#i love this nickname hehe🥰
merry-andrews · 28 days
Hi hello!! I know almost nothing about you but I love that we both love Homelander!!
I want to be correct when referring to you in my head or otherwise,
What name do you prefer to be called by?
I already refer to you as "merry" in my head.
What are your pronouns?
(Sent an ask as an invitation because messaging right away feels too forward. Feel free to disregard this message if you don't want to! Last thing i want is someone to feel forced. No pressure!)
OH MY GOD Hiiiii!!!!!!!💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 hehe it's okay!🥰💗 my real name is Mariam! I'm a lady! XD and yup, it's she/her, dear💗 wait, referring me in your head?? Awww!! That's really sweet💗
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tightjeansjavi · 4 months
party trick
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A/N: this silly little fic is directly inspired by this hilarious post by @pedge-page 😝 this fic is meant to be silly, a little unrealistic, and fun! If that ain’t your thing, no worries! Just scroll on by, gem. Also, big thanks to @itsokbbygrl for betaing and @morallyinept for encouraging me with my shenanigans! hehe.
~word count: 1.9k~
Summary: your boyfriend Dieter wants to show you his new party trick that he learned from a pornstar named Ezra
Pairing | Dieter Bravo x pornstar!Ezra x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, smut, established relationship, mentions of drugs and eating, dieter and the reader are openly bi, implied open relationship (not described) Ezra is a bi male pornstar (definition of bi panic) (very light dubious consent as reader and dieter smoke before fucking but it is not described) male masturbation, self sucking??, reader is able bodied with no physical descriptions, readers nickname is gumdrop, no age gap, +18, minors dni!
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Your first date with the ever-so eccentric, Dieter Bravo, was a success! Sure, he was a bit clumsy, and maybe even a bit of a blubbering idiot, but you had an incredible time. Did you kiss? Well—maybe! There’s a tell-tale sign when he admires the color of your lipstick against the heart shaped patch in his beard.
After that first date, he washes his face, but is careful to not remove the residue of your lipstick. Not even a week goes by and he’s asking you out on a second date.
Two dates turns to ten and somewhere down the line…you’re Dieter Bravo’s girlfriend, and you couldn’t be happier. (And neither could he)
Dieters plan for the evening was to throw a party with some of his friends: not necessarily a rager, per se, just an intimate get-together. Pop a few bottles, skinny dip in his inground pool, and dance under the California night sky.
He canceled his plans last minute because the only person he wanted to spend his evening with was you, his gumdrop.
Hiya, gumdrop baby! 💗
Dee! Hey, baby boy 🥰 having fun at your party?
He cheeses a smile down at his phone, dimples on display, fingers typing fast on the tiny screen, little tap tap taps echoing through the cooling evening air.
Good golly, I’m blushing 🤭 actually…I canceled the party! Just wasn’t feeling the vibes for it! Wanna come over?
Yes! I’d love to! I was just about to order some takeout. Want me to pick something up on the way?
Yes! How about veggie grill? I was just about to smoke, want me to wait up for ya? Oh! Also, I got something I wanna show you later 😉
Being in a relationship with Dieter meant that nothing he could possibly say or do surprised you anymore, but his vibrance, care-free, goofy, eccentric attitude, made him even more attractive to you. That and the fact that he was the literal definition of a trash panda. Your trash panda specifically.
Sounds good to me! 💗 did you want your usual or something different? You don’t have to wait for me, Dee! I’ll have some when I come over. Oh? What is it that you want to show me? 👀
Okie doke! Hey, how about you just order the whole menu? My treat! See ya soon, gumdrop xx. And you’ll see! It’s a surprise. Hehe.
God, Bravo. You sure know how to spoil a gal rotten! Looking forward to the surprise!
He hearted your messages before he reached behind his ear and grabbed his perfectly rolled joint and reached for his lighter that was resting on the table next to the poolside chair he was spread out on.
He couldn’t wait to see you and show you his new party trick.
Hours earlier in the day, Dieter found himself in his bed, boxers discarded on the floor and his fist languidly wrapped around his half-hard cock.
His freehand was scrolling through Pornhub, trying to find something to get off to. Usually it didn’t take him very long to settle on a video, but today he was finding it to be a bit of an annoying struggle.
He scrolled and scrolled till he stumbled upon something he had never seen before, self sucking?
He spit into his palm, using his saliva as a natural lubricant because he was too lazy to reach across his nightstand to grab his favorite bottle of lotion (ain’t nobody got time for that!).
Holy shit! He’s sucking himself off??
Christ, his cock is taking up the entire screen!
Dieter's private thoughts ran rabid as he watched the pornstar, Ezra, easily bend over and suck the head of his cock (which was massive, by the way) into his mouth.
“Holy fuck! How is that even possible?!” Dieter announced in disbelief.
He paused the video, and went to Ezra’s page and scrolled till he found the contact button and a direct link to Ezra’s instagram. He sent him a message:
Hey! I hope this doesn’t come off as weird or creepy (feel free to ignore) but I watched one of your videos just now…the self sucking one and DUDE, nice cock! How the hell do I do that? 🫣
Ezra responds seconds later after hearting the message,
HOLY SHIT! THEE DIETER BRAVO GOT OFF TO MY COCK? 🥵 (sorry, huge fan!) anyway, gem, I’d be happy to show you the art of self sucking, and then you too can be a pro like me. xx
Dudeee you’re a fan of me?? I’m blushing! 😉 okay, okay, I have to ask…is it all natural?
