#i'm sick and this gave me something else to focus on!
illadvisedselfships · 6 months
I come into your inbox bearing one free ticket 🎫 to gush over any f/o of choice :3 (or all of them if you prefer as well~)
Cruella De Vil (SPECIFCALLY 1996)- The only person real or fictional I would ever marry!
First of all I just love the way she talks! She uses words like 'squander' and 'sycophant' and aghh I love it. And this quote??- 'More good women have been lost to marriage then to war, famine, disease and disaster'. This is the line that first got me interested in her. Like... its extreme (Of course women can be married and still be powerful and amazing as hell) but there is truth to it and I love a mean old woman who's not afraid at all to say it.
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Her HAIR. Its just perfect!! It looks so soft and fluffy and? the colour and the volume?? How??? It is iconic and I love drawing it, looking at it, thinking about playing with it... XD Its just great, alright?
How sorry she was about Anita's pregnancy 😅😅😅 Babe same. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if I got pregnant I would want people to respond the same way 😅😅😅 That's just personal thing, of course, I know most people would be happy to be with baby and wish to be congratulated but hey- that's why she's my f/o XD
I'm oddly obsessed with the sound her teeth make on her cigarette stick??? XDD Its just- I don't know. One of those things that's kinda satisfying for me ! 😂
Red. Lipstick.
She doesn't pull punches and I love writing for characters like that ^^ You get what you see with her.
Jim Bickerman- My main F/O!!
Alright first of all- I just feel like he's a perfect combination of all the kinds of characters I like! XD 1. Sleaze, 2. Crazy old man 3. Antagonist.
The f l a n n e l s. I-
Its just-
They look so good that's all I'm gonna say XD
A small detail I noticed that I like?? He has band aids on his fingers in Final Chapter. And I just wonder if, behind the scenes, the costume designer decided Jim was accident prone and constantly covered in band aids or if that was an Englund add XD Either way I just think its neat for a low budget campy creature feature sequel XD
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Messy beard.
OKAY BUT?? HIS TALKING?? The line 'Come to Daddy you little bitch'?? That wry chuckle and 'Heh, whadaya mean?' all-too-innocent after someone asks him where the hell he's taking them?? Using 'clicks' as a measurement of distance? 💙 The fact that he calls himself a 'greedy old fart' as well as a 'cripple'? 😅
HE HAS REDEEMABLE QUALITIES. WHICH IS A NEW ONE FOR ME XD He respects his mother ('Mrs Bickerman wasnt a very good housekeeper' // 'Hey. That's no way to talk about the dead, son'), he is apparently against stealing (When a woman in Vs Anaconda suggests they take a boat he's very serious in telling her that doesn't belong to us), yes he was very creepy with that one girl in Final Chapter but he did not go to touch her at all which I think is pretty good compared to some other Englund characters 😅 as well as other F/O's of mine (Past or present), he was semi-nice to Max, etc.
His reaction to getting a gun pulled on him will never not be my favourite XD Like 'oh for gods sake, this again?'. And- you can see- he is almost laughing!
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Also- I BET he could build a campfire. And that?? I don't know why but??? That is TOP TIER for me. I just-... oooffffffffffffffffffffff. Just 👌 Haha XD Where did my underwear go??-
Otis B Driftwood: I dunno, he's just... very comforting to me??? Ahhhhhhh.
I think its been very well established by now I love characters that don't hold back. They're brutally honest- usually in a mean, cruel way. Cruella De Vil is one, Slenderman is another, and Otis is one too. Maybe I just like that I always have that option?; not the killing or being mean obviously, but that just being grumpy instead of forcing a smile on is there as choice if I need it. I used to go into a 'Slenderman persona' when I had an oral presentation in school?? 😂😂😂 Which just means I was able to be still. I wasn't worried about what anyone else thought cuz who cares what they think, 'I hate them all anyway' (Which was of course not true, it was just apart of the 'persona' 😅). Otis is a riff off of that time in my life, I think XD 😅 When I'm having a bad day nowadays and I'm still forced to be out and about I might start thinking a bit snarky like him 😅😅😅 I know, I have some off defense mechanisms.
ANYWAY- he's absolutely rot incarnate and that is why you watch the movies XD He's a like a train wreck. You cant look away.
HIS SPEECHES!! Oh my lord. I love that that's how we were introduced to him- with him ranting to some kidnapped teenagers about a 'conformist world' and 'this culture of mechanical reproductions'. Ohhhhh boy XD
Somehow?? He seems to get... healthier?? With age??? What is this Benjamin Button nonsense?? XDD He has definitely made a deal with the devil.
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He looks so cuddly in his overalls in the 3rd movie 😂😂😂 And he has no right!-
Just the fact that when one guy, Virgil, was worried if he went and broke Otis' sister out of prison as per Otis demand then she would kill him (Virgil), Otis was like *sigh* 'okay, I'll write you a note.'. Like a parent saying his kid doesn't have to do P.E today??? XDD
He. SINGS. Whoever said musical theatre kids aren't hot have clearly not seen what they can turn into. Goddamn.
His voice in general ahhhhhhhhh. I wanted him to degrade me at first, admittedly XDD But now I want praise. And degradation actually. BOTH! And its not the actors real voice, either, I saw a video on Tik Tok of Rupert and he was talking completely different- then at the end abruptly PUT ON HIS CALLAHAN VOICE FOR A LAST LINE and ohhh BOY I was finished. XD
Oh my goodness, he yanked my dormant teacher/professor kink back to life by its ankles!-
That was my first kink and honestly I'm pleased to see it back 😂😂
The fact that they made the character so much worse in the musical??? Like in the movie (Victor Garber ver.) he's kind of likeable at the start, making a joke or two to release the tension in his classroom- but THIS version is like crush grandma so we can get laid IMMEDIATELY!! G o d. I love villains. And he is a classic case of no-holds-barred, black and white, Disney Villain-esque, walks-off-chuckling bastardry and I love it.
'Or is that unfair?- OH WAIT, I don't care'.
Ahhh!, his face after he sniffs Elle's resume!! Its so cute I love it XD
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This outfit:
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tsxkkis · 10 months
# iwaizumi hajime - won't let go
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a/n = i'm not the best at writing hurt/comfort type of stuff, but i hope this piece is alright ^^ also we love iwaizumi on this acc sm he's the man fr.
summary = after an argument, iwaizumi needs to apologize.
warnings = one swear word, argument, idk what else.
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the sound of rain hitting the ground came from behind your window, being the only thing disrupting the silence inside. the storm was getting heavier with each passing hour, taking you and many others by surprise, since the last few weeks have all been sunny and warm. luckily you didn't go outside today; or the day before, or two days before, or ever since the argument.
the last thing you expected, in this type of weather especially, was to hear a knock on the door. you didn't order anything, and your parents were supposed to come back from their trip on sunday. so who could it possibly be?
you slowly opened the door only to be met with the tall, dark-haired boy, his clothes soaking wet from the rain, hair sticking to his forehead.
"what are you doing her-"
your words were quickly cut off by the boy, his eyes locked on the ground in front of him before his head went up, his focus now on your face.
"i'm sorry."
you were used to the fact that iwaizumi didn't show much emotion on his face, but you also knew one other thing. his eyes would always tell the truth. and right now, as you stared into them, you were positive about how genuine his words were.
"iwa, we can't go on like this if you don't trust me."
he knew you were right. after all, that was the most crucial part of a relationship; trusting one another wholeheartedly. and iwaizumi trusted you, there was no doubt of that. but something was different that day.
maybe it was the fact that he was mad after losing the match. maybe it was how jealous he was at the smile you gave to the karasuno members, how you celebrated with them after they won. but all of those things just rubbed him the wrong way.
he knew that you were their manager, but you were also his girlfriend. and something made him feel betrayed that day.
"maybe we shouldn't continue this, then."
his words felt like a knife going right through your heart. you could feel your eyes getting watery the very moment they left iwaizumi's mouth. as you looked down, trying to hold back the tears as well as thinking of what you should say back to him, you heard kiyoko, one of your fellow managers, calling you from the other side of the hall, since there was a team meeting before the next game.
you turned around and left, without a word, wiping away the single tear that managed to slip and roll down your cheek, assuring your friends that yes, everything is okay.
oh, what a lie that was.
you didn't see him since last week. in the meantime, karasuno managed to win the final and secure their place in nationals, and as happy as you were for your team, you couldn't help but shake the sadness away after what happened between you and iwaizumi.
"come inside. you're gonna catch a cold." a deep sigh left your lips as you gestured for him to enter the house, closing the door behind him. you quickly turned around heading towards the bathroom. "you're soaking wet. i'll grab you a towel."
"please, listen to me first." iwaizumi's voice sounded desperate as it echoed from behind you, his hand reaching out to gently grab you by the arm.
"not until i'm sure you won't get sick." you looked at him for a spare second, and he decided not to stop you. he waited patiently in the hallway, reaching out to take the towel you handed him the moment you stepped out of the bathroom, along with a hoodie and pants for him to change into.
his hoodie and his pants. ones that he left in your house on purpose, ones you always used as pajamas when the nights got cold.
as you stood there in silence, watching iwaizumi dry his hair, you couldn't help but realize how awkward it all felt. it was never this way between you two; you could spend hours without speaking, just spending quality time with each other and it just felt right. but now, after the argument it was different. and you didn't enjoy that at all.
"i'm sorry. about what i said after the game." he took a deep breath, looking up at you, his words disrupting the silence. "i was just, jealous. and mad. i was mad after losing that match, and it made me even more furious to see that you were so, happy."
you didn't bother to interrupt him, letting him explain everything.
"i know you're their manager, and you felt happy your team won. i completely understand that. it would be weird if you weren't cheering them on. i just couldn't help but feel bad." his eyes were glued to the floor, the overwhelming feeling of shame taking over him. "i know that i fucked up, really badly, and there's nothing to excuse what i said that day." iwaizumi could feel the tears starting to form, but he did his best not to let them spill, a shaky breath escaping his lips. "i just need you to know that- that i don't feel that way. i don't think we shouldn't continue this thing that we have. because i love you. i love you too much to lose you like this, to lose you because of my stupid actions."
your eyes widened at his words. there it was.
the first time he ever said those words.
you took a step towards him, your hand reaching out to gently lay down on his cheek, a small yet warm and gentle smile gracing your face.
"it's okay, hajime." your words sounded so soothing to him, you're voice calming and soft, even though millions of emotions were going through you that moment. "i accept your apology. i just couldn't help but feel hurt by your words that day, you know. i think it's quite understandable."
he looked up at you, nodding in response, as his hand instinctively went up to yours, thumb trailing little circles on the outer part of it.
"and, one more thing." he had a questioning look on his face, his head tilted to the side as he heard your words, your body moving just a little bit closer to him. "i love you too."
a shy smile appeared on his face, his fingers interlocked with yours as you stared at each other, both happy inside that this situation was over with.
"it's still raining. you can stay here until it stops, if you want."
iwaizumi squeezed your hand, his smile noticeably growing as he heard it.
"i would love to."
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taglist: @ox1-lovesick @moonswolfie @wyrcan
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kyleoreillylover · 6 months
Show, Don’t Tell 📸
Sami Zayn x Fem!Black!Reader x Jey Uso
Summary: You finally snap and betray the very man you helped build up-Roman Reigns, and Sami and Jey want to help you pick up the pieces. But it's easier said than done, and with the rich history between the two of you, you understandably don't want to listen to a word they have to say. But Jey and Sami decide that to fully get through to you, they have to show you-rather than tell you-how much they love you.
warnings: smut!! threesome, angst to smut to fluff. word count: 15,895 tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius
a/n: I finally gave in and wrote a samijey fanfic because they are just so cute and hot and cute and pretty and ughh!! I'm a sucker for both of them, especially for sami, just look at him 🥹 Hope ya'll enjoy this!
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incoming text from unknown number: i saw what happened. just want you to know i’m here for you. me and jey are here for you. hope ur okay.
outgoing text to unknown number: leave me alone.
incoming text from unknown number: okay, icing me out, using your typical defense mechanisms. clearly you’re not okay. and i'm gonna make sure you are, whether you like it or not. 
outgoing text to unknown number: seriously, fuck off.
incoming text from unknown number: i didn’t give up on jey, you really think i’m gonna give up on you? i’m saving you from yourself, because i care for you. see you later. <3
You let out a huff as you shut off your phone for good and pocketed it, the city skylines passing by as your uber drove through the bustling streets. The moon shined down on the city, casting shadows that danced along the buildings. You leaned back in your seat, trying to push away the memories of the night as your mind raced with conflicting emotions. Hurt. Pain. Suffocation.
All those feelings swirled within you, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
You scratched at your skin, feeling the restlessness creeping in, the pain grounding you in a way. The Uber pulled up to your hotel, and you stepped out, feeling the cool night air against your face.
You finally did it. You betrayed the man who you helped build up, who helped you both get to the top of the industry, your own best friend.
And you couldn't feel more sick.
The weight of your actions bore down on your shoulders, the guilt twisting in your gut as you entered the hotel lobby. The receptionist offered a polite smile, but you barely acknowledged it as you headed straight for the elevator.
Acknowledge. You scoffed, feeling like the last thing you wanted to do was acknowledge anything or anyone at the moment. Everything was like a reminder of him. A reminder of how you had let him use you, and it felt like a knife twisting in your heart.
As the elevator doors slid open, you stepped inside and pressed the button for the 2nd floor. The soft hum of the elevator did little to soothe the turmoil inside you. Each passing second felt like an eternity as you ascended, thoughts racing, memories flashing before your eyes.
The doors pinged open, and you walked down the hallway, the click of your shoes on the polished floor echoing in the silence. You walked across the hall and opened the door to the bar, ready to find some solace in a drink or to avoid your problems- and the one person who you knew was trying to find you. The low hum of conversations and clinking glasses drowned out your emotions momentarily.
You slid onto a barstool, the cool wood offering a brief distraction from the whirlwind in your mind. The bartender approached, a friendly smile on their face.
"What can I get for you tonight?" they asked, wiping down the counter.
You hesitated, your mind still reeling. "Something strong, god knows I need it." you murmured, your voice barely audible over the ambient noise.
The bartender nodded knowingly and began to prepare a drink. You didn't offer a smile when she set down the glass in front of you, the amber liquid reflecting the dim lights of the bar. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped your fingers around the glass, the coldness seeping into your skin.
Just like the chill in your heart.
Everything felt cold. The air. Your skin. Your soul. Your mind.
You took a sip of the strong drink, the burning sensation down your throat momentarily distracting you from the chaos in your mind. But it was a fleeting respite. The bitter taste lingered, mirroring the bitterness that consumed your thoughts. You brushed a strand of your curly hair from your face, trying to focus on anything but the mess that your life had become, the mess you had become.
You weren't supposed to be like this. You were supposed to be untouchable, strong, always in control. successful, strong, and in control. But now, sitting at that bar, you felt none of those things. Even though you finally took control, you felt like everything was spiraling out of your grasp. Every sip of the drink brought a mix of numbness and a sharp sting of reality.
You didn't know how long you were sitting there, but you know you eventually got bored of sitting alone in the bar, drowning in your thoughts and the bitter taste of the drink that did little to ease your pain. You knew you had to eventually get up, relish in the fact that you have some kind of control left in your life, and that started by facing the man who you wanted nothing more from then for him to finally leave you alone.
Your keycard dinged as you approached your room door, the soft sound echoing in the hallway. With a heavy sigh, you slid the keycard into the lock and pushed open the door.
"You finally stopped avoiding me?" A familiar voice called out from the room, interrupting your thoughts.
"Fuck off." You replied coldly, slipping off your jacket and settling it over a chair.
"I told you, being mad won't make me leave you alone," You turned to the voice, and locked eyes with the chocolate-brown eyes you loved to hate. Or tried to hate.
Sami sat on the edge of the bed, a concerned look etched onto his face you'd grown used to. His usually wild hair was tamer than usual, and the dim lights of the room illuminated the weariness in his expression. He looked tired, but his eyes held a determination you couldn't ignore.
"How did you get in here?" You ignored his words, your voice laced with frustration.
Sami sighed, standing up and taking a step closer. "Bianca gave me your keycard. She was worried about you too."
You clenched your jaw, feeling the anger simmering beneath your skin. "You two need to learn how to mind your own business."
"You can yell at her after you're done yelling at me," Sami's words made you pause, and he continued, his tone softer, more earnest. "I know you're angry, and you have every right to be. But you're also hurting, and I want to help."
You scoffed, the bitterness in your voice unmistakable. "I don't need your help. What I need is for you to leave me alone and get the hell out of my room, and get the hell out of my life."
Sami took a step closer, ignoring your cold tone. "Maybe you don't need it, but you deserve it."
You glared at Sami, frustration bubbling within you at his persistence. Why wouldn't he just leave you alone? "I deserve to have a moment alone to myself, not have you out of all people suffocating me! Let's make this short and sweet. I don't care what you have to say, so leave me alone!"
Sami didn't listen to you- in fact he came closer to you, his gaze softening as he closed the distance between you. "You might not care for what I have to say, but you'll care for what he has to say."
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before your eyes widened in realization and anger. "Sami…You didn't-"
"He did."
Your head whipped around at the sound of the new voice, freezing as you saw Jey standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with a conflicted expression on his face. His presence in that moment was both a comfort and a stab in the heart that still held him dear to you.
"What are you doing here?" you snapped, feeling a surge of emotions you couldn't quite place. Confusion, anger, hurt, and something else you didn't want to acknowledge.
Jey pushed himself off the door frame, his eyes locking onto yours. "I needed to talk to you. Sami let me in."
"Well, I don't want to talk to you," you shot back, your voice sharper than you intended.
Jey winced at your words, taking a step into the room. "Then just listen to me."
"You really think I wanna listen to anything you have to say?" Your eyes were red with emotion as you tried to keep your composure. Sami's heart beaten with guilt as he looked at your fallen face, but he knew if he wanted to get through to you he was gonna have to bring the big guns- and that was Jey.
