#i'm jumping to the ceiling from happiness while working on them *w*
rudnitskaia · 3 months
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Part 2/3, number 15 from that question list, asked by @ahhhh-118!
Thank you so much for your interest and for the opportunity to develop such interesting topics, it's such a pleasure to work on these asks! ✨💖✨
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eth4nsknife · 1 year
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. friday night. [jack champion x reader]
── "thank you, my love."
summary: with jack’s busy filming schedule, it was hard for you and him to spend time together. you missed his cute brown curls, his soft cuddles, his perfect smile. you missed him. but you had a great idea.
warnings: none, just fluff! 💞
a/n: this is my first time doing this so i'm sorry if it's bad or contains any errors 😅
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jack’s phone buzzed in his pocket. his face lit up when he saw your name show up on the screen. he picked it up on the first ring. 
“hi, my love!” he exclaimed. 
“hey! how are you?”
“i’m doing great because you called” he said gleefully
you blushed and let out a giggle at his comment. “you’re so adorable. are you busy right now? i have something in mind for us.”
“i’m free for like..” he paused. “2 minutes.” he chuckled awkwardly. “tell me what you’re thinking about.”
“that’s alright. ok so i know you’re pretty busy nowdays and i barely see you, which i really hate because i miss your dorky face.”
he chuckled.
“sooo how about this friday night, we just stay at home and watch our favorite movies or something? we can take turns picking. i could buy your favorite snacks and candies, maybe we could have some popcorn—“
“i’d love to” he said softly. he did a little happy dance until he heard someone call his name. “aw i got to go, love. i wish i could talk to you more.”
“it’s ok! you’re busy i get it. i’m so excited for friday.” you smiled widely. ”alright, i’ll let you go. love you! text me when you can alright?” you blew kisses to the phone.
“love you more. i promise i’ll text you. bye!” he said as he hung up. although he was sad that he had to go, jack loved hearing your voice even if it was just for a second.
——— ——— 
you had just finished setting up when you heard the rhythimic knock that jack made up when you guys first started dating on your apartment door. you jumped up with joy and ran to the door. as soon as you opened it, you jumped into his arms. 
“i missed you so much, sweetheart.” you mumbled. he lowered his arms to wrap them around your waist and squezzed you tight. 
“me too, love” he kissed the top of your head and you smiled softly.
“cmon let’s go! close your eyes though, alright?” you said as you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. 
“wait w—“ but before he could finish, you covered his eyes with your hand as you guided him to the living room. slowly removing your hand, jack opened his eyes and gasped at the room. fairy lights hung across the ceiling and around the tv. his favorite snacks and candies placed carefully and neatly in a tray. a blanket fort in the middle with a ton of pillows inside. 
“lately you’ve been working non stop and i know you’re super tired, so i figured you needed a break.” you blushed. jack picked you up and gave you a huge kiss on your lips. 
“i don’t even know what to say. thank you so much, y/n.” he kisses you all over your face, which tickles you. 
“j-jack stop!!” you say while you bust out laughing. 
he puts you down and he gives you one more kiss before you let go and run to your room. you return with a cute pair of matching hello kitty pjs. 
“look what i bought us..” you smile mischivelousy. 
jack sighed and said “i’ll wear it just for you.” you jump up in joy, run up to him and hand him the pjs. 
“go change out of your dirty clothes.” you giggle as you walk to your room
after you both changed into your pjs, you sit down in the fort and choose a movie to watch. “i’ll let you pick a movie first” you say. 
“you sure? you should pick since you’re the one who planned all this.”
“you’re the guest of honor though” you said. he paused for a moment, then let out a big sigh and shook his head. “finee.” he took the remote from your hands and searched for something to watch.
after about 10 minutes or so, jack finally picked a movie. star wars. you placed your head on his shoulder while he was munching on some snacks with one hand, and holding on to your waist with the other. he started rambling about star wars lore for almost half the movie, but you weren’t complaning. you loved when he rambled. you thought it was cute.
“y/n?” jack said as he turned his head towards you. you didn’t even realize that you had fallen asleep. “oh i’m sorry” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes. you felt so bad for falling asleep on him like that. “no no, don’t be sorry love. you must be tired after doing all this.” he cupped his hands on your cheeks. “thank you for everything. i loved it” he gave you a soft smile and kissed your forehead. he layed your head on his lap, and you slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“i love you forever and always, y/n.”
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mlobsters · 1 month
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supernatural s1e1 pilot (w. eric kripke)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
because my brain is jacked up, i'm weirdly anxious about rewatching the show even though that's been The Plan for months. i watched 15x20 a week (plus) ago and every time i think about starting over at the pilot and writing them up proper like i did around s4-5 onward, my chest kind of clenches up and i look for literally anything else to do. i am worried about having feelings that i'm not prepared to deal with. which is fucking ridiculous.
hold onto your butts, this is gonna be a long fucking post
i've mentioned before that babies in peril is my number 1 hard stop on media -- i stopped watching killing eve mid-episode because of one and never went back to it (i intended to but never happened, brain weasels make everything hard.) so i know the very first time i tried to watch spn (several years ago) i almost turned it off because of little baby sam. that first attempt at watching i wasn't actually fully paying attention, i had it on while i was doing other things and so i missed all the character stuff and only saw it as kind of a mid horror schlocky situation so i never finished the first season back then. when i gave it another go in early 2023, i was giving it my full attention.
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one thing this show always got? the cutest, happiest, sweetest babies. 10/10 would recommend
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already freaking out how young everyone is and happy clean shaven john is extra wild
demon growl sound effect / padalecki's accent & jerk bitch moment
hey, it's the first instance of the demon growl noise when mary's burning on the ceiling! ooh i'm gonna be even more insufferable about the musical score and sound effects now that i'm listening for it from the jump
also i have called padalecki's accent/speech pattern the crispy r based on some tiktok i heard describing it that way - i associate it with california (but these clips are almost the opposite where the R is getting almost eliminated but not in the boston accent way), and i'd say maybe it was a choice but i think he spoke this way in gilmore girls too? but anyway, his Rs are just very different and it's a very particular and kind of subtle accent that definitely doesn't carry through the entire series ("bear it" in the second clip, the "sorry" in the third). i mentioned it when they had a clip of a moment from 1x10 as well in the pre-ep recap for 5x09
really well done and effective effects on that fire in the nursery
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so this picture made it out of the lawrence fire (it was on mary's nightstand) but not the stanford one? i don't recall it being in the collection
i never really understood where sam was supposed to be timeline-wise in college, other than he must not have graduated because it was october? so there's me googling when you take the LSAT. so he could have (assuming it hasn't changed that much since 2005) taken it in june or october of the calendar year before he graduated. all right so that makes sense now that i think about it for more than 30 seconds. so he didn't finish his last year really of his bachelor's. and he's 22. i think in that alex irvine john winchester diary novel thing (don't think that that's considered canon but that's a whole other can of worms), it said sam graduated high school at 19 instead of 18 so i think that would make things line up (someone made a timeline that also includes everything in that novel but the post is loudly wncest dni so i won't link it). i do know it was just a mistake that the pilot said sam had been gone 2 years.
the ever useful canon discrepancies article at superwiki:
One of the most frequently debated potential canon discrepancies. Here are the facts: - In the 1.01 Pilot, Sam is about to be interviewed for law school, which could work on the assumption that he's just about to finish a bachelor degree (4 years). Dean also says that he hasn't spoken to Sam in "nearly two years." - In 1.03 Dead in the Water, Dean tells Sam that he spent "Every day for two years with Dad, while you were going to pep rallies." - In 1.07 Hook Man, Dean says "So this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?" when they are researching in the library. - The original promo dates Mary's death to September 13, 1985, consistent with Sam being twenty and having been at Stanford for two years but out of step with everything else in the series. Eric Kripke acknowledged during a panel at the 2006 William S. Paley Television Festival that they made a mistake in the script -- initially Sam was meant to be 20, then they aged him up to 22, but neglected to change Dean's line from "two years" to "four years." Therefore, it may have been the creators' intention that Sam has been at college for four years.
this is gonna take me approximately forever to rewatch episodes 🤪
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keeping my eye out for hands for drawing. have a general idea of getting something early seasons to go in the set with the 15x20 hands.
SAM Yeah? When I told Dad I was scared of the thing in my closet, he gave me a .45. DEAN Well, what was he supposed to do? SAM I was nine years old! He was supposed to say, don't be afraid of the dark.
classic john
SAM Yeah, I know, but still. The way we grew up, after Mom was killed, and Dad's obsession to find the thing that killed her. SAM But we still haven't found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find. DEAN We save a lot of people doing it, too.
one thing i'm thinking about is how i definitely was under the impression that they really didn't know any other hunters until they start getting mentioned here and there (dropping bits of backstory about working jobs with xyz while sam was at school etc), and that they barely knew anything about demons. so i'm curious to see how much of that is me misremembering
SAM You think Mom would have wanted this for us? The weapon training, and melting the silver into bullets? Man, Dean, we were raised like warriors. DEAN So what are you gonna do? You're just gonna live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it? SAM No. Not normal. Safe. DEAN And that's why you ran away. SAM I was just going to college. It was Dad who said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing.
classic john x2. i know it's the pilot, i know they're bombing us with backstory like they need to, but i'm just like. everything about this ends up being pretty essential to understanding them and how they were raised it's so much 😩
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DEAN I can't do this alone. SAM Yes you can. DEAN Yeah, well, I don't want to.
excuse me while my heart breaks into little bits. i knew that line in 15x20 was a callback to this, and it was heartbreaking then too. well actually it makes feel slightly ill rereading that scene from the finale. too emotionally invested
DEAN It started happening more and more, so Dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough. DEAN Then I get this voicemail yesterday. He presses play. The recording is staticky and the signal was clearly breaking up. JOHN Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger.
so he coulda like. told dean he was ditching him for his safety in this sketchy vague voicemail, but then of course we wouldn't have them chasing him down with quite the same mystery. it's just kind of comical.
like this post puts it:
spn season 1 is so funny. they made the main plot line finding sam and dean’s missing father. but like. the guys not missing. he’s just avoiding them.
i'm sure (i hope???) every rewatch post isn't going to turn into a dissertation like this. good grief
hey. i was gonna mention that music was quite inoffensive and not bad at all and was about give old jay a pat on the back, but no! it's christopher lennertz lol. my ear always knows. so that's the originator of the demon growl sound
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SAM It's the greatest hits of mullet rock. DEAN Well, house rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole. SAM You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. SAM It's Sam, okay?
i mean so many classic interactions i can't handle it. also, real shame netflix didn't/wouldn't get the licensing for the music originally aired. i have the blurays but i'm down a functional bluray player so here i am, watching on netflix with shitty replacement music yet again. that scene should have had ramblin man and back in black. travesty. back when they splashed out for the good licensed music (and i usually was on board with lennertz's selections)
the comment about them being a little young for federal marshals (also in their kinda scruffy clothes lol) and wikipedia says:
Marshals Service hiring is competitive and comparable to the selection process for Special Agent positions in agencies with similar duties. Typically fewer than five percent of qualified applicants are hired [citation needed] and must possess at a minimum a four-year bachelor's degree or competitive work experience (which is usually three or more years at a local or state police department).
so i mean, sounds like it's doable! barely. (i'm not even halfway through the episode lol)
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stepping on dean's foot, smacking sam's head. very good sibling stuff
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meanwhile we're gonna pop jackles in some bomb ass golden hour lighting so we can get his pretty, pretty face looking even prettier. lighting doesn't match any other part of the scene, but if you can get them lit up in it, we're using it!
SHERIFF Can I help you boys? DEAN No, sir, we were just leaving. As the FBI AGENTS walk past DEAN, he nods at each of them. DEAN Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.
respect to the og (that was the show of my youth and my forever otp and also my first impression of sam and dean's relationship was mid-run mulder and scully)
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s1e1 r.d. call as sheriff pierce / the x-files s1e18 as sheriff daniels
oh! and this sheriff was a sheriff in an xfiles episode, that's even better! that's brilliant. love to see it
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those jeans and before dean had his signature logger boots which i didn't apparently really notice until s6
DEAN Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean, this is Sammy.
uncles??? lol
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another thing i remember really liking is these random girls aren't like.. tv pretty makeup. they're just random gothy girls with stark harsh eye makeup and lipstick and matte heavier foundation. like real people do! it just makes it feel more grounded in reality to me when not everyone's makeup is tv-perfect
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y'all. look at this! so i have talked a lot about the computer stuff, whenever there's a screen (in any show i'm watching) i'll pause and check out the veracity. teen wolf had laughably fake web page mockups. and one thing i do recall noticing in this episode was real webpage urls! and even in the printouts which comes later. which they did not do consistently in spn seasons after this at all until much later
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classic. truly. more smacks and shoves. it's okay, sammy. i also am a little bit of a control freak especially when it comes to computer stuff. JUST LET ME DO IT.
DEAN Monday. Right. The interview. SAM Yeah. DEAN Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl? SAM Maybe. Why not? DEAN Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done? SAM No, and she's not ever going to know. DEAN Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.
dean's got a point there. which reminds me, did blurry wife know the truth? i remember there was some blurb about the story behind sam's kid having the anti-possession tattoo
wiki to the rescue
Though Sam's son has an anti-possession tattoo on his arm, there are no other signs of hunting in Sam's life after he leaves the Bunker. Jared confirmed at the November StageIt panel that Sam has not been hunting "in honor of Dean" because Dean wouldn't have wanted him to, but that Sam did tell his son about hunting and about his Uncle Dean, and that the decision to get the tattoo was Dean II's.
so probably yes?
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SAM And who's that? DEAN You're one of us. SAM No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life. DEAN You have a responsibility to— SAM To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.
oh, sam. these early days he was chafing so hard against what other people wanted him to do. also relatable. and if only we knew about mary🥴
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sam enjoying dean's predicament
SAM Salt, cat's eye shells…he was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in.
cat's eye shells?? don't think that ever got mentioned again
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LOL okay, so the url isn't perfect 😂 missing forward slashes and no underscores in domain names, but they tried!!
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huh. another family picture i don't recall seeing again. kind of backwards, longer brown hair on supposedly dean and short lighter hair on supposedly sam
so did dean grab john's leather jacket at this point? since he showered and changed in john's motel room. i hadn't thought about that. huh
SAM You can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful. I've never been! CONSTANCE You will be. Just hold me.
i know this comes up in fic periodically but i don't think that went anywhere, like the cat's eye shells
LOL i didn't remember that the woman in white resolution was her ghostly murdered children conveniently take her out
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DEAN Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by morning. SAM Dean, I, um... DEAN You're not going. SAM The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home.
there's so many moments in this episode that i've seen in gifs and didn't realize were all from the pilot. but it's really interesting to me to see how like.. the show really kind of pushed how much dean needed/wanted sam and sam was resisting, and how i think it really set up dean as the more "likeable" character initially, along with showing off his pretty face and charm and all that. on a brain-characterization level, i always relate more to sam but i was definitely charmed by dean initially.
SAM Call me if you find him? SAM And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh? DEAN Yeah, all right. DEAN Sam? DEAN You know, we made a hell of a team back there. SAM Yeah.
the only thing that i think makes this episode not quite paced right is how they crammed jess dying at the end and the we've got work to do thing. it felt really rushed and slapped on. but other than that, what a great pilot. ranks up there with the hannibal pilot
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fated-imaginings · 3 years
Pocket master is my new obsession! thanks for answering my asks btw I know g/t content is pretty niche!! Anywho how would the knights of the round table respond to a tiny master ? would they be doting and overprotective and coo at them constantly ?
(You're quite welcome! I'm afraid I don't know what g/t stands for, but I'm happy to serve! I didn't include Artoria or Arthur, as that would open up a whole saberface can of worms. Feel free to ask for pocket master again with them if you wish! Final note that I also didn't include Percival because I don't know his character well yet ; w ;)
- What if Master gets stepped on? Kicked? What if they fall from somewhere high up? Honestly, this is a concern shared among all of the knights. The solution clearly is a designated Master Pouch for them to rest in so the knights can carry them around safely while keeping their hands free.
Bedivere frets some. He's trying not to let it become smothering, but he really, really would hate to see Master hurt. He's quite good at seeing to their needs, though. He thinks first to mention to the cooks that Master will need special accommodations as they try to undo the spell that's made them so small, and gets a more comfortable mini bed for them to rest in. Really, he's more often arranging things in the background to make Master's life easier than actually spending time with them.
Tristan is by far one of the calmest members of the knights to be around. While he might lament their helpless state (not helpless, Master insists), he will calmly carry them about, sit patiently and make music or read as they go about their business, and generally let them have free reign, save for moments where he may need to intervene for their safety.
Lancelot is equally concerned. The Saber iteration, at least. He's trying to keep Master within sight, or at least in the pouch, when possible. He's certainly protective, avoiding or warning off rowdier Servants.
Zerkerlot isn't as anxious, but he's certainly all of his Saber counterpart's protectiveness amplified. He will hold Master in his hands and scream at anyone who tries to take them. Getting out of that situation was...interesting.
Gawain does worry, and really, the chivalry has dialed up to twelve. Master better like having every move attended to, because he is here to help them get from point A to B to C to D ad infinity. He might also try to repeat their orders to try and get the point across to other Servants, or even try to handle conflicts himself.
Alas, he gets a little carried away with it and needs to be reminded that just because they're small doesn't mean Master is helpless. This at least gets an apology, and an effort from him to dial it back.
Gareth isn't as anxious as the others, though she is aware of the risks. She mostly delights in putting Master in the pouch and zooming around. She enjoys getting them places, and while she isn't as overbearing as Gawain, she certainly is eager to jump and meet whatever requests Master gives her. She...might be tempted by Mordred to try some more reckless things.
See, Mordred may be mildly concerned about how squishy his Master is now, but you know what? This is a perfect opportunity to do some fun things that they can't normally when they're big! Make a super slide out of a pinned blanket. Tape Master to a ceiling fan and see how that goes (the answer was "not well"). Melt some chocolate and let Master go into another food coma. Steal that mini flying machine from Da Vinci's work shop and let Master flyyy.
Mordred is no longer allowed to have mini Master in his presence unsupervised.
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coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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lux in tenebris
~ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ~
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: jung jaehyun x male reader 🌹🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 4182
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: set in the 1960’s, your relationship with Jaehyun blooms as you navigate a time when homosexuality is unacceptable.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: hinted homophobia (but never shown)
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: because valentines is jaehyun’s birthday !! hbd to my first bias <3 this story is so so fluffy, which is so unusual for me because i’m an angsty writer 🥴 also, i thought of this story while listening to ‘put your head on my shoulder’ !! every time i would write a part, i would listen to it <3 this is the longest story i’ve written, surpassing memories (which is also a jaehyun one btw, i think this unintentionally proves my dedication to him) !! i hope u guys like this because i’ve worked the hardest on this 🥺 happy valentines everyone ! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
(some time in the 1960s~)
Everybody thought they were friends. The class-skipping, the after-school hangouts, the dinners at Anka’s Diner—everybody thought they were friends. And truly, they were.
But is that really all they were?
“So…” Jaehyun asks as they walk down the halls of Neo High, “Anyone approach for Valentine’s yet? I bet you’ve gotten more than three people to ask you out by now.”
Y/N chuckles, lightly shoving Jaehyun as the latter chuckles as well. “Man, stop it. No one asked me out. And who are you to say that? Star athlete, 6 pack abs, Jaehyun of the Neos, I'd say… 6 girls?”
“7, actually.” They both giggle as Jaehyun continues, “But… I shot all of them down.”
They both near Y/N’s locker, Jaehyun leaning on the ones beside as the former opens his and gets some books out. “Why? 7 girls… neat.”
“I have my eyes on someone else.” Jaehyun says, looking up, blushing at the ceiling, glad that Y/N’s locker door is obstructing the latter’s view of his face.
“Lucky girl.” Y/N says, nonchalantly as he closes the door to his locker. “She’ll say yes, don’t worry.”
“Sure hope they do. So… I'm guessing you're still on the make? You know, looking for a date?” Jaehyun says curiously, unknowingly hoping for a certain answer.
“I told you no one asked me out. And honestly, I’m fine with that. It's a Saturday on the 14th—maybe I should just stay home and listen to the radio.”
“Aww. That's fine little man.” Jaehyun says as they begin their trek towards their classes. “Maybe you could go out with me…” His voice softens, not wanting to alert those around them, “If you can't find anyone.”
Y/N chortles, smacking Jaehyun on the shoulder once again, “Kinda gay ain't it?”
“Nothing wrong with it.”
“You think the people around us’ll say the same?”
Jaehyun hums in acknowledgement as he fixes his tie, replying, “Okay then. Well, see ya’ later alligator.”
Y/N smiles as he sends the boy a wink, entering his classroom as the latter walks to his.
They both knew it. It was mutual knowledge. But unspoken. It was unspoken knowledge. The sly touches, the flirting—they both knew it.
But neither have made a real move yet.
“If you had one thing you could do right now, without being interrupted—without any distractions,” Jaehyun says, lying down on Y/N’s bed, throwing a baseball up in the air as he asks, “what would it be?”
“Hm.” Y/N ponders, pausing the movement of his pencil over the créme sheet of paper, placing it down. “Maybe…” he looks out the window, observing the orange to black ombré, “Moongazing. I just love the moon. The stars too.”
“You always talk about the moon.” Jaehyun stops throwing the white ball knitted with red fabric, catching it on one hand as he sits up. “What’s so bewitching about it anyway?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N continues writing, the graphite marking the pages as it produces the only sound in the room apart from their voices. “It’s… calming. Not to mention, the twinkling stars look pretty too.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star…” Jaehyun sings softly as Y/N chuckles, throwing a pillow at the former.
“If you don’t believe me—”
“I do. I’ll take you for your word.” Jaehyun replies almost instantly. “I always do.”
“Neat. Now flake off. The sun is setting. You live three streets away, and I don't want you walking in the dark alone.” Y/N gets up from his seat at the window, turning to face Jaehyun.
“Walk me home then.” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his face.
“That would mean I would be the one walking home alone in the dark, you dork.”
“Alright, alright.” Jaehyun replies, getting up from Y/N’s bed to give him a long, warm hug. Their bodies separate as Jaehyun blows Y/N a kiss, walking out the bedroom door, getting a snort in return.
The marmalade sun hides itself on the horizon as Y/N looks out the window, waving to Jaehyun as the latter walks out their front yard, beginning his journey home.
Oh God, was he falling.
It was getting increasingly difficult to resist. The sneaky flirts, the clever comebacks—it was getting increasingly difficult to resist.
And maybe he should stop doing so.
“Baby~” Jaehyun sneaks up on Y/N, whispering the words as the latter stiffens in surprise before smacking him lightly in the face.
“Dude. You gotta stop saying shit like that.” The boy sitting on his assigned chair replies, looking up at Jaehyun who is now seated on his desk. “Why are you here anyways? Don’t you have class soon?”
“You do.” Jaehyun replies, pointing at Y/N before pointing at himself, “I don’t. My first subject isn’t ‘till 9.”
“Hm.” Y/N mumbles as he looks back down on the sheet of paper with two unanswered math problems waiting to be solved. “Well, I forgot to complete this last night because I was too pre-occupied with English, and there’s five minutes left ‘till my class starts so I really gotta finish this.”
“Maybe you don’t.” Jaehyun replies, a plan already devising itself in his mind. “Do you maybe wanna… go to the park?”
Y/N looks up, a smirk forming on his face as he observes the same smirk on Jaehyun’s. They hold a stare for about five seconds before Y/N shoves the gray sheet of paper into his backpack, not caring if it was getting crumpled. In laughing fits, both boys run out the hall and eventually out the school too. Slowing down from their marathon-like sprint, they don't notice that they have their fingers interlocked. Y/N realizing this, he quickly untangles them as he straightens his uniform, Jaehyun unconsciously bummed out.
“Well,” Y/N says, looking up at Jaehyun who was already staring at him, “lead the way, my good sir.”
Jaehyun bows as he jokes, “Why of course, Milady. I’ll have you back in school by 9, just in time for your second subject.”
Both giggle as they skip to the grassy park, unknowingly spending the whole day out of school.
Maybe it was something in the air. Something they inhaled, passing their airways as it made its way to their heart, freeing them from their icy restraints. Maybe it was something in the air—or maybe something in the grass. But it made them both come out of their shells.
What took that damned O₂ so long to enter their lungs?
“Oh shit.” Y/N realizes halfway through fawning about a low-graphic, black and white but new cartoon that had just come out. He looks down on his right wrist as he scoffs. “You said you’d get me back in school by 9.” He says, annoyed, looking up at Jaehyun, “It’s 9:05”.
Jaehyun chuckles innocently, planting his palm on the back of your shoulder. “Well… if people see us here in the park when we’re supposed to be in class… we’ll get detention for skipping.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, totally didn't know that, Jae.” Y/N says, facetiously.
“Well… we could go to the movies? Or the fair…” Jaehyun brings his lips closer to Y/N ears as he whispers convincingly, “Or both.”
The flustered pulls away, hands pushing Jaehyun towards the opposite direction. “Fine. But I didn't bring my wallet today.”
“What do you want me to do about that?” Jaehyun replies, a look of sarcasm cascading his face. Y/N rolls his eyes before staring straight into Jaehyun’s, cracking his knuckles. Before he could get a word out, Jaehyun already surrenders. “Okay, okay! Calm down dude.” He chuckles. “But on one condition.”
“I’m listening.” Y/N replies, crossing his legs.
“Be my Valentine. For tomorrow.”
“Dude, you don't have a valentine, I don't have a valentine—”
“Because you turned them all down!”
“Okay fair enough.” Jaehyun admits, “But it's not like I can ask them out again, it would be too humiliating for big ole’ Jae, wouldn't it?” He pouts, sticking his bottom lip out as he stares into Y/N’s eyes.
Y/N contemplates, sighing after a minute as he replies, “Fine.”
Jaehyun jumps in glee as he cheers, acting like a kid whose parents agreed to buy them ice cream.
“Just take me to the movies already.” Y/N sighs yet again, scratching his head as the taller calms down, bowing facetiously.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Shut up.”
The popcorn was exceptional. Splendid indeed. The pop of flavor just made everything fall into place. The popcorn was exceptional—maybe that’s why Jaehyun held the bag so cautiously.
And soon enough, that won’t be the only thing he’ll be holding—and eating, too.
“Mmmh.” Jaehyun moans as he sips his pop, taking a handful of popcorn right after.
“Dude, stop! We haven't even gotten in the theater yet and you're already devouring everything.” Y/N whines, upset. “By the time the movie starts, we’ll have nothing!”
