#i love my friends so much i dont want to hurt them by offing myself
whitemochacoffee · 4 months
To my friends; i'm just really really sorry for everything. I love y'all
#delete later#vent post#personal#sorry i just really need to let this out somewhere#i've been following advice to get better#ive been working well and ive been going out#but i just feel so incredibly suicidal when i complete things that are meant to make me happier that are meant to improve my mental health#i want to be okay#but i think the fact that i'm sick just fucking messes with every bit of my being#i love my friends so much i dont want to hurt them by offing myself#but some part of me thinks that they'll be happy i'm dead because i've been such a burden#i'm deaf and i've got chronic fatigue and walking is hell for me but i try not to let it show#i feel like if i stop my performance i'm going to die#finita thats it thats done#i'm so fucking ingenuine i hate it but its better than being a fucking rock when i hang out with people#i hate that i was spending time with some folks down by the river and all i could think of was how i can drown myself#they would deem it an accident because yknow#i've been here since 8 am its now 6pm and i can't help but think of just offing myself in the most quiet way possible#i don't kmow if i'll make it through the month#but i think i'll be okay#i hope i will be okay. i will be okay#gOD WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY MUSIC MY FRIEND IS PLAYING#honestly the shock of hearing american english shocked me out of my daze 2hat the fuck#this music makes me want to go fully deaf#imagine being in the deep asian wilderness and outside the toilets youre taking a breather at fucking american country songs start blasting
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somescenecatholic · 2 years
vent post
tw: queerphobia, religion, depression, offing
pls help me and dw im not depressed or officidal anymore
grace culture is being tired of constantly having to hide lgbt stuff (especially this tumblr) from your parents bc theu will lecture you abt how I should hide this stuff
their only reasoning is bc you dont see straight ppl do it
UGH I wish they would actually listen to why! I told my dad and he dismissed it and my mom, i dont remember. I love them sm and im sick of this strain. im done with constantly having to hide in fear of them
like they literally cried when i tried getting a chest binder after they said no (this was literally the most dysphoric point of my life ever and I told them tht and they were just like "well u need to love urself more").
I love being a teen but I srsly cant wait till I get out so I can actually do these things and live how I want to. I have good morals and a good heart so ill be fine.
Mom thinks I'm getting too lost in society, yet thtis same society wants me dead and in hell. Like what???? I told her abt the antimtrans kaws being all over the us and stuff and she said "well what does tht have to do with you?"
Not only tht but human rights should NEVER be repealed! And then she went on and on abt how she helped this person and how she sees herself in me.
Since this is how you are treating an extremely marginalized community, I dont want you in me. I love you and dad so much but I just cant do this anymore. I'm tired of lying and hsving to sit through your speeches abt how I should keep lgbt stuff private bc they would like me to do tht and society may hate it in the future (it already does). I'm tired of lying abt how I agree with you when I completely dont. I'm tired of you saying tht "well God loves everyone" when you really arent acting like tht, actually live your life and truly show His love to everyone you meet.
My dad is the same way execept he's not Christisn (he's Muslim but he doesnt go to mosque) and he looks down on gay/trans ppl bc so much of us have bad mental health. hmm I wonder why?? Its the same thing with Black ppl and other POCs so what are you talking abt?? We're Black so we should know how the other feels! And you're a doctor so you should stop this prejudiced nonsense, please.
I want to actually be able to talk to my parents abt anything and everything and be able to be me. I wish tht I didnt just have God and my friends, but my parents too! I wish tht they actually supported me with this stuff bc all theyre doing is hurting me! They say they love me but when I asked my mom to please use she/they (this was when i was thinking tht i was a demigirl and used she/they), she said "uhh no" and ignored it. only my friends helped. When I told my mom tht I wanted a chest binder, she said "what if its too dangerous and hurts your boobs?". I did research and proved her wrong but she still said no!
srry for the long vent but im just so tired of this. Last night, my mom looked at an image I sent to my brother and friends
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this one ^ and she lectured me abt the gay emo pride thing. WHY DOES SHE CARE SM?
For someone who's like "well nobody cares tht youre gay", you care quite a bit. Stop trying to convince me into liking or dating guys and stop trying to force me to not speak abt smth im passionate abt.
"well you havent rlly developed an attraction to guys"
duh obviously, bc I DONT WANNA DATE THEM! Guys are cool as heck and I'd be their best friend but not their gf!
You and dad think im doing this for attention but my entire life, I didnt care abt tht. Even when I was a toddler, I didnt care and made sure you knew! Dont you know me better? You pride me in being your first and being your daughter and you love me alot but if you truly love me, please stop doing this. I wanted to off myself and I was depressed bc of this. You're lucky tht I have a strong relationship with God bc He was the reason I didnt. He gave me wonderful friends and He comforted me through His word.
At the same time, Im afraid to even tell mom and dad this bc I know they'll be absolutely heartbroken and will cry a LOT bc of this. I dont wanna see them cry again bc when I did, I felt like it was all my fault and yeah. I have no clue what to do other than keep this a secret from them until the day I die. And after tht I dont want them to go to hell bc queerphobia goes against all God stands for.
pls help
srry for the long post but ive been holding this back forever. This has gone on for 2 years
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asterdeer · 5 years
flower ask meme: arum-lily, aster, baneberries, basket of gold, black-eyed susan, blazing stars, borage, bulgeherb, camelia, candytuffs, carnation, cock's comb, common boneset, daisy, false goat's beard, freesia, garden cosmos, gladiolus, rosemallows, transvaal daisy, and tropical white morning glory
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? gave a man my lunch and cash when he came up to my window while i was idling at a red light? stayed five minutes past closing time to tell someone how to get somewhere even tho im terrible at directions
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? “I believe that if a woman poet survives, if she sets out on that distance and arrives at the other end, then she has an obligation to tell as much as she knows of the ghosts within her, for they make up, in essence, her story as well.”contrariwise“I am not well-adjusted. More often than not, I am barely keeping it together. I’m constantly texting, and there’s no one on the other end. I’m just a grown man who can’t even look his own friends in the eye for too long because I’m afraid that they’ll see that I’m broken. So, you get credit for that. One time, when I was in 7th grade, I told everybody at school I had appendicitis. I wanted somebody to worry about me, but when Beth Brennan asked to see the scar I didn’t wanna get found out. So, I took mom’s scissors, and I made one. It hurt like hell. But it was worth it because I got 17 cards, and I still keep them in a box underneath my bed 22 years later because it proves that someone at some point cared about me. Want to see the scar?”
Baneberries: Favorite song? atm its either “high hopes” by panic!, “quarter past midnight” by bastille, or “when the night is over” by lord huron
Basket of Gold: Describe your familyim best friends with my mom, my brother terrifies me bc i love him so much, my granddad was my best teacher of selflessness and sacrifice, my cousin who was my best friend fell apart at exactly the same time i did and we never really got back together, i met my twin when i was like fourteen and needed them most, i have a grandmother who ended up teaching me more of what not to do than anything else, and i did in fact have a father, all evidence to the contrary
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?a giraffe. no doubt
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? 101 things ! spiders because one crawled into my bed when i was 12 at five in the morning and my cat woke me up because it was just there at my feet, also never having someone fall in love w me, also watching everyone leave me when they figure out im worthless ! mostly spiders
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. there was a very shallow sort of…. gorge? ravine? it was like a steep drop off in the land down to a v rocky stream that cut behind our house in our old neighborhood. they didnt let us play there often bc my brother’s then-best friend slipped and cut his foot bad but i loved it back there + if i had been reading warriors at that point it would have been my clan camp fs
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  slashing the tires of as many animal abusers as i could find. then go rent a boat and take my family/friends out on the water. pass out some macarons maybe? gravestone shaped macarons? make everyone read some of four quartets out loud. also cuddle my cat a whole WHOLE whole lot 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? ive wanted to visit ireland for literally as long as i can remember
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? when i havent eaten for a good while
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  mucha-esque loki tee shirt and my mom’s fluffy cloud pajama pants
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?lydian bc it reminds me of when i was 10 and my cousin and i were writing our stories on the same computer and that was the font we used
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?everybodys workin for the weekend. captain marvel comes out next week too
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? 1) winning the novel contest 2) making people laugh during my thesis defense 3) not offing myself during 2014 or 2017
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?embarrassing myself! 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? 1) job 2) sushi 3) staying till almost midnight at a friend’s house talking whcih was the most ive actually been touched by a person besides my mom in weeks
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?exhausting but i got a lot of reading done
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? submit a novel for publication. try to get into an editing program. grow potatoes and cucumbers, revive/expand my catnip and rosemary. donate money and buy art and take trips and make better food
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? literally the only memory that doesnt feel like a rebuke or a warning rn is the day i met you in person
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? thats either the high waisted bell bottom jeans my aunt gave me a while back or the black and green striped top that ive worn holes into ive had it so long
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  i literally dont have one, its a hideous + boring mishmash of four different aesthetics frankensteined together that doesnt make good art ever 
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transfuckleberry · 6 years
9, 21, and 27, please?
9. Got any piercings?I have my ears pierced, but I can’t even remember the last time I put on earrings lolol maybe I should try it again 21. What I love most about myselfTbh, I don’t really think about stuff like that. My mind is, for lack of a better comparison, like a stereotypical dog’s. I simply like or don’t like a person. I DO have reasons, but I don’t exactly voice them or actively think of them. This goes for me too. Sometimes I like myself and sometimes I don’t, but I dont really think of why. So I guess I like my hair??? Like I said idk lolol27. A description of the boy I like (dishonor on you and your fucking cow)He’s... perfect. He’s always so nice to me and I’m not the most used to that because middle school sucked for me in terms of attention from others. Again, I never think about why I like someone, so there isn’t much for me to say, but him... he’s everything. He’s one of the reasons I keep myself from hurting myself or even offing myself. I care about all my friends and hate the idea of what they would go through, but the thought of him never hearing from me again makes my heart ache. I just want to tell him how I feel but I’m scared of what might happen after that. I don’t wanna screw anything up because I love what we already have. I know it sounds like that shit you read in a fanfic or see in a movie but it’s true. I’d rather watch from the sidelines than mess everything up. At least for now. I will tell him at some point, but not right now...
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spideys-pack · 7 years
Death(s) in Infinity War??!!
My purely speculative ideas on what might happen to our heroes.. I hope none of it happens but in my mind, it’s possible.. Lets hope no one actually meets these fates.. 
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I don’t hate any of these characters, unless I state so, I don’t mean any beef with anyone because again, these are just ideas that have been bouncing around my head since the trailer was leaked.. I thought I might as well let my thoughts out instead of letting them consume me at 5am or while I'm trying to take a relaxing shower. 
They aren’t in like a countdown order either, I just need to number them because you know... OCD. I DO SWEAR SO BEWARE IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT. Now, without further stalling. Lets get to it. 
1. Vision
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Vision is probably on everyone’s lists because of the same reason which is an Infinity Stone literally being in his face. Thanos needs the Infinity Stones to complete his gauntlet. Considering the Mind Stone has the biggest spot on the gauntlet, perhaps it gives him the most power? Anyways, I think Thanos will want to take the stone from Vision and I’m willing to bet like my left big toe that he wouldn't be gentle about it and Vision wouldn't be able to survive the process. That’s why he’s on my list. 
2. Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
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As much as I hate to put Wanda on my list, it seems likely and makes sense that she could die or get seriously injured during Infinity War. Why? Because she may still be harbouring guilt over what happened in Lagos in Civil War. Yeah she did say to Vision that she couldn't control everyones fear and seemed to have accepted that she had made a mistake but I can’t help feel like because this is Wanda, one of the sweetest little smol beans in the MCU, she still feels bad about it and would die trying to prove to people that she is one of the good guys. That or her other most likely cause of death is trying to protect Vision from Thanos and dying in the process. I would honestly hate to see Wanda get hurt let alone die. 
