#i was half asleep when i wrote this so please excuse it
silverflqmes · 2 months
Hai!! I was wondering if you’d be able/want to/feel comfortable with writing a nsfw cloud x reader? Maybe something sweet, like their first time together as a couple. If you don’t like the request is fine ! I hope you’re having a great day :]
notes. hi anon, i have not written nsfw in some centuries so i hope this is decent cuz i definitely lost my touch😭 i wrote the reader as female since that’s what i’m used to writing, given i’m.. well, a girl😵‍💫 hope that’s okay with you</3
genre. nsfw + fluff
tw. virginity loss, hand job, fingering, riding, slight uh pillow princess cloud in the beginning..
disclaimer. uncomfortable with smut or younger than 17? please dni.
cloud strife x fem!reader
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it was quarter to midnight and the blond still could not find it in himself to sleep. not that he ever could, anyway.. but since he’d gotten with you, sleep came just a little more easily and the nightmares became less frequent.
tonight, however, was a slightly different case.
“cloud..” you mumbled sleepily, lifting your head from his back when you felt him shift against your hold. “still can’t sleep?”
remembering your presence, he blinked in the darkness, feeling your hand on his stomach, which he gently took ahold of, kissing the back of it. “sorry, having a hard time..” he paused to think of a vague excuse, if only to mask his embarrassment. “getting um, comfortable, right now.. nothing to do with you, though.”
his cheeks were twinged with pink under the sliver of moonlight that spilled into your shared bedroom through the curtains, but thankfully hidden from your stare.
while he had said it was strange for him to be the ‘little spoon’, part of him was grateful that he was now..
a pout came to your lips as you urged him to turn over, but he wouldn’t budge — adamant on not being seen. something was.. off. really off.
“cloud, come on- you can tell me. you know i won’t judge you for whatever reason that’s preventing you from sleeping.” you assured, smoothing the hand he wasn’t holding over his arm, comfortingly.
he shuddered unknowingly at the touch, hyper aware of your proximity to him — the way your body had pressed against his back and your light breathing on his neck now.
the fabric confinements constricted in protest, and he willed himself not to make any noises that gave away his sensitivity. why did it have to hit him tonight so suddenly? was it that lack of battling, with his arch nemesis no longer threatening the planet?
“i-it’s nothing.” he shook his head, attempting to steady his tone, but his facade was faltering. “just.. go back to bed, i should fall asleep in a moment or — a-aah.. aaah.”
panic crossed your features at the noise he made as you let go him within seconds, finally catching a glimpse of his expression to see he was not wincing out of agony.. but of pleasure?
curiously, your eyes slid down to his lower half to find him squeezing his legs together for dear life. oh.
“c-cloud, are you — ”
“yes-! fuck, i am..” he breathed out, turning his head to hide his shame in the pillow, but you turned him back over without harming him, pursing your lips together.
“y’know,” you began, heaving a sigh. “you could’ve just said you were feeling things- it’s a normal thing.. instead you had me thinking you had a bad dream again or something.” you shook your head, relief washing over you despite your scolding.
the former mercenary kept his gaze elsewhere, grumbling quietly under his breath. “it’s not so easy to say ‘i’m horny, do something about it’. feels awkward, okay.”
you found yourself rolling your eyes before you pushed yourself up, lavender colored sheets sliding off your body as you moved to situate yourself between his legs. “i suppose it’s blunt, but i don’t mind it. we’ve been together for over a year now.. and have known each other for several more.” you reminded him tenderly, leaning down to peck his lips softly. “if you needed ever needed to.. indulge.. i’m more than willing to do so, at your consent.”
cloud found himself shuddering at the words that spilled over his rosy appendages, rouge splashing across his his nose and cheeks at your boldness. while you had been confident, in contrast to how he behaved and presented himself.. this was a side he had yet to see from you — and goodness.
“but- it’s late..” he muttered back, aware that you had to wake up early to help tifa out at seventh heaven by daybreak. it was tedious work and he knew you weren’t one for getting up at first light.. cutting into your sleep felt criminal.
however your expression seemed unchanging, having made up your mind already, from what he concluded.
“and?” you pressed, hovering over his face. “i won’t be that long, and besides — we live in a society where coffee exists.” you reminded him, clicking your tongue before placing a hand on his hip. “i’ll be fine.”
his back nearly arched at the light caress, but he forced himself to be completely still, eyeing you with furrowed brows for a moment longer before exhaling. “are you.. sure about this?”
a quiet laugh tumbled past your lips as a knowing smile crossed your lips. “would i be offering to help if i wasn’t?”
it was a fair point, and although cloud wanted to continue denying himself for the sake of you getting rest.. he found himself succumbing to his intrusive thoughts the more he stared up at you.
“i guess not.” the blond concurred after a brief silence on his end, averting his mako tinted hues. “you’re not gonna let this go, are you?”
the eager shake of your head was enough of an answer as he closed his eyes in defeat. “okay, fine.. just take it easy on me, it’s..” he paused, pursing his lips together.
“your first time?” you finished in a hum before letting out a giggle when he didn’t answer. “it’s okay, i thought so.” you assured him, hooking your thumbs onto the waistband of his boxer briefs. “if it gets too much, you can tell me.”
a nod of confirmation was all that was needed for you to fully tug down his undergarments, a hiss leaving your lover’s lips as the frigid air caressed his most intimate part.
gingerly, you wrapped your hands around his shaft, never missing the gasp he failed to suppress as you pumped him slowly.
cloud’s hand flew to cover his mouth, eyes squeezing tighter as wave of ecstasy washed over him — gradually erasing the previous discomfort he’d felt.
in all his years, other than that massage back at the wall market of sector six, he’d never been touched in a way like this. a manner that sent bolts and sparks of pleasure down his spine, electrifying him in every possible way.
but the spiky haired male was too shy to ask for help on the rare occasions that he’d found himself pent up. all that fighting quelled any need for sexual release.. but now, with little to no battles to partake in these days, those late nights he’d spend away on deliveries were often occupied by his hand.
“f-fuck, y/n..!” he breathed out, feeling his legs tremble from the pleasure you had created.
you continued at an even pace, sliding your attention back over to boyfriend’s features when he called your name out. “does it feel good?” the answer was abundantly clear, though you felt the need to ask, anyway. couldn’t hurt to be safe.
he nodded his head rapidly, flushed skin glimmering under the glow of the moon. “ngh- f-faster, a-aaah~ please..” he whispered back pleadingly, tears gathering at the corners of his lashes.
it was truly a sight to behold — a part of cloud no one else had witnessed but you. and you had been the reason for his expressions, the noises he made — his reactions.. all of it was by your work.
wanting him to reach his high, to see the stars you had hoped he would see on your first time together, you quickened your ministrations, rolling your thumb over his tip. it was a little adventurous, but his moans was all the encouragement you needed to continue.
in an attempt to address your own aching heat, you slipped two fingers into the thin fabric of your panties, dragging them over your aching bundle of nerves before sliding them into your entrance.
a prolonged sigh escaped your lips, feeling your walls loosen around your fingers with each thrust while your partner became undone at the mixture of his own euphoria and the mere sight of you.
it made him strangely jealous, as he wanted to be the one to please you.
with a shaky breath, he reached down into the drawer of his nightstand for a familiar packet, carefully tearing it open when your breathing transitioned into panting.
you hadn’t even noticed that the self proclaimed ex-SOLDIER removed your hand from his cock, nor had you caught sight of him sliding a condom over himself.
no, it wasn’t until he grabbed your hips and brought you forward that you’d removed your hands at the brush of his tip against your clit, grasping ahold of his shoulders as a whine left your lips. “h-haahh~ cloud..” you drawled out in a needy beg, arching your back just slightly.
and that was all he needed to take you at last, sheathing himself slowly into your warmth.
he brought you impossibly closer to him at the squeeze of you against him, a staggered pant spilling past his appendages as he buried his face into your neck. “s-shit — was that too much?”
“n-no!” you refuted a little louder than planned, shaking your head. “j-just, one second.. a-and you can move..”
despite his worry, he took your word for it, exhaling lowly as he felt you shift.
with another sigh, you rested your chin on his shoulder, allowing yourself to nod. “o-okay, i’m good..”
cloud took it as a sign to continue as he pulled out slowly before plunging back into your core at an equal pace, steadily falling into an appropriate rhythm.
the stars you had thought of before in regards to cloud’s pleasure entered your vision at last when he nailed that special spot of yours.
“a-aahh~! cloud-!”
your whines and cries of his name was fueling enough to continue hitting that same spot, feeling you crash down on him harder.
“almost.. t-there..” he reassured you quietly, and perhaps even himself as well.
the knot coiling in your stomach was on the verge of snapping, one thrust away from unraveling completely.
in light of that, cloud captured your lips in a climatic kiss, swallowing your cries of elation when you met your end at last.
covered in a sheen of sweat, the blond gave you two more thrusts before removing himself from your dipping heat, allowing you to collapse against him.
his breath was far from even, yours no better than his own as he gazed up at the ceiling, eyes half lidded. “we should.. probably clean up..”
a tired laugh escaped you, having put together several other phrases he could have started with.. but then you reminded yourself that this was cloud strife — your very awkward, but adorable boyfriend.
“don’t w-worry,” you assured, sucking in another dose of air. “we will..”
notes. good grief i haven’t written smut in ages, i hope this was decent.. i feel like i’ve lost my touch😔 but wishing you a great day too, anon! along with anyone else reading this filth🫡
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wineauntie · 2 months
ALWAYS YOU— luke hughes x reader
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summary: you are the sun and Luke Hughes is in desperate need of some light.
note: I literally started writing this when tonight’s game ended (it’s 4am for me!). So please excuse any and all grammar mishaps!
warnings: fluff, luke hughes in love, nicknames like pretty boy, use of y/n.
word count: 1k+
throughly unedited due to it being 4am and the fact I wrote this half-asleep, please ignore mistakes :))
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“Oh, Luke…”
Your boyfriend of two years, Luke Hughes stumbled into your arms from his place in the doorway to your apartment, his eyes shallowed with exhaustion as you opened your arms for him to fall into.
His body crashed into yours as you nudged your door closed with your foot, embracing Luke tightly. You weren’t tall at all in comparison to the 6’2 giant, who had to bend to lean into your warmth, so despite standing on the tops of your toes, feeling the ache run through your legs, you pushed through it and continued to hold him.
Tonight had been rough.
Losing 4-3 to the Rangers after the chaos of the first period, (with a record breaking 162 total minutes in penalties), this game was the last straw to fall in Luke’s mind. You see, Luke was good at hockey—great even, but he wasn’t a machine. He had those days where no matter how hard he’d try, the game never exactly went the way he needed it to go.
Tonight was one of those days.
And each thing that went askew built up and up until it was all just too much.
With over 30 minutes of ice time under his belt for the game, two game losses in a row, a team verbal lashing from their coaches along a silent and cold shower, the only thing Luke craved was to crawl home to you.
You and your effervescent comfort and joy that radiated.
To him, you were the sun, bright and well-loved, an asset needed to sustain all life. And perhaps the world couldn’t recognise you to be such, however Luke knew deep in his bones that a life without was you not a life he wished to live. Not even a life he wished to dwell upon.
You squeezed onto Luke as tight as possible, your own eyes shutting as he buried his head into the supple skin between your neck and shoulder. His arms had folded around you, holding you closer to his trembling body. You let him take what he needed, your comfort offered up to him in its simplest form, ready to be moulded into what he needed.
Luke wanted to let your rays envelop all of the darkness he felt beginning to blossom in his mind, he wanted to bask in the light of your unwavering love.
You were the reason he woke every morning with a sheepish smile, the reason his days were brighter and his heart fuller. He may not say it out loud in front of others in fear of being mocked, but you were the reason he kept going.
Not hockey, not the game, not some scores– only you.
Was you, is you and always will be you.
“How about we order food in, pretty boy?” You hummed lightly, your fingers brushing through his wild curls, as your other hand held him tight. “You must be starving.”
Luke nodded stiffly against your skin, unmoving form his position as he held you. You didn’t force him to answer verbally whilst he breathed in your solace, merely humming in acknowledgement as you continued to allow your fingers to card through his hair.
“If you need a shower, I have fresh towels and clothes for you in my room,” you mumbled, keeping your chin propped on his shoulder. “And if you need–”
Luke murmured something against your neck, so muffled that you couldn’t quite catch what he’d said.
“Hm?” You tilted your head so your nose brushed the shell of his ear.
“I had a shower there…I only need you,” Luke hoarsely spoke, his grip shifting and tightening as your heart melted. “Always need you.”
“You have me,” you promised quietly, your face pressing into his shoulder. You felt his body shudder as you kissed the pale skin that peeked out from his hoodie. “You’ll always have me.”
“Can we just watch a movie and sleep?” His soft voice cracked as he finally lifted his head to meet your eyes. You heart cracked open in your chest at the sight of defeat and pure tiredness present in the eyes you loved.
“Of course,” you smiled, as his hands moved to cup your face. “I’ll order food while you change and then we can chill on the couch or in bed for as long as you want.”
Luke nodded wordlessly, his head ducking to press a soft, pillowy kiss to your lips, his grip firm but loving as he kissed you. You found your hands settling amongst the curls at the base of his neck as you hummed lightly into the kiss.
Pulling away, his teary eyes met yours once more.