I am, indeed! You have quite the eccentric presence, gem. Oh, it’s natural alright. The gods have certainly laid their blessing upon my loins x.
Ohhh, I get it! You’re like Shakespeare? 🤣 damn, you sure know how to swing that thing around! Anyway, I will take you up on that offer! Here’s my number:
Lawl. You’re a funny one huh, gem? I suppose I am a bit like Shakespeare both with my verbiage, and my cock. You free right now?
The funniest guy around! Well, Romeo, got my cock out and everything, let’s boogie?
Boogie we shall.
And so that’s how Dieter ended up FaceTiming with Ezra: who coincidentally, also had his cock out.
“Not to be a total massive fucking flirt, but you’re gorgeous, and my girlfriend would probably eat you right up!” Dieter preened, leaning in close so he could get a better look at Ezra’s third limb, er, cock.
“Oh?” Ezra smirks, “would she now? Well, gem, perhaps the three of us should get together sometime?”
“Yes! You can be like the skunk to my raccoon!” Dieter said with a giggle.
“I beg your finest pardon? Your—what?”
“Oh! Sorry, sorry. Probably should have provided some context, huh?” Dieter blushes.
“Naturally, gem. Go on.” Ezra sits back on his elbows, listening,
“So, my girlfriend calls me a trash panda! It’s endearing, really. And well, you got that blonde streak in your hair…so you can be the skunk?”
Ezra chuckles in pure amusement, eyebrows raising, heavy cock bobbing between his thighs.
“A skunk, huh? You’re lucky I think you’re cute, gem.”
Dieter fanned his face like the little slut that he was, and giggling, “You think I’m cute?”
“Cute as a button, gem. Now, let’s see what we’re working with so that you can show your girlfriend what I taught you.”
“Yes sir.”
Ezra is a wonderful teacher and by the end of it, Dieter is almost able to suck the head of his cock into his mouth. There’s a slight strain in his lower back, but fuck it! You only live once.
“Well, gem, I think you just have to remember to relax your muscles. Pretend you’re floating on a babbling brook, or napping on a fluffy cloud, and then you’ll be sucking yourself off in no time. I gotta run, but let me know how it goes!”
“Ahh! Okay, I think I can manage that! Thanks for all the help, Ezra.”
“Anytime, gem. Anytime.”
After passing the joint back and forth together, fucking (a few times) and devouring the veggie grill you brought over, Dieter brings you upstairs to his bedroom, nearly stumbling over his two feet because he’s so excited to show you his new party trick!
“Sit that cute ass on the bed, gumdrop.” He’s not being domineering at all, quite the opposite actually.
You’re both naked, naturally because in Dieter’s home, clothes are always optional!
You wrap your arms around him from behind, kissing his jawline, pecking at the heart patch in his beard. “Are you gonna show me the surprise now, Dieter?”
He leans back into your embrace with a pleasant sigh, “Yes, gumdrop. But c’mon, bed. Now.”
You press one last kiss to his face before detaching yourself from around him, walking over to the bed and plopping down with a soft, oof.
He joins you moments later, laying on his elbow facing you while you reach across and card your fingers through the soft curly hairs on his chest.
“So I was watching this porno earlier, right? I did a deep scroll, and stumbled across this video of this dude…with literally the biggest fucking cock that my two eyes have ever seen!” He speaks animatedly, throwing his hands up as he leans in.
“It literally took up the entire fucking screen, gumdrop! Anyway, that wasn’t the craziest part! His cock was so big, and long, that the motherfucker was able to suck himself off! Dude barely even had to bend over, just popped that sucker right in and got to suckin’!”
You twirl a strand of his chest hair between your fingers, giggling as you listen to his dramatic retelling of the massive cock he saw.
“Shit, it really took up the whole screen? That’s insane, Dee!”
“YEAH! Like…the guy was packing a literal BAZOOKA down there!” He chuckles, leaning in so he can nuzzle his face against yours.
“Anyway, I found the guy's instagram and sent him a message because I thought to myself, ‘Damn! Imagine if I could also suck my own cock?’”
“Let me guess, you asked this pornstar fellow how you can suck your own cock like him?”
“Yes! How did you know?” He chuckled and stole a quick kiss, melting against you like the soft man that he was.
“Lucky guess?” You tease, dragging your finger down lower, skating it across one of his nipples. “So, was it a success? Did he teach you how to properly suck your own cock, Dee?”
“Well, I was actually able to barely get the tip in my mouth! Wanna see, gumdrop? S’gonna be my new party trick!”
“Show me, Dee.” You giggle, encouraging him as he quickly sits up, remembering how Ezra told him the way to curve his spine, and relax his muscles so that he can bend over just enough—
Dieter is hunched over, using one hand to hold the base of his cock, and the other is resting against his lower back for support. He’s so fucking close to wrapping his lips around the head of his cock when–pinch!
He yelps in surprise, immediately rolling over and yowling like a cat.
Ow. Ow. Ow! Fuck! Fuck me! Ow!
You're at his side in an instant, comforting him and reaching for your phone to either call 911, or look up an immediate remedy for his pain.