"I saw what happened tonight." Jey started, trying to settle the atmosphere with his calm, honey sweet voice, but you weren't having any of it.
"Good," you retorted, bitterness lacing your tone. "The same thing I did to Roman might happen to you if you don't leave me alone."
Jey winced at the the mention of Roman, his expression pained, He took another step forward, his eyes pleading. "
"I know how you're feeling."
You laughed bitterly, and the sound faded into the air like a haunting melody. "You have no idea how I'm feeling."
"I know you feel like you are sick to stomach, like you've betrayed someone you cared about." Jey spoke softly, his eyes holding a depth of understanding. "I know because I've been there too. I know what it's like to be torn between loyalty and doing what's right."
Your fists clenched at your sides, your emotions churning inside you. "Of course you know that! All you do is feel sorry for yourself and play the victim card, and I'm sick of it! I've been sick of it since you left The Bloodline, and you clearly haven't changed a bit since then."
You moved to the counter, putting some distance between yourself and Jey, trying to shield yourself from the flood of emotions his presence evoked. You needed to get them both the hell outta here before tings got messier than they already were.
Jey flinched at your words, hurt flashing across his features. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness. I'm asking for a chance to explain."
"There's nothing to explain!" Your voice rose in frustration, the whirlwind of emotions spinning out of control. "You chose your path. You walked away from everything we had built together. And now you have the audacity to show up here and act like you have any right to speak to me?"
Jey's expression shifted from hurt to anger, and he walked over to you, his eyes glaring at you with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "And what was I supposed to do? Stay and let Roman control me? Control us? I made my choice, and it's the same choice you made tonight, so don't act like you're any different than me."
Your breath caught in your throat, his words striking a nerve. You glared back, trying to mask the vulnerability that threatened to spill over. "I didn't ask for your opinion."
Jey chuckled at you, the sound hollow and bitter. "There you go again, deflecting shit when things get too real. You shut people out instead of facing the truth." He paused, his gaze never leaving yours. "I'm not here to make excuses. I'm here to make things right."
You stared at him, his words echoing in your mind. You couldn't deal with this right now. You couldn't deal with your emotions threatening to pour out right now. Sami- you could hold him off for a moment, but Jey's presence alone cracked through your defenses. You felt the walls you had built around yourself crumbling, and it terrified you.
"I don't want your apologies," you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I just want you both to leave."
Sami stepped forward, his expression softer but still determined. "Please, just listen to him."
You shook your head, feeling overwhelmed. The alcohol had dulled the edges of your emotions, but facing both Sami and Jey in that moment was a stark reminder of everything you were trying to suppress. "No. I'm going to bed, and I expect both of you to leave as soon as I go to my room."
You made a move to push past them, but Jey's hand shot out and grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you in your tracks. His touch was unexpected, sending a shiver down your spine. You looked at his hand, then slowly raised your gaze to meet his intense, conflicted eyes.
"I ain't letting you leave." Jey's voice was harsh yet pleading, and his eyes were the same as he stared at you, almost begging for your understanding. "I know I hurt you, but I couldn't let Roman's control consume me. And I can't let it consume you either."
You tried to pull your hand away, your voice filled with frustration. "Let go of me, Jey. I'm not doing this."
Sami stepped closer, a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently in a comforting gesture, as if trying to squeeze out the tension between the three of you. "Please, just hear us out. You can even slam the door on our faces after. You don't even have to talk, you just have to listen."
You glared at Sami, his touch only adding to your frustration. "I said I'm fine. I don't need either of you here."
Jey's grip on your wrist tightened slightly, not in a forceful way, but enough to make you stop and look at him. His eyes were searching yours, the intensity in them reflecting his inner turmoil. "Then why haven't you kicked us already? If you really wanted us gone, you woulda been called security on us."
You hesitated at his words. They were right. You could've easily made a scene and had them removed from your room, but something stopped you. A part of you wanted them to stay, to hear them out, even though you were fighting against it with every fiber of your being. But you were fighting it with all your might, trying to maintain control over a situation that was slipping further away.
"I don't owe you an explanation." Your voice was cold, but your face was betraying the facade you were desperately trying to uphold between the two men who knew you better than you knew yourself.
Jey released your wrist, but the weight of his touch lingered. "You don't owe us anything. But maybe, just maybe, you owe it to yourself."
His words echoed in your mind, the emotions within you intensifying. You turned away from both of them, gripping the edge of the counter as you tried to steady yourself.
Sami's hand left your shoulder, and you heard him move closer. "Tonight, you finally took a stand for yourself. You stood up against something that was suffocating you, just like Jey did. I know it feels like the world's crashing down on you right now, but you did what you thought was right."
You scoffed, feeling the turmoil within you reaching a breaking point. "You have no idea how I feel! You have no idea what it's like to feel like everything you 've built is crumbling around you!" You pushed Sami's chest away, turning to face them both with a cold stare. "You had a choice, Sami. You walked away, with no consequences. But I have to face these emotions myself. I have to face the man I created myself. Unlike you, I am not weak!"
You turned to Jey and pointed a finger at him accusingly as you continued. "And you. You're right."
Jey gazed at you, and it was as if you could see the hurt that ran rampant in his eyes, his lips twisted into a frown. And he knew you were feeling the same thing, no matter how hard you were trying to hide it. "You had to do what you had to do with Roman. Be your own man. But guess what, it was too late! Cause where was that man when I needed him the most?" You gestured wildly at your surroundings. "You were gone! Roman asks you once and you answer to him, no questions asked. And I had to pick myself off the ground while you acted like everything was okay when you chose him over me!"
Yeah, you and Jey were in a relationship , you had feelings for each other, known each other for years and had been close friends, the romantic and sexual tension that existed between the both of you was undeniable. And when you both finally made that leap and got into a relationship behind Roman's back and Roman found out, he told the both of you that relationships would distract you both in the factions, and then told Jey he was just looking out for you and that you wouldn't make the right choice-but he would, and that's to just be friends or else.
Jey heeded his warning and ended things between the two of you-saying he didn't want Roman to hurt the both of you- but you were already hurt by him, and hurt by Jey the most. Jey didn't even realize he was actually playing into Roman's control, but when he finally saw the light, it was too late, you had started building yourself back up without him. If he wanted to be friends, then he would get what he wanted, but it wouldn't be the same. But you would never let yourself be hurt like that again.
And then, when he left the Bloodline, you cut off all contact. You didn't get the chance to voice your feelings because everything fell apart in the blink of an eye, so you wouldn't let him know your true feelings unless it was forced on you.
But Jey had never gotten the message. He kept coming back, and coming back, and so did Sami, and you were sick of it. You were sick of their constant appearances, sick of their stupid faces always trying to comfort you, and most of all you were sick of yourself for letting them affect you this way. So you thought being mean would be enough, you thought keeping everyone at arms length would keep you safe, keep you sane… It never worked. Every time they showed up, and they were supposed to leave you alone, they'd somehow find their way back, making you question what was truly important to you…
And now, staring into their eyes, after you finally snapped on the man who you called your best friend after months of verbal manipulation and abuse, you felt the walls crumbling all around you. You felt the tension you had been holding onto all these months finally crackling into a raging fire inside you, a fire which you hoped Jey and Sami could finally quench. But instead they seemed to have ignited even more.
"I didn't chose him over you." Jey spoke softly, and his eyes were even softer as he gazed at you. You felt that fire inside you again, burning brighter now, hotter and stronger than before. "I chose to protect you. And now, you have to choose the same thing for yourself."
You closed your eyes briefly as you fought the feelings and tension you always felt when you were around them. The heat that rose inside you threatened to burn you from the inside out. But you refused to give in. There was too much pain running through your veins to allow you to fall to pieces right in front of them.
The silence that filled the room was deafening, until it was finally broken by Sami. "Look, you can be as snarky as you want, you can insult us as much as you want, but that won't change the fact that when I look into your eyes, I see someone who needs my help." Sami hesitantly came closer to you- his brown eyes boring into yours. “Someone who's lost everything, and has nothing but hope left. That's not you. And if you continue to run away from this-"
You scoffed, cutting him off, not wanting to listen anymore to whatever he was going to say. You couldn't give in to them.
"Just stop! Just fucking stop! Stop acting like you care about me, or about me, or about us. Just… just stop!" Tears welled in your eyes, and it made you want to scream. The tension grew so strong, you thought your head was going to explode. You felt the walls collapsing, the flames starting to lick at your skin.
Jey shook his head, taking a step forward towards you. "Are you tryna convince us or yourself? Cause all your doing is deflecting, deflecting, deflecting, acting like we ain't know every inch of you and what makes you tick, what drives you crazy."
His voice was loud, commanding, hot, and demanding, causing the temperature in the entire room to skyrocket. "Acting like we ain't know you're just tryna make us mad so we'll just leave, well get this through your fucking skull-we ain't gonna go anywhere, we are staying here whether you like it or not. Cause we fucking care about you! Because we 're here for you! We're gonna help you and show you that you fucking deserve everything good in this world, you deserve the best, you deserve us!”
His eyes were filled with a fire that matched yours that made your body heat up even more his voice low yet so demanding, his words harsh yet so caring. “Now, you gon' sit there, and tell us that you don't need help, you don't wanna accept our help because you think its weakness or somethin'? Well, that's just bullshit, baby. And we ain't gonna stand by and watch as you try to pretend like everything's fine when its not!"
Your eyes were blown wide, watching Jey take another step forward, anger blazing bright in his eyes. The heat radiating off of him, making your body heat up even further. You swallowed roughly, unable to speak, unable to process what you were hearing. A tear escaped your eye, rolling down your cheek.
You didn't bother wiping it away.
But Sami did.
His gentle touch wiped away the falling tear, bringing your attention towards his concerned expression. His beautiful brown eyes stared deeply into your eyes, looking straight past the facade you were putting up. Sami wasn't fooled, and neither was Jey.
"Please, sweetheart. Stop lying to yourself." His deep voice whispered soothingly, his face inches away from yours. "Stop lying to us. Let yourself be free." His lips were inches away from yours, and the walls you had built so tightly were slowly fading into dust.
You looked up into his soft eyes, and you knew exactly what they were saying. You knew exactly what he was thinking. "Let yourself be happy."
You didn't know what it was about those words, but they broke something inside of you, shattered the tug and war you were doing with your mind and heart, and you finally listened to your heart and pulled Sami down into a kiss.
He immediately responded and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him. It was soft. It was sweet. It was everything you craved from him, and all you've ever wished he would do for you. It ended as fast as it started, and you pulled away, only just barely managing to hold in a whimper. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that you were shaking. Sami soothingly rubbed your trembling back, trying his best to calm you down, but it just caused you to shiver.
"It's okay. You're okay." He whispered soothingly into your ear. He brought his hand up, caressing your face gently. "We got you babe, I promise." He said to reassure you.
You looked up, and your eyes flickered to Jey, who stood by the door watching you intently. His intense gaze made your skin heat up with yearning and lust. Your heart caught in your throat when he moved from the door and approached you. His presence seemed to fill your entire being, and you couldn't pull your gaze away from him.
He stopped just in front of you, and you could feel the tension and tension between the three of you growing thicker by the second. He slowly raised his hand, his thumb gently trailing along your jaw. You couldn't breathe, couldn't move. All you could do was watch as he leaned down, his lips so so close to yours.
"I will always love you, and this time, I'ma choose you for good." He breathed. And with that, his lips met yours.
The warmth and love pouring into you so strong, you were afraid you would melt. You loved him. And you knew he loved you, and the moment you felt it, you felt it with all your might despite your anger, and it made the walls inside you crumble once again.
Your fingers found their way into his hair, tangling themselves into the strands, and you kissed him back, desperate for more. You needed more. You needed him.
You missed how he smiled against your mouth. And you missed how his hands found their way to your lower back, pushing you flush against him, his fingertips grazing the skin under your shirt. And you missed how you weren't able to break apart long enough to breathe.
It felt like hours until Jey finally broke this kiss, panting slightly. His breath brushed against the side of your neck, sending tingles throughout your body.
His hands slid down the small of your back, grabbing each of your hips, holding you firmly against him. His warm breath tickled your skin, and you couldn't help but gasp lightly when his teeth grazed your collarbone. "Since you don't wanna listen to us talk about how we love you, we gon' show you how much we love you instead."
He nipped your collarbone again, letting out a pleased groan at your reaction. One of his hands slid up to cradle the side of your face, pressing a lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Your eyes fluttered shut, savouring the feeling of his lips on yours. You missed being held. You wanted to be held. You wanted to be loved.
But you also knew that you couldn't let yourself be selfish. Not now. Not after everything you had done. So you pushed him away, forcing yourself to look him in the eyes. "No." You whispered, your voice hoarse. "I can't."
"Shh.." Sami interrupted you gently with a finger to your lips. "Don't push us away again. Not yet."
His lips met yours as Jey's sucked on your neck, making you arch your back and moan softly, the sound echoing around the quiet room. You felt Sami's hand creep up your shirt, stroking your thigh, and you whimpered, feeling his tongue slip into your mouth, kissing you with fervor that made you melt . Your hands trailed over his muscular chest, and you sighed as his hands slid around to your ass, squeezing it slightly before pulling away, looking deep into your eyes.
"You are worth so much more than anyone thinks." A whisper. And your knees almost gave in to his soft tone.
You yelped when Jey pulled you up with his muscular arm around your waist, picking you up bridal style as you squealed in excitement, wrapping your legs around his waist and clinging onto him for dear life. Sami smirked, wrapping one arm around Jey's shoulder as Jey picked you up bridal style, carrying you out of the room and towards your bedroom.
"You didn't have to carry me." You whined lightly into his ear, biting back another smile as he laughed softly, setting you down on the bed and leaning down to place a soft kiss to your neck again.
"And have you run away from us? I ain't letting that happen." He sucked on your sweet spot right underneath your ear, eliciting an immediate moan of pleasure that made you bite on your bottom lip, trying to hold it in. Jey chuckled and nipped at your neck once again, sucking on the tender flesh.
The bed dipped, and you turned around quickly, watching as Sami pulled his top off and crawled over to you and Jey. He climbed onto the bed, his eyes never leaving you and Jey, his lips curving up into a grin.
His grin widened when you pushed Jey off of you gently and sat up, taking off your shirt as well. Sami watched, his eyes trailing every inch of your body as your muscles tensed as you removed your bra, exposing your breasts, and your nipples hardened instantly in the cool air. He licked his lips and Jey had a wicked smile on his face as his panting intensified at the sight, and you smirked at him through a seductive grin, running your fingers through your hair and turning around to look back up at them, giving them a sexy wink.
"You said you were gonna show me how much you loved me. Was that just talk or are you gonna back it up?" You asked teasingly, uncrossing your legs and taking off your pants in one go.
They both grinned back, standing from the bed and taking off their clothes before moving to climb on top of you, hovering over you, their large and powerful bodies covering most of yours. The height difference was evident, but you didn't complain.
"We're gonna show you, alright." Sami murmured lowly in your ear, nibbling on it, causing a sharp inhale and his name to pass your lips, and he couldn't help but smile. He loved it when you moaned his name.
Jey lowered himself onto your lips. His lips were soft, and he tasted salty as you ran your tongue across them, tasting him, enjoying the taste as you moaned quietly into his mouth. His lips moved against yours passionately, and you couldn't help but moan loudly into his mouth and wrap your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. You bit his bottom lip playfully, drawing a grunt from him, and you felt how he tightened his grip around your thighs.
He lifted you up, his grip still firm, and he walked backwards, dragging you with him, till you fell back onto the bed. He followed suit, sitting inbetween your legs and cupping your face with one of his hands. The other tangled into your hair, pulling your head forward so that he could capture your mouth again.
Your hands roamed over his body eagerly, exploring every inch of his skin you could reach, loving the goosebumps forming wherever you touched. Sami shuffled behind you, and you gasped into Jey's mouth when you felt his erection pressed into your back, his body leaning behind yours against the bed. Jey took advantage of your gasp and began nibbling on your lips, pulling away just as quickly as he had started. But not before licking at your bottom lip and grinning devilishly down at you.
"Mmh..you taste so fucking delicious babygirl." He mumbled huskily against your lips as you tried to catch your breath.
"Fuck yeah she does." Sami mumbled in agreement, his hands rubbing your naked skin, making you shiver with desire. "I'll get to her real soon." Sami muttered against your mouth before attacking your neck, his fingers dancing down to cup your bare breasts possessively.
Jey's hand found it's way to your legs, and he rubbed your thighs roughly, eliciting a moan from you, making you writhe against his lap, making him chuckle as his lips continued to explore your body. You arched your back, your hands reaching up to tug lightly at Sami's hair, wanting him to continue where he left off.
Sami growled into your neck, kissing up and down your skin as Jey hands teased your thighs, his finger gently rubbing against your swollen, wet folds, making you gasp loudly and shudder, your fingers digging into Jey's shoulders. Sami leaned forwards and caught the tip of your nipple between his teeth before biting sharply, earning a choked scream from you.
"Oh god." You panted as Jey's thumb began massaging your clit, his finger brushing back and forth, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves inside your pussy and making you groan and lean your head back against Sami's chest.
"Relax, you deserve this" Sami breathed, his hands tightening around your hipbones, his thumbs rubbing circles on your hips.
"No, I don't." You grumbled back, but Jey's fingers moving faster made you choke on a moan, his fingers crooking into that spot that made you moan out uncontrollably, teasing it with each stroke, your eyes rolling back in your skull and your jaw clenching tightly. Jey kissed his way up your chest and rested his forehead against yours, his breath hot against your cheeks.
"Don't say shit like that. You deserve this." He said firmly, his dark brown eyes boring into yours. He circled the spot once again, making you cry out, his fingers dipping further inside your pussy. "You deserve everything, okay babygirl?"
