#i was going through another low phase at the time
stylesharrys · 7 months
Love Me Like You Do
Harry’s never had someone take care of him the way that Y/N does. 
A/N: here's another old exclusive guys. there are lots and lots of fics lined up for you for the next couple of months while I work on a 20k realtor!y/n and a 20k ex-boyfriend! Harry so enjoy!
WC: 2,361
At first, Harry thought nothing of it.
The honeymoon phase, he told himself. It made sense, it was expected. His past lovers had all been the same during that time — always obsessed and seemingly in love. Seemingly. 
But after a few months, they always started to change. They’d distance themselves first, take a while longer to reply or to get in contact with him. Then, they’d get blunt and annoyed quickly with him. They wouldn’t want him close, wouldn’t shower him in affection. Wouldn’t let him touch them. 
And then, eventually, they’d leave. Maybe on the odd occasion, they’d butter him up and get a little splurge on his card, or go to him just for their release. A few had cheated, some just left. Nothing for Harry has ever lasted past a year and a half, and now it’s nearing the two-year mark and he’s confused. 
Y/N is a lovely woman. She’s kind, funny, smart, gorgeous. Harry thinks her kindness and wit is what attracted him to her in the first place, and in the two years he’s known her, he’s only started to love her more. 
It’s not like he thinks deep down she’s a horrible person, but Harry has grown accustomed to how things typically work in his relationships, and none of the above has yet occurred. 
Currently, he’s lying on his stomach with his face smushed into Y/N’s pillow. She’s straddling his lower back, her bum on his bum and his shirt is long gone as she massages the tender knots out of his shoulders. She’s been doing it for thirty minutes now. Harry’s been watching the clock. 
He’s been feeling a little ill the past few days. Migraine, sore muscles and the occasional fleeting moments of nausea. He lost his appetite and strength pretty quickly and Y/N has been on the ball with it — at his feet with a sick bucket, coddling his head to her chest with a cold compress against his skin. She’s done it all and Harry can’t quite understand it. 
From past experiences of being ill or caught with the flu, the only person to have ever taken proper care of him had been his mother. And now, his lover is doing what past lovers didn’t, and Harry’s confused.
It’s not that Y/N isn’t an overwhelmingly kind and compassionate person, because she is. Her caring and nurturing behaviour is nothing out of the ordinary for Y/N, but Harry has never experienced such care from a romantic partner before. 
It’s like Y/N has forgotten about the gruelling twelve-hour shift she just got home from, but Harry hasn’t ,and although he’s the one that’s sick, she’s the one that’s been on her feet all day. 
“Come on, I’ll do you.” His words come out gruffly, muffled slightly by the pillow that restricts the fluid movements of his lips. He can feel Y/N shake her head from above him. She sinks the balls of her palms into the backs of his shoulders. 
“You need to relax and rest.” She argues, thinks her reasoning will be enough for him not to ask again.
Harry shakes his head and shuffles beneath the weight of her body. Y/N lifts to her knees, allowing him to turn beneath her and onto his back. Harry’s eyes are bleary and sleepy as he blinks to gain his bearings. He stretches for her hips, hands finding them with ease. 
She’s sitting on his lower tummy, dressed in a pair of cycling shorts and one of his old Rolling Stones t-shirts that she changed into the second she got home. There’s dotting of mascara smudged below her eyes and a couple of pimples that are starting to show through the worn, minimal makeup. 
He knows she’s had a long day, could tell the second she got in and pretended that she was okay for his sake. Her hair is tied back low on her neck, stray strands wildly framing her face. She looks tired, burnt out. Harry just wants to look after her. 
“Bad day?” He finally asks. 
Y/N blinks twice and shrugs, head rolling as her shoulders raise and her cheek meets it. “Busy,” she tells him. “Nothing I’m not used to.” 
Harry squints. 
He knows she’s used to it — the long days with early starts and late finishes, the ones without a break in-between, where she doesn’t get to eat, save for a few grapes she manages to steal every now and then. He knows she’s used to it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not exhausting her.
He squeezes her hips gently. “Know you’re used to it, pet. Don’t make it any easier, though.”
She doesn’t say anything. Her hands are on his, encouraging them to sneak up her shirt to feel her skin. She’s warm, soft. Y/N pouts down at him. “Want a kiss.” She says, eyes glassy with affectionate need. 
Harry copies her expression, reaching up to caress the side of her face. “Can’t let ya get sick, babe. Why don’t you let me run you a bath and you can relax?” He offers, eyes gentle and she lets hers flitter closed for a moment, like she’s pondering over her answer. 
She shakes her head. 
“You’re the sick one. I’m going to run you a bath, and then I’m going to make you some soup for your throat. Know it’s still been hurting you.” 
Harry doesn’t say anything — knows that whatever he argues, she’ll bite back better. His body sinks into the sheets, head in the pillow as a heavy huff of annoyance and adoration slips from his mouth. 
When Y/N said she’d run him a bath, Harry didn’t expect it to be overflowing with bubbles or for every possible available surface to be littered in glowing candles. But the bathroom wasdecorated with such and Harry was overcome with an overwhelming amount of love for his girl. 
She let him take his time in there, relaxing and soothing his muscles while she cooked up some magic for his throat. Getting out of the bath, Harry most definitely does not expect to wander into the kitchen to see what he does. 
Y/N behind the stove, dishing up the soup with two fresh rolls from the bakery a mile from them. She’s got the lights dim for him — knows they’re hurting his head — and there are more candles around the living room. 
The coffee table is littered with them mostly, Netflix is up and ready on the TV and as he looks to the sofa, he notices she got out her favourite blanket — the soft one that Harry swears is made from angel wings. 
And he looks at her, starry-eyed and all. She’s got a gentle smile on her lips when she notices his presence and Harry is fucked. 
He can’t stop the rush of emotion that consumes him. His eyes turn glassy, nose tingling and heart aching. Harry reckons he’s easily the most loved man in the world and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
He can’t help the single tear that slips down his face but he wipes it before she notices. 
Harry approaches her, arms wrapping around the middle of his love and he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck. “Thank you, for all of this. Love you so much.” He rasps into her skin. 
He can feel her body warm against his touch and she smiles, rashes down to hold her hand over his. “Love you loads, too. And you haven’t got to thank me, this is just what you do when you love someone.”
When you love someone. 
She shrugs her own words off like they’re the most obvious thing she’s ever said, but Harry can’t stop falling harder for her. 
He’s loved people before, he knows that. But now, looking back, he wonders if anyone has ever loved him before her. 
Harry doesn’t remember a time that a previous lover put him before themselves. Where they cared for him and put his needs first. Where they showered him with care and adoration just because. 
No ones ever loved him as she does. 
The tears start to pool again as he pulls away and helps her carry their bowls and drinks to the sofa. They sit close, dipping pieces of bread into the creamy soup Y/N prepared and keeping their eyes on the TV. 
Harry is struggling to focus though when Y/N takes a glance at the clock and carries their empty bowls to the kitchen. He cranes his neck across the back of the sofa to see what she’s doing, but her back is to him as she runs the sink tap and rummages through the cupboard. 
What he does see is her shuffling back to the living room with a small glass of water and a curled open palm carrying three little white tablets atop it. 
Y/N settles beside him, handing him the glass with a tired smile and offering him the pills. “They’ll help with your head and throat, hun.” She curls into the sofa, her knees to her chest and close to Harry’s side. Y/N props one arm against the back of the pillows and her fingers find the long hairs at the nape of Harry’s neck, gently craving through the soft locks. 
He watches her for a moment, completely dumbfounded and speechless if he’s honest. 
Something like Y/N taking care of him when he’s sick shouldn’t have him feeling so fucked and in love, but it does. He’s teary-eyed because his girl is taking care of him off her own back. Because she isn’t complaining once or making anything about herself. 
Because she’s loving him beyond the words of saying it. 
And he cries. 
Y/N’s stunned at the sight, thinks maybe he’s about to sneeze, but his body starts to tremble and she realises what’s going on. So, gently, she pries the glass and pills from his wanton hands and places them blindly on the coffee table before reaching back for him. 
“Hey,” she coos. 
Her hands caress the damp and flushed skin of his cheeks to bring Harry’s gaze to meet her reassuring one. “Why are you crying, H?” Her words are asked in a light and airy voice, one that isn’t serious as she chuckles softly, but he still knows she’s concerned for him. 
He shakes his head and pulls her into his side, laughing at himself too because, why is he crying? 
“Just never had anyone look after me apart from my mum before. Really fucking lucky to have you, love. No ones ever loved me like you do before.”
Her hand is sprawled across his gently heaving chest and she kisses his neck with a soft peck, offering a squeeze. His hand is brushing comfortingly up and down her arm but neither of them really know why he’s the one trying to comfort her.
Y/N swallows, reaching her right hand across her chest to find his hand that lingers over the front of her shoulder, and she interlaces their fingers, squeezing. “I wish I could show you how in love with you I am… no words can describe it.” She admits, bashfully. 
Harry squeezes her hand, using his other to wipe his face and he laughs again, because he’s so in love that it hurts. It hurts so fucking good because he knows this is it for him. She is it for him. Together against the world. Their future, their everything. 
“I know, baby. S’the same for me.”
His raw voice sends a shiver through her spine and her own eyes are watering with salty drops of emotion. It hurts her too. More so knowing nobody has ever treated him right, nobody has ever taken care of him and loved him like he’s always deserved. 
“I’m always gonna love you like this, H. Always gonna put you before me. Put us before anything else. You’re it for me, hope I’m it for you, too.”
He grins, cranes his neck to look down at her through hooded eyes. “‘Course you’re it for me. Been my future since I fucking laid eyes on ya, pet. It’s us forever, yeah?” 
She breathes, tears slipping but she nods her head. He doesn’t get the chance to stop her before she’s leaning up and smacking a kiss to his lips, eager and sweet. He doesn’t pull away either, as selfish as it is. 
Y/N reads his mind, knows what he’s thinking. “Don’t care if I get a bloody cold. You’re worth it.” 
“God, I fucking love you.”
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wineauntie · 2 months
( luke hughes x fem!reader ) masterlist
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note: this was written in 20 minutes and I love it <33
warnings: none, just Luke being soft!
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BOYFRIEND!LUKE loves to make you tea in the morning when he comes home from morning skate. He knows you’re not an early riser when you don’t have work to go to, so he also knows that when he’s back from morning skate, you’ll still be curled up in bed asleep.
He will sit on the edge of the bed, gently caressing your mussed hair out of your face, as he tries to coax you awake. He keeps his voice low and steady, watching as you stir awake. He loves to watch you slowly blink and smile upon seeing Luke sitting, waiting with a cup of tea in hand for you. He’ll watch as you sit up and take the cup from him with a sleepy grin.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who will insist on kissing you despite your protests of morning breath. He will lean forward and peck your lips, with his own teasing smile across his face as he does so. He will then sit and talk to you, telling you all about his morning skate, allowing you to sip your tea and listen.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who fills up your favourite water bottle for you whenever he sees it close to being finished. You’ll be lying side by side with him on the couch, both of you relaxing when he notices its emptiness and scoops it out of your hands. He’ll practically run to the kitchen to fill it up before returning it to your hands and returning to the warmth of your side.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who sits on the bathroom counter and watches you doing your makeup. He’ll just be mesmerised by whatever you’re doing, his mouth slightly agape as he listens to you talking or singing along to whatever songs you’re listening to. Every now and again, he’ll ask you a question about what you’re doing and you’ll explain as he just stares as if you’ve hung the stars in the sky.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who will sit through your favourite reality TV shows despite “having a hatred towards them”. He will sit beside you, leaning back into the couch, his arm draped across the back, his fingers brushing your neck as he watches. Luke will say he’s not invested but give him one episode and he’s hooked on the drama.
“So, sunglasses girl hates Hawaiian shirt man because he cheated on her with the pink-haired girl?”
You’d laugh at his passion, knowing damn well that he lowkey likes the show.
“Yes! And the girl with the sunglasses knows and has known for a while so she slept with Hawaiian shirt's Dad!”
Luke would try to be subtle with his liking for the show, so much so that he’d groan and moan at the prospect of having to watch another episode.
“Another one? Oh baby, please not another one…fine, I guess I’ll suffer through another.”
BOYFRIEND!LUKE who loves to go on nighttime drives with you. He’d play some soft country music as the two of you bask in the quiet of the night. He’d drive with one hand on your thigh, his thumb caressing the skin there, as he’d quietly hum the lyrics to the song.
Luke loves his early nights but he is more than willing to sacrifice them for that time with you in his car. The two of you will idly talk back and forth, or simply coexist in a comfortable silence. Sometimes Luke will park up and he’ll pull you into his lap so that the two of you can talk and cuddle in the peace.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who insists that every time he goes for a pre-game nap, you join him. Claiming that you help him sleep better.
When Luke sleeps, he holds you practically on top of him, with your head nestled between his neck and shoulder. His arms completely engulf you, holding you as tight as possible. If you ever wake up before him and try to move away, Luke will simply not let go, pulling you closer to his body with a tired whine.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who indulges your monthly obsessions. You find yourself loving diy? Luke will drive you to every craft/hardware store nearby for you to stock up. You go through a phase of flying through books? Every day, Luke comes home with books he saw on your to-be-read list. You find yourself enraptured by a musician’s work? Luke is scouring the internet for vinyls, concert tickets and merchandise to surprise you with.
He just wants you to be happy and he loves to spoil you, it’s a win-win situation.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who buys you a memento from every city he goes to on a roadie. The memento is usually pretty ugly or ridiculous and ends up being a gag gift for you. You adore them, treasuring them all with your favourites being a “good girls go to heaven, bad girls go to Vegas” shot glass and a bright, pink T-shirt that stated “Texas SUV” with a cartoon longhorn cow.
No matter what, you and Luke always end up giggling over the crap presents and there’s a box in your wardrobe where you store them all for the memories.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who wears your initial on a chain around his neck. He doesn’t take it off, even tucking it deep beneath his jersey for games. Sometimes when the camera lingers on him, it’ll capture Luke fiddling with the chain, grasping it. He likes to have a piece of you wherever he goes, and he doesn’t care how many chirps he gets for it.
He couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot when you’d bought a necklace with his initials, wearing it every day, for him.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who has, on one or more occasions, introduced you as Mrs. Hughes or “the wife”. You’d turn up to a restaurant for a reservation for “Mr and Mrs Hughes”, that Luke made for your date night, or when Luke is out with friends, he’ll catch sight of you on his lock screen and get the urge to go home.
“Hey, I’m calling it a night…the wife is at home waiting.”
It got so bad that all of his teammates, call you Mrs little Hughes. Even Jack teasingly calls you his sister-in-law and has often referenced you and Luke’s future.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who will never leave your side if you’re out in public with him. His hand is always around your waist, or holding your hand. If you’re walking through the city, he walks on the outside of the footpath, with you pressed to his side, his eyes vigilantly scanning anything that could even potentially pose any harm to you.
If you’re at a charity event with Luke, his eyes will never leave you for longer than five seconds. He likes having you close and knowing you’re okay and you act disgruntled but you secretly love how much he cares for you.
BOYFRIEND!LUKE, who loves you so much that he can’t fathom a life without you. Luke, who adores you and trusts you with his life, knowing that you make his life worth living.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 3 months
Can I make a very NSFW request? Severus x reader fem. Ever since Severus and Y/N had sex for the first time, Severus feels a lot of sexual desire, and he likes to have his girlfriend moaning for him all the free time they have.
"Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs"—Severus
Addicted to My Girl ~Severus Snape xFem Reader
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Summary— Established Relationship, ever since Severus first heard Reader properly moan, he can’t get enough of her. He now lives to draw those sinful sounds from her. Smut ensues. Anon Response— Hi hi hi anon!! Thanks for the request! Yes, I absolutely would love to write this for you. Thank you for your detailed explanation. I sincerely hope you Enjoy this! ♥️
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Prompt— "Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs"
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, fingering, sex, p in v, implied clit stimulation, overstimulation, light praise, pet names, voice/moan kink, honeymoon phase, established relationship, implied future smut, etc.
Enjoy (;
From the second that Severus had heard an unbridled moan erupt from your throat and vibrate through your entire body for the first time, the man was hooked. Owned. Addicted. Powerless. At your mercy.
You were spread out on top of his desk. Your legs wide and Severus planted in the middle of them. Clothes were discarded all across the room. It was heated and passionate. You had both finally snapped, not even making it to the bedroom.
Marks were littered across the neck and chest, but Severus’ tongue was not working away at something else. You gasped and your hand jumped into his head of hair, as the man’s tongue went feral on your cunt.
“OhhHhHh Sevvvvv—!!”
Before you could stop it, your sinfully loud moan tore through all the fibers of your being. Severus stopped at that, looking up at you dumbfounded.
Severus now spent all of his waking hours, that weren’t taken up by his classes, coaxing more heavenly sounds from your lips.
His sex drive, while he had always had one, had fucking skyrocketed since that first night, when you and Severus had first had sex. He couldn’t get you off his mind. Hell, he spent most of his time alone just getting himself off to the thought of you.
Severus stole you away every second he could get you. When you both had free blocks, the man was guaranteed to be teasing you or already in between your legs in some capacity.
Severus was extra lucky today, because it was Friday night, and neither of you had anything planned after your last class in the afternoon. So Severus thought you’d both skip the great hall dinner, after all, the man had the perfect dinner in front of him already…
It wasn’t even dark out yet, and Severus already had you in his lap as he sat in his office desk chair. The man’s fingers had simply slipped under your garments and past your knickers, sliding in and out of your cunt with ease. Your eyes rolled back as you held onto your man for dear life as he bounced you up and down on his fingers.
“S-sev… I’m going to… OhhHhH Sevvv…!” You moaned lewdly, nuzzling your face into the crook of Severus’ neck as you moaned out.
Severus eyes darkened further at your beautiful, addictive sounds.
“That’s it, my love… Cum on my fingers… Again…” Severus told you in his destructively low and sultry, sexy tone.
You held nothing back, crashing over the edge for the second time in the last 40 minutes, having already cum once in Severus’ lap from mere clit stimulation. You let out another sinful moan as you reached ecstasy, biting into your man’s neck to manage the overwhelming pleasure.
Severus fingered you through your high with ease, knowing just the right way to bring you down from your climax, while keeping you buzzing for more.
The man then gently removed his fingers from your dripping cunt, licking his digits clean, before he picked you up bridal style and carried you to your shared bedroom. He laid you on the bed, where you instinctively began to curl up with a yawn. But Severus chuckled, crawling up on top of you, beginning to remove his and your clothing. You giggled and let him help you with objection on your end.
