#i really wish we got to see more children of minor gods/goddesses
all-too-unwell-13 · 22 days
the seven (+ nico and reyna) if they were children if minor gods/goddesses
percy - i'm not gonna lie, it was so hard to find a minor god for percy. the best one i found is basically just another god the sea: nereus. he was a son of primordial gods; gaea (sorry for that, percy, omg 😭) and pontus, primordial god of the ocean. anyway, nereus was also a god of wisdom, prophetic visions (so it would kind of make sense for percy to be a 'prophecy child' if his dad was a prophecy god ig), and change. also! nereus valued loyalty (and, if we excuse demigod children lmao, he was loyal to his wife), and loyalty is percy's fatal flaw.
annabeth - themis, the greek goddess of justice, order, and overall fairness (not unlike nemesis), which are all values that i think annabeth holds close to her. themis is also depicted to be extremely wise (and sometimes she's also called a goddess of wisdom), another trait that annabeth believes in.
jason - aiolos, roman god of the wind (the greek version is aeolus). he's also known as the 'keeper of the four winds,' meaning he also controlled storm winds, so jason would likely have similar powers to children of jupiter. also, his name means 'quick-moving.' jason already has powers relating to storms and winds (those are his main powers, other than lightning), and being a son of aiolos would likely just increase his power over wind.
leo - i honestly couldn't find any minor gods that suit leo, but i think pallas, greek god of warcraft/handcrafts (and in some cases - 'useful arts,' which i'm taking to mean machines/mechanics, etc.). pallas is often also related to athena, goddess of wisdom, but i believe he's depicted as more of a 'quick-thinker,' which suits leo a lot.
piper - psyche, greek goddess of the soul; she's described, in mythology, as a mortal-turned-goddess whose beauty rivalled aphrodite's. the goddess represents passions, as well as misfortunes. this means piper could likely still have charmspeak because of psyche's close relation/similarity to aphrodite.
hazel - i feel like this one's sort of obvious; hecate. not only is she goddess of the mist and magic, but also ghosts, so hazel would have similar powers to a child of hades/pluto. hazel is already shown to have powers over the mist, and hecate is often associated with gemstones/crystals, which hazel can also already control.
frank - i really couldn't find many gods for frank, but i think honos, the greek god of honour, works well. he also represents glory, and in some cases, bravery. these are all some of frank's best qualities - ones that he himself actually values a lot too. additionally, honos symbolises victory and achievement, which are more qualities that frank would need for his role as praetor, etc.
nico - ok. so. the best one i could find was erebus; primordial god of shadows and darkness. he's also the god of a particularly dark part of the underworld, so it's likely he'd also have control over ghosts and bones (like nico does). this probably also means children of erebus could shadow-travel. and, although he isn't always perceived as powerful, erebus is. one interesting thing about erebus - even though he is not explicitly evil, his name is often used interchangeably with tartarus (which, if we're talking about experiences with tartarus: this could be an added factor as to why nico went to tartarus so confidently. if he didn't know enough about his father, he might've assumed he could be okay through tartarus.)
reyna - fides, roman goddess of loyalty and trust. fides is said to represent everything 'required for honour and credibility.' throughout the heroes of olympus, it's clear that honour and trust are two things reyna values deeply. it's also said that fides embodies everything needed for soldiers in rome, which, as praetor (for a long time), reyna is to be considered a soldier of new rome. additionally, loyalty and faithfulness are two qualities valued by artemis and her huntresses.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
I still love LO (I have a soft spot for most things Hades x Persephone related 😅), but I really wish Hades' obvious special treatment of Persephone was actually treated as such. Not even neccesarily by Hades and Persephone, but just make it clear that Hades is in the wrong here. You know what would be funny? If or when Persephone is put to work again, she actually proves to be so bad at it that Hades finally sees what everyone else has been telling him this entire time.
Also, the age difference. Sure, they're gods. But given how shocked Hades was that Persephone was only sixteen and not sixteen hundred, they clearly have established age limits. I think I saw this in another Hades and Persephone comic too. Point is, why not just go the Rapunzel route and just make Persephone into a very sheltered adult? Or just not bring up the age thing at all.
And Persephone looking like Rhea... Oedipus complex much? Unless it's just a visual thing, which doesn't really help, either.
Honestly, out of all the things in this series I'm most annoyed with, it's actually a pretty minor one and that would be with how Hestia has been portrayed so far. Everyone else more or less has something in common with their original counterpart in one way or another, but Hestia is just made out to be hypocritical and borderline condescending. Even as someone who tends to separate myth from adaptation, it doesn't make it any less annoying. Hestia is an incredibly minor character in general and I'm not even a devotee, so it shouldn't bother me this much, but it does, and I! Don't! Know! Why!
One thing this did make me realize though is that I don't mind Athena being in a relationship since I literally thought nothing of it when her being with Hestia was confirmed (or maybe I'm just desensitized to it at this point), it's her having children is what I have a problem with (looking at you, CHB!). Although, you would think that if any of the virgin goddesses were to be in a relationship, it'd be Artemis and now I kinda want an AU where her and Athena are either pining after each other from afar or are secretly dating and Hestia is just completely oblivious to it either way.
Sorry for the rant, btw! I just have a lot of feelings right now!
Always feel free to rant in my inbox anon! I welcome it.
(my own rants below the cut)
Persephone was hired without a proper interview and without knowing how to use a computer or the software her job required. That just SCREAMS special treatment. I've said before, while Persephone may have won the job "fairly" through the chess game, I HIGHLY doubt that Hades would have given anyone other than Persephone the chance to play him.
Really, the fault of Persephone being underqualified for the job lies with Hera, Hecate, and Hades - Hera for forcing Persephone to go to the job, Hecate for not making sure Persephone knew what she was doing, and Hades for letting everything she does slide. Her lack of qualifications mostly had to do with her not knowing how to work the software. She did get Minthe to show her how to use it, but I don't think we got the chance to see if she became better at her job afterwards. so it's anyone's guess if she can actually do her job now.
I would not have a problem with the special treatment Hades gives her if the narrative didn't go out of its way to show that it wasn't special treatment. Persephone is a paid intern and Hades says himself he does not pay the other interns. This is BLATANT favouritism but it's never brought up. Instead we get Hades being all "this isn't special treatment I'm just doing this with her bc blah blah blah" and it's BULLSHIT.
I'VE BROUGHT UP THE AGE THING BEFORE AND I SAID THIS EXACT SAME THING. The age thing didn't need to be a factor at all! Like, they're immortal gods, we don't need to know their physical ages. Why should we care? They're immortal and they're GODS. Persephone could have passed for a very small woman.
The Rhea thing bothers me SO MUCH. She and Persephone could pass as mother and daughter more than Persephone and Demeter. Add that to the way that Hades is called "a spitting image of Cronus" (and the parallel between Hermes saying his mom deserves nice things and Hades saying Persephone deserves nice things) sets off some warning bells. Also? Rhea should have been green and purple instead of Demeter. Hades takes Cronus's colouring, Zeus and Poseidon get Rhea's colouring. Automatically makes way more sense and gets rid of the weirdness of Persephone looking exactly like Hades' mom.
Anon I agree SO HARD with you on Hestia. I'm also not a devotee or worshiper or anything, but I always liked Hestia most out of the pantheon ever since I was little, and her portrayal in LO offended me almost on a personal level. Like, she's a goddess who just wants everyone to be kind and avoid family drama!! She doesn't even get any big myths!!! why'd LO do her so dirty?!
also I want that pining au now. someone get on that. someone give Artemis some nice things, she really needs them.
Yeah, overall I still enjoy Lore Olympus enough to not cut myself off from it entirely, and I want to see how things work out, and I’m not immune to cute HxP moments, but jeez does this series have a lot of problems. I don’t think I was this vocal about this series until after I became more critical of it lmao
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
for real this time lmfao
book and show spoilers below
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement.... yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really cared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOPE NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to "the baaAAAYYYY"
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12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place
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13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there- they look so good in frame together
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15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good
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16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
17:52 leave it to Milligan to come up with an escape plan off of an island with no water vessel with four kids in tow
18:08 THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭
18:08 lowkey I'm super surprised they didnt take this opportunity to have Milligan's arduous swim force his memories out and have the father daughter bonding time they deserve. I hope they give that moment ample time to flesh out.
18:13 BUCKET!!!
18:13 wait that shot is so artsy hold up lmfao
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18:13 this looks like someone's photography final hahahaha
18:41 Sticky is still on that jumping to conclusions bs he got from Curtain
19:31 "Kate... she's in danger..." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
19:36 "and it's all because of me." Not just because of you but love to see you taking responsibility
19:52 once again I am asking WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE OPEN
20:26 "Kate. She has changed." "Not really. She's always been who she is." "Her clothes. She changed clothes." PFFFT HAHHAHA they really took a moment of self-reflection and made it so much better
21:35 yikes yikes yikes
22:16 I love that Mr. Benedict got closure in telling Miss Perumal that her words stuck with him
22:40 the way she just knows Reynie took the position of leader 😭😭
23:02 "Would it be possible to get this to him?" Ma'am what part of undercover spy don't you get
23:54 it's still really weird that we are now in a position where Reynie is the one who is not trusted and Sticky is the one in Curtain's favor
24:13 and here we see Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues shining through
24:21 "the little things matter. Every minor detail, it all matters!" CALLBACK TO MR. BENEDICT TELLING THE CHILDREN THAT THEY ALL MATTER
24:55 "I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying." first of all, no. second of all, I cannot wait for him to talk to Constance.
26:33 why is Mr. Benedict graphically explaining the children's potential trauma so funny to me
26:40 "you're catastrophizing." "Yes. I am. Quite severely. Thank you." WHY IS THIS FUNNY
26:58 MADGE!!!!
27:16 she's so prettyyyyy
27:33 GOOD JOB MADGE!!!!!
27:36 wait did she just take the LETTER??? she's delivering the LETTER?????
28:22 it's sad because it's true 🥺
28:24 "I miss my teacher from the orphanage" the best lies are the ones rooted in truth 🥺🥺🥺
28:48 roll credits
29:16 Reynie honey Orion's Belt isn't on the ceiling
29:29 the way he was so confident that he had it right 😑 Curtain Stop Being a Pretentious Fuck challenge
29:52 our babygirl is so smartttt
29:55 did Milligan plant his prints 😳 oh no OH NO
29:57 is this the replacement for when they pin cheating on her????
30:03 THE KEY CARD!!!!
30:21 "one attacked me as a small child" honey you are a small child
30:24 "it did not win," she said, smiling menacingly
31:01 ✨woodworking is a passion✨
31:58 "was it functional?" "Well I guess that depends on how you define functionality" RHONDA'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND HAHAHAHA
32:17 wait 🥺
32:22 that has to be SQ :)
32:28 hi sweet boy
32:34 please tell me they did that shot of the sandwich because Madge is about to take it
32:44 hi good girl!!! Enjoy your snackies
32:50 oh god oh no the LETTER
33:25 oh wow we're doing this NOW??
33:52 and here we see another example of Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues bubbling to the surface
34:10 hey what if you uhhh weren't such an asshole
34:33 that man's voice is buttery
35:02 and they're talking about this right in front of the office door, WHY??
35:55 he's letting him go 🥺🥺🥺🥺
36:14 why does that look like a body bag
36:17 oh my gosh it definitely is a body bag, hey Martina
36:25 yep, that's about what I expected
36:36 "whoever did this to me, they're gonna pay" oh girl do I have some bad news for you
37:12 ahhhh, so Martina is the burnt out gifted kid who keeps going out of spite and sheer force of will
37:12 everything makes much more sense now
37:30 ohhhhh my gosh feelings time
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37:44 "I think it's awesome." "Yeah. I know you do." THE SHIPPERS ARE THRIVING
38:10 "it's the least I can do" that's an understatement 😬
38:20 "I don't know what I'd do without you, Wetherall" STOPPPPP
38:38 he's been writing letters to her every night and now he finally gets one back 😭😭
39:34 so Miss Perumal wrote this letter with the intention of it being sent to him, right- why did she write it like that?? 😂
39:34 they've gone to such lengths to communicate in code but the letter kind of undermines that- it was written in such a way that an onlooker would know Reynie was a spy but wouldn't know what he was doing or why. No wonder SQ was pissed
39:41 KATE!!
40:10 BREAKING NEWS: local bastard man treats everyone like shit
40:15 ohhhhh SQ bud please be careful
40:30 "always have time for my son," he said in a clipped voice that implied that he does not have time for his son
40:35 ohhh he's getting RIGHT INTO IT HUH
40:41 you mean to tell me he's never asked about Mr. Curtain's work?? Ever???? Somehow that doesn't seem right to me
40:57 hey uh what if you didn't talk down to SQ at every opportunity
41:02 "would you care to reconsider that answer, son?" "No." DIG THOSE HEELS IN SQ!!!!
41:22 I'm really not digging that Curtain is using the guise of openly expressing his feelings to communicate his anger and his unasked question. Not cool bitch head
41:33 the fact that he didn't answer SQ's spoken question kind of also answers his unspoken question
41:45 "I knew there was something off about that girl. But espionage?" "How do you so convincingly fake a tetherball obsession?" I love that this entire conversation could be about Martina or Kate interchangeably
43:05 Kate advocating for Martina with the Society 🥺🥺 the interaction I didn't know I needed
43:58 "I definitely don't like to leave anything unfinished." "That's true, I've seen you eat." PFFFFT
44:19 "well, you can't succeed without me, so..." baby girl you have no idea how right you are
44:28 please let that be Milligan PLEASE LET THAT BE MILLIGAN
44:35 I simply adore him
44:45 "would you mind helping me down, please? I'm stuck." Your honor I would die for this man
44:54 oh shit, Martina's tryna sleuth it out herself.. this can't end well
45:04 is she about to find Kate's marbles or something?? Callback to the book?
45:26 the absolute MURDER in her eyes
45:41 "the clothes of someone who had given up" ASEJDGEIDNDLFK
45:47 well that's not good
46:04 PLEASE let them be on their way already, please
46:17 Goodyear is QUAKING
46:35 why the fuck is Number Two in red, that's upsetting on principle
How surreal is it that next week is the finale?? Idk if I'm ready for that????
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itonje · 3 years
I'm not a fan of Miller's book, either. Seriously, what is it with writers pinning women against each other? It's even more confusing when it's a female writer doing it.
If it was just Perse and Pasipäe, okay. If you want to give Circe a bad home life, fine. But Miller does it constantly. Athena was done especially dirty imo. I know she can be pretty petty herself (ex: Arachne, and even then, the reason for turning her into a spider tends to vary), but the way she was portrayed was just so grating. So eager for a champion, I was almost convinced Miller had conflated her with Ares. I don't think the exiled nymphs are even given names, let alone distinguishing personalities, and can we stop dunking on Helen? The Iliad makes it pretty clear that she loved Menelaus and didn't think highly of Paris.
And tbh, the story kinda felt a little repetitive at times, too: Circe meets someone, they get mad at her or leave her, she'll occasionally sleep with someone, rinse and repeat. And granted, she's a pretty minor character in the myths already, but I feel like it would've benefited the story more if she had been given more freedom, that she wasn't restricted to just her island. At the very least, how awesome it would've been if Circe had essentially started her own coven before passing on the role as the head witch of Aiaia to Penelope.
Also, can we stop having sexual assault scenes if the story isn't about that? At least it gives Circe a reason to turn men into literal pigs, but still.
I also don't think it's ever really explained why Circe has a mortal voice, even though she has full Titan blood. She just does. Granted, Perse is a minor nymph, but then what about the rest of her children? I'd get it if it was meant to be an allegory for disabilities, but it just felt like it was added on for the sake of making Circe more of an outcast than she already was.
And this is really more of a nitpick, but for a book that focuses so heavily on witchcraft, it's strange that Hecate wasn't even mentioned. In some versions, she's even Circe's mother. It's also really weird how homosexuality seems to be something that was so uncommon in Ancient Greece as far as these books are concerned, even though we know from history and myth that it wasn't. So yeah, Circe x Penelope would've been pretty awesome!
Blegh, sorry for the rant! I just have alot of thoughts about this book right now! ^^"
ATHENA WAS DONE SO SO DIRTY...it makes no sense even in the telegony itself its her who urges circe to tell telegonus about odyessus. wouldn't it have been more interesting for athena to assist circe in raising telegonus? wouldn't it have been more tragic for telegonus to go kill odyessus at athena's urging of him to go meet him? and then yadda yadda athena and circe can have a falling out then or something yadda yadda i don't know again, i know the gods are written in very specific ways here for the ultimate theme of the book here but like this book is so hard on athena it's so weird when i think that honestly there could have been more interesting for her and circe to work together...
ALSO YEAH MADELINE MILLER HAS A HELEN PROBLEM...i think it was fairer in the song of achilles and i rationalized the helen weirdness in that one by going 'well they're achilles and patroclus of course they won't have choice opinions on helen if from their perspective she's the one that led them into this war' but come on..not in circe too..leave her alone...
and i agree the book really did feel repetitive, but if you're asking me i wish there was more exploration to the episodes circe does get-especially the stint at crete, i wish we had seen more of circe and ariadne's and even her and pasiphae's relationship so bad. they get one conversation where they talk and it was so good but it ends so soon. honestly i feel a lot of the conversations in the book are repetitive as well- someone talking to someone, they reveal something about something else, the first someone is surprised!
also yeah the assault is um. i did not think we needed that scene as explicit as it was but i get that that's routine in these sorts of books at this point...now i will say i don't think a book has to be about that sort of stuff if a book includes them but i do think it should be addressed with care and i dunno if that book does that....
ALSO YEAH...the mortal's voice thing is an epithet given to her in the odyssey without much preamble as to what implications that has or to where she got it from and i don't think the author really had to explain it to make the story work but it would...have been nice to see her come up with an interpretation of what exactly that means for circe
and no i don't think it's a nitpick, i feel the same way irt to the book and witchcraft but the witch i feel like got REALLY shifted was medea. i think there could have been sooo many good parallels with medea and circe here-while circe is hated by her divine family, medea is a darling of helios (and in a fair amount of medea myths she returns to colchis where she's presumably forgiven by aeetes, including that variant where she kills perses to reinstate her father on the throne. i wish that had been mentioned in circe; at least then perses would have a point). while circe becomes a mortal at the end of her story in circe, medea in euripides' medea becomes a goddess herself or close to it while also becoming more monstrous in the process. while circe is constantly accused of caring too much for mortals medea has a fair disregard for the lives of other people (maybe due to her powers to reverse mortality). there could have literally been so much said here not just about divinity and mortality but the boundaries that both circe and medea would cross for the sake of their love oh my god i have no idea why not only her episode in the book was so short but there was very little follow up to what happened with her story afterward ugauwerwherhe
also yeah irt to homosexuality i think it was implied? telegonus was gay which is chill but also come on...give us the iconic greek myth ladies wlw romances.....
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delicatelyherdreams · 5 years
Pragma(tic) 1: Her Morning Takes a Turn
Pairing: Persephone!Bucky Barnes x Hades!Reader
Summary: In a world where the old gods never truly died, you must learn to navigate your way through the ups and downs of immortality. And if living forever wasn’t hard enough, an ancient evil is now threatening to break free after centuries of silence. And as if that still wasn’t hard enough for you, now a pesky and infuriatingly handsome god is trying to wedge his way into your life. Gods, work, love, and conflict—what more could a goddess need? [Hades & Persephone AU]
Word Count: 6217
Warnings: Language
Pragma(tic) Masterlist
Previous Prologue: The Gods Live
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The sun was golden against your skin, filling it with warmth and color you rarely ever got. Birds chirped, filling the air with song, and people chatted warmly all around you. You could hear laughter, squealing, sounds of joy and happiness. It was so different from what you were used to.
You exhaled sharply as you opened your eyes, turning your head on a swivel to observe your surroundings.
The open-aired cafe was nestled in a quaint corner of Olympus. Minor gods occupied the tables around you, some accompanied by nymphs or other sprites, others by children, and others still alone. No matter their social situation, everyone looked happy and content. Small children ran between the tables, playing tag and laughing, while their mothers talked and chatted over brunch. You recognized some of the gods and goddesses around.
Peter, a dryad, was at a table with some of his friends. They were all crowded around a phone and laughing to themselves. They seemed to be watching a funny video. If you had to guess, it was probably a silly trend or meme from the Mortal World.
Hope, the goddess of victory, was chatting with her friend Scott, the god of the home and hearth. Both of them had a sandwich and a cup of coffee straight from the Mortal World in front of them, though the food was almost completely forgotten as they talked to each other, deeply engrossed in their conversation.
Small children, nymphs and naiads, ran between the tables in games of tag, squealing as one was dubbed “it” and began to chase the others. They laughed with childish ecstasy, displaying the joy they had in abundance.
The whole area was just alive and warm. It was so foreign to you, but you had to admit that you didn’t mind it. 
The sound of bickering voices drew you from your observations, and you turned your head to the two women before you.
The blonde, your beloved youngest sister, goddess of the sky and queen of the gods, Carol, was sitting up straight, her shoulders rolled back proudly. She had a smug smile on her face; she was obviously winning the argument—something about a dress she said she was going to wear to the Winter Solstice Gala that was coming up in a few months.
The redhead, your younger sister and goddess of the sea, Natasha, was a little more agitated, though it was a sort of playful frustration. She was hunched over with her eyes narrowed at her sister as she insisted, “Carol, that’s my dress.” 
Carol shook her head, her smile only widening. “No, it’s mine. I bought it from a noble lady in London. I remember it as clear as if it was a century ago.”
Nat arched an eyebrow, her lips curling down in a sour frown. “Are you sure you remember it correctly? I could’ve sworn that I bought that dress a couple centuries ago. No, I know I bought it from Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1160.”
You scrunched up your nose. Twelfth-century English fashion? Definitely not your cup of tea. But you remembered the dress vividly. It was a green thing that really complimented Nat’s eyes and hair but with a style that did not meet your preferences.
Your sisters continued to argue about whose dress it was.
You, meanwhile, watched them with amused eyes, shaking your head as they bickered. Your sisters were always ones to fight constantly, though it was always in good nature. They argued about the silliest things that happened millennia ago—who a goat sacrifice was meant for, who got the sea and who got the sky, who got to be the patron goddess of this city-state or that one—and now, they argued about whose clothes were whose. It was comforting to see that some things never changed over the centuries. Every brunch consistently ended with them bickering over the smallest things. Their sandwiches and mugs of their favorite coffees were long forgotten as they got into it. You’d learned to live with it and just let them duke it out; so long as they didn’t actually kill anyone that is.
But listening to them bicker eventually grew boring and tedious and you’d had enough. You groaned and leaned back in your chair, shrugging off your black blazer which had grown sweltering hot in the sun as you went. Now just in a dark grey tank top, your pleated black pants, and a pair of black flats, you felt much cooler and were ready to end the arguing and your misery. “Come on, both of you,” you called, cutting them off. 
They paused their argument and turned towards you, their gazes questioning and demanding as to why you had interrupted them.
You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes. “Are you kidding me right now? Guys, this is like the only time I can see you for the next month and you want to fight about something stupid and childish?” You grinned at them, your eyes sparkling with a teasing glint. “I wonder why I let you two pretend to be older when you’re so damn immature.”
Carol gasped with mock offense. “You’re only older than us by a decade or two.”
“A decade or two is all it takes, my dear youngest sister. Don’t let the power of your queenship go to your head; I’ll always have sibling superiority over you. And, as the eldest, I say no more bickering.”
“It’s Nat’s dress. She did buy it from the queen. There, argument over and you can stop bickering now.”
Nat laughed with an elated “Ha!”
Carol huffed, the breath from her mouth ruffling the hair that framed her face, and gave you an exasperated smile. “Fine, it’s Nat’s. I’ll give it back. We’ll stop bickering. What do you want to talk about since you’re so opposed to hearing our arguing?”
