#i dont know how i feel but i know i am so very <3<3<3 currently and that nullifies all other emotions which i think is a good thing
orcelito · 2 years
What If I didn't have a brain of a pessimistic squirrel that takes everything out of proportion and can't deal with any thing
#speculation nation#me getting 4 comments 3 of them being long & detailed and wonderful#(which i want to reply to them so baaad but i dont have a brain rn. tomorrow i will)#but i also lost Two bookmarks (gasp!) and i have 4 comments when my average is like 7 or 8 ish. sometimes more.#and my brain is like 'do people not like it? 😭'#trying to beat my brain back with a stick like a: this is a Long Chapter so people will need time to absorb it#and b: even if i dont have a ton of reception i still have 3 very detailed comments that express how much they love it#those comments r the only thing keeping me sane rn ngl.#this is why people say not to rely on reception for satisfaction with ur own work bc it will never be enough#god i really hope andi can recover enough to return to beta reading soon bc i am losing my mind#might also be the sleep deprivation talking. but The Anxiety is easier to ignore if i have someone there to reassure me#prior to posting. so that i know at Least one person enjoys it.#ughhhhhhngg me planning on A Part being included next chapter that is uhhh#kind of a difficult topic to cover. Essential but idk how ppl will feel about it. im gonna include it but i will be anxious about it.#ngl anytime i have smth that is Uhhh taking any kind of stance with anything or making any kind of statement#it makes me so anxious to put that out there. so many little emails to tell people how i view the world...#just currently dealing with smth i thought was good n reasonable n important that has gotten 0 attention and im just like#i hope ppl dont hate it... i hope that's not why im losing bookmarks....#maybe ppl have just lost interest in the game. or maybe ppl hate where im going with the story.#i CANNOT tell and it drives me insane. little hampster beaver brain needs to Not.#maybe its time to sleep. can u tell by this post that i can barely keep my eyes open rn? i think i probably could tell.#discacc shit#sure lol it deals with it enough
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i-deserve-to-bite · 25 days
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I'm actually in an INCREDIBLY good mood and have been all day!!
#minus the very strong feelings of adoration theres been zero hate or negative feelings i remember#then again i lost a good chunk of memory regarding today#that was intentional though i didnt want to remember#i had a lot of fun working on minecraft house teehee#aghck!! i hate being thrust into obsession like this but i just cant help but indulge in it#i love it So much regardless of how damaging it is and how itll end up#siiigh<3<3<3#its going good so far though#im sparing a few thoughts so if it gets messy we wont be bitter and more understanding/less of a mockery of emotions#i dont know how i feel but i know i am so very <3<3<3 currently and that nullifies all other emotions which i think is a good thing#this stuff always leaves me forgettig though#i wish i could remember better! sigh! :-)#i am burning#i want to work on the world more tommorow#i hope i can grab them and show them what ive worked on Teehee!!!#im very proud of it#i wish i wasnt so disspaointing and disgusting but i believe those have been pressed into my notable traits and i take slight pride in how#putrid i am#the dissapointing part less so#i am happy ive been clean for quite a bit now! i wish i hadn't done it before. breaking a vow like that is Awful#i dont want to die or be hurt ! i really do want to thrive and those bad thoughts cant get me in this state when all i want to do is#show devotion and how true my words are all the lies i speak are necessary but hold no danger and if instructed id tell the full truth so#judt random thoughts at this point#:-P#im tired! im trying to maintain this high#i dreamt about them and it was so odd. i dream about them so much Its Weird.#ive dreamt about them more than any of my other hearts so i guess the obsession is just. That Strong.#maybe i'll rant the more obslove thoughts on that blog#siigh#i hope i stay obsessed like this forever where each word from them makes me so violently excited i cant help but gag and giggle TEEHEE
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waloeders · 3 months
yes i was going to finish my neo no i didnt i did a lot! but i didnt finish it, one of my irl friends finally got bg3 so we were playing together :33
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pleasantboatpress · 6 months
so, you wanted to start bookbinding?
so @princetofbone mentioned on my post for "factory settings" about wanting to know more about the binding style that i used for it. so i thought i might make a post about it.
i was as terrible as i always am for taking in progress shots, but i can link you to the resources i used in order to make my book. i would also like to point out that "factory settings" is my 120th bind, and i have been doing bookbinding as a hobby for just over 3 years now. unfortunately this means some of the methods that i used for that bind aren't particularly beginner friendly, just in terms of the tools and methods i have used, but i would love to point you in the right direction when it comes to resources. i dont say this to sound pretentious which i fear i might come across, just so that youre fully informed. getting into this hobby is fun and rewarding, but it can definitely be intimidating.
with that caveat, heres a list of links and resources that i have used for bookbinding in general, with additional links to methods i used specifically in regards to this bind.
ASH's how to make a book document. it gives you a great introduction into typesetting fics (where you format the text of fics to look like a traditionally published books) and then turning them into a case-bound book (the style i used for "factory settings"). it is comprehensive, and explains how to use microsoft word to do your bidding. it was invaluable to me when i was just starting out! currently i use affinity publisher to typeset/format my fics for printing, but i only bought and learned how to use that after i had been binding books for a year and a half. i made some beautiful typesets with word, and some of my close friends use it still and design stuff that i never would be able to in my wildest dreams (basically anything by @no-name-publishing)
DAS Bookbinding's Square Back Bradel Binding. a great style to do your first bind in! this method requires, when making the case, to attach the cover board and the spine board to a connecting piece of paper, which makes it so much easier to match the size of the case to the size of the text block (your printed out and sewn fic). using this method is what allowed me to get much more accurately fitting cases, and made me much more confident with the construction of the books i was making. a well-made book is something that is so wonderful to hold in your hands!
DAS Bookbinding's Rounded and Backed Cased Book. This is the specific method that i used to create my bind for "factory settings"! even before i could back my books, i found that watching DAS's videos in particular helped me see how books were traditionally made, and i was able to see different tips and tricks about how to make nicer books.
Book Edge Trimming Without... i trim the edges of my text block using my finishing press and a chisel i have sharpened using a whetstone and leather strop with buffing compound on it. i follow the method for trimming shown in this video!
Made Endpapers. i follow this method for my endpapers, as i used handmade lokta endpapers, and they can be quite thin, but they look beautiful! i used "tipped on" endpapers (where you have your endpaper and then put a thin strip of glue on the edge and attach it to your text block) i used for a very long time before this, but these feel like they are much more stable, as they are sewn with your text block.
Edge Sprinkling. this is the method that i used for decorating the edges of my text block. but the principle is basically clamping your text block tight and then sprinkling the edges. i do not believe you need to trim the edges in order to do sprinkles on the edges, and that's what makes it accessible! i personally just use really cheap acrylic paint that i water down and then flick it onto the edges with my thumb and a paint brush.
Double-Core Endbands. i sew my own endbands, which i followed this tutorial for. that being said, it's kind of confusing, and this video is a bit easier to follow, but it is a slightly different type of endband.
Case decoration. i used my silhouette cameo 4 to cut out my design for "factory settings" in htv (heat transfer vinyl). i also used my cameo 4 to cut out the oval of marbled paper on the front, as i honestly didn't want to try my hand at cutting an oval lol. i also glued some 300 gsm card with an oval cut out of the centre of it onto the cover before covering it with bookcloth, to get a kind of recess on the cover. i then glued the oval of marbled paper onto the top of the recessed area once it was covered with bookcloth, so that it was protected. the images i used were sourced from a mix of rawpixel, canva and pixabay. a more accessible way to get into cover decoration is by painting on a design for your cover as described in @a-gay-old-time's tutorial just here. or even doing paper labels, which look classy imo.
physical materials. sourcing these will depend on your country. i am located in australia, and have compiled a list with some other aussie bookbinders of places to buy from. here is a great post describing beginning materials for getting started binding.
