#i need to stop getting attached to fictional animals
hyenashark · 2 years
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hematomes · 1 year
if reo gets eliminated im throwing up this makes me so angry for no reason
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zentraex · 5 months
Wishing on World Wish Day is a funny thought. Magic doesn’t exist in our world. Still, trying doesn’t hurt, right? Maybe your favourite fictional character comes to life?
Remember: English is a lot different than German. I apologise for any grammar mistakes.
Trigger Warnings: Manipulation, Yandere, Mentioning of Masturbation, Stalking
From Another World
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Monday, 29. April 2024
Dear Diary,
Today is World Wish Day. Normally, I don't believe in that, but what's wrong with giving it a try, right? After all, no one will know but you, so it's worth a try, even if it's just for fun.
I'm totally obsessed with this anime: "My Hero Academia". It's been a long time since I've watched the anime and yet I can't stop throwing my money out the window for merch. After all this time, I still read fanfictions about Katsuki. I wish someone like him would exist in real life, or better yet, he would exist, explicitly. Do you think he'd like me then? I hope so. I like him so much that my heart wouldn't take it if he hated me.
With red cheeks, you close the book and grin to yourself. It's a silly entry, but you still love to think about "what if..." situations.
And what better day to try than World Wish Day?
Maybe, just maybe, the wish will come true after all.
You giggle again, what a stupid thought.
A loud noise that you can't assign wakes you up the next day. Tired, you rub your eyes and glance at your phone's clock.
It's an hour before your alarm goes off and you need to get ready for school. Smiling, you lie down again, but the rumbling in your apartment startles you up.
Your parents are on vacation and you should be alone.
A burglar...
is your first thought. Your heart pounds against your chest as you reach for the baseball bat in your closet. It was a gift from your childhood friend. You don't have any contact with them anymore, but you find it difficult to detach yourself from things.
Who would have thought that it could be of use after all?
The sleepiness is completely gone and adrenaline is pumping in your veins. Completely in a state of euphoria, you are not even silent as you rush into the living room, club firmly in your grip and ready to strike.
Of course, the burglar notices you. Your footsteps are not quiet. But don't worry, someone like him would even notice you if you sneaked up.
It's dark, you can only vaguely see his head turned in your direction.
You swing with full power...
... but suddenly it explodes, your bat. The blast causes you to fall back to the floor of your room and the smell of smoke blocks your nasal cavities. Your breath is shaking and your body trembles.
Was the explosion real?
You don't even have time to think about it, because a few milliseconds after your impact, the burglar grabs you by the face and pushes your upper body down. You can feel how he puts pressure on your body with his legs, not only immobilizing you completely, but also causing you immense pain.
What do you do in such a situation?
Right! Crying and begging.
"T-Take what you want," you begin as fat balls of water flow through your face. "Just not the family pictures, my mother is very attached to them. Please don't take my beloved father's trophy either, he's so proud of them," you sniff. "A-and please don't take the necklace in my jewelry box. It's a family heirloom."
The otherwise silent room fills itself with your sobs as you tell him about the things that are worth so much to you and your family. He doesn't say anything.
You're scared. Your field of vision is blocked by his hand, it stinks of smoke, you are immobilized and everything hurts. All the while, the burglar is silent.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" he says after a while.
The grip on your face comes loose and your watery eyes show you a blurry gray vision of a man. His voice sounds like Bakugou's.
"You kidnapped me, why are you begging like a baby now?"
It takes a while for you to be able to process the info. The last heavy drops roll down your cheeks and your vision are clearing. There is a man in front of you and he has light, spiky hair and a prominent face that you would recognize anywhere.
"B-Bakugou?" it slips out of you. "A Bakugou cosplayer?"
He looks and sounds one-on-one like Bakugou, your beloved anime character.
At the mention of his name, his grips tighten again, eliciting a whimper from you.
"I'll give you ten seconds. Tell me who you are and how you know my name. Why am I here?"
"I-I'm Reader a-and I know the character you're cosplaying because I'm a huge fan of him, a-"
He interrupts you by putting a hand on your mouth.
"Figure that I cosplay? I'm real."
Shit, I'm dying at the hands of a maniac...
He looks at you for a while before speaking again.
"I'm going to let you go now, turn on the lights. Don't do shit, you’ll regret it."
He doesn't let go of you until you nod. For the first time, you can breathe properly, but your limbs still hurt unbearably. On shaky legs, you walk to the light switch and then turn towards the person.
Now that you can see it closely, you notice that he looks like the real Bakugou down to the smallest detail.
When you look into his eyes, you notice how he looks around the room. Your whole walls are full of him, your bed is full of plushies, and your closets have a whole bunch of Bakugou figurines. Even your pajamas have a Bakugou pattern.
"Are you a stalker? Shit, ended up with a lunatic."
"What? No! I'm just a huge fan of him."
He then just clicks his tongue and crosses his arms.
"Stop talking like I'm not real."
In the meantime, your pulse has regulated itself again. Maybe that's why you find the courage to raise your eyebrows skeptically and cross your arms.
"No, you're not. Bakugou is a fictional character. You really need to get help, my friend."
Then he says with gnashing teeth: "No, I'm not."
"Oh, yes? How do you think I get all the close-ups of you?"
He seems to pause and steps closer to the images. His gaze scans them all: the moment he collapsed in front of Deku after fighting him, when he was kidnapped by the League of Villains and sat tied up in a chair, when he fought Deku and Ochako with Ida on the team, and many more. More precisely, all the defining moments of his life are glued to your wall, just not from his perspective.
He has to swallow as he lets it sink in.
Could you be telling the truth?
No way, right? He experienced it! He can feel and think, how can he be fictional?
But then why do you have all these memories?
Suddenly, he is plagued by a headache and nausea almost makes him spit up.
Was his life just a show for people like you? Was it never about saving lives? To be a hero? All his work, courage, heroic deeds were not self-willed, but written by someone?
But he's here now, isn't he? He's made it to the real world, so he's thinking for himself now, isn't he?
But how did he do it?
His gaze wanders to you, who looks at him expectantly.
It must have something to do with you. After all, he's in your house for a reason, right?
Did you bring him to life?
"Look, I'm serious. I'm real. The explosion earlier, can anyone else do that?"
Your eyes widen, you've totally forgotten about it in the heat of the moment. A normal person can't do that, so how did he do it?
You are silent and your silence gives him the answer he needs.
"See? Maybe I was fictional, but you must have brought me here somehow."
Your gaze wanders to your journal and the idea that your wish has come true pops up.
Can it be?
It was just a stupid thought, a little joke to yourself. Magic doesn't exist in your world, but how do you explain this situation?
Suddenly, your heart is beating like crazy and your body is getting all hippy.
Bakugou Katsuki? Real? In your house?
However, the fan-girl in you only comes out briefly when you realize that you're not just standing in front of your big hero in your pajamas, but he's standing in your fan-girl room.
You can't even put into words the shame you suddenly feel when the blush goes to your head.
"S-So you're real, huh?" you say quietly. "That's cool."
Nervously, you play with your sweaty fingers and quickly realize how overwhelmed you actually are.
What are you doing now? What's the best way to deal with the situation?
"What do we do now? My parents are on vacation, so you can't stay here forever."
He frowns thoughtfully and asks, "How long are they on vacation?"
"Four days to go. I don't know if that's enough to find a way to bring you back to your world...", you murmur.
Bakugou pauses for a moment.
His world, huh? The world in which he is only fictional, controlled by the ideas of a stranger.
Does he really want that?
By now you're at school and Bakugou is alone in your house, bored. The TV program only brings junk, which is why his gaze wanders around your room all the time – nothing better to do anyway.
Something has been confusing him since the beginning of his arrival...
This strange feeling...
This feeling of...
Proud that he is being loved here like this. Of course, in his world he also had fans, but no real ones. It elicits a grin full of arrogance from him.
He wants to feel it, recognition, appreciation, love.
Without much thought, he goes out and runs in any direction.
You are home in a series of apartment blocks close to the city center. So, it doesn't take long until he hears the first people talking about him.
"Oh my God, look at this Bakugou cosplay! How good is that?"
"How well taken!"
"Can I take a picture with you?"
This goes on all the time.
