#i need to go through and clean up my blog honestly
mokadevs · 11 months
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'DUCK SOUP', a Zero Escape inspired RPGMaker game.
Trapped on a replica of the 'Orient Express' with 2 classmates, Jude must make sense of locked room murders to escape with her life.
A game about trust.
Coming out in late July 2023! Feel free to follow for more updates on this project and other games I'm working on.
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airprime7 · 6 months
Why am I seeing so many fake posts on my dash? Like, there's ones from all sorts of made up realities, I'm surprised I haven't seen ones set in webcomics or whatever.
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♊️ twinarmageddons reblogged
♊️ twinarmageddons
all of you iidiiot2 need two 2hut up about computer2 unle22 you know what you're talkiing about. ii 2wear ii 2aw 2ome guy telliing people two pour water on theiir keyboard2 two clean them.
♉️ adiostoreador
♊️ twinarmageddons
oh my fuckiing god 2ome people are actual iidiiot2
#ii mean come on you actually beliieved that
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♑️ terminallycapricious
wAsSuP mOtHeRfUcKeRs???
420 notes
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♌️ arseniccatnip reblogged
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < hiii!!!
:33 < my name is nepeta leijon, and this is my furst post!
:33 < i like shipping, and rolepurrlaying, and hunting
:33 < i have troll pawtism, so i might not be the best at understanding things. sorry if i get confused!
:33 < i also do art, and my commissions are open! purrlease don't ask me to draw trolls pailing, i'm only 6
:33 < bye! :33
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
wwhy is your text grey
♋️ carcinogeneticist
🤡 i-say-honk Follow
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♌️ arseniccatnip
:33 < @carcinogeneticist @caligulasaquarium @i-say-honk kill yourselves
#:33 < :33
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♍️ grimauxiliatrix reblogged
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
im dead n0w
♍️ grimauxiliatrix
#Honestly I Cant Believe I Made It Through This Week Alone
60 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
👻 ectobiologist Follow
hi! how do i use this app?
♋️ carcinogeneticist
👤 human-alarm Follow
612 notes
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♋️ carcinogeneticist reblogged
♐️ centaurstesticle Follow
D -> The day we stop valuing horses is the day society collapses
♐️ centaurstesticle
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D -> @cuttlefishculler Perhaps I do share some interests with the protagonist of the new popular movie starring Troll Ryan Gosling
D -> If anything that would be a compliment
D -> Not that that's something a f001 such as yourself would understand
♓️ cuttlefishculler Follow
)(-EY, I was just joking around. No need to start being c-rude!!! 380
♏️ arachnidsgrip Follow
What movie did you watch? 8ecause 8ar8ie is defin8ly the hero of the one I saw, hooves-for-8rains.
♈️ apocalypsearisen Follow
i liked the 0ne with the b0mb m0re
♒️ caligulasaquarium Follow
rustblood, opinion disregarded
♋️ carcinogeneticist
♊️ twinarmageddons
forget that, cc ii2 the ACTUAL HEIIRE22
♋️ carcinogeneticist
1380 notes
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♏️ arachnidsgrip reblogged
♏️ arachnidsgrip
You know, I think the murders were good for me.
♎️ gallowscalibrator Follow
♏️ arachnidsgrip
Yeah, 8ut I'm over it now. It doesn't effect me anymore.
#I've moved on.
413 notes
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♉️ adiostoreador reblogged
💽 turntechgodhead Follow
man i cant believe troll steve jobs died of ligma
♉️ adiostoreador
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stxrslut · 2 months
rafe pushing your head and you throw up on it
going to start by saying, if you are not into this stuff, DONT READ IT!! I do not need anons getting pissy and clogging my inbox just cause you hated it. block the tag if this isn’t your shit! and also I’d like to say that I personally am not into vomit as in the actual act of vomiting (I’m just into the power play and humiliation / more sexual aspect of it) so if you’re reading this for that purpose please don’t expect me to respond to your interactions. okay, boundaries set, lemme write some freaky shit.
also fair credit to @shellxrls for talking about this on her blog and hence giving me the courage to post this
Rafe is mad, real mad. you’re not even sure why, something to do with his business that he doesn’t tell you about.
you’d offered to let him blow off some steam, and he took it. so now you’re kneeling below him, having your throat fucked mercilessly.
you’re used to gagging on him, sure, but this is different. you can feel the back of your throat bruising as he keeps up his mean pace.
you can feel it building, the thickness rising in your throat that can’t be pushed down. you cough and choke around him as you try to push him off, desperate to pull away before you humiliate yourself.
of course Rafe isn’t going to let that happen, and so he pushes your head down further. he hadn’t gone amiss to the visceral sounds coming from your throat. he knows as well as you what’s about to happen.
“shit baby— you ‘boutta puke on my cock? dirty fuckin’ girl.” he seethes the words out through gritted teeth, his fist tightening in your hair nearly painfully.
you gag again, desperately trying to hold back, but it does nothing, and you can’t help it. you cry and Rafe moans and the whole thing is an absolute mess.
you feel hot ropes of cum shoot down your throat, doing your best to swallow but of course you fail. the moment he lets you, you pull away, coughing and sputtering onto the mess that’s pooled in front of you.
“Rafe-” you clutch your stomach, still fighting to get enough air in your lungs. he kneels down to your level, lifting your chin up so you can look at him.
“are you good?” he raises his eyebrows, one hand resting on your shoulder. you nod, trying to wipe the tears away from your cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffle, wiping your mouth the best you can with the back of your hand “are you mad?”
he chuckles, “nah- nah that was uhh- I’m not gonna lie to you babe that was actually hot as fuck.”
“really?” you perk up slightly, because honestly, you agree, that was hot as fuck. Rafe nods, smirking again. “why don’t you go get cleaned up n’ then you can come bounce on my dick. let you get your fill, ‘kay?”
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safetycar-restart · 8 months
NOTE: This is a nsfw fic with dom!reader and sub!oscar. If you're under 18 or uninterested, then scroll past. If you like what you see here, then check out the rest of my blog :))
This fic forms part of a kinktober series where I discuss a different concept with different motorsport athletes. We discuss the concepts in more detail on my blog so if you're inspired by what you read here, feel free to stop by!
It's no secret that Oscar is a pretty sleepy boy. He takes naps at any and all opportunities, even when he really shouldn't. He's also almost permanently half asleep, and a tired Oscar is a very grumpy Oscar.
Because of this, he has a very well loved habit of taking afternoon naps. He LOVES his afternoon naps, and he especially loves when you join him for his naps? You don't actually have to nap, you just have to provide him with cuddles.
You can honestly tell the time based on when Oscar comes waddling into the living room wrapped in several blankets and curls up on the couch with you. Then he'll just curl up in your lap, using you as his own personal pillow. He doesn't even say a thing, just gets comfy and then has his nap.
Pretty soon you start to notice that when Oscar naps on you, he tends to wake up hard? In fact sometimes he'll actually start whining in his sleep, slowly grinding against the couch. He'll wake suddenly, confused for a second before he realises where he is and what is going on and then he'll just look up at you and start whining again, mumbling against you that he needs help, you must make him feel good!!
After this happens a few times, you decide to talk to Oscar about it and ask how he felt about you starting to touch him before he woke up. Oscar thinks about this, and hoy fuck he loves that idea.
You try it the next time you realise he's hard while he's napping, and it's so good. You start by just palming him through his sweats, and almost instantly he starts to grind against your hand, whining a little louder but still dead asleep.
You eventually take his cock out of his sweats, and by this point you're so surprised he hasn't woken up yet, cause you're giving him a proper hand job while he's just sound asleep, whining a little.
He wakes right before he cums, and to your surprise there's no hint of confusion? He just looks at you and smiles, mumbling his thanks and then coming soon after.
You have some tissues on the coffee table, so you grab them and clean him, and before you've even finished cleaning him he's back asleep.
It very quickly forms part of his napping habit.
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moonywritez6 · 5 months
Kinktober Day 10 (Reupload)
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Character: Original Sukuna x Witch Reader 
Reader: Fem Reader!
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, smut, harsh language, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, oral (fem receiving), double dicks, double penetration, blood, violence
Wc: 2,849
A/n: Hello my sweets! Unfortunately, I got locked out of my old blog account, so I had to make a new one! So, chances of you having seen this before are high as it's on my old account! (I am so sad about it honestly). But I am going through all my old accounts posts and reuploading them here! I hope you can still enjoy my works!
S/N:  I kind of referenced this fic to one of my earlier works between Sukuna and Witch Reader! (It's sad and angsty but I just love the story I have behind the two so I couldn't help myself! Just look for Sukuna's part if interested! (Not required of course!) This one is not edited or proofread so I do apologize for all the mistakes.
Making his way through the dark woods, Sukuna lets out a few breaths, his body taking him down the path he had come to engrave deep inside his mind. "Damn pathetic witch…living so far out." He growls to himself. Your mere existence was annoying, but at the same time, your face always seemed to calm his rageful soul. After what felt like a century of walking, his eyes take in the faint glow of the lantern you always kept hanging from your porch. He grunts, not bothering to knock as he pushes the door open only to be greeted by pure silence. The curse narrows his eyes as he searches the small hut noticing no signs of life. “Oi! Damn witch of the woods!” He shouts allowing a moment for you to respond but there is nothing. He grits his teeth, his mind running through all the possible things that could have happened to you. “The village.” He spits, recalling how you had once mentioned being hated and feared by a village a few miles away. Thinking that one day they would come for you. Sukuna quickly rushes out of the hut, his feet taking him at max speed towards the village, his bloodlust filling the air.
As he dashes through the woods one of his eyes catches a glimpse of a figure standing out in the lake causing him to halt. He approaches the tree line with all four eyes taking in the figure under the moonlight. There you stood, body fully exposed as you bathed under the moon, completely defenseless as you looked up at the sky, eyes shining with the stars. Sukuna watches his mind and nerves going crazy with multiple emotions. Fear, anger, relief, lust each one clashing with the other as he tried to push it all aside. “Do you seeeee her?” An eerie voice whispers from a few trees down getting his attention. There hovered some low-level curses, their eyes peering at your oblivious self their actions irritating Sukuna. “She’s known to be one of the prettiest creatures to grace these woods~” Another curse giggled, leaning closer to get a better look at your exposed breasts.
“Do you think we can touch-” It falls silent as one of the curses falls to the ground, head cut clean off. The other curses jump quickly looking behind them to see the king of curses hold a severed head in his hands, eyes cold as he smirks down at the pathetic creatures before him. “Just by looking at her you die.” Was all he needed to say before blood splattered everywhere covering his body in the filthy red liquid. He growls while examining his body with disgust before his ears ring at the sound of your voice. “Who’s there?” Though you pose it as a question your tone is stern and demanding causing the king of curses to smirk an idea popping into his head. Carefully he emerges from the tree line still drenched in blood as he lets out a deep sigh while one hand scratches the back of his head.
