#ideas and feedback appreciated :)
totem-but-shark · 2 months
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Foolish vtuber concepts im working on on and off. I had initially wanted to make both the irl and cubito version that could be toggled between however now i'm more considering focusing on the irl version. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done for his design as currently though accurate to the average foolish fit it's very plain and a possibly toggleable hoodie and other accessories could go a long way.
He would have toggleable sharkglasses for the redeem and I'm even working on a bonus silly little pngtuber as well
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polliwoggers · 7 months
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hhnrg fnaf has been eating my thoughts and an AU occurred. im tentatively calling it a "gods and monsters" au but there's a lot more going on than that. It is partly inspired by @tzitzimitl-eztli 's "the lost child" story, where glamfred is a real bear that gregory meets in the woods, but this new au takes place in a different time and setting.
I've done a lot of worldbuilding for this, and i think the concepts are really interesting, so please read this document i made for it! it goes into more detail than i can here. fair warning though it is kind of long; also, it's a pdf :)
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synthwayve · 3 months
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Many Laurences! Playing around with my designs for him and trying to settle on one. Please let me know which one looks best, I’m curious 👀 Color alternates of Pg 1 below the cut because indecisiveness:
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dysfunctional-doodle · 11 months
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Mystic Mikey
This was mostly drawing/shading practice so it’s pretty bad, but I thought I’d share it anyway so eh.
-> Commissions | Check out my Kofi :) <-
WIPs under the cut because I thought it would be fun to share, idk
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greyspirehollow · 23 days
Prepare for trouble - Make it double
Pairing : Quaestor Valdemar x (demon) Reader Fandom : The Arcana visual novel Warnings : science (I'm not good with warnings) ; discussion of experiments ; probably inaccurate depiction of said science (like it's probably not how it works, I ain't no scientist, I'm an artist)
Summary : To make sure you live as long as your beloved, you went our of your way to make a deal with the Devil. The downsides? You have the same morbid curiosities and fascinations as your dearest, though you specialize in another field...
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It had been a few months since you made your deal. Things had changed, of course, but you felt as if the sacrifices you made were little in comparison to spending eternity by Valdemar's side. And you couldn't have possibly done that without giving up your humanity... But you knew you had done the right thing. Everything had become more tender with the Quaestor, it seemed they'd finally allowed themselves to feel for you, to love you ; They were spending more time by your side, they held you more often, at times you could swear you could see a spark of love and adoration in their eyes when they looked at you... And honestly? It's all you could've asked for. Everything else was a bonus.
Spending more time together undeniably meant you picked up on some quirks from each other's behavior. Even though you had a much more theatrical side to you (which seemed to be easier to indulge into, since you weren't so afraid anymore since your deal ; although you do know how to control it. People often perceive you as rather calm and composed, actually), you had caught yourself standing like them a few times. Once, you two had tilted your heads at the same time during a conversation, drawing a few laughs out of both of you. It seemed like Valdemar had picked up on some of your behaviors as well, which... You hadn't expected. You remember loosing your shit at one of the few jokes they cracked around you from time to time. Sure, they were still very much themselves, but you feel like their time with you warmed them up somewhat. A few days after you came back from your deal, they'd offered to wrap your horns in bandages, just like they did with their own, and you couldn't refuse (it was just so cute). Your horn shape was more vertical, with a slight angle to them, but in the end, you had matching bandaged horns, and it just made you giddy every time you thought about it. You would tease each other at times, even though when other people were around, the Quaestor was much more reserved, a bit contrary to you. But you caught a smile behind their mask once or twice.
And of course, all those soft moments were worth everything you'd given up. Your humanity, and your moral compass. Regarding science, anyway...
You hadn't told them anything. When those strange thoughts came to you, it made you curious. Not only because you'd never thought of this before, but also because it was... Interesting, actually. You knew you probably shouldn't indulge in them. After all, you weren't human anymore, your thoughts weren't the same... And yet, you gave in. You had noticed how when Valdemar was really invested in an experiment, it seemed you could go anywhere you wanted and they wouldn't notice... Or they perhaps didn't mind. Of course you loved watching them work, and they didn't seem to mind your presence... But seeing them so fascinated by the corpses they were fiddling with inevitably awakened those thoughts in you again. So you'd taken advantage of those moments to wander the streets of Vesuvia, looking for a perfect hideout. You had found what looked like an abandoned tavern at the end of a narrow, dark alleyway. It took you a while to manage to pick the lock of the thick wooden door, but once you did, you couldn't help a wicked grin from spreading onto your face. This. Was. Perfect.
You entered what looked like an old cave, finding stacks of dusty wine bottles, a table or two and cobwebs. You couldn't help your heart from picking up in pace as you mentally drew a picture of your soon-to-be laboratory. This was exciting. You dedicated the following weeks to cleaning up the place. You'd deconstructed the wine stacks, gotten rid of the bottles (which you were sure weren't good for consumption anyway, and the idea of risking Valerius' life to make sure of that simply hadn't come to you) and moved the wooden tables. If you wanted this place to be as spotless as you could make it to be, you'd have to do a deep clean... And that's what you did. Back when you were human, you could've never thought of doing that, ever. But now? The excitement at the prospect of upcoming experiments gave you the energy to basically do anything.
