#i love when she goes O.O
abyssruler · 1 year
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my lil pookie
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evilminji · 7 months
Gold can be exchanged for goods and services (o.o )
Pariah's Keep probably has a shit ton of Precious Goods from various places.
Danny is become King?
If Danny becomes King... then the Zone will somewhat obey him. The Crown and Ring could EASILY tell him where the next natural portal is, where it opens up, and for how long. How many there are. Could probably make a few.
Probably WAS supposed to be making them. Consciously. But, well, Coma(tm).
Would probably count as Kingly Duty to filter and collect. Clean Ecto goes out for souls that remain, a Gateway home for those that wish to LEAVE, so forth and so on.
Effectively, being The Grim Reaper. You don't CAUSE Death. You just guide the way home. If folks so choose.
And that's neat! Horrifying, but neat! And Danny can TOTALLY see how it would eventually drive him completely breakfast cereal fruity nuggets! LUCKILY, he's got a vaguely bro's/Mentor thing going with the ghost who has ALL OF POSSIBLE TIME flowing through HIS head! So Danny should be Gucci!
The headaches suck though.
But WHAT... to do with all this Gold and valuable Space Goods? Most of these aren't even recognized currency on earth! Like the Shells. You could buy a mansion with one of those... on the right planet. On Earth? Pretty paperweight. Hmmmm >.>
<o> *points to top of head!* CROWN! It can? Predict and make PORTALS!
Portals lead any WHERE and any WHEN!
Gold... can be exchanged for goods and services. He remembers, holding a gold brick, about to eat so, SO much pizza.
But WAIT! I hear you wondering! Surely, you mean? Within his past? The history and region of space he knows, right? Ha ha :) Nope! Cowards.
Danny is on the alien otter's planet, trading those sweet, sweet Shells for some snacks no human could eat and a shawl for his sister! He's hiding, badly, behind a food stall in the Martian market place. Hoping future hero J'onn Johnes doesn't notice him.
Lying to the Space Cops, bout where his untraceable Space Money came from, on an alien trading satellite. The Green Lantern's not buying it. Oh noooo >.> sudden Fright Knight. Looming Menacingly by the loading doooocks. Everyone's upset! Definitely not related to him! Better go check on that! :) *gets the heck out of dodge* (my king. Please stop using me as a distraction.) (No promises)
But! It's all fun and games? Until your human friends get sick. Like... REALLY sick.
And then you suddenly remember time and space mean nothing to you. One 15 minute flight that way, two doors, a quick flight of stairs, and a literal child's play place slide? You could be in the 32nd century.
That disease is AT BEST, an unpleasant afternoon, there.
Here, your friend could die.
You trade a student two Spanish dubloons. They have no idea what they are. Just like the look of them and know they're real metal. They walk into the pharmacy for you. Don't question your "social experiment paper" lie.
You're back in less then an hour.
The screaming argument about ethics and mortality lasts hours.
She still takes the medicine. Gets better. Won't talk to you for months. Because why does HER life matter more? Why bend the rules for HER? And you can't bring yourself to say what pulses as Truth from both Crown and Ring.
You could because she didn't Matter. Time... would not notice, nor change. She was in no way pivotal to the flow of history, must one more ant beneath its unrelenting march. Mattering only because those who love her CARE. Because one or two little things might change for the better.
But it takes the shine off of it, a little.
Being able to go to the FUTURE. Watch movies and see aliens and humans alike in the crowd. Read books and dance to songs from people who won't be born for hundreds of years. Eat snacks from the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Or the early BCs!
And that's BEFORE other time travelers clock him as That Shopping Guy. The one who keeps popping up... buying things. For what? Unknown. Probably dinner. Half the time it's food. Trinkets. Once it was a really, REALLY nice goat. (His aunt was THRILLED.)
It probably drives Bart crazy. Because NO ONE knows anything about the guy? Everyone just universally goes "oooh yeah! HIM! Yeah, he sure does Exsist(tm). Very... present and exsistant." Like that's not CRAZY! He has so many question. So Many! What is he even BUYING!? Why? Is there an order? Or is he winging it?!
*pulls out list* he needs ANSWERS!
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
I've been dying to ask this, if possible I'm curious to know how would the kings react to a femMC that doesn't get off to penetration and she likes using toys to help her reach her "peak" wheater she does it with a human or a devil it's still a bit challeneging to get there. Cause it's such a common thing, and I feel like they would have interesting reactions.
HOLD UP HOLD UP c( O.O )ɔ I had to get sidetracked by this request...because this is actually pretty common despite everyone being into penetrative sex as the norm. I know for certain that the bois would have workarounds and interesting ways of helping this MC.
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Satan: When he's informed by MC that she uses toys to get off and that penetrative sex isn't her thing, he's confused at first because that's all he's ever really known. But there's nothing he can't do and this challenge is something he's willing to take. However, it's a massive learning curve. He seems to be averse to the toys a local store has available and reluctantly has to ask for help (from Asmodeus). Once he's recommended a toy, which is a specialty wand, he asks for MC to sit back as he uses it. What makes it special is that it's powered off by Satan and MC's level of horniness. The more they get hot and bothered, the higher the speed goes. It can also change shape to pinpoint an area, such as clit only stimulation, or overall external stimulation. What really helps MC get there, is the fact that Satan has his chest pressed to her back, she squirms against his cock, and he loves how her breathing is getting unhinged, the speed increasing, building with both of them as they lose themselves in the moment. Mammon: He's a devil that's exceptional with his hands, and this is something that's up his alley when MC explains her need to have toys to get off as opposed to penetrative sex. He has a custom-made toy, but it throws off MC at first because it's just a simple finger vibrator. Couldn't he have bought one of those from a store? But this finger vibrator requires no batteries and no recharging. All Mammon has to do is channel his demonic energy to it, and it powers up. The nubs that are attached to it vary from soft to firm, and this can change depending on what MC requests. It's a perfect fit on his dominant hand/finger and he has MC sit in his lap. The first time it's used, it's a bit of a learning curve, but he finds out what works for MC. The settings change based on where they are, and there's even an underwater function for when they take baths together. But it's really Mammon's reaction that helps MC get off faster, how his face turns red, how he breathes heavily in response to MC's moans and grinding against his hand. And most importantly, how MC tells him he's doing a good job in pleasing her.
Beelzebub: There was no way that Beel was going to get upset over being told that MC prefers to use toys to get off instead of penetrative sex. At first, though he thinks she's joking, perhaps giving him a hard time, but he then takes it seriously after the first two times of teasing her. It appears that his approach to external only, is a vibrating tongue ring that he crafted and pierced himself. And our devil...is an expert eater. He's careful not to dip his tongue too deep inside her but traces just the outer part of her entrance and other sensitive areas such as her clit/mons. What helps MC get to her peak is how well he controls the vibration, and how the slick flicks and swirls of his tongue work with the added stimulation as if she had a rose toy. Alternatively, if MC agrees to it, he pierces her sex, and the specialty jewelry he used to respond to a spell he casts, so he can have it vibrate from afar. He could be sitting on the other side of the room and have it activated, sending MC into a frenzy as she tries to hide it in public. The spontaneity is what gets both of them off at this point, and even when he's sitting right in front of her, this technique drives both of them wild.
Leviathan: He doesn't like using toys on MC. He feels he should be good enough for her and doesn't like that a toy is the one to bring her to her peak even if she needs help from him. This is most difficult for the two of them because he also is upset that penetration doesn't do it for her. With a lot of patience, MC works with Levi on this, and they both find a toy that could work for them. A thigh-riding toy. Levi can strap it on himself, and MC grinds against it, and while she does so, she has access to choke him with a color-matching collar that responds to her arousal. The closer she gets to her peak, the harder it tightens around his neck. What really makes MC go wild is how desperately he grabs her hips, guiding her to ride his thigh faster, and how they both stare at each other in bliss until the explosive end.
Lucifer: Now, this works out for both of them because Luci is simply just too large for MC. Seeing the size of that thing further solidifies that they need to use a toy together. Lucifer is perfectly fine with this and even anticipated it, taking her to his closet of various toys that he has set aside for things like this. It's quite literally a mini sex toy store as most of the items are unopened. If MC is unable to choose, Lucifer does and it's a textured cocksleeve that vibrates. His approach to this is fucking MC's thighs, the outside of the sleeve stimulates MC by hitting all the good spots, all without having to enter her. At the same time, it vibrates which stimulates both Luci and her, combined with the grinding that slides the sleeve slightly against his shaft. His hands also aid by stimulating other places on her body, holding her close, bringing her to ecstasy. But his goal is having her reach overstimulation so tears stream down her face, and that's when he's able to come, that is after having her cum more than a dozen times already.
