#i want to work on the world more tommorow
i-deserve-to-bite · 25 days
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I'm actually in an INCREDIBLY good mood and have been all day!!
#minus the very strong feelings of adoration theres been zero hate or negative feelings i remember#then again i lost a good chunk of memory regarding today#that was intentional though i didnt want to remember#i had a lot of fun working on minecraft house teehee#aghck!! i hate being thrust into obsession like this but i just cant help but indulge in it#i love it So much regardless of how damaging it is and how itll end up#siiigh<3<3<3#its going good so far though#im sparing a few thoughts so if it gets messy we wont be bitter and more understanding/less of a mockery of emotions#i dont know how i feel but i know i am so very <3<3<3 currently and that nullifies all other emotions which i think is a good thing#this stuff always leaves me forgettig though#i wish i could remember better! sigh! :-)#i am burning#i want to work on the world more tommorow#i hope i can grab them and show them what ive worked on Teehee!!!#im very proud of it#i wish i wasnt so disspaointing and disgusting but i believe those have been pressed into my notable traits and i take slight pride in how#putrid i am#the dissapointing part less so#i am happy ive been clean for quite a bit now! i wish i hadn't done it before. breaking a vow like that is Awful#i dont want to die or be hurt ! i really do want to thrive and those bad thoughts cant get me in this state when all i want to do is#show devotion and how true my words are all the lies i speak are necessary but hold no danger and if instructed id tell the full truth so#judt random thoughts at this point#:-P#im tired! im trying to maintain this high#i dreamt about them and it was so odd. i dream about them so much Its Weird.#ive dreamt about them more than any of my other hearts so i guess the obsession is just. That Strong.#maybe i'll rant the more obslove thoughts on that blog#siigh#i hope i stay obsessed like this forever where each word from them makes me so violently excited i cant help but gag and giggle TEEHEE
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thinkwosolife23 · 7 months
I Can't Watch, Beth Mead
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Y/N Mead. Beth Mead. A boxer. A footballer. But over anything else she was your wife.
You had just finished your last training session before the biggest fight of your life. Tommorow, you would step in the ring with the current Women's Undisputed World Champion. Savannah Marshall. Being the number 1 contender, tommorow you had the chance to become the world champion.
But for now, you just wanted to be at home, to be with Beth. So when you pulled into the driveway of yours and Beths home, it was the first time today that you had felt able to relax.
"Lover, I'm home!" The sound of your voice echoed throughout you home as you walked through the door, throwing your keys on the side before pulling your trainers off.
"I'm in the livingroom." Beth spoke back to you. You made your way towards your livingroom to where Beth was laying on the sofa watching something on the telly. She looked up towards you as you walked over and kissed her forehead before quickly pecking her lips.
"I've missed you," she said whilst you were walking back to the kitchen to grab a drink.
"I missed you too, today has felt so long." you told her as you jumped up to sit on your kitchen side.
Beth seemed to notice the tiredness in your voice and followed you to where you were sat, placing herself inbetween you legs, arms going around your mid section as yours rested over her shoulders. You being the taller out of the two of you, her head rested perfectly on your chest as yours slowly rested on top of hers.
"Bad training session?" She questioned you as if it was expected. "Nah, not really, Just the usual plus more. My trainers kept going over all the analysis and boring stuff. It just reminded me of all the pressure that's on me for the fight, the fact that i'm going into it as the challenger and should come out of it as the champion. It's just getting a lot now." You replied whilst Beth tucked her hands under the back of your hoodie, slightly scratching your bare back, doing the things she knows calms you down.
"Babe, you just need to trust yourself cause everyone else does, your so capable of winning this fight. And you've worked so hard for it." Beth responded back to you. But Beth herself couldm't tell you that your fight had been a constant thought in her mind over the last couple of weeks. Her thoughts constantly jumping to the worst conclusions. Broken nose, broken ribs, concussion. The potential that you could be knocked out, the view she had of your body splayed out on the canvas, not moving. After all that, her biggest worry was your mental health. She had seen how a loss affects you, she had first hand seen you shut yourself off from everyone, from her. She couldn't tell you that sometimes she wished you weren't a boxer.
You were in one anothers prescence for another 5 minutes, completly content with the comfort your wife was giving, always knowing exactly what you needed.
"I've got you, and that's all I need." You spoke, reminding her and you that she was your motivation: she was always your motivation.
Beth seemed to tense up when you said that, her body wanting to pull away from you. You pulled away from her, glancing at her face trying to find a reason for her sudden discomfort.
"What's wrong, love?" You questioned worringly. Her eyes refusing to meet yours as you jumped off the counter, standing in front of her, taking her hands in your own.
"I'm not coming." She spoke softly, the volume of her voice almost too quiet to even here.
You dropped her hands from you own. Your own hand going to your wedding ring, trying to calm yourself down and stop yourslef from getting angry.
"What do you mean your not coming?" The sadness and anger immediatly noticable within your voice.
"I can't watch it, Y/N. I can't watch you put yourself through that amount of pain. I can't be there when something bad happens to you. Everytime you step into that ring, I dread that you might get knocked down and you won't get back up."
Beth was crying by this point, the tears evidnent by looking at her face. You could feel yourself getting angrier, your nails digging into your palms where your fists were clenched.
"So, what? Me facing it on my own makes it easier for you. As long as it's easier for you, that's alright" Your voice raised as you spoke, you started pacing throughout yours and Beths shared kitchen.
"Did it not matter to you that I was there when you tore your ACL, that I was there waiting whilst you were having your surgery. I was there throughout your whole recovery doing everything I could to make it easier for you, to help you get through the process. God Beth! Did it mean nothing to you that I was there for you when your mum passed away." Your voice significantly quieter this time, the emotions were still evident within every word you spoke.
"That's not fair!" Beth snapped back. Her head coming up from it's dropped position, her eyes following you as you paced backwards and fowards.
"No! What's not fair is you telling me the night before the biggest fight of my life that you aren't coming. For better, for worse, in sickness and in health. You made them promises, you know when you married me. So much for being my wife."
The tears now fluent on yours and Beths face as you took your ring off and placed it on the side before going back to put your trainers on.
"Y/N, where you going?" Beth spoke as she watched you gather your things and grab your keys.
"Like you care!" And with that the front door was slammed shut. You quickly made your way into your car, no idea where you were going to go.
After 10 minutes, you eventually decided to message Alex (Scott). Funnily enough, she was the one who introduced you and beth to one another. Both her and Leah had become two of your closest friends.
Message: Alex x
Hey Alex, sorry for the late message. Me and Beth have had an arguement, am I alright to stay at yours tonight. Xx (08:37pm)
Hi Y/N, don't worry about messaging me. Course you can stay tonight. Drive safe, yeah Xx (08:42pm)
As soon as Alex had replied, you made the short drive to her house.
After getting there, you sat with Alex explaining everything that had happened between you and Beth not even an hour ago. All of your emotions soon flooded out and after a couple of hours of conversating with her, you both decided that it was best that you went and tried to get some sleep.
The next day…
You spent hours tossing and turning last night, your body clearly not liking the unfamiliarity of sleeping without your wife beside you. However, you did still manage to get an adequate amount of sleep.
You woke up to your phone ringing, flashing and just making a stupid amount of noise.
Notifications: Lover 😍❤️ 5 missed calls, 3 unread messages
Messages: Lover 😍❤️
I'm worried about you, can you please just let me know that your okay xx (yesterday, 11:20pm)
I'm sorry, please just come home xx (09:30am)
I love you xx (09:32am)
Your mind didn't even want to think about Beth, or anything that was said last night to be honest. You had to be in the right frame of mind today. The fight wasn't due to start until 08:30 tonight, but you were expected at the venue by 5pm.
Fight day rituals soon came around. Usually, it would be going on a walk with Beth, but today Alex had offered to go with you, the invite also extended to Leah who was straight round.
The rest of the day constisted of Alex and Leah trying their best to distract you from both the fight and Beth.
But all of it started to hit you by the time you were in all of your fighting gear, having your hands wrapped and going through some final combinations on the pads with your trainer.
You were quickly dragged out of your thoughts when one of the staff told you that someone was at the door wanting to see you. You walked towards your door and opened it to find that it was your wife stood there.
You were shocked but your face was tense and showed minimal emotion to her stood there. You turned around and went back to where you were originally sat, waiting for someone to put your gloves on. You glanced up to where Beth was stood, her body still fixed in the spot it was when you had opened the door, but her eyes were yet to leave yours.
"I want you all out." You motioned to everyone who was stood in the room.
"All of us?" One of your trainers relayed back to you.
"Yeah, all of you. I want some time with my wife. In private!" Beth eyes immediatly lit up at what you had just said. Everyone quickly dispersing out of the room, Beth soon walking in closing the door behind her.
Your eyes intensly watching her as she walked over to where you were sat. She picked your gloves up, gesturing to you to put your hand out so she could put your glove on.
"What are you doing here, Beth?" You questioned quietly, not needing another arguement before going out to fight.
"I might have had a bit of a telling off in training today by the girls. Even Jonas had a word with me."
"Good." Your response almost sarcastic.
"I am really sorry, Y/N. Your my wife, i'm meant to support you, be there for you. Through the good times and the bad. I went back on the promises that I made to you and I should've never done that." She said whilst she finished putting your gloves on.
"Come here, you soppy sod." You opened your arms to her, which she soon took advantage of. Wrapping her arms around your neck, yours going around her waist as you rested your head on her stomach.
Both staying like that until someone came in to let you know that it was nearly time for you to walk out.
You looked up at Beth, signifying that it was time for you and her to go. Her hands quickly coming up to your face, her fingers tracing over all of your features before her hands stayed rested on each side of your face. Both of you soon leaning in, your lips locking with hers. She pulled away after a few seconds but making sure here forehead rested against yours, the fear soon showing evident on her face.
"I'll be okay, y'know." You said trying to give your wife some form of reassurance.
"I love you." She said, knowing that it was the only thing you needed to hear.
"I love you." Your words indentical to hers. You stood up giving her one final kiss, "My beautiful girl."
One of the security guards came to take Beth to where she was sat as you were took in another direction.
Nothing will ever be able to describe the feeling of walking out to a full O2 arena, knowing that people are there for your main event. The second you were in people's view; the confident, almost cocky persona was on show. No fear was shown by your face or by your body language. You waited in the ring as your opponent walks out. Your eyes not on her at the minute though, they were trying to find Beth who was sat in the front row with her Arsenal teamates.
But now, your focus shifted. You had to be focus on this fight: not only were you in for the hardest physical battle of your life but you knew that this was a mental game aswell. Your opponent making it known by making a point of walking past Beth and holding her title up before stepping into the ring.
Once you were both in the ring, the spokesperson began introducing both fighters. Also, going over all the rules and stipulations of the match.