@renegadepublishing. this tumblr is great! its what got me started bookbinding, and being in the discord has been inspiring, motivating, and honestly just one of the best online experiences i have ever had. it is full of resources, and most people in there are amateur bookbinders, with a couple of professionals thrown in. the discord is 18+, and anyone can join!
i'm sorry this post got so long, but i hope that this has a lot of information for you if you would like to get started bookbinding. its one of the best hobbies ive ever had, and i genuinely believe i will have it for the rest of my life.
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normansnt · 3 months
Could I request a third part of the prince? I love it!
Yeah I might have forgot to mention I do in fact take requests😎
Actually ya'll have been loving the prince series and I was wondering if you want me to making it into like a full blown story like following the series events and what not, or like just a little series of cute scenarios?
Let me know.
The prince (part 3)
(Alastor x male reader)
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Currently you were arguing with your father. Since the moment he found out you are dating Alastor he was not happy, to say the least.
"Why the sudden urge to leave? Is it not good here anymore because I can clean up the rubber ducks-"
"No dad thats not the point I just think I'm old enough to move out and Charlie has her hotel with a lot of rooms, and I mean I guess her dream is not that impossible-"
"Yeah right, like I'm going to believe that you just want to move in with that bambi of yours" he scoffed
"Dont call him- thats not- ok fine yeah, I want to move in with Alastor why is that such a problem I am a grown ass adult I can do as I please." And with that you left the room to pack.
"I swear, he still thinks I am a kid." You were pacing in Alastor's room while he was sitting on a couch and calmly drinking tea.
"He let Charlie go?? Why not me why cant I do what I want with my life" you continued your angry ranting while unpacking you clothes.
At this point you were basically moved in with Alastor. You had all your stuff there you just needed to unpack, which he solved with a flick of his wrist. You could have done that too, but your father raised both you and your sister to not be careless with the amount of power you have, also you were busy rambling.
"*sigh*...thank you honey." You said quietly as you took a seat next to him slumping into the couch.
Alastor looked at you. Till now he was just half listening to you ramble and he thought you would feel better once you let it out and you two could cuddle but right now you looked even more sad, defeated even.
This did not sit right with him. If there was anything he hated most was seeing you sad or hurt.
He took a hold of your hand and put his other one on your cheek to guide your head to look at him.
"My dear, this issue will be resolved just as any other, you will make up with your father." He reassured you with a smile.
"I know but than it will start again, and I'm starting to feel like he will never accept you even though you are so important to me and... it's just too much right now, I'm sorry I need to be alone." And with that you left.
There it was again. That stinging feeling in his chest. Alastor had to take matters into his own hands.
You walked down the stairs and took a seat by the bar.
"Damn kid, rough day?" Asked Husk as you put your head into your hands and groaned.
"Thats one way to put it, can you please get me a whisky on the rocks" you said in your ever so kind voice.
Husk liked you. On contrary to your father and older sister you were calm, quiet and well spoken. All this while still having the heart of gold they have as well.
He never understood how a charming young man such as yourself would find himself in a relationship with a demon like Alastor.
During your numerous visits to the Hotel you have talked to Husk a lot and you two became really good friends. The same went for Angel who usually joined you guys. You three usually sat by the bar chatting for hours.
"Hi (Y/N)," you heard Angels voice approaching as you sipped on your whisky. He took a seat next to you and shared a quick kiss with Husk. You chuckled to yourself quietly, you have been rooting for the two from the very beginning and when they finally got together you were so happy you shedded a few tears.
"Hi Angel" you gave him a small smile but he saw through it.
"Aww, toots hard times?" He asked as Husk handed him his drink.
"It's a long story" you answered.
"We got time" said Husk encouragingly.
You smiled a little than started telling the story.
Alastor was on his way to find Charlie. He needed to solve the situation or he had to gauge his own eyes out so he doesn't have to see you sad.
He figured if he got your father to come to the hotel you can talk things out. As well as, he is going to try and make an effort not to be a complete ass with him but Lucifer has to try and be nice as well, for your sake.
He needed Charlie for this because if Alastor asked Lucifer to come he would not. However if Charlie asked, he'd be there in a second.
"Oh Charlie?" He wondered into the princess's room.
"Yes? OH Alastor HI how is my brother doing?" She asked with excitement. She was more than thrilled that her little brother is going to move into her hotel.
"Not so well I'm afraid I acquire your assistance to make him feel better"
"What? Whats the problem is he ok? Did you hurt him? Alastor I do not care how helpful you are around here if you hurt my little brother-" Her eyes started glowing red as her hair was swept into the air and her horns started to show.
Before this could go any further Alastor cut her off.
"My dear, rest assured I would kill hell's entire population and my self before causing any harm to your darling brother." He said calmly.
"Oh, then whats the problem?" Asked Charlie now calm.
And so Alastor explained everything to Charlie.
When Alastor and Charlie knocked on her father's door there was no answer. They looked at one another and Charlie checked if it was open. It was, so they could go in without problems.
"Hello? Dad?" Yelled Charlie as her voice echoed in the huge mansion.
"YOU, It's your fault you took them away from me" they heard as they looked to their right.
In seconds Alastor was tackled to the floor with a very angry Lucifer on top.
When Charlie registered what she was seeing she started to pull her father off of the Radio demon to almost no avail. The devil wouldn't budge.
Lucifer was not happy. He was yelling in his demon form wings out and fire spewing from his mouth.
Everyone stopped. You were standing in the door looking at the scene before you, baffled.
You rarely raised your voice, so to hear it this loud and clear shocked most people in the room.
You cleared your throat. And said in your normal calm voice again.
"Can we talk in private."
Lucifer calmed down and followed you into the room you left to.
When he entered the room to his surprise, you hugged him.
"Listen dad, I understand that both of your kids growing up is hard for you, and I'm sorry for leaving you alone but I need my space I'm starting to live my life and its with Alastor because I love him."
You said in a very gentle tone.
Your dad looked at you for some time then hugged you again.
"You really love him, kiddo?" He looked at you with understanding eyes as he let go.
"I do, dad I really do." You answered.
Your dad sighed. He took a hold of your hands.
"All that matters to me is that you are happy. I'm sorry I have been such a jerk about it but...it's so hard to let you kids go, you will always be my babies" He sniffed lightly.
You chuckled at that and squeezed his hands.
"Can you please make an effort to not hate Alastor?" You tried.
He groaned.
"Yeah, yeah I'll see what I can do but he needs to be cooperative"
You walked out of the room.
Charlie stood up with tears in her eyes and hugged you both.
"Oh...the walls are thin here aren't they?" You asked as you looked at your dad.
"Yeaaah, forgot to mention that."
"You guys, I'm so happy you made up are we ok now?" She asked between sniffles.
"Yeah, we are ok" you smiled at your dad.
After your sister let you go from her crushing embrace Alastor walked up to you.
"I- listen no pressure about saying-" he cut you off by swapping you off your feet into a breathtaking kiss.
"I...I love you too, darling" he said quietly, without the radio statics, he said it in his real voice, as he put his forehead on yours.
"OK, see, I promised to be nice but there is no need to rub it in my face" your father said as he dragged you away.
Alastor straightened up and, with the static back in his voice and an eye twitching, he held his hand out to your father.
"I promise to make an effort to not murder you" he smiled eerily at your dad.
Lucifer had a brooding expression on his face but shook the radio demons hand none the less.
