#i love sitting around in this fandom and chatting with people and just
orcelito · 6 months
I love....... community 🥺
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Fandom can do a little gatekeeping. As a treat.
So I finally decided to archive-lock my fics on AO3 last night. I’ve been considering it since the AI scrape last year, but the tipping point was this whole lore.fm debacle, coupled with some thoughts I’ve been thinking regarding Fandom These Days in general and Fandom As A Community in particular. So I wanna explain why I waited so long, why I locked my stuff up now, and why I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a-okay with making it harder for people to see my stories.
Lurkers really are great, tho
I’m a chronic lurker, and have been since I started hanging out on the internet as a teen in the 00s. These days it’s just cuz I don’t feel a need to socialize very often, but back then it was because I was shy and knew I was socially awkward. Even if I made an account, I’d spend months lurking on message boards or forums or Livejournals, watching other people interact and getting a feel for that particular community’s culture and etiquette before I finally started interacting myself. And y’know, that approach saved me a lot of embarrassment. Over the course of my lurking on any site, there was always some other person who’d clearly joined up five minutes after learning the place existed, barged in without a care for their behavior, and committed so many social faux pas that all the other users were immediately annoyed with them at best. I learned a lot observing those incidents. Lurk More is Rule 33 of the internet for very good reason.
Lurking isn’t bad or weird or creepy. It’s perfectly normal. I love lurking. It’s hard for me to not lurk - socializing takes a lot of energy out of me, even via text. (Heck it took 12 hours for me to write this post, I wish I was kidding--) Occasionally I’ll manage longer bouts of interaction - a few weeks posting here, almost a year chatting in a discord there - but I’m always gonna end up going radio silent for months at some point. I used to feel bad about it, but I’ve long since made peace with the fact that it’s just the way my brain works. I’m a chronic lurker, and in the long term nothing is going to change that.
The thing with being a chronic lurker is that you have to accept that you are not actually seen as part of the community you are lurking in. That’s not to say that lurkers are unimportant - lurkers actually are important, and they make up a large proportion of any online community - but it’s simple cause and effect. You may think of it as “your community”, but if you’ve never said a word, how is the community supposed to know you exist? If I lurked on someone’s LJ, and then that person suddenly friendslocked their blog, I knew that I had two choices: Either accept that I would never be able to read their posts again, or reach out to them and ask if I could be added to their friends list with the full understanding that I was a rando they might not decide to trust. I usually went with the first option, because my invisibility as a lurker was more important to me than talking to strangers on the internet.
Lurking is like sitting on a park bench, quietly people-watching and eavesdropping on the conversations other people are having around you. You’re in the park, but you’re not actively participating in anything happening there. You can see and hear things that you become very interested in! But if you don’t introduce yourself and become part of the conversation, you won’t be able to keep listening to it when those people walk away. When fandom migrated away from Livejournal, people moved to new platforms alongside their friends, but lurkers were often left behind. No one knew they existed, so they weren’t told where everyone else was going. To be seen as part of a fandom community, you need to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known, etc. etc.
There’s nothing wrong with lurking. There can actually be benefits to lurking, both for the lurkers and the communities they lurk in. It’s just another way to be in a fandom. But if that is how you exist in fandom--and remember, I say this as someone who often does exist that way in fandom--you need to remember that you’re on the outside looking in, and the curtains can always close.
I’ve always been super sympathetic to lurkers, because I am one. I know there’s a lot of people like me who just don’t socialize often. I know there’s plenty of reasons why someone might not make an account on the internet - maybe they’re nervous, maybe they’re young and their parents don’t allow them to, maybe they’re in a bad situation where someone is monitoring their activity, maybe they can only access the internet from public computer terminals. Heck, I’ve never even logged into AO3 on my phone--if I’m away from my computer I just read what’s publicly available. 
I know I have people lurking on my fics. I know my fics probably mean a lot to someone I don’t even know exists. I know this because there are plenty of fics I love whose writers don’t know I exist.
I love my commenters personally; I love my lurkers as an abstract concept. I know they’re there and I wish them well, and if they ever de-lurk I love them all the more.
So up until last year I never considered archive-locking my fic, because I get it. The AI scraping was upsetting, but I still hesitated because I was thinking of lurkers and guests and remembering what it felt like to be 15 and wondering if it’d be worth letting a stranger on the internet know I existed and asking to be added to their friends list just so I could reread a funny post they made once.
But the internet has changed a lot since the 00s, and fandom has changed with it. I’ve read some things and been doing some thinking about fandom-as-community over the last few years, and reading through the lore.fm drama made me decide that it’s time for me to set some boundaries.
I still love my lurkers, and I feel bad about leaving any guest commenters behind, especially if they’re in a situation where they can’t make an account for some reason. But from here on out, even my lurkers are going to have to do the bare minimum to read my fics--make an AO3 account.
Should we gatekeep fandom?
I’ve seen a few people ask this question, usually rhetorically, sometimes as a joke, always with a bit of seriousness. And I think…yeah, maybe we should. Except wait, no, not like that--
A decade ago, when people talked about fandom gatekeeping and why it was bad to do, it intersected with a lot of other things, mainly feminism and classism. The prevalent image of fandom gatekeeping was, like, a man learning that a woman likes Star Wars and haughtily demanding, “Oh, yeah? Well if you’re REALLY a fan, name ten EU novels” to belittle and dismiss her, expecting that a “real fan” would have the money and time to be familiar with the EU, and ignoring the fact that male movie-only fans were still considered fans. The thing being gatekept was the very definition of “being a fan” and people’s right to describe themselves as one.
That’s not what I mean when I say maybe fandom should gatekeep more. Anyone can call themselves a fan if they like something, that’s fine. But when it comes to the ability to enjoy the fanworks produced by the fandom community…that might be something worth gatekeeping.
See, back in the 00s, it was perfectly common for people to just…not go on the internet. Surfing the web was a thing, but it was just, like, a fun pastime. Not everyone did it. It wasn’t until the rise of social media that going online became a thing everyone and their grandmother did every day. Back then, going on the internet was just…a hobby.
So one of the first gates online fandom ever had was the simple fact that the entire world wasn’t here yet.
The entire world is here now. That gate has been demolished.
And it’s a lot easier to find us now. Even scattered across platforms, fandom is so centralized these days. It isn’t a network of dedicated webshrines and forums that you can only find via webrings anymore, it’s right there on all the big social media sites. AO3 didn’t set out to be the main fanfic website, but that’s definitely what it’s become. It’s easy for people to find us--and that includes people who don’t care about the community, and just want “content.”
Transformative fandom doesn’t like it when people see our fanworks as “content”. “Content” is a pretty broad term, but when fandom uses it we’re usually referring to creative works that are churned out by content creators to be consumed by an audience as quickly as possible as often as possible so that the content creator can generate revenue. This not-so-new normal has caused a massive shift in how people who are new to fandom view fanworks--instead of seeing fic or art as something a fellow fan made and shared with you, they see fanworks as products to be consumed.
Transformative fandom has, in general, always been a gift economy. We put time and effort into creating fanworks that we share with our fellow fans for free. We do this so we don’t get sued, but fandom as a whole actually gets a lot out of the gift economy. Offer your community a story, and in return you can get comments, build friendships, or inspire other people to write things that you might want to read. Readers are given the gift of free stories to read and enjoy, and while lurking is fine, they have the choice to engage with the writer and other readers by leaving comments or making reclists to help build the community.
And look, don’t get me wrong. People have never engaged with fanfic as much as fan writers wish they would. There has always been “no one comments anymore” wank. There have always been people who only comment to say “MORE!” or otherwise demand or guilt trip writers into posting the next chapter. But fandom has always agreed that those commenters are rude and annoying, and as those commenters navigate fandom they have the chance to learn proper community etiquette.
However, now it seems that a lot of the people who are consuming fanworks aren’t actually in the community. 
I won’t say “they aren’t real fans” because that’s silly; there’s lots of ways to be a fan. But there seem to be a lot of fans now who have no interest in fandom as a community, or in adhering to community etiquette, or in respecting the gift economy. They consume our fics, but they don’t appreciate fan labor. They want our “content”, but they don’t respect our control over our creations.
And even worse--they see us as a resource. We share our work for free, as a gift, but all they see is an open-source content farm waiting to be tapped into. We shared it for free, so clearly they can do whatever they want with it. Why should we care if they feed our work into AI training datasets, or copy/paste our unfinished stories into ChatGPT to get an ending, or charge people for an unnecessary third-party AO3 app, or sell fanbindings on etsy for a profit without the author’s permission, or turn our stories into poor imitations of podfics to be posted on other platforms without giving us credit or asking our consent, while also using it to lure in people they can datascrape for their Forbes 30 Under 30 company? 
And sure, people have been doing shady things with other people’s fanworks since forever. Art theft and reposting has always been a big problem. Fanfic is harder to flat-out repost, but I’ve heard of unauthorized fic translations getting posted without crediting the original author. Once in…I think the 2010s? I read a post by a woman who had gone to some sort of local bookselling event, only to find that the man selling “his” novel had actually self-published her fanfic. (Wish I could find that one again, I don’t even remember where I read it.)
But aside from that third example, the thing is…as awful as fanart/writing theft is, back in the day, the main thing a thief would gain from it was clout. Clout that should rightfully go to the creators who gifted their work in the first place, yeah, but still. Just clout. People will do a lot of hurtful things for clout, but fandom clout means nothing outside of fandom. Fandom clout is not enough to incentivize the sort of wide-scale pillaging we’re seeing from community outsiders today.
Money, on the other hand… Well, fandom’s just a giant, untapped content farm, isn’t it? Think of how much revenue all that content could generate.
Lurkers are a normal and even beneficial part of any online community. Maybe one day they’ll de-lurk and easily slide into place beside their fellow fans because they already know the etiquette. Maybe they’re active in another community, and they can spread information from the community they lurk in to the community they’re active in. At the very least, they silently observe, and even if they’re not active community members, they understand the community.
Fans who see fanworks as “content” don’t belong in the same category as lurkers. They’re tourists. 
While reading through the initial Reddit thread on the lore.fm situation, I found this comment:
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[ID: Reddit User Cabbitowo says: ... So in anime fandoms we have a word called tourist and essentially it means a fan of a few anime and doesn't care about anime tropes and actively criticizes them. This is kind of how fandoms on tiktok feel. They're touring fanfics and fanart and actively criticizes tropes that have been in the fandom since the 60s. They want to be in a fandom but they don't want to engage in fandom 
OP totallymandy responds: Just entered back into Reddit after a long day to see this most recent reply. And as a fellow anime fan this making me laugh so much since it’s true! But it sorta hurts too when the reality sets in. Modern fandom is so entitled and bratty and you’d think it’s the minors only but that’s not even true, my age-mates and older seem to be like that. They want to eat their cake and complain all whilst bringing nothing to the potluck… :/ END ID]
“Tourist” is an apt name for this sort of fan. They don’t want to be part of our community, and they don’t have to be in order to come into our spaces and consume our work. Even if they don’t steal our work themselves, they feel so entitled to it that they’re fine with ignoring our wishes and letting other people take it to make AI “podfics” for them to listen to (there are a lot of comments on lore.fm’s shutdown announcement video from people telling them to just ignore the writers and do it anyway). They’ll use AI to generate an ending to an unfinished fic because they don’t care about seeing “the ending this writer would have given to the story they were telling”, they just want “an ending”. For these tourist fans, the ends justify the means, and their end goal is content for them to consume, with no care for the community that created it for them in the first place.
I don’t think this is confined to a specific age group. This isn’t “13-year-olds on Wattpad” or “Zoomers on TikTok” or whatever pointless generation war we’re in now. This is coming from people who are new to fandom, whose main experience with creative works on the internet is this new content culture and who don’t understand fandom as a community. That description can be true of someone from any age group.
It’s so easy to find fandom these days. It is, in fact, too easy. Newcomers face no hurdles or challenges that would encourage them to lurk and observe a bit before engaging, and it’s easy for people who would otherwise move on and leave us alone to start making trouble. From tourist fans to content entrepreneurs to random people who just want to gawk, it’s so easy for people who don’t care about the fandom community to reap all of its fruits. 
So when I say maybe fandom should start gatekeeping a bit, I’m referring to the fact that we barely even have a gate anymore. Everyone is on the internet now; the entire world can find us, and they don’t need to bother learning community etiquette when they do. Before, we were protected by the fact that fandom was considered weird and most people didn’t look at it twice. Now, fandom is pretty mainstream. People who never would’ve bothered with it before are now comfortable strolling in like they own the place. They have no regard for the fandom community, they don’t understand it, and they don’t want to. They want to treat it just like the rest of the content they consume online.
And then they’re surprised when those of us who understand fandom culture get upset. Fanworks have existed far longer than the algorithmic internet’s content. Fanworks existed long before the internet. We’ve lived like this for ages and we like it.
So if someone can’t be bothered to respect fandom as a community, I don’t see why I should give them easy access to my fics.
Think of it like a garden gate
When I interact with commenters on my fic, I have this sense of hospitality.
The comment section is my front porch. The fic is my garden. I created my garden because I really wanted to, and I’m proud of it, and I’m happy to share it with other people. 
Lots of people enjoy looking at my garden. Many walk through without saying anything. Some stop to leave kudos. Some recommend my garden to their friends. And some people take the time to stop by my front porch and let me know what a beautiful garden it is and how much they’ve enjoyed it. 
Any fic writer can tell you that getting comments is an incredible feeling. I always try to answer all my comments. I don’t always manage it, but my fics’ comment sections are the one place that I manage to consistently socialize in fandom. When I respond to a comment, it feels like I’m pouring out a glass of lemonade to share with this lovely commenter on my front porch, a thank you for their thank you. We take a moment to admire my garden together, and then I see them out. The next time they drop by, I recognize them and am happy to pour another glass of lemonade.
My garden has always been open and easy to access. No fences, no walls. You just have to know where to find it. Fandom in general was once protected by its own obscurity, an out-of-the-way town that showed up on maps but was usually ignored.
But now there’s a highway that makes it easy to get to, and we have all these out-of-towner tourists coming in to gawk and steal our lawn ornaments and wonder if they can use the place to make themselves some money.
I don’t care to have those types trampling over my garden and eating all my vegetables and digging up my flowers to repot and sell, so I’ve put up a wall. It has a gate that visitors can get through if they just take the time to open it.
Admittedly, it’s a small obstacle. But when I share my fics, I share them as a gift with my fellow fans, the ones who understand that fandom is a community, even if they’re lurkers. As for tourist fans and entrepreneurs who see fic as content, who have no qualms ignoring the writer’s wishes, who refuse to respect or understand the fandom community…well, they’re not the people I mean to share my fic with, so I have no issues locking them out. If they want access to my stories, they’ll have to do the bare minimum to become a community member and join the AO3 invite queue.
And y’know, I’ve said a lot about fandom and community here, and I just want to say, I hope it’s not intimidating. When I was younger, talk about The Fandom Community made me feel insecure, and I didn’t think I’d ever manage to be active enough in fandom spaces to be counted as A Member Of The Community. But you don’t have to be a social butterfly to participate in fandom. I’ll always and forever be a chronic lurker, I reblog more than I post, I rarely manage to comment on fic, and I go radio silent for months at a time--but I write and post fanfiction. That’s my contribution.
Do you write, draw, vid, gif, or otherwise create? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you leave comments? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you curate reclists? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you maintain a fandom blog or fuckyeah blog? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you provide a space for other fans to convene in? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you regularly send asks (off anon so people know who you are)? Congrats, you're a community member.
Do you have fandom friends who you interact with? Congrats, you're a community member.
There’s lots of ways to be a fan. Just make sure to respect and appreciate your fellow fans and the work they put in for you to enjoy and the gift economy fandom culture that keeps this community going.
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coryosbaby · 4 months
i need more felix shit from u 😣😣
—Jealous Girl !
Fandom: ‘Saltburn’
Pairing: Felix Catton x fem! Best friend! Reader (also minor mentions of: Oliver quick x fem! Reader)
Synopsis: Tension and jealousy finally come to a head after you see your best friend Felix fucking another girl.
Content warning . Drug & alcohol use, watching without permission? possessiveness, friends to lovers with slight angst, dark! Ish reader // degradation & praise, facefucking, pnv, size kink, choking, breeding, mean! dom! Felix
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If you ever explain how your best friend usually treats you, it can only be summed up into one word: gentle.
He treats you like glass. A beautiful, priceless artifact that requires great care. He pays for everything you own— your dresses, handbags, shoes. Even where you live, the infamous Saltburn estate. Every time he speaks to you, it’s like he’s speaking to a pet— sweet, gentle, but commanding all at once. In his eyes, you’re an innocent angel…or, as he puts it, a sweet bunny.
And you fucking hate it.
It doesn’t bother you in the sense that Felix cares for you; quite the contrary, in fact. You like his warmth, how protective he is, how sweet and kind he can be.
But he treats you too kindly. Too much like his other friends, too much like his sister, too much like a companion.
Not enough like a lover.
It seems that he’s completely oblivious to your longing stares, the way you follow him around and practically worship the ground he walks on. He never seems to grasp why you sit in his lap at parties, squirming around just a little too much, or why you cuddle up to him in his room when you’ve had a nightmare in your skimpy nightdress. He stares off into a space between and kisses girls right in front of you.
You want him to treat you like the sluts he brings home.
The whispers of how the boy fucks is something you’ve grown accustomed to. The girls you had become acquainted with who had slept with him, giggling to you about how much of a good lay he was. How mean, how brutal he was. How big he was.
‘This doesn’t bother you, does it? God, I know it’s weird because he’s your best friend ‘n all, but I don’t understand why you haven’t done him yet. I would’ve thought… y’know, given how close you two are...’
It makes you sick, knowing he does it to other girls and not you.
And now, sitting on a couch at one of Felix’s infamous Saltburn parties, you watch as he does it once again.
Your nose slides across the glass table in front of you. Two people sit beside you, making friendly conversation, but you can’t focus on them. Your nose is filled to the brim with glittery white powder as you stare at Felix’s new side piece through your faux lashes.
He’s got her in his lap, this girl. Olivia is her name, or something like that. You don’t like her. She’s too needy, clinging onto him a little too much for just a simple hookup. His hand grabs her hip as she presses kisses to his neck. He’s laughing, splayed across the leather couch across from you, as she whispers dirty phrases into his ear. You can tell that that’s what she’s doing because she’s grinding against him like a bitch in heat. It makes you stomach churn.
Your head looks up, and Farleigh stands in front of you. You give him a smile, though it’s mostly fake. You love him, but you can’t stop thinking about Felix.
Felix and her.
Farleigh chats with you about some guy he’s about to go and hook up with, telling you his whereabouts as a safety precaution. You nod to him as he leaves.
Felix has his hand up her skirt, now. He’s gripping her ass and rocking up into her clothed cunt.
You can’t look any longer.
You stumble to your feet, the room spinning a bit before turning to normal. An intoxicated kind of giddiness flows through you, and you brush past the couch and try to get Felix off your mind. You spot one of his new companions— Oliver. He’s quite handsome, you think. A little weird, a little quiet, but he’ll do for sure.
It isn’t long before you’ve got him in between your thighs in an empty corridor, a buzz flowing from your toes up to the crown of your head as he thrusts his tongue mercilessly into your drenched heat. He draws circles into your clit and laps at you like he’s parched. Oh, he’s good. Practiced, precise. He loves to please.
But he isn’t Felix.
Although Oliver’s tongue is skilled, it isn’t necessarily that that gets you to your peak. When you cum, you think of a familiar brunette with an eyebrow piercing, a wide smile, and dreamy eyes.
You let Oliver fuck you against the wall, after that.
It feels good. He’s big, rough, mean. Just how you like it.
Just how you want Felix to be.
You decide not to return to the party.
Your bare feet pad against the tiles of the Saltburn estate, your heels in your hand . The hallway is empty, save for one or two stragglers. No one really comes to this side of the house. You’re attempting to walk— or in this case, stumble— to your room. But everything is blurry, your feet dancing, and—
Shit, is this even your hallway?
You don’t know, really. You’re drunk, high. You don’t give a shit.
Your fingers are dancing across the walls, admiring the intricate paintings placed on each one. You lick your lips and taste a tequila shot, your dress askew. Fuck it.
