#dnd names
444names · 7 months
Names generated from Swedish forenames, forced to end with "S"
Adampus Adamus Adrasmilis Adris Agabris Albines Albingris Alfrannes Alfras Aliamuelis Alias Alicolinus Alielines Alincellis Alines Alinus Alisampus Alivis Allis Altoras Altornes Alviampus Alvicolis Alvines Alvis Alvisaras Ameddampus Ameras Aminus Ampus Amuelines Amuelis Andannes Antornes Arvinus Arvis Asmus Augus Augustils Axeliamus Axelines Axels Aximils Aximolinus...
Belis Caras Caris Carvis Casmines Casmus Casperas Castilis Celiamejas Celinus Celisampus Celliviris Cenjas Chalvis Chamils Champus Colines Colinus Colis Coras Coriels Cornes Damilis Damiras Dampus Ebasmus Ebastines Ebbas Ebbasmus Ebbelis Eddiels Edielis Edvillis Edvils Edvinelis Edvines Edvinus Edvis Edwaras Edwarlines Edwarlis Eliamelis Eliamilis Eliampus Eliamus Eliasmus Elicias Elielis Elils Elinelis Elines Elingrejas Elinus Eliselis Eliviasmus Elivis Ellaris Ellarvis Ellexanils Ellias Elliasmus Elliels Ellines Ellinus Ellis Eltelvis Eltenjas Elvias Elvicias Elvigrejas Elvils Elvinelis Elvinornes Elvinus Elvis Emejas Emejasmus Emelis Emels Emilinus Emillis Emils Emines Eminus Eriampus Estils Felis Felivis Fellis Feltels Felviras Fiamus Fiasmus Fildamilis Filines Filinus Filis Filisamus Fillis Fredvis Frejacoras Frejamejas Frejampus Gabels Gredvines Grejas Griampus Grias Griktornes Gustris Halbines Halis Hamelines Hamuels Hamus Handras Hannes Hantornes Harasmus Harvinus Harvis Helias Helivils Helvingris Heodornes Hildandras Hilhelis Hilias Hilis Hilivis Hillivinus Hjamels Hjampus Hjasmus Hugottelis Hugus Innes Irasmus Irastris Isabris Isagnes Isamels Isampus Isamus Isebas Isebbas Ivines Jacolines Jacolis Jacoris Jalilis Jalmejas Jampus Jamus Jasmus Joeliannes Joelines Joelinus Joelis Joellines Joels Joelvis Johalinus Johampus Johamus Joliamus Jolias Jolines Jolingris Jolinus Jolis Jollielis Jollivis Joscas Joscasmus Josebas Josebbas Josebbels Julias Julicias Julinels Julines Julis Julisamus Junicias Kevinornes Kevis Leias Leodoris Liampus Liannes Liasmus Licias Licolines Licolis Linellis Lines Lingriels Linnes Lisamus Lisarlis Lisebas Lividamus Livis Lokevinus Lovalis Lovalvis Lovannes Lovantels Lovarias Lovias Lovignes Lovines Lovinus Lucarvis Lucasmus Lucastris Ludviamus Ludvignes Ludvils Ludvines Ludvingris Ludvinnes Ludvinus Ludvis Lunicias Majas Majasmus Majkenjas Malbinus Malines Malinnes Malis Mannes Marasmus Marvignes Marvines Marvingris Matils Matinus Maxelis Maxels Maxelvinus Medvils Mejas Mejasmus Melias Melines Melingris Melis Melisamus Melleiamus Mellines Melvis Merasmus Mildampus Mildarlis Milias Milinus Milis Minathamus Mines Mingris Minoras Minus Miris Mohampus Mohannes Molils Molis Molivils Mollinus Nelinus Nelis Nellis Neodornes Nestagnes Nicias Nielicias Niels Nilis Noelis Noels Noras Norias Noridannes Nornes Novaras Novias Novis Oliannes Olias Olinelivis Olines Olinus Olisampus Olliamalis Ollias Ollines Ollis Ollivines Oscas Oscasmus Oscastinus Osebas Osebasmus Osebbas Osebbels Osels Ronjas Sabelis Sabels Sabris Sagnes Salinus Saminus Sampus Samus Saras Saris Sarviras Sarviselis Sebas Sebasmus Sebbas Sebbasmus Selis Sellines Sellis Signels Signes Sigrejas Sigrias Sigrielias Sigris Simils Simines Simolis Siras Sirias Siriasmus Siridampus Sofiampus Sofiamuels Sofias Sofiasmus Sofilhels Sofils Stilovis Stils Stines Stingris Stris Svalindris Svalis Svarlis Tagabris Tagnestris Tavis Thamels Thampus Thamus Tharliamus Theodornes Tiampus Tiasmus Tiliamelis Tilias Tilinus Tilis Tillis Tines Tinnes Tinus Tyras Tyrasmus Varlivis Verasmus Viamilis Viampus Vicellinus Vicias Vidampus Vidamus Vignes Vigriampus Viktonjas Vines Vinnes Vinus Virias Viris Visampus Visamus Wildampus Wildannes Wildavils Wilhels Wilines Wilis
