#i'll dedicate another post to that later
hyba · 3 months
Writing my solarpunk novel has really gotten me into the solarpunk community and checking out what solarpunk means to different people and I'm very lucky to have delved into that because the solarpunk message is by no means new or anything, but it's a reminder that we can live a less wasteful, more sustainable life if we wanted to, and there are so many big and little ways to do that.
I still feel a bit disheartened knowing that there are huge companies out there that are destroying our ecosystems and the natural habitats of creatures around the world and getting away with it because they have all the dollar bills, but there's something very reassuring in the peaceful solarpunk living of the average person. There's an endurance there, a strength, because no matter what, there's a refusal to accept defeat or to say, Hey, I'm only a drop in the ocean, so who cares, right?
Instead, solarpunk is all about people who say, I'm going to do this the right way even if they won't. I will cherish the earth and I will cherish its creatures and I will cherish human life and I will cherish myself and I will cherish my things even if they won't.
It's a very powerful thought. It's a very warm thought.
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poetrysmackdown · 10 months
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Big congratulations to "The Two-Headed Calf" for a solid win over "How to Be a Dog" (and to our Third Place competitor, "Wild Geese")!
Thank you to all who participated. I had a lot of fun with this and I hope you guys did as well! I've said it before but I had no idea this would get as big as it did, and it's been truly heartening to see this many people engaging with poetry and getting excited about it. I'm personally grateful to all the folks I got the chance to discuss poems with, and everyone who challenged me to see these poems in a new light. Whether you were introduced to new poems or reunited with old ones, whether you voted with the majority or against it, I hope you got something out of this as well.
As promised, here is the grand stats spreadsheet. The smackdown with the highest turnout was the semifinal matchup "The Two-Headed Calf" by Laura Gilpin vs. "Wild Geese" by Mary Oliver with 17,449 votes! In second place, Round 1: "Poem" by Langston Hughes vs. "A Meeting" by Wendell Berry with 16,690 votes.
Unfortunately my real-life responsibilities have hit me like a truck and I don't have time to do a whole post dedicated to reviewing more of it, but I hope y'all might share any insights you have below! I also included the word count stats on the "summary" page, as suggested in this ask by @puddinginthemix. Nevertheless, they don't seem to demonstrate a concrete trend in one direction or the other—the mean word count difference technically gives a slight edge to longer poems in competition, but with such an insane standard deviation as to render the whole thing silly.
On the topic of a sequel.
After some deliberation, I've decided I would love to do another one of these focusing on poems that are lesser-known on Tumblr! In a perfect world I would just jump right in again, but it's quickly becoming clear to me that I will not have time to sort through/pair submissions and then run the thing while balancing work and school in the upcoming semester. With that in mind, my plan is to run it over the winter holidays so I'm able to give it more of my attention. That said, I've already made the submission form, and I'm tempted to release that ASAP so that I can use any downtime in the fall to read, review, and structure things thoughtfully. I also just figure it'll get a higher volume of submissions if I release it now. I know it's probably not ideal, but would people be cool with me opening submissions earlier, even if it means there'll be a significant time gap between submission and competition? If so, I'll get that out no later than Tuesday, and likely keep it open for a few weeks (unless it gets, like, seriously swamped lol).
Lastly, I've still got some asks I need to get through.....they're still on my mind. I'll do my best to respond to everyone within the next week!
Thank you again to everyone who participated, it's been such a joy!
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katboykirby · 4 days
Since it's almost the end of MerMay (and since I'm not able to finish writing my Mer/Siren AU stories) have a post dedicated to my personal design headcanons for the Obey Me! characters. Starting with the demon brothers! 🧜‍♂️ 🧜‍♀️
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I'll make another post for the Royals + Angels + Sorcerers/Reapers later 🧜‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 24 days
Seven Fishes and The Timer Part One
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Writing this took me a while, and I go back to it occasionally because it's such a chaotic episode. I've listened to so many timers ringing that now I question if it's real. So, this post is heavy on scene analysis. If you like this type of shit, read on and enjoy.
Another note: This post is really dedicated to my sydcarmy folks. Studying this episode confirmed how detailed Storer, Calo, and Senior are in making this show. They are genuinely thoughtful creators, so learning this episode affirms that we're not imagining Syd & Carmy's relationship being the center of this story. For time plays a theme in The Bear.
Time serves a particular purpose in this episode; we can't escape the ringing in the foreground; it's a humming of sorts, but when it sounds off loud and clearly, it becomes its own character in The Berzatto Home. The ring is loud and clear only with dialogue and meaningful action. This dialogue and action lead us to unresolved issues that later hit a nerve at the table and the rest of the season- time guides us when there's an emotional shift in the story.
I'll consider this added pressure of time as the beats of the episode.
What are beats?
A story beat is a shift in the narrative. Story beats can be emotional turns, incidents or events, actions, reactions, or realizations. They can even be slight shifts in narrative tone or a character's emotional arc. Essentially, beats are small moments that move the story forward.
An important note for Fishes: We only get a break from the timer during moments that establish the relationship between two characters.
Let's take a look at the timer:
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1. "It's fucking Christmas, why would you say you didn't wanna come back?" "Whatever. Okay." TIMER
The emotional shift: Resentment. This is the second moment of tension between Mikey and Carmy, along with a realization of Carmy's truth that he wants to keep his distance from his family. It's a moment of hurt from Mikey. This exchange of dialogue is the emotional shift of the story, and time is giving us a break from Mike and Carmy's tension.
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2. Donna Calls Richie in the kitchen TIMER . A beat change where Richie enters the kitchen- time tells us it's a shift in the scene and an introduction to Tiffany and Richie's relationship.
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3. An Action Beat: TIMER tells us it's an unresolved issue and It's a break (for now) of viewers having to pay attention to Tiffany and Richie- we'll learn more later.
The TIMER also serves a purpose as it guides us to Natalie.
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4. Natalie pours out the alcohol as the TIMER goes off. This is also considered an action beat, moving the story forward as we pay attention to Natalie's role in the family.
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5. Uncle Lee & Move the Fucking Pot:
We hear the timer distinctly in this scene twice. One is when Lee is introduced to the story, and the second time, we listen to it loud and clearly at the start of Donna demanding Carmy move the pot; this is a change in the story as Donna's first pile-up occurs. This scene tells us two things: One, that Lee will play a vital role in the episode and The Berzatto family, and two, we're watching just how bad Donna's anger could get.
The timer is not just adding to the chaos in Fishes; it's guiding us through the story.
This is it for part one- take a look at part two.
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a-doubleh-x · 2 months
Why I like Chaggie
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Hey! My last casual ship review did pretty well, so here I am with another! Needless to say, but thank you all for the interactions, I appreciate it very much 🥰
Last time I talked about Charlastor, a notorious controversial ship and today I'll talk about a surprisingly controversial ship: Chaggie. Why do people dislike this ship? I'll go a bit into it on the second half of this post, but first I'll talk on the positive I see in this cute couple.
First of all, as a guy in his late twenties who's been on at least one relationship, I will say that I appreciate a relation that's mostly based on comfort and support. Some people might think that's boring or not quite the basis of romance, but I think quite the opposite. Johnathan Decker, a licensed couples therapist on youtube (you might know him from Cinema Therapy) often talks about how safety and mutual understanding are the basis of any lasting relationship.
At the start of the Amazon series, Charlie and Vaggie have been together for 3 years, which is evident in many of their day to day interactions. They're comfortable with each other, they rely on each other and best of all, they still coo every now and then over how adorable the other is.
That is not to say the relationship is without conflict, which in my opinion as a writer it's the lifeblood of any good story. Vaggie is clearly quite codependent of Charlie, which is why a large portion of her self worth is based on being useful to her. However, I think the two of them do a decent job of talking through the problems this brings sometimes, such as episode 3.
I think it's cool that the relationship seems to work despite their rocky moments. Charlie most likely thinks a person like Vaggie is a breath of fresh air in Hell, she's selfless, loyal and dedicated. That's probably the reason why she has so much patience with her, a feeling that I'm certain is mutual. Vaggie is clearly very aware of how silly and idealistic Charlie is, in fact she often tries to nudge her to be careful with her attitude. And even though she may not agree with everything, she still always supports her without appearing judgemental, which I think speaks volumes of her character.
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Now, let's talk about the shortcomings in the face of the audience. Some people think there's not enough substance in canon to be sold on the couple, which I think is a valid opinion. Some people argue that Chaggie's relationship is boring and not quite as interesting to watch as Charlastor, which I don't entirely agree with. Some people plain dislike or hate Vaggie because they think she's just a naggy chick who is an awful partner to Charlie in every way, which I *definitely* don't agree with.
My opinion falls in a more moderate standpoint. I think, even in the series, their relationship isn't boring, but it could've been presented better. While I said earlier that I think conflict is good in a story, I think a problem in the series that's probably unintentional is that most of the story beats with Charlie and Vaggie are negative.
In episode 3, they have a fight over their lack of communication. In episode 6, Vaggie puts her own secret status as a fallen angel over Charlie, which harms her later. And in episode 7, Charlie spends most of the episode mad at Vaggie and they make up offscreen, which is something unilaterally most fans believe was a mistake.
To the showrunner's credit, there are some positive major story beats. There's Charlie's trust fall on Vaggie, which was cute. There's their beautiful duet in episode 8. And there's them fighting alongside each other in the final battle.
