#i think the band currently in a fight with them is why don’t we
putawayurhalo · 2 years
OH HEY just saw one of my mutuals reblog about a band who’s currently under the same umbrella label as one of my favorite bands so time to use my bitchy mood to say FUCKER WARNER MUSIC GROUP SUCK MY FUCKING ASS YOU DUMB FUCKS AND TREAT YOUR ARTISTS BETTER <3
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bootleg-nessie · 7 months
Rating band names based on their accuracy:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
The Beatles: 3/10. None of these people are beetles, they’re just a bunch of fruity guys from Liverpool with matching haircuts
(Edit: changed from 0/10 to 3/10 because John Lennon beat his wife)
Pink Floyd: 4/10. There is not a single person named Floyd in the band, but some of the members do arguably look kinda pink
Nirvana: 10/10. Getting high and listening to Nirvana is roughly what I imagine actual nirvana to be like
Foo Fighters: either 0/10 or 10/10. I have never seen foo in real life so either they’re pretending to fight a problem that doesn’t exist or they’re doing an absolutely fantastic job of fighting it
The Eagles: 0/10. Same as the Beatles, there is not a single eagle in this band. The name is misleading and we have all been lied to
Queen: 6/10. Partial points for Freddie Mercury
Led Zeppelin: 0/10. I don’t think any of these guys have ever even seen a zeppelin, let alone one made of lead. A lead balloon would crash faster than my hopes and dreams
The Rolling Stones: 3/10. There is not a single stone in this band. Some points added because I’m pretty sure they rolled quite a few
U2: 0/10. Despite what the name says, I am not a member of this band
Metallica: 9/10. Naming a metal band “Metallica” is like naming your dog “doggy”
Red Hot Chili Peppers: 2/10. These guys are not chili peppers. They’re not even that hot, let alone red hot
Guns N’ Roses: 0/10. How the fuck could a gun or a flower play music
Backstreet Boys: ?/10. Depends entirely on their current given location
Simon and Garfunkel: 10/10. No notes
The Doors: 1/10. Jim Morrison is kinda shaped like a door tho
Chicago: 4/10. The number of people in this band does not come even remotely close to the population of Chicago. Points added because it originated in Chicago
Earth, wind, and fire: 2/10. This is even more innacurate than Chicago. Points added because wind instruments were often used
Def Leppard: 3/10. There is not a single leopard in this band. Some of the members are probably kinda deaf by now tho
The Beach Boys: ?/10. Accuracy depends entirely on location
The Black Eyed Peas: 6/10. Not sure what the hell an ‘eyed pea’ is but the black part is pretty accurate
Imagine Dragons: ?/10. Depends entirely on whether or not they’re thinking about dragons.
Cage the Elephant: 1/10. Why would you do that. Let the elephant go
Green Day: 0/10. They’re not even green
The Police: 0/10. There is not a single cop in this band
KISS: 5/10. I’m sure they probably kissed sometimes
The Monkees: 0/10. Are you fucking kidding me
We Butter the Bread with Butter: 8/10. I can’t verify this but I have no reason to suspect that they’d lie. Butter seems like the most logical thing to butter bread with
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: 0/10. I got really excited about the concept of a lizard wizard only to be let down. My disappointment is immeasurable
They Might Be Giants: 5/10. I googled everyone in this band’s height, the tallest guy’s only 6’1 so I wouldn’t exactly consider him a giant. Then again, I can’t really argue because the claim was only that they MIGHT be giants
The Presidents of the United States of America: 2/10. None of these people are Joe Biden nor are any of them former presidents. This is incredibly misleading. I’m pretty sure “Lump” was written about my first girlfriend tho so I’ll give them a point or two
Gorillaz: 2/10 Not quite but we’re kinda close genetically so I’ll give them partial credit
The Killers: ?/10. I have no way of verifying if they’ve actually killed before but the fact that they’re not in prison tells me probably not
The Offspring: 10/10. These guys are definitely somebody’s offspring
Arctic Monkeys: 1/10. They are neither monkeys nor are they from the arctic
Thirty Seconds to Mars: 1/10. It takes WAY longer to get to mars than that
Beastie Boys: 8/10. They’re pretty beast on the guitar
Jimmy Eat World: 1/10. Slow the fuck down Jimmy, you’re biting off way more than you can chew
Hole: 9/10. One point deducted because I’m pretty sure they had more than one hole
Rage Against the Machine: 10/10. They did exactly that
Alice In Chains: 0/10. This is illegal. Let Alice go
The Band: 10/10. This could not possibly be more accurate
Nine Inch Nails: 1/10. I can’t find any good pictures of their feet but from what I can tell their fingernails definitely aren’t nine inches long
Bush: ?/10. Not quite sure about this one, felt uncomfortable asking
The Who: 2/10. I’m not dealing with this “Who’s On First” bullshit
Radiohead: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a radio for a head
Queens of the Stone Age: 0/10. This band should be called “five random dudes from the modern era” but FRDFTMA is a bit of a mouthful
Soundgarden: 2/10. Sound does not grow in the garden
Sonic Youth: 5/10. They’re not exactly youth anymore but the sonic part checks out
Talking heads: 8/10. There’s more to the band than just a bunch of disembodied heads but the heads do tend to talk
The Cranberries: 0/10. Decent music but I only added them so that the Beatles and Freddie Mercury weren’t the only fruits on this list
The Wiggles: 8/10. They do tend to wiggle a lot
Blue Man Group: 10/10. Yep!
Weezer: 5/10. They all look like they definitely have asthma
Limp Bizkit: 3/10. While the visual image of baked goods playing the guitar is hilarious, Fred durst is not a biscuit. Points added because he probably has erectile dysfunction
Stone Temple Pilots: 0/10. None of these people are accredited as being licensed to pilot anything, much less an entire stone temple. Stone temples don’t need pilots anyways
Wasted Youth: 8/10. I guess it really kinda depends on how you frame it but yeah, they probably wasted a lot of it
Them Crooked Vultures: 3/10. These are people and not birds but Dave Grohl’s posture is kinda bad and John Paul Jones is so old that his neck kinda looks like a vulture’s so I added some points
Audioslave: 0/10. Slavery is illegal
Traveling Wilburys: 4/10. Sure, they traveled a lot but not a single one of those lying bastards was named Wilbury
D12: 6/12. There were only 6 people in this band
NWA: 10/10. I’m a little too white to safely comment on this one but I’d say they nailed it
Jet: 1/10. A real jet would be way too loud
Goldfinger: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a finger made out of gold
No Doubt: ?/10. I can’t really be too sure how Gwen Stefani felt but I think it’s probably a safe assumption that she had some doubts
The White Stripes: 3/10. I bet if you stripped them down naked and made them stand shoulder to shoulder and squinted really hard they’d probably look more like white stripes
Screaming trees: 3/10. They scream occasionally
Garbage: 2/10. I think they’re being a little harsh on themselves, their music isn’t THAT bad
Butthole Surfers: 5/10. Not even gonna touch this one
Megadeth: 3/10. To be fair, some of the former members are dead but only a little amount of death, not mega death
Dead Kennedys: 2/10. Last I checked Kennedy was still dead but neither he nor his clones are members of this band
Cake: 0/10. The cake is a lie
Cracker: 8/10. Most of them are
Tool: 7/10. I don’t know much about their music but they sure look like tools
Counting Crows: ?/10. Is this what emo kids do instead of counting sheep? Accuracy depends on whatever bird they happen to be counting at the moment
Dave Matthews Band: 10/10. It certainly is
Oasis: 1/10. Their music is the opposite of an oasis
Blur: 2/10. They are not that fast
Barenaked Ladies: 0/10. If I wanted to be this disappointed I’d reestablish a connection with my biological father instead
Meat Puppets: 10/10. Technically, aren’t we all?
Live: 8/10. Apparently they still do live shows but I deducted some points because I’ve only ever heard their music on Spotify
ABBA: 9/10. I’m still not giving any points to Guns N’ Roses but that’s mostly out of spite
5 Finger Death Punch: 8/10 I guess it probably depends on how hard you hit them but this seems to be the usual amount of fingers to punch somebody with
All American Rejects: 9/10. They’re all rejects from America so I don’t really see any issue with this
T. Rex: 0/10. Even if any of these people WAS a T. Rex I don’t think their arms would be long enough to play their instruments
Free: 0/10. Unless you steal their music, in which case it becomes a 10/10
The Strokes: 3/10. To my knowledge, none of them have had a stroke but I still added a few points because the name was probably accurate for other reasons
The Smashing Pumpkins ?/10. Another thing I have no way of verifying but this seems like a waste of perfectly good pumpkins
Therapy?: ?/10. The hell are they asking me for? I don’t know their medical history
Twenty One Pilots. 0/10. There’s only two of them and neither is a licensed pilot
Finger Eleven: 0/10. Leave the poor Stranger Things girl out of this
Fall Out Boy: 9/10. I conferred with an expert on this one who confirmed that they are in fact boys who had a falling out
Cream: 8/10. Considering this was the OG supergroup I’m sure a lot of people did in fact cream when their music came out
Edit: humans aren’t fucking monkeys. Stop saying we are
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
Nomads AU! that before timeline I’ve been procrastinating but now I have to finish…Sorry
Once all the bros (plus Poppy) get on Rhonda Branch immediately regrets coming along. His brothers immediately try to get to know him, which starts out wrong as they ask him a bunch of very personal questions but over the trip he starts to actually get along with his brothers (he could do without the babying) but he starts to relight that hope of getting his brothers back as he and them are getting along!(finally)..until he finds out how Floyd is trapped
He didn’t actually hear the plan on how to save Floyd, all he heard was “Floyd in danger” but now he has to sing?!?! He quickly denies singing and says he will get Floyd out of there and they can sing and save him. The bros are shocked why is Bitty B acting like this he loves to sing. Poppy makes the situation worse because she keeps questioning him on it and why he is grey (and lowkey kinda insulting him) She then says stuff like “your a pop troll you have to sing it’s who you are!!” or “why are you being so grey about this come on can’t you just try and be happy.” The bros don’t interfere in the two fighting as they are talking amongst themselves on what they would do since Branch isn’t going to sing…Eventually they decide “Hey if we practice as a family I bet bitty b will realize how good it is to sing as a family again” then John breaks out the Brozone stuff they get there band gear together…John immediately tries to have Branch wear a diaper and Branch threatens to hit him (yea not the best move Johnny) so the band tries to practice but Branch just sorta sits to the side. Then John stops the song and gets on everyone’s case then complains that branch needs to start singing which Branch denies (this looks bad but to be fair he hasn’t sung in years because of his grandma and him thinking his singing is the reason the band broke up he doesn’t want anyone to leave because of it) Then Clay would speak up call John bossy blah blah blah say branch is scarier and taller now blah blah licensed cpa blah blah then the argument ends with the brothers saying “after we rescue Floyd we go our separate ways” this absolutely smothered whatever hope he had at the brothers coming back in his life. I mean they had the audacity to beg him to perform with them then once he thinks they can be a family again they want to…. TO ABANDON HIM AGAIN!!???!!!?!!! He absolutely loses it on them (rightfully so) they left him and didn’t come back, they left him to die ,they left grandma to die by the very thing he hates, they left him to be outcasted to be forced to fight to SURVIVE every single day, to be scared of EVERYTHING to lead a village to make acts he’s ashamed of… them leaving CAUSED EVERYTHING..when he tells them what he went through that he’s “sorry” he wants his family back the only family he had left and that he honestly whishes they just never showed up on his doorstep, that they should just pretend he is dead like they’ve done for 20 years so he can leave there lives completely…
Branch leaves the bus to get promptly chased down by Poppy (who currently got slapped in the face of reality and how bad Branch’s life is, and currently is having her world shattered that he LIVED IN THE VILLAGE!! And no ever talked about him how he and his suffering was forgotten and ignored by EVERYONE!!) she chases him down asking him if he is ok and Ned’s to talk about it (she’s learning!!!!) Branch immediately tells her to leave just like everyone else has in the past.. and Poppy was surprised by his answer. She said she wouldn’t leave him that she needs to make this right for what her people did and that he needs help to get Floyd. Branch (reluctantly) agrees with her and they go to save Floyd
After they did a bunch of cool breakin stuff they would get to the dressing room lo and behold Floyd!! immediately Branch goes down to greet his brother …….who didn’t recognize him (to be fair Branch looks completely deranged and wildly different) at this point I wouldn’t blame the guy if he just started crying, I mean I would. Poppy trying to fix the situation would tell Floyd it was Branch (who currently look distraught and reeeelllyyy sad) Floyd was shocked to say the least and quickly tried to push down his many MANY burning questions as he tried to hug his brother through the wall separating them, Branch does hug back! but then Velvet and Veneer come in and quickly break up the moment as Branch quickly tackles Poppy off the table swinging them to the vent before they where spotted.