"Thank you." You said at last as you hugged both of them. They hugged you back. While glaring at each other behind your back.
Sure they are gonna make an effort. When you're looking.
I really hope you like it again thank you for the request.
Also please let me know if y'all want any of what I mentioned in the beginning.
When Alastor's staff broke and he started talking w/o the statics I was ON MY KNEES.
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acuar-io · 4 months
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Advice on how to achieve aesthetically pleasing gameplay photos!
UPDATED: 4/22/2024
I made this post earlier today and people were interested in the comments! Which made me more excited to make this post~
this is just some advice from me! this isnt a tutorial or anything of that sort, but I will be linking some things that could be helpful for editing gameplay! :D
First things first, I want to say that I use a graphics overhaul, lighting mods check my resources page for what reshade i use if ur interested.
I use these lighting mods & graphics override specifically:
graphics overhaul
Lotharihoe's ootd* curseforge download :)
Northern siberia winds in-game better lighting mod (bright base)
these are some other lighting mods you can try out as well!
Luumia's NoBlu & NoGlo
these are some other lighting mods like sunblind
how to install lighting mod
I just wanted to add these things in since we're talking screenshots + I wanted to share for the no reshade ppl <3
Now we can move on to the advice!
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I love the simple style of gameplay editing so much, but for me I love creating an ambience with my posts and put the audience inside of my gameplay. I also enjoy storytelling with gameplay more than just the "usual" gameplay post (when it comes to me). I am currently playing the globetrotter challenge with my sim Daichi. I really went all out with the editing for that gameplay. For this one its very much a virtual collage of my sim doing things. Trying new things and getting inspired by others is always fun and cool! Remember when u do take inspo: link to the inspiration and @ the simmer that inspired u!!
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In my other save (my cozy save) I also take creative liberties there.
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its more of a cozy vibe & silent story-telling (storytelling w/o the dialogue). for my cozy save i take inspiration from @/stellarfalls. er gameplay really helped me find my niche thing in the way i play the game tbh!
When you're taking your screenshots, angles are important. Depending on the shot, you're putting emphasis on a specific thing. This post is very helpful and talks about different types of angles/shots and what they mean. Check it out especially if you want to play around with the way you take screenshots!
Here’s some editing tips from @stellarfalls !!
simmingstars editing tips
If I want to create a moody or dreamy ambience I can use reshade. Looking for a reshade that will fit the overall vibe is a must or you can make your own~
i know not everyone is able to use reshade because they're not on windows. I highly recommend using photoshop actions to create that ambience you're looking for.
*These can be used in photopea, but it cant read topaz clean. If you want to achieve topaz clean in photopea, check this post out! just something i'd like to add in case people are new to all of this + dont use photoshop. Lastly, I want to say if you decide to edit photos on photopea, it does tend to crash if you upload a big number of photos and slows down. I usually upload like 6 or 8 and then save and repeat the process. Its kinda annoying, but ive been using photopea for a while now so im used to it. My mac users, use early-grapes butter action if you want things to look cleaner and less harsh!! + the other ps actions down below. I used these a lot when I was a mac user. Of course, that comes with extra steps, but I feel its worth it in the end.
I like these photoshop action packs bc theres tons of stuff in here that can help create a reshade like look:
intramoon's ps action dump
wooldawn's ps acton dump
smubuh's photoshop actions
early-grape's butter action
hazelminesims's ps actions
I loveeeeeee templates so much!! theres so many out there to use for gameplay. It really adds more to gameplay posts! This can be dust/dirt, film burn, that cute camera template etc etc. templates are really fun to use and play around with~
I usually go on deviantart to find templates to use! if you want to check out my deviantart account you can find it here! I favorite a lot of things I can use for gameplay screenies.
making gifs is cool because it brings the gameplay "to life" ~
EZgif is a free website that converts videos to gifs. You'll need a recording program like OBS (which is also free).
i like making gifs when i want to capture a (cute) moment (kisses, hugs, cooking etc etc). Its also cool to capture the weather in game like when its snowing or raining.
Little details
Some people really go all out on editing gameplay posts like adding hair strands and adding more details to sims faces (catchlights, tears, blushing, etc). You dont really have to do this, but I want to mention it anyways! I want to try doing this at some point because I enjoy editing my gameplay posts/photos in general and adding tiny details is fun to me lol. It adds realism to posts, but it isnt necessary!
Procreate is a really good program that you can get if you have an ipad. its 10$ and thats, that. You dont have to make any payments. You can also animate on procreate too if you're down for that!
Find inspiration in other simmers!
the sims community on tumblr is filled with such talented people! Theres lots of gameplay simmers who dont do your typical gameplay posts that you can check out and learn from!!! Ive always struggled with getting the right angles when taking screenies. I looked at other simmers and how they take screenshots & it was really helpful for me since I noticed I would take too many over the shoulder photos on my sims lol.
I think thats all the advice I have! I hope this was helpful and if you have any questions please send me an ask or dm! :D
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nordidia · 7 months
when this posts, the queue has ran out!!
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thank you so much for being here with me on this little daily-art journey (LMAO). this was all the tmnt art ive drawn (and posted on twitter) since the rottmnt movie came out august 2022, and i'm so grateful for all the support i've gotten here on tumblr!
but of course from now on i will post art gradually whenever i draw, not daily!
throughout as the queue progressed i also put the art i drew in the queue, so the past few ones have been recent i know alot of you found comfort in the daily posting so im really sorry it had to end, i also enjoyed the daily feedback and seeing your happiness!
it feels a bit surreal in a way, i know it hasnt been that long but also it was about 3 months of daily posts which is a bit weird to just stop suddenly,,, but anyway!
art for me is hard alot of the time, my artstyle seems rly simple and not hard to do to others but for me i have very low wrist stamina and alot going on in my personal life currently so im unsure on just how often i will post. i hope you will respect this!!
i still draw, i will post it whenever its drawn! and my ask box will ofc be open and i will answer the asks i am able to/feel like/have anything to answer them with! so just you know nothing is necessarily ending, it just wont be daily! hehe!
thank you so much!! see you soon!!
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
Remember me? (Part 17)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: eh. i dont know. this was going to be longer, but then i decided to let it be. kinda filler i guess. not much happening.
The gasps and looks Eris and Y/n's third dance had received would forever be embedded in her mind.
Y/n would have given herself a judging look if she could if she was being honest. She didn't know what she was thinking when she told him she wanted to continue dancing.
Almost an hour after their dance ended, she was still wondering and chastising herself.
People were still looking at her strangely, but that she could not care less about.
Was he asking me to marry him?
Y/n ignored the thought the moment she had it.
Despite her attempts to quell her questions, though, one question kept coming to the forefront of her mind.
Am I in love?
She did not know how to answer, so she either kept trying to stop thinking, or tried to think if she did love him.
Butterflies kept erupting in her stomach, and she desperately tried to stop them from taking flight by washing down several glasses of wine.
Not much help, if she said so herself. But still nonetheless effective in that it made her feel freer. And she felt like she could ignore the others better when she was busy trying to lick the dregs from the bottom of the cup or having a staring match with the few droplets that for some reason refused to leave the cup.
She was not drunk, not by any means. She was just trying to pretend that what happened earlier was planned. Or that it did not matter to her.
A gentle touch to her shoulder brought her out from her current staring match with those bastard droplets that for some reason hated her, and she turned her head around to see who had the audacity to disturb her.
Roland grinned at her, nodding his head towards the raised platforms at the end of the gigantic room where long tables stood with high backed chairs surrounding the length of it. Steam wafted up in tendrils from the food that had been set on them by the servants who now hurried to get out of the way of the haughty autumn court nobles.
