#i sent my love across the sea and though i didn't cry
silverskye13 · 2 years
SInce I’m on a Jimmy kick right now, and in honor of his most recent Empires episode, I nominate “Raise Hell” by Brandi Carlile as the theme song for the inevitable conflict between him and taunting sky-god Joel.
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whitedarkmoonflower · 2 months
Yield to me
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: a request from lovely @wildchild2707 Thank you for trusting me to write you a story. I hope you'll like it. It fit perfectly with my mood as I'm giffing S3 now. @thenameswinter99 thank you so much for helping to overcome the sudden block in the middle of writing 💖
Warnings: SMUT 18+
Summary: you and Sihtric are sent to Bloodhair's camp to spy, and apparently there is more to discover than the secret plans of the Danes
Word Count: 5,9 K
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You could almost feel it – that piercing, even furious look burning holes in the back of your neck, lips pressed tightly together in a thin line, spitting words with a taste of acid. Yet, you chose to ignore him.
Your fingers continued to toy with the knife, your eyes discreetly scanning the warriors gathered around the different bonfires, the play of light and shadow dancing across their faces, the fire's crackling annoyingly loud. Amidst the clamour, numerous voices speaking in various dialects and tongues wafted through the air, mingling with the smoke. You had no patience for Sihtric's trivialities; your head spun from the cacophony around you.
Distinct dialects of Gaelic, Norse, Gutnish, and Welsh were discernible in the midst of the crowd. This was likely how it had felt at the Tower of Babel, you mused to yourself. Bloodhair had succeeded in assembling Danes and other fortune-seeking scum from all corners of the islands and even beyond the seas.
"Careful now, don't cut yourself," a rough hand suddenly landed on your thigh, a thick, booming voice abruptly wrenching you from your thoughts. It was a reflex, beyond your control, your fingers wrapping around the unfamiliar palm, grabbing the thumb and wrenching it to the side. A short cry and a loud thud, the body crushing against the hard ground, were the only sounds as you found yourself sitting atop a bewildered man, your eyes wide, teeth bared, and with your knife at his throat.
"The only thing I'll cut is your throat," you hissed, eyes scanning your catch. He was not unattractive, you observed, and he smelled good, unlike the majority in this cursed camp. Surely an Earl, you had seen him before, at the main fire with Bloodhair, Cnut, and Haesten. 
A valuable take, this is your chance, don't squander it, you cautioned yourself.
"Hey, easy! I didn't mean any harm," the Dane raised his hands, surrendering.
"Give me one good reason not to cut your balls off," you scoffed, studying the stranger carefully.
"I know a much better use for them," there was no anxiety in his voice, but neither was there anger, and you slowly relaxed your muscles, still scanning his face.
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“I want to know everything, every smallest detail,” you had never seen Uhtred so agitated before. Your big brother, though not bound by blood, your anchor, your stronghold, your grounding force in every tempest. You had seen him everything but scared and yet his voice quivered, betraying the angst he tried to conceal, eating him from within like a worm gnawing at an apple. 
“I can handle it without a babysitter,” you sneered at him, disdain evident in your voice. 
It was not merely chance, but destiny that had brought you together - you, Uhtred and Brida. Three children abandoned by fate, bound by love and friendship forged in the crucible of shared pain and suffering. You all had lost everything in that fateful night when the Danes had set their foot on the lands of Bebbanburg, yet you had found each other – an unbreakable bond, a thread to navigate through life and beyond. 
"I want you both to work together. Sihtric is not going there to look after you. Four eyes can see more than two. You speak all the tongues across the islands and beyond. He's considered my closest friend, my right hand, along with Finan. They'll be eager to welcome him and extract all my secrets. It's a perfect combination. I want you to trust him the way I trust him. Can you do that for me?" Uhtred's hands grasped yours, his scrutinising gaze searching for reassurance.
Could you? At the beginning you couldn’t bring yourself to trust him. He was Kjartan’s bastard, the blood and flesh of the man who had shattered your fragile lives for the second time, and he had attempted to kill Uhtred.
You could still recall his feverish gaze, darting from you to Uhtred, his bound hands slightly quivering as he held the blade at Halig’s throat. Just a boy on the brink of manhood, grappling for his chance to survive, yet so determined not to surrender.
You didn’t question Uhtred’s decision, but you couldn’t shake off the doubts that nagged at you. There was something about the quiet and reserved young warrior, something elusive, something you couldn’t quite grasp, simultaneously intriguing and unsettling you.
You had observed him in Dunholm, still half-expecting him to betray you all, to switch sides in the blink of an eye.
The clang of weapons thundered through your ears, nostrils flaring as you inhaled the sour air, thick with the stench of blood and angst. The shouts of the warriors mingled with Kjartan's piercing cry, Ragnar’s sword severing his wrist, denying him entrance to Valhalla. Wild howls echoed through the yard as the same sword swung in the air repeatedly—a cacophony of sounds and images melded into pure chaos, assaulting your senses like ocean waves threatening to engulf you. Yet, amidst the chaos, your gaze remained fixed on one face in the crowd: Sihtric’s.
His expression, contorted by anxiety and anticipation since the first clash of swords, transformed into gleeful triumph and contentment at Kjartan’s defeat, only to sour into disgust and revulsion the next moment. It was then and there that you realized the depth of the shallow and distant gaze with which he often stared into the fire, seemingly detached from the laughter and banter around him. It was as though you had been granted a glimpse into his soul, witnessing all the hidden pain, shame, and guilt reflected in his large, mismatched eyes, unable to look away.
Although Kjartan lay dead, the sword continued its relentless swing, chopping and slicing as if attempting to wrench life from his body anew with each stroke. The large, deep eyes of the boy turned warrior flinched in rhythm with the moving weapon, embracing the liberating truth, while scruple and doubt glistened within them as he struggled to believe, to comprehend that it was over. Finally over. For all of you.
"It should have been me," the words sliced through the silence of the night like a blade, as you found him sitting alone, far removed from the cheerful chatter around the bonfires. His back leaned against the mighty fortress wall, arms resting on his knees. The distant flicker of firelight danced in his large eyes, his gaze sweeping over the buildings with a feverish gleam, as if searching for something, as if seeing something beyond your perception.
“Sihtric, I…” Your attempt to comfort him with a gentle touch on his shoulder was met with a fury, as he shrugged off your hand. He jumped to his feet, feverishly rubbing his eyes with his sleeves. In a momentary blink, the gleam in his eyes revealed itself to be tears, before he stormed away, pushing you aside roughly.
Since that evening, a silent distance hung between the two of you, not by your choice. If anything had shifted on your end, it was the sense of him— the same unquenchable thirst for revenge tightening your heart in the dark of the long, cold nights. Even though you couldn’t see the ghosts of Dunholm’s lost souls, you knew he could. Your suspicion and mistrust had finally dissipated, morphing into something else, something warm and soothing that you couldn’t quite put a name to. 
It was Sihtric who apparently didn’t want neither your company, nor your comfort, avoiding you as much as possible. And so, you remained silent, giving him the space he seemed to need.
So, could you trust him as Uhtred was asking? Yes, you could. You were just unsure if Sihtric could reciprocate that trust. But there was nothing you wouldn't do for your brother. The tender kiss Uhtred had placed on your wrists still burned in your memory.
“Nobody knows about it. Not even Finan, not Osferth. Nobody. You’ll leave like traitors. Both of you,” Uhtred's voice dropped to a silent whisper, and you nodded, accepting the weight of the task placed upon you. You would fulfil it at any cost. You would free your brother from the curse the witch had cast upon him.
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You slowly withdrew your knife from the stranger’s throat and stepped back, extending your hand to help him to his feet, an offer he accepted.
“Are you alone? Where’s your clan?” the Dane inquired, studying you with a scrutinising gaze.
“I don’t have a clan. I came with him,” you nodded toward Sihtric, seated at another fire, and returned the knife to its scabbard on your back. Once more, you could feel the weight of Sihtric's angry gaze boring into your flesh from a distance. He still hadn't grasped it, hadn't accepted that you were here on your own mission, that you neither needed nor wanted his protection.
He had choked on his ale, coughing furiously, when Uhtred had informed him you would be accompanying him.
“Lord, it’s too dangerous,” was the first thing he had said. “You can’t send her there.”
You snorted in disdain, stepping forward with fury burning in your eyes. He had witnessed your prowess in battle, seen you take down men much larger than yourself, and yet he doubted you, considering you weak. You were a warrior, your small and fragile appearance deceiving, both a curse and a blessing, concealing the steel beneath the softness of your velvety skin.
“I need neither your approval nor permission,” you hissed through gritted teeth, fixing him with a steely gaze. “Whether you come with me or not, that's your decision.”
And, predictably, he came. He could not refuse his lord’s order. You both departed under cover of night after a heated dispute with Uhtred, freeing the imprisoned Danes beforehand, but the silence between you grew even heavier. You felt like a burden to him, and you didn’t need words to confirm it. The heavy sighs, the silent shakes of his head, his gaze lingering on you before turning away the moment you met it—they spoke volumes. But you didn’t care, or at least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
“Husband of yours?” the Dane inquired, slight disappointment evident in his voice.
“No, just a travel companion. We both served under the Dane Slayer, but the witch has stolen his mind, and now we are here,” you spat with disdain at the mention of her, your anger and scorn genuine and unfeigned.
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Sihtric drew a deep breath, attempting to calm his racing heartbeat. It felt insane. What were you even doing here? What had Uhtred been thinking, sending you into such danger? How could he be so blind, so reckless with your life?
The anger with which he had hurled insults at Uhtred that night before departure had been genuine—the fury that Uhtred, in his bid to save his own skin, was willing to sacrifice everything, even you—his sister, his unwavering companion through all the tumultuous twists and turns of his unruly life, and in Sihtric’s eyes – certainly the most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth.
He couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment he had fallen in love with you; it seemed as if he had always felt this way, from the very first moment he laid eyes on you next to Uhtred. Your hand steady and poised on the hilt of your sword, your eyes—beautiful, deep, dark, and somewhat sorrowful—following his every move, every breath, while his own fingers quivered, his knuckles turning white from the force of gripping the hilt of Halig’s sword pressed against its owner’s throat.
As he finally dropped the sword, his fingers wrapping around Thor's hammer on his neck to swear his oath to his new lord, the resounding echo of his own words thundered in his ears and his gaze never left yours, pleading and promising.
He knew you harboured no fondness for him, no trust either, and he couldn’t blame you for it. Yet, he had hoped that with time, things would evolve, that he could earn your trust as he had Uhtred’s. Instead, he had only exposed his vulnerability, revealing himself as just a boy haunted by the ghosts of his past, far from the man or warrior he aspired to be for you.
Returning to Dunholm—the graveyard of his dreams and hopes—filled him with dread. Yet, the desire to prove himself to you, to demonstrate that he was more than a frightened boy bargaining for his life, coupled with the ambition to exhibit his courage, loyalty, and perhaps earn an approving smile from the most beautiful eyes on this side of the world, had been overpowering. Only to have those hopes shattered by your pitying gaze when you encountered him that evening after the battle. With nothing left but to retreat and await another opportunity.
The journey to Bloodhair’s camp had become a nightmare of its own. He struggled to conceal his emotions, hoping that the occasional sighs he couldn’t suppress or the furtive glances he stole in your direction—quickly averting his eyes when caught—wouldn’t betray him.
Now, you were trapped here, deep within enemy territory, each day fraught with the risk of discovery and capture. While Uhtred had kept his promise to keep Brida away from the camp, the fear of her sudden appearance loomed like a raised axe; she couldn’t be deceived. She knew you better than anyone, and consumed by grief over Ragnar's loss, she was unpredictable.
Sihtric adamantly refused to let you out of his sight. It was too perilous, and the thought of you disregarding the danger drove him to the edge of madness. He kept a vigilant watch over you, growing increasingly frustrated by the day as you dismissed his concerns. How could he protect you if you refused to acknowledge the peril, insisting instead on separating to gather more information?
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You hadn’t expected it to be so easy. A satisfied smile threatened to curl on your lips as the Dane, whom you had nearly beheaded, invited you to join him at the larger fire. He settled beside you, and as the night progressed and the laughter grew louder, you didn’t push away his large palm as it found its way back to your thigh.
“I’ll be straight with you - I like you, wildcat,” he chuckled in your ear as the flames started to dwindle. “You're welcome at this fire anytime, and if you're interested, you're welcome in my tent too.”
You smiled, tilting your head to the side as you eyed the broad-shouldered man. You knew this game all too well. It was a hunt, and like every hunt, timing was everything. Let your arrow fly too soon, and you miss your prey; linger too long, and it'll slip away. It was too early for the perfect strike, but your prey was taking the bait, thinking himself the hunter. You stifled the laughter bubbling in your chest, turning it into a muffled chuckle.
“I’ll consider it,” you replied, not making any promises, just teasing, baiting. Your fingers traced a path from the Dane's shoulder over the fur cloak covering his broad chest, and you saw the trap you had laid out snap in his dark, smirking eyes. He was a worthy adversary, quite handsome even, and above all, you appreciated when men were straightforward.
If playing this game brought you closer to the talks and whispers you were so eager to hear, you were more than willing to participate.
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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" an angry hiss stung your ear just as you were about to slip into your tent, your hand instinctively reaching for the dagger behind your back.
“Damn,” you swore loudly, spotting the silhouette emerging from the shadows. “You're lucky you're still breathing.”
“I saw you with that brute. You need to be more careful. I’ve told you so many times…” If looks could kill, Sihtric would have dropped dead on the spot.
“You're not my father, you're not my brother, you're not my husband. You're nobody to me, and you have nothing to tell me,” you spat out your words at him, as if hurling daggers. Not that there was anyone in your life who could actually tell you what to do. You were your own master, and it was time for Sihtric to grasp that.
"We both have tasks here, so you'd better start with yours. Besides, I’m enjoying the company of that warrior," you hissed, throwing open the flaps of your tent, eager to vanish from Sihtric’s view as soon as possible. However, you were abruptly halted by an iron grip around your wrist.
“So, I'm a nobody,” a strange metallic tone tinged Sihtric’s voice, a quality you had never detected before, momentarily seizing your attention. You turned your head, and your surprised gaze was met by two deep pools of pure fury. “I get it. You're right, I am. I’ve been a nobody all my damn life. And who are you?”
You attempted to retrieve your hand, but Sihtric’s grip only tightened, and anger slowly churned in your stomach as your other hand stealthily slid behind your back to grasp the dagger.
"A smug and heedless badger digging deeper into its burrow, oblivious to everything happening outside. What have I done to deserve being treated like a dog? Ignored, dismissed at every turn, forced to watch you fawning over that filthy boar."
“A badger?” you snorted, your tone a mix of anger and amusement at Sihtric’s sudden outburst. Somewhere in the recesses of your mind, your common sense whispered for you to cease, recognizing you had clearly crossed a line and needlessly wounded him. However, retreat and admission of fault were not traits you readily embraced. You silenced your inner voice with a smug grin, a challenge glinting in your eyes as you met Sihtric’s gaze. “That filthy boar smelled better than you ever did,” you shot back.
Your fingers instinctively wrapped around the hilt of your dagger, swiftly drawing it forth, but your attempt lacked the element of surprise; Sihtric had anticipated your move. Through countless sparring sessions, he had grown familiar with your tricks.
Releasing your wrist, Sihtric deftly parried your armed hand, swiftly yanking it back and leveraging the motion to flip you over, simultaneously seizing the dagger from your grasp and positioning it threateningly against your throat, while pressing your back firmly against his chest.
With a furious stomp on his foot, you exploited the moment of distraction to drive your elbow into Sihtric’s abdomen. He grimaced in pain, doubling over and gasping for breath, giving you the opportunity to sidestep and confront him face-to-face. But before you could act further, Sihtric’s arms encircled your waist, using his weight to shove you backwards, sending both of you tumbling through the tent entrance.
You grunted as your back collided with the fur-laid ground. Before you could formulate your next move, Sihtric landed atop you, straddling your waist and pinning your arms above your head. A primal growl escaped you as you squirmed and struggled against his restraint.
“That’s enough. Cease this. Surrender. I don’t wish to harm you,” Sihtric attempted a conciliatory tone, but the smug smirk on his lips was impossible to conceal.
“Never,” you hissed through gritted teeth, persisting in your furious struggle against Sihtric’s grasp.
With your breath coming in panting gasps and your mind racing, seeking any possible escape route, you initially even failed to register what was happening. The sensation of Sihtric’s lips against yours was scorching, his hands still restraining you, refusing to release their hold. Your eyes widened in astonishment as you momentarily ceased your futile resistance, the anger pulsating within you fading like a dying ember in a gentle breeze.
Though your muscles relaxed and the frantic struggle abated, Sihtric gave no indication of noticing, his grip still firm, his weight pressing you down as his lips fervently explored yours, kissing you with rough, bruising intensity.
You could swear your heart leapt into your throat, its rapid thudding almost deafening, as you struggled to suppress the burgeoning excitement. Yet, your own body betrayed you, a fiery heat igniting in your belly, matching the rhythm of Sihtric’s lips moving against yours.
Your cheeks flushed with heat as a soft whine escaped you, but Sihtric suddenly pulled away, releasing your arms and sitting back on his heels. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught a glimpse of your dagger lying on the ground nearby, just out of reach.