“Are you tired, love? So soon? Don't worry, you stay in bed and enjoy while I work between your pretty legs” he cooed lustfully, coming up to your face and giving you a cheeky kiss on the lips, as he spread out your naked form across the bed.
You gasped as you felt Severus’ dick grinding against your dripping core. You immediately grabbed any and all of his exposed skin, pulling his body against yours and moaning once more.
“Tsk tsk tsk, not so fast, my love… Want a proper taste of you first…” Severus hummed, getting off of you to your dismay, and lowering himself down the bed so that his mouth was level with the cunt.
Your hand found purchase again in his hair as the man’s mouth began to devour your precious pussy. His tongue glided in and out of your core with ease, lapping up all your juices and using his own spit as even more lubricant. You threw your head back and let out a groan, as his tongue worked your centre.
“F-fuck Sevvviiiii—” you choked out, pulling tightly on his hair, as Severus buried his face in your cunt and pressed his nose against your clit while his mouth continued to work its wonders on your cunt.
Severus groaned in delight at your sounds, struggling with the urge to take you right there. But he took a deep breath and simply fucked you harder, knowing the wait would be well worth it. His tone continued to swirl its way through your folds, alternating between stimulating your clit and your entrance. And as soon as you tugged at his locks hard enough a gave him a desperate mewl of need, his tongue sunk into your core.
“Christ Severus Yesssssss…!!” You moaned, your back arching and toes curling into his touch.
The man worked you up with precise skill, having paid intense attention to exactly what made your eyes roll back. The pad of his thumb began to roll your clit, making your knees wobble and pulling another string of whimper and groans from your lips. By the time you reached your third edge, you were a begging mess.
“Please please Sevvv Oh God please—!”
Severus happily hummed into your cunt, “Cum for me, my Darling…”
Your third orgasm rocked over you like a fucking tsunami, feeling like every single one of your nerves were on fire as a hot, white pleasure took over your entire body. You sparked underneath your man’s hold, but he never relented, continuing to tongue fuck you through your high.
By the end of your climax, your vision was a little blurry and you were shaking.
“Still want more…?” Severus’ voice gently asked, as he came up from in between your thighs.
“Mhmmmmm yessss, give it to me Sev…” you mumbled, with a drunken nod.
With a smirk, Severus lined himself up with your dripping heat. You held onto the man in a vice grip as he sunk down into you. And the man nearly came right there from the sinful moan that spilled from your lips… Bloody Hell, he would be chasing those pretty noises of yours for the rest to his life.
Severus Snape Masterlist
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arijackz · 3 months
PICK A CARD: What You're Walking Away From and What You're Walking Toward
⚸ "Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise." —Maya Angelou
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. I wish you love and light through this renewing period. <3
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p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
♦︎ Pile One ♦︎ (3oP, 2oS rev., the tower, the star)
⚄ The cards are taking a while to come out, I feel like whatever seeds you’re planting, the bulk of the work is being done internally, subconsciously, or in your sleep. ⚄ With the three of pentacles,  you are reevaluating the role your social connections play in your life and how exactly they’ll fit into the puzzle pieces of your future. For most of you, these are friendships. A few of you, romantic relationships. Another subset of you, there is an emphasis on the relationships you've built with the people you share a common goal with. This can be for work, clubs, hobbies, etc. ⚄ You are moving out of 5th house-type friendships (here for a good time, not a long time) and entering 7th and 11th house partnerships. These unions go beyond just having fun. Deep connections are developed so you can have a support team to lean on during the upcoming highs and lows of the 6th, 8th, and 10th house. They hold more significance and the people who reside in this area of your life should be thoroughly vetted. ⚄ Two of swords rev., you are battling with an internal decision regarding the company you keep and struggling to center yourself.  This tower moment is forcing you to vet. To take action. Reflect on whether these people help fulfill your life purpose and achieve your goals or just hinder them. Reassess your relationships according to what you want out of life. ⚄ I was trying to keep this pac short and down to 3 cards. But apparently not?? The star just flipped out, reaffirming that there's a lot of good shit in the works. Stepping away from certain people will align you with the next phase of your life. Bigger and better is coming in. Some of you are settling in relationships in fear of being alone. ⚄ Staying with connections you have outgrown will leave you stagnant. The universe has big plans in store for you, your life is going to take off soon. It will not wait for your friends to hop aboard the ride. You cannot take everyone with you. Your relationships are coming into question because the universe is doing some pruning for you. ⚄ I see people “jumping ship”, maybe you feel the people around you are not there for you during your rough patches? Yeah, connections built on shallow foundations are dissolving.  ⚄ The king of cups popped up out of nowhere. You are falling out of alignment with the people you’re with and leaving them will push you towards kinder souls who are more emotionally nurturing.  ⚄ Mercurial, Uranian, and lil bit of Jupitarian energy. I’m talking directly to you Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces placements. I call you out with love of course. This is my sidereal big 3 after all<3 ⚄ The star is a very hopeful card, filled with excitement and abundance. You are driving on the road to your destiny. There are only a few seats left in the car, choose wisely. ⚄ Advice: Have faith in your intuition and discernment. I say this in every pac lmao. You’re definitely on the right path (you’re leading up to the star), but this transitioning period is going to be uncomfortable because you are leaving connections behind. When we exit our comfort zones and leave people, we tend to gaslight ourselves and downplay the situation or allow fear to derail our judgment. You are too close to your dreams to let old connections hold you back. You have a deep knowing that these connections will not survive the ride to the top, listen to your intuition and let go of what is no longer serving you. Be selfish if need be.
I only bark once.
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♦︎ Pile Two ♦︎ (temperance, the magician, the hermit, knight of swords)
⚄ I felt a puff of air in my left eye. The left side of the body is traditionally associated with the intuitive and receptive feminine. You are in a waiting period right now and are receiving intuitive downloads and messages. Your connection to the metaphysical is strengthening. Be inquisitive at this time and assess your life in a higher light, you are being blessed with the ability to see the hidden and the unforeseen.  The synchronicities you are seeing right now are not a coincidence. (Extra confirmation if you’re seeing repetitive 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, triangles, stars, and the infinity symbol)
⚄ Lmfao I was planning on only pulling three cards but the life you’re sowing right now is HUGE. 3 major arcanas back to back and then a court card?? You are being prepped for a whirlwind of adventure. You’re in your own world fucking COOKING.
⚄ The slow period you’re in is forcing you to build a foundation of balance, patience, and introspection. Boring. I know. But it is crucial to your development. I said it best in my last pac so i’ll say it again here, Whatever you build in this lifetime will be built slowly and have a solid foundation because your legacy is meant to withstand the test of time and last long after you leave this Earth. This period you’ve spent waiting is you getting your ducks in a row and sowing your seeds for the next evolution of you.
⚄ Shoutout to my Pisceans and Saturnians. If you have resonated with this so far, definitely go check out pile 4 of my ✩Glow Up✩ pac because there are a lot of gems in there for you.
⚄ You are creating your future reality in this introspective period. I feel for a lot of you, your self-work is centered around deconstructing the old perception of yourself and building your identity up from scratch. You are either beginning, in the heat of, or ending a long period of self-discovery and establishing your self-esteem.
⚄ With the knight of swords at the end of the spread, you are approaching the end of the tunnel with renewed vigor and resolute faith in your capabilities. I’m seeing your life in reference to that religious story, (Lord forgive me, I am telling it wrong and forgot the details 😭) where the man gets locked in a cave and starved, expected to either be dead or too feeble by the time his sentence is over. Instead, he comes out stronger than ever and with twice the unwavering spirit he had before his time in the cave.
⚄ This is what’s happening to you, you are finding inner strength and willpower that is going to propel you forward in your destiny. And you will not fail. It’s not even possible, the resolve you’ve built for yourself will carry you faithfully through all the bullshit life will throw at you.
⚄ Advice: None. You got this in the bag,just remember that you only lose battles when you retreat. The energy you’re cultivating for your near future is the knight of swords, a character who will never retreat. Therefore, you will never truly lose.
"I was born underwater with three dollars and six dimes"
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♦︎ Pile Three ♦︎ (9oS, the hanged man, 6oS, 10oW)
⚄ Off the bat, you need to surrender any hangups you have surrounding your future. I picture your mind running 24/7 telling you all the ways you’ll fail as you work tirelessly. Or, you want so desperately to put your plans into action, but a buried subconscious fear prevents you from moving forward, adding more stress on your shoulders. It is weighing heavy on your mental health and causing severe anxiety that is inhibiting you from much-needed rest and healing. This is the season of surrender, it’s okay to let go and let the current wash you away. As soon as you release your fear of making mistakes, you’ll learn the flow of the waves.
⚄ Two of pentacles is at the bottom of the deck, I feel your stress stems from a fear of financial insecurity and the overwhelming pressure of having to plan a sustainable career yourself. A lot of your priorities in life are demanding your attention and it is becoming a heavy burden.
⚄ I am going to be blunt because I care. You gotta stop giving a fuck. Your anxieties are paralyzing you. You need to sip a little metaphorical “fuck it” juice. I am just now getting out of the mental space you’re in. The only thing that helped me step out of my fear-induced paralysis (which lasted a long and dark 6-years), was to reaffirm that no matter what decision I make, I will come out prosperous. In fact, the more you stress about the future and the more control you try to take, the further you push your desires away, which will only fuel your anxiety bugs.
⚄ Have faith that no matter where you land, you have the power to turn any less-than-ideal situation into something bountiful. The bird does not fear the branch breaking because it has faith in its wings. Not making a choice at all is worse than picking the wrong one. You’ll win some, you’ll lose some, all situations bear fruit, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. This too shall pass.
⚄ Advice: I know it is easier said than done, but ground yourself in the present. Release yourself from the worries of the future and the nightmares of the past. Stop stressing about upcoming due dates while you eat and stop reaming yourself for past mistakes while you’re out with friends. Tune yourself into what is happening before your very eyes.  Turn your brain off and mindlessly do something. Anything that brings your attention to the present. Don’t even worry about being productive. Watch tv, color, dance, cook, anything but sitting and stressing. This sounds crazy to say in today’s work culture but trust me, stressing about being productive or pushing yourself to “grind” will be your downfall. Your body needs to regulate. With the six of swords, you have to make the conscious decision to walk away (stop stressing and allow the situation to run its course) from what is mentally plaguing you. These are the seeds you’re sowing, you are on the path of releasing your burdens. I’m proud, we can do this!
"Mom, Meet Mary Jane the Milf!"
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(representative of the whole relax message in your pile. i had fun making the board, this is not an endorsement.)
♦︎ Pile Four ♦︎ (6oS, king of pentacles, 7oP, 5op)
⚄ Cards went a lil buckwild here. There are a lot of pentacles in this spread, I feel like you are dissolving a lack mindset. What you desire and your perspective of success is evolving. You are stepping out of a false idea of wealth. You might have had a habit of undermining the talents and resources you have and comparing them to what others have.
⚄ This is my doomscroll pile. My silly little rotters. Looking at people with nice things and thinking why can’t I have that? Looking at attractive people and going I’ll never be as pretty as them, I am cursed with these looks. Looking at people who showcase their talents and saying, oh I could never do that, they’re so much better than me.
⚄ You are realizing just how harmful these thoughts have been to you. You had curated a mindset that would have you look at people and then immediately place yourself as inferior to them in some way. This shapes a reality where you feel constantly inadequate, thus always in need of something. This constant feeling of need prevents you from seeing the resources you already have within and building off of those.
⚄ Congratulations, you are stepping away from that lack energy. You’re beginning to see the value in yourself and redefining what it means to be prosperous. Now it's, Oooo, that girl looks so cool playing the bass, this encourages me, I bet I could learn an instrument too. Instead of, “Oh look, another person doing something with their life while I sit here and rot. What is wrong with me, why can’t I be as cool as them.”
⚄ Do you see how the latter self-talk is just draining the life out of you? It sets you up for failure before you can even try. 
⚄ When I say a false idea of wealth, I mean the superficial things you believed would bring you fulfillment. When you were in that dark space, you looked at pretty girls and believed that if you looked like them or got the attention they got, you would finally be happy. Now, you’re on a journey of discovering things more sincere to your identity to find fulfillment in.
⚄ You are discovering your interests, hobbies, etc. Anything that boosts your self-esteem and gives you a sense of value. You are about to fall in love with yourself and all the endless capability of creation you hold.
⚄ Advice: Comparison is the thief of joy. Unfortunately, with social media, every day is a pissing contest about who can have the most and be the best. I’d bet money that the most attractive, smartest, and most talented person you know is sizing up the person next to them and getting a false sense of satisfaction or self-hate. Don’t fall into that. Break the societal cycle and look inward for satisfaction. Compete with yourself. Be the only person you are trying to impress.
There is beauty in my unraveling
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Let me know what piles you pick!
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diejager · 2 months
The writing where reader died, what happens if they were revived as a wraith like Ghost? There's probs going to have a lot of fluff and a small angst here and there. But I mostly wanna read your writings!! It's cus' I can't get enough, and kept rereading it all the time
Cw: pain, death, turning, cannibalism, implied torture, implied blood and gore, angst, fluff, hunger, tell me if I missed any. We’re going to forget how you previously died, cuz @bluegiragi gave us more info about wraiths and I just love where the comic is going.
What a cruel joke, irony hitting him in the face the same way his abrupt shift hurt him, an apathetic slap to the face that left him bloody and in shock the way he left Roba on his dying breath. Simon didn’t know what was crueler, the knowledge that you were tortured and buried alive, left to die alone for the sins of his own making and the wrath of another, or that you were left to die a slow and excruciating death after being beaten half to death, expected to lose your resolve solely on the fact that you were a medic, and turned into the monster he was.
Neither your captor nor death had been merciful, much less the reaper, a collector of wandering souls and lost ghosts, waiting their turn to cross the river with a small token for the afterlife. Be it Hermes, the messenger and the carrier of souls, Thanatos the reaper and collector, Anubis - or Inpu, however people called him - the guide, Ankou the shadow, Sgàthach the warrior, or Freyja and Fólkvangr; you weren’t granted the soft embrace of a calm death, but the cruel rejection of it, forced back into life and abandoned by sweet sleep.
He remembered his own, the painful pull of his back, the crazed smoke that filled his mind with a thirst for blood and revenge, the crack and ugly break of his bode, reshaping his body and organs dyed dark, dying and pained. He remembered well the pain of it like it was yesterday, having to crawl out of the shallow grave on his own and discover the carnage he left behind, stained in his and Price’s blood. He was reborn.
And so were you, crying and sobbing, your skin scarred beyond thinking and mind in shambles of broken faith and abandoned affection. He knew first hand how it felt, the burn and agony of it, the hunger and ache that plagued you like an undying pestilence, darker than the one that ripped through Europe in the fourteenth century and more devastating than the Justinian’s. He’d been too late, too slow to help you through the first ripple of shock and fear once you’d quenched your thirst, staunching it like you would a wound. He let you fester in your sorrow and hunger, left you without a guide or caretaker until you ravaged the area, leaving only blood and rubble in your devastation. 
But he’s here now, picking you up from the mess you found yourself in, a storm of smoke and thick black that you hid yourself in, to hide the monster you had become. He might not be proud of who he’s become - much like you - but he grew into it, lived his life as one, and he would be here to help you through the process of it. Where he wished he had a helping hand, you would have his. He would help you with your hunger, the famine that grew the more you left it alone, filling your being with bodies he’d gather up for you to absorb. He would teach you how to control the smoke - the sinews of your being, the consistence of it forming your figure - and build from it, stopping yourself from phasing to and from it, staying as a physical manifestation of it rather than darkness itself. 
Where he felt lost and confused, alone and wishing for a swift end, you wouldn’t, he made sure to stay, to be the pillar of support for you whenever you crashed, his body covering yours to stop you from vanishing in a fit of tears. Where he spent time hating himself, demeaning the cannibalism he became, you wouldn’t, he’d rather send himself to hell than let you think you were the lowest of the low, a human eating another. And where he was cruel to himself when death had renounced him, you wouldn’t, he’d whisper the sweetest words, praises, compliments, affection and guidance, he would make sure you wouldn’t drown alone like he did years ago. He loved you too much to let that happen.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @cod-z @sweetnanah @aldis-nuts @thigh-o-saur @evolutionarry @kaoyamamegami @cassiecasluciluce @sobbingnshtting
471 notes · View notes
nouvxllev · 2 months
Could you write one for G!p Jenna x fem reader smut, where they are on their honeymoon going at it like rabbits, a few weeks after coming home they find out reader is pregnant?
Thank youuu
so-called "honeymoon phase"
Pairing: G!p!Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 7.2k
Warnings: this is a long long one, just immediate smut, pregnancy ofc,
a/n: hellloooo and yes i definitely can!!! thank you sm for the request!!!!! i need to see jenna in more thom browne outfits ohmygodddd
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"Jenna… O-Oh my God, f-fuck, baby, please…!"
Jenna's relentless thrusts rocked your back against the cold and hard surface of the kitchen island, feeling her cock stretching and filling you up, breaking you down to a whiny and desperate mess for her to satisfy herself.
A pathetic whine escaped your lips, letting her penetrate you even further as you feel your eyes roll back in pleasure while your legs—  weakened by the amount of times she gave you countless of orgasms— were thrown over Jenna's shoulder, her hands digging into the skin of your waist, keeping you steady while she slammed you up and down on her hard cock.
Her mouth hung open, hot breaths followed by low moans eliciting from her pretty lips, a bead of sweat starting to form on her forehead as she kept bucking her hips deep inside you. "Fuck, y/n..."
You can feel her eyes roaming on your body, relishing in the way you look so fucking hot under her control; your eyes swelling in tears as you tried your best to muffle your sounds, your neck down to your chest littered with red markings and hickeys, your boobs bouncing along with her thrusts, your back arching everytime she slams you back on her dick, your ass red with markings of her hands coming down on you, your pussy slick with your own cum mixed with hers.
You looked so perfect with her thick cock sliding in and out.
The kitchen was a mess, especially the counter beneath you, now slick with your combined juices mixed with Jenna's sloppy pre-cum.
For what felt like a pleasurable eternity for hours on end, Jenna had taken full control over your trembling body, relentlessly driving her thick cock into your well-abused cunt while your desperate pleas of begging her to stop fell on deaf ears—ignoring your screams and moans as she rammed her shaft deep inside you.
"You're... f-fucking me so good, Jenna, oh God!"You squirmed beneath her, unable to do anything but uselessly cry out her name which sounded like an addicting lustful melody to her ears as she continued her assault on you. Her intent was clear—she wouldn't stop until your vision flicks dark.