In the beginning it feels good, very good.
Something is bothering him....
That he is not recognized as himself, but only as a costume. He puts his hands in his pocket and walks back with an annoyed expression. Almost at your apartment block, you run into him.
While he remains as still as a board, you almost fall over when you two collide.
"Bakugou!" you breathe a sigh of relief. You look like you've been scared, your skin sweaty and your eyes wide open. "I thought you didn't like it with me or something..."
Something is happening in him again.
He can't even describe this feeling...
No matter what it is, he likes it, very much and he has to pull himself together so that he doesn't start grinning.
"What are you doing out here?"
"I've had a look around here."
You smile and nod in understanding. In the meantime, you have calmed down and can think clearly again.
"I wanted to go to the library today and see if there are some solutions to bring you back. Do you want to come with me?"
Then his brow furrows again and he clicks his tongue.
"I don't have time for that."
Instead of being sad about the answer, you have to giggle. You've already expected such an answer, after all, you know him – and you love him just the way he is.
"That's okay. Here's the key to getting up. I'll see you later."
Deep down, he hopes you can't find a way to bring him back to his world.
You didn't find a way, not even for the next four days. Your only guess is that you'll have to wish him back next year on World Wish Day.
Hopefully this will work out...
As much as you like him, your favorite character doesn't belong to your world. Here, he has no IDs, people only know him as a character, he can't live the life as a hero that he wants to and he doesn't have a place to stay.
His life would be a disaster here and you don't wish that for him.
But how do I make it possible for him to live here for a year?
Your front door rings and your face turns pale.
Your parents...
As you walk to your door with your legs shaking like crazy, you swear your heart stopped for a second.
"Reader, you should have told us about the current situation!"
"And you could have introduced us to your boyfriend earlier!"
Your gaze wanders to Bakugou, who smirks at you while your mother hugs him.
"My poor son-in-law, you were afraid of ending up on the street after your parents died."
Your father puts a hand on Bakugou's shoulder.
"As long as you continue to treat my daughter well, you can stay here for eternity, Mania."
"I found someone on the internet who would fake all this paperwork," Bakugou says.
"Yes? This is good. Do you want me to come with you?"
He shakes his head.
"No, it's too dangerous."
You just nod silently, and turn to your wall.
Sighing, you begin to tear down the pictures on your wall.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm going to rip it all of. It's certainly creepy for you to see all the photos of you. You live here and I want you to feel comfortable."
"It doesn't bother me."
Surprised, you turn to him.
You gaze at his laid-back form, missing out on his racing heart.
For some reason, he didn't like it.
For some reason, he panicked.
For some reason, he had started taking pictures of you as well...
"Today is your first day of school, excited?"
"Not a bit?"
"Not even a little bit?"
This time, you only get an annoyed look in response, after which you just laugh.
Bakugou then turns his gaze to the ground and fights the flush of his cheeks with a frown.
No matter how grumpy or negative he reacts, you always seem to be smiling.
He's noticed how well you seem to know him.
"You don't mean it."
And every time you were right.
No matter what he did, you always seem to like it.
Not even Kirishima accepted him as much as you did.
At school, he quickly realizes that you're incredibly popular.
Especially the boys seem to like you a lot...
Not even Kirishima accepted him as much as you did.
Since he's been in your world, he feels less and less like a hero...
When you leave the house, he follows you in the shadwos. The fear that something could happen to you is so big that he wants to lock you up...
He takes pictures of you all the time. If you take a shower, he'll sneak in and steal a few moments, only to be able to blow off steam later.
When you're sleeping, he lies down next to you without you knowing.
He takes advantage of your ignorant parents to be able to play "couple" with you.
Maybe that's his true self?
His gaze darkens as a classmate embraces you.
Bloodlust leaves him thirsty for violence.
Not even Kirishima accepted him as much as you did.
He’s sure you'll accept it that way as well.
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resowrites · 11 months
Suspicious Minds - oneshot.
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Summary: Henry attempts to put a cot together…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, language, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 2099
A/N: Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Suspicious Minds - oneshot.
The noises from the nursery were growing louder and louder. Eventually, she decided she'd have to go investigate. She pushed back the door to find Henry in the middle of the room, kneeling over a booklet of instructions. Nuts, bolts, and long planks of wood were scattered everywhere. "Good God, it sounded like a gorilla enclosure in here… I'll have to put a picture of you on the wall with all the other animals—"
"I'm trying to put this sodding cot together, okay?! The instructions are a bloody nightmare…"
"Well, can I help? Surely it can't be that difficult, it's only four sides after all."
"No, it's fine. I don't want you doing any lifting—"
"Well that's not like you…" He rolled his eyes.
"Still, I'd rather we erred on the safe side." She huffed and leaned against the wall while Henry muttered to himself. "Take a seat, I want you off your feet."
"Yes, m'lord! Shall I have a kip while I'm at it?" He locked eyes with her again.
"Why, are you feeling tired? Darling you must rest—"
"Henry I was joking! Stop being such a fusspot. And hand me those instructions or they'll have left home by the time you're finished." Henry sighed but handed her them nonetheless. "Right, first thing's first, do we have all the parts?" He cast a glance around him.
"As far as I can tell—"
"Good, now do you understand that a failure to heed the warnings and follow the assembly instructions could cause serious injury and/or death?"
"Will you just get on with it?!"
"Calm your knickers! If you want I'll wait while you go look for a hard hat…" Henry harrumphed. "Okay, so first you're gunna want to attach middle rear leg E to middle panel A1…" She looked at the pieces dotted around his feet. "Those two bits there, you'll also need three fifty-five millimetre bolts—"
"Fifty-five? That can't be right…" He grabbed the booklet from her hands.
"I think you'll find it is. And don't forget the Allen key—"
"Yes, I know that! Bloody woman pointing out the obvious…" Henry mumbled under his breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, love. Right, what now?" He finished tightening the last screw and awaited the next instruction.
"Okay, you need to insert three wooden dowels into those holes…" Henry looked up and eyed her suggestively. "Oh, stop it! And they need to go there, not in those ones."
"… Are you sure we aren't having sex?" She rolled her eyes.
"Right, you now need to attach slats H through four with five dowels."
"Just five?"
"Yes you gobshite, now do as you're bloody told—" He tutted.
"Fine, where do they need to be slotted?"
"Well bend over and I'll take a look—"
"Lovely, are there any more you want me to stick up there?!"
"Yeah, bars F, G, thirteen, and four need to go on the other side. Come on, shift it, I don't have all day!" Henry scrambled for the right pieces and hammered them into position. "You can also take your tank top off if you want, make things a bit more exciting…"
"I thought you weren't in the mood?"
"Well, it's hardly a turn-on having to tell you what to do—"
"Since when?! And give me that, if you can follow it it should be a piece of piss…"
"Should be but isn't." She bit back a laugh when he looked up at her annoyed.
"Christ, I don't understand any of this… why would the forty-five-millimetre bolts need to go in the back and not the longer ones?"
"Cos longer's usually better?"
"Oh just shut up and hand me six of the M6 bolts please!"
"You sure they're the right ones and not just the ones you want to use? Anyway, you're closer, I thought you didn't want me to lean down?!" Henry huffed. "Nope, those aren't the right ones…" He snapped to his feet.
"Fine! You do it Miss Smart Arse, seeing as I'm the one who apparently can't read instructions—"
"Well are you sure you're reading the English side, not the French?" Henry turned to storm off. "Whoa there Nelly, I was only joking. God, what's gotten into you? Why are you taking this so seriously?"
"Because I want to be able to do as much as I can for you both. It's bad enough I'm already forty—"
"Wait, hang on. What do you mean?" He looked down at the floor, his eyes beginning to well.
"I mean, I'll be an older dad Ollie. I won't get the same amount of time with them as you will…" She tilted her head sadly and cupped Henry's face in her hands. "Then there'll be the times I won't be here and that'll rob me of them even more."
"Oh, darling. Look… nothing in life is promised. What I do know for sure is they'll be surrounded by so much love. You're going to be a fantastic dad, Henry. There's no one else I'd rather have in your place. Well… no one I've met." They smirked at each other.
"You're right. Besides, you could always go first…" She kicked him in the shin.
