#i love seeing jewish rep in fandom
So you want to write about a Jewish Ed Teach - a quick guide to writing a Jewish man of color, by a Jewish moc
Given Taika Waititi is Jewish, I am always so happy when I see fanfic authors writing about Ed being Jewish! We need more Jewish poc rep and I'm always happy to see it. That being said, I've also seen a lot of misunderstandings, so I wanted to to write up a few quick guidelines.
Disclaimer: I'm just one Jew with an opinion, and this is based on my own experiences! I'd love if other Jews, especially other Jews of color, in the fandom would like to chime in with their thoughts as well!
It is possible to be a Jewish athiest! Judaism is membership in a people, and belief in g-d is not required (and, in my community, it's even considered a very personal question!). Some of the most observant Jews I know are athiests; belief in g-d and level of Jewish observance are not directly correlated. Cannot overstate how common it is for Jews to not believe in g-d or go back and forth on the question.
On that note, there are different levels of Jewish observance. Every individual is different, but in general there's Orthodox (very strict), and then, way on the other side, there's Reform and Conservative (Conservative does not equal politically Conservative). Conservative and Reform are very similar, except the Conservative movement tends to be more observant of traditional Jewish law and uses a lot more Hebrew. If you live in an area without a lot of Jews (like where I live!), it's very common for Reform and Conservative movements to have a lot of overlap and collaborate on a lot of stuff together.
Not every Jew keeps Kosher, or keeps Kosher to the same level of strictness.
Synagogue services are not like Christian services, especially outside of holiday services. Ordinary Saturday morning services are often more like a group conversation as we try to work new meaning out of the Torah. The B'Nei Mitzvah, the big ceremony that marks a kid being old enough to participate fully in Jewish life, is more like "baby's first thesis defense" than anything else! There have literally been pauses in services I've attended before as someone ran to the temple library to check their sources.
Not all Jews speak Hebrew. Some Jews might not know any, some might be able to stumble through the more important prayers, some might be able to sight-read okay, some might only know religious words but not modern words, some might be fluent! Just about any level of proficiency is believable.
Ed's got a lot of tattoos! Tattoos are a big traditional Jewish no-no, but (again!) different movements and different Jews have their own opinions. I know a Conservative tattoo artist! It's not something that other Jews would comment on (unless they're just assholes) and it wouldn't make anyone kick him out of synagogue services (no joke, I read that in a fic once).
Hannukah is not the only (or even the most important) Jewish holiday; it's just the one most non-Jews know about. The two biggest holidays are Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. I think Ed's favorite holidays would be Purim (you get to wear costumes and put on plays!) and Passover (retelling of a story along with a big meal!).
Depending on the area and the Jewish demographic, Jews of color can sometimes feel uncomfortable in our own community, especially when other Jews automatically assume we must be converts. While this is a real issue, it is not something I want to read authors who aren't themselves Jews of color write about because it is a deeply inter-Jewish issue.
Depending on the community you grow up in, religious trauma isn't as common with queer Jews as it is with queer Christians. The Reform movement has been advocating for queer Jews since the 1960s (you read that right, yes). I'm not saying there are no queer Jews who have religious trauma, I'm just saing it's a lot less common, and I have always felt immediately accepted as queer in Jewish spaces.
The inverse is not true. Queer spaces are not always accepting of Jews (or of people of color, a double whammy!).
A few stereotypes to avoid: Jews are often stereotyped as being greedy and corrupt. Jewish kids are bullied by Christian kids because "we killed Jesus," when I was ten I had another kid ask to "see my horns." Always avoid comparing Ed directly to animals, especially rodents.
If you're a non-Jew looking to write about a Jewish Ed, I recommend doing some research. MyJewishLearning is a great website that's very accessible.
Every Jew interacts with our Judaism differently, so if you're writing a Jewish Ed, please take a moment to think about what it means for him! Membership in a community? Calming traditions that remind him of home, family, and community? A point of pride - we're a resilient lot! Even just a note in his background that he's not as connected to as he might like to be?
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
Oh my god your ask box is open.
Ummm didja see how Viv liked fanart of Vox telling Val he's beautiful after his wings get clipped?
That author who wrote that fic of Angel being told he's beautiful paralleling with the goddamn creator liking and encouraging Val content to sympathize with him....
No hate to that artist but when you're the creator you need to have more fucking responsibility. She isn't condemning Val. She's woobifying and downplaying his actions to the point where she likes her *rapist character* being sympathetic and "beautiful" but has the gall to say Angel is a "loser".
And while I'm at it, she also like a comment about "people simp for horror characters like Patrick Bateman and Leatherface--"
Shut. Up.
Shut the fuck up.
The directors and actors condemn the actions of those killers. Christian Bale said he hates Patrick Bateman and thinks there's nothing good about him. That "sigmas" are missing the point and need to get a life.
LeatherFace is mentally challenged and doesn't understand what he's doing. He's surrounded by a psychopathic family who loves him and obviously doesn't teach him right from wrong.
Scott Cawthon punishes the fuck out of William Afton. Spring-locked painfully, tormented by the souls of the kids he's killed, crushed, burned.... his own son said that he'd burn in Hell.
I could go on and on. Also Jason Voorhees kills 2 rapists. Freddy Kruegar is burned for his crimes.