Jenna looked fixated on this sinful sight of you, on how you were on the brink of tears from her harsh thrusts—your heated expressions being one of the things she loved the most when you were beneath her.
With each forceful thrust, she seemed to plunge deeper, her cock disappearing and reappearing in your tight heat while your clit glistened with slick and arousal, turning bright crimson red as Jenna overstimulated the poor sensitive bud, placing intense pressure as she pressed two of her fingers against it, rubbing with intensity that didn't seem to dwindle down.
"J-jenna! No, no, please, stop! Too much, I—" You cried out, eyes squeezed shut while your head pulled back as you feel another wave of an orgasm ripping through you, wrapping your arms around Jenna's back, your nails digging into her skin.
The smacks of skin on skin, Jenna's grunts and soft moans, and the wet squelching of her cock driving into you was enough for you, your pussy constantly clenching and unclenching around her hard length.
She tilted your chin up, your eyes meeting with someone lustful and dark, "Be a good girl and look at me, yeah?" Jenna's pace quickened all while moaning in immense pleasure. "I wanna see your pretty face fall apart beneath me."
"Yes, Jenna!" You screamed as your body arched off the counter to to accommodate her size, "Oh, fuck, don't stop!" She pulled back, her tip lathering on your slick before slamming back in, your pussy clenched around her cock that you struggled to take in full, a large bump visible on your abdomen.
Your hands reached over to Jenna's stomach, hoping to find something to hang on before you feel like you might pass out from her thrusts, feeling her labored breaths through her chest.
You can tell that she was close to her climax too.
"I need to pull out, y/n..." She whispered, her voice all too hot and raspy. Her hands that were seated along your sides a moment ago snaked around your waist, pulling you closer to her, her body tensing up, "'m gonna cum..."
"No! No, please, d-don't go!" A whiny, and all over pathetic, choke of a beg left your abused and marked lips, the though of Jenna pulling away from your pussy was just simply unbearable. "Fill me with your cum Jenna, please!"
"Are you sure, baby?" Jenna husked, her breath getting heavier with each slam.
You clung to her desperately, the hand that was on her stomach trailed over to her forearms, your nails digging into her skin as if you were trying to anchor her to you.
"I can take it..." You whined, begged, pleaded her, "p-please, I can take your huge cock, I'll—mmhph!"
Jenna's lips were pressed onto yours immediately, her lips leaving a faint taste of your juices earlier when she ate you out and with the faint flavor of her lipgloss, tilting her head to grant her even more access.
It was almost embarrassing how you kept moaning even when she has your lips latched onto yours, a string of saliva appearing everytime she tore her soft lips away.
Your hands rushed over to cup her cheeks, bringing her face impossibly closer to yours as you opened your mouth to let her hot tongue slip into yours, your fingers roaming all over her skin while you traced the contours of her face and neck as she made out with you, her tongue sinking in deeper and deeper, fighting a battle you soon surrendered.
You can feel her movements becoming more erratic, desperate, her rhythm starting to falter, yet she remained focused on you and your pleasure alone; her lips never leaving yours as she felt the knot in her stomach tightening.
Jenna tore away from your lips, a whine escaping your mouth from the loss of contact alone, "Fucking slut," she rasped, removing her grip from your body and slapping the plump curve of your ass, "You're gonna cum with me, alright pretty girl? I want your perfect cunt filled with our cum. You can do that for me, right?"
The sting sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine as she delivered a sharp slap to your ass that echoed across the room and managed to elicit a whimper and a gasp from you, your brain reprogramming itself to a primal need within yo to obey her every word.
"Yes, Jenna!" You moaned, your eyes rolling back and your toes curling while a string of desperate pleads left your mouth, begging Jenna to cum inside of you. "I want your cum, baby, please, I need it—Oh, God, fuck!"
Your body came before you can even react, a guttural groan and a pornographic moan came out of your lips while you felt Jenna burry herself deep inside you, her cock pulsing and twitching against your walls as she spilled her hot seed inside of you, her body shivering yet continued doing slow and long strokes to your cunt.
"Jenna! Shit, Jenna!" You cried out her name as you came undone, your chest heaving in exhaustion while letting the both of you ride out eachothers orgasms as you kept purposely clenching against her dick while she kept thrusting.
After a moment, Jenna collapsed against you. You feel her cum going no where but leaking onto the kitchen counter. Her breath came in ragged gasps, almost like she ran a marathon as she buried her face in the crook of your neck.
You look over to her once you came down from your own high, her messy fringe falling over her eyes with her head down low, her hips unintentionally bucking against your wet cunt, her body still shaking with pleasure.
It didn't take a while before she lifted herself up.
And it was still so amazing that her cock was still so hard even if it was still inside of you after cumming in you for like, what? Four times since the both of you woke up in a hot sweat after another intense fuck earlier night that left you silly and senseless.
She looked down at your puffy folds that covered her dick in a new layer of cum, her fingers reaching for your clit to coat them in your own slick and smear it against your lips, a sadistic smile finding its way across her face.
"Look at you… such a slut for me." She relished in the way you immediately opened your mouth to clean her fingers all on your own, your lips hanging open as you gave her the perfect view of your tongue swirling against her fingers while you looked up at her with the prettiest and desperate doe eyes.
"My perfect slut to fuck."
You hummed in agreement, the corners of your lips twitching into a smirk while your mouth eagerly kept sucking on her fingers as you savored the taste of your cum mixed with hers as you moaned softly against her digits, saliva coating her skin.
You know how much she loves it when you put on a show for her.
She called you her pretty girl, slut, whore, cumslut, or maybe her good girl if you obeyed to her orders (which almost never happens), and it always never fails to make your pussy throb in delight and the musky scent of her cock always managed to make you feel as if you were meant to be her cockwarming whore.
It's almost hard to believe this perfect girl was your wife.
"Yours," you whispered breathlessly as Jenna pulled her fingers away from you, drool trailing down to your neck as Jenna traced your body all the way back down to your pulsating heat, leaning in and kissing you dangerously near the lips but never granted you the satisfaction.
You were going insane. Sex and love drunk with her. “Want…" You gasped, words that you finally put together instead of something coherent coming out in a needy whimper as you rolled your hips against her.
She hummed, "Yeah? Want what, y/n?" Jenna teased, her lips tempting to hover over yours and place a gentle peck, her breath hot against your skin.
You whimpered in frustration as you try to sit up with your elbows, your body awaiting to collapse and pass out. "I want you," you finally murmured, your brain remained stuck in a sex drunk haze over her.
If Jenna's smile couldn't get any wider, you'd be wrong. Her eyes darkened just the slightest bit at your pleads as she leaned in closer, kissing your neck while she rubbed slow circles along your clit. "You want me for what, baby?" she murmured, "You need to be more specific to get what you want. You know me."
You let out a frustrated groan, you could almost roll your eyes if they weren't rolling backwards instead of the usual eyeroll, your hips arching up to search for the tiniest amount of friction. "Want your cock… Please."
"But I'm already inside you, pretty girl.” Jenna purred, her fingers slowly increasing in their pace, drawing figure of 8's on your wet and throbbing clit, making your hips subtly buck in stimulation.
"No!" You whined, slightly kicking your legs behind her, squirming beneath her body as you struggled to tell her want you want. "My mouth... fuck my mouth, Jenna, please..."
"You'd like that, wouldn't you baby?" Her hands found themselves in the strands of your hair, slightly tugging on them as she whispered, her words sinful, "Sucking my cock after I fucked you with it?"
"Please..." You whined, "please, I need it, I need you."
You were beginning to slip in that subspace to please her, your mouth opening and closing only to serve as symphony to Jenna's ears by begging and pleading your wants and needs only to be granted with nothing.
Until Jenna shifted her position without a word, pulling back slowly until her cock was free from your dripping heat, watching how cum kept gushing out of your hot cunt. The sudden absence of her dick from your walls left you feeling empty and achingly needy for more, a pathetic wind couldn't help but escape you.
Before you could ask her, Jenna's soft hands was on your hips, effortlessly lifting you up from the kitchen island and bringing you down to your knees as she reached for your shoulders and pushed you down.
"Beg a little more."
Jenna laughed, her lips curving into a grin as she watched you drool over her twitching cock, her hands reaching to grasp her length and began to stroke it up and down, grazing the tip with her thumb, clearly feeling herself without you. "Show me how much you wanna replace my hand with that mouth of yours."
The sight of Jenna pumping her shaft up and down as if your mouth deepthroating the fuck out of her cock wasn't sufficient to satisfy her needs, it was enough for you to beg almost immediately.
"Wanna whore out my mouth on your cock, Jenna." You pleaded, feeling your heart hammer in your chest as you begged for more, "Please, I need it so bad, wanna let you cum down my throat, please Jenna, pleasepleaseplease—"
You were cut off the moment you felt her fingers slip into the strands of your messy hair, pulling you close to her cock and smacked you with the wet length, smothering her pre-cum over your face. You were basically panting at this point, and you needed to stuff your face with her cock.
"Such a needy little slut," she murmured as she pressed her dick against your lips that almost drooled for her, your tongue darting out to wet your lips. "Open up for me, baby, let me fuck that pretty mouth of yours."
Jenna guided the tip of her cock against your lips, slowly letting you savor the taste of her dick before tugging onto your hair to push past your lips and inside of your warmth.
You eagerly welcomed her inside, your mouth stretching to satisfy her thick length as she pushed deeper and harder until she reached the back of your throat, feeling her cock sliding against your tongue as she filled you completely.
You moaned against her cock, feeling your eyes rolling at the back of your head, your spit going no where but drip down your chin. You wanted her out, yet you wanted her deeper, harder, faster.
Jenna's grip on your hair tightened once she began to slam your mouth onto her cock like she always does with your cunt, a relentless pace that continued in all holes that had you gagging, spitting, and whimpering with how much you're struggling to take all of her.
"S-such a pathetic little bitch in heat, oh fuck!" She moaned loudly, her eyes rolling to the back of her head while both of her hands were tangled in your hair, fucking you with fervour as you wrapped your lips so good around her dick to suck her eagerly.
Your tongue swirled around her length, your hands wrapping themselves around her dick to jack her off when the rest of her inches wasn't deep inside of you. You wanted to rest, just for a few moments if not for Jenna ruining your mouth every second.
The sting in your eyes was painful, and the way you realized you aren't used to her large size made you all the more suffer, her thick girth invading every space inside of you.
"Oh, you perfect girl." Jenna groaned, the relentless thrusts of her hands around your head to her cock and the way she was bucking her hips into your mouth made it all the more satisfying for her, "D-deepthroating your wife like a whore."
You reveled in Jenna's praise, looking up at her and giving a little fist-bump to yourself by making America's #1 IT girl become a trembling mess in your hands.
"'M gonna cum in that pretty mouth of yours," she breathed out, "and you're gonna swallow every last drop."
Jenna's thrusts into your warm mouth grew urgent, desperate, simple breaths became a challenge to her.
With a final guttural moan, she slammed your head on her cock, your nose meeting with her abdomen as she emptied herself inside of you.
Jenna's warm load flooded your mouth, closing your eyes as you tried to swallow all of her, letting her ride out her climax with your mouth accompanying every inch of her still throbbing length inside of you.
Once she relaxed, she let go of her firm grip on your hair and you pulled back, licking your lips and savoring the taste of her on your tongue. You wouldn't say it outloud, lest you wanted another delicious and pleasurable fuck with Jenna, you loved the taste of her cum in your mouth and how you looked so hot with her slick all over your face.
Jenna almost collapsed if she didn't catch herself at the last minute on the edge of the counter. Her breaths labored and heavy yet again as she basked herself in the afterglow of her orgasm.
You give her finally softening dick a chaste kiss on the tip before standing up and wrapping your hands on her waist, leaning in to place a tender kiss on her lips and another to one of the freckles that littered her pretty face. "Did I do well, baby?"
Jenna's eyes fluttered open, a lazy smile appearing on her lips with those dimples that you always adored as she looked at you, laughing at how much raspy and husky your voice was after sucking her off.
The both of you were together for almost 10 years, and you never got tired of that smile. Much more so her laughter.
"You were perfect, Y/n, as always. You know that," she replied, "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you?" She wrapped her arms around you in reciprocation and pressed a kiss to your lips. "Oh, God, I can taste myself."
You chuckled softly, "If it makes your day any better, you taste amazing, Jenna. And, yes. I'm fine. More than fine actually!" You kissed her again before pulling away from her grubby hands and bending down to retrieve your lingerie randomly thrown on a spot on the floor.
Jenna watched you with crossed arms to hide the fact that she was resisting herself and using possibly all her might to not go for another round. "You're teasing me."
You grinned as you straightened your back, holding the lingerie in your hands as you turned to face Jenna. "How'd you know?" you admitted, "it's not my fault you can't resist fucking me every second."
Jenna let out a feigned, mock shocked expression, "I'm not even like that!"
You scoffed, walking pass Jenna to get her boxers yourself, "So you're telling me when we got home to our rented beach house for our honeymoon, you decided to fuck me on every surface and continued to do so until we both passed out because...?"
Jenna's lips twitched. "Okay, well—Okay, maybe I am like that. A little bit." She stammered. "You just have that effect on me!" She replied with an exclaimed shrug, trying to look innocent but, of course, she's failing miserably.
You chuckled, "Sure, blame it on my blatant irresistible charm," you tossed her boxers in her direction, shaking your head as you put on your rather drenched undergarments.
She almost looked shy when you turn to her, complete the opposite of that dominant aura you felt around her just mere moments ago. "Did you... did you like it? The sex, I mean."
I swear, I could marry this woman all over again, you thought to yourself before approaching her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I wouldn't have been screaming your name all night if I didn't."
Jenna's cheeks flushed slightly at your words, her dimples appearing visible than ever, a soft smile tugging at her lips as she put on her boxers. "Oh, thank God. I would've off'd myself if otherwise."
You pressed your lips onto Jenna's, giggling as you felt a small smile form beneath you, "I bet the food on the table turned cold. And also probably swarming with flies."
"You can't bet on something that's already so obvious you're gonna win!"
It was already noon when the two of you ate breakfast. And you were right. The food was cold. But it was fine, you can handle a cold meal if you were manhandled by a hot woman.
Ever since you and Jenna finally got married after years of dating eachother, you were living in pure bliss.
After the wedding and horribly, gutwrenching, romantic and truly poetic vows coming from Jenna that made you cry even after the ceremony, the both of you decided to go on a honeymoon trip on a much more coastal setting to take your mind off of work and her mind off of Hollywood.
But you wouldn't have predicted that Jenna would fuck you on every surface she could rail you on with the possibility of you passing out on every single one of them.
In the span of a week, Jenna came in you atleast twenty-five times and that wasn't even including the times she pulled out. You were thankful you packed a fuck ton of birth control pills anyway.
You didn't know what came over her or how did she exactly get the stamina of a rabbit fucking their mate, but you couldn't be mad. Not ever. You enjoyed every moment on how she roughly fucked you well into late night everytime the both of you went home.
Or maybe the times where she fucked you in public.
You couldn't count the number of times Jenna had teased you in public, or how her touchy hands kept exploring every inch of your body as you tried to maintain composure surrounded by countless of tourists, or maybe how many minutes—hours, even— she would spend begging for you to pack a sex toy for the both of you.
Obviously, that ended up with Jenna getting a 10-minute scolding.
But aside from sexual activities you and Jenna somehow couldn't get enough of, the both of you enjoyed time spent with each other by going on walks with the soft breeze hitting your skin, swimming around and just floating on water, boating, diving, just basically anything you could do in the Bahamas.
Now, unfortunately, the trip has to come to an end somehow.
"Our flight leaves early tomorrow, baby." You reminded her, the hot water and steam coming from the shower hitting your skin was far too relaxing.
Plus, your wife was right behind you. Massaging your scalp with a shampoo she always uses, humming a tune that the both of you loved and even used as your wedding theme. It always makes you so happy and excited whenever you have the exact scent as Jenna.
"Alright," she cooed, leaning in softly from your side and planting a kiss to your soft cheeks that you couldn't help but smile at. She always had this effect on you, and it never wore out. "I'll help you pack."
You turned to face Jenna, unknowingly having a wide smile across your face. "You don't know how much I love you, Jenna. I don't know how I will ever repay you."
It was moments like these you forget on how much Jenna actually loves you from the deepest, darkest depths of her heart. She could literally be possessed by some evil spirit, yet she would still find a way to show the light you always loved in her.
Jenna chuckled softly, dipping her hands on the water to clean them before reaching up to cup your face. "I love you too, baby. Too much." She leans in and presses a gentle and tender kiss on your soft lips.
"And, also, you can repay me by..."
"Jenna, we are not fucking in the shower. Again."
"I didn't even finish my sentence!"
"Your mind and dick think alike more than they should."
Jenna, being Jenna, somehow got through your defenses and convinced you to have yet another quick fuck in the shower. You hate not being able to resist to those big brown, simply down-right gorgeous, doe eyes of hers—they were unfortunately and simply irresistible in your gaze.
After drying off and struggling to walk out of the shower without clutching the walls as support for your weak and shaky legs, you both went to separate rooms to tidy up and organize luggage.
Not long after, you heard the familiar voice of your sweet and lovable girlfriend wife peeking through the door, bundled up in her sweats with a blanket draped around her shoulders. "Y/n?"
"Jenna!" A smile spread across your face as you rose from your angel-sitting position, arms open wide to invite her into a warm hug, in which she immediately crashed and melted into your arms, returning the hug with equal tightness if not more.
"Are you done?" Your hand gently ran through her hair as she buried her head in the crook of your neck, offering a subtle massage to her skull. "You look cozy as ever."
You felt Jenna sigh against your skin, her warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "No, I just missed you," she murmured softly.
You chuckled, "We were literally just one room apart."
Jenna scoffed as she looked up at you. It was almost unbelievable this was the same woman who was ruining you moments before. "Is it a crime to miss my terribly gorgeous and incredibly talented wife?"
"If you keep looking at me like that, it might be," you teased back, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You're too adorable, baby."
"I could say the same about you, pretty girl" Jenna pulled away from the hug after giving a playful wink, settling comfortably on the king-sized bed offered by the beach house. A pile of unfolded clothes dipped to her, which she began to fold and toss in your direction.
The perfect wife, you'd say so yourself.
"…Is that my hoodie?" She paused, hesitating for a moment before tossing you a a neatly folded piece of clothing. "I was wondering where it went."
"Oh," you glanced down at the clothes you were wearing, realizing you had been wearing Jenna's hoodie without even realizing it. In your defense, it was easy to forget she had her own wardrobe when you spent so much time together. She often wears clothes bigger than her size anyways. "Yeah, I guess so," you chuckled.