10 rounds. 2 minutes each. No headgear. Disqualification for either fighter for any low blows.
You bumped gloves before going back to your corner so the fight could begin.
The first few rounds showed the level of intenstity that this match held. Neither fighter backing down. You took some hard blows but so did she.
Round 6. That was when the balance of the fight took a complete shift. She was showing why she was the current champion. You were taking blow after blow from her, but you still managed to hold your own for a while. It was only when she had managed to land a combination that had took so many fighters out in the past.
She landed a harsh left hook to your ribs forcing you to hunch over in pain; her right hand then punched you square in the face sending straight to the canvas.
Immediately, you felt the pain of the punches you had took and then you felt the blood running down your face, you managed to roll yourself on the side so you didn't swallow any blood. Your eyes looked foward to find that Beth was directly in your eyeline, her eyes glued to your bloody state.
She was trying to figure out if you were able to carry on. Everyone could see that you were trying to get up. You were now on your knees, trying to muster up the energy to stand. But the referess count was already at 6. You were still looking at Beth, trying to use her as motivation and when she mouthed, 'I love you,' that was all you needed.
All of a sudden you were up and ready with a new founded energy.
Round 7: the momentum was all yours. She was getting tired and you knew you had to use that to your advantage. She had slightly dropped her guard and this was you chance to finish it.
Your left hand connected with the side of her head knocking her off balance before your right hand uppercut landed cleanly on her jaw.
She was down and with that the referee started his count.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
You'd done it. You had won. You were the world champion. You dropped to your kneew in disbelief, eyes full of tears that you had actually done it.
The crowd were full of cheering fans and the ring, by now, was filled with people. You stood back up and made your way over to the former champion. You gave each other a hug and spoke of the admiration and respect you held for each other.
The referee and spokesperson brought you too the middle of the ring: announcing that you were the new Women's Undisputed World Champion and gave you your belt.
But now all you wanted was to find was person. You got out of the ring walking round to where she was. Her eyes were filled with tears and it only made it worse when she seen you coming over.
When you got to her you put your belt over her shoulder before she jumped on you, wrapping her arms around your neck and her legs wrapped around your waist.
"I'm so so proud of you, baby. My wife. My world champion." She said to you as you slowly put her back on the ground before attaching your lips to hers causing the whole arena to arrupt again.
You did it, you were now the World Champion. But nothing came over Beth, you knew that everyday you had her by your side and that was someting no trophy or title would ever beat.
After all… you were
Y/N Mead. Beth Mead. A boxer. A footballer. But over anything she was your wife.
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sygol · 2 months
look, if people of history have become obsessed with amulets for eons, what the fuck do you think having a phone in your pocket all the time does to your brain? those are highly cursed objects.
while they are & can be useful tools, you have to think about how the animal that is you feels too.. what having access to the entire world and all of your connections and digital drugs in physical reach does to you.. youre carrying entire villages & societies and libraries of information and addictions in your pocket!!
you have to seperate from them and take breaks, lock your phone in a drawer for a while, itll make you feel so much better, you don't want to be hooked up to a machine that constantly demands your attention span for drips of dopamine, this shit is normalized but that doesnt mean its healthy
while im on this tangent: vapes too! put it in a box for a while, get it away from your person. nicotine didnt stop being highly addictive since becoming cherry flavored, dont be dumb!!
tiktok and instagram reels and algorithmically served content existing is not the problem, i mean its rather predatory in its presentation, just like cigarettes and vapes.. but people dont respect it like the drug it is! you might not be putting chemicals INTO your brain, but you are excreting them as a reaction to stimuli, its the same thing really! put down the "notion pill", you have to set boundaries with yourself and your drugs!!!
do you know why people in old folks homes waste away mentally? because the brain is like the muscle, you have to work it out, USE IT OR LOSE IT, we already know what happens if someones life is just a walled garden of watching wheel of fortune and playing cards, you atrophy in the other contexts of being
you have to take time to think without having everything served to you, you have to take time to be uncomfortable and inconvenienced, you have to take time to just sit in silence and play with your thoughts, otherwise you will become nothing more than a crude extension of the tools that you use
tommorow youre gonna wake up, and this time, dont pick up your phone, go outside and think, give yourself some space to breathe, i love you.
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romancefranaticstay · 2 months
🇵 🇱 🇦 🇾 🇧 🇴 🇾
Businessman!Hyunjin x businesswoman!fem!reader
Adviser!Soobin x boss!fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff, smut Business Au
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You were competitve, full of passion for winning.
'Can't fool me, even if you were the joker.' was your moto. A famous phrase that inspired many woman around the world.
Everyone knew about you. You could say you had a world-fame as a smartass.
'Gotta keep intelligence into beauty.'
Making it into the top five strongest woman around the world. Even tho you were very young. Your company was called: PlayGirl
Your name came from the famous PlayBoy.
'Getting all the boys to fall for the PlayGirl.'
Your company was about fashion, about elegant but also a wild fashion. A fashion for everyone, doesn't matter what age.
You were sitting at your desk, when someone knocked on your door.
'Come in.' you said.
One of your advicers came into your office. He had some papers in his hand and he looked a bit excited.
'Could i have some of your time?'
'Ofcourse Soonbin, what do you have for me here?'
'I had a great idea in mind, that could maybe bring the company in a more brighter spotlight.'
'I am listening.'
'I just came across a model, Hwang Hyunjin. He could be perfect for selling our new looks. What do you think?'
'Never heard of him, to be honest.'
'Never? You can look him up if you want to.'
'No need, if he is a selling-icon, i don't need to look. I trust you Soonbin, you are mine best adviser, go for it.' you smiled.
'Thank you for your trust miss I/N. I will take care of it right away!'
'Thats perfect, thank you.'
He left, you saw he was very excited about this. You don't even understand why. Its just a model.
Some minutes later after the interaction with Soobin, your bestfriend came running inside.
'Y/N, miss I/N. Is it true what i heard?'
'What did you hear now?'
'Is Hwang Hyunjin going to model for the company?'
'Yes indeed.'
She squeled from excitment.
'Why are you all so excited, its just a man.'
'Just a man?! Haven't you see him?'
'All models are handsome, it doesn't matter actually how he looks.'
'Yeah, okay, sure.' she said sarcastic.
'Shouldn't you work at the percentage's for today? Hmm, instead of simping for that man?'
'Yeah, i almost forgot.'
'Its okay, just go now.'
'Bye Y/NNNNN.'
Everyone is so enthousiast. Better enthousiast than depressive.
'When is the meeting?'
'The meeting is at 5pm.' your assistent Danielle said.
'Perfect, thank you. Could you bring Min Yoongi with me?'
'Sure miss I/N. I will get him.'
'Thank you.'
You were walking with a straight back, towards the meeting-room. Your black heels clicking with every step. You opened the door and placed all the papers on the big table. Making everything readdy.
'Greetings I/N Y/N.'
'Hello Min. Are they alreaddy here?'
'Yes, your assistent is leading them here.'
'Okay good.'
'Could i get some coffee beforehand?'
'Ofcourse, you do not need to ask that.'
Yoongi went to the coffee-machine and make some coffee for himself. To keep him a little bit active and awake. You alreaddy heared Danielle talking to some people, it were them. You were sitting at the farest chair in the middel.
You saw a handsome man entering room. You could understand why he was a model, but he wasn't very skinny. He was build quit perfect, the perfect man, for the perfect job.
You went to shake hands with mister Hwang and his manager mister Know.
'Take a seat, Hwang Hyunjin and Lee Know.'
You and Min Yoongi were telling him information about the company and the fashion-line. The time he would come here and the time he could leave. Also, the most important part, the money.
Lee Know wanted him to get payed atleast 16 million. Hwang Hyunjin was beloved around many company's so it would be fair. The price was reasonable, so it was a deal. You could say, it would be a bigger win for your company than him.
He would be brought tommorow to look at the clothe's, the one's he would wear and his makeup-room ofcourse. The meeting went quit slowly. Lee Know was very difficult to be honest, but thats why you brought Min Yoongi with you. He was your cold-partner in crime, with a soft side for close friends.
He dealed with Lee Know, he wasn't very different from the other managers who he had dealed with in the past.
'That was easy.' Min said.
'As easy as can be.'
'You should keep an eye on that Hwang Hyunjin.'
'How come?'
'I heard he is a playboy. He has one nightstands with other woman.'
'Do not be scared, he cannot play his card with me.'
'I have the full trust in you, but not about the other woman here around.'
'I will keep an eye on him, do not worry.'
'He was alreaddy flirting with your assistent, i heard.'
'I will make sure she won't be hurt by his flirting.'
'If you say so I/N Y/N.'
'If i say so, it will.'
'Goodmorning Hwang Hyunjin.'
'Goodmorning I/N Y/N.'
You were waiting for him, for about five minutes. Today he was wearing a tight suit, it looked very good. Two of his buttons were undo, so you could get a glance of his chest.
You were giving him a small tour. Also giving him the key to his own room. Just so he could get some privacy. You also showed him the new summer collection. He loved the clothe's. He picked his favorite one's out, he had a good taste.
He tried to flirt with you sometime's, but you always managed to escape his gentle words. He wasn't used to it. He was prince Charming, he could get everyone to beg for him, or so he thought.
Some weeks passed, and he loved the company. He really wanted to stay modeling here. Like you don't know the real reason behind it. You could see his many adventure's on the security-camera's. It got you sometime's horny, but you always brushed the thoughts away.
One time you could even hear it. It was evening, and you thought you were alone in the building. Just checking a bit around, making sure everything was correct and right. Also planning some evenements. Suddenly you heard from the other side of the wall a girl moaning.
'Ah-h, Hyuijniee, f-faster.' you were a tiny bit shocked.
You could hear knock on the wall. He was problably fucking her against the wall.
'Baby patients.' their voice's filling the building.
You could hear their moans, the skin-slapping, it was very very difficult to focus on your work while they were doing another type of 'work'.
You felt how your pussy got wet of those sounds. You slipped your hand into your panties and started to rub your clit. How louder they got, how faster you rubbed. You threw your head back and were softly moaning.
You started to go faster and faster, untill you came with a soft whimper. You felt a bit disgusted, but you couldn't help yourself. He was still banging her, so you had an idea, a very funny idea. You went to the hallway and clicked the lights on. Leaning against the wall with a smirking face, waiting for them to go outside.
The door opened softly. You saw Hyunjin coming outside with a girl. The girl froze and went pale.
'Oh hello, you two had fun?'
No word escaped their mouths, nothing. What could they possibly say in this kind of situation?
'It is very difficult to concentrate on mine work, if i hear banging on mine wall.'
'Mine apologies miss.' she said looking towards the floor.
'You do not need to apologies. Next time, go some departments lower.'