"As if I'd get that lucky! Remember though, I work for myself and you also have a lot of flexibility. But either way, I'll do everything I can to make sure you get as much time with them as possible. I mean, not too much of course, that would hardly be right…" Henry smiled at her again.
"You'd really do that for me?"
"For the three of us, of course! I don't want you to miss out on them growing up either. We're a team, remember? And baby's not going to change that." He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You make me so happy." She tutted.
"Soppy bollocks…" But they shared a kiss and Henry held her close, gazing down at the bump hitting his stomach. "I'm sorry, I was just panicking. You're showing now and it's feeling that much more real—"
"I know sweetheart, I worry about what kind of parent I'm going to be as well. But we both learned a lot from our childhoods and I'm sure we'll make the right choices." She gave him another kiss, patted his chest, and smiled. "For now though I think I’ll leave you to it, the instructions just repeat themselves for the next few pages so you should survive…" Henry gave her an anxious look.
"I'm sorry I'm not more handy, either. God, I just don't understand it… I can put a PC together but not a bloody cot!"
"Yeah, cos you're overthinking it! So long as it doesn't collapse inwardly on our child, I can't ask for anymore." He smirked and spanked her backside.
"Go on, get out of here. I'd rather go without your encouragement if that's the best you can do!" She gave Henry a wink and disappeared from the room.
"Knock, knock, how are you getting on?" She opened the door to find the cot almost finished. The view of their nearly complete nursery took her breath away. "Wow, I knew you could do it! And it only took the rest of the day…" He tutted as he picked up some spare screws from off the floor. "Seriously though, it looks great, how hard was it in the end?"
"Not bad actually, I mean I almost threw it out of the window at one point, but I made it work."
"Oh, I thought that was one of our neighbour's screaming 'fuck’ at the top of their lungs…" She then eyed the screws in Henry's hand. "How many of those do you have leftover exactly?"
"Not many thank you very much!"
"And they came with the cot didn’t they?"
"Well, where else would they have come from?!"
"Your head maybe?"
"Hysterical. Why don't you come and inspect my handy work if you're that concerned?!" She stepped up to the cot and jiggled several of the bars.
"Mmm, not too far apart, that's good. At least they won't get stuck." He rolled his eyes. "Not sure those drawers are plumb though…"
"What do you mean?! They're dead straight!" But she was too busy testing out one of the dropsides. As soon as she lifted it, it whooshed back into place with a sickening clank.
"Jesus Christ, that could take someone's head off!"
"Well, I followed the pissing instructions! What more can I do?!"
"Build a bloody cot, not a guillotine!" Henry sighed and referred back to the booklet.
"Ah, I see. I haven't lined up these two casings correctly…"
"Well I hope that's the extent of the snags, I'm scared to touch the sodding thing now…" He pursed his lips and before she knew it, she was quickly whipped into the cot.
"There, see! Sound as anything! If it can take you it can take any baby—"
"Henry, will you get me out of here, please?! This whole thing's gunna collapse!"
"Oh shush and go to sleep, or do you need burping?"
"Alright, alright." He carefully lifted her out and she thwacked his arm the minute her feet hit the ground. "Ow! What was that for?!"
"You know what for, I can't get up as easily anymore!" She pointed at her bump.
"Oh please, you struggled to do that anyway," another thwack landed on Henry's arm.
"Just for that, you're not getting the snack I bought up here."
"What do you mean? What snack?" He sighed and picked up his screwdriver when she walked off. She returned moments later, however, holding a plate piled high with thickly cut sandwiches. Henry's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Other than terrorising your pregnant wife and building a death trap, you've done a wonderful job. I'm so proud of you darling and I can't thank you enough, the nursery looks amazing. I can't believe it's finished, are you excited? Before we know it we'll have a little one rolling around in there!" She pointed eagerly toward the tiny mattress.
"I know, the last few months really have flown by. It's going to be so weird having another person in the house!"
"You're telling me, you won't be the loudest, stinkiest one here anymore—" she stopped mid-sentence. "Wait a minute. Is it me, or is the whole thing on the conk?" He quickly stepped into her line of sight.
"Nah, that's just a trick of the light. Well, thanks for the sarnies, you best be getting on—"
"So it is bloody wonky?! I knew it! Did you not put the feet on?" She squatted low to examine the floor.
"Uh-uh, no you don't. Come on, get up please, you know I don't want you in that position—"
"Since when?" Henry rolled his eyes.
"Alright I confess, I haven't attached all the feet just yet as the whole thing was getting a bit heavy—"
"Well let me help--"
"No fucking fear!"
"Oh, Henry I'm not stupid!"
"Well, you could have fooled me! Remember that spice rack you tried to put up? Ten minutes afterward it crash-landed on the oven—"
"Yeah, cos you gave me shit screws - there and elsewhere!" His mouth fell open.
"Well I won't even dignify that with a response—"
"Yeah, cos you don't have one." Henry looked up at the ceiling and tried not to laugh.
"Darling, you can mouth off all you like, this is my job and I'm going to finish it. Now off you fuck."
"Well, what choice do I have…"
"Ollie, will you please just piss off?!"
"Fine! When you're done stuffing your face, come hop in the shower with me…"
"God bless those pregnancy hormones—"
"Oh please! You're just all sweaty, you'll stink up the bed later—"
"Sure. I'm thirsty as well, ya didn't by any chance happen to bring up a lager?" She smiled knowingly and handed him a tall tin can from the pocket of her jumper.
"Trust you to sniff that out. Oh and keep that Allen key handy as well, you can bleed all the radiators once you're finished."
"God, you'll work me to bloody death at this rate!"
"Henry, you've got off easy. You're not the one having to carry another person around, have them squish your organs, go into labour, give birth—"
"No, but I'm still having to hear all about it!" Her eyebrows hit the ceiling. "I'm kidding, if you're that helpless, go get all soaped up and I'll be in to scrub your back…" Henry spanked her backside once more and she walked off holding up her middle finger.
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hyuuukais · 8 months
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.・゜-: ✧ :- FICTIONAL REALITY .・゜-: ✧ :-
pairing • bang chan x fem reader
synopsis • fiction or reality? y/n preferred the former, escaping into another world, escaping her problems. so what happens when reality takes that away from her; wiping her own story-in-progress off both her laptop and beloved usb? and what happens when she opens the door in the middle of a crisis to none other then the love interest of her novel... and he's holding her usb?
warnings • general
"Café guy?"
How is his number already in your contacts? And what cafe? The only place you could think of was the one chain coffee shop across town, but that couldn't be it. Or could it? There's only one way to find out...
The phone rings twice before he picks up.
"Hello?" When you fail to answer, he speaks again. "Anyone there...?"
"Yes!" You cringe at your loud volume. "Yes, sorry."
You pace around the living room, waving your left hand around trying to think of something to say. Thankfully, 'café guy' replies before you can get another word in.
"Oh, Y/n! I didn't expect to hear from you so quickly." He laughs breathily, and in the background there's distant honking; he's still walking back. "I also didn't think you'd actually save my number."
Another chuckle, this one less enthusiastic. Finally, you settle your pacing, opting to sit on the arm chair by the window looking out to the street. From here you could see the forest, and the kitten who lives there.
"Shit," you breath.
"Everything okay?" You almost forgot about the phone attached to your ear.
"Yeah, sorry, I just remembered something I have to do," you say, holding your phone in place with your shoulder. "I was just calling about... the USB! Thank you for bringing it back. It had something really important to me."
"Don't worry about it. I figured it was important since I always see you in here hunched over your laptop." He lets out a little chuckle.
"Oh, um," you force a laugh out, throughly embarrassed. "Anyway! I was wondering if I could thank you properly? Maybe over some food?"
"Are you asking me out right now?"
"No!" You jump up from where you were sitting, free hand outstretched. "God, no."
"Ouch," you hear keys then a door shutting. "I'll pretend I'm not a little offended by that response." Before you could respond, he was talking again. "Feel free to drop by the café, yeah?"
"Sure thing." You open the door and cross the street quickly, a bowl with cat food in your free hand.
The kitten's ears perked up when it saw you, but was hesitant to come forward. Although you'd been feeding it consistently for the year you've lived across the small forest, it never approached, still scared of what you might do if it got too close. From what you could see at that distance, there was a bit of scarring above its right eye and part of its tail was missing.
