#i was like cool friend and every time ive talked to him ive been bored and disappointed
oh my god, this guy i met on tinder has been messaging me on instagram and im talking about horror movies cause im binging a few for the first time in a while, and fuckinnnn he was like 'i like folk horror' and im like kay i doubt that, but was like the ritual was a good one, and hes a wannabe viking so he was like it sucks, and im not sure he meant that about that movie or to my previous message but he started getting short with his messages back, so like.....cool, no skin off my back if you fuck off cause buddy...i know you just want tail and you cant keep up with me anyway. but like???????? you're one of those? (not surprising you have no personality) but still??? it was a genuinely good movie, lotta good visuals up until the actual Thing at least, which i still kinda love the glowy eyes inside the jaw but like ....wasnt bad enough to be an ass.
all im saying is, you dont have much right to be a douche when YOUVE been harassing ME the last three days.
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cheeriecherrymain · 9 months
papa!Viktor blurb, anyone?
A/N: slowly, slowly, recovering from the creative drought ive been in
it's nowhere near a waterfall again, more like a frustrating dribble, BUT. It's something. But anyways, here is a Papa Viktor Thought Blurb (listen, my sister is almost three months old now, and I am so besotted with her, she's my favourite tiny person, and i am full of Caretaker Feelings)
Content Warning: 18+ MDNI (not explicit, but very very suggestive), afab!Reader, pregnancy, labour and birth (again, not explicit, but still with some depth), papa!Viktor, no beta no editing we simply die
Imagine Viktor, and him believing he'll be alone for his entire life - working so hard to make some kind of legacy for himself, putting everything he has into his creations and his machines. Every calculation, every experiment a labour of love.
This is how the world will remember his name.
At least, he hopes.
But then he meets you.
You're charming, he has to admit. You make friends wherever you go, and you have a weird habit of bringing people out of their shells. There's just...something about you that makes others want to bare their souls to you. Something that draws people in.
Like you have a tangible sort of gravity, and wherever you go, someone ends up in your orbit.
He won't mean much to you, he thinks, after conversing with you a couple times. You're creative, like he is, and you're enjoyable to talk to. But nothing more. Sooner or later, you'll continue on somewhere else, making waves and drawing attention. And in your wake, he will be left to sink. It's what expects.
You don't leave.
Your chats start out small. Short and sweet, a How are you today? wondered whenever you pass each other in the halls a couple times a month, curious about the goings-on of his life.
He never has anything interesting to tell you about. No adventures or tales to tell, nothing beyond the walls of a cramped and cluttered office.
You must be bored, he thinks.
But then you start seeking him out. Instead of just catching up for a couple minutes whenever you happen to walk past each other, you hunt him down in his office - and god, he wasn't lying when he'd told you it was cramped.
You're amazed he even has the space to think in there, with how tight it is. Yet you still shimmy yourself into the tiny room, careful not to disturb any piles of papers, and find a careful seat on a spot of open floor beside his desk. There's no room for a second chair, and you've always made it clear that you dislike standing when you're having a long conversation.
It's nice to sit down and rest somewhere together, you'd told him one time.
You grow closer after that. From seeing him a couple times a month, to a couple times a week, to literally every day. You don't seem to care that he never has anything 'exciting' to share with you, even going so far as to chastise him for calling himself uninteresting.
Your experiments are cool, you'd insisted, while leafing through one of his old journals. It's incredible to get to see how your mind works, and how creative and inventive you are. You have so many ideas, Viktor, and I really believe that they could help people.
Something changes in him, after that. He'd always been quieter around you, listening to your stories, and dutifully answering your questions: never quite letting you in.
Now he looks forward to seeing you.
His heart skips a beat every time he hears you knocking on his office door, a chipper little pattern reserved only for him. You know that he doesn't always like dealing with students after hours, so you'd come up with a way to let him know that it was you who was greeting him.
Things progress...surprisingly natural.
He's not subtle by any means, even if he thinks he is. The moment he realizes that he has feelings for you, all bets are off. His cheeks dust pink whenever you're around, his palms get sweaty and he fidgets, and the staring.
Looking at you with ill-contained admiration and affection.
You can't not kiss him.
You spend the next couple years having the time of your lives. Moving from classes and overbearing internships, to actively working on experiments. Collaborating with each other, drawing up ideas and debating functionality and form. The two of you get so heated when you're creating things together.
Neither of you are surprised when it devolves. Wide gestures and hasty chalkboard sketches, impassioned explanations and wild eyes - you bite your lip as you let your gaze trail over him, in all his dishevelled beauty. Hair a mess, tie crooked and loose, shirt partially unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Many nights are spent like that, cooped up in his little laboratory, surrounded by sketches and blueprints and scribbles and stray notes. His fingertips digging into the soft of your skin as he kisses the breath out of you. The rhythmic clunking of his crooked desk most telling, as he draws forth your little squeaks and sighs of delight.
Absolutely ruining you, filling you, stretching you open. Feeling the way you tremble in his hands, held tight to his slender body as he reaches so deep into you that you'll feel him for days.
Sinking his teeth into the side of your neck when he finds his own release - to stay quiet, he tells you. But you both know it's his way of marking you.
Claiming you.
You're his. You're his person, his love, his partner. Your eyes only ever shine the way they do when you look at him.
Your body, splayed out and spread before him, quivering and gasping and covered in a thin sheen of sweat - his.
Your taste, sweet on his tongue - your mouth, your skin, your arousal that drips out of you whenever he so much as looks at you.
And he knows, without a single atom of doubt, that he's also yours. So entirely entangled with each other, neither of you knowing how you'd managed to exist separately before now.
How had you possibly found beauty in every day, when you'd never heard his voice? Never caught a whiff of his sweet shampoo as he ambled past you? Never felt the warmth of his touch, or the puff of his sighs on your cheek? Never known the tickle of his hair on your bare skin as you slowly woke every morning to find him curled around you, his face smashed into your back and soft snores emanating from him?
No matter, you think. You have him now, and that's what's important.
...until everything changes.
You miss a period.
You tell him about it.
You're both on edge, but he tries to remain optimistic. Cycles can be upset sometimes, he tells you, as if you don't already know. (You're certain he's really just trying to reassure himself.)
But deep down, you know.
You can feel it in the all-encompassing tiredness you wake with every morning. In the random bouts of nausea, and the sudden food aversions. The back aches, and all the sudden new smells you can detect.
You know something is amiss.
And he knows, too, when he finds you one time in the middle of the night. Standing in your shared little kitchen, in the dark, illuminated only by the light of the open refrigerator.
Pulling pickles straight out of the jar, dipping them in mayonnaise, and sinking your teeth into them. Like they were to most delectable thing you'd ever ingested.
You're both terrified, of course.
You're not really surprised that you've managed to fall pregnant - not with the way you two lust after each other practically every night, and sometimes in the morning. Maybe even once or twice in between meetings, when you're both squished together in his compact office.
Neither of you ever thought you'd become parents.
And certainly not right now.
But...you want this, you realize. You want this with him. You want a family with him, you want the evidence of your love - you want a future with him, and you want to see what beautiful little person you'll make together.
Would they have his eyes? Yours? He hopes they have your smile, he tells you, eventually.
It takes you by surprise, his words, what with how quiet he'd been since you'd both figured everything out. You'd been worrying that he wasn't really on board with keeping the baby - with being a father. And you hadn't blamed him, really.
You'd been beyond stressed at the idea of raising a child alone. The thought of him leaving you, leaving behind something so intrinsically tied to him, had been slowly breaking your heart. You hadn't wanted him to stay simply out of obligation - you know you wouldn't be able to cope with the eventual resentment that such an action would breed.
But to know for certain now that he'd only been anxious?
That he wanted this with you, and was excited?
You're so happy that you immediately burst into tears, squeaking and sniffling and snotting uncontrollably while Viktor bites back a laugh and herds you into his embrace. Stroking your back and murmuring the sweetest things to you while you try to catch your breath, leaving gentle kisses all over your face.
Telling you all about what kind of person he hoped your little one would be.
Your smile, most certainly, he said, resolute. You have the most beautiful smile. You light up the room wherever you go. Maybe your sense of humour, too. And certainly your compassion.
Your tears slowly began to lessen, as you let yourself be lulled by the comfort of his arms around you.
Your hair, though, you insist, smushing your face into his shirt. You look so pretty in the mornings, all fluffed up and in disarray. It's the cutest shit I've ever seen.
That garners a laugh from him.
I want them to have your eyes, as well, you admit, albeit somewhat shyly. I've never seen a colour like yours, so intense and complex. Way back when we first met, and you looked at me for the very first time? I almost lost the ability to breathe. It was...it was like I knew, right then. That you were the person I wanted to spend my life with.
He squeezes you a little bit tighter, stooping down to tenderly slot your lips together. Slow, lazy, intimate. Sharing breath and warmth and love and-
He takes you again.
Right there, in the dim quiet of his office, not seeming to care if anyone passing by in the hallway might hear you. Spoiling you absolutely rotten, speaking praises against your skin as he brings you over the edge again and again and again.