You left them both to stunned to speak, in the hallway. Caught by your boss, thats embarassing, you thought. The cleaner of the company would problaby gossip about this evenement. The cleaner was the gossip-king of the building. He knew everything about everyone...
Some days pasted, and you were ignoring you famous model Hyunjin. It was very weird to look at him the same way, even tho it didn't make any difference. You caught him like hunderd time's on the security camera.
You were a bit mad, not because he was fooling around with other girls, no. You were a bit mad because he was fooling around with your girls. Your hard working girls, just getting used by a guy. You alreaddy told your assistent to stay away from him. You were very protective about her, Danielle. She was like a little sister to you.
'Tell me if he ever try's to seduce you, okay?'
'Yes i will.'
One day, you had enough from it. From all the tape's you had from him. One evening, you went to talk to him.
'Could you send mister Hwang to mine office, before you leave?' you asked Danielle.
'Ofcourse miss.'
'Thank you.'
Maybe a couple minutes later he stood in your office.
'Thank you Danielle, you can go home now.'
'Thank you miss.'
She left.
'Take a seat.'
He seated himself infront of you.
'Could you explain why you are fooling around with all mine hardworkers?'
'I don't know what you are talking about.'
'We have security camera's everywhere, Hyunjin.' you said
'I check the tape's of the camera's everyday.'
'So you looked at them, all of them?'
'Not to sound disgusting, but yes i did.'
'You liked it?'
'Excuse me?'
'You liked what you saw?'
'I am not answer that question.'
'So you didn't?'
'Never said that.'
'So you did, you did like them.'
'Also never said that.'
'I know you are stessed, i could relieve all your stress.'
'Not interested.'
'You sure about that?'
When was the last time you had some fun? Maybe 3 years ago? You didn't remember anymore.
You stood up and walked over were he was sitting. You grabbed his face and kissed him. Pulling him into a heated kiss. Devoring him with your tongue. Many moans left his mouth. You undid his belt, pulling his pants and underwear off.
His long fingers went into your panties. Playing with your clit fast. You did your panties off, throwing them on the floor. You started to rub him off. Making sure he was hard.
He was still seated on the chair. You positioned yourself on his dick, slowly sinking into him. You both choked on a moan. You started to bounce on his dick slowly. His hands were going under your blouse, he massaged your breasts with both hands.
He started to unbutton your blouse. Seeing your white bra made him more horny. He pulled your bra up, getting more acces to your breasts. He licked and sucked on it. You were bouncing faster and faster on his dick. He started to kiss your chest, your shoulder, everywhere he could reach.
You both were exploring eachothers body. Your hands touched his hear, abs, muscels, arms, chest, everything. He grabbed your chin and gave you sloppy kisse's. Kissing your jaw, going to your neck. Sucking the skin there, leaving hickey's behind.
His hups were bucking in you, trying to make it go faster. Your back arched, you orgasm was very close, his to. You both still kept going faster and faster, untill you felt his cum throbbing inside your pussy. You came soon after. Resting your forehead on his. You could feel how sweatty he was under you. Even his forehead was sweatty.
His strong arms wrapped around your body. He started to kiss your chest again. You layed your head on his shoulder, stroking his hair.
For some days, you didn't saw any tape's of him with other woman. Untill today. You were over-working again, checking the security camera's again. Your heart sank into the floor. You saw him again with another woman.
You don't even know why you were so hurt. It wasn't like you were in love with him, but still. Something in your body broke. You smashed your laptop closed. Laying your head on your desk.
Sobbing a bit. Suddenly tears came rolling on your cheek like a waterfall. You hated him so much, even tho you weren't even in a relationship. Still, he used you in a moment you were the weakest, and he left you alone as the weakest.
You bonked your head on your desk. Your adviser came into your office, when he saw you laying with your head on your desk.
'Miss? Is everything alright?'
You looked up, tears falling of your chin. Your eyes were red and they hurted. He came running towards you. Wrapping his arms around you.
'What happend?'
You didn't say anything, you just sobbed in his arms.
'Shh.' he comforted you.
He was gently stroking your hair. You leaned into his chest. Sitting like this for a while.
'You want to tell me what happend.' he asked.
You slowly reached out for your computer, opening the tab with the tape of the security camera. He was looking for a moment and then he looked again back at you. He didn't even need any explination to know what happend.
'Everything is alright, shh.' his arms now fully wrapping around your body.
Swinging you like a baby from the left to the right. Your head layed on his shoulder. You turned your head to look at his neck. You gently kissed it before falling asleep. His heart started to beat faster when he felt your tongue on his neck. It made you smile weakly.
After that experience's with Soobin, you grew closer to him. When you saw him you immediatly walked up to him. Talking to him and softly touching his arms.
Hyunjin started to notice your interaction with Soobin. He was starting to get jealous. Trying to follow you around, but you just ignored him.
Soobin was smart, he was a gentlemen and you sometime's imagines him playing with kids. He would be a great father.
You started to work harder during the daytime so you could go be alone with him at night.
'Are you readdy to go?' Soobin asked. Hyunjin was glancing at you two, looking from you to him.
'Yeah, i am done, packed everything important.' you winked at him.
Hyunjin saw you entering Soobin's car. He started to get jealous and he had rage in his body. But you didn't mind it, his emotions are his, his feelings are his. It didn't matter.
You were pinned against the matress, naked. Laying under Soobin. His kisse's were soft, his finger were gentel. He was pumping into you slowly, making sure you were comfortable with every pace. He stroked your cheek.
He whispered encouraging words into your ear.
'You are doing great baby.'
'I love you so much.'
You loved to feel his sweatty body against yours. You loved him, you couldn't imagine a world without him anymore. After you both came, he took care of you. He cleaned everything up and you two showered together.
You two were laying in bed, his arms wrapped around your waist. Your face snuggeled into his chest. His warmth made you relax within seconds.
You never talked again anymore about Hyunjin. He sometime's tried to interact with you, but you always walked past him. He didn't excist for you anymore. Just a lump of air.
You and Soobin made your relationship official and public. You two were always attached to eachother.
After two months, Hyunjin decided to leave the company for another. It didn't matter to you. You immediatly hired other models. Like Lee Felix or Kang Haerin. They represented the new PlayGirl and PlayBoy of the company.
After some months you annouced your pregnancy. It immediatly came into the covers. You life was full of joy again. It felt good.
You maybe lost your prince, but you found your king.
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lizthewriter · 5 months
as the banks begin to break / sirius black
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PAIRING  adult!sirius black x forensic analyst!reader
SUMMARY  you run the blood analysis for another mystery body - perfectly healthy, no suggestion of how the person died. it was frustrating going back to your boss with nothing. another mystery. and then, you're much too fed up with the feds taking away your stiffs. you take it upon yourself to investigate the mystery of this body further.
"magic can't be real, it's just not physically possible! there are rules and -"
sirius stared up at you from the ground. you stared down at him. though, instead of a human standing there, it was a dog.
"what the fuck."
TAGS  adult!sirius black x forensic analyst!reader, mystery fic???, (3) question marks, idk i thought the concept for this was cool and wrote it because why not, intrigue, reader obviously DOES NOT believe in magic, harry potter and the deathly hallows
QUOTE  "too tempting not to touch, / but even though it shocked you, / something's electric in your blood," - various storms and saints by florence + the machine
WRITTEN  1.6.2024
you -
hey, boss wants you to run blood analysis on this john doe we got earlier today. ran his fingerprints through the system, but we came up with nothing. he doesn't expect for you to get a hit, but he wants you to try anyways. i faxed you the preliminary report. send boss your results asap. see you tommorow!
you listened back to the message on your machine before getting to analyzing the blood sample left on your desk. your dear friend and the medical examiner on your team, james, had examined another one of those odd stiffs this morning. dead, but for some reason, no one could figure out how. there had been dozens, if not more than a hundred, in the past two years like this one. more on record in the last century, but the precinct hasn't seen numbers like these since world war two.
this paticular victim was different than the others, however. all other bodies had been identifiable - meaning the police was able to figure out who had died and notify next of kin. this one wasn't - no form of i.d, no money (other than some odd gold and silver coins, most likely worthless), no fingerprints in their databases. you probably wouldn't get a hit on the dna, but you could try.
there was another reason this john doe was fascinating. despite the fact that it seemed like he fell off a building, the preliminary report showed that he recieved the injury post-mortem. james' examination of the body concluded that he must have fallen more than forty stories, but the buildings nearby were less than five stories.
dead bodies don't just fall out of the sky.
you ran the dna profile you had through the national dna database - and surprisingly, you had a pop-up on your screen.
paternal match - scott constance moody
"born august 17, 1912, relations, history, blah blah blah, arrested for public drunkness and indecency on multiple occasions . . . last known address."
the door to your lab slammed open - in anticipation, you immediately closed the file and turned off your computer.
"have any evidence for us this time?" at this point it had become routine. thompson from "mi5" would whisk away the bodies, claiming something ridiculous like "drug deal gone wrong" or "national security risk," looking and acting very much like someone working for a secret government agency trying to hush-hush a deeper plot afoot.
"nope," you responded with an attempt at a solemn expression. "unfortunately, the blood analysis was a dead end. he's just some guy, i suppose."
"we appreciate your discretion," he responded, shaking your hand firmly. you mean you appreciate me not complaining to the other guys at the precinct. certainly is suspicious that an odd-looking fed comes taking dead bodies as much as he does. even if you were to raise suspicions, who would believe you? you were a female nerd practically living in a back closet while the big, strong men handled the real world. he left with nothing else to say.
you turned your computer back on and opened the file again. you scribbled down the address and just as you were about to leave, you looked back down at the dna profile for doe and found something g peculiar. an odd gene marker you had only ever seen a few times before - including your own blood. you drew the profile closer to you, staring down at it. you had never been able to figure out what it was. six years of higher education had taught you nothing and the fancy, hot-shot professors you had take a look couldn't even understand what they were looking at.
what is up with this guy?
you knocked on the front door to an old house, out in the country. pastures of green painted in the skyline, cows and barns littering the landscape beyond it. beautiful, quiet, humble. a very fitting place for an eighty-four year old man.
you saw someone glance through curtains in a window. they disappeared soon after and didn't answer the door. you knocked again and pulled out your police badge. "scott moody? london police, i need to speak with you." you hoped your tone seemed formidable enough. you weren't a cop, you were a forensic scientist, but you needed to speak with him. you needed to understand these dead bodies and the only way to do that was to investigate this moody guy.
finally, the door swung open, and a rather gruff and grumpy man answered. "will you stop that racket? what the hell do you want, girlie?"
you drew in a breath. what should you tell him? you didn't want to lie - that felt cruel. but at the same time, you could suddenly understand why your colleagues seemed so drained after sharing the terrible news to family members. the pressure weighing your stomach was sickening.
"i'd like to ask you some questions about your son, mr. moody. do you mind if i come in?"