“I don’t deserve you,” he suddenly mumbled, his thumb caressing your cheek as he spoke in rushed words. “You should just break up with me and–”
“Keep talking like that Hughes and I’ll kick you into next week,” you interrupted sternly, forcing Luke to suppress an exhausted smile at your sharp response.
You were the sun after all, bright and warm but at it’s core– fiery, (…and very hot, in Luke’s opinion).
“You deserve to be loved, so let me,” you chided, your forehead pressing against his as he dropped his chin to his chest. “There is no one I would rather love, no one more worthy of it.”
Without another word, Luke sighed and nodded once more, his eyes glancing towards the small living room. Watching him, you smiled, waiting for his gaze to return to yours and when it did you watched him redden under your eyes.
“I rented Secretariat,” you told him, “so why don’t you go and get changed, we have a whole lot of nothing to go and do.”
“I love you,” his voice raw with emotion as he continued to cling to you.
“I love you too,” you answered with a hum, “and I meant it, there’s no one I would rather love than you. Please don’t ever doubt that.”
“I won’t,” he whispered, “and for the record, loving you was the easiest and greatest thing to ever happen to me.”
a/n: Tonight’s game was chaos in its finest form (I hate the rangers)
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dreamingoftaehyun · 5 months
stay quiet | c.sc
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pair: choi seungcheol x afab! reader
summary: your boyfriend wants to tease you in front of the members
warnings: gender neutral!reader, fingering, exhibitionism, praise, getting caught, pet names like ‘baby’ & ‘pretty’
wc: 682 words
a/n: this is so silly and bad i’m so sorry i wrote this half asleep
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the whole group plus you were scattered around the living room watching a movie vernon put on.
you were snuggling under a blanket with your boyfriend seungcheol, two of his friends soonyoung and jihoon next to you two.
when you felt seungcheol’s hand rest on your thigh, you thought nothing of it. when it inched closer to your heat, fingers rubbing your inner thigh you looked up at him.
“cheol,” you spoke up and his head turned to look at you, smirking. “what’re you trying to pull?”
“nothing.” he shrugged and went back to rubbing your inner thigh. you sighed and rolled your eyes, focus back on the movie.
ten minutes later, when you were in a hushed conversation with jihoon talking about who your favourite character was, your boyfriends fingers snuck into your shorts, rubbing your clothed cunt.
“you’re wet already?” he whispered in your ear and you tried your best not to squirm. “not because of you!”
“yet.” cheol chuckled and pushed his fingers into your hole through your panties. you bit your lip to suppress any noise that threatened to spill out.
when he finally pushed your panties to the side and found your clit, his lips pressed against yours. no one thought it was weird you two were making out, seungcheol would always kiss you in front of his friends. if they could see under the blanket though…
luckily you could cover quiet whimpers when making out with him, his tongue fighting for dominance over yours. cheol’s fingers started rubbing around your hole, his thumb doing work on your clit. fuck him and his expert hands.
he had to use his free hand to hold you down under the blanket by your waist to stop you from squirming or jolting. “tell me to stop whenever,” he whispered.
“just hurry up, need to cum now..” you muttered and tried your best to focus on the movie when his fingers finally entered your hole, pumping in and out at a pace that had you wanting more.
ironically, the climax of the movie had started so the music was super loud and could cover your quiet moans that were still suppressed from biting your lip.
to your dismay, you let out a cry loud enough that soonyoung heard. “are you alright?” he whispered.
“mhmm.. yeah, s-sorry, cheol just hit my arm. we w-were play fighting,” you lied, cheol’s fingers still pumping in and out of you. it was somehow believable enough and he turned back to watch the movie and whisper to jihoon.
“they definitely know,” you breathed into your boyfriends ear, his fingers never stopping. cheol’s thumb rubbed your clit again and your legs started shaking.
“mm, they won’t mind.” cheol whispered and started kissing your temple, and then down to your neck.
“please, i’m close!” you whimpered and the two boys next to you shot you a look but you ignored them and tried to focus on getting to your orgasm.
“that’s it, pretty. cum for me.” cheol purred into your ear and then suddenly the knot tightened and tightened, until it snapped.
your legs shook and cheol kissed you to keep your noises down, moaning into his mouth while he kept pumping his fingers into you through your orgasm.
“it’s too much, baby, fuck..” when you finally whispered in his ear, your boyfriend retracted his fingers and brought them to his mouth, sucking your juices off.
when you saw him smirking and eyeing jihoon and soonyoung while licking his fingers clean, you quickly excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
after you came back, the movie was over and it seemed like the rest of the boys didn’t take notice at all. it was just soonyoung and jihoon you had to deal with.
“don’t tell the others.” you whispered to jihoon when the others were cleaning their mess. “i won’t, but you should be telling that to soonyoung before—“
“i can’t believe you fingered y/n when i was right next to you dude!” soonyoung groaned and this gained everyone’s attention, mingyu letting out a loud ‘HUH?’.
“—before that happens.”
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thefandomdirtymind · 8 months
The small favor
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18 +
OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Prequel : The Haircut
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon 
A/N IMPORTANT: My first Smut fic in a very long time and damn I'm rusty. But, I hope you will still like it and I swear to improve myself with descriptive action scene.
Warning : Smut, mention of masturbation, unprotected sex, oral ( Fem receiving) , praising, vanilla sex, fluff
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
If you enjoy my story please let me know.
The moon, bright and full, was high in his sky. The supper was over for a long time ago now and the crew of the Merry going was all asleep, dreaming of battle, new territory to draw, a table full of food, adventure or of being reunited with an old friend.
But, you couldn’t sleep. The sound of the wave crashing against the boat, the light of the moon piercing through your window, the loud snoring duel between Zoro and Luffy and finally your brain who just couldn’t stop to think.
Turning on your other side for the fifth time, you let out a loud sigh. It was the third night in a row you couldn’t sleep. You had tried various techniques, from a marvelous tea prepared by Sanji, to sleeping outside. But neither the tea, things that seem to shock the best chef of the east blue, nor the traditional method had succeeded.
Getting down from your hammock, resolute to finally sleep, you exited without a sound your room. Making your way to a particular door, you slowly knock, guilt twisting your gust.
It didn’t take long for Sanji to open the door, even if you could tell by the state of his hair and simple black boxer he was wearing that he, on the contrary of you, was deeply in dreamland just a few minutes ago. 
“ Y/N, everything is okay darling ? “ He asked, a yawn on his lips. 
“ I can’t sleep again “ You confessed, your eyes admiring the view of his half naked body.  
“ Oh then we will try another tea, I wrote a recipe here, I had some idea of why the one before didn’t work but…“  The blond reply, returning in the room, letting the door open behind him. 
“ No Sanji, I need another small favor in fact “ You reply, following him in the room, closing the door behind you. 
 “ Everything you need mon coeur” The man replied, now clearly curious.
Traveling the small space between you, your gaze never leaving his, you slowly put your hand on his chest, lifting them slowly, brushing his skin with your fingertip until finally you join them behind his neck.
“ Sanji…please fuck me “ You softly ask. 
In an instant, you felt the hard wall press behind your back and his strong hands on your hips pinning you in place, his lips lingering only few minimeter of yours. 
“ I thought you would never ask” He groaned, taking possession of your lips.
The kisses of Sanji’s were exactly like him, passionate but gentle. Every move of his lips over yours, every exchange of breath or flip of his tongues against yours make you shiver or moan of pleasure. When his hands, like in a ballet in harmonie with his mouth, were exploring the soft skin of your breast under your still clothes body. 
Leaving your face to pepper kiss the valley between your neck and your shoulder. You felt one of his hands slide slowly between your legs, his thumb already rubbing in slow circles your clit. 
“ You're already so wet” He smiled, kissing the column of your throat  “ Did you start without me ? “ 
“I tried to masturbate, it didn't work out” You confessed, as you caressed the surface of his back, leaving yourself some kisses on his broad shoulders, your eyes heavy with lust. 
“ Then I will have to try, don’t you think, Prunelle de mes yeux *. Maybe I wasn’t enough in your mind"  (* Apple of my eye) 
Putting down your pants alongside your panties. He seductively left a last kiss on your lips before kneeling before you, his thumb traveling lazily between the lips of your pussy before teasing your clit.
Licking you first with long strokes with the flat of his tongue, moaning when your fingers buried himself on his golden hair. He then proceeds to alterne with the tip of his tongue creating a devilish prequel to the main course.  
After a while his tongue seems everywhere, driving you crazy, eating you out like if you were the best meal of his life. Sanji took his time to suck your clit as his finger was sliding in you in a pace you could only think as delicious torture. 
As promised, your mind had cleared everythings who’s isn’t related to him and the pleasure he slowly build in your belly. 
“ Oh fuck, soo good, Sanji please more…more…” You whine, your knees shaking as his two fingers pushed further in you.
Still pin at the wall with his large hand on your stomach. Your hands in his hair, trying to keep your sanity. You could feel him smile against the flushed skin of your thigh as the speed of his finger increased and he kissed once more your pussy with his open mouth, reducing you as a babbling mess. 
“ Sanji I…Sanji !” You cried, becoming temporarily mute as the pressure built in your body and your orgasm struck you like lightning, making your knees buckled.
Catching you up before you fell on the floor, Sanji brought you to his desk, sitting you on the plane surface. 
“ Y/N can you spread your legs a little?” He gently asked. 
“ Sanji I will need a minute here” You laugh, still coming down from the previous orgasm. 
“ I know darling I only want to engrave in my brain how you look so beautiful half naked and pleasure high spread on my desk.” He replies, smiling, his lips still glossy of your juice.
“ You’re a pervert “ You joked, spreading your legs for him to see. 
“ Say the girl who wake me up to be fuck until she fall asleep “ He responded, inserting himself between your legs as he bring you closer to the edge for a toe curling kiss ,removing in a fluid moves his boxer, letting him totally naked.
You took the time, as he broke your embrace to extract you from your tank top, to admire, again, the splendors of all his physique. Not that you hadn’t noticed before, you had eyes of course and the man fully dressed was already worth being seen. But having him like that, smiling, as his muscular body overlooks yours, his cock already erect just for you, makes you so happy to have insomnia that night.
Advancing your hand to take his cock, smoothly initiating a move of up and down, you smiled when you heard him moan in the crock of your neck. 
“ Is that good ? “
You didn’t hear the response he muttered,  but as his hand stopped yours to push the tips of his dick on your entrance, you decided that you truly didn’t care.
Thrusting at a slow pace, letting your body adjust to him, the best cook of the east blue was clearly starting to lose the battles with his self-control when your hips joined him in the movement in a way more high cadence. Moaning your name like a prayer, sucking your nipples like if they were made of candy, his hand shaking slightly, he gladly followed your change of regime, making you back arch and welcoming every one of your whine and moan like if they were gift from a goddess herself. 
“ Yes, like that, please just like that Yes” You praised him, your second orgasm near. 
“ Yes Madam” Sanji groaned on your lips with his damn proud smile,rubbing your clit. “ But i’m not done with you yet” 
Your forehead pressed against his, your eyes closed, you exploded for the second time that night.
Your brain, still in a blissful fog, became sadly aware of the hollowed sensation in your pussy when he removed his dick as well as the trail of open mouth kisses Sanji left on your breast before helping you get down off the desk. 
Turning you around, exposing your ass in just the right angle. You loudly gasped when he filled you again, making you wonder if you didn’t get yourself a new addiction. But, if you did, you wouldn’t be alone. Sanji, behind you was a total mess, his breath frantic, thrusting in you like he found in your warm core a new religion beside, of course,the food. 
As your nail was scratching small strides in the wax on his dark wood desk , leaving him physically something to remember that night, you could feel his own orgasm coming.
“ So…so close mon coeur '' He moaned, before letting out a groan of satisfaction as the pleasure finally took him.  
Crying your last moans, your breath panting, you felt his chest trapping you against the wood panel as he slowly regained his composure, whispering sweet praise in your ear.
 “ You know what mon coeur, forget the tea, I will exhaust you everytime you can’t sleep“ 
Press against Sanji's chest in his small hammock, your eyes heavy from fatigue, you smiled. 
“ Thank you for the favor” You laugh, yawning.   
“ Anytime Madam” Sanji quietly laughed, his own eyes closing, as you both drifted in the better sleep you had. 
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kylelovskii · 7 months
the real question is Kyle more or less of a lil shit once he gets the girl? like you can't tell me that boy doesn't own a remote controlled vibe... -mk anon
this request is so old but IDC!!!!
and he does. 100%.
i wrote this half asleep so im sorry if it sucks and if there’s errors
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“cmon, pretty thing. just once? i promise i won’t use it much, and if i do, i won’t turn it up so high.”
liar. fucking liar.
kyle had sweet talked you into putting a vibrator inside yourself, then going to a party with all of the guys. he promised he wouldn’t turn it on very much, he just wanted to test it out, and you believed him, which is why you let him. but you were so, so wrong.
there you stood, talking with wendy and bebe. everything was going perfect, and you really thought kyle had just forgotten about it, but then you felt the slightest sensation between your legs go to not so slight.
your hand flew to your mouth, which caused wendy to stop mid sentence and look at you. “hey, are you okay? you look like you’re about to be sick,” she asked. you nodded frantically. “yeah—yes! ah— i just— um..got a sharp..c—cramp in my stomach. i’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you replied before rushing off, trying not to let whines and whimpers escape from your mouth.
you rounded a corner into a hallway where, thankfully, no one was. you sighed loudly, sinking down to the floor. “oh god, kyle— stop, stop, stop…”
“what’s that? stop what?” you heard a voice come from down the hall. you snapped your head into the direction of the noise.
there kyle stood, his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants and his glasses perched upon his nose. you looked him up and down, noticing how his white wife beater hugged his waist perfectly.