"I'll treat you to a free slice of tiramisu and everything."
"Holding you to that," you put down the bowl, standing up with a small smile and crossing your arms. "Tiramisu is my favourite."
"I know! That's why I chose it to be dessert of the week." Doors opened with a jingle. "Ah, I've got to go. Customers await!"
"Wait-" You're about to continue, but when you turn your head to the left, you see a black figure at the edge of the forest.
It's looking directly at you, but you can't see its face. The shape is human, a long coat moving slightly in the breeze. For a moment, fear ceases you. Something about it seems vaguely familiar-
Fuck, you need to stop forgetting about the phone in your hand.
"Sorry. Um, I'll see you soon?" You cross the road back to your front steps, not taking your eyes off the being.
"See you then!" He hangs up, leaving you alone with the figure and the kitten.
You watch from the safety of your home, now inside, as the figure approaches the small animal. Unlike with you, the kitten doesn't move away. Instead, it lets the figure brush its fingers on its fur. The kitten leans into the touch, and you can imagine it purring loudly. Part of you is hurt that this animal you've known for a year has chosen a creepy-ass shadow creature over you.
Pulling your eyes away from the two, you focus on getting ready. You're about to run up the stairs, but turn around and lock the door first. You don't know what- or who- that thing is, and you're not risking it entering your safe haven. The familiarity leaves you unsettled. Part of you wants to run back outside, confront it, demand the reason it's here; the other part wants to hide under a blanket like a child afraid of the monster in their closet.
There are too many skeletons in your closet for a monster. Or maybe the skeletons are your monster. Either way, the past is the past, and in the present, you are getting ready to meet a man who shouldn't exist. Meeting at a café that shouldn't exist. In a timeline that shouldn't exist.
When you leave again, the shadow is gone. A chill runs up your spine, goosebumps forming despite the warmth of the sun. Mind racing, you can't help but wonder-
No, don't think like that, you think, he has no idea where you are. You made sure of that Y/n.
Clouds obscure the sun by the time you make it to Main Street, keeping an eye out for the café. You had to text Café Guy- you really should get his name- to ask the address. He questioned it a bit considering you were a regular, but you quickly ended the conversation. Now, you're walking a street you've been down a million times, and at the first intersection is the café.
"That's not fucking right," you whisper, voice higher by the end of the sentence, breathing constricted.
Upon entering, you immediately spot him. He's running around behind the counter, helping his employees and cracking jokes, and getting closer, you can read his name tag; Chan. You don't approach the counter right away, opting to stay behind a group of teenagers waiting in line to watch him. He shouldn't be real- yet, here he is, looking more alive than you have in years. A smile that could replace the sun, laughter ringing throughout the building.
What you would give to laugh freely like that again.
You don't notice him coming around the counter, having spotted you when you looked down briefly.
"Y/n! Come, we'll eat in my office." You give him a look. "It's quieter in there! C'mon."
Chan grabs your arm lightly and it takes everything in you not to rip it away. He leads you down a hallway to the right of the counter with three doors, two of them bathrooms. Behind the third door is another, smaller hallway, one door at the end and another on the left. You go through the left one.
"Cozy," you comment. The office is small, with a modest desk and chair tucked into the corner. Most of the décor is black and white, but there isn't much. "Spend a lot of time in here? Real homey."
"Actually, no," he admits, leaning against the desk, gesturing you to sit in the chair. You don't.
"So, Chan, what brings you here?" You question, although unsure of how much you already know. "There's not much here, unless you like neighbourhood drama."
"I could ask you the same thing. From the few times we've talked, you... you don't seem to like it here."
"That's a conversation for another time." You look down, crossing your arms.
"Alright, cryptic. Maybe I should be used to that by now." Chan pushes up from the desk, taking a step toward you. "If I'm honest, I don't really know how I got here, but you already know that, don't you?"
"W-What?" You stutter, looking up at him.
"Well... we've talked about this before!" He breaks into a smile. "You don't remember? Ahh, it was late, I guess you were tired. Basically, I just kind of found myself here after a long, long night. Cute town, decided to stay. That was... say a month ago?"
You force out a laugh, nodding along to what he was saying.
"Ah! I promised you dessert, let me go get it for you." As soon as Chan left, your phone began to vibrate.
Pulling it out of your pocket, you saw the words Unknown Number across the screen. This day had been weird enough, what was one more thing to add to the list of strangeness?
"Hello?" Silence. You heard a sharp inhale on the other side, but nothing followed. "Helloooo?" You repeat. "Listen, I really don't appreciate-"
They hang up.
"Asshole," you pull the phone away, rolling your eyes.
When Chan returned with the promised tiramisu, you got to chatting fairly quickly. Something about him made you comfortable, at ease. The odd phone call and shadow creature seemed so far away now.
"So what was on that USB anyway?" You blush.
"Um, nothing, just a story."
"Just a story?" He raises an eyebrow, picking up the now empty dessert plate. "Must have been a pretty important story."
"I've just been working on it for a long time," you wave your hand, as if to wave the conversation away.
Before he could reply, there's a sharp knock on the door. An employee enters, talking low to Chan about an angry customer.
"I'll be right there," Chan sighs. The employee glances toward you, gives a strained smile, then leaves. "I had a good time Y/n, don't be afraid to swing by for free desserts whenever you like."
The smile he gives you made your heart melt. On the way out, you turn before the end of the hall, giving Chan a small peck on the cheek. Embarrassed by the impulsive action, you all but run out of the café. If you had turned back, you'd have seen him smiling like an idiot, hand hovering over where you kissed him.
notes • i started this draft on september 14th ...................... it was so close to being able to post then i got sick !!!!! but hey !! now that i'm feeling better, i hope to be able to update this more frequently!
taglist • @yongbbokkie @chaeryred @tenebrisirae
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crayolacolor · 4 months
simon infinitytrain?
send me a character and i'll list the below things about them | accepting!
HELLO ANON. i do not know if you'll ever see this because it took me ten years, but here i am, answering you.
fun fact: simon infinity train is the reason i have a disclaimer about me getting attached to tragic antagonists in my pinned post. so you can probably make an educated guess what i like about him.
he's just. such a well written character. i love how his negative character development was contrasted against grace's positive character development. i love how the writers did a really good job of making him infuriating and sympathetic at the same time.
i'll go more into my thoughts on him in a later section, but yeah, the tl:dr is he really just is my character type hahaha.
he's just a really complex character and imo the writers nailed that.
okay well, this answer changes depending on if you mean from a writing perspective or a 'him as a person' perspective. from a writing perspective, 100/10, no notes. i can't think of anything i disliked.
from a PERSON perspective. episode 6 makes me want to murder this man <3 i want to put tape over his mouth every time he speaks in that episode. it's somehow WAY worse than when he's just straightup being an over-dramatic anime villain at the end of the season.
oh there are many. i need to rewatch again. but the ones that live in my brain rent free are ALL after his downward spiral begins:
"teamwork begins with two people trusting eachother. but you? you're no person." dramatic effect. extremely traumatizing for everybody who's ever watched this show. 10/10
"i liked what we had, but you made me do it! you betrayed the apex. and you betrayed me." again, dramatic effect. really gives you a feel for what's going on in his head, i think. 10/10
"why would i ever want to change if i'm always right!?" iconic. i think this is the one people remember the most from him, along with the one from ep 5.