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catastrfy · 6 months
here is some odd stuff that i think may support loni's body swap theory let's start here. nina and maggie confront crowley, and his reaction? "but you were crying"
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except it was aziraphale who saw maggie crying. he told crowley she had a "pash" for nina; would he have mentioned the crying? i don't know. but it's ODD.
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but there's also this way crowley says "bla bla bla" to nina and maggie -- it's *ridiculously* overdone when compared to when he says it to muriel
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and then later when later, the metatron asks crowley if he knows him and says he was a big floating giant head. except when crowley last see the metatron?
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when he was in heaven with muriel, in the recording, as one of several enlarged heads on screens.
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but somebody else DID see the metatron last as a big floating giant head just a few years ago....
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well. ift hey swapped WHEN was it? i LOVE loni's fabulous theory where they posit at "no nightingales but could it have been earlier than that? so i've watched and watched and watched the last episode, and i'm thinking maybe it was when gabriel was having his flashbacks.
i am pretty certain the scene before this was them as themselves. here they are before beez gets the fly and gives it to jim. crowley's got his usual mobile face with his forehead creases and expressive mouth... and he talks to beelzebub the way he had earlier (vs how aziraphale had when he was facing hell in s1e6)
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this is the first shot of them after gabriel's flashbacks conclude. look at crowley's face.
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it stays blank for the time that gabriel recognises aziraphale, sees the angels, says "eesh" at the demons, brightens when he sees beez, and when beez tells him aziraphale took better care of him than they could've done.
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we've seen his face with the closed lips and smoother forehead before:
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also, this is subtle and it's entirely possible it only means that this scene was shot over multiple days, but check out the right edge (viewer's right, a's left) of aziraphale's bowtie in each picture here. he's been standing fairly still, yet his tie isn't tied quite the same before the fly and after. you can see an extra stripe at the far right edge in the pic that says "true love" the collar of his jacket has moved; more of the left (our left) side of his waistcoat is visible in the 2nd pic. and again, yes, this absolutely could be different takes, probably not immediately after one another if the bowtie had to be retied. except... didn't they use pre-tied bowties this time around? is this an "everything is meant"???
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i had to look at crowley too, of course. pre-fly, immediate post fly, starting to look normal, then aziraphale gives him a shake and he looks up. there ARE subtle changes. the collar button of his shirt changes position and so does his neck noodle. it's hard to see his tattoo until he's outside (although it's clear before beez gives jim the fly), but that may just be lighting. or maybe it takes a moment to settle in? I DONT KNOW (also, beez keeps looking over at aziraphale & crowley and i want to know WHY/what they see!) and oh, have you noticed that the top of aziraphale's right ear SWIVELS when michael is threatening him with being erased fromthe book of life? it starts at teh end of 33:50 and goes into 33:51. and about 15 frames later, the metatron appears at the door. i don't have a way to make it into a gif, but here's the first and last of his ear moving. it's not him turning his head, because that wisp of hair doesn't move, nor does his lobe. just... the top. o.O
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and ooho, just today i noticed THIS: here's aziraphale's bowtie when he's telling crowley about the offer to go to heaven. LOOK AT THE TARTAN ON HIS TIE.
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previously looking at the tie as the viewer, the vertical stripe pattern of dark stripes is thin dark line, narrow gap, group of medium/dark/medium lines, widish gap, repeat. here it's med/dark/med lines, narrow gap, thin dark line, wider gap, repeat. the fabric is upside down from earlier. (and yes, again, this could be an error by costuming/continuity. but i'm hoping it means something bc everything is meant) if you haven't read loni's theory, go check it out!
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chandeliermichel · 2 months
Harrison's anniversary event summary:
Harry hides the contract from Kate, not because Victor told him to but because it was his way of protecting her. Harry also thinks back to when in his route, he pointed a gun at her and that it sucked. Poor bb is sad. He goes to her room and finds her sleeping. Harry thinks how rare it is because he's not one to rise early. He thinks about how cute she looks :3
Kate wakes up and asks him if he's Harry from her dream, to which he agrees. Kate says that it's the first time she's meeting such a real "dream harry" and then he goes "yeah, I am real"
Kate asks him if something's wrong, and he's like "damn. She's so perceptive. Nothing goes unnoticed" and he lies. "nah. I had a talk with Victor, and he's gonna increase your salary"
Harry thinks that Kate isn't one to give money any value but she surprises him by saying that "money is important. I want to eat lots of sweets with Harry and dress nicely for him, " and he thinks just what kinda person is she? Always thinking about me.
Kate asks him to dress lightly and come in the garden. Before he can reply, she's running, and he's left alone. He meets Ellis in the garden and finds out that Kate has been training so she can protect Harry if the need ever arises and she wants him to "fall in love" with her again. Harry OF COURSE falls in love again. HARD.
Ahem, "a lump of love welled up inside me and I reached towards kate" hehehe 👀 and he tells them that maybe next time, they can invite him to their practice too? Ellis and Kate legit go :))
Harry: don't look at me like that
Kate then shows him how fast she can type, and he feels proud. After some time of walking around, she feels tired and falls asleep in his room.
That's when Liam barges into his room and is like :(( "the contract!! Is katie leaving??" Harry's like, "I won't let that happen"
Kate wakes and she's like, "I am so mad, Harry. I won't stay until you please me." Cuz he hid it from her
Harry & liam: O.o
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Kate asks him to take her to a boat ride during evening time, just like in his route. They are having fun, and yeah, there's nothing more to add. It was just a very cute event ♡♡♡
Later, Harry goes to submit the contract and says, "Crown needs Kate, and I need her more"
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constellyations · 7 months
Hunter x Hunter ships I personally don’t like
These are ships that are NOT supported on my page.
Please note a couple things before reading.
1, I do not hate any ships for being WLW, MLM or NL (hetero) unless it’s the result of representation erasure (An example of this is in the Owl House Community. People ship Lunter and say that it’s ok because Luz is a canon Bisexual but it’s still WLW relationship erasure!!! I do not support Lunter btw…)
2, I’m gonna mention stuff like proshipping and toxic relationships so please be warned if you’re triggered by those types of things do not read under the cut
3, I’m also gonna talk about ships I lovehate due to having extremely mixed opinions.
Alright that’s all!! Enjoy your reading and please remember to respect my opinions and interpretations of the characters. This will also include spoilers for the entire animated series.
Killunary (Killua x Canary)
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There are a couple reasons why I don’t like this ship but it’s mostly because of the power imbalance. Certain employee x employer ships just don’t work due to extreme power imbalance. The main example of this is the Zoldyck family and their abusive nature towards all the butlers, including how Kikyo treats Canary when she got close to Killua.
The other reason is because I see Killua as a heavily MLM coded character. And I’m sorry if you don’t agree but based on both his canon and non-canon interactions with the various women of the story, I don’t think he’s straight. I personally think he might be gay/vincian but it’s up to interpretation!! I cannot see Killua dating a girl. (This includes ships like KilluRetz and Killumane)
Hisomachi (Hisoka x Machi)
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Again, Hisoka is a heavily MLM coded character with Machi being the only woman in the series he’s shown possibly romantic interest in. Hisoka himself is an extremely harmful stereotype of a gay man being overly flamboyant but also predatory towards kids and women. That is a stereotype that is shown and pushed VERY often with Hisoka. (If you do view Machi as WLW, which I do, she’s also a harmful stereotype of the mean, man hating, lesbian./lh)
Also the fact that Machi straight up rejected his dinner offer in the Heaven’s Arena Arc should be enough to push the fact that she doesn’t like him…
Kuroneon (Chrollo/Kuroro x Neon)
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Ok I only have like one reason but I feel like it’s validated tbh!!! He literally attacked her and stole her ability. And I don’t wanna go on a whole rant about Neon and her complexities rn but her nen ability, lovely ghostwriter, was essentially the only reason for her father to love her and care the way he did…
Also their age difference urks me ALOT cuz Neon is about the same age as Kurapika (17-19) and Chrollo is pushin 30… T-T
Kurokura (Chrollo/Kuroro x Kurapika)
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A lot of people ship them because “lol omg enemies to lovers!!” But like. This isn’t that kind of enemies to lovers hun… :// Chrollo and the troupe literally massacred the Kurta Clan with zero mercy and left Kurapika alone and almost defenseless in an unfamiliar world. He destroyed everything Kurapika had. That’s not something Kurapika would or will forgive easily. Kurapika is literally destroying himself inside out because of what the troupe did to the Kurta Clan. This ship is just ugh it’s so toxic I hate >:(
Also again, even if Chrollo didn’t destroy the Kurta Clan, age difference. Kurapika’s the same age as Neon (17-19) and Chrollo is PUSHING 30!!!!! Icky!!!