Pupils blown wide as he sinks his fingers into you, crooking them perfectly as to reach the spots he knows will drive you mad. The papers strewn around the room don't matter - they don't even cross his mind, as you wriggle and squirm and quiver and cry out for him.
How could they, when all he can focus on is the way you look when your body tenses up, another wave of ecstasy coursing through your veins, culminating in your lovely little noises, and the addicting feeling of your pleasure dripping down his fingers and over his palm, soaking him thoroughly.
He would be happy to have you like this, as frequently as you would let him.
He knows how sensitive you must be by now, not only from his ministrations, but also from the way your body is changing. He's done his fair amount of reading since discovering your pregnancy - he's aware of all the ways you might be feeling.
The hunger, the exhaustion, the aches and pains.
The all-encompassing, single-minded lust you might go through.
He's ready to please you, however you might want - his fingers, his mouth. And whenever you might want. You could wake him up in the middle of the night, for all he cares. You could nudge him from the sleep that he so desperately needs, and he'd ask not a single question besides What do you need, darling? How would you like me?
What he doesn't expect is his own desire.
You're beautiful. You always have been beautiful. Even as things change, he was absolutely certain that you would never stop being beautiful.
It's you, so of course he's going to want you.
But seeing you now, whining and looking at him like he's hung the moon in the sky, specifically for you? Your tummy already growing round with the life that you've made together, visible proof of your love? Desperate whimpers falling past your lips, begging him for more, for him to fill you up again and again and again?
He can't resist you.
Even when he starts to ache, and his arms start shaking, and his throat is raw and dry from breathing hard and calling out for you.
He can't resist you.
You're insatiable.
So is he.
He's a little more careful as the months progress. Manhandling you less, digging his fingers into the soft fat of your hips a little gentler. He's cognizant of how you're most comfortable, watching in awe as you tremble on top of him, grinding down on him and taking his entire length into you like you were made specifically for him.
Nearly every day, you beg for him.
He loves you.
And when the time eventually comes for you to waddle carefully into the labour centre, meeting your midwife along the way, Viktor tries to keep his worrying quiet. Tries to stay by your side as a supportive pillar, regardless of how well or not he might actually be able to hold you up.
Holding your hand, kissing your knuckles. Trading his fingers for a stress ball when you squeeze a little too hard (and then another stress ball, stronger this time, when the first one explodes in your fist after a couple minutes. It shocks both of you, but to his surprise, you start laughing).
He tenderly dabs the sweat off your forehead as the hours go by, keeping your hairs from pasting themselves to your face and neck. Staying nearby as a source of comfort, but not so close that you feel smothered by him - allowing you the space you need to wiggle around as you see fit.
Telling you stories to distract you, listening to your complaints and observations as his words become unable to mask the pain of your contractions. Doing his absolute best to bite back a fond grin as you breathlessly curse him for doing this to you.
I didn't mean it, you tell him, as soon as the words leave your mouth, your eyes wide and tearful with sorrow.
I know, he promises, leaning forward to press his lips to your dewy skin.
You sigh happily.
It's not for another couple hours that your baby finally decides to enter the world.
You're beyond exhausted, and Viktor is starting to get fidgety with his worry. Is it supposed to be taking this long? he wonders internally, keeping his questions to himself so as not to stress you out even more.
The midwives, to their credit, are incredibly skilled. Staying by your side throughout the whole process, carefully monitoring everything they need to in order to make sure you're healthy. That the baby is healthy. He knows that they would say something, if anything was truly wrong.
And when the little one finally arrives, she does so kicking and screaming, making an absolute ruckus in the quiet room. The door is shut tight, keeping the sounds of the busy establishment at bay, and the curtain is drawn for your privacy so no one can see in when the staff come and go.
But when your girl begins shouting her absolute displeasure into the air, Viktor swears he can hear some quiet clapping and cheering from the hallway. He doesn't know if it's for your success, or for something and someone else entirely - but for a moment, he likes to believe that there are some strangers out there who are happy for him.
They don't know his story, and they don't know yours - but they've heard a great cry from somewhere hidden and full of struggle. An all-encompassing wail that confirms the presence of life, shouting to the world I am here, I am alive, and I have absolutely no idea what's going on!
He doesn't know when the tears start trailing down his cheeks.
Perhaps it's when he first lays eyes on your girl, pink and cranky and a little bit squished. Putting up a fuss on your base chest, scrunching her little face up as you speak softly and tenderly to her.
Perhaps it's when one of the midwives hands him a very soft towel, instructing him on how to carefully pat away the blood and fluid still clinging to your child. His eyes growing wide when he oh so gently cleans her off to reveal more of her tiny features.
She's still new, and needs time to decompress (so to speak), but he stares at her with such rapture. Taking in every inch of her, burning her face into his mind so that he might never forget her. Ever.
She's still new, and yet he can already tell that she has your nose. And your lips. Your smile, he realizes, with a palpable joy spreading through his chest.
His tears eventually dry, if only so he's able to better see you and the newest member of your family. Laying kiss after kiss to whatever part of your skin he can reach. Stroking the tips of his fingers over your girl's hair - her tiny arms and shoulders, her chubby cheeks, the bridge of her nose and over her brows.
But some two hours later, when you're finally allowed to rest in your comfortable hospital bed: when your baby is now dry and fed and swaddled up happily in Viktor's arms?
The tears begin again.
Privately, in the dim of the room, while you snooze a couple feet away from him, he weeps. Silently, and without so much as a sniffle. He cannot stop the wetness that rolls down his face, even if he wanted to.
Your girl is finally relaxed, after her grand, dramatic entrance. On the edge of sleep, warm and with a full tummy, making funny little expression while she dozes.
Much to Viktor's delight, she has a head of fuzzy brown hair - dishevelled and sticking in every direction, not matter how the midwives had tried to tame it. It'll settle down in a few days, they'd promised. But he didn't care.
The wild mop on top of her head rivalled the chaos of his own. The same shade of chestnut, though perhaps less coarse in texture. Maybe it will grow to the same thickness eventually, he thinks, a fond smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he imagines how much he's going to have to help her with it as she grows.
Brushing the inevitable tangles out with a soft brush. Pulling the strands back into braids so she can run around and play easier - or maybe little buns on the top of her head, he realizes, the image conjuring up in his mind.
All at once, pictures pop through his head, so vivid and bright that he can almost see them appearing in front of him.
Watching your daughter grow. Sleepless nights of taking care of her, catering to her every whim. Making sure she's fed, and comfortable - entertaining her with silly little toys that make silly little noises, bright colours painted across them. Reading her books with bright, enticing visuals for her to stare at, despite the fact that she doesn't know what words are.
Making trinkets for her as she gets a little older. Things that help her learn, but that also keep her excited and enticed, encouraging her exploration of the world around her. Teaching her to walk, by helping her strengthen her little legs. Sitting on a footstool, a wide smile on his face, as you hold her by her arms and support her as she figures out how to use her legs while upright. Leading her right over into his waiting arms.
Until she's able to balance on her own, after a number of weeks of practising together. Pushing herself up into a wobbly stance, doing her absolute best to try and balance. Maybe she stumbles a couple of times, but she's persistent -stubborn, like he is- and continuously rises back up until she's able to make it over to him on her own. Giggling and wiggling when he scoops her up and praises her and showers he in affection.
Teaching her about anything and everything, the bigger she gets. Answering every question she has, no matter how confusing or senseless - encouraging with his own suggestions, and prompting her to discover some answers for herself. Putting together little experiments for her, so they can learn together and so he can watch her eyes widen with the joy of new information.
Fixing her toys for her whenever they break, as she brings them to him with misty eyes and a wobbly bottom lip. Papa, it fell apart, she says sadly. To which he pulls her onto his lap, regardless of what work he was doing, and helps her repair the damage. Letting her watch and observe when she's still too small to hold a screwdriver, and carefully explaining things to her when her motor skills start to develop more.
And then helping her figure out in what way her toy broke, when she's a little bigger. Asking specific questions, so she can work to connect all the dots herself. Helping her gather the materials that she needs in order to fix things herself, and praising her to the high heavens when she presents the finished product to him.
The little thing is slightly lopsided, but he fully believes that it adds to its charm - tells her as such, when she sighs about it not being the same as before.
It's a little uneven, just like me, he says, with a laugh.
And, much to his complete shock, she wraps her little arms around him, and gives him her strongest possible squeeze.
It adds to your charm, she parrots back to him with complete honesty. I like you, Papa.
And once again, for the umpteenth time throughout his daughter's life, his eyes well with tears and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
She could go anywhere she wanted, once she grew up. Learn anything, do anything, be anything. Perhaps she'd enjoy the sciences, like he does - machinery, and building, and designing, and inventing. Maybe she'd get into art, and spend her days painting or sketching, or writing, or making music - inspiring other people with the things she makes.
It doesn't matter, though. Because no matter what she ends up enjoying, or where she goes in her life, Viktor will support her with his entirety. Even when she grows all the way up, and inevitably leaves home to begin her own life, whatever that may be.
He knows he's going to cry then, too. So many years together, and yet it will still never be enough.