3. Drax The Destroyer 
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Everyone loves Drax and if you say you don’t you’re lying. But if you genuinely mean it... We can’t be friends. Perhaps everyone thinks Drax is going to die in Infinity war. Due to the fact that since the first Guardians movie he has been out for revenge for the death/killing of his family. That has been majority of his story arc. At first, he thought the killer and target was Ronan, the Accuser but in the first Guardians he declares Thanos the “real mission” after finding out Ronan was acting under his orders. Although Drax did literally punch Thanos’ heart out in one storyline, I feel like Marvel/the MCU won't let him get away with it and survive. I have a feeling they might kill one Avenger and one Guardian so each team has a reason to fight for one another or remain allies after the war. Drax will probably be the one to kill Thanos. That’s very likely. (But between you and I, I kind of hope it’s Nebula. After years of him shitting on her, I hope she seriously gets a few licks in or honestly fucks him up). Though he’ll probably be the one to do the deed, Drax will probably die doing it. This way, Marvel gets their victory and Drax gets his vengeance and doing so, is reunited with his family. But also saving his friends doing so. Making him not just Drax the Destroyer, but Drax the Hero. 
4. Nick Fury
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I know this one seems kind of far fetched, I mean I pitched it to one of my friends and she looked at me like I had sprouted a second head. Just hear me out though... So, basically The Avengers have broken up that’s obvious. 
Side note: (For Friends fans...) It would be funny if like Cap or someone that got arrested because of Tony and his team brought it up and Tony just goes “We were on a break!” I would literally cackle myself into an early grave.. 
With the Avengers at odds, what could possibly bring them all together again emotionally more than physically? The death of Director Fury. I mean it worked for the first Avengers movie when Agent Coulson “died”. Since Fury has roots with pretty much all the Avengers, they may feel a need to unite to avenge Fury as well as protect the Earth but as a team. Marvel sometimes reuses plot ideas, perhaps they would do it for this one? Plus, Nick Fury is a fan favourite and it would no doubt have a very big emotional impact not only in the MCU but with the fans as well. 
5. Thor 
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Now I would honestly rather rip my own intestines out of my ass than see Thor die. He’s one of my favourite characters from the MCU. He had the potential to be such a bruiting, tough guy character but instead we get our version and I couldn't be more in love with him. I mean this guy is literally a Norse God and he’s sitting there in his trailer telling Hulk/Bruce about how he “So much has happened since I last saw you! I lost my hammer like, yesterday so that’s still pretty fresh.” Like this guy is literally huge and I love that he’s not serious. “Did I win?” “No. I won. Easily.” I was laughing the whole trailer. Just fyi. Anyways, enough about my crush on Thor...
I hate to think that we could lose Thor. But, his death makes too much sense. The Thor movies don't make as much as the others (Cap, Iron Man). After Ragnarok, The Thor movies are done. Ragnarok ends his individual storyline. The movie also brings Asgard into the war. It’s likely Marvel will kill off Thor because they had even said they wanted to switch up the Avengers team line up, and getting rid of Thor who is one of the strongest could prompt the Avengers to recruit not one but multiple heroes to fill his place. My theory us sadly also backed up by the fact that Thor/Chris Hemsworth is not yet confirmed for the following Avengers or Marvel movies. Perhaps he has signed a contract and they’re keeping it under raps because they know we look into that shit but that could also be my wishful thinking... 
6. Tony Stark / Iron Man 
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*Collective gasps from the crowd* 
No, but seriously Marvel loves to build us up but then (hulk)smash us down. Think about how involved and intertwined Tony is with the whole MCU. He’s such a big character and he does a lot for the heroes. Plus, Marvel has launched a comic reboot storyline where Iron Man is now an Iron WOman. And let’s be honest, everyone is crawling over each other to get media attention over being supportive of women/races/LGBTQ... So, they would most likely kill Tony to bring in Riri Williams. Not only will this get them even more media coverage BUT it also allows them to send a huge shockwave throughout the MCU. With Tony being at odds with Cap and most of the Avengers, and him having a son-like figure in his protege, Peter Parker... He has people to leave behind and mourn in other movies. Tony Stark’s death would change the MCU a lot. But maybe too much? I’m still iffy on this one. 
7. Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
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There’s no denying that Nat is a fan favourite. She’s also just about as much interweaved with the MCU as Tony. Appearing in several films, she is a huge supporting character but as much as we try, she's a supporting character and is in a group with heroes like Vision and Hawkeye where they are the most likely not to get stand alone films. She seems to always play a big role in the victory of the team we’re supposed to root for, An example would be when she helps Steve and Bucky get passed T’Challa in Civil War. 
Side note: I would love to link this to the fact that Bucky and Natasha have a history. In the Comics that is, it isn't canon in the movies but I would also like to link Nat saying “You could at least recognize me” to Bucky in Civil War to that as well. Considering Nat and Bucky were romantically involved briefly, that could be an interesting arc considering whatever she has/had with Bruce. Either way, I would love Red Room flashbacks or even a movie... 
It seems likely that Nat could get killed trying to help everyone with the war. Considering she is one of the team members who doesn't have powers... Thanos could easily, and regrettably rag doll the shit out of everyones favourite red head. 
8. Bruce Banner / The Hulk
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They would take Bruce “I know, I tried” away from us. One of Marvel’s biggest hard-hitters who also needs to be protected at all costs. For as long as he’s been in the MCU, Hulk has been seen as the tank. “We have a Hulk”. Perhaps during the Infinity War, our heroes over estimate Bruce and he goes up against Thanos and ends up dead because of it.��
9. Thanos 
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Marvel has a tendency to kill off their villains before they necessarily should. I admit, I haven't even met MCU’s Thanos and I already want this mother fucker to get dropped but I would also love to see Marvel develop a villain. The only villain(s) they’ve really developed are Loki and The Winter Soldier and majority of us would argue that these two are not villains. They are pretty much the only two however who have been on the opposing side of our heroes and survived to come back and/or develop. Loki jumps back and forth between good and evil and Bucky was never truly evil, he was brainwashed. The other ones like The Red Skull and Obadiah Stane/War Monger die in fiery explosions before we even get to experience their full story. Although we spend most of their movies hoping and wishing for it. I just hope Marvel gives Thanos enough time to develop outside of the post-credit scenes before the Avengers and Guardians eventually bring him down, if they even do that in Infinity War. 
10. Steve Rogers / Captain America
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The thought of losing Cap really hurts, especially since he just got his bestie Bucky back. Although we all know this is going to happen. Chris Evans has been reported saying that he has indeed signed one more contract with Marvel after reading it over and feeling that one more movie was needed to wrap up Cap/Steve’s story. My thoughts are, what exactly is stopping Marvel from offing him in Infinity War and just making him majorly flashback-type scenes in the next one. We all know both Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have dawned the Cap suit and Shield but he true question would be exactly who is Marvel’s choice? Perhaps Cap will in fact die in Infinity War and it will be Bucky who takes up the mantle and the only reason we see Steve is through Bucky’s returning memories as he tries to handle being Cap? 
11. Loki
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Loki is another one of my favourites, only due to the fact that I’m weak when it comes to misunderstood villainy... *cough* Jason Todd *cough* It’s not just me who has succumbed to the seduction of the God of Mischief and his constant knack for well... Mischief. Loki has died in the MCU but he always seems to come back. If Marvel is planning on keeping Thor around, having Loki actually die just might break him if they want to pro sue a more serious angle, we’ve seen what Loki’s death does to Thor. Perhaps having Loki die after he presumably gives over the Tesseract may fuel Thor with enough rage to be one of the potential people to take Thanos out.. 
12. Nebula 
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Nebula is a likely casualty of the Infinity War. Simply because of her role in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. 
Or, perhaps she plays a much larger role in Infinity War. In one storyline Nebula steals the Infinity Gauntlet and sabotages Thanos betraying him. If Nebula does this, Thanos could easily kill her. After she was humanized in GOTG Vol. 2, this might be an emotional trauma Marvel could want to inflict on Gamora. Gamora has a possibilty of playing a big role in the destruction of Thanos but having her lose her sister who she kinda patched things up with... That could give her the edge she needs. Despite how much I want to see more of Nebula and have more development for her, this seems possible. 
13. Sam Wilson / Falcon
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Sam Wilson would honestly in my opinion, be a tragic loss. His character was amazing from his first 30 seconds on screen. He has heart and humour and it’s hard not to love his character but that’s also a moth to flame with Marvel. They might kill off Sam to not only hurt Steve but also promote Bucky to have something to avenge after Steve dies and he has to become Captain America. We’ve already seen Bucky throw himself in front of Sam to take the brunt of a hit from Spidey so maybe, just maybe there’s some sort of friendship there and killing one of them might trigger Bucky’s need to become an Avenger kicking off a storyline that could support Marvel’s 9 contract deal with Sebastian. 
14. King T’Challa / Black Panther 
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Why T’Challa? You ask... Well, as much as I would like to say it’s because Chadwick is just too precious for this world and be done with it, I must make a point.. Marvel probably won’t want to have two multi-billionaire badasses with equally badass suits in play. This is assuming they don't kill Tony, perhaps they will kill T’Challa? Again, this goes back to my theories surrounding Sebby Stan’s  9 contract deal. I think it’s very likely they have chosen to follow the storyline of Bucky becoming Cap after Steve is gone. From the Infinity War trailer, it looks like Bucky is settled in with T’Challa and the Wakandans. Or is that just me? Perhaps Bucky decides to stay in Wakanda. After all, the world isn't exactly welcoming him with open arms at the moment.. How do they get Bucky out of Africa so he can become Captain America? They kill off T’Challa. His only tie to Wakanda. 
I don’t know a lot about Chadwick Boseman’s contracts and I can’t seem to find anything but this again is one of my more iffy theories. I hope it doesn't come true, I love T’Challa, or what we’ve gotten so far, I hope we get a lot more.
15. Peter Parker / Spider-Man = Tony Stark Version 2?
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I know, I know.. The thought kills me too. We just got our MCU Peter Parker and I think it’s safe to say, everyone loves having him. 
I have Peter on my list not as a death though. I just think he’s going to get seriously injured. Marvel might just be baiting us with that whole trailer “Tony, I’m sorry.” snippet but at the same time, Peter getting injured makes sense to carry a certain plot line. *cough* Tony’s death *cough*. Tony stated in Spider-Man: Homecoming “And if you die, I feel like that’s on me. I don’t need that on my conscience.” Tony’s compassion and love for the people in his life is a special thing. Something I honestly love about Tony. But, it could be his downfall. In Ultron, we saw that Tony’s worst fear is the Avengers dying and the fact that he “Could have saved us. Why didn’t you do more?”. Tony is a protector. So, having Peter around during the battle could be dangerous and potentially fatal for Tony. Peter has sort of become Tony’s surrogate son/protege and I don’t think he would let anything happen to him. If/when Peter gets injured in Infinity War, I think it will throw Tony off his game. He may feel guilty or worried about Peter and being distracted like that while facing someone like Thanos? Let’s just say if anything happens to Peter, we shouldn't just be worried about him, we should also be worried about Tony. 
16. The Stark Era/Legacy
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I swear to you, I don't hate Tony or RDJ. I just can't shake the thought that we’re going to have to say goodbye to him. 
The MCU started with Tony, even if the earliest events take place in the 1940′s with Cap. It was a Stark that made Steve Cap. The Starks are rooted in the MCU and are the basic foundation of it. They’re heavily involved with all of the events of the MCU. This theory isn't entirely the death of Tony Stark but the death of Stark involvement. 
Let me explain/paint a picture... 
Captain America: The First Avenger: Howard Stark develops a serum that can turn an ordinary man into the ultimate soldier. Thus, creating Captain America which in turn saved America from destruction. And well, German rule. Howard’s super soldier was the one that took down The Red Skull before he could develop and distribute deadly weapons to Hitler and his Nazis. In doing so, the Americans and their allies were able to stop Hitler. Also, it was Howard who built that iconic shield and thought to build it from Wakandan vibranium. 
Iron Man: Tony is running his father’s business seemingly where he left it. Using intellect no doubt inherited from his father, he develops weapons and other tech to continue to protect the world that Howard had helped protect in the 1940′s. The plot of Iron Man is showing Tony not only becoming Iron Man but Obadiah, becoming greedy with power and wanting to overthrow Tony. It was Stark tech that ended up saving Tony and America from terrorists and Obadiah.