At this point Velvet and Veneer had the brothers and were going to kill them at this rate with how much they were being used! Until- Branch came out of nowhere attacking Velvet (Branch can fight, we know he can fight why didn’t he fight during the actual fight in the movie it was basically a game of keep away!?!?) he would get the diamonds out of Velvet as Poppy and Viva get veneer (I forgot to mention viva showed up) Gristle and Bridget weren’t at the show since the whole Bergen thing hasn’t come up yet sooooo… Anyway Branch knows the only way to save his now dying brother from his diamond cage is to sing so he does for the first time in 20 years he sings so do the rest of the brothers (Branch actually feels happy for the first time in a while) He gets more vibrantly colorful as he sings feeling loved by his family(still grey just lighter) anyway harmony was harmoning and they saved Floyd..,,till he dropped to the ground and looking very translucent. The brothers go to Floyd. Branch confesses that he built the bunker just without the waterslide and Floyd woke up saying “but..how will we shower!” And day saved Booyah!!!
The timeline goes the same as whatever happens after the movie with the nomads au besides a few changes Poppy doesn’t leave Branch alone about singing (he goes immediately back on his vow of not singing) the brothers are very overprotective of Floyd (because he u know.. died!) and now Branch as well (he replaced them twice and has suffered for years because of them they feel pretty bad and try and make up for it anyway they can) Branch went back to the village and has less of a hard time leaving. Overall the rest stays the same.
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the-common-cowgirl · 1 year
The Lost Children- (Osferth x Fem!Reader)
Part 1
Tumblr media
Summary: Life was peaceful, living in a nunnery since before you could remember until a wild man by the name of Uhtred and his band of “pretty boys” come and steal you away. Uhtred says you are his lost daughter by a woman named Brida. You don’t like him. You don’t like his daughter and son, who are apparently your younger siblings. And you definitely don’t like his men except for maybe one. Osferth is his name.
Pairings: Osferth x Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings for the series: +18, Minors DNI. Smut. Fluff. Angst. Cannon typical sexism. Swearing. AFAB. Fem!Reader. Graphic depictions of violence.
Warnings for Part 1: mentions of blood, fluff, cannon typical sexism, Angst, AFAB.
This will be a mini-series exclusive to Tumblr! I am wanting to build my following on here and what better way than writing about Tumblr’s favorite “Baby Monk.”
Part 2 Here
“LET ME GO!” You screamed as one of the men that was sent in to the nunnery hauled you away kicking and thrashing over his shoulder.
“No can do lady.” The man huffed out his reply through labored breaths. He didn’t have to sprint. It wasn’t like the nuns were chasing after them. Knowing how they felt about your temper and overall demeanor, you thought they would be rather happy to get rid of you. Though, after being there for nearly seventeen years, one would think that they’d have grown found of you. But, as you raised your bobbing head, looking at the convent as the man carrying you away trudged quickly through the mud, you saw the nuns just looking at you from the steps, of the chapel with their hands clasped in front of them in contentment.
“Stupid whores,” you mumbled quietly to yourself.
The man carrying you barked out a, “What did you just call me Lady?”
You shrieked and remembered him and his companions were currently carrying you away from the only home you’d ever known. Anger had taken your attention away from the real situation at hand, escaping.
Realizing you could free a wrist with the slack in the knot on your hands, you quickly made work wiggling your left hand free of the binds. When you nearly had your hand free, the man carrying grasped your hips and you threw you to the ground, knocking the wind out of your lungs.
Closing your eyes and gasping you tried to regain your breath. You were vaguely aware of a man with a strange accent lightly scolding the man who was carrying you, “Careful Osferth!”
Coughing, you tried to get to your feet quickly, before they could harm you or worse. As you began to sit up, you heard the man, Osferth say regretfully, “Sorry, Lord.”
“Uhtred, we need to get out of here quickly, before Brida catches us!” Another man said. “Sihtric, Osferth, get the horses over here quickly.”
Oh, that’s why they were moving in haste, someone else is coming…
You got to your feet, quickly lunging toward the man who was giving orders and grasping a knife from his belt with the hand you freed in their panic to reach the horses. The bindings fell off your other hand without the tension of the left. “Who are you men? What do you want with me?”
The man, Uhtred, who seemed to be the leader and the other man who’s name you had heard Osferth yell for to help him when he tried binding your hands the first time and you bit him, Finan, both stood with frustrated looks on their faces as you held the knife dangerously in their direction. The both acted as if they didn’t have time for your antics, not threatened. You so hoped that they didn’t challenge you, call your bluff. There was no way you’d be able to fight, you didn’t know how, you grew up in a nunnery. But if there was a chance to run, you might get free, running you were good at.
So you took your best bet and hurled the knife at Finan, hoping it stuck him as you turned and ran the opposite direction, into the trees. Your heavy skirt billowed in the wind your path created but you knew gathering it wouldn’t make you much faster, in fact it would slow you down. You pumped your arms and didn’t look aback, afraid taking that liberty would also slow you down. Life at the nunnery wasn’t ideal but four men trying to kidnap you was worse, for you had no idea what was in store for you with them.
You made it a great distance before you heard footsteps, no, hoofbeats come up beside you quickly. Turning to the sound of the approaching horse to see if it was friend or foe, you saw Osferth jumping off the horse and sprinting in your direction. You turned to run but before you could make it two strides he had tackled you and you head hit the ground painfully, making the world go black.
That was half a month ago.
Now, you’ve settled into the little pack. There is another woman, Eadith who has tended to your head wound. Along with a young boy, Aethelstan who is quiet and the biggest suprise of all, your sister, Stirrora. Like you, she is willful and reckless but she is much more capable than you when it comes to a weapon, even though she is a couple years younger than you.
Uhtred, your father, has told you of your parentage. How he believed Brida was barren after she lost their first child and didn’t know of you until Brida decided to use your existence against him. When he took you from the convent that day, you didn’t know it, he had no time to explain, but Brida was set off to kill you. To bring your head, her own daughter’s head, to her father. At least, that’s what she told Uhtred, though, he believes she would never have been able to do it.
He explained that she never told anyone of you, she wanted to kill you as a babe in her womb but decided against it, to wait until you were born and see if she had any love for you then. She did not love you after you were born so she decided to drop you off at the nearest nunnery, hoping she’d one day find a love for you and steal you back…but it never came.
He said he knew you were his daughter by the wild look in your eye that was so reminiscent of Brida’s when they made their way into the nunnery demanding the nuns to release “Dane Child,” as Brida informed Uhtred they called you.
And she was right, they did call you the “Dane Child.” To find out, the nickname you grew up with was wrong was a point of great laughter for you. You were mocked by the nuns endlessly in your seventeen years there. To go back and see the look on their face when you proudly admitted you were of Saxon blood, not Dane would be the greatest gift God could give you.
But you couldn’t, because not long after Uhtred and his men stole you from the convent, Brida got there. She killed every nun and burnt the convent down. You felt no love for the nuns as they made your life a living hell based on the assumption you were Dane, but those other girls? The girls you grew up with, you had a kinship with. Your heart broke for them. You weeped for three days on and off, praying to God and Odin both that they found peace in their death.
And Osferth, your father’s youngest man, the one who was a monk turned warrior prayed with you and offered counsel when no one else seemed to be able to understand how you hated that place, but loved those girls. Osferth knew because that was his life as a child too. He grew up in a monastery, he knew the great love and great hate that comes with growing up in a place like that but, he was much tamer in personality than you.
When you swore a great revenge on Brida, a bloody, ruthless revenge for everything she had ever done to you, anyone else or what she had yet to do, Osferth tried to talk sense to you. To explain that Brida was a powerful enemy to have. When you demanded he allow you to leave the camp, take a horse, find her and kill her, he offered to train you with the sword first. To delay your departure and death; and you accepted.
Today is the first day of training. Your strength from your head injury has returned and you’ve grown accustomed to traveling now so you’re less sore. Osferth led you out to a flat landing in the forest where the morning dew was still stuck to the tall grass. It nearly soaked your skirts walking through it. Osferth turned in the bare clearing and tossed a sheathed sword to you. You caught the heavy blade with a “hmpf,” surprised at the weight of the sword. Uhtred and his men made them look weightless. Unsheathing the blade, it felt ungodly long in your hands and you looked it at in marvel.
“I decided to pick a smaller size for you since your arms aren’t quite used to swinging a sword.” Osferth offered a small smile but his admission that the blade was small offended you. You just sat there with the sword in your hand, glaring at him. “Oh, you look so dangerous,” he said sarcastically, chuckling to himself.
“I don’t think the Baby Monk should be mocking about who looks dangerous,” you warned. Since you had found out that Osferth had an embarrassing nickname that he didn’t like, you used it against him whenever he mocked you in jest, and for some reason, he often did.
“Ah, sorry. Forgot the Dane Child is the one who knows how to wield a blade.” Two could play your game and Osferth could use your loathed nickname against you too.
You just furrowed your brows and unceremoniously whirled the blade at him in anger. Osferth nonchalantly deflected with his own blade and stepped out of the way of your attack. “If you want to learn, you’re going to have to leave your anger behind at the campsite and listen to me.”