"yes, i very much do mind! what's someone like youse interest in my alastor?"
"alastor . . . sir, i'm very sorry to tell you this, but . . . well -"
"out with it, girl!"
"your son died. approximately at twelve forty-five last night. the circumstances of his death are rather . . . under investigation. i just need to gather more information, to find out who killed him."
the man looked genuinely concerned (which suprised you slightly, considering how rude he was) and took a shocked step back. he glanced back inside his own house and then at you. "there's nothing you can do," he said weakly, then shutting the door in your face. you shouted for the man, pounding on his door, but got no response. in a huff, you stormed back to your car and slumped in the driver's seat. you ran a hand down your face - how could you ever think that you could be an investigator? you? you laughed at yourself - so full of yourself, you were neck deep in your own shit. never were you to pull a stunt like this again, not if you wanted to get fired.
as you started the car and swung your gaze around to back out of the driveway, you caught the man sitting out the side window, tying a note to a - was that an owl?
perhaps he was sending a message to someone - through an owl, like a homing pigeon. you had only one instinct.
follow the owl.
driving through the chaos known as the london streets while chasing a bird was a nightmare, but somehow you managed. here you stood, looking out upon a charming old row of houses. the bird had flew to one in the middle, the exterior bricks blackened compared to the crisp pastel orange of the other houses. someone opened the window, letting the owl in, and then closed the window.
you decided to sit there and wait. wait and wait and wait. for what, you didn't know. for the owl to come back out? for you to build up the guts to knock on the front door with very many questions? no, that was a bad idea. who knows who is in that house, what they're doing. so you waited for someone to come out and luckily, they did. a man with long, black hair strutted elegantly down the steps to the front door and down the road. you got out of your car and decided to follow him.
you don't know what had gotten into you recently. the million questions swirling through your head had apparently begged enough to be answered that you just had to oblige, no matter the consequences. the man was dressed rather odd, you noticed. a grape-colored velvet suit with tailcoats, a mustache like your grandfather had worn. he dressed like a man out of time.
when he stopped walking, you stopped. when he started again, you were right on his ass (well, feet away, but still). he took a laise through a farmer's market, glancing around himself a few times before leaving without buying a single thing. he walked down the road and turned into an alleyway. naive as you were, you followed him and found the alleyway empty. only trash littered the ground.
stepping forward, you peeked behind dumpsters and other barriers of the sort. deciding that he must have disappeared somehow, you turned around with a sigh . . . only to be shoved up against the wall by the very man you had been following.
you had two first impressions of the man. the first was that, now that you could observe him up close, you noticed that he was devilishly handsome. the second was that he had a stick pointed at your throat and seemed rather impressed with himself for it.
"you have about ten seconds to explain why you're following me, hm?" his hands were gripped around the fabric of your collar shirt, bunching up the neatly ironed cotton. so much for looking polished. "who are you? fudge's minon? death eater?"
"i'm a member of the police - if you'd only give me a moment to show you my badge -"
"not a chance," he responded, pressing the stixk further into your neck. really, is that supposed to intimidate me? you thought in annoyance. "who are you really?"
"i'm telling the truth."
"how did you find me?"
"i followed you from that house on grimmauld place."
"how do you know about that?"
"following the homing pigeon - well, owl - that scott moody sent."
not only did he seem cautious, but nervous now. "did dumbledore send you?" he asked dubiously.
"i honestly have no idea who that is." memorable name like that, you'd definitely remember him. no, he seemed to be quite odd to you.
"why were you following me?"
you sighed. "i'm invesitgating the death of alastor moody."
although a sadness washed over the man's face, there was something behind his expression that said he already knew. he placed the stick back into the inner pocket of his coat. "you said you were police?" you nodded.
"so you're a muggle," he mumbled. was muggle some new slang term for cop? you didn't know and even more, you didn't care. then, a realization spread over his face.
sirius -
it shouldn't be possible - if you were a muggle, how could you see grimmauld place? because of the many peotective enchantments and ancient runes safeguarding the black house, only those who were wizards should be able to see it. yet, you had watched him walk right out the front door.
"you - you're looking into moody death?" he asked. he supposed it made sense. no one knew during the battle where they fighting high in the air - it was the heat of the moment after all. it only makes sense that muggle police got to his body first. still, he couldn't understand how you could have seen the house of black.
"his case is part of an ungoing investigation into the dozens of deaths of citizens across greater britain in the past two years." ah. so the muggles were catching on to voldemort's dirty work.
"let me guess. they were all perfectly healthy, showed no signs of deah whatsoever?" he asked. of course the muggles were going insane about it. people dying left and right without them even knowing what, or who, was causing it.
"yes, how did you -"
"just a hunch," he shrugged in response to your shocked expression.
"if you know something, you must tell me," you said rather firmly, though it seemed you were under the delusion that you had any sort of authority over him. your tone was not as strong as you may have liked.
"i'm afraid i cannot -"
"cannot what?" you barked back - now that had some bite. his interest was peaked now - what had your wand in a knot? "there are people dying. these dead bodies keep showing up with no sign as to how they died. moody aparently just fell from the sky! dead bodies don't just fall from the sky," you told him with an incredulous laugh. "now you are going to tell me everything you know about these bodies, or i swear on the bloody royal throne itself that i'll - i'll - get it out of you!"
you -
"you cannot just bring some muggle girl - if she really is a muggle - into our headquarters! are you barking mad? and don't you dare make another one of your mutt jokes or on merlin's grave i will -"
"that's quite enough, andromeda," responded a rather polite and calming male voice. there was a murmur and the same man let out a sigh. "at least let the man speak first."
"she saw grimmauld place, she knows about moody! she didn't bloody well seem like one of voldemort's spies, she didn't even know what 'death eater' meant. besides, what was i supposed to do? let her go blabbering to other muggles about this?"
"you could obliviate her."
"i would, if i had ever learned how. besides, it's not ethical, taking away someone's memories like that."
"this is war, black - desperate times call for desperate measures."
"now why don't you get back to shoving your greasy nose down some potions notes, snivellus, and let us grown-ups -"
"you arrogant -"
there was a sudden clammer of noise, the sound of several falling to the ground and pots and pans banging all over the place. a loud thwip! and sudden silence. "stop it! the both of you! has anyone actually bothered to question her?"
there was another round of silence before the door in front of you creaked open. the man who had pinned you up in the alley, black he had been called, looked rather dismal as he invited you into the room.
after your little speech, he requested you joined him in his house. well, you were not expecting the dustiest, blackest house you had ever seen. the entry hall was so thin, you could practically feel the walls caressing your arms. you waited in the entrance hall, outside the door to the kitchen, while he talked with his . . . friends? their conversation was all very confusing, talks of war and the like. were they also part of some secret agency? you weren't sure so you remained cautious.
"hello," you said to all those in the room, your voice trembling nervously. there were six others littered across the room. a rather dreadful looking man in the corner, with a hooked nose. he looked at you with distaste. black stood at the end of the table, his palms planted onto the table. another woman with hair almost as black as the walls, who sighed at your entrance. another man, scars barraging his face, with rather kind eyes. a man with umber skin, dressed in deep blue robes decorated with silver. and finally, a redhaired woman with a rag thrown over her shoulder, a knife in hand as she stood near a cutting board.
"hello," said the scarred-man, a warm smile making your shoulders sag a bit in . . . relief? comfort? "do you mind introducing yourself?"
you revealed your badge to all and recitind your name. "i'm a forensic analyst for the london police," you recited for the third time that day. "earlier this morning, the body of alastor moody was discovered. aside from the head injury he sustained from - well, we're not exactly sure - he seemed perfectly healthy. our medical examiner has concluded that he sustained the injury after his death. as of this morning, his body was taken by an operative of a secret government agency. there have been dozens of other bodies like this over the past couple of years. i've taken it upon myself to investigate this . . . occurence. this morning i tracked down moody's father, who sent a courier - owl - here."
"and is that everything?" black asked with an arched brow, as though he thought you were hiding something. which, ot be fair, you kind of were, but it was a small, unimportant detail and rather ridiculous really. just an irrational price of science that most likely had no relevance to the murders or perhaps a suggestion towards a broken coder in your lab - "well is it?"
you hesitated to answer but felt rather intimidated by the people surrounding you. perhaps sharing everything would be ideal, even if they thought you were barking mad. "well, erm - there's this one thing. do you know what dna is, mr. black?"
black shook his head and the others looked rather confused.
"i do," the scarred man spoke. "remus. a pleasure."
you gave him a polite nod in response. "a blood sample is taken from every body that goes through the police, and we run it through our systems and upload it to a database. moody had a gene marker in his dna - an odd one. one that shouldn't be there."
remus tilted his head, indulging you. "i've had old professors look at his results, even after I reran them. they thought something was wrong with the data. that i should run it again. but i know it wasn't wrong . . . i have the same gene marker in my dna. i'm not mad. it means something. even if others can't see it."
remus looked puzzled for a moment, but as a hazy look crossed his eyes, you could see his demeanor change rather swiftly. he straightened up, and glanced towards sirius with his mouth agape.
"what is it remus?" sirius asked with concern.
"i think that she's found a muggle's way . . . to prove the existence of magic."
sirius -
no. it couldn't be possible. it simply wasn't. if remus was right, if what he said was true, not only did this mean there were rather heinous repercussions for the wozarding world, but . . . you would be in danger.
suddenly, snape stood up from his chair rather suddenly, his eyes latched onto you. his hands still wrapped around the arms of the chairs, gripping them so tightly his knuckles were white. "everyone except sirius and the girl . . . out. now!"
the others were reluctant to leave the room, but they all filed out eventually. dumbledore trusted snape, even ordered snape to kill him, so they all would have to trust snape . . . even if sirius didn't want to.
snale turned his poisonous gaze on you. "sit down."
you followed his instructions, though cautiously, and took the closest seat next to sirius. sirius hoped that implied there was some level of trust between you two, seeing as you'll need it since he couldn't let you leave grimmauld place. "while it seems you haven't been filled in, i find that i cano that rather quickly for you. magic is real and a select number of individuals can possess it - you must be among those people, seeing as only those who are magical can see this house. there has been a wizarding war for over the past three decades, lead by a man named voldemort. the goal of him and his death eaters are to kill or otherwise enslave all those who are non-magical, also known as muggles. do you understand?"
you seemed to be flabbergasted by the assault of information and it's implications, and though you were slow to believe, you simply nodded your head. sirius placed his hand on the back of your chair, protectively, almost territorially.
"snape -"
"do shut your mouth black," snape spat. "a seer, or a prophet as muggles might know them, made a prophecy not long ago. the chosen one becomes the chosen two when eighth month approaches. for someone undesireable as any, she will be hunted down like the dog. she has discovered something no muggle should know. the power to vanquish the dark lord rests in the hand of fate - and should that hand choose to vanquish her, all hope of defeating the dark lord is lost."