Unfortunately, the fact their arc is a bit wonky and doesn't have a proper buildup makes it so that the climax (the duet) may feel a bit unearned. I don't want to make this whole post about the series because I could spend all day talking about it, so I'll just say for now that i underdtand why some people aren't sold on the ship.
I will say. Some fans have some very beautiful, gorgeous pictures of this ship. There's this great comic made by squids-and-fruitcake that's been running around about Charlie giving Vaggie a gift for Christmas (here's a youtube link in case you want to watch a dub, I couldn't find the original)
I think it's a great example of why this relationship works: they love each other. They may not completely understand each other's circumstances, but they try every day and are still together because of their mutual effort.
Charlie herself, as Hell's number 1 laughingstock can really use the support and the fact that Vaggie supports her even though she doesn't have all the answers means a lot to her. She brings her stability, peace and affection, all things she lacked until she met her.
Vaggie, on the other hand, who was plunged against her will into a pit of violence and cynicism also needs Charlie's perspective. She loves the fact that she cares about something bigger than herself, that she wants to help damned people like her, which given her circumstances I think it's something she also needs in a fundamental level.
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That haz bin my review for today! What do you think? Do you like Chaggie? Do you think it could've been written better? What's your favorite interaction between them? Let me hear your thoughts! It's been fun to put my thoughts down for casual reviews, I hadn't done it before, so expect more in the future while I'm still working on the next chapter of my fanfic.
I think I already have an idea about what my next Hazbin post is going to be about (hint: it has to do with Angel Dust). Thank you again for all the love, hope to see you all soon!
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zeroeightzeroone · 6 months
can't love you anymore - lee minho
genre: angst
pairings: non-idol!lee minho x gender neutral reader
warnings: one mention of alcohol
notes: if this looks familiar, it was originally posted to my secondary blog @zerothreetwentyfive so i'm republishing everything here on my main blog.
wc ~1.2k | moodboard
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minho: hey, i'm gonna be there later than we planned the senior coworkers invited me out for drinks, you know i can't risk saying no to them sorry baby
the messages left you feeling indifferent.
in all honesty, you didn't really care that he would be coming later than planned; considering that this wouldn't be the first time pre-organized plans needed to be postponed or cancelled. by either of you.
of course, the disappointment had set in the first couple of times but eventually, it happened so often that it was to be expected. whether it be on the day of or a couple of hours before, a text or call would be incoming to the other's phone: both methods contained an explanation followed by a short apology. a brief "that's okay" or something similar in response.
you: it's fine get here safely later
minho: thank you baby, i'll see you later
it's become glaringly obvious that both of you were increasingly growing tired of the half-hearted apologies and the effortless responses that followed.
minho: i love you
you: i love you too
sometimes you found yourself wondering when your relationship started to feel like a chore.
when did exchanging words of affection become a part of the routine?
the words "i'm sorry" and "i love you" felt like more of a formality, the appropriate and go-to response between you two. the significance the words once held only faded into obscurity. the hints of remorse and urge to reconcile were gone, the words of affection and dedication now devoid of any meaning, falling flat when uttered. 
as usual, you choose to disregard those fleeting thoughts, using the hours before minho arrives to straighten out and clean up your apartment: throwing clothes into the washer and dryer, changing the sheets and cleaning whatever you saw fit.
at the same time you were trekking around through the unit looking for things to occupy yourself, minho found himself sitting in a grilled meat restaurant. the man seated surrounded by senior coworkers from different departments, the table full of a variety of meat cuts, side dishes and alcohol.
once all your household tasks are completed, you make your way into the living room and switch on the lights to illuminate the apartment unit. you settle down onto the couch, positioned next to the large windows, resting your cheek against your palm as you take in the view of the city.
the sky is slowly beginning to darken as the sun sets behind the skyline, your pointer finger tracing the droplets of rain trickling down the opposite side of the glass pane. the gentle pitter-patter of the raindrops and the pleasant aroma permeating through the crack of the opened window create a soothing environment within your apartment.
a series of soft vibrations captures your attention, drawing your gaze from the window to your phone. you pick it up from the couch armrest as the screen illuminates:
incoming call: minho
accepting the call, you bring the phone up to your ear.
"hello?" you speak into the microphone, "where are you?"
minho slips into the car and you hear the sound of rain-soaked cars and city chatter through his microphone. you catch a bit of his conversation with the cab driver before the door slams.
"i'm in a cab," he finally replies, another set of murmurs directed to the driver before his attention is back on you, "where are you?"
"i'm at home."
"okay, good. i told the driver to go there," minho's voice is dull, laced with exhaustion as he stares out the foggy windows of the taxi.
"are you sure?" you remove the phone from your ear, glancing at the time, "it's almost… 11pm, and it's raining like crazy outside."
"i'll be fine," minho brushes you off, "i'm already on the way."
suddenly you hear the man gasp.
"what? what's going on?"
minho's phone had dropped from his hold, landing next to him.
the impact had travelled through the microphone resulting in a thud on your end, followed by the sound of frantic movement. on the other end of the line, minho is patting down his coat, and his pants; focusing on the pocketed areas, before hurriedly flipping through his bag.
"shit," minho curses, "sir-"
"what's going on, minho?" you ask, even though he can't hear you.
the device is still resting next to him on the seat. your nosiness gets the best of you as you press the phone closer, as if that would help you hear any better.
"i'm so sorry but…" the rest of minho's sentence is inaudible, rendering you unable to decipher the conversation he's having with the driver.
you hear the car screech right before minho picks the phone up again, holding it up to his ear.
"what happened?" you wonder, brows knit together in confusion.
"i left my wallet at the bar," minho grumbles, "didn't realize 'till we drove away so we gotta go back.… hopefully it's still there." 
minho whispers the last part to himself, running a frantic hand through his hair.
"anyway, i'll be there soon," he clears his throat.
an audible sigh leaves your lips and travels down the line, prompting minho to say:
"i'm sorry."
"hmm…?" you hum, "for what?"
"just–" he pauses, thinking for a moment before continuing, "everything..."
you're wracking your brain to think of what to respond to minho, the apology catching you off guard.
it felt different.
the way he apologized was different from before.
this time it had meaning and intention behind it. you understood what he meant by "everything" without the need of any further explanation.
"just… go home minho," you breath out, "get your wallet and go home."
you don't have to say anything else.
there's no need to stand firm on your word as minho doesn't ask if you're sure, he doesn't insist on coming over.
instead, the line falls quiet. neither of you utter a word or make a move to break the connection.
you both just sit on the line silently.
the air between you and minho is uncomfortable and suffocating. leading minho to think the cab driver's picked up on the tense atmosphere as he clears his throat, fingers tapping on the wheel.
what a perfect time to be caught in traffic.
much like your plans, the end had been postponed and cancelled countless times.
you hoped to salvage what once was but every kiss, hug, and touch became meaningless.
"oh, hey–" your voices are low, barely even whispers as you and minho choose to break the silence at the same time.
your faces burning up as you both stammer, pushing the other to speak first.
"sorry…you first," you whisper.
"no, no. you."
you're sitting with your knees drawn up to your chest. in the cab, minho sits with his legs spread, tapping his fingers rhythmically on his thigh. his eyes blink slowly in anticipation.
"i– uh… never mind."
"no, what is it?"
"i don't think we're in love anymore."
there it is.
that one sentence changes everything, saying everything you both needed to, no further explanation is needed.
you both sit on the line as the silence makes an appearance in the atmosphere once again, only this time it's different; it's still, comforting, void of the suffocating weight it once had a few moments ago.
meanwhile, the storm outside progressively gets worse as the minutes pass. inevitably, the rain picks up, leaving you both with those last moments of silence in each other's presence before the signal cuts off.
the connection was lost.
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
Total Drama Psycho Noah AU, what if Sierra (who knew everything about everybody) tried to warn Heather + Alejandro NOT to mess with Noah, cause he's a total psychopath (but they don't believe her) ... Sierra doesn't have to worry about Cody getting hurt, cause he's a sweet boy, and Noah only hurts people that attack him first... What if after Heather + Alejandro later learns the truth, Sierra simply tells the duo: "I told you so..." 😒
You're so right about Sierra being one of the few who's In The Know about p!Noah (without his express input), thanks to her superfan status.
Sierra throws a bit of a wrench into this whole AU, really. Because there'd need to be justification for her either not saying anything about Noah's true colours, or having the others not believe her claims about Noah despite it being abundantly clear that her knowledge on them is pretty infallible.
Playing in to the whole 'obsessive superfan' thing, Sierra wouldn't want to jeopardise the ruse Noah's so carefully crafted if he were, say, one of her favourite characters.
Because Noah (every version of Noah) is a fairly private person, all things considered. She doesn't have a lot of information to go off of- not in comparison to the fountain of knowledge she has about the rest of the cast, at least- but she does know that he must be keeping his true colours a secret for a reason. Would you want to ruin someone's carefully laid web of deception when it's been one of the most entertaining aspects of the show thus far?
You could take it down another route, and have Sierra outright dislike Noah because he's A Danger to her beloved cast, but have this dislike become evident before she can warn the others; Sierra's pretty crazy herself, so the cast would dismiss her warnings are her trying to rally them against the person she so clearly hates instead of a genuine effort to keep them safe. After all, wouldn't it be in character for someone as evidently unstable as Sierra to lie and spread 'baseless rumours' about the person she clearly despises?
(That second option's fun, because it adds an aspect of dramatic irony for the audience both in-universe and IRL; they/we know that Sierra's right, so her struggle to be listened to would be almost Cassandra-esque.)