You didn't think you did though. You thought you didn't deserve anything ever again. All the things you'd done to people. All the pain and hurt they had experienced. They had suffered because of you. Because you chose to do what you did. You chose to not stop the monster you made until he inevitably hurt you as well. You let your pride override your emotions. You let your love for giving your best friend everything in the world cloud your morals until you could no longer see the good side of anything. It was always about the future. Always about plotting away the future you instead of saving yourself right now.
"Stop thinking about it." Sami said softly, as if he was reading your mind. He tweaked your nipple, making you forget about everything instantly and whine loudly and arch your back, making you feel Sami's cock pressing against your butt, sending tingly shocks straight to your center.
"Shit..Sami..oh my God.." You panted, closing your eyes and tilting your head back to try and breathe better, but Jey's fingers were still working your pussy, stroking at your clit as Sami held your hips firmly, keeping you still as he moved his fingers inside your pussy, making you moan louder. "Please..fuck.." You panted out desperately, begging Jey to hurry up. Jey smiled and looked down at you, shaking his head slightly as he leaned down and placed a feather light kiss to your lips.
"Say you deserve it." He whispered, his voice low and deep and so full of lust and passion. You opened your eyes and looked down, unable to find the words to respond. You shook your head, and closed your eyes again. You didn't deserve i-
"No..say it." Sami ordered softly, harshly squeezing your boob hard, causing you to cry out and arch your back again. His gaze softened and he pulled away from you to kiss your cheek before leaning down and taking your right nipple into his mouth. You bit your lip, fighting off the urge to moan at how amazing it felt, and you heard Sami suck harder on your left nipple, causing you to whimper louder. You squirmed underneath the warm weight that was laying on you, your leg tangling with Jey's and his arm still holding you close, your hips shifting beneath his.
"You deserve to be loved. You deserve to feel loved, baby. So tell us, say it again." Sami growled against your shoulder before sucking on your earlobe. You gasped deeply, your body tensing as you gripped the bed sheets underneath you. Your heart pounded heavily in your chest as Jey slowed down his pace slightly and stared down at you while his hand fingered you slowly, your walls clenching tight around his finger making you shake from pleasure. Your breathing was heavy and uneven, as you were lost in ecstasy.
"All that shit Roman told you, get that outcha head. You know damn well he was wrong." Jey whispered in your ear as your moans turned into loud gasps. "You hear me? Get that shit outtcha head, cause you deserve nothing less than all the happiness the world has to offer." Jey kissed the hop of your head sweetly, in contrast to his thumb was rubbing your clit as he spoke and his fingers worked furiously against your opening, his thumb circling you slowly and teasing you, making you bite on your own lip and arch your back, moaning loudly in the process.
"Say you deserve that shit!"
"I deserve it!" You finally said out loud with a moan, your voice sounding hoarse from crying and panting through your cries. Jey grinned triumphantly and moved his thumb to brush your nub gently, making you moan again, this time louder. A sudden wave of heat washed over you, and you could practically feel yourself building up again.
"Good girl." He said happily before trailing kisses up your jawline to your ear and then whispering in your ear seductively. "We ain't gon' hurt you like him baby, we're gonna show you just how much we love you."
The warmth spread from your toes up to your groin, making you arch your back off the bed as he pistoled your pussy and sped up with the force of his hand thrusts. As he went faster, you squeezed your eyes shut and cried out. You were close, so so close, but you didn't even have to tell Jey or Sami. They already knew. They always knew.
'Let go for us, baby. We're here for ya. Let it all go.' Jey purred into your ear in a gentle tone while stroking your clit, watching you on the brink of an orgasm. Sami's free hand cupped your other breast, stroking your nipple lightly, as he sucked on your other breast as well.
"We're not gonna leave you, baby. We got you." Sami's soft voice cooed in your ears softly while his lips sucked on your breasts harshly as if he couldn't get enough of the salty taste.
Your moans grew louder and louder, and you felt Jey's hand gripping yours tightly enough to leave bruises.
'Come on baby, come for us.' Jey commanded and suddenly you couldn't hold back any longer. You didn't know what set you off; the way they were guiding you, their soft voices and even softer touches, but all you know is that you let go and let out the loudest scream you've ever screamed, your muscles tensing in agony and pleasure all at the same time as you came undone.
White spots danced in your vision as your mind went blank. The only thing you could focus on was the intense feeling coursing throughout your body. The feeling of being with two men who loved you and wanted you. Who cherished you. The feeling of being worshipped and desired. The feeling of someone wanting you more than they've ever wanted anyone else.
Sami's hand on your face and Jey shaking your shoulder brought you back to reality, your eyes blown out with pleasure and dazed, blinking repeatedly to clear the hazy haze in your vision. You opened your eyes to see Jey and Sami stared down at you lovingly, their faces flushed and their eyes glowing.
"We wore you out, babygirl?"Jey asked softly, smiling down at you while tracing random patterns on your naked thighs, his thumb gliding along the crease where your thighs meet. Sami hummed in agreement as he followed suit and softly traced the same patterns on your leg.
You scoffed at the thought, smirking up at them. "No chance in hell you guys are wearing me out." They mirrored your smirk and chuckled lowly, and your smirk turned into a gulp at the look in their eye when they slowly moved their bodies closer to you.
"Oh really?" Jey asked, licking his lips slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. "You wanna bet on that?" Sami added, his hand sliding over yours, his fingers curling around your own until you intertwined your fingers with his, both of you staring at each other intently. Their eyes locked together as they waited for your answer silently.
"Yeah. You wanna bet?" you breathed, your stomach fluttering wildly as you saw the hunger in their eyes.
"Well I can't exactly make the lady pay me back right?" Sami murmured, moving his head lower till his lips were brushing the edge of your collarbone, his breath tickling the skin. He began to trail kisses along the curve of your breast. "Like we said, we're here to take care of you…" Sami mumbled as his fingers trailed down the edge of your shirt to stroke your bare stomach.
"Take care of her." Jey whispered quietly, caressing your thigh with his hand, his gaze fixed intently on your face, his eyes darkening at the sight. Sami stopped moving his lips and instead brushed his tongue against the corner of your navel before kissing it, and licking it again as his fingers stroked your inner thigh slowly, his fingers gliding over your folds and rubbing gently in circles.
You squirmed under their hands, your breath catching in your throat. You tried to speak but no words would come out of your mouth. All you managed to do was shake your head from side to side as you closed your eyes and clenched your jaw tightly, trying to stop yourself from whining from all the pleasure rushing through your body.
"You ready for some love now, babe?" Jey whispered huskily, Sami's fingers slipping out of you with a whine that turned into a yelp when he pulled you up and laid you down on your back.
You gasped loudly as they climbed onto you, sitting on the bed as Jey leaned forward and rested his forehead on top of yours, gazing into your eyes with lusty brown hues. He reached up and cupped your face softly with one hand, pulling himself up so that he could lean over and kiss you softly, his tongue dancing inside your mouth in harmony with yours, it has been so long but it felt so familiar and it felt right and you missed it so much.
Sami started moving his hips in sync with yours, rubbing against you while Jey continued to kiss you and touch you as if he needed to commit every part of your beautiful body to memory. And oh god did he do just that, making your body feel loved yet also made you ache in the best way possible.
You were preoccupied with the dizzying taste of Jey's addicting mouth on yours, but you felt Sami let you go and shuffle around the room, before returning, feeling his weight shift the bed as you and Jey were kissing each other like your life depended on it, melting into each others touch and kisses.
"God, you taste good." Sami groaned, licking the side of your neck, causing you to break away from Jey's mouth to look up at Sami. His cute little dimples showing as he smirked down at you and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
You rolled your eyes fondly and bit back a smile at his cuteness. This man did not know what he did to you, how he made your heart beat for him even when you tried to fight it back. How every time he touched you, you could feel your knees giving way under you, because the feeling of your body being consumed by him was too strong, too intoxicating to resist.
How he made you was the first person in a long time to make you feel at peace with his infectious presence; his sweet smiles, soft giggles, playful jabs and jokes. How his eyes shined deep like the stars you used to dream of looking at, sparkling and warm with emotion. How everything he does makes you fall in love with him a tiny bit more.
Jey grabbed Samis hair and pulled him closer, his lips fiery hot as his lips devoured Samis', their tongues colliding fiercely and passionately, making your pussy heat up at the sight- especially when Sami let out a guttural moan and kissed Jey back just as hungrily, his hand cradling Jey's chin and forcing Jey to open his mouth wide to swallow more of his lover's lips.
You couldn't help but bite your lip at seeing the heated passion in their eyes, their tongues tangled, biting and kissing deeply, making you wetter and hotter, your legs trembling, and your clit throbbing, the intensity and want building.
Both men groaned into each other mouths at the feel of their dicks being palmed, and Sami bit down on Jey's bottom lip hard, licking it to soothe the bite before breaking away from Jey's lips and leaning back, panting heavily and holding Jey's cheeks in his palms, looking down at your grinning form , his brown eyes blazing in desire and need as they searched yours, drinking up every detail of your face greedily.
"Baby, as much as we appreciate that, this is about taking care of our girl." Sami said hoarsely, his breathing ragged as he watched you pout, your eyes pleading with him to just let you please them. "I'm not a doll that'll break any second, I don't need to be taken care o-
You yelped when you were pushed back, the air leaving your body when Jey's lips crashed harshly against yours, his teeth scraping your bottom lip roughly, your mind immediately filled with nothing but the taste of Jey and his minty breath as he devoured you like he was starving for you, and you for him.
Jey's large calloused hands held tightly on your waist, his fingers digging painfully into you as he ground against you, your breasts bouncing wildly on his chest. Your moans echoed throughout the room as you clutched at Jey's shoulders, your nails grazing the skin there.
When he finally pulled away, his honey brown eyes were glistening with passion as he looked you over, running his tongue across his full bottom lip slowly. Fire was all you saw in his eyes, the fire you've craved every since you first met, the fire you've been craving the past couple months ever since he left the Bloodline and you iced him out. You wanted more, wanted to see those eyes turn black as sin as you begged him to fuck you, wanted to see the flames dance in them and unleash from his soul.
And as he licked his lips and you stared into those dark pools of fire, you knew you were gonna get what you wanted.
"You so fucking stubborn, you know that?" Jey growled and gripped your hips firmly as he pressed a few kisses to the corner of your lips, your cheek, your temple, and stopping at your neck, clashing his teeth lightly over your pulse point.
"You.Are.Our. Girl." he growled in between the kiss as his grip tightened on your hips. You arched your back slightly as he took advantage of your sudden change in position, his cock slightly brushing against your entrance making you shudder as he sucked in a sharp breath against your neck and kissed his way back up, his rough beard scratching the sensitive spot where your neck and shoulder meet.
"And that means you let us take care of you, okay baby?" He said softly into your ear before nipping your earlobe playfully, his hands traveling underneath you to push you up slightly. You were so deep into his words and seduction you didn't realize Sami was behind you until you felt his breath on your neck and his hands on your waist, the feel of his bulging cock on your ass bringing a moan from your lips as your whole body tingled with anticipation.
"Whatever shit he who must not be named put into your head-" You giggled at Sami's way of mentioning Roman, and his eyes lit up at the sound.
"-You are amazing, you deserve to be loved and cared for, by someone who loves you, someone who will treat you right. And I can't promise that we'll be perfect, I can't promise we can give you the same influence that Roman has given you. but…we can promise you we'll take care of you and love you better than he ever will, like you deserve, because you are so fucking precious, I don't think you even know how amazing you truly are…."
The tears stung your eyes as his warm words and gentle loving voice penetrated through your thick layer of emotional pain.
It had been the one thing that'd been consuming you for the past 3 years, the main thing that you thought would make you happy- the thing that brought out the dark and twisted sides of you that you didnt bother hiding in the first place, but came out even more because anyone standing in the Bloodline's way would get crushed in an instant, just like you did. And Jey was the only one to break through your armour and shatter it like glass. Then Sami broke it into pieces and shattered them completely, and then healed them again, and again, and again. Every piece Roman destroyed, he repaired, and every piece you fell apart, Jey fixed alongside with him.
And right now, looking into his pretty face, looking into his big brown eyes shining bright with love for you, and Jey with his handsome face smiling and eyes full of adoration as he looked at you, you didn't want to just feel fixed. You wanted to become whole again; to be complete.
You wanted to feel complete. You wanted to feel loved despite the darkness within you, because they brought out the light inside of you that you've buried so deep inside your bones that you forgot the feeling existed. But they brought it back.
And it was the most beautiful feeling in the world.
You let out a watery chuckle as a sadly beautiful smile appeared on your lips as tears pooled in your eyes. "I think loving me comes with its own set of challenges, and I have so many of them…" You chuckled dryly as you cupped Sami's cheeks, your eyes burning and your emotions bubbling beneath you. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm just like him. And I want you guys to realize that now instead of later when you get hurt by me."
Sami exchanged a look with Jey before he lifted your chin, his hands cupping your jaw lovingly while he stared at you so intensely that you almost thought your skin would melt off your body just by his gaze alone. "You are no monster," He said softly, his touch on your skin even softer. "You're our angel. And the only thing that would make us leave you is if you left us right now."
You closed your eyes at the statement, your eyelashes fluttering lightly against your cheeks as you let out a small giggle, which turned into a sob as the last remaining remnants of anger melted away from your heart as your eyes flashed open to reveal the tears spilling freely on your cheeks.
"I-I'm so sorry, Oh my god, I didn't mean to make you sad and cry-" Sami panicked , his hands moving from your jaw, wiping his thumbs over your cheeks tenderly, his thumb gently tracing over a tear track. "I'm sorry!" He repeated in a whisper as his thumbs brushed across your cheeks again, his thumb still moving gently around your cheek.
"Sami, sami, chill out, those are happy tears!" Jeys stopped Sami from panicking, placing a hand on Samis' chest and keeping a firm hold on him, preventing him from continuing his ministrations and making him stop and look back at you and see the sad smile on your face and the glint in your beautiful eyes. You couldn't help the smile you gave Sami as you wiped the last traces of tears away from your eyes and smiled sweetly as you placed a soft, chaste peck on his lips.
"You're fine, baby. Jey's right, I'm fine." You smiled, your tone reassuring as you squeezed Samis' shirt and leaned into Jey who was currently hovering over you protectively. Jey knew you too well. "I just...never had someone say that to me before, y'know? Say all this sweet stuff and really mean it." You murmured and Jey sighed quietly, his lips forming a tight line as he gazed at you with the most gentle yet heated expression in his eyes, causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach as he ran his thumb over your lips.
"You deserve to be treated right." His husky voice sent shivers down your spine and made your knees go weak. He moved closer to you, your faces inches apart as his hands caressed your thighs as the heat emanating from his touch sent shivers down your spine.
You swallowed nervously, watching Jey move even closer to you, his face mere centimeters from yours, his eyes burning into your soul, burning holes right through your body. He stared at you like he knew exactly what you were thinking -he was always able to tell what you were feeling -as the tips of his fingers traced your hipbones, your thighs, your chest, your collarbone…his fingers trailing down your arm as if he couldn't bare not touching you anymore and just wanted nothing more than to pull you closer, to touch every inch of your body, to devour every inch of your soul, to show you how much you meant to him.
"And I'ma make sure you know it." He whispered into your soul before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, one that left you melting into him, your arms encircling his neck tightly, pulling him impossibly closer to you, his warm hands holding your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. He slowly backed you against the bed, kissing you passionately while his lips continued their torture against yours.
"Lean against Sami, baby. We gon' be laying down awhile." He whispered hotly against your lips, and you could feel Sami's hands on your thighs as he held you steady so that you wouldn't fall as his body was pressing up against yours, your back arching and your breasts jiggling with each movement as he pressed you against him.
You listened and turned around and was met with a kiss from Jey, his tongue hot and probing against yours. You moaned into his mouth as he took control of the kiss, and he was doing so perfectly. Teeth clashed against each other, tongues flicking one each others mouths, the heat pooling in between your legs at the feel of his cold chain on your warm skin contrasting the warmth radiating off Jey's skin where his body was pressed against yours.
Every breath you stole from each other was like a re-introduction to each other written in fire, burned and blistered by your lips. Every kiss was an apology to each other in the form of tongue and teeth, as every time one of you breathed out another sigh, the other groaned in pleasure. Every pounding of your hearts and gentle touches to your skins was like new love letters that you wrote while you missed each other that you were going to keep reading every night.
And every time you felt something else brush against you as you lay there in Jey and Sami's embrace, everything in your head went silent, as if there wasn't anything to distract your mind. You knew they were safe. They protected you. No matter how many times you told yourself they didn't, deep down you knew you were lying to yourself.
And you weren't gonna let you lie to yourself any longer.
"You ready, baby?" Jey whispered against your lips after kissing the tip of your nose before pressing his forehead against yours, his hand finding your waist, gently pulling you closer to him.
"Yes." You replied honestly, your eyes sparkling with realization and hope. "With you both, I'm always ready."
Jey's lips turned up into a sweet smile that matched the stars that seemed to be in his eye's that made your heart swell, and Sami's grip on you hips softened even more as he smiled too. Your lips connected once again, this time with more passion and emotion. You wanted to memorize how this moment felt for eternity. And you hoped forever would come sooner rather than later.
Once you pulled away panting, Sami kissed alongside your neck before slipping something to Jey, and when Jey caught it with ease you realized it was a condom.
You groaned internally when Jey brought it to his mouth and ripped it open with his teeth, never breaking eye contact with you, the heat radiating off of Jey's eyes as he stared intensely at you, licking his lips, making you shiver in anticipation. You heard ripping coming from behind you and knew that Sami was doing the same thing.
"Are you trying to kill me?" You faux glared at Jey as your heart hammered violently against your ribcage.
"Not yet, sweetheart." Jey smirked as he slipped the latex on and started kissing along your jaw, Sami kissing along your collarbone and shoulder until Jey reached the end of your neck, leaving you gasping as Sami sucked your pulse point gently, sending shocks through your entire being as his kisses trailed down your side and stopped at your hipbones before sliding down again, pausing briefly to suckle on the flesh.