"snape, what in the devil's name -"
"do not interrupt me, you -"
"no!" sirius exclaimed, slamming the goblet he was holding down on the table. wine spilled out from the cup, dripping down the rusted golden edge. "that is quite enough. i'm sure our guest has gone through enough the past day. she is famished and tired. let her rest and perhaps then we can discuss whatever nonsense you're blabbering on about."
sirius turned towards you with a softer expression and gestured for you to follow him out. you glanced back at snape, he noticed, if just for a moment. but soon enough, the two of you were in the foyer sitting across from each other.
your head was buried between the palms of your hand - it was obvious that you were distressed. "are you all right?" sirius asked softly.
"all right?" you asked, glancing up at him, your tone incredulous. "all right? no, no, i am just fine. you know, I just found out magic is real and there's some wizard war going on that no one knows about. yeah, this isn't news to me at all! you know, i get to work flying around on my little witch broom like everyone else! no i'm not all right!"
"we actually do use brooms as a model of transportation, that's not a myth," sirius told you, rather factually. you didn't seem very amused by his short educational bit. "look, i know this is overwhelming -"
"why should I even believe you?" you asked, tone rising in volume, though more out of worry than anger. "i mean something inexplicable could explain moody's death, but magic? magic can't be real, it's just not physically possible! there are rules and -"
sirius stared up at you from the ground. you stared down at him. though, instead of a human standing there, it was a dog.
"what the fuck."
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justatypicalwizard · 9 months
Dream eater | Bakugo Katsuki
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✦ Slight angst. Bakugo is an eternal living dream eater. Slight self ship when it comes to the readers character.
✦ Inspired by a Webtoon series which I strongly reccomend: Eaternal Nocturnal
✦ Word count: 2,7k
✦ Warnings: none
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Thinking about Bakugo who is a dream eater. During the day he wanders the world with a physical body that doesn't need much to sustain it, he doesn't even have to eat if he's not in the mood. Using his abnormal persuasion skills on some random landlord he convinced them that he's a tennant so he doesn't even have to pay for it.
All of his daytime existence is just an endless stroll with nothing specific to do. Yet, this changes during the night.
Bakugo sleeps, that's when he enters his dream eater form. It's golden, celestial and slightly transparent with sparkling tatoos of the sun, moon and various spirals embeded onto his skin. He floats around the city trying to fulfill himself with dreams.
Back in the day when people were more superstitious their dreams were a whole different world. They thought of magic, wealth, happiness, demons and signs. They believed that dreams had meaning, they wanted to remember them when they woke up. Now they no longer care for them. Today's dreams and shallow and predictable. People don't see sense in them, often not even remembering them.
This very seriously starves Bakugo as he needs to gather more and more tasteless dreams to survive. This also made him starved emotionally as he sees no more sense into his eternal existence which only makes him more annoyed, the eternal nothingness.
It all changes when one night he stumbles upon your dream. It's something different. Rarely ever does a human produce more than one dream a night, but you? You popped out three whole, crazy dreams that filled Bakugo up to the brim not only in case of his starving stomach but also with satisfaction. When he looked down at you with his golden eyes he felt... good.
You never dissapointed him and so he started to visit you daily, feeding on your dreams while roaming through your apartment to look at various small tokens of your personality. He found it quite cute how overwhelming your place was. There were plants, books, stupid little things like a ruler with a face or a big, fluffy pen everywhere. It was also a bit messy but he learned to ignore that fact.
Dream eaters scarcely ever met one another. They signed up for isolation, not wanting to claim each others feeding place. Because of that no one told Bakugo how dangerous it was to play for too long with one human, especially the one with crazy dreams.
One night when he was dipping his fingers in the matery of your dream, ready to pull it out you suddenly turned your face to him and opened your eyes.
He didn't know what to do for a split second when you asked him a question.
"Are you a dream?"
He nodded, fixated on the thought of gettion out of here.
"Is this a lucid dream?" You asked once more, propping yourself up on your elbows and rubbing your eyes.
He answered, hoping you would buy the lie.
"Oh, I hate lucid dreams, I'm always so tired after them." You put your feet on the floor and Bakugo jumped away like from fire.
Even though it was his chance to run he still found himself standing next to you and looking at what you were doing. At first you pinched yourself a few times. When it didn't bring you back from you 'dream' you started to kick you bed frame. After a few 'ouch' and 'fuck' you were getting annoyed. How come you couldn't get out of your dream? You had to wake up early tommorow!
"Guess I'll just do the thing that always works." You sighed stepping closer to your balcony door.
When you were about to flip yourself over the handrail of your balcony Bakugo stopped you, grabbing you by you pijama's collar.
"Stop, just go back to sleep." You looked at him as if he was an idiot.
Go back to sleep... in your dream? Looking at the bed you shrugged and went under your cozy cover one more time. Soon you fell back asleep and Bakugo breathed out an air of relief. He could have literary killed you just now. He really forgot how stupid people are.
For the next few weeks he avoided your place but it's hard to give up on a sweet treat once you tasted it. Earlier Bakugo thought other peoples' dreams were bland but now, when he had a good comparison, he felt it deep down his stomach. No dream tasted like yours. He convinced himself that several days were enough for you to forget the whole thing, to become unaware once again.
That night he found himself inside the well known apartment where you slept sweet and soundly. It was supposed to be only a moment, he would just grab a single dream and go. Yet, your softly turning form mesmerised him. As he came closer and closer, reaching his hand out to tangle his fingers into your dream your eyes fluttered open once again.
Did you sense him? You shouldn't even see him, most people didn't. But your look was focused enough to tell him otherwise.
"Wow, I'm having the same dream once again. Is it also lucid this time?" You asked with somewhat a hint of excitement in your sleepy voice.
"Uh, yes. Just don't jump the fuck out of the window again."
"Okay, okay. So, what are you doing here my dream hot thing?" Bakugo wondered whether you'd be embarassed if you discovered it was reality.
"Eating your dreams." Why make up shit when you already think he's imaginary.
"Oh, what?" You gave that thought some time. "How do they taste?"
This time it was Bakugo who was thinking. It was hard to name a specific taste, at least one that a human would understand. Your dreams tasted like satisfaction, creativity, happiness and care. Bakugo didn't even have to talk to you to know what a person you were.
"They taste good."
"Will it do anything to me?" Why should you be concerned with such a thing? It was all a big dream for you, everyone knows that nothing can really hurt you in a dream.
"No. You didn't notice earlier."
"So you've been doing it for some time now?"
"Huh, great." You laughed slightly. "I'll have to write a fanfic about this when I wake up."
You turned your butt his way and snuggled into your warm covers. Guess you were no longer interested in him. Bakugo kinda regretted that he couldn't talk to you more.
Next time he went to your place at nigh a strong headache hit him the moment he crossed the threshold. A very unpleasant thing sat proudly above your head. A bluish dreamcatcher dangled slightly when Bakugo locked eyes with it.
Those damned things. Earlier people used them to secure their dreams from Bakugo's kind. Did you know about it? Did you actually know that what happened every night was reality? Did he blow his cover? Guess he can ask you because you were up once again. You were getting quicker and quicker in waking up upon his presence.
"What the fuck is that?" He asked, scrunching his nose at the pain and pointing at the small token.
"Uh?" You were still sleepy. "What?"
"Take that thing off!"
When he raised his voice you stared at him in awe but did as he asked. You stuffed the dreamcatcher in a drawer and looked back at Bakugo, unsure what to do next.
"What was that?" You asked as he massaged his temples to get rid of the pain poundering in his head. Now that the catcher wasn't directly above your sleeping form it had way less power but Bakugo still felt it slightly.
"Why do you have it?" At this point he was sure he blew his cover and you'd start to freak out any second.
"It was a gift, from a friend. I just thought it was cute. You don't like it?"
"How can a fucking dream eater like a fucking dreamcatcher?" He spat out.
Both of you were quiet for a while before you asked.
"Is this really a dream?"
There you are, he's overdone it. He played with fate and that's what he gets. It was the first time in his life when a human seriously suspected anything about him.
Before he knew your hand flew through his biceps, not stopping when it reached its surface. His unearthly body was untouchable for you but a small trail of light followed your fingers as if you were playing with sparklers.
"What are you?" Even though a weird creature appeared i front of you in the middle of the night you were not sacred wich supprised Bakugo.
"I've already told you dumbass, a dream eater."
"Then can you come and eat my dreams a bit earier? I've been tired lately because of this waking up in the middle of the night."
And so he did come earlier. Bakugo went to bed early but he started even earlier. He was at your place around 10 every evening and you'd spend an hour or so together. He had no idea why you accepted his person or why you weren't freaked out by him. Maybe you've done some research on dream eaters? Nah, that would totally scare you. Bakugo knew what type of bullshit people came up with on the Internet. Besides, no matter how hard he tried to convince himself he was in fact a part of your world - he wasn't. You couldn't have known anything about him. Then why did you greet him with a smile every time?
"So, you do have a body?" You asked one night, looking at his golden intangible form with curiosity.
"Duh, why wouldn't I have one?"
"Then why do you come here like this?" That question threw him off board.
Bakugo was not one to voice out his failures, even more so his fears. And it was fear keeping him from you. There were too many times when Bakugo would loose someone, some human that he felt a connection with over the fact that he had to hide his true identity. He could never stay the night because he feared something might happen to him during his deep slumber. He could never stay with someone because at one point it would spill out that he never ages. He never let anyone deep nor close because he had nothing to share, nothing that would sound fitting into the humans' world. He had no work, no school, no earthly hobbies as they all felt... out of his reach.
All he could ever achieve was short, fake love that ended as soon as they even tried to get closer. This was something Bakugo promises not to fuck around with but he would lie if he said he didn't, for a split second, think about comming to you in his physical body, about touching you and feeling you.
"So?" You were persistent in your questions and Bakugo should tell you off, scold you and leave this second but instead he found himself grunting and nodding.
It was normal for him to aimlessly wander in the daylight, yet this time he had a goal that kept him mind occupied. It felt detached to take the stairs up your apartment complex, real stairs. To hear his footsteps stop just in front of your door. He's never seen them from this side. He rang your bell and waited.
Soon your unfocused face showed up in the creak that emerged when you opened the door.
"What's the matter?" Finally you looked at who was disturbing you late in the afternoon. You looked the man up and down, he was not anyone you knew but also not a stranger.
"Let me in or I'll come later through your window." Bakugo grunted under his breath like someone was about to eavesdrop.
"No way." Your mouth hung open as you gave him another look before fully opening your door.
He quickly went inside, shoving hands into his pockets, feeling out of person. It was utterly stupid what he was doing.