There were two platforms, one for all the court nobles, and a higher one for the high lords who would dine together. Only the high lords and a chosen member of their court would sit on the table on the higher platform.
Since Y/n's arrival, two balls had been held. Eris usually chose his highest and most trusted advisor to sit with him in these things. Y/n usually sat at one of the chairs on the lower platforms.
She began to move towards her usual spot when she felt Roland stopping her again. She scowled at Eris's personal guard and oldest friend.
His grin only widened, completely unbothered by her glare, as if she was a harmless little female. She was just about to give him a piece of her mind and show him exactly what she could do when he glanced behind her, trying to contain his smile as he jerked his head to behind her.
She glanced towards where he had nodded to, and found Eris staring at her as he stood next to his chair at the head of the table, his hand on the chair on his right.
Her brows furrowed when she realised his advisor was nowhere nearby.
She glanced around, wondering if he was not attending, but to her surprise, she found him sitting on one of the table on the lower platform, muttering in low tones. By the looks of it, he was not very happy with the seat arrangements.
She turned to Eris questioningly.
He simply pulled out the chair to his right, one that was always reserved for the highest ranking official after the high lord himself.
Only after a moment did she realise that he was waiting for her to sit in it.
Her eyes widening, she looked behind her to Roland, something akin to panic festering under her skin.
He simply nudged her lightly with a hand to her back, and Y/n turned forward again, telling herself she would kill him the first chance she got.
She clutched at the soft, velvety fabric of her skirts as she walked forward, a hush falling over the room as everyone again stared at her as she passed the empty chairs, and then continued on until she stepped onto the higher platform.
At this point, everyone had definitely realised that the high lord had removed the advisor from his normal seat to have someone who was not even a member of the court sit next to him.
She stared at Eris the whole time, wondering what he was playing at.
He did not look away either, simply moving away for her to sit.
He pretended as if nothing happened, toasting to unity of the courts against all evil and things Y/n did not bother to listen to. It was only some courtly bullshit, she knew.
She knew she could not listen and focus even if she tried. She was too busy thinking about what he had done.
After a few moments, everyone dug into the dish. It was a small piece of spiced chicken placed in a crunchy and edible bowl like structure, drizzled with a slightly sweet and sour sauce.
The high lords chatted among themselves. The couple from winter court sat next to Y/n, the lord simply staring at his wife as she chatted with Morrigan, who sat next to her.
Directly across Y/n sat the high lord of day court, his boisterous laugh at something Eris said echoing slightly from the high walls and ceiling of the room. Y/n simply waited, chewing slowly as she contemplated how she would talk to Eris about it.
Eris gave his signature cruel lord smirk to Helion when he said something. Then Helion tuned away to say something to the High lord of dawn court, and Y/n took that as he chance to give Eris a piece of her mind.
She slowly ran her heeled toes against the nearest leg she could find, trying to see if it was Eris. She was sure it was Eris, she was just making sure.
Eris paused his chewing, his eyes moving from his half eaten plate to her. He rose a brow.
If Y/n didn't know better, she would have thought he began blushing too.
She then pulled back her leg, and after waiting a moment, she kicked him. He jerked and jumped in his seat, biting his lip. He tried to recover by pretending nothing happened and taking another bite of the chicken on his plate. After he was sure no one had seen him caught off guard, he glared at Y/n, betrayal swirling in his eyes.
Y/n smiled at him, wide and unrestrained, before she turned back to the last bite that was left on her plate, the sauce having smeared all over.
Eris said nothing as the servants scurried out from their places against the wall to clear up the tables and then bring everyone a bowl of soup. They were silent, their feet hurrying to get their work done and then go and stand in the shadows again, to not be a bother to the elites of the court who already had a problem with the lower faeries existence.
Y/n smiled and softly thanked the bark skinned fae that placed the soup bowl in front of her. The fae seemed shocked for a moment, before they ducked their head and hurried away.
After the people resumed their eating, Y/n turned to Eris, who glanced at her.
She leaned close to him, and he put his head next to hers to listen to her amid the chatter in the room.
"You might as well marry me right now. Or have you already planned to do it?"
A small smirk made its way onto his mouth, and Y/n chided herself for giving him the chance to tease her. "If that is what you want, I would declare my love for you and marry you, right here, right now, my dear."
Y/n's face heated, and she sat back, avoiding his eyes.
For the rest of the dinner and until all the high lords save for the spring high lord and the night court inner circle left, Y/n avoided him like the plague.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Eris Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @tele86
Remember me Taglist: @holb32 @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten @txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman @leeknows-wife @aria-chikage @amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover @kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay @acourtofbatboydreams @stained-glass-eyes0708 @glaciuswduo @wallacewillow0773638 @cassie6392 @quackitysdrugdealer @txzii @anuttellaa @coisas-da-dani @hnyclover @sassyslytherinshai @historygeekqueen @why4anne @mybestfriendmademe @going-through-shit @thisblogisaboutabook @thehighlordishere @hells-sluttiest-new-arrival
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crystalandbow · 2 months
Pile 1 is beach, pile 2 is garden, pile 3 is swans. Take the reading with a grain of salt and only take what resonates 🤍
If you liked the reading, lmk! & Follow for more
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Hello pile 1👋🏻
Or should I say hello my mama bears
lol anyways let's begin!!!
The cards that you got: 2 of swords, ace of coins, the emperor and the ace of cups.
Okie so The 2 of swords really sums it up for y'all, the others cards just confirm it more. like you guys are torn between 2 options/paths/things/ whatever. Making a decision is important because It seems like this has been on your mind for some time and is bugging you ? Taking up all your mental energy/stamina. *like a vampire/jk* most of y'all already know which path you want to choose but for some reason you haven't locked in your answers is what I am feeling. And now it's time to make a decision! It might be that you are afraid for some reason, you have this fear of what if things go wrong or something like that or it might be that you are unable to make a decision because both options seem equally tempting.
I think you can choose any path because they will have decent results. The advice or call-out message is that whatever you chose to do for your situation, stick with it. Its not about the options it's about you! The reason why I called you guys mama bear is because that is how you should deal with your current situation. Chose whichever path you want, fight or flight. But stick with it! Know that what you did was absolutely okay!! You have to embody the emperor's energy (of being bold and authoritative, because it is your life, do not fall for anything that doesn't feel right )
The ace of cups tells me that you guys should make a decision using your heart ( feelings & intuition) because afterall you know what's best for you! follow your intuition/gut feeling, don't be afraid of anything YOU ARE THE EMPEROR & YOU'VE GOT IT !
Keywords: stability, bravery & action. Facing fears/oppositions, gut feeling
Ig thats it, lmk how I did and only take what resonates 🤍 have a good day/evening/night
Hello pile 2 👋🏻
Cards you got: 3 of cups, death, 2 of cups & 9 of cups
I'm getting the word "love potion" for guys, I mean we do have alot of cups *the 2,3 and nine of cups* woah! That's alot of emotions. I'm also getting the word "self acceptance" all the cards are so positive but it doesn't feel that good? Something feels heavy? And a Lil stressful yk? I think the message for you guys is opening up yourself.
