#i was so annoyed by checo lol
zjpg · 8 months
just a girl
'deep talks.'
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[september - italy]
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"new york for christmas?" max tilted his head at the younger driver, "you're not staying in monaco for the holidays?"
addi shook her head no as she stretched her body out on her drivers room floor, "no, charles and his family are following us there. claire will be miserable if she has to sit on a plane for hours while being four months pregnant. plus my parents are staying in monaco for christmas."
max felt sympathy for addi, though he's not one to show many other emotions than anger and happiness, or cockiness if you want to go that route, he understands what it's like to have a broken hope and parental issues. their experiences and familial situations are different, but they're still too similar to not to relate to. "i'm sorry you have to avoid them."
she looks up at her teammate with a pang in her chest. "it's okay... could be worse." she shrugged it off, not wanting to get all emotional before qualifying starts.
"lando revealed his relationship with luisa."
"good for lando." she got up with the help of max's hand. max is trying his best to understand the current dynamic between his teammate and friend. things are awkward, even when they're laughing together it's not the same. she's gotten so close with pierre that it seems like more than just a friendship.
"are you and pierre seeing each other?"
"since when do you care about this stuff, max?" she scoffed out a laugh and looked at the older with curiosity and a little bit of annoyance.
"i just care about you."
addi has never heard these words come from her teammate, at least not towards her. sure they were a great team, great friends, she considers max one of her closest friends lately. but she never thought she would hear that from max. "we're.. complicated right now." she chuckled "why are you getting all sentimental, maxie?" she tried lightening up the air a little, but max's next words would only somber the mood even more
"when you crashed... i was really worried. and then checo took your seat for a while, and i don't know. it didn't feel right." he spoke with serenity
"what do you mean?"
"i pushed for further investigation on your car."
deep talks with max are very rare, but she's grown to love them and he's grown to get used to them.
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liked by addilynleblanc and 234,103 others
landonorris 🧡
view all 23,944 comments
carlossainz55 It's official!!
addilynleblanc STUNNINGGG and he's there too. -> landonorris really. -> luisinhaoliveira99 🥰
user1 everyone quick act shocked
user2 lol addi
maxverstappen 👍🏼 -> user3 max??😭
user4 hmmm -> user5 hmmm what? -> user4 max's comment seems odd -> user6 how?
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liked by danielricciardo and 933,855 others
addilynleblanc monza is for dreamers ❤️💙(🧡) #P3 -> tagged: redbullracing, mclaren, danielricciardo, landonorris
view all 54,493 comments
danielricciardo 🧡(❤️💙) -> user1 i love this lmaooo
redbullracing We love to see it
user2 iconic podium tbh
user3 monza is always so wild
mclaren Amazing weekend!!
charles_leclerc Good job addi❤️ -> addilynleblanc you annoyed tf out of me today but ily so it's fine :) -> user4 you two nearly gave me a heart attack today...
luisinhaoliveira99 You guys were awesome today! Congrats Addi! -> addilynleblanc thank you darling!💙
lilymhe VROOM -> addilynleblanc KACHOW
user5 the difference between addi's interactions with luisa and lily 😬 -> user6 addi said her and luisa just met not too long ago, meanwhile lily was one of the first wags (aside from charlotte) that she got close to.
user7 things feel weird.
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f0point5 · 3 months
I‘m definitely not a fan of Checo but it is kinda hilarious how Lewis couldn’t keep Max behind him for one single lap to achieve a record breaking title and his and his fans excuse is the tires while in that exact same race Checo kept Lewis behind him on 20 laps older tires (with more fuel too) for like two laps and he wasn’t even the one fighting for the title.
Like say what you want but I know, I am 100% certain, that if roles had been reversed Max would have kept Lewis behind him for that one lap or crashed trying.
Tbf, Max could have crashed trying and still won the championship because he was ahead on points going into it. So for sure if he’d felt it slipping he could have just run Lewis off the track lol.
But 1000% Max would have held him off. The fight was only in the corners, Max would have defended for his life. Lewis’s tyres were like ten laps older. Be so real with me right now. And tbh I don’t think the tyres mattered. Even on equal tyres, Lewis would have lost. He was too shocked, confused, and focused on bitching about the decision to be focused on what he had to do. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’d been thinking that the result would not stand anyway. Max caught Checo in the same car on 40 lap old tyres…you’re telling me Mr 7 time world champion can’t deal with not having the right tyres for 3 miles of tarmac? Give me a break. He lost the race when it counted.
Also, checo will always be famous for that defence like quite seriously I’ve never had more respect for a man. He went in there to be the annoying fly people are swatting away and he did it so well and so tactically. That, my man, is teamwork. I forgive Monaco 22 on that basis.
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erelavent · 6 months
It pains me to say it but Max and Fernando were the best gift givers this year. Max's was funny and requires effort and forethought. Did Fernando give away his sponsor's merch? Yes. But it was useful and that's what matters.
Zhou gifting Yuki a cookbook and apron is a close third.