"I used up all of my clothes, so I figured you wouldn't mind if I borrowed some of yours," You gestured to the garment over your hands, finding it to be one of yours, used yet it still had that faint scent of perfume.
You'd think it was all in good fun, that you were going to leave this honeymoon alive until you caught Jenna's gaze. It was unusually intense, dark, as if she was playing Wednesday Addams. "I'll return it, Jenna. Don't worry." No, you won't. There is not even a single time in your life where you actually returned her clothes.
But you knew that look all too well—it was the same one she gives you when she's about to completely bend and fuck you that'll have you seeing stars in your vision until you're practically begging and screaming for her to stop.
"Y/n," she murmured, her voice laced with desire. It didn't take long before you noticed the unmistakable bulge forming inside her sweats. "Can you come here, baby?"
You didn't think twice before approaching her, not even taking a silent moment if you should tease her or not—you knew what that would get you.
As you approached her, Jenna's hands found their way to your hips, pulling you closer until you were standing kneeling between her thighs, the cushion dipping ever so slightly as both of your bodies were pressed together.
Her hands were soft, hot, even through the fabric of her own hoodie you could feel it as they made their way underneath her your clothes. It was painful, agonizing, the warmth heat that was pooling between your thighs when you felt the bulge in her sweats pressing against yours.
"Jenna," you breathed out, hot breath that traveled inside her skin, slight laughter in your voice, "Are you seriously-"
Without a word or hesitation, she reached up and cupped your face in her free hand, drawing you mere inches away from her lips until you met her own. She was needy, desperate, like she was deprived of you.
"I'll love it when you finally decide to return my clothes." she murmured between each kiss, "But you know what I'll love more?"
"Yeah?" You whispered, hands pressed against her chest, feeling her head tilt near neck, pressing tantalizing kisses along your skin as she reached your ear.
"When you're wearing nothing but my clothes, bending over and letting me fuck you raw."
A low moan threatened to escape your lips as she painted kisses along your neck like you were a canvas for her to ruin. "Fuck," you whimpered, feeling yourself getting wetter for her, "Jenna, I—"
You were far too intoxicated, gone, like she took immediate control what your body wants as soon as you caught her length erect and free from her sweats, pumping down on her cock as she looked up at you.
"Jenna," you whined as her fingers dangerously sliding into the waistband of your own sweats, "We have an early flight tomorrow."
Her breath, warm against your skin, "I'll set an alarm, baby, don't worry." She whispered as she slowly discarded your pants along with your undergarments, searching your eyes for a slight chance of discomfort or a chance you'll pull her away.
Of course you didn't. Jenna was persuasive with her words, and amazing with her cock inside of you. How could you ever decline her?
You woke up at 3:30.
Atleast 30 minutes before Jenna's alarm.
The room was quiet, dark, peaceful—most especially when you have a pair of soft and loving arms wrapped around you like you were a teddy bear Jenna couldn't be bothered to throw out even when she got older.
Way too in contrast than the way she fucked you well into passing out.
It took long before you were out of her cuddly grasp, hearing her soft whines as you shuffled yourself out, only to realize your legs were far too exhausted to even walk to the bathroom.
Maybe she was too good.
You looked like a mess in front of the mirror. A hot one. Every patch of skin was replaced with faint marks and hickeys all over your body, your hair disheveled, and Jenna's hoodie you were wearing was horribly stained with lines and ropes of dried cum.
Fuck, she was driving you insane.
"Y/nnnnnn...!" She groaned out for you outside of the bathroom. You turned around with your toothbrush in hand, only to see she was standing in front of the door with her body bundled up tightly in blankets.
Oh, so now she can be cute and adorable?
You couldn't help but chuckle, a faint smile leaving your lips. Jenna looked equally as disheveled, but it was unfair on how absolutely gorgeous she still looked. Still, you couldn't believe you were even someone she loved.
"C'mere, Jenna." You exclaimed, putting on toothpaste as you look at her, "Don't bring the blanket."
She all but walked towards you, crashing into your body as she kissed caught your lips in yet another kiss.
You let out a soft chuckle against her lips, grabbing a hold of the edge counter while you stumbled back as Jenna moved her body right against yours, deepening the lock she had on your lips.
She always felt tender, gentle, right in all words. Maybe peace even. Her presence was familiar as her lips were. Like a second home to you.
"I'd like to continue my routine, baby," you smiled, breaking the kiss but you kept her close, your foreheads resting against eachother.
"Mm," she hummed, closing her eyes as she made her way to your neck, kissing all the way down, "And I'd like for us to go back in bed and—"
"Jenna." You interrupted her, a stern voice you had even if you so and desperately wanted her to ruin you yet again, you gently pushed her back and kissed her on the lips. "We have a flight, remember?"
She, being the lovely Jenna Ortega you knew and loved, didn't have the heart to pull away from you. Her lips turning into the sweetest pout. "But I—!"
Unfortunately for you, you became somewhat immune to her pouts. After 10 fucking years.
"If we get there in 7, I'll let you do anything to me."
The phrase 'anything' wasn't everything to Jenna. Unless it happened to be coming from you. That's the time where she gets interested and everything in her way gets blown off the face of the earth.
"I'll let you fuck me on the plane."
Before you knew it, everything was packed and the beach house was so tidy, you'd think the both of you never went on a honeymoon. Plus, the both of you arrived at 6.
It was a few weeks after the both of you had arrived at Jenna's apartment, or much rather your apartment too.
Till that day, you will never forget how good she fucked you on that plane. Bent over with your panties stuffed in your mouth and her cock ramming into your pussy while you watched yourself get fucked from behind in the mirror.
But one thing was for certain: Thom Browne was a gift from the fucking heavens. You might have to praise and worship him everyday for granting the world Jenna Marie Ortega in Thom Browne Clothing™
It was shameful for you to admit, but it took all your willpower and resistance to not pull her by that stupid tie she has on, pull down everything from her skirt to her boxers, let her slam your cunt down on her cock and let her completely ruin you from behind. Or maybe you'd ride her until you're fucked into oblivion.
It was a crisp morning of another day Jenna in your arms like always.
Nothing changed when the both of you got married, just the way she would always introduce you to her friends as her wife. Even if they already met you like a thousand times.
She was so proud of it, you'd think she wiped off girlfriend from her vocabulary entirely and replaced it with wife.
Jenna, her body pressed against yours as she buried her head on your nape, her breaths soft and tiny on your skin, it always never fails to make you sigh internally and thank everyone and everything in the world that you were even born.
But her grip was tighter than usual. Her kisses happened almost every second, even if you weren't there with her. Everytime you were in her vicinity, she always manages to ask you if something was off or wrong about your day.
Obviously, this wasn't completely out of the ordinary. Jenna was a sweet and overall caring lover to you, but it's almost everyday.
She wasn't acting weird, but you were.
You found yourself feeling more tired than usual, your body ached of pain, and certain smells made you nauseous out of nowhere. Of course, Jenna was the exception, her scent always manages to calm you down. But without it, you'll simply spiral.
At first, you brushed it off as stress or just a normal change in your routine after the honeymoon. It definitely wasn't your period, or so you thought, since often times they come and go irregularly.
You'd think it'll be alright, that it was just a cold.
Until you start feeling nauseous, bile coming out of your throat even if you hadn't eaten anything.
Fuck, no, no.
Please, no.
"Y/n! Y/n, oh, God, are you okay?"
Everything was falling apart, you'd think to yourself.
That was until Jenna's voice brought you back alive.
"Y/n!" She yelled in front of the doorway, her eyes look worried. Concerned, maybe even a tinge of sadness from them.
She found you huddled on the floor, clutching your stomach as a pregnancy test thrown beside you out of a fit of shock meddled with anger.
Tears streamed down your cheeks, no matter how much force you exerted to push them back up. You don't want to cry, not in front of her. It breaks your heart. But how could you if she's looking at you like that?
"Y/n?" Jenna's voice broke through the haze, kneeling down while her hands softly pulled you into her embrace as she moved your hair out, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, soothingly rubbing on your back as she waited for a few seconds to talk. "It's okay, Y/n. I'm here, I'm so sorry, it's okay, I'm here with you. You're safe."
"Y/n, talk to me, please." Her voice quivered, her bottom lip shaking as she cupped your cheeks. "You've been acting strange, please tell me what's wrong, love."
You felt Jenna's touch grounding you down, leading you to peace and something alike to home.
"Jenna. Jenna, I—I'm pregnant."
Your voice cracked, tears threatening to spill over as you struggled to find the right words. It wasn't the news you dread, but Jenna's reaction.
Would she kick you out? Would she reject you? Would she tell you that she's disgusted, embarrassed? She definitely would. You'd think to yourself.
You expect her to yell at you, leave you in a devastating state, that she'd divorce you and you were never even allowed to show your face to hers ever again. Fear and doubt crept into your mind more than it should've. Jenna loved you, more than anything else, more than herself. Would she love you now?
"....What?" Her hand fell from you, her mouth hung open. Was she devastated? Mad? Joyful? Angry? Happy?
"I—I'm so sorry, Jenna." You cried. You cried to her, you couldn't even show your face yet you cried—weeped to her. "I must've skipped a pill, or I—I just forgot to take one. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean—I didn't mean for this to happen, I—" Your explanation felt meaningless, the words tumbling out of your mouth in a desperate attempt to fill the void of silence Jenna gave you.
The bathroom felt colder, emptier.
But there was always light in the darkness you've pushed yourself in. You're lucky enough for your light to be someone you loved.
Jenna's arms were wrapped around you in a mere second, like she only now processed the information, pulling you into a tight hug. Her touch was warm, light, happiness, comfort, everything. Like you fell in love once again.
"We're pregnant…" She whispered into your ear, you can feel a smile forming in your lips. But that was hard to believe.
It was surreal, almost unbelievable when you first saw the results. You were worried about her reaction, but hearing Jenna say it filled you with nothing but happiness and excitement. You leaned back slightly to look into her eyes, seeing the joy you hoped to see reflected in her gaze, but much happier.
"Holy shit, you're pregnant!" She exclaimed, a wide smile—dimples and all—appeared from her face. She was joy in of itself, her smile brightening as the corners of her lips looked so satisfying to kiss.
"Wha...?" You opened your eyes, only to see one of the prettiest ones gazing at you as if you gave her life. "You're.... you're not mad?"
Jenna's smile only widened at your question. You'd think devotion couldn't get any higher, but Jenna always succeeds in tearing down your expectations and happens to build new ones.
"Mad? Why would I be mad, baby?" she said softly, "I mean, sure, it's a bit unexpected, but…" She paused, reaching out to gently brush a stray hair away from your face as well as a tear that escaped your eyes. "I couldn't be happier. I'm sorry if I gave you the impression I was going to be."
God, you loved this woman. Is second marriage possible?
"Oh, my God, this is the best day of my life! Well, apart from our wedding day, of course. Wait, am I gonna be a mom? Holy shit I'm gonna be a mother, you're gonna be a mother! Oh, I'm so going to introduce her—or him— to our favorite movies! Well, maybe not in their baby life, but later! Oh right, What should our childs name be? I was thinking of a mix of ours, maybe—"
You couldn't help but laugh through the tears, and how absurd it was how Jenna was already planning a future for your child with her on the bathroom floor. Her energy was infections and those people all over the internet saying that she's just like her character Wednesday, or she has no soul.
They're dead wrong. She's like peace that comes with conflict, she's every living poets dream.
"Jenna, slow down for a bit," you chuckled. "You're getting ahead of yourself."
But you couldn't deny that you were just as thrilled as she was. "You'll be amazing as a mother, I'm sure of it."
Jenna nodded, "I'll keep you and the little one safe. Dating me—let alone letting the whole world know we're married—it'll be a handful." She took your hand, kissed every individual knuckle there is, as if she was promising an oath she'd take to her afterlife.
"I love you, y/n. So much. Shit, I can't believe we're gonna have a child!"
You laughed. "Same here, baby. I love you too, Jenna."
Maybe you did enjoy this so-called honeymoon phase.
J: hey, y/n, is it weird i wanna fuck another one into you? Y: if you say it like that, it is.
a/n: i loved writing this request but im not so exactly proud of how i worded it. idk, lmk what yall think! this was originally going to be 10k+ words because of the countless amounts of sex scenes i added, but i thought that was too much. + kinda amazing how i could switch from writing the fluffiest shit there is to straight up porn on paper. (partially dedicate for u babes xx @ajortga ill post more sub!r in the future)
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ceesimz · 3 months
Relationship Test
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(this isn't gonna be the most description-heavy fic, it's mostly dialogue but I wanted to write this because I think the dynamic of 'gf asking stupid questions to annoy their partner' is really entertaining)
Realistically, Leah should have known from the moment the following question came out of your mouth that you were about to enter an incredibly annoying phase.
"Leah, if I was any supermarket, out of all the ones in the UK, which one would I be?"
She simply turned her head to look at you, completely thrown off by the question. A few moments passed by of her trying to suss you out, figuring out what on earth she should reply to that, before she paused the show you were both watching and took a deep breath.
"Is this a joke or is that a genuine question babe?" She finally replied.
You shrugged a shoulder, fighting off a grin, and looked expectantly at her.
"A genuine question."
Leah once again just stared at you. Where to even begin? Surely, there was no right answer here.
"What one do you think you would be?" She deflected the question, but you just shook your head.
"Good try, but I asked you."
She groaned and threw her head back.
"My love, I have absolutely no idea! I don't look at you and think, 'ah yeah, you are an Aldi', I don't know what you're trying to get at!" She cried out, eyes wide and hands gesturing wildly.
"An Aldi?" You gasped, dramatically feigning offence, even going so far as bringing a hand to your chest to give the full effect. "Leah, that's fucking low!"
"No, I didn't call you an Aldi, babe, I just used it as an example because it's a weird question to ask!"
"Yeah but that was the first one that came to your head! An Aldi, really? Unbelievable. I thought you would have valued me higher than that. Maybe a Tesco at least, but nooo, my girlfriend thinks I'm an Aldi." You sighed and refused to meet her gaze, turning to the paused TV screen and smiling to yourself as you heard her take a deep breath.
"Darling, you are a woman, not a supermarket. I value you higher than I value you myself, okay? It was just a silly question, let's not think too deeply about it." You shook your head once more and stood up from your place on the sofa, storming out the room. "No, babe, where are you going?"
Before you rounded the corner of the lounge, you sent her a cheeky grin and laughed.
"Just the toilet, Le, don't worry." You stated simply, then walked out.
That left the blonde sat stressing to herself whilst also being utterly perplexed at what had just occurred. When you walked back in a few moments later, she still looked visibly shell-shocked, which you couldn't help but giggle at.
"Earth to my girlfriend?" You teased, slotting yourself onto her lap and knocking on her forehead with a knuckle.
"You are something else, I swear." She sighed, a humoured smile on her face as she placed a kiss on your cheek.
Leah survived all of two days before the next one was fired her way, this time, on the drive home from Arsenal training. The pair of you were exhausted, having had a match the day before then being thrown into early morning training the next day. But that didn't stop you from exercising your newfound love.
"Hey Le?" You start, Leah humming. "If I died, would you fall in love again with another person?"
Leah's eyes almost popped out of their sockets at that one. She was still driving, so she couldn't even take a glance at you as she navigated through the London traffic.
"Sorry?" She choked out, sitting up in her seat.
"Would you move on and find another person after me?"
"Is this... a test?" Leah wondered, and it's so hard not to laugh at the hint of nerves clear in her voice.
"I'm just curious." You shrugged nonchalantly.
"I... well, that's a bit of a loaded question, babe." She breathed out, eyebrows furrowed down as she's overridden with countless thoughts. "I mean, first of all I'd be fucking devastated, my love."
"Not what I asked." You told her, to which she panicked more.
"I..." She stuttered over an answer. "I don't know, it would depend I guess?"
"Are you serious?" You begin to argue, Leah wincing and slouching her shoulders. "What do you mean?"
"I have no clue, babe! Sorry for not giving a valid answer, because I don't want to think about you dying!"
"Chill, Le, I'm just teasing you." She dropped her head back against the head rest and groans.
"You are gonna be the death of me." Leah grumbled, glancing at you out of the corner of her eye.
"But seriously though, would you?"
"I swear to f-"
That last one was indeed a bit loaded, so you gave her a week's respite before the next one came. This time? In the cinema, as the adverts played before your chosen film.
"Love?" You whispered, nudging her arm that held her phone. She put it down on the arm rest and turned to you with a soft smile. "I've had a thought that's been plaguing me a bit recently."
"You wanna talk about it here?" Leah frowned, gently taking your hand as you nod. "Okay, my darling, out with it."
"Do you prefer my face or my body?"
Leah stared at you for a solid ten seconds before her body deflated and she dropped your hand. She chuckled to herself and pinched the bridge of her nose, mumbling something under her breath.
"This is another one of those questions, innit." She sighed, turning to you to get confirmation. However, you offered no emotion or reaction. "Tell me, for this one, if this is a genuine... insecurity I need to tackle properly, or if this is another bullshit question."
"I want to know, Leah." You stated. She still couldn't tell if you were serious.
"I prefer your face, my love." She replied truthfully, because that was genuinely her answer.
"Why?" You challenged, still void of emotion.
"Because... that's what I fell in love with first. Your eyes and all the emotions you hold in them, not to mention how beautiful they are. Your smile that immediately makes me smile no matter what I'm going through. Your little freckles, your nose, your eyelashes that I'm still jealous of to this day. Your face was the first impression I got of you, my first glimpse getting to know you. So if you held me at gunpoint and told me to choose, I would say your face. Your body is absolutely beautiful and incredible of course, but you could have no arms and eleven toes and I'm almost certain I'd still love you." Leah answered.
To be honest, that is definitely not what you were expecting. You didn't think a stupid question found in a Tik Tok video captioned 'Questions To Start An Argument' could lead to such a heartfelt admission.
"Oh." Was all you said. "I was supposed to argue back at you."
"What?" She laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pecking your cheek.
"I was supposed to argue and say 'so you don't like this or that about my body' but you kind of took my breath away." You explained with a sheepish smile on your face.
"My love, you know I think you're the most beautiful woman in the world, both your face and your body, but if I could only have one forever, it would be your face. Zero hesitation." Leah admitted. You blushed heavily and hid your face in her neck. "Not to say I wouldn't miss your body. You would miss it too, I know you love when I-"
"Nope!" You slapped a hand over her mouth, knowing exactly where this conversation was heading. "Just because we are in the back row of a cinema does not mean you can start saying things like that."