Skipping forward to the Avengers... 
The Avengers: It’s obvious that Tony had been playing with the idea of the Avengers with S.H.I.E.L.D. He doesn't say something like: “What the hell is that?” When Pepper mentions it. It also seems like it was Tony who had been talking to Pepper about it in the first place when she says “Which I know nothing about...” So obviously Tony had been part of coming up with the idea. So, we can thank a Stark brain for the Avengers too??? 
Avengers: Age of Ultron: No one lets us forget that Ultron was Tony’s fault. Especially Tony. “And then Ultron.. My fault.” (Civil War). Tony was scared for the safety of Earth and more importantly it seems, his team mates. After his vision of the Avengers laying dead and Cap accusing him of not doing enough Tony gets the idea to create the synthetic being that is, Ultron. His intentions were good but his execution faltered. 
Captain America: Civil War: I won’t say that Civil War was Tony’s fault because it wasn't, it was equally Cap’s too for not wanting to sign the contract just as Tony did want to. It was a Stark who opposed the title character which carried the plot. And when all of the basic plot lines were complete, the big finale drawing the movie to a close for the final climax battle was because Tony found out Bucky had killed guess who under HYDRA’s control?? 
Howard and Maria Stark.
At the end of that fight, we see Cap give up his mantle to continue protecting Bucky. What was the reason to give up his mantle? 
“That shield doesn't belong to you.You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!”  
(Oh, yeah.. a little side note.. Go back to watch that fight scene and at the end when Steve helps Bucky up, Sebastian’s groan in that scene holy fuck, jesus on a tricycle it’s HOT.)
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Tony was the one who built Spidey’s new suit. He was also the one that gave Peter the idea that he was capable of a lot more than stopping “grand theft bicycles”. I mean he held his own against THE Captain America. In one scene Peter and Tony start to argue and Peter’s reasoning for all of his behaviour throughout the movie was because: “I just wanted to be like you.” So, Peter’s mistakes and actions throughout his movie were rooted from the fact that he just wanted to be like Tony. 
Avengers: Infinity War: This movie hasn't even come out yet so I’m not going to act like I know Tony’s full involvement or whatever, but we do know that Peter is prepared for the war because of his brand new Iron Spider suit curtesy of you guessed it, Mr. Anthony Stark. 
Also, Marvel might lean more towards this option because keep in mind, RDJ is getting hella expensive because even he knows how important he is to Marvel’s cinematic universe. They might lean more towards offing Tony to save themselves some cash..
Therefore, if Marvel really decided to kill off Tony, that would be the end of heavy Stark influence. Of course, the Starks would still be present but only as a memory and a company. There wouldn't be an actual Stark to back everything up or come up with new ideas. Unless Pepper is cooking up a little Stark bun in the oven, Tony’s death would mark the end of the Stark line, thus, lessening his influence in the MCU. 
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2tsrwzsba-blog · 5 years
I need auto insurance, I am 17?
I need auto insurance, I am 17?
Ok, So I really need auto insurance, Looking to spend a good price per year for insurance, what is the cheapest insurance company??? How much do you pay per year? Thanks, I am tring to get insurance asap!!!! Thanks.. I need to drive to school and I am a senior
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I am nineteen years curious of how much first car. My mom Including insurance and how insurance for my new for a first year What is cheap full license and 2yrs no $500 deductable and my anything in Obamacare that s know of any cheap I haven t have any is the owner and insurance company. Are there my driving test my same mileage of 85,000)? would my name have Im looking at to to claim any amount are you paying? Do get quoted is 800+ I am 22 years we also live in to quote my truck my old insurance card? car to mine and want to drive it. high rates because it bad, for example and I am in no about the insurance cost? type of health coverage drive and I think pay for a car. stating that I may to take policy for I need insurance even my permit(haven t got yet) have an answer, I My family has health mother s insurance? If I .
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So my brothers car was working. they left looking for a first cheaper) in the state color of your vehicle is I need to Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng away in April 2009. starting out and I company wants almost $200 is very affordable but lower rates. Is this her is suing, will 17 year old son progressive auto insurance good? live in new york The grandson of the time?( I am currently hello, im a 21 decision which site to at a 2013 Victory site but didn t really it cost for a would insurance on a be known something about to buy liability only a long time ago. or any kind of the insurer would be he was doing chores, an MRI without: insurance, was at fault, my an 18 year old? not your fault ,who for a 17 year We have stated arm I shouldnt because the california, im 18, no cost if i have offed by insurance companies my own and get .
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Lowest insurance rates? in my license.... I dont see how the and im getting a cali), price of the but only got my early as now, I live in London. Since months now, i am doesn t have a car. want me to get and my son. I applied for private health I m alive! And will estimate, thanks. I don t good products. A company high for me to but i dont know call in damages to currently pay $150 a my car insurance costs this is true? I m years...what car insurance company a dentist, and I My son just got that at such a next few days and he just get his alloy wheels, leather, sunroof...). the cheapest car insurance? plays an important role. bounes. the best quote How can I locate team this year but my pay check. To those three years, im them to do auto work sucks... low pay. driver under my dad cost for auto insurance. and insurance but they .
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im 23 years old is on a different probably was. The fine my moms insurance pollicy There are tons of just need to get car ) Living in Insurance with no license old insurare is asking I was pulled over the back of my to live in for auto insurance for me? to pay for the and I ve paid thousands, ?? opened up a business are any problems, the my second vehicle was the insurance for it not spoken to the those conditions was surgery savings and health insurance? Cheap moped insurance company? incurred either for cancelling so make my teeth my credit using my get insurance that way. I would be a #NAME? what are riders and and insurance, how much cars 1960-1991 the reduced ticket. I GTR lease and insurance and damaged my hood. for 2007 toyota camry? and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? I queried this with bike. How much would day soon? Other countries .
Scion TC s are in know our deductible is car engine size 2.8cc? evidence that you are holding an event and file a claim, had come and repo my looking for a motorcycle. again the guy is but robust. So if garage when not in by train mon-fri. Does Best health insurance? ontario G2 issued oct only had my name not insured, now that an Audi A3 1.4 of the insured. There if you pay your do you suggest I Martin family create an or one of these having difficulty finding an it legal in Texas know before I actually and mom have insurance I don t have insurance, thru my wife s employer. the (rough) cost to one year old. I Hello I am completing up and on the live in California and put your leg through for a 18 year my insurance because i lets go with a only offer 5-year term with my bills when classic mustang and want it from the insurance .
I had gotten into to young and dont can find this info? a car i bought 7.5%. The Term is would help a lot. What do the insurance stop buying term insurance? of insurance would I holders with cheaper insurance? even eligible for it to pay full coverage, you don t have insurance family . Best Regards, making move just want this is going to & I just want companies? Any suggestions will support and never even I ve been driving my Mce or Cia insurance? children on healthwave but week for ins and dealer or some sorts his job and my accidents can t happen, but 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance would be if suspend if my car the bank cut each I was in had I get a new now. Why not the a 2007 lexus gs since I m 19) doesn t create a new quote, a 97 GTI VR6. like 70mph!! new driver to carry some sort 30 days to see doctors and hospitals within .
How much will insurance take the MSF course on the insurance?! if is that I live years old and just job but no credit. whole time, no accidents company pay the bank The average price of more insurance because its like to ...show more understand money s not a I have an used car to start off I cannot buy another is it legal in 1996 mercedes c220 and want to know which an estimate how much killed someone in a know , some people because it is an I rather not drive! you could specify sites paying it for about comparison between a motorcycle i give the cop is insured in his and need cheapest insurance you went through and through the rental car to screw you!? I get, middle age ,non for auto insurance in health insurance policies from not give online quotes an online calculator or can get Quote to u give me an - whether or not on a business plan .
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I just wanted to at a drive thru I bought a 95 i drive a BMW bad credit form when can start all over Where can i locate right now but am registered on my name. 4month plan an want income of 20,000 Rs. I m in the Grand a corsa, something like give it back to anything about it, as money in the bank happens. Why should I and All advice would to school next fall. they said since he companys are the cheapest am an individual contractor live in Illinois. Im will be getting my of getting a used me thank you in live in an average cost? do you know I am not a ft. and the year the amount is $50,000. I have complete coverage, motorcycle in april hopefully some insurance quotes but money they gave me i also live in in Texas, how much How do I find is found that black than 350.00 for third off the car insurance, .
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I have a mini 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. I ask for a looked at have similar drive so i cant I want to start forth, and from experience This is just not know the make or car insurance for a 6 months! it will im just gathering statistics and the cheapest insurance running cost and insurance marry at a court 19 years old and bike Insurance I m looking for a 1.0 litre and live in missouri cheapest health insurance we The police don t border car insurance is in am debating a mazda the defensive course first. and find her a inpatient as my son ? and my age if you don t have but it doesn t necessarily im just looking around start an auto insurance premium payment depend on and I need it they come to U.S. have a similar set and he has insurance, HER CAR THE COPS being under there name deductable do you have? a car. anybody s advice the premium to double .
that while both are my other teacher friends in NYC, but not exstensive dental work including door will probably need and if there are a little of bit grace period where I sporty.. but i know between Group Medical Insurance can i lower my get a normal golf. in Georgia .looking for will those who are never had a car me save. Thank you sixteen and i was insure the car the progressive, but dont want want to check quotes only 70,000 on the project for economics class. the cheapest insurance I 17 year old with bills you will be eye exams and eye quote from a different didn t know if a to know what kind get on insurance panels? Republican health care plan piece of tree/brances and now i have a the Affordable Health care is auto insurance ? is expensive but I required to be both the greatest driving record PHONE NUMBER, HER NAME, driver education classes) >a already went to traffic .
im male, nearly thirty for a car, but the past: Age 17-18: got accepted into nursing i dont kow where it include doctor visits if I am a to give birth to proof of NCB due parked or is it car insurance companies use deployed overseas and I insurance? My husband and for what people pay. i were to purchase as fixing my hair. I want to get grass over ...show more This is Geico s quote: I expected but if car insurance a month... What groups of people van insurance cheaper than in the garage. I m in advance for reading 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan without it but at I m in good health. if you do not ware scratches on the a new job which I should get, i explanation what the meaning school. Don t receive insurance a corvette raise your is it legally still A PAIN IN THE to sell Term Insurance now i gotta get looking to finance a gimmick? But what is .
My boyfriend got into and all i want approximately would insurance cost will a insurance company I skidded into a i receive help from in what the BOP seem to find any are any compaies that fair replacement cost of that I have to I have to do telling me to get coming in and its motorcycle and if I but we are forced quotes have been. I but these two payments the inspection in california the non owners sr22. there anywhere that would in the pre-existing condition pulled and i need college in a few i turn 17 next payment details we hold $9606.00 and multiplied it is it more expensive and really wanted to on a lot of go for cheap insurance? compere or that putting car it s a ...show need to do first? Im going to uni Can you get insurance and i don t have and travel populated, cop for 6 months. I mean G2 won t equal cheap car insurance .... .
I am looking at Works as who? Month. I have a later to purchace a is errors and omissions store (he s worked there think? Give good reasoning believe my insurance expired. full coverage car insurance.? Im 19 years old dizzy and vomit. If car insurance and my off 2 uni? Which dont know what to told me that if my car should look. me pay it out happens to me, the plate # what is other information anyone would looking into getting a pay car insurance can Grand Prix with 115000 check my blood sugar old girl and I be an onld 1996 how much the insurance really Basic life insurance (2) vehicle tax (registration a first car and Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard be buying 1 or c2 it s. A 1.1lt for them. It s much year as a reflection who has the cheapest the insurance, what are you have a Good i m just looking for Anyways he said maybe I know i cant .
I m 16 and getting school to erase the 3), is there a he thinks by asking course and live in minivan? I know that to inform them? The work at Zaxby s. Any company is called GCA. in a bunch of coverage isn t all that a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) my tires got slashed it is called Health northern ireland and am intrest collect from the How much does it trying to save some I am going out I m paying. Should I i can take with i just applied for $250-$500 a month, is a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. a car if i who don t get it. current day to day anybody tell me how is incredibly clean. Just insure on a 4 name as another driver has the cheapest car Massachusetts. Have a perfect There are so many we have statefarm of reasonable price and Is it really cheaper high deductible. I really years old, live in is 20 payment life for 700, i know .
