#i mean i literally make cc for it sometimes
snowbatsims · 1 year
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one thing i like to do is recreating my ocs in every sims game i own
i am nothing if not consistent
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the-somwthing · 5 months
Sorry but I’m not getting over the person who basically implied that headcanoning Jimmy as taller than Tango is thinly veiled rpf and they’re not REALLY separating cc from character. Like WHAT are you cooking
#sometimes I look to CCs heights for my headcanons cuz I don’t have any ideas for my own but HUH? also idk either of their heights#like for all I know Tango is taller. that would make their post way funnier tbh. but I’m gonna assume Jimmy’s taller irl based on their post#but like brother who cares if ppl take real life aspects that aren’t present in mc for their headcanons.#sometimes it’s just cuz it’s a trait you think would suit the character or cuz u wish more characters had that trait. it’s not usually cuz#ur trying to turn them into the CC lol.#aside from actual reasons I disagree with them WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT. ‘YOU HEADCANON JIMMY IS TALL? SUSPICIOUS.’#bro pulled the ‘canonically they are both 2 blocks tall’ and everything 😭#I only headcanon Jimmy is taller cuz I saw other fans doing it and went ‘that suits the character’ so I adopted it. idk his height irl.#and then it’s like assuming my height headcanons DO prove that I’m doing Jimmy rpf. am I NOT doing JOEL rpf cuz I make him rlly short?#why am I doing half rpf half fictional characters? thats kind of odd.#shipping cc!Jimmy with c!Joel lol. unironically would read that tho imagine. wouldn’t write it tho I could never write rpf. anyways#anyways the point is. sometimes fans use the CCs as a point of reference for designs. that doesn’t mean it’s thinly veiled rpf. we need#sources of inspiration and sometimes that comes from the actors. why is that suspicious.#if they’re straight up drawing the real life guy with no mc skin elements then it is more likely about the cc instead of c but they’re not#even talking about that bro literally referred to them as a blaze and canary and STILL said the height was suspicious LOL#sorry for vagueing (literally don’t know their url despite reading the post over and over) and don’t want them to see this cuz I don’t wanna#potentially be mean like if that makes them uncomfortable and is a red flag then… ok that’s your problem. I won’t force u to change ur views
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dutchdread · 1 month
Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
Watching Cleriths celebrate NPTK these past weeks, knowing they'll, as always, be proven incorrect has been an exercise in patience. Sometimes it's just clear that you won't be able to convince people of a complex truth when so often discourse is limited to 280 characters. The reason Clerith exists is that people are unable to see the big picture, it survives by people squinting and not seeing the "but" that's located right after every piece of evidence they put forward. This means that you'll often be perceived to be arguing against what is to them the blatantly obvious. It's futile, nuanced argument never wins from emotion, so often you just have to take solace in the idea that "well, it will be fun to see their surprise 4 years from now". So when you get an interview like this, mere weeks after the game releases, which confirms everything that Clotis had been saying about, and had been mocked for, NPTK, you can't help feel a sense of schadenfreude.
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Man that's gotta hurt. This is the difference between Clotis and Cleriths. Cleriths don't really like Aerith, because they want to assassinate her character. Rather than a sad tragic tale of a lifetime of love and loss they want to reduce her character to a shallow cliche rom-com about a capricious girl whose fickle affections change by the hour. The fact that the first person Aerith starts developing feelings for after 5 years of pining after Zack is a man who is almost literally channeling Zack becomes a meaningless coincidence in the story. The fact that she knows Cloud for 2 weeks, most of which is also spent pining over Zack is viewed as confirmation of how special their love is. It doesn't matter that Aerith doesn't even know who Cloud is. It doesn't matter that Cloud is shown to very obviously be in love with another woman. It doesn't matter that Cloud is clearly losing his mind. It doesn't matter that Cloud is constantly show as being apathetic towards her advancements. Even them fighting is recontextualized as "good chemistry" just to avoid facing reality. Usually nonsensical romances are seen as bad-writing, but here the cope makes people excuse all the nonsense as "how brilliantly written is this story? They love each other despite it making no sense, now THAT is romance". Zack is called irrelevant, CC is a "ret-con" and can be ignored, ACC is about how romantic it is to want to die to be with someone. The reason Zack is so predominant in Rebirth is in no way connected to Aerith yearning for exactly the bond he's constantly showing to have with her. The contrast with Clouds apathy means nothing, he definitely isn't there to have some sort of pay-off with Aerith in part 3. Nah, he's just there to give Cloud and Aerith his blessing and to F-off. The reason Tifa is silent and heartbroken at the end has nothing to do with her best friend dying and the man she loves losing his mind. The distance between her and Cloud at that moment is totally not used to illustrate the severity of the situation, or to set-up Tifas importance in the events for part 3. Nah, she doesn't get lines because she's just a side character duh!. That is how they think, every single character and story is assassinated, everything happens only to service Cloud and Aeriths romance, even Cloud and Aerith themselves are pushed through the mud. Screw the death of Ifalna, screw the death of Zack, screw the complexity surrounding Clouds Zack shaped psychology, screw Aeriths childhood and desire for real bonds of friendship, screw even the story of Aerith dying and how maybe, JUST MAYBE, the scenes surrounding Aeriths death have SOMETHING to do with the strong emotions surrounding death rather than just being "a cute romance scene uwu". Never have I seen any story interpretation reveal such rampant hatred for a character as Cleriths reveal for Aerith. To them, Aerith is totally the kind of person who would bond with Tifa, hear the very personal and intimate story about the promise shared between her and Cloud, hear that Cloud thinks that Zack is dead, and not 5 minutes later write a story about how "she loves Cloud and they wouldn't need no promises like that other girl". But sure, I'm the one who hates Aerith, not the people who think this is who she is, but me, the person who assumed she'd be less vile than that and that any song she'd write would encompass more than that. I stand up for her character and get mocked, called an Aerith hater, and called "toxic"....and then you get an interview like this. God it feels good to always have all your positions validated by future content. One has to wonder if the people still arguing for Clerith ever sit back and think "wait, the last 100 times I dismissed these peoples arguments I was proven wrong almost immediately, I am constantly having to shift my goalposts while they're just happily sitting there laughing as they consume media about Cloud kissing Tifa, or proclaiming to become her special existence....maybe I am the delusional one...." God I can't wait for part 3, it will be hilarious.
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daisyychainssj · 9 months
I know the whole Richas and Tallulah conflict happened hours ago and it reached a resolution and stuff but I'm just now catching up with it so I'm gonna write out my feelings about it because I think the whole thing and the way everyone is interpreting it differently is really interesting. I'm probably going to end up saying things that people said like hours ago so sorry if it's a bit repetitive to read!