“Calm down damn witch.” His eyes trail back to you watching as your defensive form relaxes at the sight of him, this small action causing the bloodthirsty killer's heart to waver. Though you had relaxed you soon remembered that you were bathing under the moon completely exposed to the man in front of you causing a deep red to dust your cheeks as you tried to duck under. The sight is amusing as Sukuna slowly strips himself of what little clothing he already wore, his body slowly entering the cold water of the night. “I-I’ll be out soon Sukuna-san! You can just go back to the hut!” You protested while swimming further away, your entire body flushed at the quick glimpse you had gotten of his naked form. You hear him scoff as he moves closer to you only stopping a few inches away as he peers down at you with dark eyes.
“You weren’t there…” He mumbles, reaching out to pull you against his chest; you flinch at the sudden contact, your usual calm demeanor gone. He smirks at this, finally being able to see a new side of the most powerful witch of the woods as he rests his chin on your head. “I almost went to kill that village.” He confesses one of his hands carefully sliding down your right arm to extend it out as he examines the black tattoos that covered your skin similar to his own thanks to that soulmate spell you had performed almost three months ago. You frown at his words not wanting him to murder innocent lives because of some witch. “Sukuna-san I only went to bathe under the moonlight! I didn’t even know you would be coming here at this time of the night!” You scold turning your head up to look at the curse who was labeled as your soulmate. He hums, taking a piece of your hair between two of his fingers gently playing with it as he recalls the curses, he had just slaughtered a moment ago.
“Do I need to inform you when I will arrive? Tch, who do you think you’re talking to?” He growls dipping his face into the crook of your neck to leave a possessive bite, his teeth piercing into your skin causing you to whine as you grip onto two of his biceps, your sharp nails dragging against his skin sending tingles through his body. “I told you before…I’m not afraid of curses.” You breathe listening to him lick at the fresh mark a satisfied hum leaving his lips as his eyes look up at your face brows furrowed. “Curses aren’t afraid of you either, you know. In fact, curses are drawn to you.” He growls pulling away his body becoming clearer under the light of the moon as you take in all the red still staining his skin the smell of iron finally processing in your nose.
“Are you hurt Sukuna-san?” You question quickly turning your body to face him, your bare breasts pressed against his chest as you examine him for any injuries getting ready to cast a healing spell if needed. He stops you, arms trapping your body as close as possible to his, a small gasp escaping you as you feel the two hard cocks pressing against your lower body. “I’m fine dammit! I just found a few pathetic curses trying to mess with something that belongs to only me.” He growls at the memory of their ugly faces, his blood boiling as he could only imagine what was running through their minds when they looked at your lustful body glistening so beautifully in the night. “It makes me so pissed…that you can just let others see you so exposed.” He grabs at your chin with one hand forcing you to look up at him, his eyes taking in your flushed appearance.
“I didn’t even know they were around…I guess I was just spacing out too much.” You confessed feeling foolish for having let your thoughts of the man in front of you cloud your senses making the area around you nonexistent in the moment. Sukuna hums watching the night sky reflect in your pure orbs so full of care and love for this world's filthy creatures. “Your skin is so divine in the moonlight.” He confesses cupping your cheek, his mind filling with only you, the one creature he was willing to love for all eternity. Your eyes widen as you look up at him, mouth agape when you see the soft look in his eyes. “Sukuna-san you didn’t drink any of the potions when you were inside, did you? Some of those are for customers who asked for aphrodisiacs!” You worry, not wanting to have the curse mad at you the next day for allowing him to drink something that would show any signs of weakness.
He frowns at your words, going to pinch your sides in annoyance. You let out a small cry from the stinging pain, a pout on your lips. “Tch. You think I would be so stupid to drink one of those disgusting vials?” He growls, finding your questions insulting for the king of curses. You try to shrink away into the water, finding his mood to be slightly unpleasant. “I was just wondering…big jerk.” Your words were quiet but not enough to go unnoticed by Sukuna who disliked that you were no longer pressed against him, his body not feeling whole. “If you wish for my anger to cease then will you be a good witch and please your king?” The question shocks you as you make eye contact orbs searching for any mischievous intent only to find pure lust greeting you. The two of you had made love only once when you had discovered you were soulmates, both your harbored feelings finally being released into three whole days of passion.
As if reading your mind Sukuna let out a small chuckle, his arms gripping at your waist as he pulled you close once again this time making you wrap your legs around his torso. “It's been so long since I’ve made love to you…tell me does your body still recall my touch?” He whispers lips pressing against your forehead. You hum, unable to think of any words as you feel your heart racing, your eyes trailing all over his chest taking in the man who had won over the most powerful witch. “Look at me Y/n.” He growls forcing your chin up the use of your name causing something inside you to tingle. “I’m going to make every creature in these woods know that you’re mine. So don’t you dare hold back filthy witch.” With those words his lips are roughly pressed to yours in a bruising kiss as he pries your mouth open with ease, his tongue almost plunging deep into your throat as he hungrily takes in your taste.
You whine, arms wrapping around his neck to deep kiss your body wanting more of him as if remembering those three days like it was something you experienced your whole life. A deep growl leaves Sukuna’s throat as one of his hands grips the back of your head taking in a fist full of your hair as you feel him smirk into the kiss. Your eyes shoot open in shock, a small cry being muffled by his lips when you feel a giant tongue lick up your pussy. Sukuna’s fist pulls at your hair separating the kiss, a long string of saliva still connecting the kiss as he lets out an amused laugh “Does it feel good darling? Having two tongues inside you?” He breathes as the mouth on his stomach hungrily lapped at your twitching pussy under the water. You let out a few pathetic moans. The feeling of his other mouth was different compared to his normal one.
Sukuna closely watched the way your face twisted into pleasure as your arms tightened around his neck, your hips starting to move in sync with the licks of his other tongue. He watches cocks twitching as the sight deeply arouses him. “What a filthy witch~” He teases his tongue sliding up your neck as he wraps a hand around your throat. You shiver body trembling from all the pleasure you were feeling. Sukuna presses his forehead to yours, his eyes taking in every detail of your face before pressing a passionate kiss to your lips. You whine, your body stiffening when the tongue from his stomach slithers deep inside your hole, eyes widening as your legs squeeze around him. Sukuna pulls away an evil grin on his face as he looks down at your fucked out expression.
“Filthy whore coming from another mouth!” He laughs a hand caressing your side as he tries to pull you away however your grip doesn’t loosen up as you try to recover from your orgasm pussy twitching. He sighs, pressing a few kisses to your cheek. “Strongest witch in the world but so pathetic from just getting your pussy tongue fucked.” His words earn a small smack from you followed by a tiny ‘shut up’ causing him to laugh. “If you want me to be satisfied you have to move away a bit darling. Otherwise, I can’t put it inside.” He whispers into your ear taking notice of your shivers. ‘The water must be getting cold.’ His thoughts are confirmed when you slowly float away from him, his eyes landing on your perked nipples and trembling lips. His two lower hands reach under the water to pump at his throbbing cocks wanting to feel inside your warm walls.
“Your pussy can handle both, right? Or has it been too long for the Witch of the Woods?” He hums remembering how long it took for your pussy to accept both his cocks the first time. Your body stiffens as you contemplate swimming away from the curse, your eyes trailing over to your clothes that lay by the shoreline. Taking notice of your gaze Sukuna frowns quickly gripping at your wrist to pull you back into his chest. “You dare think of running from me witch?” He growls two of his hands lifting you up, earning a small squeak from you as you try and hold onto his shoulders for support. “S-Sukuna-san I don’t think I can! It was so long ago!” You plead nails digging into his flesh.
“I want any pathetic creature lurking around to see my little witch get fucked by a true king!” He shouts while positioning both tips at your entrance, the feeling of them rubbing together causing a decent amount of precum to mix with the lake's water. With a free hand, he cups your cheek, eyes locking as his lips hover over your bruised and swollen ones. “The only king she will please and love.” He whispers before sloppily kissing you while thrusting deep into your pussy. You scream into the kiss tears falling down your cheeks as you feel your pussy being ruined as his cocks fill you. Sukuna groans into the kiss, his chest tightening as he feels your walls squeeze almost making him cum on the spot. He pulls away multiple curses leaving his lips as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, his body shaking from how good you felt.
“So, fucking tight…such a good witch…my good girl.” He praises kissing anywhere he can while listening to the tiny whimpers you give in response. After a moment he starts to move growling at the feeling of his cocks rubbing together the friction driving him crazy as his movements start to pick up. His hold on your body is tight as he bounces you up and down like a doll, the sound of water splashing filling his ears. However, that was the only sound causing him to look up at you while gritting his teeth. “I fucking knew it.” He scoffs watching your mouth move but no sounds come out. This wasn’t the first time you had cast a spell to conceal your voice from him not wanting to disrupt any of the woodland creatures or anyone in the area.
“Tch, I won't let you stay quiet with your spells this time witch.” He spits venomously his nails digging into your hips as he pounds deep inside you the tips of his cocks entering your womb causing tears to fall from your eyes. Having learned some of your spells Sukuna is quick to rid you of your silence, your screams of pleasure music to his ears as they echo throughout the woods. “That’s right, witch! Scream my name let these woods hear who makes their precious witch so weak and pathetic!” Sukuna laughs maniacally, his thrusts merciless as he feels you cum for a second time. You toss your head back drool falling from your chin, eyes glossed over with lust as you stare up at the moon. “Sukuna! Sukuna! Give me more!” You scream your mind is too fucked out to care anymore. Sukuna laughs followed by a few grunts as he feels himself reaching his own release, the excitement from killing all those curses along with seeing how beautiful you looked under the moonlight bringing him so much pleasure.
“Kiss me Y/n…kiss your king…your soulmate.” He breathes heavily. His only desire is you. You look at him with a fucked-out expression that causes him to go over the edge, his lips smashing to yours as he fills your insides, your pussy clenching as you spray all over them. Sukuna’s arms hold you tight, his eyes trailing to the tree line, smirking against your lips as he watches the smaller curses cower away. Once he made sure the two of you were clean, he was careful while carrying you out of the lake making sure to grab your clothes along with his own. “Sukuna-san…you’re so mean.” You whisper half asleep from the tiring activity. Sukuna just scoffs rolling his eyes at your words.
“Shut up Y/n.”