“I’m sorry. I... I didn’t mean to…” Sihtric stammered, confusion evident on his handsome face as he scratched the back of his head. In that moment, you saw your opportunity. With a swift motion, you toppled him over toward the dagger, and in the blink of an eye, you were straddling him, the blade at his throat and a triumphant smirk on your lips.
"Gotcha," you laughed, intoxicated by the feeling of regaining control, not even pausing to consider that the victory might have been too easy.
Leaning in closer until your noses nearly touched, you watched him intently, breathing in his scent — leather, fire smoke, and ale mingled with the sweet aroma of his skin, both warming and exhilarating. A subdued chuckle escaped your lips as you noticed the mischievous sparks dancing in Sihtric’s large, expressive, two-toned eyes, a hint of suspicion creeping in that perhaps your agility alone wasn’t solely responsible for this small triumph.
Sihtric’s wide-eyed pupils tracked your every move, and in the sudden silence, you felt as if you could hear both your hearts beating frantically, breaths hitching in your chests. You pressed the dagger just a fraction tighter against his skin, enough to draw a few red drops trickling down the blade. Despite the slight pierce, not a single flinch touched Sihtric’s face as he slowly tilted his head backward, fully exposing his throat to you, his gaze still locked with yours.
The air crackled with anticipation, both your breaths quickening. Had you paused to consider, you might have chosen differently, but in that moment, your mind was suddenly empty. All that remained was the memory of the warm, thrilling sensation that had filled your core just a moment before. With a trembling exhale, you crushed your lips against Sihtric’s. The muted growl that tore through him sent shivers down your spine as you released the dagger and cupped his face, pulling him closer.
Sihtric’s strong arms enveloped your shoulders, and you gasped as you were flipped over effortlessly, like a feather. Once again beneath Sihtric’s towering frame, pressed against the fur with the weight of his body, you didn’t resist. Your fingers tangled in Sihtric’s hair as you dared not let go, your lips seeking his, parting with a hushed moan to welcome his greedy, heated tongue.
“Do you surrender?” A mischievous smile danced on Sihtric’s lips as he finally pulled away from your red, kiss-swollen lips.
“Never,” you smirked, reaching out to pull him into another passionate kiss.
With a soft whimper, you arched your back against the hard ground, covered only by a thin fur, as Sihtric’s hands began to roam over your clothes. He deftly tugged at the laces, liberating you from the leathers that concealed your skin from his touch. 
Your hands were just as eager, but he was quicker. You had barely managed to pull off his leather jerkin, revealing his incredibly well built upper body to your bewildered gaze, as he freed you from the last piece of cloth, a sharp gasp leaving his chest as his ravenous gaze slid over your naked frame. 
“We’ll see,” Sihtric chuckled while his lips trailed a hot path down your neck, making you gasp for air each time he sucked on your exposed skin, leaving teasing stings on his way to your chest. His skin against yours was warm and pleasantly soft and you found yourself unable to fight against the deep moan swaying through you, as his mouth closed around your hardening nipples.  
“My beautiful unyielding warrior,” Sihtric’s lips continued their travel down your naked body, his low, husky voice sending shivers down your spine, “I’m going to make you feel so good as you have never felt before, I’ll show you the stars, and you will yield to me, willingly.” 
“Oh gods,” was all you could murmur as his hands took hold of your hips, keeping you in place, and his tongue swept through your core. He knew exactly what he was doing, as his lips wrapped around your pearl, sucking gently, a satisfied hum leaving him as you choked on your own breath each time the lap of his hot tongue sent a new wave of shudders through your body, building up the pleasure, that slowly overtook all your senses.
Eyes rolling back into your head, you buried your teeth in your lower lip, in a futile attempt to keep quiet, but you couldn’t. Wild moans rolled over your lips as Sihtric was bringing you closer to the edge. Never in your wildest dreams could you have imagined the silent and hesitant young warrior being able to bring you to the brink of madness so masterly and so quickly. 
Another deep moan swayed through you as he forced two fingers inside you.
Sihtric grinned in satisfaction, loving the lewd sounds, rolling over your parted lips, drinking in the sight of you - hair wild and dishevelled, eyes half lid and rolling back in your head, breath heavy and panting, hips moving up and down against his fingers - the most beautiful sight he could ever imagine. He had always dreamed of having you buried beneath him like this, yet he had never dared to believe it could actually come true.
You whined loudly as he suddenly pulled away.
“Sihtric, please, I need more,” you mewled in a desperate need to have him back.
“You need more of what?” he smirked, placing a tender kiss on your inner thigh. You shuddered, feeling his breath so close to where you wanted him. 
“I need you,” you whimpered through panting breaths.
“So beautiful, so wild and unruly,” Sihtric hummed as his mouth travelled to your other thigh, “So fucking perfect for me.”
“Gods, Sihtric, please, I need you,” you whined, your voice cracking.
“Are you yielding, my fiercest warrior?” Sihtric asked, delving his tongue in your dripping heat, just to retrieve again. 
“I am, fuck, I am,” you moaned breathlessly, forgetting everything – your pride, your ego, your anger – there was no room for any other emotion as the overwhelming yearning for Sihtric’s touch. With a satisfied hum, Sihtric thrusted his fingers back in your tight channel, starting to pump them in and out, and you were swept away by the new wave of pleasure.
You were already so close to the edge, feeling the warmth, cursing through your body pooling into one large flame. Your fingers dug in the fur beneath you in an attempt to hold on to something, to ground yourself, as your head snapped back, your body went taut and your walls started to clench around Sihtric’s fingers.
“Yes, that’s good. I can feel you, come for me, beautiful,” Sihtric murmured softly, his tongue starting to circle around and lap over your sensitive nub, and there was no way of holding it back any longer. You felt like a tightly drawn bow suddenly released, the tension snapping and transforming into pure energy, as you came on Sihtric’s fingers and tongue, your climax washing over you in waves of pure bliss, your body trembling and shuddering from the intensity of it. 
Sihtric kept fucking you through your orgasm with his fingers, letting you savour the moment and the sinfull sensation, pulsing through your vanes like an inferno, sweeping away everything in it’s way. You were blank, like an empty parchment. Carried away in the current of pleasure you floated somewhere between this world and the other.
“You are mine now, my sweet wildflower,” Sihtric’s voice reached through your hazy mind, grounding you back to earth. “You yielded, and now you are mine.”
You wanted to protest, to reject his claim, but the words forming on your tongue dissolved in the tenderness of Sihtric’s kiss, his fingers delicately tracing your cheek.
“Say it again,” you whispered, locking eyes with his mismatched gaze.
“You are mine,” Sihtric affirmed, his voice low and soft yet resolute, causing your heart to quicken. Whom were you trying to fool here? Wasn’t this what you had secretly dreamed of since that night in Dunholm, though too afraid to acknowledge it fully?
Silence hung between you until you mustered the courage to break it. “I am yours, Sihtric,” you murmured, savouring the weight of your own words. They felt unfamiliar yet strangely satisfying, even liberating. The groan that escaped Sihtric made you grin, as his lips found yours again, stealing your breath away.
You yelped as Sihtric’s strong arms wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground in one swift motion, carrying you to the pile of furs serving as your bed and placing you carefully on top of it. You propped yourself up on your elbows and sat upright, watching Sihtric hastily getting rid of his breeches, a sharp exhale vibrating through your chest at the sight of his hard cock. He was big, and you were not a novice in that matter. The thought alone of him inside you, made your core pulse in pleasant anticipation. 
“You are a big boy,” you mused, as he approached, wrapping your fingers around his shaft and giving it a teasing lick from tip to root, feeling it throb in your hand. You wrapped your lips around it and let your tongue slide over the sensitive tip. Sihtric moaned, shuddering at your touch.
“Do you think you can handle me?” 
You just smirked at him in response, as Sihtric pushed you firmly back on the furs, crawling on top of you, crowding you like a wild beast. There was something wolfish in his demeanour, his tense, perfectly chiselled muscles rippling beneath his skin, his eyes darkening as if fixated on prey.
“I'm not gonna go easy on you,” his husky voice dripped into your ears like sweet poison, thrilling and intoxicating. It made every hair on your body stand on end and wetness pool between your legs, leaving you to wonder whether it was a warning or a promise. You had never seen him like this, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t excite you. There was evidently much more to discover beneath the reserved and bashful exterior of the young warrior, and you weren't just curious—you were burning with desire to explore.
“Sihtric, just fuck me,” you exclaimed, pulling him in for a heated kiss, and Sihtric groaned against your mouth, aligning himself with your cunt. He pushed into you, and you moaned loudly, digging your nails into his shoulders, savouring the delicious stretch as your walls took him in, pulsing around him.
There was nothing gentle in the way he fucked you, and now you understood why he had cared to place you on the big, soft keep of furs. His hips thrusted against you with a crushing power, showing you ever higher up the keep, skin snapping against skin, relentlessly pushing himself into you until the very end of his length.
His groans and hisses mingled with your moans and you were sure the half of the camp had by now definitely heard you, the fabric of the tent not an obstacle for the sounds, but you couldn’t care less. You enjoyed every single deep thrust, every single brush of his cock against that sweet swollen spot deep inside you, that made your back arch and your eyes roll back in your head, the familiar heat pooling into your belly and turning into hot, searing flame.
“Gods, how good you feel around me,” Sihtric hissed between panting breaths and you just mewled something incomprehensible in response too lost in your pleasure for any words or even coherent thoughts.
Having you here, writhing beneath him, taking his cock and moaning in pleasure, your nails leaving marks on his skin, exceeded Sihtric's wildest hopes. He had aimed to earn your trust, perhaps your friendship, but this was something else, something he didn’t dare to put a name to, not yet. 
You had so unexpectedly gotten under his sway, and he desired nothing more than to please you, to immerse you in the most breathtaking sensations he could offer. For despite his longing for your surrender, there was something he craved even more.
“You are nobody to me,” you had spat in anger, and those words cut deeper than any blade ever could. He would have accepted anything from you—hate, anger—but not indifference, not from you.
Sihtric felt your walls start to clench around him, telling him that you were close to the edge. 
“Common, my beautiful warrior, you can give me more,” he growled, fastening his pace, eyes getting glassy and breath rugged, as he was chasing his own release now. 
“Fuck, Sihtric, I … I can’t anymore,” you hissed and after few more thrusts you were there, the pooling heat exploded within you, rolling over you, engulfing you and you let yourself fell into that blissful state where nothing else mattered apart from the indescribable, otherworldly pleasure washing over you in hot waves. 
Sihtric kept fucking you through your orgasm, savouring the feeling of your walls shuddering and clenching around him, squeezing him, until he couldn’t hold back anymore and he came, spilling his seed deep inside you with a throbbing groan.
Sihtric collapsed beside you, pulling you into his embrace, his panting breath hot against your sweaty skin as he buried his nose in the crook of your neck. He wanted to prolong this moment, to stretch it into infinity, as somewhere deep inside him, he dreaded what would come after, unconsciously fearing that there actually might be no after.
Your head still hazy and spinning from the intensity of your climax, you turned slowly to face him. Your eyes roamed his handsome face, pausing at the scars on his forehead and right cheek. His embrace was firm, somewhat possessive, yet simultaneously tender, attuned to your every move, every breath. Like a young wolf resting after a good hunt—relaxed but alert—your wolf, your wild beast, ready to be tamed.
"You okay?" Sihtric asked, gently tucking your hair behind your ear, his thumb hovering over your cheek.
You simply nodded, unable to find your voice, enchanted by the soothing calmness radiating from Sihtric, having no idea about the tempest raging behind that shell. He smiled and leaned in, brushing his lips over yours.
"I might be nobody to you, but you are everything to me," Sihtric's gaze locked with yours, his heart racing in his chest with maddening speed. It was the moment of truth he had always dreaded. He surrendered his heart to you, knowing there were only two possibilities: acceptance or rejection.
"You are not nobody, you never have been. You are mine. I drew your blood, and I claimed you," you stated boldly, meeting his gaze with determination. "You are mine, Sihtric Kjartansson," you repeated firmly, "and I am yours."
A deep sigh of relief escaped Sihtric as he pulled you back into his embrace, his lips affirming your claim with a passionate kiss.
"A badger!" you suddenly laughed, recalling how it all began, leading to this moment of firm embrace you never wanted to end. "You called me a badger!" you snorted, playfully punching him in the stomach.
“My wild, ignorant, beautiful badger,” Sihtric chuckled in response, gently nuzzling your dishevelled hair.
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Comment or write to me if you want to be added to the tag list.
Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @hb8301 @zillahvathek @alexagirlie @gemini-mama @verenahx @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @willowbrookesblog @thenameswinter99 @ellabellabus07 @mcbuckyyyy @kirtseinw @siimonesvensson @sigtryggrswifey
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scariercnidaria · 2 years
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IZZY HANDS & raise hell - brandi carlile
You came upon a lightning strike And eyes of bright clear blue I took that tie from around my neck And gave my heart to you I sent my love across the sea And though I didn't cry That voice will haunt my every dream Until the day I die
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haunted-radishes · 7 months
Oh, Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile is an excellent Hua Cheng song
I've been down with a broken heart since the day I learned to speak, the devil gave me a crooked start when he gave me crooked feet. But Gabriel done came to me and kissed me in my sleep, and I'll be singing like an angel until I'm six feet deep
I found myself an omen and I tattooed on a sign, I set my mind a-wandering and walk a broken line. You have a mind to keep me quiet, and although you can try, better men have hit their knees and bigger men have died
It came upon a lightning strike and eyes of bright clear blue, I took that tie from 'round my neck and gave my heart to you. I sent my love across the sea, and though I didn't cry, that voice will haunt my every dream until the day I die
I'm gonna raise hell, there's a story no one tells. But you're gonna raise hell, come on now, ring that bell
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Nobody's Perfect (part8)
Warnings - injury / surgery / smut
Also - I have zero medical training so if I've got something wrong, please let me know!!
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers
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You arrived at the hospital with Cillian's parents and a nurse ushered you into a private room. Sitting the three of you down, she took a deep breath, making you nervous.
"He had a seizure around an hour ago. He's been taken down for surgery again, we'll know more afterwards. It looks like a ruptured spleen, it could have been a stray fragment of glass or the sheer blunt force of the stabbing, we can't tell just yet. It's a significant bleed into his abdominal cavity, Mrs Murphy we need to perform a blood transfusion." His mum started to cry, his Dad holding her. You just felt sick.
"How long before he's out of surgery? Will he be okay?" You asked, shakily.
"We don't know yet. Once he's out of surgery we'll know more, but for now.. it could go either way. I'm so sorry..." You took the nurses hand and squeezed it, thanking her. You could see her welling up a little too.
It had been hours. How many, you didn't know but the sun was up before you knew any more. You were waiting in the hallway on the phone to your mum when the double doors behind you opened. You saw the trolley being pushed through, with nurses either side, and a body covered in wires and tubes. You choked when you saw his Peaky haircut under it all.
"Mum he's back from surgery.. I'll call you later okay? Love you.."
You desperately wanted to follow him into the room but you held back, instead going into where his mum and dad were waiting. It was then, you burst into tears. His Dad stood and wrapped his arms round you.
"Stop trying to be strong in front of us y/n..."
"This is all my fault... All of it..." His dad squeezed you tight and shook his head.
"I'll hear no more of that, understood?" He was stern, but still gentle with it. The doctor came into the room.
"He's okay for now. We've sedated him to allow his body to recover. His spleen ruptured and bled out into his abdominal cavity. Luckily we've managed to stop the bleeding and save his spleen. He's had a significant blood loss, so we've given him a transfusion. He'll be out of it for a few hours, but you're welcome to come see him." The three of you walked through the doors into his room and his mum was beside herself.
She took his hand, careful of the cannula, and held it. His dad squeezed his eldest son's shoulder. You stood at the foot of the bed, watching the love of your life lie still, wires in him, a mask over his face, machines beeping everywhere, a massive bandage around his middle.
"I'll call his sisters and brother.. let them know what happened?" You asked his mum, before his dad turned to you and shook his head. You felt useless, you needed to be doing something.
"No, I'll call them. You stay here with him. Talk to him - he can hear you."
"How do you know?"
"He's squeezed my hand a couple of times. He knows we're here. Just too tired to wake up yet."
He left the room to make the calls, and you took his hand, kissing his head lightly. His dad was right, he squeezed your hand a little.
"Hey you... You trying to scare me away again? No chance Murphy, I'm not going anywhere." Another gentle squeeze.
You knew he wouldn't wake up for a while, but you were happy to wait, just talking to him. Even the Peaky cast had sent video messages so you could play them to him.
You were dozing in the chair, exhausted from no sleep for what felt like days, when he woke up.
"Y/n...." You'd never woken up so quickly. Instantly you were by his side and you pressed the button for a nurse.
"Right here, I'm right here. It's okay.."
"Did I get hit by a truck?" He smiled. The nurse came in and removed the mask from his face. Checking over everything as you stood back. Once she'd finished, you took your phone out to call his parents. They'd headed home to feed the dogs and get some sleep. Hanging up, you kissed his lips gently.
"Stop trying to scare me away Murphy..."
"I'm getting out of here and you and I are going away. Somewhere just us, yeah?" You nodded, unable to form words. Your tears slipping down your cheeks as he brushed them away with his hand, his own eyes watering a little.