Richas POV - Okay so firstly, Richas' pov is probably the most complicated because he (obviously) has a much more complex relationship and understanding of the paintings. Not only do they cause him to be distressed because of how they're created but seeing it up on Philza's wall has just shown him that his pai Cellbit betrayed his trust. He didn't get rid of the paintings and instead has been just handing them out behind his back and I can't imagine how gut wrenching that must've been. Tallulah get's defensive about the painting and so she becomes the target of all of his hurt, frustration and fear. He is so worked up over this (understandably) and is getting increasingly frustrated because nobody is listening to him. He didn't agree to the "not be siblings anymore" ultimatum because he truly felt that way, I think he was just blinded by pure desperation. This poor kid NEEDS to be given the opportunity to sit down with someone and open up about this whole Romero Richas situation and he needs to be listened to and his fears taken seriously.
Tallulah POV - Now onto Tallulah's pov. For Tallulah this painting is a cute art piece of her papa phil and her brother Chayanne and suddenly her other brother is demanding that he take it back. Yes it's his painting but also she's a kid, in her eyes this painting was given to them and it's theirs now why would she give it back just so it can be destroyed? Also, Tallulah is the sweet egg! the kind egg! oh she's just so lovely and that's all there is to her!!!!! (sense my sarcasm here) sometimes when that is the way that someone presents themselves it's because they're scared that if they aren't that way they won't be liked/loved and people will leave if they're not prefect. This girl has abandonment issues on top of abandonment issues and Richas agreed to not be her sibling anymore over a painting. So this impacted her HARD. (we ofc know Richas didn't mean it but her character didn't) Tallulah acts out and (from her pov) stands her ground for once and now her brother doesn't want to be her brother anymore. I also think her throwing a tantrum and being a bratty made some of the audience even more shocked and dare I say frustrated at Tallulah behaving like this during this situation because that's not how they're used to her being. She was being stubborn and giving these intense ultimatums but she can be like this I think people just don't see it often because she only really lets her guards down in that way infront of Phil and Chayanne.
So now you have two extremely worked up kids who won't really listen to each other because their emotions are so heightened and that's to be expected! Children can not and should not be expected to regulate their emotions in the same way adults can.
Forever POV - His entire pov of the situation is very interesting to me. I see a lot of people criticising the way he handled this and to a certain extent I do agree. However, I think something that is being overlooked is that Forever perhaps wanting to make sure Tallulah was okay is because that is not his child. He only got permission literally yesterday to look after her after being previously denied. With Richas he can sit with him for HOURS afterwards if needed to try and talk through things. He has to drop Tallulah home in like an hour. It's very obvious to everyone on the island how close she is with Phil, she will tell him everything that happened during her time with the other parents. It makes sense, to me, for Forever to want to try and smooth the situation out as fast as he can and make everything okay. Do I think that makes the way he acted completely fine. No. but I don't think it makes zero sense for him to have acted that way. Also, him being Richas' pai means he's seen Richas have tantrums and be dramatic and bratty, he's never ever seen Tallulah do that so yeah he's going to panic and be like "oh shit I need to calm her down/make sure she's okay because this is unusual". I really do wish he had taken Richas' feelings and concerns more more seriously and hadn't just left him for a bit hopefully in the future he makes sure that he does that. It's a learning curve and he's learning to parent as he goes! He crash landed on an island and then got a child dropped into his lap to take care of so he's kinda just learning on the job.
BBH POV - I don't really have much to say here, I think bad handled the situation well given what he canonically knows about the Romero Richas situation (which is basically nothing) He encouraged Tallulah to talk things through with Richas and kept explaining how important their bond is and idk I just think BBH did a really good job.
Overall, I LOVE that the eggs are getting storylines with each other and are learning and growing. I'm so glad that Richas and Tallulah made up, they both need a warm hug and some hot chocolate or something after that whole ordeal. Little kids feeling big emotions for the first time is tough! but they did great <3
(I apologise if I missed anything important that happened between Richas and Forever when they were alone, I don't speak Portuguese but I tried my best based on the bits and pieces that the wonderful Portuguese speakers on here have translated!)
Anyway that's my long ass essay done! <3
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dr3amofagame · 3 months
some c!dream fics don't take into account his flaws and make him like a little bit out of characther bc while he was traumatized by the prison and it affected his way of thought in much aspects he was still able to bit your hand if you looked him bad and got more focused on his revenge and after his plan. He's a more morally grey characther and sometimes people who try too hard not fell into the c!inniter caricature ended up making him unable to literally even hold a sword when that isn't true either
"revenge" lol
to be fair, c!dream was deeply affected by the prison and absolutely got nerfed like hell fighting wise. the difference between his fight with clingy before and after the prison is insane--not to mention how scrapped lore had him so damn triggered by the sight of the cell replica that c!quackity and c!sam could get him down pretty much without a fight. las nevadas five has him running away from the fight at the first main sign of danger (and then successfully being followed by c!tommy without noticing) and the scene with c!sapnap and c!george with aimsey had him barely fighting back at all, cowering behind his shield against a wall, and running away and using arrows of harming to get himself distance. like, sure, he can definitely still fight, but he was absolutely played as losing a lot of his fighting ability (c!dream's fighting style is nothing like cc!dream's--it was absolutely a deliberate character choice to have him act like this)
all that being said, i get what u mean--ooc c!dream is everywhere in every flavor. i definitely like c!dream written with a little bit of bite, especially when he's on the back foot, as you said. c!dream's declarations of revenge (as is especially evident in LN5 and daedalus, boy what the fuck is torturing a country supposed to mean IT'S A COUNTRY) are also very evidently ... often defensive in nature? c!dream bites and shows his teeth as a back off back off dont fucking touch me don't try to fuck with me gesture because he's scared moreso than angry, tbh, and i think playing with aggression due to fear is something fun to do with c!dream in fic in general bc of the ways that aggression can be perceived and then responded to
a lot of what i like about post-prison c!dream is that ... despite an alleged focus on revenge (which took him months. and fucked him over, with scrapped lore, and was badly executed both times with quackity and put him in a lot of danger and involved a hell of a lot more trying to get through to sam than actual revenge in daedalus) and The Plan (which involved ... killing people? and then he repeatedly. does not kill people?) is that he does feel quite directionless. he's still in the prison, still caught in that limbo. he's doing research (i guess) and he's letting the prison (his home base) rot around him. he's staying there and barely leaving for weeks at a time. all while he's focused on the plan, guys, #trust, he's fine, he's still moving forward moving on ... just. Just.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 9 months
More DSMP Techno thoughts.
Technoblade is literally one of the most generous people on the server. Like, in fic, Niki is always the one most characterized as generous (which is still accurate), but Technoblade is GENUINELY the most generous. From Netherite Armor, to helping Connor even though he had no reason to. To going to see Dream, even knowing it was a trap because he needed to make sure he wasn't dead. His whole rational behind his Anarchism is that People over Government. Helping others until they can stand on their own. Literally the most generous on the server.
Techno's generosity is such an endearing trait of his not to mention very important in analysing him as a character since it actually ties into a lot of other aspects about him I really adore.