Eventually, after two week and a half of deep cleaning (mainly because you couldn't give it a 24/7 attention), the cave looked empty enough for you to start furnishing it. This only took you three days. You would sneak out the Palace at night into various physicians' offices and alchemist's shops to borrow equipment. Vials, petri dishes, syringes, candles, the strongest magnifying glasses you could find, more petri dishes, sample tubes, test tubes, goggles (though you doubted you would need them), gloves, tweezers, spatula, scoopula, glass bottles, erlenmeyer flasks, flasks, tongs, corks, beakers, pipets, petri dishes again YOU NAME IT- ahem.
This was thrilling. The more you brought equipment to your makeshift laboratory, the more excited you become. This would be fantastic. Phenomenal. Breakthrough after breakthrough, things scientists could only dream of achieving...
Then began your experiments. In the following months, your laboratory filled with them, test subjects and wet specimens, files thick as an encyclopedia as you wrote down report after report and protocol after protocol....
However, eventually, you knew you wouldn't be able to keep this to yourself. And you probably shouldn't. It didn't feel right to hide it all from your beloved... And so, after nearly ten months of your secret escapades to your lab, you decided to expose your discoveries and experiments to Valdemar. It was late, somewhere at the end of winter. As if time meant anything anyway. You found the surgeon in their dungeons, as usual. You stood afar for a moment, your heart thumping violently in your ribs out of both nervousness and excitement. You took a deep breath, and walked towards them, gently wrapping your arms around their waist from behind and resting your head on their shoulder. "Good evening" they said sweetly, briefly glancing at you. They could feel your tough heartbeat against their back, and wondered what could be the source of supposed distress. "Is something wrong?" they asked, their hands swiftly stitching up the corpse they had been working on. "...Can I show you something?" you inquired, though with a slight uncertainty. It seemed they sensed it. "Of course." Valdemar replied "I'm always happy to see what you've been up to." they said, putting their instruments aside and wiping their gloves hands on their apron. You couldn't help your grin and a spark of mischievous excitement from lighting up your eyes. The Quaestor knew that spark : they shared the same when they talked about their experiments. This only made them more intrigued. You took their hand and excitedly walked out of the dungeons into the streets of Vesuvia, guiding them to your hideout.
You found the key to the heavy wooden door and opened it, eagerly inviting them inside (even if you tried your best to keep your excitement level-headed). Their eyes widened as they slowly made their way inside : it really looked like a laboratory... only less professional. More made from scratch, though the equipment was there. Shelves lined the walls, on which laid all sorts of things : mainly jars, mostly wet rat and mice specimens, floating ominously in the liquid. but there were also tinier flasks, sealed shut, with a biohazard* symbol onto some. no, onto all of them. You didn't speak just yet, letting them take a look around while fidgeting with your hands. They approached one of the tables you worked on, seemingly analyzing the equipment. "So that's where all my petri dishes went" they teased, making you chuckle. Their gaze went back to the table "...Is this all your doing?" They asked, their eyes landing on the specimens again. You nodded, unable to stop a little proud and (morbidly) excited smile as you mentally prepared to ramble about your experiments. Valdemar's eyes scanned the equipment again, and finally asked "What did you do with all this?"
You grinned from ear to ear as you went to fetch the boxes where you kept all your reports, bringing them to the table while pushing aside some instruments (which thankfully you weren't currently using for an experiment - imagine the catastrophe if anything fell on the floor) "Alright, so-" you started, pulling out a file "I'll start with my simplest experiment : BH-012. It was my first successful one, actually uhm- are you familiar with pathology ?" your words seemed to tumble out of your mouth with uncontrollable enthusiasm, and Valdemar found themselves highly intrigued. "The science and study of diseases, yes, I've heard about it. Though as you know, it isn't my field of practice" you nodded frantically "Yes ! yes. Well... I got interested in that, suddenly, I don't exactly know why -maybe has to do with my deal- and well... I thought it would be a good idea to uhm... to try things out !" You had the Quaestor's absolute and undivided attention. Which was hard to do, let's be honest. You couldn't be more excited "I've played with dangerous things.." you admitted, flipping through the files. "So ! BH-012...."
And so your rambling started. You began with this first bacteria, which you had managed to successfully mutate, altering its initial effects. This is what you had done with all your experiments. You mutated and fiddled with everything : Bacteria. Viruses. Prions. Parasites... These held nearly no secrets to you anymore. You've nearly experimented on all. You had pushed the limits of the ethical and created biohazardous biological weapons, all contained in these tiny sealed-shut flasks and vials lined up on your shelves, which you had frozen* for safety. You explained to them in details some protocols of certain highly successful experiments, like the prion PA-003, or the virus VY-045... You explained how you studied how your diseases spread, contaminated, and destroyed their hosts on populations of rat and mice ; you showed them the second room, in which there was a tank similar to a terrarium full of plants, and another one full of fungi and mushrooms. You explained how you had managed to make a mutation of the BH-012 bacteria, BH-014, thanks to these fungi, allowing the bacteria to develop spores to spread, whereas before it was only transmitted by being consumed. You went on to explain how you used the tank of plants to develop cures for each of your diseases, making copies of the formula and protocols to follow in case one slippery little virus or fungi managed to make its way out of your laboratory.
