#the bear 2x06 fishes
thoughtfulchaos773 · 25 days
Seven Fishes and The Timer Part One
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Writing this took me a while, and I go back to it occasionally because it's such a chaotic episode. I've listened to so many timers ringing that now I question if it's real. So, this post is heavy on scene analysis. If you like this type of shit, read on and enjoy.
Another note: This post is really dedicated to my sydcarmy folks. Studying this episode confirmed how detailed Storer, Calo, and Senior are in making this show. They are genuinely thoughtful creators, so learning this episode affirms that we're not imagining Syd & Carmy's relationship being the center of this story. For time plays a theme in The Bear.
Time serves a particular purpose in this episode; we can't escape the ringing in the foreground; it's a humming of sorts, but when it sounds off loud and clearly, it becomes its own character in The Berzatto Home. The ring is loud and clear only with dialogue and meaningful action. This dialogue and action lead us to unresolved issues that later hit a nerve at the table and the rest of the season- time guides us when there's an emotional shift in the story.
I'll consider this added pressure of time as the beats of the episode.
What are beats?
A story beat is a shift in the narrative. Story beats can be emotional turns, incidents or events, actions, reactions, or realizations. They can even be slight shifts in narrative tone or a character's emotional arc. Essentially, beats are small moments that move the story forward.
An important note for Fishes: We only get a break from the timer during moments that establish the relationship between two characters.
Let's take a look at the timer:
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1. "It's fucking Christmas, why would you say you didn't wanna come back?" "Whatever. Okay." TIMER
The emotional shift: Resentment. This is the second moment of tension between Mikey and Carmy, along with a realization of Carmy's truth that he wants to keep his distance from his family. It's a moment of hurt from Mikey. This exchange of dialogue is the emotional shift of the story, and time is giving us a break from Mike and Carmy's tension.
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2. Donna Calls Richie in the kitchen TIMER . A beat change where Richie enters the kitchen- time tells us it's a shift in the scene and an introduction to Tiffany and Richie's relationship.
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3. An Action Beat: TIMER tells us it's an unresolved issue and It's a break (for now) of viewers having to pay attention to Tiffany and Richie- we'll learn more later.
The TIMER also serves a purpose as it guides us to Natalie.
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4. Natalie pours out the alcohol as the TIMER goes off. This is also considered an action beat, moving the story forward as we pay attention to Natalie's role in the family.
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5. Uncle Lee & Move the Fucking Pot:
We hear the timer distinctly in this scene twice. One is when Lee is introduced to the story, and the second time, we listen to it loud and clearly at the start of Donna demanding Carmy move the pot; this is a change in the story as Donna's first pile-up occurs. This scene tells us two things: One, that Lee will play a vital role in the episode and The Berzatto family, and two, we're watching just how bad Donna's anger could get.
The timer is not just adding to the chaos in Fishes; it's guiding us through the story.
This is it for part one- take a look at part two.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 5 months
if i show up to christmas and jeremy allen white, abby elliott, jon bernthal, ebon moss-bachrach, gillian jacobs, sarah paulson, oliver platt, chris witaske, matty matheson, bob odenkirk, john mulaney, and of course, jamie lee curtis aren’t there, i’m leaving.
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blackjack-15 · 5 months
i have never found fak less charming than i do now. yikes
"do you think donna's gonna do something crazy?" donna being mrs. berzatto's name i'm guessing (mulaney calls her "Auntie Dee")? yeah she is.
nat trying to enlist carmy in getting rid of the alcohol and carmy is like "i have no idea i'm doing six things no one look at me"
the history of nat's nickname is so...mundane? like...we've all mixed up salt/sugar before. not in gravy, mind, but i don't make a lot of italian gravy. traditional gravy (meat drippings + roux)? yeah. not italian.
cousin steve going in on the baseball card racket b/c it sounds hilarious to him is the most relatable thing i've ever seen on tv. like it's not gonna end well but boy is it gonna be worth his money for the entertainment
gosh in every carmy/mikey scene every line of dialogue is a painful reminder of carmy's "i just wanted him to say good job!" from 1X08.
