#i was going INSANE over wonka
doctor-octiddius · 5 months
Hey, since I've been hyperfixated on and off on Willy Wonka for years now, and maybe there's a bigger crowd now for this character, here are some headcanons (and maybe some kinda canon stuff) I wrote down a while back !!! (I'm very normal about him, I swear. Also I like to add bits of myself to my fave characters so if it's cringe then so be it.)
Spends way too much time in the Wonkavator, nyooming around the factory whenever he has free time
Took a long break from candy making - Learnt a bunch of languages, probably made one or two up too - Learnt a bunch of different instruments - He just likes to learn new stuff all the time, give him any fun facts and he'll stare at you like the autism creature
Starved from any sort of human interaction, please someone hold him
Allergic to dogs
On a similar note: invented chocolate that dogs can eat - Has yet to figure out a way to make the chocolate make the dogs hypoallergenic - I think it would be funny to say that his favourite dogs are chocolate labs
Asexual and maybe a little gay, who knows
And autistic - C'mon man, look at him.
Type of guy to never chew on chocolate, he lets it melt in his mouth
Misophonia haver
Incredibly naïve when he was younger, immense trust issues when he’s older - That candy making career sure broke a man !!!
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weeboflies · 11 months
In Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka is a tragic character. He's a total recluse, with no friends or family, deeply paranoid and cynical. He's obsessed with finding a morally pure heir.
What made him so jaded and miserable? I can only think of one thing.
Is that little girl in the Wonka trailer going to die????
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simplydnp · 1 month
be honest with me. what are the chances of a hard launch in june
anon this question goes back years. and the thing is. we have been right once before.
you ask me this this time last year? fuck no. i might even quip that dapg would come back before dnp would hard launch. well. look at us now.
and even then, you look back on the content they started with in the revival--it honestly kind of felt exactly like where we left off, only a lot more explicitly queer (we stan). and then... trying to see without my glasses 2. and bang, spooky week happened. and that shifted the balance. we suddenly got slo-mo replays of handholds. day, after day, after day, finishing with the absolute masterpiece of halloween baking cinnamon rolls. in all honesty it was so much more than i'd've ever expected from them. truly another post-baking universe.
and it never really slowed down. suddenly we had cat prom photos, catboy butlers, catboy dan w/ phil photography credit, theyre 'wrestling' --running us full throttle into gamingmas, the first since 2017. and every day we had a new thing to freak out over: standing close. golf jokes. and then... pinof reacts. i don't know what compelled them to do it but i do have speculations. genuinely, i think they wanted to defang a lot of their history. we treated pinof 1, especially, with this... reverance. and it wasn't talked about too publicly--and dnp didnt do it either. so if they really wanted to move on, to bring down the walls, open the floodgates, define this new era: they had to throw the first stone. and they did. quite heartily too. suddenly this almost taboo part of their history--almost too intimate to be perceived--was on the table. and we were talking about it. joking about it. giving clear signals of 'we see it, it's okay.' and suddenly we existed in a post-pinof reacts world. of anything, i would've never predicted they would've done that. absolutely wild. follow that with it takes two being so chill and fond. incohearant being so blatant and heartfelt. trombone champ being unhinged and chaotic. the genuine and sweet complimenting of each other in the red carpet video. devan wedding... happilyphoreverafter... we crashed forward in time. never knowing what would be next. where is the line? how far will they go.
they teased us with japhan honeymoon and we knew 2024 would be wild. but we didn't know how much. from wdapteo 2023, to specific reminiscing about japan w/ devan, WAD happening, and phil playing a huge role in it all--from the orange carpet hosting, to 'ive been in *sex noises* with phil from the start!', to 'remote crisis manager phil lester', to dan saying he can stay during the thank you.
one of the biggest videos so far this year was the tiktok likes one. i will be forever haunted by the dog eating cheeseburger and willy wonka tiktoks--theres some things i was never meant to know. and yet. they tell us. explicitly.
every single video on amazingphil since the return of dapg has mentioned or featured dan. there's been a palpable shift in the way they interact. have you seen the way phil has been glowing in videos lately? this guy is on cloud nine all the time. it's really not hard to see why.
the energy of keep or yeet w/ dan... the absolute Lack of pretense of it all. phan twitter... watch your step baby girl...
dan and phil fucking crafts. talk about an unexpected return. legacy defining, one might even say. we're still in this tailspin of what everything means and they drop this insanely iconic video on us. from the storytelling to the production to the aesthetic--and its all capped off by explicit handholding. yes, it was part of the sacrifice. but hand in hand, the heart dan ripped from phils chest in one, and the knife that did it in the other... oh boy. we're really in it now. and then they put it on fucking merch. genius. truly no one does it like them.
and the foot has been on the accelerator since. dan and phil connections, shuffleboard & mocktails, getting deep slumber party, acknowledgement & approval of fics (yes previously given but never like this)--hell, even the sims today was wild for 'is their love language horrible banter 👀'.
you didn't ask for an essay but i gave you one. all of this to say, they've been moving the line. quite intentionally so. they intentionally revived their joint branding. they are 'dan and phil' again, and seem happier than ever about it, and i think that means something. they're saying things they never would have before--out of the closet or not.
as for june... 5 years since coming out is a big deal. so is this year being 15 years of dnp. hell, so is this year for being the first out pride month where they're explicitly a duo and regularly making content together. they're sentimental, there will be something.
my craziest idea is reacting to their coming out videos ✌️😔 --but i don't think it'll actually happen. as for more realistic, i could see pride merch. and however that goes will be significant, in my opinion. i'm excited and curious.
i don't know if they'll hard launch. it's hard to put all of the implications, complications, and speculations back into the box once it's opened. dan's talked about it before--wanting to be able to fuck up and not be publically executed, instead, being able to learn and grow and work it out. i think that's a very understandable stance to have. very grounded. we'd have to ask him if tour/dapg has changed that now. i do think he's had some sort of life epiphany--whether it's about that specifically, only he can say. but i think it's there.
even if i portray a lot of level-headedness, i wear my clown nose with pride. sometimes the only option is to go with whatever is funniest at the time. they're both jokesters, so they could commit to a bit like that. but it's also like, it can be too serious for them to want to joke about. i don't know. i think we're in this almost beautiful state right now--the we know you know of it all. there's no expectations, no demands to be met, no obligations of types of content. they're happy. we're happy. it depends on if they feel ready. if they want to. we'll be here, always.
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happyandticklish · 4 months
The Joke's That Make You Laugh
Notes: Inspired by this post by @nhasablogg because I've been fixated on the concept ever since I saw it. Anyways, Wonka gives off insane lee energy and I refuse to believe he wouldn't get up to shit like this. Based on the new Wonka movie.
Summary: Wonka's newest chocolate creation has him in stitches.
Willy's heart raced as he looked down at the creation on his table. It was a beautiful thing. The appetizing treat curled slightly into a bow with golden tendrils spanning out into dozens of soft barbs. It very nearly seemed to flutter with the breeze flowing in through the window with how lifelike it appeared, though Willy knew this was impossible.
A feather. A simple creation when compared to the hundreds of wonders Willy had stocked his factory with, but its appeal was not held in its design. It was in what it could do.
He sat back in his chair, holding his chin as he stared at it. His leg jumped and jerked under the table in an unsteady, anxious rhythm. He and the feather held a silent staring contest as he debated adding finishing touches. Behind it sat several copies of the same chocolate in a pile—he always made sure to create back-ups. Perhaps he should add speckles to the top for realism, or splatter a black coating on the quill to appear as ink. None of this mattered, really. If he was being honest with himself, the chocolate had been finished thirty minutes ago and all of his tinkering and fussing was mere procrastination.