The Quaestor was smitten. They loved your humanity, they always did (even if they'd denied it for a while), this part of you that had allowed them to be a little more themselves each day... And now this ? This was the cherry on top. This non-human side of you, devoted to science, willing to experiment, going beyond the biologically reasonable and push past what would be ethical until there were no cell to modify left in the world... And the last specimen you presented to them, with that wickedly excited grin and mad glint in your eyes just was the death of them. You proudly held up the wet specimen of an orange worm, with two long thin tendrils that spewed out of its mouth. "Just a lil' guy, huh? This is a type of brain tapeworm" you started "it's called a neuro-parasite. Some already exist in nature, but I've uhm... made it worse" you chuckled "It acts very progressively : they lodge themselves atop of the brain, slowly but surely planting their tendrils further and further until they reach the motor controls, basically... turning the host into a puppet. It's not actually hard to remove, a basic acidic solution does the job and dissolves it, but uhm... the delicate part is not damaging the brain while dissolving the worm." you were about to go on, but something suddenly popped in your mind, and you excitedly went back to your shelf. Valdemar's jaw hung slightly slack at everything. But they'd share their thoughts once you would be done. "Something funny happened to one of my worms, actually-" You retrieved another wet specimen of an orange worm, though this time, it had some sort of exoskeleton, and two little fangs "It mutated" you said, feeling all giddy. The Quaestor couldn't help but share your excitement, even if pathology wasn't their field of specialty "It mutated? This particular worm mutated, creating this unique structure and its small little fangs?" you nodded eagerly. You continued : "Not that it can resist the cure, no no- it's become practically cousins with a millipede. It still had the tendrils to lodge in the brain though. I have to admit, I ran out of inspiration and called it Fortis Vermis… but I secretly call it skitters" Valdemar chuckled "skitters?" you laughed as well and nodded. "yes, skitters... I like him a lot... It's my most beautiful specimen." You said, looking dreamily at your wet specimen before putting it back on the shelf with the others
After this very eventful night, you couldn't help but be a little apprehensive of Valdemar's reaction. What would they think...? They had not uttered a word since you both had left your makeshift laboratory. You suddenly felt very nervous. You looked at them and was about to say something, but you blinked in surprise. There was a new spark in their eyes : amazement and wonder... a certain lightness. You were... Confused. They seemed to notice your stare and looked at you, their red eyes meeting your golden own. They smiled. "Thank you for showing me all this" their tone was... surprisingly affectionate, and you couldn't help your cheeks from reddening slightly "ah- w-well... that's only natural, no?" you chuckled "You have no problem showing me your experiments, and it felt very... It just felt wrong not to show you." The smile didn't leave their face as they continued to walk with you. It seemed your earlier excitement had rubbed off on them, they looked to be in a particularly good mood. They looked ahead again and inhaled before speaking : "You and I will make a fine duo in scientific history" Your eyes widened slightly, your anxiousness suddenly evaporated. You felt warm. "really?" they nodded "absolutely. Say, do you want me to give you... Human specimens from time to time?" you gasped "you- you wouldn't !!" they chuckled at your excited reply "oh yes I would. I'd be delighted to see just what your diseases could do on a human corpse" You had to stifle a screech of excitement. It would help you make significant progress, even if you had one body every few months. You gripped their arm and brought them in an embrace, pampering their face with affectionate kisses. They chuckled and protested that it was nothing, but you thanked them nonetheless. That night, you spent your time discussing all sorts of experiments you could be conducting in the future...
*This may be inaccurate considering the time period The Arcana visual novel seems to take place in
Small Bonus !
It was two days later. You had just come back from dining with the countess and the other courtiers, closing the door of your quarters with a sigh, appreciating the calm. You spotted something on your bed, and raising an eyebrow, you went over it. It looked like a folded piece of clothing. You unwrapped it curiously, and your eyes widened as a lab-coat and apron unfolded before you. It was flawless, though you could tell it was sewn by hand. It matched your size perfectly. A note fluttered to the ground, which you picked up. It read :
"A mad scientist and an unhinged surgeon ; we're going to make quite the pair. I thought you might need this in the future - Val"
This time, you were unable to contain your screech of excitement.