“Fucking pulled a goddamn muscle!” He whimpers, burying his face into your chest.
“Dee, it’s okay! You’re not dying, baby. Okay? Look! Google says that we have to treat the area with ice and then a heating pad!”
“I’M DYING, GUMDROP! I SEE THE LIGHT!” Your boyfriend dramatically groans, “I'M FADING FAST!”
After icing Dieter’s lower back for a good hour or so, you placed a heating pad against the sore spot while spooning him for extra body heat.
He was typing a message to Ezra, a deep frown set between his eyebrows because he really just wanted to know what it was like to suck himself off! (Who wouldn’t)
Hey, Ez. I pulled a fucking muscle in my back!
☹ gf is spooning me with a heating pad now, but I was really hoping that I would be able to suck myself off!
From Ezra: (Shakespeare-BAZOOKA 🍆)
Aw, I’m terribly broken to hear that, gem. Better luck next time, Birdie!
The next time Dieter announced to you that he wanted to try and suck his cock again, you came prepared with two yoga mats and a beginner yoga flow video (thrifted, of course).
He gives you a funny look as you set the yoga mats down in the sunroom.
“What?” You laugh, placing your hands on your hips. “It would be a cool party trick, Dee! Just gotta get you a little more flexible and bendy before we try again.”
Ohhh. He grins, dimples peeking out, “Well, let’s yogi, gumdrop.”
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banners made by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💗
Please follow @tightjeansjaviupdates for fic notifications and updates!
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13keithxpidge13 · 1 year
My favorite pet names that Hobie gives Miles in fics bc there's so many and they're so fucking cute.
Okay what the FUCK bc this is the CUTEST FUCKING NICKNAME ON THE PLANET??? Best Miles nickname idagf!!! It's so cute and so intimate and combined with Hobie's accent it's enough to make a girl (or boy specifically Miles) blush 🥰 but I love how the entire fandom has collectively agreed that Hobie calls Miles this and it's fucking PERFECTION
I use this one a lot, specifically in my Hobie Saves Miles AU hehe. It's so adorable and just so sweet! I think Miles would find it embarrassing because, Hobie that's a nickname for girls!!! But, he slowly comes around and warms up to it ☺️
Again, another nickname I use in my FICS. I haven't seen anyone else use this one but you guys fucking SHOULD!
OH MY FUCKING GOOOOOODDDD WTF THIS IS SO GOOD??? I've only seen this in ONE fic and now I'm craving more!!!! It's so cute and so good and so UHFNDMDM DELICIOUS!!! THAT'S RIGHT THAT'S HOBIE'S BROOKLYN BABY RIGHT THERE WAAAAHHH
A mini version of Brooklyn Baby but with the same amount of AAAAAAA and OH MY FUCKING GOD SO CUTE 🥰
Rolls off the tongue so nicely and it's just MWAH so sweet ♥️🥹
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk!!! PUT THESE NICKNAMES IN YOUR FICS NOOOOOOOW
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oya-oya-okay · 5 months
Hello hello, it’s me again! I love your most recent kuroxtwst request comic and it got me wondering; what do the NRC professors (🐶+🐈‍⬛+ 🦌) think of Ciel? Idk if it’s something you ever thought about, but the teacher-student dynamics intrigue me 😅
(This request doesn’t even need to have visuals if it’s too much, just text is totally fine with me!)
Hi!! Thank you sm for the question.🥰🥰🥰 It was interesting to think about it! So let me get started!❣️
I think Crowley thinks Ciel is a pretty capable boy and definitely doesn't think he's some kind of silly kid. He knows that Ciel is capable of more and will do whatever he instructs him to do! Crowley is probably interested in Ciel's seal on his eye and maybe he even wanted to know more about the seal than about the world Ciel came from. In any case, we don't even know Crowley's true motives in the game..!
I think it would be interesting for Divus to test Ciel in terms of studying. Perhaps he treated him more tenderly at first, but when he sees that Ciel is really smart and purposeful, he will treat him the same as all other students. Divus would also additionally teach Ciel! Ciel would work hard to get good grades in Divus classes 💖✨
Ciel would definitely spend more time with him than with any other teacher. Ciel would be more comfortable with him than with other teachers. I can't say that Trein perceived Ciel as a grandson or something like that, but he definitely treated him well and warmly. He would also additionally teach Ciel. They could communicate well and even make friends. Train also wouldn't let his cat get too close to Ciel🥰
THAT WOULD BE FUN AHAHA.. Vargas would definitely annoy Ciel. Ciel does not like to exercise, especially as much as Vargas trains. Vargas would like to train Ciel, perhaps even for his own good, so that he could somehow fight back as a bully. But considering Ciel's thinness, it would really be difficult. Perhaps someday Ciel would have an attack due to overloading in physical education, because he would really try to succeed in everything. Then Vargas changed his mind and did not demand too much from Ciel 🥺💗💗💗
Why not? Hehe! Sam would have called Ciel the little devil or given a different nickname as the little devil's child because Ciel definitely stands out from the others. It seems to me that all the teachers, as professional magicians, have noticed that Ciel is not an ordinary boy and he definitely does not tell something💔
In short, NRC teachers know that Ciel is associated with some kind of dark magic but don't want to scare other students/they don't have time to deal with it. I feel that Sebastian's appearance will be something special...🖤
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vendetta-if · 1 year
SOOO HAPPY ABOUT THE SEQUEL!!! I really love Vendetta and cannot wait to read more of your works (yandere RO??? sign me up!!!).