Either way, she'd make a point of staying as far away as possible from Noah. Because Sierra (like the rest of the in-universe audience) are working under the impression that Noah's a ticking time-bomb, a constant threat of incredible violence against the cast, since that's exactly what Noah painted himself as during his confessionals. (Speaking of confessionals, I do have a justification as to why the contestants eliminated before Noah are also unaware of his unhingedness, that I'll cover in it's own post.) That's not entirely true, of course; Noah's a psychopath with a grimdark sense of humour, sure, but he's not about to start randomly attacking people in bouts of spontaneous hysteria- but the audience, and therefore Sierra, don't have the comfort of that little tidbit of information.
It all circles back to Noah being a private person. He holds his cards close to his chest; in this case, the audience knows what he's capable of, but they don't know that a lot of his Baby Craves Violence act is just that- an act. A joke he's pulling on the viewing world, that he admittedly gets a little too into to. The perils of being dedicated to the bit. Not that he doesn't have the occasional urge to commit felonies and acts of brutality against others, but he's got enough self-control to redirect that energy into causing less destructive chaos (most of the time).
So when his true colours are eventually revealed? Sierra is so vindicated, she almost forgets the danger (she thinks) she's in. Almost.
(In the context of the second option;) She's spent the majority of the season thus far warning the others against Noah, only to have her good intentions brushed aside time and time again (which, ouch! Imagine trying to help the people you idolise enough to literally stalk throw your concern for their safety back in your face) by their incredulity. Being proven to have been in the right the entire time would be a power trip and a half, because it'd validate her skills as the unofficial-official expert on all things Total Drama and she'd get to shove the consistent rebuffs back in the others' faces.
It's a shame she'd be so dead-set on disliking Noah on principle, because the two of them could be great friends. If Sierra had a stronger craving for chaos and disorder, she could form a Terror Trio with Noah and Izzy.
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stormblessed95 · 7 months
Just wanted to share this post where we can clearly see these two posts are two days apart. Now in the first ss it's the picture yg posted on his story saying they all met and vmin left 10min before taking the picture. And the next ss is when one day jm randomly commented on weverse "i miss you" and jk replied "me too" and just min later jk went live.
Many were confused if he's saying"miss you too" to armys or to jm but we got our answer as soon as he started his live where he actually named the live something as him watching jm's suchwita ep. And so he went on watching 1.5 hrs live jm's content where he also listened to few here n there random songs. But the live was dedicated to park jimin. Thing is he literally was pretty much quite while watching the ep only made few comments. Asked armys not to comment Cause he's not gonna or not reading comments and he was pretty much quite while watching the ep and as soon as the ep ended he himself said that "i didn't even talk much" meaning he was concentrated on the ep mind you the first ever suchwita ep he watched (said by jk himself). We all know jk can't concentrate on something he's not interested in.
The reason i posted is many many times i see jkkrs and antis going havok whenever jm says "i missed you" to jk they think it's a sign that they didn't meet e/o in ages and that's why he said that so in this case we can clearly see all of them met on 25th march and jk commented "me too" on 27th and in reply to that comment jm said to him "I'll meet you soon, and your live was cute" so from that we can clearly see that even if jk and jm meet e/o daily they can still somehow miss e/o. That live was definitely because he was missing jm cause he was just watching jm's content only and wasnt interacting much with armys which he should have done if he was missing armys actually but no he was missing jm and hence the live. He himself asked armys not to comment in this live when he usually reads comments in all of his lives so this live was definitely for armys. Another beautiful thing was that he was sleepy yet he stayed and watched many of jm's content (which he's done only for him atleast until now). later on jm's live even he said that why was he even watching my videos when he was sleepy and should have slept.
There's another case which is from 2021 jm's birthday live. So jm went to busan for 1-2 days (he said he went to busan or something) and he went live on his birthday from jk's studio and when he called jk to join him cause he felt awkward doing live after many months so what we see is jk entering his studio right in 1 single minute after jm called him and jk was busy doing gym he still went to jm right in one min after he called him. So when jk enters the first thing jm says is "i missed you" now mind you we have seen it in DVD behind that that was the day they were practising we have clips of that day of them practising that means they met before jm's live i mean of course Cause jm must have asked jk to give him his studio for sometime to do a live so they must have met before the live BUT as soon as jk enters that's the first thing jm says...that he missed jk.
Another example is jk's birthday in 2020 where jm made a post saying "it's nice seeing you after not seeing you for some time" and he was there(in paris) only for like 4 days or something.
What I'm trying to tell by this long ass post is that just because jm said "i missed you or miss you" doens't always mean that they haven't met e/o for months it's just means jm misses jk even if he doens't sees him for some time. He can miss jk even if he met jk 1 hr before that's how their bond is. That's how attached they are. That's how close they are. So next time when you see jm saying to jk that i miss you make sure to remind yourself of these moments (I'm not at all saying that's always the reason but I'm giving another point of view based on their previous conversations/moments)
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Anon I wish I knew who you were because lowkey you were inside my fucking head. It's weird. Don't do it again 🥴🥰😂🤣 *I say lovingly* honestly though, I literally this morning before work was thinking about this EXACT TOPIC. And starting thinking about "plot points" aka examples to bring up to prove my point. You wrote it differently than I probably would have. We ARE different people and therefore use different diction and have slight thought variations. ... lol but basically you wrote the post for me. Thanks. I appreciate it!
I'll just add that I too, whine about missing my partner terribly whenever we are apart for like 5 hours. And I tell them "I miss you" all the time when we are apart. And we LIVE together and spent like 90% of all our time together 🤣 it's FULLY believable to think they had a meal together and are texting each other even a few hours later "I miss you" for me. Lol
Things definitely aren't as melodramatic as people make it out to be for sure. It's just really stinking cute. At least for me. And for this anon who decided to share my brain today. 🤣 thanks for your rant/post anon!
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sunbloomdew · 11 months
Love Confessions in the Baxter DLC
The sequel! Monochrome obsession continues. Part 2/3
Part 1 "The Wedding Confession"
Welcome, or hello again! I played the Baxter DLC a couple of times and I like it a lot, so I wanted to ramble about some of my favourite parts. Specifically about love confessions in Baxter’s version of Step 4, because they are all very well written and make me feel good :3
Reading the first part of this "series" isn't necessary, the introduction is just a bit more thorough in the first post. Furthermore if you've read the first part it might seem like i'm repeating myself with certain points, since those moments share some similarities and i like to be meticulous.
It is time for the second confession and the last one that can be initiated by the player. If you don’t confess here and pick an option in which MC expresses hope of Baxter returning their feelings, you will later reach the moment where Baxter asks MC out himself. This confession is my personal favourite, so prepare for me losing my mind over every single detail.
Spoilers for Baxter DLC!
The confessions all happen after the wedding ceremony, so if you hadn't played to this point yet, i recommend skipping this post (and maybe coming back later, if you wanna chat about them with me)! I may not bring up every single line, but i think this post still covers a good part of what happens.
I call this confession, The Morning Confession, because it takes place on the morning after the wedding! Simple name but it does the job.
There is also another reason for this name, but i'll get to it later.
The wedding is over and most stuff had been cleaned up. MC returns with Baxter to his apartment, after accepting his invitation to stay with him until they have to come back to their home. The two have finally reunited and they aren’t ready to part ways yet.
During that evening, MC and Baxter share a moment by the fireplace in the lobby of the building. I wanted to dedicate some time to this moment, because I think it’s a valuable context to the confession. And aside from providing insight into the mind of Baxter Ward, I love the way it’s written. So sue me, i wanna talk about it.
Despite the fact that they have reconciled, Baxter’s reasoning behind his actions still isn’t fully clear to MC. While being in the company of other people made the lingering unease between them bearable, it still remains. They can't act casually, as if nothing had happened, as if the years hadn’t been lost. So Baxter offers to clarify his point of view. “As sorry as I am, I don’t think I’ve been as open as I could have been” he says and well, that is the truth.
If the player chose to confess to Baxter before this conversation, this moment provides a deeper understanding of the character and explains his reluctance to accept the confession.
It is here by a fireplace – a fitting spot for another personal conversation, considering the duo's shared history – that Baxter reveals his innermost thoughts and fears. At his core, he believes he doesn’t contribute anything to any relationship, because he can't see his own value. And to him, if he doesn’t add anything, then he has no right to form and be in deep, mutually supportive relationships.
Baxter convinced himself that he doesn’t matter. That his only worth is in the entertainment he can provide or the help he can give. In his own words, he doesn’t know what it means to be significant to a person, just by being yourself. Which is why he doesn’t let people get close to him. He assumes that upon finding out that there is nothing more to him, they will leave. So it’s better to not let anybody get to know him, that way no one can be disappointed by his “true” self. He is unable to see that none of that is true because deep down, he thinks he is worthless as a person.
Those feelings about himself are something that have influenced Baxter’s decisions about relationships with other people, for example with Xavier. As the baker reveals later, they always felt that if Baxter had no reason to contact them again, he wouldn't. He kept himself away from others and believed that every connection he makes isn’t meant to last.
Still, Baxter wanted to create bonds with other people. And it terrified him.
He wanted to have that with MC, but he was too afraid to take that chance five years ago. It couldn't have worked out back then. Baxter had his assumptions about himself and others, and he held onto them strongly. It’s sad, but there was no way to make him change his ways back then. He was set on leaving no matter what would have happened.