Willy wasn’t embarrassed. That was silly, after all, to be embarrassed of something that no one will see but you, that impacts no one but you. Not quite nervous, either. He had wanted to try creating something like this for a while now, even if the idea hadn’t quite formed into a coherent thought yet. He was excited about this. He wanted this. No, if he were to put it into words, it was a vague apprehension, a worry that it wouldn’t work, or worse, that it would work too well.
He tapped his fingers against the table. He leapt to his feet. He paced around several yard before whirling back to face the innocent feather.
“It’s just chocolate,” he muttered to himself. “Familiar territory.”
Before he could overthink it anymore, he snatched the treat and popped it into his mouth.
He rolled the chocolate around with his tongue. White chocolate, notes of hazelnut, all with a sweet vanilla glaze. It was, as always, delicious. He held it in the pocket of his cheek, allowing the warmth of his mouth to dissolve it.
Willy frowned, before determinedly swallowing it.
The effect was not instantaneous. He had made sure to calculate in a slight delay as there had been some fear of choking by accident. He was hyper aware of his own nervous system, unsure if what he was feeling was a tingling sensation or merely the butterflies swooping in his stomach.
Now that he had done it, worries began to flood Willy’s mind. He was alone, as he often was. There was Noodle and the rest of them, and the Oompa Loompas of course, but not here, not in his personal bedroom, not in his factory after hours. Sometimes they would stay late to finish up orders, and the Oompa Loompas slept here at the factory. If something had gone wrong, it would only be reasonable to get him. What if someone came in? What if it didn’t fade out in time? What if he had gotten the calculations wrong and it never wore off?
What if it was a dud and he was working himself up over nothing?
Just as he was about to go and check if the door was actually locked, however, Willy felt it. It was faint at first, a mere spark of something in his stomach. Soon, however, the spark multiplied until it was less of a spark and more of a crawling sensation over his lower abdomen, like spiders with feathers for legs.
“Oh. Oh.” A grin was breaking out across his features, his legs far less steady than they were mere moments before. He thought about making a break for the bed, but the sensation was only getting worse, and he found himself crumpling to the ground, arms wrapped protectively around his stomach.
It tickled. God, it tickled. More than he had anticipated, despite having created the recipe himself. It was spreading out from his stomach now and heading toward his sides. He dug beneath his coat, his own fingers gripping frantically at his undershirt in an unconscious effort to stop the feeling. Giggles welled up in his throat and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep them in. But it just wouldn’t stop. It was all just so intentional and teasing. Swipes up his sides, pokes at his ribs, fluttery fingers scuttling across his hips and down to his lower back. It was an overwhelming force of gentleness that he couldn’t fight off no matter how much he wanted to.
He knew logically that the chocolate was merely activating his nervous system and making his mind believe that it tickled when in actuality he was fine. One of the core ingredients to the chocolate was a rare hallucinogen he had found while out on his travels that was meant to interfere with one’s nervous system.
The idea for a tickling chocolate was one he had been working on for a while by then (secretly, of course, in the late hours of the night when the longing for it transferred into a desire so intense that he thought he might actually die if he didn't have it fulfilled), so when he stumbled across the plant, he knew immediately what to do.
He had tweaked it of course, taken out any dangerous elements, and only added in enough for about twenty minutes—nothing too crazy. So, rationally, he knew there was nothing really happening to him.
Still. It felt real.
Red crept up Willy's neck, tinging his ears as he twitched and jerked away from his invisible oppressors. It was a strange feeling, being tickled by one’s own mind—no pesky hands to fight off, no people to plead to. Just a grown man giggling to himself on his bedroom floor. And the only person he had to blame for this was himself. All of this was going on in his own mind, after all. As such, it was easy to convince himself that all he really needed to do to get it to stop was stop believing that it tickled at all—even if it was a goal that he hoped to fail at.
Willy forced his eyes open, taking deep, shuddering breaths. He glared firmly down at his own legs, holding the image of them in his mind. He could see nothing touching him, therefore there was nothing touching him. Thus, his mind had to be wrong in its attempts to convince Willy that something was squeezing devastating pinches higher and higher up his legs.
“It doesn’t tickle,” he gritted out, his wide grin saying otherwise. “It doesn’t… mmhmm… doesn’t tickle!”
Fingers crawling up toward his torso.
Scribbling over his stomach.
Thumbs digging into his hips.
“—ihicKLE! Oh, what’s the pohohoint!” He doubled over at last, cackling wildly as he held his stomach. “Why does it hahave to tihickle so much!?” To who he was speaking, he couldn’t say, but some part of his mind was convinced that if he put the information out into the universe that maybe it would lend a helping hand. When that didn’t work, he attempted a more accepting method.
“N-now, now,” he assured himself, as though condoling a wailing child. “It’s just, ah, tihickling! Nothing t-to get so wohorked up about!” This was answered by several rapid-fire pokes to his ribs that sent him falling back and rolling about the floor. He knew it was impossible for the tickling to in any way be impacted by himself, as proven earlier, but it was starting to feel a tad bit personal as time went on.
Willy’s shoulders scrunched as soft touches flicked behind his ears, seeming to almost kiss his neck. He covered his face, groaning into his hands. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes. How was he going to survive the next fifteen?
Willy continued to lie there as he waited for the chocolate’s effects to wear off, squirming frantically in desperate mirth. What he didn’t see was the shadow of a man right outside his window that he had failed to notice in the excitement of his creation. They perched on the sill, observing him carefully until Willy’s laughter transformed into a few trickling giggles as the effects of the potion wore off.
They watched him as he carefully stood up, still a bit wobbly from the tickling, and walked over to lock up the remaining chocolates on the table in a little sealed jar that he shoved behind some books on his shelf.
It wasn’t until Willy had finally gone to bed that they emerged, shuffling carefully into the room and quietly sneaking over to the bookshelf. They scaled the wood paneling with ease, careful to make sure Willy was still out. The tickling had exhausted him, however, so it seemed, and so the man had no trouble sneaking behind the books and opening the little jar, sticking his orange hand inside.
The Oompa-Loompa smiled as he beheld the ornate sweet. It was true he was no longer conspiring against the chocolatier, but he hadn’t yet lost his penchant for mischief. Besides, it was just tickling—a harmless prank. He shoved the chocolate pieces into his pockets, quickly hopping down from the shelf and sneaking out the window before his plans could be ruined.
He held high hopes that this was going to be an eventful week.
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takenbypeter · 2 months
hiii! can i request a chalamet!wonka x fem!reader where they’re childhood best friends and have grown up on the ship together and get stuck at scrubbit’s together?? and willy is super upset he got them into this mess and they’re stuck in own room (with one bed 🤭🤟) and fluff and confessions happen
Share This Moment With Me
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 1728
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You couldn’t believe this.
5 years together on the ocean and even then you had your own cabin, but of course, at this small inn where you’ve been trapped the only room they claimed available was a single.
Now you didn’t blame the boy for spending all the sovereigns, you didn’t blame the boy for even finding this place, and to be fair you signed the contract without reading correctly either, so partially it was your fault as well, but what’s done was done and it couldn’t be changed. You were gradually coming to terms with that.
Willy not so much.
There he was pacing back and forth as you sat in the chair, your chin in your hand watching the man practically unravel in front of you.
