybank, your dad here. Please talk to him and get him here. See you later” Doctor left before he could say anything.
Everyone in the room was confused except you. 
“Who did this to you JJ?” Mr. Heyward asked kind of hesitant knowing this topic could be a really hard topic to talk. JJ didn’t answer the question, he held your hand and looked at you. You can see that he was looking the ‘Should I tell him?’ look. You answered his question by squeezing his hand and sending a reassuring smile.
He took a deep breath “It was my dad.”
Once he said that Kie sobbed and ran to hug JJ. Pope couldn’t help but say many ‘I’m sorry’’s to him. John B, was in shock, couldn’t move where he was staying. A few minutes later, he started to cry and hug JJ.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Kie asked sniffling. 
“Wait is this like, he always hurt you?” Pope asked.
“How do you cover it? How do you always look fine?” John B asked confused.
“Y/N takes care of me.” He looked at you then the gang. Kie couldn’t help but hug you while sobbing again. You had some few tears falling to her temple.
Meanwhile, Mr. Heyward wanted to leave the gang alone, he had to talk to his old friend Luke. He knew he was a bad person but he didn’t think he would so such thing to his own son.
When Mr. Heyward went to see the doctor to talk about the situation, he saw an angry man yelling, while walking to the hospital.
“WHY IS MY “SON” HERE!” JJ’s dad shouted. Mr. Heyward stopped him immediately.
“Luke, the hell? Stop this man! JJ is your son!” He stated calmly before doing anything.
“WHY SHOULD I? HE’S ONLY A SON OF A BITCH” JJ’s dad said not caring about anything. Mr. Heyward did what he had to do. He slapped him on the face.
“If I ever hear you talking shit about JJ, I’ll make you regret it so bad.” Mr. Heyward said. “And oh in fact, you’re the son of a bitch.” He claimed. JJ’s dad was laying on the ground, escaping from the hospital.
When he got into the room, he said something that everyone was shocked. “Ahem, JJ so I decided to be your legal guardian. I don’t care if you live anywhere else, but you saved Pope’s ass and I like you kiddo.” Mr. Heyward said innocently.
JJ managed to get out of the bed and hug Mr. Heyward. Yes, it was kind of weird but he was making a huge change in his life.
“Thank you so much Mr. Heyward that means a lot” JJ said then turning back   to the gang looking at him with a smile.
“It’s okay kid. Let me just go and get those papers.” Mr. Heyward left smiling.
“Now that JJ is looking for a place to stay, you’re staying with me, let’s name it the “Bro Pogue House” John B said.
“Hey! He’s my boyfriend he should stay with me!” You defended yourself.
“Hold up! He’s going to be my brother, he should stay with me.” Pope said hanging an arm around JJ’s shoulders. Kie just smiled knowing his Kook family wouldn’t allow this.
JJ was smiling like an idiot because of all the attention he got. He never been taken care of that much in his life. 
You kissed his cheek, feeling very happy for him. 
“Maybe I should get hurt more often” JJ smirked looking at you. You Kie, Pope and John B started to punch him.
“I swear to god JJ, you’re gonna be the death of us.”
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spaceskam · 4 years
what's it gonna be? (1/3)
Summary: Max likes Alex, Michael likes Liz, and they are determined to be each other's wingman. Which would be a lot more successful if they didn't fall for their brother's crush.
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Michael Guerin quite liked everything that was Liz Ortecho.
She was smart, pretty, and nice. Maybe his standards were beyond low, but she still fit them all and really that’s all that mattered. The problem was she really didn't give him the time of day. She didn’t really give him much attention when he tried to speak to her and it left him not knowing how.
His eyes followed her as she held a tray above her head, twisting skillfully as she made her way towards the table of her friends. She sat down with a proud smile as her friends just took their respective meals. When he reluctantly looked away, he found Max staring at the same table. Michael furrowed his eyebrows.
“Were you staring at Liz’s ass?” Michael asked blatantly. Max snapped his eyes to Michael, face flushed a deep red.
“No,” he insisted. Michael was more than a little doubtful. Max sank into the booth. “I wasn’t!”
“Well, don’t say it like that, she’s not ugly,” Michael said. Max looked at him with wide eyes again.
“I didn’t say she was.”
“Okay, shut up, we don’t argue about girls or boys at this table,” Isobel said firmly, a motherly tone in her voice, “We only talk about important things.”
“Like what? The fact that I know you failed your math test and didn’t ask me for help?” Michael asked. Isobel glared at him and he offered a smile. Eventually, though, his eyes drifted back to Liz again.
She was laughing, glowing in the fluorescent lights of the Crashdown. She looked fucking gorgeous. It was completely and utterly unfair.
As she got up to get back to work, his eyes followed her again. He wanted to go up to her, ask her out, get to know her as more than just the girl who could outsmart him during every single test without fail. It was hard to even imagine what he would say to her, though. His mind always went blank. It wasn’t even like he was bad at talking to girls or anything, there was just something about her that made approaching her specifically an extremely difficult operation.
“I’m gonna do it,” he decided, “I’m gonna go talk to her.”
He stood up before Isobel and Max could change his mind or make him nervous, making his way to where she was now back behind the counter.
When she moved to face him, the world seemed to slow down entirely. Her wavy ponytail swung as she turned her head, her face looking ridiculously picturesque. She was almost too pretty to be real, seeming far more fitting to be the cover of a magazine. Dark hair, big dark eyes, nice lips, nice figure. Her genetics had done wonders and he was always stunned by her, well, everything. She was perfect.
And he was Michael.
“Oh, hey, Michael,” Liz said, smiling wide and inviting. He blinked dumbly. When did she learn his name? “You need anything?”
Just ask her out, he told himself. It wasn’t hard. All he had to do was ask if she wanted to get dinner sometime. That was it. Simple as that. What was the worst that could happen?
“Coke?” he said lamely instead. She gave a little laugh, nodding her head. The antenna on her head bobbed and she grabbed a fresh cup, spinning around to fix him a drink. She handed it over with a pretty smile and he felt like his brain short-circuited all over again.
“It’s on the house,” she said, “Anything else?”
“No,” he said, wanting to hit himself when he realized he’d again ruined his chances, “Thanks.”
“No problem.”
Michael lamely made his way back to the table, ignoring the expectant eyes of Isobel and Max. He just tried not to seem too annoyed as he took his straw out of his half full drink and put it in the new, completely full one.
“Well, did it work?” Max asked.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Isobel snorted a laugh and Michael just did his best to ignore her as well as keep his eyes to himself. Staring at Liz wasn’t going to do anything. He just needed to do something that made it easier to talk to her.
Back to the drawing board.
Alex Manes was a goddamn gift.
Max bit his bottom lip so hard it nearly bled as he watched Alex in gym class. His gym clothes of choice were black sweats and a black t-shirt, not too unlike his normal clothes, and he was walking around the basketball court with Liz and Maria. He looked gorgeous, eyes lined with makeup and hair long and pulled back into a low, messy bun. Max didn’t have the right words to express how badly he wanted to speak to him.
The problem was that Alex Manes was far too cool to speak to. He’d gotten in two fights so far this year, both of which he’d won, and most guys in school stayed away from him for one reason or another. There were rumors that he was gay and Max had a feeling that was where the fights came from, but it didn’t bother Max if he was. In fact, he hoped that he was. It would take away at least some of his anxieties about it.