This Baxter is different from the 19 year old who put his comfort above all else. During that conversation by the fireplace he is being vulnerable in ways he never allowed himself to be before. He tells MC that he missed them over those five years. That they made him feel wanted that summer, and as incredible as it felt, he couldn’t believe it would last. He makes it clear that it wasn’t any of MC’s actions that made him feel that way - he applied this mindset to every connection he made at that time.
It’s incredibly sad to witness his thoughts out in the open like that. I think Baxter’s struggles are something most of us can relate to in some way. Low self-esteem can make people withdraw from social situations and spiral into self-hatered. It’s terrible, to be so wrapped up in disliking yourself that you assume that nobody could ever like you. That you have no good qualities as a person, so you have to make up for them somehow. It can feel like it'll stay this way forever, and so there is no point in trying to connect with others.
However that is not true. In the end, Baxter came to understand this as well. He is worthy of love and friendship. He grew and learned from his past mistakes, and so can we.
He apologises to MC once again, and expresses deep regret over not staying in contact with them. And at last, MC can say that they actually know Baxter Alexander Ward.
I think this moment is really beautiful. It’s an apology without excuses, that provides an explanation. Baxter never had malicious intentions, but even so, his actions had hurt people who cared for him (and who he cared about), so he owns up to his mistakes and does his best to correct them.
Aside from being a really good moment of taking accountablity and being vulnerable with another person this conversation also sets the mood for the morning confession. The air is finally cleared. These two characters can finally show how much they value each other because there is mutual understanding and trust between them again. It will take some time to get to know each other after so long, but they are willing to try, and they know they can be honest.
After a day full of emotional revelations, Baxter and MC finally head to bed. Not only the characters, but the players can take a breath and prepare for what’s to come. And boy are we in for a treat.
The next day arrives and the players are given an option to sleep in as much as they want. What time MC wakes up will have an effect on dialogues and is one of the many examples of how the game lets us customize the protagonist however we want, even in the silliest ways. It is something i deeply appreciate about the Our Life series. The comfort level also changes the lines, for example MC's response to Baxter greeting them in the morning.
Eventually the sleeping beauty wakes up and the pair moves to the living room. Despite sleeping in for a while Baxter is still out of it and it’s so adorable (he's just like me fr).
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I think the tone set for the confession is lovely. The atmosphere in the morning is relaxing and light and to me it feels like this is exactly what those characters needed. A new day has arrived, not only literally but figuratively for their relationship. There is no negative tension in the air, just the feeling of peace. They are clearly enjoying each other's company and it's great to finally have that again.
This is only my opinion, but the way this moment feels is exactly why i like it more than the wedding confession. The previous confession is meant to feel rushed, high on emotions and full of determination to declare the feelings right away. MC feels like they have to be upfront about their feelings in that moment so they confess. I do enjoy this type of tension, but i simply prefer this kind of setting. As much as i love convincing Baxter to truly express his feelings by shooting down the reasons not to date him (it's so intense and dramatic! absolutely amazing) i find that i like this quiet admission of feelings more.
While it might not be that intense as the moment right after the wedding, there is still this nagging feeling that urges MC not to wait any longer. They love that they are included in this private corner of Baxter's life and they wish they could have been before. It's this feeling of not wanting to lose any more time, that makes them think about confessing then and there.
And so, the player is presented with a choice:
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It is time to confess! Hallelujah.
Just like in the wedding confession we can pick the way we want to confess - with words or with a gesture. If we pick the third option you lose the chance to confess yourself. Instead Baxter will do this when the time comes.
Upon choosing one of the ways to confess, MC has the same internal monologue they do in the wedding confession. I've already shared my thoughts about it in the previous post, but i'll just say here that it's a very nice scene. They reminisce about their relationship with Baxter as a whole, eventually coming to the conclusion, that they can hold on to him.
After the monologue ends, the player has a chance to reaffirm their decision, as they did in the previous confession.
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If you back out, MC thinks that they can be together just not in the way they'd want to. They are afraid of confessing, in case they ruin what they just got back and make Baxter run away.
But, if you reaffirm your decision, you get my personal favourite confession scene. Let's get right into it!
I mentioned in Part 1 that Baxter reacts to MC's silence, as they reminisce about their relationship. I find it a little funny when i imagine them just sitting in silence and staring intensely for a while. Kinda like when magical girls have their transformations and the bad guys don't do anything to interrupt them. MC monologuing definitely gives off the same energy. Writing inner monologues is tricky like that.
During the wedding confession Baxter is anxious and worried, waiting to receive MC's verdict. Do they welcome him back to their life? Or do they reject him (even though there is no such option in the game)?. It's stressful and the prolonged silence makes Baxter slowly come back to his usual behaviour to protect himself, in case his vulnerability was the wrong move.
This isn't the case here. His reaction is wildly different. There is no tension or stress, just curiosity and anticipation. Instead of being nervous he is very smug, clearly knowing or at least suspecting what MC is thinking about. I gotta say, when i first picked this option i was stunned. I did NOT expect him to act in this way, but it was a pleasant surprise. Mr. Ward is very perceptive and i love this confident attitude of his.
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MC asks him what is on his mind, and he comes back to reality. Baxter encourages them to continue, but they insist he tells them what's going on. And that's what he does. He says that he was remembering a "funny story". Then he asks MC if they want to know something absolutely embarrassing. With that kind of an opening, how could they refuse?
Baxter tells them that Jude and Scott attempted to speak to him about his and MC's... situation. He was surprised that they noticed he was sad and wanted to help him, when he was supposed to be doing that with their relationship. I think it was his feelings of inferiority that made him feel that way.
Moving on, the reason he brought that up wasn't to draw attention to how his poor relationship management skills made others concerned for him. But rather to point out, that the men knew, that MC is important to Baxter. Baxter states that he was grateful they met and despite ending their relationship five years ago, he was never sorry he knew MC. He is kinda chaotic with his admission, one second bringing up the chat with the grooms and the other expressing his affection for MC.
Understandably, it makes MC confused. They thought they were the one leading the dance - or the conversation in this case - but clearly now it's Baxter doing that (i mean he is a professional). Even so, he isn't as good with his words as usual and doesn't quite manage to convey what he wants to MC.
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He thanks MC for letting him "ramble" for so long and stands up. Shit's getting real. We're about to enter the boss fight.
He moves to sit on the edge of the coffee table, which puts him at the eye level with MC, only closer than before. And then this silly man leans closer acting all calm and confident. Dude. Please. Everytime i play this moment i lose my precious ability to formulate thoughts, not to mention actual sentences. Because. Oh my god.
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And then he hits you with THAT. He absolutely knew what MC was thinking about and he is having a lot of fun with teasing them. They realize that he caught on to what was going on and figure that at least it makes it easier to confess. The dialogue varies in this place because of the comfort level - these are their thoughts on the Direct setting. They also think about how hard would it be to tell him they liked him before he opened up to them. I find it pretty funny, because it’s clearly a tiny poke, towards players who did confess right after the wedding and faced this struggle. When you’re replaying those moments it does make you chuckle.
Now we can finally confess our feelings! When doing that verbally there are a couple of options to choose from, as in the case of the wedding confession. One of the options is: "Could I consider all the time we spent together a date?" and you already know i love this one. It's playful, it's a reference to when Baxter asked MC out five years ago, it's perfect. There is no contender, i always choose it.
...Is what i would say, but i actually always choose the option to confess with a kiss during this feelings reveal.
Confessing with a kiss looks a bit different from the first confession. This time there aren't multiple options to choose where we want to kiss him, MC goes straight (or is it?) for the lips. And the way that kiss is described is everything to me. I'm an absolute sucker for kissing scenes and this one is just so, so, so good! I cannot find fitting words in english (and neither can i in polish) so i'll just drop one screenshot from it and move along before i combust.
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It's so tender and sweet and adorable please-
While Baxter was acting super confident and cocky, the second MC declares their love for him/moves to kiss him he turns into a shy, blushing mess. Despite knowing or at least suspecting what MC was about to do he is still caught of guard. I think that his reaction is absolutely adorable. Baxter doesn't blush a lot, so it's always a treat when he does.
We can choose to tell Baxter, that MC wanted to be with him even five years ago and this stuns him again.
Now that MC have confessed their love they're waiting for Baxter to respond. But GOD, is he struggling. It's the first time Baxter is so flustered and it makes me so giddy. He allows himself to show how much MC means to him and holy shit, this man cannot look at them for too long because he will just blush even harder.
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From the way he is acting it's already clear that he reciprocates MC's feelings. But the fact that he gets so shy? Stole my heart, sir how dare you be so cute.
Of course, Baxter Ward cannot stay flustered for long and he eventually recovers. Damn it.
His response to the confession is so sweet. He basically says "my turn" and tells MC all the things he loves about being with them, how they made him feel and how much he appreciates them. There is still a moment of self-loathing, when Baxter regrets trying to keep MC out of his life- twice. He is surprised that MC still has feelings for him, still wants to be with him despite all the pain he caused them.
He still brings up all the potential reasons why this could be a bad idea. Limited connections, his current financial situation and his past ways of managing relationships. But unlike in the Wedding Confession, here those aren't statements for MC to refute. I'd say they are less of a warning for MC and more of an expose of himself, to be sure that he revealed everything he considers a flaw before accepting their confession. "By all accounts, I shouldn't be doing this. But I am." - those are his words. Even if he still has his doubts, he isn't going to turn MC down anymore. If he let them go now, in fear of potentially not being enough in this relationship, he would regret it.