Your face had a pinched expression and you looked at the ground in defeat. You were barely started with your first lesson but it was apparent to you, you’d never learn. You were too old to learn to fight with a blade plus you were a woman, both reasons Uhtred gave when he objected to teaching you. Those were the same reasons Sihtric and Finan gave too. Finan decided to add in a jab that if you did somehow learned to wield a blade, he wouldn’t feel safe sleeping at night knowing you have Brida’s blood running through your veins. That comment garnered a warning look from Uhtred.
But Osferth couldn’t say no to you. Because, unbeknownst to you, he’d been pining after you since he accidentally knocked you unconscious when you tried to run from their protection. How you looked angelic as your blood flowed from the wound on your head. He thought you’d have died and even though he didn’t know you, he began to mourn you. You were a wild beauty, even the time you bit his hand when he first met you. What sealed his heart was your own heart. How you grieved over the loss of your companions in the nunnery and how you pretended to be cold and heartless, yet had shown everyone by your grief, you had a heart. He wished he could see you laugh, he hadn’t seen that yet. Just small smiles and maybe a chuckle or two at Finan’s joking but he hadn’t seen you laugh.
More than that, he wanted to see you happy. Truly happy. You’d been mournful and sad since they had saved you from the attack on the nunnery. When you fell asleep with the children and while the men and Eadith were still awake, sitting around the fire and acting as lookouts, they often discussed you. Uhtred had written you off as being cold like Brida and he seemed to have accepted you will always be that way. Sihtric and Finan quietly agreed but every now and then, added in certain times when you were helpful or kind to one of the kids. Eadith vehemently disagreed not knowing Brida but knowing there was a kindness and warmth in you that was, in her words “stuffed down deep inside.” She insisted that sometime, sooner or later, you’d come out of your shell. Osferth never agreed or disagreed any of those times. He just stared into the fire thinking about the blood pooling from your head and his stomach churned.
“Okay,” you said nodding toward Osferth with the sword in your hand limply, “I’ll listen. Show me how to fight.”
I’ve never done a tag list but I wouldn’t be opposed to learning so if you want to be tagged, please let me know!
Please reblog if you like this fic!
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louisisalarrie · 15 days
okieeeeee dokie. I have gotten several messages about the F jerseys and whether or not louis is giving up larry and whether or not we should just step back because he’s still pushing the narrative and just people being sad in general about all this thinking he doesn’t care about us.
SO instead of replying to you all individually, this is the last im gonna comment on this bullshit unless something massive happens. I hope I can comfort y’all and just overall make this feeling of doubt and grossness and turn it into the fight that we’ve been fighting for 14 years and remind you all to stay strong.
Multiple anons, and anyone else interested, welcome to the show.
So, to start this off, im gonna provide you all with some links, to remind you of just how orchestrated bbg and all of this is. This will preface this conversation with a much stronger tone because well… you have to remember how fucked up this stunt is and how poorly it was conceived (pardon the pun).
Links here, here, here, and here
Okay. So. BBG is the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard (reference fully intended). This shit was so poorly done, with so many mistakes, and so many things that didn’t add up. All on top of a young dude who’s meant to be marketable to the masses as attainable, to provide more sales etc., and not a bad boy that fucks multiple women and gets one of them pregnant. That’s just… not good PR, first of all, and also negatively affects not only him, but the band as well, regardless of them going on break. Why not just have Louis single and attainable? Market him as a bit more charming and sexy and maybe doing the Harry thing, to ensure more promo?
Well, because Louis was the punching bag for SC and friends and they didn’t want him to take the limelight off Harry for a solo career, and needed to be as far away as possible from each other to ensure Harry’s coming out. ANYWAY you’ve heard me talk about this shit before yada yada yada. So, im gonna chat about what’s happening now instead.
For the last little while, Larries have been given small sips of water while being stranded in the desert, is kinda the best way I can describe it. We’re only getting content from Louis, also, which is something to remember. We’re not getting double the content from Harry so it’s been fairly quiet. Anyway. We’ve gotten green and blue lights, coded clothing, 7, gazing and pointing at the ceiling/boxes, all that stuff, but really, it’s no proof. It’s little tidbits in the grand scheme of things, and unfortunately in this grand scheme of things, exists bbg.
Louis has been single for a long while now, and his dating life doesn’t get traction in the press. Neither will these jerseys or really much else he does. Unless he were to be tied to a major artist/actress who’s super famous, he’s not gonna get any further press outside of the realm he is currently in, unfortunately. And I think perhaps that is something he tends to reference when he’s on stage. The whole “we did this together, we need each other, we didn’t need anyone else’s help, im so lucky that you accept me as I am” etc, because he’s not been stunting to up his market value. He’s just… doing well with the fans. It’s lucky he has such a dedicated fanbase. Artists don’t have this all the time.
Now, idk why tf LATAM has brought on so much F content with these jerseys, and I don’t know who in their right mind is actually spending money on this shit to gift to Louis (particularly in an economic cost of living crisis), but it’s truly bizarre. If I believed in bbg, I wouldn’t be giving him gifts for his kid, and I could’ve done it quite easily backstage by getting someone to leave it in his dressing room or whatever. But it’s weirddddd and a waste of moneyyyyy and doesn’t make him love you any more than other fans. Is it like a weird anti power play or something? Idk. But what I do know, is that these jerseys have had a very clear narrative.
Idk if something is coming or Harry is gonna come out or whatever, but Louis is doing his pretty little barely smile and wave and glancing at these jerseys before popping them on the stage. He doesn’t seem to look particularly over the moon with them, does he? He’s just like “oh okay thanks” and slaps the hell out of his chest and goes back to doing whatever he was doing. If he loved getting gifts from fans for F all over the world (and didn’t think it was weird nor was it a setup), I imagine maaaaaybe he’d show it off to the crowd a bit more? Maybe a “this is great, thank you! Everyone look at this sick jersey for my little lad! He’s gonna love that” because Louis is SO proud of that kid and loves that kid SO much and I just feel like he’d be more excited about it.
If bbg was real and he found it weird, he’d still probably smile a little more and be a little more into it than what he seems to be. This second time round was a bit more of a grimace and I just don’t see him being stoked about it. But let’s talk about that… why has there been two fucking jerseys for “his” kid given to him in very close succession? wtf is going on?
well, one of those times, apparently the Louis jersey was gifted to him backstage, but they saved the F jersey to give it to him on stage. Personally, idk, if I was a fan and brought these jerseys and got to go backstage (?????) to gift him them, I would probably give them at the same time. Because that makes sense. Because otherwise you need to carry it around and also try and get his attention from the crowd and it just seems surely like more of a fuck around. It’s weird, weird, and weird, and feels like way more of a set up than usual.
Because, it’s just a little reminder for everyone about bbg, and that it exists. It’s a good little thing to just upkeep that narrative without having to DO anything. It’s easy. But also interesting timing, and why now?
Harry’s coming back on the radar slowly, after a BUA, and so perhaps there could be a coming out in the near future that would encourage Louis to continue to look hettie af. Perhaps it’s to distract from any larry stuff that may happen or has happened around this time. Maybe it’s a good little way to upkeep the narrative if Louis and Harry start forming a friendship or liking each other’s photo online or SOMETHING. it can be for so many reasons. But, the main one isn’t to get rid of us. I promise you that.
Louis’ fandom, while it slowly continues to develop and grow, is majority larries. It’s just a matter of fact that more Larries flocked to Louis when Harry started getting a fucking crazy fanbase and started doing a million stunts. Louis felt safer, and continues to feel safer. Don’t get me wrong, still a huge amount of harries are larries, but as it stands, Louis has a very strong amount of us on his side. And he’s not an idiot, he knows that. He knows his demographic, he would be updated about that by PR, and they would analyse it too and see what needs to be damage control, what the age ranges are, what the social media content is between the fans, and how they view louis. All very basic stuff, and so he’d know. Hence the “so be it” comment. He knows that without us, there was a larger potential he could’ve flipped and would be playing theatres as opposed to arenas. He could’ve pushed us waaaaay further away than what he has with his weird little denials and F comments, he could have that kid at more shows and be flaunting him on Instagram, and could be actively trying to really squash it. But he doesn’t (some people say it’s because being linked to Harry gives him promo but that’s another conversation for another time so don’t bring that up please haha).
He states, very loudly and clearly, that he appreciates and loves every single one of us. He doesn’t make snide comments, he doesn’t say this kind of dismissively, he makes a point to say he loves all of us no matter what. He pointedly said that he thanks us for accepting him. And quite frankly, if I was in his position, I’d probably find a better way of saying that if I wanted to dispel the rumours.
These little jersey setups (which I believe one person has started and others have followed giving a great little way to remind us of bbg from louis’ team and UAs), are awfully staged and just cause fights within the fandom. It’s not ideal, but hell, it beats seeing him with that kid everywhere. And these days are very interesting with how fans get their information. Years ago, while we had groupies and insiders, update accounts weren’t manipulated the way they are now. We had blind items, sure, but anyone could write into that. We had receipts, and while many were real, many also weren’t. But now… with how big fanbases are online, the best way to communicate narratives are fan to fan, as opposed to media to fan. It seems more genuine. It seems less fake like media items are. It looks real.
So with these jersey incidences and UAs blabbering on and posting pictures of jerseys before the show and saying how much Louis loved them and all that, it’s manipulated as more real than what it is. You can’t write an article about everything, but you can tip off UAs or Deuxmoi with a fake name to get them to post shit for the fandom exclusively to see. It’s simple, but very effective. And it’s just… pure marketing, and encourages artist to fan interaction (which should be supported online but the boys can lack that these days which is shit on their behalf), and helps dispel the rumours within the fandom.
Wow okay. This turned into an essay and im not actually gonna reread it because I don’t have time but if you’ve gotten this far in my rambling, kudos to you. My main points are:
- no matter how many jerseys louis gets for F, he’s still not a dad
- those jerseys will not magically make him a dad
- these stunt narratives are sooooo see through and boring these days I just roll my eyes at it but thank god it’s a lot more lowkey to what it could be
- Louis loves us and wants us here bc we pay his bills and also accept him and support him and we’re on whatever journey he wants to take together
- these little ongoing narrative pushes can be the preface to a coming out on Harry’s side/reconciliation between the boys
- keep an eye on body language throughout these interactions
- giving gifts to ur fave relating to their kid no matter what you believe is creepy and weird and a lot of us seem to be in agreement on that
- this shit isn’t louis’ fault
- don’t believe everything you read on Twitter
- they missed the boat on ending this stunt years ago and ending it now is gonna be very fucking hard
- it’s easily arguable that even if Larry wasn’t real, Louis’ still not a dad
thanks team!
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nerdpoe · 8 months
Omegaverse Worldbuilding for Coffee, Honey, and sometimes Hazelnuts.
do u really wanna know? fine.
Here are my disjointed, mostly drunk notes.
Genetics here from @omega-girl-in-heat
Bonds between pack members don’t send emotions so much as they just send “I’m hurt” or a notification of death.
Death Notifications are always traumatic, and while everyone describes it differently, general consensus is that it fucking hurts.
Bruce felt so bad about Jason’s death because his bond not only did not dissipate, but it never sent the notification. It always just sat there, with no change. Like if Jason had gone to school.
Bonds can be forcibly broken only by Betas, and there’s Betas employed by shelters for abused spouses who specialize in breaking bonds when the other party does not want to let go.