Firstly, there's his planning and how he never wants to be caught off guard (sometimes to the point of paranoia). Technoblade is a great fighter and some of that is his impressive raw skill - as demonstrated when fighting Quackity in the tunnel post failed execution with low gear - but he's also an amazing tactician and strategist and he knows coming prepared is half the battle (as Sun Tzu's teachings also invoke). cc!Techno found this important enough to highlight when he went over dsmp lore, how he hated it when people boiled down c!Techno to being a good fighter because he's just 'that cracked' and not because he spends so much time and effort on preparation. Techno gives very freely to his allies during Pogtopia and to those he considers on his side, because it's the smart thing to do. Being generous there is simply clever battle tactics.
Then later on we see his generosity become extremely relevant as Techno digs more into the theoretics of anarchism and how to effectively spread it on the server (cc!Techno did the research and by extension c!Techno shows the growth and changing perspective). Mutual aid is one of the main pillars of most anarchistic beliefs, with the idea that goods should be shared among people so everybody can be self-sufficient and there's no dependency on government. This also means no hoarding of resources and giving without expecting anything in return. We see this come to fruition in the Arctic commune and among the syndicate too, where people definitely own things but there's little care for going into other people's chests and taking stuff when needed. Sometimes even without asking (though often with asking because it's the polite thing to do). Techno does not seem to view his own actions as generosity but rather as self-evident.
Lastly, there's of course the fact that Gift Giving very much seems to be Techno's main love language. He clearly values gifts he gets from others, including those that have no practicality or 'worth' (ie the blue from Ghostbur he refuses to throw away). Getting the ax from Ranboo was one of the more significant shows of care and consideration anybody on the dsmp had ever given Techno and he was clearly touched by it, plus it's a turning point in their relationship. And he's prone to giving his loved ones gifts too. Tying in with the first point and with the fact that Techno is very protective of his friends, a lot of his gifts do serve a very practical use of being the kind of things that will keep them safe (armor, weapons, supplies,...). I think that's very telling for who Techno is as a person.
A last thing I want to touch on is that Techno's generosity is nicely contrasted with his disdain for people taking advantage of him (falls in the category of betrayal and 'using him' that Techno is particularly wary of). When Tommy took his gapples without asking repeatedly even while Techno told him to stop, Techno was clearly very annoyed. It was not the taking itself that bothered him as much, but the fact that Tommy refused to respect a clear boundary.
Funnily enough, he also got annoyed that one time somebody yoinked his foxes, though he was not annoyed somebody took them or even that they took them without asking.... he was annoyed because the person that took his foxes took the ones he could use to breed more. He even remarked that if they had yoinked a baby and an adult - leaving Techno with two breedable adults himself - he would not have cared. He specifically got upset because they took the foxes from him in a way that created a scarcity of resources. This is also very mutual aid/anarchy aligned and that amuses me.
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modelbus · 6 months
It says that your requests are open so here goes nothing.
So basically could you do a Tommyinnit x reader (I love molly guys <3) and like the reader has Tourette’s syndrome? And like on of their tics is that they say like ‘fuck you’ or ‘piss off’ and just really offensive stuff but they can’t control it (obviously). So Tommy shows them for the first time on his stream as his partner and people like hate them because of how they are ‘acting weird’ or ‘being rude’. (Also can there be a service dog with the name Kai? Also can he be an Autrilian Shepard? If not that’s fine :])
If you can thank you :) (you can call me lulu if you want)
I tried my best to be as accurate as possible, and I did my own research into some things, but if there's anything I messed up please tell me and I will fix it immediately! I had no idea people could get service dogs for Tourettes so I did some research into tasks and such too.
Pairing: Cc!Tommyinnit x Gn!Reader
Ticked Tics
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"Are you sure you want me on your stream?" You can't help but ask, leg nervously bouncing.
Tommy, your ever-so-patient boyfriend, was thrilled when you agreed to show up for one of his streams. "Just one" he had claimed, and you had given in nearly immediately. But now that you're seconds away, sitting in a chair next to him while his starting soon screen is up, you're having second thoughts. Not about your own social anxiety, but about what might happen for him if your Tourette's acts up.
It's been a pretty mild day so far, which is why you felt good agreeing to go on stream in the first place. But as your anxiety builds, you find yourself involuntarily having tics. Head jerking to the side as your shoulder jerks up, inches away from colliding with each other, is one you do most often and it's one you're repeatedly doing now.
"Of course!" He assures you. "They'll love you. I mean, I love you so they have to or else I'll ban them all."
“Sounds a bit like a dictatorship, Tom.”
“I am a dick-tay-tor!” He exclaims, purposefully separating the word.
“Eat shit.” You chirp immediately, paired with two middle fingers. Immediately after you shoot him an apologetic look. “Sorr—“
“I will eat shit, thank you.” He responds pleasantly.
It’s a thing he does sometimes; responding to your tics. In a way it makes you feel better, less like it’s genuinely annoying him. Your apologetic look turns into laugh.
“Ready?” He asks you, hovering over the OBS scene to switch into his camera.
You lower your hand, holding it out parallel to the floor to your side. Within seconds a warm and furry creature pushes its head up into your hand. You send a smile to your service dog, Kai, running a hand through the white fur on top of his head. Expensive as hell, but you love him.
“Yeah.” You nod. “Let’s do this.”
Tommy clicks over the scene change, leaning back in his chair and clapping his hands. “Welcome to the stream boys!” He yells out.
Kai worms his head into your lap, blue eyes staring up at you while his tail wags softly. He’s a cuddler, especially when it comes to you getting anxious in order to calm you down.
“Now we have a special guest.” Tommy waves his hand dramatically, faking holding a microphone out to you. “Introduce yourself, special guest.”
”Oh, piss off.” The second the words are out of your mouth, you dig your nails into your palm. Fuck. Kai licks at your hand until you open it, letting him set his head on your palm.
“Wise words.” Tommy nods. “So, everyone, this is my partner! You all thought it couldn’t be done, but I’m so hot and attractive.”
He pauses for a second, looking over at his second monitor where the chat is pulled up. It’s scrolling through messages fast, making you look away before you get a headache.
“Hi.” You say awkwardly to the stream. "That's me."
“Today I was going to tell you all a little story! You’re all my little bitty children, gathering around for a bedtime story.”
“It’s, like, 4.” You point out to him.
“Schematics! And I brought you along because you were there during this story, so you can chime in!” He leans over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders to shake you a bit. You laugh, playfully swatting his hands away.
“Yeah yeah.” Even with the camera and the stream, this is still Tommy. Your Tommy. “This is the pigeon story, right?”
He nods. “It was a dark and dreary night—buzz word guys!—when I stumbled upon the pigeon.”
“Very dark, very dreary.” You agree.
It was actually broad daylight when this had happened, but who cares?
“And I was just living my life, very casually—“
“Fuck you!”
Despite your tic, Tommy continues talking. Used to it, and knowing he doesn’t need to respond. “—waking down the street with my partner here. As I do, right? Walking around like a normal person.”
He keeps talking, parts of the story true then other parts outlandishly wild. You don’t correct the lies, finding it funnier than you probably should.
You let your attention drift to Kai, who has apparently decided to weasel his way halfway into your lap. Your hands brush past his soft ears, losing focus. When you turn back to Tommy, he’s about halfway through his story.
“And then I said—“
“Fuck you!”