Since we will have an older brother in the sequel, will there be option to choose his name too? So we could have matching/similarly-themed name? I think that'd be super super cute T____T
(And as fellow Indonesian... please include option to call him with the proper family term..... i don't know russian but there's always 哥哥!!!)
Hehe, glad to see your enthusiasm for the Sequel Spin-off 🥰 And, hello to fellow Indonesian!
For the first question, sorry, I’m not really planning for a custom name for the big brother 😅 There will be a set name for him, and right now, I think I’ll stick with the name ‘Konstantin’ for him.
But, yes! I’ll include an option to let readers choose what nickname to call him, if MC has any for him, or maybe MC calls him by a title, like gēge that you suggested (which makes sense since Jackal’s native language is Chinese, after all).
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nanawritesit · 7 months
Wonho Boyfriend Headcanons!
a/n: this wasn’t requested but there’s a CRIMINALLY low amount of wonho content so i thought i’d do something since he’s literally my husband 💞 (don’t tell san or yoongi hehe)
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He loves to call you bunny 🐰
probably wants you to call him bunny as well, it’s a mutual nickname between the two of you
Holding his hand whenever he has to go somewhere high up since he’s afraid of heights, even though his hand is massive compared to yours (he is baby okay)
gym dates 🏋🏼‍♀️
even if you don’t want to work out he just likes taking you with him :)
he likes that you get to see him in his element, all sweaty and breathing heavily 😳
and you’ll usually ward off all the girls and guys who try to hit on him 😀
he’s the best at opening jars, like he should get an award for it
if you’re having trouble opening something you don’t even have to ask, you’ll just hand it to him and he’ll pop it open like it’s the easiest thing in the world
ramen dates 🍜
or pizza, depending on the day 🍕
although he prefers to make it at home with you and just snuggle up on the couch :)
you guys love cooking together
speaking of which, when you guys are alone at home, he barely wears any clothes 💀
like you sometimes wonder why he has so many shirts when he hardly ever wears them
if it’s fall or winter he’ll usually wear sweatpants around the house but that’s about it
(plus it gives him an excuse to cuddle up to you 💞)
he’s SUCH a cuddle bug
everyone thinks he’s so tough and dominant but i think he’s super soft as a boyfriend
loves it when you trace your finger along his tattoos
he can be pretty protective of you, especially if someone is being rude to you
he’ll straight up be like “hey, don’t talk to my partner like that”
he doesn’t like to act serious bc he thinks his size can be intimidating enough to people, but when it comes to protecting you, he won’t hesitate to scare tf out of someone
does NOT like it when other people hit on you
he’ll just bite the inside of his cheek and tighten his grip on your waist while his eyes are piercing into the other persons’ like daggers
again, he’s only scary when he wants to be
it doesn’t bother you though, you mostly just find him extremely attractive when he gets protective of you 👀
but moving on from that, he has a habit of just randomly picking you up and holding you in his arms no matter where you are
even if you’re around your friends, he’ll just scoop you up out of nowhere, and you’ll continue on with your conversation like nothing is happening
your friends are just like ??? why does he do that ???
and you’re just like idk he likes holding me ig 🤷🏼‍♀️
buying his his favorite milk and a tangerine from the convenience store as a surprise before you visit him at work
although he’s usually the one visiting you at work, mostly bc he doesn’t like to eat alone 🥺
you’ve started just packing both your lunches together since you usually end up sharing them
poor baby gets sick really easily so you usually end up being his nurse 💞
he gets SO whiny and needy when he’s sick too 😭
you just baby tf out of him bc he’s so damn cute
making him soup, putting a wet towel on his forehead, rubbing his tummy, refilling his humidifier, anything he needs
he’d do the same for you if he wasn’t always the one falling ill 🙃
you’ve started forcing him to take vitamin c capsules bc you’re tired of seeing him sick all the time
coffee dates ☕️
LOVES it when you steal his shirts
they’re just so big on you and he thinks you look absolutely adorable in them <3
he never gets upset when you take them, in fact he encourages it
“what’s mine is yours bunny” 🥰
obv he loves it when you get all dressed up for an event, and he’ll drool over the sight of you every time, but his favorite look is just you in casual, lazy clothes
asks you to help him practice his english almost every day
he wants to travel the world with you
buying him metamong plushies whenever you see them
he randomly buys you flowers a lot 💐
likes to send you spicy selfies when he knows you’re busy just to fluster you 😳
stealing his glasses just to mess with him, and as he’s looking for them, you’ll put them on and just sit there like ☺️
he just tackles you and covers your face in kisses bc he can’t stay mad at you
he usually prefers taking showers but he LOVES taking baths with you 💞 if he knows you’re having a stressful day he’ll draw a hot bath for the two of you before you get home with your favorite bubbles and light some candles too :)
also loves it when you touch his butt (you just can’t help yourself sometimes) 💀
you’ve definitely changed his mind about marriage. he never saw himself marrying anyone before he met you, and now he can’t imagine his life without you in it 🥰
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tears-of-xion · 1 month
I loved the lukabrina art (I've seen it called that ship name too)! And yes you should draw more of Sabrina 😁
Just as a little fun thing for being so amazing some headcanons from my own fics for them:
She calls him senpai, yes, she is that otaku.