Otherwise bonds can be broken by both party’s consent
The head of the Pack is the one who falls into that category; it’s actually usually Omegas, but it can be Alphas and Betas. In fact, in England it was a serious issue how many Noble families were actually Omegan-led instead of Alpha-led, and it was a general consensus that if you saw something, no you fucking didn’t.
The head of the pack holds sway over pack decisions. They have the house that’s used for get togethers, and keep in touch with other pack members when they are not in said house.
The amount of power said head has depends on the culture. In American culture, they can be rebelled against with little to no societal ramnifications.
Other countries have different rules, though, but again; it largely depends on the society.
Packs are unique to each person, but typically the family Pack will be their first, and that one has their Pack Leader or Pack head.
Society, General Overview:
Alphas were viewed as the more dominant and superior secondary gender (leftover mentality from England) until about the American Civil War, when Omegas and Betas forced themselves into the military, banding together to take out anyone in their way.
After fighting shoulder to shoulder, motions were put in place to guarantee equal rights for secondary genders.
Slavery still persisted, because humans love to discriminate against SOMETHING.
Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Greenland have had equal rights since the dawn of their civilizations, and the discrimination from other countries actually led to a few wars.
In China, Omegas are still seen as the superior secondary gender, and Alphas are seen as the lessor. Betas are often the butt of everyones jokes.
In Japan Betas are viewed as weak, and it is the Alpha and Omegas job to protect them. It’s a purely cultural thing, however, as on paper they all have equal rights.
In South Korea Nulls are seen as superior, and Betas a close second. In North Korea, the superior secondary gender is whatever the secondary gender of the current leader is.
In the middle east you get your more traditional Omegaverse setting, although there are many equal rights groups fighting to rectify it and most of the population of those countries knows those beliefs are bullshit.
Mexico granted equal rights a century sooner than America.
Too many countries to count and I’m drunko we good here to this extent.
Society, Historical Figures (why did i make this list????? but here it is????????? adolf hitler mention warning tho i think i was trying to show precedent that secondary genders really don't mean shit in terms of morality.)
Adolf Hitler - Omega. Stalin - Beta. Genghis Khan - Alpha. Albert Einstein - Null. Abraham Lincoln - Beta. Alexander the Great - Omega Cleopatra - Alpha Ludwig van Beethoven - Beta Michelangelo - Omega (the church def tried to paint him as a whore but they failed spectacularly) Isaac Newton - Omega Charles Darwin - Alpha William Shakespeare - Null
Abilities and Consequences:
Alpha Command -Primarily meant to lead others to safety Beta Coercion -Primarily meant to talk over conflict to offer a solution Omega Rebuke -Primarily meant to give out orders to Alphas and Betas
Scruffing someone who isn’t pack or in a good place to be scruffed will only activate their fight response, not their submission.
Basically, scruffing can only happen with the consent of the scruffed.
Attempting to scruff someone against their will can and will drive them into a feral state of self defense.
This can be bypassed by drugging the scruffee, however if you’ve drugged them then why scruff them?
Alphas and Omegas, while more fertile during Heat/Rut, aren’t really driven to have sex unless their significant other is present and they’re in the mood. Just slightly more horny, if at all.
While they can work during a Heat or Rut, it’s considered incredibly rude to force someone to work through it, so Alphas and Omegas typically do not. Mandatory PTO is in the USA regarding a Heat or a Rut, and even Betas and Nulls are able to get it via association with an Alpha or Omega that wants them nearby. (That last one is more recent, and it took years to get that, but it’s been in place for about fifteen years).
Omegas can Purr, Alphas can growl, Betas can do quieter versions of both and typically do what feels better to them.
Brief History of Transitioning:
It is possibly for someone to change secondary genders.
Earliest recorded instances in Medieval France of “Bitching”, or surrounding an Alpha with so many Alphas and Alpha scent and pheromones that the secondary gender transitions permanently to Omega.
Unethical Experimentation performed by Nazi Germany and Axis Japan led to the discovery of basically the ability to transition to any other secondary gender, and the discovery that secondary genders aren’t set in stone.
There are stipulations; the other secondary gender must be a recessive gene already present in the individual.
An AA Alpha cannot transition to an Omega, but an Ao Alpha can.
An OO Omega cannot transition into a Beta, but an Oa Omega can.
Any secondary gender can transition to Null, but once Null there’s no way to transition to a secondary gender.
A Beta cannot transition to an Alpha or an Omega, but they hold the traits of both genders anyways, just without Heats or Ruts. Beta bodies are designed to assist the pack as needed, so if more sires are needed Alpha traits will shine through, but if more Pups are needed Omega traits will shine through.
With the end of WW2, it was a battle to get transitioning legalized. Turkey actually legalized it first, and created some of the worlds best Transitioning centers.
Other countries followed, and by 1955, Transitioning is seen a legal pretty much anywhere in the world with the exception of Canada. (this is mostly because the Native Tribes practiced Transitioning freely, and the government is still trying to stomp them out, so it’s just overlooked for anyone who is not a Native.)
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
u should do burrow reader taking joe to see a game!
Hockey Game - Burrow’s Sister
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“Can we go to a Michigan game?” Joe asked, catching his little sister off guard.
“Can we what?” You asked as you sat your drink down, your facing whipping towards the phone, seeing his face filling the phone.
You were currently on FaceTime with your brother, you cooking dinner and him packing for another road trip.
“Can we go-“
“I heard you the first time.” You said, causing Joe to roll his eyes at you.
“Then why did you ask?”
“Because i wanted to make sure I heard you right.”
“You did.” He chuckled, “I like Johnny and I know he means a lot to you and I’d like to see him play at least once at Michigan, even if I have to come up there.”
“I’d love that Joe.” You admitted, “He’d be excited you were there too.”
“Don’t get used to it kid.” He said, “Sam and I still aren’t happy you and him are at Michigan.”
“Get over it.”
“Never.” He grinned before telling you he had to go.
“You ready?” You asked Joe as you two walked through campus, heading towards Yost.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Joe said, tugging his beanie further down on his head, “It’s so cold here.”
“It’s just as cold here as it is in Ohio.” You chuckled.
“You probably shouldn’t say that cursed word here.”
“You’re right.” You rolled your eyes at him as you finally made it to the entrance, letting the greeter scan the tickets, “Just keep your hat on, head low, and don’t speak. You’ll be fine.” You grinned as you watched him let out a breath.
“I’ll be fine.” He laughed, “I’m not worried. Worst case is we get moved to a family suite.”
“Oh Joe.” You smirked, “We don’t have that here. Good luck.”
You and Joe were having the best time, banging on the glass as you cheered on Johnny and the rest of the boys.
Very few had noticed Joe, but they didn’t bother him since he was with you.
Johnny had stripped the puck from the opposing teams defenseman, quickly skating down the ice before slapping the puck into the back of the net.
“Let’s go Beecher!” You shouted, clapping along with the schools fight song as the band played it.
“Johnny’s pretty good, huh?” Joe asked as the rink quietened back down, play resuming moments later.
“I think he is.” You grinned, “That’s why he’s a first round pick.” You continued, “You’re not the only first round pick anymore.” You joked as he rolled his eyes.
“Whatever.” He tugged you into his side, tossing his arm over you as you watched Michigan eventually beat Michigan State.
“What a game!” You grinned as you waited out by Johnny’s car with Joe, “I’m so proud of you!” You wrapped your arms around Johnny as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Good game dude.” Joe bro hugged Johnny as soon as you let go of him.
Your eyes darted towards the exit, seeing the rest of the boys filing out of the rink.
“Oh boy, this should be fun.” You chuckled as you watched them make their way towards you, “Be prepared Joe.”
“Oh I am.”
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School Bathroom- John Frusciante
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summary: your best friend adds your crush to your guys’ phone call and he hears you confess that you like him. you avoid him at school but he follows you into the bathroom.
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
a/n: y/b/f means your best friend 🫶 also something that isn’t wes borland!!
one of my favorite parts of school nights are the daily phone calls my best friend and i have to spill whatever gossip we heard.
“no fucking way?! the new girl kara?” i gasp.
today’s topic was how some football player was found cheating on his girlfriend with some new girl.
“yes way! in the girl’s locker room too! jenny’s friend found them, she said blake looked white as a ghost!” she laughs.
“did you hear jenny is gonna fight her tomorrow after school?”
“what no?”
“yeah, are you gonna go?”
“maybe.” i shrug.
i’m currently laying on my stomach with my feet in the air, eating some gummy candies.
“what if i told you that john is gonna be there, will that change your answer?”
“…maybe.” i felt my cheeks heat up.
she knows i have a fat crush on this kid in our grade named john. most of our gossip calls ended with me gushing on how good he looked at school.
“oh hold on, give me a second.” she suddenly says.
i hear the line go quiet, the background music she had on disappeared. i sat there eating my gummies as i wait for her return.
“okay i’m back.”
“where’d you go-“
“you need to make a move, y/n. time is running short, we’re graduating soon.” she says, cutting me off.
“if i could i would, y/b/n. but he is so out of my league.”
“you won’t know if you don’t try. i mean come on, imagine you two being the hottest couple in town! you’re both 18, you both drive AND he literally plays guitar in a band, i mean he’s the one.” she laughs.
“oh god, i know. i would honestly do anything to fuck him. just imagine how good he’d feel. ugh, why does he have to be so damn cute.” i whine out, flipping to lay on my back.
“i don’t know, why don’t you ask him?” i hear a smirk in her words.
“like at school? no way.”
“no, she means right now.” i suddenly hear a deep voice say.
my heart drops once i realize who it is. she fucking added john to the call?!
“y/b/n!” i shout before slamming my phone down.
at that point i was sitting up, breathing fast as my heart raced. he heard me say i’d fuck him. i was so dreading on going to school tomorrow.
~time skip to tomorrow~
i kept my head low and my pace quick as i walked into school. i went into the other entrance today to avoid john. obviously i knew his schedule so i also avoided the places he’d be at. it was finally lunch time and i went to find y/b/n. i see her sitting at our usual lunch table, munching on her food like nothing.
“i genuinely fucking hate you.” i say as i slam my backpack onto the table.
“hello to you too.” she smiles.
“you added john to the call?! are you insane?!” i whisper yell.
“he has to know sooner or later, y/n. it’ll eventually be too late to shoot your shot and then boom, you’ll never see him again.”
“i-i guess but i was not ready! he literally heard me say i’d fuck him, i’m so fucking embarrassed.” i shove my face into my hands.
“well eat up and be embarrassed, we don’t get much time for lunch.”
i mimic her as i take out my lunch. we sat there chatting about what happened in our class and whatnot. once i was done eating, i realized i had sauce all over my hands. i grimace at the sight and excused myself to the bathroom. i decided to go to the bathroom that was far from where john would be, the one basically no one goes to. i push it open with my elbows and immediately go to the sink. it was surprisingly clean in here but like i said, people rarely come in here. all of a sudden i had the urge to pee. i groan in annoyance as i rush into the stall and do my business. i heard the door creak open but i think nothing of it. i finish up my business and head back to the sink to wash my hands. i was looking down at my hands as i wash them so i didn’t notice the person approach me from behind.