“Chill,” Jaehyun replies, taking one last sip from his straw before he smiles at Y/N, “we can just buy another one.”
“You’re just wasting money.” Y/N groans, not wanting Jaehyun to spend any more.
“Okay, okay.” He replies, sealing his popcorn as they wait to be let in the theater.
Was it the popcorn in the theater? Something that gave Jaehyun the courage. Because Jaehyun had not been this bold 6 months ago. Was it the popcorn in the theater—or was it the soda pop?
It didn't matter. What he was going to do with his newly-found virtue did.
In the darkness, the mono-colored movie played as the bag of popcorn was set in between the boys.
“Remind me why we decided to watch a romance movie again?” Y/N brings his lips closer to Jaehyun’s ears as he whispers, not wanting to disturb the rest.
“People say it’s a good movie.”
“They both die.”
Jaehyun peels his eyes away from the screen to stare at Y/N, a look of disbelief washing over his face. “You just spoiled the movie for me.”
“Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet.” Y/N replies, rolling his eyes.
“Well, I don’t.” Jaehyun whispers, looking back at the projected movie, correcting himself, “Didn’t. I guess I do now.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t know though.” Y/N remarks, grabbing popcorn from their shared bucket, staring at the movie playing.
“Now I do, and…” Jaehyun looks at Y/N once again, his cheeks burning as he braves and says, “I guess it’s a good thing we’ll both be Romeos tomorrow.”
Y/N lightly chuckles, trying to ignore what Jaehyun had just said, keeping his eyes glued to the movie.
Unsatisfied with Y/N’s reaction, Jaehyun slips his fingers past the bucket of popcorn and onto Y/N’s, resting on the armrest. With the sudden weight and warmth on his hand, Y/N tenses—but doesn’t look at Jaehyun. Rather, he watches the movie intently, silently hoping he doesn’t give in.
Jaehyun leans closer to Y/N, lips right next to his ears as he whispers, “I’m cold.”
And he gives in.
Their fingers interlock in the dark of the theater, the sounds of dialogue from the movie filling the enclosed space up. No one can see them—it’ll be alright.
Jaehyun always found rings cute. A cheese ring, a metal ring, the ring around Saturn. Jaehyun always found rings cute,
But his greatest wish was to put a diamond one around Y/N’s finger.
“This is a scam.” Y/N retorts, hands crossed. He stares at Jaehyun as they stand in line for a hoop game on the board walk’s carnival, a few minutes after their exit from the theater.
“There’s no harm in trying.” Jaehyun replies, his eyes on the prize—a teddy bear the size of a toddler.
“That’s like saying ‘There’s no harm in getting scammed’, Jae.”
“Well,” Jaehyun cheekily replies, smirking as he blurts, “there’s no harm in getting scammed for you.”
Y/N looks at Jaehyun in disbelief as the flirt grabs 3 round hoops, preparing to land them on the moving bottles. Much like Y/N’s prediction, the first hoop falls too early and too far from the bottles, the second slides off after nearing and the third one flies too far and hits the stall owner. Jaehyun cringes as the owner painfully smirks, the feeling of victory of scamming another customer engulfing the latter’s mind, accompanied by the feeling of pain from the metal object recently hurled at his stomach.
“At least we have consolation candy?” Jaehyun’s face agonizes, embarrassment taking over.
“At least we have consolation candy.” Y/N repeats, grabbing a handful as he smiles at the owner and makes a 180°, leaving the booth. Jaehyun follows behind, hands in his pocket as he looks around the fair.
“Oooh,” Jaehyun interests, “What about that one?” He says, pointing at the game with a man in his 20’s trapped inside a container with water below, fate depending on his partner’s aim at the target.
“How about no?” Y/N replies, chuckling shortly after, “If you like water so much…
how do you feel about the beach?”
Tonight was the night. It wasn’t the 14th—it was the day before. But Jaehyun was more than confident enough to make a move. Tonight was the night—and nothing could go wrong.
Or so he hopes.
The tangerine sun meets the navy water once again, its center resting at the edge of the coast. Both boys walk down the beach, hands in pockets as they keep their feelings in.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Jaehyun perks up as he stares at Y/N breaking the silence. “The sun setting.” Jaehyun nods as Y/N continues. “It’s a shame that it’s disappearing soon. Give it a few minutes more and there won’t be a trace of orange on the sky.”
“It’s just how it is.” Jaehyun replies.
“Exactly.” Y/N gleams, the wind blowing on his shirt. “As much as I love seeing the sun, and as much as I hate seeing it go, I see it as a good thing too.”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun replies, sparkles in his eyes as he stares at Y/N, only the calm waters and the sun’s secant behind him.
“I see it as, ‘if you love something, you have to let something else go’, or something of the sort.” Y/N chuckles, his hands still in his pockets, “I love the sun so much, but if it means seeing the night sky again, I’d give it up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
“You must love the moon and stars so much, huh.” Jaehyun awes as his skin glows under the dying sun’s radiating tint.
Y/N nods as both boys settle down on a spot by the ocean, watching the sun submerge, darker and bluer hues taking over the early evening sky. They sit there for a few minutes, staring at the ocean waves, thinking about their current situation. As they contemplate, the sky has completely changed, from warm hues into cooler and darker ones, the moon showing itself first.
“There you go.” Jaehyun chuckles, laying his back on the sand as he points up, “Your favorite.”
Y/N follows the direction Jaehyun’s finger is pointing at as he looks up at the indigo atmosphere, a faint, glowing crescent standing out. He beams as he appreciates the moon’s presence, basking in it. “Thank you for today, Jae.”
“You’re welcome. Don’t forget about tomorrow okay?”
Y/N nods as he gets up, dusting his shorts off from the sand. The other gets up as well, doing the same as Y/N watches.
Just as the latter is about to leave, Jaehyun speaks up. “Wait!” Y/N faces him once again, a sparkle on his eyes as he wonders why he was called back. “I— I have something to say.” Jaehyun shivers, clenching his fists as he breathes in and out, preparing himself for his own confession. “For the longest time I’ve— I’ve looked up to you and I just wanna say,” Y/N raises his eyebrows, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach filling his ears, “I like you.”
‘I like you’. The words ring in Y/N ears, the syllables painting his eardrums with love. It seems great at first but then he remembers—the predjudice, the shame, the disgrace, the dishonor—and doubles back. “Y-you can’t.”
“Yes, I can.” Jaehyun says as he inches closer to Y/N, his hand grazing the latter’s cheek as he pulls closer. Their lips touch under the moonlight, the stars and benthics as their witness. The taste of strawberry fills Y/N’s taste buds, the savory flavor of intimacy filling his mouth. With the doting feeling of passion engulfing Y/N’s body, he kisses back. They move in sync for a few seconds until Jaehyun pulls away, the feeling of endearment filling his mind as he registers that he had just kissed Y/N—the one he's been pining for for the past few years. Of course, that feeling isn't long-lasting as he notices Y/N take a step back, fear in the latter’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun questions, his words coming out as a mere whisper. Y/N doesn't reply as he takes more steps back, mortified. Jaehyun reaches his hand out—and that’s all it takes to send Y/N running.
He sprints the opposite direction, ignoring Jaehyun’s shouts behind him. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as his shoes hit the sand continuously, fear and disappointment fueling his run.
Jaehyun is left alone, under the moonlit beach, and instead of hearing his beloved’s voice, only the sound of waves fill his ears, sending him into full regret.
Was it like water? Sometimes everything would be blithe—calm, tranquil water, their insouciant selves enjoying the world. But sometimes it would be erratic too—the unpredictable waves engulfing them and their relationship. Was it like water—their love for one another?
Jaehyun just hopes it wouldn’t dry up.
“Thought I’d find you up here.” Jaehyun mutters as he closes the rooftop door, making a sound as it closes again. It’s been a few hours since the beach incident, the moon already glowing brighter. “Look, I’m sorry for kiss–”
“Don’t be.” Y/N replies, keeping his voice as stern as possible, despite already being on the verge of tears. “It was great, I just,” Y/N pauses, takes in the night sky’s view for the last time before he breaks down, and plants his eyes on Jaehyun, still by the rooftop door. “Don’t you think this is wrong?”
“What is?” Jaehyun replies, already knowing the answer he would receive.
“This.” Y/N replies, whining dejectedly as he gets up from his sitting position, facing Jaehyun. “This is. We’re both guys, we shouldn't be flirting, let alone kissing!”
“Why does it matter?” Jaehyun questions, stepping forward as he tries his best to keep his tears in.
“It just does Jaehyun!” Y/N yells back, the exact opposite of Jaehyun’s hushed tone, his voice echoing out into the night sky. “It just does.” He repeats, tears pooling on the corner of his eyes.
“If it does, then…” Jaehyun steps back, the feeling of woe engulfing him, “you never liked me the same way I like you.”
“No!” Y/N replies almost immediately, a tear already slipping out, painting his right cheek, “I, I like you Jae, I like you so fucking much. Every single moment we’ve had, every single moment we’ve shared—I relish every bit of it. I can’t stop liking you—I’ll never stop liking you. But,” Y/N pauses, “I’m scared.”
Jaehyun steps closer to Y/N, pulling him into his embrace as the latter cries out onto his shoulder, tears staining his t-shirt, “Don’t be.”
“But I am.” Y/N replies, sniffing as he tightens his grip on Jaehyun’s body. “I’m scared of everything—What if people talk bad about us, behind our backs? What if our parents kick us out? What if we get expelled? What if—”
“Shh.” Jaehyun shushes, his hand rubbing Y/N’s back slowly, the strokes calming the latter down. “Stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’, just focus on me.”
“I’m sorry, I know I overthink a lot.” Y/N mumbles, pulling away from their embrace as he looks Jaehyun in the eyes, the moonlight shining on them. “I’m just… scared of the darkness that awaits, you know?”
“I get you.” Jaehyun replies as he stares at Y/N, melancholic. “And I’ll do whatever it takes, okay? I’ll be your candle, your shining light, anything that’ll get you through the darkness.”
“Thanks.” Y/N chuckles, looking down, noticing the sand still on Jaehyun’s shoes. “But that still doesn’t change what people would think about…” He points to Jaehyun, then at himself, repeatedly, “this.”
Jaehyun hums as he guides Y/N to the ledge of the rooftop, sitting both him and himself down as they stare out onto the deserted school field below. “Remember what you said about the sun, just a few hours ago when we were down at the beach?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I’d give it all up. All of it. My status, my family, my friends—all of it…” Jaehyun says, peeling his eyes off the dark field below them and locking them with Y/N’s, passion fueling his words, “if it meant I could be with you. Because as much as I love them, if it means seeing you in my arms, I’d give them all up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
Y/N forces a sob in, trying his best not to break down. “But why?” He replies, feeling tears pool again.
“Because I’m serious with you, dude.” Jaehyun replies as Y/N chuckles, the tears still in his eyes. “I’ve been wanting to tell you all this for a while now.”
Y/N snickers louder, he and his best friend’s intimacy overwhelming him. He takes in Jaehyun’s form, the moon casting its light down on him, and makes a desicion. “Fine.”
“Fine what?”
“Fine, you can be my candle. Fine, you can be my shining light. Fine…” Y/N pauses, trying to find the right words, “Fine, I’ll give this—us—a chance.”
Jaehyun quickly switches moods from his dejected one to a grin from ear to ear, painting over his gloomy look. “Does that mean you’re still my valentine for tomorrow...” Jaehyun pauses, looks at his watch then looks back into Y/N’s eyes, noticing all the sorrow fading, “I mean later?”
“Yes, dude.”
“We have to stop calling each other that now, babe.”
“Ew. Too cheesy don’t you think?”
“Not at all. I think it suits you.”
Both men chuckle as they stare out into the landscape, a completely new bond between them formed.
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day already,” Jaehyun mumbles as he looks toward Y/N’s direction, “do you mind giving me a kiss?” Y/N stops his peaceful gaze on the stars as he locks eyes with Jaehyun, noticing the sparkles in his eyes. “No running away this time though.”
Y/N chuckles before he places his hand on Jaehyun’s cheek, moving closer and closer, feeling their taboo love get stronger and stronger. Their lips touch as he realizes that Jaehyun’s lips taste more like peaches than strawberries. With this thought in mind, he smiles into their kiss, the feeling of fear leaving his body as he feels his best friend’s—now boyfriend’s—lips on his.
Instead of the briny ocean water witnessing their love wither merely 6 hours earlier, it was now the magnificent moon and the stunning stars bearing witness to their young, requited love bloom.
Maybe it was the stigma. The thing that kept them apart for so long. Maybe it was the stigma—or maybe they were both just pussies.
Good thing they grew some balls.
“I think I get why you like the moon and stars so much.” Jaehyun blurts as the two lay on the beach once again, staring up at the glittered night sky, the valentine air floating out and about.
“And why’s that?” Y/N says as he looks up at Jaehyun, curiosity devouring him.
“It reminds me of a phrase in Latin.” He replies, smiling as the bijou stars twinkled at them, as if they were smiling. “It means light in darkness.” Y/N nods. “The moon, the stars—they paint the plain black sky and turn it into something stunning. I can’t look away from it now. Whenever I look up at night, I’ll always remember you.”
“Good for you.” Y/N chuckles, shifting his gaze from his boyfriend’s cheek and placing it back on the painting-like sky above them, miniature dots glistening on the canvas. “What’s that phrase again? If it sounds pretty, I just might get it tattooed on me.”
“Light in darkness,” Jaehyun stops, smiling back at the specs winking at them, “and in Latin,” Y/N looks up at Jaehyun, only to catch him staring back, stars in his eyes,
“Lux in tenebris.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.13.21
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champion-prism · 3 years
Dr. Oranguru: You want Leon smut? I got Leon smut.
Unprompted prompt: sub Leon, an idea that came after looking at the previous sub ideas on this blog
"Hey... wanna have sex tonight?"
Your request throws him off a little bit, enough that he actually trips over his own feet getting out of the chair. He'd been working some ridiculous hours with the Pokémon League, and no, you don't begrudge it because you respect all the work he does, but it still sucks because you're horny as hell and he's been passing out at nine every night.
Unfortunately, you can tell just by looking in his eyes that the spirit is willing but the flesh is so, so sleepy. "I'm sorry, luv. I want to, but I don't think I can-"
"It's fine," you interrupt him. "Get some rest. I love you."
Leon gives you that brilliant smile, followed by a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too. Maybe another night."
"Maybe. Goodnight."
And he's wobbling to the bedroom, and you're sitting at your laptop on the couch going through emails that you could probably catch up on tomorrow, but if you go to bed now you're just going to want to touch him and he really needs sleep so you resign yourself to productively distracting yourself from how extremely attractive your fiancé is, even when he's dead tired.
It works. You're actually in the middle of setting up a virtual meeting with your boss and coworkers for next Monday when your Rotom buzzes from a text. Weird. It's already 9:45.
It's from Leon.
'Come up and devour me, ride me, use me'
You don't even hesitate. The laptop is closed and put onto the coffee table, your phone is dropped on the couch cushions, and by the time you pass through the bedroom door, your shirt and bra are already on the floor and your trousers and panties follow at the bedside. There are no lights on in the room, but you know this bed, you know these blankets, you know the shape that's laying right in the middle. Without a word, you climb on up and start tearing the sheets off of him. Smart man; he's already undressed and waiting for you like a present that's been unwrapped. Oooh, and he's already got a condom on too!
Now you straddle him, sitting pretty on his waist as your hands run up his chest, his hair tickling against your skin and the firmness of his body providing a nice sturdy place to sit. You lean forward to kiss him, quick nibbles against his lips that make him softly moan against you, and those moans suddenly get louder as your fingers find his pecs and start playing with them. You can feel his length right between your cheeks, his hips rising as he tries to find a way inside, but you don't just want him hard, you want him begging because after how patient you've been this week, you want him to want you like you're the only thing keeping him alive. So you rub your lips against him, getting him nice and slick and teasing him so badly as he keeps trying to fill you up, his hands on your thighs and leaving tiny little marks in their wake.
But you're not done with him yet. You lean forward and whisper in his ear, "Suck my tits, Leon."
He groans and pulls you just a little farther up, making you arch your back as his mouth devours one breast, his lips and tongue teasing you so good, god he's so good at this, and now you're the one making all sorts of needy little sounds as his fingers go to work on the other breast. You can still feel him rubbing against you, still desperate to find a way inside, but all you do is shift your hips back and forth, back and forth, and since playing with your breasts makes you extra wet, you can hear the sound of skin against skin and it sounds so sinful. You make him keep sucking you, switching sides until your nipples hurt in the best of ways, and now you're ready.
You scoot back down just a bit, just enough that you can lift yourself up before slowly, oh so s l o w l y bringing his tip inside of you. He's got his fingers on your breasts, gently tugging on the tips as a way to encourage you to hurry up, but if you're going to devour him then you're damn well within your rights to take your time on this feast. And he is a feast fit for a queen, your handsome king; thick and hard and long and you enjoy the feel of him sliding inside inch by inch, savoring the way he fills you up and leaves no room for anything else. When he tries to make you go faster, tries to buck his hips up, you rest a hand on his thigh and say, "No. You are mine to use, and you will wait until I'm ready to ride you. Understand?"
"Ye-es," he says, his voice strained, and he stops moving.
"Good," and you drop yourself down the rest of the way so that he bottoms out, and you let out a groan into the air as his breath leaves in a hiss of pleasure. Sometimes it can be difficult to take him all the way, but you're so turned on that having him brushing the A-spot feels like heaven, and you want more. You lean down again, the tip of your nose brushing his, and tell him, "Now make me come."
He obeys, pounding his hips upward into you as you bounce down into him, and the combined power of your actions pushes you into an orgasm that has you screaming to the ceiling. When he slows down, thinking you're done, you reach over and pinch one of his nipples; not too hard, but hard enough to get his attention and make him gasp.
"You don't stop until I say you can stop," you say, breathless and still wanting more because one orgasm does not make up for a whole week of thirsting. "Now do it again."
For a man who's job it is to tell everyone else what to do - his Pokémon, other Gym Leaders, the Pokémon League board - it is amazing how well he obeys an order. Especially from you. He lets out a wordless sound and goes right back to filling you up as you enjoy the ride, bouncing up and down to make sure that he keeps hitting all the right spots and sending you to ecstasy. You have no idea how long you're doing this - and he can go for a long time because he is fit and fine - but you start to recognize the signs that he's getting close to his own orgasm. And rather than give him verbal permission, you just get all of him inside you, tuck your knees underneath, and start rocking yourself in one of his favorite positions.
He lasts maybe a handful of seconds before he lets out a yell of pleasure, and the sensation of him pumping and twitching inside of you is unbelievable. It's the dessert after this very filling meal; while getting creamed by him is a literal fantasy at this point in your lives, you are nonetheless very happy with the results. He lays there, exhausted and half asleep, and your fingers tease his chest again just to feel him jump inside of you. Honestly, you could sit there for hours being filled with him because that's how much you love him.
Finally, though, he gets soft and you carefully bring your leg over his chest. He's so tired that you decide to pamper your man and carefully pull the condom off before wiping him down and lifting his boxers back around his waist. You tuck the sheets and blankets around him, give him a kiss on the forehead, before heading into the bathroom and taking care of yourself. After changing into your pyjamas - really, a borrowed T-shirt - you run to the living room and get your Rotom. By the time you come back, set it to charge overnight, and crawl into bed he's already asleep. A second kiss on the cheek, and you snuggle right against him for a good night's rest.
Best sleep you've had in a week.
Uk I'm rather a pillow princess type but this done gone rubbed me the right way-
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
can u show what happens after the snipts and i'm curious about the tae x reader, pretty please my heart is broken from that angst but the way you wrote is beautiful
here is the next part!
TAGS: angst, unplanned pregnancy, depression, loneliness, BETA! taehyung x reader
W/c: 3.5k
A/n: here you go! here are the beta Taehyung parts, as well as what happens immediately after she leaves the alphas and Jimin. The next part will be about what happens to them in the wake of her leaving, and I will say this; the next part has some heavy tags so be sure to watch out for those. ALSO- TAE IS THE VILLAN OF THIS STORY, but the beginning with him isn’t bad. he will eventually betray the reader so be prepared! 
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- You cry yourself to sleep every night the first week in your new apartment. 
- It’s a nice place really, too nice- but your company had told you it was more than within your means when they booked it for you. and you can barely believe the first paycheck you get.  it has an extra bedroom and a kitchen with a retro-style but new appliances and molding on the ceiling in the old district, full of restaurants and coffee shops that you live off for the first few weeks. 
- You don’t have a bed frame yet, so your bed just sits on the carpeted floor.  Your boxes scattered around you, the one that holds some of your books acts as a nightstand.  Your new job isn’t that terrible- in fact they make every point to tell you how good it is to have someone capable fill the position, and how good you are at your job. 
- After so long it’s nice to feel appreciated. 
- You even make friends with two of the other women that work there, an omega female named Yeri, and an alpha female named Irene, who would have made you nervous if not for the mating mark clearly evident on her collar bone. 
- Despite the fact that they were slightly under you in the company, they both treated you, the new girl, with kindness. They even invited you to have lunch with them and get to know them on your second day and showed you around the company. 
- It wasn’t safe for an unmated omega in a new city they said, you ended up crying in the bathroom for a few hours after that- it used to be your dream to be marked by Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok, and for them to bear your and Jimin's mark. But now that dream could never come to fruition. 
- But they are kind- so kind. They don’t ask you where you came from or even if you have any family- keeping your conversations mostly on company gossip and pop culture. You end up going to see a movie with them in the second week. And by the end of the third, the three of you are the best of friends. 
- You’d never really had any friends that where girls- after all you’d always had Jimin, you’d never needed anyone else other than him until now. 
- You get a dresser and put your old phone (still turned off) in the top drawer once you get a company cellphone. You adjust well, your apartment overlooks a park and a small pond in the very middle of the bustling city. Your place of work is only 5 blocks away, and you find yourself enjoying your walk to work every morning. 
- But you’re miserable, you can't breathe in the smell of coffee without thinking of Yoongi and feeling sick to your stomach, every time you hear music you think of all the times both Jimin and Hoseok used to drag you to your feet to dance.  
- You cant even watch TV without your and Namjoon’s favorite documentary show coming on- or that drama you and Hoseok used to curl up and watch. - What’s more, is that it seems like you’re actually getting sick, your fever is raised and every time you go for lunch you end up vomiting it all back up a few minutes later. Even your favorite foods don’t stay down. you try to chalk it up to the stress of moving and being separated from your alphas (which has been known to happen in some omegas after they part with a pack, their instincts regecting their minds desire to stay away), but it seems like that's less the case the more time goes on. 
- It happens one day at work while you sit and eat your lunch with Yeri (Irene had a meeting during your usual lunch hour- but she told you not to wait for her). and you narrowly avoid vomiting on your new white blouse before you lean over and throw up your sandwich in the waste paper basket, a sudden wave of vomiting hits you so harshly that Yeri looks more than a little concerned. 
- After you assure her that yes- you’re going to the doctor soon about it, and yes you’ve been able to keep water down she gives you a final withering look before she offhandedly says, “fine just don’t go getting pregnant on me like Irene’s wife did- I swear now all the two of them ever want to do is watch baby TV and talk about their child’s poops.” 
- Throughout the rest of the day her words stick with you, and you end up going home at the end of the day only to pacing your apartment for a few hours,  before you head back out to the store to pick up a pregnancy test and some ice cream (because why not). 
- You pace around your small unfurnished living room as you wait for the stick to give you your results.You never expected to do this alone- in your mind someone was always here with you, you even expected to have all of them there. You wanted Jimin's hand on yours more than anything, you wanted to grow massive with him, and maybe raise your children together if you could. 
- You openly sob the stick comes back as positive, you pace around your apartment crying and thinking on your situation for the entirety of the night before you realize that you being pregnant does nothing to change your situation. this is the only time you strongly consider turning on your old phone. you didn’t know if there would even be messages waiting from you- probably from Jimin, but not from any of the others you’re sure. 
- Out of all of them- it has to be namjoon’s, you think back to the time in the kitchen, how your front was pressed to the granite, how it felt impersonal, how you’d sent the email for your job immediately after. that was probably the day you got pregnant. 
- the more you think about it, the more you're sure. you put your phone away and don’t turn it on. Why would they want you now? if anything this would only make them hate you more. they where good people, and they wouldn’t have let you do this alone, especially Jimin.  but They would resent being tied to a pregnant omega that they weren’t mated too or even in love with- that you were sure of. 
- you imagine it briefly, sure- you’d have them in your life, but only so far as your child would have a parent in Namjoon, and uncles in the rest. you imagine the awkward doctors visits, the offers to pay, needing to share your child between here and Seoul. whatever children they’d have one day with Jimin, would be cousins to yours, and whatever children he’d have with Namjoon. well- they’d have the love of all the alphas, not just Namjoon. and you don’t want your child to feel any less loved because of your mistakes. 
- So You’d have to raise your child alone, in a city that you barely knew. Without any support system. Sure your new friend were great but they were so new. So to distract yourself from your situation, the fact that you’re going to do all of this alone, and the fact that you left your baby’s father- You drown yourself in work, staying later than anyone else consistently, falling into your bed exhausted. 
- You go to your prenatal appointments alone, and when you start getting cravings, there’s no one to lean over to in the middle of the night and ask for chocolate sauce and watermelon, or barbecue mayonnaise and mac and cheese fries, you get up and do it yourself. 
- By week 5 of your pregnancy, your hormones have started to change enough that one day you walk into work and Yeri almost screams in happiness, congratulating you and jumping in your arms when she notices how your scent has changed. It’s only when she pulls back and sees your withdrawn sad expression that she says, “oh honey…” and Irene slaps her on the arm lightly as she tries to broach the topic of the father. They both know you live alone by now.
- you notify your boss, and you almost pass out when they offer you nearly 4 months of maternity leave. they seem determined to treat you well. it helps that your ceo is also an omega. 
- By about 12 weeks- you’re starting to show significantly enough that people on the train start to give you the priority seat when you were tight clothes. You show Enough that you begin to fiddle with your old phone again. You get close several times to turning it on-But in the end you never do. Preferring to leave it in the drawer of the nightstand next to your bed right next to the picture of them. 
- “You can do this, there are plenty of single omega parents, it’s not like it used to be” the doctor and the clinic that you go too for your prenatal appointments assures you when the other omega finally asks if they’ res a father or another mother in the picture. 
- And you’re not over what happened by any means but things slowly start to get better. 