He calls her issi after they have been dating for a while. It's short for Pianissimo which is 'to play softly' in music terms.
He couldn't initially hear her song, because he was trying to listen as the audience, but it turns out he was a part of the music. (He can hear her song when they are doing things together)
She struggles with the attention he gives her. She both loves it and is overwhelmed by it.
He is likewise overwhelmed st times, by her sincerity. He is used to people hiding their emotions from him and having to intuit meanings. With her it is just all out there, and he's not used to so much openness.
She plays the ocarina(yes she is still a dork) bit not very well. She also plays the recorder, this one very well. (I had written this long before the movie came out)
He tried to ask her out the first time vis texts. She literally ran to the boat to be there in person (a sweaty panting mess) because 'You just have to do these things right.'
Hope this was as enjoyable to read as your art is to observe :)
I'm so happy that you like it!! 🥰 (and I'm def gonna draw more Sabrina once I get some ideas <3)
and oooooooh lukabrina headcanons!!!!!
Hehe the nicknames are cute! (I can imagine Kagami not having much of an opinion on Sabrina, but then she overhears her call Luka 'senpai' and suddenly she's judging her. excessively.)
Aww Sabrina struggling with the attention.〒▽〒 Makes sense considering that she's usually the one giving the attention without receiving much back, but oughhh....
Eeee them both being so good for each other but also being overwhelmed by each other's affection...adorable...
Guitar / orcarina duet time! :D
Her insisting on being asked out in person is cute!!! They're cute!!
And yes, these were so much fun to read; thank you for sharing!!! :D
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Alveld headcanons cos I didn't have enough time to send you them yesterday!
These are a mix of modern and random
Alys is "sweetheart" or "babe/baby"
Jordie is "my dear" and "my love"
Alys loves Jordie's rural accent, she's about the only person in Ketterdam who does
Jordie loves Alys' singing voice. He would never ever tell her to stop singing (not that that would stop her)
Jordie's love languages are gifts and acts of service
Alys' love languages are quality time and acts of service
(Modern au) All their film nights turn into sleepovers
Kaz has learnt to knock before barging into Jordie's room in the morning. He's never caught them doing anything bad but he lives in fear
Alys likes to play with Jordie's hair. Sometimes it puts Jordie to sleep
(Modern au) Alys has a picture of Jordie fast asleep as her lock screen. He doesn't know how she got it and she won't tell him
Alys cannot cook, no matter how many times Jordie has tried to teach her. He doesn't mind, though, he likes cooking for her
Alys thinks she would be great at living on a farm. She would not be
They like to play pranks on Kaz and Wylan and mortify them. I'm talking calling each other "shnuckims" and "poohbear" when Wylan and Kaz are around. They have literally, physically been paid to stop
Jordie loves books and Alys loves to hear him ramble about books
I thought these up last night, bestie, there may be more but I think that's all. Enjoy 🤗
Omg gimme gimme
I love all forms of HCs love
Nicknames are on par for rich boy farm girl
Asdfghjkl I love that. Jordie talks and people restrain themselves from being like "ew country" and Alys is over here like 😍🥰
"It's not that she's bad at singing, it's that she never stops" "I know, isn't it great?
I love them both being acts of service. Jordie being gifts makes sm sense. Like the flowers and stuff hehe. Also not even like romantically I mean when they were kids he was always trying to get Kaz stuff even when they were dirt poor. Alys being quality time is so bittersweet cause yk Jan barely spends any time with her so it's like ofc she wants people who love her and who she loves to spend time with her and she wants to be around them 🥺🥹 Alys is gonna be the best stay at home mom <33
Hehehehe I'm imagining Alys drooling on Jordie's shoulder and he's just asleep with his head on hers like 😴😪 and Kaz is like 🤨 but always covers them up with a blanket
Hehehehehehehe Kaz refuses to have any images of them in his head besides wholesome hehe. (This habit developed after Wylan caught Alys and Jordie snogging on her piano bench and told Kaz to beware unless he wanted to be traumatized forever)
Aw 🥺🥺 The messy hair >>>>
Tehehehehehe she has her ways. You know Jordie doesn't care even a little bit
Aw 🥰 Hehe she's like "We don't have any vinegar can we just use olive oil?" "No!" I love it
She's determined, if anything at least. I'm just imagining Kaz is like "Jordie she wouldn't last a day" "I'd take care of her" "You and what army?" "She could take care of the animals" "She'd be terrified" *Jordie contemplating whether Alys would run away from chickens or name them all immediately*
POOR WYLAN AND KAZ. "If you hear banging it's me trying to bash my brains open on my desk" "Kaz that's a little dramatic-" "I can just blow both of us up, Kaz" "Bring them with us we can all go to hell together" "You two have issues"
I love them bestie thank you 🤗 (Is this you passively preparing me for your inevitable ask?)