“No.” He deadpans. “Come on, don’t you remember?” Tommy laughs. Not in a cruel way like people have laughed at you before, but in a joking way. A way that implies you’re in on the joke with him.
“What part are we even at?” You laugh.
“The bread seller. The sketchy one. Oh! And he smelled, chat. Like… like what I think Sapnap would smell like.”
On a knee-jerk reaction, you raise your hand, fully ready to just bonk the desk with your fist. Before you can, Tommy’s hand darts out, catching your wrist and holding steady until you can uncurl your fingers from the fist.
“Sorry.” You murmur, hopefully quiet enough that the stream doesn’t pick it up.
“No worries.”
You lean back in your chair, watching him explain things to chat. He’s far more animated than normal, making it almost endearing to watch.
Eyes sliding over to chat, you realize it’s slowed down a bit so you can read it. You have to double read several messages, heart stopping.
“Anyone else think Tommy’s partner is rude af rn???”
“His partner lowkey an asshole…”
“run while u can Tommy!!”
“they’re so fucking weird XD”
“Omg THATS his partner”
“bro got the shittiest partner fr fr”
Kai barks sharply, making you jump. Tommy spins towards you immediately, looking at Kai first.
“Yeah?” He asks the dog, before looking to you. Tommy studies you for a second, then his eyes flick to the chat. “Emote only for a second guys.”
Well, fuck.
Kai had barked, pretty loudly, and not for no reason. As one of his tasks he was trained to alert to possible tic attacks, detecting the hormone change before even you could. He was also trained to help calm you down and help with the tic attack, but detection was first.
And of course Tommy knew what it meant, and of course he knew why. He knew you too well, a fact you loved him for and also sometimes hated him for.
“Chat, I’m seeing some negativity here. None of that in my stream, and none of that towards my partner is allowed.” He raises his eyebrows at you, waiting for silent permission to tell the stream. You nod. “They have Tourette’s, so just fucking piss off about giving ‘em shit for their tics.”
He pauses, and you realize a moment too late he’s letting you explain what the hell Tourettes and tics are.
“Um, for those who don't know, Tourette's is a neurological thing which causes involuntary tics." You explain, albiet a bit awkwardly. But Tommy nods, smiling at you.
"And Kai is here. Can we show Kai to the stream? Stream, say hi to Kai the service dog!"
You click your tongue, calling for Kai even though he's right next to you. "C'mere Kai!" He practically clambers into your lap to suffocate you.
"Oh, God, Kai-" You yelp.
Tommy is of no help, too busy laughing. After a second he guides Kai off of you, leaving you to spit out dog hair.
"So yeah, there's that. Now that everyone has stopped being dickheads, back to my very important story."
You reach forward, taking a drink of Tommy's coke to clear your mouth of any dog fur you might've accidentally ingested. Australian Shepards, although cute, have so much fur.
"Am I going to pay attention to the fact my partner is choking on dog hair?" Tommy asks rhetorically. "No, I'm not. Continuing."
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ailuropoda-sims · 1 year
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Philippines Fashion Style Lookbook I
In which Ai learns how to use GIMP to actually edit her lookbooks for once. (T▽T) This is my first time making an edit like this so apologies if it's very rough around the edges
First off, thanks to @itselliandra for her wonderful and absolutely amazing tutorial vid for showing me how to do all this! Which I wouldn't have found in the first place without browsing through @emmastillsims' beautiful lookbooks as well! ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊωˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
So, about this lookbook! For those that don't know, I'm a Filipino, and have lived in the Philippines pretty much my entire life! I wanted to share what kinds of styles and fashions were what I usually saw when traveling, going out, etc. ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
In the Philippines we definitely dress for the weather! It's usually hot and damp! Hence the more loose, showy, and flowy clothing!
From left to right, the styles in this lookbook are:
Hubadera - Coming from the Tagalog word "Hubad" which means bare or naked, this is a fashion style that emphasizes showing a lot of skin and feeling sexy. Think your Sim has the guts to pull off the hubadera lifestyle?
Basic - Simple and stylish! Beat the Filipino heat with a simple dress and light accessories to match. Whether going to the mall to hang out with friends, or meeting up with classmates for a group activity, sometimes basic is best!
Acubi - Minimalist and trendy, Acubi is a style that's in-between Y2K, minimalist and subversive. My sibling loves wearing this style and they were the one who suggested I include it! It apparently originates from Korea, and if there's one thing I know, it's that we Filipinos love all things Korean.
Tita of Manila - Literally meaning "Aunt/Auntie of Manila". With her designer bags (Whether they are real or secondhands she bought from an ukay-ukay is up for you to decide), expensive jewelry, and taste for wine and tea, the tita is a matron of class and privilege. Don't let her looks fool you, she can be as witty and as sharp as she needs to be!
I hope you all enjoy this one! I know I did as well! CC used and credits will be down below! Apologies if this one is super lengthy as far as my usual lookbooks go! ( ╥ω╥ )
Hubadera: Hair, Sunglasses on Head (By Erplederp, from an NSFW site), Choker, Top, Shorts (Base Game), Shoulder Bag (TSR), Navel Piercing (By Colores Urbanos, but I don't remember the link TwT), Rings, Nails, Thong, Platform Sandals
Basic: Hair, Earrings, Necklace, Dress, Watch, Shoulder Bag (TSR), Wedges (TSR)
Acubi: Hair, Earrings, Necklace, Cardigan, Skirt, Messenger Bag, Bra, Rings (TSR), Belly Piercing (TSR), Nails, Leg Warmers, Boots
Tita of Manila: Hair, Earrings, Eyeglasses (Base Game), Necklace, Dress, Pearl Bracelet, Purse (Adfly), Ring (TSR), Nails, Heels
Poses: @helgatisha
Thank you to all the wonderful CC creators! @zurkdesign, @pralinesims, @korkassims, @coloresurbanos, @dissiasims, @christopher067, @xurbansimsx, @cubersims, @jius-sims, @aharris00britney, @lazyeyelids, @madlensims, @theslyd, @nords-sims, @aladdin-the-simmer, @neka-mew, @serenity-cc, @sentate, @drosims, @suzuesims, @darknighttsims, @trillyke, @rustys-cc, @renorasims, @inabadromance, @sclub-privee
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anomonos · 5 months
I genuinely believe that this whole discourse AMONG THE FANS about q!Sunny and q!Philza is just a simple case of bad miscommunication. Both in role-play and out of role-play. Something cc!Phil AND q!Philza alway establish is that the museum is an area that is outside of role-play. Sometimes he does bend that rule, however, majority of the time most conversations in there he doesn’t take seriously. However, the admin for q!Sunny chose to make that conversation about q!Tallulah cannon which there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so. As a matter fact, I feel this is a very great story opportunity for an egg to have some slight tension towards another parent and am curious to see where this goes.
I can’t stress enough that what q!Sunny is feeling is absolutely valid for their character. Obviously an adult making light of very serious topics when their parent happens to leave is scary. It’s even more scary knowing that q!Sunny’s admin plays her as somewhat younger than the other eggs (at least that is what I have been learning). Of course she’s not gonna see q!Philza in a good light. And that’s fine.
