#i love found family trope so much
getousmaid · 1 year
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"From now on, let's stay together like this forever. Let's eat together and live our lives together forever."
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"omg there was only one bed" and if the bed-sharing was familial? if it was platonic?
what about going to a parental figure's room after a nightmare and being comforted late at night?
what about found families cuddling on the couch under lots of blankets?
what about friends showing up at obscene hours of night to crash at their house because it's a safe place for them?
what about siblings sleeping on bunk beds or in separate rooms but end up sharing one bed anyway because they need to know that the other one is safe after a traumatic experience and their other siblings wake up before them and take pictures of them cuddling to tease them later?
what about reluctant found families or reluctant friend groups having to share a bed and as they drift off to sleep, surrounded by these people who they didn't want to get close to but ended up not only caring about, but trusting and relying on, coming to the realization that they would do anything for them???
what about platonic intimacy and being able to rest and rely on your loved ones because you trust them? what about that? huh???
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mwrapplz · 3 months
can we plz talk about how yosano, ranpo, and kunikida are siblings raised by their cat obsessed dad?!?
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ranpo is the oldest but doesn’t act like it.
yosano is the chaotic middle child.
kunikida is the youngest but acts like the oldest and takes care of all of them.
and fukuzawa watches them from a distance smiling.
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god I love them.
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wishingly-mesh · 6 months
Choaking on muffled sobs clinging onto Kuai liang top, Tomas cries. Warm hands are around him but he can barely register it. He holds his brother like one wrong move will mean he disappears too. He’s scared of what would happen if he lost him too, he can’t loose another family. Not like this, not again.
Tomas cries, so does his brother. For one night they let themselves cry.
tee hee! I Hope you guys like this silly thing!!!!! Eat up :3
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hadollam · 1 year
i kept seeing this meme with obi wan and anakin but i think this is just as fitting🤗 my blorbos🤗🤗🤗🥰
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draculasfavoritewife · 10 months
Summary: Traveling with the Mandalorian was always going to create false impressions -- if only they knew what he was like behind closed doors.
Pairing: Din Djarin x fem!Reader
Warnings: Reader being a bit of a tease, implied smut, heavy sensuality and SOFTNESS! Din is a bit of a soft dom (according to me).
So I came up with this idea on a road trip last year, when I read a theory about the concept of Mandalorian celibacy, and the dialogue generator in my brain went off the rails 😁. My personal headcanon is that while Mando is not a full-on dom like I've seen some write him, he does like to be somewhat in control so yeah.
*Translations of less common words/phrases in Mando'a at the end
You knew something was wrong the second he entered -- or rather,  stormed into -- the small room in the inn your little crew was occupying for the night. Normally even when fully armored he can move with surprising stealth, stalking his prey like a wild nexu on the prowl.
You've always wondered how he manages to not clank like a droid wherever he walks.
Now, though, none of that control softens the thud of his heavy footsteps as he passes you without even so much as a greeting and aimlessly unpacks his gear, taking no care to muffle the clatter of his personal arsenal before he chooses his pulse rifle to dismantle and start cleaning.
You approach him cautiously, noting the deadly sharp motions of his gloved hands and the stiff angles of his shoulders. He's quiet, much too quiet, only the crackle of his tight breaths sounding through his vocoder.
"Want some help?" you ask, keeping your own tone warm and flashing a brief smile at his gleaming helmet.
Undeterred, you delicately pull his EE-3 carbine from the mess and seat yourself cross-legged near his feet, expertly taking it apart and starting to lovingly free it from the layers of buildup caused by frequent use.
A side glance reveals that his shoulders have loosened slightly, rolling forward as a longer breath drags from his lungs. He's not angry at you, as your unsolicited presence actually seems to have calmed him a tiny bit.
The pair of you work in the quiet for some time, only disturbed by the child whenever he toddles up to one or the other of you to eagerly show you some new insect he's found in the dust of your temporary lodging quarters.
"So," you finally say casually, not taking your eyes from the detailing of his rifle as you finish your task. "Want to talk about what's got you in such a snit?"
He snorts. "No."
"Din," you finally look up at him then, and see his head tilt towards you as it always does when his true name leaves your lips, "you know you don't have to shoulder everything yourself anymore. We're partners. I'm more than capable of carrying my share. What's happened?"