Tbh this goes for any of the Troupe x Kurapika… gross age difference and disgusting enemies to lovers dynamic.
Pitokai (Neferpitou x Kite/Kaito)
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One of my biggest icks ever is Victim x Killer because like how would YOU feel if you were violently murdered for seemingly no reason and then find out that there are people out there who think you and your killer would be cute if you dated O.O
Yeah it’s like… really toxic. I don’t have the energy to go into all the details of it but Killer x Victim has no reason to be as popular as it is…
Wisky (Wing x Bisky)
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(I couldn’t find any GIFs of them from the movie so you get this still image)
Teacher x Student dynamics really ick me as well… in most but not all cases the teacher is somewhat of a parental figure and the student is very young, in most cases a minor!!! We don’t exactly know if Wing was a kid when Bisky taught him nen since she refers to most people younger then as kids but the idea that she was extremely influential in his earlier years and has that older adult figure role in his life makes the idea of shipping them just.. it makes my skin crawl tbh ^^|||
Also there’s a HUGE age difference with Bisky being 57 and Wing being in his early 20s.
Gingkite (Ging x Kite/Kaito)
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Again w the teacher x student guys… the same reasons as with Wisky expect we know for a fact that Ging met and started training Kite when he was a teenager! Makes this extra icky.
Again with the age difference! Ging is in his 30s I think maybe 40s? And Kite is in his early 20s. Pretty big age gap!!!
Any incestous Zoldyck ships
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The fact that I even have to state this… dude… c’mon…. Incest is NOT cool chat!!
Any ships between the siblings? DISGUSTING!!
Between the kids and the parents? GRODY!!
Between Zeno and his grandkids? OUTRAGEOUS!!
This isn’t even just limited to the Zoldyck family dude… Mito x Ging is a thing apparently…
Any Child x Adult
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Again… why do I need to state this… shipping adults x children is WEIRD!!! And NOT OK!!!
Hisoka x Gon? GROSS!!
Killua x Machi? STILL GROSS!!!!
Please if you ship canon children with adults… please… just get off my page :^
Merupouf (Meruem x Shaiapouf)
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Gonna be so fr w you guys… I used to ship this… i thought they were funny :’) I’VE RECOVERED DW!!! (/lh)
Uh yeah so the power dynamic is really erm!!! /neg I genuinely cannot go into detail about how toxic they are but I’ll try to summarize… Pouf has like a perfected version of Meruem in his head as the king but when Meruem starts to change for the better he rejects it and thinks he knows what’s best for the king and shit!!! Also Meruem treats his Royal guards like shit (at the beginning) their relationship gets only slightly better towards the end but it’s still abusive!!!
Also my friend Eren pointed out that the Royal guards exist solely for Meruem. Like they are Meruem and Meruem only. Everything is for him and that adds like a super fucked up dynamic to this ship…
Ok so that’s all I can think of rn… please try to understand that this is MY interpretation and perception of these characters. It is ok if this is not how you see these characters, but it is how I see them.
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the-roo-too · 1 year
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candy -> seol yoona ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- your determination. through your relationship, yoona has seen many faces of you and although you don’t fight often, she appreciates the effort you put after every argument to not make the same mistake again
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- hands; i said that already, didn’t i 😭 she likes to link your pinkies and all that :3
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- yoona needs to be facing you, i don’t make the rules. she just wants to see your face at all times so she can remind you you’re so pretty :(( my girl is so in love with you
dates (what’s her ideal date)- she would love something cliché, like going to see a movie together. a simple date, but she loves it. pls take her on a lot of dates :(
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- everything is clear with her and i am serious. you can perfectly read her, she can read you. there’s no mishaps or anything in that field
family (does she want one)- YES!!! not now of course, but when you’re both older, she’d like a small family of her own <33
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- she likes to but she doesn’t need to, if you get what i mean. sully will smile fondly when you lock your pinkies or squeeze her hand in yours but she’ll survive if you don’t do so. i think she just prefers hugs over hand holding
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- every time something happens, it goes down this way: sully cries, you cry because she cries, she notices the injury isn’t fatal, she starts laughing, you start choking on laughter. she later needs to rescue you from the choking fit.
jokes (does she like to joke around)- yes, she loves to! but it’s just casual, harmless jokes. depending on her mood they might get a little flirty, but nothing besides that. she likes one liners because no matter how bad they are, they always make you smile.
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- when kissing you, sullyoon likes to have her hand wrapped around you waist. she can stroke you sides that way and it always makes you smile in the kiss. she likes them slow and sensual, but not necessarily lusty. just pure love.
love (what’s her love language)- food, in the snacks sense. sully makes sure you always have a bite wherever you go, she doesn’t want you to feel hungry :(( probably makes you breakfasts with a little love letters <3 pls do that for her too sometimes, she’ll melt
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- her debiut showcase, where you surprised her. every time she hears o.o she thinks back to the moment she noticed you in the crowd, eyes wide, mouth agape. you were and still are her biggest supporter
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- she’s a quiet sleeper. yoona doesn’t snooze or anything. the only thing that could irk someone; not you of course; is how cuddly she gets all of a sudden. she needs to have her arm wrapped around you or she’ll wake up after and bother you about how she can’t sleep
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- as mentioned, sullyoon needs to be facing you while cuddling. that leads to you waking up in the middle of the night to find her staring at you with stars in her eyes. you ask what’s going on and she replies brightly ‘you’re just so pretty’
pet names (what does she like to call you)- my love, baby, cutie, wifey; all the classics. most of the time, she uses cutie <33
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- i feel like she’d be into making flower crowns during spring and summer. you can wear matching ones and look so cute <33 when it’s colder, she will probably draw you flowers. sully drawing a lil rose on your arm because she was bored? me thinks yes
rush (does she rush into things)- kind of yeah? the moment you start dating, she already picked which house you’ll buy together. sully rushes to plan things, but she can wait with putting those plans in action.
secrets (how open is she with you)- when you first start dating, you don’t know all that much about her. kinda only what she wants you to know. as the time goes by, she warms up to you tho! tells you about her childhood, family etc.
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- for that one, sullyoon is pretty straightforward. it takes her like a week to muster up the courage to ask you out, but she reasons that it’s either you agree or you don’t, and you stay friends she would cry if you wouldn’t agree
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- quickly tries to find out the reason. sully doesn’t want her poor baby to be sad! she comforts you a lot, hugs and kisses and cuddling under a blanket and all that :((
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- yes but also no. she does want to come out to the public and be able to feel herself, but she’s scared of the backlash you could get. it’s more of hate on you for being her girlfriend than hate on you for being gay, yk? if you two got the opportunity to come out, she would carefully talk it out with you <33
warrior (how often do you fight)- rarely, as i mentioned. the communication in your relationship is very good, so there’s not many misunderstandings. i feel like the biggest fight you’d have would be because you thought she was ignoring you while she was planning to propose 😭
x-ray (is she able to read you)- i already said that too, but everything is clear with you two. no emotional barriers or anything, just two gays in love (that’s of course a bit after you start dating)
yes (how would she propose to you)- N E R V O U S!!!!! plans that for a week, you think you’re growing apart, she cries on the day because she thought she forgot the ring and all of that is recorder by lily. sully had a whole speech prepared but during the cute lil diner she made, she accidentally dropped some sauce on the paper so she had to improvise. all the nmixx girlies we’re watching you two but couldn’t hear what was happening, besides lily, so when they saw you two crying, haewon ran at you thinking you declined the proposal 💔
zen (what makes her feel calm)- your scent, as basis as that sounds. she steals things like hoodies or scarfs just so she can nuzzle into the material when she’s having a tougher moment. pls give her all the cute hoodies you own :((
part of [the fluff series]
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blackwolfstabs · 8 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 13
Sam is notorious for struggling with modern text language, memes, etc. and is always teased for doing so, but when she misspells a word on the same token, the rest of the Core Four can't let her live it down. (AU: Dead characters are alive)
Primary help from @samcscreams, @dreamersbcll, & @zombiemeadow Other contributing writers: @alkivm & @fantasylandbitch - ty so much for the help!! i couldn't have written it without each of you ♡
Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪
Sam: Guys, I gotta question.