“Evans!” Coach called and Max was reluctant to listen. It was hard to watch Alex whenever he had to focus on the ball.
Still, he joined in the game of basketball and tried not to get distracted. It almost worked, actually, but all of his senses failed whenever Alex tilted his head back in a laugh. It was gorgeous and rare and Max was so completely and utterly fond. Why didn’t he do that more often?
Of course, that was when he missed that he was being passed the ball and suddenly he took a ball straight to the stomach.
Max doubled over and then fell to his knees as the wind was knocked out of him, desperately gasping for breath as Coach ran over to make sure he was okay. He did his best to focus on breathing and not checking to see if Alex had seen him make a fool of himself. That was more embarrassment than he could actually handle.
“You alright, Evans?” Coach asked. He nodded, slowly pushing himself up as he caught his breath. His stomach was sore and his lungs ached a little, but he was fine. “Alright, go sit down until you’re good enough to play.”
“Yes, Sir,” he said, nearly wheezing. He winced and Coach fixed him with a look, so he just went and took a seat back on the bleachers.
Alex and his friends passed him at that moment and Max thought about joining them, but that would be too weird.
“Max, you okay?” Maria asked, though. It meant Alex slowed to a stop in front of him as well and he wasn’t about to be embarrassed. Max had seen Alex get his head slammed into a bathroom stall and be completely unfazed, totally fine enough to hit the other guy hard enough that his mouth bled. Max couldn’t seem weak.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” he said. Maria gave a smile and nodded.
“I have an extra water bottle if you need it,” she offered. He shook his head, his eyes not-so-subtly looking at Alex to make sure he didn’t think he was lame. He didn’t seem to have any reaction at all as he stood there, but Alex had a blank face most of the time. Max took it as a good thing.
“No, no, I’m fine, thank you though,” he said. She smiled and they went back to walking around the court.
Max watched them walk away, his eyes on Alex Manes. He was so, so gorgeous and he didn’t even know it. How could he? Everyone was so mean to Alex, Max was sure no one told him how great he was enough. Sure, Max didn’t know much about him other than the fact that he looked great, but still. He was sure he was great.
He wanted to get to know him, to ask him out, to find out what made him Alex. That was just much easier said than done. Hell, he wasn’t even sure if Alex was actually gay or if that was just a rumor. Asking him out without knowing for sure might just make him angry. He needed a better way to find out.
He just needed to think.
“Can you believe this is our last Homecoming dance?”
Michael didn’t say that he was glad it was the last. He hated dances and yet he’d let Isobel drag him to every single one since middle school. Every single dance she’d had two dates in Max and Michael no matter how unenthused they were about the whole thing. But they had never been ones to tell Isobel no when what she wanted was so easy to provide.
“I think I’m going to ask someone to be my date this year,” Max said out loud from his place on Isobel’s bed. It got both Isobel and Michael’s attention, both looking over at him with wide eyes. “I don’t want to have every single dance I go to be with my sister.”
“Well, excuse you,” Isobel scoffed.
“Not like that, Iz,” he sighed, sitting up. Michael stayed in his spot on Isobel's beanbag, fiddling with the loose string on his shirt. "There's just someone I really wanna ask."
Michael bit down on his lip and wondered if he should make it worse by saying there was someone he wanted to ask as well. He looked between Isobel and Max and tried to guage the situation.
"Who?" Isobel prodded, "I thought only Michael was being stupid."
"How is liking someone stupid?" Michael asked. She thought about it for a second, clearly trying to come to some conclusion that would be viable. Both Michael and Max waited until she came up with nothing.
"It just is," she said, "It's a waste of time."
"I don't know, I think it'd be nice to have someone," Max said. Michael nodded.
"Yeah," he sighed, trying to rip the string and only pulling it out more, "If I could only figure out how to talk to Liz."
"Same, but Alex," Max groaned, falling back in bed. Michael raised an eyebrow.
"Alex? Really?" Michael asked.
"You like the bad boy type or something and didn't tell us?" Isobel wondered, walking closer and sitting on the edge of the bed. Michael brought the string of his shirt into his mouth to bite it off, trying to see in what world Max would like Alex.
"He's so hot," Max stated, "But I have no idea how to approach him without risking pissing him off."
"Get Michael to approach him to ask if he'd like you, he's kind of a bad boy too," Isobel suggested.
Michael spat out the string, "I am not a bad boy."
"Close enough," Isobel said, "Besides, if you both are going to act like it's hard to talk to people, might as well use a wingman."
"It's not that easy, Izzy," Michael said. She raised an eyebrow.
"Why not? Max gets to know Liz so you know what to say to her when you go up to her, you get to know Alex so he knows what to say when he approaches him. Or do I need to do everything?" Isobel said, sighing dramatically. Michael considered her words and looked to Max who was already looking at him.
"Would you be down to talk to Liz for me?" Michael asked.
"Are you gonna be okay talking to Alex? 'Cause I can understand thinking he's scary," Max said. Michael rolled his eyes.
"Who, Alex? He's not scary, he just wears a lot of black and pouts a lot," Michael insisted, "Besides, he's friends with Liz and Maria. They wouldn't hang out with him if he was scary."
"So we're all set and we don't have to talk about this shit anymore?" Isobel asked hopefully.
"Well, wait, you're not gonna, like, fall for my girl or anything, are you?" Michael checked. Max rolled his eyes.
"I should be the one asking you that," Max said. Michael scrunched up his nose.
"Alex isn't my type."
"And Liz isn't mine."
"So, deal?"
"Fucking finally," Isobel huffed, pushing herself to her feet, "I'll try not to be angry at you both for ditching me in favor of being thankful this conversation is over."
"You're just jealous, Izzy," Max laughed. Isobel scoffed.
"Jealous of what? I could get anyone in that damn school if I wanted," she said, looking at herself in the mirror hung on her closet door, "I'm just too good for all of them."
"Sure," Michael laughed, looking back to Max, "You gonna start talking to her tomorrow?"
"Yeah and you start on Alex tomorrow and we'll fill each other in on what we find out in, like, a week. Sound good?" Max said. Michael nodded, biting down on his lip as he realized he might actually have a date with Liz by next week.
This was going to be perfect.
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last-of-the-lot · 3 years
I put in the effort to guess because fuck it! I want to see how close I get.
Here are my campaign three predictions.
Laura, I have no idea what race she is going to choose. I would like to see a Dragonborn again, and I think she could play a good one. Maybe a standard like elf or something, but I have a feeling that we are going to get a lot of "monster" races this time around. Or non-human-based races. That sounds better.
I'm thinking she will lean back towards a martial class again. She could play a devilishly wonderful monk, and she seemed to like it at the one-shot a few years back. But she also deserves to be a paladin or warlock, as a treat. I want to see a fighter, maybe even an echo fighter, but I don't think that that is really Laura's style. A discord server I am in said give Laura Charisma rights, and honestly yeah. Warlock is a solid second guess.
Ashley is a toss-up for me. I think that we are getting a tabaxi this campaign, and she is one of the people I think would play one. Maybe an elf, or a halfling, I honestly don't have a good enough read on her to make a proper guess.
For class, I think that maybe she is one of the ones that could pull off a paladin from the beginning. She seems to like being the tank, and no one ever said that the paladin had to heal. Heaven knows that the party paladins tended not to. I could also see warlock. She seemed to like the bigger than you that Yasha had going on, and she also deserves to be shifty and mysterious.