But for now, he sighs, staring adoringly down at the tiny infant in his arms. For now, they have time. He vows silently to never waste a single moment with her, and never pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. No matter how busy or frustrated or tired he gets, he won't let her grow up feeling unwanted or unloved or unimportant.
He'll give her a better life than he grew up with, and that is both a promise and a threat.
After all, he would do anything, for her.
His greatest creation.
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YGESSSSS. NEW BSB ENJOYER FOUND. who is your favorite character if i may ask... i have like atleast 5 but kai is at the top i think. sometimes i think about this image and i'm like "my god what the fuck even is that". one of the guys of all time
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“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT” LMFAOOO no because thats exactly what my friend said when they saw yuriy KEDBJSBSGWJW. What is. Wrong with his eyebrows....looking like a creature…a bug with antannae perhaps….
BUT MY FAVORITE IS MAX‼️‼️‼️hes been my fav ever since i started watching it love him… my second favorite is kai probably though LOL. I can tell hes one of those fan favorite characters right🤔usually characters like him are… not a bad thing just an observation lol. Metal fight beyblade was the beyblade show i had known my entire life and was a big fan of so i wanted to see the other beyblade shows with it and for some reason i watched beyblade burst before bakuten shoot ????? Yeah that 7 season show i only liked the very first season of… the rest was so boring and for some reason i forced myself to watch it by using it as background noise😭
idk why i didnt give up and watch bakuten instead, took me too long lmfao. Th reason why i mentioned metal fight is that since i knew that show my entire life i had certain expectations on certain type of characters (ik bakuten came first but metal couldve been influenced by it and it was bcs there are similarities lol) (i mean king [from bakuten] looks almost identical to dynamis [from mfb] <- thats just one example) so i thought, while i was watching season 1, Kai Hiwatari was gonna be like Kyouya Tategami where hes with the team yes but doesnt see himself as a part of it and is there for himself only bcs hes a loner or whatever but then that thing at the end of the season happened he became a part of the team and the didnt have random unnecessary off screen character regression like kyouya did in the next 2 seasons (and also isnt an asshole abt it like when he left temporarily to battle takao in g revulotion he wasnt like “fuck you dumbass” like kyouya did basically 😭😭)….
That was so refreshing to see bcs thats not what i was expecting and thank god it exceeded my expectations 😭 thats why i keep saying kai is kyouya done right bcs he kinda is…. Though i find it funny when hes just standing in the background w his arms crossed or laying on the grass like damn bro wants to be cool so bad (not as cool as the frame of rei kon absolutely BALLING)
Said max is my favorite and talked about kai the entire time LOL no but he’s my fav i love that guy EXCEPT. the fact that. He likes mayonnaise… idgaf if its ur style mayonnaise is disgusting im disappointed in you max…..
I also like Yuriy who also seems to be a fan favorite from what ive seen which i expected but i like him in a way like, hes so funny to me. Bro walkin around with bug antannae and the worst posture youve ever seen. Why is he built like that. Fucking thing. Also big fan of the weird ass sht he does in g revulotion when doing special moves hes got CLAWS hell yeah. No bcs no one elses looks like dat when they do it⬇️ as a certified creature fan i can proudly confirm this, indeed, is one of the creature moments of all time.
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⬆️i remember seeing this frame before watching the show and thinking what could possibly be the context behind this LMFAO . Shoutout to Rei kon for also being a creature big fan of the pointy ears and slit orange eyes (v force when i catch you v force)
I dont know peoples opinions of daichi but he seems like the type of character ppl might hate for being annoying but i like him bcs he reminds me of me and my brother when we were little (im the younger sibling) bcs every interaction between takao and daichi reminded me of us LMFAO 10/10 sibling dynamic (better than takaos actual brotha😬)
N lemme see if i have any kai screenies i took cauze i took a sht tonna screenshots
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I was gonna capriin thwm but idk how to write inbetween them so im typing them here
First pic - already has a caption
Second pic - ths shit makes me laugh everytime im so glad people are not hesitant to resort to violence in this saga
Third pic - V force jumpscare
Fourth pic - what is he listening to . Do you guys think Kai Hiwatari would like Yuno Miles
Fifth pic - one…..one piece…..
Sixth pic - they forgot to colour teh pack of his hair lol
Seventh pic - no need for a caption. What is that
Last pic - he. Smirks like an animal. Idk how to explain it but, he smiles like how an animal or an ailen trying to do it for the first time would do it
I will read the manga soon i have physical copies of the first 4 volumes and ill find the rest on the net bcs bakuten media is so much easier to find that mfb is THANK GOD. I will also be looking up shitty 13 yr old amv s and yall better have sum real 2011 sht
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kindlingkeen · 1 month
i am so sorry for the long ask but i am always thinking about bruce’s line in detective comics #790 before the 🤢 victim blaming “he loved cars and girls and getting into fights… neapolitan ice cream and the color green… and most of all the thrill of being robin.” i have turned over every part of this line in my head for ages but here is one aspect
girls: pre crisis? during robin days he did have a gf for a bit named rena, essence and isabel in rhato, rose wilson, idk about red hood: the hill. but even with non romantic relationships he has sasha and duela and kori and artemis and talia (ignoring you know what) and the no longer canon natalia knight motherhood thing vs like roy and bizarro as the guys he hangs out with outside of bats and he even points it out “i feel closer to that big white lump of clay than, well, any guy ive ever known. yeah i knew roy and dick since i was young. but since ive been back? from the dead? hes the first guy friend ive made.” talking about bizarro in rhato and i dont put too much stock in rhato but he really does seem to consistently get along better with women. i dont fully think it is that he finds them less threatening cuz in task force z he was happy to hold his own against multiple bat boys but the second cass showed up he was like oh shit shes scary, plus like sheila is the reason he died and you would think that her betrayal would be a huge part of any ptsd or trust issues he no doubt has. but he also has that line after he and artemis kiss where he says something to the effect that it was a good kiss for a girl and that just… what do you mean by that jason? because you have spent the past lord knows how many issues (with the same writer) kissing isabel and looking back somewhat fondly on your time with essence and while readers can think you have very little chemistry with them the story being told is that all that was cool and good and within the norm for you. so like what does that line in your narration mean jason? if it isnt something you are into than why have you been going around kissing women in multiple instances jason?
Okay, so Jason’s line (“But it was nice. For a girl.” in reference to his kiss with Artemis) comes from Red Hood: Outlaw #41:
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Which is actually him remembering events that occurred in Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #25:
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Here, Jason asks Artemis what she thinks of their kiss, and Artemis says, “It was okay, for a boy.”
Honestly, my (somewhat boring) interpretation of the line in RHO #41 is that Jason is referring tongue in cheek back to Artemis’ quip in RHATO #25. I don’t think it was actually meant to be commentary on his sexuality.
That said, imo, Jason Todd doesn’t really seem like the kind of person who would feel the need to limit their sexuality to artificially constructed binary categories of gender … YMMV 😏
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brrrkdslek · 10 months
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✦ 007 — POOKIE BEAR😍🫶🏻🫧
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you walked towards the garden that is connected to the hospital, boomi clung onto your arm with his left arm while he held onto the IV pole with his right hand.
you had admitted him into an expensive hospital with a vip room, which was why there was barely any people in the garden and in the hospital in general.
you had a big smile spread across your face as you listened to your little ramble on about the hospital life. you had always looked up to him,
how he could be so optimistic even through such hard times. how he could smile so happily and never get bored of this place, "noona what have you been up to?"
you both sat at the large wooden swing bench, "hm, not much. just the usual stuff y'know?" you smiled as you ruffled his hair.
he giggled, "oh right! your performance for inkigayo was so cool, it was so fun to watch!" he stood up, "it was so amazing, you went like this and like that—"
he imitated your dance choreography stiffly, "—like it was so fast, i couldn't even keep up!" at this point the boy was getting weird looks with how loud he was being as he jumped up and down.
you watched the boy sympathetically, the red spots ran down his neck and under his hospital gown. you imagined how much faster he would've healed if you had taken him to a hospital when he was younger.
you worked as a bar's bartender ever since you were 14 to provide for you and himself, ever since your father left when you were 5, your mother became mentally unstable.
she would often zone out and would be insensitive from time to time. it was around the time she lost her job due to stress when you started working instead, trying your best to understand and sympathise with your mother.
soon after, boomi was diagnosed with leukemia after showing signs of multiple symptoms. he was bedridden and seldomly went outside, you on the other hand applied to KQ and became a trainee.
the main reason was because of your brother. you found enjoyment in rapping and dancing along the way of being a trainee, and had multiple jobs as baristas during your free time.
you were delighted when you were informed that you were gonna debut with your friends. during this time you worked extra hard to repay all the trainee debt that have piled up, while paying for your brother's hospital fees.
soon after you started receiving money did you transfer your brother to the hospital he currently resided in. the service was better and there were few people which lowered his nerves.
your heart ached every time you're reminded of his painful cries, skinny body and red spots that littered all over his body.
you never felt the need to tell anyone, until chaewon asked about any siblings you had. chaewon was somebody you trusted with your entire heart, that day you spilled everything and cried your heart out.
you two formed an even closer bond after that. you never wanted people to pity or think you were weak so you tried your best to hide any information on your background.
you teared up as you watched your now happy little brother jump around in excitement as he talked about the park just down the street.