"I'd never say you'd have piercing. I mean, I did thing you would be blonde but the piering and tatoos? Not a chance I'd guess that." The man heard your laugh from behind him as you navigated through your apartment. "Tea? I don't normally drink coffee at this hour, I can't fall asleep later."
"Mhm." He mumbled out looking around your place. He knew it well but felt as if he was here for the first time. It all looked so different, so much more real when he could finally touch it.
You placed two steaming mugs on the small table in the centre of your living room. Well, the cramped students apartment was whole a big living room but it was not important for him. You were the thing he came here for.
"So what'cha wanna do?" You plopped down on a could, holding up your knees to your chin.
He started to visit you even more often. Sometimes he 'stayed the night' falling into a deep slumber on your couch and emerging in a golden hue. You wanted to see it but it came out you spotted shit, expecting a witch-like transformation. Instead you blinked and there were two Bakugo in your room. It still blew your brain of course. You would babble about your day, what went on at the university, what your co-worker did at luch, how your friend got a new dog until the moment you fell asleep, Bakugo watching you all the time.
Before he had the opportunity to accept it, he was already living for those nights with you.
Every second he spent alone he was thinking about you. Sitting lonely in his poorly furnitured apartment, strolling up and down the street, floating through the night air. All this time he waited for your next meeting.
"How does your life look like Katsuki?" You felt relaxed enough to ask him such a question, though he had to admitt you were not one to hide your feelings or shy away from hard topics.
"It's..." He didn't want to pause but finding the right word came out difficult. "It's fucking long."
"I bet." You giggled. "How long have you been alive?"
"A long time."
"The XIX century or more like medieval times?" You gave him a scrutinising glance, scratching your chin.
"The fuck you wanna know that?"
You just shrugged in response.
The two of you sat on your small balcony, late in the night. Normally Bakugo and you would be asleep by now. You deep in a real slumber and him wandering your apartment like he owned it. Today it was different. Bakugo didn't feel like waking up in his celestial body. He didn't like the idea of loosing the ability to smell your shower gel and feel your weight on the opposite side of the couch. Now you were looking up, into the starry sky, laying your chin on your knees, hiding in your way too big sweater.
"I can't imagine eternity. I feel like a single semestr on the university is taking forever. How do you manage like that?" You look him in the eye. "What do you live for Katsuki?"
He didn't want to say it because it means he can loose everything earlier. If he won't say it then he can still come to your place, without earlier notice, without care because he's a celestial being and he has this whole world up his ass. He can leave it like it is, let it breathe longer before it suffocates under the weight of his being. He can finally have something in his life if he only keeps his mouth shut.
"Now I live for you."
You blinked a few times.
He shrugged, a small pitful laugh escaping his throat. "Someday you'll be gone." He turned to face you. "So now I live for you. Someday I'll live for nothing."
It was hard to properly process what came out of the unerthly, lucid creature that Bakugo was but it all became more clear once he pushed you into the cold tiles of your balcony. He was more physical than you could ever imagine.
Bakugo was there all the time, close to you, waiting for you, cheering on you and loving you. Sometimes you felt guilty for it, knowing that one day you'll go and you will never feel anything again but he'll stay here for eternity.
He knew, Bakugo knew about it but every second that you gave his life a meaning was worth it.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 8 months
Hi ☺️ id like to request a vampire!eddie who is friends with reader but they both want more. But maybe vampire!eddie is afraid to hurt reader so he tries to remain friends. Reader finally gives up and tells eddie they can be friends but she needs to move on. She ends up on a date that ends terribly, when she gets home eddie is waiting for her and confesses he cant just be friends and they happily get together bc neither deserve anymore angst lol.
Warnings: Angst to fluff 💕
Dont copy, reuse or repost my work
Request by @swansonron
Many people have fun stories about how they've met their best friend.
For you and Eddie its no different except for one thing.
Your best friend is a vampire. Yes, exactly like Dracula, Anna Rice's Interview with a Vampire, Angel and Spike from Buffy...
Oh, and he doesn't sparkle in the sun just FYI.
Eddie may be a vampire but he's the sweetest, kindest man you've ever met. He's never hurt a human and you know he'd never hurt you.
You've fallen for him, hard but despite how close you both are, how it's obvious both you want to take your friendship to the next level Eddie holds back.
He's terrified of hurting you, even though you know he won't but he's got the idea in his head that his enhanced strength will end up with you hurt in some way.
Honesty, he's the most gentle man you've ever known and you know accidents can happen, but what they didn't?
You wish deep in your heart that Eddie would give you and him a chance but it looked increasingly unlikely and the more it broke your heart.
After much deliberation, constantly unsure of what to do and many sleepless nights you had come to a decision.
If Eddie would never accept the idea of you and him together then you had to move on. For both your sake.
You loved his frienship and never wanted to ruin it so maybe moving on would be best for everyone.
Even if you doubted that you could find someone as incredible as Eddie, you had to try didn't you?
Telling Eddie was the hardest part as your heart still longed for him.
"I have to move on Eddie. I want to be with you so much but it's clear you don't feel the same." your heart clenches painfully and you take a second before speaking again.
"We can be friends obviously but I can't keep hoping and waiting for you when this isn't what you want"
Saying all of this is hurting your heart but it needs to be said. You need to move on and stop living in a dream world.
Eddie is quiet as he takes this in and gives a tiny nod of his head.
"I understand princess" There's a hint of pain in his voice and you desperately want to soothe him, take the pain away.
By the time you move forward just an inch to go and comfort him, it's like he puts a mask up, his brown eyes darken and he steps back.
Tears prick your eyes but you swallow them down. Maybe he really doesn't care... He's just your friend and that's it.
"I have a date on Friday. It's with a guy called Jason" he nods and turns away.
"Right, well I hope it goes well sweetheart. I'll see you tommorow" he pauses and then turns back to you and gently kisses your cheek.
The soft brush of his lips on yours, the way his brown eyes meet your gaze for a minute makes your heart race.
When you open your eyes, he's gone and all that's left is a hollow feeling in your chest.
Shit, could this night get any worse?
Jason was one of those washed up jocks who sat relieving his glory days as a high school heartthrob and football captain.
He barely asked anything about you and when he did it didn't last long.
Long story short? You wish you were with Eddie instead.
Jason gulps down his wine and grows increasingly more and more drunk, conversation is stilted and no matter how many times you pick it up, it doesn't help.
The two of you have nothing in common, in fact he could be the greatest guy in the world and your heart would still belong to Eddie.
This frustrates you. Ugh, so much for trying to get over him. You needed to accept he didn't want to be with you. In some ways you had but your heart was different.
Your heart longed for a happy ending but its obvious you wouldn't find it here.
Eddie was waiting for you when you got home, he has a determined look on his face.
"Hi, what are you doing here Ed's?" you ask him curiously. Your traitor heart skips a beat as you eye him.
"I wanted to make sure you got home okay. How was your date?" you groan and slump on the sofa.
"Awful, truly awful" he growls and his eyes flash red briefly. Shit he's pissed.
"Do I need to have words with this douchebag" his protectiveness is sweet but you can handle a tipsy idiot.
"No, you'd scare him to death Eddie, I'm okay"
He kneels down beside you and takes your hand.
"What if I just frighten him a little bit? Turn into my bat form and scare the shit out of the dumb fuck?" this makes you giggle at the thought but you shake your head.
"No, remember what happened last time" Poor Miss Dawson is still on edge about bats.
He nods smirking then turns serious, his eyes lock with yours.
"When you were on the date it was driving me crazy. I can't just be friends with you sweetheart, I want more"
After a shitty night hearing this is like a dream.
"You mean it Eddie?" he nods, his thumb circling over your fingers. Sparks and tension comes off the both of you in waves.
Fuck, you so badly want to kiss him.
"I've never wanted anything more sweetheart, I adore you. I've falling for you, hard"
Eddie kisses you. You've been waiting for so long for this to happen and now that it is you can't believe it.
You kiss him back with equal fervour and he smiles against your lips.
"I'm gonna love you forever sweetheart"
Maybe happy endings weren't just for fairtytales after all.
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confusedblakex · 1 year
BNHA Soulmate AU: Choose your own ending
Endings: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima
Summary: Tommorow is your 16th birthday - the day you get the mark of your soulmate
Wordcount: 465
Warnings: None
Requested by: No one
Inspired by: This post by @dashielldeveron and this post by @haitani-trash
Notes: Reader's quirk hasn't been decided yet, please drop suggestions in the comments and I'll pick the one I think works the best
Last edited: 06th April 2023
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A person’s 16th birthday was always a big thing. In a world where superpowers are the norm and soulmates are a scientifically proven fact, the two most important times in a person’s life is when they receive their quirk and when they receive their soulmate.
Soulmates can be found through anything from sharing their pain to having their name explicitly written on your wrist. Though only about 50% of the world ever find their soulmate, and all pairings are different.
It had always been something you’d secretly dreamed of, zoning out in bed at night or a class you hated just to wonder what it would be like. Though it was a silly daydream to you, you also knew that just about everyone had also thought of similar things at least once in their life.
You looked around your classroom and at the people in it. You were one of the youngest of the class, so almost everyone had already gotten their soulmark and a few had even found their soulmate. You looked to Toru Hagakure and Mashirao Ojiro, the first of the class to find that they were soulmates.
You looked around to the other people in the class as you zoned out. Many of them had unnoticeable soulmarks or even ones they covered up. There was Katsuki Bakugo - one of the oldest of the class - with a handprint across his face that he was definitely insecure about. It fit his personality, though; after all, who wouldn’t want to slap him across the face?
Then the exact opposite was Shoto Todoroki, one of the younger of the class and so only got his recently, but whatever it was he kept it well hidden. He wasn’t the talkative type though, so even if you asked, you weren’t likely to get anything out of him.
Izuku Midoriya was pretty much his only friend, and Midoriya himself didn’t seem to know what his soulmark was, but after a long ramble had come to the conclusion that his soulmate wasn’t 16 yet. It wasn’t uncommon, some soulmarks didn’t show until both soulmates had turned 16, but there was definitely part of himself that thought he didn’t have a soulmate.
You looked back to Bakugo who was with Eijiro Kirishima, the boy who had mentioned on multiple occasions how he could only see the colour red. He supposedly would be able to see all colour once he locks eyes with his soulmate, a cute but simple one.
You wondered what yours would be, or if you’d ever find your soulmate. As one of the youngest of the class, it would be your 16th birthday tomorrow though, so you’d soon find out.
- - -
Lying in bed that night, your mind raced. 
Who do you choose?
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Eijiro Kirishima
(More routes may be added later)
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Learning About Biology Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Disclaimer, I’m not saying that this makes you an expert, or is any substitute for school and furthering your education on biology but it is a simple and fun way to learn difficult concepts that feel out of reach.