You simply shrugged. Ninety percent of the time you were cool with any topic of conversation, even if it meant listening to their banter, but not today. 
It was one of the few times you dared to venture out of your realm. Being the Queen of the Underworld gave you little to no time to leave. There were always so many things to do and duties to attend to that you rarely made it out for brunch with your sisters on Olympus. Occasions like this were supposed to be a time for you three to catch up, gossip, and bond, not to bicker endlessly about pointless things.
“I’m honestly not sure,” you admitted.
Carol opened her mouth to respond, probably with a snarky remark about how you ought to know what you want to talk about before interrupting an already started conversation, but Natasha beat her to the punch.
“Hey, how’s Mom doing?” she asked, her eyes curious and her posture hunched in to listen. “You saw her last weekend, right? She doing well?”
You nodded, a fond smile pulling at your lips. Out of all your siblings, you were probably the closest to your mother, Rhea. She made a trip downstairs to see you almost every weekend for brunch and to catch up. You’d say she liked coming down so often because it was out of the way and far quieter and calmer than either the Mortal World or Olympus, but you knew it was because she loved your dog. “She’s doing fine.”
Carol leaned forward in her chair, resting her elbows on the table, suddenly very interested in this new topic of conversation. As the youngest of you three, she probably had the least amount of time with your mother. But, then again, she was the only one who didn’t get digested and got to see Mom the most in the early years. “Is she still working in that mortal hospital?” Carol asked.
You nodded. “Still in the labor ward. She’s the ‘best labor and delivery nurse they’ve ever had’ last I heard.”
“Well of course she is. She is the titaness of motherhood and ease, among other things,” Nat remarked. She shook her head. “I just wish she’d spend more time up here rather than with the mortals.”
“You know that some of the gods don’t like her,” you murmured. “She’s a titan. They don’t trust her. She’d rather be among the mortals who don’t know her for who she is and help them out.” You shrugged. “Anyways, Carol, how’re your queenly duties going?” You wanted to change the topic away from your mother. While you loved talking to her, it was always weird talking about her with your sisters. They didn’t know her like you did; they didn’t know her in the beginning.
Carol hummed. “Oh, you know, they’re going fine. I have to deal with people’s shit all day every day. You’d think that we gods, being as old as we are, would’ve already worked out our problems by now. I mean, Wanda and Pietro still bicker about who’s the better archer, Loki still plays rude pranks, I can barely keep the newer gods in line. I swear, once they find out they’re immortal, it’s a shit-show. They take on the most daring dares and wreak havoc on the Mortal World any chance they get. I know they don’t always mean to be a pain in my ass, but it happens. Oh! But did you hear? The Muses are planning a concert. They’ve got music from…”
And that was about the point when you tuned her out. You didn’t always care about what responsibilities came with ruling Olympus, but you did enjoy seeing her getting excited about the things in her life. She might’ve been a queen, but she was still your baby sister. 
As Carol continued to rant and rave about the concert, you failed to notice Natasha sliding her chair closer to you until she was right on top of you.
“So, (y/n).”
You jumped in your seat. She’d snuck up on you, quiet as the gentle sea she ruled over. You glanced sideways at her, your lips curling back in a sneer. You knew that look on her face and you didn’t like it one bit. “Nat… Don’t you even think about it.”
Natasha smirked, her outward expression cool and collected, but her green eyes roaring like waves on a stormy night with devious plans. “Oh? Think about what, my dearest sister?” Her voice was sickly sweet and practically dripping with honey. 
You narrowed your eyes, your heart dropping in your chest as it steeled itself against what was coming. “You look like you’re trying to play matchmaker and thinking about setting me up with someone again,” you spat. “Well my answer is what it’s been for the past two thousand years: no.”
Carol had stopped talking about the Muses and was now looking at you with pitiful and sad eyes. “(y/n)...”
“Don’t ‘(y/n)’ me, Care. I’ve told you time and time again, I’m fine. I don’t need to go out on a date, I don’t need a boyfriend or a girlfriend, I’m perfectly happy alone.” You didn’t need any of the trouble that came with a steady relationship. You’d had your fill of that over the years. Hands running down your body, lips kissing your mouth, flesh pressed against flesh… You shuddered.
“We know,” Nat said as she tried to placate you, “and we admire you for your strength. ‘You’re a strong independent woman who don’t need no man’ and all, but we think it might be good for you to go out and try to meet someone. That way you wouldn’t have to be so alone down in the Underworld.”
You frowned. “But I’m not alone down there. I have Cerber—” 
“Cerberus,” they finished in unison.
“We know,” Natasha continued. “But we think you’d benefit from some human contact once in a while. We know you still see Mom, and that Clint and Pierce visit you on their errands, but most of the time… You’re all alone down there and we just think you’d be happier if you had someone. I know I’d have already lost my mind underwater if I didn’t have Bruce to keep me company, and Carol wouldn’t be able to stay sane if Maria wasn’t with her.”
Carol nodded in silent agreement, her eyes pleading. “We just want what’s best for you.”
“What’s best for me?” You could feel small bits of agitation rising up in you as you stared them down. The world began to tint red in your sight.
Natasha bit at her lip as she stared you down. “(y/n),” she said, her voice taut and stiff with caution. “Your eyes.”
You turned towards her. 
Her body was rigid and alert, almost as if she was preparing to defend herself. She only took that stance when something made her nervous.
And that something was you.
You sighed and mumbled, “Sorry,” before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath in through your nose. 
In, out. In, out. In, out.
When you opened your eyes again, the world had returned to its normal color and you were a little calmer. “Sorry,” you mumbled, your head dipping down in a nod. You heaved a sigh and pursed your lips. “Guys, look, I really appreciate you thinking about me and my happiness, but seriously, butt out of my love life. I don't need anybody; I’m perfectly capable of ruling the Underworld on my own.” You shifted in your seat and averted your eyes. “Besides, I don’t think anyone could really handle me right now.” Also, you had the feeling that no one could give you the long-lasting love you craved.
Both your sisters went quiet, their eyes downcast and solemn. 
You couldn’t help but feel bad for telling them off again. You knew that they just wanted what was best for you, but at the same time, you knew yourself better than anyone. You knew you didn’t need to be set up and that, when you were ready, you’d find someone yourself.
You cleared your throat and began to pull your blazer back on. “I should probably get going now,” you said, grabbing a black handbag that was sitting beside your chair and pulling the strap onto your shoulder. “Lots of things to attend to down under. It’s time for the weekly check on Tartarus.” You inhaled sharply and rolled your eyes, hoping to convey a feeling of exasperation to them. You had no intention of letting them know that you were over godly contact and ready to go home to peace and solitude.
Natasha chuckled. “I don’t know why you don’t send Pierce to do it. He’s capable.”
“Yeah, he’s capable, but you know how persuasive our father can be if he gets into somebody’s head. And, although Alexander is a great god of death, I don’t necessarily trust his mental strength against him. It’s just best if I do it. I know his tricks, I know his lies, I know how to resist him.” You gave your sisters a small smile. “Take care, you two. Tell Maria and Bruce I said ‘hi,’ and don’t go burning down the world before our next brunch. The Underworld is full enough; we don’t need any early arrivals.” You stood up and pushed in your chair.
Carol stood up and made quick strides across the table to your side. With one fluid motion, she reached for you, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you into a hug. She held you tight. “We miss you up here, (y/n). Please, don’t be a stranger, and come back more often.”
You hugged her back tightly. “I’ll try. When things start calming down again, I’ll come back.”
“Just make sure it’s before another half-decade has passed!” Nat called from her spot off to the side.
You pulled away from Carol and shot your other sister a teasing glare. “Then tell the Fates to stop throwing me curve balls and fucking up my life!” You slid over to her and hugged her as well. “Don’t forget, you can always come down to see me instead. I know it’s dark and gloomy down there, but I’ve remodeled my house and I think it’s really nice.”
“So you’re out of your gothic phase?”
You could feel your cheeks heat up. “Gods, I thought we agreed to never speak about that again. I liked the architecture!”
“Mhmm, and the black clothes, and the heavy eyeliner,” Carol began to list, her shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
“Oh, shut up! The castle’s gone. No more gothic. Now it’s more modern. Have you ever seen those American houses where they’re an open concept, all sleek and box-like?”
Both your sisters nodded.
“It’s kinda like that.”
Natasha whistled. “Nice. Is it still black?”
“Of course.” You chuckled. “Could you imagine a bright yellow house in the middle of the Underworld?”
“It does sound ridiculous,” Carol admitted. 
“Exactly. The black is there to stay.” You smiled softly and took a small step away from your family. “I’ll see you both later.”
Carol’s lips twitched up in a sad smile as she brought a hand up to wave at you. “See you soon.”
Natasha simply nodded at you, a tiny smile of her own on her face.
And then you turned your back and walked away from them. You made your way to the cafe’s gate and pushed it open, making your exit.
It was a short walk back to the main road of Olympus. It was easy to know when you’d arrived because street vendors crowded the sides and people filled the streets. Gods, goddesses, nymphs, naiads, satyrs, and all other sorts of creatures bustled around, darting in and out from stall to stall. Families with children stopped to chit chat with each other, couples held hands as they browsed, and singular people shopped with a purpose. Everyone had a smile on their face, everyone was happy. For a normal person, the path would be almost impossible to navigate. 
But not for you.
The second you got within five feet of a nymph or naiad, they stiffened and the hairs on the back of their neck stood up. They sensed the death that surrounded you and instinctively inched away. Their heads were put on a swivel as they searched for the source of their discomfort and, when they saw you, they prickled further and took a step out of your way, clearing your path.
It used to bother you how they’d avoid you like the plague but now you’d come to accept it. You reeked like death; they sensed it; they didn’t like it. You learned almost two thousand years ago to not take it personally. They didn’t hate you, they just hated what you were and what you stood for. Besides, you never had to be stuck in foot traffic. 
You sauntered down the opening in the road, going as quick as you could so as not to disturb them any longer, but not in a rush. Though you knew you weren’t welcome by most of Olympus’ citizens, you quite enjoyed the feeling of the sun on your skin whenever you came. The feeling was alien to you, but it was pleasant enough to make you want to bask in it for as long as possible. 
You made your way up the road, slowly climbing closer and closer to the golden palace of the gods where your youngest sister lived. It was in her front yard where you could safely make your way home without pissing anybody off.
After all, the quickest way back to the Underworld was to have the ground swallow you up. The journey didn’t leave any gaping hole behind you—the ground always closed up after you sank in—but it did leave an Asphodel flower in your stead. 
Carol didn’t mind having the flowers dot the lawn of her palace. Most Olympians hated the sight of them and saw them only as a bad omen, but Carol knew there was nothing really wrong with the flower. The reason they got such a bad reputation was that they were linked to you. 
Asphodel flowers only grew in the Asphodel Meadows in the Underworld. Mortals believed they had a positive role in the Greek afterlife, but not the Olympians. To them, the immortals, anything related to the Underworld was taboo, almost like it was death itself. Things touched by death and the Underworld were considered dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. You learned a long time ago that if you let the ground swallow you up and plant a flower in your place, the area where you left would be avoided for decades even after the flower had died. It caused a lot of inconveniences for the Olympian people, so you just decided to avoid public places and go to your sister’s yard instead. It was cleaner and less of a nuisance for others that way.
You strolled into the palace’s yard, treading down towards the furthermost corner of the area. There, a small garden of Asphodel flowers lays perfectly still and undisturbed. They’d grown to be as tall as your waist and they shuffled as you moved about them. You tried to keep the garden as small as possible so as to not “contaminate” a large area. You stopped in the center of the garden and dug into your pocket. Your skin hit tiny seeds—Asphodel seeds—and you plucked one out before dropping it onto the grass. 
The seed sank into the dirt, disappearing almost immediately, and the ground rumbled beneath you as it began to tear itself apart. It caved in, carving out a tunnel for you to sink into.
You simply crossed your arms, closed your eyes, and rolled your neck to stretch. You’d made this journey so many times that the fall hardly phased you anymore. You remembered doing it the first couple of times and panicking as you fell. Now, it was as easy as taking a step. 
You dropped through layers upon layers of rock, finally breaking out into a chasm. Your feet hit the ground and you bent your knees to absorb the impact, straightening up when you were steady. You rose to your full height and stood tall, gazing down a mountain at the whole of the Underworld.
You’d been deposited right on the front stoop of your mansion. Perched on the top of a small mountain, you could see everything from the front door.
At the far reaches of your kingdom, you could see the place where the Cocytus, the River of Wailing fed into the Acheron, the River of Woe, which stood as the border between the Mortal World and the Underworld. The far bank of the Acheron was crowded with souls waiting for passage over the water and the near bank was organized with lines leading up to and disappearing into the judgment pavilion. From the pavilion, three lines branched out and led to the three sections of the Underworld: the Asphodel Meadows, Elysium, and Tartarus.
The Asphodel Meadows spanned the majority of the large chasm that was your domain. The flowers swayed without a breeze, instead moved by spirits who wandered aimlessly. It was a place for those who had led ordinary lives, not good enough to achieve Elysium, but not evil enough to deserve Tartarus. The Meadows were as calm as calm could be, perfect for walking your dog or lazing around on a rare free day. Billions of spirits resided there, all of them calm, gentle, and ordinary.
Elysium, with its warm atmosphere, beautiful gardens, and elaborate homes sat just off to the side of the Meadows, its entrance near the base of your mountain. Sanctioned off by towering gates and walls, it lay separate from the rest of the Underworld. It was the place where the best of the best lived after death, filled with kind, generous, and beautiful souls. The souls that had been reborn and achieved Elysium three times lived on the Isles of the Blessed which were three little islands that sat in the middle of a lake in the heart of Elysium. You loved walking down the streets in Elysium. Everyone was so friendly and not a soul shied away from you. They had no reason to fear death; after all, they were already dead. Some of the spirits that had been there long enough were friendly enough to invite you for dinner on the occasional evening when they’d catch you patrolling the streets or walking Cerberus. Those were the nights you enjoyed the most. Mrs. Thomas made a fantastic roast chicken. It was truly a good place to be.
And then there was Tartarus; the “pit”. You shuddered just thinking about that place. It was where the evil souls went when they died, a place of torture, punishment, misery, and pain. It was mainly managed by three of your lieutenants known as “the Furies.” When they weren’t pursuing the wicked in the Mortal World, they were overseeing the torture of the worst of the worst deep in the pit. It lay just beyond the main body of your realm, accessible only through a cave that carved a hole in the outermost wall of the chasm that was the Underworld. The Phlegethon, the River of Fire, with its angry red flames that leaped out at anybody who dared get close to it, flowed into the tunnel taking up half of its opening. The river flowed deep until the point when the tunnel opened up to a cave. Dark, sharp stalactites hung from the cave’s ceiling, ready to fall at any second and impale those beneath them. There was a hole in the middle of the ground that seemed endless, but really, it fed into the real Tartarus. The river flowed into the pit, turning into a waterfall as it roared down. It was a long way down, said to be “as far beneath Hades as heaven is above earth” if you read that epic The Iliad from some Greek guy named Homer. It was about a nine days’ fall to reach the bottom of the pit where the souls were tortured and the worst beings were imprisoned.
You’d only been down there once, millennia ago, when you locked up the bastard you called “Father” and his brothers Crius, Iapetus, Coeus, and Hyperion, and you never wanted to go down again. It was nothing but red and angry. The Phlegethon was even more violent down there than it was in the main Underworld as it tore through the terrain. Tartarus itself was like a whole new world. It was seemingly endless, but it only had the one exit. One could get lost and be trapped there for eternity if they weren’t careful.
It was at the far reaches of the pit, farther than any soul or spirit dared to venture, that you imprisoned your father and uncles, binding them with the strongest chains you could make and sealing them with every spell, curse, and enchantment that you could think of. Layer upon layer of protection was placed upon them, making it nearly impossible for them to escape. You separated the five of them and placed them as far apart from each other as you could so that they could not feed on each other’s strength and escape. Your uncles, as formidable of foes as they were, were no threat to you anymore. They’d gone dormant after the first thousand years or so, reserved to their fates; but not your father.
Kronos continued to fight against his restraints, trying every day to escape, spending as much strength as he could muster to fight your barriers against him. Over the centuries he had succeeded in breaking some of them, specifically the old ones you had placed when you’d first imprisoned him. He was always chipping away at them, trying to weaken them enough to break free to exact his revenge on you and your sisters.
But you’d never let that happen. That was one of the reasons you made your weekly ventures to the edge of the pit. From up above, you could cast more spells to strengthen and set more layers on his bindings. Every week you added more and more to his cage, replacing those he broke, rejuvenating those he damaged, and adding new ones as an extra precaution.
Your sisters were fair to wonder why you didn’t let your inferiors or lieutenants take care of this task for you, but you had your reasons.
For the first couple of years that you guarded his prison, you did let some underlings take care of it. Peggy, your second in command, best friend, and the goddess of magic, volunteered to take care of it while you worked to get the Underworld under control and install order. She did a good job of keeping the spells strong and watertight, but she wasn’t infallible.
Your father, the extremely powerful titan that he is, found ways to let his conscience escape and make its way up to the surface. He would get into her head and anyone else who got close and twist their thoughts around, slowly turning them to his side and against the gods.
It took you a decade to notice that Peggy was under his control. You’d had your suspicions that she wasn’t herself, but it was when she tried to pull a knife on you and slit your throat that your suspicions were confirmed. It broke your heart to have Cerberus restrain her while you reached into her head and yanked Kronos out. Her screams still haunt you to this day. 
But from that day on, while Peggy was recovering, it was you that took care of the cage. That was how it should’ve been in the beginning, but you’d let her take on that responsibility for you. Never again would you subject another being to that. You did not know what it was like to have him in your head, but you had an idea of what it was like in his, and you couldn’t bear inflicting that kind of pain again. So, in addition to making frequent check-ups on the men and women who worked for you to make sure there wasn’t any trace of his influence, you took it upon yourself to personally deal with strengthening his prison every week.
Which was what you had to do right now.
With a heavy sigh, you turned back to look at your mansion and whistled.
At once, a crash, bang, thud, and whimper broke the silence and you could see a large black mass barreling at you from inside the house. The hulking figure shot through a wide doggy door just to the side of your front door and charged at you. 
Your entire face lit up with a laugh as Cerberus attacked you, jumping up to place his paws on your chest so he could have easy access to lick your face. Thankfully he was in his small form so there was only one head trying to lovingly maul you. If he had been full-sized, you’d have an issue. 
At his full height, Cerberus was as tall as your mountain in the Underworld, with three large heads that could see almost everything. When he wasn’t around you in his small size, he’d stand at the gates of the Underworld, guarding the borders and making sure that the rogue spirits didn’t escape. He seemed ferocious and scary because he closely resembled a large black wolf with deep red eyes, but he was really a gentle giant and your metaphorical baby.
You lifted your head up to avoid his eager tongue, instead allowing him to attack your neck as your laughter rang out in the still air. “Cerberus! Down, boy! Down! Yes, it’s good to see you too.” Once you’d gotten him calmed down, you crouched so you were at his eye level and scratched him behind the ears. “Who’s a good boy?”
He barked as if to say, “Me! Me! I am!”
You simply grinned at him and leaned forward to press your forehead to his, a common gesture of affection for you with him. “I’ve gotta go make sure Father hasn’t done anything stupid in a week, you wanna come with me?”
As if it was even a question. Cerberus always accompanied you on your trips, acting as a good guard dog to protect you from some of the spirits that dwelled on the pit’s edges—not that you really needed it, you just loved his company.
“Let’s go.” You straightened up and started to walk down the mountain path.
Cerberus kept perfect pace with you. He knew the way almost as well as you did.
Down the mountain and through the Asphodel Meadows. Cross the Meadows to the Phlegethon and follow the river to the mouth of the cave. Then it was a straight shot into the pit where you could cast your spells. Simple, easy, quick.
You knew the way by heart, not even bothering to look up as you went. Asphodel flowers crunched under your flats as you crossed the Meadows and spirits parted for you to get through; not that they needed to, they were just being polite.
You and Cerberus strolled through the Meadows, coming up to the Phlegethon and following it towards Tartarus.
You had to force your feet to walk as you got closer, a sense of unparalleled dread washing over you. Shivers crept down your spine and the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end. Tartarus was always a daunting place, but today it almost seemed… more so. And as soon as you took one step into the entrance, you knew that something was seriously wrong.
You stopped short, your feet planted into the ground. Your stomach dropped and every warning alarm you had was going off in your head. 
Cerberus had frozen, his ears flattened against his head and his lips pulled back in a snarl. His whole body was positioned to pounce at the drop of a hat.
You rolled your shoulders back and narrowed your eyes. The world began to tint red at the edges, the color slowly creeping in to cover your entire vision. With this new sight, you could see deeper into the tunnel where you saw figures writhing closer and closer to the pit. Something was in the cave, something that didn’t belong.
You grit your teeth and nodded your head towards Cerberus. “Go get Aunt Peggy,” you commanded in a low voice.
He didn’t need to be told twice and took off running as soon as the words left your lips.
You didn’t take your eyes off the mouth of the cave as you extended your hand, calling forth into being your weapon: a sleek black bident that was as tall as you were. Forged for you by the cyclopes millennia ago when you first fought your father, your vibranium bident was a formidable weapon. It was a lot like your sister’s trident, but with two prongs instead of three that branched out from the spear at the height of your chin. Your bident was your primary weapon used for fighting. It allowed you to manipulate spirits and channel magic, morph terrain, and wield the energy of the Underworld, among other things. Plus it was good for stabbing. 
You tightened your grip around the bident’s shaft and lifted it off the ground, moving slowly into the cave. Your feet never made a sound as you stepped closer and closer to the writhing mass. As you neared the souls, your fingers began to turn white with how tight you were holding your weapon, raising it to strike at any second. You were prepared to fight off a small militia of evil souls trying to escape, but what you found when you reached them was not a coup preparing to strike. 
No, the souls were, instead, swarming around a figure.
You muscled your way in through the crowd, using your bident to shove the spirits out of the way and dissipate them. You got to the center of their swarm and looked down. But instead of seeing an animal corpse or something of the likes, you saw something far more serious: a man.
The man seemed to be about your physical age, but you could tell almost right away from the aura he radiated that, like you, he was probably much older than he looked. His short dark hair was tousled and matted, no doubt from the spirits grabbing at it, and his clothes—what once seemed to be a pristine white shirt and jeans—were torn with claw marks and black with dirt. His shocking blue eyes stared up at the ceiling of the chasm, full of despair and hopelessness. He’d obviously started to lose hope that he’d ever escape the clutches of evil that held him tight.
You didn’t have much time to register who he was or what he was doing in Tartarus. You were just in shock that this man, this very alive man, had made it into your domain without you knowing. Your grip slackened and you stared down at him, surprise rising up in you with rage boiling up behind it as the only words you could manage to speak were, “Oh fuck.”
Next 2: He Becomes a Trespasser
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Reincarnated Love: Beginnings and Fateful Meetings
Summary: Ciel is boy who lives an average life with his father but on the day of his birthday things started to change. What comes next will forever destroy the old life he has a rebirth was to come soon. Old souls will meet for the first time and new bonds will begin to grow into existence.
Word Count: 6,175
What is it to love; what is it to desire? No one can truly say for those feelings are two separate roads one's heart is torn to follow and it is a path that is never easy to navigate. Two such individuals follow that path unbeknownst to themselves as this unforeseen bond transcends time and the will of the Gods. This tale is of a boy who bends fate to his will and a goddess who will let to embrace the one she has yearned for over six millennia. Who says love doesn't go beyond time? Only fools...