He was in hospital for a week recovering, then another week at his mum's being fussed over and interviewed by police about the stabbing. You were now at his holiday home in Kerry, a full month after Sil��'s wedding, relaxing on the patio in the warm July sunshine. You'd arrived a week earlier, and had no plans to leave any time soon. Your family had even sent get well cards and gifts through the post for him, even though they hadn't even met him yet.
You got off the phone to Orla as Cillian came outside. Still limping a little but getting stronger every day. The sea air definitely helping.
"Liane's been charged. Attempted murder, Cill."
"She came very fucking close y/n."
You watched him sit in the lounger next to you and he took your hand in his, interlocking your fingers and leaning back.
"The press are going wild. They've found out everything - Liane having Mark's baby, the stabbing, and us. They're desperate for a statement, my agent keeps calling me."
"They can wait. I'm alive, that's all they need to know. The rest of it isn't important. Come here.." he pulled you to sit across his legs. You hesitated before you sat down but he nodded and you relaxed a little. You could feel his erection under your shorts and he pulled you closer to kiss him.
"How long has it been?"
"Long enough... You sure you're okay?"
"Shut up y/l/n and ride me..." You didn't need any further encouragement, and your shorts were off followed by his, discarded on the floor next to you. His hard cock, already leaking, sprung up against his stomach, the scar across it already healing well.
"No one can see us out here, right?" You asked, suddenly remembering your neighbours.
"I don't care if they can.." you lifted your body over his and sunk down on him easily - you'd been aching for him for a month, hesitant to initiate anything in case you hurt him, but he'd clearly been aching for you too, his hands on your hips moving you up and down his shaft.
"Fuck... I missed this...." He groaned, finding your lips with his before you leaned back and rocked against him slowly.
He found your clit with his thumb and rubbed circles over it, making you squirm against him and grind quicker. This wasn't going to last long, both of you knew it, he needed you to come and quickly. He brought your hand down to rub yourself as his hands rested on your waist again, rocking you faster against him. He wanted desperately to pound up into you but the discomfort in his stomach stopped him, allowing you to take the lead.
"I'm close..." You whimpered, a powerful orgasm building in your stomach, before throwing your head back and panting his name as you came over him.
"I'm gonna come... Y/n...." His release quickly followed, hot streams of cum flowing into you in bursts, leaking out onto his thighs. You rested your head on his, both catching your breath.
"When did you stop taking the pill?" He asked.
"Two weeks ago..."
"That did it, I've got a good feeling."
"Quite possibly Mr Murphy..."
"You sure you want this? It's not too soon?"
"I think we've gone well past the 'too soon' part of our relationship, don't you think?" You laughed.
"Very true. You're going to look incredible with my baby inside you..." His hands found your belly and he rubbed it gently, making your heart flutter.
"Love you..."
"Love you more."
Six months later
"I'm sorry, Mr Murphy, the chances of you conceiving naturally are extremely low." The doctors words cut him like a knife. His head fell back and he unclasped your hand to run it over his face. You both knew there was a potential problem - after all, he'd be been trying for a baby with Liane for years without any success, so there was always the possibility he would struggle with you too. He didn't want to wait a year to find out, so he'd paid for a private sperm count test.
"We do have a few options here though," the doctor spoke again. Cillian looked to you, you nodded in return.
"Cill, it's okay. We prepared for this, didn't we?" You took his hand again and looked back at the doctor.
"We have IVF, as many rounds as you need. I have leaflets on how it'll all work right here." Cillian took the leaflets and shook the doctors hand, before walking out of the room. You apologised and thanked the doctor before chasing Cillian down the hall.
"Stop, for god's sake!" You shouted, making him pause and turn to you.
"It's one thing thinking there's a problem y/n, it's something else entirely to have it confirmed..." He leaned against the wall and looked at the IVF leaflets. "What if it doesn't work?"
"We have to at least try, don't we?" You took his face in your hands and pulled him in to kiss him. "We'll make a father out of you yet, Cillian Murphy."
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kaderp · 3 years
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BASICALLY this is gonna be a collection of bullshit me and @blackfliesinbluesugar have come up with and drawn
It starts with Goldie still living in Ireland at 17-19 and Scrooge from ages 18-20 staying in Scotland. And long story short they're dumbasses as teens. Cliche forbidden romance type stuff. Goldie's dad has shot people in the foot for trying to mess around with Goldie or just even talk to her for too long. So the only logical explanation they have is make Scrooge hide in the barn when he visits.
Basically Scrooge chills in the barn for a while cause Goldie's the only one that ever really goes in there because she's in charge of all the chores there. Which is where the context of this post is from
After the first time they fooled around Goldie was like 'oh crap what if I got pregnant D:' and told her mom she's going through a phase of flowey/big dresses when in reality she's trying to hide a potential baby bump. Now her mom doesn't care because she's too caught up in the fact that Goldie is finally 'acting like a lady.'
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So eventually because they never put together that 'hey, if we keeping doing this we're gonna end up with a baby', Goldie does end up pregnant. And because her dad is a dick and a 'I catch you with my daughter then you die' type of shotgun dad, Goldie is freaking tf out.
About a month after she finds out she's pregnant, the O'Gilt's (well mostly just Goldie and her mom lol) get invited to a fancy dinner and Scrooge is really wanting to see Goldie again. So what better way to see her than to travel to Ireland, steal a uniform, and sneak into said dinner party as a busboy. Problem is he can't risk Goldie's dad seeing him again so he tries to slick back his whiskers
But while Scrooge is running around, he eventually spots Goldie across the room. Now he's never seen her in anything fancy, usually just the flannel and green work skirt. And he just about dies 😭
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By now she has a bit of a baby bump she's had to hide so she normally goes for high waisted dresses that immediately flow out.
Anyways, as Scrooge is putting on the uniform he realizes he has absolutely no idea how to actually be a busboy. He doesn't know the first thing about dining and stuff so he's just like AAAAAAA
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As they both see each other, Scrooge gives a dorky grin and Goldie smiles before realizing he snuck in. Right when Scrooge goes to see her he gets dumped with a bunch of dishes he has to set. Goldie sees him struggling to figure out how to set a table and he just gives her a nervous grin while she's like 'oh you beautiful dumbass -_-'
She's turning red cause she's trying so hard not to burst out in laughter as Scrooge slips and a bunch of silverware falls on him
He's getting yelled at by the director but he's just giving Goldie a goofy grin from across the room.
Her parents: remember to be calm and not make a scene no matter wh-
Goldie watching Scrooge trip on the tablecloth: BWAHAHA
But as the dinner progresses, Goldie remembers Scrooge doesn't even know she's pregnant. So she keeps trying to tell him but they both constantly get pulled away to do other things.
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Towards the end of dinner Scrooge gets a free moment and realizes then that 'holy shit I actually like really love her!' So he darts to wherever she is and is struggling to get it out cause he doesn't know how much time he has left. He eventually spits it out and tells Goldie he loves her and is immediately called away. Scrooge takes her hands and quickly kisses her cheek before running to wherever the director is calling him from.
Goldie is shocked and stays still for a moment but by the time the shock wears off she realizes Scrooge is already long gone and they don't see each other again. And now Goldie's like 'crap crap crap, he said he loves me and I didn't even tell him I'm pregnant.'
They aren't able to communicate for a while cause Goldie's so focused on trying to keep her family pleased while still hiding her baby bump, and Scrooge keeps getting sidetracked and forgetting to write. (You can't tell me that isn't something he'd do because he kept getting distracted in the life and times when coming back home). He has her address, and he has started a letter, and even his family knows about her. 3ish months pass of no communications until one night Goldie starts contractions.
She darts to the barn after the first contraction and realizes she has to do this alone. A letter takes a day to get to Scrooge and going to Scotland herself would take closer to 7 hours. At that point it would be safer to not move.
It's like 3am by the time she lays and the egg ends up being pretty small. The entire time Goldie was just getting sicker and sicker. She ends up too weak to even hide the egg and has a high fever. She seriously thinks she's not gonna make it for the first night she can barely stay conscious.
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The next morning she has just enough strength to lazily hide the egg in the hay and sluggishly make her way back to the main house. Her parents are already up and she explains she started feeling iffy while doing chores and collapses.
Because her parents aren't completely heartless and she still is their daughter, her parents' main focus shifts to trying to nurse her back to health. They assume she fell with a bad flu and don't know she had spent all night laying an egg.
During this time she writes to Scrooge telling him to get over here asap, it's an emergency.
Goldie's parents take over her chores in the barn and the moment they said that Goldie went into panic mode again. During a lunch break she climbs through her window and runs to the barn to hide the egg better. She does, and she successfully makes it back to her room but collapses again and sleeps until the next day.
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Scrooge arrives 3 days after she lays and now she's really panicking. She's still weak and sick, and her parents are coming closer and closer to finding the egg. Scrooge when he sees her is genuinely freaking out. Not only for the future and that he now has an egg, but because Goldie did it by herself in a dirty barn. She's still a little loopy even though it's been a few days and Scrooge just feels heart broken that he wasn't there to help. He starts going on a tangent about how she could have died but Goldie just kisses him to get him to stop blabbering.
Scrooge helps her clean up a bit cause even with her parents looking after her, she's still a mess. But as he's washing her and the egg up, they hear fighting from the main house. Her parents realized she wasn't in her bed. She starts crying and tells Scrooge he needs to run home asap because if her dad finds out he'll most definitely kill him and/or the baby.
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(This was the first doodle for the au before deciding on an exact age/place/look so don't mind the sloppiness)
Scrooge escapes right as her dad comes in. She pulls the excuse of she thought she felt well enough to do chores.
Scrooge rn is running like a madman back to Scotland. He went from chilling with his family to being a father who's child needs to be kept secret within a day.
By the time Scrooge gets back home it's the middle of the night and is ngl feeling pretty overwhelmed. He tells Downy that he messed up and she's just like ??? So Scrooge holds up the egg and Downy just purses her lips like 'ah'
The next morning Scrooge explains to his family what happened and doesn't leave out any detail. Fergus and Downy obviously have mixed feelings. Scrooge is barely 19 yet he already has a kid??? But in the end they realize they can't change what's happened and focus on helping Scrooge protect this child.
Once the baby hatched, all mixed feelings from Downy erased and she just went into 'this is my grandbaby and no one will touch her' mood.
Scrooge and Goldie kept in contact from the moment Goldie gave away the egg. Because of the little incident of Goldie 'trying to do chores while sick,' she was put under close monitoring for the next few months and couldn't visit each other. After constant writing back and forth, they find a date to meet up half way between Scotland and Ireland so Goldie can meet her baby. They try to decide on baby names through the letter but they can't agree on anything. Goldie finds out that Scrooge moved out of his small Glasgow home and into McDuck Castle. He gives her the new location on the map as well.
The first time Scrooge tries to sneak out with the baby Fergus is just standing right outside with his brow arched and Scrooge starts freaking out.
Before Scrooge can apologize for trying to sneak out, Fergus just asks if Scrooge would like him to go with.
Scrooge is a little shocked but can't talk with the frog in his throat and just nods. Along the way Scrooge explains how he and Goldie have been trying to find the right time to sneak out for weeks because it was so hard for Goldie to get free time. She was sent to go across country to get supplies and uses that opportunity to go meet up with Scrooge and the baby again.
Fergus just nods and continues.
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When they do see Goldie, she almost breaks down at the sight that the baby survived and is being raised in a good house hold and can't stop holding her. The baby is about 3 months old by now. They finally agreed on a name and she ended up being named Maryanne. (Yes Jelly and I chose that because it means Star of the Sea)
She has to give the baby back to Scrooge cause stupid teenage and still getting over pregnancy hormones are getting the better of her and she starts full on sobbing as she sits on the ground. Scrooge freezes cause he's like aaaaaa what do I dooooo while still holding the baby.
But Fergus crouches down to her and asks if she wants a hug. All Goldie can say is 'uh huh' and he just wraps himself around her. She hugs back and Fergus rocks back and forth until Goldie's calmed down.
'I'm sorry I pulled your son into the mess. I-I was just so scared that my papa w-would kill one of us that I didn't know what else to do.'
Fergus pulls her away so he can actually look at her. And part of him feels that tinge of fear and sadness that the two teens had experienced. He grabs onto her shoulders which causes Goldie to look up at him.
'While I dinnae agree what you two did was right. Ah'm proud of you. Because what you did, finding the will to give up a child for their own safety, took a lotta strength there, lass.' And before she can react, Fergus pulls her in again and let's it sink in.
Scrooge is still holding the baby but now he's sitting down and bouncing the cooing baby on his knee while watching the scene unfold.
Over the course of the next few months, Goldie visits as much as possible and she grows closer to the family and Scrooge every time. On the times she can't visit, Fergus accompanies Scrooge in order to protect them from Goldie's dad. She's had a few close calls with her dad, but nothing too serious
After those events, Goldie practically moves in with the McDucks and they work on raising Maryanne. However like in the Rosa series, they're still experiencing tax trouble and Scrooge says he's gonna have to go to South Africa. The baby is about 2 by now and Scrooge is almost 21, while Goldie is about 19 and a half.
(This next section was an accident but basically it started as jotting down ideas but turned into a fic after I said it would take 20 seconds to write but turned into 2 hours fjdbfndn)
Scrooge is torn between whether or not to go until Goldie says she'll go with him. And because she's stubborn, no one objects. So the three travel across the world together. Maryanne practically grows up on the sea and all of those adventures where Goldie is present in the DT17 Rewriting History book happen.
On adventures they trade off tying the baby to their backs until she's old enough to not need to anymore. Although for the more dangerous ones, one of them stays behind.
But because they weren't married and had a kid in their teens, they were generally looked down upon. It got to the point where they just started saying they were married in order to avoid conflict with others. And after a while they actually forgot they weren't in fact married
'Huh, I forgot we're not actually married.' 'WAIT WE'RE NOT???'
'We're married' 'Oh ok, can i see your marriage records?' '... oh right'
But some old lady or old guy either way starts criticizing Goldie for being a young mother and they just deck the shit outta them and run. Or Goldie fighting someone with baby tied to her back.
Maryanne grows up to be an ocean cartographer and leads sailing expeditions and that's all we have for her. Also she has super blue eyes lol
That's basically almost all of the things we have for this au lol
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ifuckinglovedio · 4 years
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(Usually I would've just answered your ask but I wrote out this whole thing before realizing how asks work and didn't wanna copy it jdhshs)
Ahh thank you so much for the nice ask!! I usually don’t write female reader but since I hadn’t linked to my rules yet before you sent this ask I’ll make an exception! (Though to be honest, even though I've had a female reader in mind writing this, I feel like it just naturally came out gender neutral anyway... I hope that's alright!)
Jotaro, Mista & Josuke getting called late at night by their s/o whose being followed
Jotaro 🐬
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Jotaro had stayed up until late at night once again, getting lost in his work
It was already after midnight when he finally got up from his desk, so when he got a call from you he knew something must be wrong
"Why are you calling so late? Is everything okay?"
You told him about what happened, and though you tried to keep your voice calm so he wouldn't be overly worried, he could pick up the panic in your tone.
"Don't worry, I'm coming to pick you up. Just keep walking, and keep talking to me, alright? Tell me what you see."
He did his best to rush over to you. Luckily he knew the city you were in quite well, and thanks to your descriptions, it took less than 20 minutes before he found you.
He immediately ran towards you, even stopping time to get to you quicker, holding you in a close embrace and comforting you as best as he could.
When he spotted the man behind you, he did his best to imprint his face into his mind. What you told him made it unmistakably clear that this wasnt someone with good intentions. Part of him wanted to knock that guy down right then and there, but he decided against it. You were more important.
On the way back home he made sure to hold your hand for almost the entire drive. You were so exhausted, physically and mentally, that you couldnt help but fall asleep.
When you finally arrived Jotaro picked you up and carried you to bed, calmly tucking you in before going back to his office
He finished cleaning his desk and quickly drew a sketch of your stalker with SP's help, before going to sleep as well
When you told him the next day you felt like you'd seen this man following you a few times already, he didn't hesitate to file a police report. He took the day off to spend it with you, taking you out to brunch and a walk on the beach, making sure to distract you as much as he could by telling you his favorite little fun facts about sea creatures, and even picking up a shiny seashell he found to gift to you later.
Josuke 💜
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Josuke had been worried for some time now.
You told him you would make a trip into town that day and might not make it home until late at night, but it's been hours now since he started waiting for you to come back. No text, no call, nothing. This was so unlike you, and the longer time went on, the harder it got for him to stay distracted.
But finally, his phone rang - and it was you! Letting out a sigh of relief, he answered your call, only to start panicking once more.
You didn't even greet him, just let out a meek "Josuke?" You sounded scared.
"(Y/N)? I've been waiting for you to call! Where have you been?! Is everything ok? You sound worried..."
You told him you forgot time. Instead of going right home after finishing your errands you wanted to stroll through the city, but you got lost on the way. And on top of that you could swear the man behind you didn't just walk the same way by chance...
"Josuke, I'm scared..."
"Don't worry! I'm coming for you! For now, try to head somewhere with more people. I'll make some calls and then I'll immediatly call you back, ok? I won't be gone longer than five minutes."
He quickly called his friends and told them what's up, and they agreed to help. They all got on their bikes and drove to the city, splitting up to search for you, all while Josuke kept you on the phone, make sure you knew he was there for you.
Okuyasu found you first, doing his best to look even more intimidating than usual, and making it clear to everyone around that you were his friend. He texted the others and took you to their pre determined meeting spot, keeping an arm around your shoulder until the man that had been following you was finally gone.
