#snal posting
snalsupremacy · 7 months
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a random stash of names made from a markov name generator using the drow dictionary according to the forgotten realms wiki; 444 names
please visit @444names if you like this post
Abatiours Abbrim Abolithrow Abothitiond Accound Adencom Ader Aiden Aith Al'abouthe Al'cauder Alinkno Alsem Alth Altre Amil Andard Anzak Appearl Ardivvick Aress Arives Armalthes Atti Aund Avale Avan Avel Avrakkinced Bacak Battack Battion Baunda Baussrin Baut Becka Beles Belf Bereencen Bewatern Blan Blar Blaxless Bour Brie Bront Brow Bwargtha Cadelent Calint Carney Case Chart Chiess Chintionat Chol Cion Cisen Cles Coing Comforker Comilarm Commant Comparn Coms Cone Cong Conour Cons Cont Contiort Cosediciker Costrord Coung Cours Cous Couth Coutionoth Cove Covem Covessred Crethal Cynicideal Cynigg Deemy Delk Derere Derrie Derring Dital Diver Domfoolong Doords Dosen Dossin Dra'dem Drefe Drefun Dres Drigher Drinath Drion Dron Dronslargth Dronthal Duserefe Efullyn Eirr El'cie Eliblay Elis Elity Elly Enciker Ente Expect Expecuth Expenteal Fael' Faelgg Faereff Faericish Falm Faltredes Fave Favelf Favidioness Felal Fhares Fie'qes Fil' Fismall Forkne Fororeearke Fort Frogghtak Frome Frong Frood Frown Fulgg Fulultring Funduarr Funduva Funineirt Gared Gargthide Garl Gianqual Gicike Githalmean Goace Goall Goam Goaty Gobsul Gobsunth Godde Goly Goolhyst Grathrat Gressung Grorkey Guoustuman Gust Guth Haazild Hadelf Haerae Halrat Halse Harce Hardiontrar Hart Havolse Hiirr Hint Hirr Hopean Horr Hose Houp Humaltreve Humess Ideated Ilage Ilha Iling Ilitak Inespecad Inue Inui'el Invidel Iscomple Ithink Izarkey Jalansider Jareetel Jart Jawarce Jawerot Joup Keriguinued Kewarn Khaped Khazaneirr King Kneir Knes Knocisomplu Kulurfult Kyorde Kyoun Kyouper Kyouprick Lacklashath Lal' Lares Larevalsher Larl Larn Lashithaer Laspid Lava Leary Leas Lent Lese Liareed Lightmaymay Limmale Lishitravel Lism Litarted Liyitakhar Londend Lood Lueted Malendra Mall Maltrin Man'hiraty Mastarthal Math Matherivis Meaka Meetin Ment Meted Meting Migh Milonge Miscath Moneemothem Motheepts Muss Mycoupost Nessith Nest Ning Noater Nock Nord Nowe Nowellay Ogang Olbacre Olhareepts Olhyrivill Olhyrr Olvistresor Ontive Orer Orlar Orow Othaer Othront Ounced Ourn Ousharvaim Pant Pardh Pasecuthey Pelvionow Pely Phragrate Phyrrie Pident Pidessibel Ping Plareven Platiomess Pless Plethiggli Ponaltraps Poncepts Poper Pose Premb Proc'usul Pron Proy Pyrraunick Qu'ely Qu'labb Qu'us Qual Qualshah Quer Quul Ra'deasst Raeld Raitem Ravallyn Recreed Remb Rins Riveste Saglitio Sansur Sargent Scarkewar Schal Schirr Scrie Self Sentre Shall Shar Shippasst Siblurfaer Slall Slavistent Snal Sommordh Soms Spide Splardisdow Splin Srighell Ster Stins Straade Strappared Stred Strenthally Stumalsheir Suic Suicasured Sura Swearm Swelight Takerind Talm Talralkynow Teetiordent Testeash Thah Thaut Thazhare Theird Thellar Thentelbaun Thertan Thight Thing Thingth Throgant Throrse Thtne Tionowe Tleashan Torr Town Tra'ded Trapathey Tratint Trild Trindickle Trinyth Trus Trusst Turs Twor Tworme Ully Ulureril Uluts Uncendic Uncep Undean Unden'sary Ustind Usurim Velbour Veld Velith Vente Ving Viouth Waelf Waer Waith Wall Ware Warevesst Warghin Warm Warn Warred Waszar Weale Wencep Westress Whend Whigel Whiirrin Whind Whont Whos Wilithess Winaghand Wisecut Wistalliar Witly Wizzt Worr Xordh Xords Xort Yatcher Yathror Yatimb Yatrer Yourded Yousharm Youth Z'hink Z'orm Z're Z'red Z'reet Zhaluss Zhtmatimbil
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caustic-crow · 4 years
Of my friends that are currently awake. Exactly one decided to check up on me tonight. And I started bawling immediately.