- You don’t cry randomly as much, you start coming home earlier and going on walks- the doctor said it was good for the baby. On the weekends you go to this fresh fruit market, sometimes with Irene and her wife and child, making a day out of it. 
- And you enjoy the little child as he reaches up for your stomach, patting on it gently and slurring the words “baby out now!” that causes all of you to giggle and Irene’s wife apologizes- saying that their little Eun just loves babies more than anything. 
- Your life is nice, calm. There is a tense atmosphere in your apartment, though you do buy a few plants, and a few poster pictures to put on the white walls. slowly the space starts to feel like yours.  You paint the spare room the lightest shade of robins egg blue and add puffy white clouds to the walls with Yeri, giggling and laughing harder than you have in months as she accidentally splashes paint onto her face. 
- Your relationship with a kind and soft beta named Taehyung starts simply and in the most cliché way possible.
- You accidentally ran into him while coming home from the grocery store, your belly barely showing through a baggy sweatshirt. Two paper bags in either arm. One of the bags rips when he bumps into you. his other coming up to stop you from falling backward, his arm like iron, his hands digging into you to steady you. all of a sudden your whole body flush with warmth. 
- Tae is an absolute gentleman, picking up your weird assortment of food in his hands and walking the few blocks to your tiny apartment. you feel surprisingly safe with the stranger, your instincts have been in overdrive since your body started to adjust to your pregnancy, and they’re something about Tae’s scent that immediately settles your stomach. 
It goes surprisingly well, there is something so gentlemanly about his deep voice and his quiet smile that makes you feel so relaxed. His beta scent- the smell of clean laundry (beta’s always smelled clean) definitely has something to do with it. not his pretty jaw or his delicate style. 
- You invite him in for some iced tea and you spend a few minutes chatting, now that the bags not in front of your stomach, Tae can see why you seemed so unsteady on your feet. You expect it to scare him away- but he doesn’t mention you're obvious condition until he’s about to leave. Handing you a small slip of paper with his number on it. 
- He touches your shoulder softly. “I live in the area so If you ever need any help- please don’t hesitate to call me.” by now he has scented the room, know by the lack of a competing scent as well as the lack of a bite on your shoulder that you’re alone. that you don't have anyone. 
- You pin the number to the old fashion fridge and try to forget about it. After all, tae was more than a little flirty and you’re in no position to even want to date anyone right now. But when you finally call it’s more about needing help than wanting to see him. Though seeing him was an added bonus. 
- He helps you move your refrigerator after an important document falls behind it, the literal social security card that you can't reach or get at. And he’s sweaty sipping more of your ice tea when he says, “I hoped that when you finally called me it would be for a date and not to rescue your medical stuff behind your dusty fridge.”
- “You don’t want to date me tae,” you say, your hand hovering over your stomach. He looks at your tummy too, sicking in his lower lip. 
- “No I’m sure that I do” he says, taking your hand in his before he says softly, his warm brown eyes piercing into you as he looks through his black bangs “I don’t know what you’re dealing with, I don’t know who or what you’re running from, but trust me when I saw that I really, really want to take you out on a date- at least once.” 
- You relent and agree to go visit a night market with him- one of the hallmarks of this city that you hadn’t yet indulged in.He buys you ice cream and fried mac and cheese and doesn’t criticize you when you dunk your French fries in your chocolate Sunday. In fact, he joins in- letting you dunk one in his Oreo mango ice cream. 
- You listen to Tae talk about his job; you find out that he owns a pair of café’s the first one that he inherited from his grandmother, the second one that he opened last year after the first one did so well. Business is booming so much that he’s contemplating opening a third. the cafe is just between your apartment and your job, it’s no wonder that you never ran into him sooner. 
- You promise to come to try his berry macaroons that are apparently the best in town. He starts to talk about coffee but then a glance down to your stomach reminds him that you can’t have that- and he switches to boba tea
- You sit in the warm summer air listening to a live band before you go to walk along the river, the lights reflecting off the water like one of van Goh's paintings. You’re laughing at some joke Tae tells you when he leans over surprisingly and kisses you, you recoiled a little, more surprised than displeased. 
- “I’m sorry- you just looked so…. i’m sorry- I rushed you didn’t I, shit- y/n I’m so-” 
- “I don’t know what you want from me Tae,” you say gesturing to your stomach, he starts to look abashed and ashamed, but then relents at your soft expression “but if we’re going to see each other like that, then you have to know that I miss them.” You say softly while looking out at the water, your hand hovering over your swollen stomach.  
- “them?” he asks, looking surprised, you nod, “them.”  
- “And I’m not going to stop missing them, probably for a long while. I think I always will. And if you’re ok with that- if you don’t mind-” Tae reaches up, running a hand across your face and you find yourself leaning into his touch, its been so long since anyone’s touched you with any affection. Your body is so hungry, so needy for it.
- “I don’t care who else is in your heart, I only want a place in It.” Tae says after a moment. Leaning his forehead against yours.
- You and tae start casually seeing each other, you stop by his coffee shop most days before work, it’s a street off from your company’s main building, and Tae always has a bag of coffee cake or a plate full of raspberry tarts for you, he pushes away your money with a lopsided grin the makes your heart beat rapidly.  He even steps away during the busiest times to sit with you and just talk. 
- Sometimes he plops your feet up on his lap and massages your swollen ankles, his smiles sweeter than the pastries, not taking no for an answer until you’ve tried every kind the café offers at least twice because he wants to know which are your favorite. 
- One-night Taehyung finds your photo of all of them and your old cellphone in your dresser. And you're just trying to crack an egg into a pan when he comes out holding it. you almost drop the carton when he asks you who they are. 
- He sits you down and you start breathing heavily and tells you that you don’t need to tell him- he sends a concerned look at your stomach, and that it doesn't matter if it's going to make you upset. you don't mean to have a panic attack but really, turning around and seeing your...your boyfriend holding the picture of your baby daddy just suprised you. 
- tae looks like he honestly wants to know, So you launch into the story of your best friend who you’ve loved and will love until the day you die. Cradle to grave and all that. 
- Fuck you miss jimin so much. You miss them all, Hoseok, yoongi and Namjoon. He laughs like Namjoon did when you tell him childhood stories of you and jimin and listens eagerly as you tell him about your college experience and trying to stay away. 
- He’s a little quieter when he learns about the alpha’s that you love while you point at their faces in the picture and smile. He smiles a little though when you start listing off the things about them that you love. And he gets a little sadder when he realizes it will always be love- And not loved. 
- your love for them hasn’t faded. not in all these months apart. 
- He wishes you would move on from them. Wishes he was the only one who had ever made a home out of your heart. But he understands why you can’t- you’re carrying his child after all. The one with the gray hair in the photo, you tell him as much. 
- he touches the photograph softly, “I understand why you miss them so much- it must have been so nice having so many people to love you and to love them back.”
- “it really was.” 
- “I wish I was worth that” Taehyung says softly, his face downturned. You kiss away his worries, “you are tae- never think you’re not worth it- because you are.” he pulls you to him and kisses your forehead as his mind turns your words over in his head. 
- maybe your words have a double meaning, maybe maybe, runs through his head. And he shakes off thoughts of other omega’s and directs his attention to you. 
- “so are we going to eat dinner together or what? Should I call for takeout”
- But no matter where you go home too at night, no matter how good things are with Tae, you can’t help but think about Namjoon’s arms encircling your waist, about Yoongi’s quiet roll of his knuckles against your side in a silent hello.  
- About Hoseok’s sweet kisses and how he would take your hand in his and drag you up from wherever you were sitting to slow dance with you around your kitchen when you were sad, and how it would eventually devolve into giggles and awkward butt wiggles.
- Nothing like how it was when you left when Hoseok would barely look at you- and if he did even look at you, it would only be with disdain and anger so severe that it would make you shake.
- But most of all you miss Jimin, the way he would hang on Namjoon’s thighs while gripping yours, how when he would laugh he would throw himself onto your shoulder to hide his closed-eyed smile in your skin. the way you’d smell so much like each other you could hardly distinguish your scents anymore. 
- The first night you sleepover at Taehyung’s house you end up waking up in the middle of the night and reaching out for another set of arms. 
- Taehyung wakes up too you wearing his silk robe and crying on his balcony, where you went to hide your sobs, he runs his hands up and down your arms while talking to you quietly, saying that you should come inside. 
- That the cold is bad for the baby, and he’s right, you’re shaking like a leaf and your belly has grown so much in the past month. You’re nearly 5 months along- you’ve only known tae for a few months, but he already wants to tell you he loves you. He already loves you and the baby- it doesn’t matter that he’s not the father. 
- But what you don’t know is that at that moment, Jimin is doing the same thing, crying on a balcony, feeling unable to go back inside as he looks out over the view that the two of you used to love. He remembers how you would drag the alphas out onto the balcony to eat dinner or play a game or just sitting, talking as you looked at the city. 
- Because the apartment inside doesn’t feel like it used to- try as he might it doesn’t feel like home anymore, because you’re not there and everything is slowly falling apart- has been for months, and by now Jimin feels like he’s falling apart too. 
- It feels like he’s been watching a train wreck in slow motion since you left.
(once again! this series will never be finished! just fyi!) 
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Niragi Suguru × Reader
So... here we go!!! I'm so exciteddd!! Because Y/N does get to slap him this time-
Warnings: swearing, mentions of past abuse/trauma. I think that's about it.
Eros, sexual or erotic love. Can be the love you share with a partner. Lust.
Philia, platonic love. The love you share with friends.
Storge, natural love. The love you share with your family.
Philautia, love of self.
Pragma, long standing love. The love of a married couple.
Agápe, unconditional or Devine love.
Ludus, childish or playful love/flirting.
You were the cupid of Ludus. Anytime a young person needed your help in finding a love that was playful, you helped. The person could be young, or just young at heart. Whatever it was, you helped fulfil their love lives.
"(Y/N)! Someone's saying something about love next to candy, it might be a job for you!" You heard Stroge's voice call for you. Your eyes lit up. You hadn't had a job in so long. You rushed over, holding the edges of your pink dress so you didn't trip over the wisps of clouds.
The clouds in front of all of you transformed into a screen. There was a boy with dark raven colored hair, glasses, and dark eyes. Blood covered his hands and face, as well as a few bruises. "Oh my! Why, this is new..." Philia exclaimed. ''This is probably... the w-weirdest thing I've done... but I r-really wish she loved me," you heard him say. "He's sad! I wanna go, please? I haven't had one in 2,000 years, pleaseeee?" You begged, clasping your hands together. They all looked at each other before looking back. "Lady Aphrodite, what do you think?" Eros asked with a smile. The woman in question smiled gracefully, before nodding her head. "Yes! I promise I'll do my best!" You giggled, before touching the scene in the cloud. Warmth spread throughout your body, the heat being pleasant as if you were walking under the sun, and then, you felt cold. The sudden difference made you shiver. Where was this kid anyways?
"W-what the hell!" The boy exclaimed, backing away. His back hit the wall, and you pouted. "Come on now! You summoned me," you said. "Y-youre... you... I did what?" He stuttered. "You said you wished she loved you back and there's candy somewhere, so I got sent down here,'' you chirped, lifting the edges of your white dress, getting close to him. "I died didn't I? They finally killed me?" He said, slapping the side of his face. He began to pinch at his skin, wincing when he pinched at one of the bruises. "Am I dreaming? I've got to be. They knocked me out, I'm dreaming. No way. There's no way this is real," he muttered to himself. Then you grabbed his hands to stop his actions. The way your hands felt, warm and soft, couldn't have been something out of a dream. This was real. "Oh my god oh no... what did grandma always say? Don't mess with the spirits and devines. Don't do it. And what did I do? I messed with the devines, and here I am," he whispered. His eyes were wide, looking you up and down quickly. "I'm not gonna hurt you, you know. I'm here here to help!" You said, placing a hand on his cheek. You used your magic to heal up the bruises, cuts, and other things. He felt a slight warming sensation spread lightly. "There. All fixed up," you said, patting his head.
"So... let's start over. Hiya, my names (Y/N), cupid of Ludus!" You introduced. It was about an hour later, and he had finally come to terms with it. "Niragi Suguru... um, explain what the cupid thing is?" He questioned. You nodded. "There's seven of us in total! Each represents one of the words the Greeks used for love. Ludus is childish or playful love and flirting," you explained. You looked towards his clothes, a school uniform covered in dust, blood and dirt, and back down to your clothes, a long, white, flowy dress with loose sleeves. It was the kind that reminded you of your home in your past life.. You frowned, snapping your fingers. "Much better," you sighed. You had changed into a pink hoodie with a white pleated skirt. A pair of white platform boots with silver buckles completed the outfit. You had also cleaned up his clothes, and he looked shocked yet again. "Oh, and my lucky charm! Niragi, meet Squishy! He's my bun bun!" You giggled, waving around the white stuffed bunny. He cracked a smile, and pet it. "So... how old are you?" He asked, quickly adding, "If you don't mind me asking, of course."
You thought for a moment on how you should answer. "Well... I look around your age. I can make myself look whatever age I want, but technically speaking... I'm as old as Aphrodite. About a 500 years younger then her... so... about 5,000 years old? Does that answer it?" You responded. He nodded. "So... you're immortal? What like lead... to you being created?" He asked. You snuggled into him, being cold. He jumped at the contact. "It's cold... and if you wanna know, I'm gonna stay here," you said, holding onto him even him more. "O-okay..." he stuttered. "All of us cupids were mortals once. All of us died in ways that were... horrific for some, and also trauma. The gods took pitty or interest in us, and decided to save us," you explained, playing with the buttons on his uniform, unbuttoning and buttoning them back up.
"What a-are you doing?" He asked, grabbing your hands. You smiled, "Need to fidget with something." He was confused, but let you be. "Alright. Can you tell me a bit more about the cupids? Or just... yourself?" He questioned.
"Well there's 7 of us. Each of us has a lucky item, a color and food that can be used to summon us, we work with the gods and goddesses of love from every religion... hmmm, what else? Oh, my past is kinda dark. I was a princess! So, with that, my parents wanted me to be perfect. But, I couldn't, so punishments were required if I messed up. The man I was betrothed to was disgusting... Oh, and if you're wondering, my parents killed me. You know how royal families are. Crazy. So, now I'm here. Does that answer your question?" You responded. He blinked while nodding. "That was a lot. I'm sorry you went through that," he said, sympathy evident in his tone. You frowned, your hands playing with his hair. He leaned into your touch, a content sigh leaving his lips. "Yay! I made you happy! Right? Did I?" You questioned, sitting on his lap. He nodded, looking up at you. "You're cute. I'm not sure why you need my help getting a girl," you pouted, fingers weaving into his dark hair. He blushed slightly at your words. Cute? No one called him cute. He never assumed he was cute. Why did you think that?
"I didn't know I summoned you, so... yeah," he answered. "Well, now I'm here until she falls in love with you, with my help of course," you said. He cracked a smile, nodding. "I have to get home, so... let's go," he said, trying to push you off him softly. You shook your head, nuzzling into his chest. 'I thought she was supposed to help her fall in love with me, not make me fall for her!' He was having an internal panic at the moment. You finally got off of him, and floated besides him. "Let's go then."
"So no one else can see or hear you?" He questioned. You two were currently in his room. You nodded, before looking out the window into the street below. "We're so high up! Wow!" You exclaimed. He laughed, "Don't you live in the sky?" You pouted at his laughter. "And? I think it looks pretty outside right now," you said. It was raining outside, the droplets hitting the glass with a satisfying sound. "I prefer rain to sun. I don't get rain or cloudy days up there," you said, floating over to his bed. He was laying back, looking up at the ceiling, so you decided to float right above him. "So, what's this girl's name?" You asked. He blushed. "Asami Anzu," he responded. "Pretty! I bet she's pretty too! Is she pretty? Tell me about her," you rambled, giggling in excitement. He had never had anyone to talk to about anything, and here you were. So, of course he spent the next few hours talking to you about her.
"Aww! I wish someone would talk about me like that!" You said. He was so obviously in love with this girl, and it made your heart melt. He was so pure with his feelings. "Other guys that I've helped usually only want the girl to be childish so they can take care of her. I'm so glad you have genuine affection towards her," you said, sitting on the edge of his bed. He blushed, looking away. "What? Is there something wrong?" You questioned. "U-um, your s-ski- your skirt," he stuttered. You were confused, looking down, seeing it had risen up, and you laughed, smoothing it down. "You're silly. It's just skin," you said, crawling up to him. "Well I- I just... I assumed it was... improper for me to see that," he said. "Oh, you wouldn't survive a day up there... you would constantly be apologizing," you giggled, patting his head. You could feel him relax, and smiled. "You remind me of a dog! You like head pats, and are easily excited," you teased. "A-am not!" He defended, grabbing your hands. You pushed against him, trying to get your hands away. You laughed as he pushed back. It turned into both of you trying to push each other over. The once quiet room was filled with laughter and random bouts of banter.
You finally pushed him over, pining his hands above him. "I win~!" You bragged with a smile. He laughed, letting you celebrate your small victory. You looked down at him. "Is this what Eros talked about?" You questioned out loud to yourself. You weren't completely innocent, and would use minor curse words, or understood certain things, but never really understood it. You knew what it was, it just didn't interest you, or you didn't care about it. "What did she talk about?" He questioned. You stayed the same, looking down at him, keeping his hands in yours. "Well... I think you look pretty where you are," you stated confused. He blushed at your words, finally taking notice of the not - so - innocent position you were in. "You mean like... under you?" He questioned, his wrists squirming to get away from your grip. You let him go, nodding. "That's um... that's nice," he said, looking away. Although you didn't understand his reaction, you blushed at how he phrased it. "See! You're blushing too!" He said. You wanted to tease him? He'd find something to tease you back.
"Suguru, why is there a cupid in your room?"
You turned slowly to the door, noticing an elderly woman standing at the door frame. He stuttered, sitting up. "And moreover, why were you to like... that," she said, gesturing to the two of you.
"He summoned me."
"He did what?!"
"I-i didn't do it on purpose! It was an accident I swear!"
"It was an accident. But I'm stuck here now."
The woman sighed. Then it hit you. "Wait, how can you see me?!" You shouted, floating behind Niragi and grabbing his shoulders. You hid behind him, peeking out slightly. ''I've been around for a while. And I've dealt with cupids before. Say, how's Pragma?" The lady questioned. Your eyes lit up. "You know Pragma?" You questioned. She nodded. "She's doing well," you answered. The lady stayed talking with both of you for a bit longer, before saying she was off.
"Who was that?" You asked. You hadn't asked her who she was, just enjoyed her stories. "My grandmother... I forgot she was going to come over and drop something off while mom was at work, " he answered. You hummed, floating around his room. You heard his bed shift, and the clicking of buttons. "What's that?" You asked, pointing at what he was holding in his hands. "It's a game system. Haven't you... oh. Sky, right," he responded. You sat besides him, watching him expertly click away at the buttons. "You're so good at that!" You complimented after he was done with the level. "Do you want to learn how?"
"Ah! Nonono!" You giggled, seeing as Niragi was passing you. He was still better than you, but you had learned a bit. "Ah, shit!" He cursed, clicking harder at buttons. Another thing you'd noticed about him was when he got  mad at the game, he'd curse a lot. Your character passed the finish line, finishing in first. "Yay! I finally beat you!" You cheered, jumping up and down. "I let you win anyways. I didn't want you to be sad," he joked. "Noooo, I beat you fair and square~!" You chirped, sitting back down. "Did I make you happy again?" "Yeah. You did, (Y/N). You did."
Over the course of the next few weeks, you helped him talk to the girl. Your magic was there to get her interested, and let her fall in love on her own. Not to make her fall in love. Of course, Niragi asked about it.
"Ok, listen here! You need to man up and go talk to her! I did my thing, worked my magic, now all you have to do is talk to her!" You repremanded. "Can't you just make her fall in love with your magic, I don't want to embarrass myself," he muttered. You shook your head. "No! If I do, it can become obsessive and I- I can't let that happen again..." you whispered. "Again?''
"Forget I said that! Go talk to her!"
Usually you floated around, watching her to see her interests and watching over Niragi, making sure to heal him after he mysteriously got hurt. He would never tell you how, and it made you mad, seeing it was the same excuse every time. "I tripped down the stairs, I'm fine," he said. "Mhm. I know your eyesight is bad, but not that bad. You can't expect me to believe all your bullshit can you?" You asked, wiping away the blood. His eyes widened, staring in shock. "What?" You questioned. "You just... you cursed. That's the first time I've heard you swear," he said. You smiled sheepishly. It was a learned behavior from him, hearing him swear at his games, or under his breath. "I-is it ok if I do?" You asked, suddenly worried you'd made him mad. He nodded, "Of course it's ok. I mean, I do it, it would be kinda rude of me to say you can't."
One day, while floating around, listening to the girl, you heard her say something about Niragi. "I mean, don't you think it's weird that he's always by himself? If no one ever talks to him, what's wrong with him?" She said. Her friends nodded. "And next, Sheji told me that all he does is stand as a target when they push him around. Who wants a guy that can't even defend himself?" She added. You huffed. How could she sound like an angel while acting like a devil? This wasn't fair to Niragi, she didn't even know him that well. You floated around her, watching to see if anything would happen. Nothing, as expected. Well, until you touched her. You knew her friends couldn't see you, but now she could. "You're kind of a bitch, you know. You're going to be one of the girls that regrets not dating him when he's older. Did you know Niragi is super smart? Like, top of his class smart. You should get to know people before going off what you think because honestly it's a shitty thing to do, and it doesn't make you pretty at all. I can't believe a guy as cute as him likes you," you spat, defending him. It didn't even cross your mind that calling him cute might be wrong, because in your eyes, it wasn't. Her eyes widened as she stared at you. You were floating, your legs crossed in midair as you held on to your bunny stuffie. "Y-youre floating," she stuttered. You smirked as her friends stared at her like she was crazy. No one else could see you. "Yeah, and? Stop acting so dumb," you insulted. Of course, you wanted Niragi to end up with the girl he liked, but she was too rude. "Anzu, what are you talking about?" One of her friends questioned. "Can't you see her? She's floating, right there!" She exclaimed. You got closer, your eyes gleaming with mischief. "Play nice Anzu. I'm always around to protect those I love," you said, smiling, before skipping away. You heard her talking rapidly about you to her friends, but it was no use because they couldn't see you.
"(Y/N), what happened with Anzu-San? Why did you say those things to her? I thought no one else could see you?" He questioned. "Well first, she's a bitch, and was being rude and talking about you. I said those things cause it was only fair. And It's my special item's magic. I told you Bun-Bun was necessary," you explained, holding onto Niragi's sleeve. He sighed, "Well, now you're stuck with me for a while aren't you?" "Yep. Until you find another person you love that will love you back," you stated. He nodded, not really being as hurt as he thought he would be. In fact, he was relieved. You sensed this, and smiled brightly towards him. "Before you ask, yes, this made me happy. Thank you for helping me, and making sure I'm happy (Y/N)."
That was basically how you got stuck on Earth with him for the next 9 years. He had never found anyone he liked, so you stayed.
"Do you have to work late every day?" You whined. He thought you looked like a kicked puppy all sad and mopey that he had to leave. "I'm sorry?" He questioned, grabbing his keys. "Can I go with you then?" You asked. He sighed, "Only if you promise to not get bored and start bothering me." You nodded excitedly, following him out.
His office was rather messy, not like his room. "Why is your office messy and your room isn't?" You questioned. "I spend countless hours in my office, and like...3-5 hours in my room?" He responded, signing into his computers, looking through a folder on his desk. You pouted, sitting in the corner. You did like the small space, however. You could curl up into a tiny ball, so you did, falling asleep rather quickly
"Niragi? Is it okay if I float around your office and stuff?" You asked a while later after you woke up, being a bit bored. "I told you like... forever ago that you can call me by my first name. You're stuck with me for a while," he said. You shook your head. "It's just... then I would... nevermind," you answered. He chuckled, watching you float around, picking up papers. "You don't have to clean my office for me, you know?" He stated. You nodded, still picking things up. "I'm aware. But, it's for me, not you. If your office is clean, then I don't have to deal with mess when I come with you," you said. "Ok, that's an insult," he joked. He stood up from his chair, walking to one of his shelves, pulling another file down. "It's what I like to call organized chaos. My files may not be in alphabetical order, but I do know where each one is. For example, the left shelf on that wall, second row, 3 files down is the file for a client's idea. The one next to it has to do with the business side of things of that same client," he said, pointing to the shelves while reading through another one. You floated over, going exactly where he said. He was right. "Wowww! You're so smart!" You giggled, putting the folders back exactly as they were. "I'm well aware sweetheart," he sighed.
He walked back to his desk, watching as you floated towards him. Your face was right in front of his, smiling. He really loved that. You'd been with him for the past nine years, of course he'd grown attached to you. There was never anyone he found as attractive as you, but he'd never said anything. One time, he had asked, and you told him that cupids weren't allowed to fall in love, or else they'd die a devine death. So, as selfish as it might have been, he told himself he'd never fall in love, and that he'd keep you with him. You never seemed to mind, seeing as you hadn't had a job in years before him. A small part of you had also grown attached to him. You didn't want to admit it either, but the feelings you got around him were different than the feelings you felt around the other cupids.
You two were broken from your staring contest by the sounds of fireworks outside the window. He was confused, going over to the window, raising the blind. "It's nighttime already? Niragi, is there a celebration today I didn't remember?" You asked holding onto his arm. "No... not that I know of. It was probably some idio-" he started, before the lights turned off. You shrieked, letting go of him, seeing as it was completely dark. Not even the lights from the city of Tokyo shined in through the window.
"Niragi? Where are you? I can't see a damn thing! Niragi?" You called out, your hands groping for something in the dark. "Niragi? Hey, this isn't funny! Niragi! Suguru, please answer I don't like the dark!" You cried, desperate to find him, even if it meant using his first name. Gods how you hated the dark. It reminded you of your past. Having to be locked up in the darkest part of the dungeons, no light as random noises echoed through the halls. The rats and bugs crawling on you. You hated it so much. "Suguru! W-where are you!" You called out once more. You heard the door open, and a light flash through.
"Hey, sorry, I left to go find a flashlight. I didn't see anyone in the building though. Whole city is blacked out though," he said. You rushed over to him, hugging him tightly. "D-dont leave me alone in the dark again! You stupid jerk!" You whimpered against him, your hand gripping onto his shirt tightly. He cursed himself, remembering you didn't like the dark. A fitting fear, considering what you were. "I'm sorry, it slipped my mind. Let's go see if we can find anyone, or any clues as to what's happening."