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ricopop · 4 months
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updated slightly more detailed oscillo ref ... had lors of fun researching for this :-3 @cephalonheadquarters @superbellsubways
bonus things under cut
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okay i need to share an au idea but the art sucked so im just telling it rn.
the au is about a small seaside town named (INSERT NAME, maybe like Hermit cove or smt) , which is perfectly normal thank you. The residents have formed a small yet tight-knit community. the town sees basically no tourists despite the wonderful location, and again it is perfectly normal except one thing. There's a small office in the local government building reserved for the Bureau of Strange Happenings, where residents have to report anything strange they claimed to see. It was set up in the 90s, when a lot of tourists came to the town and claimed to have spotted cryptids, and wouldnt stop bothering local law enforcement about it. And reports have been coming in consistently for the past few years. tree bark that writhes and breathes, veins spread through the soil, the lakes turning red. Still these reports are all readily dismissed by the one who writes up all the incident reports, Grian. in his hermit permit esque glory, he is just as disinterested and would rather be fishing.
there's a lot of other residents. Local fisherwoman Gem, who seemingly just appeared two years ago and runs a small shop. Pearl, who does oddjobs around town and helps out anyone she can (shes recently taken up the job as mailman). Scar, one of the more paranoid residents who sees like something "weird" every other day (grian is so done with him). Recently the town has two new residents, joel and skizz, and through sheer bad luck they uncover more than they wanted about the idyllic little town.
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thepleasuregoblin · 5 hours
"Filters are certified for an hour, but we've never tested 'em that long," he explained, shouting over the noise of the refinery as we walked.
"You really play it that safe?" I shouted back, struggling to keep up with the lanky foreman's strides.
He shook his head. "Nah. Usually tryin to swim in the clouds by that point. It's the fever. They didn't tell you bout it?"
My face was answer enough, apparently. He continued, "Venusian fever. 15 minutes in you feel too hot, even through the suit. Round 30 you're seein' things, and by 45 most guys are delirious. Rippin' off filters and strippin' down to their skivvies. So we try not to let 'em out there much longer'n 30 minutes."
I stopped and blinked at him, but he didn't follow suit on either count, so after I caught up, I managed to stammer out my reply, "I-why not just use a vaccsuit? An oxygen tank?"
Now he did stop. He looked at me, rolled his eyes and said in what must be a practiced impression:
"Vaccsuits don't grow on trees, son."
Then he grinned and kept walking. "Come along now," he said, "I'll show you your digs."
I sighed and tried my best to keep pace. This was not going to be a simple case after all.
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politemagic · 2 days
slasher iii & slasher iv
oh geez oh boy oh god here it is. i had to strangle this thing out of my brain and she came out kicking and screaming. unedited, just some fun slasher iii & slasher iv content on this saturday evening. this is... something
there's a good bit of triggers in here, please proceed with caution.
1.15k words
The two of them are just hardcore horror fans, right? They've seen all the classics a million times but as they're getting older it's just not enough. III is the first one to suggest it as he turns off the television after watching the newest horror box office flop. At first, IV thought it was a joke. An outlandish suggestion to throw him off his game. That was the kind of jokester that III was. But there was no humor in his voice when he said in a sinisterly quiet voice.
"We could just do that shit ourselves."
The thought caused excitement to pulse through IV's veins as III laid out the details of his fantasy. It was almost too perfect, he thought. Their calculus professor was a piece of shit who was always too hard on the class, so he made an obvious target. He had no family, which further eased IV's conscience. They'd be doing the world a favor.
It was an experience unlike anything he'd ever experienced before, the thrill of watching the light wink out of his horrified eyes as he clawed at the masks covering their faces, watching the fight leave his body as he fell limp to the floor. He found he didn't quite mind the feeling of his blood soaked jeans clinging to his legs.
III had done most of the dirty work, but who was IV to deprive him of the joy he received from plunging the knife into his victim's stomach? They tidied. up after themselves enough to erase their presence, and waited for someone to find him.
The discovery of the beloved professor’s body the next day came as a shock to the whole community, leaving the town a worried mess. Things only got worse as III and IV selected their next target. She was a young woman, engaged to be married, known for babysitting just about every kid in town– the two of them included. IV’s stomach soured at the thought, but the grin on III’s face stirred his excitement enough to quell his conscience. 
“Don’t worry mate, she’ll be perfect.” He clapped his friend on the shoulder and pulled him into his pickup truck, the bed loaded with enough hunting knives to butcher a stampede.
And perfect she was. They managed to slip into the garage undetected, slinking through the darkened hallways towards the illumination and chatter of the television in the living room. She had nodded off on the couch, her head tilted back and nestled into the corner, surrounded by blankets and pillows. III gave him a silent nod and IV walked around behind her, wrapping an arm around her neck and clamping his hand over her mouth. Her eyes shot open in fear, panic overtaking her body as her eyes raked down every intimidating inch of III as he knelt in front of her, sliding a knife out of his boot. 
IV could feel her gnashing at the flesh of his palm, and simply pressed the crook of his elbow further into her jugular. He could feel her resolve dwindling as she thrashed against his hold, trying to shove III’s towering figure away from her. But III only laughed and swatted away her comparatively small hands as he began tracing the tip of his blade up her pajama clad leg, the twinkle in his eye indicated to IV that he was thoroughly enjoying the muffled whimpers coming from behind IV’s hand, relishing in the way that her body lurched away from him.
When IV felt his hand dampening from her tears, he audibly groaned, looking down to see her beautiful eyes squeezed shut, tears running down her cheeks. If his mask wasn’t covering his mouth he would have leaned down and licked those tears off of her perfect skin himself. But instead, he managed to catch III’s attention, nodding down to her streaming tears and III laughed evilly.
He leaned over her, wiping her tears away with his thumbs, gently caressing her cheeks as he did so, despite IV’s hands covering most of her face. 