While school is always helpful for learning science and you learn many great things, for instance just this year I found out finally how organs work (I am unsure if I’m better or worse for knowing how digestion works, I know it’s a natural process but knowing my food is turning to bolus in my mouth feels like cursed knowledge), sometimes the way it’s taught just doesn’t register. There are many different ways of learning topics and it all depends on your learning style, interests, education, and what you like to do.
What works for me may not work for you, and even if it does you still need school if you want a full understanding, this is just a fun way to learn about evolution.
Now with that aside, let me explain what the hell I’m actually talking about.
As a young child I’d always had an extreme interest in zoology, evolution and fantasy, which of course led me to the very interesting niche type of fiction known as speculative zoology/biology.
What that is, for those who don’t know, is when a writer creates biologically feasible creatures using evolution as a framework, some famous examples of this are C.M. Kosemen’s “All Tomorrows”, the game “Subnautica” and Dougal Dixon’s “Man After Man”. Those stories are pretty specifically dedicated to only speculative biology and not so much plot although there usually is one especially in All Tommorows and Subnautica. I’m sure a lot of you reading this will know at least one of those works.
However, while those projects will teach you biology, and lots of it, they’re more about the results than the process, and they’re also not what I’m talking about.
There is a series on YouTube known as “Alien Biospheres” by the creator Biblaridion. While I would say I learned a lot of things from a lot of places, some things from random videos about animals, some from school, some from really liking spore as a little kid because my parents introduced me to it, some from speculative biology projects like the previously mentioned ones, I’d actually attribute most of my biological knowledge to the series.
Alien Biospheres takes you on a journey as the creator creates an ecosystem from the ground up, starting in a collaborative video with another great science creator, Artifexian (who you should also very much watch) with creating the alien planet itself. From that point on, starting with single celled organisms, he creates a world populated with hundreds of creatures that all seem very possible and interesting. As he goes, he explains the concepts and principles guiding evolution, and how each trait could evolve from what is already there.
You’ll learn about atmospheres, body plans, how flying works, the square cube law, and many other important factors to biology, all presented with the framework of building a creative and unique feeling world. For me, this was always the perfect way for it to be displayed in a way that was easily understandable, but not too oversimplified to the point you really aren’t learning anything.
His videos are the reason I can overanalyze and create theories on unexplained details of many creatures, and create my own biologically feasible (although objectively far more fantastical and unrealistic) monsters.
His videos may not work for you how they worked for me, but if you like biology, zoology, evolution, speculative biology/zoology, or fantasy creatures I would recommend at least giving his videos a try.
Again, I must say that they are a starting point and you still need an education on the topic if you want to be an expert.
However you should go out there and give it a try, Alien Biospheres helped shape my understanding of the world and it might help you too.
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the-real-spot-conlon · 6 months
For the Sprace one-shot prompts: Spot coming down with a really bad fever or something of the like and just refusing to look after himself, so Race has to step in for him :)
This is such a good request! This is my first newsies fic so it may not be very good but here you go!
Spot lay on his couch, head spinning from his fever. He nearly dozed off to a sick slumber when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" Spot shouted, not being able to muster the energy to open the door. Spot heard a key jangle in the door knob and a few seconds later, Race and his goofy smile entered. "What do you want Higgins?" Spot groaned, leaning his head back onto the couch. "God you look like hell" Race joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Oh yea nice to see you too Higgins. Hey what do you have in your hands?" Spot motioned to the three bags in Race's hand. "I have soup, medicine, and games!" Race lifted the bags onto the counter and started messing around the kitchen. Spot heard the pots and pans clinking against one another, and finally decided to get up. "Higgins? What are you doing to my kitchen." Spot asked as he sat himself on an unused part of the counter. "You're sick, and I damn well know that you weren't gonna do anything about. Also, it's our kitchen, not yours." Race added, as he chopped up green onions to put in the soup. "Higgins, I know how to take care of myself. I don't need ya mothering me." Spot exclaimed, but Race wasn't gonna hear it. "Spot if I hadn't known you were sick from how you looked while sellin, you probably would have just sat in agony, all alone. I'm gonna take care of you, and you're gonna like it." Race shot back as he added more things to the soup. Spot just made a disapproving grunt as he layed down fully on the counter now, not caring if he was in Race's way of cooking or not. Spot wasnt acting like it, but he really did love that Race had shown up prepared. "Thank you Higgins" Spot whispered while looking down, being uncomfortable with the vulnerability he was showing. "Huh? What was that? I didn't quite hear you!" Race teased, and spot threw a carrot at him. "Can you hurry up and finish the soup? I need to get better by tommorow so I can go back to work," spot complained, still spread out on the unused area of the counter. "Spot Conlon I swear to everything good in this world, you will not even be leaving this apartment tommorow." Race threatened, pointing a ladle a Spot, who shot his hands up in innocence. After Race finished the soup, he and Spot rested on the couch together, Spot's head lightly snoring blissfully on top of Race, as Race fiddled with Spot's red suspenders. "I love you" Race whispered, thinking Spot couldn't hear. "I love you too babe." Spot whispered back, his voice scratchy from being sick. The two cuddled on the couch watching movies for the rest of the day, Race holding Spot the entire time.
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marxthedumdum · 3 months
i feel like this world has intentionally put me in a place where everything is designed to be against me, to try to make me to be some kind of 'perfect girl', treating me like a lifeless doll, a game character with a skill point system and exp bar above their head i dont want to be a fabulous supermodel and win a beauty pageant, or be a super successful person thats runs an entire company. i just want to like. be anything that i want to be, but it feels like im not allowed to by a god sure my life has been made more bearable with my mom finally fw'ing with chubby people like me, but abt my dad and his fitness program that he forced me to participate with my brother. it just keeps getting worse like wdym after seeing me run from floor 4 up and down in my school because i forgot my helmet, THEN making me run back and forth in my lil bro's school just to find him, you still have the nerve to tell me to 'suck it up and keep going'??? not even my mom's advise of fighting him back isnt working, every time i try to make a point, he keeps making the same excuse of 'try to suck it up and youll become better' and 'if i can do it, so can you'. motherfucker, YOURE ALMOST 50 AND PLAY FOOTBALL LIKE ITS NO TOMMOROW. im just a student who has nothing better to do but pray that some day i could get my ass away from you as soon as possible and now you want me to play the waiting game and show off you can run an extra cycle around the giant lake? are you trying to mock me or is it that your self-esteem is so low you have to show off to your child to get your ego? im not even your child anymore, STEP-child actually. you left mom and me when i was still young and now you have your OWN family of two to take care of. why are you still worried abt me and that i look ugly for not being skinny??? leave me the fuck alone from your 'ideal woman' talks.
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outsidereveries · 4 months
uefa champion league: 1/2 round of 16
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anonymous from tumblr asked who's going to win UCL this season?
since we aren't close to the league's finals, i've decided to ask round by round and leg by leg to see how accurate i can be!
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today, 13th february
copenhagen versus manchester city
overall vibe: judgement, the tower, 9 of wands, king of swords • 4 of pentacles rx
looking by the people's bets (i wouldn't say even predictions), i wouldn't be sure if manchester city will certainly win. i see 2 possibilities: 1) either 0-0 for a long time and someone will make a goal in the last minutes (possibly in the last minutes of the first half-time or in the match as a whole but if that doesn't happen, overtime can be possible, however i don't think there will be a one) and if not 0-0 then 1-1, 2-2, they might have tie for long time; 2) i do see some penalties such as yellow/red card or penalty kick/offside that will be impactful for the final result of the match.
fc copenhagen: the lovers, 7 of cups, 9 of swords rx, 4 of swords • the hermit
they will have chances to make a goal or even more, but won't see them. i do see the group being lazy, like on purpose and i am actually unsure if money is actually involved here. however, they'll succeed to make manchester city to not score as much as possible. i wouldn't say they'll do bad but they'll be just too relaxed.
manchester city: 5 of swords rx, wheel of fortune, 7 of swords rx, the high priestess • 9 of pentacles
so they.. i'd say they'll make the efforts to do in the best way possible. they could even exceed their personal expectations (regarding scoring goals, possibly copenhagen might be too hard for them). in the end, i do see them scoring.
who might win: queen of pentacles, 9 of wands, 4 of pentacles rx, the hermit • 3 of wands
honestly, i agree with these betters that manchester city win and copenhagen's tactic might actually work. i believe copenhagen will work on man city's favor
rb leipzig vs real madrid
overall view: knight of wands, page of swords, 6 of wands, the hanged man rx, ace of wands rx • king of cups
straight away, it looks like noone is interested in this match
rb leipzig: knight of cups, ace of pentacles, 6 of cups rx, knight of pentacles • ace of swords
will try to score as many goals in short time, they seemingly don't want to play with real madrid because for them, they are better but will try to do their best regardless
real madrid: king of pentacles rx, knight of swords rx, king of swords, 8 of wands • page of swords
them on the other hand, will have harder time, i think? they might reach goal/s later than expected. although seemingly they could, it'll be just harder
who might win: 6 of pentacles, the moon, the emperor, knight of cups rx, 6 of cups rx • ace of swords
either tie or leipzig will win. i don't feel "this was already expected" but unstable energy instead. either isn't certain who could win or leipzig out of sudden will have big luck, so i understand why the betters are divided, however it's not that likely that the luck is on real madrid's side.
tommorow, 14th february
psg versus real sociedad
overall view: 6 of cups rx, page of pentacles, knight of pentacles rx • the hierophant
the winner seems to be expected at this point (psg, i assume) and it feels like it's pointless
psg: the world, queen of cups, 5 of pentacles • king of wands
i believe they'll do well, however they could've score a bit more goals
real sociedad: 6 of swords, knight of cups, ace of swords • page of pentacles
might be passive and atp they gave up, however they'll give all they can give. they seem to do also well in their own way
who might win: ace of pentacles, strength, the tower • judgement
personally, it'd be suprising for me if someone certainly wins from the first halftime. both sides seem to be good enough to win, like equally, so 1) tie or 2) psg could win but it'll be harder. real sociedad can win too however they seem to be very passive. i sense that money is also involved here, however not as much as the match between copenhagen and manchester city, so maybe this could be why.
lazio versus bayern munich
overall view: the sun, 9 of swords rx, 9 of wands • death
oh? so there can be suprises?
lazio: death rx, 9 of wands rx, 8 of wands rx • 9 of pentacles
the team seem to be paralyzed because they aren't as good, so i believe the betters could be right that bayern will win
bayern munich: 2 of swords rx, 10 of cups rx, the devil rx, page of wands • 6 of pentacles
they might've wanted different team or will play in similar way/pace as lazio, seemingly they'll do better
who might win: 10 of cups, 6 of wands, the moon • the emperor
bayern munich, i believe so; it could be hard for them to do it like lazio play though?