“you— you said you wouldn’t do it much. and that if you did— it wouldn’t be so high!” you said, not even bothering to stand up and go to him. instead, he came to you and knelt down, taking your chin in his hand. “oh, i guess i tricked you. poor girl.”
then he grabbed your hand and pulled you up. “why don’t we go back to the party, huh? i think our friends miss us. i don’t think it would be very polite to abandon everyone just so i could toy with you,” he said as he led you back to the group he was originally with. as you walked, the vibrations slowly came to a halt. when it stopped, you sighed in relief.
kyle held your hand as he spoke with cartman, the two of them bantering while kenny and stan just listened, laughing at the smart remarks that came out of one of the others mouth. you listened as well, letting out a giggle or two, but then kyle turned the toy to its highest setting.
your knees almost buckled underneath you, and you let out an audible gasp which turned into a whine. “oh, honey, what’s the matter?” kyle asked, rushing to your aid. you gave him a look, then lied and said, “my stomach hurts, kyle.”
everyone looked at the two of you confused, but then kyle excused the both of you so he could 'help you'.
he dragged you into a bathroom, locked the door, then picked you up and set you on the counter. he forced your legs open, then moved your panties to the side to look at your glittering cunt.
your skirt bunched up at your stomach as he kneeled between your legs. he didn’t do anything, he just looked up at you and dirty talked you.
“see? look at you. you’re such a good girl, but i bet you’d rather me do this in front of all our friends. especially cartman, huh? that right, doll?” you shook your head quickly, telling him no.
“awh, baby don’t deny it. you may be a good girl for me, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a little slut, right?” you shook your head again, whining and squirming, trying to close your legs. “no— nonono!”
“come on, take it for me. i know you can. be a good whore and take it. quit tryin' to close your legs,” kyle said, keeping your legs open with both his hands.
“please— i..oh god—” you groaned before your orgasm washed over you, your legs twitching and your hands flying to kyle’s hair.
as you came down from your high, you heard kyle speak, “wow that was quick. good job, baby. come on, i’ll clean you up and get that thing outta you,” he told you, helping you off the counter, then sitting you down on the toilet seat and running the water in the sink.
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airaibunny · 11 months
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dom!sana x sub!fem!reader - “she’s better” (warnings: smut, thigh riding, degradation, orgasm control, fingering, jealousy, friends with benefits, breast/nipple play, biting)
a/n: i wrote this half asleep, please excuse me if anything sounds funky.
word count: 2.1k
sana has been scowling at you from across the living room since you and nayeon left your bedroom. this has become a regular occurrence lately. you and nayeon have gotten extremely close in the past few weeks—not that you weren’t already close, but it has escalated quite a bit for some reason. you’ve been talking about very serious topics for hours, which has been very pleasant. the members don’t usually include you in such conversations because you’re the maknae. every time you finish talking and finally walk outside, sana has the same irritated frown on her face. she’s convinced there’s something going on between you and nayeon, even though there most definitely isn’t. however, she doesn’t need to know that. that’s why you don’t explicitly deny anything when she asks you about it.
you take immense advantage of her being angry, she’s a lot rougher that way. sana might be thought of as the sweetest or cutest member in twice, but when it’s just you and her; she’s far from that. she’s extremely possessive, even if what’s going on between you two is ‘just sex.’
you fiercely wish it wasn’t though, you’ve been smitten with everything about minatozaki sana from the day you met her. you want to tell her this, but you can’t. the day this ‘relationship’ started between you two she was very clear on the fact that she didn’t like girls, so you said the same. you both agreed this was simply a way of helping each other deal with stress.
“are you two fucking?”
jeongyeon asks, pointing at you and nayeon. the room goes silent and you’re pretty sure you hear someone choke on something.
“what the fuck? no.”
nayeon snaps back and dahyun starts manically laughing, throwing herself on the floor in the process.
“well, what are you doing in there every damn day?”
chaeyoung inches closer to you guys and questions out of curiosity as well.
“we’re literally just talking, calm the fuck down. why don’t you go worry about how well you and mina are hiding what YOU do in your room.”
chaeyoung let’s her jaw drop, walking back and putting her hands in the air in defeat. dahyun is still rolling on the floor, holding her stomach as she cackles hysterically.
“i think you’re being a little too defensive for that to be the truth.”
sana unexpectedly joins in on the conversation, leaving you wide-eyed and frozen in place.
“okay, i’m done with this conversation, goodbye.”
with that, nayeon walks away and into the kitchen. everyone shrugs it off smirking at you guys and goes back to whatever they were doing before. you head into your room again, wanting to escape the awkward silence outside. you’re also hoping that sana will follow you, and sure enough, she does. after a few minutes of sitting on your bed alone, you hear the door open and sana walks in, turning the lock behind her.
“you’re not even trying to hide it from everyone else anymore.”
she walks closer to the bed, making you slide back and letting her crawl on top of you.
“why does that matter to you? it’s not like i’m telling them about us.”
she lowers her lips to your neck, alternating between biting and kissing it to lesser the pain.
“i just didn’t take you for such a whore, getting nayeon to fuck you and then letting me do the same.”
she’s no longer kissing you, only biting. her hand lifts your shirt up to reveal your severely marked breasts. it’s all from her, they’re entirely her marks.
“what does nayeon say when she sees these? what do you tell her?”
she stares at you, waiting for an answer before going on any further.
“she doesn’t say anything.”
you’re not exactly lying, nayeon doesn’t say anything about them, even if that’s because she’s never seen them. sana completely takes off your shirt and the rest of your clothes along with it.
“why put your clothes back on and go outside at all? so much wasted time.”
she keeps teasing you with phrases like that, you’ve thought about the possibility of her being jealous, but that can’t be. she doesn’t like you, you know this for sure. she’s just saying whatever she thinks will turn you on.
her lips come in contact with your neck again while she uses her hands to massage your swollen breasts, squeezing and tugging at your nipples. she keeps doing this for while, rapidly increasing the force she’s doing it with until it starts to hurt you a bit.
“sana, that hurts.”
“good. when you’re laying in bed tonight, i want you to remember me fucking you, not nayeon.”
this makes you incredibly wet. you can feel the slick running out of you and onto the bed, but you’re not going to let her know that.
“fuck you.”
sana stops what she’s doing and comes up to look at you, a smug smile on her face.
“is that what you want, to fuck me? would you even know how?”
sana laughs and throws her head back, letting you get a perfect view of her neck. you want to kiss her as well, but you know she won’t let you. she’s the one who gets to kiss and play with you, not the other way around.
“you’re hilarious.”
she brings her face to the nipple she’s had in her hand the entire time, putting it in her mouth to tease you even more. her hands go to your thighs, stroking them and spreading them apart. you’re completely entranced by her every move, falling deeper and deeper into her intoxicating touch. your breathy moans quickly fill the room, the air starts to feel heavy and stuffy. you want more, but she won’t give it to you.
“sana, stop being such a tease.”
she stops what she’s doing, rolling her eyes and staring at you with an annoyed look on her face.
“didn’t you just cum five minutes ago? let me have some fun.”
she just won’t let this nayeon thing go. what’s her problem? can she not see how badly you want this? admittedly however, this is your fault. you’re the one who’s letting her believe all of this, so you just have to deal with it now.
“sana please.”
she goes back to sadistically playing with your tits, making you cry out in frustration. her face is adorned with a smile; she loves this. she loves making you upset, it’s how she gets off.
you notice a shift in her demeanor and she’s no longer touching you at all, just staring and poking the inside of her cheek with her tongue.
“tell me what nayeon does to you when you’re alone, i want to hear everything.”
you don’t know what to say, but you can’t tell her it was all a lie now.
“what nayeon does doesn’t concern you.”
you look up at her, giving her the same angry stare she’s giving you.
“if you don’t tell me, i’m not touching you.”
you don’t know what to do, you need her to touch you, but you have no clue what you can tell her to make this happen.
“that’s fine, she’s better than you anyway.”
shit, maybe you shouldn’t have said that. it was the first thing you could think of. you thought it might make her keep going, but you now realize you have just jumped into a much bigger pot of boiling water than before.
“say that again.”
“i said she’s better than you, sana.”
you can see her eyes darken and her jaw clench. you don’t know what’s about to happen, but sana looks irate. she’s never looked at you with such venom in her eyes, all her silly frustration toward the nayeon situation has always been very tamed, this doesn’t seem like that. maybe you went too far.
“sit the fuck up.”
she doesn’t give you even a second to react to her request, simply pulling you up and turning you around. your back is now pressed against her chest, you can feel her breathing on your neck and it sends shivers down your spine.
her hand quickly finds its way to your drenched folds, pressing against them without missing a beat. her other hand is in your hair, pulling it so your head in pointed up and resting on her shoulder.
“that was awfully bold of you, slut. let’s see if you still think that after i’m done.”
she quickly adds speed to the hand between your legs, making you twitch and jolt in response to her every move. her other hand is still firmly gripping your hair. you feel that familiar heaviness in the pit of your stomach, building more and more as she continues stimulating your heat.
“oh c’mon, it’s too soon.”
she stops, fully taking her hand away from you. you whine in protest as she pushes you forward, making you land on your hands. she positions herself behind you, putting her hand over your core once more.
“if i think you’re going to cum too soon again, i’ll stop.”
she abruptly pushes two fingers inside of you, making you scream out in pain.
“oh sorry, is nayeon more gentle? is that why she’s apparently better?”
you can’t believe you’re hearing about nayeon again. even as she knuckles deep inside of you, she still has to bring her up. is it really possible that she’s jealous? there’s no other explanation for her extreme behavior. you can’t think about this right now though, not when she’s pounding in and out of you at such a sinful speed.
your arms feel weak, they can’t hold you up much longer. your entire body is shaky, but all you can focus on is how fast she’s going.
her free hand suddenly lands a loud hit on your ass. your entire body jerks forward, letting out a loud whine.
“oh wow, did you like that, cunt?”
she does it again, earning another moan. she giggles, curling her fingers inside you and keeping the same steady pace. the same feeling as before comes back, stronger this time, you want to get off so bad, but she won’t let you just yet.
“no, you’re doing it too early again.”
she stops once more, leaving the same emptiness as before inside you. your core aches and your legs feel numb, why won’t she let you get off?
she pats down her thigh and motions ‘come here’ with her hand. you blindly follow her command, completely forgetting whatever it is you were trying to prove at the beginning of this.
her hands land on your hips, holding you in place. her lips connect to your neck once more, leaving wet kisses all over it. she begins rocking your hips against herself, slowly adding pressure.
you moan out her name, loving how every letter sounds in your mouth. she hums against your skin, flexing her thigh under you.
“hm, did you call out nayeon’s name like that too?”
you’ve had enough of nayeon. you can’t hear her say that name one more time. without thinking, you grab her face and press your lips against hers.
in all the time this has been happening between you two, you’d never kissed. it always felt too intimate for some reason.
“stop talking about nayeon, please. i don’t care about her.”
her scowl is suddenly completely gone. all you can see in her face is shock. she cups your cheek with her hand and brings you in for another kiss. this one is long and profound, your tongues knotted with each other. your hands wrap around her neck, wanting to feel her entire body on yours. her hands are still on your hips, guiding them along her thigh.
you can feel yourself getting hotter, blood rushing to your core. your cheeks feel fiery and your breathing is unsteady. all of your moans and whines are falling directly into her mouth, making her speed up at every sound.
you feel your muscles tense and squeeze her in anticipation. your lips are still on hers, refusing to let her go.
you are on the edge, you know you’re about to cum and you think she might stop, but she doesn’t.
you finally let yourself fall apart, shaking and whimpering in her arms. your eyes are tightly shut and your entire body is pulsating. she continues rolling your hips on her, slowing down to let you fully feel the orgasm.
once you’re calm enough to speak, she brushes the hair out of you face smiling.
“well, that was a nice kiss.”
she jokes and you roll your eyes at her as you pant, still somewhat dizzy. you’re about to kiss her again, when you suddenly feel a wave of guilt wash over you.
you have to tell her.
“sana, there’s nothing going on between me and nayeon. i’m sorry i lied, and i’m sorry i said she was better than you.”
she keeps smiling, leaning in to kiss you again.
“i already knew that.”
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navybrat817 · 1 year
A New Tradition
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky doesn't have any holiday traditions, but maybe he can start something new with you. Word Count: Over 2.5k Warnings: Slight angst, mention of trauma, pining, falling in love, slight feels (it's me), canon divergent, Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?). Future fluff and smut for this couple. A/N: This idea hit me and it wouldn't let go until I wrote it down. Set in the same AU as lumberjack!Steve, I hope to share more when I can. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky stared at the ceiling from the floor as he tried to fall asleep. Evergreen and spice lingered in his nostrils from the earlier festivities of the evening. One of the songs you sang over dinner played in a loop in his head, a beautiful melody of hope.
It didn't stop him from feeling as cold as the weather outside.