Our story begins on March 7th, 2009, it was the birthday of Ciel Ambrose Silverstein and for most kids his age they would be happy to be another year older, but he didn't see much joy as he never really had friends to spend it with, only his dad. It wasn't as though he didn't care for his dad Ciel loved his dad as he was the closes thing to a best friend he has. The two lived in a single-story house within walking distance of his father's cafe, Crossroads Cafe, a simple hole-in-the-wall place that Ciel has many fond memories of. 
Ciel climbed out of bed like any morning, heading to the bathroom adjacent to his closet door. He washed his face and brushed his teeth as his dad was big on personal hygiene. After doing that, Ciel went to his closet and grabbed his favorite jeans, '09 Nike Pegasus sneakers, the Linkin Park shirt his dad bought at last night's concert (dad was the best), and his pullover hoodie. Once dressed and hair brushed, Ciel made his way to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of Frosted Flakes.
"Good morning troublemaker," said a deep British voice, a blonde man with sky blue eyes and scruff on his face gave the boy a loving pat on his head. "Sleep okay after that mayhem?"
"Yeah! That was so awesome, thanks, Dad!" Ciel said with a mouth full of cereal. 
"Manners young man," said his father with a grin as he filled his favorite mug (number one dad) as he looked at his son. "I keep my promises to you don't I?"
Nodding, Ciel finished the cereal in his mouth before elaborating. "You always do Dad and I appreciate it. Even if your jokes are corny."
"Hey, my jokes are amazing and you love them," his father tried defending himself.
"Only because you look like a dork." Ciel laughed as his dad glared at him sternly before joining in the laugh. The two discussed the highlights of the concert from the guitar solos and the moments where fans got "too happy" and did stuff a twelve-year-old shouldn't witness.
The family of two left their home for a morning walk, it was a mandatory activity in the household something Alex did with his father. Alex liked to share moments like that with his son to show him the joys of nature and talk to him about the world. Explaining many things and here the views of the world from his son's perspective. Ciel from how Alex saw him was intelligent, not academically, but his views of the natural balance of society and nature were something a philosopher would find intriguing. There is a joy to find in society's progress but one must not forget where man and woman came from. Alex would question his son to try and understand the meaning of his surroundings and why did events take place.
For Ciel, answering his father's questions was no simple feat but rather a mountain range he must climb as he navigates for an answer. His father wouldn't simply give him the answers as that would defeat the purpose of hearing Ciel's thoughts. Often than not, Alex would ask if he believed in destiny and fate though the answer Ciel gave him was more so a question to his. "Are fate and destiny not the same thing, or are the two entwined?" He would ask his father who would contemplate the question himself as the two discussed such matters that surprised many eavesdroppers.
"Are you still having those nightmares and daydreams?" Alex asked as the two made their second lap around the block.
"Yeah," Ciel rubbed the back of his neck, "I still see those things. Spirits? Is it normal dad?"
"I can't say for certain," Alex said as he looked to his son who's expression became downcasted. "However, I think there is a reason why you can see those spirits. Can you guess why?"
"Fate?" the boy questioned.
"Possibly," Alex smiled as he tossed his son's hair. "But I like to believe there is a reason for everything, mi hijo."
"Dad!" Ciel whined as he brushed his dad's hand away before giving a small smile to the elder Silverstein. "Can we head back?"
"After just two blocks? Laaazy, but fine since it's your birthday." Alex placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder as the two walked back to their home.
As the two made it to their area of the neighborhood, Ciel notices the door was slightly ajar. Ciel stopped short of the door, looking around his porch nervously of his surroundings. "Dad, somethings off. You locked the door before we left."
"Stay behind me," Alex said as he pushed the door in slowly. Stepping in, they heard a noise coming from the direction of the kitchen. Alex stepped cautiously through the dimly lit hall with Ciel behind him. Granted, it wasn't the smartest idea to have his son follow him into a possibly dangerous situation but the man rather his child be close to him so he may defend him. As the duo passed the threshold into the kitchen to find the culprit who was a woman. 
She stood at five-foot-nine with olive-colored skin that was as flawless as marble. Her hair was a deep black that had a hint of violet as the sun from the kitchen window reflected on her flowing locks. Though her eyes were something to behold, a strong emerald green that had an ever-slight glow to it. The woman wore a burgundy gown and a light assortment of golden jewelry. The woman glanced at the two men before smiling as she raised a cup of tea to her lips.
"Here I come out of my way in my busy schedule and much to my surprise you two aren't who. Really?" the woman said as she placed the cup on the counter.
"Hecate," Alex muttered, "I..."
"It's been too long, Alex. Well, long from the mortal life but it still does not mean I haven't missed your company."
The two adults stared intensely at each other before a loud cough broke the silence.
"Dad, who is she? How does she know you? And why DID SHE BREAK INTO OUR HOUSE?" Ciel asked in worried confusion.
"Relax son," Alex placed a hand on Ciel in the usual comforting manner he did when his son wasn't sure of something. "This is Hecate, she's an old friend. She was around when you were born actually."
"She knows me? She's not some crazy ex?" Ciel inquired causing the woman to laugh.
"My, he has a similar wit to you but I see it's at a younger age. Yes, boy, I've known of you for a long time." The woman gave a small smile that was almost... motherly. "Alex, as much as I would want to be here for more personal reasons I have some news to give you."
"Ciel, go to your room. Hecate and I need to talk." Alex ordered. "Don't worry, we'll go to that Chinese place you like after she and I talk."
"But dad-," Ciel tried to be apprehensive only for his father to give him a stern look.
"Now, Ciel." Nodding, Ciel walked to his room and closed his door, throwing himself on his bed.
"So much for a good birthday," Ciel thought as he buried his face into his pillow.
In the kitchen...
"You haven't told him?" Hecate asked as Alex paced in the kitchen.
"How can I? The boy has plenty to worry about and his mother coming back for a few minutes isn't going to fix that!" Alex growled. "Ciel is happy, he's safe and he doesn't need to deal with that nonsense!"
"Alex, please. The fate of the world is at stake and Chronos forces are on the rise!" Hecate argued back. "Ciel's best chance of survival is going to Camp Halfblood. It's not only your safety that I have in mind, I have his in mind as well."
"He's my son! I can't just let him go off knowing I might lose him!" Alex said as he leaned into the counter, looking out the window. "Please, don't make me do this Hecate."
"He won't be alone, I can assure you." Hecate walked over to him and placed a hand on Alex's. "There are events in place that even I am having difficulty seeing but at the center of it is Ciel. If our son is to survive he must go and train. He must become what he is destined to be."
"I wish it were not the case," Alex looked into Hecate's eyes as the man was on the verge of tears. "Will you guide him? Protect him?"
"You know I cannot do so directly," Hecate retorted before sighing. "Alex, there is something else. I've decided to side with Chronos."
"What?" Alex asked completely flabbergasted. "Are you out of your damned mind?!"
"Watch your tone with me," Hecate warned as her eyes flashed with power but Alex didn't back down.
"Now I am definitely not sending Ciel to that camp! You honestly think me so idiotic to send my flesh and blood up there and expect you to protect him? When you just told me you've sworn to help the god you helped stop in the past?" Alex pulled his hand away from hers as he fumed with anger. "How can you expect me to trust you with that bomb?!"
"Alex, I am tired of being seen as a minor goddess. Never receiving the respect I deserve. Time and again I am left with the "short end" as you claim it. I want to be worshipped and acknowledge as I deserve to be." Hecate said as she turned her back to him. 
The goddess and the man stood in a silence that was a heavy indicator this visit was to be concluded.
"Is the acknowledgment of your children not enough?" Alex questioned as he glanced at the setting sun. "Or the men who have fathered them not enough? Heh, I guess not."
"Alex," Hecate thought begrudgingly as she glanced over her shoulders before disappearing into the shadows. Knowing fully she may have destroyed a bridge between Alex and her. The memories of their brief time together were something she deeply cherished and some of the best times she had in millennia. But her hopes for new world order will allow her to receive what she deserves.
"Dammit," Alex gripped the counter as his eyes redden from the tears he was holding in as the frustration that was bottled in began to leak. "Fate, you're truly cruel than any power in existence that has ever been and that has ever been."
After composing himself, Alex looked at the picture of him and Ciel from when he was five years. The two went to the Florida Keys and stayed in a BnB while having the time of their lives. It was on that trip that Ciel started seeing strange things. He told his father he saw a giant snake in the ocean. If Alex remembered anything from his history classes back in the United Kingdom much of the mythological stories did explain gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters. Alex was a young father, with no experience with kids whatsoever but when it came to his boy it all made sense for him, even if the talks of monsters seem ludicrous. 
With no help from anyone he thought he did a decent job with him but Hecate coming to them and warning him of war. How was he supposed to explain this to his son? How could he make that trip up the east coast? But as much as he didn't wish to admit she was right. A choice must be made even if it hurts them both. A father has to prepare their children for the threats of the world. Even if that threat is their kin.
For the next few months, Alex had spent most of his time mulling over the pros and cons. During this time Ciel questioned why his dad seemed to be in a sour mood and would brush off the question which only caused the boy to worry in silence. It was on Wednesday, the last day of school when Ciel was on the school bus back home he noticed something stranger than usuals. The ghost of the town kept pointing in the direction of his home which only creeped him out even further. On the driveway of their home, Alex stood in front of his car as his son disembarked from the bus and greeted him. 
"Hey dad, you're home early," Ciel said as he walked to his dad. "Slow day at the cafe?"
"I closed early. Son, there is something we need to talk about." Alex said causing Ciel to quirk a brow.
"Something wrong?"
"Not at the moment but the way things are looking we need to leave," Alex said as he goes into the driver seat of his car with his son the following suit and entering the passenger side.
"Dad, what's going on?" 
"I'm taking you somewhere I never thought I'd have to take you," Alex responded as he pulled out of his driveway and beginning the long drive to the hopeful haven for his son. 
The drive up to this place was filled with much silence and no talking between the father-son duo, whenever Ciel tried to start a conversation the words wouldn't leave his throat, instead, he just watched the change of scenery as they drove up the east coast. They'd only stop for the occasional rest stop and food before continuing the drive further and further from home. 
It was two in the morning when they had reached their destination, Alex took a turn into a strawberry farm called "Delphi Strawberry Service," and followed the dirt road it was on to the nearby forest. As they drew closer lights of a fire could be seen through the canopy of the forest. Once the dirt road had finished, Alex stopped and parked the car outside of the marble gate that was in Ancient Greek but for some reason, Ciel could read it.
"Camp Half-Blood?" Ciel asked his father who stepped out of the car and made his way to the trunk where he pulled out a duffle bag for Ciel. Packed with clothes, the necessities, and his son's favorite book that Alex read to him, the Aeneid.
"Son, you'll be safe here," Alex said as he stepped to the passenger to let Ciel out of the car.
"Dad? What do you mean I'll be safe here?!" Ciel looked up to the older Silverstein who seemed to be on the verge of tears.
"Mi hijo, you're special and I don't mean in the "dad thinks you're his special boy." No, you are destined for something great but the trials you face in the future going to be hard. You'll be okay, you're my strong warrior." Alex smiled as he kneeled kissing his son's forehead.
"Daaad, that's embarrassing!" Ciel slightly pouted from embarrassment. Alex could only chuckle as he took Ciel by the shoulder and guided him to the gate, waiting for them was something Ciel could not expect.
"Ah! What the heck is that?!" Ciel said as he clung to his dad. The pair looked to a man with long brown hair whose upper body was in a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up but what freaked Ciel out was the man's lower half was that of a horse.
"Ciel, don't be rude!" Alex chided. "Apologies, my son hasn't had much exposure to your world and even I find it unbelievable."
"It is of no worry," said an older voice. "Tell me, child, what is your name?"
"C-Ciel. Ciel Ambrose Silverstein, Mister?"
"It is a fine name. I am called Chiron. I am somewhat of a mentor for boys and girls like you."
"Like me?" Ciel titled his head to the left in confusion as he gazed at the centaur.
"Demigods, heroes, and great warriors," Chiron said with a gentle smile before glancing at Alex. "I shall give you a moment." Chiron walked a short distance to be out of earshot and let the two say their goodbyes.
"I will come and get you at the end of the summer, okay?" Alex said as knelt down to be at his son's eye level. "I know I can't give you all the answers but-"
"So you're abandoning me?!" Ciel shouted at his father who looked shocked at such an accusation.
"No! Heavens no," Alex gripped his son's shoulders, "but I can't protect you son and I couldn't bear the thought of you dying or being hurt. I need you to be safe and I know you will be here, so please, trust me and what I say. Have I ever lied to you?"
Ciel thought for a moment about his father's words before answering. "No, sir."
"I love you, Ciel." Alex pulled his son into a hug while Ciel returned the same affection.
After a few moments, the two separated and Ciel grabbed his bag and walked to the gates. Waving "goodbye" to his father and disappearing into the darkness of the night.
"Hecate, you better protect my son." Alex wiped the tears from his eyes before entering his car and driving back the way he came. Leaving his son to the Fates and the gods. 
The next day Ciel was guided by one of the older campers through Camp Half-Blood. It didn't take long to learn the location for where everything was but Ciel was still cautious of everything around him. From the sounds of the forge to the pranking of the Hermes kids and the sight of the lava wall, he was convinced he'd probably die here. Though during breakfast he met two campers briefly, Justin and Lucille Peters, a brother and sister pair who have two different godly parents from how they explained it. Justin was a son of Apollo and Lucille was a daughter of Hephestus, it was odd how they'd have different godly parents but then again Ciel didn't know his. From what he could gather it seemed most of the kids here were of the twelve major Olympian gods while you had a mixed population of demigods born from minor gods or demigods whose parents haven't claimed them. Some demigods weren't claimed for years or if ever at all and it was a sad fact.
Ciel counted himself lucky that he at least had his dad and hoped he was right about coming here. Though it did beg the question, who was his godly parent, and would he be claimed tonight or never at all? Questions for later but for the time being Ciel would just take in his surroundings until he was comfortable to walk on his own. The Hermes kid let him know if he had any questions to not be shy and ask any of the older campers to which he nodded. 
Ciel would wander through the camp until he felt a hand on his back, instantly, he jumped in a slight panic.
"Oops, sorry I didn't mean to spook you," said the boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a prosthetic leg. "I just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Justin Peters. What's yours?"
"Um, I'm Ciel Ambrose Silverstein. Wait aren't you the kid from earlier?" Ciel asked.
"Yep! Thought you would like some company you know since your new and all. Don't worry, me and my sister were in the same boat about a year ago. We're lucky we have each other but it's hard the first few days." Justin said with a smile.
"I suppose. Sorry, I'm not really with people."
"Oh don't worry about it! We can work on that together if you'd like." Justin responded to which Ciel couldn't help but smile. "So wanna do something fun?"
"Uh, sure?" Ciel responded.
"Great!" Justin said as he took hold of Ciel's arm, pulling him to the archery field. The two boys had shown up in the archery field meeting with the instructor, another child of Apollo, to who Justin introduced Ciel while explaining him being a new camper and was going to show him a little archery. Justin's older sibling advises him to take it slow with instructions to Ciel. Following the instructions of the older child and grabbing a pair of bows and two quivers of arrows. Justin began instructing Ciel on the principles of archery while going into depth about the anatomy of a bow and arrow. Ciel took to the instructions like a fish to the water as Justin helped Ciel get the posture down and load an arrow to fire.
For some reason, this felt natural to Ciel from the grip of the bow in his left hand and the fletching of the arrow in his right. Taking a steady breath to get his breathing in rhythm before brought the arrow up, lining his shot then fire...
"By the gods!" Justin said in surprise as he saw the direction of Ciel's arrow whizzing through the air hitting a bull's eye. "Ciel! That was amazing! And you said you never shot a bow and arrow ever?"
"N-no," Ciel responded shyly, "but it just felt natural, ya know?"
"We might have another son of Apollo on our hands," Justin said giving his new friend a love tap to the shoulder before laughing. Ciel could only shake his head and laugh.
"Hey! Justin! I made a new thing!" a girl shouted as she ran to the two boys almost going through the line of fire on the archery range. She was brunette covered in soot and grease but wore a warm smile and a pair of goggles on her head.
"Lucy! Careful! Remember there are people shooting arrows here!" Justin chided his sister.
"Oops, sorry it's just I'm a little excited because I wanna show you something." Lucille, a girl no older than nine showed the two boys a small bronze bull. At first, it seemed like a little figure until it started moving and mooing.
"Wow, that's cool!" Ciel said as he looked at the girl's creation. "You made that?"
"Yep! Wait, you're the new boy! I'm Lucille but my friends and family call me Lucy," the girl said as she offered her right hand, though covered in oil and grease, Ciel shook it kindly as to not seem rude.
"I'm Ciel, it's nice to meet you, Lucille."
"Call me Lucy, if you're a friend of my brother then you're a friend of mine." The girl gave a kind smile to Ciel to which he returned in kind.
"Lucy, you want to see something cool?" Justin asked as he turned to Ciel.
"Sure!" Lucille responded excitedly. 
With an encouraging nod from Justin, Ciel loaded another arrow into his bow and fired, landing a bull's eye again. What could be acquainted with sheer luck was something in the making. To Ciel, each arrow fired was liberating like it was something only he could do and do in confidence. 
His display was drawing a small crowd from all the other campers on the field who huddled behind the twelve-year-old who had no prior experience with archery. The crow was captivated by the display and lost it when Ciel finished off by sending the last arrow straight through one of his previously fired arrows. The crowd behind the ever ignorant Ciel clapped and caused him to yelp in surprise getting a chuckle from the crowd of campers. After a few words of praise and hopeful wishes from the children of Apollo, Ciel left the archery range with a very bubbly Lucille and Justin dragging him around the camp for a second tour. Granted he seen the majority of the camp but to be in the company of kids closer to his age was comforting. 
For the rest of the day, Ciel spent it with the Peters siblings having fun but he still was a little sad. When the siblings weren't looking Ciel would wipe tears that threaten to escape. The trio would split off during dinner at the pavilion where Ciel had some time to think to himself. He had a plate of pizza and garlic bread and was enjoying the greasy carb meal. When he was done he tossed half a piece of garlic bread into the flames that other campers were doing to sacrifice to the gods. Hopefully, his parent liked garlic bread otherwise that would be a crime of the most unforgivable kind.
Once dinner was finished, Ciel made his way to the bonfire getting a seat away from the crowd of campers flocking in. Instead of sitting on a long, he sat on the dirt finding it was more than enough and so he could lean his back against the long as he gazed at the stars. He took his attention away from the sky when Chiron called for the attention of the campers to which they all listened.
"Good evening, heroes." Chiron's voice was soft but loud enough to be heard. "Tonight we have someone new and he is someone I suggest we take notice of since he had an impressive display at the archery field. Come on here," Chiron motioned for Ciel to go and stand next to him, Ciel did so nervously as he walked over to stand to the centaur. "Introduce yourself, don't be shy."
"Um, hi! I'm Ciel and I'm from Florida," he rubbed the back of his neck in the nervous tick he had. 
"Tell us more!" Justin shouted from where he was sitting with Lucille who mimicked her brother's shout. 
"Uh, I don't really got anything interesting-" Ciel was cut off as a circle of flames surrounded him causing Chiron to move out of the way from the strong flames. The campfire behind rose fifteen feet into the air and changing between blue and violet shades from the flames and a pair of violet torches hovered over Ciel's head. He was scared of the fire but it didn't hurt him. Whether out of stupidity or curiosity, Ciel reaches to the flames with his left hand and the flames died down until the campfire turned back to normal.
"What the hell just happened?!" Ciel shouted then covered his mouth, that wasn't a good impression. "Sorry..."
"Language aside," Chiron started as he looked to the boy, "you've been claimed child by a powerful goddess, the Titaness, Hecate. Congratulations."
A few weeks later... 
Ciel was at the archery fields as it became his favorite pastime here at camp. Justin, his new best friend, would come out with him and have shooting competitions. It was the perfect motivator to want to get better because Justin was a son of the god of archery so he had some amazing skill but Ciel was always able to make them break even in their little contest. It would get Justin to pout but he didn't pout for long as the two would always break into a laughing fit. Justin was a good friend to Ciel when he hadn't had one for such a long time and was good at getting him out of his shell for pretty much everything. Even Lucille would watch their contest and act as a judge for fun, though she would get squirrelly and would just start tinkering with whatever little project she brought with her.
Granted, after being claimed and being one of the few children of Hecate, his siblings did teach him what their mother represented and provide him with what comfort they could. Though it seems that children of Hecate are introverted beyond belief which wasn't bad. The thing enjoyed with his demigod siblings was learning magic but he hasn't shown any ability in that area yet. For now, though he'll play to what he's a natural at that being archery and surprisingly tracking.
Ciel had been trying to mimic some of the older archers by doing certain movements such as quickdraws, shooting multiple arrows, shooting from different stances. All of which were becoming easier each day he practice. While doing one of his unique shots he heard footsteps coming his way, landing the bull's eye he heard clapping behind him. 
Turning he was met by the sight of a gorgeous girl that was around his age. She had auburn hair, yellow eyes that had a hint of silver, and pale white skin. She wore combat boots, winter camo pants, and a white parka. Equipment-wise, she was carrying a silver bow with a matching quiver, and a combat knife on her hip.
"You shoot well for someone so young," the girl said.
"We are around the same age as far as I can tell," Ciel responded as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
"Do you not know who I am?" the girl asked as her brow quirked up.
"Should I? I have only been here for a few weeks. Sorry." Ciel said rubbing his neck nervously.
"I see, well, my name is Artemis."
"Like the goddess?" Ciel questioned.
"The very same," Artemis responded, "but your assessment is a little off because I am that goddess." Ciel's face went as pale as what was possible for a man of his skin tone could. Kneeling in a panic Ciel when ahead and face-planted. 
"Ow!" Ciel whined as Artemis let out a light chuckle. "Sorry," he said as stood back up, "I hope I didn't offend you Lady Artemis."
"You did no such thing, but you did however amused me with your attempt at trying to be respectful. I will let it slide," Artemis said as she regained her composure. "You're quite skilled with that bow of yours. Are you a child of my brother, Ares, or Athena?" the goddess inquired to which Ciel shook his head "no."
"I'm a son of Hecate," the nervous boy said, "allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Ciel Ambrose Silverstein and it's an honor to meet you Lady Artemis. I've only known about this world for only a few weeks but I'm trying to learn. So I do apologize in advance if I don't know something or do something wrong."
"You're quite mature for only what, eleven?" Artemis questioned.
"Twelve, actually."
"Your father a hunter?" 
"Then how can you handle a bow so well? I imagine you have no experience from how you just explained yourself." 
"Oh, you be right there but it's just strange, it just feels natural to have a bow in my hand," Ciel said as he glanced at his bow with a small smile. "It's weird but it's a familiar feeling, I probably am not making any sense am I?"
"You are," Artemis said as she looked at the young boy before an idea came to mind. "Say, Ciel was it? Care to have a friendly competition?"
"A competition?" Ciel asked as he glanced at the goddess.
"Nothing too insane, just an archery competition between the two of us." Artemis looked at the boy with a challenging look in her eyes.
"I'm not sure if I am worthy or skilled enough to compete against you," Ciel hesitated though Artemis shot him a stern glare. "But I'd be happy to face you Lady Artemis."
"Excellent," Artemis smirked as she took a stance next to the child of Hecate. "First to twenty-five bull's eye?" Ciel nodded in agreement as his nervous deemer hardens into that of someone serious.
The two went on Artemis signal as they began their competition, the two let their arrows fly one by one. As the competition was underway, a gathering of campers and some of the Hunters of Artemis watched the display of skill between the goddess and the demigod. The two were three for three, Artemis clearly the more skilled but Ciel's natural ability was making the match slightly more even. Artemis glanced over to see that Ciel wasn't gonna submit easily so she decided to get a bit more showie by shooting at a faster rate. Ciel noticed this and began speeding his rate of fire to which caused Artemis to grin slightly.