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random names made using markov gen fed with a lot of tolkienesque names and words in different languages he invented; 444 names
by the way you should visit @444names if you like this content
Aaraglesna Adslas Agaldë Agduca Aiweth Alcwil Aldenn Aldowmaglór Althor Amelas Anakey Andshalchil Andung Anelmonion Anewhand Anthûn Arayinelen Ardaravi Argorchalin Argoth Aringfindur Arvestefind Atcherb Auglan Auhúrin Auhúriode Awnfanduir Azagli Baglûnarat Baladall Balaidor Balionyahant Banermoregon Baraglor Bargli Barket Bartin Batorsh Baugley Beldarthor Beline Beoparin Berfly Berheaglúth Biryathornir Blagry Blarafor Blocthalla Blophil Blothing Blugalo Blugazmor Boacilcat Boadorn Bofuil Borimborgon Borondile Bothracitows Bragloth Bragontiong Braphar Brayfis Bredebor Bredendover Briondant Briondovene Brionnorna Bromenwë Bucamhog Buzgûl Bórithil Bórwale Caladild Caldoroolg Canglee Catart Celing Celiver Celmir Ceminyn Cerund Cesgand Chandómirin Chielindanor Chilgeorcer Cilessaras Cipeckalduf Codhells Codrethmo Colperessë Condridre Conduril Conighâd Corgondinnel Cracitë Cranarvir Crater Curbar Curgolo Cushaegundir Círionin Daikey Dandeen Deaphiliket Dermollar Dillart Dindille Doheet Dorguan Draith Dridharwenel Duidelu Duildo Dáintsquee Déawingwet Egolphana Egoseechidh Eilthoplamen Eldamp Elemerhil Elesth Elestron Elfalathéod Elfist Elkwhalirië Elodroa Elrodil Elumpin Erundë Esgathéod Esnazarat Essall Estatartohel Esterkû Ethéod Evingwir Eärnat Eärnel Eärwing Faiton Faullocond Felbaloonor Felron Fendicar Fenefly Fingriën Finketlegole Finnat Fisheas Fishor Fishruf Fistermel Follondshail Foolion Foroos Frerimlird Fréalper Fëansir Galamildan Galant Galmamron Galorm Gantinn Gaspant Gelethron Gerina Ghtaith Giacil Gianthorn Giaring Giarolë Glalfind Glessharven Gliantath Glimothelly Glondoronke Glómin Glúvamin Goishindumar Goldalmoosai Goldamrondur Golduckand Golodran Gophancan Gorlaclamit Gothidroth Griaramrog Grimbor Grimrosh Groppe Gríane Guangbil Guantar Gwaitery Gwatatin Gweapion Gwennesnat Gwifeleg Gwindil Hagatant Haglórantor Hagroug Haleng Hamrodhilin Hanagriniele Hanaket Hangraningon Harging Heasheethor Henter Herpong Herron Hiriannog Hiribo Huolór Huroth Hyenthili Hámrows Húrzumagar Iderflion Idhery Ilúthámrath Imladorn Imperonwë Imprion Inagûl Iormtom Ishalion Iveredberwin Ivrodran Jacarthorgon Jaghor Kallacalde Khânben Kiwenol Kiwine Kíliandur Kúvand Kúvillar Lacarven Lacillug Ladang Laffar Laffastien Lafolfin Laildog Larlanglo Legalmanaith Lessal Lhailin Lhundir Lobjecthe Lorthros Lottârin Loungmanden Luiliondil Mablugamin Mabwennyë Magazôr Maghtatto Magliond Maithéod¹ Malasp Maldir Maledhiduray Malthwor Mamron Mandirdil Maraithorn Marand Marómito Meargol Mehtaithan Melaguan Meleckwhark Minest Minweas Miriel Miring Morethil Mothor