Sami removed his lips from your hipbones and pressed a soft kiss against your exposed shoulder, your skin tingling as it warmed instantly from his presence. You inhaled sharply when you felt Sami's cock nudge against your ass as his hand slid down your thigh, gripping onto your ass, squeezing hard, causing you to let out an involuntary gasp as a mixture of pain and pleasure rushed through your whole body.
"I swear to god if you don't move in the next five seconds you're gonna die-" You were the one cutting yourself off with a moan when Jey slid his cock into you without warning, stretching you out inch by inch with no mercy, his eyes burning into your soul as your mind shut down, only conscious of his thrusts, his tongue lapping at your throat.
Only able to feel the coldness of his chain on your skin, only able to hear the uncontrollable moans you were letting out as Sami continued sucking and nibbling at your earlobe as Jey slid deeper and deeper inside of you, and it felt like your insides were being devoured alive.
You could barely think or get a word out, let alone breathe properly because everything felt unreal, everything felt so real, so surreal. It felt like you were floating in space, floating in clouds of clouds that looked so fluffy but felt so heavy as you tried to hold yourself together.
Then Sami pushed you a bit farther back and pushed his cock into your core, and you lost it.
"Fuck! I can't -oh my God!" You were moaning and squirming uncontrollably, the feel of him filling you up alongside Jey and every thrust he made was like heaven itself was entering your body, and the angels were singing praises as your toes curled. And when Jey thrusted in time with the music, a beautiful melody filled your ears as if the angels had joined in on the heavenly choir of praise, the sounds of your moans mixing beautifully with the sounds of their grunts and Jey's harsh breathing.
Jey chuckled against your skin at your blissed out state, making you shudder and shake. "Oh yeah, baby. Feel good now?" His hot breath tickled your ear, his fingers digging into your flesh while his lips continued kissing you senselessly, his lips caressing your skin and his cock moving in rhythm with each thrusts of Sami's.
You nodded, but any words you wanted to say were wiped away and your head fell back on Sami's shoulder in bliss when he hit a particular spot inside you, making any and all doubts in your head go away.
"So beautiful," Sami growled against your neck, your jaw going slack at his sexy tone and even sexier words. "Being such a good girl for us, trusting us to take care of you and look after you right?" He pulled out just slightly before sliding back in smoothly, your eyes closing and body shaking as you moaned loudly, "Let us do those things for you, baby." He pleaded against your skin, and his tone made you weak in the knees. Another timed thrust and you became even weaker.
"That feel good, right baby?" Jey cupped your jaw and forced you to look directly at him. His handsome face was contorted in pure ecstasy and glistening beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but the look in his eye was intense, fiery, lustful, as if all the galaxies were in his irises and you were just the fuel that was burning them to life.
"Yes…baby" You gasped softly and gripped his shoulders, your nails digging into his back.
Jey smiled at your response, and your back arched instinctively as his lips found its way towards your neck, biting your collarbone gently, causing another wave of pleasure to surge through you.
"Shhh…." Sami mumbled against your skin as his hands traveled to your breasts, pinching lightly at your nipple, making you squirm and moan in arousal. "Relax. Relax." He urged you, making you relax your muscles as he kept massaging your breasts in time to the pace of his thrusts and Jey's thrusts.
How could he think you could relax when your nerves felt like they'd been electrocuted? You couldn't stop your hips bucking up underneath Sami who held them still, but you could feel how close you were becoming to losing control, to falling apart completely. The only thing you could do was bite your bottom lip to keep yourself from crying out from sheer pleasure.
"Don't hold back, baby." Jey encouraged gently, giving you little chaste pecks against your neck as his hips pounded against yours faster, almost frantic as you moaned loudly, unable to control your voice anymore, and your cries drowned in the sound of Sami's deep, raspy breathing against your neck.
You wanted to feel like this forever. Live in this moment forever. With Jey. With Sami. In the arms of the two men whose love was so unconditional and strong that you would probably die from the pure bliss it produced within you.
Even though you wanted nothing more than to stay in that exact moment forever, you could feel the heat building up in your belly, spreading throughout your body and your thighs were starting to tremble under the pressure of their thrusts, the warmth inside of your legs spreading further down your legs, which made you arch your back with an audible moan.
"Please..faster." You whimpered out between pants and whimpers as you made both men grunt at you clenching around them so tight it almost hurt.
Both men grunted harshly, pushing deeper as they slammed themselves into you relentlessly, their moans louder and their thrusts harder, and it was the best high you've ever felt. You couldn't believe that you were already getting addicted to it, addicted to the sensations coursing through your veins, the overwhelming feelings of complete ecstasy and euphoria flowing through your veins.
Sami's hand slid down to your pussy squeezed your clit roughly, rubbing it as their thrusts increased, hitting you harder and harder, until you were shaking and gasping and crying out and panting, trying but unable to hold back, unable to hold yourself back.
Jey noticed and leaned over to whisper something in your ear, "Go ahead." He spoke softly, as if he wasn't making your whole body shake underneath him. "Take all you need." He added. He puncuated that with a hard thrust inside you, causing you to cry out loudly and make your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Move her." Sami ordered softly, his thrusts and hand rubbing at your clit making all thoughts leave your body. Jey complied and understood what Sami meant instantly, grabbing your legs and putting them on his shoulders, and you squealed as he pounded his cock even deeper with the new angle he took.
"Jey! Fu-" You cried out in surprise as Jey moved your legs in a different direction, his thrusts stronger, deeper and faster, his strokes rougher and deeper than before.
"I know, baby." Jey hummed, pulling his dick out and slamming it back in, making you arch up once again, making you gasp for air. "Good girl. Keep going. Give it all you got, baby. You can take it." He praised, and you were close, so so close, teetering on the edge of heaven and earth and beyond, and you weren't sure where you belonged, but you hoped wherever you ended up wasn't without Jey and Sami.
"I-I'm close…. You panted, feeling Sami's hand grip your hip and guide you closer, Jey's hand gripping your ankle. At your words both men's hips jerked forward simultaneously, causing you to scream and cry out again even louder and scream their names.
"Let go for me baby…Let go.." Jey begged, his thrusts hitting you harder, faster, and harder, and you could feel it all bubbling inside of you, waiting to come to the surface.
Sami pounded himself softer and slower and then faster, and you could feel your body trembling as you were about to fall off the precipice. You felt like the waves were crashing against you, drowning you, taking you away to another world, somewhere unknown but safe, and you wanted to be swept up in it's shores.
"Sami.. Jey.." You moaned as the waves crashed against you, the waves swallowing you whole. "I'm gonna.. I'm gonna…."
"Come for us baby… Come now." Sami ordered, his thumb stroking the wetness inside of your pussy slowly while he and Jey thrusted in unison and your entire body shuddered at the sensation.
"Look at me, sweetheart." Jey's gruff voice broke through the haze clouding your mind and the wave that was threatening to swallow you vanished.
You opened your eyes, and met Jey's golden ones. They stared back into your soul, their lust and desire and possessiveness and affection shining brightly in his eyes. They were dark brown with hints of gold in them, and you could literally see every thought and emotion hidden behind them and it scared you how much he loved you.
"Let go for me, baby. I love you, we love you. Do it for me." He purred and your heart clenched at his words, and you didn't know what it was about them, but they made your knees give in and your body finally succumb to the waves that were trying to sweep you away and drown you.
Heaven and hell had disappeared for you for a while; there was only darkness and fire and Jey's piercing gaze and and Samis' fierce touches that burned you alive as you rode out those waves, and Sami's warm hand on your face bringing you back to reality after they rode out their own waves as well.
"Are you okay, babe? You did so well for us.” Your eyes fluttered open at Sami's hand on your cheek tenderly, looking straight into his eyes lovingly. Jey was right beside you and his chest was heaving as he caught his breath. He kissed your forehead tenderly.
You gave them both a bright smile that melted their hearts as they gazed back at you lovingly, their expressions softening as their eyes filled with adoration.
"That... was the best sex I had in my entire life...." You admitted truthfully and they chuckled.
"I think that was the sweetest thing you've ever said to us after everything that happened." Sami teased as he brushed a curl of hair that had fallen across your face.
"Shut up, it was not." You giggled, swatting his hand away playfully.
"So you telling us to fuck off and leave you alone doesn't count?" Jey sarcastically challenged as he grinned smugly back at you, sitting up on the headboard right next to you, resting his arm around you.
“Okay, could you blame me when I thought you guys hated me after I basically iced you two out after all the shit that happened? I mean, I understand it. Honestly, I do.." You sighed heavily, turning slightly away from him.
"Hey." Jey pulled your chin round so you faced him again, and cupped your cheeks gently in his hands, forcing you to look at him. "Don't put all the blame on yourself. It wasn't just you either. I fucked up by letting you go when I should have never let you go in the first place, expecting you to forgive me and move on like nothin' ever happened."
His thumb grazed your bottom lip gently as he looked deeply into your eyes that were filled with a mixture of guilt and regret, making his stomach flip at the sight. "It's the same thing I did with Sami when I tried to push him aside. It's all my fault."
"Hey, hey hey, it's no ones fault okay?" Sami interrupted your guilt ridden self pity party, moving in between you and Jey and wrapping his arms around you both tightly, leaning back against the headboard. "We are all human, and that means mistakes. But that doesn't mean we can't move on ." His tone turned serious, his eyes holding a firm glint in them. "The past is done. All that matters now is the future and right now, I want our future to include each other."
Sami turned to you and looked deep into your eyes, his words leaving you in awe of his honesty, at how sweet his smile was, how gentle his touch always was, and how raw his voice was. "I want you with me for as long as you will let me. I want to be the one you go to when you're lonely or when you're hurt, I want you to come to me when you feel like you're going crazy, I want you to trust me enough to not shut me out when something is bothering you, and I want to wake up to you and Jey in my bed every morning because that would be heaven." Sami's grip tightened on you and Jey as he continued speaking, and a lump in your throat formed at hearing his words, and you didn't have to look at Jey to know he was teary eyed as well.
"Sami…" You whispered softly.
"Let me finish please." Sami smiled softly, his thumbs caressing your cheeks and wiping away some stray tears which were falling down your face silently. "My point being: I love you, I want to spend the rest of eternity with you, and I need you in my life more than anything. And I'll gladly spend however long you want me to, if I can." Sami's eyes twinkled with such sincerity and care, so much care and passion, that it made your heart melt all over again.
Your heart was stuck in your throat as he finished his speech, feeling the tears stinging your eyes again but you blinked them away and held Sami's love striken gaze as best as you possibly could without bursting into loud sobs and throwing your arms around him. His honestly raw honesty made you fall in love all over again, and you didn't realize before how badly you needed that kind of honesty in your life, and you know you owed it to him to give him exactly that.
"Sami, I love you too you absolute fool." Your comment made both men laugh despite the emotions running through all three of you, and you wiped at your eyes, your vision blurring with tears of happiness and relief and joy. "And you're a dumbass if you think that I'm just gonna walk away from this, walk away from you both. You've made me feel like nothing else in the entire fucking universe ever has, and I'd be an idiot if I didn't let myself fall for someone who loves and adores me as much as you do."
You sniffled as your lips trembled uncontrollably, Jey's arm rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder making you turn to him as well. "I love you guys. I promise that."
Sami's eyes shone brighter, the emotions swirling within them making them shine brighter than any star ever had before, and you couldn't believe you were the one making the stars shine with pure love and light, as if they had been created solely for your sake. You were staring at them as if the moon was rising on the horizon and the clouds had suddenly parted, Sami smiled like the sun itself, and Jey's eyes were shimmering like diamonds as if you had just bestowed upon them the most beautiful jewels imaginable.
"God you don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that." Sami's voice cracked a little and in one second planted his lips firmly on yours, silencing you. The kiss was slow, loving, and sweet, everything you ever wanted and needed. When you eventually pulled away, Sami's hand rested on the side of your neck, caressing your skin tenderly. Jey cupped your jaw and tilted your face until you were looking directly into his eyes, his smile wide and full of warmth and love.
“I love you, and I'm never letting you go like I did once before, not now, not ever, and definetly not ever again. This time, I mean it, baby girl."
His words were like a warm blanket wrapped around you, calming you down and easing all of your worries, your stress, your fear, and your sorrow, and it left you with the biggest smile on your face ever since you saw it. The warmth emanating from Jey's eyes as he stared into you was almost intoxicating, but even more so when Jey leaned in closer and pressed his soft, warm lips to yours.
Unlike the kisses you shared with him earlier, this kiss was slow, gentle, passionate, and meaningful; it was a way for him to make up for lost time and remind you he would always be there for you, he would always be here. He said that with every movement of his lips against yours, and with every caress of his fingertips on your skin sending tingles throughout your whole body.
You pulled away from him breathless, and rested your foreheads together as you smiled lovingly at him and traced your finger down his perfect facial structure slowly and carefully.
"I hope you'd love me considering all that's happened tonight." You laughed lightly, your brown skin glowing softly in the low light of the room.
"Anddd you just ruined the moment." Jey complained, shaking his head jokingly. You smirked and leaned forward, pecking his nose affectionately.
"Oh poor baby, can't handle my charms." You teased, laughing when Jey pouted at you and shifted over to Sami's lap, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I'm going to someone who actually appreciates me and won't make fun of me."
"Then you went to the wrong person, cause teasing you is my favorite pastime." Jeys groan of annoyance made you laugh harder, causing Sami to chuckle as well while kissing Jey's hair.
You smiled at the sight, squishing yourself in between them and resting your head on Jey's chest and your legs on Sami's lap, snuggling into the warmth of their bodies.
"Guess this means I'm officially your girl now, huh?" You inhaled Jey's scent deeply, trying to wade off the slight nerves at your question. Jey noticed and stroked your skin comfortingly, smiling lovingly when you cuddled even closer to him. He missed this part of you, the moments when you felt safe and comfortable enough to show how vulnerable you really were and to relax completely, to just be yourself.
"Baby, just like Sami said, we ain't letting you go, even if I gotta handcuff you to my bed, but you prolly would like that." Jey answered, laughing at your indignant squeak and dodging your playful swats to his shoulder. He intertwined your fingers before you could swat him again and squeezed your hands gently, earning him a soft smile in return.
"But forreal, I can't handle not having you by my side again. I want us to start fresh and be happy, and I wanna call you my girl, our girl."
You smiled even wider at his words, knowing it wasn't a question but a fact. And it was a fact you wanted to be true, you wanted to have this forever, and you knew you couldn't let them slip by your fingers because of your fears or your doubts anymore.
So you turned slightly to face him, and cupped his face in your hands with your thumbs tracing the curve of his cheeks lovingly. "I'd want nothing more." You said sincerely, causing Sami to squeeze your hand in excitement and Jey to smile widely, his eyes lighting up with happiness. Sami leaned back in to place a soft kiss on your cheek and then your lips, the gesture so intimate and loving and sweet that it nearly broke your heart. Jey leaned forward and planted another chaste kiss on your lips after Sami gave you a peck and smiled brightly.
"Well I guess congratulations are in order." You giggled at Sami's remark and looked at Jey with a smug smirk on your face.
"You're right, Sami. And my first act as your girlfriend is going to the bathroom, and you both are very much welcome to join." With a wink, you got up before they could catch you and walked towards the bathroom, your butt swaying seductively as you strutted away.
Jey and Sami's eyes landed on your bare ass as it swayed seductively, making their hearts beat faster, their breaths shorten, and their mouths water for more. Their eyes followed your figure as it disappeared out of view, before turning to each other and exchanging knowing looks.
"First one to get to the bathroom get's to join me in the shower!" Your voice called out through the door teasingly, your giggles reaching their ears despite the distance between the two of you.
Jey and Sami looked at each other again, seemingly communicating silently with each other, before Jey smirked at him and pushed past him (albeit gently) to run to you , his steps echoing loudly in the room. "Man, move ya slow ass!"
Sami chuckled to himself as he watched Jey chase after you, feeling incredibly accomplished and proud that he had gotten everything he wanted. The man of his dreams, the woman of his dreams, and it couldn't be more perfect. And as he made his way to the bathroom, and the three of you participated in more rendezvous activities in the shower, he made his way to the bathroom, and the three of you participated in more rendezvous activities in the shower, he knew this utter perfection is what he wanted to live for. To fight for, to love, to cherish, and to give.
And he and Jey wouldn't let it go without a fight - not if you were willing, anyway.
Unbeknownst to the three of you, your phone was ringing incessantly, but it was on do not disturb. But maybe you'd regret that decision sooner or later.
incoming text message from roman🖤: You think I don't know what you're doing? I've known you for years,you really think I wouldn't know that u ran off to sami and jey after you made the biggest mistake of your life? You think I'm gonna let what you did slide?
incoming text message from roman🖤: Everything I'm about to do to the people you care for, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself if you don't rectify what you did.
incoming text message from roman 🖤: Don't say I didn't warn you.
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dreaming-of-lu · 10 months
Hi! For you're requests can I request Legend being so in love with reader but not realizing it himself? Like he looks at reader with heart eyes and wants to be near them constantly and he (and reader) just doesn't realize it? Until one day something happens and it just slaps Legend with how in love he is? We just need more blushy Legend in the world. I love your fics so much they bring me such joy reading them!
Oh, this is such a cute idea! 😭Absolutely 100% yes! 'cuse me for takin' long to answer, writing may be a bit rusty. Word count: 570
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The newest companion in the company made him feel off by some sort. It wasn't a negative feeling or anything that felt off; it felt more like he was sick when he saw them. By the three, his heart would pound when he's given a chance to be near them, listening avidly to the happy chatters that left them, even answering their questions if they were asking him specifically. His hands would become clammy when their shoulder brushed with his or when their fingers tended to graze his skin. Sometimes, his eyes would linger a bit longer than ever before turning away quickly, feeling heated under the curious stare they gave him.
The first to always volunteer to go with them into the market and would huff when someone else got ahead of him before he could take the spot. Offering his hand to them when what looked to be a deep dip, he ignored the snickers and scoffed from behind when all he could focus on was their bright, thankful smile and took the hand gently.