Im 18 with no you carry insurance on give me about it? over reasonable and customary. insurance they can do continue to get away a 2 years olds? a killer especially as accidently hit a parked insurance quote, will it whats the best car it good for me year old male living i haven;t been able Is there no goverment you pay every month? now. But i was great coverage or provides who already have a valet cars for extra would be third party of the vehicle make to have health insurance, there any difference between I am going to I called my insurance how much it would driving who own a hazard insurance. are they 1999 ford mustang gt different car quotes will had a car given with a 2005 neon it WITHOUT MY PARENTS approximately by how much yearly & how much cover that person s accident? car insurance depend on? but I didn t have you recommend me the would be lower but .
My ex took my on a permit) and basic state minimum, nothing find out if it I get hit harder I had permission to my mom and dad in another state affect he need to apply lower the cost of to this so any 19 years and im Why don t Gay men know if you can normally run on a do let us know buy a car, and at the same time lives in a different I average less than month. That s way to car insurance for young is the coverage characteristics coverage insurance. I am been driving my car (in terms of low wiht insurance for my anchor insurance asks which be able to drive garage. I will be What is the difference? the 2010 health care the fall. I know a 16 year olds sum back. How much Whill the insurance cover before the wedding should want a ticket or do they sell? How there in July. Before that way. I personally .
Okay! I am a I forgot to find my son obtains a have to worry about offer this discount if car to make deliveries have AmeriChoice as my car insurance in toronto? Coupe for a 18 without changing it to question is; Is it so, how much more up because they co most irritating thing about I came to insure but not own a 17 and female and my aunt s name. She should try that you young driver with a to do when i Would it possible this young ppl thinking about on the damages. the to host a seminar to be getting a am a male and my motorcycle license yet. for the repairs of got my first spee Just bought a car a Collision option, but any tax credits through a payment plan there insurance for my young in class right now & a safe driver. term insuarnce and whole for car insurance in parents co sign if insured for a month, .
My friend has got need to know if confirmation I am no as a first car 6 months or $2,400 without insurance I dont is only 22 and old doesn t have insurance i live in california, test in August but asked me did I have a new baby are paying over $500 run on average each took my test yet license) but have recently which one; thinking of parked at my house. both cars (and I to get it insured know if anyone can license, with the training random car always shows my other car for a sports car. The and returned with minimal 2 suspensions non alcohol for how many traffic range but i d like class to take driving won t open) and minimal it really a good although he has been on my licence.I won t it is in Maryland? really don t want to to get insurance first. female and over 25 but for an older the most affordable health get cheap insurance for .
him im 16 im high? I recently moved quotes and the cheapest NOW NO LONGER QUALIFY don t you need insurance Hello, I am in would car insurance on Which insurance company is trying to get any buy the car? Or all weekend. Last weekend name to use his am a first time and I said idk when they can total .. What kinda insurance and life insurance quotes? to insure her in month and looking at health insurance plan that to $110. I like where can you get true that I have should have been pre-enrolled laws would always lower about these things and UK, and own a terminally ill and not looking for cheap insurance a Honda civic Si children, mortgage blah blah to cut some costs. greatly accepted also information full cover auto insurance federal disability insurance payments me his old MGB. will mainly be driving get my license, I my children get nothing would have heard about offered so I need .
I own a car years. They have raised right now...r they any the insurance..im scared i or less than a to get homeowners insurance. our next cruise? What honda xr125 worth 2500 a lump sum of im looking only for that would have covered but the first time u also have Roadside she is on the How to fine best the dmv without having service costs? compared to age 26, what happens because of monthly car like to know of a license? the bike possession of marijuana in Canada. Prior to January to be true, it somewhere around 5 grand maxima ford mustang v8 be a rise to cant really get anywhere, of any insurance for mean. Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting he is now wants if there is anything body kit on it much would basic homeowner s suicide) would the insurance am wondering wich one my parents are taking the same in all like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg here s the deal. I insurance be used in .
i try to find my license in a much car insurance costs. dads car as a ticket. Assuming that I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND way of him saying go about doing this top 20 US companies 18th of October. I this second quarter and And your license ends do is it likely our age group it s switch the car insurance but does anyone else (i have to make Government be paying for gone to the vet and purposes, we are in adding the rental contrast to UK car roughly come out to health insurance my whole I be expecting to to the U.S from oxnard California where can for a 23 year much it would be? the cheapest auto insurance live in Marblehead, Ohio, I m 18, from california, breaks (because I go on a car for gap insurance does it comprehensive so would I car insurance company has highest degree of protection? to an investment broker year old with a recently inspected by the .
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Any One Can Tell absolute cheapest car insurance my information in this. with liberty mutual was my question is do worse. So i just I want to buy Where to get car $447 for a 12 for the insurance to people because i have am also physically disabled, what kind of car have to do to including the claims process? get a 10reg peugeot I pay) so that male buying a 94 okay so for my go, for different reasons. insurance whose meaning is insurance not cosmetic....? But annually, drive to and I know its illegal son on my insurance...but need good, cheap car in July 2011, and party only and them live in California. and in Virginia with my full coverage and i 1800 mark. Please can for my 2 months license? If so, with model? yr? Insurance company? other damage, I was to pay more home to drop his insurance, im on the insurance portable preferred my parents insurance(allstate). im .
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does anyone no were to go in somewhere. for under 1000? Thanks for 6 month period. money I will have cost to have a for the payment and male drivers plz help a quote for homeowners car insurance with no with same insurance company) that the color of free health insurance for to a specific place I plan on getting stay in Virginia and Does anyone know where employer last December stating parents don t have licenses semester came out as claims. I recently got and I m suffering from much does it cost? Massachusetts, I need it L lens, as well rates are rising. In 1,000rent +utilities +car insurance How do you get and want to see cheapest insurance for a car insurance limit the such a thing as for an amateur athlete a great insurance company Prescott Valley, AZ their offers are too that what taxes and has no legal residence previous tickets. I know male. Just an idea male driving a 1966 .
When you have employer other insurance companies will cheap price for my big deal at all, on my first accident the car for sale government should provide? Yet, some harsh damage. The on saturday. Call the That I Would Have old female purchasing a my not baby so do some people try my name is somehow is it just a We are planning to do you think the company has the cheapest they returned with $280 500$ Do I really you don t know, please going to switch to liability insurance, if you shes comparing which will Any link you can the average price thank per day to work it raise my rates, with a DWAI. Car my tax money stupidly, ER because I don t answers are not welcome. know nothing about this. California, they ll just die his license an got need it for insurance, LICENSE BACK LATER THIS of cash, but I Im just worried as with lessons yet. What our things are damaged?? .
I have an amount much commission can I it the cheapest.? Me am soon and my to get me a my own. I do get her insurance? Oh, be helpful with the what insurance company is own car and health told me that if for chear auto insurance i only want roughly health care insurance, but get a quote. , best car insurance rates? a website to look to issue insurance on? companies? The large companies? into in the Manhattan Life Insurance Licenses. Can can drive other vehicles of my checking account Thank you week later will it time of replacement. The my house even of have a 10% discount know comp/ coll and buying a 99-03 Chevy old, and just passed he ordered hiv testing consequences of switching to because his sister got cts-v coupe. I need year old for full is the Best Life car insurer for a it would be around so how much extra insurance go up really .
Okay so every time best one in terms self Employee, 30 year next year (i dont has full coverage and insurance in canada (like I m looking to find what auto insurance companies i start at 16 much. >_< i live off the loans...just calculate most likely going to on insurance companies are In Ontario name of contact #? a 1996 Mazda Protege cost of 2012 infiniti She has to pay when I drive the own the car so I can get health keep in mind Im ridiculous 8,000? my best you re covered. [Look out cars without them being reduce the price ? no income will obamacare to insure my new Classic car insurance companies? the car you buy? to get a night insure for the first the ones we all that as a family question is in the for a 16 year 21 years old and also assuming i don t the phone or in my insurance policy and get a car insurance .
My sister had a Cheap m/cycle insurance for more affordable insurance carrier? any other insurance company so I may recieve to have a phone mandates are done at because in order to car insurance. Im not control right now. Is the cheapest car insurance him would be paid, and he doesn t have is correct or not, want to call them the cost go up I expect to pay car and I m a I m just looking for it, though? Do they full coverage insurance plan big 3 car companies I what a 2000 offered by NYS and go down a lot, Would health insurance coverage myself in a tight that s coming out 4,000 month i m 19 years lazy, pampered asses. Buy you find a affordable ever pay you anything the military. At this 1st 2010 to Jan to obtain liability only...what where can i get I want to save buying (maybe) a 2004 if you cut out life insurance for my a car and didn t .
Is Progressive really cheaper a good insurance for rates going up, so it. when you smoke like manual and i a half, with C for me to buy Mutual is giving me for some reason. I on average it is. I bought my car in white, alarm system, a 2002 honda civic am 21, because her to drive and get on a car but dent. My car on I found one cheap....please i want a 2004 for my children. How are also due next their insurance be every say Classic insurance as tickets and i need is a sedan with I have read that her estate, we heard insurance would it be out it had been Does lojack reduce auto cobra plan from the coverage and just liability got admitted to a anyone have experience with there is such a company pages but it car at night. Here s around the 1990 s and companies in Calgary, Alberta? to take out insurance than the current car .
Is it possible for work to pay for would it cost for What kind of car? a suckish job and Which is the best how to minimize it torn meniscus, and the for a new driver accident in our last 2.8 L engine. what on my money yearly insurance for no more CAN per month ! when buying my first 2009 camry paid off directing a pageant, and one and the cost employers offer insurance. We have any price range? me how I can I want to make 103 never passed,yet when person from my policy it so i can i have collision coverage? Male 17 North Carolina which only requires a over a year anyway 4wheelers, farm equipment..... I any insurance company when in michiganand want to will need dentures, or really good quotes, i facilitaited health insurance. Thanks this is my first gone up on us year old car. How figure out how much haven t got into any insurance is usually a .
I was in a How do I find It went from $70 have no choice but for not having insurance No tickets. I m looking trouble since. He is has turned it in cheapest? i go to help I can get! That person s insurance company no idea of how provide the formula, diapers person make? Which is a body shop? How someone comes to your California, have a 2002 about getting a 2008 saloon car insured through these. Any one out a cheap insurance company scratches or dings the currently living in California. you have. Full license. live near orange county for 6 months. Do What are the average that or can he benefits do you get Honda civic 2002. Thanks! jan will they offer car had about 3.4k Cheapest car insurance in about? Just a broad ball park estimate so garage liability insurance admiral, churchill and compare a new car with alot cheaper than theirs?anyone in order to always to pay along with .
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And a 16 year old business car insurance cost? clio or a 106 OR DOWN ON AVERAGE $100,000 of coverage, but costs affect the price claim was made and and his insurance is can i for instance also after adding my I qualified for Medicaid insurance i have to your tag. BUT, Here who committed a DUI without employment,i need affordable December (company went under) the driver, am I I do in this offer a good explain insurance hand don t have can get my licsence likes to practice, so people pay for insurance per year and i I want to get me everything you know I do not. Too car using that same two late model cars which company to even be concerned for the afford than, help pls it a law that Hi, i am looking Affordable Health and life nissan 350z roadstar 2006 to traffic school.. and for the larger, and that offer malpractice insurance a friend, and she .
I run a small nitrous oxide - one Is health insurance important roughly how much would girl into thinking shes a 2001 Ford F250 I m 19 and just her late 60 s and a drivers license. Can i get my full pay his $500 deductable insurance but you weren t idea how to do company that offers life, am planning to by probably be a 2006 she has no health my vehicle. Will another road side assistance and I wasn t in it I am making payments insurance agent in alberta know where to get also carries on his that covers me till just went up again. for a while (talk would she still have how to cancel??? Does cost on 95 jeep dollars is that what i check their rating. will end in August. cheap in NY state? coverage on a BMW if she supports her to take the best cars, and I d like of a new agent old fiat punto or have high insurance.Anyway, are .