Random bouts of insomnia weren't new to him, but he couldn't put his finger on what his issue was tonight. It was a good day filled with happy moments thanks to you, the neighbor he harbored a crush on. He moved into the building around the same time as you after his pardon and someone delivered one of your packages to his door by mistake. Luckily you lived just across the hall and he made sure the box ended up in your hands.
He hadn’t expected a goddess in human form to answer the door.
“I got your box,” he said harsher than he intended to.
He half expected you to slam the door in his face for his tone. If you recognized him as the former Winter Soldier, you kept it to yourself. In fact, you didn’t look afraid of him at all as you took the box from his hands. He almost told you that you should be scared of him.
“Thank you so much for bringing it over,” you smiled.
It was the start of an unexpected friendship. He tried to find excuses to stop and talk to you whenever he saw you, which ended with him giving you an awkward smile in the beginning before he walked away. He used to know how to talk to girls and it was silly having a crush on a neighbor when he was trying to get his head on straight.
If only you didn’t make it so easy to want.
And you either found him endearing or entertaining since you began to invite him over for dinners.
Every other week, you’d trade off meals and talk about the day. You split your day between your job and making and selling jewelry online. The pieces you showed him were beautiful. You put so much care into them.
While he couldn’t give you all the details of his missions, he found himself more comfortable talking to you as time went on. One of the things he liked was that you always asked what he needed. If he wanted advice, you’d give it. If he wanted you to listen, you did just that. If he just wanted to talk, you chatted with ease.
You even stayed up with him after a few nightmares.
He was used to dealing with people who had agendas or messed with his head, but you didn’t play games.
Steve and Sam were both happy when he finally told them about you. After the former Captain America found his own girl and a bit of peace after everything, he hoped Bucky was on the path to doing the same. It impressed Sam that he actually talked to you instead of keeping everything inside.
It didn’t stop him from feeling like a burden some days.
“You’re always welcome at my place and you can always talk to me, Jamie.”
No one else was allowed to call him that.
When you heard he wasn’t doing anything around the holidays, you offered to make him a nice dinner since you wouldn't be around your family. They were, unfortunately, too far away for a quick visit. You joked that he had to watch a movie with you after dinner if he decided to come over. It was nice that you extended an invitation to him, especially when he didn’t have any traditions or anything else to look forward to.
Bucky had every intention of getting you the perfect present until an extended mission came up. He barely made it back in time to see you. Steve had to rush home to his girl and the same with Sam and his family. He declined both of their offers for him to join them, not wanting to impose on them or let you down by not showing up.
"You made it!" you said excitedly when you opened the door, looking as gorgeous as ever in a little black dress. He'd fantasize about you in it later. "You aren't hurt? You're okay?"
"Not a scratch," he assured you when he stopped staring.
"Good," you sighed in relief. "May I give you a hug? I missed you."
You didn't give him hugs without his permission and he appreciated your thoughtfulness that he might not want to be touched some days. He held his arms out for you as he wordlessly answered, taking a moment to cherish your embrace when you moved close. He didn't let it linger since he didn't want you to be uncomfortable.
But he wished he would've held you a bit longer.
"Missed you, too," he whispered as you led him inside.
If he read into it, he would’ve thought the setup was romantic. He felt a little underdressed in his leather jacket and jeans, but you didn't judge. You served by candlelight and you made sure to include all sorts of dishes he enjoyed. He ate and savored every bite. You even had a gift waiting for him under the tree before you started the movie.
He almost hugged the personalized apron and small book of recipes you made for him. He already had a meal in mind to make for you as a thank you for the next weekly dinner. But that wasn't all. You pulled out a small, white and black box from the back of the tree and handed it to him.
"You're spoiling me," he joked.
"I wanted to," you teased, messing with the hem of your dress as he opened the box.
He held his breath as he held up the dog tags. They were almost an exact replica of the ones around his neck, but there was a difference when he flipped one of them over. He ran his thumb over the letters as he read them out loud.
"I am James Bucky Barnes."
He explained to you once his need to make amends. That he was no longer the Winter Soldier. That he didn't have a choice. You took his words and created a gift for him.
His hands destroyed so many things while yours brought beauty into the world.
"I hope you like it," you said, still messing with your dress. A nervous habit he picked up on. "I know you wear yours, but I thought it would be nice to have those just in case."
"Thank you," he croaked, clearing his throat as he carefully placed them back in the box. "And I feel like the biggest asshole on the planet for not having your gift ready."
"You came over and spent the evening with me. That is a gift," you said with such sincerity that he wasn’t worthy of receiving.
Of course you wouldn’t take any offense that he showed up empty-handed. Why were you so kind to him? He wished there was mistletoe nearby simply to have the excuse to kiss you. He also wanted to thank you for making him feel at home.
Do I have a home anymore?
Naturally, he chose to flee when that thought became too much.
"You sure you don't want to stay?" you asked carefully as he gathered his things and got ready to leave. “We don’t have to watch the movie.”
"I should get back to my place, but thank you," was all he said.
His place, but not his home.
"Are you okay?" you asked.
"I will be," he said, not wanting to lie to you.
You nodded and thanked him for stopping by. You also told him to call or come back if he needed anything. The image of your sad smile as you walked him to the door would haunt him. He just knew it. He wondered if you’d ever invite him over again for another dinner after his abrupt departure.
He attempted to meditate once he got home, but it didn’t quiet his mind. Working out got some of the tension in his body out, but not much else. He debated going back to your place, but it was too late by then.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Bucky rubbed a hand over his face before his eyes trailed to the clock on the wall. It was almost 3am and he knew sleep wouldn't come to him. He grabbed his phone and debated calling you. He didn’t want to disturb you, but he wanted to hear your voice.
He half hoped you wouldn’t answer since you deserved a peaceful night of sleep, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep himself until the two of you talked.
You answered on the second ring. “Hey, Bucky,” you said with a small yawn.
Were you up waiting for me to call or did I wake you?
“I’m sorry about tonight,” he said immediately. He had to get that out there.
“Please, don’t apologize,” you replied. He knew he should’ve let you rest. “Do you need me to listen, talk, or give advice?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, his vibranium hand forming a fist as he took a deep breath. “You treated me to a nice night. The best night and I just,” he gritted his teeth and exhaled through his nose. “Fuck, I don’t know.”
He was at a loss because everything tonight was right and he didn’t know what was wrong. If he couldn’t pinpoint the issue, how could he know how to fix it? How could you? It was bad enough when he was alone with his own mind and nightmares, but it was another when he felt helpless.
He didn’t like that sense of control being taken away from his own thoughts.
“Do you mind if I say something?” you offered after a few more seconds of silence.
“Not at all,” he whispered, if only to hear you speak.
“I think you might be feeling a bit alone or lost,” you said. He heard a bit of shuffling around and wondered if you were trying to get comfortable. “Holidays, for many, are about being with family and friends. When was the last time you got to celebrate with your loved ones?”
“Before I went off to war,” he whispered.
He swallowed as he put his head on the pillow. Hydra made sure he never felt the happiness of this time of year. The couple of years he went into hiding after the fall, he was alone. After healing in Wakanda, he went back into the fight. The snap happened.
And his family?
They’re long gone now.
Sam, Nat, everyone had their own traditions. Steve lost so much and deserved his quiet moments outside of the city. None of them needed to rearrange their lives to accommodate him.
Holidays were a joyous time, but also a reminder of things lost and what could have been.
“Jamie,” you breathed out. “If my dinner tonight upset you in any way, I’m-”
“Don’t you dare apologize,” he stopped you, gripping his phone tighter. “It isn’t your fault my family is gone and you aren’t the cause of my pain.”
One of the reasons he respected you was because you didn’t pity him. He didn’t want you to start tonight.
“Then I need you to take back your apology because you aren’t the cause of my pain either,” you argued.
“But I left you alone after you went to all that trouble and had those gifts made for me,” he said.
Why are you not mad at me?
“It wasn’t any trouble, but maybe it was too much or overwhelming."
“I swear, it wasn’t,” he said. How could he make you believe him? “I just have no traditions now. No special meals, movies, gifts, things to pass on, nothing."
He did just fine on his own for years, but things changed. He wouldn’t have believed he deserved happy moments before therapy and meeting you, but he did and he does. You gave him a taste of what he could have. Why couldn't he let himself take it?
"Maybe I can help you create a new tradition."
"You're done more than enough," he promised, smiling at your offer.
You've done more than you could ever know.
“I wanted to give you a special night, but I didn’t check in to see if the holiday dinner was what you really wanted. I should’ve asked, Jamie.”
“Are you kidding? Without you, I wouldn’t have even had a holiday to celebrate. It was perfect,” he promised you, standing up as he tried to gather the courage to say that you are perfect. “Did you know the only thing I wanted to do when I got back was see you?”
“Really?” you asked in a small voice. “That was the only thing you wanted?”
“Really,” he said. It wasn’t a full confession, but it was coming out. “And that’s exactly what I got, so thank you.”
“Well, to be honest, the reason I suggested a movie was so we could possibly cuddle,” you admitted.
And I fucking ruined it.
“I would’ve liked cuddling,” he said, smirking a bit. “And I really liked your dress.”
“I wore that just for you,” you said in a hushed voice, like you were trying to keep quiet. “Is there anything else about tonight that you wish would’ve been different? If you could do it all over again?”
“Honestly?” he said, not caring that he only had his boxer briefs on as he left his bedroom and headed toward the main door. “I would’ve kissed you the moment I got back from the mission.”
Even with his super soldier hearing, he had no idea you were on the other side of the door until he opened it. You still had your phone in hand as you gazed at him, no longer wearing the black dress. You switched to red and green pajamas that looked amazing on you, but he would prefer them on his floor.
“New tradition proposal,” you smiled as you stepped inside and ended the call. “We have a nice meal together, exchange gifts by the tree, and cuddle on the couch for a movie.
"Okay," he smiled, hanging up his phone, too.
"And end the night with a kiss," you said hopefully.
“I don’t think so,” he shook his head.
Your face fell when you took a step back. “Oh. I’m sorry. I should-”
He reached out to pull you back toward him, smiling when your eyes widened. “Kiss me every chance you get," he said as he removed his dog tags and put them around your neck. "Starting right now.”
You smiled just as bright as you did the first day he met you. “I think I’m going to like this tradition.”
“Me, too,” he whispered, pressing his lip against yours.
Bucky couldn’t wait to start many more traditions with you.
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What other traditions would we like to see from our new couple? We have Valentine's Day!❤️ Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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delic7te · 6 months
lazy sunday × ( tasm ! ) peter parker
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— peter parker x reader
— summary : you and peter wake up from a nap
— A/N: missed writing:) this has been sitting in my drafts and i wrote this cause i'm stressed (regular sunday)
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After a long, hard week of constant studying and always being out somewhere in a rush, the weekend finally arrived and you and your boyfriend could spend time together, peacefully in the comfort of each others arms.
There was no pressure as you both finished all your college classes and work and Peter came home after regular patrol over the city. Only gloomy weather outside, a candle and lamp burning on the coffee table and a book in your hands as you drape your legs over Peter's lap, head resting on his shoulder in the living room of his apartment, tangled together on his couch.
Previously, you started explaining him the plot of the interesting book you were currently reading because he knew you loved doing that, and he loved listening to you talk about whatever was on your mind. As you continued reading he tried doing the same but eventually dozed off with his hand over your shoulder, his head above yours. You were too preoccupied by the book to notice, but eventually the calm surroundings had your eyelids start feeling heavy and the words on the pages began merging together. Sleep slowly reached you aswell, as you gave in.
Peter's hair fell over your forehead, leaning into each other comfortably as you slept in peace.
It was already dark outside when you woke up from your nap, confused but still comfortable and half asleep. That was until you saw what time it was on the clock by the television, suddenly snapping back to reality.
Your head rose from Peter's chest abruptly, the movement pulling him to consciousness. His hand searched for you, turning to the side with closed eyes.
"Hmh?" He mumbled your name when he saw you sitting up, visibly dissapointed and stretching your arms.
"We were asleep for three hours" you yawn. "I could've got so much stuff done. Like read this" you pick up the book that fell forgotten during your slumber. "Now I won't have time."
Peter sat up too, smiling despite your complaints. He looked like he just had the best sleep of his life.
"Aww", he cooes, "don't be upset. It's Sunday. What else were we to do?" He kisses your hand, his lips soft on your skin.
You weren't pleased with his excuses. "Not helping", you whine, preparing to crawl out of the cushions and stand up but Peter disapproved. He mumbles something, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you back on the couch.
"No, not yet, learn to enjoy the moment", he lectures you. "You'll survive, believe me, for Christ sake."
This makes a laugh slip out of you suddenly, although still annoyed. Now that you thought about it, it actually wasn't so bad at all.
Your hand finds its path to his cheek, leaning down to kiss his nose before placing your head on his chest. He looked stunning, messy brown hair and big dark eyes. It was a weakness of yours.
"Sundays are actually stressful", you state with a sigh, burying your face into his sweatshirt.
"I don't think they're so bad." His fingers run through your silky hair.
"Yeah, 'cause you're a lazy ass."
He pretends to be offended by that comment, frowning and dropping his jaw. "That's mean."
"I mean, all you wanna do is snore and sleep all day, dragging me with you and passing your laziness on me", you roll yours eyes jokingly, hugging his waist.