Mounnain Nagoro Narienda Narsoron Nereidhil Nerret Niandar Nianel Niangor Nigelin Ninelo Nipmund Nocton Norgult Námraphi Nûzumoundor Orlion Ortholóm Osaigerear Ounduruse Pachancat Palcola Palfly Palionk Pantindick Parahovesth Paratar Parouse Pecthed Phagoos Pighâd Pireforn Pladamen Plagos Plumant Poishrong Pornhamuch Prantangwing Prante Pregolfal Prileaddagor Pythalf Pythroundred Quingorgo Quinzin Radorn Rahaldar Ravegnosse Redhiper Rimaerma Rinalrow Roddaglind Roddalchin Rodilin Roseas Rórimfin Sadelinzin Saiglebrin Sauglisher Seader Shadfin Shalam Shaldark Shalliandush Sharine Sheldur Silrog Singbordiri Sloungele Slugloonwë Smoselm Sméagavi Snacil Snakey Snasar Sninzimë Squilimir Squinca Squiril Sterfisin Stomeas Stoutath Streness Stumandishar Sumagûl Sumaugal Swaitbard Swaticirm Taraing Targir Tesgali Thaulane Theleambath Theret Therven Thidhil Thrambur Thwine Thámrolf Tiperion Toalain Tombel Torben Torthrórin Toutahedhel Tularmwhado Tundow Tuoldë Turind Twinwë Tyraglon Túrinurusk Ufernsil Ugamith Uidger Ulaccon Uledalas Ulesgaldan Ulmaglobst Ulwalan Umlikee Undilmiel Ungarth Ungbiry Unúmello Uoldir Uolendil Upightin Vaidhilmë Vailmondor Valcap Valindil Valirdtate Vallartrene Valrond Vegole Vegrauld Viatfin Vilark Vindaithil Vorike Vuladrinchal Vánargo Vánatron Waedeld Wangfis Watárimpid Werúmin Whardaca Winzimermeg Wombas Worgolse Worowfarc Wosele Ylmalbanaril Yáviene Yávion Zindilthor Éodend Éodwili Éothelmira Íriling Óinkerfil
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pineapplejazz · 1 year
Great anatomical names for dnd characters
Acromion (means shoulder)
Talus (foot)
Lunatum (one of the wrist bones)
Teres (dorsal muscle)
Anconeus (muscle close to elbow)
Olecranon (part of ulna)
Tibia (shin bone)
Glenoidea (means pear shaped)
Saphena (saphena magna is a vein in leg)
Ramus (means branch)
Xyphoideus (means sword, a part of Sternum)
I'll add more along with my studies
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raiiney-days · 1 year
what has everyone named their current dnd character? i want to laugh (threat)
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ac3th3shark · 2 months
anyone have cool (and pronounceable) incubus name ideas??
I'm working on a dnd campaign and am struggling to name this dude.
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ithinkdogshouldvote · 2 months
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Yuri but its toxic and they kiss about it
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dearratroi · 6 months
Lolth and her lesser known siblings Lmaoth and Roflth
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yeehawpim · 7 months
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a comic about my name
this is just the way I look at it to feel empowered/at peace with how I'm called different names by different people
obviously it's not the same for everyone but looking at it like this is just what made me happy
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dwoodledip · 8 months
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Pink bitch named Breakfast
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pocket-dragon · 5 months
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not nearly enough Mama K content, GIVE THAT WOMAN A CHILD!