Oscar getting Alex Albon Pets personalized golf balls is adorable even if he sucks at golf. 4th for him.
Logan is a close tie for 5th for the cute little onesie. Carlos's mini gaming system is cute and combines both of Max's favorite things but its low effort so it's a tie with Logan and Lance's El Capitan pilot's cap.
Nico Hulkenberg comes in 8th for the tripod joke lol.
Valtteri gets 9th for his gag gift of a large chilli-printed bikini cut underwear and Chilli sauces. I don't even like Carlos and I know he doesn't like spicy food lol. 9th for you.
Also, George's monologue about crappy gifts only to then gift Estie the most cringe spiderman travel set is a perfect ending to his very memeable year. 10th for him.
I want to know what the inside joke between Estie and Nico Hulkenberg is that makes that emoji mug so funny. 11th I guess.
Chocolate and a Koala tee Daniel? Really? You'd think as an Australian he'd be annoyed by the stereotypes, but I guess not. 12th for him.
Jail for everyone who gave gifts from their merch/sponsor including Yuki, Alex, Checo, and especially for Charles for not even gifting his own merch but Valtteri's instead.
Pierre gets 0 points for being late. Kmag gets 0 points for whatever that bobble head, airport giftshop paperweight Santa thing was.
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bohnsky · 10 months
two and a half months into liking f1, here are my favorites:
1. Alex Albon
I think this is obvious. I just love Alex too much. Sadly this weekend wasn't great for Williams and it stressed me so much that Valtteri was on a mission to snatch P11 from my boy, but Albono's defending is so good, still sadly no points😭😭
2. Sergio Perez
This was a very hard decision, but I thought it's true for me right now and I can still change it back later so now Checo is on second for now.
I'm so obsessed with this man, I even wrote a Chestappen fic. It rarely happens that I'm so inspired that I actually put my ideas on paper.
FP1 made me want to cry and the German commentator couldn't stop hating (it wasn't really hating, just stating facts with a negative untertone, but it annoyed me) and I'm really starting to dislike Ralf Schumacher, he's always acting like he's so much better than every other driver lol (easy to say those things when you're not driving anymore, yes I'm looking at both of you, Ralf and Nico). But honestly I'm exaggerating, they're not that bad.
Also all the memes about Checo's crash. I was desperatly looking for posts that empathize with him and only found memes😭
(if I wasn't this deep, I would find them funny lol)
The race today was great tho. I would've loved to see him get P2 and I believe it would've been possibly, but I don't know anything so whatever. And I'm super happy for Lando and podium is podium. And driver of the day is well deserved. Checo knows how to gain positions. Now he just needs to start performing in Quali again :D
3. Charles Leclerc
Not the best weekend for Ferrari. The race today was a mess for them. Charles' first pit stop made me want to cry. It did seem like the team was trying to fuck Charles specificly over, with the water problem and that pit stop. I just want to see Ferrari back in the front.😭
Honerable mentions:
Nyck and Daniel. I just have to talk about that. I can't really be happy for Daniel. I really started to like Nyck and I think there is a reason he got into F1 in the first place. He's a good driver and I really believe that he just needed more time. I understand that the team felt like they needed to do something, but to Nyck it's unfair. I just hope he gets over the pain quickly.
And Danny deserves better than Alpha Tauri. Like what is he supposed to prove in that shit box. Also I am so obsessed with Checo that I'm still so scared that they might drop him if Danny does really good and I keep thinking what would that mean for Yuki? etc
Now after the weekend, I still don't know how to feel about the whole situation and I actually started avoiding Danny content, which is stupid and sad. Danny deserves a seat and it's not his fault that the circumstances suck.
the Haas boys. Never thought I would say that, but I kinda dig their dynamic.
George. I've been thinking about George a lot lately and I really like him, but somehow he is super weird to me. Idek what exactly, somehow everything about him is weird, but lovable. From his stupid big eyes and his ridiculously long legs, to his strange laugh and his accent. I really don't know anything about the differences in british accents but his accent is the weirdest to me. I like it and I understand it perfectly, but it's just weird (I'm sorry, I'm not trying to offend anyone😭)
Also his PR stuff is so cringy. I love how he's just embracing it all, but it sometimes feels like he is an old man, who doesn't understand the internet but loves learning about it😭
And his race was impressive af. He really knows how to drive.
Fun fact: my brother thinks he should be Mercedes' first driver.
Lance. I've grown extremely fond of him. He's just a sweetheart and getting dangerously close to my top three. I might have to take him into consideration soon.
He's a cat. I love cats.
Initially I disliked him for the dumbest reason (being a rich kid), but even then I knew (or I was expecting) that the day would come that I start liking him and here we are. He's the kind of person I would want to be friends with.
Logan. Through Alex I've become somewhat of a Williams fan. And I really like it when Logan has a good day. The FPs were great for him. The race sucked tho (whatever happened there), but he didn't seem too mad about it.
