#i made myself cry with this
sugaaz · 1 year
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Ash Lynx in every episode
Happy Birthday Lilium @liliumdragomir​
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multistanasitsfinest · 8 months
Do you ever think about the time they spent together in Dublin? Like no, we didn't see a thing, but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. My brain is doing stuff and I don't like it and it's not even a romantic scenario. It's just *them* having dinner together and chatting until Alex starts yawning because of how tired he is and Miles smiling fondly and telling him to go to bed. It's *them* listening to each band's rehearsal and pointing things out like "I really liked that little arrangement you did with that song" or "Wouldn't you slow that a bit?" or "I think you look good there, underneath the lights."
Even passing by a certain place and meeting up without meaning to and laughing in disbelief because they're not used to seeing each other like that anymore, not as often. Sharing a pint with the rest of the Monkeys and getting emotional about how much they've all grown into their respective lives. Saying goodbye on the last day and hugging and promising they'll meet soon, because "It can't possibly be this long again, Al." and quietly sniffling on each other's shoulders because god knows how long it'll really be until "again"...
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Eddie shuffles into the living room, where Uncle Wayne is sat watching some old film on the television. He's nursing a beer but he immediately sets the bottle down onto the coffee table when he sees how sore and red Eddie's eyes are, notes the tear tracks on his cheeks, the way Eddie has his arms wrapped around himself like he's the only thing keeping himself together when all he wants to do is fall apart.
"Hey, man," Eddie sniffles. It's a very wet very gross noise, and both Munsons cringe. "Can I, uh," he's twenty, for god's sake, he can ask for a hug from the man whose raised him for over a decade, "d'you remember when, when I was a kid, and, uh, you would shield me when I got upset?"
Uncle Wayne does remember that. Vividly. Still remembers the weight of his boy curled up on his lap like an oversized cat, the cool tip of his nose in his Uncle's collar, his little feet digging into the crease between the worn sofa cushions, pudgy little arms around his neck. It's been almost seven years since the last time Eddie curled up in Uncle Wayne's lap for a good cry, but Uncle Wayne remembers it like it was yesterday.
In some ways, it was.
And in every other way, it wasn't.
"I do." Uncle Wayne's voice is soft, tinged in pain as he wonders what has done his boy in this time. He doesn't ask. Eddie will tell him when he is ready and not a moment before - trying to get him to talk will only make him clam up so fast that Uncle Wayne would never even know that Eddie was ready to let his Uncle in.
Eddie closes his eyes, scrunches his face up in relief as he nods, fists clenched at his sides. "Then I, uh..." He sniffles again, comes closer, his knees almost touching his Uncle's, "can you shield me? Please?"
Uncle Wayne's arms are open for his boy so damn fast that he doesn't even realise he's moved until Eddie is already in his Uncle's lap, feet tucked into the crease between the sofa cushions, slender arms around his Uncle's neck, that familiar cool tip of his nose pressed into the flannel collar. The twenty year old heaves a relieved yet weary sigh and then breaks right there, wailing and crying and letting it all out.
Uncle Wayne momentarily tips his head back to the ceiling, tender blues glaring daggers at the ceiling, vowing to get to the bottom of this. His anger swirls but he swallows it down like the bitter pill it is, uses his anger to love on his boy instead, because that's who Wayne Munson is. He's angry but he's kind and he tries. Especially when he doesn't want to.
"M'here, Eddie," Uncle Wayne flexes his arms around Eddie, shielding him from the world. "You're m'boy an' I ain't lettin' anythin' get to you, not while you're here like this." Not anywhere and not ever. "M'here, son, you let it all out now." Hands rub up and down Eddie's Dio patch, arms hold strong, and Eddie clutches his Uncle like his shield is all he wants.
"Th-thanks, dad. I love you, man."
This time, Uncle Wayne does cry. Just a little bit. "You're welcome, son. I love you too." So much and for so many things, but mostly because you're my boy.
It had always been Eddie and Wayne Munson against the world and at this rate, it always would be, but that was okay, because Uncle Wayne was the shield, and Eddie was the world's most precious gem.
eddie & wayne @hellfirebabe @eddiemunsonshoney @potatos-library @bakerstreethound @gemstone-roses @sweetpeapod @authorlovers @jslittlebirdie @heydreamchild @comfortcharactercraze @mywinterivy @corrodedcoffeen @ourstaturestouchtheskies @m00nlight101 @3ddi3-daydreamer @pleasantlycrazyworld @samlealea @manyfandomsfanvergent @indouloureux @basicallybats @niceboyeds @becca-alexa @singularattitudeofasafetypin @knifeskiss @loving-and-dreaming @hiscrimsonangel
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darkpeacemusic · 9 months
Pre incident Woods Family Headcanons
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(TW/CW: A shit ton of angst, abuse (both physical and emotional), alcohol and drug abuse, sexism, one mention of a gun and planned murder, child neglect, being locked up, some fluff)
So basically Jeff and Liu didn't have the most happiest of childhoods (like most of the pastas).