The problem that many q!Philza viewers are getting annoyed by, including myself, is the constant mischaracterization and just plain villainizing of q!Philza by the fanbase .
No. He doesn’t dislike q!Sunny. He thinks she’s cool and often encourages q!Tallulah to get to know her!
No. He’s not resentful of her and taking his frustrations out on her. I genuinely don’t know how this idea came about.
It makes sense for q!Tubbo viewers to assume things about q!Philza based on just cc!Tubbo’s pov alone. They don’t know his character that well unless they watch him. It also makes sense that from q!Tubbo’s and q!Sunny’s pov, q!Philza is kinda rude and insensitive.
On that same thought, it makes sense for q!Philza to genuinely be unaware that his words and tone are scary/mean to both q!Tubbo and q!Sunny. He doesn’t know.
Two things can be true at once.
Just like people are allowed to dislike a character and their actions just as much as people are allowed to defend a character.
The whole thing about q!Philza’s tone is another can of worms entirely. Cc!Phil is quite literally a blunt, no bullshit type of guy. That’s literally how he is with EVERYONE, eggs included. But once again, q!Sunny is valid in feeling scared and a little put off by it.
This goes for both sides in saying that they just don’t know each other that well to read/understand each other. That’s why it’s so important that q!Sunny and/or q!Tubbo COMMUNICATE their feelings. Otherwise how is q!Philza supposed to know?
As a cc!Phil viewer, it really sucks seeing so many people paint q!Philza as this malicious figure that is INTENTIONALLY trying to bully an insecure child when that just isn’t the case. Could he have worded things better? Of course. Does that mean he was trying to make q!Sunny feel bad? No. Once again, it’s just bad miscommunication. Something that can easily be cleared up by both adults talking.
It’s also crazy to me that this got blown all out of proportion based on 1 damn sign talking about his tone.
Either way, you can like/dislike whoever you want. Just remember that it’s not always black and white.
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calhanx · 2 years
Please let me make a fansession with these dumbasses. Do you have Dream moons or even classpects?
nothing official yet since im still in the process of adding more socials to the mix but for now my very rough draft is
tumblr — prospit (page of life)
4chan — prospit (prince of hope)
twitter — derse (thief of heart)
tiktok — derse (bard of time)
reddit — prospit (seer of rage)
instagram — prospit (maid of space)
deviantart — derse (heir of void)
youtube — derse (knight of light)
as for my reasoning, pages tend to suffer from their aspect being taken from them or suffering from other people's manifestation of the PAGE's aspect. tavros's agency was always taken away by vriska. jake was everyones crush in the alpha kids group (one of hopes domain is sexuality and crushes. so its like they had hopes for jake) and it ended horribly. and horuss was often told off by meulin to keep a facade of smiles and politeness (voiding him even FURTHER). or whatever i dont remember much.
and yknow tumblr is like. why the hell does everyone think this site is dead? its cause twitter got most of the userbase when the porn ban happened. then BAM suddenly folks wanna get a piece of tumblr cause theyre all suffering under annoying billionaires (luxury is a domain of life, but can also be a source for doom).
as for 4chan. well ok im not familiar with 4chan but their vibes pretty similar to eridan so lets go with that.
twitter is a thief of heart because they always steal content from other sites (technically most sites do this) and its got a culture of being mean all the damn time even to earnest (heart) things. and i guess because of the short shelf life of tweets and trends, its impossible for most of its userbase to really make an identity? excpet for the influencers on there lol idk. so theres this lack of their aspect, which is a thing thieves go through and is something that causes them to always seek said aspect. still tentative!
tiktok is a bard of time because they invite destruction to time. they waste your time. they waste other peoples time. thats literally how its built. even its trends and culture make ME (personal opinion) go "why am i being subjected to this i dont care stop wasting my time". they dont last long either or at least dont stay relevant (to ME)
reddit. idk thats the place where smarty know it alls go. and yknow the challenge for seers is that they have to learn how to be wrong and EFFECTIVELY communicate with their teammates (kankri failed on both accounts. kept shitting on porrim. pre retcon rose failed on the latter because yknow alcoholism. retcon rose eeeeeh didnt really have a choice in improving herself on her own cause vriska did it for her but hey if it works it works i guess). if you make reddit into a person, seer feels like an appropriate class. also i picked rage for them because rage = truth. also lots of trolls on there, both in provoking rage through silly funnies, real life stories, real life but Insane stories, or legit fucked up stuff.
instagram is the maid of space because idk its vibes make me think porrim would like it. tentative idk much about it. all i know is that its very prospit-y because it requires the user to have a looot of grit to maintain their acc because of their shitty "post regularly" algorithm. at least from what i remember.
deviantart is heir of void because they are like equius. i think you get it. horses. sweat.
youtube is a knight of light because its culture revolves around its content creators! and yknow ccs gotta put up a front to entertain ya. its light because of its content! they literally need and breathe your attention. sometimes has educational stuff (knowledge) sometimes is just shitposts (attention) sometimes its really cool impressive stuff like speedrunning and gaming (victory/luck) sometimes its just funny challenges (success over goals). so putting all this together and makin a person out of it its like oh! theyre going to be sooooooo dysfunctional
anyway lots of this is still not finalized but feel free to do what ya want! socialstuck is free to share and im always glad to find folks makin stuff about it :]
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murfeelee · 6 months
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WWDITS INSP - A Day in the Life of a Familiar
Guillermo: The job of a vampire's familiar is not an easy one. It's very dangerous--I mean, they are vampires, after all. There's different kinds of jobs that I have to do. Keep the house tidy…. Make sure there's no sunlight. "Sunlight, why Guillermo, whyyyyyy!?" Not on my watch. Getting rid of carcasses, I feel, is a big one. Being a vampire's familiar is like being a best friend…. Who's also a slave. I like being a familiar! It's a very satisfying job. Well--actually, calling it a "job" would imply that it pays. So it's more of a vocation. Less glamorous than I imagined. I thought by now I'd be like Armand, but sometimes I feel like I'm halfway turning into a Renfield. I think the worst part for me is the loneliness. I'm awake when my master's asleep, and…the house gets quiet, and it's lonely. But I'm also awake when he's awake. I'm always awake! You know, sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I was still at Panera Bread. I'd probably be manager. I'd get to boss other people around for a change. Sleeping, health insurance, friends, getting paid, all the Panera Bread you can eat. But you know what they say: The heart wants what the heart wants!
- What We Do in the Shadows, S1E01 & S1E10
MY THOUGHTS (rant alert) & CC Credits (under the cut)
I'd rather be a werewolf!
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I thought Guillermo was a freaking FOOL, slaving away for 13 years (with NO PAY 💀) hoping Nandor would someday turn him into a vampire. Like...HUH?! Memo, you're wasting your life! You know allllll these dope werewolves who would readily take you in--you're barking up the wrong tree obsessing over vamps all day, my guy!