That turned into finding the beach. Of course, after multiple games, you were more than happy he was finally somewhere safe. After so much, you were happy he was ok.
You lay in his bed, waiting for him to come back. "I wonder... no one's ever... none of the cupids have tried falling in love... so... how do we know we can't do that?" You questioned out loud, holding the sleeves of his shirt. You liked wearing it, seeing as it had a pretty pattern. Most of the times you'd switch the color though. Instead, you'd always make the intersecting lines pink while the rest stayed black, or vice versa. That, or you'd make it black and red. It was fun.
"I'm back, and alive surprisingly," you heard a vouch snap you out of your thoughts. You sat up, tripping out of bed to say hello. "I'm so glad you're ok! I was worried you know," you said, checking him over for any wounds he might have recieved. There was none. "Diamonds game?" You questioned. He nodded, laying back on his bed. You crawled besides him, slapping the side of his face. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?" He yelled, looking at you like you just murdered his family. You smiled sweetly, "That was for what you said to that girl yesterday. We respect women you asshat." He rubbed his face, a red mark appearing where you hit him. He looked down, nodding. "That was a solid slap though," he whispered. "I'm not hugging you till you apologize to that girl," you said. He nodded, walking off. He didn't know why he listened to you. Frankly, he could do whatever he wanted to, but somehow the thought of you not holding him again mad him sick.
When he came back after a while, you smiled. "Good job!" You praised. He lay next to you, as you curled up besides him. "Hey... (Y/N)... have you ever wanted to date one of the people you've been helping?" He asked, looking away. You blushed, looking away. "Maybe... why?" You answered. "Because... isn't it dumb that the gods can date and fuck around with humans, but you can't?" He said. You thought for a second before nodding. "Then do you want to be the first to test out your mortality?" He questioned, turning to you. Your eyes widened with fear. This was something that you thought about, of course, but never had the guts to do. "B-but what if it's true? Then I die forever!" You exclaimed, hiding under the blankets.
"(Y/N), who in the heavens told you that?" A voice asked. You recognized that voice. It was the voice of Venus. You quickly took the blanket off your head, kneeling down to her on the bed. Niragi stared between the two of you, not sure what to do. You smiled at Venus quickly, before pushing him down besides you. "L-lady Venus. It's an honor to see you again," you said. "Silly girl. You don't have to bow to me. Now, back to what I was saying. Who told you ladies that?" She asked again, fixing her hair. "Z-zues did my lady," you answered. She tutted, "That Zues. Always messing with my cupids. It is allowed, but you have two options. Either you become a mortal being with him, or he become an immortal being with you. Your choice," she said, giving you a smile. You glanced over at Niragi. He still had these games to complete. You could have him forever. And you'd never have to worry about him finding someone and you having to leave. He leaned into you, whispering in your ear, "Do what makes you happy. Not me. You've always helped me, pick yourself for once."
It was so uncharacteristically sweet of him to say something like that. In the borderlands, at least. "Wanna have him forever and ever and ever!" You giggled childishly, throwing your arms around his neck. Venus laughed, "Oh my sweet child. I'll do so after you leave this place. My magic isn't working here, it was a struggle to see you. So live. Live for as long as you can," were her final words before leaving, rose petals left behind. You laughed, holding his face in your hands, your forehead resting on his.
"Did I make you happy?"
"You always do (Y/N), you always do."
Ok, that took a while. Especially when I wanted to get the Last Boss chapter done before Niragi's, but I finished this one first, so this one is getting published first. I was writing both at the same time, and this one just got done faster
And I forgot to this last night, I'm so sorry!
Tag list
Ok, we're good now
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Hi Steph!!! Hope you're doing fine and well!!I've jumped back into the Johnlock fandom and rewatched it again! I'm looking for fics to do with Sherlock being drugged, a drug addict, crazy, insane or trapped in his mind palace. That's about it, thank you!! Take care!
Hey Nonny!
Ahh, welcome back to the fandom, Lovely!! <3 I hope I can help you out!
For Drug fics, I have these lists here:
Self Harm, Danger Nights, and Drugs
Drugs and Drugging Pt 2
Realistic Drugs/Drug Rehab
As for mind palace fics, I’m going to use this opportunity to post up a list of fics relating to Sherlock’s mind palace, just because I did actually start tagging fics with it, so I wanna actually use it, LOL. Feel free, my lovelies, to add your own fics for this or anything Nonny is looking for! Hope y’all like what I got for y’all!
A Perfect Figure by ecb327 (K, 622 w., 1 Ch. || Romance, First Person POV Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Introspection, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Light Angst) – Sherlock build a spot in his mind palace for John.
Once Upon A Time by ProfessorSquirrell (T, 908 w., 1 Ch. || Family, Snippets of Life, Romance, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Implied Drug Use, Angst with Happy Ending) – There is a room in Sherlock's mind palace where nothing gets deleted. And it looks like this...
Sherlock's Mind Palace by Valkyrie Of The Dead (K+, 1,091 w., 1 Ch. ||  Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Deaths, Self Reflection) – Sherlock needs to change his mind-palace once again. He had hoped he wouldn't, he had thought he wouldn't, because they were invincible, weren't they?
Ode to a Well-Worn Chair by hogwartswitch (G, 1,274 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TSo3, John’s Chair, Angst, Love Confessions, Mind Palace) – Takes place the night Sherlock left John's wedding early. Why did he move John's chair and where did he move it?
The Simple Separation Will Not Come Between Us by The Circus (T, 1,278 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, MCD, Violence, Heavy Angst, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Prose) – The choice is simple. Real, and No John. Or Not Real, and John. For a prompt that says 'John dies and Sherlock loses himself in his Mind Palace’
Upon This Throne by ifonlynotnever (T, 1,773 w., 1 Ch. || Pre-TRF, Angst, Romance, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Introspection, Imagery, Pining Sherlock, Drug Use, Passage of Time) – Inside Sherlock's mind is a Palace. Inside the Palace are many rooms. Within the largest room is the Throne. Upon the Throne sits the King.
The Three-Word Tin Collection by TheBookshelfDweller (K, 1,885 w., 1 Ch. || First Person Sherlock POV, Mild Pining, Angst, Romance, Hiatus) – What happens when Sherlock has to store the things he wants to say to John while deconstructing Moriarty's web, but the Mind palace proves an inadequate place to store them?
Duvet (green) by Mazarin221b (G, 2,021 w., 1 Ch. || Post-THoB, Mind Palace, Revelations, First Kiss) – Sherlock recalibrates and restructures his mind palace so it looks like 221b. What he chooses to put in John's room is a bit of a surprise, and a revelation.
A Room of One's Own by whitchry9 (K+, 2,174 w., 5 Ch. || S2 Timeline, Hurt/Comfort, Supernatural, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Coma, John Whump, Worried Sherlock, POV John, Angst, Friendship/Bromance, Hospital) – When a severe head injury lands John in a coma, somehow he ends up in Sherlock's mind palace. It's actually pretty nice there, and John is entertaining the notion of staying there, rather than returning to his broken body. But Sherlock isn't taking it as well, and John can feel him breaking around him.
Heart's a Mess by svenjastrange (NR, 2,249 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Sherlock’s Mind Palace) – Sherlock's heart is a mess.
Green Carnation by glenien (T, 2,616 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Meta-Fic, Angst and Fluff, Communication, Post-TAB) – John takes Sherlock home. Part 1 of It’s No Longer Eighteen Ninety-Five
The Trial of Sherlock Holmes by jenna221b (G, 3,015 w. across 3 works || TAB!lock, Metafic / TJLC, Victorian AU / 1895, Christmas, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Oscar Wilde) – Scripts based on speculation that Sherlock will be put on trial in The Abominable Bride to parallel the Oscar Wilde Trials of 1895.
Entanglement by orphan_account (G, 3,218 w., 1 Ch. || Confessions, Physics, Metaphors, Texting, Pining, Christmas, Mind Palace, Sick Fic, Fluff, Humour, Praise Kink) - On Christmas Eve, snow covers London, John visits Harry, and Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson untangle some knots.
Nineteen Seconds of Falling by EmmyAngua (T, 3,739 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Falling in Love) – Sherlock spends exactly nineteen seconds zoned out after John asks him to be best man. He retreats to his mind palace in the desperate hope of figuring out what he wants, unfortunately for him his mind palace is full of people who keep trying to give him advice.
Jukebox by standbygo (T, 3,990 w., 1 Ch. || Fluff, Singing/Music, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Hurt/Comfort, Humour, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss) – After the music halls of Sherlock's mind palace get damaged by accident, John learns that Sherlock never forgets a song. Even the ones he'd rather forget. But the random singalong brings some unexpected benefits.
Sink Like a Stone by pennydreadful (T, 4,348 w., 1 Ch. || Angst / Dark, Cuddling/Snuggling) – After defeating Moriarty at the pool, life isn't quite the same around 221B Baker Street...it's more peaceful. And stranger.
Times Two by WhimsicalEthnographies (E, 5,595 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Victorian John, Modern John, Sherlock has a Good Imagination, PWP, Bottomlock, Spitroasting) – “But you’re not that John…”“Of course I am,” John’s lips and mustache brush against Sherlock’s mouth as he talks. “All us Johns are that John, now. That John is in every room in your Palace.” He leans in for another messy kiss, tongue swirling all around the inside of Sherlock’s mouth. “In fact,” he moves to suck on the sensitive skin underneath Sherlock’s ear. “I think I hear him coming right now.”
The Death of Doubt by Gingerhermit (E, 6,584 w., 1 Ch. || Alternate Canon, BAMF John, POV Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Drama, Meddling Mycroft) – Mycroft asks for John’s help in rescuing Sherlock from his Serbian captors.
Better Than Fiction by Irrevocably_Sherlocked (E, 6,813 w., 1 Ch. || Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Masturbation, BJ’s, First Time / Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Anal) – ...he opens his eyes, but instead of seeing John he is staring at his bedroom ceiling, the pale plaster a startling contrast from the scene in his head. It had felt so real. He can only imagine what the feel of John’s lips would be like, his taste. But luckily for him, he thinks with a smirk, he’s always had a brilliant imagination.
The Five Stages of Mourning, Plus One by SunnyRea (T, 10,557 w., 1 Ch. || MCD, Pining / Grieving Sherlock, URT, Heavy Angst, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Drug Use, Graphic Death, Depression, Unhappy Ending) – Sherlock did not want this, did not want another stalemate with John in the middle, a gun in Jim's hand. This cannot have happened without a sign. There has to be something he missed anything which said today is the day I kill for real.
Sherlock's Head, John's Heart by Altego (T, 17,252 w., 7 Ch. || Tragedy, Heavy Angst, Heavy Bromance, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Mary is Nice, Friendship) – After Mary dies, John tries to cope, and Sherlock blames himself but tries to make John understand how important John is in his life.
A Study In Auto-Signatures, Sniper Dolphins, and Sex Holidays by cwb (E, 32,689 w., 8 Ch. || Case Fic, Post S3, Evil Mary, Dev. Rel., Beach Holidays, Confused Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Honeymoon, Epistolary, Bottomlock, First Kiss / Time, Fluff, Secret Agents, BAMF!John) – John and Mary go on their sex holiday, and Sherlock is grumpy and pining about it. Part 1 of HOT DOLPHIN SEX
Hell Sent, Heaven Bound by ConsultingHound (M, 64,381 w, 16 Ch. || Angels / Demons AU ||  Fallen Angel Sherlock / Angel Cop John, Alternate First Meeting, Slow Burn, Case Fic, John & Lestrade are Friends Before Sherlock, BAMF John, Mind Palace John, Friends to Lovers, John in Denial, Sherlock Picks Out John’s Clothing, Clubbing / Dancing, Mildly Jealous John, Awkwardness, Kidnapping, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Sacrifice, Worried / Anxious Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Immortal to Mortal) – Ex-War healer and current angelic guard John Watson is not having the best day. He overslept, he’s underpaid, and now there’s someone tagging the Council’s building walls. However things may be about to get interesting: there’s an unusual stranger hanging around (the definition of tall, dark, and handsome), a literal underground cult is brewing, and rumblings are coming from hell. Can he keep his neighbourhood safe, how and why is he being connected to all this, and who the hell is Sherlock Holmes?
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Dev. Rel., Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball
The Adventure of the Silver Scars by tangledblue (NR [M], 142,458 w., 41 Ch. || S3 Fix-It, Post-HLV/ Post-TAB / Canon Compliant, Case Fic, No Baby, Angst, Humour, UST, Slow Burn, Angry John, Reconciliation, Not Nice Mary / Leaving Mary, Dependent Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Caretaker John, Fist Fights, It’s An Experiment, Virgin Sherlock, Dancing, Drugging, John Whump, Pet Names, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Scars) – It’s been thirteen months since Mary shot Sherlock and John finds he’s still pissed off about it. Sherlock had thought everything was settled: John and Mary, domestic bliss. But when John turns up at Baker Street with suitcases, the world’s only consulting detective might not be prepared for the consequences. A new case. Some old scores to settle. Certain danger. Concertos, waltzes, and whisky.
104 notes · View notes
chocolatemin · 4 years
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word count: 7.3k
genre: soulmate au, fantasy, fluff, angst
synopsis: It's been two years, and you still hasn't met your soulmate while everyone did, leading you to think that you are unfortunate and will probably live alone for the rest of your life, and your friend always on the go to help you and cheer you up, helping you feel a little less lonely, would you be able to overcome the loneliness or will your soulmate finally show up?
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They say, once you turn sixteen, you’ll be able to find out your soulmate and the only connection with them is through your dream, except there’s one thing you won’t remember about your soulmate: their name, unless you have already met in person. Some are eager and excited to turn sixteen, ready to meet their soulmate; the others are terrified, especially those in a relationship, not wanting to leave their partner behind, afraid that their soulmate will not love them just as or more than their current partner. However, the case for you seems different, you haven’t seen your soulmate, never, in one of your dreams, and now, you are eighteen and still waiting for your soulmate to appear in your dream.
“Say, Kai, you’ve met your soulmate, right?” You ask your seatmate without sparing a glance and continue scribbling on your notebook while waiting for the last period to end.
“Yeah, you still haven’t met yours?” Huening Kai mumbles in a quiet voice, just enough for you to hear, not wanting to get caught.
“I just want to ask what it is like to meet them. What did you feel the first time your soulmate appeared?” 
“Didn’t you ask that for a hundred times already?” Your seatmate almost turned his head to you, confusion taking over his features, he meant no harm and he wanted to pat your back, he just didn’t want you to keep being insecured at him. 
“I want to experience that too.” Your shoulders slump and you heave a sigh which Huening Kai caught from his peripheral vision, he couldn’t endure you being sad and sneakily place his left hand on your back, giving you a pat, “I know you’ll meet them soon, trust me.” Turning your head to his direction, you saw him smiling at you. You can’t help but to return the smile, feeling a bit better. How can you just ignore his contagious bright smile?
Minutes passing felt like an eternity while your professor continued his lecture. You hear the bell ring, signalling your professor for dismissal. Lost in your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the professor leaving the room and your classmates standing up to fix their things. You stare blankly at your notebook while you slowly tap your pen continuously. You hear a loud sound of a dropped object  from your right, causing you to flinch and turn your head, “Thank goodness you’re back!” Huening Kai shook his head while he fixed his things inside his bag, lips forming into a thin line, “Why must you slam your bag on the table? You could’ve tapped my shoulder,” You stood up from your seat, finally arranging your belongings.  
“I wanted to try something different today,” he giggles before making a peace sign with his hand, you shake your head and he laughs at your reaction, “I thought, tapping your shoulder might not work anymore. Well, recently, I’ve been tapping your shoulders for about three to five times and you still don’t snap out of your trance.”
“Wait, did our professor give homework?” You asked, slinging your bag on your shoulder, tilting your head to the side. 
“Thanks for walking me home, Kai.” You elbow the young man beside you lightly, while your hands are fixed on the straps of your bag on your side. You turn your heel to face him with a faint smile on your face, the young man beside you returns the smile and nod, “That’s what best friends are for!”
“Head home safely.”
“Our houses are literally beside each other!” 
“Oops, I forgot.” 
You fished the key from your pocket and inserted it to the door, you heard a soft click and entered. “I’m home!” You spoke loudly while you took off your shoes before heading to your room. 
You drop your bag to the chair and let out a sigh as the feeling of loneliness still lingers in your heart, shaking your head and you make your way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. The warm water hitting your skin gently soothes your uneasy mind and aching heart, and slowly helps you forget about your worry for a while. You hear knocks from the door of your room followed by the calm voice of your mother, “Come down, sweetie. The dinner’s ready.” 
“I’ll be there in a minute!” You yelled from the bathroom, quickly wrapping your body with a towel, before jumping out of the shower, heading to the mirror to dry your hair swiftly. You wore a light blue pair of pyjamas, with cherries as its design, one of your favorites. You quietly head outside your room and rush downstairs, not wanting to keep everyone waiting. 
The dinner is awfully quiet, no one dared to speak, probably having their bad days too. You are used to this, even though this does not occur quite often, you tried striking a conversation before and failed nonetheless, so you did not bother to try anymore. You volunteered to wash the dishes, so that they can rest early and prevent them to start bickering at each other on how tired they were and arguing over who's going to wash the dishes. You carefully dry the plates before placing them on the cabinet and removing the apron after.
You turn off the lights on your way to your room and go to the bathroom to brush your teeth. You plop down on your bed, your body facing towards the ceiling and your thoughts instantly wander on your soulmate, questions start to fill your head. From questions such as: 'Why hasn't my soulmate shown up in my dreams? It's already been like two years?'; 'I'll be turning college in the next few months and I still haven't met my soulmate, would I feel out of place?'; 'Will someone make fun of me for not being able to meet my soulmate yet?' to 'Do I even have a soulmate to begin with?'
Tears start to fill your vision, causing it to become blurry and your breathing gradually becoming uneven. You sob quietly, burying your hands on your face, not wanting the world to see you crying over this thing, not wanting the world to pity you. After about twenty minutes of crying to yourself, sleepiness started making its way on you.
"Why are you crying?" Your head immediately turns to find the owner of the voice, "W-who are you?" You are confused, you were just in your bed minutes ago, and now you are sitting on grass near a lake.
"It doesn't matter, answer my question first." Your eyes traveled to the forest on your right, where the deep, honey voice came from. "Where are you?"
Seconds passed and you did not receive an answer, you cleared your throat, "It was a bad day." You turn to face the lake in your front before lowering your head, loneliness starts to creep up on you and tears slowly brimming in your eyes, just being reminded of your day adds up to the dread you are feeling, you covered your face in frustration.
You feel a warm hand over your shoulder and hear a shuffling noise beside you, "Who are you?"
"Your soulmate, Kang Taehyun."
You immediately turn your head to him, looking like an absolute mess; eyes raw from crying, tear-stain and flushed cheeks, seeing your soulmate looking like an actual angel or something straight out of a comic book, almost surreal-- his eyes are big and pretty, a perfect nose, and soft, pink lips, made you self-conscious and embarrassed, “Sorry, you have to see me like this in our first meeting.” He shook his head and gave you a smile, you noticed that he has dimples on both sides, making him even more handsome. He brought his hand over your face, caressing your cheeks before wiping off your tears using his thumb and inched closer to you. 
"I'm so happy to finally meet you, I've been waiting diligently for you to show up." You spoke softly, voice almost cracked, your throat became dry due to crying.
"I'm glad, but it was my fault, I've been a coward. I couldn't bring myself to get out and stop hiding behind the trees," Taehyun sighed, ashamed of his cowardice, "I understand if you get mad at me... I am so sorry." Without further thinking, you get on your knees before wrapping your arms around his shoulder, shifting the weight to Taehyun that caused him to lose his balance and you both fell to the ground, with your body on top of his. Taehyun placed his arms around your waist and he whispered an apology.
"I can't be mad at you, but I'm hurt. I forgive you though, I am rather thankful that you finally stepped out of that forest," you nuzzle your head further on his neck, "I thought I was alone all the time and something was wrong with me for not being able to meet my soulmate."
Taehyun gently strokes your hair, something that really annoys you if anyone does that, but to your surprise, Taehyun doing it makes you feel safe and cared for. After some time of talking and cuddling as you both lie down on grass, you did not notice that the continuous stroking of your hair is already lulling you to sleep, unconsciously making you close your eyes, and the last thing you heard before the pitch black darkness pull you to a deep slumber was Taehyun's muffled voice.
"Good night, my soulmate."
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“Good morning, Kai Kamal Huening!” 
The greeting took your best friend by surprise, furrowing his eyebrows at you, you can’t help but to laugh at the funny face he made, “Wow, you seem to be in a good mood today.” 
“Of course! Why shouldn’t I?” You broke into a wide grin. Huening Kai couldn’t hide the smile forming on his face, it’s been a while since the last time he saw you happy and smiling widely. Taking the bus, it took you a good twenty minutes to arrive early, just as usual, earning more time for the both of you to chit-chat. Huening Kai learned that you met your soulmate last night, he was glad and happy for you. 
“It is nice seeing you all bubbly and giddy,” you look up to Huening Kai, who is sitting across you, taking a bite of his food, you can hear the sincerity in his voice, “it’s been quite a long time since you last talked a lot. I’m happy for you.” 
“Thanks for cheering me up whenever I needed it.” 
“Don’t mention it. I got you.” 
The day passed, without you noticing that it’s already your last period for the day, except you were in a different class from Huening Kai today. You listened intently to the professor, taking down notes, making sure that you only included the important parts, it is your favorite subject anyway. 
“Greeks believed that in the beginning, there were three parents: Sun, Moon, and Earth. From the Sun was produced the man; from earth, the woman; from the Moon, the androgyne. Each of these three was a double, one head with two faces looking out in opposite directions, four arms and legs, and two sets of genitalia.”
“Humans were very powerful creatures, fearless and strong, and even dared to threaten the Gods. They threatened to conquer them and rule in their stead and become the new Gods.”
“According to the Greek Philosopher Plato: Gods feared their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.”
Yedam, the genius of the class, raised his hand before standing up, “But Sir, the humans lived in despair, they started to starve themselves to death. And Apollo was instructed to rejoin them temporarily and moved their genitals to the belly side of the body.” 
Yedam went back to his seat, Professor Choi cleared his throat, “Yes, that is right. So, he sewed them up, reconstituted their body forms and just left the navel as the only reminder of their original form,” taking a short pause, “humans went from double face and double sex creatures with eight limbs, to single faced ones of a single sex, with two arms and two legs. And they forever longed for their soul and physical other half. ”
Everyone went ‘ooh’, fascinated by the theory.
“Not only that, and according to the myth, when these two halves find each other, there will be a silent understanding of one another, they will feel joined and exist with each other in unison and they will know no greater joy than that.” 
“Whether this Soulmate story is purely a myth, or there is some truth in it, we’ll never know, but please respect each other’s belief.” Professor Choi beamed a smile before gathering his books, carrying them in his left arm, “Do you have any questions?”
“None, sir.” Your class answered in chorus.
“Well then, I hope you learned a lot, or even a thing or two from our lesson. We’ll have a test next meeting, don’t pressure yourselves too much. Just do your best, alright?”
“Yes, Professor Choi.”
“You are now dismissed. See you, class. Head home safely.” Professor Choi waved before leaving the room.
Professor Choi always treated his students like children of his own, he always shows his students that he cares, and that he can be trusted with their problems. He gives advice whenever a student approaches him to talk about a problem; whether a relationship problem, problems regarding oneself or even family problems. That is the reason he is your favorite among all your subject teachers. You gather your things, leaving the classroom to wait for your best friend outside the building. You are still mesmerized by the lesson, walking obliviously, you didn’t notice that you already reached your meeting place. You feel a hand grab your arms, regaining your self, you look up to see who it is.
“Oh, Kai.” 
“Watch where you’re going, your mind is wandering far away again.” Huening Kai shakes his head.
“By the way, do you have any plans tomorrow?” You asked, having a hard time catching up to Huening Kai’s long strides, “But importantly, can you slow down? You are walking so fast.”
“It’s not my fault your legs are short.” Huening Kai retorted, erupting into a fit of giggles, you smack his arm, “You’re just too tall!” You yelled, earning a laugh from your best friend, that sooner slows down so that you could keep up to him, “You haven’t answered my question, are you hiding something from me?” You eyed him suspiciously, giving him a glare which he stammered in response, you notice how his cheeks instantly turn crimson.
“Is there anything to hide from you?” The young man beside you snickered, “I was just thinking of what I should buy tomorrow for my soulmate. So in case we meet one day, I have something for her. What about you?”
“Oh, right, your family is going on a two-day trip tomorrow. Don’t forget to buy me a souvenir!” You beamed a smile, “My plans for tomorrow are to eat and to sleep.”
“Yeah, you would say that.” 
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"Taehyun, don't you find the concept of forgetting your soulmate's name every morning absurd?" Sitting beside each other, you lean your head over to his shoulder, grabbing his hand, intertwining it with yours.
"Not really."
"Oh, why?"
"I think that keeps the enthusiasm high and thrill on finding your soulmate. You'd be very excited to meet your soulmate, not only because you will finally see them, but also to finally remember their name, without forgetting it."
"You do have a point."
"The only thing we forget every morning is just each other's name, but not the memory of what happened."
"Yeah, you're right."
Using your free hand, you started to fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you try to recall your dreams. You have not thought that through, why did you realize that just now? Since Taehyun appeared in your dreams, you haven't forgotten a single thing, all the memories are fresh and vivid from the time you wake up and up until now.
Having him around gives a pleasant feeling, like a cool morning breeze in spring and the scent of chamomiles. Taehyun was always gentle and thoughtful, straightforward but caring. He is the epitome of perfection, though no one is perfect, but Taehyun seems to surpass the known saying. It's been quite a long time since you two have met, you've been constantly meeting each other for about a month now. You envied your best friend for being able to meet his soulmate in person, the day his family went on a trip. Not only did he buy you lots of souvenirs but he also brought lots of stories, including how he met his soulmate.
"Do you think we'll be able to see each other soon?"
"Of course, why do you ask?"
"I just can't wait to see you. I bet you are far more handsome in person than in our dream." You chuckle lightly to hide the embarrassment, you mentally slap yourself from the slip of the tongue.
Taehyun laughs before shaking his head, he then pulls you into his lap, hugging your body while his other hand plays with your hair. One thing you learned during one month is that Taehyun is clingy. He loves affection, he loves touching you: pulling you closer to snuggle, holding your hand, leaning his head on your shoulder, caressing your hair, and so on. You find it cute and endearing.