“have you been avoiding me?” the person spoke out.
i scream out and jump, turning around quickly to come face to face with the person. i swore my heart stopped once i recognize who it was.
“j-john? why are you in here? i-“
“are you?” he pushes his question again.
i gulp and avoid his gaze, awkwardly shifting my feet.
“i don’t know why y/b/n did that, i’m so sorry.”
“sorry for what, baby?” the nickname made my stomach flip.
“for-for saying i’d fuck you..”
“what would you wanna do to me?” his voice goes low.
he steps closer to me and i squeeze my thighs shut at the rising feeling between them. he leans over me, hands on the counter on either side of me.
“what?” i breathe out, not wanting to believe this is happening.
“what do you think of when you imagine us fucking? i know you do.” he cautiously placed his hands on my hips.
he looks down at them, his eyes looking back up at me to see if his touch is okay. i softly bite my lip and slightly nod, a smile plastered on his face.
“i think of me and you, in my bed, making out. i’m slowly grinding against you and your strong hands are feeling my body. i imagine when we fuck you’re stretching me out so good that i’m crying your name. is that what you wanna know?” all awkwardness left my body as i stare up at him.
i heard him softly groan at my words, lower body moving closer to me.
“i’ve been waiting for you to say something. this entire year i’ve had my eyes on you, i want you as much as you want me. i want you to be mine, y/n. be mine..” he was now leaning down to my ear, his hot breath fanning against it.
“fuck-i’m all yours john..” i tilt my head to the side and whine out.
we stood there, breathing heavily in one another’s presence.
“i need you. now..” i nearly whine out.
his head snaps up to look me in the eyes.
“are you serious?”
he didn’t hesitate to smash his lips to mine. it was rough and our teeth clashed. he shoved me onto the sink counter and stood between my legs. my hands were in his hair and on his face, gripping and pushing him closer to me. i slowly felt his fingers move their way towards the button of my pants, hesitantly tugging it.
“can i?” he mumbled onto my lips.
i only nodded, not having enough strength to speak. his fingers trembled as he slowly unbuttoned them, dipping his hand inside. my stomach twisted and turned as he went deeper inside my pants to the one spot i need him at.
i buckled up my hips as a pathetic way to add friction. he listened to my body language and connected his fingertips with my clit. he slowly rubbed me, dipping his fingers into my core to collect my juices.
“you’re so fucking wet for me..” he moans onto my lips.
he pulls away from the kiss for a second to focus on my pants, grabbing the hem of them to start pulling them down. i cooperated with him and helped him shove them down to my ankles. his brain became cloudy when he saw the wet spot on my underwear, knowing he did that to me. he pushed my underwear to the side and he immediately felt his dick get hard. he intensely watched as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. one hand grabbed onto the arm of the hand that was fingering me while the other gripped the counter. i had my head thrown back, eyes shut and eyebrows furrowed. soft little moans escaped my swollen lips and echoed in the empty bathroom.
he held back from kissing my neck because he knew he’d end up marking me. he brought his free hand up to my neck and lightly squeezed. that provoked me to moan louder as he pumped faster. i knew he was a guitarist but i was still shocked at how good he was. i probably sounded and looked so pathetic as he fingered me. i was a mess for him and rightfully so. my brain was all over the place trying to process all the pleasure i’m feeling and all the emotions with the fact that he likes me back. i’ve actually never really seen him play guitar but from this i can tell he’s damn good at it. his fingers were long and slender so he was able to perfectly hit my g-spot. i trembled as he did, the pleasure becoming too much to handle. my stomach tightened with pleasure and i moaned out his name.
“you close?” he hums.
“mhm..” i whine out.
my grip on his arm becomes tighter as i feel myself getting closer.
he lets go of my neck and bends down to be face to face with my core. without any warning, he began lapping up my juices. i cry out as i grab onto his hair, riding myself against his face. i immediately cum all over his face, forcing his head closer to me. he pulls away with a goofy grin on his face, which was covered in my wetness.
“you taste so fucking good..” he mumbles out before dipping his head back down.
he laps at me again, quite literally slurping me up, the noise echoing in the bathroom. as i was reaching my second orgasm he pulled away, licking his lips.
“let me clean you up, baby.” he got up and walked to a stall to grab some toilet paper.
i quickly noticed the very prominent boner pressing against the fabric of his pants. an idea popped into my head and i had to act quick on it. i jump off the counter and shove my pants back up and rushed to the stall he was in. he was about to walk out but i shoved him back inside and locked the door.
“y/n? what are you-“ he cut himself off when i palmed him.
“you’re hard. you need to relieve yourself, johnny. can i help?”
“fuck..yes please..” he buckled his hips up towards me.
i didn’t waste anytime to pull his pants and boxers down, his dick springing free. i spat onto my hand and began pumping him. he dropped his head against the stall wall, his adam’s apple prominent. i knew we didn’t have much time left of lunch and y/b/n was probably looking for me so i put him in my mouth. i bobbed my head up and down at my own pace but he eventually grabbed onto my hair and face fucked up. i sat there, on my knees, as he fucked my face in a bathroom stall. my hands rested on his thighs, squeezing them a bit when it got hard to breathe. john’s actions came to a halt when we heard the door open and multiple voice boom out throughout the room. i was expecting us to call it quits and wait for them to leave but john started thrusting again. he went slower this time so i wouldn’t make any noises. he bit onto his bottom lip in order to keep himself quiet.
the girls who entered were most likely standing in front of the mirror since i heard them talking about fixing up stuff. i was hoping they wouldn’t see two different people in a stall in the mirror. and me being on my knees makes it very obvious to what is happening. i saw a little bit of john’s v cut causing me to slightly moan out and get wet again. he got a little more and more confident that the girls wouldn’t hear us so he went faster and harder, choking me whenever the tip would hit the back of my throat. tears welled up in my eyes and slipped down my cheeks but i didn’t care, i actually kinda liked it. the tip of my nose kept hitting his skin, his dick now as far as it could go in my throat. he was struggling to hold in his moans, his hands getting restless. the girls inside giggled loudly before the sound of shoes got faint and the door closed. john immediately started moaning loudly, needing to release it all. the way he sounded was a blissful thing to hear. his hips stuttered a bit, his rhythm becoming messy.
“i-i’m cl-close…” he cried out.
i hummed around him to signal that i heard his words. his gripped my hair tighter when i did that, his orgasm literally right there. i hummed once more which sent him over the edge. he arched his back as he stopped his movements. hot spurts of his cum coated my throat. once he was done cumming, he pulled me off of him. i had tears stained all over my cheeks, my eyes bloodshot red. i opened my mouth to show him his cum that sat on my tongue before swallowing it.
“god, you’re so fucking hot.” he groaned out.
i chuckle at his words as i grab some toilet paper to clean him up. i discarded the paper into the toilet and flushed.
“maybe i should follow you into bathrooms more often.” he joked.
“or maybe you could be my boyfriend and we can do this whenever and wherever we want?” i slyly said, a certain look in my eyes.
“are you asking me out, y/n?” he teases.
“yes i am, unless you don’t want me to then i-“
he cut me off by softly kissing me this time.
it was sweet and slow, completely the opposite of how we kissed earlier. i smiled into the kiss, causing him to smile as well. he pulls away with a genuine smile on his face, cheeks slightly rosy.
“i’m taking that a yes?” i giggle.
“yes ma’am.”
i place one last kiss on his lips before exiting the stall.
“lunch is almost over so i should get back to y/b/n, she’s probably looking for me.”
“alright i’ll call you after school, okay?” he grabs onto my hands and looks down at me.
“but you don’t have my number?”
“y/b/n.” he chuckled.
“god damn that bitch.” i mutter.
john laughs once again before kissing my cheek.
“talk to you later, beautiful.” he lets go of my hands and slips out the door.
i stood there with a smile on my face, heart swelling with emotion. i left the bathroom and made my way back to y/b/n.
“where the fuck were you at? how long does it take to wash off your hands? lunch is literally almost over.” she complains.
“sorry, i got caught up with something.” i sit down, packing up my lunch.
“were you crying? what happened? who said something?” worry immediately flooding her eyes.
“no one said anything. i’ll tell you later tonight, okay?”
“okay…” she furrows her eyebrows before going back to her food.
“oh, you forgot to button your pants.” she points.
i mentally curse myself as i quickly button it. i look back at her but my focus immediately went behind her. john stood there with his friends, laughing about whatever. john’s eyes looked around and landed on mine, a smile was quick to form on his face. he waved to me which made me smile and wave back. she noticed me waving and turned around.
“you’re talking to john? what happened when you were gone..?” she eyed me.
thankfully the lunch bell rang, everyone started to walk to class.
“like i said, you’ll know later.” i wink at her before getting up and going to class.
“y/n?! what the fuck does that mean?!”
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garyroachsanderson · 1 year
Task 141 best friend headcanon, celebrating readers birthday please ??
i’m going to assume it’s your birthday now or soon, so happy birthday you and everyone else who’s birthday it is!!!! 🎉
i don’t think this man has ever forgotten anything in his entire life, but he’s probably a procrastinator, and he remembers at the worst time.
for example, in the middle of a heated fight after killing the enemy, he’ll see something that reminds him of you and be like “fuck”
quickly runs to a shop once everyone is asleep. he’d probably buy you a necklace, or a plushie or something you love (he doesn’t really understand the hype around plushes, but he knows you like them)
if they’re stationed in america, he’d probably drive to a walmart or something and browse the guns aisle
he wraps the gift very shittily but leaves it on your nightstand for when you wake up
he doesn’t really care about how expensive it is, he’ll probably mumble a ‘mitherin-’ at the price but it just makes him happy to see you happy
if the gift was apparel it makes him very happy to see you wearing it
probably wouldn’t do anything other than that tho he’d maybe brood on the sidelines while the rest get drunk for your birthday
does the shopping MONTHS in advance. occasionally you’ll reference something you like and he’s like “fuck i should’ve bought that”
before buying he consulted with the rest of the team on what to buy and just spoke nonstop for 5 minutes until ghost called him a not so nice word
puts time and effort into choosing a wrapping paper that looks like something you’d like and tops it off with a plastic shiny bow
would buy you a real gift but top it off with a terrible gag gift on top. fake vomit ahoy
party planner CEO. even if you’re in the military he’s gonna fucking make sure the current base has streamers on the walls
yes, he packed two MREs that were little cakes with confetti sprinkles in them. why do you ask
overall, he makes the best of a shit situation. would probably both get plastered partying and then he’d haul you to bed
“gaz what do people your age like”
he buys you a flip phone (unwrapped) that was made in the ripe year of 2007 (he doesn’t know you have a phone)
it’s the thought that counts
would be very happy when he sees you using it
would treat the force to a night out at a bar (everyone pays for their drinks but you get them on the house)
he’d buy something related to something you said you liked 4 months ago
this man is up to date on the internet.. probably buys you a terrible shirt of the current meme or one that died 8 months ago for shits and giggles
knows your favorite bands (he saw your ipod once and noticed your favorite song had 3450 plays) so he bought some merchandise of that band for you
gets stupid drunk and then does stupid shit on your name
“this one’s for y/n” he yelps as he tries to dunk a piece of paper through a basketball hoop but doesn’t get 4 feet off the ground and falls
i’m going to be honest he probably wouldn’t shy away from buying internet currency points
he goes out shopping and buys you decorations for your quarters, new gloves, stickers
would plan a surprise party much to the dismay of everyone else. i mean every party is a surprise party when ghost suddenly appears
he would stick a bunch of candles (the right amount) in a sock we don’t have cake
now of course since you’re in the military a surprise party is perhaps not a great idea. when they turned the lights on and everyone popped up you almost took everyone off the census
you didn’t though! yay
probably the only one who doesn’t get drunk because he’s too young for that
still a cute little birthday
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the-himawari · 10 months
A3! Miyoshi Kazunari - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Feature (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Kazunari: It’s been a long time since we’ve worn these costumes! I’m psyched~!