“Hey, no use for that,” III cooed. “No point of doing that at all, love.”
Her eyes opened, a bone-chilling fear shooting through her body as she saw the murderous glint in III’s eyes. The tears flowed faster, and as she tried again to break free III restrained her arms with ease, resting his body weight on top of her as he brought his knife up to her line of sight again. 
“We’re going to have a lovely time, the three of us.”
She screamed from behind IV’s hand, making one last attempt to bite at him and managed to find purchase on the meat of his palm, causing him to yelp. She sank her teeth in until she could taste his blood on her tongue, but she found his grip only tightened. When she dared a glance above her, she could see his eyes shut, breathing labored, but when he looked down at her, she realized what a mistake she had made. 
A mixture of her tears and IV’s blood dripped from her chin, and the sight sent a shockwave of excitement through III’s body. He was ecstatic to have a partner in all this, to get to experience his wildest fantasies with his best friend. To share this new side of him with his best friend. 
“Now for the fun part.” He whispered, more to IV than to her, but the words caused her heart to sink, she felt the resolve fly from her body– there was no salvation for her. The coppery tang of his blood on her tongue that had once tasted like victory now tasted of defeat. Not only would she die at their hands, she would die with their repulsive presence invading her every sense.
III felt the familiar rush of euphoria as the blade pierced through her belly, her muffled scream like a favorite song heard on the radio. He didn’t miss the way IV’s hip pressed slightly into the couch, spreading a wide grin across his lips.
This would be the fun part, indeed.
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Hours later, III laid down in his bed, resting an arm behind his head as he replayed the events of the day, that same grin still plastered on his face. He felt his eyes drifting closed, sleep ready to take his body when he heard the sound of his phone vibrating on his nightstand. His heart leaped at the sight of your name, and your sweet message.
i guess you turned in early tonight. sweet dreams, i love you <3
As he laid back down, his eyes falling shut one more time, his mind conjured up the most beautiful plan for you. 
A special surprise.
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countrymusiclover · 10 days
3 - War Follows You
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Part 4
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff
Who should Mallory have a friendship with besides Will? Let me know in the comments
“Stay put gang. Go search Maxon.” I held up my hand signaling for the rest of my team to stay back behind me. We were responsible for locating some hidden explosives that were supposed to be shipped out somewhere we weren’t sure of.
Maxon ran forward entering the house through the nearest window. “Easton, we’ve got visual.” One of my team members came over showing me a camera.
Maxon had a camera attached to the top of his vest and we could see everywhere he went. He went from one bedroom to another until he entered a basement showing us a wall lined up with boxes upon boxes of explosives. “He’s got’em. Move in.” I dropped my hand and our team made our way slowly into the house.
My boots banged on the stairs, and I was the last one to come down into the basement. “Easton! There’s foot traffic over here.”
“You think someone else has already came down here?” I asked my friend Antler.
Antler shakes his head no, brushing his fingers on the fresh footsteps hearing some movement behind some of the boxes. “Look at these markings. These are fresh just like our boots will be which means- “
“Someone else is down here.” I finished his train of thought.
I heard a women’s voice make a noise before a few of us draw out our firearms and aimed them in the direction. “Ah!”
“Come out with your hands up!” I called out while Maxon bared his teeth seeing a figure come around the corner.
The figure was a dark-skinned man all covered in different types of robed fabric. “You have no right to be down here. You are trust passing.” He held a woman against his chest with a gun to her head.
“Sir these explosives were stolen from a nearby US army base. They do not belong to you.” Antler explained to the man.
The guy pointed the gun at us, waving it around where I was nervous that it could go off at anytime. “You are the trust passers here. God will make you pay for what you did to my kids.”
“Ma’am, can you tell us what happened to your kids?” I asked her.
She winced beginning to cry before her husband shoved her onto the ground. “A bomb went off – destroyed our house – uh!”
“I will not let you take her from me. We shall be reunited with them in heaven.” The guy drew something out from behind his back, holding up a switch with a big red button and then I noticed the timer on the nearest explosion box.
Maxon started barking his head off bolting up the stairs when I hollered to my team. “Weapons hot. I repeat weapons hot!” I ran as fast as I could letting the rest of my team go up first hearing the ticking getting louder behind me.
I managed to get out of the door watching Maxon leap up into the low flying helicopter that had the rest of my team inside. “Mallory!” Antler called my name holding out a hand for me. I screamed barely grabbing his hand by the time the building blew up.
“No! I - I’m sorry.” I thrashed in the blankets of my bed throwing my arms and legs about. My chest was tightening, and I shot awake when I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
“Mallory – woah- “I heard someone say before I twisted the person’s wrist the opposite way where they winced in pain.
I drew my other hand into a fist trying to figure out who the intruder was and how he got inside my apartment. “Who the hell are you, intruder!”
“It’s me, Mal. Here look.” The guy used his other hand turning on the lamp that sat on my nightstand bringing light into my dark bedroom. I blinked my eyes adjusting to the light finally seeing who it actually was.
He nodded feeling my fingers loosen their grasp on his wrist. “Yeah, it’s me. You’re okay.”