Taliesin is playing a warforged, and if he doesn't I will be very surprised. Warforged all the way. Elf is my fallback guess for no other reason than I want to hear the "I'm better than you" voice again.
For class, I think something to do with magic. People have started saying sorcerer and I can see that, but I want to see how he would handle an artificer, as they can get STUPID starting as low as level five if the person behind them knows what they are doing. Sorcerer is good for meta magic and tal is very good with knowing what he can do, but as an artificer he can tinker again, which he seemed to do even as Caduceus. I could also see wizard, but I think Warforged artificer is too cool a concept to not run with.
(As I was finishing this the idea of a warforged making a warlock deal to "be a real boy!" came to me, and I had to get it down in writing because that also seems like something Taliesin would pull)
For Travis, I am going along with the crowd and saying shifter. I like that idea, and honestly, let the man play a werewolf. He would be great at it. Maybe a tiefling because desert, but shifter seems more likely. I could also see him doing something like simic hybrid, for no other reason than I associate simics with a tank and versatile spell caster, the style of character that Travis tends to play.
Travis likes being versatile, and I think that he might end up being the rogue. Not a lot of people seem to think that, but let me tell you as someone who plays a multiclassed rogue, they can be versatile and still hurt like a bitch. He could still lean into the paranormal with the phantom rogue, which is a cool class and I would love to see how he would handle that. I could see blood hunter, but I really think that rogue for Travis wouldn't be wrong. Or instead of full melee he could go full caster, and be a bard. He does amazing as the face of the party, and I want a grinner in a campaign so badly.
Marisha is another that I have no real clue what she will do. I think that she might play an elf, or also be another that might take a stab at Dragonborn. She gives off the vibe. I think that we could do with a small race in the party, and marisha would somehow make us forget that she is playing a satyr or a gnome if she decides to go that way.
(Can you tell that I want an elf in the party? It has been my fallback for four people)
I also think that we are going to see some type of caster out of her. Could be a full caster like a bard, which I really want to see from her. Another opportunity to get a grinner, and also allows her to keep up with her insane level of note-taking. Grinners are... an interesting bunch and like Volstruckers they don't have to be a single class, but let us be honest, we want to see Marisha play a high-level charisma PC. Maybe she will take up the rogue mantle. Who knows. I don't.
Following my theory of the departure from human-based races, I want to see a tiefling from Liam, only on the basis that they will be hot. He is another that I could see playing a Tabaxi. The third guess is genasi only because I can't see him playing two humans one right after the other, and humanoids other than base humans are apparently not very common in Marquet!
If he is truly working his way through the original four, cleric is up to bat. I want to see Cleric, my instinct is saying cleric, so cleric is my main guess. Sure you can say that he worked through the cleric in the Search for Grog one shot, but I think that he likes support, and he hasn't covered a cleric in a long-form campaign yet. Other than that, I can't see him going back to an arcane caster immediately, but he could pick up something like the revised ranger and wield it with brutal efficiency. A little bit of spell work, a whole lot of damage, the best of both worlds. Or if he feels like going full Shakespeare this time around, he could play bard, but I think that it would too on the nose.
For Sam, we know that Liam picked his class and that it was somewhat unordinary. I think the departure from small races to big races is a line of thinking that a lot of us are sharing, and Sam likes to do a lot with his class. My guesses are as follows. Minotaur. Warforged. Satyr. Two tall races and a small one, to cause chaos as he sees fit.
Somewhere along the line, someone put the idea of Minotaur monk in my head, and as such, that will be my guess. I could see him picking up something like a sorcerer, and using it to cause chaos on purpose. I do really like the idea of a high wisdom character for him, and honestly, I haven't seen anyone say it, but he could get a lot out of a druid.
Those are my guesses! Let's see how close I get, or how much I am incorrect.
Also, nothing to do with character and class predictions, but I think we are going to get another band of continent hoppers this campaign. They will start there, but they aren't going to Stay on Marquet. If they haven't left Marquet by episode 40, I'll chuck out my good dice.
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angellazull · 3 years
🌹Roses and Hearts❤️
(Text of Valentine's Day and Elaiza's Birthday, sorry for being late, Irmãzinha @annabelle-tanaka-official, you know how i have no time for anything now.)
Angelo was feeling very pleased with Professor Dumbledore's announcement about the Valentine's Day ball, until today all events of this nature were for the boy quite... peculiar, to say the least, but with a very pleasant outcome for the boy. Well, now he had one more chance of everything going perfect, earlier today, with a bouquet of roses in herbology class, with the permission of Professor Sprout, Angel used the final minutes of the class to invite his girlfriend, Penny to go to dance with him, it was certain that they had dated since the beginning of the fifth year, but, Angel wanted to be a gentleman and romantic, because he knew his girlfriend liked it and believed in the power of true love, so he wanted to do something right. As soon as he made the request, Penny accepted him on the spot with a passionate kiss that touched the herbology teacher.
Now he was there, in front of the mirror, in the Transfiguration room, preparing for the ball, André, once again, had made great clothes for everyone.
"Andre, it looks fantastic." Said Angel looking at her reflection in the mirror.
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"Thanks, Angel, after your invitation to Penny in herbology class, I thought it would be cool to make you two matching outfits." Andre replied, adjusting Angel's tie.
"I hope this night will be more than great." Commented Angel. "We are not going to have an avalanche of broken cups, or Lockhart to get in the way, everything will be perfect. Thanks André."
"No need to thank, Angel." Said André, but soon he was basically pushing Angel to the door. "Now you have to go, I still have seven more people to wear, before the dance."
Now ready and with several minutes to the beginning of the ball, he decided to pick up the special package for the night. Going up to the dormitory in the Ravenclaw common room, he opened the drawer of the bedside table, and took a small lilac package with a beautiful white pearl bow.
"What do you have there, Angel?" Talbott had appeared behind Angel, he was also already wearing his clothes for the ball, and he was quite elegant, and Angel knew the name of the reason for this elegance, Elaiza Schuyler.
"Ah, Talbott." Angel couldn't help being frightened by the appearance of her friend. "It's just Elaiza's birthday present, I wanted to give it to her today at the ball, and speaking of Elaiza, are you quite elegant, if you produced just for her?" Angel asked provocatively, as he was starting to get used to the idea that Talbott was in love with his little sister.
"Well, it's Valentine's Day and her birthday, so she deserves better production." Talbott replied and Angel may notice a slight flush on his cheeks as he ran his hand through his hair.
"Our girlfriends deserve it, and it's curious that my girlfriend is the best friend of my best friend's boyfriend."
"Now that you comment, it does seem a little curious." Talbott replied.
"Let's go, I still have to get Penny." Said Angel adjusting his red gloves, with a shrinking spell, he made Elaiza's gift fit in his pocket, that would keep him safe until it was time to give it to his sister.
The two boys left the hall with the Ravenclaw, down the stairs to the great hall. On the way the two commented on their requests for the ball, as soon as they arrived at the doors of the hall, the music chosen by Chiara, a jazz arrangement played by a drums, wind instruments, string instruments and the very indispensable piano by Madame Pince.
Entering the hall, the decor was perfect, Badeea and a group of very hard-working students had worked hard to be able to leave the hall with a touch of enchanted forest from fairy tales.