BROTP & OTP (combining because my answer is the same for both):
grace. lol. full stop. hopefully i don't have to explain that i am VERY AWARE that their relationship was unhealthy in many, MANY ways. that is what i like about it. i'm a huge fan of messy relationships in fiction. i am a self proclaimed angst fiend.
the tragedy of it all is 100% the appeal of it for me, from either a platonic OR romantic standpoint. i love that. and yes, i do ship them to an extent- but NOT in the "i think they should have gotten together in canon" way. again, the angst is the appeal!!
i admit i do also enjoy aus where they fix their relationship, but not INSTEAD of the canon, more so in ADDITION to the canon. i think it's a fun alternate route to explore, but i deeply adore what the infinity train writers did with them in the show and that will not be changing.
literally any of the protags from the previous seasons. y'all, simon and grace are 18. you can't be shipping them with the 13-14 year olds. please stop. (nobody here! i mostly see this on ao3, honestly.)
i think simon has been back to the cat multiple times in secret.
i really like the theory that he got some of the apex's tech from her. the main thing i have to support this is this line from the episode where he returns to her cabin in book 3:
"i knew you'd have something. you always do."
particularly i think there's a good chance he got the unmodified gravity boots from her (and likely modified them himself) and possibly also the number tracker.
oh i'm sure a lot of what i've already said has been an unpopular opinion, haha. i'm one of those people that's so in the middle in a debate that both sides of it have reasons to disagree with me.
i really like simon. he and grace are my favorite characters in the show. there are parts where i feel really bad for him, and parts where i want to yell at him and hit him over the head with a very large stick.
i see his death as a tragedy in universe, but also a really good writing choice on the part of the infinity train crew.
i don't think they secretly had a scheme to make us dislike him. i think it was written in such a way that it makes sense that some people would have a viscerally negative reaction to him, and others wouldn't. he's a very complex character and that's good writing!!!
i think the tragedy was the point, which is something both people who like him and people who hate him seem to completely overlook in a lot of cases. it's either "woohoo! simon died!" or "killing simon was bad writing he should have been redeemed >:/" not "oh this is really sad but i love it from a story perspective."
i don't think he was "irredeemable", per-say. the fact is, he was faced with a pivotal choice in episode five, and he picked the wrong one. he chose to double-down. i love that. i really do. i love the downward spiral. it's painful in the best way. i would not change the canon show for the world. again, 100/10, no notes.
but i can also see a universe where he made the right choice. i was writing a fic about that, once. (which admittedly has some characterization issues which i would fix if i tried it again.) i think it was possible. and i think that's a fun route to explore too. not a better route from a writing standpoint, but a good one.
i have so many more thoughts but this has already gotten really long, and i have two more questions to go, lol. but if you want to hear anymore you're free to send me another ask about it!
but, for now, moving on.
someone else on tumblr pointed out that "the moon will sing" by the crane wives is a good fit for simon @ grace and now i can't unhear it.
Tumblr media
anime villain simon my beloved.
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paperclipninja · 9 months
So I've been obsessing over Crowley's crank, and its significance in the way we've seen it utilised throughout the series so far. There has been some amazing commentary around its use as a tool and the way it plays into Crowley's creativity, but I keep fixating on the link between his use of it to start the nebulae, the fact Crowley can stop time and its function as a car starter (a car that is somehow connected to Crowley like it's an extension of the demon himself).
Is this all pure conjecture on my part? Absolutely. Might it get a little wackadoo? Highly likely. But I've been mulling over this darn crank for so long that I need just to get it out, so here goes.
If Crowley played a part in creating space (or a part of space), then he played a part in creating time. We know that space and time are inextricably linked and that space-time can bend and curve (full disclosure: I am absolutely not a scientist, just a tv nerd who likes reading about space and is obsessed with fictional characters, so apologies for the extremely rudimentary understanding or any inaccuracies!). While there are a whole lot of other fascinating impacts that things like gravity can have on time, my theory is that Crowley has the ability to play with time because he understands it in the context of the ever expanding universe that he had a hand in creating.
He knows the stars intimately; where they are located, how to get there, each pocket of the nebulae he created clearly mapped in his mind. So doesn't it make sense that Crowley can navigate time in a similar way? He can find those places where space-time bends or curves and grab onto it, draw it to himself in a time of need. He only uses the crank to restart time when with Adam, so perhaps this is because when he freezes time in that instance, he is freezing time in heaven and hell too, not just an individual person, and far more energy is required to get it going again. And just as his little part of space was started with the crank, he restarts time the same way. Because they are, in a sense, the creation of the same thing: re-starting time is simply a continuation of what he already set in motion when starting the nebulae.
(the other, perhaps slightly more tenuous and definitely less formed, idea is the link between Crowley giving light to the nebulae and speed of light in relation to stopping time, though that would also mean there would be no light or sound if there was some manipulation of the speed of light and a) that's not what we see happening during the time stops and b) my brain isn't big enough to comment further on this)
And so what of Crowley's beloved Bentley? Yes, the crank is practical in the way it literally starts the car, but if this crank is linked to time and space then it is also linked to matter and energy. You know what else is made up of matter and energy? Humans and animals (well, everything tbh so cars too, yes, but just stay with me here).
I'm gonna throw it out there that the human or pet-like characteristics we see in Bentley are a result of the crank being the source of the car's energy. The same crank that helped start the nebulae in which Earth, and therefore life, exists. The same crank that has been used to stop time in order to save lives, connected to space and time and energy and matter, all in the hands of Crowley, from his time as an angel through to his demon times. Angel, demon, the crank doesn't care, it exists as a tool with which Crowley can create on any scale.
Now I've thought a lot about Crowley's connection to the car, what does the crank have to do with the way he and Bentley are seemingly attached and communicate? It is undoubtedly a lot to do with him using his own powers and nothing to do with the crank, but his ability to sense what is happening when Aziraphale is in the car, for example?
If we're going to stick with the idea that Bentley is charged with life-like qualities as a result of receiving its energy from the crank, then perhaps it isn't a leap too far to suggest that Crowley remains connected to the car much the way he is connected to the stars and knowing where they are and what they're like at different times of the year. Because he helped imagine it. That energy source, the crank, was part of Crowley's inspiration and imagination coming to life, and so the Bentley houses those parts of him inherently. The car is an extension of him because it contains his energy.
So that might provide possible speculation as to how Crowley is connected to his car, but then how and why does Bentley change while Azirapahle is driving? Well, I personally like a choose-your-own-adventure approach to thinking about this one. Reasons Bentley changes for Aziraphale could include:
Just as humans or animals react and respond differently to different people/celestials (I assume??), Bentley is able to adjust its response depending on who is driving
Something about how the different energy and matter of Aziraphale might impact the car's response that someone with more science knowledge than me would need to talk about
Aziraphale and Crowley's energies are linked from that moment of creation, when they started up the nebulae together. And so, Aziraphale's energy is also a part of Bentley and Bentley recognises it when Aziraphale's driving and adjusts accordingly.
So that's where I'm at, a whole lot of questionable ruminations about a crank, a car, a demon and the universe. I mean, it could also just be that using a car crank to kickstart part of the universe is pretty darn hilarious, there's absolutely no deeper meaning or more to read into it. But that wouldn't be nearly as fun to write about.
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muffinsin · 4 months
Well, my friend groups been mean to me as of late. They have been making fun of my appearance which is fair enough i’m not the prettiest person, loudly in public- people i dont even know have been laughing at their jokes. Ik i’m just being sensitive n its just a joke so i asked them to stop joking about it in public which led to them doing it more often as its funny when i go bright red. Theyve been saying to me that autism isnt even a thing n i’m just seeking attention, some of them anyway, the others like to do things that trigger me occasionally.
Anyway i started to stop hanging out with them the past few days slowly which started a chain of arguments. I told them i didnt want to be friends with people who have been using me for a but of a joke, they then said that we were never friends in the first place- i never got the hint and whenever they got bored theyd try n get reactions out of me bc it was hilarious to them- had another gc with everyone in it but me. Never invited out either. Called me delusional too, quite the shocker who would have thought, n proclaimed in public about my attachment to the dimitrescu sisters. I got called alot of names. Trigger warning- they told me to go slit my wrists n follow through with it.
So I’m currently thinking about the dimitrescu sisters to distract myself. Cassandra mostly- i speak to the posters i have of them n cuddle up against them which kind of helps ig. Like i said I’m delusional 😅
Ik this is just childish n i need to get a grip but i’m on the verge of having a bit of a breakdown.
-deluded anon
(TW, mention of bullying, harassment)
First of all, hon; your feelings are entirely valid.
And with (really no-) respect (-at all), fuck these people. They’re awful humans for treating you this way, especially so after disguising themselves as friends.