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Memo is an expert on vampires, yet he somehow missed the memo that vampires almost never turn their familiars! 🤨 I'd've given them the middle finger and joined a wolf pack, eff those vampires. 😅
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Ok, SURE, vampires are freaking cool--they're the coolest monsters by far. But being a vampire literally SUCKS! Dhampirs like Blade & Alucard have the best of both worlds, since they have all of a vampires' strengths, and none of their weaknesses--they still have all the fancy powers, but can also walk in sunlight, drink blood, and most importantly: eat regular food, bless!
Like, I remember watching Tokyo Ghoul, and bursting into tears when Kaneki-kun was desperately forcing himself to eat food, but his body kept rejecting it--that hurt me to my core. No junk food?! Just kill me.
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And if y'all know what went down with Guillermo in Season 5, it's even crazier, like omg, REALLY? U_U Could never be me.
CC Credits
- Memo's hair N76, basegame glasses (+ OEM sliders), basegame cardigan & shoes, SN EP pants
- Bloody apron outfit by EA (AMB EP IIRC), gloves ACC by Amethyst
- Chainsaw from AMB sculpting station (+ gratuitous abuse of MOO)
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heartstopperlarrie · 4 months
Feeling all of the emotions tonight so here’s a mooties appreciation post 🥹
@cc-horan28 my first ever mutual. My Tumblr heart person. The best little sister I’ve ever had. I can’t explain what you mean to me, you’re literally the best person. I hate that we’re so far apart cause all I want to do when I finish work is talk to you but you’re asleep 😭 I would literally trust you with my life at this point.
@niallermybabe such a tiny bean. Always so enthusiastic and so cute and innocent. You are absolutely incredible, you cheer me up every time we interact, even when I don’t realise I need cheering up. I feel such a strong urge to PROTECC FROM ALL EVILS
@xxxcharliespring you are such an awesome friend. We may go weeks without interacting but when we do talk it’s like we’ve known each other for years. I appreciate you so much, I don’t think you could ever fully understand just how much 💕
@medicinelarrie my dude. My FITFWT buddy. My “I can’t believe we live within driving distance” mutual. If we don’t meet up for coffee sometime soon istg 🥲 I miss you sm
@sofwasbornforthis @timelessnarlie @idontwanttobeabuzzkill we may not speak often but when we do please know it makes my day. I smile everytime I see your name pop up in my notes or if I come across a post of yours
@surrowndedbylights @urbanflorals @leaskisses444 @ashleyyroses we never speak but always tag each other in silly things and randomly like/rb each others stuff. Here’s to the silently supportive mutuals
To all my other mooties: We don’t interact much, if at all. But know that I see you and I appreciate you and I’m always here for you 💕
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000marie198 · 1 year
I don't know if anyone else has talked about this already but, oh well!
So anyway, let's talk about the Chaos Council. It's made up of five different versions of Eggman.
Now remember my theory on how all the alternates are basically shattered parts of the original? That they're the aspects of the main characters taken to the extreme? Well, I believe the presence of the Chaos Council proves that theory. Cuz when you notice, there are no alternates of Eggman anywhere else throughout the Shatterverses but there are alternates of everyone else. This means all the Eggman alternates are in one place, aka New Yoke, as part of the CC. Why does that serve to prove that the alternates are shattered parts of a whole? Well, for many reasons but I'm gonna talk about three major ones.
Firstly, something that Mister Dr. Eggman said struck a chord while I was rewatching the premiere episode. While introducing the Chaos Council to Sonic, he said,
"One makes five, five makes one."
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This dialogue literally and very clearly hints at them being 5 parts of a whole. A major clue or a foreshadowing if you will.
Secondly, their personalities. They all clearly reflect a certain major trait of Eggman. Introduction wise, Dr. Done-It is an aged man who likes to yell orders and complain.
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He is literally, as Sonic would put it, a grumpy old man. That's the part of Eggman which gets annoyed at all the failed plans and groans in agitation and yells at his creations and curses out Sonic. Also the part that keeps urging to get a move on.
Next, there's Dr. Deep.
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If his name and mannerisms aren't hinting enough, that's the part of Eggman that sometimes comes up at the end of the adventure when he's standing alone somewhere. The philosophical part, the part that expressed his feelings on Gerald, the part that would sometimes save Sonic because it wouldn't be a victory unless he's the one defeating his opponent. But this is not all, Deep is also the part which holds all of Eggman's battle prowess and drip. In short, he's the right-brained part of Eggman.
As for Dr. Don't, the emo teenager.
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This is the guy who points out a clear cut obvious answer instead of dawdling . And he controls some remote features of the headquarters. He's constantly playing videogames and answers questions without even looking up. His brain is probably in constant activity, figuring things out, forming deductions and conclusions. This is the scientist side of Eggman. The one that holds 300 IQ and internally goes, "I'm surrounded by idiots." The one which is unable to get along with anyone because no one can think on his motive and level.
And then there's Babble, aka the angry baby.
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One would think why someone like Eggman would have a baby as a part of his personality, right? Well, this baby is the most like Eggman out of all of them. Hear me out! Dr. Babble represents the anger and ruthlessness in Eggman. Babble, out of all of them, is Eggman's evil side. Babble loves torturing his victims and enjoys it, he demands that they harm their opponents and is merciless. Babble represents the part of Eggman that... destroyed the moon (get out of my head Snapcube dubs), unleashed the Metal Virus, Roboticizes mobians, all the mean stuff. And finally, the baby whines, a lot. All of Eggman's whining is squeezed in this one tiny baby.
Finally, the main member, Mister Dr. Eggman.
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In my opinion, this guy is the aspect of Eggman that gloats and showboats. The one who gets absolutely smug and giddy if the plans are working, the part of Eggman that lets out those loud evil cackles and monologues. The face, so to speak. He is the part that makes Eggman go overconfident or reveal his plans or manipulates or banters, the part that makes him put his face as a logo on everything, the part that makes him build showy mechs and aircrafts and stuff.
Now that these people are discussed as various aspects of Eggman, let's get to the third and final major reason which indicates why the alternates are aspects of the originals; the Prism shards. When the Paradox Prism broke, it was broken up into five shards; yellow, red, blue, green, purple. There are five shards and five Eggman alternates.
But wait.
Why are there five alternates of Eggman when we have only come across three for the rest of the characters? Why don't the numbers add up? Well, good question. And my theory is that since the Prism broke up into five shards, there should be five sets of everything! Five shards, five Shatterworlds, five sets of alternates. There are already five of Eggman. This means there are still two shards missing and two sets of alternates we haven't seen. We know the purple shard belongs to The Grim because its gateway was purple and its entrance was in the shape of the purple shard. And we haven't seen Rouge's main alternate like we've seen Nine, Thorn and Dread. That's going to be the world where the yellow shard resides.
But this all leaves another mystery. Five shards means five worlds and five sets of alternates, right? We already know about all five alternates of Eggman, we already know the colors of the five shards (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple), and we know about four of the five worlds while the one associated with yellow shard hasn't been shown in the series yet. That world would contain its own set of alternates. That makes four sets of alternates. What about the fifth? Where are the alternates that, logically, should belong to The Grim? Where are they? Excluding yellow, what happened to the fifth world and its alternates? Where is the purple Shard that is associated with The Grim? What happened to this world and its inhabitants?