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itoshi-s · 2 years
I'll give you 1 rabbit hole to go down... Pussy inspections with step-bro or long distance bf and any (i do mean any i can see all of them doing this tbh) character bc they are all filthy for reader making sure she is clean and messy for only one person in this world and she aint afraid to show her dedication bc she loves them with all her heart, mind and body
anon im so sorry i kept this in the ask box for so long BUT i just .. i just cannot comprehend this ....... THIS MADE ME SO FERAL pls each and every time i scrolled past this i was abt to scream 😭😭 i also can see MANY of the bllk boys doing this ,,please i feel like all of them are so obsessive in a relationship:((( BUT u know DAMN WELL that my absoluuuteeee fav to think of with stepcest is rinnie baby 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。 ok lemme expand
cw: stepcest, nsfw 17- and ageless blogs dni !
you've always been close with rin - the bond between you so much stronger than the one between you and the older itoshi brother - glued to him by the hip at all times, tugging along to watch the brothers practice and play. sae's four years older than you and finds it a bit harder to get along with you as well as he does with rin, probably because you just don't share any passion or hobby, but you're honestly okay with that! cause rin is always with u instead, making sure you're never left out.
sae leaving for spain and coming back a whole other person doesn't leave you unscathed, though, and watching rin close up on himself and grow so bitter hurts you sm :( your heart aches for your nii chan and u make sure to always, always give him all the support he needs - even if the ways turn a little... inappropriate, different from all the many ways siblings can show their appreciation to each other - but it's okay. he makes it feel just fine, like this is how it should've been all along <3 it's not like you're bound by blood - your parents took you in when you were a baby, yeah, and you two were growing up together just like all the other families - but your stepbrother treats you so well, and looks so good for you always, better than any of these boys that try to get your attention at school. nothing can possibly come between you two and rin makes sure to show it right <3
even when he's signed to a club overseas, all the way over in europe, and his name is worth millions, rin makes sure you're the very first thing he checks up on when he lands back in japan. you, his prettiest little sister, always looking so sweet as you welcome him home <3
"'ve you been good for me, love?" you tremble at rin's firm touch on the inside of your thigh, pushing your legs apart to get a better look of your soaked through, white silk panties.
your chest heaves, a quick nod of your head looking so desperate, he finds it hard not to smile.
"yes, nii-chan," you sound breathy, needy as your hips buck up just slightly. goosebumps rise along your skin, smooth and soft, and your stepbrother eases his large palms over it, fingers just slightly flexing on the flesh. "been thinking 'bout you everyday, rinnie."
teal eyes look up and bore into yours, a spark behind his gaze that you know so well and missed seeing so much over the time he was away in france. "hmm, were you?" he teases, a ghost of a smile on his lips as your hips squirm upon his palm cupping your heat through the flimsy material. "did you do anything about it?"
the inquiry makes you whine, cheeks feeling hot as you shake your head. of course not. you were his good girl, his good little sister. of course you'd never. he's the only one allowed to touch and pleasure your sweet little pussy - and he knows you're well aware of it, but can't deny himself to see the flustered look on your features.
"good girl," rin coos, hooking his index and middle finger behind the crotch of your panties and pushing them to the side. the sight of slick clinging to your folds, clit swollen and throbbing for any crumb of attention, is more than enough to make him groan under his breath.
anticipation makes your chest swell, throat tightening as you watch as he eases the underwear off, letting it pool around your ankle as he kneels closer to the edge of the bed. you start moaning even before his tongue comes in contact with your heat - the long wait making you so desperate that it takes just a hot breath across your pussy to make you mewl.
his nose knocks against your clit as he stuffs his mouth full of you, tongue lapping up all of the wetness that threatens to spill, and you taste just as sweet as he remembers. he moans, the sound vibrating against your heat as you grab fistfuls of black hair.
"nii-chan-" it's sinful, but sounds so good - so right.
his breath hitches in his throat at the little cries of yours. they ring in his ears, make his eyelashes flutter and hands grab at your ass to pull you even further towards him, until he feels your thighs twitch around his head and the heels of your feet digging against his shoulder blades.
no matter how much time passes, he's always going to be the best big brother you could ever have. your lover, the sweetest you could ever dream of and the only one you'll ever wish for. and even if his little checks up on you and the tight pussy he loves so much make you wish the earth could swallow you whole - the embarrassment too much to handle - you know it's only for the best, and look forward to it anyway.
you'll be done with college soon, and rin's already putting up a room for you in his paris penthouse, giddy with excitement at the thought of his pretty little sister moving back in with him - just like it's always been. but you don't need to worry! he will make sure to keep your little routine up either way, cause his imouto deserves to be taken care of <3
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
Crimson Lace Part Two.| Mark Lee (M)
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Prologue: “I don’t like him around you.” + “You can’t tell me who to not hang around with. And secondly it sounds like you’re jealous.”
Summery: After you slept with Minhyun that night, Mark starts noticing the distance between you and him as you get closer to Minhyun. He grows jealous and becomes angry when you tell him the truth, making him confess sinful things you didn’t know about.
The Warnings: Love Triangle. Mark Lee Twin Tropes. Mark looks like he’s a complete loser in bed but he turns out to be amazing trope >>>. Fem Reader. Jealous and angry! Mark. Twin rivalry. Degrading. Extreme Mean Mark. Edging (so much edging) ice play (ice cubes mentioned a lot) fingering and eating out (Female receiving) begging, Mark has a massive darcyphillia kink. Everythings consensual. Cum play. Thigh riding. Public setting (they’re doing it in university class closet) Nipple play.
The Taglist: @yesohhsehun @chardonnayyyy @dearj43 @jwicore @nuttie-nv-blog @nctzcrime
Cover Credit: @dearj43 tysm<3
THE NOTE: sorry this took so long man. I was very busy. However part 2 is out now <3 enjoy
It’s been two weeks since that night you’ve slept with Minhyun and let’s just say you’ve probably done it almost everywhere on campus but the dorms. You tried your best to control it. Try to make things go back to normal with the boy but all it took was one touch from him and things lead to a kiss and another more, it baffled you; with how much Minhyun had this control of you.
He knew how to tick the right boxes physically, sure, but mentally you were somewhere else. You were deeply thinking about Mark, his twin brother, wondering what he would think of you for fucking his brother behind his back.
You’re both scared to confess but you want to confess the truth to him. Unlike Minhyun who shown zero care if he’s railing his brothers crush, you were actually more disheartening about the situation more than anyone right now. You thought if this happened to you you’d be raging with fire in your eyes and demanding revenge. Though, you’re unsure how Mark will react. Mark is mostly a very patient guy. Only a few can tug his patience and test the waters, he’s respectful, friendly and never— and I tell you never gets angry. It’s like he’s perfect. A totally chill, laidback and nice guy.
But today it felt quite the opposite in your class. Writing away on your lined paper the front work essay to do in class, every student in the lecture room was doing the same thing. Trying their best to analysis their view point and perception of Oscar Wilde. You weren’t the biggest fan of Wilde but you do have to admit he does have classical literature. Something you could never forget no matter what. Your cheeks become hollow as you suck in your final breathe before pressing the pen down on the table, finishing the last structural paragraph needed to be done. Your conclusion was the best if you’d have to say so yourself.
Mark caught up with you leaving the class. You’re outside walking up the pathway to the girl dormitory. Something you recently signed up for and moved into. You don’t have a roommate yet, but that’s okay. Honestly you prefer the large dormitory to yourself. As Mark suddenly cuts off your pathway, with an expression you dearly avoided for so long till it finally contacts you.
“Y/n we need to talk.” Mark huffs, out of air.
You look up at the man with a raised eyebrow. “Mark I’m really busy with—“
“Fucking my brother?” He suddenly cuts your sentence off leaving your chest to rise, going tighter and tighter leaving little to no oxygen surpassing through your protected lungs. You felt your world stop and crash instantly like a car has ran into you in the five dimensional realm. You weren’t sure how he came up with that idea, but you knew he was correct. You were cornered by him. Questioned by Mark’s suspicion. For whatever evidence he has. You told yourself to come clean, telling yourself now’s the chance to fully address the issues you’ve done. The bad sins you’ve done behind Mark’s knowledge.
Your voice came out like a murmur. “I’m sorry Mark, I was planning to tell you.” Mark heard you say, though all he could look at was the images of you naked, possibly aroused and more, god, how badly he wished it was him who did those things to you. Minhyun took the pleasure of telling him every fucking detail; the way your moans were so disconnected because you cannot speak while fingered by him deep inside your cunt. He described the way your hair gets messy in the cutest way possible. Minhyun didn’t spare Mark the heinously bragging, what fun was that if he did not? He wants to see Mark rage. He wants to see Mark explode with infuriating frustration that he lost you. His dreams and feelings flat out rejected even though he didn’t confess to you.
All the boy could do was lean back and grab forward your wrist with those boba-like eyes, resembling a round onyx seed. A hint of honey brown flicks in those eyes when bright light slants on the wide iris’ it always makes you so mesmerised. It was only simple brown eyes but the way he looks at you through them, the way you see yourself through his eyes makes your tamed heart skipper quicker than anything in this world. Which heartbeat got faster and faster the more he pressed your wrist in his palm in a harshly given gripping hold, he did not spare you the weakness nor mercy. His voice taunts your skin like a shadowed mercenary ready to kill you while you’re unaware.
“A sorry cannot cut out for the way Minhyun purposely tortured me with the details of your beautiful, romantic night, Y/n.”
He sorely refused your apology leaving you to stand there in middle of nowhere outside the all girl’s dormitory awkwardly as the space minute by minute closes like a maze.
“I don’t like him around you.” Mark trailing with a softer growl containing jealousy that you won’t ever prescribe . It felt more than a normal amount of Jealousy.
It was envy. It was the need to be superior than the other. It was the over-loading amount of covetousness that the boy has for you, it felt like an addiction. You were his wrong addiction with no rehabilitation enough to provide Mark to save himself from your magnetic field.
Mark dislikes the way Minhyun claims he has you wrapped round his fingers yet he doesn’t know the way you have Mark chained to you spiritually. The way your bodies speak in such a hidden language from your conscious mind, gently paving your way, as your eyes tremble to the hold.
Your lips fell from this blank thin line to a sudden choke scoffing softly out your beautiful heart shape mouth, your minds were repeatedly thinking that. “You can’t tell me who to not hang around with.”
You pause staring blankly at him.
“And secondly it sounds like you’re jealous.” You strike at him with your indifferent tone. Mark was indeed bothered by the fact that you and Minhyun have gotten closer, have ended up with a physical relationship. He was jealous and he didn’t dare hide it in his voice or bodily language.
“I’m not fucking jealous I’m more than that.” The grip on your wrist tightens as he pulls your bodies inside the dormitory. “I’m wishing it was me with you that night doing those dirty things, Y/n. Call me jealous all you want but I had my eyes on you first. Minhyun could careless about you.” He adds snarking. “Don’t whore for him who can’t even memorise your Starbucks-go-to order and your favourite movie of all times.”
It’s the way he knows your future moves and the next step seeps to be inebriated, you were left alone staring at Mark deeply who’s chest risen up aloof. Your tongue was bitten down against your teeth harshly as you chew on your words, mentally planning your next dialogue. Just about when you open your mouth, “Mark this is ridiculous-” Mark cuts in right again, leaving you down and flat with your dimmed voice.
“Shut the fuck up.” Mark brushes as the palms creep on your face with their cold temperatures solitudes your warm heated face growing warmer by the way his lips crash on to yours giving them the quickest peck, before fully interrogating your mouth as his own home. His tongue slips in with a barge and a venom to strike. Teeth brush against your soft skin layering your lips to picker and become swollen. Your breathe was harsh and a gasp escaped you. Mark wasn’t trying to be gentle. In fact he was simply rough round the edges, like he had enough of you and your stupidity, that he will finally explode and show you just how much he wants you, how much he loves and wishes to be with you and only you. It’s nothing Minhyun could ever compare to, as your emotions were in the way, but Mark was so much physically intending to use you now.