You’re admiring The Fallen Angel by Alexandra Cabanel when you hear them.
It starts out slow— a deep, guttural moan, from the door to your left. It translates into a familiar voice, growling.
“What?” It teases. “Is my cock too much for you? Too big, huh?”
And then another sound comes through the thin walls and slightly opened door. A high pitched whine, pleading.
“Felix! Please, it feels so good.”
Your brows furrow. Drunken confusion. You silently creep up to the door, wondering. Your eyes peek through at the scene.
The color drains from your face.
Of course it’s Felix. Felix and her.
He’s got her bent over an expensive wood table. He’s pulling her hair, pressing his hips into her with every push and pull. She’s got her mouth open as her eyes roll back in ecstasy, and her cunt swallows him whole.
Your shoes drop to the ground in utter shock.
Now that seems to grab the pair’s attention. Felix looks back, and his eyes catch your dilated ones. He curses, slipping out of her and trying to conceal himself as he pulls his pants up. The girl catches sight of you, too, and she’s instantly pulling down her top and throwing her clothes on.
“Christ, Bunny!” Felix exclaims, flushed. “The fuck are you doing all the way over here?”
Your bottom lip wobbles, but you won’t cry. Not in front of him. Not in front of his whore.
You turn before you even know what you’re doing, and you scurry away from the scene with tears running hotly down your cheeks.
So much for parties.
When you wake in the morning, you’ve got a pounding headache and you’re sprawled out on your bed.
Your body aches, and you whine as you turn over on your side. The memories of last night flood back into your psyche, and you want to throw up. Of course the one thing you don’t want to remember is buried so prominently into your skull that it’s the first thing you think about.
It’s not like Felix hasn’t fucked anyone before. But seeing it, actually watching him do it to another girl, makes you sick. You don’t know how you’re going to look him in the eye at breakfast.
You stand up on wobbly legs. You make your way to the bathroom, throw your guts up at least twice, and then brush your teeth. A warm shower calms you down, though your head still hurts. You’ll have to take some ibuprofen later.
You make your way to the dining room in a juicy tracksuit and brown ugg boots. You slide a pair of sunnies on your face to protect you from the blinding sun, letting out a pained moan when it shines through the large stain glass window.
“Good morning, sunshine!” Farleigh coos from the table. You give him the middle finger before plopping down in a seat beside Oliver. His eyes scan over you, taking in your appearance. His knee bumps against yours, and he whispers a quiet ‘good morning’ to you.
God, he’s a clingy little shit, isn’t he?
Felix’s eyes follow your every move. Usually you sit next to him in the mornings, but as of right now, why bother? The closer to get to him, the more vivid the image of him fucking her comes into your mind.
You swallow down a few pieces of toast and some orange juice. Elsbeth is talking about a party reserved for Oliver for his birthday, one that they will host this weekend. How absolutely and utterly fan-fucking-tastic.
Oh, well. You’ll be able to dress up, at least. That’ll probably be the best part.
You ignore Felix for the entirety of the day. There’s still that fire coiling in your gut everytime you look at him, that hot bubble of rage and jealousy. Oliver looks up at you through long eyelashes during a game of tennis, and you find the way to satiate that heat.
It’s an awful idea. A terrible, mean, despicable idea.
You knew Felix would be out. It was around five pm— the time when he usually begins coming back to the house from his afternoon run. He would be back in twenty to thirty minutes.
“You’re incredibly fucked. Do you know that?”
Oliver whispers it huskily, pleased, as you push him down on a set of familiar satin sheets. You smirk, your cunt grinding down onto him.
“And you’re not?”
He grunts as you unbutton his shirt. You kiss down his chest, soon getting rid of your bra and top. You rock back on him slowly, teasing. His hand moves around to grope your ass, but you grab ahold of his wrist.
“Are you going to behave?”
A smirk plays on his lips. You want to slap it off of him.
You snake your hand down to his bulge, giving it a considerable squeeze. He lets out a tiny gasp, biting his lower lip.
“What was that?” You say, almost threatening.
He gulps. He looks almost cute with the blush dusting across his face.
“Yes.” he whispers. You ghost your fingers over his waistband.
“What was that?”
“Yes, I’ll behave.”
He hisses it, and you’re pleased.
“Good boy.”
And then when he’s inside you, you bounce on him like your life depends on it. You look up above Felix’s bed, at the framed picture of you and him. He had hung it up, and for that you’re thankful. You concentrate on the way photo Felix’s fingers tightly grip a shot glass. Oliver lets out tiny whines as you clench around his cock, and you grind your clit against the base of him. You know that Felix catches you both when you look back at the slightly cracked door and see him there— blue headband, muscle tee and shorts. When you lock eyes, he moves away from the door and down the hall with a clenched jaw and cheeks blooming red.
The days pass from one into three, and soon it’s Oliver’s birthday. Felix has avoided you, much to your dismay. You thought he would give in sooner. If you didn’t know any better, you would think that he was trying to pretend the situation didn’t happen altogether. But the hard stare he gives you whenever he sees you, the clenching of his hands, and the plain ignorance of your presence gives him away.
You’ve decided to dress as a Bunny for Oliver’s infamous costume party. Your favorite animal, but also another way to piss Felix off. Wearing a pink bodysuit, sparkly fishnets, and pink bunny ears, you make your way into the party beside Venetia, who’s ranting about her current situationship with some girl she met at a club. Scanning the crowd, you take notice of Felix from across the room. Angel wings sit on his shoulders, his eyes lined with a black eye pencil. He’s wearing a white wifebeater.
You go to the bar and take a few shots to stifle your nerves. Felix’s eyes follow you as you grab a bottle from the bartender and make your way outside.
It isn’t long before you’re absolutely plastered. Giggling to yourself, you make your way towards the hedge maze in the backyard. Felix’s voice, the one he hasn’t used to talk to you directly for a few days, interrupts your diddle daddling.
“We need to talk.”
You keep walking, him trailing behind you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Felix.”
His big hand grabbing your arm and spinning you around to look at him surprises you. He glares.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
You back away, winding through the labyrinth of bushes. Felix groans as you begin to skip around each corner.
“This isn’t a game, y’know!” He calls, as he tries his best to keep up with you. It isn’t long before you’re both standing in the middle of the maze. The stone statue overpowers the both of your bodies as it leers down in a violent pose. You smile crookedly when Felix stalks over to you, making a beeline for the other side of the statue. It doesn’t seem to be funny to him.
He catches you when you least expect it, grabbing you by the shoulders.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, (Y/N)?!”
He yells it, infuriated, deep vocal cords strumming. It makes you jump. He never calls you by your real name.
He purses his lips, anger evident on his face as you smile up at him still.
“‘M jus’ having fun, Fel. Whats wrong with that?”
“What’s— what’s wrong with—“ he laughs, dry and humorless, as he pushes you away from him. “Whats wrong is that you fucked my friend in my room! What the hell went through your head?!“
You clench your teeth.
“I don’t know, Felix,” you utter sarcastically. “I really don’t know. Call it irritational horniness. But tell me. Are you mad? For once, once in your fucking life, are you mad?”
“Of course I’m mad!” he seethes, as if it’s obvious. “But why do you want that? What prompted this?”
You avert from his piercing gaze, turning your back on him. Your cheeks are flaring with heat from how he’s treating you, your inner thighs wet and sticky.
God, this is so wrong.
“I think you know.”
Genuinely confused, Felix throws up his hands. He’s exasperated.
“No, I don’t. I don’t, (Y/N), so tell me. Tell me the damn truth!”
“The truth?” You say, finally. “‘S that what you want?”
You whirl around, anger finally taking over in your usually pliant, doe eyes.
“The truth, Felix, is that you treat me like a kid!” You yell. Your voice cracks, and you hate it. “You treat me like a fucking child! Like your friend! Like a… like a—“
Your breath heaves, and you try to find the words you’re looking for. Felix looks at you, his brows furrowed.
You can’t open your mouth anymore, too distraught, too open. You’re saying all the things you promised you’d keep buried deep inside you.
Felix takes a step forward. You take a step back. Your lower back hits the stone statue, and you wince at the way it digs into your skin.
“What are you saying?” He asks, careful with his words. You laugh bitterly in his face— at least, as close as you can get to his face. He towers over you like a giant.
“I’m saying that after all this time, after all these years, I thought you’d notice how badly I want you. But clearly not, with the way I caught you fucking that cunt last weekend.”
The words finally come out— slurred because of your drunkenness, dry because you’ve given up. You’ve given up on Felix, on the possibility of him ever returning the feelings you’ve always had for him. You’ve given up on your friendship, on his kindness. You don’t want it anymore. Why continue this if it’s only going to hurt you?
The boy is stunned into silence for a mere moment.
You turn away from his stare, looking down at the ground.
“You heard me, Felix.”
His eyes follow your lips, nose, eyes. His lips part ever so slightly, and his eyes are so dark that they’re almost black as realization settles over him.
“So that’s what you want?”
It comes out hushed, like a secret. His breath is hot against your lips as he leans in close to you.
“All this time you’ve been acting like this.. all because you want me to fuck you? Because you’re jealous?”
You stare up at him in a daze, silent. Your cheeks flare with embarrassment. You jump when Felix lets out a chuckle, something grating and deep, that permeates your bones and worms its way inside your guts.
“God, you’re sick.”
He scoffs, moving forward on his long legs. His big hand wraps itself around your hair and tugs. You let out a gasp as he tilts your head back, the burn of your scalp making your legs clench together.
“You’ve been torturing me for weeks—“ he spits, yanking at the roots of your hair even harder, and you let out a squeak. “— Not speaking to me, making me question what I could’ve possibly done wrong, fucking my friend in my bed, all because you want to me treat you like some whore?“
Your mouth gapes open, and you’re frozen like a deer in headlights as Felix finally gives you what you want. He continues to speak, but not before his knee is coming up to rub in between your thighs. It’s such a sudden movement, so aggressive, that your legs buckle and you grab onto his shoulders for purchase. His hands splay across your hips, moving you in tandem across the fabric of his jeans.
“Don’t worry.” He says. “You’ll never have to worry about that again.”
“Felix—” you start, but his hand slapping you clear across the face makes you lose all words. Your cheek flares with heat from his hand coming down on it, and you grasp the red mark in pain.
“Was he good?” he growls, grabbing the hand touching your face and putting it in his much larger one. He places it over his crotch, and you feel the giant bulge against the fabric. “Was he as big as me? Did he fuck you the way you thought I would?”
You shake, stuttering on every phrase in your vocabulary. Felix grinds into your hand.
“You think that I don’t want you like this?”
It comes out strained, tortured. Like it’s painful for you to even assume that. Your mouth waters at the feeling of his girth underneath your palm.
“I’ve never been this hard for anyone,” he breathes. “I jerked my cock every night when you were in my bed because I thought it was the closest I could get to you. I fucking…God, do you even know what you do me?“
He works his thigh against your pussy, and you whine desperately as you pull away from his assault on you. You kiss your way down his chest, worship his body, lave your tongue over the skin peeking out from his unbuttoned shirt as you sink down to your knees. Your hands fumble with his belt, waiting for the moment when his cock will be released and you’ll finally get what you’ve been begging for. He grunts, tilting his head as he watches you desperately fumble with the leather around his waist.
“Already trying to suck me off? You’re even more pathetic than I thought.”
You press your mouth against his thigh and practically drool at his words. He looks down at you like a God, golden angel wings splaying out in the moonlight for you to gape at. How ironic it is, that he decided to wear this costume tonight.
“All for you, Felix,” you say, pulling his cock out of the confines of his jeans. You gape at his impressive length.
“That’s right,” he agrees, his thumb brushing over your lip. “Now put me in your mouth. Show me how much of a fucking slut you are.”
You do as you’re told, tongue lolling out to lick a stripe up his shaft. He clenches his jaw, watching as you hold eye contact with him when you take his dick into the warm, wet confines of your mouth. His hand wraps around the nape of your neck and he pushes you down onto him. Choking, your nose hits the soft bed of pubic hair trimmed neatly at his base. Your eyes roll back as he begins to fuck your throat, pleasure and electricity flowing through your head and down to your toes. The corners of your mouth burn as he stretches out your mouth.
“Didn’t know you could take dick so good,” Felix muses, his balls slapping against your chin. “If I would’ve known how badly you wanted this, I would’ve slid my cock inside you the night you caught me with that girl.”
That girl. He can’t even remember her name. It satisfies something dark that’s been blooming in you since you saw him sticking his dick where it didn’t belong.
You moan around him, spit trailing down your neck as you tongue at his slit. Your hands grip his big, meaty thighs, and it occurs to you just how strong he is. He could break you, rip you apart piece by piece, and you couldn’t do anything about it. The thought arouses you to no end.
“You pissed me off so fuckin’ much that night, y’know that?” He rambles, his thighs squeezing the sides of your face. He’s practically trapping you against his cock, and you try your hardest to breathe through your nose but you can feel your vision blurring at the edges. “You caught me in the middle of it, didn’t even say sorry. Didn’t help me finish. You’re a sick little bitch for watching me fuck her. I bet you touched yourself after that, didn’t you? Touched your little cunt thinking about the way I used her?”
You whimper around him, your fingers attempting to move down and rub against your clit. But Felix lets out a sound in the back of his throat and kicks your hand away.
“Don’t. You don’t get to cum tonight. You put your hands on me, or you don’t put them on anything at all.”
Your hands wrap around the back of his thighs, then, as you hollow your cheeks around him. You’ll do anything he demands you to.
After a long moment of being face fucked with only a few breathing breaks in between, your throat is scratchy and raw. Felix yanks you off of him, and you wheeze as you’re thrown to the ground, your hand going to your throat as your eyes drip with citrine tears. Felix stands for a moment to let you catch your breath. He’s still your best friend, after all— he cares about your well being, as angry as he is right now.
It isn’t long, however, before he’s grabbing you up by your elbow and bending you over the marble statue. Your cheek lands on the cold stone, the crotch of your bodysuit is ripped open, exposing your lace panties and the fat globes of your ass. You stick yourself out for him, moaning as he rips your underwear off of you and throws it on the ground. He spreads your legs and coos at your dripping cunt.
“Oh, look at that,” his fingers go to either side of your pussy lips, spreading them apart and revealing your teeny tiny hole. “It’s clenching s’much, isn’t it, sweetheart? It’s all swollen ‘n red. It’s been so worked up all night, I bet.”
“Felix,” you cry, a blubbering mess. “Please.”
He chuckles, rubbing the tip of his finger against your clit. You quiver underneath his touch, gasping when his aching cockhead suddenly brushes up against your entrance.
“I want to know how badly you want me. Tell me, darling. Tell me how pathetic you are.”
“I want it,” your voice comes out small, weak. “I want you to fuck me until I can’t feel my legs. Wan’ you to stretch me out on your fat cock, Felix. Give it t’me, pleasepleaseplease…”
He lets out a dreamy sigh, feeling you trying to clench around the tip of his cock, trying to suck him in. Your head is fuzzy, your cunt throbbing. You need him more than you need air.
“Okay,” he lets out, whispering. It’s an oddly gentle tone, and you know it’s because this situation could change the outcome of your friendship forever. “Okay, sweetheart.”
He pushes forward, the fat tip of his cock popping into your entrance, and you let out a mewl. Felix is big, and not just in his height or his shoulders. He stretches you so deliciously to the point where it’s borderline painful.
“Oh my god,” he grits his teeth, his head tipping back. “God, you’re a tight little thing. So tiny..”
You know he’s talking to your pussy now, drunk off the way you’re wrapping around his shaft. He moves slow, gentle strokes against your aching pussy, his fingers digging bruises into your hips as he struggles to contain himself.
Your cheek is smushed against the hard surface below you, but that doesn’t stop you from speaking.
“It’s okay,” you assure him, moaning. “Destroy me, rip me apart.. I don’t care, Felix.”
He moans along with you, a sound of pure, unleashed pleasure. His hips speed up, and he fucks into your cunt with reckless abandon as your nails dig into the marble below you. His cock is so deep that you can almost feel him in your throat.
He angles at a spot inside that has you keening, your hips fucking back onto him as he rams into you. Your nails scrape against the statue, tears running down your cheeks.
“Felix,” you moan out, but it’s hard to speak as the breath is being knocked out of you.
“Mmm,” he hums, grabbing your hips. “‘M gonna cum. ‘M gonna cum in your sweet little pussy.”
“Please,” you gasp. “Please, fill me up, fill up my pussy!”
“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” His arms lift your body up, and his biceps curl around your neck. Your eyes widen as he tightens his grip, placing you in a chokehold underneath him. His hips slap against yours, his steady words bordering on a whine. “You want me to cum inside you? Get you all pregnant and full? Mmm, that’d be a pretty sight, wouldn’t it…”
You clench down on him. He growls, a sigh of your name tumbling out of his mouth. His hips stutter. And with one last harsh thrust, he’s cumming. His warmth fills you to the brim and spills over the cusp as he fucks into you, teeth scraping against your neck as he bites down and leaves a mark. Sweat drips drown your temple, small pants escaping your lips as you try to swallow oxygen into your lungs. Felix’s arms are still wrapped around you neck, but they aren’t wrapped tight enough to cut off your air completely.
Definitely tight enough to bruise, though.
He slows, after a few more moments. You still grind onto his overstimulated cock, and he squeezes your throat in warning.
“What did I tell you? You don’t get to cum tonight.”
Your face becomes blotchy with tears, and you sob as he pulls out of you. His cum spills down onto the concrete floor, your pussy gushing with his seed, and you want to scream.
“But Felix,” you babble, grabbing onto his arm as he tucks himself back into his pants. “No, baby, please—“
“This is what you wanted,” he replies, nonchalant, as if he didn’t just fuck your brains out. His glances down at the creamy spend that had fallen out of you and onto the ground. Grabbing you by your hair, he pushes you down onto your knees. He gestures to his cum, licking his lips.
“Now clean that up,” he demands. “Wouldn’t want to leave a mess, would we?”
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:: @mysticpenguincreation @nightmare-niko @iheartinkonpaper @claireyberryy @becauseseaotters @emmalandry
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smusherina · 2 months
yard work - chapter 1 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
chapter 2
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Summers spent cleaning the Georges' pool, mowing their lawn, fixing up their garage door, and giving the odd oil change to one of their cars was the norm for you. Your father had made it big as a self-made entrepreneur, climbing the ladder rung by rung all the way up from rock bottom, but he had ensured your upbringing reflected his humble roots. That meant that while you never had to go hungry like he did, your allowance was minimal. Enough for school lunch and a few dollars to spare.
Doing odd jobs around the neighbourhood had been your primary means of making money for the last couple of years. The block was pretty fancy, so not everybody wanted to hire some twerp with no experience when a professional was easily available. Even so, rich folk were surprisingly stingy. You had your own equipment, didn't ask for much and had a familiar face. The Georges were your longest-standing clients. Mowing their lawn in summer and shovelling their driveway in winter had been your job since you were thirteen.
That was probably the reason why Regina kept her distance instead of ridiculing you like everybody else. You went to the same high school, Northshore, but that was pretty much it. You hung around your own (loser) ilk and she had her (cool) troupe. She had this odd little clique with Gretchen Wieners and Karen Smith. You didn't know much about the two girls and you couldn't really tell if Regina even liked them. They hung out so they had to have something in common, right? You were but an observer at the end of the day, no matter how your neighbourly vantage point gave you a glimpse into Regina's life.
You counted her ignoring you as a blessing. It would've cut deep to fall victim to her new ways. This persona wasn't that new, you had to admit, but when you'd known her since practically diapers, high school was a pretty new development. She'd never been what people would describe as sweet or nice, but this mean girl persona was on a whole other level.
To be fair, you could very well understand why Regina was the way she was. You knew Mr George. You'd sat at the same dinner table as him, had experienced first-hand how his presence weighed on his family. Especially on Regina. Your father was the same way, all sharp edges with no time for tenderness, not even- especially not for his daughter. That'd been the reason you'd gotten so close to Regina in the first place. Most of the time it was just Regina, her mom and you at their house. Mrs George left you two by yourselves a lot 'cause she had to take care of Kylie. You loved being at the Georges' house.
(Expect, of course, those select few times Mr George was also there. But that was rare. Regina didn't invite you over when he was home.)