These people are so fucking stupid it hurts.
Viv coddles, woobifies, sympathizes, and downplays Valentino. The abusive rapist. Compared him to a *high school girl* for fucks sakes.
What Val does to Angel is also not over the top or goofy. It's *very real*. The abuse is very realistic and isn't unbelievable.
Alastor isn't a rapist. So stop bringing that up.
You can't control what people do with your content. But you can control what you encourage and how you view serious topics.
So much for her 3 day Threads meltdown where she screamed about caring about SA victims.
She's a rape fetishist just like Raph. Why else would she keep him around? I don't care that they have these fetishes, but stop pretending it's good SA rep.
Also Mimzy is meant to be Jewish. Rosie is a blood libel. Why are Jews in Hell? Fuck off with that "chicken" bullshit.
Fucking vile, Medrano.
And to be clear, I don't care if a portion of the fandom wants to expand on Valentino with headcanons, sit on him like a baby bird, and adopt him as their silly little rabbit. That's villains and fandom, that just is what it is.
The problem is when Viv does it, when she coddles Valentino and insists everyone else do likewise or else. Viv isn't a member of the fandom, she's the creator, and one who's made it her business to shout down and belittle every single fan who's uncomfortable with Valentino. That's a different, shameful thing, and it's absolutely disgusting.
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prince-liest · 3 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 11 months
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Several people have been kind enough to let me publish their thoughts on fandom, community, and queerness to celebrate Pride in the Library. Today's piece comes from @lqtraintracks.
I got into fandom a long, long time ago, way back before I found HP in 2012. My early days in another fandom (days meaning years) are not a time I want to revisit, even though it started out really good. I got to explore my sexuality for the very first time there. I met my first gf there. And those things were beautiful, for sure; they were just short-lived. After a couple of years, I met an abuser, and from then on my fandom life was predetermined by them—what I could and couldn’t read, could and couldn’t write, who I could and couldn’t form friendships with, etc. And even in the midst of that, there were those friendships that bolstered me. @elrhiarhodan, I’m looking at you.
But after 13 ½ years of that… I found HP. And I found a wonderful person who would change my life. I met Shelly / @unmistakablyoatmeal. For the first time in a very long time, I saw someone writing queerly and freely, who, far from being limited to one pairing for life, was writing all kinds of pairings (and threesomes), dynamics, and stories! I was so powerfully drawn to that freedom, and to her, and in no small way, she and this fandom are why I survived, and how I escaped and started to change my life and reclaim it as my own. 
I’ve met so many wonderful people here, many of whom have become close friends, my best friends. I’ve been writing all the queer smut my little queer heart has desired for many years now, and it’s been beyond amazing.
But something changed for us a few years ago, and our community hasn’t been the same since. The person who wrote the canon turned on us. She revealed herself to be all kinds of monstrous. 
There were clues, of course—the antisemitism inherent in her Goblins, the fat phobia, the queer baiting without any actual rep, the racism and ignorance shown in naming Cho Chang, etc. We knew but maybe we didn’t want to know. And being white and not Jewish, I lived under an umbrella of privilege that meant I didn’t have to see it until other people began pointing these things out to me.
But then the transphobia started. And kept going. And it became her platform. And it got worse, and worse, and fucking worse
As painful and horrific as that has been, it seems to have done what that sort of vile bigotry has always done though: It’s shown us that we are and will always be stronger, wiser, more loving, and ultimately undefeatable. I’ll speak for myself: I wasn’t writing trans characters before. I was afraid I’d get it wrong. JKR’s evil bullshit is what pushed me to get over myself. 
This fandom is where I have learned the most about the queer community I love. It’s where I’ve truly learned to write. And it’s where I’ve learned about facets of queer life I’d never connected to properly before out of the fear of trying. 
Here’s what I’ve learned: Bloody no one comes together like we do! No one supports one another like we do! We’ve forged a stronger bond because of some terf’s hate, and I feel closer to my fellow queer creators than ever.
This fandom, you beautiful people, have taught me so much, continue to teach me so much. I’m honored to share this space with you. Happy Pride to all you gorgeous people being your trans, nb, fluid, ace, bi, pan, poly, intersex, queer, powerful selves.  Thank you from the bottom of my little queer heart. I love you.
Thank you, LQ, for joining me in the Library. I love your declaration of fandom as ours, and the recognition that we are a stronger community because of what we've overcome. Thank you for celebrating Pride in the Library with me.
If you want more @lqtraintracks be sure to check out their work on AO3! I just finished reading her Phoenix in the Fire and I was hooked the whole time! I couldn't stop until I'd devoured the whole thing. I think you'll be just as hooked as I was. I also want to throw in how much I loved A Strapping Young Man - I loved reading about Harry's desire for Draco, and how Harry's desire is bolstered by Draco's confidence.