Mindy: What’s up??
Chad: Shoot
Tara: what is it?????
Sam: What does “IDK, LY,” and “TTYL” mean?
Tara: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Sam: Ok, love you too Tara ❤️ Chad, Mindy, do either of you know??
Mindy: omg 😂
Chad: I don’t know, love you, and talk to you later
Sam: Oh ok. Wow I guess I asked at a bad time. Everyone’s busy haha
Mindy: NO SAM THAT’S WHAT THEY MEAN!!! IDK means “I don’t know”, LY means “love you”, and TTYL is “talk to you later” 🤣🤣🤣
Tara: lmfao DUHHHH
Chad: #sendhelp4sam
Sam: Fuck..
Mindy: Girl keep up!! 
Tara: that’s hard for her bc she wasn’t born in this century. she’s like lowkey a boomer fr
Mindy: Ahhh right
Tara: ok, boomer
Mindy: just by a year, barely
Chad: wait… Sam are you related to Uncle Sam????
Sam: Are you serious… no, I’m not..
Mindy: OK gotta agree with Boomer Sam here. Just because they have the same name doesn’t mean they’re related, dingus
Sam: Stop.
Tara: lol “boomer sam”
Sam: . . . . .
Chad: 21th century got ur tongue there, old timer?? 😂
Tara: nah her dentures probably fell out
Sam: You don’t need your mouth to fucking text…
Tara: ah my bad, then is it the arthritis?
Mindy: Bet it’s the arthritis 100%
Sam: That’s not funny.
Mindy: No, T, don’t shout out her, you know how the ol’ elders feel about loud and obnoxious noises 
Chad: OHHH Sam’s that old fish from that one episode of spongebob that kept yelling “Too loud! Still too loud!” it’s so sam-coded 🫡
Tara: ahahahahaha fr tho!!!!
Sam: No, it’s ducking not.
Sam: *fucking
Chad: Ducking??????? DUCKING???!!!!!
Tara: poor thing hasn’t gotten reading glasses yet. I told u to get some a looooooonnngg time ago Sam! did u seriously forget again?? 
Sam: Give me a break, it was autocorrect…
Mindy: Uh.. of course she did! She probably hasn’t refilled her dementia medication yet smh
Chad: *WOULD YOU GUYS STOP?! - You forgot the question mark there, senior citizen
Chad: Now, she can’t grammar correctly.. Someone get her Life Alert before she does anything else!!!!! 
Sam: Fuck you.
Chad: Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌
Sam: You’re not even using correct grammar either so stfu.
Tara: oh man, I hope you’re sitting down, Sam. don’t want u getting so worked up that u fall and break a hip.. 🫣
Mindy: emphasized “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”
Mindy: replied to “Hey hey easy, I’m just respecting my elders 😌”: Oh my God, THAT’S IT!!!
Mindy named the group chat “Granny Sam’s LifeAlert Team 🚑🏥”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Granny Sam 🧓”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Chad: 👏👏👏
Mindy: Yesss! We must protect Granny Sam, she’s quite frail after all 🙏
Tara: true, very true
Granny Sam 🧓: 🖕🖕🖕
Chad: rude.
Mindy: Don’t take it personal. She’s just cranky because she hasn’t had her afternoon nap. Who wants to volunteer to take her to bed???
Tara: nose goes! 🫢
Chad: Not it!!
Granny Sam 🧓: I swear to God if I hear someone outside my door, I’ll fucking show you how to take it personal, starting with you, Tara.
Granny Sam 🧓: How’s THAT for cranky?
Chad: Oooooohhhh she mad now…
Mindy: It’s fine. By the time she would get across the room, she’d probably have to sit down. Bad back and everything yk?? Old people probs 🤷‍♀️
Granny Sam 🧓: Ok, Tara, you can thank Mindy because she just took your place in being the one I beat the shit out of first.
Tara: Thx Mindy, love u 🩷
Mindy: Is that supposed to scare me, grandma?
Granny Sam 🧓: It should.
Granny Sam 🧓: Change my name back. Change the group name back. And change the goddamn picture back!
Mindy: Uhhhh excuse you… magic word???
Granny Sam 🧓: Are you serious?
Mindy: Damn straight.
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine.
Granny Sam 🧓: Please.
Mindy: Nah, I’m good
Granny Sam 🧓: MINDY
Chad: I’m finna bet money. Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mindy: Okay, but I hope you have medicaid, Ms. Nancy Loomis II
Granny Sam 🧓: THAT’S IT
Tara: O-O 
Tara: shit just got real
Chad: yep. U shouldn’t have brought her real grandma into it.. It was nice knowing u, Mindy 💀
Tara: rip 🪦💐
Mindy: Okay guys, send help. I actually think she might be coming to kill me…
Tara added Billy to the group.
Tara: BILLY!!! ok u know I would never ask for ur help but… CONTROL UR DAUGHTER SHE’S GONE MAD
Billy: We all go a little mad sometimes.
Chad: Ok, well she’s dead
Mindy: Chef’s kiss perfection tho!! 🤌🤌
Tara: NO SERIOUSLY!!! she’s gonna kill Mindy any minute now. U need to stop her 😳
Billy: I’m guessing Sam’s pissed because of the group name, icon, and… her contact name?
Chad: YES!!!!
Billy: Sam, you’re not killing Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: You asking me or telling me?
Billy: Good point. I’m TELLING you. You’re NOT KILLING Mindy.
Granny Sam 🧓: Or what?
Billy: Well I’d tell you, but I don’t think you want the other 3 to hear.
Tara: 👀
Chad: 😳
Mindy: ?????
Granny Sam 🧓: ……
Granny Sam 🧓: You’re lucky I love you, Mindy..
Mindy: I know I am 😎
Billy: Good girl.
Granny Sam 🧓: Don’t even start.
Billy: Hey, they called me for you. You’re the one who started shit.
Chad: Hey Billy, if I paid you, would you tell us what you would’ve done??
Tara: O.o
Granny Sam 🧓: Hey Chad, if I paid you, would you shut up?
Chad: nope!
Granny Sam 🧓: Fine. Then Billy, if I paid you, would you get the hell out of here?
Tara: lol
Billy: Sorry Chad, but as tempting as that sounds, no. And Sam, how much are we talking?
Granny Sam 🧓: A dollar.
Billy: No.
Granny Sam 🧓: Get out.
Billy: Someone change everything that was changed back to normal first. If I leave and get dragged back into this, you’re all gonna pay. 😈
Chad: Yes sir! 🫡
Tara: that’s you, Mindy
Mindy named the group chat “Core 4 ❤️‍🔥💪”
Mindy changed Granny Sam 🧓’s contact name to “Sam”
Mindy changed the group chat photo.
Billy left the group.
Sam: Thank you.
Chad: Don’t thank us, thank your dad
Sam: Take the win, Chad.
Chad: 🫡
Mindy: Okay sooooo what was all that about between you and your father, Sam???? He was like gonna.. Punish you or something?
Sam: Or something. I honestly don’t know what he was getting at, but I wasn’t about to let it get far enough to know so… 🤷‍♀️
Tara: OR you’re secretly a “daddy’s girl” and don’t want us to know?????? 🤔
Sam: Tara…
Mindy: Hmm that gives me an idea… 💡
Mindy named the group chat “Princess Loomis 👑🔪”
Mindy changed Sam’s contact name to “Daddy’s Girl”
Daddy’s Girl: FUCK
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this was so fun to write holy shit xD but my apologies if anything said by any of the characters offends you.
to all of my mentioned peeps above, i hope i did your ideas justice! ik i didn't do everything, but i had so much fun writing this that i know i will definitely be writing more text chats at some point. i'll get to the others! thank you again and blessings to you all. ☀
All my best! ♡ - parker
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Anonymous asked:
Hi it's more of an observation... If we ever like, as Y/N pisses off the Ladies of Re8 to a point where they punish us "Death isn't worthy for the likes of you" kind of way. They love us, won't kill us of course nor torture but they just KNOW how to fuck us up. How funked are we ?
That is a really good question… I think it depends on which lady we are talking about
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100% a hard ass when it comes to Y/N following the rules. Gets all angry, huffy and complains a lot. But, she’s a mom to three crazy buggy babies… It’s safe to say she can be a bit of a pushover for her loved ones.