"I don't want this dream to end." You speak softly, feeling the drowsiness make its way to you, "I want to stay for a bit longer."
You yawn, burying your head further against his chest, you can feel his chest rising up and down slowly.
"Neither do I, but we have to. Oh, and you have a test on your first subject right?"
"Yes, I did study but I'm not confident."
"I know you'll ace the test."
"You have more faith in me than I have for myself," you laugh before continuing, "can I get a good luck at least?"
"Do you think you'll be able to perfect the test now?" You can hear the smugness on his voice.
"You're getting ahead of yourself."
"Am I really?" Taehyun mocked.
"I was going to say that first, but here you go." You feel a warm sensation and a fuzzy feeling in your chest as Taehyun places a gentle, lasting kiss on the top of your head, your face immediately heats up from your soulmate's bold move. Sighing in defeat, "Yes, I do feel confident now."
"That's my girl."
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"Yah! Kai Kamal Huening! Wait for me!"
"Quiet down, the whole city can hear your voice!"
"Why are you walking like that?"
Struggling to keep up with the tall lad, you walked behind him instead while holding onto his backpack.
"I'm in a hurry today, I have a formal dinner to attend to. Don't you remember?"
"Pancakes, we could've taken a bus!"
"Why didn't I think of that earlier?"
You rolled your eyes, irritated by your friend's amazing life choice. Shaking your head, you jog beside him, "You know what? You'll get home all sweaty anyway."
"So, what are you trying to say?"
"I couldn't let this chance slip away!" You hear Huening Kai's voice from behind as he chases after you.
Smiling to yourself, "the last one to reach our neighbourhood has to pay for the food the next time we hangout!" You smiled cheekily before sprinting off, the cold breeze slipping past your body.
Luckily, the two of you are already quite near your neighbourhood, making it easier for you to win. You huffed from the lack of air, taking heavy breaths after stopping on your tracks.
"Hey! You cheated!" Heuning Kai spoke, panting heavily, clutching on his knees as he inhaled air.
"You always say that whenever you lose to me!" You turn to face Huening Kai.
"No, it's because you always cheat!"
"Just accept your defeat!" You laugh, patting his shoulder.
"I want another round!"
"Fine. The first to reach one's house will get to decide where to eat, and the last will have to pay."
"Sounds good." Huening Kai nods.
"3... 2... 1!"
Both of you dashed all the way to your houses. You feel your legs giving out, tired from running, but you cannot lose to that competition, you paid for both of you last time, you couldn't let your wallet suffer again, especially to the hands of your best friend. He purposely picks the expensive food, just to annoy you, since you cannot say no. It's time for you to get back to him.
"I'm first!" You and Huening Kai yelled in unison, you turn to face each other while standing in front of each other's houses, shock evident on your faces.
"No! Me!" You both speak at the same time.
"No! It's me!" Huening Kai sticks his tongue out to you, until, "Inside. Now."
You both turned your heads to the owner of the voice and saw Huening Kai's mother, standing in an elegant dress at the doorstep, with an annoyed expression.
"Auntie, sorry for bringing Kai late. I asked him to wait for me." You went over to Kai and bowed down to her mother, you sneakily nudged the guy beside you and he muttered thanks under his breath.
"Ah, is that so? I understand, you shouldn’t be left walking alone at night."
"I'm sorry for causing trouble, auntie."
Huening Kai's mother shook her head then smiled at you, "No, it's all good. I'm glad to hear that Hyuka is being responsible."
"I believe you should get going now, Kai." He nods before giving you a wave, parting ways with you.
You smile at his mom and bow once more, before heading back to your house. It must be nice to grow up in a wealthy family, you thought.
Putting the unnecessary thoughts away, you make your way to your room, just as usual, dropping off your bag on the chair and head to the bathroom to wash your body. Somehow, you didn't feel like eating, besides, your parents are away until tomorrow night, you don't really have to force yourself to eat. It's not that you are too lazy to cook for yourself, but there is something inside you that makes you feel uneasy and empty.
I wonder what it is.
Draping the blanket over your body, you took one last glance on the clock, which says 9:45, after finishing all your homework and studying, you can now finally get some rest. Your legs ache due the p.e. class today and all the running on your way home.
You closed your eyes, drifting into dreamland.
You spotted Taehyun sitting cross-legged on your usual spot, his back facing you, “Looks like you slept with your uniform on,” you sat on his left, nudging his side, giggling.
“Well yeah, I knocked out as soon as my body came in contact with the bed,” Taehyun scratched the back of his head.
“That’s fine, you must be tired, eh?” You motioned him to move closer to you, “Why don’t you rest your head on my lap?”
“That’s a good idea,” Taehyun smiled before laying down on the grass, resting his head on your lap. You gently caress his soft locks, trying not to burst from the fuzzy feeling and butterflies erupting in your stomach, and a comforting silence enveloped the both of you.
Minutes passed and you are startled by Taehyun, who suddenly jolted up from his position, turning to face you, “I just remembered, I was supposed to show you something!” Taehyun looks adorable, his eyes twinkling, and his mouth agape.
“Really, what is it?” Taehyun gestured you to get up, offering you his hand which you gladly took.
“Something I found there,” he says as he points towards the forest, “don’t worry, it’s not scary there.” He pulls you beside him, his arm draped over your shoulder as you enter the forest. You realize that it isn’t really scary inside, as the moon is brightly illuminating the path, and is rather mystical, there are floating balls of different colored lights around and even fireflies.
You notice something glowing in the middle of the forest, “What’s that?”
He squints his eyes towards the glowing light, “Wait, let me take a closer look at it first,” he signals you to step aside and wait for him as he takes careful steps towards the object.
“Oh, this is really beautiful,” he turned his head to you, “come over here!”
“Wow, that’s a really pretty flower. Is this the thing you wanted to show me?” You ask.
“Yes, but it looks different now, it isn’t glowing the last time I saw it.” He turns to face you, extending his hand to you, “May I hold your hand?”
You smile, placing your hand over his, but instead, your hand passed through his.
Taehyun looks at you, completely taken aback, “What was that?!” 
He stepped closer to you, moving his hand over to your cheek, and you saw how his hand slipped through. 
“What is happening?” You took a few steps back. 
“I don’t know... let’s try again.” This time it is you, pulling him to a hug but fails.
“Why can’t I touch you?” You asked, heart thumping loudly in your chest, you don’t feel good about this.
“Look! The moon is disappearing! We have to wake up now!” Taehyun pointed his hand to the moon that is currently fading while the two of you get dizzy, your surroundings disappearing to the void of darkness.
Taehyun’s eyes flutter open, a heavy feeling lingering on his heart. He slid his hand inside his pocket and took out a piece of paper, “Why are the letters all messed up?” Trying to recall the memory, he remembered writing his soulmate’s name on the paper, along with a number, 1107, using a pen from his other pocket,  “but I can clearly read the date.. Why is that?” 
Taehyun got up from his bed to prepare for the day, putting aside the uneasy feeling, hoping that things will go back to normal later.
On the other hand, you are currently lying on your bed, distracted by the recent happening. You can’t seem to figure out the reason why you cannot touch your soulmate, it happened too fast, you were just walking through the woods, holding each other, and in a snap, your hands were already passing through each other's bodies.
Kai kept rambling beside you on your way to school but every word he said had gained no attention from you, it was just passing through your other ear and went out with your other ear.
"Why am I still talking? You're not even listening."
"Oh, sorry, what was it again?"
"I asked if you and your parents are free later, Mom kept insisting-- no, bugging me to ask you to have dinner with us this week."
"Oh, have you forgotten? They're out until later night. Maybe on Saturday?" You turn your head to his direction and you see him nod.
"Well then, it's settled. Saturday night at 8. I'll just message Mom later." Huening Kai stuffed his hand into his pockets.
"Alright, tell her I really miss her cooking." You waved before parting ways, heading to your first class for the day.
You really tried your best to listen to what your prof has to say, but no, your mind wouldn't let you. Suddenly, you felt your phone vibrate from your pocket, glancing around you, you then pulled your phone to see the notification. It is from the one and only, Huening Kai. You shook your head before reading the text.
Huening Cat: this class is rlly boring istg!!
You: omg stop messaging me!!
Huening Cat: no i wont :ppp
You: i'm not a delinquent like u
You immediately hid your phone in your pocket again, picking up your pen, back on taking notes. You feel your phone vibrating non-stop, Kai is spamming you messages and you're getting annoyed.
Thankfully, the class is almost finished, all you need to do is wait for a few more minutes. Just as the professor stepped out of your room, you pulled out your phone and saw thirty three unread messages from your best friend, majority of those are nonsense and lame jokes until you read the last message.
Huening Cat: I've heard there will be a transfer student next week. Wanna bet things?
You: can't u just stop messaging me? classes are literally ongoing u dolphin :P
He didn't reply after that and is probably heading to the lab for his chemistry class. Of course, you had each other's schedules memorized.
You sat down on your usual table, near the window. Poking a hole using the straw, you sipped on your favorite drink, strawberry milk, while you waited for your Kai to arrive. You saw him enter the cafeteria, busy eyes scanning for you, you ducked, trying to hide but failed, soon saw your friend already walking towards your seat with a smile placed on his handsome face.
"You look like an idiot."
"So do you, excuse you," you roll your eyes at him.
"How come I am too?" He pulls the chair, settling down across your seat.
"Nothing in particular, you just look like one," you laugh while he makes a sign that he is going to flick your forehead but it was just a threat.
"I heard it's a guy," Kai spoke out of the blue.
"Where did that even come from?"
"Our prof accidentally spilled the tea," he giggles cutely, "it was really funny. The look on Professor Suh– he was even surprised."
"I think you should stop using the bird app for a while, you're using too much slang in one day," you shook your head, smile forming on your face, "but I can imagine Professor Suh looking very surprised."
"Maybe he forgot to drink his coffee?"
You try to suppress a laugh from Kai's remark, Professor Johnny Suh has been quite popular in your school, not only for his good looks and being a great prof but because his family owns a coffee shop near your school and his father is in charge of brewing and making delicious kinds of coffees, and students often drop by there every morning.
The day went smoothly than you imagined, having no interruptions and all, you weren't distracted by the happening last night, the feeling still lingers but you somehow learned a lot and managed to get high scores on your surprise tests. Unfortunately, Kai had to stay for a while in the indoor court for their upcoming basketball match next month for a meeting and it was an urgent one, so you are here walking home all by yourself. You are kind of missing your friend's annoying voice but you aren't feeling lonely, there were times in the past like this. Kicking the pebble in front of your house, you stepped inside the house with heavy steps.
No one knows this little habit of yours whenever your parents are not around– skipping dinner. It makes you feel lonely, dining by yourself, and you didn't want to feel that. After drying your hair, you went straight to bed, looking forward to what your dream has to offer tonight, despite the occurrence, though you are quite unsettled and unsure.
You see Taehyun, standing near the lake, looking up to the moon with his hands inside his pockets.
Grinning, "Taehyunie!"
He feels his heart skip a beat from the nickname, blush automatically creeping up to his face, "Oh hey, angel," a smile makes its way to Taehyun's face.
You rush to him with your arms open wide, ready to tackle him with a hug, but instead, you fall to the ground, face first.
"My angel! Are you hurt?" You look up to see Taehyun offering his hand to you which you tried taking but just like last night, your hand slipped through his. So instead, you stood up all by yourself.
"No, I'm okay," you shook your head laughing off the embarrassment, "what happened by the way?"
"It seems like we can't still touch each other, I saw you running towards me and I didn't even budge but I am surprised that I wasn't able to catch you," Taehyun looked down, disappointment in his eyes.
"Don't worry I'm fine-"
"This isn't fine, I cannot hold you, you cannot hold me, and this is our only way of seeing each other." Taehyun interrupted your sentence, you can feel how hurt he is.
"Everything will be okay, soon." You try to console him, raising your hand to pat his back, but you realize that it won't work so you smiled instead.
"I hope so, because I can't really stand us being like this."
Before you could speak, your surroundings started to fade, pitch black engulfing the both of you.
"What is this?" You sound terrified.
The place lit up with cryptic messages kind of and you stepped closer to each other, bringing your hands over your chest. It looks like you are inside a computer system, your surroundings filled with incomprehensible letters in green, sort of a different language, and to be honest, it creeps you out. A message flashes in front you two.
"This is a notice to those who haven't met their soulmates,"
Your heart starts to beat crazily, the message too bad for your liking, you loathed the way it started, but even so, the next message shocked you the most.
"the soulmate system will vanish at 16:00, the day after tomorrow. Those who haven't met their soulmate in person until the last day will be free forever to love the person they want."
You glance at Taehyun and see him with his mouth agape, obviously shocked too, his eyes glinting utter disappointment and sadness.
"Signing off, the Creators."
Your surroundings gradually returned to how it used to be like, unlike the two of you, still left in shock. You cannot move, as if you are frozen on your spot, only after trying to regain your normal breathing pattern you become able to move.
"Okay, so what was that?! We won't be able to see each other anymore after that?" You turned to Taehyun, looking absolutely shocked and terrified at the same time.
"We need to be quick, we have to meet each other before the soulmate system disappears–" Taehyun pauses to meet your eyes, "unless you want to spend the rest of your life with me…"
"If only you want to…"
The last words are almost whispered, but you are still able to catch it with your ears.
Oh how badly you want to hold him right now.
"Of course, Taehyun. I want to."
You see him flash a bright smile contrasting with the sadness in his eyes, "We don't have much time left, I believe."
"I think so too. What are we going to do now? But I don't think we will be able to meet soon," You bit your lip, unsure of what to do.
Seconds pass and the atmosphere is getting heavy.
"I think we can do something about that," Taehyun smirked, as if he outsmarted a genius, "Don't worry, we'll be fine."
"Don't tell me-"
"Yes, my love, we are going to defy the system." Taehyun steps closer to you, one hand in his pocket and the other one pointing to the night skies.
"How are we going to do that?" You are curious about his idea.
"Let's just say I found a loophole in the system," Taehyun pulled a pen from his pocket, and you only notice now that he is wearing his uniform again, "last night, while I was waiting for you, I wrote your name on a piece of paper along with a date."
"The ink remained, however, I couldn't read your name, the letters are all messed up but the date."
"So that means, everything we brought to sleep, just like this pen, stays in our dream, and everything we take from here stays when we wake up."
"How did you know that?"
Taehyun got taken aback by your question, "Uh, I remember picking a flower before and when I wake up, I am still holding it," he scratches the back of his head.
"That's so cool!" You are amazed by Taehyun's discoveries.
"Yes, but that's not the point."
"Oh right, sorry." Taehyun just smiles at you.He wanted to pinch your cheeks because of how cute you are right now, but he knows better.
"So, back to what I'm saying, we can write anything, except our names and be able to see and read it when we wake up."
You nod, "And what is the plan?"
"We'll write a location on our arms, on where we are going to meet, in case our memory starts fading due to the removal of the soulmate system."
"Oh my god, Taehyun! You're a genius!" You exclaim.
"And since we don't have much time, we have to think right now."
You squint to see his school logo, "Oh, your school isn't that far from our school, I think we could meet up somewhere between the distance of our schools," you paused, contemplating if your question makes sense, "What time does your class end?"
"Around five pm."
"Mine ends at exactly four thirty. I think you can meet me somewhere nearer your school, since I have a bit more time than you."
"Should we meet at the park then?"
"That will do."
"Okay, so we can write that on our arms," Taehyun handed you the pen, and you proceeded to write the said location.
"Are you sure this will work?" You ask Taehyun as soon as you finish writing on your arm, handing him back the pen so he could write on his arm too.
"Not really, but there's no harm in trying, right?" Taehyun looked up to you, "This is the only solution I can think of."
"I trust you, Taehyun." You gave him a bittersweet smile, feeling your heart ache from the uncertainty, but Taehyun returned the smile nevertheless.
"Say you'll remember me, Taehyun," you feel tears welling up from your eyes, "If ever we fail, know that I will never forget you, my mind may forget, but heart never forgets." 
"I'll forever treasure our memories deep in my heart," you sobbed, eventually Taehyun does too, "it's such a shame we only had a month."
"That is my fault, I did not show up earlier." Taehyun wants to hold you, pull you to an embrace, place reassuring kisses on the crown of your head but he can't which makes the situation worse.
"Keep in mind, angel, I love--"
Your eyes shot open, feeling the hot tears streaming from your eyes. You cover your face with your hands, crying your heart out. It is too early to cry, and you still have classes to attend to but you couldn't care any less. You take a look at your arm and see that the location is still there, so you get up from your feet to write it on your notebook and prepare breakfast even if you are still crying. Your tears start drying out while you eat your breakfast and regain your composure as you finish. You did your usual routine and waited for Kai outside your house.
"Why are your eyes like that? Did you cry?" Huening Kai grabbed your arm, concern written all over his face. You shook your head, quickly dismissing off the question which Huening Kai understood. The walk is quiet, and rather heavy, but Huening Kai chose to stay silent, not wanting to force you to talk or speak up about the reason behind your puffy eyes.
Thankfully, no one dared to question what happened to your eyes because you held your head down as soon as you reached the room, and you are lucky you are sharing the first class with your best friend. And your soulmate is right, memories from last night became hazy the more you try to remember it, all you remember is that you won't be able to see him again in your dreams if you don't meet him later and writing on your arm is a really good idea. You can't relax even for a minute knowing that you won't be able to remember him at all if you failed to meet up before 6 pm. You told Huening Kai your situation during lunch break and you are uneasy throughout the day, Huening Kai can't help but to feel bad knowing that he couldn't lend you help. He won't be able to go with you since he has practice after class but you told him it's fine and that you understand, and you are old enough to walk alone. You promised to text him as soon as you get home.
You waited impatiently for your last class to finish, glancing on the clock from time to time, and as soon as your professor exited the room, you quickly gathered your things and rushed outside of your room. You texted Kai that you're on your way to the meeting place, taking a bus. By the time you reached the park, it was already five forty pm. You turned your head from side to side, looking for a sign of your soulmate. 
You tapped your feet nervously while you waited for your soulmate to arrive, heart pounding loudly in your chest. You feel your stomach churn from being anxious, you take a look on the time on your phone, 5:50 pm. Saying that you're not losing hope would be a lie, you feel your warm tears starting to pool in your eye, you can barely remember now why you decided to pick the park out of all the places you could've possibly meet. Just as you are about to burst and sob, you heard a soft voice from your right.
“Is that you?” You look up to see a familiar face, a familiar pair of eyes. You immediately knew who it was, rushing to him, “yes, it’s me, y/n.”
“It feels nice to finally meet you,” the brown haired lad stretched out his hand to you, “your soulmate, Kang Taehyun.”
The way he introduced himself seemed familiar to you, “this time, I wouldn't forget your name anymore,” you feel your tears streaming down your face, from all the emotions you are all feeling right this moment, “c-can I hug you?”
He chuckles, wiping your tears before pulling you into his embrace which you immediately melted on, brushing your hair using his right hand, “I love you, y/n.” You feel him place a soft kiss on your forehead and you feel your heart flutter, this time it wasn't a dream anymore.
You hear a loud striking sound of a grandfather clock ringing in your ears, causing you to flinch and step back from Taehyun's arms, “Did you hear that too?” You asked, glancing over to your sides to see if there's someone in the park aside from you and Taehyun. “Yes,” he glanced on his watch, “it's already 6:01, that must be the signal that the soulmate system vanishes forever.”
“Thank goodness we made it on time,” you flash a smile while you take his hand from his side, “Taehyun...” You saw him nod in anticipation to your next words.
“I’m in love with you,” your face heats up from your boldness, “and I’m glad I’d get to spend the rest of my life with you, my soulmate.”
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch seven
read ch six here
an; you guys, i hit 100 followers. that’s crazy. 100 may seem like a bitch ass number compared to other accounts, but i couldn’t be more proud. thank you!! i hope you continue to enjoy this story and leave feedback.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 5.1k+
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edie's pov
i tried to help peter clean up, but he wasn't having any of it. so i was left to my own devices while he scrambled to get everything in order. after he leaves the room for the first time, i try to stand up. i wrap the blanket around my body and move towards to edge of the bed. everything is going just fine until i put weight onto my legs and attempt to take a step. my feet crumble beneath me and i snap a hand up to my mouth to stifle any noise that threatens to come from the pain. so for a while, i just sit. on the floor. waiting for peter to come back.
when footsteps sound off from down the hall, i brace myself for whatever reprimand i'm going to get from peter, but what comes through the door makes me sigh with relief and choke up with fear. not the kind of fear you get from jump scares or creepy noises, but the kind of fear you get when you know you've been a disappointment.
"what the hell are you doing on the floor?" tony asks as he waltzes over to help me up. his voice is unreadable. i let him wrap an arm around my upper back and lift me up onto the bed, but i'm too afraid to say anything. he pulls a chair over to sit in front of me and he rests there awaiting an answer, but i choose to avoid it altogether.
"where's peter?" i ask shyly. yeah, it's a good way to change the topic, but a part of me really does want to know.
tony raises one eyebrow and pauses to take in my features before replying, "i told the kid to stay out of the room until i got here. he's sitting in the living room like a lost puppy."
my head tilts at his words. why would he do that? wouldn't he want peter here with me?
"i wanted to talk to you without mr. parker in the room. and when i ask you this- i don't want you to think about him when you answer, got it?" i nod my head reluctantly, and he continues on with a sigh, "kid, do you wanna go home?"
"w-what? no! absolutely not." my insides tense up at the thought of being sent home after only a couple of weeks. mr. stark said he needed me here, why is he trying to send me home?
"just listen to me, okay? you've already gotten hurt for reasons i don't understand. and... i gotta be honest- i don't want to send you home, but i don't want you going back out there either."
"what happens to peter if you send me back?" my question comes out as a whisper, i want to challenge him somehow. surely he won't take this away from peter too. tony just sighs and shakes his head.
"don't worry about him right now. what we need to talk about is if you're-" i cut him off.
"you're going to send him home too." i accuse, borderline horrified at the idea, "how could you do that? you know how much this means to him." i take in a sharp breath of air as pain shoots up and down my side. it's silent for a few seconds.
"i don't want any of that. who else am i gonna have to protect all my toys?" he asks with a playful smile, but i know he's still hesitant about all of this, "i'll cut you a deal, alright?" i nod, "you don't go out until you are one hundred percent healed up. let peter handle all that. and i'm making happy stay here until you're ready to patrol again."
i immediately shake my head in protest, "happy hates babysitting! don't make him do that!" i plead, trying to pull the guilt card for happy's sake- and to be honest, i don't want anyone worrying about me and watching over my shoulder until i'm better, "peter can look after me. he got me this far." i say lightly, trying to make the situation a little less of a bummer.
tony takes in my features again, analyzing my words. he brings his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose, but to my luck he eventually nods his head.
"fine, fine. but you'll keep me updated on your recovery and only go out again when i say so, alright?" he bargains once again. this time i take his deal and nod my head with a smile. tony slaps his knees once and stands up.
"now lay back down and rest, young lady. i'll be expecting an update when you get up." tony says with a playful twinge to his words, but i know he's completely serious. before he's entirely out of the room, my mouth begins to move before i even realize it, "you know, peter does take good care of me."
i don't know why i just said that.
tony stops by the door and takes once last look around the room, "yeah, yeah," he pauses, "i know he does." and with that, he's gone.
it didn't take me long to fall asleep after mr. stark left. my body was tired and weak after working to heal as fast as it could. if only i was peter and i could heal on my own.
when i wake up, i panic slightly when i can't see anything. the light of the room is subdued and i can't even make out the ceiling above me. i move a hand to my face to find a piece of paper. it's taped to my forehead and covers my entire face. i peel it off and take in the messy handwriting scrawled across the page.
'left for patrol. mr. stark said to set out some fancy healing cream for you. it's next to your bed. he also said to leave it on for 5 minutes at most cause blah blah i don't remember why. be back before you know it -peter'
at the end of the note by his name, there's a faint 'x' next to it. the letter had been hastily erased, but my stomach jumps at the gesture. i wish he didn't feel like he had to erase it.
i fold the note carefully and set it on the cart next to my bed, next to that is the cream i assume he was talking about. i look over the text on the tube and read the directions. on the back it says something about enhanced cell regeneration, remove after five minutes, and does not diminish the appearance of scars.
i swallow thickly, nervous about applying this weird stuff to my skin. my fingers slowly twist the cap open and i squeeze a small amount onto my hand. the cream is clear and almost jelly-like as i rub it along my side. it stings at first, making me inhale with clenched teeth, but almost instantly it numbs my entire side along with my hand.
i'm afraid to keep it on my hand so i hop out of the bed and walk over to the sink to wash it off. only then does it occur to me that i hopped out of bed and walked over here. thank goodness for tony stark and his high tech, well, everything.
looking in the little mirror above the sink, i take in my tired appearance- complete with bags under my eyes and sunken cheeks. it's hard to look at myself this way, i have never fallen so low. i have never been hurt so badly before.
i just rest my now wet hands against the sides of the sink and let my head drop. i take notice i'm still in my bra and underwear, but since i'm alone at the moment i'm not worried about being seen. my cheeks do flush at the idea of peter seeing me this way, clad only in a dark purple bra and mismatched pale blue underwear.
after what feels like five minutes, i grab a hand towel and wet it under the running water of the faucet. the numbing properties of the cream are working surprisingly well- i don't feel anything as i wipe it away and wash it off.
still, my heart drops at the sight of the scar, now partially healed, but still red and angry. the line of it is jagged and violent looking. with hesitant fingers i run them along the length of it. it's horrible and ugly and for the first time in a long time- i feel ashamed. i now have to sport a scar for the rest of my life, one that i never saw coming.
i force myself to look away and tuck my hair behind my ears. my hair is riddled with sweat and it sticks to my neck, making me yearn for a shower. i let my feet carry me to the bathroom connected to my room. there i make the decision to take a bath instead when i spot the bubble bath under the sink.
after preparing everything, i slide my remaining clothes off and slip into the hot water of the tub. the bubbles are already everywhere and they easily cover the surface of the water. i close my eyes and let out a sigh.
my thoughts drift to peter, and i let myself think of him. i know something is going on inside his head, and i know it's because of me. it tugs on my heart every time he avoids or ignores me even during the slightest of encounters. i never wanted our friendship to turn into this and it bugs me beyond belief that i can't figure out why it's happening.
my eyes shoot open when i hear my name being called throughout the compound, followed by the sounds of something crashing. i sit up in the water and wait for it to stop sloshing around so that i can listen closer.
"edie?! oh my god mr. stark is going to kill me. i'll be dead by morning- edie! where are you?" it's peter, and from what i can tell he's freaking out, obviously. i let out a sigh of relief and call out to him.