And so that is his response: "If you'll have me you will have me." Don't mind if i do- yoink.
While he calmed down a bit for this admission, he gets flustered yet again. It's so adorable to see him be so affected by MC and this situation.
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Baxter says that it was easier asking MC out himself all those years ago. He is still so out of it that he voices out loud that he has no idea what to do now. His usual grace and poise are still on leave it seems. He follows it up with that it would be the best if he switched from sitting on the coffee table to somewhere with a backrest, just in case. Dude. Baxter is so strongly impacted by this confession that he is fully aware that there is a possiblity that he will just topple down. I'm melting, it's so cute!
He moves to the couch and MC joins him over there. Once Baxter calms down a bit, he says he is starting to "remember some possiblities" and the two kiss again. I can't even begin describe how much i love the way the kissing moments are written. They're amazing and i'm losing my mind.
The last question Baxter has is if his feelings were obvious to MC. He recounts when Jude asked him point-blank if he was still 'into' MC - we get a couple of dialogue answers to pick, either reacting to Jude even asking about it or answering Baxter's question.
And that is the end of this confession! Baxter overcomes his sheepishness at last, no longer blushing intensely. Quite a shame, but i think we all love his usual charming self as well.
There are no more reservations about showing his true feelings. The pair has been reunited after five years and are finally ready to start a long-term relationship. Good for them <3
Baxter shares one last thought at the end of this long conversation:
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And yes, this is the other reason why i call this confession the Morning Confession specifically! It's entirely because of Baxter pointing it out. And because he is so surprised about this turn of events.
The second part is finally over! I worked on it during those two weeks (holy fuck, why) it took me to post it. I'm a bit bummed it took me this long to finish it, but i did my best <3
This part is definitely longer than the first, the brainrot got to me. I haven't started the third part yet but i already replayed the last confession scene and honestly? I forgot how good it was compared to the other two! Shame on me, truly.
See you in the third part! Peace out~
Part 1
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inverted-flowers · 4 months
So I did a thing...
I pulled an autism and have assigned the hermits deity titles and such. I'm not done yet, but here's these ones! Some are easier than others... Even these aren't quite done but I'll update later maybe? Hopefully? Within the reblog of the others when I do those.
Doc: "God of Productivity"
community wealth
swift and well planned vengeance
darker greens
Typical offerings:
Dedicated time to creation and/or optimization
I didn't necessarily have issues coming up with offering ideas (those two came p easily actually... if only the others were like that) but it would make sense for people to provide fewer types and less amounts of offerings. They should be doing more beneficial and impactful things with their precious time. Thats why the only physical offerings are tomatoes. He just likes them ok? Other than that, people will leave more random things that represent in the moment or dedicate certain activities to him.
Grian: "God of Laughter in War"
Shared chaos
Laughter in war
Birds but especially rainbow macaws
Dark red and violet
Explosives such as tnt
Ren: "God of the Stage"
Plays, musicals, etc.
Humility & humbling
Wolves and dogs
King crowns
Royal esk red capes
Dark red
Prop costume pieces, especially ones associated with kings and their employees(?)
He's a god of humbling because his leadership characters tend to get knocked down... many many pegs. I'd expect there to be stories and lore within the religion/culture that would tie the king symbolism in. Personally I like the idea of him playing a king role being one of the major stories and also general plot points. Bones as an offering because dog.
Skizz: "God of Teamwork"
Royal blue
Zedaph: "God of Divergent Thinking"
Divergent thinking
Odd science
Bright pink and yellow
Edit: i made another post so im giving this a tag!
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random-and-average · 11 months
Spider Hero 2099
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Content Warning(s): violence, fem!reader, death threats, bad Spanish, cringe writing, possibly OOC
Word Count: 2,098 words
Summary: As the pilot for Project Silent Sparrow, a project that would involve teleportation travel, you were excited to be a part of this new scientific breakthrough, but your husband, Miguel, is less than thrilled by the prospect of you risking your life.
Author's Note: What happens when my sleep schedule is out of wack and I get the weirdest idea to make a semi-crossover between ATSV and Big Hero 6 (the movie, not the show)? I create a sleep-deprived mess of a story. Regardless, I hope you all will enjoy it. My favorite part of this short story is the "domestic" parts of Miguel and Y/N's relationship since it's kinda cute seeing Miguel be so mushy around his wife. On another note, I have another post queue'd up to post later, so there's that.
"I still don't think you embark on this trip, mi vida," Miguel stated as he placed your large breakfast on the table. Your stomach grumbled appreciatively when you realized it was all of your favorites. Although, your hunger could wait; your worrywart husband, a trait that you found both adorable and endearing, needed some reassurance.
"I'll be fine, sweetheart," you promised with a kiss to his cheek meant to reassure him of your safety, thank him for the breakfast, and simply convey your love for him all in one. "Besides, the portal should function properly according to all of the team's calculations. Those geniuses don't let anything get past them."
Despite your words, his mouth was still downturned in a frown, though he didn't let his displeasure towards the situation stop him from pulling out your chair in order for you to sit on it.
"I just don't know why you have to be the first person to test it out."
"Always the gentleman," you chuckled as you sat down. "But who else would test it if not me? I'm the only one who stepped up."
"I just worry for you. What if you get hurt?"
"What if I don't get hurt? Miguel, asking all these 'what if's will only stress you out. I can't have you dying of a heart attack. If you want, you can still come with me to the presentation so that you can see me safe and sound in person."
Your husband hummed in thought before settling on his answer.
"Then I'll take you up on your offer."
A large smile grew on your face. Suddenly, you couldn't wait to get to the island where the portal would be.
"Wonderful! I can't wait to show you everything! If you think that what I told you was cool, then prepare to be amazed by what you actually see at the presentation. There are just some things that are best experienced in person instead of through word of mouth," you continued ranting for a few minutes while a lovestruck Miguel absorbed every word you said, absolutely bewitched by your cuteness as you enthused about Silent Sparrow.
After practically dragging your husband around, showcasing every little detail of Silent Sparrow, one of your co-workers tapped you on the shoulder with an amused expression on their face.
"Hey, don't want to interrupt you and your husband's bonding time, but we're ready to launch."
Miguel's grip on your hand tightened a bit. You knew that he was still apprehensive about the whole thing, and the last thing you wanted to see as you took off was an anxious Miguel. In response, you squeezed his hand back.
"Alright, Charlie. I'll be right there. Just give me a couple of minutes, 'kay?"
"Sure, just don't get too comfortable with the PDA," they teased as they left you two alone.
With Charlie gone, your attention was entirely dedicated to your worrying husband, whose eyes were starting to glisten in unshed tears.
"Oh, Miguel," you cooed while you wiped away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "Like I said earlier, I'll be fine. It'll just be a quick trip inside the portal and then I'll be out. We can even get some empanadas at your favorite place afterwards, okay?"
"But what if things go wrong, mi cielo? I don't think I can bear to be without you."
"They won't, and I will never leave you either. Remember that promise I made to you all those years ago? During the meteor shower?"
He nodded. On that fateful night, Miguel had opened up to you about some of his past, something that he was usually secretive about. With you by his side in a silent meadow, he told you how he was pressured by his biological father, who had abandoned him at a young age, into killing a man in an experiment; how Alchemax attempted to get him hooked on a highly addictive drug as a means to continue working with a company that exploited its workers and test subjects alike; how his own supervisor tried to kill him out of jealousy. He didn't tell you anymore than that, but he didn't need to. Beneath the shooting stars, you promised him that you would do anything to make him happy, to make his future filled with enough joy to outweigh the trauma and tragedy that filled his past. And even as you two got ready to return home, you quietly wished upon the stars for Miguel to experience nothing but happiness.
"It was only 4 years ago," he gently laughed. "You're being dramatic."
"Well, 4 years is a long time, and besides, dramatic or not, I still intend to make good on my promise. If my loss will sadden you, then I will do everything I can to return to you in one piece."
Miguel's hands covered yours as he sighed, "Oh mi reina, you are the best thing that ever happened to me; eres lo que más quiero en el mundo." (T/N: you are the person I love most in the world)
Despite both of your wishes to stay in this moment forever, basking in the love of one another, a final call from your co-worker snapped the two of you out of your haze.
"We don't got all day, y'know! Hurry it up!"
Your husband glared at the scientist, who shrunk under the intense hatred, only for you to use your hands to redirect his face back to yours. The effect was immediate: all of his anger melting into pure, endless love.
"Alright, Miggy, this is the moment of truth. Wish me luck, okay?"
"I always do, mi corazón."
For good measure, you chastely kissed all the man's fears away, and in return, he gave you an extremely intimate one, despite the affronted squawks of anyone who happened to stare.
Miguel stood behind the protective barrier alongside the other scientists, investors, and government officials as he watched your pod slowly enter the portal. At first glance, everything seemed fine. There weren't any outward signs of possible danger.
However—based on the scientists he could see hurriedly talking with the owner of the business, fear barely masked, out of the corner of his eye—he could sense that something wasn't right.
It was only thanks to his superhuman hearing that he was able to decipher what they were saying.
"Mr. Krei, if we go through with this, there's no telling what will happen to the pilot! It's best that we shut this whole thing down temporarily."
"No, I will not humiliate myself in front of the military. Continue with the presentation."
"But, Mr. Krei-"
"I don't recall that being a suggestion, Dr. Emily."