Y'all might have the habit of guarding yourself, but many times sometimes you just end up over doing it, leaving you feeling sad? Y'all feel that you are different from others in a sad way and that you have to put up this "fake" self to fit in. You try to be like others / everybody around you in public and this needs to change, atleast your mindset that people won't accept you for who you are. Change is needed! Stop blaming it on other exteranl reasons. Do you even know who you actually are? Do you accept yourself? Do you love/care about yourself? Do you prioritise your needs first? Its not always others, sometimes it's our fault that we let people treat us like that! The two of cups imagery is giving me mirror energy, it looks like there's a mirror between the two peeps and they are actually the same person but also different at the same time like it's just their "other side" yk? How you view yourself, and how you let yourself be you truly. Love your inner child. Death talks about how you need to embrace all your different sides and be yourself, be unique & don't try very hard just to "fit in"
The nine of cups is here for advice and it talks about prioritising your needs first & putting yourself on the pedestal! Whether it be in romantic relationships or platonic or any relationship
Call-out message: DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOURSELF let yourself be! Accept love, prioritise your emotional needs first!!!
Ig thats it, lmk how I did and only take what resonates 🤍 have a good day/evening/night
Hello pile 3 👋🏻
Cards you got: the strength, justice, devil & the star.
Surprisingly all major arcanas😭I really wanna know what's going on with y'all. Like what MAJOR shit is going on lmao
Anyways here's my interpretation for you guys: you guys are working hard towards some goals of yours. I'm getting the vibes that the world told you what you think or thought once upon time is unrealistic and unachieveable but to you it feels like "inner- calling". you have started working towards it and might have achieved/ overcome certain milestones and mini achievements that you should be proud about and if not then you should know that they hard work that you have put in WILL workout and you will gain the fruits for you dedication. One thing you should possibly avoid is arrogance and / or greed attachments will be different for everybody, basically avoid the temptations of the devil. Don't believe you're at the top of the world and for some it's not getting overly obsessed with results,etc. Everything will workout at the right time. The justice card over here is likely talking about getting your results. Call-out message for y'all could be to choose the path of hard work & patience instead of shortcuts and unfair means. The star card is asking you to stay optimistic regarding your work to know that it will all be worth it, you will get your answers and result just keep working hard and have pure intentions
So yeah basically, just on the right track, keeping working hard, don't fall for temptations like shortcuts, procrastination, unfair means,etc be patient and you will be good to go
Ig thats it, lmk how I did and only take what resonates 🤍 have a good day/evening/night
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master-xochimilli · 8 months
◇ About + DNI ◇
Currently: Offline (Not answeing dms!!! Very slowly answering asks!!! I <3 being mentally ill!!! /s)
Asks closed !!! Inbox is way too fucking full lmao
Welcome to my blog~ My name is Xochimilli, though I'm sure some of you would be eager to call me Master or Sir
A 21 year old switchy vers genderqueer boygirl cat thing, It/He pronouns (yes capitalized :3)
My asks and dms are closed, because I'm a silly socially burnt out bitch
If you cannot handle different time zones and the fact others have work and responsibilities don't even bother. Asks will not be answered right away, please take situation/time sensitive asks with a grain of salt.
Time Zone: GMT -6 • Mexico City
♡ Pet
My pet is the lovely @onetiredpup, or 🫀 puppy who I lovee and adore so so soooo much 💛 THE BOYFRIEND YIPPPEE YAYY HOORAYY :3 💛💛💛💛💛 A A AAAAAA AA AAAAAAA KISSING HIM KISSING HER HUGGING THEM SO TIGHTLY
◇Anon Pets◇
•🪐 • 🩻 • 🦇 • 🪲 • 🐻 • 🐼 • ⚰️ • 🌱 • doe • 🧜‍♀️ • 🫧 • 🌻 • 👑 • 🦦 • 🌌 • 🥺 • 🤍 • 🐾 • 🍰 • 🍑 • 🪣 • 👑🖤 • 🍊 • 🍤 • 🐈‍⬛ • 🪷 • 🐞 • 🐬 • 🌟 • 🏩 • ✴️
◇ DNI ◇
Minors and ageless blogs fuck off, I will block you.
Typical DNI, dont be a bitch to others. Raceplay, and ED blogs also dni, for personal reasons, I can and will block anyone I want to, this is my safe space.
I also just reccomend not to interact if you just want the horny!!! I will rb anything n everything I want <3
◇ Kinks ◇ Limits under cut ◇
Impact play
Soft Degradation + Praise
Edging + Cum Denial
Free Use
CNC (emphasis on the consent)
Intox (only alcohol)
Royalty play
Pain/Physical Injury
Gore (will not post about it)
Cannibalism (will not post about it)
Apart from what is included in the DNI, do not offer to include these. I either don't enjoy them personally or can't do/write for them !!!
Use of the word "rape" in cnc (literally a fucking victim of it, me panicking and having flashbacks about over it will not be fun so stfu!!!)
Brat taming (I am too soft for it)
Weight gain/Loss + Feederism
Subby Xochi shit->
Some stuff about when I'm subby because holy shit a lot of similar asks about me being a subby kitty recently lmao, keep in mind I am very much soft when in a sub mindset
Petplay (kitty maybeee bunny), incredibly soft degradation, lots of praise, piss, somno, breeding, pregnancy, edging/cum denial, free use, alcohol intox, biting/marking, royalty play (i just wanna be a princess whose cared for), laction/milking, cockwarming, possesiveness, forcemasc, mommy/daddy
Terms I use
I literally don't give a shit what words you use for my body but I do enjoy enjoy having my general hole and cock area called princess parts and kitty parts when subby lol also my clit is my cock but like, my cock is my clit yknow?
My gender is cool, call me a good girl or princess, along with most masc terms!!! Kitty words also get my mind all WOAHS
Ummm, aaaa aa aaaaa fuck I don't know just writing about how I liked being refered to as "kitty" and "princess" gets me blushing LMAOOOO I am just babie fr, I literally cry when I cum,,, I just like being cared for and given sooo much attention and kind of spoiled and babied with lotssss of praise and words of affection,,, im dom for the horny but subby for the being cared for lmao,,, being subby lets me not worry about anything but being good so yayayayaaaa get me to just relax for once
Oki that's it, also if you are going to try to dom me, nice try but you'll probably fucking fail LMAOO I am so mentally ill I feel guilty subbing sometimes,,, also I probably need to feel hella safe with you because damn I get so emotional,,, okay that's it lol
My puppy's good boy chart ♡
Good boy chart for my lovely puppyyyyy, my sweet boyfriend @onetiredpup 💛 So so sooo excited for using it with him !!!! Will update it as they get stickers :3 so everyone can see what a good boy she is~
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based off @/droolypupboy's chart !!!!
◇ More:
I am literally just queer, in gender and sexuality, I am just a queer fuck !!!! My gender is just I am God, because I fucking am God. Because someone asked: I am kind of pretty sure I am monoamorous, I will engange in sexual play but no romantic stuff :3 -> have a boyfriebd. I have a boyfriend. Did I mention I have a boyfriend? I have a boyfriend and I love him I love my boyfriend with my whole being 💛 My boyfriend my beloved kissing her face right now actually because I love them and my blog is kinda obviously all about him lmao
Mostly a top dom, but really a nice switch vers at heart and would love switching it up if a person came along and put me in place like the soft kitty I am
Will be referred to as sir and master. Only my puppy darling can call me daddy.
All pet/master, d/s relations are for fun but I feel very strongly and I will care about you and probably count you as a close friend :3
Autistic and ADHD, and mentally ill, and chronically pained– Age regressor will always log out before regressing. Also a full time worker, don't fret if I don't answer right away~
Living in CDMX, long periods of silence are usually due to getting stuck in traffic or power outages, or when regressing.