"Guilty as charged, can you blame me?" He looks down on you and as you look up at him with a smile, he swore his heart stopped beating for a moment. You appeared as a godess before his eyes.
"And also", he shakes his head slightly, "since when do I snore ?"
You giggle, putting your hands over your face, causing his cheeks to go burgundy red. He just wanted to kiss you right now and never stop.
"Maybe you got too comfortable, I don't know." You were amused by his slight embarrassment, feeling strong fondness for him in that moment.
"You're mean, I'm not napping with you anymore", he looks away from you, trying to appear nonchalant but still joking around.
"Yes, do me that favor."
That sentence felt like a slap as he glared at you, knowing he should step up his game now, not let you win.
But you seemed to be having a lot of fun now, all the worry from earlier brushed off, laughing and enjoying yourself. After all, that was all he cared about. Just you being happy as you deserve.
"If that's what you really want, I'll manage somehow", he shrugs giving you the fake-sad doe-eyed look. That actually did the trick, unintentionally.
"No, I would never", you let go, taking his hand in yours as you sat up a little. You fiddle with his slender, pale fingers. "I had a good rest."
Peter was satisfied, admiring you under the weak lamp light. "Me too", he confirms, a wide grin on his face, stroking your hair. "And I just guilt-tripped you."
You scoff, lightly punching his shoulder as he laughs. You take a second to observe him. A strange feeling of gratitude flooded over you, feeling lucky to have him as your boyfriend.
You shake your head. "I don't care" You place your hands on each side of his face, bringing your lips to his, capturing them in a loving kiss.
Peter melted instantly, putty in your hands. He let's out a small sound against your mouth. A few moments after, you pull away to catch your breath.
His lips stretch into a smug smile. "I love Sundays."
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Soft Marc
That’s it that’s the request
S O F T M A R C ! Thank you so much for the ask! Ilysm!
(Thank you for an excuse to write some soft Marc! Also, oh no this turned into porn, I’m so sorry.)
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Feels Nice
Marc Spector X F!Reader Rating: 18+ pals Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: typos (I feel like I wrote this one in a haze, I'm so sorry), swearing, Marc saying 'please', Marc being sleepy, oral sex (f receiving), P in V sex, dry humping (humping the settee)
Word Count: 1757
You shifted your legs slightly as the movie ended, trying to wiggle enough to grab the remote without disrupting Marc. 
He was dead asleep, breathing softly. His head resting comfortably against your shoulder. It was the first time you’d ever seen him resting so soundly. 
You shuffled again, your movements bolder this time in a vain effort to reach the remote. 
It was the first time in ages that you’d actually watched a film on live TV, and you knew it would be only a matter of seconds before an advert that was five hundred decibels louder than an aeroplane taking off started. 
It was nearly in your reach, nearly close enough for you to grasp and-
Marc jolted awake, springing into a sitting position. His right arm flew to the side and across your body, it made you think of a driver protecting a passenger when they had to break suddenly.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” it was difficult to keep the smile out of your voice. “It’s just the TV.” You rubbed his back, trying to ease the tense muscles. 
Marc swallowed and looked around to you. He nodded once, still half asleep. A large tuff of his hair was sticking upwards from where he had rested.  
Quickly you grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. A vague silence filled the flat, punctuated by the faint buzzing of the fish tank and other electronics. 
You grinned at him, dipping your head to the side as you reached out and patted his hair, trying to smooth it back down. 
Marc hummed and closed his eyes leaning into your touch. “Feels nice.”
“Yeah.” He looked so serene, angelic in the weak light. 
Slowly, you sank your fingers further into his hair and applied a light, but firm, pressure to his scalp. 
He groaned, pushing further into your touch. The persistent force of his movement forced you further back into the settee. 
You giggled as he urged you further, guiding you to laying down on your back with him between your legs. He tried to keep most of his weight off you, caging you in with his arms, but you could feel him steadily slipping as you continued to massage his head. 
Small moans and shudders escaped his lips until he was completely in your lap, his head resting against your chest and left arm hanging limply off the side. 
“I fell asleep didn’t I?” He mumbled into your top.
You grinned, continuing the massage, “You did.”
“Was I snoring?”
“No, you weren’t.”
“Steven says I snore.” He spoke into your stomach, unintentionally shifting forwards into your touch. 
“You were sort of,” you pause for a second, thinking, before you do your best to mimic his soft breathing from before.
“That’s snoring.” 
“No, snoring is this:” you do your very best over the top impression. 
Marc laughs. “Okay.”
You continue in silence for a while, staring at the ceiling and not thinking about anything in particular. 
There is even a moment you think that maybe Marc has fallen back to sleep. His breathing is heavier than it was before, but you slowly begin to notice a slight rocking motion. 
It’s almost ignorable at first, subtle enough for you to think that you are imagining it. But as you continue to massage Marc’s scalp the movements become more and more prominent. 
You wait, counting the seconds in your head. 
His breath hitches as he tries to bite back a moan.
“Marc?” You ask, faking an impressive level of innocence, and slow your hand movements.
He lifts his head a few centimetres from you. “Please don’t stop.” His voice is low and needy, his eyes lidded. 
You push his face up a little more so that you can get a better look at him as you scrap your fingers along his skin. The sensation sparks like lightning down to his stomach.
He can’t help it as his hips rock against the settee, the inner seam of his sweatpants rubbing against his hard cock. 
He groans, the sound rumbling deep within his chest as he bites hard on his bottom lip and closes his eyes. 
The sight of him is glorious as he is wrapped up in the sensations of his own pleasure. You can’t help but run your fingers over his scalp again, firmer this time and his answering moan is instantaneous. 
WIthout really thinking you shift slightly, bringing your legs up to wrap around him and lightly dig your heels into his plump ass. You apply a little pressure in time with his thrusts, encouraging him to rut harder.
“Baby,” he chokes back a little half sob as heat flares along his skin, pleasure coiling tightly in his lower abdomen. 
Oh this is all going too fast. If he doesn’t get a grip on himself soon he’s going to come in his (Steven’s) sweat pants.
He moves quickly, trying to not completely lose himself and give into the sweet sensations, and sits up a little.
You go to take your hands away from his head, and move your legs. Already starting to form an apology on your tongue, believing that you stepped over a boundary. 
“No, no, no,” he mutters quickly, grabbing hold of your hands and pressing them firmly against his hair. “Continue, continue please.” His voice cracks with ache and want, his eyes half lidded and pupils blown wide. His skin is so warm, burning as if he had drunk just a little too much. 
You nod quickly, in awe of how wrecked he looks.
Marc shifted his hands down to your waistband. “Wanna make you feel good please?” 
How can you relist when he asks you so nicely? 
You nod again, barely finishing the movement before he is ripping your trousers and underwear off you and throwing them somewhere to the side. It’s a miracle that he doesn’t send them flying into the TV and knocking it over. 
Throughout you try your best to continue the massage, rubbing your thumbs and fingers along his skin in a now ingrained pattern you know he likes. 
Marc lifts both of your thighs over his shoulders and settles down, causing you to have to curl up a little to keep your hands in his hair. 
He puts his right hand just underneath your lower back, positioning it ever so slightly so that your hips cant upwards, and wraps his left around your leg so that he can rub your clit. 
You let out a small shaky sigh as he touches you, so light and barely there. 
“Fuck.” His hisses, his hot breath hitting your outer thighs as he leans into you. “Ugh, you’re so wet.” 
He runs his nose up and down through your folds, groaning as your slick coats his skin. 
“Marc-” You cut yourself off with a string of expletives as he lightly grazes your clit with his teeth before plunging his tongue into your cunt. 
You pull tightly on his hair, the action involuntary and Marc lets out a beautiful high pinched wine as he grinds himself harder against the settee. 
His cock is throbbing, burning for attention as he laps at you, rocking you back and forward with his right hand as he encourages you to fuck his face in time with the rock of his hips. 
You’re achingly close already, pleasure sparking up and flooding your veins under his skilled actions. He continues to roll your clit between his left thumb and forefinger, pinching ever so slightly at seemingly random intervals.
You let out a gasped yelp, struggling to think, so overwhelmed with sensations and the need to continue to rub your hands through his hair. 
“Marc, fuck, shit,” you can feel it building quickly, a crescendo threatening to pull you down with it. 
Marc groans into you in response, fucking his tongue harder against you as he picks up the pace of his hips. 
Your legs begin to shake, your stomach muscles clenching. Just a little more and-
He pulls away quickly, kneeling with your wetness shining all over the bottom of his face. He grabs his cock, barely pulling his sweatpants down. 
“Can-I?” His words are so rushed that they come out all together. 
“Yes, yes, pleas-”
You cry out as he surges forward and pushes into you in one swift movement. His left hand guiding the base of his cock and then pushing your leg to the side, spreading you wide so that it’s half dangling off the settee. 
You grab at his biceps, screwing up your eyes as he fills you so perfectly. 
He lets out a long moan, his eyebrows pinched together as he feels you squeeze down on him. 
“Hands, hands,” he mutters, so mumbled and slurred that it takes your brain a second to catch up. “Please, baby, please.” He moans again as you rock against him, his own hips still. 
You sink your fingers back into his hair, whimpering as you buck again. 
“Stay still for me, just for a second, just for a second…”
You wine, but do what he asks. Your orgasm is so close, you taste it. Feel the edges of it running along your skin. 
“Marc, please.”
He opens his eyes and nods. But he still doesn’t move his hips. Instead he reaches down and circles your clit with his fingers, rubbing soft small circles that match the speed and pressure of your own hands in his hair. 
You gasp and change direction and so does he. You scrap your nails against his skin and he lightly pinches. 
He can’t help but rock ever so slightly, barely moving out of you, needing to feel every single flutter against the length of his cock. 
“Need to feel you squeeze me, need you to- shit,” he gasps as you come, your orgasm hitting you like a surge of electricity. 
You moan out his name. Your back aching and grabbing hold of fistfuls of his hair, dragging him on top of you. 
He sobs as you pulse around him, milking him for everything he could give as he comes, following you down into that mind shattering ecstasy as you pull on his hair. 
Sweat begins to cool on your skin as you come back to yourself, breathing heavily. It’s only then that you realise both of you are still mostly dressed, and that you still have a death grip on Marc’s hair.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” You release him quickly. But he just murmurs sleepily into your neck. 
“It’s fine. Feels nice.” 
Thank you for reading!
Taglist: @pleasurebuttonwrites @raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @welcometostayingawake @mbakubabe @solobagginses @melodygatesauthor @romanarose @pimosworld @jake-g-lockley
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The white hair tragedy
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Headcanon: The white hair makes them go bruhhhhh ft Dazai, Ranpo and Kunikida Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting.
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He was horrified.
And pretty much earraped the whole agency
"Y/N LOOK" "Dazai there is nothing to scream" "ITS A WHITE HAIR"
He is 22 but he looks 32
He hasn't even reached middle age and saw a white hair.
Yup he is in denial.
Have to imagine him rushing to the nearest store to buy hair dye.
"Dazai, its nothing" "Y/N I AM GROWING OLD" "So?"
Insert that one meme of masterfu (if u get it, you get it)
Am pretty sure he just overreacted to the situation.
You eventually had to just pull the strand of white hair.
"Oww I hurts Y/N" "Good you deserve it" "How mean..." Dazai slander 101
Kunikida was relieved to find peace. Whereas you just sighed at your boyfriend who changed the male restroom's hand wash with the dye.
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Oh boy. You were just squishing your boyfriend in your arms when you saw a single strand of white hair.
You practically yelled at him.
He opened his eyes, for the first time and just looked at the white hair
Yeah you were just speechless.
You snatched his snacks and ran
Poor baby doesn't know how to put his shoes to run after you.
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Am pretty sure he didn't even notice it till Dazai pointed it out.
"Kunikidaaaa" "What Dazai?" "Don't stress, you pretty much have white hair"
Insert bone's fisheye for Kunikida
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Am sorry i had to-
He practically wouldn't scream like Dazai but wouldn't be chill like Ranpo.
He is just having 'questioning my life choices which led to this' moment
That was until you decided to pluck out the white hair.
"Y/N L/N WHY DID YOU DO THAT, IT HAS DISTURBED MY IDEAL HAIR" "Ideal hair?" You replied raising an eyebrow
"You mean the sorry excuse of growing bottom hair longer?" Dazai commented from behind
Rip Dazai.
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Its short, weird and unedited but i had fun writing it (No it wasnt because i wrote it half asleep)
I was going to write for Atsushi when i realized, He has white hair-
i cant bring Chuuya having white hair HE IS IMMORTAL AND STILL A GROWING TEENAGER
here is a gif by yours truly me <3 (because i wrote this hc weird ngl take these people and bless your eyes with their presence after reading this cursed post)
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berryhobii · 8 months
Thank you so much for the masterlist!! I can't wait to get home from work and read everything again😄If it's not too much trouble, could you please write about Firefighter Joonie?
Reader and him have recently moved in together and she has never seen him come home from work. Imagine him coming in with the uniform, the arms, sweaty, speaking about how he saved lifes... she would ride him into the sunset🥵🥵🥵🥵
Probably one of my favorite asks so far! My thumbs were just blazing the entire time I wrote this. I was on a serious roll. Please enjoy and I hope it’s to your liking!🩵
Rising from your midday nap, you stretched your body, groaning as your bones popped and muscles strained. You reached blindly for your phone, squinting at the bright light that radiated off of it.