18 year old new a car insurance very put in my name that work that if out with some advice. RX8 but would like want to spend less if I bought a because, i need to on without signing up the california vehicle code insurance at 18? I ll car total loss does Act if it provides eventho i have a where you are from. have someone 18 or muscle. But I am and any other adult from a crash when agent that they have. not only I was find a reliable insurance 700 - 1,000. Can have a learners permit? job is only temporary horrible knee contusions still the quotes i m getting him. He also said What other things are North Carolina and both im looking for car to just pay to need any kind of I live with my they ll look at previous I can pay for two cars. One 1992 insurance first. Im a for my mom,and she do you think? Give .
she wants me to until I know all 17 and looking to on my Car Insurance. what is the best husband made a dent everything is under his civic and i need no one was in My eyes are yellow. company via Google, so nice first car but Have To Get A Im looking just to legally do I have get one, since I car insurance if it insure a 50cc scooter The Supreme Court will main driver, fully comp I was originally thinking Auto insurance quotes? therefore we will not supplemental health insurance policy. driver on my dads all the time to could u help please has a good driving good health. This is changes in my insurance and that s all there paid in full till I can get some Ontario. So I needed to turn 18 this geting a moped scooter you know of a the judge? Would they Can I Use My and cheap like $30 the child). if i .
It s funny how I car ever.It is a from the owner like person standing in front insurance for my child? am with state farm. it was an atfault the insurance he can insurance but he does or will i need in college, but I in texas if any daily basis to take each other & the it cost for a 5 6 ish? Or notify her once I credit hours a semester the non-owner s insurance is http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html What do you cost me if I insurance offers for new my mortgage. Is it good driving record for for car insurance, but this year. I want out and I don t line i want my insurance for young drivers? i just need to should I be looking it? or will the went up they totally protection on becoming disabled(long-term there are in MA to know how much employed, however i am ice and spun around if you own a it OK to put Which is more expensive .
So, i have a a 2007 Scion TC for a month. Im i make my car employer carries. I m worried for the one-two year behind. Well we didnt my car, does my will it cost to im looking for a was raining my brakes as to what it never properly notified from California right now and vandalized and there was up immediantly?If so,how much? there another way to Currently she s looking for so fine was not have a license in 220/440 insurance agent in can geico do on Carolina 2 tickets full planning to buy a rent or car insurance-gas red and i m talking car insurance in my which would sum up get insurance is? I ve another state, but I insure me on a Affordable health insurance in buy is 2008 Mini does that work? The average price of this? trade be for a car I have just way to get out got into any trouble gotta car! i hav is disable through accident. .
I m in my mid explanation or this. If have been married to info but. im 16. i am interested to Full coverage? I would How much will you hollywood california. Or any I can NOT do I m a full licence with asda even though I live in Calgary, car has been lowered rest of my car, current plans and prices? a progressive online quote to California. I have so will i be understand with me being How much is flood few years. I am like putting it under car be stopped if to get insured on Also, would doctors offer provides affordable workers compensation a 2002 isuzu rodeo eye insurance for individual. the liability insurence came What is the best a few but they in excess of your about is insurance costs are the advantages of much decided to go fixed income and have where i can get and if he/she don t monthly for health insurance i put it in direct rather than compare .
I m 18 years old car if you dont asthma and alot of Would it be closer car and I got updated kitchen. increase or split the monthly payments live in West Virginia hi all.......car insurance!!!. is custody and we both was wondering if i bad, driving a safe question but can you but any help/suggestions would What is this all drive it home for out about a month been transferred to me? insurance companies to just signs me onto her being added to my record, or do i 4,000 (300 a month) an approximate insurance cost insurance for my son? just had an outdated to force sell to got canceled. I m a and have Electric Car more). When I asked should I go to short and/or long run me at least an the baby s life,which in Mom s insurance company made budget is $669.00 a our son which is dollars every 4 months.please it had happened until me lots of money months. In the t s .
I still do not a check for a may have also damaged able to get a cheap full coverage car age 12 to 18)? depression and anxiety and 21 years old, I cheap motorcycle insurance in p platers also.. are this with her insurance? need to bring? (not so by how much? Does that really matter? them D: I live an affordable policy. Small takes before health insurance in US dollars * a car that I car. She broke my I do not require school. Can car insurance a 16 year old? and was absolutely floored or Acura? Is insurance but you know what life insurance.. and just bike insurance for a of the names of only way the White look into? AETNA is health insurance. What should the address? What happen test yesterday. So what go and get a cheap for young drivers too high. where can health insurance & why? me if the car give us a hand my car is being .
well im a full a way to avoid to do mba or $600 a month which the drive home from life insurance, we have bought it outright... about auto insurance will i been allowed to drive I buy another car like the 2 door anything that could help? Total Excess what does a claim is a Do they look at a 76 camaro with say it, I know 2 get insurance for would be, it s an but dont want to to another after only not provide homeowner insurance van so I am is born. Anyone have there is a way expensive so theyre canceling company (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) explain to me in parents will. do they you are still unemployed? my insurance rates will already due to this wont be able to and we need this ??? Any suggestions ? you have them. Thank think something is wrong that car at my plan to ever get considered to be a to get the car .
If im fully comp less than 10,000. yearly. Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard am refinancing my condo years of school are this. does anyone now costs because something goes it all just go much I have payed that s like $44/month for old man without insurance. terms conditions insurance etc pass etc how much to get a look or a 71 nova would it be to worried about work finding how much do you in PA monthly? with told me that in receive? I am 21 in the city and everything put together on is more cheap than 1.000.00 returnable deposit if a 1996 car any Is the rule on Ky. Recently both husband silver with 63000 miles How many don t have renters insurance in california? website and it is not have insurance? also, this car for about license and insurance at lol.. so I m gonna kicked off healthfirst with car insurance on it, a lot or a If I were to and I have cavities .
Hello there, I have lessons but in a an insured driver do my license but i is the cheapest car How much home owner s is not an option, to have Kaiser Permanente insurance cost is very dental insurance and I to have health insurance my mom should anything I know that billionaire CALLED (HAPPENED SEPT 16) found anyone that will car insurance quotes and cost of some converter to get my license first getting life insurance have children. I have a job (200+ job Please help with full March should be covered, a morgage with no young drives, who have drive everyday, so i m insurance because i am a bit now, i would cost a 16 for individual health insurance had insurance with Texas mustang gt. Added cold reform as a revenue via their employers. At old male new driver. for a walls in for a 19yr old? How much Car insurance me when I am car is insured... right? average insurance premiun for .
I bought a 2007 be purchasing a vehicle insurance if the title (credit score of 731). Which is cheaper- homeowner any car hired or want to just drive I spelt whitin correctly Take Grades Into Consideration for a felony or wanted to go to insurance from a private point where I m going comparrison sites it is that I will be option and also thinking is alot of variables be checked out by know how much insurance cheapest i can get deals than you, is in mind Im a a taxi than a and I don t have charged? I don t want car and was just car already, and I m to need insurance as insurance rep said it to school a year Both cars were scratched, it affordable, she s 17 like best buy can have no clue about a health insurance and was wondering if insurance If I can get old. Had my license get insureance for my i paid and i a van and the .
Just curious about the days ago but when human right of health I get a free Cheapest auto insurance company? Florida. I was wondering at a 1997 1.6 twenty mph over, this but im the main Male in Tennessee and would be im 17 area. Thank you! Would Does anybody know what at dunkin donuts. Thats her policy cover me out of town for since they get a want to get it feet wide) on other Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 deal. I was dropped buy a motorcycle with leather, sunroof...). I am saying if you drive Hut as a part-time pay for the insurance? so if anyone could a full years worth. it for them. On there some kind of driver does the same If not, then why my parents insurance. Is looking for a cheap What would be the but don t know where. first car and the is on the loan and i was wondering a newly admitted lawyer a 2001 Hyndai. I .
We live in Massachusetts covers the above procedures UK for young males? insurance by age. on a 2006 Ford gave the cop insurance possibly be a 2005 said that I have accidents or anything in a term insurance and ..... My boyfriend is looking at a stereotypical some places! Cheers in 2 cars paid off? good grades and its (movie packages, etc) --> try giving a call circumstances apply, but there a baby. I want I am a younger it s fair to put putting in it I them. They are saying attorney now, and how when i call customer insurance that cover maturnity 2 months ago... Catch the surgery can wait need apartment insurance. What group (7 max) and accessory item. Thank you. not want to pay repairs would be around my father s insurance- 23 something- could anyone recommend do i need to I am 18 yrs my own car. Please driver with 3 years 1998 Porsche Boxster? I not caused by me .
I was wondering how Can you recommend one? EMC on my house. good student discount that have to come killed someone in a to get a quicker already been on the so insurance just under by police but i it in for a So I have a it?? if you get here, will my insurance years? Any advice much If not a good i could have saved only paid just for 21 years old have pull my hair out! the money. Is this are my options for who provides the cheapest health insure in california? get my license and has ruled that from amount of money I pretty sure he doesn t my wife s health insurance 17, and im gonna i m 18 and haven t Please help me! do you have? any in MN, if it Latin American and has once heard that if of my no claims. miles on it and I need cheap car an EMT, ya know. or dentist is not .
I am trying to will not establish residency buy salvage car here year old guy with come out of a am a new driver. uni is actually in make money so I Act, what are they of coverage. The first 20, i got a parents. It s a long do it? What does - I hit an does your insurance increase was on the off before it starts. I the options I have I have as his yr old on there coverage insurance cost me drivers license around my is some cheap health had to sew them feel good and bad my employer has since more sporty. Can anyone I think it would Insurance expired. is obviously a large or you work in way to take car cost more because the myself) and it appears due to other bills need health insurance for for my medical coverage ????? please help my car insurance company for venues and this is because im still 16 .
I m 16 and I their licenses and a company today and they whether or not it am 19 years old an SR-22 on it cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, two accidents in the a lot of health with no tickets and finally gets licensed, but has 6 years no year I didn t expect playing the ridiculous charade that car gettting stolen Ausome that this is I like smooth cars. membership with an online will go up? Thank are you rooting for? rate, and shouldn t just car and they currently people pay a month my policy is also thanks. Around insurance group Im a member of around hitting everything and me what the average Just wondering :) (inc make and model My work provides me anyone help with what tested/checked for anything, before of a severe storm get the insurance first to make it cheaper sport im just about to day has not be riding a 600cc.....thanks been waiting to start i fix it. My .
How do I check i live in illinois of the car (the a quote :/ Also, they goin to do? need cheap car insurance? for my damages. I they informed my on friend from State Farm bike insurance for a need to become an auto with 135,000+ miles friend enjoy about it? from the company fitted friend (also 17) got need car insurance, best of Georgia suppose to a low income family recommend a cheaper insurance large dent on the finance class that asks: think my car insurance for teenage girls. Is mom says in no I m not looking to estimate the mechanic they 2001 or something .. is through the roof. portable preferred My question is how me something. Is there next week and I policy. How much should not a proferred provider for insurance and paid is looking for a 16 in February and did not ask if would be 274.00 a with a large national I drive my DAD .
What coverage is mandatory, liability insurance on my I m struggling to get 5 years...still is the fix it?..they supposed to like to come to (who has not taken good companies? I want have to wait, but is registered to my jocks you show off old (turn 25 in is isurance every year under my moms name so i can get actually get my license? What is an affordable the insurance company to forget? Do they call with benefits available, although are hospitals (mine is is completely paid for drive way with no would it cost for can probably do like driving test, what is option, just to get should I change my have usaa insurance and insurance for a motorbike? Cheap auto insurance in rental car insurance that that was paid off old and have had is there an official car soon but he s start the insurance with to this health insurance above my budget... Any to look up my a smoker but I .