🏳️‍🌈 Lots of Love and Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
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jewish-sideblog · 2 months
Just grateful to blogs like yours when over the past months my blog was covered with anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, and blatant antisemitic posts, from any blog I follow. Irl I'll often hear ppl too far the other way thinking Israel can do no wrong (oof) but then online, where fandom communities used to be my safe place, I'm overwhelmed by so much negative rhetoric I'm scared to ever mention that hey, I'm actually a jew so maybe be careful? so knowing that there are blogs/ppl out there who realize that this is such a complicated issue and isn't a black and white 'one side is always right' issue. I wish I could discuss the issue more with ppl but I'm def not well versed enough on the issue and rarely know what sources to trust and honestly, some ppl are clearly so set in stone you can't have a conversation. I know this is a bit rambly, but needed somewhere to vent frustrations bc I don't feel comfortable discussing the topic with my religious family or leftist friends bc apparently having a nuanced view is Bad and Wrong these days. Seeing jewish rep on tumblr has really helped me find places that can still be safe, so thank you
Of course! I think a lot of the Jewish community has gotten closer over the past several months as we've looked around and realized... that nobody else wants to address even the simplest of complexities regarding this issue. Simple complexities like. Don't be blatantly antisemitic. We will always find strength with each other in the face of adversity. It's one of the things I love most about Judaism and I'm happy to be part of that strength for you <3
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 month
My media this week (21-27 Apr 2024)
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😊 rounding third, sliding home. (througheden) - 68K, enjoyable steddie AU with pro baseball player Steven & massage therapist Eddie
🥰 Daddy Issues (His Boy Next Door #39) (RJ Moray) - reread; just a big fan of Jack & Channon & their ongoing story!
🥰 Common Ground (His Boy Next Door #40) (RJ Moray) - LOVE that Jack & Ewan are finding some common ground - really love that this series is showing how two people who don't particularly care for each other can work to find connection for the sake of the people they DO love
😍 ACT-verse series (ann_anotherthing) - truly outstanding series about middle-aged Steddie getting a 2nd chance romance after their first one flamed out 25 yrs earlier. Full series is 117K but it starts with A Certain Type (54K), which is a fully complete story with satisfying HEA - the rest are flashback fics or wonderfully indulgent epilogue/vignettes, full of fluffy and delicious porn. The author confesses to basically turning them into her middle-aged OCs but 1) I think her projections of their characters in middle-age with these particular life experiences seem reasonably plausible and more importantly 2) I don't fucking care because this story and these characters (main & supporting) are AMAZING.
💖💖 +227K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
When you stop being a ghost in a shell (Bittersweet_in_Boston) - MCU: Stucky, 12K - Hydra finds Steve in 1952 & then they have The Asset and The Captain. Except they really should have known better than to ever let them see one another.
Where the Sunflowers Grow (AidaRonan) - Stranger Things: Buckingham, 30K - incredible Chrissy recovery fic with bonus Buckingham. Just. So Fucking Good.
Early Returns (rageprufrock) - Inception: Arthur/Eames, 15K - fabulous AU where Arthur's an editor who has everything on lock, dammit & Eames is a reporter who wants to mess him up. Also the newsroom is nothing but a high-pressure high school when it comes to gossip.
Murdoch Mysteries - s16, e14-20
Um, Actually - s9, e5; s1, e3, 4, 6-20
Game Changer - s6, e6
Smartypants - s1, e1
Ghosts (US) - s3, e9
D20: Fantasy High: Junior Year - "Untapped Rage" (s21, e16)
D20: Adventuring Party - "Honor the Cock" (s16, e16)
Dead Boy Detectives - s1, e1-3
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #13: Of the Gentle Sea
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep13 "Of the Gentle Sea"
Worlds Beyond Number - WWW #14: There is an Ocean Vaster Than This One
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for WWW ep14 "There is an Ocean Vaster Than This One"
99% Invisible - The Power Broker #04: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
What Next: TBD - The Internet Archive Endangered
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tree Week: A Tasty Tale about Meyer Lemons
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tree Week: Love Letters
The Sporkful - Priya Krishna Writes The Kids Cookbook She Wished She'd Had
The Allusionist - 193. Word Play 3: Lemon Demon
WikiHole - Cicadas…LIVE (with Matt Rogers, Carl Tart and Claudia O'Doherty)
In Defense of Fandom - Season 2 Episode 3: Fanfiction fixit data
Vibe Check - Her Mediocrity Cannot Touch Me
Code Switch - How Jewish Communities Are Divided Over Support of Israel
Short Wave - Beavers Can Help With Climate Change. So How Do We Get Along?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tree Week: Oh, the places you will go …. to see these notable trees
⭐ Decoder Ring - Making Real Music for a Fake Band
Ologies with Alie Ward - Columbidology (PIGEONS? YES) Part 2 with Rosemary Mosco
All Songs Considered - Cruel songs for the cruelest month
Pop Culture Happy Hour - What Makes A Good Sex Scene?
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Tree Week: Killer Trees with Mary Roach
Shedunnit - Agatha Christie's Many Houses
⭐ 99% Invisible #579 - Towers of Silence
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat: Sound and Music Talkback Extravaganza: The Sound and the Fury: Music is All Around Us Volume 1
Dear Prudence - My love language with friends is touch, but it makes my partner jealous. Help!