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She’s the one you want to watch out for, folks. Let us not fucking forget that as soft, cottage-core, uwu, babey as she is: She also conjured that demon fetus-baby thing… Watch your six, Y/N.
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O.o She is so damn weird, y'all. She thinks of the world pretty much in black and white. There is usually never any gray area. Either Y/N fucked up or they didn’t. Also, as much as I love her… She be giving me serious Karen energy sometimes, smh.
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Bela wants to come off as completely composed at all times, but… When she actually loses her temper, her brain short-circuits and all that fancy private-school vocabulary goes out the window. It’s funny seeing her try to be so intense while barely being able to form a coherent insult, tho.
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This woman is always up for sexual punishments (As long as it’s consensual, we stan consent in this house). I just have the idea that she likes to use things like chains, whips and riding crops… She loves weapons so much, why not a few props?
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Dani’s not great at controlling Y/N’s bad behavior, in fact, she’s usually the one encouraging it. She feels like she can’t really put a lot of teeth into what she’s saying when she scolds them. They both do dumbass things. It’s like trying to tell a teenager not to smoke weed when you’re fucking faded.
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izartn · 1 year
Rereading the scholomance series, and on the bit after El and Orion have their first time and wow.
Orion knows so so well there's something incredibly wrong with him, from the way he seems to have been avoiding getting more intimate with El bc he fears feeding on her mana (the implication it was this from the start of his mana starvation on senior year, not just the general risks El fears) to how he breaks down sobbing right after they have sex because she's the only (first) right (human) thing he ever wanted, and he explains he only ever wanted to hunt mals and suck their mana since he was little so he doesn't resent his parents for letting him do that (and he knows exactly what el thinks of that but orion is grateful, bc yeah. mawmouth-boy amalgama he needed it) (and the were desperate to make him more normal, except in golden enclaves we discover they're at fault orion is like this and wow.) and how he knows going fucking nuclear on the Shanghai Enclaves and co who tried to murder El wasn't normal, and that it unsettled El. I love that he remembered that it scared her, bc he doesn't want to, and tht after the incident he thought on it all and decided he didn't want to be that kind of guy.
I mean, getting angry and trying to reflexively retaliate when someone tries to murder you and El (whom he adores) I get it, most of us aren't heroine El Higgins as much as she likes to pretend she isn't, but that scene lasted more than just the moment, El got her giant shield, and then Orion demonstrated he's got a fucking nasty temper and a reflex for going to inflict gruesome violence, after taking the most chilling seconds on book canon trying to process just what almost happened to them both, but mostly El on his PoV. El tried to redirect him like twice and he went back to try very intently to have his chance offing Yuyan, Zixuan and Co, the second one when Magnus came with New York and the rest of allied enclaves thanks to Liesel and wwiii magician versión almost gets off was O.o, until El threatens everybody with mass destruction which brought back Orion to the world of, oh yah my scary girlfriend who could kill everyone in this room including myself is awesome. Dude.
It's the way you end reading all that scene and their conversation almost at the end of the book, and you feel El is not getting what Orion is trying to say, missing that there is something really really wrong with him. Because I think senior year Orion has had no choice but notice all the ways he doesn't make sense, and the way he seems to always need more mana from mals so much he starts looking mad to the outsiders and not caring for anything else (I think it feels to him like executive disfunction in that he gets into a loop of "I should be doing homework x but I can't bc I first need to hunt mals except I can't find any so I'm tired so I can't do anything") , to the point he starts fearing taking El's which almost happens in the library if not for Precious (hello??? rereading that having read the golden enclaves sent chills through my skin, holy shit) and I think he must have noticed by then. Because Orion is simultaneously more observant and more out of touch than he seems on first impression.
Agh no wonder he decides to stay behind and disappear into the void with the Scholomance, I wonder if face to face with mawmouths and his own almost lost of sense of himself to the rush of mal-mana consumption right at the end of The Last Graduate he realiced what he must be and just. Choose it as the only option so as to not go mad and hurt(eat) El. Must have killed him.
No, given The Golden Enclaves I'm sure this is exactly what happened. Orion needs a hug so so badly.
And then he passes that last book lost on the hunger, then goes through a grueling purification to bring back what's left of his sense of self and humanity, with the knowledge that hes more like a mawmouths but back (but still a monster inside) , discovering his mother did this to him after killing hundreds of kids actually, and she may love to get her hands on El and use her (which Orion isn't thrilled about), and the enclaves may go to war in wwiii magic version (this time for real) , and you know, no wonder he quits trying to stay (alive, as a person) a quarter to end or so of The Golden Enclaves.
I love him, I want his perspective on a spin off novella or something after canon, bc it has to be the most weird mix of super transparent and also heartbreakingly sad and heartwarming once you read between the lines, and because I want his super subjective PoV on Galadriel because he loves her so so much in both the adorkable teenagy way and in a "you've saved my life and existence and the world makes sense bc of you" which has to scare them both a bit. Also Orion PoV on the rest of characters now he isn't blinded by the hunger and he can actually interact with others and have interests of his own. Fascinated by his possible hobbies.
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barid-bel-medar · 11 months
Oh Barid! You’re brilliant and evil.
Just realized an implication of Yaoyorozu interning with Best Jeanist. Bakugou would definitely ask how many points she needed to be accepted and Momo goes like: I entered by a recommendation elite test. O.o
...You know nonny that was actually *not* why I wanted them to meet but now is getting added in (it was in part because when it comes down to it Katsuki is good at costume design and I love Momo but she just is...not).
Like also the other reason is obviously Jeanist himself is good for costume design, his Quirk is heavily reliant on finesse and understanding of materials, and I wanted her to intern somewhere unusual.
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blackjackkent · 4 months
OK, loading up the map in preparation to go hunt down Gortash, and I notice something veeeeeeeery interesting.
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Wyrm's Rock waypoint no longer exists.
The quest journal also indicates that invading the Iron Throne and rescuing Ravengard et. al. was the point of no return on any possible alliance with Gortash, not that we were going to take that anyway.
So I'm going to take this to mean that probably everyone in Wyrm's Rock has been given orders to kill us on sight. We need to go there, however, because Gortash is hanging out in his office there waiting for us.
So this is a shame... for them. >:) Time to chug a hill giant potion and Get Down To Business.
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Called it.
It looks like we basically have to fight every Flaming Fist between Basilisk Gate and the door of Enver's office - as well as their big metal buddies.
Combat highlights as we work through the fortress:
This is our first time trying to fight a Steel Watcher and goddamn do they have a lot of health. (206 HP on Balanced Difficulty) But they take a fist or a trident or an owlbear claw or a greatsword or a hamster to the face just as well as anybody.
We're trying out Jaheira's new build, which is super fun and allows us to summon a dryad until long rest to travel and fight with us, raise fungal zombies out of dead enemies, and turn into an owlbear and rampage with more or less the same rage mechanic that Karlach and Minsc have. Team Juggernaut now officially includes all four party members. :D
This is our first time trying to fight a Steel Watcher and goddamn do they have a lot of health. (206 HP on Balanced Difficulty) But they take a fist or a trident or an owlbear claw or a greatsword or a hamster to the face just as well as anybody.
They do however also do this when they start getting low health:
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This definitely complicates the fight somewhat as it means they need to be finished off at range. They also start making the most incredibly anxiety-inducing noise once this condition is activated. O.O
The bright side is the damage from the explosion also hurts the Watcher's allies; one of the Fist got completely finished off this way.
Sent Jaheira running into the backline as an owlbear and she got this incredible low growl in her voice and went "I go hunting..." I love her.
Apparently her enrage mechanic, which can make nearby creatures Frightened, is also indiscriminate and could make our team afraid as well. I don't blame them but this does mean I need to be somewhat careful with her positioning. XD
Apparently killing a Steel Watcher triggers something called "Pursuit Protocol" which means for 20 turns every Steel Watcher in the city is hostile. This seems not particularly relevant to Hector's situation but I guess might be relevant if you were doing multiplayer and had split the party.
The somewhat nice thing about this team composition is that I've managed to reach a point where almost no one is using spell slots for anything significant. This is probably somewhere near the exact opposite of an optimal party setup, but it does mean short and long rest usage is basically entirely dependent on when the team gets too battered to continue. Which takes a while. XD
These are, however, definitely not easy fights. That self-destruction protocol really is quite devastating when it goes off, particularly combined with the fact that the Steel Watchers seem to be centered around CC skills. Their fundamental strategy seems to be "trap enemy in place and then explode on them".