Kumon: Everyone looks super cool!
Tenma: Well, even so, the star today is Kazunari’s Paul.
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Kazunari: Leave it to me! I’m totes good to go. I’ve rehearsed my sword fighting and I got Settzer to support me!
Misumi: I can’t wait for the action scene with Paul!
Yuki: Make sure you show us a new side of Paul that we didn’t get to see in the main story.
Muku: Let’s do our best to make the spin-off cool and fun together!
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Izumi: We’re ready on our end. Shall we get started?
Izumi: (One night… while Paul is guarding the ship, his subordinate arrives in a panic.)
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “Officer Paul! There appears to be some suspicious ships approaching, sir!”
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Paul [Kazunari]: “…What was that?” “…There are quite a few of them.”
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Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “I suspect it’s that infamous pirate band that’s been gaining strength recently!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “All hands on deck! Everyone, to your stations…”
*canon fires*
Paul [Kazunari]: “Urk…!”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “UWAHH!?”
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Naval soldier A: “Enemy fire! Enemy fire!”
Naval soldier B: “Prepare the canons!”
Izumi: (Although the navy fought back resolutely, they became outnumbered and ended up allowing them to invade the ship.)
Pirate A: “Crush the navy to pieces!”
Pirate B: “Gyahaha, move outta my way!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “…Lowly pirates. The ones to retreat shall be you.”
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Pirate C: “Gahhh!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “HA!”
*slash, slash*
Pirate D: “GAHH!”
Pirate E: “Crap! How ‘bout a taste of this!”
*swords clash*
Naval soldier A: “Officer! There’s so many of them!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “…Do not falter! Go forth!”
Pirate F: “TAKE THIS!”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “…Officer!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “—!”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “…Officer, officer!”
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Paul [Kazunari]: “Ugh…” “…Ha!”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “Phew, thank goodness~… You’re awake now.”
Paul [Kazunari]: “This is… ! My hands have been restrained.”
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Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “The pirates shackled us and threw us in this room…”
Paul [Kazunari]: “I heard that pirate band had been expanding their influence. But I never imagined there would be so many of them… I let my guard down.” “What is the current status report?”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “Although the navy is fighting back… It’s only a matter of time before our ship is captured.”
Paul [Kazunari]: “…” (In the name of the navy, we cannot simply resign ourselves to surrender our ship or become prisoners of war.) (When the time is right, I shall undo these shackles…) “…Hm? What was that?”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “What in the world? The scene outside seems to have changed…”
???: “TAKE THAT~!!”
*door opens*
Paul [Kazunari]: “!?”
Sky [Misumi]: “Huh? You’re…”
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Paul [Kazunari]: “How come all of you are here…”
Sky [Misumi]: “So y’see~, we happened to pass close by this ship and it looked like quite a commotion was goin’ on.” “We thought you were throwin’ a party so we boarded. But for some reason, we got caught in a fight with some pirates~.”
Johnny [Tenma]: “Captain, I told you so many times that there was no way it was a party!”
Henry [Muku]: “It was obviously a naval ship no matter how you looked at it. Yet he didn’t listen at all and boarded it with a skip in his step.”
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Sky [Misumi]: “S-shush!” “Well, either way, you’re in quite a bind, aren’tcha? We’ll rescue you!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “Rescue? Why would you pirates, our enemy, ever…”
Sky [Misumi]: “Why, you ask… erm… You don’t need a reason to rescue someone, of course!”
Francois [Yuki]: “I’m not sure what to think.”
Henry [Muku]: “Good grief…”
Paul [Kazunari]: “…Hmph. What nonsense.”
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Izumi: (Despite his words, Paul stands up with a smile on his face. His handcuffs come off before they realize it.)
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “…Huh. Officer Paul!?”
Johnny [Tenma]: “Wasn’t he handcuffed just now!? What happened!?”
Sky [Misumi]: “Impressive! You can do that!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “Who do you think I am? I’m the naval officer Paul.” “I simply let my guard down for a second earlier. Breaking this kind of restraint is nothing.”
Paul’s subordinate [Kumon]: “Officer… you’re amazing…!”
Francois [Yuki]: “Paul’s subordinate’s eyes are all shiny and twinkly. Rather than a subordinate, is he his fan or something?”
Henry [Muku]: “I think being skilled at escaping from custody makes him more suited for pirate work, wouldn’t you say?”
Paul [Kazunari]: “Let’s stop wasting our breath now.” “…Our counterattack starts now.”
Sky [Misumi]: “You said it! Let’s do this!”
Izumi: (With the navy’s counterattack led by Paul, along with the Sky Pirates’ help, they captured the enemy.)
Sky [Misumi]: “That’s settled! Shall we throw a party together!”
Paul [Kazunari]: “…You carefree fool.”
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*draws sword*
Paul [Kazunari]: “—”
Izumi: (Paul points his sword towards Sky.)
Sky [Misumi]: “Woah! How come!? We saved you, didn’t we!?”
Henry [Muku]: “So it really turned out this way…”
Johnny [Tenma]: “All we do is suffer loss after loss!”
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Paul [Kazunari]: “…A party is out of the question. If you loiter around here, I shall capture you too.”
Izumi: (Paul lowers his blade and relaxes his posture…)
Sky [Misumi]: “—HAHA! You’re an interesting lad.” “Paul, was it? Come to me when you grow tired of the navy! I’ll always welcome you as a friend.”
Paul [Kazunari]: “—”
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Johnny [Tenma]: “Captain, what’re you thinking inviting the navy!”
Francois [Yuki]: “He’s spouting nonsense again…”
Henry [Muku]: “He has unique taste, or that’s one way to put it.”
Paul [Kazunari]: “…Don’t be mistaken. I am simply repaying my debt for this incident. Now get out of here.”
Johnny [Tenma]: “C’mon, Captain. Let’s get a move on!”
Sky [Misumi]: “’Til we meet again~!”
Izumi: (Paul observes them as they bustle away…)
Paul [Kazunari]: “…The Sky Pirates. I won’t let you off easy the next time we meet.”
Kazunari: …
Muku: What are you looking at, Kazu-kun?
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Kazunari: Hm? Hehe. I’m egosurfing for everyone’s thoughts on the spin-off~. Like, “the joint battle with Paul and the Sky Pirates hit me in the feels!” or “I wonder if Paul will become their buddy…” There’s so many posts! We popped off!
Muku: Fufu. I’m glad to hear it was well received. What if we do the sequel next?
Kazunari: You said it! Let’s reach for the stars~!
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Okay so your post about the circlet/band thingies that wukong and Nezha wear? I just had a thought
Okay so we all know that wukong is perfectly fine with and actively promotes himself as a dangerous menace to society, right? Right. And he met Nezha when he was still pretty young, and they eventually became friends because of that mutual reputation of being dangerous menaces to society
So! What if somewhere in their friendship Nezha wanted to stop being seen as a menace or, if you will, a Demon Child. By, oh I don’t know, using the same thing that kept the monkey king’s power in check. Idk tho just a thought. And what if, somewhere in that plan, Wukong found out and tried to make that not happen, in wukongs own special way of course (badly), resulting in Nezhas dislike of Wukong today!
ok but why is this actually genius. Because of course Nezha would do that he’s such a self sacrificing idiot. In other media like Nezha(birth of the demon child) he’s openly portrayed as a menace. Why isn’t he a menace now? One he probably got tired of the bad reputation, and his rep was probably even shittier becuse of his association with wukong. This in turn probably planted the seeds of resentment and frustration towards wukong in Nezha’s view. And then Nezha like the self sacrificing idiot he is tries to use the objects that controlled the great monkey king to prove his controlled and not a menace. And everyone in the celestial realm are kind of assholes so they either don’t bother to help or encourage him telling him it’s a difficult but wise decision to make. And eventually wu kong hears about this but doesn’t get the full story. He bursts in just as they finish and attacks the people there people nezha considers tentative friends and they run away. Wukong rushes in panicking trying to get the bands off acting like he’s worried and nezha blows up(maybe literally with fire). For all he knows wukong just attacked him and his friends probably ruining some of the only relationships he’s had in the celestial realm and sullying the reputation further. Wukong thinks he’s saving Nezha and Nezha things Wukong is trying to ruin what he has because he’s jealous. Fight ensues and they argue a bunch. Wukong expresses how he was only trying to help and Nezha screams that he didn’t need help because this is what he wanted. Wukong says he’s not in his right mind and that’s the final straw. In a burst of power he destroys the bands and fights Wukong. He wins (mostly because Wukong has his bands still on and is in shock from the whole situation.) Nezha tells him to leave and never come back .As the celestial armies start to circle them Wukong fleas. To add a cherry of suffering and resentment on top of the milkshake Nezha was one of the only friends that Wukong was still good with after the brotherhood and macaque left him. And for Nezha after the journey to the west and Wukong proving he was good since they were in bad standing was scorned and looked down on more than before. Once again he was falling, and it was Wukongs fault.
just some food for thought :) if you have any questions feel free to ask
Notes/Answered questions: Why was Nezha able to break the bands in battle when Wukong couldn’t break his circlet? Simple The only reason Nezha was able to break his is because he needed to access his full power and his only intention to use that full power was too help protect the celestial realm to the fullest extent aiding it and spinning the web of manipulation further without them having to lift a finger.
Why was Wukong able to come in in the first place? Jade emperor and higher ups allowed it because they planned to use nezha in the future and place him in a powerful and influential role. Putting him against what they currently see as the celestial realms biggest threat was a good move and it wouldn’t do if they had a good relationship. Why did the jade emperor not do anything after Nezha started to fall out of Grace, when the Journey to the West finished? He still sees Wukong as a threat and believes he can, and we’ll go rouge any moment.
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thecrystalquill · 1 year
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A/N: TCMOY/NA part 4!! A little shorter than the last one but the next should be longer. Don’t forget the intros! And let me know what you think :) happy reading
Masterlist     Series Masterlist     Series Intro    Your Hogwarts First Years’ Letter
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Chapter Four ~ Preparation
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The party had been even bigger than she had thought. Every relative and family friend had been invited, and all with a plus-one. There was dancing and fancy drinks and a feast enough to feed the entire town; the band played countless songs, and her parents even let her have her first champagne. It was absolutely disgusting, but she drank it. She even managed to make it through her father’s speech, explaining to everyone just how proud he was, without expressively cringing. Overall, it was a good night – as all of their parties were – but come early hours of the morning, (Y/N) still found herself relieved to see their guests out. After an early start to the day, she was so tired that all she wanted to do was crash into her pillows. In fact, she was so tired that she almost slept through lunch the next day. It was a good thing that she remembered to close her curtains.