“Sit down,” you breathed slightly annoyed at his trance, but he ignored and kept his pace. He walked back and forth muttering to himself with his hand raised and a fingernail between his teeth.
You had to do something, you couldn’t let him drive himself insane, or rather you insane. Blurting a “Willy!” You advance to the poor boy and placing your hands on both sides of his shoulders you push down, seating him on the mattress behind that barely looked clean. “Sit down, take a breather. What’s done is done,” you instruct calmly.
He peers up at you, his big brown eyes wide, “how are you so calm right now?”
You remove your hands from him, a tranquil tone present in your voice, “I’m not, but one of us has to keep it together.”
He threw his head in his hands, shaking it disappointedly, “I can’t believe I got us into this mess.”
“Hey, hey, you’re not the only one I could’ve taken a closer look at the contract.”
“I promised you a better life and look where it’s got us stuck.”
You pressed your lips thin at his pessimistic words. Giving up? This was unlike him, you didn’t like it. “It’s alright. Everything will be fine,” you said and he just sat there unmovable. “This isn’t like you,” you said, shocked at how dull your friend appeared.
“What happened to your positivity?”
Without answering your query he stands abruptly and heads for the door, “I’m going to ask again if they have two rooms.”
“Willy, even if they had one they’re not going to give it to us, that’s clear.”
He stopped hand frozen on the door handle because honestly you were right, just from that one experience with Mrs.Scrubbit and Mr. Bleacher, it was obvious they cared not a lick about comfortability that’s for sure.
“Come on, it’s late, let’s just get some rest. We’ll figure it out in the morning.”
At your mention of rest you noticed his expression contort a little, it was quick but it was an expression you couldn’t quite name.
“You take the bed, I’ll find comfort on the floor,” you offer but he quickly denied it. “Are you kidding? You take the bed, I'll take the floor.”
“If you take the floor I’ll just join you on the floor.”
“Fine, then let’s both just take the bed.”
Willy pulls up the blankets that cover the bed, first the heavy one then the light one. You grab the light one while he climbs in and you push the heavy one more to his side.
Shutting off the light you climb in next and throw the light blanket over your body. Laying with your back to the boy and his to yours, you realize just how small the bed actually is.
Trying to ignore the knowledge of his body practically touching yours you pull your blanket tighter, instead focusing on how cold the night was.
That obviously was no help because now your body was just cold, you tried your best to conceal the feeling but no matter how hard you thought you couldn’t stop your body from shivering.
No doubt noticing your shivers, you feel a weight land over you, and you pull the heavy quilt over you and up to your chin.
Five minutes go by.
Fifteen minutes go by.
Twenty minutes go by and you’re still awake and alert.
You knew it wasn’t the cold keeping you up, in fact you were warm now, very warm. Now of course the quilt was keeping you warm but that didn’t explain the warmth you were beginning to feel in your cheeks, no that was caused but the knowledge of Willy Wonka’s body mere centimeters from yours.
You’ve known the boy since you were practically a child, it’s safe to say you’ve had your fair share of a crush on the boy. However, it was always one that would come and go and you’d like to think you had control over your feelings. However it was hard, when you were in such a situation like this.
You wait a few more minutes, but then you feel his body move no doubt turning around as you hear and feel the creak of the bed frame. “Can’t sleep?” You ask.
“No, can you?” You hear from behind and you turn, making your own creaking noises as you shift to face him. “No.”
You lay across from each other, face to face, staring as the light from the moon peeks through the window illuminating his facial features just enough for you to see.
You’re looking into his brown eyes while he does the same to you. You gaze over his features, his curls, his eyes, his nose, his lips, back to his eyes.
“Are you thinking about this whole mess again?” You finally ask.
“Then what are you thinking about?”
He was silent, his eyes remaining on you.
“Willy, you’ve gotten into plenty of trouble before, what’s going on?” You ask, genuinely concerned for the boy and his thoughts. It was not healthy to be thinking so negatively.
“Yeah, but It’s easy to be optimistic and positive when it’s just me I have to take care of, but now I’ve roped you into this mess and who knows what will happen?” You lay in silence because he was right, who knows what will happen? “I asked you to come with me, I’m supposed to keep you safe. I just don’t want to be the reason someone I care so deeply about gets hurt.”
That was a lot to take in, he wants to keep you safe? He cares about you deeply?
“How am I supposed to imagine the future if I can’t even keep you safe in the present? “
“The future?”
He must’ve revealed something carelessly because in the next moment you could make out how his eyebrows knitted together and he sat up, “I have to get up,” he says and you sit up as well allowing him to scooch out from the bed and walk around, pacing as he did before.
“You picture us in the future together?”
“Well yeah, of course, I can’t imagine my future without you.”
The warmth that was only in your cheeks, spread, now affecting your whole face.
“Good, cause I can’t imagine a future without you,” you repeat, causing his nervous paces to slow.
“You do?” He asks, appearing to be in disbelief.
“What do you picture our future like?”
You shrug suddenly growing shy, “what do you picture our future like?”
It seemed like this back and forth would never end.
“Okay, I can’t do this anymore,” he waves his arms around like a lunatic, “I have something to say,” he announces as if you hadn’t been listening. But just to show how in tune you were, you pushed against the bed positioning yourself closer to the edge to show you were paying close attention.
He froze, looking at you for a moment before beginning to pace again. “Just say it!” You urged tired of waiting for an answer.
He interlocks his hands together, tapping his pointer finger against his knuckles, “alright, I’m going to say something, and I don’t want this to ruin anything, because I value our friendship so much.”
You could practically see where this was going, he was just taking too long to get there.
“I mean we’ve been friends for so long, I wouldn’t want to do anything to cause damage to that,” unable to take the suspense any longer you do you both a favor and utter, “I like you.”
His mouth closes, quiet, while you contort your face into an embarrassed expression. It was hard to make Willy speechless but it seemed like you’ve just about done it. “I don’t just like you, I have feelings for you…” still, silence. “…romantic ones,” you add hoping that would knock him out of his apparent coma.
But it didn’t.
“Ahem,” you cough out, eyes now averted from his as you wonder if you’ve misread the whole situation. It can’t be, right?
You don't have too much time to think of it, because luckily he finds his words, “I like you too.” You finally peer back at him and he sits beside you on the bed. “I mean I have romantic feelings for you.”
A smile sneaked onto your face, but his still remains upset, “but now you’re stuck here with me, and it’s my fault.” Reaching over, you take his hand, “Willy, I’ve told you over and over again, it’s alright. Plus there’s no one I’d rather get stuck with than you.”
He let out a single laugh, “that sounds ridiculous.”
“Yeah well I happen to know of a chocolatier who loves ridiculous things, oh wait that’s you…” you say laughing at your own words, and of course your laugh causes him to laugh.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“So I guess you love me,” you meant it to be jokingly and lighthearted but you said it without thinking. You expected him to brush it off but apparently he was giving it much thought as he looked at you earnestly.
“I guess I do.”
This time, Willy didn’t hesitate. He tilted forward until his mouth met yours. It was a long awaited and lingering kiss between you two. One that left butterflies in your stomach as he smiled against your lips keeping his forehead pressed against yours.
“Oh I’m definitely going to have a hard time going to sleep now,” you joked while he laughed again, reattaching his lips to yours.