He would question when Hyrule would give him nudges or gentle pushes towards the reader after noticing they needed 'help' with a chore. Question the chuckles their leader gave when he followed after them, whether with his eyes or walking with them. Even the captain would tease him, making him grumble and shove the captain to the side to continue with his chores.
The entire chain was acting weird with him, and he's not liking the sudden 180 of the mood in the air.
"You're staring after them again," Legend jolts in his spot, blinking rapidly before a scowl overtook his features. He whirled on his heel, words ready themselves on his tongue at the sight of the smug look on the rancher's features.
"You look like a pup, one that's desperate for their attention," Twilight snickers.
"Alright," Legend huffs, "what is wrong with everybody and wanting to tease me? Is there some joke I'm not in on?"
Twilight blinks, his shoulders slumping, "yer kiddin' me."
"What?" Legend's brows furrowed, "What am I failing to understand?"
Twilight sighs, scratches the back his neck, mumbling under his breath, "it's not my place to make you understand."
"Legend!" His head swiveled, eyes making contact with theirs. He breathed sharply as the sun rays bounced off them, making them glow; the notorious bright smile sent his heart pounding again. His cheeks burned when they ran up to him with a giddy laugh, pulling at his arm, tugging him after them.
"Come on! I want to show you this!"
If Legend ever were an artist or writer, he would paint the scene vividly of them, from the strands that graced upon their head to the eyes that would make contact with his to the very smile that graced their soft lips to the unforgettable laugh that left them. If he were a poet, he would compare them to a flower or the sun that seems to grace the land by walking upon it. He felt like he would melt under their careful hands and gentle gaze. He imagined a life where they would be together, holding hands like this, shar-
'Oh.' He thought.
His heart pounds faster, making him feel breathless. Each time they looked over their shoulder, those eyes looking into his, so bright and full of life.
'This is what they meant.'
277 notes · View notes
vulpixisananimal · 25 days
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(you leave for one loop. One day. And it becomes a blinding disaster. Oh yes, Stardust gets a loop where they can relax and don't need to worry about anything and look what happens.)
(Because of you.)
(I did not do anything.)
(Oh sure! Was I mistaken? Was I mistaken thinking that the one who's always causing trouble, always making things harder, was the one who messed everything up!?!)
(I had to do what I had to do. It's fixed now.)
(Fixed?!? Is that all you care about?!?)
(You grip the sides of the sink. You might be sick again at this rate. You couldn't tell if the nausea was from looping or from the mental argument you were having.)
(It's fine! Really, it's wonderful even! You could share what you learned now. And figure all this out. It's fine.)
(But first, cue Isabeau.)
"You alright, Sif?--" >> "--Just some loopy stuff, not that bad, I'll meet you for breakfast!"
(It's so easy to slip back into the old routine. It's comfortable. It's easy. You can just zone out and respond in exactly the right way. And yet, it made your skin crawl. After all you've been through you're still supposed to memorize a play? What a joke.)
(You go through the motions, get fully dressed, go downstairs, greet your party. Quesadillas again. They'd probably still be tasty, though you wont want them for a bit after these loops.)
"You sure you're alright??--" >> "--Do you think that's why you're sick again?"
(You were zoning out a lot. Change things up.)
"That would make sense, craft exhaustion, right?"
"Alright eat up then 'Frin, gotta get your energy back." (Nille gave you more food like last time.)
"At least let me finish first breakfast." (You say, smiling.) "I am hungry though."
(You still weren't sure if you felt better or worse after taking some time to relax. Although, that 'relaxing' time was cut short. You take a bite of the quesadilla.)
"Is Bonnie feeling okay?" (You ask.)
"They woke up with a headache, I think it's from that bonk from yesterday." (Nille looked worried at you bringing it up.) "Just, don't mention the burnt food."
(Odile spoke up from behind her book.) "It shouldn't be from that bang on the head. No concussion, any booboos they had Mirabelle healed up."
"Well what else would it be then."
(You quietly eat up the quesadilla. Just think for a second, Loop. It's probably nothing. Just focus on the task at hand.)
(You and I know that it's impossible for the past to change. If something did change, it would be us who did it.)
(So why does Bonnie have a headache?)
(. . .)
(You're still not giving me all the details~)
(It does not matter, it will distract you.)
(You're afraid arent you~ You're afraid that things are going to change~)
(As are you.)
(I'M at least trying to-)
(You bite your tongue.)
"Blinding-" (You exclaim.) "Ow."
"Everything alright, Siffrin?" (Odile asked.)
"Oh I just bit my tongue, eating too fast."
"Aw no!!" (Isa said, concerned.) Want me to check if it's ok??"
"So you can kiss it better?" (You reply, almost instinctually.)
"Get a ROOM you two!"
(Isabeaus face was getting off shade, it took you a second before you processed what you just said and what it meant.)
"OH. UH. I DIDNT??? MEAN, UH???"
(you hide yourself in your hat. That's??? So embarrassing?!?!? Oh stars you said that as a JOKE. "I banged my elbow kiss it better." Stupid, stupid Loop! You're making such a fool of yourself.) ". . . S-sorry."
"Noit'sokI'mokit'sfine." (And now Isa was covering his face.)
(. . .)
(Not a WORD from you.)
(There's a bit of an awkward pause before casual conversation starts again. You mostly just zone out untill Bonnie comes back.)
(They looked. . . Fine? It was hard to tell from last time, maybe a bit more tired looking? Nothing physicaly wrong, not that it looked like, they caught you staring at stuck out their tongue at you and make a "nyeeh" noise. You stick your tongue out back.)
"Quite done, you two?" (Odile said without looking up.)
"'Frin started it."
"Did not."
"Did too!"
"Alright maybe I did."
(Mirabelle gasped.) "Siffrin? Admiting to cheekyness??"
"Truly a dark day." (Odile commented.)
(You all chuckle.)
(Here again. Back at the explination table. You know you could keep the loops a secret this time, but no. You needed help, you did ask for it after all~)
(Might as well make it fun, though. You look around and see a few scraps of note paper, you grab one and quickly write something down. Next, who to pass it to. . .)
(Odile is still in her book, Mirabelle was checking on Bonnie, Isabeau. . . Passing a note to Isa right now's a bad look. Nille, then. You crumple the paper into a ball and gently throw it at her as she's about to take a bite of food. She pauses and looks at you. You hold up a finger and wink.)
(You lean back in your chair.) "Let's skip going to the defenders, when we head there later today it just becomes a whole mess."
"You looped again!?!?--" >> "--I'll look for one of those next time."
(You hear a stiffled laugh come from Nille, looking over, she had de-crumpled the note and looked at it. She gave you a look and held it up.)
"So do you just have the whole crabbing day memorized, Siffy?" (The note was that whole exchange written down. Nille passes the note to Mirabelle to look.)
(You stick out your tongue.) "Maybe~"
"What's our next line then, Siffrin." (Odile had closed her book, now quite curious.)
"Well, bonnies next line is 'that's crabbing stupid.'"
"No that comes after Bonnies line." (Ok this is kind of fun actually)
"Alright, but what's your next line." (Mirabelle says, curious.)
(You nod.) "That this will be try number four, or five, First was me and Odile at the library, rest of you to the Defenders place, Bonnie came running back to us because Mira was framed for kidnapping Bonnie."
"!?!?!?--" >> "--Language."
(There's a bit of a pause as everyone catches up to the exchange that just happened, and laughs.)
"Well, at least you're making light of it?"
"Tee hee, I try~" (Now, how to explain things quickly.) "Next loop we all went to the Defenders and bumped into an old friend of Isabeaus, going by Ramos now. We got split up, Ramos and Isa were acting suspicious, we confronted Ramos and they had a wishing star pendant like from yesterday. There was also a strong mint smell around. And then last loop Mira Isa and Odile went to figure out if mint was a sign of anything."
"That's, quite a lot to take in." (Said Odile.) "Well, did we find anything?"
(You nod) "Yep, a strong mint smell is assosiated with Mind Craft. It makes sense really, with how Isa and Stardust acted~"
". . . Stardust?"
(You wince. Stars! STARS! Oh great you were just TALKING and explaining things and DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT. Alright, fine, fine, you'd have to explain this anyways probably.)
(You could try again.)
"R-right, aha, well. . ." (You shook your head, lights, camera...) "Well it's a bit of a story, Mirabelle had the wonderful idea that we take a loop to rest up! Oh very, very thoughtful~"
"Uh, th-thank you?" (Mira looked confused, well, everyone did a little.) "Did, did it go alright?"
"Oh it did! For a bit. And then our good friend Ramos showed up. Stardust, Siffrin, thought it would be a wonderful idea to talk to them to figure out a few things. Buuuuuuuut then Ramos grabed their hand and he started acting ~very different~"
(You felt like you were going to have a heart attack. When was the last time you talked to your party? REALLY talked to them. It was on the final day, wasn't it? And even then you were all worried about Stardust. You just need to keep acting.)
"Let me guess. Siffrin was effected by mind craft in some way, but you weren't?" (Odile, like usual, was ahead of the curve.)
"Correct~ Hello by the way, your friendly neighborhood Loop here to help~"
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"Oh! Good to talk to you again then!" (Mirabelle said excitedly.)
"Yeah. Lot cooler than 'Frin." (Bonnie said all cheekily.)
"A devistating blow to someone not even here. Are they around at all, by the way?" (Odile asked.)
"Well. . ."
(We shouldn't bring him to front. They are likely still effected by mind craft.)
(And how would you know that?)
(I don't.)
(Exactly. You tap your chin.) "Well I could get them, but we're worried that mind craft is still effecting him."
"But, didn't you turn back time?!?"
"Yeah, it never happened then, right?"
(You shrug.) "Kinda. Memories stay. Our body keeps some of it's changes, scars and muscle growth, but not wounds. We keep our fighting experience too, naturally. And for some reason, equipment."
"Oh right... Like the bow my classmate got me." (Mirabelle touched their bow, the same one.) "That really hurt my head to think about."
(Nille rubbed her head.) "Well if you get them we can check easily. And if Siffy's still gotten mind crabbery we'll..."
"Then we make sure Loop doesn't get effected either!!" (Isabeau said confidently.)
"Or undo it. It should be easy enough, unless-" (Odile starts)
"-it was powered by a wish." (You finish with her.)
". . This is weird." (Nille says.)
"Give me a day and I could recite those two days in Dormont by heart~"
"Even the sleepover?"
"Especially the sleepover."
(You all chuckle a bit at that. It's. . . Kind of nice, being able to be open about this. Even if you wish it could be in better circumstances.)
"I've got two plans today." (You say, as you take another bite of food.) "First, we'll all check on Stardust and see how he's handling things~ "
"Rude to talk and eat, Loopert." (Nille sais smugly.)
(You choke on your food. Loopert?!?!)
"Hah! Loopert."
"Hehe. It's a cute nickname."
(You sink down in your cloak and quickly finish that bite of food.) "Any chance we could rethink the nickname?"
"No!!! You're Loopert now!!!"
(Well if we they wont remember at least.)
"Alright alright, well the other thing I want to do is try talking to Ramos agian."
"So daring..."
"Are you sure about that, Loop." (Mirabelle seemed worried.)
"Well, I'm curious how they'll react. The last two times we've bumped into eachother they've been. . . acting strange. Oh, and I would like to talk to them one on one if possible."
"You do realize if that mind craft stuck this could be increddibly risky." (Odile looked concerned. Understandibly so.)
"I'd like to be around in case they try anything. . ." (Said Isabeau.)
(You nod.) "Well, if you all could stay nearby in case something does happen, that would be great."
"Why do you need to talk to them alone anyways?" (Nille asked.)
"W-well. . ." (How to put this.) "I don't want to be rude, but you all are terrible actors."
"Ah. . ."
"Oh. . ."
"Ouch, but fair."
"Sorry." (You shrug.) "One of the best advantages of not talking about the loops was knowing exactly how things go. But we made a promise to not keep secrets soooo~"
"No no, I understand Loop." (Mirabelle looked a bit dejected.) "I don't know if I'd be able to keep a straight face."
"Heh, I could do it." (Bonnie said smugly.)
"Sure you could Boniface." (Nille replied.)
"Yeah!!! I could!!!"
"I'll go sign you up for theater classes then."
(Heh, that would be a sight to see.)
(At least we have a plan.)
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m-jelly · 3 months
hey! hope ure doing well!
can i get a fic where reader is a very well know supermodel, is maybe even in VS, and is like considered very badass and iconic...and shes dating levi, and shes in rwality, compared to how others see her (alluring, confident, etc...) is actually just a sweetheart and is very shy and kind?
(also! absolutely adore ur account and work, truly! i hope u continue doing what u do, whenever u post something, it instantly brightens up my day, believe it or not💕 ur work is a huge comfort for me and im sure it also is for many others🫂 u deserve every last bit of recognition, jelly!)
Thank you so much anon. I've been feeling very negative these days, so it means a lot to know you're enjoying what I make.
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Behind the camera
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, model reader, no body specific reader.
Levi is a fashion designer and you are his personal model.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Confidence rolled off you as you posed for the cameras. People commented that the clothes were just made for you, which they would be very right. Levi was the designer and every single thing on your body was made just for you.
You had started off as Levi's assistant, then he asked you to model his clothes because you inspired him and then he realised that you were so inspiring because he was madly in love with you. Levi confessed his love and you became a couple. Most would be shocked at Levi because it took you two about four months to become a couple.
Levi had moved fast, which wasn't like him. However, he knew he wanted you, he knew he loved you, he knew you were his forever and he wasn't just gonna let that slip through his fingers. Now you were a year into your love and he had already picked out a ring for your engagement, he just needed to set up a perfect day.
He made a few notes on your outfit and thought about something else he could dress you up in. He gave you a gentle smile as you posed in such an alluring way, it just drove him crazy with love. He could see you were enjoying yourself as you worked.
The photographer ended the shoot and showered you with praise. As soon as he started talking to you your true adorable nature came out. He shook your hand. "Thank you so much. It's been a joy working for you."
You felt your heart race. "R-Really? You're too kind. Umm. It was an honour to have you as a photographer. You're incredible. You make anything look beautiful." You fidgetted a little. "C-can I get you a drink or something to eat? You must be so tired."
He blushed at your words. "Oh, I'm okay, don't worry."
You hurried over to the small fridge. "I've got an ice cold water here or a diet coke?"
He chuckled. "A coke would do great."
You opened it and handed it over. "You should get some sugar in you too. Have a cookie."
"You are so sweet."
Levi made his way over to you and called your name. "Don't forget about yourself."
You gasped in shock. "Oh! You're right."
He opened a can for you and handed it over. "Drink this. You should also take a seat as well, okay?"
"Ah, but everyone..."
He ushered you to a comfy seat. "Focus on yourself, okay?" He knelt and slipped your heels off. "You're important." He massaged your feet. "It's a good job I'm very focused on you, otherwise you'd be very sick."
You hummed a laugh. "You care so much about me."
He leaned up and kissed you. "Of course. You're my world."
"You're mine. I wouldn't be doing this job if it weren't for you. I count my blessings every day."
He glided his hands up your leg. "Darling, you are more magical than you think." He smiled a little at you. "We're going out for dinner tonight. I'm going to take you to the place we went to on our first date."
You squeaked. "Yay! I love that place."
Levi took your hands and showered them with kisses. "I love it too. We'll make tonight special." Tonight was the night, he was going to ask you to marry him.
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getvalentined · 9 months
I thought I posted this here ages ago, but I couldn't find it to link in another post I'm working on, so I'm posting it now!
Regardless of everything else surrounding the First SOLDIER battle royale game, I'm always going to be delighted that the timeline established in its opening cutscene indicates that Hojo and Lucrecia were experimenting on Vincent for around seven years before Lucy ran off and Hojo put him in the box.
See, the thing that's always bothered me about the known timeline of Vincent's life as it existed up until this cutscene dropped is that it kind of implied that Hojo did all his scientific body horror work in about two months, and then Lucrecia took over and spent a couple months on her part. This is...utterly ridiculous, for so many reasons, not the least of which is Shalua being aware of Lucrecia's work with Chaos having subjects, which it didn't prior to Grimoire's death—this project wouldn't have been ongoing long enough for Shalua to refer to "subjects" in Dirge if it was only a couple months of work.
The implication with the timeline shown in the FF7FS opening is that Lucrecia and Hojo both moved to Project 0 after their part of Project S was complete, presumably leaving Gast with Sephiroth while they tried to make superhumans that would be deployable sooner than a literal baby. We know it's post-Jenova Project, because Hollander is there but Gillian isn't, so she's already in Banora with baby Angeal. The team is shown working on Project 0 until around 1984, with Lucrecia present.
Hojo working on Vincent for a year or two while Lucrecia first gives birth to Sephiroth and then recovers from that whole ordeal makes sense. Him going back and forth between Midgar and Nibelheim trying shit on Vincent that he thinks might work on Project 0 also makes sense, given that we know Hojo's work on Vincent was eventually repurposed for a couple of the Tsviets, who are the current iteration of what Project 0 originally was.
When Vincent's body finally gives out, Hojo just kinda leaves him there, changing his focus entirely to Project 0, while Gast still has Sephiroth. Lucrecia comes back to Nibelheim at that point, for whatever reason, and picks up where Hojo left off, trying desperately to do something to keep from being responsible for killing both Valentines.
Gast leaves the company in 1984, whereupon Sephiroth is moved into Hojo's care—not Lucrecia's—and we can assume that Project 0 as a whole is shuffled.
This is the point where Lucrecia reaches the end of her rope. She's never going to get to meet her son, she's never going to get anywhere in this damn company, she's still so sick from the Jenova infection she contracted during her pregnancy. She can't do this anymore. So she dresses Vincent up like his dad (because his eyes look just like his father's), puts on a wedding dress she never got to wear, and leaves forever.
Hojo comes back to Nibelheim, possibly looking for Lucrecia—he either finds her "dead," or he only finds Vincent. Either way, Lucrecia ends up in the Nibel Mountains and Vincent ends up in the basement. With nothing left to lose and nothing holding him back, Hojo proceeds to track across the planet to find Gast and shoot him in the face.