And now it'd been reduced to this. You, fishing leaves from the pool. Regina, inside with her new friends. Mrs George, lounging on the patio with a virgin margarita, chatting with you when you rounded the pool closer to her. Kylie, probably in the sitting room dancing along to whatever they played on MTV.
You straightened from your slouched position and groaned at the ache in your back. You leaned back with your hands braced at your sides, trying to stretch out the crick.
"Mrs George?" You hollered and waved your arms in her direction.
"Yes, dear?" She brightened up, perching up in her sun bed.
"You mind if I put my headphones on while I mow the lawn?"
"Oh, sure, of course!" She waved a hand dismissively. "Remember the glasses! And once you're done why don't you have dinner with us?"
"I'll think about it, Mrs George." You smiled with thin lips, knowing you'd be turning the offer down. With that, you plugged your headphones into the Walkman at your hip and walked to the shed.
You wore the safety glasses obediently, knowing all it took to blind you was one unlucky pebble to the eye. Your dad had been sure to lecture you about workplace safety over the years, like every time you stepped foot in the shop, so at this point putting on embarrassing safety equipment was second nature.
The Georges had a big lawn. Stingy rich people, couldn't get one of those driveable mowers. You'd be pushing this cart around till nightfall, or something...
Usher's newest album blasting in your ears and the rumbling of the lawn mower muffling all background noise, you didn't notice her at first. By the time you caught sight of Regina standing on the patio stairs, looking your way, hands on her hips and a displeased frown on her lips, you feared you were too late.
You let the engine die and tugged your headphones away from your ears. "What?" You yelled across the pool.
She rolled her eyes before answering. "Mom wants you in for dinner."
"Oh," This had never happened before. Usually, Mrs George would come round to give you your payment, ask you to stay and you'd say no. She'd smile sadly and say "Maybe next time, sweetie".
"She made casserole," Regina said, inspecting her nails. What was for dinner was definitely not the reason for your hesitation.
"Uh, I don't wanna intrude-"
"You wouldn't have been invited if it was an intrusion, idiot." She cut in sharply. "Don't be rude." And so, she swept inside.
"Uh- I- I'll finish up as fast as I can!"
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lizzieisright · 2 months
Alpha!Abby is such an oddly specific thing to write about, thank you for your service.
I've never sent a request to anyone ever before but I wanted to ask if you can write more alpha!abby.
Ahahaha, it will make more sense if you know that I spent my formative years in SPN and Teen wolf fandoms when they were at their peak, and in and out of kpop fandoms as well. (+ I worked on og story with omegaverse because I wanted wlw with a strong omega lead, which led to me getting really in depth with a/b/o, and now I'm quite fond of it)
Palestine: what can you do
Fri(end)s pt 2
alpha!abby x omega!reader
Summary: after you start dating, the question of sex comes up and Abby finds out you have 0 (zero) experience. So Abby, being an amazing partner, guides you through everything.
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), virgin!reader, no hurt only comfort, communication, they're incredibly comfortable with each other. for smut: dry humping, oral (both receiving), fingering (r!receiving), penetrative sex (r!receiving).
a/n: it's a mammoth (8k). I know. I don't know how it happened.
tags: @ushijimaswife-77
There's no such a big difference between being friends with Abby and dating Abby. It might sound good since you're already super comfortable with each other, but being friends for so long with an alpha who is a player leaves its marks. 
You constantly forget you have a claim on Abby. You see other omegas look at her, smell her, and you don't remember that you are her omega, not other people - you just chuckle and do nothing about it. 
Abby gets confused because she can't stop fucking glaring at other alphas - but Abby is a possessive asshole, she knew it would happen. Still, you don't act like you're a couple sometimes, and it kinda hurts. 
Abby watches how once again you freeze when another omega looks at her, your scent going just a bit sour, but you still do nothing, and Abby presses down her frustration. 
It hits her only after two weeks of you doing it, why you’re doing it. She realises it when you two are sitting in her living room, drinking wine and chatting, like always, and when she does, she is filled with desire to tease you. 
“I have a question.” Abby asks with a cocky grin, and you roll your eyes fondly. “You know you can scent me, right?”
Your eyes go comically big before you understand what she is saying, but then you avoid looking at her - not in a bad manner, but more like you want to hide from her.
“Um. Yeah. Right.” Abby laughs kindly and tugs you so you could sit on her lap. You're clearly embarrassed by your own obliviousness, and Abby wants to tease you so bad. 
“Since we're dating? And I literally told you I'm yours?” You groan and Abby laughs harder. 
“I'm so used to you fucking every pretty omega you see, my mind hasn't caught up yet.” You mutter, trying to defend yourself, but Abby's pretty laugh makes you smile. “Did it upset you?”
“A little. But I knew you wouldn't be cruel like this to me, so I figured you had a different reason.”
Your heart breaks a little and you take Abby's face into your palms, staring into her pretty blue eyes, while her arms are wrapped around your back. 
“I love you.” You say with all your soul. 
Abby blinks, her mouth falls open. She blinks again. Then her whole face goes red. You giggle and kiss her forehead. 
“Thank you.” Abby says eventually and you laugh harder. 
“What kind of response is this?” 
Abby blinks and buries her face in your shoulder, embarrassed.
 “I love you too. And I'm thankful for your love.” 
You giggle and kiss Abby, pressing closer to her as her scent envelopes both of you. Abby holds you so tightly you can't take a full breath, but you don't care, you like being close to her. 
You break the kiss and very tentatively, as if you expect Abby to stop you, rub against her scent glands. Abby's fingers dig into your ass and she sighs, her voice low. The room starts smelling like arousal and Abby chuckles. 
“Have you caught up on the fact that I really want to fuck you or do you need more explicit confirmation for it as well?”
Your face burns with Abby's every word, but then there's a sudden smell of anxiety that makes Abby slow down. 
“We don't have to do anything if you don't want to.” She reassures you, her hand caressing your back to bring you some comfort. Abby really doesn't like being a cause for your anxiety, especially in a topic that requires trust.
“Thanks.” You sigh and cringe at yourself. You're an adult, for fuck’s sake, there's nothing to be ashamed of. “I just.” You take a longer breath. You feel humiliated - not by Abby, never by her, but by some social expectations. “Please don't be weird about it. I'm a virgin.”
Abby freezes. You watch her blank face nervously - you don't know how she'll react. You keep repeating “there's nothing to be ashamed of” over and over in your head, but you start to crumble when Abby stays silent. 
“You're being weird about it.” You chuckle nervously. Abby shakes her head and smiles. 
“Sorry.” She then grins like she won this life. “I know it's stupid, but it makes me happy.” 
You understand what Abby is saying: she is happy you trust her with this. She is also smug as fuck, this asshole, and you don’t say anything more  - you’re not going to boost her ego out of the stratosphere.
“Do you want to have sex someday?” Abby asks gently, watching your face as your scent keeps being sour. She wants to comfort you, any way she can. 
“Yeah. It's not like I don't know what it is, heat really makes you creative. But I've never been with another person. I'm nervous.” You tell Abby honestly. She nods, although your scent tells her you’re more scared than nervous.
“You've never smelled of anxiety before, when I flirted with you. Is it different because now it's a real possibility?” 
You take a moment to think about it, and then nod.
“Yeah. I mean, I knew I wouldn't let us have sex, and you also knew I'd regret it, so I wasn't worried when we'd make out.”
Abby hums, figuring out how to handle this conversation and make you feel safe. 
“What are you nervous about?” 
You take a moment to think - it's not like you haven't spent time worrying about it, but you're not with some imaginary stranger right now, you're with Abby, so you make an effort to pinpoint the exact reason. 
“Doing something wrong. You know how I always have to get everything right on the first try, and I guess sex is not an exception. Plus, you have so much experience and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't make me feel insecure.”
Abby hums again, thinking about your words. 
“Got it. Well, I mean- having experience is great for building confidence and seeing how diverse people can be, but when you come down to it, every person is different. Every time when I was with a new person, it was the first time all over again, except my hands didn't shake and I didn't cum in the first five minutes.”
It makes you feel better and you chuckle. You're grateful for Abby taking such care with her words. 
“Do you know what I like in bed? Do I know what you like in bed? I've got some experience, but we have no experience with each other. You know, even if you weren't a virgin, I'd still be nervous too.”
You laugh at this, not being able to imagine this alpha nervous. Abby doesn't do nervous. She is hot and confident and knows what she is doing. 
“Would you?” You ask sceptically. 
“Of course! You're my dream girl, I want it to be perfect.” 
“You're such a sap.” You shake your head and kiss Abby, the smell of love and affection filling your noses. “Thanks. For being so patient with me.” 
“Shut up, it's basic decency.”
“Well, when you put it this way, thanks for being basically decent with me.”
Abby pouts and you laugh, kissing her again. 
You decide to take it slow so you can get used to being close to Abby in a different way. You talk about it more later on, go on a “let's get tested” date and make a system as Abby would slowly introduce new things to you and you'd tell her if it's something you like or not. 
You're very eager to explore Abby's weak points - seeing what makes her run electric. You get fond of kissing her neck and rubbing circles into her hip bones - it never fails to get a sigh or a grunt out of her. Abby loves how enthusiastic you are, especially when you get all sciency-like with her and experiment on different parts of her body - that's how Abby finds out her sides are actually pretty sensitive. It's more playful than sensual, but you progressively get more comfortable with her. 
Then you start touching each other under your clothes, and Abby has a hard time not growling into your mouth as you trace her newfound sensitive sides with your warm fingertips, while Abby gets to explore your back, running her fingers over your spine. She doesn't hurry into touching your tits under your shirt - only when you hesitantly cup her rib cage with both of your hands and run your thumb under her tits, Abby feels like she is free to do the same. Still, she needs it to be talked about.
“You can touch me, if you want.” Abby rumbles into your neck, sniffing this beautiful scent of arousal and love. “Do you want me to touch your tits?”
“Yeah.” You smile and Abby giggles before carefully cupping you right tit. You copy her and sigh, surprised. “Oh. It feels good. Yours is so soft.”
Abby laughs kindly at your childlike wonder and kisses you. 
“They're sensitive too.” You grin and squeeze Abby's tit, but in your eagerness you do it too hard and Abby jumps. “Easy.”
“Sorry.” You ease up and gently run your fingers over Abby's nipple. “Does it feel good?”
Abby chuckles and runs her thumb over your nipple. You sigh and shudder, suddenly very turned on.
“You tell me. Does it?” 
“Uh- yes.” You pant and Abby keeps brushing her thumb over your nipple, making you squirm. “Shit. I didn't even-” Your hips start to move and Abby watches you as you get desperate and needy. She can fucking smell how wet you are. 
“If you want, you can rub against my thigh. Make yourself cum while I play with your nipples.”
You think about it for a moment. 
“Okay.” You pant, but then you get an even better idea. “Wait, can we, um-” You swallow as you try to get your brain together, a little overwhelmed: Abby's touch is so much more pleasant. “Can you grind against me? So we both cum? Or it doesn't work f-”
You don't get to finish your sentence because Abby turns you on your back and gets between your legs. 
“I fucking love your brain.” 
You grin and let Abby part your legs, even though it makes you nervous. Abby can smell it, so she checks in with you. 
“You okay? Wanna stop?” 
“No, fuck no. Maybe slow down a little?” 
Abby nods and doesn't make any quick movements. She puts your legs over her thighs, letting your knees rest there, but she doesn't move closer until you feel comfortable, caressing your thighs. You can see the tent in her pants and it makes you feel all giddy - you will never get tired of getting Abby hard. 
“Come here.” You tug Abby down and she grins before kissing you. 
Abby holds herself on her forearm while the other arm slowly guides your thigh on her hip, slow enough so you could stop her before she puts all her weight on you - it might feel safe, but it also might feel scary to be caged like this. But you eagerly let her manipulate you and buck your hips - you love having Abby’s weight on you. You can't help but arch into her desperately, keeping your legs spread wide. 
“Fuck, it reminds of that time when you were with me during my heat.” You murmur and brush baby hairs out of Abby's face.
Abby smiles, visibly trying to be all collected and calm for your sake, but her scent betrays her - it's overpowered with lust. Her blue eyes have sprinkles of red in them and you grin. 
“Move, Abby.” You laugh, and Abby laughs too, but then she presses her clothed cock against your covered pussy- “Uh!” 
Abby smirks at you and starts slowly grinding her hips, while you try to not make any embarrassing sounds. It feels amazing, her cock is thick enough to rub you in all the right places, the tip of her dick catching on your clit and making you swallow another whimper. 
“Do you want me to touch your nipples?” 
You nod and Abby slides her hand under your shirt, rubbing and lightly pinching your nipple. You bite your lip before any embarrassing sound can escape, and Abby would find it endearing, but she wants to hear you. 
“Hey, I wanna hear. Let it out. Let me know that I'm making you feel good.” Abby pants. Her cock rubs against your clit just right and you whimper quietly. “Yeah. Good.”
“If you call me- fuck! If you call me good girl I'll-”
“What? You'll cum?”
You buck your hips and glare at Abby: and she knows you're playful, but she's also scared of hurting you with unnecessary teasing. 
“Do you want me to call you a good girl?” Abby asks genuinely and you get all flustered, not answering her question. 
Abby kisses you behind your ear and you shudder. God her cock feels good and it's not even inside you yet, it's absolutely not fair. It is also unfair that Abby makes you feel good and you're doing nothing, so you slide your hands under her shirt and hold her sides, stroking them with your thumb. Abby's pace stutters and you grin. 
“You're a menace.” Abby growls and pinches your nipples a little harder. 
Her grinding gets quicker, bringing you closer to your orgasm. You wish you didn't have two layers of clothing between you, that you could feel Abby for real. 
“Abby-” You whimper her name and Abby grunts, her hand squeezing your tit almost painfully. Her thrusts become erratic and you feel like you're on fire: Abby is cumming, her scent spiking with pleasure. She is going to cum because you said her name, oh god. “Abby, please-” You whimper again and Abby moans, her other hand gripping the blanket you're laying on. Her hips shake as she keeps grinding against you and you buck your hips, wanting to cum with her. 
“Call me-” You ask Abby, desperate, hoping she will understand. 
“Good girl, such a good fucking girl-” Abby growls and you cum with a quiet shriek, your thighs closing on Abby. She watches you like she's obsessed, like she is witnessing a miracle, and her dick keeps twitching and soiling her pants. 
It takes a minute for both of you to even out your breathing, and then you laugh, covering your eyes in embarrassment.
“Wow. You're so fucking hot.” You tell Abby and she kisses your tit through your shirt. “Do you think when we get to real sex it will feel even better?”
“Just because I didn't put my dick in you doesn't mean this wasn't real sex, babe.” Abby murmurs, tired. “Who knows. Maybe you'll try it and feel like this is better. There's only one way to find out.” 
You huff fondly and run your fingers across Abby's shoulders. 
“Have you ever been with virgins before?”
Abby hums in agreement. 
“A few. It was cool.”
“Was it awkward?” You ask out of curiosity: you don't feel awkward with Abby at all. She is your comfort person.
“I mean, not really. It was when one of them didn't tell me she was a virgin and I hurt her. So you know, thanks for telling me.”
“O wow. That must've sucked.”
“Well, we stopped and I ate her out in the end.”
“Oh.” You feel your face warming up. 
Abby catches your little “oh” and looks up, curious. She thinks back to her words and grins. 
“Wanna try? I'd love to eat you out.” 
“Yeah. Sounds great.” You laugh, cringing at yourself kindly. “I feel like we won't go all the way before my heat with all of these things you can show me.”
“We're not going to rush. We'll find plenty of ways to fuck anyway, so if you want me to be with you during your heat, we'll figure it out.” 
“Of course I want you to be with me, you dum-dum. You're my alpha.”
Abby wiggles on top of you and you kiss her head. 
“You're a fucking simp.”
Abby bites your shoulder and you bite her too. 
Now that you two are being more close than before you started dating, you finally feel the pull to mark Abby and glare at other omegas - of course they want Abby, she is fucking perfect, but she is yours. 
You have it on good authority. Abby told you. Herself.
You start scenting Abby and she beams every time. She also notices your glares and she can't be happier - she loves when you get possessive. One night she teaches you how to leave hickeys, and you leave an absolutely gigantic one - you really opened your mouth wide for this one - and Abby, who is notorious for having no shame, feels the need to cover that one up because it's scandalous. You grin, satisfied, every time you look at it and Abby gives up. She stops wearing her turtlenecks. 
After a few months, the campus finally accepts that Abby Anderson is now taken. Omegas stop looking at her like they have a chance, but keep looking at her like she is a god. You don't mind. 
After that time when Abby made you both cum in your pants, you grow impatient. You don't rush with the whole penetration thing - you’ve felt how big Abby is and it is intimidating - but you want to get naked. You want to feel Abby’s skin, and feel her with your lips and feel her lips on you. (You might wanna grind on her cock as well)
“I wanna take my shirt off.” You tell Abby when you're making out in your living room: Abby is half lying on the couch while you're on top of her. 
“Please do.” Abby smirks. 
“I want you to take off your shirt as well.”
Abby doesn't say anything and just tugs her shirt off and then helps you take yours off. Abby stares for a moment, mesmerised by your tits - she knew you didn't have a bra on - they're pretty, they're soft and Abby really wants to play with your nipples and see if you'd be sensitive too when she will use her mouth. 
“Holy fuck, doll. You're fucking beautiful.” Abby marvels and brushes her fingers over your warm skin, going from your shoulders to your hips. 
“Take your bra off.” You nod at Abby's last defence and she takes it off so quickly she almost gets stuck in it. You lie down, pressing your chest on her chest and it feels so good. Abby is so warm and yes, she is pure muscle, her abs and chest are very defined, but she is still very soft. You kiss her shoulder right above her collarbone and Abby grips your waist harder. “Does it feel good?” 
“Yeah.” Abby sighs, happy. “Do you have anything in mind?”
“I want to get fully naked.”
“Jesus Christ.” Abby swallows. “Do you want me to touch you?”
“I thought maybe I should take you on that offer to eat me out?”
The way Abby's eyes don't take even a second to become bright red makes you giggle. Abby tries to suppress her desire to make you submit to her, but you feel her alpha presence getting stronger and more suffocating than ever. You nuzzle into her neck and Abby growls quietly, like a teenager - but you know she is fighting herself on just doing everything her way. You know it's tempting - you can't say you haven't fantasied about Abby just pinning you down and fucking you until you can't take it anymore - but Abby does have amazing self-control. Even if her presence tells you how much she wants to just bend you over and fuck you through this couch, her hands are gentle and she doesn't move. 
“But first let's just get naked.” You smile and Abby nods. 
You both strip completely and you just stare at each other. Your cheeks burn as you trace Abby with your eyes: her long legs, muscular thighs, her half-hard cock with curly blonde pubes around it, the v-line of her hips, her abs, perky little tits, her round, muscular shoulders, her arms. God, her arms. Soft, strong fingers, veiny wrists from lifting weights, chiselled forearms, the curves of her biceps and triceps. Abby looks like a god, her blonde hair almost like a halo, liquid gold around her. You don't want to stop looking, trying to see every mole and every scar on her. 
You get so stuck staring at Abby you don't have a moment to get self-conscious, but then Abby reaches for your hand and the spell breaks. You realise you were just standing there, fully naked, in front of a literal Greek goddess, and your insecurities flare up.
“I really need to hit the gym, huh.” You try to joke, but Abby doesn't buy it. 
“You're perfect.” Abby says with all the love she has in her heart. “I’m so privileged to get to see you like this.”
You chuckle, but hug Abby around her neck as she kisses you softly. She holds your waist, but as you're kissing, her hands start wandering over your hips, your back, stopping at your sides just to feel your curves. It feels good, having her warm strong hands all over you, and you press closer, feeling Abby's cock poke your stomach. Abby hums into the kiss and gently grabs your ass, messaging it. 
“Bedroom?” Abby asks in a raspy voice and you nod. 
You giggle as you walk to the bedroom holding hands, fully naked, and Abby chuckles at you - she loves how much fun you have, how comfortable you are with her. You're still nervous, but you don't smell sour anymore, and it's all Abby needs. 