"Not bad kid, but I'm better," Artemis thought as she kept hitting the target repeatedly, her arrows slicing clean through her arrows. 
It seemed Artemis was about to win one step closer to victory only to be shocked with how Ciel kept a steady pace as her. Each breath was released with each arrow with such accuracy that Artemis had to admit she was impressed. No mortal has shown this level of skill for so long in her existence, only two men ever showed this level of skill but they were long gone. Men she hadn't thought of for a few centuries as she had gotten over their deaths ages ago.
The goddess and the demigod were on their last arrow, this last shot would determine the victor and Artemis wasn't going to lose this. With such quickness, she shot her arrow and landing perfectly on her target. Turning to her adversary with a grin, believing she won Ciel had surprised her by landing a perfect bull's eye that shattered the last arrow he shot causing a-
"No way! A tie?!" one random demigod shouted.
Ciel dropped to his knees panting as a blanket of sweat cascaded his face. He looked to his target surprised he even kept up at all. His arms were aching and he was exhausted trying not to fall behind. It was one thing to compete against Justin but against the Goddess of the Hunt? Nope, not an easy task and not one he'd forget for the longest time. 
"Well, you seem pretty capable. Well done, but don't let this get to your head." Artemis warned.
"Why would I do that? This was fun Lady Artemis," Ciel panted as he looked to the goddess who gave him a narrow eye glare before giving him a small smirk, shaking her head.
"You're an odd one, I expect you to do better the next time and give me a real competition next time."
"There's gonna be the next time?" Ciel gulped.
"Of course," Artemis said sternly, "I am a goddess and I am not one to let someone get the better of me. Especially, to a man."
"I um hope to give you a good competition then?" Ciel said as Artemis walked off with her Hunters in toe. After Artemis left the archery field, Ciel was stormed by Justin and Lucille who began questioning why he was competing against Artemis. How was able to tie and was a secret descendant of Apollo from previous generations. He tried to answer but Justin and Lucille shaking him like a maraca was not helping with him trying to explain himself to them.
While Artemis had walked away with her Hunters, her sister Thalia decides to try and ask the goddess who simply brushed off the questioning. Thalia did make a light joke of Artemis seeing a cute boy but that only caused the goddess to shoot her the nastiest death glare anyone has seen for a while. It was quite humorous for the Hunters to see their lieutenant get nervous as they knew Artemis wasn't someone that would break her vow. As the Hunters talked amongst themselves in response to their astonishment at the young demigod skill their mistress was plagued by a quiet thought in her head. 
"He seems so much like those two. Huh, haven't thought of those two for some time. Maybe he might be good for the hunt in a few years? Mmm, no. Last men that join the hunt died..." Artemis sighed as she glanced back over her shoulder to the direction of where Ciel was. "Best not to dwell on it and tempt the Fates."
This summer would define Ciel's life forever. From being claimed by his mother who chose not to show up until Ciel's life was endangered, to make two friends, and now having a goddess as a rival? Fate truly was cruel but certain events have been set in motion and Ciel was at the center of it all. This was a new beginning for Ciel, he was important whether he realized it or not as his path has become intertwined with others. Hopefully, he can make the right choice or he may meet an untimely fate...
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vrykoolart · 3 years
Saint Seiya Question Game
Tagged by: @siberianxbreaks​
-- Thank you for the tag, my friend! --
Remove my answers and put yours under the questions!
How did you find out about Saint Seiya?
My sister is actually a huge fan of Saint Seiya, so I found out about from her. We actually watched it when we were kids. I don’t have that vivid of a memory about it, but I do know the one I recall watching is the ADV dub. I remember how deep they made Hyoga’s voice and that’s it.
But my sister really loved it and I’d watch with her. One day, it kinda disappeared and because we live in the United States—y’all probably know what I mean— It was really hard to find it at all. So for years, my sister was trying to track it down and she dabbled into the other series related to it a little bit. It wasn’t until last year that we finally found it thanks to Netflix and we watched it all with our entire family. I saw the first season with the new dub and was immediately obsessed with it. I enjoyed every second of watching the whole thing. It kills me that we don’t have the Hades arc dubbed yet and I hope we get it soon.
I watched Lost Canvas, too, and loved it as well. Albafica made me love it and the El Cid’s episodes were really top notch for me. I love his voice. I love his character. I think he’s literally the coolest thing ever. I delved into the manga and I just love Lost Canvas. It has some weird stuff here and there, but I adore it. I hope one day we get a season three because it’s truly that good.
I just really love Saint Seiya & I’m so glad that it exists. Truly. I don’t remember having that much fun watching an anime since like watching Death Note, Soul Eater, Sgt. Frog, and like—Azumanga Daioh... all for different reasons, of course.
Who’s your favorite character and why?
When I started watching the show again, it was Shun. He’s so adorable and his heart is so big. I love how sweet and strong he is. I have a soft spot for Shun honestly. The more I watched it, I really started to just adore all the Bronze Saints, too.
But another character I really adore is Cancer Deathmask. He’s so charismatic and fun. I really adore the voice they gave him in the Netflix English dub, too. He killed it. I just absolutely am in love with him. Yes, he committed several crimes. Yes, he has killed numerous people. Yes, his temple looks like a Mortal Kombat stage... but it truly builds character. He’s my husband and I think we’re all allowed to make as choices ever now and then.
Who’s your absolute hate-character and why?
Tatsumi. I hate how he never faced the consequences for anything he did. He literally abused those children—Ikki, more-so, and he sent him to Death Queen to DIE. He’s never shown signs to change really. They just treat him like a crack/comedy character and it irks me because he deserved to get beat for what he did at least. Wish he would have literally got tortured or fired. Anything at all, but they just prepare like nothing happen and he continues being an ass-wipe.
I don’t care for Kido either because even if he took Saori and raised her, he never did much to stop the countless abuse the children went under and knowing sent the children away to die. No, even in the manga, I don’t see it as a noble sacrifice to literally sacrifice most of your children to fulfill a destiny. Even if they were just sent away, he literally could have prevented Tatsumi from abusing them and raised Saori better. No matter how you look at it, he’s a shit person, too. Yes, he helped them become saints but the way he did it will never feel right to me. He separated Seiya from his sister and told him he’d only see her again if he became a saint, knowing full well he couldn’t even guarantee that. That emotional manipulation is toxic and cruel to do to a child—an in the manga—your own son. Like ew,,,,, I don’t like the children aspect in the manga, but with that considered still, he’s still a horrible person and I wish Saori would stop hailing him as a good guy.
Shippings you like and why you ship them?
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Shaina/Seiya — In my heart, they are the canonical pairing. They really do protect each other and care deeply for one another. Seiya reacts strongly every time she gets hurt and Shaina is always doing her best to protect/defend him. They’re both strong in their own right and they both have a deeper connection to each other. Even when Shaina tried to hide her feelings because she felt there is no way they could be together and tried to kill him, you could tell she really couldn’t do it because she really cared about him. He really cares about her, too, which makes them so perfect for each other. They are each other’s strength and they push each other to become better & stronger
Marin/Aiolia — They’re really cute when they interact with each other and I’m pretty sure they’re an actual canon pair. They really care and confine in one another. I just honestly adore seeing them interact. They never really got to tell each other how they feel, but I’m sure they both know. I wish she would have gotten some more time with him because it’s kinda sad that she’s all alone now. ;;
Freya/Hägan —Hägan clearly loved her, but due to the strictness of loyalty in their culture, he couldn’t bring himself to betray Hilda. It upsets me what happened to them because they deserved to be happy. Poor Freya & Hägan. A lovely couple but terribly tragic. Hägan clearly misunderstood Hyoga & Freya’s relationship and must have thought that Freya loved him even in reality the only person she really loved was him and that is what breaks my heart. I was on the Freya and Hyoga train until Hägan showed up. Now, I can’t bring myself to ship them without feeling bad.
Hilda/Siegfried — Siegfried did everything for her and, in the end, he died because he believed in Hilda’s true vision. He wanted to doing nothing more than protect her and he died to help do so. It’s beautiful yet so tragic.
Hyoga/Eri — They’re just extremely cute together. I really loved their interactions. They deserve happiness and the entire world.
Ikki/Esmeralda — If you ignore that weird ass Shun thing, they’re cute. That should have never been a thing. I ignore it to hell and back but I do think they’re adorable and I feel for Ikki.
Shun/June — She only shows up once like why??? But they’re so adorable together. I wish we could see them both more, but unfortunately, she disappeared into the ether. I do believe she is perfect for Shun, tho.
Me/Deathmask — OTP. He’s my husband.
Shippings you don’t like/hate and why you dislike them?
Adult/Minor pairings.
Incest pairings.
Saori/Seiya — I don’t feel like Seiya likes her that way. I think Saori may like him. She’s always shown some special interest in him, but I’m sure Seiya cares about her more so as a goddess and friend than a love interest. Every time I see this ship, Seiya is acting weirdly out of character which really throws me off from the whole ship. Saori has shown to sometimes literally prioritize Seiya over everyone else when dropping Saga’s dead ass body to cradle him... It just rubs me the wrong way??? Seiya cares about her but he doesn’t react nearly as strongly about her as he does with Shaina. I don’t mind it being one-sided. She’s a girl and is allowed to have feelings, but I don’t really see her with anyone. I think she’ll probably grow out of it, but who knows. This ship is just really not my cup of tea.
Your favorite scene.
It’s hard to think of one, but the funniest scene is when they’re in Yomotsu Hirasaka. Deathmask is about to throw Shiryū into the pit, but then Shunrei’s prayers reach him and he gets so annoyed that he telepathically throws her off fucking a cliff. I don’t care. It’s comedy gold. I laughed so hard at that. Deathmask is truly a marvel.
Honorable mention: ❝ Maybe no else has a cloth made of ice that hasn't melted since before the time of... dinosaurs. Or... maybe no one else has powers like me, like the power over snow, ice, and even glaciers. In fact, you know what, Snake Eyes, maybe you should just think of me as your own personal Ice Age Dude! ❞
Your favorite Attack:
Hard question, so I’ll just name attacks I really like: Heaven Dancing Ring, Diamond Dust, Thunder Wave, Specter Punch, Phoenix Wing Ascent, Praesepe Hell Waves, Scarlet Needle Antares, Bloody Rose, Another Dimension, Wolf Cruelty Claw, Great Ardent Pressure, Greatest Caution, Dead End Symphony, and Imperial Phantasm Punch.
If you could decide for which god/goddess you fight, which one you prefer and why?
Athena. Despite liking Poseidon, Odin, Abel, & Poseidon, I like the army she commands the most.
If you could choose a Cloth. Which you would prefer?
Hard question again. I really like the Scorpio Cloth. The head piece is nice. I’m a sucker for the quack on the Cygnus Cloth and the Nemo on the Pisces Cloth, too. It’s honestly hard to choose one, specially if you count God Cloths, too. I did draw myself in the Ophiuchus cloth, so got the sake of this question, Ophiuchus Gold Cloth.
From which country you’re from?
Your favorite season / sequel:
Sanctuary arc and the Asgard arc. Let’s get the money. Both do a fantastic job at world-building and I love them both equally. My favorite spin-off is The Lost Canvas.
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yeonchi · 3 years
Kisekae Insights #20: Sea Princesses Part 4 (Answering the Barracuda Kingdom saga and more post-mortem updates)
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“Sea Princesses… Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.” – in response to a Brazilian Twitter meme
This is the first time I’ve revisited a completed segment to add more content to it. Back in #13, I teased a storyline for Soulbound Series 4 that answers the mysteries of the Barracuda Kingdom saga and Duante from Sea Princesses. At the time, I was taking a break from writing the story due to the coronavirus lockdown, but a couple of months ago, I was finally able to finish it and continue writing new stories. The embargo date I set for the story’s premiere has passed, so I want to take the first opportunity I can to share it with you all. Also, I want to address a few Sea Princesses-related things that have come up, but that will come later. Let’s get right into it.
Prerequisite requirements
Even though this is a Soulbound story, the characters from that series have very little involvement in the two-parter – in fact, only three minor characters show up and they mostly help the others in the fighting (I’m not good at working with large casts lel). That is why I’m able to tell this story to you without spoiling anything else.
The following Sea Princesses episodes are required viewing in order to understand this story:
The Lost Kingdom
The New Princess
The Guardians
The Healer
Reviewing the previous instalments of Kisekae Insights covering Sea Princesses (#11, #12 and #13 linked above) is recommended, but not required. The only main assumption made is that the Dryland girl (Windy) and her mother from The New Princess are descendants of the lost Barracuda Royal Family.
Lorah’s backstory
In #11, I wrote that Lorah wasn’t known to be a part of any royal family, but before continuing with the writing of the story, I found some introductory material I wrote in 2018 that stated that Lorah was the Barracuda Prince. I almost couldn’t remember writing it, but instead of making plans to change it later, I decided to utilise that plotline I forgot for three years (because I forgot to mention it in Decade, but I’ll fix it eventually).
Years ago, when the Barracuda Palace was destroyed in an earthquake, Lorah and a few of the royal family’s servants were thought to have died when they were forced to flee. Unbeknownst to them however, Lorah and the servants were saved by their fellow barracuda who had arrived to see what was going on. Lorah was taken to the Farlands, where he was raised by his family’s servants before he returned to Salacia some time after the end of the Time War. The kings and queens recognised him and allowed him to become a general in the Salacian Army, granting him a castle in the Turtle Kingdom to use as a base along with an army of Oni Riders. Nobody brought anything up about his family because they had no clue where they were.
Windy’s backstory
As I stated in #13, the name of the “new princess” is Windy Adams, a tribute to the namesake character of the third Sea Princesses main series book, The Windy Letters. Windy is 24 years old during her appearance in the two-parter, meaning that she would have been 7 years old during The New Princess. You could argue that she looks older, but then you could say the same for Polvina, Ester and Tubarina who are noted to be 7 years old in the official sources.
Fast forward to The Lost Kingdom, where the barracuda learnt that if they helped rebuild the destroyed Barracuda Palace, then there might be a chance that their royal family would return. They were happy for a bit, but then they became grumpy again because their royal family never returned… or so they thought.
Fast forward to The New Princess, where Polvina, Ester and Tubarina were left with more questions than answers after testing Windy, who had already left the island with her marine archaeologist mother by then, to see whether she really was the Barracuda Princess. Many questions are raised; how could a Drylander have read a book written in Salacian? Could someone else have gone onto the island and left “Goodbye friends” in the sand? No, Windy and her mother were the only ones on the island. They had the bracelet from the Barracuda Kingdom with them, so they might have been able to use that to read the book that Polvina had left on the island, but even then, how would they have been able to do it? Assuming that all this is true, then why were the barracuda being happy around Windy?
In 2018, Windy’s family was killed by Dai-Shocker when they attacked Santos. Though Yuki Yamaki and Marcela managed to confirm their links to the Barracuda Royal Family, Windy’s body was never found. The answer to all these questions can be explained with a simple explanation combining numerous elements. Speaking of which…
Duante’s backstory
In The Guardians, we learn that the goddess Salacia appointed the blowfish to be the guardians of Salacia, then covered it up by making each royal family’s history books say that their respective families were the guardians and tearing the respective pages out of the only public version in the Great Library of Salacia. As a result, the blowfish can speak to anyone they wish and be understood by them. Though the blowfish request Polvina, Ester and Tubarina to keep their discovery a secret, Hiroki and Duante are privy to this due to their contact with the goddess Salacia – this is referred to when Ester subtly reacts to them mentioning this secret.
In The Healer, Ester meets Duante, but he only allows her to ask one question and he disappears as fast as he appears. Ester’s only solution is to trick Duante into coming out and when he does, he becomes saddened because he didn’t want to meet Polvina and Tubarina through a trick. Though Duante told Ester that they could never be friends, he never said that it would be forever and as consolation, he gives her his name. So why did Duante seem like a wandering asshole back then?
Orphaned soon after his birth, Duante was found by the goddess Salacia, who raised him to be a guardian of Salacia and a healer of sick and injured sea creatures. Like the blowfish before him, Duante was given the ability to understand and communicate with every creature in the sea. He spent his life travelling around Salacia and the many other oceanic realms, doing what he can to help any sick or injured creature. In the 17 years after The Healer, Duante rarely ever showed up in Salacia.
The Aqua Conspiracy and the Poseidon Myth
The two statements are the titles of each episode in the two-parter.
In 2018, Salacia gave Duante the Aqua Driver and the mission of searching for the lost descendant of the Barracuda Royal Family on Dryland, namely Windy Adams. He managed to track her down to Santos, but he was caught up in a Dai-Shocker attack and was defeated.
Meanwhile, the Kougami Foundation were working on some new Core Medals (based on the new medals of the CSM OOO Driver) in the midst of a black hole paradox swallowing up the Riders and eventually, the world. Though they only made one of each medal to prevent Greeeds from forming, a Greeed still manages to form within the Same, Kujira and Ookami Core Medals before disappearing. The medals reappear in Windy’s house and possess her, transforming her into Kamen Rider Poseidon before she defeated the monsters. Windy’s body was never found that day because Poseidon saved her life.
By the time Duante got to Windy’s house, he was too late to save her family, but then, another supernatural force takes control of the Ebi, Kani and Sasori Core Medals and uses them to possess Duante. The supernatural force was Iemanja, the goddess of the ocean (more like the river according to Salacia) who was disgusted that a lowly Greeed had taken on the mighty name of Poseidon, the god of the oceans.
For the next three years, Poseidon went in search of worthy opponents to fight, but Aqua would constantly get in his way. Salacia’s concern for her two lost children led her to ask Hiroki for help searching for them, while the Kougami Foundation sent out OOO to help find the missing Core Medals.
After helping OOO and his friends fight Poseidon to no avail, Hiroki gets on the beers at the pub with Ester and Lorah. Some exposition dumps are shared and Hiroki gets frustrated at the dead ends and unsolvable mysteries until OOO’s group alerts him to a Greeed nearby.
Polvina and Tubarina encounter Jeopardy, Terumi and Minoru (the three characters from Soulbound) and challenge them to battle, but it is interrupted by Windy, wearing the bracelet and asking if they have seen Iemanja. When everyone arrives and points out that Windy is actually the Greeed, Poseidon takes control of her and begins fighting the Riders. Poseidon’s transformation sequence involves swinging the Deepest Harpoon in a cross, evoking elements of Kamen Rider Durendal’s transformation sequence. After everyone is defeated, Duante/Iemanja arrives and fights Poseidon, defeating him with the Oceanic Break and allowing Windy to regain control of herself.
Following another exposition dump back in the pub, Poseidon takes control of Windy’s body again and disappears to find more worthy opponents to fight in the sea and destroy Windy’s legacy. Tubarina realises that she is heading for the Barracuda Palace, but they can’t get everyone to Salacia by road in time. It is then that Hiroki and Polvina get an idea; the Riders (along with Jeopardy, Terumi and Minoru) use Mirror World to get to Salacia, where they alert the Shark King and all the other Riders. It is there that we get some amazing intercut transformation scenes based off the intercut transformation scene with Z and Geed in episode 15 of Ultraman Z.
Poseidon’s first opponent on the border between Salacia and the Farlands is Saula, the Salmon Princess (Alternative Zero, aka Bebe’s new owner from The Doll) and the Alternative Army. Poseidon defeats everyone one by one as she makes her way to the rebuilt Barracuda Palace in the Valley of Dusk. Aqua and OOO are Poseidon’s final opponents; Aqua has OOO use the Bikaso Combo to hold back Poseidon while he takes his medals, then gives them to OOO who uses the Saramiuo Combo to perform the Saramiuo Break Scanning Charge. After an Aqua Vortex from Aqua, Poseidon is purged from Windy’s body and destroyed as she lands on the throne.
Once everyone gathers at the Barracuda Palace, Windy reveals that her grandmother would always tell stories of how she came from the sea and was the princess of some kingdom until it was destroyed and they had to flee to Dryland. She also passed down her knowledge of the Salacian language in case they ever decided to find it one day. It is then that schools of barracuda begin gathering around the palace, cheering for the return of their prince and the arrival of their new princess. In case you didn’t get it by now, Windy is the lost descendant of the Barracuda Royal Family and therefore, the new Barracuda Princess.
Duante explains to Ester that he didn’t want to be friends with her back in The Healer because he had to keep his role as the guardian of Salacia a secret, but he eventually realised that his attitude back then made him seem impolite. He decides to stay and chat with Ester and her friends to make up for it. Lorah offers to take care of the Barracuda Kingdom in Windy’s absence while Miss Marla tells Windy that in Salacia’s absence, she can answer any questions she may have about the world of Salacia (the book series alluded to the fact that Miss Marla was more important than she actually seemed and in this project, that was because she was the messenger of the goddess Salacia).
With this, the Barracuda Kingdom saga has been resolved and a lot of loose ends in Sea Princesses have been tied up. To be honest, this storyline wouldn’t have existed if it weren’t for Kamen Rider Zi-O; given that Aqua is featured towards the end of the series, my decision to adapt the series in my project meant that I was obligated to introduce him along with any other Rider that was important to the story or original footage. Otherwise, I would have been happy with just saying that Windy and her family were dead and leaving it at that.
In regards to Iemanja’s inclusion in the two-parter – in the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé religion (which combines traditional West African religions with Catholicism), Iemanja is the goddess of the sea and their counterpart of the Virgin Mary. Originally, in the Nigerian Yoruba religion, Yemoja (her original name) is the patron saint of rivers. This conflicts with Salacia, who is Roman goddess of the sea, which is why she makes a snarky remark at Iemanja in the story. Of course, this isn’t how I got inspired to include her in the story; it was from a Candomblé hymn named Mamãe Maria (Mother Mary) which had the words “princesas do mar” in the lyrics. I wonder if it would be sacrilege to turn that hymn into a fast-paced techno theme song for Kamen Rider Poseidon?
Post-mortem updates
Since I have covered everything in this series, I don’t want to dwell on it any more than I have because it’s beating a dead horse at this point (unless Fabio Yabu decides to make something new for it). So I want to take this opportunity to address some things before it becomes awkward when I make an update post out of nowhere with no new material to provide.
In the epilogue of the book reviews, I mentioned that Dan Wyllie (who voices Marcello and possibly Sirilo and Veto) had pleaded not guilty to assaulting his wife, Shannon Murphy (who voices Tata), in March 2020. The way I wrote that paragraph made it seem like Wyllie was the villain, but it turns out that everything wasn’t what it seemed. In February this year, Wyllie was found not guilty of assaulting his wife thanks to some selfies he took after Murphy poured yogurt on him. The magistrate stated that Murphy “was not an impressive witness” and that “she had tailored her evidence to suit a scenario in which she had been the original aggressor”. I’m going to leave it at that.
I’ve noticed that the episodes in the Portuguese and Latin American Spanish dubs on Amazon Prime are shorter than the English dubs by 2-3 minutes. While watching a couple of episodes and following along on my transcripts, I discovered that some scenes were cut from the episodes. I have no idea why this is the case, but this seems to confirm my suspicion that the English dub is the original dub.
For some time now, I have been wondering why Sea Princesses got very little exposure over the years. Some of my speculative reasons include the relative novelty of Brazilian animation at the time of production, not exporting the series to Japan, the US or the UK, not getting the books published internationally (or at least in English) until 2020, the just-about-average writing in the series and the lack of focus on other characters besides the main five.
Recently though, I remembered going on the official Sea Princesses website on UOL over a decade ago and having to wade through all the Portuguese in order to get the (low-medium quality) images of the characters. I asked Fabio Yabu if it didn’t cross his mind to make an English website for Sea Princesses or if contractual obligations with Southern Star prevented him from doing so; he told me that Southern Star were apparently supposed to translate the website, but they never ended up doing so. In my opinion, I don’t think he had an excuse not to make an English website, or at the very least, put translated descriptions of the characters on any of his social media or art sharing platforms like Facebook, Flickr, DeviantArt or Tumblr.