This is a much better story.
This also explains why the official Dirge guide says that Vincent was asleep in the basement for, very specifically, 23 years, and why all Ultimania material cites that he was in the coffin for "over 20 years" even though he was shot to death 30 years ago. It's not a retcon. It never was. It's a clarification.
Vincent was killed in 1977, 30 years before Cloud found him during the Crisis. But he was under the knife and in the tubes for seven years after that, until the two equally brilliant psychopaths trying for opposing reasons to make him into Something Else finally gave up and put him in a box.
That's fantastic.
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myunghology · 1 year
walk me home — hellovenus
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project sekai boys and how they love.
— akito, toya, tsukasa, rui x gn! reader (seperate) got this idea from a post user @/akiitos tagged me in 🫶🫶🫶 ALSO FASTEST WORK I'VE EVER MADE WITH 4 CHARACTERS? I DID IT IN ONLY AN HOUR
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✦ akito shinonome
he's a bit passive aggressive. but you know he loves you dearly.
he loves by telling you aggressively not to overwork, just because he seems distant doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. and then when you don't, he lightly scolds you, calling you stupid for not listening to him, but even after all that, he still takes care of you.
he loves by looking out for you. telling people to shut up because your sleeping— telling people to fuck off because you're getting uncomfortable and because he knows you're too nice to say anything.
he loves by treating you sometimes with his own hard earned money. akito wants to take you out with his own money. not anyone else's. refuses to buy anything for you unless it's with his money.
he loves by being attentive. you send a chat that you're tired, and he reads it immediately. you might think he ignored you but 7 minutes later he's outside your house with some snacks so he can help you with whatever your dealing with. he walks in before closing the door with the spare key you gave him, going inside your room saying, “i heard someone was stressed.”
he loves by being an asshole. you were so sick of him that you say, “why are you always such an ass to me? what the fuck did i do?” and he replies with “I'm 'such an ass' because I'm in love with you, you fucking dumbass.” that was basically how he confessed.
✦ toya aoyagi
toya is an interesting person, it's hard to tell what he's thinking, but besides that, you still love him.
he loves by being considerate without you asking. one time, he heard you were having difficulties with an exam. so he came over and studied— even if he was tired, he's still considering you. motivating you even though your also tired.
he loves by giving you gifts as appreciation. we all know toya has a habit of literally winning a lot of stuff in arcades, so most of his winnings go mostly to you. you know, your plushies have their own bed now because of him.
he loves by reassuring you with anything and everything. telling you even when you're stuggling, bad times and good times, that he's still in love with you, even in arguments. tells you he'll still love you as you are whenever your too shy. tells you it's okay to make mistakes.
he loves by doing what he dislikes the most just for you. even if you never asked for it. you could say you love piano covers and suddenly he sends you a recording of him playing your favorite song on the piano even though it brings him unpleasant memories, he knows you'd never do something he doesn't like, but he can't help but do it for the person he loves.
✦ tsukasa tenma
tsukasa is a very, very energetic person. which makes him hard to get along with especially if you're an introvert.
he loves by making you smile almost always. how he goes the most goofiest shit just to see you smile. the lengths he goes just to see you happy. wxs calls him a simp, but who is he to deny that? even before you both start dating, his focus is always on you. and saki
he loves by showing you off / flexing you. you just laugh it off, but he really likes doing it. he always goes "oh my god their so amazing how could I get so lucky" etc. people give him weird stares, but he says everything he says is true.
he loves by helping with your social skills. if you're anxious, of course. he isn't afraid to introduce you to his other friends, encouraging you to talk, even if you don't want to, it's okay. he'll talk for you, no problem.
he loves by always spending time with you. he's always with you to the point that when you two are seperated, something went wrong. but really, he's just really busy. even if he is busy, he always makes time for you, checkin up on you everyday, and gets worried when you don't reply.
✦ rui kamishiro
rui is also an interesting person. you question him sometimes, but you still love him.
he loves by flirting with you. will stop if you're uncomfortable of course, but if you aren't, pickup lines are daily. and it isn't those weird cheesy ones. it's the ones that come out of no where. when you say something— he always has a pick up line to say. it's a 6th sense at this point.
he loves by listening to you. when you tell him to eat and stop being picky, he's pouting while eating vegetables. listening to you also means while you're sad. he's all ears. giving advice there and then unless you only want him to listen. and he's greatful that you're willing to share with him.
he loves by always willing to help you with anything. especially with robotics if you take it. he's really smart, you know. but he just.. doesn't use his smartness well if you know what I mean. if you two listen enough in class, then you two are definitely passing.
he loves by always noticing you when you're left out. he sees your trying to talk but other people keep interrupting. suddenly his voice gradually gets loulder when he says "ah wait [name], what were you trying to say?" always considering you even in moments like these, and you always appreciate it.
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©myunghology — all works written are made by ©myunghology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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bekkachaos · 24 days
Fuck it Friday 🔥
starting this because it's Friday here and I wanna know if y'all would read this because I'm a SICKO and started writing some post-apocalyptic Buddie (because I can't stop thinking about the book All That's Left In The World)
tagging these wonderful people if they wanna share x
@monsterrae1 @the-likesofus @eddiebabygirldiaz @bi-buckrights @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @loveyourownsmiilee @doublecheekedkinard @loserdiaz @spotsandsocks @wildlife4life @jackluvsdaniel @belovedbuddie @bidisasterevankinard @wh0rebehavi0r @thewolvesof1998 @bucksbisexualawakening @weewootruck @daffi-990 @spagheddiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @loveyouanyway
He pushed through the pain and got himself back up. It was starting to get dark and he needed to find a sheltered place to rest for the night, if he could call it that. He had barely slept in the three days since he injured himself, even before that it's not what he would have called it. Fitful bouts of sleep and nightmares and evenings in the dark listening to the wilderness come alive and looking up at the stars imagining he was anywhere else.
As he hobbled through the woods he caught a glimpse of something between the trees and felt his heart begin to pound, he was either in so much pain and hallucinating, or by some miracle he had managed to find a cabin for shelter.
He struggled towards it, he couldn't focus on anything other than making it to the door, his hand gripping tight to the wooden porch railing, the other to his makeshift crutch, and then he heard the sound of a gun cocking behind him.
"Not another step."
Eddie was frozen in place. How long had it been since he heard another person speak? Weeks? Months? He wasn't even sure anymore.
"Turn around."
Slowly he shuffled his crutch around, wincing in pain again and still using the rail to support his weight as he let himself look back and past the barrel of the shotgun now pointed steadfastly at his chest.
It may have been odd, given his predicament, but for some reason his first thought was 'so I'm not the last one left'. He knew he wasn't of course, but it was easy to forget that fact.
The man who held the gun stood only slightly taller than he did, shoulders hunched up so his arms looked bigger as he adjusted his hold around the barrel with his finger on the trigger. His jaw was set, nostrils flaring as his unnaturally bright blue eyes stared out at Eddie's unwaveringly. He was intimidating, sure, at least he would have been if Eddie wasn't close enough to see the fear in his eyes. The gun was certainly helping though.
"Not here to rob you," Eddie said, and had he been in better shape he might have put his hands up.
"What do you want?" the stranger asked, inching the gun closer.
"I'm hurt, it's getting dark, just looking for a place to rest," he said.
"Well you can keep walking," he said roughly, and it made Eddie grind his teeth together.
"That's not working so well for me," he growled, and for a fleeting moment the man's eyes flitted down to his leg, the latter half of his jeans torn and drenched in a mix of fresh and dried blood.
"I know," he said, eyes back up to Eddie's. "I watched you walk up here."
"And you're still going to send me away?" Eddie scoffed.
It didn't surprise him, people didn't trust each other anymore. If you saw someone, you stayed away from them unless you absolutely had to. A desperate and hungry person would do just about anything to survive. Lie, steal, kill. Eddie had had plenty of uncomfortable encounters since he left the base, and each one gave him even more reasons to steer clear of people. If you were out on your own, you had to do what you needed to if you wanted to survive. The minute you let your guard down around someone, they'd betray you. He didn't say anything, just kept his hard stare on Eddie as if waiting for him to give in, but Eddie was in too much pain, too tired, too hungry, and too sick and tired of the woods to go back out there. "Listen man, all I need is some shelter, I'll sit under that porch while you barricade that door if that's what it comes too," he said. "But I'm not leaving." "Do you not see that I'm holding a gun to your chest?" he said, raising an eyebrow and making Eddie look him over for a moment. "You're not going to shoot me," he said, and maybe it was not the right time to be calling someone's bluff, but there was something in the stranger's eyes that made Eddie take the risk on it. "And why not?" he asked, an irk of irritation spreading across his face. "Because you don't want to shoot me," Eddie said. "You think I won't?" Eddie nodded towards the side of the gun. "Not with the safety on."
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shelbystales · 7 months
Best Aid - Part Seven
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Summary: you are a young doctor in Birmingham. After a crazy incident, Thomas Shelby shows up at your hospital. You don’t know much about the man everyone seems to fear, but you definitely will.
Warning: swearing, mention of torture and panick attack
A/N:  Comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot.
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
"Hey, you good?" Jeremy asked, easing into the break room for hospital staff.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" you replied, not looking up from the trauma textbook you were reading.
He pulled up a chair and sat down beside you. "You think it was him?" he asked in a hushed tone, as if it were some kind of top-secret stuff.
"Can we not go there, please?" you requested, turning the page of your book.
"Come on, seriously?" He paused, waiting for a response, but you stayed tight-lipped. "Y/n, seriously, what's going on? You usually spill the beans about everything, even your weirdest quirks. Even when you were peeing green for fucks sake. Youre making me worry here. Did he do something to you? Hurt you?" he asked, his voice all business, a tone he rarely used with you.
"No," you shook your head, "he didn't do anything to me," you replied calmly and took a deep breath. "Not directly."
"What does that mean?" He frowned.
You sighed deeply and told him everything about the apartment, the bomb. It felt good to get this off your chest. As you spoke, it was as though weights were being lifted off your shoulders one by one.
When you finished, Jeremy gave you a tight hug, and before you knew it, you were tearing up. These last few days, living in fear, with so much anxiety, had been consuming you. Being able to share and be comforted by someone was all you needed.
"What are you going to do now?" he asked. "Are you going to stay at his aunt's hotel for how long?"
"I don't know," you shrugged, moving away from the hug and wiping your tears.
"You can come to my place," he offered.
"Are you crazy? I'm not putting you and your fiancé at risk," you said.
"Okay, but if you need anything, I'm here," he said
"Thank you, Jer. I needed this," you smiled as Jeremy left, allowing you to focus on your studies.
Later, you decided to check on the man Thomas had brought to the hospital. As you entered the room, your heart skipped a beat. The patient's face was heavily bruised and battered, his body showing signs of severe torture. It was a grim sight, and you couldn't help but feel a wave of sympathy for the man, imagining the horrors he might have endured.
You approached him and began your examination, checking his vitals, the medications he was prescribed, and the results of his blood tests. Your eyes fell on the schedule at your tablet, he was set for surgery tomorrow, likely to fix his jaw.
While you were listening to his lungs with a stethoscope, you sensed a presence at the door. Looking up, you saw Thomas, and a lump formed in your throat.
Your eyes locked with his, and for a moment, everything else faded away. You couldn't help but confront him, your tone laced with sarcasm. "Came to finish the job?" you mocked, removing the stethoscope from your ears.
He remained silent, his gaze fixed on you, his jaw clenched tightly. His presence, once so comforting, now made you sick. Ignoring him, you resumed your examination of the patient's lungs, doing your best to focus on the task at hand.
As you continued your examination, the tension in the room was palpable. Thomas walked to the small sofa in the room, still watching you in silence. It was as though an invisible wall had erected itself between you, separating the two of you in a space filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.
You couldn't ignore his presence, nor the turmoil it stirred within you. A mixture of anger, fear, and a hint of lingering attraction made your heart race.
He had crossed a line by coming here, by defying your wishes to stay away. And yet, part of you was somehow relieved that he was standing there. 
“I’m finished. I need you to leave” Thomas frowned and raised an eyebrow, refusing to budge. "You think I'm going to leave you alone with him? Are you delusional?"
He chuckled and shook his head. “And what do you think I’ll do if you leave?” he challenged, looking at the injured man on the bed.
“Do you really want me to say it?” you asked, but he ignored you. After a few moments, you couldn't bear the silence any longer. "So, is this some kind of sick game to you?" you asked, your voice quivering with a blend of frustration and vulnerability.
Thomas's gaze burned onto you, an intensity you'd never seen before. "What kind of man do you think I am?" he retorted, the heat in his eyes making you shiver.
“The kind of man that could have done this” you pointed at your patient and he chuckled, rolling his eyes at you.
You struggled to find your voice, your own fear and doubt surfacing. "Did you?" you managed to ask, your words drawn out as though pulled from the depths of your throat.
"What?" he replied with a hint of mockery in his tone, challenging you. 
"Torture him?" you whispered, your head nodding involuntarily. Your hands shook, and your entire body quivered with the intensity of the situation.
Thomas's gaze remained locked onto yours, his blue eyes unwavering as they bore into your soul. "No," he asserted, his voice firm 
Your uncertainty remained, and you found it difficult to trust his words. "Why do I not believe you?" you whispered, your voice barely audible
“if I wanted him dead, I wouldn't have brought him here, eh?” he stated. His response was cold, a frigid wall that seemed to surround him. "But you believe in whatever you want,"he continued, making no attempt to soften his words “can you just walk out? pretend you didn’t see me".
"What? Why would I do that? What are you doing here, Thomas?" you inquired, your eyes narrowing as you regarded him.
He met your gaze, his expression unyielding. "I came to visit," he replied curtly. Your skepticism grew as you couldn't help but wonder what had truly brought him here, you just watched him. Then, he made a request that caught you off guard. "Can you check him out?"
Your initial reaction was a resolute refusal. "There's no way he's leaving this hospital," you retorted, your voice firm.
Thomas, however, didn't seem fazed by your refusal. He gazed at you with a stark intensity and asked a question that sent a chill down your spine. "Will he die if he does?"
"Yes!" you nearly yelled in response, your voice laced with frustration and indignation
Thomas's resolve didn't waver. He spoke with a calm determination that sent shivers down your spine. "Look, I need to check him out. He can’t stay here. He needs a safer location."
You couldn't hide the frustration in your voice as you firmly stated, "He can't leave! he has a severe infection and a surgery tomorrow"
“If he stays, he’ll die” he said, his voice firm “do you want that?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course not! But, If he leaves he dies” you said, feeling your heart race in a weird rhythm “Why do you do this to me?” you whispered
“I’m doing nothing” he shook his head and shrugged “you are here because you want to be. You can leave and have nothing to do with this, y/n”
“This man is my responsibility, Thomas” you said, your voice shaky as your breathing got harder “... he can’t be discharged” 
Thomas's expression remained resolute, and his tone didn't waver. "Then what's the alternative?"
The tension in the room reached its breaking point, and you couldn't contain your frustration any longer. The pressure and uncertainty of the situation pushed you to the brink, and you snapped, your voice rising with exasperation. "How the fuck am I supposed to know?!!" you demanded, your words coming out in a rush, the weight of the moment pressing heavily on your shoulders. 
You tried to take a deep breath to calm, but somehow you felt like there was no air around you.
Your heart raced, pounding in your chest like a drumbeat, and you could hear the blood rushing in your ears. 
Your hands trembled uncontrollably, and you clutched at your chest as if to quell the suffocating pressure that had settled there.
Your thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind, and you struggled to hold onto a semblance of control.
In the midst of the chaos, you desperately attempted to take a deep breath, but the air around you felt thin and elusive, slipping through your fingers like grains of sand.
Panic had taken hold, and you were caught in its relentless grip, unable to break free.
Your vision blurred as tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the edges of the room and making everything seem distant and surreal. 
The room, once filled with tense conversation, had now transformed into a suffocating void. You longed for a way out of this paralyzing panic that had seized you.
It was as though the walls were closing in, and the world had grown smaller, more claustrophobic.
With trembling fingers, you reached out for anything to ground you, clutching onto the edge of your patient’s bed. But the room continued to spin, and your legs felt unsteady beneath you
In the midst of your overwhelming panic, you suddenly felt a hand on your arm. It was a firm yet gentle touch. You looked up and Thomas' face slowly formed in front of you. 
"Y/N," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "Focus on your breathing, ey. In and out. You're going to be okay. You're going to ok"
His words cut through the chaos that had enveloped you, and you struggled to follow his guidance. He caressed your arms as he insctructed you.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. 
It felt like an eternity, but gradually, your breathing began to steady, and the world around you started to regain its shape.
Thomas continued to speak to you in hushed tones. His presence, once a source of tension, had now become a lifeline in your moment of need. He remained there, a calming presence, until your panic attack began to subside, and you could once again see the room clearly.
As the storm of panic receded, you felt a mix of emotions… embarrassment, relief, and a strange gratitude toward Thomas. You hadn't expected him to come to your aid, but in that moment, he had shown a side of himself you hadn't seen before.
After your breathing had steadied and the panic had subsided, Thomas remained by your side, his gaze filled with concern. He asked in a soft, genuinely worried tone, "Are you okay?"
You looked into his eyes, still filled with uncertainty and turmoil. You didn't have a straightforward answer. "I... I don't know," you admitted, your voice trembling.
Thomas regarded you with a mixture of concern and guilt. He had brought this unsettling chaos into your life, and it was evident in the way you now struggled to find your footing.
"I'm sorry," he confessed, his voice heavy with remorse.
You furrowed your brows and asked, "Are you?"
Thomas locked eyes with you, and for an instant, you glimpsed a flicker of vulnerability in his gaze. "Yes," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I didn't intend for any of this to happen to you." He gently brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, caressing your cheek. But as if awakening from a dream, he abruptly withdrew a step, putting distance between you.