"noona...? why are you crying..." boomi sat down and held your hand in his, you looked down to see the iv that was stuck in his veins. you cried more at that.
"i'm sorry... boomi-ah, i'm sorry i can't ever give you the life you want—" you looked up at him and cupped his cheeks as his own tears started welling up in his eyes.
"—you can't ever get you to school, make friends, you can't even get out of this place because i was too late... if only i had sent you here sooner maybe you wouldn't still be sick."
your breathe was shaky as you stroked his now tear-stained cheeks, "if only i worked harder, tried harder. if only i was better back then, as good as i am now... i hate seeing you like this, you're my everything—"
you ran your hand across the red spots that grew on his neck, so close to his jawline. the boy cried as he buried himself in your neck, hugging you tightly.
"—i would kill myself if you died, how could i live with myself if y-"
"no! do-don't say that, noona... my life is great already, i'm still alive and you're still here with me. this is all i can ever ask for!"
you look up to the sky for a minute, stroking his hair with one hand while the other held him closely, but gently. as if he was glass, fragile and could break whenever.
he was right. all you ever had was each other, he was your motivation, your inspiration, your everything. it was absolute the moment you held him in your arms after he was born, the way he looked up at you with those pretty doe eyes, it made you smile.
"sorry, love. i won't talk about it anymore, m'kay?" you held his face out and wiped the stray tears that are still rolling down his cheeks. "i'm sorry... don't cry anymore, okay? i promise i'll live a long life, with or without you."
boomi finally showed a smile at that, "okay! then i'll also try to live a long life, so i can be with you forever, noona!" you two giggled and cuddled again.
you both cuddled on the bench for a few more hours, enjoying the silence in each other's arms. that's what you had always needed to relieve your stress, everything that had built up until that moment were all forgotten the moment he was in your arms.
you woke up after a while and carried him back to his room. you tucked him in and put his 7 years old bear plush, that you got him for his birthday, in his arms.
you gave him a goodnight kiss and picked up your bag. just as you were about to leave, a small hand yanked at your sleeve, "noona... can you stay, until i fall asleep again?"
he smiled shyly as you let out a breathy laugh and pulled the chair towards his bedside, holding his hand as he got comfortable again.
you sat in silence, only stroking his har and humming soft tunes to the boy. when you heard his soft snores, you got your things, gave him one final forehead kiss and started heading back to the dorms.
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usercupid · 2 years
party girl
elliot x reader
short blurb cause i’m not writing a part 2 to wishful thinking unless i think it’s good and as of rn, i don’t think it’s allat lmfao
also i wrote this in like an hour and 30 minutes just to get smth quick out bc ive noticed lack of elliot x reader so now i have to take matters into my own hands
prompt: “how about a kiss before i go”
1.6K words
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you’d wish it was like this every night. the music blasting so loud to the point where you can only hear the bass, the sweaty bodies dancing in the middle of the room, and you and your best friends doing shots for the 3rd time tonight. everything was perfect.
you’d been bored out of your mind for the past few weeks so maddy wanted to invite you out. she hoped this night would lift your spirits again. you had told her all you really wanted was a bit of excitement in your life and you needed something to help and so far, this night was making you forget about how miserable you’ve been feeling for a while.
“(y/n), i’m goin to the bathroom to fix my makeup! don’t go too far, ‘kay?” maddy yelled to you as she finished pouring your drink.
“yeah okay, i got it! i’ll tell cassie if i’m going anywhere” you yelled back after you took a sip of your drink.
“alright!” maddy shouted her reply as she squished through everyone on the dance floor. her stunning black dress made her stand out from the crowd and you were debating if you should go in the bathroom with her until someone came up to you.
“hey (y/n)! it feels like i haven’t seen you like…forever!” kat exclaimed as she wrapped you into a bear hug.
“oh my god, wassup kat! i didn’t even know you were here!” you exclaimed, “how have you been?”
“huh? can you repeat that..”
“i said, how have you been!” you yelled, leaning in closer to kat.
“i still can’t hear- actually, let’s go somewhere more quiet. i wanna catch up with you some more!” kat yelled as she started pouring herself a cup of hennessy with cranberry juice.
“alright, lemme just tell cassie where im at..- wait where did she go???”
“i dunno, but last last i saw her, she was walking in the bathroom. she’s probably shittin her brains out right now.” bb chimed in as she took a puff from her vape.
“i thought nate was in there?” you questioned, but shrugged the weird coincidence off after no less than 2 seconds of thinking about it.“well, if you see maddy, tell her i went with kat to the backyard, ‘kay?”
kat started to drag you through the dance floor and into the backyard. after a grueling minute and a half of pushing through sticky, sweaty teenagers, you both finally reached the quietest part of the yard so you and kat could sit down and catch each other up on what the actual fuck was happening in your lives.
after about 25 minutes of talking, drinking, and smoking, you decided to get up and start looking for maddy again, but it felt like the house became even more cramped and you quickly got lost
it was a lot like you being in a mirror maze. you were pretty tipsy and the crowded house didn’t make you feel any better. to escape the crowds and noise, you walked down the steps to a basement.
you started knocking and opening random doors until you opened one that revealed a very peculiar person.
“maddy? you in here- oh shit, sorry.” you said as you realized that there was a boy in there, getting ready to snort something.
“nonono, don’t be sorry, i wasn’t doing anything soo…” the boy croaked as he shifted his position on the washing machine to a less suspicious one. albeit, it made him look even more weird.
“mkay… whatever you say.” you leered as you slowly started backing away from the door
“yeah, it is whatever i say. cause i am telling the truth.” he dryly uttered
“you cannot be lying to me when i saw you getting ready to sniff somethin’. it’s cool though, im not a party pisser.” you sneered as you opened the door wider to get a better look at the weirdo who you were speaking to. the only thing is, you didn’t expect to see someone like him. his dazed, heavy-lidded eyes were a calm shade of brown, strands of his curly, dyed hair were stuck to parts of his forehead due to the sweat, and the cute apple tattoo under his eye all made your face heat up and your head feel lighter than it already did.
“are you just gonna keep staring at me or..” he questioned as he started looking around.
“i wasn’t staring?” you denied as you walked further into the room.
“yeah you were.” he persisted.
“was not”
“was too”
“i wasn’t! i don’t know know why you’re lying”
“i don’t ever lie”
“oh so you saying you saying that you weren’t doing drugs in here earlier isn’t a lie?”
“touché.” he said as moved away from the machine “so would you like to stay in here and keep me company or are you still looking for your friend?”
“i’m pretty bored so i might as well stay. besides, maddy can handle herself for a few more minutes. what’s your name?” you asked as you took a seat on the floor next to him
“elliot.” he replied as he got back to whatever drug he was doing.
“mm, you look like an elliot” you said as your speech started slurring.
“are you drunk?” he questioned as he turned around to look you in your eyes. he saw your captivating (e/c) eyes and ruffled hair. you looked absolutely breathtaking.
“yeah just a lil bit, the patron is coming back to me and i can’t tell how bad my hangover’s gonna be tomorrow. i’m also just the teeniest tiniest bit high if that counts for anything.” you rambled as you started to pick the dirt from under your painted acrylic nails.
“okay well before you can change the topic, can you tell me your name?”
“(y/n). and i am not that drunk! i am perfectly fine!” you stuttered, shifting in your spot on the floor
“that’s a real pretty name.” elliot complimented as he observed you for a 100th time tonight.
your face immediately heated up. not only was this boy cute but he was charming too. lord, you hoped you didn’t get too wasted to forget and ask him for his number
you both spent an hour and a half talking to each other about the most random shit imaginable until nothing you said started to made any sense to elliot. but even though he couldn’t understand a word coming out your mouth, he still listened to you blabber about how wyoming wasn’t a real state for 10 minutes straight. he genuinely believed you would’ve gone on and on about this if your phone hadn’t rang when it did.
19 missed calls from ; madz 🪐
13 missed calls from ; kitty kat 🐈‍⬛
madz🪐: bitch wya
madz🪐: pick up the phone
madz🪐: u getting dick or smth? pick up the phone dummyyy
kitty kat 🐈‍⬛: maddy is thinking ab leaving, you wanna leave w/ us?
kitty kat 🐈‍⬛: omg pick up
kitty kat 🐈‍⬛: how do you get lost in this tiny ass house
“shit, my friends are calling me. i gotta go” you said as you grabbed your purse and fixed your dress
“mm do you really have to go?” elliot asked, tilting his head up at you
“yes, i do. my only ride home is about to leave” you sighed
“i can take you home.”
“a drug addict offering to take me home sounds like a wonderful idea.” you mused, grabbing your bag.