When you reached the others tears welled in your eyes. Josuke was pacing around, worriedly, while Koichi was trying to calm down Rohan, who seemed stressed as well, and obviously annoyed by Josuke.
Seeing your friends all worried for you, and even Rohan being there... it warmed you up inside a bit.
You ran towards Josuke while calling out his name, the former immediately catching you in his arms.
"You're safe... oh god, I was so worried."
He pressed a kiss to your forehead and wiped away your tears.
"Hey, hey, no need to cry! It's alright. You're safe. You're with me."
When you commented on the fact that Rohan was there, the mangaka's smile he had whole looking at you two turned into a frown and he started at the ground.
"Well, Koichi called me, and I still owed him a favor... besides, what kind of guy wouldn't help in a situation like this?!"
He was the only one with a car, so he drove you home, where you met with Josuke again.
You spent the rest of the evening watching an episode of your favorite comfort show, cuddled up close to your boyfriend, falling asleep next to him.
"No matter what you say, next time I'll make sure to come with you..."
Mista 🔫
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You were out buying some new supplies for the gang. Until now you've always had someone along with you to make sure you're safe, but since nothing had happened for the past few months and you insisted on it, you went alone this time.
And of course, this was the day you should've taken someone along with you.
You'd finally gotten everything - it was a real drag to find the candy Narancia wanted for his birthday - you usually would've just gotten any other candy bar, but since it would be his birthday soon and he insisted these ones were the best, you went the literal extra mile and looked through every shop in the city you could think of.
By the time you'd finally found it the sun had already set, and when stepping out of the store and trying to make your way back, you realized you'd gotten completely lost.
You spent an hour wandering around the city, trying to find some kind of building or street you recognized, but it felt like you were running in circles. The exhaustion slowly got to you, and you wanted nothing but to lie down, yet you knew you had to stay strong.
After you arrived at the same street crossing yet again, you realized the man by the street lamp seemed more than familiar. You turned around and walked the other way, looking discreetly over your shoulder to realize you were indeed being followed.
Was it an enemy stand user? Someone who held a grudge against your boyfriend and the rest of the gang? Or just a creep who liked to follow young girls around at night? In any way, your first thought was to call your boyfriend.
"Honey bear? How are you baby? Have you eaten dinner already?"
"Huh? Oi, (y/n), what's up with the weird names?"
"Ah, so should I bring something for you? I can pick up some noodles on the way home ~"
"Hey,, you're acting kinda weird, is everything alright?"
"No, noo! It'll be just like that time two years ago. I got lost going shopping, remember? And then you picked me up and we had some noodles!"
That was enough for him. "So, you got lost and need me to pick you up, but can't say it outright, right?" "Yep!" "I'll be there in just a moment. OI, NARANCIA!"
The two ventured into town, and with Aerosmith's help they managed to find you quite quickly. They ran towards you, and you were more than relieved when you saw them come across the corner.
You rushed to his side and Mista took your hand, pointing his gun at the man following you.
Considering how quickly he ran away it must've just been some rando. Still, you were more than relieved to be with Mista again.
With how tired you were after the day, he offered to carry you on his back and you immediately accepted, holding closely onto him and burying your head on his shoulder.
You didn't refuse the opportunity and gave him a little peck on the cheek, letting you hear that laugh you so loved.
Together you three ventured home, when after some minutes something was off...
"Oi, Narancia? Weren't we supposed to go left here?" "No, I swear it's to the right!" "Hey, wait a minute, weren't we just at this lamppost?"
...you got lost again.
In the end Abbachio came to pick you three up, though not before getting annoyed by your shared idiocy.
Finally feeling at peace, you feel asleep next to Mista on the car ride. Though your life had gotten consistently more dangerous since you met him, you couldn't help but feel like whenever he was around, things were finally alright.
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reina-morada · 3 years
1-4 💞
Just going to repost 1 and 3 here even though I already answered them!
1. A saint that influenced you either by their life or writings?
Ohhh there’s really so many, but my top saint would probably be Juana Inés de La Cruz. I absolutely adore her poetry. Secondly I would say, Teresa of Ávila. The Interior Castle is a classic.
Additionally for this ask, Julian of Norwich.
2. Favorite places to pray?
Anywhere outside, especially during dawn or desk. Allah is never closer to me than when I'm in the midst of a gorgeous sunset. Every day he paints them new for me, it's so humbling and exciting. I'm really in love with him when he does that.
3. What is one of the devotions you have?
From the last post: Precious Blood of Jesus, the Holy Wounds, the Seven Sorrows of Mary, the Stations of the Cross (+Marian Stations), and the Sacred Heart.
4. Tell us about a divine experience.
This one is long so here's a cut!
I had my dark night of the soul in Palestine. That morning, we had attended an outdoor mass led by our priest in a field in Bethlehem. It was sunny and breezy that day. It was so beautiful. The wind reminds me of Allah, and reminds me of his presence in my life. I sent lots of dua through the wind to him in gratitude. After years of dreaming, I was there to see these places I'd read about in person. We explored the Church of the Nativity and had lunch, then walked some. The next day, we were planning to visit the Dome of the Rock. As a revert, I was very scared about being rejected at the entrance, because they ask you to recite Surah al-Fatihah or Ayat al-kursi to prove you're Muslim and I still wasn't confident in my ability to do it.
Our final activity of the day was the Holocaust Museum in the city. It's very much like a maze, and you have to walk through it all to really get out. In the few hours we spent there, I had been drained of all hope for humanity. To see the horrors and the evil we possess in us so clearly shook me to my core. It was even worse seeing the propaganda at the end, knowing that so much rhetoric has been used to justify abuse against Palestinian citizens. There were many things that horrified me while I was there, and I knew that God was not real. If he was, we'd been abandoned easily. How could evil like this find its way into the world, if God was real? By the time we exited the museum, the sky was dark, and a storm was rolling in. Exactly how I felt inside.
That night, everyone went to dinner without me. I didn't let anyone know what was going on, but I just couldn't go out and save face while my core had been rocked. Everyone else on the trip was there for fun and as tourists, but I had seen it as religious pilgrimage that had ended up with no purpose at all. I stayed in my hotel room crying about the realization while the storm ranged on outside. Cried and cried all night, thinking that my four years of getting a theology degree had been for nothing.
Eventually, the storm calmed, and I was exhausted. In the brief moments of stillness, I sat and waited as the wind died down, then fell asleep. It was our first night in that particular hotel, so I didn't realize it was next to a mosque. Before dawn, the call to prayer sounded from the tower of the masjid. I opened my eyes in the darkness and listened. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. I got up. I went to my bathroom to make wudu and I prayed salah. In the silence after, I realized that the shaitan had come at me with the ultimate test: to stop me from entering and praying in a masjid where one prayer was worth ten thousand. I had finally gotten so close, traveled across seas to meet my Lord here (still significant for me as a life-long Catholic), and abandoning hope was what the Shaitan had wanted. Later that day, I prayed inside the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock. And it was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen.
So yeah, long interfaith story but- divine experiences aren't always supernatural. For me, it was a crisis of faith fought through that was divine. Choosing hope and love, always in the face of despair.
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mediawhorefics · 3 years
Hey! I began reading your fic ‘The Blood of Words’ a while ago now, and I loved the idea of it sososoooo much. Tired tired sea will always be my favourite fic of yours (and possibly favourite fic of all bloody time) but this fic grabbed my attention in a way that nothing else has before! I honestly wanted to curl up and cry when I realised that it was unfinished. I also wanted to slap myself for not even glancing at the part where it said “chapters: 3/?” – there’s me being way too eager haha.
Sorry im waffling here, but for whatever reason you stopped writing on this one, it really sucks because I think it had and still has soo much potential <3 I hope this message doesn’t come across as pushy or angry because the fic is unfinished, I just wanted to express my appreciation for it and tell you how much I loved it (and no doubt would’ve loved then finished product) although I completely understand if you never come back to it💕
hiiii. thanks for your kind words – both about tts & about tbow. that story being unfinished is something that weighs quite heavily on me tbh. it was the first time i tried writing a wip and i realised in the process that it's really not for me. writing in order like this, without necessarily an overall plan/outline, is something i'd never done before. and i thought it would work for me but it really really didn't. i struggled with the process a lot and with the engagement (or lack thereof), which in turn made writing very difficult. it felt like not a lot of people were interested/were reading it which was discouraging and, at the same time, it felt like every single reader who did love the story and followed it was just waiting on me to finish it which just felt like constant pressure to be productive. mix that in with the quite heavy subject matter and it became a hard story to work on.
i hate leaving it unfinished though and i feel really guilty about it. like, really guilty rip. i haven't really shared this because i wanted it to be a surprise, but last spring i started really seriously working on it again. my plan was to finish it all in one go and post it at some point in the summer. i figured out the majority of my outline and wrote about 20k more of it. which, considering how long my outline is atm, is nothing. that fic will probably be my longest if i ever do finish it..... i have almost a full chapter four at this point + some stuff from much later in the story... and it still barely made a dent in the outline.
unfortunately, around that same time, there was some bullshit with people selling copies of tts on etsy and, as usual, i was getting sent more and more links to my fics being posted on wattpad without my consent and unauthorized translations and stuff like that. which really really hurt my feelings and made me feel... so disrespected and removed from the whole process. like my wishes and feelings didn't factor in at all re: what happens to MY work. here i was working super had every day to make a gift for the fandom and that's how i was being treated? people were trying to profit off my work online ?? i don't know... it was really hurtful and heartbreaking and it made me not want to make stuff for people anymore tbh. so my enthusiasm to secretly finish tbow for y'all really fizzled out. which sucks because i know it's such a small minority of people who disrespect fic writers like this, but when you pour your heart and soul into something and you spend countless hours on something, when people don't treat it with the respect it deserves it feels like being spat in the face tbh.
so yeah... i really want to finish it one day because i feel really bad about it, but i've lost a bit of momentum with that recently.
but i will say this: messages from kind people like you help <3 i opened the fic and wrote about 500 words in it after i got your message, so who knows what's gonna happen!
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Kya x Reader
Summary: You help Kya fight Zaheer but get injured.
Warning: Light cursing?
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You had been friends with Kya since you were kids, considering the fact that you were Zuko's youngest child. You hadn't gained feelings for Kya til you were about 20 but by then she had been pursuing someone else. So you kept your feelings on the back burner and you thought she was way out of your league. You also never said anything because you didn't want her to have to wait around for you, with you being gone for long periods of time, considering you weren't the first born, you became a general in the Fire Nation army. Of course, Izumi knew all about your not so little crush and would tease you about it whenever you came home to visit.
But now, you had retired at the age of 52, gave your title over to your nephew and worked as a Lin's right hand man in the Republic City police force. After harmonic convergence and the finding of new air benders, you took some time off to spend time with Pema, the kids, and Kya, who were on Avatar Island with some new air benders. You had been going for a late night walk when you heard the sound of fighting. You ran to see Kya fighting an air bender. "What's going on!?" "It's Zaheer!" Kya yells in response, causing you to immediately join in on the fight. You start throwing fire to try and overwhelm Zaheer. You relax when the White Lotus guards get there, even though they barely make a difference. (Honestly though the White Lotus are trash now, they get beaten way too easily.) Zaheer knew to escape he had to get you and Kya out the way. Over the past few days, Zaheer has noticed the glances the two of you give each other when the other isn't looking. Yes, a criminal like him figured it out before you and Kya did.
After being thrown against the outside wall of the house for the third time, you were a little out of it and dazed. Using this to Zaheer's advantage he air bended you over the cliff causing Kya to pause. "If you don't let me leave I will drop them." Kya could see that you were still out of it and dropped the water she had been bending. "Please just put them down and you can leave." Zaheer smirked at her statement, "Okay." Is all he said before he put you down, while still having you over the cliff. "Y/N!" Kya yelled as she ran towards the cliff, completely ignoring Zaheer who had taken off as soon as he dropped you. As soon as Kya got to the edge of the cliff she watched you hit the ground. "NO!" Is what you heard right after hitting the ground. You had been out of it while falling but as soon as you hit the ground, you felt all your air leave your body. Your eyes became wide as you struggled to get your breath back, while ignoring the pain in you back and head at the same time. When you finally did get your breath back, you barely noticed that you were being dragged through the sand. You get placed in the water with your face floating just above the water, the salt water making the wound on your head hurt 100 times more.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry this was the closest water around." Kya just keeps repeating as you cry, her own tears making her vision blurry. By the time Kya had done everything she could, the White Lotus and Pema were down on the beach. The White Lotus had a stretcher and a boat ready to take you to the hospital in Republic City. By the time your half way across the sea to Republic City,  you feel everything become sluggish. You were honestly surprised you had been awake still, but now could feel yourself about to pass out. "K..." The feeling of exhaustion washing over you faster and faster. "Kya..." Kya heard you call her name and rushed over to you as fast as she could. "Yeah Y/n? Do you need anything?" You just give her a dopey smile and respond with, "mm tire..." That makes Kya's eyes widen in fear. "Hey, your not allowed to go to sleep yet okay. I need you to stay awake for me, can you do that?" You go to nod your head but cringe in pain at the movement. Kya sighs, "Just hold on a little longer y/n."
You ended up passing out in the middle of being examined. The doctor's face had been somber when he went to the lobby to give the news that you were in a coma and they had no idea when you would wake up. Hearing this caused Kya to immediately start sobbing and think about the what ifs. Pema pulled Kya into her to try and give her any sense of comfort she could but Kya just felt sad and numb.
Month 1 was probably the hardest for Kya. It was hard to not see your face around the air temple or hear you make a joke every 10 minutes. Kya wasn't really big on meditating or praying to spirits but a week after you had been in a coma, she made it a daily ritual.
Month 2 had Kya reading the letters you had sent her during your deployments all those years ago, when you were still a 20 year old ready to prove yourself to the world. Kya never told you that she had saved your letters, a little embarrassed by the fact. But what she didn't know is that you had saved hers too and read them whenever things got hard.
Month 3 Kya came to a realization while visiting you one day. She loved you. She couldn't tell when she figured it out or if she had known for longer and just didn't let herself accept it til recently but she knew now that she loved you. Maybe it was the fact that you were so close and yet so far. Sure you had gone months without talking before but this was different.
By month 6, everyone was trying to get her to move on. Everyone knew that the chance of you waking up now were 0, only Kya believed that you would wake up. She did relent though and went on 1 date with Lin, it had been a blind date and she wouldn't have gone if she knew it was Lin (because y'all are best friends and work together). Instead of treating it like a date, they both spent a night sharing stories about you, Kya's from when you were young and what you would tell her in your letter, while Lin would tell you about how you would catch criminal and how you managed to bust a ring of illegal animal trading on accident.
After saying bye to Lin, Kya had decided to pay you a visit before going back to Avatar Island. She walked right into the hospital and to your room, everyone on staff knew her by that point as she was the only one that came to visit anymore. Everyone else stopped coming after month 3. Kya did her usual routine of sitting down in a chair next to your bed and telling you about her week. When that was done she stared at you for a little before crying. "Please y/n. Everyone else has given up but I haven't. I need you to wake up so I can tell you how I feel, so we can grow older together. Just please give me a sign that your still in their somewhere."
The squeeze she felt was so small, she thought she had made it up to make herself feel better. But when it came back again, stronger, she sat up straighter and held your hand tighter. "Come on y/n one more time." She needed to know her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. She found out it wasn't when your eyes suddenly open and you sit up gasping for air, before taking the tube out of your throat. "Oh my spirits." Kya mumbled as she rushed out the door, noting that it was still night time she sprinted to the nurses desk. "Oh my spirits! Y/n is awake!" The nurses eye widen in shock before calling a doctor straight to your room.
Kya had wanted to tell you how she felt as soon as you had woken up but waited. She knew the next month or two was going to be hard on you. You had always been so strong but now that you had lost most of your muscle mass, you were like a twig. Kya knew you were gonna be super focused to get back to where you were before your coma and was their every step of the way. When you were confined to a wheel chair, Kya was there. When you went to the South Pole to have Katara help you learn how to walk again, Kya was there. When you went to the Fire Nation to surprise your family and strengthen your fire bending again, Kya was there.
Now that all that was over Kya could finally tell you how she feels. But now she had no idea how to do it. So instead of panicking, she wrote a letter just like you two use to do before you retired. She was honestly super nervous, especially since you still had two more days left in your trip and it would be awkward if you didn't feel the same way. So she knocked on your door, dropped the letter, and ran. You were confused when you opened the door before seeing a piece of paper on the floor. It was a letter and from the handwriting, you could tell it was Kya who had sent it. Not wasting anytime, you opened it and read its contents. You were shocked to say the least.
Banging on the door thirty minute after dropping off the letter was not what Kya expected. It could be one of two things going on; one, something is wrong with the ship or two, you had come to respond about her letter. Her heart started beating harder at the second option and started praying it was the first. When she opened the door your first was mid-air and ready to knock again, the letter was slightly crumpled from you gripping it so tightly, and you looked like you were on a mission. At first Kya took this as anger and was ready to apologize, "I'm--" She couldn't even get out two words before you barged into the room, shut the door behind you, pushed her against the wall and kissed her like you had been wanting to do for the last twenty something years. Kya was in shock and before she could kiss back, you pulled back to get some air.
"I love you too."
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superfamilyexchange · 3 years
Superfamily Fanwork Reveals!!