Several couples were already in the hall, some were dancing on the dance floor, others were sitting at the table talking, some were enjoying the appetizers prepared by Jae and his apprentice chefs. In a corner chatting, he saw Ethren @hogwartsmystory and Merula, in Angel's opinion, they were a cute couple, maybe both would complement each other. Next to the appetizer table, Jae was next to Kyril @kyril-hphm, It was almost impossible to see this couple and not think that their love was so obviously chaotic. And looking at Badeea's picture, Jason @death-or-sleep, and McNully commented on the individuals represented there.
In short, everything looked perfect.
"This decor is really wonderful, Angel." Talbott praised seeing the flower arrangements, fabric bands, and Badeea's painting.
"You helped a lot, Talbott, if you hadn't grown the flowers, we wouldn't have enough for the flower arrangements." Angel replied smiling, but he had to admit, the room was beautiful.
"Hey, boys." A voice that made Angel's heart skip whenever she said anything.
Angel turned and found herself in front of Penny, she was beautiful, wearing a bright red skirt, a white shirt with red hearts, her hair was tied in a braid with a red bow, she was just stunning, her bright blue eyes stood out of the colors she used today.
"Honey, you look… magnificent…" said Angel with a smile for Penny.
"Thank you, Kitten." Said Penny, arranging a loose strand of hair behind her ear, while turning red. "You look magnificent too, red suits you..."
Penny came over and kissed Angel's lips quickly, and linked her arm around Angel's arm.
"Tal, where is Elaiza?" Penny asked his best friend.
"She was just finishing up." Talbott replied. "You look very beautiful, Penny, Angel is a lucky boy."
"Well, Tal is right." The blue-haired boy admitted. "I still don't know what I did to deserve that the most beautiful and popular girl at school was interested in the strange blue-haired boy."
"But know that this boy with blue hair has always been the most gentle, intelligent and affectionate person I have ever met." Penny stroked Angel's cheek with a smile. "I couldn't help but be interested in you."
"Aww, this is so cute." Elaiza had approached the three. Wearing a dress with a white skirt with roses, and a black top, her hair flowing and flowing, she was very beautiful.
"Elaiza, wow, I love your dress, it's beautiful." Penny praised Elaiza's dress.
"Thank you, Penny." Then she addressed Talbott. "What did you think, Talby?"
"You look stunning." Said Talbott a little shy, running a hand through his hair, he said the girl. "You look really beautiful today, Elaiza."
At that instant a slow, romantic melody started to play.
"Do you want to dance with me, Penny?" Angel asked, extending his hand to his girlfriend.
"I would love to, Angel." Said the girl accepting the invitation.
The couple walked hand in hand to the center of the dance floor, with fairies flying over couples making synchronized flights forming hearts, as soon as they stepped on the dance floor, Angel recognized the fairy who led the group, it was Eladora, the fairy who he saved and had become his friend. Penny ran her hands around Angel's neck and together they started to move around the dance floor.
"You know, I believe I am very lucky to be here with you, Penny." Said Angel smiling at his girlfriend. "You know, when I first met you, I could never imagine that the most popular and beautiful girl of our year would fall in love with the weird blue-haired boy with a troubled family history."
"I didn't think you were weird, I think you're a cute boy." Said the girl looking at Angel with a smile on her lips too. "I like how you always try to help everyone and solve problems at school, that's very kind."
"If you say you are, but the truth is, I'm the luckiest wizard in the world to have the most beautiful witch on my side."
"Angel!" Penny's cheeks were slightly reddish.
"I am with you, so I could not be in better company, no matter where we are, it will always be perfect if I am with you." Penny smiled at her boyfriend and with that they danced to the music, enjoying a moment without words, just leaving their hearts in sync with each other.
So it happened for two more songs, when they finally left the dance floor and approached a vacant place next to Stephanie @hanihonii who was with Mezure, and Cristiano @chrisception13 with Jenny @jayrart.
"I loved this dance." Penny commented with a smile.
"Yes, it was a lot of fun." But at that moment Angel's gaze strayed to Elaiza and Talbott who had just left the dance floor as well, turning to Penny. "Penny, you know that today is also Elaiza's birthday, so there is something I would like to do.
Approaching the girl's ear, he explained her plan. And when he finished Penny said:
"Aww, how cute, Angel, she will like it a lot."
"I will do that and then I promise that the night will be ours alone."
"You don't have to promise anything, dear, I know you love her." Said Penny stroking her boyfriend's cheek. "This is so adorable, and I love how you always want to make everyone happy, come on."
"Thank you my love." Angel said kissing Penny's lips quickly. "I'll be right back."
Moving away from his girlfriend, Angel crossed the great hall, approaching Elaiza and Talbott.
"Er… Talbott, can I speak to Elaiza, for a minute in private?"
Talbott, who already knew what his friend was planning, just nodded and left without giving any explanation, leaving Elaiza quite confused, turning to Angel with a questioning look, she asked:
"Is there a problem, Angel?"
"No, I just wanted to tell you a few things." He took the gift out of his pocket and with his wand, he returned it to its original size. "Elaiza, since we met, I am sure that our friendship has only grown, and has become so strong, to the point of being one of the strongest relationships I have in life, I know that I am not a Schuyler and you are not a Lancaster, but, Elaiza… I love you, I love you as if you were my real sister, you are one of the most fantastic people I have ever met. "
"Angel!" Exclaimed the brown-haired girl when Angel handed him the lilac package.
She tore the wrapping paper, revealing the blue velvet box, when opening it, Elaiza found a silver necklace, with a violet-shaped pendant, with the happy petals of a purple crystal, and linking all the petals, like a bow , there were the words, 'Siblings', repeated several times, forming an infinite loop.
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"I can?" Angel took the necklace and placed it around Elaiza's neck. "In the world of magic, we are always expected to receive a magical gift, but... I hope this necklace can remind you that no matter what happens, you will always be like a sister to me and I will always be there if you need."
Angel hugged Elaiza tightly, her heart was pounding in her chest. The truth was that since they met, Angel and Elaiza had developed a friendship, practically indestructible, there was love in this relationship that is extremely strong, brotherly love, a love of siblings. And the boy couldn't ask for anything stronger and more true.
"I talked to Talbott earlier, and I know today is Valentine's Day and you want to spend your night with him, but..." Angel held out her hand to Elaiza. "Sister, do you accept to dance to the next song with me?"
"What song, shall we dance, brother?" Elaiza asked, holding Angel's hand.
"Well, I don't think we could dance the waltz, after all, she is too romantic, so I hope you like foxtrot."
Angel nodded to Irvin who was standing next to the instruments, and with a wave of the boy's wand, a lively melody at the sound of jazz began to play in the hall. With a smile, Angel led the girl to the dance floor, where they started dancing to the sound of jazz. (https://youtu.be/zt3WKBJqH6M)
"Did you already plan this?" Elaiza asked when Angel put her hand on his waist and she on his arm. Although the difference was also relevant, they found no problems adapting.
"Had I already prepared for my sister's birthday?" Angel asked innocently. "No of course not."
"You are so silly, Angel." Elaiza spoke when they made the first cincronized movement.
"I know, but you love it about me." Said Angel with an amused smile.
"Do you think so?" Elaiza asked with a mocking smile.
"I know it is so, if not, we would not be siblings."
The two youngs seemed to slide down the dance floor with their steps perfectly matched, nor did it seem that this was the first time they danced together. Surprisingly, they were both perfect.