Leah smirked behind your hand and shrugged a shoulder.
"Your loss, baby."
The next one came when you lay awake in bed with Leah one morning a few days later. You were both lay on your stomachs, your hand gliding over Leah's back under her shirt as you gave her the back scratches she demanded with the promise of paying for breakfast in return. Admittedly, you were more of a morning person than Leah was, hence why the following question came to your mind at 8am whilst she could barely think. Was it possibly a bit unfair to ask such a layered question at a time you knew her mind wasn't as sharp as it could be? Absolutely not.
"Leah, could we discuss a hypothetical situation for a moment?" You asked. She opened one eye and looke at you with a face of disgust.
"Too early." She grumbled, closing her eye again and sighing.
"Okay." You left it for a few moments, before asking anyway. "If someone offered you money to go completely non-contact with me for three months, what's the lowest amount of money you'd accept it for?"
"What?" Leah glared at you, resting up on her elbows as she pushed her hair back out of her face. You went to repeat the question, but she shook her head and interrupted you. "I heard you. I mean, what the fuck kind of question is that?"
"Just curious." You shrugged, shifting to lay on your back and look up at her.
"I wouldn't do that." She said, plain and simple.
"It's only three months. What if it was for like, a million? That's three months of doing nothing for a ton of money, babe. That's a life-changing amount of money." You commented with a grin.
"Would you accept that?" She asked, outraged.
"Of course!" You answered immediately. Leah shook her head and threw the duvet off of her, jumping out of bed. "Come ooooon! You'd accept that too, surely?"
"You are a fucking wind-up." She grumbled, stepping into her slippers and leaving the room.
You stayed in bed with an amused smile, settling back down and wrapping yourself up with the duvet, until a voice came from the other room.
"I'd do it for free if you keep up with these stupid questions!"
At that, you jumped out of bed and ran to meet her in the kitchen, an endless amount of colourful expletives leaving your mouth on the way there.
A busy few weeks followed that morning, so your habit took a backseat to focus on an intense set of games. It slipped your mind completely, until one night when some of the Arsenal girls were around at Leah's apartment, waiting to watch one of the men's champions league games. When a multitude of irritated groans echoed around the lounge at the announcement of the game being postponed for a short while, you grinned to yourself from your place on the sofa beside Leah.
"Girls, I know how to keep us entertained in the meantime." You announced.
"We can't do karaoke again, last time I almost got kicked out of the flat." Leah looked at you with a raised eyebrow in warning.
She was referring to an incident that occurred a few months back - a team bonding evening where you, Leah, and the majority of your teammates had a movie night that led to an intense karaoke session. Consequently, a few of the neighbouring apartments reported such event to the building's security team which resulted in a knock at Leah's door and a noise complaint letter being handed to her.
"Not karaoke, babe. Something better." You wiggled your eyebrows at the other girls and stood up from your seat. "Le, come on, help me get two stools from the kitchen."
"What are you planning?" She asked in a hushed tone as you led her to the kitchen.
"You'll see." You shrugged with a smirk, picking up one of the chairs and gesturing for Leah to do the same. Then, you wandered back to the lounge and placed your stool down in front of the TV, Leah doing the same. "Leah, take a seat."
Some of the girls whispered between themselves at the scene carrying out in front of them, getting a great view of what was about to occur.
"Babe, I swear-"
"Sit down, Leah Williamson!" You demanded, grabbing your phone from the couch.
"Oo, government name!" Beth teased, Leah glaring at her and doing as she was told.
You sat there in silence for a brief moment, trying to find the list on your phone that had been neglected for a little while. Once you'd found it, you looked at Leah across from you in her chair and cleared your throat.
"Leah, this is a relationship test." You stated.
Leah's face fell as the girls laughed loudly at her reaction, her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish whilst she tried to find a response.
"Right now?" She replied, you nodding with a smug grin.
"Yep. I have a series of questions for you that you must answer. No cop-outs, no deflections, just the truth."
"This is gonna be good." Jen smirked, knowing what was about to occur. It had been her that sent you the video about it in the first place, little did she know she had planted such an entertaining seed in your mind.
"Ready?" You asked with an excited smile.
"No, I never agreed to this!" Leah cried out, looking helplessly at her teammates who simply laughed again.
"Suck it up, Leah!" Steph shouted, Beth grinning manically from beside her.
"First question!" You announced, the room falling quiet. "What is your biggest fear?"
"That's not a relationship question!" Kyra exclaimed, earning a smack on the knee from Caitlin.
"I don't know, dying?" Leah replied with a shrug.
"Wrong!" You respond.
"How's that wrong, it's my fear?!" She cried.
"The correct answer was: losing me." You revealed, the room bursting into laughter. You couldn't help yourself and joined in too as Leah groaned and covered her face with her hands.
"I know what this is gonna be now." She grumbled, looking back at you and waiting for the next question.
"Next question." You said, silencing the room. "If a genie offered you three wishes, but if you accepted them, there was a ten percent chance you lost me forever, would you take them?"
"Yeah because I would use a wish to get you back." Leah said with a shrug, thinking she had caught you out.
"Wrong. That's not possible." You shook your head shamefully at her.
"And how was I supposed to know that then?" She hit back, but you shrugged back at her.
"Not my problem." You stated as the girls laughed at Leah's eye roll. "Next. Would you rather never play football again or never have sex with me again?"
That one almost knocked Leah off her seat.
"How am I supposed to answer that?" Her cheeks were bright red as she argued, completely at a loss for words right now.
How had a quiet night watching the football, turned into her being the butt of the joke?
"You have to answer it, love." You lowered your phone and fixed her with a pressuring glare, everyone else in the room looking at her expectantly as they held in their laughter.
"Babe, I..." She stuttered, glancing around at her peers with a frantic look in her eyes.
"You're gonna be in the doghouse, Leah." Katie kindly reminded her, followed by a few muffled laughs from some of them.
"Never play football again." Leah answered in a nervous voice.
"Wrong!" You sighed, shaking your head.
"How is that- I can't fucking win." She groaned frustratedly and clenched her fists as everyone else once again laughed uncontrollably. "Please explain how that answer is wrong, my love."
"You shouldn't let your attraction to me override your career, my darling!" You told her with a dramatic pout. She couldn't help but chuckle at your reply, now starting to see the humour in this situation.
"Aren't you guys romantic." Beth rolled her eyes and waved you both off. "Move on, next question."
"Alright." You cleared your voice again, choosing your next blow. "If you learned that I had been hired to date you as part of a social experiment for research, would you be able to forgive me?"
"What the fuck!"
You couldn't help it anymore. You burst out laughing along with your friends and covered your face as you did, hearing Leah rant in the background of all the noise. A few moments passed of pure laughter before you sat back up straight and looked at your girlfriend who, if she was in a cartoon, would have literal steam coming out of her ears.
"Your answer, please." You asked impatiently, tapping your foot on the floor.
"Dating you is a social experiment, this is absurd, I mean-"
"Moving on." You ignored her rebuttal. "Would you rather kiss me for £100,000 or the prettiest woman in the world for a million?"
Leah took a deep breath, removing all previous irritation in her bones, before answering confidently.
"Prettiest woman in the world for a million." She stated, waiting for you to correct her.
"Wrong, how fucking rude. Why would you not kiss me?" You challenged with an angry scowl.
"Because you are the prettiest woman in the world." Leah stated simply with a soft smile, causing you to blush. The room was silent for a moment as you both gazed at each other, before the sound of someone jokingly gagging disrupted it.
"Get a room!" Kyra shouted, throwing one of the sofa pillows at you both. Everyone else followed her lead and started teasing you both, but Leah simply smirked and stood up.
"Get a room, you say? Alright."
She shrugged before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards her bedroom. The sounds of the others wolf-whistling and cheering followed you until it was shut out by Leah slamming the bedroom door closed.
"You done testing me now?" She asked with her eyebrows raised, pressing you back against the door and holding you in place by your hips.
"Guess so." You smiled uncontrollably at her, to which she laughed and let out a breath before hiding her face in your neck.
"You're a little shit, you know that?" She said, muffled by your skin.
"I know it, babe. You love me for it." You grinned. Leah lifted her back up and leaned down to press your lips together in a firm but teasing kiss, pulling back sooner than you wanted.
"Damned if I do, damned if I don't, right?"
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blueicequeen19 · 4 months
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Warnings: unprotected car creampie, oral, face fucking, hate fucking with JJ, Kook mean girl
I roll my eyes as I cross the parking lot to my Mercedes. This Pogue could not take a fucking hint. His constant flirting was on my last nerve. Sure he was cute but he was a Pogue. I had guys lining up to fuck me. I could have any guy I wanted so why waste time on this loser?
“Stop following me.” I snap, hitting the unlock button on my key fob. Why did I park at the back of the damn parking lot?
“You’ve been drinking. At least let me drive you home. Or my home.” The smile in his voice is clear and I shake my head just as I stumble in my heels over another fucking piece of gravel.
“Fuck.” I stop, reaching down to kick off these monstrosities when he’s suddenly crouching in front of me, crowding my space as he lifts my foot and starts to unfasten the straps.
“Are you always this annoying?” I grumble, using one hand on his shoulder to balance myself. The hand on my ankle is hot against my skin as he finally works the strap free and gently sits my foot down.
“Usually.” He peeks up at my under his messy blonde hair, flashing a panty dropping smile as he switches to the other foot.
“At least you’re honest.”
“Not used to that?”
“You don’t know me at all so don’t assume anything.” God he gets under my skin so badly but he doesn’t seem phased as he chuckles before raising to his full height, towering over me and dangerously close.
“I know enough.” His voice is lower, seductive even as his playful blue eyes rake down my body and back up.
“You know what’s on the outside. You don’t know what’s on the inside.” I blurt in frustration, shoving his chest but he doesn’t even budge. His lips curl into a taunting smirk.
“I want to be inside you. Does that count?” My jaw drops in surprise. This Pogue was so bold. I scoff, attempting to shove past him but pain shoots up through my feet from the gravel. It’s so sudden that I barely comprehend him scooping me in his arms until we’re moving towards my car again.
“I didn’t need your help.” I grumble, my heels dangling from one hand as I wrap the other around his neck.
“A simple thank you would suffice.”
“Oh so you’re not going to use this as a way to gain a sexual favor?” I narrowed my eyes at him as a bright smile formed across his face, his boots crunching along the gravel.
“I won’t say no to a blow job.”
“I can’t stand you.”
“You can sit on my face if you don’t feel like standing.” A laugh burst from me and I quickly looked away, his smile practically blinding as we came up on my car.
“You can put me down now.” I muttered awkwardly as he pulled the drivers door open.
“Eager to get home?” He lowered me so that my toes rested on his boots, keeping me from hurting my feet. The move felt intimate with how tightly our bodies were pressed together and I struggled to maintain eye contact.
“Why do you care? This is never going to happen.” I snap, his eyes widening for a moment before he schools his features. Anger I could deal with. Anything soft was off the table.
“I’m not going to sleep with you. Not just because you’re a filthy Pogue but because you’re probably some vanilla pretty boy and that’s not my thing. You probably like sweet words and taking your time but I like to be fucked. So take the hint.” My heart races with my outburst, my cheeks red with anger but I can’t help the sudden panic from the look in his eyes. He looked pissed but also wanted to eat me alive. Like he wanted to give me exactly what I said I wanted.
“Take the hint, huh?” His voice is low in warning, raising the hair on my neck like I’m being stalked by a predator. Suddenly he jerks open my passenger door and shoves me in the back seat by the back of my neck.
“What the—.” The door shuts and he’s manhandling me onto my knees, yanking my dress up to bare myself to him.
“You want to be fucked? I’ll show you how we Pogues like to fuck.” I nearly moan at his words, my body already on board with whatever he has planned. His fingers cup my sex, teasing my folds over my thong before yanking it down my thighs.
“Don’t you dare.” I gasp, still hanging on to the need for this to be all his idea. He slaps my pussy, making me squeal in pain and surprise.
“Open up for me, princess.” He slaps my thighs wider apart, the flesh of his cock suddenly between my thighs and making my eyes bug out. He was fucking huge.
“So goddamn wet for a Kook Princess.” JJ taunts, rubbing his cock through my slit. Every pass over my clit made me shudder, begging to be filled. I open my mouth to do just that when he shoves his way inside, making me moan loudly as my head drops down on the leather seats.
“Shit. You better be quiet or one of your friends will find you getting fucked by a filthy Pogue.” JJ’s words are strained as his fingers bite into my hips and he starts to move. I can’t control the whimpers and mewls that leave me. He delivers on his promise, fucking me hard and fast. I don’t even have to demand more because he keeps up with everything my body wants without instruction.
“So hot and tight.” JJ groans, yanking me back into every hard thrust of his hips as the car rocks. His cock was so hard and deep. I could barely think or breathe until I hear a giggle in the distance. I try to jerk away but he shoves me back down, holding me in place. His pace lessens so the car doesn’t rock but he doesn’t stop fucking me as he looks around.
“Grab the door.”
“Who— is it? We have to stop.” My words come out on a whimper, my body wound so tight as I do as he says.
“Guess you’re not the only one getting fucked by a Pogue tonight.” JJ chuckles darkly, shoving me flat onto the seat and coming down on top of me. My hair is twisted in his fist as his lips find my neck. I try to listen to determine if I know the identity of the other couple but I can’t hear over the sound of JJ panting in my ear and his pelvis slamming against my ass.
“Here?” A girl hisses too close to my car for liking and I instantly recognize the voice as my two-faced Pogue hating best friend.
“Fuck, I love having you under me. Not so mouthy now, are ya?”
I hear a thump and JJ chuckles in my ear, rolling his hips so he hits that sweet spot deep inside me. I bite back a mewl, turning my head and slamming my mouth to his without even thinking. If I thought fucking him was insane then kissing was even worse. His tongue demands entrance into my mouth and I can’t stop the orgasm that barrels forward. His hand is over my mouth in the next moment, silencing me as he fucks me into the seat until I’m trembling for relief.
“What’s the matter? I thought you wanted to be fucked?” I fight the urge to roll my eyes at him as I reach back to dig my nails into his thigh, with shorts still around his legs.
“Who is she fucking?” I demand in a whisper, shaking his hand off my mouth.
“Doesn’t matter.”
A cry of pleasure echos outside the car and JJ’s pace picks up. I can tell by his breathing that he’s close. He’s already lasted a lot longer than I expected.
“J—.” His nickname is a plea on my lips, the sensitivity being too much. The leather against my nipples. His weight on top of mine. His husky breathing in my ear.
“I like the thought of you driving home with me inside you. Then every time you drive this car you’ll be reminded of this. How your mouth begged for relief but your body demanded more. I can feel how close you are.” His vulgar words had my inner walls clenching, my eyes squeezing shut as pleasure pulsed through me. My hips lift on their own, aching for him to reach deeper.
“I didn’t say you could cum inside me.” I growl, fighting off the orgasm that threatens to rip through me and give us away. JJ’s hand dips between my thighs to press on my clit and a choked sound leaves me as my body detonates.
“I didn’t ask.” He whispers as I cum hard, my body jerking beneath his as I bite my own arm to keep from screaming my release. A deep, sexy moan echos in my ear as he finishes inside me, fucking me slow and deep until we’re both spent and fighting to catch our breath. The windows have fogged and I can feel his sweat on my back. Minutes pass and I don’t hear the couple outside anymore so I motion for him to let me up.
“This isn’t ever happening again.” I declare, looking along the floorboard for my panties. I don’t find them and I level him with a glare as he relaxes back against the seat, his legs spread and cock still hard. I fight hard not to stare at the cum stains along his shaft.
“If you say so.” His eyes are dark as he watches me, a sexy smirk on his lips. Like someone who was awfully proud of their accomplishments. The after effects of bliss make it hard to cling to my anger, especially with him looking at me the way he is.
“Clean up your mess and I’ll go.”
“Excuse me?”
“I didn’t stutter.”
“I heard you. I was just giving you a chance to rethink what you just said.”
A beat of tense silence stretches between us, our eyes never wavering from each others even as his cum drips out of me and onto the leather seats.
“Here, I’ll show you.” JJ lunges, wrapping his hand in my hair and yanking me over his lap. His free hand holds his hard cock firmly as he presses my head down until the smooth tip meets my lips. I grit my teeth, refusing to open but the hand in my hair tightens painfully, nearly ripping the strands out so I reluctantly open, letting him hit the back of my throat. I gag loudly, attempting to pull back but he holds me firmly, a hand sliding between my legs to stroke my slick slit. I want to shake my head or tell him I can’t take anymore but he refuses to let me up as he fucks my throat.
“More tongue, less teeth. Relax your throat.” I’m tempted to bite down, wishing I could tell him I know how to give a damn blow job. It wouldn’t be so bad if he’d stop treating me like I don’t need to breathe. But goddamn the pulsing between my legs is almost agonizing. I feel on fire.
I move my tongue so it’s dragging up and down his shaft and I feel his body tighten as he hisses through his teeth.
“That’s it.” JJ groans, his fingers relaxing slightly in my hair as I start to move with him. The hand between my legs starts to move quicker against my clit, my legs shaking as I try to finish him before he finishes me. I hum around his shaft, tears blurring my eyes as every nerve ending starts to feel on fire.
“I’m cumming.” His head hits the seat as he holds my head down, shooting down my throat as my own body is thrown into oblivion. I can barely swallow as stars line my vision and my body shakes uncontrollably. The lack of oxygen didn’t help.
Finally, he releases the hold on my hair and I slide into the floorboard on my knees, makeup burning my eyes as I look up at him. My throat was raw and my pussy was on fire but I’d never felt more sated. JJ looked as satisfied as I felt as he slowly zipped his shorts back up and wiped sweat from his brow.
“I hate you.” My voice is hoarse and I desperately needed water. I also needed to know who my best friend was fucking right outside my car.
“But you love how I felt inside you.”
“You didn’t wear a condom.”
“Hopefully you’re on something.”
“Hopefully you don’t have something.”
JJ smirks as he leans forward on his knees, eyeing me like we didn’t just have amazing orgasms together.
“I guess next time I need to fuck you harder. Take care of all that attitude.” I narrow my eyes at him until his hand is suddenly around my throat and he’s pulling me into a sizzling kiss. I moan into his mouth, twisting my fingers in his hair as our tongues collide. I’d never been a fan of kissing but his mouth was otherworldly. I kiss him harder, feeling the slight stubble along his upper lip. I nearly whimper when he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting our lips.