Like maybe for the first few years after Jeff was born they were the happiest children with two very loving parents.
But by the time Jeff was three and Liu was eleven, their dad, Peter had to work overtime in order to support his family.
Peter would often come home stressed which would cause him and Margret to fight.
Margret was a sexist woman who believed that only men should do all the work.
She would often leave the house to go party with her friends or go gamble at the casino.
They often called Jeff the 'mistake child' because he was an accidental pregnancy.
By the time Jeff would turn 5, Peter started to drink after he got off work to destress himself.
Whenever Jeff would get in trouble at school, Peter and Margret would often scream at him and lock him in the basement as punishment and wouldn't even let him out until the next morning.
Whenever Jeff and Liu make messes, Margret would hit them and force them to clean it up by standing over them like a dominator.
Peter once hitted Liu with a frying pan as a punishment for getting a bad grade in math which is why Liu is a perfectionist.
When Liu became 16 and Jeff was 8, Margret got addicted to cocaine and would often take it after a friend of hers introduced it to her.
How did neither of them die from alcohol poisoning or cocaine overdose? Nobody freaking knows not even Jeff and Liu.
Whenever Jeff got scared due to his parents arguing, Liu would let him stay in his room until their fighting stopped.
Liu would often try to defend Jeff whenever he got in trouble but it would only result in Liu getting slapped hard to the point where it gave him bruises.
Since their parents were neglectful for Jeff, Liu would often be the first person to comfort Jeff after he had a bad dream.
Whenever Margret and Peter got told on by the police, they would scoff it off as "people being overdramatic" and the police would believe them and let them go with a warning (because cops are useless in the Creepypasta world).
By the time they moved into the new neighborhood because of Peter finding a better job with better pay, Liu promised that he would protect Jeff if anything bad happened to them.
Margret defended the bullies after hearing about what Jeff did and she and Peter sent Jeff straight to his room and locked the door so he wouldn't be able to come out.
Before the party incident, Margret and Peter planned to kill Jeff to 'get him out of their hair' by buying a gun but they decided it would be best to wait for the perfect opportunity.
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sokiic · 2 years
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Yellow (coldplay) + NobaMaki
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chaosandwolves · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
If you've seen any of my posts lately or even know me from Twitter, you know Jaskier/Radovid aka Radskier (still think we need another ship name) has stolen my heart.
So naturally my brain was like... Hey how about pain? Like a lot...
And here I am today presenting to you a horrible thought and a few lines from the fic I'm writing on...
What if Geralt has to kill Radovid?
And that's the moment Geralt knows. He has to kill Radovid.
And break Jaskier's heart; again.
Only this time the damage he'll do might be too big, too unforgivable for Jaskier to ever come back from it. But Geralt knows Jaskier, knows his heart and knows that the bard has so much love to give, he will find his footing again. Even if it means that Geralt has to say goodbye to him so he can find some happiness after this again; even if it means a goodbye for good this time. He doesn't want to do it. Gods if there was anything else he could do, he'd do it in a heartbeat. But if he doesn't kill Radovid the continent will be plunged into war and Ciri will be in more danger than Geralt and Yennefer can protect her from. And he can't let that happen. So that night Geralt stays with Ciri and tells Jaskier to go out, sing or attend a party, fully knowing he'll seek out Radovid and spend the night with him. Granting them a bit more time together. Yen knows what he's doing and what he will do in the morning. "You have to tell him, Geralt," she says in a soft voice that yet doesn't allow any opposition. "No," Geralt rumbles and gets up from the table. "Geralt," Yennefer insists. "No!" Geralt almost shouts when he whirls around in one swift and strong move. "I can't Yen. I've hurt him enough already. And he deserves this night with him. He… Jaskier, he…" his voice breaks off. Carefully Yennefer takes a step closer and places her warm hand over Geralt's, which is gripping the table so hard it's starting to splinter. "He deserves to know, Geralt. He deserves to say goodbye."
Tagging some ppl. I know some of you are only used to 911 and if you're not interested that's totally fine and feel free to tell me not to tag you anymore in non 911 related things
@alyxmastershipper @robin-not-batman @theresoneicouldcallking @flordefandom @elvensorceress @hippolotamus @panbuckley @the-chiseled-dorito-of-justice @wannastayugly @bringyouruin @shortsighted-owl
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setaripendragon · 1 year
Hold The Line by Avicii - in Mando'a
I'm still on my bullshit!
I found this song, uh, yesterday? And I've been listening to it on repeat ever since, and it just gives me such clones vibes that I spent the entire afternoon today translating it. I used a new dictionary (many thanks to @johamur for the links!) which made translating it significantly easier than the one I was using before, although since Mando'a has no word for surrender, I did have to get, uh, extremely creative with my meanings in the second verse XD I also reversed one line because it just... didn't make sense for the clones otherwise.