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 25 oooh
let's go on an adventure batchersss 🤟
The Bad Batch 2x05
Wrecker and Omega looking for treasures in the junkyard 💕
"this story changes every time she tells it" 🤲🥰
bro Echo was so into her story before he said that too 👀
Tech watching Phee looking at the junkyard finds 🥺💕
the way Phee has already given Tech three nicknames
Hunter and Echo smirking to eachother hehe they're so big brother 🤭
mom and dad checking with eachother before agreeing 👀
Omega is copying Phee now and Hunter is just spinning his knife behind them 💕
Hunter dramatic sigh count this ep: 35
Omega is so excited and happy 😁 makes me happy
I want to see Phee and Hondo meet pls !!
very Indiana Jones
Phee: "the entrance to Skara Nal" tbb: is that supposed to mean something ?? 😂
Hunter is awfully quiet and I dont think it's Phee that is making him like that, I think s1 has affected him more than he'd like to admit
Hunter's senses...... 👌👌👌 I am completely normal about him fr real
when the creature grabs Wrecker his only complaint is "its drooling on me" 💀
😫 Tech falls count: 3
Hunter's scream as he falls 🤭 bro has quick reflexes phew
Phee pulling Hunter and Omega pulling Phee 🥺
"we've almost died three times already" ~ me watching tbb
Phee: "this reminds me of the time I tracked down the belmont diadem--" Hunter: "I don't care" grumpy Hunter is...... another smooch for the creators 😘
"😁 Skara Nal has reclaimed it 🤔" Omega would love to be like Phee when she grows up 💕
Hunter dramatic sigh count: 843
the way Hunter was ready for the other boys when they come around the corner 🙌
Zeffo 👀
Echo grabbing Wrecker's foot, Wrecker catching Tech, then all three falling 😭
do we think Hunter followed Phee bc he didn't trust her or bc he sensed she was in danger 🤔
bc they didn't say they don't trust Phee... they just say they don't have luck when it comes to treasure hunting... idk
Mel got little legs !!
Tech putting the stone in place 🥳 ... stone melts 🙃
Hunter: "hang onto sometning!" *hangs on to Omega*
the way he cradles her head I'm- 😭😭😭
Omega is so postive 💕
Phee starts a new story and Wrecker and Tech just look at each other like oi listen to this one while Hunter just shakes his head... poor baby needs a rest 🥲
we're getting through them y'alls 🙌
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stuffie game!
B, F and L please 🐻
Eeeps hiiii!!! 🐻🌟
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Abby n Simba are da newest stuffies! Dey cames to me togeffer n dey da bestiest of fwends! Fun fact I was gons nickname Simba Abbey after Abbey from Love on Da Spectrum cause her n David loves da Lion King.. but now no has too cause dey boff symbolize dat special interest of mine 🥰 By da way anyone else watch Love on da Spectrum? I loves David n Abbey n James.. Dey my favowites .. sorry for da mini sidetrack rant there 👉👈 I hads an opportunity n I tooks it 😁
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Gemma is my third biggest stuffie.. She excited to gets a chance to show off her shiny horn n hooves. Also she da softest unicorn yous ever gons find 💜🦄
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Dis Go-T.. he represents da gray n white... I has da least stuffies dat is white or gray.. n lookies at his horns come to thinks of it I no has many brown stuffies either.. hehe I all bout da bwight colors awounds here 🌈🙈
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sugarcoated-lame · 5 months
get to know me tag 🌻
@emeraldmoth 🧡 thank you so much for the tag (on my main acc @its-dee-lovely I just did it over here hehe) 🥰🧡
1. were you named after anyone?
yes! so kricket is just a nickname (gasp 😱 i know) but my mom chose my real name after an actor in a soap opera that she really loved
2. when was the last time you cried?
a few nights ago re-watching Me Before You, that movie makes me sob every time 🥺
3. do you have kids?
no kids, but i do have a fur baby 🥹
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
does dance count as a sport?? i took ballet and tap for a few years in elementary school lol, but aside from that no sports
5. do you use sarcasm?
me??? sarcastic? never 👀 (yes, i think sarcasm is hard-wired into all capricorns’ brains lmao)
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
eyes and smiles 🥹
7. what’s your eye color?
brown with little bits of hazel
8. scary movies or happy endings?
both? but i guess if i had to choose, happy endings bc i’m such a sap 🥹
9. any talents?
i can sing, but like the previous person said i also will not prove it lol 🙈, not sure if this counts as a talent, but i’ve been told i’m really good at giving advice — I’m the therapist of my friend group haha. and baking — I’ve been vegan for the past 7 years, so I’ve been doing all vegan baking since then and i think i could probably veganize any recipe at this point and make it delicious!
10. where were you born?
NYC 🗽 !!
11. what are your hobbies?
writing fics, songwriting, poetry, reading, watching movies, singing, baking, thrifting, playing video games (currently playing the last of us), drawing although it’s been a while
12. do you have any pets?
yes!! i have a calico kitty named patches (the most unoriginal name for a calico i know, i didn’t name her lol)
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AND i temporarily have my sister’s cat, Chai, living with me for the next few months!
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13. how tall are you?
5’5 and a half-ish ?
14. favorite subject in school?
people always think i’m insane for this, but my favorite subject was math.. also really loved forensics and psychology!!