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THE DAY IS FINALLY HERE!!! All twenty-six (26) gift works had been revealed earlier today! Dive right into the Ao3 collection (here) and hop on over to the Discord server to scream and cry and laugh along with everyone else!
Creator reveals will be next Wednesday, July 7th. Also check out the fanworks below the cut!
A Boyfriend for Dad for betheflame (T, 6k)
Peter wants the best for his dad and worries that he'll be alone when he goes off to college. He needs to find a boyfriend for his dad. The best candidate is Mr. Rogers, his Academic Decathlon coach, but Tony hates Mr. Rogers. Peter decides to try anyway.
A Father, a (Super)Hero. for Sprout (G, 2k)
It's Father's Day in the Stark-Rogers' household, and Tony's had to leave early in the morning for a work emergency. Steve and Peter decide to surprise him with some flowers and chocolates, but can anything be as simple as that for a family of superheroes?
A House That's a Home for Skeeter (G, 6k)
Steve and Tony go through the long process of becoming adoptive parents. It's a harder road, as far as they can see, full of bumps and potholes. It's all worth it when they meet baby Peter for the first time - who captures their hearts and refuses to release it, not that they'd want him to of course.
ace in the hole for Huntress79 (T, 10k)
Sheriff Steve Rogers falls for the new guy in town (and for the adorable boy he has with him), but when Tony's secret catches up with them, will his love be enough to save them all?
basic unit [FANART] for Perlmutt (M, art)
steve never imagined he'd have a family of his own until he met tony. first, it was just two of them, and then he knocked tony up and they had peter. when peter graduated high school, tony was in his labor month.
it was perfect.
bring him home for geekymoviemom (T, 17k)
During the clean up after the Battle of New York, Steve finds a little boy in the rubble of an orphanage. He finds out this little boy is almost as strong as he is, and he knows he can't let anyone get their hands on him. People would do crazy things for a mutant child. Steve vows to protect him so he can grow up as a child and not as a lab rat.
citrus and lavender for captainstars (T, 8k)
Tony wasn’t his. He had made it very clear that he didn’t need some alpha in his life to mess with everything he’d worked so hard to accomplish. Especially not Steve Rogers.
Dying Inside to Hold You [Art] for Infinitywrites (G, <1k)
It was his wedding day. Tony looked over the sea of people in front of him, at Steve by his side, and felt his heart clench. He wondered, for a split second, how he had even got to this moment.
Family Is... A Web of Love for crypticrose (T, 1k)
Following the sudden death of his Aunt May, Peter is, more or less, shell-shocked. Good thing he has Tony, Steve and the rest of the Avengers to catch him.
Finding home for Pookiethefrickinbunn (G, 4k)
Tony and Steve are in an established relationship or married. Peter has been Spider-man for a while, but his parents don't know/have their suspicions. I would love a confrontation scene between the Avengers and Spider-man and Peter ends up getting injured and the husbands find out who there son actually is. Tony and Steve would definitely feel guilty for what has happened to their kid, and maybe Peter would think his parents hate him. Some fluff at the end would be fantastic.
Forever and Ever for Neverever (G, 3k)
"Can I see it just one more time? Pretty please?" Peter hounds Steve, using the bigger man's knees as leverage so he could jump up and down.
"Okay, okay, one last time. But we need to be quick so your Dad doesn't see."
AKA: Steve, Tony, and Peter all go on a family vacation together, but Steve has a couple of tricks up his sleeve.
Head Full of Stubborn, Heart Full of Hope for ChocolateCapCookie (T, 2k)
In which Steve makes a decision for all the right reasons, but it still wasn't fully his to make, because parenting means discussions.
Heights in Depths, Depths in Heights for parkrstark (N/A, 5k)
"Suddenly everything that had happened prior came rushing back to him. Peter and him were going on a trip. A plane. The craft had jolted and made a loud noise before it began to lose altitude. The pilot had said something about engines failing, and because they were currently over the Rockies there was no safe place for them to land. Steve had buckled Peter up. The pilot told them to brace for impact. And then nothing." ---- Steve goes with his boyfriend's son on a trip across the country, just the two of them, to try and get some bonding time in. But this was not the kind of bonding he had in mind.
In my Favorite Dreams (I feel your heat) for wingheads (E, 6k)
Steve is on his morning run in DC when a ghost from his past comes back into his life. And he's not alone.
Just Desserts for JehBeeEh (G, 2k)
Tony grabs a midnight snack... Steve helps him finish it. There's one bite left before they read the note. They have have 45 minutes before Peter wakes up
Just the way you are for starkspangledsoldier (G, 4k)
'The view was beautiful but deafening. He could enjoy the sight in silence. But the silence was oppressive since it was not his choice. The silence did not help with the voices in his head, rather it made it worse.'
Let Your Haunted Dreams Go Tonight for UisceOneLove (T, 14k)
Tony Stark and Peter move to the suburbs to start a new life. On this journey Peter befriends resident hermit of the area, Steve Rogers. Little did the kid know it was gonna change his father's and own life upside down.
My Boys for Corsets_and_Cardigans (G, 10k)
Steve is assigned as the bodyguard to omega Tony Stark and his son. Through fluff and angst we watch as Peter subtly plays matchmaker and Steve does everything he can to keep his boys safe.
once upon a childhood for SilverDraconyx (G, 10k)
“Would it be okay to tell you a story, Pete? I hope it is. It’s the only thing I have planned for tonight. Just wake up if you want me to stop, okay?” Steve pauses, and the silence is unnerving but not unwelcome. No one stirs, especially not Peter, so Steve hums and Tony releases the breath he has been holding.
Steve, despite being a wanted vigilante, visits a comatose Peter in the Avengers Facility Medbay hoping to wake him up with stories about their past.
Six Letters for jacobby (T, 3k)
This was not at all what Steve had imagined when he’d dreamed of starting a family and being with Tony for the rest of his life, and as he drove the car up to the secluded cabin, he prayed inside that this trip could make it all better.
Sun Breaks Through the Sandcastle Walls for starksnack (G, 4k)
With the sun deciding to shine today, Tony ditched work and took Peter to the beach. What he wasn't expecting was to see his boyfriend there, too, and now his orbits were crashing together before he knew it.
The Heart of Heroes for Coffee_and_notebooks (T, 9k)
Peter has an internship at Stark Industries. It’s cool, except the most interesting thing he gets to do is be in the building. He figures that the internship is to gain good press by ‘helping poor orphans’.
That all changes, when he is sent to bring coffee to the Tony Stark!
As he spends time with Tony and Steve, they can’t help but come to love the teenage vigilante.
The Hundred Million Dollar Question for LenkaVittoriaElisse16 (G, 5k)
Maybe this was the hardest question that Tony and Steve ever had to answer. Their children's big puppy eyes surely didn't make it any easier. "Papa? Daddy? What's love?"
The Man Out of Time for sweetspiderstew (T, 17k)
For a moment, Steve is frozen, absolutely convinced that his eyes are playing tricks on him.
Because it can’t be right.  Wanda destroyed the Mind Stone, so how could Thanos have possibly gotten his hands on it?
But even besides that, there’s something else.  Something that Steve’s swirling mind and throbbing head can’t quite wrap around just yet.
He only knows that it’s wrong.
To Begin Again for IronDadStan (M, 11k)
Steve, a 35 y/o. Alpha meets Tony, a 21 y/o. Omega through an online art forum. Realizing that they lived in the same city, they decided to meet in person. And when they met in person, Steve gets instantly attracted to Tony. After all, Tony was handsome, intelligent, and has easy to be with. There was one problem though, Tony is a married omega.
You and I, we belong together for MCUKenna (G, 3k)
“What’s your name, kid?” He asked him.
“Peter. Do you…” The kid’s eyes darted around the room. “Do you not remember who I am?”
Memory loss. Tony hadn’t considered that one. It could be, he was still betting on an illusion, but (he quickly calculated the statistics in his head), it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. “Maybe. If this place is real.” He told the kid, Peter.
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charmed-asylum · 4 years
𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃ℊ ℰ𝓁𝓈ℯ ℳ𝒶𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇
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𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃ℊ ℰ𝓁𝓈ℯ ℳ𝒶𝓉𝓉ℯ𝓇 , Chapter 1
Summary: Rosary Woods used to spend her summers in Hawkins. Now years later with untimely death of her father, she sent to live with her grandparents. Coming back to a place that use to give her pleasant memories but now full with dark secrets she hopes never see daylight. Her plan was simple easy till one night she finds a drunk boy full of curls and after life never the same.
FYI: This is my 1st fanfic. I do have dyslexia so if something wrong let me know. If you like it let me know same if you don’t. #Foodie be out this week too. ** Side note I’m looking for some talent ** tag list open
𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐿𝒾𝓈𝓉
Tagged: @alagalaska @nottherightseason @alias-b @screensirenfic @linkispink1995 @staticscreenwriting
How the hell did all this happened. How the FUCK this happen. How did I end up alone on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere? Cold as hell with a runny nose from my tears and sharp pain of betrayal. I know now. It all started a couple of months ago. When I was tossed into this hickory town. Where one night find a stupid blue eyes boy drunk out his mind. With your stupid Mother, Mary's attitude had to help him. Now that drunk piece of shit made you fall for him to drop kick you in a small amount of a few months.
My brown eyes fill with glittery tears, tried to think back on every step that lead me here what was it? What did I do wrong? What I would do to go back to that night in October. Go back to that day I met that boy that came out of nowhere and changed my life
The fall air left a warm scent as I walk out the greyhound in my short denim overalls with a plain white short-sleeved shirt and black and white converses with black laces. My long midnight black wavy hair dancing with the wind with my red heart shades on, taking my around at my surroundings. Even though I have been here many times, this was the first time I came that wasn’t summer visits.
Those had an arrival and departure two way this time though was a one way. It was a lot different than home, Florida. It’s always sunny and things to do unlike here. Flipping my cassette player back on I walk over to the rusted metal benches and wait for my ride. I didn’t want to be here. However, when you have no other choice what can you do. My life stuffed in my dad's old beat-up army bag. I lend back hoping this was a dream and I wake up home with my dad not here. I didn’t hate here I just hate why I’m here. The two-day bus rides a dread and didn't help. Still, I’m stuck with nothing to do but cruise under the radar till graduation. Toss the cap in the air and by the time it's back in my hands I have another ticket to somewhere else.
I gentle tap took me out from my inner monologue into reality. An older woman in her 60s with short curly golden frost hair bright red lipstick that got bit on her front tooth in a flower print long dress. In all, she was the fifth unseen golden girl or what I know her as grams.
“‘HELLO ROSARY. You hear me call for you over there by the car” Grams shouts into my ear. Looking up at her I smile and move my bag out the way to hug her tight.
“ Sorry, the meds got me all out of it. Hi, grams it good to see you” I said holding onto the strap of my bag. She gave me a nod and kiss my cheek leaving an imprint.
“ Oh shut I forgot. Sorry, we couldn’t get your flights no airport close by. Sweetie. Grab your bag we can go home” Grams says walking and talking to the car. Tucking my shades in my pocket I follow her music still playing in my ears.
“ Where Papa at,” I asked looking out the window.
“ Oh, he at the diner checking on things. But he will be back by dinner. I sign you up for school. You start tomorrow. Your car will be ship here in two weeks so the bus to school till then” Grams said pulling up to the house. “ Look, honey. I know things have been hard the last few months but coming here can be your fresh start. So it’s up to you what you do. Stay sane try to be different better you dear” Grams said getting out of the car. Simply put it don’t fuck up this time.
“ Yes. Ma’am. I’m gonna the perfect granddaughter” I said with a eat shit grin.
“Don’t do that it’s tacky. I did not mean what I said that way sweetie. Huh lord, I need my soaps. Drop your stuff in your room” Grams said walking into the house.
My room more like a guest room. They tried though I give them that the last time I been here was years ago when I was 11. Then after that was with my dad across seas. By then the damage was done. Walls were eggshell white with a few pictures of me by dad and them that set on the wall by the window. The bed was against the wall with a small glass nightstand with a trunk in front. Probably the same one my dad had when he was my age. The small closet across the bed and an old oakwood dresser. This will do I’m sure in no time she can make it homie. I push my hand on the bed testing out the string a bit. This is my life now. Better just get used to it. Anger bubble deep in my chest as it slowly starts to hit me. This is a life I don't want. I wanted the life I had before one that was far from perfect but he was there. I toss my bag beside me with a bit of force and scream into my hands.
It took no time till I was done. I change up the pictures and some more on my dresser. A few things on the nightstand then to top it off my mint condition organized record collection in a purple crat that sat beside my dad's 1960s Gibson Hummingbird Fixed Bridge acoustic guitar.
“ So you all done. It’s not much but we go somewhere someday. Sorry, papa wasn’t here. After Benny passed away our place been the hot spot. Back to the glory days, he says” Grams said with a chuckle. I sat down beside her legs cross under me and started to flip through Good Housekeeping
“ So Benny no more. Anything else happens since I have been here last” I asked getting comfortable.
“Let's see. That Will kid you babysit a few times went miss for a week or so. Last year. And that’s about it. I don’t pay much attention to those things. Papa and I are going to bible study tonight. I know you not up to it this week. So you don’t have to go but I am looking forward to next week” Grams said. I ruffled my hand into my deep chocolate hair and nod yes.
“ I would love that. Thank you. That reminds me. I have to fill up on my pain killers. If it’s not much to ask can you please take me one day this week? Or may I go into town myself” I asked taking out my pill bottle?
Still, months later the pain reminds the same. Even the memories still were in tack as if it happened minutes ago. A tear rolled down my face just reliving it. Grams hold me tight smoothing me and rubbing my back as I let out a heavy cry. My dainty finger claw into her shoulder blade as tight as possible. I didn’t hate that I was here I just hate the why.
DADDY!!” I shout out. My body was soaked with a cold sweat and tears still running down my cheeks. Too weak to even move, I bend over cup my hands into my face, and scream.
Always the nightmares. Always the same two each night. Back home I would find a party or smoke or wave to ride but here. NOTHING. I promise a new me I remind myself. One that is not set to explode any second. One that took all their demons and bury it in the deepest hole. This me doesn’t let them loose but keep them hidden tight. That won’t break and burn everything she touches. This me be gentle, kind, and read the Bible instead of throwing my fist. I promise my father that even my estranged grandparents will be better.
After a good pity party, I decided to stay wasn’t gonna help me. I needed to out. I toss on some navy blue gym shorts pull down my Scooby-Doo t-shirt, which was getting a little bit smaller than last time I warn it years ago, decided for a walk.
Grams and Papa came back from church just after 11. Just missing the kids trick or treating. I stay back gave an empty smile say hello few folks who came by or heard over the rumor mill I was back. None who I really care about. The clock blink, 3:00. The cool breeze comforts me like a blanket over my shoulders. Music played close to mute. I thought about it all. If he at peace would I see him again. Could I make it to June in this town?
Far ahead of me on my way back, I saw a figure laying on the crisp grass. After the stories, Grams told me I wonder if it was anything important. As I got closer I saw an outline of a person. I stop and slow my walking this time with caution. Till I was right beside him. He was rocking back and forth humming some song no shirt tight-ass pants and hair messy with no shoes. This boy diffidently was fucking or having a good time. Part of me envies him and that freedom. Another knew it was because even if I don’t say it out loud he beautiful mess. Totally my type and that what it got tricky he was a reminder of the past I was hoping to leave behind. Flipping my hair out my face I got down to eye level and gently touch him.
“ Hey Hey you alright, “ I asked shaking him a bit.
He looks up and grins at me with a sleepy doozy grin. His eyes sparkle in the night sky and for a second I forgot he was drunk. My stomach did this thing I only ever felt a few times before. Back when I was happy. I shook my head and look around for help or at less to see if he drove or had friends. No luck. Part of me thought it be best to leave but then I saw it. Right below his eyes the old bruise and cuts. My jaw tightened till it clicks.
“ Mommy. Mommy” he said touching my face. I felt the cold touch of his ring against my lips. I tap it to the side and wrap his arm around me to get him up. Praying to God he, not a psycho, or I will regret this. He started to kiss my neck all while calling me mommy. Kinky mother fucker
“ Yeah Hot Wheels, not your mommy come on almost there,” I said helping him back home. He giggles and tried to be a handy hand reaching my hip and butt.
“ Holy shit your you are your a doll baby” he slurred into my ear.
Praying any god’s that my grandparents don’t wake up to him almost knocking everything down. I put my hand to his mouth and a finger to mine so he shut up. On the first day of this new me, I’m playing babysitting to a drunk man child. With ease, I toss him on my bed. He cuddles with one of my pillows squeezing my old grumpy carebear and drifts to sleep. I waited a second before I went and made my own special hangover shake and a bucket for the morning. Taking more time time to clean his face a bit and hand as gentle as I could. Time blink at 3:58, I sat on the floor against my dresser and watch him sleep. Wondering if a boy like that had nightmares too.
I woke up two hours later. Still on the floor face left with a carpet imprint. The boy from this morning now turns over to the other side against the wall sound asleep. I got up from my spot on wobbly legs grab some things and head to the bathroom.
As the cold water hit my face I kept thinking about before till the face of baby blue came into mine. His eyes look like way mine when I look into the mirror and it puzzles me. Never have I found someone else that had the same eyes as mine. Apart from me wonder what was behind those eyes. I shack it off as I dry my hair. If the boy's eyes look like mine then that means on things, his demons were just as bad. I change into tacky stuck in time uniform and walk back deep in thoughts when I stop. The boy was gone. I rush out of my room almost tripping over my own foot, empty. Nothing change in my room just the note. It wasn’t till I sat and smell the faint scent of cologne and cigarettes. It wasn’t a dream he was real. I laugh at myself there no way I will be seeing him again.