◇Xochi is a real person I am not horny all the time lmao
A part time librarian! Head of the children's section of the library I work at, love taking care of kids and helping them get interested in reading. Also part time English teacher! Really just doing things I like nowdays~
I'm a pretty big softie at heart, expert crybaby, expert emotion feeler, expert at caring too much. I am also good at being dumb and laughing too much at stupid shit :3
I like stuff apart from masturbating and getting others horny~ Like drawing, Sky: Children of the Light, Sanrio (My Melody my beloved ♡), Percy Jackson, Artemis Fowl, Pretty Cure, plushies and cooking to name a few things I like, so don't be afraid to just talk about my interests! I'm not scary I promise :]
Understanding and open, don't like me being too rough? Go ahead and tell me— Will gladly compliment and comfort you, don't be shy! Also be a sweetheart and tell me if you get excited hm?
◇ Tags ◇
#xochimilli writes -> Orignal text posts
#xochimilli answers◇ -> Answering asks
#xochimilli comfort ->Only comfort more sfw
#xochimilli speaks ->Me bitching about stuff
#xochi is the breeding bitch -> Bottom/Sub POV writings
#important◇ -> important shit lmao
#☆lynn no mires☆ ->irl Xochi, audios and pictures
#🫀puppy-> For my love, my bf, my sweetheart, the one who fills my whole heart and my sunshine :3 ♡
#🫀💛 -> reblogs that make me think of them ♡
♱𝖋𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖔𝖙♱ <- matchy matchy for my bestie my beloved HOLAAA SEÑOR GACHA AAAAAAA
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crazykitsch · 4 months
Can you do a jealous Fermin one pls, it starts a little angsty but ends in fluff 🙏🏻 I’ll leave it to your imagination
Fermin Lopez: you & me
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pairing: fermin lopez x reader
warnings: none
❝I don't care about your first love. This should be your last one. Nothing like your last one. You look better on me, that's fashion.❞
I am not the jealous type. Atleast.. I like to think i’m not, others might disagree.
However my boyfriend, Fermin, sure does know how to make me jealous. I know he doesn’t do it on purpose, but it does sometimes (always) get to me when I see him and his ex girlfriend Valerie (who was also his first girlfriend). They broke up about 1,5 year ago and still remained friends.
I honestly just don’t get it, whats her deal? Me and Fermin are perfect for eachother and look great together. No need for her to butt in.
Right now we’re at Lewandowski’s house for a lunch for all Barca players and their girlfriends. Somehow Valerie is here since Pedri is single and he’s good friends with her so he invited her.
Im sitting next to Fermin and right next to him is, ofcourse, Valerie.
I AM a girls girl but I really do fucking hate her, sorry. I feel like she knows whats shes doing and how to get on my nerves. Should I name an example? Right now she is ‘talking’ with Fermin. Any person who doesn’t know them would definitely assume they’re a couple. But they’re not. I am sitting here, talking to no one, while being on my phone just scrolling on Instagram, I don’t know what to do.
I suddenly hear an annoying voice giggle so I immediately look at Valerie. I see her and Fermin laughing together at God knows what and she leans towards his shoulder and rests her head there. What the fuck. Now i’ve seriously had enough of her bullshit. How does Fermin not notice she’s still into him?
I sit here for a minute thinking of all the things I wanna do to her AND him. I decide to not do anything right now and instead I get up and go to Robert Lewandowski, I say goodbye to him and a few of my friends here and grab my jacket. Fermin has the car keys but I do not feel like talking to him so I just walk home. It is a 30 minute walk and as im walking I start to think about everything. I suddenly start crying and text my friend
PRIVATE CHAT: lola <3 & y/n 🎀
y/n 🎀:
please answer
lola <3:
whats wrong bb
y/n 🎀:
im literally so fucking done
are you home?
walking in your street
lola <3:
walking ??
y/n come over now
My tears have stopped and I knocked on Lola’s door. She opens it very quickly and lets me in. ‘Y/n what happened?’ she says and I can’t help but cry again. It might seem dumb to other people but I just really don’t like it when others try to take what belongs to me. ‘Lunch at Lewandowski’s, fucking Valerie getting on my nerves again, Fermin doing nothing.’ I say. We walk into her living room and sit on her couch. She hugs me as she says ‘Boys are really stupid, you know? Especially Fermin. He has such a pretty, smart, amazing girlfriend.’ I don’t know what to say so I just nod and hug her. ‘Do you want to spend the night?’ she asks and I nod again.
We just sit there watching tv and i’ve calmed down a bit. Right now it’s almost dinner time so we decide to cook pasta together. During dinner I suddenly remember I haven’t updated Fermin at all..
‘Do you think I need to text Fermin? I didn’t tell him where exactly I was going.’ I asked, I know I probably should but I don’t know if im ready for an argument. ‘If you’re ready for that you should.’ Lola says. I take a minute to think about it and say ‘I’ll do it tonight.’
It’s currently 8pm and me and Lola are on the couch watching a movie. We’re both so tired that after an hour we accidentally fall asleep. Stupid. I know.
I wake up the next morning and see that it’s 6am. I wake up Lola and say ‘Did I text Fermin? Or did I forget?’ okay now i’m really stressed. ‘Ehm.. I dont know, I think you didn’t’. ‘Fuck!’ I grab my phone and the first thing I see are all his notifications..
PRIVATE CHAT: fermin 🩷 & y/n ❤️
fermin 🩷:
where did you go to?
is it because of Val?
fermin 🩷:
just got home, where are you?
fermin 🩷:
im worried
fermin 🩷:
okay youre not funny anymore
where are you
fermin 🩷:
come home now y/n
fermin 🩷:
its midnight. please come home
fermin 🩷:
alright i’ll take it as a sign youre not coming home
Oh my god. I’m so stupid??? I show Lola the texts and she tells me to hurry and go home so I do.
She gives me a ride to my house and right now im standing in front of our door. I hesitate for a second but then I knock and I see Fermin standing there. Before I can even figure out what to do or say he pulls me into a hug and says ‘I’m so grateful you’re okay dont do that again please.’ I don’t know how to react. What I did WAS a bit wrong, but he’s not innocent either. Should I mention that i’m still mad? Or should I just let it slide? But if I let it slide Valerie will only get more and more touchy and comfortable with him..
‘Fermin?’ I say as I pull out of the hug. ‘I left yesterday because i’m so fucking tired of you and Valerie. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed but that girl is still into you. She knows exactly how she can get on my nerves and she never fails to do so. I don’t want to be that girl to make you pick sides but I would really appreciate it if you, my boyfriend, would see how she’s acting and tell her to stop.’
I can tell he doesn’t really know what to say. Before I can say something he says ‘Y/n Valerie is a friend of mine, nothing more. If she really does bother you i’ll break all contact with her right now because I don’t want you to go away anymore.’ I see him grabbing his phone and I can see he’s removing her number and unfollowing her on everything. I mumble a little ‘Thank you’ and he says ‘If you feel like that again please just tell me and if i deny it keep telling me, alright?’ I nod yes and hug him again.
It’s now a few hours later, 11 pm, and Fermin needs to go to Ciutat Esportiva Joan Camper for football training. ‘Y/n do you want to come along? Your support brings luck.’ he says and I smile and nod yes.
When we arrive there I see my friend Mikky and sit next to her. All of a sudden she says ‘How are things between you, Fermin.. and Valerie?’ I laugh and say ‘Me and Fermin are good now, Valerie is still the same bitch she was before.’ We both laugh while we sit there watching our boyfriends train.
After training, which took them like 3 hours we go home. He says he’s all sore and hurt but im pretty sure he’s just saying that so we can cuddle which I dont mind. I’m sitting on the couch as he lays on top of me.