Lewis. I couldn't believe my eyes when he took pole. I was so happy, but then the race start was so bad😭😭
And I feel incredibly bad that I didn't want him to get P3😭
He was just so close to Checo in the last few laps and I really wanted Checo on the podium. Please don't get me wrong, I would have loved to see Lewis on the podium. I would've loved to see him win, but with Max, Lando and Checo in front, I just couldn't cheer for him😭😭😭😭
Lando. I love this man and I just want him to finally get a win. But it seems like he takes P2 as some kind of win, knowing that Max is just unbeatable.
Max. His hair.
Also I just need to say how much I love it when Max speaks German. The Dutch accent when speaking German is like the cutest thing ever and I'm really impressed of how confident he is in the language.
And there's my internal Red Bull dilemma. I drink a Red Bull for every Quali and for every race. I don't want Red Bull and Max to keep dominating, but I want Checo in front and Max deserves to win because he is that good. Do I support Checo or the Red Bull domination by drinking too much Red Bull?😭😭😭
Either way, I love Red Bull and I will keep on drinking it lol. Also I might be a RB fan at heart. Still Ferrari all the way, but I came into F1 being a RB fan, because of rallye sport and almost every driver I like there, is driving for RB. And then there's what they did to Alex and Pierre and now Nyck.
It's a love-hate relationship.
Valtteri. I don't think I ever said anything about him here. I love this man! He is such a vibe. Just doing whatever the fuck he wants and slaying every second of his life. He's not at the top of my favorites, but generally speaking, he might be one of the coolest drivers on the grid.
In terms of race positions, I like to see him doing good, but I like to see my favs in front more. Alex > Valtteri, I had to cheer for Alex there.
Zhou. I'm positively neutral about Zhou,  I don't know much about him, but from what I've seen so far there's not much to dislike. But here I just wanted to say that I loved seeing him slay Quali. Alfa Romeo in general. It's good to see them in better positions every now and then. The start today was just unfortunate.
Carlos. I was surprised by how Ferrari was treating Carlos today. It seemed like the team was actually listening to him. I hope they sorted themselves out and they keep being nice to my man Carlito😭
But the German commentators kept saying that Carlos Sr. is already looking around for a seat in a different team for his son😭
I love him in Ferrari, but I would totally understand if he wanted to leave. But I also saw something about the possibility of him joining Audi and I gotta say, as much as I love Ferrari Carlos, seeing him in an Audi would be so cool! Might be because Carlos Sr. is driving for Audi, but that doesn't matter. It'd just be cool.
Pierre. I'm starting to find my love for Pierre again. It's not nearly as strong as it used to be (obviously, as he's not first anymore lol) For some reason I didn't really care about him for a few weeks, but it's coming back now. Also bad day for Alpine. Must be devastating, a DNF for both cars and it not even being their fault. I hope they're okay and don't kill Zhou.
Esteban. I'm starting to dig the whole Alpine dynamic. They might not be the best of friends but they make it work and I love that.
And still, I'm obsessed with Este's accent and I keep coming back to the squirrel clip. I just can't with him.
Also he gives me young Jeff Goldblum vibes, idk why, but I love it.
Might be the hair. Or the sunglasses.
Oscar. It's frustrating to watch Oscar almost get on the podium. He deserves a podium, he's an incredible driver and I'm happy that the car is finally good enough for him and Lando.
Yuki. Now that I named 18 drivers, I can just say some things to the last two as well. Yuki is such a cool person. I wish he was higher on my list (the honerable mentions are in no particular order). And like I said before, I'm a little scared of what Danny's performance means for him.
Fernando. I like him a lot. I like his laugh and his accent. He's serious but silly and he treats Lance well. I like to believe that he has no evil master plan and just actually likes Lance lol
Sometimes it seems that Aston is the only team that works together and just like Lance said, it's romantic.
Also Strollonso might actually be my favorite ship currently. They're so unlikely, but they just work and it's cute. Thay might not be a Lestappen or a Carlando, but they have my heart just as much and I need more content.
Wow, I didn't know I had so much to say. And I hadn't realized that I just named most of the grid until I counted them.
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magicalrocketships · 8 months
i love the cross stitch! could you expand on it and the colors and everything?
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So each row is a race, and it shows the grid position from P1 (left) to P20 (right). The bottom, incomplete, row (Spa) shows Max in P1 and I'm just finishing up Checo in P2. Shout out to Kevin for doing that nice little symmetrical arrow in yellow at the right of the grid for the previous few races, v aesthetically pleasing if meaningless, points-wise. Sorry, Kevin.
Before I started I was just going to try and pick an appropriate colour that matched each driver, but it turns out... I'm bad at that and also it was no fun, so what I ended up with was a mixture of a few colours that made me think of a driver (Max had orange, George has a blue that I think was on his helmet, Fernando had a really dark green for reasons I felt were obvious at the time but have subsequently slipped away) and then a pile of random colours for everyone else. These were my almost final choices:
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Zero shade at all to my friend who looked at these and went "that is the wrong colour for Carlos and the wrong colour for Pierre" so I swapped them out, when I probably should have kept them distinct. Unfortunately I didn't actually think to mix alllll of them up and see how they looked next to each other, and as you can probably see from the actual cross stitch (if you stare long enough at it like I do) then I've got three very similar pinks (Pierre's new colour, Esteban, and Alex) and two dark wine reds (Zhou and Carlos's new colour) so you can't track them very easily in anything other than good light.