You climb the bed and watch Abby climb after you with a smile, opening your arms for her as she lies on top of you. You feel her cock and you can't help yourself - you buck your hips and sigh.
“Stop it.” Abby laughs and you buck your hips again. Abby gets harder and her grip on your waist gets tighter. “I'm gonna get you for that.” 
Abby wants your cocky smile gone, so she leans to your neck and sucks a hickey into your skin, making you squeak and shudder under her. Abby smiles, her canines grazing your skin and you feel yourself getting wet. Abby is so damn hot. 
“Can I put my mouth on you?”
“Yes, fuck-” You sigh and pet Abby on her head, weaving your fingers into her hair. “Is it okay?”
Abby starts leaving kisses all over your shoulders and chest, avoiding your tits at first, but then she feels confident enough to wrap her lips around your nipple and you gasp. Abby can smell how wet you're getting and she growls, her control slipping away. 
She can't help it: you're pretty, pliant under her, you make the best noises and you're hers. She wants to sink her teeth in you. 
“Fuck, it feels good.” You sigh like you're surprised. Abby chuckles and sucks on your nipple making you sigh louder, not moaning yet, but not quiet anymore. “Are yours this sensitive too?” You manage to ask and then you yelp when Abby gently bites you. 
“Yeah.” Abby frowns when she sees your excited eyes. “No, right now you're just going to lie and be pretty for me.”
Your breath hitches - your body relaxes immediately and your head falls down on the pillow. You feel all fuzzy and horny, ready to do whatever Abby tells you to do, whatever your alpha tells you to do. Your thighs relax and Abby presses closer, her abs pressing against your cunt. The change in your behaviour is so sudden Abby slows down and looks at you, only to groan helplessly: your eyes are golden and pleading, inviting her to destroy you. 
“Breathe.” Abby tells you and you breathe for a minute. Your head gets clearer and the golden of your eyes fades away. 
“What the fuck was that?” You pant, surprised. You don't smell scared or anxious, and Abby can breathe easier.
“I accidentally used my voice on you.” 
“Uh. Okay. So that's how it feels. Cool. Good to know.” Abby laughs and you laugh too before tugging her up and kissing her. Abby is getting impatient, so she breaks the kiss and resumes her trail down your body. She licks your nipple and you squeak again, but then she goes lower, kissing your stomach with an open mouth, biting you gently, while her hands bend your legs. Abby is so close to your pulsing cunt she has to force herself to be slow, and judging by how your scent changes just a little sour, it's for the best. 
“This is embarrassing.” You laugh and cover your eyes when Abby finally moves down and puts your legs on her shoulders. 
Abby kisses your thigh, ignoring the scent of your dripping pussy - she wants to bury her face in you - and then she blows a raspberry on your skin. You jump and laugh, glaring at Abby fondly, but she only blows another one. 
“This is very unsexy of you.”
“Not true. I can smell how horny you're. You liked it.” Abby smirks, noticing how the sour smell left your scent almost completely.
You huff, but all your giggles stop when Abby kisses your thigh lower - you can feel her hair tickling your pussy. She moves lower and you fist the blanket under you: even feeling Abby's head move between your legs is already a lot. But it also so fucking hot, and then you feel her breath on your pubic bone and you grip her hair tighter.
“You smell so fucking good.” Abby says reverently, dragging her nose over your pussy. You're tense, so fucking tense under her, but you don't smell like you're distressed. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, it's just a lot. Every time you move I feel it so intensely.” 
“Take a breath for me and relax.” You listen to Abby and breathe out, relaxing. 
Abby is slow: she kisses all around your pussy, the junction of your thighs, your lips, your pubic bone. You're suffocating in her scent, you feel already devoured by her with the heavy scent of possession and dominance filling your nose. It helps you relax and Abby finally opens your thighs so she could eat you out properly. Her eyes are red and she can't help her growling - god, if you ever want to mate her she'll leave her bite right between your legs, because this pussy is hers. 
Abby licks a long strip from your hole to your clit and you jump, your grip in Abby's hair tight.
Abby doesn't listen anymore: she tasted you and her brain waved goodbye. She licks all of your pussy, rubs your clit gently while you whine above her. You can't keep your legs open, caging her between your thighs, so Abby wraps her arms around them and pins you down, her instincts going berserk with the want to keep you under her control. 
You look at her biceps bulging and roll your eyes in pleasure, letting the word “alpha” escape your mouth. 
Abby's brain short-circuits and she moans into your cunt, humping the bed. You buck your hips in response but she just presses you down and shoves her tongue inside you, moaning at your taste. You squeak and get up on your elbows, overwhelmed: it's too much and absolutely not enough, having Abby's mouth on you, hearing all the noises she makes because of you, smelling her scent dominating you. It's good, it's so good and you feel so empty, you need to have her inside you.
“Abby- fuck-” You screw your eyes shut when she sucks on your clit. “I wanna- want a finger.”
Abby looks up and you fall back on the bed after meeting her feral eyes: you submit to her fully, and Abby smirks, satisfied. Abby moves away and watches your soaked pussy for a moment before caressing it with her fingers, making you twitch when she touches your clit. 
“How many do you usually use?” Abby rasps.
“Two.” You whimper. Abby hums and slowly, very slowly, pushes one finger inside. 
“God, baby.” Abby sighs dreamingly. “So tight.”
“I'm a virgin, Abby.” You giggle, but feeling Abby inside distracts you.
Abby tries not to think how you'll feel around her dick, so hot and tight, clenching around her, but even a glimpse of it makes her hump the bed. She watches your face as you get used to having someone else's finger inside of you, and then she curls her finger gently. You gasp, and nod, humming in approval.
Abby starts moving her finger and curling it, seeing your cum collect at the base of her finger. It takes you little time before you relax and Abby pushes the second finger in. It's tighter and Abby doesn't move her fingers when she smells a faint scent of hurt. 
“I like it.” You say shortly, because you do like feeling how Abby stretches you. You think about her dick stretching you and you clench around Abby's fingers, making her growl, her self-control crumbling.
You don't need Abby to be careful, but she still is, curling her fingers gently. You're moaning quietly on every curl and the hurt evaporates from your scent - it's beautiful. Abby puts her mouth back on you and you whine when her thrusts inside you match the pace of her tongue on your clit. 
“Oh my god you'll make me cum.” You whimper and Abby groans, her humping gets more aggressive. You fist the blanket in your fingers, feeling your lower stomach tensing in approaching orgasm. “Shit, oh my god, Abby, please-” 
You grip her hair tighter, practically shoving her face into your cunt and Abby moans again: she loves feeling your fingers in her hair, loves hearing you beg. 
It takes one more gentle curl for your whole body to tense and a loud whimper to escape your throat. Your scent spikes in euphoria and Abby groans when she feels how you pulsate around her fingers. She drags her cock over the covers and shudders, too turned on, while she watches your face. You're fucking divine like this, cumming on her fingers, the only thing keeping you still is Abby's grip on your hips. 
“Abby, oh my god, fuck!” You moan and your hips jump when Abby sucks on your clit, but the pleasure starts to hurt. “It's too much, please-”
Abby moves away and watches your cunt flutter around her fingers rhythmically, drenching her hand. She is spellbound, and for a moment you two are in separate worlds: you're coming down from your high and she is somewhere in her darkest fantasies. Abby will never hurt you, but she cannot not think about fucking you right now, pushing inside you and not letting you escape her, splitting you on her cock. 
You take a big breath to calm yourself down, but then you look at Abby and gulp: her eyes are so dark with something hot and dangerous. It makes you shudder and you remember that she hasn't cum yet. 
“Abby-” Her sharp eyes look up and you feel like you're in front of a predator. “Come here, baby.” 
Abby climbs on top of you, her fingers still trapped inside you, and you kiss her. You feel her cock poking your thigh and suddenly you’re overcome with the need to make her to cum. 
“I wanna fuck you so bad.” Abby admits and licks your neck, half-feral.
“I wanna make you cum.” You tell her and kiss her temple. “Lie down.”
Abby slowly takes her fingers out of you and licks them clean, making your face burn, but you don't stay embarrassed long: Abby lies on her back and you're presented with the magnificence that she is. 
“I'll need your help.” You tell her: even though you're very turned on, you're still intimidated. For a moment you feel like you bit more than you could chew, but Abby gently pets your head and nods.
“Of course. Don't push yourself, doll.” 
You feel easier after that and lean down to kiss Abby's scent glands. She squeezes your thigh and hums in pleasure. You move lower, kissing her sternum and then, like under some spell, you latch onto her nipple. Abby twitches and moans quietly, and your ears ring: it was one thing hearing Abby groan when she was between your legs, and another thing knowing it's your direct actions that make her moan. 
Your eyes fall on her stomach, where the precum is glistening, dripping from her hard, wet cock. Abby is big, fuck she is big, and you mouth salivates. You try not to think how it's going to fit in you one day, but right now you really want to fit it in your mouth. 
You crawl between her legs and Abby gulps while her fingers grab your hair. She is not guiding your head, letting you control the pace. You wrap your fingers around her cock and Abby hisses, so turned on by seeing your hand on her dick. You look up, panicking that you hurt her, but Abby's scent only spikes with joy. 
“Tighter, baby.” Abby pants and you listen, eagerly wrapping your hand tighter and pumping her cock. Abby starts panting, her chest heaving, and you smile. 
“I love seeing you like this.” You murmur and then, in a sudden wave of bravery, you lean down, licking the head of her dick. Abby grips your hair tighter, almost causing pain, but you don't care. 
You take your time to adjust to the velvet soft texture and the salty taste, but the more you lick, the more addicted you get, especially smelling her growing arousal, her desire to break you. 
“Shit, baby.” Abby growls and very lightly pushes your head down: you don't even register it at first, but then you eagerly swallow her down, as much as you can take. Abby moans and her thighs shake: your mouth is hot and wet, and Abby breathes through her nose to not cum immediately. 
You notice and grin before sucking on her head, whirling your tongue slowly. Abby groans, soft delicate sounds falling from her lips and you look up to her, making eye contact.
“I won't last long, babe.” Abby growls and you wiggle your butt, delighted. “Yeah? You like the thought that you can make me cum so soon?” You hum in agreement and Abby's head falls on the pillow. “Shit!” 
This is interesting. You keep moaning around Abby's cock, sucking her off as best as you can, and then you cup her balls gently, scared to hurt her. Abby moans, loud, and you wish you had something inside you right now to compensate for emptiness Abby’s fingers left in you. It's so hot seeing Abby coming undone, Abby, who probably had way better blowjobs in her life, but because it's you, it turns her into a teenager.
“Fuck. Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum.” Abby moans and you hum again. “Fuck!” 
You let Abby cum in your mouth, even though you don't know quite what to expect - but you feel her balls tighten and her cock pulsate as your mouth gets filled with her cum, and you don’t move away, too greedy. It's a lot, but it's not unpleasant, although you can't keep up and swallow everything. You let her dick out of your mouth and a few spurts end up on your face. 
Abby pants and moans, watching your surprised face: she laughs through her moans and wipes your cheek with a shaking hand. 
“Thank you, baby.” 
You grin and flop on top of Abby, kissing her. You both are covered in cum, and it makes you giggle, knowing you're gonna smell like each other for the next few days.
“Love you.” Abby murmurs, sleepy: she always wants to nap after sex. “How are you feeling?”
“Amazing. Can't wait for you to fuck me properly.”
“Whenever you want, babe. Whenever you want.”
It's ironic, but you have your first “real” sex (cue’s Abby's eye roll) in the morning. It's Saturday and you both sleep in: Abby's holding you close even in her sleep, her arm wrapped around your waist. You wake up earlier than Abby and giggle: not the first time when you wake up with Abby's hard cock pressing into you. You have no idea what she is dreaming about, but you hope it's you. 
And this time, you can actually do something about it. You snuggle closer to her and kiss Abby's scent glands, making her sigh. It makes you grin and you snake your hand down into her boxers, lightly brushing your fingertips over her cock. Abby sighs again and bucks her hips, seeking more, but you stop and kiss her neck again.
“Abby.” You call sweetly, not wanting to startle her, and she hums. “Wake up.”
“What's up?”
“Your dick.”
Abby laughs at this and you smile, happy. 
“Wanna do something about it?” 
You hum and stroke Abby's cock gently, feather like - the quickest way to get her worked up. Her scent gets heavier and you chuckle, gripping her cock tighter. Abby grunts and sneaks her arm behind your back, prodding at your hole - you're wet, your thighs are sticky with your cum.
“Got yourself worked up, huh?” Abby asks, her voice still sleepy and raspy. You nod and wiggle your butt, trying to get her fingers inside you. “How about you ride me?”
You gulp, suddenly extremely turned on, your scent getting thicker with desire, and Abby moves the blanket away. She helps you straddle her and you part your lips so they're on either side of Abby's cock, your clit dragging over her length. It's hot, you love covering Abby in your cum, feeling extremely possessive over her. 
Abby holds your hips in her strong hands and guides your moves on top of her, keeping them slow. You both pant and moan, you twitch when Abby pinches your nipple under your shirt. 
“Take it off.” Abby growls and you smile, a little fuzzy from her voice: she can't always control it, ordering you around. You throw your shirt somewhere and Abby grunts: seeing you on top of her, confident, safe, giggling and moaning, is the best view in her life. 
Abby squeezes your sides when your clit catches on the head of her cock, and when you slide up, you feel her poking your hole. It sends a hot wave down your spine and you try to do it again, slowing down every time you grind back, making Abby's cock press into you. 
Abby catches up on your actions and moans: you are a menace. She wishes you pushed a little harder, pulled her inside, into your tight, hot cunt. 
“Yeah, baby?” Abby pants, watching your determined face. 
“Fuck me.”
Abby blinks and digs her fingers into your thighs, so fucking turned on: you want to take her. She will finally claim you, she will be the first (and the last) person you trust with this. You still smell a little nervous, but Abby learnt to read it by now: when you're good nervous and bad nervous. This seems to be a "good nervous" scent.
“Are you sure?”
Abby brings you down and kisses you, kneading your ass so you could keep grinding against her, her scent quickly growing agressive. She pushes one finger in carefully and you moan, desperate.
“Abby, please-” You beg and Abby gulps, fighting for her self-control. 
She turns you both and slides down to put her mouth on you, and you whimper when Abby gently sucks on your clit. You're wet and you smell like her, your scents mixing together. It drives Abby crazy: she wants to mate you so fucking bad, she wants you to be hers for the rest of your lives. 
You take two of her fingers easily, dripping down her palm after all these times Abby fingered you, and Abby licks up all of your cum, addicted to your taste. But then Abby presses the third finger in and you grip her hair, excited. It goes tighter, but you love it - you even get a little sad when the sting of the stretch passes. Abby curls her fingers and you jump, dangerously close to your orgasm.
“Abby- Don't- don't make me cum.” You beg through your moans and Abby looks up.
“Want to cum on your cock.”
Abby would laugh if it didn't turn her on so much. She sucks your clit on purpose and you jump before tugging on her hair.
“I swear to god-” You start your threat but Abby curls her fingers, making you squeak. 
But Abby slows down: she wants you dripping, relaxed and blissed out before she fucks you. She keeps moving her fingers slowly while she licks and sucks on your pussy, and you sigh sweetly above her, your grip on her hair relaxing. Abby is almost lazy, but she watches you intently. You're wet, your cum mixed with her saliva and Abby moans quietly, getting off on the fact that she marked you. Your thighs start twitching soon, and you tug on Abby's hair again. 
“Come here.” You ask, and Abby obeys. She slowly takes her fingers out and kisses you, letting you taste yourself. You moan when you feel Abby's taste lingering as well.
“You're so beautiful.” Abby murmurs into your neck as she nuzzles you, wanting to comfort you and make you feel safe. 
You nuzzle back, grinning: you love how Abby takes care of you. You hug her shoulders and kiss her gently, slowing down as well. Abby snakes her hand between your bodies and slowly circles your clit with her thumb, watching intently as your face changes from pleasure; she tries not to overwhelm you. You sigh softly and Abby chuckles into your shoulder.
“You're cute.”
“Fuck off.” You laugh, embarrassed. Abby laughs too and kisses your tit before gently sucking on your nipple. You thread your fingers through Abby's hair and arch into her. “I love you.”
Abby's scent spikes and you giggle. 
“Love you so much.” She whispers feverishly into your skin. 
She takes a pillow and puts it under your butt, making you comfortable. Both of your clothes are around you and you feel extremely safe. It's Abby, it's your alpha, she will take care of you. You spread your legs and Abby parts your folds, replacing her thumb with her cock. You sigh and shake under her, too sensitive. You love when you grind against each other: it's so intimate and perfect. You know Abby loves it too, your slick making the best sounds for Abby's ears. 
You watch Abby frown and bite her lip to not make any sounds, so you kiss her, not letting her hide from you. Your clit catches on the head of her cock again and you both moan. 
“Come on, baby.” You encourage Abby and she nods, lining up her cock with your hole. 
“If I smell hurt, we're stopping.” She warns you and you nod. You don't want your alpha to know she hurt you during your most vulnerable time either.
Abby doesn't push right away, just lightly pressing on the edges of your hole like you did it yourself before, but when she gets the head of her cock wet enough, she pushes harder. 
“God.” Abby sighs, feeling your tight walls squeeze her cock. You don't smell like pain so Abby pushes further while you cling to her shoulders. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”
You hum, but you're too concentrated on your own feelings: Abby is so big and it's a lot, it's intense and feels so different from her fingers. You're thankful she doesn't go all the way in, giving you time. Abby slowly pushes back and forth, fucking your gently until all of her length is inside you, and you relish in the feeling of her being in you. Abby bottoms out and you cling to her, turned on from being so full, so stretched. It doesn't hurt but it still stings a little - and you like it. You like knowing Abby is a little too big for you. 
“I'm gonna cum.” You whine when Abby slowly thrusts inside. You need one little touch to your clit and you'll come undone, you're sure of it. “Slowly, yeah?”
Abby nods and kisses you as she slowly fucks you; she doesn't go all the way out, letting you get used to it. You moan softly as she moves, her cock touching every nerve ending in your walls. 
“Good?” Abby asks, and you understand that she is nervous. Your heart swells with affection and your scent spikes with love.
“Perfect.” You smile and kiss her. “You can go harder.”
Abby grips your thighs and thrusts hard enough to punch the air out of you. You choke on your moan and Abby pulls out, watching her cock glisten with your cum. It makes her feral and she gets more confident, fucking you harder, letting her hips slap against yours. It's intense and you can't think, overwhelmed by how good it feels, so you let your brain go all fizzy.
“Fuck, Abby, please.” You whine desperately and Abby swallowa, gripping you harder. She doesn't want to hurt you, but you start bucking your hips, trying to get Abby deeper and that's it. 
Abby’s scent changes: it’s suffocating now, bending you to her will, dark and possessive. Abby pins your thighs to the bed and starts hammering inside you, growling on every thrust. She knows you can take it, smells your pleasure, so Abby doesn't restrain herself. She fucks you hard and fast, listening to your whines and whimpers with the only thought in her head:
“Mine.” Abby growls and you bare your throat for her like a good little omega you are. “You were made for my cock, taking it so well on your first try, huh? Good fucking girl.” Abby leans down and sucks a hickey into your scent glands, claiming you.
Your eyes roll into your skull and you claw at Abby's shoulders, so desperate. You're close, but your brain is a mush and you can only beg. Abby smirks and moves her hand down your thigh so she can hold you open and flick your clit with her thumb. 
You shake and cum with a loud moan, spasming around Abby's cock, and she groans. Abby bottoms out and stills, letting herself feel it, how your walls trap her inside. It's better than any of the fantasies she had before: not only you're so tight around her, but you're also so fucking pretty, with her mark blooming on your neck, your throat still bared. You're vulnerable, trusting, and Abby feels honoured she can get you to this point. But then she gets hungry. She starts moving again, and you're lost in your pleasure now: your head is so fuzzy, your cunt is full with your alpha's cock, and all you want now is for Abby to cum deep inside you, claiming you. 
“I'm yours, fuck-” You squeal when Abby thrusts especially deep. 
Abby chuckles and starts thumbing your clit, eager to make you cum again. 
“And I'm yours, pretty girl.” Abby sighs, getting hazy with her own devotion to you, the smell of love almost overpowering lust. “Cum.”