4PM. Welp, looks like you weren’t washing your hair today. After spending most of the morning cleaning and a little bit of the afternoon catching up on work, your nap was well deserved. The oven needed deep cleaning and October was here which meant you needed to decorate the apartment for the festivities. You actually fell asleep while looking through websites for decorations. All of that was super important.
Excuses. You just didn’t want to wash your hair. Oh well, maybe you’d just go to the salon and get it deep cleaned. Your nails and toes needed a touch up as well. Yeah, a pampering day sounded great.
Standing from the bed, you shuffled into the living room while checking your text messages. There were a few from your friends and parents. They wanted you to come home for Thanksgiving this year since you didn’t go last year due to Namjoon’s work schedule.
Namjoon, your husband, was a firefighter. When he started, his shifts were always very long. You wouldn’t see him for days at a time but now with more people being hired at the station, his schedule has changed. Now, he only worked about 24 hours with 48 hours of rest in between which you absolutely loved. And you worked from home so those 48 hours were spent resting and spoiling him like he deserved.
He’d probably be home around 12AM tonight, long after you’ve fallen asleep but that was okay. You knew he’d wake you up to let you know he was home. That or the sound of him tripping over the table in the hallway would alert you. The first time he did that, you thought someone had broken in and almost clocked him with a bat. Good thing you recognized his voice or you would have broken a bone.
Stepping into the living room, you were surprised to see the very person you were thinking about sitting on the couch. A bowl of food was clutched in his hand, chopsticks in the other to slurp up the noodles.
He noticed you the moment you entered, face turning to you, cheeks puffed out. You wanted to bite them.
He quickly chewed and swallowed, a smile spreading across his face. “Baby, you’re awake. Did you sleep well?” He placed his bowl down and stood to his feet to approach you.
You didn’t answer. Partially because you weren’t really listening.
Not when your beefcake husband was practically half naked on your couch.
A grey, thin tank top on his upper body, the fabric stretching against the curves of his chest. His buff arms, which have held you in a headlock many a time, were a bit shiny from sweat, as was his throat and collarbone. Around his hips was a pair of coveralls, obviously taken off to release some of the body heat and cool down his honey kissed skin.
Oh god……were you still sleeping?
He tilted his head at your lack of an answer. “Baby? Are you okay?” He reached out a large hand to hold your chin between his thumb and index finger. That single touch sent fire hotter than Sean Kingston through your body, your knees almost buckling from the pure control he had over you without even doing anything.
You were a thirsty bitch. Whoever is up there writing your life’s tv show, thank you.
“Huh? Oh, I’m fine.” Your eyes couldn’t even lift from his pecs and the indents of his abs. You’ve felt up every inch of his skin before but you still got so amazed at just how thick and fit he was.
He pouted and it shouldn’t have affected you how it did but your panties were ruined now.
“Okay. I wanted to call you but I dropped my phone and then we got an alert so I ended up stepping on it by accident.” He sheepishly smiled and chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. He had recently buzzed most of his hair, even getting a few stylistic lines in the sides. While it was less to grab, that never stopped you from running your hands all over it. You should right now but you didn’t want him to think you weren’t paying attention to him.
You definitely weren’t and believe you, you were trying so hard to focus but how could you when his cute laugh made his abs contract?
“There was a small house fire but we managed to save everyone with no casualties. Isn’t that great? The little girl I saved even said she wanted to marry me. So sweet. I hope they’re doing well.” His smile was so endearing, those absolutely kissable dimples just begging for your attention.
Your brain decided to start functioning again at that moment, your eyes finally lifting to meet his. “That’s great, honey. I’m glad everything worked out. Um….why, why are you home so early?” Not that you didn’t mind but he’s never come home early, especially not in his fire station uniform.
“Oh right. The showers at the station are busted so I came home. I also forgot the lunch you made.” He lifted an arm to rub at the back of his neck, his bicep bulging and screaming for you to bite it.
You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Have you lost your mind?”
Your sharp tone made him pause, a look of utter confusion spreading across his handsome features. You wanted to kiss it off.
His eyes nervously shuffled around. You weren’t an angry person, not at all. He’s never heard you take that kind of tone with anyone, especially not him. Even when you were really upset, your voice stayed even and soft so this sudden change baffled him.
You crossed your arms, tilting your head as your fiery eyes squinted at him. “What what? I’m asking you are you crazy?”
He was so confused. “Wha….baby, why are you upset? Is it because I sat on the couch in my outside clothes? I’m sorry, I just wanted to check up on the soccer game and I sat down. I promise I’ll clean it.”
A quick hand reached out, your nails slightly scratching against his chest as you balled up the front of his tank in your first. You yanked him down and he easily folded, actually a little more nervous than before. Were you about to hit him? No, you’d never do that. What was he thinking? But with the way you were sneering at him, a very small part of him thought you might. He knew you hated outside clothes on the furniture and he did it anyway. Damn it, Namjoon.
Leaning forward until your lips were just millimeters from his, you said, “how dare you walk in here looking like this? Like you’re for the streets? Are you crazy?”
Still confused, Namjoon squeaked out a, “I….I don’t-“
You cut him off, “you walk in here like this and you have to nerve to not have your cock down my throat right now?”
Oh. Oh. OH!
He could barely react before you were dragging him back over to the couch. Your hand released his shirt and both worked on unzipping the rest of his coveralls, yanking those and his boxers down in one fell swoop.
You pushed him down on the couch, a light ‘oof’ coming from him. He was still a little dazed from your sudden burst of confidence but his body reacted all the same. You normally initiated sex anyway so this shouldn’t be a shock but you’ve never been like this. Your way of initiating was normally feeling him up, subtly brushing your ass past him, or just plain ole walking into the shower with him.
He’s never seen you quite like this.
Your hand gripped his cock that was slowly hardening up. Gathering saliva in your mouth, you spit on the head of his cock, stroking it to spread it around.
It didn’t take long for Namjoon to get hard, his thick cock standing to attention within 30 seconds of you touching him.
You cut him off with your mouth, taking him all the way to the hilt on the first try. His head knocked back against the couch, hips jerking from the sudden onslaught of your warm mouth.
Not wasting any time, you began bobbing your head, deepthroating him with practiced ease. Drool spilled out the sides of your mouth to his balls which you happily fondled in your palm.
His hands gripped the edge of the couch, eyes struggling not to close. He didn’t want to miss a single moment of this.
“Oh shit…..baby, your mouth is ssss-so good.”
You hummed around his cock, hollowing your cheeks as you came back up. You slurped and drooled all over it, pursing your lips once you got to the tip to spit on it again.
He already felt close. One of his hands reached out to grab your hair, the coils soft under his touch. He didn’t need to do any forcing to get you to deepthroat him again, just needing something to grip on before he floated away.
Your dark eyes lifted to lock with his. More sweat than before dripped down his throat, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he tried to quench his dry throat. You wanted to burn his image on your brain, tattoo it on your eyelids. Maybe you’d describe it to a sketch artist and then get it blown up and framed.
“I’m cumming…..I’m cum…..oh fuck.”
Feeling his cock pulse in your mouth, you gave his balls a nice squeeze, taking him all the way in your throat once again. That was all he needed to cum down your throat.
You swallowed it down greedily, sucking your way back up his still hard shaft before coming off him with a pop.
He was breathing heavily, chest lifting and rising as he tried to bring air back into himself but you didn’t care about none of that.
Pulling off your own clothes, he barely processed you climbing on top of him until he felt your slick pussy rubbing against his cock.
His eyes, that he didn’t remember closing, fluttered open, catching your desperate expression. Your lips immediately captured his, hands rubbing at the buzzed hair on his head to pull him closer. He reciprocated your kiss, own hands going down to your ass to squeeze and slap it around.
Your lips broke from his, puffs of air coming from both of you. “Take your shirt off.” He couldn’t even comply because you were already pulling it up over his head, tossing it off somewhere. Reaching between your bodies, you gripped his still hard and saliva soaked cock, lifting your hips so that you could line him up.
There was no gradual slide. No no. You slammed your ass down on his cock in one motion, the stretch burning in the best of ways. Your head tilted back at the welcomed intrusion, cock pressed right against every good spot inside of you.
His hands gripped your ass impossibly tight, almost as tight as the way your walls were hugging him. He’s only felt you like this during your ovulation days and he knows for a fact the next one was 2 weeks away.
“Fuck! Baby wait, I can’t.” He already felt like he was about to cum again.
You weren’t hearing it though. Adjusting yourself so that you were balanced on your feet, hands digging into his shoulders, you began riding him like your life depended on it. It certainly felt like it did.
Your pussy gripped him on every stroke, wetness soaking his lap and the backs of your thighs. It was endlessly pouring from you like a fountain. His cock was just too good.
You gripped the back of his neck, pulling his face to your collarbone. You could feel the heat of his labored breaths against your nipples, making the nubs harden even further.
His moans were loud and projected, the hands on your ass forcing you down everytime you came back up.
“Oh my god! Fuck fuck fuck! Ah ah ah.” You haven’t heard him curse that much in years. His hips began canting up to meet yours, orgasm just inches away.
“That’s it, baby. Use that pussy. You’re so fucking sexy.” You gritted out, yours not far behind. You leaned one arm back to rest on his knee, still keeping the same rhythm but now you could really appreciate him.
His abs were shifting like crazy, arms bulging bigger than before. Maybe you should do doggy next so he could effectively choke you with them. You’ll come back to that but first….
“I’m gonna cum all over this thick cock, baby.” You whined, other hand that wasn’t supporting you reaching out to scratch at his bicep. A little part of you soared at the red welts. You couldn’t mark him up as much as you’d like but this was more than enough for now.
The slight sting of pain sent Namjoon straight into overdrive. He yanked you forward, hooking his arms underneath your knees, gripping your ass again and began bouncing you on his cock.
A scream ripped from your throat, vocal cords aching slightly but you didn��t care about that. You’d suck a cough drop later.
Right now, you were only focused on the hot searing pleasure that was coursing through you. Your arms wrapped around his head, one hand scratching at his upper back, toes curling from where they were flopping around.
Each thrust put him deeper and deeper into your velvet walls and you were squeezing him like crazy.
“NAMJOON! I’m cumming!” Your orgasms crashed simultaneously, thick waves of ecstasy flowing over both of you.
Your eyes rolled back, mouth dropping in a silent scream and your arms hugging him just a bit tighter.
His ears were ringing as your walls milked every drop out of him. He’s never felt such bliss before and that was saying something since you put it on him good and often. This time just felt so different, so desperate, so intimate. If it was possible to fall more in love with you, he would and probably was.
After a few minutes of basking, your legs still twitching from the aftershocks, you two rested against each other.
“Baby….that was….”
You mindlessly drew little shapes on his chest, humming to confirm you were listening. “I know. I don’t know what came over me. Just seeing you all sweaty and in uniform just did something.”
“I really thought I had messed up. Why would you scare me like that?” He chuckled, spanking one of your ass cheeks. He’s lucky you were tired or else you’d get horny again. It also didn’t take much for you to get in the mood again anyway.
You breathed out a laugh too. “Sorry. Your face was just so adorable.”
You two sat in silence for a moment longer before he broke it.
“I really need to shower and get back to work though.”
You pouted, rubbing your cheek against his chest. You didn’t want him to go but you knew he had an important job. You probably already set him back anyway. And he still had to shower. Good thing the station is close.
“Okay. Hopefully no one will be bothered that you took so long.”
“Do you see the marks you left on my arm? They’ll definitely bother me.”
You nipped at his skin playfully. “Oh well. You shouldn’t have come home looking so delicious then. I blame you.”
“Yeah? Just wait until tomorrow.”
Needless to say, those 48 hours were spent with you receiving an orgasm for every time Namjoon got teased about the red marks.
You’d do it again too. Not even Namjoon could put out that fire.
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kotos-and-smiles · 9 months
Ch.127 Rambling and Gushing
As always I will be referring to tessenpai's rough tl which you can find here
Hello hello! Yeah, I'm not even pretending that I'm not just gushing about this chapter
Know this is obvious, but I’m so suspicious that Chika wasn’t *just* half asleep at the beginning of the chapter. Like, I don’t know, he was coming out of some kind of dream. And he mentions later on that he dreamt their performance went great, but I don’t know, just seemed a weird reaction. Them squinting against the light is really cute though. But Chika looks on the verge of tears until he snaps out of it and fully wakes up. Like, maybe he had dreamt they performed and thought it was all over and that’s why he grabbed onto Takezou like that? I don’t know, and I’m probably making too big a deal out of it.
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Can't believe this is actually the day they're gonna perform at Nationals. Like, we've come this far. Also should of course be mentioned how great Satowa and Hiro look and how obviously Chika and Takezou also thought this. is truly just so ecstatic to have every little experience with the club, and it’s so cute. But Momoya not wanting to lose the charm is so sweet. Like, a huge success with him. Satowa’s immediate, oh you don’t have to keep it though, like girl, please, even he values the handmade thing you gave him, people aren’t burdened by you and I still need people to remind her of that. Even Keishi gets a charm! And Chika’s little reaction after Satowa gives Keishi the charm is so cute. He’s so nervous about it.