Now that the party was over, (Y/N) only had a week to get ready for her leave, and her nerves built with each passing day. Currently, Morticia and Wednesday were helping her pack her bags, Wednesday was making and checking lists as her mother made suggestions. “Don’t forget to pack your bat. The one with the barbed wire – never know when you might need it.”
“Of course, Mother,” (Y/N) answered, taking the tool from under her bed and finding a place for it in her case among her other things, a separate one from her clothes case – she had rather a lot of things. She’d packed her spare uniform robes, and plenty of her clothes, her books (there were quite a lot of them), some of her collections, and various other things that may come in handy. Jinxy sat at his place on the windowsill, watching curiously as they shuffled about the room. “Oh! Did we get a cage for Jinxy? You know how he likes to wander off,” she asked while packing some peculiar looking jars and bottles into a trunk, letting Wednesday tick them off, then slip another in.
Her mother nodded, picking out some clothes from the wardrobe and packing them up. “Yes, darling. Lurch dug up the old bat cage, it’s quite small but it will do for your travels.” At that, Jinx’s ears perked up and he paused in the middle of licking his paw, tongue still poking out.
“Why do you have to go so far for so long?” Wednesday whined, picking up ‘The Collective Works of Edgar Allan Poe’ and dropping it on the bed. “How am I supposed to put up with Pugsley on my own? Who am I going to practise my sword skills with? You know he isn’t a good opponent, he doesn’t take it seriously enough,” she complained in a low, bored voice.
“Oh don’t worry, Wednesday,” (Y/N) replied, contemplating whether or not she should pack her crossbow, “I’ll be back for the Christmas holidays, we can catch up then. And I’m sure Father will be more than willing to fill in for me with your fights.” She couldn’t wait to be back for the holidays. “Oh! Catnip!” She exclaimed, then rushed downstairs, likely going to the greenhouse.
“It’s alright, Wednesday,” said her mother as she packed away her daughter’s set of knives, not forgetting the sharpening tools, “she’ll be home before you know it.”
“It’s not like I’m gonna miss her or anything…” Wednesday muttered.
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Two days left before she had to leave, and (Y/N) almost felt like crying – which she absolutely refused to do; but she could almost feel like it in private. She was sat on the wall of the graveyard, overlooking the whole area; from this angle she could see the whole of the Addams residence, along with the town, the coast, and the Abbey. It was one of her favourite spots, where she could watch over everything around her like a gargoyle atop a tower.
She had been reading her new textbooks over the last few weeks, studying everything with fascination and daydreaming about when she would get to explore these new topics fully, somehow it eased her worries a little. She had a herbology book open in front of her, letting the wind turn the pages as she focused her attention on her surroundings. She wondered what her time at Hogwarts would be like; would she enjoy her classes? Make some friends? A few enemies maybe? What house would she be put in? Wednesday had showed her some of the family history books from their library; many family members that attended Hogwarts were placed into Slytherin, of course this doesn’t mean to say that there weren’t any in the other houses – the family tree had its fair share of Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and even Hufflepuffs. In fact, Wednesday said that Alexander Addams married a Hufflepuff lady in 1601, having met her when he was visiting from Beaubatons. There were many people in the family that had gone to Beaubatons – with the Addams’ being from Spanish and French descent – and some even attended Durmstrang, it was more of a personal choice where they had gone. (Y/N) wondered if she would have liked to go to Beaubatons, but that was all the way in the Pyrenees, and she didn’t know a whole lot of French (though she did have Latin and Spanish lessons with her father). There were even quite a few people on their Mother’s side that had attended Beaubatons, and even some from Illvermorny, which she found quite fascinating. (Y/N) thought she shared quite a few qualities from all of the houses at Hogwarts, but she supposed she would have to wait; she thought it was quite a shame that her family couldn’t be there for her sorting, why couldn’t they anyway? If it was so important, why couldn’t her loved ones be there? But she supposed it was just another tradition. And it would probably make it harder for her to say goodbye if they were there the whole time, so it was probably for the best.
Looking down to the swamp marsh that circled the back end of the property, (Y/N) stared into the muddy murky waters that gurgled and moved on its own, hoping that Hogwarts would feel like a second home to her in time.
“(Y/N)!” She heard from bellow, squinting in the near-darkness she spotted her brother from half-way across the graveyard, carrying a few explosives in his arms (he’d likely being playing with them before he came out).
“What is it, Pugsley?” She yelled back, still perched on the ten-foot wall as she grabbed her copy of One-Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi and inspected the page on Devil’s Snare.
He grumbled and trudged forward a few more meters, touching every tombstone he passed – an old habit he developed as a toddler. “Grandmama says dinner’s nearly ready, we’re having eye of newt soup tonight, then she said she’ll make squid ink spaghetti tomorrow,” Pugsley explained, knowing that squid ink spaghetti was one of her favourites (she really hoped they made that at Hogwarts).
Hiding a sigh, (Y/N) took one last look across the view before tucking her book under her arm and expertly climbed down the high wall, using the gaps or odd shaped stones to hang onto before jumping down the last three feet. “Okay Pugsley, c’mon then,” she said, wrapping an arm over his shoulders and handing him her textbook to leaf through, “wouldn’t want our soup getting cold, would we?”
Pugsley shook his head as he looked at the illustrations in awe. “(Y/N), when will you teach me to climb the wall?” He asked, looking back to her spot – just being able to make out her name scratched into a stone half-way up.
She shrugged, keeping up her pace to the door. “How about next week?” She slyly suggested, to which Pugsley gladly agreed.
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k-n-e-o · 4 months
Nct Dream as high school students
This has been in my drafts for years! I’ve just reread it now and I think it’s pretty decent to post lol.
This is also mildly based off of my own highschool experience (which it’s now been years since I’ve graduated so obviously not current experience lol)
Disclaimer: this doesn’t have mark in it because he wasn’t back in nct dream at the time of writing, so I had it in my head that he already graduated and is in college
[ Renjun ]
This is used a lot but it fits him so well
He’s our little artist
Loved art class
Helps the drama kids make the props and costumes
Made a chair once for an art project, absolutely hated it (this was taken from something a friend of mine had to do once lol)
He was covered in black, red, yellow, and blue wood stain for weeks
He also smelled like saw dust for a while too
I think he’s the only one that would make and bring his lunch just because he doesn’t want to have to deal with the other idiots at the school during lunch
Him and the boys stay in the art room at lunch, it’s quieter
I want to say he’s the only one in the group that actually studies
But knowing this group of boys,
None of them are getting anything done lol
[ Jeno ]
We all know this boy is the jock of the group.
He’s also one of the responsible ones
Being the driver of the dreams carpool to school everyday
He also uses the schools fitness centre (basically a weight room and stuff)
Gets his lunch money stolen by Haechan all the time so he now brings double so he’s not asking Jaemin to steal stuff from the cafeteria
Track and field boy
Probably beats his own records every year
Also probably does football with Jaemin (spoiler?)
A goofball in all his classes, especially the ones he shares with Jaemin
Leaves little smiley faces on his friends work when they aren’t looking.
[ Haechan ]
I’m sorry but he’s a theatre boy
Auditions for all of the plays
Leaves his I.D card on the stage all the damn time
So he can’t sign out a computer when he needs one
Ends up using his phone instead and sometimes gets in trouble for it
He’s known all around the school even if people don’t actually know him they know of him
Every teacher knows him too
And they only roll their eyes when he’s loud and goofy in class
I won’t lie he probably doesn’t know any of the names of people in his class so he has to ask whenever he’s paired up with them for projects even though he’s been going to school with them for years already (how can you tell I was the person who people forgot lol)
But they can’t be mad at him for long when he’s got them bent over in laughter a few seconds later
[ Jaemin ]
In culinary arts, so he gets free food sometimes
Especially when he works in the cafeteria at lunch
Sometimes if jeno doesn’t have lunch money Jaemin will sneak some fries out for him
Also on the football team
(I don’t know why I see him doing this but I do so fight me)
Forgets his water bottle all the damn time so had to do push-ups whenever any of the football coaches catch him
Heart breaker of the century
Has girls (and some guys) staring at him and stalking his social media
Taking bio and chem at the same time
Quickly regrets that choice he made lol
Spends his spares annoying Renjun in art
Ends up painting his arm or hand and gets scolded by the art teacher
Friends with almost all of his teachers
Yes like Haechan he’s also that kid who the teachers know instantly by name and who they tell their other classes funny stories about
Probably almost blew up the chemistry lab with Haechan once
Now Haechan and him aren’t allowed to touch any of the lab equipment
Works out with jeno but sometimes slacks off
Makes jeno stop by the local coffee shop every morning on the dreamies way to school
[ Chenle ]
I don’t know why but I struggled so much with Chenles
It’s weird
He’s probably a band student who uses the piano in the room as often as he can.
He goes into the band room in the morning when jeno and Jaemin have early football practice and he goes when he has a spare
And when he’s still there after the school he plays the piano
I mean, he probably has like three pianos at home
But there’s something about the giant nearly empty room
And just playing the piano just to play
He’s a simple boy with simple desires
You can expect this boy will try out for the basketball team
And if he’s not with his friends or at a piano in the band room
He’ll probably be in the gym shooting hoops
Hate hate hates doing homework
He’s the main reason why Jisung gets nothing done too lol
Also if the dreamies aren’t “studying” at a cafe you can bet they are at Chenles house
And the only reason is because his house is the only one that can fit all six of them comfortably
Sometimes mark joins too, for old times sake
[ Jisung ]
You can fight me on this but this boy would be in the poetry slam club
He’s that quite cute boy who everyone glances at through out the meeting
Never used his locker
Instead he puts all his stuff in Chenles locker because, and I quote
“It’s easier”
Goes to all the sports games cause Chenle drags him there
Attempts to study
But we all not that ain’t happening
Gets really stressed during exam season
Probably eats one to many instant ramen packages
(He found Chenles secret stash)
Probably doesn’t skip class
Although he tried it once with Haechan but decided it wasn’t his thing
Eats lunch with the others at a near by food place every Friday as an end of the week treat
Is late to his afternoon class because they lost track of time
He’s the one always asking for a pencil or a pen
Probably tried out for the soccer team
And obviously got in
Kinda disappointed that the soccer season is short tho
But works hard none the less
Always forgetting his water bottle
Works on his writing when he has a moment of free time in class
Probably the kind to leave little love notes in his crushes locker
I don’t think he’s a huge party person
But he gets invited to a lot of them
Always complains about his student I.D photo 
But it’s not as bad as he says it is
Hands in assignments late because he keeps forgetting to do them
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munningham · 2 years
Chrissy lives AU headcanon - what comes next:
Chrissy helps The Party take down Vecna.