It’s been over a year now since my first correspondence with Yabu and while we did discuss publishing the translated versions of the main series books on Amazon Kindle, nothing much has come from that, the two remaining literacy series books to be translated or the mistake in the second main series book on Kindle that is still yet to be corrected. When I reached out to Yabu recently in regards to this, he told me that he is currently busy with projects and the coronavirus has made things much more complicated in Brazil, so things are on hold for now. To be honest, I’ve been iffy over sending him anything this past year because I’m afraid that I might be annoying him, but he’s been pretty cool about it, so I won’t worry so much about it if I decide to send him another email in a few months’ time or whatever.
Anyway, that’s it for Sea Princesses (again) for the time being. The next time I mention something new about it will probably be when Fabio Yabu finally decides to do something or when I talk about it in my adaptation of Kamen Rider Zi-O. I hope you enjoyed reading my theories.
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yeollieayheehoo · 5 years
Authors note: Hey guys! This is the first chapter for Baekhyuns’ story in A Tale Of Fire And Ice. The stories do all coincide with each other, so please give them a read as well! Please note!! Each chapter will have their own individual warnings, the warnings posted on the mini masterlist apply to the story as a whole!
Summary: Centuries after Gigantomachy, the Titans of legend grow restless, a prophecy set in motion by the shared breath of a long since forgotten God and mere mortal, by the lonely god who sings to the girl made of clouds, and the dead who refuse to grow. 
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader (female)
Genre: mythology!au, 
Rating:  PG
Warnings: explicit language, minor mention of character death, 
Word Count: 2.8K
Chapter 1
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You find meaning in the thunderstorm.
The way the thunder rolls across the sky in a seamless harmony with the pattering of the raindrops against the tin roof of your home is a lullaby that you could never get tired of. But, it’s the lightning that crashes across the sky that makes your soul come alive, the light almost pink streaks shining light in the black ocean above you.
You’ve been this way since you were younger, in love with the storm. Back then, you would sit in the garage and watch the rain until the storm died, the mist against your skin and smell of the earth mixing with the rain a near religious experience. Now that you’re older though, you find yourself curled up in your reading nook. You’re thankful to have your own place, enjoying the cool breeze that blows in through your open bay windows, something you would have never been able to do in your parents’ house.
You yawn as the tempest lulls you to sleep, curling up under your afghan as the sound of lightning echoes in your mind.
 “Don’t you think you’re going a bit overboard?”
Baekhyun smiles, looking down at his brother as he prepares to lose another lightning bolt. “Hera has always loved when I go overboard.”
“Mhm, and I’m sure the mortal she left you over loves it too.” Baekhyun sighs before dropping his bow to his side. “Do you really have to ruin all of my fun, Jongdae?”
“She doesn’t even know you exist, why would you pine over here instead of fixing the relationship with the Goddess you’ve literally spent eternity with?” Jongdae regards him with a curious look on his face as Baekhyun jumps down from his spot in the clouds.
“Because she adores me.”
“She adores what you do. If she knew you, she’d ask how something so beautiful can come from someone so…you.”
“I’ll pretend like that didn’t hurt.” Jongdae shrugs as he puts his coat back on.
“It wasn’t meant to be rude, just an observation.”
Baekhyun follows Jongdae to the Realms entrances, leaning against the door to Jongdaes’ scrunching his nose. “It always smells salty by your door. What happened to the little smell good trees Hermes gave you?”
“You mean the air fresheners that the mortals use in their cars? I threw them away. It’s the ocean, what do you expect?”
“You don’t smell salty.”
“Will you move?” Baekhyun rolls his eyes before pushing himself off of the door, giving Jongdae the freedom to leave. “Be honest, why are you so obsessed with that girl?”
“Something the Fates said.” Jongdae scoffs as if he’s offended by the very idea and dismisses it with a wave of his hand. “You can’t believe everything those old fools say.”
“They were right about you and Medusa.” Jongdaes’ face flushes, the male coughs to clear his throat and shrugs. “That’s old news. They haven’t said anything relevant in ages.”
“We’re all in it. You, me and-“
“Don’t’ say his name.”
“You know, he’s technically the one who has the right to be mad, not you. Besides, are you really going to hold that grudge when the world ends?” Jongdae laughs, an empty and joyless sound. “This wouldn’t even be in the works if the mortals still knew we existed.”
It’s an argument the two of you have had countless times over the centuries and it always comes back to the same result.
Baekhyun is tired of being feared.
Before, back when the Greeks knew of the Olympians existence, it was a pure, unadulterated worship. There was no fear, apart from the one that is hardwired into every human beings make up, the fear of disappointment. But even that doesn’t count to Baekhyun as anything in the comparison with the fear of inferiority.
When the Romans came, with Gods of their own things changed. With the battle of Corinth, that led to the destruction of the city in what the mortals called 146 BC, the people of Greece feared what their beloved Gods would do to exact revenge on the Romans, and their worship changed from one of adoration to one of necessity of fear and destruction.
That’s when the visits to the mortal realm stopped, and with them, so did the belief in the Olympians at all, apart from the stragglers that were few and far between.
“You know why.”
“A little fear never hurt anyone.”
“You’re starting to sound like Chanyeol.”
“Goodbye Baekhyun.” Jongdae presses his palm against the distressed white door and Baekhyun watches in amazement, as he always has, as the door slowly turns from wood into a wall of water. “Find something more productive to do that pine over a girl who won’t live a fraction of your own life.” Jongdae passes through the water with a wave, not a drop of ocean falling out of place.
Baekhyun stares as the door reforms and long after that. He knows Jongdae means well, has always been the wisest brother, but sometimes, Baekhyun wishes the Sea God would stay in the sea. Though that would mean he’d always be alone.
When Hera finally got tired of his shit, she left their clouded fortress at the top of Mount Olympus and with her, so did their children. So then, their great trophy from Gigantomachy, the battle of young Gods, the Olympians and the Titans, became another empty thing to join Baekhyun in his loneliness.
Part of him missed Hera, though he wasn’t sure if it was out of adoration, or if he missed the familiarity of her.
He has always been bad at being alone.
A glow from the door to the Underworld pull him from the thought path he’s been traveling down a lot lately, since a year ago when he found you; you who he believed to be the answer to everything.
“What does he want?” Baekhyun mumbles to himself more than to the empty house before pressing his palm against the dark green door. The color always brings up something melancholy in him as he remembers Persephone’s excitement when she finally got to repaint the door.
Her rose bushes, that have long since wilted, line the path to Chanyeol’s cottage, fitting in perfectly with the eternal night that covers the Underworld.
“You rang?” Baekhyun regards Chanyeol curiously, staring at his stretched-out figure, lounging in his favorite hammock, overlooking his domain.
“I figured you were lonely now that the storm is over. Jongdae usually darts pretty quickly.”
“How do you know that?” Chanyeol gestures lazily to the floating, black orb at his feet. “Oh yeah... the faeries.”
“Yeah… the faeries.” Chanyeol can’t help but to sigh at the nickname given to his messengers by his late wife.
“How are you holding up?” Baekhyun knows the answer to this, it’s been the same for the last century, but he asks anyway as he settles into the patio chair next to his brother. It’s almost pitying the way Persephone haunts the Underworld, traces of her existence refusing to fade away.
“As well as expected. You’d think her plants would have wasted away by now, without her here to tend for them. She’s not coming back, I don’t know what they’re hoping for.” There’s a trace of anger in Chanyeols’ voice, like he wishes her ghost would disappear, but he can’t bring himself to erase her.
“There’s always-“
“Don’t, Baekhyun. You’ve been holding on to that prophecy since she died. Still watching that mortal?”
 “You know, when they turn out to be right, like they always are, you and Jongdae are going to look really stupid.” Chanyeol scoffs and turns to face Baekhyun.
“Baek. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you honestly believe that you are supposed to be with some mortal and that we are supposed to stop the Titans from rising again, which by the way, there’s almost no possible way for them to escape their prison. Tell me that you believe Hera, who has put up with all of your adultery and lies for the last some odd millennia that we’ve been alive, isn’t who you’re meant to reside on Mount Olympus with for the rest of our days.” Baekhyun meets Chanyeols gaze, almost mesmerized by his brothers brownish orange eyes and sighs. “I thought so.”
“It’s not that I doubt them Chanyeol. It’s that I can’t afford not to. I cant think about how I’ve given everything I’ve known for it not to be true.”
Chanyeol nods like he understands but doesn’t say anything. This is how his relationship has always been with his brother. When the two were younger, they’d stay like this in the valley most days to hide from Cronus, their father. Jongdae was always the more serious of the three, following their mother Rhea around like a lost puppy at her heels.
“Can I be honest with you Baekhyun?” Chanyeols’ voice is soft as he looks over the amber glow from the souls of his realm and Baekhyun almost doesn’t hear him, the whine of the wind carrying it away. Chanyeol doesn’t wait for him to answer before he speaks again.
“I need them to be wrong, the Fates.”
“Because I don’t think I can handle another loss like Persephone. It’s hard enough, still seeing the echoes of her everywhere. If what the Moirai say is true, then I have 70 years top before I’m right back here.” It’s the most open Baekhyun has ever heard his brother be. He knew the death of Persephone still tormented him, but he never imagined it would affect him like this. In the thousands of years that he’s been alive, he’s never seen Chanyeol be this; be afraid.
“Maybe you should come spend time with me and get out of this literal graveyard for a while.”
“And see Dae? I think I’ll pass.”
“So we won’t have another storm for a while. The mortals are already destroying their realm, a few weeks without rain won’t change anything. You need fresh air, without the constant reminder of Kore.”
Chanyeol cocks a half smile, brushing his blonde hair from his forehead as he contemplates. “And what exactly, will I do in Olympus?”
“Who said anything about Olympus?”
 You’re waken by the sun coming through your windows, and the warm breeze as your air heater kicks on. You could barely sleep last night, tossing and turning at the too quiet world in the absence of the rain.
It’s always like this for you.
Begrudgingly, you climb out of bed, making quick work of a shower and dressing before eating a breakfast your mother would have scolded you about and walking out the door. The weather is turning, a cool breeze blowing in from the East. It kisses your cheeks, sending a chill down your body that causes you to pull the lapels of your petticoat jacket tighter around you as you walk to work.
The tattoo parlor you work in as a receptionist has been like your second home since you moved out to Portland four years ago and your co-workers never fail you make you feel like family every time you walk through the door. “Hey Cloud Walker, how’s your morning?”
“Morning, Fanny. It’s been going pretty good. How about yours?” It’s warm in the shop and you’re quick to shed your jacket and scarf, hanging them on the coat rack before checking the appointment book at your counter. “You’re on walk-ins today, yeah?”
“Correct. And considering my 12 canceled, I need them.”
“Did Sunflower mention if she was coming in early today, or is she not coming in until her appointment comes in?”
“She didn’t say. Patch is coming in early.” You hum in response as you erase Fanny’s appointment for twelve oclock today, writing walk ins across the top of her name.  “Your newest addition is still looking good. Do you think it needs a touch up anywhere?” Her hands are warm against your wrist as she looks over the stratocumulus clouds you added to your sky sleeve last week. “No, I think it’s okay.”
Fanny grins and pats your wrist before letting it go, turning away from you as she heads back to her station, working on some of her latest tattoo ideas, leaving you up front to go through emails and appointment requests.
  You’re just finishing ringing out Patchs’ 2 o’clock appointment when the bell above your front door rings, pulling your attention to the two men that walk in.
Their height difference amuses you for some reason, yet at the same time you find yourself enthralled by their presence. The taller one has his hands shoved in his pockets, blonde hair pushed back framing his undercut. There’s an amused look on his face, corners of his lips twisted up into a smirk as he looks to the shorter one.
He looks nervous. His white hair is in small waves atop his head, peaking over his eyebrows slightly, which are slightly furrowed as he approaches the desk. “Hi, welcome to The Parthenon.  Did you have an appointment?”
The taller one laughs, running his fingers through his hair. “That’s a great name. No we didn’t have appointments, we were wondering if you took walk-ins?”
“Yeah, we do. Fanny is with a client right now, but I can see if Sunflower wants to take one, what are you looking to get?”
“I was wanting something else added here, another flower maybe.” The taller shrugs out of his hoodie to reveal a sleeve of flowers decorating his left arm. The detail is exquisite, and it all still looks new, lines dark and colors saturated, but something tells you that he’s had them forever. “My brother though, he’s not sure what he wants. Maybe you could give him an idea?”
“Yeah, let me go grab Sunflower and get the two of you set up, and I’ll be back with a few of our books and we can look through them together, how’s that sound?”
The white haired male nods, flashing you a smile as you move to grab an artist.
“What the fuck, Chanyeol?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this silent. I think this was a great idea.” Baekhyun goes to open his mouth, but stops when he sees you coming back, followed by a black haired girl. “This is Sunflower, if you want to follow her, she can do some free draws in that empty spot on your sleeve and discuss a price with you.” You look at the taller one who has a grin on his face and nods. “Lead the way.”
  Baekhyun wonders if Chanyeol can feel the way he tenses ever so slightly beside him as the older brother plasters a grin to his face and following the girl you brought back. “If you want to come sit on the side of the counter, we can go over a few ideas. Do you have an idea of what you want?”
“Uh, no, I’m not sure. I do like your clouds though. I take it you’re not a fan of the sunshine.”
You laugh and Baekhyun swears that not even the Muses could create a sound as beautiful. He’s almost entranced by the way your chestnut hair sways back and forth as you shake your head. “No, storms are my happy place.”
“Wow, same honestly. I love the lightning.”
“So do I! The heat lightning is my favorite, though we don’t get much of it here.”
“No, I would imagine not. It’s pretty cool here.” You nod, humming to yourself as you flip through the books, trying to find Baekhyun something that he could care less about. You bring a few to his attention, different types of ideas being brought to his attention, before he notices Sunflower say she’s ready to start with Chanyeol’s tattoo and he stands. “I think you’ve inspired me.”
“Oh? Well let me go get Fanny and you can tell her what it is you’d like.”
 The sun has barely moved in the sky by the time Baekhyun is done with his tattoo. You smile sweetly at him as he walks to the counter, curiosity painting your face. “So what’d you get?”
Baekhyun holds out his hand. Between his index finger and thumb, on the back of his hand sits a small, black lightning bolt. The grin that breaks out on your face reminds him that it was worth the trip from his oasis. “Cloud Walker, do 50.”
“Cloud Walker, huh? I take it that’s not your real name?”
“No, it’s Y/N. It’s a nickname I’ve had since I moved here.”
“I think it suits you.”
“And how about you? What’s your name?”
“My name’s Baekhyun.”
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mirai-eats · 5 years
Stray Spring:: Dance (Summer Romance)
Snufmin, 4,673 words, part 2/5
flower symbolism bc thats how i work i dont change, Fluff, Romance, so soft it hurts, Light Angst, Sickfic, Spring Deity Snufkin, little my is a demigod???
A deity borne of spring and summer can’t leave Moominvalley alone.
read on AO3
Moomin had a hard time getting himself out of bed today and that bothered him since today was an important day. Mamma didn’t scold him for stumbling down the stairs well into breakfast, but only wished him a good morning and gently told him to have those midnight adventures on days he doesn’t need to get up early.
Sniff was charged with distracting Little My and taking her up to a rural spot in Lonely Mountain where Snufkin had buried a box of rocks for her to find. Meanwhile, it was up to the Moomins and every spare hand to set up the extravagant party to celebrate the new season and Little My’s new age. Moomin didn’t know how old she was, and every time he asked something would always interrupt. He gave up asking and resorted to counting the candles on her cake.
The party was going to be lovely, Moomin thought. Long tables were set out with summer flowers and stakes with paper lanterns framed the perimeter they set up, strings of lights draped the trees and strung over their heads as an imitation of stars. Mamma was cooking with vigor in the kitchen, preparing enough food to keep the whole valley full through winter. In the meantime, Mamma had set out heaping plates of juicy, red watermelon and sweet berry juice for people setting up the party. Moomin took a few slices and ran down to Mr. Hemulen’s where Snufkin was helping him pick flowers to decorate.
“This is very delicious, thank you Moomintroll,” Snufkin said after chewing thoughtfully on the melon.
“You’re welcome, now let’s haul these over so we can get them on the tables and chairs. Little My is due back soon!”
It was no walk in the park bringing so many flowers in the wheelbarrows. It was a miracle they got them all placed in time right before they heard the large shouts of Little My coming from just beyond.
“Everyone get in place! She’s coming!” Pappa clapped his paws and on cue, everyone rushed to stand in attention, facing the hill Little My will climb to the top of and see the party waiting for her.
“Mymble isn’t here yet, what do we do?” Pappa fretted, his hat tilted askew in his frantic movement.
“She will come, it’ll be a grand surprise on top of this surprise when her mother comes,” Mamma soothed.
The party was going well, very well, but the Moomin’s were still eyeing the path from the beach waiting for The Mymble to arrive. She’ll come when she comes, Snufkin thought.
Snufkin didn’t want to admit it, but he was rather nervous himself. He kept to himself at the fringe of the party, in which most, if not all, of Moominvalley, showed up for. The record player Moominpappa had successfully fixed up was playing joyful tunes into the sweet, summer air as the day slowly cooled as the night struggled to blanket the horizons. This was the longest day of the year and sunset didn’t come until the party reached its peak, when the music grew the loudest and drinks splashed refill after refill into cups. Little My had stuck a little cosmo from the table display into her bun as if it were her crown and swung around in the middle of it all, her laughter loud and smile even louder.
It’s when the sun touched the tops of the forests and the sky was a rich gold with strands of rosy pink did a parade arrive. Thirty-four children with hair red like Little My’s and screams somehow louder than hers rushed from the beach trail and over to the party, in the midst of their chaos rose the imposing figure of their mother.
The Mymble was eccentric, a presence so loud and bright it’s hard to ignore, especially how she was taller than even the tallest hemulen. Her red hair was messy atop her head, where little baby’s breath flowers were scattered like sparse snow and her eyes glittered like sunshine on the greenest lake surface. The air felt sweeter in her presence, cooler like a gentle spring breeze dripping with honeysuckle petals. Little My leaped with a shout and ran into her mother’s embrace, her big arms holding her tightly to her chest. The party grew louder, more rambunctious, fit for a Little My with too much energy crammed in that very little body.
From the fringe of the party, Mymble’s eyes landed on Snufkin. This was the first time she’s seen him since he was placed in a basket and sent down the river. He tipped his hat and turned away.
He wasn’t mad at her. He couldn’t bring himself to be angry at her for letting him go when he was so young. He grew up fine, he never pined for the affections of a mother or the guidance of a father. He knew what his mother and father were, but when Moominpappa placed a name and face to their beings, shaped their characters through his stories, he ached something sharp like a cold pick of winter ice drilled into his heart.
It was a surprise when it wasn’t Moomintroll who found him first, but The Mymble. Overwhelmed with the party, he had dove into the forest and climbed up a maple tree thick with green leaves. The summer breeze hit him just right, and from here he can watch the sun tiptoe the horizon and paint the sea a brilliant, hazy orange that drove the warmth of the day away.
“Snufkin,” she said.
He nodded in acknowledgment and lit his pipe, letting the smoke waft into the air and fill the thick silence with its odor, the sweet smell of daisies and poppies on his hat was blanketed under a smokey curtain.
“You’ve become quite the deity, haven’t you,” she settled herself on the ground under his tree, her voice rising into the air as if caught by a breeze and sailed up to his perch.
“You couldn’t have done anything for me, could you?” It was a statement, not a question.
“No. I can’t raise a spirit. Those children are all demigods and I enjoy watching them grow, but you aren’t a demigod. You won’t grow like them.”
“Little My?”
“Is like them, and so is my eldest. You’re one of a kind, Snufkin.” A sigh left her lips and it was as if the whole forest took a breath of fresh air. The leaves seemed greener, the air fresher, and the gentle sweetness of the most fragrant flora, of soft sweet peas and mysterious wisteria, star-light jasmine and plump gardenias. It was as if spring came back once more for another round. Snufkin looked down from his perch and saw The Mymble as she truly is- a goddess of spring.
Flowers bloomed and died in her hair, petals dripped like soft snow onto her shoulders and the green grass that’s sprouted out around her. The collar of fur was replaced with a wreath of greenery and flowers oozing their sweet scent, her coat was now a shifting robe that seemed to have been woven from the silkiest petals. She looked up to where Snufkin lounged in the tree, her round face glowing with light only one not of this world can possess.
Snufkin lifted his robe of glamour, the scruffy Snufkin in a coat too old to count the years of and boots worn to the thinnest soles were replaced by his robes of shimmering green. His hat bloomed all sorts of flowers, from the smallest, palest buds to the brightest, largest petals. He descended from the tree with a graceful leap, draped in spring nature, falling far too high to be safe and landed gently on the freshly grown grass, his bare feet hitting the cool blades.
“What of The Joxter, my father?” Snufkin asked.
“A minor god, the personification of a lazy summer day,” she nodded. “It’s why you reign strongest in the spring and summer where the flowers bloom brightest and the sun is the warmest. You spend your days idly and freely, amongst the root of trees and grassy meadows and wherever you go, you bring spring with you.”
She looked up where he stood before him. Even sitting, he was only barely taller than her. “You need to leave earlier than that, my son. I heard from the Moomins you hang around here through the autumn. That can harm you, and it can harm the balance of nature.”
“I know.”
“Then leave as soon as the trees start to shudder and the flowers start to grow smaller. You need to bring your music to the south where the sun sits high in the sky.”
“I will.”
Her eyes narrowed, unbelieving of him. Towers of delphiniums started growing around her, pale blue and pink trumpets of flowers unraveling and reaching for their sun, their spring goddess. Pops of tiny daisies sprung at their feet and brushed up against Snufkin’s bare ankles. “You will. I don’t know if you know this, but if you linger too long in one place, you may perish.”
“I know.” He was starting to sound like a broken record, skipping over select words that would appease his mother. But he knew, he understood the risk of staying too close to winter in Moominvalley. He did it once before because Moomintroll asked him to stay until the winter solstice for their feast so he won’t miss him too terribly when he left. He was ill then, and could barely touch his food, and almost didn’t make it out of Moominvalley before the snow started to really come down. Moomintroll has tried since then to have him stay a little longer, sighing loudly, despondently, into the autumn air. He caved and stayed, and he almost died.
“Don’t do it again. For each time you do, you will grow weaker faster.”
A shout of his named echoed through the forest. A flock of birds rose from the trees and scattered into the orange horizon, the sun swallowed by the midnight blue.
Moomintroll rounded the corner and spotted Snufkin. “There you are! Are you alright? You disappeared during the party.”
“I’m okay, just a little overwhelmed with the number of people,” Snufkin said.
“Oh wow! These are gorgeous!”
The Mymble had disappeared, leaving the patch of jewel-green grass and the stocks of delphiniums at the base of the tree. Snufkin had dropped his glamour back on, his boots crushing the grass and the daisies on his hat matched the ones by Moomin’s feet. Moomintroll did not see a thing. “Aren’t they lovely? They’re called delphinium.”
“They are.” Moomin picked a couple of little daisies and stuck them in the wreath of flowers on Snufkin’s hat. “Do you want to be alone right now?”
Snufkin shook his head. “We can go to the beach and take a walk. I’m just tired of the party.”
Moomintroll’s eyes lit up, a mischevious sparkle that seemed a little too excited for a simple moonlit stroll on the beach.
“Can I show you something instead?”