Regarding the things mentioned in the first paragraph. “Pretty” is immeasurable. Perception varies from each person. Just take a piece of art for an example. Surely not everybody is going to come to an agreement over a piece. Some might say it’s divine. Others have a different opinion on it. Try remembering that it’s not about being “the prettiest person”, because there is no such thing. Another example could be made of the Dimitrescu sisters, if that helps. Some argue Bela is the prettiest. Others argue Daniela is, and others argue Cassandra is. There is no right or wrong. Claiming “you aren’t the prettiest person” is simply one viewpoint🙌 aside from all this, it is absolutely wrong for people to target you because of your appearance, no matter what.
The next point is being “sensitive”. When you dislike something, especially someone’s joke, you are not being sensitive. Being made fun of is not pleasant nor right, and getting upset over it is perfectly valid.
I am proud to hear you’re trying to distance yourself from these so called “friends”. Despite not knowing them, they seem like a horrible and disrespectful bunch. Regarding being called “delusional”. I don’t necessarily see it as a bad thing at all. Can it lead to bad situations? Sometimes. But the word itself is not an insult to me. It’s a character trait, hon, and it should not be used as an insult. I for one describe Daniela as very delusional on a regular basis, and still love and support that fictional woman with all my heart. Delusional is but a trait, but it doesn’t define a person.
Saying such things and treating you this way is horrible, I’m so sorry that happened to you hunny.
It’s great you’re able to find comfort like that! It’s very admirable in my eyes. Again, “delusional” isn’t necessarily bad. I have friends that talk to stuffed animals. I have friends who cuddle up to them and act as though they are Alcina. I have friends crying and talking as though Alcina or one of the sisters is there with them. If it comforts you, that’s what matters, hon🙌
And lastly, it is not childish at all. I do hope you will be able to rid yourself of such horrible people, and find loving and respectful friends! :)
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I’m honestly sick and tired of people claiming everyone is bi if they find the same sex attractive. JKR wanted us to know who was attractive and who wasn’t, since the story was from Harry’s pov everyone has put a label on his sexuality. Like can we not normalize appreciating the same sex without labels? I remember being teased for being bi if I said a girl or woman was beautiful and it annoyed me because they automatically labeled me without asking me. Does that mean the next time I see a dog and say “that’s a good looking dog” I’ll be labeled as someone who’s attracted to animals? Just because a man thinks another man is attractive does not make him bi. Now if Harry had sexual feelings for the same sex in the book then yes he could be bi, but did we even a hint of that? No. So ppl need to stop claiming this as canon when it’s more of a fan theory.
I think there are a couple of layers to this, anon, and I apologize in advance for a long post as it led to quite the reflection on my end.
On the one hand, there's something to be said about heteronormative readings about texts, in that assuming is everyone is cishet until proven otherwise is limiting, to say the least. I'd like to gently ask you to think about the way you compared attraction to people to attraction to dogs, as that's a big leap. I understand the point you are making, and this reaction you have about being labeled as bi, attached to the reaction over the HC (not actual canon) of bi Harry, gives me pause.
By that I mean I had a very similar, sort of visceral reaction to a lot of the HCs and fan theories I found when I started participating in fandom and joined Tumblr. As the years go by I continue to reflect on these reactions, where they came from, and where I'm going next.
So let's talk about bi Harry for a minute and about some other thoughts I've had.
First, I don't think Harry is bi, based entirely on the authorial intent and the world JKR created. That's not to say we can't read it in other ways but I do think it's important to recognize that the world she created, wrote in, and promotes is fundamentally heteronormative. Yes, Dumbledore is gay, and his sexuality was revealed by JKR directly and not in any concrete depiction. You could argue that she couldn't say anything because of the time period, but let's face it - after PoA, she could publish these gargantuan books and the texts got darker. We also have to remember that just as 'men writing women' is a thing, so is 'women writing men.' JKR has admitted she's bad at writing romance. She calls several men handsome in the text, through Harry's eyes, and we do have to acknowledge the author's voice in the character.
Second, I don't think there's a reason Harry can't be bi. That is, we can definitely say he's into women (Cho, Ginny), and like many many people throughout history, they discover their sexuality later in life. There's no reason why Harry can't figure out later that he's bi. That's not saying that he is or has to be - it's more making room for this reality that I think is at the heart of what these HCs are getting to.
The reason for this is that queerness in history has been largely erased. I think there's value in trying to read texts, even if they were written in a heteronormative context, to make space for queer characters and readings. The sort of visceral reaction I see in this ask, which I shared a couple years ago, led to rethinking a lot of the way I see the role of representation and the diversity of voices in fiction, or broadly speaking, anywhere.
I do think that if we stick with a very strict reading of the text, according to what JKR planned out, then yes, we'd probably find that most everyone is cishet. But as we're occupying this space of fanfic, where we take the characters out of the texts and give them lives in missing scenes, why can't we explore queerness in them or take what we have in canon and sculpt it to find voices that have otherwise been silenced? This isn't to say they're canon - but that they can exist in canon and can be compliant or coherent.
There's another thing I want to very gently point out in your ask, anon. Why does it bother you so much?
If someone asked me that a couple years ago, I'd have said something along the lines of 'well, it's ridiculous. obviously he's straight, and assuming someone's bi or gay because they say or do x, y, z, is nonsense.' BUT, here's where I am a couple years later. Is it not the same concept to assume someone is straight because there's no specific marker that signals them as queer?
What I am trying to point to is that if it's the assumption that bothers you, then it's what (I believe) bothers those who are queer themselves. The assumption of "straight until proven otherwise" and "you must be bi because you find the same sex physically attractive" direct us to a similar pressure point. No one wants assumptions to dominate the way we are perceived, or the way a certain population is treated.
That's why, even if I read JKR's world as heteronormative across many, many categories, if I want to enter that world in a more detached sense and think of these fictional characters as real people, I will find queer characters because I find queer people in history.
Some characters are easier to do this with than others: I find writing canon Harry in the canon timeline as bi to be really hard. This might be my own heteronormativity speaking. I'm extremely aware of how frequently I say the wrong thing or word something in a way that isn't exactly right, but I am trying.
Writing bi Harry later in his life? Easier. Definitely easier, because of our own historical context. It wouldn't surprise me if a teenage boy in the 90s would struggle with, suppress, or even ignore bisexuality in himself. In the 00s? 10s? 20s? Different story.
I'm still not going to write bi Harry though, partly because I don't like writing Harry, and there are other characters that I find more interesting to explore with their sexualities.
But back to your point, anon. Though I understand your frustration, having been there myself, I would encourage you to understand why people say these things. There's a desire for representation, which is sorely needed, and has been historically lacking. There's a desire to normalize--or, perhaps put in a better way--be more accepting/less surprised when queer people simply exist.
If nothing else, like I have gone through my own growing pains of trying to be more open minded (a decade-long process at least), I would encourage you to do the same. I'm not saying you aren't open minded or accepting - let me be clear about that - though the way you phrased some things did lead to my own reflections about how I've thought about this.
Last, but not least, I do agree with the frustration over claiming things as canon versus fanon. There's a layer in the middle though, of canon compliant, that is a hot, hot mess.
Is bi Harry canon? No. Is bi Harry canon compliant? Why not? Why can't Harry figure out that all those times he thought a man was handsome was actually sexual attraction? No reason he can't figure that out and be happily married to Ginny. No reason he can't figure that out and be a devoted father and godfather.
I've been going on and on for a while. I suppose I'll stop here before my exhaustion leads me to say anything I'll regret. I do hope I've given you something to think about, and I'll be continuing to reflect on it as I keep going, as I hope you will do too.
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feluka · 11 months
what's up i'm still very ill with this bug/flu/whatever and i'm going to start binging all of good omens season 2 in a minute. but to spare you all 59850 posts on your dash about something you might not care about, i will instead use this post to liveblog! i will be going back to this post and editing it with every update, so if you're interested in hearing my thoughts you can come back here (and if you're not it should be easy to avoid)
here goes!
update #1: when i started watching i SWORE to myself i would let it all play out before obsessively rewinding the bits i liked after it was all over. less than 2 minutes in and i failed.