I completely forgot I had given Karlach, many many moons ago, the Aspect of the Honey Badger, which auto-rages her as a reaction when she's Frightened, Charmed, or Poisoned. This is the first time I've actually seen it proc and it startled me. XD
(I did have to restart this fight once because I did some poor opening strategy before I understood how the Steel Watchers worked. o.o; RIP Tragically for Team Juggernaut, who excel in close quarters, range is very important here, so I don't really get to test out Jaheira's owlbear form. Better strategy: lots of zomber summons, Minsc throwing Nyrula, Hector opening with Stagger Flurry of Blows so he can back out after doing damage, and Karlach taking potshots with a crossbow. Boo keeps getting flattened immediately so we imagine him squeaking encouragement from the sidelines)
Look at me using Strategy and entangling the door where all the Fist are trying to come out of. \o/
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This is actually a really hard fight jfc. Five watchers plus adds is no joke.
But we got through in the end, with everyone alive and only one reset! I think I'm getting better at this game. :D
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captorcorp · 8 months
ok im rambling about my thoughts on tadc bc i have many (long post)
ok first of all general character opinions with walk cycle gifs to break up the walls of text (gifs from here):
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caine: the silly guy... literally why red recommended this to me was the digital world setting + an ai character and they know me too well because every ai character is my favorite by default. i'm very excited to see what we end up learning about him throughout the series, also i absolutely love that he was inspired by AM from ihnmaims but 'if he was a silly little guy instead of fueled by hate' or whatever the creator said about him. his weird head design is really creative though it does discomfort me a bit sometimes, something about the combination of eyes and teeth;;; still think he's kinda tumblr sexyman coded besides the teeth head but most people are too distracted with objectifying jax so he gets a pass
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pomni: she's cool!! it's hard to form a solid view of her so far bc most of what we've seen is her being understandably overwhelmed with and O.O at everything, but she seems like she'll be a pretty interesting protag - i liked them showing her moments of weakness with leaving ragatha behind too. that being said i think she stretched out the 'omg this isn't real what's going on???' freaking out bits way too long but that's just a personal gripe with that sorta stuff in media like this. if i was isekai'd into the digital circus i would simply be so chill about it after only 5 minutes of panic. rip to pomni but i'm different /j oh yeah also a fun character design even though i don't really like clowns she's just very Shaped
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jax: motherfucker. jk i actually don't feel that strongly about him i just find him slightly annoying at times. at first i thought 'oh ok he's a loveable asshole yeah he's kinda entertaining so he's cool' and then he just ended up being more asshole than loveable. also thought he was sexyman coded and was unfortunately right this time ^^; apparently he's the creator's fave too?? so hopefully he doesn't get away with too much stuff without consequences, or he's gotta actually get some positive traits yknow. however i do love his design with the big grin and semicircle eyes and etc, very cartoony and fun. if the controversial blorbo poll was still open i would submit him bc it seems like the fandom is split on him. but also kinda tired of him from fandom overexposure
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ragatha: she's really nice and i want to be her friend - looking forward to seeing where her character goes in the future though, bc we've only seen her being polite and forgiving and sweet and etc, and i think she should be allowed to kill people /hj. it was cool seeing her get glitched too even if ;-;. i was never into raggady ann stuff like i've heard the creator is but her design is still cute too, even if less surreal than some of the others ^^
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bubble: keep forgetting this guy exists, not a huge fan tbh? gets some points for being another ai though. looks like a chain chomp. i do like that they're able to be popped and respawn though, that's a fun quirk. the scene with them cleaning up after pomni is p gross
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kinger: i barely thought about this guy during the pilot tbh so was surprised to see the fandom all adoring him. kinda just reminds me of fear from inside out. but actually overexposure of him from tumblr and other people enjoying him kinda made him grow on me a bit (reverse of what has been happening w jax). he's pretty cool to me now. i can't believe fandom already gave him a tragic backstory with that queen chesspiece we see crossed out...
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zooble: another character i didn't really think about, though i like their design and detachable body parts and such. i also couldn't really get a good sense of their personality tbh? i think they just need more screentime honestly
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gangle: i wanted to like her a lot more than i did when i first saw her bc her design is very fun, with the ribbon-based body and comedy/tragedy masks and etc. but ended up not getting too interested in her as a character. but i think she's in the same category as zooble where she needs more screen time and character development though? bc she still seems like she could be cool if her personality gets explored more
thoughts on the overall pilot:
ngl i have a whole bunch of gripes about it despite also rotating it in my mind. i feel like a lot of the characters are a little 1-dimensional currently, even if i do find those dimensions appealing for the most part, hoping they get more characterization in the actual main season though. also most of the pacing/jokes didn't really land for me or felt a bit forced, though there were some good bits like king's hands following zooble's head, pomni opening doors to surreal scenes like the bathing mannequin, jax getting choked by zooble's hand, the randomly generated 5-letter names, also any of the cartoony imagery gags like the censor bars or cartoon dust cloud of gloinks.
however, overall i enjoyed it still!!! all of the animation has so much charm and character to it, surreal semi-human character designs are always great, it's very colorful and bright and reminiscent of old early 2000s activity center games, etc. it gives me kinda 'welcome home' vibes, with both being bright and cheery exteriors meant to mimic old media style that mask darker stuff under the surface. also the general plot of like. people being trapped in this weird setting and forced to participate in fucked up (?) games by some mysterious mastermind (well we know who the mastermind is but not much about him) while struggling to escape or understand why they've been trapped here... very common plot but always is intriguing to me. also of course [holds digital worlds and ais in my hands] my beloved tropes...
thoughts on the fandom:
i am. concerned. that there seems to be an overlap with the h*zb*n h*t*l fandom;; but also i don't know anything about that show's status besides like. callout posts about the creator and people complaining about the pacing/character designs and etc. so i don't really know if all of the hh fans is bc it's like, also an animated series that appeals to the same audience? or if it's going to be too similar or inspired from it or also have a problematic creator somehow 😔
otherwise it's whatever, maybe a bit on the :I side bc i already saw someone make a y*nd*r* jax imagine post and it scared me hjkdfs. otherwise mostly just usual fandom stuff i think? dunno.
actually nevermind i just got back from twitter and apparently the creator is already feeling :/ about their own fandom and apparently people on tiktok are hcing some fucked up stuff about jax so. can fans be normal for 2 seconds please.
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missladora · 11 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
Oh gosh I don't really have more than 10 people who like or reblog something from me like that! I'm not very popular, so games like these do not go very well. 1) I enjoy programming and math when it lines up. There's something about a good working equation that just makes me want to smile. This also goes in Minecraft, where you can set up patterns of like... 3 block wide, 5 block wide, 3 block wide, and then somehow it'll occasionally mathematically add up to be even with whatever it is you want to do. It's the best! 2) We have a local food place, and it is To Die For. I didn't like it at first, but after I requested my fries to be extra crispy, started using the provided salt, and started ordering their chicken (took me a while to find a main course I liked), I actually really fuck with it now. I love me some fries n' chicken. Also their prices are cheaper than fast food places nowadays o.o" 3) I like spending time with my partner! She's funny, smart, quick witted, and we simply bond well. It's really nice to do things with her, whatever they are, and she always puts a bright smile on my face. 4) I like taking showers. I remapped what the purpose of a shower is in my head, and now they're a delight. Showers are a privilege a lot of people take for granted, and I used to be among that list. Now when I take a shower, I consider it as *hydrotherapy* rather than *cleaning myself*, and it's been making me want to take them far more often than ever. I like to take them nice and hot and gosh it just really makes me have a good time for as long as I am in them. 5) Baking! I love baking. Whether it's cupcakes, cakes, pretzels, brownies... I've recently discovered the joy of working with yeast and nothing tends to put a bigger smile on my face than a risen dough and the sweet, salty delight of whatever rising bread I am happening to work with. I would love to do this more... I'm gonna cheat and do 6. 6) Myself. For as much troubles and depression as I have, I find that my problem isn't actually self hate. Sure, I put myself down at times, but I think a lot of it stems from unmedicated mental health issues. I do care about myself, I just care about myself in weird and unusual ways. After I clean myself, I continue showering just for the hot water, as it feels good. I let myself lay in an hour longer when I have no responsibilities, because I deserve good rest. I eat foods that I personally like, and make sure to treat myself. I get a vitamin every day. I don't get as much exercise as I should, but I do take walks every so often, and they tend to be good exercise with how much of a sweat I work up because of uphill&duration of the walk 😅 Thank you for asking me!