"i don't need you acting all nice if you don't give a f//k" that's carmy, down to his bones. it's why he said nat was being gross when she pulled the Small Innocent Little Girl act on cicero. carmy lies, dodges, represses, stays out of stuff, sure. but when people ask him what he thinks, he tells them. and he doesn't want people to be nice to him if they actually don't care.
carmy wants to be loved so badly, wants to be loved without having to ask for it or claw it out of people. it hurts really, really bad. exquisitely acted.
gift giving! he has a knack for it -- the knife to tina is the most recent example, but very few people to give to right now. the drawing is so lovely, and carmy looks so boyish and happy when mikey says he loves it
oh mikey. he looks so lost and so unhappy and so worried when he's by himself. he's not doing well and he hides it through loud bravado, and especially looks like he hides it from carmy. the beef is a mess right now, and i think he knows he probably won't be around to open that restaurant with carmy. but his note makes even more sense now, as does the money. it really was the gift he felt like he could give. i'm hard on mikey as an older sibling, but he's got his own stuff he's dealing with on top of everything, and it really shows sometimes
this family is so full of desperately sick, unhappy, unhealthy people. and it seems like when they congregate, it just gets worse.
mikey's trying to set carmy up for life, in the role of father figure/older brother -- skills, money, even a romantic partner. but none of it is what carmy actually needs, present day.
"is it possible that you're the asshole" cousin steve can you come back we need your insights. i feel like him, syd, and pete would be Buddies
kind, sensitive, devoted, altruistic, empathetic, and commonly known to be adept at grieving -- characteristics of bears? characteristics of our titular Bear?
mikey sneaking out in full Joseph of Bethlehem regalia, richie noticing
cousin steve do not get eaten by the jaguar
i love when normalish people interact with Berzatto Insanity (like my beloved pete! where is pete? did nat not meet him yet?) and it's like...oh they're in another realm. right.
"no one lifts a finger to help me" as nat is down on her knees cleaning up. yikes.
suicide threats. wonderful. yeah i'm going back to the armchair diagnosis of HPD. my gosh.
RUN COUSIN STEVE that was hysterical
that is a hug that nat very much needed. thank you cousin steve
oh no what's donna gonna do. i know it's not gonna be suicide but it's def gonna be a Spectacle, and prolly traumatic
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Cameron, getting annoyed with people in the The Bear fandom and complaining, “WHY are they all so obsessed with Carmen and Syd being ‘endgame’, like are you 12?! Why can’t they just be PLATONIC genius chef soulmates? Just let them be BUSINESS PARTNERS”
Only for Donna, from the other end of the couch to reply, “...you mean like we were just ‘business partners’?” and then J0e and Gordon to chime in via facetime from their four bedroom home in New York, “And like we were ‘business partners’?”
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jessepinkmvn · 11 months
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I make things beautiful for them, and no one makes things beautiful for me.
THE BEAR (2x06): "FISHES" dir. Christopher Storer
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emmanelson · 1 year
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#soft hubby and wifey
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 11 months
Thinking about love in season 2 of The Bear and how Carmy seems to conceptualize "love" and "fun" as opposites — because for him, they historically have been. It's something I really noticed in Fishes (2x06): how vocally and genuinely everyone in his family — including in-laws and functionally adoptive members like Richie and the Fak siblings — loves each other, but also how deeply entwined that love is with stress and chaos and criticism.
Natalie is nicknamed, by people who love her, after a mistake she made years ago and which is still held over her head when she tries to help in the kitchen. Donna loves her children and is loved by them in turn, but she's constantly on the edge of a meltdown, unable to offer or accept support. She spends hours cooking them a beautiful dinner, and then she drives a car through the wall. Michael reminds Carmy he loves him and tries to give him advice, and then he gets in a massive fight with Uncle Lee at the dinner table and starts throwing forks. Cooking is clearly so important to his family, but doing this activity they love, and especially doing it around the people they love, so rarely results in a feeling of "amusement or enjoyment."
And so it's no surprise, really, that the career Carmy loves is one that gives him panic attacks and made him throw up before work every day, or that he (and Natalie and Sydney) not only decide on such a radical transformation of the restaurant but give themselves a ridiculously sort timeline to complete it. He's stressed and miserable a lot of the time, but is it really something he loves if he doesn't feel that way?
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The Bear (Fishes ~ 2x06) /// The Family Stone (2005)
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 25 days
Seven Fishes and The Timer Part Two
RECAP: The timer will be our guide in this chaotic episode. There's so much packed in and the alarm sounding off loudly is a marker of the important action or dialogue to watch and listen for- the timer is the beat of the screenplay Beats are action and dialogue that are emotional shfts- its what moves the story forward.
Back to it:
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6. Merry Fuckin' Christmas, bro TIMER -We're back to Mikey and Carmy, and Carmy saying don't fuck with me right now- it's turning us to another pile-up in Carmy and Mikey's relationship.
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CLAIREBEAR! TIMER serves as the anxiety Carmy feels, even when Clairebear is absent from the scenes.
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8. Don't fucking touch me! TIME serves the rising anxiety, and this is the longest alarm we've heard thus far.
After this scene Camy walks away and we're given a break from the chaos.
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The first time the alarm is absent as we're provided time to witness the connection between Tiffany and Richie.