“okay, okay. i get it, you gotta leave” he said, slouching further onto the floor
“thank you, now if you’ll excuse me-“
“before you leave-“ elliot started, “can i get a kiss before you go”
you stood there stuck. it felt as if your brain just malfunctioned and gave out. your mouth felt dry, your legs almost gave out from under you. he couldn’t be serious.
you immediately started laughing. he had to be joking. nobody could be that bold, that cute, and that stupid
elliot stood up as he stared at you with smirk on his face, waiting for you to come towards him
“oh, you’re serious?” you asked, stopping your laughter
you walked closer to him, staring at his face. you were speechless, no words would come out your mouth no matter how hard you thought. you felt your face get hot and your breathing was labored. you didn’t have to kiss him, but you wanted to.
you stared him in the eyes for a few seconds before standing on your toes to whisper in his ear “it isn’t very polite to ask ladies you've just met for a kiss, lover boy. maybe another time?” you then wrapped your hand around his torso to take his phone out of his back pocket to write your number in his notes app.
“call me, ‘mkay?” you smirked as you left the room, leaving the curly head boy alone with his thoughts. after about 30 seconds of replaying the scene that just happened, he finally shook his head and picked up his phone to save your number in it.
elliot thought you’d be easy. just a one night stand. he couldn’t deny how beautiful you were and how he thought to himself that he should try and keep you in his life for a while but ultimately decided against it. he expected you to mindlessly kiss him and when tomorrow would arrive, he’d invite you over, you guys would fuck, and then never think of each other again.
as you were in the car with maddy and kat, you had hoped he’d end up calling you tomorrow. even thought you wanted to kiss him more than you’ve wanted anything else in your entire life, you wanted to keep him hooked, too. i mean, what’s the fun in immediately giving him what he wants? you wanted fun and this is the exact excitement you were looking for.
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
AITA for just doing what makes me happy?
Okay so like, recently i (adultM) met up with my ex (adultM) after we hadn’t talked for like, a while. the last time we had spoken it hadnt been very good. we kinda left off in a bad place and he wanted to reconnect and make up and stuff, which was cool and I was totally down for! On a completely unrelated note, i have recently made a list of people that i want to kill at least once (you can kill people like, a bunch of times before they really die and even then they can be brought back, plus you can get more lives by killing other people so its really not a big deal IMO) and he’s on the list because he ignored me one time. i told him about it as a kind of warning so it wouldn’t be a surprise when i did end up killing him (which i was not planning to do during our meetup btw), which was really nice of me honestly, but he was upset about it, which was like, fair i guess, but it’s literally not really even about him because i have so many other people on that list. Some of them havent even done anything wrong, i just kinda wanna kill people. like it’s literally just a hobby of mine. he said that it was really messed up that i kill people for fun, but like, some of his friends have literally killed me multiple times so i dont see how its any different just because they were motivated by revenge or to get more hearts/lives. they were still killing someone for the sake of their own satisfaction. plus i dont really care if its messed up, i’m having fun and if other people have a problem with it then they can kill me themselves and get their hearts back. i don’t even have that many, like, i’m not particularly strong and ive lost nearly as many battles as ive won. It’s not like im a tyrant terrorizing those weaker than me or anything (which by the way is something that he knows lots about, he hasn’t exactly always been a saint), im literally just having fun, and to be honest i’m happier than ive ever been! but he kept talking about how ive ‘changed’ and how i ‘used to be happy’, which by the way is literally not true. the ‘me’ that he used to know was literally a paranoid wreck who couldnt go five minutes without questioning every single decision hed ever made. like yeah i was happy sometimes and don’t get me wrong i did love him and our other boyfriend a lot, but overall that was not a happy time for me. anyway then he got his friends to jump me and i died which was honestly really funny and awesome but also kinda makes him a hypocrite. like idk i just feel like he’s trying to claim some kind of moral high ground when literally everyone here sucks. So yeah AITA?
edit: thanks for all the responses weighing in on my situation! unfortunately i got bored waiting for people to respond and in the meantime i put a bomb inside of his house. so uh sorry to everyone who was telling me to be a better person
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
Oops today has turned into me musing endlessly on the spooky season Vampire Sun and Werewolf Moon (Same body, more like different mindset enough for Sun during the day to give Moon his own personality in the back of his mind, but it’s one single mind/consciousness and not two individuals) SO I’m just going to wordvomit the various blurbs ive been throwing at people today down here, enjoy. TO RECAP Good afternoon I am here to throw a horribly indulgent and stupid AU into the void of vampire!Sun and werewolf!Moon as a messed up 2 for 1 deal because this universe is painfully lacking on vampires afflicted with lycanthropy and in this essay I will-
You hadn’t wanted to move to a new town. This move was not by choice. But since you were still living with your family, when the decision came down hard with no room for arguments, and the roof over your head was in danger, what other choice did you really have? It wasn’t like your job was one of a kind, boring minimum wage that you could throw a stone in the new city and find something just as good. All of your best friends were online so that at least wasn’t a problem… One upside to this new location was the town itself at least? It was Old with a capital OH. The kind that made you imagine history was walking beside you on the streets as you explored. Details you never saw in today’s modern building decorated every facade, houses that were older than any of the residents reigned in their own unique glory. Some so opulent you couldn’t imagine moving in them, and some so run down it was a wonder they were still standing. You’d admit it was pretty cool, if you weren’t still fighting your ire at having your old life uprooted from under you. From up on the veranda of one of those more fancy looking houses, the occupant leaned against the railing, openly watching you with wide eyes as you meandered down the street. It was weird. Really weird. Weirder still when his hand shot into the air in an enthusiastic wave, way too much energy for such a hot fall afternoon. You offered a timid wave back. Interesting neighbors…
Unrelated, non robo au where sunny is this sweet daycare worker dude that is also a part time florist(MAYBE? possibly scrapped?) but he's also a full time werewolf and moon doesn't like company. Because spooktober
TLDR Vampire Sunny hires you on a whim to maybe do some casual yardwork for him cause the sun is icky and also maybe as a snack when he gets bored ish? But you manage to charm him enough the first time or two that he only takes a sip and is like. Mm Yes Good, I’ll keep this one around for a bit.
Unrelated I've decided that for the vampire/werewolf thing, I'm not going to really 'describe' human Sun, cause it feels weird. A seemingly ever grinning face, tall, large hands with long fingers, almost unnervingly thing but somehow way stronger than the lean frame should be capable of, an eccentric ruffly wardrobe that leans towards rich deep reds and vibrant golds... yes. But details about hairstyle, skintone, anything like that ain't gonna happen More ramblings under the cut~
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I don’t know the source of this image, friend linked it to me off pintrest but it’s so spot on I love it so I cry. Also, sun is absolutely going to tie a little ribbon around your neck with a little sun/moon charm. Both a 'this is mine' and a 'leave it alone' billboard to others in the area Friend also linked me this Lunar Clock Thing
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He has you doing all this work to make his yard look usable and welcoming and stuff but he only ever looks at it. Doesn't enjoy it. And no one seems to ever visit even though he's super friendly, what gives? You'd think such an old neighborhood everyone would know each other but no one seems to really talk about Sunny much Like at all. No one knows Jack about this guy Yet without fail, every time you pass by, there he is, stepping outside to wave hello and tempt you over for a chat[2:43 PM]Eventually finds out you do schooling at home and offers you his tutelage. Apparently this dude is also stupidly smart about a lot of things??
More excuses to make you visit, to have you linger. Sit closer. Definitely not lean against you with a slow deep breath, definitely not smelling you for some creepy reason. Not that you pick up on it. But he is a little less warm than you expected. The closeness is enough to set your cheeks on fire and he pulls back immediately, excusing himself to put on some tea(and get a soda for you. He started keeping those around just for you, you realized)
Always rushes you away before dark though. Says the streets are dangerous.
Very dangerous
Were!moon is basically a feral beast under the full moon but as it waned to nothing he has a cold clarity to him. Suns happy self sombers and while it's still the same mind, it's a different personality that takes over at night that pushes him to give into his more instinctual urges of all kinds
Sunset is a toss up on if he's safe or bordering into dangerous based on time of the month. You could probably survive when the night is dark with only some minor nibbling but after the halfway point your life is on the line. He will kill. For now. Time may change this
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Oh, don't be fooled, this is already the case, and the reason (second reason) he didn't turn you into a one time snack. The fact you're absolutely delicious is definitely a first, an exquisite treat to be savored slowly, but it's after the second or third visit that the reason he was excited to see you come by after that wasn't purely because he had the hungies. The times you come in to sit down and spend time with him, at ease around him,  laughing with him even... It's something he hasn't gotten to enjoy in years, if not a couple decades. The inner voice of Moon in his mind that tells him to protect himself, remember how humans hunted him, would still hunt him if they knew, the danger of it all... it's something to be wary of, but you... You don't shy away(much) when he rests a hand on your shoulder(without his influence), you come to him willingly, stay longer than is necessary, and what should have been just a simple effort to keep things tidy in his yard has, of your own doing turned into making it nicer.  You've brought new flowers, he's seen you scrub old moss from some of the little statue figures that hide around the bushes, you even asked him about paint to touch up parts of the fence that had begun to rust to keep it in good condition(something you were meaning to do one of these nights, but just hadn't bothered the motivation). It's a friendship, true and true, even if you're unaware that you're befriending an actual monster that isn't out of the woods of ruining your friendship yet. He would truly be upset with himself it if happened.