Worlds Beyond Number - Fireside Chat for Chapter 1 of The Wizard the Witch and the Wild One
⭐ Endless Thread - The Jackie Show
Worlds Beyond Number: Fireside - Fireside Chat for LEVELING UP (1 to 2)
Today, Explained - Honey, We Saved the Bees
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - Renée Elise Goldsberry
⭐ Hit Parade - The Bridge: What Made Them Beautiful
History Is Sexy - Episode #86 - Napoleon III
'80s Pop Party
Village People radio
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matan4il · 1 year
(Whenever I think try and head canon Buck as Jewish, your series is what always comes to mind)
(I say try because as a Gentile I’m not comfortable head cannoning characters as Jewish if they’re not played by actors who I know are Jewish, so I can’t fully accept it as a “take this from my cold dead hands” head canon, and AFAIK Oliver Stark isn’t Jewish. So for someone like Josh, played by Bryan Safi who is Jewish, it’s a different story for me. That’s just me though, and again, your series is incredible).
Hi lovely! :D
Yes, guilty as charged, the Jewish!Buck series is one of my greatest joys as a fic writers. That @lesbianlizzie told me that it made her proud to be Jewish, that @pan-trans-man connected so deeply that they made gorgeous art for it, that you wrote me this ask, these are some highlights that stay with me even three years after I posted the first installment. I did NOT expect the reaction it got. And it makes me happy every day to know that by writing and posting it I did something good, something which brought so much joy and meaning to a lot of people.
Please! Don't feel bad playing around with the idea of characters being Jewish even when it's not canonical. There is SUCH a lack of good Jewish representation, and as long as your head canons comes from a place of positivity, not negativity, you're helping give Jews more presence. If you choose to write some of these, it's always good to consult a Jewish member of your fandom to make sure you're getting things right, but never think it's not okay to care about Jews and want to see more of them in our shared spaces. On top of that, there are so many non-Jewish actors who are cast as major Jewish characters (when there is a distinct LACK of properly fleshed out Jewish characters), with not enough thought being put into proper Jewish rep, and that's a much more concerning issue, TBH.
Okay, HOW did I not know Bryan Safi is Jewish? :o I LOVE THAT! Thank you for telling me. I mean, Josh is a very, very minor character, but I will forever remember Bryan favorably for being probably the best part of Logo when the first LGBTQ channel launched. He was the host of a series of segments titled That's Gay. Here's one:
Thank you AGAIN for the incredibly kind words, please know I am going to treasure and carry them with me. Have a great day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
Yoyo what's up. I'm new to your channel server hopper.
Damn why do the incest ships somehow have better pun names that most ships I've seen? Wtf. I degrees. And agree, nu-fandom is overall soft and PC to the point they've shot themselves in the foot a couple times here and there either being so aggressively PC they are actually offensive and rely heavily on stereotypes only to turn around and say stereotypes bad. Or they are too faux pass in their attempts to seem progressive, idolizing white passing abled body lesbians or trans woman while leaving out anyone who doesn't fit that or biting at anyone who points out their homophobia, transphobia, ablesm, racism, and so forth.
Example: pretty sure one of the differences between earth and alternia is factual speaking the woman generally have more power than men? It's a queendom not a kingdom afterall, plus Karkat implied this a few times that men in troll culture are generally seen as weaker and emotional than raw emotional power houses that women are seen as. Or whatever, he calls nerdy violent things girly when they're seen as manly on earth.
Which means the earth equipment of Vriska breaking Tavros's legs is the earth equivalent a transman breaking a cis woman's legs because she's everything said transman wanted to avoid being because of toxic masculinity and social pressure to not be seen as weak period.
And in this light suddenly Vriska doesn't seem so progressive afterall. Hell even without the flip floppy lens, a trans girl breaking a cis dude's legs and the bullying him for being disabled even though she is the reason why he's disabled... Also not cool, it's just which would obviously get more backlash and why. But Vriska gets a pass because she's a girl, regardless if she was trans or not. That and like, have you seen the internet? It's filled with Vriskas. People who bully physically disabled people for being disabled but claim they're forward thinking and progressive. Looking at you TikTok and Twitter!
Also I'm sure black Jewish people do exist, but people are so quick to ignore the fact that ethically at the minimum, regardless of implied religiously, the Striders and the Lalondes are all Jewish. I've only seen blogs that mention it in like deep dives or random ass trivia. Like hey fandom, your gothic rose of the rose Mary duo is infact Jewish. Gothic Queer Jewish rep??? Hello????? They hype up the fact she's POC, or heavily headcanoned by the dubious canon epilogues era of canon writers to be but...like no mention of the fact she's Jewish. Ever.
Also the fandom hates pale skinned minority groups period, not everyone who has pale or general light 'white passing' skin is white. Asian people and Latinos who are white passing exist, for example. But they also LOVE to make the "good" characters (or loved by the fandom collective anyways) that they declare POC coded lighter skinned than their direct family who is seen as 'bad' which they make darker skinned in turn. Example is Meeneh is often depicted with Darker skin than Feferi in the fandom like a lot.
And you know it's not a fanon copying 'problematic' canon problem because this shit is happening exclusively in the fandom where it's common place to give trolls toned skin based on their blood color, or to imply they'd be POC or whatever if they were human I guess??? All the while all the trolls across the board in canon have the same tone of grey skin.
Why do the fuck the fandom has to throttle canon for being racist only to turn around and be actually racist themselves??? The fuck?
It is often the hypocrisy. The nu-fandom claims believe they are progressive, but don't see the implications of racism and sexism they would create themselves. To go far as spread misinformation on saying things like "Gamzee and Meenah are black caricatures in the webcomic". I'm just here like....why?!