You close your thighs around Abby and cum again, not able to disobey her. It's a neat trick, having Abby use her voice on you, making you even more turned on. Abby moans softly as she tries to fuck you through your orgasm, but you spasm right on her head and she cums with a groan, bottoming out, painting your walls with her cum. You’re still pulsating around her, milking Abby’s cock and she pushes even deeper, until you choke on your moan and press on her shoulder to stop her, but you’re so deliciously tight Abby can’t help herself. She digs her nails into your inner thighs and pulls out just to see her cock covered in your and her cum, mixed together. 
“So fucking pretty.” Abby growls and pushes back in, overstimulating herself. You feel her twitch inside you, and you sigh, also overstimulated.
You're shaking, but you still find some strengh to bring Abby closer, burying your nose in her neck, whining and panting into her ear while she sinks her teeth into your shoulder gently, not causing any pain. 
“Jesus.” You pant as your head clears up. 
“Are you okay?” Abby asks and you chuckle: there she is, your caring soft alpha.
“I’m fucking floating in space, Abby.”
You lie like this for a few minutes before Abby pulls out - you wince, sore, and Abby comforts you with kisses. She insists on helping you in the shower and brings you her softest clothes, and you tease her for being so whipped. Abby rolls her eyes and puts her hoodie on you. It hurts to sit just a bit, but you don’t mind and hiss at Abby when she tries to make it easier for you. 
You’re hers, your body and soul, and you want the evidence of it to be constant. 
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angelbarelywrites · 2 months
♡ tommy gets jealous | oneshot
♡ fandom; Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003/2006)
♡ characters; Thomas Hewitt
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡cw; mentions of kidnapping and violence, don’t date people who want to slash you irl not a good foundation for a relationship
♡notes; I put on my big boy panties and wrote something other than a bulleted list!!
I just love a good “i trust you but i sure as fuck don’t trust anybody else” type jealously trope. Also some Tommy doing ASL!! We love a (selectively?) mute king.
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
You were an oblivious person. Most of the time, anyways. You’d been totally shocked when Luda Mae didn’t let you leave the night you arrived at the Hewitt house, totally shocked when Charlie told you Thomas was obsessed with you, and more surprised still that Charlie had been right.
You weren’t stupid— you put two and two together that these folks were cannibals as soon as you saw the basement. You nearly talked Monty into letting you go, and you slipped your restraints a couple times before you were settled in. You’d done well in school and still could read a book in one sitting.
Maybe… socially inept was a better word, harsh as it sounded. It was only people that you had a such a hard time with. You trusted them, but you could almost never wrap your head around what they were thinking.
Like the customers that stayed too long . It happened a lot. Bikers and tourists and all sorts of folks would stop in when you were working in the convenience store, and usually more than once a day a man would stay leaned on the counter, chatting away until his buddies were about to leave him. Sometimes they’d be alone, and Luda would give you a break early and they’d go off looking all huffy.
It very rarely occurred to you that the men were trying to flirt. You didn’t think of yourself as someone that happened to- and treated all customers the same. Why would they think you wanted to bang em when all you did was smile? Being nice was part of your job.
Luda Mae payed no mind to the men or your conversations. If there’d been any cause for concern, she’d be able to quash it very easily. But she found it endearing, especially your confusion and apathy when they did get balls enough to be blunt . In her mind you were so devoted to Thomas that other men were just nuisances.
That’s why no one had mentioned it to Thomas. He rarely came up to help now that you were there to help Luda Mae, but today there was extra stock, and her joints had been aching from the weather. You were on register, Luda Mae relaxed in a rocker on the porch, and Tommy stalked the aisles and put out trinkets and canned food and all the other junk you sold. You were trying not to go distract him and stood leaned over the counter, doodling on some scrap paper between customers.
“Well hello darlin,” A man drawled, hands on his belt buckle. He was trying too hard to be a real Texan, but he wasn’t from up North like you. “You got any cigarettes back there?”
“Sure do! Let’s see… got Camels, Lucky Strike- I really like these ones, the Salems, they’re menthol-“
“You look too sweet to smoke. I’ll take the Camels,”
“Well, only do it on special occasions,” you shrugged, not paying much attention as Thomas stalked towards the front “Anything else?”
“Well. That depends.”
“If you’re free or not tonight.”
You blinked, then furrowed your brow “You tryna ask me out?”
“Well I- oho shit!” The man laughed uncomfortably as he noticed Thomas right behind him “You scared me there big guy-“
He huffed and slunk behind the counter as the man nervously tried to get back on topic “Anyways… ahem…so about that date-?”
You huffed and out a hand on your hip “Well, depends?”
He perked up a bit “On what?”
“If you can beat my boyfriend in a fight.” On cue Thomas wrapped his arms around you from behind, growling as he hooked his chin on your head.
The man quickly turned tail and mumbled something about being out of practice, forgetting the cigarettes completely. You could feel Tommy relax and turned to let him pick you up and set you on the counter. Even then you weren’t eye to eye with the giant of a man…but it was closer, and you liked feeling tiny anyway.
“…hi baby.” You cooed and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. He huffed and nuzzled you, as he often did as a form of reassurance. You giggled and pecked his mask “Annoying, right?”
He nodded and scowled, keeping his grip tight on your hips
“…what’s wrong?”
He hesitated but pulled back to sign ‘Mine. All mine. Right?’
You giggled again “Of course! All yours- always.”
He smiled softly- the sort of expression only you could coax out of him ‘Always’
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voonroo · 4 months
Hell? [01]
⌐‣Hazbin Hotel + Bat-Like Teen Reader
Want more? Check out the masterlist↩︎
Want to chat? Check out my discord server↩︎
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: YOOOOO SHOUT OUT TO @blueberrymuffin-6 FOR BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO GUESS THAT READER WOULD BE LIKE A BAT!!! I'm so happy someone picked up on my hints. I'm really excited to post this chapter considering how much love the first one got😭 THANK YOU GUYS SM FOR THE LOVE AND SUPPORT THE HAZBIN FANDOM HAS SHOWN FOR MY TEEN READER WRITINGS💝
Also I can't guarantee that there won't be triggering subjects in the future chapters!! There's nothing of that here yet and I will put warning when needed but you’ll only find something this chapter if you REALLY look.
I'd love to hear from you guys your speculations as well!! Send them through my inbox or contact me in discord!! I love interacting with you guys!!
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My head hurts…
Am I lying down?
Is it raining?
Opening your eyes, you were met with a dull light to your right, everything else was dark. Rubbing your eyes, you groggily sat up.
You could see, but the light to your right was actually making it hard… You felt a light weight on your head and slight pain in your back. You looked down, you had… fur?
Taking deep breaths, you closed your eyes. You could hear everything so well. From the sound of your heart, to the rain outside.
Where am I?
How did I get here?
Considering that you couldn't remember anything, you felt strangely calm. Like a blanket was over your head and you were blocking out the world around you.
The rain was nice… soft blankets, a plushie? What was it...? It was dark? I had a flashlight, a book? And whatever the plushie was…
A sudden knock interrupted your thoughts. The noise caught you so off guard you physically jumped, you tried to look at the door as you heard the knob turning.
“Oh! You're awake!” You heard a quick patter of footsteps coming in your direction, before a blob entered your vision- or what little vision you had anyway. You couldn't make out the shape in front of you, even with your eyes wide open. There was… red? Or maybe pink? You couldn't tell. Your eyes darted around, and your breathing picked up.
“Hey now- You're all tense! What are you anyways?” The blog had a cheery voice, rather high-pitched. It hurt your ears. You could feel a small hand grab at your arm- rubbing the fur.
“Nifty!” Another sudden noise made you jump. Your body tensing up in a panic. You couldn't hear the rain anymore even if it was so close… You could only hear your heart beating quickly and your uneven breathing.
Then, there were hands cupping your face, a calm, quiet voice accompanying it.
“Hey, calm down.” On instinct, you took a deep breath. Were you holding your breath before? Or were you breathing too rapidly? Where were you again? Sitting up right? Wait- it's raining… that's right… it's raining.
“Are you okay?” The voice to the hands cupping your cheeks spoke again. You could barely focus your eyes enough to see more than just gray. Did the voice have a… wait- the voice asked me a question-
“I-I can't see…” You almost didn't recognize your own voice. It came out so quietly, hardly audible.
You could have sworn you saw the gray blob furrow their eyebrows.
“What's your name?”
“I don't… I don't know?”
The calm the voice was deemed Vaggie.
Vaggie described herself as having long grey hair, grey skin- which you initially found weird- and a pink X over her left eye.
Vaggie told you that the loud, almost squeaky voice that you first heard was Nifty. She also told you where you were and what had happened for you to be here.
You had previously run into one of their friends named… Angel Dust? And apparently, passed out? Then he brought you here, and… here is… I don't remember…
You do remember Vaggie telling you that there were other people here and they were made aware of your existence as well.
Vaggie was also kind enough to explain that you were in hell… she also took the creative liberties in describing to you what you looked like.
“Well… You did take on the appearance of a bat- which is normal, it's normal for people to take on animal-like appearances in hell. For instance, we have someone here who takes on deer antlers and someone who has fur like you but looks like a cat… But you have these ears above your head, small wing protruding from your back, and… foggy eyes-”
The two of you spent time making the connections. The big bat-like ears atop your head gave you really good hearing, and the wings on your back were the cause of your back pain, (and the fact that you had been lying on them) and your foggy eyes contributed to your lack of sight. You took on the appearance of a bat.
The two of you tried to answer Vaggie’s earlier question from before about your name, but to no avail. She had to force you to stop trying to figure it out when you started getting worked up. You did come to the conclusion that you were very young- at least very young to be in hell. Guessing that you were around 15 years of age. Maybe a little younger or maybe a little older, but it felt right enough.
Or maybe you guys had settled on that answer as you dozed back off. The rain hadn't let up and with all this new information to really process, Vaggie let you rest. The clock was growing near to striking morning anyways.
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Word Count: 817
A/N: I've also made the tag #voonroo’s bat-like reader for you guys to use as well if you make any posts on it!!
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rongzhi · 7 months
Hi! Love your TikTok translations, they help me learn so much. Sorry if you've answered this before already, but as a language student myself, I was just curious about how you got so good at Chinese - is it a native language for you, or what's your background in using/studying it? Thank you!
I think I answered this a long time ago (like 2021 maybe) so I will just tell it again. It's kind of a longwinded boring post that's very self-centric (😬) and also probably not going to have any helpful advice to the average language learner, so I'm going to put it under a read more!
My family is Chinese so it's my heritage language. I did learn it before English as a baby but then forgot a lot of it. My parents speak Chinese at home but I always replied in English growing up. Part of this is because I have a twin sibling and because we spoke English at school, we also started speaking English to each other at home.
We went to Chinese school on Sundays growing up (this is like a community/cultural school; it included other courses like math, Chinese dance, art, pre-SATs (lol), etc, depending on who in the community was available to teach), but I didn't really pay attention so my Chinese was pretty shit for a long time—like broken conversational level shitty, although I have always had a strong comprehension ability. My dad's side is from Sichuan so I grew up understanding a bit of Sichuanese.
The beginning of my "studying"
I don't actually have much of a background studying Chinese in a formal setting. I took Chinese 101-103 in college as part of a language requirement (specifically chose to start with 101 so I could relearn basics, even though my teachers kept offering to place me in higher levels). I really credit my Chinese 101 prof who was also the college's calligraphy teacher for making us focus on brush stroke order and recognising characters and understanding semantic components, which is something other profs did not emphasise (they were more focused on building conversational skills).
Anyway, that was only my freshman year of college because I ended up changing majors and not having a language requirement anymore (boo). I continued studying a bit of Chinese in the intervening years, but I am not a very disciplined person when it comes to self-study, so much of it was just translating song lyrics for my own amusement. During this time, I also started watching some cdramas, but mostly just Chinese web shows, which maybe helped? (I don't think I was watching enough for it to really make a difference).
Fast forward a couple years to 2020 and I started watching more cdramas during lockdowns, including watching 成化十四年 (The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty), which I was super invested in for about two years (this used to be a fandom blog lol). Basically, hyperfixation led me to rapidly improve my Chinese; I started translating a few behind-the-scenes videos for fandom friends. In order to keep up with Chinese fans and gain access to more material about the show, I started venturing onto Chinese sites such as weibo, bilibili, and eventually, douyin, which I downloaded around October of 2020 (so this was 6 months into my increased interest into Chinese things). At first, I translated a couple of douyins to share with fandom friends as I had done with behind-the-scenes materials, but for whatever reason I felt like some of the videos I wanted to translate would just be annoying to spam into the chat... I couldn't figure out a way to connect them to the blorbos, but I still wanted to translate them, so I started posting them here on tumblr. That's how my douyin translations started out. This was the height of covid-19 related sinophobia, too, so at some point I started realising how important it was to continue translating douyins, and that motivated me to continue even beyond it just being a fun thing to do. On that topic, it was through this blog that I realised how poorly understood China and Chinese people are, specifically on this site. I feel like that has changed a lot, or maybe that's just a comment on insular online spaces, but I have to think not; since I started translating douyins, I've seen a noticeable decrease in sinophobic comments and messages (not that I don't still get them, but it's lessened), and I think that's also thanks in great part to other blogs on here that were posting/have started to post more content from China to help increase exposure to tumblr users.
In any case, in the beginning, I did a lot of translations mostly by ear rather than reading captions because my Chinese reading wasn't that good.
It's kind of slowly improved with time and repetitive reading, and over the last three years now, I've also gone through periods of taking notes and actively seeking out some vocab lists or grammar explanations... but it usually comes in the process of trying to translate something. My motivations in "studying" (it's more like "figuring out") Chinese is largely based on the simple desire to know what people are talking about... what they're joking about... what they're ranting about and roasting. Related: I also started reading fanfics in Chinese about a year ago. Some fics have been easier to read than others, but some of the best ones I've read were also the ones that challenged me the most, and which I had to take a lot of notes on while reading. I'll admit! There have been times where I just took a fic and dumped that sucker in google translate and have it read the Chinese to me, so I could just listen to it like a podfic. But even so, I would take notes, because I think my improvements in Chinese are heavily connected to my Chinese literacy.
Reading douyin comments and forums on douban or comment sections on bilibili has been one of the main ways that I've picked up on common phrases and characters. I often write things down but I do so more as a muscle memory practice, because I have never really been the sort of person who reads back notes (this was also how I studied in school, iirc). Branching out and translating things that are written in formal or non-colloquial styles is also a way I challenge myself from time to time, and I do like to look up the etymology of Chinese characters from time to time because it helps me pick up patterns of semantics and phonetic hints when I'm reading (this makes it easier to guess what a character might mean or sound like, even if you've never seen it before). Overall, translation has been the great learning tool for me. I think maybe it comes down to learning styles? I have always learned better from trying to teach others, and I feel like translation works a similar muscle in the mind; translation is about figuring out ways to efficiently communicate a message, and in order to do so, you must be able to grasp the essence of what it is you're relaying.
All this said... And to try and return to your original ask after all my usual Wawa rambling... I actually don't think my Chinese is that good, lol. In fact, there's probably people who follow this blog who are studying Chinese in a more conventional and methodical manner whose Chinese is objectively much better than mine 🤷🏻‍♂️ I mean, if you crunch the numbers, I have really only be self-"studying" for three years. Three years of what is really just vibe-based learning. There's a lot of vocab I still don't know (I mean my English vocab is pretty limited too, sooo.... 😭), a lot of areas that I can still improve on, and am improving on, and try to improve on... when the mood strikes. Again, I am not a very disciplined self-study type.
Maybe this will give any other Chinese diaspora hope, though. I feel like it's never too late for us to start learning. There is probably a seed or language foundation within you already which will make it easier for you to start, and then after that, I think it sort of comes down to finding what interests you and will keep you motivated.
Most of the stuff I talk about on here when it comes to culture or folk art or what have you, I did not know even five years ago! I learned about it because I was interested to find out more. (That's another reason I have to laugh when I get some of the asks I do in my inbox... The stuff I don't answer is dumbfounding at times. You translate a couple of funny videos and people think you're some kind of Tripadvisor cultural ambassador guy! I swear...)
The "study" resources I use regularly are the following:
Zh-En browser extension
Yellowbridge (usually to check brush stroke order, since I have Pleco)
Baidu etymology pages / Chinese etymology dictionaries such as hanziyuan
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
It's been fascinating watching my fandom's antis see the end result of their harassment and hatred. I've seen how, over the course of the past two years, everyone's begun archive-locking their fics and often stopped allowing comments entirely. Recently, after a ton of harassment for the high crime of being Jewish, a major author in our tiny fandom took one commenter's advice and just deleted all their fanfic, leaving a note up on their profile saying they weren't fandom's punching bag. Cue massive whining from antis who harass people just as badly but didn't harass this one person, wondering why someone would do something so awful to them. There's not an ounce of self-awareness. The fact that posting fic for this fandom always involves enduring someone else's screeching has never crossed their minds as a factor for why people are leaving fandom, abandoning works or not posting anymore. They just keep playing the victim, even when a quick search around fandom shows they've chewed out authors for deviating from canon, not telling them enough of the plot's answers right away, shipping bad things, not shipping things, shipping the correct thing but not getting to it fast enough, etc.
I keep waiting for the self-awareness to kick in, for a moment to happen where it hits them that they're the only common factor in all of this. I sit back hoping they'll snap out of this before this tiny fandom dies out entirely. Because I love this fandom, I want us to be able to have fic for it and explore it creatively, but I'm not going to turn to authors and go, "Yeah, you owe it to us to put up with this bullshit!" when the reality is that authors don't owe you anything. I miss the fics. I don't miss them enough to try to convince anyone to stay on this sinking ship.
I miss the pre-revival era when there weren't antis in my fandom. We were having such a good time. None of this was going on back then, and while we had less fic total, we also had so little freaking out by others that it was easy to make fandom friends, chat in the comments with each other, etc. Now it's all fucked and I don't know if it's possible to unfuck it.
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bakugosatoru · 5 months
MHA Boys Christmas Imagines.
Requests Open! Warnings: None Genre: Romantic Fluff Fic Type: Headcannons Fandom: My Hero Academia Authors note: Happy holiday season everyone! Sorry I've been a little missing in action but I have been spending holidays back home with my family but you know I couldn't stay away from our boys. I celebrate Christmas so that's what these imagines will be but if anyone wants other holiday ones just let me know! Have a wonderful holidays everyone. (P.S. This was written on my phone so please excuse any weird formatting)
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- You wake up to Izuku having cooked a gorgeous pancake breakfast for you. - "Good morning honey, Merry Christmas!" - If you were the type to wear matching hoodies or sweaters Izuku would be MORE than happy to indulge you. Matching Christmas sweaters or pajamas, you name it. -You'd have a mostly slow morning, cuddle on the couch and enjoy one another's company until about mid-day when you'd head to Inko's (Izukus mums) home for a late Christmas lunch/dinner -He's happy to spend any other day with your family or just the two of you, but Izuku insists on spending Christmas day with his mum. - She creates a gorgeous roast dinner for the 3 of you, it's incredible and you all happily sit around the table chatting and eating, Izuku holding your hand under the table the minute you finish eating. - Izuku is a very good gift giver. He usually gets you two or three lovely expensive gifts. He's the type to know exactly what you want even if you didn't. He's the kind to remember something you mentioned months before and get it for you for a suprise. - Inko is the type for hand made gifts, she knitted you and Izuku a matching set of gloves because she's worried about you both getting cold. - You spend the evening at Inko's home, happily dozing off on the couch watching an All Might Christmas special in Izukus arms. - "You make my life so much better my love, can't wait to spend the next year by your side"
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- As much of he won't admit it, he loves having a big Christmas with both your family's together. - You usually travel up to stay with Mitsuki and Masaru a few days before Christmas. Katsuki puts in under the guise of 'helping the old geezers get the house presentable' but you know that deep down he loves spending time with his Mum and Dad. - You spend time with Katsuki, cooking and decorating, and as much as he feigns complaints, he happily joins you for any holiday activity you want to do. - "Eh? Gingerbread houses? .... Fine nerd but don't take all the icing you hear?" -When Christmas day finally comes, the house comes alive with laughter and chatter of your families, but Katsuki doesn't leave your side. -He is either holding your hand or standing behind you with his hands rested on your waist or wrapped around you - He also always keeps an eye on you to make sure you don't get overwhelmed by all the people, and if you do he'll take you into a quiet room to recharge for a little bit. -"You alright baby? Need a minute? Nah it's fine, the extras can wait, here come sit down." - When it comes to gifts, Katsuki goes absolutely over the top for you. Get ready for 8 to 9 boxes, all for you. - When the house finally quiets down, you and Katsuki help tidy up and head back to the bedroom your staying in. - "Hey, I know I'm not always the easiest to deal with sometimes.... but I love you, I love having Christmas with you, and I wanna spend all of next year with you too. I love you nerd"
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- Shoto really isn't a massive fan of big family gatherings... for obvious reasons. - His dream Christmas is just with you and maybe some friends. - You really want to make this Christmas special for him so you decorate the house while he's on patrol a few days before. - On Christmas morning you make lovely french toast for him and hot cocoa. - "This looks amazing angel. Thank you" - He helps you set the table and do some cooking for the friends Christmas lunch your having. -Izuku, Katsuki, Eijiro and Denki rock up around mid-day with gifts and side-dishes. - You have a lovely Christmas lunch with all your friends and it seems Shoto was able to get into the Christmas spirit a little. - After your friends leave that evening, Shoto drags you onto the couch and turns on a sappy Christmas movie before grabbing a few small presents. - "I'm not the best with holiday stuff... but I hope you like these" - You adore them, they are heartfelt jewellery pieces and other lovely small gifts. - You fall asleep curled up in Shotos arms, his fingers carding through your hair. - "I've never been a massive fan of the holidays... but with you, I'm starting to get why people love it. I love you and I want to spend every day of my life with you."