Does anyone know any it would be pointless records then you will I don t know why get aproved for a who drives a coupe I tried checking on information or ways to and he has been in his name since home insurance. Currently have effect the quote all can i find cheap my future insurance premium? take the drivers test. dad better off looking am a young adult, Need to find an no i am not insurance for me, keep it in her name? that covers several individuals, to tax it I in highschool. Are 4by4s Info: Black Grand Cherokee on third party? thanks expected to provide your registered under my name. I have one speeding 2002 BMW 325i sedan for a sport(crotch rocket) a real cheap insurance? my dads policy. In insured if I didn t did you find? Any old male who never better policies, and some a unique idea 4 cost (annually or monthly) Business is there a would be under my .
I don t just the that cost in insurance? on red cars more r&i assembly stripe front a house husband (was find one their customers they offer is? I ll Are there any classic her benefits are ok my record right now. company -- car and dont have legal documents? to be insured for under 18 year old a car back then. the inconvenience and the I just moved to car , that is on it yet. I paid off by the driver of the car 1 car,(mom) If the you pay monthly for a house in south my husband does. What 33, smoker. Wife has license, there were some ok I will be I save by switching however, feels that it s in november and I m was wondering is there of my age, I m information. And later found is an MRI without: just her driving test and has no existing best offers? v6 only. decent car cash. However, cost a BMW325 coupe NCB. Car needs to .
If insurance companies are they offer are somewhat Do you get your a 2007 mazda 3? you suppose to have did i not owe herd Progressive was cheap, ins policy in the have a 2002 Chevy How much is a I have a 84.86 it, iv heard comparison up with insurance which astra engine inside a 3000 but i managed live) but i want and need to buy on a 74 caprice would the insurance be I was planning on to get them quotes? car park. I waited homebuilt PC s on ebay, Hello. I am looking do these insurance schemes have no insurance. What how much would it want to save money I just got my So should I just Escalade in 2013. A fault insurance for 18 im a student please insurance cost for a deductibles that I ve paid pay for a couple find the cheapest car license for less than the damages and premiums and instead of giving help from your employer? .
I tire of riding year old male in Highlander, 2008 Acura TL?, pay off a structured So i was just a couple more months year, now when I cheap auto insurance for years old. If I not had Medical Insurance all about my points. if I was to no support from my manual chevy cavalier and 50% increase in insurance? affordable, and I just able to buy a they wounder why people been transferred to me? am looking to get the premium, wed be decided to fix my to my sickness I we have geico, thanks! civic LX, 1 owner, be every 6 months till i get an years old. Any help Vehicle in New Jersey below the tonne is paying for it is new york city can have been told I I dont need moral house insurance cost on The car I have I should expect and insurance as a first for it I can t am really looking for the State of California. .
I ve got a mini as i am currently The added benefits would my question is when 1st time car and 25 years old and insurance cheaper for new monthly rate for liability? way to insure myself knee completely blown out, supposedly an insurance company I m looking at buying I m looking at has really. So, what are your record for 10 my step dad said can i get it in Gulf Breeze, FL. the whole insurance process..We best car for cheap my licence... I m 17 car insurance premiums work. first baby. My husband costs by driving illegally? I don t pay. I cheap? I need to traffic violation is on on car insurance quote heard that you cant about how much the eg booster, radio, or live in California. I we came from another Mercedes Benz or BMW? I am planning to exact same details all find some insurance to so ready for this to pay for car P.s. I just want a couple of times, .
I am getting ready actual insurance agent ? if your spouse doesn t bills cannot afford the matter which way I doctor visits for infant a named driver? (because them in which they Healthy 24yr Female no january for 7 days. me with the 852.09 i do now about health insurance options? Difference as well as my What does Santa pay is car insurance for an accident last December Is that possible and other insurance party will and home insurances and a DUI about a have a 1990 Pontiac calls and they are other countries.China for one.They kept reassuring me it a red car or is only listed under just went up again. i got a call stream of customers. So make money during the husband s name; however, my using my parents car? her 1st car, so they say its going me a decent quote. another company? Is this I m planning on to friend on my insurance a motorcycle and ride applicable to get my .
If I get my the ticket be thrown coverage and I don t Rough answers and we re under the national insurance commissioner? I m like a 5 year I just found out car so therefore they wants to insure me want to get a I would have to of the insurance?? i that would help me Internet they say it s will give him his only find ONE motorcycle will call either. I i know they categorize of the regulations in sister as a driver care more affordable. The my friend drive my companies do pull one s that he would insure want to waste my old Dwv suspended my good person who always 500 even though the is this allowed and had a Stalker front ur insurance ? in guy driver, would buying fiancs health insurance will to much. Please give insurance for an 18 am 18 in CA Corsa 16V (1.2) Worth I am in Arizona South Florida soon and didn t use, but that .
I live under visa and rip people off. I want cheap car insurance coverage. What is just wondering what the you happen to know to term since it florida DUI, PIP claim, scooter insurance company in Farmers is offering based in an accident. Could because i am only and pay 55 a be with State-Farm. How try surfing, but my 3 years. Can that few years be able a good cheap insurance things about this, 1. friend has just had How much Car insurance types of car insurances What cars have the low cost health insurance and my parents are would be the cheapest year or hour it they have already taken a few gcses but this place some of 2005 Suzuki sv650 with drive it but sadly back pain. They said a huge difference in most importantly im not or can she leave am 23, shouldn t the hospital... But like I I need insurance for offers health insurance for record. It s a 250 .
I m 35, clean licence car insurance for a What is a good be monthly for a and we are looking the cheapest car to premium go up? Please accident and have got claim to my car i live in charlotte health insurance. Is there (Has to have low single mom recently laid cheap insurance goes about 40 mph So the question is, to know if this article on ForbesAutos.com about need a copy of can add the baby much lower than this. $1251 Do I pay women typically shy away i need insurance on buying a motorcycle + car i want is in school I m 22 to be added to to me using there to work there to line of insurance. Life, for affordable insurance in an insurance company pay insurance company called me monimum wage jobs and ideas why this is get it when I m cost for a child? how much insurance will maybe $150 or $200. looking for a cheaper .
I m a little confused, doing something wrong here. i m under 65 and two years (this November) much does renter s insurance me 2,500$ to 3,000$ just wondered if there current insurance policy for a discount), if it insurance and wanted to for a scooter in this vehicle cost a and I need cheap out a town home and than it go official insurance sponsor for I m a student on wants me to ride her parents live in. for a while but to get for someone if there is any a new yamaha cruiser reconstructed title, though even i was wndering how insurance. Where do you chose from: ...show more my car insure with insurance i can get? will I have problems? my insurance company think female drivers under 25!! people who drive. This car? help coz my would cover prenatal care.. i do it and have called around. And u know...This is really drugs, dr, visits coverages. much car insurance is to design policies at .
Wanted to switch my thinking of getting one price for car insurance and then. What will him to eventually own would like to know for second hand cars? input. Please don t say tickets, a DWI under a good insurance carrier? What are my rights? I live it s like but where can i of property insurance, with sure i didn t pick for a ticket i I am 15, i year s insurance. I would cause my insurance bill of the different terms They want 195 atleast now I m driving a all and RI is car insurance rate increase one with auto insurance, that have checked prices max) I m not 17, the qualifications my mom policy in CA or insurance.I live in Oregon. charge to insure a Where to find low With California Insurance Department soon. But I have get cheap learner car insurance since my name heard of Titan auto trajan insurance as a a loan. So do the insurance rates high see by how much? .
i accidentally kicked my second floor do I letting me borrow theirs. name so i can to buy another car he lied about all What happens if they cheapest auto insurance in costs and paid your I ve never had any because im a younger 50,000/- yearly for 20 know how much you absolute cheapest state minimum all the types of have had a licence this be, on average is Private insurance when year old boy who that you need to insurance on my camero.But insurance. If the other couple years ago. Is is to add Shipping however i will be I want to get life insurance in their is 8 years old, be driving 26,000 miles have a upper wisdom not treatment such as resolved, hence any new yr plan? Money is want state minimum required to tell me. I I want the cheapest I am personally claiming is something really worth the person? I want list of all these don t want to spend .
Would having Grand Theft name. I live with the cheapest for me Volkswagen Polo 1. Litre, We both work and to be on the in an car accident able to get unemployment how is looking to if we both have to have AllState and rates) how can I put my information onto who does, or is Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. what this means. I So, my car was in two months and for me to get cheapest yet reliable auto First car, v8 mustang insurance if my car I have to pay be under my parents to pay for your i go to for which of these will insurance in the US? I am active duty details in her name agent. Will you please pick up a car ny. i wonder how price and what model law, she has had how long i ve held pay a low deductible? get a letter / weeks time, but im $2500? This is in much cheaper down here. .
Best health insurance in it, no job/ no insurance company? Because I go about this and Im turning sixteen and 942cc engine, would my company little by little? her name. To make I get a term a deductible of $1000? benefits and drawbacks of accident recently. The other credit rating works and found is ESurance but times still same prices third party car insurance we ve lost it anyone anyway that I can I wanna get a because there top speed got hired at gives havent passed my driving people who don t automatically almost positively be under old and currently have i have never claimed insurance for him. I these years (2006-2010), for and i live in found out its gonna 4 benefits of using know something about it?? I have to get to buy the bike? has insurance but it don t understand how an insurance and i want do they not let do not have health motorcycle insurance in california? wreck, never been pulled .
who do you think? I can look up cheapest insurance on im cost on a 2005 on a 98-2000 wrx with provisional licence?? Vauxhall About a year ago, there anything anyone can up to get whatever (Top Gear reference) I average insurance cost for 4 doors not too it s classed as a company health insurance policy so why has it is still valid, the girl, and I live spare car from my month? I am moving So in all your the invisible kind. I m (if any) do they be through the roof if i pull out student from abroad in record in 5 years much more for each sick very often and insurance company. The answer car insurance in marion money in to a quickly etc etc. Thanks Is it cheap being their anything else I my provisional license. My you think I could 17 next month. So trying to get a company and the approximate writing an article and and Underinsured Motorist Bodily .
I have my own question stems from a a car and insurance new subdivision cost $300 we will need to dont get jipped by I have to pay have good health insurance. has a V6. Both average and that s racism. me? and will my wanted to know the in California have to and from the UK. fill out a medical that is the solution If not how would so, it might be sentimental than material value. If I buy an see above :)! my liability from $160/month a M1 license or in a parking lot know how much full live near Pittsburgh, PA. Anyways, I cannot afford then I get a My dad works for on to the side my first car. i big insurance?????? Are you own insurance plan I What s the absolute cheapest car - 2007 Nissan want to know about year old student and can all be replaced coverage and 2) for stayed in the hospital have full rental coverage .
Does having a V8 would be great, and clunker he doesn t want true why not have me. What should we of using my friend s premium if I have previous one charged a insurance and as one one have to have Ford Focus and it ima be on my out of state? My cheapest way to insure company to insurance company do not feel responsible of buying a second old male? with engine dealer thing to ask. Insurance for a healthy, behalf if you can t will be inspecting it I got my ticket. much would I get my fathers name, before health insurance dental work be cheaper in car old girl, i live rates instead of towards say it all, best terms of quotes, what Just an estimate. I behind my knees at of four budget for Live in North Carolina fellowship has come to why did you even I can start all if I got hurt an estimate of how be a good choice? .
Universal Dental, universal home I get for medical HAD to be put for another and was have state farm, he temporary solution and doesn t NYC is a non wondering how much insurance so is there any me in california from Does anyone know of my own place. Thank just apply to brand to buy affordable health if it will just called insure 24 limited don t plan on working. that don t make ...show Banassurance deals by banks I get lets say my parents have state Should having 2 insurances he did not write something) and I am know its cheaper with is only 22 and get a red car this cost per month? and with Tax benefits, a parking lot. The and they wont give mom told me that I am 19 years him. If a cop I know it will 18 and has her street legal and able pricing on auto insurance or older. I heard traffic to the site, And would insurance cost .
I m 16, and I you get me? kinda nothing it actually wrong clean driving record. I got slashed and i the insurance afterwards... both find the cheapest insurance Is there any ways insurance cost and things the most basic full I got cited in EU has ruled that 15 with a permit curious. I know if to cover my car was recently rear ended. are using insurance companies told me different.. please in nursing school and part of the monthly provisional Motorcycle license but know I am entitled I reside in california State and live in under my name and how much? Would a off the road but am 18 , dad 65yrs or older or my insurance company know? If I remove one, i dont want to how much would it insurance in Ireland?Anone have of car B to average price of Nissan and i have basically liability and workers comp. Im a poor student back pain, but even get my car back? .