"It's nothing like that," he grumbles, his visor flicking away. "Someone just made me angry, is all."
You wait, opening your arms and lap to Grogu as he squeals and reaches for you. Din's already said more than he probably meant to, which means there's more coming.
You just have to wait for it.
He doesn't keep you waiting long, to both his surprise and yours. You've been wearing him down with your patience lately, it seems.
"Some piece of bantha fodder in the cantina made a comment about you after you took Grogu back up here," he mutters. "He had the GALL to ask me what I pay you."
You hear leather protesting as his dangerous hands clench into fists.
By what he leaves unsaid, you know the implications of the remark meant something much different than simply a relationship of business employment.
You blink up at him, oddly more touched by his rage towards the scum who would suggest such a thing than bothered by the story itself.
"If we weren't already trying to keep a low profile here, Cyar'ika, I would have stuffed those words back down his vile throat until he choked on them."
You rise to your feet, Grogu still cradled to your chest, trying to deny that you find his threat on your behalf so arousing. "Well, I can't decide whether to be insulted or flattered. I never thought I could pass for a courtesan."
"You're not helping" he tells you dryly. "And you know that's a load of bantha."
With a grin, you take the child to his little bed in the next room, and place your palms against the Mandalorian's cool beskar breastplate when you return. "I'm sorry for joking about it, ner'cyare. And I'm sorry you have to hear people speculating about our relationship. I wish they could keep those thoughts to themselves."
Letting your fingers drift upward to tug on his cowl, you add, "But it's not even as bad as what someone said to me while I was getting food for Grogu."
He goes rigid. "Tell me."
"Some old guy gave me a pitying look when he saw I was with you. Came over and basically said something along the lines of, 'Best to give up sooner rather than later, Sweetheart. You know those Mandalorians...they're CELIBATE.'"
Din's left speechless for a moment, and you can almost imagine his eyes blinking in shock.
You shrug carelessly and step away from his body, crouching down to reorganize his weapons where they lie forgotten on the floor. "It's just a rumor, Din. Since our people pick up foundlings all over the place and have so many rules of conduct. The galaxy's just jumped to the conclusion that our people don't actually engage in...intimacy, of any kind. I used to hear the same thing said about me, before I stopped wearing the armor."
He's quiet again, thoughtful as he draws the curtains across the window, shrouding the room in shadow. You allow a wicked grin to curve your lips for a moment, confident you've rerouted his focus from his earlier outrage.
A muted clank tells you he's removing his beskar now that it's dark.
"I hope I didn't offend you by relaying that story," you sing-song into the shadows behind you.
As soon as your guard is down, a pair of long arms has you in a durasteel grasp and you're lifted from the floor and tossed onto the bed before you can even make a sound.
"What's brought this on?" you half-laugh into his bare chest as he all but smothers you.
Hot lips tease your throat and rough hands crawl up your spine beneath your shirt, making you arch into him for more and wrap your legs around his hips.
"I'll show you who's celibate," he growls close to your mouth, punctuating his words with a kiss that hints at teeth. "Someone's asking to be reminded."
"Teach me a lesson, then, ner'alor," you hum into his hair, reverently inhaling the smell of leather, sweat, and smoke that always saturates his skin. Most times he protests your use of such an authoritative term for him, but when he's riled up, you know that some deep dark part of him likes it.
He needs no further urging, and soon both of your respective annoyances are long forgotten in the throes of bliss.
Much later, when the flames have cooled, you lie tangled together in the sheets, his head resting on your chest and your fingers lovingly working the knots out of his thick hair. As much as you yearn to someday look upon the face of the man you love so deeply, you can't deny that the darkness gives a gift of true closeness you might never have known in the seeing world. The flicker of his eyelashes against your skin and the way his now-tranquil breaths warm your body are enough in this moment, and no amount of credits could ever persuade you to give this up.
"Your helmet has really made a reptavian's nest of your hair this time, my love," you observe as your fingers catch in his curling locks for the umpteenth time.
"Mmm, most of that mess is your doing this time, Cyar'ika." Din's voice is husky, as it always gets when he's on the verge of sleep, but he sounds more at ease than he has in days, and you allow yourself to hope that he'll sleep through the night tonight, that his body will actually let him fully rest for once.