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Aaaand I think that’s all I really have at the moment for this, but take it and enjoy <3
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hostilemuppet · 2 months
of course, how could i have been so foolish......... actually we've discussed at length what media floyd would've been in, what about clay? have you given it some thought?
i think hes into quintessential "nerd shit", especially stuff that was popular in the 90s-early 00s originating from japan (or the troll equivalent of japan. if there is a troll korea there can be troll japan!).
ive talked before about my reasoning for him being into gundam (expensive, time consuming, a lot of people find it "boring" but he likes a lot of stuff people find "boring", and he likes the cool fuckoff big robots)
he has every pokemon memorised but only to ruby & sapphire, and he can recite them by pokedex order, but he would not like the cartoons. im not sure hed even care that much about the pokemon story, i think hes all in on minmaxing and wants a team full of legendaries. hes definitely hacked his ds before, maybe also his gameboy if that was possible. he probably fell for someone at school saying their uncle worked at nintendo (before he was taken out of school to focus on the band, ofc 🙏) (edit: ik i said he wouldnt be a pokemon kid hed be a yugioh kid, in the context of the ask it was talking about the cartoons. he likes the yugioh cartoons)
friend said about him being into movies like godzilla but i dont think thatd be his thing, although maybe hed be interested just bc he thinks the special effects are impressive even if he doesnt care about the story. he doesnt like the destruction bc destruction is cool, he likes it bc he likes thinking about what the BTS was like
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pnjrnk · 2 years
i would like to share with you some aspects of and quotes from the longest fic ive ever written because i wrote it a year and a half ago and it is fucking insane (despite me actively trying to make it less insane than the first iteration which is also my second longest fic) its a k2 fic and this is the closest itll ever get to seeing the light of day :))))
i hope this is as hilarious to others as it is to me 😭 also it is indeed less insane than the first iteration lol. that one is.. oh man. oh boy.
kyle calls principal victoria a neo nazi
“Things I'd regret, huh? he mulled. That was true—there are many things he'd done while alone that he would later regret. What had Kenny done? Smoked too much weed? Cheese-grated his jeans a little too much?” one of many examples of me not knowing how to be funny
kyle has abusive parents and a tragic backstory bc of course he does
“In his mind, he hit himself over the head with a rolled-up newspaper as if to knock the gay out of him. It didn't work, surprisingly.”
kyle is a colossal asshole to kenny but kenny continues to try and be his friend (and fuck him) and i even acknowledge in the text that it makes no sense but i dont bother to try and come up with an explanation. maybe kyle was just that sexy idk
“Kyle liked doing assignments on Google Docs because there was no need to get eraser shavings everywhere and suffer through constant hand cramps. It was so much more efficient to turn in his work, too.” did i just put a little google docs ad in my south park fanfic??
“Kyle would do everything he could to get Kenny to stop talking to him. He was not afraid to threaten murder.” kyle please 😭
one paragraph basically goes like this: “kenny wanted to fuck kyle. he decided he would have to befriend kyle first if he was gonna get lucky. oh and he wouldnt mind just being friends with kyle hes cool” YOU CANT SET UP THE PREMISE THAT KENNY IS GONNA BEFRIEND KYLE TO FUCK HIM AND THEN IMMEDIATELY CONTRADICT YOURSELF SARA
“The rest of the day passed by quickly, Kenny being wrapped up in his thoughts and barely noticing the time passing by.” <-me not wanting to write the rest of the day bc i wouldve gotten bored
kyle makes a very un-kyle-like joke (“‘One of these days a poor person is gonna make themselves at home in there,’ Kyle remarked harshly.” [hes talking about stans locker]) because every single character in this fic is so ooc it physically hurts to read
“He didn't know why—he just really liked blood. Maybe it reminded him of all the fights he'd won, the agonized wails of his enemies, the satisfying feeling of bones breaking underneath his fist.” jesus christ kyle
kyle makes so. SO many really stupid and goofy sounding threats but everyone reacts like what he said was actually threatening and not ridiculous (example: “‘If you ever attempt to fuck with me again, I'll scoop our your nerve system with a grapefruit spoon and eat it like spaghetti, with your blood as the sauce.’ … It seemed like everyone's jaws dropped in that moment, Kenny's and Stan's included. He was taken aback, to be sure.” THAT IS SO SILLY WHY)
“It had been so satisfying to feel the bone break underneath his fist, to see the idiot's fat face contort into an anguished grimace. The blood gushing out of his nose was like a beautiful ruby-red waterfall, and his scream was an intricate symphony composed just for Kyle.” KYLE OH MY GOD
i was such a good writer
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just-a-dumb-gay · 2 years
I think I just found out why i crave validation online from strangers (like comments on fanfics). And why praise and compliments on something I done always make me so happy.
I rarely got rewards as a kid for doing good things. And Ive gotten even less as I've grown up.
TL;DR (because there's explanation and tangenting below the cut): I pretty much never get or have gotten praise or rewards or anything similar because I was doing things that I should be doing anyways because society perceives it all as normal and easy and it's only gotten worse as Ive gotten older. So now my achievements and cool stuff being acknowledged with genuine enthusiasm means the world.
Actual accomplishments? Nope. Perfect report cards (minus attendance because I'm not superhuman, I got sick like 99% of other kids. And just gym ew it was so boring) and endless praise during parents night (because gifted kid plus a pile of anxiety and autism that was scared to get in trouble).
Now I wanna specify I did get little things like some sweets or like a couple pounds as pocket money but that was 9/10 times for helping with chores or something that I didn't HAVE to help with. Those things I done because I wanted to help, and ngl a few of the tasks were fun so I wanted to do them without expecting anything in return. So just a quick side note but still somewhat relevant.
I should also specify since the adult Im closest to is my dad, his opinion and everything means way more tor me than it should.
I never even got a simple "I'm proud of you" from my dad (who has seen me every day minus like a month in total in my entire 18 years of living). And he taught me A LOT outside of school. Life skills, creative skills, problem solving skills. Even when I do good with all of that honestly I don't think he's ever said that to me even Once. Now I don't have it as bad as many many others because I would still get things like "Good job" or "Well done" but they were kinda half hearted and its still taken its toll on me. (Because even though others have something worse doesn't mean we're not allowed to have strong feelings about our personal situation)
I have an abundance of health issues and doing so many things has became extremely challenging for me. Yesterday, I went to my first medical appointment completely alone, and it was a dentist appointment and I have deppresso teeth so dentists are terrifying. When my dad got home from work I was telling him about it and everything and how happy I was it went well despite now having a temporary filling in a tooth Im most likely gonna lose. Yknow what his reaction was after I had tangented for like 10 minutes out of happiness then had to stop and take a breath? "Okay I'm gonna finish eating my dinner now" in his 'im pretending to joke yet I'm being serious' tone (which is a whole other issue). Like... dude... I managed to do my first bus journey, medical appointment and mild medical procedure completely 100% alone, 3 things that absolutely terrify me, AND YOU CARE MORE ABOUT YOUR FOOD?!
My partner said they were proud of me multiple times yesterday. My friend hyped me up and offered enthusiastic and entertaining support. Those 2 and 2 other friends (one I dont speak to quite as regular and another who ive been friends with for roughly 9 years and am super close to but we talk like 1 or 2 times a month) are always super supportive in their own individual ways and Im still not used to it, and I don't think I ever will be.
So I guess long tangent short. My accomplishments were always just treated as average things that were expected of me similar to just simply being at school on time. And anything I created usually had a flaw pointed out (not in a constructive criticism way, Im always open to constructive criticism) and the most that'd be said is "Looks good" or "Thats nice". So now praise and/or enthusiastic support (both are equal to me) for accomplishments mean the absolute world. And comments on fanfics or any other sort of positive acknowledgement of something I created makes me feel like what I done was actually a good use of my time.
I could say a lot more but I just need to rant for a bit, and this is probably gonna get like 3 notes max.