‘Was fun watching you train today.’ I say as I start playing with his hair, ‘You were talking with Mikky the entire time though.’ he says. I kiss his head as I say ‘Needed to catch up.’ I can hear him hum and notice he’s been getting a bit more tired. I turn on the tv to watch my favorite show and notice Fermin has fallen asleep. I smile and kiss him one more time before fully concentrating on the show.
A/n: I’m soooo sorry this took longer than expected. I’ll try my best to work on more requests today!!
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puck-bunny-for-all · 15 days
Hi love!
Could you do an insta edit for Nico and his girlfriend getting a puppy? A labradoodle or something cutesy like that. And then all his teammates begging for him to take the puppy to practice.
P.s. The first time I read you referring to him as Swiss string cheese made me snort so loud hahah.
Also, happy birthday for your daughter!
Puppy Love - N.H
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@nicohischier : meet the newest nj devil Schatz Hischier
tagged : @username.yn
username.yn : omg look at our son 🫨🫨
jackhughes : so when's he coming to practice .. best birthday present ever❤️❤️❤️
↪ dawson1417 : @nicohischier @jackhughes NOT ONE TEAM will stand a chance with him in net 🤧🤧🤧🤧
↪ lhughes_06 : y'all I get to hold him first since im the youngest 😍
↪ username.yn : @jesperbratt do you want me to answer this truthfully?🤨🤨
↪ nicohischier : @jesperbratt I have been begging and she won't budge🥵
tmeier96 : its ok guys lemme talk to y.n Ill have him in full gear by tomorrow 🤑🤑🤑
↪ username.yn : @tmeier96 touch my son without permission and you may not be able to participate next season😤😤
ninahischier : Ach du lieber Gott!! Ich bin eine Tante? Ich werde weinen, Mama und ich buchen gerade einen Flug zu euch! 🤩😭 (oh my god!! I'm an aunty? I'm going to cry, mom and I are booking a flight to come see you guys right now!)
↪ tmeier96 : Du bist ein bisschen dramatisch, findest du nicht? @ninahischier🤡 (you're a bit dramatic don't you think?)
↪ ninahischier : Verpiss dich🖕🏻🖕🏻 (fuck off)
pally_18 : YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lil Schatz welcome
ehaula : @nicohischier so when am I babysitting
bssmith : 🐶🐶🐶🐶
A.N (ITS LONG SORRY BUT READ): OK THIS. (need I say more) LIKE THIS SEXY SWISS STRING CHEESE WITH NOT LEAVE MY BRAIN OMG. I HOPE HIS CHEEK IS OK TOO. anywhooo its a little short and not that exciting but its currently 10:30pm and im going to go to bed to dream of all my hockey husbands but I wanted to get this out asap.
TELL ME NICO DOESNT JUST SCREAMMMMMM SWISS CHEESE TO YOU UGH. alsooooooooooooooooo I feel like his sister speaks English I just think that she would also comment in German to her brother and idk makes it spicy.
I mightttt re-work some of it (as I say about every post I do..) I dont know yet how I feel about it hehe
ALSO JASMINE (MY DAUGHTER) SAYS THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH ! she can't wait to go to daycare on Tuesday and tell everyone that another internet bestie wished her happy birthday!!!
I hope you like it babes <3
xoxoxoxoxox, M
Tags : @lukey-pookie-hughes43 and @skylershines
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lelengerine · 8 months
hi omg I'm so glad you're back I love love ur works!!! I was wondering if u could do an arranged marriage au with jaemin for ur drabble event? I love ur blog sm!! 🥹🫶
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pairing | prince!jaemin x princess!reader
genre | royalty + arranged marriage au, reader thinks she’s hallucinating at one point, jaemin uses nickname (princess) on reader, lmk if i missed anything !!
wc | 0.9k
notes | ahh thank u for the kind words anonie <3 i added in the royalty au just to push the idea a little hehe hope u dont mind !! also i apologize for the drabble reqs being tended to so slowly,, i had an event over the weekend but i’ll be working on the rest of them now :D likes, rbs, and feedback on this is highly appreciated :]
this is part of my drabble req event here!
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the banquet hall filled with people waltzing about is also the place you stand in, the sight of the cheery crowd unable to lift your own mood.
a feast had been prepared in your name by your father, the king. letters filled with news he wished to share flew across the country, landing in the palms of esteemed guests who were carefully chosen to attend.
and though the event was meant for you, every minuscule detail was akin to a bleak forest in your eyes — a place filled with more unknowns than none.
the sharp clink of a glass garners your attention back to your father, a miraculous smile displayed on his lips, the happiest you’ve ever seen him be.
“at last, the time has come where the news i am to share may finally spread to every soul in the kingdom.” he begins proudly, gesturing you to come forward into the spotlight alongside him. “my lovely child is to be wed to the neighboring kingdom, and a new era of peace will be witnessed by all.”
a mix of gasps and cheers emerge from the crowd, yet their reactions were rather lackluster in comparison to your features frozen in place as if time had stopped, all except your lips that quiver at your father’s statement.
you turn away from the crowd, an empty laugh resounding out of your chest. “f-father? surely, this is all a jest?”
“peace will never be something to fool around with, dear. you, amongst all others, should know this by now.” your father speaks to you lowly, the look in his eyes relaying all that is needed to be said. “sacrifices are key to this nation. you are soon to be their queen, you understand where i’m coming from, yes?”
the sheer bewilderment in your mind leads you to nod your head almost instantaneously like an order had just been placed, yet your heart seems to sink further into a place out of your reach.
“who?” is all you weakly utter, defeated by the king’s resolve for a united peace between kingdoms.
“ah, i actually invited over the young man you are to wed. i supposed you ought to know who you’ll be spending a lifetime with, after all.” the words he tells you are all void of empathy, and you’re not sure if that breaks the little spirit left in you.
his gaze then lands on a servant who seems to already know what to do just from a simple motion. you stand in silence beside your father, waiting for the feeling of dread to pass you by, but it never does, and you're greeted by a voice instead.
a new figure stands before you, hair neatly styled with gel, yet the sleekness of his current appearance doesn’t hide the youthful gleam in his eyes. in fact, that very characteristic strikes you familiar, but you can’t pinpoint when you’ve seen it before.
“greetings, princess. my name is na jaemin.” he bows politely, and the name brings back memories in waves that flood your mind.
the na jaemin? the jaemin that picked flowers with you in the royal garden when you used to sneak out of tutoring sessions? the jaemin who offered you baked tarts when he so happened to find you sobbing in the corner of your room? the na jaemin who spoke to you with the gentlest of smiles?
“it seems you haven’t forgotten me yet, i hope?” he chuckles, and you’re not sure how to respond just yet.
all this time you believed he was one of the royal gardeners who eventually quit because you stopped seeing him around, yet here he was as the prince of another kingdom?
this can’t be right, he couldn’t be the one standing in front of you this very instance. you couldn’t even formulate the questions that float in your mind, struggling to catch each word and piece them together.
instead you take a step back, pausing momentarily before rushing towards the nearest exit, cursing the heavens for making you wear dainty heels that do absolutely nothing but hinder your movement. the peaceful gardens around you replace the overbearing grandeur of the banquet hall, creating a sense of eagerness in you that doesn’t let it take long for you to stagger in step, spraining your ankle in the process.
sure, there was a slight wince in each step now, but at least you were out of the grand hall that appeared more overwhelming to you than not. you manage to find a stone bench nearby, taking a seat to check on your injury.