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grigori77 · 2 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 90
Nord VPN again ... so what this -- ah, I see ... Sam, you chaos gremlin ... yes, that's right, Samuel, you can't mess with these people ... Marisha: "I don't trust you, you piece of shit." Nor should you ...
Laura pronouncing EU as "ew" and Liam not quite getting it ... XD
Oh, so does this mean they really ARE splitting up for this part? Oof ... you know you're not supposed to DO THAT ...
Roll for which group goes first? Hmmm ... the bombers first, then ... okay ...
Ira you creepy fucker I swear I don't trust you as far as I can throw you ...
So ... it's a familiar familiarity then, Matthew?
Ashley sleight of hand Nat20? Awww ... and apparently she may just have given that old beggar a small fortune round here ...
The objective of the plan ... hmmm ... meanwhile it seems FCG may be grating on Ira's nerve some ...
Barking? Really? Probably not good ...
Perception check time ... hmmmm ... fancy insect skull ... viculch? Okay ... these things are MASSIVE ...
Oh crap ... Gloamglut? The fay dragon? Not a good sign ... Fearne's dad's close, clearly ...
Over to the other group? Okay ...
Sprawlgrotto? That is impossibly difficult to say, clearly ...
What to roll? Crap ...
Invisible shenanigans ... yup ...
Wow ... Marisha rolled SO SHIT for having advantage ... thank the gods for those Nat20s ...
Lots of myceit ... harvesting fungi? That's not, like, weirdly existentially odd for them?
Seriously, was Matt reading too much Dungeon Meshi when he came up with this stretch of the campaign?
Scry ball is pretty close now ... but still not EXACTLY where they're going ... O.O
Music? Interesting ... whoa! Street busking! Cool! A didgeridoo? Awesome ...
No way to know if they're under any casual observation ...
Awwwwww ... the twinsies continue to be so cute together ... :3
Con save for Chetney's flatulence ...
Okay, so ... are they close to their destination or what?
That is one HEAVILY GUARDED entrance ... any other ways in?
Awwww ... flirty witch girlfriend shenanigans ... I love them ... :3
Wow ... Matt's sexy pre campaign days on a t-shirt ... well done, Sam ... LOL
Already halfway though their invisibility? Not good ...
Whoa ... are they in the mad god's brain? Is this like Knowhere? Laura, your brain worries me sometimes ...
Ashley, what are you doing with that hood? :3
"Passing miners"? Congrats on dodging the Galaxy Quest ref there guys ...
So they're on high alert, then ... hmmmm ...
Uh-oh ... incoming ... and they're zeroing in on Ira ... great ...
"A dark armoured figure"? Crap ... shit! Zathuda? Balls ...
Weird ass Predator looking Hulk mofo ...
Sunder Lord? Interesting ... wait, so this might be the Sunder KING? Okay ... so this is Cruth, then ... the Reiloran big bad himself ...
Bollocks ... have then been sniffed out?
Everybody knows you don't give dogs chocolate! Even freaky alien ones!
Speak With Animals? Hmmmm ...
Oh for the love of the gods Sam, not again ... ewww ... and it's WET?!!! Come on Riegel!
Fearne is clearly DETERMINED for this thing to just be a GOOD BOY isn't she? I really DON'T think this is gonna work, Fearne!
I don't think that griffon meat's gonna work out, Ashton. It's WAY too old ...
Speak With Animals AND Command on the thing? Good luck with that, Letters ... or Fast Friends? Hmmm ... wow ... hope this is a good choice ... yeah, he Commands it to "GIT!!!!" And it works? Blimey ...
Wow, that was bloody close ... phew ...
HOLY FUCK did Ira just pull a Jedi mind trick on that guy? O.O
Flip flop, back and forth ... here we go ...
Cupped? Hmmm ... is that an "underboob" joke, perchance?
Yeah, I mean ... SURELY the rope itself would be invisible too since it was covered by the same spell ...
Spiderclimb PLUS Invisibility ... okay, here we go, then ...
Not NOTHER shite roll? Two 2s? Balls ... Marisha, WHY?!!!
Wow ... this has gone all kinds of Abbott & Costello ... oh thank the gods FINALLY a good roll ...
This plan keeps getting more and more convoluted and I love it ... LOL ...the stink of desperation is STRONG now ...
"Matt: "You're Batman-ing this! Like Adam West!" XD
I cannot believe that actually worked ... or did it? O.O
Oh yeah, OF COURSE they got spotted. That WAS a massive fuckup ...
Phew ... that was like SCARY close ... and NOW he checks for traps? Oof ... at least they're in ... so what now?
Aha! So Chetney could follow her scent? Cool ... oh WHAT?!!! A Cytaa? Is that HER Cytaa? Okay then ... Gona? Cute ... So yeah, this could work, then ...
Awww ... yeah, let her hide in Laudna's birdhous backpack! Yeah! Oh yeah ... yeah, better on their shoulders, rather than in there with Pate ... O.O
Time running out for Orym's Invisibility ... great ...
Back to the bombers, again ...
A new wall ... a "BLAST WALL?" Oh, that can't be good ...
Oh, so this is going to be a PROBLEM for them going forward?
Passwall? With the Staff? Would that actually WORK?
This shit is FIFTEEN FEET THICK?!!! Bloody hell ...
Oh, an Illusory spell? Yeah, that's best ... nice one, Ira. And now he's making will-o-the-wisp lights too ... FCG: "I don't know why I bother."
Some kind of seriously ugly drilling machine ... that thing is just NASTY ... 3 Reilorans and a Hulk? Hmmmm ... potentially risky ... is this gonna be a problem?
Oh, so THIS is gonna be the bombsite? Hmmmm ... good point, though ... they definitely need to deal with these guys too ... ah, so we're DEFINITELY doing this then ...
SIX big bombs ... of course ... why am I not surprised?
Time to fight, then ... AND THAT'S when we take a break? Of course it is ...
And we're back ... with the OTHERS again ... yeah, not really surprised ...
Chetney wolfs out in the dumbest possible way and I love it ... XD ... and somebody's coming ... great timing ...
"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinstoooonnnn ..." Yup ... way to creep Matt out, Travis ... XD
Now Matt's doing secret sneaky DM stuff ... O.O ... oh dear ...
Balls ... GUARDS ... and they're like TOTALLY blocking the way ... how to get through? Wait ... Chetney's going to use his TOYS to do this? How?
Wow ... the Master Toymaker did BEAUTIFULLY there ... way to go, Chet! And now they're through ... sweet!
Grim Psychometry ... ON THE CRYSTAL?!!! Really, Chet? This sounds like SUCH bad idea ...
Aha, so they're like ... Reiloran SCIENTISTS, then? Hmmm ...
Ah, so THIS is the Bay? OKay then ...
Organs? BABY organs? Eep ... O.O ... in general this is all REALLY CREEPY ...
Oh dear gods what the fuck is THAT THING?
Hunter's Bane? Yeah, do it, Chet ... no hits ... phew ...
A fucking JUDICATOR is being autopsied? Holy fuck ...
Ah ... so that's who they're looking for ... and she's IN THE VAT!!! Great ... still alive, but ... yeah, this is clearly pretty bad ...
And we're back in the dig ... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
CHARM!!! Yup ... and it WORKS!!! OKay ... oh, not on IRA though ... jump in front of him? Fearne, honey ... wow, I can't believe that worked ...
Okay, thats ONE down without a fight ...
Wow ... Ashton is, like, REALLY bad at Deception ... O.O
Wow ... Ira just set the timer while THIS SHIT'S going on ... oh fuck ... this is all going south SO FAST ...
Three minutes = one minute of game play ... oh boy ... rush it, guys!
Oh, so Ira is going to ABANDON ASHTON? Wow .., oh, no, THAT'S more like it ... the Juggernaut is now a SNAIL ... nice ...
And now they're running ... and having a jolly little convo while they're at it ...
BOOM ...
Dimension Door to the surface just as the bombs go off? Phew ... and now eveything is just CHAOS ... Fearne is FALLING!!! Shit! Oh, NICE SAVE, Ira! And now they're just BOOKING IT!!!
Fuck, this is gone all kinds of fucked ... wait, he wants to UNROLL THE HOLE, put Letters in it, roll it up again with him in it, and then RUN AWAY with it? That is one hell of a Hail Mary ... roll for Dexterity, then ... so that just HALVES THE DAMAGE ... oof ... and now he has to do a STRENGTH CHECK to see if he can HOLD ONTO THE HOLE?!!! Oh my fucking gods ... if this tanks they lose the Hole forever ... 16? Wow ...