"At least I can undo that with time. I'm afraid once daylight comes, my new skin pattern won't be so easily hidden." You have a few suspicions already of where the bruising evidence of his zealous kiss blossoms across your flesh, and as you prefer to dress much lighter than your armored companion, such adornments do not go unseen.
"You love wearing my mark." There's the barest hint of smugness underlying his tone. "Don't try to pretend otherwise."
"...Alright, I won't." You reach down to toy with his mythosaur necklace, letting the tips of your fingers flit down his torso and feeling him pull you closer in response, his own hands settling into their place at the top of your hips. "Whatever other people might say, Din Djarin, I love you. Never doubt that."
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Mesh'la."
You're about to drift off, there in his embrace, when a lonely chirp from the other room jolts you fully awake and you sigh.
"I'll go get him, Din."
"Hurry back," he murmurs, reluctantly releasing you from his warm hold.
You scrabble around in the blankets for a moment, unable to locate your clothes, until Din tosses his shirt at you. "Here, take mine."
You pull it over your head, feeling immediately oddly at home swimming in the folds of the massive piece of clothing. It's unexpectedly soft, well worn from years of use -- and abuse -- and it smells just like him. You smile to yourself as you crawl out of bed, the shirt's hem drifting to the tops of your thighs.
"Cover your eyes, I'm opening the door," you tell him.
"I'm not going to go blind from a sliver of light," he grumbles.
"Just thought I'd warn you." You push the door to your shared room open, about to go rescue Grogu from his solitude.
"Wait. Stay there."
You hear him dressing in the other half of his clothes, and the bed creaks as he rises. You instinctively let your eyes flutter shut as his quiet footsteps approach from behind.
"Just for a minute...I want to really look at you with my own eyes."
Your heartbeat quickens at that, and you realize then that he's never really seen you, either.
Through the visor of his helmet, sure, but he's never actually set eyes on you this vulnerable, this...undressed.
You're almost as much of a mystery to him as he is to you, intimately as you know each other.
It amazes you, the trust you've established between the two of you as he stands before you and his breath rustles your unkempt hair. He doesn't reach to cover your eyes himself, worried that you'll look at him without consent. He trusts that your love and respect for him is enough to keep your eyes softly closed.
He studies you, hands tracing down your arms and along the shape of your body covered in his dark shirt. His touch is light, almost shy as he takes the sight of you in. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that one day he would be standing here with someone like you, someone wearing his clothes, who loves him enough to share everything with him and not demand that he break his sacred creed before he's ready.
Someone who he wants, more than anything, to be his forever, to one day, if his life ever allows it, become his riduur.
The person that he almost -- almost -- for a second entertains the thought of telling to open her eyes, to really LOOK at him as he is, unmasked in the soft light of the hallway.
But he doesn't, not this time.
You feel his hands frame your face, melt into the familiar calluses of his fingertips as his thumbs lightly caress along your cheekbones. You smile wistfully as he tenderly kisses your closed eyelids, then rests his forehead against yours in a keldabe kiss.
"Mesh'la," he hums quietly, and you can hear the hushed awe in his voice, the way he gets when he's overwhelmed by feelings he can't put into words. "Dank farrik, you're so lovely."
You shiver slightly at his words, feeling heat race to your skin. You don't know exactly why, but you've always loved the sound of his voice when he lets that particular expletive slip.
"Careful, Djarin," you murmur as your lips seek out his. "You don't want me asking for another round before you're ready."
"Why do you assume I'm not ready?" he teases, teeth catching playfully at your bottom lip as you pull back.
"Developing more of an appetite, I see." You rise on your tiptoes to brush your nose against his, grinning as always at the way his scruffy facial hair tickles your face.
"I had to, to keep up with you." His hands tighten on your waist, drawing you against his well-muscled body suggestively.
You reluctantly push away from him, though not before planting a kiss in the hollow where his throat meets his collarbone, a place you know drives him wild. "I do have to go. Your ad'ika wants his buir."
"That was a dirty trick, Mesh'la." He sounds put out, and a little pent up now.
You twist your finger in his necklace, before turning away so you can open your eyes and finally go rescue your foundling. "I'll make it up to you later, Cyare. I promise."
"Don't make me pay you," he deadpans, reminding you of the comment that first started off this very pleasurable evening.