As always, any advice, feedback, and general linguistics flailing is more than welcome! (Though, please be gentle, I haven't gone over this as much as I should have, since I finished it in... three hours?)
Here's the song:
Ke'tayli Briik (Hold the Line)
Tracy'uur bal kad (Blaster and sword) Carud o'r prudiise (Smoke in the shadows) Gar ven dargana* (You will lose) Gar kovid bar kyrbej (Your head on the battlefield)
Gar eku bat gar (You choke on your) Kar'ta o'r gar uram (Heart in your throat) Gar aala sa (You feel like) Digu enteyo akaanir (You forget you've gotta fight)
Mhi nu lise trattok'or (We can't collapse) Mhi ven draar shuku (We will never break)
Ash'amur evaar'la (Dying young) Mhi tayli cuun kovide (We keep our heads) Mhi tal'onidi (We go the extra mile) Narir cuyanir (Trying to survive)
Kar'am o'r haalas (The breath in your chest) Dralshya gar or'trikar (Is stronger than your grief)
Vaab ra ash'am (Do or die) Al mhi oyayc (But we're alive) Vaal mhi olar (While we're here) Ke'tayli briik! (Hold the line!)
Ke'tayli briik! (Hold the line!)
Naas darganar* (Nothing to lose) Bic gar kyr'yc akaan (It's your last fight) Ke'burujai (Sound the alarm) Shi parjai ra kyr'am (Only victory or death)
Nu partayli (No remembrance) Nu parjir kote al (No winning glory but) Tran* yaimpa (The sun returns) Sha kyr be ca (At the end of the night)
Mhi nu lise trattok'or (We can't collapse) Mhi ven draar shuku (We will never break)
Ash'amur evaar'la (Dying young) Mhi tayli cuun kovide (We keep our heads) Mhi tal'onidi (We go the extra mile) Narir cuyanir (Trying to survive)
Kar'am o'r haalas (The breath in your chest) Dralshya gar or'trikar (Is stronger than your grief)
Vaab ra ash'am (Do or die) Al mhi oyayc (But we're alive) Vaal mhi olar (While we're here) Ke'tayli briik! (Hold the line!)
Ke'tayli briik! (Hold the line!)
Ke'tayli briik! (Hold the line!)
Ash'amur evaar'la (Dying young) Mhi tal'onidi (We go the extra mile) Ash'amur evaar'la (Dying young) Ke'tayli briik! (Hold the line!)
[*darganar = dar (no longer) + ganar (to have, to possess)] [*tran = tranyc (sunny) - yc (adjective suffix)]
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teaboot · 7 months
You need to make art that nobody else likes. You need to make art that speaks to you alone. You need to cradle a serpent that eats its own tail and you need to love it until it loves you back
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raphaerolo · 3 months
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Get this man medical attention and a hug
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lilowoof · 2 years
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nootshell · 1 year
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
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(“the weather warmer, he is colder”)
— Army Dreamers, Kate Bush
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sasswonfp · 1 year
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This joke came to me in a fit of laughter (ALT description provided :3!)
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stil-lindigo · 2 years
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prodigal son.
a sort of epilogue for God of War Ragnarok, since I miss these two so much.
support me on patreon
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darkpeacemusic · 10 months
Angsty Jeff Headcanons
TW: Angst, mentions of abuse, self harm, murder (attempted and succeeded), death, mention of guns, mentions of being locked up, homelessness
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Before being reunited with Liu, Jeff would come to his empty grave and put his favorite flowers (which are orchids) or small things that remind Jeff of Liu. He did it as apologies to Liu for what he did.
Jeff has an extreme fear of guns due to his trauma from his dad trying to kill him while his mother held him down on the bed and would literally have a panic attack the second he hears gunshots.
Jeff would often cut himself in the bathroom when his self esteem problems hit.
His parents would often call him the mistake child and hit him whenever he did something wrong.
He refuses to go in the basement sometimes because it reminds him of how his parents locked him in the basement as a form of punishment.
He still has nightmares from the night he went crazy and Liu or Ben (sometimes both) have to comfort him and calm him down.
Before coming to the Slender Manor and for a year after he moved in, Jeff wore a mask to hide his smile because of how people called him a freak and a monster after the accident.
Jeff killed innocent people as a way to relief some stress and anger from the outside world.
Jeff was homeless before coming into the Manor because people were too terrified of him and only wanted to throw him in jail.
During his time of homelessness, Jeff would only eat what was edible and pickpocket people for their money (if there was nothing to eat or if he didn't have enough money, he would go to sleep hungry).
Jeff had extreme trust issues when he first moved into the Slender Manor because of how he was so used to how the outside world treated him. He wouldn't even leave his room on most days.
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hummise · 1 year
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a second chance
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