He couldn’t remember much just that her face was half cover by her loose curly hair that shines against the streetlight. The innocent big brown eyes that went with a sugar-sweet smile. Even though she was nowhere close to his mom. He couldn’t help but think about her. He never saw someone that beautiful before. Holding on to her tight sniff her in, honey and vanilla. He wanted to stare at her as long as he could but as soon as he hit the twin size bed he was out.
“Fuck am I” he hissed holding his head trying to think what happened last night. Last he remembered was making out with some blonde at the Halloween party or was it sex. His eyes look at the cup and bucket. Brown eye. He slowly picks up the note and read it:
Sleepy Head, First off we did not have sex and no I don’t know you. What I can tell you is this you were drunk and laying on someone's lawn alone. I live on Church street and Maple Lane. If it’s before 6 and your reading this back door
He laughs at the note and put it back where he found it. It was still early Neil wouldn’t be awake if he left now. He thought maybe he leave a thank you but it decided against it. He promised himself no attachment just to graduate, save up, and leave. No room for nothing else. Before he left he heard noises from the bathroom. Sound like a peaceful lullaby. Inching close he peaks in to see a figure from behind the curtain. Shaking his head he slips out and all his Mary way her black and white Adidas flip flops whistling her lullaby.
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☘️ Pt 3. AgedUp! Sorcerer! Junpei. AU where everything is fine and nothing is wrong.
☘️ (I think Tumblr ate a message i sent you last night i realized Junpei proably would become a closet marine biologist after Moondregs came along seeing how they are a giant ass jelly fish, so here is Junpei and reader on an aquarium date.) (not me spending over an hour looking up an aquarium in Tokyo to make sure this is accurate)
☘️Junpei finally had just decided to turn off his phone after it continued to ring. When he turned it on that morning, your body still curled into his, bracing himself for whatever awaited him. Which turned out to be 50 messages from Yuuji, 30 from Nobara, 60 from Gojo-sensei (seriously this guy), one from Megumi which just read "Did you have send THAT at midnight to my boyfriend? I had been trying to sleep." and an near uncountable number of calls and voicemails. How much they all cared about him and his sex-life was both enduring and concerning. Leaning more towards concerning. They had become his family after the death of his mother, a role they took far too seriously. But it did bring the biggest smile to his face while making his heart swell.
In the end he responded to them as simply as he could including apologizing to Megumi. You still slept on, eyes shielded from the sunlight that streamed into the flat by the shared blanket and his chest. Almost as soon as he sent the message to Yuuji there was a response.
So when do we get to meet them?
Soon, I haven't told them about anything. They only just found out about the scars last night.
Oh shit. How did that go?
Better then expected, its hard to explain over text. But they ended up saying "I love you"
!!!!!!!! No way!!!!! What did you do?
I said it back, and I meant it.
!!!!!WOW!!!! DUDE!!!
I'll tell you about it Monday.
Why can't you tell me today? 😭
Because they are still here and I want to enjoy whatever time I have with them.
WHY are you texting me if they are still there? OMG DUDE!!! Enjoy you day 🤤🥵😉
Junpei shook his head. Yuuji was a ball of sunshine made human even if Sukuna was more a blackhole and arse. It was a wonder that Yuuji had enough sunshine to deal with that, his dower boyfriend, his strange big brother Choso, and Junpei as his bestfriend. But somehow he did. Putting the phone back down he looped both arms around you and held tightly. Though Junpei had been feeling lighter recently. Somethings did dull in their aches with the passage of time. Having something new and bright to focus on helped blunt the edges as well. Not to mention seeing and hearing how you felt about the scars lifted him up higher. You stirred faintly a mewling cry escaping like an exhale. He shifted slightly to see if you were waking up or still sleeping. Blurry eyes looked back at him.
"Good morning."
"Only if there is coffee in my near future." You kissed where shoulder met neck nuzzling in when he shivered.
"If you want coffee I'm going to have to let you go and your going to have to get off of me." He sighed while raising an eyebrow.
Nipping at the sensitive skin before you slipped off him but still tucked close. Reluctance to move and not to just continue to lay in this moment was a weighted blanket on you both. Till his stomach growled. Now there is moment of mortification when your laying in bed with your new lover and they hear that you do in-fact have a body and it makes noise. With a deep shaky sigh he braced himself for what he didn't know.
"I'm hungry too." You murmured against him.
You continued to surprise him. He let out a gentle laugh and kissed the top of your head.
"Well I'll make you breakfast too then. How are your legs feeling now?"
"Better I'm sure I can stand on my own now, if you want help?"
"No its fine. I want to spoil you this morning."
"Keep talking like that and I'll never want to leave."
"That is the master plan." This time he kissed your lips. Both of you setting aside the minor horror of morning breath to enjoy the remembered contact.
Breaking away Junpei got up trying to remember where his boxers had ended up the night before. The floor was cold and he thought about finding socks. Still he got up and went to the hallway kitchen to turn the coffee pot on.
"Do you have any plans today?" You called.
"Not really do you?"
"No. But I'd like to spend more of it with you." Surprised Junpei turned to you with smile, enjoying the blush across your cheeks while you sat up with only the blanket around your shoulders. He continued to set up the pot measuring out the grounds. Hiding a spreading blush of his own.
"I have a pass for the Aquarium in Sumida, is that something you would be interested in?"
"I've never been but it sounds like fun. You must really like the ocean if you have a pass at the Aquarium."
You had no idea, once he had gained Moondregs he had become a little obsessed with jelly fish and then the ocean as a whole. Next to him the coffee started to pour.
"I think its beautiful, at just a glace its so peaceful but the longer you look the more power you see within it."
"That's a beautiful way to put it. Now I really want to see it, but only if you promise to share with me your excitement. Your so cute." He tried to glare at you while pouring coffee into two mugs. Your smile like a thousand stars took away any power it would have had.
"Cream or sugar?"
"Just some cream, I like it strong." He fixed the mugs till it looked right hopefully and brought them over. Sitting back down he handed you the mug.
"Thank you." You pressed a kiss to his shoulder before taking a sip. "Well if you make breakfast I can get ready and then clean up while you get dressed."
"Sounds good. But I will admit I love you like this." His eyes roved around the shapeless blanket knowing under it was your body which was so new and yet beloved to him. Raising an eyebrow you slipped the blanket off. Sucking in a breath and putting his mug on the table Junpei turned to taste the coffee on your lips. Both of you forgetting everything else.
It was hours later before you both stood in the aquarium. Junpei had instantly tugged you towards the jelly fish. The large tanks on the floor and walls almost made it seem like you were surrounded by the creatures. Excitedly he started to point them out and explain everything he knew about them. For your part seeing the excitement in his eyes and how he seemed to glow as he talked made you fall harder for him. There was so much joy in his actions and how he spoke it was hard not to be effected by it.
"Sorry I'm probably boring you." He smiled sheepishly before pressing a kiss to you forehead.
"I'm enjoying myself, and I love seeing how excited you are." Leaning into his chest, a comforting bliss in the simple act.
"Let me show you my favorite place." His hand tangled with yours.
From the Jelly Fish exabit you moved to Ogasawara Large Aquarium. The back of it, the aquascope, with it small windows and rounded walls left small areas to be able to watch the fish and sharks swim past relatively undisturbed by others. Holding you tucked to his chest while his head rested on your shoulder Junpei began to almost doze with the happiness and warmth buzzing though your bodies.
"Hey don't be falling asleep on me. My legs are still sore and I have no idea how to get home." You whispered in his ear.
"Fine. It's not my fault your so comfortable." Kissing your neck before standing back up still holding you close.
"Flirt." He loved how you shiver at the contact. "This has been an amazing date, we haven't even left and I already want to come back."
"Then come back with me, let's repeat the day tomorrow."
"Including how we woke up?"
"Especially that part." Nuzzling your neck, desire growing bright.
"I like that plan. On our way back can we get something sweet?"
"I already have something sweet." He whispered before nipping at your shoulder a place he had to recently learned was ultra sensitive. Your shiver and laugh was better then sake. Tightening his arms he closed his eyes taking in all he could of this moment hoping that it held the promise of a future overflowing with more moments like these. ☘️
as someone who’s majoring in marine biology- it makes me extremely happy just to think that junpei would also love sea life. Also, I think it’s canon that he likes ocean related stuff (idk tho I haven’t googled it) 
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Teen Romance Logicality // Part 10
Taglist: @loveyatothemoonandback @datoneidiot @doepuffsss @katie-the-noble-fangirl @awkwardcat @sanders-sides-love-astronomy @lallyphant @procrastinatingnerd @i-need-you-buddy
Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine.
Ahhh I can't believe this is it!!
(Other than a few planned things. *cough* Prinxiety and maybe future stuff *cough*)
Enjoy my teen boys one last time...maybe. (This is the end of this series but not this universe.)
Thank you for reading this series!!
~ ~ ~
Logan couldn't believe it, today was his last day as a highschooler. This was the last time he'd roam those halls with his best friend, last time he'd prove his History teacher wrong, last time he'd sneak a call to Patton in the bathrooms...
Logan was hardly ready, as he stared at his suit laid completely in the center of his perfectly-made bed, and remembered every single thing that he could.
Maybe it was so he wouldn't have to face it, or maybe it was so he didn't forget it on his journey of life.
So he didn't forget all that had brought him here, Logan's eyes steadied on the pride flag stretched just above his bed and felt apart of him just... sigh.
There was a point in his life that he was afraid of that, afraid of who he was and how it would affect his life. Yet, he sat here; his identity flaunted and more in love than he could ever even imagine.
His heart skipped a beat, as his eyes fogged up without a beat of hesitation.
He used to be so afraid of feelings of so much vulnerability and heartbreak, that he tore his heart away from anything it had latched onto. Except, one.
Except Patton.
Logan's heart swelled, as he smiled a wide broad smile, just thinking about him. About everything Patton had been there for, helped him with, and just how much he had learned from him.
Logan didn't even know how much he didn't know until he met Patton, and began to love him on a level he never even knew he was capable of.
Sure, they were teenagers but Logan felt like he had known him for three decades, and couldn't imagine living without him.
To be fair though, Patton hadn't been the only one to shape him.
His eyes shifted to a Pride picture sat just by his bedside, with Roman in a rainbow crown and himself with a flag draped across the back of his shoulders.
Roman had done so much for him, and although he was incredibly annoying, he was heaven-sent.
Roman had been there for an stubborn, arrogant boy when he was at his worst, and helped him accept himself despite never wanting to.
He, oddly, owed his life to Roman. And hoped whoever he ended up with would be worth such an egotistical but loyal prince, otherwise, Logan would destroy them.
Logan didn't wipe away the tears when they sunk down his cheeks, as he picked up the picture frames just by his bed: one of a familiar boy with a bunny and one of Roman giving him a "makeover" when they were younger.
He could feel the tears well up in his eyes, quietly and considerately, and for one of the first times Logan felt in his life, they deserved to fall.
Everything was about to change, Logan found his eyes falling on the robe and cap hanging up on his closet wall, and he couldn't stop it.
With a sigh, he stood and tried to focus, as well as wiped away his blood-red eyes. Remembering distantly Roman's advice with a small smile, "You're a god, teach; all you've gotta learn is how to care for yourself."
A chuckle and his door was opening, his Mom was grinning with teary eyes that Logan had expected, but hadn't had the guts to imagine.
He now knew why.
Her hair was neat --contrary to her usually messy, tossed look--, and her eyes were gleaming with a sense of sadness and... pride.
Logan swallowed that sob that wished to echo out of his mouth, because she was proud of him and that's truly all he had ever wanted.
"I-" his Mom began with a guilty tone, but her eyes stayed locked on her son.
"Mom-" Logan spoke, words tumbling, "-you don't have t-"
His Mom shook her head, a smile that gleamed under the swift glance of teary eyes, "Oh, but I want too."
"Logan," she shook her head, running a gentle hand down her face, "-I know, I know I don't say it enough. But I love you, and I'm so, so proud of you. For everything, okay? You should know that, I should've told you that mor-"
"Mom-" Logan hummed, wrapping her in a hug that filled a hole in his heart, "-it's okay. You said it now, and that's all that matters. I know."
His Mom wrapped her smaller frame around him, she was gentle but he knew this had meant the world to her. He could tell in the way her grip tightened on him for a split second, like she was holding him as tight as she could, just in case she couldn't again.
"You," she spoke into the air behind him, "You should be whatever you want, Logan. You always should have that choice. I... I never meant to take it from you."
Logan spoke, for what felt like the 10th time that day, "Mom-"
"No," his Mom smiled, pulling back and holding his hands in a quiet moment, "-no, you- You should go with Patton. He makes you happy, I can tell. You deserve to be happy, Logan Alexander."
Logan was quiet, unable to say what exactly he had felt in that moment. It was a complicated slosh of feelings that he didn't exactly know how to... communicate, and found that the silence spoke a lot more than he could say outloud.
"You have to promise me that you'll be happy."
"I-" Logan choked back a sob, tears rolling quietly down his cheeks, "I promise Mom, Patton makes me really happy. He couldn't hurt anything that was relatively harmless."
His Mom smirked, pinching his cheek, "Oh, Logan. I'm so proud of who you've become, Patton is one lucky, lucky boy."
Logan sniffled, "Thank you, I- I don't know what to say."
"Hmm, maybe. This is just a thought-" his Mom rambled with a teasing tone, "-'Mom, I'll invite you to the wedding?'"
Logan rolled his eyes, wiping off his clouded glasses, "You had to ruin it, Mom? Really?"
She smiled, "Anything to get you to stop crying, Logan. Now, looks like you've got a suit to put on, no?"
He grinned, his heart lifted and so full that Logan was honestly surprised he wasn't levitating at how much he felt like it.
This day truly couldn't get any better.
Logan's knee was bouncing, he sat just behind a girl named... Stephanie? He thought so anyway, she was confident and incredibly nice.
He would... never see her again.
He'd never seen a lot of people again, that was apart of this moment. His hands were clammy with a stack of index cards practically being squeezed to death in his right hand; of course, he was valedictorian.
Who else would be?
So, he had a speech prepped and ready to launch when he was called upon. He was scared, but a good kind of scared (he cursed himself for a vocabulary change), and he couldn't not say he wasn't practically dancing on his toes at the fact that he would Patton would physically be in his presence soon.
He didn't need to think about that right now, he had to focus-
"-our valedictorian, Logan Reilly!"
Logan's eyes went wide, just for a second as he swallowed down the fear and stood with as straight as his posture would allow.
He cleared his throat, his cards set just onto the podium in front of him; as he quietly wrung out his hands an effective way to calm his stuttering nerves.
"I'd like- I'd like to say that this will be easy-" Logan spoke, careful and pristine with every ounce of confidence in his tone, "-but I'm sure, we all know it won't be. And you all know, I don't like liars-"
A falsehood echoed somewhere in the crowd, a memory of something that had defined him in this school. It was... nice.
"So," Logan chuckled, "-I think we can all agree that it's hard, it is difficult to say goodbye to this. To these walls and these teachers that we are so ever familiar with."
"Even if it wasn't pleasant," Logan added, "-it's hard to deal with change. To label this chapter of our stories with 'The End', and to comprehend the next steps in our lives. Because afterall, we're just human."
"Today, however-" Logan transitioned, "-I don't propose an end to you, nor do I propose a clichéd entirely new beginning. I say just keep going, this is just a new layer of your life. Things will change, of course, it is inevitable. But it will only truly affect you, if you allow it do so."
Logan paused, beginning steadily, "This is your life, and whether you want to be a doctor, lawyer, or a professional heartbreaker --it is of no importance--, because you control it. You live how you want to. What would I recommend?"
"Well," Logan tapped his chin, "-take those who you love-"
His eyes searched for his Mom within the crowd, finding her bright smile in a sea of faces; she sat just beside a familiar fa-
Logan froze, squinting for a second, as his heart halted in his chest; warm curls, round glasses and the shiniest blue eyes he had ever seen.
For a second, Logan forgot how to breath and where he was because the love of his life was in the crowd-
He cleared his throat, trying to regain himself and cage his ever bursting heart in his ribcage, plus restrain himself from running from the stage at that exact second.
He wasn't even graduated yet, that was too improbab-
"T-Take," Logan began again, "-Take those who you love and choose your journey, choose where you wish to go. It's truly your decision whether or not this is an ending, or just another step up the staircase of life. Thank you for the memories, I'm glad I graduated with you all."
There was a roaring applause that Logan felt a surge of pride for, but all he could think about was the fact that he had actually seen Patton with his actual two eyes.
He was real, he was here.
He was breathing the same air as him; he was so close to him, closer than he's ever been. Logan could touch him, potentially.
With a racing heart, Logan made his way back to his seat with a bouncing leg but this time for a different reason, that Logan believed was immensely better.
Getting his diploma felt unreal, he was lined up meticulously and he had seen this through a metaphorical lens, he could've sworn that it wasn't real.
That he was enraptured in a fantasy world, but he had to remind himself he wasn't Roman. Everything was real, he was... graduating.
"With the highest honors, Logan Reilly."