(Reference: https://youtu.be/Zz_v61AjFhQ)
For Angel it was being a lot of fun. It was as if they didn't have to worry about the steps, as if they weren't able to make mistakes.
When the song was coming to an end, Angel and Elaiza whirled in the middle of the track, and the moment the last chord sounded, they both stopped and a bluish fire wrote the words 'Happy Birthday Elaiza' for everyone to see.
"Happy Birthday, Little Sister, that all your drawings come true." With that Angel kissed Elaiza's forehead and hugged her tight.
I couldn't help paying this tribute, even if it was very, very late to Elaiza, one of Angel's best friends and sister. Today Angel's life would not be what it is without this dwarf on your side. And my life wouldn't be what it is without you by my side, Laura, thanks for being my friend, and my sister, thank you very much.
(As the text was not well planned, I was unable to add all the MCs I wanted, so sorry for the others that were not mentioned here.)
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
August 5: 3x02 The Enterprise Incident
After several weeks of being in like a TOS desert (Assignment: Earth; Spock’s Brain) finally we get to The Enterprise Incident, one of the best episodes, possibly of all time. Why was D.C. Fontana so good??? How??
McCoy narration! How unusual. I like how it contributes to the generally jarring opening, with Kirk acting so out of character and so on. All of the crew being fooled and the audience too.
I’d say this scene is the only one Kirk haters have ever seen--where he’s all arrogant and impatient and mean--but he’s not being slutty enough.
When you need intel, you go to Uhura.
This is an interesting ep because the Enterprise is being uncharacteristically sneaky. Usually, they’re obviously doing the right thing in the straightforwardly right way, but this really is an espionage mission, which includes, in addition to the garden variety lying, major stuff like uh treaty breaking.
Wow, a Romulan with a name. Unusual. Is he the first named Romulan?
They want the Enterprise. They want his lady!
Hmmm, you have a Vulcan on board, do you? Very interested in that. It’s pretty funny that the Commander calls up as soon as Tal mentions Spock,like she has a sixth sense that picked up on a potential hottie on the enemy ship.
Oh no, Kirk and Spock aren’t getting along. Trouble in paradise...
Spock looks very disapproving. And Kirk is acting downright despotic. Hot.
Imagine being the Romulan hostages lol. That’s awkward. “Go their ship and uh sit in their brig, nbd, we’ll bring you back.” (And then later one of them is unceremoniously stripped naked.) (And then later still they’re completely forgotten about!!!)
Scotty’s face when he sees the hostages is very funny. Like “oh I know what to do with YOU.”
I love the Female Romulan Commander already.
Wow Kirk is such a liar. Just say it loudly enough and it will SEEM true. Navigation error etc.
“It’s no myth that Vulcans can’t lie,” Spock lied.
“It’s not a lie to keep the truth to oneself.” Feel like I gotta outright steal that.
Oooh, the Commander has a temper.
Kirk is “a highly sensitive and emotional person.”
He’s living for the drama.
This must be all very confusing for the crew.
I love Captain Scotty. He’s so intense.
“You make a brave noise.” Burn.
Spock’s been an officer for 18 years. I’d do the math on that but I’m not sure when one becomes an officer specifically.
“Do you like Captain Kirk?” (I don’t even remember why I wrote this down, but uh, yeah.)
...Damn this whole scene is so good.
“I don’t make house calls.”
Except for Kirk.
It’s bizarre that the Romulans are in Klingon ships (that look like Federation ships on the inside) for pretty much no reason but I do like the design of them in general.
Funny how “Attend me” sounds an awful lot like “My wife, attend.”
Lol at the crocheted board shorts on the male Romulan officers. The Commander is MUCH more stylish.
“Are the guards invited on our date?”
“It would be illogical to assume that all conditions remain stable.” What a F L I R T.
Very bold of her to basically declare “Spock, you’re Captain now.”
Kirk looks like the drunk friend, swaying in the background, gearing up to something.
“Vulcan death grip” lol. Sounds like made up Vulcan nonsense to me! (And it is.)
Even if it weren’t, Spock is an adult Vulcan and a trained Starfleet officer, he would never just accidentally death grip someone.
And now it all comes out. Because Chapel was nosy. Love that she just casually knows all this stuff about Vulcan abilities.
They told Bones pretty late about this whole plan. I feel like Scotty and Bones should have been in the original loop.
“You’re lucky they didn’t start an autopsy.”
Love that part of Kirk’s transformation into a Romulan was putting on eye shadow.
Also love Scotty’s face journey when he sees Romulan!Kirk.
Look at these decadent Commander’s quarters. Spock must love them.
Recruiting inducements lol--is that what the kids are calling it these days?
“Don’t beam me into a bulkhead.” Don’t even joke.
Spock hasn’t sent the coordinates because he’s DISTRACTED while on his DATE.
I love their little square drinking glasses.
“I do... appreciate it.”
“If you don’t tell me your name, I’ll have to make one up for you.”
TOS Spock apparently more smooth than AOS Kirk.
When she stood up, that mini-skirt basically became a shirt--barely.
His lady leaves the room and he immediately call his man--what a slut.
The Commander’s “casual” outfit is easily one of the best TOS costumes. So pretty! 10/10 would wear today.
“Stimulate...our discussion.” Sure. Your discussion.
He’s been moved emotionally.
Dammit Tal! Stop cockblocking the commander.
Love how obvious it was that she and Spock were hooking up--she's dressed up, he appears dramatically from behind the flowing white curtains in her frankly huge quarters.
The cloaking device looks suspiciously like Nomad again.
“How could you do this to me?” Girl, you’ve known him for an hour. Calm down the drama.
Also love the earrings.
That was a weak slap. She should have sent him sprawling with her Romulan strength. I guess her heart wasn’t in it.
Romulans are Vulcans but with unfiltered Drama.
I like her jellyfish chair.
Now Spock shall fillibuster his own death by reading a very long prepared statement.
She hears the phrase "historic tradition" and sighs like "this is gonna be the longest 20 minutes of my LIFE.”
Silly of Kirk to assume they wouldn't fire on the commander and/or that she wouldn't ORDER them to fire.
“Alien contraption.” Scotty enjoying himself.
Hmmm, the Commander was bragging to Spock off screen about the cloaking device--what else might she have said that we didn’t hear?
Mr. Spock will escort you to your quarters--more like Mr. Spock will escort you to HIS quarters amirite?
She would like his weaponry.
“Military secrets are the most fleeting of all.” Well that line didn’t have to go that hard.
“It was the only choice. You would not respect any other.” Where’s all the talk about loyalty and oaths now?
“They do not look aesthetically agreeable on humans.” Textual evidence for my theory that Vulcans, though humanoid, have some sort of indescribable Alien Aura quite apart from the eyebrows and ears.
That was such a good ending. Last major dialogue scene was a serious one between Spock and the Commander, but then there’s a little humorous coda, too--a good shot of Spock looking pensive, but also the peanut gallery having a little laugh.