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arrowheadedbitch · 9 months
Tim gets what I call a "Cosmic Hangover" if he overused or sometimes wayyy underuses his powers. If he over uses his power, before he gets the hangover he'll be in a state simular to mania. It's like if a manic episode included symptoms of ...cosmic insanity? Does that make sense? Ethereal madness? I think you know what I mean. He sounds like the fucking mad hatter or willy wonka. Even the riddler cannot handle his weird nonsense talk that actually makes perfect sense, they just don't have the capacity to understand! Or it's just nonsense and everyone thinks he needs to go the fuck to bed and sleep of whatever new toxin MUST have been tried out on his ass bc that bitch is HIGH
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darkwitchingflower · 18 days
Things my friends have said as percy jackson characters pt. 5/6 idk I've lost count again
Apollo/Lester: I have an idea for you: thank you Apollo for blessing my life with your godly presence. Your meat wand is a blessing this summer as its size will provide shade for us all 😍 (friend not on tumblr)
Leo: It's yeasting time!
Percy: Nico I am both amazed by you and concerned (@wraith--2)
Nico: What'd I do now? I'm really confused (me)
Percy: The whole dissolving your hand and drinking it (@wraith--2)
Nico: Oh ye I forgot about that (me)
Apollo: Why is a femboy stronger than me? (Friend not on tumblr)
Piper: Ladies and gent, let's pierce our flaps! (Friend not on tumblr)
Thalia: Why am I asexual? Well I decided to f*ck with depression and it f*cked back (@wraith--2)
Annabeth: I full support pettiness when it's due. It's like sass with emotional damage
Leo: My honka wonka bandonkas are just supreme in size what can I say? (Friend not on tumblr)
Piper: 😘 (me to @wraith--2 )
Annabeth: Piper, behave yourself around the asexual (best friend not on tumblr)
Nico: Corpses can't forgive. Silly bi*ch (@wraith--2)
Leo: Grab the robotomy it's time for a lobotomy (me)
Percy: Their all gonna pay for messing with my shrekie poo (friend not on tumblr)
Percy: Leonardo cappachrio (best friend not on tumblr)
Will: It's a bit too straight in here I gotta take my socks off.... you're allowed to make love to the homies as long as you have socks on (best friend not on tumblr)
Grover: Thank you for the balls (I meant maulteasers, this is also said by me)
Piper: If they (men) can have their penises out why can't we (women) (me)
Piper shivers*
Jason going to hug her: aw you cold? (Me)
Piper: ye my nipples are hard (best friend not on tumblr)
Leo: Simba, the sacrifice (best friend not on tumblr)
Playing human fall flat:
Piper: Let's kiss! (Best friend not on tumblr, she's piper in all of this interaction)
Our characters head butt*
Annabeth: how much do I owe you? (Me)
Piper: sssshhh pain will be over soon!
Annabeth: oh ok
This interaction is the same people as above with same characters
Piper: I'll get it out for you, baby girl
Annabeth: Is it in?
Leo: Don't grab my butt that costs money (best friend not on tumblr)
Dionysus, idk who else to put lol: God of wine and insanity... otherwise known as me last weekend (best friend not on tumblr)
Annabeth: The f*cking duck that asked the same f*cking man every f*cking day for some f*cking grapes when all he f*cking sold was some f*cking lemonade and then when the f*cking man brought the f*cking duck to a f*cking store to buy some f*cking grapes the f*cking duck asked DOES THIS STORE SELL F*CKING LEMONADE (Best friend not on tumblr)
Percy: Yeup, that's the duck (me)
Annabeth: AND YOU THINK HES EDUCATED?! (Best friend not on tumblr)
Percy mahbe in the labyrinth?: BE WAREY! I hear a worm... (@carpcranium)
Annabeth explaining the difference between a horse and pegasus: ...but they're not allowed to fly because horse* racism (@indecisivenb )
*the actual quote is bird racism but saying horse made it fit better
Nico: Don't worry, if the ghosts don't ghost you I will 🫡 (@wraith--2)
Leo: Tf2 heavy weapons guy is kinda hot (friend not on tumblr)
Percys dyslexia getting in the way of wording something*: He's rubbing off against me (@duckbakery)
Piper: I'm being blackmailed with my biggest weakness; gay people (@indecisivenb)
Jason: We are not getting yeast infections in my house, Leo (friend not on tumblr)
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palettesofrenaissance · 3 months
Hey. I got a short drabble idea for your Wonka story, if you'll have it. Since you're trying to get into more dark stuff.
The idea is this: Wonka thinks he has Sapphire and Ruby trapped in his "wonderland", but by some freak accident, they find a way to escape and he. is. pissed.
✎ᝰ ── 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨! I'm thoroughly relieved to be finished with this and excited to be posting this. this is my first dark!fic. don't expect this to be like my previous stories. this is the first thing I've written that I had fun with. it's the first serious thing I've done since struggling with writer's block. this prompt fill is the one after after the intro fic (this is what I've been up to lately. join me!)
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Permanent Marker  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · INTRO/AU CONCEPT
Location Services: OFF  · · · · · · · · · · · · · THIS PROMPT
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𝐒𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: Dark!AU, Future Fic, Canon Compliant. Prompt-driven story
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: The saying goes: “Never, ever accept a gift from a fae. And never, ever verbally say thank you for a gift. It implies that the receiver owes them something, like food, your firstborn, or a favor (no matter how deranged).”
If only she had known this warning when meeting the unpredictable, tricky, and arrogant magician Willy Wonka. She fears her precious daughter is going to have to pay the ultimate price for her moment of temporary short-sightedness. Especially when her daughter doesn't heed her warnings.
People change over the years. People are also multifaceted and can have contradicting factors about themselves. Her daughter will find that she was kept away and hidden for a reason.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: love/hate, meet rude/meet ugly, secret children, mentions of violence/blood during a hallucination, abuse of trust, Willy is a bit rude, obsessive and dark Willy Wonka, dark fairytale elements, and taking inspiration from the actor's few insane moments and running with it
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Written in 3rd person. Named child character. Named mother!reader if you want to imagine that, or named OC; she's named Sapphire, inspired by the singing lady in the tram scene
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“I was young when I first made the deal with him,” she had described herself to Noodle Slugworth Smith, the next in line to inherit the Slugworth empire and fortune. When she first met the soon-to-be-known magician she was indeed several years younger than him despite looking older than she actually was… She wonders if that was another reason he continuously manipulated her and kept her in his clutches…
To be exact, she first “met” him in passing on a tram car on the way to clock-in at her job. He’d been posing as a tram ticket collector and had offered her and a friend a piece of chocolate each to sample—something she would have declined had her friend not pointed him out and his reputation throughout the past several months not preceded him.
But even before he announced himself and began handing out samples throughout the tram car, Sapphire had thought none the wiser, his face blending in among the sea of others. That, along with already being distracted because she was on her way to work, then the candy’s influence to dance and sing on the crowded tram that quickly became overwhelming before the police even showed up, she wouldn’t have been able to pick out his face from a line-up even if she wanted to.
Which is why when she came across him once more sometime later, it made sense why she hadn’t recognized him: clothes really can make the difference about a person.
Now sometime later and at a laundromat on a rainy day, Sapphire has no reason to know that the tall man alone in a far corner was the previously unknown, enigmatic chocolatier that swept in and gradually took her city by storm. At the laundromat, he looks so ordinary and unnoticeable, staring off at a point unseen. She doesn’t give him any acknowledgement beyond a few glances to mind her distance.
It has been an angry and dark overcast for the past week, the air heavy with humidity and the promise of rain that never came.
‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ Keep reading
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shhtickerbook · 3 months
Iced Chocolate
chapter one
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A stubborn as always Willy Wonka just has to go the extra mile for his ingredients, even if it lands him into very very cold bother.
Chapter two
Wonka agere / sick fic! This will have a few chapters, just wanted an opportunity to write some good ol comforting sick fic fluff yknow? I apologise for constantly hurting this poor chocolatier. also it is obvious at this point that abacus is a major comfort character for me lol. AO3 link below too.
“Willy you are such an idiot sometimes!”
Noodle was walking along with Willy Wonka, allowing him to lean his weight into her. Although he was much taller than she was, he didn’t weigh much and she was a strong girl for her age. The chocolatier was dripping wet and nearly frozen, he had been determined to get a supply of “freshly fallen snowflakes” for his peppermint fondant filling. But not any old snow, it has to be the purest and untouched powdered snowflakes. Both of them had snuck away outside of town, Willy claiming that the best place to find them was perched on the end of a willow tree leaf.
They had spent a few hours searching, Noodle getting colder and more irritated as time passed. Every time she was sure they had found some, it was never good enough for him. Too dirty, not a fine enough powder. Then at last, Willy called out, just as the sun was beginning to set.
“I see it!”
He ran ahead, knees riding high as he galloped through the snow. Right there resting upon a bright green leaf was a small pile of glittering untouched snow. The branch was hanging just over the now frozen river, too far to reach from bay. Noodle, gasping for breath from trying to catch up groaned at the sight.
“Willy, why does this matter so much?”
She said between gasps with her hands on her knees in exhaustion, head between her legs. Willy however, grabbed a vial from his pocket to collect the goods. As he was about to step onto the ice, a yell surprised him to step back.
“What do you think you’re doing?! That’s ice!”
She pointed out obviously, tugging at his magenta coat. As unbothered as usual, Willy pulled out his cane. And before taking any step out, he tapped it against the ice firmly. Not a single crack.
“See? It’s all good. Quit your worrying”
He chuckled, stepping out confidently onto the frozen water. Noodle not even wanting to watch, but as he continued on there were no signs of the ice cracking. Once far enough to reach, he pulled out a small metal tool to gently manoeuvre the pile of snow into the glass bottle. Very gently tapping the base of the leaf until there wasn’t a single snowflake left.
“Got it!”
Willy exclaimed, pushing the cork on top to seal in the precious substance. Noodle couldn’t help but laugh at the insanity of it all, but it was what she loved about him.
“Here, Catch!”
He gently threw the vial, Noodle just catching it before it hit the ground. The small bottle felt freezing to the touch, and when she looked closely you could see the tiny snowflakes flurrying around.
“Woah. Willy, won’t these melt by the time we’re home?”
She held it up to the now dwindling light, looking up at it in awe.
“Ah, well here’s the thing. These snowflakes-“
Willy was making his way back when an awful sound echoed beneath him. A terrifying crack that echoed and reverberated back and forth below his boots. Both Noodle and Willys eyes meeting in alarm, neither of them saying a word.
“Heh heh, it’s alright- I’ll just-“
Before he couldn’t finish his sentence, there was a terrible weightless sensation as the ice fell beneath. Silencing any cry of alarm as he was plunged into the freezing cold water. Noodle screamed, running forward in panic.
For a few seconds the chocolatier had disappeared, before suddenly Willy Wonka burst from the water with a gasp.
He was absolutely drenched, but it seemed the water level only came up to chest. Which was good as Willy wasn’t sure if he could swim very well.
“Oh, nevermind I guess”
He choked out, blinking the cold water out of his face. The adrenaline still pumping through him to find this slightly comical. Noodle however was not impressed, grabbing at his sleeve to pull him back onto land.
“Look at you! You’re gonna freeze to death”
Noodle had seen headlines in the paper, of men whom had plunged into cold water and never returned. She couldn’t believe how stupid the he was. She wanted to punch him she was so angry, but upon seeing his stupid grin she couldn’t help but chuckle in fatigue of it all.
“The snowflakes, you didn’t drop them?”
He spoke through chattered teeth, Noodle sighing. Willy could’ve drowned and all he cared about was a few snowflakes in a jar?
“Yes, it’s in my bag- but that doesn’t even matter, you need to get somewhere warm. And fast!”
And so Noodle did her best to get him back to the wash house as quickly as possible. His optimistic attitude quickly fading as they neared home. It had become a bitterly cold evening by the time they got back. Willys shivering starting to become violent, which only worried Noodle more. She banged hard on the wash house door, not caring if she alerted Mrs Scrubbit or Bleacher.
Thankfully it was Abacus who had answered, who had been wondering where on earth the pair had gotten themselves to. When he saw the state of the drenched boy, he stared them both down for a moment before sighing in exasperation.
“Get in, the both of you”
He curtly commanded, taking over noodles job by taking ahold of the frozen chocolatier. Even through his jacket he could feel how low his body temperature must be.
“I’m- ffffine Abacus. Just got a little wet. The ice was not as thick as I thhh-ought.
Willy tried to assure, but the cold felt like it was seeping into every crevice of his body. Almost as if the blood in his veins were freezing, slowly crystallising into ice. Noodle quickly relayed what had actually happened, much to Abacus’ dismay. The other workers quickly surrounding to help too. Faces full of worry and concern for their friend. Abacus examined him very carefully, he had medical experience from when he had been drafted as a young man. The boys skin was freezing cold to the touch, and shivering violently. He was clearly showing signs of hypothermia.
“Pardon my language Mr Wonka but you are truly are a stupid bugger sometimes!”
The man chastised, then carefully undressed him from his signature magenta coat, which was now sopping wet. He wrung it out best he could before folding it over a chair near the fire. Willy just stood there, all the adrenaline now expired from his body. Leaving him freezing and shivering cold, no longer feeling up to his positive mindset.
“I’m— So-orry”
He hated disappointing people, especially Abacus. Whose firm school teacher voice was extremely good at making you feel ashamed. With a sigh, he helped Willy to his feet before turning to the rest of their friends.
“Now I’m going assist Mr Wonka to his room, we’re going to need hot water bottles, blankets and likely a warm drink. Could you all manage that?”
Everybody nodded, but Noodle seemed very reluctant to leave Willys side. Abacus gently put a hand to the girls shoulder comfortingly.
“Do not worry dear, he’s going to be fine. Now if you could make up a hot drink of some kind it would be most helpful.”
He then turned back to the boy, eyebrows raised in disapproval.
“And for you, let’s get you up to your quarters before you become an icicle!”
Willy was still very cold to the touch, his lips still blue as they slowly approached their rooms. Cold beads of water fell from his curls, dribbling down his neck which was incredibly unpleasant.
“It’s okay- I’ll be fine”
Willy tried to stand up for himself, not wanting to make a bother for everybody. It was his stupid mistake. But the older man wouldn’t hear of it, practically carrying his weight into his room. Willy had bared swimming in cold water before, why was this so different?
“Oh the state of this room Mr Wonka!”
Abacus exclaimed when they both took in sight of it, clothes had been strewn across the floor, different chocolate ingredients scattered across the table. The bed completely unmade, with old socks hung upon the bedposts!
“It’s oka-y… I’ll clean it up”
Wonkas head felt funny, but he pushed on ahead. But when he tried to take a confident step forward it felt as if the world suddenly shifted on axis. Abacus grabbing ahold of him hard before he fell.