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romanarose · 2 years
Since you're jewish, how do you feel about non-jewish people writing MK fanfics surrounding Hanukkah, or really just any other Jewish holiday/tradition? Thanks love
To me clear, I’m converting so I don’t want to act like I’m the definitive person here, but I know I have a rep within the MK fanfiction for making content more Jewish centered
As someone who is not Jewish who writes Jewish content, I think it’s awesome as long as you do your research, even just a base level!
Jewish Mommy Life is my fav YouTuber whose taught a lot of traditions for me! She’s concise, kind, pleasant to watch. Just search that name with Hanukkah or Purim or whatever you are looking for if you are unsure
My Jewish learning is a great sight for information on Jewish beliefs. Not all Jewish people believe the same things, reform is very different from orthodox, but there’s some core beliefs that hold true. I don’t know if moon knight in the comics has a canon movement they are a part of, but I go with conservative, just from what I see.
I’m tagging my fellow Jewish friends here who also write, @milkymoon2483 and @apollo-enthusiast to comment their thoughts!
Any other Jewish people who would like to comment are welcome but personally, given the erasure of Jewish culture in media, and the scary times we live in with qanon and Kanye west, I think it’s important to make these Jewish characters as visibly Jewish as we can.
I received an ask a week ago asking why Marc is always Jewish in my fics. I don’t know if they genuinely didn’t know he was Jewish or if they thought I made him too jewish. Either way I got a lot pf support from the non Jewish moon knight fandom and I ALWAYS get a lil heart skip when writers even mention things in passing. It’s a beautiful show of solidarity
Thank you so much for reaching out, I know this was probably more information than you asked for
TLDR: from a hopeful convert, i think it’s beautiful as long as you make a little effort to do it correct ♥️
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hidingoutbackstage · 1 year
Five things you will find in my fic
Tagged by @doomednarrative love youuu
Rare pairs/relationships between people that don’t interact in canon: I loveeee playing with characters like dolls and making them be friends either because of my own canon or because I just think they’d get along/have a good dynamic. Doesn’t always have to be romantic, hell, the characters can hate each other even, I just like playing around w/ it
VERY close look at canon: I will browse fandom wikis and read/watch/play/etc. the source material to look for little bits of canon that aren’t well known in order to make my read a treat for knowledgeable fans, and also just to feel like I’m being faithful enough
Canon compliant/canon adjacent aus: This is similar to the one above, but I think this goes for most concepts as opposed to the details like above. It’s something I admittedly stopped doing but most of it consists of “what if the presstablished characters in this preestablished world did something worth writing fic about?” Basically, I usually won’t change a key component of a whole universe, like make it fantasy when it’s a science fiction universe, or take the magic out of a fantasy universe.
Plot relevant smut: I CANNOT write smut for smut’s sake. It’s not possible. It has to be relevant to the plot. You have to know how the characters got there. You have to know why they’re having sex. I also can’t read detached smut either lmao
Jewish characters: I’m jewish. If I like a character and I think this would be thematically cool and jewish rep I’d wanna see I’m gonna make ‘em jewish
Tagging…anyone who wants to do this tbh. Yes that means you. Go nuts.
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An AU where everything is the same except they’re all Jewish. Alison is a rebel ‘Jewish American Princess’, Matt’s mom is an Ethiopean Jewish boxer champ, Dan’s grandparents on both sides died in WWII, Renee wears a headcover and invites Andrew to light shabbos candles every Friday.. Andrew still hatest religion, but he hates is from the perspective of someone who’s read the Tanak and can argue with you on the many points where Things Are Dumb.. Aaron secretly saying Shema every night, loves a nice Jewish girl and wants to be a doctor... Kevin has been studying Jewish history ever since he found out the his father is Jewish.... Neil’s evil parents are members of Jewish mafia, of course... Neil values life before everything else and feels that fixing the Foxes can be his tikkum olam.. he doesn’t say Shem every night before bed, but he did say it a few times he thought he was about to die..
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mieczyhale · 4 years
l i s t e n
either dave comes back somehow in season 2
or i die
that’s it
those are the only options
#as a ghost!#as a commission agent!#as just alive!! thanks time travel shenanigans and probably five!#i dont fucking care!!#just give me dave and - more importantly - give KLAUS dave. they need to be together and happy or i will blow up the moon myself#there are so many reasons i love the umbrella academy but klave is definitely an important fucking one okay#stop burying our goddamn gays#let nonbinary people have love and be happy#jewish rep is important and as great as it is that cody was so willing to share some information with us about dave -#it would be better to actually have that ON SCREEN#and then a religious GAY??? also important!! we do exist!!#there's just so much to both characters individually and then as a couple and all of it is SO FUCKING INTERESTING!! and there's so much#you can do with that!! like!! ex-childhood superhero drug addict who time travels and a gay jewish vietnam soldier circa 1968??#none of that is shit you see in any other media - at least not that i've fucking seen - and then take those ridiculous characters#and have them FALL IN LOVE?? not just that but in the MIDDLE OF A WAR IN A REALLY FUCKING HOMOPHOBIC TIME PERIOD??#i will never tire of reading fics about these two and i need more of them on my screen#and i need all the content this fandom would provide if given more klave scenes#hi i'm very passionate about klave and have been for over a year. not even god herself can stop me#it's 10:15AM and im on my bullshit. i've been up since 7?? we're making up for time lost babey!!!#dave katz#klave#tinysquidrachel
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evilwickedme · 2 years
who are the top 3 characters from any fandom(s) that you or others hc as Jewish, and who are your top 3 favourite canonically Jewish characters from any fandom? also please tell us why!!