“I’m sorry. I was just sleeping and then – I hurt you.” I reached for his wrist again tracing my thumb over the nails scars that I had dug into his skin.
He moved his wrist from my hand and instead intertwined my hand with his own. “You don’t have to apologize, Mal. Trust me when I say I have the chance of getting hurt much worse at the ED than I do with your nails digging into me.”
“I’m aware. I just feel bad about it.” I replied feeling the bed confuter shift when Maxon leaped up onto the bed and laid down on the other side of me. Will and I were very close, so I never wanted to hurt him in any way and he didn’t want to do anything to upset me.
Will left the bedroom and I heard him flip a switch on in the kitchen. Maxon laid his head in my lap and I slowly ran my fingers through his fur. I also could hear the microwave go on and off and it was a few minutes later he came back with a cup in his hand that he held out for me. “From what I’ve read it says that hot chocolate or coffee helps calm some people down and help your bawl movement too.”
“Will, I appreciate the concern. But I will be perfectly fine without that.” I shake my head no. He meant well but I could see his face shift into full on doctor mode like the drop of a hat. So, I doubt he’d let me decline his help now.
Will sits down at the edge of the bed seeing me pull my knees up close to my chest. “Mallory, this will help I promise. And I’m not leaving until you drink it.” He held out the warm mug again where I took it with a heavy sigh.
I sent him a glare raising the cup to my mouth sipping the liquid. The warm liquid went down my throat and I felt a warm feeling build in my stomach. My shoulders dropped in relief when I laid my back against the pillows behind me. “You’re a pretty good doctor to me, Halstead.”
“Thanks.” He smiled back at me. Silence fell between the three of us in the room, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. His gaze scanned over my face, and he held his gaze with mine pausing before he said another word. “Can I ask what the nightmare was about exactly?”
“Um.” I trailed off tapping my fingers on the red coffee cup.
He drew his question back till I shake my head no. “If it’s too emotional I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.”
“I can talk about it. It’s just – it happened on my first mission out.” I sucked in a breath closing my eyes thinking back on the day it happened. “We were supposed to be retrieving some explosives that were stolen from one of our old bases nearby. It was out in the dessert of Afghanistan. We got information from an informant that they believed the explosives were held up in a hut out in the dunes.”
Will nodded in response. “So, you and Maxon were assigned to locate the explosives for your unit.”
“Yes, and we successfully did find them. Except we didn’t expect that the guy who stole them would be there.” I blinked through some tears sitting the coffee cup down on the nightstand table. “When we found the guy inside the basement, he came around the corner and – he was a little shit for using his wife as a shield. They had lost their kids because another unit before us so they hated us coming in.”
Will touches my knee seeing that my chest was heaving up and down with some tears falling down my face. “You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to.”
“I’m alright, Will. Um – he didn’t care about her safety, so he threw her on the ground like dirt and pulled out a dedtinator. He pressed it without a second thought and we barely made it out alive.” Maxon made a whimpering noise when I wiped away tears. “Every time I – I close my eyes I see her face. I think how horrible of a life that was for her. And – I couldn’t do anything to stop him.”
Will scooted forward on the bed motioning for Maxon to switch to the other side of the bed. “Woah, woah, hey now. I’m right here.” He wrapped his arms around my shaking body seeing me getting more emotional about the nightmare.
“She’s dead because of me. She’s – I - she’s gone.” I began crying into the fabric of his shirt, clutching my fingers into the fabric.
He rested his chin on top of my head holding me as close to his embrace as possible. “You did everything you could. You hear me, Mallory. You did what you could.” I felt one of his hands raise up and gently ran through my hair attempting to calm me down.
“Will, how did you get into my apartment?” The thought popped into my head once I had stopped sobbing so much.
I lifted my head up slightly from his chest and he kept playing with my hair. “You gave me a key remember.” He chuckled lightly at me.
“Oh right – my bad.” I laid my head back down in his chest and he squeezed me against his warm embrace. We laid in the bed and Maxon laid down at our feet watching over me before I fell back to sleep. “Thank you for being here.”
Will kissed my hair watching me fall asleep before he fell asleep himself. “You’re welcome, Mal.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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florshedworf · 2 months
okay ive been thinking about this for a little bit but what sort of dress would thunder wear.
i was thinking perhaps something fancy? like a sleeveless dress or something with some sort of armor? perhaps not something that drags on the floor though
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or maybe something a bit more practical? something that isn’t really a dress but you can move more freely/have more protection in (or just generally looks more square/sharp)
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mx-myth · 6 months
Thinking of writing a mlc liansanjiao modern au where di feisheng and fang duobing are like, in a pool (if they're at dfs', because he's a super rich CEO, but if they're at li lianhua's they're in a fucking lake because lotus tower) and dfs is like oh he's doing that cheeky little sarcastic grin at me (you know the one). How is he so small how is his waist so thin how are his shoulders that broad I can see the water rolling down his chest. He's having an entire gay little panic for the nth time.