So: next year, I'll get 20 distinct colours that mix up well and then assign them out, rather than trying to think of a driver and a colour that goes with them (I wish I had this skill, but I... do not).
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There was also the question of what to do to indicate the cancelled race, and I think I went for too dark a colour. If one's cancelled next year I'd want the row to be there but almost visually invisible, so I'd go for a shade nearer the background colour, I think. As you can see from this older picture, I'd tried marking out the DNFs/DNSs with a little x but I hated how it looked so I took them out again. I've got an idea for how to mark these without annoying myself by stitching onto the squares, but I'll try that when I've run out of races to stitch.
I'm also planning on doing little flags for each row to indicate which country they're racing in (will have to design these if I can't find someone else who's done it already on the internet), and then a key with each team and the driver colour. I might also try and log fastest lap and MAYBE sprint results, but I'm short of fabric space so we'll see.
For team colours (these aren't stitched yet, but they will be), I went with Sky's team colours, and these were a lot easier because someone on Reddit did a list of RGB colour codes for the Sky colour choices, and then I just converted them into the nearest thread colours, and decided which of the closest approximations I liked best. Here's the shortlist before I picked my favourite for each team.
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So, there you have it! I was v lazy when it came to thread picking because I've got... a lot of thread (five or six thread boxes full) so didn't want to buy anything new and I also just wanted to get started sewing and colour assignment was stressing me out (lol) but it has been nice to do something that is actually very easy to cross stitch one I'd sorted out the colours.
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secretdonderwolk · 22 days
Hope springs eternal. I think that article is encouraging. RBR isn’t in a rush to sign which I think is true. checo is fine for now but also clearly RBR they no qualms about getting rid of him
also interesting that it says daniels frustrated bc he doesn’t know who’s making the decisions. It must be exhausting for him to have to kiss everyone’s ass instead of focusing on the main shooters :( joking.. but seriously lol. It’s nice he hasn’t personally ruled the 2nd seat out so I can continue to be delusional
i think the thing i can't stop thinking about is that they were still trying to fill daniel's seat when daniel came back four years later to fill it lmao. like daniel left red bull and they've been scrambling every since trying to get four people on the grid who worked... nyck was a lowkey desperate move that did nawt pay off and it was all because daniel decided to move on like idk idk... i don't think a summer swap is totally out of the realm of possibility espesh if daniel keeps underperforming like he is now but i also think that red bull is in a luxury position now but that they weren't for a long long long time. and then also the rumors about wanting to get yuki out of vcarb last winter? (which....why......) and passing on liam not once but twice idk it's just random to moi that two months later it's like we're just counting down the days until we can finally get rid of daniel! like they had various opportunities to do that and they didn't and it's like....idk..... also can i say if red bull keeps swapping driver's midseason like at what point are even more drivers going to be like yeahhhhhh...i'm not picking up the phone when they're calling like a pierre and an alex are already doing. at least with a haas or a williams or an alpine you know you can groove a little more. like red bull will give you a good car but at what cost!!! no because fr. let daniel shmooze!!!!! at this point i'm happy if he stays racing for like the rest of the year and the year after that lmao. though i was doing some Research today and found a few v interesting articles about how historically marko/horn seem to pay the most attention to race pace etc vs points i have no idea how true that is obv but if that's the case it's a little less bleak for miss ricciardo but like him or not his race pace has been solid since japan he was mostly flopping in miami gp because dirty air factor.... annoying that marko said in his article like well he was saur slow like bitch you know why
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yesloulou · 2 years
It is so funny to experience! Because same as with the redflag in Monaco, if it's Charles he is annoyed but then it's ok and when it was Checo he was like "why tf is this allowed!".
If this had been anyone else but Charles this time he would've complained about it much more!
I love this innate acceptance of when Charles messes something up because max knows he has done/would do the exact same.
Part of me wonders if Max's soft spot has something to do with how hard Charles is on himself, outside of him just liking Charles.
Sorry about the late response! After watching what Ferrari pulled today I have been in anger management mode all day. Really really hope you’ll see this.
Exactly! The favoritism. And so unprompted. Like he’ll just assume the best of Charles. Can’t just be because Charles is pretty, can it? lol
What you said about their similarities was just 🤌. It’s almost like he thinks of Charles as “one of us” and by “us” it’s just the two of them. For someone with such great passion for this sport, a worthy component must mean a lot. We see that in Charles too i.e. the way he talked about Max after Silverstone 2019.