That's a lot of dice for damage ... that is NEVER a good sign ... even half of THIS is gonna hurt ... and now he's SMILING ... 158 points of Force Damage? Holy shit ... even halved, that's stil 79 points each ... ouch ...
But at least they still have the Hole ...
And now 25 points of BLUDGEONING damage each ... oh boy ... is it over, at leaat?
Oh bollocks ... that FUCKING DRAGON again ...
Oh for fuck's sake ... flip flop AGAIN?
And the blast shakes the whole place EVEN HERE ... more chaos ... and the vat is CRACKED! Okay ... Orym goes for it, meanwhile Chetney just shouts out for an evacuation ... so that leaves just the Mystic AND the Shrike ... hmmm ...
Battlemap? Aha ... cue Wizzkids plug ...
Unsettling Presence? Cool ...
Invisibility definitely really helps with Stealth checks ...
Getting ready for a scrap ... and a timed attack ... okay, then ...
A SIXTH LEVEL Psychic Lance? Bloody hell, Imogen ... and now the Mystic is Incapacitated ... nice ... 29 points of SPsychi damage!
Orym Hexes the Mystic and goes for an attack ... it hits! Oh yeah, he is gonna FUCK THIS GUY UP ... 18 points! Action Surge! Yeah ... oh yeah, he just MURDERS that guy ... holy fuck ... and now he's going for the Shrike instead ... holy shit, tiny Battle Master is a BADASS ...
Laudna Banes the Shrike, then Chetney casts Blood Curse of Binding on it ... oh, the new Scythe! Sweet ... and it hits! 19 for the first hit, 17 damage for the second! Wow ...
And NOW it's time to roll Inititative ...
Nuts ... the Shrike's up first ... and it smashes the glass tank with the ... THING in it ...
Some kind of giant BUG ... OH MY FUCKING GODS what the hell IS THAT THING?!!!
Laura asks them to hold for a moment ... cue several folk singing Girl From Ipanema ... XD ... oh, sounds like a Hail Mary ... Synaptic Static? Whoa ... so that's both the Shrike AND that bug beast ... 25 points of Psychic damage each ... and it fucks 'em up for fighting, too ... PINK LIGHTNING? Awww ... that's cute! :3
Chetney casts Blood Curse of Bloated Agony on the beasty, then attacks with his Scythe ... and CRITS!!! Nice ... Double damage means 25 on each of the two hits! Yeah ... and then his scythe SHATTERS right away? Fuck ... unbelievable ... he just GOT THAT!!!
Orym jumps on the still prone Shrike and attacks again ... 10 damage, then 15 on the second, 13 on the third ... and he gets the HDYWTDT! Yeah ... ANOTHER murder!
Laudna skitters across the ceiling over it and casts Blight on the vidulch ... 8D8 of Necrotic damage? Nice ... 25 altogether? Pretty sweet ... then she Quickens and hits it with an Eldritch Blast ... first misses, but the next two hit! Yeah ...
The beasty's turn and it's GETTING UP ... oh this is UGLY ... but it's also HURT ... okay ... IT CAN MULTI-ATTACK?!!! I'm sorry? Oh yeah, this thing is just unleashing a big can of whoopass on EVERYBODY, innit? Wait, AND it has Corroding Spit? Seriously? Come ON Matthew! But apparently because it wasn't "done", it is also falling apart with each turn ...
Imogen blasts a Lightning Bolt right through it ... at 4TH LEVEL?!!! Wow ... 23 points of damage! Just send those dice to dice jail, Laura! She Quickens, then casts Shocking Grasp on it ... 21 more points! Yeah ...
CHetney RIPS HIS OWN EARS OFF to reveal flames as he casts Crimson Rite! Okay ... 26 points of damage, plus another 16 from the Rite ... HDYWTDT!!! Yes! He just tears the vidulch CLEAN OPEN and it just spills itself out all over him ... charming ... oh for the love of ... DON'T EAT THAT, Chet!
They break the vat open and release their intended rescuee ... yeah, get to healing, guys! So Evoroa is free, and awake, but definitely still HURT ...
Oh yeah, grab the Aeorian tech thingy, yeah ... into the Bag of Holding with it! And some fetus bottles for Laudna ... lovely ...
Oh wow ... so they just put the white hot masks DIRECTLY onto the Judicators' faces, huh? Charming ...
Checking in with the others ... back at the bomb site, then ...
Oh yeah, I would say that blast was a RESOUNDING success ... meanwhile Letters and Ashton are just DEAFENED right now ... great ... Fearn tries to getto them both now ...
Oh thank fuck they're back together again ...
Fuck ... the Red Glow? Not good ... and here comes the SCREAM!!! Fuck ... whatever that was it wasn't GOOD ...
Yeah, better beat a hasty retreat ...
Another explosion ... a PINK explosion? Great ... oh yeah, that was DEFINITELY LIliana ... and she's STILL ALIVE ...
Backtracking out through the builsing in a hurry ... thank fuck for Invisibility ... yeah, they BARELY make it out ...
Crap ... soldiers, just EVERYWHERE ... try another route, then ... yes, UP not down ... good thing for all the chaos, clearly ...
Boot the door! Yeah, here we go ... young half-elf? Hmmm ... just keep going! Yeah, balcony! Go! Oh ... well THAT'S a long way down ...
So apparently the scream was Liliana ... oof ...
Phew ... they manage to make their escape into the city ...
Liliana (psychically): "Did she KNOW?!!!" Matt: "And THAT'S where we're gonna call it a night!" Cue CHAOS from the party ...
Fuck ... another exhausting session ...
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OPE those guns o.o
Yeah that does not look good xd
Hmm who are we telling that we're referring to them as Captain Nash and his wife?
Oh gosh them all 😭😭 they all look so worried :(( 🥺💔❤️
Understandable xD
Uhh is that a bomb o.o
Yeah that's very Bobby
Uhh ohh y'all 😬😬
Yeah of course he is xD an icon lol <3
Y'all when I tell you I am NERVOUS
This better all end up okay lol
Including their relationship because that's one I'm most scared for xD
Okay, that's the last of my last thoughts, so now it's time for the. . .
AAAHHHHHHH I'm so glad to have my babeys back :D.
Now, given that I'm writing this part on the day of episode 3 and I haven't watched episode 2 yet lol, this will be very short. I might come back and edit later xD.
BUDDIEEEE!!! I'm telling you they're a family. Why are they such a family? I don't know. Anyway poor Chris 😭😭💔❤️. That scene at the end, with the letter, was so good <33. And oh my gosh don't even TALK to me about Buck talking to Christopher and then it planning to Eddie in the hall 😭😭. I was not okay over that and I'm still not <3. Also, a callback to Eddie's panic attacks by having him use a strategy to help that woman was so cool :'DD. He slayed <33. Also the joke after?? They're so in love, your honor <33.
Hen! Don't remember much of what she was up to but she slayed :)). And she's doing great as Captain 🥰🥰! Also her not feeding into Athena's delusions xD (although we of course find out that they aren't but yk it's just a funny moment lol).
Chimney and Maddie! Chim stressing was a mood lol xd. And honestly, making sure you make time for yourselves amongst your jobs, child, and wedding planning is a good idea! But don't try that hard lol. Like y'all figured out, you don't need to :). But yeah, I'm glad they just decided to relax <3. Love them 🥰🥰.
Bobby and Athena! I be slightly concerned for them o.o. I'm sure everything'll be fine in the end relationship wise, but it's stressful xd. And poor Bobby 😭. I promise it's not something you've done Bobby xd. Anyway, SLAY on the investigating though lol :D. And even though I feel for him I'm glad Bobby set aside their issues and had his priorities straight lol xD. Anyway, hopefully all goes well with those pirates 😬.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! It's so good to be back :D. I think the cruise ship is a really unique disaster - as are the issues with Bobby and Athena's relationship lol. By that I just mean, it's interesting/nice (even though it hurts) to see some struggles for them (that aren't external) :). There were also really great moments with everybody else, and I'm glad we got to see home ans the ship! Plus, there was a good spread of focus today :). Anyway, I'm a little nervous about the next episode, but I'm sure everything will be alright. It better be lol. Also, the calls were really cool today :O.
So, yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great :D. It was lovely seeing my babeys again :). I'm so excited for the next episode! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 1: Abandon Ships
It was amazing! I'm interested to see how everything's gonna go down on the boat, and people's reactions. I'll be back here next time with my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 7, Episode 2: Rock the Boat
See you then!
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