tuesday, 20th february
psv versus dortmund
overall view: king of cups rx, 10 of swords rx, page of cups • 2 of cups
it looks that it's expected to be competitive as fuck ngl; the match might be one of a kind
psv: the hermit, judgement, 2 of wands • the lovers
might be passive and active at the same time, expect suprises
dortmund: the high priestess rx, the emperor, the fool • the magician
might do well despite their circumstances? i cannot look at them that much but they'll do wonders in this match
who might win: 7 of pentacles rx, justice, 8 of pentacles • wheel of fortune
based on the individual cards, the match might be on psv's side this time. tie can be possible but i doubt there will be one as of now
inter milan vs atlético madrid
overall view: judgement rx, king of cups, 3 of wands • queen of pentacles
basically atlético madrid will try for nothing😭 the betters = accurate
inter milan: 6 of pentacles, 4 of wands, page of pentacles • ace of swords
they will do good, what i can say more? the cards are good idk what i can say else
atlético madrid: the star, ace of pentacles rx, the world • wheel of fortune
basically what i said tbh; however they will do good, i don't see them failing but doing their best
who might win: strength rx, 5 of wands rx, 7 of wands • knight of swords
honestly it might start unusual and it would feel like the teams aren't the same or something like that but the match seem to be good and actually fair. they can actually tie, there's chance for it but it seems that it's more likely for inter milan to win rather than atlètico madrid. it can happen but for now it's less likely
wednesday, 21st february
porto versus arsenal
overall view: the magician, 2 of swords rx, strength • knight of swords
nice match, some scores can change out of sudden; not the match itself but the groups' ones
porto: the world rx, knight of wands, the star • justice
they seem to have another match in the upcoming days before that one? i sense that they might be tired but will do well nonetheless, if they lose it's bc of that
arsenal: 3 of swords, the moon rx, 6 of swords • knight of cups
so they'll lose, huh.. (except the bottom card, all three of them show that in my perspective, if there were another cards in the beginning and in the end, then i'd think otherwise)
who might win: 10 of wands, the lovers rx, knight of wands • the star
it seems that's porto :)
napoli versus barcelona
i forgot to check the overall view, so it seems that it's not that important from spiritual perspective, so let's rely on the rest
napoli: knight of swords, 8 of cups, the tower • 3 of cups
they can do well but i see some sort of yellow or red card for one of their people who can be impactful for how they'll do in the end OR a change for the people in their team, both things can happen but i am unsure atp
barcelona: the star, ace of cups, 9 of wands • 10 of pentacles
this match seems to be the most waited out of all round of 16s in the first leg and many people seem to bet for barcelona (this isn't the same for napoli) to win. despite that i do see barcelona doing their best
who might win: knight of pentacles, knight of cups, judgement • 7 of pentacles
i do see other factors influencing the final result such as betters but not these ones who bet publicly but these ones who rule the soccer/football in one way or another. alternatively, the winner will decide the possibly air and fire sign people in the reading (from vedic perspective, king of pentacles and king of cups) as of now it looks like there'll be tie until the last minutes or so as penalty kick or it will be just very intense. out of all, this match seems to be the most interesting one to watch.
hope you enjoyed this reading! about tonight and tommorow, i am sorry if i'm inaccurate🥲 when the 2nd leg comes, i'll try to guess who can be in 1/8 finals!
done on 13.02.2024 around 12:30-1:00 am eet (roughly time)
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relaxxattack · 1 year
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#fanart - 1,095 posts
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#‘karkat struggles with blurred quadrant boxes for his whole arc… but then he ‘human dates’ which is basically just flushed and hes fixed!!’
My Top Posts in 2022:
twitter users please migrate to instagram instead. you wont like it here we say bad words and hate brands and are very problematic
5,296 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
anyway 4/13 is tommorow and there’s never a better day to start reading homestuck so i’ll probably pin the free unofficial recovered version for anyone who wants to read! i know homestuck is cringe and everyone says they hate it but tbh ive never known a more enjoyable and memorable character-driven story. if youre looking for something to get into, well, it never hurts to try something new
also its ok if you dont understand everything in the first acts, itll make a lot more sense on a reread. the characters are whats important anyway :]
5,390 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
tbh wilbur sharing his dream has me fully believing technos in a good place now. its silly but legitimately since i heard that im not even sad anymore. hes resting, and hes having a grand old time, and all thats left to do is share his stories warmly. hed still want to be making people laugh, i think. idk. its helping me
6,808 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
i know this is just one post on tumblr but i am BEGGING people who can to be loud about strange world.
it is so fucking unfair for disney to not properly promote this movie at all and for it to bomb so badly in theaters like it’s doing just because it actually had genuinely good poc and queer rep! i am SEETHING about how they intentionally set it up to fail and i can’t imagine how the people who worked on the movie feel!
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20,826 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
tbfh i love when people will headcanon characters as being of their culture and then draw little comics of them participating in traditions that the artist is clearly intimately familiar with. like YESSS share your personal cultural experiences with me through the blorbos!!! i love to see it!!!!!!!
44,924 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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gragooshka · 7 months
rant/get to know me
maybe this is the delusion talking ( and its only delusion if i wanna claim and call it that) but i have so many good things to talk about. and i've been building a pretty good platform for the past two (?) ish years. but i'm only at 5k. the main videos that have gone viral in the past are the ones where i'm joking around or dancing, that do really good. the "odd" one were i talk about autism and how genetically we still carry those fears from the constant subjection to being in survival mode in the conditions we were in. from running away when we laugh because cracka masta did not like it when we did anything other than work and pick varying crops. to the way black autizzies mask our stimming or otherness to be under the radar of violence. of course not all of us had that privilege to do so as autism is a spectrum and no two autisics are the same.
my "new" dilemma is how i want to reach more people with my messages. maybe i come off to agressive/abrasive or i just curse too much (or i could just be really fucking annoying that's why my video's don't get pushed) . but i want to make myself more palatable for the tiktok algorithim but, that's the thing. making myself palatable just to get more views seem ingenuious to me, beacuse at the end of the day that will be a character of myself and just the idea of that has always been upsetting to me, hence why i haven't gone down that path yet. and maybe tiktok isn't the place for me. its no secret that tiktok has been supressing and even pushing black publishers videos so they are on white supremacists pages . so ig this will be an introduction. my name is chikondi chisomo avero. i'm 20 and have been consistanly posting on tiktok since 2021 offically. i am not perfect as no one is, and i will always try to be self accountable even if i'm not happy about it. i consisder myself spiritual and think no one religion should be "supreme" over any others, for all come from the higher source that we all come from.
governments should be dismantled and esp the ones that have been set in place by one who could not care less if the people of this world were to die tommorow. my mission is to tell people that you don't have to care what other people think, do, or say unless if effects the collective at large.
black people can be racist and even white supremist beacsue anybody irregardless or race can enforce white supremacy.
homophobia in religion is about othering. "oh i don't like men, so you lusting after men is wronf a disgusting" that is THE stupidest shit i have ever heard in my goddamn life.
women need to be in more postions of power but beacuse patriarchy/misogynism being rooted in white supremacy, women are gonna have to fight harder. and to do that we need to do more community widde efforts that are women/queer based- covens if may.
the government is using seriously ancient spiritual means to secure he places that they get to when also using mass forces of violence. ie: the cia's various experiements and projects
i think those are all my controversial opinions that tt doesn't like me for idk.
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hereiartistry · 1 year
this youthful body bears the most innocent and fragile child within.
i have never seen a body that has combination of youthful thoughts at the same time talks as someone born centuries ago. perhaps, this body is just the shadow of the truth about the person beneath these thousands folds; sometimes, this thin body is an illusive plate of lines and shapes. how could this body carried the massive black hole for the passed centuries. and still carrying the thousands universe beneath her whole being.
sun kissed me and it reached to the deepest corner of being. that was the warmest kiss i’ve ever felt, as a forgotten planet in the cosmos.
i could not define the feeling of touching the surface of myself, to feel the roughness of my skin and all the tough times in every scar left upon the surface from traumatic yesterdays. i could feel the edge of something, a substantial stirring dysphoria. I could feel all the color combinations, i could feel all the grey and black colors. it was so pigmented that i tend to stick with it.
i can feel my inner core. it is full of magnetic force, yet it doesn't keep my wistful sighs stay on the ground, it floats as if a boat sailing at destructive waves. i do not understand where the sorrowful atmospheric shouts of my lungs came from; it doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t sound nice— it sounded like a crack voice of a fragile child.
the world works with its repetitive rhythm, it keeps revolving around the warmth of sun. yet my world keep revolving around the light of moon and the freezing night, dancing under the soft light of moon. oh dearest inner-child, scream all you want, even just amidst the fragile silence of night. during that silent moment of your life, the world will probably stop moving fast (i hope), scream like there was no tommorow to mask your face with metaphoric phrases and all the euphoric faces. perhaps, dance with the rhythm of your heart, let the bones bent down until it hurts no more. let all the scars re-open itself, stitch it with threads of present memories. and conceal it with fresh-begginings.
the universe isn’t entirely tender with you, soft-hearted child, however i am beyond proud. i am beyond grateful of your softness, it doesn’t change at all. you are still ‘you’ despite the tremendous asteroids falling unto your feet and detached bones. you are still the child i used to know— hidden beneath the walls of body scars yet carrying the youthful wisdom.
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saltypiss · 1 year
Everyday I tell myself "It's another day towards getting better" for the past 10 years.
It's only gotten worse. Like, I don't want it to come off as total victimization, but wow, the amount of people that actively fucked me over growing up, and the entire system being utterly worthless to exist in.
Idunno man. Okay so let's say I finally get a doctor that's willing to do any help at all. Let's say I get medicated. And let's say I finally am fixed and to the same level as normal people.
When will that be? I've been waiting a decade. If I get better, then...what...? A shitty world that's only getting worse and less educated while on fire? What do I have to look forward to from finally not being depressed.
We're going to see an absolutely avalanche of suicides in the coming years. Everyday, I try not to be apart of it. Solely because of 2 things: Other life, and curiosity.
By golly though is it getting to be less and less of a reason. Really, at my age, I shouldn't feel double. But I do, I'm tired. It's becoming less of an emotional situation and more of a "Honestly...what really is there, someone else is going to fuck you over and set you back, and if not everything is getting worse and people are actively trying to make it worse."
The period of time to live has passed. Now we suffer. I'm curious of all the forms, but eventually, like any form of art, I move on, I don't hold interest for long and life is but one piece of art I genuinely find creatively impressive, but worthless utterly. There is no addition from us, I wish people would understand that, and work towards giving people a reason. Instead, we give people other reasons.
My hope is my and the next generation generate reasons, because everything before us feels like it was set up to give us other reasons. I can only rely on what people tell me, but the single real thing keeping me here today and tommorow is hearing someone say I gave them a reason.
So you fuckers should try too, because I'm out of reasons other than you.
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