I love that episode so much. I love how... difficult Spock is to read. On the one hand, I do think he was really attracted to the Romulan Commander. I also think he was hiding a lot of the truth about why he didn’t join the Romulans--I mean yes, that was never a real option and it would certainly be wildly out of character for him to do it. But he also talks exclusively about loyalty to Starfleet, his oath, his uniform, as if but for the happenstance of these things, if he were making a decision for himself instead of following his duty, he might prefer to be with her and the Romulans. But what about the obvious other factor--Kirk himself? What about “A starship runs on loyalty to one man, and no one can replace it--or him?” I feel like his connection to Kirk is like the unspoken undertone to all of this. Especially because, as Captain and XO, they were the only ones to know about this plan from the beginning, and probably came up with the details of it themselves. But we also know that Spock takes the mean things that Kirk says to heart, even if they’re only said as part of a mission or larger ploy. And we also know that he truly desires belonging, and that being part one thing and part another often makes him feel as if he belonged nowhere. But the Romulan Commander didn’t seem to care about his human heritage. She asked him what he was, and only mentioned the human part one other time, not in a negative way. I do see the temptation for him.
It’s also interesting that Kirk initially refers to the Commander as “he,” implying he didn’t know specifically who was in charge of the ship. That means that while he and Spock clearly planned for Spock to undermine and then “kill” Kirk, and almost certainly to play on Romulan/Vulcan cultural connections, they probably did not plan on Spock seducing anyone. He did that on his own.
This would reboot so well. Like, aside from the S/U aspects, it’s a perfect candidate: a spy narrative that has a little bit of the gray morality they’re so attached to; Kirk and Spock tension; Kirk being Dramatique; cool aliens--and it would have been very interesting to see this story play out in the context of the destruction of Vulcan. (More generally, I think completely forgetting about the Romulans after the first reboot film was a huge mistake but whatever.)
Mmmm, I just... I want to watch it again lol. D.C. Fontana was truly the queen of alien world building. That sense of alien-ness that I get in the Spock and Commander scenes is like what I’m going for in some of my own stuff.
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demonwifey · 4 years
S/O accidentally brings up something in an argument that Beetlejuice was really sensitive about and he CRIES. S/O goes to comfort him but he is having NONE OF IT until a grand gesture of S/O’s love for him comes into play. I don’t know if your doing asks sorry if your not
This ask took me to hell and back and I enjoyed every second of it. And yes I’m still doing asks! Hope you guys enjoy! 💚💜🖤
Warnings: Cursing, arguing
Word Count: 4,494
It was a stupid argument. Something that shouldn’t have been made that serious. Yet, here you were. Having just ended a screaming match with your dead boyfriend. You both were standing directly across from each other with the coffee table being the only thing separating you. Right now your main concern were the words you yelled at Beetlejuice.
You didn’t mean to say it. It just came out. It was an accident. You didn’t even mean it. You just stood there, shocked at your own actions. Your eyes were wide and your mouth slammed shut. Beetlejuice’s expression was basically the same as he stood entirely still.
You weren’t exactly sure what the next move was. Who was going to speak first? Was there about to be more yelling? Was Beej about to flip out? Were YOU about to flip out more? All these questions raced through your head. After another moment of silence, you noticed Beej’s facial expression begin to change. His face switched from utter shock to complete sorrow instantly. But your heart dropped to the floor when you noticed his hair color. While you two were arguing it stayed at a deep burning red color. Now in a matter of two seconds it abruptly switched to a darkened blue.
Following him, your expression changed as well. Beetlejuice’s hair was always a raw representation of how he felt. Even if he didn’t show it in his face, you’d see it through his hair. And over the years you two had been together, you learned to differentiate through the separate colors.
The demon man finally looked down at the floor while you were lost in your thoughts. Obviously now would be the best time to apologize before anything else horrible was said. You moved to walk around the coffee table. Once you were in arms length, you reached your hand up to try and touch his shoulder.
“Beej, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-” But before you could finish, his own hand grabbed your wrist and held it tightly. You stopped in your tracks, the feeling of shock yet again overflowing your senses.
“Bullshit.” The demon mumbled so quietly you could barely hear him. You tried to pull your wrist from his grip but it didn’t work.
“Beej, really. I know that was fucked up but it just came out wrong.” Was all you got out before moving your other hand to touch his cheek. In a repeated motion, Beetlejuice’s other hand grabbed your second wrist. This time, he moved his face quickly to look at you and that’s when your heart shattered into pieces.
Tears. Tears that welled in his eyes and fell down his cheeks. You did this to him. You made him cry. All because you couldn’t hold in your emotions. All because you had a habit of speaking before thinking when angry. This was all you. Seeing his tears made you want to shed your own. You never meant for it to get this far. And the last thing you’d ever want to do was bring the love of your life to tears. You decided to speak again. Maybe you could make this all better.
“Oh, Beej...baby. It’s okay.” You tried to remove your wrists again but his grip only got tighter. You could already feel the bruises forming on the area.
“No, it’s not fucking okay, Y/N. You-you know I’ve always thought about that. A-and now you’re gonna throw it in my face?!” All while ranting, you could see strands of red flash back into the man’s hair. Behind his glossy tears, you could see his eyes glowing brighter than they ever have. You were starting to get scared. You know Beetlejuice would never hurt you, but you just said the worst of the worst. If he was going to do something, you probably deserved it.
“You think I would ever say something like that about you? Is that how you’ve felt this entire time?” The demon’s tears grew heavier and heavier and his voice got louder and louder. He stepped forward, which made you step back. Unable to move away with the death grips he still had on your wrists.
“No, Beetlejuice. I would never think that. J-just listen, ow-” His hands were almost crushing your wrist at this point. You could feel a lack of circulation starting to hit. “Beej, you’re hurting me.”
The demon stopped walking. The growing anger on his face switched to worry. The raging blue and red in his hair quickly faded back to just blue. Your boyfriend brought his hands up between you two and unwrapped them from your wrists slowly. You both gasped at the sight. Your wrists had marks shaped like his fingers grooved into the skin. The marks were already starting to turn red as well. You knew you had to catch Beetlejuice before he would freak out.
“Hey, hey. It’s fine. No big deal. They’ll be gone by tomorrow. Beej, let’s just sit down and tal-”
“No! I’m done talking.” The demon interrupted you one final time for the night. Beetlejuice’s face was puffy and soaked with tears. The sight made you want to grab him and just hold him forever, even after his tears were gone. “Y/N, you said some fucked up shit and now I just...”. He couldn't stop looking at your wrists.
“I’ll just go.” His words hit you like a ton of bricks. Go? But you didn’t want him to go. You wanted him to stay so the two of you could talk. So that you could deeply apologize and hold him all night. You shook your head.
“No. No, Beetlejuice. You can’t leave. I’m sorry. Please, I can make this better.” You launched your hands up to his cheeks. Ignoring the lingering pain from your bruises, you wiped some of his tears away with your thumbs. You finally felt your own tears approach as you tried to reason with him. “B, please don’t leave.”
Beetlejuice’s eyes looked down at you. Even though they were filled with a glowing golden color, you saw no expression in them. You glanced up to see his hair was a mixture of deep blue, purple, and black.
“Baby, please listen to me. I’m sorry. It was stupid and-and I shouldn’t have said it. You’re the most important person in my life right now. I would never want to hurt you. It was a major fuck up. But please, Beetlejuice, just don’t leave. I’m sorry. You know I am.” Your voice was shaky as you babbled and finally your tears started to fall. You already knew Beetlejuice made up his mind. He was going to leave, but still wanted to try and stop him. Reason with him in any way you could. If it took begging, that’s what you were going to do.