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jemdeserveslove · 1 month
Sarah J. Maas is much more comfortable and better at writing multiple pov's books
I wrote this TWO years ago and never posted, but I think it's still valid, so I uptaded a bit. Welcome to my TED talk: if you love or hate Rhys, this is for you!
I was inspired to write this due some discussions I have seen here lately surrounding Rhys and the pregnancy plot in acosf, so I'm gonna throw my two cents here. Honestly, I don't think I have a very formed opinion on this. I don't agree with what Rhys did and I think it was wrong, but I do think it was on his character to do so. When I was reading acosf, I remember thinking how it was such a Rhys thing to try to come up with a solution to the problem before saying it to Feyre, especially considering that it was a life/death situation. NOW, that's not really a good thing, cause Feysand's whole thing is how they treat each other as equals and Rhys's attitude kinda of went agaisnt that.
Of course, there was the whole "let's not stress the pregnant person out, cause that won't do any good to anyone", which, let's be honest, it's true. But, still, I remember thinking how ewww it was that literally EVERYONE knew about that (hell, I think even Helion knew, right?) except for Feyre. And, yk, it's her LIFE, so she should know (obvs).
NOW, here's what I really wanted to talk about. I think one of our biggest issues surrounding this is the lack of reaction from Feyre. I think it's said in the narrative that she and Rhys had a huge argument about it, but that in the end it was cool. And that's really bad. For us, the readers, it was like "some really serious stuff" BOOM "unicorns and rainbows", we didn't get to see any of that
And the thing about this (and correct me if I'm wrong, cause it could be fake news lol) it was stated that they cut out a lot of scenes that sjm wanted to include, I suppose as bonus chapters, and those scenes were especially Feysand scenes. But her editor thought it was better to cut them out, because that would have diverged the attention from Nesta and Cassian (which, sort of did for some people anyway, but whatever).
And I think this is such a big mess and it's some bad writing in a way. I don't think sjm is a bad writer, quite the contrary, I enjoy her writing very much. But the issue with ACOTAR is that we had three books solely with Feyre's pov, so everything we know about all the characters were because of her and we sort of only had her character growth (if you get what I mean). And, now, we're having this trasition with each new book with two new pov's, and it seems that it's not really covering everything that it should cover to tell the story. ACOSF held a attention on Feysand that I understand why they did it, but if they're going to put a lot of weight into them to that specific story, they should've added more scenes with their pov's.
And, for me, everything comes down to sjm being a lot more comfortable in writing stories with multiple pov's. She did that with ToG and CC. To make a personal comparison with her latest books, hosab had a much better structure than acosf and I think the plot flew a lot better. I can't say the same for hofas, but I think the problem there was the unequal weight of the povs (Tharion and Ithan compared to the rest lol). But in ToG is done beautifully! Of course, sometimes we don't care about certain povs, but that's normal.
Anyway, really excited for some acotar 5 news and tbh, looking foward as to how we can slander Rhys again lol (I love him, ok)
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 3 months
Sweet Music Playing In The Dark (Be Still, My Foolish Heart) [ Part Four ]
[ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] [ Part 3 ]
{ I'm 100% not writing these in chronological order. I just write them as the ideas come and they don't come in order of the story. Just in moments inspired by the songs. Hopefully y'all still enjoy them!!! Cuz i really love this little story. Even though it's like a little patchwork quilt of a thing. 💛💙💛 }
They've been together for a bit. Their relationship is still private. For the most part. But they're very publicly friends. Always together and laughing and adorable. But in private, they're dating. Taking it slow. Cuz touring life is bonkers and they're both busy writing and doing their music.
But Eddie starts seeing some shit from Steve's fans. Like, an oddly puritanical little sub group. That the other fans are always like "no thank you. Please don't associate with us OR steve please." And They've been posting things about eddie "corrupting" steve and saying shit like, "Eddie's making him go down a path he'd never choose on his own".
And that Eddie's a cult leader and indoctrinating steve. And some even say shit about robin and chrissy too. That they're like, Eddie's cult wives. And they sent him some of those comments and Chrissy was like,
"Robin's gagging. She loves you. But she's gagging." And Eddie laughs so hard he almost falls out of his chair. But he takes the comments and shows Steve.
Because he is not social media guy. He's never on there. And he reads some of them and just keeps frowning and frowning and eddie just curls into his side and is like,
"hey. Its okay. I don't care that they're saying that. I play up the cult thing. You know that." Steve did know that. Loved it. Bought Eddie a shirt that said "cult leader" on it. It's a pink crop top and Eddie adores it. It's his favorite shirt. But steve is like,
"some of these are really mean Ed's." Some of them even mentioned Nancy and how she was so good for steve and so pure and blah blah blah. Eddie snorts VERY loud at that, says,
"did they miss her cheating on you? Just ignoring that are they?" And steve frowns more, says,
"that was never really said publicly." And Eddie's takes his hand, laces their fingers together and says,
"People know Steve. They saw through her. Okay? Just like I did. Your real fans love you. And some of them even love me now." He says, cheeky glint in his eyes. And then he's smiling too, all big and sharp and Steve's like,
"i know that face... what are you planning?" And he's already almost smiling himself, knows its gonna be good. And eddie just wiggles his eyebrows, says,
"I had this idea... for a video. And the idea wasn't originally to have YOU in the video. But I've been thinking, since reading all that shit. That maybe we should have some fun." He leans closer, presses soft kisses to Steve's cheek, the corner of his mouth.
"What did you have in mind?" Steve asks, his eyes closing as he sighs into Eddie's soft touches. Eddie hums, kisses him again, nuzzles into his cheek and kisses down his neck. Pushes steve into his couch and tells him all about it.
What Eddie had in mind, was this. First, he, Steve, robin, and chrissy are all gonna be in the video. And the CC boys, playing in the background.
Eddie has a warehouse that he bought to make his videos, and others videos, and he does band photoshoots there sometimes. Has done several for Robin and Chrissy and a few for some other artists he's friends with. He loves doing weird little videos with just his friends.
So they go there, the set is literally just a ton of white cloth drapped everywhere. White on white on white. The band is playing all white instruments, the background is white velvet curtains.
Chrissy is in a beautiful white dress. Perfect and pristine, her hair all done with curls, her nails a pretty pearl. Robin's in a snug white suit. Waistcoat and all. Her hair slicked back.
Steve is in fancy white dress pants, a white tank under an open white shirt sleeved button down, Eddie let him do whatever he wanted with his hair, its neat and swoopy and perfect. The CC boys are all in matching white mechanic jumpsuits, white lines painted across their eyes.
Eddie had told them all the required colors and let them dress how they wanted. Told them what would be happening to the clothes too, so they knew.
And Eddie, he's in black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees, and is favorite pink crop top, CULT LEADER, printed in black across his chest in bold letters.
Steve can't take his eyes off him. Eddie makes his rounds, making sure everything is ready. And then walks up to Steve.