“Mark- Mark please, slow down, we can’t be doing this…”
He was whispering such degrading terms you weren’t sure how to process. It started off with telling you to be quiet, in which you didn’t oblige to. Your voice came off with multi-stuttering in between the kiss. His fingertips gracefully graze down your jawline and reaching your neck where he grabs you firmly on it before pushing you inside the girl dormitory building. He lead you against a wall pushing you down on it. His voice darkens line an abyss wanting to suck you in and trap you there for eternity and more. “Don’t say anything. Let me indulge a little more before you leave.” He achingly told you, as if it hurt to say. Your reddish swollen lips turned red and you couldn’t believe but feel the way his drunk sad eyes longing on you,
You whisper softly. “I’m not going anywhere.” As Mark leans closer adjusting himself to close the gap between your chest and his. “Don’t get my hopes up.” Mark warns leaning down capturing a passionate and helpless kiss to you, but this time you’ve returned it with just as much eagerness he couldn’t compete with.
He knew you were never going to choose him. He knows Minhyun has stolen your heart and made it his own home before he could, and he only has himself to blame for losing you to his own twin brother. He was late. He was slow and too scared for ruining your friendship between you, Mark often stays up late at night thinking to himself that he should’ve made the first move. He should’ve confessed. He shouldn’t be a coward but he did become one at the end of the day. The moment Minhyun slept with you, he lost a part of himself. He lost all self-control.
You want to tell him you won’t ever leave him. That Minhyun and you sleeping was a simple mistake that you enjoyed and wish to keep on the low, that you’re not interested in dating his brother — you wish to tell him this but all you could focus solely on was the way he was kissing you as if it was his last dying wish. You weren’t sure how far it was going to go, but you felt yourself lose control and all together you grip on his neck finally adjusting to it all. You want Mark.
You came to a conclusion that you want Mark now. Your voice came off as a surprise, if anything, it came off as a dropped off bomb combusting a large sparking ember in his heartbroken heart. “Let’s take it to my dorm…” you said with no shame.
With a nod you were leading Mark inside your dorms welcoming the man in with your bodies aching desperately for each other. The door slams shut and Mark had all his strength pinning you down on your bed gasping in the rough kiss marking your swollen mouth. He was gaping at your body, squeezing his fingers on your clothes and under the fabric crewing on your empty skin practically screaming for him to dirty it, to use you, each time it reminds him of the way you look right now telling that this might be the first and very much the last time he shall ever have the chance of sleeping with you. He must savour the opportunity. Seize the opportunity of all opportunities. And he did.
He did do exactly that when the way he stripped you naked before he shown all his skin in front of you. Your breasts were kneading round like they were his personal items, shifting in your bodies flat on your belly. As his lips press on your shoulder and back. He squeezed at your hips, hoarsely whispering to you; “Lift your hips up for me darling.” It gnaws at your subconscious to hear this man, the man who’s always been your friend, respectful and kind to you was completely out of the picture now that he’s treating you with so much rough and rawly strengths, it purged you with sinful thoughts because it turns you to see him so… berserk. Your lower body arches to his demands and Mark reaches to squeeze your ass before spanking it.
Your voice comes through the pillows that Mark purposely buried your face in. You couldn’t see what he’s looking at but you felt his stare on you everywhere. “Good girl. Always so obedient for me aren’t you? Such a good girl.” He knows how to get you riled up with words. He doesn’t even need to touch you to get you going. The clothes on your body did not last a second on you it was a whole new situation with Mark it even surprised you how well he was good at undressing you from head to toe. The lower clothing came off like it was a slipper from your feet. His fingers weren’t the only thing good at taking clothes off. They were starting to please you down below occasionally slipping out your underwear to the side so his fingers can slide deep inside your wet cunt which was soaking for him.
Mark was pleasantly surprised by how wet you were and his thoughts tread on to his twin brother wondering if he was going through back getting you more wet than this. If this was how soaking you are for him than you must be a waterfall when this continues. He is determined to be better than his brother. Better for you and better for himself. If he lives down as the worse brother in bed he would rather have hell take him back and never come out. As your cunt slowly sinks breathing in his fingers he starts to finger you with a medium length pace causing every wall in you to tighten and loosen just round his shape of the fingers going in and out. The second finger slips in and Mark can hear you moan out more at this rate it was only furling him to continue and add the third finger; your voice becomes slightly louder when your hand covers your mouth to shut it down. He smirks seeing you become so self aware of how you sound so pretty and helpless like a little lamb in the open.
Your body shivers when the ice cube melts on your stomach as he kept pressing on it on the skin. Your lips pull away from his as he looks down at you darkly. “Is it cold?” He slants at you and you could only dumbly nod. Mark smirks. “Good, that’s the point.” His voice lingers as he lifts his hand with an ice cube pushing it to your lips.
You look up at the ice cube and then at him again. “Suck on it.” He orders from you and you couldn’t resist leaning into the cube sucking on it letting it melt on your tongue. He would watch fascinated by the heavenly sight.
Mark stares into you so deep in your eyes refusing to break the minimal eye contact even though he is fingering you so hard to the point your thighs are shaking and hugging side to side with how much he was ramming in you he never once broke away. You couldn’t help but moan as you watch him. He didn’t make you look away at all and if you did he would punish you with a spank to the thighs or to your ass it was unbelievably hot however it made you feel things you did not before. Mark whispers seeing you come close. “That’s right baby keep those eyes on me and come on my fingers Hm? I can feel you throbbing so much around my fingers.” He’d tell you describing every little detail about how your body was round him and you couldn’t believe how arousing it was. You ache jolting a little as you push against his fingers. Mark stops moving them as he saw the juice spewing out and at awe taking them out of you.
He’d lick the remaining juice out of you on his fingers clean off not leaving anything behind. He was staring at you as he did so and you relax there stunned by how he could look so good doing something so dirty? You couldn’t even figure out an answer. It was just a Mark Lee thing. But this wasn’t the end. Mark did not get enough of you and he pushed you down to the side to make you lay down where he forcefully re opens your legs splitting them apart like they were a piece of candy and as he did so his mouth comes to attack you with his tongue on your soaking cunt. He was eating you out and the juices on his tongue tasting so good. It was better than his imagination. It couldn’t compare to his lewdness thoughts. The real deal was the best part.
You weren’t sure how to deal with all this pleasure you couldn’t simple handle all of this but knowing it’s Mark you couldn’t bring the urge to push him away. The pleasure was just something you were hunting down all the time. In disbelief as how fast he was eating you out like he was going through a whole decade of starvation it made you also screaming into your hand. Mark wanted people to hear you however. He wanted you to get caught. He loved the idea of Minhyun coming round and walking in on you with him on your bed knowing it isn’t him. Knowing it’s not his brother. Knowing he got a taste of you it will surely piss his brother off too to see you look so beautiful with him in this rightful moment.
“I… I can’t take it anymore Mark— please— please please can i come?” Your voice was as clueless as a little wren walking around the lonely road. Mark looks up from your wet cunt covering in the saliva and your lubricant ghostly smirking above your clit. Mark’s mouth softly perks up kissing your clit and kissing down again. You shiver at his silent response.
He was taunting you slowly. “Hmm…you can take some more y/n. I know you can. If you can take my brother all night why can’t you take me Hm?” His head tilts so condescendingly at you and your eyes clench tight watering at the pleasure ending just to start again to edge her body into nonexistence. His mind wonders of to you laying down Mark suddenly shifts on the bed seeing how you were pleading for a release. How about he gives you one?
Mark sits on the edge and you look up seeing him pull away suddenly and act as if nothing has happened. He motions you with his finger pointing you up and you sit up slowly coming forward to him. His hand pats his thigh as his dark gaze shines straight at you. “Do you want to cum, Y/n?” His voice strikes you down but you nod in response. Mark hums trailing. “Then ride my thigh and make yourself cum on it.” Mark was making you do the work if you want it so badly.
You felt your skin shiver as you tried to wobble over to his thug pushing your wet pussy on the fabric on his clothes. He was barely dressed but the dry fabric pressing to your womanhood was enough to make you squelch and slowly thrusting your thighs on the area made you want to squeeze Mark’s shoulders down in a heavy way. Mark watches you struggle and he loves the view he was getting just seeing how much you were working for the release. The way your thighs and cunt were grinding on his leg was enough to make him aroused at the sight. You were whimpering all sorts of noises out of your mouth. It made his ears only long for more and more.
He laughs watching you shake already and you only just started riding his thigh. He wraps his hands round your hips pushing it further down to his thigh making you squirm and groan at the sensation of you harshly climaxing on his thigh now bursting out a long streak of water and tears going down your cheeks. “Atta’ girl. Look at you finishing on my thigh so quickly… and you crying…” He carries on darkly chuckling. He was laughing at you, but in such a twisted way you couldn’t help wonder where did the Mark you know was? “You’re such a pretty crier. How about you cry for me some more as i fuck the absolute shit out of you.”
And you did. You were bawling with each thrust in that his thick and wide cock buried deep in you as his body was quenching you underneath hardening and moulding your body into his own temple was just as amazing as the pleasure his cock provided to your womb, ramming and splattering in you widening your spine and back letting your body fall and break into pieces just so he could fix you up and move you like he wants you. He had you in so many different positions in just a few minutes he has you squirming begging for more and more and more; Mark can only give so much and he did give you his all where he had you screaming his name.
Chanting his name more like as if it were a mantra. Mark could only wish he can have this on repeat and recorded forever on. You sigh forward with your soft moans humming about into the bedsheets as Mark had you lift your hips up to go on all fours . Your head was buried deep on the bedsheets and pillows where you can barely breathe but the overwhelming pleasure has you slipping out. “P-Please fill me up Mark. I beg you. I bet you Mark.” You we’re pleading so nicely it was almost tempting. Mark smirks pulling your head up by grabbing handful of your hair lifting you this way so he can whisper into your ears.
One hand was roaming your stomach that you were arching in the all four position. “Yeah you want to be filled? You want me to put a baby inside you? Want me to show everyone how much of a whore you are?” You whimper closing your eyes shut as tears come out. He smirks watching them slip out. “That’s right cry some more. It will make me finish quicker.” He growls throwing your head back on the pillows ramming deep in you leaving your womb feeling a warm stretching sensation.
It continues until a liquid was speedily put inside you at a sudden rate leaving you stunned at how good it felt to have Mark finish deep within you letting a string of his come stay in you as he did for a while. He pants heavily as his hands press down on your back. He helps you turn around where he grabs your neck gently but kissing you so roughly speaking against your swollen lips. “Guess who was hearing us behind the door all this time…?”
You couldn’t believe your ears at first until Mark stares straight ahead of you and your eyes widen at the sight. Mark pulls the phone outta the pocket of his jeans scattering on the floor where you stare at the contact name ‘Lee Minhyun’ on the screen phone. Your gaze turns back to the door seeing a shadow outside the dorm door.
“You… called him over on your phone…”
Mark smirks back at you. “That’s right. This will show him who you truly love and belong to.”