But the demon’s expression had still remained blank. You had hurt him and he just wanted to be alone. Even as you babbled and begged, it was hopeless. The last thing you heard was “Goodbye, Y/N” before he disappeared right in front of you. Out of your hands before you even had time to register that he said goodbye.
Your whole body was shaking. You dropped to your knees and hit the floor with a loud thump. The whole world seemed to be crashing down around you and there was nothing you could do about it. You lifted your hands to run them through your hair before breaking down entirely. You cried, screamed, yelled. Everything. The love of your life was gone and you didn’t know when he was coming back, or if he was coming back. All because you said those stupid words to him in a fit of rage.
The build up came after you were being held at your job longer than normal for weeks. It wasn’t even a part of your plan. There was a major project coming up that called for all hands on deck. Which unfortunately came with loads and loads of overtime. While you’d normally get off at 5 p.m. you found most of your days getting off around 8 or 9 at night. And not only did it take a toll on you, it took a big one on Beetlejuice.
Beetlejuice was always excited when he watched the clock and saw his favorite breather walk through the door. You two had fallen into a routine: you’d go to work, coming home, tell each other about your day, and fuck cuddle until you both fell asleep. You were afraid that Beej wouldn’t be comfortable with the whole ‘stay-at-home husband’ boyfriend type of lifestyle but he loved it. And unfortunately, your job was cutting into that routine.
Working long hours made you tired and irritable. All you wanted to do was eat, shower, and sleep when you got home; and then repeat the next day. You weren’t really in the mood to hang out or stay up all night with Beej. He was starting to feel like an afterthought. His abandonment issues were kicking into overdrive and he was having none of it.
Soon enough you two were having the same argument every other day. Beetlejuice didn’t have a tight grip on reality and it was starting to irritate you. He didn’t understand that you couldn’t just ‘not show up to work’ or ‘not stay’ when your boss told you to. You were constantly telling Beej it was going to end soon. Just a few more weeks but he didn’t care. He was missing everything. Missing the time spent together. Missing your normal routine. Missing you.
The night in particular is when everything changed. Your boss held you later than usual; which was becoming the usual. It was now going on 10:45 p.m. and you were worn the hell out. You hoped seeing your boyfriend’s face would make everything better when you came in. You walked into your apartment and the air felt eerie and hot. When you closed and turned around Beetlejuice appeared in front of you suddenly. He made you jump and turn slightly.
“Jesus Christ, Beej. You scared the hell out of me.” You laughed as you placed your hand over your pounding chest. But the demon man didn’t look amused. When you turned back to him you saw that his hair was a mixture of dark red and blue. That obviously wasn’t a good sign. “B, what’s the matter? Your hair-”
“You’re late, babes.” Beetlejuice growled out. Oh, boy. Whenever Beej’s voice went down two octaves, that wasn’t during sexual activities, you knew something was horribly wrong. The look in his beaming eyes showed anger as well.
“I know. My dumbass boss didn’t realize how much work we had left from Monday. I said I might as well stay to finish it instead of letting it run over to tomorrow, ya know.” You said nonchalantly as you slipped your shoes off. Beetlejuice balled his fists at his side.
“No, Y/N. I don’t know. What I DO you know, is that you didn’t even call to let me know you were gonna be late.” You heard heavy frustration and aggressiveness in his voice.
“God, Beej, you’re upset over 1 hour? It’s not even that serious.” You said brushing past him. You were tired and not in the mood to have this fight with him again. You walked through the hallway to your bedroom and he wasn’t far behind.
“It’s not about the hour, it’s about you not telling me. It’s bad enough you have to stay late everyday.” He said while standing in the doorway. You quickly changed out of your work clothes to pajamas. Your own anger started to run through as the argument continued.  
“Okay and it’s not my fault, Beej-” You said as you both walked to the living room.  
“I never said it was.” The demon man stopped by the couch. You turned around to look at him.  
“Well you're acting like it, B. I don’t need your passive-aggressive bullshit right now.” You threw your hands up in frustration. Disbelief hit Beej’s face.
“My bullshit? And what about yours, babes? Ever since your shit at work, you’re barely here. And when you are, you act like I’m invisible.” You saw the look of sadness and disappointment on his face.
“Beej, I know. But you know I’m not doing this on purpose. I would never want to make you feel that way. I’m trying my hardest to-”
“Well try harder!” Beej screamed at you and it was almost like his voice echoed over the whole apartment. You were taken back. Beetlejuice never yelled at you. But you weren’t going to let it go unnoticed. So you yelled back.
“You know what? Why don’t you get over it?! Find something to do while I’m not here! Go see Lydia and the Maitlands! You’re acting like I’m forcing you to stay here and wait for me!” You moved forward with your voice. Your blood was boiling and Beej’s hair was completely bright red now. His temper was breaking all the way through. He moved forward as well.
“The fact that I wait here everyday for you should mean something, right? I’m trying to show you I care! That I’m trying to comfort you-” He tried to finish but you heard enough. The fact that Beetlejuice was trying to make you seem like the bad guy made you ten times more aggravated.
“I already know you care, Beej! This has nothing to do with you showing you care, and everything to do with you being too fucking needy! All you’re doing is pushing your abandonment issues onto me like I’m the one at fault!” And you stopped. Almost instantly realizing what you said. You wished you could take it back. Erase everything you said. And that’s when you saw a streak of blue appear back in his hair.
Your teary eyes looked up at the clock on your wall. 2:35 a.m. You’d been crying for 3 1/2 hours. At first you sat on your knees, crying on the floor before moving to the couch and laying on your side. Sadness overwhelmed you. You just threw your love's biggest insecurity in his face. Broke his heart. Now he was gone. Vanished between your hands. And you felt awful about it.
You wanted him back sooner than later. You should’ve called his name. His traditional 3 times but you knew it wouldn’t work. Beej would show up just to pop away again. He was upset with you right now. Why would he come back so soon? You had no other way to reach him. No way to bring him back. And that broke your own heart.
You sat up on the couch and slumped backwards. You stared at your wrists for a moment before using your hands to wipe your tears away. You sniffed and whimpered before getting up to go to bed. Your appetite was gone so there was no use in trying to make any food. And with Beetlejuice on your mind, you weren’t going to get any sleep all night.
You turned off all the lights on the way to your room. Once in, you rushed to your bed. Just wanting to lay down and wallow in self pity. You plopped face down on your bed and moved to wrap your comforter around you. Even your bed felt empty without him. You felt a lump in your throat before letting a quiet sob. Just before you could let out another heavy cry, you opened your eyes to see a familiar set of black and white stripes sitting on the chair at your vanity desk. You shifted to prop yourself up on your elbow as you wiped your tears. You had to make sure your eyes weren’t deceiving you.
But there it was. Beetlejuice’s black and white suit jacket. Now that you thought about it, he didn’t have it on when you walked in the door. You practically jumped out of your bed to run and grab it. You lifted it up to instantly wrap it around you, taking in the scent. Although Beej was dead for who knows how long, you definitely introduced him to showers while you were together. Even after a shower, the demon man had a delightful musk that drove you wild. So you took in every breath from the jacket as it engulfed your body.
You placed your arms through the sleeves and wrapped them around your body. Forget work in the morning, you were staying here. Out of all the times Beetlejuice asked you to call in, now had to be the worst time. You walked back to your bed and sat down. On a whim, you started rummaging through every pocket the jacket had to offer. Not that you would find anything, you were just being curious. But as you roamed you noticed that almost every pocket, inside and out, was torn open. Whether it be completely ripped apart or having a small hole in it, these pockets weren’t useful.