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The way Chika asks Satowa to sit with him is just, ughhslekdnc. I can’t. And Hiro once again 100% representing all of us, especially with that “Excuse me, Chika-kun!?” cuz like, that is also def how I feel about this in the best way possible. But also our girl Hiro being such a go-getter this chapter, and I love that for her. But also she doesn’t even KNOW what just went down with Chika and Satowa this chapter. Like, if she hand’t exchanged charms with Takezou, she might’ve just dropped dead from the cuteness and also jealousy. But also Natsu being so done with being on the romance bus
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Satowa thinking about how it isn’t even that unusual for her and Chika to sit next to each other! And Chika is trying to play it so cool but he’s so nervous it’s the sweetest thing. And they’re both just such disasters. I fucking love so much how Chika tries to casually hold out the charm to Satowa, with his head turned away.
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Like he’s just this sweet boy trying to do something for the girl he loves and it just makes me wanna scream. And I’m just never gonna get over this. Not only does he still def have the charm that she gave him (the first charm he’d ever gotten and then wrote her name on without hesitation and she considers it her charm too cuz he did that) and then he went and made a charm for her and only one for her. Like, HE MADE HER A CHARM. And then what is the first thing she does with her charm? SHE WRITES HIS NAME ON HER CHARM TOO. THEY MATCH AND THEY’RE BOTH SO DAMN HAPPY ABOUT IT! Like, they’re simply the most in love people ever. 
But like, the way he, much like her and much as he always has, tries to immediately recover when he thinks she doesn’t want it, and that’s when her ability to express how genuinely happy she is kicks in, and just the way she catches his hand holding the charm, and so she’s holding onto him as he’s holding the charm, and how easily she reaches out for him, and how easily they reach out for each other with how softly he caught her arm earlier. 
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And then he reaches out cuz he wants to hug her so bad. And her brain moves onto slightly different topics while his just implodes because she just wrote his name on her charm that he made her and smiled like that about it, and HE BLUSHES SO HARD HE HIDES HIS FACE IN HIS BACKPACK. Like, I’ve been wanting so badly for Chika to blush more often with Satowa, and I know he’s confident and comfortable somewhat in the idea of loving someone and being loved, but like I wanna see my boy blush, and this was like the biggest blush ever. His blushly little ears and the way he hides his whole face, and how she notices and is just so happy and also basically hasn’t stopped blushing herself since she sat down. And like, these two people have already expressed that they love each other through words, and now they just keep doing it through actions and gestures as they always have, and I just can’t believe how precious they are. But I also love that while they have said that they love each other, Chika’s immediate reaction when he reaches out cuz he wants to hug her is just like “oh shit, that was dangerous” and like just cuz she said she loves him doesn’t give him consent to touch her whenever, but also like this is the girl that has literally said she loves him and now he just wants to give her a hug and it’s just so sweet. AFTER MAKING HER A HANDMADE CHARM LIKE SHE DID FOR HIM. Like, I’m never getting over this. I’ve wanted the charms to be brought back but questioned if they even would, and now we’ve got the fluffiest chapter ever of basically just exchanging charms and I’m just gonna scream about it forever. 
Also Satowa reacting out-loud to Chika’s cover of “gonna sleep” with “suddenly?” is so funny. 
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Hiro continuing to be a go-getter and persevering through the awkwardness is honestly great to see for her. She deserves some stuff happening with her own romance. Also though her mentioning that imitating Chika and Satowa, ya know, the people who have already confessed their love for each other, might be a bit much was unexpected but welcome. And Takezou being the problem solver, offering to exchange charms, and how he tucks it next to his heart and his soft smile, and how they’ll both be able to draw strength from each other’s charms. Like, Hiro really is making her love into strength. Just love Takezou's little smile so much even though he smiles bigger in a minute. There's just something so private and joyous about it.
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And then Sane and Mittsu being the epitome of single life when asking each other if they should exchange charms is so hilarious. This along with Sane trying the soothing pressure points on Mittsu’s hand just really made them a whole vibe this chapter. Like, we have these two, the painfully single, Kota and Yoshinaga who are just either vibing or oblivious, the set of absolutely ridiculous love birds, and Momoya and Takinami who are just so *done*
Honestly don’t even feel the need to mention Ichiei at the end, cuz like, yeah yeah, they’re being all intimidating and scary, but my babies just exchanged charms so I don’t care. Am I also selectively choosing to ignore the very existence of Chika’s dad right now, much less that he’s at nationals? Absolutely. I need the fluff in my life right now, so my god I will take it and be thankful for it. The amount of times my babies blush in this chapter, I just CANNOT. I love it so much.
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itskindamagical · 11 months
Criminal Minds: the moment they realized they are in love with you
AN: this one was just a cute excuse to write some sweet fluff with Aaron and Jack. In this Jack is a little kid, around 5 or 6 so again early seasons plot and character wise. This one is much more focused on Hotch and his internal monologue, unlike part 1
AN Edit: Sorry this one took so long. I had mixed feelings about how this one was going the entire time I wrote it.
Part 2: Aaron Hotchner
You were on the phone with Hotch and you knew he was pacing in his hotel room in frustration. Speaking to you was the only thing keeping him from loosing his mind. You always let Aaron vent to you, and with a job like his, he needed to do plenty of that so you two called often. At this moment he was explaining his current predicament to you, trying not to sound too frustrated. You could practically hear his footsteps grooving the carpet in the room. He paced while telling you how irritated and disappointed Hailey would be at him. He was half way across the country and would be getting home tomorrow night instead of today. The jet was having technical difficulties, which would postpone his flight home. Aaron was supposed to be meeting Hailey to pick up Jack for the weekend tomorrow morning, which was impossible now with the delay. He’d have to tell Hailey to hold off an entire day, messing up whatever plans she had. It irked you just a bit how much Hotch would beat himself up in the name of Hailey and her judgements. In your opinion, he shouldn’t be spending his time frustrated with the thoughts of his ex wife. That, and the fact that it wasn’t a big deal. Aaron was such a pessimist and it took a toll on him. You’d stay up late on calls with him in hopes it would relieve some of the weight on his shoulders. Hopefully he would let you help him with this.
“Aaron, let me help. I’m off work tomorrow and it’s been so long since I’ve gotten to see Jack. I don’t mind.”
“Y/N, you know I can’t ask you to do that,” he shot your request down immediately. You took a deep breath.
“Aaron, please drop it with the pride. You work too hard at your job already and still give a hundred percent to your son. You don’t have to do everything. Causing this extra stress for yourself is useless,” you paused for a moment and let him digest your words. “You are human, and I want you to have night where you come home with as little stress as possible, so just let me do this for you.” Aaron was a little taken aback with the forcefulness of you words, and equally as so with your kindness. He forgets how much you care. He fought with himself for a short while. You were so sweet and convincing. Your personable and almost charming nature had Hotch keep you at arms length for a while. He couldn’t just open himself up to you. He was afraid to become close with someone again. Nothing scared him more than falling for someone.
“Alright, you’re convincing. You can stay at my place. You know where I keep the spare key,” Aaron gave in. Your kindness resonated with him and he did need some help.
It was almost midnight when Aaron got home from the bureau the next night. There was a soft rainfall as he unlocked his side door. Swiftly, he moved to punch the code into the alarm to keep it from blaring. He knew Jack was most likely sound asleep at this time. He placed his raincoat on the rack and walked into the living room on the way to his bedroom. The tv was on but muted, showing reruns of a children’s cartoon. Aaron set his briefcase down. He looked to the couch, which you were sound asleep on next to Jack, who’s head rested on your shoulder. You both looked so at peace while you slept to the hum of the cable box, ignoring the sound of rain pattering on the roof and the noises Aaron made entering his home.
Seeing you and Jack resting peacefully struck at Hotch’s heartstrings. He thought he probably hadn’t seen anything as sweet and cute and loving since he had been through his divorce. He knew it was silly, but Aaron thought you looked beautiful in the glow of the tv. Your features looked so soft and you looked so peaceful when you slept. Jack looked so comfortable next to you and he knew you loved Jack like he was family. Family. That’s what this reminded him of. Domestic bliss. Seeing you and Jack at home after a long and stressful case was just what he needed. The wonderful sight before him made him realize something. This is all he ever wanted. To come home to you and his son at the end of the day. To have that comfort and love and stability. A fond place to keep his heart, people who loved him. A family. Aaron was wishing every night was like this. The warm and intense feeling in his chest was almost startling to Hotch. It had been so long since he had felt that way. For so long he feared this feeling, this revelation, as he had been fighting and pushing away his feelings for you for so long, but watching you and Jack sleep so calmly and happily, it confirmed the feelings he’d been rejecting for so long. It was so powerful, and it made him feel such joy, he didn’t want to push it away anymore. He loved you. The thought was resolute. He was finally ready to accept it.
After staring lovingly at you and Jack for a few more minutes, Aaron decided to get ready for bed, and went to take a quick shower. He let the water hit is back and thought about you, and what being in love with you meant. He was never one to over analyze his feelings. He always coped with his feelings by pretending they were insignificant. This, being in love, however, wasn’t insignificant. When he saw you with his son, he had this sweet, paternal feeling. Did that mean he wanted you to be like a mom to Jack? He wanted to come home to you everyday. Did that mean he wanted you to live with him? He shook his head free from thoughts because thinking about dating and marriage and having kids was extremely heavy. Aaron needed to go to sleep and face his revelation’s tomorrow, with a clear head and as much sleep as he could possibly get.
You awoke with a start from a strange dream, which you immediately forgot. What? You turned your head to see Jack sleeping soundly next to you. Oh right, sitting for Aaron. You then noticed a light in the room over had been turned on, and the sound of water running. You froze, immediately stricken with fear. Someone was in the house. See, rationally no one would immediately panic, but being close friends with an FBI agent who gets up close and personal with serial killers always leaves a lingering bit of paranoia in your mind. You fought over what to do and decided to go check where the water was running, but you surveyed the room first. Your eyes stopped at Aaron’s briefcase on the floor and let out a massive sigh of relief. Oh, Aaron got home. You still went into the room over to see that there was no one there, and checked the alarm. It has been reset to “home mode” which reassured that the person taking a shower was Aaron, as he would be the only one to know the combination to reset the alarm.
You checked the time. Practically midnight. So you gathered your things, preparing to leave when Aaron was done. It looked like it was going to be a long and dreary ride home, with the pouring rain and the soft roll of thunder. Great. The thunder reminded you of Jack sleeping in the other room, so you went to to check on him. You saw him laying on the couch, still sleeping soundly. He must be a heavy sleeper. You go back over to sit next to him. The tv was showing, ‘Clifford the Big Red Dog,’ a cute show. You watched it mindlessly and yawned. Your eyes felt tired, but then you heard footsteps into the room. Aaron walked in with damp hair, just wearing a t-shirt and some shorts. You started blushing. You rarely ever saw Aaron without a suit on, or at least some type of professional clothing. He looked good, handsome, but also tired.
“Welcome home,” you looked up at him and smiled sweetly. Just your pretty, soft face made his heart melt a bit. And, in the spirit of not choking down his feelings, Hotch gave you a warm smile back. This made you blush more, so you looked down at the floor.
“Jack and I had a lot of fun today. I can’t believe I actually fell asleep, guess all the running around tired me out,” you yawned and then continued on a little bit about what the day was like.
“Thank you,” Hotch was still smiling, which was rare for him. It made your heart happy.
“Don’t mention it, it was great. I needed a change of pace anyways. So… how was the plane ride home?” You looked up at him again, seeing the exhaustion in his eyes. He didn’t even have to answer. Both of your eyes drifted away from each other to look at Jack, still sleeping. “We should probably get him to his room, huh?” Aaron slowly and carefully picked up Jack off the couch and you followed him as he brought him to his room and set him down. Immediately Jack curled up and was comfy with his head on the pillow. Aaron pulled his truck blanket over him. This sweet paternal moment was very heartwarming, and honestly special. No one really saw Aaron when he was like this, so you felt pretty honored. Internally, Aaron was very aware of you watching this moment. It was vulnerable for him, even though he didn’t indicate that it was in any way. When walking into Jacks room, Aaron’s mind was on your phrasing, “we should get him to his room.” You hadn’t realized the way that sounded until after it came out of your mouth. He thought the phrasing should make him happy. It was you showing a bond between the two of you, and you had said it so freely like it was true.
After a few silent moments, you tapped Aaron’s hand and motioned your head to the door. “I should probably get home. Hopefully the storm dies down.”
He didn’t want you to go, especially to leave so you could drive in a dangerous storm right after midnight. He thought about asking you to stay, while you both walked out of Jack’s room. Thunder cracked in the background as you grabbed your things. You paused and looked up at Aaron again, sending him a soft and tired smile. Both of you were thinking the same thing, “aren’t they a sight for sore eyes.” He just wanted to be near you, to be in your presence for a little bit longer. You were inwardly hoping he would ask you to stay. His house was warm and comfortable and you just wanted to stay with him. Now specifically but also in general. Hotch wasn’t the only one who had to accept their romantic feelings.
“Y/N,” Aaron paused for a moment, “you can stay, if that’s what you want.” You had to hide how happy his offer made you.
“Thanks, I wasn’t really looking forward to driving home this late.”
“I can get you some more comfortable clothes. You can take my bed,” Aaron turned to go back to his room.
“Don’t be silly, you are sleeping in your bed, I can take the couch. I already slept on it for half of the night,” you weren’t one to scuffle, but you were tired of Aaron putting people before himself.