“You are clearly in no state to do so young man, you’re clearly hypothermic. Now sit down on that chair whilst I deal with this”
He scolded him firmly before placing the man on his wooden chair, he truly was a sorry sight indeed. Although no longer wearing his coat, he was still dripping cold water onto the floor.
“You must get out of these wet clothes, and with your shivering it’ll be far too tedious to do it yourself”
Without waiting for any response, Abacus made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt, then guiding his long legs from his slacks. Willy wincing as he felt the cold air hit his bare skin, frowning up at Abacus.
“Y-oure only.. makiing me even mmore cold”
He spoke between chattered teeth, feeling even colder than he did before. Especially as his bare skin hit the cold draft in the room. Abacus just chuckled in amusement, especially at the weak scowl he was receiving.
“Staying in those wet things will only keep your body temperature low, you need to be in something dry and warm”
He spoke as he wrapped a blanket around his frame, feeling how cold his skin still was to the touch. Whilst he did his best to warm up, abacus made quick work of making his bed up before guiding him over.
“Now you keep your nightclothes in here? correct?”
Willy nodded as the other man pulled out his nightgown from a drawer, infact it was the one that Abacus had lent him weeks before. The larger nightgown would be easier to dress in, and offer more warmth. Willy didn’t have the strength to fight him on whether he could dress himself, the freezing cold causing that familiar fuzzy feeling in his head try and emerge.
But he was still determined to hold onto any shred of maturity just yet, feeling very guilty about all the care and time he must be taking up. But it was quite difficult to do so when you were being nursed by another person.
“You.. don’t need to be doo-ing this”
He spoke as the nightgown was pulled over his damp curls, Abacus now replacing the blanket again over his lap in bed.
“You’re very correct, I don’t need to be doing anything. But I’d like to.”
He looked up with a smile, making a lump form in Willys throat. Yet again that fuzzy feeling had returned, swallowing hard. Before he could reply, the door burst open. Behind a stack of blankets, hot water bottles and a drink in one hand was Noodle.
“I got everything you asked for, is he okay?”
With a fond chuckle the man quickly got up to help her out, the blankets had been warmed by the fire no doubt.
“I couldn’t find any tea or things for the drink, but Piper managed to heat up some milk. Mrs Scrubbit had some tea but I didn’t dare swipe any”
Once the pile of things were removed from her grasp, she placed the mug down to check on her friend. Whom more honestly, she saw as a brother now, though she’d never said so. He looked so different, his face pale and sunken eyes. Although he still did his best to hold up a smile.
“Are you okay Willy?”
The man in question nodded weakly, peering over at the milk, clearly unimpressed by the contents. With a disgusted expression he whispered into noodles ear.
“Desk, top drawer, two- no three! large spoonfuls”
He managed to slowly list out, hoping abacus wouldn’t hear as he was busy unfolding blankets and arranging the hot water bottles beneath the thin mattress. Knowing to never apply straight heat to a person showing signs of hypothermia. Noodle giggled, pulling open the drawer in question in his chocolate making case. There was a jar of what was clearly powdered chocolate, typical.
Although as soon as Noodle was about to spoon in a third heaped spoon of the powdered chocolate, Abacus intervened.
“That’s quite enough dear, i know Mr Wonka needs his fluids but we best not overdo it. Two spoonfuls are already enough.
Noodle grinned, but Willy rolled his eyes. Abacus finished tucking the hot water bottles between the springs of the bed frame, before adding even more blanket layers around Willys body. Noodle was perched on the bed, her hand tightly wrapped around Willys. It was so cold, she couldn’t help but feel atrocious that she hadn’t warned him more. He could be so ditzy about things sometimes, always getting himself into silly situations. Thank goodness she’d been there. She felt a weak squeeze to her hand, Willy looking up at her with his kind eyes. His head was starting to feel very very fuzzy now.
“Now I think it’s best we let him get some rest, Hm?”
Noodle seemed reluctant, but stood up. But as she did she noticed something on the floor, kneeling to hold up a little knitted bird. She smiled at it before looking over at Willy.
“Is this yours? It’s so cute”
Willy felt cold for a moment, alarmed that Noodle had found Chester. But she was very kind about him, throwing him over. Willy quickly snatched the bird, he wanted to hold him up to his face like usual. But with Noodle here he felt a bit foolish doing so, instead just tucking him under the Blanket with a nod. With one last concerned smile she held on a little at the door frame.
“He will be fine Noodle. I’ll make sure of it”
Abacus assured the girl with a wink, who seemed only semi comforted by his words. But she left with a sigh, closing the door slowly. Abacus then gently taking the mug sitting on the table before handing it over to Mr Wonka.
“Drink up, it’s important to get your internal temperature up.”
But rather quickly they realised it wasn’t going to work, Willys hands were still too shaky to hold onto the drink, the contents starting to spill over the edges and down his hands.
Willy sighed in frustration, but he then felt a hand hold onto the mug for him. Abacus’ steady hand holding it at an angle. Although not as sweet as he would usually take it, the hot chocolate felt heavenly. It’s warmth blooming through his chest. He hadn’t even noticed his eyes had half lidded closed until there was no more of the hot chocolate milk. Blinking before shaking his head a little, his face blushing.
“Oh-sorry. I could’ve held it”
He mumbled out, but abacus just smiled. Abacus had a very sure suspicion that a certain chocolatier was beginning to feel little small. Especially from the way he nearly fell asleep whilst finishing that drink.
“Not at all, you’re still shivering. But are you feeling any warmer?”
Willy shuffled in his bed, almost like he was checking. The outside of him still felt very cold and shivery, but he didn’t have that awful freezing sensation in his core like before. So he just nodded with a shrug, Abacus then excusing himself for a minute. Promising to be back in just a moment, knowing he would be staying by his side for a little while and wanted to grab something.
Willy pulled out the knitted bird from the blanket, holding it through his thumb and forefinger as he pinched its chest. It was something he’d done for comfort since he was an infant, the toucans chests smooth and worn from years of love. Apart from his sacred bar of chocolate, Chester was the only thing directly from his mother. Abacus found Willy holding the birds close to his cheek when he returned, holding a book underneath his arm.
“I thought that we could continue that book from before, would you like that?”
Willy nodded, but still rather weakly considering his condition. He’d been really wanting to continue that book, but had felt too self conscious to request that they pick up where they had left off. Abacus sat himself down on a stool beside, opening the book up and letting Willy peer at it before he began to read.
“Why do they make the words so little?”
Willy shivered out at his squinted his eyes at the big blocks of text, all the letters kept on dancing around crazily and refusing to stay put. Noodles books were easier, he could use his finger to follow each one.
“Yknow what? I don’t know why either. Even with my spectacles it can be troubling to follow. But I assume it’s so there isn’t thousands upon thousands of pages”
Willy thought about a book with so many pages that you could barely open it, giggling rather deliriously to himself. Abacus looking only a little concerned, hoping he wasn’t developing any kind of fever.
But as he began to read aloud, Willy could quickly feel his eyelids feeling heavy. Which was very irritating as he had fallen asleep far too early the last time as well. He wanted to find out what happened to this funny sounding girl and her puppy. He tried his best to stay alert, jumping his head back up again when he felt himself drifting off.
“Willy, let yourself sleep.”
He chuckled, stroking back his still damp curls. Frowning as he felt how cold his skin still was. Although he saw how little Wonkas eyes fluttered in delight as ran his hand through his hair. Almost resembling a cat enjoying a good scratch, so he continued the action as he resumed reading. Just as they had reached the beginning of the third chapter, he heard a soft rumbling from Willy. Who had completely drifted off, snoring quietly.