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ofstarsandvibranium · 2 months
He's A Pretty One: Part 3 (Final)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Eddie Munson x F!Reader
Summary: You’re visiting your cousin in Hawkins for the summer and you meet his very pretty and very rebellious friend and bandmate.
Warning: smut - oral (male receiving)
Part 1 Part 2
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You watch in amusement as Eddie stuffs his face with burger and fries. You're sipping on your milkshake, occasionally stealing a fry or two from Eddie's plate to dip into your drink.
Eddie looks up, suddenly aware of your eyes on him. He sits up, quickly wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Sorry," he mumbles, still chewing his food.
You chuckle, "It's fine, Eddie. You're a growing boy. You need your food."
"Pretty sure I'm older than you, sweetheart," he says with a pointed look.
You shrug, "By a year."
"Still older," he takes a fry and tosses it at you, "Respect your elders."
You smirk and tilt your head to the side, "What if I don't? You'll spank me?"
Your gaze and comment makes Eddie squirm in his seat and you love it. You laugh with a shake of your head, "You're not used to that, are you?"
"To what?" he asks trying to look oblivious.
"People flirting back at you."
He licks his lips and looks down at his plate, "No, not really. I'm, uh, not well liked in this town." He murmurs, moving some fries around his plate.
You scoff, "Which is such bullshit. You're pretty and funny and a helluva guitar player."
Eddie blushes, "Yeah, well, most people in this town aren't like you."
You prop your elbows on the table, resting your chin against the palm of your hand, "And what am I like?"
"Bold. Hot. You don't give a shit about what others think."
You snort, "Living life caring what people think of you just hinders you from reaching your full potential."
"Yes! Exactly! Exactly!" Eddie looks at you with bright eyes like you hung up the moon, "God, where have you been all my life?" You chuckle and swipe another one of his fries.
You two chat for another hour before you two grow tired of diner's ambiance. Eddie pays for his meal and your milkshake, then you're both walking out of the diner. His hands are in pockets and watches as you head to the passenger door of his van, pausing to look at yourself in the sideview mirror and reapplying lipstick.
After smacking your lips together to make sure the color was evenly distributed, you look up to see Eddie watching you. You smirk and lean against his van, "You comin' or not, Pretty Boy?"
A grin makes its way onto his face as he fishes out his keys and unlocks the passenger's side. He opens it for you, holding his hand out like a gentleman. He rushes to the driver's side after you're settled.
"Alright, Van Halen, what's the next stop?"
"To the stars," he says with confidence as he starts up the van and Metallica continues to play.
You nod your head to the music, occasionally singing a lyric here and there as your view becomes a windy road and a shit ton of trees.
You pout at Eddie, "If you're taking me far away to kill me, I'm going to be so disappointed, Eddie."
He snorts, "Please. You'd definitely be the last girl standing in a horror film."
You shake your head, "Nah. I'd be the surprise kill. Throughout the entire film, I'd give off the vibe that I'll be the final girl until the slasher makes a sudden appearance and stabs me in the head or something."
Eddie looks at you with a cocked brow and you shrug, "This isn't the first time I've had this conversation with someone."
He chuckles and shakes his head, "God, you're perfect." You're thankful that it's dark so Eddie can't see you smiling to yourself as your cheeks heat up.
In total, the drive takes about twenty minutes. Your stop is at a cliff that overlooks a lake and forest. You step out and look up. Your jaw immediately drops.
"Holy shit. This is fucking amazing." The stars are twinkling in perfect view above you.
You turn to Eddie, his gaze already on you, "I've never seen anything like this."
"I like to come up here a lot."
"You bring other girls here too?"
He shakes his head, "Nope. You're the first girl I've ever brought here."
He shrugs, "I told you, people don't really like me in this town. Girls especially. They all think I'm a freak just because I don't conform to their preppy bullshit."
"I'd definitely have a crush on you if I went to your school."
"Like I said before, you're different than the people here." he gazes into your eyes softly and you feel a fluttering sensation inside you.
You clear your throat and turn away, "So, are we just gonna stand here or you got some blankets or something we can lay on?"
"Oh yeah! Hold on!" he rushes into the van, pulling out two blankets and laying one onto the grassy part of the cliff, while he wraps the other around you.
You both sit side by side taking in the view. You two sit in a comfortable silence for what feels like forever until you speak up, "So how come you come up here so often?"
"Just to think. To get away from it all," he gestures back towards the town, "It's a nice place to sit and think. People won't bother me here, won't give me shit just 'cause I listen to metal music and play D and D."
You shake your head disapprovingly, "I'm sorry these asshats don't see how awesome and cool you are."
He shrugs, "It's whatever. I'll be outta here soon enough. I'll have enough money to record my demo, I'll get signed, and I'll be off in California and eventually touring the world."
"And you already have your first groupie right here," you say with a proud grin and he cackles, "I fucking knew you liked our shit!"
You laughed with him, "I never said I didn't!"
Both of your laughter dies down and you two are staring at each other. With the moon light shining right down on you two, you could see as Eddie's eyes glance at your lips. You were done playing games. You pull him by the lapel of his vest and press your lips to his.
You could tell he was taken by surprise at first, but he immediately started kissing you back. His hands cup your face, holding you in place as he kisses you back. You're sitting in a weird position so you pull away so you straddle his legs.
"Is this okay?"
He looks at you with a lust filled haze, "Fuck yeah, it's okay. C'mere," he grabs you by the thighs and pulls you even closer to where you're now settled on his crotch. You can feel the hardening bulge under you.
You smirk, "All riled up from that?"
"Sweetheart, I've been trying not to pop a boner around you since I first saw you."
You cackle, "What a romantic thing to say, Eddie." he grins at you and pulls you in for another kiss. Your arms wrap around his neck while his hands rest on your hips. He squeezes when you give an experimental grind onto his clothed dick.
He pulls away with a gasp as you grind down on him away, "Keep doing that, I'm gonna cum in my pants."
"Okay," you push him onto his back and you crawl down his legs so you're face is near his crotch.
He gulps, "What're you doing?"
"You don't wanna cum in your pants. So cum in my mouth instead."
You can't help but laugh when you watch Eddie's eyes widen and jaw drop, "You serious?" he asks with a gulp.
"I can beg if you want," you draw circles over his denim clad bulge, "Please, Pretty Boy, can I suck your cock?"
"Fuck. Yeah. O-Okay," he's fumbling with the button of his jeans and you laugh, pushing his hands away, "Let me," you say. He watches you as you undo his jeans with ease, pulling them and his boxers down enough to pull out his cock. He's propped himself up by his elbows to watch you.
You giggle and it makes Eddie nervous, "What? What's wrong?"
"Even your dick is pretty, Eddie. What the fuck."
He snorts, "I've never heard of having a pretty dick before, but thanks. But, um, can you lend a guy a hand?"
"Oh, you're getting more than a hand, Munson."
You wrap your hand around his length and you hear Eddie let out a shaky breath. You look up at him with a smirk, "Now, don't let go too soon. Lemme work for it at least."
"I'll try."
You lean in and lick a stripe up the underside of his shaft. Eddie immediately falls onto his back again and lets out a loud moan, "Fucking shit," he mumbles and covers his mouth.
"Now don't get quiet on me, pretty boy. No one's around, lemme here how good my mouth makes you feel," you lower your mouth onto his tip and give a teasing suck.
"God fucking-you're not making this easy for me, sweetheart."
You smirk as you take more of him in, slowly bobbing your head up and down his length, your hand stroking him at the base.
You take as much of him as you can in your mouth before letting off with a gasp. You take him in your mouth again, head moving up and down faster this time.
"Fuck. Yes! Like that, baby! Just like that!" A hand goes to the back of your head and you let Eddie set the pace for you. You watch him through your lashes. His eyes tightly shut, teeth biting onto his lip. He hits the back of your throat and he moans loudly, "Shiiiit," you pull off him.
"You gonna cum for me, Pretty Boy? Hm? You wanna shoot your load down my throat?"
"Fuck, yes. Please. 'M so fucking close, baby."
"Give it to me, Eddie. Lemme have it," you mumble, taking him into your mouth again. Your mouth and hands working in tandem for his release. He's lightly thrusting into your mouth when suddenly feel him cumming down your throat. You keep your head still as he cums.
"Fucking shit!"
He lets out a long gasp and falls limp against the blanket. You giggle as you sit up, swallowing his load. He lifts his head to look at you and sees you smirking down at him.
"I've never cum so hard before."
You snort, tucking him back into his pants and moving to lay beside him, "I'm taking that as a compliment."
"Oh, it's definitely a compliment, baby. Shit, that was-it was-you're so-"
You place a hand over his mouth and say, "You're welcome."
You cuddle up to him, pull second blanket over the two of you. You both lay in silence staring up at the stars.
"Is-Was that a one time thing?"
You turn your head to him, "It doesn't have to be. Honestly, I really like you, Eddie. Just sucks that I'm only here for a few more weeks and then I'm heading back home."
He wraps an arm around and pulls you closer, "Guess we'll just enjoy it while we can. Deal?"
You nod, "Deal."
"That being said...can I eat you out?"
You snort, "Of course. But maybe in the van where it's comfier and warmer."
"Yeah. It's cold as fuck and I think my ass is numb."
You two immediately get up and collect the blankets, tossing them into the back where you settle and Eddie's immediately pulling your pants off.
Your time in Hawkins won't be long, but you're for damn sure it'll be the best time you've ever had because of a pretty boy named Eddie Munson.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 7 months
Hi! I have a few ideas for Spencer Reid x Reader romantic fics that you could use if you would like. I was thinking about a Hogwarts au with BAU as friends at Wizarding school or where they are adults and work at Ministry as Aurors (analyzing behaviour of dark magic users?).
Or a Star Trek au and them being a team at the ship or a storyline with Spencer being Vulcan and experiencing Pon Farr (Vulcan mating ritual).
Thank you in advance!
First of all, I really LOVED this request. I belong to both fandoms but I write a little better for Harry Potter. I thought about placing them in the school because I wanted to give it a more cheerful tone, but if you're interested I could write about the second suggestion later (where they work in the ministry of magic).
The houses where the characters are assigned are courtesy of this publication and the reader does not have a defined house, so you can imagine it in yours. I hope you enjoy! 🤍
wc: 3.2k
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Visits to Hogsmeade have always been the best part of winter, partly because of all the delicious hot drinks you can have and partly because of being able to spend time with all your friends.
Before entering Hogwarts you could not consider yourself a very sociable person, however, as time went by there were certain people who managed to welcome you until you were a group solid enough to win the admiration of students and teachers. After all, seeing so many youths from different houses getting along was not a common thing.
Right now you were walking with Emily and JJ, two exceptional Slytherin girls who, breaking all kinds of stereotypes, were quite sweet. You were going to meet Elle, Penelope and Kate, from Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor respectively, at The Three Broomsticks to drink something delicious and catch up on many things that you couldn't discuss during the break.
“Do you think Professor Gideon will give us an extension for the lessons we have to deliver tomorrow?”
“Gideon? No way! I could understand it from Professor Rossi, but he…”
“Do we have homework from Professor Rossi?” Em asked absently and you two laughed at the same time.
“Good morning, girls.”
“Morning, Professor Blake,” you sang in unison, after seeing the woman crossing the street accompanied by Professor McGonagall.
The Three Broomsticks was packed with people moving around, laughing, and sharing drinks. You managed to distinguish, from the higher grades, some prefects gathered at a table and two of them greeted you with a smile: Lewis from Ravenclaw and Hotchner from Hufflepuff. You had seen them a couple of times due to sneaky night visits with your friends, but nothing went beyond that.
You walked a little further and finally caught a glimpse of the table with your friends. They weren’t alone, because in the same place there were four boys that you were very used to: your friend Luke and the charming Derek Morgan from the lion house, the kind Matt who was chatting with his housemate, Penny, and sitting in silence was that sweet boy who made your heart race...
“Hey!” Derek was the first to greet them and everyone started squeezing themselves against the old couches so that the three of you had room.
Emily purposely pushed you first to take the place next to Spencer and when your shoulders collided with his, you saw him smile sheepishly.
“How nice to see you. I didn't know you'd be here."
“Neither do I,” he smiled at you. “Morgan brought me here, he told me we would probably find you.”
You had met the boy through your potions classes, when the two of you had to sit together due to lack of space at another table. Even so, the incident hadn’t gone completely bad because you discovered that he was a great boy, it was just that his shyness prevented him from actively participating in everything related to the social aspect.
When you discovered that Derek was a mutual friend, he didn't hesitate to start inviting the brunette to watch his Quidditch practice and sometimes you kept him company so he wouldn't feel bored. You discovered that what you had in common was a fascination with the dark arts and criminals, a passion that would later unite your entire group, and over the years your friendship consolidated into what you saw now. But as time went by you grew up and by this point Spencer was already too handsome and gentlemanly to ignore. Spending so much time with him inevitably gave you a small crush on the smartest guy in the entire room.
During visits to Hogsmeade it was common to see Spencer in bookstores or quieter places, so you were happy that they had taken him out of his routine so that he ended up with his leg stuck to yours, with barely any room to move.
Once you were there, the entire table became a tide of murmurs and laughter in which you participated from time to time, especially when you had to corroborate one of your housemates' anecdotes.
“Do you want me to order you something to drink?” Spencer asked cordially, as a waiter came over to ask if you guys wanted to order anything else.
You had never discovered if the Ravenclaw next to you reciprocated your feelings, but actions like that caused you a certain illusion that you didn't want to pay too much attention to.
“Huh, Butterbeer?” You responded with a smile and he took care of passing the message to the clerk, making sure to also slip a couple of galleons into his hand to pay “So the tutoring went well, right?” you tried to joke.
Your friend had found a prosperous activity by offering tutoring for those who needed it and although he only accepted donations, many rich children preferred to pay an excellent salary to have a private teacher's class 24 hours a day, which assured them a good grade. He was always willing to help anyone at the table at no cost and he was undoubtedly the head of his house's favorite, but everyone pretended not to notice it.
“I could say yes”
“But I'll only let you buy me one,” you threatened while he smiled and shook his head, possibly planning to buy you everything you asked for despite your complaints.
“Have you heard what happened in the prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor?” you all heard Elle say, who always got the best gossip from who knows where.
When the entire group leaned in to listen better, your cheek was almost touching Spencer's and in that position it was not the best idea to turn to look at him, because when he did the same your lips were about to touch and by instinct you moved away to avoid it, cheeks flushing in response.
Even though everyone was paying attention to Elle's story, you could feel Spencer shift slightly uncomfortably in his spot and you hoped it wasn't your fault.
“But hey, the really important question here is…” Kate began, taking a long gulp of her hot chocolate just for dramatic effect “Do you guys have a date for the Yule ball yet?”
The yule ball, you had almost forgotten about that. You had received a few proposals, but you hadn't responded to any of them yet and a part of you was hoping that with this Spencer would have the courage to invite you, because you didn't want to go with anyone else but him.
Emily was the first to tell her plans to invite none other than Prefect Aaron and you all burst into mocking boos at your friend's brazen plan. JJ would go with another Hufflepuff boy named Will, Penelope would go with Morgan like the best friends they were, while the rest had partners that you didn't know yet but that they would make sure to introduce you to.
When everyone talked about their plans they looked in the direction of Spencer and you, as if they wanted to hear your plans too.
“I have received some proposals, but I still don't know who I should say yes to”
“I'm not going”
Hearing Spencer say that made your heart drop and although you tried to maintain your composure your friends couldn't help but notice the disappointed expression that you tried to hide by drinking your Butterbeer.
Why didn't Spencer want to go to the ball? You had already imagined him wearing a nice gala suit with those well-combed golden locks and a corsage the color of your dress, but your hopes seemed destined to die there.
“Come on, Reid! "Everyone's going," Luke murmured, but the man just put on a tight-lipped smile and looked away.
You didn't even want to look at him or you knew your eyes would give you away, so you tried to focus on something else.
Seeing that he wouldn't offer any more reasons, the talk continued and when your beer was finished you felt Spencer lean a little closer to you, until his lips were at the height of your ear. Out of inertia you tilted your head a little to get into a position that involved the closest possible approach.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked softly, sending a shiver through your entire body.
You wanted to lean closer until you melted into him and, with any luck, the movement would force him to kiss you on the cheek.
“I would love to,” you managed to respond when you finally shook off those fantasies and he smiled next to you while he got up from his place.
"Where are you going?"
“Outside, for a walk,” you informed. The same mischievous smile crossed Elle and Derek's faces.
"Oh, sure. Have fun walking, lovebirds,” she murmured while the man simulated exaggerated kissing sounds.
"You guys are idiots"
You grabbed your jacket while you heard everyone laughing and even with that sound in the background you started walking with your friend towards the exit, trying not to pay attention to the romantic advances they were making.
As soon as you got out of there you noticed the severe change in weather and rubbed your hands against each other while blowing air on them in hopes of keeping some heat. The white snow covered the entire town and it was quite a beautiful sight.
“Peace and tranquility,” your friend sighed, after taking a deep breath, and you laughed.
“Were you that suffocated in there?”
“I don't like it when everyone talks at the same time. Too much noise"
You knew that Spencer was a little different from the others and sometimes he could feel uncomfortable with social situations, but most of the time when he wanted to get out of there he asked you to accompany him. Was that some kind of sign or were you just misunderstanding things?
“Have you bought anything at Honeydukes yet?” you asked to open the conversation.
You didn't know whether to put your hands in your pockets or keep them crossed to protect yourself a little from the cold air, so you just kept rubbing them together.
"Yes a while ago. Buy acid pops, frogs, and jelly slugs”
“We buy Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans”
“Since the time I tried one that tasted like rotten eggs, I can't even look at them without gagging,” he confessed while wrinkling his nose, a gesture that you had long ago discovered was common for him.
“Emily says she once tried one that tasted like cat litter, but I don't believe her. And if I were to believe her it would be very disgusting because come on, how would you know what that taste tastes like if you haven't tried it before?”
Spencer's laugh had always been a sound that melted you from the inside out, one you could listen to for hours without getting tired.
You continued along the cobblestone path chatting pleasantly about some academic matters, a little about the future, and sometimes about the most trivial things, until you were far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the town.
There was a little desolate bench next to the road and both of you silently agreed to head over there so you could sit for a moment.
You could see his mismatched socks underneath the robe and the obvious height difference made you able to move your legs back and forth. There was just a space between you where you rested your hand, your pinky almost touching his.
“Did you know that all snowflakes are symmetrical? They have six sides and always reflect light as if they were precious stones. I read it the other day in a book.”