They stole a lantern from the party when no one was looking and traipsed up the forest path. Snufkin realized it was the direction Moomintroll had been sneaking off too for months now.
“What do you want to show me?” Snufkin prodded.
“It’s a surprise.” Moomintroll was practically vibrating.
They reached a bend in the trail and Moomintroll went off the path, over a bushel of bright, yellow yarrow, and down a secret worn path that wound through the trees. He suddenly stopped at the base of a sturdy oak tree. He pushed aside some broken branches piled up at the bottom and revealed a rope ladder dangling down the side of the tree.
“What is this, Moomintroll?” Snufkin asked. He looked up and between the thick branches he could make out wooden boards.
“I built us a secret base,” Moomintroll said, his voice barely able to contain his excitement. “I read a book about spies having secret bases hidden in plain sight, where they can meet and plot their next missions. I thought it would be cool if we had a secret place, too.”
“Oh, Moomintroll, it’s fantastic.” Snufkin’s heart swelled with something warm. A moment of fear iced his veins, that this was Moomintroll asking him to stay forever, but this was a treehouse, a place for them alone and not an actual house. He needn’t read too deeply into the meaning of all this.
“Let’s go, let’s go! You haven’t even seen the best of it yet!” Moomintroll ushered him up the ladder. It took them through a square hole cut out of a wooden platform, buried in the oak branches and green leaves. There was no way someone could see this place from below, and with the thick tree coverage, it was hard to see it coming from the forest path unless someone was looking for it.
The house was a simple box that was morphed around a sturdy branch. The door was a little high off the ground, and there were curtains patterned with summer yellow sunflowers (definitely Moominmamma’s work). The cabin was small, a little rickety for comfort, but Snufkin adored it. The little chairs at the table, a basket of snacks, a worn map from Moominpappa, a bouquet of small sunflowers and pale purple cosmos sat in a vase Snufkin remembered Moomintroll made when he was briefly into pottery, the sides bumpy with paw marks and the smear of bright blues made it personal. Moomin lit the oil lamp on the table and filled the small space with a wonderful warm glow. The blue light left from the twilight was chased away with the golden candlelight.
“This is wonderfully cozy,” Snufkin said as he settled down into one of the chairs. He peaked out from behind the window curtain and could see the main forest path between the branches of their tree. “Perfect for spying, but I’m afraid at night someone will see our light.”
“Then we’ll have to be extra careful and only come when everyone’s asleep,” Moomintroll said. He took the seat across from Snufkin and pulled out a book from a box under the table. “Let me show you the book that inspired me to make this!”
Little My bobbed through the tall stocks of gladiolus, a bundle held in her small arms. With her size, it was as if she was carrying lumber, not pink and yellow flowers. She emerged from the stocks and ran full sprint toward Moominhouse, where Moominmamma was trimming the stems of gladiolus and placing them in long vases.
“Thank you, Little My, that will be plenty for now,” Moominmamma said kindly, taking the new bundle from Little My. “Can you deliver this vase to Mrs. Fillyjonk?” She handed Little My a vase almost as tall as her with a spry of artfully arranged flowers, a red bow tied around the slim neck of the bottle.
“Sure thing! Don’t get mad if I spill!” Little My leaped from the porch and teetered down the walkway toward Mrs. Fillyjonk’s house, the water sloshing dangerously in the vase and her arms burned but she refused to put it down.
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a Moomintroll-white shape flitter in the corner of her eye. She quietly placed the vase down on the side of the road and scanned the treeline where she saw it.
There! Darting between the trees was Moomintroll, his own armload of gladiolus flowers clutched close to his chest, the red pedals bobbing with his steps. The flowers won’t die if they waited out in the sun for a bit, Little My thought to herself and ran after him.
She stayed far enough away he wouldn’t be able to hear him, but close enough to keep him within sight. They wound through the trees, going off and on trails and pushing through bushes. He stopped suddenly at the bank of a river, a waterfall feeding into the quickly moving water. Snufkin sat at the shore, a bucket next to him and his fishing rod posed in his hand. Branches of green leaves and fern dripped from his hat, the single white dahlia poking from the side was like a beacon amongst the green. Moomintroll came up behind him and plucked a bud of red gladiolus and stuck it in his hat brim. The roar of the waterfall hid their words and Little My scooted closer to catch what they were talking about.
She heard “secret base” and lost face. She hopped from behind the bush and shouted, “And what are you two up to?!”
Moomintroll jumped in surprise and Snufkin turned and tipped his hat in greeting. “Little My, hello.”
“Hello to you, too. What are you talking about?” She asked again.
Moomintroll seemed to be sweating under all his fur, his eyes darting everywhere but Little My. “Nothing much, I wanted to show Snufkin the flowers you and Mamma picked.” Liar.
She tried again, badgering them for good answers, but she only got vague remarks. She got bored, as Moomintroll was giving Snufkin big cow eyes as he fished and Snufkin kept sneaking longing glances at Moomintroll when he wasn’t looking. It was sickening and she couldn’t take it. She left to go finish delivering the flowers
Moomin realized that he harbored warm feelings for Snufkin when the sun was at its hottest. Snufkin had stripped to his trousers and worn shirt, the white so faded it was threadbare at the hems and elbows. They splashed around a creek where a willow tree traced its surface, stocks of violet irises waved in the warm, summer breeze and spots of petunias reached for the water. It was a picturesque sight of them chasing frogs in the moving water, tripping over stray stones and tangled in weeds. The cool water felt great in Moomin’s heated skin, his fur thinned for the summer but it wasn’t enough to cool him from the hot sun. Snufkin had a peeling sunburn on his nose, new freckles sprang up across his cheeks and the back of his hands and for a second Moomin wanted to kiss them.
The shock of realization hit him as if Little My dumped ice-cold lemonade over his head. He froze in the creek, the water splashing at his waist as he stared wide-eyed at Snufkin floating on the surface, eyes closed and absorbing the sun peeking through the willow branches and warming the water. Moomin’s heart leaped in his throat and caught his tongue in a stranglehold. Never in his life had he wanted to hold someone’s paw so much.
The Moomins shielded themselves from the midsummer sun under their balcony, with Moominappa taking up residence in the hammock with a book over his face to muffle his snores. Snufkin sat on the railing cleaning his harmonica while Moomintroll sat next to him with a book of his own. From where they sat, a breeze hit them just right. Moominmamma was nearby repairing one of Little My’s dresses with a rather large hole in the hem. The little monster herself laid sprawled out on the porch, sweat dampening her hairline and shooting glances and Moomintroll and Snufkin.
Snufkin let his eyes follow her glances where Moomintroll was posed reading a book, one of pirates and seascape adventures. The sun hit his fur where the shade couldn’t shield him, haloing him in a white glow and Snufkin’s heart stuttered in his chest.
Moomintroll chose that moment to look and he smiled at Snufkin, his eyes glittered with mirth from what Snufkin suspects is from a silly part in his novel. He winked at Snufkin and went back to reading.
Little My snorted when Snufkin turned his back to the porch so no one could see his red cheeks.
Snufkin found himself napping amongst hydrangeas. They grew off the side of one spot on the road and their fragrant shade was ideal for a mid-afternoon nap. It was August, and the heat was reaching to the point of unbearable. The day before he and the Moomins wore themselves out on their own seascape adventure when they took the boat out. He could still smell the lingering salt and sand on his skin, a smell that won’t go away until summer is gone beyond the horizons.
He heard familiar footsteps coming down a road, a gait he had memorized by heart. Moomintroll caught sight of his boots sticking out of the flowers and crawled under the bush to join him.
“Hullo, Snufkin,” Moomintroll greeted. “Do you mind if I join you? The sun is very harsh right now and it smells wonderful in this shade.”
“Be my guest.” Snufkin patted the spot next to him. It was a tight fit within the sturdy branches and pom poms of pastel flowers, but Snufkin didn’t mind. He could never mind being so close to Moomintroll.
It was peaceful between them, or that’s what Snufkin wanted to say. He was enjoying the air between them, warm and fragrant. It was Moomintroll who seemed to not be able to settle down. He was tense, kept shifting in his spot.
Unable to take it, Snufkin pokes. “What’s the matter, Moomintroll?”
“I want this to last forever,” Moomintroll spoke in a rush, a crack in the dam.
“Well, summer can’t last forever. Soon it will be autumn and I’ll have to leave again, but don’t worry, I’ll always be back,” Snufkin soothed. “Then we can have a whole new spring together.”
“No, not that. It’s-“ Moomintroll gulped and sat up as far as he could with a wide branch of spade leaves in his way. He looked down over at Snufkin. “I don’t want us to change.”
“People are always changing, but we can change together.” Snufkin was admittedly a little confused where Moomintroll’s train of thought was going. He thought they’ve discussed this in-depth?
His heart lit up, fluttered in his chest in hope. He crushed it underfoot.
Moomintroll gulped. “I don’t mean it like that. I’m… I…”
Snufkin waited patiently. He sat up, too, and gripped the brim of his hat in his lap.
“I don’t know how to say this but I need to say this to you Snufkin, but I don’t want ya to change apart, can we still be friends?” Moomintroll looked anywhere but at Snufkin.
“Of course I’ll stay by your side,” Snufkin agreed easily. It was the easiest yet hardest thing he could do.
“Snufkin,” Moomintroll took a deep breath, steadying himself and pulled his gaze to meet Snufkin’s. “I love you so much, I want to stay with you, and you stay with me. I love you like Mamma and Pappa love each other, and if you don’t- don’t feel the same way, that’s okay! As long as we can be friends that’s more than enough for me.”
There was a stutter in Snufkin’s heartbeat at Moomintrolls confession.
“You don’t have to respond, we don’t have to change,” Moomintroll continued. “I needed you to know that before I exploded.”
“What if I want it to change?” Snufkin asked. His heart felt so light, pounding a rhythm into his chest. Before Moomintroll could respond, a look of pain crossing his face, Snufkin said, “What if I want us to be together, too… if you would have me?” He felt… he didn’t know how to voice his love for Moomintroll, he never thought he would ever. He wasn’t prepared.
Moomintroll’s eyes filled with starlight, a smile graced his face so wide and happy Snufkin silently filed away that memory forever. “I would love to,” Moomintroll said.
They held hands, something they’ve done countless times before, but this time it had a whole new meaning.
The summer heat got hotter and drier as the season progressed, the riverbed dried out and only the sturdiest flora could withstand the waves of heat. Grass shriveled to brown crisps and Moominmamma’s roses were nothing but bare stumps. In this, like everyone else in Moominvalley, Snufkin found himself dozing off more often than not. With a heat this intense, it left the air dizzy with sleep.
As Moomintroll and Snufkin would be considered officially together, they hardly strayed from each other’s sides. Their honeymoon phase, as Moominmamma called it. Despite how desperately Snufkin wanted to cuddle up to Moomintroll’s soft chest and sleep the day away under the bridge, the heat wouldn’t allow him to go closer than a few inches from Moomintroll. At night, when the air cooled to a more bearable warmth, not nearly cool enough to wear his jacket again but less like he needed to peel his skin off too, they would watch fireflies dance amongst the midnight blue or simply relax on the beach where the waves pounded their stories into the sand.
Snufkin tried not to think of the coming autumn, how the sunflowers were growing less frequently and the air lost the summer touch.
As if summoned, or perhaps sent by a certain spring goddess, Snufkin received a visitor on the last day of summer.
The summer left him weak and found that naps helped. Napping in flowers helped a lot. He laid in a grove of lavender brush, the first of the upcoming season and a final goodbye from summer. Their soothing smell lulled him into a deep sleep and he wondered if Moomintroll has seen this yet.
A crunch of footsteps through hard dirt and the sage leaves of the lavender brought Snufkin out of his stupor. Sleepily, he sat up and put his hat back on, the top adorned with more of the lavender stocks and sweet asters Moomintroll had found for him. A figure framed by the too-bright sun shaded his vision.
“Hello, may I help you with something?”
“I’m your dad and your mother sent me to make sure you’re getting ready to leave,” this person, The Joxter, said.
To see both his parents within the span of one season, how fortunate Snufkin must be. The Joxter was as Moominpappa described him to be, his eyes were a piercing blue and his olive coat had seen better days, the hat on his head was similar to Snufkin’s except red and looped through the cord around the brim were dandelions. From the pipe hanging from his lips and the calm disposition, Snufkin was a little unnerved by the similarities between them.
“It’s too early, tell her I’ll leave when it’s properly time,” Snufkin said.
The Joxter’s eyes narrowed. He took a deep breath of his pipe and puffed out a ring of smoke. “Okay.”
Snufkin was taken aback. “Okay?”
“Yeah.” He plopped down next to Snufkin and leaned back, his hat tilted down to shield his face. “I don’t care. You’re a grown man. She never took interest in you before now, so I don’t know what her concern is.”
The remark sort of hurt, but it was the hard truth. “Is she trying to change herself?”
“Not likely. I think she doesn’t want her only god kid to die out because he liked hanging out with the Moomins. Don’t worry, I do too. Your little boyfriend’s dad and I go way back.” His voice was muffled by his hat, the pipe lifted lazily in the air as he tapped out the ashes without care.
Snufkin stared down at him unsure of where to go from there. “They’re good, the Moomins.”
“Yeah, lay down kid, take a nap with me, then let’s go eat some of Moominmamma’s delicious food.” The Joxter patted Snufkin’s spot, the dent still in the grass where Snufkin had been laying.
He complied and found it odd to be having a cat nap with his dad out of the blue, a man he has never met before this moment. A god-like him who chose to spend his days idly, and suddenly he didn’t find it so weird so similar they were.
AN: see Snufkin here!
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kdtheghostwriter · 5 years
SNK 115  - “OMW”
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I mean...
Let’s be real. As far as Deus Ex goes, I’ve seen more preposterous this week.
If any of you are wondering why this post took so long, it isn’t for lack of time I assure you. This chapter was…a lot. And god damn, Isayama, I wasn’t expecting to dig up my Junior Year debate notes for this one blog post but here we are lads. Quick recap before we get into writers’ mumbo-jumbo.
Deus EX
Sad Hange
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We all know Isa loves his religious imagery. He isn’t quite as egregious as Zack Snyder (who is, tbh?) but it’s definitely a thing. He also loves mythology of all types. And while Norse mythology seems to be his area of expertise, it isn’t mine - which is why seeing Stupid Sexy Zeke emerge from his Titan Incubator made me think of another Stupid Sexy God from the Ancient Greek Canon.
I speak of the Goddess Aphrodite, who has dominion over love, beauty and its various trappings. Admittedly, this comparison is drawn in relation to aesthetics only. Zeke’s aloof temperament doesn’t really mirror that of the Greek goddess. Even though Aphrodite did technically help start the Trojan War but that’s neither here nor there.
Zeke’s appearance from the steam of the felled Titan is nearly identical to the foam that appeared during Aphrodite’s spontaneous conception in the Ionian Sea. For the sake of transparency, I must point out that long ago, a fanfic author by the name of Homer relayed to us that Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. This is not technically wrong but it is quite boring. And it was also pre-dated (shout-out to Hesiod). Uranus, the primordial god of the sky, got into a spat with his children as deities are wont to do. This particular dust-up ended in Uranus being castrated by his son – the Titan, Cronus – who usurped the throne. The disembodied testicles fell into the sea like a pair of primordial bath bombs and out of the resulting effervescence appeared a full-grown Aphrodite in all of her Tumblr-banned glory.
Zeke, with nothing left of him after the explosion than a head and torso, was taken into the gut of a waiting Titan. Let me clarify, here. He was not eaten, no. The mindless titan scooted itself along the river banks and inserted the dying Zeke into its stomach cavity. Then OG Ymir with her trademark PATHS Magiks,  crafts the golden boy a brand new body and sends him on his merry way.
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Like I said up top: of all the examples of Deus Ex, this isn’t even the third-most severe I’ve seen. The implications of it are…a lot. And it actually makes sense if you consider what we know about Titan Biology.
Back to the beginning. Once upon a time, the Founder Ymir Fritz made a deal with the Devil of All Earth that gave her untold power after coming into contact with the “source of all living matter.” With that power, Ymir became the Progenitor of Titan Power. Upon her death 13 years later, her soul was split into nine pieces and connected via a metaphysical system known only as PATHS. These PATHS transcend space and time and bind together every subject of Ymir, even those who have been long dead.
We also know that the Titans themselves are a conundrum of theoretical physics. Their mass and energy are created from nothing. They generate massive amounts of heat, but don’t appear to need fuel. They have no digestive system and regurgitate the contents of their stomach when it becomes full. Even though they are huge creatures, their actual limbs and body parts are incredibly light. Even though Zeke has little recollection of what happened to him post-explosion, he’s likely smart enough to infer, as we can, exactly how and why he emerged from the carcass of a Titan with a brand new body.
This is all before we mention that Zeke Jaeger is a part of the Fritz family tree. The Royal Family line that descends directly from Ymir herself.
I also thought about Lazarus of Bethany while reading this section. Lazarus was a good friend of Jesus, the lad from Bethlehem. Maybe you’ve heard of him. Jesus was told that Lazarus had fallen ill, but has business and doesn’t set out until a few days later. Jesus and his crew arrive in Bethany only to discover that Lazarus has already passed away. This leads to the Gospel’s shortest verse.
Jesus wept. [John 11:35, KJV]
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Perhaps the better comparison for her is to Abraham (with the whole “making a great nation” stipulation). But! I’m trying to do something pithy here, so bear with me.
The story of Lazarus might be the Good Book’s most well-known resurrection (besides that other one). The idea here is that the world’s most Holy Figure decided that this man’s time on Earth wasn’t done. Jesus was too late to heal Lazarus and felt so guilty as to weep. Lazarus was then called forth from his tomb, still wrapped in his death robes.
For the Eldian Empire, no figure is more Holy than Ymir Fritz. She’s the Founding Titan and, if this chapter is to be inferred upon, her spirit still influences the will of her subjects to the day. An entire cult has formed with the sole purpose of returning her to her former glory. I should also point out that Zeke essentially committed suicide.
Like, yeah, maybe the injuries were a bit too extreme for an old shifter to be able to regenerate from, but even if that’s the case there would have been the telltale signs of an attempt to do so, like Pieck in Liberio. There wasn’t even that. He was so tired of the fight – so done with Levi torturing him – that he was willing to abandon his years-long plan entirely and sacrifice his powers to the shadows of death. He chose to die; the Founder chose differently.
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The rainstorm clearing to make way for the sun. The beautification of Zeke Jaeger. The visage of his tall, strong frame standing firm as his hated rival lays broken and mutilated at his feet. It’s all very hard to miss. Who knows where his head is at following this? I do, however, finally know why I get so many Spidey Sense tingles whenever Zeke opens his mouth.
  The name is Immanuel Kant: German scholar and one of the godfathers of modern philosophy. I first learned of Kant and his teachings as a teenager on my high school debate team as I prepared my cases for the Lincoln-Douglas competition. It was my first tournament and I placed second out of dozens of students. After I was done for the day, a girl came up to me and gave me congratulations for understanding Kant. I thanked her, but the truth was that I didn’t fully grasp Kantian philosophy until I got home that night and studied a bit more. Kantian ethics can be hard to grasp because they are often in conflict with each other. (Gee, that sounds familiar.)
Kant’s ethics are deontological in principal. This is a fancy way of saying that the main concern is the Deed That Must Be Done. It is a separation of morals from emotion. Kant rejected the Utilitarians of the day and their schools of thought regarding the inherent “goodness” of an action. Specifically, he had a big problem with Determinism, saying that things like free will were inherently unknowable; also, basing the morality of a decision around perceived outcomes was impossible, because consequences existed outside of physical existence and therefore could not be quantified. Kant set out to quantify the question of moral relativism with his most famous work: The Categorical Imperative.
This is a terribly complex system that has been repurposed and reinterpreted countless times over the past two centuries so I’ll spare you any ballywho. Basically, CI is the inverse of Consequentialism where everything but the consequences matter. Saving a person from drowning isn’t inherently a good action unless there is a logical reason for doing so. This is admittedly a very simplified summation, but even the expanded version leads to some dissonance of reason.
If we look at the Abstract of Categorical Imperative, it tells us: “Do not impose on others what you do not wish for yourself.” This line is very similar to the Golden Rule, which Kant famously opposed. The American scholar Peter Corning pointed this out, saying, “Kant’s objection is especially suspect because the Categorical Imperative sounds a lot like a paraphrase…of the same fundamental idea. Calling it a universal law does not materially improve on the basic concept.” To borrow an idea myself, it’s like playing the Super Mario theme in a minor key. It’ll sound more dour than usual, but it’s still the Mario theme. Joking aside, what’s important here is that the whole point of CI is to quantify the question of morality and it appears to do that in part by using the qualitative philosophy of the Golden Rule.
Another big beef came from Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. He felt that Kantian autonomy was insufficient in holding people to the standards of CI’s universal truths. In his words: “Kant was of the opinion that man is his own law – that is, he binds himself under the law which he himself gives himself. Actually, in a profounder sense, this is how lawlessness or experimentation are established.” In other words, if the only thing that matters is reasoning, you can justify almost anything to serve your immediate reasoning.
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Here is where the dubious nature of the Categorical Imperative fully rears its head, as it displays BOTH the morality and immorality of Zeke’s plan.
On one hand, this plan is fucking awful. There are numerous and many arguments to be made against it; working solely in the context of Kantianism, it is irrational to presume that sterilizing the Eldian people will lead to a more peaceful world. It relies on a ludicrous number of assumptions – the least of which isn’t that Marley will one day stop being a total bell end. Besides that shit, it violates the nature of Kantian philosophy by attempting to foresee the outcome of the situation.
The other hand? It actually makes sense. CI says that only reason matters. It’s ethics through the lens of rational thought. No matter your thoughts about the Great Titan War, how it started and ended, whether or not the Eldians’ preceding subjugation was just or not, it’s a fact that the Titans have caused a great deal of suffering for many people. Only one race of people can transform into these beasts, so the idea of stripping their ability to reproduce isn’t a great leap to make. It is rational specifically in the context of this universe.
(Apologies for any details missed. I haven’t read any Kant in several years and this is a very condensed version of a concept I would encourage you to look into further. Thinking about this all now, the fact that I ever made it to out-rounds while arguing any of this is frankly absurd.)
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It makes sense then, finally, why Yelena is so devoted to Zeke’s plan. Titans destroyed her home and slaughtered her people. The rational course of action is to remove this weapon from the hands of those (Marley) that would abuse them. And if those same perpetrators get screwed over during the course of this plan then…[Shrug Emoji]. She claims what she wants is justice. What she really wants, of course, is revenge. Just like her sensei, Jaeger-san, who wants revenge still. Which Jaeger, you ask? The answer is yes.
Situations have been reversed. The volunteers (and Onyankopon) are seated at the head of the table while the officers of the Garrison and Military Police that held them captive are under their thumb. Color-coded armbands are divvied out to the Eldian forces, juuuuust in case you forgot which period of history we’re sending up here. Armbands are assigned based upon when a person surrendered to the Jaegerists. Those higher ups (and Falco) that partook of the wine get their own special armband, because Everything Is Awesome!!
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Then there’s this fucking guy. Before I revisited the world of epistemology, I had a much less astute take prepared about character psychology and the concept of the “Double Turn.” I may still write that as a separate post; it won’t do any good here. Reiner didn’t appear, firstly (even though it appears that he and the Warrior Unit are on Paradis), and the visage of a disembodied child using Titan Magiks to bring Zeke back from the precipice of death brings up some very real questions about how real the Curse really is. We don’t know how Ymir Fritz died originally. Given the way mythology tends to work, I’d say patricide is highly plausible.
As usual, all we can do is speculate. One thing that doesn’t need speculation is Pieck. As usual, she’s right on time. As expected, she’s exactly right.