"i'm in my room! it's okay, peter." the loud noises stop at my bedroom door.
"oh thank goodness. c-can i come in?" he asks, out of breath. i take in my current position— very naked and taking a bath; but covered completely by bubbles.
still a little hesitant and increasingly nervous, i call out again, "uh yeah. come in."
before the last words leave my mouth, a loud crunch and thud comes from the front of my room. i can barely see it through the crack of the bathroom door, but i know something is broken. it's silent for a hot second.
"um. oh yikes. i, uh, broke your door. not on purpose though! but it is, uh, not on the hinges anymore." he utters nervously. i can't help but laugh.
"what? who knew you were sooooo strong!" i tease, stretching out the words. some shuffling comes from my room.
"wait, where are you? what's going on?" his confused voice make me giggle. ew, giggle? really? i stifle the thought and take on a serious face.
"i'm in the bathroom, parker. stop freaking out." i reply, not at all annoyed despite my words and tone.
the shuffling behind the door stops, "you're pooping? and talking to me at the same time?" peter asks hesitantly. okay, now i’m annoyed.
"no you dipshit, im taking a bath. and everyone poops by the way, there's a children's book about it!" i yell. most of the time his innocent demeanor is endearing, but right now it's just making both of us uncomfortable.
suddenly the door creaks open wider and peter pops his head in the room, one hand covering his eyes. he still has his mask on and i roll my eyes. what is it with this boy and wearing his mask all the time?
"i just wanna make sure you're okay...a-are you okay?" he asks with a shaky voice. i can't help but smile at how nervous he is, but then again, so am i.
clearing my throat, i speak, "you can move your hand. i'm covered by, uh bubbles." peter slowly parts his fingers and peeks at me through them.
"hi." he whispers from the door.
"hi, peter." i whisper back.
he lowers his hand down to his side and steps completely into the spacious bathroom. he shuffles for a moment and decides on leaning against the doorframe with one arm up by his head. i eye him up and down, trying to get a feel for what is going through his head. he looks ridiculous standing in my bathroom, still clad in his spiderman suit that clings to his body like a second skin. it outlines the muscles in his arms, chest, and legs- truly not leaving much to the imagination. i feel my cheeks flush.
then for the second time that day, words are coming out of my mouth without my permission, "do you wanna sit?" i pull my hand out from beneath the water and tap the edge of the tub. the eyes on peter's mask widen and his arm slips from its position on the door frame. i just smile at him, despite my brain kicking me for saying anything at all.
to my surprise, he nods and settles himself on the edge of the tub down by my legs.
he whispers again, "hi."
a rush of heat floods my body at his new position and it's my turn to stutter, "hi." i'm suddenly all too aware of just how naked i am, only a thin layer of bubbles separating peter's eyes from seeing every bit of my body. and a tiny part of me doesn't hate the idea. an even smaller part wonders if peter is thinking the same thing.
"i'm glad you're okay." he says, a soft confidence laced within his words. his hand comes up to rest by my shoulder on the tub, just barely touching my skin. i nod my head and look down at the suddenly very interesting bubbles. i forgot that peter was the one who caught me when i fell in through the doors. he was the one to take care of me while we waited for mr. stark to arrive. he was the one who had to watch me bleed. with that thought, i look back up at him and gently rest my head on his hand, happy to find his eyes on mine.
"take your mask off peter." i whisper, still feeling foggy inside my head.
he shakes his head, "no."
"no?" my eyes widen at his words.
"no, e."
"come on, pete. it's not like i haven't see you before. what's the big deal?" as i say this i lean up in the water and stretch my hand to graze the edge of his mask. just as i'm about to pull it upwards and off his head, peter grabs my wrist roughly and holds it in his hand.
"if i take my mask off, all of this becomes much more real...and i don't want to see you like this." he says and looks away from my gaze. my stomach drops and i pull my hand away from his grip. all the comfort and confidence is instantly replaced with horrible, ugly nerves.
"what do you mean 'like this'? what- you can't look at me now? is it the scar? or is it because i invited you in and god forbid i'm naked under all these fucking bubbles? you didn't have you come in here, parker." my heart hurts and i spit out his name like it's venom on my lips. i can't stop my mind from reeling. peter looks at me and scoffs.
"you really don't get it, do you?" he questions as he stands up from his spot.
i sit up farther in the water, eyes glaring into his, "get what?"
his eyes widen as he rushes to put both his hands on my shoulders, shoving me back down into the water with unnecessary force. my head hits the back wall as water sloshes out of the tub, "for fucks sake, edie, cover yourself up!" his voice booms and i stay put. then it dawns on me. does he think-?
"i wasn't trying to-" i plead but he cuts me off.
"it's not that i don't want- fuck!" he pulls his mask off his head and stares at me with fiery eyes, "i do want to..." then he makes a growling noise that comes from the back of his throat, "what do you want me to say? what am i supposed to think coming in here?" he rambles on. i draw my eyebrows together and sink down into the water even more.
"i wasn't trying anything, peter. i-i'm sorry if you got the wrong idea," i whisper, defeated by how this whole thing is turning out. my head throbs from hitting the wall of the tub and my heart hurts from peter's words.
"yeah. okay, edie. i'll see you in the morning." and with that, he walks out of the bathroom, leaving his mask on the edge of the sink, the eyes glaring back at me.
my vision becomes blurry. just the idea of him thinking those things about me is enough to make me shut down completely. i stand up and step out of the tub, bubbles still clinging to my body. i walk over to the full-length mirror and my eyes lock on the scar. it looks the same as before, ugly, and a single tear runs down my chin.
peter's pov
i'm so unbelievably angry with myself. i can feel every part of my body on fire due to the complete and utter rage coursing through it. when people say they're so angry they see red, they aren't lying. there’s no way to erase what just happened between edie and i. the look on her face and the fast beat of her heart will forever be burned into my head. but above all my anger, that one thing i feel the most, is fear.
the fear i’ve ruined my relationship with edie all together because i'm too much of a coward to speak the truth. the fear that she now sees me as someone who would think those awful and cruel things about her. the fear that she thinks i don't want her just because of a scar.
none of it is true. sitting there, inches from her body made my head spin and my heart jump around my chest. i wanted to touch her, to feel her soft skin underneath my fingers as they danced down her neck and shoulders. instead, i panicked and said things so far from the truth.
i discard my suit and stand in the annoying thong that mr. stark insisted i wear to avoid having a visible panty line. he said it would be more embarrassing to have that than wear a goddamn thong. whatever, it doesn't even matter now. my brain is practically swimming in my head and making me sick to my stomach. i strip completely and prepare myself for a cold shower.
the next morning is quiet. i wake up earlier than usual for no good reason. maybe my brain just doesn't wanna give me the satisfaction of sleep. i step out of bed and tug a pair of sweatpants on over my hips along with a white t-shirt over my head. taking a deep breath, i make my way to the kitchen for some sort of breakfast, coming up with toast and a glass of orange juice.
my thoughts drift to edie, probably fast asleep in her bed. i hope she got to sleep last night, after everything that happened. that's the least she deserves.
something in my gut twists and i'm overwhelmed with the need to do something about this shitty situation. i'm fucking tired of walking on eggshells and making things worse, none of this is worth it.
with a deep breath, i allow my feet to carry me across the hardwood floors to edie's room with a glass of orange juice in my hand. the door is still off the hinges from when i ripped off accidentally. and there she is, sitting on her bed with a book in her hands. she looks peaceful and for a second it loosens the knot in my chest.
i clear my throat, "orange juice?" i extend my hand with the glass towards her.
her head snaps up and she meets my gaze. with an unreadable expression on her face, she sets the book down in her lap and gently closes the cover. my arm starts to shake from holding it still for too long and i pull it back to my chest. her head tilts the slightest bit at me, her eyes wandering over my body.
i shiver under her watch, suddenly extremely self-conscious about my clothes and my hair and the small pimple forming on my chin and-
"will you go to the store and get me some paint?" she asks, her question throws me off, "i can't stand these blank walls anymore. i'm thinking a soft yellow color will do just fine," she finishes. i bob my mouth like a fish and can only nod my head at her.
before i go to leave the room, she makes one more request, "leave the orange juice?” there is the smallest hint of a smile on her lips, and that’s enough for me.
edie's pov
when peter got back from the store, i had just finished the book i started last night. with no intention of sleeping, i pulled it out of the suitcase i had yet to unpack and got comfortable on the bed. just as i set it down, peter skid to a halt right outside my doorframe.
out of breath, he says, "i got two gallons of paint and a couple of brushes and those wheely things and...uh here." he holds the buckets of paint and bags out in front of him.
i smile at the boy. after last night's events, i've come to a conclusion; everything that happened up to that point was just a weird fluke in our friendship. all the strange feelings and awkward glances could be boiled down to one thing; us being alone in the compound. it was just hormonal teenage tendencies and it's truly nothing to worry about. every one of my feelings were just the result of built up emotions that showed themselves in weird ways. things can go back to normal now.
"thanks, pete. could you help me pull the bed away from the wall?" i chirp at him. for a second it seems like he's frozen in place, then a smile spreads across his face and he lets out a breathy little laugh.
"uh, yeah. of course." he replies and grasps the opposite side of the bed that i'm on. with a simple tug, the frame scrapes across the floor and comes to rest in the middle of the room. we both stand up straight and his eyes meet mine, he smiles wider.
"alrighty, let's get going then, yeah?" i huff out. with that, we each pour out paint into our respective pans and get to work. i take the south two walls and peter claims the north. i find myself enjoying the silence that falls between us.
every once in a while, i feel his eyes on me. i know when the other side of the room is completely silent, he's watching me. it doesn't bother me, i know he must feel bad about last night. that person wasn't peter and i know that. i just hope he'll forgive himself.
when i get to the parts of the wall i can't reach, i drag a stool in from the kitchen to stand on. unfortunately, it isn't enough height to allow me access to the top of the high ceiling. with a huff, i hop down and look around my room for something else to use. peter has turned his attention back to his side of the room and seems to be having a much easier time reaching the top, he’s much farther along than i am too.
after finding nothing else that could help, i climb back up on the stool and stand on my tiptoes, stretching as far as i can, giving me just enough height to get the job done. i smile at my victory and continue with a sense of pride. throughout this whole time, not one thought drifted to the scar on my side.
peter's pov
she looks beautiful, her frame stretching to reach the remaining white spots on the wall. i just finished the first coat on my side of the room when i set my paint roller down and stand back to admire her. the cotton fabric of her shirt is riding up her side, showing enough skin to let me see a part of her scar. i haven't seen it since it was first being mended back together by the fancy laser pen. it looks a lot better than it did, without the blood and all.
yet, it's still hard to look at. the line of it stretches along a good portion of her body. the marred skin still red and bruises are starting to form around the edges. my mind flashes back to the feeling of her in my arms when she collapsed, then to the sight of her in the tub. two contrasting events that made my feelings for her change.
edie's pov
"gotcha bitch!" i yell in triumph as i finally reach a part of the wall i was working on longer than i'd like to admit. the victory doesn't last long though as i survey the remaining sections of white. hiding my annoyance, i hop off the stool and move it to a new area, heart set on staying positive during these...trying times.
i'm back to painting for a few minutes and the other side of the room has gone silent again. i try to hide the small smirk that creeps along my lips, knowing what the silence entails. i know i vowed to forget everything that happened last night, but i'm growing to like the new attention from peter, whatever it may mean. i continue painting.
warm fingers brush against my exposed side and my body flinches at the contact, causing the wandering fingers to pull back. i squeeze my eyes shut and lower my hand holding the paintbrush. i don't want to turn my head. i don't want to move at all, but knowing the fingers belong to peter gives me a sense of relief, he's just curious. so i let him be.
peter slowly lifts my shirt ever so slightly and places one finger at the top of my scar, right under my ribcage. he drags it down along the jagged line, slow enough i'm not even sure it’s actually happening. his fingers feel nice on my hot skin, making my body shiver. he continues to run a single finger around the outline of the wound. every time he reaches my hip, his touch lingers just the tiniest bit longer.
this is okay. he's just curious. it isn't scary, it's...nice.
when he presses his lips to my skin, my heart explodes. i want to stop him, to tell him he doesn't have to do this. he doesn't have to touch me this way. i don't want him to touch me this way.
oh, but that would be a lie.
"peter..." i whisper, hands shaking along with my legs that still stand on the stool.
he trails soft, wet kisses down my side and hums a 'yes' at the sound of his name. each kiss is placed delicately on the edge of the scar, following the sharp line of it.
"what are you...?" i trail off when he lets out a soft hush between kisses. my head is reeling and my heart is beating faster than i ever thought possible. once peter reaches my hip, i force myself to slowly turn my body towards him. he's now eye level with my torso and i tentatively slide my fingers through his soft hair. he tilts his head up to look at me with his warm brown eyes. he wraps his arms around my body hesitantly and rests his hands on the small of my back.
"hi." he whispers sheepishly.
i let out a sound that can only be described as a sad laugh that got caught in my throat. i'm simply beyond words as i just stare down at the sweet boy with the widest, brightest smile i can manage. he breaks our gaze and peppers more kisses across my stomach. his touch is so gentle, so soft and careful.
"so so beautiful," he mumbles each word between every perfectly placed kiss. his lips linger in all the right spots, igniting a fire in my belly- among other places. the feeling is intoxicating. he is intoxicating. i want more. more of him and his sweet words.
i grab his fingers and thread them through my own. his lips break away from my skin and he peers up at me again, the smallest smile on his face. he takes my hands and wraps them around his neck, then he does something that throws me off my feet, literally. his hands slide down my body to take hold of my thighs and with one quick motions he lifts my feet off of the stool, making a gasp rise from my throat. peter lowers me down to his level and taps my legs with his fingers, whispering a soft come here, prompting me to wrap them around his waist.
i suck in a deep breath, staring into his dark eyes, "what is going on?" i ask in disbelief. he lets out a deep chuckle and kisses my forehead as he simply shakes his head. i furrow my brows at him.
he carries me over to the bed, still in the middle of the room and sits down on the edge, holding me tight in his lap. i'm in awe at his strength. and the way he treats me like the most precious thing in the world. peter leans forward and rests his forehead against mine. after a few long seconds, he whispers gentle words against my lips,
“i’ve wanted to do this ever since we got to this stupid compound.”
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit @kitykatnumber
let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist :))
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lovelybigjellyfish · 4 years
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Medusa and the blind girl
The whole cave shuddered in remorse with the emptiness, the crippling solitude of the stone figures. Covered with the spider webs and insects, warming up the lovely decorations of her home. The queen sitting in the throne alone with no one to rule over, but the endless hordes of stone frozen in fear. Visitors rarely come by, but whenever they came, she tends to them personally for always it's a queens job to be hospitable.
Poor visitors that never leave once greeted by her majesty. Without ringing the bell, nor wiping their shoes on the mat, what ill-mannered souls, but the lovely queen doesn't discriminate. Wearing her most extravagant dress, with her hair flowing and hissing happily. Those sea-green beautiful eyes shining brightly, enhancing all her features.
"Welcome my dear guests", she greeted. All she got in response was screaming and disgust from those dishonorable souls, weak fragile humans. So weak yet their actions are the only thing able to hurt the queen deeply, as their faces filled with fear and anguish at the sight of her eyes, her hair and just her in all her glory. The bodies slowly petrifying into stone statues to add to her lonely furniture.
More faces that remind her, of her sad lonely life as the spiders cob their webs on the new statutes trying to hide their face to soothe their queen just a little. A beautiful necklace laced with their still web flowed on to her neck so ironically majestic. As the snakes slithered in melancholy.
"Umm is a-anyone there?", a frail voice echoed in the empty room of statues.
A weak dirty girl in rags and chains on the ground still sitting in her knees scraped and bleeding. The queen scared to see another face scream, ran to her throne room. A lonely abode yet away from all those reminders of her sole purpose in life to be lonely, to be companionless. The spiders still amazed at the girl in taters, they prepared a bed with their finest silk, softer than the roses of Athena's garden. A tray of assorted delicacies fancied by her majesty and escorted to a stream of water by the faithful lizards.
The scorpions so freely unlocked her shackles as the girl not scared of all the anomalies thanked them all with the kindest most sweetest Melody.
Taking off her clothes in the stream of water heated by the lava rocks fallen from Hades's tantrums, a Melody echoing around the caves. Till they knocked at the Queen's door, so soothing, Bewitched by the voice, the queen awoke from her crumbled abode. Peeking through the hole in the roof above the stream, a sight so beautiful yet so normal.
A poor girl, filled with wounds dirty and torn, disgusting and not even a face to boast, but just that elegance that kept on knocking the queen out of her shoes. Why is she still here, she taunted her servants, who all but one cowered in fear?
"Oh my queen, my dear lonely queen this girl is one not like the others, she feared not our touch nor holds a grudge. All the visitors had never, stayed so long, but this girl has been coming along.", The queen curiously observed the girl, as the servant spoke. Her hand clutched her chest and let out a frightful roar. The serpents on her head hissed with red eyes as she jumped down below in front of the girl splashing the water all around.
"You little miscreant", she screamed at the poor girl, who had suddenly lost all composure in fear, but wait there was something different this fear was not against the queen, but fear of overstepping her bounds.
"Oh my lords, please don't hurt this filthy servant, I overstepped my bounds I repent please forgive me for this atrocity", she pleaded while begging the queen, who was in shock. The girls back layout exposed and the make of a slave engraved deep till her bones. The queen shook as she calmed down and informed the poor raggedy girl that her captors were no more, and she was free now.
The girl still begging, the queen still stuck on the question of why? Just why is she not turning into stone?
Like a hit of fear from the last treacheries she had faced, her face boiled as she had to know, is she being deceived.
"Do you know who I am, little human!!!", She spoke with her strongest voice, "I am Medusa the queen of this land, the ruler of the serpents, you dare lie to me!!!".
As Medusa reached for the girl and grabbed her face, she looked her straight in the eye, her hissing hair, slithering slowly around her head.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't know, I-I cannot see y-your highness", she explained as Medusa Expression shifted from anger to confusion, as the grey dead eyes stared into her eyes, without fear, without hatred those beautiful eyes that seemingly dead had more life than every statue in her fortress.
*Drip* *drip* the queen snapped back to her senses as the grey eyes filled with tears looked at her, Medusa's eyes all the more aware saw all the wounds and scars on that little feeble human. For the first time in forever, Medusa was incapable of being hospitable.
"All my servants, heed the call of your queen!!! Take care of my guest and tend to her wounds at once", she ordered.
The girl still begging for her life, opened her eyes wider as if she wanted to look at her, just look at that voice that for the first time scared her, yet still managed to make her feel warm. Shaking and tired she fell unconscious on to the white scaly arms of her majesty.
*Crack a dent on a stone was barely heard.*
The girl awoke in a beautifully decorated room with robes of the finest fabric, hair neatly tied and an entrancing scent lingering around. Fresh from her rest, the girl felt her surroundings and started to tear up. Her instinct to express her happiness and gratitude seeped in the form of a beautiful melody, that all the servants rushed to hear. The bewitching voice of this kindred soul, knocked on the Queen's door yet again as she appeared in front of her, dressed in a beautiful gown, and the finest lipstick in the land of the mortals. All to which she remembered on facing the girl was not needed.
"Oh, my humble queen is that you?", The poor girl spoke.
Medusa traced her hand through her hair, onto her face affirming her query. Never had she felt such a soft and delicate sensation of another person's skin. She humbly asked the girl's name, at which the girl suddenly went quiet.
"I'm sorry your highness, but I don't remember my name", she muttered. Disheartened, medusa grabbed her hand and helped her stand up.
"Call me Medusa please", The queen calmly exclaimed. The servants brought a stick for the blind girl, but Medusa hinted them to stop as she wanted to help her walk herself. Moving pass the rooms in the hall, in the great castle, another slight sound of stone cracking still left unheard. Sitting alone in the room, no one had touched the food as one was busy admiring the girl in front, and the other was busy feeling the sensation of a very warm hand that she had never felt before. The servants in the hallways rejoicing at the happy queen who had for once found a companion, a feeling she had never felt. All the scared statues in the castle were now all of a sudden unable to make the queen sad, for now, she had found a human worthy of looking at her and not cower into a statue of fear.
Hours passed by in the coped up room as the two talked and talked and talked till they were tired, and yet it was still not enough. Never have the two ever felt much happier than they did with each other. It was night time, and time to retire to their rooms as it was the girls' time to sleep and the Queen's time to work, the servants cannot get supplied themselves. Escorted to her room by her majesty the girl oh so very slightly leaned in for a kiss on the cheek of the dazzled queen. Now red all over, even the slithering hair, going away with her heart pounding hard. The girl lay down to sleep with a very warm smile.
"Goodnight", Medusa said with her hand still on her cheek.
"Goodnight my queen", replied the half-asleep tired maiden.
As the queen departed for her daily duty, the girl just remembered something, something she wishes to tell the queen next time she met. A giggling little girl slept soundly.
*Crack* *crack* a huge thud echoed as the sound alarmed everyone, the servants scared at the sight of the source, a huge spike from the ceiling, had slowly begun to crack. A figure woke up from the sound, walking slowly in the dark, just the sound of weeping servants was all that guided the figure. Running the figure stepped into a snake and got bitten, but that did not stop her from finding the source of that sound. A feeling was stuck in her chest that she wanted to rid herself of.
So dark as the figure finally reached the source and felt a warm touch as she trembled onto the ground with her hands grabbing everything they could. Her hands moving slowly from her hands to the Queen's weeping face, then down to her stomach, pierced by a spike. The girl began crying in sadness as she realized that her queen lay there on the ground bleeding, not uttering a word as the servants frozen still.
"Leave me and go, there's nothing that we can do now", the queen uttered as her mouth filled with blood. The girl still weeping grasped her closer, "you can't leave me like this my majesty, you were so kind to me, so loving I cannot lose you like this".
As the room went silent Medusa lay her head on the girls' lap as she talked to her to keep her from feeling pain. hand in hand, the girl asked the queen, "do you want to know my name, my queen".
The queen nodded while barely speaking," call me Medusa please".
The girl grasped her closer while holding her breath, "my name w-was h-hope".
As the queen smirked, the name eched into her heart.
As the silence grew even more Hope, gripped her tighter, and felt herself growing weaker, even the queen realized as both of them near the end of their lights, Medusa placed her hand on hopes face and hope pressed her forehead against Medusa's.
As the servants now left at the wish of the queen the empty room with the two souls in the center, slowly the hair on Medusa started to petrify as the girls' hands started to turn to stone as well.
The night reached it's prime as the moon shined down brightly through a hole, on the beautifully sad stone figure left in the middle of the room, with the monster no one could look at and the girl that was able to see nothing, but the monster.
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quagmireisadora · 4 years
[Jonghyun / Taemin] Spring Runs in My Blood (Part 1)
Rating: R-ish Warning: none (yet) Genre: soulmate au Length: ~7694 (this part)
A/N: I rarely write JongTae and I never write soulmate aus so, my gratitude to @minhoandthebabes for allowing me to indulge in both with her. Title is a reference to the poem 봄 by Yoon Dongju
It wasn't the timer itself but the anticipation of it going off that led Jonghyun to the cafe. Not fate, not kismet. No. It was purely nerves. That's what he told himself later on.
In all honesty, his nerves had been performing calisthenics ever since he'd hit the "three months to go" mark and they'd sat him down for an orientation at work. What to expect and what not to expect, they’d told him--expect to be surprised, pleasantly or otherwise; don't expect sex right off the bat. Everyone went through an orientation like that, he was assured. Everyone was given a full rundown on the physical and emotional changes that were to come in the following… rest of his life, really. That's the standard duration spent with a soulmate, anyway. A lifetime. 
So there he was, in the cafe, definitely not predestined to be there and simply craving caffeine before an important meeting with an important client. His head was in the bulky presentation he still needed to review, not on some stupid sequence of numbers on his wrist. Definitely not on the damn numbers, because they caught him by surprise. After all, time doesn't wait. Not for clients and not for meetings. 
As he was placing his order, his wrist began vibrating. 
"Oh hell…" he mumbled to himself, clutching at the string of green zeros as if to hide a shameful scar. “I can’t do this right now!” he thought as his eyes roved the cafe, looking for other victims of similar misfortune, other people panicking just like him. Anyone else with a soulmate problem? he silently--desperately--called out in his mind. Anyone at all?
Taemin went there often. The wifi was great, the coffee he didn't really care about. Snacks were nice too, and the barista was hot. At least, he'd tried to get her number and she hadn't slapped him, so that was a plus. Many years later as he recounted the memory for guests, he insisted he visited the place to escape his mother's nagging and his brother's domestics.
But really, he only went there for the wifi. 
When he was just about to execute a perfect KO against another player, his timer buzzed. He jumped in surprise, yelled out a shocked “shit!”, did everything he wasn't supposed to do. And sent his drink flying onto an old man in a suit. 
"Yah!" the man barked indignantly. "What do you think you're doing?!" 
"A-ahh…! Why'd you sit so close to me, then?" Taemin complained in response. He looked back at his computer to find he'd been defeated and that his opponent--some guy from Taipei--was sending him all kinds of trash talk in celebration. "Ahhh!" he let out another disappointed sound.
The old man stared incredulously at him. "You punk...! Do you have any idea how expensive this suit is?!" he demanded, waving his lapel wildly, drops of juice flying from the action. 
"Do you have any idea how good that drink was?!" Taemin snapped back, a few other patrons within earshot snorted. "What?" Taemin replied to them too. "It was really good, OK?! Had like little bits of pineapple and everything! And now your… stupid expensive suit is drinking all of it. You should be the one sorry to me, ahjussi!"
"Oh, I'll show you sorry--" the man glowered and rolled up his sleeves.
Jonghyun rubbed a hand on his forehead. "These idiots are being too noisy…" he muttered, still looking around. "How will I find that person now?!" 
"--you need to watch your tone, young man!" the ahjussi yelled. 
"I'm not a young man!" Taemin fought back, then realised that was incorrect. "I mean. I'm young and I'm a man. But. No, wait--" he held his hands out in front of himself to compute the situation, but the buzzing on his arm continued to be a distraction for his already addled brain. "Ahhh this stupid stupid timer going off right now!" he slapped the place like that would help stop it.
Had Jonghyun not been eavesdropping, he wouldn't have caught that. "Wh--what?" he narrowed his eyes, walking over to the scene and addressing the young and disoriented guy. "E-excuse me?" he started. 