Oh this is a delightful ask thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to answer this!!!
My longest lasting Jewish headcanon is for Lily Potter nee Evans, for several reasons. One is she gives me the Vibes. Secondly, I love a good angsty story about Petunia choosing to assimilate and punishing Harry for trying to reconnect with his heritage later on. I also think James converted for her and just... Fell in love with Judaism, as a religion, as a culture. One day I will write a fic with all of these headcanons put together but as of right now all I have up (on ff.net, not ao3) is a short chanukah fic that is honestly not worth reading. Also this headcanon is to spite JKR specifically
My next hc isn't so much a headcanon as much as an affront to God it isn't text yet. We all know Peter B Parker steps on a glass at his wedding making him Jewish - and also the only canonically Jewish Peter Parker. There is no version of Peter Parker that isn't Jewish, even Tom Holland's, who, when asked, outright said Peter Parker isn't Jewish, creating an enemy for life. You know the story of that guy who got hired to draw for marvel comics and the first thing he did was fix the slightly crooked M in Spider-Man that had been bothering him his entire life? Me forcing marvel to hire me to write for them and then making Peter Parker both Jewish and bisexual fite me
Another big one I used to be more involved with is Crowley of Good Omens. If you look far enough back in my Good Omens tag - like shortly after the show released - you'll see a bunch of really good posts by other people explaining why, but basically the same reasons Crowley is a demon are the reasons he'd be a fantastic Jew.
As for canon, Willow Rosenberg might be shitty jewitch representation, but BTVS is so important to me and seeing any sapphic representation at all when I was that young, let alone that of a Jewish one, was so so so important to me as a 12-13 year old. And still now, even as I grapple with the shittiness of having Willow hang crucifixes in her room or the bi erasure of the character.
Another one I like despite its problematic~~~ aspects is Annie Edison from Community. It's one of my comfort shows, and the way she insists on her Jewishness specifically in the context of Shirley's bigotry is often very satisfying to watch. I'm not personally a Shirley hater, fyi, but you can't deny she's an evangelical asshole whenever she encounters anyone who doesn't believe exactly the same as her. It's an underrated dynamic to watch.
I have mixed but mostly positive feelings for the Jewish rep in Crazy Ex Girlfriend. I feel like it doesn't try as hard to deconstruct Jewish stereotypes as it does sexist and ableist ones, but I appreciate that it's coming from the lived experiences of a Jewish woman at the narrative helm.
Bonus: I can't remember if the Jewish rep in ASOUE is canon or not. Somebody tell me so I know how to feel about it lmao
Anyway thank you for asking this was a fun question to think about!!!
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Jewish, green-skinned characters, and antisemitism
Anonymous asked:
1) I was researching green skin and its relationship to anti-semitism (I can provide a link to a good twitter thread on that) but all the resources connected it to Star Trek. In most high fantasy, orcs are green but are otherwise not jewish-coded (though usually racist caricatures anyway).
2) I was wondering if the green-ness itself is anti-semitic or if it requires further coding to hit anti-semitism, especially since the green skin (and often black or green blood) is so ubiquitous in high fantasy. Thanks in advance for reading this, even if you don't answer. This blog has helped me a lot, and even on this query I used your google advice to find the Star Trek threads. I hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe in the pandemic.
I'll have to research the actual green skin thing a little more but honestly if you want a green skin fantasy character and they aren't doing the specifically antisemitic-coded things like being super greedy and sneaky and exploiting the more human-looking characters then who cares? Like if there's a hot green chick let there be a hot green chick. Or a grizzled old warrior who likes to tell loud stories while drinking. It doesn't affect anything either way if the green skin thing turns out to be legit or not. (So yeah, I think it would require further coding, personally.)
I've never been particularly compelled by arguments that green skin is inherently antisemitic today, though there is evidence of recurring use of green, and yellow, in antisemitic propaganda. I know that green is enough for many people to feel that a depiction is antisemitic, but for me it requires more coding. If characters are green, and also lizard-like, scaled, have horns etc I would look at it more carefully, but green alone is fine for me. Especially if you avoid other antisemitic tropes. 
-- Dierdra
Honestly, when I hear ‘green skin’ all I can think of is Idina Menzel belting out Defying Gravity while being an awesome Jewish woman. As long as it’s not a Lizard Thing and the characters don’t fulfil any other anti-Semitic stereotypes, I’m fine with it.
And then Shira actually googled. Whew: an adventure.
Warning for old, upsetting propaganda images. Placing these under the cut with further thoughts:
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“Der ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew)”
Source: wikipedia
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De Eeuwige Jood
source: artnet
Having seen this, some thoughts:
I don't think this carries over into modern antisemitism the way a lot of things do, personally. I don't think of us when I see the "hot green alien woman" on fandoms that have hot green alien women. But I can't deny what i've just seen.