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cowdragons · 6 years
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i missed my snal sm,,....
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crispyblizzardpuppy · 4 years
Director Kathy "Glassno, check by inning"
Coach Kevin Kathy Tampa Bay Rays explained the plan ahead of the "final match." In a video interview 다파벳 가입with the New York Yankees ahead of Game 5 of the Division Series at Petco Park on the 10th (Korea time), Cathy talked about Tyler Glasno, the starting pitcher who comes out after two days of rest. "It affected the opponent's right-handedness," he said, explaining why Glasno was selected as the starting pitcher instead of Blake Snal. I thought it was better to leave the beginning to Glasno. There are many innings to stop. I don't know how long Glasno can throw. We will check the situation다파벳 우회주소 in each inning," he said, explaining his plan to operate the mound. When asked if he would only post Snell at the start of the inning, he expressed confidence, saying, "I don't care about any situation or matchup." Asked whether he considered dropping Brandon Lau, who is struggling with a 0.087 batting다파벳 입금 average this postseason, he said firmly, "Not at all." "He's a player who's been doing a lot. Closer to its appearance. I won't rate him with 20 at-bats. He is also angry at his poor performance. He has the burden of doing something for himself. And he's been acting as a troubleshooter so far. He showed better performance yesterday, he showed confidence again. As for the placement of Austin Meadows on No. 1 and Jandi Diaz on No. 5, he said, "I wanted to put Meadows on No. 1. Randy Choi Ji-man (Arogerana) on the center line, Jandi, tried to deploy three hard-to-tack 다파벳 출금batters like this, he explained.
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humansoulsarg · 7 years
Spinning Cube Sequences Solve
This post: http://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/161686155842/ shows a glitchy GIF of a cube with several warnings in the tags about flashing images.
The post also links to a public Signal and Noise YouTube channel video which shows a spinning greyscale cube with sides that flash different shaded patterns as it spins. The video has hex title ‘SEQUENCES’. and includes Caesar shifted text in the description which reads:
core temperature above safe levels. recommend running processes to avoid energy discharge.
Each of the four sides of the cube that rotates in and out of view contain three different patterns, so it was assumed the three frames for each side could be recombined as RGB layers.
The first three frames of the first shown side of the cube can be combined as RGB channels (first frame=R, second=G, third=B) and turns into this image:
Using the standard Pangent color code, these blocks can be converted to numbers.
774D7 83775 684B3 74765 705459
Reverse the string:
It’s a YouTube link: http://youtu.be/peG7Khu7xMw
This video has hex title ‘miracle’ and shows Eric sharing with the camera about what he describes as an ordinary day. He shares from his heart about how amazed and grateful he is to be in a space he never expected to be. Married, a Father. Having found their own little slice of happiness.
The second side creates this image:
54507 0586A 2F617 27567 6D690
imgura/jXpPT   http://imgur.com/a/jXpPT
This imgur album shows a text conversation between Lottie and X (Galahad) concerning the file Lottie sent which was named 555_Flash_Interface_Semi_Final_Build
This file was discovered in the Snal Mail Solve at this location: http://www.mediafire.com/file/itwjolkfxa0cqxx/555_Flash_Interface_Semi_Final_Build.zip
This is a music video to Evanescence’s Bring Me to Life, starring an infant Adelle Penguin, and is quite enjoyable. See a copy here: https://vid.me/OjrR
there is also a hex string in the text where the file name is mentioned: 6974776a6f6c6b6678613063717878 which decodes as itwjolkfxa0cqxx which is the mediafire location for the Adelescence video. http://www.mediafire.com/?itwjolkfxa0cqxx
X is not pleased with Lottie, and the conversation sheds some light on their relationship, as Lottie is not exactly easy to deal with.