He turns around pointing at the crimson lace that you wore before. “Oh by the way… you should wear this Crimson Lace more often. It suits you.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating and copyrighting my work thank youu! Please reblog the fic and follow me for more updates it helps a girl out.
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flightlessangelwings · 7 months
Ktober 2023 Day 27- Food Play
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Marcus Pike x fem!reader
Word count- 1k
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), food mention (syrup, whipped cream), body worship, nipple/breast play, teasing, implied oral, no use of y/n
Notes- This is very cliche for Marcus but I couldn't resist writing it lol! And this is more of a tease than any of the other ones for this month but I like it this way honestly. Prompt list made by me! Enjoy!
@flightlessangelwings-updates is myupdate blog so please follow that too and turn on post notifs to stay up to date on my new fics!
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“Hey babe, can you pass me the syrup?” you asked Marcus. The two of you sat side by side on the touch, your takeout food on the coffee table in front of you. It was date night in, and it was the best night of the week for both of you. 
“Sure thing honey,” he replied with a wink, proud of the food pun he made.
You rolled your eyes as you reached for the bottle, but a jolt of electricity ran through your veins when your fingers brushed against his. No matter how long you were with Marcus Pike, his touch never got old, and you craved him more than the delicious food on the plate. You licked your lips as your eyes trailed up his bare arm and your heart melted when you saw the smile on his face.
“Thanks,” you breathed as he reluctantly let go.
But, as he did so, a few drops of the syrup fell from the bottle and splashed his finger, “Aw damn,” he muttered as he moved to lick it off.
“Wait,” you grabbed his wrist and launched yourself at him, “Let me,” you purred as your tone dropped. 
Never breaking eye contact with Marcus, you brought his hand to your face and darted your tongue out. Tracing along the length of his finger, you ran your tongue up until you reached the tip and wrapped your lips around it. You let out a soft moan as you savored the sweet taste of the syrup mixed with the salty unique taste of his skin.
Marcus gasped as he watched the display, and the mood suddenly changed in the room. He groaned as he watched you work his finger with your tongue, licking the syrup clean off and then some. He knew what you were doing, and it was working.
“Holy shit,” Marcus gasped as you sucked on the tip of his finger, sending a pulse of need right to his cock.
You smirked around his finger as you gently guided one more into your mouth. The way Marcus murmured your name made you clench your thighs together. You moaned into him as you bobbed your head up and down his fingers, mimicking the way you would work his cock.
“Fuck… Baby…” Marcus groaned as he grabbed you and yanked you off of his hand. The two of you stared at each other in a tense silence for a moment before he smirked, “Let me have a taste too.”
“Marcus,” you laughed softly as he reached for a can of whipped cream.
“Lean back,” his voice was gentle, but yet had a commanding air about it at the same time, “And take that off.” He motioned to your shirt.
“Yes sir,” you grinned. But you let out a whine once you were topless and noticed the way Marcus’ gaze bore into you. “Marcus…”
“You’re so beautiful, baby,” he murmured as he cupped your face and kissed you desperately. He swallowed the moan you let out as you clung to his shoulders and tilted your head to allow him to deepen the kiss. Marcus savored the taste of you as his tongue tangled with yours, and it made his cock twitch in his pants.
Without breaking away, Marcus shook the can of whipped cream and sprayed it on your chest in little drops. You only broke away to burst into laughter as you found yourself covered in whipped cream. And Marcus immediately joined your laughter.
“You are too much, Marcus Pike,” you said with a giggle.
“You like it,” he snickered as his eyes roamed across your chest. He managed to hit your nipple perfectly with a dollop of whipped cream, but the rest was a mess across your skin.
“I do,” your tone dropped as you watched him devour you with his eyes.
This was silly, it was ridiculous, it was messy. But it was perfect. Marcus whispered your name as he grabbed your hips and yanked you closer. He dipped his head down and wrapped his lips around your breast, letting the whipped cream cover his face while he tasted both you and the dessert. The laugher dissipated as you let out a loud moan when you felt his tongue trace across your skin.
“Marcus…” you breathed as you buried a hand in his hair, tugging as he flicked his tongue across your nipple.
He groaned into you, not wanting to break away for even a second. Marcus tightened his grip on you as he lavished you, worshiping your body and pulling every sweet sound he could from your lips. He nodded his head up and down, licking away every trace of the whipped cream from your breast until nothing was left but a sticky residue.
Marcus finally came up for air, releasing your skins with a loud pop. He looked at you with glazed over eyes and breathed heavily. Drops of cream dripped from his lips as he ran his eyes over your body.
“Enjoy that, Marcus?” you asked with a breathless laugh.
“My favorite dessert,” he quipped back, “Delicious,” his tone dropped as he dove back into you, licking at the mess he made with the can.
You erupted into a fit of moans and giggles as Marcus tickled your skin with his tongue. You felt his laugh into you as his hands caressed your body while he devoured you. The laughter dissolved more into moans as Marcus’ tongue grazed over more sensitive spots. He huffed with pleasure into you as he bit down on your skin, tasting you even more.
“Are you gonna let me have my ultimate favorite, baby?” Marcus asked, his eyes blown dark with desire.
You let out a few deep breaths before you even realized Marcus had asked you anything. Blinking your eyes open, you gasped when you saw the need in his eyes. His usually neat hair fell in his face in soft waves and his mouth hung open.
Smirking, you caressed his face, “And what’s your ultimate favorite, babe?”
His grin matched your own, “I think you know what I mean,” Marcus said in a low rumble.
“I think you’ll have to show me,” you replied with a challenge in your eyes.
The food on the coffee table was long forgotten by the time Marcus was finished with you. But he was satisfied nonetheless.
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I can't find any posts about this yet. What are your pros/cons on bioactive enclosures? I've seen alot of opinions online but like, professionally what's the move? I'm a naturalist at a state park and we are getting new terrariums and I want to go bio to display native plants alongside the animals! Can live plants and reptiles do well without the "cleanup crew"?
Also, if moving in the bioactive direction, do you recommend buying an active soil like biodude? I've seen people online using soil, moss, plants, isopods, worms from outside in their tanks. How do you sanitize/quarantine? Are parasites an issue?
Askinf for corn snake, king snake, box turtles, if that makes a difference. I already sent our vet these same questions, I'm casting a wide net for all the info I can get :) Thank youuuu I love this blog sm 💗
Hello hello, very good questions!! I don't keep any of my personal snakes in bioactive enclosures (I don't enjoy trying to keep plants alive and I'm not the biggest fan of insects), but at my wildlife center we've been moving to keeping several of our display snakes in bioactive enclosures for the past few years and they're really nice in educational settings!
Like I said, I don't like bioactive enclosures for my own pets - aside from the additional hassle of bugs and plants, I keep a lot of snakes with special needs and more sterile enclosures make things easier on me. I wouldn't recommend bioactive enclosures for special-needs animals because they make it harder to spot problems like abnormal waste.
On the flip side, though, they're really great tools in educational settings because the naturalistic look sells the whole setup and (as you mention!) is perfect for highlighting native flora. They also never need deep-cleaned, which is a huge plus. They're time-consuming to set up but they can save you time in the long run.
If you're going bioactive, you really do need a cleanup crew. An ideal bioactive enclosure is a minature, self-sustaining ecosystem, and your cleanup crew is essential to getting the nitrogen cycle a-flowin'. Aside from doing the obvious and helping to clean up messes, insects also aerate the soil by burrowing through it, keeping everything healthier. You can totally try to set up plants without the clean up crew, but you might have a bit of a time with regular cleaning at maintenance without their help.
I asked our soil biology expert at my wildlife center, and she says that pre-packaged soils from the Biodude and the like can be super convenient and helpful, but there's also no harm in DIY-ing it if you'd like. You can buy the topsoil, moss, etc. you need at garden centers, and often much cheaper! She agrees with me that there is enough risk of parasites and other dangers such as fertilizers and pesticides with dirt/worms/etc. straight from outside that's it wise to buy it instead just to be safe. Be sure to look for organic topsoils without fertilizer or vermiculite - soils have ingredients written on the bags so be careful to look and make sure! Kellogg brand is my go-to soil for reptiles.
No matter where you get your soils, a good way to sterilize them is with heat. What we actually do at work is just pop it in the microwave! About five minutes per batch works well. This is really important because it kills any mold that may be sneaking in. You don't have to bother with this step if you buy a pre-made soil like the Biodude's, they come safe and ready to use.
Your cleanup crew (springtails and isopods are probably the easiest to work with, I prefer them to anything else honestly) shouldn't need quarantined, though. They should be good to go as soon as you bring them in.
Once you get everything set up, I recommend letting the enclosure cycle for at least a month. We learned from hard experience that your cleanup crew can easily be overwhelmed the presence of your reptile if they're not acclimated to their new home!
All the best!! If you all do decide to go bioactive, I'd love pictures - there are few things better than seeing happy snakes in beautiful enclosures!
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wellntruly · 7 months
Blogging, vol. v
I’m having surgery tomorrow. Why this is always happening in November is beyond me, but it sure is an aesthetically kind month to not work and be extra-grade cozy in soft knits, sipping soups, while outside it rains grey on amber.
Unlike my gum surgery last year, this one I had no idea was coming for me, and the weeks getting up to the point of finally knowing what was going to happen were, not to exaggerate, not good. It's odd that it's better now, since it was indeed something you don't want to find. But then you can start to process. Process, process.
I actually tend to do quite well with surgery, both as a concept and a thing to heal from, even before I spent my recovery from the previous one watching a 50 year old TV show about surgeons. I find the kind of pain engendered by things you need stitches about to be quite reasonable mentally; it hurts, it hurts there, for this reason, you have pills to dull it, and it will gradually heal. Simply “feeling sick,” or worst of all nauseous, that’s what can make me wonder what it’s all even for. Miserable, derogatory.
So the fact that it really seems a predominantly surgical approach is going to be most of what we need to take care of this problem has me almost overwhelmed with gratitude. It could have been far, far worse for me. But I have all the most treatable metrics for this, even being rather young for it has the silver lining of meaning I should heal well. And I’m so lucky to have a warm, funny, exceptionally skilled surgeon who actually went through the same thing when she was also my age, and that honestly, I’ve absolutely the Edward Gorey illustration body type to probably even end up looking pretty chic going down to just a bit of an A cup, which is what she's going to be able to do, not to bury the lede. Surprise top surgery, is what I’ve been calling it, and thank you to the boys for the re-contextualizing dream that is the phrase ‘top surgery’, a concept of such positivity; life-affirming, life-saving.
It is a strange, swift-approaching change to reckon with though, impossible to avoid that. I've always tended to dress as if I don’t even have the actually, admittedly, great boobs that I've had up til now, but it is still the body I know. I’ll roll onto my stomach in bed and think, for one that I soon won’t be doing this at all again for a while, and that when I do, it’s going to feel different. Fascinating to consider.