I don't WANT green-ness to matter. But I think it's important to trace where the "no green" part of Tumblr is getting that from
Ultimately, my opinion here is that without another marker of Jewishness, green skin by itself isn't enough to evoke us. So the hot green alien women or the Jolly Green Giant or Bruce Banner when he's had an angry, don't fall into this category. It's only when it's in combination with other tropes that the need to start being careful emerges. And, personally, I'm not bothered by a greenish Spock because he is an alien, but other Jewish fans are allowed to mind (no marginalized group is a monolith), plus, a big part of why I don't mind in his case is that he's a very positive character, and the Vulcans in general are positively depicted (mind you I haven't seen the new show or the most recent reboot movie, so pardon me if I'm missing something.)
It does help if you reference Jewish humans in your setting, though, so that one doesn't automatically default to some alternate reality where the only "Jewish" rep is literally an alien. (Yes, I know he's half human but if you're trying to say he's Jewish through Amanda you need to actually come out and say that. And then she becomes additional Jewish rep.) Going back to orcs, I would personally never have seen the average orc as trope-ly Jewish. So I think you are okay with green orcs.
Ultimately, this comes down to an issue of adding non-human traits to characters that evoke IRL marginalized people. It's fine to have green characters as long as the greenness doesn't have a one-to-one ratio with Jewishness through some other track. Are there regular human colored Jewish characters or green characters who aren't subtextual references to Jewish tropes in addition to your specifically tropey creature? Then you might be fine, especially if the tropes aren't negative/offensive ones.
Like the goblin discussion, it comes down to: try not to evoke a correlation between a specific real-world marginalized ethnicity and specific distasteful traits of a humanoid but nonhuman fantasy species.
who would love to be the green fairy from Fantasia 2000
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
do you think there is any significance that alex's colour scheme is green and pink? or do you think rr went "u know what this character needs? to look like a watermelon"
((Prefacing this by saying that I'm giving RR way too much credit here, but you shouldn't take anything an author does for granted— even a serial author who often makes blunders and mistakes.))
A while ago I saw a (pretty unfair) assumption that RR made it green and pink because blue and pink would be too obvious, but that his intention was obviously to reinforce the gender binary by using two distinctly gendered colors for a character with two distinct genders. Of course, they did not phrase it so delicately. No offense to whoever made that post, but I disagree.
Although that may have had to do with it, there's other things to consider. One of them is color symbolism. And oh. OH. I ADORE symbolism— especially flower/plant symbolism (Language of the Flowers and all that jazz), seasonal symbolism (there's a reason that evermore is my second favorite Taylor Swift album), and color symbolism.
Let's talk about green first. Green can symbolize a lot of different things, and there are a few that can be applied to Alex's character. The most obvious thing that green often represents is jealousy— hence the expression "green with envy." But envy is not really one of Alex's character traits. Feel free to argue with me if you think that Alex is significantly envious. Just because I couldn't think of substantial textual evidence for it does not mean that there isn't any.
One of the traits that Alex does have is wealth. Green is the color of American currency, and since both RR and Alex are American, it's safe to take an American lens while looking at this color. Alex's socioeconomic background effects her in a big way. I mentioned in a previous post that I think that Alex's fatal flaw is her sense of entitlement. That kind of entitlement is a quality not exclusive to but common among the upper class. However, her distance from her wealthy background enhances the sense of irony in the story, which is a VERY big thing that we NEVER talk about within the fandom.
This is kind of a little thing, but it's worth noting that when it comes to Valhalla and everything, Alex is "green"— as in new and inexperienced.
The color green also emphasizes Alex's connection with nature. This is one of the parts of Alex's character that the fandom consistently underplays, which is an absolute shame. I don't think I have to explain why the color green is associated with all things natural. Alex's association with nature provides a few key things to her character:
It makes her a more well-rounded character. Another criticism of Alex I believe is totally unfounded is that "being genderfluid is her only personality trait because it influences her philosophy on pottery, which is her only hobby." I'm probably going to make another post in, like, a few minutes about why I find that argument a little silly, but the primary problem is that pottery is not Alex's only hobby. She also loves camping, hiking, and ice wall climbing (I bet y'all forgot about that last one!)
It gives her a connection with Magnus. I mentioned in a previous post that Magnus and Alex are foils, but I neglected to bring up why that also makes for very good chemistry between them. Of course, yes, they have different goals and philosophy, which is what makes them foils in the first place. But foil relationships function best when the characters also share some traits. As it turns out, Alex and Magnus share several hobbies, and one of them is a mutual love for nature. This is a very unexplored thing in fics. Start doing it more plz.
Finally, and this one's kind of minor, but the Alex's green gives her a connection to Natalie. I know, whenever Alex and Natalie are compared, either in canon or in fandom, everybody kind goes "eww. Oedipus complex." Which is very fair and true. But they really do have a lot of similarites. The green of Alex's hair and clothes connects her to the green of Natalie's eyes. It's worth saying, too, that Alex has one amber eye— and amber is pretty close to dirty blonde, like Natalie's hair.
If I had more faith in RR, I might bring up the concept of intextuality and how Alex wearing green is an allusion to The Great Gatsby and how Alex is elusive to Magnus, just like Daisy is to Gatsby. But I don't.