The whole jacket was a shredded mess, honestly. But these pockets had to be fixed. You moved up from the bed to flip the light switch in your room. You then sat down at your vanity and pulled a small box of sewing supplies from the bottom drawer. After laying the jacket down on the desk top, you pulled out a black thread and needle from the box. You weren’t going to get any sleep tonight so might as well find something to do. Something to distract you. After flinching from the bright lights on the mirror, you got to work.
It was the next morning. You didn’t actually fall asleep until 7 a.m. You texted your boss that you weren’t going to be in just before laying your head down in your arms and passing out. While you worked on the pockets you still cried. Not as hard as when Beej first left, but little tears would spill here and there. All you could do was wipe them away and keep sewing.
You slowly sprung yourself awake. You turned your body to the side, cozying up to the cushion of your pillow. Wait...your pillow? You batted your eyes open before flinching as the sun from your window beamed directly on you. You sat yourself up on the bed and rubbed your eyes. When did you get in bed? You just fell asleep not too long ago. These questions went through your head as you looked around your room. Then a sudden thought hit you as you turned to look at your vanity. You remembered Beej’s jacket. Since you were staying home, maybe you could wear it all day and keep Beej’s scent on you.
But you weren’t just met with the demon’s jacket when you turned, you were also met with said demon. Your body froze when your eyes met with Beetlejuice’s. His facial expression was so soft but hard to read. He sat on your vanity chair with his jacket in hand. You weren’t entirely sure what to say or how to react. You looked back down at your comforter, trying to think of your next move. The two of you sat in awkward silence for a few minutes.
“Morning, dollface.” You heard from his direction. This scratchy sounding voice was like music to your ears. You looked up all too quickly.
“M-morning...what time is it?” You asked, trying to look around for your phone.
“It’s 10:45.” He spoke quietly. Like the same time you came home last night. Later than normal. You reached up and moved some hair from your face. “You’re not going to work?” You heard him ask.
“Oh, no, I texted my boss earlier. Told him I was sick or whatever.” You spoke as you scratched behind your ear. “I, uh, I didn’t really sleep last night. So I figured there was no point in going. Probably would’ve been falling asleep at my desk right now.” Beetlejuice chuckled after that. He hated your job for taking you from him. But he did think it was adorable when you tried to fight falling asleep. Silence fell between you two once again.
“You fixed my jacket.” Beetlejuice mumbled quietly but you still heard him. You looked and brightened up a little. You didn’t think it was a big deal but seeing his face made it a big deal.
“Y-yeah. Like I said I didn’t really sleep so I just found something to do. I just fixed the pockets really.” You stammered a bit. You saw him smile at the jacket as he inspected each pocket.
“Look, B. I don’t know how long you’ve been here and I know last night was crazy. But I think we should still talk about it.”
The man froze. Having forgotten about the events for a moment. He came back early in the morning to retrieve his jacket. Assuming you’d be asleep, his plan was to be in and out in 2 minutes flat. Swipe his jacket and go. But when the man saw you laying on top of the jacket at your desk, his plan was halted.
He knew he had to move you, you'd be so sore and cold once you woke up. He bent down to pick you up bridal style and placed you on your bed. But even after that, Beetlejuice stayed. Seeing your sleeping face made his heart soar. But it immediately sunk when he saw the dry tears on your face. So he stood over you, staring. Taking in every part of you. His favorite breather. His only love. His pale hand went to move some hair from your face and slowly grazed your cheek.
After a moment he moved to retrate back to the vanity. He picked up his jacket and immediately knew something was different. He looked at the inside pocket, realizing it didn’t have it’s usual hole. The demon stuck his finger inside to have it stopped by an unfamiliar thread. He looked back at you in your sleeping state in awe. He’d been meaning to have his pockets fixed but he never thought you’d be the one to do it. So he stayed. He sat in your chair and watched you. Waiting for the moment you’d finally wake up so he could thank you.
“Do we have to?” He asked quietly. His green hair was making its way back to blue. You moved to swing your legs off the side of the bed.
“Yeah, Beej, we should. Last night,” You gathered your words. Making sure you didn’t screw up again. “I said the unforgivable. Me throwing that out at you...was uncalled for, childish, and stupid. I said it at the worst time. I was just tired and frustrated and angry.” You tried to say all in one breath. While you talked you saw that he was looking down at the jacket. You could tell he was listening but you wanted to be double sure. You hopped off the bed and walked over to him. Once in front, you gathered his face in your hands. You wanted to be gentle. Making sure not to startle him so he’d vanish again. You moved his face to look at you.
“Beetlejuice, I don’t think you’re too needy. I will NEVER think you’re too needy. The fact that you act the way you do, shows how much you love me. And It feels amazing to be loved by you. I shouldn’t have brought up that stuff about abandonment issues. That was the ultimate low blow. If you’re still mad at me I’ll understand. But I hope you can forgive me. I’m so sorry.”
You said all that while looking directly into his golden eyes. You meant every word and prayed Beetlejuice understood that. You were unable to read his expression and it scared you. Before you could say anything else you felt his cold hands slide to the back of your thighs.
“I’m sorry too, sweets.” His voice rang sweetly through your ears. In your peripheral vision, you saw that the blue left his hair and was now mixed with his normal green and a light pink. But you shook your head.
“No, baby. You don’t have anything to be sorry for.” You said as you gripped his cheeks a little harder. He just smiled sweetly.
“No, I do. I basically blamed you for taking care of your responsibilities. I just got so tired of you being gone for so long. And when you came home not really wanting to do anything, I got even more mad. I was being selfish. And then,” The man moves his hands from your thighs to touch your wrists.
You’d forgotten about your wrists. When he took them carefully in his hands, you saw a faint amount of purple bruising. “Then I did this to you. If I could kick my own ass for it, I would. I hurt you, Y/N, and that’s something I’d never want to do again. I’m sorry for all of it, doll.” You only looked at him. Giving him forgiveness with your eyes. And he understood it.
“Babes, after I left, I just wanted to be back here so bad.” He smiled even wider and shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you were standing front of him. Back in his arms. You matched his smile as your eyes started to tear up again.
“I wanted you back here too.” You giggled. You felt one of his hands move from your wrist and reach to clean your tears away. Once they were gone, he moved it down on your cheek. You two sat in the moment of loving each other’s returned company. Finally you reached down to desperately place your lips onto his. Beetlejuice pushed back with just as much, if not more, desperation. You sighed deeply into his mouth as he pulled you closer.
You felt his other hand let go of your wrist and slide its way to your ass. But before you two could go any farther, you pulled your lips off his. You looked down, smiling at him and he smiled back.
“I love you, B.” You used one of your hands to graze through his hair softly. A bright pink had completely taken over every strand. His dopey grin made you giggle one more time.
“I love you more, babes.” Beej said softly before moving his lips to your neck. You rolled your eyes while looking upward. Beetlejuice just pecked at your skin with earnest desire.
“Beej, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.” You said as he made you sigh with each kiss. You felt him smirk on your neck and turned to look up at you.
“Mmm, even better.” He growled out. All you could do was laugh at the dead man.
Thanks for reading!💚💜🖤
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