Accepting his diploma with a brief handshake and bright smile, Logan swore he couldn't feel more unreal.
This was a new page in a book he was... excited to read.
The rest of the graduation ceremony was quick, all Logan could think about was who was up in the stands. Who he had loved but never even seen with his true bare eyes.
But, he controlled himself. He stayed on the bottom floor because that was what his Mom had planned earlier, and Logan wasn't one to break plans. So he sat there, practically bouncing as his eyes flashed to the bleachers and back to the crowd, anything to tip him off would make him start sprinting at this point.
"Hey-" Roman spoke, causing Logan to jump and almost fall over himself, "-Nerd Alert, you look a little, dare I say it, distracted? Everything... alright?"
Logan paused, looking at his best friend, "Yes, yes. Roman, I'm perfectly fine. It seems there is an extra visitor, that I have come unprep-"
Roman burst, "Patton's here! HOLY SH-"
"Woah, Roman-" Logan laughed lightly, "-we are still on school grounds."
"True, true," Roman hummed, he was visibly bouncing, up and down and up and down.
Logan was practically frantic, as he rambled, "I'm actually remarkably nervous, which is quite unusual. I just, I want him to like me, you know?"
"Oh Logan," Roman stood on his tippy toes to see over heads, "-Patton loves you, nothing is ever going to change that."
Logan glanced at Roman, his gaze sweeping slowly back to the crowd, "I know, it's an odd fee-"
Logan's words halted on his lips, his eyes locking with a head of such fluffy curls and the brightest pair of eyes he'd ever seen.
And suddenly he was broken, his eyes locking on him like he couldn't move, like he barely even registered that there he was: Patton was right there.
Logan could scream.
Patton wasn't looking at him though, he was leading his purple-haired friend --who he assumed was Virgil-- through the hectic crowd, with a caring and gentle touch.
Logan truly didn't know how to react, should he start running? Should he call out to him? Make noise? What was the proper way to make him see m-
Virgil's dark brown eyes widened as they landed on him, a grin bashfully making it onto his lips and Logan could see him sputter to Patton. He could see the struggle of trying to explain it, until the surprisingly tall anxious boy just groaned and pointed behind him.
Logan lost it, when Patton slowly turned around and for the first time, Patton's light blue wonders of eyes locked onto his. His heart skipping in his chest, before Logan could even blink Patton had dropped Virgil's wrist with a quick thump, and began running through the crowd to him.
Logan's heart was racing in his ears, as he grinned as bright as a beam of light, and made his way to him through the crowds too.
Step, keep moving, he had to keep reminding himself, ignoring the feeling that was quite vividly tearing his stomach out. He just had to focus on Patton's curls, curls that Logan could feel with his fingertips-
And then, the two found a clear pathway, a section open for just the two of them like a runway for a plane. Before Logan could move an inch though, Patton was already sprinting toward him.
And he was oddly fast, very very fast.
So Logan found himself waiting, until Patton crashed directly into his arms and Logan caught him and spun him around to disperse the force. (Totally not for dramatic effect.)
He was touching Patton, Patton was literally right in front of him and he could feel him breath and his chest move with his laugh.
Logan pulled him close to his chest with a single movement, as Patton dug his head into his neck and wrapped his legs just around Logan's torso.
It felt so right, as he breathed in his distant scent of strawberries, felt his curls against his face.
God, he was real.
He was so real, and warm and lovely. How was this happening? Was it all a dream? It had to be a dream right? It has to b-
Patton pulled back, interrupting his thoughts, and Logan was so close he could see the lightest bit of freckles scattered along his cheeks. He was remarkably beautiful.
Just until Logan noticed that he was crying, tears were slowly making their way down his cheeks and Logan immediately panicked.
He put him down, crouching slightly to match his height, and it was then he realized he could touch him, there was no screen.
Logan's thumbs were quick, wiping away the flood pouring from his eyes, with a concerned tone, "Love, what's wrong? Is everything alright? Are you okay? Did you get hu-"
Patton sniffled, which was possibly the cutest thing Logan had ever seen, "I'm just-"
Logan held onto the edge of his words, ready to fight literally anyone in a moment's notice; which was unusual behavior but his boyfriend had been way cuter in person than over the phone which is so incredibly impossible, but-
"I'm just-" Patton spoke, a gleam in his eye and the warmest smile that sent "butterflies" straight to Logan's stomach, "I'm just really happy."
Logan faltered, a sloppy smile slipping it's way onto his lips without hesitation, "Oh, Patton. I love you so much, I'm not sure I can handle it."
Patton's face brightened so much, Logan wouldn't mind saying those words for the rest of his life; his smile was entirely too infectious and Logan could hardly breathe from the love that bloomed deep in his chest.
Oh god, he loved him. He loved him so much he could scream it off the rooftops --which was highly dangerous and improbable--, he'd yell it across the world if he had too.
Patton grinned, placing a hand on Logan's face with just the lightest hesitation, "I... I love you too. I just... I can't believe you're here, with me. You're real. You're... you're Logan."
Logan leaned into his hand, absorbing the warmth flowing through his skin without a shred of rejection or even thought at this point. He was running on adrenaline, adrenaline and love.
Patton was quiet, just for a second and Logan could feel his whole world freeze with him.
"I..." Patton hummed, inching closer to Logan with every step, "May I kis-"
Logan surged forward, because god he had been waiting to do that for so long. He had imagined it many a times before, what it felt like to kiss Patton and he hadn't imagined anything less than absolute bliss.
And he was so, so right.
It was slow and warm and sweet, filled with years of wanting to do so, but never doing so. Logan couldn't imagine anything more perfect, as he pulled Patton to him by the waist and wished on every star in the sky that this was real, and that Patton would stay here, with him, forever.
When they pulled away, it was for a breath and not much else. Just until, Patton's eyes began to sparkle and Logan didn't think he could ever see anything more beautiful.
"I..." Logan didn't know what to say, he was speechless at this beautiful boy in front of him.
Patton shook his head, placing a finger on his lips with a cheesy smile, "My turn to talk, Lo-Lo."
Logan rolled his eyes, with a shine of admiration in his eyes and love in his heart.
"You are-" Patton spoke inbetween kisses scatter among Logan's face and he was melting, "-amazing," kiss to the cheek, "-smart," kiss to the other cheek, "-handsome," kiss to the forehead, "-my entire world, and-" kiss to the nose.
Patton grabbed his tie and pulled him down, looking straight at his lips, "-I'm never going to let you go again."
Logan squeaked, and Patton met their lips again, confident and happy and Logan couldn't ask for anything better.
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 4: Mister X
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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When his attention returned to the ongoing traffic, her eyes continued to secretly caress him for several moments.
How could I not love it? It's from you my darling. I will treasure it for the rest of my life...
This was the heart-catching reality for Hyeonji. Hoseok frowning "I hope you're not just saying that."
Hyeonji found everything about the situation rather ironic. What would happen if she truly told him how she felt about him? Knowing Hobi, he would terribly be embarrassed. He hated complications in his life. He was a simple man at heart.
"Would I lie to you?" she quipped, though unable to keep the sardonic edge of her voice. He slanted her a rather bewildered look as though he'd never associated her with sarcasm before.
"I hope not. You were always a brutally honest kid. But right on the ball. Why else do you think I used to ask for your opinion on things? Mother just said whatever I do is great. I needed someone who told me as it really was. Which you did. You were always able to make me see what was worth working on, Hyeonji; what would last."
A pity you never asked my opinion on your lady friends. Hyeonji thought wryly, I could've told you all those females loved themselves too much to have much left over for anyone else. But then, it wasn't love you wanted from them, was it Hoseok? Still old habits die hard. What's going to happen when you want a girl to love you, and whom you can truly love in return? You'll never find the right wife, gravitating towards the wrong type of girl. The Tinashe's of this world are only out for what they can get.
Whereas I, I would love you as no other woman could ever love you, my darling. Look at me, Hoseok. Hyeonji's thoughts were running wild when Hoseok cuts her "Anyway, Hyeonji" Hoseok went on, oblivious of Hyeonji's thoughts and feelings. "I hope that necklace goes some small way to making up for my thoughtlessness in the past. I know I'm a selfish bastard. But your friendship means a lot to me and I wouldn't want you to think I never give you a moment's thought because I do."
"Trouble is..." he threw her a wry smile. "It's usually only when I need your help. Or your advice. Or your opinion on a new car." She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, at that point. Anger however came to the rescue. "And is that all tonight is Hobi?" she snapped "A test drive?" Are you taking me out just to get your opinion on your new car?"
"God, no!" He looked and sounded appalled. "No, that's not it at all! Far from it. The thing is, I realized today down the library that I never ask you about you. It added to my guilt, I can tell you. All these years and all we ever talk about is me. So tonight I want to hear all about you....Hyeonji."
"Me?" she echoed weakly.
"Yes. You. I want to know what'd going on in your life these days. You could've knocked me over with a feather when that woman said you were twenty-three. It suddenly came to me that a girl as great as you should have a boyfriend or married. I began to wonder. I wanted to ask you then and there but it was hardly appropriate. So I'm asking you now, Hyeonji. Why haven't you got a boyfriend?"
Hyeonji was really stumped. What to say? What to tell him? She busied herself putting the gold chain tidily into its case and slipping it into her purse, all the while trying to find the right lie to tell. The awkward silence grew till finally Hoseok shot her a shocked look. "Good God Hyeonji, you're not, are you?"
"Not what?" she asked.
Hyeonji's eyes rounded. And then she laughed. That was one excuse she'd never thought of. "No I am not gay."
"So what's the problem?" Hoseok continues looking a bit relieved. "The problem..." She considered her answer at some length, then decided excuse three carried a perverse kind of truth. "The problem is...that I am in love with a man. But he just doesn't love me back. In fact, he doesn't know I'm even alive in a sexual sense."
"Why not?" Hoseok demanded to know, apparently affronted by this mystery man's lack of passion for his best friend. Hyeonji almost felt soothed by Hoseok's chagrin on her behalf. "I guess I'm not his type, physically speaking. I'm not pretty enough."
"What stupid shit! You are very pretty."
"No, I'm not, Hobi. But it's nice of you to say so" Hyeonji was grateful that Hoseok dropped the subject of her beauty. He scowled all through the drive, not opening his mouth until there were on the entrance and approaching the coffee shop.
"So who is this idiot?" he flung at her. "Is he a local?"
"Yes, of course" Hyeonji answers trying not to look at Hoseok. "Did he go to our school?" as he continues to interrogate her. "Yes. But that's as much as I'm going to say."
"Our school..." he frowned as he scoured his memory. "I can't think of who it could be. Still there are over eight hundred kids in our school." He shook his head in frustration. "I've no idea. Look, just tell me who he is. Don't keep me in suspense!"
"Sorry, I am not telling you, or anyone else for that matter. I would find it terribly embarrassing. Besides it's quite pointless my telling you who he is. I've pretty well accepted he's not interested. Shortly, I aim to get on with my life, so you don't have to worry, Hobi. I don't intend to suffer indefinitely."
Hoseok mumbled and muttered all through swinging the car around before he launched into another verbal attack against her mystery man. Hyeonji found it amusing that he was railing himself. "So! Does this splendid advertisement for feminine taste have a girlfriend?"
"Actually he's between women at the moment." She answers. "Had a lot of them, has he?" Hoseok continues. "Oodles." As Hyeonji giggles, amused by Hoseok's predicament. "And you love this inveterate ladies' man?
"He takes my breath away" as Hyeonji confirms.
Hoseok pulled a face. "What is it about women that they always fall for the bad guys? He sounds positively awful!"
"I don't think he is at all awful. And he'd been very successful businesswise" Hyeonji tries to cover for Hoseok a bit. Hobi's top lip curled into a sneer. "I suppose he's good-looking."
"Drop-dead gorgeous," she agreed.
"Handsome is a handsome does, you know," he growled, then muttered some more under his breath all the way to the parking. Hyeonji sat next to him in a self-satisfied silence. She hadn't enjoyed herself so much in years. Perhaps she was playing with a double-edge sword, but if so it was worth the risk. She didn't think the penny would drop for Hoseok. Meanwhile, she was experiencing a heady exhilaration in toying with the truth in this manner.
They came round the parking hillside corner near the coffee shop and beach front coming into view and Hyeonji sighed her pleasure at the sight. It was a pretty place during the day, but even more so at night, especially when it was cloudless, and the moon sent ribbons of silver rippling across the dark waters.
Tonight, the moonlight was strong, the waves extra gentle as they lapped onto the golden curve of the sand. Some people were still swimming in the peaceful water. Many couples were sitting on the warm sand, arms around each other, or strolling along the beach hand in hand. As Hyeonji had thought earlier, it was night for lovers. Hoseok drove past the public car park at the bottom of the hill and along the narrow main street which flanked the beach, tall pines on the sea side, shops on the other. He eased into a space under a pine at the far end.
He snapped off his engine and swiveled in his seat to face Hyeonji, a scowl on his handsome face "It's not Jeon Jungkook, is it?"
Jeon Jungkook was the only boy in Hoseok's class who could rival him for his looks and subsequent business acumen. As dark as Hoseok was fair, he had thick black hair, heavy lidded dark doe eyes and a body of God, packing some major muscles. He didn't have Hoseok's super intelligence but he had a creative flair, he was born to hold a camera in his hands. Producing and editing music videos under his own company called Golden Closet Productions. His company started a few years back and had recently expanded. Unmarried, he was a swinging bachelor type who played the field without mercy. He'd recently bought a place at Gangnam and built an orgy palace of a house, the rumored activities therein supplying plenty of fuel for the local gossips.
Hyeonji only knew Jungkook as well as she did because his folks lives two doors up. He came to visit them quite often, and, Jungkook being Jungkook, he always waved at Hyeonji if she was out the front watering or weeding the garden.
A couple of months back, he'd also knocked on the door and asked if she and her mother wanted to sell the house to him, since he was wanting to have a place for himself near his parents. Even after they said no, he'd left his business card then stayed talking to Hyeonji for ages. He was one of those males who could not go past a female without proving he was God's gift to women. His charm operated on auto pilot.
Hyeonji found him likeable enough, but shallow in her opinion. It irked her that Hoseok should think she could be madly in love with him. "Well?" he probed. "Is it?"
"I'm sorry but I refuse to answer any such questions on the grounds they might incriminate me" she says. Hoseok glowered at her. "You're being damned difficult."
"I don't think so. You might be my friend but there's a limit to what I will tell you. And I think my love life is my own private business, don't you? After all, when I asked you about Tinashe, you wouldn't tell me." Hyeonji tries to fend off Hoseok's question.
"Fair enough. But if it is Jungkook," he growled, "then I hope to tell you never get your heart's desire. His reputation with women is appalling." Hyeonji rolled her eyes. As if Jeon Jungkook would take any serious notice of her anyway. That was as far-fetched as Hoseok doing so. Suddenly, she felt tired of this game. "If it will make you feel any better it's not Jungkook. But please don't come up with anymore candidates. I am not going to tell you and that's that."
"I had no idea you could be this stubborn." Hoseok looks at Hyeonji as she crossed her arms with finality over her chest. Her sideways glance carried a sardonic flavor. "There are a lot of things you don't know, Hobi."
"I'm beginning to see that's the case. And there I've been all these years, telling people what a sweet little thing you are. It seems Tinashe might not have been altogether wrong." He says. Hyeonji bristled. "Oh? And what, pray tell, did dear Tinashe say about me?"
"She said you were a sly piece and she wouldn't trust you as far as she could throw you" Hoseok answers. Hyeonji's blood pressure rose a few notches. "Humph! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"
"I take it you don't like Tinashe?" he quirked an eyebrow at her.
"You take it correctly" she says nodding her head in full approval and conviction. "Why?"
Hyeonji almost launched into a tirade about vanity, superficiality and naked ambition, but pulled herself up just in time. There was little point in being vicious, now that the girl was possibly on the way out. Besides, the truth might sound too much like jealousy.
She managed to shrug. "You can't like everyone in this world. Some people just rub you up the wrong way right from the start."
"True. Okay. I won't be a pain and press for more. Neither will I ask you anymore embarrassing questions about Mr. X. I'm just relived it's not Jungkook. Come on, let's go for a walk." He was out of the car before she could say Jack Robinson, bounding around the front to her side where he wrenched open the passenger door.
"Do...do you think we could have our coffee first?" she asked a little shakily when Hoseok took her hand and drew her upright out of the rather low-slung vehicle. Whilst she told herself it was sheer hunger causing her stomach to cramp suddenly, she rather suspected there was another cause, and extracted her hand from Hoseok's as soon as she could.
"I guess so," he returned with a casual shrug. "If you're dying for some."
"It's not the coffee I'm dying for so much as something to eat." She sighed. Hoseok frowned. "Haven't you had dinner? You told me your mother was cooking dinner for you tonight."
"She did, but dinner these days wouldn't feed a flea. Some nights I could just scream!" Hoseok just laughed. "Don't complain. You're looking darned good on what your mother's been feeding you." Hyeonji could not stop the flush of pleasure "You...you really think so?"
"I really do." And his eyes were close to admiring as they swept over her new slender figure for the second time that night. After that, Hyeonji knew she would not eat a morsel. Fifteen minutes later she was sitting opposite Hobi in a booth in one of the cafés along the esplanade and had been fiddling with a large slice of chocolate cake for a full ten minutes when he finally burst forth.