The comment was about the fact that, of course, small flakes of snow had begun to fall. You smiled from ear to ear and stretched out your tongue to capture one, while Spencer watched you sweetly from the opposite side.
“When you were little did you play in the snow?”
“My mom never let me do it. I was a sickly child.”
“And now you're not?” you asked softly.
Just when he was about to respond, your hands reached up to his neck to adjust his two-color scarf and Spencer held his breath at the closeness, while he focused on your cheeks flushed from the cold.
You were the prettiest girl he had ever met and he was afraid to tell anyone, because he would know that when a secret was told sooner or later it ended up reaching the ears of whoever he was trying to hide from. Although he believed that probably all of Hogwarts could tell that he liked you just by the way he sighed whenever you were around.
“Are you sickly now too?” you asked again and he felt stupid for getting too nervous to forget what you had just told him.
"A bit"
"Well, I hope so. Come"
You took his wrist to guide him out of your seat and led him to a blank space on the floor, where in spring it was probably full of grass, immediately throwing yourself with your gaze towards the sky.
"What are you doing?"
“Lie down, we’re going to make a snow angel.”
Spencer looked hesitant for a second, but then he knelt next to you, imitating your position somewhat awkwardly. When you started to move your arms and legs he thought about regretting it, although in the end he didn't, and very soon the two of you were already laughing out loud at how clumsy the situation was.
At some point you stopped and turned slightly until you were face to face, looking at each other's flushed skin and bright smiles. Looking at him you thought about how happy it made you to be with him, more so than with any of your other friends, although you didn't know if it was due to the boy's calm nature or simply your feelings for him reflecting back.
“We're definitely going to catch a cold,” he observed intelligently as he sat up and shook the snow out of his brown hair, which only made you laugh more. “Come on, I don't think snot matches your future dress.”
You took the hand he was offering to help you up and knew that if you didn't take advantage of that opportunity you probably wouldn't be able to talk to him about it again.
“You're really not going to the ball?”
You were sitting next to him, too close for the boy's poor nerves, and there was a clear tone of disappointment in your words. As if that weren't enough, you still hadn't let go of his hand.
“Huh, I don't think so. I don't like that kind of environment” he excused himself, making a small face. You nodded with understanding, but evidently discouraged “Besides, no one has invited me.”
“And why haven't you invited a girl?”
Spencer looked away at your question and cringed a little from his spot, as if he were afraid to answer you. You waited a minute for him to think.
“I just want to save myself the embarrassment of them saying no.”
“Why would anyone say no to you?” you immediately asked in genuine disbelief.
“Because I'm not handsome! And because I spend my time in the library instead of training quidditch and I'm not even athletic and... I don't know, because I'm weird."
“Oh, shut up, Spencer” the stern tone in your voice surprised him, but before he could say anything you continued talking “You're a great guy, you're dedicated and studious, you're kind. You're not weird at all. Well… maybe a little bit, but not as a negative trait, but as something that makes you stand out”
"So you think?" He asked and you nodded effusively. “I still don’t think there’s anyone left for me.”
“Come with me” you breathed out without thinking.
You had wanted him to come with you so much that you didn't even care if you invited him or he did, you just wanted to dance with him and have a valid reason to hold his hand. Even if you were doing it for no reason right now.
"Go where?"
“To the ball, genius!” You laughed nervously. “I don’t have a partner yet.”
“But… you said you had several invitations,” he reminded you, clearly confused. He had dismissed the idea that you were interested when you had said that, contrary to the idea you wanted to give him.
“Yes, but none of them are as charming as you.”
You didn't even know where you had gathered the courage to flirt with him but luckily it seemed to be working. Spencer was quiet for a moment and although you couldn't tell it he was fighting to keep his brain from spontaneously combusting.
Were you really offering him the chance to be your date?
“Unless you're not interested…”
"No!" he interrupted you. In his eyes you could see the shine of the snow and a certain enthusiasm that calmed you greatly “I would love to go with you.”
The smile that crossed your face wasn’t normal and you wished you could better hide your joy at his response, but no matter how hard you tried, you knew it would be impossible.
“It's probably a bit bland and superficial, but I think we can have fun.”
“Did you know that balls were initially used for courtship? In Victorian times they were the social space where a gentleman could look for a lady he wanted to marry and there were certain dances, protocols, and rules”
“Luckily we don't have all that rigor now,” you exclaimed. “You just have to take a couple of classes with Professor Gideon to know how to behave.”
“I thank Merlin that Professor Blake was there to help us because otherwise it would have been most embarrassing.”
“I want to see you dance,” you said in an excited tone, while you gave his hand a light squeeze. Against all odds Spencer used that grip to pull you in his direction until he wrapped you in a hug.
“You're not inviting me because you feel sorry for me, right?”
You gasped almost annoyed.
“For a Ravenclaw you're sometimes quite an idiot, you know that?” you murmured against his chest, which then vibrated with a nervous laugh.
You wished you could confess to him how much you had wanted to achieve this and erase all those pointless worries with everything you thought about him, but you knew that if you had you would probably have to confess how much you liked him and you weren't ready for this yet.
You were silent for a moment until you dared to separate a little to look him in the eyes and then speak seriously.
“Never think that I invite out of pity, Reid. I invite you because you are my friend and I really like being with you.”
He had to hug you again until you saw his face or somehow you would have discovered more than you should about his true feelings towards you.
“I'm glad to know that,” he sighed, resting his flushed cheek against the top of your head.
Spencer didn't know if his hopeful heart could handle the wait to see you in a beautiful dress and dance with you all night long, but for now he would have to settle for the warmth he felt from having you in his arms, smiling like a fool just for you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @instabull @rhiannonhippiegirl @r-3dlips @missabsey @olivia’s-25 @liptonsbabe @moonbutterflyx
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Fandom: Top Gun
Summary: Five of the most important moments in your life with Rooster. All fluff, humor, and adorable energy, despite the title sounding angsty. Go listen to the Elton John song that the title’s from, the vibes fit.
Word Count: 2,834
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: When I tell you this fic lived in my mind rent-free and refused to leave until I wrote it... dude, I literally couldn’t think of anything else until this was metaphorically on the page
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"C'mon, Phoenix! Payback? Fanboy? You can't leave me hanging, I need somebody to sing a duet with me."
"No way in hell Rooster. We're not going up there and making fools of ourselves."
I couldn't help tuning into the loud argument being had by the group behind me. I turned to find a tall, handsome man with a mustache standing and trying to persuade just one of his friends to go sing karaoke with him.
He wasn't having much luck.
"You know, if none of you go up there with me, I'll just have to go up there and do both parts myself."
"Great! Bob, get your phone out and record this, it's going to be gold-"
"Excuse me?" I said, standing and walking around the table where I'd been sitting to stand in front of the mustache man. My friends gave me incredulous looks, but I ignored them. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help overhearing. I've been trying to talk my friends into going up there and singing with me all night with no luck too, and so if you need a duet partner... I'd be happy to step in."
"Seriously?" he asked. I nodded.
"Then let's go!"
He didn't even hesitate as he grabbed my hand and headed up to the front of the bar, and I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of me. We got to the front, where people were taking signups, and he pulled me up with him before dropping my hand and draping his arm around my shoulders instead.
"Hey!" he said, yelling to be heard over the current singer and music. "We're- shit, I don't even know your name!"
He turned to me, dropping his arm from my shoulders with a wide-eyed look on his face, but I just laughed.
"It's Y/N!"
"Y/N, Rooster! It's nice to meet you!"
"I'm a fighter pilot, it's my callsign!"
"Oh! Well then, Rooster, it's nice to meet you too!"
He turned back to the karaoke people like there had never been an interruption, a massive smile on his face.
"We're Rooster and Y/N. Can we sign up for a duet?"
"Sure thing. What do you want to sing?"
He turned back to me and raised an eyebrow. I leaned in a little, so I wouldn't have to yell as loudly, and Rooster turned so my mouth was next to his ear.
"How about Don't Go Breaking My Heart?" I asked. Rooster whipped his head around to face me so quickly he almost accidentally kissed me on the mouth.
"That's perfect! I think I might love you for suggesting it."
I just laughed and leaned into him as he turned back to deliver our song decision. The karaoke people wrote it down, then gestured for us to wait until our names were called. We chatted by the bar for a few minutes, and then at last, we were up.
"Okay, so you're gonna be Kiki Dee, right?" I teased as we went up. Rooster shot me a grin as we took our mics.
"Honey, I'm pretty sure you're kidding, but you'd better be careful because I'll take you up on that in a heartbeat."
I laughed as the music started, sharing a brief smile with Rooster before we launched into our performance. Our friends were clearly laughing at us, but neither of us cared.
We were having the time of our lives.
I fidgeted in front of the mirror, adjusting my dress and hair again. After a few seconds, I forced myself to turn away and head downstairs before I drove myself crazy. Rooster was picking me up in a few minutes for our first date, and I'd taken to messing with my outfit to try to keep my nerves down while I waited.
I wandered into the kitchen and pulled down a glass to get some water, but I almost dropped it when a knock came at the door. I set the glass down and smiled as I moved to the door, opening it to find Rooster on the other side, a massive grin on his face.
"Wow. You look gorgeous."
I felt my face heat up as I looked down bashfully.
"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself."
He shrugged. "I do my best. You ready?"
"Of course. Where are we going?" I asked as we headed for his waiting car.
"I thought we'd go to that nice restaurant down by the Hard Deck, then walk along the beach afterwards? Look at the stars, walk through the surf, all that good stuff?"
"That sounds perfect."
We shared a smile as Rooster opened the door of his car for me and I slipped inside. He walked around and started the engine, and to my delight, Don't Go Breaking My Heart came on the radio.
"Hey!" said Rooster, immediately reaching for the dial to turn it up. "It's our song!"
"First date and we've already got a song?" I teased. He grinned right back.
"Since we met through singing it, yeah, I think it already counts as our song."
"Fair enough."
Like we'd planned it, we started singing together with the windows down as we drove to the restaurant. A joyous feeling bubbled up in my chest, and I felt truly alive with the wind in my hair and the music at top-volume as we cruised to the restaurant together.
After our song ended, Rooster and I just kept singing. One great song after another, we belted our hearts and souls out the whole way there. We occasionally got strange stares from the people on the street and in the other cars around us, but neither of us cared at all.
We had a lovely dinner together, then wandered down to the beach. I immediately kicked off my shoes, opting to carry them and feel my feet in the sand, and Rooster quickly followed suit.
"Nothing like the ocean at night," I sighed, breathing in the cool night air as Rooster gently took my hand.
"All the stars overhead aren't doing anything to hurt the view either," he added.
"No kidding."
We walked for a few minutes in comfortable silence, eventually wandering closer to the edge of the surf. We dipped our feet in the water and moved on to talking about nothing, enjoying every minute of it all the same.
Eventually, it got late enough that we needed to head back. We were both tired enough that we didn't sing along to all the songs on the way back, but we still turned them up to full-volume to enjoy.
When we got back to my house, Rooster walked me to the doorstep. We paused just outside the front door, smiles on both of our faces.
"So... did I make the cut for a second date?" he asked.
"Hell yes you did. I had a really, really good time, Rooster."
"Me too. I'm bogged down at Top Gun for the rest of the week, but maybe after that we could do something?"
"You're on, Bradshaw." I turned away long enough to open my door, then turned back to look at Rooster again. He stared right back as I took a few steps to close the distance between us, his eyes never leaving my face. I leaned up to place a soft kiss on his cheek, and when I pulled away, Rooster watched every single move I made like a hawk.
"I'll see you next weekend."
I fidgeted on the docks, watching the massive aircraft carrier in front of me go through the final steps in the docking process. Rooster and the rest of the Top Gun special detachment were finally getting home today, safe and sound by some miracle. We'd been dating for months now, but this had been the first time I'd watched him ship out somewhere.
It was terrifying. But he loved flying, so I got through it. And now, he was coming home.
Maverick was the first one down the ramp and on dry land, and then a moment later, Rooster appeared behind him. A massive smile broke out on my face, and I didn't waste a second before sprinting across the dock.
Maverick grinned as soon as he caught sight of me, and then made a big show of clearly stepping out of my way. Rooster beamed as he opened his arms wide, catching me and managing to keep us from eating shit as I ran into him at full speed.
"Hey, baby," he muttered into my hair. He wrapped both arms around my waist and held me tight, spinning me around a few times before letting my feet rest firmly on the ground again. A few of his fellow pilots cheered and clapped him on the shoulder as they went past, but I ignored them all.
"I missed you," I said, pulling back just enough to look him in the eyes. "And I'm so glad you're home."
"I'm glad I'm home too, sweetheart."
He smiled, and I didn't waste another second before kissing him, hard. I heard Maverick clear his throat, but I ignored him. Rooster hadn't even been gone that long, but I'd missed him all the same. I didn't give a rat's ass who was watching; I was going to kiss my boyfriend as long as I damn well wanted.
When we finally broke apart, Rooster was staring at me with all the love in the world on his face. I couldn't stop myself from leaning up to give him one last quick peck, then we turned to head the rest of the way to shore. Rooster wrapped one arm tightly around my shoulders, and I started to walk, but I stopped short at the look Maverick was giving us.
He stared at us like we were ghosts, a slight sheen of tears in his eyes.
"Uh... are you okay?" I asked. Rooster's arm tightened around my shoulders as Maverick gave us a small smile.
"Yeah. Fine. You two just... you look a lot like another couple I knew."
I tried to figure out what the hell he was talking about, since the last time I'd talked to my boyfriend, Maverick had been enemy #1.
To my surprise, Rooster dropped his arm from my shoulders and took my hand instead, pulling me with him into a group hug with Maverick. They shared a smile and a laugh as we all embraced, and it seemed like a nice moment, but I couldn't help being a little confused.
After a few beats, we all broke apart, Maverick and Rooster still sharing happy smiles. When neither of them jumped in to explain, I took matters into my own hands.
"So... I take it you and Maverick worked some things out on this mission?"
Both men turned to me, giving me eerily similar smiles.
"Yeah, we worked a few things out," said Rooster. "I'll catch you up on it, but... we're cool with him now."
I shrugged. "Sounds good."
Maverick looked between Rooster and I with a raised eyebrow.
"Is that why you seemed mad at me every time I saw you?" he asked me. "Even before I knew who you were?"
"Yeah. My boyfriend had beef with you, so I had beef with you. But now, apparently, you're in the clear! So, I guess... looking forward to getting to know you."
Maverick stared at us for another few seconds, then broke out laughing. He sighed and looped one arm around Rooster's shoulders and the other around mine.
"Let's get out of here and go get a drink, then. I want nothing more than to get to know the woman who's been making Rooster so happy."
"Amelia! Come back here! What the hell are you even doing?"
I shouted down the beach at Rooster and I's honorary little sister as she booked it down the beach. I was supposed to be driving her to a tutoring session, but when I'd swung by the Hard Deck to pick her up, she'd sprinted out to the beach without a word to me.
I saw her disappear around a rock outcropping a little further ahead, and I hustled after her. I had no idea what had made her run out of the bar like her hair was on fire, but I seriously needed to find out.
I rounded the rock, having to get my feet a little wet in the process, but came to a dead stop when I saw what was waiting on the other side. Amelia stood between her parents, Penny and Maverick, all three of them with massive grins on their faces as they stared at me. Between me and them stood none other than Bradly Rooster Bradshaw, my best friend and boyfriend, radiating happiness like the sun.
"Babe... what's going on?" I asked, taking a few steps closer to Rooster. He didn't answer, instead waiting until I got almost all the way to him. Then, just as I was about to start demanding some answers, he dropped to one knee before me in the sand.
"Oh my God, Bradley..."
"You make me the happiest I've been in a long, long time. You're my best friend, dream karaoke buddy, partner in crime, and the absolute love of my life. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
"Baby... of course I will."
I couldn't help the tears that started to fall as Rooster stood, catching me as I fell into his arms. I held him tight and kissed him hard, and we lost ourselves in each other for a few moments before the happy congratulations of our family brought us back to reality.
"So, do I get to be in the wedding?" asked Amelia with a grin as Rooster carefully slipped the ring on my finger. I leaned into him as I smiled back at Amelia.
"Absolutely you do. Despite the fact that you made me run frantically across the beach in a near-panic right before my proposal, I'd be honored to have you as one of my bridesmaids."
She absolutely beamed back at me, a very similar expression on Penny's face behind her. Rooster tugged me in tight to him as Maverick clapped him on the back on the other side, and I felt an absolutely beautiful sense of peace looking around at the people I loved so much.
I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life just like this.
"...and do you, Y/N Y/L/N, take Bradley Bradshaw to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"Absolutely I do."
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now ki-"
Rooster was way ahead. He swept me into a dip and kissed me, both of us smiling into it. Our friends and family cheered, and we stayed like that for a minute before finally straightening up.
Rooster and I held our joined hands up in the air in victory, and I laughed happily as I leaned into him. We'd both been smiling non-stop since this morning, and neither of us showed any signs of stopping soon. We strutted out of the church together to the applause of all our guests, then climbed into the car waiting to take us to our reception.
When we got into the back and the door closed behind us, I couldn't help letting out a little sigh at the temporary peace and quiet it gave us.
"I love you so much, Bradley," I said, leaning my head on his chest and resting a hand on his thigh. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and held me close, placing a soft kiss to my forehead.
"And I love you so, so much Mrs. Bradshaw."
I hummed. "I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of hearing that."
"I sure hope not."
I chuckled, half-heartedly hitting Bradley in the chest. We spent the rest of the ride recharging together, and basking in the glow of being newly, officially married.
By the time the car got to the reception venue and the wedding party got done taking photos, the festivities were already in full swing. Rooster and I strutted in when the time came for our big entrance, then took the floor for our first dance to none other than Great Balls of Fire. We hadn't choreographed it, and we were laughing so hard that half the dance was us leaning on each other just trying to stay standing, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
After the traditional first dance, it was time for our new tradition. Our first karaoke as a married couple.
"You wanna be Kiki Dee or Elton John?" I asked as we took the stage and grabbed the two waiting microphones. We'd sung this song at karaoke plenty of times since the first one when we'd met, but it never failed to make my heart beat faster and put a smile on my face.
"Dealer's choice, sweetheart. Although I think we figured out pretty early that my voice is a little better suited to Elton's voice."
"Yeah, good point. You need to be way more drunk to make Kiki Dee's part sound good."
"Maybe a little later in the evening, then."
We shared a smile, then the music started and we faced our waiting friends and family. The past few years with Rooster had been the absolute best of my life, and I couldn't wait to spend every other moment with him, just like this.
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rosehiroto · 1 year
hii >< since your req is open,, can i req luxiem or noctyx members reacting to their s/o debut stream??
thank you in advance if you write it and have a great dayy :>
Hello anon! Thank you for the request I decided to do luxiem I hope you enjoy reading this! Your very welcome it's my pleasure have a wonderful day too 💙
I made reader a nijisanji vtuber I hope you don't mind
I will refer to reader as mc to make this easier
Mc is non-binary pronounce is they/them
Mc is also physically affectionate with the boys I hope you don't mind.
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
Fandom: nijisanji, luxiem.
Pairing: luxiem x streamer reader.
Category: fluff, the boys supporting their s/o, nijisanji vtuber reader.
Welcome to the vtuber world
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Luca kaneshiro
It was half an hour before Mc's debut stream, as they were getting ready finishing their set up and watching the chat, people talking about how excited they were for Mc's debut.
Mc was a nervous reck their hands sweating, as they wiped their hands on their pants taking a deep breath to calm down their nerves.
Luca entered the room a cup of water in his hands, as he set the water on the table turning Mc's chair around to look at him, smiling widely at the person he loves so much from the bottom of his heart.
"you'll be very pog babe, I'm sure of it don't be nervous" Luca says smiling widely giving mc a big hug, kissing their head before letting go.
"thanks Luca, I'm just feeling really nervous, thank you for being here, I really appreciate it" mc mumbled softly smiling at the male Infront of them, luca giving them a big kiss on the lips before kissing their cheeks pressing his cheeks against Mc's after.
"you're very pog, I'm sure they all will love you, not more than me but still alot, I'll be right here with you if you need me during it all so don't worry, if you need anything text me and I'll be here with you okay" Luca says kissing Mc's cheek again smiling widely at them.