You smirk, knowing he can hear it in your voice as you saunter away. "Oh, I'm very certain I'll get exactly what I want from you."
When you finally return, the child clutching the folds of your borrowed shirt, he's in bed again, so once the door is shut the darkness swallows you in its comforting shroud once more.
You listen to Grogu's happy squeaks as he clambers across from your chest to Din's, and the answering murmurs of his father. Content in the company of the two beings you love most in the galaxy, you stretch out to lie against your lover's warm body, relishing the temporary luxury of a soft mattress to sink into and room to spare. You're not going to wake up with kinks in your spine for the first time in forever.
"You should get a bigger bed on the ship," you suggest through a yawn. "This is awfully nice."
"What's wrong with mine?" He sounds offended, the fingers of his free hand searching until they find their way beneath the draping excess of his shirt that's still cocooning your form. It surprised you at first, probably surprised him too, just how much the man craves these rare spells of skin-to-skin contact, made all the more meaningful by his personal restrictions. You settle into his languid stroking before mustering a reply.
"It's just nice not to worry about falling off the bed when all three of us are together."
"I suppose," he concedes, pausing a moment to no doubt smile at the tiny snores of the now-sleeping child. "But there is something to be said for how close necessity draws us. Don't you roll away from me in the middle of the night."
"Or what, you big gundark, you won't pay me?"
He squeezes the soft part of your waist at your teasing. "Maybe I won't."
"That's a breach of contract." You tangle your legs with his and wrap your arms around his midsection, assuring him without words that you're not going anywhere. "Admit it, you'd like it too. Imagine a world where you don't wake up every morning with stiff muscles." You lazily start to knead into his back, soothing out the weariness and tension that like to take up permanent residence there.
He sighs appreciatively, breath hitching slightly whenever your ministrations encounter an especially stubborn knot. "I do not wake up EVERY morning with stiff muscles."
"Could've fooled me, with the amount of old-man groaning I hear whenever you get out of bed."
"I don't do that."
"Why do you think I always wake up when you leave, hmm?"
"Because you're incapable of keeping yourself warm and you need me to keep from freezing to death." His reply is certain, leaving no room for further rebuttal.
"Kriff. You do know me too well. You still sound like an old man in the mornings, though."
"Don't argue with me, Cyar'ika." Din's voice is warm, but his hand starts straying from platonic towards more intimate. "You're at a bit of a disadvantage."
"How so?" You shouldn't ask, but an impish desire to hear him actually voice his dangerous thoughts overpowers your common sense.
The smirk in his voice is audible. "You have a much more difficult time keeping quiet than I do. You wouldn't want to wake the kid now, would you?"
"Dank farrik."
He relents when you wordlessly concede, returning to a comforting caress rather than an instigating one.
You've almost dozed off again in your shared darkness when the mattress bucks as he hauls himself out of bed to take Grogu back to his own room. You gaze through half-closed eyes at his silhouette when he pauses, back-lit in the warm glow of the opened doorway. You take him in without detail for a brief moment, the curves of his well-defined shoulders and arms, the textured mess of his hair, the slope of his prominent nose. Your heart blossoms with the affection and passion this wounded, pure warrior ignites within you, and you are hit once more with the desire to truly see him, bare and in the light, all his barriers laid down for you.
He's the only man you would ever consider taking as riduur.
Before you know it, your brave hunter has returned to your embrace, leaning over you and trapping you between his arms as he rests his scruffy cheek against your smooth one, the two of you allowing a long moment to simply breathe each other in, thankful once more to whichever gods you may believe in that for one more day, you are alive, and you belong to each other.
Then he rises to his knees and pulls you up with him, his breath warm on your skin.
"Don't ever leave me, Mesh'la," he whispers roughly into your throat.
Your head snaps back in delight at the sensations his mouth stirs within you, and your nails scrape across his scarred back in answer, drawing wordless sounds from deep in his chest.
"Never, ner'cyare. I would hunt you across the stars if ever we were parted."
He sighs, the movement of his body rocking yours. "Thank you."
"Can I keep this shirt?" you ask saucily.
"Yes." His hands curl around its hem and start lifting. "But take it off for now."
You hum questioningly as you allow him to guide the thick fabric over your head.