Third side of the cube:
4E484 C6832 2F415 25547 4D490
This is a continuation of the text conversation, revealing that Lottie was attempting to save a copy of the file, in order to maintain control of how the code was used, but Liam and X have just gotten the information from Leslie about where the real file is. Lotie ends the conversation with a heartfelt ‘fuck’
Fourth side of cube:
53313 44641 2F417 27547 6D490
This is a text conversation between Leslie and Lottie, discussing the aftermath of Leslie having given the code to X. Leslie says she has something of a plan, but it might be hella dangerous. Lottie tells her not to do the thing, but Leslie appears to go off to do it, leaving us in a bit of a cliffhanger, to which Lottie gives a heartfelt 'shit on a fuck’
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tmnotizie · 4 years
SAN BENEDETTO – “Anche classi con oltre 35 studenti e alunni costretti a scegliere altre scuole o indirizzi pur di non fare molti chilometri. Succede al liceo classico di Fermo (indirizzo scienze umane) ma non si tratta di un caso isolato in regione. Gli spazi angusti delle scuole erano all’indice anche prima dell’emergenza.
Ora, determinate soluzioni sono davvero impensabili per via di un rientro a scuola che deve tenere conto del triste ma necessario distanziamento sociale per limitare il contagio da Covid-19”.
La denuncia arriva dalle segreterie regionali di Flc Cgil, Cisl Scuola, Uil Scuola e Snals Confsal, critiche verso l’Ufficio scolastico regionale per il mancato coinvolgimento delle parti sociali nella composizione degli organici, “effettuata -scrivono i sindacati- invece attraverso calcoli matematici che poco hanno a che fare con le reali necessità delle scuole marchigiane”.
“Un sistema ragionieristico -aggiungono- utilizzato anche per quando riguarda il sostegno ai disabili. A rischio c’è la continuità didattica per almeno 200 tra bambini e ragazzi che non ritroveranno i loro insegnanti per un astruso meccanismo, utilizzato solo nelle Marche e non previsto in alcuna norma, per cui i docenti vengono spostati  da una scuola all’altra in un inutile quanto dispendioso balletto, immolati sull’altare dell’algoritmo.
Manca il personale. Da una stima, considerando il distanziamento sociale, solo per scuola dell’infanzia e della scuola primaria serviranno a settembre oltre 2700 docenti e quasi 1000 collaboratori scolastici. Poi ci sono gli annosi problemi strutturali”.
“L’unica certezza è la necessità di distanziamento sociale – evidenziano Lilli Gargamelli (Flc Cgil), Anna Bartolini (Cisl Scuola), Claudia Mazzucchelli (Uil Scuola) e Paola Martano (Snals Confsal) – ma le nostre classi sono state costituite utilizzando i parametri massimi consentiti. Questo creerà agli alunni delle Marche un grande svantaggio per la difficoltà di coniugare il diritto all’istruzione con il diritto alla salute”.
Varie e diffuse in tutte le province le situazioni di sovraffollamento. Secondo le tabelle consegnate dall’USR ai sindacati lo scorso 20 maggio il record è a Pesaro: ben 36 studenti per una classe prima del liceo scientifico Laurana Baldi. Non stanno meglio, ad Osimo, gli studenti delle prime classi del Corridoni Campana, indirizzo linguistico: in 33.
Macerata invece si ferma a 32 di media per le prime classi del Linguistico Leopardi e dello Scientifico Galilei. In tutto sono 67 gli istituti superiori delle Marche dove le sigle sindacali hanno riscontrato oltre 30 alunni per classe. Problemi di sovraffollamento che non risparmiano gli altri gradi di istruzione.
Nelle scuole dell’infanzia ci sono situazioni da 30 alunni all’Istituto comprensivo Luciani – San Filippo di Ascoli e al Mestica di Macerata. Nella scuola primaria le criticità maggiori sono in provincia di Pesaro dove a San Lorenzo in Campo è prevista una quarta con 30 alunni.