"I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble." now what if i chewed my arm off.
update #2: crowley shielded aziraphale first before aziraphale shielded him in the garden of eden???? what if i cried.
update #3: the power is finally back so i've finished episode 1. all this talk about the book of life is raising my goddamn hackles. terrified to see how it comes into play. it's very interesting to me that crowley hasn't told aziraphale about it, too. i personally think aziraphale would still hide gabriel even if he knew about the extreme sanctions.
also, shelly conn is fabulous but i feel her version of beelzebub is *much* more animated than anna maxwell martin's. she's incredible and i love all her mannerisms but at the same time i was very attached to the stoicness of the previous beelzebub so it'll take a little bit to get used to.
update #4: aziraphale doing the little 'one two three four' with his finger before singing to maggie. he's so precious to me he's the specialiest little guy in the world for me and i understand crowley because i, too, would get into trouble with both heaven and hell to keep aziraphale safe
update #5: episode two done. thoughts:
1- this is just a romcom isn't it. i mean.
2- the music that played while aziraphale said crowley needed to take him to hell invokes the music that played during the bandstand scene in episode 3 of season one. i LOVE each and every scene that examines the themes of 'your side, my side, our side' <3
update #6: i'm (not unpleasantly!) surprised that they're addressing aziraphale's classist rant from the book. on one hand i'd just considered it one of the things the adaptation decided to do away with, but now that they've acknowledged it, i'm now very excitedly anticipating a resolution to that conflict. because if i remember correctly in the book the matter didn't really get resolved, aziraphale just dropped this bombshell on me and i had to put the book down for a minute lol
i guess they've been hinting at beelzebub spying on the bookshop using the flies, but i'm curious as to why they would have that knowledge and pretend they didn't. what's the benefit for playing coy here? either there is, and we don't know what that is yet, or the flies are a red herring.
update #7: finished episode 3 and i'm honestly not sure i understood a lot of it! what happened to crowley after falling through the gorund?? did they send him to the pit of torture or whatever for stopping the suicide? also aziraphale is my favourite character but if he says something like "the virtues of poverty" again i'm going to bite his head off. anyway. crowley. don't you know you're a fictional character and that according to all laws of fiction, if you say "if any harm comes to aziraphale" it means it's probably gonna happen? smh
update #8: i still haven't watched any more since last update but. oh dear. i'm too worried to click 'next episode' because 1- the more it dawns on me what might've happened to crowley after getting pulled into the ground i get so hopelessly depressed and 2- 'it's too late. it's always too late' is a very worrying note to end on and i'm positively terrified!! for future reference don't watch anything emotional or worrisome while having a stomach bug. i'm writhing in my seat lol.
update #8: the chat between "jim" and crowley. i am gonna need a short break before unpausing :)
update #9: so i haven't updated for a while because i couldn't think but i just finished the series. i think i can't think. i think i need to sleep and i think i'm very very very very very sad.
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lunabbybun · 3 months
(not nsfw, just rlly personal sorry pls ignore if u just wanna see porn hehe <3)
wow i rlly hate finishing a series i love ;;;
when i was in middle school i found comfort in tv shows and books, recently i haven’t been able to watch as many shows as i want or read basically any book, watch any anime… idk what it was, but i spent my days watching tv shows. i have watched so many shows, i was caught up on quite a lot of shows and would watch the new episodes right as they came out and tbh i miss that time when i was able to do that ;;
when i was younger i didn’t care about romance stories, i wouldn’t watch romance movies or read romance books but as i grew up i started getting interested by that topic… i would get attached to fictional characters and their love stories, the fandom ships, and overall just how romance was portrayed because i’ve never experienced it before… i loved dramatic love stories but also the rlly sweet and fluffy stories too!! so yeah i would turn to romance shows when i needed some comfort.
in 2021 i had one of the worse years i’ve had in a while… end of high school, applications for college, not knowing what i wanted to do after graduating, rlly big anxiety and health issues… that summer i came across a new show and got rlly into it, which didnt happen for a while cause i was legit depressed and not feeling like i could do anything, so i stopped watching new shows and all that… that show rlly made me happy! i started to draw a bit more thanks to it!
today, the last episode of that show came out and as much as i loved the ending, it’s been like 30 minutes since the episode finished and i can’t stop crying ;; i just feel an emptiness in my heart, like idk i just feel numb. like it’s not even my favorite show, i just felt so connected to the main character and stuff happening that it rlly just feels like i got rid of a part of me?? if that makes sense??
im rlly sensitive lmaoo so yeah i just feel a lot of things way too strongly (:
yeah that’s it, i just wanted to write that down somewhere ;; so i’ll be back to horny posting once i get out of the numb state where all i can do is cry <3
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murachinchi · 4 months
Naur I'm gud, I can differenciate (idk how to English sometimes despite me speaking da language) and it ain't effecting my life, I keep my fanfiction and the fanfiction I read in my head, or anonymously.
One of my favs is this story, it's called I Went to Another World and Demon Shotas Grew Attached to Me After I Mated With Them, it's by Totemo Zako (Sugoku Zako), when I see stuff like this I'm like "le inhal I need MORE" I love that story so much, but when I see stuff like this irl I'm like this girl at 11:54 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JWofUuMlHlw, and obvi I don't wanna breed with an animal 💁🏽😂
Which reminds me of these annoying af people (I think most are Christians) who think that I (and many other people) worship the devil for liking "Paint the town red" or other stuff like it, smh, their logic is that if I do the dance or like the music, through those actions I'm worshipping the devil, like seriously? How does that work? Does that mean that if I like Shota my moral compass is broken and I'm into that stuff irl? If I like watching furries I wanna make love to an animal?
They are SO annoying 😮‍💨 it's fantasy and made up, calm thyself, and apparently I support it for liking Shota, by that logic I could say we all support it since they like watching children do ANYTHING, like doing gymnastics or smth
I'm getting off track here, imma just stop right there before I go any further and turn this into an entire vent 😂
i second that 😔😔it's so annoying when those kind of ppl come to me to complain about 2 fictional characters with impossible age gap like calm down.. they r not real 😭
but it is what it is all we can do is just block them and hope they do the same. im just glad i never met ppl like that irl
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thenanamisimp · 6 months
Great Pretender
Genre: Action/ Adventure/ Mystery
Warnings: Sex and nudity/ Violence/ Guns/ Alcohol and drugs/ Human trafficking
I have to admit, after watching a few disappointing Netflix official anime, I wasn't sure that I was going to enjoy this. I was, however, proven wrong! This might actually be my favourite Netflix official.
Edamura Makoto, a japanese swindler tries to scam a French tourist - but he ends up being conned instead! He gets tricked into following Laurent to the US where they commit a series of big cons together. A story full of plot twists and chaos and even when the chaos starts to become predictable, you're still constantly at the edge of your seat. With every new case you get to know the characters and their motivations even further and you get attached - seriously attached. Added bonus, EVERYONE IS HOT. (Laurent has joined my list of depressed blonde fictional men I'd fuck. I'd also let Cynthia con me anytime, the term MILF was created for her). Generally, the show has a really good pace, not too slow, not too quick and it builds up well with every new case in my opinion.
As for the one thing that Netflix officials always have - good art, Great pretender does not fall behind. The art style is unique and absolutely stunning, a lot simpler than the popular style right now which is a lot less abstract and a little more realistic. I loved this choice though, it's so nice to see a more uncommon art style being utilised. The characters' expressions and emotions were so cool to see in this art style and honestly I think more anime needs to use more unique art like this.
This was a great watch and I'd definitely recommend watching this if you pay for Netflix (even if you don't). I can't wait for the next season.
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Of the 4 cases released, while they were all good, I think my favourite was the art sale con and my least favourite the air racing con. The child trafficking one was so close to being my favourite with all the plot twists and up and downs but it gave me about 50 mini heart attacks. However, it's the one that really made me fall in love with Laurent's character and the tragic ending of his love with Dorothy - ONLY TO DISCOVER SHE'S STILL ALIVE AND LOST HER MEMORIES. I can't believe he tossed her ring away and it ended up with Dorothy again. Talk about fate. They better have the best fucking reunion next season, I want Laurent to be happy.
I also can't fucking BELIEVE Makoto's dad??? He genuinely invented cons, he's a mastermind and he took me through the MOTIONS. He showed up out of the blue, pretended to be remourseful, betrayed his son again, told us why he was charged for human trafficking, told us why he was actually INNOCENT and then ended up being the greatest con artist of all time. And poor Makoto's mum had to hide everything from him even though she knew. Pure chaos and I loved it. (Makoto is your dad open to dating?)