Mc nodded gently smiling at the male, who continued to hug mc for a few more minutes to calm them down, before leaving to sit on the couch in the living room, already having the stream open on his phone as he typed 'POGGGGG!' in the chat people joining him in pogging and gretting him.
After a few minutes mc started the stream with the 'starting soon screen' with beautiful art of Mc's model sitting in a black car looking out of the window that showed a beautiful ocean the sound of the wind and shores calming mc down a little, as they took a deep breath in.
Mc started their lore video watching the chat blow up with their reactions, Luca watched the lore video feeling proud of mc, as he smiled softly while watching quietly.
After the lore video finished the scene changed to Mc's room, as they peeked out from the bottom of the screen feeling quite shy.
After a few seconds of chat blowing up as they greeted the new streamer mc decided to move from the corner smiling widely at the screen.
"hello everyone" mc says in a calm voice their smile growing bigger once they saw Luca saying 'POG lore video' as they quickly made him a moderator chuckling softly before starting to introduce themselves.
Mc continued to introduce themselves their likes, hobbies, dislikes, etc Luca continuing to say 'POG' every once in a while.
Luca continued to watch until the end of stream, smiling widely as mc got more comfortable with chat talking more about themselves.
After a while mc ended their stream with a full heart at the chat who sent them hearts.
Luca quickly went the Mc's room waiting until they finally ended stream, before turning their chair around taking their headphones off and giving them a big hug.
"you were so pog! I told you you'll be great I'm so proud of you" Luca says squeezing mc tightly burying his head into Mc's shoulder.
Mc chuckled softly hugging the male back gently rubbing his back gently feeling quite happy.
"thanks Luca, I don't know what I would've done without your support" mc says gently kissing Luca's head, luca smiling brightly at them kissing their cheek gently pulling them from the chair holding their hand gently.
"come on, I'll order us whatever you're in the mood for my treat" Luca says happily swinging his hand that held Mc's as they walked out from Mc's room.
Luca and mc spent the rest of the night eating food while cuddling and watching movies together.
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Shu yamino
Shu was sitting on a chair next to mc, as they nervously got ready to stream.
Shu was there for emotional and technical support, his arm wrapped around Mc's shoulder.
"you'll be great just take a deep breath I was really nervous too when it was my debut, so I know how you're feeling" shu says gently rubbing Mc's shoulder gently.
"I know I really won't be able to calm all of your worries but I want you to know I'm here for you and I support you okay? I'll be here right beside you during the entire stream if you need me, or I can go and stay in the living room if you don't want me to stay okay?" Shu says gently kissing Mc's head, leaving the part of watching Mc's stream out as to not make them more nervous.
"can......can you stay with me? I feel too nervous to be alone" mc says taking hold of shu's hand nervously as their cheeks flush softly from embarrassed.
Shu chuckles softly kissing Mc's knuckles interwining his fingers with Mc's.
"of course, I'll go get some water and snacks okay?" Shu says getting up quickly getting both of them water, and putting a bunch of snacks in a plate not to make noise setting them down on the empty space on the desk.
Shu sat back down next to mc taking hold of their hand softly, as mc started their waiting screen showing Mc's model standing in a forest a firefly resting on their finger glowing softly.
After a few minutes mc started their lore video holding shu's hand tightly as the male rubbed his thumb on the back of Mc's hand to calm them down.
After the lore video was the reveal of an original song mc and shu worked on together, the song played as the chat blew up with the surprised reactions of the viewers.
Shu smiled at mc pecking their cheek softly, feeling proud of them, mc's cheeks growing a soft red at the male, who chuckled softly going back to staring at the chat.
After a few more minutes the song ends and the screen changes to Mc's model smiling shyly at the screen, as they said a soft hello still holding shu's hand tightly, the male sitting to the side off screen, eating snacks and watching mc introduce themselves to chat, who was very supportive.
Mc started to get more comfortable as time went on, but still held shu's hand as the male continued to eat snacks, as he snuck noddles in, trying to eat them with one hand quietly.
Shu's face scrunched up, as the hot noddles burned his mouth as he tried not to be loud mc noticing his scrunched up face holding a chuckle back, as they try to continue chatting with chat.
Mc was unable to hold their laughing back, quickly apologizing and closed their mic, they laughed at shu who tried to hold his laughter back, as mc continued to laugh at the male.
Shu laughed softly as the pain in his mouth numbed quickly, their laughter echoing through the room as they laughed together at the silly moment.
Chat was filled with confused comments as to why mc muted, but chat was telling mc to take their time.
After a minute mc opened the mic again after calming down apologizing to chat, before continuing as if nothing just happened.
Shu continued to eat his noddles making sure they weren't hot, before eating enjoying his food, still keeping his hold on Mc's hand.
Mc finished their stream with a bunch of goodbyes to chat, as shu watched chat with a fond smile on his face.
After they finished the stream shu threw his arm across Mc's shoulder again, pressing his lips against Mc's head gently.
"you were amazing didn't I tell you? You didn't even need my help" shu says chuckling at mc who wrapped their arms around him in a gentle hug, feeling relaxed around the male.
"thanks for being here with me....I love you" mc says into shu's shoulder pressing a soft kiss there as the male kissed Mc's head gently.
"I love you too" shu says feeling warm and comfortable with mc in his arms.
The two lovebirds spent the rest of their day cuddling, and shu somehow convincing them to play 'getting over it' with him.
The night was filled with mc whining from falling in the game, and shu laughing and finishing his speedrun of the game in a few minutes as he usually did.
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Ike eveland
Ike leaned against the back Mc's chair, his arms wrapped around their shoulders as they finished their setup, the male kissing their cheek feeling proud of them.
"great job älskling, you're doing amazing now I'll leave you to it I don't want to stress you out okay, if you need anything text me or call me I'll be in the living room" Ike explained as mc turned their chair around giving the male a big hug before letting go.
"okay thank you for your support ikey. I love you" mc says pecking Ike's cheek gently the male smiling widely kissing Mc's head, and saying 'i love you' back to mc.
"will you be watching?" Mc asked looking at the male, who nodded at mc with a gentle smile on his face.
"I'll do my best since you're watching then, I hope you'll enjoy it" mc says smiling bashfully at Ike, who pecked Mc's lips gently.
"of course I'll enjoy it älskling, everything you do is wonderful so I know you'll be amazing don't feel stressed though" Ike says pecking Mc's cheek again mc nodding quickly as Ike got out of the room to watch mc stream in the living room.
Mc started their 'starting soon screen' that had Mc's model sitting on a table by a window, viewing a beautiful garden as a book rested in Mc's hand as Mc held a cup on tea in their other hand their eyes focused on their book.
while mc was watching the chat fill with hearts and excited emojis, noticing Ike send a heart with Mc's colour.
Mc's heart started beating faster as mc made ike a moderator, their lips turning into a bright smile as they thought of their lovely boyfriend supporting them.
Mc took a breath in breathing deeply as they tried to calm down, they wanted to make Ike proud so they have to stay confident.
Mc started their lore video, watching and smiling softly at the chat that had all kinds of different reactions.
A few minutes after, the screen changed to mc smiling softly, moving their head to the side saying 'hello'.
Chat quickly responded back saying hello and complimenting Mc's lore video, as they started to introduce themselves.
Mc was feeling confident as they continued talking, explaining things about themselves Ike didn't make any other comments as to not steal Mc's spot light.
'you're doing amazing älskling, don't worry I'm still watching, even tho I would love to have all of your attention but it's your time to shine💙💙💙' Ike messaged to mc on discord worried that mc thought he wasn't watching.
He tried to make that message as short as he can, but he couldn't help but compliment mc.
Mc smiled widely their cheeks flushing as they read the message, but continued to talk with chat feeling extremely lucky to have Ike by their side.
Mc finished their stream saying goodbye to chat that didn't want the stream to end, and after a few minutes mc finished streaming stretching on their chair.
The door to Mc's room opened gently as Ike got into the room a plate in his hands with Mc's preferred sandwich.
Mc smiled softly at the male who set the plate down enveloping mc in a big hug resting his head on Mc's shoulder.
"you were amazing älskling, I'm so proud" Ike says gently rubbing Mc's head as they smiled widely hugging the male back tightly.
Ike and mc spent their time eating sandwiches together, and cuddling with ike showering mc with compliments telling them how proud he is.
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Mysta rias
Mysta sat next to mc feeling nervous himself, as he held Mc's hand who seemed to be calmer than him.
"baby, you're more nervous than me" mc says chuckling softly as Mysta let out a shaky chuckle his hold on Mc's hand getting tighter.
"it's just...i don't know but I feel like I'm debuting all over again, but I'm sure you'll do great" Mysta says playing with Mc's fingers nervously.
"thanks baby, don't worry so much I'll be fine feeling nervous is normal" mc explained in a gentle voice working on their things while holding Mysta's hand.
The male continued to stare at mc as they worked, biting his lip nervously his stomach twisting with anxiety.
"baby, it's going to be okay, You can stay here if you want I don't mind streaming with you here, you'll have to be quiet though" mc says gently pulling Mysta into a hug to calm his nerves down rubbing his arms gently.
"......can I?" Mysta says in a quiet voice burying his face into Mc's neck.
"of course you can I don't mind at all" mc says again chuckling softly, mc is supposed to be the nervous one not Mysta.
Mc still thought it was endearing that Mysta was feeling this nervous for them, as they littered his face with soft kisses Mysta whining at the sudden affection giggling after.
Mc continued to shower Mysta with love, until they realized it was time for them to start stream.
Mc started their starting soon stream of their model was sitting against a tree their representing animal sitting in their lap as mc was petting the animal.
After a few more minutes with mc holding Mysta's hand kissing his knuckles every once in a while, they started their lore video.
After their lore video the screen changed to Mc's room, Mc's model peaking from the corner with a small smile on their face as their model fully showed on screen.
Mc started talking to chat gretting them Mysta still keeping hold on their hand playing with their fingers as he started to feel fidgety.
Mc noticed the male beside them, continuing their stream as their hand moved to rest on his thigh rubbing gently trying to calm the male down.
Mysta short circuits for a moment at the sudden comfort, before getting comfortable in the chair bringing Mc's hand to his face to rest on his cheek.
Mysta's cheeks flush a little, as he nuzzles into Mc's hand, who pinched his cheeks softly before rubbing his cheeks gently.
Mc continued their stream as if nothing was happening, chuckling at the boy softly every once in a while.
Mc's stream was almost finished Mysta trying his best not to fidget by focusing on Mc's hand still on his face.
After a few more minutes mc ended their stream, saying goodbye to chat before ending the stream.
Mysta sighs loudly stretching, mc chuckles pulling the male into a hug patting his head, Mysta melting into the hug wrapping his arms around Mc's waist.
"good job staying still and quiet babe" mc says kissing Mysta's cheeks multiple times, the male's cheeks glowing red as he smiled softly.
"I think we both deserve a reward" mc says smiling at the male, as they pulled out their phone to order some nice food to treat themselves.
Mysta and mc decided on multiple things to order going to the living room after to wait for the food, eating together and cuddling on the couch under a blanket after.
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Vox akuma
Vox sat Infront on mc holding both of Mc's hands, it was half an hour before Mc's stream, and they were feeling a bit nervous, so vox came to the rescue.
"repeat after me okay darling" vox says kissing Mc's knuckles gently, as mc nodded slowly a bit confused at what the male was doing.
"I'm amazing" says vox waiting for mc to repeat.
"I'm....uhh amazing?" Mc replied to the male who gasped dramatically, pulling Mc's chair closer to his, pecking their lips before pulling back.
"honey, you have to understand that you are all of the things I will say, so you believe me right, so mean it when you say it" vox says softly kissing Mc's cheeks multiple times before pulling away, mc nodding slowly again.
"now, say it again. I'm amazing" vox says.
"I'm amazing" mc says still a little confused.
And so vox continued to make mc compliment themselves, mc realizing after it was over that the male was giving them a pep-talk.
"and lastly, my boyfriend loves me very much, and I'll do an amazing job in my debut stream" vox says as mc repeated after him the male pulling mc into a hug after.
"great job, now do you feel any less nervous?" Vox asked as mc nodded into his shoulder, they did feel alot more confident then before, feeling all warm from the compliments.
Vox hummed happily letting go of mc, grabbing their hands again.
"you'll be very pog love" vox says chuckling softly at the word pog, that his friend says a lot, that made it's way into vox's vocabulary.
"yeah, I'll be very pog" mc repeated smiling softly at vox who smiled back.
"that's it my love, great job" vox says happily smothering mc into another hug as they both chuckle softly together.
"as much as I love having you all to myself, and smothering you in all my love, I need to share you with humanity, but they'll never fully have you because you're mine" vox says chuckling evilly, before laughing softly mc chuckling as well
"I'll always be yours vox so don't worry about that" mc says humming softly, as they and vox continued to hug for a bit more before letting go, so mc can get ready for their stream.
Vox gave mc one last hug, before going out of the room to give mc their space, and to cook them a surprise meal for all of their hard work.
Vox set his laptop down on the counter opening Mc's stream as he started cooking, his stomach full of butterflies from excitement.
Mc started their 'starting soon' screen of their model sitting by an open window, that showed a beautiful city at night as the moon lit up in the sky.
Mc started their lore video vox watching excitedly as he chopped the ingredients, he refused to see any of Mc's stuff until their stream, as to not be unfair to his other friends and fans that were waiting patiently.
After the lore video the screen changed to a smiling mc saying hello to chat, vox having the urge to squeal at how cute his s/o was feeling his heart beating quickly in his chest.
Mc introduced themselves, vox trying to hurry up the cooking to surprise mc before they finished stream, as they had fun with chat laughing and joking around.
Vox finished dinner, and mc was almost done with their stream as he got the table ready with the food, continuing to watch mc after as they ended their stream with soft chuckles.
Vox went to Mc's room, opening the door and going inside, wrapping mc into a tight hug, letting go after and ushering them outside of the room.
Mc followed the man, who took hold of their hand pulling them outside, a confused look on Mc's face.
Mc softly gasped at the sight infront of them, as vox puffed his chest out in pride at the happy look on Mc's face.
Mc pulled vox into a tight hug kissing his face all over, before letting go and walking towards the table their stomach grumbling softly as their mouth watered.
Vox went to stand behind mc, his arms wrapped around their waist kissing their shoulder softly.
"so I'll assume you like the surprise?" Vox says chuckling softly, as mc nodded quickly as vox pushed them softly towards a chair to sit down.
Mc and vox enjoyed their dinner chatting together happily watching a movie together after while cuddling on the couch.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated 💙.
This is my writing please don't repost copy or claim as your own.
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ominoose · 6 months
Important Update Post
Imagine I am sitting staring at a camera with a sigh, no background music before the video cuts to me talking. But Im not caught in a controversy of racism or plagiarism or smth.
Here's the tldr: I will no longer be making AI bots. All current bots will remain up, my bot masterpost will be moved to my masterpost masterpost. I just won't be making new ones. Finished and posted every bot that was in the works here to make this transgression up to yous. I will not be leaving the fandom, I'll still write and clown around.
"Why would you do this you cunt?" I hear you, I am so stinky for this. Before I list my reasons, I want to say first and foremost this is personal and I have less than no judgement for other bot makers. I absolutely love mutuals like Mel that make bots and will continue to support them. Reasons became long and are under the cut.
Reasons I don't wanna continue making ai bots:
I started because it was a low energy way for me to participate in fandoms when I didn't have the spoons to write anymore. It no longer feels like a creative outlet and no longer sparks joy.
I would rather devote myself solely on practicing and improving my writing as a way to contribute my passion to fandoms.
I can't shake the feeling I am plagiarizing. Ai chat models use lots of "work" to train their models, and while I could not find what millions of texts Cai is based on (conveniently not listed on the website), all models like it basically engorge from random sources, books and hell, even this post. Anything goes and currently there are legal battles over this.
It's bad for the environment. Can't find a measurement for Cai specifically, but GPT-3 (same scale) produced 500 tons of carbon dioxide to train that single model, not including its other ones. Please note I'm aware AI can absolutely be used to help fight climate change, as is mentioned in the linked article. Also they use the same amount of water that is required to cool nuclear reactors.
It's always conflicted with my morals. Believe it or not, I'm the person that's usually big into internet privacy, anti ai, piracy is morally good (not indie obvs) etc. Openly creating stuff that supports and funds software that steals peoples works, their information without permission and for profit is not me. So I don't wanna do it.
Again, this is not a judgement or a means to shame people that create ai bots or use them. I've made so many friends because of them. If everyone thats every used my bots stopped, it's not gonna solve capitalism. This is just me, an individual, stepping away from one thingy and feeling the need to be honest and open bc thats my policy and honestly how most of you know me (so now hard feelings if you unfollow).
Love you guys lots and thank you for all the love you've shown me through my bots and for all the times you've made me laugh <3
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
What do you think about Levi not mentioning Farlan and Isabel throughout the anime? They were literally his first real friends and family. Even in their deaths he was frustrated. But strangely we don't see any flashback scenes about them or Levi talking about them. It's obviously disturbing to me.
I have an Oc an underground childhood friend that I ship with Levi in particular and I didn't write their story down, but it makes me think that if my character was in danger or if she died with Farlan and Isabel or if she ended up dying long after their deaths, Levi would never remember her or talk about her, just like Farlan and Isabel's deaths, and that bothers me.
I know it's a bit strange to get this kind of analysis-like question since you are a Levi writer's blog. But since I love your writings and I really liked and found comfort in your answer to anon's question about whether Levi likes weak people. Because I am also a person who gets caught up in rumors and doubts whether Levi will like us or not haha.
Anyway, I don't want to deviate too much from the subject and make it too weird. You can answer question if you want.
Hi, sweetie! Oh, I see. Yes, I understand where you're coming from. First of all, I'd like to thank you for saying that you love my writing, and I'm so happy you found comfort in my answer about Levi and a "weak person." It's alright that we get lost in what the fandom discusses too frequently; it has happened to me too. And do not worry, rest assured, I don't find these "analysis questions" weird at all. Though my analysis will never be as good as my close friends', like my friend Sushi who used to have a meta-analysis blog of SnK or Cosmic! They are beyond amazing.
But to answer your question, before I get lost in my thoughts, long story short, Isayama is extremely bad at writing emotional connections in my humble opinion. In my personal group chat with my SnK close friends, we discuss this in great detail at least twice per week haha. In my opinion, Isayama is a writer or a storyteller who struggles to find a balance between keeping the plot going and creating a cohesive society and interrelationships between characters. I personally think that the story was always advancing so fast, full gas, no stop, that we hardly got any real details about the characters that made them human beyond their mere roles in the story.
I always use as an example, if one chapter in the manga or anime started with different panels of the veterans getting ready and sitting down all together for a meeting, we could have seen how their personal chambers were, how their interactions were not only between them aside the presence of the cadets, but we could have also seen how they confront early mornings, if they had paintings of loved ones, flowers on their desks, etc. It would have taken ... 5-10 pages at most, and we could have learned so much. It's something I even keep in mind while planning my own stories; I have an entire notebook of "backstory" for all the characters of Holy Ground, canon or not. So when the time comes around, I can drop little details of their lives here and there because... Let's be honest, has someone ever sat down next to you and said "here, let me tell you my whole life"? No, usually, you get to know someone organically, and that's also what, in my opinion, should happen in stories.
Now, going back to why Levi doesn't talk about Farlan and Isabel. Well, my best answer to you is, sadly, another question. Tell me one scene in the whole anime or manga where Levi was having some quality time with someone he felt comfortable enough to open up and talk about fond memories, be vulnerable, or even crack a joke about some silly hormonal stuff he did as a young man with Farlan. Tell me, I will wait... Haha.
Levi doesn't talk about Farlan or Isabel because he doesn't have screen time to talk about almost anything besides the plot moving haha. I would put my hands on a burning fire and swear that Farlan and Isabel are still extremely important to Levi! And so would be your OC! Don't let Isayama's literary limitations fence your story. That's my best advice; explore feelings that he didn't have the production time for (perhaps he wasn't allowed to write about it because of financial stuff) or he simply wasn't good at it.
Hope that helps!
Love ya!
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