“i thought i’d find you here.” the same person you’ve tried running away from manages to catch up with you — albeit it wasn’t too difficult in the first place — with a solemn expression on his face. “let me take a look.”
you’re apprehensive to take up his offer, but he kneels down before you could even agree on it to assess the damage inflicted upon your ankle. “it doesn’t look too bad. you’ll be alright in no time, princess-”
“why are you helping me?” you cut him off, gazing further past the gardens, anywhere but at him, and he takes note of it.
“because you’re to be my wife.” jaemin’s response is expected, yet it leaves you with disappointment.
“the title is but meaningless anyways.” you murmur softly as the sight you’ve been scanning slowly makes its way to where he’s tending to your ankle. “it’s not like you love me.”
his ministrations come to a pause at your words, head peering up to meet your gaze with a smile that you've unknowingly been wanting to properly see again in so long. “but i did, and i still do.”
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n3xii · 1 year
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Whats next in your love life?
hey guys i havent been back in a while but im here with a pick a card reading detailing whats next in your love life and what you should focus on, heres the images you can use to pick your pile!!
Masterlist (personal readings)
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cards- ten of swords, the moon reversed the king of swords reversed, the three of wands reversed and the ten of cups reversed
I feel that this pile has undergone a significant endings or realization in their love life and theyre still trying to make sense of everything moving forward. you’re struggling to maintain harmony and a sense of togetherness because of communication issues, paranoia, secrets being revealed, lack of trust etc. I feel this pile has delt with manipulative, dishonest people in their past and releasing yourself from the web of confusion has been difficult. you’re struggling to overcome the trust issues you’ve been left with and it feels difficult to open up to people again, so what im seeing is a healing process with ups and downs, im seeing you recovering but still adjusting to being open a vulnerable, im seeing you being less avoidant but still keeping to yourself and finding a balance, you dont want to come out of the shadows but you're still adjusting to the warmth which is good. healing is not linear or instant.  I feel like with the ten of cups here reversed, this fear of trusting people again has casued you to feel disconnected not just from potential partners/current partners, but also from your close loved ones. im picking up on someone who feels withdrawn and almost apathetic, dealing with the raw emotions of something has been dauting and withdrawing feels safer. but i am seeing you progress and be more open as you heal moving forward. <3
cards - chariot reversed, the ten of pentacles reversed, the hanged man, the ace of cups, the king of swords, the lovers reversed, the 7 of wands, the 8 of wands
alrighty im seeing a situation where you currently feel lost and directionless when to comes to career and long term prospects, you’ve been taking a passive seat and view of this realm of life. im seeing that change because a new relationship forming, this person is clear headed, direct, mature, assertive and im seeing that being around this person will have a contagious effect on you that inspires you to take a stand in your life. they will isnpire you to align everything that is currently not compatible with the future you want to create. im feeling that this person helps you make major life choices that impact your life path, and they help you take a more aggressive stand on things that are important to you. this person will be very inspiring and provoke you to take more action in your life, im seeing that this person will provoke you to take more control over the direction of your aspirations and goals. they will help you mentally clear out junk and get a more focused mindset. 
cards- the two of cups reversed, the knight of cups reversed, the emperor reversed, justice, wheel of fortune, the 6 of swords reversed, the hierophant and the moon
theres someone coming in with a horrible attitude towards love, they’re a masculine with immature qualities, emotional immaturity and they feel like someone who thinks treating their partner with adoration and love is ‘’below’’ them. they are restiant to take the lead and be expressive of their emotions so their resistance to be emotionally open creates unequal exchange of energy and feelings. if you deal with this person they will be unclear and conusing to deal with. With the justice and wheel of fortune card, im seeing this person get their ass handed to them karmically basically, their time of accountability is coming and the universe will teach them a lesson. For some of you this is a message that someone you know that treated you like this in the past will be getting their divine timing of karma soon, but regardless of how this resonates with you, this person will remain restiant to learning and elevating, they will stay the same and their illusions will still influence them. so if this is a person trying to come back this is a message for some people not to go back to the past, keep your priotries on whats right for you and your relationship values. 
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Platonic tadc cast with a child reader Who is like :
"hey, wanna see me do a cartwheel :D"
Basically very spontaneous and chaotic in the adventures lol
Ty!! (and remember to drink water) ;3
TADC cast x chaotic!kid!reader ! (Platonic)
Guys I'm literally so tired I just got done baking a ton of stuff, like I'm talking 12ish hours of non stop cooking and baking I'm going insane im trying so hard not to fall asleep rn because I kinda. Feel bad for not really answering requests today
Hope you enjoy anon!
Written on mobile
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Well well how the turn tables (writing caines portion last for once)
Very similar to kinger and ragatha in that he supports everything you do; in fact he encourages your behavior as long as no one is getting hurt. Very loudly (and sometimes obnoxiously) cheers for you
While kinger can only cheer and clap, I think Caine sets off sparkles and fireworks... probably has a whole group of bubbles cheering you on too , assuming there can be multiple bubbles at any given time (I personally think there can be, and they all share a hivemind of sorts)
So what was the occasion that prompted that?
A wonky cartwheel, of which you excited called "a sideways front flip"
(Fun fact from the admin, I called my first cartwheel that bc I didnt know it was called a cartwheel yet)
Anxious parental figure and hyper child, a dynamic that's hit or miss at least for me. Really it depends on how its executed
That said I think she struggles to keep up with you
Constantly scrambling around you make sure you dont fall into any danger. Literally and figuratively...
Her attempts to get you to sit down for more than five minutes fail
Your ass is failing the marshmallow test/j
No thoughts only that one clip from adventure time where BMO pretends to be a wheathervane before trying to nose dive off the roof, all while calling for finns attention. Thats you and ragatha, basically (in essence, not exact scenario though)... maybe zooble too, but we'll get there when we get there (I am currently having a brain blast)
Says things like "what am I gonna do with you" everyday, always lightheartedly of course and usually accompanied by a tired chuckle
Generally very supportive of you though, just so long as you're not hurting yourself! Sure, this is the digital world and injuries dont really stick, but still! The pain is still there
I mentioned the marshmallow test in pomnis part and I feel like jax would do something similar with you. Except the test is rigged and the candy (which he uses in place of the marshmallow( is actually for him and not for you. So if you actually earn the extra candy you dont even get it
That said I do think jax would feel bad when you get upset about the joke
I think he finds it funny, as long as you're not tugging on his overalls and screaming at him for something, or interfering with his plans
Hes not a neglectful rolemodel/familial figure, he just has a short fuse with the above I think, regardless of who it is, kid or not
That said he fully embraces your spontaneous nature
Peepaw and his grandchild, that's it that's literally the dynamic
"Kinger is only 48-"
"Oh that's so lovely, (reader)" when you run up to him with your hands full of god knows what
Eagerly claps and cheers when you show him a new trick you learned
Bonus if you try to recreate or one up his embellished stories in order to make him proud of you (hes always proud of you)
As mentioned in ragathas part, the wheathervane BMO thing is basically in essence you guys' dynamic. Except where I think ragatha would be quicker to pay attention to you, zooble may be a little slower. Not because they dont care about whatever you're trying to display to them, but because I think a lot of the times they kind of mentally check out (me too honestly)
Tries to scold you if you do something too dangerous or out of line, may come across as way angrier or upset than they actually are though thanks to their voice being kinda
You know
Zooble gives off "cool older sibling who doesnt care about nothing" energy
Meekly tries to get you to calm down for a few minutes, especially if theres an IHA going on because she doesnt want you to run off and potentially get hurt. Tries to keep you occupied with arts and crafts. Watches in horror as you impulsively eat the glue
Tends to wrap one of her ribbon hands around yours so she knows you're not running off.. this is more so when theres an IHA going on
As per usual not many ideas for gangle <\3
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