My first ask (technically)! Thanks anon ❤️
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
I can't sleep cos I hurt my hip today (I need to sleep on my back and I don't sleep on my back EVER jdjd) and I finished queueing all my asks like a good quags so enjoy these random rambles:
Pallas cat checo is the only one to call his pups kittens (I mean, it is more accurate to be fair, it does confuse outsiders)
Abo adoption Lewis and Toto going away for a night for some romance and they leave Lance and Max with Seb but they just spend the whole night cuddling in the hotel bed and looking at pics of their babies instead of having sex 7 times like Seb said they should
Oh deer: Max and Charles just snuggled together quietly giggling and kissing a bit and Daniel thinks it's very cute, until he realises Max is 100% fucking Charles under the blankets
Omega Max and Seb in Omega lessons putting on a show and scissoring and from seeing that one Alpha just faints lol
Hidden Omega Val where the pack only realise what he is when they walk in on Nico licking his pussy sjdk
Runaway kiddo Tonio? Just such a shy darling with long messy hair who Kimi catches trying to steal bread in the supermarket
Seb or Max in Omega lessons actually making little porn videos where you don't see their faces and they are just playing with toys
Omega trauma AU and the pack taking Max and the pups on holiday for the first time? They rent out a full little resort so there is just pack and some staff and Max is in awe cos he never saw the ocean, has barely ever seen a beach and he gets to do all that with his kiddos!! Nd there is so much food he never tried before either 🥺
Arranged domsub with Toto doing a scene with both Lance and Nico when Lewis is away? But Nico is quite wary of Toto because Toto had picked the dom for Nico (he ofc had no idea the dom was abusive) and instead of a scene its just snuggles and forehead kisses although Lance and Nico do end up kneeling for Toto a bit
Pack pup Max meeting Nico R) (apparently he is in my brain now oop?) And Nico just smiles brightly and tells him how to annoy papa Lewy best!
Abo holiday with Toto accompanying a very shy Lance who just wanted to go snorkel somewhere zksks
Pagan gods with god Nando getting a tall stick of an offering called esteban (who knew he was actually into fucking tall lanky sticks wksk)
Divorced au: just anything with chaos stepdad Charles
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antisoucials · 10 months
i'm laughing my ass off at that 'anti-max' post with the visual gap between max and checo. like? excuse me? how is that an anti-max post? lmao, if anything it just emphasizes max's greatness and his inevitability as one of the greatest in the history of the sport. i don't get why these people get so pressed about it only when it comes to max. would they say the same thing had we stayed in the merc domination era? ferrari's? like. sorry but that's how sports -and specially f1- work. anyway, great job by the max nation once again. (reminds me of that one anti-lestappen charles-ships poll where lestappen won by a landslide lol).
i mean i only know that was an anti post bc op posted it to show how max’s domination is making the sport boring for them. but to us that visual is just proof of how exceptional his driving abilities are. i guess they were annoyed we hijacked their post but like this site is free real estate you can’t control who rb your posts. also id like to add that whilst lh cult is always spitting shit @us and @max we mostly stay in our lane. like you don’t see us actively hating on lewis or them. if anything we always direct our hatred @merc. and when it comes to domination eras, some of these people weren’t here for merc’s time and only really started watching in 2021. but like f1blr in 2019 was mostly seb fans hoping for a wdc title with ferrari and everyone here was sick and tired of the merc 1-2 every fucking race. back then you couldn’t find anyone enjoying the sport as it was. so i get how they might find max’s domination boring bc they never experienced anything else and it’s not their driver on that top step race after race. but there’s nothing you can do about it. just as there was nothing we could do about it when lewis was dominating. and to be fair merc dominated for almost a decade so i think they can handle a couple years of max winning bc it’s not guaranteed rbr we’ll be able to keep performing at this level in the next years. just let us enjoy it while it lasts
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maxverstepponme · 11 months
Man at this point the FIA needs a new FIA team cause deadass if the ESPN commenters are saying Perez should have gotten a five second penalty in one of the last laps that would have made Carlos get a podium and the FIA not acknowledging it really comes to show how much they favor the Red Bull race team…./// that i 100% agree tbh im like getting frustrated with the whole red bull licking ass. another thing that annoyed me with the fia was when charles got called in to the stewards for “impending” Oscar WHEN HE WAS LITERALLY GOING INTO THE PITS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO BRO ITS LITERALLY NOT HIS FAULT THAT THE PIT LANE WAS IN THAT DIRECTION. But when max was called in, he never got a penalty. like it just shows the whole fia licking redbulls ass and its so annoying, this is like worse than VAR atp. Checo was on a white and black flag too and he should’ve of gotten the fucking 5s penalty. Carlos should’ve been on the podium he did so much of a better job than Checo. The defending from Carlos was fucking incredible, too bad that Checo was driving a rocket ship and managed to easily go through. Max at least is skilled and knows how to drive the rocket ship unlike Checo. Hell even Lando did a better job in that mclaren tractor 😭 I’m honestly waiting for that day when FIA will stop licking ass, though i feel like it’s never gonna happen.