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white-weasel · 1 year
Funniest bit of the dnd movie is Xenk clearly being an NPC the DM introduced for lore and plot purposes who’s a competent fighter because of course he is, his reputation and backstory require it. But whoopsies the DM made him too powerful, the whole party likes him, and now they want him to come with to fight the BBEG which will completely and utterly fuck up the encounter balance
So instead of there being any actual plot reason he can’t join Xenk just says “I can’t. This is something only you can do.” And then walks off, never to interact with the party again because the DM just knows those little shits will find a way to use their OP creation against them
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444names · 1 year
Hello hi sweetie pie worldbuilder
This blog is dedicated to the markov namegen name stashes.
You can use names generated for free and for any purpose!
Each post contains 444 names, sometimes 888 (because I add an alternative version of the list with different generation rules out of the same seed/input) or <444 (because the site couldn't combine enough names). This number is chosen for no particular reason.
You can suggest seeds/source material for new name stashes in personal messages, comments, or the ask box.
Note that all names presented are randomly generated, thus I do not carry any responsibility if any of them sound bad, carry rude or explicit meaning in some and any language (you gotta check it yourself before you use it, okay?) and if any of them match already existing real or fictional people names, or are just words. If you want to, get to know how the Markov generator works.
You can easily browse the names using this link. Just go there and press "Ctrl+f" or "Ctrl+g" which will activate a search on page pop-up menu in your browser, then just find anything your heart desires.
There exists an add-on blog, sprout of this one dedicated to some particular seeds/inputs, and perhaps tutorials on how to do your own stashes if you want to: @444namesplus.
The following segment is a newsboard of sorts:
Someone asked me why my blog has a map for a profile icon. Think about it. Billions of places, billions of people and all have a name or even several. I think it's just poetic
Again, I don't separate names by gender because 1) too much work and 2) it's up to you if some name sounds feminine or masculine. Same with pronunciation.
Not so long ago we hit 1 000 stashes. Dasalot of Names, let's keep going.
Really losing interest in this blog lately. Hope I don't stop posting completely because I like doing stuff on here.
At some point in mid-September 2023 I've changed the formatting of the posts in an attempt to attract more followers. Older posts will remain as they are, while all new ones will be done the way they are right now with a possibility of me dropping the idea sometime in the future.
Before you accuse me of using AI, learn what Markov chains are because that's what I am using to make the stashes. The link is right there above. I'm so fucking tired of people with 0 reading comprehension accusing me of using something I avidly hate.
If you followed this blog and you're new around, PLEASE let me know if you enjoy the content* *(I cannot really call it "art" since I am just operating a program generating the names by feeding it datasets from various sources I filter and format to be read correctly) Send an ask, say a couple warm words, you can also ask for a series of stashes on some specific theme like "cities in Florida", "Warrior Cats character names" or "Pirates of the Caribbean actors cast".
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a random stash of names made from the dnd draconic dictionary + inheritance cycle dwarvish dictionary put into a markov name generator. 444 names.
ALSO check out @444names for more ^^