 Stray Thoughts
- As I noted last time, Levi was sent flying into the river. Evidently, he had enough strength to make it back to shore, just not much more than that. I suspect he’s alive for now but, goddamn did he get messed up. Levi underestimated Zeke’s suicidal tendencies, just as Zeke underestimated Levi’s tenacity. For two fellas that spent months in direct contact with each other, they have almost no clue.
- Not to stir the pot here but, here’s an in-story example of Kantian Ethics in case you’re still not quite sure. On the roof in Shiganshina – if Kant had been there (lol) – he would have disputed Levi giving the serum to Armin. Not for the reason you think. Categorical Imperative is all about reason. The reason Levi chose to save Armin is because he refused to rob his loved one of their humanity and instead chose to let him rest as opposed to reviving him for the sake of continuing a senseless, endless war. As Momtaku has said before: Levi chose Erwin over Armin. This was a choice made on emotional, borderline selfish, grounds and thereby irrational, which in Kant’s eyes makes it immoral. Just a little extra nugget for you. Discuss, friends!
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buffysummcrs · 6 years
so if you are bitter bout mcu what are your unpopular opinions?
so a few people have actually asked me this since i said something vague about mcu yesterday haha so i figured i’ll just make a big long post under the cut and i am sorry if anyone takes this offensively, i just have to rant about some of this stuff so read at your own risk (spoiler i get mad and it is longgggg)
I do also want to say i love the mcu despite its many problems and i do my best to separate it from the comics because i understand a movie/tv show can’t develop characters the same way decades of comics can and different versions of their personalities/backstories are okay but still there is some corruption i can’t take
First off - the maximoffs. Like … no! I really am not a fan of the mcu versions. I could deal with their new personalities/upbringings if it wasn’t at the expense of their ethnicity. Like for those of you that don’t know, the maximoffs are jewish and romani, they are basically whitepassing pocs and they were very poor and are even children of holocaust survivors … so how the fuck and why the fuck did they volunteer to work for hydra ?!?! just completely corrupting everything that made them who they were is so disrespectful and to make them fucking work for A NAZI ORGANIZATION is not a small personality/backstory change, it goes against everything from the original characters.
Wanda maximoff also just walked into the avengers with barely any accountability for her actions, yes she had to deal with the pain of what she caused at the beginning of civil war but hardly anyone is bringing up the fact that she toyed with bruce/hulk in aou which caused so much damage and very likely resulted in a loss of many civilian lives, how is no one realizing it is her fault ?! she was pardoned for everything she did when tony was painted as villain WHY
Also in civil war i was more on tony’s side, i do think that cap was right in thinking that they shouldn’t be solely controlled by the government because sometimes there are fights they need to do that they wouldn’t necessarily be allowed to go to. B U T they do have to understand the effects of their often reckless actions. Yes they are saving the world but they could very well destroy it by not taking accountability for the damage they cause.
And okay civil war, like really? I just think it was forced and happened too fast, i know it can’t be like the comics always, but the civil war in the comics actually served a real purpose and in the mcu it was just like 12 people fighting in a parking lot ??
Also the villainization of tony is just … NO. like stop please. Tony makes mistakes, he does as everyone does and yes they are colossal ones too - i mean ultron for just one example. But he should not be seen as a villain for trying to protect the world. He saw infinity war coming a mile away and everybody was upset about it. Ultron was a disaster yes, but how is it that tony wasn’t pardoned when wanda and bucky were? I am not trying to say bucky shouldn’t be pardoned, because he was rightfully forgiven as he had no control over what hydra made him do, but wanda did … and she isn’t really apologizing or realizing the effects of some of her actions so … why is everyone pissed at tony??
And god okay i’m gonna be brief with mcu nat because ugh but just fuck scar jo and get her out of my sight, black widow deserves a solo movie with an actually talented actress who isn’t trying to steal minority roles alongside bucky barnes, i refuse to believe a black widow movie with no bucky could ever work
Guardians of the galaxy … jesus they did my babies dirty. Mcu peter quill … i don’t really like him and maybe it is because i’m not super fond of chris “i have a gun arsenal” pratt but tbh i just think they portray quill as a dick who can be misogynistic and a has a very delicate ego. His changed backstory was meh which i can live with but he is so fragile with his masculinity and it demeans gamora. I do like gamora and peter together but it would be so much better if he wasn’t always trying to be better than her or got offended anytime she was smarter or a better fighter than him (which is always sooo). Then mantis was done dirty she should not be some slave to a weird planet man ?? i think pom is a wonderful mantis but she was given crap to work with because mantis is a celestial being like an actual GODDESS  so why is she working for a planet ??? and drax ugh he is not an idiot like mcu portrays him i’m so bitter about that
I understand why scott lang was chosen to be ant man over hank pym i mean if paul rudd was going to be scott it makes perfect sense. Hank is also just … i don’t quite know how to describe hank other than controversial i guess but that’s another story, and scott would come off waaaaay better to audiences as ant man, the thing i am just so mad about is the fact that janet was practically erased from the avengers. I mean please don’t get me wrong i love hope van dyne and a young janet shouldn’t be falling in love with scott, but i just wish they could have at least included the REAL janet, not michelle pfiefer (no offense to michelle either because she’s doing great with what she’s given) being an old knock off janet, and not even like her own movie (which would be fucking fantastic though) but like janet gave so much of her life to the avengers and was a founding member. A FOUNDING MEMBER. And her purpose in the mcu was basically just to give hank manpain like whyyyyyyyyyy
And CLINT! God clint barton was screwed over, comics clint is amazing and is 80% deaf (he has a frickin hearing aid!!) and loves dogs and coffee and pizza and i could even handle jeremy renner being this version of clint, i don’t really have a problem with jeremy but i hate that marvel just made him be loki’s slave for awhile then just randomly give him a family AHA PUH LEASE MARVEL clint barton is a hoe (okay not really a hoe but he has been romantically involved with many of the super ladies) he would not have some secret family also with someone not in the same business as him, and also clint is a survivor of abuse and represents someone with a disability and mcu took all of that away from him ughhh
Okay and spider-man … i think smhc was a great movie and tom is so cute and pure and an amazing peter parker but … why? Like why were we given a THIRD peter parker when we could have fucking had miles morales ?! for those of you who don’t know miles morlaes, he is black and is spiderman in a different universe (the ultimate universe) and so i mean marvel come on if you’re going to put in a new spiderman why couldn’t it be miles? And i mean this with no offense to tom but i just wish we could’ve had a poc lead sooner and now we get into the spiderverse as the introduction to miles which also don’t get me wrong, i am very excited about that movie but to me it just seems like we won’t have a great shot at getting miles in the mcu if they do a series of new animated films about the spiderverse
And doctor strange ugh the whitewashing just ugh and then stephen too like idk benedict cumberbatch is an amazing actor but stephen was made so arrogantly in mcu and he comes off as this hotshot doctor who did it for money and to show off how amazing he is but he actually became a doctor because he witnessed his sister’s death and then soon after his mother died
And then the whitewashing of the ancient one jesusssss the ancient one is not some eccentric white woman, the ancient one is an asian man … i could even understand making the character a woman as the only other female character would be rachel mcadams’s character (she was so unimportant i don’t even know her name whoops) but do not take away the asian identity !!
And iron fist man … it just sucked, there’s really not much more to say
Then elektra fucking natchios was done SO DIRTY elodie yung is the absolute best elektra, i can’t imagine anyone else playing her and she did so well for the shit she was given but they decided to take a route that made her a sociopath ?? i mean i am okay with the changed backstory but elektra just doesn’t go around killing people for the fun of it like she does it because she has been through a lot and wants to take bad people out of the world like the ones that killed her father and yes maybe she is a little misguided and lost but still she doesn’t think killing people is a fun thing to do on a saturday night like why marvel ?? and just the black sky thing was weird … never a thing in the comics but whatever
And also okay … i love peggy carter and i loved hayley atwell being peggy but sharon is ultimately cap’s main love interest and is the main woman in all of cap’s storylines. And sharon was set up SO well but because stucky fans are ruthless sharon doesn’t even exist anymore and i’m so bitter about that, emily vancamp was a great agent 13 and marvel actually did a great job of bringing her into the universe in catws but look what happened, everyone forgot about her and are obsessed with peggy instead … which as i said, i’m not trying to diss peggy or hayley because i loved agent carter and her in catfa, but everyone decided sharon was nothing compared to peggy and i just don’t see why we can’t have both ??
Another thing … why vision? Like why the heck was vision put into the mcu it really doesn’t make sense to me i mean i think paul bettany is great but he just .. why this weird robot? i’m guessing to bring more in about the infinity stones but still idk because that didn’t really happen ??
And rhodey … poor poor rhodey, the casting change was actually a pretty good idea because i think don cheadle is the perfect rhodey (with no offense to terrence howard’s version, i just think don cheadle should’ve been there from the start) but they didn’t really introduce him into becoming war machine at all, they just gave him a suit and were like boom you’re a superhero now go be an avenger ?? with barely any development to why ?? i demand a war machine solo movie please, we all damn well know don cheadle would be great and ryan coogler should direct it, we’ll have no tony (no offense to tony just no more white men) and we’ll get sam in there and they will be a fucking badass team
And i am so bitter that it took 10 FUCKING YEARS to not have a white male lead a movie … marvel you have so many amazing characters of so many different ethnicities and backgrounds and genders and sexualities like why is carol only coming in now and why did black panther just become a huge movie?! should’ve been there from the start ugh
In my eyes, the only flawless mcu pieces that i would never bash are thor: ragnarok, and black panther (and maybe runaways because we finally got our first canon lgbtq couple) and catws if scar jo wasn’t in it. Marvel needs to realize the success of these films, that taika waititi and ryan coogler are the best directors they have and should be directing more films *cough cough* GUARDIANS 3 *cough*
So wow … that’s a lot and it’s a lot of bashing marvel but i just … if you don’t know shit about the comics the mcu seems amazing like i was there once i didn’t start reading comics until a few years ago when i heard about the young avengers and i have loved the movies since iron man came out ten years ago, but the mcu is very corrupting of a lot of the best parts of these characters, and a lot of people don’t realize that
Thanks for letting me rant and as i have said i really don’t mean to offend anyone who is a fan of the mcu or (most of) the actors of the mcu because they’re just doing their job, so please realize a lot of this is my opinion, i’m just expressing how i feel about marvel and for the record, i do love the mcu i just don’t like a lot of what goes on behind the scenes.
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dfroza · 4 years
As children of Light we have been made free
and we will inherit the rebirth of beautiful earth at some point. and so we must protect the pure genesis of all things by guarding spiritual truth in the heart, because all things will be restored someday. made new.
and True Love never ends...
Paul explains our freedom in his Letter of Galatians with Today’s reading of chapter 4:
Listen. I am going to explain how this all works: When a minor inherits an estate from his parents, although he is the owner of everything, he is the same as a slave. Until the day set by his father, the minor is subject to the authorities or guardians whom his father put in charge. It is like that with us; there was a time when we were like children held under the elemental powers of this world. When the right time arrived, God sent His Son into this world (born of a woman, subject to the law) to free those who, just like Him, were subject to the law. Ultimately He wanted us all to be adopted as sons and daughters. Because you are now part of God’s family, He sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts; and the Spirit calls out, “Abba, Father.” You no longer have to live as a slave because you are a child of God. And since you are His child, God guarantees an inheritance is waiting for you.
During the time before you knew God, you were slaves to powers that are not gods at all. But now, when you are just beginning to know the one True God—actually, He is showing how completely He knows you—how can you turn back to weak and worthless idols made by men, icons of these spiritual powers? Haven’t you endured enough bondage to these breathless idols? You are observing particular days, months, festival seasons, and years; you have me worried that I may have wasted my time laboring among you.
Brothers and sisters, I have become one of you. Now it’s your turn—become as I am. You have never wronged me. Do you remember the first time I preached the good news to you? I was sick, and I know my illness was a hardship to you, but you never drew back from me or scorned me. You cared for me as if I were a heavenly messenger of God, possibly as well as if I were the Anointed Jesus Himself! Don’t you remember? What has happened to your joy and blessing? I tell you, the place was so thick with love that if it were possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and handed them to me. And now, do I stand as your enemy because I tried to bless you with the truth? I’ll tell you what these false brothers and sisters are counting on: your attention. They are ravenous for it. They are not acting honorably or in your best interests. They want to keep you away from the good news we proclaim so they can have you all to themselves. Listen, there’s nothing wrong with zeal when you’re zealous for God’s good purpose. And what’s more, you don’t have to wait for me to be with you to seek the good. My dear children, I feel the pains of birth upon me again, and I will continue in labor for you until the Anointed One is formed completely in you. I wish I were there. This letter is really harsh, yet I am really perplexed by you.
Now it’s your turn to instruct me. All of you who want to live by the rules of the law, are you really listening to and heeding what the law teaches? Listen to this: it’s recorded in the Scripture that Abraham was the father of two sons. One son was born to a slave woman, Hagar, and the other son was born to a free woman, Abraham’s wife, Sarah. The slave woman’s son was born through only natural means, but the free woman’s son was born through a promise from God. I’m using an allegory. Here’s the picture: these two women stand for two covenants. The first represents the covenant God made on Mount Sinai—this is Hagar, who gives birth to children of slavery. Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and she stands for the Jerusalem we know now. She has lived in slavery along with her children. But there is a Jerusalem we know above. She is free, and she is our mother. Isaiah wrote,
Be glad, you who feel sterile and never gave birth!
Raise a joyful shout, childless woman, who never went into labor!
For the barren woman produces many children,
more than the one who has a husband.
So you see now, brothers and sisters, you are children of the promise like Isaac. The slave’s son, born through only what flesh could conceive, resented and persecuted the one born into the freedom of the Spirit. The slave’s son picked at Isaac, just as you are being picked at now. So what does the Scripture say? “Throw out the slave and her son, for the slave’s son will never have a share of the inheritance coming to the son of the free woman.” So, brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman, but sons and daughters of the free.
The Letter of Galatians, Chapter 4 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 15th chapter of First Kings that documents the lives of various kings, of Judah and of Israel:
[Abijah of Judah]
In the eighteenth year of the rule of Jeroboam son of Nebat, Abijah took over the throne of Judah. He ruled in Jerusalem three years. His mother was Maacah daughter of Absalom. He continued to sin just like his father before him. He was not truehearted to God as his great-grandfather David had been. But despite that, out of respect for David, his God graciously gave him a lamp, a son to follow him and keep Jerusalem secure. For David had lived an exemplary life before God all his days, not going off on his own in willful defiance of God’s clear directions (except for that time with Uriah the Hittite). But war continued between Abijah and Jeroboam the whole time.
The rest of Abijah’s life, everything he did, is written in The Chronicles of the Kings of Judah. But the war with Jeroboam was the dominant theme. Abijah died and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David. His son Asa was king after him.
[Asa of Judah]
In the twentieth year of Jeroboam king of Israel, Asa began his rule over Judah. He ruled for forty-one years in Jerusalem. His grandmother’s name was Maacah.
Asa conducted himself well before God, reviving the ways of his ancestor David. He cleaned house: He got rid of the sacred prostitutes and threw out all the idols his predecessors had made. Asa spared nothing and no one; he went so far as to remove Queen Maacah from her position because she had built a shockingly obscene memorial to the whore goddess Asherah. Asa tore it down and burned it up in the Kidron Valley. Unfortunately, he didn’t get rid of the local sex-and-religion shrines. But he was well-intentioned—his heart was in the right place, in tune with God. All the gold and silver vessels and artifacts that he and his father had consecrated for holy use he installed in The Temple.
But through much of his reign there was war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel. Baasha king of Israel started it by building a fort at Ramah and closing the border between Israel and Judah so no one could enter or leave Judah.
Asa took all the silver and gold that was left in the treasuries of The Temple of God and the royal palace, gave it to his servants, and sent them to Ben-Hadad son of Tabrimmon, the son of Hezion king of Aram, who was ruling in Damascus, with this message: “Let’s make a treaty like the one between our fathers. I’m showing my good faith with this gift of silver and gold. Break your deal with Baasha king of Israel so he’ll quit fighting against me.”
Ben-Hadad went along with King Asa and sent out his troops against the towns of Israel. He attacked Ijon, Dan, Abel Beth Maacah, and the entire region of Kinnereth, including Naphtali. When Baasha got the report he quit fortifying Ramah and pulled back to Tirzah.
Then King Asa issued orders to everyone in Judah—no exemptions—to haul away the logs and stones Baasha had used in the fortification of Ramah and use them to fortify Geba in Benjamin and Mizpah.
A full account of Asa’s life, all the great things he did and the fortifications he constructed, is written in The Chronicles of the Kings of Judah. In his old age he developed severe gout. Then Asa died and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David. His son Jehoshaphat became king after him.
[Nadab of Israel]
Nadab son of Jeroboam became king over Israel in the second year of Asa’s rule in Judah. He was king of Israel two years. He was openly evil before God—he followed in the footsteps of his father who both sinned and made Israel sin.
Baasha son of Ahijah of the tribe of Issachar ganged up on him and attacked him at the Philistine town of Gibbethon while Nadab and the Israelites were doing battle there. Baasha killed Nadab in the third year of Asa king of Judah and became Israel’s next king.
As soon as he was king he killed everyone in Jeroboam’s family. There wasn’t a living soul left to the name of Jeroboam; Baasha wiped them out totally, just as God’s servant Ahijah of Shiloh had prophesied—punishment for Jeroboam’s sins and for making Israel sin, for making the God of Israel thoroughly angry.
The rest of Nadab’s life, everything else he did, is written in The Chronicles of the Kings of Israel. There was continuous war between Asa and Baasha king of Israel.
[Baasha of Israel]
In the third year of Asa king of Judah, Baasha son of Ahijah became king in Tirzah over all Israel. He ruled twenty-four years. He was openly evil before God, walking in the footsteps of Jeroboam, who both sinned and made Israel sin.
The Book of 1st Kings, Chapter 15 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, november 28 of 2020 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons about finding rest in the peace of God:
The ultimate question is whether you feel “safe” with the truth of who you really are... When you are all alone, in a moment of still silence, when the entire world is asleep and suspended, what is the message of your heart’s cry? Are you okay? Do you trust who you are or what is happening to you, or do you experience anxiety, a sense of lostness, inner pain? Comfort is found in God’s grace. His promise is given to the sick at heart, to those who understand their need for a physician (Matt. 9:12). Since there is nothing about you to commend before God, you are made free to abandon yourself to the divine love. This is the “Name of the LORD,” after all, and your heart’s cry for love is a “prayer” uttered in that Name. Your heavenly Father sees in secret (Matt. 6:6). Consider the birds of the air; they are unreflective, alive in the atmosphere of God’s care. What a great blessing to let go of your fear; what sweet relief! Surrender to the truth of your helplessness; rejoice that you are “poor in spirit,” and discover that yours is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 5:3). So don’t give up your faith, my friend. God promises to be with you to the end, leading you to the place where your heart will forever be satisfied in his love. [Hebrew for Christians]
11.27.20 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
November 28, 2020
Adam's Failure, Christ's Strength
“By the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” (Romans 5:18)
When Adam rebelled against God, he experienced many new things—things that have haunted mankind ever since. All of these things were experienced by Christ in an intense way as He redeemed fallen mankind and the cursed creation.
Adam had never seen or experienced death (Genesis 2:17) until he sinned (3:19, 22). God had ordained nakedness (2:25), but sin distorts everything (3:7, 21). Before sin, Adam and Eve had known only blessing (1:28), but the universal curse followed (3:14-19). They had known joy and fellowship, but now they knew sorrow (3:17) and separation (3:23). They had lived in a garden (2:8), but now the plants would bring forth thorns (3:18). Prior to sin they had been assigned work to do (2:15), but now they would sweat (3:19) as they toiled. The angel’s weapon kept them from returning to the Garden (3:24), and outside violence reigned (4:8, 23; 6:13). Childbearing originally was created to be easy and frequent, but now was to be accompanied by sorrow (1:28; 3:16).
Likewise, Christ experienced death on the cross (John 19:30), but by His resurrection He conquered death (1 Corinthians 15:54-57). He experienced nakedness (John 19:23; Psalm 22:18); the full thrust of the curse (Galatians 3:13); sorrow (Isaiah 53:3); and separation from God (Matthew 27:46). Cruel thorns were placed on His head (John 19:2), and He sweat great drops of blood (Luke 22:44). The soldier’s weapon pierced Him (John 19:34), finally ending a series of violent acts (Luke 22:63; Matthew 27:26, 29-30; Isaiah 52:14; etc.). But through His suffering He overcame the curse and redeemed His fallen creation. As a result, many children have been brought forth (Hebrews 2:9-10), reborn into a glorious state through His suffering. JDM
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brandxspandex · 7 years
Thor: Ragnarok review of sorts
So I just went to see Thor: Ragnarok for a second time and I think that I’ve collated my thoughts enough to give an overview of my opinions on it. Under the cut because this got really long…
Firstly, what I didn’t like about it:
I wasn’t crazy about the way they killed off the Warriors Three with so little ceremony, especially Volstagg and Fandral (Hogun’s death was a bit better). Volstagg in particular is a pretty major and beloved character in the Thor mythos so to see him done away with like that was unpleasant. It’s made even worse by the fact that The Dark World implied that MCU Volstagg has a family with a bunch of little children like 616 Volstagg does.
I similarly didn’t like the way they wrote off Thor’s relationship with Jane Foster with the same casual disregard. I didn’t even like the Thor/Jane plotline and kinda wished they’d never taken that particular path in the first place, but it really irks me when a story sets up a particular relationship or character or plotline or whatever as important and something we should be emotionally invested in, and then proceeds to write it off as though it never mattered. It weakens my trust in the narrative, as it makes me wonder why I should get invested in anything else it pushes me to care about, if there’s a chance it’s just gonna act like it was never important later on. Plus, even if I personally may not have particularly cared, it makes me feel bad for people who did. Sure, more often than not people’s ships don’t work out in canon, and you just have to live with it, but it’s a whole other level of insult to have your ship just tossed away as though it never meant anything. Contrast this with how they dealt with Bruce/Natasha in the movie; I don’t really care for that pairing whatsoever, but I’m still glad they acknowledged it in a way that was consistent with the way it was presented in Age of Ultron. Ultimately, while certain relationships don’t do it for me and I personally think they drag down the narrative, I think that if they’re going to be done away with, it should be nonetheless done in a manner that is respectful to way the relationships have been presented up to that point.
While I enjoyed Hela, as I will expand upon a little further on, I couldn’t help but feel somewhat underwhelmed by her character, knowing how much cooler the comic book character she’s based on is. As keen as I was for Hela, I knew that there was no way they were going to manage to make her as interesting as her 616 counterpart, but I nonetheless hoped they’d chuck in some little reference to the clusterfuck of factors that make her so fascinating in the comics, but there wasn’t really anything like that. On that note, I was hoping that there would be some interesting Hela and Loki interaction, given they have such a major relationship in the comics (not to mention the connection between their mythological counterparts), but they barely interacted at all. I was also really hoping that Hela was going to survive in order to act as a substitute for Mistress Death and Thanos’s object of obsession, and whilst that still isn’t completely off the table, it honestly didn’t feel like they were setting that up after all. Still, I can hope.
On a more minor note, I was a bit irked that the after-credits scene from Doctor Strange ended up being a scene in the film. It felt a bit like being retroactively robbed of an after-credits scene since there is no longer any point in watching it on its own at the end of Doctor Strange.
As for the things I was more ambivalent about:
I had mixed feelings about the humour in the film. On one hand, I love comedy and levity, especially when it is mixed with other genres I’m into. In fact, the humour that runs through the MCU is a big part of why I love it so much. On the other hand, when the humour of an established setting is suddenly amped up, particularly when it smacks of a very particular (and new) style of comedy as it did in this film, it can feel rather discombobulating, almost like the rules of that universe have spontaneously shifted to make this string of funny things happen. So while I found the humour in the film to be a lot of fun, I did feel that sense of discombobulation.