Ci sono poi situazioni con meno ragazzi ma con portatori di handicap: 27 studenti di cui due disabili ad Ancona (Ics Novelli) e a Recanati (Ics Lotto), 25 studenti di cui tre disabili a Falconara (Ics Falconara Centro) e a Castelfidardo.
Nelle scuole medie sarà davvero complicato far rispettare le distanze con 29 alunni (al Convitto di Macerata e ad Acquaviva Picena) o con 28 (a Serra de’ Conti e a Falerone).
“Malgrado avessimo più volte richiesto un confronto ad aprile – attaccano i sindacati – l’Ufficio scolastico regionale non ha mai illustrato i criteri di attribuzione dell’organico se non in modo generico. L’organico a livello nazionale non ha subito decurtazioni e quindi è assolutamente importante salvaguardare la consistenza della scuola dell’infanzia e primaria della Marche agendo secondo una logica di potenziamento dell’offerta formativa”.
Soprattutto nella regione che ancora deve riprendersi dai danni del sisma che ha coinvolto le scuole in termini di strutture e di comunità. “Per quanto riguarda la didattica a distanza – concludono le organizzazioni sindacali – per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado, riteniamo sia necessaria una particolare attenzione ai segmenti più deboli (scuole professionali e istruzione per adulti) in quanto le difficoltà (culturali, di alfabetizzazione digitale, di spazi in casa per poter studiare, di connessione) hanno di fatto aumentato le disparità tra gli alunni che rischiano un’emarginazione scolastica e formativa.
Pensiamo che questo gap debba essere recuperato alla ripresa del nuovo anno scolastico e ciò non può essere fatto con un organico appena sufficiente. A ciò si aggiunge la “non soluzione” individuata dal governo per risolvere la questione del concorso docenti. Per quanto riguarda le Marche a settembre mancheranno oltre 2mila docenti, che avrebbero potuto essere stabilizzati dando continuità didattica ai nostri studenti, e circa 1000 ata.
Chiediamo quindi che l’Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, massimo rappresentante del Ministro dell’Istruzione sul territorio, si attivi per reperire l’organico docenti e ATA rispondente al piano dell’offerta formativa regionale e adeguato alle esigenze degli studenti delle Marche”.
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thehushpost · 6 years
10 killed & 3 injured in an accident near Jubbal, Shimla district
10 killed & 3 injured in an accident near Jubbal, Shimla district
The Hush Post: In a major accident in Shimla district, 10 people have been killed and three injured. A tempo tracks on its way from Hat Koti to Tiuni fell into a gorge at a place called Snal-kuddu near Jubbal.
One of the injured includes a child. The accident took place when the jeep veered off the road and fell into a gorge.
All the 10 died at the spot. Among those who were killed include six…
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pietroguerravideo · 6 years
Contrattazione integrativa, partecipa solo chi ha firmato il CCNL
Contrattazione integrativa, partecipa solo chi ha firmato il CCNL
Respinto il ricorso dello Snals
Con il Decreto n. 70407 del 17.7.2018, depositato in data odierna presso il Tribunale di Roma, il Giudice del Lavoro ha rigettato il ricorso ex art. 700 c.p.c.  proposto dallo SNALS al fine di ottenere il riconoscimento del proprio diritto a partecipare alla contrattazione integrativa a livello nazionale, regionale e nelle istituzioni scolastiche.
Il Tribunale ha…
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snalsupremacy · 2 months
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(click for higher quality)
The squad
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forzearmateeu-blog · 7 years
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Un nuovo post è stato pubblicato su https://www.forzearmate.eu/2017/10/10/statali-bonus-80-euro-salvo-ecco-gli-aumenti-del-nuovo-contratto/
Statali, bonus 80 euro salvo. Ecco gli aumenti del nuovo contratto
Roma, 10 ott 2017 - Bonus 80 euro salvo. Rinnovo contratto statali, oltre agli aumenti di 85 euro sugli stipendi il Governo garantirà l'erogazione del bonus di 80 euro anche in caso di superamento del reddito limite. Ecco le novità. Ad affermarlo è stato il sottosegretario dell’Istruzione Vito de Filippo durante un convegno organizzato dal sindacato Snals-Confsal. Per gli statali arrivano finalmente buone notizie: la Legge di Bilancio 2018 metterà a disposizione del rinnovo contrattuale per i dipendenti pubblici tutte le risorse necessarie a garantire non solo l’aumento degli stipendi ma anche per evitare che le nuove retribuzioni comportino la perdita del bonus Renzi.