I'm leaning into a sort of Orlando-like curiosity about it, this vague physical transformation just spontaneously befalling me in my adulthood. How will this be. What sort of opportunities might this actually grant. I’ll be endeavoring to hardly ever wear a bra again, I’ll tell you that for certain. Should I use this as the push to finally get a bespoke suit, soft and wide-legged, with a jacket that can fall in just a clean draped line from my shoulders? Will I be able to wear suspenders? I think about watching Margaret Qualley in The Stars At Noon this summer, how I watched her just drop a loose sundress over her bare body, entirely backless, and walk out the door. I think, of course, of "Keira Knightley Atonement," as my inspiration board folder is called.
I’ve also been thinking about this blog, what I think Tumblr user sashayed once called her secret public journal. Sometimes what I or others will post can break into the very real & personal, like this, for the benefit that comes from just releasing, sharing the large challenging things in our lives. I think about a long-time mutual who posted about some of the strangeness she felt during hospitalization for an accident, how recalling some of what she wrote about has brought me a feeling of solidarity in this.
But there’s also how I’ve actually been blogging about this for weeks and weeks, it’s just only been for me. Another kind of secret public journal. This butterfly coming out of a row of cocoons in a window: this was for how I was, fully insanely yes, watching A Zed & Two Noughts while I was wracked with anxiety over what might be going on with my body, but/and the idea of emerging after this surgery new and striking and light. This is self-explanatory. This tiny-chested witch vaulting skulls is “literally me” goals this time next October. This was actually exactly, exactly my vibe getting my biopsy, with the sweetest nurses.
And now at last it all comes together, the public and private journal, on the eve of really what we’re all waiting for, oh god me for sure: the return of painkiller diaries. Painkiller diaries is a lifestyle, actually, it’s an ethos. I let myself so wholly rest after my gum surgery last year that the rest of November was the happiest I’d been in years. Please, again. Return to cashmere convalescence. And would you look at this beautiful soup sippin' mug I’ve gotten since then:
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Oh I think we’re ready.
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originemesis · 4 months
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"creation took 7 days; now watch me fuck it all up in one night"
canon divergent adam (+ side of abel ) / haz.b.in h.o.tel
21 + / mid-low activity / private
ordained and entertained by skeu
here are some cool people 😎 : @deathinfeathers , @voxistem , @lilitophidian , @cast-you-dxwn , @multipalz , @atomeyes + @sainticidal , @arachn0philia , @drraphaelmd
about // playlist // active headcanon // rules [beneath]
Blog is 21+ for content concerns and mun is 25+ (an old) and will not interact with minors on this blog. minors should technically not follow me here either ~ so, don'tttttt...do that? thanks! if i catch you, you're yeeted to the shadow realm.
Do not follow this blog if you are sensitive to the sensitive topics related to this particular genre. I tag with "content word cw" for the extra wild stuff, but that's about it. adam literally has the highest swear/slur count in the show and he's only in 3 episodes, so be aware of that.
I tend to be private/selective as i get fairly overwhelmed with too much activity. i really get into plots though, and i'll spam the dash with some silly original dick chauvinism from time to time when ive fed my inner gremlins past midnight. That said, I do get easily overwhelmed when I'm following too many people and multi muse blogs in particular can exacerbate this feeling, so if I do not follow back - I might just not be in a good place to atm or I just don't see possible interactions btw our characters. It's nothing personal! ^^
This is a mutuals only interaction blog for my sanity (anons being fine). if i can see plots happening between us, i'll likely follow. but i get overwhelmed easily so please don't take it personally if i don't follow back or follow back right away.
I am not exclusive, but I prioritize my plotted threads and may have some mains/activity based off that as far as my main verse goes. But I will never be fully exclusive and i enjoy exploring different character dynamics. Also multiship is fine, but I am not exclusively here to ship or write suggestive content. My muses have always and will always require plotting and scene chemistry for me to consider writing ship material. In the case I do reblog shippy prompts still feel free to send in ofc! I'll see if I can make it work or not.
If I don't get a follow back within a week or two, if blogs i follow go inactive for up to 6-7 weeks, or if there's just no attempt on either of our ends to connect for an indefinite amount of time - i'll occasionally go through my list and soft block to clean things up. if we ever want to give it a go in the future, the option is there for us to re-follow and resume! i have in the past been made to feel like I'm walking on egg shells in rpcs regarding these matters and id rather avoid it here...im just here to chill, write and leave weird surprises in dms.
I don't like the feeling of being 'collected' so...if you are interacting with multiple of my muses, I ask you have a different dynamic for mine than them. This is just an act of courtesy I also extend to my rp partners. I interact more with folks that have a special relationship with my muse, so it's needed to deep dive into more interesting topics for me. I also do not interact w/ other of the same muse cuz I feel like I 'absorb' how others play him and I want to keep my version separated from that.
I know that Adam is a bad guy. He's insufferable and can push buttons- but I am not him and I dislike constantly feeling like I'm being barraged for his actions, especially since I consider him to be a heavily layered character that should not be shoe horned into a standard 'ok irredeemable and never allowed nice things' box. So- if you honestly hate this character please don't interact. I am here for exploring taboo topics and ways that a flawed character can make others think he's justified, betray them, make people feel COMPLICATED things... I also love torturing my muse and taking the piss out of him, so I don't need people moving in and tying to constantly put him down/ruin his current plots by being god modey or not at least asking me how we should proceed in a power dynamic, or relationships cuz you don't ship what I ship, or find my interactions with other characters 'toxic' and 'not allowed'...let me explore and enjoy what I like on my blog within reason and do talk with me on dms if you don't like how things are going with our muses and you wanna explore other routes. I love to plot and I am very reasonable.
This post/my rules and conditions are subject to change based on what I get up to on here.
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A Walk Down Memory Lane - Coyote
Pairing: Javy "Coyote" Machado / Bradshaw! Fem! OC | Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Bradshaw! Reader w/ a callsign (Tweety), no other descriptors, suggestive references, Third Person POV
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: Rooster and Tweety Bradshaw look through their mom’s belongings as Tweety’s wedding to Coyote approaches.
A.N. This was purely born out of a terrible joke. Since Tweety (Bird) and (Wile E.) Coyote are both Looney Tunes characters. And Tweety is a bird, so it's a Bradshaw callsign, obviously.
I'll just escort myself out.
Master List
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“Turn right here,” Tweety told Coyote, pointing at the upcoming intersection.
Coyote followed her directions and headed down the road to the storage unit facility. After their mom passed, Tweety and Rooster rented out a unit for the stuff from their childhood home. Over the years, Tweety and Rooster cleaned it out bit by bit, but there was still quite a mess left. And now that they were both putting down more permanent roots, it was time to finally clean it all out.
“Are you ready for this?” Coyote asked Tweety, who nodded in return.
“Yeah. It’s time,” she replied, staring straight ahead. Smiling over at her fiancé, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“Of course,” Coyote replied, pressing a kiss to the back of her hand. “You let me know if you need a moment or anything.”
“I will,” Tweety promised him.
She directed Coyote over to their specific storage unit. Coyote backed up his truck, placing his hand on the back of Tweety’s seat to see better, before putting the truck in park. They got out of Coyote’s truck and Tweety pulled out her keys to the unit. With a quick flick of her wrist, Tweety unlocked the door and they pushed it up together.
There were several stacks of cardboard boxes and miscellaneous furniture scattered around the storage unit. A bunch of clutter blocked the manmade aisles between the boxes, but it honestly was not as bad as Tweety or Coyote was expecting it to be.
“Did you want to wait for Rooster and Mav?” Coyote asked, turning to his fiancée.
“No, I’m sure that they’ll be here soon.”
And true to Tweety’s word, as she and Coyote started to pull out some of the cardboard boxes, Bradley pulled up in the Bronco. Rooster hopped out of his car and strutted over, still dressed like he was walking out of the ‘80s.
“Where’s Mav?” Tweety asked, putting down another cardboard box.
“He should be right behind me with the trailer,” Rooster stated, gesturing behind him. “Did you find anything good?”
“We just started,” Coyote stated, opening the box that he carried out. “This looks like a bunch of old records and everything.”
“Is the record player in there too?” Rooster asked, stepping up beside Coyote.
“Even if it isn’t, you can just find one online,” Tweety reasoned, pulling out a record.
The sound of a rattling trailer caused Rooster, Tweety, and Coyote to pick their heads up. Maverick waved to them through the window before parking beside the Bronco with his trailer facing the storage unit. Maverick slid out of his car and walked around.
“What do you have there?” Maverick asked, walking over to them.
“Some of Dad’s old records,” Tweety replied, holding out the record that she grabbed from the pile.
Maverick took the record from Tweety and let out a humorous noise to himself. Tweety and Rooster shared a confused look while Coyote handed Tweety some more of the records in the box.
“What?” Tweety asked her godfather.
“I’m pretty sure that this was your parent’s go-to album,” Maverick explained, causing Rooster to frown with confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“Their. . . you know,” Maverick trailed off, gesturing in a way that made Rooster and Tweety go green.
“What the fuck, Mav!?”
“Please stop talking!”
“Burn that!”
“What songs are on that?” Coyote joked, leaning over to look at it.
“Javy, no!” Tweety yelled, pulling her fiancé away from the cursed record.
“What? It doesn’t hurt to know.”
“We already have a playlist. I’m not adding any of my parents’ sex songs to our playlist,” Tweety replied, causing Rooster to gag.
“Oh, my fucking—can you all just shut up!?”
“I’ll just set this aside,” Maverick chuckled, placing it back in the box.
“That whole box is contaminated now. One of you can take it,” Tweety stated, shaking her head.
After unpacking some more emotional trauma from finding their parents’ old sex song record, Tweety and Rooster started sorting through the contents of the unit with Coyote and Maverick’s help. The two Bradshaw siblings took what they wanted and whatever they didn’t want, Maverick set aside in a pile to take to a second-hand store or the dump.
“Hey, I found Mom’s wedding dress,” Rooster called from the back of the storage unit.
“Can you bring it out?”
Rooster set the slightly weathered rectangular box on the ground. Tweety kneeled down and cut through the tape wrapped around it. Sifting through the plastic, Tweety pulled out her mom’s wedding dress for all of them to see.
Though time had yellowed the fabric, the lace patterns of the bodice were still quite pristine given the circumstances. And maybe with a little treatment, Tweety would be able to salvage some of it for her own wedding dress.
“Are you thinking of wearing it for your wedding?” Maverick asked, stopping beside Tweety.
“I won’t be seven months pregnant at my wedding, so I don’t think that’ll work,” Tweety replied with a small smile. She pulled out the front of the dress to show the extra fabric. “See how much space Bradley’s fat head took up.”
“Very funny,” Rooster scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Did you happen to see the box with her veil and everything back there? I can’t wear her dress, but I was hoping to salvage the veil,” Tweety requested from her brother. 
“Let me look again.”
Rooster shuffled a few more boxes around before pulling out a smaller one from the stack. Together, the Bradshaw siblings shifted through the box. After a quick search, Tweety pulled out Carole’s veil, which was preserved in a thin cardboard box.
“Should I see this?” Coyote asked Tweety, who shrugged in response.