This is where it gets revealed that dfs, however, thinks that llh and fdb are in a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship. Except without the money? Because he sees this attractive sticky little puppy that li lianhua calls xiaobao and comes to that, quote, "very obvious conclusion." So he's all sad about fdb already being "taken." However this is the moment llh walks about and sees them in the water together.
HE thinks dfs and fdb are kinda-sorta hatefucking but they're actually figuring out they like each other. His "irrefutable" evidence to back this up is that he's seen them fighting (physically, 99% of the time) every time they're together and honestly it's all a little bit homoerotic. He cannot be dissuaded from this.
Meanwhile fdb sees llh come out and offer dfs a bottle of water (he has one for him too, but baby boy has tunnel vision) and is like. Ahhhh llh is back. Dfs' boyfriend. HE thinks this because he knows they have history together (aka they were infamous in certain circles for having the HOTTEST beef) and once he saw them sparring except it turned into wrestling on the ground and THAT turned into making out. It was essentially fdb's gay awakening except he already knew he liked boys. It was more like his gay awakening for "men who could definitely pin me down and throw me around and oh my god do I like that???"
They're all moronsexual and don't realise they all like each other lmao (I only focused on these lenses but they do all like each other. Dfs has liked llh since their rivalry days. Fdb attaches himself to llh because even though his cooking is atrocious and he likes playing around with him aka little white lies he has the most beautiful smile fdb has ever seen in his life and he's nice to huli jing. Llh is deep in self-denial because he's doesn't think he deserves them they're happier without him etcetera.)
If anyone wants me to I might be able to write it lol but writer's block has been kicking my ass
(PS: I don't know how they get together (actually llh probably runs away and dfs and fdb team up to hunt him down) or how llh kind of dying comes into play. Maybe he doesn't die at all. Maybe he briefly gets the flu and is like guys. I'm dying. Please don't mourn me *sleeps for twenty-four hours straight*)
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tennessoui · 7 months
You know when I read the background characters AU, I totally thought you were going to go in a different direction.
Like Anakin and Obi-Wan are reoccurring background characters who are paired often together and decide to practice their acting skills(and flirting). So they act out their scenes. Slowly over the course of the season their characters meet, flirt, start dating, have arguments, break up, stare at each other in regret, then get back together.
Eventually when the show comes out and is noticed by fans and becomes a rare pair that eventually takes the Number #1 ship in this fandom. (Honestly the main show isn't as entertaining as these two)
(in reference to this au)
oooo this is so sweet in its own way i love them being recurring characters that totally steal the show cause tbh that was me watching aotc and rots anyway lol
what i really liked about them just being one-time extras is like...the almost of it all. they have such a great connection and they're having so much fun the entire time during filming, but they really only have a few days together maximum. probably only one 12 hour shift, and then their paths diverge....but it's not like they really forgot each other ever, they were just idiots and had some fun without getting contact details. they didn't realize they would sort of remember the other one for a really really long time
like it's such a good mix of stupid and silly and smitten
but i think there DEFINITELY is an element of them becoming a social media favorite, once they're both actors in like separate franchises, separate genres etc and fans are baying for like. anakin to guest star in an episode of obi-wan's show or obi-wan to have a small part in one of anakin's movies after like. a video clip of all of their moments being extra(s) gets released on twitter
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itsbinghebitch · 10 months
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“What are you looking at?” “Why? I can’t look at my boyfriend or what?” “You’re watching me eat. Why?” “Because you’re the cutest when you eat.”
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Current picture of Lunar and the twins!
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ashvampire · 4 months
Voryn has a lesson in healing with his mother.
The room was dark – the only light shined down from the windows. They offered little illumination in the late afternoon, and the dark stone walls only made the place feel dimmer. Candles were plentiful, but none were lit.
Voryn sighed, as he wrapped gauze around the limb of a feather-stuffed guar. His mother sat across from him, legs crossed and keen eyes watching her son’s hands as he bandaged the toy. A low table separated them – covered in bandages and squares of gauze, as well as the stuffed guar.
His mother leaned forward, her hand locking around Voryn’s wrist. “You’re not doing it tight enough. Start again.”
Hastily, Voryn ripped off the gauze, scowling all the while. That was the third time he’d failed. He wondered how long his mother was planning on keeping him here.
“Be gentle,” his mother barked, “You won’t be able to bandage someone if your gauze is shredded.”
Voryn bit his lip, trying to be more gentle with the light fabric, but unable to keep the scowl from his face. He gave a sigh when he finally removed all the gauze, and glanced up at his mother. Her face was stern and hard. Her eyes met Voryn’s, and she raised a brow at him.
“You said you wanted to be a healer,” she said, “This is part of the learning. A very important part, actually. What you are learning to do can save someone from bleeding to death.”
Voryn dropped the gauze. “I don’t get it!” he growled. It came out louder than he expected. “Why would I need to wrap their injuries when I can just heal it?! Just teach me magic, already!”
“You won’t always have magic,” she said calmly, seeming to take no care that her son had questioned and yelled at her. “There will be many times when you cannot rely on it. Our magicka, the magic that runs through a veins, is not an endless resource. Our energy will wear out eventually. And if not, our concentration can falter. Healing magic can be dangerous, too. If you don’t know what you are doing, then you may do more harm than good.”