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massimilianodeconca · 7 years
Il Provveditorato chiuderà - Allarme dei sindacati
Il Provveditorato chiuderà – Allarme dei sindacati
La sentenza, per i sindacati della scuola, è scritta. «La chiusura dell’ufficio dell’Ambito territoriale di Mantova è stata sancita» affermano in coro i rappresentanti dei confederali di Cgil, Cisl e Uil e degli autonomi dello Snalsin un duro documento sottoscritto sia dai segretari provinciali che da quelli di categoria. Lì è descritta una situazione ritenuta non più sostenibile che deve essere…
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snalsupremacy · 1 year
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I started this before chapter 3 came out, surprisingly not *that* inaccurate
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snalsupremacy · 3 months
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The witchy trinity
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snalsupremacy · 7 months
Why this is my favorite panel in hgsn
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Hgsn has some incredible art and page composition, but out of the entire manga so far, to me this is the best panel of them all. Hell, this might be my favorite panel of any manga ever. (Note: Due to respecting the scanlator's wishes, I blanked out the dialogue and replaced all necessary dialogue with the official English source)
1- Build-up
Before I get to the panel itself, lets first talk about the pages before: For context, this is in chapter 2. Yoshiki has just found out about "Hikaru", and its trying to adjust to this new reality. As they walk from school to Yoshiki's house, Yoshiki asks him if he killed Hikaru. This is how the previous two pages look like:
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Notice how the half shading effect is done in hatch marks. This is the first sign the all-black shading is a stylistic choice used to convey something.
Look at the balance the two pages form when you put them together: half white, half black, half black, half white. They compliment each other, both in color balance and in panel shape.
We have to turn the page to hear Hikaru's answer to Yoshiki's question. This gives the control of the narrative back to the viewer. This creates tension and build-up to it, it is a common tactic famously employed by Junji Ito in his famous "page-turner" moments where the viewer has to turn the page to see the monster. Except in this instance we are not revealing monsters, or are we?
2- The page
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I'm not gonna get into too much detail on the page itself, I just want to point out the juxtaposition between the page composition of this page and the previous two. The last two were balanced and had all the panels closed while this one is much more liberal, bringing a feeling of unbalance, like something just shifted. I'd say the black and white balance is still there, with the Hikaru on white and Yoshiki on black panel side by side and all, which actually brings me to my next point:
3- Black and White
Honestly this could be an entire analysis post of itself, where do I even start?! Let's go from the very beginning. This is the very first time we learn of "Hikaru" :
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Notice how the panel is colored black. In fact, throughout the story, we see black panels being spoken by "Hikaru", usually right before he does something unnatural:
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And here are the only two instances we see of the Brain-snatcher's true form:
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• He's literally a black blob, just like the text bubbles! And now combine that with Hikaru's white hair, and the fact his name means to be bright, and what's the brightest color but white, and there is a clear color symbolism going on:
4-The Panel
And now we're back to the original panel! Taking all the other points in mind, we can analyze the panel itself
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First, his expression. My G-d, his expression! His raised eyebrows and his squinted eyes, making his pupils way larger, make the expression seem almost childish and pitiful. But the half black-out face turns this pity look to an ominous one. Not being able to see the face or having your face obstructed is easy path into the uncanny valley, which I think is the case for this scene. Immediately 180 from "aww the poor guy" to "what is he hiding?"
The white panel says "I like you" while the black panel says "I'm crazy for you". HOWEVER, The white bubble is by the black side of his face and the black bubble is by the white side of his face. So which Hikaru is saying that? Is "Hikaru" crazy for Yoshiki, while Hikaru just liked him, or the other way around? Did the original Hikaru ever love Yoshiki, or is that the monster's feelings? Well we don't know! That's the premise of the whole manga! In one panel!
And that's why it's my favorite :)
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snalsupremacy · 7 months
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