“Next time I’m eating that tight fucking pussy until you cum all over my face. Then I’m going to tie you up and play with you until you make an absolute mess. After that I’m gonna lay back and watch as you use me to get yourself off. You’ll use me however you want me while I don’t lift a finger.” JJ kisses me again as my insides turned molten, a cocky smirk pulling at his lips.
“I’ll see you later, princess.”
Then the car door opens and is slammed in my face as I try to figure out what the fuck just happened.
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wyvernest · 11 months
would you be able to write something about chubby!reader having body issues and thinks she doesn’t deserve miguel because he’s so sculpted and beautiful, but miguel reminds her how perfect she is? (in whatever way you think is best)
i just love reading these types of fics and they really help boost my confidence 🥹
tysm! <3
hope you like it<3
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pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
warnings: fluff, established relationship, body dysmorphia
summary: you start feeling self conscious right before your date, and miguel isn't having any of it
translations are at the end
Miguel had finally made time to take you out. You are well aware of the fact that he is a busy man, and had decided against pressuring him to abandon his work overtime.
But tonight was for you. He had planned out the perfect date, from the restaurant, reservations, to the tiniest details; what day would be best in terms of weather, your job, and his duties. 
To say you were overwhelmed with excitement was an understatement. He had always been so caring and considerate, looking for ways to make you feel valued and appreciated even when time itself stood against his efforts. Finding unadulterated joy in asking you out like it was your first time getting closer to each other over and over again, the 'honeymoon phase' spark never once leaving your relationship, contrary to popular belief.
And so here you are, in your shared home, getting ready for yet another date with the most handsome man you've ever seen. 
He's already fully dressed, fixing himself in the mirror. His black suit sits oh-so perfectly on him, hugging the shape of his large back and shoulders, tight enough around his biceps, so that they still bulge through the material when he brings a hand up in his hair to tame some dark strands that had fallen out of place. It accentuates the line of his abdomen, having his large thighs finish off the whole look. 
He stands in front of the bedroom mirror, in his striking royal height, the man that ancient Greeks probably had as a muse when they sculpted the ideals of the male body. His dark, cocoa brown hair is brushed back, silky and soft. His perfectly contoured face is dimly lit by the low, warm bedroom lights, his features prominent: the bridge and line of his nose, squinted piercing eyes along with a downright intimidating set of brows His sharp jaw is held up high while he works with his tie, expert hands skillfully experimenting around an array of various knots, pondering upon which fits best.
He truly is quite the sight, you melt at the tableau before you, holding back a sigh seasoned with nothing but the very heights of being irrevocably enamoured.
His whole presence screams strength and mature dominance, with a hint of incontestable luxury.
Resuming your own outfit, your own body still only adorned in nothing but a pair of panties and a bra, you head to the closet for the one dress you have been imagining yourself in for the whole week since he offered you the invitation. You couldn’t be more excited to finally try it on and admire yourself with it, have people look your way while wearing it, with an arm hooked around the one and only Miguel O’Hara. 
Putting it on and adjusting its stretchy fabric over your curves, your smile starts to fade. This isn’t what it looked like the first time I tried it on, you mentally conclude, and the more you look at it, the more things you wish you hadn’t noticed. You pull at the material, the hem, the sides, the neckline, anything you can think of that maybe, just maybe, could fix it. Panic starts to drip into your nerves, what will you do now if it just won’t look good? Screw it and go out with it anyway, and then feel all eyes on you for the rest of the evening? What will people think when they see you, merely decent, next to him? And otherwise, what other option is there? To pick some other dress that can’t possibly be more appropriate for the occasion, since you had bought this one specifically for the place you’re going, and still not look the part?
Your breathing starts to quicken as you keep fumbling with the textile around your shape, attention half directed to the open wardrobe, scanning every shelf and hanger for a second option. 
Suddenly, the floor creaks, bringing the echo of incoming footsteps. And there he is, standing behind you, hands on your tense shoulders. You almost despise the image before you; his impeccable, calm and stoic image, next to you, discouraged and deeply insecure in evident comparison.
“What were you thinking about just now?” his words river down over the shell of your ear on a hot breath that has shivers shot down your spine.
“Nothing, I’m getting ready”, you cover it up in a sing-song voice, not wanting to dig deeper into letting him know that you don’t deem yourself pretty enough for him, let alone expect him to find you more attractive than you do yourself. Unfortunately, he’s too smart for your little diversion.
“Don’t lie to me.”, his tone serious, voice deep. His eyes rank up and down your body in the mirror, and you feel an acute need to just disappear. “Que guapa.”
He presses a kiss to your temple, and you feel rosy heat rise to your face.
Your mouth speaks before you think.
“Does it look good?”, he senses the hesitancy in your voice.
“Baby, you’d look like a goddess wearing a potato sack.” he speaks matter-of-factly, as if his statement equals water is wet, the honesty in his declaration evident with the speed with which the words left his mouth. You can’t help but let a giggle break through your disconcerted face, surprised with the association.
“What, like Marilyn Monroe?”
“No, mi alma, like you.” He wraps his arms around your middle, pulling you back into his embrace as you look at eachother in the reflection before you. His expression softens, visibly relaxed and happy to have you close to him. 
“These curves, every part of you, I know them as I know myself.” His palms slide over your hips, and all the way back up to your shoulders, effectively chasing away any hint of doubt and worry, cleansing you of anything that isn’t love.
“Eres la mujer de mis sueños.” He bends down, his lips reaching the crook of your neck. “No hay nadie como tú."
You let yourself fall back into his tempting embrace, knowing that he’s exploiting your weakness for him speaking Spanish so low and deep into the vulnerable skin of your pulse point, completely forgetting about the date and the dress. 
“And if you don’t like the dress, I’ll gladly rip it off.” He exhibits his talons as a warning, the curved edges of the claws grazing your bare shoulders intently. “If anything, the dress isn’t good enough to be worn by you.”
que guapa - how beautiful
mi alma - my soul
eres la mujer de mis sueños - you're the woman of my dreams
no hay nadie como tú - there is no one like you
a/n: again, if any native speakers see anything wrong with my Spanish please let me know🤍
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sh0tanzz · 4 months
Who do you think would be the mtl jealous bf in riize?
OMGG ive been waiting for an ask like this 😭
MTL JEALOUS BF IN RIIZE based on astrology ~
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(reminder that this for fun and astrology is something I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew them myself !!)
Sungchan - Tbsh his jealousy would be pretty overboard and extremely obvious like a blaring red signal. He would NOT play about you. His cancer moon makes him pretty sensitive and obvious with his emotions so if he felt jealous he'd get in his feelings or even sulk/ruminate as well as he'd take it pretty personal and have a hard time letting go. His leo venus makes him pretty dramatic 😭. This venus paired with his moon might make him cause a scene or "act out" . His venus+moon leads to him wanting your care and attention on him and him alone. His cap mars screams possessiveness and being restrictive, he'd get so possessive do not let him see you laugh at another guys jokes or be helpful to another guy he'd be FUMING .
Wonbin - I honestly wasn't going to rank Wonbin this high but then I remembered his taurus mars paired with venus square pluto and pluto conjunct lilith so...here we are LMFAOO. From my own personal observations taurus mars is way more possessive in comparison to taurus venus; those pluto/venus/lilith aspects paired with his mars can make his jealousy take a snowball effect leading to an emotional avalanche. Plus a power imbalance fueling the jealousy even more and leading to him being restrictive. However, I ranked him below Sungchan because Sungchan would be VERY petty and loud about his jealousy while Wonbin would most likely silently seethe (due to his pisces sun, aquarius mercury) until he ultimately can't handle holding back, but until then his jealousy would still be DEEP.
Shotaro - His scorpio moon+capricorn venus makes him take the relationship pretty seriously. He craves stability and honesty and once he feels like his jealousy is compromising the security and trust in the relationship he must act ! He won't be too quick to jump into conclusions because of his libra mars, he'd probably think things through before asking/acting on his jealousy..and he might front and pretend he's only a tiny bit jealous/concerned when really it's weighing heavy on his heart in the beginning. When he is jealous he'd be more quiet and less jovial than he usually is. He'd be pretty straight up and might even just ask/tell you about how he's feeling. When things are clarified things will be cool again and he'll go back to being your sweet taro and hopefully stop staring daggers into the random guy talking to you while smiling.
Anton - Very unserious, would text "what position he got you in" and move on with his day. KIDDDING kind of 😭 He'd have short phases of possessiveness due to his taurus venus. His moon square saturn and venus square neptune can lead to slight paranoia and being unable to naturally express his insecurities which could be the source of the jealousy. Despite these things he wouldn't express his jealousy in toxic or overboard ways, he'd probably express his jealousy through jokes or non seriousness hoping you would pick up on it (you probably would with that mercury aries, straight to the point) If he ever did tell you straight up he wouldn't be too harsh he'd just want to be honest and being reassured will patch everything right up.
Sohee - I ranked Sohee this low because honestly when reading his chart I feel like his jealousy would, similarly to Anton's, be quick to come and go. He'd be quick to say something or show that he's uncomfortable. He wouldn't sit you down to have a serious convo about it, but it would have to just passively come out in conversation . As soon as he felt reassured then he'd be fine once again. Now if it was an ongoing issue of scenarios that led to him being jealous then he'd have a more serious even messy approach (his mars square pluto) his temper would awaken. But outside of that he trusts you, even if he doesn't trust and is suspicious of the guys around you he trusts YOUUU at the very end.
Seunghan - Oh the lovely boyfriend that just wants to keep the peace. He wouldn't want you to hound him out of jealousy so he ofc wouldn't do that to you either. If he was jealous he'd be more emotional rather than being petty+aggressive. His mercury is exalted in virgo so he'd definitely want to talk about it or at least let you know how he feels. Outside of that I think he'd want to avoid such a thing in the first place. He'd trust you as best as he can and wouldn't want there to be an imbalance in the relationship to where one of you are restricting the other due to deep seated jealousy (thanks to his libra sun+venus and sag moon). He quite literally just wants you two to be happy and knows that genuine jealousy can poison such a good thing.
Eunseok - I'm sorry fellow briize but this man is quite literally the least of your concern. His aries venus wouldn't want to make things too serious and ominous with jealousy (plus because he values his freedom so in his mind you must value yours too right ?) His sag mars paired with it means he doesn't want to dwell with thoughts of you possibly giving your attention to other guys. He basically has a nonchalant "she knows where home is" mentality lowkey. Plus if he ever did feel jealous he'd probably not say anything because his cap moon+pisces mercury would barely let him properly express it (with words at least). Also weirdly enough he'd be more jealous if you weren't in a relationship compared to if you guys were; once you two are officially together he wouldn't be as jealous anymore .
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kissitbttr · 2 months
ana babes, i'm stuck in the library studying my ass off but my thoughts always seem to go to fucking frat miguel between the shelves for a quick study break ☹️☹️☹️☹️
-sapphic loser
“i said no, miguel”
he whines, dropping his forehead down on the open book while stomping his foot down like a little boy earning a warning glance from someone who passes by,
“why nooot”
“do you even have to ask?! we’re in a library dumbass. control your dick for one second”
“how am i supposed to do that when you’re sitting in front of me?” he argues, “looking all cute and pouty.. makes me want to bang you all the time”
“miguel!” you warn with a groan, face heating up at his words, “we literally had sex this morning. twice, if i may add. i’m sure you can handle another two hours of you not being inside me”
miguel scoffs, his expression twists into something more looking in disbelief. as if it’s ridiculous for you to assume that,
his arms are crossed, leaning back against the chair with his knee bouncing rapidly. “this is boring”
“i didn’t ask you to come here, miguel. i told you to hang out with the boys didn’t i?”
“they’re being annoying right now”
you give him a look that says ‘and you’re not?’ which causes him to roll his eyes before pouting. “we can go do it three rows behind, baby. no one will notice”
his fingers reaching out underneath the table to play with the skirt of your dress. feeling his touch a little bit further and further which causes you to glare at him,
“jeez—you are no fun” he huffs, wincing when you knock his feet with yours. “i thought my girl would be an exhibitionist—but nope! i thought wrong”
“are you serious?!”you give him a deadpan look, dropping the pen on the table. “we literally fucked at your dad’s office at thanksgiving! that, and also the jacuzzi sex when we had had a ski trip with our friends?! you losing your fucking memory or what?”
that doesn’t seem to phase him enough, just shrugging his shoulders as he look down on your cleavage fingers tapping against the wooden table,
“doesn’t count in my opinion. there weren’t people there”
“god! miguel you are so—
“—fucking big, miggy!” desperate moan falls of your lips as he has you pinned against one of the bookshelf, “don’t stop, p-please”
yeah, you decide to give in to his suggestion seeing how it didn’t stop him from bothering you. letting him choose the perfect spot where no one else can see. thankfully, there aren’t a lot of people in the library so it was easy. the main task was to hide from the old librarian lady that never seemed to like the two of you,
his pants are hanging low by the hips whilst your dress is bunched up around the waist. full breasts spilling out of the cups making miguel feel dizzy at the euphoric sight of his girlfriend getting fucked.
miguel’s bulky arms holding you by the thighs as his cock plunges deep into your wet hole. his gaze falls upon your open mouth and down to your bouncing tits, leaning forward to take a nipple between his teeth,
“f-fuck, right there baby—shit” you whisper moan, back arching at the feeling of your sensitive bud getting chewed on. tangling your hands through his hair, tugging it
“puta madre you’re going to be the death of me” he comments with a groan, driving in a bit faster, chest pressing against yours as he tells you to hold onto him tightly. “didn’t i tell you this was a good idea?”
your eyes snap open, seeing that cocky smirk that quirks upon his lips. giving him a light scowl. “don’t be a fucking smart ass. you were just horny”
miguel chuckles deeply, giving you a long sloppy kiss on the mouth, licking your lower lip. “open wide, princesa” he orders with a small tap on your cheek. he grins when you obey him fast, tongue out. miguel spits his drool a bit down to your warm muscle, watching you giggle and close your mouth before swallowing it,
god, you’re so fucking sexy it’s driving him insane,
“almost there, baby?” you nod at the question, locking your legs around him a bit tighter. “fuck—me too—shit, shit”
it is far too impossible to contain your moans, especially you. which is why when you’re about to cum, miguel has to muffle your noises with his palm to keep the security and librarian coming to get the two of you busted. and it is irritating to miguel because he loves your noises. he loves hearing how good he makes you feel,
“cum for me, sweetheart—give it to me” he whispers lowly in your ear, one hand moving to reach the nape of your neck as his other still holding onto your thigh. he’a fucking you even faster that you feel the large shelf behind you is shaking quite rapidly.
“thaaat’s it— that’s it muñeca , oh fuck—fuck, i’m g-gonna—“
he cuts himself off once you both reach your high not a moment after. his cum painting the inside of your velvet walls as you coat his cock with yours. his thrusts are getting sloppy when he’s slowing down. miguel is trying to catch his breath as he watches your head falling back to catch yours. eyeing the beautiful sight before him.
he palms your cheek, thumb grazing against both of your lips making you kiss it. your eyes finding his and flashing him a shy grin.
“muy hermosa” he pecks your lips, “perfecto” your cheek, “mi cariño” one underneath the jawline. “and all mine”
his praises are making you giggle, arms circled around his neck as he helps you get down slowly and fix your dress before fixing his pants,
“i needed that, baby—thank you” you reach on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, but that doesn’t stop miguel from pulling you in to give you a real kiss. his hands kneading your ass. as if the fucking before isn’t enough. “okay, okay—baby—sto-oh!” you try to stifle the laughs when he moves down to kiss your neck, the stubble on his chin tickling you,
“can’t get enough of you, muñeca—shit—i’d give up everything for you, you know that?”
“hmm—even football and OBJ?” you jokingly ask, eyebrow twitching as you feel him freeze and pull away with a slight offended look,
“know your limits, baby”
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ma-yawntu · 13 days
mine, all mine. iii.
chapter three: fare well
pairing: neteyam x female!metkayina!reader
summary: Meeting with potential mates made you want to drown yourself, but what annoyed you even more was how much relief he provided.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: some rude guy, fluffy, neteyam being so damn respectful, parental pressure
now playing... birds of a feather by billie eilish
chapter one | chapter two | masterlist
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You were sure this was the absolute worst part of being the daughter of the Olo’eyktan. You knew it was just part of life for you– but that didn’t mean you had to like it. You let your head rest in your palm as you sat in your family’s marui, the conversation you were supposed to be part of, falling on deaf ears. The stupid neck piece you were wearing was choking you and your head hurt from your freshly done braids. Every month or so, you were forced to suffer through a meal with a boy from the village your parents had picked for you and his parents while your parents tried not to give away their unbridled rage at how insolent you were being (mostly your mother).
“...isn’t that right?” Your father directed his attention toward you at the end of whatever it was he was saying. You could feel his eyes on you and you quickly looked between him, your mother and the family in front of you.
“Yeah… Yeah, sure,” you replied, completely uninterested and bored. Tonowari curled his lips inward before looking at the family in front of you with a nervous smile. Tonowari was always so sure that you would grow out of this rebellious phase when you were a child– finally cut him and your mother some slack after almost sending them to an early grave several times. But he was sorely mistaken.
“We must apologise A’tok, our daughter has been very busy with those forest Na’vi children– it has occupied a lot of her time,” your father quickly said. You could feel your mother’s eyes piercing the side of your head, surely burning two holes into your skull. “You understand.”
“Of course,” A’tok’s mother replied with a nervous smile, noticing the way the Tsahik glared at her daughter.
“Perhaps we should wrap this up?” A’tok’s father suggested. Thank Eywa someone in this marui had some semblance of sense. 
The moment A’tok and his parents left, Ronal spun around to look at you, eyes blown wide with anger. Your father rested his hands on your shoulders, bracing you for the verbal ass-kicking you were about to receive. 
“Must you embarrass us like that, ‘ite?” Your mother spat, her tone harsh. You felt your father flinch, his hands still resting on your shoulders. Your ears pinned back at her words, your tail twitching anxiously as she ran a hand down her face to calm herself. “A’tok is a nice boy, my daughter. You must think of the future of our clan, of your future–”
“A’tok is rude and arrogant,” you retorted, your voice low as you stared at the ground, jaw clenched in frustration. “He could not fill father’s role.”
Your mother sighed at that, your father gently rubbing the side of your arm. “I know that this is not what you want, ‘ite,” your mother sighed, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, “but this is how it is done. This is tradition.”
Tonowari shared a look with his mate before speaking, “but we still want you to find happiness,” he said, almost nervous as to how his mate would react. Ronal gave him an annoyed look– while she had the luxury of love in her relationship, not everyone before her was so lucky, most of the time it was an agreement– a partnership rather than a union. 