She pulled the stuffed guar across the table in front of her, and took a roll of gauze. She began to bandage one of the backlegs. Her hands moved quickly, with expertise and experience. “Let us say that you are on a battlefield. There are many injured, but you only have so much magicka. There are limited potions you can use – you only have a handful of them on you.
You find three wounded warriors. One has an injured leg. It’s bleeding a lot, and the warrior is complaining about the pain.
The second one is bruised and scratched. He is tired but otherwise mobile, although he has a nasty gash on his head and shoulder. But the battlefield is a dirty place, and with all the chaos, it might be awhile before the warrior can get to an infirmary to clean and stitch up his wounds.
The last has a wound to the abdomen. She is unconscious, and bleeding out.” She finished bandaging the guar, and looked to her son.
“You only have enough magicka to heal one,” she continued, “You cannot see any other healers – they are busy elsewhere. You must decide how to deal with all three, otherwise they might die of bloodloss or infection.”
Voryn leaned an elbow on the table and rested his head atop his hand, deep in thought.
“The first warrior, the one with the injured leg. How do you help him?” his mother said after a moment.
“Um,” Voryn mumbled. He glanced to his mother. He has already failed thrice. He doesn’t want to disappoint her again. “Give him a potion?”
His mother shook her head no. “Remember, what was it that you should always do first?”
“Uh… Oh! Look closely at the injury and clean it if I can.”
His mother gave a nod of approval. “You inspect the wound and clean it. The wound is not that deep. The warrior can still feel and move his foot, and you conclude that the injury is one that can be easily dealt with. But you don’t want to let him bleed out any further, or risk the wound becoming infected. So, what do you do?”
Voryn opened his mouth, planning to say ‘potion’, but then he looked to the stuffed guar on the table, and saw it’s leg wrapped in gauze. “Um… do I bandage it?”
His mother gave a small smile and nodded. “Yes, you wrap the wound tightly to prevent more bleeding or infection. If you have enough potions or magicka left after all the wounded have been found, you can always return to him and heal the wound.
Now, the second. His most notable injuries are on his head and shoulder. They aren’t bleeding heavily, but you can see that dirt has gotten onto the wounds.”
Voryn imagines it. A tall warrior, covered on bruises and cuts, with a large gash that cuts above one of his eyes, and one in his shoulder that broke through armour. “Do I… bandage them?”
“No. What should you do first?"
“Clean it!”
“Correct. Now, you have cleaned the wound. What next?”
“Uh...” Voryn stared hard at the stuffed guard, as if it would somehow give him answers. “Is it still bleeding?”
“The wound on his head seems to have clotted, but the one on the shoulder still has some bleeding.”
“Bandage that, then...”
Voryn looked up to his mother, hoping for approval.
“And? What else do you do?” she asked.
Voryn slumped in defeat. “I don’t know...”
“We talked about head injuries the other day...” his mother said, trying to give hints.
“Oh yeah… I… Oh! I remember! I just talk to him and see if he’s making sense and if he can see right… oh, and I ask him what he remembers, and if he blacked out!”
His mother smiled wider this time. “Yes! Very good. His speech is perfectly coherent, and he remembers the events of the battle well.
Now you go to the last one. Remember that she has an injury to her abdomen and isn’t conscious.”
“Clean the wound,” Voryn said, trying to think of the answers as quickly as he could, “And uh… I haven’t used any of the potions, right?”
“This is a dangerous injury, Voryn. You should inspect the wound closely. If it is just flesh that has been damaged, you may use a potion. But if the wound is too deep, magic may be required.”
Voryn screwed up his face. It was all so complicated. “What’s wrong with using a potion?”
“They are only good at mending flesh. If you were to use it on internal organs, there would be a great risk that it would cause unwanted growths to form. These growths cause great harm.
That risk remains when you use magic. Healing a wound incorrectly can do permanent damage. You must be sure of what kind of injury you’re dealing with, and how to heal it. Your magicka must be fully in your control.”
Voryn looked down to his hands, frowning. His magicka had grown out of control before, especially with strong emotions, whether it be excitement or anger. He looked back to his mother, ears drooping. “What if I can’t control it?”
His mother smiled encouragingly. “Of course you will, in time. It’s not uncommon for children and adolescents to struggle controlling their magicka. As your mind matures, you’ll find it grows much easier.”
“Are you sure?” Voryn wasn’t convinced; his magicka felt almost separate from him, like something that had to be tamed.
“Of course I am. In a few decades, I think you’ll be the greatest healer House Dagoth has ever had.”
Voryn smiled, thinking of all the lives he would save once he finished his training, and finally having mastery over his magicka.
"You've done well so far, Voryn." said his mother "Go outside and have a break. We'll go back to practicing bandaging once you come back."
I actually wrote this in either 2022 or 2021, but I never finished it. I rediscovered it and wrote the last 400 words and edited what was already there. I'd honestly completely forgotten about how much I'd written for Voryn/House Dagoth!
Anyway, hopefully this wasn't too boring. I know it ends a bit suddenly buuuut i didn't know what else to do with it if i'm honest.
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