The scientist nervously glanced at the portal beyond the barrier where his wife was possibly going to die. Realizing that they had no choice but to acquiesce to their boss's order, they turned to their subordinates and murmured, "Continue forward."
"This is crazy," one of them whispered back to the scientist. "We might actually get blood on our hands after this!"
"You tell that to Mr. Krei."
"Uhh guys," another added, "we have a problem."
"That guy, the one that came with the pilot. He's staring at us. I think he heard everything."
In that moment, Miguel and the group of scientists locked eyes, and no words needed to be exchanged for them to understand how they made a colossal mistake.
"How the hell did he hear us?! Is he a mutant or something?!"
No longer needing to hide the fact that he discovered the truth, he made his way towards the scientists, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
"Mr. O'Hara," Krei spoke as he stepped between him and the scientists, "is there a problem?"
"Stop the presentation," Miguel growled back, anger bubbling over at the fact that this man dared to risk the life of his wife for the sake of his own greed.
"I'm sorry, Mr. O'Hara, but do you have any experience in portal technology? I do not know what came over you, but I assure you that everything is fine, according to my team of scientists who have dedicated their lives to this field."
The Spider-Man grabbed the businessman by the collar of his shirt. "Don't play dumb with me. I heard everything, hijo de puta. Stop. The. Presentation."
The sounds of guns being cocked echoed through the room, and suddenly everyone was at a standstill.
That was until the alarms began to blare throughout the facility.
"We've lost contact with the pod!"
Miguel turned to look at the other side of the barrier only to see his wife gone, not coming out of the exit portal beside it. If anything, the exit portal broke down while the entrance portal started to suck in everything nearby.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Damnit, Krei! Shut it down!"
Everything stopped.
"I want this entire thing buried! Not a peep of this gets out to anyone!"
And a promise was broken.
Never in his life had Krei ever been punched by someone until today.
It had only been a split second after everyone was safely evacuated from the scene when the husband of the pilot, Miguel O'Hara, socked him in the face.
Whereas Krei was left dumbfounded and stupefied, Miguel was screaming and yelling expletives at him in a mix of both Spanish and English, tears of pure rage running down his face. Government personnel had to hold the man back lest he actually beat the businessman to death.
"I-I didn't mean for this to happen," he said to no one in particular, and frankly, no one had the energy to listen after they had witnessed someone possibly die before their eyes.
For days to come after this event, Krei would distinctly remember the last thing Mr. O'Hara shouted at him before he was forced home by government officials.
"Mark my words, I am going to kill you!"
A year later, the CEO would realize that, when it came to the O'Hara's, they always made good on their promises until the day they died.
He realized this as he pleaded for mercy beneath a blood-covered fist.
A disgusted Lyla stared down at another beaten and mangled body of Alistair Krei while Miguel's rage slowly dissipated following his stress relief.
"How many Krei's is this now? 100? 500? 1,000?"
"Not enough."
Before Miguel could say anything, Lyla pulled up multiple videos of you for him to watch. It had become a ritual of sorts. Whenever it got close to important dates—your anniversary, your birthday, the day of your "death"—Miguel would start hunting down Krei's to kill before taking a break just to reminisce over what was, what could've been.
You popped up in front of him. There was a pout on your face as you stared at the him of the past, the person holding the camera.
"Miguelllll," you whined as your body was draped over a large queen-sized bed.
"Yes, querida?"
"Come join me in bed already. I'm cold."
Both the him of the present and the him of the past knew that was a lie. Really, you just liked cuddling him but were too embarrassed to admit it out loud.
"Hold on. I want to film this moment."
"What are you even filming? Why are you even filming?"
"What if we want to look back on the parts of our honeymoon that weren't beach-related or food-related? What if we just want to see the 'average' moments of our trip? You never know."
You giggled at his response. "Miguel, asking all these 'what if's won't get you anywhere."
"Miguel, asking all these 'what if's will only stress you out."
Suddenly, he wasn't in the mood to continue watching the video anymore, and his grief as well as his hatred returned with a vengeance, crying out for a scapegoat to unleash themselves out on.
"Lyla, end the video."
Confused, the woman asked, "Are you sure?"
"End. The. Video."
"Alright! Alright! No need to get mad at me."
Without apologizing to her, Miguel entered a portal and left, traveling to another dimension to hunt down his next prey.
"He should really get some therapy," Lyla muttered to herself.
The last thing you remembered was a world of color. Blobs of bright, vibrant hues passed you by as you felt your heart rate slow and your limbs grow heavier. Even as you tried to keep yourself awake in hopes of eventually finding a way to return to Miguel, the sensation of warmth that blanketed you compelled you to close your eyes.
And then you were home.
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the-devils-girl94 · 1 year
When Their Shy S/O Asks To Do It: Asmodeus 💋
((Finally I put up something dedicated to Asmodeus. I have so many fics for him but I have never gotten round to finishing nor posting them. Hope you guys enjoy Asmo's part! I probably made him a bit OOC in this...))
Warning: Slightly smutty, OOC Asmodeus, heavily suggestive
"Alright, you can do this," you cheered yourself on in your thoughts. In your hands, your thumbs hovered over the onscreen keyboard on your DDD. You put it down and dropped your head into your hands, letting out a frustrated sigh. For the past 20 minutes you've been trying to send a message to your boyfriend, Asmodeus.
The message? Well...
Thinking of the contents of your message, your thighs clenched together in need. Contrary to your pure and shy nature, dirty thoughts have been popping into your head about what you want Asmodeus to do to you. And it was hard to will these thoughts away due to Asmo's flirtatious nature. His constant whispers of sweet nothings and praises that he speaks into your ears slowly teeters you away from the good path. And it never matters where he does it, whether in public, private, or in the presence of his brothers. His salacious touch leaves trails of fire on your skin, tempting you so deliciously. He drives you absolutely crazy.
But he's also so patient and listens to you dutifully. You've never asked him to take care of your desires before, not having enough courage in you to do so. Instead, it's always been him who initiates, asking for your consent to touch you and blow your entire world.
It was only natural that you started to think of it as being somewhat unfair to Asmodeus to always let him start things.
So this is what you've been struggling with...
And it's not like you haven't tried before, but once you start to ask, you pull away saying that it's nothing important, bottling up your sexual frustration.
You finally shook your head, slapping your cheeks with both hands as you fill yourself with determination.
Picking up your DDD again, you finally sent a message to Asmodeus and waited with bated breath for his reply.
Asmodeus was bored to death. Never in his life has he ever been so filled with boredom at a party. With the lively chatter and music abundant, Asmodeus just felt no need to be social. Of course, he kept his charming smile as many of his adoring fans greeted him and tried desperately to stick to his side. However, even they couldn't lift his tired spirits. He thought it was about time for him to leave this party since he wasn't having any fun, but then his phone chirped.
He pulled it out from his back pocket, his lock screen flashing in his face.
My Darling MC followed by numerous heart and kiss emojis popped up on screen. It made a gleeful smile turn up on his face to see your gorgeous face lighting up his screen. He immediately went to his messages, ready and hurrying to reply back to you.
He was stopped, however, once he read your message though. It read:
Hi, Asmo. This is a bit embarrassing to say, and I don't mean to be a bother since you're away at a party and all, but if you see this by any chance, I wanted to tell you that I'm really horny. I'll be waiting for you back home.
He almost couldn't believe his beautiful eyes. He read your message over and over, trying to convince himself that it wasn't a dream. You were initiating...Asmo had to control the blush that was creeping up to his neck. His imagination ran wild with all the possibilities of coming home to finding you in various states of undress. Though, even if you were fully clothed, you wouldnt be for long.
He chuckled to himself, his fans swooning over the melodic sound. He turned to them, upping his charm to another level. "Sorry, darlings! Your favorite demon has to go now. I promise to spend more time with you later, bye-bye~," he sung, waving at his saddened fans as he walked away.
As soon as he left out the door, Asmodeus did something he never thought he'd do. He ran home.
Back at home, you were still waiting for Asmo's reply. It had been well over fifteen minutes since you sent it, and you were overthinking about if the message was too much or if he had even seen it. You stared at your phone with anxious eyes until you were startled by the sound of your door slamming open. Suddenly you were being embraced by strong arms and a squealing voice calling your name.
"MC~," squealed Asmodeus as he squeezed you in his arms. "Did my eyes deceive me!? Are you really horny for me, my darling?"
Heat rose to your cheeks at his words and you squeaked, "A-Asmo!"
Asmodeus giggled, but he pestered you. "Are you, my sweet?"
To which you buried your reddened face into his chest and muffled out an embarrassed yes. Though you couldn't see it, Asmodeus smiled at you, his soft features becoming more soft as his eyes stared at your soft hair with love. He released you from his tight embrace and you were going to protest as you wanted to hide some more, but you were pulled back in for a deep kiss.
You gasped, giving Asmo the opportunity to tease your tongue with his. You were reminded of the fiery heat that was building up inside you before when you desperately wanted Asmodeus. And here you had him. His slender hands guiding your arms to link around his neck, and those same hands finding their way under your shirt, taking ample interest in your perky nipples.
You broke away from the kiss to whine as his fingers pinched and flicked away at them, arching your back into his touch. He licked his lips, savoring your sweet taste. His sweet MC. He brought his lips to your ear to whisper,
"I'm going to make sure to savor this moment, darling. I'm going to give you every part of me and take things slow tonight. I hope you're ready, MC~."