Before leaving, Abacus carefully tucked the blanket tight around his frame. Smiling at the little knitted toucan thats wings were stretched over his pale cheek. Hopeful that the little frozen chocolatier would be able to thaw out by morning.
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646464zoolane · 4 months
Was just listening to ep13 of Pod Watcher and they were talking about how they liked the new Wonka film and I am going INSANE over Shane saying that “all his blorbos from ghosts were in it”
I knew Shane watched Ghosts but it’s still incredible to me to hear him mention it out loud. I love when my hyperfixations intersect.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
can we even put tom and timothee in the same category though, I feel like there very different and I feel timothee has now found the perfect balance which I feel tom really hasnt
Tom can bring people to theatres and insanely popular like r+j sold out within two hours and of course spiderman but outside of spiderman the quality of the projects are more miss than they are hit and really struggles with finding good scripts or working with directors. Timothee while a vastly different journey and its not until recently he found blockbuster success hes no doubt a draw while simulataneoulsy still working on quality projects and working with the best directors and also having found a ton of success in independent film world even something like bones and all while finacially poor I would say the genre is more to blame at least it was a good movie, with great performances and critically successful whereas cherry and chaos walking were bombs but horrendously awful films.
I feel timmy has found the perfect balance and knows how to pick roles that suit him whereas tom is financially successful but a little iffy if his name attracts the best directors or stars tbh.
Though I do think his move to theatre is great perfect for him especially a well known play like r+j and jamie llyod and a opportunity tp hone your craft.
Ohhhh....here we go yet again....
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*Checks date on Calendar*
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Yup.... Every 10 days, I swear....we get SOME variation of the usual "Worried about Tom's Career" ask.
Anon, I think you and other fans who constantly worry about Tom's career need to realize that actors all have different journeys in the industry. Every actor doesn't have to do EXACTLY what their acting peer is doing, nor do they have to have the same exact path?? 🥴
whereas cherry and chaos walking were bombs but horrendously awful films.
HOLD UP..... Now, I'll give you "Chaos Walking" (which...in Tom's defense, was supposed to be released YEARS before it actually came out, and he signed on to that project early in his career), BUT "Cherry"?? 🥴 I don't care what anyone says, "Cherry" was NOT an "horrendously awful" film. Was it maybe not your cup of tea? Okay... sure. Was the narration throughout the film unnecessary? Okay....yes. But let's get REAL here. Both Tom and Ciara acted their butts off in that film. I feel like Tom really transformed himself in that film, and played a drug addict extremely WELL. That was the first film where I was like: "Geez man...you're an AWESOME actor!" That car scene!?? Like, come on. That was peak acting right there.
I feel timmy has found the perfect balance and knows how to pick roles that suit him whereas tom is financially successful but a little iffy if his name attracts the best directors or stars tbh.
Tom has worked with awesome directors. He's about to work with Paul King on the FA biopic, JUST like Timmy worked with him on "Wonka". Tom has also worked with Akiva Goldsman on TCR who's also famously known for films such as "A Beautiful Mind", "The Da Vinci Code", "A Time to Kill".....all AWESOME films.
How come it is, when Timmy does something, it's amazing, but when Tom does the very same thing, it's: "Idk...kinda iffy!" 🤔
Some of you all are letting Film Twitter run your minds instead of thinking for yourselves.
Have I liked EVERY single project that Tom has chosen to do? No... Not necessarily.... But I would put Tom's diverse filmography over Timothee's at the current moment, because Tom has at least shown me that he can play a wide range of characters and roles. He's gone from Arvin in TDATT, to Ian Lightfoot in "Onward".
Timmy is a decent actor (don't get me wrong!), and he's done great work over the years... But Tom has done more DIVERSE work imo. Timmy is just now starting to branch out and do blockbusters, children's films, etc (things that Tom has already been doing for years).... Just saying! 🤷🏾‍♀️
Actors don't have to follow one set path. They can go in and out from whatever filming roles they wish. Tom doesn't have to follow the same path as Timmy or any other actor out here. Most actors just focus on their OWN work, and admire the work of others that they personally appreciate. But it's not some competition.
I definitely think Timmy getting nominated for an Oscar at such a young age definitely put his name on the map for a lot of directors and such. Just being nominated for massive awards helps a LOT. You don't even have to win.
One day, Tom will be accepting an award for "Best Actor", and he will have all of Film Twitter eating their words.
I personally can't wait for that day lol 😊
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So for once, nothing angsty, but something more fluffy! ANd its based on food!
So I think, if I remember right anyway, canon Alastor does not like fast food or like food similar to it, and that kind of implies to Radio Guard Alastor too. To a degree tho. He very much would rather cook than have take-out, but also he is not complaining if you wanna give him the egg and spring rolls from the Chinese takeout. It is mainly when he super tired though or had an exhausting day and just has no energy to cook for the gang, since I imagine he may have took over the cooking duties of the hotel.
And now for everyone's favorite types of foods and or flavors of stuff! Alastor-Def prefers more homecooked meals, doesn't matter what, if its homecooked, he will probably enjoy. Does however lean more towards spicy stuff. Man loves spicy dishes, be it a painful spice or a comforting one. Def knows all types of Louisiana cooking and is so happy to share them to others.
Charlie-More on the sweeter side of things. Probably has a love of homecooked food too, mainly like breakfast foods I imagine. But probably also likes fruity stuff too (haha get it because she's the daughter of the Morningstar aka the Devil, the one responsible for Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit //bonked). Probably loves more baked good spices too? So like cinnamon apple stuff would be her favs
Vaggie-Spice and bitter girlie I imagine personally. She will take her coffee black with a spot of cream or milk while chomping on ghost pepper dusted chips like it was nothing. Can also, for some reason, see Vaggie was a soup girlie. Idk, she gives soup girl vibes. Probably loves spicy veggie soups that just warm you up. Ignoring the fact they are in hell and hell is probably already super hot.
Angel Dust-Def ate like junkie munchie foods. Like cheap, really gross and greasy food. Didn't like it, but it hit the spot. If not that, then super healthier, lean foods, since lets be honest, Valentino would his workers on extreme health diets so they would stay "pretty", so the whiplash of foods probs wrecked Angel's stomach. Now, while trying to go sober and in a safer and healthier environment, Angel def enjoys trying to cook Italian food he remembers his pa or ma making. Would like baking more me thinks
Husk-Bar food. Husk is like Angel, he is eating junkie bar food to use the grease to curve his later hangover. Maybe not as much anymore, but its still there. Alastor does get on him, now more so in a place of concern for Husk's well being. Honestly probs better just making drinks but I can see Husk knowing how to work the kitchen too. Def the type to go to if you have the late night munchies since he knows how to make the most killer late night meals
Nifty-Sugar. Just. Pure. Sugar. She is the type to dump marshmallow fluff on a pizza its that insane. She knows how to cook, sure! And she can cook well with others, yes! Alone in the kitchen? Haha no. Your food is gonna somehow end up in lime jello and taste like you liked the bottom of Willy Wonka's boot. Just dont.
Sir Pentious-Probably doesnt really mind anything. As a snack he def has a more meat based diet which took some time to get used too. Probably likes more mild to bitter foods than anything else. Like the Brit he is, he is def drinking tea with everything. Probs also likes egg based dishes since some snakes do eat eggs. Probably mainly bird eggs, like quill or chicken. So egg bois are safe!