"After all," and his voice hardens, taking on the dogged quality that makes him the best there is at what he does.
"I haven't forgotten about that next round you promised, my love."
Ner'cyare = My beloved
Ner'alor = My leader/boss
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, Mesh'la = I love you, Beautiful
Riduur = Spouse
Ad'ika = Little One/Small child
Buir = Parent
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sweaters-and-vertigo · 9 months
snobby piltover councilors: our wealthy friends are scared!!! theSE CULPRITS MUST BE CAUGHT!!!!!!
the culprits in question:
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strangerlittlethings · 4 months
I just finished tress of emerald sea and I'm CRYING. What do you mean Charlie would stay as a rat forever because he loves tress so much he would never put her at risk??????
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punchesyou · 16 days
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My top 3 + misa
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers reacting to a younger teammate calling them dad
requested by sane max!!! ty for requesting <3 @calm-smol
leo: he doesnt say anything but he is a little confused. like yeah he has kids but he doesnt feel like hes a dad to his teammates. so next time he sees neymar he goes "do you see me as a father figure?" n ney chokes on his drink.
ney: it sends him into a crisis. like yes he does have a kid already but for ppl in their TWENTIES to be seeing him as their father??? he spirals, literally asking every one of his friends "do you think im getting old??" probly gets hammered that weekend to prove hes still Youthful.
milner: he always rolls his eyes when his teammates call him that cause he thinks theyre poking fun at his age. in his defense they kinda are but they also mean it affectionately!!
kdb: spends months adamantly disagreeing with anyone who says hes been treating erling like his kid, but when erling accidentally calls him dad one day he can deny it no longer. so he takes the L n accepts it.
luka: he thinks its sweet!! he'd ruffle the young players hair n if he continues to get called that he wouldnt rlly mind.
luis: now he sees himself as an older brother. so when he gets called dad he'd be like "would a dad do THIS" n then take the poor player in a chokehold n give em the noogie of a lifetime.
lewy: when gavi or pedri say dad to get his attention he jus goes "yes?" yeah this aint new its literally just wednesday. but the first time one of them call him that he gives them a big hug n is honored they consider him a father figure <3
sergio: he acts rlly irritated, but when hes talking to luka alone, he refers to the younger players as "our kids"
pep: "exCUSE ME???" yeah your ass is doing laps sorry bro.
klopp: girl have you seen this man??? dude has loving papa written all over him. n he loves his boys so much n treats em all like his own so he doesnt even bat an eye when they call him that anymore, he answers to it as much as he does to "boss"
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months
Rebels has been a comfort show for me longer than I’ve actually cared about star wars (my grade 6 self loved watching Disney XD on tv what can I say🤷🏻‍♀️)
And the main reason is because of how much the ghost crew loved each other..they were a family and I loved that about them
Anyways, I haven’t felt that same comfort until The Bad Batch and I just love it so much
I’m gonna feel super empty when this season ends :(
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jodefrostwallart · 1 year
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I will never get over these outfits
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skoulsons · 1 year
Don’t talk to me about romantic relationships. Don’t talk to me about enemies to lovers. Don’t talk to me about some romantic slow burn. Don’t talk to me about star-crossed lovers. Don’t talk to me about some characters finally sleeping together. I don’t care.
Enemies to family? Yes. Slow burn father-daughter relationship where they slowly grow into the much needed role in the others life? Absolutely. Star-crossed found family cringy fluffy stuff? Sign me up. A platonic relationship where two people who very clearly care about each other but would never really acknowledge it finally having a moment to hug or share vulnerability with each other? I’m there. Found family where these people who would’ve passed each other on the street make a little team and risk their lives for each other constantly? Signed, paid, sent. Platonic physical touch? Hugs? Dinners together as a group? Moments of laughter together? Hospital scenes? Visiting the other just to visit and check up? An incredibly deep and profound love that can be never be looked into or analyzed enough because it is so strong and incredible it’s breathtaking? Saying I love you? Platonic soulmates? Best friends? yup, that’s me. I’m there, middle of the street. eating hot asphalt.
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mafiatsunafish · 11 months
If I have a coin for anytime I fell something for a tired old man who may or may not accidentally adopted their mentally unstable subordinators and would fight anyone who hurt them. Then I would be few coin richer, not much but it’s weird that I would have more than a coin.