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larkingame · 4 months
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hello folks! I hope that January has treated you all well and that the beginning of 2024 has been kind to you so far. welcome to the second public update for larkin's monthly development of 2024! 
Personally, January seemed to fly by for me, and while it did provide a lot of time for work, it also posed some challenges and taught me a few things. The first of which, is the fact that the new Larkin is a //big// undertaking, bigger than I think even I realized when I first set out on this journey. While turning Larkin into an RPG, with dice rolls, stat checks and the like is a decision that I'm still very happy with and proud of my progress on--it's going slower than I'd necessarily like. To illustrate this to you, the prologue of Larkin currently sits at about 55k words, while the original twine prologue was at just about 21k words in it's complete scope. The big difference there being, in those original 21k words I managed to get the plot moving and the Preacher and Wyatt on their way to Nevada, but in the time that I've been working on the RPG version of Larkin, I've only just about gotten finished with the first major encounter. It's slow going, and I'm working really hard to ramp up the production speed--adjusting my schedule to wake up at 5:00 am to work for a few hours before work and school, and then coming home and working on larkin until about 1:30 am (as much I hate this fact, I //do// in fact need //some// sleep.) Even with all of my free time dedicated to work on Larkin or catching those few precious hours of sleep, I'm still not entirely happy with the speed at which I'm working on it--and I'm still experimenting to try and figure out what works best that helps me produce quality work with a quick turn-around. 
That being said, one of my new systems I've implemented to try and alleviate my production stress is that I've started dropping two updates to the game every week. The first update comes on Thursdays and is called what I've dubbed a 'Bulk' Update, it essentially builds on the choices/routes that have already been presented to the player, giving you room to explore your environment/develop your character compared to the Sunday 'Streamline' Update, that furthers along the plot of the story. Later tonight I'll be posting an update roadmap for the month of February on Patreon. 
Other brief updates about the progress of the game. For one, I've been working with two artists—one who is producing some art that'll be used as future patreon physical rewards and another who's putting together portraits of all the game's main characters that I am. Sickeningly excited about, considering that this artist is my current favorite working artist of all time. In total there's going to be sixteen character portraits that you'll be able to unlock throughout the course of the game, with slight variations depending on our relationship with that character. Other than that, me and my assistant Phillip are in the process of really trying to build a bigger social media presence for Larkin, so we'll be launching twitter/threads/bluesky/instagram and editing the tiktok pages for Larkin, that I'll drop in a card later tonight as well. I’ve also introduced another patreon tier of $1 for those of you who are wanting more consistent updates on the game development on Patreon!
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shina913 · 8 months
Nothing | PJM
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Pairing: Jimin x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+ (but nothing explicit); SFW
Genre: established relationship; fluff
Warnings: some double entendres
Word count: 1.1k words
Summary: You surprise Jimin for his birthday.
A/N: I had hoped to post this last night before Jimin's birthday passed but I got sleepy 😂 Dedicated to @internetjunkdrawer. Happy belated birthday, Jiminie!
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“Jimin, you have a delivery waiting for you at the front desk.”
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He wasn’t expecting any mail today and even if he did, his assistant normally signed for it and brought it to him, if it was small enough.
"Thanks, Rachel! I'll come and get it later,” he says before turning back to his computer screen.
"I’m afraid this one requires a direct signature from the recipient," she insists.
He couldn't fault her for doing her job. Even though he was in the midst of a task, he decided to take a five-minute walking break. "Alright, I'll be right out."
As he walks out into the lobby area, he slowly breaks into a face-splitting grin at the sight of you.
You meet him halfway, walk right into his open arms, and give him a work-appropriate peck on the lips.
"Hi! What are you doing here?"
"I thought I'd surprise you for lunch!" You lift your hand to show him the paper bags you carried. "Happy birthday!" you beam at him.
“Aw, you didn’t have to do this, baby,” he says to you, noting that it was also the middle of your workday and your office was across town. “We have dinner tonight, don’t we?”
“We do but it’s such a nice day out and I thought we could have a picnic at the park across the street? We won’t take long,” you offer.
Suddenly remembering an appointment, he turns to his assistant and asks anxiously, "Oh no, what about my 11:30?"
Rachel smiles knowingly and turns her gaze to you. You both giggle, and he turns to you and asks, "Wait, you’re my 11:30?"
"Well, it would have ruined the surprise if I had told you," you say innocently.
"I also know you've been really stressed and I didn’t want to show up unannounced. That's why I called Rach and asked her to block off an hour," you wink at her.
It was considerate of you but a pang of guilt hits him knowing that you felt the need to schedule a specific time in his day to have lunch with him. He’s been working so hard and couldn’t even take some time off on his birthday.
“Thank you, love.” He gives you another kiss.
He turns to his assistant and mouths his thanks, takes the bags from you, and laces his free hand with yours as you head off toward the elevators.
You walk across the street to a nice park where you could sit on the grass.
Jimin notices that you've come prepared with a fold-up mat, which you usually bring with you for walks or when you spend the day at parks.
Both of you settle on the mat on the grass and enjoy lunch. Afterwards, you whip out a cupcake from one of your paper bags, along with a candle, and light it up. He's touched by how much effort you put into this.
Once you're done singing 'happy birthday' to him, he shuts his eyes and blows out the flame.
“What did you wish for?” You ask him.
He dips his finger into the whipped frosting and licks it off. "Oh, you know, the usual. Long life, happiness…win the lottery. And..." After you both chuckle, he turns wistful, his eyes wandering nearby where a couple is watching their child take their first steps.
"And... I hope that project we've had for a while would give us some results."
You hum at his response. “Oh, our project."
"Yeah. I mean, even if it doesn't, it's always fun whenever we work on it."
You suppress a smile. “You like working on it? It doesn’t feel like a chore?”
He laughs, remembering the first few months, when everything had to be timed perfectly. “Not at all. I love it! Sometimes, I wish we could pull more all-nighters,” he winks.
You feel a tingle in the pit of your stomach at the thought of it.
“Maybe after dinner, we can work on it again? It is my birthday after all.” He proposes, wagging his eyebrows mischievously.
You giggle at his suggestive request but agree. "Alright. Anything for the birthday boy."
He pumps his fist in excitement, like a little kid on Christmas morning.
“I know our hour is almost up but I wanted to give you one more present.”
He watches as you retrieve a plain-looking slender box from your purse and hand it to him.
“Aw, baby. You didn’t have to go through all this trouble,” he pouts endearingly before opening it.
You're on the edge of your seat, eagerly anticipating what's about to happen. He slowly lifts the lid, and the moment he sees what's inside, his jaw drops and his eyes widen once he realizes what it is.
His head snaps up at you. “Is this—“
You remain silent but continue to smile at him as you watch him pick up the positive pregnancy test stick.
“This—is this real? Please tell me it’s real,” he stutters and his eyes start to water.
You feel a sting in the back of your throat as well. “Surprise! Our little project finally has results,” you whisper happily.
He beams, dropping the box to the ground, and cups your face in his hands to kiss you.
"This is…wow!” He marvels at the test stick. “When did you find out?" he asks.
He had noticed that you had been feeling off for a few days. You explain that you recently had some bloodwork done to rule out certain things, and your doctor called with positive news.
His happiness about the idea of having children makes you smile. You’ve been working on starting a family for a while now, and despite some challenges, you’re very excited about the new adventure that lies ahead.
You remind him that his lunch break is ending, but he dismisses it. "Forget work! I'm taking the day off! There's no way I can go back to work after this. We should celebrate! I'll call Rachel so she can cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day. Heck, I'm taking a long weekend! How about we take a trip to the coast? That would be amazing, right?"
"Yeah," you whisper.
"If we play our cards right, maybe we can make a twin for it by next week?" He grins mischievously.
You throw your head back, amused by the ridiculousness of his suggestion, but you know he's just as overjoyed as you are. "Last time I checked, that's not how it works!”
"I don't care!" His eyes crinkle with laughter. He gazes at you briefly before leaning in for another kiss. This time, your lips linger together a bit longer, as you revel in the moment. "I love you so much," he whispers.
"I love you too. Happy birthday," you smile at him.
"Best birthday ever."
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Nothing Masterlist | Main Fic Masterlist
You’ve reached the end! Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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Tagging: @internetjunkdrawer @roaminginthenights @yoongukie-ff
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Hiya! Not sure if you’ve answered something like this before, but if you feel comfortable answering, I’m wondering what tips you might have for writers with ADHD/ADD.
I haven’t been able to write well for years and thought it was laziness/lack of self-discipline, but it very well could be that my brain just wants to work a certain way and I didn’t know about it.
Of course, there’s no “one-fits-all” answer, but some ideas about where to start the journey of understanding what works for oneself would be nice.
Writing with ADHD
There are three sub-types of ADHD (inattentive/formerly ADD, hyperactive, and combined), so tips depend somewhat on which type you have. As luck would have it, I'm combined type, so I have tips for both. (And these tips can be helpful even for writers who don't have ADHD but still struggle with keeping their butts in the seat...)
Writing with Inattentive ADHD
My biggest struggle with writing is difficulty staying focused and getting sidetracked easily. Here are the things I do to work around that:
Dedicated Writing Time/Place - I'm fortunate to have a writing room with a desk, but even if you don't, just having a dedicated space for when you write can be really helpful. It also helps to make sure your chosen writing spot is tidy and free from built-in distractions, like people traffic or a distracting view. And, if you can aim for the same general writing time each day, that can help train your mind to go into writing mode when you sit down to write.