But we know that once the monsters are gone and life gets back to normal, it’s hard to fight that current (see also: Nancy and Steve beginning of season 2). Chrissy stays with Jason and her popular crowd until they all graduate. She and Eddie (and the whole gang) are secret friends.
Once it’s summer, and there’s more freedom and they’re away from the daily Panopitcon that is high school, I think Chrissy would find the strength to break up with Jason. He doesn’t take it well initially, completely loses his shit, but I think as the summer goes on he evolves into “fuck her, I’m gonna score with all the college girls.”
However, she knows it would be almost literal hell on earth if her Mom found out about Eddie, so the two start a secret relationship that only The Party knows about. Nancy and Robin are excellent covers to make this all happen. (Her mom disapproves of Chrissy hanging out with “that weird band girl” but “Nancy Wheeler is such a nice girl I don’t know why you weren’t friends with her before.”)
Her mom is NOT happy about Jason, but somehow Chrissy convinces her parents to let her go to a college in Chicago, rather than staying closer in Indiana. She sells them on how reputable the school is, the sororities, she gets a spot on their cheerleading squad, etc. (I’m not sure what her major is, we never get to see that side of Chrissy 😢)
COMPLETELY INDEPENDENTLY (wink wink), Eddie puts into place his long time dream, having finally fucking graduated, of moving to Chicago. His uncle knows a guy who knows a guy who helps him find a shitty apartment and a job.
Eddie fucking thrives. His day job is whatever, but no one gives him weird looks when he’s walking down the street. He finds so many communities - DnD groups, musicians, he forms a new band, he spends his nights with nerds and readers and thinkers and metal heads and creatives who are all freaks. DnD folks also officially introduce him to BDSM and certain things start making a lot more sense . He has never felt so comfortable in his skin, Chicago is a million times better than Hawkins.
On paper, Chrissy continues her white bread uptown girl life. She genuinely loves cheerleading, and loves being part of the college squad with girls that are just as passionate as her. She gets good grades and keeps her dorm room clean.
Her dorm room that she spends like 0 time in, because she has essentially moved into Eddies apartment 😄. They have crazy schedules but they make it work. Eddie comes to her games to watch her cheer and stays quiet in the apartment when she needs to study. Chrissy goes to his shows to watch his band perform, and comes with him to the DnD hangout spots to meet his friends.
Eddie finds out about Chrissy’s ED the summer before college. He is completely out of his depths and he knows it. No amount of encouragement or reassuring murmurs or homecooked meals can fix this. Once Chrissy is in college, he helps her make an appointment with the college counseling center. She finally gets the real professional help she needs.
Chrissy is also doing so much better in Chicago. Away from her mother, away from the Hawkins jocks and cheerleaders, she makes leaps and bounds in her confidence, her sense of self, her independence. College is just different, people are less superficial, she makes some real girl friends (through school and through Eddie) who she can actually talk to about things.
I think she genuinely likes pretty things, she’s a femme girl through and through. But there’s a difference in just taking ownership over her clothes, her appearance, her routines. She wears her hair in different styles, and pairs Eddie’s jackets or tshirts with her short skirts and dresses. She’s finally able to sleep in, spend a whole weekend doing nothing, explore different interests, find out what she really likes.
They know this bubble of happiness can’t stay this good though. Eddie works his ass off, taking extra shifts whenever he can. He knows that once Chrissy’s parents find out about them, it’s gonna be ugly. Real bad.
The first Christmas is real rough. Chrissy was able to give excuses for not coming home for Thanksgiving, but Christmas is a whole different ballgame. Being back with her family, her moms constant comments, the food, it’s all just too much. Her ED relapses, her mental health is fucked. She runs out one night, climbing down the window and walking all the way in the snow to Eddie’s trailer. He‘s been worrying about her nonstop, but was trying to give her the space and lack of pressure he thought she needed. When he sees her on his door step, shivering and wet with runny mascara and a tear-stained face, he whisks her into his bed and swears he’ll never let her go. Driving her back home in the early morning is one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do.
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alltheselights · 1 year
What the gp think of Louis is whatever. He was put forward as something during 1D and people will always believe what they’re told to. Louis has definitely leaned into certain sides of his current image since like late 2020 and there are many reasons why he could have done this and things we don’t know about behind the scenes. However, the Zayn thing with the gp annoys me because what did Louis do to Zayn publicly? The tweet was directed at Naughty Boy, Zayn was technically the one who got involved there, but Louis didn’t respond publicly to Zayn so we as the public don’t know what happened. And in the end Zayn didn’t like Naughty Boy and was critical of him, right? So maybe Louis was right to be critical of Naughty Boy. Louis really hasn’t said anything blaming Zayn. He talked about it as a two-person situation and talked about his own feelings. He wasn’t rude about Zayn, as far as I know. So it just goes to show how media treatment shapes perception and how that bleeds into the gp
It's funny because I feel like at the time, there were media outlets that saw the fight for what it was - for example, I remember Perez Hilton called out Zayn because he was like "Louis wasn't even talking about you!" and said that his response was sad for his fans. With time and how much certain vocal swathes of the Internet enjoy dunking on Louis though, I think time and hate has colored peoples' perceptions.
There are a lot of things that frustrate me about Louis' team, but one of the biggest is their lack of interest in changing the public perception of Louis. They continue sending him to outlets like The Telegraph that consistently shit on him and compare him negatively to the others boys, which invites Harries and Zayn fans and other people who hate Louis to go viral dunking on the things that he supposedly has said to these outlets or that they say about him, whether it's the chainsmoking or creating drama about Harry's success or whatever else it may be.
Yes, a lot of media outlets have their minds made up and will shit on Louis - often to raise Harry up because it's more fun for them to have one talented and successful artist from a band rather than acknowledging that there are multiple, and of course because Harry's team encourages it. However, there are media outlets that would show him in a better light that they consistently ignore. Think about how he's never gone on Jonathan Ross or Graham Norton whose entire jobs are to make celebrity guests look good and fun.
Louis and his team also make terrible choices on what to show off to the limited, terrible media outlets that he does interviews with (like having him chainsmoke through every interview and talk about the band or the other boys' successes) rather than centering the focus of the media on the right things, like his incredible songwriting, his ideas about music, his voice, his intelligence, and his kindhearted nature. Oh, and let's not forget about having miserable photoshoot after miserable photoshoot where every photo has the same expression and the same two poses. They care more about promoting his personal life and showing what a chav he is than showing anything that would encourage people to give him and his music a chance, and it's not doing them any favors. All it does is allow these false negative ideas about him (like the one related to Zayn) to fester with nothing positive or interesting to counter it.
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lichtecht · 8 months
okay ich pack das unter einen cut weil spoiler für dfk 2023
aber ich hab was zu sagen, was justus/nichtraucher angeht
okay first of all.
i was pleasantly surprised!!
this is the only movie that didn’t give either of them a female love interest!! direktorin kreuzkamm seems to be interested in dr bökh, but there is NOTHING from him. wtf. this is revolutionary.
the story was changed a lot though. but i don’t think it was for the worse?
the nichtraucher lives in his little garden all by himself. he smokes. he plays piano. he’s writing a book, apparently!
the whole scene with justus after the fight was. changed a bit. they cut the part about why the kids didn’t come to him and about trust and righteousness a lot. theo is also not present. the kids are sent to dr bökh's office and he’s like. „sigh. theo, will you get us some cookies.“ and then they cut to him telling the story of his school days.
he had an enemy. called robert. who was one of the externe, while justus was one of the interne. justus was jealous of robert, he seemed to have everything justus wanted. they fought a lot. but then justus' mother got sick. and justus couldn’t visit her. robert's father was a doctor in the hospital she was in, and he offered his help. and so robert and justus became friends. they had a band.
dr bökh tells the kids that his friend robert later studied medicine, but they lost contact.
and the kids piece together that this robert is the nonsmoker, who they’ve met recently.
so they take justus to the garden where he lives.
when they get there, the nonsmoker is currently chopping wood in a sleeveless shirt.
justus takes off the blindfold and is like: „robert!“ (happy/surprised)
der nichtraucher: „was soll das denn, warum bringt ihr euren lehrer hierher?“
jo: „uh… we thought you two knew each other.“
nonsmoker: „and?“
justus: „du hast hier die ganze zeit gewohnt und dich nie gemeldet?“
robert: „warum sollte ich?“
the kids realize that they should leave. justus and the nonsmoker have a talk.
i think justus starts with: „schön hast du’s hier. vielleicht könnten wir uns ja mal verabreden… auf ein bier oder so.“
robert ist eher nicht so romantisch drauf.
it turns out that when marie, roberts wife, died, justus didn’t attend the funeral. he didn’t even contact robert. (it’s not really explained why, i think.)
justus says: „when you met your wife… you were just gone. what about the two of us? we had plans.“
you cannot say that. you CANNOT say that in a straight way. dude. dude that’s gay
(i really wish i could rewatch that scene so i could pull quotes.)
justus: „als du deine frau kennengelernt hast… da warst du einfach weg. dabei hatten wir doch pläne. das hat mich sehr verletzt damals.“
robert: „…du warst verletzt.“
so basically robert is bitter. his wife died and justus didn’t even support him. and JUSTUS is the one who was in love with his friend and who was hurt because robert found a wife and left him??
das gespräch endet damit, dass justus sagt: „du weißt, wo du mich findest.“
ich glaub, das nächste mal, dass wir den nichtraucher sehen, ist, als er sich mit jo unterhält. sie besucht ihn im nichtraucherwagen. er bringt ihr klavier bei. <3
und er erzählt ihr ein bisschen von früher. dass es damals schon nicht so einfach war, „wenn interne und externe befreundet waren“.
hmm. sounds gay.
the next time robert and justus see each other is when robert decides he does want to talk to justus. he puts on a nice suit jacket and he goes into town, only to see that ULI is climbing THE WALL.
yeah, ulis accident, very tragic, robert was luckily there to help as a doctor. i’ll talk about ulis accident sometime else.
the next time robert and justus see each other is in the hospital.
justus: „was machst du denn hier?“
robert: „ich war grade rechtzeitig da, um als arzt zu helfen.“
(irgendein cut, ich weiß es nicht mehr?)
robert: „so weit hätte es niemals kommen dürfen.“
justus: „während ich mir hier mühe gebe, um den kindern einen sicheren ort zu geben hast du [xyz, weiß ich nicht mehr]. also geh zurück in deinen waggon und leg die füße hoch. ich muss jetzt die eltern informieren.“ (geht)
robert: „…das hab ich nicht gemeint.“
also, robert will justus jetzt doch eine chance geben, aber justus fühlt sich zurückgewiesen.
während der aufführung des stücks werfen sie sich dann blicke zu. du hättest es sehen müssen, ey
und dann treffen sie sich auf ein bier.
robert: „ich dachte schon, du kommst nicht.“
justus: „natürlich komm ich.“
und dann kommt die szene, wo sie miteinander musik machen.
i know the story’s different, but i’m here for it. i’m here for the bitterness.
and they were just so gay. it was so gay throughout. best fucking part of the movie. it DELIVERED
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