#anyway. gomna watch the grudge now and hope this was enough to get this guy to buzz off hes not even my type
oh my god, this guy i met on tinder has been messaging me on instagram and im talking about horror movies cause im binging a few for the first time in a while, and fuckinnnn he was like 'i like folk horror' and im like kay i doubt that, but was like the ritual was a good one, and hes a wannabe viking so he was like it sucks, and im not sure he meant that about that movie or to my previous message but he started getting short with his messages back, so like.....cool, no skin off my back if you fuck off cause buddy...i know you just want tail and you cant keep up with me anyway. but like???????? you're one of those? (not surprising you have no personality) but still??? it was a genuinely good movie, lotta good visuals up until the actual Thing at least, which i still kinda love the glowy eyes inside the jaw but like ....wasnt bad enough to be an ass.
all im saying is, you dont have much right to be a douche when YOUVE been harassing ME the last three days.
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