"May I see your uhm…" he gestured to the other's arm, holding his own out. "May I see it?" 
Taemin looked from the offered limb to the man. "Why?" 
Jonghyun rolled his eyes in exasperation and grabbed the guy's hand to compare their timers. The buzzing stopped, a sign that they really were a match. He looked around the cafe and no one else seemed to be coming forward. "You’ve got to be--! Are you really the one?" he demanded, like that made absolutely no sense.
Taemin scratched his head. "The one what?" 
It was the ahjussi with the ruined suit who came to their rescue. "Oh… I see," he backed away from them, his threats dissipating. "Uhh. Congrats," he waved his hand dismissively at them and left their side.
As more people around them caught on, they started to clap, the applause growing in a wave until every single pair of eyes in the cafe was on them. Taemin’s confused face slowly split into a grin, and then he waved at the other patrons like he was some kind of celebrity. 
Jonghyun, on the other hand, wanted to shrink away in shame. 
A barista came over with a tray, a gift set of two matching cups and several coupons for free drinks on it. "Congratulations, sirs," she bowed to them and smiled pleasantly. "Please accept these on our behalf, and make sure to post about this wonderful coincidence on your SNS!” She gestured politely to the large glass front of the cafe. “The nearest Soulmate Depot is across the street. Please be careful on your way, and visit us again soon!" 
"Waaahhh~" Taemin accepted the gifts happily. "This is all so--!" 
"Unbelievable..." Jonghyun completed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "W-wait," he had a sudden thought. "Are you even eighteen?" 
"Why does that matter…?" Taemin scowled before his expression lightened. "Wait, you're gay?!" he pointed a ridiculing finger at the man as he laughed, then stopped with shock in his eyes. "Wait, I'm gay?!" he touched his chest. "But… girls think I'm hot."
Jonghyun nearly swooned and fainted at the stupidity. "Please come with me," he said in a very strict and very formal tone. 
"What?! Where?!" Taemin defended himself. But his arm was tugged and he was left with no choice. He packed his things, hurriedly stuffing them into a backpack, and followed the other out. 
It had snowed recently. The ground was slippery and the sky overcast. Someone at Jonghyun’s office had circulated news that there was a storm coming later in the week. But considering how insane his day had been so far, he wouldn't have been shocked if the sky started spitting a blizzard down at them any minute. As they walked towards the depot, he hugged his coat closer around himself.
"How old are you?" his inquiry had an impersonal tone. 
"Uhh… twenty-six?" Taemin replied, counting on his fingers. "I think?" 
You think? Jonghyun wondered if this guy was on drugs. He was sure he couldn’t handle an addict for a soulmate. "Uhm. By any chance, have you completed high-school?" he continued his questions.
"Duh," the other snorted. "I'm not some. Uhh. Imbecile?" he confirmed the word with Jonghyun. "Yeah, yeah. Imbecile. I have a job and all, OK?"
"Oh. May I ask where you work?" Jonghyun stopped walking and took out his phone, held it at the ready to cross-check the information.
"Ahhh why're you asking all this stuff?!" Taemin jiggled a finger in his ear. "So annoying…"
The other grit his teeth, struggling to maintain his composure. "Sir, if we're about to spend the rest of our lives together, I'd feel more comfortable knowing all this.”
"Oh," Taemin blinked. "Fair," he shrugged. "Uhh, I mean. I said I have a job but uhm--"
Here comes the clincher, Jonghyun thought.
"Heh. See, I did have a job. But then I went to the army for two years, and then I had only two months to go on my timer and nobody would give me a job. So now," Taemin chuckled stupidly. "I'm… unemployed?" 
It didn't sound as bad as Jonghyun had expected it to be. Maybe not a druggie, just a weirdo. Still bad, but maybe he could learn to live with it. "And… may I ask how you survive, sir?"
Taemin picked his nose as he answered, completely bored now. "Well, hyung found his soulmate last year. They married and get a stipend from the state. And eomma and appa… they do what they can," he said with a noncommittal shrug, getting his hand slapped away from his face by a disgusted Jonghyun. 
Moving on from the place and the subject, Taemin blinked at the large blue and white sign above their heads when they’d arrived across the street from the cafe. "I've never been inside one of these…" he spoke with awe, then turned to explain to the other. "You know. Cause I didn't have a soulmate before. But. Now I do. So. Yeah."
"I gathered," Jonghyun spoke from behind gritted teeth. He was losing his patience with all this. "Let's just get this over with."
They were asked to present their wrists to a scanner each. After a series of beeps and blinking lights, the door hushed open for them. They looked around the empty hallway, its walls and ceiling and even carpeting a pristine white. 
"Whoa…" Taemin let out. 
Soon, a woman with a confident gait walked over and stopped before them with a bow. "Welcome to Nonhyeon Soulmate Depot! Congratulations on beginning your journey together. We hope to give you all the information you need before you can go on and make happy and wonderful memories!" she bowed again and gestured for them to go through a tall set of doors at the far end of the hallway. 
They shuffled over together, and a second wrist scan later were allowed into a much larger room filled with desks and cubicles and mechanical apparatus of all kinds. 
"Whoa!" Taemin gushed again.
While the place looked full, it wasn't really. Only a handful of other couples were scattered around, seated at different tables. Each was being instructed by pleasant-faced officials, pointing at pamphlets or screens, talking with exaggerated motions, directing them to their next stop.
"Whoa--" Taemin started to express his amazement a third time when he was cut off by an irate Jonghyun. 
"I think we should call someone over to help.”
On cue, a woman walked over to them, her air professional but her smile tight like she wasn't impressed with what they had to offer. "Welcome," she bowed as well. "This won't take very long. We've got biometrics over there--" she began to walk, pointing to various cubicles as they passed them. "Blood test over here, general physical test over here, eyesight and hearing here, urine test in the far end over by the toilet signs. And over here--" she stopped at one point. "We'll require your national ID numbers to link you up on our database," she explained. "Standard procedure. We also have an in-house specialist providing advice on pregnancy, but you won't be needing that."
"Oh. Why not?" Taemin asked with some disappointment.
The woman turned to him with exasperation. "Because you're both men. Now, come this way please…" 
As they were herded from place to place, Jonghyun was constantly shocked by the man and his ridiculously dumb questions. The officers at the HQ seemed to have a very high threshold for nonsense, but Jonghyun--not a chance. He went eagerly when they separated them for individual interrogation.
In return for his curiosity, Taemin was asked all kinds of questions too. Did he have cancer. Did anyone in his family have cancer. Was he allergic to anything, did he have any phobias, was he currently on any special medication. Was there any history of mental illness in his family, or in his own life. He tried answering as faithfully as he could, even when some of the questions were complicated. Soon, he was starting to feel uncomfortable with all the measuring and weighing and poking and prodding he was being subjected to.
But when they were finally brought to the last counter, he was told he'd get a monthly stipend of five million won with a potential for increase depending on how their relationship progressed. Taemin nearly jumped for joy, doing a little jig when they were reunited again. 
"Five-mill-yun, Five-mill-yun," he sang as Jonghyun watched him, embarrassed and wanting desperately to leave. The relief he felt when a woman came up to them and said they were free to go, was unparalleled. He stormed off into the night, wishing this was all a very elaborate nightmare his hysterical brain had conjured up, and that he'd wake up laughing about it. 
But, nope. 
"Hey…!" Taemin chased him down, almost slipping on ice. "Hey, wait!" he called after the other, reaching him only to keel over and breathe with difficulty. "What's--what's your name, though?!" 
"I am Kim Jonghyun," came the stiff reply. "And you are…?" 
"Taemin. Lee Taemin," he said with a bright smile. "Sixty-fifth nephew of the great Lee… Lee uhh," he scratched his head. "What was that philosopher dude's name again…?" he asked himself before flapping his wrist to dismiss his own thoughts. "Never mind. Nice to meet you anyway," he nodded and walked beside the guy for several feet.
It was only fifteen minutes later that Taemin stopped in confusion. "Wait, wait. Am I supposed to come with you?" 
Jonghyun gave him a deprecating look. "Sir. I understand we are soulmates. But right now, I have more important things to attend to. Please," he gestured back the way they’d come. "Let me be on my way."
Taemin frowned. "But… numbers," he said like that explained everything. 
Jonghyun huffed tiredly. "May I have your phone?" he held his own out. When he had both devices, he passed them against each other. "There. You have my details now. May I go?"
Taemin started to nod, but then held up a finger. "W-wait. They gave me--" he fished through the pockets of his large and puffy jacket before pulling out a box of condoms and holding it as if triumphantly. "These."
Jonghyun felt his face burn. "Goodbye!" he barked and scuttled away in urgency.
"So rude…!" Taemin scowled and spun on his heel to walk in the opposite direction. Once again, he made it several steps before he stopped and rang the newly added contact on his phone. 
"Yes?!" Jonghyun hissed. 
"Uhh, I'm lost. Where's the nearest station?" 
Jonghyun nearly burst out in tears. Why did he have to walk into that café?
At home, Taemin was asked eager questions by his family. Who was it? What kind of person were they? Where did they live? Were they coming to pick him up that night? Was he moving out soon? He brushed all their inquiries away like he did with anything they'd ever asked of him. 
Then he returned to playing video games again. 
On the other, posher side of town, Jonghyun's coworkers easily forgave him for being late. The important meeting turned into a discussion about his soulmate, major project stakeholders and clients turning into gossip mongers within the blink of an eye. Jonghyun shifted uncomfortably from the attention to his personal life, happy to finally leave the room when the meeting was adjourned. 
"You're happy, though?" Jinki asked him at the end of the day. 
"Hardly," Jonghyun tried to keep the whine out of his voice but couldn't help it. "He's an idiot."
Jinki chuckled. "I'm sure he's not that bad."
Little did he know that over the duration of one week, Taemin would be the direct result of ensuing disaster. 
To be fair, he did nothing out of the ordinary--he spent his time sitting in front of a screen and stuffing his face with junk food. His phone rang several times, but he ignored it. His mother knocked on his door at mealtimes but he ignored that, too. His hyung finally walked in and tried to fight the game controller out of his hands, but he resisted it until he couldn't. 
By the end of the third day, there were weird headaches that lasted hours--pangs that nearly blinded him with tears. Then, his stomach started to get upset, rejecting everything he ate regardless of how healthy and nourishing his mother insisted it was. His father bought a bag of red ginseng to boil for him, his sister-in-law found a good acupuncturist in the neighborhood. They did their best to ignore his stubbornness, to stop his health from failing the way it was. But every remedy every solution was accompanied by the same, very strict advice. 
"You need to go be with your soulmate."
Jonghyun knew this would happen, just as he knew he would probably end up suffering the same illness. As time wore on, he felt shittier and shittier and his health got worse and worse. And although Roo’s company would usually comfort him in such times, there was no curing this with puppy tricks and silly games. 
When his stomach took a break from heaving its contents, he crawled out of the bathroom and rested against whatever he could find before reaching for his phone. He texted instead of calling. “I assume your condition is just as bad as mine,” he managed to write in formal words, despite the shudder in his hands. “Please come to this location, I believe meeting may help us.”
Taemin, in a daze of sickness and pain, wrote back a “who dis” to the location pin, before rolling away and falling asleep. His phone rang frantically for a long time in response to that, but there was simply no rousing him. 
Somewhere across the river, a man let out an agonized and indignant yell of annoyance.
It was several hours later that Taemin could finally gather the strength and fortitude to sit up in bed, then waddle his way out of his room. It took him a long while to stop swooning and shrug on a jacket, leaving his home to the happy encouragement of his entire family. Outside, the air was biting cold, but the sun was out for a change. It reinforced his courage to keep going--he’d feel better soon, he thought to himself. A few minutes out in the fresh air would do him well. Right?
In a cold sweat, hanging off the side of a pedestrian bridge, he threw up again. Walking had been a bad idea. Being outside had been a bad idea. Thinking was a bad idea, too, he realized from under the haze of his splitting headache. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and cursed loudly, answering the call.
“Where the hell are you?” Jonghyun’s impatient voice immediately berated.
“I… I don’t know where I am!” Taemin whined, looking around for signs. “Come--come get me, I’m dying!
“You’re not dying, just… just send me your location, OK? I’ll come to you.”
It took them a while to navigate around each other, sharing directions and several calls filled with colorful language. Jonghyun’s head reeled with more than his sickness, and he had to try very hard not to just give up and fall onto the side of the street himself. But they did finally manage to find each other, and to their credit, Taemin wasn’t yet comatose enough to not recognize his soulmate and latch onto him as soon as he was within arm’s reach.
Relief filled them the minute they came into contact with each other, a long and heavy sigh escaping their mouths in unison. Jonghyun brushed the dirt off of Taemin’s clothes, muttering something about lying on the sidewalk like a homeless man, and then he piled them onto a bus. 
By the time they’d arrived at his apartment building, they were both walking upright again.
“Is… this a kidnapping?” Taemin shattered all hope of a civil conversation the minute he opened his mouth.
“Yes,” Jonghyun replied sarcastically. “Man kidnaps his own soulmate, of course, what a terrible and common crime. In what world would that even make sense?!” he yelled.
“Y-you could be into…” Taemin gestured wildly, even though his argument held no conviction. “Organ trafficking!” If he had any other protests to make in that line of thought, they were all invalidated when he was yanked into an elevator.
“Wait… is this your house? Are you taking us to your apartment?” he asked as they waited in the lift car. “Do you have video games?”
“No…” Jonghyun shook his head, frowning. “Why?”
The other made a disgusted face. “What kind of person doesn’t have video games…” he mumbled, pulling out his phone and switching it to game mode. A hologram appeared above his screen, accompanied by the sounds of clashing swords and grunted exclamations.
Jonghyun scoffed, then snatched the device away. “Hey--” he said sternly, putting the device out of reach of the other as a struggle ensued. “Hey, listen to me! I’m bringing you into my house because we need to spend time with each other. Do you understand? That means no video games, no sulking in different rooms, no doing our own things, OK?” he explained. “Do you understand me?”
“Yeah, yeah, stop shouting,” Taemin complained when he gave up, covering his ear and mumbling something about feisty old men. He plodded after the other when they arrived at their floor, hands deep in his pockets and eyes on the carpet. “What are we going to do then?” he pouted as Jonghyun unlocked his front door. “You don’t have video games, you don’t look like a fun guy, and--” he suddenly brightened with an idea.
“Do we fuck?”
Jonghyun let out a choked noise. “N-no!” he denied, hesitating for a minute before allowing the other into his home. “We don’t even know each other yet!”
“But I mean…” Taemin followed his host indoors. “We’re two guys, aren’t we? Are we supposed to fuck? I don’t even know how we would fuck. Do you know how we would fuck? I don’t think we can fuck. What happens if we do fuck? Do I fuck you or do you fuck me? Is fucking even legal between two guys? Are we supposed to fuck in this neighborhood--?”
“Can you!” Jonghyun whirled and covered the man’s mouth. “Stop saying fuck so much?” he hissed. “It’s… it’s making me nervous!”
Taemin frowned, but nodded. But as was in his nature, when he was let go of, he muttered a single and unnecessary “fuck” and then ran away into another room.  
“What has my life come to…” Jonghyun sobbed as he watched the other clown around in his apartment, opening door after door and peeking in.
When he’d calmed the guy down and handed him a glass of juice, they sat across from each other in the TV lounge, studying one another--or at least, Jonghyun did the studying while Taemin simply hummed tunelessly and sipped from a curly plastic straw. We’re adults, Jonghyun thought to himself. Right? Even if he’s a moron, we’re adults, we can deal with this like adults. This is no big deal.
“So. Uhm. Since you were so enthusiastic about it. Have you uhh…” he made a vague gesture at the man’s torso. “You know. Ever explored? Down there?”
Taemin frowned as he sipped noisily. “What, you mean Australia?” he asked. “No, I’ve never even crossed the equator before. Why’re you asking about travel all of a sudden?”
Jonghyun nearly fainted. No, he realized. We’re not adults. “I’m asking about your… you know! Man things!” he gestured wildly, a jabbing action at the other's crotch.
Taemin let out a low sound of comprehension. "Right, yeah, uhh--" he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Yeah. Sometimes. When there's. You know. Girl groups on TV and stuff," he shrugged.
"Girl groups," Jonghyun repeated to confirm. "On TV."
"Yeah, why--" Taemin pouted a little, sitting up in the armchair, feeling a little defensive. "You haven't?"
Jonghyun made a motion of the hands as if to say obviously that's a stupid thing to do, and I would never do that. "Wait, so," he started again after an awkward pause. "You… you like girls?"
Taemin scratched his forehead. "I… I've never been with one," he answered honestly. "Never been with anyone."
Jonghyun studied him at that, watched the way he sat, the way he shifted and scratched and worried his lip. Watched his nervous tics and his curious eyes. He leaned back in his chair and watched for a long time--somehow unbothered by how his staring could be perceived by the other. Somehow unconcerned with that etiquette for now. 
Growing self-conscious by the minute, Taemin bounced his leg nervously as he looked around the apartment. "You live alone?" he asked before noticing the water dish in the corner. "You… you have a doggy?" he pronounced the word like a kid would.
"Hmm?" Jonghyun perked up a little at that. "You like doggies--I mean. Dogs?" he asked. "I can… I can let her out, if you're OK with them?"
Taemin’s eyes took on a gleam when he nodded eagerly. "Can I pet?"
Roo struggled in Jonghyun's arms, barking at the stranger when he walked her out. With each step she growled, baring her teeth. 
Taemin's hand reach out tentatively for her to sniff. When she was satisfied he wasn't a threat she continued her barking until he giggled and offered more of his hand, scratching her neck. "Such a good girl…" he hushed. "How old?" he looked up at Jonghyun with awestruck eyes. 
"Two years," the other replied with some pride.
For a while that's all Taemin did, playing with the pup, watching her perform her tricks, feeding her a treat or two, cackling gleefully when she licked his face. Jonghyun watched them with fondness, thinking this wasn't so bad after all. The man was an idiot, yes. And he had no experience with relationships, sure. But at least he wasn't some jerk. At least he wasn't an asshole--at least he wasn't a complete mismatch. That's what Jonghyun had been most afraid of. 
Later that day as Roo ate, Taemin sat nearby ruffling the soft fur between her ears. "You want kids, don't you?" he asked his host. 
Jonghyun was taken aback by the sudden question. "Why… what makes you say that?" 
"My hyung says… he says that only people who can't have kids keep doggies now," Taemin replied. 
There was a long silence between them at that, until Jonghyun broke it with an almost unintelligible, "Do you want kids?" 
Taemin blinked at the other, looking to where he stood cleaning dishes. "I don't think I could afford to raise a child," he admitted.
Jonghyun took off his gloves and motioned around them at the apartment, at its large space, apparently designed for a family. "You don't have to do it alone, now. We can use both our stipends."
The other shook his head. "I want to use that money to… to help my family."
"Uhh…?" Jonghyun raised an eyebrow at that. "Isn't that money meant for us? For this relationship?" He frowned at Taemin. "Are there… does your family have financial difficulties?" 
A nonchalant shrug replied. "Eomma used to work until she hurt her back and appa retired three years ago. Now hyung earns everything in a house of four, so… my stipend will help?" he reasoned. "Why. Do you--should I give that money to you?" 
Jonghyun tutted. "No, of course not. But--" his frown deepened. "Why don't you get a job again?"
Taemin whined. "Like I haven't tried?!" he insisted, walking back to the armchair and falling into it with a pout. "They keep giving the job to people with more time, more freedom. Single people. People with no soulmates…" he complained. "Why is it so unfair?"
"That's… that doesn't seem right to me," Jonghyun shook his head, joining the other across the table. "Workplace equality includes people like us. We're protected by the law. You should complain about that to the--"
Taemin excitedly pointed at the other. "That's exactly what I say to them at every interview!" he nearly yelled. "... before they ask me to leave," he wilted in place.
Jonghyun thought about that. He had heard of people leaving the company before, citing an increase in responsibilities once they had a soulmate and a family to look after. He’d heard of it happening to others. But if the truth was that they were being let go in exchange for younger yet-unconnected workers with several years ahead of them before their timers ran out... if that was the truth, he suddenly felt threatened. The boss had said he was up for a promotion soon, would him meeting Taemin change that?
“What uhm...” he tried to allay his own fears by continuing to question the man. “What did you do? Before you went away for your service?”
“I... used to work as an engineer,” Taemin scratched his chin.
“E-engineer?” Jonghyun scoffed, wondering if he should cross-check the information after all. An idiot like this? And engineering? “You’re--you’re not joking, are you?” he confirmed suspiciously.
The other scowled. “No, I’m not.” 
Balking, Jonghyun shifted forward in his chair. “Th-that’s...! That’s so prestigious! Why don’t you apply to get your old job back?!”
“Because they don’t want me back!” Taemin insisted. “I called, I sent my CV, I applied for internships--even when I’m not an intern anymore. And they--!” he sunk lower in his seat. “Just give me back my phone. I have a game to finish.”
“Taemin ssi,” Jonghyun said sternly. “There has to be another reason why they’re refusing. Have you ever thought of that? I mean, I still have my job,” he pointed to himself. “There has to be something else, something you’re not doing right--”
“Why did you bring me here if all you’re gonna do is lecture me?” Taemin complained.
The elder sighed. “OK... OK,” he placated. “You don’t want to talk. And I can’t leave you to play games by yourself. What else do you want to do?”
Taemin shrugged, still pouting.
“Have you... ever kissed someone?” Jonghyun inquired, receiving a shake of the head. “Would you like to try it?
Taemin looked around the apartment in confusion. “Who do I kiss?”
“Who do you think?!” Jonghyun demanded in frustration.
“Oh...” the other blinked, then widened his eyes. “Oh! Like two soulmates doing the--” he crossed his fingers together, “The thing. Oh. Yeah. Uhh... OK, then--” he sat forward excitedly, then stopped. “Wait, what am I supposed to do?”
Jonghyun couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him. He move closer, kneeling in front of the other and taking hold of his hands. They were small, he noticed. Soft, small, with a few silver rings on some of the fingers. “I’ll help you,” he assured in a kind voice.
Taemin shifted, unsure. “Do I need to do something?” he asked. “Like... do I hold my breath? Do I close my eyes? Is there a prayer I need to say? Or like a symbol I need to make or--?”
“Just...” Jonghyun held a finger to his own lips and craned in closer. He placed his palm to the side of the man’s face, feeling the hair and skin against his fingertips. The simple contact alone sent his heart into a speeding frenzy, his eyes studying the other for every shift every blink every exhale. There was so much to be read in Taemin’s expression, he realized then. So much sitting unspoken at the corner of those puffy lips, so many dreams in those trusting eyes. As the distance between their mouths narrowed to nearly nothing, he kept his gaze on the other, unfaltering until they were so close he had to let his eyes run out of focus before he blinked them shut.
The contact was so dizzying, Taemin thought he’d fall out of his seat. He’d never thought he’d be kissing a man, much less a man who was his soulmate. He’d also never imagined it would make him feel like there were fireworks going off in every inch of his body, like he lay face-first on a frying pan, the oil spitting as soon as it came in contact with his skin. He reached out for support, finding a pair of shoulders to lean against as his lungs started to burn for lack of air.
Jonghyun moved away a minute, then burst out laughing when he saw the other gasp. “You’re supposed to breathe!” he cracked up.
“How… how am I supposed to know that?!” Taemin demanded.
For once the other’s stupidity didn’t feel as stupid. “How did that feel?” Jonghyun asked, stroking his thumbs over bony knees. 
“... wasn’t long enough for me to decide,” a mutter replied.
“Want to go again?”
Taemin frowned in confusion. “Go where--?” he started to ask before the lips were on him again, firmer and more insistent. He noticed more this time around. Their temperature, their softness, the way they slipped against his own mouth like. Like… he tried to compare it to something he knew but this was like nothing else. This was something that couldn’t be compared. So he held onto the strong shoulders and tried kissing back.
When Jonghyun hummed, the sound reverberated against Taemin’s cheek. He gasped once more, for more than breath this time, fingers tightening on the other’s shirt, brows knitting together, eyes squeezed shut, tongue--
The circle of Jonghyun’s arms grew tighter, bringing them closer together. He was filled with an odd sense of validation, of being complete and on the verge of unbelievable happiness. And the closer he pressed Taemin to himself, the larger the feeling became.
When they parted a second time, Taemin felt shaky. “I… I should--” he stood and fell back into his seat, knees weak and thighs trembling. He looked at the other with some shock, some fright, some confusion at the intensity of his feelings. “I’m going home,” he announced when his legs were working again, finding his phone on a table and dashing for the door. 
He didn’t stop when the other protested, didn’t stop when he slipped on the stairs, didn’t stop for the traffic signals or the angry ahjussis pushing carts. He ran like there was no tomorrow, like there was a monster coming to swallow him whole if he didn’t get far away soon enough. He raced and wound through the streets, arriving at his parents’ home out of breath and maybe even a little out of his mind.
When his father let him in and asked him what he was doing back so soon, he pushed his way through and locked himself in his room. Sitting with his back to the door, hearing his chest pound in his head, feeling his breath rasp at the ends, he ignored his mother’s concerned knocking and stayed hidden.
The curriculum changed every few years, but when Taemin was a child schools would spend a few minutes every week instructing their students about soulmates. Some found each other as babies, their teacher had explained. Some didn’t meet until they were well into their seventies. Some had soulmates across the border while others were destined for someone on the other side of the world. It was a convoluted system that governments often debated on and countries frequently clashed over. But it always found someone for someone else--that was the guarantee people usually lived with. In this massive world filled with people and problems and prejudice, no one was ever alone.
Growing up, Taemin was used to constantly seeing people around him head to a Soulmate Depot hand in hand with strangers, or suddenly announce wedding dates. It was common for friends to stop seeing old friends, for families to be halved, for people to move across the country or even for children to be sent off to someone else’s home when their timers ran out. In the army too, he’d often hear snatches of gossip when a fellow private abruptly disappeared overnight or had to be reassigned public service positions closer to civilian sectors. Countrywide, the Ministry of Emotional Health monitored its citizens’ timers, their connections, and--it claimed--all their unique situations. Everything was controlled with an iron fist, ensuring citizens’ basic rights weren’t violated and any separations were managed quietly, without fuss or media attention. And Taemin... he’d been conditioned, over the years, to accept it all as a natural course of life. A mundane theme from his everyday. Everyone must have a soulmate, everyone must register, and everyone must try to make it work.
It was only when his best friend moved to another country and his brother brought home a bride overnight that he understood the weight, the implication of it all. 