(They and their partner would be the old marriage couple who looks at their unhinged adopted kids and their shenanigans, then wonder how tf did they even get here, but won’t trade a thing for the makeshift, dumpster fire of a family they have made along the way)
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shourin · 2 years
I just stumbled upon your god of war reader series and wanted to add in my own idea!
Mc: Is this yours? *holding a feral and terrified Xiao up by the scruff of his shirt like a kitten*
Guizhing and Zhongli: No?
Mc: Well, he is for now. *yeets Xiao at them* keep an eye on him I have a bitch to kill.
Basically instead of Zhongli, we were the ones who found Xiao fresh out of working for the archon who mistreated him (more like we just picked him up and left while everyone was too scared to stop us lol) and eventually decided that having Xiao stay at the Guili alliance would be a better environment for him to heal.
So one day reader just appears with Xiao in their arms all casually like: Can you watch my cat? Before leaving without another word because they decided to kill Xiaos previous master just in case.
It leaves Guizhing and Zhongli entirely confused because negotiations for forming an alliance had only just started and nothing was concrete yet you were already kind of trusting them with taking care of someone important to you???
Poor Xiao is devastated by the news for all the wrong reasons and wants to stay with them so they ask if they can stop by to visit every so often. It's clear from the look in their eyes that they're quite fond of Xiao, especially his chonky bird form, but they always maintain a certain distance that makes Guizhong sad to see. Maybe watching their interactions with Xiao, who has clearly been abused before meeting them, and how gentle they are with him helps change Guizhongs opinion of them?
Really just, Xiao being their unofficial-official first child with Zhongli as the other parent and Guizhong as the cool wine aunt, lol. Maybe Osial as some grumpy uncle if it's before his betrayal.
Sorry for such a long post, I'm not good at summarizing.
first off,
never be sorry for long post/asks, i love them <3
hsdfjlskdjflk oml no but this could work.... i mean gow!reader is, at its core, a protector because of what happened in their past, so having them see xiao's suffering will certainly prompt them to act.
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it's just that in this scenario i would see him becoming one of your adepti instead of morax's?? since you were the one who first saw him and actually rescued him, the sense of gratitude and loyalty he has in canon towards rex lapis would go to you. under morax and guizhong's tutelage, it would be his goal to have your stamp of approval, for you to allow him to serve you and devote his blade to your causes.
your relationship is of a slightly-awkward-but-trying parent and shy-and-equally-awkward-and-socially-struggling child, and it's both hilarious and frustrating to watch. i agree that guizhong would probably feel a little differently towards you once she sees you genuinely trying to help xiao. meanwhile, morax sees you sleeping under a tree with chonky birb xiao also napping on your lap, and he feels himself falling head over heels all over again... ah, same old, same old.
gosh, imagine him having a rivalry with your siblings!adepti. him wanting to prove his worth and how despite he's been on your side for a shorter period, his loyalty will not lose to your first disciples. he's definitely going to be one of your most trusted and feared generals for sure. and with your blessings, xiao would literally be unstoppable, this hurricane of wind on the battlefield, barely visible to the untrained eyes as he downs one enemy after the others.
you know what would be interesting? after the archon war ends, when morax decides to enlist the help of the yakshas, and he asks for xiao's help. right in front of you.
it's an understatement to say that you're furious.
you've hidden your struggles about the tortured souls haunting you thus far, so none of them knows about it at this point, but you know what thousands of years of killing would do to your adopted son xiao. it would be your first big fight with your lover (but certainly not the last), and unfortunately, this time, there's no guizhong to mediate between the two of you....
and xiao is just. standing there, anxiously glancing at the both of you, internally panicking because fuck my usually sickeningly lovey-dovey parents are actually fighting now what am i supposed to do???
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© shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
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eebie · 10 months
little nightmares is scary strong… two little guys all alone in a big world … They speak not a word 2 each other besides like. little whimpers yet they love!!!!. an inhospitable and desolate forest of hostility set ablaze with a single spark of companionship ^_^ a beating heart in the chest of a corpse, a lively daffodil growing from the rot of roadkill . their bond rends heads from shoulders, tha sky from the earth And in between they kindle their own glowing salvation out of the warmth that they find in each other!!!!!
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