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inkybinkyboink · 2 years
alright no thoughts head empty just clopin as an elementary school teacher bc thats what its come to i am cringe but i am free
at first he was like “i would never become a teacher” like 100% had his mind set on other careers
but then after a while he was like skkkdfjkfjgjnmmmmmm maybe it wouldnt be so bad
and then he did his substitute teaching hours and it all kind of really grew on him
and then he applied at an primary school in the area and they hired him to teach little grade 2 kiddies
he arrives in like mid-august and immediately after his first day he’s like “esmerelda we have to go staples and walmart oh my god my classroom is a mess i bet the person who taught before me was the math teacher” or something like that
he gets permission to repaint his classroom from this boring white to this really soft gentle yellow 
he cleans the chalk and whiteboards and repaints the chalkboards with this black chalk paint instead of green
painstakingly puts little fabric grips on the bottoms of every single desk and chair so that they dont scrape across the floor so loudly. 
he puts the desks in cluster squares of 4 and then tapes little name tags to all the little assigned seats. 
man gets a fuck ton of lamps so he doesnt have to worry about the fluorescents bothering anyone including himself.
has a corner with beanbags and stuff and comfy chairs 
a big ass bookshelf full of books that kids can take from as they please 
he gets so nervous the night before that everything’s gonna go to shit and the kids wont like him 
spends the first week of school making sure everyone’s settled in, takes a good chunk of time to introduce himself, simple things the kids can understand. little cool facts like “ive been to 4 different countries” and “my best friend has a pet goat”
he tells them like “ive assigned your seats for you but if you really really dont like them we can definitely switch you around”
he makes sure to keep things like,,,stimulative? like if its nice out they go outside to learn, or instead of making them read independently he reads them a book. they have movie fridays
he has plants in the window
man is so patient
doesnt get annoyed at the kids being loud or chaotic bc he knows theyre kids and they have a lot of energy and if theyre mimicking like internet trends its bc theyre again, kids and that’s part of learning in a fucked up way
he’s always there for them. like constantly. they need something clopin has it. a kid is sad? mr. trouillefou has a pep talk and a jolly rancher waiting for you
this might be self projecting but he never does anything competitive. like everyones a winner in his class
he brings in “special guests” to tell them about stuff and its just phoebus answering questions like “had you ever fight anybody?” 
man is the first to volunteer if theres a field trip hes a sucker for those
he has a little drawer of snacks incase kids forgot to bring something
worries about his kids too and worries he didnt show each and every one he cares for them enough 
knows theyre getting too old for nap time but still ocassionally has little meditation sessions where he asks them to get comfortable anywhere in the classroom and he goes around and walks and talks and “i just want you to breath for a moment and know that here you are safe, and loved, and cared for.” and just have a moment of downtime.
his boyfriend popping in and bringing like doughnut holes for all the kids a couple times a year.
oh my god he brings in his dog and its just this incredibly gentle golden retriever who loves all the kids and lays down by their desks to keep them company 
ok that is all goodbye
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rainymorninlady · 15 days
i used to fill my time up using tumblr, going to the gym, walking, and reading books. lately ive been watching bridgerton. i only have one episode left. i am going to try to find a book to read tomorrow at the library but i am very picky. i used to find myself a bit angry at authors for creating artificial realities instead of working to make earth a safe happy home for all. creating a better world. i just feel like that is the most suitable profession, but even i dont do that.
i used to have spider plants because they make the air cleaner. they did not die. but a summer or so ago i bought a lavender plant and it died under my care. i want to be a gardener, i have been a gardener at farms in the past, but i have no garden of my own and no motivation to create one. ok, i have every motivation to create one but i also dont know how permanent my time at parents will be. and i am not confident in my ability to carry out new tasks without being given direct orders. i am not comfortable with initiating such an endeavor. if i ever get my own place i may start growing small herbs and such. i am just writing to write, talking to talk because it fills up my time.
there are snake plants and aloe vera plants around me. the cicadas going strong. i have no desire to make tik toks. making so many tiktoks yesterday depressed me. but i have friends on there and here and its a welcoming adventure. but still so bored with capitalism, incompleteness, a lack of wholesome nourishment for my soul. i know silence is a solace and solitude is kind.
i havent spoken with my boyfriend in over twenty four hours. ive been waiting for his call.
i cant tell what is ahead for me. i was planning on spending the summer with my boyfriend but i dont know how long he will be in jail for. i didnt think it would be long, he thought he would be out yesterday. when im with him we do a lot of walking and getting starbucks, watching "animalogic", "beyond creepy", or other conspiracy ufo alien type stuff. its interesting, nice, and i enjoy it. but its not the type of stuff i do by myself.
i just keep thinking about how he said he wanted to hold hands with me in the cool morning. thats just so precious to me. has he decided differently? does he still want me? or does he think i cant be loyal and wants to detach?
sorry for the long post.
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Act 6, page 5941-5945

DAVESPRITE: wake up sleepy head
DAVESPRITE: wait why did i even say that
DAVESPRITE: stay asleep all you want like i give a fuck
DAVESPRITE: but you are kind of missing some important shit here
DAVESPRITE: we spent three faux relativistic years cruising through the metaphysical asscrack of nowhere
DAVESPRITE: and when we finally get here youre all tuckered out
DAVESPRITE: like yall didnt sleep enough on this boat already
DAVESPRITE: some of the sicknastiest shuteye anyone ever got i owe to this friggin boat
DAVESPRITE: dude this is a big deal everyones waiting for us out there
DAVESPRITE: i mean...
DAVESPRITE: probably
DAVESPRITE: i dont know where we are some green hilly place with all these stone henges sprinkled around
DAVESPRITE: did you know there could be a plurality of stone henges i didnt but guess fucking what
DAVESPRITE: henges APLENTY where this place is concerned
DAVESPRITE: hey wheres jade
DAVESPRITE: i guess she left already?
DAVESPRITE: maybe there was an emergency somewhere and her doggy senses led her there
DAVESPRITE: maybe someone fell down a well
DAVESPRITE: what do you think john do you think our teen parents fell down a well
DAVESPRITE: nah i sincerely doubt that any of them would be that pathetic
DAVESPRITE: whatever it was it must have been important enough for jade to ditch us like this
DAVESPRITE: either that or
DAVESPRITE: maybe she was that desperate to finally get away from me
DAVESPRITE: between you and me john
DAVESPRITE: i didnt really handle things with her as well as i could have
DAVESPRITE: oh well maybe real dave will treat her better
DAVESPRITE: or not i dont know
DAVESPRITE: i did her a favor cutting bird dave out of her life
DAVESPRITE: nobody really deserves bird dave as a boyfriend or a friend or anything its like getting one of the janky daves from the bargain bin at the dave depot
DAVESPRITE: or one of the marked down daves the day after national dave day
DAVESPRITE: its like somebody taxedermized your dave and expected you not to notice
DAVESPRITE: "feathers what feathers haha no that dave is totally normal and ok"
DAVESPRITE: you should just go back to being bros with real dave when you see him
DAVESPRITE: ill be fine ill just flap around and do my thing alone
DAVESPRITE: im completely alright with that at this point
DAVESPRITE: we had our ups and downs john but all in all it was cool to go on this road trip with you
DAVESPRITE: there were some times man
DAVESPRITE: the times
DAVESPRITE: im telling you they were unreal
DAVESPRITE: i bet you people would pay good money to see every second of the madcap stunts that were going down on this ship basically 24/7
DAVESPRITE: if hulls could talk wow
DAVESPRITE: haha just joking it was seriously boring as hell
DAVESPRITE: but i mean it was still cool so yeah
DAVESPRITE: whats that ring anyway
DAVESPRITE: ive seen you with that ring before and i guess i was just like
DAVESPRITE: ok john has a magic ring for some reason
DAVESPRITE: no need to mention that or anything
DAVESPRITE: but where did you even get it
DAVESPRITE: you cant even hear me you got your snooze on so hard
DAVESPRITE: aint gonna wake you up to hassle you about no ring
DAVESPRITE: i probably should have said all this stuff when you were awake anyway
DAVESPRITE: like the stuff about friendship
DAVESPRITE: fuck it ill just leave another one of my patented magic notes taped to your shoe or your cowlick or something
DAVESPRITE: my magic notes rule ill miss leavin em taped on stuff
DAVESPRITE: i sure do talk to myself a lot dont i
DAVESPRITE: wow why have i never made this observation
DAVESPRITE: i probably needed to be a bird for exactly three years to finally have that epiphany
DAVESPRITE: i wonder if real dave ever had that epiphany
DAVESPRITE: probably not cause hes not a bird
DAVESPRITE: the bottom line is being a guy whos also a bird makes you think
DAVESPRITE: anyway im out
DAVESPRITE: p.s. happy birthday john
DAVESPRITE: have some watermarks for the road
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husbandhoshi · 9 months
awhwhjashwwh u calling me babes made me all like 😳👉🏼👈🏼 anyway ahh dont apologize 4 replying late !! my second day was good bc i had no classesskshjs,, actually celebrated my dads bday hehe w/ some of my family !! should explain that w/ my classes they're all online 😅 n with some,, i dont actually meet with my prof,, they just give me the work n i do it lol. sry for explaining all that.. probs rly boringsgjshs.. anyway !! i did indeed see ur ask abt joshy's top 5 qualities n they're so adorbs + endearing 🥺💔 i also adore his goofy unhinged sense of humor, his gummy eye smile, HIM BEING EMITIONALLY INTELLIGNEBT (MAKES ME CAZRY..), him being the ultimate (big breasted) malewife, and gosh.. his street smarts + being resourceful... damn u r crazy 4 him liek me.. we r crazy together... also im so glad u have so many wonderful things 2 say abt him bc he deserves it all wahhh.. BUT OMG.. thats so cool ur both from LA 😲
also it's all no problem !! no need 2 thank me,, im just speaking the truth abt ur schooling journey 🫶🏼 ik we dont even know e/o but im i rly mean every word ive said and say 🤗 but yes indeed,, even one class on one day still is a lot regardless 😭 but hm... i would say i like my classes !! changed my schedule several times lol but i would say im fine w/ the schedule i ended up with is good 4 meee.. the weather here is horrid as i live in redacted.. literal dessert so im suffering too.. just looking forward to winter atp..