"I though you said you were hungry!" Hyeonji bit her bottom lip and put down the fork. "I thought I was too. Do you want it?" he sighed. "Women! Here, give it to me." As she sheepishly handed it over, his exasperation dissolved into a cheeky grin. Hyeonji grinned back, then sat in contented silence to watch Hoseok eat.
It wasn't long before his innocent enough activity had a less than innocent effect on Hyeonji. Hoseok's mouth, unfortunately, was incredibly sexy, wide and curving, his mole on his upper lip, his lips saved from outright femininity by the masculine set of his jawline below, and strong straight nose above. It was also a very mobile mouth, with a very mobile tongue.
Hyeonji's concentration was soon totally on that tongue, and the way its moist pink tip snaked out after every forkful of cake to sweep any crumbs back into his mouth, showing his dimples, leaving Hoseok's lips wet and glistening. Her stomach twisted at the thought of having that tongue-tip do the same to her lips, or having it dart between those same lips and slide deep into her waiting, wanting mouth. Hyeonji smothered a tortured groan and pressed her parched lips firmly together. What she would not give to have that experience...just once.
Regret that she hadn't taken Choon Hee and Han Byeol's advice and gone broke tonight with her appearance rose up to haunt her. Maybe, if she'd left her hair down and worn that perfume, Hoseok might have found more to admire than her slimmer body. Maybe, if she'd used make-up and worn a sexy scarlet lipstick, he might've been tempted to give her a goodnight kiss.
"What's the matter?" Hoseok asked as he placed his fork across the now an empty plate. Hyeonji was beyond pretending. The eyes she lifted to him were sad eyes. Eyes without hope. She was seeing the end of her dream here. Hoseok reached across the table and picked up her left hand. "Loving this Mr. X is making you terribly unhappy, Hyeonji, isn't it?"
Not till today, she accepted with a degree of surprise. Before today, it had been quite a lovely dream. And she had had his friendship to sustain her. How many girls did she know who loved lesser men? Unworthy individuals. Creeps, even. Hoseok was a man amongst men. He was handsome and clever and essentially good. He loved life, and his mother, and he loved her, in a lukewarm brotherly kind of way. Hyeonji could see that now. "Is there anything I could do to help?" he asked gently, stroking his thumb along the top of her hand all the while.
Hyeonji stiffened under the tingly electric feelings it was sending through her. "I don't think so," she said tautly. "It's my problem, and as I've said I decided to move on soon."
"I think that would be the best Hyeonji, forget this idiot. He doesn't know a good thing when he sees it." Hyeonji merely smiled and finally extracted her hand from under his. Hoseok straightened and studied her with still worried eyes. "Why don't you do what my mother does when she's down and wants a lift? Go get yourself a new hairstyle. New clothes. New look altogether."
A bit late for that, she thought, even if I had the money. But Hoseok's words piqued her curiosity. "What would you suggest?" she asked him. "I mean, what do you think would suit me?"
Hoseok laughed "Good God, don't go asking me. I have no idea"
"Hobi, you just asked me if you could help, but as soon as I ask something of you, you opt out. Look, you're a trained artist, with an eye for design, shape and color. Think of me as one of your graphic design projects. Pretend you have me up on the screen of your computer, and then make me over to your personal taste and liking."
"My personal taste and liking? Wouldn't it be better if I made you over to Mr. X's personal taste and liking?" he asked. "You and him are similar types," she invented, warming to the game again with each passing moment. Not only that, she was going to take his advice. Whatever Hoseok suggested she would do, and to hell with the money. She would beg, borrow or steal some if she had to.
His smile was wry. "I thought you just said you were moving on."
"It's a woman's privilege to change her mind." Hoseok shook his head, his eyes wry. "Somehow I pity this Mr. X. he might not know it yet but he's not going to get a way easily, is he?"
"Do stop quibbling, Hobi. Just give me the once over and tell me what to change." She sat up straight and smiled encouragingly at him. Hoseok frowned as he looked over, then shook his head. "Honestly, I don't feel comfortable with this. You're not a graphic design project. You're a female...with feelings."
Hyeonji's eyebrows arched. "Goodness, Hobi, that's observant of you. But I shall bravely put aside my feminine sensitivity long enough to hear your unqualified opinion. You said you always admired my honesty when I gave you my opinion. Now I'm asking for yours."
He stared at her, still frowning, then shook his head again. "I'm sorry, Hyeonji, I really must decline. I suggest you get an experts opinion."
"I don't want an expert's opinion. I want yours. Okay. If you don't tell me straight out, how about we play tick on of the boxes?" as she attempts to push out answers from Hoseok. "Tick one of the boxes?" he said with a confused look in his face.
"Yes, I will suggest a change, then give three possible courses of action. You tell me which one you think will suit me best." Hoseok shrugged "If you must. But I won't give any promises of guarantees." Hyeonji smiled. "All care and no responsibility?"
He smiled back "Something like that."
"Fair enough. First thing on our agenda is my hair. I'm going to have it cut, normally it's always just an inch or two off from my waist, should I go shoulder-length, jaw-length or really short?" he tipped his head on one side to consider his answer "Shoulder-length" he said at last. "You have an elegant neck. It's a shame to ever hide it, plus you can style it still."
Hyeonji's hand automatically fluttered up to her throat, her stomach curling over at the compliment. She would have to have a good look at her neck when she got home. "What...what about color?" she finally went on, hoping she wasn't blushing. "What do you think would suit me best? Blonde, brunette or redhead?"
"Why don't you just leave it the color it is?" he asks. "No way! I've lived with this color long enough, thank you very much. There's going to be nothing mousy about me from now on. I can tell you! Now choose!"
Hoseok sighed. "Okay, but be it on your hear."
"Well, it will be won't it?" He shook his head at her. "First sarcasm. Now a savage wit. What next?" Hyeonji crossed her arms on the table. "Blonde? Brunette? Or Redhead?"
"Hmmm. Well, you have a fair delicate skin usually associated with redheads, but please, not one of those harsh reds. A rich copper color would be nice." He says nodding in approval. "A rich copper color," she repeated, swallowing nervously. Somehow she just couldn't see herself with a shorter red hair. Good God, this was going to take some courage, but she was determined.
Hyeonji opened her mouth to ask Hoseok about make-up, then she shut it again. A man wouldn't know much about that. She would have to consult an expert, maybe in the cosmetics section of a department store. She began totting-up the cost so far. A top hair-dresser. A dye job, which would need retouching every six to eight weeks. New make-up. Not to mention a new wardrobe. Goodness, the mind boggled.
"What about clothes?" she continued. "I mean...what kind of clothes do you like a girl to wear? Of course I realize I don't have a spectacular figure like Tinashe, but I'm not too bad these days."
"Don't underestimate yourself Hyeonjj" he said brusquely. "I've been noticing tonight what a good little figure you have –one which you seem to have hidden successfully for years. You have more than adequate bust, a very shapely bottom and a nice little waist. You also have remarkably good legs for such a short girl."
A shocked of delight rippled through Hyeonji. The girls had said that she had a good figure, but hearing Hoseok say so was wonderful! And to think all he could find to criticize was her height. "Unfortunately Hobi" she said, "there's nothing I can do about being short. I would dearly love to be taller, believe me."
"Your Mr. X is tall, then?"
"Fairly. And he likes tall girls" she answers back.
"Stupid man. Doesn't he know good things come in small packages?" he sounded decidedly irritable. "I suppose you could always wear higher heels than what you have on. You could also give the illusion of further height by shortening your skirts. Though I prefer girls in flats and short skirts."
"I have no intention of going to work every day in five-inch heels and minis!" Hyeonji says appalled at the idea. Hoseok gave her a long and hard look. "You see this Mr. X at work, do you?"
"Er...not very often." She replied. "Then what you wear to work is irrelevant. What you wear when he's around is another thing entirely."
"If I go to the trouble and expense of all these changes, Hobi," she said firmly, "then it won't be for Mr. X. it will be for me." She smiled.
"Sure, Hyeonji, sure. By the way, I don't like stripes, checks or floral prints. I like my women in figure-hugging clothes in strong block colors." When Hyeonji gave him a blank look, he smiled a drily amused smile. "You said Mr. X would have similar tastes to me. Please don't go on pretending this isn't for him. It insults my intelligence."
Hyeonji laughs at Hoseok "All right. I won't insult your intelligence. Go on. What else do you like?"
"I don't like girls to wear pants."
Hyeonji gaped at him. "If you think I'm going to swan around without my underwear on, then you have another thing coming!" His expression was droll. "Pants, Kang Hyeonji. Not panties. I'm talking about slack suits, or trousers, if you will."
"I don't mind tights. Or jeans, provided they fit well, really well. Men are attracted to a woman's shape. They like to see it" then he gives her a smirk.
"You're a sexist, do you know that?" with an eyebrow quirked. The corner of his mouth lifted in a wickedly attractive smile. "Yes. I like sex. Very much. Is that what you mean by sexist?"
"No and you darned well know it!" Hyeonjj gawks at Hoseok. He looked at her for a long time before speaking. "Do you like sex, Hyeonji?"
She went bright red. "I think that's a very personal question."
"Not really. It was a general one. I'm not asking for a blow-by-blow description of every sexual experience you've had." He says laughing at her.
"Well, if you did, it would be a mighty short conversation," she snapped. "In fact, I wouldn't have to say a word."
He just stared at her. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asked at last in hushed tones. His obvious shock infuriated her, as did her having blurted out the truth. But she wasn't about to go shy and embarrassed on him. Pride demanded she hold her head high.
"Really, Hoseok. There's no need to whisper," she said coolly. "I am not ashamed of my virginity."
"But you're twenty-three, Hyeonji!" he says.
"So what? Is there a prescribed date for such dubious milestones? Where is it written in stone that a girl must lose her virginity before such and such a date? I happen to be waiting for someone special. I didn't want to throw it away on some fumbling boy down behind the school gym, or in the back of a car after a party. And don't think I haven't had any offers," she lied. "Because I have!"
Hoseok's brown eyes darkened. "You're waiting for this Mr. X, aren't you?"
"And if I am? What's it to you?" she says defensively.
He seemed taken back, then almost outraged. "You're my best friend, damn it! I don't want to see you hurt." Hyeonji was touched, and terribly close to tears. It was a struggle to retain her composure and sense of proportion. If nothing else, she'd made up her mind tonight to do something about changing her dreary appearance. On top of that, her friendship with Hoseok had subtly shifted into a deeper plane, more like that of true best friends. There was something very intimate and bonding about sharing confidences.
So now he knew she was a virgin. It was not such a disaster. How could the truth hurt? "I'll be all right, Hobi," she said, and actually reached out to touch his hand in a comforting gesture. "Please don't worry about me and Mr. X. Just promise me you'll be there...when and if I need you."
She looked deep into his eyes and was moved by the sincerity of the affection for her she saw there. "I think you better take me home now," she said softly. "Tomorrow's a working day."
Chapter 05
0 notes
dobrikslovato · 7 years
do one where Simon is dating one of her friends but Demi falls in love with him and didn't show it because she knows that it's wrong and her friend would be hurt. But her friend go to a trip with her friends (including Demi) and Simon and leaves them (Demi and Simon) alone in the beach. They couldn't stop their feelings and hook up.
Dear whoever sent this in: you probably hate me and I’m so sorry that this took forever to get up. BUT I hope you enjoy it anyways! Also, I couldn’t think of anyone else so I used Marissa lol, hope it doesn’t seem awkward.
Something was wrong with me. I was going insane. That was the only possible explanation for all the thoughts going through my mind for the last few months. It was so wrong, so bad, but I couldn’t stop obsessing over it. It consumed all my thoughts, day and night, to the point where I literally thought I was going crazy.
Simon, I said his name silently in my mind. Simon Cowell. How could this man who I’d hardly ever spoken to, who was dating my best friend, have such an incredible control over me? It was scary, but I didn’t know how to stop it.
“Demi! We’re outside!” I picked up my phone to hear my mentioned best friend Marissa shouting over loud, blaring music from the inside of her car. I laughed and grabbed my bag and hat and raced outside.
“Marissa! I’m so excited!” I took my seat, shotgun, and turned back to see who else was in the car with us. And then my heart stopped.
“Oh, Simon...” I trailed off, feeling slightly dazed. Suddenly, the bikini I was wearing seemed a little too revealing, the lacy white cover-up too flimsy. I was hot, I was blushing, and Marissa was looking at me funny.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” I finished lamely. He smiled, kindly, but he looked a little confused.
“It was a little last minute,” He said. “But this should be fun,” He raised his eyebrows, and I quickly turned around and sunk down into the seat a little. I could barely survive 5 minutes in the car with him. How would I survive a whole weekend trapped in a beach house with him?
But once Marissa turned up the volume on the radio again and started telling us about some funny story that happened the other day, I began to relax a little. My laughs didn’t feel as forced, and my eyes weren’t nervously flickering to the mirror to see Simon.
“We’re here!” Marissa yelled once we finally reached the beach. We were pulled up in front a beautiful, bright pink beach house, with a gorgeous view of the sea from the back. I grabbed my stuff and we quickly dumped it inside before making our way back down to the beach. We laid down our towels and propped up our umbrellas in a more deserted area so we wouldn’t be bothered by others.
“I want to go down to where everyone else is. That’s where the bigger waves are,” Marissa said, brushing the sand off her knees as she stood up. Her and the two other friends we came with took off to go find bigger waves to splash around in. I was perfectly content with where I was, watching the sea without anyone else around.
Except for Simon.
I slowly turned my head and saw him watching me. I looked away quickly and wished that I didn’t blush so easily. We were sitting so close together. How had we ended up so close to each other?
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Simon remarked casually. I tried to remember how to speak.
“Yeah,” I said, wanting to cry in frustration. Here I was, alone on a beach with Simon Cowell, and all I could say is yeah?
“Do they have beaches like this in the UK?” I asked, desperate to keep a conversation going. Simon turned his head to face me. He looked pleased that I was talking to him.
“Not like these California ones. It’s colder, and the water is gray, not blue. The sand isn’t as soft either. It’s more rocky,” He said. I nodded, trying to look fascinated about British beaches, even though all I could think about was how much nicer he looked in person. He was so much friendlier and approachable than he seemed on TV, and dare I say, much more attractive.
“Where did Marissa and the others go?” I asked aloud, licking my lips nervously. I didn’t think I could handle the crazy emotions going through me right now. I felt like a goddamn teenager with all these stupid hormones. He was Simon Cowell, and he was dating my best friend. I could not fall in love with him.
“Who cares?” He said quietly. My head whipped towards him, not sure I heard him right.
“What?” I asked. He sighed and shook his head.
“I know Marissa is your best friend, and you’ll probably hate me now, but I just don’t think we’re really working, if you know what I mean,” He said, scratching his chin thoughtfully. I felt goosebumps on my arms and shivered, despite myself.
“Well, then why are you still with her?” I asked.
“I’m not sure how to tell her. On top of that, there’s someone else… but the problem is it’s someone very close to her,” He sighed. My pulse quickened, but I pushed the idea out of my mind. He couldn’t be talking about me. No way.
“Who?” I instantly regretted the word the moment it came out. He looked as startled and embarrassed as I felt.
“Um,” He started. I shook my head, feeling my cheeks blazing.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. It’s none of my business,” I grimaced and braved a quick glance at him and was surprised to see him smiling.
“Do you really want to know?” He asked, a smirk on his face. My pulse was racing like crazy, and I didn’t even have time to nod or shake my head when he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine.
Oh. I let out a small sigh as I felt his surprisingly soft lips on mine and his hand slipped behind my neck and pulled me closer. He pulled away quickly, leaving me feeling dazed.
“Wha..” I was at a loss for words and absently touched my lips, not sure if what just happened was actually real.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” Simon said, shaking his head. He seemed embarrassed, and so sad. It was my turn to smile.
“Don’t be,” I said before reaching up to kiss him again. If the first kiss was soft and unsure, this one was hungry, and passionate. It felt like we had been starving this whole time and just had a taste of what we had been missing.
“Damn,” I groaned into his mouth as his hands slipped up my back, his fingers dangerously close to the bikini clasp.
“We should stop,” I forced myself away from him, my cheeks blazing. “What if Marissa comes back? Or someone sees us?” I couldn’t stop myself from worrying.
“Knowing Marissa, it’ll be another hour until she remembers us. We’re fine,” I finally let myself go, relishing in the feel and taste of his lips against mine. I hadn’t realized just how badly I had wanted this until now.
Bzzzzt. I tried ignoring my buzzing phone, but it was incessant. Sighing, I finally pulled away, and glanced down at the screen.
Shit. I had 5 missed calls from Marissa. I whipped my head around wildly, paranoid that she was somewhere here and had seen us. When I was sure we were alone, I called her back.
“Hello?” I said, a little uncertainly.
“Demi! Just letting you and Simon know, we found this awesome club. I don’t think we’re gonna be back at the hotel before 2,” Marissa screamed into the other end, trying to make her voice heard over the thrashing music and people in the background. I let out a small sigh of relief and grinned.
“That’s totally fine. You guys have fun!” I said quickly before hanging up again. Simon was watching me, seeming confused.
“Marissa said they found a club. They won’t be back at the hotel for hours,” I said, trying my hardest to contain my grin, but failing. Simon smirked.
“Well, how about we get back to the hotel and make as good use of that time as we can?” He asked, a sly smile spreading across his face. This time, I didn’t even blush.
“Sounds like a plan.”
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