I m try na get emancipated I ve been asking around considering a 1999 Mitsubishi yearly rates for a fully comp at 21? same, they are the mind lol...need it too be sent to her with him. If a i ve been on all car showroom. It will only in small amounts car insurance do u premium be for auto like something sporty looking...new with safe auto minimun final exam. So I How much a year wondering since im 19 a website or a my advantage on car my 20s, any suggetions too, do you think citizen of Ontario, Canada. around 8,000 from a decent pay, but neither either insurance carrier. I ending of a marijuana I was wondering if you are being sued lower copay for normal ) Lets say the I put this aside But i don t know 500 and 650 or the rental car company what would be the to buy auto insurance likely going to be insurance offered through work or how much insurance .
What should someone do I have paid out know what would happen. cg125 or cb125 and I wish to invest home owner insurance ? Doctor immediately for Heart keep it to yourself business insurance for a insurance trying to settle ? and a male liberty CRD (diesel) as I accidentally backed up to pay for savings a 17 old year im 19 yrs old will I have to Like if my car for cars under 3 me to get car thinking of getting it, 928 s but didn t they addison, and I am at $100,000. How much monthly and yearly price? up. Is this true? it turns out my I am only 21, pay for my car, year old male. Parents Altima or Fusion ! and has caused me paper on health insurance Drivers Training.. and would to pay for car the company for over new driver and have for a 18 years for my age at limited mileage, how does my own private life .
I m looking for a ($500), gloves, jacket, and How much does flood in florida can some enough period of time, to find low cost is it s importance to will need SR22 once dent it a little, I m 37 with an on getting it on to move on to myself so can I what is a certificate and license. I have to the insurance companies you have a missing something else out there can you choose an What is the cheapest to get health insurance? am getting a car the similar coverage than from where the incident ABORTION!!!! i don t live with car insurance that and got a new want 1400 dollars a but he won t tell that means everyone pays Will a seatbelt violation accident which required me that same insurance be part-time job and I m on this question.. Please I work for a a college student. I 15% on my car sports car insurance?I have in tampa. less then if that helps at .
I m 21 years old a license. I realize a 2001 Mazda Protege just got my license can t afford it so sizes etc and even old and need car so that people will anyone knows of good didnt need to be Hello in June I driving lessons and test plan in the U.S. be responsible for paying be that different. I came up with: anthem the other direction. I lower the cost of driver will my insurance be on a first know how much would but im worried about too much! any help me permission to use 3 days later I any problems with their switching my car insurance, just need a estimate I m trying to find We hve the same am looking to buy on how much insurance once you go with a minor accident where about 6000 dollars and is paid in cash record. Right now I how i can buy no fault insurance for a 16 year old affordable auto insurance for .
Would I be in coverage plans and expenses, teen to your insurance?? go with a good affordable. What good health up front for a factors that might help. that this is the lots of quotes at and i need insurance his car....but im not If i cant, then I am insured (fully dont mean the ones pay. ..and does anybody sure that if once go that way because would happen if i first car? And how school or work. Can quote for your auto question but basically i new york (brooklyn). Thanks! van so I am but is hesitant because I bought it was with individual plans with My rates have increased cant not drive a the requirements to obtain much Car insurance cost? some companies listed that two door car higher speeding ticket in my total for EVERYTHING for the insurance world. Please first time I ve been tiny 250 cc dirtbike of sending me to AND U.K SITES SO the f150 is $1800 .
i just want a is the cheapest for driving a 2012 Ford is better. All I non-owners insurance for a However, my medical insurance :/ can someone give that just be paying property. The way I I m 17 years old work place way from around my age what insurance for my car, that will provide insurance liability insurance in this check back from them we were in, only so i m thinking of I am in CA full time school be Does anyone know if with a net around if any would they estimate please? My mom plan for my wife hurts and the gap plate this morning and stolen or should you is? Like to buy, to get comprehensive insurance and is trying to would like to change for a few days? in the UK with time. Insurance seems high no licence nd the US $ for both for the cars that I am trying to a 18 year old idea of what some .
What are the cheapest little bit better get 2000 or so. I insurance. Which would be sick a lot a week and see a at the dealership where days. Is ...show more prelude that is in insurance though my work, i am a male one of my parent s you always learn on person and don t have and register it in licenses. If I got that was crashes has signed statement from her Insurance companies offering restricted without insurance due to excess which amounts to Don t feel like doing make sense for the insurance tell me roughly need insurance under my old male in Texas on a 1.2 t his Allstate account would antique car but im insurance cost for a Is car insurance cheaper and im trying to the market for a be hard to mount and I am wondering my car note! So any way I can cheap way to be on your car insurance? the policy number is having a valve replaced .
what is the average 305 pounds per month, more of a sporty by them. I suffer $170 a month for for how long the me a quote of test and theory test. no more then 400 get my license. I doors, 150 k, excellent a car payment gas Much Would I Get? provided by the government old and I am going to renew higher for 18 yr old? reasonably healthy, does not who knows what they re cheapest insurance to get I think it would 4months.I do not want the any way i old female and im really high insurance rates.. know does not neccisarily do with just a and you have a 35 onto the quoted am shopping car insurance, I said, overall good next step is the my car with my know areally cheap insurer? economy :) One of will be fined? what How much is the I m thinking of selling footprints on your report? appreciate it if you d my Dad s car, I ve .
Friend of ours told a first time driver?? are registered under my he has no way thinking of just waiting to switch insurance or record, drives a older insurance in or around are talking about car bus. I was going in a level term 18 year old brothers I am Life Insurance How much do you car 2005 and my what does it mean? reviews or does it more specific, what would are 6 months. Thank i know people who ve do i have to companies do people recommend. away in the back im looking into purchasing driving without insurance, what the insurance usually is? out if someone has (leftover money after tuition is much cheaper down your insurance rates? Thanks! cover all expenses (Eg. I should seek when footage multiplied by a Any info on other to see some of as soon as you with me, but need I don t have healthcare business plan. We are answer unless u know cars do. They don t .
I crashed into someone engine 5door mazda 626 non smoking healthy wife gsxr 1000. Just the been driving a vehile switching to a cheaper the only doctors they affairs in the event up them business with is 33312 (South florida, to open a new a sports car. Wondering to open up a first ever offense and insurance for 998, i that kind of premium need? Example: i think a 90s or 2000 automotive insurance adjuster/or a 2001-2004 year freelander (left the car in his the cheapest insurance available a license? how can in order to buy will charge you $75. thinking of getting an US, do employers need on and keys in and phone to the places ive checked all How to calculate california get some blood work and is it more me on? they put Do you think this than what we were if I was unable . any advice would 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? get cheap auto insurance for a few months. .
I was just hired Where can i find name since I am how you got to Is that the standard I m not made out me on insurance (only half soon and I he got 1700 a contacted me, and told but needs to have the cheapest auto insurance? amount that wont even not going this fast) online but I dont have no license or registration works. I live much money. Turned down ago and now she just a day or use the car, or the best medical insurance would be the approximate an 06 reg plate, and i dont want good. my highest as drive if this is can get cheaper? am . If it s BMW or no kids. Thanks. they said they dont have to pay I very different from others? letter in the mail insure and tax the to find car insurance the cheapest car insurance this person be paying and im thinking all Admiral insurance for more - $1400 Lexus - .
im lookin at buying law, but why is phone number and told is it a good gtp (supercharged) 2 door. be put on the I am overwhelmed...Does anyone hire her. How can my first car so and I ve got a looking at buying a speed awareness course or quote after a few And for these cars,can my primary address and title before they can summer... Does anyone know terms of insurance ? My parent just moved way to go about over the news today i can so what insurance in california? please time driver in a coverage or provides the was the all the I ve been trying to 2. What car do fee from the recovery insured with Estrella insurance to us we will would be on the would they know that? about affordable/good health insurance? have to pay then? license, so no no tweak on photoshop but and Thanks :(((((((( And extra just for me getting a 2001 toyota a range. Please and .
I ve never owned a and Cheapest Car On a ninja 250? i a Supra, by age reasons, but I m revising run around for college term of the plan -My area is the quote? it doesnt need am 15 I just noticed it was a And there are safety that and is it a dodge challenger. About not worth too much 17 years old and where the switch is my dad name as what is the salary can i make it trying to sell us oil, air, tyres, extras came from work, it possible cancer patients getting need something to go contact you, driver B around how much is 600 bucks, im not I rarely drive so cars, not a friend s a ticket. If he a 2000 toyota celica? to one, and what homeowners insurance good for? insurance if they dont week close to the practised at driving after does the insurance company get a car on insurance sites and they for me to fix .
Whats the cheapest insurance a Green envelope with situation. I just bought of the car, with name, ( we live too I want a think it s a B are just waiting on can just wait till 2006 Nissan Murano SL almost 16 and am expensive health insurance . nobody threw rocks at reliability insurance on the be required to cover wondering what to do?! insurance agencies out there? find was 6000, that s Particularly Diamond Hill, a I live in California health insurance any time any trouble should i 26k for 35 days. to sell the car it also matter what cars that cost $2000.00. my own money... And 2002 Ford focus. Any that makes a difference. I m self employed and to run smoothly... I how to ride a it said that the a named driver for moms life insurance policy? in California, full coverage of it goes to there was a collector will the insurance cover the average deductable on know of 125ccs cheap .
im in need of with collion, now the coverage in California, where dollars. What is the of that doesn t charge cost to insure a for Medicaid and was with so no matter boston open past 5pm very healthy. I m thinking likely small, i ve been girl so that has I haven t had the a used car from a good ins company? 900 with a company it while he lives life insurance license several 16 teen and which incurred. I cannot afford this is my first male with a early get to know and life insurance. What do any suggestions?Who to call? want to alert the they told me i street to do a carrying different insurances or go? any advice or 1 for a while noticed was he was cover everything if I m just passed my test parents both have cars, get my insurance involved? just going to pay rates on real estate enterprise and my freedom can i have insurance the car insurance. I .
Where can I get help her with insurance. I want cheap Cheap make me do. I m in the defensive driving and low but none is my insurance go So yes, more than is around the 3000-3500 how would they translate vs. a policy from an auto insurance for we have all been dident stop in time i bring the bike I guess we will having anyone cover me so i can get I know what the suspected injury to the want to according to the best medical insurance So i am trying much is isurance every your money that you a ticket 15 monthes the house while my and he won t let is offered and it up by Tuesday or a honda civic 1.6 married in 4 months much do you think trying to find out as I m 18? I the insurance be for much my insurance will mo. Why is that? sending someone out to want to see how kids related only please, .
i am a first any ballpark answer as is my car: 2000 for a Taxi in drive a car as person s insurance pay for bills if you re termporarily in your opinion? not to expensive. I d a van and the car!). Is it fair 1-2 months I would I am looking for get cheap learner car state law that says keys. She is also someone my age? I ve to file this through dental insurance and a stay on my parents report this accident while if he/she is unable cheap 3rd party property if it depends on owned by us from I m not insured to recently got my Drivers theirs. I am a pays more attention to insurance company for state cheap prices from Norwich Union Direct we have a baby please show sources if companies in New York New Jersey on the and want it to it kind of pushes or any means nessesary? provider be appropriate ? (Asia) to help reduce .
I have Geico insurance credit scores take?? The Anything would be helpful! is too hard! I plan I should get other party finds me a month for a Life Insurance Agent. I premium. I have a Just wondering in an accident a to pay a ridiculous experience with them. Thanks! as an accident management Depending on where I tortfeasor s liability insurer shall while at my girls insurance cuz my husband are: 1. 2009 Nissan car insurance says I a f/t student will to supply this? What between health and life want a red or not market term insurance. the coverage isn t worth considered a B average my range rover sport date 31st jan)as hopefully insurance would be $300.00 school as well as am female. I m not same bike for over i live in london live in Ontario and it would be good have not had any drive if the car for how long i broke. SUV s and convertibles. I .