“It’s up to you. I already bought the dress, so that’s still a surprise,” she replied, sharing a smile with Coyote. “But if you want to wait until our wedding day, I understand.”
“I’ll just do some sorting over there. Let me know when you’re done,” Coyote decided after a moment.
He pressed a kiss to the side of her head and stood up, busying himself so that he was fully surprised on their wedding day. Tweety waited until Coyote was a few steps away with his back to her before pulling out her mom’s veil.
Tweety was relieved to find that her mom’s veil was still intact. It was a little yellowed, just like her dress was, and there were a few tears and runs here or there. But with a little bit of delicate bleaching and a few minor repairs, it would be perfect for her wedding.
“That’ll be beautiful on you, sweetheart,” Maverick assured Tweety, who tried to not tear up herself.
“I know. It even matches my dress,” she replied, running her thumb over the lace.
“Well, now I’m glad that I didn’t see it,” Coyote called, causing Tweety to smile over at him.
“You got a lacy dress?” Rooster commented, looking down at the veil.
“I’m not going to say,” Tweety stated, glancing over at her fiancé. “You were invited, Brad Brad, but you chose not to come.”
“You insult my fashion sense every other week. Why would you want my opinion?”
“Hey,” Tweety snipped, pointing a finger at her brother. “I insult your fashion sense every week, not every other week.” Grinning to herself, Tweety packed away her mom’s veil. “And besides, I wanted you to come to take pictures of Maverick’s reactions.”
“Is it true that you cried?” Coyote called to Maverick from inside the storage unit.
“A little bit,” Maverick admitted, waving his hand to the side.
“A lot,” Tweety corrected Maverick before putting away her mom’s veil in Coyote’s truck. “Javy, honey, it’s put away.”
Coyote walked out of the storage unit with some more boxes to sort through. But when he stepped beside Rooster, he lowered his voice.
“Phoenix sent me the video of Maverick crying,” Coyote whispered to Rooster, like he was trading government secrets.
“Can you send it to me?” Rooster immediately asked him.
They finished sorting through the storage unit and started to pack up for the day. And once everything was swept up and tied down, it was time to say goodbye.
“Well, I guess that’s the end of an era,” Tweety sighed, staring up at the storage unit.
“Think of it as a start to a new one,” Maverick stated wisely, standing between the two Bradshaw kids with Coyote standing on Tweety’s other side. “I mean, you’re getting married in a few months, Tweety. And Rooster is . . .” Tweety tried to hide a giggle as Rooster turned to Maverick with a lightly annoyed expression. “. . . leasing a new apartment on his own and—”
“—Really, Mav?” Rooster interjected, very much offended.
Tweety let out a laugh and leaned against an amused Coyote as Maverick fumbled for a recovery on that verbal disaster. Coyote pressed a kiss to the top of Tweety’s head and grabbed her hand.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, just checking in.
“Yeah, I’m good,” she assured him, smiling brightly. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“Anytime,” Coyote replied softly. “I can’t wait to see you in that veil.”
“Just the veil?” Tweety quipped, resting her chin on his shoulder.
“Maybe after the wedding,” Coyote stated, causing Tweety to grin.
“We can still hear you!” Rooster announced loudly, ruining their moment.
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A Symptom of Being Human (John "Soap" Mactavish x GN! Reader)
Look at me cleaning up my drafts with 2 finished WIPs in one night.
TW for very light angst and a very concerned Soap
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2 Masterlist |
"You dinnae look happy" a voice commented as you walked into the shared kitchen. You spared him a shrug as you continued quietly to the cupboards, looking for your cup to make a warm drink in.
"What's bothering ye? You can talk to me, I don't bite" The corner of your mouth twitched at that, while he could be loud, and border the line of obnoxious his heart was in the right place.
"Would you believe me if I told you it's just how I look?" You glanced over your shoulder, watching as he slowly squinted at you. Clearly not buying it.
"Just my face, Irish Spring. I'm having a really good day actually" you shrugged once more, ignoring his protests mumbled from under his breath about the nickname. ('M not even Irish…)
As far as you could remember, you were always having people checking in on your wellbeing. Friends, distant family, caring strangers, store clerks, and teammates. Your normal expression clearly wasn't welcoming and optimistic. It was the opposite actually - you looked like you hated the world and everyone in it at all times.
"But you look miserable" You appreciated his concern, but didn't need him worrying about you. Pausing slightly, you shook your head before glancing over at your friend.
"The face looks upset, the soul feels good. Do you want a coffee?" You lightly chuckled, grabbing another mug out of the cabinet when he accepted your offer.
"You're concerning Soap" Ghost confided to you later that day, following a sparring session between the two of you. "He's convinced you're depressed and not telling him everything"
You couldn't help but playfully roll your eyes, you loved your teammate. You really did, but he was so overly concerned for nothing.
"I've told him, it's just my face. I don't know what more I can do, outside of wearing a mask like my resting bitchfaced friend" you smirked at Simon, watching him copy the action you had just done a moment prior.
"You know 'im as well as I do, he's not going to suddenly stop being concerned. Especially since he thinks you're devastated about something and hiding it" Simon had a point...shit.
It was at dinner that night, when you felt a pair of eyes burning a hole in the side of your head. You had a fairly good guess at who was on the other end so you continued eating.
How many times do I need to tell him I'm fine? It's just. My. Face.
You opted against entertaining the concerned stare, in favour of continuing your meal. Making small bits of conversation with your table mates between bites. That was until you heard a soft, yet obnoxious shuffling getting closer. He wouldn't.
"Hey guys" Kyle awkwardly greeted, placing his tray down at one of the empty chairs across the table from you. "Thought I'd sit here, change of pace" you arched a brow at the man, seeing right through his change of pace.
You continued picking at your food, waiting for the question to be asked. Waiting for the confirmation that Kyle didn't come by to just hang out. Glancing up at him every so often, you watched as the man sat awkwardly across from you. Shoulders stiff as he sat.
"You can tell Johnny that I'm fine" you commented after another moment of silence. "And you don't have to stay if you don't want to"
He gave you a small smile before picking his tray up and returning to his main group. Leaving you to roll your eyes, and audibly groan when you felt another tray land beside you.
"No. I'm eating, you do not get to badger me about this now" voice trailing off as your eyes met those of the confused recruit. "Nevermind, I honestly thought you were someone else"
Poking at the food for a second longer, your appetite leaving the chat after you potentially scarred the poor stranger. Dumping the remnants of your tray into the trash, you sighed softly as you continued on to your room.
3 steps from your door, you heard a familiar voice call out to you. Jogging up to meet you before you passed the threshold.
"Are ye sure you're okay?" He asked, leaning against the wall in front of you. You debated whether or not to call him out on his dinner plan, and involving Kyle in all of this madness. Deciding against it in the moment, you went with a simple:
"I'm fine, Johnny. I promise I'd tell you if I wasn't" followed by a small smile, almost missing the unfocused gaze he was giving you.
The two of you sat in silence, a rarity for the man in front of you. The team could've swore he was allergic to silences unless required for work. Always chattering about something, making silly jokes or teasing his friends. But right now? He sat silently, unmoving. Eyes staring right through you as his mind was clearly not within range. You lifted your hand to wave it in front of his face, then it clicked. The reason why he was so concerned for you. The moment passed as soon as it began, quickly blinking and refocusing on you.
"I know you would, I still worry for ye though" a small punch to the shoulder, and he was making his way down the hallway. Leaving you standing in place, eyebrows furrowed with the latest revelation. How did you never realize this before? Turning to stop him, to sit him down and ensure he was alright, you were met with an empty corridor.
Frozen in place, you ignored the dull ache growing behind your chest. The gnawing feeling in your mind as you debated on running up after him. Worried that it would give the wrong message after you spent the last few days all but begging him to quit.
You couldn't get the sight out of your head, out of your heart. The flash of hidden agony in his eyes, emotion covered up by extrovert tendencies. Making sure everyone else felt alright and was doing fine, as a coping mechanism?
No. This is not up for speculation.
"Johnny, wait" you called, jogging down the hallway to go find him. "Are you okay?"
Without stopping, he turned his head and shrugged.
"It's just my face, bonnie"
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @v1naco @bowtruckleninja
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kverything-official · 3 months
10 Free Kdrama Sites That Nobody Will Tell You About
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Let’s be real here, even though most of us want to watch Korean dramas all day, not all of us can afford high price margins of streaming platforms. Given the fact that a big part of Korean drama fans are still students, it’s only natural to look for affordable ways to keep enjoying Kdramas in the best possible way. 
This is why I decided to share these 10 free Kdrama sites that no one will tell you about. I have personally used these sites before and these work just fine. But you will need a little guide on how to use these and I am here to teach you the hacks. 
So, read the blog till the end and discover the wonder that free Kdrama sites have to offer. Without further ado let’s get into the list. 
10 free Kdrama sites for streaming
10. Dramafire 
Starting with my least favorite site, Dramafire, this one is quite complicated and I myself don’t understand how to navigate through it properly. Nonetheless, it can be one of the best free Kdrama sites if you know your way through it. 
The very first thing that upsets me is that there are a ton of different versions of the same site and if you don’t know which one is the real one, you are bound to get lost (just as I did). The next negative point is that there are both videos and blog posts, so you need to filter through those if you want to land on the dramas. 
Another thing is that I don’t know yet, if there are any options of downloading or not, as it was quite difficult for me to navigate through the site. But again it’s better to have something other than having nothing. 
So, you can bookmark this site and use this if your favorite free Kdrama sites aren’t working properly.
9. MyAsianTV
Next in the list, we have MyAsianTV. Even though I haven’t yet used it personally, the interface of this website looks promising. Unlike most of the free Kdrama sites, this one is organized and has different sections, where you can find the most recent Kdramas and the most popular ones of recent time. 
There are very minimal advertisements, which is another plus point. You can also search for the dramas you are looking for through the search bar. 
Not only Kdramas, but there are also movies and shows that you can easily find out by browsing through the different tabs and the search bar. Downloading here is very easy. However, just as the other free Kdrama sites, it will redirect you to different websites, which you need to be aware of. Other than that MyAsianTV is a standard free Kdrama site that you can use as your permanent choice for watching or downloading Kdramas for free. 
8. Dramahood 
Next up, we have Dramahood as our 8th free Kdrama site. Honestly, I didn’t like this one. It has a clean interface but that is rather glitchy. The dashboard took quite a lot of time to load, which means you shouldn’t expect much of an user-friendly experience. 
The dashboard has a list of some of the most popular dramas and movies of all time, which would be better if replaced with the on-going series and movies. 
I haven’t downloaded anything from this site, so I can’t review that experience but beware of the ads. Everything you tap will redirect you to another site, which is certainly very annoying. 
But again, if your favorite free Kdrama sites aren’t working then this can be plausible choice.
7. Amazon Mini TV (For indian fans)
Amazon Mini TV is a very special feature as one of the free Kdrama sites for the Indian Kdrama fans. You can watch Kdramas for free, that too, from a trusted provider such as Amazon. But there are cons. 