Adornis Adowyn Aerem Affild Agoaccont Amened Amor Anies Apol Araced Arelay Aren Arkving Arriking Arron Artat Arte Arthid Arûrged Assen Assers Astronly Asve Atchowry Ater Athe Auce Auds Auji Aujirth Axus Axuslannû Baest Bagianychir Bagn Bahaor Bahardem Baht Banyaka Barastans Barter Barthvír Bary Basj Bastre Beadveral Belzvorn Beow Berbith Bitrash Bleenk Bler Blesly Boragh Bour Bous Braechok Braker Bred Bres Bricklat Brot Brâthive Caerd Cang Canoath Cedge Cestravell Charale Chiempecy Chighanall Ciefeld Cith Clant Clay Comenti Commond Condrâth Consve Couslar Creker Crellind Dace Dang Daratch Dard Darfan Darzûl Dated Derda Derisk Dial Diejik Dien Diful Dish Disheatur Diskisvrek Dissag Doka Dord Dralech Draten Drative Drit Drân Dunt Dwarkesly Dwarton Dûnos Earaz Ebandûm Ecar Eciefer Ediess Eitymallim Enar Eniemeowed Enithi Enmîf Enta Enwaraz Eoghte Eors Equive Erel Ethkneed Fachth Faex Fakish Farul Fativite Feith Fergre Fexple Fighoun Files Firon Fiseemold Flithosjer Forng Foros Forv Fousen Fratiamans Freanged Frenti Frev Fross Frothe Gamln Gamund Gamuter Gater Gatisors Gavest Geaka Geij Gempana Ghte Gion Goarn Gone Goomear Goveschint Govinurt Gred Grer Grid Grik Grivelve Guart Guee Gûnt Hamesherfe Hant Haorme Heir Herantal Heriki Hlandeir Hlards Hocuration Hokar Horthnigt Hrad Hrimst Humal Huraxund Hwarik Hûtgach Hûtgart Ialls Ieuti Ifyrelous Ihknur Imse Imul Ingether Iric Irlad Irss Isseck Itheited Jerntem Jhementa Jokes Jormone Jure Jurf Jurisjmy Jurldûr Jurt Kaek Karzadearss Knist Knur Knuraint Knurgent Knurlakent Knurlank Knurld Knurû Koboathya Kobowar Korn Kosthiv Koth Lantard Laterôth Leen Levexik Levig Lignath Linge Linthym Länoubar Maess Mahrene Mang Mara March Marm Marn Mars Marve Matun Mear Meatuakepid Meimst Meld Mend Messeal Methichik Milf Mind Ming Mingnar Molin Monar Mooddle Mory Moung Mourdar Mrik Muntaill Mutic Nabomon Nannû Nestor Nierss Nisapplaxak Nors Nosjirast Nothisjikc Nurix Nzbore Nzdorth Nzmallscûd Ocuildûm Omenturn Onnû Ophendle Oppepesters Orng Oster Otendra Otorne Ounal Ourlcar Owaestunaha Paild Panok Picks Plathader Playemenwar Plen Plergrisho Pluee Plurly Poloovek Porthid Potary Potheildrin Prelzvolik Print Prodund Prone Qaled Qallschmer Qally Rahanthe Ralsch Rasome Rassin Rasve Rated Relag Reldra Rens Retivaye Rhaor Rhya Rhyvonative Rothadn Routialfin Rowryth Sage Sarrythr Saut Scrathurly Sedar Selaye Sestbearv Shing Shoschor Shrent Shuljackil Sige Sind Sirek Sjmy Sjth Slard Slaus Smathists Smati Some Sone Sortar Speaking Spearmeitix Speldran Spic Spildrânû Spowry Starg Stastbelf Stboace Steenous Stest Stnzmanten Sukrimst Suljarth Sven Swean Tansedth Thalk Thallegg Theldrim Thest Thign Thimper Thionble Thive Thmér Thrashamln Thrich Thrry Thulev Thyr Tonar Tonurgive Tooteut Torposhinge Tosh Trak Trik Trotergh Tund Tundly Tuntecin Tupic Twonbory Türke Türkhan Ught Ukrimpooton Urearux Urgiver Urly Ussagone Varman Vayess Vayet Vethol Vithosjmy Vive Volisid Vonjhaled Vorn Vosterik Vreel Vrekride Vrentuee Waesh Waessi Wanativest Warce Wards Warry Wary Waster Wathin Wharm Whaw Whefill Wheirearte Whelle Wheyethir Wild Wiss Wolfrall Wounslary Wyrm Wônoac Wônorv Wônothsth Yealsve Yought Yound Yount Yrik Zaronly
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zeroperks · 11 months
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so no head?
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listen I expected literally Nothing from the D&D movie okay, like I can't make it clear enough that I expected the most soulless money grab with a good cgi budget imaginable, I went in having already gone through every stage of grief and landed on acceptance and LISTEN
I fucking CRIED during this dumb RPG movie. it wasn't just "not terrible" it was objectively good with a clever plot and compelling characters and sincere emotional beats. this movie loves D&D so fucking much and it NAILS the "a bunch of goobers try to be cool and accidentally discover The Power Of Friendship And Also Great Violence" classic D&D party vibe. their barbarian's last name is fucking Kilgore and my entire family cried in the theater.
I hope they make twelve of these motherfuckers.
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crowlipso · 6 months
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Tryna slut him out and build a Lego set with him after.
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