“I do not think that is possible,” you mumbled, your parents glancing at one another. “May I go? I promised Reya I would be there to help her teach the Sully kids to ride the ilus,” you added, glancing up at your mother. 
“Yes, you may go,” Ronal nodded. Ronal shared a look with Tonowari as you left, feeling rather defeated after the morning’s events. You knew it would be the same thing next month and you would inevitably have to give in to your parents wishes. 
You walked through the village with your head hanging, lost in thought as you made your way to the main reef where your sister would be waiting. You didn’t understand why you had to be mated, why you and your sister or brother could not share the responsibility of leading the clan, you did not understand why it had to be you that was mated off. 
“Where are you going?” You almost screamed at the sound of A’tok’s voice behind you. He had been a pain in your ass since you were children and you wanted nothing more than to be rid of him. The idea of your parents thinking he was a suitable mate for you was disturbing beyond belief. The two of you were nothing alike– he was rude and cocky, always getting into fights and was far too angry to be the next Olo’eyktan. Sure, you could be hard-headed yourself at times, but you were at least considerate and knew how to have a conversation without talking about yourself.
“I don’t believe that is any of your business,” you retorted, continuing to walk away and ignore him. His hand suddenly reached out, clutching your upper arm as he forced you to turn to him. 
“If we are to be mated, I feel you should at least show me some respect,” he said, the stupid grin on his face making you want to punch it right off. 
“We are not going to be mated,” you spat back, reefing your arm out of his grasp to continue walking. You could see your sister in the shallow reef waving at you– at least you would be free of this interaction soon enough.
He grabbed your wrist again, this time tighter, “your parents seem to like me. You may not have a choice,” A’tok smiled cockily, his grip on your wrist beginning to hurt. You opened your mouth to start spewing off insults but that familiar accent beat you to it. 
“You have a lot of nerve putting your hands on the Olo’eyktan’s daughter,” Neteyam leaned against one of the thick trees that acted as supports for your village homes and pathways. His hair was wet, dripping all over the place as he stared A’tok down with a rather intense glare.
A’tok slowly removed his hand from your wrist and you gently rubbed at the irritated skin. “And who are you exactly? I’m sure she can handle herself.”
“Oh, I have no doubt she could,” Neteyam quickly replied, “but would you respect her disinterest in the likes of you?”
You wanted to laugh, you really did, but you elected to bite at your lip to avoid escalating the situation. A’tok looked between you and Neteyam for a moment before scoffing and leaving, his tail swishing angrily as he walked away. 
“Are you okay?” Neteyam asked as soon as he was out of earshot.
“I could have handled that,” you retorted, making your way toward the beach.
“Yeah, you seemed to have it completely under control,” Neteyam chuckled, following close behind you. 
You rolled your eyes, “I have known him since we were children, he is harmless.”
“Sure, but you don’t touch the Olo’eyktan’s daughter– or anyone’s daughter for that matter,” Neteyam replied. You stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him.
“I do not need your protection, Neteyam,” you grumbled, giving him an unimpressed look.
“Didn’t think you did,” he replied.
“Eywa, you are so annoying,” you groaned, turning on your heel to wade into the water.
“I’ll pretend that was a ‘thank you’,” he called after you.
“And I am going to pretend you didn’t just say that,” you called back. 
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Riding an ilu was probably one of your favourite pass times, you had been riding ilus since you were younger than Tuk and you enjoyed teaching the children of the village how to bond and ride with them, teaching an almost fully-grown forest Na’vi was a little more entertaining though. You stood waist-deep in the water beside Neteyam, your sister lovingly assigning you to him. You ran your hands along the thick skin of the ilu’s neck, soothing the creature. 
“You want to make the bond gently,” you said softly, pulling on the ilu’s kuru. Neteyam was clinging to every word you said, listening intently as you soothed the creature. The ilu happily clicked at you as you scratched along his chin. “Here,” you held the ilu’s kuru out for him. “Gently.”
Neteyam pulled on his queue, letting the pink tendrils reach out for the ilu’s, making tsaheylu as gently as possible. The ilu’s pupils dilated, the creature’s fins splashing in the water. Your brother began to laugh behind you and both you and Neteyam watched as Lo’ak was thrown from his ilu, the creature splashing him comically. 
“Maybe don’t do that,” you winced at Neteyam as he tried not to laugh at his brother. 
“I’ll try,” he replied with a nod.
“Hold here,” you gestured to the wooden handhold that wrapped around the top of the ilu’s kuru, “he will move fast so… just hold on,” you laughed. Neteyam let out a breath and nodded at your words, gently mounting the ilu. “Feel his breath and his strength, do not try to order him– move with him.”
“Right,” Neteyam said, his hand gripping the handhold. He seemed nervous, his knuckles turning a lighter shade of blue at how hard he was gripping.
You reached your hands over his larger hands before looking at him, “relax,” you muttered softly.
Neteyam watched you for a moment, the two of you just staring at each other before you cleared your throat, stepping away from him. Neteyam took in a shaky breath before the ilu moved forward through the water, cutting through the reef. Neteyam stayed close to the ilu’s body, the two of them zipping through the reef. 
You held your head underwater, watching him move with a stupid smile on your face. Neteyam emerged from the water, the ilu gently swimming back toward you. “You did it!” you beamed, rubbing the ilu’s snout softly.
“You’re a good teacher,” Neteyam said, panting softly. You gave him a look that told him you didn’t believe him, “I’m serious.”
“It helps that you seem like an overachiever,” you retorted, Lo’ak scoffing from behind you. Neteyam scooped some water up, splashing his brother. 
You spend the rest of the afternoon helping Tuk with her own much smaller ilu, the little Na’vi giggling with delight when the ilu happily nuzzled her chest. Kiri seemed to have a way with animals, able to bond with her ilu all on her own without you or your sister’s guidance. You rode your own ilu through the reef with Tuk and Kiri; Lo’ak and Tsireya off in their own little world. At least they had the luxury of getting to spend time together because they wanted to, you were forced to meet with idiots and their parents– hours of your time you’ll never get back.
When night finally swallowed the village, you urged the Sully family to join you and your family for the village’s communal dinner by the beach. Your clan did a communal dinner once every week as a way of spending time together around the bonfire and sharing stories, Tsireya insisted you ask the Sully family to join since they were now living among your people. Neytiri was hesitant to join, the arrangement reminding her too much of her home. Jake comforted her, the two of them sitting comfortably by the bonfire while you and Tsireya showed their kids around. 
You sat by the bonfire with your sister, your knee bumping with hers as you ate your meal. Lo’ak and Kiri came to join you, Lo’ak finding a comfortable place next to Tsireya (obviously).
“Hi, Lo’ak,” she greeted with a shy smile, you and Kiri sharing a knowing look with each other.
“Mind if I join you?” Neteyam’s voice made your ears prick up, your attention turning to the oldest brother. You gestured to the spot on the sand beside you, Neteyam taking a seat right by you, little Tuk coming to sit in front of you.
“I like your hair today,” Tuk said softly, some fruit juice smudged across her cheek. 
“Thank you, little Tuk,” you smiled, wiping some of the fruit off her face.
“It’s pretty,” she giggled, “right, Neteyam?”
Neteyam looked at his sister with widened eyes, mouth full of food. He quickly nodded his head, almost choking on his food as he quickly tried to answer, “yeah– yes. Very pretty.” You chuckled softly, moving some of your hair over your shoulder, suddenly growing insecure of his eyes on you, the intricate neck piece you were still wearing somehow growing tighter around your neck.
After almost everyone had departed the beach, Tsireya insisted you both walk the Sully kids back to their marui while their parents stayed behind with the other adults of the clan. You were sure it was just so she could spend more time talking to Lo’ak and she wanted to disguise her little scheme. 
Tuk held onto Kiri’s hand as she jumped along the woven path, you hanging back behind them while Neteyam trailed behind all of you. You could feel his eyes on you, peeking over your shoulder every now and then to catch him looking before he would glance at literally anything else. 
“Why are you staring at me?” You asked boldly, pausing to let him catch up with you.
“I am not,” he replied quickly.
“You most definitely are,” you retorted.
“Awful bold of you,” he chuckled.
“Well it’s hard to focus when you keep looking at me,” you grumbled, pursuing your lips at him. Neteyam chuckled lowly at your words.
“Making you nervous, am I?” he asked curiously, lowering his head slightly to your height.
You frowned, feeling your cheeks heat as you crossed your arms over your chest, “no.”
“Convincing,” he nodded.
“Shut up,” you retorted, earning a laugh from him.
He walked beside you at a respectable distance, not letting his shoulder bump yours like Lo’ak did with Tsireya. His words from earlier in the day rattled around in your head, noting how he was so adamant on not touching you– or anyone touching you for that matter. It made your heart thump a little louder and quicker in your chest, praying to Eywa he didn’t notice. 
“Will you teach me that finger talk thing you do?” Neteyam asked, changing the subject.
“Sign language you mean?” You chuckled softly.
“Yes, sign language,” he nodded. “I would like to learn.”
“Yes, I can teach you,” you replied. “Though, I think I might have to leave you in the capable hands of my sister since I’ll be busy.”
“Busy?” Neteyam asked curiously, “with what?”
You let out an annoyed sigh at the simple thought of it, “my parents want me to meet with potential mates around the village they have picked– while it is painful for me, it must be done,” you huffed.
Neteyam took in your words for a moment, “you are not allowed to choose?” 
“I can,” you added, “but I am taking too long… to be fair, I am quite harsh.”
“You?” Neteyam asked sarcastically, “no, way.”
You playfully shoved his side with a grin on your face, “not funny.”
“I am joking,” he quickly said, regaining his posture after your weak shove, “I’m sure that must be difficult.”
“It’s not exactly fun,” you replied, “and I have to wear this stupid thing,” you sighed, pulling at the neck piece your parents insisted you wear. It was intricate and covered in various beads and shells– your mother had worn it and so did your grandmother, it seemed fitting you wore it too, as much as it pained you.
“It’s not stupid,” Neteyam said softly, “it’s not you though.”
“Not me?” you repeated.
“Just doesn’t seem like something you would like, that’s all,” he added. 
“And you know that, how?” you asked, genuinely curious as to what his reasoning might be. The two of you were beginning to lag behind the rest of his siblings without really noticing, lost in the conversation. It pained you to admit you actually enjoyed talking to him.
“Well, I mean, I don’t know you very well. But I know enough to know you wouldn’t enjoy wearing something like that,” Neteyam replied, slightly nervous.
You hummed, “well, you’re right.”
“But,” he started, a nervous breath leaving his lips, “I would like to get to know you more… if you’d like to know me too, you know?”
You laughed at his words softly, “that would be nice.”
You felt a smile pull at the corners of your lips, that had to be the first time someone has ever thought about what you would like without you telling them. It felt nice to be seen.
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a/n: i apologise this is short! i have finals coming up :< pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist
taglist: @s0urw00lf, @peqch-pie, @greatsstuffsposts
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daydreaming-nerd · 10 days
The Prophecy (Azriel x Rhys! Sister) Bonus Chapter
AN: I'm happy you guys wanted a bonus chapter because I totally wanted to write one. I'm happy this series was so loved and I can't wait for you guys to see what Azriel fics I'm cooking up next!
Part 1, Part 2 ,
Azriel's Verson: Part 3 (final)
Lucien's Verson: Part 3 (final)
Summary: The only thing worse than having Azriel not know about the bond is watching him and Elain carry on like she doesn’t have a mate as well. Lucien and you have been long time friends but things change after one fateful starfall celebration. It’s not wrong if both of your mates don’t want you right? 
Warnings: some fluffy smut, a little Azriel dirty talk, and fluffy ending.
Word count: 2,356
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I take a shaky breath and take in the sheer desperation on his face, “I love you too Azriel,” I laugh feeling another tear slip down my cheek. 
He doesn’t waste a moment, stepping through my threshold and cupping my cheek to place a searing kiss on my lips. I melt into him, feeling his clothes soaking my own as my nightgown clings to my skin. His hands are on my waist, scarred and cold from the elements but still so intoxicating. My arms wrap around him pulling him further into the entryway. I hear him slam the door shut with his boot drowning out the sound of rain leaving only the music of our ragged breaths as he kisses me deeper. 
He pulls away to press his forehead to mine, his wet hair and skin causing drops of water to cascade down my own face. 
“I love you so much,” he breathes cupping my cheek to press a chaste kiss to my lips. “My mate.”
I feel my back hit the wall behind me rattling the small mirror mounted on it. Azriel’s hands were greedily pulling on every inch of me. His kiss was frantic and needy, like the man had been deprived of any warm touch for months and come to think of it he probably had.  
I feel his hands wandering up the bare expanse of my thighs. Oh how I had dreamed of feeling that scarred skin leaving its brand on me. I had dreamt of nothing else for years. He lifted me onto a small table and I heard a vase crash and shatter on the floor next to us. I immediately rip away from him but it doesn’t stop him from trialing his lips down my neck, like he might cease to exist if his lips and hands aren’t all over me. 
“Azriel my vase!” I exclaim laughing at how he isn’t even phased by the broken ceramic on the ground. “We’re going to destroy my house!”
He smirks against my lips, “Then how about we take this upstairs?” he smiles. 
There’s a frenzy of shadows and then I’m in my own bedroom, the fireplace roaring to life providing us with light. I had never been so thankful for such blessed light as Azriel peeled off his soaking wet shirt and discarded it onto the chair by the fire. It would dry in no time.
I allowed my eyes to wander the expanse of his body. Sure I had seen the male shirtless before, I had bumped into him taking a steam after the legendary snowball fight 300 years ago and nearly fell to my knees. But this time? This time it was different because he was mine, and he was looking at me with just as much hunger as I did him. 
“Say it again,” he commanded, his voice dropping an octave as he took a languid step forward placing his hands on my waist. 
“Say what again?” I tease placing a kiss on his bare chest, something I always dreamed of doing. Cauldron help this male, I was probably never going to get my fill of him. 
His hand slides under my chin tilting it up, “You know what,” he says more sternly. 
I lean in close just brushing my lips against his, “I love you.” 
A low growl emits from him as he pulls me into his kiss once more. He pressed his body into me the evidence of his arousal grazing my stomach.  I take a couple steps back, my legs hit the bed and before I can let myself fall onto it he slips the straps of my too thin nightgown off my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. As soon as he feels my hardened nipples brushing against his chest he looks down taking me in. 
“You’re fucking gorgeous, I can’t believe you’re all mine,” he murmurs into my lips, those scared hands wandering over my exposed skin leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
“Says you,” I trailing my fingers from his shoulders, over his pecs and down his abs. My hands dip to his breeches where I can see him ready and wasting, but just as my fingers slip under the hem my wrists are yanked up. 
“Not yet,” he smiles deviously, landing a quick kiss on my  lips. “Lie down on the bed, I want to properly worship my mate.” he orders and if his words. 
I hang on every word he says as they drip from his mouth like honey. I let my bare back lay down on the soft sheets of the bed, and his eyes take in every inch of me from where he stands at the edge of the bed.  He kneels on the bed, grabbing one of my ankles and bringing it up to his mouth to press a kiss to it. The gesture is so simple yet so intimate, so arousing. Scared hands and soft lips trail up the expanse of my leg, the feather light touches making me grow wetter and wetter where I needed him most. His mouth stops at my inner thigh leaving a light bite mark on the inside of it.
“Fucking perfect,” he mutters between my legs, kissing me everywhere but where I want him to. 
 My breath hitches as I feel the heat of his breath on my sex. Those hazel eyes flit up to me as he slowly lowers his head to my folds. He licks a long stripe up my center and I find my hands tangling in his silken night black hair, pulling and tugging on it as he feasts on me. 
“Oh gods Azriel!” I cry out.
The sight of Azriel’s head between my legs, licking and sucking like a starved man was erotic enough to have me curling my toes. But the sound of his mouth on me? The warm wet tongue flicking my clit, the moans of pleasure that reverberated through him? That was truly something to behold. 
I feel one of his fingers enter me and I gasp, arching my back off the bed. A scarred hand instantly splays over my stomach, keeping me down. I can feel Azriel’s smirk between my legs as he adds another finger, curling them both to hit that spot that has me letting out a cry. He smiles again, seemingly loving his ability to make his mate scream as he shakes his head back and forth, tongue moving over my clit at a pace that has me trying to arch on the mattress as I feel my claimax wash over me. 
“Azriel!” I scream as my legs shake and tremble beneath him. 
His hazel eyes watch me intently as I come undone for him, eagerly lapping at my clit taking everything I give him. Even when I’m left as a mess of shallow breaths I still want more of him. 
He places one last kiss against my clit, “My mate makes such pretty sounds for me,” he says smugly. 
Soft lips covered in my arousal find their way to my hips then my stomach, then the curve of my breast. My breath hitches again as I realize how painfully hard my nipples are and I wonder if it's the bond making me feel this way. The need for more.. more, more, more, more.
“Beautiful,” he breathes, placing a kiss to each taut nipple earning a groan for me. 
“Azriel please, I need you,” I beg, running my hands through his hair. 
“Shhh I feel it too,” he says, kissing my neck, confirming that the bond is screaming at him too. “Do you know how it felt to come over all the time and find you wearing nothing but those tiny little nightgowns you love so much? How badly I wanted to rip them apart with my teeth and have you right there?” he groans leaving love bites 
I let out a small gasp at his words and then think of all the times I felt the same, “What about me?” I laugh as he trails kisses over my jaw, his hard on pressing into my core. I wasn’t sure when he rid himself of his pants but I wasn’t going to complain. “All those times I saw you come back from training, sweaty and dirty? Or the time I ran into you outside of the steam room and you nearly dropped your towel?” 
He pulls back to look at me, “I was a fool then, and never again. My mate will have me whenever and however she wants,” he groans pressing a deep kiss to my lips. 
“Say it again,” I ask, caressing his face to move the hair from his eyes. 
“I love you y/n,” he breathes, kissing me slow. 
In one slow movement he enters me fully, a guttural cry falling from my mouth as he buries his head in the crook of my neck. 
“Oh gods, you’re so fucking tight,” he groans pulling out slowly and thrusting in again. 
His hips move in leisurely motions, as if he’s wanting to savor every moment of being inside me. My hands rake down his back as his fervent sounds in my ear have me needing more of him. 
“Azriel harder,” I whimper, digging my fingernails into his broad shoulders. 
He smirks and presses a lazy kiss to my ear before slamming into me harder. I let out a strangled sound as I grasp onto him, needing anything to try and ground myself. 
“Gods you’re so fucking perfect,” he groans slamming his hips into mine. “Everything about my mate is perfect,” he says, sucking the peak of my breast into his mouth. 