tysm wahhhh.. i hope u have a good weekend too !! honestly.. nothing rly.. just focusing on school 😣 hope u have fun on friday w/ whatever movie u see.. u dont know this but im a visual media major who's rly into film so plz lmk what movie ur seeing + ur thoughts on it hehe 🤭
(@ what u wrote in the tags) also !! ill try 2 do smth 4 myself if i ever get a chance ahhshsjjsks.. omg tho so proud of u 4 that 90% !! i knew u could do it, my manifestation worked 😁 ok whew sry 4 talking 2 much here.. byebye 👋🏼 - 🐱
hi babes!!! sorry i've been mia... i have quizzes every friday and i was particularly behind this week 🧎i hope your dad's bday was fun!! what did you guys do? and nooo it's not boring to listen to talk about school! i sit in lecture all day so literally hearing about anything is more exciting <3 having online classes sounds so nice! when i had those in undergrad i would do class with all my friends in the same room & i rlly miss that :') i'm glad you like yours tho!!! makes life a little more fun!
and yesss i hope you have a good weekend too!! i'm 99% sure i'm seeing the a24 horror movie that came out a bit ago <3 and being a visual media major sounds sooo fun! i was almost a film minor! what are some of your fave movies?
and shh never apologize ! u talk the perfect amt and i love hearing from u <3
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jackassbroadcast · 3 years
Hello im a Tommy enthusiast who watched that one stream where he monologued to foolish for like hafe an hour bc i heard it was a cool stream or wtv to realize how much amazing character moments it had that barly anyone in this damn fandom is talking about so ill fucking do it
(Only after finishing this i realized i wrote 1.7k words LOL OOPS)
If u dont know what in talking about its this stream (apologies for linking a clips channel the actual vod on foolish's channel is deleted by now)
Also heads up /rp /dsmp every time i refer to someone here by name is their character unless stated otherwise bc writing c! Before every name Is tiring LOL
Also // suicidal idealization , death mentions
The conversation starts off with foolish and tommy mining for Wilbur, and foolish questions how simply mining will solve the problem to which Tommy reponds with "they dont get solved, do they? It just ends uo with some madman screaming 'Hes solved it!' And now look at him." And how he wants to "prevent the problem before it goes outta hand" something that clearly references Wilbur and his destruction of lmanburg, which paired with him collecting stone for Wilbur as the way to stop said problems he believes if he does anything he can for Wilbur and support him by his side enough this time around, that he wont do anything like thay again, which as im writing this makes be realize by doing that we learn hes blaming himself for what happened to Wilbur in November 16th and pogtopia and a whole, by not being enough for Wilbur in his mind.
The conversation continues, foolish off hand asks why would tommy want to stop Wilbur? Weren't they friends at some point? To which tommy leads foolish to lmanburg and tells him the story of the nation (how it was him and Wilbur's nation, how they made it to espace dream's iron fist and how they held an election "which puts your life on the line, which is good- if you're confident but- perhaps we were too confident", how they lost)
Tommy: "You know the phrase: 'treat other how you wanna be treated', foolish? People dont ever listen to it. Wilbur- he decided he wanted to be treated poorly so he treated everyone around him poorly "
This Tommy quote, to me at least, so so amazingly strong in conveying how understanding he is? To the world around him. Like-
I have not seen one person bring this quote up, and yet its (at least to me) shows such growth and understanding in Tommy i saw little to nothing like it in other streams. It shows he understands, he knew Wilbur didnt change just because, he knows he was struggling, that he thought everyone around him were againt him, were going to abandon him the first chance theyll get- and he thought he deserved it. So he, as a last way to defend himself against that, hurt them first, abandoned them first, so theyll see how much of a 'bad' person he was and take him out- and tommy saw right through that, possibly understanding it more after exile.
This next qoute was talked about much more but i still wanna bring it up
Foolish: "Do you believe in second chances?"
Tommy: "Oh, no I don't really believe that its not really a thing for me foolish its just that-" *sigh* "- i believe everyone has a little bit of good in then and this is not about giving him a second chance or a third chance- its not about *chances* foolish. Its about not giving up on the poeple you care about. "
Which. I mean. I dont know how healthy that mindset is, but comign from Tommy it makes so much sense.
Techno, tubbo, eret, sapnap. These are all people Tommy used to be extremely close to, had either a war or had been betrayed by them, and yet still found it in his heart that he still cares for them, with all of these, they did horrendous things, that hurt tommy physically and mentally, while also not being once or twice, but a contentious thing, but while tommy is to this day still effected by their actions he still found it in himself to forgive, because he knows he fucked up too, a lot, and he knoes they learned from their mistakes just as he had (except c!techno FUCKKK c!techno mf doesnt learn SHITTT) and he knows, when the time comes he knows hed want the people he hurt to forgive him too. (And he wants Wilbur to do the same)
Next qoute i will cut to a couple parts because its really so good and full of character i had to bro
Foolish: "Do you consider yourself to be the good guy or the bad guy?"
Tommy: "It really depends who you ask, isn't it? Yknow? If you asked dream he'd say im *his little toy that he plays with* you know? It doesnt.."
This part really stunned me when i first heard it because, and correct me If im wrong, but i dont think tommy ever acknowledged how dream sees him, and  how right he has his viewpoint too. Just the fact tommy is so *painfully* aware of how dream doesnt even see him as a person anymore but just a toy to mess around with for a while than just throw it away when it get too boring really hurt me. Someone give this kid a hug
(Continued) Tommy: "...foolish, honestly? I used to consider myself 'the good guy', you know? The fuckin'- second in command! But these past- these past like six months or so, foolish, everything got so much harder than it was before. Because before it was just us vs bad guys, it was all so clear! But- its not been 'clear' for so long, right? It wasn't; 'these are the bad guys! These are the good guys!' Now it's : 'he's doing this and it makes him a bit worse-' i mean, it all got so complicated, so- i don't know. Depends who you ask."
He says this, in response to foolish asking if hes a good guy- but its awfully similar to if Wilbur asked him if they were the bad guys. Because foolish just asked about him, and yet in his answer tommy made sure to keep using the words "us, he's, guys" as if hes not really talking about himself, as if hes explaining how Wilbur was wrong. Which he was. Also something interesting ive noticed, he says "the last 6 months or so", which indicated that with Wilbur he knew better to follow his word and leadership- with Wilbur he was always on the right side but when he lost him he felt much more lost alone, and couldn't trust himself enough to be on the "right side" .
Foolish: "I dont know, it all seems strange because just from, you know- hearing from others and, you know, learing a little bit, its seems like you've been the hero, you've been the villain, the conqueror, the savior, and, even now, i have no idea what you exactly are."
Tommy: "that's up to you to decide, isn't it? Im just- *uh*  i dont know. These days, foolish, I'm a little weaker than i used to be"
Foolish couldn't be more right with what he said, another example of this we see where a character acknowledges tommy never sticks to one thing us Charlie when calling him "tommy fron nowhere" which shows more how he cant stick to one thing, during the course of him on the server he had been friends and enemy with nearly everyone, been on pretty much all sides, and while never really intentionally, being in the center of conflict. When foolish says he doesnt know who tommy is anymroe at this point and all Tommy says in return is that "hes a little weaker than he used to be" does to show he misses who he used to be, with lmanburg, with Wilbur, when he knew who he was, now he doesn't know who he is anymore, but still so desperately want to be more demonstrated by the lines coming rigth after that one:
(Continued) Tommy: "..I'm not- I'm now who i want to be, but-"
Foolish: "Being honest with you, Tommy, that's the same case for me as well."
Tommy: "...heres the thing, foolish, unlike you i dont really have a choice. I have to try and be who i want to be, because if i dont, very bad things are gonna happen in this server. And now that Wilbur's back i can't- quite frankly *no one* can risk that. So i dont really have a choice."
Tommy want's to change- he wants to be better than he is now, to be closer to who he used to be, no matter how impossible that might be, but he also sees it as an immediate thing, he wants to change now, or asap, which is why hes collecting stone for Wilbur in the first place- old him would've done that with ease just because Wilbur asked and he wants to have that back so badly, asap. The way he talked about this reminded me of when he tried getting over his trauma stream before he went in the prison to kill dream: he knew he wasnt the best but he tried getting over that asap to go kill dream asap. He didnt wanna take the long road of years of healing and instead thought he could get over it just like that, and that experience clearly didnt teach him anything because now hes trying to slide back to the relationship he and Wilbur used to have and ignoring the drastic changes they both had plus the bad moments that were the reason they feel out in the first place, or maybe he knows, but at this point, after everything that happened to him and the server, he doesnt care anymore? He knows hes not the same he was and he'll never be the same, because thats not how it works, but his mentor, president, big brother is back after so long tommy felt so lost and alone he thinks maybe, this time around, with Wilbur, he could try and be better again.
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