Lol Checo is slowly becoming the “it’s jus the car” driver 😭
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brakingpoint · 2 years
let’s not beat around the bush id love a smash pass of the whole current grid
OKAY i've already answered a few but here's the entire grid in current championship order and YES i am going to include reserve drivers. putting this under a cut because good lord
max: have been through this - smash. he is not my normal type physically and yet i am deeply profoundly attracted to him. AND he has cats. win/win
checo: lol i forgot he was p2 now. anyway pass i'm sorry but he just does absolutely nothing for me
charles: well come on. obviously smash.
george: unfortunately we have also been through this and he is a regretful but simultaneously decisive smash
carlos: you see the thing about carlos is that he is objectively a very good looking man but in such a conventional way that it just registers as a net zero pussy response from me on all but a VERY select set of occasions. so pass :-/
lewis: SMASH. but also sort of a pass just out of like, the pressure of who has preceded me. i mean the man has slept with a pussycat doll and also probably rihanna i CANNOT win in this situation
lando: normally pass because if he was my type i'd just be posting about minecraft youtubers but i have to admit that one gifset going around of him looking flushed and sweaty after singapore did something absolutely outrageous to me. a 50/50
esteban: smash feels like the wrong word. there would be nothing violent about this interaction other than me changing position too fast and accidentally snapping every single one of his stick insect limbs perfectly in half
fernando: something about his face shape is just so deeply offputting to me and i cannot put it into words. i'm sorry. pass
valtteri: i have never seen a man's arse so many times and had literally zero erotic thoughts about it on any of those occasions. pass
seb: come on now i'm not a heathen. SMASH.
daniel: smash but i know it would be like deeply annoying sex. he'd be absolutely destroying me with his perfectly formed pussy eating nose and then he'd shout PIERRE GASLYYYYY as i orgasmed.
kmag: i feel nothing. pass.
lance: i am not attracted to him but everything about footage of him and his girlfriend together has me convinced that he must fuck like an absolute mountain rat. smash purely out of curiosity
mick: i genuinely cannot say smash because even though he's like. a perfectly respectable non-weird fuckable age for me as a 25 year old every time i see him i just think. That's A Little Baby Boy. pass
yuki: the thing is i don't really find him attractive 90% of the time (i have seen Some very compelling images on this front) BUT 1) short king recognises short king and 2) i feel like it would just be a hilarious experience this is a guy who knows how to make sex funny. maybe.
zhou: i'm contemplating. i've contemplated. smash.
alex: smash bc from his i feel like he would just be really fun and sweet in bed, like he's not gonna destroy you but you're still gonna remember it for how fun and charming the experience was. HOWEVER it could not be at the albon family home bc can you imagine the non stop racket of the collective albon pets trying to break in so horsey specifically can judge you
nicky: i feel like me saying smash is not SURPRISING but, my eternal nicky latifi fondness notwithstanding, this is another lance situation. what is it about the canadian pay drivers huh
nyck: short king recognises short king. smash.
hulk: again he just has too much aged-out frat boy energy for me so it's gotta be a pass
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semperama · 2 years
I've lost track of what I've snippetted of this so far lol. Hopefully this part is new!
Usually Max gets Sunny up and out before Checo has come through to feed the horses their breakfast, but today he hears crunching the moment he steps into the dim, sweet-smelling stable, and he sees Daniel pushing a wheelbarrow down the main aisle.
“It is early, isn’t it?” Max asks. He wants to wince at how loud his voice sounds in the quiet, but he gets some satisfaction in seeing Daniel startle.
“I’m always up early,” Daniel says, setting the wheelbarrow down and brushing dust from his hands. “What’s your excuse?”
Max walks over to Sunny’s stall to see his nose buried in his oat bucket, his jaw working. He sighs, annoyed. “I was going to take Sunny out.”
Daniel chuckles, like Max has just told a mildly amusing joke. “Is that a habit of yours, then? Early morning rides?”
The back of Max’s neck heats up. It’s strange, the way Daniel talks to him. Like they’ve known each other for years. He reaches out and skims his hand along Sunny’s neck. “It’s the only time I can,” he says.
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bohnsky · 11 months
Okay my dear people of the internet. I have thoughts. A lot of them, so prepare for a long ramble post.
First of all I feel like I didn't make it clear that I'm not including Sebastian Vettel in these because the others wouldn't stand a chance. I just love him too much. That being said, welcome to my favorite drivers after seven weeks of liking f1:
1. Alex Albon
My love. I am embarrassed to admit that Lewis almost pushed Alex from 1st . There were a few days in the last two weeks when I honestly thought about putting Lewis on 1 and then I watched the never have I ever and remembered why I love Alex so much.
The sprint race made me sad. I believe that if he hadn’t changed to slicks he might’ve stayed in the points. And for the race today (also very embarrassed to admit that) I almost forgot to be stressed about Alex’ position because I was so busy stressing over the Ferraris and Lando being in the Red Bull sandwich.