First of all, Amazon Mini TV is not an official streaming platform, it is rather a small inclusion to the Amazon ecommerce application. Hence, you can not expect the quality that Amazon prime Kdramas offers. 
Secondly, the limitations of Kdramas are striking. There are very few Kdramas that you can browse through and watch. So, there is a bigger chance of you not finding the drama that you are looking for. 
Thirdly, all the Kdramas are dubbed in Hindi. Many of you might like it but I prefer watching Kdramas in the original version (as it keeps my Korean under practice).  
So, Amazon Mini TV might not become the kind of free Kdrama sites that you are looking for. However, it doesn’t hurt to try, right? 
Read more at: 10 Free Kdrama Sites That Nobody Will Tell You About
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abstract-crossverse · 4 months
breathes for air I WAS THAT ONE ANON THAT SAW YOU IN THE DARK DECEPTION FANDOM LONG AGO so I see ur taking Doors requests may I May I request a fluffy Seek x reader thank you so much (vanishes)
Hi hello! Good to see you again even if I don't quite remember you, anyway, here’s the goop man you ordered, my dearest apologies for taking so long, life has been a mess This will be a one-shot sort of thing, I hope that's okay! Honestly I missed writing, I have to do this more often again, finally clean the dust off this ole blog
CW/TW// Description of wound, wound, mention of needles(in a stinging feeling way), blood, general injury
“Scrapes” // [Seek x Reader, fic, fluff]
Seek and you had been a couple for a couple of weeks now, the rest of the hotel’s entities still don't know this, and Seek would honestly rather keep it that way, it’s none of their business anyway.
How come? Well regardless if they told the others, they’d still kill you the same if you end up getting caught unless Seek manages to convince them to not kill you outright, which is hard to do, some of the entities simply don't give a fuck, it doesn't matter, nothing changes aside the fact they know, and your beloved — don't get him wrong he adores everyone in the hotel like family — but he doesn't trust everyone enough to not let that fact slip to Jack, the Hotel’s founder, one of them anyway.
Jack is… he’d never let him live it down, not to mention the entity would either kill you permanently or turn you into one of them as Seek’s punishment for being anything more than a monster designed and ordered to kill any Players in Jack’s twisted game of… what even would this be? Tag? Hide and Seek? He doesn't know and he doesn't care.
And despite your relationship, you still attempt to leave the hotel, repeating the same routine over and over as you wake up in the lobby, get to the hotel, go through and either die to someone or get to the elevator. Seek doesn't mind, he doesn’t blame you, he’d also try to leave if he were still human like you, he does give you an easier time to escape his corridor when he needs to pop up, being intentionally slower or pretend to be stuck in his own sludge to give you a head start, he doesn't want to kill you, he hates doing that, so he rigs his hallway for you to escape, more so, he rigs himself more than his hallway.
At the moment, Seek had been waiting for you to get to his level, his brother Hide alerting him of you coming near, Hide is the only one who does know of your relationship, the sibling is far too shy to talk with anyone else nor do they even like Jack to interact with the entity further than a greeting, he was grateful for that at least.
He heard footsteps enter the hallway from under the floorboards, waiting as this could be a different person, he never knew, the floorboards were especially hard to peek through, so he waited until he heard the knock he told you to do. Once you tapped your shoe in the rhythm he taught you, he excitedly seeped through the boards into a puddle on the ground before forming into his usual humanoid shape.
“Salutations, my darling, how have you been-” he stopped, mid-way into fixing his tie, looking at your slumped form, puffy red eyes and occasional sniffles, you’ve been crying, he took another moment to look over you…
One of your arms was bloody, soaked almost. He had a hunch of who did this, but wasn't sure if it was correct.
You weren’t sad per se, more in pain than anything, he figured the pain was enough to bring you to tears, it stung his heart to see you this way. He looked at you softly as she tilted his head slightly, offering his hand to you, you took it as he silently led you to the next room, the library that would be usually falling apart when players came by, now intact had many bookshelves, chairs, lamps and drawers, including a big couch he sat you down on
He opened the window next to you both, taking a first aid kit from one of the tar covered arms that usually showed themselves on the last stretch of your lover’s chase, he closed the window as the arm slithered back into the void outside, sitting down next to you as he opened the kit and reached a hand to you, silently asking for your injured arm as you rubbed your eyes from their wetness.
“So… tell me dear, what happened?” he spoke softly lifting your sleeve and taking a look at the damage, your arm still soaked in blood, he could assume a chunk of skin was missing
“... I got scratched by Ambush…” you leaned against the couch as you winced at the burning sensation the air hitting your wound gave you, Seek gave you a side glance, he wanted further explanation, you let out a sigh “I got ambushed by Ambush, almost buffered my timing and his particles grazed my arm real bad-” you hissed in pain and tensed as Seek suddenly had a warm wet towel in hand, patting your wound gently, you got confused for a moment before realizing the arm probably brought it to him again, you could feel light cold spots on the towel caused by it getting wet by the rain outside
“I see, well I am glad you didn’t meet your demise today.” he stated as he cleaned the blood, he could see the wound more clearly now as the blood was mostly clean aside the new blood starting to pool again, you had a chunk of skin missing as if someone had ripped part of your skin with wax or something similar, the skin under incredibly reddish and sensitive
He was surprised to hear that Ambush had caused this, he was almost certain that Screech was the culprit, this critter sometimes took out more than he could chew, including chunks of skin or flesh. 
The entity heard your nails scratch the couch as you gripped the seat, he felt your arm tense in his hold as he patted the wound with a dry towel before applying an antibiotic to it, stopping for a moment to press a kiss to your temple as you groaned in pain
“My dearest apologies this hurts so much, but as is the nature of healing, I have to do this, Dove.” He said, gently rubbing his forehead to the side of your head as he continued to apply the ointment, the burning was going away, but it was still there to sting, like needles to your arm, you winced before laying your head on his shoulder as he began bandaging the injury, sighing in relief as the pain subsided a bit, there was nothing he could do if this lead into needing stitches, he’s no medical profession nor can those claws of his sew at all
Leaning his head on top of yours as he took your hand in his, he spoke
“Due to the nature of the hotel, You’ll heal far quicker than you would usually, however we’ll still need to treat it and change the bandages until it is healed.” You hummed in exhaustion, acknowledging what he told you as you relaxed against him, at least you were with him now, you could relax for a while until he had to go again to do whatever with the other players that came around.
“Thank you, Seek…” you mumbled as he moved to hold you, deciding to pull you on top of him as you laid himself down on the couch, you obliged and moved yourself as he silently wanted cuddles. He made sure your injured arm wouldn't be disturbed or put any pressure on as he held you, your head on his chest as he laid kisses on your head, you giggled, there we go
“Hm… Other than that unfortunate event, what else did you do today, my dear?” he moved a hand to rub your back, your legs tangled as you sighed over the comforting movement along your spine, “Well… I talked with a couple new people that end up here, poor guys were freaking out…” you chuckled, “but otherwise things were fine, same old, I did see Halt today, it’s always interesting to see them as they don't often show up…”
Your lover hummed, delightfully surprised at the mention of his ghostly friend, “ah, they came around, how lovely. Have you ever tried striking a conversation?” he looked down at you softly as his hand moved to play with your hair now “I tried yea, but they never respond, I see they get surprised at it though, I don't think they expect anything other than silence from Players that know their deal or freaking out to themselves.” you laughed, Seek let out a chuckle as well
“Ah yes, they are never one to chat too much, it’s alright though, I’m sure they’ll come around eventually if you really want them to.” he assured, closing his eye as he felt your heartbeat and warmth against him, he was usually always cold, it comforted him to feel your form against him, assure him that you're still here, alive and breathing.
You closed your eyes as well, both resting in comfortable silence as you feel the rise and fall of his chest, once you mentioned his constant stillness whenever you two cuddle is slightly unnerving, so he makes an effort to imitate breathing, something he hasn't done in so long, it took him a while to get used to it again, but he says it's also comforting to him, reminding him he’s still human in a way, you wonder how he does it.
Eventually he felt your hand that rested on his shoulder slide and fell to the cushions, he chuckled silently as he opened his eye to find you comfortably asleep on his chest, he went back to rubbing your back as you cuddled more into him in your sleep. One of the big arms opened the window quietly and draped a blanket over the two of you before slithering back into the void and closing the window, Seek listened to your gentle snores and the rain hitting the walls outside, for such a day to end in comfort and warmth, he never thought he’d have a moment like this before you showed up.
He carefully moved to press a kiss to the top of your head before laying his head back down, maybe he could get some shut-eye himself, he doesn't quite remember how sleeping feels like anymore, what a lovely way to try that again.
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Hi!! I've really loved your blog for a while now and the post about Barbatos and mc finding a rat made me want to request a datables reaction to mc having pet rats? I've had pet rats all my life and I tend to get really attached to them cause they really are so sweet and smart; its just such a shame that they generally live for about two years.. so its a cycle of every 2 years just crying my heart out over this tiny little being and so I guess I'm just wondering how the datables would react to mc having rats and going through the heartbreak of losing another. Like would that gain any sympathy from Barbatos? thank you so much and I'll continue to look forward to all your content!!
glad you like what I do Anon and kinda sorry it took so long I kinda worked on something else that took up my time, I decided to go with Mc having pet Rats because I don´t think I´m the right person for writing something sad like dealing with the grieving process of losing a pet
he loves them and would do everything for them which does include guarding them from Barbatos when he mistakes them for wild ones… or maybe he just can´t handle them being there at all
Diavolo even plays with them regularly but only under your supervision because he has a habit of over feeding them which obviously is not a good thing to do and Diavolo´s reasoning is that he can´t say no to their cute little faces
but he gives them far to much for them to eat in even a week much less an hour
the biggest problem is that Diavolo can´t say no to your cute little Rats and you can´t say no to Diavolo´s adorable begging face, he get´s to do to many things because of that
everyday he has to hold himself back from chasing them out of the Castle and no amount of reassuring that they are well behaved and clean will change his mind
at this point it´s pretty much instinct for Barbatos but with enough time he´ll learn to tolerate them and with even more time he might even learn to love them, you doubt it but it could happen
but you did see him make some things for them, which includes food, little accessories and even some toys
and that´s honestly a massive surprise for literally anybody who you told at least the ones who didn´t call you crazy
he loves them and they pretty much end up as his pets
I´m not even kidding like one day he just moved everything they need into his room and you couldn´t get it back for a week
he even tried to learn how to make some treats for them but you quickly stopped him before he could do something horrible
despite that he´s pretty good with looking after them but that might be because he can talk with them and you´re still learning
but you did manage to talk a little bit with them, granted most of the times it´s just them wanting food but it still is a really cool experience
he does not mind your pet Rats, he can even be seen playing with them but they are only allowed in the kitchen if he can either see them the entire time or if they stay in their zone
which is just a corner that got turned into a playground and has some wire around it so they can´t run away
but he does allow them to run around in the rest of Purgatory Hall as long as the others get warned first and if you make sure Barbatos doesn´t see them
he might accept them because they are your pets but he still acts on instinct
but Simeon does enjoy making little treats for them and even tried teaching them some tricks
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