15. dream job?
probably a singer or an actor… or both? as a kid i really wanted to be on broadway 🥺 would also love to be an author or a photographer!
no pressure tags: @sebsxphia @sunlightmurdock @hangmanssunnies @just-in-case-iloveyou @joelsgreys @joels-shitty-puns @pascalpvnk @ryebecca @floydsmuse @gracieheartspedro @itsthevelvetline @fairyheart @sio-ina-bottle @vee-bees-blog I’m a little late to this so sorry if you’ve already done it 🧡
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pastel-medic · 17 days
Omg your Soldier and Medic are just AUGH ADORABLE!!! I Found the TIKTOK of them and I literally melted, OH MEH GAWD soooo cute 🥲🥲���🥲🥲🥲☺️🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I love how Sully is like WHERE IS MY ANGEL! Oh there he is and his BF has to LEAN down for him just 🥹🥹🥹 SO CUUUUTE
Hehe thank you sm!!! 🥰💖 they're absolutely precious to each other and Solly loves his tall doctor bf 🤭✨ (also Jane nicknames Fritz "angel" or "dove")! 🕊️
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callsign-rogueone · 25 days
My lovely sweet pie, ( the nicknames 💀😵‍💫 ) how are you doing?
I haven't really slept lately and my minds in overdrive, so that means Bren is also in my mind in overdrive hehe. Any sorrengail really, as I've noticed lately. ( I have issues)
If you have anything for it yet would you mind giving a sneak peak about Bren and duchess with Lilith sorrengail, I can't help but be so curious im sorry. ( If you have nothing or don't want to, it's fine. I know that I ask a lot of sneak peaks and I don't want to pressure you)
Also I know you've been working on it for a while, but I'm excited to see what you have in store for Aaric! I don't remember him popping up "all that often" in iron flame but I only re read what stuck to me. the only thing I remember was Lilith seeing him at the end and saying "you're father's been looking for you" and him saying he's a rider and she just responds with "idc" hehe. Its one of the few things that stood out to me of him. Well expect the kind of heist and Xaden showed no empathy that he killed his brother, (as he should have otherwise I wouldn't have my Garrick ) I don't care necessarily either but yk xadens bluntbess 😅 anyway I'm very curious, I wouldn't have an idea for a story to come up with him but I know your gonna make it amazing.
Well another short ask that ended in a long rant, sorry 💀❤️
hi my love 🥰 I’m good but tired. moving sucks (and it’s not even me moving lmao, it’s my relatives)
Aaric and Sunny are rotting my brain right now (and Sawyer and Peach. and Dain and Love. more of all three of those should be happening soon!) and we might get some of Aaric’s brother at some point in the gf chapters hehe
some Aaric and Sunny (it was so hard to find bits that don’t spoil anything…)
No, he decides, this is better. This feels right, seeing you in the slick black of the rider’s quadrant instead of yards of stiff brocade, being able to hear you laugh and sing and joke like this rather than sitting quietly for the rest of your days like an ornamental vase.
His back hitting the floor snaps him out of his daydream, and knocks the breath from his lungs.
and I’ve already spoiled this part for you guys a while ago so here’s more of that:
You yank your arm away, clearly done with the conversation. “Don’t worry that precious head of yours, my prince,” you condescend. “I’ll keep your secret. Consider it payment for helping me. We’re square now, so you can go about your life and I’ll go about mine.”
Duchess and Lilith — we’re going off-script with this one lol. + it’s gonna be a while, since I want to post all the “end of Iron Flame” gf chapters around the same time and intertwine them a bit. again very difficult to find lines that weren’t spoilers 😅
You lower your head to your mother-in-law in respect, one arm still around Brennan, who has stiffened at the sight of her. “Thank you,” you say quietly.
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vendetta-if · 1 year
I finally played your game yesterday and it is soooo freaking good!!! I‘m absolutely obsessed with it already. Didn‘t know much about the game beforehand so I was in for a lot of surprises. My stoic, ruthless MC is all in for the Ash/Rin poly and ze is so ready to be the heir to make hir deda proud. This was also the first game where I felt very comfortable choosing the more violent options just bc I love this family so much.
But it was so hilarious to have my MC Artemi „Tyoma“ stare down Artyom „Tyoma“. I have the best intuition when it comes to names /s.
I know it‘s old news, but still: Thank you for making the MC not the only potentially queer character in the game (especially considering the russian background). It means so much.
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This was also the first game where I felt very comfortable choosing the more violent options just bc I love this family so much.
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Hehe 🤭 Very good, very good 😏 Make Deda and Luka proud 🥹
And oh my God, did I even put a net to prevent people from naming their MC Artyom? 😂 Artemy/Artemi is fine, even though I think it’s kind of a variation of the name Artyom? 🤔
But this reminds me that I should probably add a little bit of flavour text for those who is named Artemy/Artemi and/or use the same nickname as Jackal’s, which is Tyoma 🧐😆
I think far back, there was an anon who asked whether Deda is okay with queer MC and the fact that Luka is gay, and the answer is yes!
The only reason Deda is worried about Luka’s relationship with Jackal is because Jackal is a deadly hitman who is capable of killing Luka under the right circumstances 😂
Deda is judging both of his sons’ choices in romantic partners 💀 One chose to fall in love with a superhero who broke his heart and left him, and the other one falls in love with a professional hitman on the run.