2. Charles Leclerc
I thought a lot about putting Lewis on 2nd as well but then I remembered how much I love Charles lol. You cannot imagine how happy I was to see both Ferraris starting top three and seeing Charles taking P2 today. Obviously, I wanted to see him win but Max is just unstoppable.
3. Lewis Hamilton
Now finally Lewis. I spent most of my free time the last two weeks reading Sewis fanfiction and that kind of influenced me a little bit. Lewis is such a sweety and my heart can’t handle him. Him having a bad weekend made me sad. And my brother saying that he wants the older drivers, like Lewis and Fernando, to retire so that younger drivers get a chance made me sad as well. I understand why he said that, but I don’t agree. F1 wouldn’t be the same without them.
Honorable mentions:
(I have so many thoughts on that never have I ever video, so this is going to be about that a lot lol)
Checo. I really don’t know what it is about him. I’ve been annoying everyone about how I want Checo to be able to prove himself again and now he did. I’ve been manifesting it and now I don’t know if I’m happy or not because him being good means that someone else is one place further back. Alex for example. If Checo didn’t drive as well as he did today then Alex might’ve gotten a point. But either way, Checo deserves it and I’m happy he found his form again.
Also the never have I ever. Checo was literally the cutest in that damned video. I melted when he admitted that he practiced a celebration before. And his accent drives me crazy. Now thinking about it, it feels weird that I have so much to say about Checo and for Lewis nothing but ‘I just love him’ lol.
Lando. I love Lando. He’s been on my mind a lot lately. He’s funny and so genuine. And I’ve been kind of obsessed with Carlando somehow. They’re just the most realistic ship in my opinion. And, I know I’m probably the only one but Lando interacting with Carlos Sr makes me really happy. But then again, I’ve been a fan of Carlos Sr way before getting into F1.
Carlos. Yes, Carlando. Especially Carlando on 2nd row for the race made me happy (not as much as Lestappen in front row but still 😀). And the race.. Ferrari fucked him over so bad and I was so mad. He deserved to be on the podium. And again, Checo being good makes me happy but I wanted to see Carlos on P3.
Mick. Reading so many Sewis fics did that to me.
Lance. I just think I like him now and I feel like I have to mention it because last time I wasn’t sure about that.
Nico. Again, I’m German and I like to see a German driver doing good but honestly what he achieves in that Haas is crazy. Damn I had no idea he is that good.
Max. I’ve been thinking a lot about Max lately and if I like him or not because there’s always that little voice in the back of my head saying that he can be really rude but he’s proved that voice wrong so many times. And most of the time when I see him the first thought that comes to my mind is that he is 1) gorgeous and 2) so freaking cute and 3) really nice. Also I’ve been obsessing over his hair. Somehow it drives me crazy.
Also (I hate myself for thinking that way but) I don’t like that no one has even the slightest chance against him but then again, he is just that good and he deserves it. There are so many awful and unfair thoughts in my brain and I have to force myself to see how sweet Max really is but I think I’m finally getting there.
Speed round:
Nyck somehow being very sympathetic, idk don’t ask.
Esteban's accent, I don’t know why his accent in particular but I love it.
Pierre, laughs in Pierre.
Everyone who confidently said that they cried during a movie.
That wasn’t as much as I thought it would be but I’m tired so I’m going to leave it here lol
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kiwiorcore · 5 months
ALSO i've watched so much f1 content over the past week and i think i like oscar and zhou the most?? everytime i start to think someone's decent they've apparently done something awful so maybe i'm the problem here lol but they seem cute!! i feel bad for nyck too oh my god i still don't understand what happened?? he wasn't even a full way through a season?? how dare they dismiss a dutchman kmt but thanks for introducing me!! something to entertain me while i wait for arsenal to get their act together lmao 🫶🏽🫶🏽
ooooh oscar is lovely i think he's pretty sweet he's just a cute little guy. zhou is my pookie bear, he's my it boy and he deserves the world. also, his fits always eat they're soooo cunty
if i start going on about nyck again i won't ever stop it makes me violently ill to think about what rb did to him. it made me so upset at the time i hated it. but now he's driving in formula e so know im fine now
f1 is nice and lovely (most of the times) as long as you're not a checo fan lol. checo fans only now pain and anguish and blinding rage. im gonna shut up about him now before i annoy
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sab-teraa · 1 year
I supported Mercedes 💀💀💀💀 WE'RE IN OUR FLOP ERA!!!!! Also I supported Ferrari because of Michael Schumach (shout-out Uncle!) But they've BEEN disappointing me so I'm just a driver support for the time being. Also I don't watch live anymore because watching my faves flop it's cute. I actually like all of the drivers but my family and friends support Merc and Ferrari so I just joined in with them. Red bull carrying on being the bad bitches that they are. Love that for them! Also what's tea with the red bull drama? 👀 I'm nosey! 💀💀
Honestly, I’m new to F1 … so imagine my SHOCK when I went from watching Mercedes v Red Bull in my first season, to seeing them drop to a somewhat mid field team (not technically but you get my vibe lmao) 😩💀 I just expected so much more from them.