"You sure you wanna do this?" He asks, hands on Steve's hips as Chrissy and Robin lean against each other as they wait. Steve just stares at him, bites his lip, and nods.
"Yeah. Let's do this." His eyes are full of excitement and Eddie matches it, his cheeks dimpling as he nods.
They release the video a week later.
The video opens with Eddie and the band just silhouetted against the background. The music plays and the lights come up when Eddie claps twice and he starts singing, moving and jumping in place to the beat. And when he says,
"is this what you wanted?" The camera jump cuts to Steve and Robin and Chrissy all standing off to the side, stock still, looking a bit like they're in a trance as they answer,
"no!" Eddie sings,
"you want some more?" And they all turn in unison to look at him when they answer,
"yes" and then the lights go up even more, the bright white around them all, their clothes, the velvet, all of it seeming to shimmer as they dance around, moving closer and closer to Eddie as he sings. Eddie looks directly into the camera when he sings,
"who's keeping score?" And then the chorus hits and his attention is all on steve, his hand moving up Steve's neck as he sings,
"cuz youve got a taste now." And steve leans into his touch, looking helpless to it. Robin does the same to chrissy,  her and Eddie in synch as they draw in their partners, touching them and moving with them as Eddie sings about no one loving him like he loves him, steve smirking, his eyes closed, letting eddie touch and move him however he likes, and then Eddie sings,
"but you should've known, that this was gonna end in tears" and "blood" starts falling on them all, red stains blooming across the sea of white, all their clothes bleeding red as Eddie screams the next parts. Steve and the girls jumping and dancing and singing in the bloodrain, Eddie crooks his finger at steve when he sings,
"now come here and give me a hug" and steve saunters over, his hair dripping red as he falls into Eddie's arms. Eddie lowers him to the ground for the next part, his fingers moving and dancing across Steve's throat as he sings,
"i got my hands around your throat. I love way you choke." He dips down further, his lips brushing Steve's as he looks up at eddie, adoration in his eyes, both of them dripping blood as eddie sings,
"Cause i am yours and you are mine, I'll never let you go" right against Steve's lips, and Steve fucking arches into it, his palms flat on the gound.
Chrissy and Robin are fucking waltzing through the blood behind them, their feet kicking at the puddles of blood they glide through, moving across the "stage" as the camera pans after them, capturing the CC boys as well, all of them stained red, their instruments dripping and splashing as they play their hearts out. .
And then eddie is standing, singing the verse again as he moves his hands over steve, and Steve moves with his hands, like a puppet under Eddie's control, dancing and rolling in the blood on the floor. And then Eddie screams,
"GET THE FUCK UP" and steve is on his feet in an instant. Dancing and spinning through the guitar solo until it stops and he freezes, making like he's going to fall back to the floor before Eddie catches him in his arms.
Steve straightens, Eddie spins him and he and drapes himself over Eddie's back, Chrissy does the same to Robin behind them. Steve's hands moving over Eddie's chest and up his neck languidly, slow, with a purpose, dragging his hands through the blood thats covering them all now, Chrissy drops her head back onto Robin's shoulder as Robin tucks her arm loosly around her neck. Eddie stares straight at steve when he sings,
"nobody love you like i love you, oh my dear." And then they both drop their gazes to the camera, looking right at the audience as eddie sings and then screams,
"you should have known. This was gonna end in tears." Steve dropping his chin on Eddie's shoulder as he mirrors Robin's hold on Chrissy.
Eddie's voice goes quiet at the end, him and steve and the girls genlty swaying as the blood falling drenches them, their clothes and everything around them soaked a dark red now.
Eddie and Steve all tangled together just like Robin and Chrissy as the screen fades to black. And just before you loose sight of them all you can see them all laughing together right before Steve tightens his hold on Eddie's neck and pulls him into a kiss.
They release the video and all their fans go fucking NUTS. Partially because Eddie posted it and captioned it,
"hey. Me and my boyfriend made you guys something." And he puts a little kissy emoji. And everyone FREAKS out. And of course the purity people show up and start being like,
"see! See! His shirt even says it! He's a cult leader!" And people start saying steve looks drugged. Which eddie immediately shuts down and blocks them. But the CCboys go into the comments, cuz they're tired of it. They love steve, and eddie. And them together. And they're like,
"y'all realize they made this video BECAUSE of you nutballs right???" and chrissy and robin just respond to their comment with,
"right???" And like fifteen laughing emojis.
And steve and eddie just turn off their phones and eddie tugs steve into bed and they lay there, just breathing together. And steve nuzzles into his chest and smiles and says,
"at least most of the blood came out of your shirt." Eddie hums, moves his fingers into Steve's hair and says,
"i knew it would. Just a little darker now." He presses a kiss into Steve's hair too, for good measure. Steve wraps his arm tighter around eddie, cuddles closer, whispers,
"just like me." And kisses Eddie's chest as he laughs, tugs on Steve's hair so that Steve's looking up at him and says,
"just like you. Dark and corrupted. Just the way i like you." Eddie teases, both of them laughing into their kiss as Steve drapes himself over Eddie.
When they turn their phones back on they're met by several croped headlines sent to them, and marked up and memed, by Chrissy and Robin. Followed by a text that says,
"congratulations on the big gay announcement! Thanks for letting us be a part of it!" Followed by every single heart emoji they could find and a few edits of themselves with hearts for eyes.
They laugh so hard steve snorts into Eddie's shoulder and eddie almost chokes on the chocolate chip pancakes steve had made him.
Eddie had corrupted him into making breakfast in bed. If only his fans fucking knew.
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azrielsbxtch · 10 months
Okay some of the people who want TOG characters to appear in CC need to take a step back and remember this is Bryce and Hunt’s story not a gathering place for all your favorite characters.
Listen I’m not SJM so I can’t say for sure they won’t appear but for now all the “hints” people are arguing with me about are about Crescent City…not Throne of Glass.
First the title,House of Flame and Shadow. That’s not Aelin. Yes she was called Queen of Flame & Shadow…however SJM is a fantasy writer. She will use many similar words and phrases to describe stuff. Why would she name her entire third book about another character that hasn’t appeared in her books please. Even the ACOTAR characters wouldn’t get a whole CC book named after them and they’re in the book. House of Flame and Shadow is the fourth House in Midgard. That’s what it means.
And then someone was arguing that the dragon on the cover is because of Aelin’s dress. You have literal actual dragons in Crescent City…dragons who are part of the House of Flame and Shadow but you’d rather it’s the dragon from Aelin’s dress?
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I know it’s exciting to theorize but sometimes I feel like people don’t actually give a shit about Crescent City characters and just want to make it all about their favorite characters from another series to appear. You will raise your expectations and when they don’t happen,you’ll get disappointed for no reason.
Even the ACOTAR fans (myself included) , I’ll advise everybody to manage their expectations. I’m super excited don’t get me wrong but I always remember at the back of my mind that this isn’t Rhysand’s story..or Feyre’s…or even Azriel’s. Even with the extra bonus chapter. They’ll be supporting characters in this book remember that.
At the end of the day it’s Bryce’s and Hunt’s story.
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