“Y/N,” he didn’t face you. “I let you do this for me, so don’t argue-,”
“Aaron. You just came home from a horrible flight after a long and stressful case. You need sleep,” you stepped closer to him and brought your face close to his and smiled at him again. “Please?”
“Alright.” It looked like Aaron was finally coming to terms with his feelings.
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wit4writ · 5 months
PJO Episode 2 Detailed Review (Part 1/2)
So, episode two serves as our introduction to Camp Half-Blood and the world of demigods, and it wasn’t…great. I really didn’t want to write this review, hence the delay.
Before you come after me with torches and pitchforks, remember what I wrote about exposition robots? Well, this episode was FULL of them, which interfered with the flow of the story and development of characters. So, time to write a detailed review of episode two! (Which will be split in two parts because it’s so long.)
First up, a recap, which I didn’t have an issue with, so moving on.
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Percy is in the infirmary after his big fight and sees a girl watching him. When he asks where he is, she tells him, “You drool when you sleep.”
This is a classic line from the book, but my biggest issue with putting the line here is that it feels very abrupt. Framing it as, “You know you drool when you sleep?” would make it flow easier.
Percy falls back asleep and wakes up again to Grover sitting beside him, and their conversation is fraught with tension as Percy grieves and Grover rambles. Again, this conversation could’ve been tightened up with less words.
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Mr. D was great. Perfect casting, but I would’ve liked if we had character clues to Mr. D’s identity and Percy figuring it out instead of Grover telling him who he was. I appreciated Percy being a bit sassy, but I think he could’ve given him more attitude. I also didn’t need the whole “Mr. D pretends to be Percy’s dad” part, that felt a too cruel. My ideal scene would go something like this:
// Percy walks in to see Mr. D dozing.
Percy: “Excuse me?”
No response. Percy tries again, a bit louder.
Percy: “Excuse me? I’m Percy Jackson, I’m new here…Hello? Did you hear me? I said—”
Mr. D interrupts him, sitting up straight.
Mr. D: “Yeah, I heard you, Peter Johnson!”
Percy: “That’s not my name.”
Mr. D: “Well, that’s not my problem.”
Percy: “Hey, I’m just looking for the office, or someone who’s in charge?”
Mr. D scans Percy carefully, a gleam in his eye.
Mr. D: “You want to know where the office is? Well, maybe if you grab me that 1985 Chateau Haut-Brion in the galley I’d be able to remember.”
Percy: “Why can’t you just tell me?”
Mr. D: “You help me, I help you. It’s how the world works, Peter.”
Grover runs in, having overheard that last part.
Grover: “Mr. D, you know you can’t, you—”
Mr. D glares at him and Grover takes a step back and swallows hard.
Grover: “Uh, Percy, this is Mr. D—Mr. D, Percy.”
Mr. D: “Yeah, heard him the first time when he was interrupting a great nap.”
Percy: “Did you though?”
Grover: “Percy! Sir, he didn’t mean it—”
Percy: “Why are you so scared of this guy? Maybe if he could get off his own lazy butt, he’d get more blood to his brain and be able to remember my name.”
Mr. D stares at him darkly, Grover looking frantically between them both.
Mr. D: “Are you mocking me?”
Vines twine around Percy’s ankles, trapping him in place. Mr. D leans forward.
Mr. D: “You know, I could blast you, but if you get me that bottle, I’d be happy to forget this whole thing even happened.”
Mr. Brunner/Chiron (offscreen): “That’s enough.”
He enters the room on his wheelchair.
Percy: “Mr. Brunner?”
Mr. Brunner/Chiron: “Hello Percy. I’m afraid Mr. Brunner is a pseudonym I used while I was at Yancy—please, call me Chiron.”
Percy: “Oh. Okay…”
Chiron: “Mr. D, remember your restrictions.” (to Percy) “Zeus forbid Mr. D from consuming alcohol while he’s here.”
Mr. D: “Apparently, I need to ‘set an example,’ well I don’t think so, Dad!”
Percy: “Dad?” He thinks hard. “You’re Dionysus. The god of wine.”
Mr. D: “Wow, someone give the boy a prize before I blow him up.”
Grover: “Sir, Percy’s just distraught. His mom—”
Chiron: “Yes, I think we can be a little more accommodating, considering…”
Mr. D thinks it over.
Mr. D: “Sure. If he apologizes.” //
Percy then grudgingly apologizes, and Chiron ushers him out, quickly stepping out of his chair to reveal his true form. The last little scene where Grover says something doesn’t feel right is cut, instead he goes with them before Chiron sends him away to give them privacy. I think these changes would improve the flow and serve as characterization for not only Mr. D, but demonstrating his relationship with Grover, Chiron, and Percy.
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The camp looked great, but Chiron’s speech over top of the montage served as more exposition. It would’ve worked better for Percy to be asking questions to make this an active conversation which he was a participant in. That’s why I appreciated Percy talking to Chiron about the pen, but I would’ve had Chiron introduce the name of the sword here and cut some of the words during his “magical items don’t obey the laws of the physical world,” bit. I would’ve rewritten a LOT of this whole conversation. I did like how Percy saw through Chiron’s rambling and realized the possibility of being unclaimed.
The Hermes cabin looked cool and Percy finding the blue candy still in his bag was a nice touch.
When Luke approaches, I think he should’ve said something so that it makes Percy’s first reaction to him more logical. Something like:
// In the background: “He’s the guy who killed the Minotaur, I think.”
Luke (offscreen): “We should find out.” (to Percy) “Hey.”
Percy looks over and sees Luke and his friends approaching.
Luke: “You’re the kid who killed the Minotaur, right? Percy something?”
Percy: “Yeah.”
Luke and his friends exchange looks.
Luke: “Wow. You must be pretty tough.”
Percy: “Look, if you want to give me a hard time, do it tomorrow. I can’t do any more today.”
Luke: “Relax, fighter. I didn’t mean it like that.”
Percy: “You didn’t?”
Luke: “Nah. I just wanted to say we heard about what happened on the hill. We’re sorry about your mom.”
The other kids nod.
Luke: “I know things are tough right now, but you’re gonna get through it. Believe me, it gets better.”
Percy: “Thanks.”
Luke extends his hand and Percy shakes it.
Luke: “I’m Luke. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.” //
Then, I’d have Luke invite Percy to lunch and say something about giving him a tour the next day, to allow for a smoother transition to the next scene.
Unfortunately, now that we’ve been introduced to Luke, we need to…talk about Luke. His actor, I mean.
Firstly, I have no issue with how Luke looks. What I do have an issue with is how his actor is portraying him.
Luke is supposed to be charismatic and confident, a leader and camp counsellor. He’s lived at camp for ages, and everyone acknowledges his amazing swordsmanship, and even if he has failed a quest (though I’m not sure if they’re going with that storyline) he’s seemingly good-natured about it.
I’m not getting any of that from the actor. He comes off as more anxious than confident, someone who’d rather not be in the spotlight. Unfortunately, that impression carried throughout the whole episode, and it was not helped by the fact Luke was mostly an exposition robot to spout facts at Percy.
The darkness transition is now three seconds—still feels a little long, but better than the first episode.
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Grover’s scene in the woods I would’ve cut entirely. It was sweet to see him with the dryad (who may or may not have been his mom), but it honestly wasn’t needed. I would’ve had Grover be in the background in the previous scene, maybe watching Percy go to lunch before heading off, then started the next scene with Grover, Mr. D, and Chiron already altogether, and had them vaguely hinting instead of outright saying Percy’s mom was alive, to increase the suspense. Something like:
// Grover: “I don’t understand, why haven’t you told Percy yet?”
Chiron: “The truth can be very dangerous if not handled carefully.”
Grover: “But it’s his mom! He deserves to know!”
Chiron: “Grover, there are powerful forces at work, and we still don’t fully comprehend their motives. If we tell Percy the truth too early, we may lose him.”
Mr. D: “Then you’ll be the worst Protector on record, between Thalia and this kid.”
Grover: “But I don’t want to lie to him. He’s my best friend.”
Mr. D: “Then I suggest you avoid him, because if you say one word of this, one word—I’ll put you on stable cleaning duty for the next year. Understood?” //
So that's the end of Part 1, PART 2 will be linked here. Thoughts, reblogs, and comments are welcome!
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jjongscardigan · 2 months
PAPER RINGS₊ ⊹⟡ — p.jongseong
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16. family outing
note: took OUR son out*** Wrote this while half asleep so didn't bother fixing the mistake because it's minimal and has no impact on anything whatsoever. 😜 ps: Doesn't the girl in the en- thumbnail look like Son Chaeyoung????
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"Babe, tell the babies what we're doing today!" You pan the camera towards your boyfriend. "Riki's at school until 15:00 but after that we're taking him out" You nod as he disappears from the screen. Your eyes naturally follow him and you fondly watch him gather Riki's after-school garments.
You film your feet and intertwined hands as you guys make your way to Riki's school. "There he is" you zoom in on an awkwardly waiting Riki. He's looking around while holding his phone in one hand. His uniform jacket hangs around his backpack. In the background, Jay calls his name and the teen walks towards you.
"Let's go out for a family trip, child" you playfully ruffle his hair. "There's a change of clothes in the trunk, put those on. We're going to Nando's and after that a coin noraebang." He nods as he finally puts a hoodie on and gets in the backseat of Jay's car. You sit next to Jay as he drives off.
"Guys, Riki's playing on his switch. Look at him…" You smile endeared as he curses at a character on screen. "Cutie" you pan the camera towards Jay who's squinting at the road. "Babies, I shouldn't have let my visually impaired boyfriend drive us."
Now you, Riki and Jay are sitting in a booth at Nando's. "Let's order lots of delish food" Riki immediately starts browsing the menu. "Jay is paying, guys" He smiles towards the camera. The wallet, Jay, shakes his head in astonishment. "Order lots of food, Riki. You're a growing boy." You once again pat his head and he leans in with a wide smile.
The screen shows you and Jay walking hand in hand. Riki's walking behind you guys filming his point of view. "Guys, aren't my parents the cutest?" He zooms in on Jay putting an arm around your shoulders. You giggle a bit and put your hand in his back pocket. "This is where we look away, friends" Riki stops filming.
Suddenly it's a very chaotic clip of Jay and Riki screaming like banshees to Heart's Barracuda. You're behind them pretending to play guitar while yelling the backing vocals. Jay slides on his knees and does a guitar solo. Riki and you start hyping him up and he jams even harder. And then.
"Ma'am we know that it's a karaoke room, but please keep it a bit down. There's other visitors in the other rooms." You nod as she excuses herself. When she leaves Riki starts laughing loudly. "Shutup, you heard her" The rest of the session goes by without a hitch and y'all leave.
You're eating an ice cream as Jay films you. "We really have to stop getting on workers' nerves…" You semi pout and Jay's hand is seen pinching your cheek. "Riki, come here!" He runs over and you put an arm around his shoulder. He grins and throws a piece sign before dragging you towards the swings. Jay finishes up. "Guys, this was the video. Thank you for watching, see you next week!"
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©jjongscardigan 2024
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captain-mj · 1 year
Hi! Uhm I am new to this but I saw your tiktok about Graves and Price and now I am obsessed 😭
Anyway, in one of your posts (small fics? Idk how they are called) you said something about Graves being told to “not to touch too much” in previous relationships, and I was wondering what was Price’s reaction the first time Graves told him that.
((Also I love your writing I am currently reading A little death and I am loving it))
Thank you so much! And I'm glad you like my writing on ao3!!
I wrote a little bit of it for another ask (before I saw this one ironically!) but I love an excuse to add lore
Graves was drunk. Price was too. Both of them had continued sharing drinks long after everyone else had left and they really should have just left, but here they were, in Price's bed, half undressed and kissing like they could take the air from the other one.
Price picked up on it right after he had gotten the rest of Graves's clothing off. Graves had tucked his hands behind his back, baring his chest and looking up at him through his lashes.
He shrugged it off and continued to kiss along his neck, his hands on Graves's hips. The American moaned softly and tilted his head back. Price finished getting undressed, noticing Graves staring at him. He had a few tattoos here and there, as most army men did.
"You don't have to keep your hands so still, ya know." Price smiled at him, appreciating the way he flushed down his chest.
Graves was too drunk to lie. "Shepherd doesn't like when I'm touchy. Tells me I'm annoyingly needy." He panted softly and smiled at him, looking very inviting.
"Doesn't sound like he's good to you." Price had muttered, kissing his neck and making him keen. "I could be so much better." He grabbed his wrists, pulling him in.
"Please. Show me." Christ, Graves sounded so debauched. Once again, Price had put it to the side in favor of proving himself right. He couldn't stop kissing him and eventually Graves seemed to figure himself out, tugging his hair and dragging his nails down Price's back.
After he fell asleep, Price thought back to it. Graves had his head on Price's chest, holding on to him tight.
What kind of bastard says shit like that? He already didn't like Shepherd and this did not raise his opinions of him. Graves was marked up all over, bites and hickeys dotting his neck and down his shoulders. Several were concentrated on his inner thighs.
He hoped they'd stay. That next time he went to touch Graves, he would see what Price did. As far as he was concerned, he really could treat Graves better. And had.
Price ran his hands through his hair and Graves pressed closer, letting out a soft sigh. He paused but Graves didn’t wake up, continuing to just relax. 
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