Same! I don’t dislike any of the drivers but the posts about them are very entertaining lol. I began supporting Red Bull bc I came across a TikTok of Checo going from last place to win his first ever race … and that too after losing his seat … so yeah! I became a checo and then Red Bull fan. I love a good underdog story 🥹🥹
Ooooof the girlies are fighting! Okay, idk how true this info is bc I got it from Twitter lol 😂 but, apparently max accused checo of cheating during the Monaco race = max losing 💀 and bc of this, he decided to not help checo secure second place last year. Checo was obvs mad bc he helped max many times … and then Max’s family got involved and began slandering checo… to the point where Max’s gf and mum allegedly commented/posted something about checo cheating on his wife and how he is a horrible person and idk what else lol.
Anyway, they seemed to have solved the problem. But today, there was drama bc Max came second and he was visibly upset (understandable, everyone wants to win) … but people were also annoyed at Max’s dad bc he was hating on checo’s celebrations … so people were comparing it to how nice checos dad is to max all the time etc 🥴
I’m not sure how true all this info is lol but yeah! Twitter is truly the best … I get all the gossip there lol
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Okay SO!! Here on my favorite Max moments from each race..please feel free to add🧡🧡
Bahrain- The Q3 lap…like Max did three fucking purple sectors…on his last flying lap like 2 purple sectors is amazing but 3?? Sexy as fuck.
Imola- That whole race…Max’s overtaking on the first lap was amazing!! And Max’s out-lap in the first pitstop to stop the undercut was beautiful!!
Portugal- Not a vibe really but Max’s overtake on Hamilton in lap 7 like he just goes all fucking in I loved it and overtaking Bottas!!! Once again the mans overtaking was phenomenal.
Barcelona- FIRST LAP FULL SEND AGAIN?!!! Like he just planted his car in the right space and it was fucking beautiful…no bullshit he just went for it.
Monaco- It would have been pole for the first time for Max…he was flying if not for Charles crashing. And then the race was just so fucking chill from Max…left no space for Bottas to get ahead and got his first win at Monaco.
Baku- Anothrr Ferrari in the wall along with Yuki didn’t help Max in Quali which was annoying cause his pace was good all weekend. The race until the tire blew was good!! Max got ahead of Lewis once again in the pits (shoutout to Red Bull mechanics).
France- POLE AND RACE WIN ON A MERC DOMINATED TRACK!!? Like that was sexy as FUCK…Max overtaking Lewis on the fucking last lap!! And pushing all fucking race showing such skill…loved it top 5 race.
Styria- Another pole and win for Max…Max was just in a league of his own all weekend. AND THE BURNOUTS LIKE DONT SLOW DOWN LIKE THAT AGAIN.
Austria- 3rd pole position and third win…another dominating display from Max…and no burn out.
Silverstone- Shit race but Max in the sprint race over taking Lewis with his brakes ON FIRE?! And the wreath was adorable. Only good part of the weekend (and seeing Merc annoyed lol)
Hungary- Max driving and getting in the points in a car that was almost undrivable and having some fun battles with Daniel and Mick…he never gave up just kept going and those two points at the end mattered
Spa- The quali lap from Max was honestly amazing…like it isn’t talked about enough but he left no room for error and drove so well to get pole…and he won another home GP
Zandvoort- Absolutely iconic!!! Pole and win at his first home race!! And his quali lap was once again so good and his just pulled out 2 seconds on Lewis on the first 2 laps…amazing weekend
Monza- ‘That’s what happens when you don’t leave the space’
Russia- P20-p2…no more to say
Turkey- White suit and white car…beautiful
Austin- Pole and win for the first time in Austin!! Those last few laps with Lewis BREATHING DOWN HIS NECK HE MADE ZERO MISTAKES!! Like he drove so so fucking well…left Lewis no room to overtake by placing his car PERFECTLY. Sexy race
Mexico- THE FIRST CORNER OVERTAKE!!! That was the best overtake of the season!!! He went full send…and just shown how fucking good he is about reading the gaps he is left (Checo’s Dad was amazing too xx)
Brazil- ‘Yeah perfect say hi’
Qatar- ‘Mate let’s have a bit of fun!! We are gonna be second anyways so let’s push!!’…‘Good Evening!!’
Jedda- That quali lap up until the end was fucking amazing…he was flying and pushing (a little too much) around the track. His overtaking after the second red flag…p3-p1 was sexy. HIS POST RACE RADIO ‘ Luckily the fans have a clear mind about racing’…‘This is not Formal 1 but at least the fans enjoyed it’ HIM WALKING OFF THE PODIUM (as he should fuck Merc they didn’t deserve him up there)
Abu Dhabi- POLE POSITION AGAIN!!! And that last lap WITH A CRAMP!! Post race celebrations😭boring as fuck race until the last lap…and he made it count. And also like the man ligit knew how that was his ONLY chance and he just gave it his all…like he left it all on the track and you could see how fucking much skill the boy has when it counts.
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