Lucifer-Dont think Luci has a pref. For a good long while it was just whatever he could find in the kitchen after staying locked up in his workshop for days on end. So bowls of dry cereal or pb&js to name a few. It took being forced out of his workshop by Alastor (and seeking therapy by Alastor and Charlie's request yeas later) that Lucifer started to eat more. Like his daughter he loves fruity sweets, and as a given likes pancakes. Probs makes killer cinnamon apple pancakes.
Vox-Probs cheating to say Alastor's cooking, but it is Alastor's cooking. Def has more of a spice tolerance than other Voxs hfdsjkf. Outside of that, probably any more homey foods. Or cheaper stuff like ramen since he never wanted to leave his room at V Towers. Def survived on energy drinks that tasted horribly sweet but kept him going at the tower too. You can imagine his utter joy when at the hotel when he just got to eat proper cooked food again, especially Alastor's
-⚔️ anon
Cinnamon apple for Charlie makes so much sense, she'd probably have begged to get that one cereal that claimed to be cinnamon apple but was kinda mid
All of this feels so incredibly canon and accurate, your MIND
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contractwithak · 3 months
So I finally watched Wonka… and I’m probably a little late to this party, but you know what I would have liked?
A movie about a man losing his mind over corporate espionage and the insane lengths he would go to to protect his trade secrets.
You know… like the canonical Willy Wonka, who closed his factory for years after his employees sold his secrets to his rivals…
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pupkinpumpkin · 10 months
Bro I was rewatching the Tim Burton Willy Wonka movie (just to get it out here and now, Tim Burton's is my favorite Wonka movie cause I grew up with it, but Gene Wilder is the best Wonka in my eyes followed closely by Christian Borle) and I was thinking of how utterly disappointed I am going to be with the new Wonka movie
Now you may think I'm going to be disappointed because of Timothée Chalamet being Wonka and because it's a cheap cash grab, and you're sort of right about that
Timothée Chalamet is a good actor, but he's not insane enough to play the iconic role as other Tumblr users have put it, and it is most likely a story that has no heart in it, but that's not the main reason I'm upset with it
The original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie is about Charlie, while the 2005 remake Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is about Wonka, so I think it is incredibly insulting that they do not continue this joke and make the new Willy Wonka movie all about Charlie
You think I'm joking but I'm not
I mean, the movie probably has no heart whatsoever, so why not at least make it a shitty sequel and let us keep joking about the mix up? The movie could be about Charlie trying to live up to Willy Wonka's image, balancing work and home life, the stresses of OSHA violations, building a gigantic classist train for when the world freezes over and starting to use kids from the poorest and most overpopulated part of the train to keep it running after all the needed tools have been used throughout the years (go see the Snowpiercer theories on YouTube for that last one)
One could argue that Timothée Chalamet could make a much better older Charlie than a Wonka and he looks slightly like that kid in the Tim Burton version.
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Im actually not all that good at recognizing facial features, so someone can correct me on that if they look literally nothing alike
But the point is, it's a better option, at least to me, than what they have now and will try and do after they (hopefully) give writers and actors what they deserve if they aren't that big of assholes
Literally all they need to do is strike it and reverse it
I'm not saying I want an older Charlie movie, but I at least want to keep the joke running, and the fact it's gonna get ruined for a movie that has a high possibility of being shit is really annoying to me
Anyway, night
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ask-princessandromeda · 2 months
how do y'all feel about your mortal parents?
Chris: I love my mother! She’s the best. She works at a bank back in Arizona. The thought of her is what kept me from going insane in the Labyrinth from my first hours there, to be honest.I can’t wait to see her after the war is over.
Silena: Papa’s the most kind-hearted, fun person I know. I grew up in his chocolate shop and I have many beautiful memories with him. Living in what’s essentially Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory is quite a child’s dream, isn’t it? I miss him so much.
Chris: Luke, what about you? You never told us about your mum.
Luke: *avoiding eye contact* That’s none of your business. Let’s move on.
[@artemx746 also asked this]
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snalsupremacy · 5 months
2024 Events (So far!)
2022 list
2023 list
And once again, these are not all the events, just the ones I come across with :)
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Mickey Mouse is now public domain baby
Tom Scott retires from weekly uploads
MatPat retires
Duolingo bad?!
Toby Fox drew Reigen and Sans for Valentine's day.. A bit early? Eh, maybe it's another country's VD. Also birdie and Spamtom were there
OFMD cancelled
SAG-AFRA signed contract to allow AI voices in video games
Haha! Tumbrl live to be GONE in jan 24th! yahoo!
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King charles diagnosed with cancer (we dont know which one) and, wouldn't you know it, Trysha Paytas announces her second pregnancy
Nicki Minaj spirals after Megan Thee Stalion disses her in response to Nicki's constant & blatand shade for her...
Kristen Stewart causing mass gay panic with her roling stone magazine photoshoot
Vtuber agency Nijisanji under fire after mistreatment of employee almost cost their life
Nimona whole movie FREE on youtube!! with captions!!
Popular transwoman tumbrl user gets banned for posting transition pics, causing discussions of tumbrl CEO's incopetence and the porn ban targetting trans people more than actual porn
Nonbinary 16 year-old american teenager Nex Benedict dies a day after getting beat up by students in their school. While the autopsy claims the death isn't because of the injuries, they might be lying. There's also the possibility of suicide, which would still be linked with the bullying and transphobia they suffered. Rest in peace Nex Benedict.
ATLA live action not that good, but from what I hear could be worse!
Minecraft youtuber Wilboor Soot revealed to have abused his ex-gf Shelby, posts terrible "apology"
James somerton posts ANOTHER apology video and I kid you not it's called "A Measured Response" in reference to HBomb's series of the same name
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Willy Wonka event is a total scam and it looks awful and there a new character called the unknown that is terrifing also the whole thing was made by a guy using AI
Legendary Mangaka Akira Toriyama passes away at 68, The amount of people in this world that'll miss him... It's over 8000! Rest in Peace Toriyama <3
Stardrew Valley major update
Nickelodion docu about how Dan Shneyder is a total creep and Spencer goated with the sauce
Red v Blue queerbait was acutally going to be canon?!
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Tumbrl's april fool's joke this year was the ability to "boop" other users, fun!
guy from firefighter show confirmed bi, yay!
Ziraldo morre aos 91 anos ;-;
Solar eclipse yay yay yay!!
Iran attckas Israel (no bombs reach bc of israel's iron thingy i forgot the name)
Jojo siwa new song turns the internet over. Breaking news: child who grew up in the entertainment industry is a mal-adjusted adult?!?!
Watcher moving from youtube to a inscription program which is a terrible idea in all ways
New Taylor Swift album. Public consensus: Mid-to-not-good. Swiftie consensus: MASTERPIECE OMG ITS PERFECT
Columbia college taken over by palestinian protests
Dan and Phill girlies going insane bc one of them tweeted a orange heart?
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May the 4th be with you!
Kendrick Lamar and Drake drama summary here
Eurovision commences
Welp, this year's Eurovision was a shitshow. Same time next year?
Nintendo to announce the new console "this fiscal year"
James Somerton fakes his death then uses an alt to post pics of his private parts TOT
SPN actors Ty olson and DJ qualls are engaged! Mazal Tov to them and to this gay ass fandom!!
(jjk soilers) the brain thing took over gojo's body LMAOOO
qsmp coming to an end thank G-d
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