And aww, that’s another one who named the guns Viktor and Cara 🥰 I’ll make sure to add flavour texts for that, maybe in the editing phase because it’s something quite trivial.
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subskz · 1 year
We interrupt your program with some breaking news:
Pillow humper Lix (actually love the nickname Fefe too; cute.)
Maybe it's the rare occasion Lix decides to be a brat (maybe wanted to try it out after hearing brat line brag abt it) (That being said, I do think he does have the capacity to be a brat, but I see him moreso playfully bratty, but, anyways, I digress)
And so maybe he decides to get himself off when he knows you'll catch him, so when he gets caught, he half-expects you to give him a basic punishment (edging, overstimulation, tying him up, etc)
But no. Not for him.
Since he seems so keen on getting himself off without you, he can hump his pillow while you watch.
Bad news for Lix since he loves physical affection especially when y'all are having sex </3
He's getting himself off, whining a bit. And then you hit him with a comment about how maybe he'd rather do this every time since he's "so keen" about doing it himself and there go the waterworks...
Swearing up and down that he won't do it again and how you're the only one who can get him off properly :(
So after asking if he's okay (bc consent and checking in is very hot, very sexy) you kiss (maybe lick, if you're into that) his tears away and tell him he still has to ride the pillow, but he gets to hold your hands and all the jazz while doing it.
Just some food for thought :)
(I shit you not, I had forgot abt this entire thing and I was like "i wanted to send rin a lix themed smut piece, but what was it?" And then I was scrolling through the sub!skz tag and saw someone mentioned pillow humping and then it all came back to me in a flash)
This was my inspo, by the by:
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stop the presses‼️‼️ feeling very grateful that the stars aligned for you to remember this scenario bc i absolutely adore it oh my god…it’s so perfect for lix it hurts (and fefe really is such a cute nickname for him <3 forever part of my lexicon thanks to catboy anon hehe)
i definitely agree that lix could have a brat streak if he wanted, maybe not straight up disobedience but definitely trying to see how much provocation he can get away w before you put him in his place 🥰 i love the idea of him wanting to misbehave so he can get punished, but struggling to find ways to do it bc being so good n docile is just part of his nature
acting out in such an adorably obvious way how very lixesque ♡ it’d be the perfect punishment to make him put on a show for you without laying a finger on him hehe poor thing would be begging for some kind of physical contact the entire time, whining abt how all he wanted was your attention. he may have used his pillow for his lil stunt but he’s become so dependent on your touch he knows he can’t even finish without your help anymore 💔
just the thought of having to get off on his own is enough to make lixie cry please he’s such a clingy baby ㅠㅠ when he’s gazing up at you w pleading wet eyes n red cheeks covered in tears how could you possibly deny him!! licking his tears away is such a nice touch too…lock your hands w his whispering praises n encouragement as he rocks his hips into the pillow and suddenly he’s able to cum in no time~
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carewyncromwell · 5 months
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"Come with me and you'll be In a world of pure imagination... Reach out -- touch -- what was once Just in your imagination..."
~"Pure Imagination (cover)" from Wonka (2023)
Hey, I told y'all that the new Wonka movie made me want to draw some Jacob Cromwell content!! Hehe! 🥰
But yes. Considering that Timothee Chalamet has been my fancast for my boy Jacob for ages (though I initially picked Timothee because how he appeared in The Adderall Diaries, since I always imagined Jacob with long hair), I couldn't have been happier by what I saw of Wonka's trailers, because really, I thought to myself that even if I didn't end up liking the film, I'd have lots of fun new gifs to use in RP posts for Jacob. But as it turned out, I absolutely loved Wonka...and for a good chunk of the movie, all I could think is, "...Timothee is basically just playing an illiterate, chocolatier Jacob Cromwell right now. 😂" So yeah, a Jacob Wonka concept seemed like an absolute no-brainer...especially when the "dumb big brother/smart little sister" dynamic Wonka has with Noodle in the film reminds me so much of Jacob's dynamic with his sister, my OG girl Carewyn. Which reminds me...I also did a concept for a Noodle!twelve-year-old!Carey Bear to go along with this too!
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In this alternate universe scenario, Carewyn and Jacob wouldn't be biological siblings -- instead Jacob Wonka is the orphaned son of soft-spoken chocolate genius Lane Wonka, while Carewyn is the orphan ward of a nasty conwoman who's simply called "Pipsqueak" by everyone because of her small size, only for Jacob to shorten the name down further to "Pip" and then ret-con the nickname to be short for "Pippa" (meaning "lover of horses"), because his new surrogate little sister sings songs about wild horses when she's sad and come on, it's a much better name than "Pipsqueak." And of course as it turns out Pippa's past is ultimately tied up with one of the three main members of the Chocolate Cartel, Charles Cromwell. It is weird to split this family up this way, but ehhh, the idea made me smile anyway. No idea who most anyone else would be, but I imagine all of the other characters would mainly be people significant to Jacob's story more than Carewyn's, such as Rakepick, Duncan, Olivia, and Madam Rosmerta, rather than anyone from the Circle of Khanna.
Oh yes -- and for those of you who need proper audio for that above bonus comic of Jacob Wonka and "Pippa"...here. 😝
Hold your breath -- make a wish -- count to three...and hope you all have a lovely night! Much love!! xoxo
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