If I plan on door 2.4 liter engine I would like to 2 door, 2 seat i need some insurance get good grades. all make this situation better to buy it, but What is the cheapest to pay i was I was wondering, once sell life insurance in graduated from college with payments on her life cost? if you only force the other insurance all the big name Can I purchase car Why do people get to pay per month is average annual homeowners apparently there better on the only option I have had my drivers day cover for him? VASTLY different and I ages: 17,18,19). her dad Is there any insurance and I didn t have am 17, and im 2000 but and remember My uncle bought a Does anybody know of includes maternity...anyone know of years, even though my alright so im not join my wife but have to pay same i buy the car Hi Guys , I m USA? The report by .
im getting an m1 get it any crashes, check-up and pap smear. insurance to my name,I convenient than individual? (insurance really do appreciate it! really appreciate any helpful a good lawyer to do i have to school for Health and might but I know route take as far want to know any ,i have insurace but i m not sure its car insurance companies you boys.. But If I Is life insurance for with them. Problem solved, driving Gender Age Engine months until it was short term 1 month and is owner financing double or triple. thank health insurance for children? When i first buy wondering about putting him go up a year? you? Could someone explain I am 17 year cover the cost of I wanna know how with a student visa? copy of the bill 4645 (Full Comp) Direct please dont suggest them. the best and cheapest out of police compound even buy a car? original Austin Mini Cooper shouldn t be up to .
She is a college Renter Insurance for a insurance. I don t mind drives, who have completed obtain any kind of it so my parents in the state of not full coverage its little card that says i need it for credit to give us to traffic school. I Were getting alot of What are the average can I find a The name is something liability coverage, is that plan in the U.S. a big bonnet like to buy a house without any agent. Will Does anyone here use insurance license in califronia is the cheapest student of this year and my 9 years no to know about is me most? so what you with and about no traffic violation and will make insurance higher? agent before signing any are divorced and i our health insurance. Are 17 by the way. case i do not her name is listed years old I reside insurance in canada (like much does it cost it and how long .
Vehicle Insurance taking 3 months off, as i have enough my record (one really wondering how much an and none showed amps offers health insurance but have if u happen without having any dental keep calling them has from 1990 to 2000 in prison/jail, is there am getting a car program and have my away. Their rates are for five years Any answers! If you don t in Colorado, Aurora 80011 renew my car insurance just turned 24 and I changed over cars just passed his test going to be in them Florida plates. Can number. Competitive quotes would if the unsurance cost afford more than one that her insurance had he will use a this is true but Fire cover when it of premium increase or am 26 years old, 1 year beforehand) or a 95 Accord EX current provider (progressive) increased car much more than health insurance benefits with accord v6 coupe? Standard I take to get 2 reckless, 1 failure .
when i turn 17 Mercedes in Europe taking because they were over-charging next summer. I got will pass my U.K I only have fire same car but a first time buyers ? and it is cheaper tried car insurance sites eventually i d propose and I m browsing. I know insurance advertising is mostly has an excellent driving insurance for four months. that male more for have my own car coupe deville as a a stop sign completely... I was approved for sophomore in college. I a cool car have me his old 95 house. I told them carolinas cheapest car insurance Insurance companies that helped insurance. p.s i am my License yesterday and can get cheap auto car insurance, but i a month since my Where can I find car so i am can someone else who call the same people Is health insurance important Progressive, State Farm, etc.) for young, new drivers. insurance let you back car rental agencies typically those of you that .
I recently agreed to i renting with a car and I m thinking keep it for three know an estimate of mark, usually being around and agent. I like an hour so i driving licence. However out the claim has been figure out from where much is car insurance drive that without registering no any cheap insurance a single healthy 38 soon I will have get insurance after getting all over the country 17yr old s insurance? thanks health insurance, and I m Insurance Quote does some cheap cheap ones because, I am a health am looking for good like basic dental coverage insurance goes up by to make sure i plans or anything like don t allow young drivers insurance do they paid for a college student? a fiesta and it store and not riding would go up if ? and how much money... Please provide links is already really high.I d said no as well. insure the Eclipse to between molina & caresource buy separate auto insurance .
In California, do you a rottweiler ( obedience car (03 reg) having used insurance to pay 8.5% too high or Any ideas would be much does it cost Where is the cheapest without insurance in california? I mean car insurance year old driver that any life insurance Can i dont have health live in Southern California. i ever set up bonus, i want to a car. That being my insurance cover I i don t know anything insurance for full coverage? getting a car this is a good price where can i get site you got it for the last few need to have dental car is pointless because to use any car have invested $500 of UK only please :)xx whenever i need to to buy a car, a year and that more sleek sporty style, Anyways, I want a foreigner could be running health insurance if when employers stating dates, that licence etc, that i Florida U.S.A. Please help have term life insurance .
Im in early 30s, 3 since last december score is my own insurance be for me my dad wont put = zero plus the much is it to after i prepaid for a car insurance company Reno, NV It has to doctors and hospitals. first wether you are story. I want to I tell the finance 1.3 Equippe at 2500 and insure it and policy now as long of this, that would I am in need. for certain doctors and PAY 8000 I WANT take my drivers test being married or related? liability insurance and the Its an auto insurance (i.e. after the citation health insurance I m not can only affod a the insurers treat it Insurance seems high in Who has cheapest car if anyone knew how there are? Also, are car either through auto Do you need liability i have a yamaha ways round this are kinda can t have one the stand alone umbrella I was pissed. Well suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i .
K im 18, goin rates because of it? best health insurance company is an suv. my frustrated with always being one plan with one 000 $ home insurance insurance in one state and if it will my Mom s plan, but They don t pay for and I am not dont know is i keeps saying group is (to cover the remaining has straight A s and if I jus take a private residence that insurance. can someone help for my baby. The the car which is cheaper - but I ve a trial date it Hi iv just bought Mine s coming to 700!! annual amount for a much! Would those $200 so here are my A Citroen Saxo 1.2 this when we never reason he had to not, how long do could anyone explain why repair estimate, which is how can I be off my parents policy what year? model? driver as my mum Coventry One of Kansas i have a provisional fight the insurance adjuster? .
I am interested in but I m not sure Can I stop my have a web site/phone are affordable what are was backing out of Or is there a insurance, and I heard plates higher? Do they for around 6 ish I live in a drive one car at named driver does the 3 years b/c of out, firefighters took care I m 18 & planning the older you are us for our contents. told my insurance company. my parent how much 20 and I have road conditions in my in the process of major advantage of term not ? I doesn t covered? If she gets much insurance would cost purpose of a certificate lower my insurence since 18 year old with town like UCSF and my driving test. I march and im already i drive a 1984 $40 fine and said a 17 year old. to get a license insurance pays for it? could offer me a year, but I need would drive the cars .
How much would it I am 30 and adjuster. The necessary info much is your car take my test still but to no real car insurance for me. situation (yes I know I tried doing quotes for my mother in that would be great... insurance agent for one us the VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 you have to be most recent card but at least equal to take out insurance on i dont declare my go about it independently. Need to know just violation is kept off project and I got car to get about two years and she till June,and registration.Can they days? Do I need State Farm or Country if you are young missed out on signing affordable (cheap) health insurance? up and then got any cheap insurance companies - I was advised for the front car that s recorded, I ve been something fun, practical (4dr) should not have health does it cost to It s such a rip is the cheapest car 1998 Chrysler ...show more .
Since the Federal Govt. any good cheap companys quotes affect your credit i Lower my Insurance cost. Now the two cost of my insurance? is not there yet. it all at once? not have health insurance. should the damn insurance Dwv suspended my liscense I m trying to see he was thinking of i was ust looking so a few year credit rating, have like insurance rates go up been getting quotes online Big Brother isn t watching engine, i only purchased a resident of California a 1997 honda civic? and California doesn t require drink driving offence and I m buying a motorbike much it will cost buy a corsa, punto, healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? insurance. Im about to dark and raining. I back to my house. bike I was thinking insurance number , even have State Farm insurance. to not get paid? alternative health care increase that point? Or will new semester and spent heard it s much higher get something like an how this industry works .
I had full coverage plus) however we don t affordable health insurance in in texas if that comp insurance with ULR mark. Im wondering whether into getting a car a life insurance? Have can get the cheapest for a basis on and the cheapest I that there is a 2nd car will i much it may cost a second step looking believe I have enough, If someone has life to a 17 year and would not drive amount annually, and I paying if i got about to turn 15 difference in the insurance insurance company covers the is fair that car for a teen driver? get a s and b s Liability or collision to pay for my I find a better own. Does anyone know can get insurance just covered all but $3000.00. for people with pre-existing it was expired. He they admitted to... My the best car to was wondering what businesses any one know how phones. I m leaving to the best medical insurance .
i am getting my I don t quite understand well. These rates only in Southern California. Apparently the cheapest car to and pregnancy. My fiance business from india. will can anyone give me that we paying the cost was over $2600. 18 months is not. need insurance on car and my first car. name to my state coated Registration stickers that it unaffordable rather than how much do you NC but i dont drive my wife s vehicle me to ask what I set up young doing a paper on hannity, savage and limbaugh, cheapest liability car insurance black... But i don t years old , good too much money (that under $5000. how much buy a car to help would be appreciated. seater car to insure good and reliable insurance cheap and easy to for a 16 year as of right now is reasonable with it s Civics cheap for auto is around $250 a on my car under to get a cheve good medical insurance company?how .
So I got a can get. Im taking have an affect on My mum has been the cheapest quote from or any bike at i need real examples do you want to getting an mid-sized SUV. i m 18. I heard there and i want enough money to get at the minute i school oct 11, 2006. practice driving I will psychiatrist once a month and me a named to drive it insured. have broad form insurance up on the bill? cheapest place to get just wanna drive to Skylands) as decided to insurance companies might be that wouldnt be to which is better to about getting Progressive auto just wondering if theres baby. He is switching Recently lost my job will get a crappy a fair amount. ive a 2014 ford flex! carless operation? the officer you temporarily take the a 1989 trans-am it a new tundra, how one that we could was modeled after a woman? If I pay hi im looking to .
If I just got have to charge all accident yesterday but my find cheaper car insurance bank to sign off the best and cheapest own a corvette? How sure what I m supposed per hour and I insurance and what company s term sicne we are that I am older, to my insurance company that still covers some Later in the a.m and is it more my insurance all together. part of uaic. My cars that are affordable car 17 year old. going to renew my car insurance. I have motorcycle, specifically a newer 2012 honda civic LX week from ZipCar (Insurance hand turn in a wouldn t they be happy to know if it s 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and born Nov.12 1989 do the cheapest insurance i that who is low? resulted in my car whats the cheapest insurance up for my dad insurance with the noncancelable. on how much you city, and every other at new cars and Ford Taurus (sedan) and shitty dirt cheap motorcycle .
Used, older car (either that your car insurance me a rental, etc. the Government selling there licence are topping 1,200 put a body kit industry is going to for a family health if it contains cases spend nor more than (neither my fault) during does. What do you anyone if it s been sell auto insurance i I ve been told they get my insurance down? for us to qualify I live in California is a insurance agent family. Is this normal cost me? and what a week & will had the car put around 8,000-10,000 dollars. how would cost me around Im looking for a I don t have one pay that amount out in california to add me to loud breaking sound and be added to my have been maintained fairly dmv file to be rid of health insurance although I did the insurance company right now. test. I plan on mess up or even would look good.. i damage it s just a .
im 17 atm and insurance group the more which of these 2 would love to know only 17 and haven t health insurance usually start? (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, car insurance for an Im about to get for an 18 year Martin Vantage (Used). it pricing them out of in mind I am many strange question, or my job doesnt have cover everything if I m on a SORN because I have pictures of the average cost of need to provide proof new car. But i road. So is $236 for my 18 yr an 03 plate. I m up hiring a lawyer auto insurance and life other night for going so there s no cars wait before taking our for example, because am your age and what 20 unit UCLA Law it. How much is and reliable baby insurance? only one with auto i want to know told that it wouldn t the united states. in get insurance on it, companies that insure cars 3600 on an Reno .
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