On a related note, Thor’s characterisation in particular felt like it shifted quite a bit to fit the style of humour in the film. I enjoyed his characterisation, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was quite the break from how he acted in previous films. I guess I’d have to watch this movie back to back with some of the previous ones to determine whether or not this is a valid feeling. It is something that does seem to happen quite a bit, I find; certain creators have a very particular way of handling characterisation that causes a lot of characters to take on a certain…tone, when they are written by said creator. I got the sense that was going on in this film.
I’m not sure how to feel about the destruction of Mjolnir. On one hand it was a bold move, but on the other it takes away the most iconic thing about Thor.
They didn’t show Thor and Loki hugging at the end, and while I’m sort of outraged, I also have to wonder if cutting away actually made it all the more impactful, but I guess we’ll never know for sure.
Things I thoroughly enjoyed about the film:
While I found Hela’s overall character rather underwhelming, I certainly can’t fault the stunning way she looked or the overwhelming amount of swag she simply radiated; it was glorious. I would have liked to have it wrapped around a more interesting backstory and/or character motivation, but I can at least relish this shining beacon of sassy goth villainy.
It is also good to know that Hela is at least still a dog person in the MCU, and Fenrir was a very fine example a death goddess’s best friend.
How fricking cool was that seemingly ROCKET POWERED DRAGON at the beginning???
I found myself endeared to Valkyrie the moment she drunkenly staggered off the walkway of her spaceship and then proceeded to mow down a gaggle of scavengers with gauntlets that controlled her ship’s turrets. It was a good first impression.
Both the Hulk and Bruce Banner were fabulous, funny inclusions in the movie, and I really enjoyed their interactions with both Thor and Valkyrie. Honestly, if either Bruce or Valkyrie end up romantically involved with anyone, I think I’d most prefer for it to be with one another.
Doctor Strange was also a fun inclusion from start to end.
I also loved how Thor had Mjolnir disguised as an umbrella during those Earth-bound scenes, in reference to the old comics where it would transform into a walking stick. They even had the detail where he taps it against the ground to transform into his Asgardian garb.
The Grandmaster (and his fricking orgy ship) was just a whole lot of fun.
As was that bloody Kiwi space rock (and his ant friend)…but let’s be real, the mere existence of New Zealand is funny in itself.
While the revelations about Odin and the royal family weren’t explored nearly enough for my liking, they certainly provided a goldmine of worldbuilding and fanfiction possibilities for fandom to play with.
Finally, the things about the movie that I loved:
When I first became invested in the MCU one of my favourite things about it was the bond that formed between Bruce Banner and Tony Stark in The Avengers, so I felt a bit bummed by some of the more recent films in which that relationship seemed to fall to the wayside. Therefore, the way Bruce kept mentioning Tony in this film, even if they were little, incidental mentions, made me very, very happy. I really hope this means their relationship hasn’t been forgotten after all.
Personally I was never truly convinced that Loki killed Odin at the end of The Dark World, but I was very glad to have it confirmed that Loki just dumped him on Earth. Loki’s desperate love for Odin was the thing that ultimately won me over to his character in the first place, and I think that would have been ruined for me if it turned out that he had killed him. I think the way the movie dealt with Odin overall was pretty spot on actually; it introduced the darker elements of his character that have been apparent in the comics for some time, but kept his characterisation nonetheless consist with how he was portrayed in the former films. I was quite satisfied with how his arc played out.
Out of all the characters in the movie, I feel like the tone suited Loki the best. After all, it makes sense that a god of mischief would be at home in a bizarro comedy. Whilst I felt that a number of the other characters had shifted their behaviour slightly to suit the film’s comedic tone, Loki’s characterisation felt completely natural to me. Now that I think about it, I think Loki’s been growing progressively funnier over the course of each movie he pops up in, which is great since he absolutely should be funny. Don’t get me wrong, I loved angsty little Loki from the first Thor movie, but he really needs to have a solid dose of mischief served up alongside all that angst. Honestly, what are the more quintessential ingredients of Loki than angst and mischief? I feel as though that scene of Loki masquerading as a suspiciously fruity Odin, building statues of himself and watching dramatic theatre about his life would seem like absurd Flanderization for most other characters, but for Loki it felt as though he was finally becoming the character he was always meant to be.
I furthermore loved the character arc Loki undertook in this film; it felt like a really organic progression from his character growth in The Dark World. What really got me was that scene where Thor tells Loki that although he refuses to change, he could be more, because if that isn’t a Journey into Mystery/Agent of Asgard reference then it’s a hell of a coincidence.
On that note, Thor and Loki’s interactions were wonderful; a fantastic blend of funny and heartfelt, antagonistic and cooperative. Basically their relationship in this film was everything I want to see from their comic counterparts that Marvel keeps refusing to show me goddammit.
I loved the unique aesthetic of the film both visually and aurally; such a cool combination of the high fantasy thing the other two Thor films had going on and the synthy, 80s Kirby-esque sci-fi element that they introduced. Seriously, what other movie looks and sounds like this one does?
Admittedly I’m only really familiar with 616 Skurge from the Walter Simonson 80s run, in which he doesn’t have that many appearances, but of course it does contain his most notable appearance, and I loved the way they adapted that into the film. It might even be my favourite scene in the movie. Skurge’s whole character arc was really the cherry on top of this film for me.
But fricking seriously how the hell did we get to the third movie in a Thor movie trilogy and only now they’re playing Immigrant Song?
I did not see that twist on the Ragnarok thing coming and honestly I was pretty impressed by it; I especially liked how they subverted expectations in regards to Loki being responsible for instigating Ragnarok by indeed having him directly responsible, but for reasons I never could have anticipated.
While Infinity War is probably gonna screw it all up, I loved the promise presented by set-up at the end with Thor being the Captain King of a starship of homeless space fantasy gods traversing the stars, with Loki by his side. Holy shit I desperately want to watch a sci-fi series spinning off from this premise.
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vodka-aunt-coran · 7 years
archaeology au???? i'm currently writing a shallura fantasy au in which shiro meets allura because he's an arch nerd so I'm listening
oh boy oh boy oK LISTEN
(ok sorry i’m adding a readmore. this got long. beware y’all this is ENTIRELY self-indulgent, like, 100%, and i don’t expect anyone else to enjoy it.)
this begins in college but it’ll extend to post-graduation
i’ll start with shiro, a poor, tired grad student who took a few years after his masters to split his time between CRM and projects whenever he got the chance, but now he’s back to fight for a PhD
his focus is on…hmmm…for now i’m going to go with historical archaeology, mainly focusing on the cultural interactions between china and japan?
shiro is also a TA! and each semester, whatever class he’s teaching, he like. straight-up adopts the undergrads in his section. there are four undergrads in particular who keep popping up. they are his children now.
matt is also a PhD student! he got 2 majors and 2 minors in undergrad, completed his masters really quickly, and then tried to go for a PhD immediately but burned out :x he’s back now! just under heavy supervision from shiro.
matt specializes in reconstructing paleoenvironment. this is done through paleoethnobotany (looking at old seeds n shit), sometimes geoarchaeology (looking at dirt n shit), AND getting climate information………………from ice cores.
(and lake cores but i know what the people really want to hear)
allura is like…everyone’s goals. she took her time getting her degrees (coughcoughmatt) and had a 4.0 probably, she’s worked on a frankly astounding number of projects, and people can hardly believe she doesn’t have a PhD yet.
i’m not 100% sure what allura’s specializing in. i feel like she wouldn’t either? like, she’s worked on such a variety of projects that she took a while to figure out what she really wanted to stick with. my guess is that, like matt, she decides to focus on technical rather than area so she gets to work all over the place. i’ll go with…osteoarchaeology. aka. bones n shit.
that’s right allura’s the badass who gets to work with burials and is probably cursed 93% of the time
her dream job is working on the domuztepe death pit
(don’t look up the death pit if you’re squeamish and also bc the information won’t be as good as if you dm me for the deets update: i made a post concerning The Deets, but proceed with caution, because it is about horrific deaths)
allura and matt are TAs too but matt is not super helpful if it’s not about his own field? and allura is rly intimidating. so people generally just go to shiro for help.
The Children are just undergrads BUT what they end up specializing in:
keith: warfare lmao boy loves his weapon artifacts. he’s like. A1 at identifying them too, show him an old sword and he’ll be like “oh yeah that looks like a viking design from the early 8th century”
lance: he rly…rly likes working on sites near water…like every time he gets to work on a shipwreck or anything underwater his soul grows brighter. that being said, i wanna say his specialty is in preservation and possibly curation? so during important digs he’s on site and nagging everyone to be as careful as possible
hunk: does a lot of lab work! he’s like. the king of the lab. need that sample carbon dated? hunk’s got you. need to know the composition of that ceramic? hunk’s your guy. need lipid analysis? bring it to hunk. he can even get the ancient XRD machine to work, even though no one else can figure it out. he’s a legend.
pidge: …i want to make a her a paleoethnobotanist so bad. but like. i know she wouldn’t simply bc matt’s already doing that and the independent will of second children is strong.fcuk it, she’s a paleoethnobotanist. she’s ridiculously good at identifying samples, and usually ends up helping matt with it. she’s also really into reconstructing diets and stuff and gets excited when she gets to work with stable isotope data.
bonus! shay is a geoarchaeologist who asks for hunk’s help mayyybe more often than is strictly necessary. then again, hunk will sometimes ask her opinion on samples when she’s pretty sure he’s already interpreted it perfectly. a modern romance
ok some more nonsense about them follows in no particular order
all of them are rly passionate about combating looting, collecting, and other destruction of sites. keith almost dropped a collector at a convention once. shiro held him back, but they still got kicked out bc while his back was turned allura and lance were cursing out a rly skeezy (but rich) curator.
shiro: hunk, why didn’t you stop them?hunk: [writing a paper about the museum’s poorly provenienced polynesian artifacts] what?
shiro is more careful about who he brings along to his academic conventions.
i mean. obv he also wrecks these garbage people. but with heavily researched papers n shit.
[while in undergrad]professor holt: ok class today we’re going to watch a documentary on the excavation of this famous site in the 60s!whole class: [cringing at the poor methodology]professor holt: i know, i know, we’ll roast our predecessors after the video is over
keith and pidge are huge conspiracy theorists right. like. aliens are real and out there, you know? so you’d think they’re all about those aliens built the pyramids stuff
some loser: hey you know how the aliens built the pyramids right?keith: ok listen math and astronomy existed before greece there is so much evidence showing that the egyptians themselves built their pyramids and there’s a clear progression from stepped pyramids to perfect ones and the fact that stepped pyramids appear around the world doesn’t mean anything more than making it obvious what the easiest way to build a large structure is and while we’re at it let’s talk about the nasca lines–
basically they call out Certain Theories for what they are bc…like…bro didn’t u notice that u only claim aliens abt incredible achievements when the people aren’t white
shiro: so, wait. if you don’t believe that aliens interacted with prehistoric peoples, why do you believe in them at all?pidge: because they infiltrated european politics beginning with ancient rome and have currently shifted their focus towards controlling american governmentkeith: [pulling out a Conspiracy Board] do you want to see our research, we think it could be our thesis project
like how pidge and keith are into aliens, lance deeply believes in ghosts. he’s convinced that allura has a million curses on her and the fact that she’s still perfect is evidence that she is A Goddess.
allura: lance, there’s no such thing as ghosts. you won’t be haunted or cursed if you help me handle this burial.lance: …alright, fine. only for you.[three days later]allura: [picks up phone] hello lance. how are you?lance: A TREE FELL ON MY CAR YOU LIAR
[at a historical site w shiro]lance: so uh. how many ghosts do you think are in here.shiro: oh my god, you’re just as bad as the other two.pidge: don’t group me in with that! i know ghosts aren’t real.keith: eh, they might belance: you work with violent deaths, how could you sleep at night believing in ghosts?keith: i’m not a coward like some peoplelance: !! i am not a coward!![door slams down the hall]lance and keith: [sprinting back outside]
lance gets on everybody’s case abt what they should and shouldn’t touch, and how to bag things, etc
when anyone wants a lipid or dna sample run, hunk makes sure that lance is there to make sure they properly handle the artifact sharon if you don’t wear gloves and the facemask all your research won’t count for shit
keith is The Worst at bagging and labelling his shit like. lance sometimes just makes a point of coming to his digs for the express purpose of labelling all the stuff for him.
lance: keith are you really going to make me waste shelf space on all these soil sampleskeith: [softly] lance i don’t know why the fuck we even take soil samples this isn’t my job
lance made the mistake of going to pick up boxes of artifacts from the holts on april fools day. when matt ‘tripped’ and dropped the box, it didn’t matter that it was really empty, because lance was already in tears. shiro had A Word with them. pidge and matt had to be a lot nicer to lance after that.
allura and keith work together pretty often bc. y’know. war stuff and remains tend to overlap. they’re besties with a sense of morbid humor to rival shiro’s.
allura: keith you’ll never guess what happened to this femur!keith: it looks…bad?allura: yes. the individual was killed by a boiling tar poured over the nearby wall!keith: i guess he didn’t get a heads up?allura: haha!! exactly!! or else he would’ve suffocated horribly!!both: [laughing]shiro: [hunched over faded old documents] god i wish that were me
pidge: hey lance, i was sieving through dirt from the hearth area for seeds, but i think i just found a tooth?lance: oh god ok put that back i’ll call allurapidge: dude it’s just a tooth, it might not even be human. i think we can handle it.lance: what if it is!! where do you think teeth come from pidge!!pidge: look, someone just happened to drop a tooth in the fireplace!!keith: hey guys i think i just found a skull in the hearthpidge: DAMN ITlance: AHA!!keith: not the reactions i was expecting but,
hunk: keith, i need to break off a piece of it if you want composition. you know how this works.keith: [cradling knife to his chest] but i love her
(update: here are a few bonus additions to this, since this is more or less the main post and this is main stuff)
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radiant-flutterbun · 7 years
Queen of Time Part 2
Previously: Queen of Time
It had been over a month since Muerto brought Isaac to the clan. And for over a month he tried to get the hatchling to remember his past life.
He had tried everything. He, Niossa, Eumoirous and even Sonder tried to bring back his memories by describing everything they had shared with Sepulchral.
“We were best friends! You liked to sleep over with me when things got too tough for you!” Eumoirous told him.
“You used to fly through the Gateway to visit my Palace!” Niossa had said.
“We fought in the Battle of the Underworld together,” Sonder had said.
But all they had done was scare the hatchling. He was so confused and everyday he asked to go home. He stopped wanting to be around the strange dragons that called him ‘Sepulchral’ unless they bribed him.
Isaac refused to talk to any of them unless they gave him a treat or a toy.
Sonder was starting to really press Muerto to return him to his family, and Muerto was starting to agree.
It wasn’t right of him to keep the poor hatchling miserable.
It was a good thing that Queen Virtuous visited when she did.
News traveled quickly in the clan, and soon dragons squeezed themselves into the lobby to see the Goddess of Time.
Nike was a little irritated “It would have been nice for our new guests to have introduced themselves before they stormed off.”
“We’re still here!” Evan had said and he glanced at Mason.
“Yes… I’m sorry. Sagacious is my daughter the goddess of Knowledge and Guerra is my son the God of War,” Virtuous said, ignoring Evan “As long as Saga has access to your library I imagine she’ll stay out of your way, and Guerra will probably just sulk in your prison. I apologize for just dumping them here on you but, I need you to protect them for me.”
“You want to protect your children?”
“Yes, please. I could… pay you back for the favor. I know Muerto and Naperone are already here and I thank you for sheltering both of them too.”
“Well Naperone is locked up because he tried to kill my kid.”
“I heard, I’m sorry for his behavior.”
“But… Sure I’ll allow them to stay in my clan.”
“Thank you. You’re doing my world a great favor for sheltering them here. Don’t let them leave, and shapeshifter… I mean Inkdrop don’t let them come back to our world. It’s too dangerous for them there.”
“Okay!” Inkdrop nodded.
“And before I go, Guerra is ill so please have your healers check up on to see if he’s doing well every now and again.”
“Will do.” Nike said.
Virtuous and Ludicrous turned around to leave, but a voice stopped them.
“What? So you think you can just come here and leave?” It was Sonder “Don’t you care that your other two kids are here? Don’t you care how they are? And what about the other gods here? Don’t you care about us?”
Virtuous twitched her tail “And you are?”
“Sonder? Oh, yes. You’re the Guide of the Dead. Yes of course I care about Naperone and Muerto and the others, but Lu just visited and he told me how Nap and Muerto were. I don’t have time to check up on anyone. I’m busy and need to return to our world.”
“You’re the fucking Queen of Time, don’t tell me you don’t have Time! You just don’t care! You’ve never cared.”
Virtuous turned to Sonder “I do care.”
“If you cared you would have listened. If you cared Muerto wouldn’t have to feel like this place is his home instead of his own kingdom. If you cared the Underworld wouldn’t have fallen. And I’m sick and tired of you not caring! Do you have any idea what us minor gods go through? You don’t give a shit about us. Our quality of life is meaningless to the more powerful gods. All we do is do the bidding of the major gods and if anyone dares to argue we could be severely punished. And are you aware of what has even happened? There is so much you could have prevented if you had only cared enough, or listened.”
Virtuous took a deep breath “I should get going.”
“No!” Sonder leaped forward and did what no god had ever dared to do. She slapped Virtuous across the face, her claws leaving marks on Virtuous purple scales.
Virtuous stopped where she was, too shocked to even move. Ludicrous had his mouth wide open and no one spoke a words. A drop of blue blood fell from Virtuous’s face and plopped on the ground.
A growl formed in Virtuous’s throat and she bunched her hind legs as if she was ready to leap. Ludicrous grabbed her and pulled her back before she could attack Sonder.
“Vir! Vir don’t attack her, please! Just walk away, ignore her. She just doesn’t understand.”
Virtuous had an aura of purple surrounding her, but she took a deep breath and slowly the aura disappeared. She sat down and regained her composure
“No… No. She has a point. I haven't been listening. But I think I’m ready to now.”
“You’re really going to listen?” Sonder asked.
“Yes. And I’m sorry for ignoring you before. It wasn’t right of me.”
“It’s just… We minor gods, we just want to be treated right. You don’t give us enough Time to do our work. We’re under a lot of stress. It makes us feel worthless and unappreciated. And there’s too many major gods who abuse their power and it’s us the minor gods who really suffer from it. Gods like Naperone… they think of their minor gods more of slaves than subjects or even just workers. It’s not right.”
“Yes, Naperone having as much power as he did was a mistake, and I should have never made him a major god. And I can see how it can be hard to be a minor god. I’m sorry about that.”
“You’re supposed to be our Queen. You’re supposed to listen to us. All of us. I know you have a lot of responsibilities and that Nefarious is fucking awful to you,” Virtuous flinched when Sonder said the Demon King’s name “But you could have prevented so much. The Underworld shouldn’t have fallen, twice now. Everyone knows Muerto shouldn't be king, he’s just a little kid and that responsibility is obviously way too much for him. But Match shouldn’t be king ethier. He’s too power hungry, and now he’s weak. All I’m saying is… You could have easily prevented the mess we’re currently in. And… and now to top it all off… Sepulchral’s dead. He’s dead, but he didn’t have to be. He came to Sornieth because he felt unappreciated. Do you know how much he’s been through? His parents hated him so much they erased him from all their family records. He deserved better. You could have gave him better.” Sonder was crying. Her eyes were puffed up and ugly fat tears ran down her face.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know he was dead…”
“It was Match. He killed him. He killed him as Sep was protecting him from Naperone.”
“I’m sorry Sonder. For everything. But even my power has it’s limit. I cannot change the past, but I will try to make the future a better place if I can help it. I will take back the Underworld, and I will try to improve the lives of minor gods everywhere, and work on stripping power from gods who shouldn’t have it. This is a promise.”
Sonder wiped away her tears “T-thank you.”
Virtuous turned to Inkdrop “Portal please. To my palace.”
Inkdrop nodded and flicked her claws and a swirling black vortex appeared. Together Virtuous and Ludicrous entered the portal and it disappeared.
The clan resumed its normal activities soon after that.
Seeing his mother again drug up the same mixed feelings Muerto felt every time he thought about his mother. He was glad, and yet also disappointed she didn’t bother to check up on him.
He hated her and wished she hadn’t shown her face in Clan Ton Theon again, (and she showed up to drop off Guerra and Sagacious too, who Muerto also didn’t like) but he also would have liked if she paid a little attention to him.
It was probably because despite everything he still wanted a mother to love him.
But Virtuous had proved time and time again she should not be his mother. She didn’t deserve to be his mother. She ruined any chance she had to be his mother long ago. She shouldn’t be redeemed or forgiven for how she had treated Muerto in the past.
He was so lost in thought about his mother he almost forgot that Inkdrop was back.
He remembered saying some mean things to her and felt bad.
Why was he so mean to his little sister?
He couldn’t even remember why he was so angry. He was probably just taking out his grief for Sepulchral on her. He had never been good with his emotions.
“Inky?” He walked up to her with his head down “Inky I’m sorry for being mean.”
“Yes! You were a meanie to me! But… honestly I don’t even remember most of what you said. I just know you were really mad at me…”
“I’m sorry. I’m not mad anymore. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I’m really sorry.”
Inkdrop smiled “It’s ok!” She gave Muerto a hug “I forgive you! Just try not to be a meanie in the future, ok?”
Muerto laughed “Ok, ok. Deal. I promise not to be a meanie.”
“Good! I’m really glad you’re not mad anymore. I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“And so much has happened! I met two new siblings! And I even learned a new power! But it’s all kinda long and complicated. I want to know what you’ve been up to first!”
“Well… I found out Sepulchral had been reincarnated into a hatchling, and I found that hatchling and… kidnapped him. I know it was wrong of me, but I was hoping I’d be able to bring back Sep’s memories, but all i’ve ended up doing is scaring a hatchling.”
“So he doesn’t remember you?”
Muerto shook his head.
Inkdrop tapped her claws on the floor “I think I have an idea.”
“You do?”
“Yeah! Wait here! I’ll be back soon!” Inkdrop flicked open a new portal and before Muerto could say anything she was gone.
Guerra settled down in a cold dark cell and slammed the door shut behind him.
He shivered and the damp air was bad for his weak lungs, but he figured it was probably best for him to stay here. Here he was away from everyone. He couldn’t hurt anyone else if he hid himself away.
“Who are you?” Guerra wanted to throw up when he heard the voice.
“No. No you can’t be here too.”
“Guerra?” Naperone grinned “Holy shit I’d recognize that voice anywhere! How ya doing brother?”
Guerra began to growl, but it just turned into a cough “You know exactly how I’m doing.”
“Oh no! Are you still sick! Well if it makes you feel any better I’m sick too. Those demons, am I right?”
“Shut up! Just shut up! It’s you’re fault I became a monster. I should go bend those metal bars separating you from me and crush that windpipe of yours.”
“Oh, a little violent now are we?”
“Shut it. Shut that horrible mouth.”
“Better watch your temper or before you know it you’re gonna create another war! How many are gonna die from you this time, Guerra boy?”
“I fucking hate you. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Why do you have to be here? Why can’t I just lock myself here to be left in peace? Why?”
“Hey bring it up to the dragons in this clan. I’d love to get out of here. Honestly I’m kinda done messing with them anyway. They’re all no fun!”
“Mortals are not playthings.”
“And neither are gods but it hasn’t stopped me.”
“Just… ugh!” Guerra hid his head under his head and tried to drown out his little brother’s voice.
He had hoped to never hear that voice ever again. Not after he infected him with a demon and turned him into War.
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