May I also add that for a series about criminals, everyone has their morals and these morals are actually surprisingly *right*? With the exception of some... questionable ones from Laurent but he's traumatised so he's forgiven in my eyes. Plus it ain't even that bad. He's forgiven because he does it all to fuck with the actual villains of the story aka the traffickers.
Overall, everyone had a great backstory but Laurent and Oz's stories were the two that stuck with me the most. I love a tragic man. Give them to me tortured and destroyed. I can fix them. And then destroy them some more. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Smallest sidenote because I just can't stop thinking about YOUNGER LAURENT WITH LONG HAIR???? HE IS SO (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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IN CONCLUSION, this anime is a big hit and worth the hype and absolutely, definitely worth the watch!
Thank you for reading another anime ramble! Enjoy watching :)
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justelib · 6 months
HII if you're okay with requests about The Hollow can you please do headcanons where Reeve is your older brother and we're his little sister?🙏🙏
Yes, yes, yes! Thank you! Okay, I kinda kept this gender neutral without realising it so I’m sorry about that! Reeve x Adam x Kai are mentioned in this (because I love them and will fight for them…and I fully believe in season two, Reeve and Adam were arguing like exs 😂) skeet is not dead in this…I’m in denial-
Big brother Reeve Headcanons!
let’s start of with that Reeve would be an Amazing older brother, alright?
He takes you everywhere, walks with you to school (or walks you to school if you go to primary school and he in highschool), takes you to lunches on the weekends, even let’s you crash his dates with Adam & Kai.
You guys probably listen to music and scream to it, most likely in the lounge room, kitchen or his bedroom (I’d imagine him having a bigger room considering he’s the eldest, though he’d probably end up switching room with you as you get older and need more space.)
If you get a partner, he’d stand over them, giving them a threatening little chat about hurting you, but also doing the same to you, making sure you knew that if you ever cheated or hurt your partner in any way, you’d have him to deal with.
I fully believe that Reeve took Martial arts as a kid and gives you lessons on how to defend yourself.
If he takes you to hang out with his friends, Mira would talk about animals with you, and I reckon if you asked to get your hair dyed, Mira would do it, she seems like a professional hairdresser.
Vanessa would teach you cheat codes to games, and I fully believe she’d practice eyeliner on you, to scared to do so on herself.
Kai would help you in school projects, helping you build things and we all know Kai is a total nerd (affectionate) and would definitely help with homework.
If you ever get bullied, I think Reeve would go to Adam for help, knowing the younger teen was bullied as a kid and wanted advice on how to cheer you up.
Skeet teaches you how to skateboard, or he lets you watch if you don’t want to learn.
Reeve secretly watched trolls…ITS GOOD!
Anyways, he totally gives Piggyback rides.
THIS DUDE USED TO BITE AND HIT YOU AS A CHILD- all fun and games, his hits never actually hurt…the biting did but eh-
As an only child (with a step brother I was never close with and no friends) I’ve always wanted a sibling figure who’d listen to my interest and not brush them aside because they don’t like it and I fully believe Reeve is that kind of person. If you’re emotionally attached to a fictional character, relationship or fandom, he’d let you talk about it without getting annoyed and if you asked him, he’d watch whatever fandom or play whatever game that you’re talking about. (^ I want this so bad- one of my only friends won’t let me rant about Hamilton or heartstopper or anything else without seeming annoyed so I just stop.)
Anyways- Reeve always tuck you into bed, no matter how old you are and it doesn’t matter if you say that he does have to, he’s been doing it since you were a kid and he isn’t stopping now.
If you’re a part of the lgbtq+ community, he supports you with no hesitation (obviously)
All in all, I fully believe he’d be an amazing older brother.
Sorry it’s so short! I couldn’t really think of anything 😅😅
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limeade-l3sbian · 7 months
Who are your favourite fictional characters? Not attraction based, but like which ones are you most attached to/means a lot to you, which ones do you find most compelling to read/watch their story? Doesn’t need to be particular fandoms or anything and it’s okay if there’s male ones in there(unfortunately historically there is a lot more well written male characters than female ones since people rarely give much time to develop their female ones)
For a long while, I really liked Rick from The Walking Dead. I watched the show from the beginning and stopped a little after (spoiler, but come on it's been years) Negan got his throat slit and survived. But watching him go from what he was in the beginning to who he was by the time they got to Alexandria was very cool and I thought, well done.
I still really like Superman, lol. I just like how "boring" he is. He's just wants the world to be okay and I can't be mad at that. Plus the interactions with him and his parents on Justice League and other DCAU movies was always cute to me. He's just a country boy fighting aliens and bald men.
I love(d) Wonder Woman. She was my first taste of a well written female character who got equal airtime and had just as much of a chance winning in a fight as the men of the Justice League. I used to (still do) want to live on Themyscira. It was my DREAM.
Katara is forever my girl. I knew she wasn't black but I was like "fuck it, close enough" lmaoo. When she learned how to bloodbend??? That whole episode with Hama? When she threatened Zuko? Southern Raiders episode????? AHH don't get me started lmao. Team Katara forever. An absolute girls' girl.
While I never finished the anime, I did finish the OG storyline of MHA with Overhaul and I thought he was a very cool, interesting villain. Fleshed out, creepy in a meaningful way, and I thought his look and his quirk were dope as fuck.
Azula. Of course. Forever. One of the first villains ever to give me the creeps. I felt like she was invincible even when she slipped up. Her voice, her armor, her bending, her lines. Her ending?? I have critiques but she was perfect in my child heart lol.
It's all I can think of rn but I know there are more. <3
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opinated-user · 1 year
Lily: "My black slave trader character is great representation and so is her chronic murderer fascist daughter!"
Me, looking up from a fanfic I'm reading where the President of the United States is black, aroace, a dad, a dork with a secret nerdery hobby, composed but ends up melting in the presence of cute animals, and is committed to reducing poverty and inequality in the United States: "Actually I'll take this, thanks. I'd rather have an Asian author who writes us like humans with problems, quirks, kindness and self-control than have the latest white rendition of Badass Black Boss Bitch."
Lily, louder: "The slaver being black isn't problematic, it's fine!"
And she wonders why black people aren't thrilled with her. Am I supposed to thank her for yet another depiction of black women as violent, aggressive, hateful and devoid of impulse control? Am I supposed to ignore the real-life legacy of slavery and pretend a black slaver isn't in poor taste? Why? So some white woman who doesn't even respect the culture of the Native tribe she pretends she's connected to can feel better about her racism?
I'm tired of black criminals. Framing the black criminals as fascist good guys doesn't make it better, it makes it worse. And making being a violent, angry Sith an inherent part of a black character? Fuck her. No, seriously, Lily? Go fuck yourself. Black people are not inherently violent or angry.
The angriest, easiest to enrage person in the room is Lily in every room she's in. She shouldn't project her flaws onto other races, she should get therapy.
I don't know how she got these ideas in her head about race but she's old enough to know better.
i said it on another post, but it actually does feel like LO can't separate black people from their oppression in her mind and since she has been accused of fetishizing black people, it comes off as if she's fetishizing black oppression too.
the whole issue with alaina's mom is already gross enough, but then you add the implications she put about how all storm trooper were intentionally chosen by skin tone (as Finn first identified Alaina's blackness as being similar to all other storm troopers he knew) and just... i can't comprehend why, in a fictional setting where characters regularly coexist with aliens of other planets, she still made a point to reinvent black slavery. even if you argue that she pretended to make the empire look worse, and by extension kylo ren, she still didn't need to do that. the empire is known to have commited genocide and use violence against insurrection... but i guess LO sees those two things as positive, so she has to shove racism there because her protagonist is black so of course she need to still live racism. as if blackness didn't have any value if it wasn't attached to racism. which is racist on itself.
honestly, at this point she should stop trying to fix what was already broken because it's clear she's only making things worse. from having her black mother into a slaver who trafficked a white child now she's making her into some sort of political martyr as martin luther king... despite no one apparently caring or even thinking about her death after it happened. she's just making it worse.
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