You watched as he retreated. Instantly missing his touch. The tension in the room was palpable, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. There were questions about you two that hung in the air, unspoken but heavy with meaning. You wanted him to stay away. This was your wish. right? 
Finally, Thomas broke the silence, his voice softer than before. "I'll leave you to your work," he said, gesturing towards the patient you were examining. It was clear that he was stepping away not just physically but emotionally as well.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you... for helping."
As Thomas turned to leave, you couldn't help but question your own desires. Did you want him to stay away, as you had insisted? Or did you secretly crave his presence, despite the chaos and danger he seemed to bring into your life?
“Thomas” you called and he turned to you
“I’ll leave in two hours'” you said and took a deep breath “at least take him somewhere with a heart monitor… If he means anything to you… hire a nurse… i don’t know” 
he took the longest deep breath you’ve ever seen him take and then he nodded, before leaving the room.
@deanlovescassie @hellstears @randomfanfics02 @literishdegree99 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @hellstears @rito4ka @alexxavicry @atomicsoulcollecto @Violet_19999 @lyarr24 @woofgocows @milkshakelol @knowledgefulbutterfly @watercolorskyy @redhead7799 @star017 @stuckinmylittlebubble @bat-luna-cat @babaohhhriley @scullys—alienpussy @kassieesworld @deepangelstudentsworld @batgurl42 @starlitjellyfish @velenzia @lyarr24 @Sweetiecake180 @musicsweetie21 @lostgirl219 @slaypussypop-21 @nyenye @izzwizz774 @ooldcardigan @kielsegur @nikkialex @1nterstellarcha0s @mariamx1 @swingingmusicalfunnydragon @illuminwtesz @lazyylover
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keenzinemugstudent · 7 months
Miguel O'Hara x Black reader imagines 🔥⚠️smut⚠️🔥 I'm going to hell I swear
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okay im definitely going to hell for this what if you the reader aka Y/n had gave Miguel the most toe curling, mouth watering, the most sloppiest, bombastic soul sucking head ever? Okay look just hear me out just hear me out please?!
Dude hasn't jerked off in months because he's always busy working and keeping track of the spider-verse there's always something interrupting his time he never has enough free and he had just broke up with his girlfriend who he found out was cheating you are his bestfriend and help him with spider verse stuff he was at your house cause he found out you had a date and you wanted his advice on what to wear when you came out your bathroom he was actually half sleep but woke up to your soft voice to get his attention when he opened his eyes he nearly passed out seeing what you were considering wearing to your little date.
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"Well what do you think Miggy? Is it to much?"
He couldn't say anything but stare he runs his eyes down your body trying to understand the situation he almost forgot where and why he was here.
"W-where the hell did you get that?!"
Was the first thing he said making you shyly look at him hands behind your back causing him to let out a low moan seeing your chest sticking out a bit.
"It was a birthday gift from my sister."
Your the type of person to not wear flashy clothes he's always seen you in baggy clothes or pants with a Tshirt this was something Miguel has NEVER in his life seen you wear something like THAT he forgot who you even where that you were somebody else.
"Miguel you okay you look a bit flushed?"
You walk towards him heels clicking on the floor he just sat there watching your hips move as you walked you out a hand on his forehead than his cheek he was breathing hard trying not to stare to hard but you chest was right there in his face and your scent had smelt so good he felt his pants tighten
"I'm fine Y/n, don't worry"
You sure?
"Y-yes! And you look great who ever your going out with is lucky..."
He quickly looked away from you trying to focus his mind to elsewhere so you wouldn't see him getting hard, fuck he shouldn't have agreed to this it was bad enough he hasn't jerked out in weeks? Or was it longer than that now here he was helping you pick an outfit for a date he didn't even know about or who the lucky fucker was! He hated this shit but he cared about you so much when you asked he couldn't say no not to you of all people.
He felt your hands on his giving you a side eye you were sitting next to him still wearing the damn dress but had a worried look on your face.
"I appreciate you being here to help me pick out an outfit but I can tell how tired you are you need to rest."
You say moving a bit of hair out his face he closed his eyes at the close contact leaning into your tiny hand before opening his eyes taking a better look at you he always thought you were cute a pretty little thing but now he didn't know what to think and whenever he tried to think of you his thoughts went into really and I mean really dirty thoughts which involved you on your back legs wide open begging and pleading for him to do whatever he felt sick just thinking of you that way because you were an sweet and innocent girl he was a sick bastard.
"You can spent the night here use the guest room okay?"
"Yeah okay have fun on your date." He says standing by the door watching you grab your purse you than turned around to give him a smile giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"I'll try goodnight Miggy please rest." You wave goodbye closing the door behind you Miguel was left standing there with with a kiss mark on his cheek he wanted to die.
Later that night Miguel couldn't for the life of him sleep it was 11:40 at night you left at 9:20 he couldn't stop thinking about you and what you doing whenever he closed his eyes he saw you face smiling at him, kissing him or.....he let out a low groan feeling his dick hard as a rock he was alone he had time to himself so he might as well, he kicked off the covers removed his shirt because it was to hot to in the room than glared down at his phone grabbing it to looking through his gallery it was a picture of you smiling while staring at the camera, hugging him while he looked like a grumpy cat. Your words not his, it was Christmas one of the day's he hated but you invited him over to spend time together maybe that was when he started to like you more than just a friend. He took a deep breath trying to relax his thoughts went back to you in the dress that fit your body perfectly, he than starts to palm himself letting out low moans he shouldn't be doing this...he shouldn't be doing this but he just needed this so damn bad he closed his eyes and started to breathe heavy the imagine of you popped in his head. You on your knees looking up at him with those dark beautiful eyes a cute pout on your lips.
"Miggy pls let me have a taste~"
"Y-y/n oh baby..."
He took off his shorts and his dick slapped his stomach it was already leaking the head was red and angry he slowly started to stroke himself eyes closed breathing hard starting imagining you on your back looking at him with tears in your dark brown eyes staring up at him, dark braided hair all over the place while sweat covering your body a smile on your lips.
"Miggy I love you please touch me more."
He stroke himself faster biting his lip, even if it wasn't real the thought of you saying that to him made him shiver.
"Y/n I love you oh dios I love you so much." He was so focused on pleasing himself he didn't hear the door open or the tiny gasp.
His eyes went wide turning his head fast to see you standing there eyes wide you there looking at him, you were home oh shit! He couldn't say anything he was frozen in place he was so focus on pleasing himself that he did not hear you come in he quickly grab the cover to hide his lower half while looked down at the ground in embarrassment and shame.
"Fuck I didn't...i didn't hear you fuck Im sorry I'm so sorry Y/n."
You stand in front of him but he refused to look up into your eyes he was embarrassed.
You grab his chin making him look at you your face held embarrassment but also something else he couldn't tell he couldn't even focus because you started playing with his hair making him let out tiny moans he always loved when you played with his hair.
"Where you thinking about me?"
"What were you thinking dear?"
He couldn't say anything but felt a gentle tug at his hair making him give out a low groan.
"You...I was thinking about you...dios, siempre tengo pensamientos de tocarte bebé." (god i always have thoughts of touching you baby.")
You didn't say anything but lean forward to kiss his forehead, his cheek than give a tiny kiss on his lips making him gasp surprised that you kissed him and how soft your lips were. Before he could respond back she pulled away from him turning on the lamp making him see he could see that you were flushed it was cute.
"The person I went on a date he...he didn't show.
He let out a growl before he could say anything you smile at him.
"But that's okay. I'd rather be here with you."
You reached behind your back to unzip your dress slowly removing your clothes he just stares feeling himself getting hard all over again, you now stood in front of him in only your black and red underwear you shyly looked at him grabbing his hand his hand was bigger than yours putting it on your chest he could feel how fast your heart was beating you were nervous but also excited.
"Miguel I really care about you."
He stared up at you before he knew it his hand moved on it's own and gently grasps your chest making you let out a small gasp.
"Is this okay?"
"Y-yes it's fine."
He brought you closer to him to were your chest was directly in his face pulling your bra down to show a harden nipple he gently touched it with his thumb she gives a low moan hands on his broad shoulders shivering at the slight touch, you sounded so cute he thought to himself before wrapping his lip around the nub making her close her eyes leaning her head back a bit he sucked gently and desperate like a newborn baby wanting it's mother's milk while sucking on your left nipple he hand removed your bra completely throwing it across the room all he cared about was making more cute nosies come out your mouth his hands wonder around he have your back side a firm grip Miguel wasn't gonna lie he's took a couple of glances at your ass it was so cute and round like a peach if he could he'd take a bite out of your ass if not for his fangs but the thought of his fangs piercing your skin excited him to the point he sucked harder on your nipple causing the noises leaving your mouth to to increase louder, which probably disturbed your neighbors but at the moment neither of you cared.
"M-miggy please."
"oh cariño you are to good to me."
You grab his face and kiss him he leans up to deepen the kiss he responds quickly hands on your hips his senses were all over the place he could smell you all around the room it was slow and gentle he tires to pull you in his lap but you stopped him making he frown thinking he'd moved to fast.
"I'm sorry i am moving too fast?" You didn't say anything but give him another peck on the lips than move down to his neck all the way down his chest he was breathing heavily hands on the bed watching your every move you were now in front of his covered cock biting your bottom lip making him let out a deep growl in the back of his throat.
"I want to try something if that's okay?"
He nods and you remove the cover and whimper seeing the cock in your face he knew he was big that was for sure it was leaking precum making you rub your legs together Miguel speaking got your attention.
"You okay?"
"Y-yes it's just I'm not sure if it'll fit in my mouth."
His eyes went wide he didn't think you'd do that give him a hand job sure but your mouth?!
"You don't have too."
You just ignored his words grabbing a hair tie that was on the stand and put your braided hair up you let out shaky breath leaning down giving the head a kiss than started to slowly lick and sucking on him causing loud moans to leave the man's mouth.
"Ahh fuck!" He threw his head back eyes closed losing himself to your lips on him he didn't think this was real, that is was all just a dream, a good dream at that, god it felt so good he looks down and saw you taking him fully inside her mouth it was a struggle because she's never taken someone so big in her mouth before and Miguel was pretty big you looked up at him with teary eyes he stares back breathing heavily eyes red and fangs poking out his mouth wide open trying to speak.
"Fuck mi amor you don't ah have too ahh fuck!"
You just ignored him taking him down your throat you gagged a bit but it was okay you breath through your nose trying to concentrate he grabbed your hair keeping you in place than once you started moving your head he let out moans and whimpered as your held his waist down forcing him to stand in place.
"Fuck oh fuck yes mi amor just like that please just like that."
You sucked faster bobbing you head up and down Miguel eyes were wide seeing how you were taking him he held on to your shoulder trying to get you to slow down he was breathing hard trying to stay focus but he couldn't, it felt amazing hell his thighs were shaking from the insane blowjob you were going him he could see the drool going down your chin he felt so helpless.
"W-wait not so f-fast! ¡Ay, carajo, ay, Dios mío, mami, por favor!" (Oh fuck, oh my god mommy please!)
You just looked up at him with a glazed look in your eyes seeing how desperate Miguel looked he leaned back on the bed covering his face murmurs of spanish leaving his lips chest moving up and down mouth wide open you could see his fangs drool was rolling down his chin from the intense pleasure you were giving him and you couldn't help but let out a hmmm making the vibration go through his cock making him clench the sheets and look at you wide eyes tears in his eyes.
"Your amazing so amazing, oh fuck why didn't I do this sooner oh fuck me!"
He uses all his strength to stand puts a hand in your hair thrusting his hips up making you gag but keep going now you definitely sure your neighbors heard all the lewd noises you two were making but who cares about them?
"I-i'm so close please let me cum down your throat please mi diosa!" (my goddess)
You pull him closer towards you wrapping your arms around his waist nails digging into his cheeks making him wince he knew he was definitely have marks from that but couldn't careless it would be a remember that his was yours, he keep thrusting his hips using your mouth he felt his talons come out and had to remove his hands from your head and lean on the wall for support leaving claw marks on the walls
"Te amo, te amo tanto, mi diosa, mi ángel." (I love you, i love you so much, my goddess, my angel)
The words leaving his mouth like it was a prayer he closed his eyes tight feeling himself close to the edge.
"A-ahh fuckkk!"
He came hard you whimper it was so much and some went down your chin. You released him from your mouth with a pop looking at him with a flush face and teary eyes he fell backwards on the bed he was drained but he grab his shirt that was next to him gently wiping his cum off your face.
"You okay?"
you just give a nod he lets out a sigh pulling you up from the floor in his arms laying on the bed than leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead.
"We need a shower Miggy."
"Later I just want to hold you baby."
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pretty sure I got some of the words wrong if so pls tell me so I can fix! I made after the movie came out so it's pretty old
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jennay · 6 months
That's my Spot
An: Just some cute fluff no warnings.
Summary: Jolly and Reader keep running into each other at a local cafe.
If you want to be tagged in Jolly stuff let me know!i
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For a week, you had been caught in a silent flirtation. Every day, you would enter the coffee shop, plug in your laptop and phone, and order your usual drink.
He would be there, too, sitting by the cozy fireplace with a book in his hand. He had long, straight hair that fell down the sides of his cheeks and a black sweater with a band logo that gave him a rock star vibe. He always wore sunglasses when he came in but would take them off as soon as he opened his book.
You wondered what color his eyes were and what kind of books he liked to read. You also wondered what his name was and what he did for a living. Was he a student, a writer, a musician, or something else?
Sometimes, your eyes would meet and linger, but neither of you would say anything. You had work to do, and he had his reading. You wanted to talk to him, but you kept telling yourself that he was just a fellow coffee lover and only being friendly because you saw each other so often.
You didn't want to make a fool of yourself by approaching him and finding out he had a girlfriend, or worse, he wasn't interested in you. You were too shy to make the first move and hoped he would do it someday.
Out of the corner of your eye, you admired him. You thought stupid things like, how long did it take to grow his hair that long? Why did he always come in looking like a rock star? Why did he wear sunglasses inside until he started to read? What was his choice of drink, and who reads as much as he does?
You imagined he was a deep thinker, a passionate reader, a mysterious stranger. You wanted to know more about him but didn't know how to start a conversation.
You quietly giggle, hiding your face behind your laptop as you read your emails. The most silly part was he made you think all these things without even saying a word to you. He had a power over you, a magnetic attraction that drew you to him. You felt a flutter in your stomach every time you saw him and a warmth in your cheeks whenever he looked at you.
You stood up, leaving your things unattended; you'd been here so many times you weren't worried about people stealing your things. You'd been going here off and on for over a year. You were addicted to the atmosphere and how the Barista always knew your name. You loved that they could have your order going when they saw you. You mostly loved that you always got your seat by the window to watch everyone walking by; you were curious about their lives even if you'd never know.
"Vanilla Latte?" The Barista asks.
You nod your head, "Of course." You smile, "Can I have it iced today?"
He smiles widely, "Oh?" He questions, "We're switching things up I see. What's the occasion?"
You shrug your shoulders, "I just feel like being spontaneous. Maybe I'm sick." You joke. "That was a bad joke." You nervously laugh, "I don't have covid or anything like that." You take a deep breath, "I'm gonna stand over here in shame now." You shake your head, thoroughly embarrassed by your actions. You wondered if people could tell you didn't get out much. You heard snickering from where your mystery guy sat, but he dug his nose back in his book when you looked over. Cool. You thought you made an ass out of yourself, and people heard it.
The Barista calls your name, and you thank him for your drink. Your cheeks are red as you walk back to your spot; you hide your face in your laptop, never wanting to be seen again. You sip your iced vanilla latte and try to focus on your work, but you can't help stealing glances at him. You wonder if he thinks about you outside this place like you did about him.
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You returned to the café, as you did every weekday morning, following your unbreakable routine. Today, you skipped the coffee line. You skipped everything, even though you had planned on treating yourself to a latte as soon as your meeting was over.
You only had about five minutes to set up your laptop and join the online chat. You couldn't afford to be late, even though you desperately craved your caffeine fix.
You froze in your tracks, seeing him sitting at your table. The one by the window, with the power outlet and the cozy cushion. The one that you always occupied, without fail. The one that kept you sane in the midst of your hectic schedule.
You had difficulty adapting to change, and it was about to show. You didn't have time to confront him. You didn't have time to politely ask him to move, not that you would. You were not the type to cause a scene, and you didn't have any claim to the damn spot.
Instead, you settled for the table across from him, feeling panic as you tossed all your belongings on the table and hastily plugged your laptop in. You put your headphones on and press the speak button on your mic. "Yep, I'm ready when you guys are." You said in a rushed tone. "Go ahead whenever you're ready. I'll be in the background and let you know if I hear anything odd on the recording." You assured your coworker.
You tilted your head back, staring at the ceiling. You felt like a fool as you shifted your legs around; you even attempted to put your legs over the chair beside you and lean against the wall while you listened to them talk. You gave up on sitting comfortably. Your eyes met his, and you gave him a small smile, finally noticing that his eyes were a deep shade of brown. "Nope," you said. "It still sounds clear on this end."
You tap your fingers nervously on the table, feeling restless and annoyed by the people standing behind you and everyone who keeps passing you. It was distracting. You couldn't focus on the meeting, which was already boring enough. You wondered why you had to attend this online conference when you could have just watched the recording later. You had no interest in the topic and didn't know anyone else in the virtual room. You felt like you were wasting your time.
You put your hands in your lap and close your eyes, trying to ignore everything as you continue to listen. The speaker droned on and on, using jargon and acronyms that made no sense to you.
You wished you could mute him or, better yet, leave the meeting. But you had to stay because your boss expected you to. You sighed, hoping the session would end soon.
Your eyes snap open when you hear something set on your table. You stare down at the cup in front of you and see him walking back to his table.
You peek over your laptop to see him smile as he sits down again. You smile like a child, thankful for your gift. You mouth thank you to him and take a sip of your coffee; he knows your order.
It shouldn't feel as special as it did, but no one seemed to remember small details about you, and this was new.