To give credit to the person who wrote the post I mentioned at the beginning of this spiel, I do believe that part of the reason pink was used was to support femininity. Please keep in mind that Alex dresses in an androgynous way— not that there is an actually "gendered" way to dress, since gender as we perceive it is mostly made up. But Alex's existence as a transfemme person (which I will maintain until my dying day) means that pink has a certain significance to her. A lot of AMAB people embrace traditionally feminine things because if they don't, they will not be accepted as genuine women or genuine nonbinary folks, since masculine dress is unisex and kind of the default. So Alex wearing pink probably had something to do with her gender, yes. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, and it's certainly not an unrealistic thing.
Speaking of Alex's gender in relation to the color pink, let's talk about pink's use as a queer rights symbol. Alex was RR's first character to be introduced as a queer character from the start. This was not an insignificant thing, especially in the year of our Lord 2016 (which, despite popular belief, seriously had an entirely different landscape of queer rep. Though it's commonplace now to include genderqueer characters, it was exceptional at the time— especially by such an accomplished and mainstream children's author.).
Let's go back in time to Nazi Germany. Some of you might know this, but for those of you don't this transition must seem jarring. I swear there's a point. In addition to Jews, Romani individuals, people with disabilities, and Poles (among others), gay men were victimized by the Nazis. If you're wondering why lesbians weren't persecuted, it's because the Nazis didn't see them as a serious political threat, or as a threat to the perpetuation of the Aryan race since they assumed gay women could be forcefully impregnated if need be. Yeah, ew. Anyway, much like the Star of David being used to mark Jewish people, gay men were forced into concentration camps and forced to wear a pink triangle. Years later, after the gay population somewhat recovered, the pink triangle was reclaimed and used as a symbol for gay men. Some people who were not gay men used it, too, but that's somewhat controversial since it wasn't their symbol to reclaim. When the first pride flag was created, it had a pink stripe at the top to signify sex (this was later dropped so flags could be more easily produced). The pink triangle (inverted) was used during the AIDs epidemic with the caption "Silence=Death."
My point is that this is a very important color to queer folks. Having one of the first genderfluid characters in kid's lit wear pink...... I mean, it makes sense.
The last and final thing that pink represents, in this context and in general, is innocence. Granted, this kind of connects to feminitity since women (especially white women) are often infantalized and seen as innocent— which is another issue. In any case, the use of pink to represent innocence in Alex's dress is ironic. Alex has been robbed of her childhood innocence, first by her abusive parents, then by her life on the streets, and then by her eventual death at age sixteen. But then she actually regains her innocence. At the beginning of the—
Hold on. I just had a revelation. I'll make a post about it soon.
At the beginning of SotD, Alex is acting a little childish. The most obvious example is him jumping on Randolph's bed to "make noise." Alex's life is stable and relatively healthy for the first time in the years, and she experiences something that a lot of queer folks experience: a re-emergence of childhood at a late stage.
I imagine you didn't expect a post this long. I either make essay responses to asks or I add on one sentence and post it. Oops. Anyway, I believe the mcga fandom can be more creative than calling Alex a watermelon. Here are some other (kinda romantic) pink-and-green alternatives:
Cherry blossom trees
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starrlikesbooks · 3 years
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Check out these new books!
I’ve actually read more than half of these already thanks to a lot of bingeing this year 😅 But that means you know I mean it when I hype them!
As always, you can check under the cut for more on each
Sistersong by Lucy Holland is a retelling of a British folk ballad and stars an ancient magical Britain. Apparently this book is not just about sisterhood but also gender identity and destiny. It’s also marketed for fans of Madeline Miller so, of course, I’ve got high hopes from that alone.
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland is a truly unsettling horror novel I’ve already had the chance to read. If you liked Wilder Girls or Sawkill Girls you’ll probably enjoy this book of sisterhood, paranormal secrets, and aggressive nature. Following 3 sisters who disappeared for days when they were childen, only to return different and with unexplainabl abilities, and the search for the oldest when she disappears yet again.
Zoe Rosenthal is Not Lawful Good by Nancy Werlin is a cute, fandom filled coming of age story. Zoe prides herself on being logical and organized- just like her boyfriend- which is why she’s so desperate to hide her silly obsession with a scifi show. I’ve already read this one, and I absolutely love the fandom friendships, the light hearted silliness of it all, and getting to see Zoe come into her own.
The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rena Rossner I’m super excited for because I loved her novel The Sisters of Winterwood. Like that one, this book is historical Jewish fantasy, and I’m certain it’s going to be just as lush and well written. Her stories feel like hearing a folk tale at the foot of a fireplace, and I think everyone needs that coziness and beauty in their life.
Kate in Waiting by Beck Albertalli was my first real experience with the author and now I think I get what everyone’s been talking about. This is a story about  friendship and independence on a backdrop of a shared crush, and as, well, silly as the summary sounds this book feels so real. The romance is also pretty cute!
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by Kristen O’Neal I’ve been waiting to finally come out since last year! If you like internet friendships, chronic illness rep, and werewolves, boy oh boy do I have your new favorite book right here. If lycanthropy treated as a genuine medical condition and an excellent portrayal of modern friendship isn’t enough for you, there’s also a tumblr-based discord (I kid you not) that shows up to rick roll you.
Enjoy these books- I know I did! What other books are you guys looking forward to?
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