For a while, we take time to watch the Berzatto's bond, and the timer becomes a background noise until
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9."I'm so glad we had this time together." TIMER. Donna's 3rd breakdown - one where she's disorientated and in a panic, the timer tells us we're back in the groove of chaos, and Jimmy reminds us that we only have so much time together, and we enjoyed the small peaceful moments between the family.
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A break in the beats- a connection and scene that establishes Mikey and Carmy's good moments together. What's bittersweet about this and Riches's scene is that he and Mikey are holding something back from their loved ones. Instead of being vulnerable, they still hold on to their pain, contributing to their relationships' demise. The timer being absent gives us a few moments to watch a real connection happen
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10. Donna breaks a glass- Now we're back to the chaos, and the worst ringing- 3 alarms go off in a short amount of time and add to Donna's rage.
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a second time when Natalie offers her help and Donna continues to have a meltdown, threatening to blow her brains out and declares no one would miss her. This is the first real tension we see between Natalie and Donna and it moves the story forward . TIME, it's a marker of what's to come at the dinner table.
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12. The timer goes off when Donna calms down a bit. It's giving a break as we go to the hallway to watch Steve check on Natalie.
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A break from the timer when there's A moment of connection between Natalie and Steve.
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13. The Final Timer- We've heard this story a million times. is a shift to the rising tension between mikey and Uncle le. The timer plays as a bookmark on this strained relationship. Uncle Lee and Mikey are one of the catalyst to the demise of dinner later that evening. They reach a breaking point in their relationship by the end of the episode.
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That's it for the timers, it's a guiding post and a bookmark for what's to happen at the dinner table later on.
Analyzing this episode, I'm really amazed at the direction, sound designs, and acting this episode and a background explanation into why timing is a factor Carmy's anxiety. For Marcus and Richie, there's a great relationship with time where it's a philosophy on how to live your purpose. But for carmy, it serves as antagonist of sorts. The only thing that stops his relationship with time is his connection with Sydney. Time is a theme of the show and conveys the different meanings. It's tension. It's a reminder to live life, and when you can forget it, if just for a moment is when time matters most.
I leave with this quote...
I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it.-William Faulkner
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rabidlemur · 10 months
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The Bear 2x06, Fishes
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manichitrathazhu · 8 months
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) dir. Tobe Hooper
The Bear (2022-), 2x06 “Fishes”, dir. Christopher Storer
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queer-whatchamacallit · 6 months
Teeny tiny details I’ve noticed on my rewatches of The Bear:
When Syd goes looking for her onions in 1x03 Brigade and finds Richie, he’s talking to Crooked John from 1x06 Ceres
When Carmy calls Pete in 1x02 Hands, there’s a vase of flowers on the table, and it’s the same one that’s in Carmy’s nightmare in 1x08 Braciole
In 1x08 Braciole, the broken ticket machine is back, and it’s all covered in ductape. On said ductape “Carmy is an asshole” is written in all caps
Sidenote - it seems like most of the characters write in all caps which in graphology, it’s like the writer is being aggressive and boisterous but it also means that its hiding all the traits that could be more easily found in lowercase (maybe Richie just writes on the whiteboards a lot)
Both Carmy and Sydney’s phone passwords are 11111
In 2x06 Fishes, when Richie’s talking to Uncle Jimmy about the job thing, you can hear Mike going “Bill fucking Murray!” From the same story as in 1x06 Ceres (which is significant because the story is this reminder of what he’d be leaving behind, both the fun and the absurd irresponsibility that being friends with Mikey has brought him)
I may add to this later, but here ya go!!
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asexual-juliet · 9 months
top 5 moments from s2 of the bear 🐻 🫶🏼
hiii i answered this in my notes app a month ago and then forgot about it lmfao:
5. Richie and Carmy fighting on either side of the fridge doors in 2x10.
4. Carmy getting stuck in the fridge in 2x10
3. Love Story montage in 2x07!!! 
2. Carmy-Syd under the table scene in 2x09!!!
1. Carmy’s panic attack outside the restaurant in 2x09
honorable mentions to: 
the scene with Pete and Donna outside The Bear in 2x10
Richie’s apology to Sugar
like. the entirety of 2x06
Syd asking Tina to be her sous
Fak and Carmy’s little interaction at the backdoor of The Bear
Fire suppression test scene
also. moments that live in my head rent-free but were not big enough to include in the list:
Carmy making Tiff homemade Sprite <333
Pete bringing the eighth fish
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can't really move on from the bear 2x06 'fishes'
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nerdrabugento · 7 months
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Acabei de assistir a The Bear 2x06 "Fishes".
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thebluestcowboy · 1 year
The Bear episode 2x06 Fishes moodboard
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