Meeting a soulmate in this sterile system, an act celebrated in media and spoken of avidly on morning talk shows--Taemin had come to expect it. What he hadn’t expected was how different the experience would be from his calculations. He’d always thought he would meet a city girl, like his hyung. That they would go on dates for a few months before marrying and settling down, living together, working together, spending the rest of their lives together like all the advertisements on TV. He’d resigned himself to something like that.
Someone like Jonghyun was not in his plans at all.
Over the next few days, they lived as they always had until the pain returned with a vengeance. Jonghyun tried to give the other space, tried to leave him alone. Remembering how Taemin had scampered away, he tried not to be too eager or pushy, that would only scare the guy into staying away. But the pain left him feeling as empty as his large apartment. He lay in bed sad and alone one evening, eyes on his phone, hoping for a call or a text. Anything. 
In his place, Taemin distracted himself once more with games and food and drinks. He stayed in his room, watched old anime shows he’d already watched years ago, turned a blind eye to the pulsing in his rib cage. Maybe if I stay in once place the feeling will go away, he convinced himself while his health worsened. Yeah, maybe if I do other shit I won’t think about it anymore. He told himself to forget the way Jonghyun’s hands had held him, the way his breath had been warm and his tongue quick. He told himself to forget all of that--but the more he tried, the more space the memory took up in his mind.
He tried whatever he could to not think about the way his stomach turned every time his phone screen lit up with a message and it wasn’t Jonghyun. Eventually, he buried the thing under the mattress, out of sight. He pressed his hands to his ears when his mother asked him why he wasn’t going back, why he was making himself suffer. He yelled and threw a tantrum when his father reprimanded him with a “if you’re not going back, at least look for a job!” 
Everything was agonizing. Everyone was an enemy. Finding himself a few blankets, he built a cocoon for his weakened body like it would protect him from the rest of the world. But when his breath shortened and his head began to split, his family couldn’t ignore him anymore.
It was finally Taesun and his annoyance that pulled him out of a pile on the floor and dragged him to their car. “You’re worrying everyone,” he scolded. “We can’t have you sitting at home acting like this. It’s making us feel on edge all the time!” He found Taemin’s phone, fought his brother away to look through the contacts and made a call. 
Jonghyun pounced when he saw the number. “Taemin?! Is that you?! Where are you? Do you need me to come get you again--?!”
“Jonghyun ssi,” Taesun stopped him with a chuckle. “This is his brother.”
“Wh-why are you… is he OK? What happened?!”
“He’s with me. I’m bringing him over. He’s uhh--” he looked over at Taemin twitching in the passenger seat. “Look, I apologize for such short notice. Would it be OK if I leave him with you? It only has to be for a few days. You know. Until you two… get used to all this?”
Jonghyun blinked. “Uhh… s-sure? If he’s OK with it?”
“Well, he’s an idiot so,” Taesun laughed a little as he drove them through the narrow streets. 
“He’s my idiot now,” Jonghyun murmured, getting out of bed with a groan, taking the support of walls and furniture to maneuver through the apartment. 
Taesun smiled at that. “You seem like a good person. I’m not worried anymore. We’ll be there shortly,” he advised. “If you’re going through what he’s going through, please be safe until we get there.”
By the time Jonghyun made it downstairs and negotiated the lobby to arrive at the glass doors leading out, he was a sweaty shivering mess.
Parking nearby, Taesun lugged his as-good-as-comatose brother along until he saw the man sitting outside his building. “He’s all yours,” he handed the kid over when they were within earshot. “Aigoo, this kid… stubborn like you won’t believe!”
Taemin, having spent the whole drive whimpering and scratching at his arms, reached out weakly when he saw Jonghyun, his consciousness slipping away under his pain. But as soon as he was pulled into the other’s arms, he gave a long moan of relief as he clutched desperately and tried to climb onto the man like a child.
“It’s OK,” Jonghyun hushed. “You’re here now, it’s going to be OK.” He noticed the bag. “Are those his things?”
“Ah… yeah, clothes and some other stuff,” Taesun handed it over. “Please. If you need anything at all, just give me a call. Take care of each other,” he waved a hand with concern, hesitant to leave. 
Jonghyun nodded and tried to wave back, walking them in and towards the elevator. He felt his strength returned little by little, felt his senses clear the longer he held Taemin in his arms. “You’re OK now,” he murmured. “You’re safe now, I’ve got you.”
Taemin shivered, burrowing into the other’s neck. “Yeah...” he managed, his mind still not entirely whole. When he heard the sound of an excited dog in the distance it only made him hold on tighter. 
Jonghyun, feeling the strain of carrying the other all the way in, finally sat him down on the sofa and crouched before him like he had only days ago. “Do you need anything?” he asked. “Anything at all? Food, water…?” But his questions fell on deaf ears. The exhaustion of their time apart and the comfort of their meeting had clearly taken a heavy toll on the other. His head lolled forward as he started to fall asleep. 
Taemin felt a pair of lips press against his forehead before his mind took him away.
When he awoke, he was alone, in a strange room on a strange sofa… no. Bed. He sat up in confusion. “What the…?” he began before a very adorable and very familiar doggy jumped onto him. 
“Oh! Roo!” he grinned, gathering her into his arms. “Hello~” he carried her out of the room, following the smell of food. “Hmm, looks like your appa’s cooking us something nice? Isn’t he? Isn’t he, you cute little baby? Isn’t--?”
Jonghyun turned to look at him with eyebrows raised. “You like sausages?” he asked.
Taemin blinked. “Will you cut them like octopuses?” he asked, leaning against something as his giddiness still came and went in waves. “Eomma always cuts them like that for me…”
“Are you twelve?” Jonghyun ridiculed, but did as he was requested. “Your hyung seems nice,” he commented as he worked. “Poor guy looked so stressed. You’re a real troublemaker in your house, aren’t you?”
“No…!” Taemin protested, letting Roo run off and making his way to the fridge. “I just. Have a strong personality, OK?”
“Let me guess,” Jonghyun chuckled, holding the bowl of rice and sausages out to the other. “That’s something your eomma says, isn’t it?”
There was no more exchanged between them. Taemin’s appetite kicked the door in hard. He finished his bowl, took seconds and even thirds. Then he washed it all down with a bottle of juice, found yogurt and cut fruit in the fridge. Jonghyun made the mistake of leaving him alone while he showered, and when he returned all the boiled eggs and baby carrots and cheese slices were gone.
“Can we order pizza?” Taemin asked, still sitting on the floor in front of an ajar and now sad-looking fridge.
“What the fuck?!” Jonghyun balked at his raided pantry. “You even ate all the side dishes my eomma sent last week!” 
“I… I was hungry!” Taemin defended.
“You ate what would’ve lasted me a month!” 
“I told you I was hungry! Why don’t you pay attention? Why don’t you listen when I’m talking Why don’t you--?!” Taemin’s stomach grumbled and he clutched at it. “Ugghh so hungry…” he whined.
Jonghyun held his head in his hands.
Some time later, with a slice of pizza in one hand and his phone in the other, Taemin lounged on the living room floor as he chuckled along to stupid memes online. He entertained himself like this for a while until he noticed his host fuming at him. 
“W-what?” he asked self-consciously. 
“Put your phone away,” Jonghyun ordered, an edge to his voice, his face only softening when Taemin did as he was told. “Now. We’re going to spend some quality time together. And we’re going to learn to live with each other.” He patted the space next to him on the sofa. “Come here. Let’s watch a movie together. Then we’ll go out. Someplace warm. Like a cafe, OK?” he offered.
Taemin nodded slowly. “O-OK.”
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Hey, sorry I didn't post this yesterday but this kinda has smut at the end so I didn't know if I could actually post it.
But I'll try, so here it is the next chapter. Enjoy!
(I'll but these *** before the smut just in case)
(Blue's POV)
I shift uncomfortably on the freezing cold medical table, the scanner in front of me starts to move. It moves the probe, or as Steven calls it, a thermometer.
I take an unnecessary breath in and shut my eyes, I try not to move as I feel the red light slowly inch down from the top of my head to my chin.
I open my eyes, the bright red light from the scanner inch slowly down my neck, only pausing to scan my gem.
I start shivering as the scanner moves from where my breasts and gem is to the start of my stomach area.
I notice that the scanner had to move back a bit to scan my stomach, and the medical pearl notices it too. The second the red light hits where my belly button is, it starts beeping like crazy.
Steven and Amethyst cover their ears and Yellow frowns.
"What's going on" Steven semi loudly asks.
"Gah, give me a minute" the medical pearl says, she pulls up another green screen. She presses a button and the machine shuts off.
"The scanner found something in your abdomen" the medical pearl starts "but I'd have to grab a camera scanner and some gel, give me a minute" she wheels the scanner out of the room.
I look at Yellow, she looks nervous, her one leg is bouncing and she is drumming her fingers on her other leg.
I look at Garnet, she is talking to Pearl. Well, whispering would be better.
I wrap my covered arms around my belly, I start shivering even harder. Yellow decides to get up and comfort me, she sits on the table to my left and wraps her warm arm around me. I sigh and I put my head on her shoulder.
I practically shove my entire body into hers, trying to soak up as much of her warmth as possible.
"Y-yellow I'm s-s-scared" I say very lowly.
"It's going to be okay, we'll find out what's wrong" Yellow reassures me, I look up to meet her golden eyes, I give her a small smile and she kisses the top of my head.
And for a few seconds everything fades away, it's just me and Yellow. But the doors open and I jolt up, Yellow gets up from her position and takes her seat again.
I let out a quiet groan, the small medical pearl wheels in another scanner.
"What will this one do" Amethyst asks, Pearl answers "it's kind of like an ultrasound, they'll be able to see if anything is inside of her".
I notice the look that Garnet gives Pearl, and I frown a little. I try to keep my balance as the medical Pearl lowers the table so she can reach me. She jumps up onto the table right by my hand.
"Do you remember what to do?" she asks.
"I r-rem-member hav-ving t-t-to take P-pink to get o-one of t-t-these ca-ause she sw-w-wallowed somet-thing" I smile fondly at the memory, it turns out that some tourmalines dared her to swallow a rock, so she did and it got stuck...Yellow got so mad...
"Ok, so first I need you to take you off your veil, then you need to lay on your back" the medical pearl says, she moves back a bit so I don't hit her as I take my veil off. Now I'm completely vulnerable to the cold room.
I start shivering even harder,  I toss my veil to Yellow, once she catches it I start to move to lay down on my back. I try not to accidentally squish the medical pearl in the process.
Once I'm on my back, the pearl beings the scanner and the gel onto the table, she angles the screen part of the scanner so everyone in the room can see it.
"Okay, now you need to remove the part of your dress that is covering your abdomen" the pearl says.
I try to carefully phase away only what she needs and not the entire top. Once it's phased away I get even colder, I accidentally start shaking the table, the everyone gives me a sympathetic look.
I lay my head on the cold hard table, I let out an exhausted sigh as the medical pearl climbs onto my belly. She opens a bottle of gel and pours it onto my skin.
I shiver as she rubs it around a bit before putting the small camera part of the scanner onto me. The screen part turns on and a screen of fuzziness shows.
The medical pearl carefully moves the scanner around my belly for a few minutes until she decides to go lower.
I hold another unneeded breath, as soon as the pearl stops moving down and moves the stick around, the screen changes and everyone gasps.
I weakly lift my head up to see the screen, my eyes go wide, on the screen are three little blobs...
Three little heartbeats...
Three little gemlings....
I lay my head back down and let go of that unneeded breath. I quickly phase the missing part of my dress.
I stare up at the ceiling and thoughts come flooding in. I can hear everyone congratulating me and Yellow, but I don't pay attention. I feel the medical pearl wiping off all the gel and get off of me.
What are we going to do? What am I going to do?
I honestly don't feel anything except being cold, no joy, no pain, nothing. Yellow had walked over to me "Blue are you okay"
I finally blink and I try to sit up "I a-am r-rea-ady to l-leave wh-hen y-you are" I tremble.
"You didn- nevermind" she says
Yellow helps me slide off the table and onto my feet, I didn't notice that Steven was talking to me.
"BLUE" Steven shouts to get my attention.
"Wha- oh I'm s-sorry S-Stev-ven" I shudder, Yellow hands me my warm veil, I quickly and carefully put it on.
"Nah it's okay, I know you're probably tired. I mean after news like that you both have got to be tired." Steven says I nod, "ahhh, I'm so happy and excited for you" Steven jumps in the air then floats back down.
Pearl moves to put her hand on his shoulder "we should let her get some rest, come on let's go" Steven nods. They move to the door, I start to move but the medical pearl stops me.
"I have somethings to mention" the medical pearl says "while pregnant you will need to eat, drink, and sleep constantly"
"But I thought" Yellow gets cut off.
"Well, my dia-blue diamond is having three gemlings, that's a lot of power going into them so she wil-is extremely weak and tired. So she will need to eat and drink constantly, also if like to scan every few weeks to make sure the gemlings are fine" the medical pearl finishes.
I thank her and move to the door, Yellow grunts and moves as well. Steven opens the door for us, we say our goodbyes and Yellow leads me back to my chambers.
I sigh as the warm air hits me, I walk into my room and take my veil off, I walk to my vanity and sit down. I grab one of my many blue hairbrushes and I try humming a song that I learned from Steven.
Yellow walks behind my chair "would you like me to warm up your extraction chambers?" She asks I give her a slow nod, she gives me a small kiss on the check. Yellow walks to the entrance of my extraction chamber and open the big blue boors and walks inside.
I can faintly hear the water turning on, I continue humming the song, soon humming turned into words.
"Oh won't you come with me, where the moon is made of gold" I sing softly "and in the morning sun we'll be sailing free, oh won't you come with me where the ocean meets the sky, and as the clouds roll by, we'll sing the song of the sea" I finish the verse.
Yellow walks over to me "is that a new one?" She places her warm ungloved hands on my cold shoulders.
"Yes, Steven taught me it" I put down my hairbrush and push my chair ack so I can stand up, Yellow helps me walk into my extraction chamber.
"Maybe you can sing it to me" Yellow says, I phase away my dress and underwear and I step into the steaming water.
"Maybe" I sigh as I sit down, I let myself sink lower and lower, till the water hit my chin.
Yellow joins me and sinks into the water, she helps me sit back up. I rest my head on her shoulder, she wraps an arm around me. "I got ordered some food for you and some water, it's nothing much but I want you to get used to eating." She says, she looks down at me and I look up to her.
I give her a small smile "thank you, what did you order?" I ask
"Oh just some fruit, the gardeners figured out how to make huge pieces of fruit and vegetables" Yellow says "so you don't need to worry, this pregnancy will go splendidly"
I frown at the word pregnancy, somehow I forgot all about, I put my hand on my almost non-existent baby bump.
Yellow notices that "something wrong blue?"
"Oh um, no" I half-lie.
"Okay, well just tell me when you are ready to get out or when you're hungry" she says, I nod. I put my hand on her chest eight above her gem.
"I love you" but I'm not sure I want this I wanted to add but I couldn't.
"I love you to" yellow leans in to kiss my lips, I push myself up to meet her halfway.
Kissing quickly turns to making out, our tongues fight for dominance and our hands touch each other.
Yellow breaks the kiss and leaves little kisses and nibbles down my jaw to my neck. She sucks where my neck meets my shoulder, she continues lower to the tip of my gem.
Yellow lazily drags her tongue across each and every facet of my gem, I moan in pleasure.
Yellow keeps kissing and licking my gem, she grabs one of my breasts, she rubs and pinches my rock hard nipple. Her other hand travels further in the water and down my leg, Yellow's hand travels between my legs.
I gasp as I feel her hand brush against my clit. She smirks, she decides to start kissing and sucking on my other breast.
I let out a moan as she rubs slow circles around my slit. She teases it by almost putting her fingers in. Her hand goes back to my clit again, stroking faster circles around it. I let out another loud moan.
She stops rubbing my clit, she kisses my gem once more then goes lower and lower. She only stops when a low growl comes from my stomach.
"Looks like someone is hungry" Yellow chuckles. I blush a little.
"That's what that noise meant" I blurt out.
Yellow laughs "ok, let's get you some food."
"Fine, but you're finishing this later" I say as Yellow helps me out of the water.
"As you wish, my diamond"
And there, I tried to write smut, I'm not good at writing it but I'll maybe try to write more. But thanks for reading and see y'all next Saturday bye!
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queennicoleinboots · 5 years
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Day 55 of Peter and Xara the Goat's Curse:
Battle of the Bands of Goats, Walrus Bear Pigs, Cats, Clowns, and Asgardian Gods, part 3
A/N: This story is cartoonish and does not necessarily make sense.
"Fuck you!!!" Everyone in the meeting hall sang before they bleated.
"Peter W. Parker, your orange hair makes it easy for us to troll you!" Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater sang.
Murphee howled in agreement.
Kissy walked over to Peter and sang, "I'm here, motherfucker."
"I'm here, motherfucker!" Everyone sang to Peter before bleating.
Peter bleated and was one with his inner goat. He then sang, "Fuck this! After the spaghetti squash dinner, I'm out of here."
"Spaghetti squash! Spaghetti squash! We can't wait for spaghetti squash! It will be delicious!!! Dee-dee-deelicious!!!!" Everyone sang.
"I fucking love this organiiiizzaaaaatiiiiionnnn!!!" Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing sang loudly.
"You are inducted! You are inducted! Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing! You are inducted into the secret society of gooooooaats!" Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater sang before he chanted. "Come on the stage!"
"You are inducted! You are inducted! Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing! You are inducted into the secret society of gooooooaats!" Everyone sang before he, she, or it chanted. "Go on the stage."
Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing went on the stage. He waved to everyone and thanked us for having him. Kissy meowed at him.
Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater pointed at Kissy. "Come here, cat. I require thee," he said.
Everyone else sang, "Go there, cat. He requires thee."
Kissy walked quickly on the stage. Everyone said, "Awwwww!!!" as she crossed over to Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater.
"Are you not an inductee of the secret society of goats as well?" Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater asked as he petted her.
"I am," Kissy answered as she purred. "My Mommy is a high-ranking officer."
"Well then you are also required to sign and say the oath of the secret society of goats," Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater said as he scratched her belly.
Peter's phone alerted him of a text. I was sitting next to Peter, so I was able to see his text messages. He sighed.
Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater went on with the inductions. If you are rank 10 or above, you are allowed to have your phone on because you are that fucking important.
My inner goat told me to look at Peter's text messages.
Jamie texted him, "I need you to fix my wheelchair. The remote isn't working. I need you to fix the tables in the garage. They're broken. I need you to fix OUR toilet. It's now broken. I need you to fix the toilet garden. You broke it in Episode 3. I need you to fix the carpet and drywall in your room. It's mentally scarring. I need you to fix the ceiling. Pennywise is coming through the ceiling, and it's freaking me out."
"Dad, Dad, Dad," Peter muttered.
Another text message showed up on his phone. This time, it was from his mother, Godiva Parker. "I hope you're having fun at your party. Your father requires a lot from you. I told him *not* to bother you, even if the clown from "It" the Stephen King novel is indeed coming down from our ceiling. He's talking about stuff floating from our toilet. Oh brother. This guy's obnoxious. When you're done being a rockstar, come home."
Peter smiled and responded, "Actually, everyone's trolling me because of my ORANGE hair. I'd do anything to get my hair to an auburn color. Literally. Ha!
Yes. I got a long to-do list text message from him. He mentioned Pennywise coming out of the ceiling. Oh brother. Never a dull moment at home. I leave home to relax."
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig texted me. "Garfield sends his regards by meowing. I'm cooking the spaghetti squash with meatballs and alfredo sauce. It's taking forever to scoop out the seeds. How is Kissy's induction ceremony?"
I responded, "Pet Gar for me. Tell him 'Hey Bubba.' Also, when will the meal be done? Everyone sang a song about the meal when you left. Kissy is doing fine. She can meow and bleat at the same time. She also sounds like a wind-up toy you'd get at Toys R Us."
Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing and Kissy were signing the appropriate forms to become members of the secret society of goats.
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig responded, "At least another hour. Ugh. Bad timing. P.S. Garfield is laying near my feet."
I responded, "I love that animal."
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig responded, "I love you. 30 seconds until I grow man-boobs. Oh wait. Too late."
I laughed out loud at that comment.
Mr. Thor the Appliance Beater turned to me. "I'm glad someone laughed at my joke. But seriously, my band is called Mr. Thor and the Interrupters. I legally removed "The Appliance Beater" from my title. I got tired of writing it on every document I signed."
"Screw the appliances! Where are the-" Peter started to ask.
"It doesn't matter," Mr. Thor answered.
"But you didn't-," Peter started to say.
"You're a dick!" Mr. Thor exclaimed.
I started laughing and rolling on the floor.
"You know what fuck-" Peter started to say.
"You!!!!" Mr. Thor said.
"Apparently the idea behind this game is-" Bruce the Ace of Brake-fixing started to say.
"Is to interrupt the other person!" Peter yelled before going on stage.
Ronald McDonald went on stage with Peter and started singing.
The line of goats on the stage started singing.
Murphee barked to interrupt everyone. "Fuck Peter," he said.
"Good idea!" one of the females in the group said.
"No orgasm for you, miss," Peter said. "At least, not while-"
"We're interrupting each other," I blurted out.
Everyone started to bleat before the four rams bleated to interrupt us.
I laughed my head off some more. Lindsay interrupted my laughing by laughing.
Prince Carrington started to ask, "Am I immune-"
"No!" Kissy said with a loud and long meow that got interrupted by Peter starting to sing and dance.
The Rams played some hard rock music in the background.
"No!" Ronald McDonald shouted.
"Sleep!" Peter sang.
"Till!" the line of goats yelled.
"Bleating!" the audience yelled.
"Bleating!" Peter and Ronald McDonald sang loudly.
Peter and Ronald McDonald started to dance on stage before Murphee jumped in front of them and barked loudly.
Peter and Ronald McDonald jumped to the left and stepped to the right.
The rams started playing the "Time Warp" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Everyone sang. "First we jump to the left. Then we step to the riiiiiiggggghtttt."
"With a pelvic thrust! Which we do in time!!!!" Mr. Thor interrupted.
"Let's do the time warp again!!" Peter sang loudly.
"Let's do the time warp again!!" Ronald McDonald sang loudly.
Kissy sneezed.
"Gesundheit!" Everyone yelled.
Kissy jumped off the stage and was sniffing my coffee.
"Get out of my coffee," I said.
"Get out of her coffee!" everyone said.
"Apparently we did the time warp again," Peter said.
All of a sudden, a basenji burst through the door.
Everyone turned to see Tug running up the aisle to the stage.
"I thought I locked the door..." Murphee said. He did a kujo growl.
"Oh shut it. Will you? I'm here on official business. I know it's not goat business, but this is important," Tug said.
"Well why not? This whole meeting has turned into a series of interruptions. What better way to conduct business than to have a random fox dog burst into the meeting," Mr. Thor said.
Tug stood on stage and howled before he walked over to Peter.
"Tug! What are you doing here, boi?!" Peter asked as he petted his dog.
"Awwwwww!!!!" Everyone said before they bleated.
"I need to let you know that I cope with your existence every day. I also want the world to cope with the fact that I can talk. I can even siiiiing. But. I can't bark. Am I a dog or a fox?" Tug asked.
"I'll be honest. You be whom you want to be. I do all the time. Today, I want to be a rockstar who sings in bleats," Peter said.
Tug howled and then started singing, "What's New Pussycat?!"
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaaaa!!!!!" Everyone else would sing at appropriate times.
After the song was over, Tug walked to the front of the stage and said to Peter, "I am going to demand that you feed me now. Thank you."
At that moment, Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig walked in with a bunch of spaghetti squash and meatballs in Alfredo sauce. "Dig in!!!!" he commanded.
Everyone gathered spoons, forks, knives, plates, and bowls and dug into the masterpiece called Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig's cooking.
Kissy was munching on a meatball while Tug ate some spaghetti squash. Murphee chowed down like there was no tomorrow.
"This is dee-dee-dee-deelicious!" Everyone chanted. There were celebratory bleats.
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig growled like a bear and said, "Dee-licious!!!" He ate another bite.
Even the rams and goats ate happily. They bleated to show pleasure.
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig cuddled with Kissy while they ate together. She meowed like a wind-up toy to signify that she was ready to rock and roll.
I finished my meal and then went on stage.
"Ladies, gentlemen, and animals. I want to perform a song with my bae. It's called 'Public Beatings.'"
The goats bleated in happiness.
Kissy went on the stage and meowed as though she were an instrument.
"Public Beatings! Public Beatings! I love to give those Public Beatings!" I sang.
Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig waddled on the stage and sang, "I want you to open your window and yell, 'I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore.' Ohio is one big Norman Bates phenomenon."
Everyone in the room yelled, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore."
Kissy coughed and sneezed before meowing as though she were a sitar.
"Easy easy easy easy beats!" I sang operatically. I then proceeded to softly beat Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig.
"My love! Here you go! I profess my love to thee as I'm getting beat. Getting beat!" Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig sung.
The rams were playing their instruments while the line of goats bleated and sang, "Getting beat! Getting beat!"
"I'm not gonna take it anymore! I'm not gonna take it anymore! I spawn! I die!" Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig sang. "I hope you all enjoy the khatents of my butt as I'm getting beat!"
Mr. Thor beat the cymbal. "Not that kind of meeting. No pooping on stage. K thanks," he said.
"It's not a song. It's a sandwich!" Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig and I sang.
Kissy then jumped on Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig and bit his leg.
"Owwwww! That hurt! Your teeth hurt like pins and needles!" Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig sang loudly.
Kissy continued to meow like an instrument.
"You know you're my bear if you get beat I public!" I sang as I beat Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig.
Kissy meowed an operatic meow.
Murphee howled operatically.
Tug howled and threw in what barks he could.
"One two three four with your ass. I'm gonna beat your ass right now," I sang.
Another animal entered the stage area dramatically. Garfield walked to the center stage in the middle of our song and sang,
"Get your ass ass ass off my table table table.
Get your ass ass ass off my table table table.
Get your fatass off my table! Get your fatass off my table! Get your fatass off my table. Table. Table. Get your fatass off my table!"
Garfield then walked off the stage and exited out the back door.
Kissy, Wally the Walrus the Bear the Pig, and I bowed and signified that our song ended.
Everyone bleated and clapped because it was socially acceptable to clap at the end of a song.
Peter then blurted out, "Party at my house! Apparently, my dad wants me to do a bunch of shit, so I gotta go home. Anyone who wants to join me is welcome!"
Tug howled again.
Murphee howled.
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