Minimize Distractions - this is a "must do" for me when I sit down to write. Phone goes on silent, no TV, no music with lyrics, no social media, and if it's a busy day outside I close the shades and put on headphones. Also, nicely ask anyone else in the house not to distract you during your writing session.
Regulating with a Timer - When I'm really struggling, I've found that timers are very helpful in keeping me on track. If I need to stop to research something along the way, I set the timer for 10-minutes. If I can't find out what I need to know in that time, I note it for later research and keep going with a placeholder. I'll also set the timer for breaks, writing sprints, or anything that might pull me off course.
Scene Lists & Timelines - Having a scene list to follow was a real game changer for me early on in novel writing endeavors. When I start to feel my mind wander, just putting my eyes on the scene list to see where I'm supposed to be and where I'm supposed to be heading can be enough to get me back on track. Checking off each scene and plot point along the way makes it more task-driven which also seems to help keep me on track. You could do this with a timeline, too. And even if you're not a planner but like to write organically, you can still keep kind of a general scene list or timeline to keep you on course.
Writing with Hyperactive ADHD
My biggest struggle with the hyperactive side of my ADHD is fighting the constant need to get up and be anywhere but in my chair typing. I've actually been working on this post for an hour because I haven't done any of my safeguards, so I've been out of this chair probably 20 times since I hit the answer button. Here's what I could have done to prevent this...
Start Writing on a Full Stomach - Nothing gets me out of my chair more often when I'm writing than feeling like I'm hungry. So, I get up, eat a small snack. Sit down and type for a few minutes. Then decide I need another small snack. Whether you write after you've eaten a meal, sit down to write with something to drink and munch on, or just make sure you've got your big water bottle there, eliminating hunger pains as a reason to get up makes all the difference.
Do Writing Sprints - Set a timer for anywhere from five minutes to an hour, and write as much as you can during that time without stopping to edit or evaluate your work. Writing sprints are a great way to focus your energy to make sure writing is getting done. Five-minute intervals work great for me, but sometimes I can do ten-minute intervals. When the timer goes off, I set it again and get up to do a few things like stretch or get something to drink. Preferably anything that won't take longer than the timer or snowball into something else. This way, if I'm only writing for an hour I still get a solid 30-minutes of writing in even if I'm up and out of my chair every five minutes.
Keep a Basket of Fidget Toys - This doesn't always work for me, but sometimes it helps to have something to fidget with during the moments when I pause to think. Thinking putty, fidget spinners, stress balls... Anything you can do for a second while you're thinking and immediately put back down. That way you don't get up out of your seat looking for something to direct that energy toward.
Speech to Text App - If you really need to be up and moving, try getting a speech to text app for your phone and writing your story verbally while you do other things.
I hope that these tips will help you be able to sit down and start writing again. If you need ideas for exactly how to outline your story or general ideas for how to get started, see my guide to How to Outline a Plot as well as my Plot & Story Structure master list of posts.
Best wishes on your ADHD writing journey! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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shannankle · 4 months
Color in DFF: Part 2
Okay so here I have a post where I run down some of the way DFF is using color in the past (at least for ep 5-6). But there's even more to unpack in episodes 1-4. I'll have to return to color when more episodes are out cause I'm sure there'll be more clarity and layers to add. But for now let's jump to the present!
Shout out again to @slayerkitty for brainstorming with me!
In part 1 I came to this conclusion:
There are basically 3 groups of colors.
Blue=the friend group, conformity, those trying to harm or coerce others
Red=Non, poverty, outsiders and those with stigma
Yellow=A third category, not in lock step with the group, outliers
So what about the present?!
There's a lot going on with color:
-It show's the character's flaws and desires
-It signals romantic pairing(s)
-It conveys group dynamics and insider/outsider status
On top of that we have people changing colors and exchanging them
Importantly in the present we start getting more than just the strict primary colors groups. Our group is less in sync and now that they've had time to grow up and be apart there's less conformity and cohesion, more fracture. We could argue that more of their own colors are able to come out rather than be subsumed in just blue (though a few characters definitely stick to blue still).
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Let's start at the beginning. For a number of these boys their color represents their worse traits and fatal flaws:
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Por is in a pale green. This clearly represents his VERY deep relationship with nature (sorry not sorry). It also can represent rebirth which means he isn't dead yet.
Okay, joking aside, green can can represent greed and jealousy. Certainly things relevant to Por who both has it all and still constantly wants and needs more (especially affection from his father) and is willing to take credit from Non to get it. This greed obviously contributed to the way everything spiraled in the past.
Green can also indicate sickness, nausea, and disgust. Por often expresses disgust towards Non, wiping his hand off after touching him. We even get him and Top reacting with disgust in the opening scenes when Fluke is puking.
On one more note, there are cultures that would group green and blue in as the same color so perhaps we can still see him as not so separate from the group as we might think.
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Tee and Top are still in blue. These two are dedicated to hiding the truth and protecting themselves. Blue can also indicate loyalty and trust as well as confidence. Tee clearly has an issue with loyalty in both the past and the present. He's quick to throw his friends under the bus but does so while hiding this to still fit in. In the present he struggles with whether to abandon White or protect him. Top on the other hand is over confident, constantly wanting fame and attention.
Tee in particular is interesting because of his tie die shirts. They always mix blue with another color, just like he mixed blue with red in the past. Now it's a pink. Perhaps this means his money troubles have lessened or that he mentally feels less of an outsider or weirdo than when he added red in the past. Or perhaps it shows his strained loyalty to White, containing a color other than blue but not quite orange.
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This is certainly the case in a later episode when he changes his t-shirt to blue and orange. I'll mention this later but White is introduced in orange. So Tee's colors show his dedication to the group, his continued attempts to hide secrets that harm people, and his battle between running or staying to protect White.
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While Tee switches to orange and blue, Top switches to yellow and white. He makes the switch before he goes off with Tan and returns to kill Por. The yellow is a stark change. Unlike Tee who retains his blue, Top loses it completely. He's in yellow, marking him as an outlier. Is he possessed? Drugged? In any case he is operating without any affinity to the group at this point.
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We don't know much about Tan yet, but he's also in blue. He starts in a blue button up and then switches to darker blue with gray underneath. This is a bit odd since he's the most vocal about pushing the old group to reveal what happened in the past. Yet he isn't wearing orange (Phi and White), red (Non), or yellow (outlier). In fact, unlike our other characters he doesn't mix in other colors or change his color at all. It feels very sterile, as if he is operating under different rules. So either he is just part of the group and likely fodder, working with Phi, or up to his own plan. Regardless I think at this point he is probably hiding his color, or rather the show is hiding his color from us for a later reveal of some kind.
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Fluke is in purple. It's a balanced mix of blue and red, marking the way he acts as a bystander. He is in the group but not necessarily at the center of it. It also represents ambition, which Fluke clearly has in spades. So much so that as he tries to protect his ambitions, he makes things so much worse.
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Interestingly, when Fluke changes clothes he still chooses purple, but his collar has a stripe of red. This of course is what he wears as he starts to crack, ultimately confronting Tee about what happened to Non. The blood on Fluke's hand adds more red.
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Jin is in pink and a dark blue or grey. He later switches to a dark blue shirt. So part of him is still attached to the group (blue) but he also operates in a faded pink. Pink can represent love and compassion. We know that Jin acts as the kind one of the group generally. Interestingly this is quite a faded pink, perhaps representing how Jin, despite being kind (or at least having a kind exterior) is quite jaded. He's lost his rose-tinted glasses and they've become a washed out pink.
He no longer is in yellow. Does this mean at some point he failed to push back on the group in an important way? Why is he still with the group and wearing blue/gray colors? Does the fact he's wearing pink, a faded red mean he's still dedicated to Non?
Clown theory: Non was in pink in the preview for episode 7, so does this mark Jin as a romantic pairing with Phi? Does it mean Non died and possessed Jin's body (🤡)?
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Phi and White both have orange to start with. They're odd ones out. Interestingly, Phi also has on a denim shirt, making him outwardly seem to match Tee and Top, but the orange shows his true colors. This is very fitting given we know he's up to something (most likely revenge) and not genuinely trying to be a part of the group.
Orange is also partway between red and yellow. If we go by the past, Phi has had something going on with both Non (red) and Jin (yellow, past). Interestingly in this opening shot Phi's backpack moves from blue (his disguised allegiance to the group) to orange (his outsider status) and red (his allegiance to Non). But he is also next to Jin whose pink could be seen as a version of red.
White has orange but like Phi he has blue as well. Does this mean that White is aligned with Phi or is it just a way to signal that White is also a newbie to the group? If so why is Tan not in orange too? Is White Non's brother?
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Both Phi and White remove their orange as things progress. Interestingly they both keep the same touches of blue but change to neutral white/light gray tones. They're blending in now, either by force of the situation or in order to hide their intentions. But compared to Tan, we at least see them operating in other colors first.
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One last thing of note here. Phi wraps his outer shirt around Jin to brace his shoulder. This completely removes the blue from Phi and gives it to Jin. Is this a color exchange? But blue isn't Phi's color, so does is this an act of protection or is Phi marking Jin as a target?
And what does it mean that Phi is now purely in white--an absence of color? Or is white his color? If so, then what about White?
We've gone from 3 primary colors in the past to a mix of colors in the present. On top of that we have white too, an interesting contrast? pairing? with the black of the mask costume.
Okay this has been equally as much analysis as questions. I'm excited to revisit this when we have even more episodes and information to see what the patterns are here!
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