“Oh gods Azriel its so-” my words get caught in my throat as he hits a particularly sensitive part of me. 
The sounds of skin slapping reverberates throughout the room as I feel myself quickly approaching the cliff I was just standing at the edge of. I’ve been told my whole life that sex is different with your mate, that it’s more than just pleasure, it's the binding of souls. I never believed a word, not caring for semantics and retellings from newly mated pairs who couldn’t  keep their hands off each other at dinner parties. But now I understand all of it.
“I love you so much,” Azriel mutters, his voice even deeper and rougher than before. 
“I love you too Az,” I pant brushing the hair from his face. 
“Fuck you’re squeezing me so tight baby,” he groans as his face contorts with pleasure. “You’re going to cum aren’t you?” he asks the cocky persona coming back. 
“Y-yes,” I choke out as I feel him piston into me harder. 
“Are you on that special tonic?” he asks. 
“Yes, I am,” I breathe out, my voice sounding ragged. 
“Thank the fucking Cauldron!” Azriel praises his snap into me. 
The feeling of him sliding in and out so fluidly, the fullness of him, the euphoria that comes every time he hits that spot, it has me falling apart, tears drifting down my face. 
“Azriel I’m gonna-” 
“Cum for me darling!” he growls and I feel him getting closer as well. 
I cum hard with his name on my lips, feeling the pleasure go through every nerve of my body like a wave. I feel my pussy clenching around him and the second I do I hear him roar, his power trembling the house. 
“Oh gods y/n!” he screams and sputters inside of me the warmth of his seed enough to make me want to go for round two just so he can fill me up again. 
He collapses on me for a moment, laying his head on my chest as we both pant frantically. I subconsciously run my fingers through his hair, soothing both him and myself. He rolls off me and pulls me to lay on his chest, tilting my head up so he can see me. 
“I love you so, so much,” he smiles, placing kisses on my face. “My beautiful, smart, caring, hilarious, perfect mate.” he says accentuating each word with a kiss. 
“I love you too Az,” I smile, brushing a thumb over his cheek. 
There was a time I thought I would never have this. Never have him. Yet here I was, lying in his arms. My body is coated in a thin sheen of sweat from the pleasure he pulls from me. My lips swollen and red from his kisses I never thought I would receive. I’ve dreamt of nothing else for 400 years. 
“What do we do next?” I laugh realizing that all this had started from him coming to my door in the middle of a storm. Outside I could still hear thunder and rain pouring onto the roof. 
“Well the conditions are too treacherous for me to fly home so I’ll have to crash here,” he smirks, rolling over so that  he’s on top of me. “I hope you don’t mind,” he says, kissing my lips. 
“I suppose I’ll take you in for the night,” I tease. “But I meant after that.” 
“When the rain stops we’ll gather the family and have the mating ceremony and then you’ll be mine officially,” he says, kissing my cheek. “And then later on I’ll work on giving you some winged babies,” he smiles. 
My heart flutters, “Oh Az really?” I gasp grasping both of his cheeks. 
“Absolutely,” he nods. “But not until much later, we have all the time in the world and I’ll need to get my fill of you before I can even think about sharing your attention with a couple of baby bats.” he jokes. 
“Speaking of getting my fill,” I smirk, rolling him over so that I’m straddling him. “I have 400 years of yearning to make up for,” I tease, placing a kiss on his chest.
“Is that so?” he laughs, throwing his hands behind his head. 
“It sure is shadowsinger, you think you were in misery these past few months?” I sink myself onto his cock and both of us groan. “Get comfortable mate, you’re in for a night of ravishing.” 
(If you liked this check out my masterlist I have a bunch of good Az on it's way and I'm doing a Ruhn mini series AND i'm currently writing a poly! bat boys x reader that's going to be pure smut because I've been reading the L.O.R.D.S series lol)
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kaisworlds · 10 months
ghillie suit wearing reader who is an absolute fucking unit im talking taller than könig okay
top dom male reader x könig
they meet on the battlefield, now könig knew who you were, of course he did, you were the only one on base who towered over him but he didnt expect his ass to get saved by you plus he had a tiny hallway base crush on you.
he was running through the large amount of trees trying to escape the enemies whose amount was gradually increasing behind him. he was out of ammo and used his gun as a weapon up til now. he dodged a few bullets before feeling a wet patch in his shoulder deciding not to look (to avoid the adrenaline from wearing off) he continues running seeing a lake close by he sprints towards it having the idea to hide out until backup arrived for him. the air was knocked out of his lungs as he got tackled to the ground he tries fighting whatever was ontop of him but feels a hand wrap around his mouth glancing up into the shaggy figures eyes
its the same [e/c] he can never seem to stop staring at in the break room
his body immediately relaxes under the weight of your body pressed up against his, the moment doesnt last forever as the yelling of the enemy soldiers grow louder.
still laying on top of him you lean each of your elbows beside his head resting the tip of your gun on a tree trunk quickly firing, every bullet that leaves the muzzle aims like a tracker into someones skull. könig was so caught up in you being on top of him,his mind running wild, not even registering the low whine that leaves the back of his throat as you get up off of him
furrowing your eyebrows at the noise deciding to leave it to the fact that he was....as much as you tried to find another reason you couldnt so instead you asked "könig right?" while grabbing gauze from one ofbthe patches on your ghillie suit before kneeling down beside him. könig nods looking anywhere but your face eyes widening like saucers as you unbuckle his vest "calm down im just going to wrap the wound before it gets dry and sticks to the fabric, is that okay könig?" the way you say his name has him crossing his thighs to hide the boner pressing up against his pants, his shakey hands slowly move up to take off the gear and clothes he has on. 'why are my hands shaking stop it he's gonna think your weird Scheiße' everything he is doing right now seems wrong in his eyes he can feel his heart racing, he has killed people and faced gruesome shit but none phased him as much as this situation right now after what felt like an eternity to him he finally pulled off his undershirt, his chest completely bare for you to see
taking off the head piece of your suit you start wrapping the bandage over the wound hand resting on his chest surprised by his hammering heart just mumbling out a small "its gonna be okay love" not thinking much of it trying to get him to hold still under your touch
he is so happy the veil covers his face, he wouldnt want you seeing how his cheeks lit up like Christmas lights, he continues to sneak glances at your concentrated face.
of course you noticed, did he really think he wasnt obvious? he shouldve caught on by now the way you subtly licked your lips or the way you've been flexing your jawline this entire time. he was too caught up in his thoughts to even think about that though.
thinking about how he felt your bulge on his thigh while you were ontop of him, about how easily you took him down, you could probably pin his hands down without even trying, how hard could you chok- "such a good boy for sitting still" könig snaps out of his thoughts brain barely comprehending what you said, he makes eye contact with you...you're smirking...did you know he liked you?
"how can you be so oblivious" a teasing tone in your voice he just avoids eye contact slowly shrugging the blush now reaching his neck. clicking your tongue you lean in closer to him hand sliping under his veil cupping his jawline "i like you too if i wasnt obvious enough" gently lifting the black clothe covering his face his hand grabbed your wrist, [e/c] eyes bore into his, as he gets lost in them his hand slowly slips off allowing your hand to raise the cloth stopping when it reaches his nose not wanting to push him.
slowly you lean in crashing your lips onto his he immediately kisses back pulling you closer ontop of him before a call comes in through your radio asking if anyone found könig because he wasnt responding, slowly leaning back grabbing your radio "yeah we're by the lake over"
könig lets the veil drape over his blushing face before slowly putring his gear back on
i love him guys :(
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lunarmoves · 1 year
moon was being more irate than usual.
well... 'irate' wasn't exactly the right word. he was just... quieter and tended to grumble more to himself when he thought you weren't listening or around. at first you figured he was just going through one of those phases of his where he preferred to observe the things around him for extended periods of time. or maybe he was thinking back to his time at the plex, the memories tinged at the edges by the fire that had consumed it whole. either way, you didn't press him and decided to just... leave him be.
you thought giving him some space would help him and eventually let him snap out of whatever funk he was in. but it only seemed to make him worse, and you had no idea why.
you didn't want to invade into his space and demand him to let you know what was wrong. it would only drive him further away, and you were all too familiar with how easy it was for him to avoid you in your own home. you didn't want to ask sun what was wrong either, as moon would definitely immediately know of your prying and would probably get upset.
so you just... continued on as normal. after all, chores needed to be done and bills needed to be paid.
and maybe that was the wrong thing to do. maybe it just made things build up and up and up until moon was overflowing in whatever had plagued him all this time.
you were woken up, one night, by a bright red light that shined directly onto your face.
you squinted up, blinking slowly as the light coalesced into two eyes with white pupils that stared down at you from above. moon's face was directly over yours, hovering not too close, but not too far either. you lifted a hand to rub at your right eye, mind sluggishly trying to catch up with what had just occurred.
"moon," you sleepily mumbled, still trying to adjust to the light, "wuzz wrong? why'd you wake me up?"
he didn't say anything, just continued to stand crouched over your figure laying in bed. you could barely make out his figure, with how dark it was. his nightcap dangled from the side of his faceplate, the bell at the end brushing lightly against your cheek. you waited a few seconds, then pulled up your blanket further to bury yourself into it. "moon, c'mon, you know i have work in th'mornin'."
you had full intentions to go back to sleep, but he didn't let you get comfortable. as soon as you'd closed back your eyes, he reached out a hand and gently shook your shoulder. you jerked back awake and gave him a look that you're not sure translated well through your sleepiness. it got him to finally speak, though.
"wake up," he whispered, giving your shoulder another small shake. you groggily blinked at him, confused. "...spend time with me."
"wuh?" you eloquently asked, then slowly blinked yourself awake once you realized how unhappy he looked. you slowly sat up. he leaned away to give you some space and you turned your body so you could face him better as he crouched down by the side of your bed. "what's wrong?" you asked again softly, as though any louder might scare him away or cause him to lock up.
he didn't answer, just reached out a metallic hand so he could hold onto your much warmer one in a tight grip. you gently used your other hand to touch the edge of his faceplate, tilting it up so he could meet your gaze.
"hey," you said gently, "tell me what's wrong. i can't help you if you don't say anything."
moon watched you for a moment, then directed his gaze back to your hand and let his thumb swipe across your skin. you let your hand fall from his face to rest in your lap. you waited, and your patience was eventually rewarded.
"you go to work," he started in a low voice tinged with static from his voice box. "you come back. you hang out with sun for hours. you get ready for bed." you tilted your head as he spoke, wondering where he was going with this. he paused for a second, as though collecting his thoughts, then continued. "you take off the lights. you go to sleep after an hour. and i am alone."
you considered his words, then his expression as he focused on avoiding your gaze. the corners of your lips downturned as it slowly clicked together in your mind what he was implying.
"oh," you breathed and moved your free hand so that it rested on top of his. you clutched at it. "i haven't been spending much time with you, huh?"
he grumbled a little and closed his eyes. "sun gets all the awake time with you." his words were no louder than a whisper—an admission he'd been ruminating on for weeks.
"i'm sorry," you said, the realization making something melancholy line your voice. with you being active for most of the day and sleeping for practically all of the night, it never really occurred to you that there would be an imbalance with sun and moon's time spent with you in their individual forms. "i didn't realize... i..." you frowned, then tugged at his wrist. "come here."
you scooted over in bed and lifted up the blanket—an open invitation. he stared at you for a moment, the light of his eyes swathing your bed sheets in shades of ruby. then carefully, so very carefully, he slipped in beside you and lay there stiffly as you covered the both of you with the blanket and cozied up closer to him.
you rested your head on his metal shoulder. it was hard, but it didn't bother you for now. you let out a deep breath and wrapped one of your arms across his chest. "i promise i'll spend more time with you, okay?" you told him quietly, eyes already closed as you readied yourself to sleep again. you were tired, and there wasn't anything you could do at the moment other than reassure him. "we'll turn the lights off early and close the curtains. how's that sound?"
moon hummed and seemed to accept his fate for the night as he used one of his arms to pull you closer. "okay..." he'd been sated, it seemed, and he finally relaxed into the softness of your mattress. something cold pressed to the top of your head. "...good night, love."
you smiled. "good night, moon."
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popponn · 8 months
dating consultations. [nagi seishiro x f!reader]
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notes: it's like 'wow feelings eh' read in elmo voice. then add my nagi phase and my recent obsession with childhood friend!nagi, it turns out like this. warnings: mentions (in a very unserious way) and (manga esque) depiction of break up at the end (not between you and nagi), mentions of bunch of break ups on your part, pinning, childhood friends + gaming buddies (?), obliviousness, post canon au, minor cursing. wo/ta/koi influenced this in some ways.
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“Nagi Seishiro, listen to me,” you began.
“Don’t wanna,” Nagi replied, without lifting his head from his phone.
“So, I think my boyfriend broke up with me after finding out I spent money on gacha game,” you continued on, ignoring Nagi’s refusal. “I mean, sure, that's not a good financial decision. But hey, my husband gotta go home somehow and it's like an extra money that I already planned to spend anyway. Don't you get it?”
“No, I don't.”
“Exactly—but you see, I also think that he was honest, and what bothered him the most is because he found out that you and I play better in another game that he also played…” you trailed off at a sudden, more unpleasant that appeared in your mind. “…Seishiro, if I suddenly kick you out of the leaderboard’s number one spot, you will still be my friend right?”
“Nope,” Nagi replied without missing a beat. Like a rite of passage, you knew what came afterward would make you angry. “Your aim at FPS sucks way too much for that to happen.”
Immediately, you heaved out a short huff. You then threw your body over Nagi’s quickly, cuddling the soft blanket draped over him and enjoying the soft detergent scent left on it. Whining and protesting, you “Cheer me up, you brat! I raised you on my back since kindergarten and this is how you repay me?! We grew up in the same litter—spare some sympathy for me!”
(Seishiro found his whole body stiffening when you buried your face on his shoulder and pressed your chest towards his arm. Through the blanket, he could faintly feel your warmth and body. Five years ago, this would have been something he would brush off without batting an eye. Having crushes on oblivious childhood friends who only saw you as childhood buddies is hard—Seishiro noted dully.)
“Eh, why?” Nagi questioned back, blankly, focus still drilled on the PVP shooting game he was on. “This is your…how many breaks up it had been already?”
“…I know your social IQ is low, but can you stop rubbing salt over my wounds?”
“Anyway, don’t you think you break up way too often already to feel hurt?”
“…ah,” Nagi mindlessly cut the silence between the two of you. “That headshot was dirty.”
“…you are really bad at this whole cheering up thing,” you chided, sounding all too fond for it to have any effect at all. “And stop making me sound like some Whatpad bad boy.”
(From the corner of his sight, Seishiro saw a small smile etched itself on your lips. It was still too bittersweet for his liking, but at least after this—like always, as Seishiro had come to remember after all this time, without willing to—you would cheer up and stop talking about your nth ex. You wouldn’t sulk anymore and go on with whatever else except some guy who happened to be your ex.)
“Didn’t you say you want to be one, back in middle school?” Nagi questioned. “Also hurry up and log in, I need to grind for new artifacts.”
“That was middle school!” you screeched, feeling your whole head heating up due to some embarrassing flashbacks. “And you are still playing another game—I will log in later—”
“I’m done,” Nagi said, perfectly timed with the winning screen his phone displayed. “Log in. Hurry. Hurry.”
You glared dirtily at Nagi and his timing—or luck, whichever it was this time. “I hate you. Also, use Al-Haizen and Seno, I want the full ikemen academy team today.”
“Their synergy is shit.”
“And they are handsome. Your point?”
“I don’t wanna.”
“I will curse you with all defense and flat sub stat if you dare.”
“…that’s awful,” Nagi said, finally. His defeat was imminent from the start.
You sent him a wolfish smile, “And I’m still your only gaming buddy. Shush and just log in, big koala.”
“The one who is stuck on my back is you,” Nagi commented, while still following your words and changing his team before requesting to go to your map.
You laughed as you pressed your phone. With a certain brand of closeness laced in your voice, you protested, “Why are you this nosy with me? Last time I checked you are pretty obedient to Mikage, Isagi, and your captain.”
(Seishiro tried to process your words for a moment. To him, the answer has always been obvious in the way that both you and him even bothered to stick close to each other even as the two of you approached the age of twenty together. In how the one you told everything to is still him despite everyone in your life. In how if you ask, he will walk through the city just to pick you up after a terrible date and walk side by side to your home.)
Nagi stayed silent for a moment. From his side profile—adorable, handsome, yet still as baby-faced and familiar as ever—you could see how he was thinking. Then, he offered you an answer in a half-baked, dry tone, “…because it’s you?”
Once again, you laughed. Trying to swallow whatever odd beat his answer managed to draw from your heart deep and away from your face. “Gosh—watch your wording, Sei—oh, you are in already. Let’s go artifact farming! If it’s shitty let it just be Seishiro’s and not mine!”
As you hurriedly pressed your screen, you tried to not realize Nagi’s stare from your side.
You were not ready yet to admit whatever you felt for him was real. This was only a side effect of consecutive terrible break ups.
That was it and nothing else.
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(”I don’t think I am the one you are in love with,” your boyfriend—ex-boyfriend—told you gently. This was yet another same reason, just told to you in a gentler, more understanding way.
You could only watch him silently. You were confused, yet a part of you somehow managed to understand what he meant. However, you still couldn’t put what it was into words despite all that.
“..well, I don’t think you do it by purpose,” the man in front of you said with a nervous laugh. “…nonetheless, I’m rooting for the two of you. Don’t make him wait for too long, okay?”
Hearing that, even if you still couldn’t grasp much yet, you forced yourself to respond through your tears. “…I’m sorry...?”
“Don’t be. It should be me, really.” Ever the nice guy, your ex-boyfriend still smiled. “This is more of me saving myself from hurting in the future… just, think of it as me being bitter for being worse than you and that childhood friend of yours in that shooting game, okay?”
You laughed bitterly at that. Your crying hadn’t ceased yet, yet you managed out another reply, “Seriously? You are a shitty nice guy.”
Still smiling, your ex—a good friend, a gentle person, a diligent worker—gave you a chuckle that sounded guilty. “…sorry. I really hope we can still remain friends after this.”
“Of course. No way I’m letting go of a star student as a group project member just because of a breakup,” you joked, even if you were unsure of the future. Then, remembering how he is, you added, “And get your ugly mug off my sight now. We are breaking up—stop smiling, you bastard.”
“…well, then… should I… accompany you home…?”
“You are my ex now—no way, nice guy,” you shut him off quickly. Then, after a pause, it felt like an answer as you continued.
“…I will just call Nagi. Go away.”)
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