He had never done anything like this before. He had never acknowledged you except for the occasional eye contact and nod. He had never spoken to you or even asked your name. He had never shown any sign that he noticed or cared about you.
But now, he had bought you a coffee. He had made a gesture that said he wanted to connect with you. He had made you feel something you hadn't felt in a long time. He had made you happy.
It's not until fifteen minutes later, when you're ending your meeting that you see writing on the cup, not just an order but something he'd written. "Sorry, I took your spot. Come sit with me?" You read the words, and your mouth slightly drops. Was this actually happening? Was he inviting you to join him? Was he interested in you? You bite your lip, hoping he'll be there when the meeting ends.
When the time comes, you take a deep breath, thankful to be done, and you see him still sitting there; this time, he's scrolling on his phone.
You feel excitement and nervousness as you decide to approach him. You quietly pack up your belongings and head towards him. You stop at the table before sitting and say, "Is it still ok if I sit?"
He looks up and smiles, his eyes sparkling. He nods and gestures for you to join him. "Of course, please sit. I've been waiting for you." He says, his voice warm and inviting.
You feel a glow in your chest when he smiles at you. He gently puts his hand out to introduce himself to you. "I'm Joakim, but my friends call me Jolly." He says, his name sounding exotic and charming.
You quickly notice his accent. You extend your hand and feel electricity when he touches it. "I'm y/n…and that's what everyone calls me." You say, trying to sound casual. You laugh nervously. "Thank you for the coffee."
His brown eyes watch you curiously as if he wants to know everything about you. "It's the least I could do for taking your spot." He says, his tone is playful and apologetic.
You shrug and smile. "It's ok, it's not like it has my name on it or anything." You say, pretending to be cool with it. You set your bag next to your feet. "But please don't make me sit over there again." You say, pointing to the noisy and crowded area where you had your meeting. You laugh, hoping he'll laugh with you.
He nods. "I promise I won't. I'll save this spot for you if you want." He says, his eyes twinkling. "Or better yet, why don't you sit with me next time? I'd love to have some company." He says, his voice lowering and his smile turning into a smirk. "You know we could even spend some time outside of the cafe together."
You feel your face heat up and your heart race. You bite your lip and look into his eyes. You see a hint of nervousness and a lot of interest.
You nod and smile back. "I'd like that."
You think this might be the beginning of something extraordinary. You think this is fate.
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Not Enough (Tighnari)
..... I wrote something??? I WROTE SOMETHING?? It's a bit different from my other Not Enough fics, but I thought it'd fit too!
I've never talked about it here. I've been living with chronic pain for nine years now, mostly in my knees, but it affect a lot of my joints. I can't get a diagnosis, doctors don't know what is wrong with me and I am tired of being in pain. So what do you do in these cases? You write something to vent (yes, it is kind of a little vent)! Anyway, I might make one with Kaeya later just because .3.
I'm off to take painkillers and try to sleep now!
The Sun was already high in the sky, entering your bedroom through the window’s opened curtains.  Yet, there you were, still lying in bed. You were in bed, but you were far from asleep. In fact. you had woken up during the middle of the night, because of the pain, and you couldn’t fall back asleep. But you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed, or even sit up on the soft mattress; everything hurt so much. So there you were, eyes closed, trying to focus on something else.   Soon enough, you heard a knock at the door of your room. Tighnari’s voice was heard, calling out for you: 
“Y/N, we’re leaving soon for today’s patrol! Don’t be late!”
“I’m almost ready Tighnari, don’t worry!” you answered, finally opening your eyes. 
 You slowly sat up, every single muscle and joint in your body protesting. By this point, you were almost late, there was no time for you to eat. It wasn’t as if you were hungry anyway, the pain made it so your appetite was greatly reduced. You threw on your uniform and went outside. Tighnari had already started giving out the instructions for the day, so you joined the group, who was listening to him. By now, he was almost done assigning the route and partners. Hopefully, you didn’t miss your name… 
“And Y/N, you’ll be with me today. We’ll simply check the emergency food supplies around the trails.” 
 Working with Tighnari gave you mixed feelings. On one hand, you knew him well and knew how to act around him so he wouldn’t suspect a thing. On the other hand… He is extremely observant. If you did so much as moving your pinkie finger the wrong way, he’d notice immediately. Thus, hiding your pain from him would require you to play your role perfectly. Well, you weren’t too stressed about it. After all, this is what you had been doing for quite a while now, and no one noticed. You weren’t about to let others know today. And so, the other rangers left to their tasks, and you started following Tighnari to the first emergency food hideout. 
“Are you feeling okay? I didn’t see you come out for breakfast today.” Tighnari asked. 
 You were looking at your feet, but quickly looked up to look at him in the eyes, forcing a small smile on your face. 
“Yes, I’m fine! There’s no need to worry about me, master Tighnari. I just went to bed rather late last night, I slept in.” 
 Tighnari simply nodded at your words. He focused his attention on the trail, careful to avoid roots coming out of the ground. You followed his steps. 
“You know you can always come to me if you’re feeling unwell, right? After all, it is my duty to make sure you are safe.” 
“I know…” 
 You had overestimated your energy, and used it really quickly. Usually, you could go through your tasks without any problems. But today was different. The pain was too much, you had no energy and you felt horribly sick. The world was spinning and you felt lightheaded. As Tighnari was adding food in the hideout, you focused your attention on a bright, blue flower. Breathing in, breathing out. In, out. In, out. In, out… 
 You jumped back as you felt a hand squeezing your shoulder lightly. You turned around quickly. Your eyes met Tighnari’s, he seemed to look at you with a worried expression. 
“Are you okay? I’ve called your name a few times, but you didn’t answer.”
“O-Oh yeah, I’m fine! Don’t worry about me!” you answered with a forced smile.
 You always forced smiles, but this one was painful. The world was spinning faster and faster around you, making you feel sick. The pain was becoming unbearable, you swallowed back tears. Tighnari’s lips moved to say something, yet you heard nothing. None of the words reached your ears, as the ringing became too much. You tried to tell him, once again, that you were fine. But before you could say anything, you felt your legs giving up and everything became black.
You didn’t dream about anything. You were just there floating in a dark sea. But even unconscious, you could feel the pain radiating in your entire body. You wished passing out would have at least stopped the pain for a while… Soon enough, you started to hear faint voices. Someone asking someone else to get them as soon as you’d wake up. The door closing softly as someone left. And a cold cloth being put down gently on your forehead. You didn’t even notice you had a fever. A few more minutes passed, and you were finally able to open your eyes. 
“Ah, Y/N! You’re awake! I’ll go get master Tighnari, he’s super worried about you…!” 
 Before you could protest or anything, the young girl got up and left quickly. A few minutes later, the door opened again, but only Tighnari entered the room. You tried to sit up in bed, but he stopped you quickly, with a hand on your shoulder. 
 “It’d be better if you stayed laying down. You hit your head pretty hard when you went down.” 
“Ah… I’m sorry about that, it won’t happen again…” 
You didn’t dare to look at him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?”
 But his question surprised you. So much so, you snapped your head up to look at him. 
“Tell you what?” you denied. 
“About your pain.” 
“Pain? What pain?” 
“Y/N.” his tone was serious. “You’ve been acting weird for a few weeks now. You don’t have to deny it” 
Some tears started to fall from your eyes as you managed to answer something. 
“Because I’m not weak…” 
Tighnari took a few seconds, simply looking at you. Finally, he sighed and sat down, on the chair next to your bed. 
 “I know you’re not weak Y/N. But you can’t possibly win this battle alone. You know I care about you, right? And I want you to be okay. You can’t keep on going on like that. You’ll only hurt yourself more. Now, let me help you.”
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dokidokitsuna · 3 months
...I just remembered I wanted to make my own statement on the AI thing. ^^;
So you've probably heard, but in case you haven't: Tumblr just sold out everyone's data to the AI trash compactors, they probably did it long before they gave us the option to opt out, and even if you do opt out they're probably still taking and using your work anyway (telling people to opt out instead of actually asking for their permission is already scummy business practice, but when it comes to AI it's functionally meaningless. :/ It's always "well, we're telling them not to use these people's data and we're hoping they'll be nice and go along with it" with no regulations or consequences if they decide to just steal everything indiscriminately...)
Despite that, I am not leaving Tumblr anytime soon. I'm looking into other sites*, but at this moment in time, I have nowhere else to go. ^^; Besides, I still like it here. When I left DeviantArt I was already getting sick of the place, having my art stolen regularly by "fans" and paradoxically getting less and less interest in my work over time. By the time the devs turned the website into eye-blinding slop with Eclipse, I was more than ready to move on.
But I still enjoy using Tumblr. I like writing long text posts that no one would bother to read anywhere else, I like answering asks, and I like the unique sense of humor and style among the users here. ^^ It would take a lot to force me out.
Also, I can take a little solace in the fact that AI-bros do not value "low-quality" art like mine. ^^; If messy cel-shaded sketches with visible pixels ever become popular, then I'll worry, but for now I think it's highly unlikely that anyone will want to wholesale regurgitate my art. If anything, I think prioritizing it in their datasets would only make them worse...and on that note, if you do have "high quality" detailed/painterly/semi-realistic art that would be targeted, I'd recommend 'poisoning' it with Nightshade/Glaze. Although I heard a rumor a while back that AI is "building immunity" to Nightshade and already learning to work around it, but I'm really hoping that was just a wishful lie from the trash compactors themselves. I haven't heard it repeated since then, so I think it's still worth a shot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So anyway, like the post I reblogged said, I think the best thing we can do now is to make it clear that WE DON'T WANT AI ART. We don't care how easy it'll be to instantly generate thousands of hours of mindless 'content' to look at; we don't want it. Since regulation is lagging so far behind (wanna know why Disney's copyright hounds didn't shut this down on sight? Most likely, they're hoping to profit from it down the line) the only way to fight this right now is with individual litigation and consumer demand.
Don't support projects made with AI**; don't hate-watch them or spotlight them. Focus your energy on the millions of human artists who are still here, and need your support now more than ever.
*I've heard people mention moving to Twitter and/or Artstation: fam, you're jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. ^^;;; IIRC, Arstation was one of the FIRST art sites to start flirting with AI, and Twitter has been selling off its users' data for several months already. Go there if you must, but don't go under the impression that it's "safer".
**Please keep a cool head when discussing AI art, and keep in mind that it used to mean something other than "mass theft". Artists have and still do create AI tools that are built on limited data sets with permission/compensation, that are used to aid them in their work and encourage human artistry (Vocaloids and DAW's, for instance) rather than stamp it out. Until a specific word evolves into popular use for exploitative AI, we're kinda stuck with this confusion, so remember to get the facts before you speak out.
P.S. Praying every night that this is a dumb fad that will soon die and go to the same hell as NFTs. >_< Praying every morning that the influx of AI art into its own datasets will eventually corrupt itself and make it useless. >_< >_< Praying every afternoon for both at once! >_< >_< >_< Like to charge, reblog to cast, all that
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drpeppertummy · 19 days
"you should really eat something"
[very mild hunger, he eats at the end]
"You should really eat something," said Keonda, giving Max's rumbling tummy a playful nudge. It had been chittering away all morning, insufficiently funded by a tiny breakfast and now aching for lunch.
"I can't," he said, looking around. "My nerves are all riled up."
"And starving yourself's gonna help?"
"No, it's gonna make me irate and antsy. But I got no appetite." Keonda rolled her eyes.
"They have a food court," she insisted, tugging on his arm. "You could get something small. Come on, Kestler, I'm sick of listening to your stomach. Let's go!"
"I'll come along with you," he relented, and he could barely right himself from the post he was leaning against before she dragged him down the walkway.
Max was the type to lose his appetite when he was stressed out, and you could put together some fair assumptions about him with nothing but that bit of information and his scrawny figure to go off of. He was a bundle of nerves on the best of days, but field trips really threw him off. With his principal being such a jerkoff, pretty much all of the organizing fell entirely upon him, as did about a billion questions from teachers and parents and students alike, as did keeping track of everybody and all their crap, as did just about everything else in the world.
The gluten free options at the zoo's food court were limited, but, after some prodding from his younger colleague, he gave in and got himself a piece of grilled chicken. He had, of course, brought his own lunch, but Keonda knew there would be no persuading him to go fish it off the bus when he had no intention of eating it. She got herself a crappy-looking piece of pizza, and they found a table outside to eat at.
"Can't you sit down? Nobody's gonna die if you focus on your chicken for a second," said Keonda, looking up at her nervous vice principal, who was standing awkwardly beside the bench. "Come on, there's nothing to see. They probably all fell into the lion enclosure by now anyway."
"You are so not funny," said Max, unable to keep the corner of his mouth from creeping up.
"Is that a smile? It looks like a smile," she teased, poking him in the side with her unopened fork. "Come on, Kestler, sit your ass down and relax for half a second." Rolling his eyes, he gave in and sat across from her.
Admittedly, the chicken looked decent, and his appetite perked back up a little at the smell of it. Even across the table in the noisy seating area, Keonda could hear his belly rumble. She gave him an amused smile.
"Shut up," he said, a tiny smile materializing on his own face.
"Eat your lunch, Kestler," she laughed.
It was a tremendous relief for Max's empty stomach when he finally dug into the chicken, and his mouth wasn't disappointed either. He slowly felt better as he ate; the anxiety remained, but his overall achiness and moodiness began to improve before long.
"This pizza sucks," said Keonda. "You're lucky I can't make you try it."
"You want some chicken? It's pretty good."
"No!" she exclaimed, laughing. "You have to eat it!"
"You are so bossy," he said, grinning.
It wasn't a particularly big piece of chicken, but Max didn't have a particularly big stomach, and by the time he was finished, he felt pleasantly stuffed. In fact, he almost didn't finish the entire piece, worrying that the last few bites would push him over the edge, but, thankfully, they didn't. Keonda opted not to finish her pizza, unimpressed by the quality, but that was alright; she had a snack thrown into the box of lunches if she needed it, and she'd likely get a popsicle or something later.
"Now, aren't you glad you ate?"
"I guess so," said Max.
"'I guess so.' You are so stubborn," said Keonda, feigning exasperation, and he smiled at her.
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mustainegf · 2 months
not sure if this is too specific, but could you do a fic where the reader is nervous/a little "scared" of having sex and Dave comforts/reassures her and is like really gentle and praises her? :)
This is real asf, hope I did it justice!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Daves warm lips pressed loving kisses to my neck, showing extra attention to my sensitive spots.
There was a churning nervous feeling in my stomach, Me and Dave had never really had sex before. It's not that I didn't want to, I wanted it more than anything, but I couldn't help but wonder how he'd react to my body, the body I wasn't particularly a fan of.
I thought about how things could go wrong and what he'd think of me. Would he like me? And would he be repulsed by my scars and stretch marks?
Dave lifted his head to look at me, reading the uneasiness in my eyes. "What's wrong? You went quiet," Dave said gently.
I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't push me any further for an explanation. "Nothing," I said softly.
He kissed me again. "I know something is wrong. Tell me." I sighed, knowing he wouldn't drop it until I did.
I chewed on my lower lip nervously. "It's just that... Well, this is the first time we have ever done this.
And I don't want you to regret it afterward," I finally managed to say. "Why would I regret it?"
I gulped hard, unsure of how to answer. "I just haven't had a lot of sex... and I'm not the prettiest in the world either," I whispered, brushing my fingertips over his stubbled cheek.
Dave's eyes softened. "Honey, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever known. But uh, if you're scared about the experience thing, we don't have to,"
I shook my head slightly. "No, no, I want to," I told him softly. "I'll be gentle," Dave nodded.
"I've got you," he whispered, positioning himself up with his arms by my head.
As I looked into his warm brown eyes, I felt all the butterflies in my stomach flutter around, making me feel both sick and excited.
I exhaled slowly, realizing Dave was the sweetest person I knew, sure he had a fiery outer shell, but on the inside he really was just a big softy. He'd never do anything to hurt me.
"Relax," he said, "I promise I won't hurt you. All right?" I bit my lip as I looked at him, knowing I trusted him completely.
I gave a nod of agreement and closed my eyes tight, trying to focus on something else other than the nervous thoughts running through my mind.
"Are you ready sweetheart?" He whispered into my ear, pulling me close and snuggling into me.
My heart raced so fast I swore it was going to fly out of my chest. "Yeah.." I whispered, keeping my eyes shut gently.
He kissed me once more and then entered me in one swift move. I let out a small gasp. He immediately stilled, giving me a moment to adjust to the sudden invasion.
When I felt he was far enough inside, he began moving. Our kisses grew feverish as he moved deeper. "You okay baby?" He asked in between kisses. I nodded against his mouth, not wanting to break our kiss. "You're doing so good, sweetheart," he whispered, his hips moving smooth as butter.
I wasn't too sure why I was so afraid, the feeling was pure euphoria. "Mh- Dave..." I whimpered, burying my hand in his soft hair as he cuddled into me.
"I told you everything would be okay," he chuckled softly, slowly making love to me.
Everything was at Peace, and just the feeling of him inside of me was overwhelming.
"God, I love you," I whispered into his hair, holding him even tighter against me. His pace quickened and he moaned, his rhythm becoming faster.
"I love you too, honey," he growled, his lips finding mine in a frenzied kiss.
"You're taking it so good, such a good girl," he praised softly between heaving breaths.
I wanted him to keep going forever, I never wanted this to end.
The sensation was incredible, and the heat building within me made me crave more. I lifted my hips, meeting his thrusts.
"You're doing so good. Keep taking it ... just like that." His words were enough to make my bad clench.
"I can tell you're close, that's it, just let go. Let yourself feel good," he held me tighter, continuing his sweet love making.
"Come on, cum with me. That's it," he urged, speeding up his movements. "Yes!" I cried, losing myself in his grasp, his name falling from my lips.
He gave a deep groan, and followed soon after.
Dave pulled out, giving only a few strokes before he was spurting cum onto my heaving stomach.
"You were perfect for me, my love," Dave smiled, collapsing beside me.
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